Bibliography for Early Medieval and Byzantine Art- A Bibliography

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Bibliography for Early Medieval and Byzantine Art- A Bibliography
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Early Medieval and Byzantine Art- A Bibliography ARH 4200
Huang, Samuel
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Course Material


A bibliography prepared for the Art History class taught at the University of Florida,12/06/2016 . The books selected for this bibliography are housed in the Harold & Mary Jean Hanson Rare Book Collection.
Collected for University of Florida's Institutional Repository by the UFIR Self-Submittal tool. Submitted by Samuel Huang.

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1 Early Medieval and Byzantine Art A Bibliography ARH 4200 Professor Ashley E. Jones Author: Jacob, P. L. 1806 1884 Title: Les arts au moyen age et a l'poque de la renaissance. Published: Paris, Didot, 1869. Description: 530 p. illus., 17 pl. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -709L147a Author: Viollet le Duc, Eugne Emmanuel 1814 1879 Title: Mediaeval stained glass Description: 3 p. l., 87, [1] p. illus., diagrs. 28 x 22 cm. Notes: "This edition consists of five hundred copies, hand set in Garamond type and printed at the Lullwater press, Atlanta, Georgia... This is copy number 169." Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -729.8V796vEs Author: Berkowitz, David Sandler 1 913 Title: In remembrance of creation; evolution of art and scholarship in the Medieval and Renaissance Bible. Published: Waltham, Mass. : Brandeis University Press, c1968. Description: xviii, 141, [160] p. : ill., facsims. ; 29 cm. Location: UF SMAT HERS, Special Coll Rare Books -016.096B513i Author: Graber, Hans 1886 1956 Title: Konrad Witz : dreissig Tafeln mit einfhrendem Text von Hans Graber. Published: Basel : Benno Schwabe & Co., 1921. Description: 36 p., 30 leaves of plates : ill. ; 32 cm. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -ND853.W5G73 1921 OVERSIZE Title: Six essays plus one. Published: [S.l. : s.n., 19 -?] Description: 41 leaves : col. ill. ; 29 cm. A collection of seven critical essays on selected Medieval illustrated manuscripts. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -ND3310.S58 Title: Das Abendmahl : Bedford Hours, Paris um 1423 : London, British Library, Add. Ms. 18850, fol. 198. Published: Stuttgart : Verlag Mller und Schindler, [197 ?] Description: 1 folder : 1 col. facsim. ; 40 cm. Color facsimile of illustration from the ms., with critical description in German on facing folder board. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Ra re Books -ND3363.B37A23 OVERSIZE


2 Author: Wieck, Roger S. Title: Painted prayers : the book of hours in medieval and Renaissance art Edition: 1st ed. Published: New York: George Braziller, in association with the Pierpont Morgan Library, 1997. Description: 144 pages : color illustrations "First published on the occasion of the exhibition 'Medieval Bestseller: The Book of Hours' at The Pierpont Morgan Library from 17 September 1997 to 4 January 1998" -T.p. verso. Includes bibliographical refer ences (pages 133 134) and indexes. "In Painted Prayers, the two key elements of Books of Hours are explored: the glorious illuminations and the texts. 107 color plates reproduce stellar pages from Books of Hours that range from the thirteenth to the sixte enth centuries and come from all the major manuscript producing countries of Europe: France, Belgium, The Netherlands, England, Italy, and Spain. Mr. Wieck's text offers explanations and translations of key passages from the various "Hours," psalms, Gospel lessons, hymns, litanies, and private prayers found in a typical Book of Hours. The Book of Hours is explored from illuminated manuscripts to the early printed editions of the same texts, leading us from the piety of the Gothic era into the culture of the Renaissance." -Jacket. Location: UF LIBRARY WEST General Collection -ND3363.A1W54 1997 Title: Auszug aus der Arche : the Bedford Hours, Paris ca. 1423/1430 : British Library, London, Add. Ms. 18850, fol. 16v Published: Stuttgart : Verlag Mller und Schindler, [197 ?] Description: 1 folder : 1 col. facsim. ; 40 cm. Color facsimile of illustration from the ms., with critical description in German on facing folder board. One leaf issued by the publisher, containing an English translation of the German text describing the facsimile, laid in. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -ND3363.B37A87 OVERSIZE Author: Sullivan, Edward Sir 1852 1928 Title: The Book of Kells. Published: London, New York, : "The Studio,", 1914. Description: v, 34 p. : 24 mounted col. plates. ; 34 cm. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -ND3359.B7S8 1914 Oversize Author: Sullivan, Edward Sir 1852 1928 Title: The Book of Kells Edition: 2d ed. Published: London, New York, "The Studio" ltd., 1920. Description: viii, 48 p. xxiv mounted col. pl. 29 cm. illustrated with twenty four plates in colours. Each plate accompanied by leaf with descriptive letterpress. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books (Non Circulating) -096.1B582eYs2


