Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://original-ufdc.uflib.ufl.edu/AA00093219/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Berbice gazette
- Uniform Title:
- Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
- Place of Publication:
- New Amsterdam
- Publisher:
- W. Schulz
- Publication Date:
- May 20, 1815
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Berbice
New Amsterdam (guyana) guyana
- Genre:
- newspaper ( sobekcm )
- General Note:
- Semiweekly
- General Note:
- Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
- General Note:
- The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
- General Note:
- In English, with occasional text in Dutch
- Funding:
- Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
This Rights Statement should be used for Items for which the organization that intends to make the Item available has determined are free of copyright under the laws of the United States. This Rights Statement should not be used for Orphan Works (which are assumed to be in-copyright) or for Items where the organization that intends to make the Item available has not undertaken an effort to ascertain the copyright status of the underlying Work.
URI: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
- Resource Identifier:
- 1380865228 ( OCLC )
Aggregation Information
- DLOC1:
- Digital Library of the Caribbean
- Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
- IUF:
- University of Florida
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.-The . ’ (No. 557.
rt&rA p. annum.]
Bg*s House,lst May, 1815,
rxor/zos been pleased to bp bpter
ter bpter be Major of the 2d or
lis Excellency's Command,
Ml Commissary Depart Departturn,
turn, Departturn, proof 2s. For which
by the Subscriber until JOI
?2d instant, ‘ when thev will
His Excellency the Govcr Govcrproved
proved Govcrproved of, accepted.
ICKENZIE, Commissary,
ivered at the Civil Cominis*
e puncheons to be returned.
the' Civil Government,
iwood Hoards. For winch
;d by the Subscriber until
len they will beqjpened in
ncy th# Governor, and the
rCepted. 20 May.
MCKENZIE, Commissary;,
j delivered at Government
sons who hold Licences
wn Property, are hereby re returns
turns returns for the last six months
tTstjSP# {iovernmejrt Secntwy’s Office, within one
in Ol ’ft fromdate; also to pay the Percentages due
•s for B-wne.—if not attended to the Licences will be
withdrawn 20 May.
EMI { * R- MACKENZIE, Commissary.
8885 I DEM Erl A RY.
f virtue of a Mamfcmcnt granted by the Hon.
it of Criminal and Civil Justice for the United
hies of Dem erary and Fssequebo. bearing date
I April, 1815, On the petition of F. C. Otto, an
IE f ibitaut of these Colonies, 1 the undersigned De De"urst
"urst De"urst Marshal, in the name and behalf of th?
. C. Otto do h'-rtby Cite His Honor Theophe-j
ißiams, First Fiscal of these Colonics (11.0.).i
I-and every other person or jk rsons who may
ve themselves entitled to become party against
dF.C. Otto, to appear before the Honorable
of Criminal and Civil Justice tor those Co'lo Co'lot
t Co'lot their Session to be held jn George-Tewrt on
nelecthduy of June, 1815, and following days,
; purpose of seeing the said F. C Otto snrren snrren-5
-5 snrren-5 .person, and present himself to be purged
rKat His Honor the First Fiscal (R. 0. and
other.person msy wish to alkdge against him,
ting the dreadful Crime of murder, stated in a
mation of His Excellency Lieuten iiit-Cover*
hx Mur wat, bearing date I9th March 1814,
e been represented to him by His Honor the
Fiscal to hays been committed by the said F.C.
a the body of oqc of his own slaves and to sew
.‘dared clear, pure and innocent of the same,
setosae .and hear the Court's order on the
tof thmreleasement of his person as well as of
pgratlon of injury if any be demanded and be
due, to give their reasons for opposition if
maintain to have any, and further to
ling to law.
Deraerary, A. MEEJITENS, ?
May,Jßls. Bep. First Marshal?
HfiE, all those vvlio are indebted to Mr.
medically attendance or medicines de-i
vcjtd, are requested to cofne forward with immedi immedieftyruent
eftyruent immedieftyruent to the undersigned, by whom Several ap-j
Hflbon having been made for payment, but without!
Ml; all account not settled on too Ist day of June
SB will be nut in the hands wf the Marshal. !
>May.— — G. SCHWARTZ, qq.
CreditorsXaf J VV. Heytmeyer arc re-
Wed to send in their Claims at the Office of
iff Muy. j.f.obermuller.
The Subscriber Offers the following Assortment. of
Goods,just Imported from London •
Planters mess beef and pork in half barrels,
hams, cheese, pickles, fish sauces, sallad vinegar,
mustard, gunpowder tea, refined sugar, spices, black
pepper, currants, prumes, oatmsal, split pease, bar*
l p y ’ n jugs, oat in puncheons, Hoffman’s fruits, con confictionary,
fictionary, confictionary, cherry and raspberry brandy, old rum,
gin, brandy, London particular Madeira in hhds.
malmsy in kegs,champaign, claret, Rhenish wiue,
porter, pale ale, cyder, soap, candles, blue and starch,
paints, oils, spirits turpuntine, pitch, tar, red ocher,
plain and patent rope from 9 threads to 4f inch ca cables,
bles, cables, oak cm, English ensigns and but tin, fishing lines,
white rope, brat clasp and rose nails 4dy to 40dy,
large seized hoes, shovels, cutlasses, I and 2 gallon
iron pots* boat chains, plantation and shop scales and
weights, parlour door- warehouse and stock locks,
book case and liquor c ise do., hinges, bolts, screws,
jash pullies, sad irons, whip saws, files, carpenters
adzes, axes, planes,, gimblets, pincers, compasses,
cbissels, gouges, tool chests complete, grid irons,
frying pans, tea kittles, negro and tradesmens jackets,
wrappers, hats, coffee and cotton bagging, Osna Osnaburgs,
burgs, Osnaburgs, checks, India blue and white salempores, white
and yellow nankeens, chintz, hkfs., muslins, Man Manchester
chester Manchester nankeens, linen, brown Holland, Russia sheet sheeting,
ing, sheeting, ginghams, coloured- jacconet- and cambric cambricmuslins,
muslins, cambricmuslins, m arse dies,, dimity, elegant sets of ivory
bundled knives and forks, plane do., Indian knives,
pen and pocket do., razors, swords and dirks wi'h
belts, sword knots, gold lace, ..... -sdk sashes, pa patent
tent patent lamps,shades, liquor and cruet stands ofcutgl iss,
pint mid half pint goblets, wine glasses, salt cellers,
finger basons, cream coloured ware in sets tosuil pur purchasers,
chasers, purchasers, cup» and saucers, cwus and basons, gentle gentlemen’s
men’s gentlemen’s hats, knots, shoes, stockings, gloves, braces,
chiathing, broad cloth, kersitnere, flannel, k'lies’
bonnets,shoes, stocking, spencers and dresses,
plain and twU’d white- black* and coloured- sarce sarcenets,
nets, sarcenets, white satin, black ergge and bom ba zeen, thread
tape, millinary, umbrellas, parasols, walking sticks,
bird cagni, flour sifters, house brooms, scrubbing scrubbingshoe
shoe- scrubbingshoe and paint- brushes, toilette and common look looking
ing looking glasses, garden seeds, watering pots, fowling
pieces, gun powder, shot, shot belti, powder flaks,
flints, post ami foolscap paper, quills, ink powder,
pcncito, blank and ruled books, wafers, scaling wax,
ink stands, wafer seals, rulers, slates, writing debs,
messuage and playing card*, lavender- rose- and
honey- water, huile ant ique, hair and tooth brushes,
razor strops, dressing cases, ivory’chest men, billiard
balls, whestles, silver spoons, forks and skewers, pila pila(ed
(ed pila(ed chamber and bracket candlesticks, egg stands
r-r— ■, i? 771" 1 T’J".
ALL persons having any claims against’the
Estate of J. C. Schollevanger,,dec. are Requested td
'epder the same as soon us possible to the undersign undersigned.
ed. undersigned. „ . Kx FRANCKI'X
20 May. Del. Exact, to
THE Public arc ogainsi
buying a Negro man, named Liverpool, from Benjal
min Jackson, the said Negro not being paid /or and
is reclamable; all boat Captains and otbers,.are abd
cautioned against
20 May. || Jnb, ERSKINE.
FOR SALE —the ship,Grant ship,Grantham,
ham, ship,Grantham, an elegant Top Chaise, pamted yellbw, picked
out black, lined with super fipe ctoth and rich lace
trimmings, combined in npl cppjmM degrfee the re requisite
quisite requisite qualities df neatness ligbtnese, having
been built under the particular inspection of an. old!
resident for a gentlenian of this colony since return-:
ed to Europe, to be had for the actual cost? in this'
country, by application to, ' f
20 AayZ _ 7 . •• KYTE-«
NOTICE to all persons* who Air,e indebted toj
th« undersigned, either by goods, open nr
other specialities, to come forward with payment
without loss of time; as all gqpds, open or
other specialities unsettled within fortnight after date
of this notice, w ill be' placed in the hands oHiis At Attornies
tornies Attornies Mssric Staal and van Rossum for recovery,
without respect to persons.
From the Honorable Csurt of Civil Jnstic of
the Colohy Berbice.
THE Court has this day been pleased to no nominate
minate nominate and appoint J. B. Obermuller, tube one of the
SwornAcconntants,- fpr the purpose of examining asd
audeting all such accounts as shall be referred to the
said Swam Accountants, by the Court of Civil Jus Justice;
tice; Justice; in the room of John Downer, resigned.
Berbice 13th May, 1815.
By Command of the Court.
~ , R. C. DOWNER, Sbc.
iiwwiiniMjwnT -
jv*' ' Berbice, ISM May, 1815.
