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REVISED ORD. CC-498 5-12-55
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-15 1 4 32 1T. 21 1,9 I
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REVISED ORD. CC-471 3-29-55
34 47
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Bill No. CC-437
AN ORDINANCE to Adopt a Com-
prehensive Plan for the Zoning of the
City of Jacksonville, and to Provide
and Prescribe Zoning Regulations
Therefor in the Interest of the Public
Health, Safety, Order, Convenience,
Comfort, Prosperity and General Wel-
fare of the Inhabitants of the City
of Jacksonville, Florida; to Facilitate
the Adequate Provisions of Transpor-
tation, Sewerage, Water, Schools.
Parks and Other Public Requirements,
and to Regulate and Restrict the
Location and Use of Buildings, Struc-
tures, Land and Water for Trade,
Industry, Residence or other Pur-
poses; to Regulate and Restrict the
Erection, Construction, Reconstruc-
tion or Alteration of Buildings; to
Regulate and Restrict the Height,
FNumber of Stories, Size and Align-
ment of all Buildings and Structures
and the Size of all Yards and other
open Spaces Surrounding Buildings;
to Regulate and Restrict the Density
of Population, and for all said Pur-
poses to Divide the City into Dis-
tricts of such Number, Shape and
Area as May be Best Suited to Carry
out these Regulations; to Prescribe
Penalties for the Violations of Its
Provisions; to Provide for Changes
and Amendments; to Provide for Its
Enforcement; and to RepealChapter
41, Entitled, "Zoning," of the Jack-
sonville Ordinance Code of 1953, all
Zoning Plans Heretofore Adopted by
the City, all Prior Ordinances Making
Changes in such Zoning Plans, or Pre-
scribing Zoning Regulations, and all
Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in
Conflict Herewith.
WHEREAS the City has caused a
study to be made of growth trends
and existing developments within the
City; and
WHEREAS the study shows a need
for revisions and changes in the pres-
ent zoning laws of the City and for
changing the location of some of
the boundaries of the present districts
in order to more adequately protect
existing development and more
properly provide for the future re-
.quirements of various classes of resi-
dence, industry and commerce; and
WHEREAS, as a result of said study,
the City Commission has prepared,
submitted and certified to the Mayor-
Commissioner and City Council a'
new comprehensive plan for the zon-
ing of the City of Jacksonville in ac-
cordance with Section 14 of Chapter
9783, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1923,
as amended by Chapter 29175, Laws
of Florida, Acts of 1953: and
WHEREAS the Mayor-Commissioner
and City Council did hold a public
hearing thereon, after having given
notice of the time and place thereof
'by publishing the same in a news-
paper of general circulation in the
City of Jacksonville once each week
for two consecutive weeks, the first
publication being at least fifteen days
prior to the date of the public hear-
ing, during which time a copy of
such plan and the proposed ordinance
for the adoption of same and of the
zoning regulations of the City were
on file for public examination in the
office of the City Recorder; and
WHEREAS the City Council has FAMILY. A group of one or more
duly considered and acted upon the persons occupying a premises and
changes proposed to such comprehen- living as a single housekeeping unit
sive zoning plan and proposed ordi- as distinguished from a group occu-
nance, as shown by the Minutes of pying a boarding house, lodging house
the City Council, and is ready to or.hotel, as herein defined.
adopt the same; and FRONTAGE. Property on one side
WHEREAS the City Council deems of the street measured along the line
that the public health, safety, order, of the street.
convenience, comfort, prosperity and FRONTAGE, REVERSED. Corner
general welfare of the City and its and other lots at either end of a
inhabitants require the zoning of the block originally facing or later sub-
City and the adoption of the zoning divided to face an intersecting street
regulations hereinafter set forth; Now, at approximately right angles to the
therefore, remaining interior lots of such block
COMMISSIONER AND CITY COUN- building or portion of a main build-
CIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSON- ing used for the parking or tempo-
VILLE, FLORIDA:' rary storage of automobiles of the
Section 1. DEFINITIONS. occupants of the main building. A
For the purpose of this ordinance, carport would be considered as a pri-
certain terms or words used herein vate garage.
shall be interpreted or defined as. GARAGE, PUBLIC. A building or
follows: portion thereof, other than a private
All words used in the present tense or storage garage, designed or used
include the future tense; the singu- for servicing, repairing, equipping,
lar number Includes the plural. The hiring or storing motor-driven vehi-
word "shall" is mandatory and not cles.
directory. The word "person" in- GARAGE, STORAGE. A building or
eludes a corporation as well as an Portion thereof, designed or ~sed ex-.
individual. The word "lot" includes clusively for the storage or parking of
the word "plot," "parcel," or "tract," one or more motor-driven vehicles.
and the word "building" includes te FILLING STATION. Any area of
and the word "buldin" includes thland including structures thereon,
word "structure." The words "used" land, including strui e toereon,
or "occupied" as applied to any land that is used or designed to be used
or building shall be construed to motor-dre upply hicgasoine or p-to
include. thpe wordse "intended, ar motor-driven vehicles, or other pe-
include the words "intended, ar- troleum products for sale at retail
ranged or designed to be used o troleum products for sale at retail
occuanged or designed to be used or thereon, and which may include fa-
Defnitions of the following words cilities used or designed to be used
Definitions of the following words for washing, polishing, greasing, wax-
and terms are the same as like words ing, or tire repairing, vulcanizing and
and terms included in or covered .by tire recapping excepted.
Chapter 11, Article II, entitled, "Build- UEST HOUSE iving. uart
ing Code" of the Jacksonville Ordi- GUEST HOUSE. Living quarters
ing Code," of the Jacksonvlle Ordi- within a detached accessory building
nance Code of 1953. as now or here- located on the same premises with the
after ordained "alley," "alteration," located on the same premises with the
"basement," "building," "curb level," main building, for use by temporary
'grade" "height of building." "height non-paying guests of the occupants
gf story" "estor" streeto "street of the premises; such quarters having
line" structuree" no kitchen facilities and not rented
ACCSSOY BUILDING. A sub- or otherwise used as a separate dwell-
ordinate building or portion of main GUEST OM. A private dwelling
GUEST HOME. A private dwelling
building, the use of which is clearly in which accommodations are pro-
incidental to that of the main build- ded mpeat
ing. vided for compensation for transients,
APARTMENT BUILDING. A build- especially motor tourists or travelers.
ing used or designed as a residence HOTEL. A building occupied as the
forng used or esgnmore families a residence temporary abode of individuals who
for three or mre families as se- are lodged with or without meals, and
rOARDING HhOUS A building n which there are more than twenty
BOARDING HOUSE. A building keeping rooms ;nd no provisions are
other than a hotel, where lodging and aeping rooms nd no provisons are
meals for five or more persons are made for cooking in any of the rooms.
served for compensation.persons re LOADING SPACE. A space on a
served for An ompenti, uncovered and lot accessible to an alley or street,
COURT. An open, uncovered and not less than twelve feet in width
unoccupied space, Including a yard, not esthn twev e feet iin ddth
on the same lot wth a, building and and twenty-five feet 'in depth.
on the same lot with a building and LODGING HOUSE. A building other
which is bounded on two sides or LODGING HOUSE. A building other
which is bounded on two sides or than a hotel where lodging for five
more by the building. A court which or more persons is provided, for co-
extends for its full width to a street, pensation. s rovided for com-
rear, side or front yard is an outer LOT. A parcel of land occupied or
court. A court not thus extending is to be occupied by one main building.
an inner court.
DWELLING, ONE FAMILY. A de- and its accessory buildings with such
tached building designed for or occu- pen spaces and parking spaces as are
pied exclusively by one family and required under this ordinance and
having only one kitchen. strehavng its principal frontage upon a
building designed for or occupied ex- of which has been recorded in the p
clusively by two families, living in- of ice of the Clerk of the Circuit
dependently of each other and each lourt of Duval County, Florida, or a
DWLLIG, MULTIPLE A buildingkitchen. arcel of land, the deed to which has
DWELLING, MULTIPLE. A building bn recorded in the office of the
or portion thereof used or designed Clerk of the Circuit Court of Duval
for occupancy by three or more fami- County, Florida.
lies, living independently of each LOT. THROUGH. An Interior lot
other and each having a kitchen. lavng frontage on two parallel or(
approximately parallel streets. land alignment of buildings; to regu- such building or land is located.
