|15.) w . THE (Nd. 559.
r p. annum.]
I^’ N—Notice is hereby gi gi’fe
’fe gi’fe Ke W nex! 1 Gonrt of Holls will be held
i^’ (he |oth dun#*, 1815.
By command of I he Court of Civil Justice,
fll ’| IL c. DOWNER, Sec.
Berbice,‘ZSth May, 1815.
fcITHE n;u«?rsif>Tied, earnestly requests, the at-l
of indebted to this Office, for Taxes,
ilerJ^conx*forward with payment, to prevent I»im,h.iv I»im,h.ivto
to I»im,h.ivto ihu nnpleitsingpno ie of enforcing tin
La-.r. , '<
* lt wW DANIEL ALLT, Dep. Rec. Gen.
M>B ■■'■■■■■■'■■■’’■''■'••■■■••■•■’'••MM.
I JUST arrived, and for Sale by the Subscri-
tin* tollowing articles: Prime mess beef and
.‘■berk in hali bnrrrh, h iris, pickled salmon in small
® jfpffMtT'- frucfiour, Goftftm and EmmottN walnuts
/mek-h’/p, do. quin sauce, do. camp sauce, do. essence
cottun and coffee bagging, salcmporis.
"Bpsaabururs, diaper, negro hats, &c.
W ~ _ J. G. V. THIEXSMA.
j Kapt J WILLEMS, Seliip Ceres, voorne
gyros zyndc a.’otsbiande Duhderdag zekcr van hierte
llfcilrn, vrrzmkt de g ncn die lets van hem te vorde vordejn'bchbrn
jn'bchbrn vordejn'bchbrn eidks te komen ontvangcn, en die aan
’ j iem verachuldigd zyn tc kronen allcs ui uill
ll uill fcrlj'kop annstnande Dingsdng. De Bricvenznk
J voorgcmtlde schip zal des Wuemdag’s vroeg in de
J ftorgen geslotcn worden. 2 J tiny.
| THIRTY bales of Cotton will Jm> put up for
Sale amom»st the Creditors of Joseph if Doni I;.’, on
Monday ihe Igth inst. in the forenoon, St the house
of Messrs. Colin Douglas & Co.
L , F. Bl? IT IT EBANK for self and
3 June. COLIN DOUGLAS, Trustees.
’T- :;1 ■-. ■. -■i- - ’ 11.... J
CON FAXCON ER having ceased to hold any share in th?
Coacernsof Dbnglas Reid & Company, of this colo colojnyand
jnyand colojnyand of Detncmry. The Finn will in future be
fCoijdtwted under the name of Colin Don/las & Com Company
pany Company ; To whom all those indebted to the late Firm,
fcre requested to make payment.
COLIN DOUGL AS for seif and
as the Attorney of
p , And
ARCH. DOUGLAS, of Glasgow
Berbice, *1 May. R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
L’zr/.v. ISM
; INTIMATION is hereby given: That ori
â– the Thirty First Day of January I us, Alexander F .1-
â– Conor erased fob â– a Partner in tire Company carried
ion under the Firms of ./oA.z Thomas
Douglas in Company, at Glasgow, and Douglas
I Reid in Company, M Demernryan I Berbice, and for'
some time at Liverpool under the Finns of Donbas
M'lnlyre in Company and Colin Douglas in Com Company.
pany. Company. And also that by the decease of,Tas. Reid,
a late Partner of said Company, in December Eigli Eigliteen
teen Eigliteen hundred and ten, his Heirs and Representatives
have had no concern in the Traile and Business of
said Company since the Thirtieth of April in that
year. ‘ A. FALCONER.
A. FA LCONER for sell and > Exccut’s of
Glasgow, 3d March, 1815.
* A true copy of the original exhibited toYne.
R. Ci DOWNER, Sec.
I This is ta inform the Ptthlic, that the following
quitting this colony.
l|Ydtersc«i in 6 weeks from May tJ.
®. Gk in do. from do.
K . A, de la Court in do. from do,
K. «. Calmer in 6 weeks from May 20. / .
â– uhn Hislop, Family ahd two servants, in one month
1 : from 27 ajr.
fcilbert Gordon in 5 weeks from Sil June.
IThe Widow of W. B. Liot in do. from do dos
s dos R. C. DO U NER, See.
To the Printers of the several Denierary Papers.
The following, viz t
“ Mr. John Cheyney has not been in my employ employment
ment employment since 27th February last.
“ Signed, « W. GORDON.
“ Maida, Berbice, 4th May, 1815.â€
Appeared in the F.ssequeho and Demerary Gazette
of instant. " ' .
The Subscriber deems it necessary to state, that he
has resigned the employment, of. Dr. Wilbtun Gur Gurion
ion Gurion on the day mentioned,...cancelnag himself to
have met with unmerited peatmeiit; and conscious
ri having most faithfully executed the trust reposed
in him tor years past, such services combined with
extra good offices on many occasions, demanded a
nore greatful return than the above vindictive at attempt
tempt attempt to injure his character and feelings.
Vryhcid, Berbice, S!st March, lSi5.
MiWitMl >*l»ll 111 mill .â–
FOR SALE by the undecsigaed, Prime
Irish mess beef and in whole and halt barrels, 1
super tine flour in bands, ship’s bread per cwt.
3 June. GEORGE ktONE & Co.
»—■■■—■!■—— •
• ThR Subscriber has imptniia in the iitig
John sox, Capt. fi r utson,from London, ike j ullowf
i tng articles, selected with particular care, which he'
offers for Sale on reasonable terms for prompt pay-.
ment, or at his usual credit oj'slz months io constant
■customers : —?— q
’ BEST Yorkshire hams, tripe, pine cheese, gun gunpowder
powder gunpowder and hyson tea, double n na d sugar, ws- soi
pickles, sauces, white wine vinegar, mustard ahif
black jiepper; old Port wine, French brandy, oid.
Grenada rum, b dllc.l porter; wax-spermaceti- and*
tallow candles, sbhp in boxes »f 28 !b». each ; Irisif
t’n n, French cambric, Irish and Russia sheeting, <
dong lawn, cambric mushn, India White and blue sa- f
imipores, white-ydkev- amt striped nankeens, pre-,
ees check of 14 yaids, blue- black- and green siiperl
fine broad cloth, shirting flannelj cotton shirhug, (
Gentlemens beaver and Leghorn stiaw nats, fashion-,
jable saddl s nnd bridles with plated mounting, gig
harness with rich furniture and plated ornaments,
\uprrb tent bed-steads with handsome mosquito nets
and trimmings and squaxe edged nest horse hair ma matrasses
trasses- matrasses feather bolsters- and down pillows to suit,
' spa/e matrasKCs- bolsters and pillows d ie -t by 5 ol
Jhebest materials, elegant toilet glasses with and j
Lviihout drawers of s«did mahogany, mahogany knit, j
trays with brass Handles, mahogany hand waiters,
Japanned tea waiters and real, pontipont coffee big- 1
•gios, plate baskets, baskets turned inside tor dirty <
plates, do. knife baskets, sets of common and paten,
dish covers, chamber candlesticks with snuffers and
extinguishers, gentlemen dressing cases fitted up
with every requisite for the toilet, best town made
'ivory handled knives awl forks with desertsand car carvers
vers carvers to match, wry superior razors, a large and ge J
neral assortment of cutlery of the first quality, ladies
and gentlemens shops, Hessian boots, strong ancle
shoes with buckles, silk and cotton umbrellas and pa pairnsols,
irnsols, pairnsols, stockings, gloves, damask breakfast cloths,
huckaback for fowling, thread, tapes, needles, fte.j
rose and lavender waters, hair and tooth brushes,
\Vindsor soap, stationary, coffee bagging and twine,
hoes- shovlcs-and cutlasses, tea kittles, sauce pans,
tying pans, grid irons, coftee. pts, coftee- pepper pepperand
and pepperand corn mills with fly weds, garden watering pots,
r large assortment of glass- and earthen ware ant!