INTIMATION it hereby given : That on
the Thirty First Day of January iasl, ? Alexander Fal Falconer
coner Falconer ceased to be a Partner in the Company carried
on uuder the Firms of John Thomas 4* Archibald
Douglas in Company, at Glasgowj and Douglas
Reid in Company, al Dcmeraryaml Berbice, and f»r
some time at Liverpool under th« Firms of Douglas
M'lntyre in Company and Cotin Douglas in Com-*
puny. And also that by the decease of Jas. R&dj
a late Partner of said Company, in December Eigh Eighteen
teen Eighteen hundred and ten, hisTTeirsand Representatives,
have had no concern in the Trade and Business of
said Copipany since the Thirtieth of Apdlin that
year. A. FALCONER. .
A. FALCONER > Execul’s of
Glasgow, 3d March, 1815.
- A-true copy of-thc-orTginal rxbi’’ifed to me.-
— ■-win. I "
BY virtue of an Appointment of His Excel Excellency
lency Excellency Lieutenant Governor Bentiuck, dated 11 May
1815,-—I the undersigned call upon all Creditors of
the late W B. Liot, to render in their claims at this
Office, within three weeks from the date of this pu publicnotification.
blicnotification. publicnotification. May 12, 1815.
ft. C. DOWNER, S c/
"•■W "■- 1 — — _
This is to inform the Pul)lie, that the following
Persons intend quitting this colony. <•
J. C. in 6 weeks from April 15.
J. van Jer Schrocff en family in do. from do.
N. J. de Wolff in dw. from do.
R. Wheatland in do. from do.
The Hon. J. M’Camon in one month from 13 April/
Walter Scott in 6 wieks from May 6.
; D. G. van Oostrum indo, front do.'
A. A. de la Court io do. from do.
A-Xr-JCa.’mex4u-4-weeks from May 20.
. Notice is hereby given, that ft month af(
following Transpqrrs and Mortgages will be passed
May 13. The Representatives of the late Lambert
, Blair, will transport to the Representatives of
the late J. P.. Chapman, a lot of Land, situate ont
the Corentyn const, known on the general chart
of the colony as No. 13, and now called Tain.
‘ ‘ R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
VViIEREAS Application, by Petition, has beert
made to the Hon’ble. Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice of the colony Berbice, at their Sessions of the
3th April, 1815, for Letters of Manumission:
John Ross for the mulatto boy John, born from
the Negro woman Agnes.
Robert Grant for the two mulatto ch Idren John '
aigi Robert.
John Fraser in quality as surviving Execujfor to
r the last will and testament of Hector M’Kenzie
.. /or the mulatto girl Rose. - . â–
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
may and vy.ho may••wish to oppose the grunt
letters of Manumission,that they may address
dicmsclves in,, writing to.the undersigned Secretary of
the polony,, previous to the ensuing Sessions of tho
Hon. CnHit, when a final uisposiliou wiil.be made on
The aforesaid Petition.
Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 15th April, 1315.
. â– , t: R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
rOR /HR Ej 1 Five able, welt disposed, Car Carpenter
penter Carpenter Negroes.—Enquire of . •
I 20 May. Juo. BERESFORD,
[Payable in advance*
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
Os the proceedings of the Coin of Civil Justice, of
tbi* -colony, dated 10 May, IS(S, given in the cause
entitled Wm. Gordon, Plaintiff incase of opposi opposition,
tion, opposition, versus, the Sale by Execution of Plantation de
Voedster, cum annexis, to be sold in favor of Daniel
Allt, Receiver of the Church Fund. Notice is here hereby
by hereby given to the PuHic, that the Sale by Execution
of said Plantation de Voedster, cum annexls, will
now positively Lake place on Thursday the 8 of June
1815, on the spot.
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest in the beforementioned Phot, de Voedster
com anaexis, and wishes to oppose the Execution
Sale thereof, let such person or persons address them themselves
selves themselves to the Office, of this colony, dscla-
Ting their reasons for so doing, as 1 hereby give no notice
tice notice that I will receive -oppositions from every inter intermediate
mediate intermediate person, appoint them a day to* have his or
her claim h< ard before the Court, and further act
therein as the law directs.
Berbiee, 12 May, 1815. »
K lIFANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Appoiotineit from His Exp Expediency
ediency Expediency 11. W. Br.xnxcx, Esquirr, Lieutenant Lieutenant'
' Lieutenant' Governor of the colony Bcrbrcr, and its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, &c. &c- &c. Given upon a Petition present presented
ed presented by R. C. Downer, in his quality as Representa Representative
tive Representative of W. King ami P. Benjamin, in their taparity
as Curators to the Estate of f rancis Bynoe, deceased
slid appointment bearing date 23d March, 1815.—
Notice is hereby giveri to the Public, that 1 the un undersigned,
dersigned, undersigned, First Msflshal of the Courts within this
colony, intend to Sell, at Execution Sale, in the pre presence
sence presence o r t«vo Couns<4k>rs Commissaries, and tbeirS--
Cietary, by the goiwbut of a burning wax-candle,
on Wednesday the 7th June 1815.
The Cotton Estate called Lewis ALtiroß, situate
on the Last' t oast of this colony, with all its
Slaves, Ji find farther Appurtenances
thereto bc'one,lng.
.Whoever should think himself entitled to opposethe
Execution Sale of said Plantation Lewis Manor, let
such person or persons address themselves to the
Marshal's Office of this colony, declaring .their rea*-
oii> lor so doing in due time and form, as 1 hereby
give notice, that 1 will receive opposition from every
intermediate person,, appoint them a day .’to have
. his or her claim heard bion- the Court, ami forth ci
act therein as the Law directs
Berbice, 25 Match, 1815.
. K- Francken, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the Proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of
tins colony, dated 20 January 1815; Gfoen iu the
cause entitled Wm. Dinis, in .qtiaiity, as.appointed
Curator to (he Estate of John Donaldson, deceased,
Plaintiff by tkjicj % versus,' all j&tMtwn and unknown
Creditors against the Estate ot John Donaldson, dec.
Defendant by Edict. I the undersigned, at the re request
quest request of afortjjadd Curators, Sumwon by Edict
All known and unknown creditors against the Estate
of John Donaldson, dec. to appear before the Court
of Rolls, on Monday the 22 May, 1815, their to ren render
der render in their claims, to verity the same and further to
proceed according (0 Law. ‘ ■*
This Summons hy Edict made known to the Public
by beat of dniih -ifuni the Court I louse of thuvolony*
and further dealt with according to custom.
’Berbice, 27 April, 1815. ’ » •
• K ' F4iANCKEN > First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract ffpm the Minutes
of the proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of
•this colony, dated the I6lh November (814, given
in the cause entitled R. Taitt and W. Kcwley, as
appointed Curators to the Estate of Richard Barry,
deceased, Plaintiff by Edict, versus, all known and
unknown creditors against the Estate of R. Barry,
„ dec. Dcitndants. I the undersigned First Marshal
of the Courts within this and at the request, i
of aforesaid Curators, do hereby Summon by i i
All known and unknown creditors against the Estifo I
.of R. Barry, dec. To appear Before the' Court W
.Rolls, on IVlonday the22dMay 1815, there to render <
m their claims,,to verify the same, and .further*to
proceed according to Law. . '’ &
This Summon by Edict made known to die Public ,
by heat of drum from the; Court House of thlscolony
and further dealt with according .to custom.
Berbice, I3th April, 1515. ... *
K. FRANCKEN, First Marthal. f
On Thursday the 25th instant will be sold ait the
V endue Office, by order of the Orphan Chamber,—
he effects of the Jefe J. B. Schwieters, consisting of
3 Negroes, household furniture, wearing apparel, &c
Onthe sams day by order of John Wulff, Esq. 7
Negro men woodcutters and sawyers, and -a woman.
Also by order of Mr. Juo. M’Donald, a fine young
field negro man named Smith..
E y Vendue Master in commission, 7 reclaimed
negroes, men and Women, also dry goods, provisions
eatttle and sheep. ,r
D. C. CaMeron, Dep. Vendue Master.
On’Thttrsday thd Ist June will be sold at the Ven Venice
ice Venice Office, without reserve, beer and porter in bar bar
- bar ls and hhds., a fewcasks of blue painted earthen
ware containing etich\a complete dinner service for
U persans, Irish and Dutch linen. Irish butter in j
firkins, Ixrftlvd Madeira Wine, p-jfatoes, cheese, gap.
fine blue and bottle green broad cloth, paints &:oil,
2 casks of negro and’tradesmens hah, beetled jrale
ale, M»ap& can diesinsmall boxes, M
ma! Roma! hkfs., boots, shoes, Osnaburgv, cotton and coffee
bagging, * c . -
D.C Camxkox, Dep. Vendue Master.
BANNS ofMERTHAGE, between John
Quarless, Bachofor, bom in Barfaadbs, afed Eltaab tb
Welch, Spinster, born, tn Demcraty, a minor, ball
with consent of am! assisted by her Parents. .Any
person knowing jdsi cause or impediment, why
â– thr above parties should not be joimxl togethrx in;
Hdv Matrimony, mast dedare the sa.«;e
F. Whitfield. ’ May 13.
, ■' ■/, _ if A Y'hath 31 rfi’vs.
— 111 l
â– Phasesof. the Muon,.
Last Quarter, Ist Day, at 81i.25h>. Ahwntng.
New Moon, 9!h Day, at 2b. 28m. Morning.
First Quarter, 15th Day, at Wh. 35m. Morning.
Full Moon, 23d Day. at lb. sm. Morning.'
Last Quarter, 31st Dayj ib/rning.
ill i.ii ■.iifcl»il.,n 111 -..1. «—
‘Lot IL W.
’.i. w. / , , Iloltdpys, Phtmpinen?,Ac. h. m.