IlT, DEPTH. The depth of a lot late and limit the intensity of the 2. No building shall be erected, re-
is the mean distance from a street use of lots; and to regulate the area constructed or structurally altered to
line of the lot to its opposite rear of lots, yards and other open spaces exceed the height or bulk limit herein
line, measured in the mean general in connection with buildings and established for the district in which
direction of the side lines of the lot. other structures, the City of Jackson- such building is located.
LOT, NONCONFORMING. A lot of ville is hereby divided into eight (8) 3 No lot area shall be so reduced
record that conformed to the mini- classes of districts, which, in the or diminished that the yards or other
mum requirements as to dimensions order of highest restrictions and clas- open spaces shall be smaller than pre-
and area which were set forth in sifications to the lowest, shall be scribed by this ordinance, nor shall
Chapter 41 of the Jacksonville Ordi- known as: the density of population be increased
nance Code of 1953, or recognized as RESIDENCE "A" Single Family in any manner except in conformity
an exception thereto, at the time of District with the area regulations herein es-
the passage of this ordinance, but not RESIDENCE "B"-Limited Multiple tablished.
conforming to such requirements Family District (4-family district) 4. No yard or other open space pro-
hereof. RESIDENCE "C"-Multiple Family vided about any building for the pur-
NONCONFORMING USE. Any build- District pose of complying with the provisions
ing or land lawfully: occupied by a BUSINESS "AA"-Neighborhood Re- of these regulations shall be consid-
use at the time of the passage of tail District ered as providing a yard or open space
this ordinance or amendments there- BUSINESS "A" Retail Commercial for any other building; provided fur-
to which does not conform after the District their that no yard or open space on
passage of this ordinance or amend- BUSINESS "B"--General Business, an adjoining property shall be con-
ments thereto with the use regula- Distribution and Light Industrial sidered as providing a yard or open
tions of the district in which it is District space on a lot whereon a building is
situated. INDUSTRIAL "A"- Industrial Dis- to be erected.
PARKING AREA. An open area trict 5. Every building hereafter erected
other than a street or alley, used for INDUSTRIAL "B"-Heavy Industrial shall be located on a lot as herein
the temporary parking of automobiles District. defined and in no case shall there be
and available for public use whether The districts aforesaid and the more than one (1) building or struc-
free, for compensation, or as an ac- boundaries of Such districts are shown ture on one lot except as hereinafter
commodatlon to clients or customers. upon that certain map hereby desig- provided. (See Section 12).
PARKING SPACE. An area, en- nated as the "Zoning Map of the City Section 3. BOUNDARIES OF DIS-
closed or unenclosed, sufficient in size of Jacksonville, Florida," which con- TRICTS.
to store one automobile, together with prehensive plan for the zoning of the Where uncertainty exists with re-
a driveway connecting the parking City of Jacksonville has received the aspect to the boundaries of the various
space with a street or alley, consideration and approval of the districts, as shown on the Zoning
STORY, HALF. A story under a City Council and Mayor-Commissioner ap of the City of Jacksonville, Flor-
gable, hip or gambrel roof, the .wall contemporaneously with the consid- da, hereby adopted, the following
plates of which on at least two oppo- eration and approval of the provisions rules shall apply:
site exterior walls are not more than of this ordinance. Said Zoning Map 1. Streets or alleys: The zone
two feet above the floor of such tory shall be identified by approvals being boundary are either streets or al-
TOURIST COURT (MOTEL). A noted thereon of the City Council leys, unless otherwise shown, and
group of attached or detached build- over 'the signature of. Its President where the indicated boundaries on
ings containing individual sleeping or and attestation of the City Recorder, said Zoning Map are approximately
living units for overnight tourists, of the Mayor-Commissioner over his street or alley lines, said streets or
with garage attached or parking fa- sinature, and of the City Commis- alleys shall be construed to be the
cilltes conveniently available to each slon over the signature of Its Chair- boundaries of such district.
such unit, man and the attestation of its Sec- 2. Lot lines: When the district lines
YARD. An open space other than retary, shall be kept on file by the are not shown to be streets or alleys,
a court, On the same lot with a build- City Recorder in his office and -in his and where the property has been or
ing, unoccupied and unobstructed custody as a part of the permanent may hereafter be divided into blocks
from the ground upward. In measur- records of the City, and a reproduc- and lots, the district boundaries shall
ing a yard for the purpose of deter- tion thereof shall be published at the be construed to be lot lines; and
mining the width of a side yard, the time of the publication of this ordi- where the indicated boundaries on
depth of a front yard or the depth of nance. Said Zoning Map is hereby the Zoning Map are approximately lot
a rear yard, the mean horizontal dis- specifically approved and adopted, nes, said lot lines shall be con-
tance between the lot line and the and said Zoning Map and all the trued to be the boundaries of such
main building shall be used. notations, references, key map and one, unless said boundaries are oth-
YARD, FRONT. A yard extending chart containing the explanations of erwise indicated on the Map.
across the front of a lot between the symbols and identifications which 3. Boundaries in the Business "AA,"
side lot lines and being the minimum appear on said Zoning Map, and other Business "A" and Business "B" Dis-
horizontal distance between the street information shown thereon, are made tricts: The depth of all Business
line and the main wall of the build- a part of this ordinance and have the "AA" and Business "A" lots shall be
Ing or any projection thereof, other same force and effect as if the same construed to be not more than 105
than steps, stoops, unroofed and un- were all fully set forth or described feet running at a right angle to the
enclosed balconies and porches, and herein. A reproduction of said Zoning front of said lot, unless shown or
terraces, protecting not more than Map shall be kept in the office of indicated on the Zoning Map to have
six feet. the City Recorder and in the office a greater depth. The depth of Busi-
YARD, REAR. A yard extending of the Supervisor of Building, and ness "B" lots, except in the area
across the full Width of the lot and whenever the districts shall be bounded by Lee Street on the west,
measured between the rear line of the changed by subsequent ordinances; it Bay Street on the south, Washington
lot and the rear line of the main shall be the duty of the City R- Street on the east and Hogan Creek
building, corder and the Supervisor of Build- on the north, shall be construed to
YARD, SIDE. A yard between the ing to note said changes on such be not more than 200 feet running at
building and the side line of the lot reproduced copy in their respective right angle to the front of said lot.
and extending from the front yard offices for the information of the In the excepted area, the 105-foot
to the rear yard. public and for the proper adminlstra- provision shall prevail.
..Sec..tion of the zoning regulations of the 4. Street or Right-of-way Alloca-
Section 2. DISTRICTS. City. tion or Division: A street, alley, rail-
In order to classify, regulate and EXCEPT AS HEREINAFTER PRO- road or railway right-ofway, water
restrict the location of trades, indus- VIDED: course, channel or body of water, in-
tries, apartments, dwellings or other 1. No building shall be erected, re- eluded on the Zoning Mapy shall,
uses of property and the location of constructed or structurally altered, unless otherwise ind ted, be in
buildings designed. erected or struc- nor shall any building or land be luded within the district of the ad-
turally altered for specified uses; to used for any purpose other than is joining property on either side there-
regulate and limit the height, bulk permitted in the district in which
of; and where such street, alley,
right-of-way, water course, channel or
body of water serves as a boundary
between two or more different dis-
tricts, a line midway in such street,
alley, right-of-way, water course,
channel or body of water, and ex-
tending in the general direction of
the long dimension thereof shall be
considered the boundary between dis-
5. Vacated Street or Alley: When a
street or alley is vacated, the prop-
erty therein shall be included within
the district of the adjoining property
to which it reverts and becomes at-
tached by operation of law. When
such street or alley does not so re-
vert and become attached to -adjoin-
ing property, it shall be included
within the more restricted adjoining
6. In unsubdivided property, the
district boundary lines on the Map
shall be determined by use of the
scale contained on such Map; and
where uncertainty exists, the district
boundary shall be determined by the
Supervisor of Building by written de-,
The following regulations shall ap-
ply in the Residence "A" Single
Family District.
