' A • ST * ~ ' ■4* • >*
■‘* • :•• - f ' -‘ $ • x ■■".•—* K ' > =|PS
â– JBI3) , k w , -. e _.... -. Tiifi % _., ~ (Ko. 560
ITinlzt dollars p. annum
**** «l - ,— ...1
BIMII I • •—------nsyr .., , u., —- "i „• ■•
EaNBESTEEDING. —Aannecmerstothet
â– mikeii van een Kraal, rondoin de voorbt Ifte van bet
I Jtf No. altes van good boerewy hunt, de stylen 6,
â– Ximen 'icrkant en 8 voeten laug, (zynde 3 vt. in den
Bbmnd en 5 vt. boven denznlven) staande 6 voeten
elkanderen, de latten 5 voeten langSditim breed
â– en 1 duimdik, de dwarslopende latten 24 voe! lang
I Idtiimen breed en 2 duirnen dik, de spykers door
♦ I deft Aannemer te leveren, en voorts alies hegt en
I stork te maken op de manicren als by den Heere H.
I W. Hackmabn te web is.— De Aannemers, in beslo-
|j Hbilietteii, voordo Leverantic van hetdaartoe bc-
I nootlLgrle houtyn gerned maken van geinelde Kraal,
M (welke voordrn 20 December aanstannde moet in or orj
j orj dcrzyn), zullen ontvaiigen worden ten huizen van
I den Deere J. G. F. Thiensina, en gcopcnd worden
!• ep het Erf No. 0, op den 1 Augustus uapstaande ten
I tircn th s umklags.
W Bfc betaaling £n| direkt geschiyden na de geheele
I voltooijiine van h l wyrk <>n na goedkeuring.
â– Berbice, '22 Jifh , 1815.
KsO!) to h’’J 0 inch crabwood Lumber, A '
â– tyoo to Mso feet 1 inch do.
to 5000 valiaba shingles, >
» 20 to 30 casks building lime,
I 5 Kegs Sfl. Nt its,
I 5 do. 10d. do,
| 2 dozen hand-saw Files,
If 2 do. whip-saw do.
I 2 do. cross-cut do.
L For which Tenders wilt be received at the Agency
I* Dtficr, till Tuesday 251 b instant, at 12o’clock. Cash
I on delivery.
| If a discount can be allowed. for delivering the
I Limber or shingles nt DankLaarheid or Santvoort
| PI mtation, thosame to be stated. * 22 July.
I LOST cn Tuesday last , from P Imitation Pal Palmyra,
myra, Palmyra, a white fox hound Bitch, that answers to the
p un? of Music, a reward of one Joe will be thank thankfidl
fidl thankfidl v given for her recovery.
22 July. B.JEItERY.
IN QUSTO DV of the undersigned, a white
Sitillion, w hich, if not released, will be sold, after
three times haying been advertised, according the
proclamation vl the Court of Policy, of this colony.
£2 July. A.F. FISCHER,
’ Duly Authorised.
TE KOOP ter dezer Drukkery.—De Constitutie
voordc Vercrnigdc Nedcrlandcn, prys /3.~—de Ma Manicre
nicre Manicre van Procejcret) vom den Rove van Civiele Jus Justice,
tice, Justice, in de kolgnie Berbifie, /3 —10. —het.Oktrony
dcr kolonie Bernice/3« —Hoilandsche en Etigclw he
• Wisselbrievcn en Schryfboeken,
pinnen, ink, otc.
FOR SALE at thisOlKce.—Tho Planner of pro procodings
codings procodings brinre the (’ourt of Civil Justice, of th r rbire,
bire, rbire, at /5-I0. —The Charter of Berbice at J’3*—
Bills of Exchange and l ading, Books, &C.
TEKOQP, de volcynde goederen, aayg'e aayg'eagngebraft
agngebraft aayg'eagngebraft per Capt. iiwart, tot de neycnstaaiulc
Wsa pryzenGencvcr in kelders a / 22.—- dito
extra goede in kruikjes a> /25. het doUzyh,— zocte
melkscheen Levdsche kaazen van 16 lb. a^/‘9. —E-
daramerdo. Edaramerdo. a f 2-15.-'--ham a fl. per Jb.—boter a
f 20. per tautje,—cade Grenada rum a f 4. per gall.
J 15 July. J.G. F. TIiIENSAh.
UgN FOR GLASGOW, the Ship Belle-
Isle, Thomas Todd, Master, to sail from
hsince in all October; fpr freight or passage apply
toi the Master on board, nr to ’
WHO have received by the above vessel, the fol following
lowing following arfclcs, which they offer for Sate on their
usual twms, viz Gordon Duff Inglis
London particular Madeira wine in pipes, hhds. and
quarter casks ', a light fashionable Gig, a general as assortment
sortment assortment of Plantation Stores, also 50 hhds, coals,
wlaich will be sold reasonable if taken from alongside.
. 15 July.
DEN ondergeteekendc maakt hiernevens be bekend,
kend, bekend, dat hy tot zyne Gemachtigde, by Procuratie,
heeft aangesteld totyvaarneining van alle zyne zaken,
denheer A.
Saturday, july 22.
7 FOR SALE, a few hogsheads of excellent
French Claret, at six Joes cash.
22 July. M, LINDNER.
’ ■■„,,, . n—-
Capt. T. ZWAR? informeerd een iegelyk
die bet aangaal/voorncmcns te zyn, oro met. de door
hem nnyeeds gpcontracteenlc lading van co|iy, met
zyn schipde Johanna Margaretlcd) van doze rivier
naar Amsterdam te retdurneren voor hot einde dezer
rnaand, en derhalven nkl (anger in lading te zullen
leggen als tot Jen 25sten dezer, zullende positief zyn
Brievesak slniten op den 29stcn dezer maand; 10-
mand genegen zynde met voorz. sebip nog eenige
afscheepinge te dnen, adresscren zicb by voornoem voornoemde
de voornoemde Capt. zelve op het Erf No. 14, aan de stad Nieuw
Amsterdam.—ls July.
FOR 8 A LE by the Subscribers, at their Storo
on Lrtt No. 4, for immediate payment :—Prime New
Gimdland fish in 6 & 8 quintal casks, Yorkshire
bams, pickles, pease, barky, oysters, almonds, rai raisins,
sins, raisins, currants, tripe in jars, mustard, black pepper,
hyson & gun-powder tea, sallad oil, salt in tierces,
getUlemeii’s cloalhing, hosiery, woollen soykS} scar scarlet,
let, scarlet, blue, black, green, olive A brown cloths,
kersemere, flannel &do. jackets, .green baize, table
covers, do. with borders, Negro clothing m d blan blankets,
kets, blankets, perfumery ass'- ’, boots shoes, fowling pie pieces,
ces, pieces, an assortment q. jr msnonger v, cast & German
steel, f errt & whip sa .vs 6 &7 feel long, lock- frame frametcniiet
tcniiet- frametcniiet frit- & hand-saws, files of al! description, car carpenter
penter carpenter & coojMT adzes, double & single plane irons,
felling kxes, locket gauges, chisels, drawing knives,
poke xhuve>, squares, braces & bitts, w<)od & horse
rasps, augurs, cleavers, brass cocks, sauce pans, boi boilers,
lers, boilers, tea kettles, frying pahs, sad irons, glue kettles,
nnih from 4(1. to srockery ware, glass do. setts
of table services, &.c.
15 June. fe BROWN.
DRIFTEiro r xS lO the night
tween theGth and 7th iest. from Lot No. 21, a four
oai’d small boat, being green and black painted: any
pefsuij giving information ol the above boat, will ba
rewarded.—ls July. B. ZIEGLER.
— — — —-?