’ 1 M St. Phillip &8L Jas. Com. Court, v! ; 11
2 Tn Neap Tides. " ' As |IQ
3 W In vemion of the Cr<*ss. j K
4 Th Ascension Day. Holy Thursday. 2 O'
5 F . ’V r 2 u
6 8 3 26
7 8u Sand, after Ascen. Day. 1 4
8 M [of York born 17v7. < 4?
2 To • 5 14
10 W Spring Tides. * 5 55
H Th ’W 36
12 P ' 7 21
13 S
•14 Str Whit-Simday. 9 3
15 M Whit-Monday. 10 9
Ki Tn Whit-TutfsHay. Neap Tides. 11 24
t7 VV Princes of Wales born 1768. M 33
IS Th' ' - - - - -1 25
19 F Queen Chari, born 1744. 2 .33
20 8 3 36
21 Sn. Trinity Sunday. * - 4 19
22 M Prs.
23 Tu Sun Enters Gemini. 5 32
21 W Suring Tides. ‘6ll
25 Th- â– . .a V - 6 47
26 F ' 7 2.5
27 8 . 7 47
28 Sn â– v- ; - 8 51
M - Ist Sunday after Trinity. 9 40
30 Tu- King Charles Ikwntorud. 10 26
31 W ’- t eWi 11 <>4
NOTICE is the Subscribers
to the-Guiana Chrahirhf, thM Hi future, their Papers
will be delivered Mrac'-Officif of J. F. Obermuller,
Esq. New Amsterdam, every Monday and Thursday;,
where . toy cowmunreaiions for the Printer can bit
te f *. j> May.
T.HQSE ijadebLetl.,lp this Printing Office,
sinpe 1812,. are to make immediate pay payment?
ment? payment? Those who p<>4 have fKiiu their arrears from
t hat tR! ultimo JBl4, t aq aftention.can be paid in
any doaunjent ,us them sent in for insertion,
&c - w ~ -<, . 6 May, i
? Amsterdam.
"â– MHI |- \ ' 111 J 1 1
- . iiaturdty, Majf 20, 1815* ; •
A ,Mail will be made up for Barbados, oh Monday
at 9 o’clock ia the morning, togo by thc&h. Dope,
Wwii— K.
English Papers to the l®hef
refced this week. Thety contain
tracts of the preparation made ly ‘
of Europe against jE « -
tn the South of France, dmly !wf rs
An attempt to carry the young
has totally failed. tafe
Bonaparte had not left Paris on '
any thing important then oeenred. «-f/W'fliere
Brussels, March, 26 The Dhke
rived at Men in, with the King’s Household
for the greatest part of the* Corps of
Count d’Artois is at Ypres. Ech
rhe cause of the Bourbons jMutiaoe
great numbers. r*- • ? ?
A Prussian Genera! is just arive
ral officers. They are persumed to be
the necessary arrangements for the
an army of 69,000 men, which is on ih3
Prussia to Betgium. < 11 boat
The march of troops thouoh (his *oxs
News from M»;dtid, received at
m-iy be considered as com ruing from smwjbzbte
source, announce, that as soon as Priace a
ency, Ambassador from his Majesty
had commnnicaterl to the King of
Court, that Bonaparte had invaded Fran^^^^^ 1
jesty ordered, that two armies of 60,000
be assembled, one in Catalonia, the other
Brussels, March 27, fioe in the
number of English of all description*, vMch« w>n
n board 50 vessels at Ostend, is estimated glj
15,000 men ; there is an immense quantity
ry and ammunition. This division will beoi
hy othes, among which will he almost all W sped
men'ts of horses and foot-guards. I
Eight ’housand Prussian troops vrhieb felt H^, s *
- this morning, will arrive to-morrow at Nurar. Lqb, v
Frankfort, March 22,—The Prnssian amyx?
is passing (he .Rhine is 120,000 strong. Thetro " .
of Bavaria, Wilteruberg, Hesse, and all tbeGsn
States, are in motion, and orders ha re been tire Hshoi
sent to hasten tbemerch 0f30,090 Swedes to Belgii Hap°
Cologne, Mnrch2s.— By (he last news froisFiti
the whole Austrian and Prussian armies arc tlteaLngl
in motion, and 300,000 Russians, who are admeuhe h
in seven divisions, follow close after them. AfeitfJ 010
ler has declared that, if necessary, he
600,000 men into the field.
Brussels, March 28.—Accounts from »r
may be considered as positive, announce tjntiortoo c
parte is concentrating his troops in a circle sito»* vt
leagues round the capital. Not a single soMier4% e)
Iteen detached either toward the south, to bM|re
where the Duke of Bourbon is with a coaritad **°
party, or towards the northern frontiers.
the military have even quitted their
tnru home, which greatly affects Napoleon. M' i« ’
Tho garrison of Lislu is at this mortent dtflf
strong, and there is noappearance of ««
forced. A park of artillery and ammunitiUß *•s¥’- s
is formed on the Esplanade, which is watch«M* e
a security that in-Hcates distrust. The Date ofML
luno (Victor) is here. . i»
Landov, AmtUL
* Wt stop the press to give the leading conteni .v
Paris Papers to the 31st dtiihov-' The wily ©rst
has had recourse to an expedient which bedoubii
thinks will rcconunqpd him to«tbe jaVour of |
friends of humanity, and which were we not well p|
suaded of the motives of the hypocrite, w<*ia
ourselves be induced to commend, He
Decree for the immediate abolition of ths Slav's Trail
but as the Devil can quote Scripture to at»wer
this most cruel of Tyrants affect hu hubis
bis hubis situation becomes desperate, though
words of goodness on his lips, he meditates
and hellish revenge of human kind.
'^« e g’ u ’ g imperial decrees.
*** libA.-’Emperor of the French;
decreed, and decree as follows
f.From the date of the present Decree, the
Trade is abolished•
expedition shall be sent out to carry on this
ro from the ports of France or those ofoji
fWfhere shall not be iatrodneed to be sold in our
, any black produced by the trade, whether
â– Wgfoffonby Frenchmen or Foreigners.
The violation of the present decree shall be
by the confiscation of the ship and cargo,
be pronounced by our courts and tribu tribua
a tribua ‘ffivertheless the Merchants who may previous
of present decree, have sent out expe expetil
til expetil WT fi>r e trade, may he allowed to sell the pro*
vftjfcZrn our Colonics.
CQ *M ( <|y the Emperor, (Signed) Napoleon.
Secretary of State,
I IA beat is come in from Ostend with a Messenger,
rg -je Enouncing the arrival at Brussels of 40,000 Prus Prusf
f Prusf that Louis XVllf. had gone from Ostend
or Brussels.
i Attend, two p. m. March 29.—The King of
■(evening, al five o’clock, in order to be nearer the
,M®l»t scene of action.â€
March 18.—The Duke of Wellington has
inc,. named by the Allied Sovereigns Commander in
I - English, Prussian, Hanovrjiaimnd Dutch
which will compose the superb army destined
er between the Rhine, Macs* lie, and the
Sea. This army will consist of 200,000 men,
’ltich 50,000 are to be cavalry. The Duke ot
WWcttngton depart tb-morrow for Brussels.
London, April 5.
* ftis evident that the Tyrant expects an early at atbr
br atbr foil on the side of Flanders. He has sent Ney to in-
II th 4»ct and command the army in that direction ; and
fan ths extensive pneparations of the Allies wc may
~lqrfly expect to' hear of an important Blow craving
â– â– qfcea struck Tn That quarter. The Duke of Welliryr Welliryrour.
our. Welliryrour. jsn, we belfiwe, is already at the hpad of an army of
nr,,/ 150,000 men.
D»to . . . • London-, April 8.
A A curious letter is published from the Bishop of
- Drthosia, at Rome, March 15, to Talleyrand, Arch Arch>ft»be
>ft»be Arch>ft»be Hshop of Rheitns, in which, after commenting on
Bd»ii Napoleon’s attempt, and its probability of success,
b thus continues:—“ Lucian Bonaparte, who until
, this day appeared indifferent as to his brother, at
! **® mght has openly declared for him. Yesterday, at
imr fee house of the Princess of Wales, who arrived here
from Naples, he explained his route, and the circum-
B attending it, and stated, that he would be at
the 15th, with 100,000 men !! I
London/April 7.
!w King of the Unis Pais Eos (for we have
name for this new and beautiful'Kingdom,
French one) arrived in Brussels the 2d April,
eceivid with joy by all the better classe s.
Belgic troops who'served under Napoleon,
•be relied on: for such is the unacChuntabl**
cy of that man, that the very people whom
J worst, seem jnost attached to him. How*
i Bruxellois detest him. They are flattered
mportahce of their city, where the new King
totmftd immediately a magnificent Palace.
wdaß of the Belgians call out for a seund
[Q ft’hbitution, founded on the basis of that of the Joy.
™ euie Entrie. . - ’
1?° —The following intelligence produced a considerable
Iti eensation in the City yesterday morning:—
f& £ A*The Eridanus frigate, Captain H. Prescott, had
' detained, and sent into Plymouth, the French ship
I liable Ejherne, Captain Sobray, from Bordeaux;
kl to Dunkirk v with wine and brandy.†•
Understand thatno orders have been issued by
Irftsh Government to detain and bring in French
s apprizes of war. - .
London, April 8.
he Jaunted de Paris contains some observations
je Declaration of the Allied Powers, the general
ency of which is to convince Europe that there is
ause whatever for war; or even for alarm; for
France, however, degrading the Treaty of Paris
have been to her, is willing to maintain it
good faith r In a word, that nothing is changed
rance but the Ruler,—Fouche hits addressed a.
liar letter to the Prefects, in which is audaciously
that the Government of the Bourbons was
founded on treason; And that a “ liberal Alice*’ is
now to be formed, France having no longer wishess .
to form, nor enemies to fear!»» Fouche the patron
of a liberal police!, and Bonapate the preacher
justice and humanity!!
Bordeaux Papers liaVe also arrived, by wh’ch we
find that Hie Royal cause daily acquires additional
st reng ht in the south.
London., April 10.
