Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://original-ufdc.uflib.ufl.edu/AA00093219/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Berbice gazette
- Uniform Title:
- Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
- Place of Publication:
- New Amsterdam
- Publisher:
- W. Schulz
- Publication Date:
- February 11, 1815
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Berbice
New Amsterdam (guyana) guyana
- Genre:
- newspaper ( sobekcm )
- General Note:
- Semiweekly
- General Note:
- Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
- General Note:
- The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
- General Note:
- In English, with occasional text in Dutch
- Funding:
- Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
This Rights Statement should be used for Items for which the organization that intends to make the Item available has determined are free of copyright under the laws of the United States. This Rights Statement should not be used for Orphan Works (which are assumed to be in-copyright) or for Items where the organization that intends to make the Item available has not undertaken an effort to ascertain the copyright status of the underlying Work.
URI: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
- Resource Identifier:
- 1380865228 ( OCLC )
Aggregation Information
- DLOC1:
- Digital Library of the Caribbean
- Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
- IUF:
- University of Florida
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J 815.)
Twelve dollars }>. annum. |
I uipoirri'i) in the Pc. tr am, from I.ondon, and
I for Sale hr/ the Subscribers, on reasonable t< rms
I for prompt pot/went, a choice assoi lincnt of lhr
I following articles, selected by themselves on the
I 'spot, viz, —
I IRISH linens ami sheeting. French pullicnt and cam-
I faric red bordered handkerchiefs, mosquito lawn, In-
I dia dimity, light ground cambric prints, blue ami
I green shawls, huckabacks, diamond guilfings, super
I fine and patent shirting, jaconet neckcloths, coun-
I (erpanes, stout calieivs, home bleached Russia sheet*
I ing and do. brown ducks, men’s brown ami white
cotton whole and halt hose, brown cotton lambs woo!
ancles and feet, elastic cotton and worsted jackets,
silk and cotton half hose, single cotton caps, women’s
plain and sandal mbroidered cotton hose, silk ami
cotton hose, men’s w hite and black siik hose & w hite
silk hall'hose, women’s white and black silk hose,
ladies and gentlemens lints, ladies straw, lustre and
platted bonnets, fancy bowers ami wreaths, plaids i ,
pieces, jewellery, beads, watches, Hessian and Wel Wellington
lington Wellington boots, light and s.tlong shoes, oil floorcloths,
ndiery, perfumery, haberdashery, gloves, combs,
I ladies writing nn l dressing cases, wearing apparel,
negro hats and clothing, cutlery. Japanu’d and pla plated
ted plated wares, i ich black *iik pieces, black and colour’d
checked siik hkfs., ribbands ami sew ing silk, pocket
books, cotton bagging, bant in, sew ing ami sein twine
and sail needles, black varnish, green, red, fine blue
and yellow paints, paint and neat* foot oil, ivory ivoryfans,
fans, ivoryfans, nnfieorroM m paint in firkins, butter in firkins,
pine op.pie raid loaf cheeses, Wesphaliansand Yoik Yoiksliire
sliire Yoiksliire hams, pickled tongues in kegs, prime Leaden Leadenhall
hall Leadenhall beef in firkin?, rounds of beef in tubs, tripe, bar barley
ley barley and s• lit pens i i kegs, hoes, shovels, carpenter*
and coopt i s tools, a general assortment of ironmon ironmongery,
gery, ironmongery, candles, soap, 2s, 3, Sc 31 nu ll rope, stuTmn stuTmnry,
ry, stuTmnry, gold i [Millets and regulation sashes, pale ale in
bottles, biov.n stout in b dtlesand in barrels, Port and
Yidonia wines in bottle•:—a handsome gig with har harnes
nes harnes complete.
Lot .Vo. 17, New Amsterdam.
THE Subscriber has received p. the Egham,
an extensive and rh-.-'ini assortment of London ready
made cloatli*, boo's. hats, 1 1 ussia duck, cotton Horen Horentine,silver
tine,silver Horentine,silver and plated ware.—which he will dispose
of very teasoimbly, for immediate payment, either
yhosalc or retail, at the store of I). U.Cameron, Esq.
Gleb. !». GRANT.
II EC LI V El) per tlit* brigs Btrbiciaun, Ev Evkam,
kam, Evkam, and Coale P crwachting, a choice assortment
of wines, liquors, provisions, dry goods, See. which
trid be sold very' reasonable, fi.r immediat payment.
TF KOOP by den ondergeteekende, c.p ltd
Erf No. 7,-1 idammer kausjes a3{ib., ornlc pl ittc
ilito a 10 Ib., Leidsche komyneditoa 10| lb., boter
in kleinc vaatjes, beste gepelde gort in do., haring
in do., mans- vrouwe- cn kinder - schoenen, gezoufe
vlccsch en viseb.—Tevens rekorarnandeerd den on-
dergeteekende zich tot hetwaarncmen van komiriis komiriissien
sien komiriissien zoo bier als in Holland, als hebbende daartoc de
gunstigste gelegenhcid, vorzekerende eenepromptc
en civile behartiging der bclangens van de aan hem
toevertround* zaken.
- 11 Feb. PETRUS nr. GOEJE.
CRABWO O DLU NIBEIi, of all descrip descriptions,
tions, descriptions, for Sale very reasonable, if taken by large
quantities, apply to A. Q. Calmer, in town.
II Feb. G. PAIJELS, qq.
FOR LONDON, the fast sailing brig
Egham, John Pavi/, Master,stands A. I. at
Lloyds, copper and copper fastened, will positively
sail with the April convoy—for freight apply to the
Alastef on board or G. PA UELS.
Capt. Pavy has excellent accommodation for pas passengers,
sengers, passengers, and offers for Sale a oonsignment of choice
provisions and dry good#. j]
FOR AMSTERDAM, the new brig
Berbiciaan, Cornelius Rub, Master, will
sail the Bth ot March next, —tor freight apply to.
11 Feb. G. PAUELS'or li. C. IUNTZEN.
TO RENT, the front House on Lot No. 29,
For particulars enquire of the Subscriber, on Lot
No. 29, New' Amsterdam.
llF«b. J. MUNO.
S A i i i \V\ ! aKY I!.
NOTICE is Un.-h .v u Mr. E. F.
Hantze is fictiKHVi tc t t b'sdue i<»
he B )!'!lcl ot l lie i• ie c 1 *i ,i , i. i k Sin it h,
md £»iven cei jits for (h • : s m (bed
to said boedcl, ire re : . ! . • lo.ward widi
payment, without d !iy - ulj , , unpaid on the
dr.st April next, will be mi«* 1 : li oil res pi ct to
persons.—-11 Feb. .1- . \0 y. /
XV. tDM It:, Lxet,U s
A- D. CUCHE at.d j;. :* aii vL as well
in prive as in comp, iainrm- d â– L...li.un it may
m.av concern, t!r; t'i ylj tv ( ,«, ■» ;<>•< la.v -r of At Attorney
torney Attorney on VJr. E. F. fl.iritZ' â– >,!(!<â– -in c. all outstanding
debts, giving reccei;ifs sh •. n , «•<. . )| ]
BROUGHT into cu.v.-.H. . Subscriber,
a black Horse, spotted v. ; .s. * , i .ur his legs.—
which, after three ti n s a A, m>; claimed,
will be sold at V eadtn , to e- c.\p<*no< s.
11 Feb. . . â– i, Sheriff.
None Eis her b ?_. > e.i the undersign undersigned,
ed, undersigned, f liat Mr. 1* i. . u .!• 's a . in; ot his, which is
now null invalid; i?s b iug-U u for a Inuse which
ite wairauted to be s-*uml ; tin* horse proving «o the
contrary, has bei’u ntu n d wi.hm the limited time
specified in the note, wnic.t he a .uses giving uj> —
as the note was drawn to Order, this i» toiaution
persons taking it in payment.
II Feb. ' Jim. QUA BLISS.
Til Men h'tnh of this Cofrny,
find 3fosters es i s <'*•, arc herein/ i>formed,
that no / Afters (era these es the Cicnersor
Consignees) shall be i oav. yed froth, or rtcdvttl into
on// v f ills Mop sty ,y l joaii/i â– ai s, I-if \l< rc hunt vet vetsh,
sh, vetsh, unless they me >. afar!// parud through a
Post Office and bene the root thereof. Tkcr>fore
(hr /Alter Bugs zeiH i.i future re unit at the Cost
Office in place of their ( hunting Houses ; a^rcable
to an Act of Padiament, sf, (do. ///. Cap. 1(39,
passed uist i/ear. Transgressors ore liable to heavy
Pi nalti< s, rohit h are. ordered to be rigid'// enforced.
Herbiee, SO/ / eh.
I*. McKivN/I F, Act. Dep. Posfmr. Gen.
TENDERS for Lbs. best quality,
and 4000 Lbs. good broken Coffer, the growth ot
Plantation J./i J'rat era o', will be received br the
Subsciibcrs, till the of this month, at the house
oi Dr. J. B 'resford, 1 M \o. I, New Anuterdam.
S Feb. Si'questrutors.
