Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://original-ufdc.uflib.ufl.edu/AA00093219/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Berbice gazette
- Uniform Title:
- Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
- Place of Publication:
- New Amsterdam
- Publisher:
- W. Schulz
- Publication Date:
- April 29, 1815
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Berbice
New Amsterdam (guyana) guyana
- Genre:
- newspaper ( sobekcm )
- General Note:
- Semiweekly
- General Note:
- Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
- General Note:
- The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
- General Note:
- In English, with occasional text in Dutch
- Funding:
- Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
This Rights Statement should be used for Items for which the organization that intends to make the Item available has determined are free of copyright under the laws of the United States. This Rights Statement should not be used for Orphan Works (which are assumed to be in-copyright) or for Items where the organization that intends to make the Item available has not undertaken an effort to ascertain the copyright status of the underlying Work.
URI: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
- Resource Identifier:
- 1380865228 ( OCLC )
Aggregation Information
- DLOC1:
- Digital Library of the Caribbean
- Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
- IUF:
- University of Florida
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_ , . THE (
H dollars p. annum.}
Jif His Excellency Henry William
T**"* tjyjjtcK, Lieutenant-Governor and Com Comf
f†Comf V n* Minder * n Chief in and over the Settlement
e stand, Courts and Colleges within the same,
On, K* &c. &c.
,e ° Bniission™ 8 ? appointed by the Right Honorable
s °f«q. ComnnsMoners ol His Majesty’s Treas Treasdirection
direction Treasdirection and management of His Ma Mafestates
festates Mafestates and Plantations in this colony and the
IL thereunto appertaining and also all other
ISbdonginyr t° the Crown, in Berbice, have re rebeefy
beefy rebeefy ILI/M-
Bin, Ltoftheir Principal Agent, and appointed James
n r >'’ tfyeras I heir said Principal Agent or Manager,
William Scott as Assistant; moreover, that the
’ &r. : lofrevocation and removal was duly made known
11 hie lif said A. A. de la Court on the 9th Jay of Fe-
Ey last, and on that day his said Office determin-
Ver." fefoe is hereby given, that the said James Wal Wala
1 seas Assistant, have been, are and ought tobedu-
Ipril Acknowledged and respected in their several ca ca‘—
‘— ca‘— Ek's aforementioned, from the 9th day ofFebru ofFebruler
ler- ofFebruler >last-
wer Juben under my Hand and Seal at Anns, this 24th
ah® .Wil? ISIS.
the jlfy Command,
ce, I WHITE, Gov. Sec.
I— notificatFon'.
Im I Bvlhc Honorable Court of Policy and Cri Cri'•?
'•? Cri'•? mind Justice of the Colony Berbice —-To all
r * I, whom these presents shall or may come !
j-WHEREAS the Honorable the Court of Policy
, lid Criminal Justice have deemed it expedient to
~ loßiinate, and His Excellency the Governor to elect
ii? Hon. P. Fairbairn and the Hon. A. J. Glasius,
' ifcmbfnt of the Court of Policy, to be Membersol
> hr Honorable Court of Civil Justice, in the place
r wFimun Fraser and Francis Britt lebauk, Esquires.
• I Notice whereof is given to the Public, that all per per'
' per' Ins within this Government, may respect the afore aforeâ–
â– aforeâ– nd Gentlemen in their capacity accordingly.
I Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 25 April, 1815.
By Command
’ R. C. DOWNER, See.
THE ordinary Sittings of the Court of Civil Jes Jess’,
s’, Jess’, of the colony Berbice, which were to have been
rid on Monday the 24 April, are postponed til!
*k>nday the 8 May, 1815.
By Command, *
R C. DOWNER, Sec.'
By His Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Esq.,
I Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony Berbice,
I President in all Courts and Qiilleges within .
I the same. And the Honorable Court ofi
I Policy and Criminal Justice of the said co- I
I lony. To all to whom these presents shall
I or may come ; Greeting ! be it known:
,f /J he.reas by the resignation and departure of the,
lion. John Tapin, from this colony, a vacancy has;
feain taken place in the Hon. Court of Policy andh
criminal Justice of the colony Berbice; And Hist
Excellency the Governor having been pleased from a
jut ofa Nomination, made by the Court, to elect W.
Katz, Esq. to be a Member of the said Court. No--
jfjc is hereby given to the Public, that all persons
nthin this Government may acknowledge and res- 1
>ectaforesaid Gentleman in hissaid capacity.. •
Done in Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of
hf colony Berbice. * ’
King’s House, New Amsterdam, 15 April, 1815.
By command of the Court, 1
R. C. DOWNER, Sec. t
II 1 1 i
fOR SALE by the subscriber a variety oft
Koks, amongst which are the English Encyclopedia, <
W volumes, and about 500 volumes of Novels, justt
jfeeived from Demerary. 22 April. W. SCOT.
MAY hath 31 DAYS.
Phases of the Moon.
Last Quarter, Ist Day, at 8h.25m. Morning.
New Moon, 9th Day, at 2h. 28m. Morning.
First Quarter, 15th Day, at lOh. 35m. Morning. I
Full Moon, 23d Day. at lb. sm. Morning.
Last Quarter, 31 st Day, at 2h. 12. m Morning.
11-of ' “ H. W.
M. w. Holidays, Phenomena, &c. h. m.
1 M St. Phillip & St. Jas. Com. Court. M II
2 Tu Neap Tides. As 10
3AV Invention of the Cross. 1 g
4Th Ascension Day. Holy Thursday. 2 0
5 F " g 44
6 S s 26
, 7 Su Sund. after Ascen. Day. Duchess 4 4
. 8 M sos York born 1767. 4 42
. 9 Tu 5 |4
10 W Spring Tides. 5 55
JI Th 6 36
12 F 7 21
.13 S 8 9
14 Su Whit-Snndny. 9 3
15 M Whit-Monday. 10 9
16 Til Whit-Tucsday. Neap Tides. 11 24
il7 W Princes of Wales born 1768. M 33
18 Th 1 25
19 F Queen Chari, born 1744. 2 33
20 S 3 36
21 Sn Trinity Sunday. 4 19
22 M Prs. Elizabeth b. 1770. Ct. of Rolls 4 57
23 Tu Sun Enters Gemini. ‘ 5 32
24 W Spring Tides. 6 11
‘25 Th 6 47
l >6 F • 7 25
27 S 7 47
:28 Su 8 ") i
•29 M Ist Sunday after Trinity. 9 40
30 Tu King Charles H. restored. 110 26
31 W hl 94
TE KOOP negeu roeden land van het erf
No. 7, de breedte van een half erf, met een daarop
staande woonhuis, lang 41 by 17 voeten, staandeop
blokkcn en gedekt mot schaaltjcs.
Een do. by 10 voeten, zydegebouw.
Een do. 22 by 10 voeten, do.
Een do. 17 by 9 voeten, do.
Een gemak huisje met schaaltjes gedekt.
iNog 85 voeten land van het erf No. 7, leggende ten
Izuiden van No. 8, geheel ingekraald. Voor verderc
berichten vervoege men zich by La Rose, of by
_29 April.
FOR SALE, nine roods of land of Lot No.
8, the breadth of a half lot, with a house thereupon,
41 feet long by 17 wide, shingled and standing on
A do. 24 feet by 10, a side building.
A do. 22 feet by 10, do.
A do. 17 feet by 9, do.
A privy, covered with shingles.
Also 85 feet from Lot No. 7, south side of No. 8, all
railed in. For further particulars, apply to Mr. La
Rose, or to the subscriber
29 ApriL C. BALTER.
NOTICE.—The Subscriber having char charged
ged charged himself to collect the Subscriptions for F. d’Al d’Aliee’s
iee’s d’Aliee’s passage to Europe, begs the Subscribers to send
him their Liberal Gifts as soon as possible, in order
that he may be able so pay the expences for the
above purpose. i
29 April. J. G. F. THIENSMA.'
TO HIRE, Eight or Ten excellent Field]
Negroes. Enquire at this Office. 29 April.
Berbice, 3Qth March, 1815.
THE Annual Plantation Accounts for Head-.
Money, &c. &c. up to the Ist January, 1815, are
now ready for delivery. As those Taxes become due;
in April next, the undersigned requests the early at-1
tention of those concerned, in making payments, to:
enable him to discharge the pressing demands against i
this Office.
DANIEL ALLT, Dep. Rec. Gen.!
This is to inform the Public, that the following
Persons intend quitting this colony.
John Cheyney will leave this colony for Demerary.
Thomas Wade and family in 6 weeks from 1 April.
Simon Fraser (Kilmorack) will quit this colony.
J. C. M’Leod in 6 weeks from April 15.
J. van der Schroeff en family in do. from do.
N. J. de Wolff in do. from do.
R. Wheatland in do. from do.
l’he Hon. J. M’Camon in one month from 13 ApriL
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
Notice is hereby given, that a month after date the
following. Transporrs and Mort gages will be passed
April 8. The free Larose will pass a mortgage in fa favor
vor favor of H.W. Hackmann qq. the bqedel C.Nan C.Nannings,
nings, C.Nannings, his plantation known as No. 13, east side
in Canje river, with all its ap- and dependencies
and 34 Negroes thereon, names to be seen.rt this
April 15. J. van der Schroeff will transport to J. H.
Schlarhorst 15 Negroes, names to be seen at this
• Office. J. H. Schlarhorst will pass a mortgage
# on said Negroes, with an addition of 12 more,
names also to be seen at this Office.
April 22. C. C. Swavingand M. F. Costenbader, qq.
Westrik and Pool and Syndics, will transport to
the Minor Heirs of the late Johanna Agnise
Westrik, late Wife of Charles Henry Fraser,
dec. 53—144 in the united coffee Plantations
Essendam and Sans Souci, with slaves and fur further
ther further appurtenances.
â– The Executors of the Estateof the Widow H.
J. Buse, will tiansport to the Representativesof
the Estate of 11 .C. Brandes, Lot 47, second em-
• polder of this town.
H. Staal will transport to J. H. Schlarhorst the
lower quart of Lot No. 16, situate on the new
1 middle road to the backdam.
» J. H. Schlarhorst will transport to C. R. Heyf-
meyer about 30 roods of the whole facade of
said lot.
i — —
’ ALL persons having claims on the Cotton
Plantations Brahan and Kintail, on the West Sea
coast; and Seawell on the East Sea coast, of this co colony,
lony, colony, arc requested to render the same on or before
the last day of the present mouth, to the undersign undersigned.—ls
ed.—ls undersigned.—ls April.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
ALL persons having demands against the Es Estates
tates Estates of the late Lambert Blair, Esq. situate within
• his colony; or against John M’Camon, Esq. are re requested
quested requested to rentier in their accounts to J. M’Camon,
i Esq. without delay.—l 3 April.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
WHEREAS Application, by Petition, has been
made to the Hon’ble. Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice of the colony Berbice, at their Sessions of the
Sth April, 1815, for Lettersof Manumission:
John Ross for the mulatto boy John, born from
the Negro woman Agnes.
Robert Grant for the two mulatto children John
and Robert.
John Fraser in quality as surviving Executor to
the last will and testament of Hector M’Kenzie
for the mulatto girl Rose.
