Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://original-ufdc.uflib.ufl.edu/AA00093219/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Berbice gazette
- Uniform Title:
- Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
- Place of Publication:
- New Amsterdam
- Publisher:
- W. Schulz
- Publication Date:
- May 27, 1815
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Berbice
New Amsterdam (guyana) guyana
- Genre:
- newspaper ( sobekcm )
- General Note:
- Semiweekly
- General Note:
- Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
- General Note:
- The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
- General Note:
- In English, with occasional text in Dutch
- Funding:
- Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
This Rights Statement should be used for Items for which the organization that intends to make the Item available has determined are free of copyright under the laws of the United States. This Rights Statement should not be used for Orphan Works (which are assumed to be in-copyright) or for Items where the organization that intends to make the Item available has not undertaken an effort to ascertain the copyright status of the underlying Work.
URI: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
- Resource Identifier:
- 1380865228 ( OCLC )
Aggregation Information
- DLOC1:
- Digital Library of the Caribbean
- Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
- IUF:
- University of Florida
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dollars p. annum.']
Berbice, 26th May, 1815.
i&l, earnestly requests, the at atkbted
kbted atkbted to this Office, for Taxes,
h payment, to prevent him, hav havun
un havun pleasing mode of enforcing the
' Jxil? â– â– â– ' <: 7
LNIEL ALLT, Dep. Reg. Gefr.
has imported in the. Brig Bea
Tatsbn,from London, tkefollow tkefollowd
d tkefollowd with particular care, which hi
easonable terms for prompt pay payit
it payit credit of sir months to constant
* hams, tripe, pine cheese, gun guntea,
tea, guntea, double refined sugar, cases bi
bite wine vinegar, mustard and
Port wine, French brandy, old
cd porter; wax-spermaceti- and
1 in boxes of 28 lbs. each ; Irish
brie, Irish and Russia shewing,
muslin, India white and blue sa sallow
llow- sallow and striped nankeens, pie.
ds, blue, black-arid green super
shirting ibimcl, cotton shirting,
and Leghorn straw hats, fashion fashionridles
ridles fashionridles w ith plated mounting, gin
furniture, and plated ornaments,
ads with handsome nnisquifo nets
square edged best horse hair ma masters
sters- masters and down pillows to suit,
Asters and pillows 6 feet by 5 ol
u»epesi materials, elegant toilet glasses with .and
—iffitot drawers of solid mahogany, mahogany knife
h JLr fey? with brusf handles, mahogany hand waiters,
Aipinned tc- waitersand real, pontipont coffee big-
F in S baskets, baskets tinned inside for dirty
s.— .plates, do. knife baskets, sets of common arid patent
3 Fort "rffeA Wveft, cbumlrer candlesticks with snuffers and
stem— n ipttKl vrs, gentlemen drosing cases fitted up
joDy with every requisite for the toilet, best town made
i»iio. ’ ro ty handled knives and forks with deserts and car cardt
dt cardt Vers to match, very superior razors, a large and ge-
I Mrr, B * r: ‘l Usaftrtmerit of cutlery of the first quality, ladies
,r, d gentlemens shot's, 11 cssi-m boots, strong pnclc
w, shoes with buckles, silk and cotton umbrellas and pa paixsuls,
ixsuls, paixsuls, stockings, gloves, damask breakfast cloths,
,&g. , ckfihn#!k for fowling; thread, tapes, needles, &6.,
arid lavender waters, hair and tooth brushes,
<*» U indsor snap, stationary, coffee bagging and twine,
ftp. fines-. s!.o l;s-a».l cutlasses, tea Lital-s, sauce pan?,
iito ,ftyings 4 pans, grid irons,'coffee p't.s, coffee* pepper pepperand
and pepperand com'mills with flyCwrels. garden watering pots,
fy, a large a&ortment of glass- and earthen ware and
— breakfast'Chinfe carpenter tools of all kinds, whip
Lot tfrw andccros s cut nails from 4-1. Io 3dd., lock?
•y boltswl hinges ofall tfescripfiorfs, stay Inrs & sta staler
ler staler pies,. white- red.-ycllow-green- and blue pnbiL and
see, paint oil, pitch and tar : salt in barrelsclaret in c*
L fce's arid casks, RTacfcburn's choice London porlicutar
IS. .MadHra rtine'xn ; ptpftb Bonic of which has noW been
i* near in this-colbnyl--‘And a great variety oi
rs other articles.
ie fr'May. CHARLES KYTR.
g r. ' *ll — <—â–
e . D Wondergiteehende heeft ontvantwi met de bril
linn JoftjNsox, Kapt. Watson, van London, d<
|| i uitggzogte artikelen, welliehy te loop pre pre.
. pre. selttelMl oWaltdnefiictyke termen, ronr dirckte beta-
f liig,.nfais tt vbrtn aiin goede betaa'ders opbmaan opbmaan
BESTfiTYorksliire hammen, peris, pyn-appel ka ka«W«;
«W«; ka«W«; fVric erf hygfin thee, dubbelde gertiffincerdc zui zuik<
k< zuik< r,.kistjcs met ingelegde zuuren, sauzen, witte wyn
fl a *yn,4ftostcrd, zwarte neper, oude Port wyn, Fran Franschebrandewyn,
schebrandewyn, Franschebrandewyn, oude Grenada rum, cn gcbottelde
J ; pirirt(rf;: WaX- sffeftuarfeti- en smeer-karirsen, zfccp in
J 28dk, Itersfeh linneh, Framsche bntist,
I lersch eh- Itussicseb dock, dang lawn } kamerdocks
1 iriuslines,. Oostirulische witte en blauwe salerwpores,
1 ; tfifte- gcle- en gestfeepte naftkings', stukjes bont vAir
I ztrtrt. en grocn superfine taken,
1 z’/(antdroar hefiderf,*-mans bever cn Leghorn strooiji*
& &b'oeden, zadelren toomcn-met pleet
de nieuwste smaak, chais tiiigcn met nlete ornamen ornamenpragtigte
pragtigte ornamenpragtigte tent' btetliitfede nfei? exmlente maskito
I- offtakes tuirmet vierleante beste paarde paarde!
! paarde! m.atrasscn met veerc bolsters cn donze kussens,
K enkclde matrassen van (ji-voet lang cn 5 bret'd met
I foisted en kiEsens riiede van de beste stof, iiaaiy*
M . .. . (?fr>. 558.
. |nahoiiyhoute toilet spiegds met en zonder laden,lt
|!ito messc bakken met kvpere handvesten, ditp pre-1
. senteer-blaadjes, Japansche theeblaadjes, koffy kan- j
, hen kompleet, plofo brood ma nd jes, vertinde bakken J
’ yoorvnile burden, ditomme bakjes, stellen ordinare i
~pn patcntc-tinne schotel dckzels, kamer kandelarcr
met snpiters, &c., jheeren dresseer kistjes kompleet, i
peste Londonsche ivore messen en vorken kofiipleet,
•Xellente scheerrncsscn,yen gerferaat assortement y yv
v yv zerwerk eerstc kwaliteit, mans en vronwvschbvnen,
. sterke Planters sclyxcncu met gr»pen, zytle en katoe katoet
t katoet ue p'araplus cn pamsols, kouserf, ♦haridschoenen, da-
- maste ontbj’t tatel htkens, handdoekerf good, garen,
/bund, naaldens, &c., rose en lavender waters, hair i
|m tande borsfehjes, \Vlndzor zeep, kantoor-behoef-
- lens, Icoffy banldk en garen, honwelen, schoppeu
fen houwers, thee kitds; says p»nncri, braadpannen,
’ rooster-yzrrs, koffy pottvn, koffy- p<‘per- en koom-
I niolens met draai widen, tuin gieters, ecn groot as as!
! as! -.ortement van glas-en aardvwerk, C-hineesche onthyt
j serviern, timmcrgereodschap van alle soort, krai|n krai|n,en
,en krai|n,en trek-zagen, spykers van 4 tot SOpenny, khippen,
- hengzels en'krammen, witte- rode- grte- groeue- cn <
. blatiwc-vervcn en verf-olie, pik cn tecr, ztnit in va varl|n,
rl|n, varl|n, claret in kisteft en vaten, Bfacltburn's
, Pitik Lon den .Mader 11 Hyn in pypeii, waarytin zbm-
- mige reeds dric j.ircn in de eengroofe.
i voorraud andcrc goederen. .<
- kyts:
. IMPORTED! per Gratttfawi, and for Sale
tt the Storeof the Subscriber: Six of the most pro-
I minent Battles in Spain, framed and glazed ; Six
I iVfhjesty lv.ri/r Geo. tbe HL, the Em Em.
. Em. peror of RuNsia, the King'of Prussia, the Duke ot
, Wellington, the rubais Blucher and Platoff, and
.a few engravings of Bonaparte,by an eminent Artist;
y the above arc framed in tile WosCsilpcrb*French stile
t and gilt with the best oil gold.-»-
| Also ladies and gentlemens shoes irnd bontsy while
,and black silk stocking, do’, cotton d;to, straw brijr brijr.ncts,
.ncts, brijr.ncts, ribbons, childrens cot ton hose, ready made’li made’li.
. made’li. nen and - cotton shirts, fid - !* rfanibric, tabic and hrtak
. fast cloths, conn ter panes, thread, tape, ready made
s linen and cotton shfrh, calicoes, Planters bearer and
c silk hats, children hats, negrodo., stationary, tinand
.crockery ware, excellent claret in lihrtiu, sfadbira in
bottles, raspberry and cherry brandy, tea, loaf sUgar,
black pepper and spices.
’ A strong and healthy Negro woman, being a good
’book, washer and ironer, Willing to labour and very
’ civil.
’ ■A House, situated on the north side, half lot No. ID,
close to the middle dam, 60 feet long and 30 broad,
j fl»M»rcd above ami below with crab wood, boarded in,
j oid 240 feet land,- or thereabout, the same will be
• e sold reasonable for cash, or'a short credit.
- STMty; , r AL LINDNER.
L TILE urtdmigncd, Executor of the' late Dr
? Francis Jcfltry, having on the ult. called a
' meeting of the Creditors of that Estate, which was not
â– at tended, by the major part of for the
I Second time request a meetiiig.of all those concerned,
at*the house of Dr. ih-Nl’W Arnsffer Arnsfferi-Jam,
i-Jam, Arnsfferi-Jam, on Saturday next, the June; wheh a state states
s states ihent ot the affairs of the deceased will be exhibited,
such further steus taken, «js may then appear neces
’ sary. W. KATZ,
27 May. Execufbf to the! late Mi Jeffery.
i« , ».u&-ff--* ■. *-■—.
' TENDERS will be received-at-thc house of
L. van Rossnm for S 3 bales of cotton, from Planta Planta’
’ Planta’ tion until the 10th of June next,, when
’the highest offer will be accepted, if approved.’
M h For XV. RATZ, and self,
Mav. . L. v a.k RoSSlLM,
i FOR SALE, by Tenders'} Cbt-
, lon, and IIS brigs of Coffee, belongln|f.‘th the Estifle
*pf Mrs. H. J. Buse,'deo. samples of which may be
de la Court's, where the Executors to
(the said Estate will receive and ojxm the Tenders
itill and on Monday the sth June next,-tfl'llio’clock
in the forenoon, and when the highest otfety/for tire
’ yrhole, or part thereof, will be accepted,
f wlay. ... ,/j,
> - -1- ..-â– â– .tnri-
J^ZZ2«i^E//z5 ?
I passage; airply to the Mester <«ibbai-d,.or tb
‘’■27 May; GEO; BONC Ck
â– * v r
;THE undersigned request all persons, who
ma v haye under tEt?fr care, any property belonging to
F. L. Schmidt, to give notice thereof, at the house of
Mr. H. Luthers, in New Amsterdam, stating the ar articles
ticles articles thus held by them, the undersigned being wish wishful
ful wishful of exposing the 'whole at public sale, in the begin- ‘
ingfoY next month, in pursuance of an order of his
Excellency the QoVerirbr.
J. van nun SCHRQEFF,
: NOTICE is hereby given to those indebted
|o the undersigned, either by open Accounts forFer forFerhage,
hage, forFerhage, Notes of hand, or otherwise, that it is impos impossible
sible impossible for him to give any longer indulgence, but have
recourse to disagi cable measures Unless settled im immediately;
mediately; immediately; and being determined to keep no more
accounts, he hopes no person will cross the Ferry,
>r send their messengers unprovided with payment.
