Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://original-ufdc.uflib.ufl.edu/AA00093219/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Berbice gazette
- Uniform Title:
- Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
- Place of Publication:
- New Amsterdam
- Publisher:
- W. Schulz
- Publication Date:
- February 4, 1815
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Berbice
New Amsterdam (guyana) guyana
- Genre:
- newspaper ( sobekcm )
- General Note:
- Semiweekly
- General Note:
- Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
- General Note:
- The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
- General Note:
- In English, with occasional text in Dutch
- Funding:
- Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
This Rights Statement should be used for Items for which the organization that intends to make the Item available has determined are free of copyright under the laws of the United States. This Rights Statement should not be used for Orphan Works (which are assumed to be in-copyright) or for Items where the organization that intends to make the Item available has not undertaken an effort to ascertain the copyright status of the underlying Work.
URI: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
- Resource Identifier:
- 1380865228 ( OCLC )
Aggregation Information
- DLOC1:
- Digital Library of the Caribbean
- Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
- IUF:
- University of Florida
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metre dollars p. annum.:}
I By Bis Excellency Henry William
! I Bentin ck, Esquire, Lieut.-Governor
JIW I of the colony Berbice and its Dcpcnden-
Jf I eies, &'c. 8?c. .
I And the Honorable the Court of Policy
?cive I of the said colony.
I to all to whom these presents may or shall
f' rtl I Come, Greeting! Be it known:
I ll HAT we have thought proper to regulate the
I Contributions, for the final Payment of the Hire of
I I the Negroe Slaves furnished by several Planters, for
*. I the Repair of the Fortifications, in this Colony, foi
' I the year IS 13, and part of the year 1814,0 n the same
— I footing, a, ’ { l ’ n ie sarnc lui,r,ner 5 as is expresed in
I oar Publication of the Bth and 18th August, ISOS,
I and to ordain and enact, as We do hereby Ordain
if e , I and Enact by these presents. .
(H I That each Inhabitant of this colony, agreable io
h ; I the Return made by him to ti e Capitation Tax for
t* I the year 1813, at the Receiver General’s Oflice, shall
I pay previous to the first of May, 1815, his Quota or.
I Proporbow, towards the aforementioned final hire of
( u I
flg ificaflg I dons in this colony, due for the year 1813, and part
I of the vear 1814,* and to make good the Receiver
‘ 1. General’s Commission, of 5 per cent for receiving and
li | paying the whole charge incurred, which amounts
i’j I on reparation to thii ty btuivers per Head.
v I For the receipt of which quotas or proportion, and
afterwards for payment of the aforesaid hire, the
I Receiver General is hereby qualified, and further
{ I authorised to compel and enforce payment of the said
JI rputrihutions, fiom all Defaulters, after expiration of
the aforesaid term, by summary Execution, and
I without further process of Law.
And in order that no ignorance nay In- pretended,
, these presents shall be published, printed and posted
up as customary.
I Thus enacted in our Ordinary Session of the Court
of Policy on the 131 b January, |$H ; j u -.on; ; hi
‘ I Excellency Lieut.-Govern,nr 11. W. lentinc k. ami
*1 the Ilorablc Members: James Peter I,'ait I,'aitb.iirn,
b.iirn, I,'aitb.iirn, J. A. Giasius, and (»<■<>. .’miro.
*1 By Command of the r ‘ourt,
’ I RI C. DO W ?-i ER, Sec.
And published on theSilh January, 1815, present ;
his Excellency and the aloresaid lion. Members.
I In presence of
/ R C. DOWNER, Sec.
By His Excellency Henry William
Bentinck, Esquire, Lieut.-Governor
ever the colony Berbice and its Depen Dependencies,
dencies, Dependencies, sc. sc. sc.
I And the Honorable Court of Policy of
I • the said colony.
To all whom these presents may or shall
I ’ come, Greeting! Be it known:
HAT the number of Slaves on Estates subject to
the payment of Plantation-Money, consisted on the
31 st December 1813, in 22,094 Heads, and that on
a repartition, the Plantation-Money for the present
I year, is by these presents fixed and regulated at
g Twelve Stivers per Head.
