Berbice gazette

Material Information

Berbice gazette
Uniform Title:
Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
Place of Publication:
New Amsterdam
W. Schulz
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
New Amsterdam (guyana)
newspaper ( sobekcm )


General Note:
General Note:
Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
General Note:
The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
General Note:
In English, with occasional text in Dutch
Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
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Resource Identifier:
1380865228 ( OCLC )

Aggregation Information

Digital Library of the Caribbean
Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
University of Florida


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Full Text
«lk- > ; THE ;
B LC M'K Ivw ri “ 'lkslr/Nu*r , l H > W Wpj
pj Wpj KjKjJ' Z fl .... * JL_a* â–  "W*


' •■• ., >. * ~7K ; '^--’•• '* ■ '■<
T J «5.
en Estate, !<>( tpe six-hijHhHs; fray
no # f-?td«f"f at. fqia
.. w .
!* _ ! vll.nfiMßTMßWr'' M
<**■ ——... >■ •- ■•
REQUIRED for the Indians, the folk
â– Mlibles, vizjsr' *
I 3 Pieces Sal< mpores, 75 Qfy 43
i 3 DuzeV Knives, 1 Jug Lar.p-otl, I
I '.-, L Do. Falling Axes, , 1 Barrel Salty
? x Do. Cntla w es, 2 Q mire Foobca p-»pM
K«/ Do. RazWift' 100 Quills, %*Jr .fU
’ g Do. &s#!,' 2 Bags Shot, jh’Mj
2 Do. Combs,, t 75 R n^apJt
/50 Lbs. Gun-pow *» For which Tenders will be receiveddiy tbo’dSJlMi
{cribrr, until Tnedttf the 1 Itli July, a(
the morning when they will be opened in prophet
Wilis Excellency th? Govflrnbnj and the lowcßjgffi
approved 01, accepted. i
Bcrbice, S July,
. . lt J
J; F. rtrA-ot/tZ .•— > IW’ • ;
f wyn,* dita rode v.yn in Listen
i derc k«»ekrn, gedrpogA* appelcn en p< rrji, wasclil
Eggihthe lam pei*u.|fito’Alii VMIP- t
.fate cJbnßcr blaauwen groen Inkemrtty igarssre.a 1
kopere tdhfrl *mi< ve*i
t.-r s ,&c._S.l„ly. / aWTliff-iW. ‘
FOR SAI/E, twenty hogsheads of Sugarapu 1
ten puncheons of Ruin, the protlme of Plnn'attoii 1
Ar«n»te/Z/'wg. Tenders for the above reccivtd i
at uic house of Dr. lkrcsf Toesday the 11 th inst. at ten o’clock »n the morning
â– when the highest offt r, if approved, will be accept- 1
ed of.—b .h ly. B. J. SCHWiIiRS. '
STRAY ED on S r |’OEEN, (rum
Pabuyrty on last Tuesday’s night, a large bnitdle'*
Bull, and a brown Cuw with a whites|x>t in hcrfor*‘- M
Bead and the tops ofbeth hoiascnt of; whenever can.
give any information of them, s<> as to lead fd
ditveoytiv, wihjre handsuiuclyWewarded.
SJuly. jh JEFFEKY. j!
WM. TTlipjFT has recently imported, and forfj
Sale at the Store of J. B. Rule, E- tJ . 'the ibllowmg*’
articles, viz,—Beef and pork in half barn I>, hams,*'
floor, pMsfj farlry, beer, |xntcr, wine, soap, can candles,
dles, candles, tine Msh linen and sheeting, laws patent shirt shirting,
ing, shirting, wtling, damask talile cloths, ging-L
hams, calicoes, nijeaud curhmoii cotton cambric,
mal, linen, cotton and printed handkerchiefs, gen-n
tiemen’s cloathing, consisting of coats, vests, jackets,
trousers and' pantaloons, black, blue, brown <& green
broad< ld|M, stationary assorted, amongst which are
excellent ledgers, joyffthls, day, cash, and' letter
books, gentleaien’s tool chests, writing desks, and
«hoes, Negro clouting €onsistiagot jackets, trowsers,
hats, shirts, laps, Ac. &c. and various other articles
•which will be sold cheap to close sales.—B July.
Thix into infdrr»thf Public, that the fallowing
Persons intend quitliug this colony.
GiibertChrrdon in 5 weeks from 3d June.
The VvuloW of W. B. Liot in do. from do..
Robert Elwis, iri 6 weeks from 24 June.
A. A. de la Court, will quit this Colony,
» R.C.I)O\VNE»ec.
hereby given, that a month after vKte the
following 2'ransporrs and Mortgages will be passed
jwitt 17. W.Hen cry qq. Francis Stewart, wilfttans wilfttansport
port wilfttansport 10 toods of land and the buildings thereon,
sitiiaA on lot No. 18, horth side, to W. Kutz. ?
—W II mil AV. Hcncry will transport to John M’CauwiJ

OwIpAY, vUMre3|Pi|jg

w ft!
u 1 â–  >F ' "'ja
I â–  Mt&tijZwhbst^are sceii al th
—.JamesMDonal, qq. N;dWni |C v ill remote from ilrft to
I hmiikcdand eigntv-twoNVgroc ititves, iiaHU‘3l
1 ImseenatthhOftTcet y >
Malcolm JXichokon yvfll transpon io* Lewis.Ci
meron, 8 iu#dspi iaiujof lot No. 3, tirsi empo
h| 5 dvr of fhie’fowf between |hc nudine road »ji
fW\- buck dmny Urgwher with tirebmhlings th.reoi
! July 8. W. bi oss .'llus.3 will transport toO
| O' Mwfery 52 ; Ne j gft>cs, natnes’tti bciiecn at
Wgjpflqe. :s r 7 " O" • '
Px'-V '■•'.' , ~/-' ,p W?' E ?vV
lumcc they marcheil tolhe TinHi'i nuhlary
Ind accompanied them; M. Richard Lenoir, Mein Meinrof
rof Meinrof the Legion of Rononr, and Chief of the Eighth
Igioh, was at the head r»f the Confederates pl
Itoine. The sbootsof were heard
I whole way. , .
EWlien the zealous Citizens were drawn up in the
(hrt-vard of the Tatlkries, the Emperor mounted
ft horse, and the Deputies were permitted to ha r
U lleech. ‘ , rr-» T-
iifter this, shouts of Pive lc Patrie I Vive la Li Liâ– t
â– t& Liâ– t 1 five I' Empereitr! res ided from all sides,
e Emperor gallopped through the ranks, andre andretWed
tWed andretWed a large body’of regular troops.
j Courier Extraordinary/, Sunday Morning.
ccording toleitt'-ri Irom Italy, the King and Qu< en
} Naples and Suite have emlwrked at Ancona on
Urd‘three frigairs, to return to Naples.
It is said that (lie French troops eiltercd Bade on
ie 9lh at night, it is said also that we occupy Forcn Forcnuy.
uy. Forcnuy. But this wants Confirmation.
Instead of 300 .pieces cannon defending the
Ights of h»ri«, there vviß Be 600. _
Some thirlv brigands tried to disarm the Gendar GendarxerieatSi.
xerieatSi. GendarxerieatSi. Brice; Imt they were-put to flight by
ic Chasseurs of the Line in the environs.
Letters from V« rtice B talo ». tha^s^B e English ships
f war have appeared in the Adriatic, and that a fri-
Wte ar J two brigs have anchored before Ancona, in
nlm to watch (hat purl.
On the Tlh inst. a new riot took place at Boar Boareaux.
eaux. Boareaux. A voting man attempted to tear ofl the epau-
Mtes ot au ollicer ol the garrison. He was immedi immeditcly
tcly immeditcly arrested. ' . ~ , .
They also write from Bonrdeanx on th? 1 Uh, that
pore than 700 young men pi. the Dcp irtment ol the
Jironde voluatarily enrolled themselves for the
lefence of their country.
Courier Extraordinary, Tuesday Morning,
News from Vienna of the 20 rress Conrress has disposed of the kingdom of Naples tn favour
â–ºf Prince Ferdinand, second son of the King of the
ai»;Gor Hh set out for Italy.
Capt. J. BRAND, respect fully inifonns tl
gentlenien loaders in tim ship Cranthaw, to
kmgside with their prddice, as soon as possmie, s
he will positively ieaVt this river oii the J 2 instan
1 July.
I ■lllfei** IWWI 1 *■* - *»" **■ "■■'■ < — dli»
TENDERS for 35 round bales good clea
and 2 bales of yellow cotton, from plantation Gmt
ilope, Correntyn-coast, will be received tohi
of B. Ziegler, Esq. New Amsterdam, u|ti| Mirndni
the 10th July next ; when they will be bp|ned, an
the highest offer, if approved, wilt be acccjrtetl» '
Oh the same day and place, will be
the of said Estate, 18 bales good clean co
ton, to the highest bidders.
J July. for F. BRITTLEB.ANK7 ♦ W
and self, J. C. SPANGENBERgySeq’r
STRAY ED on the ,lsth ult.
Cohhester, on the East-coast canal, tour head oHTa
tie, (say) two red edws, a red calf, and a ife
any person taking up the same, or giving sOj info
tend to the recoverjFtWâ„¢P } > i %
greatly oblige the subscriber, and any expences*]
curred thereon, shall be jmnuxliatcly paid• I*s
iJuJf , W.
h|?.' r '<* > y r 0N&J&