He offers for Sale, tor cash only; crabwimd lum lumber
ber lumber at the fate of f 175. per thousand feet, also red
ceder, simai üba boards' awl plank, slabs, &c. at. va various
rious various prices, which he engages to deliver at any of
the landing plricCs in the Town of New Amsterdam.
B'erbicv-Ferry, 27" May. G. C. R. REI’S3.
a—ma——MUTT itwihi mu n— w»m— «—wornu in i—— mui—i u<
CONER FALCONER having ceased to hold any share in the
Concerns of Doughs Reid & Company, of »his colo colony
ny colony and of Dt*rnerary. The Finn will in ftifun bo
conducted under the name of Golin.Doughs ek C-ons C-onspany
pany C-onspany ; To whom all those indebted to the late Finn,
ire requested to make payment.
• Cf)LIN DOUGLAS for self and
as the Attorney of
’ And
t . ARCH. DOUG LAS, of Gias row;
Bcrbice,, May. R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
j . Bcrbicc, }%th May, 1815.
! INTIMATION is hereby given : That out
.the Thirty First Day of January I-st, Alexander Fd- •
’ Conor ceased to be a Partner in Ihe Company carried
I on under the Firms of John. Thomas
, Douglas in Company, Glasgow, and Douglas
Reid in Company, nl Demcrary and Berbice, and for
some time at Liverpool under the Firms of Douglas
? AT Intyre in Company and CW/rt Douglas in Com-
_And also that by the decease of Jas. Rcidj
’a late Partner of said Company, hi December Eigh Eighteen
teen Eighteen hundred and ten, his Heirsand Representatives
jliave had no concern in the Trade and Business of
Staid Company since' the Thirtieth of. April in that
rear. A. FALCONER.
• A. FALCONER for sell and J Execui’s of
f ' WILLIAM MORISON, $ Jas. Reid.
1 Glasgow, 3il March, 1315.
»» A true copy of the original exhibited to me.
• ■■■R. C. DOW NEIL Ser.
of an Appointment of His Excel Excellency
lency Excellency Lieutenant Governor Bentinck, dated 11 May
J815,—1 the undersigned call upon all Creditors of
: the late W B. Liot, to render in their claims atthis
Office, within three weeks from tltfe date of this
bYic notification. May 12, 1815.
... ... ’ R. C. OOWJX’ER, Sec.
TZ/Zs t's Zo inform the Public, that the following
Persons intend quilting this colony.
pValter Scott in 6 weeks from May 6.
p. G. vftn’Oostrum in do. from do. /
A. A. deja Court in do. from
K. G. Calmer in 6 we«ks from May 20.
John Ilislop, Family aud two servants, in one month
i from 27’ Mwy.
; . ..... R. C; DOXVNER, y er.
|t MriiceJs hereby gitch, that a mouth after
fblldwing -Trmtsporrs rind Mortgages will 'â– sr -l
May 13'. The Representatives of the late 1. Hihen
B'air; will transport to (he Representatives of •
• the late J. P. Chapman, a lot of Land, situate <«.;
i' the Corentyn coast, known on the geovnl .ca rs
ell the colony as No. 13,. and how called Tain.
â– . R. C. UOWNLii, 3lc.
[Payable in advance.
/Fnw ’e Honorable Court of Civil Jn Stic of
tl> Colony Herbice. e* â– ;
THE Court has this day been pleased to no nominate
minate nominate and appoint J. B. Obermuller, tube one of the
< worn Accountants, for the purpose of examining and
udetiug all such accounts as shall be referred to the
' said Sworn Accountants, by the Court of Civil Jus Justice
tice Justice ; in the room of John- Downer j resigned.
Berbice 13th May, IS 15.
By Command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
—— —— l — 1 X———
NOTICE—AH persons who bold Licences
to cut Wood on the Crown Property, are hereby re requested
quested requested to send their Returns for the last six months
to the Government Secretary’s Office, within one
month from date ; also to pay the Percentagesdu<
on the same.—ls not attended to the Licences will be
immediately withdrawn 20 May.
R. MACKENZIE, Commissary.
marshal's office .
BY virtue of a Mandamrat granted by the Hon.
Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for the Uniter*
Colonies of Dem era ry and Essequebo, bearing date
29, h April, 1815, on the petition of F. C. Otto, an
inhabitant of the*® Colonies, 1 the undersigned De Deputy
puty Deputy FiM Marshal, in the. name and behalf of the
said F. C. Otto do hereby Cite His Honor Theophe Theophelus
lus Theophelus Williams, First Fiscal of these Colonies (R. 0.
ahd all an*! every other person or persons who may
conceive themselves entitled to become party against
the said F. C. Otto, to appear before the Honorable
Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for these Colo Colonies,
nies, Colonies, nt their Session to be fold in George-Towu ou
the Nindevtl* day of June, 1815, and following days,
for the purpose of seeing the said R C Otto surren-t
tier his person, and present himself to be purged
from what His Honor the First Fiscal (R. 0. and
every other person msy wish to alledge against him,
respecting tAe dreadful Crime of murdercides! in a
Proclamation of His Excellency Licutrnant-Gover Licutrnant-Goveri;or
i;or Licutrnant-Goveri;or JoSx Murray, bearing date I9th March 1814.
to hfive been represented to him by His Honor tht
j irst Fiscal to hare been committed by the raid F.C.
Otto on the body of one of his own slaves and to sec
him declared ch*nr, pure and innocent of the same,
likewise to see cudbear the Court’s order on tin
enby.’ot.of the feicasrmcnt of his person as well as of
4lh* reparation of injury if any be demanded and be
found due, to give their reasons, for opposition if
th?j* maintain to have any, and farther to proceed
according to law.
Rio ib-merary, A. MEERTENS,
sth May, 1815. Dep. First Marshal.
\ ENDUES. • !
On Thursday the Ist June will be sold at the Ven Vendue
due Vendue Ofdce, without reserve, beer and porter in bar barrels
rels barrels and hhds., a few casks of -blue painted Earthen
ware containing each a complete dinner service for
i? 4 person*. Irish r.m! Dutch linen, Irish butter in |
tii kins, bottled Madeira wine, potatoes, cheese, sup.
fine blue and buttle green broad cloth, paints & oil,
2 casks of negro and tradesmens hats, bottled pah'
ale, soap& camlies in small boxes, Madras and Ro Rojual
jual Rojual I kfs., boots.-shoes, Osnabujrgs, cotton and coffer
bagging, &c.
On (he same day, Leaden-ball beef in tierces, port
and sherry wine in bottles, raspberry and sherry
brandy p' r dozen, Russia sheeting, plaiiilas, superior
large sized maltrasses, pillows ami bolsters, real In India
dia India white and yellow nankeens, do. white
sa’ mpores, a parcel tin ware assorted, gin and Bran Brandy
dy Brandy in jugs of tire gallons, neats foot oil and spirits
turpentine in one gallon jars.
Aho on the.same day, by order of the Board oi
Orphans, a piece of land bn lot No. 8, first Empol Empolder,
der, Empolder, near (he back dam, with the buildings, the pro property
perty property of the late J. B. Schwjeters.
D.C. Cameron. Dep. Vendue Master.
'By vnturoi authority obtained froiß the Honor Honor,
, Honor, able Court of Civil Justice, of (his colony, granted
upon a petition prevented for that purpose by thr thr*
* thr* Curators of Plantation Nigg, bearing date the 12th
of May, 1815, will be sold on the spot, to the high-
I cst bidders, on Wednesday the 28th of June, next,
Plantation Nigg. situate on the WestCorentyn coast
and known on the general chart as lot No. 6, witl
i nil its buildings and cultivation, together with JffG
so Slaves, (men, women and children, as also the cattlr
S( belonging to the same, —the land payable in six and
twelve months, and the Negroes in 3,6, & 9 months.
M The Negroes of this Estate are a v»ry prime gang,
ji and well worthy the attention of the Planters, haring
about 40 creols, and many voung breeding women.
D. C. CAMERON, Pep. Vendue Master.
’s G raven h age, den laden February.— Van gocdei
band hebben wy de volgende berigten ontvangen, die
, wy, uit hoofdevanderzelver belangrykheid voor veh
, onzer Medeburgcrs, meenen,te moeten mededeeleo;
. De Heer Ontvanger en besttrardcr J. Bent hoc ft de
door hem in Surinaraen onvangen gelden, achtereeu achtereeuvolgend,aan
volgend,aan achtereeuvolgend,aan Kommissarissen derSurinaarßscheKom derSurinaarßscheKommissie,
missie, derSurinaarßscheKommissie, in London, overgemaakt, zonder nogtans aa»
s te geven de onderscheiden Eigenarcu derzelve, woon woon.
. woon. ichtig in Holland en elders, uoch den Wisselkoers.
> (egen welke dezelve in Engelsch geld dienen te wor worden
den worden uitbetaald.
De Kominissarissen hebben, by den aaavang dcr
Kommissie aan den Heer Bent om epgave dezer by byzonderhedeh
zonderhedeh byzonderhedeh geschrcven, maar dezelve nimmcr Onf Onfvahgen,
vahgen, Onfvahgen, -vermoedelyk veroorzaakt door de staking en
sequestratie, toen de Heer Bent aan hen,
zyne eerste jdarlyksche rekching voorncmens was in
»e zenaen. r
By de aar.komst van den Heer Bent in Engcland.
hebben Koinmhsarissen hem dadciyk aangesdbreven,!
am aan hen zyne rckening in tegeven,ten ciaJt daar daaruit
uit daaruit te kunnen zicn, hoe veel aan ietTer Eigenaar, vbfflr
aien gelden overgemaakt zyu, in Engelsch geldie
betalen was, hetgeende Kotamissarisscn verlangend
rtaren uit te reiken. J
Zyn antwuord is geweest, dat hy het vcrtoog>yner
administratie aan de Lordsder Thcsauric hepft voor voor‘
‘ voor‘ jelegd, en hoopt, dat deze daarop spoedig zullen be beslissen,
slissen, beslissen, als wan nee r hy dadeljk aan dc.KQj_iniiss;irjs dc.KQj_iniiss;irjssea
sea dc.KQj_iniiss;irjssea debenoodigde rekeiiingea en ophclderingra zou zoude
de zoude eeven. - . ■' “ *
Het vertoog van den Heer Beat is zter onljings door
,de Lords der Thesauri? aan de Kommtssarissen onij
considcratien en raport.-gezonifen, welke door'her'
yn grgeven, tevrns met vemirk aan hunue I.orJ-i
'cbappen, om decn Heer Bcht te rcln trn, om aa4
Konunissari'.sen woornoemd denopdige rekemngen rat
opht Idcringen on verwy ld te door.-gewonlen, ten elu elude
de elude meergemchlc Kemwistarissen in staal tc stdicn,
s>ra aanstonds te kunnen overgaaa tot uitbclaling dei
in handen zyndc gtldcn.
Op deze voordragf, zoo wel als op vcrsrhcidcn be bemtrkingen,
mtrkingen, bemtrkingen, door Kommissarisscn gemaakt, lictrekkc lictrekkcpyk
pyk lictrekkcpyk de door den Heer Brat gevoerdc administralic en
genoten voordeclen, zyn Kossissarissen nu antwoord
. waohtende. (Slaats Courant.)
Lonm» WIMLII'N loiaaimn in HiiMMMwraaMMMB,
May 27, 1815.
Juit as our Paper cos going to P,ess } the Leiter
bag with the Mail for this colony, teas delivered at
the Post Office. The papers brought by the Pae
i l.et goes to the lylh April. Nothing new appears
in them. The rumour about some overtures of peace
made by the Alites to Bcnapaiie, is the only inter interesting
esting interesting paragraph in those papers.
The Mail to be forwarded to Europe by the Ches Cheslerfeld
lerfeld Cheslerfeld Packet, now in Dfmcrary, will be ciottd cd
the Post Office here, al G o'cloc/c an Fri Friday
day Friday morning
LonDOv, Apbie 14,1315.
. Rumours says that the new Declaration of the Al Allies
lies Allies is founded on the basis of the Treaty of Chau
mont. That Treaty was offensive and defensive—-
offensive if Bonajiarte should refuse the ternv ol
peace which the Allies werq disposed to offer him— himand
and himand only defensive, that is establishing a mutual gu guarantee
arantee guarantee of their respective States for twenty years, if
he should accept their terms and continue on the
throne of France.
The Emperor of Austria has, in Consequence of tin
new event, opened anew loan of 50 millions of flo flo.
