Berbice gazette

Material Information

Berbice gazette
Uniform Title:
Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
Place of Publication:
New Amsterdam
W. Schulz
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
New Amsterdam (guyana)
newspaper ( sobekcm )


General Note:
General Note:
Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
General Note:
The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
General Note:
In English, with occasional text in Dutch
Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Digital Library of the Caribbean
Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
University of Florida


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' A, M*"- •’-VS..' Ip . ■ .*'' sOF'’-- "v.*'-> -3fc*.~ • ' « ’ia F ' • * JT
■ • ■ # , ’ ■-. jfe. ‘ ** >r- tjf 9 *• ■►’■• k X * ; A
Itsis.) « T - (T^T , ~ nin-.-r-, 563 -
Herbice GAZEOfeo
*fe ■* * % *^"*'•*i'--A “ -..-••••** -■& ' x ■>' >l.'.‘ &/ 7 "‘r ’ ' **s£“ Z*' * . ■£ ' . «kA*r‘ t «w ~ .W a* TxSL'*' 'IF -.-c-iiaL ' * 1* >*•&*.»••'.

"Age-- 1 -—-' ' "" —
silfete dollars p. annum.]

X Jt/ie Tonrt of Civil Justice, which were to have
W&n held on Monday the 11 th July, are postponed
ttnlil Monddythe3lslJu^/ r ISIS.
I' Secretary’s Office, Berbice,.lAih J»Zy, ( lßls.
■L •.?'*« • / -'. HyCoifahandf 1
•- ... -,„■',,, — — —— -rt—
I ffOTI lICATI(J the Honorable tfdUrt of
I Policy and Cri rhinal Jujireof the GotimyrJte*’
I bice- —To a'/ to Jdinm these presents may or
I sAll conte, ! P j a vacancy nas again occurred in the
I C.artafPolicy and fmuinal j-. iiee, of (lie Colony
I BerlW, by the departure frmh this colony, of
1 James Fraser ‘and John J/’ Cam on, and by reason of
Ithe late appointment of the honorable IT. Kali,
■living been declincd-by that Gentleman ; am| a !<*•
I grinatiou having begn pride by the Hono able Court
■MPolicy, to supply th- ir p’a,ces. llis Excellency the
■feCwfernnr ha» been pleast d to select John Taptn,
tjEsq., the Rev. Frfftas Whitfield, and David Car-
I /, de, E-q , to be Me mbersofthe Court of Policy and
Iftjiiiuinal Justice.— Notice whereof is hereby gitten,
Ethal the inbabitaufsofth® Colony may respect those
r Gtatl-num in their capacity.
■ Secretary's Office, Bet bice, 3 fJuly, 1 § 15.
I s «. By Command,
f R.C. DOWNER, Sjecy.
r■ ?; W . ■'■ •■ II ■■-■ ‘s~i . -*• •' 'rtyi ■■ --I *.. m- — !- r-r - i.riiW'l ■ -111-1.
h KOT J FI C ATI (KN.— By the Honorable Court of
'/ A’P'-dtcy and Criminal'Just ire, of the colony Ber-
4/ bice. To uU to whom these presents may or
shall comet greeting! be it known t,
* W||Eli EAS a vacancy has again occurred in the
. Court of P hey and Criminal Justice, of this colony;
j the Court having been pieasrd to admit of the reasons
assigned by the Hon,J.Tapin for his nonacceptanceof
the aplkiiatiiient ruttite in his favor as Member of that
Court Aiul a poiuiiiation huvutg hern made by the
Ibmor-J Cfojrt of Policy to supply* his jJucef Ufc
Ex»,chancy tlh haaJren pleased to select
F. Britt Ivbaiik, Fsq. urbe a Member o» the Court of
Policy and Grimirial Justice. Notice whereof is here*
by that the InhabitanUof tbe colony may res respect
pect respect piat centl.miun iu his capacity accordingly.
Secretary's Office, Berbtct, TiihJuiy, 1815.
-,f â–  By Command,
R. C. DOWNER, See.
I' UitX'WgRW I ..j
T. uifdnpeertj een iegdyF
die bet aang tat; voornenii ns le zyn, om mM de door
hem nu reeds geconfractcerde hating vamcofly, met
ryn schipde Johanna Margaretha, van drje rivier
Baar Anu|f*K&ty) tc retournetyjj voor bet einde dezer
ncirfad, en derntdveri nief l .wger in fadiiig te znllvu
legget Ms tot den 25x1-*n dew r, zylhmde posltief zye
Brievezak slnben mand genegen zy«de n>4 voojz. schip nog eenige
- alscheepinge tc doen, adn ssermi zicb by voornnem voornnem /nisterdam.—ls July. ,
!■■> I I—»■ "Ml «in *»■’.<*— 11 • ■ ~ .|,r- - - L ■- ..
nEggt FOa GLASGOW, the Ship Bri.le Bri.le'l**ll
'l**ll Bri.le'l**ll ptF, Thomas Todd, Master, to sail from'
hence in all October; for freight or passage apply
to the Master oh board, or to /
WHO hate received by the above vessel, the fol following
lowing following atliclea, which they o.T r tor Sale on their
Umhil terms, viz:— (foiwon Duff Inglis jr Comp's.
London patliculur Mudcira wine in pipes, hlids, and
rpiarter casks ; a light fashionable Gig, a general as asâ– mtment
â– mtment asâ– mtment of Plantation Stores, also 50 bhds. coals,
which will be sold reasonable if taken from alongside.
15 July. > *
— . ... >• —
TEKOOJP, de volgende goederen, aaiige aaiigeaangebragt
aangebragt aaiigeaangebragt per Capt. Zwtirt, tot de nevertsiaahde;
kassa f —Genever in kelders a /i 22. — dito
extra goede in kruikje’ a £25. het dotizyn,— zoete
mclksche en Leydsche van 16 lb. a /9. —E-
dammerdo. Edammerdo. a y'2-15. —ham a fl. per lb.—botera
/20. per vaatie, —oude Grenada rum a /4.'per gall.
15 July. J. G. F. THIENSMA.
DEN ondergeteekende maakt hiernevens bs bs
- bs dat hytotwyne Gemachtigde, by Papcuratie,
heeft aangesteld tot waarneming van alle zyne zaken,
den heer A. Schliiufcr.
15 July. W. HARTMAN.


. |
■ ig ’ ,>n_ •
From the Trinidad Cyurant had Commercial Gazette,
of Saluiduy, February 11, 1515.
lt BY Utis Raya! Highness the Prince of Wales,
? Regent of ihy Gi'eat Britain
the miyte affiinn
‘ pROCLAM vp|oN ‘ .
Whereas doubts have arisen, and may in future
arise respecting the naune and extent of the juri»“
dictioi), civil as .vveii ctimural, to which all persons
serving jiii hu Majesty’s regular Army, and stationed
in our Island of Trinidad, are amen.ibk ami habk ,
tor removal of the same, end the evil consrqu. n ncesarising
cesarising ncesarising theretrom : we have taken those circum circumstances
stances circumstances into our consideration, M a held at
Carl ton-House, on the Jbth day of December, in tfig
year di our Lord 1814, have thought it expedicnr, in*
the name and on the behalf of bis M ’jesty, and by
and With the advice of his M ijebty’s Privy Gou.icii,
(o order, proclaim, and declare, as it is hereby or ordmed,
dmed, ordmed, procliriiued, and declared : that from and af after
ter after the promulgaCo.i of this our Proclamation, the
cogmz-uiee of di civil acts, actiona, contracts, inheri inheritances,
tances, inheritances, wilb, inventories, obligations, air'd aU or he.
civil acts, executed, .uade, and enterctl into’ by all
or any such person or jiersuns, so statio stationed
ned stationed as aforesaid, or in which tiiey %<»aG be iuauy wise
interested or concerned, shall vving a;id appertain
Io the seveial Tiibunate of ordinary jiirißdictioh now
established in out said islandW Timidaihj aiM that
in deemed arui taxen, mt arc hereby declared th be
amenable and answerable fur the same. 5
“ And we do hereby itiriher order, proclaim and
declare, that the of alLcihuiri'tl util nets;
not piuvided lor or made p n'tsHWo by the s.wral
(UMiMiy •<<:»»> pests-d, -m*d* passed by
the Paiiiameuioilhe Untied ui.ig-iomof'Greatßrit ui.ig-iomof'Greatßritain
ain ui.ig-iomof'Greatßritain and Irdand, of and with whicii any person so
serving and stalioned as aioresaid shall be charged
and accused, or sus|»«cted, shad in future exclusive exclusively
ly exclusively bduug and appurtain to the. tnbunal of our Go Governor
vernor Governor and Uogimander-iruGhief of the said Island
of Trpudad, lor die time Being, or Lputciiant.-Go Lputciiant.-Goveinpr
veinpr Lputciiant.-Goveinpr oi the Kime, accompanied by his Assessor,
and to no other tribunal.
â– T 44 And we do hereby further order, proclaim, and
dbclare, that ths sevend exceptions created and made
by the Bpa»ish Law, in such criminal cases as afore aforesaid,
said, aforesaid, whereby they become cognizable tu the civil
jurisdiction, be, as the same are hereby declared to
m , hgmefordi repealed and annulled. • -e
? Ami we do hereby further order, proclaim, and
declare, that these pur presents be, in virtue of oar
proclamaliun of the IStii day of Dec. 1813, enrolled
ami registered in the Uo./ks of record that aie there thereby
by thereby directed to be kept by otu and by the
i espcctive Judges of our several churls or tribunals,
eslapirshed aud in force, or to be hereafter establish established
ed established and in force within our said island of Trinidad,
“ Ami, lastly, we do hereby, in the name And on
the behalf of his Majesty, will and require and strict strictly
ly strictly charge and command our Governor for the time
bi iqg, or Lieutenain-Governor, and the Odicer that
may now or at any time hereafter have the command
pt u is Maysty’s troops in garrison in our said Island,
the Judges m all our courts and tribunals thereof,
the Commandants of quarters, and ail our Officers
civil ami military, ami all other his Majesty loving
subjects Within the said Island, duly to obey a/id ob observe
serve observe these piescnts, aud to govern themselves ac accordingly.
cordingly. accordingly.
44 Witness, his Excellency Sir Ralph Jas. Wood Woodford,
ford, Woodford, Bart, our Governor and Coniinander-in-Chief
in and over the said Island of Trinidad, at the town
%f port oi Spain; and give® under the great seal of'
our said Island, this 9th day of-Feb. in the year of
our Lord 1815, and in the 55th year of his Majesty’s
reif. (signed) “R. J. Wooni orb.
“ By his Excellency’s command,
(Ug.) 44 P. Reina© Lis, Bed.
44 Gbd Savc the King
London, May 9, i81.5 #
Si r—The above inclosed printed copy of a
mation issued iu the name of his Ro; al Highness the