breakfast China, carpenter tools of all kinds, whip
sawsand cross cut saws, nails from 4d. to3od.,locks
bolts and hinges of ail stay bars & sta staples,
ples, staples, white- red-yellow-green-and blue paints and
paint oil, pitch and tar : salt in barrels ; claret in ca cases
ses cases and casks,- Rlackburn's choice London particular
Madeira toine in pipes—some of which has now beep
near 3 years in this colony.—And a great variety oi
other articles.
27May. . ; â– â– â– CHARLES KYTE.
Den ondergeteelcenfle her ft ontvangen met de bril:
Re ft Johnson, Kept. Watson, van London, d<
volgende uitgetogte artikelcn, toellte hy te hoop pre presenteerd
senteerd presenteerd op uannemetyke ter men, toor dirc.kte beta betaling,
ling, betaling, of als te voren aan goede bctauldcrs op Q maaii maaiiflen
flen maaiiflen kredit:
BESTE Yorkshire trainmen, pens, pyn-appel ka kazen,
zen, kazen, fyne eu hyson thee, dubbefde gpralfiuecide zui-
ker, kistjes met ingelegdc zuuren, sattzen, witte wyn.
azyn, mosterd, zwarte p?per, o.ude Port wyn, Frah Frahsche
sche Frahsche brandewyn, crude Grenada rum, en gebidtelde
poofter| wax- spermaceti- en smeer-kaars nq in
Idstjes van 28 lb., Icrsch linnen, Fmnsche bntist,
lersch cn R ussiest - h doek, lang lawn, krmerdoeks
nuslines, Oostiqdische witte en blauwe
witte- gele-en gestreepte nankings, stukjes bunt wui
14 yards, blauw- zwar‘« en groen super fin? taken,
II inel voor hemden., mans bever en Leghorn strooije
lioeden, Ridels en toomcn met pleet gemonteerd naar
•de niruwstesmaak, chais tnigen met pkMe ornarncn ornarncn•
• ornarncn• t n, pragtige (ent betls'ede met eXcllenlc mnskito
' Uederen en franjes cn met vierkanfe Iwste panrde-
Ihair matrassen met vecre bolsters en donza ktissensj
icnkelde matrassen van 6 vuet lang en 5 breed met
r bolsters en kussens mede van de beste stof, fr iaijo
â– mnhonyhoute toilet spiegt ls met dn zniMier laden,
dito raesse bakken metk
. senteer-blaadjcs, Japansche theeblaadjes, Huffy kan kannen
nen kannen kompl er, plete brooda a nlj**s, vert indo Arikkcn
Vr'frVf 1 si 11. > kiltu. <-.4.. ... 1
voor viu.e harden, dHonicsse sH lit n ordinary
it patcnlt’-timie scholel dekzeis, kamer kandelarrn
met snuiters, &<•., been n diesseer kistjes kompleet,
bcsle Lontlonsuhc ivore cu vorken kum; leet,
â– Xellcnte scheennes-en, ceji geheraal assoitement y yzei
zei yzei work eersrfe kwaliteit, taans cn vrmiwe Kchocnen/
terke Planters sciroenen-met gespen, zyd? ea k ilo •-
•»e paraphts en para: ols, kousen, nandsch ituieir, da dan
n dan ist? ontbyt ta’el lakeas, hand.loek h garchj
batid, naaldcns, <&c., rose e:i lavender wafers, hair
en tande bnrstcltj. s, Windzor zvcp<* kantiror-lwhocf kantiror-lwhocftins,
tins, kantiror-lwhocftins, koffy baaidoek cn garen, houwvlep, schoppen
en houwers, thee kefets, satis pmmen, braatipaniien,
roostcr-yzers, koffy potten, koffy- peper- cn lu;orn lu;ornmolens
molens lu;ornmolens met draai wielcn,-turn gieters,een groot as assortment
sortment assortment van gbs- en aardewerk, Chineuschc oulbyt
servierh, van alle snort, kraan kraanen
en kraanen trek-zagen, spykers van 4 tot SOpenny, knippens
lieflgzcls en krammcn, witte- rode- gvle- gr ocne- ea
blauwe-verven en vcrf-olie, pik en leer, zont in va valin,
lin, valin, clamt in ktsfen en vaten, lUackburn's Puiks
Puik Landen Madera Ifyn in py p ir, wnarvnn zom zommige
mige zommige reeds drie j iren in de kowuie— *vn cea grootu
voorraad audere goederta.
— s : .■■■-■.
IAIPORTED per Grantham, and for Sale
it the Store of the Subscriber: Six of the most pro proninent
ninent proninent Balli.s in Spain, framed ami glazed; Six
portraits—His Majesty King Geo. the ill.j the Em*
perorof Russia, the King of PMssin, the Duke of
Wellington, the Marshals Blucfrcr and Piaiuff, and
a lew engravings of Bonaparte, by an eminent Artist;
the above arc framed in me most superb French stile
and gill with the best oil gold.—
Also ladies and gentiemens shoes and bootSj while?
and black silk stockings, do. cotton d>to, straw bon bonnets,
nets, bonnets, ribbons, childrens cotton bos?, ready made li linen
nen linen and cotton shirts, line cambric, table ami breat breatlast
last breatlast cloths, counterpanes, thread, tape, ready made
linen and codon shirts, calicoes, Planters beaver and
silk hats, children hats, negro do., stationary, tin and
Crockery ware, excellent claret in hbds., Madeira in
bottles, raspberry ami cherry brandy, tea, loaf sugar,,
black pepper and spices.
A strong and healthy Negro woman, bang a' good
cook, washer and iroucr, willing to labour and very
A House, situated on the north side, halflot No. 10,
cl >se to the middle dam, 60 feet long and 30 broad,
floored above ami below with crab wood, bounded in,
tml 240 feet land, or thereabout, the same will bo
sold reasonable fur cash, or a short credit.
27Miy. ’ M. LINDNER.
, . ' : ,‘ fe** l .' * ’V**_ • t s'. : -»' « -- - ..
