Berbice gazette

Material Information

Berbice gazette
Uniform Title:
Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
Place of Publication:
New Amsterdam
W. Schulz
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
New Amsterdam (guyana)
newspaper ( sobekcm )


General Note:
General Note:
Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
General Note:
The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
General Note:
In English, with occasional text in Dutch
Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Digital Library of the Caribbean
Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
University of Florida


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Twelve dollars p. annum i]

I berbice- king's hovsb,
14 Z h February, 1815.
I THE Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased
I toappohit Roderick M'Kenzie to be Civil Cominis Cominis«nrv
«nrv Cominis«nrv vice, W. Scott resigned. . Ry Command,
F. WHITE, Gov. Sec.
THE Subscriber finds it impossible to conti continu»giving
nu»giving continu»giving credit -it this Office, for Letters, he there thereftjre
ftjre thereftjre requests â–  . i gentlemen as are in Arrears for
Postages, Income forward with immediate payment;
gndnone need apply for Letters (after this notice)
without the means of paying for them. Post Office
hours are from 9 o’clock in the morning till 3 o’clock
in the afternoon, which will be regularly attended,
(Sundays excepted! and no Letters or Newspapers
ihall be delivered before, or after the above stated
time.—lß Jeb.
R McKENZIE, Act. Posfinr.
TENDERS for a hoarhead of building Lime
will be received by the Subscriber, until 10 o’clock
in the morning on I'm sday the Vlst inst. when they
will be opened in presence of His Excellency the
Governor, and th â–  lowest, it' approved, accepted.
IL MACKENZIE, Commissary.
NB. The lime tv be delivered at the Commissary’s
Officii. 18 Feb.
und< rsigned of i for Sale, (in addition to what
they have on ha I f 'nt othei importations) the
following chciei artit les, imported from London,
per Laton {i, via Di merary, which tiny will
dispose of, cheap, for immediat payment, viz, —
LONDON brown st net in bottles, old Port
wine, lloil nan’s ra pberry and cherry brandy, ditto
fine Fiench olives in half pint bottles, real Cogniuc
brandy and Holland’s g n p r piece, Northwilshirc
and pme cheeses, double i >se butter in firki is, oys oysters
ters oysters put up in a superior manner, pickles, split peas
and birley, vinegar in j*:gs, retried sugar, gentlem’s
fuhionable cioihiug, cons! ting of c oats, black silk,
casimere, silk stripe, lodeuetie and other waistcoats,
W eih’igton’s ovm, is. buff jointed M ircilia dressing
coats, light mitifai ' toy,!- llt siau-and Wellington Wellingtonboots,
boots, Wellingtonboots, full dress- half d.- and Printers strong shoes
with buckles, tas’;i*m ib'e silk umbrellas and ladies
paras*.ls, gantlem* ii’s ‘ashionable walking sticks, ele elegant
gant elegant tow img piec :s with gold pans am! touch holes
finished in the highest style, pocket and other pis pistols,
tols, pistols, elegant Os. ceis swords with belts and knots,
rich silk sashes and gold epaulets, gun-powder and
shot, brass bound writing desks ami dressing casr.s
complete, gentlemen’s mahogany tool cue ts con con{)i
{)i con{)i tely furnished with the very best materials,chais.
mriiessess, jockey saddles and bridles, an assortment
of whips, plat*, d spurs withand without silver chains,
mahogany seving glasses, elegant vase lamps with
shadesand brass mounting complete, gentlemen and
Lidices black and white silk stocking, cotton- dne dnefckin
fckin- dnefckin and other gloves, gentlemen’s superior beaver
hats,super fine black- blue- green- and mixed broad
clots, white Marsala waistceaiing, scarlet- blue- and
green- table covers, tine large counterpanes, India
jean, mosquito netting, cotton and linen checks, pla platillas
tillas platillas cotton and linen, gown patterns, muslins, an
assortment of cutlery among which are some elegant
setts of ivory handled knifes and forks, silver ferreld
and fluted penknives, razors, &c. a complete assort assortment
ment assortment of brass and hardware consisting of all kinds of
locks and hinges, side boards, hat and drawers knobs
and handles, window pullies, door bolts, &c., large
and small steelyards, Derueraiy hoes, shovels, and
cutlasses, cleavers, ship scropers, falling axes, sauce
and stew pans, grid-irons, tea kettles, cut- pit- and
sawliles, stationary assorted, books of bills of ex exchange
change exchange and loading neatly bound, one and two quire
books, paints and oil, soap and candles in small box boxes,
es, boxes, neatsfoot oil, Day and Martin’s blacking, an as assortment
sortment assortment of brushes consisting of long- and hand handbrooms,
brooms, handbrooms, hair- cloih- table- furniture, shoe-toolh-and
nail brushes, salt in barrels and tierces, an assortment
of cut glassware, Osnaburgs and thread, a large as assortment
sortment assortment of negro clothing of the best quality, blan blankets,
kets, blankets, &c. GEO. BONE & Co.
J\B. No new accounts opened until the old ones are
settled. 18 Feb.


1 HE undersigned being wishful to leave this
colony witWn six weeks from date, for Denterary,
where he intends continuing to repair Watches,
Clocks, &c. Assures his Friends (who will favor him
with their orders) of accuracy, dispatch and moderate
charges. Those who are indebted to him, please to
come forward with payment, to enable him of set settling
tling settling with those to whom he is indebted. Several
Watches which he has repaired, remain uncalled
for: he informs their owners that he intends selling
them at V endue to recover his charges for repairing
them, if not called for within one month after date.
J 8 Feb- A. FLEURY.
FOR SAL E, two Excellent healthy Slaves,
one a very good Washer women, a good Cook, and
house servanttheothera bov, whois also a good
i o<»k and house Servant; boti healthy and strong.
Payable in cash or produce to satisfaction, and to a
solid purchaser, a short credit will be given.
Lor particulars enquire at thia Office. IS Feb.
ALLE de genen die iefs te vordcren hebben,
ofte vcrschuldigd zyn, aaa den ondergeteekende,
gelieve betalimx te doen aan den Hoerc Chs. Rnlach,
die zyn quitantic z 1 validen.ii, en ook dirrkte beta betaling
ling betaling zal doen.—lß Feb. J. J. HILKEN.
THOSE hat ing Claims, or are indebted to
the undersigned, may call for payment to Chs. Ru Rulach,
lach, Rulach, Esq. and make payment to him, as his receipt
will be acknowledged in full.
18 Feb. J. J. HILKEN.
FOR AMSTERD LM. the brig Gcr Gcrâ– srfciOim
â– srfciOim Gcrâ– srfciOim arda Jjtcoba IjOuiso, Janes Johannissen,
Master, will sail the 25th of March next, for Freight
apply to G. PA I ELS and
i .-JL ■ur-jr-j — tt— n
VoZ/'re r> here!"./ given, that a month after date the
following Transporrs and will be passed.
Jan. 98. Colin Douglas will transport to Demerary
63 Negroes, names to be seen at this Office.
Feb. IS. Wm. Lawson will transport to Dcmcrary
230 Negroes.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy
This is to inform the Public, that the following
Persons intend quitting this colony.
John Dow and his child named John August, in six
weeks from 4 F< b.
J. G. 'l’out tyj. will transport to Derrerarv, 3 Ne Negroes,
groes, Negroes, named Bristol, Gloucester and Lancaster.
W. Broderick in 6 weeks from 4 Feb.
David Dwine in 6 weeks from 10 Feb.
A. Fleury in 6 weeks from 18 February.
D. C. Scheidiiis in do.
Ren Settle and child in do.
I'he free black wo.* Zrphire in do.
David Miller in do. from do.
WHEREAS Application, by Petition, has been
made to the Hon’ble. Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice of the colony Berbice, at (heir Sessions ofthe
13th January 1815, tor Letters of Manumission :
The Negro woman Cumha, assisted by A. G. Cal Calmer,
mer, Calmer, for herself and her three children, Elizabeth,
Frances, and Susannah.
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wisii to oppose the grant
ofsaid Leiters of Manumission,that they may address
themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of
the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the
Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made on
ths aforesaid Petition.
Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 28th January 1814.
R. C. DOWNER; Sec.
EOR SALE, by the Subscriber, at reduced
prices : Barrels of mackrel f(i6. half barrels do. fj(i
barrels salmon J’BB. boxes offish 120 lbs. each at
61 stuiver p. lb., long leaf tobacco /'2 - 10. per lb.
Irish mess beef in tierces f 154. barrels mess pork at
J’l32. half do. flO. assorted pickles in boxes con containing
taining containing 9 large bottles at f 44. per box, fish sauses
at f 4. per bottle, coffee and cotton bagging at / 1.
per yard, hams, hung beef, ling fish, cheese, &c.
4 Feb. J. WULFF


On Thursday the 23d instant, will be sold at the
house, and by order of J. J. vander Stoop, Esq. the
whole of his household furniture, amongst which are
a sett of elegant maltigany dining tables, ditto side
board, pembroke t»bl«B, beds and bedsteads, chairs,
sopbas, ward robe, an assortment of plate ami
earthen ware—also a collection of books, in the
English, Dutch and French languages, an elegant
horse and a good riding mule.
D. C. Cameron, Dep. J'endue Master.
On Monday the 27th instant, will be sold at the
Vendue Office, by order of W. Broderick, Esq. an
extensive assortment of Negro clothing, blankets,
rugs, hats, and coffee bags, which will be sold
without, reserve.
By order of Johti Hyslop, Esq. from 12 a 20 head
(H tine young cows and oxen.
On the sime day, beer ami port* r in barrels, soap
and candles in small boxes, hams, cheese, potatoes,
beef, pork, Madeira wine in bottles and hhds hoes,
shovels, prunning knives, cutlasses, nails assorted,
coffee bagging, Irish and Dutch linen, Pullieat and
Madrass hkfs. two trunks of prifited cambrics, &c.
D. C. Cameron, Dcp.Fendue Master,
On Monday the 6th of March, next, and following
days, will be sold to the highest bidders, by order of
the Executors of the late Mrs. 11. J. Buse, the cof coffee
fee coffee Plantations LUST TOT RUST and PROVI PROVIDENCE,
DENCE, PROVIDENCE, in the river Berbice; and the cotton Plan Plantation
tation Plantation Z EEZIG f, on the west sea coast of Berbice.
together with about 600 Slaves, also cattle, furniture
eml what further may appear. Lor terms of sale and
other particulars, application may be made to A. A.
de la Court, Esq. or to
D. C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master.
ND. The sale will take place on the respective Es Estates,
tates, Estates, and commence at H o’clock precisely at
plantation Lust lot Rust.
leggen voor onze Lezers, eene Extract uit de
Amsterdamschc Courant van den ICdin July, 1814.
I rank fort , <7w Gden July.— Het artikel in de
Arauer Courant, betrekkelyk den Graaf van St Leu,
begint metdeze verklaring:
De Heer de St. Leu, sedert zyn Troons-afsfand in
1810 een bloot ambteloos p* i. .><>n geworden, als zoo zoodanig
danig zoodanig levende, en aan alien amleren toestand vreemd,
heeft allc hern gedane aanbiedingen van de hand ge gewczen,
wczen, gewczen, zoogednrende drie jaren, in welke hy de Sta Staten
ten Staten van Z. M.den Keizer van Duitschland bewoond
heeft, als tydens het verblyf dat hy omstreeks het
einde des vorigen jaars in Zwitserlaml In est gehoti gehotidert,
dert, gehotidert, ook te Parys in de drie eerste maanden van dit
jaar, te»en de jongste gebetirtenissen in Holland, hem
vanzyne verpligtingen jegens Indzelve, door de te
rug roeping des Prinse van Oran je ontbindende, lieni
toelietcn in het land te rng te kceren, under welks
Wetten hy geboren is, en eimlelyk h* Lausanne, al alwaar
waar alwaar hy sedert den 15den April zyn verblyf houd, en
watr gemchten van bedingen, gelyk aan dat het welk
in de de Courant van die Siad vermeld is, hem ge genoopt
noopt genoopt hebben, oni in den loop der laatst voorgaande
maand alle de noodige stappen te verrigten om reeds
yoor uit afstand te doen van al het geen hem daar tn
betreffen mog I.
De Heer de St. Leu protesteerd tesren h 9 Senatus-
Consnlt van den lOden December 1810, by hetwelk
men hem een A panage gas roml nn zyn L'indgoed van
St. Leu, ter sc hadevergoeding voor Holland, eene
Akti tc Gratz in Stiermarken, ahvaarhyzich des destyds
tyds destyds bevond, door middel van den Moniteur va i den
lodendierzelfde maand (er zyner kennissegekomen.
Naauwelyks was hy daarvan onderrigt, of in zyn
eergevoei getroffen door eene besehikking, die met
zyne gromibeginsclen streed, haastc hy zich om daar
waar het behuorde zyn protest cn stellige weigerin*’ 1
in te zenden, gelyk blykt uit de drie navolgende
1. Eriff gezonden aan den S.ennat, nan den Prins
A arts Kanst Her des ii yks enz. aan den Minis! < r
Sckretaris van Slant der Keizerlyke 1 anuhe,
(per Triplicaat.)
Lodewyk Napoleon, aan den Echoed nde
Senaat des Fransdirn Hyks.
Senateurs. op het oogenblik ontvangik den Moni Monitcur
tcur Monitcur van den idden : ik was verte van de doudeh kn
i i

(No. 544.