. flo. rins. The marching of troops continue in alt quart quarti
i quarti ers. It is plain that Bonaparte seems to rely on the
continuance of peace, or at least that he will do no
act on hi? part that shall provoke a war.
i’ ■1
Krenlj regtmenu of cavalry a „j infi, "’*»#J 1
dressed them in the followi.^’& rnss †’
« Soldiers,-I have just hear the new s a.. 1*
coloured flag is flying at Toidou se , at M laUhe J#
and in all the South. The white flaj
(he single city of Marseille, but
this week the people of that great city, will I
sumed all their rights.. .
“Soldieis/’—riKiimed th? i:mpercr,« w
interfere in the affairs of other nationg; U 'HP
them who would interfere with ours,
Genoa or Geneva, and to impose on ush w , f fthe
the fthe nation does not wish lor. They
rentiers the Heroes of Marengo, o f
Jena—They will meet there the whole >
and if they have GOO,(XX) men, we will
(womillions.†[The warmest aeclamMwWflll
terrupted th? Emp.'tprJ —“ I proveâ€added&3H
yoa have done, to ally yon delves again tofiS
coloured fiag. It shill be in the
. done, and in the presence of the
'that I will restore those Eagles which have k3|h
often made illnsirious by yunr valour aqd
seen the enemies of France fly -before tWm. ‘S
“Soldi rs, —The French people and ..v I
■cm you.—Dp yo rely on the people and
| The mmt exalted expLisicm of enthusiasm W
ed this address.
UJ'J. '.r
Extract of a letter Worn Amsterdam, dated Mitt®
il, 6, P. M. says—“ This mo went I lean (WiJn
memorable traitor, A i nir it k'erheul, and
Daandels, IGovernor cf Bata via, have beead;
fected in conspiracy to buy o«r
cause of Bonaparte. They have been sent to '«
pfagrte. The former had arrived fa Hclhml fe
(Paris since Bonaparte entered it, and, no
’sent here for the diabolical purpose above-iaenllwek
iThree or four persons have been arrested
disturbances and calling out Five Napolron l . Ig.
morow Lord Wellington is expected here.â€
Extract from Lord Cdstlereagh's Speech, mlk
British House of Commons, respecting £«»
parte's Escape.
When he (Lord Cast’ercaih)arrived at Pari*.
found what sort of an arrangement Lad been made,^| sl )n ;v
inpression on his rain ! at the time was, that the poj» mow
son who was then the acknowledged Sovcreiga lla * >,w
France, ought to be treats d with some degree ofde>'3
fercncc. He did, however, endeavour by rm®
means in bis power to oppose the arrangement wltid«jw>o
had been made; but after cosiderable discussion,
ieught withdrew his opposition to the arrangemhtw^'*’J
'*c question was decided, not on the fact of Bens
parte having been in the power of the Allies, hut i I
his having been in a situation in which he coaid I
tong the contest for a considerable time. As to tte ;w e Dre
situation in which Dona parte afterwards stood at Elba, K.
be thought that arrangement having been made, the I , c n
same ought to be secured to him on terms of liberal!-Bn 1
ty and good faith. It was never considered that Ire w â– ''
was to be kept as a prisoner in the Isle of Elba; no B j |,
such thing had ever been contemplated; on the con- Idcri
trary, it was understood that he was to enjoy com- I 1 ’
plete freedom in the island; and he was convinced | cp j
that had any system of Administration been adopted » t
tn Elba, on the part of the Allies, it would have been rcd
inconsistent with the Treaty; and that his breaking I
out of the Island would have been attributed to that- O,
system of restraint. The next question related to the Ido
sort of precaution that ought to have been used. If L Lany
any Lany one asked why precaution had not fcfen adopted,
his answer was; that the Allies never had it in con contemplation
templation contemplation to.excrete any system of police or espio- â–
cage in the island; nor any naval police without tl»| W
island. One reason why it was thought advisable not
to use any vigilance was, that the Allies thought ft
EOfc, Impossible, the cirCnmvalhtion of such
K^ vas power; and if it had been
BOgd by ever so many ships, the changes of
Rlfo might fustrate the object in view. If th*
Lje British Navy had been there, they could no:
Mlgxcercised the system of restraint w ithout break-
Treaty. The Treaty gave him a sovereign*
WJp® island—-The treaty gave him a vessel with
flying on board; and it was no extraordinary
his flag sailing round the island. A con concommercial
commercial concommercial intercourse was besides, carrier
& between Elba Indian continent, and, there-
Er ft Wmdd have been impossible to search all tin
to and from the Island. It was not his
B 3 iingin France, nor the small armament which ac-
Enpanicd him, that caused him to succeed in hisen-
Brprisc, but the circumstance of his being joined by
E ibe military bodies of France. He would again
Ejfrt, on the part of the French Government, that it
jercrtad been intended to exercise any police over
plsland. Colonel Campbell had been permitted te
fcnaininElba, and occasionally to go to Italy for the
Epose of general information; but these was no no noâ– n
■n no■n of his ev«w ex’rc'sing an inspection over Bona Bona»e,
»e, Bona»e, who binted to the Colonel that his long-cons i-
Ed residence there was not agreeable to him. Ar
Elish gctideman, named Rtchy, was acting as a
Ip* Consul in the Island, and to shew the little.po little.po»s£it.
»s£it. little.po»s£it. Kiehv possessed, two gendarmes were pla-
Has sentinels at his .door when Bonaparte was ma maj
j maj preparati » ! i* for his departure. It wasowell-
Act, that ev>*n General Ikrtrand did not know
his going away until all were ready to embark, and
fc only visible prep * rat ion was, the repairing of Bo Boipirteb
ipirteb Boipirteb co, a thing permitted by the Treaty.
Ilhe-nther vessels composing the expedition were
mt? which had arrived in the port for commercial
nrposes. The French Govertmient had vessel cruis cruisabout,
about, cruisabout, which exercised a kind r»f rigihrttc about
3h; and the British Admiralty had gived instruc instructs
ts instructs to Adnr'rall Hallowell, if he had any intimation
BimiMide’sgoingnway, to fay hold of him. These
irntnstances would shew wh.it a very great miscon misconption
ption misconption prevailed on this subject, and that no great
Cess of generosity had been commit ted. ~Bona parte
a not even in our (Mjssessi'm; a continued personal
’rrco’jrsc certainly'' existed between him and En Endnucn;
dnucn; Endnucn; but Colonel Campbell very seldom bad
Cess Io him. Upon the whole, therefore, neither
eat Brit tin nor the Allies could be responsible fin
iat was done. He then thought it his duty to sub submitted
mitted submitted to die Ilm.se the views he entertained <»:i
is partofth- question. He would next come to the
>st material put <»f the subj cl. In point of fact,
â–º money stipulated by the Treaty wa* never paid to
na parte. - .
tatemen*, which was made in October, tn Lari
Bathurst,. one of his Majesty's Principal Secre Secrearies
aries Secrearies of State, and in Xutcutbcr ISM, to the
''nmt- de la Vie Trench Ambassador, of
'ionapartc's.plol to re-uslnp the Crown of !• rance..
Lox box', 25* march, 1815.
‘Dear Sir-— I have for such a number of years
tnorted, to the best of ray power, the good cause in
ich Eftghnl has been engaged, that most of those
<>c mid h*ve borne testimony To my efforts are no
re except Lord Sheffield and ynrself, I know not of
• person who can bear witness to my uniform en envours
vours envours to support that cause.
‘ I had lately a most unexpected opportunity of
tiering'to this nation, and to all Europe, a very'
at advice'. I had the inCans of proving that Bo Bo>arte
>arte Bo>arte was engaged in a very extensive plot to re rece
ce rece himself on the Throne of France; which I of of-11
-11 of-11 to do, for the express purpose of furnishing the
ied Powers with just cause for placing him in safe
tody, and convincing them of the necessity of so
ng. Having been treated with* degree of neglect
dering very nearly' on insult, I now enclose tor you
wemnents relative to that unfortunate 1
it mßorfundte, becaiise to repair the evil done,
Ifost much bl<|pd and treasure, and, even.after,
wexpense, success is far from certain. . . ...
Hthis country is in a very serious and critical si siubn,
ubn, siubn, and it were well to shew by what sort of ne-
Bnce it has been brought into it. Incredulity has
Rbecn much fashion. . '
I* If it can be shewn, that, in any one instance, I
hgave Afxong ihlbrnialiou, or evinced a disposition
to impose on any of the Members of Government, or
that 1 ever attempted to gain advantage to myself at
I “ le pwbltc expense, I think it will be a vindication
or the incredulity complained of: but if, on the con contrary,
trary, contrary, it can be made appear that I have often given
: use I til information, and never asked any’ reward; and
that, tor more than 1 twenty years, I hnite employed
such abilities as I am possessed of, in support of the
• cause in which the country fought, without asking
I ‘. r S‘ wur< l Government* then Ido think that
<’ here is an explanation of the cause for treating my in information
formation information witli neglect.
“ 1 hat the information was as nearly correct as, in
: such a case, it could well be, is now known. I even
â– Bonaparte would not inake his attempt
Uli Congress >as dissolved, unless circumstances
compelled him to do it rather soontr. The case so
k for seen has actually taken place; so that, on the
. whole, never was any information respecting an ih ih_
_ ih_ tended and difficult attempt more accurate or com com’
’ com’ plete. .
’ U r Pk. .'ill? _ O* • _at All _ -Cal-
“ 1 he putmc, bar, conceive that the absence of the
i Britssh Officer sent to watch over the Exile of Elba,
( coupled with the fact that a secretary Os State had
been informed of the necessity of being watchful, rc rcr
r rcr quires an-explanation.
“ These are not times to pass over such transactions
—that fate of the country is at a stake, and it hasbeeti
long a subject of regret, that, while our enemy em employs
ploys employs none but men of energy and talent, rewarding
â– mfl punishing according to desert, a relaxed system
.of favouritism his crept into English mode ofcarry ofcarry,
, ofcarry, »ng on pub! c business. This is an occaiHon on which
4 Englim l may not expect, but ‘ England requires,
every Man to do his duty.’
“ Tlie following documents will prove, first, that J
had a witness to the orginal conference with Caraman,
and will shew that I have taken great trouble to ob obtain
tain obtain attention, without success. lam greatly morti morti,
, morti, find at all the circumstaiTbes of the case; and hnp<
’hat, when the importance of the case is considered,
â– my conduct fur the last four moats, which is an or ordinary
dinary ordinary affair would have b en impertinent and im-
I proper, will be excused. 1 expected to save millions
of li vies and prevent destruction to our finances, and
, 1 forgdt myself in the immensity of the object.
“ The whole, however, it not yet over; I there therefore
fore therefore deliver to you, with this, a sealed packet, con con‘cerning
‘cerning con‘cerning which, if you find Ministers disposed to have:
it, you have my leave to use your own honour and'
discretion, which I have been witness to on various'
.occasions, from your earliest days of business ; but
I pertinacity, now unfortunately mistaken ipr firmness
and perseverance, will most probably prevent any
I notice being taken of what comes through this chan chanrpel,'though'
rpel,'though' chanrpel,'though' it has been proved to be but too muck
deserving of notice.
"The names of seven of the nienesrs (active agents)
jOf the conspiracy I likewise give you, though that is
too late'tur any use.
VVberi I was seeking to obtain attention in this
’business* Pope’s lines were perpetually in my
mind— • , .
“ 'fFrvlhs would i/ott teach, 'and saw a sinking land,
“ All Jcar, none aid you, and few understand."
‘‘-Lam, Sir, your’s, &C.
“ William Playfair..
' “P. S. Mr. La Chastrc’s sealed letter 1 also depo-
â– sit with you, 1 dare say it will prove but oflilde use.â€
' ' '
[TTerc follows a statement of the circumstances
â– which led to the information received by the writer,
which arc remarkably interesting, followed by copies
of memoranda of Gentlemen equally acquainted with
tacts—one of these is as follows J -
Copy of a memorandum made by the undersigned on
kept. 14, 1814, the original of which is in his
P On the 10th instant I dined with Mr. Playfair and
an Italian named Caraman. We dined at Pagliano’s,
and as some circumstances of a very peculiar nature
jattended that meeting, I think it necessary to write
them down. Caraman had furnished Mr. Playfair
with a map and description of the Island of Elba,
which I had copied preparatory to making the mo model*.
del*. model*. Mr. P. and Caraman spoke French, and, as 1
know very little of that language. I only caught a
word sometimes. Bonaparte was often mentioned.
