Berbice gazette

Material Information

Berbice gazette
Uniform Title:
Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
Place of Publication:
New Amsterdam
W. Schulz
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
New Amsterdam (guyana)
newspaper ( sobekcm )


General Note:
General Note:
Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
General Note:
The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
General Note:
In English, with occasional text in Dutch
Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Digital Library of the Caribbean
Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
University of Florida


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'-â– - - * X '

p. annum,]
V' â– â– â–  - - -

â–  King's House, June 6/A, 1815.
f THsprtr? 1 of which Ihe following is a copy,
' WU ikis day been received by the Lieutenant Go-
L sl r. Ills ExcelL net/ has directed the same to be
for general information.
By Command,
F. WHITE, Gov. Sec.
a ci,ei ‘ a^e > Barbados, 22d May, 1815
: ‘A ref «Ihave to inform your Excellency, that
juAgvays will offer from the Southern Colonies for
Jls ' WK»pe, ob the 10th day of June and July.
j r '7’'l‘ < Rendezvous, Virgin Gordn, from tvheace they
' Mwsiil as soon after as possible.
“I have the honor to be, Sir,
“w «Your Excellency’s most obdt. ohdt. servant.
“ C. P. DURHAM, Rear Admiral,
“ Commander in Chief.”
>tt rr ‘' 7^7< V
yWiOTtsr Bentinc!:,
“ Berbice”
' Barbados, 25th May, 1815.
;>'pL|THE Contracts for supplying llis Majesty’s
in the Windward and Leeward Islands and
Bh®onics with Fresh Beef, terminating on the 17th
Srqafcjof August next, the Subscriber will receive seal sealliwJitepdm
liwJitepdm sealliwJitepdm in Triplicate (which must express thc ]
h Jvice in Sterling Money in words at length) until the
• cJwh July, at ten o’clock- in the morning, From such
ie jMksasmay be wilting to enter into Contracts for,
iderfcplying the Troops stationed at— , ,
u prlF Surinam, Grenada, »
I B'ubice, St. Vincent,
’■iblm ‘ Deinerarf, St. Lucia,
Was ; Barbados, Dominion,
I Iruiiuad, Antigua, and
Tobago, St. Christopher.
HLpiratt-Iy or jointly, with Fresh Beef,of the best
U o fedity, to be approved of, if necessary, by Boards
.‘I p Survey,——The Contracts to commence in one
booth from the date of the notification being receiv.
fijfeof the Tender having been accepted, and toconti tocontifor
for tocontifor six months certain.—Two Securities wilt be
Tfwpdred, who must be named in the Tender, to be
a^*” ,nf ‘ ,n the sum of jg2so. Sterling each, for the
, ) J BP fulfilment of the Contract at each lUand.
Jl Payment will be made on the 24th of each month
the respective Stations, in Government Bills, at
Jis- Bd. p. Dollar, for the quant if it s delivered in tin
Commissary •General.
rolAny information required may be had on applira-
Inn to the Commissariat Ohiccis at the Islands and
IA LL those who have any demands against J.
pan dcr Schroeff, Esq. are hereby requested to give*
’ in their claims at the house of the first undersigned ;
fj|nd those indebted to him, town.?forward with pay-
A,«!ent to prevent disngreubh' measures.
.J . H. LUTHERS, qq. for self and
JOJune. W. H ELDER, qq.
atl W’Ao offer fnr sale some articles of householdfdt householdfdtfailure
failure householdfdtfailure as a mahogany dining table for 18 persens, a t
uwhennber organ, also a gig and harness, a large, punt
about 50 fed long, a tea set and urn, fyc. all in â– 
Wood condition.
Mtery l 1 . " ■■■ — . 111 '< i " ' ~* - ' ■
t| MLLE de genen die iets te vorderen hebben
Idea heer J. van der Schroeff, gclievcn daarvarr
iven tedoen ten huize van den eersten onuerge-,
enden, in Nieuw Amsterdam; wordende die ge gewclke
wclke gewclke aan gemeldc hcer icts vcrscbnldigd zyn?;
oat betalinge te doen om onaangenaamheden
iSomen. ~ IL LUTHERS, qq. mede voor
Mune W. HELDER r q tetten uit de handle koop aanbieden, eenige ted
fyhouden meubelen, a!s mahonyhoute dine tajcl i
118 persoonen, een kamer orgel, alsmedc een t
"t en tuig in goede order, een groote pont ctrka
oeten lang, ten elegant thee seroics cn vaas, efe.


THE next Meeting of this Society will be held at
Plantation No. 11, on Wednesday the 21st instant.
10 Jun**. F. CORT, Sec.
—.■ , .^ | T ..., . . . _
THE Subscriber finding no attention paid to
his former advertisement, requesting those indebted
to come forward with payment of their accounts— accounts»«w
»«w accounts»«w gives notice, for the last time, that this is to au au•
• au• horise Mr. B. Lancaster to collect all open accounts,
goods, and notes of hand ; and Mr. K. Francken
to receive all fees due for old official documents; full
power is also given to those gentlemen to sue for any
unsettled account previous to the next Commissary
Court,—lo June. Ths. C. EMERY.
FOR SALE on reasonable and easy terms,
the House and quarter Lot No. 16, at present occu occupied
pied occupied by the undersigned, with out-buildings, stores,
and every thing belonging t hereto, or half or part ol
the land and buildings to suit purchasers.
— ■
JUST arrived, and for Sale by the Subscri Subscriber,
ber, Subscriber, the following articles: Prime mess beef and
pork in half barrels, hams, pickled salmon in small
kegs, super fine flour, Gordon and Emmott’s walnuts
ketchup, do. quin sauce, do. camp sauce, do. essence
nciiovies, cotton and coffee bagging,
Osnaburgs, diaper, negro hats, &c.
3 June; J. G. F. THIENSMA.
— , , —*—— — , -
THE undersigned request all persons, who
may hive under I heir care, arty property belonging to
F. L. Schmidt, to givenbfice thereof, at the house of
[Mr. H. Luthers, in New Amslertlam, stating the ar articles
ticles articles thus hidd by them, the undersigned bei *g wish wishful
ful wishful of exposing flu* whole al public sal.*, intftebegin intftebeginin?
in? intftebeginin? of next month, in purs nance of an order of his
Excellency the Governor.
J. vav nfin SCHROEFF,
NOTICE is hereby given to those indebted
to the undersigned, either by open Accounts for Fen Fenriage,
riage, Fenriage, Notes ol hand, or otherwise, that it is impos impossible
sible impossible for him to give any longer indulgence, but have
recourse to disagreable measures unless settled im immediately;
mediately; immediately; and being determined to keep no more
accounts, he hopes no person will cross the Ferry,
or send their messengers unprovided with payment.
He ofl'eh for Sale, for cash only, crabwood lum lumber
ber lumber at’ the rate of f 175. per thousand feet, also red
eerier, sim uuln boards and plank, slabs, &c. at va various
rious various prices, which he engages Io deliver at any of
die landing places in the Town of -New Amsterdam.
Berbice-Fcrry, 27 May. G. C. R. REUSS.
THIRT Y bales of Cotton will be put up for
Sale amongst the Credifors of Joseph M’Donald, on
Monday the 12th i.’ist, in the forenoon, at the house
of Meiisrs. Colin Douglas & Co.'
F. BRITTLEBANK for self and
3 June. - COLIN DOUGLAS, Trustees.
FOR SALE by the undersigned, -Prime
Irish mess beef and pork in whole and half barrels,
super fine flour in barrels, ship’s bread per cwt.
3 June. GEORGE BONE & Co.
FOR LO NDON, the fine Brig Ante Ante{.ope,
{.ope, Ante{.ope, IVililam Ellis, Master, for freight or 1
passage, apply to the Master onboard, or to
27 May. y GEO. BONE & Co.
- ■ . ~~s -I-.—-. H-H-. .1 ,rn ■ i M'jiiil. " -Tl'T-V-".. ■ "'fr.' 1 .- ."?!■ Uta- 1 , i ij.h.i, ■ <
. FOR the new coppered;
Ui. Ship Grantham, A. L John Brand, Mas- (
ter, will sail as soon as possible, has good accommo- ’
dations.for passengers, three fourths of her cargo is*
possitiveiy engaged, and may reasonably be expect-'
fed to sail in*all Jane. Please apply at the Store es *
\V. Henery, Esq. or on board the vessel. IS May. â– 
'""" l " I
NOTIFICATION —Notice is hereby gi-t
ven, that the next ensuing Court of Rolls will be held
on Monday the 19th June, 1815. hk
By command of the Court of Civil JusticK
R. C. DOWNER, Sec. I

Berbice,2>dlh May, 1815.
THE undersigned, earnestly requests, the at attention
tention attention ot those, indebted to this Office, for Taxes,
to come forward with payment, to prevent him, hav having
ing having recourse to the unpleasing mo le-of enforcing the
same by Law. DANIEL ALLY, Dep. R6c. G»u.
BY virtue of a Mandament granted by the Hon.
Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for the Uniteci
Colonies of Demerary and Es;sequcbo, bcarrngdate
29(h April, 1815, on the petition of F. C. Oitn, an
inhabitant of these Colonies, 1 the undersigned De Deputy
puty Deputy First Marshal, in the name and behalf of the
said F. C. Qtto do hereby Cite RisHonor Thedphe Thedphelus
lus Thedphelus Williams, First Fiscal of these Colonies (R.O.J
tnd ail and every other person or persons who may
,Conceive themselves entitled to become party against
the said F. C. Otto, to appear before the Honorable
Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for these Colo Colonies,
nies, Colonies, at their Session to he held in Georg-••'l.’own on
the Ninetieth day ol June, 1815, and following days,
: for thepurpose of seeing the said F. C Oito surren surrender
der surrender his person, and present himself to be purged
from what His Honor the First Fiscal (R. 0. and
every other person may wish to alledge against him,'
respecting the dreadful Crime of murder, stated in a
Proclamation of His Excellency Licutennnt-GoveU
nor John Murray, bearing date 19th March 1814,
> First Fiscal to have, been committed by the said F.C.
i Otto on the body of one of his own slaves and Io sea
him declared clenr, pure and innocent of the same,-
. likewise to see and hear : the Court’s order on the
subject of the releasement of his person as well as of
the reparation of injury if any be demanded and be
found due, to give their reasons for opposition if
they maintain to have any, and further to proceed
according to law.
Rio Demerary, A. ME ERTE NS,
sth May, 1815; Dep. First Marshal.
—■»»' Hl IIIIWI MW——Al .
IMPORTED per Grantham, and for Sale
at the Store of (he Subscriber: Six of the most pro prominent
minent prominent Battles in Spain, framed and glazed ; Six
portraits—His Majesty King Geo. tire. I IL, the Em Emperor
peror Emperor of Russia, the King of Prussia, the Duke of
: Wellington, the Marshals Blucher and Phtoff, and
, a few engravings of Bonaparte, by an eminent Artist;
. the above are framed in the most superb French stile
■ and gilt wilh the best oil gold.—
A Iso ladies aird gentlemens shoes and boots, white
• and black silk stockings, do. cotton, straw bon bonnets,
nets, bonnets, ribbons, childrens cotton hose, ready made li T
non and cotton shirts, fine cambric, table and break breakfast
fast breakfast cloths, counterpanes, thread, tape, ready made
linen and cotton shirts, calicoes, Planters beaver and
silk hats, childrch hats, negrodo., stationary, tin and
icrockcfy ware, excellent claret in hbds,, Madeira in
bottles, raspberry and cherry brandy, tea, loaf sugar,
black pepper and spices.
A strongand healthy Negro woman, being a good
cook, washer and ironer, willing to labour and very
A House, situated on the north side, half lot No. 10,
close to the middle dam, CO feet long and 30 broad,
floored above ano below with crab wood, boarded in,
and 240 feet land, or thereabout, the.same will bu
sold reasonable for cash, or a short credit.
27 May. M. LINDNER,
/'v 'Public
Dy virtue of authority obtained from the Honor Honorable
able Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, granted
'upon a petition presented for that purpose by the
Curators of Plantation Nigg, be rl; g date the 12Hi
of May, 1815, will be sold on the spot, to the high highest.
est. highest. bidders, on AVednesday the 28ih of June, next,
Plantation Nigg, situate on the West Corrntyn coast
and. known all its buildings and cultivation, together with 136
Slaves, (men, women and-chilJfcn, as also the cabin
belonging h> isle seme,—the iartii payable in t-ix and
twelve months, and tire Negroes in 6, & 9 months.-
The Negroes of th is Estate are a vi-ry prio-.e gan.:,
imi well worthy the utter,lion of 'he Piatuvrs, h iving
-iboul 40 creols, and many youag breeding women.
D. C. CA3IERO?i. ! , Dtp.