NOTICE is hereby given to those indebted
to the undersigned, either by open Accounts fur Fer Ferriage,
riage, Ferriage, Notes ot hand, or other wise, that it is imp.' -
sible for him to give any longer indulgence, but have
recourse lo alisagreable measures unless settled iam
mediately ; and being determined to keep no mor.;
accounts, he hopes no person will cross iue Ferry y
or send their messengers unprovided with p ymchl.'
fie offers for Sale, tor cash only, crabwuud lum lumber
ber lumber at the rale of f 175. per thousand feel, also tt u
coder,simaiubt .humUs ami plank, slabs,Ate. at va various
rious various prices, which he engages to deliver at any o.
the larniirig places in the Town of New Amsterdam..
Bcrbice-rcrry, 27 May. G. U. K. .KEUSiL'
[Payable in advance.
marshal's office.
BY virtue of a Mandamehl granted by the Hon.
Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for the United
Co’onies of Demyrary and Esscquebo, bearing dak
29th April, op the petition of F. C. Otto, an
inhabit uii of these Colonies, 1 the undersigned De Deputy
puty Deputy First Marshal, in'the name and behalf of the
saiq F, p. Qikkdo V. reby Cite His Honor Theophe Theophelus
lus Theophelus Williams, First Fiscal of these Colonies (R.Q.)
and all,and every other person or persons who may
coneciv'e themselves entitled to become party agains.
the said F. C. Otto; to appear before the Honorable
Court.of Criminal and Civil Justice for these Colo Colonies,
nies, Colonies, at their Session to be held in George-'Town on
the Nlheteetli day of June, 1815, and foHowihgdays,
for the purpose of seeing the said F. C Otto surren surrender
der surrender his person, and present himself to be purged
from what His Honor the First Fiscal (R. 0. and
every other person msy wish tri alledge against him,
respecting tAe dreadful Crime of murder, stated.in a
Proclamation of His Excellency Lieutenant-Gover Lieutenant-Governor
nor Lieutenant-Governor John Mvtiiiay, bearing date J9th March 1814,
to have been re'pres> nt'ed to hint by /dis. Horror the
First Fiscal to have b/en committed by the said F.C.
Otto on the body of one of his own slaves and to see
him decl in’d clear, pure and innocent of the same,
likewise to see and hear the Court’s order on the
. subject of the releasement of his person as well as ot
the reparation of injury if any be demanded and b
found due, to give their reasons fur opposition if
they maintain to have any, and further to proceed
according to law.
Rio Dt-merary, A. MEERTENB,
ssh May, 1815. Dep. First Marshal.
... | i,.
NOTICE—AII persons who hold Licences
to cut Wood onl'he Crown Property, are hereby re requested
quested requested to semi their Returns for the last six months
to the Government Seer tary’s Office, within om
month from date; also to pay the Percentages due
on th? same. If not attended to the Licences will be
immediately withdrawn 20 May.
R. MACKENZIE, Commissary.
THE undersigned request all persons, who
jrr.ay have under their care, any property belonging to
F. L. Schmidt, to give notice thereof, at the house of
Mt. IL Luthers, in New Amsterdam, stating the ar articles
ticles articles thus h Id by them, the undersigned being wish wishful
ful wishful of exposing the whole at public sale, inthebegin inthebegining
ing inthebegining of next month, in pursuance of an order of his
Excellency the Governor.
J. van oer SCHROEFF,
TENDERS will be received at the house pl
L. van Rossutn lor 35 bates of cotton, from Plaiita Plaiitalion
lion Plaiitalion Onverwagt, until the 10’h of June next, when
the highestofier will be accepted, if approved.
, a For W. KATZ, and self,
27 May. * L. van ROSSUM, qq.
FOR SALE, by Tenders, 47 baiesvof Cot Cotton,
ton, Cotton, and US bags of Coffee, belonging to the Estah
of Mrs.R. J. Btise, dec. samj les of which may bi
Bern at .Mr. de la Court’s, where the Executor.» k
the said Estate will receive and open the Tenders
tiii arid on Monday the 51b June next, at 11 o’clock
. iff the forenoon, and when the highest offer, for the
whole, or part thereof, will be accepted.
27 May. â– - y â– ' <
ALL persons having any claims against the
Estate ot Jr G. Schullevqnger, dec. are requested t<»
render the same as soon as possible to the undersign undersigned.
ed. undersigned. ’ K. FRANCKEN,
20 May. • , Del. Exect. to aboven. Estate.
— . ; :
FOR SALE —Imported in the ship Grant Grantham,
ham, Grantham, an elegant Top Chaise, painted yellow, picked
out black, lined with super hue cloth and rich lace
trimmings, combining in no common degree the re requisite
quisite requisite qualities, of neatness and lightness, having
been built under the particular inspection of an old
resident for a gentleman of this colony since retired
to Europe, to be had tor the actual cost in this
country, by application to
NOTICE to all person?, who are indebted to
the undersigned, either by goods, open accounts, 01
other, specialities, to come forward with payment
without loss of time ; as all goods, open accounts, 01
other specialities unsettled within fortnight after date
of this notice, will be p aced in the hands of his At Attornies
tornies Attornies Mssrs. Staid and van Rossum for recovery,
without respect to persons.
20 May. D. MARTIN.
NOTICE, tlltW who Ute indebted to Mr,
J.P. Broer, for medically attendnnccor met J icines de delivered,
livered, delivered, are reyucstcdtocoine forward with imniedi imniediatepayment
atepayment imniediatepayment tri the undersigned, by whom several ap application
plication application having beet! made for payment, but without
effect; all accountsdtot settled on the Ist day of June
next, will be put in We hands of the Marshal.
20 May. G. SCHWA RTZ,qq«
THE Creditors of J W. Heytmeyer are re rei
i rei quested to send in their Claims at the Office of
FOR HIRE, Five able, well disposed, Car Carpenter
penter Carpenter Negroes. Enquire of
20 May. Jno. BERESFORD.
| ■"■—; ■■■'.»■,, |. iH.li® ■■... " * ’
, The Subscriber Cjfers the following Assortment of
Goods, just Imported from London:—
I Planters mess beef and pork in half barrels,
I hams, cheese, pickles, fish sauces, sal lad oil, vinegar,
> mustard, gun powder tea, refined sugar, spices, black
i pepper, currants, prumes, oatmeal, split pease, bar-
• ley in jugs, oat in puncheons, Hoffman’s fruits, con con,
, con, Idiouary, chtrry and raspberry brandy, old rum,
gin, brandy, London .particular Madeira iu hhds.
. ualmsy in kegs, champaign, claret, Rhenish wine,
‘ porter, pale ale, cyder, soap, candles, blue and starch,
, paints, oils, spirits turpuntinc, pitch, tar, red ocher,
• plain and patent rope from 9 threads to 4| inch ch chi'
i' chi' bias, oakem, English ensigns and buttin, fishing lines,
white rope, boat clasp and rose nails 4dy to 40dy,
I large seized (iocs, shovels, cutlasses. 1 and 2 gallon
i iron boat chains, plantation and shop scales and
weights; parlour door- warehouse and stock locks,
book case and liquor case do., hinges, bolts, screws,
jash pullies, sad irons, whip saws, files, carpenters
â– idzes, axes, planes, gimblets, pincers, compasses,
i chissds, gouges, tool chests grid irons.
