Berbice gazette

Material Information

Berbice gazette
Uniform Title:
Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
Place of Publication:
New Amsterdam
W. Schulz
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
New Amsterdam (guyana)
newspaper ( sobekcm )


General Note:
General Note:
Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
General Note:
The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
General Note:
In English, with occasional text in Dutch
Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Digital Library of the Caribbean
Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
University of Florida


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B 815.)

dollars p. annum,'}

US T landing, and opening, for Sale by the Sub-
b¥ ie Package or otherwise, a most < Nice
9gKircef °f Eoynox Goods, particular!;/ silcted;
‘ which is a complete assortment of M HSU -
of the newest fashion and gnat ity, viz.—
ELEGANT black and white lace veils assorted,
IjB&.-do. do. shawls do., plain sarcenet and fancy co co'NKircd
'NKircd co'NKircd Gondon dresses, fid! trimmed dress caps ami
Mr jennets, do. do. do. with ornaments, walking and
d straw hats mid bonnets, gold and silver or or.'KLnents,
.'KLnents, or.'KLnents, spencers, tippets, polices, and cloaks, rich
/â– Erfs, and chanties and ruffs, Whalebone and sea
â– breed rosettes, white and coloured figured muslins,
do. do., midi and jaconet do. do., cotton tfhd
â– Bread net, sarcenets and satins, ribbons, beading,
HKtgency cord, trimmings, cambricks, dimities, and
lUifan-, long and short white Fiench kid gloves, co-
gloves, full trimmed white kid and fancy co-
KpliHired slippers, a great variety of trimmings, &c.
â–  A Iso,) tirlzc I from London :
Mfe A few splendid : ;Hvies of jewellery, and three mo mo'Kjfcrn
'Kjfcrn mo'Kjfcrn gold wide!.' >, v/mv.’■/.** ■»/excel! n f time-kcep time-kceplEwptowa-priritrd
lEwptowa-priritrd time-kceplEwptowa-priritrd calicoes, fmniturc ihinlz, ging-
Hhuns and lawns Nth* t and genth ;;ien’ s j.uper fine
Madras and Pullicate banuk-- .buds. iyksas-
Bferted, fine fiann n , quilting, phtilhs nac iiritan-
Eh;ms, rolled ctdio. *, cost n .‘hirting mid sheeting,
Boan’.ask table cloths, broad cloths of ißflerrnt co co■rim,
â– rim, coâ– rim, .table covers, bin? and green with borders,
â– Bilk hats, dress and walking shoes, blue and white
fjalempores, gentlemen’* wearing apparel, India silk
Knndother handkerehiefs, imit fion breach cambricks,
R&c.—Also a few elegant pos tabic writing desks and
â– Thessing caws, candles and soap, porter, strong and
Kale ale, bmndy, geneva, in uhds. &c.
Andon Hand,
E Madeira vine, Port do., claret,old rum. superfine I
pf nir, beef, pork, tongues, hams, ch. c*<‘, tea, Sugar,
â– Apices,pickles, oil, capers, vinegar, mustard, salt,'
F Tobacco, iron v.- re, glars, tin, and earthen do., two ,
■ gigs, an ’. haraesi . and a variety of other aitj- |
&clf< G. M. FORRESTER.
Ke.. Derr.erary, South-Street, June Ifi, 1815.
K v :4 Jr . Berbice, 30/Zt June, 18’5.
| THE Court of Civil Justice having, by Sen Sen * this .colony, known by the Name of u ß>.n rtEt.n’s,”
Tit, — Hystellh; , Nicuw Acigclcgcn, Belmont,
‘tr. Glasgow Eddcrlouni, ITc'ie'egen, Union, Eden*
burgh, Mon Choisi, w\ \ A-la t, to be delivered
over to the Assignees of it. Eoum's Sj Co.,
Or their Ih-presenrative; And IV.w. Hmof.rick as
being with Jo/vy Ilogs and Gi o. f’r.yfiv J Joo*
pf.p, Assignees of the iianlcnipt Estate of said Turn Turnbull
bull Turnbull Furbcs & Co. having Substituted me robe At Attorney
torney Attorney for the Admiaistrats jn of the said Estates,
which have been delivered ever accordingly. All
persons who have any claim .'ga T the »aid !>: ’m ’mare
are ’mare hereby required to render iht ..ante to me, ai the
Store of Messrs. Geo. Rone & (io.: and ail prisons
t indebted to the said Estates, arc requested io pay to
Die the amount ui their deb* .
Alex. FRASER, qq.
1 Jfily Benfield’s Estates and the Assign-]
ces of. Turnbull Forbes & Co.
ALLE de genen die lets tc vorderen hebben
• van de Boedel wylen 1 J. A. van Groentev-mud, wor worden
den worden verzogt in de tyd van zes weekt n, na datodezes,
hunne pretentien intcluvcren ca bctalinge tc ontvau ontvaugen,
gen, ontvaugen, op de plantagic de Resoltille, by
L'nw/FA VRE.
1 July. Executein: Testamentair.
STRAYED on die 12th ult. from plantation
| Colchester, on the East-coast canal, four head ol Cat Cati
i Cati tie, (say) two red cows, a red calf,and a black heifer,
f any personjnking up the same, or giving such infor information
mation information as'ffnay tend to the recovery thereof, will
I finally oblige the subscriber, and any ex ponces in incurred
curred incurred thereon, shall be immediately paid.
’ 1 July W. BRUTON.
FOR SALE by the Subscriber, at his house
opposite Mrs. Mary Lindner’s, a few thousand feet of
excellent crab-wood inch lumber.
g 1 July. WALTER SCOT.
L ' •'"**' .JU I T -- . . ' ■ —
CORN for Sale, at Plantation Herstelder,
p a t f 11. the thousand cars. 1 July.



STIIMACIIIC BITTERS. This most excellent cor cordial
dial cordial is prepared from .raspberry brandy, and is es esteemed
teemed esteemed an efficacious anis iote against fevers, and all
other disorders prevalent in hm iVTs'-lndics ; from
the great bem fit derived from (heir elih acy in all ca cases
ses cases of cold, arising from exp sue to the weather.
They procure a strorg mid facilitate di digestion,
gestion, digestion, by fortifying an I sHepgflicning the stomach.
— They are excellent i alKwsrs where the nerves
have been injured ny imc.nptcuice : and are of great
utility in bypoch.mdrin men or women, —and from
their giving immediate relief iâ– > all- pams iu the sto stomach
mach stomach and bowels, by !.>:;â–  ;g a little in its native
strength,—it is a cusdi d w na.h no family should be
■«vTh y swe. te..' the breath, —remove ai! dis disagreable
agreable disagreable pausca of the stem .ch.—preserve from m mfection
fection mfection by contagious distcnip< rsor corrupt air,*—and
uni! kill all iminaei of worses wuh whicij children or
other* may be ti.mbi d:an x*s perhaps thi* best me medicine
dicine medicine in the world tdrthew .r. proceeding irom
cold n:g!it air, nnw! c, or exposure to
hardship or bid weald'i . , inxi. . s nave on.
peculiar quality phssci'm.i by > o’in rs, —as they
have a most agreeable snndhmd f.avcmr, and after
taking tl’i ‘in they do n d <;c.7x.l sation sensation in th? stomach whi. h is ■.'.diy excited by
pther infci i n kinds of inttr i l .
This cordial may be t.'du r; ci !);.»•’ !y, wine, rum,
ten, syrup, or;dniosta»!y kx.; .oil. ( - )r U ' t dyw.rank.
The proper qua rd ity t'orgi. .> s p â– .> > i f.o.n one to
two iable-sjxn»i;> ic'd, and ioi c ■.h\ .n on to
three tea-spoons bid.
Curacao snuff, - a■touha, an I M "J »a la rose,
Martinique uoy'MU, and a s.nwl i.imruity oi blue
China plates Iry »hc thy a.xd sundry
other articles.

V’.i'e I' < r is fust arrived-from Jirhodcs, and
Ups hit Ue.p al the house if â– . r. /.a Hose, on lot
No. 1, Iroiit gJum.
N. B. Genii xrvm w islrfnl tn t ixe a great quantify,
coffee wi’l betaken in pay.met.
Capt. J. BRAND, re - .eciiiti'y iinforms the
gentlemen lo r.:, is in l ie ship Grantham, to cornea- â– 
longsiddwith iii it p .itio-, as sism as possible, as]
he will po:4’tiv .ve this rive, on the J 2 instant.!
i July. ]
TEN DEBS for 35 round bates good clean!
aiul 2 bales oi yellow cotton, from phniatkm Good\
J lope, Correntyn-r i’"', wi i b received at the house ]
of B. Ziegler, INq. New Ams'. r.'rvn, nnhl Monday, <
the iOth .Inly next; when n y u < ,r - poned, and i
the highest offer, u apurov> !, . U . pled.
On the same d' y a the t'rediiors of .aid, ..... . . .1 eLean cot cotton,
ton, cotton, to the highest biihi -is.
1 July. for F. ;> li i’. i . .' a ;, r,
and self, J. 'Si'ANf?‘7?- d.
SECiiKjziiii s Oi'i’lCE. )
WHEREAS Application, by Petition, has been
made to lite H Justice of the colony Berbice, at > hdr S- -.urns ofthe.
Sth April, lain, tor Letter^of ,bv/.?<77z' -.«'z.o? .•
John Ross tor the mulatto buy John, born from
the Negro woman Agi>e>.
Robert Grant for the two mulatto children John
and Robert.
John Fraser iu quality as surviving Executor to
the last will and t< stament cf Hector M’Kenzie
for the mulatto girl Rose.
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant
ofsaid Letters of ManumissiiHi,!uat they may address
themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of
the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the
Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made on
the aforesaid Petition.
Secretary’s Ornce, Berbice, 15th April, 1815.
This is to inform the Public, that the following
Persons intend quitting this colony.
John Hislop, Family and tw o servants, in one month
from 27 May.
Gilbert Gordon in 5 weeks from 3d June.
The Widow of W. B. Liot in do. from do.
Robert Elwis, in 6 weeks f rom 24 June.
A. A. de la Court, will qcit this Colony, Jure SO.
R. C-DO vV’NER, Sec.