(Pai/ahle. in advance.

d* onnittvischbare smet te verwachten, welk® i
het Senatus-Consult van den lOden December mv
atom! toe tc brengen. •
Ik' ben den Keizer, die ook de myne is, ik ben my myhen
hen myhen Kinderen en het Volk, waaraaniksedert den sden
Juny 180 b toebehoor, verschuldigd tn het openbaar
te rerklaren, zoo als ik op dit oogenblik verklaar:
Dat, nevens myne Kinderen voor altoos aan het lot
van Holland Verbonden, ik voor my en voor hen het
Apanage (PHnselyk Erfgoed) weiger, waarvan in -e -e---zegde
--zegde -e---zegde Senatus-Consult melding gemaakt wordt. °
Ik gelast by de tegenwoordige Akte aan de Konin Koning-ii,
g-ii, Koning-ii, 'hj no Ecktgsnoote, ter wier kennis ik dezelve
breng, om, zoo voor haar als voor hare Kinderen, ook
het kleinste ge«. cite eener zoodanige gifte te weige weigeyen,
yen, weigeyen, en rich, tot haar owderhoud ei/dat barer Kinde Kinderen,
ren, Kinderen, te verguioegen met hare Gocderen,
waarby ik de myne voege.
Ik gela.4 by de tegenwoordige Akte den Heer
7a t/?K Jntendant-Gencrad der Kroon, aan wieii ik
het beheer dicr Goedert n hob toebetrouwd, doch
eeniglyk als met myne byzondere ziken be last, om
de Kcningin in het bezit te Mellen van alles wat my
in Pcrsoon behoort, besha ide zutks in alle de aaii aaiik
k- aaiik open, die sedert den sden Juny 1806, by de Akte
aan aankoop, met met de Dumcinen der Kroon ver vereenigd
eenigd vereenigd zyn.
• k verklaar da ir en boven tn dcsavoueren alle he hescbuldigingen,
scbuldigingen, hescbuldigingen, brievt-n of gescliriften hoe ook ge gematnd,
matnd, gematnd, streklu-nde om te doen gelovcu, dat ik myn
Land, myn \ oik, riy zi-lv< ii v< rraden heh, of in ge gebreken
breken gebreken gebleveii In-a van hot gttß ik verschuldigd
was, on met bly Kchap dtoos verschuldigd zal blyven
am Punnkryk, myn eer-te Vad< ilaisd, dat ik met hart
cn ziel van myne Kmdshrid afgediend hebbe. Op den
Irdoh van Holland geplaatst in wecrwil van mv zel zelven,
ven, zelven, mear aan deszdls lot verbonden door myne ge geregenheid,
regenheid, geregenheid, myne eeden en de heiligste pligtea, wil ik
«i fan ik niel and*is willendan Hollander th blyven,
myn gehecie levcn lang.
Diensvolecus v, ri.laar ik de gift van het gezegde
Apanage nd, zondor uihverking, zoo voor my, "ah
voor tie K :;aen h re Kinderen, by voorand idle
toesfemming ot aanm-ming van onwnrde verklarende,
die, hi - v regtstrecks, het zy van ter zyde, gegeven
mogt won’en.
Ten 'Mrkonde van ik de tegenwaardige Akte,
op?e*'*dd, geschrevun mi met myne hand ondertee onderteek
k onderteek '>â– l h*'b; G verzurf d< n Sen ant, dien te wilen ont,,, *n mvne w tigering door Z. M. den Keizer
(r o, .taiiis’iHcn.
tr t-.ild< n .'.-(J dlcn Eecendcr. 1810.
louis napoleon.
I’. .7fl/7 de Koniugin.
Afevronw, »' y?i" s»«i> rt on myn ongHtik znuden den
hcogsten top b reil.t h diben, mdien ik het schande-
Jyk Apamro" ken a>nn< i en, het walk voor rnv en
myne Kin I •< m b r md woid! door h. t Sen’ll!--
Consult via den 15d< n man-id. Ik bevecl n,
als uw Ge .Vi d, zeWs ' » het jj-edeelte dter
schand ly e< a. mg<*!i< t - , l-ee ueii-eien. Ik ver-
Ll iarijy v lou itd v* i onw;t;irde idle aiinneining of
• toesternming, ike j?y ot voor lof voor uwe Kinde Kinderen
ren Kinderen t£cv< n molit. Aiie myne byzondere Hezitfingcn
zyntemven g. bntike en tot dat mvuer Kinderen.
By nvvenygaand ge« t hrift magtig ik‘u,om u m b t zit
dan; van te s'ci’en. Dit, gevoegd by u«tj
Goedcren, zd voor u genoeg zyn om ah byzo der
persown te leven, Koningiu, f chtgenoote, Voeder.
zou in al’e beta kinven i der and-n- gift voor u <•<-> '
be!eed;gingy. n, en ik zou opi nlyk tc alien fyde ei;
pl i.'itsr d. ze uv.e daad afkeuren en nietig vcrkEucn.
Grill , 7< /.’ LU. /e?r fr, 1810.
111. Gendirif!., !.// deztn /’rEf gevorgrf.
Ik gelasf, by de- teg; nwoordige Akte en byzonder
•Geschrift, waifman ik versta allo de kracht der pn pnblieke
blieke pnblieke Akten t< g-ven, d n Heero Twenty bclast met
myne Ir zondere zsken in Frankryk, om de Koningin
in bezit te s'eden van alles, wat my als liyzonder per per•smrn
•smrn per•smrn hehoorf, -mo aK St. Leu, het Hotel te Parys, het
Paviljm-n by Haarlem benevens de Huizen,de'Pavil Huizen,de'Pavili'wn
i'wn Huizen,de'Pavili'wn < Dorp van het Loo, de Huizen te Utrecht, errz. In Ingev.dle
gev.dle Ingev.dle deze Goederen nog under Scquestratie zvn
mogten, magtig ik H. M. de Koningin, om alle de
Vercischte stappen fe doen. ten einde inbezit daarvan
te gera’-.'-n, alle de toereikende voorzorcen in het
stel' 'it !e, Diets aan te neracn het geeu my met
ak hyzouder persona (orb hoort.
Grillden 30slen l)tceinbcr y 1810.
Deze drm Shikken zyn mmr det zdver b> stemming
afgezonden, en der? Ivor pubiikata in een paket ge’-
slmeneu door den Heer de Si. Leu met zyn Kac’het, om Diet opengebroken te worden dan na
zyn dat'd of op zyn bevel, zyn gezonden en overhan overhandigd
digd overhandigd ia January 1811 enz. aan den Heer Bondt y Ko Kouinklyk
uinklyk Kouinklyk Notaris tc Amsterdam,under wiens bpwarin' p
zy nog moefen berlisten.
Dien t«i gevolge verklaart de Heer Louis de St.
Leu mils tlezen, dat alle aanneming us Akte van Ei Eidis
dis Eidis yaaliciit hvt Apanage gesthied

niegten zyn, niet allcen gedaan zvn buiten zvn weten.
maar tegen zyn stellig bevel, en iiy hevcelt elk f loa loader
der loader of Beheerder der gezi*gde Goedt ren, oogenblik oogenblikkelyk
kelyk oogenblikkelyk uit derzelver.bezit. te treden, by aklicu zy de dezelve
zelve dezelve in zynert ntiam, in die zym' r Kinderen of h in inner
ner inner Mocder inhouden of beheeren, dezclve zonder
anderwcnryl te rug te geven aan de genen, van welke
zy dezclvc regstreeks ontvangen hebb«n, on scene
andere onderhorighedeft by zyn goed van St. Leu tc
blyven behomlen, dan die in 1809 daar aan gehecht
hebbfcn, en allcen a in hem toebehooren.
Gedaan te Lausanne en in originati
fen Kantore van Egtf. Fh rs deze Stad, den JSden Juny 1814.
L. de St. LEU.
rF.nnujßY IS, 18I>.
M e liy before our Readers a few Extracts from
the ’.de Lohdon Papers.
Mm. - — -
Great eagegness is shewn by the French to make
the English more and more obnoxious to the nations
ot the Continent, and to inspirethemwith mistrust o;
the far extended p’ans of this intelligent and active
people. T* us Germans in particular, they call with
i warning voice, to take n ;(i< e how thev endeavour
to make themselves niaMera of the mmras of al! the
rivers, after the example of Napoleon, and for the
sane reason, to he masters of theii c -ra n- rce, and to
secure, their resources to th fijM’lvtg. [,i (;. rma>v
itself this suspici ii is spreading mer - ,<.o m re, to
such a degree, that even in t’us pap '?, v;n- of their
most h non aae and b neficial i i-r-'utieas, their ti.bie
Association, which is im'ubitibiy lb aid d without
any secondary views, >. ."iy (.» , jid ( *rn-
timents among foreign mt io is, has p it -be n able :o
escape mistrust. The English themselves complain
bitti iley ui the iugratiiiiu ot t: h time v.h u- 'h. y
have aided by their< xeilime, le i vie: f; ruu the -u -u---est
--est -u---est misery ami the most Ji-gi- * • ( .• f»u a :v , * ,
now, in return for then j .iins, j alomdy e ’ :iv< urto
thwart them in every way. it is, a pro proper
per proper time to look seriously at the true c aim- :L ib. -
tween the Insular Empire and the C: ? *g, nJ i ( >
.consider what good or evil they might have to tic-jg
or fear from each other.
As the course of the rivers is d lermined before
hand by the dirrefion <»f the mount ,»o we may
say that England’s pr< sent power and Us h tonal I
importance have been prvd< Mined .>r .1 ordered hr the
natma* form of the Old W’orl I. N > emtn'rv lies so
well protected as fids sea-fem d crotipe of jM.tmk : !
large enough to coni, in a pope! oi<»a v/id< h can repel
all nltac’ , bat not so extensive that strongly marked
dii'meacc- Jivideii within itsek; -ml breah ‘its power;
with this, incomparably w II situated io commerce
with every cmuitry ; a id, finally, inhabited by a
people m whom the Gaelic blood is so happily mixed
ith the German, as to produce a nervous, enterpiis enterpiismg,
mg, enterpiismg, intelligent race of men ; mdowned with such
gifts of fortune, this empire may justly allege a na natlira!
tlira! natlira! vocation to the soveieiguty of the sea. "Jn for.
r. ler s to fateful its dominion rm the
Continfnt, but it soon perceived that it coaid not ef effect
fect effect much against the warlike race that inhabits it.
Ju modern tunes, theiefure, when the southern and
westftrn work’s were opened, it quickly directed
thither its whole attention, and has stuck into die
ground in distant Col mi-. » the roots of the power
w hich blossom* in the island. The modern art of the
navigation annihilates dis!ance,aml the remotest pos possessions
sessions possessions lie in a narrow circle round the seat of Em Empire,
pire, Empire, brought near tor its own use, but far beyond the
reach of the enemy, who might covet them”. Since
that time England, sufficient to itself, has withdrawn
from the proper sphere of the polities of the Conti Continent.
nent. Continent. It has an interest in preserving ap equilibrium
o: power, and to prevent the arising of any overgrow n
Power; because in the latter case alone it must be
inevitably involved in the fate of the Continent, but
m the former freely rises above it. It is called upon
to be the Guardian of the repose of the Continent,
maintaining by its interference by word and deed, the
duration of the ancient once established order of
things. Its only care is to hinder any Clossus from
arising, which, setting one foot on the short s ot the
Continent, may place the other upon the happy Is Island
land Island ; in other rcpects it may leave to every one the
tree devtlopement of its powers. The minds of a
people, which, with persevering activity, struggling
with the wildest elements, is constantly m
a 1 quaiters of the globe, sure of always finding again,
*t iiuiue, jberfy and plenty, and nut made fur narrow