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the giant
of said Lettersof .Manumission,that they may address
themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of
the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the
Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made on
the aforesaid Petition.
Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 15th April, 1815.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
NOTICE—The Creditorsof Plantation No.
35, corentyn coast, are requested to meet the Trus Trustees,
tees, Trustees, on Monday the Sth proximo, in the forenoon,
at the -rooms of Mr. Binning’s, when the surplus pro proceeds
ceeds proceeds of the crop will be disposed of amongst them.
22 April. Trustees.
(No.. 554.
[Pat/able in advance.
t - In consequence of the Court of Justice meeting'
on Monday next the 24th inst. the Meeting ot <
this Society is postponed to Thursday the 4 of •
May next. 22 April. '
The next Meeting of this Society will be'
held at Plantation No. 41, Corentyn coast, on Wed-'
nesday the 26th inst.—The undersignet] is directed |
by the President to state, that—O’® article published
tinder the name of this Society in last Saturday’s Ga Gazette
zette— Gazette ‘‘ Inviting the Members to come prepared for
discussing the question therein mentioned, at their
ensuing meeting ls unauthorised, and entirely
to the established usages of this Institution.,
‘ls April. F. CORT, Sec. |
DRIFTED or Stolen, from Plantation Vry Vryheid,
heid, Vryheid, a flat bottomed Punt, 25 feet long by 7 feet
broad, has lately had a piece of new plank put on
one Side about 5 Feet long. Any person giving infor information
mation information that will lead to a discovery, will be rewarded.
THE Subscriber takes this opportunity to give no notice,
tice, notice, that all Nogroes found on the Vryheid Estate,
with ©r without a pass, (except on the public road),
will be taken up and further dealt with according to
Law, as the depredation committed by them, under
the pretence of cutting grass, is incridible, and con consequently
sequently consequently no longer to be submitted to.
22 April. W. KATZ.
TE KOOP —De volgende on langs geloste
goederen, met het schip Ceres, Capt. J. Willems— Willems’Best®
’Best® Willems’Best® Westphaalsche hammen, neger tabak opge opgeir.aakt
ir.aakt opgeir.aakt in | ponds pakjes, do. korte pypen, Duinker Duinkerker
ker Duinkerker snuif, groene en zwarte thee in | ponds bossen,
Spartrisch groen, krais hengzels en krammen, beeren
en dames schryf kisjes, extra goede groene brilien
met zilver omzet, do. slcutel ringen, fyne Engelschc
schcmnessen en diverse andere kleinighedens meet.
22 April. J. G. F. THIENSMA.
On Tuesday the 2d May will be sold amongst
the creditors of Plantation d’Edward, from 20 to
25,000 pounds first quality coffee, at the house of
Wm. Fraser, Esq. New Amsf.
22 April. Sequestrators.
NOTICE is hereby given—That on account
of the Sale of Plantation Granb s, and other circum circumstances,
stances, circumstances, the opening of the. Tenders, and the Sale of
the cotton of Plantation Good Hope, corentyn coa.4.
is tWKponed until Monday the Bth May next.
For F. BRITTLEBANK and sell
22 April J. C. SPANGENBERG, Seq’rs.
ACARPENTERincIined to superintend the
framing, erecting, and finishing a Coffee Logie, on
an .Estate in this river, can apply for further infor information
mation information to either of the undersigned.
G. PAU ELS, qq.
22 April. IL LUTHERS, qq.
On Friday the fftb. May next, will be sold on Pin.
Scofield, West-Sroast, by order of thef Exceptors of
Alexander Simpson deceased, the following effects,
viz. ; —Household furniture, plate, glass, and earthen earthenware,
ware, earthenware, a valuable collection of books, among which
are the Encyclopedia Perthensis, Naval Chronicle,
&c. valuable gold watch, about 25 dozen choice old
Madeira wine, a valuable negro, named William, a
complete house servant, and several field People.
D.C. Cameron; Dep. Vendne-Master.
On Saturday the 6th May 1815, will sold be by or ord«r
d«r ord«r of the Executors of John Robinson, dec., and the
Board of Orphan Chamber, representing the Estate
of ot Finlay Smith, dec. and in value of due autho authority
rity authority obtained from the Honorable Court of Civil Jus Justice,
tice, Justice, for that purpose, Plantation Chester, on the
\V\si coast, with all the buildings and cultivation
thereon, together with 62 Slaves, and further appur appurtenances,
tenances, appurtenances, being the joint property of F. Smith am'
J. Robinson.—Terms of Sale —Slaves at 3 and six
months; Lands, at 6, 12, and 18 raonths credit.
D.C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master.
On Wednesday the 8 May at the Vendue Office,
by order of Daniel Allt, Esq. Dep. Rec’r General,
the Schooner Harriot Elizabeth, with her masts, sails
rigging &c., as she now lays at the Stelling of Mt,
Win. Fraser.
Onlfie same day, by order and at the Store ©f
Messrs. G. Bone & Co.—Grenada rum in puncheons
brandy and gin in quantities not less than 5 gallons,
Madeira and Port wine in bottles, raspberry & cher cherry
ry cherry brandy, oysters, olives, pease, barley, porter in
biids, paints and oils, candles, negro cloathing and
blankets, cnttlery, iron mongery,and brass-ware, iron 1 |
pots, and boilerrs, steelyards (Dutch weight), sta stationary
tionary stationary assorted, Russia sheeting, salempores, cali calicoes,
coes, calicoes, muslins, musquito netting, connterpannca 4as 4assorted
sorted 4assorted in sizes, gentlemen’s coats and waistcoats, writ writing
ing writing desks and dressing cases, elegant mahogany tool I
chesto complete, glass-ware assorted, vase lamps, and t
a variety of other articles. ' , I
By the Hon’bl. John M’Camon, 10 pipes and 10 .
hhds. Madeira wine. I
D. C. Camercn, Dep. Vendue Master. 1
- i ■-- ir •■■- - . .u. -jj. - .tfi...'- - —T . ; *
On Friday 12 May will be sold at the Vendue Os
fife, w ithout reserve, by order of W. Kewley, Esq.
5 pipes and 5 hogsheads Made.ira wine, upwards of,
two years in this cnlony, 20 ps. Osnaburgs, cotton
bagging, brown dowlas, Marseille waitscoating, ca-
Simere, long lawn, cotton shirting, calicoes, diaper, t
damask, cotton and linen, checks, twill’d flprentine, (
Irish linen, real India salempores, ladies silk gloves,'
gentlemens silk stockings, knives, forks, nails assort- ’
cd, &c. •- - . ... ... ;
By the Vendue Master in commission, a variety of,
dry goods and provisions, gin, rum, brandy, beer &
porter in bottels, Madeira in do. ’
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master. <
Marshal's Office.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Public :—
That the Sale of Plantation Kilmorack, the proper properly
ly properly of Simon Fraser, which sale was advertised to
> take place on Monday the First day of May next, is
. postponed until further order.
, e Berbicc, 29 April, 1815.
> K. Franc ken, First Marshal.
i TAKEN from off the desk of the undersigned
i a locket with hair, sett in gold, such person whu may
• have by mistake, (or otherwise) taken the same, are
requested to return it, it being a present from a friend.
29 April GEO. BONE.
L NOTICE is hereby given to the Creditors of
j Plantation Clifton and It . B. Inglis, that 30 bales of
| Cotton will be put up for sale amongst them, on Mon Monday
day Monday the Sth of May next, at the Store of Messrs.
, Roberts & Bethune, in New Amsterdam.
May 29.
t~ - —
3PRtL$f), 1815*
. yesterday enter cd this Port, an American schooner,\
â– from At a York, in distress, to repair.
Cleared this wceklhe following vessels .—Trader,
for Greenock; Apollo, Treasurer, and Claud Scott,
for JLiverpool.
J- Washington, Feb. 27.'
, The President this day sent the following
•. to Congress :—»
li{ To the Senate and House of Representatives oj
I â– the United States.
, “ Peace having happily taken plac© between the
United States and Great Britain, it is desirable to
guard against accidents which, during the periods
.of war in Europe, might tend to interrupt it; and it
l is believed, in particular, that the navagation of
American vessels exclusively by American Seamen,
•ither natives or such as are already naturalised,;
would not only conduce to the attainment of that ob- (
ject, but also to increase the number of our seamen, }
and consequently to reader our commerce and navi-'
Ration independent of the service of foreigners, who |
might be recalled by their Governments under cir- |
cumstances the most inconvenient tc the U. States.
I recommend the subject, therefore, the consider--
ition of Congress, and in deciding upon it I am per- <
suaded that they will sufficiently estimate the policy s
of manifesting to the world a desire, on all occasions,,
to cultivate harmony with other nations, by any rea- 1
tonable accommodations which do not impair the s
enjoyment of any of the essential rights ©f a free and
independent people. The example on the part of
the American Govermcnt will merit, and may be ex- <
â– * .
pected toreceive, a reciprocal attention «
friendly Powers of Europe. iron >a«U« L
This Messagc was referred to Coinmitt??’- 0! '‘ ~ 11
Houses. Tho irtse reported,That 1
the regulation recomincnded may be, there ' K
ficieat time for the present Congress to giveft’* I'’*' 1 '’*' {
ject a deliberaWexamiuation ; and thereforers ’
mended that jt be referred to the next Con/^ 0 * 8 ' i
The report has been accepted. •
PLOI Sin SPEED EN against B t
According to private accounts from Sweden a f
covery has been made, which,although not
explained, is understood to indicate ad
even a plot, to remove Bernadotc from tie
and to restore the regular hereditary dy Uaslj W
son of the late King, who is, according to every F'
account, a youth of great promise and
cation, trained up under the special careofhi S)nol | I jß|
who is a woman of excellent conduct and ahityi|
Princess of Baden, and sister to the Empress of»
sia. On the discovery to which we aUude,
Pipper, who we believe was Chancellor of the |
lom, one of the principals, is said to have shot E
self; and General Adlercreutz, Commander
Forces, was ordered into exile; several otherwmSj
of high distinction being at the same timcreati 1
their estates.