Not ice is hereby given, that a month after date the
following Trnnsporrs and Mortgages will be passed
June 10. Lewis Cameron, qq. will transport to De Deinerary
inerary Deinerary 92 Negroes from Plantation Borlum, E.
sea Coast of this colony.
—Mary Dawes will transport to M. Nicholson 8
roods of land of lot No. 5, first empolder of this
town, situate between the middle road and the
back dam. t
— Mary Dawes will transport to Dido Rose 8
roods of land of lot No. 5, first empolder of this
town, situate between the middle roed and the
back dam.
July 17. W. Heneryqq. Francis’Stcwart, will trans transport
port transport 10 roods of land and the buildings thereon,
situate on lot No. 18, north side, to W. Katz.
W. Henery will transport to John M\union
15 roods of hnd and the buildings thereon, on
lot No. 17, middle mad, north quarter.
— J. J. Ililken will transport to E. F. Hantze
2‘22| acres of land, of lot No. 12, Canje, adjoin adjoining
ing adjoining lot No. 11.
\V. Ross, qq. Hugh Rose, will transp uttn Jas.
M’Donald, qq. Nathaniel Winter & Co. the
Plantation Tariogie, with all its cultivation and
buildings and two-hundred and eighty-two Ne Negroc
groc Negroc slaves, whose names are to be seen at this
James M’Donal, qq. Nathaniel Winter & Co.
will remove from this colony to Demenry two twohundred
hundred twohundred and eighty-two Negroe slaves, names to
be seen al this Oilice.
——Malcolm Nicholson will transport to Lewis Cn Cnmeroii,
meroii, Cnmeroii, S roods of kind of lot No. 5, first empid empid,
, empid, dvr <;f the town, between the middle road and
back d.xm, together with the buildings thereon.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
Just landing, and far Sale on TaU No. 15, part
of 'he cargo of G.e slop Pn/ys ray
Amsterdam, consisting in
GIN in cases, cl trd, Rinish and Mullaga wines
in cuNcs, brown and wi;:te beer !n hogshead-, vinegar
in do, v. \ it?; lead, lin~eed and rape seed oil in jugs,
starch, r linens, plaiil’cs, checks, Selzer and Fachin Fachinger
ger Fachinger water, oatu in puncheons, barley in do. and in
jugs, hair., smoakedbeef, Rd or, S*Jtlx.schc ek Leyd Leydsch
sch Leydsch * ciier «e, butter, scurkrout, cv.iiifiowcr, rolpens,
pick’ed saus'iges, snioaked do, sausages dr Bclogne,
picxles, piokled eels, herrings, salt, peas, tiles
and bricks, Riga L > :rds, flour in barrels, ships bread
in do, anchovis in pots, lime and terras, pipes, and a
variety of other articles.
77/e abote articles being consigned to the under*
signed, they wilt st l ! the same reasonable, by large
quant iJes or packages. C. C. SWAFIN&.
24 June. If. STAAL.
Te koop op'het Erf No. 15, de •oolgcnde artU'elen,
zi/nde gedeclte van hit carga van hit Schip /Jrj
Pji/ns r.ey Orjxje, Capt. JUf iTZEy, van Am*
GEN EVER in ktlders, rude wyn, rhinsche do.,
MaUaga do., in kislcn, bruin ea wit bier iu oxboof oxboofdvn,
dvn, oxboofdvn, azynindo, witiood, lyncn raapoly, stylzel,
liniren, platiiies, bonten, Selzer en Faclnnger water,
.haver in vaten, gort en geperldc garst in vaten eu
pidlen, ham, rookvleesch, Edam- Stolksche- en
Leydsche kaas, borer, zuurkuol, bloemkool, rolpens,
pekel worst, gerookte worst, sauzyze de Bclogne, ini
gclcgde zuuren, do. paaling, harthg, labbcrdaan, ca capucyndcr
pucyndcr capucyndcr en groen erwten, blaauwe plavuyzen en
graanwo moppen, Riga detkn, pepcr, scheeps Le Leschnil
schnil Leschnil iiivctb n, mcel in do,.,anchovis in poften, kaik
en cement, en vcrscbcidenc andere artikelen Purer.
Lynd's gc consigiit crd aan de ondergeleekcndens,
icclke (hzrlve in quantiteits en pakagies, voor ecu ci*
tzf .k ;?,s te hoop aanbieden.
24 June. C. C. SWAYING.
11. STAAL.
FOR SALE, choice London particular Ma Madeira
deira Madeira wine m hogsheads and.quartcr casks, reason reasonable
able reasonable lor present payment.
24 June. ‘ ILSTAAE.
TO JOBBERS.â„¢AVanted on a coffee Es Estate,
tate, Estate, not i’at up the river, a Jobber with twenty to
thirty able Negroes, to dig out the trenches and c?
clean rhe small drainings of part m tnat eMr Fur
further information, please, apply to
LiJuire. H. SI'A At.

in advance.

(No. 563.

/• / - •: JM# n LS i; •* J ''
<*• I
V t T TU •• -. ’IS". . It. f C %JK'; '?,'»-•> 1
- :^“«c M »a*t,?7«ay!3ls.
‘TXt> it by »; .f .mpKfcrtHm «rs
tt» ea»cte c»u»rt»T. acc»u»rt»T.
°Ui < 2Z?^ r ES r 3!I AST * > fe y the
sad Ai«nulrt> ud «*en; .«< thM the pM
MapbficattoabaaMuraanicatedtotbePablie ia tie
customary manner. M : •■
“ P. Thatthr famish the Secre Secretaiy
taiy Secretaiy of the Court with a Lisi of fae site ports they ia.
|ao!l to make, ms todfato psbvkjus to each Ordi Ordi<
< Ordi< wary hesMMMi ot the Court.
‘. Tbat the’Secref ary, pn receiving the same, shall
advertize such List, as being set downier bearing the
aiixt Session, *t xpast oxs month pbkyious to
fa order that the Person* interested may
.Ujgpear at the Bar and eoratest the conSrmatuM of the
- A -couqhmts Report, ifthey sbofad deem it reqnmte.
• ■;<* “ By CummaudfatheCcmfa.
“R. C. DuWNEB. Sec.”
’ ~ ~~ *
accountants office
Os 'hr Honorahle the Cosrt of Chit Justice,
e ; agrarians of Plan tat ton Goode Hrop,
Pi. C -A V -a?A'A
h' mfa Pl No. 40& 41,
Idem df PI. Palmyra, from 10 Jan. to 21
’’ ' ' ' • £W" jfc- &T*- 1814 -
Idem Pl. Palmyra, from 21 Sept. IS hl, to
* 2D Feb. IS 15.
idera Pl. Graubafidertand en Zorg doch
met Vergenoegen, ,
Idem of PL Hope, I
Idem of 2-3d*. of No. 11 Coreiitni i
Idem of Pl. Profit, *. I
AiTrnfairtrfaton of pl. Zafawyk,
Idem oi Pl. Buzedurt,
Idem of Pl. Benfield
Caratorship fa Pl. Planter* Last,
Idrarof the Estate of C. Forking,
- : ;i _ idem - ■ n '-—St. B»n>, L
Idem —-—Gwyn. Jones,
Idem - -- - -■—L. Zaegire,/■;•'*’•'■
Idem Hey wood & Taylor,
Idem——— Henry Croft,
Idete J. H. C. Salanger,
Lien— M. E. F. Treuruiet,
Deliberating Executor* to the Estate fa R. Barty.
W«e»eas the Honorable the Court of Gird Jns Jnstick
tick Jnstick fry Order, aavfag referred to rm the Account*
«>i the perrons hereaftefr named, via. * ‘ -V a
W. Lawson and J. €. Spangenberg, Scq. tp Phirta~
taf ion Goede Hoop.
J. H. L. Manntohrecher and B. J. Schwiers, Seq. of
Frasrr and Ix*wi» Cameron, Seq. No. 40Ac 41.
y? fiora 19 Jan ’ l * a4
ft. A .7% and F. Rriitlebank, from 24 Sept. ISU,
tip 20 Feb. ISIS, Seq. R. Palmyra. ; ;
J. G S|»Bgenb<'rc and J. Downer, Seq. to PI. Gran-
en Z»rgtkN:h met Vergenoeg ’n.
J. 0. Snemge»b»jrg ‘and P. Fanbain, Sfco. PL Hope.
' W. Kalx and W. Lawwn, Seq. 2-Sds. oi No. 11,
. CoWwe rnmt. * • \Jg|
P. Quhi am! L. Camenw, Seq. Pl. Profit.
W. Hair, AdH&Wmtor of Plant. Znidwyk.
L. ran Ruwrnm, Administrator Bures Last.
. Ra*z, Administrator of Benield’s Estates.
J. C. Spensr.-nberg aad P. Bender, Curator* PLnt’*!.
Planters Lu>t. . " -fM
H. Luthers, Cat. EstateC. Faching.
K. T-KI&W. KewlQ, H lUrry.
Kewit - v, ==L w «r-
W. Fr.iser ar4 Leach,— — Hrywt>xl& Taylor
E. ThewtxiM Henry Croft.
J. M. C. Brass, —J. H. C. Stringer.
E. The.d»tk’i, M. E. F.Trewrniet.
G. Munro ami R. Taitt, Driibewwg Executor* to
the liHtate of R. Barry.
therein, • hat alteadsmce will he given at the Accoun Accountants
tants Accountants Office, held at the house of the second tinder tinderfcirro
fcirro tinderfcirro u! owi pH/rtlh fom the date hereof, » artier to
er *«ch person to inspect raid Accounts, and
state the it objects or obwrvations in writing, at
thre*pitoti-m of which time, the required report
tjte abwemeidronod matters, and of
wMeh sis requited), the parties i*rty obtain an oflicc
eeqjkax then own expence, in order duraid they
ttoraw it expedient, to attend the fioa*frle the Court
trprrrt, and contest the coafrrnrabo* thereof.
f *»i« • ' ZF. WHE£EdcJ F. OBERMULLKR-

| On Monday the 3d inst. will be sold by order of
lj»e Curators F. L. Smith, .without reserre, the
wisrie of his effects, amongst which are preserved
animals, iitsecte, hirrfa t
On lhe same day will he sold, without reserve, an j
araortment rt Wu« painted earthen ware, empty casks
cotton and coffee bagging, Irish linen, linen checks,
!^*?^ che T’ and giu, ne-
gro clothing, feet.
D-C. CAMERON, Dey. F«Mbe Mester.
Weditosday 5 July, will he sold at the Vendue Os.
flee, ala, 12,* 18 months credit, Plantatioa Rortonr,
(80. 37.) East coast of this colony, consisting of TOO
acres of land, 320 acres prime bearing cotton and M
acres of plantains, with a capital logic cf hardwood
frame, and a baling prera (feuthwaits), and other
conventent building*, and fixtures in the best repair;
there is a canal 16 feet wide, running thro* the mid middle
dle middle cf this Estate, from the sea to th* East coast grand
caiwl. ‘ k*
This property is too well known as one of the most
productive in the colony to require birther descrip description,
tion, description, the cultivation may be reviewed at any time,
previous to the day ©f sate, by appficaibn to the
Manager. | , 1
Aho at the same time * few heed of cattte and
On the same day, by order of Mr. T. Thompson,
in commisrioe, part of the cargo of the sh ip Prince oi
[ Orange, confuting to barley in bands, oats in ditto,
ship bread in do., beer to bbds., vinegar to dUto,
white lead in kegs of 100 tbs. ewch,pauH oil, Ume
and terras, grey ami green pease, rtaurcb, rolpeus, fee.
Oh the same day, dry goods, provisions, feonitare
D. C. CAMERON, Rep- Vendue Master.
I— ■ . II II 111 I
Barbstfei, islk May, 1815.
WHE Contracts for tapplving His Majesty’s
Trooj/S in the Windward and Leeward Jdaads anti
Culonte* with Fa esh Bees, terminating an the 17th
day of August next .the Subscriber wiltretieiveScai wiltretieiveScait*d
t*d wiltretieiveScait*d Tenders to Triplicate (which must express the
price in Sterling Money in words at length) until the
.10th July, at ten o’clock in the morning, from such
persons as may be willing to enter into Contract* for
supplying the Troop* stationed at-—
Surinam, L? Grenada,
Berbtee, St. Vincent,
‘ Gesßcrnrr, St. Lt* eta, . ' '
Barbados, Dominica,
•>■ . Trinidad, ' ". Antigua, and
s P Tobago, St. Christopher..
Separately or jointly, with Fresh Beef,df the best
quality, u> be approved of, if necessary, by Boards
of Survey. The Contracts to commence in ow
month from the date of the notification being receiv received
ed received of the Tender having been accepted, and to conti continue
nue continue for six months certain.—Two Security will be
required, who mast be named to the Tender, to fee
bound in the sum of u£2so. Sterling each, for the

due foßimeot oi the Contract at each Idand.
Payment wiU be made on IheSUh of each month
at the respective Stations, in Government Bdls, at
«>. p. Dollar, for the quantities delivered in the
preceding period. JOSEPH BCIAOCK,
Any information required may be had on applica applicai
i applicai turn to the C'amnus&arial Offexva at the UUmu ond
‘‘i=_ ;
NOTICE—Those gentlemen who subscri subscribe
be subscribe i to Burnings Rooms and have not paid their sub subscription,
scription, subscription, are hereby informed, that if payment ts
not immediately made, the subscriber will be wider
Z —Z —T r — —
Tie Sulger cferftr Safe, the/<&*** ar^ltt
% Jeraah, aiu— >
Dutch beer in casks, sausages ia kegs, rolpeus to
HktA coh< prmst in flitfr* 1
en/iaß X«<**K*b3M* aJwE«k»C7*«
y xc?s** 1 tji y {
month in jugs, double eases of brandy & gio, Dutch
MaAmerwao nowr, cmney^aflo^ptitpease,soaipand
rock salt in tierces, tar,’pitch, 2nd tnrpeotiae m bar’
SkSd f J -T'T “tot^d
soda water, tripe, boms and shoes, Dutch nori
ter ood beetmbarrefo, a huge asaotbnent ofearthen
bricks, Mme am! English and
cheese, and hampers
&c.—l7 Jane /m. WbLFF?
* • , aS . t. W .-.Xjk s ' ■*-..