Tiyi Subscriber offers for 8 de, Four thou thousand
sand thousand cubic feet of buiiettree Timber, from 5 to 18
inch square, to be delivered in town on short notice.
J -L u, y ? L . H ‘ '
Per de JcrrANK.4 M-AHG.inETzrA, Capt. TjebLo
Sxart, is aan^fbrap:t y en wordt tot civiele prysen
door den omh rps tecktnde, op het Erf van dtn hecr
J. F. Ober muller, Verkocht:—
BESTE Rhyn’tvyn, dito rodew yh in kisten
en per douzyn, trommels banket, Secretaris en an-,
dere k'neken, godrobgde appc.lcn en peren, waseb
kaarserf, pah ntc Engelscbe lampen en dito olio, sup
fine douker hlaamv en grorn laken, nette laarsen en
schoenvn, geruite, Unnetis, gesnvde kurken, sync
fpedkaarten, kopejr ton»el dozen, linnen band, ve veters,
ters, veters, Bokke kraien, Ncgytpypen, kantoor boekifn in
schapc band, Hollands'cb oast on schryf papifif, alle
short van kinder speel good, &c.
8 July; ; w ' van ROSSEN.
wkn , mm
This is to inform the Public, that the following
Persons intend quilungihis colon)/,
llohert Elwis, in 6 weeks fiom 24 June.
A. A. de la Court, will quit this Colony, Juno 30.
James Fodrringham in 6 weeks from 15 July*
*Nathani»l Hunt in do. from do.
Edward Hunt in do. from do.
Adam Stewart in 6 weeks from 2? July.
Thomas B. Walter in do. from do.
R. C; DOWNER, Sec.
1 ■. — ...
Notice is herebi/ given, that a month after date the
folio-wing Transport s and Mortgages will be passed
June 17. W. Henery qq. Francis Stewart, will trans transport
port transport 10 roods of land and the buildings thereon,
situate cn lot,No. IS, north side, to W. Rata.
W. Hencry will transport to John M’Camou
J»ily 8. W. Ross qq. H. Rose, will transport to De,
merary 52 Negroes, mames to be seen al this Of Office.
fice. Office. .
July 15. Francis Brittlebank, qq. the Assignees of
John Dawson, will transport to James Roberts
and Hugh Bethune, qq., Alexander Tulloh, of
'London, the Eastern half of Lot 38, West coast
of Berbice.
a:.:.,;...-.'..;, —
Notice is'hcreb)/ givent, hat the ordinary Sessions
of the Court of Civil Justice, which were to have
been held on Monday the 11th July, are postponed
until Monday the 31.« t July, 1815.
Secretary's Office, Berbice, 14th July, lßls.
' P»y Command,
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
—■—- ■>— —'
N O Tl FI CAT! ON.—By the. Ifonorable Court of
Policy and Criminal Justice of the Colony Her*
bice.—-To all to whom these presents may or
shall come, greeting! Be it known:
WHEREAS a vacancy has again occurred in the
Court of Policy and Criminal just ice, of lh« ( €i>lmiv
Berbice, by the departure from this c-Fmy, ; of
James Fnwerand John MfCamon, and by reasoti of
Ihe late appointment of the Honorable IF.' Kats,
having been declined by that Gentleman ■and a m»-
minalion having been made by the Honorable Court
of Policy, to supply th ir places. His Excelhncy the
Governor has been pleased to. select John taping
Esq., the Rev. Francis B’hitficld, and ‘David ('ar ('arnegie,
negie, ('arnegie, Esq., to be Members of the Court of Policy and
Criminal Justice.—Notice whereof is hereby given,
that the inhabitants of the colony may icspegt tfros#
Gentlemen in tlieiwcapacity.
Secretary's Berbice, 3d July, ffelß.
By Commaml,
R.C. DOWNER, Scry.
NOT IFICAFIO .V,— Ba the II onorablC Court of
Policy and Criminal J ustice, of the colony Ber Berbice.
bice. Berbice. To all to whom these .presents may or
shall come, greeting! be it known t
W'H EREAS a vacancy has again occurred in the
Court of Policy and Criminal Justice, of this col my;
the Court having been pleased to udinit of the reasons
assigned by the Hon..l.Tapin for-hisnonarceptanceof
the appointment made in his favor as 74eudx*r of ih if
Court And a nomination having been made bv the
Honorablo Court of Policy to supply his place*, His
F. Brittlebank, Esq. to be a Member of the Court of
J’olicv and Criminal Jnsf ice. Notice whereof is here hereby,
by, hereby, given, that the Inhabitantsoflbe colony may res*
pect that gentleman io his capacity accordingly.
Secretary's Offcc, Berbice, V2th July, 1815.
. By Command,
- C. DOWNEiL Sec.
< ; fderbicc, Ith July, 18(5.
BLANK RETURNS tor Produce, ma. j
on Estates, for the six months f from the 3\st
day of December last to Ist day of '(his month ;) are
now ready f6r dgjivuiy, i t this Otfice; which Re Returns,
turns, Returns, arc to be made m all this month, under tender
of Oath. -
D. AtLT, Dep. Rye. Gtn.
y -— - - ■— . .
W m. CROFT has recently iniported, and for
Sale at the Store of J. B. Rule, Esq. the following
articles, viz,—Beef and pork in half barrels,
Houf, pease, barky, beer, porter, win’e, soap, can candles,
dles, candles, fine Irish linen & sheeting, Lowe’s patent shirt shirting,
ing, shirting, musquito netting, damask (able cloths, ging ginghams,
hams, ginghams, calicoes, fine and common cotton cambric, Ro Romat,
mat, Romat, linen, cotton and printed handkerchiefs, geu geutleinen’s
tleinen’s geutleinen’s cloatbing, consist ing of coats, vests, jackets,
tfowsers and pantaloons, black, blue, brown & green
broadcloths, stationary assorted, amongst which are
excellent ledgers, journals, day, cash, and let!< r
books, tool chests, writing desks, and
shoes, Negro cloating consisting of jackets, trowsers,
hats, shirts, laps, &c. &c. and various other articles,
which will be sold cheap to close safes.—-8 July.
~ — — _„ ,_
FOR SALE, twenty hogsheads of Sugaranrt
ten puncheons of Rum, the produce of Plan at ion
Ilcrstelling.. the above will be received
at the house of Dr. Beresford, on lot No. I, until
Tuesday the 11th
when the highest offer, if approved, wiU be .accept .accepted
ed .accepted of.—B July. B. J. SChWIERS.
- *■?-■y. w . . 4»'». -
STRAYED or STOLEN, from Pktutatiorr
Palmyra, on last Tuesday’s night, a large hr?milo
Bull, and a brown Cow with a white spot in her fore*
bead and the tops of both horns cut of; wimev'er-caff
give any inforjuation of thcqij|#» as to load to their
discovery, will be handsome! v mvnnlcff-
8 July K. JLEFERY,
> *
“""T ‘ ' ■!'" ," ,h " 1 "gfr — —
[Payab/e in advance.
t - s V 4 / 0-- -■»
■»• a <. ■** r
Mtbuc vehdvb.
without reserve, hme, terras, temper lime, bricks
oread in barrels, starch, paint & oil, ham,
claret, green;pease, barley, rul rulptiL',
ptiL', rulptiL', laberdam, oats, checks, pipes, &c.
. P C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Maafer.