L J? f? J-, -p ts. J'jk' .uaLC. • fc F*.
Bg veils .issurfed,
full â– Whnncla,
.. t rigjpjftff HfiONiati and r' <>r- •
and clopkv,.'rich
( ‘ aud chanties and ruffs, Whalebone arid ‘’'ji ‘
weed .osettes, whita and coloured figured muslins,
a . satcrneU and satins, ribbons, biMdmg,
i" UfimAgs; cambricksy d unit ics, *arftl
u J.l fans ’ MVB a*nl snort white Fftfcltl) kid glovea- co-
Mjrtoves; full trinyped while kid anil co-
a great variety pl Uimtnings, &c.
Jlsb, frdm London:
f splendid articles and three mo mo|
| mo| Watches, warranted excp/lwtt timc-keep-
town r printed calicoes, Fnrnityrd chimz, ging-
C olj hams and lav.rts, laches’ and gentlemen’s iugpr fine ,
p!i ,los F» Madms ami Policate handkerchiefs, Iyka as-*
tiannejs, quilting, platings and liritah liritahcalicoes,
calicoes, liritahcalicoes, cotion shirt inland sheeting,
(hJIRBW? table Vluthsj nroad cloths of dilfeient ha an and walking shoes, blue anti white
■salt^powp,gentlemen’s vearirqpippau I , ffidia silk.
.■kZß^Also- elegant portable tfrififtg and
bOßlc, brandy, geneva, dargt in
4’oH do., cAfet, old rum,
ibams, clieese, Sjftjgf, '
'. in spiW» picafeS®rajjf rsj viuegar r mtrstftrdfj
iror. tit-, aiio ■• i 7 l
110 — a,, ,»„.,^A;,.y-,yP —x«.«».. ■ —L- L—*
Berbice, SOfh June, 1815. ‘
tin Churl ofNfivil LaA'ip*, bv Sgßt
.fence dated the 9th instant, ordered
on.ibis known by the NipnA>f “Benfiri.d’s,”
Jtieutf IVelgelegen, Belmont,
Eddertozsn, '’Union, Edrn Edrntssburg/i,
tssburg/i, Edrntssburg/i, Mon Choisi, and Zeelust, to be delivered
aver to the Assignees of their Representgtiiej And IJ m. Broderick'Hs
jeing with Jon if Ross and Qpo. Her nr Jtoo-
J a p£/?, Assignees of the Bankrupt Estafe.oi s aid Turn TurndcPhll
dcPhll TurndcPhll Forbes 4 Co. having Substituted me to !«• At Atslijorftcy
slijorftcy Atslijorftcy for the Adininistratioif of the said
O. which have been delivered over accordirgly. Ajr
depersows who hate any tlaiyis against the said Estates
C;i»>e hereby required to render the same to me, at the
A^tor^ >t Messrs - co - B“»c &Co. ; and all persons
i.dctWed to the said Estate-;, arc rcquesied lo pay U>*
- uc the amount of their debts.
: vUcx. FRASER, qq.
> I July Benfield’s Estates and the Assign-
ees of Turnbull Forb s & Co.
i ic ' -■ - ■ — — -■■ -
a . A LEEde genen die iets te vorderou ti ebbea
a S van de Boedel wylend J. A. van Grocncveldt, wor wor,t.
,t. wor,t. den verzogt in de fytl van zes wee ken, na datodezes,
h unne pretcnl jen intelevcrcn on beta huge tc Ontvag-
— gcn« op de plauliugie de llcsolltlic, by
yd J July. Execuhmr Testamentnir.
rse w-—— —~r- — -»-.,y...... ——__ —
FOR SALE by the Subscriber, at bis house
f ophite*Mrs. Marydandner*s,afew thousand feet of
. cnKqcllent crab-wood inch lumber..
J 11 1 1 July. 'WALTER
— —— — j-- - .-..-...-a. ■
yWoR SALE ? choice London particular Ma Ma!
! Ma! deij< Wie in hogsheads and qnarkr casks, reason reasonpresent
present reasonpresent payment.
rJ TO JOBBERS. Wtnthd pn a coffee Es Es>r-'late,
>r-'late, Es>r-'late, not rar up the "river, h with twenty 40
ill thirty able Negroes, to dig on* the trenches iunE n*
irvi dtaSi the small drainings Tnr|her Information, please, apply to
June. ’H.STAAL.


* —Xtf the Honorable Court of
Criminal Juslice ofthe Colony Her-
'* la .wh(Ah these presents may or
'4r*^ Z n,w< ♦ 5 9fcltTf " ■ ls known:
* 'neancy has again occuryd in the
< ent <-f Policy and Criminal of the Colony
F/ , this colony, ot
/ 4fsserand JoAA and by reason of
A/ ’•■”>. i ’l'l 1 ‘”" i ""'‘‘ Honorable JF. Kat,,
Jy having been a no noz
z noz WW having bven Wte by the Honorable Chart
, c qt- Policy, to supply >ir places. Hi s Excellency the
Governor has to se’ect JoAa 'Fenin,
Csh, Hu* Rev. /•redrew JLhilftt W and David Car-
Esq.. to be of Policy and
(. tyhrrfbf is hereby "iveiu
thai theinhabitanfofilhe Colony may. respect' those
* • Gent I- men in the / * .f Jf
out Gsm?G Iterbice, 3d July, 1815. W
* > Bv Command,
R. C. DOWNER, Bery.
> ’
Nl/-' "yr * '**' 11 "' '“"
of the the sftip Pfiiivs r.*w Oraxju, from
Amsterdam, consoling ip .-—
G’tN ,p CT.seS, cLiret, Rinlsh and Maltlga wines
in cffscs. brown and white beer in hogsheads, vinegar
in lead,lirihecd and rape seed oil in jugs,
M;Uq|, lineup p'atiUcs, chnak.'q sel#er and Fnchin Fnchinger
ger Fnchinger vwfej, oins in puncheons, bttrlcwn do. and in
jugs, b im x smoaked beef, Edam-. Sfolksdie & L.y i isch?
sch? isch? t h/’e.jy but ter j soorkrouL caHiflower, rolpens,
pic:.’led smo&ed do, —usages de Bolegi’c,
pi Ales, sr.Urd Mds, hefdngo, fait fob, pirns, tiles.
an 4 bdekiH. Riga boards, flour jntbarrels, ships bread
in go, auehuvte in p„( s , hmc aqg terras, pipes, aixl al
variety of other articles, * I
7'Z< «/<;tr drCrles being consigned to the rmrfer-l
f' â– ' f^e .Â¥ sdllho same reasonable, by h ?
x or packages. C. V. SWA VLN'G’.I
21 June.* IL STAAL.
r i<’ ksp op hqt Lrf A r o. Ls,rfevo/gf>jqc.’/n7/ArAn.|
rpn/r «rrZr tnrh cargo van het Schip pjL’l
./*A’7.Vv-,' /.V OIIJSJE, Copt. R.IVITZ£If t Z(M X/i-l
st', rdahi . ~
(tEAEI Eiygi kehlers, rode ’.vyn, rhinsch; do,J
, ,>hu’:!g-i de., IPKisten, b|ftin en wit biewfei oxhool-|
’’•■; • rI I d-> , widouJ, lynen stylZe|J
b.nnei’, j ui iIL s, bunton, • ea Faebinger water.!
bifcw in v .ten, gort hi epjk'ildo garjt in vaton cnl
jaPnen, Ui inj rHokvlersyb, Edmiy Stofktehe* enl
G" cLj.iie ••; ins, b*>t:iK, zduYkoolj bhrgmkyol, rolpens.l
p wm-st,gcrp<>k{c Worst, Knuzyze de
gelcgde /.uiineij, do, paaling, harjing, labberdaan, ya-l
p.K'yndvr eu groen envten, blaauwe plavrtyzen enl
grain we moppen, Riga dcelen, peper, schceps bed
scipiit in viden, med in do 4 ,auch»vis in kalkl
C»cement,en verschefdefie tintlere artikekn meer.i
r// de ondrrgeteckeirdensM
e rffttefvc hi quant th its en een c/-l
v/e ! e pros te koup adnbiedtn.
24 June. C. C. SWAUNG. I
< I
iNjR S ALE, the lot. of Land of No 7, wdbJ
the hud iHvuh .l >;riwo parcel*, all madeofx-nlony hard wood]
sfnmg and neat, with all the"out-buildings necessarv]
udted in wnh tats, tfcc. An extend credit will hel
given to i purchascft For further particidarsl
- apply on said lot by •
2? dumb H. SNEEPEL.
V L> v CivTlSEMENl'.—All Persons vvhol
Ii ivr clidnu bn illc late Alex. Esq. of Sen-I
are r. quested to redder them in for examination ;|
airl iho»e inddrfed to make immediate payment, to |
D. C. CAMERON,? n . r , I
AD VjJIvF IBEAIE Personsindeb?-
ed to the Estate of the lateWni. Duncan, or Wm.
>v r, are requested to make immediate payment; and ;
those who have claims, to render them in for exami examination
nation examination and acttlemcnU to
nt T D.C. CAMERON, ? r ,
94 June. CIIARLESKYTE, $ Curators ’
' ■■*■-•--—— Ml —.„,, , ■*■..-..««■! ~* ■ ... ' . _
IHE Subscriber informs Friends and the
Fubhc, that he builds Schooners, Punts, T< nf-pupts,
Boats, &e. and licpiiirs, all upon reasonable t< rh)s.
,>unc * First lot, «d cm polder.
1 I ' â– . IN! "ill.-
„■ r° T l! ie 13th be solfl s
( Lr* tp account of those concerned :
-'lbar.eU beet, do. pork, IQI do. bacon, 15 half
7 i ; 'J" 4 lUU, > 15 kegs rolpens, and 4 cases pic-
k 4 ai “ ,e liw -
W”' A ■
Bb•■'••••■ .. ■" 4 \ a.

4'" ’*’*' • T - * ■.' 1 '
Onthesnme day ajtegfo man, wottan amlchiM,
a carpenter, and tlfoWotnan a good washer.
,n th# property of Firm of
M Kinlbsh Cameron payabfofo3&6mobths. 4 . *
Also phrt of Lot No. 27, so town, jdbpmtog fcom
t he^i iddleto the backdam.. - ♦
( »in& t bran%r in cases, hJpSKfoes. bff’dd bff’ddin<*and4fcn|>er
in<*and4fcn|>er bff’ddin<*and4fcn|>er lime.
D.C.C.UI rox, D ; er.
—■ ii'n |jfc yl,',i—
On Friday the 14th fnst. be ifoU, by order of
abawhintd Estate ot fhc late Dr.
W. B Lint, on Lot No. 71, NewAmsL a general
assortment of medicines, Lmuebold tufoitare, wit witter
ter witter vats, 2 !h'groe<, &c.
*j .’On the smne day by order of W. Kewley, Esq.
J 8 hhds. and I quaiter caskjf qf choice old Madeira
J wine, to eh,"- • ;j. consigmji' .K. ■
W.C. 1 Z am t; RON, Dep, Kehdne Master.
— —t™—S
On 'ljUesdar ISt'h be ordered
at the house of Mrs. M, /Miner, on lot No. 10, an
usifortnfontofdry gmxh, ghfejs/tin, earthen ware,
lisif sirgat,'hy«()rf okl in boltks, valu valuable
able valuable portraitgnd prints hack glasses,j*en glasses,j*entlemi
tlemi glasses,j*entlemi ns and fi, 6 casks maret,
Also a on Lot No. 10 tr<,nt!‘n:“ tlic middle road
* ct ‘J lon » & one story high, wit h alwmt 240 feet
ol land.—. Mid about 400 fe< tof fttud. |?efog HiFnorth
quartox of Lot No. JO, < rb from the middle
road t«y he backdate, w'hirtf sold theL
tn stilt pirrcfinsCTs, 3lso two variable pegro Women
; with their < fiildren. «tnd "2 iV’ld fiegro nicti. Terms
iof payment, for mid. N\.«nne?i 3 ftyumtlM-
Amst<>r(lam, full cargo.
CbEAntD—Sloop Hermina,-Wvcbgcl, for Amster Amsterdam,
dam, Amsterdam, with 33 casks and 550 bags
â–  cofleex
—"" '■' * — ■ " i in ' ■■
'—" ' - : -. ■ .-..
SCtTURUpiY, July <% 1815.
| London Papr-rs Itrftbe 25th May were received by
the ship 1 not t but no news by them—-war had not
been declared at that timc--still it all lo — rhe Frcuch are reported to have 400,000 troops
rciiny to receive any eruption into their country, and
three corps of the French army upwards of 40,000
had suddenly quitted Valenciennes, in three divi divisions
sions divisions to intercept, as is supposed, the Prussian troops.
ftn thc 22d a Meswge Was delivered from His
byypl ta both Houses
ot Parliament, lhe following is nearly a copy of
the Message:—