Payment to lie made in Colony r unvney.
FOUNDER Doll Bcrbicc River, on Mon Monthly
thly Monthly night k*sf lim .‘ oth of January, a Schooner, ia iad«u
d«u iad«u with 77 bales oi cot'n, viz,~E
21 Square bales m irked Hf'.
22 Round do. marked I R \Y.
8 Do. do. marked PM,
So Do. do. marked It If.
Slinu..l any oi the aiiove htl sbe picked up, infor information
mation information thereof is -equc&tcd to be given to J. Wulff
Esq. NewAmst. 8 ITb.
The undersign *d intending to quit ilie colo colony
ny colony in (j weeks or 3 mouths from date, requests ail
persons'having any demands against him to render
the same; and those indebted to come forwrd with
payment. He oiler for Sale, cheap, his premises on
lot No. 10, conn-rising 5 road laud, with a dwelling
house 22 by I2£ feet and out-houses, Sec.
-1 Feb. JOHN DOW.
THE next Meeting of this Society will be
held at Plantation Port Mourant, on Tuesday the 14
inst.—4 ITb. F. CORT, Sec.
EOR SALE, bv the Subscriber, at reduced
prices : Barrels of mackrel / Ob: half barrels do.
barrels salmon /88. boxes <>! fish 120 lbs. each a!
Os stuiver p. 1!)., long leal tobacco f 2 - 10. per lb.
Irish mess beef m tierces /15-L b iriels mess pork at
f I d£. halfdo. j 70. assorted pickles in boxes con contnining
tnining contnining 9 large imftles at /44. per box, fhdi sauses
at / 4. pi r bottle, coffee and cotton bagging at f l.
per yard, haixs, hung beef, liug fish, din's?*, &c.
41‘ch. J. WULFF
NOTICE —This is to inform the Public:— .
1 l it the President and Members of the Town Com Committee,
mittee, Committee, have authorized Mr. A. F. Fischer, to take
up all horses, mules, asses, cattle and sheep, which
at any time may be found straying on the public
roads or dams of this Town, according to a Procla Proclamation
mation Proclamation of the Honorable Court of Policy, dated Gtil
July, 1813.— NcwAmst. 11th Feb.
Sec to the Town Committee.
FOR SALE by the Subscriber, the foliow foliowmg
mg foliowmg India Goods, imported in the Simon Cock, Capt.
W nrren, from London : —Blue and white salempo salempores,
res, salempores, blue, white and yellow nankeens, 9[|S & 6[|k ja jaeottct
eottct jaeottct muslins, seersnekus, Bandama handkercliicfs,
hyson tea and black pepper.
IMPO UTE D ui the Ship Simon Cock. Capt.
B. W arren, from London, and for Sole by the Sub*
scriber :—London particular Madeira wine in hhds.
(’hainpagne, claret, Port wine, rydar, soda water,
French brandy, Holland’s gin, 1 loffnian’s cherry ar.d
raspberry brandy, preserved fruits, confection; r ,
hums, cheese, potatoes, herrings in barrels, ling fi
sour crout, beef and pork in tierces and half barrel /
mustard, vinefar, spices, black pepper, primes, » 1
sins, currants, refined sugar, gun powder hyson u
eotfon and coffee bagging, Rii'sh shirting, br i
Hollamr*, checks, Osnaburg’s, India while and . ,
low nankeens, saieinpores, hkfs., India book, iac. *
net, cambric, mull, sprigged, spotted and satin's?,,
cd nuulins, fine linens, long lawns, French cam
pocket hkfs.,black crape, bombazeen,sarcenet, I -
celona *h iwls and hkfs., sup. fine ladies black, hi ,-e
and green cloths aad kerseymere, Manchester â–
ed nankeens, ginghams, thread, tape, needles, !,. !i s
straw and white beaver bonnets, fashion ( bit* frimM
children do., ladies dresses, Lappels bids., colio,*.-
thread lace, edgings and footing, children robes a > 1
caps, silk and cotton stockings, gentlemen’s siik and
beaver hats, gloves, boots, shoes, shirts, pant aloe;«,
waistcoats, robes des chambre, ladies slkk’s, gloves
pearl and garnet drop earings, bracelets and beads!
youths hats and shoes, mahogany writing desks, and
dressing cases, lavender, rose and honey water, hud *
nntiqui, Windsor soap, Pack wood's razor straps ;md
shaving brushes, silk umbrellas and parasols, war;
and spermaceti candles, pitch, tar, dryed red ochre,
patent and common paints, sperm, neat foot Sc maTt
oils, gunpowder, shot and flints, sash putties N Vo. I
fishing lines, sewing Sc sein twine, vat hoops, rivets
sheet lead, building & temper lime, Roman c luny
nails 4d. to 40d., boat nails 2f to 3 inch, clas dieid dieided
ed dieided do., boat chains, hand and whipsaws, I'oremg
i)races imd bitts, adze, axes jack, smoothing anil
beading planes with spare irons, hammers, gimbUds,
compasses, files, hoes, shovels, ivory handled and
common knives with or without forks, wine and vat
cocks, frying pans, grid irons, tea kettles, bras, j late
and banbury locks, hinges, screws, shop scales and
weights, plantation do. with Dutch 50 lbs. do., wa wafer
fer wafer seals A to Z, portable billiard tables, swinging
cradles, hair matrasses, toilet glasses, staiionaryVan!
glassware, Negro and tradesmen’s jackets, wrappers
and hats, neat leather trunks, bird cases, corks, &c.
4 Feb. Wm. HENERY.
~NEG ROES TO HI RET—Twenty vahTabTe
Field People, men and women. For particulars en enquire
quire enquire of the Subscriber.
28 Jan. CHs. KYTE.
——■»——l.-,.—-■f BnnrTruiwma.nTi nry—ntuTinM^a—
Notice is hereby given, that a month after date the
following Transporrs and Mortgages will be passed.
Jan. 21. James Fraser will transjiort to Alex. Fraser
Lot No. 42 West coast, commonly called Sea Seafield,
field, Seafield, with 47 slaves.
Alexander Fraser will mortgage to Jas. Fraser,
half of said Lot with one half of all Slaves now
attached thereto, in secui ity of the balance due
to Jas. Fraser of the purchase of the whole of
said Lot with 47slaves.
Alex. Fraser will transport to Alex. Simpson
the other half of said Lot No. 42, with half of
all slaves, stock, boat, appurtenances and de dependencies.
pendencies. dependencies.
Jan. 28. Colin Douglas will transport to Demera ry
G 3 Negroes, names to be seen at Ibis Oiiice.
It. C. DOWN LG, Sa//
(No. 543.
[Payable in advance .
This is fa ->tform the Public, that the followin''
Persons intend quitting this colon;.
John Dow and Ills child named John August, in sis
weeks so n 4 I 1).
J. G. Tout q-.j. will transport, to Demersrv, .3 N<>-
groes, u inn-d Bristol, Gloucester and Luicast. t.
W. Broderick in o weeks from I S . h.
jDuvid Dwync in tj weeks from 10 Feb.
R.C. I)O\VNr?, < ?.r.
WH LI? LAS A ppbeation, by Peiiij.*'.;, ins bee
Jnade to the Hon’Me. Com of Poli. v and Crie ;
Justice of the colony Feibice, at Pi I r Sen Jons > ‘ th.
1311 l January IS Jo, .or Letters-c ur v .u- >;
The Negro woman Cui-iba, a.-sbvd by A. G. Cal Calmer,
mer, Calmer, for herself and her three child ica* Elizabeth,
Frames, and Susnmnh.
Notice w hereof is in i. !>v given to ill >se whom if
inay concern, and who r y vF-h too; *•- fhegqm:
of said f *rf tors of Mantr. N*i*v*,:Jn! vm >y a-hires',
fhettwelves in writing to tin* u 1 M.-dg.a ! S>\ *• my of
the colony, previous toA »e cn?>n ig Sc.- -dons of the
Hon. (hunt, when a final disposition will be made ot.
the af»resd.d Petition.
Secretary’s Oiiue, B-rbleo,
R. C. DOW Si. I ',', See.
y -rti.-farv*'' »
O i V rdnejida v tin* 15 Air" • \ »!i be *ot • at the
V s " hie (' '!• .A; mg ,r p
ale v o* ti i t ho* , v.biS;- a:.-;! red cm • a.
font it U V *-:n, I, s :i • :i i clal’ct, C'oUij!: lit; i wii.’e,
8 \'7. '.T • •«’. i t V. ;•( rs.
hardwood frame 20 I ? 14
feet, :» ig oa ;h •\u ini.-cs G Mr. 'if;, asm v. .
t\* eiiif.’ tiny lie seen,.also the front quarter oi he
i>o. 32, second 0ti.;.;,1.;, r.—- by goods pjo-. m• s,
h,vr, po ter, b andy, gin, MadeirColton and i.ok’v
b titling, Hr, ft .*•. ,c.
