The College of The Bahamas
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The Ablto of th Trnalni
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Thursday, February 21, 2008
9:00 a.m.
Choices Dining Room
Bahamas Tourism Training Centre
1. 'Whereas the Two Houses of Parliament did, by
their Resolutions of the Tenth and Twenty-fourth
days ofJune One Thousand eight hundred and six,
severally resolve, upon certain Grounds therein,
mentioned, that they would, with allpracticableu
Expedition, take effectual Measures for theu
Abolition of the African Slave Trade in such
Manner, and at such Period as might be deemed
advisable, And whereas it is fit upon all and each of
the Grounds mentioned in the said Resolutions,
that the same should be forthwith abolished and
prohibited, and declared to be unlawful'-
From May i, 18o7, the Slave trade shall be abolished.
Mistress of Ceremonies
Ms. Cheryl Carey
National Anthem
Dr. Sophia Rolle with The College Ensemble
under the direction of Mr. Chris Justilien
Mrs. Rubie Nottage
President Janyne Hodder
'The Journey'
by Mrs. Audrey Wright
Introduction of Keynote Speaker
Dr. Linda Davis
Plenary Address
Dr. Joseph Harris
I4 M'Lc
Dr. Thaddeus McDonald joined The College of The Bahamas on August 23, 1988
as a Lecturer in Psychology in the Social Sciences Division. From September
1994 to August 1997 he held the position of Assistant Chairperson and from
September 1997 toJune 2000, he held the position of Chairperson, the Division
of Social Sciences. FromJuly i, 2000 to December 31, 2004, Dr. McDonald
served as Dean, Faculty of Education and Liberal Arts, and fromJanuary 2005
until the time of his passing, he held the position of Dean, Faculty of Social and
Educational Studies.
A well-loved teacher, a personable, warm and collaborative colleague with a deep
love for his country and The College, Dr. McDonald served on a number of
College, national and international committees, spearheaded various research
projects and represented The College and The Bahamas at meetings and
conferences. A quiet, gentle man, Dr. Mac served as the backbone to major
movements. He took on causes and supported causes. Those of us who have had
the privilege of working and serving with him will miss him dearly.
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