\_Payable in advance.

(No. 560.

NOTICE. All persons having claim;-'
on the Estate of the late Widow H. J. Base, are re required
quired required Jo render the same in to the Executors of that;
Estate, without further delay. 10 June.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
NOTICE.—AII persons holding claims on
the Estate of the late Robert Gordon, of Drakies,
North Britain, or on Plantation Borlum, East sen 1
coast of this colony, are requested to render theaanw
for payment to I). C. Cameron, Esq. at the Vcndut
Office.——lo June.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec. ’
— , , _ * _ i
CONER linving ceased to hol-.J any phare in the
Concerns of Douglas Reid & Company, of this colo colony
ny colony and of Demerary. The Firm will in future b<
conducted under the name of Colin Dougins & Com Company
pany Company ; To whom all those indebted to the late Firm,
are requested to make pav-ment.
COLIN DOUGL AS for self and
as the Attorney of
ARCH. DOUGLAS, of Glasgow
Berbice, St May. R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
This is to in form the Public, that the following
Persons intend quilting this colony.
Walter Scott, in 6 weeks from May 6.
A. A. de la Court in do. from do.
A. G. r n’mer in 6 weeks from May 20.
John Hislou, Family aud two servants, in one month
from 27 May.
Gilbert Gnrdun in 5 weeks from 3d June.
The Widow of W. B. Liol in do. from do.
Nott' e is hereby given, that a month after dale the
following Transparrs and Mortgages will be passed
June 10. 1/ewis Cameron, qq. will transport to De Dein-.-rary
in-.-rary Dein-.-rary 9? Negroes from Plantation Borlum, E.
sea coast of this colony.
—— Mary Dawes will, transport to M. Nicholson fc
ro ids ot land of lot No. 5, first em polder of (hi
town, situate between tire middle road and tin
back dam.
Mary Dawes will transport to Dido Rose?
roods of land of lot No. 5, first empolder of this
town, situate between the middle road and tin
back dam.
R. 0. DOWNER, S c.
_ .. ... 7
CAUTION.—The undersigned has lately
understood that several designing and unprincipled
persons, have be-n in the habit of taking’ up in his
name several Goods and Merchandize, sent out from
Lome to him, as also of faking Letters out of the
Post Ofliee addressed to him, without their having
any authority or order whatever to that end. He
therefore Cautions those whom it may concern, that
neither the transactions already done in his name, or
tho elhat may, (subsequent to the date of this) be
done, wifi be ratified, but on the contrary be con considered
sidered considered n»t only mil and void, but fraud'-lent; and
the perpretrator of them as such will be prosecuted
as the Lawdbecls.
A liberal reward will be given to the person or
persons giving such information, which may lead to
the discovery of the Offenders., so as to deliver over
into the bauds of Justice.—lo June.—? R. FORK.
Imported by the Subscribers, per the Shtp James,
from Glasgow, via Demerary, the following Jrti Jrtides,
des, Jrtides, which they Offer for Sale, at their Store, on
Jjat No. 4, New Amsterdam.
Beef and pork in barrels and half barrels, oats ir
puncheons, beer and porter indo., old rum in do.,
negroe rum in do., salt in tierces and barrels, peas<
and barley in kegs, vinegar in jogs, refined sugar,
spermaceti candles, cotton and coffee bagging, Ozna Oznahurgs,
hurgs, Oznahurgs, Russia sheeting, calicoes, Irish linen, linen
. uh cks, cotfon Britannias, cotton shirting, ginghams,
.‘tirnituro chintz, Florentine# silk umbrellas, threads
and tapes, super fine scarlet cloth, do. black do.,
gentlemen’s super fine coats, waistcoating and vesf
patents, pullicat hkfs., gentlemen’s sdk and beave*
hats, do. Leghorn and Japanned do., children’?
leather caps, bed side carpets, gentlemen and ladie ladiegioves,
gioves, ladiegioves, do. do. stockings, ladies Marrocco- kid- and
Wellington slippers, boy’s and girl’s shoes assorted,
gentlemen’s net do. Hessian and top boats,:
do. dressaud half dress shoes, planters strong shoes to
lac” and to buckle, boos, shovels, and cutlasses, steel steelyards,
yards, steelyards, large and small pruning knives, felling axes,
shutter bars, shell augers, claw and shingling ham hammers,
mers, hammers, chamber door- stock- and patent-

carpenters and coopers cort passes,’ TtL, T, butt, anil
i«ok and eye hinges, table Knives and forks, sailorh
knives, pen knives assorted, packing and Oznabure
needles, planes assorted, large and small vase lamps,
plated candlesticks with shades, Japanned bedroom
candlesticks, India shades, cruet stand, pint and quart
Iccanters, goblets and wine glasses, finger basons.
Dutch ovens, black- tin-and iron- tea-kettles, tea and
able spoons, brass cocks with keys, saddlery and
stationary, whip- pit- frame- + cut- hand- and ten tennanf-saws,
nanf-saws, tennanf-saws, 1 inch to 6 inch cordage, while rope,
screw drivers, plyers, coinmodes, saw setts, casters,
rack pulluies, necklaces, beads, fish-hooks, rules and
guaging rods, hand vices, pincers, white- wash washscrubbing
scrubbing- washscrubbing cloth- and paint-brushes, paints and oil,
cassava teasters, Madeira wine in Imttles and cask,
and a few casks hock and claret, earthen ware, ma mahogany
hogany mahogany pembroke tables, rosewood card do., sopiia.l sopiia.l-
- sopiia.l- mounkd, Windsor chairs.
The Subscriber has import*d in the Bng Bex
Johnson, Capt. M qtson, from London, the follow*
ing articles, selected with particular care, which he
offers for Sale on reasonable terms for prompt pay payment,
ment, payment, or al his usual credit oj six months to constant
customers .———•
BEST Yorkshire hams, (ripe, pine cheese, gun gunpowder
powder gunpowder and hyson tea, double resin d sugar, casesui
pickles, sauces, white wine vinegar, mustard and
ulack pepper; old Port wine, French braudy, old
Grenada rum, bottled porter ; wax-spermaceti- and
uiilow candles, soap in boxes ot 28 lbs. each ; Irish
linen, Fiench cambric, Irish and Russia sheeting,
long lawn, cambric muslin, India white and blue sa salemporcs,
lemporcs, salemporcs, white- yellow- and stuped nankeens, pie pieces
ces pieces check of Myards, bine- blacx- and green super
fine broad cloth, shirting flannel, cotton shirting,
Gcnlleinens braverand Leghorn straw hats, fashion fashionable
able fashionable saddle* ami bridles with plaied mounting, gig
iiarncss with rich furniture and plated ornaments,
superb tent bed-steads with handsome musquilo nets
ind trimmings and square edged best horse hair ma mahasses
hasses- mahasses feather bolsters- and down pillows to suit,
pare matrasses- bobters and pillows 6 feet by 5 dl
he best materials, clei ant toilet glasses with ano
tilhout drawers <>i solid mahogany, mahogany knife
hays with brass handles, mahogany hand waitcis,
Japanned tea waitersand real, ponttpont coffee big big-m-,
-m-, big-m-, plate b plates, do. knife baskets, sets of common am! patent
ish covers, chamber candlesticks with snuffers and
xtinguisbers, gentlemen dressing cases lilted uj
oith every requisite fix the toilet, best town made
ivory handled knives amt forks wi’h deserts and car carvers
vers carvers to match, very superior razors, a large and ge general
neral general assortment of cutlery of the first qualify, ladles
and gentlemens shoes, Hessian boots, strong ancle
shoes with buckles, siUand cotton umbrellas and pa parasols,
rasols, parasols, stockings, gloves, damask breakfast cloths,
huckgback for fowling, thread, tapes, needles, &c.,
r.»se and lavender waters, hair and tooth brushes.
XV iudsor soap, stationary, coftce bagging and twine,
hors- shovles-and cutlasses, tea kittles, sauce jxms,
iryiiJg pans, grid irons, coffee p h, cofl’rg- pepper pepperand
and pepperand corn mills with fly weels, garden watering pots,
a large assortment of glass- and earthen ware and
breaklast China, carpenter tools of tdUkinds, whip
sawsand cross cut saws, nails from 4d. tb3od., locks
boksand hinges of all descriptions, stay bars & sta staples,
ples, staples, white- red- yellow- green- mid blur paints and
pain: oil, pitch and tar: silt in barrels; claret in ca cases
ses cases and casks, Blackburn's choice London particular
Madeira wine in pipes—?ome of which has now been
near 3 years in this colony.—Ami a gn at variety oi
other articles,
27 May, CHtnT,r< KVTR.
Den ondergeteekrnde href I onlvnngen met de aril
Ben Johnson, Kapt. Watson, van Tendon, de
volgende tutgezogte artikelen, welke by tef'nop pre presenleerd
senleerd presenleerd op aannemetyke termen, v>oor direkte hetd hetdflr,St
flr,St hetdflr,St °f dis le toren aan goede bctaqlders op 6 maan maan'ienkredit:
'ienkredit: maan'ienkredit: —r~
BESTE Yorkshire hammen, pens, pyn-appcl ka kazen,
zen, kazen, fyne en hyson thee, dubbelde-geralfineeide zut zutker,
ker, zutker, kistjes met ingelegde zuuren, sauzen, witte wyn
izyn, mbsterd, zwarte peprr, omje Port wyn, Friii Friiisebe
sebe Friiisebe brandewyn, oude Grenada rum, rn gelmltekle
pootter; wax- spermaceti- en smeer-kaarsen, zerp in
kistjes van 28 lb., lersch linnen, Franjscbe balist,
lersch en Russiesch doek, lang lawn, kamerdocks
muslines, Oostindische witte eii blauwe salrmpores,
*itte- gele- en gestreepte nankings, stukjes bont van
14 yards, blauw-zwart- en groen super fine taken,
flame! voor hemden, mans bever en Leghorn strooij<
hoeden, zadels en tornnen met pleet gemonteerd naar
le nieuwste smaak, chais tuigeu met plete ornnmen ornnmenen,
en, ornnmenen, pragrige tent bedstede met exeltente roiiskitn
d.’cleren cn franjea en met vierkante beste paarde paarde>air
>air paarde>air matrassen met veere bolsters en donze kussens, i
eukelde mahassen van 6 voct lang en 5 bleed meJ<
’ • -