I The Italian spoke a great deal. Mr. P. said little,
but was seemingly very attentive, and much struck
with what the man told him, and now and then turn turning
ing turning to me, said, “ very important im for motion in indeed!"
deed!" indeed!" This he repeated so often, hnd appeared so
much struch with it, that it naturally excited my
surprise. The Italian also gave Mr. Playfair three
or four papers, one of which appeared to be a listoi.
names; another, which was very small, was covered
on the back with green silk. When Mr. Playihii
* The model was actually made and exhibited ii
l Springgardens.
ind I left, I was Very anxious to know the whole that
the Italian had told him. Mr. P. then informed me
that there was a plot to assassinate the Bourbons,
md that Bonaparte wtrnld raise his standard in lta>,
md would find plenty of followers; that the Italian
had told him Bouaparte’s cipher and the key. He
hen shewed me the paper covered with silk, which
I had seen the Itsllian give him ; It was a fable of
Setters curiously disposed. Mr. Playfair then gave
it me, with another paper, which he said was Bona Bonaparte’s
parte’s Bonaparte’s address to Frenchmen in cipher, and request requested
ed requested that I would, that evening, take a correct Copy of
i noth, as he must return them riext day (I think) to
i Caraman. Both the
wards afterwards jointly decyphering it by Mie key-words Ca<
> reman had told him, we found it to contain an ad adi
i adi Iress to the French.
“ Caraman was a dark middle-aged tbjn man.
“ Thos. Byerlev.â€
Copy of a Memorandum made October 20th 1814.
“ Deeming the information given by Mr. Caraman
’of great importance, I wished Mr. Playfair to ac ac-1
-1 ac-1 quaint the French Ambassador with it; which when
' I found he did not do, I wrote? to Count la Chastrc,on
the !()th inst. but receiving no answer, and feelin*
'more and more impressed with the importance of the
1 subject, I wrote again two days after, and then h; d
a letter from him wishing to see me. According n
Monday the 17th instant, 1 waitedon his Exccjlency,
1 who gave me a letter for Mr. Playfair, which 1 de delivered
livered delivered to him the same day.
‘‘Tmomas Byerley.
“ The above are true copies of Memorandums ma male
le male by me at the times above raentioued.
“ Thomas Byerley.
“ Berwick street, Soho, March 29, 1815.â€
[Here follows a very inferring coversation be between
tween between Mr. Gtrani'in and Mr. Pinyfair.]
IteCull of an i, format ion obtained in S'pl ember, IS 14,
.from Caraman, an Italian, who passed through
London (the partietvar circumstances of which /
am ready to explain, if ncrcssaryj whith I consi considcr
dcr considcr of great importance t<> the repose of Europe,
and to all the Allied Powers.
“That Bonaparte Ims a plan to regain thrThrone
of France is certain, and the attempt will be made
>oon after the Congress, when the armeis are with withdrawn
drawn withdrawn and in part disbanded; and wb nit is likek
‘that the Italians will be diss.itisficd. The Island of
Elba is admirably situated, tor the attempt from its
conliguitto Italy, whore he will hoist bis standard standardto
to standardto which al! the disaffected will flock. The Royal
Family will be attacked and murdered bvthe despe despe:
: despe: rate emissaries in France at the same moment. 1
“ Under these ctrcuuutancm it should be consi*
idered that, though the magnanimity of the Emperor
>of Russia may lead him be merciful (o Bonaparte,
and though the Emperor of Germany may wish from
, other motives, to act in he same manner, yet that
> Louis XVHL and his family arc, by that conduct,*
put in danger by a man who never spared one who
stood between him and tits safety. The Due d’En d’Enghien,
ghien, d’Enghien, Toussaint I’Ou/erture, Pichegru, Moreau,
and others, were only a few. of his victums. It is
therefore, for the Allied Sovereigns, in their wisdom
• md justice, to rid Louis XVHL of a man who is so
’ dangerous to him as as well as to all Europe.
“As Bonaparte is plotting, and the fact is certain,
, the beswajt will be to detect him, and then the two
> Emperors will see the necessity ot securing his per-
> son ; at the same time that it will remove every scru scrui
i scrui pci in regard to changing the mode of.treating him.
“ What is dcAio must be in silence, and quickly
when begun; fur though Bonaparte wuufd naturally
wait for a tit time, yet be will act the moment he sees
“The information I have obtained is sufficient to
enable me, if I had a trusty and confidential person
With me, to bring proofs against Bonaparte, such as
would convince the Allied Powers of the necessity of
changing the treatment of him, but this should be
lone while Congress is silting.
“I make this offer, desirous of hhvldg’the honour'
;jf contributing to so excellent a work; for the wick wicked
ed wicked intentions of Bonaparte, and his great abilities, are
equally to be dreaded ; and if he escapes, the Allied
Sovereigns and all the world ‘ would repent when it
will be too late.
“ 1 he offer was made both to Lord Bathurst and
to M. Ic Comte de la Chastrc, the French Ambassador.
“ Lord Bathurst presents hi.s compliments to Air.
Playfair, and begs he will call at the For
•ithcr Munday or Tuesday next, and inquire for ?dr.
Morier, to wham Lord Bathurst begs Mr. Play air
will make the communication to which hi? nutc re relets.
lets. relets. ~ •
“ LimeGroVc,Oct'6b^r«9, 1814.â€
[7b be continued.]
Marsh aVs orricr.
BY virtue of an Appointment from His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency J. Murray, Brigadier-General and Act Acting
ing Acting Governor of the Colony Berbire and its Depen Dependencies,
dencies, Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. given upon a Petition, pre presented
sented presented for that purpose, by Archibald M’Queen, qq.
Colin Macrea, under date of 16th January, 1813,
cersiff, the Proprietor or Proprietors, Representa Representative
tive Representative or Representatives of Plantation Palmyra, Eas'
coast. Notice is hereby given to the Public, at th.
instance of Evan Fraser, surviving partner of the
House of Evan and Angus Fraser, Merchants of tliis
colony, and which House of Commerce are now pos possessing
sessing possessing through deed of Assigment, the right and in interest
terest interest before possessed by Colin Macrae In the deb
for which Plantation Palmyra is now under Execu Execution
tion Execution and Sequestration; that I the undersigned in intend
tend intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in the pre presence
sence presence of two Councillors Commissaries asd their Se Secretary,
cretary, Secretary, in the month of December, 1815, the pre precise
cise precise day hereafter to be notified through the Gazeth
of this colony :
The Cotton Fstate railed Palmyra., situate on Iht
East coast of this C olony, with all its cult heal ion*
buildings, slaves, and further appurtenances thereto
belonging, the property of R. P. Rroom ; all con conformable
formable conformable to an Inventory formed thereof, and now
laying at the Marshal's Office for, the inspection of
those whom it may concern.
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
er interest,.on the nborementtoned Estate called P.d P.d-rnyra,
rnyra, P.d-rnyra, cum aunexis, and wishes to oppose the Sale
thereof, let such persons address themselves to the
Marshal’s Office, declaring their reason for so doing
in due time and form, as 1 her by give notice, that I
will receive opposition from every intermediate per person,
son, person, appoint them a day to have his or her cliirns
heard before the Court, and further act therein as tbi
law directs.
This First Proclamation, made known to the Pu Public
blic Public by beat of drum, from the Court House of th is
colonv, and further Health with according to custom.
Bcrbicc, 21 May, 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minute?
of the proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of
this colony, dated 10 May, 1815, given in the cans'
entitled Win. Gordon, Plaintiff incase of opposi opposit'on,
t'on, opposit'on, versus, the Sale by Execution of Plantation dt
Vcedster, cum annexis, to be sold in favor of Daniel
Allt, Receiver of (he Church Fund. Notice is here hereby
by hereby given to the Public, that the Sale by Execution
of said Plantation de Voedster, rum annexe, wili
now positively take place on Thursday the 8 of June
IS 1 5, on the spot.
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest in the beforementioned Plant, de Voedstei
cum anhexis, and wishes to oppose the Execution
Sale thereof, let such person or persons address them themsrlvfs
srlvfs themsrlvfs to the Marshal’s Office, of this colony, dscla dsclaring
ring dsclaring their reasons for so doing, as I hereby give no notice
tice notice that I will receive oppositions from every inter interrnedialc
rnedialc interrnedialc person, appoint them a day to have his or
her claim heard before the Cotirt, and further act
therein as the law directs.
Berbicc, 12 May, 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
To Purchasers of negroes—Notice is hereby
given that the sale of plantation De Voedster and
negroes advertised for Thursday theSth of June
next, will positively take plaoe that day, and
that the gang of said Estate is well worth the at attention
tention attention of persons in want of good effective ne negroes.
groes. negroes.
BY virtue of an Appointment from His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency 11. W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieutenant-
Governor of the colony Berbice, ami its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. Given upon a Petition present presented
ed presented by R. C. Downer, in his quality as Representa Representative
tive Representative of W. King and P. Benjamin, in their capacity
as Curators to the EstateofFrancis Bynoe, deceased
ssiid appointment bearing date 23d March, 1815.—
Notice is hereby given to the Public,, that I the un- 1
dorsignctl, First Marshal of the Courts within this (
colony, intend to Sell, at Execution Sale, in the pre presence
sence presence of two Counsellors Commissaries, and their Se Secretary,
cretary, Secretary, by the goiog.out of a burning wax-candle,
on Wednesday the 7th June 1815.
The Cotton Estate called Lewis Mjuor, situatt
on the East coast of this colpny, with all its
Slaves, Buildings, and further Appurtenances -
thereto belonging.
Whoever should think himself entitled to opposethe
Execution Sale of said Plantation Lewis Manor, let
such person or persons address tbetttsdret to the
Marshal’s Office of this colony, declaring their reas-
His for so doing in dkc time and form, as 1 hereby
give notice, that I will receive opposition from ©very
ntermediate person,, appoint them a day to have
his or her claim beard before the Court, and furthei
act therein as the Law directs
Bcrbice, 25 March, 1815.
K. Francxin, First Marshal.
JUNE hath 30 DAYS.
——————— ——— — — : —. ...
Phases of the Moon. .
New Moon, 7th Day, at Oh. Im. Afternoon.
First Qdarter, 14th Day, at4h. Im. Morning.
Full Moon, 21st Day. at 2h. Bm. Afternoon.
Last Quarter, 29th Day, at Mr. 49m. Afternoon.
!. of . ‘ - H. W.
* w. Holidays, Phenomena,&c. k. m.
1 Ph Nicomede. Neap Tides. * Aft 39!
2 F |
3 8 2 3ft
4Su 2d S.aft. Tr. K. G. TILL. 17.38. 319
5 M Duke of Cumberland, born 1771. 4 fj.
6 Tn * 4 39
7 M < 5 j C
8 Th Spring Tides. 5
9 F , ' 6 37
10 s 72!
11 Su 3d Sunday after Trinity. St. Bar- 8 1§
12 M fnabiu. 9 £
IS Tri 10 0
14 W - ‘ . 11 4
15 Th Neap Tides. M 4
16 F -1 'll
17 $ St. alban. 2 14
>8 Su 4th Sunday after Tiinify. 3 S
19 M 3 IS
201 To Trial of Edw. K. of W. Sax. 4 27
?r 5 :
22 Th Spring Tides. Sun Enters Cancer. 5 39
23 F 6 11
21 S Nativity of St. John Baptist. 647
25 Su slb Sunday after Trinity. 7 L«
26 M .i 7 55
27 Tn ‘ 8 33
e W .9 17
>9 Th St. Peter. 10 9
.0 F Neap Tides. . MU
*■*’ I
• ■i—!..,. , i , ~
•***—■’■■1 J L “ —— — 1.1U.1. -II . ■■■Mil - M. ■■.. I— i ii„ . I
■- Jl ' * m I.'t .-I— ■II H.^.—■— l 1 * KI >'■ll'»
BANNS of M ERR I AGE, between John
1 Quarless, Bachelor, born io Barbados, and Elizabeth
• Welch, Spinster, born in Dem crary, a minor, but
with cons, nt of ami assisted by her Parents. An)
person knowing any just cause or impediment, w!»v
the above parties should not be joined together in
Holy Matrimony, must declare the same to the Rev.
- F. Whitfield. May 13.
“i—■— • —- . --, ... » u—
FOR LONDON, the new coppered
' l ’**~'* Ship Grantham, A. 1. John Brand, Mas Master,
ter, Master, will sail as soon as possible, has good accommo accommodations
dations accommodations for passengers; three fourths of her cargo u
positively engaged, and may reasonably be expect expected
ed expected to sail in all June—please apply at the Store of
W. Hen Cry, Esq. or on board the vessel.-MS May.
—— ' ■- ~.'k~ a-—
P. GRANT has received from London, per
Grantham, Brand, a consignment ot sadlery, consist consisting
ing consisting of gentlemens and ladies saddles, bridlesand setts
of gig harness* which be wiH dispose of cheap, for
prompt payment. J 3 May.