Vrouwe H. Aulfaeh, gebXen
tarar—Taberagaa by C. C. SWAV W c'' e «-fl
«* Juof - H- 3TA.IL, «
FOR SALE, the undivided quarter to
•ogee Estate called Nkawe uHcob, riltute rm aS
wettbaak of the river Berbice, with aft ft. enlK I
bon, bmldtogs, and further appurtenant a ±^f v
hundred Negroes, the property ofMr*.H A rJ? W' *
bora Nieteb, «f Petersburg. For farther tofaffi
turn ptearaapply to C. C. SWA liNGto P 4,1
MJuae. - H.STAAL) qq. |i J ’ i
~FOR SALE, the lot of Land of Ihd
the buikltngs thereon, belonging to the I
div uled in two parcels, ail made of colony bard
strong and neat, with all t&g out-bniidings
railed ia w&blnta, &c. An extend credit wiuol â–  1
given to a solid purchaser. Fur farther particnW I& !
apply on raid Urtby fit
MJune. - v H. SNEEPBL# 1
have claims on the fate Alex. Sfaspran, Esq. of fito. 1 V*
fiekG aw requested forrader them fa for eumfastSH he
ed to the Estate of the late Wm. Duncan, or Wb t»
Ker, are requested to make famnedfate payment; *m St
throe who have claims, to render them fa for exfak w
ratfan ami settlement, to * C
D.C. CAMERON, > n t >
- ... . — - --1 —- -_ - . - _ '
DRI.FTKD from the Winkel’s boat budt rt
tog shed, on the night of Wednesday the 7th J«n k
asn ail Pant filled with Reed* for making ! v
Information respecting the same, i* rerawtoed tofc «
sent to Mr. Nicolay, Coauairaary of the WinkA U
New Amsterdam, who will pay a reward.-—H Jim*, rt
- A- ....I - - ; ' j >
FOR LIVERPOOL, the sveh knom c
“Brig tub fatby, John Sinclair, Masto p
rail* remarkably fast, well armed and manned, mt* â– 
will poMlively take the besefa of the July convex, i
ha* exceltent -accomodation* far passenger*,—fa t
freight ar passage, apply m the Master oo board. I
: - ' New Amrt. July 17. i
NB. Capt. Sinclair lirgs leave to inform h•* Frtewb 1
and the Planters in general, w ho intend shipping pram
ihiceon board hi* vessel, to use as fatfe delay uw| I
ribte, the time appointed f.»r sailing btoag so short I
THE Subscriber informs his Frieudsandtbsl
Public, that be tm&fc Schooner*, Frats,Tent-punts,l
Boats, fee. ami Repairs, all nroen reroonaMe terms. I
A Fhrt I
— - I
Jexx 1, lb!s. I
By an arrival from Barbndon, Sunday W, we hare I
received London Papers fa May 13th. Nothmgofl
importance appears in them. Our Picket also came I
to band this week, bat brings only papentothe Hth I
of May. I
A Letter Bug for the Packet will be trade up here I
and closed on Tharsday next, fa 6 a’cfock to the I £
morning. I
The Sloop Zfemfan, Cnpt. Wychgd, far I
-terdam, will cW her Lcttex Bag at the Boat CMfa, 1
ou Wednesday the sth fast. , 1
* . - ft I
*>«» mainly > ssip WuKlfc wit tfttß- OB 188 W/.--
tbfa Island, j ? the behalf of RuhSq? I
°Cf Mwra. R;|
tinifin* M *** ** I

of the Land and Sea Service; tod such
‘West ffSZm* adherence to the interests of the virtuous I
3 fanfes of Frenchmen, however some of them
data i3iEb?3t the pres-nt mwn mt, misled by bad men and
; The Ft> uch sobers, upon the arival
wcre removed from Fort Royal to Saint
?*.' 1.,
’’'**«*’ '• ?
enltJjMß •■ 1« tie ***** of the King* ■ -*X,. ’J. ■
Lr Kac *» I fferre-Rene-Marie, Cfwate de Vaugiraud, Vice-
Grand Cross of the Royal and Military Or-
I£fSr. Ixrais, Officer of the Legion ofHonor, Gov Gov’
’ Gov’ W fS’ r A ■’♦-General of the Island of Martinique and
F n^rfrwmT}*r“ n,^> ‘ wg i e *~ Ke. ® c * < ® EC *
7 y d l »'fcnrv Order of S’. Lomu, and of the Legion ofHo ofHoal!
al! good and loyal snbjectaofHw Majesty, and
to brave individual* of the Land and Sea Forces
Try | from the commencement of that important crisis
J when Europe became ugani agitated, the thoughts of
s wfo- I wte King, constantly occupied with the fate of hi*
of §sl W if, > l’«’ w * wr distant they may be from him, have
rtSl Kem plov-d in union with those of his Mies, to
10l FF*‘ rTe V‘*® r frn ‘ n **W of duwter.
| she effects of hi* powerful interieirrnce in your
v e -qdedßy manifested themselves. The
——■ Bii >h Govriunent. f iiiiriUto the treaties it bad en en“Ht
“Ht en“Ht 'feed into, muikeswo distraction .between it* causeawl
•W< I Ifot ofthe Mu*t Christina King.~Tiu:r rixcelleecy
t;tegW |h James Leith ami Charles have ordered
tXttfr w tej’is with its« this Archipehgc, to secure to the
I Crown of France, under the immortal banner of its
'â– ..l bwfol , Monarch, the Sovereignty oi the Colony of
— — I Tb«y in the name of their Sot-reign, they 4
■uiß. I «me * the name of yours, to preserve tathulde, so
J<«gw ' favoured by Providence, that tranquility
sk< I I which those Princesan their Allies had restored to the
tob I woi iI, and which the world has been to m.iin m.iin"ikea,
"ikea, m.iin"ikea, I tein —they come to assist us in protecting from the
Lmt I teourgeof War. vo ir agricidirre, ynnr commerce,
—• I cies <>f prosperity which yotit Country is
towi I npahle of enjoying; they come to y »in you in sup-
Mtai I porting in that Country the gtery of the French name.
â–º toil now insepanbie connected with the fortune* of lajuis
nNtt- ie am! of his awewd House.—you will read
Hfct| the hoble ms on which those generous anxi-
L : I Jhries appro ugJbwt shares: they whU nr> erfher re reward
ward reward f>r their IhittaMc services, than the happiness of
cadA having rendered them to ywn. ’ .4! *'
pr*| Receive t libra with grMefol welcome» and ru&*ct
Pte« that if, on the ate hand, the factions of thiso ir day
xt rmi.Kl us oi those of ibe leagire, *n the QtWr, the
.Sovereign of frawer end Engten !. their
burners, present us with the gratifyi ’ir .prospect of
the wbnrty tnccrssori »f Henry aod Elizabeth.
â„¢*w Ginm at Mirfinhpie, the Ith Jane, 1813/
The Comte de Bi’C.
lite tie King.
k-v( ■ ■'• •/ w»ws •-W- 'X? V-
7cms enwi ‘4 /propose fb
a Rritpli Itand Force to vuhfh'tl tie
m of iff* Mod tkralw Maje»tf Lottie XFIII.
0 f teer tie klaittl of '
M }l t* L The entire Sowretgaty of the Island, shall re-
Bain in the oarne and under the dag of Louis XVIIL
King of Fratio* and Navarre.
2. The British troop* shall be nut in pwwtesstohof
Fort Royal, Foe* Bourbon, BoillF Redoubt, and Pi-
1.1.. geon Island, and shall in e wery respect act as an auxi auxiliary
liary auxiliary force to aid His Excellency the Comte de Vau-
Igtraod, ia carrying or the CfOßeramew M his Sate*
«W»- 14/10 '
3. The British Tr amps shall be rmiutaiaed at the
expence of the British Monarchy, receiving, however,
•very friendly assistance in procuring prevision*, for
which they wiM pay as » customary.
4. The British troop* shall be under proper disci discijrfine,
jrfine, discijrfine, and any act coterary to good order shall be
pontshed by the British Mditary Laws.-—
They shall nut be subjected to the Preach Colonial
laws * the other hand, the British troops will
appeal to the Government of His Most Christian Ma Maje*ty,
je*ty, Maje*ty, ts they should have aoy cause rs ciMipteinte
•gainst any of his subjects, whose persons and pro properties
perties properties wit! be completely respected by the Officers
•nd Soldiers ot Hi* Britamitc Majesty.
This Stipulatioas I subscribe inthe name of my So Sovereign,
vereign, Sovereign, *»d promise to Maintua; being reciprocally
f uarrauiied by Hi* ExceUt*ncy the Coapte de Vau Vaufiraud,
firaud, Vaufiraud, who is to remain in the foil possession and
•xercise of the Government.
| All attempts to raise the tri-coloured flag, or the
•tefidaxd of Bonaparte the usurper, being mutually

1 resisted by arm, and those who would male such ti titempts
tempts titempts being treated as enemies of the Allied Sover Sovereigns
eigns Sovereigns of Great Britain. , '
(Sigasd) 5 ** Jaxxa Leirs. Zt.-Gew.
Captaui-(iener*U ated Commattd&r of
Hu JSritanme Majeity'* Lcmd
Force», LOXDON, Moy 13.
Lard Apriey, accompaaied by Mr. Pegler, the
Messenger, arrived yesterday from Vienna, and ha*
brought dispatches, which, we understand, contain
the LZlmMfam of lhe Allied Powers, or the formal
Dedaqtfionof War against Bonaparte; a Message
apou which subject will be sent by the Prince Re Regent
gent Regent to both Houses of Perluimvnt, immediately on
their rc-assembliug next week. Lord Castlereagb
gave notice, that on Thursday next he would move
for leave to bring in a Bill to enable the Prince Re Regent
gent Regent to call out the whole or a part of the Militia of
Great Britain.
From the Ist of June the Dutch and Belgian troop*
compose one array. The standing army is to con con-ri*t
-ri*t con-ri*t of 40 bat tai io? a regular infantry, 8 regiments
of ca rally, and 6 battalions of artßlery.
Paris Papers to the 10th inst. arrived yesterday.
Bonaparte was still at Paris, and had been joined by
Li* brother Lucien, (the *iew Minister of the Inferi Inferior.
or. Inferior. One of the Minor .* u uh informs us of the ar art
t art rival of a courier from and at Bonaparte ha ha,
, ha, ving expressed a hope that the peace would not be
interrupted. Private letters' from Ostend speak of a
movement in advance having already been made by
the army under the Duke of Wellington. All com commuwicatifHi
muwicatifHi commuwicatifHi between France and the Netherlands be-
> ing at an end ; ami that nunjeraos desertions from the
Ftoitfh army contiaue to take place.
r k 1
scKarruarsxx, apxn 2Z.
. ABaßcfinfrem Mian of the 19th states, that in
r the action of the Uth near Torli, between the Austri Austrians
ans Austrians and Neapolitan armies, the latter were totally
defonti’d with the loss of 3000 killed and 4000 priso-
> nen. Metal’s camp equqjaga was taken. The
; Naxpilitans retiml towards Ancona, where it should
seem that Murid think to rally his army and venture
a new battle. Should he loss, he will have no other
resource tbaa if possible to embark, as the mountai mountaineer*
neer* mountaineer* of Abruzzo who have been ill-treated by his
Iroeps, are all in arms to mterccpt his retreat. Ma Marat
rat Marat is said to have twice asked an annestiee, and to
r have promised, as soon as peace should be made with
Li u, to j<»ia th* “oaUio i, but all his offi-r* have been
The Pruck?raation of King Louis XVIII. to his
subjects, which the lately arrived Papers had pre prepared
pared prepared us to expect, is contained in those now before
tu> :—
“ Lottis, the Gtm of God, King of France
and .Vmwrre. • »' ■ "
“ Taetil otrr subjects greeting.
« France free and respected, was enjoying, by our
care, the peace and prosperity which had been re restored
stored restored to it, when the escape of Napoleon Bonaparte,
from the Island of Elba, and his appearance nu the
French territory, s&duced to revolt the greatest part
of the army .—Supported by this illegal force, be bad
made usurpation and tyranny succeed to the eqni eqnitable
table eqnitable emphwef th* tews. The effort* and the indig.
nation of our subjects, the Majesty of the Throne,
and that of the National Represeataiion, have yield yielded
ed yielded to the violence of mwHniimM soldiery, whom trea treachcrou*
chcrou* treachcrou* and prepared leader* have seduced by de dedeidul
deidul dedeidul hope*.
u This criminal success having excited in Europe
just alarms, formidable ar mi** have been put in march
towards France, and all the Powers have decreed the
destruction «f th* tyrant. I