1). 0. C.tr-t urex, Dcp. Vai.hte Afr
On Monday #!;;* (i*h of 4 ,t h, n M, HP.:t folio >; e;
d■iy■, wi 1, b.s i:< • f>» i '-e .1 by «»*• •.r
t!>e XC i VS • • ! 'c,[ l. /. J,:. ..•, tMeCo -
fee Pi-o dat ions El'Bi’ 'S' \ Rl;8T ami PRO-}.
I.)ENUF, in i!m i >;u I dm •• ■a .t! tin- cotton p
lif ion V. P, i 'l'
together wifi; a bo;,, t -c to, ; |«, c Itle, fur i,'up i,'upend
end i,'upend what ui hern vâ– ; pi 11 . lb-terms or-d ami
odier pur'ictda s. p bcoionin y be made to A. A.
tie la Uo.itâ€. ‘ so. in f<*
I). V. C.-sM»>h«*n, Hep. Vendue JUr ter.
.Vi— m - - •.» » •- *v.. *.•. ....
P?» f\ pi * ' ; r |’a vr
•tv • !.. w .u.i 1 e‘.f _s .
B*i His FvctUt n *t ii knry T
P> riser,- , £ p /rtf, i icui.-Coveri.-i;
Os ill* C<- : JJ is - ,u (th. t li s jLsi'pCudi U-
C /» V, £ C y£, 6C.
Aul the //•;•â€, 'ls the Court of Poll >;
of the : aid col â– -/.
3Ti> «/7 iowhcr.i tin e vr: cats ma; or the.’:
Cj.ut, Ltec i.rg ! Mi, ii :
JL DAT we h»'M> H? si;'hf prop-r to r*'gid-»f * thâ€
Cbah • dm!iocs, tor v- f cal Piytue.nl of ihr ‘ i • cf
the \egio * P'-'v t nirrcfdied by sever’d Pi inter , (hi
the Repair el the fWtiiiciutnns, in f’tis Co! mp, fm
t « year IS I a;el j.nn * rub:; year IS! I, >n Hi r.one
fn-thvr, ». i I ; (he s •#<» im imer, as i: <•>;preset! if
our Public
ami to or s u - nil â– net\ os Wo do hereby Oydeib
and Enact by tliese *•.
1 it tv.i h inh fA; of this colony, ngre-Mc 4 o
the Return made by him to the Cap tut: m Tex 1 >r
the year ,8.'5, at the AiM-eiverGenooifsO.hee, shah
j v previous to the first of X y, 18:5, Ids Quota or
Proportion, toward# the aorementiniwd ti v t hire o:
the N< p’oi-sso fumi Is* d U*r the repair off he Tor ifica ificalions
lions ificalions in this colony, due foi the y m 1815, »:d part
of the year IS 14. ami (• m die irood the Hecenai
Genend’s ( omuossion, ot 5 pci ( cut im rem iv iag a,M
pitying the whole* chai * incurred, w hidi aiaoutits
on repnrteiion to thirty gruiver* pe» Head.
For (he r< ceipf os vthicSi :u.r
afterwards for payment of the aunvyaitl in -, :.;m :.;m---iioceivcr
--iioceivcr :.;m---iioceivcr Gciu-ra-1 is hereby qu.dilj !, cud furth- r
authiwisesl to compel ;u>d enforce payment of she ssti.i
contributions, troin alt D< fauilers, aib r expiratiou i f
the aiim-Miiil term, by .summary Execution, and
without further pron s of l.aw.
And in order liint n > iguoranoe may be pretended,
f’l «c presents slmii be published, printed unP, posted
irp xa cu.-toina y.
Thus enacted in our Ordinary Session of the Court
of Pi icy on the JSih January, 18;4; presi-n* : hi*
Exi liency Lieut.-Governor fl. W. Bun tinck,and
ttie Horable Members: James friser, Peter iau iauiijuiifj*
iijuiifj* iauiijuiifj* A. Glasius, ami (*co. Mmc.o.
XJy Command of the Court,
K# C. D(J VV SLii t .ice.
An 1 p;d)V%!iedon .Tnnuarv. 181.5, present •
bis Excellency and the rUixesJlid 1! >n. Meioows.
1 n im senre of
PilO C LAM AtTo N.
By IBs Excelii ncy 11 > v ry William
Bes ri \ c k, Esquire, Lieut.-Govern-or
o er the colony Bet bice and its Depen Dependencies,
dencies, Dependencies, §c. sc. - Be.
And the Honorable Court of Policy oj
the said colony.
To nil idiom these presents may or shall
come, Creeling! lie it knoxen :
JL HAI the number of Slaves on Estates subject to
di.- |;-*ymerit ut Plantation-Money, consisted on the
f - st. i.'fi eiiibi rIS 15, in 22,0.94 Heads, and that on
partition, the PLantation-Mom y for the present
vi ir, is by these presents fixed and regulated at
Vt.-r-vc Stivers per Head.
!l pets us possessing any Estates or who may have
buinis’ ration o them, are hereby cnjoined and
• : - -*i o*d to make payment for the aforesaid Pianta Pianta*u-Money,
*u-Money, Pianta*u-Money, agreable to the said Heputition, at the
' Mme oi the iieceiver GAmcial, or on before the First
of * ;*v next ensuing.
And in order that im ignorance may be pretended,
• :’ resell:s •
< loge< i r, ii n ihe Lit oi Biaves, printed and sent round
1 t ‘ I ne dob real Estates within iho colony, as is cus cust
t cust euary.
: is emcb*d in nnr Ordinary Session of the Court
h â– >> on tl:e istii Jauuaty 1815; Presen', His
•*• my Lv -iiteiMii.-(Governor Be.n rtNcu, ami
• * : win able 'mu bers Jus. J insw, P. i aii<.au;i,
...... Limbus, and ii. Alunro.
By Command of the Court,
It. C. i O il Niilt, Ber.
A-*d pc', ire nd on the2sdi fobow jug, present, lii>
Fxc• if : y 13 UoVMiiut’ and the Honorable Mem
; atuWshij, in jjrrwice of
('. DOW NLit, Soc.
N O TIME A A i (J N.
Gy Comrnand of the Court of Civil Justice
’ 1i i L i!. ion de Court ot ( ivil Justice ol the co co•
• co• 1 r rbi- -, Iciviiig observed that n.anv persons,
t.n er their
d»ei. obed»ei. i giitcral i bum ut iht* Jdtii J aue, 1814,
Dir cA i • sail.i to lie iv-puhiisheti tor i;iio/.i. ition ;
Ac-; '.on: , H!< iuioii to be paid thereunto, by ail
An • i . iMTtur., on or bt-tori* the gb.i 1 eotii.tr>,
: tiling ; on pain of tile Coral’s Displeasure,
• • .i. .. ais t li-:* Lav present* s.
rsiiig » tiousc, iicrhivv, I7ii» January, iS 14.
. l»y LoHiinnnd,
ii. ( . .A)U tfcH, Sec.
— » y * .uaw
! Tv! art from .As Uejgister of the Minutes of
1i i (‘ ‘ic 0* tt\ ii Uwlil Cj Li iiiC CoiUiiV
i - *- s
fVcdntsuaj l hlh June y 1811.
i \
'J. .A.N 'A A wasucror Cngly Ordered, that all person*
na»t:g U . .it.' UJ.j- 'll <>l Ol the i oil it, ell i’ll I* as
l ii; :i :.#r e reditu. ,•. ui’ator: it* solvent (-.states.
>.-■u :• i ’nrs, Guardian-, .-.u.ui .M.ami other
A-a. >i*. mg t .iii s, tier .h,.-.n i.-ib m t!u* Court,
*u am;, i†aud .t i»t .1†.' ciouuls, witlii i ou<
in i i Mini !i ; (ki eoi the Pubiicatioii oi Inis Urdei
in the Lierin. • (»• /v >. ru iin iu.ure in iiu iiuirst
irst iiuirst .> » i the nil. ,?i . ./ji.Miuuy ui ivt i v v»ar, to
U.e rmcretaiy o. the Com;, ; id mi no pr< truce what whatever
ever whatever (a o’od iiu* same v i.-h.-tt a-p ctal ord. r tor iur iurd'er
d'er iurd'er tdie i; sr-g f.-.-viousiy an dn-’d on Petition,
: sd.e,>vu..g gonn ems. ; and < a : o nr.- cllect(tally to
ensure i. rtiiv <>., a ..me- oi ii.is t udei, ti is hereby
barh.-r diiecct; : i dat th heert tary oi the Court do
■' 1 he ii, a :;*y oi ev» iy ordinary Sessions, lay on tlie
anle of ;is t â– a List oi tin names and capaci capacities
ties capacities »u’Cm si vi rd Acer.urn*tug parties, together with
the dales in their dtve A ppoiiiimenis, and .he
time up to which the said Aivoants have already alreadybeen
been alreadybeen given in, oi re;,limed to the Court n>r cunfut-
•vhere the s<\iaal V'michers and Hot uments thereto
belonging, a»e Uep sited and under .vhose authority
or order.