FOR SALE, an excellent Chaise with Har Harness
ness Harness complete.
~~ ' ""f ■■II — I <■. M ... . .
DRIFTED, on the sth instant, from Fori
Meyers, a ship’s long Boat, marked on the stern— stern“
“ stern“ Egham, John Pavy," belonging to Dr.
Johnston, Fort St." Andrew. Any person giving in information
formation information of the above boat, shall be rewarded.
( , i - 13 May.
FOR SALE, bullettreeTimber and Plank,
crab wood Lumber, and a house Frame, very reason reasonable—apply
able—apply reasonable—apply at the Store of J. H. Schiarhorrt, Esq.
FOR SALE, the northern quart of Lot Nd.
27, from the middle road to the backdam, with the
buildings thereon, as it now stands;
Enquired* this Office. J3Mav
FOR HIRE, Five able, well disposed, Car Carjenter
jenter Carjenter Negroes.—Enquire of
20 May. Jao. IfISRESFORD.f
The Subscriber Offers the fallow
Goods, just Imparled from Wu ’u f/
Planters mess beef and pork in CL
hams, cheese, pickles, fish sauces, aalUd oM
mustard, gun powder tea, refined
pepper, currants, prumes, oatmeal? sn
ley m jugs, oat in puncheons, Huffman?
fidtonary cherCy and raspberry
gm, brandy, London particular Mad&fr’
malrnsy in kegs, champaign, claret. RkA?M
porter, pale ale, cyder, soap, candles, blue ant J*’
irninte, oils, spirits turpentine, pitch tar ?
plain and jiatent rope f:om 9 thread* td4ltS r ’
ues, oakem, English ensigns and butt in
white rope, boat clasp and rose nails 4dv
targe seized hoes, shovels, cutlasses, | 7W
iron pots, boat chains, plantation and shnb sm
weights, parlour door- warehouse and L U
book case and liquor case do., hi, lW( . s iU s
lash putties, sadirons, whip saws?
idzes, axes, planes, gimbleto, pincers?
gfcttsels, gouges, tool chests complete
drying pans, tea kittles, negro and tradesmS>
• wrappers, hats, coffee and cotton b.<-n,;„., ,
burgs, checks, Indiabfueand while
und yellow nankeens, chintz, hkfs.,
Chester nankeens, linen, brown Holland. R.nSZ*
; ng, ginghams, coloured- jtcconet- and ’< J'
.nuslms, marscilles, dimity, elegant set# of i r C *
•andiwl knives and forks, plufiedo., Ind? ; . rt
pen ami pocket do., razors, swords an d di f s
nelts, sword knots, gold lace, frogs, stlfc
tent lamps, shades, liquor and cruet stands o:Z2s
pint and half pint goblets, wineglasses, sih JE*
anger basons, creaot coloured ware in
chasers, cups and saucers, ewusand basonj
•ueu s hah,lrnots, shoes, stockings, gloves’ bm.
eloathing, broad cloth, kersiinere, flannel L
bonnets, shoes, gloves, stocking, spencers andd rcW
plain and twii’d white-black- and coloured. s W
icts, white satin, black crape aud boniba 2 een.tli rts
JajM*, millinarv, umbrellas, parasols, walkin* stiei
oiid cages, Hour sifters, house brooms,
,hoe- and paint- brushes, toilette and commas be
mg glasses, garden seeds, watering pits, UJi B
pieces, gin powder, shot, shot belts, powder M
dints, |»ost and foobcap paper, quills, ink
pencils. blank and ruled books, wafers, scalin? wm
nik stands, wafer seals, niters, slates, writinjdtkf
nessuage and pltfying cards, lavender- w- su
honey- water, huile antique, hair anti tooth brashes
razor strops, dressing cases, ivory chest mvn,btllian
balls, whystles, silver spoons, forks and skewers, ok
t • J- -- y -.J .......,.... UVU'I pr.
ted chamber and brachcr candlesticks, egg
q>v glasses, Ac.
» 50 May. W.HEMERf.
j —
> ALL persons having any claims against &
> Estate of J. C. Schollevanger, dec. are rcquesWfc
> render the same as soon as possible to the under®
• ed. K. FRANCKEf
20 May. Del. Exect. to aboven. Laie,
j FOR SALE —Imported in th© ship Gnat*
. ham, an ckgrrnt Top Chaise, painted ycllmr, jiidn
r 4Ut black, lined with super fine cloth aqd nebta
combining in no common degree (hr?
jiiisib? qualities of neatness and lightness, W»|
[â– been built under the particular inspection of at ah
resident fora gentleman of this colony since
Ito Europe, to be had for the actual cost it®
country, by application to
. ■... ■- .. . ■... .*«
’ NOTICE to all persons, who are
the undersigned, eUber by goods, open acCounM
t>tber specialities, to come forward with
. without loss of time ; as all-goods, open account
other spr<;iatitles unsettled within fortnightaltertb
of this notice, will be placed in the hands of hisAl
tornies Mssrs. Staal and van Rassum for rccovtq
without respect to persons. .
20 May. D. JfAßflt
NOTICE, all those who are indebted to I
J.P. Biver, for medically attendance or medtcisesi
liven d, are requested to come forward with imw
ife payrnejrt to the undersigned, by whotrt several
plication having beea made for paym«ft/bul imn
effect; all accounts not settled on tjic
jext, will be put in the hands of the Marshal.
' - .em
: THE Creditors of J W. Hwytmeycr wei
guested to sent! in thfeir Claims at the Oflfce < ,
J 20 May. J. F. OBERMUUE
' m
. — -■---f-n-nw- ——■-■■I.r. - ■■-■■■■■r '
Published every Saturday at bt F *
Prroijeged Gottrnmeid
Full Text |
dollars p. annum.'] I? GENERAL'S OFFICE. Berbice, 26th May, 1815. i&l, earnestly requests, the atkbted to this Office, for Taxes, h payment, to prevent him, havun pleasing mode of enforcing the ' Jxil? ¦ ¦ ¦ ' <: 7 LNIEL ALLT, Dep. Reg. Gefr. has imported in the. Brig Bea Tatsbn,from London, tkefollowd with particular care, which hi easonable terms for prompt payit credit of sir months to constant * hams, tripe, pine cheese, guntea, double refined sugar, cases bi bite wine vinegar, mustard and Port wine, French brandy, old cd porter; wax-spermacetiand 1 in boxes of 28 lbs. each ; Irish brie, Irish and Russia shewing, muslin, India white and blue sallowand striped nankeens, pie. ds, blue, black-arid green super shirting ibimcl, cotton shirting, and Leghorn straw hats, fashionridles w ith plated mounting, gin furniture, and plated ornaments, ads with handsome nnisquifo nets square edged best horse hair mastersand down pillows to suit, Asters and pillows 6 feet by 5 ol u»epesi materials, elegant toilet glasses with .and —iffitot drawers of solid mahogany, mahogany knife h JLr fey? with brusf handles, mahogany hand waiters, Aipinned tcwaitersand real, pontipont coffee bigF in S baskets, baskets tinned inside for dirty s.— .plates, do. knife baskets, sets of common arid patent 3 Fort "rffeA Wveft, cbumlrer candlesticks with snuffers and stem— n ipttKl vrs, gentlemen drosing cases fitted up joDy with every requisite for the toilet, best town made i»iio. ’ ro ty handled knives and forks with deserts and cardt Vers to match, very superior razors, a large and geI Mrr, B * r: ‘l Usaftrtmerit of cutlery of the first quality, ladies ,r, d gentlemens shot's, 11 cssi-m boots, strong pnclc w, shoes with buckles, silk and cotton umbrellas and paixsuls, stockings, gloves, damask breakfast cloths, ,&g. , ckfihn#!k for fowling; thread, tapes, needles, &6., arid lavender waters, hair and tooth brushes, <*» U indsor snap, stationary, coffee bagging and twine, ftp. fines-. s!.o l;s-a».l cutlasses, tea Lital-s, sauce pan?, iito ,ftyings 4 pans, grid irons,'coffee p't.s, coffee* pepperand com'mills with flyCwrels. garden watering pots, fy, a large a&ortment of glassand earthen ware and — breakfast'Chinfe carpenter tools of all kinds, whip Lot tfrw andccros s cut nails from 4-1. Io 3dd., lock? •y boltswl hinges ofall tfescripfiorfs, stay Inrs & staler pies,. whitered.-ycllow-greenand blue pnbiL and see, paint oil, pitch and tar : salt in barrelsclaret in c* L fce's arid casks, RTacfcburn's choice London porlicutar IS. .MadHra rtine'xn ; ptpftb Bonic of which has noW been i* near in this-colbnyl--‘And a great variety oi rs other articles. ie fr'May. CHARLES KYTR. g r. ' *ll — <—¦ e . D Wondergiteehende heeft ontvantwi met de bril linn JoftjNsox, Kapt. Watson, van London, d< || i uitggzogte artikelen, welliehy te loop pre. selttelMl oWaltdnefiictyke termen, ronr dirckte betaf liig,.nfais tt vbrtn aiin goede betaa'ders opbmaanBESTfiTYorksliire hammen, peris, pyn-appel ka«W«; fVric erf hygfin thee, dubbelde gertiffincerdc zuik< r,.kistjcs met ingelegde zuuren, sauzen, witte wyn fl a *yn,4ftostcrd, zwarte neper, oude Port wyn, Franschebrandewyn, oude Grenada rum, cn gcbottelde J ; pirirt(rf;: WaXsffeftuarfetien smeer-karirsen, zfccp in J 28dk, Itersfeh linneh, Framsche bntist, I lersch ehItussicseb dock, dang lawn } kamerdocks 1 iriuslines,. Oostirulische witte en blauwe salerwpores, 1 ; tfiftegcleen gestfeepte naftkings', stukjes bont vAir I ztrtrt. en grocn superfine taken, 1 z’/(antdroar hefiderf,*-mans bever cn Leghorn strooiji* & &b'oeden, zadelren toomcn-met pleet k en garen, honwelen, schoppeu fen houwers, thee kitds; says p»nncri, braadpannen, ’ rooster-yzrrs, koffy pottvn, koffyp<‘peren koomI niolens met draai widen, tuin gieters, ecn groot as! -.ortement van glas-en aardvwerk, C-hineesche onthyt j serviern, timmcrgereodschap van alle soort, krai|n,en trek-zagen, spykers van 4 tot SOpenny, khippen, hengzels en'krammen, witterodegrtegroeuecn < . blatiwc-vervcn en verf-olie, pik cn tecr, ztnit in varl|n, claret in kisteft en vaten, Bfacltburn's , Pitik Lon den .Mader 11 Hyn in pypeii, waarytin zbmmige reeds dric j.ircn in de eengroofe. i voorraud andcrc goederen. .< kyts: . IMPORTED! per Gratttfawi, and for Sale tt the Storeof the Subscriber: Six of the most proI minent Battles in Spain, framed and glazed ; Six I iVfhjesty lv.ri/r Geo. tbe HL, the Em. peror of RuNsia, the King'of Prussia, the Duke ot , Wellington, the rubais Blucher and Platoff, and .a few engravings of Bonaparte,by an eminent Artist; y the above arc framed in tile WosCsilpcrb*French stile t and gilt with the best oil gold.-»| Also ladies and gentlemens shoes irnd bontsy while ,and black silk stocking, do’, cotton d;to, straw brijr.ncts, ribbons, childrens cot ton hose, ready made’li. nen and cotton shirts, fid !* rfanibric, tabic and hrtak . fast cloths, conn ter panes, thread, tape, ready made s linen and cotton shfrh, calicoes, Planters bearer and c silk hats, children hats, negrodo., stationary, tinand .crockery ware, excellent claret in lihrtiu, sfadbira in bottles, raspberry and cherry brandy, tea, loaf sUgar, black pepper and spices. ’ A strong and healthy Negro woman, being a good ’book, washer and ironer, Willing to labour and very ’ civil. ’ ¦ A House, situated on the north side, half lot No. ID, close to the middle dam, 60 feet long and 30 broad, j fl»M»rcd above ami below with crab wood, boarded in, j oid 240 feet land,or thereabout, the same will be • e sold reasonable for cash, or'a short credit. STMty; , r AL LINDNER. L TILE urtdmigncd, Executor of the' late Dr ? Francis Jcfltry, having on the ult. called a ' meeting of the Creditors of that Estate, which was not ¦ at tended, by the major part of for the I Second time request a meetiiig.of all those concerned, at*the house of Dr. ih-Nl’W Arnsfferi-Jam, on Saturday next, the June; wheh a states ihent ot the affairs of the deceased will be exhibited, such further steus taken, «js may then appear neces ’ sary. W. KATZ, 27 May. Execufbf to the! late Mi Jeffery. i« , ».u&-ff--* ¦. *-¦ —. ' TENDERS will be received-at-thc house of L. van Rossnm for S 3 bales of cotton, from Planta’ tion until the 10th of June next,, when ’the highest offer will be accepted, if approved.’ M h For XV. RATZ, and self, Mav. . L. v a.k RoSSlLM, -1..-¦¦.tnrii FOR LONDON, J^ZZ2«i^E//z5 ? I passage; airply to the Mester <«ibbai-d,.or tb ‘’¦ 27 May; GEO; BONC Ck ¦ * v r M . .. . (?fr>. 558. BERBICE GAZETTE. \ [Payable in advance. ;THE undersigned request all persons, who ma v haye under tEt?fr care, any property belonging to F. L. Schmidt, to give notice thereof, at the house of Mr. H. Luthers, in New Amsterdam, stating the articles thus held by them, the undersigned being wishful of exposing the 'whole at public sale, in the begin‘ ingfoY next month, in pursuance of an order of his Excellency the QoVerirbr. J. van nun SCHRQEFF, 1 27 May. C. MITTELHOLZER, Curators. : NOTICE is hereby given to those indebted |o the undersigned, either by open Accounts forFerhage, Notes of hand, or otherwise, that it is impossible for him to give any longer indulgence, but have recourse to disagi cable measures Unless settled immediately; and being determined to keep no more accounts, he hopes no person will cross the Ferry, >r send their messengers unprovided with payment. He offers for Sale, tor cash only; crabwimd lumber at the fate of f 175. per thousand feet, also red ceder, simai üba boards' awl plank, slabs, &c. at. various prices, which he engages to deliver at any of the landing plricCs in the Town of New Amsterdam. B'erbicv-Ferry, 27" May. G. C. R. REI’S3. a—ma——MUTT itwihi mu n— w»m— «—wornu in i—— mui—i u< SECRETARY’S OFFICE. JAMES REID and ALEX ANDER FALCONER having ceased to hold any share in the Concerns of Doughs Reid & Company, of »his colony and of Dt*rnerary. The Finn will in ftifun bo conducted under the name of Golin.Doughs ek C-onspany ; To whom all those indebted to the late Finn, ire requested to make payment. • Cf)LIN DOUGLAS for self and as the Attorney of JOHN" DOUGLAS, J TIIOS. DUNLOP DOUGLAS ’ And t . ARCH. DOUG LAS, of Gias row; Bcrbice,, May. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. j . Bcrbicc, }%th May, 1815. ! INTIMATION is hereby given : That out .the Thirty First Day of January I-st, Alexander Fd• ’ Conor ceased to be a Partner in Ihe Company carried I on under the Firms of John. Thomas