* 3BW.V .'HF
• Oto tat earn, to our Atet been totofo
OVfund nraesmry distfoctren to be recognised bo
tween the disturber of peace and theoppr esrod French
Mtom. Fmthfrd to the principles which have ate
ways guided them, the Sovereigns, mu Alfies, bavw
dectered foei r mteutmu fo-'yesttect the todteDendeoce
of Fiance, and to gnifnST thpintegriiy to its terri territory.
tory. territory. They have given us the most solemn assur assurances,
ances, assurances, that they will not isUerferein the iutemal go governmeto,
vernmeto, governmeto, and it ison these condition* that we have »
resolved to accept thew generoa* assistance.
“ The usurper has to vain attempted to sow dis*
sensum* among them, «nd by a feigaedlioderation to
disarm their just resentment. His wb°te life bite for
ever deprived him of the power Rf imposing up«m
good faith. Despairing of the successofWarti ficeip?
he seek* for the second time to preeipiiaie with hfrn hfrnself
self hfrnself into the abyi>s, the naritei orifcr which he cause*
tenet to reiga. He renew* ail ths department* of
administration, in order to fill them with men sold to
his tyraaniefe projects; he disorganize the national
guard, whose blood he intends to lavish in a sacrile sacrilegious
gious sacrilegious war; he begins to abolish rights which have
been long since abolished , he convokes a pretended
Field of Mars to multiply the accomplices of hw wsur wsurpation
pation wsurpation f he promise* so proclaim them in the midst of
bayonetsi' a derisory imitation of that constitution
which, afot.: th years of disorders and calamities, had
for the first time founded on a solid basis the liberty
and happiness of France. Finally, he ha*consume
mated the greatest of ail crimes towards oer subjects,
by attempting to separate them from their Soverein,
to tear them away from our family, whose existence
which for so many ages has been inden tiged with th it
of the nation itself, is still at this moment the only
thing that can guarantee the stability of the legitimacy
of the Government, the rights and the liberty of the
people, the mutnai Interests of France and at Europe.
u In these circumstances we relv with entire confi confidence
dence confidence cn the sentiments of our subjects, who cannot
fail to perceive the dangers and the misaeries to w hich
they are exposed by a man, whom all Europe has de devoted
voted devoted to public venegeaucc. Aft the Powers know
the disposition of France. We are assured of their
amicable views, aad of their support.
4 ‘ F reach men! seise the means of deliverance which
are offered to yoar courage! Rally round your King
your father, the deiewder of all your right*; hasted
to him to assist him in saving you, to put an end
to a revolt the prolongation of which might become
fatal to our country, aad by the punishment of the
author cd so many evil*, to accelerate the era of a ge»
neral reconciliation. >
u G vrai at Ghent, the SJ day of the month of May
in the year of our Lord IS 15, and in the 20th year of
our reigu.
(Signed) “LOUIS.’*
The following(foenmimt has appeared here, which
we give Iderdlr, with all the faults of sen*e and bn.
guage. The Government disavowed it, and has
caused dto be witbdrawn from circulation. We are
ignorant of the motive which could cause the fabrte
cation of rack an article.
■■ ■ “ Napoleon Emperor of the French* to all whom
these presents shall come greeting :—
“ Led astray formerly by pci daszied by a seductive prospect we forgot the way*
in which we were the debtors of the Holy See aad the
Sovereign Pontiff.
“ Remembering the attempt made upon those righto
by the invasiou of the States of the Church in ISIJ9,
and their subject* with regard to lhe Pontiff.
«We dectere, that henceforth the Emperors of
France wdl be the defenders of lhe Holy See, in their
quality of eldest Sous of the Church.
“ la consequence, considering that it is glorious sot
us to repair our errors in the facqof tire universe and
of posterity, we decree as follows ;
“ Art. 1. The integrality of the States of (he
Church such a* they were m January, 1800, shall be
maintained under lhe safeguard of lhe Frooch empire.
«2. The preceediag articb shaft form part of tho
situation and of the oath to be taken by our succes successors,
sors, successors, 00 ascending the Imperial Throne.
“3. Th* appointment to aft benefices iu France
are devoted entirely upon the Holy See.
4. His Holiness Pius VII. shall be invited to re regelate
gelate regelate definitively the affairs concerning the Clergy
of the Gallican Church, and all that is connected
with religious affair*, on the subject of the code and
the Constitution.
“ The King of Naples is charged with the execu.
two ot the Ist article of the pment Imperial Decree,
and our Minesler for Foreign Affaire, £ to what re!
teles to the Holy See. ?
Don* at Faris, the 30th (Signed) “Napoleon.”
[ By the Emperor.
F . w The Dike of HASSANOV

w W ,; -W F
an XpjiiMment fro* His Ex Excedency
cedency Excedency Hi XV. ifonrimb Esquire,■ Liettt€uaifo
<;ou»ny, Rerfofo*, and its Pcpeuden-
< \.i. fltfoi&c. dated upon h I endon {wesenied by J. H. L. .Manren-
I gflfor. a id B. J. Scbw icrs, as Sequestrators of pbm pbmâ– .
â– . pbmâ– . the property of J. W, lleyt-
Jiieyer; ami in of an arranaemenl.oftbe
de?”* for Which thfophrntation was under Execution
« !; d siralioHWl’ plantation I’Esperance,
ciimfomexis, hereby released from Execution and
S^fpiefßation, and notice oi such release given io the
pubiiqhy focse v resents. < *
ts 7 .iJ'ibuie, §0 Aprft; 1815. *-> WW#’
•x f . K. FIIANCICry, First Marshal.
■ —.., ,— — _
• ’ W . : * - ' ;
■ r , > ■•’ ***.! 1
BY virtue,of an Appointmeyt Froa; Bis. Ex ExcelkAcy.ll.
celkAcy.ll. ExcelkAcy.ll. W. Blnquire*, Li-utenant< i
Governor of the Colony Berbice and its Dhpemlen- '
&c. &g. £>ivrii ep 'U d.pcibitin presented by
John M’Cavio'h «i.» one of Sequestrators of Plan Plantation
tation Plantation >’■'. 1, west Corefoyu coast, dated .June,
' I foe iind rsigiitJj r.fdhe request o; aforesaid
d‘»hn ’■ .-i>i. ! d> hereby fonniuvn* by Edict*:
AU kn.»wn artJl u.iLwii claimants on the proceeds'
pi /’bi-a.rt;m*No. I , west Coretit vn, to appear before;
1; l;>ud 05 ♦•'ivd’d.u-.tice, of iHleofony, on Mun-'
#’•■, !>.e I7 h July, ISIS, end following (jays, for the !
pm p -se < i there rend? ring in Ifeuir dat ms against the
p-ocet3sui Plantation No. 1 west Carentyh; debate
4hc same’, and to witness, after the fourth\Edictal
Simmons, IheComt’s decision as to the preferent or |
concurrent right of claimants, on pain, as the law di directs,
rects, directs, and further to proceed according to style.
'1 his Summonsby Edict jnadefojowu to the public
bv beat of drum from the Court Bouse of this colo colony,
ny, colony, ami further dealt wi h according to custom.
Derbiee, SCth Jeim. 1815.
K. FRANt’KEN, First Marshal.
8Y virtue of an Extract from the Minutes'"
of the Co ni otb'JoU,, dated 24th June, ISIS, given.
pi the cause -?nti led C. Downer; in* capacity as I
rhe Atfohmy bi G . Kiiy and P. Benjamin, Curators j
to the Estate known 'and nrChfowir claimants on the proceeds of
Pl intndon Zh si /7»'me<, cum annex-s. • 1 the under.
at the request of aMresak! RfC. Downer, qq.
th^ hereby SutUmpn by (for the third time):
A ll F’! iwn unit unknown ciairnrrntson the proceeds of
Plantation L- >wer, cum annexis, to appear be bes
s bes irotbe Court of IbAJs, -m Monday the 10th of July
iSio ; to render in their claims, verify the
taure, ami ftirt’-erfo proceed according
L'crbiur-, bV'h .Jone, 18’5. * *
I*. Eras cmjs, First ’Marshal.
virtue of rn Appoudiucnt from rlis E
it. \V. Fkn i ■}?-•• e, Fs-uhv, LieuieetmG
F ivernm- oi ehe Colony Berhice ami its Dependen Dependen'.
'. Dependen'. .k. ? .'. Arc. n peutiqt) proEAcd by John M’Camon, as 'ohe ofihe
. Ferpiotrators Temis fiFin'jr.- I theuu
«l rsigne(l,.at the request of aforesaid J-WCampn,c»q.
do Ixereliy Shumwn by Edict.- All known anti ’hn--
knowa cl imants , ;n the proceeds of Plantation Le Lew's
w's Lew's Man » , enm amiexis, to appear before the Court
of ChU Judice, of this colony, on Monday t|a- 17;L
At n n ter'ma in their tiuimsagaowt th. p.oceeds
«,. Iha.d'di m Manor, cum amwxis., debate
the ■ iu., • tojyiuess* the Court’s decis,..... she
ii h; cfcl si... â– mt.-, and fuifinr toproce.-d a-euniir.v
to i.i ,—mi pain, a ter thu fourth Edlqtal citatum, of!
bt..u tocever debarred their.rigid of claim.
Ti.,ts Emiimfms by tnuilg known to the P«-
L’ : 1u - ■ J iurthet dealt with according to custom.
Berbke, June, ISIS.
K f IIANCmEN, First Marshnl.
* ’ •'■•” ■—■• A..1..
IE virtue of an Extract from the Minutes of ,
Fie Court of <’, dated 24th June, 1815, given in
the c IHSC entitled Jernes Fraser, for himself and othrr
S*qtjestrators of Plantation No.4oand 41,
.1 lainiiii, veLus, ail knowu w and unknown creditors
>. or claimants, as well in this colony as in the United
colonies of Uumrrary and Esseqiicbo, onfthe pro proceeds
ceeds proceeds of the Sale, ot Phnfation No. 40 and 41, west
coast ot this colony, Defendants, I the undersigned
at the request <>t aforesaid Jas. I-’raser, q

Smnmon Uy Rdiu-t, (for the third time) : All known '
mid unknown or claimants, as well in this
colony as in tho sequebo, Essequebo, ori the proceeds of.the Sale of Plantation
j\o. 40 and 41, west coast of this colony, to aniicar'
before tha Goirrt ot Roils, on Monday the 10th July,
JBIS, thereto render jn their claims, to verify the
bame, and furtlier to proceed according to law.