C. P. ft. I
i/oenct of the recent mnti that h r d. , f 1 " «»». Ks«
k ranee, in direct place I
7'rey!y entered into in Paris fad of & I
enter vito .tengngemcßis A r 1
Ct.ftine; s „eh
• require, against Ihe «»ay ft* l ' 1
. the deslrumon of the peace and
i in, F°
' ' v/^ uo ; (^ eo/?rKrre » te d, tte ■’r flh
in such toffitorcs as fht mau ®iW
his F
at tiiis important and momentous°cS^ n &l ' r q ’ 1 '
Ktynd lliphne ss has ghen or dedsn 9 : r> F' 1 '
qFfTc 1 rt.dies mil) which he has enter-d,
Acr, immediately be laid before
of Jxirds, Earl G rey inquired whether tl lc
to be considered of war or T*
question wns met in# .plain, manly, an f d * 5-, f 1 * #
way by the Earl of j&erj’iooi. I P
served, that indeed no RCtot'hostility I ° b ’ I
that neither letter# of marque nor orde/, fn r^ pbre ’ 1
bargo had been issued ; but h« should I
I airships, it hr did not sta'e that foL Message 4DJ
he Addi. as which hemtended toning upon U ’v. i I D
if ageed to, from n unsure mi
might, expedient, proceed. ,J n I n
!2 c wa- h. <>e i iMHidcn .! as a M, We ‘tT I D
jpentiißcnfs delivered by Lord CWlereiTwere nfo I ?
Kimikur nature and the pf wr fr I b
■from Ihi Mmple consideration of theju-casaitv ofZ’ I
■feting JhMenva! I «
■been so long proved to b« the focomggfok with th! ' I t
â–  mqipnu-ss and S eeuriiy of Eut ol >e. JKboufinotbe I J
■ wvednoked, font although L>uis XVhf isinvi»«lh„ I
lil* w‘ ?p k ' C ° r thC V I the Allied Powers orrweede to dp. conditions aKii f
I land is not to be as pl. iljted to
| veLnXd UU * hU ‘ V i,npt,si^ W4-
I The Address to his RoyakHfohnesjLpriafeßc.
â–  gent, moved in the IJmise of lands Earl of
â–  Livei pool, was carried by a majority of Jpg. Lmf
|Gr<‘iiwil!v, in a mm»t strennousiwamwr, supported the A®
â–  valid defended the justice if the warin whidi 1 '
â–  Great Britain was about to be engaged.,
I Ute arl vices’ received by the British Govermnejjt
â– from Italy are of tin? m 0.4 siitisfiictory kind. Thu
â– following Bulletin was issaed from the Foreign Of*
I “ *Vqy 54,1815. 1'
■ “Letters were received,>lad night from Lord
â– BiirAicr',, dated Tolejitino, the 3d Rwl. which state, I
â– that tlie Austrian General Bianchi was that morning
â– eneagid with three Neapolitan
Mrhich terminated in their tuta| discrinfiture,.*nd the 1
â– idWnce of ike Austrians from Tolentino to within a I
■»ho< t distance of Maccratt. #
I ** By thgrapidity witfowhig> Gen. Bianchi had i
■xyiducttd hi»match from Bologna through Floren- 1
kc an »oad from Ancontt to Naples, aud thereby to turn the I
■>osHioß« ot theNoaixiiitsn army. Murat was con- I
Kepuently obliged to fight a battle,, in the hopes of
Securing his retreat to die irontia lS of(heNcapolc-
Kan Stales.
I ‘‘ Gcu. Bianyhi, on the sd«f tp a po position
sition position on the heights in fnmtof Tolentino, en tend big
between the rivers Chicnli on hi| ; right, and Potcnza 1
â– m his left. Muaat advanced against him from Ma- I
â– perata with 4he di visions of Generate Livron, Pigna-
telh, and Ambrosio,.and occupied the higbte about ‘
MonteMilone. t
“ Early on the 3d, the Neapolitans aftatftked the I
centre and flic right of the Aust r a nr, commanded by I
Generals Mofo and but this attack
having fail/id with loss, the whole Gforts of Murads
army were directed against the Austrian left. TM»
attack, made iji three heavy colnmn ! '. of infantry in
mass, supported by cavalry and artillery, was recei received
ved received by brigade, directed by Gen. Bian Bianchi,
chi, Bianchi, who was succeeded, with, the assistance of two
squadrons of cavalry, in taking one ot th# masses and
dispersing the otbeni.
“ after this failure, Murat Began hi&retreat;
he was pursued with activity till dark; war one
thousand were taken diuin j that day. Ge General
neral General Collier and an Aide-de-camp of Gen» Medlcfe |
were among these. Generals Ajfcbrps io and Cam pu puna
na puna ' <., '*• OSI
“ Goh. Niepperg, with his corps.vwatln comma-
nicat t#n with Gen. Bianchi by Nepf. «, d
“ I be Neapolitan army retreated by Fcrmeand
Pescera. >
“ Subsequent letter*! from Lord Burg hers, dated s
Rome* May 7, state, that Geu. Niepperg arrlrcdat j

l a e ttS on and was ordered
Bia icfi’ion thedd.h, at Macerata. Ade Adeof
of Adeof the‘k;bfp& of Geg; Nugcjdi wa»
' f cnemv was commanded by General
a s ?^ n » post upon the i-oad btsd
W P Cf ritn* 1 )ii rodojrp, wh lc h,
Ev-cr, d' c V wcre
Kk, coadacted by Major Fh tt< Ulcers and
privates were taken, find nam nam•Kthr>*w
•Kthr>*w nam•Kthr>*w down thcir artns au ’ J P®**
JrL 0 f the, neigh b0udro(«l tpok an active part in
"Ersu’l ll,e e: ’ P°*i lau VP ’ •
WWaior Fldte after this success marched upon
; Itaiuia, where he arrived on the 2d. The garrison
(if JOO men, retired Wo a castle upon his
pirces of artillery, with a considerable quantity,
Eammtmitiuni and being allowed to return to Na Nailles
illes Nailles under she condition of not serving against the
the space of one mdSih.”

; I ( //7?z/\7fZY)7^rPJPZJA I .S.
Basle, May 4.
â–  â–  The following i&the answer of the President of the
tb the Duke of Yiccnza :—
I “ Zurich, May 20.
I «Tlm communication which his Excellency the’
I DiikttW Vpmza addressed the undersigned I of April, and which reached Zurich on the Ib’lh, has
• beef laid before (he Miet.
‘‘'U’lyii R%jce at peace -with i n itself shall have re re-1
-1 re-1 e wfred her Uappimats tinder a stable government, gc-
A^lly'fcvOgiiix'd in Europe, the sincerest wish rtf
I'fwitz. r' c ' wdffibfnltilled. Faithful to the prjnci-
I to n< auur, of which the conduct of the Swiss
. I |Miers rec died to their country, furnish afresh proof
â–  1 fbv sfptorts bavehot be enrtble to divcar thehisclves of
■ a lively uneasiness, t>,-i ’he account of the events and
I thciFprobib|c consequences. To secure its dearest
I interests. its : !uh»pende4be t and ihrinternnl tranquility
‘ I t£tin>t evWy attack the confederation has felt, that it
I qughtfo take measures of |*ro L veral changes ha ve taken place tn its constitution, ati-
I rival frontiers have been restored to it, with a more
I fo*nirable deni
” Froth tlfose circuhistwiros, and (he new relations
I in which it is placed, there results obligations of hH hHWMpt*
WMpt* hHWMpt* which gratitude, aadpm'n of its
| politico existence command It to fulfil. I canuo|
therefore by rccogidsing the existing Government in
I France, follow a system opposite to that of all the
I Powers of Europe. That loyal and fidelity which
dictated its conduct will conlinue*lo regulate
it for the future.
4 ‘ Smell arc the explanations to which the Un Undersigned
dersigned Undersigned must cbriffiie hrms'vll, and. which he con*
Eludes by begging his fc]xcejlency the Duke of Viceu Viceu-1&
-1& Viceu-1& to accept assurances pf his high consideration.
• * President of the Swisw Diet.”
In the night of the 29’b, near Melay, al the foot of
D< Arberg, 4o«ne musket shot were fired between a pa patrol
trol patrol and some French, probabley national
gawds, j,»r these in general shrwtbc most animosity
towardFHWitzerl.'ind. Tbo patrol, poising along the
skirts of a wood, heard a n«»is>, and cried ** who goes
there i”-—is was only answered by being firt’d upon.
It uistagtly returned the fire; hndfhctwo |N»nies.con |N»nies.contiaacd
tiaacd |N»nies.contiaacd to firefor an hoar and and a halt m the .chirk,
till at last flic French evacuated the wood. All tlie
report of the musketry all tlm mhabitanfsof (he neigh neighbourhood
bourhood neighbourhood awerilbkd and took up arms. This a flair,
in which wohn l not one mart wounded, docs honour
to the Argovians nod VthiaAb.
it issuid that the half of the second contingent will
be put in motion, so j with the regiments return returned
ed returned from France sh.d! have on foot an army of 48,000
1 nj *»> * ... " ’ f ?
Ghent, Muy 12.
The Journal /jniterscTof (his date, contains under
the head of Ghpnt, May 9, a Report upon the state
of France ma lc to the’King in Council, by Viscount
Chateaubriand, Minister Plenipotentiaries from hh>
Most Christian Majesty to the Court of Sweden.
FTA/r Report Jilts sixteen columns of the Journal
amTSupplrmcnt. • This document is detidedinto heads:
I —I. Acts and Decrees for the Interior. IL lixle lixlerior.
rior. lixlerior. 11 made to the Royal Govern*
me nt.]
This .Report concludes thus:—
A Air Europe is arrived bn the frontiers of France;
I every people has taken its post in this army of nations;
f they wait but lor the last signal. What will the au author
thor author of so many calamities do ? If he quits Paris, Will
Paris remain tranquil ? If he dims not join his sol soldiers,
diers, soldiers, will his soldi* is fight without him? Success
may change hik fortune; No; a success wouldJhard wouldJhardly
ly wouldJhardly ids foil. Can he besides except success ?
The Deere* Las issued Jrom high, victory has de-
SbC*'? J5S3" ■• • .'• _ «* ” ■.• -' ' •■’

<: .â– < ' -
elared itsclf/Drmdiparte vanquished in Ma- [
rat; an appeal h;u been madfe to the people of Italy, I,
and those people have replied by a cry |rf loyalty.l
May the Frrmili, imitate the example! May they;
abandor; the scourge of gic earth to the juslice of
Heaven! Alt, Sire! let u-y hope, that disarmed by
«>t lhe sompf St.'Eoni3,tbe God of battles I
may spare the blood of our uuliappv country. You
will preservet© France, for the happiness, the remains
of that blood* which she too much hiefehed for her
glory; The moment approaches when your Majesty
will reap the fruit of your sa^fificejf; when under the
shade of the white flag, icitions will at lenght enjoy
that repose after which they sigh, and which they
have so dearly earned.” y ’ f
Our Court have concluded a treaty with his Ma Majesty
jesty Majesty the King of Sicily, by which this Monarch is to
be reinstated in the kihgdorn of Naples. .
The son of the Duke of I'erru Capnota, the the
Sicilian Minister, set out yesterday with the treaty to
Palermo. ' > ; ; *•