No building, structure or land shall
be used and no building or structure
shall hereafter be erected, structurally
altered, enlarged or maintained, ex-
cept for the following uses:
1. Single family dwellings.
2. Schools, elementary and high.
3. Churches, Including Sunday
School and recreation buildings,
provided that such structures shall
observe the front, side and rear yard
requirements set out herein for this
4. Municipal recreation buildings,
parks and playgrounds owned and
operated by the City of Jacksonville
or under its supervision.
5. Home Occupation: Any occupa-
tion or profession carried on by a
member of the family residing on
the premises and utilizing not more
than 25 per cent of the floor space
of the dwelling unit in connection
with which there is no name plate
or sign of any nature nor any dis-
play that will indicate from the ex-
terior that the building la being
utilized in whole or In part for any
purpose other than that of a dwell-
Ing, and in connection with which
there is kept no stock in trade nor
commodities sold or stored upon
the premises, no person is employed'
other than a member of the family
residing on the premises, and no
mechanical equipment is used ex-
cept such that is customary for
purely domestic or household pur-
poses except typewriters or adding
machines, and where no commer-
cial vehicles are used, stored, or
kept in connection with such occu-
pation or profession at place of
residence, and where the nature of
such occupation or profession does
not require or necessitate the going
or coming of any person or persons
to the residence for the transaction
in whole or part of any business,
trade or profession carried on
6. Accessory buildings, not over 20
feet high, including one private
garage, accessory living quarters or
guest house; provided, however,
that no guest house shall be located
and maintained on a lot having an
area less than twelve thousand
(12,000) square feet. Accessory liv-
ing quarters or guest house may be
included in one building.
7. Real estate signs advertising for
sale, rental or lease of only the lot
or structure on which they are
maintained; provided that such
signs shall not be over twelve (12)
square feet in area and be located
on the lot to conform to the front
yard provisions of the district.
8. Transitional uses shall be per-
mitted in the Residence "A" Dis-
trict where the side of a lot, abuts
upon a lot in a commercial or in-
dustrial district, provided that such
transitional use does not extend
more than sixty (60) feet from the
boundary of the less restricted dis-
trict which it adjoins, as follows:
(a) dwellings with the same area
and yard requirements as in the
Residence "B" District:
In the Residence 'A" Single Family
District the height of buildings, the
minimum dimensions of yards and
the minimum lot area per family
shall be as follows:
, HEIGHT. No building or structure
shall exceed two and one-half (2a)
stories or thirty-five (35) feet in
height, except as provided In Section
13 hereof.
.FRONT YARD. There shall be a
front yard of not less than twenty-
five (25) feet, unless twenty-five (25)
per cetit of ^m-ere of the frontage,
on the same side of the street
within the same block Is improved-
with buildings that have observed a
front yard line having, a variation
in depth of not more than ten (10)
feet, in which case no building shall
project beyond the average front line
so established, but this regulation
shall not be interpreted to require a
front yard of more than thirty (30)
feet. In determining such front yard
depth, buildings located entirely on
the rear half of a lot shall not be
counted. Where lots have a double
frontage, the required front yard
shall be provided on both streets.
SIDE YARDS. There shall be a side
yard on each side of a main building
of not less than ten (10) per cent of
the width of the lot, but such side
yard need not exceed twelve (12)
feet and shall not be less than five
(5) feet in width.
The side yard on each side of a
building on a nonconforming lot shall
not. be less than five (5) feet.
REAR YARD. There shall be a rear
yard of not less than thirty (30) feet
or twenty (20) per cent of the av-
erage depth of the lot, whichever
amount is larger, but it need not
exceed forty (40) feet. Where a non-
conforming lot was less than one
hundred (100) foet in depth at the
time of the passage of this ordi-
nance, one-half (/2) of the amount
that the lot is less than one hun-
dred (100) feet may be deducted from
the above required depth; provided.
however, that no part of any such
rear yard shall be less than fifteen
(15) feet in depth.
OF USE). The minimum building site
area shall be a lot six thousand
(6,000) square feet in area, for each
single family dwelling. Such lots
shall have a minimum width of sixty
(60) feet at the building line. Where
a nonconforming lot has an area or
a minimum width of less than the
above required minimum at the time
of the passage of this ordinance, said
lot may be occupied by a single
family dwelling, provided the mini-
mum front, side and rear yard pro-
visions as set forth herein are ob-
served, except as provided in Sec-
tion 13.
Section 5. RE If.l' LIM-
The following regulations shall ap-
ply in the Residence "B" Limited
Multiple Family District.
No building, structure or land shall
be used and no building or structure
shall hereafter be erected, structurally
altered, enlarged or maintained, ex-
icept for the following uses:
1. Any use permitted in the Resi-
dence "A" Single Family District.
2. Two, three and four-family
dwelling units.
3. Boarding and lodging houses in
connection with private residence;
provided that there is no display
from the street or advertising except
a small non-illuminated sign not
to exceed one square foot.
4. The office of a physician or
surgeon, dentist, musician, lawyer,
architect, teacher or other like pro-
fessional person residing on the
premises; provided that there is no
display from the street or adver-
tising except a small professional
name plate not to exceed one square
foot and. using not more than 25
per cent of the floor space of the
dwelling unit.
5. Accessory buildings and uses
customarily incident to the above
In the Residence "B" Limited Mul-
tiple Family District, the height of
buildings, the minimum dimensions
of yards and the minimum lot area
per family shall be as follows:
HEIGHT. No building or structure
shall exceed two and one-half (2'2)
stories or thirty-five (35) feet in
height except as provided in Section
13 hereof.
FRONT YARD. There shall be a
front yard of not less than twenty
(20) feet, unless twenty-five (25) per
cent or more of the frontage on the
same side of the street within the
same block is improved with buildings
that have observed a front yard line
having a variation in depth of rot
more than ten (10) feet, in which
case no building shall project beyond
the average front line so established,
but this regulation shall not be in-
terpreted to require a front yard of
more than twenty-five (25) feet. In ties except those the chief activity however, that where a nonconform-
determining such front yard depth, of which is an activity customarily ing lot has a width of less than sixty
buildings located entirely on the rear carried on as a business. (60) feet or an area of less than six
half of a lot shall not be counted. 9. Dressmaking, hairdressing, pho- thousand (6,000) square feet at the
Where lots have a double frontage, tography (dark rooms only), baby time of the passage of this ordinance,
the required front yard shall be pro- sitters agency, nurses registry may such lot shall not be limited to any
vided on both streets, be carried on by a person residing certain number of family units in a
SIDE YARDS. There shall be a side on the premises; provided, that dwelling so long as the front, side
yard on each side of a main building there is no display from the street and rear yard requirements of this
having &-width of not less than eight or advertising except a small name section are complied with.
(8) feet Ar ten (10) per cent of the plate not to exceed one square foot Section 7 BUSINESS ,'A EIGH-
average width of the lot, whichever and using not more than 25 per BORHOOD RETAIL DISTRICT.
amount is larger, but no side yard cent of the ground floor space of Business "AA" Neighborhood Retail
need exceed twelve (12) feet. the dwelling unit. Districts are designed to meet the
REAR YARD. There shall be a rear 10. Accessory buildings and uses needs and conveniences of the sur-
yard of not less than twenty-five (25) customarily incident to the above rounding neighborhood by providing
feet or twenty (20) per cent of the uses. shopping and service areas for the
average depth of the lot, whichever B. HEIGHT AND AREA REGULA- consumers of the tributary neighbor-
amount is larger, but it need not TIONS. hoods, rather than general businesses
exceed forty (40) feet Where a non- In the Residence "C" Multiple Fam- for large sections of the city. The
conforming lot was less than one ily District the height of buildings, following regulations shall apply in
hundred (100) feet in depth at the the minimum dimensions of yards all Business "AA" Neighborhood Re-
time of the passage of this ordinance, and the minimum lot area per family tall Districts.
one-half (1) of the amount that shall be as follows: A, USES PERMITTED.
the lot is less than one hundred (100) HEIGHT. No building or structure No building, structure or land shall
feet may be deducted from the above shall exceed four (4) stories or sixty be used and no building or structure
required depth; provided, however (60) feet in height, except as provided snall be hereafter erected, structurally
that no pt any sh rear yar in Section 13. altered, enlarged or maintained, ex-
that no part of any such rear yard cept for the following uses:
shall be less than fifteen (15) feet n FRONT YARD. There shall be a 1. Any use permitted in the Resl-
depth. front yard of not less than fifteen dence "C" Multiple Family District.