All persons possessing any Estates or who may have
the Administration of them, are hereby enjoined and
directed to make payment for the aforesaid Planta Plantation-Money,’agreable
tion-Money,’agreable Plantation-Money,’agreable to the said Repartition, at the
| Office of the Receiver General, or on before the First
I of May next ensuing.
And in order that no ignorance may be pretended,
these presents shall be published, affixed, and toge together
ther together with the List of Slaves, printed and sent round
to the difterent Estates within the colony, as is cus customary.
tomary. customary.
Thus enacted in onr Ordinary Session of the Court
of Policy, on the 13th January 1815; Present, His
Lieutenant-Governor Bentinck, and
the Honorable Members Jas. FrMser, P. Fairbairn,
A. J. Glasiui, and G. Munro.
I '* By Command of the Court,
I . R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
.. And published on the 25th following, present, His
Excellency the Governor and the Honorable Mcm Mcm’
’ Mcm’ ’bers aforesaid. In presnee of
R. C. DOWNER, Set.
By the Honorable Court of Policy and Cri Criminal
minal Criminal Justiceof the Colony Berbice.
To all to whom these presents may or shall
come ; Greeting ! Be it known:
HER EAS a Vacancy has again occurred in
the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of the colony
Berbice, by the resignation of Samuel Kendall, Esq.
And a Nomination having been made by the Honor Honorable
able Honorable Court of Policy to supply his place. His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency the Governor has been pleased to select Si Simon
mon Simon Fraser, Esq. of Plantation Kilinorack, to be
Member of the Court of Civil Justice.
Notice whereof is hereby given, that the Inhabi Inhabitants
tants Inhabitants of this colony may respect that gentleman in his
said capacity.
Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 21. Jan. 1815.
By command,
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
By Command of the Honorable Court of
Policy and Criminal Justice of the Colony
The following Explanatory Extract from the
Minutes of the said Court, is published for Ge General
neral General Information:
HEREAS it has been represented to the
Court, that many Proprietors of Estates are impres impressed
sed impressed with an idea, that in the Annual Returns to bi bigiven
given bigiven in by them to the Receiver General, it is un unnecessary
necessary unnecessary to include invalided Slaves', they being
considered exempt from tint Capitation Tax.
“ And asthis impression is perfectly erroneous and
in direct contradictionto the Ordinam -s of the Court
of Policy, whereby, under a heavy to be paid
by Defaulters, Slaves of every description art: requir required
ed required to be included in the list giver, in by their Owners,
to the Receiver General, and are equally liable to
Taxation, as all other Negroes ; this Notification of
lie Court’s pleasure, is desired to be be published to
obviate the error many may otherwise fall into, ami
to prevent those who have been in error, from being
fined for undue Returns.
“ And the Court, desire it to be further notified,
that the Slaves who have been absent from their
Masters or the respective Estates to which they
belong, more than twelve months, are not subject to
Conformable to the aforesaid Minutes.
By Command of the Court,
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
By the Honorable Court of Policy and Cri Criminal
minal Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice.
is hereby given: That the Honorable
Court of Policy has been pleased to fix the Rates of
Produce on which the Colonial Duty of 2| per cent
is to be paid to the Receiver General, for the Six
months, commencing the Ist of July 1814, and end ending
ing ending the 31st day of December of the same year, as
Cotton—lS stivers per pound.
Coffee—Bstivers per pound.
Sugar—6 stivers per pound.
Cocoa—7 stivers per pound.
Rum— 30 stivers per gallon.
Molasses—one guilder per gallon.
Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 21th Jan. 1815.
By Command,
R. C. DOWNED, Sec.
By the Honorable Court of Policy and Cri
minal Justice of the Colony Berbice.
_ VOTIQE is hereby given to the Public: that the
the undermentioned Gentlemen are appointed Com Commissaries
missaries Commissaries for the year 1815, oh the different Districts
of th is colony.
Commissaries for the East Sea Coast, Berbice.
Samuel Kendall, >
David Carnegie; J £^u ‘ reil
Commissaries of the West Sea Coast, Berbiet
Peter Fairbairn, > p,
John Ross, $ Esquires.
Commissaries for the lower Division of the West
Correntyn Coast.
Robert Douglas, ) p,
Thomas Wade, J Eesqutres.
Commissaries for the upper Correntyn Division*
John Bethune, J Esquires.
Commissaries for Canje River.
Henry Smithson, )
Isaac Farley, J Esquires.