NOTIFICATION. /Fnw ’e Honorable Court of Civil Jn Stic of tl> Colony Herbice. e* ¦ ; THE Court has this day been pleased to nominate and appoint J. B. Obermuller, tube one of the < worn Accountants, for the purpose of examining and udetiug all such accounts as shall be referred to the ' said Sworn Accountants, by the Court of Civil Justice ; in the room of JohnDowner j resigned. Berbice 13th May, IS 15. By Command of the Court. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. —— —— l — 1 X——— NOTICE—AH persons who bold Licences to cut Wood on the Crown Property, are hereby requested to send their Returns for the last six months to the Government Secretary’s Office, within one month from date ; also to pay the Percentagesdu< on the same.—ls not attended to the Licences will be immediately withdrawn 20 May. R. MACKENZIE, Commissary. _ DEMERARV. marshal's office . BY virtue of a Mandamrat granted by the Hon. Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for the Uniter* Colonies of Dem era ry and Essequebo, bearing date 29, h April, 1815, on the petition of F. C. Otto, an inhabitant of the*® Colonies, 1 the undersigned Deputy FiM Marshal, in the. name and behalf of the said F. C. Otto do hereby Cite His Honor Theophelus Williams, First Fiscal of these Colonies (R. 0. ahd all an*! every other person or persons who may conceive themselves entitled to become party against the said F. C. Otto, to appear before the Honorable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for these Colonies, nt their Session to be fold in George-Towu ou the Nindevtl* day of June, 1815, and following days, for the purpose of seeing the said R C Otto surren-t tier his person, and present himself to be purged from what His Honor the First Fiscal (R. 0. and every other person msy wish to alledge against him, respecting tAe dreadful Crime of murdercides! in a Proclamation of His Excellency Licutrnant-Goveri;or JoSx Murray, bearing date I9th March 1814. to hfive been represented to him by His Honor tht j irst Fiscal to hare been committed by the raid F.C. Otto on the body of one of his own slaves and to sec him declared ch*nr, pure and innocent of the same, likewise to see cudbear the Court’s order on tin enby.’ot.of the feicasrmcnt of his person as well as of 4lh* reparation of injury if any be demanded and be found due, to give their reasons, for opposition if th?j* maintain to have any, and farther to proceed according to law. Rio ib-merary, A. MEERTENS, sth May, 1815. Dep. First Marshal. \ ENDUES. • ! On Thursday the Ist June will be sold at the Vendue Ofdce, without reserve, beer and porter in barrels and hhds., a few casks of -blue painted Earthen ware containing each a complete dinner service for i? 4 person*. Irish r.m! Dutch linen, Irish butter in | tii kins, bottled Madeira wine, potatoes, cheese, sup. fine blue and buttle green broad cloth, paints & oil, 2 casks of negro and tradesmens hats, bottled pah' ale, soap& camlies in small boxes, Madras and Rojual I kfs., boots.-shoes, Osnabujrgs, cotton and coffer bagging, &c. On (he same day, Leaden-ball beef in tierces, port and sherry wine in bottles, raspberry and sherry brandy p' r dozen, Russia sheeting, plaiiilas, superior large sized maltrasses, pillows ami bolsters, real India white and yellow nankeens, do. white sa’ mpores, a parcel tin ware assorted, gin and Brandy in jugs of tire gallons, neats foot oil and spirits turpentine in one gallon jars. Aho on the.same day, by order of the Board oi Orphans, a piece of land bn lot No. 8, first Empolder, near (he back dam, with the buildings, the property of the late J. B. Schwjeters. D.C. Cameron. Dep. Vendue Master. 'By vnturoi authority obtained froiß the Honor, able Court of Civil Justice, of (his colony, granted upon a petition prevented for that purpose by thr* Curators of Plantation Nigg, bearing date the 12th of May, 1815, will be sold on the spot, to the highI cst bidders, on Wednesday the 28th of June, next, Plantation Nigg. situate on the WestCorentyn coast and known on the general chart as lot No. 6, witl i nil its buildings and cultivation, together with JffG so Slaves, (men, women and children, as also the cattlr S( belonging to the same, —the land payable in six and twelve months, and the Negroes in 3,6, & 9 months. M The Negroes of this Estate are a v»ry prime gang, ji and well worthy the attention of the Planters, haring about 40 creols, and many voung breeding women. D. C. CAMERON, Pep. Vendue Master. VEREENIGDE NEDERLANDEN. ’s G raven h age, den laden February.— Van gocdei band hebben wy de volgende berigten ontvangen, die , wy, uit hoofdevanderzelver belangrykheid voor veh , onzer Medeburgcrs, meenen,te moeten mededeeleo; . De Heer Ontvanger en besttrardcr J. Bent hoc ft de door hem in Surinaraen onvangen gelden, achtereeuvolgend,aan Kommissarissen derSurinaarßscheKommissie, in London, overgemaakt, zonder nogtans aa» s te geven de onderscheiden Eigenarcu derzelve, woon. ichtig in Holland en elders, uoch den Wisselkoers. > (egen welke dezelve in Engelsch geld dienen te worden uitbetaald. De Kominissarissen hebben, by den aaavang dcr Kommissie aan den Heer Bent om epgave dezer byzonderhedeh geschrcven, maar dezelve nimmcr Onfvahgen, -vermoedelyk veroorzaakt door de staking en sequestratie, toen de Heer Bent aan hen, zyne eerste jdarlyksche rekching voorncmens was in »e zenaen. r By de aar.komst van den Heer Bent in Engcland. hebben Koinmhsarissen hem dadciyk aangesdbreven,! am aan hen zyne rckening in tegeven,ten ciaJt daaruit te kunnen zicn, hoe veel aan ietTer Eigenaar, vbfflr aien gelden overgemaakt zyu, in Engelsch geldie betalen was, hetgeende Kotamissarisscn verlangend rtaren uit te reiken. J Zyn antwuord is geweest, dat hy het vcrtoog>yner administratie aan de Lordsder Thcsauric hepft voor‘ jelegd, en hoopt, dat deze daarop spoedig zullen beslissen, als wan nee r hy dadeljk aan dc.KQj_iniiss;irjssea debenoodigde rekeiiingea en ophclderingra zoude eeven. . ¦' “ * Het vertoog van den Heer Beat is zter onljings door ,de Lords der Thesauri? aan de Kommtssarissen onij considcratien en raport.-gezonifen, welke door'her' yn grgeven, tevrns met vemirk aan hunue I.orJ-i 'cbappen, om decn Heer Bcht te rcln trn, om aa4 Konunissari'.sen woornoemd denopdige rekemngen rat opht Idcringen on verwy ld te door.-gewonlen, ten elude meergemchlc Kemwistarissen in staal tc stdicn, s>ra aanstonds te kunnen overgaaa tot uitbclaling dei in handen zyndc gtldcn. Op deze voordragf, zoo wel als op vcrsrhcidcn bemtrkingen, door Kommissarisscn gemaakt, lictrekkcpyk de door den Heer Brat gevoerdc administralic en genoten voordeclen, zyn Kossissarissen nu antwoord . waohtende. (Slaats Courant.) Lonm» WIMLII'N loiaaimn in HiiMMMwraaMMMB, NEW AMSTERDAM. May 27, 1815. Juit as our Paper cos going to P,ess } the Leiter bag with the Mail for this colony, teas delivered at the Post Office. The papers brought by the Pae i l.et goes to the lylh April. Nothing new appears in them. The rumour about some overtures of peace made by the Alites to Bcnapaiie, is the only interesting paragraph in those papers. The Mail to be forwarded to Europe by the Cheslerfeld Packet, now in Dfmcrary, will be ciottd cd the Post Office here, al G o'cloc/c an Friday morning LonDOv, Apbie 14,1315. . Rumours says that the new Declaration of the Allies is founded on the basis of the Treaty of Chau mont. That Treaty was offensive and defensive—offensive if Bonajiarte should refuse the ternv ol peace which the Allies werq disposed to offer him—and only defensive, that is establishing a mutual guarantee of their respective States for twenty years, if he should accept their terms and continue on the throne of France. The Emperor of Austria has, in Consequence of tin new event, opened anew loan of 50 millions of flo. rins. The marching of troops continue in alt quarti ers. It is plain that Bonaparte seems to rely on the continuance of peace, or at least that he will do no act on hi? part that shall provoke a war. i’ ¦ 1 Krenlj regtmenu of cavalry a „j infi, "’*»#J 1 dressed them in the followi.^’& rnss ” ’ « Soldiers,-I have just hear the new s a.. 1* coloured flag is flying at Toidou se , at M laUhe J# and in all the South. The white flaj (he single city of Marseille, but this week the people of that great city, will I sumed all their rights.. . “Soldieis/’—riKiimed th? i:mpercr,« w interfere in the affairs of other nationg; U 'HP them who would interfere with ours, Genoa or Geneva, and to impose on ush w , fthe nation does not wish lor. They rentiers the Heroes of Marengo, o f Jena—They will meet there the whole > and if they have GOO,(XX) men, we will (womillions.” [The warmest aeclamMwWflll terrupted th? Emp.'tprJ —“ I prove”added&3H yoa have done, to ally yon delves again tofiS coloured fiag. It shill be in the . done, and in the presence of the 'that I will restore those Eagles which have k3|h often made illnsirious by yunr valour aqd seen the enemies of France fly -before tWm. ‘S “Soldi rs, —The French people and ..v I ¦cm you.—Dp yo rely on the people and | The mmt exalted expLisicm of enthusiasm W ed this address. UJ'J. '.r Extract of a letter Worn Amsterdam, dated Mitt® il, 6, P. M. says—“ This mo went I lean (WiJn memorable traitor, A i nir it k'erheul, and Daandels, IGovernor cf Bata via, have beead;,w France, ought to be treats d with some degree ofde>'3 fercncc. He did, however, endeavour by rm® means in bis power to oppose the arrangement wltid«jw>o had been made; but after cosiderable discussion, ieught withdrew his opposition to the arrangemhtw^'*’J '*c question was decided, not on the fact of Bens parte having been in the power of the Allies, hut i I his having been in a situation in which he coaid I tong the contest for a considerable time. As to tte ;w e Dre situation in which Dona parte afterwards stood at Elba, K. be thought that arrangement having been made, the I , c n same ought to be secured to him on terms of liberal!-Bn 1