hearted selfishness; and th us the i,
seas are thieatcned with no dan- tr ii • ynn ). Qiana’s policy in iUe!, tlli ,
ence except accidentally. n uittu|
The commercial concerns are difFemnO â– 
Here England is in pretty much the
with regard to the Continent, as in a-mil. ’
the Hierarchy to Ultramontane EunX
ter strove to bind ail nations in sniri. lat *
does Britain seek to draw them ih'o the V 0 '" 1, *
of its universal commerco. That all th,.
world shall procod from its ports ; that n'l ' l '’
netic meridians upon which vc.sek sail O y er .1/ tt '"’
may cross m its metropiAisat a ink - i|,,o*i
mass of moveable goods may receive’imnul
this is its incessant endeavour, the
exertions. It is become the lu-iri bf eJ 0 - -?
circulation of goods ; in the two In Fes it InMio'"®
and suckers, what it imports from these it tn ‘ J'’ 0 ' 5
brcswith reMlessimlustry, and exports <- h . n (
uuc ions both of naUire and art to all parts-J L
world, and jiving and taking, i in .‘ J
mg, it gives impulse to the circle of co mnerc h’ It is this place in the Eu tmion of which England isj u!ou% to maintain it';
Me sole object of its policv ; every thin- else i , -
bordinats to this, which it‘feels to be its nourald?
tmation. The Constitute;.* on the Continent raf.
assume whatever form is most suitable to the re S!
tive uatious, even I e territorial divisions may |C
mm.e nrw u y; provided tint many
all is im.uTerei.t to it. F !s mfimtUy more minor J
to Lagged, whether Re fta an d Phkmu ab.liJ. 0
continue tlrir r ts on trade. It is the frh-n!
tb ee <■. ;ia(ri»s that areopen to its industrious, active
i spit it ; and it renoume s, it must hate, a id comb*
: those ao* closed against it. It is not ihr ic f ()re
1 ” !ci ’ '• ' a>r of Germ my, as it circmn!ere;'f e
l“ J ?d i« : ; object of its alteutton : if all is there ones
; .-I ib •, it it; commerce ran penetrate wif mt
!cb'i k and d. hy, its demands -’re l; ;. a j
. u :1 - Akui, it is wilii.ig others sh.mlj
‘ SO lUC » !>«
7c‘-rr-’, 7',-r. —ls we may believe pero-cwk®
irnvefroui MJ m, th--1 am great p rsmn os wii; .;tbe
t. d .r ibd lah-’y as li iving been ; ■ -it o h jiti— at Vic y t , w-a FUnce Constantine
mr, hagene b'- mh Minus. T’. v v re dining to.
'ether. ;u • Lui., v. here they werediscocrsiagofthe * ntj
<>l helot r impaign. PiinceCom;«at le -pokcwitlt
<’ terns even hr greatly dfprcciated. B auhnrnms wei
n'tign uitat this.and aildressitEj liintM. Ito the Prince,
:k,, that si. rn’d n iu his presence, speak with
tempt of hiS adopted lather, and the less so, because
i«e (Prince t onr : inline) would never b-’ ••b’etjenn ••b’etjennr
r ••b’etjennr ?n<-even a s.a-J« phno'xumany military op-ra op-raturns
turns op-raturns as >apolfon had executed. ’ Beauharnms con conctu.g.r.vt',l
ctu.g.r.vt',l conctu.g.r.vt',l -iiyi.g ? that he eras tdways ready (•> an«
swer v,ith ab >amd whatever he said. Prime (bin.
S'ant me acct pt d the chalk'iige, and next day they
met i.t an appoint d tt ndezz: us to fight. But the
liiid i.‘ d not (iii.e p’tee ii co sequence of the ia‘er.
position ol some ak who were present. The
s iiOi: - »L' -is y, likewise, that the second
of Beauhameis was Priore Charles.
T)rr. 19.—'l iie design of the appointment to
u tj.i oi Sit n r --e >lu. m y i» n * properly undeis’ood
•y lhe Public. ihr i ’-r eof Wellington found Sir
George an admimblcf Quarter Master-General, the
rios; important officer in an army next to that of th®
! ‘iMiiianiler-ir.-Chief. B rthier was constantly the
Quarter Master-General of Bonaparte. Sir George
Alurray goesout, nnthe iccommandation of the Duke
of ellington, to inspect and amend the condition of
or the i.o ; (rOops in Canada. He will review all
the ar:ni ~ repair delects, fix on stations, arrangathe
dis'i ib rirni, organize the material oi l he army as
well as calculate tin- strength and probable design of
the enemy. Sir George will prepare every thing for
the opening of a new campaign. But who will be
Commander-in-Chics is uncertain. Perhaps, Sir
George himself, perhaj is Sir George Prevost ; but
most likely one oft he Generals who served imder the
Duke of Wellington. We hope it will be one remark remarkable
able remarkable for enterprize and success.
The General Officers nominated to form the Court-
Martial for the trial of Sir John Murray, are — Sit
Aimed Clarke, President; Earl of Ludlow, Lord
C. I itzroy, Sir George Beckwith, General Harris,
General Nicolls, Sir C. Green, Hon. W. Lumley,
Hon. Sir E. Paget, Hon. H. G. Gray, Sir S. Auch Auchmuty,
muty, Auchmuty, Lieut.-Gen. Champagne, Lieut.-Gen. Mon Montresar,
tresar, Montresar, Lieut.-Gen. Acland, and other*;.
The proceedings of the Congress become daily
more important, as they approach to the actual set settlement
tlement settlement oi the business ; and it is now generally un understood,
derstood, understood, notwithstanding the positive assertions of
the Minhteiial Papers, that the sovereigns are not
uniform in their views. The danger of French pre*
doniiiflince is now over; another Power has becoma
a more jus| object of apprehension, and it has bccoaat

el fr? t’ ie in(crc6t ■li? re,o f ’ ‘ '['he Emperor Alexander having been,
Member of the kite Confederacy, and
K 'n'/'been knight, by the general flattery of Europe
| .Aj himself as its Deliverer, begins as it is as-
■ °ri to pnt too light a value upon his services,
I i nivars to think that he has a just claim to the
■’""j; portion of the spoil. — England and Prussia,
i aCXI wisdom and policy, are supposed to have
| -feil their Councils against this claiwi, but France,
â–  "uV jj Pr usual cunning, is supposed to favour the
J*. 1 „ o f liexaiidrr, in order to procure, iu return,
I The Prnssi ri army, under Gen. Kleist, is said to
| o ,. ce nt rating itself for the purpose of watching
I j,Jt msses on the French frontiers.
I Madrid, Doc. I.—The Ministar of War lias pu-
I h*' bed hcircular, for the re-establishment of the an an-11'
11' an-11' ntiniliti' l o! the kingdom, on the toothing on which
I-t'(ood in ISO>. to the number of 42 regiments or
I battalions? '* ill di of between 7or SOO men each. These
I orns are destined to recruit the regular army, after
I which th'*v will be fill' d up again. His Majesty is
I Hcsironsof having his aimy on the most formidable
I footing-
It i- now *?gain reported, that
I thisc fi ’o v will be given up to the Dutch, but that
I thecmoau'b IXmer.try and Essequcbo will remain
I B.itidi-
, - — ■ -—•*«**. ■ — ——
We are requested to ins-rt the following lines ;
| T> are a Y*.v Town and its Merchants so brawley,
Jfe refer to ‘he general Merlins; of- -y.
Lmj'.iti rs s'ales, bid withold explanation,
A M'- f ins of Charges to prove their vexation.
Same Mere harts there is, who art b aly respectable,
Whose means and whose ways are always delectable;
p, nt of i! ii dd-rs il.e numbers so daily increases,
J.tttkm w-'t f they li' e. and tneet them who pleases,
That ‘-''li ad their meetings and noddles so,
T is feared the / scarcely will save their bacon,
On gror. rids oiniart ho?, they file cucumber shoot,
Cold, cold at the heart and unsound at the root,
The bell of c'-trin, tic / lone threaten taring,
And close aid. their lircy â–  like a cock of a duny-hiH.
. :A/A/ • off/ce.
BY virtue of an extract from the Minutes of
th • Proceedings of th • Court of C ivil Justice, ofthis
Colony, dated Im* Ibt'i Becer her, 1814, given in the
cause < ntitlcd Win. Gordon, obtained of a Penal In Int
t Int mu t, p| iintdf; trrvr v, the l’i ; in Execu-
tion, instituted by Thomas Fryer Ln v fid I, Defend Defendant.
ant. Defendant. Nolic - is hereby!" Public: That
th- Execution Sale of the luTCundermeutioned Ne Negr-v-s,
gr-v-s, Negr-v-s, which were AJvrrti • 1 Mr Sale on th? 291 h of
Slay lad, but which Sale was than opposed, will no
positively take place ot» Wednesday the Stii and
Thursday the 9th of March, 1815, viz, —
The. Negroes George, Leach, Ashford, N Tobe sold
Diana, Atllick, Bob, Contentment, Cad- son Pi\n.
mi l, Duncau, Desdamina, Eleanor, So-1 Vo. 41 ,
phia and her child. 7 Corentyn
And on Thursday the 9th March, 1815 A Toie jo/rZ
the Negroes Cupid, Lilly, Wiliiam, son Pl'n.
Hannah, '’argarefh, Cupid, January,< .Vo. 79,
Helena, anil Abaniba. 7 Corcntyn
Al! confor sable to the New Regulations ofthe Court
of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated the 20th Au August,
gust, August, 1813.
Whoever should think himself entitled to oppose
the aforesaid Execution Sale, let such persons address
themselves to the Marshal’s Office, of this colony,
declaring their reasons for such opposition in due
time and form, as 1 hereby give notice, that I will re receive
ceive receive opposition from every intermediate person,ap person,appoint
point person,appoint a day to have his or her claims heard be before
fore before the Court, and further act therein as the law di directs.—Berbice,
rects.—Berbice, directs.—Berbice, 17th February, 1815.
l\. FIIANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellency
the Governor, dated 22d Oct. 1814, given upon a
Petition, presented by K. Ifrancken, First Marshal,
for and in name of James Fraser, Planter and Inha Inhabitant
bitant Inhabitant of this colony.
Notice is hereby given to (he Public, thht I the
undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale,
in the presence of trVo Councellors Commissariat and
their Secretary, on Wednesday the Ist day of March,

1815, the cotton estate called No. 40 and 41, situate
on the west sea co ist of this colony, with all its Cul Cultivation,
tivation, Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, &c., all of which an
Inventory as also the terms of sde are to be seen at
the Marshals Ollice, during the hours of duty ; said
estate being the property of the estates of Patrick
Small, and William Thrclfall, deceased.
’Whoever should think himself enfi'led to oppose
the Execution Sale of above estate No. 10 and 41,
west sea coast, let such persons address themselves to
the undersigned, declaring their reasons torso doing
in due tim« a»d form, a* 1 hereby give notice, that J
will receive opposition from every one thereunto qua qualified
lified qualified by law, appoint them a d ly to have his or her
claim heard before the Court, and further act thereon
as the Law directs.
This 4th proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, the Sth January, 1815.
K. Francken, First Marshal..
BY viitue of an Appointment from the Honorable
Court of Civil .lustier, of this colony, dated the 17th
December, 1814, given upon a Pethion presented by
K. Fraru ken, as h irst Marshal, for and in name of
W.Gordon, as together xvith Evan Fraser and Angus
Fraser, (he surviving Attornies jointly and severally
for Donald M’Leod, of Geanies, in the County of
l{0s«, North Britain.
Notice i* hereby given to the Public, that I the
un lersigned intend to Sell at Public Execution Sale,
in the presence of two Councellors Commissaries and
t heir Secretary, on Wednesday the Isof March ISIS,
firstly, the Cotton Estate called GEANIES, situated
on the CorrenH u coast, v> ith all itscultivalion, slaves,
buildings, and further appurtenances thereto belong
ing,—and secondly, the tower half of lot No. 80.,
situate in th« Correntyn river, of which Estates an
Inventory may be seen, as also ofthe Terms o f Sale,
at the Marshals Otlice, during ilm hours o» iy :
•aid Estates being the property of J. C. M’Le- u .nd
John Bethune.
Whoever should think himself entiil • the Execution S:de of the two abovemenlioned Es Estate.*,
tate.*, Estate.*, let such person or persons address thems Ives
to the Marshal’s Office, declaring their rcr.son for
»o doing, as I here by give nofice, that 1 xx ill receive
oppositnm from every one thereu'itoquabfied by law,
appoint them a day to have his or h r claim heard
1.-.-fore the Court, and further act therein as the Law
This 4fh Proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, 29 January, 1815.
K FKANCKI’N, First Marshal.
Nd. The Sale of said Estates is to take place on the
respective spots.
By virtue of an appointment finm the Honorable
Court o! Civil Justice of (his colony, dated I7ih De December
cember December 1814; given upon a pctilion pn'srnivd bv
John Layfi' IJ, as Attorney of Thomas Gudgeon, of
Stoke Newington,rear London.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the un undersigned
dersigned undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in
the pn-sence of twm (amncellors Commissaries and
(jjeir Secretary, on the first coming Monday in the
month of May, 1815, the Cotton Estate called KIL KILMORACK,
MORACK, KILMORACK, situated on the Correntyn coast of this
colony, with alt its cultivation, buildings, slaves, and
further appurtenaticrs (her. to belonging, all <•('which
an Inventory as also the Terms of Sale, are to be seen
i* (he Mat hat’s Oiiice duringthe hoursofdufy ; said
Estate being the properly oi Simon Fraser.
M’hoaver should think himself entitled (o oppose
the execution Sale of above Estate Kihrjorack, let
such persons address themselves at the Marshal’s Of Office,
fice, Office, declaring their reasons for so doing, in die time
and fora-, as I hereby give notice, that I the under undersigned
signed undersigned will receive opposition from every person
(hereunto qualified by law, appoint them a day to
have bis or her claim heard before the Court, and
further act (herein as the law directs.
This ’th Pmcla •:> at ion publi .-hed as cUstomarv.
Berbice, the ?9 January, IS 15.
K. Francken, First Marshal.
NB. The above named Sale is to take place on
the s|M»t.
BV virtue of an Appointment from the Ho Honorable
norable Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated
the 17th December 1814, given upon a petition pre presented
sented presented by Mathias Rader, as the only surviving Cu Curator
rator Curator to the Estate of Robert Gordon, deceased. }
the undersigned do hereby Summon by Edict: All
known and unknown Creditors ofthe Estateof Robt.
Gordon, dec. To appear before the Court of Civil
Justice, of this colony, at their Session which will
be held in (he month of October 1815 and following
days, there to render in their claims, to verify the
Mins, and further to proceed according to Law..
This Summon by Edict, made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court House ofthis colony.
Berbice; Slst January 1815.
IC I'BAhCfcKii, First Marshal,