We are not surpiised that since all Europe has bee© £
restored tc nearly th it date of sovereignty i n which £
(he French Revolution found it, there should exists gd
< the North, as in Naples, a strong party, whichfelth on
’•f tUpir con.dry was humiliated by being Icftundea J
• a nNv dynasty, sptinging out of that J
while every other nation was refusing with howto V e
the anciently established order of things. Such fed VC |
ings arc natural to mankind, and wc ar© pron©U ui
respect what is Venerable from antiquity—loved be- b
cause our forefathers loved it, and the rsniemberacii u;
of which Is cherished among our own early acwi. w
t ions. These emotions are the scourcc of a dioa
at innovation, upon which even every triflingcii. so,
cumstancc working, is the cans© why usurpatioiii
iso unstable, and recently acquired poxver so diflWt
’to be maintained. Thera was a rumour that th n
Crown Prince was willing to resign in favour oflh
' son rs Gustavus ; and while it is obvieus that the&- | e
lied Sovereigns could not urge such a seltlemcat,it
is n©t to be disguished that it would be univenafy La
applauded, and secured to the Crown Prince a a«? | {o
sure and ditinguished place than ever Bona parte H
a charge of enjoying, unless he had reinstated tie |£
Bourbons on their Throne. L,
The France has sent a superb dress to th L
Prince Regent, with (he Order of the Holy |h
which the following is a description Ig
The mantle all round the border u embossed
gold, representing the emblems of war, and th«i|s
surrounded by the imperial crowns. It measuresitie
the bottom of the mantle, from one end to the othßj|d
34 feet. The tippet which goes under the mantlewtl
of green sarsenet, the figures on it are exactly ff| u
same as or the mantle, but on a much smaller scaltF
The collar that goes over the tippet is ©f beaipiftli
French lace, valued at 1200 Z. The collator neckll
lace is composed of diamonds, rubies, emeralds, &cF
ind is very boauti vul. The hat is made of black veil |
vet, embossed with sold round it, wit a beautiful
ostrich feather at the top. The breeches are whites
sarsenet, and made in the antique way, embroidered!
with silver, and a pair of hose of white silk. The!,
shoes are made of silver tissue, with roses ©fwi»t®|
satin. There are two swords, very beautivub I
golden hilts. There is also a dress of his attenflaat, I
which is very beautiful, but not so superb M |
lS °’ r ‘†IrM Sfli P’ E..dy>nion,atSea, Jan. 16,1815 s
l|j ||n|L ■’ • 1
iesifZ? 'A-The pain fid duty of detailing!© you the par parnot
not parnot * fcc» uscs w **ich P rece d«sd and led to the capture
be He W® United States frigate President, by a ’
.■JSt: Een of His Britannic Majesty’s ships [Majestic
ftesj Eh Endymion, Pomone, Tenedos, Dispatch
k has devolved upon me.
Ijfthe 14th, I made known to you my intention'
Boeding to sea, that evening. Owing to some
Eke of the pilots, the ship in going out grounded
Mil*. bar, where she continued to strike heavily for
Euraatl a half; —although she had broken sevc sevc°a»l/ber
°a»l/ber sevc°a»l/ber rudder braces, and had received such other
in the ,L he, I was unable to do so from the strong westcr westcrrJ
rJ westcrrJ ac. J find which was blowing. It being now high wa-
* it became necessary to force her over the bar he he“S
“S he“S 1 f the tide fell; in this we succeeded by 10 o’clock,
â– we shaped our course along the shore of Lona
End, for 50 miles, and then steered S. E. by E.
8», L
jo’clock, three ships, were discovered ahead; we
Bkdiately hauled up the ship, and passed two miles
£ j;bc northward of them. At day-light we discover-
K>ur ships in chase, one on each quarter, and two
er W wn, (he Trading ship of the enemy a razee. She
jntof tjjmenceil fire upon ns, but without effect. Atrne Atrne'
' Atrne' L'hn, the wind became light and baffling; we hail
W eaii{ ’d our distance from the razee, but the next
a stern, which was also a large ship, had gained
ustinlid continued to gain upon us considerably. We
' occupied all hands to lighten ship, by
water, cutting away the anchors, throwing
provisions, cables, spare spars, boats, ani
erticle that could be got at, keeping the sail*
fcdwvct from the royals down.. At 3, wc had the wine
1,1 b’iuite light; the enemy, who had now been joined by
had strong breeze, and were coming up with
wc|jj rapidly. The Endymion (mounting 50 guns, 24-
**• fcouflders on the main-deck) had now approached us
gun-shot, and had commenced a fire with her
to*lbw guns, which we refurnerd from our stern. —At
35 a ls o’clock she had obtained a position bn our starboard
within half point-blank shot, on which neither
"wlrltefn nor quarter guns would bear. We were now
E. by N. the wind N. W. I remained with
in this position for half an hour, in the hope that
Jibe would close with u? on our broadside, in which
"I lease I had prepared my crew to board; but from hi>
* leontinuing to yaw his ship to maintain his position, it
Ime evident that to close was not his intention.
ry fire now cut some of our sails or tigging. To
continued our course nnder these circumstances,’
d have been placing it in his power to criple us,
out being subject to injury himself; ami to have
rd up more to the northward, to bring our stern
to bear, would have exposed us to the rakiug
—lt was now dusk, when I determined to alter
ourse south, for the purpose of bringing the en enabeam;
abeam; enabeam; and although their ships astern, were
iog up fast, I felt satiffied I should be enabled to
v him out of the combat before they could come
and wai not without hopes, if the night proved
(of which there was every appearance), that 1
t still be enabled to effect my escape. Our op opnt
nt opnt kept off at the same instant we did, and our
ommenced at the same time. We continued en enig,
ig, enig, steering S. with steering sails set, two hours
i half, when we completely succeeded in dis disling
ling disling her. Previously to her dropping entirely
€ the action, there were intervals of minutes,
the were breadside and broadside, in
li she did not fire a gun. At this period (half (halfiight
iight (halfiight o’clock),.although dark, the other ships
i squadron were in sight, and almost within gnn-
We wsre, of course, compelled to abandon her.
earning bur former course for the purpose ol
avoiding the squadron, we were compelled topre topresent
sent topresent our stern to our antagonist; but such was his
state, though we were thus exposed within range of his ?
guns for half an hour, that he did not avail himself ol
this favourable opportunity of raking us. We con continued
tinued continued this Bourse until 11 o’clock, when twe fresh
Ji ips of the enemy (the Pomone and Tenedos) had
come up. The Poment had opened her fire on the
(aboard bow, within musket shot, the other about two
cables’ lenght astern, taking a raking position, on our
quarter; and the rest (with exception of the Endy Endymion)
mion) Endymion) within gun-shot. Thus situated, with about
one-fifth of my crew killed and wounded, my ship
crippled, and a mnre than fourfold force opposed to
me, without a change of escape left, I deemed it my
duty to surrender.
It is with emotions of pride I bear testimony of the
gallantry and steadiness of every officerand men I
had the honour to command, on this occasion; and 1
feel that the fact of their having beaten a
force equal to themselves, in the presence and almost
under the guns of so vastly a superior force, when,
, too, it was almost selfcvident, that whatever their
.exertions might be, they must ultimately be captured,
will be taken as evidence of what they would have
k formed, and the force opposed to them been in any
, degree equal.
It is with extreme pain, 1 have to inform you, that
Lieutenants Babbit, Hamilton, and Howell, fell in the
action. They have left no superior officer behind
. If, Sir, the issue of this affair had been fortunate-, I
r should have felt it my duty to have recommended to
f your attention Lieutenants Shabricks and Galleghcr.
—They maintained through the day the reputation
„ they had acquired in former actions.
LieutenantTwiggs, of the marines, displayed great
zeal; his men were well supplied, and their fire in in(comparable,
(comparable, in(comparable, so leng a® the enemy continued within
musket range.
Midshipman Randolph,wl;ohad charge of the fore forecastle
castle forecastle division, managed it to my entire satisfaction,
i From Mr. Robinson, who was serving us as volun-
I leer, I received essential aid, particularly after I was
r deprived of the services of the Master, and the severe
loss 1 had sustained in my officers on the quarter-
J deck.
( Our loss in killed and wounded lam unable at pre pre(sent
(sent pre(sent to give you a correct statement; the attention of
ihe Surgeon being so entirely occupied with the
I wounded, that he was unable to make out a correct
return when I left the President, noi shall I be able to
( nake it until our arrival in port, wc having parted
company with the squadron yesterday. The enclos enclosed
ed enclosed list, with the exception, 1 fear, of its being short
.ol the number, will be found correct.
i For 24 hours after the action, it was nearly calm :
’ and the squadron were occupied in repairing the crip crippled
pled crippled ships. Such of the crew of the President as
were not badly wounded, were put on board the dif difrent
rent difrent ships; rayself and a part of my crew were put
on board this ship. On the 17th w> had a gale from
tlie eastward, when this ship lost her bowsprit, fore
md mainmasts, and mizen topmast, all of which were
badly wounded, and was in consequence of her dis disabled
abled disabled condition obliged to throw over board all her
upper-deck guns. Her loss in killed and wounded
must have been very great; 1 have not been able to
ascertain the extent. Tea were buried after I came,
on board (36 hours after the action); the badly
wounded, such as are obliged to keep their cots, oc occupy
cupy occupy the starboard-side of the gun-deck, from the
cabin bulk-head to the main-mast. Frpm tbe crip,-
pled state of the President'& spars, I feel satisfied she
could not have saved her masts, and I feel serious
apprehensions for the safety of our wounded left on
It is due to Capt. Hope to state, that every dlten-
ion has been paid by him to myself and Officers that
have been placed on board his ship, that delicacy
and humanity could dictate.—l have, &c.
Steph in Decatur.
Killed on board ike President— Three Lieutenants
and 21 seamen.
Wounded— Sailing-Master Rogers, Mr. Robinson,
two Midshipmen, one Master’s- Mate, and 50 men.
Augsburg, Jan. 20.
According to the Austrian army list, just publish published,
ed, published, the militia establishment of that empire consists
at present of 74 regiments of infantry of the line, 14
battalions of light infantry, among which are some
tree corps, 37 regiments or cavalry and several regi regiments
ments regiments of Artillery. The staff comprehends 472 Ge Generals,
nerals, Generals, employed and unemployed, among whom are
16 Field Marshals. s
. , Naples, Jan. 12.
The situation of our Court in regard to that of
Rome is daily becomming more difficult. His Holi Holiness
ness Holiness has confined in th® Castle St. Angelo several
Neapolitans, holding military rank and employ raents,-
styling them robbers and chiefs of banditti.
There has been seditious movements in th® Cala Calabrias.
brias. Calabrias.
The Princess of Wales will prolong her May hero
till the month of May. >
T _ Napier, Jan. 28. ’-
It appears that our Court wished to make reprisals
with regard to the Court of Rome, and to avenge th®
insults offered to our Consul-General; but the polfc®
has thrown an air of pleasantry over the
Light days ago, three persons of a religious otxler K
calling themselves missionaries, arrived here. i
were, iu fact, furnished with authority from the A Apostolic
postolic Apostolic Chancery to make collections for the enter entertainment
tainment entertainment and restoration of their order. They exhi exhibited
bited exhibited the signatures of the greatest families in Eu Europe,
rope, Europe, and of the most illustrious prelates, and thus
got access to the first families of the kingdom. The
‘ police conceived that it s>w in them three agents of
’ the Court of Rome; it therefore caused them to be
arrested, and made them undergo several examina examina((ions.
((ions. examina((ions. They spoke equally well the Polish, German
and French Languages. At first they were desirous
'of giving great eclat to this affair, when they disco discoi
i discoi vered that these three priests were in fact three rob*
bers belonging to the association in the valley of Bor Bor.
. Bor. deggiana, in the Appennines; that all their papers
were mere forgeries. They were consigned to the
• hands of Justice, and for this time ocr police has not
. had occasion to humiliate the Holy Father. * *
’ Rome, Jan. 29.
. The Neapolitan troops have not yet penetrated into
our city s but they keep it, as it were, in a stat? of
'blockade, and the interrupted communications wi'h
the kingdom of Naples are become very difficult.