3 Title: A masterpiece re created, The book of Kells Edition: Fine art facsimile ed. Published: London : Swiss Film London ; Lucerne, Switzerland : [Distributed by] Faksimile Verlag Luzern, c1987. Description: 1 videocassette (15 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in. + 1 sheet. Alternate title: Book of Kells F ine art facsimile edition of "The book of Kells" Summary: Promotional video and literature for a facsimile ed. of the Book of Kells (the original ms. held in th e Library of Trinity College, Dublin), produced by Faksimile Verlag, Lucerne, explaining the history of the ms., and showing the production of the facsimile volume. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -ND3359.K4M37 1987 Author: Claman, Henry N. 1930 Title: Jewish images in the Christian church : art as the mirror of the Jewish Christian conflict, 200 1250 C.E. Published: Macon, Ga. : Mercer University Press, 2000. Description: xi, 212 p., [16] p. of plates : ill. (part col. ) ; 25 cm. "Beginning in the Third Century with frescoes in the catacombs of Rome, public art began to illustrate the doctrine of supersessionism. This analysis of a millennium of Christian art outlines the path by which Christians reinterpreted the Hebre w Scriptures to prove they foretold the ascendancy of Christianity. Starting with a solid introduction to the origins of Christianity and the beginnings of Christian art in the catacombs of Rome, Henry Claman skillfully demonstrates the development of the anti Jewish message of Christian art. The study culminates with analyses of the majestic cathedral at Chartres, the public burning of the Talmud in Paris in 1 248, and the expulsion of the Jews from France and England." -BOOK JACKET. Location: UF LIBRARY W EST, Judaica Libr ary -N7831.C53 2000 Title: Stundenbuch des Herzogs Amadeus von Savoyen : Handschrift HB I 175 der Wrttembergischen Landesbibliothek Stuttgart. Published: Stuttgart : Verlag Mller und Schindler, [between 1970 and 1976] Description: 1 fo lder : color facsimile ; 40 cm "Literatur: Die Handschriften der Wrttembergischen Landesbibliothek Stuttgart, Reihe 2, Band 1,2. Wiesbaden 1970, S. 48 51 (dort weitere Literatur). -Wolfgang Irtenkauf: Die Handscrift HB I 175 der Wr ttembergischen Landesbibliothek Stuttgart, in: Codices manuscripti, 2, 1976, S. 44 50." Description in black German text on facing folder board by Wolfgang Irtenkauf. Gold paper covered tri fold folder with gilt stamped title and emblem. Color facsimile of illumination from manuscript affixed to inside board under framed opening. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -ND3363.W8S78 OVERSIZE Title: Himmelfahrt Christi : Marien Homilien des Jacobos von Kokkinobaphos, Konstantinopel, Anfang 12. J ahrhundert : Paris, Bibliothque nationale, Ms. grec 1208, fol. 3v. Published: Stuttgart : Verlag Mller und Schindler, [197 ?] Description: 1 folder : 1 col. facsim. ; 40 cm. Color facsimile of illustration from the ms., with critical description in Ge rman on facing folder board.


4 Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -ND3385.I25H888 OVERSIZE Author: Mo, mile A. van Title: L'Apocalypse de Saint Sever, manuscrit Latin 8878 de la Bibliothque nationale (XIe sicle). Uniform Title: Beatus de Saint Sever (Manuscript) Published: Paris, ditions de Cluny [1943] Description: 24 <4> p. illus., 29 col. facsim. (4 double) 38 cm. Issued in portfolio. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -096.1M693a Author: Cloisters (Museum) Title: The Belles Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry, Prince of France. Published: New York : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1958. Description: 12 p. l., 33 facsims. (32 col.) ; 24 cm. [23] p., 33 facsims. (32 col.) 25 cm. "33 repr oductions ... from the 94 full page and the 54 column illuminations, the 24 medallions in the calendar, and the marginal vignettes decorating the 224 folios." Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books AFA -096.1N567b Author: Title: Byzantine monuments in Attica and Boeotia: architecture, mosaics, wallpaintings. Drawings, A. Tassos; copies, Ph. Zachariou. Published: Athens, Athens' Editions, 1956. Description: 28 p. illus., 21 col. plates, plans. 35 cm. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books --709.02C495b Oversize Author: Colasanti, Arduino 1877 1935 Title: L'arte bisantina in Italia. Prefazione di Corrado Ricci. Published: Paris, C. Eggimann; Milano, Bestetti e Tumminelli [1923] Description: 2 p. l., 10 p., 1 ., 4 p. illus. (incl. plans) 100 plates (5 col.) Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -709.02C683a 1923 folio Author: Berlin Staatliche Museen Kaiser Friedrich Museum Title: Mittelalterliche Bildwerke aus Italien und Byzanz. Bearb. von W. F. Volbach. Published: Berlin, W. de Gruyter, 1930. Description: 250 p. illus., 32 plates. 33 cm. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -704.9482V899m 1930 Author, etc.: Dante Alighieri 1265 1321 Title: La Divina commedia : secolo XIV (seconda met). Uniform Title: Divina commedia


