Florida Ephemera is a collection material intended for one time use: here today, gone tomorrow. If not collected, these resources too would have been lost to history. They are collected here to inform history, in a sense, to complete it. Each informs the Florida experience.

Collected here are two dimensional ephemera and three dimensional artifacts. The collection contains post-cards and photographs; orange crate and cigar box labels; newspaper clippings; memorabilia marking life-events: weddings, the birth of a child, the death of a loved one, etc. There are cigar wrappers; cooking implements; tools used in farming; and the objects of every-day living and trade.

These resources have been compiled from the holding of archives, libraries and museums, as well as from the collections of Florida citizens. Most were digitized with funding from the Institute for Museum and Library Studies and imaged during "My Town" events held in Gainesville, Key West and Tampa. Others were contributed from the collections of partnered digital libraries.