EOfc, Impossible, the cirCnmvalhtion of such K^ vas power; and if it had been BOgd by ever so many ships, the changes of Rlfo might fustrate the object in view. If th* Lje British Navy had been there, they could no: Mlgxcercised the system of restraint w ithout breakTreaty. The Treaty gave him a sovereign* WJp® island—-The treaty gave him a vessel with flying on board; and it was no extraordinary his flag sailing round the island. A concommercial intercourse was besides, carrier & between Elba Indian continent, and, thereEr ft Wmdd have been impossible to search all tin to and from the Island. It was not his B 3 iingin France, nor the small armament which acEnpanicd him, that caused him to succeed in hisenBrprisc, but the circumstance of his being joined by E ibe military bodies of France. He would again Ejfrt, on the part of the French Government, that it jercrtad been intended to exercise any police over plsland. Colonel Campbell had been permitted te fcnaininElba, and occasionally to go to Italy for the Epose of general information; but these was no no¦n of his ev«w ex’rc'sing an inspection over Bona»e, who binted to the Colonel that his long-cons iEd residence there was not agreeable to him. Ar Elish gctideman, named Rtchy, was acting as a Ip* Consul in the Island, and to shew the little.po»s£it. Kiehv possessed, two gendarmes were plaHas sentinels at his .door when Bonaparte was maj preparati » ! i* for his departure. It wasowellAct, that ev>*n General Ikrtrand did not know his going away until all were ready to embark, and fc only visible prep * rat ion was, the repairing of Boipirteb co, a thing permitted by the Treaty. Ilhe-nther vessels composing the expedition were mt? which had arrived in the port for commercial nrposes. The French Govertmient had vessel cruisabout, which exercised a kind r»f rigihrttc about 3h; and the British Admiralty had gived instructs to Adnr'rall Hallowell, if he had any intimation BimiMide’sgoingnway, to fay hold of him. These irntnstances would shew wh.it a very great misconption prevailed on this subject, and that no great Cess of generosity had been commit ted. ~Bona parte a not even in our (Mjssessi'm; a continued personal ’rrco’jrsc certainly'' existed between him and Endnucn; but Colonel Campbell very seldom bad Cess Io him. Upon the whole, therefore, neither eat Brit tin nor the Allies could be responsible fin iat was done. He then thought it his duty to submitted to die Ilm.se the views he entertained <»:i is partofthquestion. He would next come to the >st material put <»f the subj cl. In point of fact, ? money stipulated by the Treaty wa* never paid to na parte. . BOVA PA UTE'S PLOT. tatemen*, which was made in October, tn Lari Bathurst,. one of his Majesty's Principal Secrearies of State, and in Xutcutbcr ISM, to the ''nmtde la Vie Trench Ambassador, of 'ionapartc's.plol to re-uslnp the Crown of !• rance.. TO MR. J. J. STOCKDALE. Lox box', 25* march, 1815. ‘Dear Sir-— I have for such a number of years tnorted, to the best of ray power, the good cause in ich Eftghnl has been engaged, that most of those <>c mid h*ve borne testimony To my efforts are no re except Lord Sheffield and ynrself, I know not of • person who can bear witness to my uniform envours to support that cause. ‘ I had lately a most unexpected opportunity of tiering'to this nation, and to all Europe, a very' at advice'. I had the inCans of proving that Bo>arte was engaged in a very extensive plot to rece himself on the Throne of France; which I of-11 to do, for the express purpose of furnishing the ied Powers with just cause for placing him in safe tody, and convincing them of the necessity of so ng. Having been treated with* degree of neglect dering very nearly' on insult, I now enclose tor you wemnents relative to that unfortunate 1 it mßorfundte, becaiise to repair the evil done, Ifost much bl<|pd and treasure, and, even.after, wexpense, success is far from certain. . . ... Hthis country is in a very serious and critical siubn, and it were well to shew by what sort of neBnce it has been brought into it. Incredulity has Rbecn much fashion. . ' I* If it can be shewn, that, in any one instance, I hgave Afxong ihlbrnialiou, or evinced a disposition to impose on any of the Members of Government, or that 1 ever attempted to gain advantage to myself at I “ le pwbltc expense, I think it will be a vindication or the incredulity complained of: but if, on the contrary, it can be made appear that I have often given : use I til information, and never asked any’ reward; and that, tor more than 1 twenty years, I hnite employed such abilities as I am possessed of, in support of the • cause in which the country fought, without asking I ‘. r S‘ wur< l Government* then Ido think that <’ here is an explanation of the cause for treating my information witli neglect. “ 1 hat the information was as nearly correct as, in : such a case, it could well be, is now known. I even ¦ Bonaparte would not inake his attempt Uli Congress >as dissolved, unless circumstances compelled him to do it rather soontr. The case so k for seen has actually taken place; so that, on the . whole, never was any information respecting an ih_ tended and difficult attempt more accurate or com’ plete. . ’ U r Pk. .'ill? _ O* • _at All _ -Cal“ 1 he putmc, bar, conceive that the absence of the i Britssh Officer sent to watch over the Exile of Elba, ( coupled with the fact that a secretary Os State had been informed of the necessity of being watchful, rcr quires an-explanation. “ These are not times to pass over such transactions —that fate of the country is at a stake, and it hasbeeti long a subject of regret, that, while our enemy employs none but men of energy and talent, rewarding ¦ mfl punishing according to desert, a relaxed system .of favouritism his crept into English mode ofcarry, »ng on pub! c business. This is an occaiHon on which 4 Englim l may not expect, but ‘ England requires, every Man to do his duty.’ “ Tlie following documents will prove, first, that J had a witness to the orginal conference with Caraman, and will shew that I have taken great trouble to obtain attention, without success. lam greatly morti, find at all the circumstaiTbes of the case; and hnp< ’hat, when the importance of the case is considered, ¦my conduct fur the last four moats, which is an ordinary affair would have b en impertinent and imI proper, will be excused. 1 expected to save millions of li vies and prevent destruction to our finances, and , 1 forgdt myself in the immensity of the object. “ The whole, however, it not yet over; I therefore deliver to you, with this, a sealed packet, con‘cerning which, if you find Ministers disposed to have: it, you have my leave to use your own honour and' discretion, which I have been witness to on various' .occasions, from your earliest days of business ; but I pertinacity, now unfortunately mistaken ipr firmness and perseverance, will most probably prevent any I notice being taken of what comes through this chanrpel,'though' it has been proved to be but too muck deserving of notice. "The names of seven of the nienesrs (active agents) jOf the conspiracy I likewise give you, though that is too late'tur any use. VVberi I was seeking to obtain attention in this ’business* Pope’s lines were perpetually in my mind— • , . “ 'fFrvlhs would i/ott teach, 'and saw a sinking land, “ All Jcar, none aid you, and few understand." ‘‘-Lam, Sir, your’s, &C. “ William Playfair.. ' “P. S. Mr. La Chastrc’s sealed letter 1 also depo¦ sit with you, 1 dare say it will prove but oflilde use.” ' ' ' [TTerc follows a statement of the circumstances ¦ which led to the information received by the writer, which arc remarkably interesting, followed by copies of memoranda of Gentlemen equally acquainted with tacts—one of these is as follows J Copy of a memorandum made by the undersigned on kept. 14, 1814, the original of which is in his possession. P On the 10th instant I dined with Mr. Playfair and an Italian named Caraman. We dined at Pagliano’s, and as some circumstances of a very peculiar nature jattended that meeting, I think it necessary to write them down. Caraman had furnished Mr. Playfair with a map and description of the Island of Elba, which I had copied preparatory to making the model*. Mr. P. and Caraman spoke French, and, as 1 know very little of that language. I only caught a word sometimes. Bonaparte was often mentioned. I The Italian spoke a great deal. Mr. P. said little, but was seemingly very attentive, and much struck with what the man told him, and now and then turning to me, said, “ very important im for motion indeed!" This he repeated so often, hnd appeared so much struch with it, that it naturally excited my surprise. The Italian also gave Mr. Playfair three or four papers, one of which appeared to be a listoi. names; another, which was very small, was covered on the back with green silk. When Mr. Playihii * The model was actually made and exhibited ii l Springgardens. » ind I left, I was Very anxious to know the whole that the Italian had told him. Mr. P. then informed me that there was a plot to assassinate the Bourbons, md that Bonaparte wtrnld raise his standard in lta>, md would find plenty of followers; that the Italian had told him Bouaparte’s cipher and the key. He hen shewed me the paper covered with silk, which I had seen the Itsllian give him ; It was a fable of Setters curiously disposed. Mr. Playfair then gave it me, with another paper, which he said was Bonaparte’s address to Frenchmen in cipher, and requested that I would, that evening, take a correct Copy of i noth, as he must return them riext day (I think) to i Caraman. Both the reman had told him, we found it to contain an adi Iress to the French. “ Caraman was a dark middle-aged tbjn man. “ Thos. Byerlev.” Copy of a Memorandum made October 20th 1814. “ Deeming the information given by Mr. Caraman ’of great importance, I wished Mr. Playfair to ac-1 quaint the French Ambassador with it; which when ' I found he did not do, I wrote? to Count la Chastrc,on the !()th inst. but receiving no answer, and feelin* 'more and more impressed with the importance of the 1 subject, I wrote again two days after, and then h; d a letter from him wishing to see me. According n Monday the 17th instant, 1 waitedon his Exccjlency, 1 who gave me a letter for Mr. Playfair, which 1 delivered to him the same day. ‘‘Tmomas Byerley. “ The above are true copies of Memorandums male by me at the times above raentioued. “ Thomas Byerley. “ Berwick street, Soho, March 29, 1815.” [Here follows a very inferring coversation between Mr. Gtrani'in and Mr. Pinyfair.] IteCull of an i, format ion obtained in S'pl ember, IS 14, .from Caraman, an Italian, who passed through London (the partietvar circumstances of which / am ready to explain, if ncrcssaryj whith I considcr of great importance t<> the repose of Europe, and to all the Allied Powers. “That Bonaparte Ims a plan to regain thrThrone of France is certain, and the attempt will be made >oon after the Congress, when the armeis are withdrawn and in part disbanded; and wb nit is likek ‘that the Italians will be diss.itisficd. The Island of Elba is admirably situated, tor the attempt from its conliguitto Italy, whore he will hoist bis standardto which al! the disaffected will flock. The Royal Family will be attacked and murdered bvthe despe: rate emissaries in France at the same moment. 1 “ Under these ctrcuuutancm it should be consi* idered that, though the magnanimity of the Emperor >of Russia may lead him be merciful (o Bonaparte, and though the Emperor of Germany may wish from , other motives, to act in he same manner, yet that > Louis XVHL and his family arc, by that conduct,* put in danger by a man who never spared one who stood between him and tits safety. The Due d’Enghien, Toussaint I’Ou/erture, Pichegru, Moreau, and others, were only a few. of his victums. It is therefore, for the Allied Sovereigns, in their wisdom • md justice, to rid Louis XVHL of a man who is so ’ dangerous to him as as well as to all Europe. “As Bonaparte is plotting, and the fact is certain, , the beswajt will be to detect him, and then the two > Emperors will see the necessity ot securing his per> son ; at the same time that it will remove every scrui pci in regard to changing the mode of.treating him. “ What is dcAio must be in silence, and quickly when begun; fur though Bonaparte wuufd naturally wait for a tit time, yet be will act the moment he sees danger. “The information I have obtained is sufficient to enable me, if I had a trusty and confidential person With me, to bring proofs against Bonaparte, such as would convince the Allied Powers of the necessity of changing the treatment of him, but this should be lone while Congress is silting. “I make this offer, desirous of hhvldg’the honour' ;jf contributing to so excellent a work; for the wicked intentions of Bonaparte, and his great abilities, are equally to be dreaded ; and if he escapes, the Allied Sovereigns and all the world ‘ would repent when it will be too late. “ 1 he offer was made both to Lord Bathurst and to M. Ic Comte de la Chastrc, the French Ambassador. (copy.) “ Lord Bathurst presents hi.s compliments to Air. Playfair, and begs he will call at the For