' frying pans, tea kittles, negro and tradesmens jackets,
wrappers, hats, coffee ami cotton bagging, Osna-
* burgs, checks, India blue and white salempores, white
,and yellow nankeens, cliintz, hkfs., muslins, Man Man,
, Man, Chester nankeens, linen, brown Holland, Russia sheet sheeting,
ing, sheeting, ginghams, coloured- jicconet- and cambric cambricmuslins,
muslins, cambricmuslins, marseilks, dimity, elegant sets of ivory
’ handled knives and forks, plane do., Iridian knives,
pen and pocket do., raXors, swords and dirks with
3 bells, sword knots, gohfhee, frogs, silk sashes, pa pal’
l’ pal’ tent lamps, shades, liqitm and Cruet stands of cut gl tss f
’ pint and half pint goblets, wine glasses, salt eellrrs,
* inger basons, cream coloured ware in sets tosuit pur pur’
’ pur’ chasers, cups and saucers, eyrns and basons, gcntlc-
* men’s hats, boots, shoes, stockings, gloves, braccM
s cloathing, broad cloth, kersimcre, flannel, ladies’
bonnets,shoes, gloves, slocking, speUCeraand dresses,
plain and twil’d white- black- and coloured-.sarce coloured-.sarcenets,
nets, coloured-.sarcenets, white satin, black crape and bombazeen, thread
tape, millmary, umbrellas, porasols, walking sticks,
’ oiid cages, flour sifters, house brooms, scrubbing scrubbingshoe
shoe- scrubbingshoe and paint- brushes, toilette and common look look'
' look' iiig glasses, garden seeds, watering pots, fowling
pieces, gun' powder, shot, shot bells, powder flaks,
flints, post and foolscap paper, quills, ink powder,
' pencils, blank and ruled books, wafers, scaling wax,
inkstands, water seals, rulers, slates, writing deks,
. aicssuage and playing cards, lavender- rose- and
honey- water, hair and tooth brushes,
razor strops, dressing eases, ivory chest men, billiard
balls, wheslles, sii verspoons, forks and skewers, pla plated
ted plated chamber and bracher candlesticks, egg stands
sov fflasses. A’c. 20 Mar. W. H£NFRY.
FOR LO N DON, the line Brig Ante Antelope,
lope, Antelope, Master, for treight oj
passage, apply to the Master oh board, or to
, 27 May. GEO, BONE & Co.
’ FUR LONDON, the new coppered
Ship Grantham, A. I. John Brand, Mas Master,
ter, Master, will sail as soon frs possible, has good accommo accommodations
dations accommodations for passengers, abree fourths of her cargo is
possitively engaged, and may reasonably be expect expecteil
eil expecteil to sail in alt June. Apply at the Store o! i
VV‘. Henery, Esq. or on board the vessel. 13 May. <
1 ■"im » ■" ■■■■>M .
JBy virtue of authority obtained from the Honor Honorable
able Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, granted
upon a petition presented for that purpose by the
Curators of Plantation Nigg, be.ring date the 12th
»f May, 1815, will be sold on the spot, to the high high»t
»t high»t bidders, on Wednesday the 28th of June, next,
Plantation Nigg, situate on the West Corentyn coast
ind known on the general chart as lot No. 6, with
ill its buildings and cultivation, together with 136
Slaves, (men, women and children, as also the cattle
lelongmgto the sanie,—.the land payable in six and
welve months, and the Negroes in 3,6,& 9 months.
I’he Negroes of this Estate are a vsrv prime gang,
md well worthy the attention of the Planters, having
.bout 40 creols, add many young breeding women.
1). G. CAMERON, Dry. Aforfer.
’ [caXTINUED from OUll LA« T \ I •»'
Memorandum made. 3d November, l ßu I• -
« Wailed on Mr. Morier, at the Foreign n® I* i
. day, at Lord Bathursts request He *
of Bonaparte’s plan and the table of I * 1
had senthe received me cool!y^ Co i I * J
- forbiddingly!-asked me to wait till h e 0 1
â– papers; then, turning to me, ai J sat cMM I
lie asked me a number of nnmieningqucstil I»i
. amongst the rest, « what is the meaning I *
r drum I" looking.itthetableofcyph ( >rg
explained its intention to Lord Ba hurst 2? I *
readily explain its use to him. ’ ia Wl B 1 1
' “He testified no desire to know how towtru I *
’though he evidently wanted that species *
'ledge. I sees there is nothing to be done Ww I
'has no r^/rfcwfc.—Dnhdas and *
' treat me sn; all the talents, energy and (hinkfo *1 1
’opparemly on the aid? of the wretched
con pi ring. Helas, pan vre Louis, von» r ' <'4
’pl;tindr< ! (Alas, poor Louis, you arJdSSI
pUiedn y •’
(copy) *'
«Sj r—His Excellency the Count de la *
, aeggjed 01 me to meet you, to talk on the «
I your letter. It it would he agreeable to *
‘cal! to your housy or meet you at the bouse if it \ «
’ Excellency Count tie lit Chastre, at such aikj »
’.which you might appoint. I have the Inmuurle? > J
' “Str, yourobedient Servant,
' * 4 To Mr. Playfair. “ JoNvutiy
’ (TUANSLATiejr.) «
c «< Sir—l beg you to accept my thanks foryw ml.
.obliging letter, and for the commimicatians.
. intend to go myself and th ink you in person, *f nc
.time which 1 bad aryaged for the shoit journy
f my house to Finsbury-square, M. le Couite &(J ®
Chastre has charged me to say th it he shall be
j cularly glad to Converse with you, and that be
. ways at homo until one o’clock in the afte nooir,
*• If you would have the kindn ss to let me
? the two-penny post, the d «y mhi n you
. ing M.de h ChaStrr, I shal bo there to
of the sentiments with which 1 ha«
■honour to be, Sir, your very humble **’rvant» g.
h< To Mr. Playfaiu. “ Josvtm.*
, [Here follow some curious memorande and fordk tar Stu
â– observation relative to the plot, which coudsa Leon
I thus:] lcea<
’ *ln cootempkting this we must make one rds.