. There are 25,000 men about Rome. We are assnr-
Ped that (here are in the number some Austrian bat battalions:
talions: battalions: however, we cannot confirm this, as we can
i see only Neapolitan bivouacs from our wall. Pafroles
I of lancers have had the audacity to ride even to the
} gates of the city : they were open, and we are with without
out without defence. Nothing was more easy than to give ae
‘i be finishing blow; but such is the veneration inspired
.by the capital of the Christian world, that it seems
I that a Prince who respects nothing else, trembles to
place within it a sacrilegious foot. Nothing is more
noble and interesting than the conduct of tne Moly
. Father; h*. appears to waith in the middle of hio sa sacred
cred sacred college the destiny which these new scourges of
‘ destiny which these new scourges of the church shall
> reserve for him.
Disgraceful Traffic. — Last Thursday evening
i (Feb. 2.) a fellow brought up his wife, whose name
b is Ann Hewett, a good looking woman, appearing
about 25 years of age, to whom she had been married
‘ nearly five yeais, to the New Cross, Manchester, led
■according to usual custom in a halter’, when, after
r being exposed for some time to a numerous cow-
I cuorse of spectators, she was sold to a robust canal
’ boatman for jive shillings and AaZf gallon of beer II!
I A respectable glass-cutter sarry ing along the Strand
. anjflegant argend lamp in each hand, accidentally
let one of them fall; a friend, an incorrigible punster,
' who was passing at the moment, exclaimed— u My
• dear fellow, how I lament to see you reduced to the
, unfortunate state of being a lamp lighter.'*
, A gentleman of no fortune having married a rich
• lady of no character, a Mut observed, that the one
i married for a coat and the other for a cloak.
â– DIED] Last Week Mr. J, B. Swietxrs.
BY virtue of an Appointment from His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieutenant-
Governor of the Colony Berbioe and its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, &c. &. &c. given upon a petition presented by
K. Francken, First Marshal, for and in name of J.C.
M’Leod, of Geanies, in the county of Boss, North
Britain, under date of 6th April, 1815. Notice is
hereby given to the Public, that the Execution Sale
2 of Plantation Geanies, and the lowcv half of Lot No.
6 80 which was advertised for sale on the loth March
J last, but which sale did not take place on that day.
will now positively be sold on Tuesday the 2d May
next.' on the spot —Berbicc, 7th April, 1815.
K. Francken, t irst Marshal.
! BY virtue of an Appointment from His Ex Exccllency
ccllency Exccllency H. W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieutenant-
V Governor of the colony Berbice and its Dependen Dependencies
cies Dependencies ; Granted upon a Petition,, presented by J. G.
C de Nieuwerkerk, qq. John Wilson, qq. John and
Robert Gladstone, of Liverpool, said appointment
t bearing date the 23d March, 1815. Notice is hereby
r given to the Public: That the Execution Sale of the
‘ undivided half of the cotton Estate called Resource,
the property of F. Cort, which was advertised for
Sale on the. 10th of April next, is postponed until
Monday the Ist day of May 1815.
' Berbicc, 25 March, 1815. , .
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Appointment from His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency IL W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieutenant-
Governor of the colony Berbicc, and its Dependen Dependencies
cies Dependencies &c. &c. &c. Given upon a Petition present presented
ed presented bv R. C. Downer, in his quality as Representa Representative
tive Representative of W. King and P. Benjamin, in their capacity
as Curators to the Estate of Francis Bynoc, deceased
said appointment bearing date 23d March, 1815.—
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the un undersigned,
dersigned, undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts within this
colony, intend to Sell, at Execution Sale, in the pre presence
sence presence of two Counsellors Commissaries, and their Se Secretary,
cretary, Secretary, by the going out of a burning wax-candle,
on Wednesday the 7th June 1815.
The Colton Estate called Levis Manor, situate
on the East coast of this colony, with all its
Slaves, Buildings, and further Appurtenances
thereto belonging.
Whoever should think himself entitled Io oppose the
Execution Sale of said Plantation Lewis Manor, let
such person or persons address themselves to the
‘ Marshal’s Office of this colony, declaring their reas reasons
ons reasons for so doing indue time and form, as I hereby
give notice, that I will receive opposition from every
intermediate person,, appoint, them a day to have
his or her claim heard before the Court, and furthei
act therein as the Law directs •
Berbice, 25 March, 1815.
K. Francken, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the Proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of
this colony, dated 20 January 1815; Given in the
cause entitled Win. Innis, in quality, as appointed
Curator to the Estate of John Donaldson, deceased,
Plaintiff by Edict, versus, all known and unknown
creditors against the Estate of John Donaldson, dec.
Defendant by Edict. I the undersigned, at the re request
quest request of aforesaid Curators, Summon by Edict
Al! known and unknown creditors against the Estate
of John Donaldson, dec. to appear before the Court ’
of Rolls, on Monday the 22 May, 1815, their to ren render
der render in their claims, to verify the same and further to 1
proceed according to Law.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony, (
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 27 April, 1815. :
.. # K. FRANCKEN, Ftr# Marshal. (
• BY virtue of an Appointment from His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieutenant-
Governor of the Colony Berbice and its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. given upon a petition presented by
J. C. Spangenberg and P. B. Bender, Curators to
I the Estate of J- A. Doscbcr, dec. under date of 15
1 April, 1815. 1 the undersigned, First Marshal of
the Courts within this colony, and at the request of I
aforesaid Curators, do hereby Summon by Edict:—
All known and unknown creditors against the afore-1
said Estate of J. A. Doscher, dec. to appear before t
the Court of-Civil Justice, of this colony, at their
Session to be held in the mouth of January, 1816, i
for the purpose of there rendering in their claims,
to verify the same, and further to proceed according
to Law.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu Public
blic Public by beat of drum from the Court House of this
colony, and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 20 April, 1815.
; K. Francken, First Marshal.
, BY virtue of an Appointment from His Ex Exicellcncy
icellcncy Exicellcncy H. W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieutenant Lieutenants
s Lieutenants Governor of the'colony Berbice and its Dependen Dependen»cies,
»cies, Dependen»cies, &c. &c. &c. dated the 25th March 1815, gi gi,
, gi, ven upon a Petition presented for that purpose by J
tW. Heytmeyer. I the undersigned, First Marshal
,of the Courts within this colony, and at the request
, of said J. W. Heytmeyer, do hereby Summon by
Edict: AH known and unknown creditors of the
said J. W. Heytmeyer, to appear before the Hon.
Commissaries of the Court of Civil Justice, of this
.colony, at the Court House, on Thursday the JStb
. May 1815, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day,
. for the purpose of there hearing and accede to such
# proposals and terms for extension of time to pay of
j his respective debts, as he the said J. W. Heytmey Heytmeyler
ler Heytmeyler then and there shall propose, in order to enable
,-ithe Hon. Commissaries to report the result of said
e Meeting to the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, at their
? Session which will be held in the month of July next
i and further to proceed according to Law.
1 This Summons by Edict made known to the Public
by of drum from the Court House of this colo colony,
ny, colony, and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbicc, 13th April, 1815.
-- K.-RFANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
’of the proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of
’thiscolony, dated the 16th November 1814, given
’in the cause entitled R. Taitf and W. Kenley, as
"appointed Curators to the Estate of Richard Barry,
'deceased, Plaintiff by Edict, versus, all known and
creditors against the Estate of R. Barry,
“dec. Defendants. I the undersigned First Marshal
’of the Courts within this colony, and at the request
of aforesaid Curators, do hereby Summon by Edict:
‘All known and unknown crediurs against the Estate
“of r. Barry, dec. To appear deforc the Court of
’ Rolls, on Monday thc22d May 1815, there to render
in their claims, to verify the same, and further to
e proceed according to Law.
« This Summon by Edict made known to the Public
«by beat of drum from the Court House of th is colony
and further dealt with according to custom.
e Berbice,. 13th April, 15/5.
t K. FRANCK EM, First
BY virtue of an Appointment from Llis Ex-
’ccllency H. AV. Bentinck, Esq. Lieutenant Gover-,
' nor of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies,
’ &c. &c. . given upon a petition presented by K.
Francken, First Marshal, for and in name ©f James;
1 Fraser, under date of 6th April 1815. Notice is here hereby
by hereby given to the Public, that, the debt tor winch Pin.
Scofield', situate on the West sea coast, was placed,
under Execution and Sequestration, having been ar-|
ranged, the said Pin. Seafield has this day been re-,
leased from said Execution and Sequestration accord accordingly
ingly accordingly .—Berbicc, 7th April, 1815.
s K. Francken, First Marshal.
A Manager and Overseer Wanted on a Cof Coffee
fee Coffee Estate situate in this river, For further particu particulars
lars particulars apply to the Priming Office. 15 April.
THE Subscriber’s health requiring a tempo temporary
rary temporary absence from from the colony, requests all per persons
sons persons indebted to- the late concern of Hobson and
Lantsheer, or to himself for Law business, to pay 1
their respective accounts. Mr. A. G. Calmer isau- â–
thorised to receive and grant receipts on both ac accounts
counts. accounts — AV. HOBSON,
_April 15. ___• Attorney at Law .
THOSE who have Claims against the Es- C
late of the deceased Mr. Thomas Thorburn, will
please address themselves to the undersigned, at the
Store of Messrs. G. Bone & Co.—and al! persons in indebted
debted indebted thereto, arc entreated to come forward with 1
payment. Js. ELLIS, > n *
15 April. P. SULLIVAN, J hxcc> <
TENDERS for 35 round bales good clean <
and 2 bales of yellow cotton, from Plantation Good I
Hope, Corcntyn coast, will be received at the bouse (
of B. Ziegler, Esq. New Amst. until Monday the t
Ist May next, when they will be opened and the a
highest offer, if.approved of, will be accepted. i
On the same day and place will be sold amongst i
the creditors of said Estate, 18 bales good dean cot cotton
ton cotton to the highest bidders. F. BRITTLEBANK.
