Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://original-ufdc.uflib.ufl.edu/AA00093219/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Berbice gazette
- Uniform Title:
- Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
- Place of Publication:
- New Amsterdam
- Publisher:
- W. Schulz
- Publication Date:
- June 17, 1815
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Berbice
New Amsterdam (guyana) guyana
- Genre:
- newspaper ( sobekcm )
- General Note:
- Semiweekly
- General Note:
- Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
- General Note:
- The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
- General Note:
- In English, with occasional text in Dutch
- Funding:
- Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
This Rights Statement should be used for Items for which the organization that intends to make the Item available has determined are free of copyright under the laws of the United States. This Rights Statement should not be used for Orphan Works (which are assumed to be in-copyright) or for Items where the organization that intends to make the Item available has not undertaken an effort to ascertain the copyright status of the underlying Work.
URI: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
- Resource Identifier:
- 1380865228 ( OCLC )
Aggregation Information
- DLOC1:
- Digital Library of the Caribbean
- Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
- IUF:
- University of Florida
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U) THE ___ < N °- s
' **- â– >. . 1 ’ â–
dollars p. annum.']
Notice —Thbsd>gentlemen who subscri subscrif
f subscrif IHi to Binning’s Rooms and have not paid their sub-
Srrfion. are hereby informed, that if payment is
figfreiwl lately made, the subscriber will be under
necessity of publishing their names
HSra* the medium of this Gazette.
| tfJune. J. BINNING.
offer fur Sale, the following articles
1* reasonable, for cash, viz.—
Jr- Dutch beer in casks, sausages in kegs, rolpens in
I Bto sourcrout in ditto, Dutch and English pickles,
prunes- tigs- currants- raizins- and al-
iniugs-. double cases of brandy & gin, Dutch
I tad Merit an flour, barley and split pease, soap and
de cologne, sallad oil, preserved fruits,
nxsk salt in tierces, tar, pitch, and turpentine in bar-
I salt fish in kegs and boxes, ling fish in boxes,
t in barrels, paint and lamp oil, white lead,
Fiola water, tripe, b
I >r and beer in barrels, a large assortment of earthen
I- we, duelling, and Horse pistolsand fowling pieces,
I bricks, lime and terrace, hams, English and Dutch
F&. and hampers potatoes, negro clothing, nails,
June. Jno. WULFF.
for 30,000 founds best quality
in lots of 10m. Ibs. or more, the produce of
IjjErfation Augsburg,, will be received at the house
Bjf J. G. F. Thicnsma, Esq. until Monday the Stith
at eleven o’clock, When they will be opened,
I’Mthe highest offer, if approved of, be accepted— acceptedilawment
ilawment acceptedilawment to ba made in colony money on delivery.
® 17 June. ' C. D. TOEL, Scribe.
I NOTICE —k Fleury, departed from this
eelonj, having left as his general Attoruies Messrs.
■J. D- Ducbe and «|. Guyot; who requests those per per’
’ per’ Km« which having felt Watches with Mr. Fleury,
for repairing, &c. before his departure, are request requested,
ed, requested, by proving thrir property, to call for the same,
jy making payment at the time, utterly to the SOtb
June, next, otherwise they will be sold at Public
Venduu to defray the ex pence of repairing.—And
thixe who are indebted to him by accounts, notes,
okligßlions, &c. are i quested to make payments,
before the Meetings of next Courts.
i A. D. OUCHE, qq.
17 June. J. GUYOT, qq.
DRIFTED from tbe Wii.kcFs boat build building
ing building shed, on the night of Wednesday the 7th .June,
a small Pont filled with Reeds for making baskets.
Information respecting the same, is requested to be
sent to Mr. Nicolay, Commissary of the Winkels,
New Amsterdam, who will pay a reward.—l7 June.
. ....—_ ;
THE Members of the Fellowship Lodge,
, Me requested to meet at the Lodge Room, on Tues Tuesday
day Tuesday next the 20th inst. at eleven o’clock in the fore forenoon,
noon, forenoon, on business of emergercy. ‘ June 17.
' I -.1i." â– â– ...
NOTICE'to all whom it may concern—The
subscriber, as keeper of the Canje Ferry, informs
those Gentlemen who may imagine themselves of
ftmtinuing by a yearly agreement (as before with
Mr. L. C. Abbensets) with him for said Ferry; such
» not his intention, as will be seen in the advertise-
Bient of Mr. L. C. Abbensets, in December last. -
| Negroes not provided with a proper pass, fr
S their Masters, will be detained, and sent to the colo colog»y
g»y colog»y stocks. •
| Those indebted to Mr. L. C. Abbensets, for ferri ferri|lge,
|lge, ferri|lge, qr otherwise, are requested to make payment,
Ibefore the next Courts, to prevent coercicve mca-
Qanjc Ferry, 17 June. W.C. MOURAND.
| ‘ .... < t,,-.- - —-—
s PUNTS and BOATS, &c.—The subscriber.
I undertakes making and repairing all kind of Pants,
&c.—has at present on sale two excellent
f Punts, a sqdffrc and a round one.
17 Jone. J. ZIMMERMAN.
— - \ . , k .-
is hereby given, that the Subscri-
Jfe* 6 will receive Tenders, for keeping in order and
Hiring, as the Law directs, the public road be befween
fween befween No. 4 and 6, and the bridge over the canal,
P(one year, from the Ist July ensuing, at which
gtriod the Tenders will be opened at the Secretary’s
Pmce, and the lowest,if approved of, accepted.
â– R H. KmdlLL& D. CARNEGIE,
i†Joly. < ■- * Commissaries.
NOTICE to Creditors—Eighteen bales of
good clean.cotton will be sold amongst (be creditors
ofJohnMccC. M’Donsld. and plantation Bloom Bloomfield,
field, Bloomfield, at the store of Messrs. (»<>r.n Douglas & Co.,
on Saturday the Ist of July, at 12 •’clock.
17June. % ' Colin douglas,
' . , ' Trustee.
' ""' ■«——i < â– â–
FOR LIV ERPOOL, the well known
* 2Ba * 6 Brig the fairy, John Sinclair, Master,
sails remarkably fast, well armed and manned, and
will positively take the bem fii of the July convoy,
has excellent accomodations for passengers,—for
freight or passage, apply to the Master on board.
New Am st. July 17.
NB. P«pf Sinclair begs leave to inform his Friends
and th* Planters in general, who intend shipping pro produce
duce produce on board his vessel, to use as Wtie delay as pos possible;
sible; possible; the time appointed for sailing being so short.
— * ' ' . ■„i, ■»! 1..
T EN D E RS for two bales of good clean cotton
and three of yellow cotton, from Plantation Palmyra
will be received at the house of Dr. Jeffery• in New
Amsterdam, until Saturday the Ist of July, when
they will be opened, and the highest offer, if ap approved
proved approved of, accepted.
* Seqrs. Pin. Palmyra.
. w •
NOTICE.——AII persons having claims
on the Estate of the late W idow H. J. Buse, are re required
quired required to render the same in to the Executors of that
Estate, without further delay.—‘—lo.lune
R ' C * DOWNER, Sec.
NOTICE.—AII persons holding claims on
the Estate of the late Robert Gordon, of Drakies,
North Britain, or on Plantation Burhim, East'sea
coast of this coioriy, are requested to render the same
for payment to D. C. Cameron, Esq. at the Vendue
Office.—-10 June.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
This is to inform the Public, that the following
Persons intend quitting this colony.
A. Gk Calmer in 6 weeks from May 20.
John Hislop, Family and two servants, in one month
from 27 May. .
Gilbert Gordon in 5 weeks from 3d June.
The Widow of W. B. Liot in do. from do.
R. C. DO WNER, Sec.
■r -w»i. isAm nynadlii
Notice is hereby given, that a month after date the
following Transports and Mortgages will be passed
June 10. Lewis Cameron, qq. will transport to De Deliterary
literary Deliterary 92 Negroes from Plantation Borlum, £.
sea coast of this colony.
Mary Dawes wiU to M. Nicholson 8‘
roads of land of lot No. 5, first empolder of this
town, situate between the middle road and the
. / back dam.
Mary Dawes will transport to Dido Rose 8
roods of land of lot No. 5, first empolder of this
town, situate between the middle road and the
back dam.' ' â–
July 17. W. Hbneryqq. Francis Stewart, will trans transport
port transport 10 roods of land and the buildings thereon,
situate on lot No. 18, north side, to W. Kalz.
—— W» Henery will transport to John M’Canton
15 roods of land arid the buildings thereon, on
lot'No.l7, middle robd, north quarter.
—— J. J. Hilkcn will transport to E. F. Hantze
222 j acres of land, of lot No. 12, Canje, adioin adioin•'
•' adioin•' inglotNo. 11. «i
, W. Ross/qq. Hugh Rose, will transport to Jas.
M’Donald, qq. Nathaniel Winter & Co. the
Plantation Tailogie, with all its cultivation and
buildings and two-huudred and eighty-twoNe-
Office^ 7 * 5 , w^Oße na(ue * are tu he seen at this
— James M’Donal, qq. Nathaniel Winter & Co.-
will remove from this colony to Demerary two two-11
-11 two-11 undred and eighty-two Neg roe slaves, names to
be seen at this Office. '
—Malcolm Nicholson will transport to Lewis Ca Cameron,
meron, Cameron, 8 roods of land of lot No. 5, first empol empolder
der empolder of the town, between the middle road and
back dam.
â– R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
* [_Patfalile in advance.
NOTIFICATION —Notice is hereby gi given,
ven, given, that the next ensuing Court of Rolla will be held
on Monday the 19th June, 1815. >
By command of the Court of Civil Justice,
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
Barbados, 95th May, 1815.
THE Contracts for supplying His Majesty’s
Troops in the Windward and Leeward Islands and
Colonies with Fresh Beef, terminating imtho- 174 h
day of August next, the Subscriber will receive Seal Sealed.
ed. Sealed. Tenders in Triplicate, (which must express the
price in Sterling Money in words at length) until the
10th July, at ten o’clock in the morning, from such
persops as may be willing to enter into Contracts sot
supplying the Troops stationed at—
Surinam, Grenada,
Berbice, St. Vincent,
Demerary, St. Ixicia,
Barbados, Dominica,
Trinidad, Antigua, and
£ ; Tobago, St. Christopher. -
Separately or jointly, with Fresh Beef, of the best
quality, to be approved of, if necessary, by Boards
of Survey.—The Contracts to commence in one
month froifi the date of the notification being receiv received
ed received of the Tender having been accepted, and to conti continue
nue continue for six months certain.—Two Securities will be
required, who must be named in the Tender, to be
bound in the sum of £250. Sterling each, for the
due fulfilment of the Contract at each Island.
Payment will be made on the 24th of each month
at the respective Stations, in Government Bills, at
4s. Bd. p. Dollar, for the.quantifies delivered in the
preceding period. JOSEPH BULLOCK,
. • f
Any information required may be had on applica application
tion application to'the Commissariat Officers at the Islandsand
Colonics. *
T’lE next Meeting of this Society will-bc held at
Plantation No. 11, on Wednesday the 21st instant.
10June. F. CORT, Sec. .
—: u,;
ALL those who have any demands against J.
van der Schroeff, Esq. are hereby requested to gRe
in their claims at the house of the first undersigped ;
and those indebted to him, to come forward with pay payment
ment payment to prevent disagreable measures.