On Thursday 27th infant will be sold the follow follow;
; follow; fog goods, without reserve: 2 puncheons bats, 2 do.
cohec bags, a parcel of carpenter took, plantation
stores, saddlery, coffee and cotton bagging, 2 casks
h-uns, 10 boxes soap and 10 do. candles, 12 dozen
Port and 12 dozed sherry wine, stationary, a parcel
nails in kegs of 50 lbs. each, paints & oik spirits of
turpentine, neats foot oil, &c. ’ â–
Ou the same day, beef and pork; gold and silver
buttons, watch chains, and scab, broaches and loc lockets,
kets, lockets, egr and finger rings, â–
By order of James AValke f, Esq . Principal Agent]
for the Crown Properties hi this..colony 37 kegs best
Bristol temper lime, packet in puncheons j which will
be sold without reserve-
the same day I h*', r s , tdue Master in com comieissie,
ieissie, comieissie, 5 frorrev, a chaise & harness, 2 riding mules,
ti stiver stop watch with patent lever, 2 or 3 setts al
pbrin breakfast # dinner services, ready niad<
and jewellery.—The whole al 3& G months credit,
'—the horses warranted sound, and there area
of ponies amongst them that draw very gentle toge together
ther together or separately.
11. (J. CAMERON. Dep. Vendue Master.
On Monday the 31st inst. will be sold, by order of
Alexander Fraser, qq. HenftebPs Estates, at Planta Plantation
tion Plantation Eddcrtown, west coast, SO a 40 bead of fine cat cattle,
tle, cattle, a horse and mule, also the whole of the furniture
so the dwelling house, as,lately occupied by the dec.
Mr. J. Broderick, consisting in mahogany dining ta tabios,
bios, tabios, card do, side boards, bedsteads and beds, sofas,
diairs, glass and earthen ware, knives Sc forks, wall
candlesticks and shades, glass lamps, &c.
D.C Cameron, Ucp. Vendue Master.
- — „
ffo Thursday 3d August will be sold, by on ler of
V’jn. Ross, Esq. qy. outlie spot, Plantation CDanics,
l.n niu as Lot No, 5% and | of Lot Nb. 33, with ail
its buildings,« u!livdfion,a?jd further appurtenances,
pijaMe mb, 12, N'IS months.
At the.same time2oosheep and 70 head of cattle,
the stock of Pi relation 7Wt»gfr, * known to be am amongst
ongst amongst the duysiih t|ih colony, also cotton bagging,
paints and oil, carpnifer and cooper tools, hues and
shovels. Payable in 3 and G months.
~ D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Fendne Mester.
On Mrnday the Mth of August will lie sold, by
or Irr mid at the house of A. A. dels Court, Esq' the
w hole of his ..household furniture, most of which has
lately arrive I from London, chiefly’ consisting of
rev and elegurt silver cases, writers and other silver
ware, g.ulrobh edged plated articles, viz, a
a complete sett of large and small dishes and covers,
c indie sticks arid chandeliers with spare shades, tea
and hand waiters, Imilor & cruet stands, porter copt,
a tea uhj, &c. mahogany bedsteads and furniture a
patent dinisg table, tor 24 covert, board, sofas,
card & pembroke tables, Grecian Chairs, trays, fla flawed
wed flawed pictures, lamps, looking glasses, ward robes,
chest or dra wfertp washhand stands, a number rtf layge â–
new iaole cloths, napkins, a complete blue Ulljßser- i
▼ice lor 24 people, £ fashionable tea Servic<‘>,
French wales pvis, new stUlery amongg which isArn
/mt. rggerN harness compi le, cutlery, tin- brass- iron
and glass- irfTe, .>ome Very old and fchoi& liquors,
Mednra wine in bottles, tec.
AM a negro mon and woman, the former a cook,
the latter a house servant, at 3 rnoutijs credit.
G ' vnhout reserve, a few pqx-s Madeira wine
axa o .fut, hock,champaign, coustantia, and iron iron*j
*j iron*j ,uac l<: rd wines by the dozen.
.( am erox. Dtp. Vendue Master.
No news ’ War had not* been proclaimed on the
■JO.th of June.—H was reported that Murat, in one
of t’m* late engagements in Italy, had been taken pri prisuDcr
suDcr prisuDcr by the Austrians.
’ ■f\ “ Barbados, June £f».
« XVe stated in on r last a report having teach cd us
via ?rEirt th? tri-coluured flag flying at Gau Gauriel'
riel' Gauriel' upe,.;—thn»'nd'liigcnceifsconfirmedbvthoarrivid
<4 Uie »(oop Ann Itobinson this mpnriOg* from Ahti Ahtig*m—»)
g*m—») Ahtig*m—») Ipok place on Sunday th, Istb inst. Qn the
Eiufrie French Ggujetal Hover wait at Point Kter,
which J'lhcc heieWthat night and arrived the next
the RbuoAlßciedibk short
I *,-’ ■. r :
mg, and at clew oVlock planted the tri-coloured flag
on a.ll he fortrtSse?,, under a salute of 21 guys. This
meptire had occasioned great disturbance, and it is
learnt the consequence wilt be dreadful, as the plan plants
ts plants and inhabitants, of the Island had stated their de determination
termination determination to take up arms and resist the further nro nrogress
gress nrogress of the French troops. The Intendant, next in
rank to the Governor, viewing the storm approaching,
w ith more apprehension, got on board a small sloop,
and made his escape to the Saints, where a British
;fa y‘ n .«> supposed to be the Barbados.
The Governor has since been released, and has
l«m med h ’’ UK * io,iS unde J. the authority of Napo Napo“
“ Napo“ The French schooner of war, Morche, had that
morning arrived from St. Martin’s, with the Bourbon
flag flying; and Immediately on her anchoring was
taken possession of by a guard of so diers, who were
sent on board for that purpose. The officers belong,
mg to the schooner, who Iwd a momeut before laud laud-etl,
-etl, laud-etl, were arrested.
k. £ tr ,°°P ß at GuiicleToupe amount to
H ’ B co,nmarid of General Eowver.
i brought up dispatches from
Co . Nixon, the Commander of tie froopsat Antigua,
" tO * !hc
anotifeu ACCOUNT.
u Barbados, Jidy I.- <
w ?*. nve heard some pi; titulars
m (lie proceedingsatGuadefonpe,mpon replacing the
htani bird ot France with that of the (mitrner
of its Ehrofte. It appears, that I*Aiglc schooner Inrd
arrived at that Colony with disjnttthes from Bdna Bdnaparfe
parfe Bdnaparfe s Minister of Marine, enjorningtheTroverhor to
hoist the tri-colourcd flag, mid maintnip hisaiitbnrit’-
as Emptor of rhe French nation. This, it is r »hi,
was at firs! ilesiregarded t but General Eoyer and the I
troops, as well as the reb< llions of the’inlribimnfs
ot r <»nt-ritreand Basseterre, havingbecoineai quaia*-
, y.’ l
ed mission,demanded Lmoi3'.immediatecompliance, and in tact placed
I him arrest lor two houfvwbea he submitted •
• and on (he inoramg ot the J9ih the Ihvyni of
Jeon was placed on the fortification. Governor Li Lij
j Lij nois has since inn .da i’re.chcaation, In which it is
dechred. that Hum? m aujhority will live or die un untier
tier untier thyiresent barnier, and he exhort, the inhabbantf
to be fattMul to tlw
lOBPS had ewcaH to th:faints, w d claimed British
protection w hich Mas Worded W W tris Maiedi-’k
Mg Mug there }
Lor lum (hrs wasthe case, M be had beta purruelhy
« rebel force, and pe ISt * demand; bat lt>is was
} '/ Ch, H d > l ’â€j
sd lu staled, hat as the Intendant had solicit, d his
Inchon, he.should cont |mie to it as low as
n?S! 1 K * r<^ unc
1 «** respectable portion of the pqmL-
Hen <4 Guadeloupe are in favour of Louis X Vill —
in Whose cause they -.voidd take up arms,. were there
W P r " bablh 7 agatnrf the other
° Bariitfos, 3.