"lion: (lor, though terribly mortified and
'the result, *>till the mind cannot leave off reflect 1
> habits,) aud those refleotiuns are that, for tweutyb 1 11 ‘
> years, vice, wickedness, and every crime hmf!» IP- ** !
nshed, because the vicious ami wirked hadeiw^T®'^ c
’ and ability. When they wanted agent*, theycto F* r
jable men, and when they wanted services, they pal 1* .♦
1 tor them. Hence the maxim of Bon ipartc vui l ,er u
» ways verified, * Give me men ofbusiness; I doh r n 3
I case what or who Urey are, so as they are mejiufH T
‘siness.’ On the other hand, the good and wril-MbOTf 1 /
’i tuned have given their confidence to men ■wheß"r c ".
no talent, bat for intrigue, no energy but for tfreab fr nat!
tainment of personal objects.—lt { s lull rlc
ruth should be known, when a good King is detlwai I*“ e 1
rd, twenty-five miiluns of freemen made slaves, a« r co ‘
the whole of Europe obliged to arm, merely bernt I
an ambassador would not rise from his breakfoil I
listen to most interesting and authentic intelligej
or expend the price
his master and his kingdom.-—The Allies succeed V
in the field because armies are not comjrwd
or cowards, and because intriguers, without abrUtHSW* 0111
cannot obtain command; but it is otherwise in thetl ..
cabinet*there, the man who ha* most geaiw foil
intruriip. crenerallv sets highest no. ’
“ One hundred millions, and the lives of InlfarnKpaity
lion of men, will probably not repair the evil, nfehthei
haps reparation is beyond the power of man 11
can tell what may be the end of a contest when.tbl|ta
contending parties are thus placed ? â– "W t p
u The despot ol Fiance was received by anarmyolßk
banditti,' in order that fee may plunder; and, to plan* Bhw
ler, lead them he inu|t and will, sooner or later. It,
More powerful aud more desperate than ar jungle ® ’
nit ion, perhaps than any two nations, withWspint Nil
»f intrigue to draw the prencipals, aud money to bribe pel
iheir agents; to sow division and mistrfist will be the nt
find and the main object: without sayiSg that hewm II ‘
uicceed, but looking to history for the event of inod to
confederacies, and looking at the a table of changes, |u
we must lie be allowed to entertain fear, without bciagw l
Accused of scepticism or cowardice.†- ’•
:r. tit-a e/lKl'f- W:
:b »or 1 *4« 1 » w x y 2 :
*___ . — , ' •..
jf a b c Cl ci f g h i k I m |
JU i n o p q•r | s • » w x y •
• »
>£ abc d e f 4 g hi k lin $
•F y z n «» p q r s -4 u r x *
Wffc *L -—- — '• — : ‘ *
■2 "*** --"“I w
m; a b c I e f g b i k Im*
*H xyz««o p q r « u* $
abelefg h i k I n *
| K w x y z n o p q r s < « •
■*’'"■""■'" - †ir
XL a b c <1 e f.g h i k 1 m J
«.M a w z y z »> « p q r « t |
f N a b'c d e f gih i k Im*
t u w x y « ft-jo p <( ri •
- — —-i-r —r; —' ,-r- *
Ip a b r.d e| PgTh i k lin *
wrj* pi w xy *" , o p q †r *
H « ahli be
. *• $| r s t ’u w x \ z n o p q *
* .- -r ——— ——.—- —•—— — —• —T- —— —**• j*. :
1 ♦fah ■.1 .' gh:ik I m X-
.5 «Cq r s ! uV x yiz ntf p £
1 OT -r- *
’■fw !) <■• v .g Mi k I
* ! ••'X ;U q r s • " iV My •£■a « *
————■— — — —— ——— — — X '
H ■—.*.¥ abed I gj). i J> .1 ni .«
i »Z|o p|q »• *t a « |>T.Uz “ •
in Cypher, from Tionapaite to the
*M frcncJk Jrmy, a Copy of which was in the handa
II mW* or more Persons, in almost cxery Regiment
fe the Mercier.
Wwcmx xqf kzxbchqufra ysnqangopolla
ufWzriilxgajrfvgk pzu »vr w Iqipdgacrkff
fantedecyphcrcdby me/tns nfthe Key*
ra«re pays eta it tmhi, voire Snipe*
b larseal peu von* ivinettre dims la position splen»hd<‘
5 wtconvient ala Franco. Donn« z hmte vofre ebnfi ebnfi■ceacclui
■ceacclui ebnfi■ceacclui qui vous a tonjditrs conduit© a la glofie.
I, I w Se».
| pThe key (which, it will be seen, may be change
, |pl’ l flsure) v.'-is, in this instance, ha France et ma
(Fra nr ant I xny fain i iy.)
r* It is thus used
•|“L». being the first letfcr of the key, rrlhr tn that
: Iter in the first column of the cypher in capitals;
len look for the letter/, which is the first letter of
S and that letter which corresponds
|fch/, being placed underneath it, viz. n, rs that
wen is to be noted down. To decypher the Pro
lunation, of course the order of rereroncc, must be
Bertwl, by looking for the corresponding letter tow,
j like division opposite that letter JL which stands, in
|e column.â€
j“Frenchmen ’ your country was betrayed ? your
»peror alone can replace you in the splendid state
Ihbkfor France. Gi vc your ent ire confidence to
W who has always Jed you to glory. . .. .
yHisyogles will again soar on high, and strike the
Ata* with astonishment.’*’ ■- . ■_«, j- .
[j (copy.) JOM $01.1814.
1“ My Lord—lla ving first apprised your Lordship
*’laiigerOus proceedings in I’rance, with an offer to
4|tbemeans of developing them, it afterwards Occur Occurtlteme,
tlteme, Occurtlteme, that so many schemes had been practised
tfeain money, from’ this Government, that might:
Kps be suspected off similar views, (for even.the
iffer ow:Copenfragcn is said to have been
Kflta and fabrrcatrxl secret articles of the Treaty of
If, I repeated the offer of declaring
el wantjdjpthmgunless I should succeed, |
it Not beWiFfavoured with an answer, 1 now feel (
e rielled, in vindication of my own veracity, to
elit one. ' '
It I first acted asTthought it my duty, as if I was the
»t ho discover a house being on fire when the inha inhak
k inhak faz were asleep; but, as there might be some
rrEaslo my.mdtive, 1 removed that by asking any
* tid. Now 1 beg leave to stale, that the Italian 1
having, given me a fht siperinr
tor'any in the Bncyclopediee, or to be found in the
British Museum, entitled him tdsornecredit. * Second- (
he had a drawn map of the Istiknd of Elba, whence,
hg said, he was lately coirie ; which iriap served tc
make a model which is actually exhibited at Spring
Gardens, and is admired by persons, who have been
•here, to be very like the likin'!. These arc sufficient
reasons forgiving htn crcdtflrta considerable extent:
and I hate a witness to the communication, who will
come forward if wanted. '
“ Under these circumstance?, I must request an an answer,
swer, answer, tp my offer, which, if nolaccepfetl, I can only
attributed to a more complete contempt for the infor information
mation information given. I shall then think it my duty, to me memorial
morial memorial the Allies together, and iff hey chose to remain
quiscent, I shall have dime my duly, and they will
•>«* the result, which, if fortunate,"it'will not be my
r ault.
“I trust that your Lordship will see the propriety
of this letter, and that I have reason to be anxious;
it being apparent enough that no value is set on the
information I gave, and; as the subject its. If is hig 4y
important , that want of attention can only arise from
ii.crediiing my narrative. I must incur some ex expended
pended expended and crmsiderable danger.
u I am not asking a favour, and being fully persu persuaded
aded persuaded that I have the means’of preventing great evilj
by preserving many lives and immense sums of rhonry
I cannot take (he attitude of one who treats of a trilling
matter, or who dtx*« not bclievfe what he brings for forward,
ward, forward, or who is not serious in whut he-proposes to do.