BY virtue of an Extract from the Cd’grt of
Civil Justice, of this colony, dated I7(h Januarv,
1815, given in the cause entitled Tbs. F. L vFeld,
one ofthe Executors to the Estate of the late I bert
Wilson, and Attorney of Thomas Bond; anotb. of
the Executors and one of (he Heirs of said R. Wil Wilson,
son, Wilson, and of H. Staal appointed in the place of \V.
Dodgson during his absence from (he colony, Plain Plaintifls
tifls Plaintifls by Edict, versus, all Claimants on the proceeds
i a», r rnila cum annexis, Defend nits
by Edict. I the undersigned do hereby Summon by
Edict: AH Claimants on the proceeds of Plantatimi
Hermitage, corn annexis, to appear before the Court
of Rolls, on Monday the 6th of March, 181.5, and
following days, at the Court House of this colony ;
there to render in their claims, to verity the
and further to proceea according to Law.
This Summons by Edict published as customary.
Berbice, 31st January, 1815.
KJFrancken, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated
the 16th January ISls,given in the ciuise entitled
H. Staal and 11. Luthers, appointed Curators to the
Insolvent Estate of C. Forking, deceased, Plaintiffs
by Edict, versus, all known and unknown creditors,
against the Estate of Cornells Fucking, dants Defendants by Edict. 1 the undersigned do hereby Sum Summon
mon Summon by Edict: All known and unknown creditors
against the Estate of C. locking, dec. to appear be before
fore before the Court of Rolls, on Monday the 6th March,
1815, and follow ing days, at the Court House of this
colony ; there to renderin their claims, to veiify the
same, and further to proceed according to Law.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu Public
blic Public by beat of drum from the Court House of lais
colony.— Berbice, 31st January, 1815.
K. Fkancken, First Mars! al.
BY virtue of aa Extract from the Minutes
ofthe Honorablt Court of Civil Justice, dated 20'ii
October 1814, given in the cause entitled : J. Tap.a
and P. Fairbairn, in capacity as Sequestrators to
Plantation Yeovil, the late property of Dudley
ade, Plaintiff by Edict, versus, all Claimants on
the proceeds of Plantation Yeovil, cum annex;?, sold
at Execution Sale, Defendants, by Edict. I the un undersigned
dersigned undersigned do hereby Summon by Edict ; All Claim Claimants
ants Claimants on the proceeds of Plantation Yeovil, quiu an annexis,
nexis, annexis, sold at Execution Sal«. To appear before (he
Court of Holls, on Monday the 6th March 1815, and
'ollowing days, at the Court Hou-e of this Colony,,
(here (o render intheirclaims against said Estate, and
further to proceed according to Law.
This Summon by Edict made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony,
and iurther dealt with according tocustoui.
Berbice, the 27th January, 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Order from His
Lieutenant-Governor II W. Be.ntinck, given up upon
on upon a Petition of John Layfieklqq. Jno. Dodson 8c ( o.
of Great Britain, dated the January 1815. No No(ice
(ice No(ice is hereby giren to the Public: That the Debt
for which Plantation No. 21, West Coren4ine coast
was placed under Sequestration, having been duly
paid by George Munro, as Proprietor of said Estate,
to John Lnyhekl qq. John Dodson & Co. The said
Plantation No. 21,- West Corentinc coast, has been
this day Released from Execution and Sequestration.
Berbice, 27th January, 1815. w
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
FOR SALE—Plantation GOLSPIE, being
the Eastern half of Lot No. 44, Corentyn coast, 854
Roods facade, and empoklercd about 900 Roods
deep ; having a Canal extending the full depth from
front to back, and the whola perfectly secured by
proper Dams, Trenches, &c. with a cultivation of
120 acres of Cotton and 30 acres of Plantains; also
large Fields ot old cotton which has been for some
time under salt water; and 50 acres of excellent
Plantain Land ready to plant.
There is a confortablu Dwelling House 41 feet bv
20, lately rebuilt of best materials, a large hardwood
cotton Logie and other necessffty Buildings; in every
respect, requisite, for a cotton property ; and the rea reariwg
riwg reariwg of Cattle for which the situation is inferior to
none in the colonies. It being the intention ofthe
Advertiser to quit the-colony, a great sacrifice will
be made to an approved Purchaser, with or without
about. 30 very valuable Slaves, (IS oi which are prime
men. One hundred head of a very superior breed of
horned Cattle, and 200 fine Sheep ; and if required,
long credit will be given, on good security, fora
considerable part ofthe purchase-money. For fur further
ther further particulars apply to the undersigned on the pm pmmises.
mises. pmmises.
21 Jan. ROBT. GRANT.
NB. Should the above property not be sold !;y pri private
vate private bargain previous lo the Ist of May new, it
Will then be sold at public sale, without rcser v*

accountant s office
Os ths Honorable the Court of Civil Justice.
Executorship of the Will of A. Schliipfer and dec.
Guardianship of the Minor A. Schliipfer.
Sequestration of Plantation Yeovil.
Administration of the Estate and Effects of the late
James Fraser, dee.
Sequestration of Plantation Ross.
Sequestration of Plantation La Fraternite.
Whereas the Honorable the Court of Civil .Jus .Justice*
tice* .Justice* by Order, having referred to us the Accounts
of the persons hereafter named, viz.
J. A. Hicken, Excufor of the Will of A. Schlapfer,
deceased; and Guardian ofthe Minor A. Schlapfer.
P. Fairbairn and J. Tapin, Sequestrators of Planta Plantation
tion Plantation Yeovil.
P. Fairbairn and Jas. Fraser, Administrators of the
Estate and Effects of the late .las. Fraser, dec.
A. Thornborrow and P. Fairbairn, Sequestrators of
Plantation Roi*.
B. J. Schuiers and IL C. Hintzen, Sequestrators of
Plantation La Fraternite.
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
therein, that attendance will be given at the Accoun Accountants
tants Accountants Office, held at the house of the second under undersigned,
signed, undersigned, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,
from noun until 3 o’clock in the afternoon, for the
term ol one month trom the date hereof, in order to
enable such person to inspect said Accounts, and
state their objections or observations in writing, at
th:’ expiration ot whicji time, the required ret er*
â– wdl he made in the ah >vementioned matters, and of (it required), th • parties may obtain an office
copy, at their own exp nee, in order should they
deem it expedient, to attend the Hon’ble the Court
r< port, and contest the confirmation thereof.
Berbice, 2d February, 1815.
F. WlfiTE and J. DOWNER.
-yrawiwrr. H irr itai
IM I'OH I i.l) uiHif-, from Bandon, and
Jar Sc’e by the Subscribers, o>n reasonable terms
f<> ptnnpt prfyrrient, a choice assortment of (he
J ;â–  articles, .>.*/< cted by themselves cn the
* spo', viz,—
IRISH linens and ‘heefmg, French pullicat and cam cambric
bric cambric red borJ: 1 ! dh•. ’ ikerchiefs, mosquito lawn. Irr Irrdii
dii Irrdii dimity, light grui.nd cambric prints, blue and
green shv>L, hum. Tacks, diamond giiil’ings, super
fine an 1 patent s ; : i : r, jaconet MeUt cloths, coun counterpanes,
terpanes, counterpanes, stoat ealji »< s, < ome bleached Russia sheet sheeting
ing sheeting and do. brown dm ks, men’s brown and white
cotton whole and halt hose, brown cotton lambs wool
ancles and feet, elastic cotton and worsted jackets,
silk and cotton half hos<;, single cotton caps, women’s
plain and sandal â–  nd ro derrd cotton hose, silk and
cotton hose, men’s white;, td black silk hose & white
silk women’s white and black silk hose,
ladies and gentlemens hats, ladies straw, lustre and
plaited bonnets, fancy flowers and wreaths;, plaids in
pieces, jewellery, be hE, watches, Hessian and Wel Wellington
lington Wellington boots,! >i r f ,(l strong shoes,oil floorcloths,
sadlery, perfanniy, haberdashery, gloves, combs'
ladies writing and dressing cases, wearing apparel,
negro hats and clothing, cutlery. Japann’d an I j I.J
ted wares,* rich black silk pieces, black and colour’d
checked silk hkfs., ribbands and sewing silk, put
book’, cotton bmgiijg, bintin, sewing ami st in twine
and sail needles, black varnish, green, red, fine bine
and yel'pw paints, iieint and neat* tout oil, ivory
fans, anticorro’-hn paint in firkins, butter in firkins,
pine apple and loaf check s, Wesphaliansand York Yorkshire
shire Yorkshire hams, pickled tongues in kegs, prime Leaden Leadenhall
hall Leadenhall beet in firkin*, rounds of beef in tubs, tripe, bar barley
ley barley and split peas in kegs, hoes, shovwls, carpenters
and coopers tools, a general assortment of ironmon ironmongery,
gery, ironmongery, candies, soap,2’, 3, &3$ inch rope, stationa stationary,
ry, stationary, gold epaulets and regulation sashes, pale ale in
bottles, blown stout in hottiesand in barrels, Port ami
Vidon ra wins in bottles—a handsome gig with har harm’s
m’s harm’s complete.
Lot No. 17, New Amsterdam.
THE Subscriber has received p. the Egham,
an exteasi’. e ami elegant assortment of London ready
hi uje cbaths, boots, hats, Russia duck, cotton fioren fiorentine.
tine. fiorentine. silver ami plated ware.—which he wdl dispose
of very reasonably, for immediate payment, either
whosale or retail, at the store of D.C.Cameron, Esq
p. grant.
ft EC El \ ED per the brigs Berbiciaan, Eg Eghvm.
hvm. Eghvm. 'mJ Goede I'erzcachting, a choice assortment
of w me?, liquors, provisions,\lry goods, &c. which
wit; be sold very reasonable, for imrqediat payment.
, ; *>’’• J. IL SCHLARHORST.
CRABVTOOD LUMBER, of all delcrip delcriptions,
tions, delcriptions, for Sale very reasonable, if taken by large
quanlities, apply to A. G. Calmer, in town. °
J1 G. PAVELS, qq.