’ Wsfrrs eri kussens medc van de . 1 iJ
. mahony houtc toilet spicgels m e t en 7
lito messe bakken met kopere
, senteer-blaadjes, Japansche theebla a du‘ , l <,i, SK2
> nen kompleet, plete brwrf:3 andj? B ,
: voor vude burden, ditomesse bakie S
. n patente-tinne schotel dekzels,
. met snuiters, &c., beeren dresseer kiss h
I beste Londonsche ivore messen en votKSiWS
â–  xellente schcerinessen, een genera 11 i
,zerwerkeerstekw:diteit, mans en
, strike 1J inters schoenen met gespen
le paraplus en parasols, koiisen, h;u’i { k P k n i
-mistr ontbyt tale! lakens, handdoeken
,oand, naiddens, &c., rose en lavendpr jWßlvrl
, « n tande borstelijes, Wimlzor zeep, kamSMEe
-* *ns, koffy baaidoek en garen,
sen houwers, thee ketefs, sans pannen : .
rooster-yzers, koffy potten, koffy. ne n «
•nolens met draai wtelen, tuin p’*l®da»t
MJrtement van glas-en aardewerk, Chii e
servicen, (immergrreedschap van alle loo JHptli<
* en trek-zagen, spykers van 4 tot 30pennvl’Jlfcc’
nengzelseu kramrm n, witte- rode-
’ blauwe-verven en verf-olic, pik en teerASTft'tfe
'ten claret in Listen en vaten,
Pink LandenMadera Hyn in pypen. ...JLW
-mige tecdsdne jaren in de kolonieZen 21 <
voorraad andere goederen. . •
I ~ 7 M:ly ’ riIABLES ItaJEehl
' â–  NEW AMS I'ERbAM,
’ * Satu»oay,Jvne 10, 1815.
, By the wtsu of Barbados, we have
glish Journals, this week, to the &2d ’
:>n town to the 27(h) Be have
, mtciesting pa>agtaphs for our
’ ... , LONDOJf,
Dispatches (brought by Mr. Ly< ||, th c
were yesterday it tcivcd al Lord CaMlcreagO
•tiom Vienna. Hostilities appear to
on the side ol Italy, and Murat, contrary to
fiilent statements m the last Vicuna Gazette
against Austria in that country.
â–  We have also received Paris Papers to the 161? *
inst. from which we have made some copiuatettn^E^ 1
Bonaparte cunt lines io make every effort tofnmal*;
‘ iris forces. Addresses and circulars have betm
uy the Ministers of the Interior
Departments, for prevailing upon thedi.«dmn™,!»f£ a .
- disbanded soldiers to rally once more round ihe sulud,
dardol Napoleon; ten thousand men »reciw4aft in ..
al work in Paris, manulacturing arms for Ihetr**.?.,
and an atlvcrtisemfcnu for the Mhester at WsM2
vitesall who have horses to dispose of for ranawblT,.'
â–  the cavatiy, to send them to the depot at
• where they will be paid for at the rate of 500
’ , ° r AS”‘ r ?* i>lcr ? charger; 460 for a Dragoon Iltjup
â– in I jJk) for a Light Hqrse. Every art it uail na (
•blacken the Bouibons; the private papersohj.ii
> purpose. AV bat would the world have seen if3j‘,
ot Bonaparte and his agents were exhibited on
> turn oi tiie Bourbons ? The French Funds co»J i
' m a state or astonishingly great and progrestivM pa
Ihe British residents in Dunkirk, haverecejor
orders to quit that town. | o f
We Irani with great regret the loss of hit Majtrlab
ship Slatira, one of the finest frigates in the-sect! OI
On the 2(jth Feb.uary last, standing towards (nJ fi e
with four transports in company, the Statira sowh<
iy ttruck vu a sunken rock .near the Island of Mg to
Juagua. 1 L
Official notice has been given, that the Miiw ei
proposes to fund Eighteen Millions of Exch<«|
Bills, on the following terms-The stock to hM e
Navy 5 pgr Cents; the dates to be those of the® f ;
1814; the dividends to commence in January W e
funding days to be the 26th, 27th,28h,sad29th J| c
—ll7/. to be given for every 100/. I i
“ Dover, April 17, 5 p. m.— This morning* j
rived.several vessels from Ostend, sailed fromthw
last night; they bring us the report of a rencoal
between a party of French and English, near Lift*-
It is said that the French made a sortie Own Lislf
surprised some of our advanced parties, and made*
prisoners; the British troops, in return, madeMnjj
tack on the and took 500 prisoner#. T1
Dake of Wellington is said to be at Ostend, and Hi
it is thought his Grace iscomming to this country•!
Paris, April 15.-~The Journal of Frankfort al
flounces that M. Bourinne has sett offer Hamburg, h
act there as the M inester of Count de Lille. '1
The Constitution, which has been dally under al f
mission by the most experienced politicians, mom|
whom have defended in our National Assemblies w
rights of the people, will soon be finished, W
appear early next week. â– 
. 1

rte Jourdan, Brune, Oudinot, and t
Whlw tfi® oa< " s 0,1 Sunday to the Emperor.
Decree of the 7th of this month,
Dannas is appointed Director-General o;
of the National Guards, under the
“Wld JSMEeMtnW‘*r the Wcnor.
ler the Archduke Antony is named Vice VicetojaMßp
tojaMßp VicetojaMßp Constantine commands the Rus-
|ed guard.
— The Neapolitan army has not
ough Rome, but made a circuit about the
« not estimated at more than 50,000 men.
•re on its route it posts up Proclamations,
10 inhabitants to concur towards the inde indejf
jf indejf Italy. A Russian army of 50,(XX) men
aid, march from Prague to Italy.
, April 12.—The March of troops through
dll commence immediately; between the
and the 7th May, a great many Prussian
will pas throught, making but short stay
r proceed without delay to the frontiers
Fruissia is to have 350,000 men on foot,
ren corps, fouj of which will immediately
eld, and the other will iorm the reserve.
London, April 20.
Important French Papers.
i our last night we receiver! Paris Journals
date as to the 18th fast. the contents ot
important. A telegraphic dispatch from
icbet announces the submission of Mar Mariguignan,
iguignan, Mariguignan, ami Antibus,to the authority of
*r, which event has been celebrated at Pa Palischargeof
lischargeof Palischargeof one hundred pieces of canon,
of France may thus be considered as hav havrieldedtothe
rieldedtothe havrieldedtothe degrading yoke of the Ty Tyin
in Tyin consequence of the ruinous delay of the
of the Allies, is now availing himself, by
i means, of the various r« sources of th<
dry, to maintain himself upon his usurp usurp,
, usurp, and (as he boasts in his address to the
ruards), “to restore the honor and glory
’ hi this Address it will be seen, he speaks
d troops merely as foreigne s, observing,
he knows no enemy ; but at the same time
hostility of temper and spirit that suffi suffiks
ks suffiks his desire of having an opportunity of
t his reverses” by a display of that “nati-
â–  which twenty yars ago astonished Eu Euevery
every Euevery respect, indeed, he is preparing
rmiditble means, not only of resistance,
dy of offence; and it is lamentable to re ree
e ree Allied Powers, who by due promptitude
flight with case have subdued the revived
the commencement of his career, and
n fir ever, should by their extraordinary
heir inexplicable delay and indecision,
led him time to organize, as it were, the
gth of France in support of his infamous
to enable him already to talk again of
the glory of France” by a display of that
..gour which twenty years ago astonished
Il Europe.” Whatever the issue of the approach-
Jfag contest may prove (Heaven grant it may be pros-
Yperoiis to us), it is heart-rending to think that it has
I been thus rendered doubtful by delay, while even a
1 partial effort, early and timely directed to the great
J object, would not have failed of complete success,
i° r of effecting the general deliverance and security
lof Europe.— With respect to Marat, (our unfortuh-
Bate neglect of whose powerful co-operation is mi miâ– 
â–  miâ–  other subject of heartfelt regret,) there unhappily
I seems no doubt of his having actually commenced
I hostilities in a quarter where incalcuable mischief is

to be apprehended from his exertions. Account* from
Lyons state that he bad beaten the Austrians in snv snverat
erat snverat actions, and advanced to Placentia, after having
taken several thousand prisoners; and it was report reported
ed reported at Paris on the 17tb, (hat after having had an af affairuttbat
fairuttbat affairuttbat place he advanced still farther, and had
entered Milan ; and that all Lombardy was in a state
of insurrection. The accounts, however, want con
frmation, and we trust they wil rt least prove to be
gross exaggerations of facts.
Telegraphic Dispatch.
, ; ** The Duke de Albuferato the Minister at War.
“ Lyons, April 16.
a On the 12th the town of Marseilles, on the in invasion
vasion invasion of Marshal Prince of Esling, and without a-
Waiting the arrival of our treops, hoisted the tri-co tri-cofour
four tri-cofour flag. It floats ever since the 10th at Draguig Draguignanand
nanand Draguignanand Antibes.*'
At noon this news was announced to the capital by
the discharger 100 pieces of cannon from the artil artillery
lery artillery of the Invalids.
His Majesty this day passed in review the Natio National
nal National Gnard of Paris, composed of 12 legions, forming
I'4B battalions : 24 battalions were ranged in the court
|of the Palace of the Thuilleries, and 24 on the Place
Fof the Carousal. The Emperor passed successively

through all the rank?. The Officers then having
formed a circle, his Majesty addressed them in a
Paris, April 17.—1 tis reported that the King of
Naples, after having had an affair al Placentia will,
'he Austrians, from whom he made many prisoners,
’•as entered Milan, and that all* Lombardy is in a
state of insurrection- This news wants confirmation.
It was assorted this morning, during the review,
'hat the Emperor had received satisfactory news from
England. Ihe intention is to become a mediatrix, in case differences should
arise between France and any continental Power.
There was no Arrival from the Continent yesterday;
and no credit is therefore to be attached to a report
> circtilated at the west end of the town, that advice had
( been received of hostilities having commenced on the
Rhine. Indeed, the Allies, unfortunately, are not
yet in a stale sufficiently strong to undertake offensive
’operations in any direction, except that of Belgium
'and the neighbouring Stales, from which quarter,
certainly, an important blow might some weeks since
havebeen struck, from the comparatively defenceless
state in which the enemy then stood; but, thanks to
die indecisions of Cabinets, the favourable opportu opportunity
nity opportunity has been suffered to pass neglected, and that the
’ consequence is, that by this delay the enemy has been
1 enabled so much to inprove his conditions as to ren ren-1
-1 ren-1 derimminently perilous on our part any other than a
’ general and simultaneous attack at the present mo moment;
ment; moment; and the whole of the destined lor this enter enter‘
‘ enter‘ prize are not expected to be upon the Rhine for nearlj
■ three weeks tocome. The enemy’, onthe other hand,
cannot be anxious to precipitate the struggle, feeling
’a* he does the immense ail vantages to be derived by
‘ him from delay. Every day adds materially to ln>
strenght; and having criminally neglected to tak;
any the slighest precaution to prevent his return to
' France,.we now afford Imn every opportunity oi firm firmly
ly firmly re-seating himself on his usurped Throne, and, oi
whfah, with a venegeance, he does not fail effectually
f to avail himself. What strange conduct! what un uni
i uni accountable and wretched policy ! His escape from
' Elba, we again repeat, might easily have been pre prevented;
vented; prevented; during bis progress from the coast to the
capital, the slightest assistance from the Allies would
have sustained the Throne of the rightful Monarch,
and frustrated the design of the Usurper; and now
that he has regained the Imperial eminence, strange
to say, we find sufficient time allowed him for all the
necessary efforts to organize his means and establish
his power. The opportunity of rendering public and
common justice without difficulty, has unfortunately
passed unheeded—-and Heaven grant we may now be
able to do it, with all the efforts we are capable of
making. Al best the struggle will now be of doubt doubtful
ful doubtful issue, and the Bourbon chuse, we tear, is lost for
ever. Oh! g much injured Louis, bow our hearts sicken in the
contemplation of your wrongs ! Not a single effort
made by any nation to prop your Throne when tot tottering,
tering, tottering, though the sligliiust aid would have secured
it for ever, and though the tall of it may in its conse consequences
quences consequences shake the security of Europe to its very
An expedition of considerable force is in progress
of arrangement and preparation at Cork, to consist of
most of the, regiments now in Ireland, and some oi
those expected from America.
Paris Papers to the 19th inst. arrived yesterday.
The report ota battle between the Austrian and Nea-