(Signed) “ William Playfair. i
“Tothe Right Hon. Earl Bathurst, &e.&c. „
“ To this I never got any answer I!!â€
(copy.) S3d.March, 1815.
“ My TiOrd—Although the information which J
had the honour to transmit to your Lordship by tin
hands of Mr. Mvricr, as desired by your Lordship’s
“letter of the 29th October, was not attended to (for
j what reason I do not know), yet, as ' l as proved t<
tbe correct, even as to the'time., when > onparte would
make his effort, I have â– the lionou ' j inform yom
Lordship, that I can give some more information, ami
t hat relative to what is now to Gc attempted. I should
expect, this time, some credit to be given to what I
communicate; and, .as to-mprrow will be a holiday,
I shall pass on Saturday as your Lords’iip’s office,
when, if it is thought.worth. SyGOc to receive it, I will
communicate sometlfing tint I suppose it might be
useful to know. I bjiye-ynj donouf. to b-. Arc.
‘ “ W. PLAYFArn.
“‘Tothe Right Hon. End Bathurst, &c.
“P. S. I think myself bound, to say; that I donot
'attribute to your Lordship the inattention to the in in'
' in' formation that 1 gave to Mr* Morier, nt your Lord Lordships
ships Lordships request. That Gentlemen, received me in a
manner that made me anticipate what has since hap happened
pened happened ; he called the Table of Cyphers Conundrum.
The late Lord Melville and Mr. VVyhdhaw did not
use to receive information in Hint manner, and, and 1
am persuaded that your Lordship would not so haw
received it. That however is gone past, and it will
cost much money and blood to repair what might
I have been prevented by attention to that same Co Conundrum
nundrum Conundrum ; and as I asked nothing for myself, there
' was so little to be risked in giving it fair attention,
t that 1 must say Mr. Morier acted in away that I can can‘
‘ can‘ not comprehend, if I am right in attributing the ne neglect
glect neglect to him.â€"
I >
Satuhday., June 'd, 1815* ,
■i>—BWii " t ' ..
Arrived the brig John Martin, from the Clyde
sloop H erm in a, from Amsterdam j with
full cargoes. 'n . / r -
®45*41&1 1
We are iust this moment favored with the follow following
ing following important news. .
London, 17 April.
“'The Duke d’Angeloume surrounded by troops
sent .against him was obliged to capitulate on theSdr
March; he was placed under a strong escort arid sent
off to Cette to be embarked. There is a letter from
Bonaparte to Gen. de Grouchy, in which he order.
him to demand from the Duke an obligation to res-1
tore the Crown Diamonds.
“ A Mail from Hamburgh arrived this morning
with the news of a Treaty having been signed by the
Allied Powers, at Vienna, founded on tjie Treat/ of
Chaumont. The Powers engage to jpecive no pro proposals
posals proposals from Bonaparte. ;- , - .. a * vi i
- r. » /
* fiprit i i“The
“The i“The High Allies have demanded fr®S te i/ rt .nclt
•he delivering up of Bonaparte and also,lk\. aran
for the maintenance of peace and order. W\ns
refusal they will march their wlfole force into FiL C c.
Portugal have engagetl to sfend
io the Alliance. The Neapolitan only, is immW:*
itely to join also with 45,000 Naples to be guaran guaranteed
teed guaranteed to Murat.
“ By the foregoing Treaty, each ofthe four Greitt.
Powers is to send aftaYmy of 150,000
“ The Allied Powers have agreed not to admit any
of the messengers of France into their
-â– *- .. i â– ^tfiwnrojTTißsws »■i! - â– â–
Mr. Ponsonby rosd tn aslr a question of the great greatest
est greatest importance. It was njmotin d tbatjhere had been
an overture made to the Government of (his Country
from the present Government of France, and that it
had been tr;Aisft)ii(ed to the Cobrt of Vienna. He
would therefore ask (he Noble Lord whether such
in overture had been received, and if it bad, what
were the terms of it, what had been done »n const>
qiience—and when an answer was expected from the
Court oi Vienna ?
Lord Cnstlereagh said, (hat under the presentcir presentcircums’n
cums’n presentcircums’n ices no answer could be exp'c
•er iis of the overture : but that such an overture had
oeen received and immediately transmitted to his
Majesty’s Allies.
Mr.’pOTisonhy asked when it haij been receceivcdl
Lord Cajstlerragh said three days
Mr. Pomnmby asked whether bis Majesty’s Go*
vermnent intended to take any ’host He step beforethe
receipt of an answer from Vienna ?
Lord Cast lercagh said he emdd give po answer.
Mr. Ponsonby rc?d the substance of his intended
Address to the Prince Regent fora copy ofthe inJ
rtructions to Lord W. Beminck in 1811* 12, and 13*
respecting Sicily and Italy.
Lord Castlereßgh said he would have no object objection
ion objection to the first pari of (he Address, an ! that the in instructions
structions instructions to Lord VV. Bentinck, relative to Italy, .rs
1811, were to take advantage of any insurrection in
that country.
Mr. Whitbrnad begged (o ask the Noble Lor F|
whether a letter, which had appeared in one of tn
public papers, purporting to be from Prince Talley- \
rand to his Lordship, Were substantially true ?
Lord Caslicreagh .said, that when the proper op- '
portuniiy would arrive, he would be ready to givd
every information on every part of the transactions of
his mission.
Mr. \\ hitbread said, that no person could form a
doubt but that letter, in which Priqcc 'fa I ley rand and .
his Lordship cut such a respectable figure, was sutu
stantially true, and he asked, therefore, was it not
time for Parliament to ask tor some information on
the subject?
of the Laws* contains a Decree, signed at Lyons on
the 12th ult. by the Emperor, granting a full amnesty
to all persons inipl.tated in catling in foreigners in thg
year 1814, and assisting their plans of Invasion, dis dismembenuent,
membenuent, dismembenuent, &&kwith the following exceptions, viz.
Sieurs St. Roche, J deque tin, de Vitro!-
les, Alexis de Noailles, the Date of Rdgusa.
theue de la Roehefoucault, iiourienne, Edlait, the
Prince of Benevento, Count de Bournonvidc, Count
de Jancourt, the Duke of Dalberg, and the Abbe
de Montcsquiou.
The property of these individuals is ordered to ba
sequestrated ; to be -brought to trta!;"and in
case of condemnation, are to suffer the penalties in indicted
dicted indicted by the criminal code.
On Friday the 9th inst. will be sold by o-dcr of
Mr. Thicnsma, J. A. llicken’s household furniture;
old Madeira in bottles and in pipes, old rum in pun puncheons,
cheons, puncheons, a milk cow ind calf, a mule, some plate and
dry goods.