BUILDI(15) feet, unless twenty-five (25) per 2. Any retail or service establish-
BUILDING SITE AREA (INTENSITY cent or more of the frontage on the ment other than for the sale of
OF USE). The minimum building same side of the street within the heavy machinery or equipment, ho-
site area shall be a lot six thousand same block is improved with buildings tel and restaurant supplies, auto-
(6,000) square feet in area for each that have observed a front yard line mobiles, trucks, motorcycles,, trac-
single or two-family dwelling. For having a variation in detph of not tors, and trailers. Lumber, brick,
each three or four-family dwelling, more than ten (10) feet, in which lime, cement, and other type build-
the minimum lot area to be provided case no building shall project beyond ing materials may be sold only in
shall be twenty-two hundred (2.200) the average front line so established, connection with another retail busi-
square reet for each single family but this regulation shall not be in- ness which is permitted in this Dis-
living in a three or four-family dwell- terpreted to require a front yard of trict, and no lumber or building
Ing. Such lots shall have a minimum more than twenty (20) feet. In de- material yards shall be operated.
width of sixty (60) feet at the build- termining such front yard depth, 3. Only small service or repair
ing line. Where a nonconforming lot buildings located entirely on the rear shops for the repairing of house-
has an area or a minimum width of half f a lot shall not be counted. hold appliances shoes watches
less than the above required mini- Where lots have a double frontage, jewelry, clocks, bicycles, shall be
mum at the time of the passage of the required front yard shall be pro- allowed, and all merchandise and
this ordinance, said lot may be oc- vided on both streets. euimen ed connect
cupied by a single, two-, three- or SIDE YARDS. For a building not heq ih het based i o eonet ion
four-family dwelling; provided, how- more than two and one-halt, (2) used within an encloed building
ever, that the minimum front, side, stories in height, there shall be a nd all commercial vehicles used in
and rear yard provisions of this side yard on each side of tthe main connection therewith shall be less
Section shall be observed, except as building of not less than ten (10) than 1-ton capacity
provided in Section 13. per cent of the width of the lot, but 4 Advertising s t
Section 6.IRESIDENCE ,'LC.MULTI- such side yard need not exceed eight bill dI ns a C5 raj
PLE FAMILY DISTRIT. (8) feet. in WMrl, small loan companies,
The following regulations shall ap- For buildings more than two and or other similar type establishments
ply in the Residence "C" Multiple one-half (2%) stories in height, one except pawn brokers.
Family District. (1) ft shall be added to the mini- 6. Barber. shops, beauty parlors,
A. USES PERMITTED. mum width of 'such side yard for massage, or similar personal service
No building, structure or land shall ech additional story above the ec- shops.
be used and no building or structure REd story 7. Bowling alleys; golf courses.
shall hereafter be erected, structurally REAR YARD. There shall be a rear Caterers, restaurants and tea
altered, enlarged or maintained, yard of not less than twenty-five (25) rooms, exclusive of dancing and en-
except for the following uses: per cent of the depth of the lot, but tertainment.
1. Any use permitted in the uch rear yard need ot exceed 9. Dry cleaning and laundry pick
I. Any use permitted in the Resi- twenty-five (25) feet.
dence "B" Limited Multiple Family BUILDING SITE AREA (INTENSITY up stations, where no cleaning is
District. OF USE). done on premises, laundryettes (self-
2. Multiple Family Dwellings In the Residence "C" Multiple Fam- service laundries).
(apartments-). ily District, the minimum width of a 10. Offlling stations.
Iyit museums, art gal- O buildings.
3. Non-profit museums, art gal- lot shall be sixty. (60) feet and the 12. Parking lots.
leries, libraries. minimum areas shall be: 13. Theatres, except drive-n hea-
4. Physicians and dental clinics. 1. For a single oreatres, except drive-in thea-
5. Hospitals and sanitariums, ex- ing, 6,000 square feet. 14. All merchandise or products
cept animal hospitals or hospitals 2. For a three or four-family dwell- processed or prepared on the pro m-
and sanitariums for contagious, Ing, 2,200 square feet for each single ises in connection with any retail
mental, drug or liquor addict cases, family dwelling unit within the struc- business thereon hall only be sold
6. Boarding houses, lodging houses, ture. at ins thereon shall only be sold
kindergartens, day nurseries, conva- 3. For buildings having more th at retail therein with exception that
3. For buildings having more than caterers may cater to weddings, re-
lescent or nursing homes for aged four (4) dwelling uits, four hundred captions, and other similar tpe
and infim. (400) square feet of lot area shall be functions, and there shall be no
7. Guest (tourist) home. added to the lot area for each dwell- slaughtering of animals or poultry
8. Community Center buildings, ing unit In excess of four (4), except on the premises.
private clubs, fraternities, sorori- I as provided in Section 13. Provided, 15. The sale of alcoholic beverages
shall not be permitted except beer
and wine may be sold for consump-
tion off the premises in connection
with a regularly licensed place of
In the Business "AA" Neighborhood
Retail District, the height of build-
ings, the minknum dimensions of
yards and the minimum lot area per
family shall be as follows:
HEIGHT. No building or structure
,shall exceed two and ond half (2/,)
stories or .thirty-five (3$) feet in
height, except as otherwise provided
in Section 13 hereof.
The front, side and rear yard regu-
lations for dwellings are the same as
those in the Residence "C" Multiple
Family District. No front or side yard
shall be required for commercial
structures, except where the side of
a lot in the Business "AA" District
abuts upon the side of a lot in a
Residence District, there shall be a
side yard of not less than ten (10)
per cent of the width of the lot, but
such side yard need not exceed five
(5) feet nor be less than three (3)
No rear yard, shall be required for
commercial structures, except that
where the rear lot line abuts upon an
alley there shall be a rear yard of not
less than fifteen (15) feet.
OF USE), The lot area requirements
for the Residence "C" Multiple Family
District shall apply to buildings
erected and used exclusively for dwell-
ing purposes.
119 I uwI r10 a,,lons shall ap-
ply in all Business "A" Retail Con'-
mercial Districts.
No building, structure or land shall
be used and no building or structure
shall be hereafter erected, structurally
altered, enlarged or maintained, ex-
cept for the following uses:
1. Any use permitted in the Busi-
ness "AA" Neighborhood Retail Dis-
2. All types of retail or service
businesses other than machine
shops, repairing of heavy industrial
equipment or machinery, body
building, tire vulcanizing or.recap-
ping, and involving no manufac-
ture, not requiring use of any com-
mercial vehicle of more than 1i-
ton capacity; provided, .however,
that no repair shop, garage, or
service department shall carry on
any operation except within an en-
closed building and that all ma-
chinery or mechanical devices other
than delivery equipment. used, in
connection with any service or re-
pair shop shall be stored, kept, or
used in an enclosed building anoi
that no unsightly merchandise,
junked equipment or wrecked or
damaged vehicles, shall be stored,
kept, or displayed, other than in an
enclosed building.
3. Bottling plants, confectionery
and ice cream manufacture within
structure with five or less employ,
4. Business colleges, vocational
schools, trade or private schools,
operated as -commercial enterprises,
provided the nature of said schools
does not require the repairing or
keeping of any heavy commercial
or mechanical equipment.
5. Drive-in stands or establish-
-ments serving food products outside
the buildings.
6. Fortune tellers, phrenologists,
crystal readers, palmists, soothsay-
ers, astrologers and other similar
7. Funeral homes, chapels, under-
takers, except crematories.
8. Hospitals and sanitariums for
contagious, mental. drug or liquor
addict cases.
9. Hotels, motor (tourist) courts;
10. Pawn brokers.
11. Pool, billiard halls, dance halls.
12. Second-hand stores.
13. Veterinary and small animal
hospitals and kennels.