politan Armies in Italy is repeated in these Journals
with increased confidence, and the addition, that the
battle was a most sanguinary one; that it was fought (
icar Modena; and that the loss of the Austrians in,
prisoners, among whom was Count Nugent amounted
*o 15,000 men. A division of the Neapolitan army (
is said to have taken possession of Leghorn; but these (
statements do not apper to have any official confir- ;
nation, though the tact of hostilities having com comnenced
nenced comnenced in that quarter seems unquestionable. The,
greatest agitation prevails in that interesting country, |
md the Declaration of of Murat, which is dated thv t
JOlh ult. from Rimini inviting the Italians to assert (
heir national independence, has produced, it is as asserted,
serted, asserted, a strong and universal sensation. The ac-,
counts from the South announce officially the com-|
plete re-establishment of the power of the Usurper in s
Miat quarter; for which service General Grouchy has |
been promoted to the rank of Mashal. The wily t
Massena, who appear to have balanced between both
sides, till Fortune bad made her decision, has pub-1
iished a proclamation at Toulon in terms of the most
lisgusting adulation of the tyrant, whom he secretly
nates and detests.. The Monitcur y with much appa apparent
rent apparent candour, gives some satisfactory statements of
the force and disposition of the Allies; for, according

lo those, they have already 1 Htlc short men
m motion, and expected to be in line, that fa, ready
lor action on the French frontier, by the middle of
of June. Would to Heaven it were many weeks
. sooner. This is 100 much time to allow Bonaparte
,»q organize his immense means. In the seeming can cani
i cani did publication of these articles there is evidently
much deep design. The object doubtless is to in in,
, in, flame the courage of the soldiersand the people, who
> ire artfully informed that the Emperor of Russsia,
. has engaged to send all the prisoners he may take to
I the remotest extremities of Russia, never to be re restored
stored restored or exchanged; that such of the French as
chuse to enter into her service, shall be sent to the
army of Caucasus; that others shall form Colonie* and
. settlements; and lastly, that such as will do neither
i shall be slaves. The other Powers (it fa with equal
I falsehood added), have determined, that the pri pri.
. pri. (.oners taken by them, shall be treated with the sere serej
j serej rity and contempt due to the conduct of a nation
which arrogates the right of chusing its own masters.”
I The AfonfZrj/rcontains several intercepted letters from
the Marquis of Osmond to the Duke of Ano-ouleme
one of which, dated Gonoa, the 9th of April, states
thaUhe Neapolitan had a slight affair with the AuJ
Irians, on the Socchio, between Reggio and Modena,
in which the former had a trifling advantage, and the
Austrians continued their retreat.
1 ona P ar * c h‘ ,s made a great improvement in hi*
. Ministry, and is evidently exerting every means to
t cultivate and restore the old Republican spirit. Lu Lu.
. Lu. cian Bonajjarte, in whose abilities the power of Na Na.
. Na. poleon may be. considered to have orginated, and
#bose strong Republican spirit refused for his head
many a proffered Crown, has been appointed Minister
>1 the Interior, (the same situation he held under the
Consulate); Carnot takes the War Department
; which he tilleddiinng the most briliant of Bona pa it. fa
campaigns; and Merlin of Douai, the celebrated old
, Conventionalist, of w hom we heard nothing for many
.years, is recalled from his retirement, ami made Mt Mti
i Mti iiister ol Justice.—Davoust, who resigns his situation
of War Minister to Carnot, is of course destined for
.a military command.—Marshal Berthier is arrived
t at Vienna.—Bonaparte, from some whim has quitted
.the Palace of the Tbuilleries, and taken up his rest restsidence
sidence restsidence in the Palais Elysee, the palace in which tho
Prince de Conde recently lived.
Vienna, April 6— Concerning the real states off fie
Congress a more profound silence than ever prevailed
. for sqm* day; there are not even any reports in cir cir.culation.
.culation. cir.culation. We in vain look for the reason of this
, enigmatical state of things. The appearance of Na Napoleon
poleon Napoleon has certainly some influence, but peat:e will
not be disturbed by it, it is merely an rxecutionary
■ war, (that isa-war to enforce a judical scnicnce)—
merely some t. rritorial points may be changed; the
peace itself remains as concluded.
r Ihe troops of the Allies which are marching against
France will be on the Rhine about the eml of April,
J and immediately able to begin their operations.
“Head-quarters, Avigon, 3p. m. April 13.
“ Sire,—l have the honor to announce to your
Majesty, that the city of Marseilles despfayed the na national
tional national cockade yesterday morning, and that the tri tricoloured
coloured tricoloured standard flies over the whole territory of the
“Our advanced guard is fa march from Orgon
upod Aix. 1 think stopping its movement, and lam
concerting with Marshal the Prince of Es.ding npon
what is proper to be done now to ensure the public
tranquillity. I am going therefore to Marseilles,
where I beg your Majesty to send me your orders,
&c. (Signed) “GROUCHY.”
Toulon, April lE—The following is the address
of the Prince of Essling; it produced the greatest
“ Inhabitants of the Eighth Military division—An
event no less extraordinary than fortunate has restored
ous the Sovereign whom we had chosen—the great
“ This ought to be a day of rejoicing to all French,
nen. He has re-ascended his Throne without there
laving been a single drop of blood shed for the at attainment
tainment attainment of the object. He has returned to the bos bossomofa
somofa bossomofa family who loved him.
“ Frenchmen! There is not a town in the Empire
where there is not a monument which commemorates
ifa beneficence. Let us bless Heaven which has re restored
stored restored him to us. The military recognize in him the
lero who has constantly led them to victory. In him
the sciences and aits receive th*ir protector.
“Let us offer prayers for the preservation of his
ife and of his dynasty. “ Vive CEmpereur
(Signed) “ The Marshal of the Empire,
“Duke De RIVOLI. ‘
“ GovernoroftheSth Mililary Division.
(Signed) “ The Prince of ESdLI NG.”
1i Toulon, 10th April, 1815.”

BY virtue of an Appointment from the Ho Honorable
norable Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated
the 13th'of May, 1815, given upon a petition pre presented
sented presented by Lewis Cameron and Samuel Kendall, a*
Sequestrators of Plantation Bort um, the property of
the fate Robert Gordon. Notice is hereby given to
the Public, that the Execution and Sequestration
- served upon Plantation Borlum, cum annexis, in fa favor
vor favor of William Fraser, Culbockie County of Inver Inverness
ness Inverness North Britain, is hereby released from said Exe Execution
cution Execution and Sequestration.—Betbice, 9 June, 1815.
K FRANCKEN, First Marshal
BY virtue of an Appointment from His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency J. Murray, Brigadier-Genera! and Act Acting
ing Acting Governor of the Colony Berbhe and its Ihpcii Ihpciideirrirs,
deirrirs, Ihpciideirrirs, &c. &c. &c. given upon a Petition, pr« -
seated for that purpose, by Archibald M’Queen, qq
Colin Macrea, under date of 16th January, 181,7,
tvrszrf, the Proprietor or Proprietors, Repn st nta ntative
tive ntative or Representatives of Plantation Palmyra, Eusi
coast. Notice is hereby given to (he Public, at tin
instance of Evan Fraser, surviving partner of tin
House of Evan and Angus Fraser, Merchants of this
colony, and which House of Commerce are now pos possessing
sessing possessing through deed of Assignment, the right and in interest
terest interest before possessed by Cotin Macrae in the debt
for which Plantation Palmyra is now under Execu Execution
tion Execution and Sequestration; that I the. undersigned in intend
tend intend to Sell, at Public' Execution Sale, in the pre presence
sence presence of two Councillors Commissaries and their Se Secretary,
cretary, Secretary, in the momh of December, 1815, the pre precise
cise precise day hereafter to be notified through the Gazette
of this colony :
TAe Cotton Estate called Palmyra, situate on the
Fast coast of this Colony, with all its culli-catir-is,
b a tiding.*, slates, and further appurtenances thereto
belonging, the property o f R. P. Broodi ; a'lcon a'lconâ– 
â–  a'lconâ–  form note to an Inventory formed thereof, and nci;
laying at the Marshal's Office for, the inspection of
thone whom it may concern.
Whoever should think to have any right, action
or interest, on the abovementioned Estate called P.d-
Tnyra, cym annexis, and wishes to op |rose the Sal
thereof, let sueh persons address themselves tot’s
Marshal’s Office, declaring their reason for so doing
in due time and form, as I her- by give notice, that J
will receive opposition from every intermediate p r rson,
son, rson, appoint them a day to have his or her claims
heard before the Court, and further act therein as th.
law directs.
Tais 3rd Proclamation, made known !o the Pu Public
blic Public by beat ofllrutn, fronyhc Court House of this
Colony, and further dealt h*ith according to custom.
Berbice, 4tb June, 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of am Appointment from His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Esquire, ftseutefoant ftseutefoant.
. ftseutefoant. Governor of the Colony Berbice and its Depentlen Depentlencies,
cies, Depentlencies, &c. &. &c. dated (he 9fh June 1815, given
unon a petition presented by Daniel Alls, Deputy
Receiver General and Receiver of the Church Fufo.
J the undersigned at the request of aforesaid ffreeiver
General and Receiver of the Church Fund, Summon
by Edict- All known and unknown creditors of plan plantation
tation plantation /Is Vocdster, cum annexis. sold at Execution
Sale, to appear before the Honorable Court of Civil
Justice, of this colony, on Monday the 17th July
1815, and fotimringlfcys, tor toe purpose of then
rendering their claims, to mamlain the same, aul to
hear, after the fourth Edicta! Summon, the Court’s
• decision, as to the prefvrent and concurrent right-nt
cluimanrs on the proceeds of the Sale of said Estate,
on pain of perpetual silence to those who remain ii
default of rendering their claims.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony,
and fnr( her dealt with according to custom.
Berbicc, the 9th June, 1815.
K. Francren, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the Court of Rolls, given in the cause entitled
James Fraser aud Simon Fraser, in capacity as Cu Curators
rators Curators to the Estate of Evan Duncan Fraser, dec’d ,
Plaintiffs, versus, all known and unknown creditors
against the Estate of Evan Dunean Fraser, dec. De Defendants,
fendants, Defendants, dated the 10th April, 1815. I the under undersigned
signed undersigned at the request of aforesaid Curators, do here hereby
by hereby Summon by Edict, for the third time: All known
and unknown creditors against the Estate’ofEvan
Duncan Fraser, dec. to appear before the Court ol
Kolb; on Monday the Jgth of June, 1815 r lh(jxe so