H. qq. for self and
10 June. W. WELDER,
Who offer for sale some articles of household
nilure as a mahogany dining table for 18 persons, a
chamber organ, also a gig and harness, a large punt
of about 50 feet long, a tea set and urn, dfc. all in
good condition.
1 > — ..a.-., , .;. .... â–
ALLE de genen die iets te vorderen hebben
vah den hecr J. van der Schroeff, gelieven daarvan
bpgaven tedoenjen buize van den eersten onderge ondergeteekenden,
teekenden, ondergeteekenden, in Nieuw Amsterdam ; wordende die ge genen
nen genen welke aan gemelde heer iets verschuldigd zyn,
Verzogt betalinge te doen om onaangenaamheden <â–
voortekomen. H. LUTHERS, qq. mede voor
10 June W. WELDER, qq- ’
.-.Welken uit de hand te koop aanbiedtn, eenige wd
onderhouden meubelen, als mahonyhoute dine lafcl
voor 18 persoonen, een kamer orgel, als me de eets
duels en tuig in goede order, een groote pont cirka
50 voeten lang, een elegant thee sorties en vans,
—-n,,-.,.,;..,,.. — '
THE-Subscriber finding no attention paid to
his .former advertisement, requesting those indebted
to corrie forward with payment of their accounts- -
now gives notice, for the last time, that this is to au authorise
thorise authorise Mr. B. Lancaster to collect all open accounts* 1
goods, and notes of hand;—and Mr. K. Franckem
to receive all fees due for old official documents; full
power is also given to those gentlemen to sue for m y
unsettled account previous to the next Commissarv
Coiirt.-lOJnne. Ths. C. EMERY. .
FOR SALE on reasonable and easy terms,
the House and auarter Lot No. 16, at present occu occupied
pied occupied by the undersigned, with oqt-buildings, ’
and every filing belonging thereto, or half or part of
the land and buildings to suit purohaaers.
y ACT from theßegister of the Afinntes of
//... t^R^ r ’ 1 Jm > c °-
“AND it was resolved byway of amplification of
tbe Regulations* enacted by this Court for the ac accountants
countants accountants office, that the following rules (as the
OF THE sworn accountants) be adopted by the
said Accountants and others; and That the p'resenf
amplification be communicated to the Public in the
customary manner; • . <
,O ’ _ r f haf ,e Accountants shall furnish theSecre theSecre,
, theSecre, tary of the Court with a List of the Report they &
tend to make, fjve weeks previous to each Ordi Ordinary
nary Ordinary Session of the Court.
» Jf‘l?* t S :' crelar J» on receiving the same, shall
advertize such List, as being set down for hearing the
next Session, at least one month previous to
Â¥he session, in order that the Persons interested mav
appear at the Bar and contest the confirmation of the
Accountants Report, if they should deemed requisite.
. ? By Command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNER, Seq. -
HERB ICE. ~-i_
Os the Honorable the Court of Civil 'Jnstice.
Sequestrations of Plantation Goede Hoop,
Idem of Pl. rEsiieranrc* ,l
Idem of Pl. No, 40 & 4f*
Idem of Pl. Palmyra, from 10 Jan. to 24
. Sept. 1814.
Idem Pk Palmyra, from 24 Sept. 18U, to
- 20 Feb. 1815.
Idem PI. Gmubunderland cn Zorg’doeh
; met Vergenoegen,
Idem,of Pl. Hope, â– *
Idem ot 2-3ds>of No. 11 Corentyn coast/
Idem of Fl.'Profit, < ;
Adminisl ration oF Pi. Zuulwyk, 1
Idem of Pl. Bused m>t,
. Ide!p of Pi. Beutujd Estates,
Curatorship" of Pl. Planters Lust,
Idem oi the Estate oi C. Forking*-
Idem— -.R* Birry,-
, Idem— —rGwvn Joses,
idem , -L. Ziegler, .
Idem— *—___ Heywood jt Taylor,
Idem- S Henry Croft,
Idem— —-■J. H. C. Satzinger*
Idem-*— — —> —M. ,E ? F. Trcurtrief,
Whereas tjhc Ihte<»ra.|ile the Court of (Jivii.Ju«.
tice 4 by .Order, having referred tai us the Accounts
of lb-' persons hereafter .named, viz.
W. Lawson and J. C. Spangenbcrg, Scq. to PI vUa-'
• tat ion Hoop. '
J. H. L. Hau* nbrccher and B. J. Scl'wicrs, S. q. of
PI. I’EsperaX'c. . ■'
.tames Fraser and Itewis Cameron, Sep. No. 40 & 4 E
BM/effcry, from 10 Jan. to 24 Sept. 18’4, JBeq. Pi.
. IV Jeffery and F. Biiftlebank, from 24 Sept. 131 ,
till 20 Feb. 1815, Scq. Pl.-Palmyra.
J. C. Spangenberg and J. Downer, Scq. to PL Grau,-
bundgrland en Zorg doch met Vergcnoogen. 't
J. C. Spangenbcrg and P. Fairbain, Seq. Pi. Hope.
W. Katz and W. Lawson, Scq. 2-3ds. of No. 11,
Corentine coast. ' .
P. Quin and L. Cameron, Seq.Tk Profit.
W. Katz, Administrator of Plant. Zuidwyk.
L. van Ross am* AdmiaUtea torlteues-Li-4.
SW. Katz, Administrator of Benfiehl’a Estates.
J. Cr Spangenbcrg and P. Curators Plant’n.
planters, Lust.
JLSiaal & 11. Luthers, Cur. Estate C. Focking. .
'R. Taiit &W. Kewky, R Bairy.
AV. I Awsuo & Kewlcy,—i Gwvn Jones.
R. C. IL'wnrr, • -1.. Biegler,
, W. Fraser and Leach, , Heywobd
♦ E. TheobaSil Henry. Croft.
J. M. C. lit nss, ——-J. IL (',Satzinger.
E. Theobald, . . ——— iVi.E. F.Trcurniet.
G. Huriroand P.. Taitt, Deliberating Executors io
the Estate of- ft. Barry. •’< / f 7j
Noticji is hereby given to all persons interested
therein, t hat attendance will be given at the Aecoun Aecountante
tante Aecountante Office, held at the house of the second under undersigned,
signed, undersigned, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,
from noon until 3 o’clock in the afternoon, for the
term of one month from the date hereof, in order to
enable such person to inspect said Accounts, and
jifateHheir objections or observations in writing, at
the expiration of which time, the reqifired report
Will be made in (he nbovementioned matters* and of '
which (if required), the parties may obtain an office
copy, al their own expense/iff order shotikl they
deem it expedient, to attend the Hon’ble the Court
•f Civil Justice on t he day appointed for hearing said
report, and contest the confirmaiiotethereof.
Ikibice, 17« k June,-1815.
Public vendues.
j Thursday the 22d insf. will be sold at the Ven Vendue
due Vendue Office, by order of G. Hobus, Esq. qq. for ac account
count account of those Concerned, two packages of damaged
coffee.baggirtg, marked A. C. No. 2. 3. imported in
the brig Ben Jonson, from London.
By ordej of the Curators of F. L. Schmidt, the
whole of his Effects, amongst which are a variety of
natural curiosities. »
On the same day, Madeira wine in qasks and bot bottles,
tles, bottles, London porter, beer, Leaden-hail beef and pork
m half tierces and half barrels, Yorkshire and mut mutton
ton mutton hams, borings, barley iq jugs, soap and candles,.
white- brown- and yeMow- paint, lineseed and salad
on, loaf sugar, fine Hyson tea in canisters, cogniac
brandy and Hollands gin in jugs of 5 gallons each,
port and cherry wine, cherry and rapberry brandy,
chaiAppgne, vinegar, 4,6, 8,1&20, and 30dy nails,
matrasses with pillows and bolsters complete, coun counterpanes,
terpanes, counterpanes, Welch flannel, real Russia and imitation
sheeting, blue and white salempores* Totton and li linen
nen linen checks* platilhs, white and printed cambric,
Irjsh sheeting and linen, long lawns, white aud.yel aud.yellow
low aud.yellow nankeen, cotton shirting, jeans* Romal- Madias Madiasand
and Madiasand Bardanna-handkerchiefs.
Alsoa few cases ofMcdicines, a blue dinner service,
a few beaver and bamboo hats, &c.
D. C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master.
By virtue of Authority obtained from the Honor Honorable
able Honorable Cdtlft orCivll Justice, of this colony, granted
upon a jietition presented for that purpose by the
Curators of Plantation Nigg, bearing date the 12th
of Mar, 1815, will be sold on the spot, to the high highest
est highest hiddera* on Wednesday the 28th of June, nexf,
Plantation Nigg, situate on the WestCorehtyn coast
apd known on the general chart as lot No. 6, with
all its buildings and cultivation, together with 436
Slaves, (men, women and children, as also the cattle
belonging to the same,-—the land payable in six and
twelve months, and the Negroes in 3,6* & P months.
I he Negroes of ibis Estate uie a very prime gang,
'and well worthy lhe attention of.the Planters, having
about 40 crcols, and many young breeding women.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
On Wedjiesdfty the sth July ensuing, will be sold
at 6, 12, and J 8 months credit, Plantation
(No. 37.) East coast of this colony, consisting of 700
acres of land, prime braving cotton and 36
acres of plantains, with a capital logic of hurdwood
frame, and a baling press (Braithwßits), ibid other
convenient buildings, ami fixtures in (he best repair;
there is a canal 1(5 fret wide, t unning thro’ the miu miudl«
dl« miudl« oF this Estate, fromlhe sea to the East coast grand
canal. ■' • ‘
This property is too well known as one of the most
productive in the colony to require further descrip description,
tion, description, the cultivation may be reviewed at sny time,
to the day of sale, by application to the
at the same time a few head of cattle and
sheep. • /
D. C. CAMERON, Dep, Vendnc Master.
Impwlid bt/ the per the Ship James,
Demernry^.thefallowing Arti-
which thej/ Offer for Sale, at their Store, on
J.ot No. 4, New Amsterdam.