14. Any type of wholesale, jobber
or distributorship business shall be
permitted which is not excluded. as
a retail business where' the opera-
tion does not require more than
4,000 square feet of floor space and
the nature of such wholesale, job-
ber or distributorship business shall
not be any more harmful to the
area where said business is operat-
ed than that permitted as a retail
operation and does not require the
use of any commercial vehicles of
more than 1'/z-ton capacity and
where all merchandise is stored
within an enclosed building.
In the Business "A" Retail Com-
mercial District the height of build-
ings, the minimum dimensions of
yards and the minimum' lot area per
family shall be as follows:
HEIGHT. No building or structure
shall exceed four. (4) stories or Sixty
(60) feet in height, except as other-
wise. provided in Section 13 hereof.
The front, side and rear yard regula-
tions are the same as those in the
Business "AA" Neighborhood. Retail
OF USE). The lot area requirements
of the Residence "C" Multiple Fam-
ily District shall apply to buildings
erected and used exclusively for dwell-
ing purposes.
Section 9. BUSI SS "B" GENERAL
Business "B" General Business, Dis-
tribution and Light Industrial Dis-
tricts are designed to provide for the
transaction of wholesale sale, storage
and distribution of products, and such
processing and light manufacturing
as would not be detrimental to such
a district. The following regulations
shall apply in all Business "B" Gen-
eral Business, Distribution and Light
Industrial Districts.
No building, structure or land shall
be used and no building or structure
shall be hereafter erected, structurally
altered, enlarged or maintained, ex-
cept for the following uses:
1. Any use permitted in the Busi-
ness "A" Retail Commercial District.
2. Amusement enterprises, includ-
ing boxing or sports arena, arcades,
shooting gallery and the like, drive-
in theatres, skating rink, circus
and other shows or exhibitions,
rodeos, freak shows, rides,- and
other similar type amisenxents.
3. Crematory.
4. Hatcheries.
5. Hauling, trucking and storage
warehouse, cold storage plants.
6. Laundries, dry cleaning and
dyers, linen supply and distribution.
7. Live stock, sale of or rental.
8. Marine storage, repair and small
boat building; yacht basins.
9. Printing, publishing, engraving,
lithography and newspaper estab-
lishiments, electrotyping, plating,
blueprinting and photostating.
10. Public markets.
11. All types of wholesale Jobbing
and distributorship business where
the merchandise or products sold
are not obnoxious or offensive by
reason of the emission of odor, dust,
smoke, or gas.
12. All types of service, repairing,
processing or light manufacturing
where said products or operations do
not create corrosive, toxic or noi-
some fumes, gas, smoke or odors,
or obnoxious dust or vapor or of-
fensive noise or vibration.
In the Business "B" Geheral Busi-
ness, Distribution and Light Indus-
trial District, the minimum dimen-
sions of yards, and the minimum lot
area per family shall be as follows:
The front, side and rear yard regula-
tions are the same as those in the
Business "A" Retail Commercial Dis-
OF USE). The lot area requirements
of the Residence "C" Multiple Fam-
ily District shall apply to buildings
erected and used exclusively for
dwelling purposes.
Section 10. INDUSTRIAL "A" DIS-
The following regulations shall ap-
ply in all Industrial "A" Industrial
In the Industrial "A" Industrial
District, all buildings and land may
be used for any use permitted in the
Business Districts "A" or "B," or for
any use except the following:
1. Abattoir.
2. Ammonia, bleaching powder or
solution, or chlorine manufacture.
3. Asphalt manufacturing or re-
4. Celluloid manufacture.
5. Coal tar products manufacture;
creosote treatment or manufacture.
6 Linoleum or oil cloth manufac-
7. Match manufacture.
8. Petroleum refining, and whole-
sale sale or storage of petroleum
products except kerosene and fuel
oil, provided said kerosene and fuel
oil are stored in quantities not to
exceed 30,000 gallons in tanks of
not more than 10,000 gallons each,
located not less than twenty-five
(25) feet from any building or lot
9. Plaster manufacture. LEYS. In computing the depth of a on thestreet side of such corner lot
10. Pyroxyline or plaster manufac- rear yard, or the width of a side than the front yard depth required
ture. ~ ard for any building where such on the lot to the rear nor 'be lo-
11. Radium extraction. yard opens onto a recognized alley, cated nearer than three (3) feet to
12. Rubber or gutta percha man- one-half (,12) of such alley may be any other lot line, nor less than
ufacture or treatment. assumed to be a portion of the rear the width of the required side yard
13. Sulphurous, sulphuric, nitric yard or side yard, respectively, but from the main building.
or hydrochloric acid manufacture no part of the building Shall en- 8. HEIGHT OF ACCESSORY:
14. Paint, oil, varnish, shellac, coach upon such alley. BUILDINGS. Accessory buildings
turpentine, lacquer manufacture. 2. TRAFFIC VISIBILITY AT shall not exceed twenty (20) feet in
15. Potash works. CORNERS. In any Residence "A", height.
16. Saw mills. "B" or "C" District, no fence, sign, 9. CLEAR YARD SPACES. Every
17. Soap or detergent manufacture. trees or shrubs or other obstruction part of a required yard shall be open
18. Sodium compounds manufac- to vision shall be maintained within from its lowest point to .the sky
ture. twenty-five (25) feet of any corner unobstructed, except for the ordinary
19. Tar distillation. street curb line- intersection so as projection not to exceed two (2) feet
20. Tar or asphalt roofing manu- to prevent a clear line of vision of sills, belt courses, cornices, but-
facture. across the corner. This does not tresses; ornamental features and
21. Any further Industry or use apply to fences or shrubs on private eaves.
which creates corrosive, toxic or property that are not more than 10. PROHIBITED USES. Nothing
noisome fumes, gas. smoks, or odors, four (4) feet above the curb level. shall be allowable on a lot or within
or obnoxious dust or vapor, or of- 3. UNSAFE BUILDINGS. Nothing a building' or structure in any resi-
fensive noise or vibration. In this ordinance shall prevent the dence district that shall in any way
22. All uses for which a permit is strengthening. shoring or repairing be offensive or noxious by reason of
required in an Industrial "B" Dis- of any building or wall which has the emission. of odors, gasses, dust,
trict. (See Section 11.) been declared unsafe by the Super- smoke, vibration or noise; .br con-
23. No residential dwellings shall be visor of Building. stitute a nuisance to adjacent prop-
permitted in the Industrial "A" 4. DWELLINGS ERECTED ABOVE erty owners, residents or to the con-
District except those required on the STORES. The front and side yard munity.
plant premises for watchmen, police requirements shall be waived where -11. MAIN BUILDING. Where ,a
or other operatives. dwellings occupy space above stores. building or structure is erected on
Section 11. IMDIU5IIAL "B" 5. CORNER LOTS AND REVERSED the rear half of a lot and includes
HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. FRONTAGE. On corner lots the side a garage and a dwelling unit, said
The following regulations shall ap- yard regulation, hall be the same as structure shall be considered as the
ply in all Industrial "B" Heavy In- for interior lots except in the case main building on the -lot. If, how-
dustrial Districts. f reversed frontage where the corner ever, a second dwelling unit is erect-
USES PERMITTED, ot faces an Intersecting street. In ed on. the front half of the lot, it
In any Industrial "B" Heavy Inthis case, there shall be a side yard will become the main. building and
dustrial District, any building or n the street side of the corner lot the one previously erected on the
structure or any land may be used of not less than fifty (50) per cent rear half will become an .accessory
for any purpose not in conflict with of the front yard required on the building with private garage and as
any ordinance of the City of Jack- ot.s in the rear of such corner lot; such shall not be used as a separate
sonville or law regulating nuisances, provided, further, that this regula- and distinct dwelling unit for rent
provided, however, that the following tion shall not be so interpreted as or lease unless the lot on which it
uses shall not be permitted until to reduce the buildable width, after and the main building are erected
and unless the location and opera- providing the required interior side has an area of at least six thousand
tion proposed for such use shall have yard, of a corner lot facing an nte- (6,000) square feet and the various
been approved by the City Commis- seating street and of record at the minimum yard provisions are ob-
ion, alter report by the Chief of the time of the passage of this ordinance served as they relate to each build-
Fire Department, the City Health Of- to less than thirty (30) feet, nor to ing.