AS i) in the said List is also to be inserted the
5* ones of ali Persons who have taken out AtH oi
elibai.itioii, together vviiii tin? dates thereof, and
•he tiirn s when the same have beeb iciiewed or pro prolunged,
lunged, prolunged, and iuiilier to eonwnu ttie names ot the sev sevd
d sevd r a Co agaihst which the claims ol the r. spect spective
ive spective t.redi ors have been already filed and exhibited
for the d ecis.oii ol the Comt on ll;o i’ere *niil concur concurrenliie
renliie concurrenliie therco , togrthcr with the dates when the said
claims were tied, aad also when the several Procla Proclamations
mations Proclamations and Advertisements feinting thereto, were
issued both i;i (he colonial and foreign CoucHe*.
A?;h Ceurt prohibit am! farllJn • „
A*can Jnats- to Certify, Erauifar N f' ?/ ‘ ::
Heun on any s'-eouats of the j. u r], s a p, * ort b
'ii ir own request, or to reei tve their pan
purpose, wiCiont tin* same having been -M r, n ‘' 1
it i: Fi:a t> in TO THEM by the Court, and the f ‘ Aßlr
parties interested therein, regularly B , lm * T r “l
j Advertisement in the public Papers, and ,|,,J \ . b f
»»ven of at least -ne calami* r month, t„ a ,. ni ot ' c »
fore them, and to state their Obj efions V>'e
to their marking up their report A hereon’ (VloUsl f
AND the Secretary ol the Court, i s hereby
foiliid, ui future to receive any Documents'\>'r v f
ehers frum a;tv of she Arcouming Parties afor- -
without a regular Inventory thereof j s nt tb ,
time rendered to hun by the said parties'dui! S - ni#
ed and dated by theip; and he is directed
ceiving such iuveuiory, to compare the same IS
the \ om-hers, and certify the accuracy thereof i
further to deliver to them the said parties one -
of such Inventory signed and attested by him
such InViiitoHes and Accounts to be carefully,
served by him in his Ollice, properly Libelled
-paraphed, and not to be returned or given out of'th
Office, except in cases of prw and concur rent ia
pronunciation of the .sentence in those eases w ](k u !
an express Order of the Court or Governor! ° U
A true extract, published for general information
by order ol the Honorable Court of Civil .lu»li ce . 1
Quod Attestor
K.C. DOWN Ell, Sec.
BEIiBICE. " ~ ' ~ “•
O’, rr’ r • ?!**'* fl(H ' sr ' ~ Ut 1815.
I II ,i (iKMifei’a’tl (vovernor cxpi rieneing meu: Jr.
regu arity ami v’onfusion for the want of dme attend
Umt to the Order oftlic respective the ItonoihlilGh*
Courts of Policy, Criminal an. * Civil Just :ee. NO W
DIUFJCTS, that the same be re-puliitshed, and strict.
1 1 v complied w :th, by ali parlies; and Notified tbit
; ,l(> | ,< *tiMoii will be received as t!i r<*iit meutiomdaf.
ier the time specified by tin* same Order, unless®
cases ot . ericutum in Mora, which must be aud*
luauiiesily io appear.
P; command,
1 . li 1 i «-,, (vov. .Sec.
The Honorable Courts of Policy, Criminal tad
1 ivii Justice ot t.»e Colony Derbice •
ifit .
ol_ ii a ving observed tint nriny pets ms preseatin*
1 elisions ti> the aforesaid < ourts, treijuenilv deviate
Irorn file gem- ml order, given out in this respect,un respect,underdate
derdate respect,underdate oi 22 November 1805, whereby nil iVtiljoni
w• re required to be delivered into the P: rlent’i
' Sice, within a certain period previous to their sit-
NOW OithhlJ, and require, all pcrsoni
who have Petitions to present to the Con: I of Policy,
f rimifia!, or ( ivil Justice, to render i i the nunc to
j Ihs Excellency the Governor, ;ts President, 48 hour*
previous to the sitting oi that Court to which such
.'cfpion is address:d ; asotherwi e Petiti utsv.illnol
hi’ Noticed, except in eases o i pcricufurn in mura.
Court House, e July, 1814.
fiy command,
It. C. DOWNER, Secretary ,
By Command of the Honorable Court of
Policy and Criminal Justice of the Colony
The following Explanatory Extract fromthi
Minutes of the said Court, is published for Ge«
iiciul Information:
“ IIEREAS it has been represented to th«
(.ourt, that many Proprietors of Estates are impres impress'd
s'd impress'd with an idea, that in the Annual Returns to bo
given in by them to the Receiver General, it fsun fsunnecyssary
necyssary fsunnecyssary to include invalided Slaves; they being
considered exempt from the Capitation Tax.
“ And as this impression is perfectly erroneous and
indirect coidradicfionto the Ordinances of she Court
us Policy, whereby, under a heavy fine, to be paid
by Defaulters, Slaves of every description are requir required
ed required to be included in the list given in by their Owners,
to the Receiver General, and are equally liable to
Taxation, as ali other Negroes ; this Notification of
the Court’s pleasure, is desired to be be published to
obviate the error many may otherwise fait into, and
to prevent those who have been in error, lion* being
fitted lor undue Returns.
“ And the Court desire it to be further notified,
that the Slaves who have been absent from their
Masters or the respective Estates to which they
belong, more than twelve months, are not subject t#
Conformable to the aforesaid Minutes.
By Comma al of she C #urf,
ii. C. DOWNER, Sec*
r a I fjie Honorable Court of Policy mul Cri Crin
n Crin I 'i n inal Justiceof the Colony Bn bice.
J I come; Creeling! Be it known:
[ IW HERKAS a Vacancy has again occurred in
* I f 3|lonl‘* Court of Civil .Justice, of the colony
IH-rbic*, by die resignation of Samuel Kendall, Esq.
r lid a Nomination having been made by the lionor lionor
- lionor |able fnilrt of Policy lo supply his place. His E\-
I 'dieneT die Governor lies been pleased to sell cl Si-
I o^F»A s,:n » Esq. of Plantation Kilmorack, to be
I Member of the Court of Civil Justice.
I jty,!j r( . M hereof is hereby given, that the Inhabi-
I tants of this colony iaay respect that gentleman in his
I mid caparby.
I Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 21 Jan. IS 1.3.
I By command,
I R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
Bi/the Honorable Court of Policy and Cri Criminal
minal Criminal J ust ice of the Colony Bn bice.
is hereby given: That the Honorable
I (’ourt of P"li< v has b cu pleased to fix the Hates of
Produce mi which the Colonial Duly of 2* per cent
I j; to he yah I to tin* Receiver General, for the Siv
I months, commencing the I 4 of July 1811, and end-
I in? the S Ist day of December of the same year, as
I fallows:
Coll on—l 6 slivers per pound.
Ci flee —B stivers pi r pound.
Sugar—ft stivers per round.
Coma —7 stivers per pound.
I Hum— 50 stiver*, per gallon.
Molasses —one guilder per gallon
Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 2ith Jan. 181").
By C 'ommnnd,
R. C DOW \EH,Sec.
By the Honor aide Court of Policy and Cri Criminal
minal Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbii c.
O nrn i- hereby given to the Puhlie : tliat the
the uudrrinenHoned Gentlemen are appointed Com Commissaries
missaries Commissaries for the >a ar 18)3, on the different Districts
of this colony.
CoMwisuirit* far the. East St a Const, Berbice.
Samuel Kendall. } ...
n ... • ' : Esquires. ,
David Carnegie, 1
Convnisso i< softi e l Vest Sea Comt, Berbice
P t< r Ftirbaim, }
li I r.qu ir.’S.
Commissaries for the loner Division of the JVcst
Current t/n Coast.
Robert Doughs, >
..r . ’ > I.esquires.
I nomas \\ adc, } 1
Commissaries for tic upper Corret.tyn Division.
F. lb ittlefwnk, )
Join Buthune, S **' s ‘ i l "
Chum issnrh s for Cartje llher.
Henrv Smithson, > ..
Wr.rlvv, S, ‘V" m -
Commissaries for the East Sea ( oast Canal.
F unnel Kendal!,
David Carnegie, > Esquires.
Henry Smithson, j
Commissaries fr the East Bank of the River Berbice
J- 11. I/. Maurenbrechcr, ),,
V. C. Swavin'., ’ \
Kiiy’.Huusc, N. Anist. 25111 Jiinnarr, ISM.
Bv Command,
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
Mr. Mahler,
Ik hoop UR. helnirt ztd zei/icn refuseren, rrnjn
ten vraag te bennduoorden :—of ik laats by UE. nan
ha’s, zoodanig so b bxhonken dnt ik van de stoel on onder
der onder de Inf* l ben get alien,
tcoord anttcoord zal UE. tc rpliglr n, &r.
* J*
Myn anltcoord arm de vrang, die in UE. brief slant
is, dot nir fs van dot in hel hut's van Vroute Johanna
gebcurt is.—lk ben isc.
y icb. n. b. maiiler.
•/ . ■*?*. /*v fJW
i iw . RY math 2S DAYS.
D. of Po-e e< he Moon j Holidays, 11. W.
m. w. P'Mfi â– u n i. Sic. ii. m.