render in their claims, to verify the same, and. further
o proceed according to law.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu Pu’
’ Pu’ >lic by beat of drum from the Court House of thi thi-1
-1 thi-1 -olony, and furtherdealt with according io custom.
Berbice, the 9th June, 1815.
. K. FrAncken, First Marshal.
| -.j — ——
» By virtue of an Extract from the Minutes of
i the Court of Civil Justice, of th s colony,/ dated the
- '7th day of May 1815, given in the cause entitled
- M. F. Costenbader aud H. Luthers, ns Curators to
- the Estate of H. W. Brandes, d dl known and unknown creditors or claimants on the
Estate of H. AV. Brandes, dec. 1 the undersigned.
- it the request of aforesaid Curators, mon Summon by Edict: (lor the second time) all known am!
unknown creditors or claimants on (he Estate of IL
•V. Brandes, dec. to appear before the Court of Rolls.
â–  on Monday the 19 June 1815, there te render in then
- claims, to verify the same, and further to proceed
• iutowling tw-lowy '?* r ' "■■*■*>*
This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu Pu•die
•die Pu•die by beat of drum from the Court House of thb
»colony, and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, the 2d June, 1815.
1 K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
By virtue of an Extract from the Minutes of
rhe Court of Civil Justice, of (his Colony, dated (he
• Ci May 1815, given in the cause entitled J. van den
• "Brock and. Geo. Panels, as the Attornies to the.Wi the.Wii
i the.Wii Jow Herlin, who is the Executrix ot her late husb*.i:(
- JFUuutiff; versus, all daimaiiU on
• the Estate of J. C. W. Berlin, dec. Jthe uader uader.’•fgnei,
.’•fgnei, uader.’•fgnei, at the request of aforesaid Attornies, do bert
.by Summon by Edict: all claimants o;i (he Estate ot
• J. C. W. Herij:i, dec. to appear before the Court ol
Tolls, on Monday the 19 of June 1815, th* re to ren render
der render in their clauns, to verify the same, and further tc
proceed according to la w.
, This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu
, nlic by beat of drum from the Court House of till?
. colony, and hinher dealt with according to Lan.
Bvrbtcc, 2d J tine, i 815.
f K. FitANCKEN, First Mirslnd.
BY virtue of an Extract fcoiu the
m'tJic Proceedings ot the Court rFCivH Jn-uce, u>
ais colony, dared (be 17 May 1815; Given in the
cause emuled J. G. Cloot de Nieiiwerkrrk, as qq.
doth the Esi.t es of (he late M. A. van Imbyze van
ateuburg, as well as to that of the late S. J. . van
1 imhyze v-’n Bitt nbnrg, PtaifiWf, versus, aft k <»wit
n»d unknown cre ineiate M. A. van Imbyze van IHkmbqrg. i the
uiKlcrsigiuhi, at the request of stud J. G. Clout de
qq'. do hereby Bummoii by Edict; (Ibr
GUe second tqm) all known and unknown creditor a or
' claimants on the Estates oi the fate id. A. van Imbyzi
van Bateoburg, and the laieS. J. d. v m Imbyze va..
Bateuburg, to appear before the Court i i Kalis, od
Monday the 19 June 1815, there to reader in their
claims, to verily the same, and further tu procted ac according
cording according to taw. *
'i'.Uis Summons by Edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum from the Court House ot this colu colujty,
jty, colujty, and further dealt with according to custom.
Bcrbice 2d J une 1815.
r ' • ■ Ik. Jr it < NCK-EN, First Marshal.
• BT virtue o£an Extract from the Minutes
r ol the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, duteu
1 Hie 271 h Afay 1815, given in the cause entitled J.G.j
" ('loot de Nicuweikrrii, qq. the Estate of the late A.
'J. wan Imbyze van Batenburg, deceased, PiaiafiTbj
1 Edict, versus, all known and unknown creditors or
claimants on thiyE: Lite of A. J. van hubyze van Ba-
Tcnburg. I the undersigned, at the request of afore afore’
’ afore’ aid J. G. C. de Nieuwerkerk, qq. do hereby Su;n Su;n-'.non
'.non Su;n-'.non by Edict, (i or the second lime): All known
md um-.nown creditors or cl dmanta on the E-taleot
’ A. J. van Im.’jyze van Batenbnrg, so appear before
' the Court of Roils, on Monday the 19th June, 1815,
there to n niier ia their claims, to verify the same,
and further to proceed according to law.
’ This Summon by Edict made known to the public
by bcal of drum from the Court House of this colo colony,
ny, colony, and further dealt with according to custom.
Btrblce, 2d June, 1815.
5 K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
i BY virtue of an Extract from the proceed-
â–  mgs of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, gi gi,
, gi, vrn in the cause entitled James I'raner for self and
t other Sequestrators of plantation No. 40 and 41.
• west coast of this colony, Plaintiff versus all known
-and unknown creditors or claimants, as well in this
• colony as in the united colonies of Esseqpebo and
i pemerary, on the proceeds of the Sale of plantation
i No. 40 and 41, wept coast, the late property of P,
SmaU and W. Threifall. I the undersigned, First
- Vlarshal of the Courts within this colony, mid at the

r request of aforesaid Sequestrator,
mmt by Edict, (for the second tinuw '
- md unknown creditors or claimants V
-olony as in the united colonies ofp S t®
Di mcrary, on the prowls o f the a ß<*
No. 40 and 41, west cbast, the lato k
Small and W. Threlfall, .so appe ar bt !fi Ope
f >f Rolls, on Monday the 19th J unc J
render in their claims, to verify the sa ’ in fjSl
io proceed according to la w. ’ ‘ l!y
This Summons by Edict made known tn at I
»by beat of drum from t1,. : Coan
>ny, and tnrther dealt with according
<’ Berbicc;, 2d June, feis. °
’ , ‘ K-Francken, First 11 t0
'• BY virtue of an Exti^olr^rihT^l*?’'
• r h V il Justice, of this colony, dated 27th
- riven m thecause entitle? R. C. »’
i ty as Attorney of W. King and P.
.1 (ors to the Estate of F. Byuoe, dec. pB&
-us, all known and unknown claimapk on
- ceeds of ph.ntation Rest Bower, cum a nnc ». TMir/r
undersigned, at the request of aforesaid
• hereby Summon by Edict, (for the 58C3W 58C3Wlllknowm
lllknowm 58C3Wlllknowm and.unknown claimants oa the ur i
•f.plantation Best Bower, cum annexis to? 1
oeiore the Court of Roils, ort Monday tht; 19tpl
‘ 1815, th re to render in their claims, to
muse, and further to proceed aecowling to laiG> B C3I1 l
< This Summons by Edict made known to
-blie by brat of drum from the Court HouseWj HouseWj'
' HouseWj' colony, ;md farther dealt with accordina tn
1 Be.-bfoe, 2d June, 1315. 3 S!B W * ftJi
• K. Francken, First Manfal I
jj BY virtue of an Appointment
rhombic Court of ( ivil Justice, of this colony »
- upon a |n t:tioii presented by Wm.
M’Leod, in their capacities as Seqnestrators&fcifeEa*
iati in Cearn't s and half of Lot No. SO,
-â– .id ipitoi.pmejil bearing date 13th May, 1815.']i
- he undersigned, at the request of aforesaid
rators, do hereby Summon by Edict: A l! c>dfol| '
m the p-jf -eds of plantation Geanies, »ndt!if»ko
d Lot No. 80, Corentyh, to appraf before thef ,
-t Civil Justice, of this colony, on Monday(fc
kriy, 1815, and followiug days, there t|> render
‘ '*;.’;r d u .is, to veil y the same, auj further fa pro-fi *
â–  ceed aecvraiug to law.
This Sti.nnwn by Edict made known to the PuWcWl
' >y beat ot drum from the Court House
‘md furl her dealt with according tocustom. ; '
' Berbicc, 2d June, 1815. '
K. Franc&en, First Marsbat jfa
-y- y '''' " 1 _ — K-«,
- BY virtue of an Appointment from the Hi. I d
■ lorab’e Court of Civil Justice, of (his colony, gi«x I
qxiu a petition presented by Jno. M’Camonand W, I
'ort, in their capicuics as Sequestrators
‘divided half of Plantation Resource, the latepn»pa«K
H y of FreJcrfok Cort, said appointment bearing«ta» B'
1 the 15th May, ISIS. I the undersigned, at thew. I
■ | i si ot aiorcsaiJ Si questrators, ifo hereby Snaio£ »
»y Edict: Ail Claimants on (he proceeds of the®* fc
’ tiviJed h alf of .plantation Resource To appea I
• icfne the Court ol’Civil Justice, of this colony, i I
(heir Session which will be held on Monday the 1M I
July, 1815, fold following tfoys, there to render is Bt
. iheir claims, to verify the same, and further to pi> B
t eeed according to law. |
: This Sammons by Edict made known tntkePubli# B
oy tji’.;t of drum trotuthc Court House of thiscubnj, K
md forther dealt.with according to custom.
Bcibice, 2nd June, 1815.
K. FRANCKfiN, First Marshal. I
• BY virtue of an Extract from the Mfouts I
’ of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dakd I
â–  the 27(h May, 1815, given in the cause entitled Pc- I
‘ ter Fail bairn, as appointed foterum Sequestrator k I
! (lie Estate of James Fraser, dec. for self and in I
â–  capacity for ell other Reprc'sentatives of that Estate I
> Plaintiff by Edict, versus, all known and unknowt 1
> claimants against the Estate nt the deceased Jamil I
Fraser I the undersigned j at the request of aforel
’said P. Fairbairn, qq. Summon by Edict, (for th®
’ f >iutb time ex super abundanti) : AU known and u«< |
known claimants against the Estate of the deceasea j
.Fames Fraser, to appear at the Court of Rolls
Monday the R)ih ot June, 1815, there to render in
„ iheir claims, to same, and further to pro*
cccd according to law.
This Smnmons by Edict made known to the rn rnhlic
hlic rnhlic by beat of drum from the Court House of this
’ colony, and furt|ie« dealt with accon|gig to custom.
Berbice, 2d June, 1815.
K. Francken, First Marshal.
, .1 I »
Published eierd Saturday at 4 o'clock p Jl*
Bv W. SCHLfLZ & C»<
Privileged Government Printer» t

Full Text


p. annum,] V' ¦¦¦ SATURDAY, JUNE 10. ¦ King's House, June 6/A, 1815. f THsprtr? 1 of which Ihe following is a copy, ' WU ikis day been received by the Lieutenant GoL sl r. Ills ExcelL net/ has directed the same to be for general information. By Command, F. WHITE, Gov. Sec. a ci,ei ‘ a^e > Barbados, 22d May, 1815 : ‘A ref «Ihave to inform your Excellency, that juAgvays will offer from the Southern Colonies for Jls ' WK»pe, ob the 10th day of June and July. j r '7’'l‘ < Rendezvous, Virgin Gordn, from tvheace they ' Mwsiil as soon after as possible. “I have the honor to be, Sir, “w «Your Excellency’s most obdt. ohdt. servant. “ C. P. DURHAM, Rear Admiral, “ Commander in Chief.” >tt rr ‘' 7^7< V yWiOTtsr Bentinc!:, “ Berbice” BARBADOS. MJ COMMISSAR ' Barbados, 25th May, 1815. ;>'pL|THE Contracts for supplying llis Majesty’s in the Windward and Leeward Islands and Bh®onics with Fresh Beef, terminating on the 17th Srqafcjof August next, the Subscriber will receive sealliwJitepdm in Triplicate (which must express thc ] h Jvice in Sterling Money in words at length) until the • cJwh July, at ten o’clockin the morning, From such ie jMksasmay be wilting to enter into Contracts for, iderfcplying the Troops stationed at— , , u prlF Surinam, Grenada, » I B'ubice, St. Vincent, ’¦iblm ‘ Deinerarf, St. Lucia, Was ; Barbados, Dominion, I Iruiiuad, Antigua, and Tobago, St. Christopher. HLpiratt-Iy or jointly, with Fresh Beef,of the best U o fedity, to be approved of, if necessary, by Boards .‘I p Survey,——The Contracts to commence in one booth from the date of the notification being receiv. fijfeof the Tender having been accepted, and tocontifor six months certain.—Two Securities wilt be Tfwpdred, who must be named in the Tender, to be a^*” ,nf ‘ ,n the sum of jg2so. Sterling each, for the , ) J BP fulfilment of the Contract at each lUand. Jl Payment will be made on the 24th of each month the respective Stations, in Government Bills, at JisBd. p. Dollar, for the quant if it s delivered in tin period. JOSEPH BULLOCK, Commissary •General. rolAny information required may be had on appliraInn to the Commissariat Ohiccis at the Islands and iiidßolonit's. IA LL those who have any demands against J. pan dcr Schroeff, Esq. are hereby requested to give* ’ in their claims at the house of the first undersigned ; fj|nd those indebted to him, town.?forward with payA,«!ent to prevent disngreubh' measures. .J . H. LUTHERS, qq. for self and JOJune. W. H ELDER, qq. atl W’Ao offer fnr sale some articles of householdfdtfailure as a mahogany dining table for 18 persens, a t uwhennber organ, also a gig and harness, a large, punt about 50 fed long, a tea set and urn, fyc. all in ¦ Wood condition. Mtery l 1 . " ¦¦¦ — . 111 '< i " ' ~* ' ¦ t| MLLE de genen die iets te vorderen hebben Idea heer J. van der Schroeff, gclievcn daarvarr iven tedoen ten huize van den eersten onuerge-, enden, in Nieuw Amsterdam; wordende die gewclke aan gemeldc hcer icts vcrscbnldigd zyn?; oat betalinge te doen om onaangenaamheden iSomen. ~ IL LUTHERS, qq. mede voor Mune W. HELDER r qdlh May, 1815. THE undersigned, earnestly requests, the attention ot those, indebted to this Office, for Taxes, to come forward with payment, to prevent him, having recourse to the unpleasing mo le-of enforcing the same by Law. DANIEL ALLY, Dep. R6c. G»u. DEMERA R Y. MARSIIAVS OFITCE. BY virtue of a Mandament granted by the Hon. Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for the Uniteci Colonies of Demerary and Es;sequcbo, bcarrngdate 29(h April, 1815, on the petition of F. C. Oitn, an inhabitant of these Colonies, 1 the undersigned Deputy First Marshal, in the name and behalf of the said F. C. Qtto do hereby Cite RisHonor Thedphelus Williams, First Fiscal of these Colonies (R.O.J tnd ail and every other person or persons who may ,Conceive themselves entitled to become party against the said F. C. Otto, to appear before the Honorable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for these Colonies, at their Session to he held in Georg-••'l.’own on the Ninetieth day ol June, 1815, and following days, : for thepurpose of seeing the said F. C Oito surrender his person, and present himself to be purged from what His Honor the First Fiscal (R. 0. and every other person may wish to alledge against him,' respecting the dreadful Crime of murder, stated in a Proclamation of His Excellency Licutennnt-GoveU nor John Murray, bearing date 19th March 1814, First Fiscal to have, been committed by the said F.C. i Otto on the body of one of his own slaves and Io sea him declared clenr, pure and innocent of the same,. likewise to see and hear : the Court’s order on the subject of the releasement of his person as well as of the reparation of injury if any be demanded and be found due, to give their reasons for opposition if they maintain to have any, and further to proceed according to law. Rio Demerary, A. ME ERTE NS, sth May, 1815; Dep. First Marshal. —¦»»' Hl IIIIWI MW——Al . IMPORTED per Grantham, and for Sale at the Store of (he Subscriber: Six of the most prominent Battles in Spain, framed and glazed ; Six portraits—His Majesty King Geo. tire. I IL, the Emperor of Russia, the King of Prussia, the Duke of : Wellington, the Marshals Blucher and Phtoff, and , a few engravings of Bonaparte, by an eminent Artist; . the above are framed in the most superb French stile ¦ and gilt wilh the best oil gold.— A Iso ladies aird gentlemens shoes and boots, white • and black silk stockings, do. cotton, straw bonnets, ribbons, childrens cotton hose, ready made li T non and cotton shirts, fine cambric, table and breakfast cloths, counterpanes, thread, tape, ready made linen and cotton shirts, calicoes, Planters beaver and silk hats, childrch hats, negrodo., stationary, tin and icrockcfy ware, excellent claret in hbds,, Madeira in bottles, raspberry and cherry brandy, tea, loaf sugar, black pepper and spices. A strongand healthy Negro woman, being a good cook, washer and ironer, willing to labour and very civil. A House, situated on the north side, half lot No. 10, close to the middle dam, CO feet long and 30 broad, floored above ano below with crab wood, boarded in, and 240 feet land, or thereabout, the.same will bu sold reasonable for cash, or a short credit. 27 May. M. LINDNER, /'v 'Public Dy virtue of authority obtained from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, granted 'upon a petition presented for that purpose by the Curators of Plantation Nigg, be rl; g date the 12Hi of May, 1815, will be sold on the spot, to the highest. bidders, on AVednesday the 28ih of June, next, Plantation Nigg, situate on the West Corrntyn coast and. known isle seme,—the iartii payable in t-ix and twelve months, and tire Negroes in 6, & 9 months.The Negroes of th is Estate are a vi-ry prio-.e gan.:, imi well worthy the utter,lion of 'he Piatuvrs, h iving -iboul 40 creols, and many youag breeding women. D. C. CA3IERO?i. ! , Dtp.


