The College of The Bahamas Northern Campus Baccalaureate Service Commencement Exercises 2006
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Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/CA00299024/00001
 Material Information
Title: The College of The Bahamas Northern Campus Baccalaureate Service Commencement Exercises 2006
Physical Description: Archival
Language: English
Creator: The College of The Bahamas
The College of The Bahamas
Publisher: The College of The Bahamas
Publication Date: 2006
Subjects / Keywords: College
Caribbean   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: North America -- Bahamas -- Nassau
Coordinates: 25.0661 x -77.339
 Record Information
Source Institution: College of the Bahamas, Nassau
Holding Location: The College of The Bahamas, Nassau
Rights Management: Copyright 2006, The College of the Bahamas. All rights reserved.
Resource Identifier:
System ID: CA00299024:00001

Full Text

Wednesday, May 31, 2006
7:00 p.m.
St Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
Hunters, Grand Bahama
The Bahamas

Presiding Pastor Fr Reginald Dcmeritte

"The Futur Is Ours: Let's Invent It"


Presiding Fr '7egi ld '-.r-'ii- Rector
St Vincent de Paul

Musical Prelude Church Organist
Keith Saunders

Processional Hymn I J)\ Thank We rl! Our T..dj

Now thank we all our God with heart and hands and voices
Who wondrous i-.r;i :i r i i done. in whom His world rejoices:
Who, from our -,:ithri.:' arms. hath blessed us on our way
With (:iile:: 'i : i of love, and :ii is ours today.

0 may this bounteous God -ir 'ijr all our life be near us,
With ever joyful hearts and blessed peace to cheer us,
And keep us in His ]y'j:e. and .jii- us when perplexed.
And free us from ill 11., in ri world and ---: next.

All praise and r-i :, to God the Father now be given.
The Son, and Him who -l0, i. with them in '.' .' neaver
The one eternal God. whom i- ,n i and heaven adore:
For thus it was is now. and shall be evermore. Amen.

Alma Mater -,i

Where the :lue skies greet he palm trees ill aro nd.
COB our alma mater ,:iroud you stand.
We will come 'ron, every isle far and wide.
-noAwledge, Tru'r Integrity II be our gi,el':

Though apart we'll be together always friends,
Working h.jrd for love of country 'til -re end.
We will 'i.v to p-rai :. your name 'illed with pride.
Knowledge, Trulh Integrity will be our g. -i-e

Sherel Grant. Class of 2006
'l.:;': r : Movement SCM)
BBA ,- ,: Jil-, l

Dr ::: 1. C pr -Johnso-
Acting President
The ( :' of The : -

Donald Duncombe
:., 1 : :

First Scripture Reading Alicia -,. ;i Class of 2006
Psalm 37:22-37 .- : I ,. J: Cook

Those blessed b-,'- Lord shall .' but cursed
by Him Ir i die.
S11 1 i* i; isi F rrI P

each step they take.
If they fall it isn't fatal, for the Lord holds them with His hand.
I have been y,:.rilg and now I am old. And in all my years I have
never seen the Lord forsake a man who loves Him; nor have I seen
-Ire :hildrer of the godly go hungry.
Instead, -ri godly are able to be j~-:ri:rou- with their gifts and
loans to :11 i-r and -rhe :hil jrn are a blessing.
So if you want an eternal home, leave your evil, low-down ways
and live good lives.
For the Lord loves justice and fairness: He will never abandon
His people They e.iil be kept safe forever; but all who love
wickedness .uill perish.
The j:]', hil be firmly planted in the land. and live -here
The godly man is a good counsellor because he is just and fair
and knows right from wrong.
E. I men spy on the j:, d,. v. ili-; l for an excuse to accuse T're
and r.r, J:-,-,Ij:lla their death.
But the Lord .'. I not let these evil men succeed, nor let i 3:ldl,
be condemned when -r, are brought before the judge.
Don't be impatient for *'- Lord to act' 'i- ij, l i-lg .i,.1 I,
along His, 'r,., j, and in due season He will honour you with
every blessing, and you will see wicked destroyed.
I myself have seen it happen a .,. j and evil man. towering
i- a cedar of Lebanon. but when I looked again, he was gone! I
searched tut could not find him!
j' the good man what a .1 i-ere story! For ihe good man the
blameless rri- upright, the man of peace he has a wonderful
future ahead of him. For him :- is a happy ending.