* W ’ i-i 1 i. e . . lOiii. uorii g. M 35
2 CL i'u ifo B. v. Maiy. N
5 F \t 41
4 S | 34
3 so O;n*io r . '? sunn Sunday. Agatha. 2 2!)
6 W Comm is iy ’ 'on it. 5 18
7 Tii " 4 2
8 W Ml V.*. -Mrs lav. 4 42
P »h W-; !•>•», 3!i. 59at. morning* 3 18
10 F Sp.mt Tides. 5 54
11 S 6 2b
19 8u First Sunday in Lent* 71
IS M 7 58
14 To 8 19
15 W 9 3
in Th 9 56
17 F r ’irfif Oevfm, Oh. 59:n. irorning. II 3
18 S N’l'Sji 'V I ‘s. M 9
19 *u 2d Siijuia\ in Sun Enters Pis- 1 9
20 M ’ rces, 2 2
21 T'i L 3 I
29 NV 3 53
23 Th Full bfivm,-1V rveivng, 4 37
‘2l F S. Mathias. D. oi'Can b. b. 1771. 5 30
2‘i 8 [Spring Tides. 6 15
8n 3d Sunday in Lent. 6 56
27 M 7 34
28 i 8 41
TENDERS for 5 a POOO pounds clean Cot Cotton
ton Cotton in pared o 6 h Je«, v»if be received till Tuâ€sd«y
the 14th instant, at ths house of the second under undersigned.—i
signed.—i undersigned.—i
II Feb. A. A. nr. i a COURT, qq.
siTunrjY, rrurrurr If, !S’s.
Cur Cijiana Picket came in here this week, but
brings no news than w * are already in possession of.
Wm. Scott, Esq. of this colony, and Walker,
Eso. came passengers i ) the Packet.
Also came in here a third Dutch brig, loaded with
provisions—and a many passenger*.
The Mail will be c’osed at G oVi»ck in the morn morning
ing morning on Tuesday the Mali inst.
.a «
T)ote r 'nr-r'rert, Xovemler 9(3.
A di-pah'!!, ofw'vi - h the following i* « cony, has
been rarrived from V up. Cen. Sir Geo. Prevost,
Barf, addressed to Earl Bathurst, one of Ilia Majes Majesty’#
ty’# Majesty’# Principal Saerrlari s ol State i
New York. Sept. I I, 1814. $
Mv I.onn, —Upon the arrival ot the reinforce reinforcements
ments reinforcements from the Garonne, I lost no time in assembling
three brigades on the frontier of Lower Canada, ex extending
tending extending from the river Richelieu totln* St.Hawrence;
and in forming them i do u division, under the com command
mand command of Major Gen. de !?Orenburg, for the purpose
of carrying intoelfect His Royal Highness the Prince
Regent’s commands, which had been conveyed to
me by your Lordship in your dispatch of the 3d of
June last.
As the troops concentrated and approached the
line of separation between this Province and the Uni United
ted United Stab's, the American army abandoned its entren entrenched
ched entrenched campon the river Chazy, at Champlain : a po position
sition position I immediately seized, and occupied in force on
tbeSd inst. The following day the whole of the left
division advanced on the village of Chazy, without
meeting the least opposition from the enemy.
On the sth, it halted within eight miles of this
place, having surmounted the difficulties created by
the obstructions in the road from the felling of trees
and the removal of bridges. The next day the divi division
sion division moved upon Plattsburgh in two columns, on pa parallel
rallel parallel roads: the right cblumn led ?)* Muior C, -
Power’s brigade, supported by Ibnr compm V« i
light infantry and a demi-brigade, under Mujur G .
Robinson; the left by Major Gen. Brisb ant’s bri»'i'!{,.
The enemy’# militia, supported by his r< g mi.
attempted to impede the advance of the ri'glif < -
lumn, but they were driven before it from ail th« ii
positions, and the column entered Plattsburg. ii. i
rapid movement having rererved the strong
taken up by t!ie enemy at Dead creek, if was pre i ipitately
pitately ipitately nbondoned by him, and his gun-boat:?
left to defend the ford, and to prevent out n
the bridges, which had been imperfectly d<
an inconvenience soon surmounti d.
Here I found the enemy in the occupation of i
elevated ridge of land on file South brain 1 if b e 8 .
ranae, crowded with three strong red an Ms â– ; â– -
field works, and block houses ar ed F v
nance, with their flotilla at anchor, rufof i s ot
fronv (lie shore, consisting of a ship, a brig, a m
ner, a sloop, and 10 gun-boats.
I immediately communicated this circunv. •- >
Caps. Downie, who had been rrcen'lv nj> >
command the vessi Is on Lake Champion, i
of a ship, a brig, 2sloop*, and 12 gun-b ut ,
quested his co-opera:ion, and in the ncan f , r
series were constructed forthegunsbrought it.
On th* morning of the Mth,, cur fTotlfl ‘ was *â–
over the isthmus which joins Cumber! nd H ad
the main land, steering for PI itsburg bay. I
diatvly ordered that part of the brigad-*, under
jor-Gen. Robinson, which !iad ben brum-ht .
ward, consisting of four light infantry com.'-v f • ?
battalion 27th mid 76:h regiments, ami \fn ; .
Power’s brigade, consisting of th > 3d. sth. !g. «...
27th anti 3Sth regts. to force I:; - ford of F S' s r .
and advance, provided with scaling lao’d. . . i , ,
lade the enemy’s works upon the !: i \-,i- • .. *
was placed under the comma; dos Major-G.-... ’
binson. The batteries opened their fire the in-,
tin* ships engaged.
It is now with deep concern I: f-â– r> y - ~
ship, that, notwithstanding the into ; i ,
which Capt. Downia led hisflo dla into
most sanguine hopes of complete sucre*
long afterwards blasted, by a c â– mhinatioM,
pea red tous, of nn fortunate events, to whii h
warfare is peculiarly exposed. Scarcely ha l h
jesty’s troops forced a passa<;e across the f ...
and the heights on which s! uid theenum’s wm.
when I had the extreme mortification to lu u th
shout of victory from the enemy’s works, in eons -
quenec ol the British flag being lowered onboard Me
Confirmee and Linnet ; ami see our gim-honf* seel -
ing their safety in flight. This unionkci!-fyr e v .}
depriving ine of the co-operation of the Jh\ t, wd>*-
out which the further prosecution of the service y.i*.
become impracticable, I did not hesitate to arrest fk«
course of the troops advancing to the attack, because
the most complete success would have been unavail unavailing,
ing, unavailing, and tiie possession of the enemy’s works oflvn <1
uo advantage to compensate for the loss we must have
sustained in acquiring possession of them.
I have •rdered the batteries to be disinan led, the
guns w ithdraw; and the baggage, with the wounded
men who can be removed, to be sent to the rear, in
order that the troops may return to Chazy to-morrow
and on the follow ing day to Champlain, where I pro propose
pose propose to halt until I have ascertained the use theenc theencmy
my theencmy propose making of the naval ascendancy they
have acquired on Luke Champlain.
I have the honor to transmit herewith returns of
the loss sustained by the left division of this army in
the advance to Plattsburg, and in forcing a passage
across the river Saranac. —1 have the honor to be, fee.
(signed) Gro. Phi vost.
THE undersigned having appointed K. Franc Francken,
ken, Francken, Esq. as Ins general Attorney, requests all tho.g
that are tnih hted To him, to nvike payment to s.i t
gentleman.2S Jan. J. C.ScuoLLer asg *.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Public :—
That the Exec nfiorr Sail*, iu favor of the free Negro
lonian Daphne, versus, J. C. Schollcvanger, of a
Sentence against Janies Sinclair, favor F. A. Roden Rodenfcrook
fcrook Rodenfcrook for a Rill of Exchange for € 100. Sterling, lie liesides
sides liesides interest, damages, and cxpences, will now po positively
sitively positively take place on t.he 15th February 1815,at the
Court House of this colony, at i 1 o’clock iu the fore forenoon
noon forenoon ot that day.
Berliice, 57th January ISIS.
K. Fuancken, First Marshal.
By virtue of an appointment, from the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated ivtii De December
cember December 1814; given upon a petition presented by
John Lay fie Id, as Attorney of Thomas Gudgeon, of
Stoke Newington, near London.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the un undersigned
dersigned undersigned intend to Wll, at Public Execution Sale, in
the presence of two Comic. Ilors Commissaries and
their Secretary, on the first corning Monday in the
month of May, 1815, the Cotton Estate called KIL KILMDJLVCK,
MDJLVCK, KILMDJLVCK, sUdeted on the Correntyn coast of this
colony, with all ifs cultivation, buildings,slaves, and
further appurtenance* thcr to besieging, all of which
mi Inventory as also the Terms of Sale, are to be seen
at tiie Marshal’s Office during (he hoursoi duty ; said
Estate being the property o; Simon Fraser.
Whoever should think hirnsclf enti led to oppose
the Execution Sale of above Estate Ivilniorack, let
smell prisons add less themselves at the Marshal’s Of Office,
fice, Office, declaring their reasons ho so doing, in due time
and form, as i hereby give notice,‘that { the under undersigned
signed undersigned will receive opposition from every person
1 hereunto qualified by law, appoint them a day to
have his or her claim heard before the Court, and
fertile act therein as the law directs.