Marsh aVs orricr. • SALES by EXECUTION”. FIRST PROCLAMATION. BY virtue of an Appointment from His Excellency J. Murray, Brigadier-General and Acting Governor of the Colony Berbire and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. given upon a Petition, presented for that purpose, by Archibald M’Queen, qq. Colin Macrea, under date of 16th January, 1813, cersiff, the Proprietor or Proprietors, Representative or Representatives of Plantation Palmyra, Eas' coast. Notice is hereby given to the Public, at th. instance of Evan Fraser, surviving partner of the House of Evan and Angus Fraser, Merchants of tliis colony, and which House of Commerce are now possessing through deed of Assigment, the right and interest before possessed by Colin Macrae In the deb for which Plantation Palmyra is now under Execution and Sequestration; that I the undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in the presence of two Councillors Commissaries asd their Secretary, in the month of December, 1815, the precise day hereafter to be notified through the Gazeth of this colony : The Cotton Fstate railed Palmyra., situate on Iht East coast of this C olony, with all its cult heal ion* buildings, slaves, and further appurtenances thereto belonging, the property of R. P. Rroom ; all conformable to an Inventory formed thereof, and now laying at the Marshal's Office for, the inspection of those whom it may concern. Whoever should think to have any right, action, er interest,.on the nborementtoned Estate called P.drnyra, cum aunexis, and wishes to oppose the Sale thereof, let such persons address themselves to the Marshal’s Office, declaring their reason for so doing in due time and form, as 1 her by give notice, that I will receive opposition from every intermediate person, appoint them a day to have his or her cliirns heard before the Court, and further act therein as tbi law directs. This First Proclamation, made known to the Public by beat of drum, from the Court House of th is colonv, and further Health with according to custom. Bcrbicc, 21 May, 1815. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. BY virtue of an Extract from the Minute? of the proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated 10 May, 1815, given in the cans' entitled Win. Gordon, Plaintiff incase of opposit'on, versus, the Sale by Execution of Plantation dt Vcedster, cum annexis, to be sold in favor of Daniel Allt, Receiver of (he Church Fund. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that the Sale by Execution of said Plantation de Voedster, rum annexe, wili now positively take place on Thursday the 8 of June IS 1 5, on the spot. Whoever should think to have any right, action, or interest in the beforementioned Plant, de Voedstei cum anhexis, and wishes to oppose the Execution Sale thereof, let such person or persons address themsrlvfs to the Marshal’s Office, of this colony, dsclaring their reasons for so doing, as I hereby give notice that I will receive oppositions from every interrnedialc person, appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard before the Cotirt, and further act therein as the law directs. Berbicc, 12 May, 1815. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. To Purchasers of negroes—Notice is hereby given that the sale of plantation De Voedster and negroes advertised for Thursday theSth of June next, will positively take plaoe that day, and that the gang of said Estate is well worth the attention of persons in want of good effective negroes. BY virtue of an Appointment from His Excellency 11. W. Bentinck, Esquire, LieutenantGovernor of the colony Berbice, ami its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. Given upon a Petition presented by R. C. Downer, in his quality as Representative of W. King and P. Benjamin, in their capacity as Curators to the EstateofFrancis Bynoe, deceased ssiid appointment bearing date 23d March, 1815.— Notice is hereby given to the Public,, that I the un1 dorsignctl, First Marshal of the Courts within this ( colony, intend to Sell, at Execution Sale, in the presence of two Counsellors Commissaries, and their Secretary, by the goiog.out of a burning wax-candle, on Wednesday the 7th June 1815. The Cotton Estate called Lewis Mjuor, situatt on the East coast of this colpny, with all its Slaves, Buildings, and further Appurtenances thereto belonging. Whoever should think himself entitled to opposethe Execution Sale of said Plantation Lewis Manor, let such person or persons address tbetttsdret to the Marshal’s Office of this colony, declaring their reasHis for so doing in dkc time and form, as 1 hereby give notice, that I will receive opposition from ©very ntermediate person,, appoint them a day to have his or her claim beard before the Court, and furthei act therein as the Law directs Bcrbice, 25 March, 1815. K. Francxin, First Marshal. JUNE hath 30 DAYS. ——————— ——— — — : —. ... Phases of the Moon. . New Moon, 7th Day, at Oh. Im. Afternoon. First Qdarter, 14th Day, at4h. Im. Morning. Full Moon, 21st Day. at 2h. Bm. Afternoon. Last Quarter, 29th Day, at Mr. 49m. Afternoon. !. of . ‘ H. W. * w. Holidays, Phenomena,&c. k. m. 1 Ph Nicomede. Neap Tides. * Aft 39! 2 F | 3 8 2 3ft 4Su 2d S.aft. Tr. K. G. TILL. 17.38. 319 5 M Duke of Cumberland, born 1771. 4 fj. 6 Tn * 4 39 7 M < 5 j C 8 Th Spring Tides. 5 9 F , ' 6 37 10 s 72! 11 Su 3d Sunday after Trinity. St. Bar8 1§ 12 M fnabiu. 9 £ IS Tri 10 0 14 W ‘ . 11 4 15 Th Neap Tides. M 4 16 F -1 'll 17 $ St. alban. 2 14 >8 Su 4th Sunday after Tiinify. 3 S 19 M 3 IS 201 To Trial of Edw. K. of W. Sax. 4 27 ?r 5 : 22 Th Spring Tides. Sun Enters Cancer. 5 39 23 F 6 11 21 S Nativity of St. John Baptist. 647 25 Su slb Sunday after Trinity. 7 L« 26 M .i 7 55 27 Tn ‘ 8 33 e W .9 17 >9 Th St. Peter. 10 9 .0 F Neap Tides. . MU *¦ *’ I • ¦i—!..,. , i , ~ •***—¦’¦ ¦ 1 J L “ —— — 1.1U.1. -II . ¦¦¦ Mil M. ¦ ¦ .. I— i ii„ . I ¦ Jl ' * m I.'t .-I— ¦ II H.^.—¦— l 1 * KI >'¦ ll'» BANNS of M ERR I AGE, between John 1 Quarless, Bachelor, born io Barbados, and Elizabeth • Welch, Spinster, born in Dem crary, a minor, but with cons, nt of ami assisted by her Parents. An) person knowing any just cause or impediment, w!»v the above parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, must declare the same to the Rev. F. Whitfield. May 13. “i—¦— • —. --, ... » u— FOR LONDON, the new coppered ' l ’**~'* Ship Grantham, A. 1. John Brand, Master, will sail as soon as possible, has good accommodations for passengers; three fourths of her cargo u positively engaged, and may reasonably be expected to sail in all June—please apply at the Store of W. Hen Cry, Esq. or on board the vessel.-MS May. —— ' ¦ ~.'k~ a-— P. GRANT has received from London, per Grantham, Brand, a consignment ot sadlery, consisting of gentlemens and ladies saddles, bridlesand setts of gig harness* which be wiH dispose of cheap, for prompt payment. J 3 May. FOR SALE, an excellent Chaise with Harness complete. 13 May. R. MACKENZIE. ~~ ' ""f ¦¦ II — I <¦ . M ... . . DRIFTED, on the sth instant, from Fori Meyers, a ship’s long Boat, marked on the stern—“ Egham, John Pavy," belonging to Dr. Johnston, Fort St." Andrew. Any person giving information of the above boat, shall be rewarded. ( , i 13 May. FOR SALE, bullettreeTimber and Plank, crab wood Lumber, and a house Frame, very reasonable—apply at the Store of J. H. Schiarhorrt, Esq. FOR SALE, the northern quart of Lot Nd. 27, from the middle road to the backdam, with the buildings thereon, as it now stands; Enquired* this Office. J3Mav FOR HIRE, Five able, well disposed, Carjenter Negroes.—Enquire of 20 May. Jao. IfISRESFORD.f The Subscriber Offers the fallow Goods, just Imparled from Wu ’u f/ Planters mess beef and pork in CL hams, cheese, pickles, fish sauces, aalUd oM mustard, gun powder tea, refined pepper, currants, prumes, oatmeal? sn ley m jugs, oat in puncheons, Huffman? fidtonary cherCy and raspberry gm, brandy, London particular Mad&fr’ malrnsy in kegs, champaign, claret. RkA?M porter, pale ale, cyder, soap, candles, blue ant J*’ irninte, oils, spirits turpentine, pitch tar ? plain and jiatent rope f:om 9 thread* td4ltS r ’ ues, oakem, English ensigns and butt in white rope, boat clasp and rose nails 4dv targe seized hoes, shovels, cutlasses, | 7W iron pots, boat chains, plantation and shnb sm weights, parlour doorwarehouse and L U book case and liquor case do., hi, lW( . s iU s lash putties, sadirons, whip saws? idzes, axes, planes, gimbleto, pincers? gfcttsels, gouges, tool chests complete drying pans, tea kittles, negro and tradesmS> • wrappers, hats, coffee and cotton b.<-n,;„., , burgs, checks, Indiabfueand while und yellow nankeens, chintz, hkfs., Chester nankeens, linen, brown Holland. R.nSZ* ; ng, ginghams, colouredjtcconetand ’< J' .nuslms, marscilles, dimity, elegant set# of i r C * •andiwl knives and forks, plufiedo., Ind? ; . rt pen ami pocket do., razors, swords an d di f s nelts, sword knots, gold lace, frogs, stlfc tent lamps, shades, liquor and cruet stands o:Z2s pint and half pint goblets, wineglasses, sih JE* anger basons, creaot coloured ware in chasers, cups and saucers, ewusand basonj •ueu s hah,lrnots, shoes, stockings, gloves’ bm. eloathing, broad cloth, kersiinere, flannel L bonnets, shoes, gloves, stocking, spencers andd rcW plain and twii’d white-blackand coloured. s W icts, white satin, black crape aud boniba 2 een.tli rts JajM*, millinarv, umbrellas, parasols, walkin* stiei oiid cages, Hour sifters, house brooms, ,hoeand paintbrushes, toilette and commas be mg glasses, garden seeds, watering pits, UJi B pieces, gin powder, shot, shot belts, powder M dints, |»ost and foobcap paper, quills, ink pencils. blank and ruled books, wafers, scalin? wm nik stands, wafer seals, niters, slates, writinjdtkf nessuage and pltfying cards, lavenderwsu honeywater, huile antique, hair anti tooth brashes razor strops, dressing cases, ivory chest mvn,btllian balls, whystles, silver spoons, forks and skewers, ok t • J-y -.J .......,.... UVU'I pr. ted chamber and brachcr candlesticks, egg q>v glasses, Ac. » 50 May. W.HEMERf. j — > ALL persons having any claims against & > Estate of J. C. Schollevanger, dec. are rcquesWfc > render the same as soon as possible to the under® • ed. K. FRANCKEf 20 May. Del. Exect. to aboven. Laie, j FOR SALE —Imported in th© ship Gnat* . ham, an ckgrrnt Top Chaise, painted ycllmr, jiidn r 4Ut black, lined with super fine cloth aqd nebta combining in no common degree (hr? jiiisib? qualities of neatness and lightness, W»| [¦been built under the particular inspection of at ah resident fora gentleman of this colony since Ito Europe, to be had for the actual cost it® country, by application to . 20 May. CHARLES KYTE. . ¦ ... ¦ .. . ¦ ... .*« ’ NOTICE to all persons, who are the undersigned, eUber by goods, open acCounM t>tber specialities, to come forward with . without loss of time ; as all-goods, open account other spr<;iatitles unsettled within fortnightaltertb of this notice, will be placed in the hands of hisAl tornies Mssrs. Staal and van Rassum for rccovtq without respect to persons. . 20 May. D. JfAßflt NOTICE, all those who are indebted to I J.P. Biver, for medically attendance or medtcisesi liven d, are requested to come forward with imw ife payrnejrt to the undersigned, by whotrt several plication having beea made for paym«ft/bul imn effect; all accounts not settled on tjic jext, will be put in the hands of the Marshal. ' .em : THE Creditors of J W. Hwytmeycr wei guested to sent! in thfeir Claims at the Oflfce < , J 20 May. J. F. OBERMUUE ' m . — -¦---f-n-nw——¦ -¦¦ I.r. ¦¦-¦¦¦¦ ¦ r ' Published every Saturday at bt F * Bv W. SCIIULZ As Cb. Prroijeged Gottrnmeid