Beef and pork jn barrels and" half barrels, oats in
puncheons, beerand porter indo., old rum in do.,
negroe rum in do., salt in tierces and barrels, pease
arid barley in kegs, vinegar in jugs, refined sugar,
spermaceti candles, Colton and coffee bagging, Oznn Oznnfiurgsj
fiurgsj Oznnfiurgsj Russia sheeting, calicoes, Irish linen, hncn
checks, cotton Britannias, cotton shirting, ginghnms,
furniture chintz, Ilomntines silk umbrellas, threads
and tapes, super fin’scarlet cloth, do. black do.,
gentlemen’s super fine confs, waistcoating and vest
paterns, pullicat.hkfs., gentlemen's silk and beaver
hats, do. Leghorn and Japanned do., children’s
leather caps, bed side carpets, gcnllemen and ladies
gloves, do. do. stockings, ladies Marrocco- kid- and
Wellington slippers, boy’s and girl’s shoes assorted,
gentlemen’s net braces, do. Hessian and ,top boats,
do. dress and half dress shoes, planters strong shoes to
lace and to buckle, hoes, shovels, and cutlasses, steel steelyards,
yards, steelyards, large arid small pmoiog knives, fdßngaxes,
shutter bars, shell augers, claw and shingling ham-,
mers, chamber door- stock-’and patent- padlocks,
carpenters aad coopers compasses, HL, T, butt, and
hook and ejre hinges, table knives and Jerks* sailor’s
knives, pen knives assorted, packing and Oznaburg
needles, planes assorted, large and small vase lamps,
plated candlestick? with shades,. Japanned bedroom
candlesticks, India shades, cruet starid, pint and quart
'decanters, goblets and wine glasses, finger basons,
Dutch ovens, black- tin- and iron- tea-kettles, tea and
table spoons, brass cocks with keys, saddlery and
stationary, whip- pit- frame- + cut- hand- and ten tennant-saws,
nant-saws, tennant-saws, 1 inch to 6 inch curdage, white rope,
screw drivers, flyers, commodes, saw setts, casters,
rack pollutes, necklacdp, beads, fish-hooks, rules and
griagteg rods, hand vices, pincers, White- waih-
’ ! " ; ■' ' .' r W'
x. ■<;V’ r '-
..' s
â– ? B
sMUiag- cloth- and paint-brushes, K n ;
cassava tcasters, Madeira wine in bottl K
and a few cases hock and claret, l
hogany pembroke tables, rosewood caid rU 8 * !
brass mounted, Windsor chaite f 0, » I
10 June. COtlN bbUGLASfrr. I
understood that several designing arid unmi
persons, have been.in the habit of takin,!
name several Goods and Merchandize sent H
home to him, as also of tafhig Letters mo rWI
Post Office addressed to him, without their h
. any authority or order whatever to that enJ 11
therefore Cautions those whom it may
neither the transactions already done in htefa '
those that may, (subsequent to the date of tbT\’?l
done, will be ratified, but on the conti->- r IM
sidered n<>t only mil and void, but frandcleX I
the perpretrator of them as such will be
as the Law directs.
A liberal reward will be given to the peifcJffi
persons giving such information, which
the discovery of lhe Offenders, so as to delivcrmsll
into the hands of Justicc.—lff June.— R. FORK/
Saturday, Jwte 17, 1815. ' /fl!
This morning a signal was made for the .fiflclifl'
Yesterday {April fl), a Deputation of the LinH
of London waited on the Lord Mayor withxhel
lowing requisition:— w / t ' |
57/ Lord— We, the undersigned
quest your Lordship to convene a Corrimon Hall ®,
pon -i early day, to consider what measures
be Hfvssary to adopt in order to prevent the
ters of the Crown (torn again plunging thtsex£3
cd roiintry info a destructive and rumouy war najJ
it shall have been ctearly ascertained
tempt by lair and honorable Bogociatioas
dreadhd a calamity shall have proved
trad k» protest against the evident impolicy andnji
irijndict-of all attempts to dii tate to France onwj
other couatfy, as to the form of iss Govemmout*fflp'
persons whom ihry may invest wi(h the
thority, or in any manner to interfere with the kSv
sere with the internal concerns thereof.
And also, to express our abhorence of the attcra®
now made, nt detiauce and of public
ions, so universally manifested, again to im|x»e <3
on the people, that most unjust* gnUiug* anabml
inquisition, the 'L»x Upon income.
Abstract of the Report of the Commission of the pJp
sidents o f the Council of State. -
“The Declaration is couched in terms so tags®
that had not c<» triers .provided it to have been agree®
to and signed by the French Legal ton at Vienna®
might have been con-iderud as an attempt to misld®
the public opinion. •
“Under these first impressions, the. commisdJ
proceeded to examine the Declaration, which in (heß
anuais of dipktmuuv, hks no equal, and h whi»
Frenchmen, clothed in the tnrmt ir’enuctnhle pHhMW'
characters, commence, by rrernnmemfing thf w®
sination of the Enrperor Napoleon.
“ We call it the work of the French PlrainotM-l
tiaries, because those of Austria Russia, Prussia, anil
England, could never Rave signed an Act which the*;
Sovereigns mid People of those Nations will ndt ftillj
to disavow. * >
®‘By the Law of Nations, a Prince poMeseiugfik
ttrist inconsiderable territory or population, is ak®
tith'd to the same respect as the strongest—and Napoli
Icon, acknowledged ns Emperor and Sovereign Prints 1
by all the Powers, was no more than themselvesM
der the jurisdiction, of the Congress of Vienna.
“Forgetful of these p inciples, the French
ters, whose consciences must reproach theniWl 1
. .tieason on more occasionsthan one, have issued tHtl
nroduction with the hopes of arresting the
Napoleon, and to abuse the French people by prtflt
venting the true sentiments of foreign nalioM beM|
known to them. * W
“ The French nation revotls at opression; its ,as« |
fectionsare heightened when their object is threatea«i «
or attained by a great injustice; the amssinaM®
which is to aim of the first sentences of the Dedwa**
lion, will find no arm to accomplish if, neither amwl
the 25 million of Freftchmen, of whom the majoritfl
have followed, guarded, and protected NapoM®
From the Mediterranean to the capital,
18 millions of Italians, the six mnliuns of
or borderers of the Rhine, and the numberless pe
0 Germany, who have pronouaced his name not Wfl
; nor among the body of the English na-
F at the idea, and whose honourable
HLnte disavow the language which has been given
SL Alhed Sovereigns.
Mime people of Europe will judge ofthe rights of
kWfe*tfeon r oi the Allied Sovereigns, and of the Bour-
ET They know that the Treaty of Fontainebleau
a treaty amongst the Sovereigns: its infraction
Bonly lead to an ordinary war. Every hostile
£ every threat every attempt on the life of one
jfo/nnde.r such circumstances, is a war’’against
is a thirtg unheard of in the history of na natas
tas natas and in the Cabinets of Europe.
In the violence and the aim of the Declaration,
Hhs easy to recognise the sentiments of that Council
theJEHh March, put Napoleon out of the
Zjjg ofthe law, called also against him the poignards
jfowsssins, and promised rewards to those who would
j||i o ghis head—and yet what has Napoleon done ?
has shewn himself moderate and generous to
I Jose who had devote I him to death—to all his Ge-
Ifcjils he has given orders that all persons should be
will decide which has most respected
rights of people and sovereigns, the laws of war,
| sod the principles of civilization; They will decide
I between Napoleon and the House of Bourbon.
| “If, after having thus examined this pretended
I Peculation, it is discussed with respect to the Treaty
I«f Fontain< blcau of the 11th April, and ratified by the
! french Government* its violation will be laid to the
| ctefge of
f" «Tbat Treaty has been violated by the Allied So So"
" So" tereigns, and by the House of Bourbon, relative the
| j&pperos Napoleon and his family, as also the inte intefefeUs
fefeUs intefefeUs and rights of the French nation.
I, The Empress Maria-Louisa and her ton were,
PgStrary to the stipulation, prevented from joining
â– ft Emperor.
||y“ g. The safety of Napoleon, as well as of his fa-
were guaranteed, but bawds of assassins were
y organised in France, under the eyes and even orders
| ofthe Government, as will hereafter be proved by the
jh proceedings against M. Demostbreuil, to attack
> the Emperor, bis brothers, and their wives * in fail fail&e
&e fail&e of this, a riot was arranged to take place nt Orgon,
order to attempt the life of the Emperor as he pas pasâ– pihrotigh
â– pihrotigh pasâ– pihrotigh it * a pupil of Georges, M. Brqlart, was
pent ♦<» Corsica as Governor ; he is well known, for
tie blood that he has spUt, by the people of Brlttafly,
Anjou, Normandy, la Vendee, and throughout Eng England;
land; England; he was to prepare means, and to insure the
commission of the crime; ami in effect, many assas assaslins
lins assaslins were sent to the Isle of Elba. , :
“3. The Duchies of Parma and Placentia were to
be given to Maria Louisa, her son, and (heir descen-
A, dants; but by existing documents it will be secij that
E-’lt the instance, and by the in’rir.tjes of tire Prince of
fl Benevent, they bate been robbed ol them.
I “4. Eugene, the adoptedson nf Napoleon, wss to
■L have obtained a suitable establishment out of Frr/’cc,
I bat be has had nothing. ■„
fl •<* 5. The Emjx'ror hadstipnlatcd for the army tire
Ijy preservation of their rewards given them on Jfowte
fl Sapoleoae. fie had reserved to himself first to re-
â– compense his faithful followers. Evyry thing bits
febeen taken away, butVcserved by the Ministers of (be
fl Bourbons. M.'Bresson, an agent from the army,
fl Utas dispatched to Vienna to assert their claims, but
fl iavain.
fIJ “b. Tire preservation of the property, moveable
fl and immoveable, belonging to the Emperor’s
provided for, but nil was robbed in* France by
fl bommisioned brigands, iit Italy by the violence of the
military chiefs.
I Napoleon was to have received two millions,
| French Government has constantly refused to dis-
its engagements, and Napoleon wonld have
I Soon been obliged to disband bis faithful guards for
of the means of paying them, bad he not found
an honourable resource in the conduct of sqpie Ban Ban|s
|s Ban|s keto and merchants of Genoa and Italy,. who ad vanced
which they had offered to him.
In fine, it was not without a cause that it was
by every means to remove from Napoleon
companions of his glory, unshaken securities of
"lb safety and of his existence. The Island of Elba,
a signed to him in perpetuity, but the resolution
robbing him of it, was at the intigation of the Bour Bour|
| Bour| boos, fixed ujwn by the Congress. Had not Provi Provik
k Provik deuce prevented it, Europe would have seen an at-
E tempt marie on, the person and liberty of Napoleon,
* left hereafter at the mercy of his enemies, and trans*
| ported, far from his friends and followers, either to
® w. Lucie dr St. Helena, which had been pointed out
p a* his prison.â€
ELz The Council then advert to the cruel treatment of
[ all the Members of Bonaparte’s family, and end with
<; a forcible appeal to the passion of the soldiery, who,
they say, apere degraded isbtmded, and send unpro*
» tided tor into the"world, after acquiring so much glo glot
t glot ty. The concluding paragraph states, that France
wiil onco more, as in J 792, def end her righto, her in-
I dependence, And the Sovereign of her choicch
p .» â–
Napoleon, hy the grace of God and the Constitu Constitutions,
tions, Constitutions, Emperor of the French, la allpresent and
to come, greeting, ' *
Since we were called* fifteen years ago, to the go government
vernment government of the State by the wishes of 1 rance, we en endeavoured,
deavoured, endeavoured, at various times, to improve tlje copsti copstitntional
tntional copstitntional forms, according to the wants and desires of
the nationyand profiting by the lessons of experience.
The constitutions of the empire were thus formed of
a series of acts which were sanctioned by the accep acceptance
tance acceptance of the people. It was then our object to orga organizes
nizes organizes grand federative European system, which we
had adopted as conformable to the spirit of the age,
and favourable to the progrestof civilization. In or order
der order to attain its completion* and to give it all the ex extent
tent extent and Stabilty of wbichpt was susceptible, we post postponed
poned postponed the establishment of many internal institutions,
more particularly destined to protect the liberty of
the citizens, Henceforward our onljr object is to in increase
crease increase the prosperity of France, by the confirmation
of public liberty. Hence results the necessity of ira iraportant
portant iraportant modifications ofthe constitutions, the senatus senatusconsulta,
consulta, senatusconsulta, and other acts which govern this Empire.