D. of Phases of the Moon, Holidays, IL W.
M- w. Phenomena, &c. n. m.
1 W Last Quarter, Ih. 10m . morning, iM> 35
2 I'h Purif of B. V. Maiy. Neap Tides. II 3(j
3 F Al 41
4 I S • • r. ’34
5i Su Qnmquagesima Sunday. Agatha. 209
6* M Commissary Court. ~ *; IS
7I Tu 4 0
S \V Ash Wednesday.
4 ’ 42
9 'l'h New Moon, ih. 39m. morning. 5
|0 F Spring Tides. 5 54
11 S r- o , ’ G
I*2 Su f irst Sunday in Lent. 7 |
13 M 7 38
H Tu Si 19
15 W 91 3
16 I h 9 .y,
17 F First Quarter, Oh. "9m. morniag. || 3
IS S Neap Tides. yi 9
19 Su |2d Sunday in Lent. Sun Enters Pis- 1 9
20 M [ces, 2 3
21 I'ii a 8 |
W 3 53
23 'l’h Full Moon, 4h. Sfm. evening. 4 37
?1 F i St. Mathias. 1). oft'amb. h. 1774. 5 30
25 S j [Spring Tides, b 13
26 >ll i3d Sunday in Lent. ’ (> ';(>
27 Ml 7 H
28 i'ii h 11
»—— ■ 1 mini ■MiwuimjiiM.iMum
TE KOOP by den ondcrgetcekeqfie, op het
Eif No. 7,—Edanimer kaasjes a .>|lb., oudc | utiv
dito alO lb., Leidsche komyne ditoa iO jib.. bM.
in kleine vaatjes, bestc gcpelde gort in do.. Ln. ; ii.>
in do., mans- vrouwe- en kinder- sghoenen,
vlecsch rn \i»ch.— I'eveas rekoiumandt s» dergeteekende zich tot het waai 11 nicii van kmnmit kmnmitsiea
siea kmnmitsiea zoo hi< r aks in Hollaml, als hebhende dnarlou de
gumdigste gclegtmheid, vcrzekrrt ode cent- pmmptc
en civile b h itugmg dor bcLiigens van de aa.i h> <;i
toevertrouwd* zaken.
I'OR LONDON, the sailing brig -
=“ Egham, /h.; ./, Master, stands A. I. ui
Lloyds, copp> i ami < >pwer fasti m d, will positively
sail wilh the April convoy—lor height apply f > the
Master on board or G. PAI c,LS.
( apt. Pavy has excellent accommod.Hmn tor pas passengeis,
sengeis, passengeis, ami oilers lor Sale a luusignrneal oi choic<
provisions and dry goods. ] j Feb.
\v ho has f<>r >ale a fine long boat, which pulls re remarkably
markably remarkably last and carries well.
*- FOR AMS ' I ' DOI? the new brig;
Berbiciaan, ( orndiKs Hab, Master, wh* :
sail the*Stii ot March next, —for frei'dii apply to
11 Feb. G. PAULIN or H. C. IE \ IZEN.
NOTIv E is hereby given, that Mr. E. F.
Hantze is empowered >..» coil- h;- Bocdel oi toe late John Morrison, Bi tck Smith,
and give receipts for the same : i:ll persons iit.ltbfcd j
to said boedcl, are reqm. ksl to come forward with :
payment, without delay ; ail accounts unpaid on the
Gist April next, will be sued for without respect to
persons. —ll 1 eb. Jno. vi’hA F, / .
w. eowie.q
A ■ fli ( U*CHE ;’ si AR v I.',:', Jis well
in pnvc as in comp, intorins all those whom it may
may eoncein, that they have pass a lull power ot At Attorney
torney Attorney on M r. F. F. Hant/.e, to collect all outstanding
debts, giving recceipts therefore, &c. j | Feb.
BROUGHT into custody to the Subscriber,
a black Horse, spotted white on all four his legs.—
which, after thiee times advertising, not claimed
will be sold at Vendue, to defray the expences.
1 1 J. A. DEiLNERT, Sheriff.
NOTICE is hereby given by the undersign undersigned,
ed, undersigned, that Mr. R. Barnes holds a Note ot his, which is
now null invalid ; its being given for a horse which
he warranted to be sound ; the horse proving contrary, has been returned within the limited time
specified in the note, which he refuses giving up
as the note was drawn to Order, this is to caution
persons taking it in payment.
HFcb. J no. QU AR LISS.
TENDERS for 25,000 Lbs?best quality,
and 4000 Lbs. good broken Coffee, the growth of
Plantation La Fraterniti, will be received by the
Subscribers, till the 20th of this month, at the house
of Dr. J. Beresford, Lot No. J, New Amsterdam.
& Sequestrators.
Payment to be made in colony currency.

NOTICE — This is to inform the Pnhr
Lhat the President and Members of I| )e T
mittee, h ive authmized Mr. A.
>ip all horses, mules, asses, cMtle a,„l slice, ,l(
at any time may be found strayimr ( , ri a" l! ‘di
roads or d ims of this Town, according m
mationof the Honorable Court <>f p ( ,
July, 1813.—New Amst. Ihh Feb*. “ ’
q J- F. OBERMI Ls rn
- - - \ i:c ' (o ’ h4: ' r ' JtV!l^ :ll !it?
FOR SALE by the Subscriber,'(he O'''
mg India (loads, imported in the SGinn f c
Warren, from London:—Blue and wliii?.!, 3 * !t
I res, blue, white and yellow mmkerns, 9
! conet muslins, seersuckus, Bandama
hyson tea mid black pepper. Vl,| ds,
' croft.
I DE ondergeteekenden in ?7“
aan het Publick bekend, dat zy vomiierg? Zl ? eU
de Klercmakery te cxcercerenTot het waken â– â–  â– ??
lerley mans klederen, belovcn le ecu prour/?!’*•'
vile bediening, verzoeke eon icders guust en
munhtie. I)t genen die him gelieven te | 5 ?' â– '
gm, vervoege zich np het erf No. (g a a n d?\/?
dam, ten htnzc van de ew»te on.lergeteekend n ’
? r> , J c -bvedeckr
IFeb. A. JUNG, JIn(I
1 I* OU \ DER I) oft Berbice l{i?r? 01 ]
I no! •lannary, a Bchoaaer,'?
d 21 Square bales marked Hi’,
2? Round do. m irked I R VV.
j S Do. do. marked PM.
3j Do. do. marked RIL
Should any of the above b iles be pid «Lun, j n f or .
â–  mtion thereof is requested tu be given tu Ji Wulff
' E>q. New zAmsl. 8 Feb?
I . —___— ~ - —« —
1 fhc undersigned intending to quit the??!
! ay in 6 we< A s or 3 months from elate, requests aj
; persons iv;v - any demands a. him to r«H vT
1 ’he same ; and thu.,r 1 id; bted to come for.vrd with ■
piy ment. Beefier tor >ale, cheap, his premises on
■lot No. I», Comprising 0 road I ml, w ith a dwellisg
■ hons • 2g ..y 12. het and out-bouscs, -<&c.
j 4 ‘ JOHN DOW.
j I/.1 LO RlL.i) ia the Ship Simon Cock, Cant,
B. Warren, torn London, imd for Sale by theSiiih
senber Lunion particular Madeira wine in blds.
J.uupagnc cLiret, Port wine, cydar, soda water,
I reach biau.-y, flolla id > gi q Hoffman’s cherry and
raspberry bra.idy, preserved fruits, confection try,
hams, ci:e< m’, potatoes, henin -s in barrcL, lin >• fish
sour emu!, beef and pork in timces and halfbmrek
mustard, v neg i. spices, black pepper, prunes, rai«
sms, currants, leaned sugar, gm powder hyson tea,
cottm an I cNlee bigging, Russia shirting, brown
Hol. i’i i .. checks, Osmtburg’s, India white and yd.
I>w nankeens, sair.nporcs, h A fs., India book, jacco jaccon
n jaccon •?, < ambric, mull, spngged, .spotted and satin strip striped
ed striped muJins fl>: • linen.-, Lmg lawns, French cambric,
P" ; ‘ hg.i •i co .v ci.ipe, bom ba zeen, sarcenet, Bar*
' ll * sup. fim* ladies black, blue
am) green cloths aad.kurseyumre, Manchester strip,
rd nmkeen>, ginchmn:,, thread, tape, needles, ladiea
strew and while beaver bonnets, fashionable trim’d
children do., ladies dresses, Lappels hkfs., coliors,
tfiread lace, vo>and tooting, children robes and
cap , silk and cotton stockings, gentlemen’s silk and
beawr hats, gloves, boots, shoes, shirts, pantaloonj,
waistcoats, routs des chamoie, ladies .shoes, gloves,
pearl and g.un t drop earings, bracelets
youths hats and shoes, mahogany writing desks, and
dressing cases, lavender, rose and honey water, hnilte
antiqui, Windsor soap, Packwood’s razor straps and
shaving brushes, silk umbrellas and parasols, wax
and spermaceti candles, pitch, tar, dryed red ochre,
patent an J common paints, sperm, neat foot A paint
mis, gunpowder, shot and flints, sash pullies & cod
fishing hues, sewing & sein twine, vat hoops, rivets,
sheet lead, building & temper lime, Roman cement,
nails 4d. to 40d., boat nails 21 to 3 inch, clasphead claspheaded
ed claspheaded do., boat chains, hand and whip saws, boreing
braces and buts, adze, axes jack, smoothing and
beading planes with spare irons, hammers, gimblcts,
compasses, files, hoes, shovels, ivory handled and
comuion knives with or without forks, wine and vat
cocks, frying pans, grid irons, tea kettles, bras, plate
and banbury locks, hinges, screws, shop scales and
weights, plantatina do. with Dutch 30 lbs. de , wa wafer
fer wafer seals A to Z, portable billiard tables, swinging
cradles, heir matrasses, toilet glassiss, stationary, and
glassware, Negro and tradesmen's jackets, wrappers
and hats, nuat leather trunks, bird cases, corks, &c-
4 Feb. Wm. HENERY.
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock p Jt»
Gjvcrnment Printers.