15 April. Sequestrators.
â– THE Subscribers offers for Sale foe folk I
mg goods, cheap for immediate pa ™™ t . s?*'l
tiemens superfine blank- blue-oliv,’ enl
â– coats and coatics, white and
ortenette, kersymere and black floreXJrf 5 ’M
â– men and cotton shirts with frills, fl annel
long and short sleeves, plain and striped S lh l
sers, tweeled cotton, jackets and trowsers
pantaloons, gentlemens black and drab
ver hats, silk and willow do., boys black an? i »
' hats, ladies and girls bonnetts, ladies
' mens lambs wool anckle socks, boots & shoe’s â–
' hammocks, an assortment of negro clothing r I j
white-and red- spotted frocks for sailors %• IT
cotton shirts and trowsers for servantsJbliiUW
’ shirts for sailors, negio blankets, superMe blnTjilA
* green cloths, red table covers, thread from Na K
[ 22, stationary assorted, tea, pickles, preserve jiff
• fish sauces, shoe brushes, house brooms, scanl
†dies in boxes of 56 lbs. each, smoaked herring’|
' kegs, bolognc sa usages, Dutch beef in half fi’li
’ flour in do., potatoes in hampers, wine per
’brockcry ware assorted, &c.
r reasonable terms, at the Storc'of J. B. Rule, Esq
1 following goods lately imported, viz cotton fa Ita.
ging, Osnaburgs, best Carlisle checks, seine E
1 let twine, Osnaburg and white thread, seine nets|o E
' fathoms long, negro clothing consisting of hats fa K
kets, trowsers, shirts, wrappers, & laps, hoes, E
els, and nails, packing- sail- bolt-rope- and E
; burg m edics, iron pots, negro pipes, &c ALSO |
s on hand from former importations: Split peas, E
(barley, paints and oil, sp. turpentine, beer & porter K
;1 mustard, cordage, all sorts of stationary, China sg K
s earthen ware, black- blue- brown- and green- brad. I
, cloths, green baize and table covers, muslins, cdi. L
jeoes, ginghams, linen and cotton pocket
chiefs, linen and sheeting, gentlemen’s coats,
> coats, trowsers, - * pantaloons, jackets, hats and sho&E
I ladies bonnets, gentlemen w riting desks,
.etc.—ls April. |
j NOTlCE.—The’folioßing doubtful outT
r standing debts being found in the boedle of the latrl,
, F. L. Mossct, viz, J. J. van Mandhar, order op
F. Costenbader for /'6B. —J.R.de Haan,Goed/44,1.
, Samuel Bain, Good f 49. and Acct. f32.~L. F.|
, Gallcz, Oblig. for /'402- 10—J. R. Oakey, Ohlig.l
for 112 gallons rum.—J. Gouverneur, Oblig. J15,l
J. Quarlrss, Acct, f‘27 - 10.—Capt. Thompson for I
S. Barnes, in Demerary, Acct. /540.
It is therefore that all those who it may concern, I
-'are requested to make immediate payment to the ns- f
isigned, or to give the necessary information t® |
â– rim should they have contra accounts or receipts for |
.Miose remaining in default to comply with this re* |
.rquest, shall be prosecuted as the Law directs.
.] E. F. IIANTZE, qq. the Exccut’s |
15 April. boedle F. L. Mosset. I
[i ! a 1
i DRIFTED from the Subscriber, since Sa- I
Jtiirday last a Corjaal, marked W. B. C. C. 1814,* I
any person forwarding the same will be rewarded. I
15 April. J. du BOG
*' - )
FOR SALE a large Punt 50 feet by 13f
wide, nearly new—enquire at the bouse of
15 April. H. LUTHEHt
EEN TIMMERMAN zich gereegen
lende bet opzicht te linemen tot het vraamen, opal opaltea
tea opaltea en voltooijen van ecu Drogerjr, op cen Ko fly Pin Pin(agie,
(agie, Pin(agie, in dezc rivicr, gclievc zich te vervoegen by
een der ondergeteckendcn voor verder naricht.
G. PAUELS, qq.
22 April. H. LUTHERS, qq.
. -l>— - I. — - <>■> — " . ■■——— - .A..-' ■'IT. I- J--T--X ■■-J.'! - .1'“ ’1 . £
FOR SALE, Simaruba planks and boards,
and Crab clapboards, on very low terms for imme immediate
diate immediate payment.
8 April. B. ZIEGLER.
ADVERTENTIE —Capt. Willems bS
zyn Winkcl opgezet in het huisvan wyle Mrs.Buse,
en verkoopt aldaar Rigaschc delen- latten- en rig riggels,
gels, riggels, spykers, kalk, cement, verf waaren, Holland Hollandsclic
sclic Hollandsclic linnens, hoeden, pypen, provision, wyn, &c.
alles ten civielste pryze^, —om reden by met den 10c
Mei aanstaande wenseht te vertrekken. Verzoeken Verzoekende
de Verzoekende alle de genen welke nog goederen aan boord mog mogte
te mogte hebben, dezelven ten spowligsten aft ehalen. Vet*
zockcnde vriendelyk de genen welke iets te laden
nioigten hebben, zich by hem te vervdegen ten bo bovengemclde
vengemclde bovengemclde plaatze. 1 8 April.
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock ft*
By W. SCHULZ & Co-
Privileged Government Printers.
Full Text |
H dollars p. annum.} SATURDAY. APRIL 29. w Jif His Excellency Henry William T**"* tjyjjtcK, Lieutenant-Governor and Comf” V n* Minder * n Chief in and over the Settlement '’ tfyeras I heir said Principal Agent or Manager, William Scott as Assistant; moreover, that the ’ &r. : lofrevocation and removal was duly made known 11 hie lif said A. A. de la Court on the 9th Jay of FeEy last, and on that day his said Office determinVer." fefoe is hereby given, that the said James Walalastwer Juben under my Hand and Seal at Anns, this 24th ah® .Wil? ISIS. o a I H. W. BENTINCK. the jlfy Command, ce, I WHITE, Gov. Sec. I— notificatFon'. Im I Bvlhc Honorable Court of Policy and Cri'•? mind Justice of the Colony Berbice —-To all r * I, whom these presents shall or may come ! j-WHEREAS the Honorable the Court of Policy , lid Criminal Justice have deemed it expedient to ~ loßiinate, and His Excellency the Governor to elect ii? Hon. P. Fairbairn and the Hon. A. J. Glasius, ' ifcmbfnt of the Court of Policy, to be Membersol > hr Honorable Court of Civil Justice, in the place r wFimun Fraser and Francis Britt lebauk, Esquires. • I Notice whereof is given to the Public, that all per' Ins within this Government, may respect the afore¦ nd Gentlemen in their capacity accordingly. I Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 25 April, 1815. By Command ’ R. C. DOWNER, See. NOTIFICATION? ~ i. THE ordinary Sittings of the Court of Civil Jess’, of the colony Berbice, which were to have been rid on Monday the 24 April, are postponed til! *k>nday the 8 May, 1815. By Command, * R C. DOWNER, Sec.' ~notFficati6n. By His Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Esq., I Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony Berbice, I President in all Courts and Qiilleges within . I the same. And the Honorable Court ofi I Policy and Criminal Justice of the said coI I lony. To all to whom these presents shall I or may come ; Greeting ! be it known: ,f /J he.reas by the resignation and departure of the, lion. John Tapin, from this colony, a vacancy has; feain taken place in the Hon. Court of Policy andh criminal Justice of the colony Berbice; And Hist Excellency the Governor having been pleased from a jut ofa Nomination, made by the Court, to elect W. Katz, Esq. to be a Member of the said Court. No-jfjc is hereby given to the Public, that all persons nthin this Government may acknowledge and res1 >ectaforesaid Gentleman in hissaid capacity.. • Done in Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of hf colony Berbice. * ’ King’s House, New Amsterdam, 15 April, 1815. By command of the Court, 1 R. C. DOWNER, Sec. t II 1 1 i fOR SALE by the subscriber a variety oft Koks, amongst which are the English Encyclopedia, < W volumes, and about 500 volumes of Novels, justt jfeeived from Demerary. 22 April. W. SCOT. MAY hath 31 DAYS. Phases of the Moon. Last Quarter, Ist Day, at 8h.25m. Morning. New Moon, 9th Day, at 2h. 28m. Morning. First Quarter, 15th Day, at lOh. 35m. Morning. I Full Moon, 23d Day. at lb. sm. Morning. Last Quarter, 31 st Day, at 2h. 12. m Morning. 11-of ' “ H. W. M. w. Holidays, Phenomena, &c. h. m. 1 M St. Phillip & St. Jas. Com. Court. M II 2 Tu Neap Tides. As 10 3AV Invention of the Cross. 1 g 4Th Ascension Day. Holy Thursday. 2 0 5 F " g 44 6 S s 26 , 7 Su Sund. after Ascen. Day. Duchess 4 4 . 8 M sos York born 1767. 4 42 . 9 Tu 5 |4 10 W Spring Tides. 5 55 JI Th 6 36 12 F 7 21 .13 S 8 9 14 Su Whit-Snndny. 9 3 15 M Whit-Monday. 10 9 16 Til Whit-Tucsday. Neap Tides. 11 24 il7 W Princes of Wales born 1768. M 33 18 Th 1 25 19 F Queen Chari, born 1744. 2 33 20 S 3 36 21 Sn Trinity Sunday. 4 19 22 M Prs. Elizabeth b. 1770. Ct. of Rolls 4 57 23 Tu Sun Enters Gemini. ‘ 5 32 24 W Spring Tides. 6 11 ‘25 Th 6 47 l >6 F • 7 25 27 S 7 47 :28 Su 8 ") i •29 M Ist Sunday after Trinity. 9 40 30 Tu King Charles H. restored. 110 26 31 W hl 94 TE KOOP negeu roeden land van het erf No. 7, de breedte van een half erf, met een daarop staande woonhuis, lang 41 by 17 voeten, staandeop blokkcn en gedekt mot schaaltjcs. Een do. by 10 voeten, zydegebouw. Een do. 22 by 10 voeten, do. Een do. 17 by 9 voeten, do. Een gemak huisje met schaaltjes gedekt. iNog 85 voeten land van het erf No. 7, leggende ten Izuiden van No. 8, geheel ingekraald. Voor verderc berichten vervoege men zich by La Rose, of by _29 April. FOR SALE, nine roods of land of Lot No. 8, the breadth of a half lot, with a house thereupon, 41 feet long by 17 wide, shingled and standing on blocks. A do. 24 feet by 10, a side building. A do. 22 feet by 10, do. A do. 17 feet by 9, do. A privy, covered with shingles. Also 85 feet from Lot No. 7, south side of No. 8, all railed in. For further particulars, apply to Mr. La Rose, or to the subscriber 29 ApriL C. BALTER. NOTICE.—The Subscriber having charged himself to collect the Subscriptions for F. d’Aliee’s passage to Europe, begs the Subscribers to send him their Liberal Gifts as soon as possible, in order that he may be able so pay the expences for the above purpose. i 29 April. J. G. F. THIENSMA.' TO HIRE, Eight or Ten excellent Field] Negroes. Enquire at this Office. 29 April. RECEIVER GENERAL'S OFFICE.' Berbice, 3Qth March, 1815. THE Annual Plantation Accounts for Head-. Money, &c. &c. up to the Ist January, 1815, are now ready for delivery. As those Taxes become due; in April next, the undersigned requests the early at-1 tention of those concerned, in making payments, to: enable him to discharge the pressing demands against i this Office. DANIEL ALLT, Dep. Rec. Gen.! _ , . THE ( BERBICE GAZETTE. (No.. 554. [Pat/able in advance. SECRETARY s OFFICE. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this colony. John Cheyney will leave this colony for Demerary. Thomas Wade and family in 6 weeks from 1 April. Simon Fraser (Kilmorack) will quit this colony. J. C. M’Leod in 6 weeks from April 15. J. van der Schroeff en family in do. from do. N. J. de Wolff in do. from do. R. Wheatland in do. from do. l’he Hon. J. M’Camon in one month from 13 ApriL R. C. DOWNER, Sec. Notice is hereby given, that a month after date the following. Transporrs and Mort gages will be passed April 8. The free Larose will pass a mortgage in favor of H.W. Hackmann qq. the bqedel C.Nannings, his plantation known as No. 13, east side in Canje river, with all its apand dependencies and 34 Negroes thereon, names to be seen.rt this Office. April 15. J. van der Schroeff will transport to J. H. Schlarhorst 15 Negroes, names to be seen at this • Office. J. H. Schlarhorst will pass a mortgage # on said Negroes, with an addition of 12 more, names also to be seen at this Office. April 22. C. C. Swavingand M. F. Costenbader, qq. Westrik and Pool and Syndics, will transport to the Minor Heirs of the late Johanna Agnise Westrik, late Wife of Charles Henry Fraser, dec. 53—144 in the united coffee Plantations Essendam and Sans Souci, with slaves and further appurtenances. ¦ The Executors of the Estateof the Widow H. J. Buse, will tiansport to the Representativesof the Estate of 11 .C. Brandes, Lot 47, second em• polder of this town. H. Staal will transport to J. H. Schlarhorst the lower quart of Lot No. 16, situate on the new 1 middle road to the backdam. » J. H. Schlarhorst will transport to C. R. Heyfmeyer about 30 roods of the whole facade of said lot. R. C. DOWNER, Se> i — — ’ ALL persons having claims on the Cotton Plantations Brahan and Kintail, on the West Sea coast; and Seawell on the East Sea coast, of this colony, arc requested to render the same on or before the last day of the present mouth, to the undersigned.—ls April. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. ALL persons having demands against the Estates of the late Lambert Blair, Esq. situate within • his colony; or against John M’Camon, Esq. are requested to rentier in their accounts to J. M’Camon, i Esq. without delay.—l 3 April. R. C. DOWNER, Secy. WHEREAS Application, by Petition, has been made to the Hon’ble. Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of the colony Berbice, at their Sessions of the Sth April, 1815, for Lettersof Manumission: John Ross for the mulatto boy John, born from the Negro woman Agnes. Robert Grant for the two mulatto children John and Robert. John Fraser in quality as surviving Executor to the last will and testament of Hector M’Kenzie for the mulatto girl Rose. Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it may concern, and who may wish to oppose the giant of said Lettersof .Manumission,that they may address themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made on the aforesaid Petition. Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 15th April, 1815. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. NOTICE—The Creditorsof Plantation No. 35, corentyn coast, are requested to meet the Trustees, on Monday the Sth proximo, in the forenoon, at the -rooms of Mr. Binning’s, when the surplus proceeds of the crop will be disposed of amongst them. . J. BETHUNE and F. BRITTLEBANK, 22 April. Trustees.