SECRETARY’S OFFICE. NOTICE. All persons having claim;-' on the Estate of the late Widow H. J. Base, are required Jo render the same in to the Executors of that; Estate, without further delay. 10 June. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. NOTICE.—AII persons holding claims on the Estate of the late Robert Gordon, of Drakies, North Britain, or on Plantation Borlum, East sen 1 coast of this colony, are requested to render theaanw for payment to I). C. Cameron, Esq. at the Vcndut Office.——lo June. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. ’ — , , _ * _ i JAMES RElDand ALEXANDER FAL-• CONER linving ceased to hol-.J any phare in the Concerns of Douglas Reid & Company, of this colony and of Demerary. The Firm will in future b< conducted under the name of Colin Dougins & Company ; To whom all those indebted to the late Firm, are requested to make pav-ment. COLIN DOUGL AS for self and as the Attorney of JOHN DOUGLAS, TIIOS. DUNLOP DOUGLAS, And ARCH. DOUGLAS, of Glasgow Berbice, St May. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. This is to in form the Public, that the following Persons intend quilting this colony. Walter Scott, in 6 weeks from May 6. A. A. de la Court in do. from do. A. G. r n’mer in 6 weeks from May 20. John Hislou, Family aud two servants, in one month from 27 May. Gilbert Gnrdun in 5 weeks from 3d June. The Widow of W. B. Liol in do. from do. R.C. DOWNER, Sec. Nott' e is hereby given, that a month after dale the following Transparrs and Mortgages will be passed June 10. 1/ewis Cameron, qq. will transport to Dein-.-rary 9? Negroes from Plantation Borlum, E. sea coast of this colony. —— Mary Dawes will, transport to M. Nicholson fc ro ids ot land of lot No. 5, first em polder of (hi town, situate between tire middle road and tin back dam. Mary Dawes will transport to Dido Rose? roods of land of lot No. 5, first empolder of this town, situate between the middle road and tin back dam. R. 0. DOWNER, S c. _ .. ... 7 CAUTION.—The undersigned has lately understood that several designing and unprincipled persons, have be-n in the habit of taking’ up in his name several Goods and Merchandize, sent out from Lome to him, as also of faking Letters out of the Post Ofliee addressed to him, without their having any authority or order whatever to that end. He therefore Cautions those whom it may concern, that neither the transactions already done in his name, or tho elhat may, (subsequent to the date of this) be done, wifi be ratified, but on the contrary be considered n»t only mil and void, but fraud'-lent; and the perpretrator of them as such will be prosecuted as the Lawdbecls. A liberal reward will be given to the person or persons giving such information, which may lead to the discovery of the Offenders., so as to deliver over into the bauds of Justice.—lo June.—? R. FORK. Imported by the Subscribers, per the Shtp James, from Glasgow, via Demerary, the following Jrtides, which they Offer for Sale, at their Store, on Jjat No. 4, New Amsterdam. Beef and pork in barrels and half barrels, oats ir puncheons, beer and porter indo., old rum in do., negroe rum in do., salt in tierces and barrels, peas< and barley in kegs, vinegar in jogs, refined sugar, spermaceti candles, cotton and coffee bagging, Oznahurgs, Russia sheeting, calicoes, Irish linen, linen . uh cks, cotfon Britannias, cotton shirting, ginghams, .‘tirnituro chintz, Florentine# silk umbrellas, threads and tapes, super fine scarlet cloth, do. black do., gentlemen’s super fine coats, waistcoating and vesf patents, pullicat hkfs., gentlemen’s sdk and beave* hats, do. Leghorn and Japanned do., children’? leather caps, bed side carpets, gentlemen and ladiegioves, do. do. stockings, ladies Marroccokidand Wellington slippers, boy’s and girl’s shoes assorted, gentlemen’s net do. Hessian and top boats,: do. dressaud half dress shoes, planters strong shoes to lac” and to buckle, boos, shovels, and cutlasses, steelyards, large and small pruning knives, felling axes, shutter bars, shell augers, claw and shingling hammers, chamber doorstockand patentcarpenters and coopers cort passes,’ TtL, T, butt, anil i«ok and eye hinges, table Knives and forks, sailorh knives, pen knives assorted, packing and Oznabure needles, planes assorted, large and small vase lamps, plated candlesticks with shades, Japanned bedroom candlesticks, India shades, cruet stand, pint and quart Iccanters, goblets and wine glasses, finger basons. Dutch ovens, blacktin-and irontea-kettles, tea and able spoons, brass cocks with keys, saddlery and stationary, whippitframe+ cuthandand tennanf-saws, 1 inch to 6 inch cordage, while rope, screw drivers, plyers, coinmodes, saw setts, casters, rack pulluies, necklaces, beads, fish-hooks, rules and guaging rods, hand vices, pincers, whitewashscrubbingclothand paint-brushes, paints and oil, cassava teasters, Madeira wine in Imttles and cask, and a few casks hock and claret, earthen ware, mahogany pembroke tables, rosewood card do., sopiia.lmounkd, Windsor chairs. 10 June. COLIN DOUGLAS&Co. The Subscriber has import*d in the Bng Bex Johnson, Capt. M qtson, from London, the follow* ing articles, selected with particular care, which he offers for Sale on reasonable terms for prompt payment, or al his usual credit oj six months to constant customers .———• BEST Yorkshire hams, (ripe, pine cheese, gunpowder and hyson tea, double resin d sugar, casesui pickles, sauces, white wine vinegar, mustard and ulack pepper; old Port wine, French braudy, old Grenada rum, bottled porter ; wax-spermacetiand uiilow candles, soap in boxes ot 28 lbs. each ; Irish linen, Fiench cambric, Irish and Russia sheeting, long lawn, cambric muslin, India white and blue salemporcs, whiteyellowand stuped nankeens, pieces check of Myards, bineblacxand green super fine broad cloth, shirting flannel, cotton shirting, Gcnlleinens braverand Leghorn straw hats, fashionable saddle* ami bridles with plaied mounting, gig iiarncss with rich furniture and plated ornaments, superb tent bed-steads with handsome musquilo nets ind trimmings and square edged best horse hair mahassesfeather bolstersand down pillows to suit, pare matrassesbobters and pillows 6 feet by 5 dl he best materials, clei ant toilet glasses with ano tilhout drawers <>i solid mahogany, mahogany knife hays with brass handles, mahogany hand waitcis, Japanned tea waitersand real, ponttpont coffee big-m-, plate boor direkte hetdflr,St °f dis le toren aan goede bctaqlders op 6 maan'ienkredit: —r~ BESTE Yorkshire hammen, pens, pyn-appcl kazen, fyne en hyson thee, dubbelde-geralfineeide zutker, kistjes met ingelegde zuuren, sauzen, witte wyn izyn, mbsterd, zwarte peprr, omje Port wyn, Friiisebe brandewyn, oude Grenada rum, rn gelmltekle pootter; waxspermacetien smeer-kaarsen, zerp in kistjes van 28 lb., lersch linnen, Franjscbe balist, lersch en Russiesch doek, lang lawn, kamerdocks muslines, Oostindische witte eii blauwe salrmpores, *ittegeleen gestreepte nankings, stukjes bont van 14 yards, blauw-zwarten groen super fine taken, flame! voor hemden, mans bever en Leghorn strooij< hoeden, zadels en tornnen met pleet gemonteerd naar le nieuwste smaak, chais tuigeu met plete ornnmenen, pragrige tent bedstede met exeltente roiiskitn d.’cleren cn franjea en met vierkante beste paarde>air matrassen met veere bolsters en donze kussens, i eukelde mahassen van 6 voct lang en 5 bleed meJ< ’ • ’ Wsfrrs eri kussens medc van de . 1 iJ . mahony houtc toilet spicgels m e t en 7 lito messe bakken met kopere , senteer-blaadjes, Japansche theebla a du‘ , l <,i, SK2 > nen kompleet, plete brwrf:3 andj? B , : voor vude burden, ditomesse bakie S . n patente-tinne schotel dekzels, . met snuiters, &c., beeren dresseer kiss h I beste Londonsche ivore messen en votKSiWS ¦ xellente schcerinessen, een genera 11 i ,zerwerkeerstekw:diteit, mans en , strike 1J inters schoenen met gespen le paraplus en parasols, koiisen, h;u’i { k P k n i -mistr ontbyt tale! lakens, handdoeken ,oand, naiddens, &c., rose en lavendpr jWßlvrl , « n tande borstelijes, Wimlzor zeep, kamSMEe -* *ns, koffy baaidoek en garen, sen houwers, thee ketefs, sans pannen : . rooster-yzers, koffy potten, koffy. ne n « •nolens met draai wtelen, tuin p’*l®da»t MJrtement van glas-en aardewerk, Chii e servicen, (immergrreedschap van alle loo JHptli< * en trek-zagen, spykers van 4 tot 30pennvl’Jlfcc’ nengzelseu kramrm n, witterode’ blauwe-verven en verf-olic, pik en teerASTft'tfe 'ten claret in Listen en vaten, Pink LandenMadera Hyn in pypen. ...JLW -mige tecdsdne jaren in de kolonieZen 21 < voorraad andere goederen. . • I ~ 7 M:ly ’ riIABLES ItaJEehl ' ¦ NEW AMS I'ERbAM, ’ * Satu»oay,Jvne 10, 1815. , By the wtsu of Barbados, we have glish Journals, this week, to the &2d ’ :>n town to the 27(h) Be have , mtciesting pa>agtaphs for our ’ ... , LONDOJf, Dispatches (brought by Mr. Ly< ||, th c were yesterday it tcivcd al Lord CaMlcreagO •tiom Vienna. Hostilities appear to on the side ol Italy, and Murat, contrary to fiilent statements m the last Vicuna Gazette against Austria in that country. ¦ We have also received Paris Papers to the 161? * inst. from which we have made some copiuatettn^E^ 1 Bonaparte cunt lines io make every effort tofnmal*; ‘ iris forces. Addresses and circulars have betm uy the Ministers of the Interior Departments, for prevailing upon thedi.«dmn™,!»f£ a . disbanded soldiers to rally once more round ihe sulud, dardol Napoleon; ten thousand men »reciw4aft in .. al work in Paris, manulacturing arms for Ihetr**.?., and an atlvcrtisemfcnu for the Mhester at WsM2 vitesall who have horses to dispose of for ranawblT,.' ¦ the cavatiy, to send them to the depot at • where they will be paid for at the rate of 500 ’ , ° r AS”‘ r ?* i>lcr ? charger; 460 for a Dragoon Iltjup ¦in I jJk) for a Light Hqrse. Every art it uail na ( •blacken the Bouibons; the private papersohj.ii > purpose. AV bat would the world have seen if3j‘, ot Bonaparte and his agents were exhibited on > turn oi tiie Bourbons ? The French Funds co»J i ' m a state or astonishingly great and progrestivM pa trllDC* Ihe British residents in Dunkirk, haverecejor orders to quit that town. | o f We Irani with great regret the loss of hit Majtrlab ship Slatira, one of the finest frigates in the-sect! OI On the 2(jth Feb.uary last, standing towards (nJ fi e with four transports in company, the Statira sowh< iy ttruck vu a sunken rock .near the Island of Mg to Juagua. 1 L Official notice has been given, that the Miiw ei proposes to fund Eighteen Millions of Exch<«| Bills, on the following terms-The stock to hM e Navy 5 pgr Cents; the dates to be those of the® f ; 1814; the dividends to commence in January W e funding days to be the 26th, 27th,28h,sad29th J| c —ll7/. to be given for every 100/. I i “ Dover, April 17, 5 p. m.— This morning* j rived.several vessels from Ostend, sailed fromthw last night; they bring us the report of a rencoal between a party of French and English, near Lift*It is said that the French made a sortie Own Lislf surprised some of our advanced parties, and made* prisoners; the British troops, in return, madeMnjj tack on the and took 500 prisoner#. T1 Dake of Wellington is said to be at Ostend, and Hi it is thought his Grace iscomming to this country•! Paris, April 15.-~The Journal of Frankfort al flounces that M. Bourinne has sett offer Hamburg, h act there as the M inester of Count de Lille. '1 The Constitution, which has been dally under al f mission by the most experienced politicians, mom| whom have defended in our National Assemblies w rights of the people, will soon be finished, W appear early next week. ¦ . 1