Musical Selection

Second Reading
Romans 8 28-39

'I Can"
S- -. 7

C -., -- Harvey. Class of 2006
AA Computer -' ii Fr,,,: :: n

And we know that I that happens to us is ..:Hrgi for our : ti:d if
we love God and are '"" '-, into His J.i:,
For from -e very beginning God decided that those who came to
Him and 1'i along He knew who would should become like His
Son. so'- : Son would be -- First. .. many :-mii:
And 'j j chosen us. He called us to come to h-r' and when
we came. He declared us "not a .U'. i 'e 1r us ., i C-' : s
j):dij- e-. gave us right : ;'- ; with H .- and promised us
His glory.
What can we say to such wonderful -. as n.:-:r: If God is on
our side. who can ever be J '- us?
Since He did not spare even h: own Son for us but i.e Him up
for us all. won't He also surely '.- us -.: '- -: else?
.'., dares accuse us whom God has chosen for His own? /, I
God? No He is .: one who has forgiven us and J'.Eni us right

Who ;rie- ... condemn us? ,', Ci :'' No! For He is the one
who I .I, for us and came back to -' .a', r for us and is -. iiri.
at the place of 'i ::' honour next to God. i1 -i, for us there
in heaven
,','.. then can ever keep C-. :s love from us? When we have


Welcome Remarks


trouble or calamity, when we are hunted down or destroyed, is
it because He doesn't love us anymore? And if we are hungry,
or penniless, or in dringer, or threatened with death, has God
deserted us?
No, for the Scriptures tell us that for His sake we must be ready
to face death at every moment of the day we are like sheep
*jjiiirn slaughter;
But despite all this, overwhelming victory is ours -nrough Christ
who loved us enough to die for us.
For I am convinced that -olhirij can ever separate us from His
love. Death can't, and life can't. The angels ,oiii I, and all the
powers of hell itself cannot keep God's love away. Our fears for
today, our worries about tomorrow, or where we are high above
the sky, or in the deepest ocean nothing will ever be able to
separate us from the love of God demonstrated by our Lord Jesus
Christ when He died for us.

Message to Graduates Fr Reginald DEmtrill

Prayer with Response

Janice Edwards, Class of 2006
Diploma in Education, Chemistry

Melinda Green, Class of 2006
BEd Primary C eriicl,:ionr

Reader I:
O God, our Heavenly Father, Creator of the world and all that is in
it; You only are worthy of jl our praise and honour. All wisdom
comes from You and to You we owe all our successes. Through
our Lord Jesus Christ You have promised to hear us when we
pray and so now Father hear us as we pray for this country, The
Bahamas, and its people.

We ask Your blessings on all those who govern and lead this
country, in all spheres of governance. Give them the gift of
foresight, of courage and of service. May Christ be their source
and their guide.

Into Your loving care we commend all institutions of learning,
r,.rir uijriv the College of The Bahamas and all its constituents,
especially at this critical period in its history. As we move towards
university status, teach us to ask for Your guidance so that all we
do may be governed by Your will

W e j:4. Ih.il i0u direl Ihr: n jllr.in jli iI:. people jid 31l Ihrl
pe,,ople. o I he world in Ihe ..':. oi righieo:,i .e:i.': u i n:i- irnulh
and h',.e :,:, Ih tacl piud e unijrn ] prj:pel,; m j';, prt.,..vil anmiir
.311 people evervywher' e We hrihV i 'j I ou lor Ihe (C uege :,I The
',j31.Ti M3:. ai nd .l1 hrio erngid e i ild well.jre

Reader II:
irni Ill rnio:.I ;r.a ioiuJ. F31her Ihjl w ITijn i now n, uj ', Lori ,Jid
iall IJrIpInl tIj In e:. i :l uni.I eridinl I ijLe l. j u tI U i\ i Vo 1'ur l Iim
Ilru l :1 .r i]Ud.nJ ( T .- wer. :enr i e 10 IJ oril l i llwh ri :h r I tpie.}.Jh I
in i' ou r .:.irQhi W e (cITirn riL ii:, 1 our itierry mIe le.ld(r:.OI Ihet
C.Ollege I Trie 1B.3 l.3h ..:. ]id .ill ir,-ve ., .,lll r po:..l:,lhi, Ior iI:.

smooth and honest administration, particularly the Council and
Administrative body, as well as those in positions of public trust;
that they may fulfill their high calling with ri'egrily, humility, and

Grant godly wisdom to all those in positions of authority and trust
that they may promote godlimnei:s. prosperity, peace and harmony
among all constituents and so move the College to the position of
excellence for which we all yearn.