BERBICE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, I t In consequence of the Court of Justice meeting' on Monday next the 24th inst. the Meeting ot < this Society is postponed to Thursday the 4 of • May next. 22 April. ' The next Meeting of this Society will be' held at Plantation No. 41, Corentyn coast, on Wed-' nesday the 26th inst.—The undersignet] is directed | by the President to state, that—O’® article published tinder the name of this Society in last Saturday’s Gazette— ‘‘ Inviting the Members to come prepared for discussing the question therein mentioned, at their ensuing meeting ls unauthorised, and entirely to the established usages of this Institution., ‘ls April. F. CORT, Sec. | DRIFTED or Stolen, from Plantation Vryheid, a flat bottomed Punt, 25 feet long by 7 feet broad, has lately had a piece of new plank put on one Side about 5 Feet long. Any person giving information that will lead to a discovery, will be rewarded. THE Subscriber takes this opportunity to give notice, that all Nogroes found on the Vryheid Estate, with ©r without a pass, (except on the public road), will be taken up and further dealt with according to Law, as the depredation committed by them, under the pretence of cutting grass, is incridible, and consequently no longer to be submitted to. 22 April. W. KATZ. TE KOOP —De volgende on langs geloste goederen, met het schip Ceres, Capt. J. Willems—’Best® Westphaalsche hammen, neger tabak opgeir.aakt in | ponds pakjes, do. korte pypen, Duinkerker snuif, groene en zwarte thee in | ponds bossen, Spartrisch groen, krais hengzels en krammen, beeren en dames schryf kisjes, extra goede groene brilien met zilver omzet, do. slcutel ringen, fyne Engelschc schcmnessen en diverse andere kleinighedens meet. 22 April. J. G. F. THIENSMA. On Tuesday the 2d May will be sold amongst the creditors of Plantation d’Edward, from 20 to 25,000 pounds first quality coffee, at the house of Wm. Fraser, Esq. New Amsf. L. C. ABBENSETSand M. RADER, 22 April. Sequestrators. NOTICE is hereby given—That on account of the Sale of Plantation Granb s, and other circumstances, the opening of the. Tenders, and the Sale of the cotton of Plantation Good Hope, corentyn coa.4. is tWKponed until Monday the Bth May next. For F. BRITTLEBANK and sell 22 April J. C. SPANGENBERG, Seq’rs. ACARPENTERincIined to superintend the framing, erecting, and finishing a Coffee Logie, on an .Estate in this river, can apply for further information to either of the undersigned. G. PAU ELS, qq. 22 April. IL LUTHERS, qq. PUBLIC VENDUES. On Friday the fftb. May next, will be sold on Pin. Scofield, West-Sroast, by order of thef Exceptors of Alexander Simpson deceased, the following effects, viz. ; —Household furniture, plate, glass, and earthenware, a valuable collection of books, among which are the Encyclopedia Perthensis, Naval Chronicle, &c. valuable gold watch, about 25 dozen choice old Madeira wine, a valuable negro, named William, a complete house servant, and several field People. D.C. Cameron; Dep. Vendne-Master. On Saturday the 6th May 1815, will sold be by ord«r of the Executors of John Robinson, dec., and the Board of Orphan Chamber, representing the Estate of ot Finlay Smith, dec. and in value of due authority obtained from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, for that purpose, Plantation Chester, on the \V\si coast, with all the buildings and cultivation thereon, together with 62 Slaves, and further appurtenances, being the joint property of F. Smith am' J. Robinson.—Terms of Sale —Slaves at 3 and six months; Lands, at 6, 12, and 18 raonths credit. D.C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master. On Wednesday the 8 May at the Vendue Office, by order of Daniel Allt, Esq. Dep. Rec’r General, the Schooner Harriot Elizabeth, with her masts, sails rigging &c., as she now lays at the Stelling of Mt, Win. Fraser. Onlfie same day, by order and at the Store ©f Messrs. G. Bone & Co.—Grenada rum in puncheons brandy and gin in quantities not less than 5 gallons, Madeira and Port wine in bottles, raspberry & cherry brandy, oysters, olives, pease, barley, porter in biids, paints and oils, candles, negro cloathing and blankets, cnttlery, iron mongery,and brass-ware, iron 1 | pots, and boilerrs, steelyards (Dutch weight), stationary assorted, Russia sheeting, salempores, calicoes, muslins, musquito netting, connterpannca 4assorted in sizes, gentlemen’s coats and waistcoats, writing desks and dressing cases, elegant mahogany tool I chesto complete, glass-ware assorted, vase lamps, and t a variety of other articles. ' , I By the Hon’bl. John M’Camon, 10 pipes and 10 . hhds. Madeira wine. I D. C. Camercn, Dep. Vendue Master. 1 i ¦ -ir •¦¦ . .u. -jj. .tfi...'—T . ; * On Friday 12 May will be sold at the Vendue Os fife, w ithout reserve, by order of W. Kewley, Esq. 5 pipes and 5 hogsheads Made.ira wine, upwards of, two years in this cnlony, 20 ps. Osnaburgs, cotton bagging, brown dowlas, Marseille waitscoating, caSimere, long lawn, cotton shirting, calicoes, diaper, t damask, cotton and linen, checks, twill’d flprentine, ( Irish linen, real India salempores, ladies silk gloves,' gentlemens silk stockings, knives, forks, nails assort’ cd, &c. •. ... ... ; By the Vendue Master in commission, a variety of, dry goods and provisions, gin, rum, brandy, beer & porter in bottels, Madeira in do. ’ D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master. < Marshal's Office. NOTICE is hereby given to the Public :— That the Sale of Plantation Kilmorack, the properly of Simon Fraser, which sale was advertised to > take place on Monday the First day of May next, is . postponed until further order. , e Berbicc, 29 April, 1815. > K. Franc ken, First Marshal. i TAKEN from off the desk of the undersigned i a locket with hair, sett in gold, such person whu may • have by mistake, (or otherwise) taken the same, are requested to return it, it being a present from a friend. 29 April GEO. BONE. L NOTICE is hereby given to the Creditors of j Plantation Clifton and It . B. Inglis, that 30 bales of | Cotton will be put up for sale amongst them, on Monday the Sth of May next, at the Store of Messrs. , Roberts & Bethune, in New Amsterdam. May 29. t~ — TE/E BERBICE GAZETTE. NEW AMSTERDAM, 3PRtL$f), 1815* . yesterday enter cd this Port, an American schooner,\ ¦ from At a York, in distress, to repair. Cleared this wceklhe following vessels .—Trader, for Greenock; Apollo, Treasurer, and Claud Scott, for JLiverpool. II—AMERICA. JWashington, Feb. 27.' , The President this day sent the following •. to Congress :—» li{ To the Senate and House of Representatives oj I ¦ the United States. , “ Peace having happily taken plac© between the United States and Great Britain, it is desirable to guard against accidents which, during the periods .of war in Europe, might tend to interrupt it; and it l is believed, in particular, that the navagation of American vessels exclusively by American Seamen, •ither natives or such as are already naturalised,; would not only conduce to the attainment of that ob( ject, but also to increase the number of our seamen, } and consequently to reader our commerce and navi-' Ration independent of the service of foreigners, who | might be recalled by their Governments under cir| cumstances the most inconvenient tc the U. States. I recommend the subject, therefore, the consider-ition of Congress, and in deciding upon it I am per< suaded that they will sufficiently estimate the policy s of manifesting to the world a desire, on all occasions,, to cultivate harmony with other nations, by any rea1 tonable accommodations which do not impair the s enjoyment of any of the essential rights ©f a free and independent people. The example on the part of the American Govermcnt will merit, and may be ex< ¦ * . pected toreceive, a reciprocal attention « friendly Powers of Europe. iron >a«U« L This Messagc was referred to Coinmitt??’0! '‘ ~ 11 Houses. Tho irtse reported,That 1 the regulation recomincnded may be, there ' K ficieat time for the present Congress to giveft’* I'’*' 1 '’*' { ject a deliberaWexamiuation ; and thereforers ’ mended that jt be referred to the next Con/^ 0 * 8 ' i The report has been accepted. • PLOI Sin SPEED EN against B t According to private accounts from Sweden a f covery has been made, which,although not explained, is understood to indicate ad even a plot, to remove Bernadotc from tie and to restore the regular hereditary dy Uaslj W son of the late King, who is, according to every F' account, a youth of great promise and cation, trained up under the special careofhi S)nol | I jß| who is a woman of excellent conduct and ahityi| Princess of Baden, and sister to the Empress of» sia. On the discovery to which we aUude, Pipper, who we believe was Chancellor of the | lom, one of the principals, is said to have shot E self; and General Adlercreutz, Commander Forces, was ordered into exile; several otherwmSj of high distinction being at the same timcreati 1 their estates. We are not surpiised that since all Europe has bee© £ restored tc nearly th it date of sovereignty i n which £ (he French Revolution found it, there should exists gd < the North, as in Naples, a strong party, whichfelth on ’•f tUpir con.dry was humiliated by being Icftundea J • a nNv dynasty, sptinging out of that J while every other nation was refusing with howto V e the anciently established order of things. Such fed VC | ings arc natural to mankind, and wc ar© pron©U ui respect what is Venerable from antiquity—loved beb cause our forefathers loved it, and the rsniemberacii u; of which Is cherished among our own early acwi. w t ions. These emotions are the scourcc of a dioa