4 Feb.

Full Text


1815-) THE BERBICE GAZETTE. e Twelve dollars p. annum i] I berbiceking's hovsb, 14 Z h February, 1815. I THE Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased I toappohit Roderick M'Kenzie to be Civil Cominis«nrv vice, W. Scott resigned. . Ry Command, F. WHITE, Gov. Sec. POST OFFICE. THE Subscriber finds it impossible to continu»giving credit -it this Office, for Letters, he thereftjre requests ¦ . i gentlemen as are in Arrears for Postages, Income forward with immediate payment; gndnone need apply for Letters (after this notice) without the means of paying for them. Post Office hours are from 9 o’clock in the morning till 3 o’clock in the afternoon, which will be regularly attended, (Sundays excepted! and no Letters or Newspapers ihall be delivered before, or after the above stated time.—lß Jeb. R McKENZIE, Act. Posfinr. CIVIL DEPARTMENT. TENDERS for a hoarhead of building Lime will be received by the Subscriber, until 10 o’clock in the morning on I'm sday the Vlst inst. when they will be opened in presence of His Excellency the Governor, and th ¦ lowest, it' approved, accepted. IL MACKENZIE, Commissary. NB. The lime tv be delivered at the Commissary’s Officii. 18 Feb. und< rsigned of i for Sale, (in addition to what they have on ha I f 'nt othei importations) the following chciei artit les, imported from London, per Laton {i, via Di merary, which tiny will dispose of, cheap, for immediat payment, viz, — LONDON brown st net in bottles, old Port wine, lloil nan’s ra pberry and cherry brandy, ditto fine Fiench olives in half pint bottles, real Cogniuc brandy and Holland’s g n p r piece, Northwilshirc and pme cheeses, double i >se butter in firki is, oysters put up in a superior manner, pickles, split peas and birley, vinegar in j*:gs, retried sugar, gentlem’s fuhionable cioihiug, cons! ting of c oats, black silk, casimere, silk stripe, lodeuetie and other waistcoats, W eih’igton’s ovm, is. buff jointed M ircilia dressing coats, light mitifai ' toy,!llt siau-and Wellingtonboots, full dresshalf d.and Printers strong shoes with buckles, tas’;i*m ib'e silk umbrellas and ladies paras*.ls, gantlem* ii’s ‘ashionable walking sticks, elegant tow img piec :s with gold pans am! touch holes finished in the highest style, pocket and other pistols, elegant Os. ceis swords with belts and knots, rich silk sashes and gold epaulets, gun-powder and shot, brass bound writing desks ami dressing casr.s complete, gentlemen’s mahogany tool cue ts con{)i tely furnished with the very best materials,chais. mriiessess, jockey saddles and bridles, an assortment of whips, plat*, d spurs withand without silver chains, mahogany seving glasses, elegant vase lamps with shadesand brass mounting complete, gentlemen and Lidices black and white silk stocking, cottondnefckinand other gloves, gentlemen’s superior beaver hats,super fine blackbluegreenand mixed broad clots, white Marsala waistceaiing, scarletblueand greentable covers, tine large counterpanes, India jean, mosquito netting, cotton and linen checks, platillas cotton and linen, gown patterns, muslins, an assortment of cutlery among which are some elegant setts of ivory handled knifes and forks, silver ferreld and fluted penknives, razors, &c. a complete assortment of brass and hardware consisting of all kinds of locks and hinges, side boards, hat and drawers knobs and handles, window pullies, door bolts, &c., large and small steelyards, Derueraiy hoes, shovels, and cutlasses, cleavers, ship scropers, falling axes, sauce and stew pans, grid-irons, tea kettles, cutpitand sawliles, stationary assorted, books of bills of exchange and loading neatly bound, one and two quire books, paints and oil, soap and candles in small boxes, neatsfoot oil, Day and Martin’s blacking, an assortment of brushes consisting of longand handbrooms, haircloihtablefurniture, shoe-toolh-and nail brushes, salt in barrels and tierces, an assortment of cut glassware, Osnaburgs and thread, a large assortment of negro clothing of the best quality, blankets, &c. GEO. BONE & Co. J\B. No new accounts opened until the old ones are settled. 18 Feb. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 18. 1 HE undersigned being wishful to leave this colony witWn six weeks from date, for Denterary, where he intends continuing to repair Watches, Clocks, &c. Assures his Friends (who will favor him with their orders) of accuracy, dispatch and moderate charges. Those who are indebted to him, please to come forward with payment, to enable him of settling with those to whom he is indebted. Several Watches which he has repaired, remain uncalled for: he informs their owners that he intends selling them at V endue to recover his charges for repairing them, if not called for within one month after date. J 8 FebA. FLEURY. FOR SAL E, two Excellent healthy Slaves, one a very good Washer women, a good Cook, and house servanttheothera bov, whois also a good i o<»k and house Servant; boti healthy and strong. Payable in cash or produce to satisfaction, and to a solid purchaser, a short credit will be given. Lor particulars enquire at thia Office. IS Feb. ALLE de genen die iefs te vordcren hebben, ofte vcrschuldigd zyn, aaa den ondergeteekende, gelieve betalimx te doen aan den Hoerc Chs. Rnlach, die zyn quitantic z 1 validen.ii, en ook dirrkte betaling zal doen.—lß Feb. J. J. HILKEN. THOSE hat ing Claims, or are indebted to the undersigned, may call for payment to Chs. Rulach, Esq. and make payment to him, as his receipt will be acknowledged in full. 18 Feb. J. J. HILKEN. FOR AMSTERD LM. the brig Gcr¦srfciOim arda Jjtcoba IjOuiso, Janes Johannissen, Master, will sail the 25th of March next, for Freight apply to G. PA I ELS and IS Feb. H. C. lIINTZEN. i .-JL ¦ur-jr-j — tt— n SECRETARY’S OFFICE. VoZ/'re r> here!"./ given, that a month after date the following Transporrs and will be passed. Jan. 98. Colin Douglas will transport to Demerary 63 Negroes, names to be seen at this Office. Feb. IS. Wm. Lawson will transport to Dcmcrary 230 Negroes. R. C. DOWNER, Secy This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this colony. John Dow and his child named John August, in six weeks from 4 F< b. J. G. 'l’out tyj. will transport to Derrerarv, 3 Negroes, named Bristol, Gloucester and Lancaster. W. Broderick in 6 weeks from 4 Feb. David Dwine in 6 weeks from 10 Feb. A. Fleury in 6 weeks from 18 February. D. C. Scheidiiis in do. Ren Settle and child in do. I'he free black wo.* Zrphire in do. David Miller in do. from do. R.C. DOWNER, Sec. WHEREAS Application, by Petition, has been made to the Hon’ble. Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of the colony Berbice, at (heir Sessions ofthe 13th January 1815, tor Letters of Manumission : The Negro woman Cumha, assisted by A. G. Calmer, for herself and her three children, Elizabeth, Frances, and Susannah. Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it may concern, and who may wisii to oppose the grant ofsaid Leiters of Manumission,that they may address themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made on ths aforesaid Petition. Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 28th January 1814. R. C. DOWNER; Sec. EOR SALE, by the Subscriber, at reduced prices : Barrels of mackrel f(i6. half barrels do. fj(i barrels salmon J’BB. boxes offish 120 lbs. each at 61 stuiver p. lb., long leaf tobacco /'2 10. per lb. Irish mess beef in tierces f 154. barrels mess pork at J’l32. half do. flO. assorted pickles in boxes containing 9 large bottles at f 44. per box, fish sauses at f 4. per bottle, coffee and cotton bagging at / 1. per yard, hams, hung beef, ling fish, cheese, &c. 4 Feb. J. WULFF (No. 544. (Pai/ahle. in advance. PUBLIC VENDUES. On Thursday the 23d instant, will be sold at the house, and by order of J. J. vander Stoop, Esq. the whole of his household furniture, amongst which are a sett of elegant maltigany dining tables, ditto side board, pembroke t»bl«B, beds and bedsteads, chairs, sopbas, ward robe, an assortment of plate ami earthen ware—also a collection of books, in the English, Dutch and French languages, an elegant horse and a good riding mule. D. C. Cameron, Dep. J'endue Master. On Monday the 27th instant, will be sold at the Vendue Office, by order of W. Broderick, Esq. an extensive assortment of Negro clothing, blankets, rugs, hats, and coffee bags, which will be sold without, reserve. By order of Johti Hyslop, Esq. from 12 a 20 head (H tine young cows and oxen. On the sime day, beer ami port* r in barrels, soap and candles in small boxes, hams, cheese, potatoes, beef, pork, Madeira wine in bottles and hhds hoes, shovels, prunning knives, cutlasses, nails assorted, coffee bagging, Irish and Dutch linen, Pullieat and Madrass hkfs. two trunks of prifited cambrics, &c. D. C. Cameron, Dcp.Fendue Master, On Monday the 6th of March, next, and following days, will be sold to the highest bidders, by order of the Executors of the late Mrs. 11. J. Buse, the coffee Plantations LUST TOT RUST and PROVIDENCE, in the river Berbice; and the cotton Plantation Z EEZIG f, on the west sea coast of Berbice. together with about 600 Slaves, also cattle, furniture eml what further may appear. Lor terms of sale and other particulars, application may be made to A. A. de la Court, Esq. or to D. C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master. ND. The sale will take place on the respective Estates, and commence at H o’clock precisely at plantation Lust lot Rust. leggen voor onze Lezers, eene Extract uit de Amsterdamschc Courant van den ICdin July, 1814. I rank fort , <7w Gden July.— Het artikel in de Arauer Courant, betrekkelyk den Graaf van St Leu, begint metdeze verklaring: De Heer de St. Leu, sedert zyn Troons-afsfand in 1810 een bloot ambteloos p* i. .><>n geworden, als zoodanig levende, en aan alien amleren toestand vreemd, heeft allc hern gedane aanbiedingen van de hand gewczen, zoogednrende drie jaren, in welke hy de Staten van Z. M.den Keizer van Duitschland bewoond heeft, als tydens het verblyf dat hy omstreeks het einde des vorigen jaars in Zwitserlaml In est gehotidert, ook te Parys in de drie eerste maanden van dit jaar, te»en de jongste gebetirtenissen in Holland, hem vanzyne verpligtingen jegens Indzelve, door de te rug roeping des Prinse van Oran je ontbindende, lieni toelietcn in het land te rng te kceren, under welks Wetten hy geboren is, en eimlelyk h* Lausanne, alwaar hy sedert den 15den April zyn verblyf houd, en watr gemchten van bedingen, gelyk aan dat het welk in de de Courant van die Siad vermeld is, hem genoopt hebben, oni in den loop der laatst voorgaande maand alle de noodige stappen te verrigten om reeds yoor uit afstand te doen van al het geen hem daar tn betreffen mog I. De Heer de St. Leu protesteerd tesren h 9 SenatusConsnlt van den lOden December 1810, by hetwelk men hem een A panage gas roml nn zyn L'indgoed van St. Leu, ter sc hadevergoeding voor Holland, eene Akti tc Gratz in Stiermarken, ahvaarhyzich destyds bevond, door middel van den Moniteur va i den lodendierzelfde maand (er zyner kennissegekomen. Naauwelyks was hy daarvan onderrigt, of in zyn eergevoei getroffen door eene besehikking, die met zyne gromibeginsclen streed, haastc hy zich om daar waar het behuorde zyn protest cn stellige weigerin*’ 1 in te zenden, gelyk blykt uit de drie navolgende stukken: 1. Eriff gezonden aan den S.ennat, nan den Prins A arts Kanst Her des ii yks enz. aan den Minis! < r Sckretaris van Slant der Keizerlyke 1 anuhe, (per Triplicaat.) Lodewyk Napoleon, aan den Echoed nde Senaat des Fransdirn Hyks. Senateurs. op het oogenblik ontvangik den Monitcur van den idden : ik was verte van de doudeh kn i i