For these causes, wishing, on the one hand to retain
of the passed what was good and salutary, and on the
other, to render constitutions of the empire in every
thing conformable to the national wishes and want, as
well as to the state of peace which we desire to main maintain
tain maintain with Europe, we have resolved, to propose to the
people a series of arrangements tending to modify and
improve its Constitutional Act's, to strenghten the
rights of citizens by every guarantee, to give the re representatives
presentatives representatives system its whole extension, to invest the
intermediate bodies jwith ti desirable respectability
and power*—in one work, i c. mbine the highest de degree
gree degree of political liberty and • Jividual security, wrth
the force and centralization accessary tor causing the
independence ofthe French people to be respected by
foreigners, and to the dignity of our crown. In con consequence,
sequence, consequence, the following articles* forming anactsuple anactsuplementary
mentary anactsuplementary to the constitutions of the empire, shah be
submitted to the free and solemn acceptance of all
citizens throughout the whole ext enrol Trance
Article 1. The constitutions of the empire, parti particularly
cularly particularly the constitutional act of the 21M Frimairc,'
year 8, the Sentttus Cousultn of the 14 and 16 Thcr Thcrmidor.
midor. Thcrmidor. year .10, and of the>2B Floreai, year 12, shall
lie modified by the arrangements which follow, alt
other arrangements-are confirmed and maintained.
2. The Legislative Power is exercised by the Em Emperor
peror Emperor and two Chambers; .
3. Tile first Chamber, called the Chamber of Peers
is heriditary.. ,
. 4. The Emperor appoints its Members, who are
irravocablc, they and Uieir male descendants, from
one eldest son to another, The Number of Pears is
unlimited. Adoption transmit to him who
is its object, the dignity oi the Peerage; Peers take
seat at twenty one year of age* but have no delibera deliberative
tive deliberative voice till twcilty five. ,
6. The A rch-Chanccllor oi the Empire is President
Ofthe Chamber of Peers, or in certain cases Member
ofthe Chamber specially designated by the Emperor.
6. The Members cl the Imperial j amily r in here*
ditary order, tire right. They take their
scab, at 18 year of age, but have no deliberative voice
tiH2l. .
7. The second Chamber, called that of Represen Representatives
tatives Representatives is elected by the people.
8. Ils Members are 6a9 in number. They must be
25 years old at least.
9. Their President is appointed by (he Chamber,
at.the opening of thp first, ion. He retains bis
function till the renewal of the Chamber. His nomi nomination
nation nomination is submitted to the approbation of the’Emperor.
10. This Chamber verities the powers of its Mem Members,
bers, Members, aud pipnounceS on the validity of contested
elections. â–
11. Its Members receive for travelling expenCes,
and during theSesskm, they pay decreed by the Con Constituent
stituent Constituent Assembly.
12. They arc indefinitely re-eligible.
13. The Chamber of Representatives is of right
wholly renewed every*five years.
14. No Member otdther Chamber can be arrested,
except irt Flagrante Delicto* nor prosecuted in any
dfiminal or correctional matter during a Session, but
iu virtue of a resolution of the Chamber of which he
lorms a part.
15. ’None can be arrested or detained for debt, from
the date of convocation, nor for forty days after the
session.' ■' , «
46. In criminal or correctional matters Peers are
judged by their Chamber, according to proscribed
forms. , ' / f.
17. The office of peer and representative is com compatible
patible compatible with all other public functions except those of
matters of account (comptables); prefects and sub subprefects
prefects subprefects are, however, ineligible.
18. The Emperor lends to the Chambers Ministers
. .. •• ’•a i
.. â– ..
and Couneeltors of state, who sit their and take
in the debates, but have no deliberative voice unlesi
they ate peersor elected by the people. - '
19. The Minivers, thus Membersof either Cham-
ber, or sitting their by mission from Government,
give to the Chambers such information as is deemed
necessary, when its publicity does riot comu/'.misO' t
the interests of the state. . *
20. The sittings of the two Chambers are public.
They may, however; go into secret committee, the
Peers on the demand often, and the Representatives
on the demand of twenty-five members. ’ Government
may also require secret committees when it has com communications
munications communications to make. In all cases deliberation and
vote cah only be in public sitting.
(To be continued in otir next.)
■' ■■’•* , ’vWET ’•
BY virtue of an Appointment from the Ho Honorable
norable Honorable Court of Civil .Justice, of this* colony, dated
the 13th of May, 1815, given upon a petition pre presented
sented presented by Lewis Cameron and Samuel Kendall, as
Sequestrators of Plantation Borlum, the property of
the late Robert Gordon. Notice is hereby given to
the Public, that the Execution and Sequestration
served upon Plantation Boflum, cum annexis, in fa favor
vor favor of William Fraser* Culbockic County of Inver Inverness
ness Inverness North Britain, is hereby released front said Exe Execution
cution Execution and Sequestration.—Berbice; 9 June, 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
By virtue of an Extract from the Minute; of
the Court of Rolls, dated the 10in April, 1815, given
in the cause entitled John Tapin and P. Fairbairn,
in capacity as Sequestrators tp, ria nt at ton Yeovil, tlto
lat© property of Dydley Wade, versus, all Claimants
on the proceeds of Plantation Yeovil, cum annexis,
sold at Execution Sale. I the undersigned, at the
requestof aforesaid SequcstratoVs, do hereby
mon by Edict: (for 4he fourth time ex super abun abuntlanfi)
tlanfi) abuntlanfi) all Claimants on the the proceeds of Planta Plantation
tion Plantation Yeovil, to appear before the Court of Civil-Jus Civil-Justice,
tice, Civil-Justice, of this colony, on Monday the IZtßJuly, 18fa,
\ there te render in their claims, to verify the same,
and further to hear the Court’s decision as to the ,
preferent and concurrent right of claimants on the •*
proceeds of said Estate.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu Public
blic Public by beat of drum from the Court House of thig
colony, and further dealt with according to custom/
Berbicc, June, 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
- —r* • —* — —————
B Y virtue of an Extract from the Minuted
of the Court of Rolls, dated 10 April, 1815, given in
the cause Entitled Thomas F. Lay field, one ofthe Exe Executors
cutors Executors to the Estate of the late Robert Wilson, and
Attorney of Thomas Bond, another of the Executor#
and bneofthe Hdirs ofthe said Robeit Wilson,.and
of H. Staal, appointed in the place of W. Dodgson,
during hisabsence from the colony, versus, all claim claimants
ants claimants on the proceeds of plantation Hermitage, cum .
annexis. -1 the Undersigned, at the request of afore aforesaid
said aforesaid Thomas F. Layfiekl, qq.—Do hereby Summon
by Edict: (for the fourth time, ex superabundant!)
All claimants on the proceeds of plantation Hermi Hermitage,
tage, Hermitage, cum annexis, to appear before the Court of Ci Civil
vil Civil Justice of this colony, on Monday 17 July, 1815,*
arid following days, there to render in their claims, to
verify the same, and further to hear the Court’s de decision
cision decision on the preferent or concurrent right of claim claimants
ants claimants On the proceeds of said Estate.
This Summons by Edict rfiade known to/the Pu Public
blic Public by beat of drum from the Court House of this
colony , and further dealt with according io custom.
Berbice, the 16th June, 1815.
K. FranCken, First Marshal.
-; i_\-. 'â–
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the Court of Rolls, dated the 10th April, 1815,
giVenin the cause entitled H. 1 Staal and 11. Luthers,
appointed Curators to the Insolvent Estate of Corne Cornells
lls Cornells Focking, dec. versus, all known and ifnknown
creditors against the Estate of C. Forking,' dec.—l
the undersigned, at.the request of tffor<‘said Curators
do hereby (for the fourth time et super abundanti)
Summon by Edict: AH known and unknown cre creditors
ditors creditors against the Estate of C. Focking, dec. T<»
appear before the Court rtf Civil Justice, of this co colony,
lony, colony, on Monday the 17th July, 1815, and following
days, there to render in their claims, to verify the
same, and further to hear the Court’s decision as to
the preferent aud concurrent right of claimants on the
proceeds of said Estate.
This Summon by Edict made known to the public
by* beat of drum from the Court of this colo colony,
ny, colony, and further dealt with according to custom.
Be r bice, 16 June, 1815. ’ -
f . K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
SY virtue t»f an Appointment from His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Efrjuire* Lieutenant*
Governor of the Colony Berbice and its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, &c. &. &c. dated the 9th June 1815, given
Upon a petition presented by Daniel Allt, Deputy
Receiver General and Receiver of the Church Fund.
J the undersigned at the request of aforesaid Receiver
Receiver of the Church Fund, Summon
by Edict: —Ail known and unknown creditors of plan plantation
tation plantation De Fbedster, cUm annexis, sold at Execution
Sale, to appear before the Honorable Court of Civil
Justice, of this colony, on Monday the 171 h July
1815, and foilowing days, for the purpose of there
rendering their claims, to mam.ain the same, and to
hear, after the fourth Edi< I S.v.mon, the Court’s
decision, as to the pretere.; and concurrent right of
claimants on the ptcceeds o< the Sale of said Ejiate,
on pain of perpetual silence to those v, ho remain in
default of rendering th ir claims.
This Summons by Edict made know i *o the Public
by beat of drum from the Court Uui*,r of th is colony,
and further dealt wit h arcording Io custom.
Bvrbice, the 9th 1815.
k. i:: x k; First Marshal.
BY virtue of . n r • r-’t from the Minuter
oft 1 e Court of Kolb, - i in the cave < »*• ’ C
James 1 r ’’ .“ i- n I ..r, in ; . ik st'u st'ur.
r. st'ur. t<"-s the F .r Luncan Fraser, dec’ , j
lifs, i? ;. • and fi. tiufr.. di . .
se dost • . . , D'mean ;.- r, u.-r. a-
ft dam? ; ... 1815. »l th- r. • .
'll? fC *»! Os u-. ■■t ; i C»»r. t ris, »•• ;t re-
by Sum >n > » ci. ■'b ;.l line : :.n.>wi
end U’knoâ€.i ‘ >si • c Asta'e o ; Evm !
Fm-.'-'n Fra:-er,‘dec.* p at b’fore the •..’otut :;j 1
-»ils. i k’
’ rule in ’ eir ■x-. > '<>/ .hesame, ami further
roc-, ed acco. ; t .. < •
\r. • S>.'.cas ; ’j r t n '»» ksoWn to the Pu-
H* â– oy beat 'A d?;:r> t. u <:ie Court House of this
coiony, and f. !her 4. 4 wilh according to custom.
BeroiC’ 1 , the 9-h June, 1815.
- K. Francken, First Msrsh; ’.
B virtue i,. i.ract '•■cm i*'c Minutes of
t'«c Court ol \ a'.Ji dec,
h 1 4b day of M-y <: 5. v< > c use entitled
?. F. jstu y •. L. ; , a» Curators to
t ■.Esta c •■. •' i. , iaintiff, versus,
; i i ors or ciaimants on the
j - ■• • c. I the undersigned,
' : nd Centers, (io hereby Sum-
n †y -< t • (»> ■he ncoud time ) all known and
' t ‘"’■>'•< >. r s or claimants on the Estate of 11.
VS ~ '..Hides, dec. toappearbt’fore the. Court of Rolls,
O't Monday the 19 June 1815. there te render in their
claims, to verify the same, and further to proceed
according to law.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu Public
blic Public by beat of drum from the Court House of this
colony, and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, the 2d .lune, 1815.
K FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
By virtue of in Extract from the Minutes of
the Court of Civil Jus'ire, of this Colony, dated the
27 May 1815, given in the cause entitled J. van den
Brock and Geo. PaueE, as the Attornies to thp Wi Widow
dow Widow Berlin, who is tue Executrix other I; ehmhmd
.EC. W. Berlin, Plaintiff, versus, all claimant on
the Estate of J. C. Berlin, dec. 1 the in; <-
signed, at the request of ato:<. ..aid Attornies, do ! re rebj
bj rebj burn! joii by Edict ; all claimants on the Estau of
dec. to appear b f< re the Court
Polls, on Monday the 19 o. June 1815, there to ren render
der render in their claims, to verify the same, and further to
proceed according to law.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Pn.
b< ic hy beat of drum from the Comi House of this
colony, and turf her dealt with according to Law.
Berbice, 23 June, 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the Proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of
this colony, dated the 17 May 1815; Given in the
cause entitled J. G. Cloot de Nieuwerkcrk, as qq.
both the Estates of the late M. A. van Imbyze van
Batenburg, as well as to that of the late S. J. B. van
Imbyze van Batenburg, Plaintiff, versus, all known
and unknown creditors or claimants on the Estates of
the late M. A. van Imbyze van Batenburg. I the
undersigned, at the request of said J. G. Cloot de
Nieuwerkcrk, qq. do hereby Summon by Edict: (for
the second time) all known and unknown creditors or
claimants on the Estates of the late M. A. van Imbyze
van Batenburg, and the late S. J. B, van Imbyze van
Batenburg, to appear before the Court of Rolls, on
Monday the 19 June 1815, there to render in their
claims, to verify (he same, and further to proceed ac according
cording according to law.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colo colony,
ny, colony, and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice 2d June 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated
the 27th May 1815, given in thecause entitled J.G.
Cloot de Nieuwerkcrk, qq. the Estate of the late A.
J. van Imbyze van Batenburg, deceased, Plaintiff by
Edict, versus, all known and unknown creditors or
claimants on the Estatcof A. J. van Imbyze van Ba Batenburg.
tenburg. Batenburg. I the undersigned, at the request of afore aforesaid
said aforesaid J. G. C. de Nieuwerkerk, qq. do hereby Sum Summon
mon Summon by Edict, (tor the second time): Ail known
and unknown creditors or clai mints on the Estate of
A. J- van Imbyze van
the Court of Rolls, on Vouday the 19th June, 1815,
there to render in their claims, to verify the same,
and further to propeed according to law.
1 his Summon by Edict made known to the public
by beaust■uf drum »’.•< ai the Court House of this colo colo!iy,
!iy, colo!iy, turn urtber •’—li with according to custom.
Eeruije, J.rie, 1815.
. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
E\ vi.i 'e< an Extract from the proceed*
• igs of the Court o; Civil .h utice, o; this colony, gi gi\
\ gi\ in Jhe cause entitled James Fraser for self and
Older Si qu' s nitors of p -mmtiou No. 40 and 41,
west coast of this enh iy, fsMnfff, versus al! knowu'
a.. ur> aov. n ciii.’lcis g (.a a.pitas ell in this
i c lony j»s i. the t. rn.’ o E sequebo and
, me ary, o i the proceed of the .Ml •of plantation
I No. 40 and 41, west co? t, ie Etc property of P.
‘ Small md W. Threlf 1. J the im" signed, First
! M eal ot the Courts >i’ ; n t « j s ;nt ] at t j lc
request o? imcsaid 8. q ?»’ .tors, d
pr bySumpr mby F (J »r He sec ,d time); a!! known
,an l e-r > n tr- l.t sor claimants, as well in this
; Co’ >ny vs in lh< united colonies of Essequebo and
!' . m o ry, on th proceeds of .the Sale of plantation
’ No. 4'5 and Al. west coast, the late property <»f P.
B,d ll erd AV. Threlfall, to appear bifore the. Court
of to. on Monday the J9th Jone, 1815, there to
.c.,c ’ m th,-, chinas, to verify the same, and further
to proceed according to law.
This Si m.lions by Edict made known to the public
by heat of drum from the Court H >use of this colo colony,
ny, colony, and -in ker dealt wi'h according to custom.'
Berbice, 2d June, 1815.
K Fr inckex. First Marsha 1.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Court of
Civil Justice, of this colony, dated 27(h M v, 1815.
given in the cause entitled R. C. Downed in* c rpacii
ty as Attorney of VV. King and P. Benjamin, Cura Curators
tors Curators to the Estate of F. Byuoe, dec. /iaintiifs, ver versus,
sus, versus, all known aad unknown claimants on the pro proceeds
ceeds proceeds of plantation Btnccr, cum atmexis. I the
undersigned, al (he request of aforesaid Attorney, do
hereby Summon by Edict, (forth.; s-cond time):
All known and unknown cl iimanL- o.i the proceeds
of plantation Best Bower, cum anuoxis, to appear
before the Court of Rolls, on Monday the 19th June
1815, there to.render in their claims, to verify the
same, and further to proceed according to law.
This Summons by Edict made known tothePu tothePublie
blie tothePublie by beat of drum from the Court House of this
colony, and further dealt with accordin'* to custom
Berbice, 2d June, 1815.
K. Fraxskex, First Mar.^bal."
BY virtue of an Appointment from the Ho Ho,
, Ho, horable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, given
upon a petition presented by AVm. Cort, and J. C.
M’ Lcm!, in their capacities as Sequestrators for plan plantati.Hi
tati.Hi plantati.Hi Geew/M and half of Lot No. 80, Corentyn,
said appointmun; bearing, date 13th May, 1815.*, I
the undersigned, at the request of aforesaid Scqurs Scqurstrato-s,
trato-s, Scqurstrato-s, do hereby Summon by Edict : All claimants
on the proceeds of plantation Geanies, and the halt
Lot No. SO, Con .ityn, to appear before the Court
ot Civil Justice, of this colony, on Monday .'he 17th
July, 1815, and following days, there to render in
their claims, to verify the same, and further to pro proceed
ceed proceed according to law.
This Summon by Edict to the Public
by beat of drum from the Court House of thiscolony
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 2d June, 1815.
, . K. Francken, Firit Marshal.
BY virtue of an Appointment from the Ho Honorable
norable Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, given
upon a petition presented by Jno. M’Catnonand W.
Cort, in their capacities as Sequestrators for the un undivided
divided undivided half of Plantation Resource, the late proper property
ty property or Frederick Cort, said appointment bearing date
the 13th May, 1815. I the undersigned, at the re request
quest request of aforesaid Sequestrators, do hereby Summon
f'uict:' AU Claimants on (lie proceeds of the un undivided
divided undivided half of plantation Resource--— To appear
before the Court of Civil Jutlice, of this colony, U
their Session which will be held on Monday
July, 1815, and following day.;, there to J
their claims, to verify the same, and further < 1 'I 1
ceed according to law. >
This Summons by Edict made known tof.h e pX|ffl
by beat of drum from the Cour* House of thi S£ J '’tl
and further dealt with according to custom. WM
Berbice, 2nd J line, 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, First Man
BY virtue of an Extract from the MinO«
of the Court of Civil Justice, of this cotonv 4,31
the 27th May, 1815, given in the cause entltWp? 1
ter Fairbairn, as appointed inferum Sequestrator* I â–
the Estate of James Fraser, dec. for self and in tkMEW
capacity for all other Representatives of tl;at
Plaintiff'by Edict, versus, ali known and
claimants against the Estate of the deceased JaJS! â–
Fraser. I the undersigned, at the request of aSBI
said P. Fairbairn, qq. Summon by Edict, (for tUW
fouith time ex super abundant!) : Ail known and
known claimants against the Es'» ‘e ot the
James Fraser, to appear at the Court of Rolls Oft ll
Monday the 19th ot June, 1815, there to reader hi t
their claims, to verify the same, and further to pro. i
ceed according Io law. v fl
This Summons by Edict made known to the Pj, 9
blic by beat of drum from the Court House of thi» â–
colony, and further dealt with according to Custom I
Berbice, 21 Jitne, 1815. »
K. i rancken, First Marshal.
_ / fl
BY virtue of an Appointment from His Ex- 1
celiency J. Mur it ay’, Brigadier-Genera! anil Act* 1
ing Governor of the Colony Berbice and its Depen..
dencies, &c. &c. &c. given upon a Petition, pru, I
sented for that purpose, by An hibald McQueen, rm. I
Colin Macron, under date of 16th January, 1813* I
versus, (he Proprietor or Proprietors, Represents*. 1
five or Representatives -f Plauta ion Palmvta, East I
coast. Notice is hereby given to the Public, at the
instance ot Evan Fraser, surviving partner of the
House of Evan and Angus Fraser, Merchants of this
colony, and which House of Commerce are now pou..,
sessing through deed of Assigment, the right and in interest
terest interest before possessed by Colin Macrae in the debt 1
for which Plantation Palmyra is now uader Execu Execution
tion Execution and Bequ
tend intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in the pre*
senceof two Councillors.Cou.mi’ i»ies and their Sc*
in the month ot December, 1815, the pre precise
cise precise day hereafter in be notified through the Gazette
of this colony :
7Ac Cotton Estate catted Palmyra, .situate on the
East (oast-of this Colon:;, with all its cultivation,
buitdinas, slaves, and further appurtciiam es thereto
belonging the properly of R. P. Rroo.n ; all con*
formable to a.i Inz
laying at the Marshal's Office for, the inspection of
ihtnse tchoni it may coni'crn.
\\ hoover should think to have anywright, action,
or interest, on the abovementioned Estate called BJ BJmyra,
myra, BJmyra, cum unmxis, and wishes to oppose the Sale
thereof, (ci such persons address themselves to the
Marshal’s Office, declaring their reason for so doing
in due time and form, as I hereby give notice, that I
will receive opposition from every intermediate per*
son, appoint them a day to have his or her claim*
heard bet-re the Court, and further act therein as th* â–
law directs.
This 4th Proclamation, made known to the Pa*
biic by beat of drum, from the Court House of this
Colony, and further dealth with according to custom.
Berbice, 11th Juno, 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, F/rst MarshaL
â€7 1 " . â– - - i
1 HI it I' Y bales of Cotton will be put up for
Sale amongst the Creditors of Joseph .M’JDonald, on
the I'2lll iiisf. in the forenoon, at (be bouse
ot Messrs. Colin Douglas
OT F. BRITTLEBANK for self and
3 June. COLIN DOUGLAS, Trustees.
FOR SALE by the undersigned., Prime
Irish mess beef and pork in wtyfe and half barrels,
super fine flour in barrels, ship’s bread per cwt.
3 Junc. GLX) RGE Bt)NE & Co.
1 I »**i' 1 1 ■*«» .■.»■*
JUS r arrived, and for Sale by the Subscri Subscriber,
ber, Subscriber, the following articles : Prime mess beef and
pork in half barrels, hams, pickled salmon in small
«<*gs, super fine flour, Gordon and Emwmtt’s walnuts
ketchup, do. quin sauce, do. camp sauce, do. essence
anchovies, cotton and coffee bagging, salemporis,
Usnaburgs, diaper, negro hats, &c.
Pub ished every Saturday at 4 o'clock j» M.
By W. SCHULZ * Co.