ficer and the Supervisor'of Building, prohibit the erection of an accessory 12, CERTAIN TYPES OF HIGH
under such conditions s will safe- building where this regulation can TOWERS. Commercial or educational
guard and protect the public health, pot reasonably be complied with. communications, radio, television or
safety and general welfare. 6. ACCESSORY BUILDING BULK. wireless towers which are not a part
1. Acid manufacture. An accessory building may occupy of a public utility system are per-
2. Cement, lime, gypsum or pias- not more than- thirty (30) per cent mitted to be constructed and used
ter of paris manufacture, of a required rear yard. In Business "B" and in Industrial
3. Dtillation ofbone.' 7. LOCATION OF ACCESSORY Districts, subject .to the following
4, .Eplosives. manufacture or BUILDINGS. No accessory building provisions:
storage. shall be erected or maintained and (a) Where such towers are con-
Fat rendering. no existing accessory' building shall structed above the roof of the: build-
6. Fertilizer manufacture. be structurally altered, converted, en- Ing, except' for guy cables, such
7.Fish smoking, during or gn- arg4,-moved or mAint ined unless towers shall not occupy over twenty-
ning. itis located on the lot in conform- five (25) ler cent of the roof area,
8. Garbage, offal or dead animal ance with the following regulations: of the building unless the building
reduction or dumping. (a) In the Redidence "A' tstr&t, shall be of fireproof or semi-fireproof
9. Glue manufacture. Anc accessory building shall be lo- construction, and- shall not exceed
10. Paper and .pulp manufacture. acted not less than sixty-five (65) the height of seventy-five (75); feet
11. Petroleum, or its products, re- feet from the front lot line nor less above the' roof level.
fining ofc than three (3) feet from any other (b) Such towers constructed on the
12 k yards or slauhter of t line, nor less than the width of ground shall not exceed a height
animals. the required side yard from the equal to the distance from the cir-
13, Storage or bailing of rags, paper, main building cumference or perimeter of the base
iron or. Junk. (b) In the Residence "B and of said tower to the -nearest lot line
14. Tannery, C"C Districts,, accessory buildings under different ownership from the
15. Used car junk yard, including shall not be located nearer than lot on which such tower is located.
the storage or dismantling of wrecked fifty 50 feet and forty (40) feet Provided, however, that the fore-
motor vehicles. respectively from the front lot line, going height and area limitations
16. Wholesale storage of ga and inneiter case nearer than et forth in (a) and (b) hereof
17. No. residential dwellings shall three (3) feet to any other lot lines, shall not apply in the following
be permitted in the Industrial"B" nor less than the width of the re- instances:
Heavy Industrial. District except those quired side yard from the main (1) Where the owners of all prop-
required on the plant premises for building erties within a distance from the
watchmen, police or other operatives. (c) On a reversed corner lot, an circumference or' perimeter of the
Section 12. GENERAL PROVISIONS. accessory building shall not be o- base of such tower equal to the
1. SPACE ALLOWANCE FOR AL-Icated nearer to the side lot line height of the tower above base
have filed their written approval with quired to operate and maintain the maximum seating capacity.
the Supervisor of Building to the building, and penthouses, fire or 5. Night Clubs, Drive-Ins, and all
construction of such tower; or parapet walls not exceeding four (4) other Similar Dining Establishments.
(2) Where the Supervisor:of Build- feet in height, skylights, non-com- There shall be provided at least one
ing has certified and the City Com- mercial television, radio or wire- (1) Off-street parking space for every
mission has found that the construc- less antennae for reception purposes one hundred fifty (150) square feet
tion of such tower will not endanger only, and air defense structures may of floor space plus one space for
the public, health, safety or general be erected above the height limits each four (4) employees.
welfare. established by this ordinance, pro- 6. Funeral Homes or Chapels.
Section 13. EXCEPTtONS usE vided that the aggregate of such There shall be provided at least one
HEIGHT AND AREA. Structures does not occupy more (1) Off-street parking space for every
1. Public Utilities and Public Serv- than twenty-five (25) per cent of eight (8) seats of chapel capacity,
ices. The provisions of this ordi- the area of the roof of the building plus one additional space for each
nance shall not be so construed as at the level upon which such struc- three (3) employees.
to limit or interfere with the con- tures are erected. Roof signs in 7: Office Buildings, including
struction, installation, operation and districts where permitted shall corn- Governmental and Professional Build-
maintenance for public utility pur- ply with the provisions of the ordi- wings. There shall be provided at
poses of water and gas pipes, mains nances of the city relating thereto. least one (1) Off-street parking space
and conduits, electric light and power 8. Where a building line or set- for each one thousand (1,000) square
transmission and distribution lines, back line has been established by feet of floor area, exclusive of ele-
telephone and telegraph lines, sewers ordinance for future street widen- vator shafts and stairways.
and incidental appurtenances. ing, the space between such build- 8. Medical and. Dental Clinics.
The City Codinission may per- ing or setback line and the front here shall be provided at least three
mit theS reaction and use o a build- or side lot line shall be used as the (3) Off-street parking spaces for
ing or the use of a lot in any lo- front or side yard, as the case may each doctor or dentist, plus one (1)
cation, except a Residence "A" Single be, in lieu of the front or side yard for every two (2) employees.
Family District, for governmental or required :by this ordinance. 9. Motels, Tourist Courts. There
public utility purposes and make 9. Where the yard regulations can shall be provided at least one (1)
such exceptions to the height and not reasonably be complied with or Off-street, parking space for each
area requirements herein established where their application can not- be sleeping unit plus one (1) 'additional
as the Commission. deems reasonably determined concerning lots of pe- space for the. owner.
necessary for such purposes, under culiar shaped or location which are 10. Wholesale Establishments. There
such conditions and safeguards as shown on plats recorded prior to .all be provided at least one (1)
will protect the character of the the effective date of this ordinance, Off-street parking space for each
neighborhood and be consistent with such regulations may be modified or one thousand (1,000) square feet of
the public welfare, determined by the Supervisor of floor area.
3. In districts limiting the height Building, with the approval of the ll.-Industrial Plants. There shall
to 2'2 stories or thirty-five (35) feet, City. Commission. be provided at least one (1) Off-
family dwellings may be increased Section 14. OFF-STREET PARKING street parking space for every five
to three (3) stories or forty-five (45) REQUIREMENTS. (5) employees.
feet, provided the required side For the purposes of this ordinance, LOCATION AND ESTABLISHMENT
yards are increased to twelve (12) the term "Off-Street Parking Space" OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES.
feet or more in width, shall consist of a minimum .net area In' residential districts, off-street
4. In any district where the height of two hundred (200) square feet of parking spaces required by this sec-
of the buildings is limited, a church, appropriate dimensions for the park- tion for any use permitted in such
municipal or public school building Ing of an automobile, exclusive of residential districts shall be located
may be erected to a height of sixty access drives or aisles thereto. Off- on the same lot on which the main
(60) feet. Street Parking Spaces shall be pro- building is located or, o0 a lot con-
5. Multiple family dwellings vided with vehicular access to a street tiguous thereto.
(apartments), hotels, and office or an alley. The following Off- In business and industrial districts,
buildings in districts where permitted Street Parking Facilities shall be pro- off-street parking spaces required by
may exceed the height limitations of vided for buildings hereafter con- this section for any use permitted
any such districts provided the build- structed for the uses indicated, in such districts shall be located on
ing is of fireproof or semi-fireproof .1. Residential. For each family the same lot upon which the build-
construction, and provided further dwelling unit up to and including ing is located, or on any other
that in case of any such apartment four such dwelling units in a single private property l~Fated in a business
building in excess of four (4) stories or structure, there shall be provided not or Industrial district not more than
sixty (60) feet in height the building less than one (1) off-street parking 400 feet distant in a straight line
site area shall be the same as would space for each family dwelling unit. (inclusive of streets and alleys) from
be required for the number of family For structures having in excess of the nearest part of such building.