A Messenger from Paris arrived at Lord Castle*
reagh’s Office on Saturday', with dispatches from the
French Government, which are understood to con contain
tain contain a formal overture of Peace to this country. Lord
'astlereagh immediately laid them before the Prince
Regent, ami they afterwards- 'bec ame the subject of
a long deliberation in the Cabinet. The answer to
this overture will readily be anticipated. Our Go Government,
vernment, Government, on such an occasion, can act only in con concert
cert concert with our Allies, nope of whom, we believe, will
be much inclined to respect the professions of a man
who has never kept fuijh Power, and who,
having just violated a Treaty falemhly entered into
with the whole of them r modc*stly recommend him himsejf
sejf himsejf as a fit person to execute the Treaty of Paris,
the terms of which he has in the most unqualified
manner so Repeatedly and unequivocally condemned.
Brussels, Aprils— The Duke of Wellington ar arrived
rived arrived here this morning.,hiscquipages preceded him.
We have reason to believe, that some very important
operations will speedily commence on the Lower
Rhine, under the orders of our illustrious country countryman,
man, countryman, whom the Brussels Paper cmphaticallyand just justly
ly justly terms « the Hero of the. Age.†The armies of the
lilted Powers, we are assured, are already in motion
and the Emperor of Austria, we arc- rejoiced tq hear,
has determined to make the campaign with the Em Emperor
peror Emperor of Russia and Lite Kiag ot Prussia. The Prus Prussian
sian Prussian forces have already closely approached the in intended
tended intended scene of action, those ui. Austria are rapidly
advancing, and an immense Russian army is pro proceeding
ceeding proceeding with all possible expedition to co-operate
in the great and m imentous enterpriiie. It is stated
on authority of an article from Bologna, that 40,000
Neapolitans were immediately to be pui in motion to
accomplish great destinies; but later accounts from
Naples contradict the report of expected hostilities,
declaring that the King is at peace with all the Po Powers,
wers, Powers, and that the advance of his troops to the fron frontiers
tiers frontiers is a mere precaution, am! evt-n hinting that bis
movements are regulated en’intly by the Declara Declarations
tions Declarations of the Allied Sovereigns, with whom he is most
intisaatelycoiinected-—The business ,oi the Congress
at Vienue appears to proceed without inierruption,
and conformably to its decisions, orders have been
issued for immediate civil and military possession to
be taken by Prussia. oi‘ tint part of Saxeu which has
been ceiled to his Prussian Majesty. The King oi
Sa«ony has at lengbt been-induced to accede to these
arrangements; so that Bonaparte’s perfidy has in uo
respect affected the projected settlement of the gene general
ral general affairs of Germany.
Bourdeaux, we regret to state, has been obliged to
submit to the authority of the Usurper.
A gentleman whonrrived in London, from Paris,
via Dieppe, states, that just before he sailed from that
Port, an order was reciivcd fr
Srench vessels there la horst the white flag, instead
'the tri-coloured flag. We are unable to explain
this extraordinary ciicuipstance.
.... <
Paris MarchTT. — We have remarked, in the an answer
swer answer made by his M ij ‘sfy4o the speech addressed t<>
him by the President of the Council, he expresses in
positive terms his desire to preserve the peace which
France enjoyed; in ail ideabi aggrandise-
ment. We are assured; 4Hat the Emperor has de declared
clared declared to the Ministeft of the foreign Powers who are
in Paris, that# scs to faithfully observe
the Treaty of Paris; and that he hoped that, on
their side, the Powers would scrupulously observe the
conditions, and not to meddle io the internal affairs
of France. _
Extraordinary Uavrier of Monday Morning.
A Courier arrived yesterday at Paris from the
King of Naples.
** A Courier with dispatches was sent off to the
Emperor of Austria from Lyons by the Emperor Na Napoleon.
poleon. Napoleon. He took the Turin road.
“ Four waggons laden with specie belonging to the
Crown have been stepped by the French troops on
this side the frontiers.â€
Paris, April .—On the 2d of April, at 11 o’clock
in the morning, General Clausel entered Bourdeaux
without fiaing a single shot. The Duchess of An Angeltßime
geltßime Angeltßime left that city during the preceding night.
The report of the Empress’s arrival attracted yes yesterday
terday yesterday a vast concourse of people under the windows
•of the ThuiHeries. j
Wk WILLJAM, by the Grace of .GOD, King |
of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange Nassau, I
Duke of Luxemburg, d;c. dec.
TO all to shorn these presents shall come, Greeting ! I'
The unanimous will 'of the Powers assembled at
the Congress at Vienna declared for the union of all
the Netherlands under the same common Govern Government,
ment, Government, and the inhabitants of the Belgic provinces
testified to us in the most lively manner their iov at
this important event, and their desire that the Sover Sovereign
eign Sovereign power might be extended to them, which the
love ot the Dutch bid given to us.
Deeply moved by these expressions of their wish- 1
es, we had, however, resolved to defer all changes in
the existing arrangements, till the deliberations of
the Congress should be wholly ended, and till if s re
solutions should be published entire. But the une/
pected <<‘n(s which have taken place in a ueigh ueighbourtog
bourtog ueighbourtog kingdom induce us to alter our intentions.
They make it necessary to answer Hie zeal of of our
subjects with equal zeal and to leave none of them in ¥
uncertainty concerning their duties and our inten- 1
turns. It is now that new difficulties se. mto arise in
prospect, it is at the moment when the sad recollect
ion of foreign domination is revived in the minds of
so many people, that it becomes more imoeriouslv >
necessary tp establish a kingdom which the policy of
all Europe regard as the necessary bulwark of the
general s«-urity and repose. Encouraged by (he sen sentiments
timents sentiments of the most powerful Sovereigns, confiding in
° Ve *h ClV ‘! hberty and
which distinguish the character of the people of the
Nethsslunds, still stronger by the manifold proofs
which we daily receive, we take the sceptre wbh no
other object than that ot making our Governmei t
subservient to the good of tC»se who arc subject to it,
and to secure to them the undisturbed enjoyment of
all the blessings of concur*Uand peace
An.* we desire, lh.t even (he (h- .«;„<■o f „ ew St.fe
shall be a pledge ot the close and paternal union that
must exist between all our subjects; we are induced
*o deciare by these presents,
belonging to it, iro.a h nceforward the kingdom of
the Netherlands, which shall be possess- d b7 us and
our lawful descendants, according to the order of
primogeniture, and that we assume for ourself and
our successors on the throne, the Royal titfe an d di.,.-
miy, adding toxwr title (hat of Duke of Luxemburg
on account oi the special connection which that pro province
vince province is destined to maintain with Germany.
But however these resolutions arc conformable ter
what we owe to lhe extent of the Netherlands, and
to their numerous and industrious inhabitants, we
think ourself equally obliged to provide, (hat (he
name which we have bom with honor under all the
vicissitudes of fortune, and under which our ances
tors have perform* d such manifold services in the
cause of freedom, shall not be abolished. We there therefore
fore therefore decree, that henceforth the Heir Apparent of
the Kingdom oi the Netherlands shall assume, bear
and keep the title of Prince of Orange, giving it im immediately
mediately immediately herewith to our beloved'eldest son, with
the more cordial satisfaction, es we are convinced
that he will maintain it i n its antient splendour, by
me strict performance of his duties, as our first sub- •
ject, and as future Sovereign of the new State, and
that he will at all times watch with courage and self selfdenial
denial selfdenial for the rights of his House, and for the secu security
rity security of the peaceful and hospitable territory of the
Netherlands. A°u all my fellow countrymen, who
inhabit this territory, open your hearts to confidence
and hope, The constituent parts of political hap happiness
piness happiness are all in your own power. Be attached to
your country, in harmony with each other and free
from jealousy, and you will be strong enough to ay- |
ert all thedangeis that may threaten you. Europe
looks upon your union with interest and affection.
The Constitution which is already obligatory upon
a great proportion of you shall be subjected, as soon
as possible, to the regulations which may adopt it to
the wants and the wishes of all, and you shall find in
it the guarantee of your religion, upon which wc all
set the highest value. Uoe.ul institutions, under the
blessings of the Almighty, shall promote the free de developement
velopement developement of all kinds of national industry, and the
revival of youxlong celebrated arts and of your feel feelings
ings feelings and your efforts answer to those which, on this
solemn day, your King consecrates to you
ly,andfram the bottom of his heart; the prosperity
which falls to your lot shall remain to distant ages
the inheritance of a grateful jx>«teri(y.
Given at the Hague, March 16, 1815.
By HisJMajesty’s Command, K
A. R. FALCK. J |
Superb, at Anchor before New London,
' Jan. 23, IS 15.
Fir—l have the honour to acquaint you with the
captur of the United States’ s'i\p President, on the
lath instant, by the force described in the margin
’( Majestic, Tenedns, Endymion,wnd Pomone}, which
I Ind collected off the liar of New York, under the
direction of Captain Hayes. She and the Macedo Macedonian
nian Macedonian armed brig, of 420 tons, leaden with provision.',
sailed on the preceding evening, under the command
of Commodore Decatur: but the present season of
the year, and the dark nights of which have availed
himself, have not enabled him to elude the idgilance
of Captain Hayes, and the Commanders ofâ„¢is Ma Majesty's
jesty's Majesty's ships under his orders, who have well dis discharged
charged discharged the important duty I assigned to them; and !
I Log leave to offer you my congratulations on th**
design of the American Government being defeated.