* 6 .. < Paris/May 13.
Yesterday morning, at ninep’clock, tip? inhabitants
of the Faubourg Antoine proceeded to the Rou Roulevart
levart Roulevart Port Saint. Antoine, and the inhabitants of the
Faubourg Saint Marhcau (consistingof !o,CM)O men,)
proceeded to the Boukvart of where fhey
formed a junction. They set out at eleven o’clock,
and defiled along the the
avhcncc they piarched tpthe Tnilleriej. * A military
band accompanied them; M. Richard Lenoir, Mem Mem'berpf'the
'berpf'the Mem'berpf'the Legion of Honour, and Chief of the Eighth
Legion, was at the hem! of the Conhxterates of Sai Anjoine. The sjjoats of Pive {’ Empereur were heard
the whole way.
When lhe zealous Citizens were drawn up in the
cohrt-vard of the Tuillen(?s, the Emperor mounted
his horse, and the Deputies were permitted to ha harangue
rangue harangue him. The Emperor addressed them in a
Speech. • ~f j .
After this, sfionts of Pivc le Patrie I Vive la Li-'
berth! VivC V Empereur ! resounded from all sides.
4'lie Emperor galloppqd through the ranks, and re reviewed
viewed reviewed a large body of regular troops.
Courier Extraordinary, Sunday Morhifts;.
According to lettersfrom Italy, the King and Qltcen
,of Naples and Suite have embarked at Ancona on
board three,frigates, to return to Naples.
Jt is saaf that the French troops en’tercd Basle on
(he 9th at night, it is said also that we occupy Porcn Porcntniy.
tniy. Porcntniy. But this wants cmifiruiation.
fiistead of 300 piecesW cannon defending the
higfits of Paris, there will fee GOO.
Some thirty brigands irled to disarm the Gendar Gendarmerie
merie Gendarmerie at»St. Brice ; tort they were put to flight by
lhe Chasseurs of the Line in the environs.
Letters from Venice state, that-some English ships
of war ha ve appeared in the Adriatic, and that a fri friâ– gflite
â– gflite friâ– gflite and twodjrigs have anchored before Ancona, in
order to watch that port.
On the 7tli in st. a in w riot took place at Bonr Bonriieaux.
iieaux. Bonriieaux. A young man atto.npferlto tear off the epau epau-Icll<
-Icll< epau-Icll< sot an ollicer of the gamsosj. lie was immedi immediately
ately immediately arrested.
They also write from Bourdeaux on the 1 Uh, that
more than TOO young men of. the Department of the
Gironde have volmrt icily enrolled themselves for the
defence of their country. A .
Courier Extraordinary, Tuesday Morning.
News from Vienna of the 20th state, that thre Con Congress
gress Congress has disposed of the kingdom of Naples in favour
,of Prince Ferdinand, second sow .'of the King of the
Two Sicilies. He has set out lor Italy.
The day before yesterday, at the riview, a young
Lady approached the Emperor, and banded to him
a rouleau containing 25,000 francs in bank notes, for
the cqui|>ment of the
Baroo Lotus, Ex-Minister*of arrived at
Ghent on the lOth. TBey continue to tr much activity on the fortifications of Langites.
A German paper asserts, that a part of the Austrian
Army, which Was on its vany to Naples, has returned
in the direction of Turin.
Marshal Grouchy is expected this eycnin" at Paris.
It is said that the Emperor has given ordejrs to dis dismantle
mantle dismantle 20 shjps of the line, which will afford 1500
pieces of cannon for land service.
To-day the Empereur received before mass, at the
palais of tire Tuilleries, the Deputation of the Elec Electoral
toral Electoral College of the Seine and Oise, consisting of tJje
Duke of Placentia (Le Brun), President, Duke presented an Address, in which it is said*—
“ Great misfortunes have befallen ifs; tbA greater
was that votontary exile which you oWed to the safy safyty
ty safyty of the emtofry.
Foreigft armies in fbc midst df us F and foreign Po-


' - r • ■ '■ •
I wters commanded a pc?ce in Wris. W« do not \
our losses, we do not of the I! â– 
Pphtiltetnor yoar’s. But glory-S-withoHt glory, wti ’t
Fexfetcirce for Frenchmeu? Without glory,
peace itself, desirably as it is, is fitter to'is. It af affords
fords affords us neither security for.|he presfem, nor safety
[for the future.
Speedily a Govcrntmenf, which wished to ryiA
which tormented our tnqu tetudcs, and whvi’i
agitated the passions ot those who Mattered it,
FWnce grid too ntrtifeh alarmed
“ You have veccived that the nations were noLgreat
nor powerful except as they were free ; and vott Cal Called
led Called upon that pure liberty which was ahs, the too
fleeting idol of our revolution, and that equality of
rights so much calumniated, which will always be
the mother of the public virtues and of public pros*
pe ,, fty. â– > '
ts Iloubtless foreign Powers are noMr measuring their
situations with our> —without doubty our return rto
the principle of a mild liberty and wife policy, wilF
reform those fratetnakies which nmtm otheft nations

- . ■ - .... ■ ’ T..- -— - — » — — **S
to the interests ofour rising re volution. itar« still,
therefore, to hope for peace, and we do not fear war.
• c< Enjoy, Sire, a situation which is your own work.
.After having been thn greatest of conquerors, be at
lenght the most pacific of Sovereigns, your glory re*
qu-irs it, and our happiness, demands it.” f *<3
Mis Majesty replied:—-
“ Monsiurs, the President, and (be Deputies of the
Electoral Colleges of Seinc-et-Ois^.— I thaux you for for
- for sentiments you express to me, in the name yfyour
Colleges. We all wish for peace, and for war. At no period of history has the nation dife
played more nnanimity or more energy. In case of
war.every thing promise to us happy termination.
Ilmyeyer, circumstances are’serious. I rely much on
the patriotism and knowledge of the Chambers. I
have learnt with pleasure the sentiments which have,
animated your assembly, and the choice it has made.’’
A*ra? York, May the Constitution made
her escape from tlie British fleet oft’ Ihe Western Is Islands,
lands, Islands, she ernufod alongtfie Npttn coast of the Br azils,
anti bnthe 19th of April put into St. Louis, (Marari (Marariham)
ham) (Marariham) where she landed her prisoners promired sup supplies
plies supplies and then shaped her confsc t for America, vn
the 26th qf April fell in with an English 71.t0 the
windward oftiie West. India Islands and concluded
frohi her manouvres there was peace. To ascertain
which Captl'StewartwenfoffSt. John’s, (Porto Ricbj
sent his bgat on shore, and theje Teamed for the first
time ratification of the treaty by this government.
The following is a list of the Killed and wounded
on board the Constitution in her cmgigeiment with the
two British sloops of war the Cyane ami Levant; li likewise
kewise likewise a list of tog Killed and wounded on Ifoard the
two latter ships.
Killed on board the Constitution—John Fullington
o. e.; Antony Fatrow marine; William Marreldo.
Wounded. David Quill, qunrtJtmaslcr slightly ;
James Jackson, severely; Tobias Fernalb, s. since
dead ; Ben}. Thomas severely; Venderford, s.
slightly; Vincent Marks, s. severely; John Lincy,
o. s. since dead ; Thomas Fessenden, o. s. since
dead ; Benjamin Norekroff,sgt. m. severely; Patrick
C:iin, p, m* severely; Wm. Holmes, p. m. severely /
p. m. slightly.
Force of the Constitution, 32 —21 prs.
20—32 do.’
52 guns,
Oiricers, men and boys 466-
Killed on board the Cyane 12—amtindwl 2S. -Force
of tbe-Cyafre224bfrty-t>wo pounders, 19 eighteen do. +
2twelves d merit arid boys ISO.
Killed- on board of the Levant 23—wounded 15.
Force of the Levant 18 thirty-two 'pounders, 2 nine
do. 1 twelve d 0.—21 guns.—Officers, men and boys
. The squadron under |lie commaml of Commodore
Becafeur sailed yesterday morning i<-r the Mediter Mediterranean,
ranean, Mediterranean, to rendezvous at Gibraltar. When the Com— Commod
mod Commod ore and Capt. Jones took their departure frqin the
battety, and assembled aro&nd of their fePow-cdizcns
rent the.air with three times three cheers.
The squadron, consist off he following vestefo, viz.®-
Prfgates Guerriere, Commodore Dccateur;
donian. Jooeii ,• ConsteUutidn, Gordon. Sloops On-,
tar io, EHiotf Epei tier, Downs. Corvettes Fire/ly,
tlogets', • Nicrflshn; Spark/Gtxniiie.
Schooners Dalias ; Terch Qhacittcey.
The heavy kquadron bound to the same place, will?
sail in a few days from Boston
ahead,- the squadrun anchored agaiMln tire bay.

**— . . ■ $ 4
aa APfaMpastUfhu* His Et Et;« ;« Gfjvcimx bl the coidpy Berbice, and Us Ofopenden- ,
npOT a I‘ei'iion by J. H. L. kianra:-
c- b^whr‘ l 11 • • t ' cl ' wie ' ■ “ S “ i ’’’ !si " ,,ot * of p'-"-
W W r ' of aiyirranggtaent of the
can am.-x's, is hereby released from E-cecuifon and
*mC sucS. release given io the
publicby these
aerbtee, 50 1815. s
_ ; K » ,
1W tpriwequenca of An opposition by Albert
jidfhfUd Sale fjy Execution, as
of the Coffee Estates and
pn»r,:‘rty <;f said A. J. Giisius,at
the instanucNtf’ the Representative of Job. vafo den
Brock.. _ ' t
Nailer is hereby gittn t
That by virtue of aufbvnty, given by the Honorable
Court of Civil J rsiice, under ilafe <»f 13th May 1815,
on 0 petition presented by Gfeo. PauelYas the. At At\
\ At\ fomey nf J. van den Brook, WtE l.WcnUen Sale of
the Coffee Estate with allitscultiva-
buildings, and further gppOTtcnancr*s, and all
' the right, title, and interest of s.dd A,p. Glashis iu
th; cdiice Estate Ruimsigt, Us culpvatEm, buildings
slave* and further appurtenftm di, in as iiitu ii as (he
K-iree has l>en taken Vi
J. van den FSrorlc,will lake place on th«? 1 jth June,
jSIG, due Inventory thereof Ireing for inspt i-tfhii at
this Ofiico ; in order to recover from the prorsaais of
s lid sale, snch stun of mom y, for which said Estates;
have b ns shall remain unpaid at the t rne bf s’idh safe.
This Find Proebt'mt ion made known’ to the Pu-j
blic by beat of dViim from the Court House of (his
€tC ■• . anti birther th ..’ h
L •rcict^brfiily, ISib. •
.* ''Y K FivANCbry. F:r.f Marshal. 1
■— ——— ; —-- r __ ( — ■
â–  â–  FIRST
BY virtue of Authority from. II is Excel leu- f
ry H. \V. Rentjnck, Esquire, Lit nirnai j-Govyrnur.
of the qolony Bcrbire and its Depend. •
&c. Given under dale of 6th May, upon ape-J
tit ion presentcVl hyjlqhn MUXnald & Co. versus the*
Proprietor of Proprietors, Hepresentaiive or Repci’.
# A ntativeS, ol tlm W estero half us the Lots Cq,
1’ i§t co*st. 1 the utjdersigned mteml tq St U, at IX IXectit
ectit IXectit 'e; » Hi the pmkm co of two CBu- |
rnissnrics and fheu Svcryfary, oij '\V r 2»1
dugfrst, IbU, at the Court House of this colony, at
eleven o'clock ih tire &urh(>;;n.of that day. The ah»v ■
tuinred Wesferu hals of Jj<»ts No. 35 & 36, Fast coasts
y ..rie having feeeu surremlered in Execution to
me Pie underHgn» d.
â–  r W'hoevef should think hkusclf entitled to oppose
the iYtcntUu Safe of aforesaid fxrts, let sueffpersons
.u’d're.-s themselves to me lire undersigned,, du luring
their regs ■: ‘yr so doiftg in due time and form, as I
hen by give not ice, ttuit I will receive opposition
ham every*mlvrmfdiit to person; apjM»iiit Gunn u day
>■•' I:iV(- hl-or i).’, claims heard bGe (he Cutiil, and
jail her act.:herein as Ihe difects. . *â– 
'lnis I irit Prbclrrnalion madekiimvntothePablic
by bryif rrfdrtnii, from riy. and tnyiln r dealt etistoiu.
.Be. rbice, 2d July, 1815. L - -lap
C K, First Marshal.
---: —