’ Lai FROM COMMO ® OM BMAfWsofa F* fH E OB THB MATT. s lS °’ r ‘” IrM Sfli P’ E..dy>nion,atSea, Jan. 16,1815 s l|j ||n|L ¦ ’ • 1 iesifZ? 'A-The pain fid duty of detailing!© you the parnot * fcc» uscs w **ich P rece d«sd and led to the capture be He W® United States frigate President, by a ’ .¦JSt: Een of His Britannic Majesty’s ships [Majestic ftesj Eh Endymion, Pomone, Tenedos, Dispatch k has devolved upon me. ur ships in chase, one on each quarter, and two er W wn, (he Trading ship of the enemy a razee. She jntof tjjmenceil fire upon ns, but without effect. Atrne' L'hn, the wind became light and baffling; we hail W eaii{ ’d our distance from the razee, but the next a stern, which was also a large ship, had gained ustinlid continued to gain upon us considerably. We ' occupied all hands to lighten ship, by water, cutting away the anchors, throwing provisions, cables, spare spars, boats, ani erticle that could be got at, keeping the sail* fcdwvct from the royals down.. At 3, wc had the wine 1,1 b’iuite light; the enemy, who had now been joined by had strong breeze, and were coming up with wc|jj rapidly. The Endymion (mounting 50 guns, 24**• fcouflders on the main-deck) had now approached us gun-shot, and had commenced a fire with her to*lbw guns, which we refurnerd from our stern. —At 35 a ls o’clock she had obtained a position bn our starboard within half point-blank shot, on which neither "wlrltefn nor quarter guns would bear. We were now E. by N. the wind N. W. I remained with in this position for half an hour, in the hope that Jibe would close with u? on our broadside, in which "I lease I had prepared my crew to board; but from hi> * leontinuing to yaw his ship to maintain his position, it Ime evident that to close was not his intention. ry fire now cut some of our sails or tigging. To continued our course nnder these circumstances,’ d have been placing it in his power to criple us, out being subject to injury himself; ami to have rd up more to the northward, to bring our stern to bear, would have exposed us to the rakiug —lt was now dusk, when I determined to alter ourse south, for the purpose of bringing the enabeam; and although their ships astern, were iog up fast, I felt satiffied I should be enabled to v him out of the combat before they could come and wai not without hopes, if the night proved (of which there was every appearance), that 1 t still be enabled to effect my escape. Our opnt kept off at the same instant we did, and our ommenced at the same time. We continued enig, steering S. with steering sails set, two hours i half, when we completely succeeded in disling her. Previously to her dropping entirely € the action, there were intervals of minutes, the were breadside and broadside, in li she did not fire a gun. At this period (halfiight o’clock),.although dark, the other ships i squadron were in sight, and almost within gnnWe wsre, of course, compelled to abandon her. earning bur former course for the purpose ol avoiding the squadron, we were compelled topresent our stern to our antagonist; but such was his state, though we were thus exposed within range of his ? guns for half an hour, that he did not avail himself ol this favourable opportunity of raking us. We continued this Bourse until 11 o’clock, when twe fresh Ji ips of the enemy (the Pomone and Tenedos) had come up. The Poment had opened her fire on the (aboard bow, within musket shot, the other about two cables’ lenght astern, taking a raking position, on our quarter; and the rest (with exception of the Endymion) within gun-shot. Thus situated, with about one-fifth of my crew killed and wounded, my ship crippled, and a mnre than fourfold force opposed to me, without a change of escape left, I deemed it my duty to surrender. It is with emotions of pride I bear testimony of the gallantry and steadiness of every officerand men I had the honour to command, on this occasion; and 1 feel that the fact of their having beaten a force equal to themselves, in the presence and almost under the guns of so vastly a superior force, when, , too, it was almost selfcvident, that whatever their .exertions might be, they must ultimately be captured, will be taken as evidence of what they would have k formed, and the force opposed to them been in any , degree equal. It is with extreme pain, 1 have to inform you, that Lieutenants Babbit, Hamilton, and Howell, fell in the action. They have left no superior officer behind (hem. . If, Sir, the issue of this affair had been fortunate-, I r should have felt it my duty to have recommended to f your attention Lieutenants Shabricks and Galleghcr. —They maintained through the day the reputation „ they had acquired in former actions. LieutenantTwiggs, of the marines, displayed great zeal; his men were well supplied, and their fire in(comparable, so leng a® the enemy continued within musket range. Midshipman Randolph,wl;ohad charge of the forecastle division, managed it to my entire satisfaction, i From Mr. Robinson, who was serving us as volunI leer, I received essential aid, particularly after I was r deprived of the services of the Master, and the severe loss 1 had sustained in my officers on the quarterJ deck. ( Our loss in killed and wounded lam unable at pre(sent to give you a correct statement; the attention of ihe Surgeon being so entirely occupied with the I wounded, that he was unable to make out a correct return when I left the President, noi shall I be able to ( nake it until our arrival in port, wc having parted company with the squadron yesterday. The enclosed list, with the exception, 1 fear, of its being short .ol the number, will be found correct. i For 24 hours after the action, it was nearly calm : ’ and the squadron were occupied in repairing the crippled ships. Such of the crew of the President as were not badly wounded, were put on board the difrent ships; rayself and a part of my crew were put on board this ship. On the 17th w> had a gale from tlie eastward, when this ship lost her bowsprit, fore md mainmasts, and mizen topmast, all of which were badly wounded, and was in consequence of her disabled condition obliged to throw over board all her upper-deck guns. Her loss in killed and wounded must have been very great; 1 have not been able to ascertain the extent. Tea were buried after I came, on board (36 hours after the action); the badly wounded, such as are obliged to keep their cots, occupy the starboard-side of the gun-deck, from the cabin bulk-head to the main-mast. Frpm tbe crip,pled state of the President'& spars, I feel satisfied she could not have saved her masts, and I feel serious apprehensions for the safety of our wounded left on board. It is due to Capt. Hope to state, that every dltenion has been paid by him to myself and Officers that have been placed on board his ship, that delicacy and humanity could dictate.—l have, &c. Steph in Decatur. Killed on board ike President— Three Lieutenants and 21 seamen. Wounded— Sailing-Master Rogers, Mr. Robinson, two Midshipmen, one Master’sMate, and 50 men. Augsburg, Jan. 20. According to the Austrian army list, just published, the militia establishment of that empire consists at present of 74 regiments of infantry of the line, 14 battalions of light infantry, among which are some tree corps, 37 regiments or cavalry and several regiments of Artillery. The staff comprehends 472 Generals, employed and unemployed, among whom are 16 Field Marshals. s . , Naples, Jan. 12. The situation of our Court in regard to that of Rome is daily becomming more difficult. His Holiness has confined in th® Castle St. Angelo several Neapolitans, holding military rank and employ raents,styling them robbers and chiefs of banditti. There has been seditious movements in th® Calabrias. The Princess of Wales will prolong her May hero till the month of May. > T _ Napier, Jan. 28. ’It appears that our Court wished to make reprisals with regard to the Court of Rome, and to avenge th® insults offered to our Consul-General; but the polfc® has thrown an air of pleasantry over the Light days ago, three persons of a religious otxler K calling themselves missionaries, arrived here. i were, iu fact, furnished with authority from the Apostolic Chancery to make collections for the entertainment and restoration of their order. They exhibited the signatures of the greatest families in Europe, and of the most illustrious prelates, and thus got access to the first families of the kingdom. The ‘ police conceived that it s>w in them three agents of ’ the Court of Rome; it therefore caused them to be arrested, and made them undergo several examina((ions. They spoke equally well the Polish, German and French Languages. At first they were desirous 'of giving great eclat to this affair, when they discoi vered that these three priests were in fact three rob* bers belonging to the association in the valley of Bor. deggiana, in the Appennines; that all their papers were mere forgeries. They were consigned to the • hands of Justice, and for this time ocr police has not . had occasion to humiliate the Holy Father. * * ’ Rome, Jan. 29. . The Neapolitan troops have not yet penetrated into our city s but they keep it, as it were, in a stat? of 'blockade, and the interrupted communications wi'h the kingdom of Naples are become very difficult. . There are 25,000 men about Rome. We are assnrPed that (here are in the number some Austrian battalions: however, we cannot confirm this, as we can i see only Neapolitan bivouacs from our wall. Pafroles I of lancers have had the audacity to ride even to the } gates of the city : they were open, and we are without defence. Nothing was more easy than to give ae ‘i be finishing blow; but such is the veneration inspired .by the capital of the Christian world, that it seems I that a Prince who respects nothing else, trembles to place within it a sacrilegious foot. Nothing is more noble and interesting than the conduct of tne Moly . Father; h*. appears to waith in the middle of hio sacred college the destiny which these new scourges of ‘ destiny which these new scourges of the church shall > reserve for him. Disgraceful Traffic. — Last Thursday evening i (Feb. 2.) a fellow brought up his wife, whose name b is Ann Hewett, a good looking woman, appearing about 25 years of age, to whom she had been married ‘ nearly five yeais, to the New Cross, Manchester, led ¦ according to usual custom in a halter’, when, after r being exposed for some time to a numerous cowI cuorse of spectators, she was sold to a robust canal ’ boatman for jive shillings and AaZf gallon of beer II! I A respectable glass-cutter sarry ing along the Strand . anjflegant argend lamp in each hand, accidentally let one of them fall; a friend, an incorrigible punster, ' who was passing at the moment, exclaimed— u My • dear fellow, how I lament to see you reduced to the , unfortunate state of being a lamp lighter.'* , A gentleman of no fortune having married a rich • lady of no character, a Mut observed, that the one i married for a coat and the other for a cloak. ¦ DIED] Last Week Mr. J, B. Swietxrs.