You. will perceive by ths reports Captain Hayes
has delivered to ul (copies of which I do myself the
honour to transmit to you herewith) the ardour dis displayed
played displayed by Crxpt iin Hope in the pursuit, the intrepi intrepidity
dity intrepidity with which he brought the enemy’s ship to close
action, and the undaunted spirit with which the En Endymion's
dymion's Endymion's inferier force was singly employed, for the
space of two hours and a half, leaving honourable evi evidence
dence evidence of judgement in th her fire, in the
sinking state of h6r antagonist, the heavy loss sustain sustained
ed sustained by him,and his inability to make further resistance
when the Pomone arrived up with him; while the
loss and damage sustained by (he Endymion was com comparatively
paratively comparatively small: andalthonghthcdistinguished con conduct
duct conduct of Captain Hope, his officers and ship’s com company,
pany, company, can drive noadditional hjstrefrom my commen commendation,
dation, commendation, I canuot.v/ithold my tribute of applause, nos
can I refrain from securing yon that thejmlicious eon eond
d eond let of Captain Hayes in thedirertipn of the force
ent rusted t>his orders, and the exertions exhibited by
him and Captains Parker, Hope, and Ltniffey, have
j istincd the confidence [had placed in their zeal, and
have rendered them whorty of your approbation.
I have the Jronour to be,’ &c.
(Signer!) H. Hotmam, Rear-Adm.
To. the Than. Alexander Cochrane, K. B. Vice- )
Admiral of the Ucd, ('omniadder in Chief, ejr. $
Mnjesbc, at Sea, Jan. 17, 1815,
L«fc39 min. 44 deg. N. long. 71 min. 55 deg. fP.
Sr a, —l have the honour to acquaint you, that not notwithstanding
withstanding notwithstanding my utmost endeavours to keep the squa squadron
dron squadron to my charge close in with Sandy
Fo de, agre< abl to oar directions, for the purpose
ofpreventing the escape of the United States’ ship
President other vessels ready for sea at Staten
Islands, we were repeatedly blown oil by frequent ga gales
les gales ; but the very great attention paid to my orders
and instructions by the respective Captains, in situ situations
ations situations difficult to keep company, prevented separa separation
tion separation ; and, whenever the wind
coast, I invariably, on the gale moderating, placed
the squadron on that point of bearing from the Hook,
J judged it likely, from existing circumstances, would
be the enemy’s track; and it is with great pleasure I
have now to reform you o’s the success of the squadron,
in the capture of the United States’ ship President,
Commodore Decatur, on Sunday night, after an an anxious
xious anxious chase of eighteen hours.
On Friday, the 7 ewerfos joined me, with your order
to take C-iipt. Parker in thatship, under my command;
we wore then in company with the Endymion and
Pomone, off the Hook, and sight of the enemy’s ships;
but that night the squadron was blown off again in a
severe snow storm. On Saturday, the wind and
weather became favourable for the enemy, and I had
no doubt but he would attempt his escape that night;
it was impossible, from the direction of the wind, to
get in witMkhe Hook, and, as before stated (hi pre preference
ference preference to closing theland to the southward), wc stood
the northward and eastward, till the squadron
inched the supposed track of the enemy, and what
is a little singular, at the very instant of arriving at
that point, an hour before day-light, Sanday-Hook
bearing W.N.W. 15 leagues, we were made happy
by the sight of a ship and brig standing to the south southward
ward southward and eastward, and not more than two miles on
general chaoe was mads,and promptly obeyed by all
he ships.
In the course of the day, the chace became extre extremely
mely extremely interesting by the endeavours of the enemyi to
Escape, and the exert ions V)f the Captains to get tbteir
respect ive ships alongside of him, the former by cpt cptiug
iug cptiug away his anchors, am! throwing overboard every
moveable article, with a great quantity of provisions,
t and the latter by trimming their ships in every wpy
possible to effect their purpose. As the day advanced,
the wind declined, giving the Endymion an evident
advantage in sailing; and Capu Hope’s exertions
enabled him to get his ship alongside of the enemy,
and commence close action at half past five o’clock in
the evening, which was contrbued with great'gallan great'gallantry
try great'gallantry and spirit qn both sides, for two hours and a half,
when the Endymion's sails being cut from the yarth,
the enemy got a-head ; Capt. Hope tak'ng this op*
portunily to bend new sails to enable him to his
ship alongside again, the action ceased, till the Po Pomone
mone Pomone getting up at half-past eleven at night, and fir firing
ing firing a few shots, the enemy hailed to say she had al already
ready already surrendered.
* t
The ship, on being taken possession of. proved to
be the President, as obove stated, commanded by
Commodore Decatur.—-The vessel in company with
her was thr Macedonian brig, [a ntercAawl versa? la la-1
-1 la-1 den zctlh provisions'], which made her escape by very
superior sailing. ><•
And now, bir, a very pleasing part of my duly is
tiicbeaiiitg testimony to the able and masterly man manâ–
â– manâ– ner in which the Endymion, wus conducted, and thr
eallanlry with which she was fought: and when thr
effect produced by her well-directed fire upon the i
President ir witnessed, it cannot be doubled but that
Captain Hope would have succeeded in cither cap capturing
turing capturing or sinking her, had none of the squadron been
in sight.
( For your further information, I have the honour to
inclose Capt. Hope’s letter, with a rctyrn of killed
and wounded on board the Endymion. I have sot
yet been able to ascertain the loss of the President,
but I bdlicve it to be much greater than the
mion's; and she had six feet water in the hold when
1 taken possession of; both ships were very much cut
in masts and rigging ; and, had the present most se severe
vere severe gale commenced’twelve hours sooner, the prize
wwuld undoubtedly have sunk; as soon as the we..-
< her will permit a communication, I shall procure fur further
ther further particulars, and then send the Endymion and
Pomone with the prize and prisoners to Bermuda.—
I have the honor to be, &c.
J. Haynes, Captain.
Rear-Adm. the Hon. Sir H.
P.s.—-The ships having parted company in the ga gale,
le, gale, rib further particulars have been obtained.
.Number of persons of all description on board the
President previous to the action, about 490.
H.M. Ship Endymion, at Sea, Jan. 15,1815.
Sir—lenclose a return of the killed and wounded,
and I have great pleasure in bearing testimony of th«
very great assistance I received from Senior Lieute Lieutenant
nant Lieutenant Morgan, during the whole day’s proceedings;
together with the cool and determined bfhvery df n) y
•fficets and ship's company, on tins fortunate occa occasion.
sion. occasion. AVhereevei ry individual has so coiispicuonsiy |
done his duty, it would be injustice for ni6 to parti-
I cularise; but I trust the lots and dtutiage sdstained
py frisatc, ViihMwtheatead.*,
directed fire kept up by His Majest/ sslli ’ M
Although eur loss has been severe [H ya.,
14 wounded], I am happy tosia(e t ha tit < 4|a 4
when compared with that of the enemy. *
I have (he honeurtohe a* ir-*-
To John Heyes, Esp. .//.S. w (
and Senior Officer York.
Number and Calibre of her Gum
Main- Deck—3o long 24-pounders. I
Quarter Deck—l 4 forty-two pounder —
I long 24-pounder, 1 2-1-pounder
Forecastle—-Six 42-pouader carrnn»
pounder. ’
Fore-top—Two brass 6- pounders.
Maia-top—-Two brass fi-ponndero.
Mizen-top—Two smaller guns.—-Tots
■! him I HI—U
1. John
ter, wit! sail as soon as possible, has good
datioos fur passengers,, three fourths of
possitively engaged, and may reasonably
rd to sail in all June—-please apply at theßi^^» !
W. Heiicry, Esq. or on board the vesftl
" P.'VRzkNT has received from Lond«^O^ n *
Grantham, Brand, a eonsignment ot sadlery ZSBR ,a
â–º ing of griukhnens ami Indies saddles, bridleZin^lpP 0
of gig harness, which' he will dispose o f
pftrmpt payment. '*
FI F F Y balss of Cotton for Safe, from P|£f& ; s
■LewM Manor, 'l’endere for which will be recnJl^ nic
• by the Sequestrators of said Plantation, at ths
•of Mr. W. Heneiy, New Amsterdam, until
'jlhe 22J inst. when the highest btfer or
prpved, will be accepted of—payment to bemi«ki
1 (.HCSALE, au cxcellent Chaise
n<*ss cumpLtte. I r°p>
DRI FT ED, oh the sth instant,
Ueyers, axhip’s-long Boat, marked onthedem— onthedem**
** onthedem** Egham, London, Jahn Pavy," belonging to Dr. ?*’
Johnston, Fort St. Andrew. Any person givinzio. iVOI
I formation of the above boat, shad be rewarded. ers
FOR SALE, bulleltree Timber and Phrit, t ’ lo
crabwood Lunib. r, and house Frame, very retro- k HSI
able—apply at the Store oi J. H. Scfabirhorst,lw.
13 May. E.
FOR SALE, the uortherh quart of LotlC
27, boin the middle road to the backdaa, wilhib
buildings thereon, as it now stands. an
Enquire at this Office. J3Mrp n *
TO BE RENT, a Dwelling Houseon U *
No. 15,’ (ronting the middle road, with the iwmary b(
/kilt-buddings, alt in good order, and very proper p'
Tor a family. For particulars enquire at this Cilice, P
or on said lut No. 15 to > w
6 xMay. W. KLOUW-88. -’
— -■- — ■"» Mi. <« n
T E HUUR, een Huts staande op hd Erf c
No. 15, gelegen aan de middenweg, vooizicn vade
norxlige andere gebouwen daaraan behooreudc,dltt
in de beste order, en zecr geschikt vuor een tamilie.