| Prince Regent, Ralph Jam/9
Wdodfdrd, Bart. Govertior of Trinidad, has
reached me • mid,though it appears to be sotnewhat
obscure and umntelligible toan English reader, yet,
hr the British army ty and necessarily
concerned in ils promnlgMjon, „Jurist Vou will give
it publicity, Hirbhgh the mednfi efymir Papes.
Liberality isttiote
Hence it is not
py t!ie e ty anotheri—•RuHnty *
sole object is <0 apprize tne British A rniy, iq general,
of the foreign njunte|pal law te which they will be bec«Rnc
c«Rnc bec«Rnc amenable, aqd jiy which now to br go- 4 , '
vewie'l, in point at Trinidad. This foreign mtmicipal law is no other
than the immaculate .Spanish Code, which with tly»
M«ti’y Bill and tlte» Article of War, wißfowu a
vy Voluminous, if hot a very useful vademecum for
the British soldiery. ~»-y
Many of the officers of the British Army, and som©
of the flower of that army, in which the name of the
Comihander of flip Forces on the Leeward Islands
station, stands highly distinguisdied, have hat! opporu
tunities' of witnessing Spanish manners an.l Spanish
customs. These Officers will, tlreieibre, perhajis be
enabled Jo duty appreciate the ad vantages which are
liketyto nesijit to thtir
from the Spanish Gode, wltypli hps so long so un unhappily
happily unhappily distracted, and, as I am informed, nearly
completed the totid ruin of the intfortunate island of
Trinidad. To the consideration oi' the rational and
enlightened part yf that army, the following übssrta übssrtavarious
various übssrtavarious are tnerefoVe reiqrei tfully submitted.
By the Mutiny Bill, and by that Bill only, which,
is annually passed his Majesty is au authorized
thorizedc authorized w to form, mak<-,"am.l establish, Articles of
War, for the better g’vei ament of his Mije sty’s for forces,
ces, forces, which Articles judicially taken notice of
by all Judges,.and in all Courts wiiatsvevfr.”
—Sect. 33.
Ip exercise of this power, bi#-R(tyal.Jßrbr,e S n the
?nace Regent, in the imnte VLijesfy, was pleased (o order, by a clause in the 2L»i
section of the article of War, (of 1814), that notwith notwithstanding
standing notwithstanding its being directed * 4 in the 11th secium ’ of
these m't rules and articles, that every Cpmmandi {P "
Officer ibali deliver up, To the civil Magistrate, all
person? under his command, who shall Ge ace-used.of
any crimes which are punishable by the Known 'laws
of the and; ytt, in our garrison of Gibraltar and the
island of Malta, or in any place beyond the seas,
where our forces Sow. are or maybe employed,
there is no form of our ci n fl judicature if force, the
Gem ral, Governor, or other Corriirandimr in
Chief, forthc time being, is to appoint general courts
inai t'al as occasion may require, for'the trial of any
such persons under his command, accused oi imy wi|.
fui.murder, theft, robbery, rape, cohnhg,. Clipping
the effin ot Great Britain or Ireland, or any larei®s
coin current in the garrison or place mifh-r his coin- »
rmind, or of having used violence or committed any*
offence against the person or property <>l on r subjects,
or of any others' entitled tq our protection.
And by the Proclamation acorn panymg this letter,
his Royal Highness has beCii pleased for the r herein staled, to annul the provisions of that clause at
Trinidad; and, in lieu thereof, to ordain, “ tftat. thd
cognizance of qdl criminal ufknccs, rjbt provided for,
or made punishable by the several mutiny a < t?’
(though there ik but imp in force at the same fiuu)
44 shall, in future, belong to the tribumil of his
j< sty's Goveniar taul Commander in (href of the SU islaiid, accompanied by bis Assessor and to n<»;other,’* ?
under lite criminal law of Bpain> though I am inform informed,
ed, informed, that the Spanish laws expressly prbvidrft and en enact,
act, enact, that the military .shall only be trieH bv their own
peculiar fuero or tribunal, —< court martial.
Upon this a considerable doubt occurs to foe; aiif
that doubt is, wheter the expression,“ where there is
no form of our civil judicature in force," is to’be ta ta•
• ta• ken in a.confined or in an enlarged sense*; that is to
say, whether “ our civil judicature” do not, by «ece*-
sary and rational implication with IclatiMf to th? fed
clause of the mutiny Bill, mean aiul|efer to f hafcfonit
of civil judicature, where British laws art* in forcr?
—Or may this expression of his Royal Highness*
emanating from the authority of an act of the British
J. 4 egislature, be carried so far as fir extend to #«< ir
foreign law as may happen to be in force, in a con- -
quered dominion of ih«r Ging? «
As f am no lawyer, perhaps I may baVe an erro erro,
, erro, neous view of the subject; but qsir.kis me,that ( | H .
exceptive words, “ where isbte/yrm ui oui civil
« '


'MicatprpiWofce,” ought to b ft understood Ina li.
turaGfKqkgidsen to the laws andjConstitution of Ln Ln®la»hl.
®la»hl. Ln®la»hl. For supposethese exceptive words had been
used in oft he Satiny act, instead of in the
contempfoled, a Spanish or any
nih r foreign tribunal ? And. On the other hand, can
it he*said that fifty excluded the Cfoprts of Jamaica*
where, ihaukGon, British laws prevail prevailed,
ed, prevailed, jurisdiction over such public of offj
fj offj njtes as might be committed there by mi'itai y men ?
*l’by H’h seciion of the urtiliny bill provides, “ that
nothing in ihi*net contained, shall exempt any officer
or soldi; r, Irani being ,iwu nary ordinary Cop se of’.Kw the 15th section says,
that ifa’iv Officer, Officer, or Sol Sold
d Sold in, di di h- accm»rfd M any capim! crime, or of any
or uffeneb, against the |wson,estate, or pro pro,
, pro, r -Myo! :»ny *4' ally’s subjects, which ispuuiJi ispuuiJiby
by ispuuiJiby th* known kite s' gs the the }M*rsvi> so ac-
cd'<*4*h iU be delivered over to flievivil Magistrate.”
Snr-dv tfoui, no one will, as it would semi idle to
r.*»tfand th \tfthe ordinary course of law,
few ofljtef'h%k or the civil Magistrate} so desigM
are. inn 4r;ufeof the Inited Kingdom,.can havesn£
ndatiouto t!u*Jh;«gn possession ol hiaMajes /•*<.’ Nor is itMtogriher immaterial to re-
c- ’’-ci. that ’he military do not go to Trinidad as d-r
tit! 4s oUheir-.own free will, bntrns soldiers in the
s ! vi< e,andby ’hecanmil nd of »*u Majesty.—Hence,
it I •? my premises, die jurisdiction which
courts Partial Imre feyeaacnah otirncss afe come wit Irin
rhe letter mbmurtingof (he wefon ot the awi awi-s't
-s't awi-s't s ot war, dues nurserm to Ixi taken away by the
i*roc!»®ati n - which, probably; will be productive
of as niuch C(|id,us«idh as remedial good.
Blit, is te newyand nice,i'notgsreat political
rn silon, I confess my inability to pursue it any for fortherr
therr fortherr nuil, therefore, Lmust Jeave it to the Wise beads
an ! big witrs tn be determined— , ' ' >’< *
u Pbile T inceil a, ibi hr nulla."
Os di l.imwn judiciary codes, however, I have beep
credibly informed by genifemen who have long re resided
sided resided in the Spanish dvminitws, (hat the Spanisnf ert ertnimaliatvisthe'mos
nimaliatvisthe'mos ertnimaliatvisthe'mos deficient, inperfoct and dilatory,
if not one oi the worst and nmsi crimiiiai
enrtes in the known world, fovuntThg byly liu% with without
out without tip slightest regardolliberty. Indeed, fuel my.
sell loithonsed to say, th is scarcely a well iufoniu
rd ‘•'’poniard ih doiumions who does not
demy the’Criminal ias- and her liKlies, as a
rhuvera ti/the athynnmnt emls of public; Jto.4ice’
i'ednps, odUiis sutmc?, the present Judgy J
TriindiTmjiyht be a apable of furnishhiga great"deal
n c >nfii :i!atnry -hi ywmr.lkp, if his judu'ial situation
dhl piit r rectiHle b:m fr<;jr openly avowing it.
But whs'ilrer the rrimiial law of Spain be suhalfk 1 ,
or ws H br ill d, to (he charactei aod gCLetus ot
th. ' pu.ibh mitiur; it is nm .ey pr-n i. , :
to ernau re. All i \ ish U ask’ anti :di 1 p ; .t'U—Cad
a •■ il/.iv;; thy driudi,>rn;y at trlui adfbv
> - id y.- <3 -.i.< Kypdly tried aud punrsiyd there,
by. the Spdki;d, i;r a; y other foreign crwdmd law F
Jfthe aliinnafcrc ol this question be insisted upen by
any Ib.g ly iv P , ti 9 a Brjfidi subject, to enter my
h*i ds.;. be.f HJimn proiesi, against it.— to the
the measure, that njigirt bi’auswered
iay tii< way: - ''
ll'he s ( y i?l yh laws are coneei mJ,penned, and pro promulg
mulg promulg mJ in th Spanish hnguagc. The British sob
dtery, m gen ail-, speak atfil uudcrstaml noethyi ktu ktugHtz<'bu
gHtz<'bu ktugHtz<'bu th ir o n mother-tongue, whmhri it be
Lnulfsh, Irish, ?c4 p of the mu? my roll, and »L> sof war ; but , if *on
V.. I to pi I a .Ti.-ck h xuxmi, or (he Hebrew biblsto biblstotn
tn biblstotn th ir h :u.b, would tfiejßc able to find out the Word
for ley , lus is glaq end amdwms reasoning to
the imtkrsmnding df the British soldiery; and, it
you wish them lb perform that which they are c*ua c*uabk
bk c*uabk of, d > mis place tlrnij in ihv darkness as a sdlJw sdlJwmiu
miu sdlJwmiu ot < trnyrmr, and then punish them, by Snitrkh
' P '
, “ -os vvur Oteaiioß to turn tkeir bnytmet,in-
tnr br rfh Wl. Sfnbfsh n
“ c murs dir tug of war.” «f« ih§ case it wiKftn*
n;i dm Imp da! FafiiaWl of the (.mod
ninrdom, to enact, or fm Lis K vd Ihy
Irm-e Ib cent, (o order and projalmbsu lihjgus 1 ri rimtlad
mtlad rimtlad emdiu-ms tobegn. . < h lawsth.r
(be Officers and soklidrsbf (be BriHsli army shall, h s
previous aad not o
learn, bul make lhetpjvcs .masters <>f ti lc > f v P ,i.;b
b’-firfdTnvy be'permWd to serve his Ma Majesty
jesty Majesty at that
.J s ?** neither pracftcablu nor con
H uh! then bc expedient, lor the parjrosc
ci mat. rtal justice, t<> nominee a L-arn-d Doctor of
(De tivd law, who undentauds the Spanish lahi*uage
or a Spanish Advocate, wf»o understands the Bn«*lih
hrtgirtg; , ;*s (be pi•ofawmnahud legal defender of the
poor vettmn pritMi soldh r at Trmidad; for while
the Governor ot that colony W occasion for and
•citoUni jwvujw U>, tic Biuitanw »ud Mlvks of »
- 'â–  f .an v' Tw
V '.>■• •; %
, - ■ t * _ . f 'Y;... ‘4f. ;<■
■*. ‘ <* ,• '■■. * u,
Jo*. **!' e.i \ . *wJrV

riICTH- - *»'-< '?' : '
Spanish assessor*, it is Lutlpr, all
being considered, (hat the soldier should have
an efficient legal adviser assigned him, in, the same
way, ami.for the shme dbvious purpose of legal de defence,
fence, defence, ad'efieet^in " ;
And, perhaps, this is the more necessary, because
I understand the Assessor of the Governor ot Trini Trinidad
dad Trinidad is the same as an Auditor with the Spanianls, to
whose opinion and ad vice the Governor, or Captain
the Spanish dominions, is obliged irupli irupliyitty
yitty irupliyitty to conform, according to the Spanish law.
These may, at least, be said to be circumsmnces de deserving
serving deserving of serious cmisideration; and* to a mind ha habituated
bituated habituated to logioal reflation, th'y may, perhaps, be
as worthy4>f some aftcbtio4.
Alfho’ lam ast ranger to Spanish jurispradencc,
yet, from the information I have received* 1 have no
•witatmn in s&yimi, that itmeh pfatfical knowledge
is necessary tothedne understanding, and much more
to tJm due a Iminis!ration; 9»*. the Spams hw.
lakingibis, th* refore, a« my motto un.tb'o prcmuit
occasion, it is not rcasonab' beexpecfc j tbai even
the scientific genius of a \Vdlingtbn, amTmucli less
than, the uninformed^a»»d perhaps unlettered priude
s<»h should be capable of storming the
anti legal sophisms, ot au abstiuse or antiqnaled S{W S{Wut>h
ut>h S{Wut>h law, whether it be of the sapient Alfonzb, of tiu*
this subject would be a waste of time, and a debar debartme
tme debartme from common sente.
It'is, thcrelwre,devoutly to be hoped, that his Ma Majryty
jryty Majryty s Muiisters will consider thrmsekes rcapotui.
bie torthe-cdriseqiienecs of their own act, agreeably
lathe comprehension ofo
The SotniEa'g Frifxb. .
* Don Antonio Gomez, who was of the,
< ii pt ain General Mowlfeicrde, at theittSf the lend
volution ary war broke out at burac(as rfnantiviofa rfnantiviofaturn,
turn, rfnantiviofaturn, as kys been alleged, of the the capsulation made
w t lh Mironda. ’ . 1 ' *
Ir ' ->"> 1 "• ■ .. - • ■ t '
Laid on of Ma M before both Houses of Par.
iiamcnt, urdvi of tng Prince Jhgi nt.
Concluded al Vi -me., April 35, 1215.
ro z7' r D «,a
'J. u
Signed Marek io. IS 15.
''- — . f
1-is Majesty the King of the flnifod Kin- lorn of
or.’at BiKain and Ir bind, and lis Majesty W'fU-*
iM’ror pi all the Kussias, having Agreed bv common
to regulate, by means o f a partmuhr r( ,„ ri n .
Iron, which shalFbc added in the form of
"? ,he rrrtM y eoncluded nt Viemt, tn, >s]
ot March, the. arrangement# which havebes n hid e
nm^a # y to g !V e to the stipulations of (he said fr<€t v |
all (h? effect requisite for the attainmuit of the g. ejl
and noble end whfcMheir S(l d Majesties ’nv - pn,.
poswi to pursue, nave mnird in oniertodisrm;s,s>.t oniertodisrm;s,s>.t-neandSlgnt
neandSlgnt oniertodisrm;s,s>.t-neandSlgnt
his Majesiylhe King of .Gr at Buta» .uid Ireland
!fe Ri s h. Ihw. RMwJJ, P<(e r Tre . &rl( |;
Sc. Plenipotenu .riâ„¢
Mike (...n g re»; «y y s HijiMy A.. ft #l x-h.r of all
g R<«>»Mrnlww Urot ff.v..„r, l<) fl;k v , h! , pti .
t.wnollor, W . MKI Cb rtfc Ifcb, of .Se~|.
nd,., hu priry Coancillor, &e. hi« Pl.-nipotentiaH.-s
al lbfCenstvMj who, after h;m. lg eschaaced their
fall power., lou.kl tobe uufai,- proper form, have
agreal Itpouthttlollowhiy Arlick :—
Ihs Brttanmc Majesty to , 4nbsi .
Uy ol live rations neriing, tor th.- «crvi,i v t ;|„
y<>rtr cudmg on the first U April IS lb, so be divided
wWhw*?,? J*™’ Ki "F Ol
‘‘“J nf Buhoiwia, mul Majesty the King
inJalmcnts and in rqW propartiifto the
tens of the respeetivj
cmve the same. The first payment (Mens to X
1! is piqsenl addition. In case peace d iott kl lake
place, or be signed, between lh<* Allied Fower. and
fiance, before the expiration of the said wear iiw.
suUuly calculafrtl ppon (he scale of 5 s’hX
swtl lie pi id up to (he end of the month ia which the I
Definitive Treaty sli«di have been MfrmM • and h ’ I
Britannic Majesty nromked in addtfLn /n'«>„?!!I
Russia four months, arid to Austria !t3 Z
biO i&ouihs over and above tl*4» h 1 *»j t |
4 z *