Ins emme lor Marti,„ t! „e, .l wrej » s ure
state rt, bu rwepfam ttas hr different. Upon pre-
dispatcbes, tv be k«n Be.
parte, hie Emperor, the loyal aniFfaWui Governor
exclaimed, ‘ I know tM > such authority this
ihjttiunof BoriaiMrtos returned foom>wer,—■“ Do not
know Jbun! Ihe will soon |p C h you i s .†Th e
uW° r ° lfn immediately or.
dered custody,, ami had the vessel taken
Charge oi and placed under the white flag.,
_ The numerous Msoubtage rs trnopi at llsrhados,
iroro whence they ore daily departing for Maruaiquc,
would induce a bchel th it often ivc operations against
Guadeloupe are in contemplation. On the Istimit.
500 men or tbejsiW. I. Regiment arrived at Rar Rarbados,
bados, Rarbados, from Jamaica and on the 3d, upwards of 700
of the Royal
ifland of Upt. Jack, from Trinidad and Tabago, and
* treiW j e < Wee companies
oi the Bth W7l. Regiment had sailed for Martinique,
and the remainder oi (hat corps were to follow jmin*.
diately. A number of Artillery and of
ordnance stores together with the bcavvhmsar/
the 25th aiKl9bW York Rangers bad like wiseaeoart
cd for the same place. - -cuepan-
Though wetave been in the habit of giving a most
attentive consideration to the proceedings oi Parlia Parliamenlfor
menlfor Parliamenlfor rauy prewediug Serious, w , „ wr our .
™ ’ and 7“ nu *??“ M ,I,id OTnc
Z ? c, " e, ±. r ,’ “V*"" 1 *? scene to r.hat
,0w PMUuueulltas utwUed ,iu es the
■>■• ‘ V
(tie prcwjnt li? .swp. ft fr io the
pidme aflairs, that the (); p otion dm u |.l f
apd Mfrt, and one,* Uo haj tffi
country at heart, would pardon, or p. d, 1 1 ,b « I
mend them, even for much petulance and C, ’ m » I
in cmisjderation for the real benefit of their
supervision. But this spirit of opposition i S( $ 1 **.1
ly earned too far, when it directly interfere wt
Oppostlion-Pleiupotcntiary in the Court of sfl
.tersburghj and assured the Empress Catherine
this niostuncoustrfutiond medium, that ber’v M
up?n OckzaMw not be opposed; thai 3|
British Government indeed regarded } lcr I
with great jealousy, amF that Ac Ministry wonk?’ I
deayoar a war, but that the Opnosiii ()1 ; J
Parliament was very saong. and that he doubtediSl
by (heir means, to conucul the inclinations of Z I
< ruvcrnmcnL Ihe presettt < >ppnsition seem to
adopted %oh;e ofjhese principles of the Lead'-r £1
W b Oin t hey w ere formed. 11 tan not denied* iißl
there has been an indecorous, and cmfrmly I
impolitic correspondence and intercourse betwASl
some foreign states and the.leaders of OpporifrH
imdfimtjhe layer have thus been enabk d rnosUEH
caciou f to IrnmAs his Mnjest/Ufovernnient.
Mr. Whitbread, who takes the lead so thesfSJl
Ur’-supon (ha-riwramit, had empbuTd
main in of >Txati
turns io Lord ( asikreagb, and
p.. 1... the ftrXc/ „i Uti. h I
paie h»s Lor(fh:pamllh‘ Biia g h b, sark
of g i.ai t.. j(h towards this King of Naples.———Tim j
ni.ii'Chi i oi ihe.se questions was daily vbjixtrd loiiA b
mm h force by iris Lortfsbipmid tfo- .rffor M
1 h'y suggested that thcaOuirwf xNaplon was not Te pl
|dtcfoed uh he Congress. Picsfid ciicuftistanecs we» I
i such as might induce, and perhaps compel, thc*Al- I
lied 1\ wers to ihake some
tfo JimotTorol Austria, jhc resull’Wwhii h mwb I
uiaterWly atfccl tbo n state qf Naples ,u, I
|.BK tW-
U> mt.grmlent dcvefoyeiucnu and might cx*Wl
wluch would endanger or
U found i.tv »iry I in s.an, fu<|
evfe, to oppose Iht st- just jrasonuigs p» ifo: obstiii ft 1
ynfousy «n Mr. XV hitlnead ; were I
m ;X I : ‘ d '’ and ai ‘
1 I d.answer was at. length given, a. ,1 v. • never rJh
■i member a mere sarttfeilory v .ie. \V ( . « cv er rcnufil
her any octagon io which t|||? vexations, Ar.l
waoi, P* *P*rit of • triumph], g Oi uqaition «utl
1 worn cwwfll&dy put
■, Ithpputmi by tM.-answer, that she condurl «i’|
Gic reiaiimis ot ides might be up mshtai
paints, and that th h sud vl (ta whute All
uat bad l«Hi< ifed tmr hnUird engagement by Libo|||
iH-faiffi; tlrnt wt had iiWpHcitly agreed (vrccogijrl
hpiHJpup a coudilivn of huJhnhfU and brail y
.a the con.r.n.3‘caoic, b
such fiudi and .such hearty skiceritv, be had all *.3
Jung phiy'ti a «!<»uhk j ui\ and b ■dai:h i4 Jk ia v JijH
ted lh«j escape m the l rcm.ii when th e ludl
them in Uu\rpower. I
The first onhese pointa wsi, that Austria Lnd mafle 1
a .treaty with Mur^|sn.fa:ri. ie uy tinit Eixpl
land hud acceded lona <>T an ariuistMwa
* n W WOfWh wl * eb * W ’ 1 h, ‘ Q 1 †1 • th» ‘‘t ttatl
Irehfyund the Armistice that Myrat, as th 1
fiijsteptpuu -ffitqluai ijKmice, dimld unite Lil
lbc . and sbtfhld coopercie wiib I
men m tae dciivcrwnce as 'itiJv. As far as I
appturaiicfs w, rd concerned, Marut mkde iji ls 1
amfclred his nlipulattti quota.
is,.that Lord VV. Benfmrk, qm
a*iriis!er at the Court oi Palermo, very tgariv r<*ii»e»
sentvdwuur (juverjiment al home, th ? t Murat «w1
wHhsa double fa fib • (hat he evidently hH
’ hiawrdt suspended in orden to unite withlhe urote.
v§l, and Ilia!, bisco*opcriHioji was no more than w‘3i
necessary tb save appearances. Casdcrcal,
with a very na/nral distrust of Lord W. [> ;l tin<&J
knnwn feei tugs, defended tlx? conduct of Murat,®
tHMismittcd Lord \V , Bentink’s memorial (o die .fak
sliian Getieral fo< hisopiniolj and observation?.
Murat, by this time, imagining himsr-it to beside*
ly jellied ou his ihruur, had in some degree threhn
oi Ids former nmsk, and very
bis best friends, the Au&trjan Governnißt/by frfrM
gues to excite in Rolognn, Milan,, JW*
ram, &c. Gmn Nugent, theretgjre, rcUinwd a reply/’
that Lord A\ . representations Were well
founded, and that theahiauce and co-ycraMy. of gfQ gfQiai
iai gfQiai had been of (be character represented by Li s Lord*
* a *"*jf**y „ (•>*
The third^point is still more conclusive. LordOl* j
according to hit owu was still
unwilling to give implicit credit to these memuriab
against Murat, and was still that he should
reap the coodiUoa Treaty and the Arm JiirA
H I&t all doubt of MnWs ctiarncfef was at once re re'
' re' bv the documents of the Foreign Office, at
J p.ris, which the unexpected capitulation of that ca ca«
« ca« frW'JOifa!. anil the authority of tint Provisional Gdvcrn Gdvcrn¥(M
¥(M Gdvcrn¥(M ■leiib l nit into the hands of the Allies.