Commissaries for the East Sea Coast Canal.
Samuel Kendall,}
David Carnegie, > Esquires.
Henry Smithson, y
Commissaries for the East Bank of the River Berbice
J. H. L. Maurenbrecher. > T .
C. C. Swaving, f Esquires.
Ring’s House, N. Amst. 25th January, 1815.
By Command,
R. C. DOWNER, Sec,
By Command of tire Court of Civil Justice.
THE Honorable Court of Civil Justice of the co colony
lony colony Berbice, having observed that many persons,
acting under their Orders, remain deficient in obe obedience
dience obedience to their general Order of the 15th June, 1814,
Direct the same to be re-published for information ;
A’-,( to Order, Attention to be paid thereunto, by all
.Accounting Parties, on or before the 23d February,
next ensuing; on pain of the Court’s Displeasure,
and of being dealt w ith as the Law prescribes.
King’s House, Berbice, F7th January, 1814.
By Conniand,
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
Extract from the Register of the Minnies of
the Court of Civil Justice, of the Colony
TCednesday 15th June, IS 14.
A.ND it was accordingly Ordered, that all persons
acting under the appointmet of the Court, either as
Trustees for Creditors, Curators to Insolvent Estates
Sequestrators, Guardians, Administrators, and oihcv
Accounting Parties, under the orders of the Court,
do render and give in their Accounts, within one
month from the date of the Publication of this Order •
in the Berbice Gazette, and in future annually in the
first week of the month of January in every year, to
the Secretary of the Court, and on no pretence what whatever
ever whatever to omit the same without a special order for fur further
ther further time being previously abtained on Petition,
shewing good cause; and the more effectually to
ensure the due observance of this Order, it is hereby
further directed : That the Secretary of the Courtdo
on the first day of every ordinary Sessions, lay on the
table of this Court a List of the names and capaci capacities
ties capacities of the several Accounting parties, together with
the their respective Appointments, and Hie
time up to which the said Accounts have already
been given in, or rendered to the Court for confor conformation
mation conformation or approval, such lists to specify particularly
where the several V ouchers and Documents thereto
belonging, arc deposited and under whose authority
or order.
AND in the said List is also to be inserted the
Names of all Persons who have taken out Ads of
Deliberation, together with the dates thereof, and
the times when the same have been renewed or pro prolonged,
longed, prolonged, aiid further to contain the names of the sev several
eral several Estates against which the claims of the respect respective
ive respective Creditors have been already filed and exhibited
for the decision of the Court on the Prae and concur concurrentin’
rentin’ concurrentin’ thereof, together with the dates w hen the said
claims were filed, and also when the several Procla Proclamations
mations Proclamations and Advertisements relating thereto, were
issued both in the colonial and foreign Gazettes.
AND the Court prohibit and forbid their Sworn
Accountants to Certify, Examine and Report to
them on any accounts of the parties aforesaid, at
their owu request, or to receive (heir papers for sueh
purpose, without the same having Ixx-n reci larly
REFERRED TO THEM by tllC Coillt, and the SCVCiaI
parties interested therein, regularly summoned by
Advertisement in the public Papers, ami due Nolic
(No. 541.
[Payable in advance.
liven nf at foist Catandet month, to appear be bet
t bet >»e them* and to state their Objection*, previously
to their marking up their report thereon.
AND the Secretary Os the Court, is hereby strictly
forbid, in future to receive any Documents dr Vou Vouchers
chers Vouchers from any of the Accounting Patties aforesaid,
Vyithout a regular Inventory thereof is at the same
time rendered to him by the said parties, duly sign signed
ed signed and dated by them; and he is directed, on re receiving
ceiving receiving snail Inventory, to compare the same with
the Vouchers, and certify the accuracy thereof, and
further to deliver to them the said parties one copy
of such Inventory signed and attested by him,gratis,
«uch Inventories and Accounts to be carefully pre preserved
served preserved hy him in bis Office, properly labelled and
paraphed, and not to be returned or given out of th.*
Office, except in emses of pra» and concurrentia, after
pronunciation of the sentence in those cases, without
an express Order of the Court or Governor.
A true extract, published for general information,
by order of the Honorable Court of Civil Justice.
Qitod Attestor,
R. C. DOWNED, Sec.
King’s House,''List Jan. 1815.