■ jr • . , >■', C* ( . ' T* i
to cover the cxpences of the return of tfv b » < I e
withintheir frontiers. 01 tfre,r Lt£’
changed as sooi* & possible. V . bee «* 5W» a
In lailh of wliicl) ihc njrrctive Pl™ipol (11( i ari „' 11“!?
o^nX"™' 1 . 1 ’ anj tave '3. fc
Done a. Vienna this thirlielh day of A pri , •„ J” 11 '
Sen UUt L ° rd OIW thuusd “ J *>MredlSj I
0<” ) • »E HAZWMOFFSKy -W <
(1-3 J dcNkssel Rol)s> I

-s ■■ '■ .will , . S®E
overture from bqnaparte 15
> x _ - I.—fTrand itiuii.j * ‘
Letter from M. dr Catdainrourt to Viscount
ri agh, doled
( My J < or'l,—J’he <^ ? m;ta(ionß which induced
{ Maj sty the Emperor, my a ugw Sovereign. fo*uh
Imit o i.i.gHMC-u M* cub >. s have be !;n njmUi. 'J
! France has nos received ih<* *,f the devZEif 3
Us olmmrt-Fi : Iht hopes have been hmeutahaX
: ceiv d. After s< ms inondrj of |Mffifnl r
Ueo! i merits, co iCeuled with regret, have at length 1
mihiiesteti .removes in an extrayrdbur® manner • i
by ami >m pal-re, she has de. W
cured as mtr Jr ; Ka*.r r he. imn, f loltl w } |(>rn ajun# |
she * an * xpeckttw giuraiUees ot hes I A
dependenej. .
â–¡ Ulfog, i.Jfbc Boiiftpa fondly have 1
qmtie.l our tr/ntort’, one d(o p< jf bl',-od ba. 1
ving been shod for iluir dctcn*:e.. Ifiytie upoQihe l
arms of Ins people, so s Majesty hastraveriid Frame 1
From the point ot the const ut heat fir# touch.'"!
eil fheground, as Jar of hUcipifol,evva 3
so (mH resid. nec lw again, French 1
learh, fiJ *1 w,th the
HiUacfes haveilehyed hfo Maj-sty ’ s triumphal pro.
gress ; from the feist i.i* m his re-tifoticg up I>a French |
grouiel, ! u . resumed the Government of his EmpireXl
Scajc* ly docs bis first rcign.aptuw to havc Wn fokk
an instant interruptc*!. EvAry £tner*fe)s passion, e.®
very hoeral thought, has rallied rmmd him : *li*l n e- 1
auytmiion present a spectacle of mute awful uaani. J
gL("J ■•’* 7 p pmt of thU great cvarif will have reached S
yoftr Lo’.e.btp. I i‘m Uid*u| io murine# it .to
you, in L*e name o; the Empertf, aiid to request voa i
I !’’i’ >laj mv .fee King of Groat AMiam,; owru*igw»t Maa« 1
This rdsforition of the Emj»m r so sh e Thfone of
Frail, cis for fii.u (he mas* b iUiaut offfis fyiiunyhs. J
Ji« pride,, hi.uself, Sb-ive aH, fio£Mhar he owes if entirely to th fo* e of the Frfficfe 3
people, und h € IG» no other wish .(han to repay su* || 1
! '* n ° *‘ >n £* r (be '*s *' !P «dvaiit;*g* sjApn lionorabfe*repose, and I
. ! '- blessi -"sofa happy iranqtdHitv. , It so to
[Tn * d irntiuo of pacefhHTthv Emperor fooks forward
° ‘ ,Kn P li! * b » l vut of his nolrfest intentidrw.
With a disposuio.; to refjkict the rights of other na-
n * H?’ Rfo pK>ysing4mpc, the y rear«» naiioti will remain i'lvudale,
foaiiHaio pr* chms deposit i ; the fi»lt
as it is ihe «har«st of his dnites. The quiet of the
w .rld is ‘.vr a long *irpe assured, ifaß the other Sorer- |
eign.s are d spos d, as his 51^,testy fe,, to make their â– 
honor 4oh» w i in jhe jOervafiqa»fpeace, by placing 1
p* »C»‘ under th** sairgunrd ot lion *r.
•Suen any my Ly;yl, tjic ue* :.ts with which htg
Majf sty is Mil* er* ly animated, and wMch tm has
coinin Ihive thehomm, *c’ '
CAI LA I NfUOURT, DukeofVfocnzt.
ihs L xc Leiter from M. Cuulaiut nttri. to Pastle*
Mv „ pw
dir*ctly loirs Royal Highness the Prince RcgeSh
the sentnnentti whicfciospirehim, andfomake known
wo countries. 1 d.n commanded, m consequence,
my Lord, to nthlress to you the annexed letter, an!
Si^hn^r 1 LxCe ' to P rc^ut Uto his Royal
SoverriZnJ «h’ lg |O nifest thw diapositinn to the |
.u * v > are . Sl « s ß‘*fobled at Vienna, and to J
aH (»eother have the honor to be, &c. 3
(Signed) CAULAINCOURT, DukeofVuensa.
I Letter from Viscount Castlereagh to M. Caulaitf
&. ~ h Aprils, 18)5.
njKi—l have been bouoxed with two Xol4iiJuß

â– ' '
it> bearitig date the 4th instant from
one of them covering a letter addressed to his
e ■y»i Highness the Prince Regent.
acquaint your Excellency, that the Prince
.ll nt has declined receiving the letter addressed to
• J -Eandhas, at the same time, given me his orders
WEnsind the letter add resed by your Lxc.’ltemy t .
Vienna, lor the information and consideration
|V |Ke Allk'd Sovereigns and Plenipotentiaries there
BL'fabled. - —1 am, &c.
I NO. I.
grucoun! Castlereaghtothe Earl of Clancarty, dated
Foreign Office, April 8, 1815.
7 I Mr Loro, —I herewith inclose a copy of an Over Overl
lj Overl Bre 8 re this day received from At. de Caulaincourt, with
â– the answer returned. You will communicate the
*Bfo!ia,for their information.—l havethe honor, &c.
< TSI ' Castlereagil
I fad oLPwarty, &G-
■ No. H‘ '
Ear? ”f Clancarty to Viscount
Vienna, May 6, 1815.
Mr Lon Adverting to your Dis ■ tetch. N<», 3,and-to'itsseveral inclosures, conveying
I ifn'op'.sal madehy the existing Go vtrnftierit in France
JffMtlj'our Lordship’s nos wer thereto, I have the honor
■Macquaint you, lqr the information of his Majesty’s
that at a Conti freiice held on theifd inst.
Mis Highness Pi met- M< tk-mich Acquainted us, that a Nmss-.vit. who had been stopped on bis way
Bwher, at Limz, from not having furnished with pro-
â–  addressed a letter to his Imperial
•Jtfajesty,and I hr re w ith forwarded some unopened let*
â–  ter.* which (he Emperor had directed hint to unseal
I in the presence of the Allied Powers.
These proved to be a letter from Bonaparte, ndlres-
■ Iled to his M >je»ty, professing a derig* to continue at
Efface, to'Wbscrvc (he stipulations of the Treaty ofPa-
I r% A.-, and a Enter from M. tie Caulaincourt to
J Prince Metternich, containing similar profosv hs. .
I Alter reading these Papers, it was considered, whe-
JlL’r any, ami \vf at answer'should be made thereto,
I When the gem* opinion ap|>eared to lx’, that none
I shattld be r. turned, and Ito notice whatever taken of
r tlie pr*»»x»s Upoa this, as in deed upon all other suh suhf
f suhf sequ n! to inc
Wlic.eii the present stale of Ifonri'U'iital Powers, with
tegird ,h is come uml r disettssi but one
ii.H app ar d to direct the councils Sovereign, i'h *y adh r<*, irvl from the commence commencement
ment commencement have never ceased to adhere, ami their declara declaration
tion declaration of th ‘ Idih of March, with respect to the acted
Ruler of Frinne. They are in a state of hostility with nd hi, adherents, not from choice, but horn ne necessity,
cessity, necessity, because past experience has shewn, that no
faith has been kept by hin, and that no reliance can
Ve’placed on the profession of one who Jias hitherto no
longer regarded the most sdeirin compacts, than as it
may havesuitr.l Itis own convenience to observe them,
whose word, the only assurance he can afford for his
peaceable dispositions is nut in a direct oppo i ilioii
lioii ilioii to the tenor of his actually placed. They tie!
that they should neither perform their duty to ihem ihem•elvrs,
•elvrs, ihem•elvrs, or to the people committed by providence to
their charge, if ti>ey*were now to listen to those pro profession
fession profession •nJ suffer themselves thus to he idled info the supo supopusitton
pusitton supopusitton that theburden.ufihp|M»rtihg immense military inastscr, by
duntiushing their forces toa peace establish uen^con uen^convinced,
vinced, uen^convinced, as the several Sovereigns are, fr<»m past ex exjierienct?,
jierienct?, exjierienct?, that nos inner should they have been diarm diarm pre pa ration, (hose sceiuu.' of agression and
»loodsh«ul, from which they had Ivfpctl riiat th ■ peace
so giOrioudy won at I’aris, would loug have secured
them. '
They are at wa£ then, for the purpose of obtaining
Some security fortheir own ind4pciHuncef le-chnquest of that peac/ and permanent'tranquility,
for which the world has so long panted. They arc nit
even at war for the greater or less proportion of seen-*
rity which France can afford them of future tranquil tranquillity,
lity, tranquillity, buttercup* France, under its present Chief, is
Unable to afford them any security whatever.
In this war, ( not desire to interfere with any
legitimate right of the French people ; they base no
design to oppose the claim of that nation to choose
their own form of Government, or intention to trench,
in any respect, upon their indepencenceas a great aM
free people; but they do think they have a right and
that of the highest nature, to contend against the re reestablishment
establishment reestablishment of an individual as the head of the
French Government, whose past conduct has invari invariably
ably invariably deaxvaUratcd, tiiatiu wh a situation he wid aot
I * \ , ,‘V-
i. * ‘ ‘ .
• 4r