Privileged tuvermneni Printers
Full Text |
U) THE ___ < N °s BERBICE GAZETTE. ' **¦ >. . 1 ’ ¦ dollars p. annum.'] SATURDAY. JUNE 17. * [_Patfalile in advance. NOTICE to Creditors—Eighteen bales of good clean.cotton will be sold amongst (be creditors ofJohnMccC. M’Donsld. and plantation Bloomfield, at the store of Messrs. (»<>r.n Douglas & Co., on Saturday the Ist of July, at 12 •’clock. 17June. % ' Colin douglas, ' . , ' Trustee. ' ""' ¦«——i < ¦ ¦ FOR LIV ERPOOL, the well known * 2Ba * 6 Brig the fairy, John Sinclair, Master, sails remarkably fast, well armed and manned, and will positively take the bem fii of the July convoy, has excellent accomodations for passengers,—for freight or passage, apply to the Master on board. New Am st. July 17. NB. P«pf Sinclair begs leave to inform his Friends and th* Planters in general, who intend shipping produce on board his vessel, to use as Wtie delay as possible; the time appointed for sailing being so short. — * ' ' . ¦ „i, ¦»! 1.. T EN D E RS for two bales of good clean cotton and three of yellow cotton, from Plantation Palmyra will be received at the house of Dr. Jeffery• in New Amsterdam, until Saturday the Ist of July, when they will be opened, and the highest offer, if approved of, accepted. B. JEFFERY, . 17 June. F. BHITI LEBANK, * Seqrs. Pin. Palmyra. SECRETARY’S OFFICE. . w • NOTICE.——AII persons having claims on the Estate of the late W idow H. J. Buse, are required to render the same in to the Executors of that Estate, without further delay.—‘—lo.lune R ' C * DOWNER, Sec. NOTICE.—AII persons holding claims on the Estate of the late Robert Gordon, of Drakies, North Britain, or on Plantation Burhim, East'sea coast of this coioriy, are requested to render the same for payment to D. C. Cameron, Esq. at the Vendue Office.—-10 June. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this colony. A. Gk Calmer in 6 weeks from May 20. John Hislop, Family and two servants, in one month from 27 May. . Gilbert Gordon in 5 weeks from 3d June. The Widow of W. B. Liot in do. from do. R. C. DO WNER, Sec. ¦ r -w»i. isAm nynadlii Notice is hereby given, that a month after date the following Transports and Mortgages will be passed June 10. Lewis Cameron, qq. will transport to Deliterary 92 Negroes from Plantation Borlum, £. sea coast of this colony. Mary Dawes wiU to M. Nicholson 8‘ roads of land of lot No. 5, first empolder of this town, situate between the middle road and the . / back dam. Mary Dawes will transport to Dido Rose 8 roods of land of lot No. 5, first empolder of this town, situate between the middle road and the back dam.' ' ¦ July 17. W. Hbneryqq. Francis Stewart, will transport 10 roods of land and the buildings thereon, situate on lot No. 18, north side, to W. Kalz. —— W» Henery will transport to John M’Canton 15 roods of land arid the buildings thereon, on lot'No.l7, middle robd, north quarter. —— J. J. Hilkcn will transport to E. F. Hantze 222 j acres of land, of lot No. 12, Canje, adioin•' inglotNo. 11. «i , W. Ross/qq. Hugh Rose, will transport to Jas. M’Donald, qq. Nathaniel Winter & Co. the Plantation Tailogie, with all its cultivation and buildings and two-huudred and eighty-twoNeOffice^ 7 * 5 , w^Oße na(ue * are tu he seen at this — James M’Donal, qq. Nathaniel Winter & Co.will remove from this colony to Demerary two-11 undred and eighty-two Neg roe slaves, names to be seen at this Office. ' —Malcolm Nicholson will transport to Lewis Cameron, 8 roods of land of lot No. 5, first empolder of the town, between the middle road and back dam. ¦ R. C. DOWNER, Sec. Notice —Thbsd>gentlemen who subscrif IHi to Binning’s Rooms and have not paid their subSrrfion. are hereby informed, that if payment is figfreiwl lately made, the subscriber will be under necessity of publishing their names HSra* the medium of this Gazette. | tfJune. J. BINNING. offer fur Sale, the following articles 1* reasonable, for cash, viz.— JrDutch beer in casks, sausages in kegs, rolpens in I Bto sourcrout in ditto, Dutch and English pickles, prunestigscurrantsraizinsand aliniugs-. double cases of brandy & gin, Dutch I tad Merit an flour, barley and split pease, soap and de cologne, sallad oil, preserved fruits, nxsk salt in tierces, tar, pitch, and turpentine in barI salt fish in kegs and boxes, ling fish in boxes, t in barrels, paint and lamp oil, white lead, Fiola water, tripe, br and beer in barrels, a large assortment of earthen Iwe, duelling, and Horse pistolsand fowling pieces, I bricks, lime and terrace, hams, English and Dutch F&. and hampers potatoes, negro clothing, nails, June. Jno. WULFF. for 30,000 founds best quality in lots of 10m. Ibs. or more, the produce of IjjErfation Augsburg,, will be received at the house Bjf J. G. F. Thicnsma, Esq. until Monday the Stith at eleven o’clock, When they will be opened, I’Mthe highest offer, if approved of, be accepted—ilawment to ba made in colony money on delivery. ® 17 June. ' C. D. TOEL, Scribe. I NOTICE —k Fleury, departed from this eelonj, having left as his general Attoruies Messrs. ¦ J. DDucbe and «|. Guyot; who requests those per’ Km« which having felt Watches with Mr. Fleury, for repairing, &c. before his departure, are requested, by proving thrir property, to call for the same, jy making payment at the time, utterly to the SOtb June, next, otherwise they will be sold at Public Venduu to defray the ex pence of repairing.—And thixe who are indebted to him by accounts, notes, okligßlions, &c. are i quested to make payments, before the Meetings of next Courts. i A. D. OUCHE, qq. 17 June. J. GUYOT, qq. DRIFTED from tbe Wii.kcFs boat building shed, on the night of Wednesday the 7th .June, a small Pont filled with Reeds for making baskets. Information respecting the same, is requested to be sent to Mr. Nicolay, Commissary of the Winkels, New Amsterdam, who will pay a reward.—l7 June. . ....—_ ; THE Members of the Fellowship Lodge, , Me requested to meet at the Lodge Room, on Tuesday next the 20th inst. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon, on business of emergercy. ‘ June 17. ' I -.1i." ¦¦ ... NOTICE'to all whom it may concern—The subscriber, as keeper of the Canje Ferry, informs those Gentlemen who may imagine themselves of ftmtinuing by a yearly agreement (as before with Mr. L. C. Abbensets) with him for said Ferry; such » not his intention, as will be seen in the advertiseBient of Mr. L. C. Abbensets, in December last. | Negroes not provided with a proper pass, fr By command of the Court of Civil Justice, R. C. DOWNER, Sec. BARBADOS. COMMISSARY^ENERAL^OFFiqRt < Barbados, 95th May, 1815. THE Contracts for supplying His Majesty’s Troops in the Windward and Leeward Islands and Colonies with Fresh Beef, terminating imtho174 h day of August next, the Subscriber will receive Sealed. Tenders in Triplicate, (which must express the price in Sterling Money in words at length) until the 10th July, at ten o’clock in the morning, from such persops as may be willing to enter into Contracts sot supplying the Troops stationed at— Surinam, Grenada, Berbice, St. Vincent, Demerary, St. Ixicia, Barbados, Dominica, Trinidad, Antigua, and £ ; Tobago, St. Christopher. Separately or jointly, with Fresh Beef, of the best quality, to be approved of, if necessary, by Boards of Survey.—The Contracts to commence in one month froifi the date of the notification being received of the Tender having been accepted, and to continue for six months certain.—Two Securities will be required, who must be named in the Tender, to be bound in the sum of £250. Sterling each, for the due fulfilment of the Contract at each Island. Payment will be made on the 24th of each month at the respective Stations, in Government Bills, at 4s. Bd. p. Dollar, for the.quantifies delivered in the preceding period. JOSEPH BULLOCK, . • f Any information required may be had on application to'the Commissariat Officers at the Islandsand Colonics. * BEKBiCa AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. T’lE next Meeting of this Society will-bc held at Plantation No. 11, on Wednesday the 21st instant. 10June. F. CORT, Sec. . —: u,; ALL those who have any demands against J. van der Schroeff, Esq. are hereby requested to gRe in their claims at the house of the first undersigped ; and those indebted to him, to come forward with payment to prevent disagreable measures. H. qq. for self and 10 June. W. WELDER, Who offer for sale some articles of household nilure as a mahogany dining table for 18 persons, a chamber organ, also a gig and harness, a large punt of about 50 feet long, a tea set and urn, dfc. all in good condition. 1 > — ..a.-., , .;. .... ¦ ALLE de genen die iets te vorderen hebben vah den hecr J. van der Schroeff, gelieven daarvan bpgaven tedoenjen buize van den eersten ondergeteekenden, in Nieuw Amsterdam ; wordende die genen welke aan gemelde heer iets verschuldigd zyn, Verzogt betalinge te doen om onaangenaamheden <¦ voortekomen. H. LUTHERS, qq. mede voor 10 June W. WELDER, qq’ .-.Welken uit de hand te koop aanbiedtn, eenige wd onderhouden meubelen, als mahonyhoute dine lafcl voor 18 persoonen, een kamer orgel, als me de eets duels en tuig in goede order, een groote pont cirka 50 voeten lang, een elegant thee sorties en vans,
y ACT from theßegister of the Afinntes of //... t^R^ r ’ 1 Jm > c °f “SECRETARY, 2t M AJ UU. “AND it was resolved byway of amplification of tbe Regulations* enacted by this Court for the accountants office, that the following rules (as the MOOfiFOR HEARING AND CON Fl RM ING THE REPORT OF THE sworn accountants) be adopted by the said Accountants and others; and That the p'resenf amplification be communicated to the Public in the customary manner; • . < ,O ’ _ r f haf ,e Accountants shall furnish theSecre, tary of the Court with a List of the Report they & tend to make, fjve weeks previous to each Ordinary Session of the Court. » Jf‘l?* t S :' crelar J» on receiving the same, shall advertize such List, as being set down for hearing the next Session, at least one month previous to •he session, in order that the Persons interested mav appear at the Bar and contest the confirmation of the Accountants Report, if they should deemed requisite. . ? By Command of the Court. R. C. DOWNER, Seq. HERB ICE. ~-i_ ACCOUNTANT’S OFFICE Os the Honorable the Court of Civil 'Jnstice. Sequestrations of Plantation Goede Hoop, Idem of Pl. rEsiieranrc* ,l Idem of Pl. No, 40 & 4f* Idem of Pl. Palmyra, from 10 Jan. to 24 . Sept. 1814. Idem Pk Palmyra, from 24 Sept. 18U, to 20 Feb. 1815. Idem PI. Gmubunderland cn Zorg’doeh ; met Vergenoegen, Idem,of Pl. Hope, ¦* Idem ot 2-3ds>of No. 11 Corentyn coast/ Idem of Fl.'Profit, < ; Adminisl ration oF Pi. Zuulwyk, 1 Idem of Pl. Bused m>t, . Ide!p of Pi. Beutujd Estates, Curatorship" of Pl. Planters Lust, Idem oi the Estate oi C. Forking*Idem— -.R* Birry,, Idem— —rGwvn Joses, idem , -L. Ziegler, . Idem— *—___ Heywood jt Taylor, IdemS Henry Croft, Idem— —-¦ J. H. C. Satzinger* Idem-*— — —> —M. ,E ? F. Trcurtrief, • Whereas tjhc Ihte<»ra.|ile the Court of (Jivii.Ju«. tice 4 by .Order, having referred tai us the Accounts of lb-' persons hereafter .named, viz. W. Lawson and J. C. Spangenbcrg, Scq. to PI vUa-' • tat ion Hoop. ' J. H. L. Hau* nbrccher and B. J. Scl'wicrs, S. q. of PI. I’EsperaX'c. . ¦ ' .tames Fraser and Itewis Cameron, Sep. No. 40 & 4 E BM/effcry, from 10 Jan. to 24 Sept. 18’4, JBeq. Pi. Palmyra. . IV Jeffery and F. Biiftlebank, from 24 Sept. 131 , till 20 Feb. 1815, Scq. Pl.