THE! .ieutenant Governor experiencing great Ir Irtegti
tegti Irtegti anty and Confusion for the want of due atten attention
tion attention to the Order of the respective the Honorable the
Courts of Policy, Criminal and Civil Justice. NOW
DIRECTS, th at the same be re-published,and strict strictly
ly strictly complied with, by all parties; and Notitied that
no petition will be received as therein mentioned af after
ter after the time specified by the same Order, unless in
eases of in Mora, which must be made
manifestly to appear.
P>t/ command,
F. WHITE, Gov. Sec.
The Honorable Courts of Policy, Criminal and
Civil Justice of the Colony Berbice
Having observed that many persons presenting
Petitions to the aforesaid Courts, frequently deviate
from the general order, given out in this respect, un under
der under date of 2? November 180.5. whereby ali Petitions
were required to be delivered into the President**
Office, within a certain period previous to their sit sittings.
tings. sittings. NOW ORDER, and require, all persons
kvho have Petitions to present to the Court of Policy,
Criminal, or Civil Justice, to render in the same to
His Excellency the Governor, as President, IS hours
previous to the sitting of that Court to which such
Petition is addressed ; as otherwise Petitions will not
be Noticed, except in cases oi ptriculuni in mora.
Court House, Bnibice, Sfeth July, 1814.
By command,
H. C. DOWNER, Secretary.
REQUIRED for the Postholder, in Corea**
Hue River, the following Articles, viz.—
182} I bs. Flour,
IB2f Lbs. Beef,
208 Lbs. Rice,
68 l bs. Sugar,
32 Lbs. Coffee,
1 Barrel Salt, and
30 Gallons old Rum.
For which Tenders will be received by the Subscri Subscriber
ber Subscriber until Tuesday the 7th February, at 10 o’clock in
the morning, when they will be opened in presence
of His Excellency the Governor, and the lowest, if
approved of, accepted. 2g j an>
ii< Mackenzie, Acting com.
NB. The whole of the above Articles t® be deliv delivered
ered delivered at the Civil Commissaiy’s Office.
REQUIRED lor the Indians, the following
Articles, viz,—
6 Pieces Salem pores,
4 Dozen Knives,
I Do. Falling Axes,
1 Do. Cutlasses,
4 Do. Razors,
4 Do. Scissars,
4 Do. Combs,
100 Lbs. G un-powder,
150 Gun-flints,
2 Jugs Lamp-oil,
2 Barrels Salt,
4 Quire Foolscap-paper,
SOO Quills,
4 Bags Shot,
75 Gallons new Rum, and
An assortment of Medicines.
For which Tenders will be received by the Subsen.
ber until Tuesday th® 7th February, at 10 o’clock in
the morning, when thy will be opened in presence
of His Excellency the Governor* and the lowest, if
appro wd accepted. 28 Jan.
R» McKENMIEf Acting C'oxqj
The Lieutenant-Governor having been honored
with the Letter from His Excellency Sir Jas. Leith,
and its inclosures, has desired us to insert them for
the information of the Ladies of Berbice.
On perusal of these papers, His Excellency expe experiences
riences experiences his inability to add any remarks that can pos possibly
sibly possibly conduce to the proposed Honorable Underta Undertaking
king Undertaking ; and he therefore felicitates in the consciousness
that the Ladies of Berbice will not suffer his solici solicitations
tations solicitations for their aid in the furtherance of the propo proposed
sed proposed Noble Undertaking, to be unavailing.
Lieutenant-Colonel Allt has kindly undertaken to
be the Receiver of the Subscriptions of our Fair, to
the monument of British valor and talent.
ANTIGUA, 15th December, 1814.
I TTA\E the honor to transmit herewith, an
Extract of a Letter which 1 have received from the
Countess Spencer, one of the Ladies Directresses,
who have associated themselves for the purpose of
erecting by Subscription oi the Ladies of the British
Monarchy, a Monument to commemorate the Services
ol the Duke of Wellington,
I beg h ave to Solicit your Aid in applying to
the Ladies of Berbice, in Order to forward the pro proposed
posed proposed Plan.