BY virtue of an Appoiritiramt from His Ex Ex•**v:h-:?
•**v:h-:?x Ex•**v:h-:? I v JI. W. Bentinck, p-qyire, Lieuteiian!-
E,'v<;rnor otTbe Colouy Berbice mid its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, § given upon a petition by
John Vi’(Jamon as one of*the Sequestra!nrs of
tution x\%. I, west Corentyn coast, dated 21!h June,
'>l 5. T d, at the request of aforesaid
'o'jn M’Camoi), qq. doWereby Summon by Edicts
All known and unknownciahnntts on the proceeds
of Pbintathm No. L west Uorentyn, tt> appear before
tire (.’din t of Civil Jysfice, of this eofoiiy, on Mon Monihe
ihe Monihe 17tk July, IBi and following daysiToj-Hie
ef tiieir.e!hiins agaqOTftte
E'ioceeds of Hanhitiou ?w. J west Con ntyn, debate
the same, and to-witness, uHcr the fourth Ed ictal
Summons; the (>url*s decision as to prlfeWnt. ♦•oiicurrent right of claimants, oh thc law di dirt
rt dirt cfs, and fartlwr to proved according to style.
StiHunoiuby Edict ntatlc known to the public
by beat of drunr-wn tWC’ourt H ny, colony, and fnrthpruleak svilh accouling to custom.-
# lkrbi<.c ? dune, ISM -
Z FKAxNCKEN, First Afarshal.

WrW.* ’■
ItY. virtue oC an Extract front the
Mthe Court of-Rolh, ckted 24th.Jufie, 1815, given
in the cahso*qfttilW it. C. Downer, in capacity as
ant ? P* Benjamin, CitSratofS
to t|j> Estate of F. Bj ndc, d|c. Win tiff, vcrsuE all
known and unknown ejaitnants on the proceeds of
Plantation /Es/ Bntcer, Eum annexis. 1 the nndieil
B, £®Wi r do hereby by Edict, (for the third time);
yFkhipwn anoknknown claimants on the proceeds of
Best Bower, cum aimexis, to appear* be before
fore before the Court of Robs, on Munday the 10th of July
IBis, there to render in their k laims, 4b verify the
straw, And .farther to proceed according to itiw.
Berblce, 30th June, 1815-
MH K ’ Fran c#W> Filst Marshal
— .... ~ „
| BY virtue ©f an Appointment from His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency 11,. W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieuienaht-
Gnvernot of the Ccrfohy BcrhiCe and its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, Xrc. &e.&c. dated 21th June, 1815 ; given up upa
a upa petition presented byWihn M’Camon, us one ofthe
of PUnfHfion Lewis Maufir. [ the un und
d und rsigned, at the request of aforesaif J .M’Ca|jiQn,qq.
do hereby Summon by Edict; AR kn known unknown claiman|s bn the procwds oE Rahtfttfon Le LewisM-nior,
wisM-nior, LewisM-nior, cum aimexis, loappear before!.he Court
of Civil Justice, of this colony, on Monday the 17th
July, 1815, and follow dajs, for the purpose in inthere
there inthere ferftlering in tlfeir claims agalnsf the pruheids
of Plantation Lewis Manor, curti annex is,, ddbat<»
the same, and to witness the Court’s decision on the
right of c||iiManlsj ami further U> protm-d according
to hw, —on pain, after the fourth'Edictal
beihir lor ever debirred iheir right of claim. j
'1 his bunmio is Ly Edict madetnowß to th* Pu Public
blic Public by bed ol di um from the Court House yfthil
€dhmy,i a!’.d iiiWiM’t dexlt with according t,p custom.
Btrfcicc, 30ih Jiim-. 1815.
IC 1 ’•.INCK£M, First Marshal. G
i —_—, —, —,—
By virtue of an Extract from the Alinutes of
i (’ic*t'onrt obl’oils, dated 2Jth June, 1815, given in
f the cause James Fraser, for himself and other
j Mrqm Mralmß Pkiimifl,*’v( rsm-', ail known and unknown crudftors
i br ckumaii | polonies of Dcmerary and iWqpebo, on tlie pro?
i cAerls oi the Sale ot Plantafimt-No. 40 and 41, wes!
|Cdast of this colony, Defendants. I the undersighc.l
at the reewest ot aforesaid Jas. Fraser, qq. do hereby
f Summon by Edict, (tor the third time) : All known
i and unknown r^edifojs .er claimants, a> well iu fbu
• colony as in the Ihriiejl cofouies of Demerary & Es Essequdio,
sequdio, Essequdio, pn the proceeds ©f the Sale of PUntaliun
No. 40 and 41 West coast,- of this colony, to appear •
before the Court of Rolls-' on Monday the 10th J ulf,
1815, theft to tlmir clauns, to verity the
sarhy, and (urthrr to proci*ed-ficcorJing to law.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu Public
blic Public by lrSat of drum froqi the Court House of this !
colony,and further dyaU wifhjaecoidmg to custom, i
Bctbice, 30th Jntie, 1815; * ‘ U J
K. Fk inc ken, First Marshal. !
— ; U— ■ ■ W.IIIMI II I I ■■III— -i?il 1

* ; W Jfc .• . - r
Earbiidos,2sth A/ua, liMJ.
THE Contracts for supplying His Majesty’s
I’ffM‘psJn the Winthvard andLeewahl Island* and
Colonies with Ire sir Beef, tcrndhating ca the 17;'y
ed Sealed Tenders ui Triplicate (which must express the
price tn Sterling Alone yin teords at length) until the
Kith July, at ten o’clock in the morning, from sueh
persons ..slimy Wwiding to enter into Contracts fur
supplying the Loops stationed at—
Surinun? Grenada,
Ih ijicc,' St. Vincent, >
‘ Deiurrary, St. Lucia,
Rurbados, . Dominica,
Trinidad, Autigua,’and
_ Tobago, "N St. CJiris|opher.
Separately or jointly, with Fresh Beef, of the best
quality, to be approved o(, if ncQcsSary, by |»qrds
ofSuijey.- The Contracts to commence in one
raoutb from the date of the notification being receiv received
ed received of the Tender ha ving been accepted, and to conti continue
nue continue for six months certain. —Two Securities will be
required, who must be named in theTendnr, to be
bound -ir the sum of Sterling each, for the
due fulfilment of the Contract at â–  ach idand.
Payment will be tirnde on li|FS4lh of each month
at the respective Stations, in' GovernmentTh Lis, at
4s. Bd. p. Dollar, for the quantities delivered in thei
preceding period. I
.. ' *CuMmmcfy-G eneral..
mm to the Commissariat Officers at the Islands add
Colonies’® T _/ ' W»' ■ MX*'■
ikmh,— mi
CORN fe>r bale, & Piahlptim Herjrtelßcr,
at J IT. the thousand dur>. LJidy

L UNTANT’S 'OFtlcft ■<■
■,Ui.ins «f Hoo.. ‘ I
Idem of PI. PEspprance,^' J ’ I
Idem of Pl. No. 40& -y * â– 
Jdenr ot I’l. l’.,| uy ...
Idem Pl. -Palmyra, from 04 s ej t; ivu ~
I! ni r' 1 ‘ !) - iSIS. jt ?
Idem PL Graubunderland
MemofP! H* ' tr » en< *en,-'
> IICo
AdministratiooibC<|. ZutdwijMk
Idem of Pl. Bawslust,
Idem of Pl. Benfield
Curatorship of l’l. Planters Ilfet,
Idem of the Estafe of ’C. FfWlting,
Idem-—--—— R. Barry, g.
«,/ . ... Idem *'■•-»■*”'" (>Wvn Joqcs, .
Idem — iL. Eirglerj
Idefo -.L >l. C.
n i-» ’ 7 F: rrturnietJ
Dehlreratuig bXefljtors. to the Estate of R. R vrv l
Wmrreas the JJonorabfo the Court of Civil
hce t by Older, bavutg referred to us the Accourttj
â– .I the p< rsehs litreaffor named, viz. r
\V. Lausrm and J. C. Spangenbcrg, Seq. toPhntJ
, Utioh UHMxle Hoop. , |
J. 11. L. Maurtnbrcchcrandl. J. Schwfors.Sw!. d
PUTkperanue. J
J.lmeS Fraser ami Lewis fameton, Scq. No. 40&tt j
3. J efiery, from 10 Jan. to 24
Palmy hi. • • - / J
B. Jrflervund F. BriHebank/ faiMHl Stmt. 181 L
’ (till 20 Feb. 1813, S- t.. I E
J, U. J. Downer. Seq. to PI. Gran Granbttmterkmd
bttmterkmd Granbttmterkmd eh Xiwgvfodi |bet Fergen«t^|eh.* ! »
fS J. (XSpantNmrerg fold P- Fanbfon, .W. Pl. Hope.;
AV. Kafr, and VY. Lawson, Seq. 2-<|fs. of Np.
(’onntiviv coast.
P. Quin and L, Unmcron, Seq. PL Profit,
W. Katz, 'Admiuisf rater <»f Plant. Znhhvylc. *•
J-, van llossum.'Administratqr Ruzr s Lusk * ♦
VV. Katz, Adphiistraturoi Benfield’s
J. U. Spanr-enberg ami P. Bender, Cdratfos PlanPn,
, Plantes Lust.
ILStaal & fi. LMhers, (’br.Estate C. Fix'king.
IL Tfott&\V. Kewley, -R. Barrv.
,W. Lawson A Kewley,- -Gwyn Jones.
R. C. Downer, ——;—L Zieglrr, .
•AV. F mser end Leach, —Hey wood E. Theobald ' Henry Croft.
J. M. C. Reuss, â– " â– â–  J; H. C.
I E. I heobald, ——-M.E. F\3'rdurniet.(
|G. Munro and R. Taifl, Deliberating Executors to
I the Estate oi R. Barry.
is hereby given to all persons interested
Wrctn, that attendance will be given at the Acconn-