! ‘* !; xiit ■Ain-'n*sttbr*'e docunienls were several letters to
lugl â– mJ iroiuTbe Court of NtKtfW, in which Murat evi evilly
lly evilly continued his (fouMe conduct long after the
B had been signed. ]t will be seen t|fat he wrote
* « parte to this effect, and that one
important letter, desired him to .continue to
the same manner, and to be careful that his
»’ wB lettci's acre not intercepted. Bona pa ite, hiqiself,
“» him as of (liesame double character and
v seems to make sure that his real wisk-
U< with him, and that he was only detained in
duding track his want of root al cou*
;*****. I p<’e. The litter cff Bonanare is curious in more
’'“•w f view than one. Bring a private letter, it
'its | »bew9 the character of the mon, and it is impossible
considering the circumstances of the writer
jt tlic tiine, tint if is maply, and sets him
r I afforo his cunning and doubly-dealing bro bro?
? bro? , " a L'| tL-r. Even Eliza Bonaparte writes like a woman of
jpirWaii^ilndour, which augments the contempt for
tTpon (he u hole, we refer our readers to
• 1 a J j (>!
■•idiw.l as ftili as itis curious of itufian poli-
I tics. ’* '3
>. documents â–
fttad Lord CasFtreaghin v his Speech in the
,1 mint t»j Cunni ons an the 2d Xtfj, 1815.
rfc.-L B Jf te. â– -'jf’ «mm•- ?f* ’*••â–
1 neb ■■• â–
1 â– â– 'â– M'h'sly by my reports oi theSih and 8; hos ibis month
'*** con "cu’eating m<>vement»'.p< rahai by the PriuC*'
‘ i! ' * ucra l ’P on * n consequence ot div circtim-
feifdnces which, induced me lo quit Florence, to order
I the ev.icuab »n oi ilinl < ity, and to assemble all the
b i hoopsof'thedivision upfiaprpoiiitof gre inn securiiy’.
I The Piinee has niamtained hiiuM-U at i*i~a till now,
f I hut’n viiig received ad vice of an English expedition,
’ ® ! - oun, ’ i ’ ! £ hy alltx/couuta 0,000 men J arid
Which appearstb be undoubtedly directed fromS.cily
b ,y â– zia, orGtiun, I havedetenoined
C F 1 Reorder t has his ret rraf may not be cut off by the only
'*â– Ji Mill remdiis opmi.
■X I l ' * *’ ave ,h 1 n confirmed in this plan by having as-
Tf ‘S certained that some Neapolitan troops, superior iu
are already at Pi st oy a, and have fercbd our
advanced (he passage
“ I rftsok.iow two IWci;et>iy intends (b cut off our
.uw CbmhHifecatiqps, by sfiznig the road which conducts
Pom I ’out r< mole to >p< zia, atjd the K ivivrn, di Genoa.,
t ,4 1 have thought b;<«vrr toghehiin noticctokecp
some trdeps upon which the Viceroy must have rec reck«
k« reck« hu, ami which *cry
f l t> vrv ie* elsewhere. ' , '
I “ projectsoithcKriglishand.Austriansdo
all the d» jubts which the pt-rsouai couduct ofthc King
tyl pf Naples might create. I oughtn 4to conceal from
vour Majesty that 1 bawicCeived from him several
ctter,f ’ a l Ytriabce with the operations of his
‘‘ The atafc of great a 'itnfion. Tie is
"* 1 &sloni'hed that the have retired from
th* Adige, and that J have tjiiitlcd Tuscany, upon
Jitbe noHon that he could be the enemy of your Majesty
ami of France. He loudly etpres. his devotion and
si R r * t titude for your petsdn, 4nd He even said to the
I Tuscan Deputies, that he would prefer receiving the
’ first blow, to drawing his sword against a Frendfimanl
| “ I know not how to reconeile this
I Which IJo i.ot suspect the sincerity* with all the urbi urbir
r urbir I trary measures which have endangered niy authority,
’ I and’ those irliich oblige me even now I* provide for
' I the safety of the French troops assembled at Pisa.
LI Your Majesty will -appreciate these cdhtradicti»us,
which seems to me to procta*d from a resolution .deem-
> ed by the King capfortgable to his interests, b.nt into
which he has Neeiraraggcd contrary to his own affcc-
I tions. I«m assured that the language and conduct
O of the King are similar in his cmhmHtiicatidhs with
|4 the Viceroy.
“It is, nevertheless, certain, that a Proclamation
of General Bellegarde’s, which recals the nations of
Italy to their former state, has been reprinted at Bo Boi
i Boi UWCT the eyes of the King.
“ This Proclamation, drawn up with much art, has
v> produced the greatest affection m Tuscany, where it
is extensively circulated.—l am, with profound res«
1 pect. Sir, &c.
J . (Signed) “ELIZA.â€
f ’*** ' •*"
“ Nangis, Eeb. 11.
“ Vour Husband is a very brave man in the Heid of
battle, but he is more cowardly than a woman or a
Monk when not in presence of the enemy. He has
been frightened, and be has not hazarded losing fora
» el
tnmnent that which he cannot iioit but by met and with
â– me. Make him fully sensible of his absurdity.
When he quitted Ihe army without my older, I fore foresaw
saw foresaw all the eviiCouiicils which would be given him.
I am, however, belter satisfied with die message be
f has sent me through you. If he be sincerely sorry, ret
him watch tire moment for proving to tne Tlxjrt he has
not been so ungrateful as he is piisdlaniinon?. I may
yet pardon him the injury which he has (Tone me.
â– 4 r< >' . fcmm ' * 4 / *"* â–
“Lucca, Feb. ]B, 1814.
“Si re—l have received the letter from the Minis Minister
ter Minister at War trausmittingto me the instrncfions your
Majesty concerning the evacuation of the JKoinan Sta States
tes States and of Tuscany. Immediately after the receipt of
that letter, I set out for Bologna, where the King of
Naples was. I experienced no difficulty as for as
Florence, but, upon my arrival in that town, the
Authority signified tome that I*could neither continue
' my route, ney remain at Florence, and that I must-co
back as far as Prato, there to await the answer of the
King.†I a Courier to that Prince, and
. am returned to Loccn> Where I am in greater safety
than at Prato, which is in a state of insurrection. I
know not whai tbe King will he allowed to answer.
The Austrian and English Ministers reproach him
with being French, and particularly with being too
much attached toyour'Majvsfy. Tne Revolutionists,
wdiogovern Florence just now, assert loudly t|iat the
King of Naples has an understanding with the French,
and that he doeivea the Italians. They attribute,to
my Councils the inaction of the Neapolitans troops,
which the Allies whished should march against the
Vice-Hoy at the moment when he was about being
attacked by Gi ncral Bidiegarde. The King is sick
svith grief. He now throughly feels in whatsitualnm
he is placed. It isililiicyU for me to make my ad adv
v adv ice resch him. If there were as much firmness in his
character as good qualities in his heart, he would be
stronger in Italy than the Coalition.
(Signed) •« The Duke oi OTRANTO.â€
Letter from the Cads til at Ancona (znithoi/t date, and
, supposed to be written from Lucca.)
“ The Consul had occasion to see th* King of Na Naples
ples Naples on account of bis pawports. Tire following is
. substance of the con versation he had with him. NW
ccsshy alone, said the King, has obliged me to unite
with the Allies: the great extent of the cofists of my
kingdom expiMc them to the invasion of the English.