Tc bevvHgen terdezer Druukcry, of by
0 May. • - W. KLOUWEM
J. JOHAN, recommandeerd zich zelve by
dezen aan het PuMiek, lot het repareren van Herb I
gicn, Klokktn, &c. verzekerd een spoedige en civfle I
bedk'ning—wound op bet EH No. 24. 6 May. I
J JOHAN hereby give notice ti> the Pu-1.
blic, Hku he has undertaken to repair watches,clock |
&c f recommcmling himself in above capicity, and ]
promise a civil and speedy service.—Lot N/< 1
. —...—__—i ,
FOR SALE, a Negro woman with her child
a good house servant, wdl be sold very cheap for|
immediate payment. Apply to thispftce. I;
May 6. |
Published every Saturday at 4h o'clock J» >• j
By W. SCHULZ & Co. f 1
Pritfefcd Government Prinl*» I
Full Text |
.-The . ’ (No. 557. f BERBICE GAZETTE. rt&rA p. annum.] SATURDAY, MAY 20. [Payable in advance* Bg*s House,lst May, 1815, rxor/zos been pleased to bpter be Major of the 2d or lis Excellency's Command, F, WHITE, A. D. G Fernment. Ml Commissary Departturn, proof 2s. For which by the Subscriber until JOI ?2d instant, ‘ when thev will His Excellency the Govcrproved of, accepted. 3152' ICKENZIE, Commissary, ivered at the Civil Cominis* e puncheons to be returned. the' Civil Government, iwood Hoards. For winch ;d by the Subscriber until len they will beqjpened in ncy th# Governor, and the rCepted. 20 May. MCKENZIE, Commissary;, j delivered at Government sons who hold Licences wn Property, are hereby returns for the last six months tTstjSP# {iovernmejrt Secntwy’s Office, within one in Ol ’ft fromdate; also to pay the Percentages due •s for B-wne.—if not attended to the Licences will be withdrawn 20 May. EMI { * RMACKENZIE, Commissary. 8885 I DEM Erl A RY. ~ MA RS HAL'S* May.— — G. SCHWARTZ, qq. CreditorsXaf J VV. Heytmeyer arc reWed to send in their Claims at the Office of iff Muy. j.f.obermuller. The Subscriber Offers the following Assortment. of Goods,just Imported from London • Planters mess beef and pork in half barrels, hams, cheese, pickles, fish sauces, sallad vinegar, mustard, gunpowder tea, refined sugar, spices, black pepper, currants, prumes, oatmsal, split pease, bar* l p y ’ n jugs, oat in puncheons, Hoffman’s fruits, confictionary, cherry and raspberry brandy, old rum, gin, brandy, London particular Madeira in hhds. malmsy in kegs,champaign, claret, Rhenish wiue, porter, pale ale, cyder, soap, candles, blue and starch, paints, oils, spirits turpuntine, pitch, tar, red ocher, plain and patent rope from 9 threads to 4f inch cables, oak cm, English ensigns and but tin, fishing lines, white rope, brat clasp and rose nails 4dy to 40dy, large seized hoes, shovels, cutlasses, I and 2 gallon iron pots* boat chains, plantation and shop scales and weights, parlour doorwarehouse and stock locks, book case and liquor c ise do., hinges, bolts, screws, jash pullies, sad irons, whip saws, files, carpenters adzes, axes, planes,, gimblets, pincers, compasses, cbissels, gouges, tool chests complete, grid irons, frying pans, tea kittles, negro and tradesmens jackets, wrappers, hats, coffee and cotton bagging, Osnaburgs, checks, India blue and white salempores, white and yellow nankeens, chintz, hkfs., muslins, Manchester nankeens, linen, brown Holland, Russia sheeting, ginghams, colouredjacconetand cambricmuslins, m arse dies,, dimity, elegant sets of ivory bundled knives and forks, plane do., Indian knives, pen and pocket do., razors, swords and dirks wi'h belts, sword knots, gold lace, ..... -sdk sashes, patent lamps,shades, liquor and cruet stands ofcutgl iss, pint mid half pint goblets, wine glasses, salt cellers, finger basons, cream coloured ware in sets tosuil purchasers, cup» and saucers, cwus and basons, gentlemen’s hats, knots, shoes, stockings, gloves, braces, chiathing, broad cloth, kersitnere, flannel, k'lies’ bonnets,shoes, stocking, spencers and dresses, plain and twU’d whiteblack* and colouredsarcenets, white satin, black ergge and bom ba zeen, thread tape, millinary, umbrellas, parasols, walking sticks, bird cagni, flour sifters, house brooms, scrubbingshoeand paintbrushes, toilette and common looking glasses, garden seeds, watering pots, fowling pieces, gun powder, shot, shot belti, powder flaks, flints, post ami foolscap paper, quills, ink powder, pcncito, blank and ruled books, wafers, scaling wax, ink stands, wafer seals, rulers, slates, writing debs, messuage and playing card*, lavenderroseand honeywater, huile ant ique, hair and tooth brushes, razor strops, dressing cases, ivory’chest men, billiard balls, whestles, silver spoons, forks and skewers, pila(ed chamber and bracket candlesticks, egg stands SdAlay. W.HENERY. r-r— ¦, i? 771" 1 T’J". ALL persons having any claims against’the Estate of J. C. Schollevanger,,dec. are Requested td 'epder the same as soon us possible to the undersigned. „ . Kx FRANCKI'X 20 May. Del. Exact, to THE Public arc ogainsi buying a Negro man, named Liverpool, from Benjal min Jackson, the said Negro not being paid /or and is reclamable; all boat Captains and otbers,.are abd cautioned against 20 May. || Jnb, ERSKINE. FOR SALE —the ship,Grantham, an elegant Top Chaise, pamted yellbw, picked out black, lined with super fipe ctoth and rich lace trimmings, combined in npl cppjmM degrfee the requisite qualities df neatness ligbtnese, having been built under the particular inspection of an. old! resident for a gentlenian of this colony since return-: ed to Europe, to be had for the actual cost? in this' country, by application to, ' f 20 AayZ _ 7 . •• KYTE-« NOTICE to all persons* who Air,e indebted toj th« undersigned, either by goods, open nr other specialities, to come forward with payment without loss of time; as all gqpds, open or other specialities unsettled within fortnight after date of this notice, w ill be' placed in the hands oHiis Attornies Mssric Staal and van Rossum for recovery, without respect to persons. JOM»y. D.MABTIW. NOTIFICATION. From the Honorable Csurt of Civil Jnstic of the Colohy Berbice. THE Court has this day been pleased to nominate and appoint J. B. Obermuller, tube one of the SwornAcconntants,fpr the purpose of examining asd audeting all such accounts as shall be referred to the said Swam Accountants, by the Court of Civil Justice; in the room of John Downer, resigned. Berbice 13th May, 1815. By Command of the Court. ~ , R. C. DOWNER, Sbc. iiwwiiniMjwnT SECRETARY’S OFFICE. jv*' ' Berbice, ISM May, 1815. INTIMATION it hereby given : That on the Thirty First Day of January iasl, ? Alexander Falconer ceased to be a Partner in the Company carried on uuder the Firms of John Thomas 4* Archibald Douglas in Company, at Glasgowj and Douglas Reid in Company, al Dcmeraryaml Berbice, and f»r some time at Liverpool under th« Firms of Douglas M'lntyre in Company and Cotin Douglas in Com-* puny. And also that by the decease of Jas. R&dj a late Partner of said Company, in December Eighteen hundred and ten, hisTTeirsand Representatives, have had no concern in the Trade and Business of said Copipany since the Thirtieth of Apdlin that year. A. FALCONER. . A. FALCONER > Execul’s of WILLIAM MORISON, $ Jas. Reid. Glasgow, 3d March, 1815. A-true copy of-thc-orTginal rxbi’’ifed to me.R. C. DOVVNER, Sec. — ¦-win. I " BY virtue of an Appointment of His Excellency Lieutenant Governor Bentiuck, dated 11 May 1815,-—I the undersigned call upon all Creditors of the late W B. Liot, to render in their claims at this Office, within three weeks from the date of this publicnotification. May 12, 1815. ft. C. DOWNER, S c/ "•¦W "¦ 1 — — _ This is to inform the Pul)lie, that the following Persons intend quitting this colony. <• J. C. in 6 weeks from April 15. J. van Jer Schrocff en family in do. from do. N. J. de Wolff in dw. from do. R. Wheatland in do. from do. The Hon. J. M’Camon in one month from 13 April/ Walter Scott in 6 wieks from May 6. ; D. G. van Oostrum indo, front do.' A. A. de la Court io do. from do. A-Xr-JCa.’mex4u-4-weeks from May 20. R.C. DOWNER,Sec. . Notice is hereby given, that ft month af(
MARSHAL 9 * OFFICE. SALES by EXECUTION, BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes Os the proceedings of the Coin of Civil Justice, of tbi* -colony, dated 10 May, IS(S, given in the cause entitled Wm. Gordon, Plaintiff incase of opposition, versus, the Sale by Execution of Plantation de Voedster, cum annexis, to be sold in favor of Daniel Allt, Receiver of the Church Fund. Notice is hereby given to the PuHic, that the Sale by Execution of said Plantation de Voedster, cum annexls, will now positively Lake place on Thursday the 8 of June 1815, on the spot. Whoever should think to have any right, action, or interest in the beforementioned Phot, de Voedster com anaexis, and wishes to oppose the Execution Sale thereof, let such person or persons address themselves to the Office, of this colony, dsclaTing their reasons for so doing, as 1 hereby give notice that I will receive -oppositions from every intermediate person, appoint them a day to* have his or her claim h< ard before the Court, and further act therein as the law directs. Berbiee, 12 May, 1815. » K lIFANCKEN, First Marshal. BY virtue of an Appoiotineit from His Expediency 11. W. Br.xnxcx, Esquirr, Lieutenant' Governor of the colony Bcrbrcr, and its Dependencies, &c. &c&c. Given upon a Petition presented by R. C. Downer, in his quality as Representative of W. King ami P. Benjamin, in their taparity as Curators to the Estate of f rancis Bynoe, deceased slid appointment bearing date 23d March, 1815.