f- ■ <, re. wi- ■ 4? r v,' a- >' ’ ’’•w. 'i.. ?•
This Summons by fclict made kru>wn io the Pu Publid
blid Publid by beat oTdruni from the Court House of this
colony, and further dealt with according to custom.
L'e.bice, §olh June, 1815.
K. Fr anc ken, First Marshal.
— —r*—— i — j —
Br<>iHtie of an Extract from the Minutes of
Xhe Court of Rolls, dated thß lOih April, 1815, given
in the cause entitled John and P. Fairbairn,
in capacity as Senueoratom to Plantation the
o/Diidfey Wade, versus, all Claimants
rm the proceMsiof Plaiitatibn Yeovil, edm annexis,
sold ut Executica Sale. 1 the undersigned, al the
request of aforesaid Sequestrators, do Sum Sum'm 'm darpi) abtindarpi) ali Claimiiqts -oo the the proceeds of Planta Plantation
tion Plantation Yeovil, ioappear before the Court of Civil Jus Justice,of
tice,of Justice,of th s colony,*on Monday the 17th July, 1815,
th-re te render in their claims, to verity the'same,
and further to hem the Court’s decision as to the
piefojent and concurroht right of claimants on the
i proceeds of said Estate. *
I This Sammons by Edict made known to the Pu--
, bfic by bs*at>of drum from the Court of iliis
•olony, and further dealt w ith according
Bvibice, the 16 June, 1815*. _. S: • *
K. FRA&.CliEsjJFjtst Marshal.
BY virtue of au Extract from the Minutes
of the Court ot Rolls, datetl 10 April, 1815, given in
; the cause entitled Thuinsh E, Layhdd, one of the Exe Exe’entorsto
’entorsto Exe’entorsto the i state of the fote'llobert and
i Attorney of Thomas Bond, another ot the Executors
and one of the Heirs of the said Rubcrt V\’iUoti, and,
<4-11. Slaal, appointed in the place of W. 6odgson,
during his absence froihihe colony, versus, aiiciaim aiiciaimi
i aiiciaimi ants on the proceeds of plantation UtttAdage, cum
annexis. 1 the undersigned, at the request said aforesaid Thdtnaa F. Layfield, qq.—-Do hereby Sntumon
by Edict: (for the fouitii ume, ex superabundanti)
All claimants on- the proceeds of plantation Hermi Hermitage,
tage, Hermitage, cum annexis, to appear beforo the Court of Ci Civil
vil Civil Just tee of this colony, ou ?.ionday 17 July, 1815,
arid following days, theic to render in their claims, lu
verily tb» same, and fgiihor io bear the Court’s d<-
cisiou Qft lbn ptei’erenl or concurrent right ufyUiiu ufyUiiu,
, ufyUiiu, anti bn the proceeds of su’d Estate.
j This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu Puj
j Puj blic Uy beat of drum ironi the Court Housv and further dealt with according to cuoluci.
kkibice,the Ibfo’Jnne, 1815.
K. Franc ken, First Murshal.
BY virtue of an Extract Irom life ?rlinutes
of the Court of Rolls, dated the Kfth April, ISlu,
given in the cause emiiled M. Sfaal and il. Lutnm,
appoints Curators to the Iqsuh ent Estate pi Uortfo Uortfohs
hs Uortfohs » '-.rKing, dec. a;.d ut bfowu
creiluprs against the Estate of C. Fw.kl#g, dec.—l
the urfrfofsigned, at the feq|est of aforesaid Curators
do hereby (;or the found time ex super .abundant«)
Siiinmun by EdlTf: Ad known and unknow n cre creditors
ditors creditors a-ofois( the Estate oi C. Fcckfogj (Ice. To
ftppe-ir before the Court of Civil Justice, of this co cohmy,
hmy, cohmy, , there to render in ufor claims, to vciiry foe
Mme, and further hi hear the Court’s decision as to
the pref. rcnt and con ur.ent rigU u! claimants on the
proceed? of sag| Estate. .
This Summon by Euict made known to the public
by beat <>f the Court House of this colo colony,
ny, colony, and further dealt with recording to ciufoig;
BurUce, 16 June, 1815.
K. FRANCK EX, First Marsha’.
c _ ! _ l _ : / .,
I BY virtue of an Appointment from His Ex Excellvncyii.
cellvncyii. Excellvncyii. W. Beatihck, Esquire, Lienteumit Lienteumit(
( Lienteumit( Governor of tlfo Colony Berbice and its Dcpenden Dcpenden'cics,
'cics, Dcpenden'cics, &c. &c. dated the ftih June 1815, given
upon a petition' prcs. nted by Daniel A lit, Deputy
Receivor General and Reviver of the OurehT’mid.
I tile pndersigued at the request ol aforesaid Receiver
General and R-cei/cr of the Church Ftmd, Summon
by Edict: —AUknownaud unknowncreditorsofplan unknowncreditorsofplantation
tation unknowncreditorsofplantation De- Fofdstery cum annexis, sold at Excctdfon
Sale, to appear before the Honouibie Court of Civil
Justice, or this colony, on Monday the 17th July
1815, and following ways, for the purpose of there
rendering their Claims, to mamtaih the same, and to
hear, after the fourth Edietal Summon, the Court’s
decision; as to the preterent and concurrent right of
claimants on the proceeds of the Sale of said Estate,
on pain of perpetual sdeuce to those who remain in
default of rendering their claims.
ThK Summons by Edict made known to the Public
by beat'of drum from the Court House of this epfony,
turd further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, the 9th Jpne, IBLS. L
K. Fraxcken, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Appointment from the Ho HohoraWe
horaWe HohoraWe Court of Civil Justice, of tins colony, given
upon a petition presented by Wm. Corl, and J. C.
M Leod, in their capacities as Sequestrators for plan-
' * ? ft . ■'• > ’

tatioa Gerwin and half of Lot No m r
I wW* l l l b y’ ri ® i3th Maj L S?y». K
the imderfugned, at the request of a f ore , 2G Jl %X I #l
tfotors, do hereby Summon by Edi ct . Aft fk â– 
on. the proceeds of plantation deanies
of Lot No. 80, corentyn, -to
of Civil Justice, of this cofouy, on MuYJ a
, J«I Z , ISIS, and foltovsLog.d a^.;
, their claims, to verify the same, and further m
â–  ceed according to law. . UnUcrto
i Th is Sammon by Edict made known to the PnU- O’
, by beat of drum limn the Court House of th is 2 !C I
. and further dealt with according so custom vo W|p
Berbice,‘2d Jhw, 1815. I.<
â–  " K. Fr an c ken, First MarsfolK
' —T *— ' WMW***-** ■" --- -H- — - ,fa. rf* 1 , ~
BY virtife of an Appointment W
, norable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony I
, upon a petition pwented by Jno. M’Cawmn and w I’*
‘ Corb tlwir cripacKies as Sequcstrafoia for (h e .’ K
: divided half of WantaU)ul?eso a ,re, the late proJjf|
ty of rredenck Cort, sac! apnointmeni bearioff
- the foth May, 1815. I thoumkrsigued, at Jhe U I
1 Sequestrators, do I
by Edfot: AH Claimants on the proceeds of the
divided half of plantation Resource To ann!
before the Court ot Civil Justice, of this colony 5
their Session which will be held on Monday the im
1 July, 181’5, ami following days, there to render il
then claims, to verify the same, and further tuiwZ'
eced according to law. r
This bummons by I’dfot m aJ c known to the Pabiu
by beat ot drum fnfotfoe Court House of this colony
and further dealt w ith According to custom. 1
Berbice, 2nd Jupp, 1815. A#
•/ K« TRANIKEN, First Marshal. fr
N OTIC E tv all m hoia it may concern—Tbs
subscriber, as keeper of the Caoje Ferry, inkrnu
those Gentlemen who may imagine tlnmfotvesd*
contmuing by d yearly agreement (a., beforu with I
Mr. L. C. Abbensels) wjtn him for said Ferry; I?
is n a his iateuiiou, as will be seen in the advertifo I
iiient ut Mr. L. (J. Abbensets, m December last. I
N gvoes nut, provided with a proper ]iasi, froai
their Mmtcrs, will be detained, and scut to the cols- I
uy stocks. I
Those indebted tu Mr. L. C. Abbenscts, fqr feni. I
age, or otherwise, are requested to make payment, I
betufs tifo next prevent cuercicvc mca- I
sures. y" |
t’anjf FmrvJ7Jnne. W.C. HOUR AND. I
PG Nlb and BOATB, undrnakes making and repairing all kind of Finds, â– 
Bouts, &c.— has at present on sale two excellent !
FunU, a square and a round one. • ®
£[?« ne * - J- ZIMMERMAN. I

‘ JULY iiarn St DAYS.’
'■' ‘ ,l 1 — —■ lW ii> > fifee,
Phases o f the Moon.
New Mnon, Gill L‘;»y, ai7h. 55rh. Evening.
l-'»rat Quarter,JSU/ilay, ut iOt>. 20m. Morning.
s ’.****’ 2ist Lay. ui jlh. 4 fin. Morning.
a* 4 (^“2 ner ’ ?* th DI .V, 11 7n. I Uni. Morning.
h - nf • H. %~
m. w. • Holidays,Phenomena, Arc. n. m.
— —— * ■■■'-■" r "•■;*- -i | iwaan.i -. - —»< '>(* «
Vt in
2 St! 6th Sunday after Trinity. Visit, of i
3 M Ct. Cum. Jukictf. [B.V'.M. © J
4 El atvMarfh. L , g
* W 3 1L
b Th 4 o
7 K SprfojTiJc. ? »
8. S 5 - J
9 Sti 7th Sunday after Tdiiity. rt
10 M Court uiJUL. ? 1J
H i T " ‘ 1 S o
Its V.- f a/: ■ ■ • 8 «
rh ITOrtfe - in. ’ 9
MI F Neap Tides. in r Q
15 S Swiun. II
16 So.: Sth Sunday after Trinity. xr* j
17 M Cotut of Civil Justicti 1 sft
18 Tu o e.
19 W «
20 Th Margaret. - . . ? o
91 F / ’ 4' 4 ?
22 S Magclalen. Spring Tides. 5 2/5
23 Su 9th Sunday after Trinity.
of t r ’ ’ C [tcrsLeo. 645
95 Tu St. James. 7 a.
96 W St. Ann. * L ~ 3 .
Th "? S IS
28 F aS
Oft Ci "
vn c nt 10 28
"? m Neap Tides. il 38
JI I M , lAf 24
Published e®try Saturday at 4 o* clock p >♦
By W. SCHIHaZ 9c Co.
PrnUtged Printer*