suffer other nations to remain at peace—whose restless
ambition, whose thirst for foreign conquest, and whose
disregard for the rights and fodepence of other States,
must expose the whole of Europe to renewed scences
of plunder and devastation. ‘ *
However generaj the feelings ofdie Sovereigns may
be in favour of the restoration of the king, they no
otherwise seek to influence the proceedings ot the
French* in the choice of this or of any other dynasty,
>r form of Government, that may be essential to the
a ety and permanent tranquillity of the rest of Eu Europe;
rope; Europe; such reasonable security being afforded by
France in this respect, as other Slates have a legiti legitimate
mate legitimate right to claim in.their own defence, tbeir obj ct
will besatisfied ; and they shall joyfully return to that
state oi peace which vyill then and then only, be open
r to them, and lay down those aims ylnch they have
only taken up for the. purpose of acquiring that tran tranquillity
quillity tranquillity so eagerly desired by them on the part oi
their fospec&ve Empircstji *
Such, njy j|()rd,4ire tli;* general sen|iraents of the
Sovereigns and df their Ministers Were assembled; aud
it should seem, that the^forious-forbearande observe 4
by masters df the French capital in the
early bf the last year, ought to prove to the
French, that thi ami independence, or excited by any spir it of ambi ambition,
tion, ambition, or spirit-of conqih st, but one arising our of ne necessity,
cessity, necessity, .pfged on tlie principle of seiF piy^erration,
and founowl on that legitimate and incontrovertible
right of obtaining reasonable security' for t heir own
truquillity and independence, to which, if France has
on her part a blaim, other nuiofts haye an equal lille
to claim at the hands of France. s . *
In t hfs day laid before the of the
Allied Powers in conference,’ the. to be
delivered upon the exchange of the raliticntivu of-die
Treaty of the 25th March. After the opinjyiis vvbitdi
I have detailed as thosewith, which the Allied Sover Sovereigns
eigns Sovereigns aN* impressed, with respect to the object of the
wjir, it is : scarcely neccsstiry ior me to add, that (be
explauatfon aff.rde(l in this m»Je,as I he.const ruction
put by his Royal Highness the Pririt e Regi in on the
•Eight. Article of that i'rca’V wasjavpurably received.
Immediate nutriictiUis wifi be issued tb
th< ltnpeyi»t.Q)urts of Austria and
Rn*si , and Hie Minister'* of hU Prussian'Maj sty,
to accept ot tins on the exchange oi the ratifica ratification
tion ratification of the Treaty in Apt. Mfoo. .
Xxi order to-be assured that'! have ad voiced nothing
in flits dispatch which does notaecord with the vie ws
of the Capinels of (be Allied Sovereigns, 1 have ac acquainted
quainted acquainted the PietttppU .’Uiaries of W High Aibeu
Powers with thrttwip*ijts ifrStcbf, aifd haWfht* iiOhyr
to inform you, cqrituined in it en entirely
tirely entirely coincide wdh tli ise of their respective Courts.
1 have the honor to be, &«.-
(Wgned) CLaNCARTY*
- " ' ■■!«— ■■■■'> »■
T/n\ ist<> inform tht Public, that the following
Pt i rons intend quitting this colony.
Robert El .vis, in 6 yveeks from 24 .Mine. . ;
A. A. »ie so Court, wiil quit this Colony, June SO.*
Jam > Fvderingham in 6 weeks from 15 July.
Nathiiira! Hunt mdift. from do.
Edward. Hunt in do. from do.
v / R.G.BOWNERjSec.
— ——- — * - — — 5 ~— *
' Xi'tii e is hereby gi-ctOf that b month aft create
frdldling Tran spoors and Mortgagi-s will be
June 17. W. Hracry qq.JFxaqci* Stewart, wiil jrans jransport
port jransport 10 rmnls ot buddings theidon,
situate bn lot No. ISpiiorth-bide, so VV r . Katz.
W. Hinery wilL transport la John M’Uarnpn
July 8. "W. Ross.qq. ft. Hose, will transport t(|.pe t(|.pernerary
rnerary t(|.pernerary 52 names to be seen al Ihis Qi Qifice.
fice. Qifice.
July 15. Francis qq. the Assignees of
John Dawson, will transport so Jaines Roberts
and Hugh Ifothune, qq. Alexander Tulloh, of
Lwmlon, the E&stsrii half us Lot 38, AV«st Cdast
us BerUice. * > s< ?
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
i, — ~ . , ,
V-'-' — i .
On Tuesday 18th iest. will be sold, by order and
gtihe house of Mrs. M. Lir.duer, on lot No. 10, an
assortment of dry goods,'glass, tin, & earthen ware,
"loaf sugar, hyson tea, fdd Madeira in bottles, valu valuable
able valuable portraits and priiS, mirrojs, hjuck glasses, gen-
Heinens hats, bools and shoes, 0 casks claret, &.C.—
Also a liousqson Lot No. 10 tenting the middle road
60 feet long & one sfoty high, with about 240 feet
of land.—.lnd about 4(X) feet of land, being the north
quarter of Lot No. 10, extending from the middle
road to the backdatn, which will be sold in parcels
to suit purchasers, also two variable negro women
with their children, and 2 field negro men. Terms
of payment, for the land and Neffroes 3 & 6 months.
D. C. CAMERON, Cep. Vendue Master,
" â–  -s?t . y
»• 1 ‘‘ f 4 ‘ a • •.'!<.

.. '' -V. . . v.-a. .* A â–  ...
On Thursday the 20 will sold oh lot Ko.
15, order oj C. C 9 Swaving 9 Esq. without rs
sen e, dine, terras, temper lime, bricks, bread in bar*
rds, starch, paints dh oil, hams, beef, vinegar
claret, green pease, beans, pipes, pearl barley, rol rolpens,
pens, rolpens, lilberdaan, cats, dtetys,
D. C. CAMfikcfN, U?p. Vendue Master, 1
On.-Thursday 27th instaht w ilk lie sold the follow following
ing following without reserve: 2 pun< h ‘oys batiq 2 dd7
coffee bags, a parcel of carpenter tools, plantation
sto es, saddlery, coffee and eotton
hams, 10 bodies soap and 10 do. candles, J 2 dozen
Port and 12dozen sherry wine, stationary, a parcel
nails in kegs of 50 lbs. eaA h, paints & oil, spirits of
Aurpentine, neats foot oil, Ac.* • '
Ou the same day by the Vdidite Meister in com comtnissie,
tnissie, comtnissie, 5 horses, a chaise# harness, c 2 riding muksf
a silver atop watch with patentlever, 2 or 3 setts of
plain breakfast # dinner services, ready made cloths,
and jewellery.—'Hie nt 3 A‘ 6 months credit,
—■the horses ivmrranled and there area pair
erf ponies amongst them thed draw very gentle to ga gather
ther gather or separately.
D. C. CAMERON, Pep. Vendue Master.
On .’.fond iy the 3lsl fost. will be sold, by opler
AJexander Fraser, qq. BenfieJd's Estdtesf at rlahM , ?
tfon Eddertown, west coast, 30 40 bead qOqgcat*
it?, a hbrse and mule, also the yr hide of the furni'nre
in the dm Ilin* house, as lately occupied by the 3ec.
Mr. J, Brod<’ri( k, consisting in mahogany'dimng ta tables,
bles, tables, card do-, side boards, bedsteads arid beds, solas,
chairs, glass and emffon wan*, knives & forks, wall
candlesticksarid glass lamps, &c.
D.C Ca mer oil, Dep. Vendue Mastjiri
i . . .-tii ».w - ...i inwiiii i . ii »■>*-—«i ■■ i ri l „
Ou Thursday B*l August wilt bb sokL by order r>f
lA known as Lot No. 82, and | of Lot. “NoJ 33, with all
its buildings, cuUivaium,and farther appuitenames,
payable jn 6, 12, &43 months. -
At (he same time 2QO sheep and 70 head of cattfoj
the stock'of Plantation Tailogie, kyowh to
ongst the finest in this colony, also cotton baggingj
paints and oil, carpenter and cooper tools, hoes ami
shovehfc Payable in 3 and C months.
l>. C. UAMERON, Dep. Vendue M
. DRIFTED ot STOLEN in the night b'e b'etween
tween b'etween the6tb and 7 oar’d small boat, being green arid black painted; any
person givimr wformaiiou oi the above wall b«
re July. B. ZILGLER.
— ————*- —■ :— ... A-'
FOR 8A LE by the Bubs|ribers, at their Store
on Lot Np. 4, for immediate jpay meat:—Prune New
ijiiadtaud fish in 6 & 8 quintal casks, Yorkshire
pickles, pease, barley, oysters, afonhuls,
sins, currants, tripe in jars, mustard, black
hysorrrjk gnu-powder tea, sallad oiJ, salt in tierces,
genilcilien’s clpatiung, hosiery, woollen suteks, scar scarlet,
let, scarlet, blue, bUck,green, olive & brown broad
kersemere, flamici & do. jackets, green baize, table
'“livers, do. with borders, Negro cluiliing and blan blankets,
kets, blankets, perfumery assorted; boots & shoes, cowling pie pieces,
ces, pieces, an assortment' of ironmongery, cast & German
ibtecl, + cut & whip saws 6 Bf7 feel irame irametennett
tennett irametennett frit- hahd-siiws, fifes of all description, car-'
penter & cooper adzes, double & single plane irons,
locket gauges,chissels, drawing knives,
poke shaves, squares, braces & bills, wood & horse
t rasps, augurs, cleavers, bras*Cocks, pans, boi boik
k boik is, lea kellies, frying |>Sus, sad Rons, gfoe
nuikdrom id. to bddcrockery ware, glass do. sella
15 June. WULFF & BRCAyN.
— — — . —. . ■■ .. 'l!,— -. I-—.-.. I. .. , ,~*
TilE'Subs' rfber offers for Sale, Four thou thousand
sand thousand cubic feet df bullettree TinibJt, fjuin 5 to 18
inch square, to be delivered in town on short notice.
8 July. ? , ..£ U. SCULAftIIOIWr.
*—i— imp ii —i.iw
By virtuffof aa Extract from the of
the Court of Rolls, dated the 10th April, 18.15, given
in the cmise entidcd John Tapin and P. Fairbairn,
in capacity asSeotiestrators to Plantation. Vovit, the
late property of Dudley Wade, versus, ali Clßfoiants
on the proceeds of Plantation Yeovil, cum auhexis,
sold at Execution Bale. I the undersigriwi, at thd
request of aforesaid Sequestrators, do heftby «Sufo «Sufomon
mon «Sufomon by Edict s (for. the fourth timeex sUpcrabuh sUpcrabuhdanti)
danti) sUpcrabuhdanti) all Ciaiipants on the (he proceeds of Planta Plantation
tion Plantation Ypovil, to appear before the Court of Civil Jus Justice,
tice, Justice, or th s colony, on
there te render in their claims,Ho verify tire same,
aud further to hear Ihc Court’s decision as so the
preferent and concurrent right of claimants on the
proceeds-ofsaid Estate.
This Summons by Edict made Known t blic by beat of drum from the Court Hqme of
colony, and further dealt with according to custom. •
Berbice, the 16 June, 1815. ’
1 ’ K. ERANCREN, First MjtfsbaL

IN consequence ftf an qppositionjby Albert
NzT. to the intended Sale by Execution, as
A-1 refused, of .1 be Coflee Dttttkfatrhci4 tin&
Zb/usrigt, property of said A. J. Ghsius, at
the instance << the -Representative of J oh. van den
Brock?* #
Ao/ TI?M by virtue of anyn-ufy, given by the Honorable
Coitrt m Civil .Fustunder date of ,18th May 1815 j
on a petition presented by (7eo. Panels, as we 'At 'At ,i lit â–  Estate. I' nrkbqarhtid. with al! its cult iva-
1i rt». buildings, and further appurtenances, and ass
th<* right, <*'*.'3 ajJ ii’Jnebt ol said A. J. Glasius in
jl 'V I.' 4 A . • *1 11* A.* »