A t 'ause, of which the Meritsare so universally
known, and now brought forward tinder such A spices,
does not require that I should make ar y further Re Remarks,
marks, Remarks, I therefore take the Liberty of enclosing the
Prospectus, with a Subscription Paper tor the Signa Signatures
tures Signatures of such Ladies as may be pleased to forward a
plan equally calculated to prove a lasting and dis dislingttisbed
lingttisbed dislingttisbed Memorial oi the Services of an illustrious
Man, as ofthe Public Spirit, Generosity and Taste of
ihe Women of the British Empire.
I would beg being honored by an Answer as
soon as may be convenient, and to have the Subscrip Subscription
tion Subscription P iper returned to me, with a Specification of the
Manuel in which such Sums as may be put down, are
to be iviiitted to Europe.— I have the honor to be,
Sir, Your most Obedient, Humble Servant.
To Lieutenant Governor Bentinck,
&c. &c. &c. Berbice
*s*** * * * $
Extract of a Letter from the Countess Spencr,
one of the Lathes Directresses, to Lieut.'
Central Sir James Leith.
“THE Ladies of Great Britain and Ireland are
verV desirous of perpetuating their Sense of what they
Owe to the Valour and Tallents of the DUKE OF
'V ELLING ION, by a Monument of a more lasting
kind than a Dinner, a Masquerade, or a Fete, and
they have accordingly determined, to arise one, which
does credit io their Gratitude and good taste. 'Hie
Subscription to this end is rapidly filling, and altho*
the ex pt* Ace of so noble an undertaking will be large,
yet we think the means will be adequate to the de demands.
mands. demands. But for this purpose we hope to be assisted
by every one who feeli as we do a strong desire of
testifying in a splendid and beautiful shape, the warm
Gratitude which the Duke of Wellington and his
brave Companions in Arms have excited incur Minds.
And it is to obtain the assistance and co-operation of
lhe Ladies in your part of the World that I address
myself to you during the absence of Lady Augusta
Leith. °
“ W ill you have the goodness to persuade some of
the principal Women within your reach to become
active Supporters of this interesting Memorial ? The
eager manner with which it lias been received in this
Country gives me the best hopes that its Success will
be equally certain in every quarter of the World,
wher® English-Women are established, and where
English feelings are participated by them.
“The Alto Relievos round the pedestal of the Group
which istoform this Monument are to represent four
of the principal Victories of the DUKE OF WEL WELLINGTON
LINGTON WELLINGTON during the Peninsula War, and his Por Portrait
trait Portrait aud those of his Principal Generals are to be
introduced. It is to be placeddn a conspicious situ situation
ation situation in the upper part of Green Park, or in Hyde
Park, and the whole of it will be about 50 feet high
the figures in relievo six feet.
“ We receive any Subscription from one Guinea to
fifty. So that we include every class of Females.â€
A PLAN is under consideration, to erect an
appropriate Monument, to Commemorate the sense
which the Women of Great Britain, and Ire Ireland
land Ireland entertain of the Services rendered to their
Country by the Duke of Wellington.
... . “is placed under the Patronage of Her Royal
Highness the oj Yomk, the Wife of
| wIIO has ovn < .
pleased io adopt and promote it t ’ raCi °nsTy I
Should this Plan be supported K If
Subscription, it is proposed to erect in £ ■«
exact Copy of the celebrated Group h. M I ’
Monte Cavallo at Rome, usually buH-rLf^S O ! 1 1
led Alexander and B«cepAo/«f ( b einrr †e ‘ las bcal. I <
ful exemplification of the Triumph of I <
Valour over Force,) with appropriate ttL I
rations andl Inscriptions, best calculated S I 1
the object m question. 10 I 1
The Bronze of which this Monume ♦ •
composed of the Cannon taken by (he I
lington’s Army in Spain and in France W,fc I
If this Project should meet your aDnrnk
you are requested to put your Name doXT/c 0 ?’
scriber to this interesting Testimony nf r , a ‘-< I
titude and Hespert, to’sneh *â–
please to contribute ; and you are also
■use your influence amongst your Ftmale “ I
induce them to follow your example IL «aS)fo I
We hope you will have the goodness to ,«
your Name and arnounl <•! .your Subscription I
Paper, ami io return il to (.'bohcb r ’ I
No. i, Saville-How, or at the Board of Exclm I
don, (if by Letter from the Country,) as it j s VP ’ r h I
sirable that your concurrence in this 1
delinking should be circulated as soun as nossiU I
for the encouragement of others. 1 410e > I
Subscription Books are opened at the
[louse of Messrs. Drummond, Coutts, Hoare w I
Hemes, Farquhar & Co. ’ ’‘ aQ I
Charlotte Duchess of Richmond
Anne Marchioness of Buckingham
Ixjuisa Marchioness of Lansdgwne!