This4th Proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, the 99 Ja u ;rv, 1815.
K. Fr anc ken, First Marshal.
NTS. The shove named hate is to take place on
the spot.
BY virtue ot an Appointment from the Honorable
Court of Civil Jus : •, of this colony , dated the 17fh
December, 1814, givt-nupon a Petition present nib*
K. Francken, a* First MarshrJ, for ami in mime of
W.Gordon, as ( ther v i;h Evan Fraser ami Angus
Fraser, the surviving Attornies jointly and severally
for Donald TELcod, ot Gemdcs, in the County of
Kos, North Britain.
Notice i* hereby given to ihe Public, that I th«
undersigned intern 1 to ><•!( at Public Execution Sale,
in the presence of two Fouuceilors t 'ommissaries and
their Secret n v. on Wednesday the IS of March 1815,
firstly, the • offon Estate called GEANIES, situated
on the Current \ n const, withal! its t nil i\ ati >n, slaves,
buildings, a id fuid.ef appurtenances thereto belong belonging,—and
ing,—and belonging,—and sec n
situate in th« t-m rentyn river, of which Estates an
Inventory* may bo s< < n, as also ot (lie Terms < f Sale,
at the Marshals Office, during the limns ot du \ ;
•aid Estates being the pioperty oi J. C. Ax’L cud aad
John Bo*hone.
'.V hoever should think himself entitled to oppose
the Execution Sale of the two abovemeutioueo Es Estates,
tates, Estates, let such person or persons address them,-. Fes
to the Marshal’s Cilice, declaring their reason for
so doing, as 1 hereby give notice, that 1 will receive
opposition from every one thcreunfoqualificd by law ,
appoint them a day to have his or her claim beard
b fore the Court, and further act therein a? the Law
This 4th Proclamation published as customary.
Bejbice, 99 January, 1815.
K FRaNCKEN, First Marshal.
NO. The Sale of said Estates is to take place on ihe
respective coots.
BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellency
the Governor, dated 22d Oct. 18 M, given upon a
Petition, presented by K. Fran.dc n, First Marshal,
far and in name of James Fraser, i ranter and Inha Inhabitant
bitant Inhabitant ot iU is colony.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, Pest J the
undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale,
in the presence of two Counceilors Commissaries and
their Hccre.tn iy, on \V ednesiloy the I st da v of March,
1815, the cottoh eb.de called "No. 40aiuf4l, situate
on the west sea coast of this colony, with all its Cul Cultivation,
tivation, Cultivation, Buddings. Slaves,. &cV all of which an
Inventory as also the terms of sale are to be seen at
Ihe Marshals Office, during the hours of duty ; said
estate being the property () f the estates of Patrick
Small, and William Threlfall, deceased.
\Y lioever should think himself entitled to oppose
the Execution Sale of above estate No. 40 and 41,
west sea coast, let such persons address themselves to
the undersigned, declaring their reasons for so doing
la dutt time and form, as 1 hereby that I
w ill receive opposition from every one thereunto qua qualified
lified qualified by law, appoint them a day to have his or’her
claim heard before the Court, and further act thereon
as the Law directs.
This 4th proclamation published as customary.
Bcrb ; ce, the Bth January, 1815.
K. Francren, First. Marshal.
BY virtue of an Appointment the Ho Honorable
norable Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated
the I7ih December 1814, given upon a petition pre presented
sented presented by Mathias Hader, as the only surviving Cu Curator
rator Curator to the Estate of Robert Gordon, deceased. I
(lie undersigned do hereby Summon by Edict : All
known and unknown Creditors of the Estate of Robt.
Gordon, dec. To appear befo e the Court of Civil
Justice, of this colony, at th dr Session which will
be held in the mouth of October 1815 and following
days, there to render in their cla ms, to verify the
tarns, and further to proceed according to Law.
• bis Summon by Edict, made known to the public
by boat ot drum from the Court House of this colony.
Borbice, 31st January 1815.
K. Francren, First Marshal.
BY virtue of aa Extract from the Court of
Civil .lustier, of this colony, dat«d 17th January,
1815, given in the cause entitled Ths. F. L.iyficld,
one of ( lie Executors to the Estate of the late Robert
\\ ilson, and Attorney of Tho ias Bond ; another of
the Executors and one of the Heirs of said It. W il ilson,
son, ilson, and of 11. Siaal nppointvd in the place of W.
Hodgson during ins absenew from the colony, Plain Plaintills
tills Plaintills by Edict, versus, all Claimants on the proceeds
ot Plan; uion UermUttgc, cum annexes, Defendants
by Eu.ci. 1 the undersigned do hereby Summon by
Edict: Ah Claimants on the proceeds of Plantation
tlt roFunge, cum anuexis, to appear before the Court
ot Rolls, on Monday ihe bih ot March, 1815, and
following days, at ihe Court House of this colony ;
f.iiere to render in th ir claims, to verity the s«i«c,
and fusilier to proceed according to Law.
ibis •Summon') by Edict published as customary.
jJeibicc, 51 st January, ißi j.
k. Francren, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated
(he 16th January lß«s, given in the cause entitled
'L Biaai and â– l. Lutii, i.-, appointed Curators to (lie
Insolvent Estate of C. I ocs.mg, deceased, Plaint itls.
by I ..Let, versus, all known and uuknown creditors,
a gams i the Estate ot Cornells rocking, dec. Delcu Delcud-by
d-by Delcud-by Edict. 1 Hie undersigned do hereby Sum Summon
mon Summon i>v Edict: All known and unknown creditors
against me Estate of C. locking, dec. to appear be before
fore before til â– Court ot nods, mi .v o.uiay the bill March,
1815, and following day s, at the ( unit House oi this
colony ; lh< re to ix adei in their c l.mas, to veiify the
same, and iufiher lo proceed according to Laiv.
ihts Summon* b\ ixlict made known to the Pu Public
blic Public by beat ui dm.a bom ihe Court iiousc oi'llni
colony. —iicrbice, 3isl January, ibid.
K. Francren, Fust .Marshal.
T V virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
ofnu Honoiablc Court of (.’ivil Justice, dated 20th
Oetob*. r 1814, given in the cans* vntitlf d : J. Tapia
and P. Fairbatrn, in capacity as bequest rutors to
Plantation VraniL, tii* lute properly ot Dudley
Wade, Plaintiff by Edict, versus, ail Claimants an
the proceeds of Plantation Veov;i, cum anuexis, sold
at Execution Sale, Defendants, by Edict. t the un undersigned
dersigned undersigned do hereby Summon by Edict: All Claim Claimants
ants Claimants
nex annex sold at Execution Sale. To appear before the
Court of Hulls, on Monday the 6th March 1815, and
ollowing days, at the Court House of mis Colony,
there to render in their claims against said Estate, and
lurtber to proceed according to Law.
This .Summon by Edict made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this coiony,
uud further dealt with according lo custom.
Berbice, the (97i1l January, 1815.
K. FIIANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Order from His Excellency
Lieutenant-Governor H YV . Bextinck, given up upon
on upon a Petition lAf John Lay field qq. Jim. Dodson & Co.
ot Great Britain, dated the January 1815. No Notice
tice Notice is hereby given to the Public: That the Debt
for which Plantation No. 21, West Coreratine coast
was placed under Sequestration, having been duly
paid by George Munro, as Proprietor of said Estate,
to John Lay held qq. John Dodson & Co. The saul
Plantation No. 21, West Corentine coast, has been
this clay Released from Execution and Sequestration.
Berbice, 27th January, 1815.
k. HiANCKEN, lust Marshal,
Os the Honorable the Court of Civil J ug p
Executorship of the Will of A. Srhlh’nfer „ ,
Guardianship of the Minor A. Schlapfer am I
Sequestration of Plantation Yeovil. 1
Administration of the Estate and Effects of u , I ’
James Feasor, dec. Ile hti I n
Sequestration of Plantation Ross.
Sequestration of Plantation La Fraternity. I
WTiF.Fir.AS the Honorable (he Court of Than
j fice, by Order, having referred to us the \. . I
jol (lie persons hereafter named, viz. Cc °unf* I 1
J. A. Hicken, Excutor of fin* Will of A 9 c h\~ t
P. UuibiiimrHid J. raptn, Sequestrators of Pi 7 I
turn Yeovil. an ’ 5 ' I
P. Fnirbairn and Jas. Fraser, Administrator* „r
Estate and Effects of the late J ; »s. Fraser ,l e “* I
A ££r" d p - Fairbairu ’ **â€***«
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested I
therein, that attendance w ill be given at (In* I
tarns Office, held at the house of the second nndp** I
sigmNl, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridavt I
from noon until 5 o’clock in die afternoon I
! term of one month from the date hereof, ii/ortlerl I
| «mssx*>!«* such person to inspect said Accounts and
j slate their objections or ob.M*rvatio:;s in writing at I
the expiration ol which time, the required report I
will be made in the ahovementioned matters, am]of I
wliich (if required), the parties may obtaina’n offici I
copy, at (heir own ex pence, in order should the* I
deem it expedient, to attend the Ilon’ble the Court I
ot (ivil Justice onlh* day appointed for hearing mid I
report, and contest the confirmation thereof. ° I
Lerbice, 9d February, 1815.