5 Published: [Castel Guelfo di Bologna, Italy] : Imago la Nobilt del Facsimile, 2016. Description: 1 volume ([208] pages) : color illustrations ; 37 cm Notes: Limited edition, numbered. Full color, full size facsimile reproduction of the manuscript 1102 on parchment held at the Biblioteca Angelica, Rome. Thirty four miniatures embellished with hand applied gold leaf appear before each canticle. Title from publisher's statement pasted to end sheet of facsimile. "La presente edizione in facsimile del manoscritto 1102 conservato presso la Biblioteca Angelica di Roma stata realizzata su concessione del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attivit Cul turali e del Turismo Biblioteca Angelica" -Publisher's statement. Issued in 299 copies numbered in Arabic numerals, 99 copies numbered in Roman numerals, and 25 HC not for sale. Sticker on back endsheet, "Studio P. Crisostomi, anno restauro, 2008". Issued in clamshell box, 40 x 29 cm. Harold and Mary Jean Hanson Rare Book Collection copy, no. 54 of 99 copies. Calf binding with raised bands. Rules and title stamped in gilt on spine. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books (Non Circ ulating) -PQ4301.A1 2016 OVERSIZE Author: Kondakov, Nicodim Pavlovich 1844 1925 Title: Geschichte und Denkmler des byzantinischen Emails Description: xi, 412 p., 28 leaves of col. plates : ill. (some col.), port. ; 38 cm. Notes: Kretschmann. Cf. p. vii. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -738.4K82g Title: Evangeliorum quattuor Codex Lindisfarnensis ; Musei Britannici Codex Cottonianus Nero D. IV permissione Musei Britannici totius codicis similitudo expressa. Prolegomenis auxerunt T.D. Kendrick [et al.]. Main Uniform Title: Bible. Manuscripts, Anglo Saxon. N.T. Gospels Published: Oltun et Lausanna H elvetiae, : Urs Graf, 1956 60. Description: 2 v. : illus. (part col.) mounted plate, maps, diagrs., facsims. (part col.) tables. ; 42 cm. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -225.52B5821e Author: Kirchner, Joachim 1890 Title: Scriptura Gothica libraria. Published: Monachii et Vindobonae [Mnchen u. Wien], Oldenbourg, 1966. Description: 81 p., 66 l. of facsims. 35 cm. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -Z114.K54 OVERSIZE Title: The Luttrell psalter : a facsi mile Published: London : The British Library, 2006.


6 Description: 55, [2] p., 309 leaves : ill., plates, facsims ; 36 cm. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -ND3357.L8L86 2006 Oversize Author: Bodleian Library Manuscript Bodley 764 Title: Book of beasts : a facsimile of MS Bodley 764 introduction by Christopher de Hamel. Published: Oxford : Bodleian Library, 2008. Description: 36 p., 137 leaves : col. facsims. ; 30 cm. Notes: Full facsimile reproduction of a 13th century illuminated manuscript, a bestiary, created in England, perhaps in Salisbury, possibly commissioned by Roger de Mohaut. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -PR275.B47H36 2008 Author: B iblioteca civica (Verona, Italy) Manuscript Ms. 1853 Title: Preghiera alla Vergine : con le leggende di San Giorgio e Santa Margherita, (seconda met del XIII secola) Edition: Questa edizione in facsimile del manoscritto miniato su pergamena ms. 1853 P ublished: Modena : Il Bulino, edizioni d'arte, [2007] [Roma] : Nova et Antiqua Description: 40 leaves, ([that is] 78) unnumbered pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm + 1 commentary booklet (93 pages : illustrations (some color), facsimiles ; 24 cm) Notes: Title and publishing information from pasted text on back board endsheet, commentary volume and "Certificato di Garanzia". Facsimile edition of the illuminated Ms. 1853 in the Biblioteca civica di Verona (XIII century, 42 folios, 17 x 24 cm, 78 illustrated vignettes), bound in red leather with straps and studs, raised bands and issued in leather clamshell case with gilt stamped lettering on front boards and spine. Signed by facsimile creator, Roberto Bini -Pasted text on back endsheet. "Lab. D i Restauro del Libro S. Maria Di Rosano (Firenze) -Conservator's label, endsheet. First part of codex in Gothic script semicorsiva contains the Prayer to the Virgin. Rest of code, in Gothic script rotunda illustrates the two legends of St. George of Cappa docia and St. Margaret of Antioch. Following the text are two illuminated pages of Christ with the four evangelists and St. Christopher. Accompanying volume of commentary edited by Daniele Bini; texts by Giuseppa Zanichelli and Agostino Cont. Edition of 600 numbered and certified copies; an additional 19 copies, numbered from I to XIX, reserved for the Library and the publisher; "Certificato di Garanzia" inserted. Location: UF SMATHERS, Special Coll Rare Books -Z105.5.B53B53 2006 OVERSIZE Compiled by: Samuel Huang Curator, The Harold & Mary Jean Hanson Rare Books Collection George A. Smathers Libraries


7 University of Florida Ph; 273 2817 Email: 10/20/2016