—w-w---- T , < ...» j-• ' •• .ivvwhiiv
tanrs Oilice, held at the house of the second under underffgnedi
ffgnedi underffgnedi on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,
from noon until 5 o’clm k if term ol one month tWuu the date heneoff in order to
enable such person to insjjccl said AccUunft, and
state their objections or s observations in writing, at
the expiration of which- time, the required report
wilt be m ute ia the tjw>vr mentioned matters, and of
v. hkfi (if required), tbe p irdvs may oJbtWn an office
copy, at I heir own est pence, in order should they
deffH it expedient, attend the Court
of Civil Justice oh the day appointed said
report, and contest the cmdiimation theh-of,
- Berlncc, 17th Jnne, IB|.j.
1. W TilTE* J. i'.
.— — 1
TE KOOP, de dtivrideride vierde tn de kof koffy
fy koffy Phntygic AVer/uy aan de west wal
O'-r rjvier Bcihici*, met all toe Ixhoord,
brpooting, ruafcria«alen, en
te bhonderd Neger slaven, zynde den cigendom van
Vrouwe.lL KucM, geboren Nietsch, (e Peters Petersburg.—dfe
burg.—dfe Petersburg.—dfe bevragen by C. C. SWA VING.qq.
24 June. H. STAAL, qq.
*â–  - .U,,,,
FOR SALE, the undivided quarter in the
cofSee Lslate called Nicttwe Hoop , situate oft the
rikislbank ophe river B-rbice, with all iflhrnltiva iflhrnltivafion,
fion, iflhrnltivafion, buildthgs, and. further and ono
hu;»«lrr borh Nietcb, of Petersburg. For birther informa information
tion information please apply to C. C. SWAVING.qq.
24 June. >l. STAA L, qq«i
gg-Xtlwiwi II lll|lll.ei|l ■■■!. 11 mil , —MW *
—- . I.„——. Published every Saturday al 4 o'clock p >•
By W. SCIWLZ & Co.
Privileged Goicrnnicnl PrinterP

Full Text


«lk> ; THE ; B LC M'K Ivw ri “ 'lkslr/Nu*r , l H > Wpj KjKjJ' Z fl .... * JL_a* ¦ "W* fssghjhrh OwIpAY, vUMre3|Pi|jg ' •¦• ., >. * ~7K ; '^--’•• '* ¦ '¦< T J «5. en Estate, !<>( tpe six-hijHhHs; fray no # f-?td«f"f at. fqia .. w . !* _ ! vll.nfiMßTMßWr'' M <**¦ ——... >¦ •¦• REQUIRED for the Indians, the folk ¦Mlibles, vizjsr' * I 3 Pieces Sal< mpores, 75 Qfy 43 i 3 DuzeV Knives, 1 Jug Lar.p-otl, I I '.-, L Do. Falling Axes, , 1 Barrel Salty ? x Do. Cntla w es, 2 Q mire Foobca p-»pM K«/ Do. RazWift' 100 Quills, %*Jr .fU ’ g Do. &s#!,' 2 Bags Shot, jh’Mj 2 Do. Combs,, t 75 R n^apJt /50 Lbs. Gun-pow IW’ • ; f wyn,* dita rode v.yn in Listen it in hcrfor*‘M Bead and the tops ofbeth hoiascnt of; whenever can. give any information of them, s<> as to lead fd ditveoytiv, wihjre handsuiuclyWewarded. SJuly. jh JEFFEKY. j! WM. TTlipjFT has recently imported, and forfj Sale at the Store of J. B. Rule, EtJ . 'the ibllowmg*’ articles, viz,—Beef and pork in half barn I>, hams,*' floor, pMsfj farlry, beer, |xntcr, wine, soap, candles, tine Msh linen and sheeting, laws patent shirting, wtling, damask talile cloths, ging-L hams, calicoes, nijeaud curhmoii cotton cambric, mal, linen, cotton and printed handkerchiefs, gen-n tiemen’s cloathing, consisting of coats, vests, jackets, trousers and' pantaloons, black, blue, brown <& green broad< ld|M, stationary assorted, amongst which are excellent ledgers, joyffthls, day, cash, and' letter books, gentleaien’s tool chests, writing desks, and «hoes, Negro clouting €onsistiagot jackets, trowsers, hats, shirts, laps, Ac. &c. and various other articles •which will be sold cheap to close sales.—B July. SECRETARY’S OFFICE Thix into infdrr»thf Public, that the fallowing Persons intend quitliug this colony. GiibertChrrdon in 5 weeks from 3d June. The VvuloW of W. B. Liot in do. from do.. Robert Elwis, iri 6 weeks from 24 June. A. A. de la Court, will quit this Colony, » R.C.I)O\VNE»ec. hereby given, that a month after vKte the following 2'ransporrs and Mortgages will be passed jwitt 17. W.Hen cry qq. Francis Stewart, wilfttansport 10 toods of land and the buildings thereon, sitiiaA on lot No. 18, horth side, to W. Kutz. ? —W II mil AV. Hcncry will transport to John M’CauwiJ wdgfhgj w ft! u 1 ¦ >F ' "'ja I ¦ Mt&tijZwhbst^are sceii al th —.JamesMDonal, qq. N;dWni Malcolm JXichokon yvfll transpon io* Lewis.Ci meron, 8 iu#dspi iaiujof lot No. 3, tirsi empo h| 5 dvr of fhie’fowf between |hc nudine road »ji fW\buck dmny Urgwher with tirebmhlings th.reoi ! July 8. W. bi oss .'llus.3 will transport toO | O' Mwfery 52 ; Ne j gft>cs, natnes’tti bciiecn at Wgjpflqe. :s r 7 " O" • ' Px'-V '¦•'.' , ~/-' ,p W?' E ?vV lumcc they marcheil tolhe TinHi'i nuhlary Ind accompanied them; M. Richard Lenoir, Meinrof the Legion of Rononr, and Chief of the Eighth Igioh, was at the head r»f the Confederates pl Itoine. The sbootsof were heard I whole way. , . EWlien the zealous Citizens were drawn up in the (hrt-vard of the Tatlkries, the Emperor mounted ft horse, and the Deputies were permitted to ha r U i % greatly oblige the subscriber, and any expences*] curred thereon, shall be jmnuxliatcly paid• I*s iJuJf , W. h|?.' r '<* > y r 0N&J& L J? f? J-, -p ts. J'jk' .uaLC. • fc F*. Bg veils .issurfed, full r• and clopkv,.'rich ( ‘ aud chanties and ruffs, Whalebone arid ‘’'ji ‘ weed .osettes, whita and coloured figured muslins, a . satcrneU and satins, ribbons, biMdmg, i" UfimAgs; cambricksy d unit ics, *arftl u J.l fans ’ MVB a*nl snort white Fftfcltl) kid gloveacoMjrtoves; full trinyped while kid anil coa great variety pl Uimtnings, &c. Jlsb, frdm London: f splendid articles and three mo| Watches, warranted excp/lwtt timc-keeptown r printed calicoes, Fnrnityrd chimz, gingC olj hams and lav.rts, laches’ and gentlemen’s iugpr fine , p!i ,los F» Madms ami Policate handkerchiefs, Iyka as-* tiannejs, quilting, platings and liritahcalicoes, cotion shirt inland sheeting, (hJIRBW? table Vluthsj nroad cloths of dilfeient f “Benfiri.d’s,” Jtieutf IVelgelegen, Belmont, Eddertozsn, '’Union, Edrntssburg/i, Mon Choisi, and Zeelust, to be delivered aver to the Assignees ofe hereby required to render the same to me, at the A^tor^ >t Messrs co B“»c &Co. ; and all persons i.dctWed to the said Estate-;, arc rcquesied lo pay U>* uc the amount of their debts. : vUcx. FRASER, qq. > I July Benfield’s Estates and the Assignees of Turnbull Forb s & Co. i ic ' -¦ ¦ — — -¦¦ a . A LEEde genen die iets te vorderou ti ebbea a S van de Boedel wylend J. A. van Grocncveldt, wor,t. den verzogt in de fytl van zes wee ken, na datodezes, h unne pretcnl jen intelevcrcn on beta huge tc Ontvag— gcn« op de plauliugie de llcsolltlic, by Enw.>FAVRE. yd J July. Execuhmr Testamentnir. rse w-—— —~r— -»-.,y...... ——__ — FOR SALE by the Subscriber, at bis house f ophite*Mrs. Marydandner*s,afew thousand feet of . cnKqcllent crab-wood inch lumber.. J 11 1 1 July. 'WALTER — —— — j-.-..-...-a. ¦ yWoR SALE ? choice London particular Ma! deij< Wie in hogsheads and qnarkr casks, reasonpresent payment. ' ILSTAAL. —•— rJ TO JOBBERS. Wtnthd pn a coffee Es>r-'late, not rar up the "river, h with twenty 40 ill thirty able Negroes, to dig on* the trenches iunE n* irvi dtaSi the small drainings