Ita p.iikr Luinitigt, itsciiltiyation, buildings
shye*, -Q i further appurt. riWes, in as much asThe
s has been Jiirt a fpr bcjjupf of said j
. . â–  ;;n J.-nikpek, will place on the Is'h J:>.
inventory b* ing for inspection at ]
tbfsfirtu* s**’in'or 5 **’in'or ie; lonuMver from the proceeds ol
said -rile, snrtj sum of ihogey, for vvhuh said Estate*
b >v< h eu'ak.-a in Execution, or such part
as di?’’, muatn nnpnid- at the time of such sal*.
'i' i- yul Pi ’ tail'iti.-n made knomr to the Pu Public!);.
blic!);. Public!);. begfOf drpni from the Court House of this
colony, end further r! . ’ Berbilc‘, 9 Jidy, 1815. j
K. Fhancken, First Marshal.
x _
EY virtue of AutL .nh from His Excellen Excellency.lf.
cy.lf. Excellency.lf. W. isKNTiS. k, Esquire,
Os the colony Ih-J bice a»ui its f)epend<‘iu its, &c, &c.
&c. Given mider date of fith’May, 1815,'upon a pe petition’
tition’ petition’ presented by John .M’Donald & Co. versus die
Proprietor or Proprietor-, Representative or ftepre ftepreseirtitfiv.'s,
seirtitfiv.'s, ftepreseirtitfiv.'s, of the V.esle-n half of the Lots & .'JJ,
ths! coad.. I the undersigned intend to?< ft, at Ex Exe<
e< Exe< utioifSale, i;> the-preiu nee of twoCpunstdlors Com Comjnis>
jnis> Comjnis> iric.s aigl their Secretary, on Wednesday the 2d
AAgfist, ISIS. at the Court fluuse ol this cot >ay, nt
e’ : . veu o'clock in the !br< iio ji.uned WMej-e e, LotsN <.
’■ ••••:■' i.irjhhth sarfthilered in 'LxcCatiofi to
me Hur
'* ■» ■*. ok >,!;;»»; ijbjnk Minvdi enfitl. dto oppose
th', b'xceiritpin S-d.e of as unsaid Lots, sot .suc|wperapus
a kijpss n>o dcfiaiTig’'
their reason for so'd<)in» in due time and form, as I
be why'give* ppi ice, that Fntdl recite oytjf.sUUfc
from evgry Hi/ermcditve person, appoint diem a
to Jus or her claims 'Heard befuie the Court, aind
furthcrafct therein as tliy hw d’nets.
Tin .J Proclamation b.aite knownfo the Public
by, beat nt drum ffoin the Court House of this cuio cuioj/y,
j/y, cuioj/y, and further dealt with according\4o ebstom.
Berbice, 9 July, 1815.
- K. FR ANCKEN, First Marshal.
— ; ——_____ _
BY virtue of an Appoint merit from His Fx Fxcedviicy
cedviicy Fxcedviicy H. W. I-Jenvinck, Esquire, IKiiutenant IKiiutenantf
f IKiiutenantf of the'Ckilbiiy Berbice and its Dependc.n Dependc.n-ci
ci Dependc.n-ci ,X: •. &c. &c. given upon q p Jrmh MT’.irnon as one of the SFciiestrators ( »f Phu-

NA. !, vvtsi Cdfonfyn coasG dated 24th .Tune,
JSJS._ I the-undersigned aft be m
Joan >i tamorj,-qq. du hereby Summon by *Edict;
Allltuwn arid iiiAncwn claimants on tfce proceeds
ot ?! station No. J, west Gorentyn, th appear before
the Court ot Civil Justice, of tins colony, oa .'fon .'fonday
day .'fonday the 17th'July, ISiy, and following days, forth.-
pu gDfC es there rendering in their against the
})’ 'CCiMs of f'iantatfon No. 1 west Corentyi]. (lobate
lih> shoe, and to witness, after tins'fourth EdtetaF
tlfp Conn’s decision as to the preferorit bj
coßcurn-nUight of claimants, o i p tin, as tfo law di dives.
ves. dives. and further to proceed actyYujng to style.
'J 1- Stannic • by Edict ihade i.noWti to ihe pubfic
by Wat of dfufo from the Court House of this colo colony,
ny, colony, mu: further dealt wi.h ftecurding to custom.
Berbice, SOth .fowe, ISIS. ’ *
K. I d \ Nti.N, First Marshal.
M'k virtue of an Appointment from Is is hx hxcellein
cellein hxcellein jr H. W. 'Bentikck, Esquire,‘Licuienam-
Gnveiw of tub Cbgmy. Berbice and its Depended
cresy < a upa penifon presented by John M’Ghmon, as-oneofthe
qtfeslrators oi L’fa nt at ion Leisis Manor. I theun theund
d theund rsigned. at the request of aforesaid J. APCanmn,qq.
do hereby Summon by Edict: y\ll known and uu uukmr£«r
kmr£«r uukmr£«r Hrants on the proceeds of Plantation Le Lewisr
wisr Lewisr Manor, cuw annexK to appear before the Court
V Vl ' “I this Colony, on- Monday the 17th
July, ‘3lj, and following days, for the purpose of
t.rere rmfo rm.g in their claims against the proceeds
1 i I ianfolmn Lewis Manor, cum annexis,, debate
swmkyand so wWMtifo Guuit’s dccuma qu the

* A* u
right of claimants, and further tn proceed according 1
to law,—on |mui, after the fourth Ecfictal Station, of
being tor ever dgb iraed theii rigid of claim. ,
This SumnicAis by Edict made known to the Pu Public
blic Public by beat of drum frym the Court House of this
colutjy, and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbi'cc, 80th June, 1815.
K- First Marshal. .
STOMACH IC BITTEHb. This most exc ltenl cor cordial
dial cordial is prepared from raspberry brandy, and is es esteemed
teemed esteemed an i tiicacious anthlote against fevers, arid all
other disorders prevalent in fne VVest-lndies; fronj
benefit derived from their eOicacy in all ca cases
ses cases of cokl, arising from exposure to the weather.
They procure a strong appetite, and facilitate di-
try fortifying and strengthening the stomach.
— They are excellent in all cases where the nerves

Haye been injnretl by imtnnpe^ncc: and are of great
utility in hypochondria in men or wumvG,—and from
! their giving immcdi.ilfe relief to all pains m the sto stomach
mach stomach and imwtls, by taking a little in its native
Strength.—it js a cordial whi.h no family should be
wHlmal. Th y swe ten the breath, —remote all dis disngieabie
ngieabie disngieabie nausea of the stomach, —pfetem from m m.icctioh
.icctioh m.icctioh by cwnuigiousdiatempersor corrupt air,—and
ill'kill alkm-uyier of worms with which children or
others may bp liouVled : and is perhaps (he best mv mvdiei;m
diei;m mvdiei;m in the world for the scurvy, proceeding from
cold nlghtair, unwholesome dew. 6, or exposure to
or bad weatlnr. These bitjeik have one
pcculiai qu-ilify possessed by n-a others,—as they
kavy a nn^t. agreeable smell and flavour, and after
tifhing theih not occasion that uh [ leasent sen sensation
sation sensation in the stoufach which is generally excited by
ofF r imerior kinds of bitters.
This cordial may be. taken in brandy, wine, rum.
tea, syrup; or almost any kind of liquor usmdlytkank.
The proper qu mtity for grown persons is from one to
two uUle-spoons full, and lor children, frum on to
three tva-sjjp'ms full. J
Enracau snuff, Macouha, and Macnubs a la rose,
Martinique noyeau, and a .‘.mall quantity ol blue
China plates by the dozen, dry goods, and sun dr v
otb. rart.cle,. .
7he rs jtisf arrived from Bfirhadofy ana
keeps his Shop at the hovsc »f l\lr, La Lose, on lot
Ao. 7, Lrnnt Dam.,
The Subscriber will quit the colony in a few days.
A. 8. The Bitters in rose-water bottles, kt to
close sales—old gfeld and silver be liken in navm’t. '
Av M. < KO FT lias n cent ly and ft»r the Stereos J. B. Buie, Esq. the following
• abides, viz,—tkei ami pork ih hall barrels, bnm.4,
floir, prase, barley, bter, porter, wine, soap|gam.
til< s, turn Irish linen sbeeiiiig, Lowe’s patent shirts
ing, miisquito netting; damiibk table cloths, ging gingli
li gingli arifs, gj hcues, ti sic and common cotton cambric. It o oimd,
imd, oimd, limn, cottmi and printed handkerchiefs, gen gentk
tk gentk uh .i’s < ioatbpig, consistingef coats, vests, j xkeb,
jrowsers mid panluloons, black, blue, brown & green
broad cloths, stationary iissorn-d, amongst winch are
exCt ijilgers, journals, daysj cash, ami leltei
books, gentlemen’s tool writing desks, and
shoes,'Negro cioating jackets, 1 robots,
hats, shirts, laps, &c. &c. and various
winch will be sold cheap to close sale^.—B July.

A r Copt.
Swartis aaugfbragt) in word! tot riroith pryseft
door den ondergetediendef op het Eirf van den heer
J. F.
BivbTE Rhy‘n Y.jn”ito roc|e w\n in kiafen
cn per doccyn, .trommels banket. Sccretaris cn an andere
dere andere Koekcu, gedroogde appejen cn peren, wasch
Kd .ibcn, pat< hteEagcdscbc lumpen tn di(o oiie, sup
ime douker biaauw e» groen W en, nytte laarsen sclioi den, geruile linnens, gesarede kurken, sync
spevlkaart. n, kopere tontel dozen, linncgi band, ve veters,
ters, veters, Bokkc kralen, Negerpypen, kantoor bciekenin
pckape baud, Hollandscb post en schryf papier, alle
sojri van, kinder speck goca, &c*
'* t ’’ ~ 4- .. t ’> —I
E OR Is ALE, twenty hogsheads of Sugar and
ten pqnrlitmus of Rum, the produce of Plantation
Htrsli'Uing. Tenders for the above will be received
at the house of Dr. Beresford, on lot No. 1, until
1 uesdaj the 11th inst. ut tcna>’cfoc]k in the morning
w hen the highest otfi r, if approved, will be accent accented
ed accented of.—BJuly. * a J. SCHWIERS.
—— — —
OBEN, from Plantation
z nlmyray on last Tuesday’s night, a large brjndle
Bui), and a brown Cow with a white spot in her fore forelitticl
litticl forelitticl give any informatfou of them, so as to lead to their
discovery, will be handsomely rewarded.
8 Juiy. i , b. JEFFERY.
itl / 11. Um thousand ears. j j u |y t
‘ .' • .•> ' - v-l- v;-

RI O’K RFTUPN«d' T ’ 7 u^"’ i '' IM
on Estates, for the six months (sa v .I®J? I
c/riy of December Inst te Ist oftht oiorth \** I
now r,-.dy fi,r deliver .1® |>
o" 03,i’ re 10 b ‘ “'" ,lc in w.'; I
' ’R. ALLT, Dep. Rec. Gen
— .18..—1 .W—■■■!!■ B J Ml ,
and op in for Sa'e 1 8
rafter, 5y the Package or otherwise, u most d/iLIH
parcel of Lon non Goods, se/. rtf rftSfg
amongst which is a complete assortment of Ml 11 wl
NEP Y, of the nttsesl fashion and quality, viz.-L* I j
ELEGAN fl black and w bite lace veils assorted I i
do. do. do. shaw Is do., plain sarc. net and fancy (0 ?
<>urcd Gondon dresses, full trimmed dress Caps a S H
bonnets, do. do. du. w#h onfttmenta,
(rimmed straw’ hats and bonnets, gold ami diver or I i
nameiUs, spencersJippets, ami cl.mL ric k>W
scarfs, and dhaidles and rulik, Whalebone llh ’| |
weed rosettes; white and coloured liguud musUfw O 1
black do. du., mull and jac.mrtdo. do., ( imri .4 I
thread net; saiceiirfs ana satihs, Mlibons, ||hdifv r 5
Reg. ncy curd, trimmings,.camhii. ks, .iimitW ajj I
jeans, lung ami short white I’rencb kid glol-vs <<>« I
loured gloves, full trimmed while kidand fahey c#. I
loured Htppcrk, vaii fy ol frimlffirigs, tjfl
Also, rccehed f otn London: , â– 
A few splendid aWicles of jewellery, and tlurcfoo- , I
drpi gold K exceil iU
■e»; 4ow l(l x gmmw-,, furniture chintz; ginL |l
hamsaiHl lii#u*4 ladies and gentl>men’» suner' ti™/’ ■
h >se, M ,dr:.< ami Pu!l‘eß/c hmtdkert hiefc, jyk, t .“ I
sorted, fim- fiammh, qmlring, plaii’ks and Ibim I
bias, rullrJ iltcoes, co|?mi shifting and Reeling*
'tamask table cloths, Broad cloths of (hlT'rent c<»- 1
.'otr s, fable covers, blue, and go'en with I; rd 1
sila u-Vs, ihc.xs nu I wid’.ing sho< >, bine find a!nte I
J vde.npores, gentlemen’s wcat ing apparel, India silk I
aud. ther hai.dkercldefs,lmit ition French uimbricks, *T'
&c.—ALo a lew elegant poftable writrng desks and *l,
dressing cases, and soap, porter, strong anil
pal? ale, brand), feneva, claret in hhds. &c on Hand,
Madeira wine, Pmt do.,claret, old mm, superfine
flour, beef, port., tongues, bams, < hctw, tea, Sugar,
spices, pi, n!es, oil, capers, vim-gar, mwlfanW salt’
lobaccu, iron wart, gUs.-, t»n,,and earth, h do., two
light gigs, and harness, and a vaiirty of other arti articw«r
cw«r articw«r G. M. FORRESTER.
lhmrruy,South-Sivc6t, June |(>,JB,S.
IT~ in . -- n ■' tl ■ ■•'?-'z ■Av
— . ——'■' - ■ .gB .
h: J une\ 1815.
THE (iourt of Civil Justice
kmcv ibis, ktuiwn by the Name of “Ben : ielu’s,”
yz,—LWe///,7g, Sieup IlTd&lq'?,!, EdmorL
Eddcitiavn, I nion, Ednf
Ckoisi, aigf .4cell'd, to be
•ver io the A#s?irnees of Tufumviz Co.,
or their Reprehemative; Am! Em. BnooßmcK as
being with John lions and Gin. Hrxry Hooh
Bankrupt EsUte or s:iid Turn.
bull I .ulk-siit Co. having Substituted me to be At Attorney
torney Attorney for the Adininibtratiori'oi lift- said Estates, !
»which have been delivered over wecordingly. Ail
persons who have anychftns agdnst the said Estates
kre hereby r« qiiired io n-mh-r the mme t„ n >e, al the
More ol Messrs. Geo. Bone & Co.; and all person* .
indebted tp the said Estates, are rcquc>ied to pay to
me tiie amount of tbeir debts.
, . . Alex. FRASER, qn.
1 July; Benfield’s INtate* and tie Assign*
j cos ol Turnbull Fmbt>& Co.
ALEE de genco die icts te vordcren heb ben
vau de Boeßei wyhrnd J. A. van Oocncveldf, wc*?
den verzogt in do Iyd van zes weekra, na datedrzes,
faunae pretcntien inteleleren cu bvUJilkp tc ontvaii ontvaiigep,
gep, ontvaiigep, op de planlagie de Rcsolntic, by
IT , â–  Low. FAVRE.
1 Ju 'y- Execilteur Testamenfair.
FOR SALE by the Subscriber, at his house
opposite Mrs. Mar? Lindner’s, a few thousand feet of
excellent crqb-wood inch JumObr.
_ 1 Ju| y- WALTER SCOT.
S1 RAY ED on the 12th ult. from u|antation
Colchester, on the East-coast canal, four hcaTof Cat Cattic,
tic, Cattic, (say) two red cows, a red calf, arid a black heifer,
any person taking ftp the same, or giving such infor information
mation information as may tend to the recovery thereof, will
greatly oHige the subscriber, and any cxpcnces in incurred
curred incurred thereon, shall be immediately paid.
1 Ju, 7 W. BRUTON.
"""'" "" 1 =-■-'- .' ■!L ■" ~™— =s»g.
Published every Saturday at 4 o’ clock p jr.
by w. Schulz & Co.
Privileged Gjvernmtnt Printert
TW *"t X'W. £ n ■'T-:

Full Text


' A, M*"•’-VS..' Ip . ¦ .*'' sOF'’-"v.*'-> -3fc*.~ • ' « ’ia F ' • * JT ¦ • ¦ # , ’ ¦-. jfe. ‘ ** >rtjf 9 *• ¦?’¦• k X * ; A Itsis.) « T (T^T , ~ nin-.-r-, 563 Herbice GAZEOfeo *fe ¦* * % *^"*'•*i'--A “ -..-••••** -¦& ' x ¦>' >l.'.‘ &/ 7 "‘r ’ ' **s£“ Z*' * . ¦£ ' . «kA*r‘ t «w ~ .W a* TxSL'*' 'IF -.-c-iiaL ' * 1* >*•&*.»••'. "Age-1 -—-' ' "" — silfete dollars p. annum.] SAIUHJ)AY. JULY [PijuaUe 19F NOTIFICATION X Jt/ie Tonrt of Civil Justice, which were to have W&n held on Monday the 11 th July, are postponed ttnlil Monddythe3lslJu^/ r ISIS. I' Secretary’s Office, Berbice,.lAih J»Zy, ( lßls. ¦L •.?'*« • / -'. HyCoifahandf 1 I R. C.DOWNBR, Sec. •... -,„¦',,, — — —— -rt— I ffOTI lICATI(J the Honorable tfdUrt of I Policy and Cri rhinal Jujireof the GotimyrJte*’ I bice—To a'/ to Jdinm these presents may or I sAll conte, !4 voojz. schip nog eenige alscheepinge tc doen, adn ssermi zicb by voornnem I I—»¦ "Ml «in *»¦’.<*— 11 • ¦ ~ .|,rL ¦.. nEggt FOa GLASGOW, the Ship Bri.le'l**ll ptF, Thomas Todd, Master, to sail from' hence in all October; for freight or passage apply to the Master oh board, or to / COLIN DOUGUS & Co. ¦ WHO hate received by the above vessel, the following atliclea, which they o.T r tor Sale on their Umhil terms, viz:— (foiwon Duff Inglis jr Comp's. London patliculur Mudcira wine in pipes, hlids, and rpiarter casks ; a light fashionable Gig, a general as¦mtment of Plantation Stores, also 50 bhds. coals, which will be sold reasonable if taken from alongside. 15 July. > * — . ... >• — TEKOOJP, de volgende goederen, aaiigeaangebragt per Capt. Zwtirt, tot de nevertsiaahde; kassa f —Genever in kelders a /i 22. — dito extra goede in kruikje’ a £25. het dotizyn,— zoete mclksche en Leydsche van 16 lb. a /9. —Edammerdo. a y'2-15. —ham a fl. per lb.—botera /20. per vaatie, —oude Grenada rum a /4.'per gall. 15 July. J. G. F. THIENSMA. DEN ondergeteekende maakt hiernevens bsdat hytotwyne Gemachtigde, by Papcuratie, heeft aangesteld tot waarneming van alle zyne zaken, den heer A. Schliiufcr. 15 July. W. HARTMAN. . | PROCLAMA*ITONk ¦ ig ’ ,>n_ • From the Trinidad Cyurant had Commercial Gazette, of Saluiduy, February 11, 1515. TP.iy/n.fD. lt BY Utis Raya! Highness the Prince of Wales, ? Regent of ihy Gi'eat Britain the miyte affiinn ‘ pROCLAM vp|oN ‘ . Whereas doubts have arisen, and may in future arise respecting the naune and extent of the juri»“ dictioi), civil as .vveii ctimural, to which all persons serving jiii hu Majesty’s regular Army, and stationed in our Island of Trinidad, are amen.ibk ami habk , tor removal of the same, end the evil consrqu. ncesarising theretrom : we have taken those circumstances into our consideration, M a held at Carl ton-House, on the Jbth day of December, in tfig year di our Lord 1814, have thought it expedicnr, in* the name and on the behalf of bis M ’jesty, and by and With the advice of his M ijebty’s Privy Gou.icii, (o order, proclaim, and declare, as it is hereby ordmed, procliriiued, and declared : that from and after the promulgaCo.i of this our Proclamation, the cogmz-uiee of di civil acts, actiona, contracts, inheritances, wilb, inventories, obligations, air'd aU or he. civil acts, executed, .uade, and enterctl into’ by all or any such person or jiersuns, so stationed as aforesaid, or in which tiiey %<»aG be iuauy wise interested or concerned, shall vving a;id appertain Io the seveial Tiibunate of ordinary jiirißdictioh now established in out said islandW Timidaihj aiM that in pests-d, -m*d* passed by the Paiiiameuioilhe Untied ui.ig-iomof'Greatßritain and Irdand, of and with whicii any person so serving and stalioned as aioresaid shall be charged and accused, or sus|»«cted, shad in future exclusively bduug and appurtain to the. tnbunal of our Governor and Uogimander-iruGhief of the said Island of Trpudad, lor die time Being, or Lputciiant.-Goveinpr oi the Kime, accompanied by his Assessor, and to no other tribunal. ¦T 44 And we do hereby further order, proclaim, and dbclare, that ths sevend exceptions created and made by the Bpa»ish Law, in such criminal cases as aforesaid, whereby they become cognizable tu the civil jurisdiction, be, as the same are hereby declared to m , hgmefordi repealed and annulled. • -e ? Ami we do hereby further order, proclaim, and declare, that these pur presents be, in virtue of oar proclamaliun of the IStii day of Dec. 1813, enrolled ami registered in the Uo./ks of record that aie thereby directed to be kept by otu and by the i espcctive Judges of our several churls or tribunals, eslapirshed aud in force, or to be hereafter established and in force within our said island of Trinidad, “ Ami, lastly, we do hereby, in the name And on the behalf of his Majesty, will and require and strictly charge and command our Governor for the time bi iqg, or Lieutenain-Governor, and the Odicer that may now or at any time hereafter have the command pt u is Maysty’s troops in garrison in our said Island, the Judges m all our courts and tribunals thereof, the Commandants of quarters, and ail our Officers civil ami military, ami all other his Majesty loving subjects Within the said Island, duly to obey a/id observe these piescnts, aud to govern themselves accordingly. 44 Witness, his Excellency Sir Ralph Jas. Woodford, Bart, our Governor and Coniinander-in-Chief in and over the said Island of Trinidad, at the town %f port oi Spain; and give® under the great seal of' our said Island, this 9th day of-Feb. in the year of our Lord 1815, and in the 55th year of his Majesty’s reif. (signed) “R. J. Wooni orb. “ By his Excellency’s command, (Ug.) 44 P. Reina© Lis, Bed. 44 Gbd Savc the King TO THE EDITOROF THE STAR. London, May 9, i81.5 # Si r—The above inclosed printed copy of a mation issued iu the name of his Ro; al Highness the | Prince Regent, Ralph Jam/9 Wdodfdrd, Bart. Govertior of Trinidad, has reached me • mid,though it appears to be sotnewhat obscure and umntelligible toan English reader, yet, hr the British army ty and necessarily concerned in ils promnlgMjon, „Jurist Vou will give it publicity, Hirbhgh the mednfi efymir Papes. Liberality isttiote Hence it is not py t!ie e ty anotheri—•RuHnty * sole object is <0 apprize tne British A rniy, iq general, of the foreign njunte|pal law te which they will bec«Rnc amenable, aqd jiy which now to br go4 , ' vewie'l, in point l on r subjects, or of any others' entitled tq our protection. And by the Proclamation acorn panymg this letter, his Royal Highness has beCii pleased for the r though I am informed, that the Spanish laws expressly prbvidrft and enact, that the military .shall only be trieH bv their own peculiar fuero or tribunal, —< court martial. Upon this a considerable doubt occurs to foe; aiif that doubt is, wheter the expression,“ where there is no form of our civil judicature in force," is to’be ta• ken in a.confined or in an enlarged sense*; that is to say, whether “ our civil judicature” do not, by «ece*sary and rational implication with IclatiMf to th? fed clause of the mutiny Bill, mean aiul|efer to f hafcfonit of civil judicature, where British laws art* in forcr? —Or may this expression of his Royal Highness* emanating from the authority of an act of the British J. 4 egislature, be carried so far as fir extend to #«< ir foreign law as may happen to be in force, in a conquered dominion of ih«r Ging? « As f am no lawyer, perhaps I may baVe an erro, neous view of the subject; but qsir.kis me,that ( | H . exceptive words, “ where isbte/yrm ui oui civil • « '