On the same day an assortment of provisions, dry
ijoods, beer and porter in bottles and in wood, Port
and idlerry wine, brandy andgiu in jugs of 5 gallons
inijMirtml in the Ben Johnson and Thomas Marfin.
Also 2 fine field negroes belonging to the Estate
d R. Toiler, dec.
in otir last publishing, the appointment oT Mr. J. B.
Obermuller, read, J. F. Ohermullcr.
Aho in the advertisement “ Rahns of Marriage
read “ Banns of Marriage."
fY virtue of an Appointment from His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency J. Murray, Brigadier-General and Act Acting
ing Acting Governorof the Colony Berbice and its Depen Dependencies,
dencies, Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. given upon a Petition, pre presented
sented presented for that purpose, by Archibald M’Queen, qq.
Colin Macrea, Under date of 16th January, 18L,
Verms', the Proprietor or Proprietors, Representa Representative
tive Representative or Representatives of Plantation Palmyra, East
coast. Notice is hereby given to the Public, at the
instance of Evan Fraser, surviving partner of the
Mouse of Evan and Angus Fraser, Merchants of this
colony, and which House, of Commerce are now pos possessing
sessing possessing through deed of Assignment, the right and in interest
terest interest before possessed by Colin Macrae’ in the dele
for which Plantation Palmyra is now under Execu Execution
tion Execution and Sequestration; that I the undersigned in intend
tend intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in the pre presence
sence presence of two Councillors Co emissaries and their Se Secretary,
cretary, Secretary, in tire month of December, 1815, the pre precise
cise precise day hereafter to be notified through the Gyzelh
•of this colony : < • â–
The Cation Estate catted Palmyra, situate on tin
East const of this Colony, with all its cntlrzalion.
buildings, staves, and further appurtenances thereto
belonging, the property of R. P. Braom ; all con*
formable io an Itn*-n!vry formed thereof, and non
laying at'the Marshal's (Jffte for, the inspection oj
th< sr whom it may concern.
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest, on theabovetnenfioned Estate called PJ.
inyra, cum annexis, and wishes to oppose the Sale
thereof, let such persons address themselves to the
Marshal’s Office, declaring their reason for so doing
in due time and form, as 1 hereby give notice, that 1
â– will receive opposition from every intermediate per person,
son, person, appoint them a day to have his or her claim claimheard
heard claimheard before the Court, and further act therein as the
law directs.
This 2nd Proclamation, made known to the Pu Public
blic Public by beat of drum, from the Court House of this
colony, and further dealth with according to custom.
Berbice, 23 May, 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minute Minutenf
nf Minutenf the proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of
. this
»lony, dated 10 Mav, 1815, given in the cau*’
entitled Wm. Gordon, Plaintiff in case of opposi opposition,
tion, opposition, versus, the Sale by Execution of Plantation dt
Voedsier, ‘rum annexis, to be sold in favor of Dinirl
AHt, Receiver of the Church Fund. Notice is here hereby
by hereby given to the Public, that the Sale by Execution
of said Plantat ion de Voedster, cum aqnexis, wd
now positively take place on Thursday the 8 of Jun"
1815, on the spot.
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest in the befiwementioned Plant, de Vbcdste»
enm annexis, and wishes to oppose the Execution
Sale thereof, let such person or persons address them themaelvrs
aelvrs themaelvrs to the Marshal’s Office, of this colony, dscla dsclaring
ring dsclaring their reasons for so doing, as I hereby give no notice
tice notice that I will receive oppositions from every inter interihedi
ihedi interihedi ite person, appoint ihem a day to have his or
her claim heard before the Court, and further act
therein as the law directs.
Berbice, 12 Mav, 1815. _
K. FRANCKiOI First Marshal.
frf To Purchasers of negroes —Notice is hereby
given that the sale of plantation De Vbedsterand
negroes advertised for Thursday thcSth nf J uni
next, will positively take place that day, and
that the gang of said Estate is well worth the at attention
tention attention of persons in want of good effective ne negroes.
groes. negroes.
B Y Virtue of an Appointment from His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieutenant-.
Governor of the colony Berbice, and its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. Given upon a Petition present presented
ed presented by k. C, Downer, in his quality as Representa Representative
tive Representative of W. King and P. Benjamin, in their capacity
as Curators to the Estate of Francis Bynoe, deceased
said appointment bearing date 23d March, 1815. —
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that J the un undersigned,
dersigned, undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts within this
colony,intend to Sell, at Execution Sale, in the pre presence
sence presence of two Counsellors Commissaries, and their Se Secretary,
cretary, Secretary, by the going out of a burning wax-candle,
on Wednesday the 7th June 1815,
The. Cotton Estate called LgfrtS'Mdvoß, situate
on the. East coast of this colony, with all its
Slaves, Buildings, and further Appurtenances
thereto belonging.
Whoever should think himself entitled to oppose thi
Execution Sale of said Plantation Lewin Manor, lei
such person or persons address themselves to tU
/ * • ' •
Mar-hal’s Office of sls colony, cleclanitg their reas reastns
tns reastns for so doing in due time and form, as 1 hereby
give notice, that I will receive opposition from every
ntermediate person,, appoint them a day to have
us or her claim heard before the Court, and further
ict (herein as the Law directs
Berbice, 25 March, 1815. :
’ K. Francken, First. Mars*, a],
summonses~bTedic , E
, By virtue of an Extract from the Minutes of
• the Court of Civil Justice, of lh : s colony, dated the
I 27th day of May 1815, given in the cause entitled
; M. F. Costenbader and H. Luthers, as Curators to
he Estate of H. W. Brandes, d< c. Plaintiff,
JI known and unknown creditors or claimants on tire
â– Estate of H. W. Brandes, dec. I the undersigned,
• d the request of aforesaid Curators, do hereby Sum-
• non by Edict: (for the second time) all known and
- known creditors or claimants on (he Estate of FL
- A r . Brandes,dec. (oappearbefore the Court of Rolls,
- >n Monday the 19 June 1815, there te render in theft
- laims, to verify the same, and further to proceed
»-according to Jaw.
t Ibis Summons by Edict made ’ennwn to the Pu Pu•>iic
•>iic Pu•>iic by beat of drum from the Court House of ihi>
f colony, and further dealt wjth according to custom.
Berbice, the 2d June, 1815.
? K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
‘ By virtue of an Extract frrvm the Minutes of
“'‘he Court ol fivil Justice, of this Colony, dated th<-
' 27 May 1815, given in the cause entitled J. vanded
Brock and Geo. Pa?v l<, as the Atfornies to (he Wi-
• low Berlin, who is the Executrixof her late husband
f . C. W. Ilcrlin, Plaintiff, versus, all claimants on
. !he Estate ffiF J..C. W. Berlin, dec. I the under undersigned,
signed, undersigned, at the request of aforesaid Attornies, do here-
â– by Summon by Edict : all claimants on the Estate of
1 I. G. W. Herlin, dec., to appear brtore the Court
' tolls, on Monday the 19 of June 1815, th re to ren ren'
' ren' der in their claims, to verify the same, and further tv
p proceed according to law.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu
“ blic by beat of drum from the Court House, of this
•'■colony, and further dealt with according to Ijaw.