d* onnittvischbare smet te verwachten, welk® i het Senatus-Consult van den lOden December mv atom! toe tc brengen. • Ik' ben den Keizer, die ook de myne is, ik ben myhen Kinderen en het Volk, waaraaniksedert den sden Juny 180 b toebehoor, verschuldigd tn het openbaar te rerklaren, zoo als ik op dit oogenblik verklaar: Dat, nevens myne Kinderen voor altoos aan het lot van Holland Verbonden, ik voor my en voor hen het Apanage (PHnselyk Erfgoed) weiger, waarvan in -e--zegde Senatus-Consult melding gemaakt wordt. ° Ik gelast by de tegenwoordige Akte aan de Koning-ii, 'hj no Ecktgsnoote, ter wier kennis ik dezelve breng, om, zoo voor haar als voor hare Kinderen, ook het kleinste ge«. cite eener zoodanige gifte te weigeyen, en rich, tot haar owderhoud ei/dat barer Kinderen, te verguioegen met hare Gocderen, waarby ik de myne voege. Ik gela.4 by de tegenwoordige Akte den Heer 7a t/?K Jntendant-Gencrad der Kroon, aan wieii ik het beheer dicr Goedert n hob toebetrouwd, doch eeniglyk als met myne byzondere ziken be last, om de Kcningin in het bezit te Mellen van alles wat my in Pcrsoon behoort, besha ide zutks in alle de aaiikopen, die sedert den sden Juny 1806, by de Akte aan aankoop, met met de Dumcinen der Kroon vereenigd zyn. • k verklaar da ir en boven tn dcsavoueren alle hescbuldigingen, brievt-n of gescliriften hoe ook gematnd, streklu-nde om te doen gelovcu, dat ik myn Land, myn \ oik, riy zi-lv< ii v< rraden heh, of in gebreken gebleveii In-a van hot gttß ik verschuldigd was, on met bly Kchap dtoos verschuldigd zal blyven am Punnkryk, myn eer-te Vad< ilaisd, dat ik met hart cn ziel van myne Kmdshrid afgediend hebbe. Op den Irdoh van Holland geplaatst in wecrwil van mv zelven, mear aan deszdls lot verbonden door myne geregenheid, myne eeden en de heiligste pligtea, wil ik «i fan ik niel and*is willendan Hollander th blyven, myn gehecie levcn lang. Diensvolecus v, ri.laar ik de gift van het gezegde Apanage nd, zondor uihverking, zoo voor my, "ah voor tie K :;aen h re Kinderen, by voorand idle toesfemming ot aanm-ming van onwnrde verklarende, die, hi v regtstrecks, het zy van ter zyde, gegeven mogt won’en. Ten 'Mrkonde van ik de tegenwaardige Akte, op?e*'*dd, geschrevun mi met myne hand onderteek '>¦l h*'b; G verzurf d< n Sen ant, dien te wilen, *n mvne w tigering door Z. M. den Keizer (r o, .taiiis’iHcn. tr t-.ild< n .'.-(J dlcn Eecendcr. 1810. louis napoleon. I’. .7fl/7 de Koniugin. Afevronw, »' y?i" s»«i> rt on myn ongHtik znuden den hcogsten top b reil.t h diben, mdien ik het schandeJyk Apamro" ken a>nn< i en, het walk voor rnv en myne Kin I •< m b r md woid! door h. t Sen’ll!-Consult via den 15d< n man-id. Ik bevecl n, als uw Ge .Vi d, zeWs ' » het jj-edeelte dter schand ly e< a. mg<*!i< t , l-ee ueii-eien. Ik verLl iarijy v lou itd v* i onw;t;irde idle aiinneining of • toesternming, ike j?y ot voor lof voor uwe Kinderen t£cv< n molit. Aiie myne byzondere Hezitfingcn zyntemven g. bntike en tot dat mvuer Kinderen. By nvvenygaand ge« t hrift magtig ik‘u,om u m b t zit dan; van te s'ci’en. Dit, gevoegd by u«tj Goedcren, zd voor u genoeg zyn om ah byzo der persown te leven, Koningiu, f chtgenoote, Voeder. zou in al’e beta kinven i der and-ngift voor u <•<-> ' be!eed;gingy. n, en ik zou opi nlyk tc alien fyde ei; pl i.'itsr d. ze uv.e daad afkeuren en nietig vcrkEucn. Grill , 7< /.’ LU. /e?r fr, 1810. LOUIS NAPOLEON. 111. Gendirif!., !.// deztn /’rEf gevorgrf. Ik gelasf, by deteg; nwoordige Akte en byzonder •Geschrift, waifman ik versta allo de kracht der pnblieke Akten t< g-ven, d n Heero Twenty bclast met myne Ir zondere zsken in Frankryk, om de Koningin in bezit te s'eden van alles, wat my als liyzonder per•smrn hehoorf, -mo aK St. Leu, het Hotel te Parys, het Paviljm-n by Haarlem benevens de Huizen,de'Pavili'wn < stemming afgezonden, en der? Ivor pubiikata in een paket ge’slmeneu door den Heer de Si. Leu met zyn Kac’het, om Diet opengebroken te worden dan na zyn dat'd of op zyn bevel, zyn gezonden en overhandigd ia January 1811 enz. aan den Heer Bondt y Kouinklyk Notaris tc Amsterdam,under wiens bpwarin' p zy nog moefen berlisten. Dien t«i gevolge verklaart de Heer Louis de St. Leu mils tlezen, dat alle aanneming us Akte van Eidis yaaliciit hvt Apanage gesthied niegten zyn, niet allcen gedaan zvn buiten zvn weten. maar tegen zyn stellig bevel, en iiy hevcelt elk f loader of Beheerder der gezi*gde Goedt ren, oogenblikkelyk uit derzelver.bezit. te treden, by aklicu zy dezelve in zynert ntiam, in die zym' r Kinderen of h inner Mocder inhouden of beheeren, dezclve zonder anderwcnryl te rug te geven aan de genen, van welke zy dezclvc regstreeks ontvangen hebb«n, on scene andere onderhorighedeft by zyn goed van St. Leu tc blyven behomlen, dan die in 1809 daar aan gehecht hebbfcn, en allcen a in hem toebehooren. Gedaan te Lausanne en in originati fen Kantore van Egtf. Fh rs. M e liy before our Readers a few Extracts from the ’.de Lohdon Papers. Mm. — EXGLAXI) A VD GEItMAXY. [from THE RHENISH MERCURY.] ' Great eagegness is shewn by the French to make the English more and more obnoxious to the nations ot the Continent, and to inspirethemwith mistrust o; the far extended p’ans of this intelligent and active people. T* us Germans in particular, they call with i warning voice, to take n ;(i< e how thev endeavour to make themselves niaMera of the mmras of al! the rivers, after the example of Napoleon, and for the sane reason, to he masters of theii c -ra nrce, and to secure, their resources to th fijM’lvtg. [,i (;. rma>v itself this suspici ii is spreading mer ,<.o m re, to such a degree, that even in t’us pap '?, v;nof their most h non aae and b neficial i i-r-'utieas, their ti.bie Association, which is im'ubitibiy lb aid d without any secondary views, >. ."iy (.» , jid ( *rntiments among foreign mt io is, has p it -be n able :o escape mistrust. The English themselves complain bitti iley ui the iugratiiiiu ot t: h time v.h u'h. y have aided by their< xeilime, le i vie: f; ruu the -u--est misery ami the most Ji-gi* • ( .• f»u a :v , * , now, in return for then j .iins, j alomdy e ’ :iv< urto thwart them in every way. it is, a proper time to look seriously at the true c aim:L ib. tween the Insular Empire and the C: ? *g, nJ i ( > .consider what good or evil they might have to tic-jg or fear from each other. As the course of the rivers is d lermined before hand by the dirrefion <»f the mount ,»o we may say that England’s pr< sent power and Us h tonal I importance have been prvd< Mined .>r .1 ordered hr the natma* form of the Old W’orl I. N > emtn'rv lies so well protected as fids sea-fem d crotipe of jM.tmk : ! large enough to coni, in a pope! oi<»a v/id< h can repel all nltac’ , bat not so extensive that strongly marked dii'meaccJivideii within itsek; -ml breah ‘its power; with this, incomparably w II situated io commerce with every cmuitry ; a id, finally, inhabited by a people m whom the Gaelic blood is so happily mixed ith the German, as to produce a nervous, enterpiismg, intelligent race of men ; mdowned with such gifts of fortune, this empire may justly allege a natlira! vocation to the soveieiguty of the sea. "Jn for. r. ler s to fateful its dominion rm the Continfnt, but it soon perceived that it coaid not effect much against the warlike race that inhabits it. Ju modern tunes, theiefure, when the southern and westftrn work’s were opened, it quickly directed thither its whole attention, and has stuck into die ground in distant Col mi-. » the roots of the power w hich blossom* in the island. The modern art of the navigation annihilates dis!ance,aml the remotest possessions lie in a narrow circle round the seat of Empire, brought near tor its own use, but far beyond the reach of the enemy, who might covet them”. Since that time England, sufficient to itself, has withdrawn from the proper sphere of the polities of the Continent. It has an interest in preserving ap equilibrium o: power, and to prevent the arising of any overgrow n Power; because in the latter case alone it must be inevitably involved in the fate of the Continent, but m the former freely rises above it. It is called upon to be the Guardian of the repose of the Continent, maintaining by its interference by word and deed, the duration of the ancient once established order of things. Its only care is to hinder any Clossus from arising, which, setting one foot on the short s ot the Continent, may place the other upon the happy Island ; in other rcpects it may leave to every one the tree devtlopement of its powers. The minds of a people, which, with persevering activity, struggling with the wildest elements, is constantly m a 1 quaiters of the globe, sure of always finding again, *t iiuiue, jberfy and plenty, and nut made fur narrow hearted selfishness; and th us the i, seas are thieatcned with no dantr ii • ynnr of Germ my, as it circmn!ere;'f e l“ J ?d i« : ; object of its alteutton : if all is there ones ; .-I ib •, it it; commerce ran penetrate wif mt !cb'i k and d. hy, its demands -’re l; ;. a j . u :1 Akui, it is wilii.ig others sh.mlj ‘ SO lUC » !>« 7c‘-rr-’, 7',-r. —ls we may believe pero-cwk® irnvefroui MJ m, th--1 am great p rsmn os wii; .;tbe t. d .r ibd lah-’y as li iving been l helot r impaign. PiinceCom;«at le -pokcwitlt <’apolfon had executed. ’ Beauharnms conctu.g.r.vt',l -iiyi.g ? that he eras tdways ready (•> an« swer v,ith ab >amd whatever he said. Prime (bin. S'ant me acct pt d the chalk'iige, and next day they met i.t an appoint d tt ndezz: us to fight. But the liiid i.‘ d not (iii.e p’tee ii co sequence of the ia‘er. position ol some ak who were present. The s iiOi: »L' -is y, likewise, that the second of Beauhameis was Priore Charles. T)rr. 19.—'l iie design of the appointment to u tj.i oi Sit n r --e >lu. m y i» n * properly undeis’ood •y lhe Public. ihr i ’-r eof Wellington found Sir George an admimblcf Quarter Master-General, the rios; important officer in an army next to that of th® ! ‘iMiiianiler-ir.-Chief. B rthier was constantly the Quarter Master-General of Bonaparte. Sir George Alurray goesout, nnthe iccommandation of the Duke of ellington, to inspect and amend the condition of or the i.o ; (rOops in Canada. He will review all the ar:ni ~ repair delects, fix on stations, arrangathe dis'i ib rirni, organize the material oi l he army as well as calculate tinstrength and probable design of the enemy. Sir George will prepare every thing for the opening of a new campaign. But who will be Commander-in-Chics is uncertain. Perhaps, Sir George himself, perhaj is Sir George Prevost ; but most likely one oft he Generals who served imder the Duke of Wellington. We hope it will be one remarkable for enterprize and success. The General Officers nominated to form the CourtMartial for the trial of Sir John Murray, are — Sit Aimed Clarke, President; Earl of Ludlow, Lord C. I itzroy, Sir George Beckwith, General Harris, General Nicolls, Sir C. Green, Hon. W. Lumley, Hon. Sir E. Paget, Hon. H. G. Gray, Sir S. Auchmuty, Lieut.-Gen. Champagne, Lieut.-Gen. Montresar, Lieut.-Gen. Acland, and other*;. The proceedings of the Congress become daily more important, as they approach to the actual settlement oi the business ; and it is now generally understood, notwithstanding the positive assertions of the Minhteiial Papers, that the sovereigns are not uniform in their views. The danger of French pre* doniiiflince is now over; another Power has becoma a more jus| object of apprehension, and it has bccoaat


el fr? t’ ie in(crc6t . to the number of 42 regiments or I battalions? '* ill di of between 7or SOO men each. These I orns are destined to recruit the regular army, after I which th'*v will be fill' d up again. His Majesty is I Hcsironsof having his aimy on the most formidable I footingIt inow *?gain reported, that I thisc fi ’o v will be given up to the Dutch, but that I thecmoau'b IXmer.try and Essequcbo will remain I B.itidi, — ¦ -—•*«**. ¦ — —— We are requested to ins-rt the following lines ; | T> are a Y*.v Town and its Merchants so brawley, Jfe refer to ‘he general Merlins; of-y. Lmj'.iti rs s'ales, bid withold explanation, A M'f ins of Charges to prove their vexation. Same Mere harts there is, who art b aly respectable, Whose means and whose ways are always delectable; p, nt of i! ii dd-rs il.e numbers so daily increases, J.tttkm w-'t f they li' e. and tneet them who pleases, That ‘-''li ad their meetings and noddles so, T is feared the / scarcely will save their bacon, On gror. rids oiniart ho?, they file cucumber shoot, Cold, cold at the heart and unsound at the root, The bell of c'-trin, tic / lone threaten taring, And close aid. their lircy ¦ like a cock of a duny-hiH. cJesef. . :A/A/ • off/ce. SALES BY EXECUTION'. BY virtue of an extract from the Minutes of th • Proceedings of th • Court of C ivil Justice, ofthis Colony, dated Im* Ibt'i Becer her, 1814, given in the cause < ntitlcd Win. Gordon, obtained of a Penal Int mu t, p| iintdf; trrvr v, the l’i ; in Execution, instituted by Thomas Fryer Ln v fid I, Defendant. Nolic is hereby!" Public: That thExecution Sale of the luTCundermeutioned Negr-v-s, which were AJvrrti • 1 Mr Sale on th? 291 h of Slay lad, but which Sale was than opposed, will no positively take place ot» Wednesday the Stii and Thursday the 9th of March, 1815, viz, — The. Negroes George, Leach, Ashford, N Tobe sold Diana, Atllick, Bob, Contentment, Cadson Pi\n. mi l, Duncau, Desdamina, Eleanor, So-1 Vo. 41 , phia and her child. 7 Corentyn And on Thursday the 9th March, 1815 A Toie jo/rZ the Negroes Cupid, Lilly, Wiliiam, son Pl'n. Hannah, '’argarefh, Cupid, January,< .Vo. 79, Helena, anil Abaniba. 7 Corcntyn Al! confor sable to the New Regulations ofthe Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated the 20th August, 1813. Whoever should think himself entitled to oppose the aforesaid Execution Sale, let such persons address themselves to the Marshal’s Office, of this colony, declaring their reasons for such opposition in due time and form, as 1 hereby give notice, that I will receive opposition from every intermediate person,appoint a day to have his or her claims heard before the Court, and further act therein as the law directs.—Berbice, 17th February, 1815. l\. FIIANCKEN, First Marshal. BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellency the Governor, dated 22d Oct. 1814, given upon a Petition, presented by K. Ifrancken, First Marshal, for and in name of James Fraser, Planter and Inhabitant of this colony. Notice is hereby given to (he Public, thht I the undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in the presence of trVo Councellors Commissariat and their Secretary, on Wednesday the Ist day of March, 1815, the cotton estate called No. 40 and 41, situate on the west sea co ist of this colony, with all its Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, &c., all of which an Inventory as also the terms of sde are to be seen at the Marshals Ollice, during the hours of duty ; said estate being the property of the estates of Patrick Small, and William Thrclfall, deceased. ’Whoever should think himself enfi'led to oppose the Execution Sale of above estate No. 10 and 41, west sea coast, let such persons address themselves to the undersigned, declaring their reasons torso doing in due tim« a»d form, a* 1 hereby give notice, that J will receive opposition from every one thereunto qualified by law, appoint them a d ly to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and further act thereon as the Law directs. This 4th proclamation published as customary. Berbice, the Sth January, 1815. K. Francken, First Marshal.. BY viitue of an Appointment from the Honorable Court of Civil .lustier, of this colony, dated the 17th December, 1814, given upon a Pethion presented by K. Fraru ken, as h irst Marshal, for and in name of W.Gordon, as together xvith Evan Fraser and Angus Fraser, (he surviving Attornies jointly and severally for Donald M’Leod, of Geanies, in the County of l{0s«, North Britain. Notice i* hereby given to the Public, that I the un lersigned intend to Sell at Public Execution Sale, in the presence of two Councellors Commissaries and t heir Secretary, on Wednesday the Isof March ISIS, firstly, the Cotton Estate called GEANIES, situated on the CorrenH u coast, v> ith all itscultivalion, slaves, buildings, and further appurtenances thereto belong ing,—and secondly, the tower half of lot No. 80., situate in th« Correntyn river, of which Estates an Inventory may be seen, as also ofthe Terms o f Sale, at the Marshals Otlice, during ilm hours o» iy : •aid Estates being the property of J. C. M’Leu .nd John Bethune. Whoever should think himself entiil • at ion publi .-hed as cUstomarv. Berbice, the ?9 January, IS 15. K. Francken, First Marshal. NB. The above named Sale is to take place on the s|M»t. SUMMO NS“b r ED I CT. BV virtue of an Appointment from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated the 17th December 1814, given upon a petition presented by Mathias Rader, as the only surviving Curator to the Estate of Robert Gordon, deceased. } the undersigned do hereby Summon by Edict: All known and unknown Creditors ofthe Estateof Robt. Gordon, dec. To appear before the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, at their Session which will be held in (he month of October 1815 and following days, there to render in their claims, to verify the Mins, and further to proceed according to Law.. This Summon by Edict, made known to the public by beat of drum from the Court House ofthis colony. Berbice; Slst January 1815. IC I'BAhCfcKii, First Marshal, BY virtue of an Extract from the Cd’grt of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated I7(h Januarv, 1815, given in the cause entitled Tbs. F. L vFeld, one ofthe Executors to the Estate of the late I bert Wilson, and Attorney of Thomas Bond; anotb. of the Executors and one of (he Heirs of said R. Wilson, and of H. Staal appointed in the place of \V. Dodgson during his absence from (he colony, Plaintifls by Edict, versus, all Claimants on the proceeds i a», r rnila cum annexis, Defend nits by Edict. I the undersigned do hereby Summon by Edict: AH Claimants on the proceeds of Plantatimi Hermitage, corn annexis, to appear before the Court of Rolls, on Monday the 6th of March, 181.5, and following days, at the Court House of this colony ; there to render in their claims, to verity the and further to proceea according to Law. This Summons by Edict published as customary. Berbice, 31st January, 1815. KJFrancken, First Marshal. BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated the 16th January ISls,given in the ciuise entitled H. Staal and 11. Luthers, appointed Curators to the Insolvent Estate of C. Forking, deceased, Plaintiffs by Edict, versus, all known and unknown creditors, against the Estate of Cornells Fucking,