'MicatprpiWofce,” ought to b ft understood Ina li. turaGfKqkgidsen so accd'<*4*h iU be delivered over to flievivil Magistrate.” Snr-dv tfoui, no one will, as it would semi idle to r.*»tfand th \tfthe ordinary course of law, few ofljtef'h%k or the civil Magistrate} so desigM are. inn 4r;ufeof the Inited Kingdom,.can havesn£ ndatiouto t!u*Jh;«gn possession ol hiaMajes’< * u Pbile T inceil a, ibi hr nulla." Os di l.imwn judiciary codes, however, I have beep credibly informed by genifemen who have long resided in the Spanish dvminitws, (hat the Spanisnf ertnimaliatvisthe'mos deficient, inperfoct and dilatory, if not one oi the worst and nmsi crimiiiai enrtes in the known world, fovuntThg byly liu% without tip slightest regardolliberty. Indeed, fuel my. sell loithonsed to say, th is scarcely a well iufoniu rd ‘•'’poniard ih doiumions who does not demy the’Criminal iasand her liKlies, as a rhuvera ti/the athynnmnt emls of public; Jto.4ice’ i'ednps, odUiis sutmc?, the present Judgy J TriindiTmjiyht be a apable of furnishhiga great"deal n c >nfii :i!atnry -hi ywmr.lkp, if his judu'ial situation dhl piit r rectiHle b:m fr<;jr openly avowing it. But whs'ilrer the rrimiial law of Spain be suhalfk 1 , or ws H br ill d, to (he charactei aod gCLetus ot th. ' pu.ibh mitiur; it is nm .ey pr-n i. , : to ernau re. All i \ ish U ask’ anti :di 1 p ; .t'U—Cad a •¦ il/.iv;; thy driudi,>rn;y at trlui adfbv > id y.<3 -.i.< Kypdly tried aud punrsiyd there, by. the Spdki;d, i;r a; y other foreign crwdmd law F Jfthe aliinnafcrc ol this question be insisted upen by any Ib.g ly iv P , ti 9 a Brjfidi subject, to enter my h*i ds.;. be.f HJimn proiesi, against it.— to the the measure, that njigirt bi’auswered iay tii< way: '' ll'he s ( y i?l yh laws are coneei mJ,penned, and promulg mJ in th Spanish hnguagc. The British sob dtery, m gen ail-, speak atfil uudcrstaml noethyi ktugHtz<'bu th ir o n mother-tongue, whmhri it be Lnulfsh, Irish, ?c4 sof war ; but , if *on V.. I to pi I a .Ti.-ck h xuxmi, or (he Hebrew biblstotn th ir h :u.b, would tfiejßc able to find out the Word for ley , lus is glaq end amdwms reasoning to the imtkrsmnding df the British soldiery; and, it you wish them lb perform that which they are c*uabk of, d > mis place tlrnij in ihv darkness as a sdlJwmiu ot < trnyrmr, and then punish them, by Snitrkh ' P ' , “ -os vvur Oteaiioß to turn tkeir bnytmet,intnr br rfh Wl. Sfnbfsh n “ c murs dir tug of war.” «f« ih§ case it wiKftn* n;i dm Imp da! FafiiaWl of the (.mod ninrdom, to enact, or fm Lis K vd Ihy Irm-e Ib cent, (o order and projalmbsu lihjgus 1 rimtlad emdiu-ms tobegn. . < h lawsth.r (be Officers and soklidrsbf (be BriHsli army shall, h s previous aad not o learn, bul make lhetpjvcs .masters <>f ti lc > f v P ,i.;b b’-firfdTnvy be'permWd to serve his Majesty at that .J s ?** neither pracftcablu nor con H uh! then bc expedient, lor the parjrosc ci mat. rtal justice, t<> nominee a L-arn-d Doctor of (De tivd law, who undentauds the Spanish lahi*uage or a Spanish Advocate, wf»o understands the Bn«*lih hrtgirtg; , ;*s (be pi•ofawmnahud legal defender of the poor vettmn pritMi soldh r at Trmidad; for while the Governor ot that colony W occasion for and •citoUni jwvujw U>, tic Biuitanw »ud Mlvks of » '¦ f .an v' Tw V '.>¦• •; % , ¦ t * _ . f 'Y;... ‘4f. ;<¦ ¦*. ‘ <* ,• '¦¦. * u, Jo*. **!' e.i \ . *wJrV riICTH*»'-< '?' : ' Spanish assessor*, it is Lutlpr, all being considered, (hat the soldier should have an efficient legal adviser assigned him, in, the same way, ami.for the shme dbvious purpose of legal defence, ad'efieet^in " ; And, perhaps, this is the more necessary, because I understand the Assessor of the Governor ot Trinidad is the same as an Auditor with the Spanianls, to whose opinion and ad vice the Governor, or Captain the Spanish dominions, is obliged irupliyitty to conform, according to the Spanish law. These may, at least, be said to be circumsmnces deserving of serious cmisideration; and* to a mind habituated to logioal reflation, th'y may, perhaps, be as worthy4>f some aftcbtio4. Alfho’ lam ast ranger to Spanish jurispradencc, yet, from the information I have received* 1 have no •witatmn in s&yimi, that itmeh pfatfical knowledge is necessary tothedne understanding, and much more to tJm due a Iminis!ration; 9»*. the Spams hw. lakingibis, th* refore, a« my motto un.tb'o prcmuit occasion, it is not rcasonab' beexpecfc j tbai even the scientific genius of a \Vdlingtbn, amTmucli less than, the uninformed^a»»d perhaps unlettered priude s<»h should be capable of storming the anti legal sophisms, ot au abstiuse or antiqnaled S{Wut>h law, whether it be of the sapient Alfonzb, of tiu* this subject would be a waste of time, and a debartme from common sente. It'is, thcrelwre,devoutly to be hoped, that his Majryty s Muiisters will consider thrmsekes rcapotui. bie torthe-cdriseqiienecs of their own act, agreeably lathe comprehension ofo The SotniEa'g Frifxb. . * Don Antonio Gomez, who was of the, < ii pt ain General Mowlfeicrde, at theittSf the lend volution ary war broke out at burac(as rfnantiviofaturn, as kys been alleged, of the the capsulation made w t lh Mironda. ’ . 1 ' * Ir ' ->"> 1 "• ¦ .. • ¦ t ' N EVV A.US IWORTAXT STATE PAPERS, Laid on of Ma M before both Houses of Par. iiamcnt, urdvi of tng Prince Jhgi nt. Co.sVE.XTiny. Concluded al Vi -me., April 35, 1215. ro z7' r D «,a 'J. u Signed Marek io. IS 15. ''— . f 1-is Majesty the King of the flnifod Kinlorn of or.’at BiKain and Ir bind, and lis Majesty W'fU-* iM’ror pi all the Kussias, having Agreed bv common to regulate, by means o f a partmuhr r( ,„ ri n . Iron, which shalFbc added in the form of "? ,he rrrtM y eoncluded nt Viemt, tn, >s] ot March, the. arrangement# which havebes n hid e nm^a # y to g !V e to the stipulations of (he said fr<€t v | all (h? effect requisite for the attainmuit of the g. ejl and noble end whfcMheir S(l d Majesties ’nv pn,. poswi to pursue, nave mnird in oniertodisrm;s,s>.tneandSlgnt his Majesiylhe King of .Gr at Buta» .uid Ireland !fe Ri s h. Ihw. RMwJJ, P<(e r Tre . &rl( |; Sc. Plenipotenu .ri™ Mike (...n g re»; «y y s HijiMy A.. ft #l x-h.r of all g R<«>»Mrnlww Urot ff.v..„r, l<) fl;k v , h! , pti . t.wnollor, W . MKI Cb rtfc Ifcb, of .Se~|. nd,., hu priry Coancillor, &e. hi« Pl.-nipotentiaH.-s al lbfCenstvMj who, after h;m. lg eschaaced their fall power., lou.kl tobe uufai,proper form, have agreal Itpouthttlollowhiy Arlick :— Ihs Brttanmc Majesty to , 4nbsi . Uy ol live rations neriing, tor th.«crvi,i v t ;|„ y<>rtr cudmg on the first U April IS lb, so be divided wWhw*?,? J*™’ Ki "F Ol ‘‘“J nf Buhoiwia, mul Majesty the King inJalmcnts and in rqW propartiifto the tens of the respeetivj cmve the same. The first payment (Mens to X 1! is piqsenl addition. In case peace d iott kl lake place, or be signed, between lh<* Allied Fower. and fiance, before the expiration of the said wear iiw. suUuly calculafrtl ppon (he scale of 5 s’hX swtl lie pi id up to (he end of the month ia which the I Definitive Treaty sli«di have been MfrmM • and h ’ I Britannic Majesty nromked in addtfLn /n'«>„?!!I Russia four months, arid to Austria !t3 Z biO i&ouihs over and above tl*4» h 1 *»j t | 4 z * ¦ jr • . , >¦', C* ( . ' T* i to cover the cxpences of the return of tfv b » < I e withintheir frontiers. 01 tfre,r Lt£’ «K changed as sooi* & possible. V . bee «* 5W» a In lailh of wliicl) ihc njrrctive Pl™ipol (11( i ari „' 11“!? o^nX"™' 1 . 1 ’ anj tave '3. fc Done a. Vienna this thirlielh day of A pri , •„ J” 11 ' Sen UUt L ° rd OIW thuusd “ J *>MredlSj I I -s ¦¦ '¦ .will , . S®E overture from bqnaparte 15 > x _ I.—fTrand itiuii.j * ‘ Letter from M. dr Catdainrourt to Viscount ri agh, doled ( My J < or'l,—J’he <^ ? m;ta(ionß which induced { Maj sty the Emperor, my a ugw Sovereign. fo*uh Imit o i.i.gHMC-u M* cub >. s have be !;n njmUi. 'J ! France has nos received ih<* *,f the devZEif 3 Us olmmrt-Fi : Iht hopes have been hmeutahaX : ceiv d. After s< ms inondrj of |Mffifnl r Ueo! i merits, co iCeuled with regret, have at length 1 mihiiesteti .removes in an extrayrdbur® manner • i by ami >m pal-re, she has de. W cured as mtr Jr ; Ka*.r r he. imn, f loltl w } |(>rn ajun# | she * an * xpeckttw giuraiUees ot hes I A dependenej. . ? Ulfog, i.Jfbc Boiiftpa fondly have 1 qmtie.l our tr/ntort’, one d(o p< jf bl',-od ba. 1 ving been shod for iluir dctcn*:e.. Ifiytie upoQihe l arms of Ins people, so s Majesty hastraveriid Frame 1 From the point ot the const ut heat fir# touch.'"! eil fheground, as Jar of hUcipifol,evva 3 so (mH resid. nec lw again, French 1 learh, fiJ *1 w,th the HiUacfes haveilehyed hfo Maj-sty ’ s triumphal pro. gress ; from the feist i.i* m his re-tifoticg up I>a French | grouiel, ! u . resumed the Government of his EmpireXl Scajc* ly docs bis first rcign.aptuw to havc Wn fokk an instant interruptc*!. EvAry £tner*fe)s passion, e.® very hoeral thought, has rallied rmmd him : *li*l n e1 auytmiion present a spectacle of mute awful uaani. J mify. gL("J ¦•’* 7 p pmt of thU great cvarif will have reached S yoftr Lo’.e.btp. I i‘m Uid*u| io murine# it .to you, in L*e name o; the Empertf, aiid to request voa i I !’’i’laj mv .fee King of Groat AMiam,; owru*igw»t Maa« 1 This rdsforition of the Emj»m r so sh e Thfone of Frail, cis for fii.u (he mas* b iUiaut offfis fyiiunyhs. J Ji« pride,, hi.uself, Sb-ive aH, n £* r (beysing4mpc,' to P rc^ut Uto his Royal SoverriZnJ «h’ lg |O nifest thw diapositinn to the | .u * v > are . Sl « s ߑ*fobled at Vienna, and to J aH (»eother have the honor to be, &c. 3 (Signed) CAULAINCOURT, DukeofVuensa. I Letter from Viscount Castlereagh to M. Caulaitf court, &. ~ h Aprils, 18)5. njKi—l have been bouoxed with two Xol4iiJuß w