Their maritime strength,and their force in Italy,are
known. Who would have d< feuded my king*
d im, had 1 carried my army beyond the Po ? Re Resides
sides Resides it would have been impossible far me to owe
itleave the kingdom. On the other hand, my people
were discontented in consequence of the stagnation of
commerce, which prevented them from realizing flic
productions of the soil; it would have been easy To
the enemy to have reduced them,to the sole detriment
aftnysclf and of France. On the other hand, my nation
would have been dissatisfied had 1 not acceded to the
proposals which the Allies made me, of indemnifying
ciyoelf for Sicily bythe countries on this side the Po,
.-wbicb/lis Majesty the Emptor of the French was
obliged to rcummce by the fofee of circumstances.
He added that his intent ions wete so much the pu rcr on
this head, as it was agreed that lifts nrmy%as never to
fight gainst the French; he would recollect constant constantly
ly constantly that hp
forget all he O#ed to bis iilnstrious brothee-iu-luw.
He desired the Consul to remain at Ancona, and to
continue his functions, assuring him that his cores corespondcnce
pondcnce corespondcnce should be free, since he was.at war with
France. The Consul did not think thii it was lor'
him to make any objection. / W
“On their arrival at Ancona, the Neapolitan Au Authorities
thorities Authorities had all the Italian arms taken down. The
arms of France, placed at the Consul’s houso, were
“Falta, Feb. 20, 1814» *
“Sfß«—l Lave the honour to address toyonr Ma Majesty
jesty Majesty a return of your army of Italy up to the 18th of
this month.
“The king ofNaplcs,wbonppear’
against us, and to yield to the solicitations of the Aus Austrians,
trians, Austrians, paused as soon as he became acquainted with
. yourjMajesty’s late victories pf the 10th, 11th, and
I2th. He had nrtt yet received the ratification of
this Treaty the vvening before last. I therefore, hope,
that he will not add to the wrongs of which he has
been guilty towards your by firing upon
your troops.—l am, with respect, Sire, &c.
(Signed) “ EUGENE
“ I say nothing to you pf my displeasure at your
conduct, which has been diametrically opposite to
your duty. That, how ever, belongs to the weakness
of your nature. You are a good soldier upon the
teld otlattle, yrhi vi vigour*
gour* vigour* and no character. Take ad vantage B nf a;i
of treachery which ! only attribute to fear, In mU/r
to serve me by gotf intelligence. I rely
upon your promises, fijt
otherwise, you would have to repent it '
I suppose that you are not one of,those who ifoagiire
that die Lion is dead, qnd that he may be uxm
(et qu'on petit tui
caleulatmns/theyarefolse. I defeated the Austrians >
yesterday, and lam in pursuit of the rernntot of their *
colums. Anotlter such y iofory, and von will sec that
ray affairs are not so desperate aa yon have fed
to believe." ? f
“You have done me all the happ that yon c d«M
since your departure from Wilna, but we shall aav
no more about it. Jhe title of King has turned your
"XZ†h to preser,e “■** h â€* we ">
i . ‘ T,, ■, .. ,
to the king of itafles.
March 5 —Sir, my Brother-! have already
communicated to you ray opinion of your condu<-
Y our situation liad set you Slides pmrsclf, lUv r<>
serves have completely turned your brain. "Wra’m ve
called around you mon who hate-France, anjwfrade*
#,rc t 0 1 fornftcrl y u4i
What you write to me is at variance wttlAou r
A ia -p howc j ver se< ; b y y° ur manneroffet-
mg at Ancofra # if your heart is still French, and if it
nabesSity alone that you yield. I write to my
vV ar Miniver, m order to syt him at ease ird
so jour conduct. Recollect that your fcumdom
which has cost so much blood and trouble to F?Sce’
w yours only for the benefit who gave, it yolZ
It is needtess to send me an answer unless wu teivo
somet hmg to communicate. Remember tmadd
a^ K . ln S.. soM F f^ r interests , f ni y system.-
Do notdeceive yourself, if you should cease tp be a
Henchman, you would be nothing tame.
Field-Marshal Blucher before he left Berlin, art;
dressed the following Proclamation to his Arrays— Arrays“
“ Arrays“ Comrades! His K ing been p&rg p&rgcd
cd p&rgcd to confide to me the chief command of the Arm v
receive this favour with the most lively latitude â–
l am rejoiced toxee fb u to 6ndy
of honour prepAfed for a new contest, full of new
hopes. It is given to us again to combat for the great •
cause, for general peace! I congrat n | afeyoil up^ n j u
ahe career of glory is again opened, to yoii; }in on onportßmty
portßmty onportßmty offers incite by new de«Ms the military
glory whichi you have already acquired. Placed at
your h
cessl-Shew me in this new struggle the confide, co
you placed m me,during tU last, and I am convince
rd that y
brilliant deeds in arms. * “Blitcher.â€
—mi liV f nUiiiimi (ifr •* .
- ’ ■■l'--.- - i
■1 ' —*--- * iy *
Phases of the Moon.
New Moon, jtfi Day, at 7h. 55m. Evening.
Fust Quarter, Day, at 10b. 20m. Mining.
Full Moon, 21 st Day, at 4h. 41m, Mornm- *
Last Quarter, 29th Day, at 7h. Kim. Morning.
■■*. . 1 aJjMSa-L-A— tflF ... •
— —»w—»—
D. W ' JM
yf. Holidays, Phenomena, &c.- «. tt *
•"'"—~^~ ''““''*** '" '-I ..... ——— -■- L -
J ® * ' lAf 10
2 Su Sth Sunday after Trinity. Visit, of •
3 M Ct. ofP.&Cfim. Justice. TB.V.M. o
4 Ta St. Marfin. 1 t ®
5 w • ’ !■’
7 F Spring ’ : 5
8 k - ‘ R
9 Su 7th Sunday after Trinity, « f l
10 M Court of Rolls. 7 *
I! 'i'll q A
i L ? W ; -?
13 Th . . ' 9
14 F Neap Tides. f n ‘J*
15 S Switin. n '
I(>‘Su Sth Sunday after Trinity.’ w «
17 M Coirtt of Civil Justice. i kq
18 Tu . ’
19 W >3 31 •
20 Th Margaret. 4 n
21 F 4 f*
22 S Magdaletr. Opting Tides/ 3
Su 9th' Sunday altar Trinity. Sun en- 6 '3
« T« St. James. ' ’ 6 «
26 W St. Anv» J 8 J
27 Th 7 / 8
SI 5 v ,_. • 10 28
311 M - bu’i’4
r .M. • ■• . :
‘ , N@T|C’E is hereby given :-*-That by
cfa Service of thr I hmbnblp Cmirt of Civil Jus
tier; barring dateJTth May, IBl|, in cause df Ben Benjam
jam Benjam in Jeffery, as the Attorney of K. P. Broome, Pro Proprietor
prietor Proprietor of PlanWion Palmyra, Versus, certain pro procccjfngs
cccjfngs procccjfngs in Exception on SShNegrot 3, on the part of
MacrauttuUl The said Negroes have heeir re released
leased released from Execution.—Berbice, S&l July, 1815.
\ Z ‘ K. Vhancken, First Marshal.
; S -
TV conwquence of an opposition by Albert
J.Glasius, x.r. to the intended Sale byf\xccut»on, as
advrr’iseu, ot the Coll e Esintes D'ankhaarhcid tuul
ftvimtlgt, as the propertyagf said A. J. CRasiu), at
the inslauce of iho Rcpr
I hack.