* —Xtf the Honorable Court of Criminal Juslice ofthe Colony Her'* la .wh(Ah these presents may or '4r*^ Z n,w< ? 5 9fcltTf " ¦ ls known: * 'neancy has again occuryd in the < ent <-f Policy and Criminal of the Colony F/ , this colony, ot / 4fsserand JoAA and by reason of A/ ’•¦”>. i ’l'l 1 ‘”" i ""'‘‘ Honorable JF. Kat,, Jy having been a noz WW having bven Wte by the Honorable Chart , c qtPolicy, to supply >ir places. Hi s Excellency the Governor has to se’ect JoAa 'Fenin, Csh, Hu* Rev. /•redrew JLhilftt W and David CarEsq.. to be of Policy and (. tyhrrfbf is hereby "iveiu thai theinhabitanfofilhe Colony may. respect' those * • Gent Imen in the / * .f Jf out Gsm?G Iterbice, 3d July, 1815. W * > Bv Command, R. C. DOWNER, Bery. > ’ Nl/-' "yr * '**' 11 "' '“" Just of the the sftip Pfiiivs r.*w Oraxju, from Amsterdam, consoling ip .-— G’tN ,p CT.seS, cLiret, Rinlsh and Maltlga wines in cffscs. brown and white beer in hogsheads, vinegar in lead,lirihecd and rape seed oil in jugs, M;Uq|, lineup p'atiUcs, chnak.'q sel#er and Fnchinger vwfej, oins in puncheons, bttrlcwn do. and in jugs, b im x smoaked beef, Edam-. Sfolksdie & L.y isch? t h/’e.jy but ter j soorkrouL caHiflower, rolpens, pic:.’led smo&ed do, —usages de Bolegi’c, pi Ales, sr.Urd Mds, hefdngo, fait fob, pirns, tiles. an 4 bdekiH. Riga boards, flour jntbarrels, ships bread in go, auehuvte in p„( s , hmc aqg terras, pipes, aixl al variety of other articles, * I 7'Z< «/<;tr drCrles being consigned to the rmrfer-l f' ¦' f^e .• sdllho same reasonable, by h ? x or packages. C. V. SWA VLN'G’.I 21 June.* IL STAAL. r i<’ ksp op hqt Lrf A r o. Ls,rfevo/gf>jqc.’/n7/ArAn.| rpn/r «rrZr tnrh cargo van het Schip pjL’l ./*A’7.Vv-,' /.V OIIJSJE, Copt. R.IVITZ£If t Z(M X/i-l st', rdahi . ~ (tEAEI Eiygi kehlers, rode ’.vyn, rhinsch; do,J , ,>hu’:!g-i de., IPKisten, b|ftin en wit biewfei oxhool-| ’’•¦; • rI I d-> , widouJ, lynen stylZe|J b.nnei’, j ui iIL s, bunton, • ea Faebinger water.! bifcw in v .ten, gort hi epjk'ildo garjt in vaton cnl jaPnen, Ui inj rHokvlersyb, Edmiy Stofktehe* enl G" cLj.iie ••; ins, b*>t:iK, zduYkoolj bhrgmkyol, rolpens.l p wm-st,gcrp<>k{c Worst, Knuzyze de gelcgde /.uiineij, do, paaling, harjing, labberdaan, ya-l p.K'yndvr eu groen envten, blaauwe plavrtyzen enl grain we moppen, Riga dcelen, peper, schceps bed scipiit in viden, med in do 4 ,auch»vis in kalkl C»cement,en verschefdefie tintlere artikekn meer.i r// de ondrrgeteckeirdensM e rffttefvc hi quant th its en een c/-l v/e ! e pros te koup adnbiedtn. 24 June. C. C. SWAUNG. I < I iNjR S ALE, the lot. of Land of No 7, wdbJ the hud;riwo parcel*, all madeofx-nlony hard wood] sfnmg and neat, with all the"out-buildings necessarv] udted in wnh tats, tfcc. An extend credit will hel given to i purchascft For further particidarsl apply on said lot by • 2? dumb H. SNEEPEL. V L> v CivTlSEMENl'.—All Persons vvhol Ii ivr clidnu bn illc late Alex. Esq. of Sen-I are r. quested to redder them in for examination ;| airl iho»e inddrfed to make immediate payment, to | D. C. CAMERON,? n . r , I . June, OHARLES KYTE, S OcL AD VjJIvF IBEAIE Personsindeb?ed to the Estate of the lateWni. Duncan, or Wm. >v r, are requested to make immediate payment; and ; those who have claims, to render them in for examination and acttlemcnU to nt T D.C. CAMERON, ? r , 94 June. CIIARLESKYTE, $ Curators ’ ' ¦¦*¦-•--—— Ml —.„,, , ¦*¦..-..««¦! ~* ¦ ... ' . _ IHE Subscriber informs Friends and the Fubhc, that he builds Schooners, Punts, T< nf-pupts, Boats, &e. and licpiiirs, all upon reasonable t< rh)s. oi i ANTONIE CUSTERT. ,>unc * First lot, «d cm polder. 1 I ' ¦. IN! "ill.PUBLIC VENDUES. ( „¦ r° T l! ie 13th be solfl s ( Lr* tp account of those concerned : -'lbar.eU beet, do. pork, IQI do. bacon, 15 half 7 i ; 'J" 4 lUU, > 15 kegs rolpens, and 4 cases pick 4 ai “ ,e liw W”' A ¦ Bb•¦'••••¦ .. ¦" 4 \ a. 4'" ’*’*' • T * ¦.' 1 ' Onthesnme day ajtegfo man, wottan amlchiM, a carpenter, and tlfoWotnan a good washer. ,n th# property of Firm of M Kinlbsh Cameron er lime. D.C.C.UI rox, D ; er. —¦ ii'n |jfc yl,',i— On Friday the 14th fnst. be ifoU, by order of abawhintd Estate ot fhc late Dr. W. B Lint, on Lot No. 71, NewAmsL a general assortment of medicines, Lmuebold tufoitare, witter vats, 2 !h'groe<, &c. *j .’On the smne day by order of W. Kewley, Esq. J 8 hhds. and I quaiter caskjf qf choice old Madeira J wine, to eh,"• ;j. consigmji' .K. ¦ W.C. 1 Z am t; RON, Dep, Kehdne Master. — —t™—S On 'ljUesdar ISt'h be ordered at the house of Mrs. M, /Miner, on lot No. 10, an usifortnfontofdry gmxh, ghfejs/tin, earthen ware, lisif sirgat,'hy«()rf okl in boltks, valuable portraitgnd prints hack glasses,j*entlemi ns and fi, 6 casks maret, Also a on Lot No. 10 tr<,nt!‘n:“ tlic middle road * ct ‘J lon » & one story high, wit h alwmt 240 feet ol land.—. Mid about 400 fe< tof fttud. |?efog HiFnorth quartox of Lot No. JO, < rb from the middle road t«y he backdate, w'hirtf sold theL tn stilt pirrcfinsCTs, 3lso two variable pegro Women ; with their < fiildren. «tnd "2 iV’ld fiegro nicti. Terms iof payment, for mid. N\.«nne?i 3 ftyumtlMAmst<>r(lam, full cargo. CbEAntD—Sloop Hermina,-Wvcbgcl, for Amsterdam, with 33 casks and 550 bags ¦ cofleex —"" '¦' * — ¦ " i in ' ¦¦ NEW AMSTERDAM... '—" ' : -. ¦ .-.. SCtTURUpiY, July <% 1815. | London Papr-rs Itrftbe 25th May were received by the ship 1 not t but no news by them—-war had not been declared at that timc--still it all lod, tte ¦’r flh in such toffitorcs as fht mau ®iW his F at tiiis important and momentous°cS^ n &l ' r q ’ 1 ' Ktynd lliphne ss has ghen or dedsn 9 : r> F' 1 ' qFfTc 1 rt.dies mil) which he has enter-d, Acr, immediately be laid before of Jxirds, Earl G rey inquired whether tl lc to be considered of war or T* question wns met in# .plain, manly, an f d * 5-, f 1 * # way by the Earl of j&erj’iooi. I P served, that indeed no RCtot'hostility I ° b ’ I that neither letter# of marque nor orde/, fn r^ pbre ’ 1 bargo had been issued ; but h« should I I airships, it hr did not sta'e that foL Message 4DJ he Addi. as which hemtended toning upon U ’v. i I D if ageed to, from n unsure mi might, expedient, proceed. ,J n I n !2 c wah. <>e i iMHidcn .! as a M, We ‘tT I D jpentiißcnfs delivered by Lord CWlereiTwere nfo I ? Kimikur nature and the pf wr fr I b ¦from Ihi Mmple consideration of theju-casaitv ofZ’ I ¦feting JhMenva! I « ¦been so long proved to b« the focomggfok with th! ' I t ¦ mqipnu-ss and S eeuriiy of Eut ol >e. JKboufinotbe I J ¦ wvednoked, font although L>uis XVhf isinvi»«lh„ I lil* w‘ ?p k ' C ° r thC V lad night from Lord ¦BiirAicr',, dated Tolejitino, the 3d Rwl. which state, I ¦that tlie Austrian General Bianchi was that morning ¦eneagid with three Neapolitan Mrhich terminated in their tuta| discrinfiture,.*nd the 1 ¦idWnce of ike Austrians from Tolentino to within a I ¦»ho< t distance of Maccratt. # I ** By thgrapidity witfowhig> Gen. Bianchi had i ¦xyiducttd hi»match from Bologna through Floren1 kc anosHioß« ot theNoaixiiitsn army. Murat was conI Kepuently obliged to fight a battle,, in the hopes of Securing his retreat to die irontia lS of(heNcapolcKan Stales. I ‘‘ Gcu. Bianyhi, on the sd«f tp a position on the heights in fnmtof Tolentino, en tend big between the rivers Chicnli on hi| ; right, and Potcnza 1 ¦m his left. Muaat advanced against him from MaI ¦perata with 4he di visions of Generate Livron, Pignatelh, and Ambrosio,.and occupied the higbte about ‘ MonteMilone. t “ Early on the 3d, the Neapolitans aftatftked the I centre and flic right of the Aust r a nr, commanded by I Generals Mofo and but this attack having fail/id with loss, the whole Gforts of Murads army were directed against the Austrian left. TM» attack, made iji three heavy colnmn ! '. of infantry in mass, supported by cavalry and artillery, was received by brigade, directed by Gen. Bianchi, who was succeeded, with, the assistance of two squadrons of cavalry, in taking one ot th# masses and dispersing the otbeni. “ after this failure, Murat Began hi&retreat; he was pursued with activity till dark; war one thousand were taken diuin j that day. General Collier and an Aide-de-camp of Gen» Medlcfe | were among these. Generals Ajfcbrps io and Cam puna ' <., '*• OSI “ Goh. Niepperg, with his corps.vwatln commanicat t#n with Gen. Bianchi by Nepf. «, d “ I be Neapolitan army retreated by Fcrmeand Pescera. > “ Subsequent letter*! from Lord Burg hers, dated s Rome* May 7, state, that Geu. Niepperg arrlrcdat j


l a e ttS on and was ordered Bia icfi’ion thedd.h, at Macerata. Adeof the‘k;bfp& of Geg; Nugcjdi wa» ' f cnemv was commanded by General a s ?^ n » post upon the i-oad btsd W P Cf ritn* 1 )ii rodojrp, wh lc h, Ev-cr, d' c V wcre Kk, coadacted by Major Fh tt< Ulcers and privates were taken, find nam•Kthr>*w down thcir artns au ’ J P®** JrL 0 f the, neigh b0udro(«l tpok an active part in "Ersu’l ll,e e: ’ P°*i lau VP ’ • WWaior Fldte after this success marched upon ; Itaiuia, where he arrived on the 2d. The garrison (if JOO men, retired Wo a castle upon his pirces of artillery, with a considerable quantity, Eammtmitiuni and being allowed to return to Nailles under she condition of not serving against the the space of one mdSih.” ; I ( //7?z/\7fZY)7^rPJPZJA I .S. Basle, May 4. ¦ ¦ The following i&the answer of the President of the tb the Duke of Yiccnza :— I “ Zurich, May 20. I «Tlm communication which his Excellency the’ I DiikttW Vpmza addressed the undersigned ,-i ’he account of the events and I thciFprobib|c consequences. To secure its dearest I interests. its : !uh»pende4be t and ihrinternnl tranquility ‘ I t£tin>t evWy attack the confederation has felt, that it I qughtfo take measures of |*ro, and cried ** who goes there i”-—is was only answered by being firt’d upon. It uistagtly returned the fire; hndfhctwo |N»nies.contiaacd to firefor an hoar and and a halt m the .chirk, till at last flic French evacuated the wood. All tlie report of the musketry all tlm mhabitanfsof (he neighbourhood awerilbkd and took up arms. This a flair, in which wohn l not one mart wounded, docs honour to the Argovians nod VthiaAb. it issuid that the half of the second contingent will be put in motion, so j with the regiments returned from France sh.d! have on foot an army of 48,000 1 nj *»> * ... " ’ f ? Ghent, Muy 12. The Journal /jniterscTof (his date, contains under the head of Ghpnt, May 9, a Report upon the state of France ma lc to the’King in Council, by Viscount Chateaubriand, Minister Plenipotentiaries from hh> Most Christian Majesty to the Court of Sweden. FTA/r Report Jilts sixteen columns of the Journal amTSupplrmcnt. • This document is detidedinto heads: I —I. Acts and Decrees for the Interior. IL lixlerior. 11 made to the Royal Govern* me nt.] This .Report concludes thus:— A Air Europe is arrived bn the frontiers of France; I every people has taken its post in this army of nations; f they wait but lor the last signal. What will the author of so many calamities do ? If he quits Paris, Will Paris remain tranquil ? If he dims not join his soldiers, will his soldi* is fight without him? Success may change hik fortune; No; a success wouldJhardly ids foil. Can he besides except success ? The Deere* Las issued Jrom high, victory has deSbC*'? J5S3" ¦• • .'• _ «* ” ¦.• -' ' •¦’ ictory <: .¦< ' elared itsclf/Drmdiparte vanquished in Ma[ rat; an appeal h;u been madfe to the people of Italy, I, and those people have replied by a cry |rf loyalty.l May the Frrmili, imitate the example! May they; abandor; the scourge of gic earth to the juslice of Heaven! Alt, Sire! let u-y hope, that disarmed by «>t lhe sompf St.'Eoni3,tbe God of battles I may spare the blood of our uuliappv country. You will preservet© France, for the happiness, the remains of that blood* which she too much hiefehed for her glory; The moment approaches when your Majesty will reap the fruit of your sa^fificejf; when under the shade of the white flag, icitions will at lenght enjoy that repose after which they sigh, and which they have so dearly earned.” y ’ f Our Court have concluded a treaty with his Majesty the King of Sicily, by which this Monarch is to be reinstated in the kihgdorn of Naples. . The son of the Duke of I'erru Capnota, the the Sicilian Minister, set out yesterday with the treaty to Palermo. ' > ; ; *• FiIENCH PAPERS.' "'' * 6 .. < Paris/May 13. Yesterday morning, at ninep’clock, tip? inhabitants of the Faubourg Antoine proceeded to the Roulevart Port Saint. Antoine, and the inhabitants of the Faubourg Saint Marhcau (consistingof !o,CM)O men,) proceeded to the Boukvart of where fhey formed a junction. They set out at eleven o’clock, and defiled along the the avhcncc they piarched tpthe Tnilleriej. * A military band accompanied them; M. Richard Lenoir, Mem'berpf'the Legion of Honour, and Chief of the Eighth Legion, was at the hem! of the Conhxterates of Saiment of the Baroo Lotus, Ex-Minister*of arrived at Ghent on the lOth. TBey continue to tr ' ts Iloubtless foreign Powers are noMr measuring their situations with our> —without doubty our return rto the principle of a mild liberty and wife policy, wilF reform those fratetnakies which nmtm otheft nations . ¦ .... ¦ ’ T..-— — » — — **S to the interests ofour rising re volution. itar« still, therefore, to hope for peace, and we do not fear war. • c< Enjoy, Sire, a situation which is your own work. .After having been thn greatest of conquerors, be at lenght the most pacific of Sovereigns, your glory re* qu-irs it, and our happiness, demands it.” f *<3 Mis Majesty replied:—“ Monsiurs, the President, and (be Deputies of the Electoral Colleges of Seinc-et-Ois^.— I thaux you forsentiments you express to me, in the name yfyour Colleges. We all wish for peace, and wo pounders, 19 eighteen do. + 2twelves d