FOR SALE — Plantation GOLSPIE, being I
(he Eastern halfof L«t No. ft, Corerityn coaM,gjt|
Roods facade, and empoldered about 900 ILmdt I
ileep ; having a (’anal extending the full depth frmi I
front to back, and the wholu perfactly secured bf I
proper Dam>, Trencher, &c. with a I
120 acres of Cotton aiu! 00 acres of Plantains; also I
large Fis Ids ol o’J cotton which has been for’some I
tim - under salt water; and 50 acres of excellenl I
Plantain Baud ready to plant.
There is a contort able Dwelling House 44 feet by I
20,1 iU-ly rebuilt of best materials, a large hardwood I
cotton Logie and other necessary Buildings; in ev«rr I
respect, requisite fur a cotton property ; a;ul there::, fl
ri«g of (kittle tor which the situation is inferior to I
none iu t lie colonies. It being the intention of tin I
Advertiser to quit (he colony, a great sacrifice will 1
be made to an approved Purchaser, with or without !
about DO very valuable Slaves, (18 of which are prbe I
men. One hundred head of a very superior breed of I
horned Cattle, and 200 fine Sheep; and if required, I
long credit will be given, on good security, fori 1
considerable part of the puia huse-money. For fur* I
(her particulars apply to thv undersigned onthepr»< I
21 Jan- ROBT. GRANT. I
NB. Should the above property not be sold by |jri. I
vatv bargain previous (*» the Ist of May next, it I
will then be sold at public sale, without reserve. 1
€. L. RRANDES—Hereby respectfully in-j
forms his Friends and the Public, that he designs to 1
establish himself as a Preceptor of Music , under I
which determination he flatter himself to accede the 1
encouragement of a liberal Community—the Inslru- I
menfs for that purpose are the following,—lst Cla» I
renct/e, —2d. Flute , —s.l. life, —4 b. French horn. I
His residence is on Lot No. 4, middle road, where |
he can be seen any hour in the day. Gentlemen that *
may feel pleased to bestow on their servants liefures, |
on either or every of the above Instruments, will j
meet with very agreable terms. 2S Jan.
He also undertakes to repair Forte Pianos,
DK ondergeteekend«n in Compagnie, maken
aan bet Publiek bekend, dat zy voornemens zynora
d« Klereraakery te excerceren tot h«t maken van al-
Icrley mans klederen, belovende een prorapte en ci civile
vile civile bediening, verzoeke erai ieders gunst en recora recoramandatie.
mandatie. recoramandatie. D» genen die bun gelieven te begunsti begunstigen,
gen, begunstigen, vervoege zich op het erf No. 6, aan de agter agteruam,
uam, agteruam, ten huixe van de oerstc ondergeteekenden.
4 Feb. A. JUNG, and
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock F M»
Bv W. SCHULZ & Co.
Privileged Government Prin
Full Text |
J 815.) Til!s BERBICE. GAZETTE. Twelve dollars }>. annum. | I uipoirri'i) in the Pc. tr am, from I.ondon, and I for Sale hr/ the Subscribers, on reasonable t< rms I for prompt pot/went, a choice assoi lincnt of lhr I following articles, selected by themselves on the I 'spot, viz, — I IRISH linens ami sheeting. French pullicnt and camI faric red bordered handkerchiefs, mosquito lawn, InI dia dimity, light ground cambric prints, blue ami I green shawls, huckabacks, diamond guilfings, super I fine and patent shirting, jaconet neckcloths, counI (erpanes, stout calieivs, home bleached Russia sheet* I ing and do. brown ducks, men’s brown ami white cotton whole and halt hose, brown cotton lambs woo! ancles and feet, elastic cotton and worsted jackets, silk and cotton half hose, single cotton caps, women’s plain and sandal mbroidered cotton hose, silk ami cotton hose, men’s w hite and black siik hose & w hite silk hall'hose, women’s white and black silk hose, ladies and gentlemens lints, ladies straw, lustre and platted bonnets, fancy bowers ami wreaths, plaids i , pieces, jewellery, beads, watches, Hessian and Wellington boots, light and s.tlong shoes, oil floorcloths, ndiery, perfumery, haberdashery, gloves, combs, I ladies writing nn l dressing cases, wearing apparel, negro hats and clothing, cutlery. Japanu’d and plated wares, i ich black *iik pieces, black and colour’d checked siik hkfs., ribbands ami sew ing silk, pocket books, cotton bagging, bant in, sew ing ami sein twine and sail needles, black varnish, green, red, fine blue and yellow paints, paint and neat* foot oil, ivoryfans, nnfieorroM m paint in firkins, butter in firkins, pine op.pie raid loaf cheeses, Wesphaliansand Yoiksliire hams, pickled tongues in kegs, prime Leadenhall beef in firkin?, rounds of beef in tubs, tripe, barley and s• lit pens i i kegs, hoes, shovels, carpenter* and coopt i s tools, a general assortment of ironmongery, candles, soap, 2s, 3, Sc 31 nu ll rope, stuTmnry, gold i [Millets and regulation sashes, pale ale in bottles, biov.n stout in b dtlesand in barrels, Port and Yidonia wines in bottle•:—a handsome gig with harnes complete. 11 Feb. ROBERTS & BETHFNEr Lot .Vo. 17, New Amsterdam. THE Subscriber has received p. the Egham, an extensive and rh-.-'ini assortment of London ready made cloatli*, boo's. hats, 1 1 ussia duck, cotton Horentine,silver and plated ware.—which he will dispose of very teasoimbly, for immediate payment, either yhosalc or retail, at the store of I). U.Cameron, Esq. Gleb. !». GRANT. II EC LI V El) per tlit* brigs Btrbiciaun, Evkam, and Coale P crwachting, a choice assortment of wines, liquors, provisions, dry goods, See. which trid be sold very' reasonable, fi.r immediat payment. 11 Feb. J. !L BCHLARIIORST. TF KOOP by den ondergeteekende, c.p ltd Erf No. 7,-1 idammer kausjes a3{ib., ornlc pl ittc ilito a 10 Ib., Leidsche komyneditoa 10| lb., boter in kleinc vaatjes, beste gepelde gort in do., haring in do., mansvrouwecn kinder schoenen, gezoufe vlccsch en viseb.—Tevens rekorarnandeerd den ondergeteekende zich tot hetwaarncmen van komiriissien zoo bier als in Holland, als hebbende daartoc de gunstigste gelegenhcid, vorzekerende eenepromptc en civile behartiging der bclangens van de aan hem toevertround* zaken. 11 Feb. PETRUS nr. GOEJE. CRABWO O DLU NIBEIi, of all descriptions, for Sale very reasonable, if taken by large quantities, apply to A. Q. Calmer, in town. II Feb. G. PAIJELS, qq. FOR LONDON, the fast sailing brig Egham, John Pavi/, Master,stands A. I. at Lloyds, copper and copper fastened, will positively sail with the April convoy—for freight apply to the Alastef on board or G. PA UELS. Capt. Pavy has excellent accommodation for passengers, and offers for Sale a oonsignment of choice provisions and dry good#. j] FOR AMSTERDAM, the new brig Berbiciaan, Cornelius Rub, Master, will sail the Bth ot March next, —tor freight apply to. 11 Feb. G. PAUELS'or li. C. IUNTZEN. TO RENT, the front House on Lot No. 29, For particulars enquire of the Subscriber, on Lot No. 29, New' Amsterdam. llF«b. J. MUNO. S A i i i \V\ ! aKY I!. NOTICE is Un.-h .v u Mr. E. F. Hantze is fictiKHVi tc t t b'sdue i<» he B )!'!lcl ot l lie i• ie c 1 *i ,i , i. i k Sin it h, md £»iven cei jits for (h • : s m (bed to said boedcl, ire re : . ! . • lo.ward widi payment, without d !iy ulj , , unpaid on the dr.st April next, will be mi«* 1 : li oil res pi ct to persons.—-11 Feb. .1. \0 y. / XV. tDM It:, Lxet,U s AD. CUCHE at.d j;. :* aii vL as well in prive as in comp, iainrmd ¦ L...li.un it may m.av concern, t!r; t'i ylj tv ( ,«, ¦» ;<>•< la.v -r of Attorney on VJr. E. F. fl.iritZ' ¦>,!(!<¦ -in c. all outstanding debts, giving reccei;ifs sh •. n , «•<. . )| ]; claimed, will be sold at V eadtn , to ec.\p<*no< s. 11 Feb. . . ¦i, Sheriff. None Eis her b ?_. > e.i the undersigned, f liat Mr. 1* i. . u .!