Frances M archioness Ca mden.
Lavinia Countess Spencer,
Augusta Countess of Lansdale,
Os the Honorable the Court of Civil Justice,
Executorship of the Will of A. Sehlapfer and dec.
Guardianship of (he Minor A. Sehlapfer.
Sequestration of Plantation Yeovil.
Administration of (he Estate and Effects of thelafc I
James Fraser, dec.
Sequestration of Plantation Rois.
Scq nest ration of Plantation La Fraternity.
Whereas the Honorable the Court ofCiviLTos. I
tice by Order, having referred to us the Accounts I
oi the persons hereafter named, viz.
J. A. Hickcn, Excntorof the Will of A. Sehlapfer
deceased; and Guardian of the Minor A. Sehlapfer! I
P. Fairbairn and J. lapin, Sequestrators oi Planta- I
tion Yeovil.
P. Fairbairn and Jas. Fraser, Administrators of the I
Estate and Effects of the late Jas. Fraser, dec.
A. i hornborrow and P. Fairbairn, Sequestrators of I
Plantation Ross.
*’■J- Schwiersand H. C. Hintzcn, Sequestrators of I
Plantation La Fraternity,
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested I
herein, that attendance will be given at the Accoun- I
(ants Ohice, held at the house of the second under- I
signed, on Mondays,. Wednesdays, and Fridays,
from noon until 3 o’clock in the afternoon, forth®
term of one month from the date hereof, in order to
enable such person to inspect said Accounts, and
slate their objections or observations in writing, at
the expiration of which time, the required report
will be made in the abovementioned matters, and of
which (if required), the parties may obtain an office
CO PJ r , their own expence, in order should they
deem it expedient, to attend the Hon’ble the Court
oi (ivi! Justice on the day appointed for hearing said
report, and contest the confirmation thereof.
Berbice, W February, 1815.
FOR SALE by the Subscriber, the follow*
vv I ndia oods » imported >'» the Simon Coch, Capt.
Warren, from London:—Blue and white salempo salempores,
res, salempores, blue, white and yellow nankeens, 9jjß & 6||4 ja*
ecnet muslins, seersuckus, Baudama handkerchiefs,
hyson tea and black pepper.
lhe undersigned intending to quit the colo colony
ny colony in 6 weeks or 3 months from date, requests all
persons having any demands against him to render
the same; and thos® indebted to come forwrd with
Payment. He offer for Sale, cheap, his premise® on
ot No. 10, comprising 5 road land, with a dwelling
house 22 by J2| feet and out-houses, &c.
4 Fc b. JOHN DOW.
THE next Meeting of this Society willbt
held at Plantation Port Mourant, on Tuesday the 14
Feb. f, CORT,
I UlfttnßED for the Civil Commissary De-
I viz,— 2 Puncheons Rum, 2—6 quintal
~ I awk» Fish, and 1 barrel Tar. For which Tenders
i I will be received by the Subscriber until Tuesday the
m I fth in«t. at ten o’clock in the morning, when they
|l ill be opened in presence of His Excellency the
L I Svernor, and the lowest, if approved of, accepted.
} I 4 Feb. R- M’KENZIE, Act. Com.
* I NB The above articles to be delivered at the Civil
»I ** Commissary’s Office, and the two puncheons to
be retu rued.
IMPORTED in the Ship Simon Cock, Capt.
I n Warren, from London, and for Sale by the Sub
I briber-London particular Madeira wine in hhds.