MARSHAL'S OFFICE. **— . . ¦ $ 4 aa APfaMpastUfhu* His Et;«en taken Vi J. van den FSrorlc,will lake place on th«? 1 jth June, jSIG, due Inventory thereof Ireing for inspt i-tfhii at this Ofiico ; in order to recover from the prorsaais of s lid sale, snch stun of mom y, for which said Estates; have b;;n.of that day. The ah»v ¦ tuinred Wesferu hals of Jj<»ts No. 35 & 36, Fast coasts y ..rie having feeeu surremlered in Execution to me Pie underHgn» d. ¦ r W'hoevef should think hkusclf entitled to oppose the iYtcntUu Safe of aforesaid fxrts, let sueffpersons .u’d're.-s themselves to me lire undersigned,, du luring their regs ¦: ‘yr so doiftg in due time and form, as I hen by give not ice, ttuit I will receive opposition ham every*mlvrmfdiit to person; apjM»iiit Gunn u day >¦•' I:iV(hl-or i).’, claims heard bGe (he Cutiil, and jail her act.:herein as Ihe difects. . *¦ 'lnis I irit Prbclrrnalion madekiimvntothePablic by bryif rrfdrtnii, from l 5. T d, at the request of aforesaid 'o'jn M’Camoi), qq. doWereby Summon by Edicts All known and unknownciahnntts on the proceeds of Pbintathm No. L west Uorentyn, tt> appear before tire (.’din t of Civil Jysfice, of this eofoiiy, on Monihe 17tk July, IBi and following daysiToj-Hie ef tiieir.e!hiins agaqOTftte E'ioceeds of Hanhitiou ?w. J west Con ntyn, debate the same, and to-witness, uHcr the fourth Ed ictal Summons; the (>url*s decision as to prlfeWnt. Estate of F. Bj ndc, d|c. Win tiff, vcrsuE all known and unknown ejaitnants on the proceeds of Plantation /Es/ Bntcer, Eum annexis. 1 the nndieil B, £®Wi r Filst Marshal — .... ~ „ | BY virtue ©f an Appointment from His Excellency 11,. W. Bentinck, Esquire, LieuienahtGnvernot of the Ccrfohy BcrhiCe and its Dependencies, Xrc. &e.&c. dated 21th June, 1815 ; given upa petition presented byWihn M’Camon, us one ofthe of PUnfHfion Lewis Maufir. [ the und rsigned, at the request of aforesaif J .M’Ca|jiQn,qq. do hereby Summon by Edict; AR kn protm-d according to hw, —on pain, after the fourth'Edictal beihir lor ever debirred iheir right of claim. j '1 his bunmio is Ly Edict madetnowß to th* Public by bed ol di um from the Court House yfthil €dhmy,i a!’.d iiiWiM’t dexlt with according t,p custom. Btrfcicc, 30ih Jiim-. 1815. IC 1 ’•.INCK£M, First Marshal. G i —_—, —, —,— By virtue of an Extract from the Alinutes of i (’ic*t'onrt obl’oils, dated 2Jth June, 1815, given in f the cause James Fraser, for himself and other j Mrqm Mralmß well iu fbu • colony as in the Ihriiejl cofouies of Demerary & Essequdio, pn the proceeds ©f the Sale of PUntaliun No. 40 and 41 West coast,of this colony, to appear • before the Court of Rolls-' on Monday the 10th J ulf, 1815, theft to tlmir clauns, to verity the sarhy, and (urthrr to proci*ed-ficcorJing to law. This Summons by Edict made known to the Public by lrSat of drum froqi the Court House of this ! colony,and further dyaU wifhjaecoidmg to custom, i Bctbice, 30th Jntie, 1815; * ‘ U J K. Fk inc ken, First Marshal. ! — ; U— ¦ ¦ W.IIIMI II I I ¦¦III— -i?il 1 L t BARBADOS. * ; W Jfc .• . r % . COMMITS ARY-G RN ER AI7S Earbiidos,2sth A/ua, liMJ. THE Contracts for supplying His Majesty’s I’ffM‘psJn the Winthvard andLeewahl Island* and Colonies with Ire sir Beef, tcrndhating ca the 17;'y ‘ Deiurrary, St. Lucia, Rurbados, . Dominica, Trinidad, Autigua,’and _ Tobago, "N St. CJiris|opher. Separately or jointly, with Fresh Beef, of the best quality, to be approved o(, if ncQcsSary, by |»qrds ofSuijey.The Contracts to commence in one raoutb from the date of the notification being received of the Tender ha ving been accepted, and to continue for six months certain. —Two Securities will be required, who must be named in theTendnr, to be bound -ir the sum of Sterling each, for the due fulfilment of the Contract at ¦ ach idand. Payment will be tirnde on li|FS4lh of each month at the respective Stations, in' GovernmentTh Lis, at 4s. Bd. p. Dollar, for the quantities delivered in thei preceding period. I .. ' *CuMmmcfy-G eneral.. Any mm to the Commissariat Officers at the Islands add Colonies’® T _/ ' W»' ¦ MX*'¦ ikmh,— mi CORN fe>r bale, & Piahlptim Herjrtelßcr, at J IT. the thousand dur>. LJidy BERETCr. MOnH L UNTANT’S 'OFtlcft ¦<¦ ¦,Ui.ins «f Hoo.. ‘ I Idem of PI. PEspprance,^' J ’ I Idem of Pl. No. 40& -y * ¦ Jdenr ot I’l. l’.,| uy ... Idem Pl. -Palmyra, from 04 s ej t; ivu ~ I! ni r' 1 ‘ !) iSIS. jt ? Idem PL Graubunderland MemofP! H* ' tr » en< *en,-' > IICo AdministratiooibC<|. ZutdwijMk Idem of Pl. Bawslust, Idem of Pl. Benfield Curatorship of l’l. Planters Ilfet, Idem of the Estafe of ’C. FfWlting, Idem-—--—— R. Barry, g. «,/ . ... Idem *'¦•-»¦*”'" (>Wvn Joqcs, . Idem — iL. Eirglerj K^zzzzzzHx; Idefo -.L >l. C. n i-» ’ 7 F: rrturnietJ Dehlreratuig bXefljtors. to the Estate of R. R vrv l Wmrreas the JJonorabfo the Court of Civil hce t by Older, bavutg referred to us the Accourttj ¦.I the p< rsehs litreaffor named, viz. r \V. Lausrm and J. C. Spangenbcrg, Seq. toPhntJ , Utioh UHMxle Hoop. , | J. 11. L. Maurtnbrcchcrandl. J. Schwfors.Sw!. d PUTkperanue. J J.lmeS Fraser ami Lewis fameton, Scq. No. 40&tt j 3. J efiery, from 10 Jan. to 24 Palmy hi. • • / J B. Jrflervund F. BriHebank/ faiMHl Stmt. 181 L ’ (till 20 Feb. 1813, St.. I E J, U. J. Downer. Seq. to PI. Granbttmterkmd eh Xiwgvfodi |bet Fergen«t^|eh.* ! » fS J. (XSpantNmrerg fold PFanbfon, .W. Pl. Hope.; AV. Kafr, and VY. Lawson, Seq. 2-<|fs. of Np. (’onntiviv coast. P. Quin and L, Unmcron, Seq. PL Profit, W. Katz, 'Admiuisf rater <»f Plant. Znhhvylc. *• J-, van llossum.'Administratqr Ruzr s Lusk * ? VV. Katz, Adphiistraturoi Benfield’s J. U. Spanr-enberg ami P. Bender, Cdratfos PlanPn, , Plantes Lust. ILStaal & fi. LMhers, (’br.Estate C. Fix'king. IL Tfott&\V. Kewley, -R. Barrv. ,W. Lawson A Kewley,-Gwyn Jones. R. C. Downer, ——;—L Zieglrr, . •AV. F mser end Leach, —Hey wood vr mentioned matters, and of v. hkfi (if required), tbe p irdvs may oJbtWn an office copy, at I heir own est pence, in order should they deffH it expedient, attend the Court of Civil Justice oh the day appointed said report, and contest the cmdiimation theh-of, Berlncc, 17th Jnne, IB|.j. 1. W TilTE* J. i'. .— — 1 TE KOOP, de dtivrideride vierde tn de koffy Phntygic AVer/uy aan de west wal O'-r rjvier Bcihici*, met all toe Ixhoord, brpooting, ruafcria«alen, en te bhonderd Neger slaven, zynde den cigendom van Vrouwe.lL KucM, geboren Nietsch, (e Petersburg.—dfe bevragen by C. C. SWA VING.qq. 24 June. H. STAAL, qq. *¦ .U,,,, FOR SALE, the undivided quarter in the cofSee Lslate called Nicttwe Hoop , situate oft the rikislbank ophe river B-rbice, with all iflhrnltivafion, buildthgs, and. further and ono hu;»«lrrl. STAA L, qq«i gg-Xtlwiwi II lll|lll.ei|l ¦¦¦!. 11 mil , —MW * —. I.„——. • By W. SCIWLZ & Co. Privileged Goicrnnicnl PrinterP