Reader I:
We pray especially for those who teach and those who learn that,
with rhe Holy Spirit's guidance, they may accomplish their goals
and promote excellence in all they do. We ask Your blessings at
this time on those who seek to establish the required academic
standards that they may seek first to establish truth, justice, and
honesty and that they may e:.pe i tIhe personhood of those they

We pray Your blessings on the members of the graduating Class
of 2006; enable them by Your grace to accept the demands of
scholarship, the privilege of ijdui:dii:irn, and the opportunities
which education provides for leadership in any -uIjin. Help them
to understand that learning is an ongoing process for all who wish
to influence change.

Enilghiien with Your Holy Spirit all places of education and
learning that those who teach and those who learn may look to
You as the source of all learning. Remind them that all wisdom
comes from You. And, in the College of The Bahamas, may
true knowledge, sound wisdom, godly discipline, honesty, and
integrity abound.

Reader II:
We pray for the various schools in the College that they may work
together to prepare progrimnrrie that will be empowering and
nurturing not only for the students but for the wider community.
May the Colliepj be the example of good leadership, good work
ethic, and academic excellence, thus providing students with the
qualities necessary for nation building

i.i -e IJ: S l']oill courjl ge ajnd IIl'e Awillinri e: : ii: ij e o.i
iWIj dqlu](| ,: ill: I. l rlnl:, ,jind re:,' i.irn e' [ imiprolpe our ri-
i:l:irld lll rn: i It:I i lhl ullJ !erve l E ll : .rn, i, bI lri. glor, l, 1,ilijr
rhi:I, r.jn, e

Reader I:
IrJir : l :i F3hrier ,.e Ih.3iin r:u i'or prir ii ,I guardians,' s$
Ijrn-m, a3jn trhiI en: who privi die suppol:jt f dieen
101 Ihi i rdadudels during inelr long yeV iiil

ask that You :lrrnglhen them and grant them the privilege and joy
of sharing in these celebrations.

Heavenly Father. i.ir.ngilr,,n we pray 'r. bonds of family and may
they be inspired by our achievements to continue their support as
we establish ourselves in the work to which You have called us.
Enfold us in Your love so that :git0-.,r we may reveal Your II:',
to the whole world.

Reader II:
For our communities and jil those who confess Chr st as L)rd
:ir-:rigiri us we pray raj we may be examples of brother /love.
of Christian charity, beacons of igr' shining in the darkness of
igni,:rarji,:H .Iij ng the way for ',,,:- who come after us.

May our pursuits of knowledge and the advancement of ouY
:ii, be used in the advancement of mankind and may :ilI : .. be
challenged to -o:uli:,. in our ,.j'" .. j

Readers Together:
And so Lord. accept our praise and our Il.j-:- -.:; for j T
have done for us and will do for us as we put our future in 'our
hands. We thank You for -r 'i of '- i-1' i and for 'r, pat ence
of teachers: for 'r- example of scholarship and Ji: :ipi ., of
work. We thank You for -ih-, comfort and support of family a id
friends, and for rhi resources You so .:.:ouri'ii. ,11 provide. %\e
thank You for the beauty of these lands which we :j i home and
for Your faithfulness towards us. We thank You for ta ents a'id
skills, and Your ;jin care. May we use our to glorif i You
and to walk according to Your :i. ,: ..

Enable us 0 Most Holy God to leave -rn: .- ij:11 ii walls with
hliit iul hearts and to hold high the :-iii: *L-r -pu' j :,n of 1
College of The Bahamas as we venture ., ir You into -n- future
.iirl -;' in .i ig, Tirulh and Integrity.

Benediction Pastor Robert Lockhart
Chaplain. 'l:.iri: I Campus

Recessional Hymn

"When We Walk With The Lord"

When we walk with the Lord in the nrll of His word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
'Ariei we do HI. good will, He abides :..li us still,
And .%Aii il who .ill trust and obey.

Trust and obey, for there's no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share.
But our toil He doth richly repay:
Not a grief or a loss. not a frown or a cross
But is blest if we trust and obey. CHORUS

:,' we never can prove the 1- iurii, of His love
Until jii on the altar we lay:
For the favour He shows. and ', joy He bestows
Are for -rer- who will trust and :b-. CHORUS

Then in :..*,: sweet we .. st at His feet.
Or we'll .. by His side in the way:
What He says we ., 1. do. where He sends we ... II .:
Never fear. only trust and obey. CHORUS


Aci nowiedgerr enis

'.,:'" 1.. '3. i : Campus Graduation C,: i i ~'e
Juliet Spence Chair
Dr Coralee Kelly
Maggie Turner
Jean Bowes
Don Maples
Wilola Carroll
Devain Maycock
Remanda Seymour