• 's a . in; ot his, which is now null invalid; i?s b iug-U u for a Inuse which ite wairauted to be s-*uml ; tin* horse proving «o the contrary, has bei’u ntu n d wi.hm the limited time specified in the note, wnic.t he a .uses giving uj> — as the note was drawn to Order, this i» toiaution persons taking it in payment. II Feb. ' Jim. QUA BLISS. POST OFFICE. Til Men h'tnh of this Cofrny, find 3fosters es i s <'*•, arc herein/ i>formed, that no / Afters (era these es the Cicnersor Consignees) shall be i oav. yed froth, or rtcdvttl into on// v f ills Mop sty ,y l joaii/i ¦ai s, I-if \l< rc hunt vetsh, unless they me >. afar!// parud through a Post Office and bene the root thereof. Tkcr>fore (hr /Alter Bugs zeiH i.i future re unit at the Cost Office in place of their ( hunting Houses ; a^rcable to an Act of Padiament, sf, (do. ///. Cap. 1(39, passed uist i/ear. Transgressors ore liable to heavy Pi nalti< s, rohit h are. ordered to be rigid'// enforced. Herbiee, SO/ / eh. I*. McKivN/I F, Act. Dep. Posfmr. Gen. TENDERS for Lbs. best quality, and 4000 Lbs. good broken Coffer, the growth ot Plantation J./i J'rat era o', will be received br the Subsciibcrs, till the of this month, at the house oi Dr. J. B 'resford, 1 M \o. I, New Anuterdam. 11. C. IIINT ZEN & B. J. SCH WIERS, S Feb. Si'questrutors. Payment to lie made in Colony r unvney. FOUNDER Doll Bcrbicc River, on Monthly night k*sf lim .‘ oth of January, a Schooner, iad«u with 77 bales oi cot'n, viz,~E 21 Square bales m irked Hf'. 22 Round do. marked I R \Y. 8 Do. do. marked PM, So Do. do. marked It If. Slinu..l any oi the aiiove htl sbe picked up, information thereof is -equc&tcd to be given to J. Wulff Esq. NewAmst. 8 ITb. The undersign *d intending to quit ilie colony in (j weeks or 3 mouths from date, requests ail persons'having any demands against him to render the same; and those indebted to come forwrd with payment. He oiler for Sale, cheap, his premises on lot No. 10, conn-rising 5 road laud, with a dwelling house 22 by I2£ feet and out-houses, Sec. -1 Feb. JOHN DOW. BER BICE AG Rl< ULTUUAL . SOCIETY. THE next Meeting of this Society will be held at Plantation Port Mourant, on Tuesday the 14 inst.—4 ITb. F. CORT, Sec. EOR SALE, bv the Subscriber, at reduced prices : Barrels of mackrel / Ob: half barrels do. barrels salmon /88. boxes <>! fish 120 lbs. each a! Os stuiver p. 1!)., long leal tobacco f 2 10. per lb. Irish mess beef m tierces /15-L b iriels mess pork at f I d£. halfdo. j 70. assorted pickles in boxes contnining 9 large imftles at /44. per box, fhdi sauses at / 4. pi r bottle, coffee and cotton bagging at f l. per yard, haixs, hung beef, liug fish, din's?*, &c. 41‘ch. J. WULFF (No. 543. [Payable in advance . TOWN COMMITTEE. NOTICE —This is to inform the Public:— . 1 l it the President and Members of the Town Committee, have authorized Mr. A. F. Fischer, to take up all horses, mules, asses, cattle and sheep, which at any time may be found straying on the public roads or dams of this Town, according to a Proclamation of the Honorable Court of Policy, dated Gtil July, 1813.— NcwAmst. 11th Feb. J. F. OBERMULTTR, Sec to the Town Committee. FOR SALE by the Subscriber, the foliowmg India Goods, imported in the Simon Cock, Capt. W nrren, from London : —Blue and white salempores, blue, white and yellow nankeens, 9[|S & 6[|k jaeottct muslins, seersnekus, Bandama handkercliicfs, hyson tea and black pepper. 4 Feb. JOHN CROFT. IMPO UTE D ui the Ship Simon Cock. Capt. B. W arren, from London, and for Sole by the Sub* scriber :—London particular Madeira wine in hhds. (’hainpagne, claret, Port wine, rydar, soda water, French brandy, Holland’s gin, 1 loffnian’s cherry ar.d raspberry brandy, preserved fruits, confection; r , hums, cheese, potatoes, herrings in barrels, ling fi sour crout, beef and pork in tierces and half barrel / mustard, vinefar, spices, black pepper, primes, » 1 sins, currants, refined sugar, gun powder hyson u eotfon and coffee bagging, Rii'sh shirting, br i Hollamr*, checks, Osnaburg’s, India while and . , low nankeens, saieinpores, hkfs., India book, iac. * net, cambric, mull, sprigged, spotted and satin's?,, cd nuulins, fine linens, long lawns, French cam pocket hkfs.,black crape, bombazeen,sarcenet, I celona *h iwls and hkfs., sup. fine ladies black, hi ,-e and green cloths aad kerseymere, Manchester ¦ ed nankeens, ginghams, thread, tape, needles, !,. !i s straw and white beaver bonnets, fashion ( bit* frimM children do., ladies dresses, Lappels bids., colio,*.thread lace, edgings and footing, children robes a > 1 caps, silk and cotton stockings, gentlemen’s siik and beaver hats, gloves, boots, shoes, shirts, pant aloe;«, waistcoats, robes des chambre, ladies slkk’s, gloves pearl and garnet drop earings, bracelets and beads! youths hats and shoes, mahogany writing desks, and dressing cases, lavender, rose and honey water, hud * nntiqui, Windsor soap, Pack wood's razor straps ;md shaving brushes, silk umbrellas and parasols, war; and spermaceti candles, pitch, tar, dryed red ochre, patent and common paints, sperm, neat foot Sc maTt oils, gunpowder, shot and flints, sash putties N Vo. I fishing lines, sewing Sc sein twine, vat hoops, rivets sheet lead, building & temper lime, Roman c luny nails 4d. to 40d., boat nails 2f to 3 inch, clas dieided do., boat chains, hand and whipsaws, I'oremg i)races imd bitts, adze, axes jack, smoothing anil beading planes with spare irons, hammers, gimbUds, compasses, files, hoes, shovels, ivory handled and common knives with or without forks, wine and vat cocks, frying pans, grid irons, tea kettles, bras, j late and banbury locks, hinges, screws, shop scales and weights, plantation do. with Dutch 50 lbs. do., wafer seals A to Z, portable billiard tables, swinging cradles, hair matrasses, toilet glasses, staiionaryVan! glassware, Negro and tradesmen’s jackets, wrappers and hats, neat leather trunks, bird cases, corks, &c. 4 Feb. Wm. HENERY. ~NEG ROES TO HI RET—Twenty vahTabTe Field People, men and women. For particulars enquire of the Subscriber. 28 Jan. CHs. KYTE. ——¦»——l.-,.—-¦ f BnnrTruiwma.nTi nry—ntuTinM^a— SECRETARY’S OFFICE. Notice is hereby given, that a month after date the following Transporrs and Mortgages will be passed. Jan. 21. James Fraser will transjiort to Alex. Fraser Lot No. 42 West coast, commonly called Seafield, with 47 slaves. Alexander Fraser will mortgage to Jas. Fraser, half of said Lot with one half of all Slaves now attached thereto, in secui ity of the balance due to Jas. Fraser of the purchase of the whole of said Lot with 47slaves. Alex. Fraser will transport to Alex. Simpson the other half of said Lot No. 42, with half of all slaves, stock, boat, appurtenances and dependencies. Jan. 28. Colin Douglas will transport to Demera ry G 3 Negroes, names to be seen at Ibis Oiiice. It. C. DOWN LG, Sa//
This is fa ->tform the Public, that the followin'' Persons intend quitting this colon;. John Dow and Ills child named John August, in sis weeks so n 4 I 1). J. G. Tout q-.j. will transport, to Demersrv, .3 N<>groes, u inn-d Bristol, Gloucester and Luicast. t. W. Broderick in o weeks from I S . h. jDuvid Dwync in tj weeks from 10 Feb. R.C. I)O\VNr?, < ?.r. WH LI? LAS A ppbeation, by Peiiij.*'.;, ins bee Jnade to the Hon’Me. Com of Poli. v and Crie ; Justice of the colony Feibice, at Pi I r Sen Jons > ‘ th. 1311 l January IS Jo, .or Letters-c ur v .u>; The Negro woman Cui-iba, a.-sbvd by A. G. Calmer, for herself and her three child ica* Elizabeth, Frames, and Susnmnh. Notice w hereof is in i. !>v given to ill >se whom if inay concern, and who r y vF-h too; *•fhegqm: of said f *rf tors of Mantr. N*i*v*,:Jn! vm >y a-hires', fhettwelves in writing to tin* u 1 M.-dg.a ! S>\ *• my of the colony, previous toA »e cn?>n ig Sc.-dons of the Hon. (hunt, when a final disposition will be made ot. the af»resd.d Petition. Secretary’s Oiiue, B-rbleo, ,r p