dwelling units in the first four (4) four (4) family dwelling units there The plans and specifications, ac-
stories or sixty (60) feet -In height shall be one (1) additional off-street companying the application for build-
of said building, and an additional parking space for each two (2) family ing permit, shall show the location,
foot shall be added to each side dwelling units. No parking space size and suitability of the lot or
yard for each fifteen (15) feet that shall occupy any part of a required lots to be used for such parking
said. apartment building exceeds the front yard. space, and shall set forth the. facts
height of four (4) stories or sixty 2. Hotels and Lodglng! Houses: FOt showing the title and right of 'the
(6.) feet. each hotel and lodging house, there applicant to use said lot or lots for
6. Chimneys, church steeples, shatl be provided a minimum of one the parking of vehicles of patrons,
cooling towers, flagpoles, monuments, (1) off-street parking space for each guests, customers, or. occupants of
ornamental towers and spires, smoke three (3) guest rooms, plus one. (1) the proposed establishment, so long
stacks and water towers may be space for every five (5) employees, as it shall be in operation.
erected above the height limits estab- 3. Hospitals, including Sanitari- Whenever a parking lot or a drite-
lished by this ordinance. In any ums, Convalescent Homes and Homes way to a parking lot is hereafter laid
district where the height of build- for the Aged. There shall be at least out to adjoin any side or rear line
wings is limited, radio, television and one (1) Off-street parking space for of, a lot in a residence district and
wireless poles or masts for trans- each three (3) patient beds, plus at seven or more off-street parking
mission. and reception on a non- least one (1) additional space for spaces are required to be provided on
commercial basis by -amateur opera- each four (4) employees Including said parking lot under this section,
tors may be erected to a height not nurses, a masonry wall six (6) feet in height
in excess of seventy-five (75) feet 4. Places of Assembly, including and at least three-fourths solid, shall
above ground grade level. Theatres, Clubs, School Auditoriums, be constructed and maintained along
7. Roof structures for the housing and Other Similar Places. There shall said side or rear lot line. The light-
of elevators, stairways, water tanks be provided at least one (1) Off-street ing, including appurtenant illumi-
ventilating fans, ir-conditioning parking space for every ten (10) seats nated signs, on said parking lot or
equipment or similar equipment reT provided for patron use, oased on driveway shall be reflected away from
residence areas and so arranged as
to cause no annoying glare thereto.
In any use district, driveways and
parking spaces for the use of more
than four motor, vehicles shall be,
surfaced and drained to confine dust
and splashing therefrom to the
street parking space requirements of
this .section shall not be applicable
in the downtown areas of the city
hereby defined as follows:
That area bounded on the west
by a line 105 feet west of the west
line of Broad Street and its pro-
longation to the St. Johns River:
on the north by a line 105 feet
north of the north line of State
Street; on the east by a line 105
feet east of the east line of Cath-
erine Street; and on the south by
the St. Johns River.
Every business or Industrial build.
ing hereafter erected on a lot or
parcel of land which abuts upon an
alley or is surrounded on at least
three (3) sides by streets, shall have
one (1) permanently maintained
loading space of not less than twelve
(12) feet in width, twenty-five (25)
feet in length and fourteen (14) feet
in height, for each four thousand
(4,000) square feet of lot area upon
which said building is located; pro-
vided, however, that not more than
two (2) of such spaces shall be re-
quired, unless the building on such
lot has a gross floor area of more
than eighty thousand, (80,000) square
feet, in which case there shall be
one (1) additional loading space for
each additional forty thousand (40.-
000) square feet, in excess of eighty
thousand (80,000) square feet or frac-
tion thereof above ten thousand (10,-
000) square feet.
Where the lot on which the load-
ing space is located abuts upon an
alley, such loading space shall adjoin
the alley. The length of the loading
space may be measured perpendicular
to or parallel with the alley.
The lawful use or anr building or
land existing at the time of. the en-.
actment of this ordinance may be
continued although such use does
not conform to the provisions of this
ordinance, subject to the following
1. A nonconforming building may
not be reconstructed or structurally
altered during its life to an extent
exceeding an aggregate cost of one
hundred percent (100%) of the as-
sessed value of the building unless
said building is changed .to a con.
forming use.
2. A building nonconforming.as to
use regulations shall not be adddd
to or enlarged, as distinguished from
reconstruction or. structural alteras-
"tion of such building governed by
subsection 1 of this section, in any
manner unless such building, includ-
ing such additions and enlargements,
is made to conform to all the regu-
lations of the district in which it
is located.
3. No nonconforming building
damaged by fire, flood, wind, explo-
sion, act of God or the public enemy,
to the extent of more than one hun-
dred percent (10Q%) of its assessed
value shall be repaired or rebuilt.
4. Wherever a nonconforming use
has been discontinued for a period
of eighteen (18) months, such .use
shall not thereafter be re-established',
and any further use shall be in ,con-
formity with the provisions of this
5. Once changed to a conforming
use, no building or land shall be
permitted to revert to a nonconform*-
ing use. A nonconforming use may
be changed to another nonconforrd-
ing use of the same or a higher clas-
sification not substantially different
in its purpose and manner of" ap-
plication and no more 'harmful or
objectionable, and when so changed
to a higher classification, such uEs
thereafter shall not be changed to
a lower classification.
6. Whenever the boundaries of :a
district shall be changed so as to
transfer an area from one district
to another district of a different
classification, the foregoing provi-
sions shall also apply to any npot-
conforming uses existing therein.
7. The nonconforming use of land
existing at the time of the enactment
of this ordinance may be continued
without the construction of build-
ings; but if such nonconforming UIs
is discontinued, .any- future use of
said land shall be in conformity with
the provisions of this ordinance.
Where it appears there are prae-
tical difficulties or unnecessary
hardships in the way of carrying out
the strict letter of the provisions of
this chapter, the City Commission
shall have power in a specific case,
after due notice and public hearing.
to determine and vary any such pro-
visions in harmony. with the general
purposes and intent of this chapter
so that the public health, safety,
order, convenience, comfort, pros-
perity and general welfare may be
secured and substantial justice done,
and may permit:
(1) The extension of an existing
nonconforming building, or the erec-
tion of a supplementary building on
the same lot, even into a more re-
stricted- district, all under such con-
ditions as will safeguard the char-
acter of the district and of the miren
restricted district.
(2) The authorization of a change
of a nonconforming use to one of a
lower classification no more harmful
or objectionable, in its opinion.
(3) The use by the applicant of -
building or premises which is suscep-
tible to a use already permitted in
the district involved, for limited prr-
poses not otherwise permitted by the
zoning regulations in the district
involved, for such limited period of
time and under such terms, condi-
tions and restrictions as in the
judgment of the City Commission'
will safeguard the character of -the
district. Such permit shall be per-
sonal to the applicant and shall not
be assignable or transferable.
(4) The use by the applicant of a.
building or premises involving con-
struction or alterations which would
not be susceptible to a use regularly
permitted in the district involved,
for limited purposes not otherwise
permitted by the zoning regulations
in the district Involved, for such
limited period of time and under
such terms, conditions and restric-
tions as in the judgment of the City
Commission will safeguard the char-
acter of the district. Such permit
shall be assignable or transferable
with the building or premises for
the time of such permit.
The holding of a public hearing
shall, be as follows: Any person deo
siring to accomplish any of the
things specified in paragraphs (1).
(2), (3) and (4) of this section shall
file with the Supervisor of Building
a written application, together wifh
'a petition signed by the owners of
not less than sixty (60) per cent of
the property, including the Owners
of the adjoining property anr the
owners of the property immediately
opposite, within a radius of three
hundred (300) feet of the property
of the applicant requesting. a per-
mit,. The petition shall contain a
legal description of the property
owned by each signer. The super-
visor of Building shall promptly cause
to be posted at the expense of the
applicant, in a conspicuous place
on the premises, a notice advising
the public of the desire of the. ap-
plicant; also a similar notice in t
daily newspaper at least twenty (2X)
days before the hearing, whloh
notices shall contain the time aind
place where protests must be filed,
and shall state that any person
within the radius of three hundred
(300) feet shall have a right to.prio
test the changes. Protests must be
filed in writing at the office of the
Supervisor of Building not later than
fourteen (14) days after the-date on
which the notices were posted and
published; and shall contain a legal
description of the property owned
by each protestant. The Supervisgr
of Building shall then transmit- to
the City Commission the application
and petition, together with any pro-
tests filed with him. The City Com-
mission shall call a public hearing,
after due notice, on the rmtter.
Should there be no protests, the City
Commission may, if it deems it. ad-
visable, authorize the Supervisor of
Building to issue a permit in accord-
ance with the application. Use oc-
cupancy of an existing building- or
land under a permit for variance
shall commence within sixty. (60)
days from the date of grant, of
variance by the City Commission and
the construction or alteration of a
building under a permit for variance
shall commence, within six (6)
months from. the date of grant of
variance by the City Commission,
otherwise the.grant of variance shill
be void.
(A) Application of Owner of Prem-
ises. Whenever the owner of the
fee simple title of any .premises:de-
sires a change in the classification
of said premises from one zoning
district classification to another,
such owner shall' make and file with
the City Commission a written ap-
plicatlon therefore signed by suCh shall be necessary or proper; andl provisions of this ordinance shall be
owner or the duly authorized .agent upon completion thereof, shall either guilty of a class "D" offense, and.
of such owner, together with evi- approve or deny the same, in whole! upon conviction thereof in the
dence- that the deposit required by or in part. Upon approval of any Municipal Court of the City, shall
law to cover 'the cost 6f publication such application, in whole or in be punished by a fine not to exceed
of notice of public hearing thereon part, the City Commission shall certi- five hundred dollars ($500.00). or by
has been made with the City Treos- fy to the City Council the plan for imprisonment not to exceed ninety
urer. Such application shall be in the zoning of the city so approved (90) days, or by both such fine and
such form and number of copies as to be acted upon by the City Coun- imprisonment, in the discretion of
the City Commission may require; cil as a part of the comprehensive the Municipal Judge. Each and every
and shall contain (1) a description plan for the zoning of the city, in day that a violation of this ordinance
of the premises involved by designa- accordance with law. continues shall constitute at separate
tlon of lot, block and subdivision, (D) Authority of City Commission and distinct offense. The owner or
or by metes and bounds where thP. Not Abrogated By Sections (A) to owners of any building or land or
same may be necessary; (2) the (C). Nothing herein contained shall part thereof, where anything in vio-
street location as near as may be be construed to abrogate the authori- nation of this ordinance shall be
given:. (3) the name and address of ty of the City Commissi6n of its placed or may be caused to exist, and
the owner of the premises; (4) th1. own motion to conduct any study any architect, builder, contractor,
existing zoning district classification or investigation for a change of agent or person employed In con-
of the premises; (5)' the zoning zoning classification of any premises nection therewith, and who may.have
district classification for which the in the city, and to certify a plan for assisted in the commission of any
application is made; (6) a descrip-. the zoning of the city to the City violation, shall be guilty of a sep-
tion of the existing uses of the Council as a part of the compre- rate offense, and, upon conviction
premises: and (7) a clear and eco- benslve plan for the zoning of the thereof, shall be punished as herein
cise statement of the reasons ad- city, in accordance with law. provided.
vanced why such change In zoniltg Section 19. INTERPRETATION. Section 22. SEVERABILITY.
classification should be made. In interpreting and applying the The provisions of this ordinance
(B) Plat. Affidavit of Notlce Wl provisions of this ordinance, they are severable, and if any of the pro-
Sign on Premises or by Statement shall be held to be the minimum visions of this ordinance shall be
Signed by Neighboring Property requirements for the promotion of held invalid by any court of com-
Owners, Other Matters, to Accom- the public health, safety, order, con- petent jurisdiction, the decision of
pany Application. The applicant venlence. comfort, prosperity and such court shall not affect or im-
shall attach to said application (a) general welfare. Where this ordinance pair any of the remaining provisions
an accurate plat or sketch of the imposes a greater restriction upon of this ordinance. It is hereby de-
premises involved and all premises the, use of buildings or land, or cared to be the legislative .intent
within at least three hundred (300) upont the height of -buildings, or that this ordinance would have been
feet thereof on a scale no smaller. requires larger open spaces than are adopted had such invalid provisions
than four hundred (400) feet to the, imposed or required by other ordi- not been included therein.
inch; and (b) an affidavit that at dances, rules, regulations, or by ease- Section 23. REPEAL.
least five (5) days prior to the filing ments, covenants, or agreements, the Chapter 41, entitled, "Zoning", of
of the application a sign has been provisions of this ordinance shall con- the Jacksonville Ordinance Code of
posted on the .premises involved and. trol; provided, however, that such 1953, all zoning plans heretofore
will be maintained thereon until provisions shall not affect any vari- adopted by the City, all prior 'ordi-
final action on said application for ance or exceptions granted prior to nuances making changes in such
a change in zoning, which sign shall the effective date of this ordinance. zoning plans, or prescribing zoning
read as follows: "Rezoning of these Section 20. ENFORCEMENT. regulations, and all ordinances or
premises to (here insert district desig-I It. shall be the duty of the Super- parts of ordinances in conflict here-
nation) is being sought, by (name) Visor (Inspector) of Building to en- with. are hereby repealed; provided,
owner"; that said sign shall be not force the provisions of this ordinance, however, that this ordinance is not
less than eighteen (18) inches in He shall refuse to grant a permit intended to and shall not be so con-
height and twenty-four (24) inches for the construction or alteration of etrued as to in any manner affect,
in width; the lettering thereon shall! any building if the building as con- change, modify or repeal any pro-
be in black on a white background structed or altered would be .in vio- vision of Sections 4-21 to 4-29, both
with the word "REZONING" in let- nation of any of the provisions of inclusive. of the Jacksonville Ordi-
ters at least three (3) inches in this ordinance. Any misstatement or nance Code of 1953, relating to dis-
height; that said sign shall be with- inaccuracy on the application for a tance requirements between vendors
in ten (10) feet of the street upon building permit, or any violation of selling, at retail, beverages .contain-
which said premises face, and shall the provisions of this ordinance will ing alcohol of more than 14% by
be plainly visible, unobstructed and be sufficient ,grounds for the rev- weight in the zones thereby estab-
legible from said street; or, -in lieu ocatlon of the building permit by wished.
of such affidavit, a written state- the Supervisor of Building. Appeal Section 24. EFFECTIVE DATE,
nient signed by the owners of at from the decision of the Supervisor This ordinance shall take effect
least sixty per cent (60%) of the of Building may be made to the City thirty (30) days after becoming a
property, with legal description of Commission, and said City. Commis- law,
their properties, within two hundred slon shall hear and decide such ap- PASSED BY CITY COUNCIL DE-
(200) feet of the premises involved, peals afd review Any order, require- CEMBER 14, 1954.
that they have, received notice that ment, decision or Retermination made APPROVED ,DECEMBER 15, 1954.
rezoning of such premises to the by the Supervisor of Building in the HAYDON BURNS,
district designated in the applica- enforcement or interpretation of the Mayor-Commissioner.
tion will be sought by the owner. oning 'regulations. Attests
The:applicant may attach to such ap- Section 21, VIOLATION AND PEN- W. C. ALMAND, (Seal)
plication any written support for ALTY. Recorder.
such change in zoning classification, It shall be unlawful for any person APPROVED and CONCURRED in by
signed by owners of property within to build or alter any building in the City Commission, by unanimous
two hundred (200) feet of the violation of any detailed statement vote of the members present at a
premises for which such change is or plan submitted and approved here- regular meeting thereof held on
requested, or other written state- under in the issuance of his building December 16. 1954.
ments bearing materially upon the permit for such building, or to erect, HAYDON BURNS.
matter construct, reconstruct, alter, repair, Chairman City Commission'
(C) Investigation of Application by convert or maintain any building or Attest:
City Commission; Approval or De- structure or to use any building, EARLE E. JONES, (Seal)
nial; Certification of Approval to structure, or land in violation of the Secretary City Commission.
tity Council. Upon recent of a regulations of this ordinance, or any (PUBLISHED IN THE JACKSONVILLE
zoper application for change rule, regulation, order or decision JOURNAL, DECEMBER 23, 1954.)
zoning district classification, the City made hereunder.
Commission shall conduct such study Any person violating any of the (Adv. 191].4)
and investigation of the matter as
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