MARSHAL'S OFFICE. SALES by EXECUTION. BY virtue of an Appointment from His Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Esquire, LieutenantGovernor of the Colony Berbioe and its Dependencies, &c. &. &c. given upon a petition presented by K. Francken, First Marshal, for and in name of J.C. M’Leod, of Geanies, in the county of Boss, North Britain, under date of 6th April, 1815. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that the Execution Sale 2 of Plantation Geanies, and the lowcv half of Lot No. 6 80 which was advertised for sale on the loth March J last, but which sale did not take place on that day. will now positively be sold on Tuesday the 2d May next.' on the spot —Berbicc, 7th April, 1815. K. Francken, t irst Marshal. ! BY virtue of an Appointment from His Exccllency H. W. Bentinck, Esquire, LieutenantV Governor of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies ; Granted upon a Petition,, presented by J. G. C de Nieuwerkerk, qq. John Wilson, qq. John and Robert Gladstone, of Liverpool, said appointment t bearing date the 23d March, 1815. Notice is hereby r given to the Public: That the Execution Sale of the ‘ undivided half of the cotton Estate called Resource, the property of F. Cort, which was advertised for Sale on the. 10th of April next, is postponed until Monday the Ist day of May 1815. ' Berbicc, 25 March, 1815. , . K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. BY virtue of an Appointment from His Excellency IL W. Bentinck, Esquire, LieutenantGovernor of the colony Berbicc, and its Dependencies &c. &c. &c. Given upon a Petition presented bv R. C. Downer, in his quality as Representative of W. King and P. Benjamin, in their capacity as Curators to the Estate of Francis Bynoc, deceased said appointment bearing date 23d March, 1815.— Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts within this colony, intend to Sell, at Execution Sale, in the presence of two Counsellors Commissaries, and their Secretary, by the going out of a burning wax-candle, on Wednesday the 7th June 1815. The Colton Estate called Levis Manor, situate on the East coast of this colony, with all its Slaves, Buildings, and further Appurtenances thereto belonging. Whoever should think himself entitled Io oppose the Execution Sale of said Plantation Lewis Manor, let such person or persons address themselves to the ‘ Marshal’s Office of this colony, declaring their reasons for so doing indue time and form, as I hereby give notice, that I will receive opposition from every intermediate person,, appoint, them a day to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and furthei act therein as the Law directs • Berbice, 25 March, 1815. K. Francken, First Marshal. SUMMONSES by EDICT. BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated 20 January 1815; Given in the cause entitled Win. Innis, in quality, as appointed Curator to the Estate of John Donaldson, deceased, Plaintiff by Edict, versus, all known and unknown creditors against the Estate of John Donaldson, dec. Defendant by Edict. I the undersigned, at the request of aforesaid Curators, Summon by Edict Al! known and unknown creditors against the Estate of John Donaldson, dec. to appear before the Court ’ of Rolls, on Monday the 22 May, 1815, their to render in their claims, to verify the same and further to 1 proceed according to Law. This Summons by Edict made known to the Public by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony, ( and further dealt with according to custom. Berbice, 27 April, 1815. : .. # K. FRANCKEN, Ftr# Marshal. ( • BY virtue of an Appointment from His Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Esquire, LieutenantGovernor of the Colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. given upon a petition presented by J. C. Spangenberg and P. B. Bender, Curators to I the Estate of JA. Doscbcr, dec. under date of 15 1 April, 1815. 1 the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts within this colony, and at the request of I aforesaid Curators, do hereby Summon by Edict:— All known and unknown creditors against the afore-1 said Estate of J. A. Doscher, dec. to appear before t the Court of-Civil Justice, of this colony, at their Session to be held in the mouth of January, 1816, i for the purpose of there rendering in their claims, to verify the same, and further to proceed according to Law. This Summons by Edict made known to the Public by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony, and further dealt with according to custom. Berbice, 20 April, 1815. ; K. Francken, First Marshal. , BY virtue of an Appointment from His Exicellcncy H. W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieutenants Governor of the'colony Berbice and its Dependen»cies, &c. &c. &c. dated the 25th March 1815, gi, ven upon a Petition presented for that purpose by J tW. Heytmeyer. I the undersigned, First Marshal ,of the Courts within this colony, and at the request , of said J. W. Heytmeyer, do hereby Summon by Edict: AH known and unknown creditors of the said J. W. Heytmeyer, to appear before the Hon. Commissaries of the Court of Civil Justice, of this .colony, at the Court House, on Thursday the JStb . May 1815, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, . for the purpose of there hearing and accede to such # proposals and terms for extension of time to pay of j his respective debts, as he the said J. W. Heytmeyler then and there shall propose, in order to enable ,-ithe Hon. Commissaries to report the result of said e Meeting to the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, at their ? Session which will be held in the month of July next i and further to proceed according to Law. 1 This Summons by Edict made known to the Public by of drum from the Court House of this colony, and further dealt with according to custom. Berbicc, 13th April, 1815. -K.-RFANCKEN, First Marshal. BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes ’of the proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of ’thiscolony, dated the 16th November 1814, given ’in the cause entitled R. Taitf and W. Kenley, as "appointed Curators to the Estate of Richard Barry, 'deceased, Plaintiff by Edict, versus, all known and creditors against the Estate of R. Barry, “dec. Defendants. I the undersigned First Marshal ’of the Courts within this colony, and at the request of aforesaid Curators, do hereby Summon by Edict: ‘All known and unknown crediurs against the Estate “of r. Barry, dec. To appear deforc the Court of ’ Rolls, on Monday thc22d May 1815, there to render in their claims, to verify the same, and further to e proceed according to Law. « This Summon by Edict made known to the Public «by beat of drum from the Court House of th is colony and further dealt with according to custom. e Berbice,. 13th April, 15/5. t K. FRANCK EM, First BY virtue of an Appointment from Llis Ex’ccllency H. AV. Bentinck, Esq. Lieutenant Gover-, ' nor of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, ’ &c. &c. . given upon a petition presented by K. Francken, First Marshal, for and in name ©f James; 1 Fraser, under date of 6th April 1815. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that, the debt tor winch Pin. Scofield', situate on the West sea coast, was placed, under Execution and Sequestration, having been ar-| ranged, the said Pin. Seafield has this day been re-, leased from said Execution and Sequestration accordingly .—Berbicc, 7th April, 1815. s K. Francken, First Marshal. A Manager and Overseer Wanted on a Coffee Estate situate in this river, For further particulars apply to the Priming Office. 15 April. THE Subscriber’s health requiring a temporary absence from from the colony, requests all persons indebted tothe late concern of Hobson and Lantsheer, or to himself for Law business, to pay 1 their respective accounts. Mr. A. G. Calmer isau¦ thorised to receive and grant receipts on both accounts. — AV. HOBSON, _April 15. ___• Attorney at Law . THOSE who have Claims against the EsC late of the deceased Mr. Thomas Thorburn, will please address themselves to the undersigned, at the Store of Messrs. G. Bone & Co.—and al! persons indebted thereto, arc entreated to come forward with 1 payment. Js. ELLIS, > n * 15 April. P. SULLIVAN, J hxcc> < TENDERS for 35 round bales good clean < and 2 bales of yellow cotton, from Plantation Good I Hope, Corcntyn coast, will be received at the bouse ( of B. Ziegler, Esq. New Amst. until Monday the t Ist May next, when they will be opened and the a highest offer, if.approved of, will be accepted. i On the same day and place will be sold amongst i the creditors of said Estate, 18 bales good dean cotton to the highest bidders. F. BRITTLEBANK. J.C. SPANGENB’G, 15 April. Sequestrators. ¦ THE Subscribers offers for Sale foe folk I mg goods, cheap for immediate pa ™™ t . s?*'l tiemens superfine blankblue-oliv,’ enl ¦ coats and coatics, white and ortenette, kersymere and black floreXJrf 5 ’M ¦ men and cotton shirts with frills, fl annel long and short sleeves, plain and striped S lh l sers, tweeled cotton, jackets and trowsers pantaloons, gentlemens black and drab ver hats, silk and willow do., boys black an? i » ' hats, ladies and girls bonnetts, ladies ' mens lambs wool anckle socks, boots & shoe’s ¦ ' hammocks, an assortment of negro clothing r I j white-and redspotted frocks for sailors %• IT cotton shirts and trowsers for servantsJbliiUW ’ shirts for sailors, negio blankets, superMe blnTjilA * green cloths, red table covers, thread from Na K [ 22, stationary assorted, tea, pickles, preserve jiff • fish sauces, shoe brushes, house brooms, scanl ” dies in boxes of 56 lbs. each, smoaked herring’| ' kegs, bolognc sa usages, Dutch beef in half fi’li ’ flour in do., potatoes in hampers, wine per ’brockcry ware assorted, &c. 15 April. ALLAN STEAVARTF 1 WILLIAM CROFT offers r reasonable terms, at the Storc'of J. B. Rule, Esq 1 following goods lately imported, viz cotton fa Ita. ging, Osnaburgs, best Carlisle checks, seine E 1 let twine, Osnaburg and white thread, seine nets|o E ' fathoms long, negro clothing consisting of hats fa K kets, trowsers, shirts, wrappers, & laps, hoes, E els, and nails, packingsailbolt-ropeand E ; burg m edics, iron pots, negro pipes, &c ALSO | s on hand from former importations: Split peas, E (barley, paints and oil, sp. turpentine, beer & porter K ;1 mustard, cordage, all sorts of stationary, China sg K s earthen ware, blackbluebrownand greenbrad. I , cloths, green baize and table covers, muslins, cdi. L jeoes, ginghams, linen and cotton pocket chiefs, linen and sheeting, gentlemen’s coats, > coats, trowsers, * pantaloons, jackets, hats and sho&E I ladies bonnets, gentlemen w riting desks, .etc.—ls April. | j NOTlCE.—The’folioßing doubtful outT r standing debts being found in the boedle of the latrl, , F. L. Mossct, viz, J. J. van Mandhar, order op F. Costenbader for /'6B. —J.R.de Haan,Goed/44,1. , Samuel Bain, Good f 49. and Acct. f32.~L. F.| , Gallcz, Oblig. for /'40210—J. R. Oakey, Ohlig.l for 112 gallons rum.—J. Gouverneur, Oblig. J15,l J. Quarlrss, Acct, f‘27 10.—Capt. Thompson for I S. Barnes, in Demerary, Acct. /540. It is therefore that all those who it may concern, I -'are requested to make immediate payment to the nsf isigned, or to give the necessary information t® | ¦rim should they have contra accounts or receipts for | .Miose remaining in default to comply with this re* | .rquest, shall be prosecuted as the Law directs. .] E. F. IIANTZE, qq. the Exccut’s | 15 April. boedle F. L. Mosset. I [i ! a 1 i DRIFTED from the Subscriber, since SaI Jtiirday last a Corjaal, marked W. B. C. C. 1814,* I any person forwarding the same will be rewarded. I 15 April. J. du BOG *' ) FOR SALE a large Punt 50 feet by 13f wide, nearly new—enquire at the bouse of 15 April. H. LUTHEHt EEN TIMMERMAN zich gereegen lende bet opzicht te linemen tot het vraamen, opaltea en voltooijen van ecu Drogerjr, op cen Ko fly Pin(agie, in dezc rivicr, gclievc zich te vervoegen by een der ondergeteckendcn voor verder naricht. G. PAUELS, qq. 22 April. H. LUTHERS, qq. . -l>— I. — <>¦> — " . ¦ ¦ ——— .A..-' ¦ 'IT. IJ--T--X ¦¦ -J.'! .1'“ ’1 . £ FOR SALE, Simaruba planks and boards, and Crab clapboards, on very low terms for immediate payment. 8 April. B. ZIEGLER. ADVERTENTIE —Capt. Willems bS zyn Winkcl opgezet in het huisvan wyle Mrs.Buse, en verkoopt aldaar Rigaschc delenlattenen riggels, spykers, kalk, cement, verf waaren, Hollandsclic linnens, hoeden, pypen, provision, wyn, &c. alles ten civielste pryze^, —om reden by met den 10c Mei aanstaande wenseht te vertrekken. Verzoekende alle de genen welke nog goederen aan boord mogte hebben, dezelven ten spowligsten aft ehalen. Vet* zockcnde vriendelyk de genen welke iets te laden nioigten hebben, zich by hem te vervdegen ten bovengemclde plaatze. 1 8 April. Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock ft* By W. SCHULZ & CoPrivileged Government Printers.