¦' ' it> bearitig date the 4th instant from one of them covering a letter addressed to his e ¦y»i Highness the Prince Regent. acquaint your Excellency, that the Prince .ll nt has declined receiving the letter addressed to • J -Eandhas, at the same time, given me his orders WEnsind the letter add resed by your Lxc.’ltemy t . Vienna, lor the information and consideration |V |Ke Allk'd Sovereigns and Plenipotentiaries there BL'fabled. —1 am, &c. , f* CASTLEREAGH, | ’ CORRESPONDENCE. I ON ALLIANCE AGAINST FRANCE. I NO. I. grucoun! Castlereaghtothe Earl of Clancarty, dated Foreign Office, April 8, 1815. 7 I Mr Loro, —I herewith inclose a copy of an Overlj Bre 8 re this day received from At. de Caulaincourt, with ¦the answer returned. You will communicate the je»ty, professing a derig* to continue at Efface, to'Wbscrvc (he stipulations of the Treaty ofPaI r% A.-, and a Enter from M. tie Caulaincourt to J Prince Metternich, containing similar profosv hs. . I Alter reading these Papers, it was considered, wheJlL’r any, ami \vf at answer'should be made thereto, I When the gem* opinion ap|>eared to lx’, that none I shattld be r. turned, and Ito notice whatever taken of r tlie pr*»»x»sey*were now to listen to those profession r form of Government, that may be essential to the a ety and permanent tranquillity of the rest of Europe; such reasonable security being afforded by France in this respect, as other Slates have a legitimate right to claim in.their own defence, tbeir obj ct will besatisfied ; and they shall joyfully return to that state oi peace which vyill then and then only, be open r to them, and lay down those aims ylnch they have only taken up for the. purpose of acquiring that tranquillity so eagerly desired by them on the part oi their fospec&ve Empircstji * Such, njy j|()rd,4ire tli;* general sen|iraents of the Sovereigns and df their Ministers Were assembled; aud it should seem, that the^forious-forbearande observe 4 by masters df the French capital in the early bf the last year, ought to prove to the French, that thi »¦ SECRETARY’S Oi FACE. T/n\ ist<> inform tht Public, that the following Pt i rons intend quitting this colony. Robert El .vis, in 6 yveeks from 24 .Mine. . ; A. A. »ie so Court, wiil quit this Colony, June SO.* Jam > Fvderingham in 6 weeks from 15 July. Nathiiira! Hunt mdift. from do. Edward. Hunt in do. from do. v / R.G.BOWNERjSec. — ——— * — — 5 ~— * ' Xi'tii e is hereby gi-ctOf that b month aft create frdldling Tran spoors and Mortgagi-s will be June 17. W. Hracry qq.JFxaqci* Stewart, wiil jransport 10 rmnls ot buddings theidon, situate bn lot No. ISpiiorth-bide, so VV r . Katz. W. Hinery wilL transport la John M’Uarnpn July 8. "W. Ross.qq. ft. Hose, will transport t(|.pernerary 52 names to be seen al Ihis Qifice. July 15. Francis qq. the Assignees of John Dawson, will transport so Jaines Roberts and Hugh Ifothune, qq. Alexander Tulloh, of Lwmlon, the E&stsrii half us Lot 38, AV«st Cdast us BerUice. * > s< ? R. C. DOWNER, Sec. i, — ~ . , , PLBUC VENUUES. V-'-' — i . On Tuesday 18th iest. will be sold, by order and gtihe house of Mrs. M. Lir.duer, on lot No. 10, an assortment of dry goods,'glass, tin, & earthen ware, "loaf sugar, hyson tea, fdd Madeira in bottles, valuable portraits and priiS, mirrojs, hjuck glasses, genHeinens hats, bools and shoes, 0 casks claret, &.C.— Also a liousqson Lot No. 10 tenting the middle road 60 feet long & one sfoty high, with about 240 feet of land.—.lnd about 4(X) feet of land, being the north quarter of Lot No. 10, extending from the middle road to the backdatn, which will be sold in parcels to suit purchasers, also two variable negro women with their children, and 2 field negro men. Terms of payment, for the land and Neffroes 3 & 6 months. D. C. CAMERON, Cep. Vendue Master, f " ¦ -s?t . y »• 1 ‘‘ f 4 ‘ a • •.'!<. .. '' -V. . . v.-a. .* A ¦ ... On Thursday the 20 will sold oh lot Ko. 15, order oj C. C 9 Swaving 9 Esq. without rs sen e, dine, terras, temper lime, bricks, bread in bar* rds, starch, paints dh oil, hams, beef, vinegar claret, green pease, beans, pipes, pearl barley, rolpens, lilberdaan, cats, dtetys, D. C. CAMfikcfN, U?p. Vendue Master, 1 On.-Thursday 27th instaht w ilk lie sold the following without reserve: 2 pun< h ‘oys batiq 2 dd7 coffee bags, a parcel of carpenter tools, plantation sto es, saddlery, coffee and eotton hams, 10 bodies soap and 10 do. candles, J 2 dozen Port and 12dozen sherry wine, stationary, a parcel nails in kegs of 50 lbs. eaA h, paints & oil, spirits of Aurpentine, neats foot oil, Ac.* • ' Ou the same day by the Vdidite Meister in comtnissie, 5 horses, a chaise# harness, c 2 riding muksf a silver atop watch with patentlever, 2 or 3 setts of plain breakfast # dinner services, ready made cloths, and jewellery.—'Hie nt 3 A‘ 6 months credit, —¦the horses ivmrranled and there area pair erf ponies amongst them thed draw very gentle to gather or separately. D. C. CAMERON, Pep. Vendue Master. On .’.fond iy the 3lsl fost. will be sold, by opler AJexander Fraser, qq. BenfieJd's Estdtesf at rlahM , ? tfon Eddertown, west coast, 30 40 bead qOqgcat* it?, a hbrse and mule, also the yr hide of the furni'nre in the dm Ilin* house, as lately occupied by the 3ec. Mr. J, Brod<’ri( k, consisting in mahogany'dimng tables, card do-, side boards, bedsteads arid beds, solas, chairs, glass and emffon wan*, knives & forks, wall candlesticksarid glass lamps, &c. D.C Ca mer oil, Dep. Vendue Mastjiri i . . .-tii ».w ...i inwiiii i . ii »¦>*-—«i ¦¦ i ri l „ Ou Thursday B*l August wilt bb sokL by order r>f lA. C. UAMERON, Dep. Vendue M ' . DRIFTED ot STOLEN in the night b'etween the6tb and 7Sus, sad Rons, gfoe nuikdrom id. to bddcrockery ware, glass do. sella

MAWSIAIh OFFICE. SALES BY EXECUTION. SECONi>vPROCL4MATiO3, IN consequence ftf an qppositionjby Albert NzT. to the intended Sale by Execution, as A-1 refused, of .1 be Coflee Dttttkfatrhci4 tin& Zb/usrigt, property of said A. J. Ghsius, at the instance << the -Representative of J oh. van den Brock?* # Ao/. inventory b* ing for inspection at ] tbfsfirtu* s**’in'or 5 **’in'or ie; lonuMver from the proceeds ol said -rile, snrtj sum of ihogey, for vvhuh said Estate* b >v< h eu'ak.-a in Execution, or such part as di?’’, muatn nnpnidat the time of such sal*. 'i' iyul Pi ’ tail'iti.-n made knomr to the Public!);. begfOf drpni from the Court House of this colony, end further r! the-preiu nee of twoCpunstdlors Comjnis> iric.s aigl their Secretary, on Wednesday the 2d AAgfist, ISIS. at the Court fluuse ol this cot >ay, nt e’ : . veu o'clock in the !br< iio,!;;»»; ijbjnk Minvdi enfitl. dto oppose th', b'xceiritpin S-d.e of as unsaid Lots, sot .suc|wperapus a kijpss n>o dcfiaiTig’' their reason for so'd<)in» in due time and form, as I be why'give* ppi ice, that Fntdl recite oytjf.sUUfc from evgry Hi/ermcditve person, appoint diem a to Jus or her claims 'Heard befuie the Court, aind furthcrafct therein as tliy hw d’nets. Tin .J Proclamation b.aite knownfo the Public by, beat nt drum ffoin the Court House of this cuioj/y, and further dealt with according\4o ebstom. Berbice, 9 July, 1815. K. FR ANCKEN, First Marshal. — ; ——_____ _ SLLMMONbES’¦ uv EDICT. BY virtue of an Appoint merit from His Fxcedviicy H. W. I-Jenvinck, Esquire, IKiiutenantf of the'Ckilbiiy Berbice and its Dependc.nci ,X: •. &c. &c. given upon q pi tamorj,-qq. du hereby Summon by *Edict; Allltuwn arid iiiAncwn claimants on tfce proceeds ot ?! station No. J, west Gorentyn, th appear before the Court ot Civil Justice, of tins colony, oa .'fonday the 17th'July, ISiy, and following days, forth.pu gDfC es there rendering in their against the })’ 'CCiMs of f'iantatfon No. 1 west Corentyi]. (lobate lih> shoe, and to witness, after tins'fourth EdtetaF tlfp Conn’s decision as to the preferorit bj coßcurn-nUight of claimants, o i p tin, as tfo law dives. and further to proceed actyYujng to style. 'J 1Stannic • by Edict ihade i.noWti to ihe pubfic by Wat of dfufo from the Court House of this colony, mu: further dealt wi.h ftecurding to custom. Berbice, SOth .fowe, ISIS. ’ * K. I d \ Nti.N, First Marshal. M'k virtue of an Appointment from Is is hxcellein jr H. W. 'Bentikck, Esquire,‘LicuienamGnveiw of tub Cbgmy. Berbice and its Depended cresy < —I E OR Is ALE, twenty hogsheads of Sugar and ten pqnrlitmus of Rum, the produce of Plantation Htrsli'Uing. Tenders for the above will be received at the house of Dr. Beresford, on lot No. 1, until 1 uesdaj the 11th inst. ut tcna>’cfoc]k in the morning w hen the highest otfi r, if approved, will be accented of.—BJuly. * a J. SCHWIERS. —— — — OBEN, from Plantation z nlmyray on last Tuesday’s night, a large brjndle Bui), and a brown Cow with a white spot in her forelitticl ' v-lv;RI O’K RFTUPN«d' T ’ 7 u^"’ i '' IM BLANK B 1 on Estates, for the six months (sa v .I®J? I c/riy of December Inst te Ist oftht oiorth \** I now r,-.dy fi,r deliver .1® |> o" 03,i’ re 10 b ‘ “'" ,lc in w.'; I ' ’R. ALLT, Dep. Rec. Gen — .18..—1 .W—¦¦¦!!¦ B J Ml , and op in for Sa'e 1 8 rafter, 5y the Package or otherwise, u most d/iLIH parcel of Lon non Goods, se/. rtf rftSfg amongst which is a complete assortment of Ml 11 wl NEP Y, of the nttsesl fashion and quality, viz.-L* I j ELEGAN fl black and w bite lace veils assorted I i do. do. do. shaw Is do., plain sarc. net and fancy (0 ? <>urcd Gondon dresses, full trimmed dress Caps a S H bonnets, do. do. du. w#h onfttmenta, (rimmed straw’ hats and bonnets, gold ami diver or I i nameiUs, spencersJippets, ami cl.mL ric k>W scarfs, and dhaidles and rulik, Whalebone llh ’| | weed rosettes; white and coloured liguud musUfw O 1 black do. du., mull and jac.mrtdo. do., ( imri .4 I thread net; saiceiirfs ana satihs, Mlibons, ||hdifv r 5 Reg. ncy curd, trimmings,.camhii. ks, .iimitW ajj I jeans, lung ami short white I’rencb kid glol-vs <<>« I loured gloves, full trimmed while kidand fahey c#. I loured Htppcrk, vaii fy ol frimlffirigs, tjfl Also, rccehed f otn London: , ¦ A few splendid aWicles of jewellery, and tlurcfoo, I drpi gold K exceil iU ¦e»; 4ow l(l x gmmw-,, furniture chintz; ginL |l hamsaiHl lii#u*4 ladies and gentl>men’» suner' ti™/’ ¦ h >se, M ,dr:.< ami Pu!l‘eß/c hmtdkert hiefc, jyk, t .“ I sorted, fimfiammh, qmlring, plaii’ks and Ibim I bias, rullrJ iltcoes, co|?mi shifting and Reeling* 'tamask table cloths, Broad cloths of (hlT'rent c<»1 .'otr s, fable covers, blue, and go'en with I; rd 1 sila u-Vs, ihc.xs nu I wid’.ing sho< >, bine find a!nte I J vde.npores, gentlemen’s wcat ing apparel, India silk I aud. ther hai.dkercldefs,lmit ition French uimbricks, *T' &c.—ALo a lew elegant poftable writrng desks and *l, dressing cases, and soap, porter, strong anil pal? ale, brand), feneva, claret in hhds. &c,JB,S. IT~ in . -n ¦' tl ¦ ¦•'?-'z ¦Av — . ——'¦' ¦ .gB . h: J une\ 1815. THE (iourt of Civil Justice kmcve, al the More ol Messrs. Geo. Bone & Co.; and all person* . indebted tp the said Estates, are rcquc>ied to pay to me tiie amount of tbeir debts. , . . Alex. FRASER, qn. 1 July; Benfield’s INtate* and tie Assign* j cos ol Turnbull Fmbt>& Co. ALEE de genco die icts te vordcren heb ben vau de Boeßei wyhrnd J. A. van Oocncveldf, wc*? den verzogt in do Iyd van zes weekra, na datedrzes, faunae pretcntien inteleleren cu bvUJilkp tc ontvaiigep, op de planlagie de Rcsolntic, by IT , ¦ Low. FAVRE. 1 Ju 'yExecilteur Testamenfair. FOR SALE by the Subscriber, at his house opposite Mrs. Mar? Lindner’s, a few thousand feet of excellent crqb-wood inch JumObr. _ 1 Ju| yWALTER SCOT. S1 RAY ED on the 12th ult. from u|antation Colchester, on the East-coast canal, four hcaTof Cattic, (say) two red cows, a red calf, arid a black heifer, any person taking ftp the same, or giving such information as may tend to the recovery thereof, will greatly oHige the subscriber, and any cxpcnces incurred thereon, shall be immediately paid. 1 Ju, 7 W. BRUTON. """'" "" 1 =-¦-'.' ¦!L ¦" ~™— =s»g. Published every Saturday at 4 o’ clock p jr. by w. Schulz & Co. Privileged Gjvernmtnt Printert TW *"t X'W. £ n ¦'T-: