Smathers Libraries Strategic Opportunities Program (SOP) GRANT APPLICATION COVER SHEET Application due: November 10, 2022, 5:00 PM Principal Investigator (PI) Name: Jesse Mixson Check here if this is your first grant application where you will serve as a principal investigator (PI). Department: User Services, Library West Email: Phone: 352 273 8424 List any additional project applicants (Include name, emai l, and brief role for each): Mari Meke,, Project Advisor / Researcher CJ Gott, , Marston Science Library Coordinator / Project Advisor Kaela Rahmit,, Project Advisor / Researcher Sara Pace,, Social Media Specialist Title of grant project: Power Word Play: Circulating Tabletop Games Project abstract (max 100 words): This project seeks to add 80 Dungeons & Dragons kits for circulation at Library West and Marston Science Library. The proposed kits will contain polyhedral dice and game books required to play Dungeons & Dragons, with variants for individuals and small groups. We received positive feedback from students, staff, faculty, res earchers, and local game organizations, who cited a need for accessible game resources for adults. This purchase will support the diversification of library resources and promote the social and emotional wellbeing of patrons at the University of Florida. F unds requested ( $5,000 limit ): $4,300 Describe how the 10% mandatory cost share will be met: (Please contact Jenny Staples at for any budget assistance if needed) The $430 cost share will be met by combined staff time, as follows. Mari Meke: 1% CJ Gott: 1% Kaela Rahmit: 1% Sara Pace: 1% Please list the library resources/departments needed for this project and the name of the person authorizing the intended use and date authorized. Each authorizing person must initial their approval and confirmation of the availability of resources for thi s project. If you need more room, continue on a separate page. Departmental Resources Required for Project (if applicable) including cost share contributions Chair or Authorizing Individual Approving Initials Date Authorized Jesse Mixson Mari Meke Kaela Rahmit Sara Pace CJ Gott I confirm receipt of approvals from all project team members to participate in this project as described in the narrative and budget: 12/3/2022 | 4:07 PM EST Date I support this project and approve the assignment of the described duties to the PI. Dept. Chair Signature Date Page 1 of 1 PI Signature
PROPOSAL: Library West D&D/Tabletop Kits Overview: This propo sal seeks $ 4,300 to add 80 Dungeons & Dragons Kits to split between Library West (LW) and Marston Science Library (MSL) . Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is the most popular tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) in the world, with millions of active players and a growing presence in pop culture and beyond. Players use polyhedral dice to play out stories, narrated by one player acting as the Dungeon Master (DM). There is significant local interest in tabletop gaming, with multiple dedicated social groups, stores, and events throughout the year. These include, but are not limited to: Gainesville Gaming , Gainesville Tabletop , Mega Gaming and Comics , Pair A Dice Gaming , Stomping Grounds , SwampCon , and UF Health Streetlight Gam ing League . LW and MSL would each circulate the following: 20 Adventurer Kits: Kit bag, 7 piece dice set, dice bag, onl 10 DM Kits: Kit bag, 2 7 piece dice sets, 1 6d6 dice set, 3 dice bag s , online resource guide, DM screen, Dungeon 10 Party Kits: Kit bag, 1 D&D Essentials Kit (mini campaign, condensed rulebook, 11 dice, map, item cards), 6 7 piece dice sets, 1 6d6 dice sets, 7 dice bags, online resource guide We will also maintain a tray of blank character sheets that we offer to patrons upon loa ning each kit. Additionally, these kits are versatile and can be used for other dice based TTRPGs, such as Call of Cthulhu, Fate, Monster of the Week, Pathfinder, Shadowrun, and Vampire: The Masquerade. Th is offers the potential to greatly expand the LW Ga me Collection in the future, and /or to begin a similar c ollection at MSL . Kit materials will need to be purchased, assembled, cataloged, and added to Alma for circulation. Assembled kits are compact , and require minimal maintenance , comparable to current take home equipment in circulation at each library. The only potential single use item , blank character sheets, can be printed in bulk and replenished as needed from a storage tray next to kits. Importance: The proposed kits address an unmet need in the U niversity of Florida ( UF ) community. Despite numerous local groups, including multiple UF organizations, there are few opportunities for people to play D&D unless they invest in their own game materials. These factors present financial and/or social barrie rs to an increasingly popular recreational activity, as well as potential educational and wellness resources. Kits can be used by individuals or small groups who do not have their own game materials, whether they forgot them, cannot afford them, or are un sure if they want to invest in a new activity/join a new social group. D&D publisher Wizards of the Coast estimates more than 75% of its steadily growing player base is 18 or older. This core demographic is ineligible for most Alachua County Library District D&D programs, which almost exclusively serve chi ldren and teenagers. It also describes the average UF Libraries patron. The American Library Association Games and Gaming Round Tabl e (ALA GamesRT) note s D&D promotes group socialization and multiple types of literacy . Furthermore, it recommends games in academic libraries as potential educational tools, a means of stress relief for students , and an opportunity to engage with campus organizations. W hen we contacted UF student organization Pair A Dice Gaming to gauge interest i n D&D resources at the Libraries, we received positive feedback from students s aying they wanted D&D to be more accessible, that the game allowed them to " rejuvenate from the objectivity of [their] STEM studies, " and that it serve d as an important mental and social outlet for them. W e received similar anecdotal responses whenever talking with s tudents in face to face conversation s. In addition, there is a growing body of research and practice , including destigmatizin g therapy ; building relationships ; reducing harmful symptoms ; and developing pos itive sociolinguistic and cognitive skills. Streetlight Gaming League offers regular D&D and other TTRPG sessions for patients. When viewing its website in October 2022, it shares plans to train additional DMs and apply for grant funding to support " the significant amount of leadership, creativity, and important social facilitation that this medium brings to [its] patients. "
PROPOSAL: Library West D&D/Tabletop Kits Strategic Directions : Direction 3 (Integrated Spaces and Technology Services; " ...diverse set of services, programming, instruction, collaboration, and specialized resources. " ) o Goal 1: Provide multi purpose library spaces that serve as inviting venues for a variety of functions o Goal 5: Regularly assess user needs to create user friendly spaces and services Direction 6 (Improve Individual and Community Health and Wellness; " promote the health and wellness of our employees, users, and communities through workplace programs, outrea ch, and library services. " ) o Goal 1: Create and continuously improve spaces and services that promote wellness o Goal 2: Develop campus collaborations to embed library services and information resources related to health and wellness o Goal 3: Provide informati on services and otherwise engage with patients and others in our local communities to help them improve their own health and wellness Comparison: Currently, UF students, staff, and faculty interested in playing D&D or other TTRPGs must purchase their own materials, borrow from another individual, or seek out limited community opportunities. The Alachua County Library Distr i ct (ACLD) has core, campaign, and supplemental books for individual loan, but does not offer any other materials , such as dice . The ma jority of events are limited to children or teenagers. Gainesville Tabletop allows people to borrow materials for in store use only. Other local organizations expect participants to bring their own materials unless they specifically advertise a walk in eve nt, such as those at the yearly SwampCon convention at UF. D&D kits are popular in schools and libraries throughout the U.S. and beyond. The ALA GamesRT gives D&D significant focus in its tips for collection and program development. TTRPGs , including D&D, also feature heavily in International Games Month material, which is a worldwide initiative to promote games in libraries. In 2020, Wizards of the Coast distributed 2,000 digital kits to schools and libraries to support virtual D&D programs when physical ones were suspended by Covid 19. According to WorldCat .org, numerous academic libraries offer official D&D kits , including Miami Dade College ( 2 ), Michigan State University ( 2 )( 3 ), Northeastern State University , University of Dallas , University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign , and the University of Toronto . In addition, these libraries have various core, camp aign, and supplemental books in their collections. The proposed kits at UF would be unique in their versatility f or individual players and for other non D&D games . Plan of Action: Time Period Description Responsible Party Spring 2023 Research local need and offerings Jesse Mixson Research kit materials Purchase kit materials Jesse Mixson, CJ Gott Assemble kits Add kits to Alma Develop circulation policies Power Word Play Team, LW/MSL Management Summer 2023 Create promotional materials Jesse Mixson, Sara Pace Start circulating kits LW/MSL Circulation Promote on social media , in libraries Sara Pace , MSL Social Media Staff Summer/Fall 2023 Develop assessments of usage, policy efficacy, and potential changes Power Word Play Team, LW/MSL Management
PROPOSAL: Library West D&D/Tabletop Kits Dissemination: The Power Word Play team will develop marketing materials to share on social media, within the libraries , and with relevant campus partners . L W and MSL management have confirm ed each library can provide standard promotion efforts ( flyers, posters , and buttons ) without additional grant funding. Additionally, t he team will contact relevant campus organizations, such as Pair A Dice Gaming and SwampCon, to notify them of the new resources . T hey will work with Barbara Hood , her replacement , and/or Misty Colson to develop any additional campus wide marketing. The kit inserts include a survey link to monitor advertising efficacy. Jesse Mixson will request an entry under the Games Collection page on the George A. Smathers , which is set to launch in Spring 2023 . Equipment Usage: Kits will be classified as take home equipment and follow standard circulation policies. They will be stored on the games shelf at the Circulation Desk ( LW ) and Service Desk ( MSL ), and will be available to patrons upon request. Patrons will be able to take kits outside the library after borrowing them, with 14 day loans for individual kits and 30 day loans for small group kits. Patrons will be able to renew a kit loan if other kit s of the same type are available for checkout. Once added to Alma, patrons can check kit availability online through Primo. As take home equipment, circulation staff will follow standard sanitization procedures for cleaning and rotating kits between loans. When loaning and returning kits, contents will be checked against kit inventory insert in front of the patron to ensure all pieces are present. Patrons cannot borrow individual pieces of kits. Blank character sheets will be stored with kits and replenished as necessary. Jesse Mixson and CJ Gott will oversee kit supplies and maintenance. Long Term Financial Implications: Blank character sheets will be printed in bulk on an as needed basis. The initial order includes spare dice and bags, but as with other take home equipment, lost or damaged items will be replaced through patron fees. There is no other anticipated need for repairs, replacements, or mandatory upgrades. While not required, there is the potential to expand or complement these kits in the future by adding campaign or supplemental books to circulation. Campaign books contain pre made story plots, with characters, items, settings, and other game elements. Supplemental books contain new mechanics that may be added to any game . Expense Calculation: 7 piece Dice Set: $27.99 ( $ 223 .9 2 for 20 8 total sets) 6d6 Dice Set: $9.9 9 ($ 2 9.9 7 for 3 00 dice) Clear Small Bags: $6.99 ($ 20.97 for 3 00 bags) Clear Storage Bags: $ 22 .9 8 ($ 919.20 for 8 0 kits) Core Rules Set: $85.99 ($ 1 , 719 . 8 0 for 2 0 kits) $22.95 ($ 918 .00 for 4 0 kits) D&D Essentials Kit: $18.99 ($379.80 for 20 kits) Total: $ 4,211 . 66 Note: Estimates qualify for free shipping on Amazon .com and prices are current as of October 15 , 2022.
PROPOSAL: Library West D&D/Tabletop Kits Expense Justification: Essentials Kit: This official D&D kit contains a beginner friendly campaign, condensed rulebook, DM screen, 11 dice, game map, and item cards. This proposal accounts for 20 kits for Party Kits. 7 piece Dice Set: Eight orders contain 20 8 sets of dice, enough for all kits , plus 8 spare sets . Each player needs at least one 7 piece set. For ease of gameplay, this proposal includes two 7 piece sets for each DM because they typically roll more dice more often than regular players. 6d6 Dice Set: T hree orders contain 3 00 dice, enough for all kits, plus 10 spare sets . Players and DMs often need to roll multiple d6 dice at once. This proposal includes a 6d6 dice set in each DM or Party Kit to improve gameplay. Clear Small Bags: T hree orders contain 3 00 bags, enough for all kit di ce set s, plus 60 spares . Clear resealable bags store dice neatly while making it quick and easy to see if any pieces are missing. Clear Storage Bags: This clear bag securely zips closed to store all kit materials neatly while making it quick and easy to see if any pieces are missing. The 2 pack is more cost effective than purchasing single bags. Core Rules Set: This gift set includes the three core rule books and a DM screen at a bulk rate. This proposal accounts for 2 0 core rules sets for DM Kits. This is a core book " with essential information for players and DMs. This is a " core book, " with essential information for DMs. Monster Manual: This is a " core book, " with essential information for DMs. DM Screen: These screens allow DMs to roll dice, view essential rules, organize notes, and reference game materials without th e players seeing them. This proposal accounts for 4 Staff Time Commitment: Jesse Mixson and CJ Gott will assist with preparation, maintenance, marketing, and assessment of kits, and other duties as needed. There is an estimated ~30 hours of initial work. After this , there is an estimated <2 hours of maintenance monthly, distributed into standard circulat ing equipment workflows . Assessment: Analytics will be recorded by ILS once the kits enter circulation. Additional data will be collected through social media metrics and a n anonymous Qualtrics survey distributed to patrons and local organizations, such a s Pair A Dice Gaming and SwampCon. This data will be shared with LW/MSL circulation management to determine future plans and development. Time Period Description Responsible Party Summer/Fall 2023 Evaluate Alma analytics data Power Word Play Team, Assessment Advisory Member Develop Qualtrics s urvey Create survey promotional material s Power Word Play Team, Sara Pace Fall 2024 Distribute s urvey Power Word Play Team, Sara Pace, MSL Social Media Staff Fall 2023/Spring 2024 Evaluate survey data Power Word Play Team, Assessment Advisory Member Revise procedures/kits as needed Power Word Play Team Spring 2024 Evaluate Alma analytics data Power Word Play Team, Assessment Advisory Member The Assessment Advisory Committee suggested there is potential for Impact Action Research , and that in the future, focus groups could be developed based on the above plan. Laura Spears and the Assessment Advisory Committee offered to assist with any IRB approval and future analytic plans. Primary Investigator: Jesse Mixson will be the primary investigator (PI). She will oversee the project progress and communicate with the Power Word Play team and circulation staff at LW and MSL . She will order and assemble the kits, and work with Mari Meke and CJ Gott to develop circulation policies and add kits to Alma for both libraries.
Name DnD DATES: 01/01/23 12/31/23 Year 1 Year 2 UF Cash Cash Subtotal: IDC Cash Total: Year 1 Year 2 UF Cost Share PercentageMari Meke1.00% 723.55Kaela Ramhit1.00% 598.28CJ Gott1.00% 512.39Sara Pace1.00% 553.51 Total Cost Share: Project Sum
Total Cash Total, with IDC UF Total 0 Total Cash 0 Cash Total, without IDC 0 UF Total 0 0 0 Total Cash 0 Total Cost Share UF CS 2,388 724 Total Cost Share: 2,388 598 512 554 2,388 mmary
To Whom It May Concern, SOP grant application , Power Word Play: Circulating Tabletop Games . As a licensed mental health counselor , therapeutic game master, and PhD student in counseling and counselor education at UF, I was pleased to hear UF Libraries are seeking to add Dungeons & Dragons (D & D) materials to their collections. I have seen firsthand the social and recreational benefits of tabletop games and p lay, and I believe t hese proposed kits would make it easier for more people in the UF community to enjoy them. Gaming is a way of creating community and healthy peer connections, which are crucial to an D & D can be particularly supportive for neurodivergent bring structure to a relatively unstructured and chaotic e xperience social roviding tabletop games through the library increases accessibility a nd sends a message of support for geek and hobbyist communities. Given that there are more than 50 million players of D & D alone to date (Corliss, 2021) , I am confident that the Power Word Play project would be a positive opportunity for UF Libraries and a great benefit to the UF community at large. Sincerely, Corrine Buchanan, MS, LMHC, NCC UF Doctoral Student in Counseling and Counselor Education Therapeutic Game Master Pronouns: She/Her/Hers References Corliss, C. (2021, May 19). Dungeons and dragons infographic shows how popular the game has become . Game Rant. Retrieved May 30, 2022, from and dragons infographic 2021/ Leach, M. (2021, June 25). How autism powers my D&D . Polygon. Retrieved May 30, 2022, from dragons autistic autism dungeon master essay
Power Word Play: Circulating Tabletop Games Appendix | Revision Question s Why was Dungeons & Dragons selected? We chose Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) because it is the most popular tabletop roleplaying ( TTRPG ) in the world and a resource that is lacking in both the UF and wider Gainesville community. How do you know this is the most popular game? Orr Industry Report , a quarterly analysis of Roll20 user behavior. Roll20 is a virtual TTRPG site with more than 10 million users, and D&D accounts for 50% or more of all active Roll20 games since its current reporting methods began in 2019. Why only Library West and Marston Science Library? This project began as an i dea to expand the Library West (LW) game collection . We asked to collaborate with Marston Science Library (MSL) because it also circulates game equipment (VR headsets) , and its science fiction collection and Makerspace have significant overlapping appeal with D&D/TTRPGs ( i.e., D&D players are often interes ted in genre fiction and 3D printing game pieces.) Most importantly, both libraries have "talking floors" with ample study/recreation space, central locations, and the consistently highest patron/foot traffic of UF Libraries. These features mean LW/MSL are the most convenient choices for patrons to check out kits for in or out of library use. Why not test a few kits first ? We developed this project and its scope with input from LW/MSL supervisors and UF Libraries grant staff . B ased on our initial resea rch and anecdotal feedback, they encouraged us to expand our initial proposal, increasing the number of requested kits and pursuing a larger, multi library collaboration . Why 80 kits? Where did this number come from? Are there future events planned? While 80 kits may sound like a lot, that number is comparable to other LW/MSL take home equipment once broken down into the three types of kits being split between the two locations . Each library would have 10 kits for individual dungeon masters ( DMs ) and small groups, and 20 kits for individual players. This ratio was based on official D&D materials, which are optimized for 3 5 players and 1 DM . The total number came from preliminary reviews with Juliana Rojas Perez , Jenny Staples, and Jane Barnwell . We discuss ed potential events during these meetings, including gameplay and 3D printing workshops, but we were advised to focus our application on obtaining/circulating game materials. Are these kits being added to circulation? Yes . I f funded, LW and MSL will each add 40 D&D Kits to circulation at their respective locations.
Power Word Play: Circulating Tabletop Games Appendix | Sample Patron Survey URL: Survey Text: This brief survey is sent to everyone who borrows a Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Kit from the University of Florida Libraries. Time: 3 5 minutes, depending if you choose to answer any optional open comment questions. Purpose: To collect feedback on UF Libraries games to improve patron services. Privacy: All responses are anonymous and confidential ; no identifiers will be associated with your name or record. Our team sincerely appreciates your time and feedback (positive and negative) about your recent experience. Thank you for your assistance! -1. What type of D&D Kit did you borrow? Please select all that apply. o Adventurer Kit (individual player) o DM Kit (individual dungeon master) o Party Kit (small group) 2. Why did you borrow a D&D Kit? Please select all that apply. o o I forgot my materials. o I wanted to try out Dungeons & Dragons or another tabletop game. o I wanted to see what was in the D&D Kits. o I am running a game for friends. o I am running a game for a club. o Other: 3. How did you hear about the D&D Kits? Please select all that apply. o UF Libraries Website o UF L ibraries Social Media o UF Libraries Display o UF Libraries Posters/Flyers o Club/Student Organization o Word of Mouth o Other: 4. Did the D&D Kit meet your needs/expectations? o Yes o No o Other:
Power Word Play: Circulating Tabletop Games Appendix | Sample Patron Survey 5. Would you be interested in checking out a D&D Kit again? o Yes o Maybe o No 6. Would you recommend D&D Kits to others? o Yes o Maybe o No 7. Do you have any additional comments or feedback?