CA'b/rt’f /.« Zer/Ay g/r?)? •
h hat by virtue of authenty, given by the Honorable
Court o! Civil Justice, under date ol 13th May 1815,
on a pefttnu presented by Geo. Panels, as t'he \At-J
tornuy of J. van den Broek, the Execution Sale of
the (>.;fiee Estate Daitkbacirhcid, with all tfsculfiya tfsculfiyati
ti tfsculfiyati > buU iings, and further appurteirinc.es, and all
the ri .’l’t, title, and interest of said A. J. Glasius in
the c'dfec Estate Jiidmzipt, itscultivation, huildim'.s
si eves, np
»me'has b en taken in Execution for behoof of said
J. van ibnßrock, will lake place on the 15th June,
1S1(), dur inventory thereof being for inspection at
tliis Office ; in
said sale, such sum of money, for which said Estates
have b en taken m Execution, or such part thereof,
S 3 shall remain unpaid at the lime of such sale.
This 3rd Pro< hmation made known to the Pu Public
blic Public by beat of drum from the Court (louse of this
colony, and further deabh with according to custom.
Ikibice, 16 July, 1815.
IG Er ixcren, First Marshal.
* tSt— 4 -fl R .... , ■...... „,,,, —
virtue ol Aitlioritv front Fits Exce’leii Exce’leiicy
cy Exce’leiicy if.AV . iitvTixck, Esquire, Lieutemmt-Governor
V. the cM my k -rnioe and its ITpcmiencies, &c. &c.
Xie. (dven (inpt Minf;-(sfthh May, 1.815, upon a pe per.ien
r.ien per.ien preseh'Ukhby-J>’hn MTh wild. & Vo. versusthe
* ’ »r or P.< prictors, IL*presCqfiiii*e or Tvpre-
• < ■.••»!■, of’h.: Vi'estcra half ’of thefts 35 & .jti,
iih ‘ . :i-T’ > egnrd intend to S» 11,at Ex*.
. ■■T. fr» *J. ' n sen. eds 1 .voCounsellors Com*
’’ ‘ 7 J * Secretary, on M edncsdav the ?d
At ■Lu *. '■?! '• n;i Hons oi this co’onv, at
c’ciifu okniM k hi .he t< r< noon of that day. The above
named W.i-r.i,t rb of No. £5 & 33, East coast,
the sum* h†-b ; n sgireiidered in Execution u
inc undesigned. *
i h'e.i r s H iU think himself entitled to oppose
th.-Xxqq iition Sale of aforesaid Lots, let such persons
ariilrthems Ires to me the undersigned, deduring
i >»dr r< yson to w» doing in due time and iorm, as l
Jp-rby give notice, that I wid reccivy'opp sitiem
from every i.neriuediatc person, appoint them a day
to save his or her claims heard Ixdore the Court, anil
furtlii raei then in as the i;nv directs.
'l ids 3rd Pro* l.imation made Known to the Public
T v b at es drum from die Court House of this colu-
Ly. aftd farther dealt with according to custom.
B rbice, 16 July, LSIS.
E. 1 RANCKEN, First Marshal. •
i«W' > I- ■- I II » n»i . * , ■. .v
** - -
BY virtue of an Appointment from His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency H. W. BuxtiAck, Esquire, laeutenant-
GtJvcruor of the Colony and its Dependen-
John M’Canion as one bi the Sequestrators of Ptan Ptantntinu
tntinu Ptantntinu I, Wes’ Corenty:i coast,.dated 24th June,
IS;S. I tlm nudemigned*, nt the reqtfrst ol aforesaid
M'Ca;m.in ; qq. do hereby Summon by Edict:
. A u known ami nnkjown claimants on the proceeds
o; Plantation "Nd. I /wegt Co rent yn, to appear b.-fbre
tint Court 6f Civil Justice, of this colony, on Mom
day the l,b July, 1815, and following days, for the
purpose es then << iulei iog in their claims against the
.proceeds oi Plantation No. 1 west Gorcnt vn, debate
the sainc, and to witness, after the fourth Edictal
. ih? Court’s decision as to the prefprent or
cotfcunu iif right of claimants, on pain, as the krwdi krwdiricb.and
ricb.and krwdiricb.and hmher to proceed according to .style.
Ims sninnion.s by Edict made known to the public
by be u of drum from the Court House of this colo colony,
ny, colony, and tdrthcr dealt with accordißg to custom.
Berbice, 30th Jnm*, 1815.
• E• I’H.VN<’KEN, Firsf Marshal.
B l virtue of ma Appointment from His Ex Excv'Hay
cv'Hay Excv'Hay 11. W. fcsqidfr, Lienienaitt Lienienaitt€»vWuruf
€»vWuruf Lienienaitt€»vWuruf of the Cubny Beibice audits Dependtn-
mes, &c. Ajc. &c. ‘?
a npa petition presented by John M’Cainon, asoqe of the
S< quest rStors of FiftWat ion Manor. I (he ttni
dersighed, at t he request of aforesaid j. M’Camon,qq'.
do hereby^bunmopby Edict: All known and un unkribwn
kribwn unkribwn etaimauts on the proceeds of Plantation Le Lewis
wis Lewis Manor, cum annexis, to appear before the Court
ol Civil of diU colony, on’Monday the 17th
July, 1815, and following days, for the purpose of
there rendering in their claims against the proceeds
nf.Plantation Lewis Manor, cum amiexis,, debate
the same, and .‘owitnesss the Court’s decision on the
right of claimant*, and further to proceed according
To law,—on pain, after the fourth I’dictal citation, of
being iorever debarred their right of claim.
This Summons by Indict made known to the Pu Public
blic Public by beat of drum from the Court House of this
colony, and iurther dealt with according to custom.
Berbicc, 30th June, 1815.
K. FRA NC K EN, First Marshal.
—~r— —‘ — '4. ——- 4 , .
BY virtue of an Appointment from the Ho Honorable
norable Honorable Court of Civil Justice, ol this colony, given
upon a petition presented by J no. M’CamonauU W.
j < urt, in their capacities as Sequestrators for the im im-1
-1 im-1 divided hail ol Ptantalion Resource, the late propcr propcrj
j propcrj ty or I.rcderiek Cort, said appointment bearing date
the 13th May, 1815. I the undersigned, at the re*
quest of aforesaid Sequestrators, do hereby Summon
by Edict: All Claimants on the proceeds of the un undivided
divided undivided hall ill plantation Ht source— 7—To appear
before the Court of Civil Justice, of tlii* cojony, at
their Session which will be held on Monday the 17th
July, 18ld, arid following days, there to render in
(heir to .verify (be same, rind further to pro proceed
ceed proceed according to law.
ThisSummu'is by Edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony,
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbicc, 2d June, 1815.
Kt I' RANCKEN, f irst Marshal.
By virtue of an Extract from the of
the Court oi Rnos, dated the lOfl) April, 1815,given
in the cause entitled John Tanbi and P. I ai bairn,
in capacity as Sequestrators to Plantation I'eoi.L the
pate ]#op rty ofDudh-y Wade,, versus, al! China ,A
on the proceeds of Plantation r'eovil, iiim annex is,
sold at Execution Sale, j the Undersigned, at Ibt
r.’quest of aforesaid Sequestrators, do hereby Sum Sumtimn
timn Sumtimn by Edict : (lor the fourth time ex super abun abunâ–
â– abunâ– paiiti) ah ( laimauisgm thw the proceeds of Planta Plantati
ti Plantati mYe wil, toappearbeforcthe (-ouriof Civil Jus Justice,
tice, Justice, of th S Colony, on Monday the 17t h July, ISU,
there te render in their chi.ns, to vi-rify she same,
and furl In rto hear the Cott'riT decision ns to ffie
preferent and concurrent riglu of claimants on the
proceeds of said Estate.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Pa Pa.b'ic
.b'ic Pa.b'ic by'bcat oi drum frog) the Court Housy o* this !
c aonv , and further dealt with according to ctpduiu.