-Palmyra. J. C. Spangenberg and J. Downer, Scq. to PL Grau,bundgrland en Zorg doch met Vergcnoogen. 't J. C. Spangenbcrg and P. Fairbain, Seq. Pi. Hope. W. Katz and W. Lawson, Scq. 2-3ds. of No. 11, Corentine coast. ' . P. Quin and L. Cameron, Seq.Tk Profit. W. Katz, Administrator of Plant. Zuidwyk. L. van Ross am* AdmiaUtea torlteues-Li-4. SW. Katz, Administrator of Benfiehl’a Estates. J. Cr Spangenbcrg and P. Curators Plant’n. planters, Lust. JLSiaal & 11. Luthers, Cur. Estate C. Focking. . 'R. Taiit &W. Kewky, R Bairy. AV. I Awsuo & Kewlcy,—i Gwvn Jones. R. C. IL'wnrr, • -1.. Biegler, , W. Fraser and Leach, , Heywobd r IM sidered n<>t only mil and void, but frandcleX I the perpretrator of them as such will be as the Law directs. A liberal reward will be given to the peifcJffi persons giving such information, which the discovery of lhe Offenders, so as to delivcrmsll into the hands of Justicc.—lff June.— R. FORK/ NEW AMSTERDAM. Saturday, Jwte 17, 1815. ' /fl! This morning a signal was made for the .fiflclifl' * DEPUTATION o P r/zx LIVER\\ I Yesterday {April fl), a Deputation of the LinH of London waited on the Lord Mayor withxhel lowing requisition:— w / t ' | TO THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD 57/ Lord— We, the undersigned quest your Lordship to convene a Corrimon Hall ®, pon -i early day, to consider what measures be Hfvssary to adopt in order to prevent the ters of the Crown (torn again plunging thtsex£3 cd roiintry info a destructive and rumouy war najJ it shall have been ctearly ascertained tempt by lair and honorable Bogociatioas dreadhd a calamity shall have proved trad k» protest against the evident impolicy andnji irijndict-of all attempts to dii tate to France onwj other couatfy, as to the form of iss Govemmout*fflp' persons whom ihry may invest wi(h the thority, or in any manner to interfere with the kSv sere with the internal concerns thereof. And also, to express our abhorence of the attcra® now made, nt detiauce and of public ions, so universally manifested, again to im|x»e <3 on the people, that most unjust* gnUiug* anabml inquisition, the 'L»x Upon income. FRENCH PAPERS.Abstract of the Report of the Commission of the pJp sidents o f the Council of State. “The Declaration is couched in terms so tags® that had not c<» triers .provided it to have been agree® to and signed by the French Legal ton at Vienna® might have been con-iderud as an attempt to misld® the public opinion. • “Under these first impressions, the. commisdJ proceeded to examine the Declaration, which in (heß anuais of dipktmuuv, hks no equal, and h whi» Frenchmen, clothed in the tnrmt ir’enuctnhle pHhMW' characters, commence, by rrernnmemfing thf w® sination of the Enrperor Napoleon. “ We call it the work of the French PlrainotM-l tiaries, because those of Austria Russia, Prussia, anil England, could never Rave signed an Act which the*; Sovereigns mid People of those Nations will ndt ftillj to disavow. * > ®‘By the Law of Nations, a Prince poMeseiugfik ttrist inconsiderable territory or population, is ak® tith'd to the same respect as the strongest—and Napoli Icon, acknowledged ns Emperor and Sovereign Prints 1 by all the Powers, was no more than themselvesM der the jurisdiction, of the Congress of Vienna. “Forgetful of these p inciples, the French ters, whose consciences must reproach theniWl 1 . .tieason on more occasionsthan one, have issued tHtl nroduction with the hopes of arresting the Napoleon, and to abuse the French people by prtflt venting the true sentiments of foreign nalioM beM| known to them. * W “ The French nation revotls at opression; its ,as« | fectionsare heightened when their object is threatea«i « or attained by a great injustice; the amssinaM® which is to aim of the first sentences of the Dedwa** lion, will find no arm to accomplish if, neither amwl the 25 million of Freftchmen, of whom the majoritfl have followed, guarded, and protected NapoM® From the Mediterranean to the capital, 18 millions of Italians, the six mnliuns of or borderers of the Rhine, and the numberless pe
; nor among the body of the English naF at the idea, and whose honourable HLnte disavow the language which has been given SL Alhed Sovereigns. Mime people of Europe will judge ofthe rights of kWfe*tfeon r oi the Allied Sovereigns, and of the BourET They know that the Treaty of Fontainebleau a treaty amongst the Sovereigns: its infraction Bonly lead to an ordinary war. Every hostile £ every threat every attempt on the life of one jfo/nnde.r such circumstances, is a war’’against is a thirtg unheard of in the history of natas and in the Cabinets of Europe. In the violence and the aim of the Declaration, Hhs easy to recognise the sentiments of that Council theJEHh March, put Napoleon out of the Zjjg ofthe law, called also against him the poignards jfowsssins, and promised rewards to those who would j||i o ghis head—and yet what has Napoleon done ? has shewn himself moderate and generous to I Jose who had devote I him to death—to all his GeIfcjils he has given orders that all persons should be will decide which has most respected rights of people and sovereigns, the laws of war, | sod the principles of civilization; They will decide I between Napoleon and the House of Bourbon. | “If, after having thus examined this pretended I Peculation, it is discussed with respect to the Treaty I«f Fontain< blcau of the 11th April, and ratified by the ! french Government* its violation will be laid to the | ctefge of the Emperor, bis brothers, and their wives * in fail&e of this, a riot was arranged to take place nt Orgon, order to attempt the life of the Emperor as he pas¦pihrotigh it * a pupil of Georges, M. Brqlart, was pent ?<» Corsica as Governor ; he is well known, for tie blood that he has spUt, by the people of Brlttafly, Anjou, Normandy, la Vendee, and throughout England; he was to prepare means, and to insure the commission of the crime; ami in effect, many assaslins were sent to the Isle of Elba. , : “3. The Duchies of Parma and Placentia were to be given to Maria Louisa, her son, and (heir descenA, dants; but by existing documents it will be secij that E-’lt the instance, and by the in’rir.tjes of tire Prince of fl Benevent, they bate been robbed ol them. I “4. Eugene, the adoptedson nf Napoleon, wss to ¦L have obtained a suitable establishment out of Frr/’cc, I bat be has had nothing. ¦„ fl •<* 5. The Emjx'ror hadstipnlatcd for the army tire Ijy preservation of their rewards given them on Jfowte fl Sapoleoae. fie had reserved to himself first to re¦ compense his faithful followers. Evyry thing bits febeen taken away, butVcserved by the Ministers of (be fl Bourbons. M.'Bresson, an agent from the army, fl Utas dispatched to Vienna to assert their claims, but fl iavain. fIJ “b. Tire preservation of the property, moveable fl and immoveable, belonging to the Emperor’s provided for, but nil was robbed in* France by fl bommisioned brigands, iit Italy by the violence of the military chiefs. I Napoleon was to have received two millions, ¦ 2B Floreai, year 12, shall lie modified by the arrangements which follow, alt other arrangements-are confirmed and maintained. 2. The Legislative Power is exercised by the Emperor and two Chambers; . 3. Tile first Chamber, called the Chamber of Peers is heriditary.. , . 4. The Emperor appoints its Members, who are irravocablc, they and Uieir male descendants, from one eldest son to another, The Number of Pears is unlimited. Adoption transmit to him who is its object, the dignity oi the Peerage; Peers take seat at twenty one year of age* but have no deliberative voice till twcilty five. , 6. The A rch-Chanccllor oi the Empire is President Ofthe Chamber of Peers, or in certain cases Member ofthe Chamber specially designated by the Emperor. 6. The Members cl the Imperial j amily r in here* ditary order, tire right. They take their scab, at 18 year of age, but have no deliberative voice tiH2l. . 7. The second Chamber, called that of Representatives is elected by the people. 8. Ils Members are 6a9 in number. They must be 25 years old at least. 9. Their President is appointed by (he Chamber, at.the opening of thp first, ion. He retains bis function till the renewal of the Chamber. His nomination is submitted to the approbation of the’Emperor. 10. This Chamber verities the powers of its Members, aud pipnounceS on the validity of contested elections. ¦ 11. Its Members receive for travelling expenCes, and during theSesskm, they pay decreed by the Constituent Assembly. 12. They arc indefinitely re-eligible. 13. The Chamber of Representatives is of right wholly renewed every*five years. 14. No Member otdther Chamber can be arrested, except irt Flagrante Delicto* nor prosecuted in any dfiminal or correctional matter during a Session, but iu virtue of a resolution of the Chamber of which he lorms a part. 15. ’None can be arrested or detained for debt, from the date of convocation, nor for forty days after the session.' ¦' , « 46. In criminal or correctional matters Peers are judged by their Chamber, according to proscribed forms. , ' / f. 17. The office of peer and representative is compatible with all other public functions except those of matters of account (comptables); prefects and subprefects are, however, ineligible. 18. The Emperor lends to the Chambers Ministers . .. •• ’•a i .. ¦ .. and Couneeltors of state, who sit their and take in the debates, but have no deliberative voice unlesi they ate peersor elected by the people. ' 19. The Minivers, thus Membersof either Chamber, or sitting their by mission from Government, give to the Chambers such information as is deemed necessary, when its publicity does riot comu/'.misO' t the interests of the state. . * 20. The sittings of the two Chambers are public. They may, however; go into secret committee, the Peers on the demand often, and the Representatives on the demand of twenty-five members. ’ Government may also require secret committees when it has communications to make. In all cases deliberation and vote cah only be in public sitting. (To be continued in otir next.) MARSHAL'S OFFICES ¦' ¦¦ ’•* , ’vWET ’• BY virtue of an Appointment from the Honorable Court of Civil .Justice, of this* colony, dated the 13th of May, 1815, given upon a petition presented by Lewis Cameron and Samuel Kendall, as Sequestrators of Plantation Borlum, the property of the late Robert Gordon. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that the Execution and Sequestration served upon Plantation Boflum, cum annexis, in favor of William Fraser* Culbockic County of Inverness North Britain, is hereby released front said Execution and Sequestration.—Berbice; 9 June, 1815. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. SUMMONSES by EDICT. By virtue of an Extract from the Minute; of the Court of Rolls, dated the 10in April, 1815, given in the cause entitled John Tapin and P. Fairbairn, in capacity as Sequestrators tp, ria nt at ton Yeovil, tlto lat© property of Dydley Wade, versus, all Claimants on the proceeds of Plantation Yeovil, cum annexis, sold at Execution Sale. I the undersigned, at the requestof aforesaid SequcstratoVs, do hereby mon by Edict: (for 4he fourth time ex super abuntlanfi) all Claimants on the the proceeds of Plantation Yeovil, to appear before the Court of Civil-Justice, of this colony, on Monday the IZtßJuly, 18fa, \ there te render in their claims, to verify the same, and further to hear the Court’s decision as to the , preferent and concurrent right of claimants on the •* proceeds of said Estate. This Summons by Edict made known to the Public by beat of drum from the Court House of thig colony, and further dealt with according to custom/ Berbicc, June, 1815. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. —r* • —* — ————— B Y virtue of an Extract from the Minuted of the Court of Rolls, dated 10 April, 1815, given in the cause Entitled Thomas F. Lay field, one ofthe Executors to the Estate of the late Robert Wilson, and Attorney of Thomas Bond, another of the Executor# and bneofthe Hdirs ofthe said Robeit Wilson,.and of H. Staal, appointed in the place of W. Dodgson, during hisabsence from the colony, versus, all claimants on the proceeds of plantation Hermitage, cum . annexis. -1 the Undersigned, at the request of aforesaid Thomas F. Layfiekl, qq.—Do hereby Summon by Edict: (for the fourth time, ex superabundant!) All claimants on the proceeds of plantation Hermitage, cum annexis, to appear before the Court of Civil Justice of this colony, on Monday 17 July, 1815,* arid following days, there to render in their claims, to verify the same, and further to hear the Court’s decision on the preferent or concurrent right of claimants On the proceeds of said Estate. This Summons by Edict rfiade known to/the Public by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony , and further dealt with according io custom. Berbice, the 16th June, 1815. K. FranCken, First Marshal. -; i_\-. '¦ BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes of the Court of Rolls, dated the 10th April, 1815, giVenin the cause entitled H. 1 Staal and 11. Luthers, appointed Curators to the Insolvent Estate of Cornells Focking, dec. versus, all known and ifnknown creditors against the Estate of C. Forking,' dec.—l the undersigned, at.the request of tffor<‘said Curators do hereby (for the fourth time et super abundanti) Summon by Edict: AH known and unknown creditors against the Estate of C. Focking, dec. T<» appear before the Court rtf Civil Justice, of this colony, on Monday the 17th July, 1815, and following days, there to render in their claims, to verify the same, and further to hear the Court’s decision as to the preferent aud concurrent right of claimants on the proceeds of said Estate. This Summon by Edict made known to the public by* beat of drum from the Court of this colony, and further dealt with according to custom. Be r bice, 16 June, 1815. ’ f . K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
SY virtue t»f an Appointment from His Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Efrjuire* Lieutenant* Governor of the Colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c. &. &c. dated the 9th June 1815, given Upon a petition presented by Daniel Allt, Deputy Receiver General and Receiver of the Church Fund. J the undersigned at the request of aforesaid Receiver Receiver of the Church Fund, Summon by Edict: —Ail known and unknown creditors of plantation De Fbedster, cUm annexis, sold at Execution Sale, to appear before the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, on Monday the 171 h July 1815, and foilowing days, for the purpose of there rendering their claims, to mam.ain the same, and to hear, after the fourth Edi< I S.v.mon, the Court’s decision, as to the pretere.; and concurrent right of claimants on the ptcceeds o< the Sale of said Ejiate, on pain of perpetual silence to those v, ho remain in default of rendering th ir claims. This Summons by Edict made know i *o the Public by beat of drum from the Court Uui*,r of th is colony, and further dealt wit h arcording Io custom. Bvrbice, the 9th 1815. k. i:: x k; First Marshal. BY virtue of . n r • r-’t from the Minuter oft 1 e Court of Kolb, i in the cave < »*• ’ C James 1 r ’’ .“ in I ..r, in ; . ik st'ur. t<"-s the F .r Luncan Fraser, dec’ , j lifs, i? ;. • and fi. tiufr.. di . . se dost • . . , D'mean ;.r, u.-r. aft dam? ; ... 1815. »l thr. • . 'll? fC *»! Os u-. ¦¦ t ; i C»»r. t ris, »•• ;t reby Sum >n > » ci. ¦'b ;.l line : :.n.>wi end U’kno”.i ‘ >si • c Asta'e o ; Evm ! Fm-.'-'n Fra:-er,‘dec.* p at b’fore the •..’otut :;j 1 -»ils. i k’ '<>/ .hesame, ami further roc-, ed acco. ; t .. < • \r. • S>.'.cas ; ’j r t n '»» ksoWn to the PuH* ¦oy beat 'A d?;:r> t. u <:ie Court House of this coiony, and f. !her 4. 4 wilh according to custom. BeroiC’ 1 , the 9-h June, 1815. K. Francken, First Msrsh; ’. B virtue i,. i.ract '•¦cm i*'c Minutes of t'«c Court ol \ a'.Ji dec, c use entitled ?. F. jstu y •. L. ; , a» Curators to t ¦ .Esta c •¦ . •' i. , iaintiff, versus, ; i i ors or ciaimants on the j ¦ • • c. I the undersigned, ' : nd Centers, (io hereby Sumn ” y -< t • (»> ¦he ncoud time ) all known and ' t ‘"’¦ >'•< >. r s or claimants on the Estate of 11. VS ~ '..Hides, dec. toappearbt’fore the. Court of Rolls, O't Monday the 19 June 1815. there te render in their claims, to verify the same, and further to proceed according to law. This Summons by Edict made known to the Public by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony, and further dealt with according to custom. Berbice, the 2d .lune, 1815. K FRANCKEN, First Marshal. By virtue of in Extract from the Minutes of the Court of Civil Jus'ire, of this Colony, dated the 27 May 1815, given in the cause entitled J. van den Brock and Geo. PaueE, as the Attornies to thp Widow Berlin, who is tue Executrix other I; ehmhmd .EC. W. Berlin, Plaintiff, versus, all claimant on the Estate of J. C. Berlin, dec. 1 the in; aov. n ciii.’lcis g (.a a.pitas ell in this i c lony j»s i. the t. rn.’ o E sequebo and , me ary, o i the proceed of the .Ml •of plantation I No. 40 and 41, west co? t, ie Etc property of P. ‘ Small md W. Threlf 1. J the im" signed, First ! M eal ot the Courts >i’ ; n t « j s ;nt ] at t j lc request o? imcsaid 8. q ?»’ .tors, d n trl.t sor claimants, as well in this ; Co’ >ny vs in lh< united colonies of Essequebo and !' . m o ry, on th proceeds of .the Sale of plantation ’ No. 4'5 and Al. west coast, the late property <»f P. B,d ll erd AV. Threlfall, to appear bifore the. Court of to. on Monday the J9th Jone, 1815, there to .c.,c ’ m th,-, chinas, to verify the same, and further to proceed according to law. This Si m.lions by Edict made known to the public by heat of drum from the Court H >use of this colony, and -in ker dealt wi'h according to custom.' Berbice, 2d June, 1815. K Fr inckex. First Marsha 1. BY virtue of an Extract from the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated 27(h M v, 1815. given in the cause entitled R. C. Downed in* c rpacii ty as Attorney of VV. King and P. Benjamin, Curators to the Estate of F. Byuoe, dec. /iaintiifs, versus, all known aad unknown claimants on the proceeds of plantation Btnccr, cum atmexis. I the undersigned, al (he request of aforesaid Attorney, do hereby Summon by Edict, (forth.; s-cond time): All known and unknown cl iimanLo.i the proceeds of plantation Best Bower, cum anuoxis, to appear before the Court of Rolls, on Monday the 19th June 1815, there to.render in their claims, to verify the same, and further to proceed according to law. This Summons by Edict made known tothePublie by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony, and further dealt with accordin'* to custom Berbice, 2d June, 1815. K. Fraxskex, First Mar.^bal." BY virtue of an Appointment from the Ho, horable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, given upon a petition presented by AVm. Cort, and J. C. M’ Lcm!, in their capacities as Sequestrators for plantati.Hi Geew/M and half of Lot No. 80, Corentyn, said appointmun; bearing, date 13th May, 1815.*, I the undersigned, at the request of aforesaid Scqurstrato-s, do hereby Summon by Edict : All claimants on the proceeds of plantation Geanies, and the halt Lot No. SO, Con .ityn, to appear before the Court ot Civil Justice, of this colony, on Monday .'he 17th July, 1815, and following days, there to render in their claims, to verify the same, and further to proceed according to law. This Summon by Edict to the Public by beat of drum from the Court House of thiscolony and further dealt with according to custom. Berbice, 2d June, 1815. , . K. Francken, Firit Marshal. BY virtue of an Appointment from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, given upon a petition presented by Jno. M’Catnonand W. Cort, in their capacities as Sequestrators for the undivided half of Plantation Resource, the late property or Frederick Cort, said appointment bearing date the 13th May, 1815. I the undersigned, at the request of aforesaid Sequestrators, do hereby Summon f'uict:' AU Claimants on (lie proceeds of the undivided half of plantation Resource--— To appear before the Court of Civil Jutlice, of this colony, U their Session which will be held on Monday July, 1815, and following day.;, there to J their claims, to verify the same, and further < 1 'I 1 ceed according to law. > This Summons by Edict made known tof.h e pX|ffl by beat of drum from the Cour* House of thi S£ J '’tl and further dealt with according to custom. WM Berbice, 2nd J line, 1815. K. FRANCKEN, First Man BY virtue of an Extract from the MinO« of the Court of Civil Justice, of this cotonv 4,31 the 27th May, 1815, given in the cause entltWp? 1 ter Fairbairn, as appointed inferum Sequestrator* I ¦ the Estate of James Fraser, dec. for self and in tkMEW capacity for all other Representatives of tl;at Plaintiff'by Edict, versus, ali known and claimants against the Estate of the deceased JaJS! ¦ Fraser. I the undersigned, at the request of aSBI said P. Fairbairn, qq. Summon by Edict, (for tUW fouith time ex super abundant!) : Ail known and known claimants against the Es'» ‘e ot the James Fraser, to appear at the Court of Rolls Oft ll Monday the 19th ot June, 1815, there to reader hi t their claims, to verify the same, and further to pro. i ceed according Io law. v fl This Summons by Edict made known to the Pj, 9 blic by beat of drum from the Court House of thi» ¦ colony, and further dealt with according to Custom I Berbice, 21 Jitne, 1815. » K. i rancken, First Marshal. SALES by EXECUTION. 1 _ / fl FOURTH PROCLAMATION. BY virtue of an Appointment from His Ex1 celiency J. Mur it ay’, Brigadier-Genera! anil Act* 1 ing Governor of the Colony Berbice and its Depen.. dencies, &c. &c. &c. given upon a Petition, pru, I sented for that purpose, by An hibald McQueen, rm. I Colin Macron, under date of 16th January, 1813* I versus, (he Proprietor or Proprietors, Represents*. 1 five or Representatives -f Plauta ion Palmvta, East I coast. Notice is hereby given to the Public, at the instance ot Evan Fraser, surviving partner of the House of Evan and Angus Fraser, Merchants of this colony, and which House of Commerce are now pou.., sessing through deed of Assigment, the right and interest before possessed by Colin Macrae in the debt 1 for which Plantation Palmyra is now uader Execution and Bequ