— Notice is hereby giveri to the Public, that 1 the undersigned, First Msflshal of the Courts within this colony, intend to Sell, at Execution Sale, in the presence o r t«vo Couns<4k>rs Commissaries, and tbeirS-Cietary, by the goiwbut of a burning wax-candle, on Wednesday the 7th June 1815. The Cotton Estate called Lewis ALtiroß, situate on the Last' t oast of this colony, with all its Slaves, Ji find farther Appurtenances thereto bc'one,lng. .Whoever should think himself entitled to opposethe Execution Sale of said Plantation Lewis Manor, let such person or persons address themselves to the Marshal's Office of this colony, declaring .their rea*oii> lor so doing in due time and form, as 1 hereby give notice, that 1 will receive opposition from every intermediate person,, appoint them a day .’to have . his or her claim heard bionthe Court, ami forth ci act therein as the Law directs Berbice, 25 Match, 1815. . KFrancken, First Marshal. SUxdiVIOiNSES Bi JELHCT. . BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of tins colony, dated 20 January 1815; Gfoen iu the cause entitled Wm. Dinis, in .qtiaiity, as.appointed Curator to (he Estate of John Donaldson, deceased, Plaintiff by tkjicj % versus,' all j&tMtwn and unknown Creditors against the Estate ot John Donaldson, dec. Defendant by Edict. I the undersigned, at the request of afortjjadd Curators, Sumwon by Edict All known and unknown creditors against the Estate of John Donaldson, dec. to appear before the Court of Rolls, on Monday the 22 May, 1815, their to render in their claims, to verity the same and further to proceed according (0 Law. ‘ ¦ * This Summons hy Edict made known to the Public by beat of dniih -ifuni the Court I louse of thuvolony* and further dealt with according to custom. ’Berbice, 27 April, 1815. ’ » • • K ' F4iANCKEN > First Marshal. BY virtue of an Extract ffpm the Minutes of the proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of •this colony, dated the I6lh November (814, given in the cause entitled R. Taitt and W. Kcwley, as appointed Curators to the Estate of Richard Barry, deceased, Plaintiff by Edict, versus, all known and unknown creditors against the Estate of R. Barry, „ dec. Dcitndants. I the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts within this and at the request, i of aforesaid Curators, do hereby Summon by i i All known and unknown creditors against the Estifo I .of R. Barry, dec. To appear Before the' Court W .Rolls, on IVlonday the22dMay 1815, there to render < m their claims,,to verify the same, and .further*to proceed according to Law. . '’ & This Summon by Edict made known to die Public , by heat of drum from the; Court House of thlscolony and further dealt with according .to custom. Berbice, I3th April, 1515. ... * K. FRANCKEN, First Marthal. f * * PUBLIC VBWdUES. ,7 On Thursday the 25th instant will be sold ait the V endue Office, by order of the Orphan Chamber,— he effects of the Jefe J. B. Schwieters, consisting of 3 Negroes, household furniture, wearing apparel, &c Onthe sams day by order of John Wulff, Esq. 7 Negro men woodcutters and sawyers, and -a woman. Also by order of Mr. Juo. M’Donald, a fine young field negro man named Smith.. E y Vendue Master in commission, 7 reclaimed negroes, men and Women, also dry goods, provisions eatttle and sheep. ,r D. C. CaMeron, Dep. Vendue Master. On’Thttrsday thd Ist June will be sold at the Venice Office, without reserve, beer and porter in barls and hhds., a fewcasks of blue painted earthen ware containing etich\a complete dinner service for U persans, Irish and Dutch linen. Irish butter in j firkins, Ixrftlvd Madeira Wine, p-jfatoes, cheese, gap. fine blue and bottle green broad cloth, paints &:oil, 2 casks of negro and’tradesmens hah, beetled jrale ale, M»ap& can diesinsmall boxes, M. Ahwntng. New Moon, 9!h Day, at 2b. 28m. Morning. First Quarter, 15th Day, at Wh. 35m. Morning. Full Moon, 23d Day. at lb. sm. Morning.' Last Quarter, 31st Dayj ib/rning. ill i.ii ¦.iifcl»il.,n 111 -..1. «— ‘Lot IL W. ’.i. w. / , , Iloltdpys, Phtmpinen?,Ac. h. m. ’ 1 M St. Phillip &8L Jas. Com. Court, v! ; 11 2 Tn Neap Tides. " ' As |IQ 3 W In vemion of the Cr<*ss. j K 4 Th Ascension Day. Holy Thursday. 2 O' 5 F . ’V r 2 u 6 8 3 26 7 8u Sand, after Ascen. Day. 1 4 8 M [of York born 17v7. < 4? 2 To • 5 14 10 W Spring Tides. * 5 55 H Th ’W 36 12 P ' 7 21 13 S •14 Str Whit-Simday. 9 3 15 M Whit-Monday. 10 9 Ki Tn Whit-TutfsHay. Neap Tides. 11 24 t7 VV Princes of Wales born 1768. M 33 IS Th' ' -1 25 19 F Queen Chari, born 1744. 2 .33 20 8 3 36 21 Sn. Trinity Sunday. * 4 19 22 M Prs. 23 Tu Sun Enters Gemini. 5 32 21 W Suring Tides. ‘6ll 25 Th¦ . .a V 6 47 26 F ' 7 2.5 27 8 . 7 47 28 Sn ¦ v; 8 51 M Ist Sunday after Trinity. 9 40 30 TuKing Charles Ikwntorud. 10 26 31 W ’t eWi 11 <>4 NOTICE is the Subscribers to the-Guiana Chrahirhf, thM Hi future, their Papers will be delivered Mrac'-Officif of J. F. Obermuller, Esq. New Amsterdam, every Monday and Thursday;, where . toy cowmunreaiions for the Printer can bit te f *. j> May. T.HQSE ijadebLetl.,lp this Printing Office, sinpe 1812,. are to make immediate payment? Those who p<>4 have fKiiu their arrears from t hat tR! ultimo JBl4, t aq aftention.can be paid in any doaunjent ,us them sent in for insertion, &c w ~ -<, . 6 May, i ? Amsterdam. "¦ MHI |\ ' 111 J 1 1 . iiaturdty, Majf 20, 1815* ; • A ,Mail will be made up for Barbados, oh Monday at 9 o’clock ia the morning, togo by thc&h. Dope, Wwii— K. English Papers to the l®hef refced this week. Thety contain tracts of the preparation made ly ‘ of Europe against jE « tn the South of France, dmly !wf rs An attempt to carry the young has totally failed. tafe Bonaparte had not left Paris on ' any thing important then oeenred. «-f/W'fliere Brussels, March, 26 The Dhke rived at Men in, with the King’s Household for the greatest part of the* Corps of Count d’Artois is at Ypres. Ech rhe cause of the Bourbons jMutiaoe great numbers. r*• ? ? A Prussian Genera! is just ariven n board 50 vessels at Ostend, is estimated glj 15,000 men ; there is an immense quantity
this most cruel of Tyrants affect hubis situation becomes desperate, though words of goodness on his lips, he meditates and hellish revenge of human kind. '^« e g’ u ’ g imperial decrees. *** libA.-’Emperor of the French; decreed, and decree as follows f.From the date of the present Decree, the Trade is abolished• expedition shall be sent out to carry on this ro from the ports of France or those ofoji ‘*2B*7 fWfhere shall not be iatrodneed to be sold in our , any black produced by the trade, whether ¦ Wgfoffonby Frenchmen or Foreigners. The violation of the present decree shall be by the confiscation of the ship and cargo, be pronounced by our courts and tribua ‘ffivertheless the Merchants who may previous of present decree, have sent out expetil WT fi>r e trade, may he allowed to sell the pro* vftjfcZrn our Colonics. CQ *M ( <|y the Emperor, (Signed) Napoleon. Secretary of State, The DUKE'of BASSANO... I IA beat is come in from Ostend with a Messenger, rg -je Enouncing the arrival at Brussels of 40,000 Prusf that Louis XVllf. had gone from Ostend or Brussels. i Attend, two p. m. March 29.—The King of e ft»be Hshop of Rheitns, in which, after commenting on Bd»ii Napoleon’s attempt, and its probability of success, b thus continues:—“ Lucian Bonaparte, who until , this day appeared indifferent as to his brother, at ! **® mght has openly declared for him. Yesterday, at imr fee house of the Princess of Wales, who arrived here from Naples, he explained his route, and the circumB attending it, and stated, that he would be at the 15th, with 100,000 men !! I London/April 7. !w King of the Unis Pais Eos (for we have name for this new and beautiful'Kingdom, French one) arrived in Brussels the 2d April, eceivid with joy by all the better classe s. Belgic troops who'served under Napoleon, •be relied on: for such is the unacChuntabl** cy of that man, that the very people whom J worst, seem jnost attached to him. How* i Bruxellois detest him. They are flattered mportahce of their city, where the new King totmftd immediately a magnificent Palace. wdaß of the Belgians call out for a seund [Q ft’hbitution, founded on the basis of that of the Joy. ™ euie Entrie. . ’ 1?° —The following intelligence produced a considerable Iti eensation in the City yesterday morning:— f& £ A*The Eridanus frigate, Captain H. Prescott, had ' detained, and sent into Plymouth, the French ship I liable Ejherne, Captain Sobray, from Bordeaux; kl to Dunkirk v with wine and brandy.” • Understand thatno orders have been issued by Irftsh Government to detain and bring in French s apprizes of war. . London, April 8. he Jaunted de Paris contains some observations je Declaration of the Allied Powers, the general ency of which is to convince Europe that there is ause whatever for war; or even for alarm; for France, however, degrading the Treaty of Paris have been to her, is willing to maintain it good faith r In a word, that nothing is changed rance but the Ruler,—Fouche hits addressed a. liar letter to the Prefects, in which is audaciously that the Government of the Bourbons was founded on treason; And that a “ liberal Alice*’ is now to be formed, France having no longer wishess . to form, nor enemies to fear!»» Fouche the patron of a liberal police!, and Bonapate the preacher him by the President of the Council, he expresses in positive terms his desire to preserve the peace which France enjoyed; in ail ideabi aggrandisement. We are assured; 4Hat the Emperor has declared to the Ministeft of the foreign Powers who are in Paris, that# scs to faithfully observe the Treaty of Paris; and that he hoped that, on their side, the Powers would scrupulously observe the conditions, and not to meddle io the internal affairs of France. _ Extraordinary Uavrier of Monday Morning. A Courier arrived yesterday at Paris from the King of Naples. ** A Courier with dispatches was sent off to the Emperor of Austria from Lyons by the Emperor Napoleon. He took the Turin road. “ Four waggons laden with specie belonging to the Crown have been stepped by the French troops on this side the frontiers.” Paris, April .