rte Jourdan, Brune, Oudinot, and t Whlw tfi® oa< " s 0,1 Sunday to the Emperor. Decree of the 7th of this month, Dannas is appointed Director-General o; of the National Guards, under the “Wld JSMEeMtnW‘*r the Wcnor. ler the Archduke Antony is named VicetojaMßp Constantine commands the Rus|ed guard. — The Neapolitan army has not ough Rome, but made a circuit about the « not estimated at more than 50,000 men. •re on its route it posts up Proclamations, 10 inhabitants to concur towards the indejf Italy. A Russian army of 50,(XX) men aid, march from Prague to Italy. , April 12.—The March of troops through dll commence immediately; between the and the 7th May, a great many Prussian will pas throught, making but short stay r proceed without delay to the frontiers Fruissia is to have 350,000 men on foot, ren corps, fouj of which will immediately eld, and the other will iorm the reserve. London, April 20. Important French Papers. i our last night we receiver! Paris Journals date as to the 18th fast. the contents ot important. A telegraphic dispatch from icbet announces the submission of Mariguignan, ami Antibus,to the authority of *r, which event has been celebrated at Palischargeof one hundred pieces of canon, of France may thus be considered as havrieldedtothe degrading yoke of the Tyin consequence of the ruinous delay of the of the Allies, is now availing himself, by i means, of the various r« sources of th< dry, to maintain himself upon his usurp, and (as he boasts in his address to the ruards), “to restore the honor and glory ’ hi this Address it will be seen, he speaks d troops merely as foreigne s, observing, he knows no enemy ; but at the same time hostility of temper and spirit that suffiks his desire of having an opportunity of t his reverses” by a display of that “nati¦ which twenty yars ago astonished Euevery respect, indeed, he is preparing rmiditble means, not only of resistance, dy of offence; and it is lamentable to ree Allied Powers, who by due promptitude flight with case have subdued the revived the commencement of his career, and n fir ever, should by their extraordinary heir inexplicable delay and indecision, led him time to organize, as it were, the gth of France in support of his infamous to enable him already to talk again of the glory of France” by a display of that ..gour which twenty years ago astonished Il Europe.” Whatever the issue of the approachJfag contest may prove (Heaven grant it may be prosYperoiis to us), it is heart-rending to think that it has I been thus rendered doubtful by delay, while even a 1 partial effort, early and timely directed to the great J object, would not have failed of complete success, i° r of effecting the general deliverance and security lof Europe.— With respect to Marat, (our unfortuhBate neglect of whose powerful co-operation is mi¦ other subject of heartfelt regret,) there unhappily I seems no doubt of his having actually commenced I hostilities in a quarter where incalcuable mischief is to be apprehended from his exertions. Account* from Lyons state that he bad beaten the Austrians in snverat actions, and advanced to Placentia, after having taken several thousand prisoners; and it was reported at Paris on the 17tb, (hat after having had an affairuttbat place he advanced still farther, and had entered Milan ; and that all Lombardy was in a state of insurrection. The accounts, however, want con frmation, and we trust they wil rt least prove to be gross exaggerations of facts. Telegraphic Dispatch. , ; ** The Duke de Albuferato the Minister at War. “ Lyons, April 16. a On the 12th the town of Marseilles, on the invasion of Marshal Prince of Esling, and without aWaiting the arrival of our treops, hoisted the tri-cofour flag. It floats ever since the 10th at Draguignanand Antibes.*' At noon this news was announced to the capital by the discharger 100 pieces of cannon from the artillery of the Invalids. His Majesty this day passed in review the National Gnard of Paris, composed of 12 legions, forming I'4B battalions : 24 battalions were ranged in the court |of the Palace of the Thuilleries, and 24 on the Place Fof the Carousal. The Emperor passed successively through all the rank?. The Officers then having formed a circle, his Majesty addressed them in a speech. Paris, April 17.—1 tis reported that the King of Naples, after having had an affair al Placentia will, 'he Austrians, from whom he made many prisoners, ’•as entered Milan, and that all* Lombardy is in a state of insurrectionThis news wants confirmation. It was assorted this morning, during the review, 'hat the Emperor had received satisfactory news from England. Ihe intention circtilated at the west end of the town, that advice had ( been received of hostilities having commenced on the Rhine. Indeed, the Allies, unfortunately, are not yet in a stale sufficiently strong to undertake offensive ’operations in any direction, except that of Belgium 'and the neighbouring Stales, from which quarter, certainly, an important blow might some weeks since havebeen struck, from the comparatively defenceless state in which the enemy then stood; but, thanks to die indecisions of Cabinets, the favourable opportunity has been suffered to pass neglected, and that the ’ consequence is, that by this delay the enemy has been 1 enabled so much to inprove his conditions as to ren-1 derimminently perilous on our part any other than a ’ general and simultaneous attack at the present moment; and the whole of the destined lor this enter‘ prize are not expected to be upon the Rhine for nearlj ¦ three weeks tocome. The enemy’, onthe other hand, cannot be anxious to precipitate the struggle, feeling ’a* he does the immense ail vantages to be derived by ‘ him from delay. Every day adds materially to ln> strenght; and having criminally neglected to tak; any the slighest precaution to prevent his return to ' France,.we now afford Imn every opportunity oi firmly re-seating himself on his usurped Throne, and, oi whfah, with a venegeance, he does not fail effectually f to avail himself. What strange conduct! what uni accountable and wretched policy ! His escape from ' Elba, we again repeat, might easily have been prevented; during bis progress from the coast to the capital, the slightest assistance from the Allies would have sustained the Throne of the rightful Monarch, and frustrated the design of the Usurper; and now that he has regained the Imperial eminence, strange to say, we find sufficient time allowed him for all the necessary efforts to organize his means and establish his power. The opportunity of rendering public and common justice without difficulty, has unfortunately passed unheeded—-and Heaven grant we may now be able to do it, with all the efforts we are capable of making. Al best the struggle will now be of doubtful issue, and the Bourbon chuse, we tear, is lost for ever. Oh! g ire artfully informed that the Emperor of Russsia, . has engaged to send all the prisoners he may take to I the remotest extremities of Russia, never to be restored or exchanged; that such of the French as chuse to enter into her service, shall be sent to the army of Caucasus; that others shall form Colonie* and . settlements; and lastly, that such as will do neither i shall be slaves. The other Powers (it fa with equal I falsehood added), have determined, that the pri. (.oners taken by them, shall be treated with the serej rity and contempt due to the conduct of a nation which arrogates the right of chusing its own masters.” I The AfonfZrj/rcontains several intercepted letters from the Marquis of Osmond to the Duke of Ano-ouleme one of which, dated Gonoa, the 9th of April, states thaUhe Neapolitan had a slight affair with the AuJ Irians, on the Socchio, between Reggio and Modena, in which the former had a trifling advantage, and the Austrians continued their retreat. 1 ona P ar * c h‘ ,s made a great improvement in hi* . Ministry, and is evidently exerting every means to t cultivate and restore the old Republican spirit. Lu. cian Bonajjarte, in whose abilities the power of Na. poleon may be. considered to have orginated, and #bose strong Republican spirit refused for his head many a proffered Crown, has been appointed Minister >1 the Interior, (the same situation he held under the Consulate); Carnot takes the War Department ; which he tilleddiinng the most briliant of Bona pa it. fa campaigns; and Merlin of Douai, the celebrated old , Conventionalist, of w hom we heard nothing for many .years, is recalled from his retirement, ami made Mti iiister ol Justice.—Davoust, who resigns his situation of War Minister to Carnot, is of course destined for .a military command.—Marshal Berthier is arrived t at Vienna.—Bonaparte, from some whim has quitted .the Palace of the Tbuilleries, and taken up his restsidence in the Palais Elysee, the palace in which tho Prince de Conde recently lived. Vienna, April 6— Concerning the real states off fie Congress a more profound silence than ever prevailed . for sqm* day; there are not even any reports in cir.culation. We in vain look for the reason of this , enigmatical state of things. The appearance of Napoleon has certainly some influence, but peat:e will not be disturbed by it, it is merely an rxecutionary ¦ war, (that isa-war to enforce a judical scnicnce)— merely some t. rritorial points may be changed; the peace itself remains as concluded. r Ihe troops of the Allies which are marching against France will be on the Rhine about the eml of April, J and immediately able to begin their operations. LETTCR OF LT.-CEN. GROUCHY TO TrfE EMPEROR. “Head-quarters, Avigon, 3p. m. April 13. “ Sire,—l have the honor to announce to your Majesty, that the city of Marseilles despfayed the national cockade yesterday morning, and that the tricoloured standard flies over the whole territory of the Empire. “Our advanced guard is fa march from Orgon upod Aix. 1 think stopping its movement, and lam concerting with Marshal the Prince of Es.ding npon what is proper to be done now to ensure the public tranquillity. I am going therefore to Marseilles, where I beg your Majesty to send me your orders, &c. (Signed) “GROUCHY.” Toulon, April lE—The following is the address of the Prince of Essling; it produced the greatest effect “ Inhabitants of the Eighth Military division—An event no less extraordinary than fortunate has restored ous the Sovereign whom we had chosen—the great Vapoleon. “ This ought to be a day of rejoicing to all French, nen. He has re-ascended his Throne without there laving been a single drop of blood shed for the attainment of the object. He has returned to the bossomofa family who loved him. “ Frenchmen! There is not a town in the Empire where there is not a monument which commemorates ifa beneficence. Let us bless Heaven which has restored him to us. The military recognize in him the lero who has constantly led them to victory. In him the sciences and aits receive th*ir protector. “Let us offer prayers for the preservation of his ife and of his dynasty. “ Vive CEmpereur (Signed) “ The Marshal of the Empire, “Duke De RIVOLI. ‘ “ GovernoroftheSth Mililary Division. (Signed) “ The Prince of ESdLI NG.” 1i Toulon, 10th April, 1815.”