SEkBICK. accountant s office Os ths Honorable the Court of Civil Justice. Executorship of the Will of A. Schliipfer and dec. Guardianship of the Minor A. Schliipfer. Sequestration of Plantation Yeovil. Administration of the Estate and Effects of the late James Fraser, dee. Sequestration of Plantation Ross. Sequestration of Plantation La Fraternite. Whereas the Honorable the Court of Civil .Justice* by Order, having referred to us the Accounts of the persons hereafter named, viz. J. A. Hicken, Excufor of the Will of A. Schlapfer, deceased; and Guardian ofthe Minor A. Schlapfer. P. Fairbairn and J. Tapin, Sequestrators of Plantation Yeovil. P. Fairbairn and Jas. Fraser, Administrators of the Estate and Effects of the late .las. Fraser, dec. A. Thornborrow and P. Fairbairn, Sequestrators of Plantation Roi*. B. J. Schuiers and IL C. Hintzen, Sequestrators of Plantation La Fraternite. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested therein, that attendance will be given at the Accountants Office, held at the house of the second undersigned, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from noun until 3 o’clock in the afternoon, for the term ol one month trom the date hereof, in order to enable such person to inspect said Accounts, and state their objections or observations in writing, at th:’ expiration ot whicji time, the required ret er* ¦wdl he made in the ah >vementioned matters, and of (it required), th • parties may obtain an office copy, at their own exp nee, in order should they deem it expedient, to attend the Hon’ble the Court n reasonable terms f<> ptnnpt prfyrrient, a choice assortment of (he J ;¦ articles, .>.*/< cted by themselves cn the * spo', viz,— IRISH linens and ‘heefmg, French pullicat and cambric red borJ: 1 ! dh•. ’ ikerchiefs, mosquito lawn. Irrdii dimity, light grui.nd cambric prints, blue and green shv>L, hum. Tacks, diamond giiil’ings, super fine an 1 patent s ; : i : r, jaconet MeUt cloths, counterpanes, stoat ealji »< s, < ome bleached Russia sheeting and do. brown dm ks, men’s brown and white cotton whole and halt hose, brown cotton lambs wool ancles and feet, elastic cotton and worsted jackets, silk and cotton half hos<;, single cotton caps, women’s plain and sandal ¦ nd ro derrd cotton hose, silk and cotton hose, men’s white;, td black silk hose & white silk women’s white and black silk hose, ladies and gentlemens hats, ladies straw, lustre and plaited bonnets, fancy flowers and wreaths;, plaids in pieces, jewellery, be hE, watches, Hessian and Wellington boots,! >i r f ,(l strong shoes,oil floorcloths, sadlery, perfanniy, haberdashery, gloves, combs' ladies writing and dressing cases, wearing apparel, negro hats and clothing, cutlery. Japann’d an I j I.J ted wares,* rich black silk pieces, black and colour’d checked silk hkfs., ribbands and sewing silk, put book’, cotton bmgiijg, bintin, sewing ami st in twine and sail needles, black varnish, green, red, fine bine and yel'pw paints, iieint and neat* tout oil, ivory fans, anticorro’-hn paint in firkins, butter in firkins, pine apple and loaf check s, Wesphaliansand Yorkshire hams, pickled tongues in kegs, prime Leadenhall beet in firkin*, rounds of beef in tubs, tripe, barley and split peas in kegs, hoes, shovwls, carpenters and coopers tools, a general assortment of ironmongery, candies, soap,2’, 3, &3$ inch rope, stationary, gold epaulets and regulation sashes, pale ale in bottles, blown stout in hottiesand in barrels, Port ami Vidon ra wins in bottles—a handsome gig with harm’s complete. H Feb. ROBERTS & BETHUNE. Lot No. 17, New Amsterdam. THE Subscriber has received p. the Egham, an exteasi’. e ami elegant assortment of London ready hi uje cbaths, boots, hats, Russia duck, cotton fiorentine. silver ami plated ware.—which he wdl dispose of very reasonably, for immediate payment, either whosale or retail, at the store of D.C.Cameron, Esq p. grant. ft EC El \ ED per the brigs Berbiciaan, Eghvm. 'mJ Goede I'erzcachting, a choice assortment of w me?, liquors, provisions,\lry goods, &c. which wit; be sold very reasonable, for imrqediat payment. , ; *>’’• J. IL SCHLARHORST. CRABVTOOD LUMBER, of all delcriptions, for Sale very reasonable, if taken by large quanlities, apply to A. G. Calmer, in town. ° J1 G. PAVELS, qq. FEBRUARY hath 98 DAYS. D. of Phases of the Moon, Holidays, IL W. Mw. Phenomena, &c. n. m. 1 W Last Quarter, Ih. 10m . morning, iM> 35 2 I'h Purif of B. V. Maiy. Neap Tides. II 3(j 3 F Al 41 4 I S • • r. ’34 5i Su Qnmquagesima Sunday. Agatha. 209 6* M Commissary Court. ~ *; IS 7I Tu 4 0 S \V Ash Wednesday. 4 ’ 42 9 'l'h New Moon, ih. 39m. morning. 5 |0 F Spring Tides. 5 54 11 S ro , ’ G I*2 Su f irst Sunday in Lent. 7 | 13 M 7 38 H Tu Si 19 15 W 91 3 16 I h 9 .y, 17 F First Quarter, Oh. "9m. morniag. || 3 IS S Neap Tides. yi 9 19 Su |2d Sunday in Lent. Sun Enters Pis1 9 20 M [ces, 2 3 21 I'ii a 8 | W 3 53 23 'l’h Full Moon, 4h. Sfm. evening. 4 37 ?1 F i St. Mathias. 1). oft'amb. h. 1774. 5 30 25 S j [Spring Tides, b 13 26 >ll i3d Sunday in Lent. ’ (> ';(> 27 Ml 7 H 28 i'ii h 11 ? »—— ¦ 1 mini ¦MiwuimjiiM.iMum TE KOOP by den ondcrgetcekeqfie, op het Eif No. 7,—Edanimer kaasjes a .>|lb., oudc | utiv dito alO lb., Leidsche komyne ditoa iO jib.. bM. in kleine vaatjes, bestc gcpelde gort in do.. Ln. ; ii.> in do., mansvrouween kindersghoenen, vlecsch rn \i»ch.— I'eveas rekoiumandt s» <;i toevertrouwd* zaken. H Feb. PETRUS be GOEJE. I'OR LONDON, the sailing brig =“ Egham, /h.; ./, Master, stands A. I. ui Lloyds, copp> i ami < >pwer fasti m d, will positively sail wilh the April convoy—lor height apply f > the Master on board or G. PAI c,LS. ( apt. Pavy has excellent accommod.Hmn tor passengeis, ami oilers lor Sale a luusignrneal oi choic< provisions and dry goods. ] j Feb. \v ho has f<>r >ale a fine long boat, which pulls remarkably last and carries well. *FOR AMS ' I ' DOI? the new brig; Berbiciaan, ( orndiKs Hab, Master, wh* : sail the*Stii ot March next, —for frei'dii apply to 11 Feb. G. PAULIN or H. C. IE \ IZEN. NOTIv E is hereby given, that Mr. E. F. Hantze is empowered >..» coilip all horses, mules, asses, cMtle a,„l slice, ,l( at any time may be found strayimr ( , ri a" l! ‘di roads or d ims of this Town, according m mationof the Honorable Court <>f p ( , July, 1813.—New Amst. Ihh Feb*. “ ’ q JF. OBERMI Ls rn \ i:c ' (o ’ h4: ' r ' JtV!l^ :ll !it? FOR SALE by the Subscriber,'(he O''' mg India (loads, imported in the SGinn f c Warren, from London:—Blue and wliii?.!, 3 * !t I res, blue, white and yellow mmkerns, 9 ! conet muslins, seersuckus, Bandama hyson tea mid black pepper. Vl,| ds, ' croft. I DE ondergeteekenden in ?7“ aan het Publick bekend, dat zy vomiierg? Zl ? eU de Klercmakery te cxcercerenTot het waken ¦¦ ¦?? lerley mans klederen, belovcn le ecu prour/?!’*•' vile bediening, verzoeke eon icders guust en munhtie. I)t genen die him gelieven te | 5 ?' ¦' gm, vervoege zich np het erf No. (g a a n d?\/? dam, ten htnzc van de ew»te on.lergeteekend n ’ ? r> , J c -bvedeckr IFeb. A. JUNG, JIn(I OLKfcRTS. 1 I* OU \ DER I) oft Berbice l{i?r? 01 ] I no! •lannary, a Bchoaaer,'? dq. New zAmsl. 8 Feb? I . —___— ~ —« — 1 fhc undersigned intending to quit the??! ! ay in 6 we< A s or 3 months from elate, requests aj ; persons iv;v any demands a. him to r«H vT 1 ’he same ; and thu.,r 1 id; bted to come for.vrd with ¦ piy ment. Beefier tor >ale, cheap, his premises on ¦lot No. I», Comprising 0 road I ml, w ith a dwellisg ¦ hons • 2g ..y 12. het and out-bouscs, -<&c. j 4 ‘ JOHN DOW. j I/.1 LO RlL.i) ia the Ship Simon Cock, Cant, B. Warren, torn London, imd for Sale by theSiiih senber Lunion particular Madeira wine in blds. J.uupagnc cLiret, Port wine, cydar, soda water, I reach biau.-y, flolla id > gi q Hoffman’s cherry and raspberry bra.idy, preserved fruits, confection try, hams, ci:e< m’, potatoes, henin -s in barrcL, lin >• fish sour emu!, beef and pork in timces and halfbmrek mustard, v neg i. spices, black pepper, prunes, rai« sms, currants, leaned sugar, gm powder hyson tea, cottm an I cNlee bigging, Russia shirting, brown Hol. i’i i .. checks, Osmtburg’s, India white and yd. I>w nankeens, sair.nporcs, h A fs., India book, jaccon •?, < ambric, mull, spngged, .spotted and satin striped muJins fl>: • linen.-, Lmg lawns, French cambric, P" ; ‘ hg.i •i co .v ci.ipe, bom ba zeen, sarcenet, Bar* ' ll * sup. fim* ladies black, blue am) green cloths aad.kurseyumre, Manchester strip, rd nmkeen>, ginchmn:,, thread, tape, needles, ladiea strew and while beaver bonnets, fashionable trim’d children do., ladies dresses, Lappels hkfs., coliors, tfiread lace, vo>and tooting, children robes and cap , silk and cotton stockings, gentlemen’s silk and beawr hats, gloves, boots, shoes, shirts, pantaloonj, waistcoats, routs des chamoie, ladies .shoes, gloves, pearl and g.un t drop earings, bracelets youths hats and shoes, mahogany writing desks, and dressing cases, lavender, rose and honey water, hnilte antiqui, Windsor soap, Packwood’s razor straps and shaving brushes, silk umbrellas and parasols, wax and spermaceti candles, pitch, tar, dryed red ochre, patent an J common paints, sperm, neat foot A paint mis, gunpowder, shot and flints, sash pullies & cod fishing hues, sewing & sein twine, vat hoops, rivets, sheet lead, building & temper lime, Roman cement, nails 4d. to 40d., boat nails 21 to 3 inch, claspheaded do., boat chains, hand and whip saws, boreing braces and buts, adze, axes jack, smoothing and beading planes with spare irons, hammers, gimblcts, compasses, files, hoes, shovels, ivory handled and comuion knives with or without forks, wine and vat cocks, frying pans, grid irons, tea kettles, bras, plate and banbury locks, hinges, screws, shop scales and weights, plantatina do. with Dutch 30 lbs. de , wafer seals A to Z, portable billiard tables, swinging cradles, heir matrasses, toilet glassiss, stationary, and glassware, Negro and tradesmen's jackets, wrappers and hats, nuat leather trunks, bird cases, corks, &c4 Feb. Wm. HENERY. Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock p Jt» By W. SCHULZ A; Co. Gjvcrnment Printers. 4 Feb.