—On the 2d of April, at 11 o’clock in the morning, General Clausel entered Bourdeaux without fiaing a single shot. The Duchess of Angeltßime left that city during the preceding night. The report of the Empress’s arrival attracted yesterday a vast concourse of people under the windows •of the ThuiHeries. j HOLLAND. E Wk WILLJAM, by the Grace of .GOD, King | of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange Nassau, I Duke of Luxemburg, d;c. dec. TO all to shorn these presents shall come, Greeting ! I' The unanimous will 'of the Powers assembled at the Congress at Vienna declared for the union of all the Netherlands under the same common Government, and the inhabitants of the Belgic provinces testified to us in the most lively manner their iov at this important event, and their desire that the Sovereign power might be extended to them, which the love ot the Dutch bid given to us. Deeply moved by these expressions of their wish1 es, we had, however, resolved to defer all changes in the existing arrangements, till the deliberations of the Congress should be wholly ended, and till if s re solutions should be published entire. But the une/ pected <<‘n(s which have taken place in a ueighbourtog kingdom induce us to alter our intentions. They make it necessary to answer Hie zeal of of our subjects with equal zeal and to leave none of them in • uncertainty concerning their duties and our inten1 turns. It is now that new difficulties se. mto arise in prospect, it is at the moment when the sad recollect ion of foreign domination is revived in the minds of so many people, that it becomes more imoeriouslv > necessary tp establish a kingdom which the policy of all Europe regard as the necessary bulwark of the general s«-urity and repose. Encouraged by (he sentiments of the most powerful Sovereigns, confiding in ° Ve *h ClV ‘! hberty and which distinguish the character of the people of the Nethsslunds, still stronger by the manifold proofs which we daily receive, we take the sceptre wbh no other object than that ot making our Governmei t subservient to the good of tC»se who arc subject to it, and to secure to them the undisturbed enjoyment of all the blessings of concur*Uand peace An.* we desire, lh.t even (he (h.«;„<¦ o f „ ew St.fe shall be a pledge ot the close and paternal union that must exist between all our subjects; we are induced *o deciare by these presents, «teri(y. Given at the Hague, March 16, 1815. WILLIAM. By HisJMajesty’s Command, K A. R. FALCK. J |
fchlTlSH OFFICIAL ACCOUNT 1 OV TUB CAPTURE 09 IMS PRESIDENT AMERICAS PRIGATE. Superb, at Anchor before New London, ' Jan. 23, IS 15. Fir—l have the honour to acquaint you with the captur of the United States’ s'i\p President, on the lath instant, by the force described in the margin ’( Majestic, Tenedns, Endymion,wnd Pomone}, which I Ind collected off the liar of New York, under the direction of Captain Hayes. She and the Macedonian armed brig, of 420 tons, leaden with provision.', sailed on the preceding evening, under the command of Commodore Decatur: but the present season of the year, and the dark nights of which have availed himself, have not enabled him to elude the idgilance of Captain Hayes, and the Commanders of™is Majesty's ships under his orders, who have well discharged the important duty I assigned to them; and ! I Log leave to offer you my congratulations on th** design of the American Government being defeated. You. will perceive by ths reports Captain Hayes has delivered to ul (copies of which I do myself the honour to transmit to you herewith) the ardour displayed by Crxpt iin Hope in the pursuit, the intrepidity with which he brought the enemy’s ship to close action, and the undaunted spirit with which the Endymion's inferier force was singly employed, for the space of two hours and a half, leaving honourable evidence of judgement in th her fire, in the sinking state of h6r antagonist, the heavy loss sustained by him,and his inability to make further resistance when the Pomone arrived up with him; while the loss and damage sustained by (he Endymion was comparatively small: andalthonghthcdistinguished conduct of Captain Hope, his officers and ship’s company, can drive noadditional hjstrefrom my commendation, I canuot.v/ithold my tribute of applause, nos can I refrain from securing yon that thejmlicious eond let of Captain Hayes in thedirertipn of the force ent rusted t>his orders, and the exertions exhibited by him and Captains Parker, Hope, and Ltniffey, have j istincd the confidence [had placed in their zeal, and have rendered them whorty of your approbation. I have the Jronour to be,’ &c. (Signer!) H. Hotmam, Rear-Adm. To. the Than. Alexander Cochrane, K. B. Vice) Admiral of the Ucd, ('omniadder in Chief, ejr. $ Mnjesbc, at Sea, Jan. 17, 1815, L«fc39 min. 44 deg. N. long. 71 min. 55 deg. fP. Sr a, —l have the honour to acquaint you, that notwithstanding my utmost endeavours to keep the squadron to my charge close in with Sandy Fo de, agre< abl to oar directions, for the purpose ofpreventing the escape of the United States’ ship President other vessels ready for sea at Staten Islands, we were repeatedly blown oil by frequent gales ; but the very great attention paid to my orders and instructions by the respective Captains, in situations difficult to keep company, prevented separation ; and, whenever the wind <• And now, bir, a very pleasing part of my duly is tiicbeaiiitg testimony to the able and masterly man¦ ner in which the Endymion, wus conducted, and thr eallanlry with which she was fought: and when thr effect produced by her well-directed fire upon the i President ir witnessed, it cannot be doubled but that Captain Hope would have succeeded in cither capturing or sinking her, had none of the squadron been in sight. ( For your further information, I have the honour to inclose Capt. Hope’s letter, with a rctyrn of killed and wounded on board the Endymion. I have sot yet been able to ascertain the loss of the President, but I bdlicve it to be much greater than the mion's; and she had six feet water in the hold when 1 taken possession of; both ships were very much cut in masts and rigging ; and, had the present most severe gale commenced’twelve hours sooner, the prize wwuld undoubtedly have sunk; as soon as the we..< her will permit a communication, I shall procure further particulars, and then send the Endymion and Pomone with the prize and prisoners to Bermuda.— I have the honor to be, &c. J. Haynes, Captain. Rear-Adm. the Hon. Sir H. P.s.—-The ships having parted company in the gale, rib further particulars have been obtained. .Number of persons of all description on board the President previous to the action, about 490. H.M. Ship Endymion, at Sea, Jan. 15,1815. Sir—lenclose a return of the killed and wounded, and I have great pleasure in bearing testimony of th« very great assistance I received from Senior Lieutenant Morgan, during the whole day’s proceedings; together with the cool and determined bfhvery df n) y •fficets and ship's company, on tins fortunate occasion. AVhereevei ry individual has so coiispicuonsiy | done his duty, it would be injustice for ni6 to partiI cularise; but I trust the lots and dtutiage sdstained py frisatc, ViihMwtheatead.*, directed fire kept up by His Majest/ sslli ’ M command. Although eur loss has been severe [H ya., 14 wounded], I am happy tosia(e t ha tit < 4|a 4 when compared with that of the enemy. * I have (he honeurtohe a* ir-*To John Heyes, Esp. .//.S. w ( and Senior Officer York. Number and Calibre of her Gum MainDeck—3o long 24-pounders. I Quarter Deck—l 4 forty-two pounder — I long 24-pounder, 1 2-1-pounder Forecastle—-Six 42-pouader carrnn» _L 3 M VR. MACKENZIE! DRI FT ED, oh the sth instant, Ueyers, axhip’s-long Boat, marked onthedem—** Egham, London, Jahn Pavy," belonging to Dr. ?*’ Johnston, Fort St. Andrew. Any person givinzio. iVOI I formation of the above boat, shad be rewarded. ers FOR SALE, bulleltree Timber and Phrit, t ’ lo crabwood Lunib. r, and house Frame, very retrok HSI able—apply at the Store oi J. H. Scfabirhorst,lw. 13 May. E. FOR SALE, the uortherh quart of LotlC 27, boin the middle road to the backdaa, wilhib buildings thereon, as it now stands. an Enquire at this Office. J3Mrp n * TO BE RENT, a Dwelling Houseon U * No. 15,’ (ronting the middle road, with the iwmary b( /kilt-buddings, alt in good order, and very proper p' Tor a family. For particulars enquire at this Cilice, P or on said lut No. 15 to > w 6 xMay. W. KLOUW-88. -’ — -¦ — ¦"» Mi. <« n T E HUUR, een Huts staande op hd Erf c No. 15, gelegen aan de middenweg, vooizicn vade norxlige andere gebouwen daaraan behooreudc,dltt in de beste order, en zecr geschikt vuor een tamilie. Tc bevvHgen terdezer Druukcry, of by 0 May. • W. KLOUWEM J. JOHAN, recommandeerd zich zelve by dezen aan het PuMiek, lot het repareren van Herb I gicn, Klokktn, &c. verzekerd een spoedige en civfle I bedk'ning—wound op bet EH No. 24. 6 May. I J JOHAN hereby give notice ti> the Pu-1. blic, Hku he has undertaken to repair watches,clock | &c f recommcmling himself in above capicity, and ] promise a civil and speedy service.—Lot N/< 1 . —...—__—i , FOR SALE, a Negro woman with her child a good house servant, wdl be sold very cheap for| immediate payment. Apply to thispftce. I; May 6. | Published every Saturday at 4h o'clock J» >• j By W. SCHULZ & Co. f 1 Pritfefcd Government Prinl*» I