Full Text


B 815.) THE BERBICE GAZETTE. dollars p. annum,'} US T landing, and opening, for Sale by the Subb• ie Package or otherwise, a most < Nice 9gKircef °f Eoynox Goods, particular!;/ silcted; ‘ which is a complete assortment of M HSU of the newest fashion and gnat ity, viz.— ELEGANT black and white lace veils assorted, IjB&.-do. do. shawls do., plain sarcenet and fancy co'NKircd Gondon dresses, fid! trimmed dress caps ami Mr jennets, do. do. do. with ornaments, walking and d straw hats mid bonnets, gold and silver or.'KLnents, spencers, tippets, polices, and cloaks, rich /¦Erfs, and chanties and ruffs, Whalebone and sea ¦breed rosettes, white and coloured figured muslins, do. do., midi and jaconet do. do., cotton tfhd ¦Bread net, sarcenets and satins, ribbons, beading, HKtgency cord, trimmings, cambricks, dimities, and lUifan-, long and short white Fiench kid gloves, cogloves, full trimmed white kid and fancy coKpliHired slippers, a great variety of trimmings, &c. ¦ A Iso,) tirlzc I from London : Mfe A few splendid : ;Hvies of jewellery, and three mo'Kjfcrn gold wide!.' >, v/mv.’¦/.** ¦»/excel! n f time-kceplEwptowa-priritrd calicoes, fmniturc ihinlz, gingHhuns and lawns Nth* t and genth ;;ien’ s j.uper fine Madras and Pullicate banuk-.buds. iyksasBferted, fine fiann n , quilting, phtilhs nac iiritanEh;ms, rolled ctdio. *, cost n .‘hirting mid sheeting, Boan’.ask table cloths, broad cloths of ißflerrnt co¦rim, .table covers, bin? and green with borders, ¦Bilk hats, dress and walking shoes, blue and white fjalempores, gentlemen’* wearing apparel, India silk Knndother handkerehiefs, imit fion breach cambricks, R&c.—Also a few elegant pos tabic writing desks and ¦Thessing caws, candles and soap, porter, strong and Kale ale, bmndy, geneva, in uhds. &c. Andon Hand, E Madeira vine, Port do., claret,old rum. superfine I pf nir, beef, pork, tongues, hams, ch. c*<‘, tea, Sugar, ¦Apices,pickles, oil, capers, vinegar, mustard, salt,' F Tobacco, iron, glars, tin, and earthen do., two , ¦ gigs, an ’. haraesi . and a variety of other aitj| &clf< G. M. FORRESTER. Ke.. Derr.erary, South-Street, June Ifi, 1815. K v :4 .n rtEt.n’s,” Tit, — Hystellh; , Nicuw Acigclcgcn, Belmont, ‘tr. Glasgow Eddcrlouni, ITc'ie'egen, Union, Eden* burgh, Mon Choisi, w\ \ A-la t, to be delivered over to the Assignees of it. Eoum's Sj Co., Or their Ih-presenrative; And IV.w. Hmof.rick as being with Jo/vy Ilogs and Gi o. f’r.yfiv J Joo* pf.p, Assignees of the iianlcnipt Estate of said Turnbull Furbcs & Co. having Substituted me robe Attorney for the Admiaistrats jn of the said Estates, which have been delivered ever accordingly. All persons who have any claim .'ga T the »aid !>: ’mare hereby required to render iht ..ante to me, ai the Store of Messrs. Geo. Rone & (io.: and ail prisons t indebted to the said Estates, arc requested io pay to Die the amount ui their deb* . Alex. FRASER, qq. 1 Jfily Benfield’s Estates and the Assign-] ces of. Turnbull Forbes & Co. ALLE de genen die lets tc vorderen hebben • van de Boedel wylen 1 J. A. van Groentev-mud, worden verzogt in de tyd van zes weekt n, na datodezes, hunne pretentien intcluvcren ca bctalinge tc ontvaugen, op de plantagic de Resoltille, by L'nw/FA VRE. 1 July. Executein: Testamentair. STRAYED on die 12th ult. from plantation | Colchester, on the East-coast canal, four head ol Cati tie, (say) two red cows, a red calf,and a black heifer, f any personjnking up the same, or giving such information as'ffnay tend to the recovery thereof, will I finally oblige the subscriber, and any ex ponces incurred thereon, shall be immediately paid. ’ 1 July W. BRUTON. FOR SALE by the Subscriber, at his house opposite Mrs. Mary Lindner’s, a few thousand feet of excellent crab-wood inch lumber. g 1 July. WALTER SCOT. L ' •'"**' .JU I T -. . ' ¦ — CORN for Sale, at Plantation Herstelder, p a t f 11. the thousand cars. 1 July. SA i t KDAY/.JULY STRENGTHENING RESTORATIVE STIIMACIIIC BITTERS. This most excellent cordial is prepared from .raspberry brandy, and is esteemed an efficacious anis iote against fevers, and all other disorders prevalent in hm iVTs'-lndics ; from the great bem fit derived from (heir elih acy in all cases of cold, arising from exp sue to the weather. They procure a strorg mid facilitate digestion, by fortifying an I sHepgflicning the stomach. — They are excellent i alKwsrs where the nerves have been injured ny imc.nptcuice : and are of great utility in bypoch.mdrin men or women, —and from their giving immediate relief i¦> allpams iu the stomach and bowels, by !.>:;¦ ;g a little in its native strength,—it is a cusdi d w na.h no family should be ¦«vTh y swe. te..' the breath, —remove ai! disagreable pausca of the stem .ch.—preserve from mfection by contagious distcnip< rsor corrupt air,*—and uni! kill all iminaei of worses wuh whicij children or other* may be ti.mbi d:an x*s perhaps thi* best medicine in the world tdrthew .r. proceeding irom cold n:g!it air, nnw! c, or exposure to hardship or bid weald'i . , inxi. . s nave on. peculiar quality phssci'm.i by > o’in rs, —as they have a most agreeable snndhmd f.avcmr, and after taking tl’i ‘in they do n d <;c.7x.l s p ¦.> > i f.o.n one to two iable-sjxn»i;> ic'd, and ioi c ¦.h\ .n on to three tea-spoons bid. Curacao snuff, a¦touha, an I M "J »a la rose, Martinique uoy'MU, and a s.nwl i.imruity oi blue China plates Iry »hc thy a.xd sundry other articles. V’.i'e I' < r is fust arrived-from Jirhodcs, and Ups hit Ue.p al the house if ¦. r. /.a Hose, on lot No. 1, Iroiit gJum. 1 July. , JOSEPH ISAAC. N. B. Genii xrvm w islrfnl tn t ixe a great quantify, coffee wi’l betaken in pay.met. Capt. J. BRAND, re .eciiiti'y iinforms the gentlemen lo r.:, is in l ie ship Grantham, to cornea¦ longsiddwith iii it p .itio-, as sism as possible, as] he will po:4’tiv .ve this rive, on the J 2 instant.! i July. ] TEN DEBS for 35 round bates good clean! aiul 2 bales oi yellow cotton, from phniatkm Good\ J lope, Correntyn-r i’"', wi i b received at the house ] of B. Ziegler, INq. New Ams'. r.'rvn, nnhl Monday, < the iOth .Inly next; when n y u < ,r poned, and i the highest offer, u apurov> !, . U . pled. On the same d' y a li i’. i . .' a ;, r, and self, J. 'Si'ANf?‘7?d. SECiiKjziiii s Oi'i’lCE. ) WHEREAS Application, by Petition, has been made to lite H hdr S-.urns ofthe. Sth April, lain, tor Letter^of ,bv/.?<77z' -.«'z.o? .• John Ross tor the mulatto buy John, born from the Negro woman Agi>e>. Robert Grant for the two mulatto children John and Robert. John Fraser iu quality as surviving Executor to the last will and t< stament cf Hector M’Kenzie for the mulatto girl Rose. Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant ofsaid Letters of ManumissiiHi,!uat they may address themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made on the aforesaid Petition. Secretary’s Ornce, Berbice, 15th April, 1815. -C. DOWNER,Je£: This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this colony. John Hislop, Family and tw o servants, in one month from 27 May. Gilbert Gordon in 5 weeks from 3d June. The Widow of W. B. Liot in do. from do. Robert Elwis, in 6 weeks f rom 24 June. A. A. de la Court, will qcit this Colony, Jure SO. R. C-DO vV’NER, Sec. (No. 563. J in advance. Not ice is hereby given, that a month after date the following Trnnsporrs and Mortgages will be passed June 10. Lewis Cameron, qq. will transport to Deinerary 92 Negroes from Plantation Borlum, E. sea Coast of this colony. —Mary Dawes will transport to M. Nicholson 8 roods of land of lot No. 5, first empolder of this town, situate between the middle road and the back dam. t — Mary Dawes will transport to Dido Rose 8 roods of land of lot No. 5, first empolder of this town, situate between the middle roed and the back dam. July 17. W. Heneryqq. Francis’Stcwart, will transport 10 roods of land and the buildings thereon, situate on lot No. 18, north side, to W. Katz. W. Henery will transport to John M\union 15 roods of hnd and the buildings thereon, on lot No. 17, middle mad, north quarter. — J. J. Ililken will transport to E. F. Hantze 2‘22| acres of land, of lot No. 12, Canje, adjoining lot No. 11. \V. Ross, qq. Hugh Rose, will transp uttn Jas. M’Donald, qq. Nathaniel Winter & Co. the Plantation Tariogie, with all its cultivation and buildings and two-hundred and eighty-two Negroc slaves, whose names are to be seen at this Ollier. James M’Donal, qq. Nathaniel Winter & Co. will remove from this colony to Demenry twohundred and eighty-two Negroe slaves, names to be seen al this Oilice. ——Malcolm Nicholson will transport to Lewis Cnmeroii, S roods of kind of lot No. 5, first empid, dvr <;f the town, between the middle road and back d.xm, together with the buildings thereon. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. Just landing, and far Sale on TaU No. 15, part of 'he cargo of G.e slop Pn/ys ray Amsterdam, consisting in GIN in cases, cl trd, Rinish and Mullaga wines in cuNcs, brown and wi;:te beer !n hogshead-, vinegar in do, v. \ it?; lead, lin~eed and rape seed oil in jugs, starch, r linens, plaiil’cs, checks, Selzer and Fachinger water, oatu in puncheons, barley in do. and in jugs, hair., smoakedbeef, Rd or, S*Jtlx.schc ek Leydsch * ciier «e, butter, scurkrout, cv.iiifiowcr, rolpens, pick’ed saus'iges, snioaked do, sausages dr Bclogne, picxles, piokled eels, herrings, salt, peas, tiles and bricks, Riga L > :rds, flour in barrels, ships bread in do, anchovis in pots, lime and terras, pipes, and a variety of other articles. 77/e abote articles being consigned to the under* signed, they wilt st l ! the same reasonable, by large quant iJes or packages. C. C. SWAFIN&. 24 June. If. STAAL. Te koop op'het Erf No. 15, de •oolgcnde artU'elen, zi/nde gedeclte van hit carga van hit Schip /Jrj Pji/ns r.ey Orjxje, Capt. JUf iTZEy, van Am* sterdam:— GEN EVER in ktlders, rude wyn, rhinsche do., MaUaga do., in kislcn, bruin ea wit bier iu oxboofdvn, azynindo, witiood, lyncn raapoly, stylzel, liniren, platiiies, bonten, Selzer en Faclnnger water, .haver in vaten, gort en geperldc garst in vaten eu pidlen, ham, rookvleesch, EdamStolkscheen Leydsche kaas, borer, zuurkuol, bloemkool, rolpens, pekel worst, gerookte worst, sauzyze de Bclogne, ini gclcgde zuuren, do. paaling, harthg, labbcrdaan, capucyndcr en groen erwten, blaauwe plavuyzen en graanwo moppen, Riga detkn, pepcr, scheeps Leschnil iiivctb n, mcel in do,.,anchovis in poften, kaik en cement, en vcrscbcidenc andere artikelen Purer. Lynd's gc consigiit crd aan de ondergeleekcndens, icclke (hzrlve in quantiteits en pakagies, voor ecu ci* tzf .k ;?,s te hoop aanbieden. 24 June. C. C. SWAYING. 11. STAAL. FOR SALE, choice London particular Madeira wine m hogsheads and.quartcr casks, reasonable lor present payment. 24 June. ‘ ILSTAAE. TO JOBBERS.™AVanted on a coffee Estate, not i’at up the river, a Jobber with twenty to thirty able Negroes, to dig out the trenches and c? clean rhe small drainings of part m tnat eMr Fur further information, please, apply to LiJuire. H. SI'A At.