MARSHAL'S OFFICE. BY virtue of an Appointment from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated the 13th'of May, 1815, given upon a petition presented by Lewis Cameron and Samuel Kendall, a* Sequestrators of Plantation Bort um, the property of the fate Robert Gordon. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that the Execution and Sequestration served upon Plantation Borlum, cum annexis, in favor of William Fraser, Culbockie County of Inverness North Britain, is hereby released from said Execution and Sequestration.—Betbice, 9 June, 1815. K FRANCKEN, First Marshal *** SALES by EXECUTION, THIRD PROCLAMATION. BY virtue of an Appointment from His Excellency J. Murray, Brigadier-Genera! and Acting Governor of the Colony Berbhe and its Ihpciideirrirs, &c. &c. &c. given upon a Petition, pr« seated for that purpose, by Archibald M’Queen, qq Colin Macrea, under date of 16th January, 181,7, tvrszrf, the Proprietor or Proprietors, Repn st ntative or Representatives of Plantation Palmyra, Eusi coast. Notice is hereby given to (he Public, at tin instance of Evan Fraser, surviving partner of tin House of Evan and Angus Fraser, Merchants of this colony, and which House of Commerce are now possessing through deed of Assignment, the right and interest before possessed by Cotin Macrae in the debt for which Plantation Palmyra is now under Execution and Sequestration; that I the. undersigned intend to Sell, at Public' Execution Sale, in the presence of two Councillors Commissaries and their Secretary, in the momh of December, 1815, the precise day hereafter to be notified through the Gazette of this colony : TAe Cotton Estate called Palmyra, situate on the Fast coast of this Colony, with all its culli-catir-is, b a tiding.*, slates, and further appurtenances thereto belonging, the property o f R. P. Broodi ; a'lcon¦ form note to an Inventory formed thereof, and nci; laying at the Marshal's Office for, the inspection of thone whom it may concern. Whoever should think to have any right, action or interest, on the abovementioned Estate called P.dTnyra, cym annexis, and wishes to op |rose the Sal thereof, let sueh persons address themselves tot’s Marshal’s Office, declaring their reason for so doing in due time and form, as I herby give notice, that J will receive opposition from every intermediate p rson, appoint them a day to have his or her claims heard before the Court, and further act therein as th. law directs. Tais 3rd Proclamation, made known !o the Public by beat ofllrutn, fronyhc Court House of this Colony, and further dealt h*ith according to custom. Berbice, 4tb June, 1815. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. SUMMONSES BY EDICT. ~ " BY virtue of am Appointment from His Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Esquire, ftseutefoant. Governor of the Colony Berbice and its Depentlencies, &c. &. &c. dated (he 9fh June 1815, given unon a petition presented by Daniel Alls, Deputy Receiver General and Receiver of the Church Fufo. J the undersigned at the request of aforesaid ffreeiver General and Receiver of the Church Fund, Summon by EdictAll known and unknown creditors of plantation /Is Vocdster, cum annexis. sold at Execution Sale, to appear before the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, on Monday the 17th July 1815, and fotimringlfcys, tor toe purpose of then rendering their claims, to mamlain the same, aul to hear, after the fourth Edicta! Summon, the Court’s • decision, as to the prefvrent and concurrent right-nt cluimanrs on the proceeds of the Sale of said Estate, on pain of perpetual silence to those who remain ii default of rendering their claims. This Summons by Edict made known to the Public by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony, and fnr( her dealt with according to custom. Berbicc, the 9th June, 1815. K. Francren, First Marshal. BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes of the Court of Rolls, given in the cause entitled James Fraser aud Simon Fraser, in capacity as Curators to the Estate of Evan Duncan Fraser, dec’d , Plaintiffs, versus, all known and unknown creditors against the Estate of Evan Dunean Fraser, dec. Defendants, dated the 10th April, 1815. I the undersigned at the request of aforesaid Curators, do hereby Summon by Edict, for the third time: All known and unknown creditors against the Estate’ofEvan Duncan Fraser, dec. to appear before the Court ol Kolb; on Monday the Jgth of June, 1815 r lh(jxe so render in their claims, to verify the same, and. further o proceed according to law. This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu’ >lic by beat of drum from the Court House of thi-1 -olony, and furtherdealt with according io custom. Berbice, the 9th June, 1815. . K. FrAncken, First Marshal. | -.j — —— » By virtue of an Extract from the Minutes of i the Court of Civil Justice, of th s colony,/ dated the '7th day of May 1815, given in the cause entitled M. F. Costenbader aud H. Luthers, ns Curators to the Estate of H. W. Brandes, d* This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu•die by beat of drum from the Court House of thb »colony, and further dealt with according to custom. Berbice, the 2d June, 1815. 1 K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. By virtue of an Extract from the Minutes of rhe Court of Civil Justice, of (his Colony, dated (he • Ci May 1815, given in the cause entitled J. van den • "Brock and. Geo. Panels, as the Attornies to the.Wii Jow Herlin, who is the Executrix ot her late husb*.i:( JFUuutiff; versus, all daimaiiU on • the Estate of J. C. W. Berlin, dec. Jthe uader.’•fgnei, at the request of aforesaid Attornies, do Summon by Edict: all claimants o;i (he Estate ot • J. C. W. Herij:i, dec. to appear before the Court ol Tolls, on Monday the 19 of June 1815, th* re to render in their clauns, to verify the same, and further tc proceed according to la w. , This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu , nlic by beat of drum from the Court House of till? . colony, and hinher dealt with according to Lan. Bvrbtcc, 2d J tine, i 815. f K. FitANCKEN, First Mirslnd. BY virtue of an Extract fcoiu the m'tJic Proceedings ot the Court rFCivH Jn-uce, u> ais colony, dared (be 17 May 1815; Given in the cause emuled J. G. Cloot de Nieiiwerkrrk, as qq. doth the Esi.t es of (he late M. A. van Imbyze van ateuburg, as well as to that of the late S. J. . van 1 imhyze v-’n Bitt nbnrg, PtaifiWf, versus, aft k <»wit n»d unknown cref Rolls, on Monday the 19th J unc J render in their claims, to verify the sa ’ in fjSl io proceed according to la w. ’ ‘ l!y This Summons by Edict made known tn at I »by beat of drum from t1,. : Coan >ny, and tnrther dealt with according <’ Berbicc;, 2d June, feis. ° ’ , ‘ K-Francken, First 11 t0 '• BY virtue of an Exti^olr^rihT^l*?’' • r h V il Justice, of this colony, dated 27th riven m thecause entitle? R. C. »’ i ty as Attorney of W. King and P. .1 (ors to the Estate of F. Byuoe, dec. pB& -us, all known and unknown claimapk on ceeds of ph.ntation Rest Bower, cum a nnc ». TMir/r undersigned, at the request of aforesaid • hereby Summon by Edict, (for the 58C3Wlllknowm and.unknown claimants oa the ur i •f.plantation Best Bower, cum annexis to? 1 oeiore the Court of Roils, ort Monday tht; 19tpl ‘ 1815, th re to render in their claims, to muse, and further to proceed aecowling to laiG> B C3I1 l < This Summons by Edict made known to -blie by brat of drum from the Court HouseWj' colony, ;md farther dealt with accordina tn 1 Be.-bfoe, 2d June, 1315. 3 S!B W * ftJi • K. Francken, First Manfal I jj BY virtue of an Appointment rhombic Court of ( ivil Justice, of this colony » upon a |n t:tioii presented by Wm. M’Leod, in their capacities as Seqnestrators&fcifeEa* iati in Cearn't s and half of Lot No. SO, -¦.id ipitoi.pmejil bearing date 13th May, 1815.']i he undersigned, at the request of aforesaid rators, do hereby Summon by Edict: A l! c>dfol| ' m the p-jf -eds of plantation Geanies, »ndt!if»ko d Lot No. 80, Corentyh, to appraf before thef , -t Civil Justice, of this colony, on Monday(fc kriy, 1815, and followiug days, there t|> render ‘ '*;.’;r d u .is, to veil y the same, auj further fa pro-fi * ¦ ceed aecvraiug to law. This Sti.nnwn by Edict made known to the PuWcWl ' >y beat ot drum from the Court House ‘md furl her dealt with according tocustom. ; ' ' Berbicc, 2d June, 1815. ' K. Franc&en, First Marsbat jfa -yy '''' " 1 _ — K-«, BY virtue of an Appointment from the Hi. I d ¦ lorab’e Court of Civil Justice, of (his colony, gi«x I qxiu a petition presented by Jno. M’Camonand W, I 'ort, in their capicuics as Sequestrators ‘divided half of Plantation Resource, the latepn»pa«K H y of FreJcrfok Cort, said appointment bearing«ta» B' 1 the 15th May, ISIS. I the undersigned, at thew. I ¦ | i si ot aiorcsaiJ Si questrators, ifo hereby Snaio£ » »y Edict: Ail Claimants on (he proceeds of the®* fc ’ tiviJed h alf of .plantation Resource To appea I • icfne the Court ol’Civil Justice, of this colony, i I (heir Session which will be held on Monday the 1M I July, 1815, fold following tfoys, there to render is Bt . iheir claims, to verify the same, and further to pi> B t eeed according to law. | : This Sammons by Edict made known tntkePubli# B oy tji’.;t of drum trotuthc Court House of thiscubnj, K md forther dealt.with according to custom. Bcibice, 2nd June, 1815. K. FRANCKfiN, First Marshal. I • BY virtue of an Extract from the Mfouts I ’ of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dakd I ¦ the 27(h May, 1815, given in the cause entitled PcI ‘ ter Fail bairn, as appointed foterum Sequestrator k I ! (lie Estate of James Fraser, dec. for self and in I ¦ capacity for ell other Reprc'sentatives of that Estate I > Plaintiff by Edict, versus, all known and unknowt 1 > claimants against the Estate nt the deceased Jamil I Fraser I the undersigned j at the request of aforel ’said P. Fairbairn, qq. Summon by Edict, (for th® ’ f >iutb time ex super abundanti) : AU known and u«< | known claimants against the Estate of the deceasea j .Fames Fraser, to appear at the Court of Rolls Monday the R)ih ot June, 1815, there to render in „ iheir claims, to same, and further to pro* cccd according to law. This Smnmons by Edict made known to the rnhlic by beat of drum from the Court House of this ’ colony, and furt|ie« dealt with accon|gig to custom. Berbice, 2d June, 1815. K. Francken, First Marshal. , .1 I » Published eierd Saturday at 4 o'clock p Jl* Bv W. SCHLfLZ & C»< Privileged Government Printer» t