Berbice, 2d June, 1815.
- - - - K. FRXNCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Miuuteti
-of the Proceedings of th<‘Court of Civil Justice, of
} this colony, dated the 17 Slay 1815 ; Given in th<
cause entitled J. G. Clout de Nieusverkcrk, as qq.
. >ofh the folates of the Into “if. A. van fmbyze van
• -‘aienburg, as well as tirthat of the late S. J. B. van
! imbyze Bau nhnrg, Ptaiatiff, versns, al! known
. ind unknown cmlitors-nr claimant? on the Estates ol
the late M. A. van liubyze van Batenburg. I the
oiidersigne;!, at the request of said J. G. Clout
" xvieuwcrkc-ik, qq. do hereby Summon by Edict: (fur
*he second time) all known and unknown creditors or
.claimantson the Estates ol the late V. A. van Injbyze
1 van Batcnburg,an I (he lateS. J. 8. van Imbyzc van
• Jatenburg, to appear before the Court of Rolls, on
- Monday the 19 June 1815, there to render in tfiei.
- claims, to verity the same, and further to proceed ac-
- cording to law.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Public
rby beat ol drum from (he Court House of this colo colot
t colot ay, and birther dealt with according to custom.
Be rbice 2d J uno 1815.
K. FRANCICEN, First Marshak,
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
f of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated
‘ the 27th May 1815? given in the cause entitled J.G
' Clout deNieuwerkork, qq. the Estate of the late A.
’J. van Im by ze van ftrtenbtirg,-deceased, Plaintiff bj
â– Edict, versus, all known and unknown creditors o<
â– claimants on the Estate of A. J. van Imbyzc van Ba*
leuburg. I the undersigned, at the request of afore*
' said J. G. C. de Nieuwerkerk, qq. do hereby Sura Sura'
' Sura' non by Edict, (tor the second lime) : All known
•* md unknown creditors or chiinants on the Estate oi
A a 1 IRQIb V van Batenburg, to appear before*
â– the Court of Rolls, on Monday the 19th June, 1815,
' there to reader in their claims, to verity the same.
' and further to proceed according to law.
1 This Summon by Edict made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this cole*
â– ny, and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 2d June, 1815,
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
, BY virtue of an Extract from the proceed proceedings
ings proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, gj.
ven in thecause entitled James Fraser for self and
other Sequestrators of plantation No. 40 and it,
west coast of this colony, Plaintiff, versus all known
uid unknown creditors or claimants, as well in this
oolqny as in the united colonies of Essequebo ami
Dcmerary, on the proceeds of the Sale of plantation
A'o. 40 aud 41, west coast, the late property of P.
fmail and W. Threlfall. 1 th-. 1 ;
Marshal of the Courts within this
request of uforesr.ijl questrato«- 8 st (W
by Edict, (for the second tinS
and unknown creditors or claimant ‘
colony as in the united colonies *
v the P r
No. 40 and 41, west coast, the kt* 1 °
»f Rolls, on Monday the 19th.h ine
render m their claims, to verify the
io proceed according to law. e ’
This Summons by Edict made knowntna <â–
by beat of drum from the Court HoasZftW
ny, and further dealt wi(h according
Bernice, 2d June, 1815. ° Ij
—maw.,. Flmy.. j ijf
y Yjirtueof an
i.ivil Justice, of thu colony, dated ?m M *
y as Attorm-y of W. King and P B-nb 5 â– n
tors to the Estate of F. Bynoe, dec.
mis, ml known and unknown claimant Oa "? '1
ret-ds oi pLmtation Best Bower, curtJiM â€
â– mderslgncd, at the request of aforesiftflff*'
hereby Summon by Edict, (for the
Hl known and unknown claimants on tin.
>t plantatron IW Bower, cum an (Jgl
m.ure the Court ot Rolls, on Mo uluy thi igM
(815, th re to render in (heir claims, to
tins gammons by Edict made kmiwn tofepl
phe by beat of drum from the Court Hw-'AI
colony, and further dealt with accord in - turn J
Berbice, 2d June, 1815.
... ..... K. Franckex, Pint
BY virtue of an Appointment fr.imtSj
torahle Court of Civil Justice, of ituscokiy 23
•qmn a pehtlon presested by W ni . Cort,
»] Leod, m their capacities as
tatmn Gean/rr and halt of Lot No. SO CoieX
said appointment bearing dale May, ISjS
the undersigned, at the request bf a’mmidSwJ
rators, do hereby Summon by Edict:
•»n the proceeds of plantation Gennics,
d Lot ho. 80, Coretitvn, to app-ar before th cl
J jf Civil Justice, of this colony, on
ihily, 1815, and following day#, there Io render j
(icjrcMims, to verify the same, ami furihertann
cced acc >r
This Summon by Edict made known to the PuMi
>y beat oi'driim from the Court House ofibiscuhu
iiul further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 2J Jnnc, 1815.
„ , . -K» Franc
BY virtue of an Appointment from the Ho
loraßle Court ol Civil Justice, of this colony, fit 1 ;
upon a petition presented by J no; M*Camrm3olw
v'Ort, in their capacities ns Sequestrators forthssa
divided halt ol Plantation the htepiayr
|y oi Frederick Curt, said appointment bearing
*he 13 th May, IS 15. I the 'undersigned, at there,
qu-st of aforesaid Sequestrators, do hereby Mm
by Edict: Ail Claimants on Ihe proceeds of tbera<
iivided hall oi plantation fferourre ——>To
before the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, is
'heir Session which will he held on Monday the HO
Inly, 1815, and following days, there to render ha
their claims, to verify the sarnie, and farther topro toproeced
eced toproeced according to law.
This Summons by Edict mi I • known fothePaM'e
by beat ol drum from the Court Hous** of thiscolufiy,
mu hnther dealt with according to custom. »
Berbice, 2nd Jene, 1815.
K. FR UVCKEN, First MarM
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minute
ol the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, (htw
die 27th May, 1815, given in the cause ent died Pe Peter
ter Peter Fairbairn, as appointed internal Sequestrator in
the Estate of James Fraser, dec. lor seif and in thal
capacity for all other Representatives of that Estair,
Plaintiff by Edict, versus, all known and unkntfn
claimants against the Estate ol the deceased Jamfl
Fraser I the undersigned, at the request of afo|
said P. Fairbairn, qq. Summon by Edict, (for u
fourth time ex super abundant t) : All knowh and d
known claimants against the Estate ol the decea|>n
James Fraser, to appear at the Court of Rollin
Monday the 19th ol June, 1815, ther<%rendc i
their claims, to verily the same, and fuAuer to o
coed according to law.
This Summons by Edict made known to thek
bfic by beat of drum from the Court House of L
colony, arid further dealt with according to costL
Berbice, 2d June, 1815. \
K. Francken, Furst Marsha'
By W. Schulz & Co. I‘riyilcgcd Printers.