/• / •: JM# n LS i; •* J '' <*• I V t T TU •• -. ’IS". . It. f C %JK'; '?,'»-•> 1 :^“«c M »a*t,?7«ay!3ls. ‘TXt> it by »; .f .mpKfcrtHm «rs tt» ea»cte fe y the sad Ai«nulrt> ud «*en; .«< thM the pM MapbficattoabaaMuraanicatedtotbePablie ia tie customary manner. M : •¦ “ P. Thatthr famish the Secretaiy of the Court with a Lisi of fae site ports they ia. |ao!l to make, ms todfato psbvkjus to each Ordi< wary hesMMMi ot the Court. ‘. Tbat the’Secref ary, pn receiving the same, shall advertize such List, as being set downier bearing the aiixt Session, *t xpast oxs month pbkyious to fa order that the Person* interested may .Ujgpear at the Bar and eoratest the conSrmatuM of the A -couqhmts Report, ifthey sbofad deem it reqnmte. • ¦;<* “ By CummaudfatheCcmfa. “R. C. DuWNEB. Sec.” ’ ~ ~~ * accountants office Os 'hr Honorahle the Cosrt of Chit Justice, e ; agrarians of Plan tat ton Goode Hrop, Pi. C -A V -a?A'A h' mfa Pl No. 40& 41, Idem df PI. Palmyra, from 10 Jan. to 21 ’’ ' ' ' • £W" jfc&T*1814 Idem Pl. Palmyra, from 21 Sept. IS hl, to * 2D Feb. IS 15. idera Pl. Graubafidertand en Zorg doch met Vergenoegen, , Idem of PL Hope, I Idem of 2-3d*. of No. 11 Coreiitni i Idem of Pl. Profit, *. I AiTrnfairtrfaton of pl. Zafawyk, Idem oi Pl. Buzedurt, Idem of Pl. Benfield Caratorship fa Pl. Planter* Last, Idrarof the Estate of C. Forking, : ;i _ idem ¦ n '-—St. B»n>, L Idem —-—Gwyn. Jones, Idem --¦—L. Zaegire,/¦;•'*’•'¦ Idem Hey wood & Taylor, Idem——— Henry Croft, Idete J. H. C. Salanger, Lien— M. E. F. Treuruiet, Deliberating Executor* to the Estate fa R. Barty. W«e»eas the Honorable the Court of Gird Jnstick fry Order, aavfag referred to rm the Account* «>i the perrons hereaftefr named, via. * ‘ -V a W. Lawson and J. €. Spangenberg, Scq. tp Phirta~ taf ion Goede Hoop. J. H. L. Manntohrecher and B. J. Schwiers, Seq. of Pl. Frasrr and Ix*wi» Cameron, Seq. No. 40Ac 41. y? fiora 19 Jan ’ l * a4 ft. A .7% and F. Rriitlebank, from 24 Sept. ISU, tip 20 Feb. ISIS, Seq. R. Palmyra. ; ; J. G S|»Bgenb<'rc and J. Downer, Seq. to PI. Granen Z»rgtkN:h met Vergenoeg ’n. J. 0. Snemge»b»jrg ‘and P. Fanbain, Sfco. PL Hope. ' W. Kalx and W. Lawwn, Seq. 2-Sds. oi No. 11, . CoWwe rnmt. * • \Jg| P. Quhi am! L. Camenw, Seq. Pl. Profit. W. Hair, AdH&Wmtor of Plant. Znidwyk. L. ran Ruwrnm, Administrator Bures Last. . Ra*z, Administrator of Benield’s Estates. J. C. Spensr.-nberg aad P. Bender, Curator* PLnt’*!. Planters Lu>t. . " -fM H. Luthers, Cat. EstateC. Faching. K. T-KI&W. KewlQ, H lUrry. Kewit v, ==L w «rW. Fr.iser ar4 Leach,— — Hrywt>xl& Taylor E. ThewtxiM Henry Croft. J. M. C. Brass, —J. H. C. Stringer. E. The.d»tk’i, M. E. F.Trewrniet. G. Munro ami R. Taitt, Driibewwg Executor* to the liHtate of R. Barry. therein, • hat alteadsmce will he given at the Accountants Office, held at the house of the second tinderfcirro u! owi pH/rtlh fom the date hereof, » artier to er *«ch person to inspect raid Accounts, and state the it objects or obwrvations in writing, at thre*pitoti-m of which time, the required report tjte abwemeidronod matters, and of wMeh sis requited), the parties i*rty obtain an oflicc eeqjkax then own expence, in order duraid they ttoraw it expedient, to attend the fioa*frle the Court aft trprrrt, and contest the coafrrnrabo* thereof. f *»i«¦ . Trinidad, ' ". Antigua, and s P Tobago, St. Christopher.. Separately or jointly, with Fresh Beef,df the best quality, u> be approved of, if necessary, by Boards of Survey. The Contracts to commence in ow month from the date of the notification being received of the Tender having been accepted, and to continue for six months certain.—Two Security will be required, who mast be named to the Tender, to fee bound in the sum of u£2so. Sterling each, for the due foßimeot oi the Contract at each Idand. Payment wiU be made on IheSUh of each month at the respective Stations, in Government Bdls, at «>. p. Dollar, for the quantities delivered in the preceding period. JOSEPH BCIAOCK, Any information required may be had on applicai turn to the C'amnus&arial Offexva at the UUmu ond ‘‘i=_ ; NOTICE—Those gentlemen who subscribe i to Burnings Rooms and have not paid their subscription, are hereby informed, that if payment ts not immediately made, the subscriber will be wider JTJuoe. 3. BINNING. Z —Z —T r — — Tie Sulger cferftr Safe, the/<&*** ar^ltt % Jeraah, aiu— > Dutch beer in casks, sausages ia kegs, rolpeus to HktA coh< prmst in flitfr* 1 en/iaß X«<**K*b3M* aJwE«k»C7*« y xc?s** 1 tji y { month in jugs, double eases of brandy & gio, Dutch MaAmerwao nowr, cmney^aflo^ptitpease,soaipand rock salt in tierces, tar,’pitch, 2nd tnrpeotiae m bar’ SkSd f J -T'T “tot^d soda water, tripe, boms and shoes, Dutch nori ter ood beetmbarrefo, a huge asaotbnent ofearthen bricks, Mme am! English and cheese, and hampers &c.—l7 Jane /m. WbLFF? » * • , aS . t. W .-.Xjk s ' ¦*-.. TE Vrouwe H. Aulfaeh, gebXen tarar—Taberagaa by C. C. SWAV W c'' e «-fl «* Juof H3TA.IL, « FOR SALE, the undivided quarter to •ogee Estate called Nkawe uHcob, riltute rm aS wettbaak of the river Berbice, with aft ft. enlK I bon, bmldtogs, and further appurtenant a ±^f v hundred Negroes, the property ofMr*.H A rJ? W' * bora Nieteb, «f Petersburg. For farther tofaffi turn ptearaapply to C. C. SWA liNGto P 4,1 MJuae. H.STAAL) qq. |i J ’ i ~FOR SALE, the lot of Land of Ihd the buikltngs thereon, belonging to the I div uled in two parcels, ail made of colony bard strong and neat, with all t&g out-bniidings railed ia w&blnta, &c. An extend credit wiuol ¦ 1 given to a solid purchaser. Fur farther particnW I& ! apply on raid Urtby fit MJune. v H. SNEEPBL# 1 ADVERTISEMENT—AU Penon,ife 1 r have claims on the fate Alex. Sfaspran, Esq. of fito. 1 V* fiekG aw requested forrader them fa for eumfastSH he SC June. CHARLESKYTE, $ I ADVERTISEMENT—AU ed to the Estate of the late Wm. Duncan, or Wb t» Ker, are requested to make famnedfate payment; *m St throe who have claims, to render them fa for exfak w ratfan ami settlement, to * C D.C. CAMERON, > n t > MJane. CHARLESKYTE. C C,rat * ... . — --1 —-_ . _ ' DRI.FTKD from the Winkel’s boat budt rt tog shed, on the night of Wednesday the 7th J«n k asn ail Pant filled with Reed* for making ! v Information respecting the same, i* rerawtoed tofc « sent to Mr. Nicolay, Coauairaary of the WinkA U New Amsterdam, who will pay a reward.-—H Jim*, rt A....I ; ' j > FOR LIVERPOOL, the sveh knom c “Brig tub fatby, John Sinclair, Masto p rail* remarkably fast, well armed and manned, mt* ¦ will poMlively take the besefa of the July convex, i ha* exceltent -accomodation* far passenger*,—fa t freight ar passage, apply m the Master oo board. I : ' New Amrt. July 17. i NB. Capt. Sinclair lirgs leave to inform h•* Frtewb 1 and the Planters in general, w ho intend shipping pram ihiceon board hi* vessel, to use as fatfe delay uw| I ribte, the time appointed f.»r sailing btoag so short I THE Subscriber informs his Frieudsandtbsl Public, that be tm&fc Schooner*, Frats,Tent-punts,l Boats, fee. ami Repairs, all nroen reroonaMe terms. I A Fhrt I — I NEW AMSTERDAM, | Jexx 1, lb!s. I By an arrival from Barbndon, Sunday W, we hare I received London Papers fa May 13th. Nothmgofl importance appears in them. Our Picket also came I to band this week, bat brings only papentothe Hth I of May. I A Letter Bug for the Packet will be trade up here I and closed on Tharsday next, fa 6 a’cfock to the I £ morning. I The Sloop Zfemfan, Cnpt. Wychgd, far I -terdam, will cW her Lcttex Bag at the Boat CMfa, 1 ou Wednesday the sth fast. , 1 * . ft I *>«» mainly > ssip WuKlfc wit tfttßOB 188 W/.-tbfa Island, j ? the behalf of RuhSq? I °Cf Mwra. R;| tinifin* M *** ** I


of the Land and Sea Service; tod such ‘West ffSZm* adherence to the interests of the virtuous I 3 fanfes of Frenchmen, however some of them data i3iEb?3t the pres-nt mwn mt, misled by bad men and ; The Ft> uch sobers, upon the arival wcre removed from Fort Royal to Saint ?*.' 1., ’’'**«*’ '• ? enltJjMß •¦ 1« tie ***** of the King* ¦ -*X,. ’J. ¦ PROCLAMATION. Lr Kac *» I fferre-Rene-Marie, Cfwate de Vaugiraud, ViceGrand Cross of the Royal and Military OrI£fSr. Ixrais, Officer of the Legion ofHonor, Gov’ W fS’ r A ¦’?-General of the Island of Martinique and F n^rfrwmT}*r“ n,^> ‘ wg i e *~ Ke. ® c * < ® EC * 7 y l’«’ w * wr distant they may be from him, have rtSl Kem plov-d in union with those of his Mies, to 10l FF*‘ rTe V‘*® r frn ‘ n **W of duwter. | she effects of hi* powerful interieirrnce in your v e -qdedßy manifested themselves. The ——¦ Bii >h Govriunent. f iiiiriUto the treaties it bad en“Ht 'feed into, muikeswo distraction .between it* causeawl •W< I Ifot ofthe Mu*t Christina King.~Tiu:r rixcelleecy t;tegW |h James Leith ami Charles have ordered tXttfr w tej’is with its« this Archipehgc, to secure to the I Crown of France, under the immortal banner of its '¦..l bwfol , Monarch, the Sovereignty oi the Colony of — — I Tb«y in the name of their Sot-reign, they 4 ¦uiß. I «me * the name of yours, to preserve tathulde, so J<«gw ' favoured by Providence, that tranquility sk< I I which those Princesan their Allies had restored to the tob I woi iI, and which the world has been to m.iin"ikea, I tein —they come to assist us in protecting from the Lmt I teourgeof War. vo ir agricidirre, ynnr commerce, —• I cies <>f prosperity which yotit Country is towi I npahle of enjoying; they come to y »in you in supMtai I porting in that Country the gtery of the French name. ? toil now insepanbie connected with the fortune* of lajuis nNttie am! of his awewd House.—you will read Hfct| the hoble ms on which those generous anxiL : I Jhries appro ugJbwt shares: they whU nr> erfher reward f>r their IhittaMc services, than the happiness of cadA having rendered them to ywn. ’ .4! *' pr*| Receive t libra with grMefol welcome» and ru&*ct Pte« that if, on the ate hand, the factions of thiso ir day xt rmi.Kl us oi those of ibe leagire, *n the QtWr, the .Sovereign of frawer end Engten !. their burners, present us with the gratifyi ’ir .prospect of the wbnrty tnccrssori »f Henry aod Elizabeth. ™*w Ginm at Mirfinhpie, the Ith Jane, 1813/ The Comte de Bi’C. lite tie King. BRITISH STII’ILAWO-Ml k-v( ¦ ¦'• •/ w»ws •-W'X? V7cms enwi ‘4 /propose fb a Rritpli Itand Force to vuhfh'tl tie m of iff* Mod tkralw Maje»tf Lottie XFIII. 0 f teer tie klaittl of ' M }l ing at an end ; ami that nunjeraos desertions from the Ftoitfh army contiaue to take place. r k 1 scKarruarsxx, apxn 2Z. . ABaßcfinfrem Mian of the 19th states, that in r the action of the Uth near Torli, between the Austrians and Neapolitan armies, the latter were totally defonti’d with the loss of 3000 killed and 4000 priso> nen. Metal’s camp equqjaga was taken. The ; Naxpilitans retiml towards Ancona, where it should seem that Murid think to rally his army and venture a new battle. Should he loss, he will have no other resource tbaa if possible to embark, as the mountaineer* of Abruzzo who have been ill-treated by his Iroeps, are all in arms to mterccpt his retreat. Marat is said to have twice asked an annestiee, and to r have promised, as soon as peace should be made with Li u, to j<»ia th* “oaUio i, but all his offi-r* have been rejected. The Pruck?raation of King Louis XVIII. to his subjects, which the lately arrived Papers had prepared us to expect, is contained in those now before tu> :— “ Lottis, the Gtm of God, King of France and .Vmwrre. • »' ¦ " “ Taetil otrr subjects greeting. « France free and respected, was enjoying, by our care, the peace and prosperity which had been restored to it, when the escape of Napoleon Bonaparte, from the Island of Elba, and his appearance nu the French territory, s&duced to revolt the greatest part of the army .—Supported by this illegal force, be bad made usurpation and tyranny succeed to the eqnitable emphwef th* tews. The effort* and the indig. nation of our subjects, the Majesty of the Throne, and that of the National Represeataiion, have yielded to the violence of mwHniimM soldiery, whom treachcrou* and prepared leader* have seduced by dedeidul hope*. u This criminal success having excited in Europe just alarms, formidable ar mi** have been put in march towards France, and all the Powers have decreed the destruction «f th* tyrant. I * 3BW.V .'HF • Oto tat earn, to our Atet been totofo OVfund nraesmry distfoctren to be recognised bo tween the disturber of peace and theoppr esrod French Mtom. Fmthfrd to the principles which have ate ways guided them, the Sovereigns, mu Alfies, bavw dectered foei r mteutmu fo-'yesttect the todteDendeoce of Fiance, and to gnifnST thpintegriiy to its territory. They have given us the most solemn assurances, that they will not isUerferein the iutemal governmeto, and it ison these condition* that we have » resolved to accept thew generoa* assistance. “ The usurper has to vain attempted to sow dis* sensum* among them, «nd by a feigaedlioderation to disarm their just resentment. His wb°te life bite for ever deprived him of the power Rf imposing up«m good faith. Despairing of the successofWarti ficeip? he seek* for the second time to preeipiiaie with hfrnself into the abyi>s, the naritei orifcr which he cause* tenet to reiga. He renew* ail ths department* of administration, in order to fill them with men sold to his tyraaniefe projects; he disorganize the national guard, whose blood he intends to lavish in a sacrilegious war; he begins to abolish rights which have been long since abolished , he convokes a pretended Field of Mars to multiply the accomplices of hw wsurpation f he promise* so proclaim them in the midst of bayonetsi' a derisory imitation of that constitution which, afot.: th years of disorders and calamities, had for the first time founded on a solid basis the liberty and happiness of France. Finally, he ha*consume mated the greatest of ail crimes towards oer subjects, by attempting to separate them from their Soverein, to tear them away from our family, whose existence which for so many ages has been inden tiged with th it of the nation itself, is still at this moment the only thing that can guarantee the stability of the legitimacy of the Government, the rights and the liberty of the people, the mutnai Interests of France and at Europe. u In these circumstances we relv with entire confidence cn the sentiments of our subjects, who cannot fail to perceive the dangers and the misaeries to w hich they are exposed by a man, whom all Europe has devoted to public venegeaucc. Aft the Powers know the disposition of France. We are assured of their amicable views, aad of their support. 4 ‘ F reach men! seise the means of deliverance which are offered to yoar courage! Rally round your King your father, the deiewder of all your right*; hasted to him to assist him in saving you, to put an end to a revolt the prolongation of which might become fatal to our country, aad by the punishment of the author cd so many evil*, to accelerate the era of a ge» neral reconciliation. > u G vrai at Ghent, the SJ day of the month of May in the year of our Lord IS 15, and in the 20th year of our reigu. (Signed) “LOUIS.’* KOMP, APBIL 10. The following(foenmimt has appeared here, which we give Iderdlr, with all the faults of sen*e and bn. guage. The Government disavowed it, and has caused dto be witbdrawn from circulation. We are ignorant of the motive which could cause the fabrte cation of rack an article. ¦¦ ¦ “ Napoleon Emperor of the French* to all whom these presents shall come greeting :— “ Led astray formerly by pci