Uerbice, the Jfi June, ISIS.
K. FHANCKEN, First Marshal.
A ’T—-TW
BY virtue pf an Appointment from the Ho Hohorab
horab Hohorab .• Court ot Civil Justice, of ibis dolony, given
H!>on a pefitioii presented by Wm. (Mt, and J. C.
M’Lcod, in their capacities as SeqnestratorsJi r
tation (ieuntei and hah of Lot No. 80, Corentyn,
j said appointment bearing date 15lh May, 1815. 1
the tihdersignfd, at the request of aforesaid Srqucs-
Iratms, do hereby Summon by Edict: All claimants
. on the proceeds of plantation and the half
of Lot No. 80, Coreiityn, to appear before the Court
of Civil Justice, of this colony, on Mondaythe 17th
Julvj 1815, and following days, there to render in
•‘heir claims, to verify the same, and further to mo moceed’accord
ceed’accord moceed’accord law.
- This Summon by Edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum from the Court House of th i* colony
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 2d June, 1815.
• K. First Mar Jial.
■• • -
BY virtue of an Appointment from His E?;-
renency BsMtinck, Esquire, Lieutenar.t-
Govenior oftbe Colony Berbice and its BepcDden BepcDden<
< BepcDden< les, &c. &.
upon a petition presented by Daniel A lit, Deputy
Receiver General and Recqverof the Church Final.
J the undersigned at tKp nquest ofaforesnid’Rccriver
Genend ami Receiver of the Church Frnid, Summon :
by EdictAl! kimwnand unknowncreditorsmplan unknowncreditorsmplantafiun
tafiun unknowncreditorsmplantafiun De Vocdsler, cum aunejsis, sold at Execution
Sale, to appear before the Honorable Codrf of Civil ’
•'‘fcdee, Os this colony, on Monday the 17th July
ISIS, and fqllqfing for the purpose Os there
renderiirg fMr claims, to mrrntain the same, and to
hear, after the fourth Edictal Summon, the Court’s 1
ilccision, to tlie pretcnuit and concurrent right of
claimants on the proceeds of the Side of said Estate
pe T‘. tual (tase who remain in
ol thcif claim*,
1 .. rr '.wSslKTlik-es .jML Jsr. • r
tbis by-Tdid tr.ndetnown f 0 iMIW* I
by beat of drum from the Court House ofilS!, 1 •- I
and fqrth,etdealt with according custom? I
, iJerbice, the 9th June, ? JbM« I
K. Fkancken, First Marshal i I
BY virtue of an Extract from the
of the Comt of Rolls, dated the 10th Anri? iq^ 1 |
given in the cause entitled IL Staaland H. I
appointed Curators to the Insolvent. of(W? I
lis Forking, dec. versus, all known and
creditors against the Estafe ot C. Focking P 1
the undersigned, at the request us aforesaid ( lira?? ‘I
do hereby (tor the fourth time ex super abundant 5 I
Sammon by Edict: All known and mikaown ere I
difors against the Estate of C. F> eking, dec. T ,
appear before the Court of Civil Justice, ofthis rJ/f 1
lonj,pn Monday the 17th July, 1815, and f«nowO|
days, there to reader in their claims, to verify tlte I
same, and further to hear the Court’s decision a S k• >1
the preferent and concurrent right of claimantsun (be I
proceeds .4 siu! Estate.
This Sunftnon by Edict made knmtm.totlre public |
by beat of drum from the £otfri House of
ny, and further dealt with according to custom* U
Berbice, 16 June, 1815. w
K. I RA Nt'KEN, First Marshal.
*â– â€. ~ â– ' / - ’ ——- - ;r|l
BY virtue of an Extract from the Alinutee
of the Court of Rolls, dated 10 April, 1815, given in
thecause entitled Thomas F.Layljeld, one oftbe Exe» -1
ctitors to the Estate of the late Robert Wilson, ;md |
Attorney of Thomas Bond, anothetof tUr Ikcontors?
and one of the Heirs of the said Robert W'ilstm, and?
offf. Staal, appointed in life place of W. Dmlgson?
during his absence from the colony, versus, all claim!
ants on the proceeds of plajitation llerMitu
htmexis*. 1 the itndei signed, at the request oi afore.’
s iid T homas F. J,ay field, qq—Do hereby .Suiummi.
by fxlict: (lor the fourth time, ex
AU ciamianls on the proceeds of plqntaticn Uerrni*
tage. cum to .appear belyrc the Court of Ch
vil Justice of this colony, on Mmiday 17 July, 1815,'
and following days, there to render in th< ir claims,l»
verify the same, and further to hear the
cision outhe preferent or cone,m rent right ufcluimZ
ants on the pnaeedsof snid Estate.
'I his Summons by Edict made known to the Pn«
bbc by beat of drum from (he Court House of tbi»
colony, arid further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, the IGfh June, 1815.
K. Francrex, First Marshal. ,
" UL “" ; ■wnwuiU—■mi. „ IW ...
./ ardOpening, Jior Su/e hy the Subo j
*vv/Aer, />y she L*iiu.ka»e or tdhi ru ise, a rDnrt
pared oj to st mj a Goads, partit u!arh/ seVcttd;
amongst which is a tomplett asso
A L H l, >1 the newest J ash ion and viz,-*.
ELEGAN T black and w hite lace veils ascorW,
I du. do/do.shawfrtdo., plain sarcenet and famyco!
100 red Condon dresses, fi i! U»wmed dress rap and
bonnet*, do. do.do. with omment*., walking and
trimnA d straw hats and bonnets, gold and sffver or.
namcuG, speisgers, tippet.?, pdicc*, and cloakl, rich i
scarfs, and chanties and ru.’is, Whalebone and srip
weed rosettes, white and coloured figured musiinsL
black do. d»,, mud and jnconcl do. iqo., cotton and i
thread net, sarcenets an I silins, rtbb heading-
Regency cord, trimmings, cambr&V, dimirivs, and i
jeans, long and short white French W gl »v>;, co* ’
loUH d gk.n <, toll tR.-mi (| v. J,;;, ‘id t er CO*
loured slippers, a great va 1 lety <4l ri mm my s, Ac. 4 3
d Iso, received from Tnjndun: s O
A few splendid articles of jevyeHery, and three m
dem gold watches, warrtmied ttxcs il nt time-krrp*
era; yown-print.-d calicoes, furniture chintz, gh>e».
hamsand lawns, ladies and. geutlemenT super fiflh
hose, Pullicate ba ml ken hiefs, lylUas*
sorted, frne flannels, quilting, phtlillas and Britan*
mas, rolled cahcoes, cotton shirting and sheetin'-’ - ,
damask Table cloths, broad chubs of dhlerent co co!wi
!wir co!wi W table ’civveis, bliu* and green with borders,
Mik hats, dress and Walking shoes, blue and while ’
weartng apparel, India silk
•mdotber handkerchieik, imitation French cam bricks,
&c.—Alm> a htwjdTfeut portable writing desksand
dressing cqseg, candles and wap, porterj strong and
pale ale, brandy, geneva, claret in hhds. See.
And on Hand,
Madeira wine, Port do., claret, old rum, superfine
lour, beef, pork, toftgues, hnms,
spices, pickles, oil, capers, vinegar, m’istard, salb fl
tobaSbo, iron ware, glass, tin, and earthen do., two
light gigs, and harness, and a variety of other arti*
c, ; „ G.M. FORRESTER. |
Demgrary, South-Street, June 16, 1815.
CORN for Bale, at Plantation Hersteider, 1
»t/11. the thousand cars. ] July. ?
Piibi.ehed et'cry Saturdai/ al 4 o'clock p it»
By W. SCHULZ & Co.
Prtiilt&ed Printt/ro