AL s OFFICE. j w W ,; -W F an XpjiiMment fro* His Excedency Hi XV. ifonrimb Esquire,¦ Liettt€uaifo <;ou»ny, Rerfofo*, and its Pcpeuden< \.i. fltfoi&c. dated WW#’ •x f . K. FIIANCICry, First Marshal. ¦ —.., ,— — _ SUMMONSES by EDICT. • ’ W . : * ' ; ¦ r , > ¦•’ ***.! 1 BY virtue,of an Appointmeyt Froa; Bis. ExcelkAcy.ll. W. Blnquire*, Li-utenant< i Governor of the Colony Berbice and its Dhpemlen' &c. &g. £>ivrii ep 'U d.pcibitin presented by John M’Cavio'h «i.» one of Sequestrators of Plantation >’¦'. 1, west Corefoyu coast, dated .June, ' I foe iind rsigiitJj r.fdhe request o; aforesaid d‘»hn ’¦ .-i>i. ! d> hereby fonniuvn* by Edict*: AU kn.»wn artJl u.iLwii claimants on the proceeds' pi /’bi-a.rt;m*No. I , west Coretit vn, to appear before; 1; l;>ud 05 ?•'ivd’d.u-.tice, of iHleofony, on Mun-' #’•¦, !>.e I7 h July, ISIS, end following (jays, for the ! pm p -se < i there rend? ring in Ifeuir dat ms against the p-ocet3sui Plantation No. 1 west Carentyh; debate 4hc same’, and to witness, after the fourth\Edictal Simmons, IheComt’s decision as to the preferent or | concurrent right of claimants, on pain, as the law directs, and further to proceed according to style. '1 his Summonsby Edict jnadefojowu to the public bv beat of drum from the Court Bouse of this colony, ami further dealt wi h according to custom. Derbiee, SCth Jeim. 1815. K. FRANt’KEN, First Marshal. 8Y virtue of an Extract from the Minutes'" of the Co ni otb'JoU,, dated 24th June, ISIS, given. pi the cause -?nti led C. Downer; in* capacity as I rhe Atfohmy bi G . Kiiy and P. Benjamin, Curators j to the Estate wer, cum annexis, to appear bes irotbe Court of IbAJs, -m Monday the 10th of July iSio ; to render in their claims, verify the taure, ami ftirt’-erfo proceed according L'crbiur-, bV'h .Jone, 18’5. * * I*. Eras cmjs, First ’Marshal. virtue of rn Appoudiucnt from rlis E it. \V. Fkn i ¦}?-•• e, Fs-uhv, LieuieetmG F ivernmoi ehe Colony Berhice ami its Dependen'. .k. ? .'. Arc. . or claimants, as well in this colony as in the United colonies of Uumrrary and Esseqiicbo, onfthe proceeds of the Sale, ot Phnfation No. 40 and 41, west coast ot this colony, Defendants, I the undersigned at the request <>t aforesaid Jas. I-’raser, q

' ’ ’’•w. 'i.. ?• This Summons by fclict made kru>wn io the Publid by beat oTdruni from the Court House of this colony, and further dealt with according to custom. L'e.bice, §olh June, 1815. K. Fr anc ken, First Marshal. — —r*—— i — j — Br<>iHtie of an Extract from the Minutes of Xhe Court of Rolls, dated thß lOih April, 1815, given in the cause entitled John and P. Fairbairn, in capacity as Senueoratom to Plantation the o/Diidfey Wade, versus, all Claimants rm the proceMsiof Plaiitatibn Yeovil, edm annexis, sold ut Executica Sale. 1 the undersigned, al the request of aforesaid Sequestrators, do Sum'mof drum from the Court of iliis •olony, and further dealt w ith according Bvibice, the 16 June, 1815*. _. S: • * K. FRA&.CliEsjJFjtst Marshal. BY virtue of au Extract from the Minutes of the Court ot Rolls, datetl 10 April, 1815, given in ; the cause entitled Thuinsh E, Layhdd, one of the Exe’entorsto the i state of the fote'llobert and i Attorney of Thomas Bond, another ot the Executors and one of the Heirs of the said Rubcrt V\’iUoti, and, <4-11. Slaal, appointed in the place of W. 6odgson, during his absence froihihe colony, versus, aiiciaimi ants on the proceeds of plantation UtttAdage, cum annexis. 1 the undersigned, at the request , there to render in ufor claims, to vciiry foe Mme, and further hi hear the Court’s decision as to the pref. rcnt and con ur.ent rigU u! claimants on the proceed? of sag| Estate. . This Summon by Euict made known to the public by beat <>f the Court House of this colony, and further dealt with recording to ciufoig; BurUce, 16 June, 1815. K. FRANCK EX, First Marsha’. c _ ! _ l _ : / ., I BY virtue of an Appointment from His Excellvncyii. W. Beatihck, Esquire, Lienteumit( Governor of tlfo Colony Berbice and its Dcpenden'cics, &c. &c. dated the ftih June 1815, given upon a petition' prcs. nted by Daniel A lit, Deputy Receivor General and Reviver of the OurehT’mid. I tile pndersigued at the request ol aforesaid Receiver General and R-cei/cr of the Church Ftmd, Summon by Edict: —AUknownaud unknowncreditorsofplantation DeFofdstery cum annexis, sold at Excctdfon Sale, to appear before the Honouibie Court of Civil Justice, or this colony, on Monday the 17th July 1815, and following ways, for the purpose of there rendering their Claims, to mamtaih the same, and to hear, after the fourth Edietal Summon, the Court’s decision; as to the preterent and concurrent right of claimants on the proceeds of the Sale of said Estate, on pain of perpetual sdeuce to those who remain in default of rendering their claims. ThK Summons by Edict made known to the Public by beat'of drum from the Court House of this epfony, turd further dealt with according to custom. Berbice, the 9th Jpne, IBLS. L K. Fraxcken, First Marshal. BY virtue of an Appointment from the HohoraWe Court of Civil Justice, of tins colony, given upon a petition presented by Wm. Corl, and J. C. M Leod, in their capacities as Sequestrators for plan' * ? ft . ¦'• > ’ ..'jylrft tatioa Gerwin and half of Lot No m r I wW* l l l b y’ ri ® i3th Maj L S?y». K the imderfugned, at the request of a f ore , 2G Jl %X I #l tfotors, do hereby Summon by Edi ct . Aft fk ¦ on. the proceeds of plantation deanies of Lot No. 80, corentyn, -to of Civil Justice, of this cofouy, on MuYJ a , J«I Z , ISIS, and foltovsLog.d a^.; , their claims, to verify the same, and further m ¦ ceed according to law. . UnUcrto i Th is Sammon by Edict made known to the PnUO’ , by beat of drum limn the Court House of th is 2 !C I . and further dealt with according so custom vo W|p Berbice,‘2d Jhw, 1815. I.< ¦ " K. Fr an c ken, First MarsfolK ' —T *— ' WMW***-** ¦" ---H— ,fa. rf* 1 , ~ BY virtife of an Appointment W , norable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony I , upon a petition pwented by Jno. M’Cawmn and w I’* ‘ Corb tlwir cripacKies as Sequcstrafoia for (h e .’ K : divided half of WantaU)ul?eso a ,re, the late proJjf| ty of rredenck Cort, sac! apnointmeni bearioff the foth May, 1815. I thoumkrsigued, at Jhe U I 1 Sequestrators, do I by Edfot: AH Claimants on the proceeds of the divided half of plantation Resource To ann! before the Court ot Civil Justice, of this colony 5 their Session which will be held on Monday the im 1 July, 181’5, ami following days, there to render il then claims, to verify the same, and further tuiwZ' eced according to law. r This bummons by I’dfot m aJ c known to the Pabiu by beat ot drum fnfotfoe Court House of this colony and further dealt w ith According to custom. 1 Berbice, 2nd Jupp, 1815. A# •/ K« TRANIKEN, First Marshal. fr I A N OTIC E tv all m hoia it may concern—Tbs subscriber, as keeper of the Caoje Ferry, inkrnu those Gentlemen who may imagine tlnmfotvesd* contmuing by d yearly agreement (a., beforu with I Mr. L. C. Abbensels) wjtn him for said Ferry; I? is n a his iateuiiou, as will be seen in the advertifo I iiient ut Mr. L. (J. Abbensets, m December last. I N gvoes nut, provided with a proper ]iasi, froai their Mmtcrs, will be detained, and scut to the colsI uy stocks. I Those indebted tu Mr. L. C. Abbenscts, fqr feni. I age, or otherwise, are requested to make payment, I betufs tifo next prevent cuercicvc mcaI sures. y" | t’anjf FmrvJ7Jnne. W.C. HOUR AND. I PG Nlb and BOATB, > fifee, Phases o f the Moon. New Mnon, Gill L‘;»y, ai7h. 55rh. Evening. l-'»rat Quarter,JSU/ilay, ut iOt>. 20m. Morning. s ’.****’ 2ist Lay. ui jlh. 4 fin. Morning. a* 4 (^“2 ner ’ ?* th DI .V, 11 7n. I Uni. Morning. h nf • H. %~ m. w. • Holidays,Phenomena, Arc. n. m. — —— * ¦¦¦'-¦" r "•¦;*-i (* « Vt in 2 St! 6th Sunday after Trinity. Visit, of i 3 M Ct. Cum. Jukictf. [B.V'.M. © J 4 El atvMarfh. L , g * W 3 1L b Th 4 o 7 K SprfojTiJc. ? » 8. S 5 J 9 Sti 7th Sunday after Tdiiity. rt 10 M Court uiJUL. ? 1J H i T " ‘ 1 S o Its V.f a/: ¦ ¦ • 8 « rh ITOrtfe in. ’ 9 MI F Neap Tides. in r Q 15 S Swiun. II 16 So.: Sth Sunday after Trinity. xr* j 17 M Cotut of Civil Justicti 1 sft 18 Tu o e. 19 W « 20 Th Margaret. . . ? o 91 F / ’ 4' 4 ? 22 S Magclalen. Spring Tides. 5 2/5 23 Su 9th Sunday after Trinity. of t r ’ ’ C [tcrsLeo. 645 95 Tu St. James. 7 a. 96 W St. Ann. * L ~ 3 . Th "? S IS 28 F aS Oft Ci " vn c nt 10 28 "? m Neap Tides. il 38 JI I M , lAf 24 Published e®try Saturday at 4 o* clock p >? By W. SCHIHaZ 9c Co. PrnUtged Printer*