I Champagne, claret, Pert wine, cydar, soda water,
French brandy, Holland’s gin, Hoffman’s cherry and
raspberry brandy, preserved fruits, confectionary,
I Jams, cheese, potatoes, herrings in barrels, ling fish,
| (ourcrout, beef and pork in tierces and half barrels,
I mustard, vinegar, spices, black pepper, prunes, rai raisins,
sins, raisins, currants, refined sugar, gun powder hyson tea,
I cotton and coffee bagging, Russia shirting, brown
I Holland’s, checks, Osnaburg’s, India white and yel-
I low nankeens, salempores, hkfs., India book, jacco jacconet,
net, jacconet, cambric,mull, sprigged, spotted and satin strip striped
ed striped muslins, fine linens, long lawns, French cambric,
I pocket hkfs.,black crape, bombazeen,sarcenet, Bar Barcelona
celona Barcelona shawls and hkfs., sup. fine ladies black, blue
and green cloths and kerseymere, Manchester strip striped
ed striped nankeens, ginghams, thread, tape, needles, ladies
straw and white beaver bonnets, fashionable tripl’d
children do., ladies dresses, Lnppels hkfs., coliors,
thread lace, edgings and footing, children robes and
I caps, silk and cotton stockings, gentlemen's silk and
beaver hats, gloves, boots, shoes, shirts, pantaloons,
waistcoats, robes des chambre, ladies shoes, gloves, I
pearl and garnet drop earings, bracelets and beads,
youths hats and shoes, mahogany writing desks, and
dressing cases, lavender, rose and honey water, liuih liuihantiqui,
antiqui, liuihantiqui, Windsor soap, Packwood’s razor straps and
lhaving brushes, silk umbrellas and parasols, wax
awl spermaceti candles, pitch, tar, dryed red ochre,
patent and common paints, sperm, neat foot & paint
oils, gunpowder, shot ami flints, sash pullies & cord
fishing lines, sewing &«ein twine, vat hoops, rivets,
aheet lead, budding & temper lime, Roman cement,
nails 4d- to 40J., boat nails 2J to 3 inch, clasphead claspheaded
ed claspheaded do., boat chains, hand and whipsaws, boning
braces and bitts, adze, axes jack, smoothing and
heading jdanes with spare irons, hammers, gimblets,
compasses, files, hoes, shovels, ivory handled and
common knives with or without forks, wine and vat
cocks, frying pans, grid irons, tea kettles, bras, plate
and banbury locks, hinges, screws, shop scales and
weights, plantation do. with Dutch .50 lbs. do., wa wafer
fer wafer seals A to Z, portable billiard tables, swinging
cradles, hair matrasses, toilet glasses, stationary, and
glassware, Negro anti tradesmen's jackets, wrappers
and hats, nt-ut leather trunks, bird cases, ne»rks,&c.
4 Feb. Wm. IIENERY.
DE ondergeteekenden in Compagnie, maken i
aan het Publiek bekend, dat zy voornemens zyn cm
de Kleremakcry te excerceren tot het makrn van al allerley
lerley allerley mans klederen, belovrr.de een prompted) ci-i
vile bediening, verzoeke een icders gunst en rccom rccommandatie.
mandatie. rccommandatie. Dagcneu die hun gelievcn tc begunsti begunstigen,
gen, begunstigen, vervoege zich op het erf No. 6, aan de agter agter-4im,
4im, agter-4im, ten huiae van de ccrste ondergeteekeud. n.
< Feb. A. JUNG, and
EOR SALE, by the Subscriber, at reduced
prices: Barrels of mackrel f 66. half barrels do./36
barrels salmon /88. boxes offish 120 lbs. each at
stuiver p. Ib., long leaf tobacco f 2 - 10. per lb.
Irish mess beef in tierces f 154. barrels mess pork at
/132. half do. fIQ. assorted pickles in boxes con-!
taiuing 9 large bottles at f 44. per box, fish sauses
at f 4. per bottle, coffee and cotton bagging at f 1.
per yard, hams, hnug beef, ling fish, cheese, &c.
4 Feb. J. WULFF.
THE undersigned as the oldest Attorney of
Thomas Gudgeon, John Dodson and Joshua Hinde,
of Great Britain, takes the liberty to inform their
Friends, that they will please apply to him on their
business as usual.
28 Jan. Jno. LAYFIELD.
-— t
THE undersigned having appointed K.Franc K.Francken,
ken, K.Francken, Esq. as his general Attorney, requests all those
that are indebted to him, to make payment to said
gentleman.2B Jan. J. C. Schollbvanger.
AN ORDER drawn by Messrs. M’lntosh
Cameron & Co. on D. C. Cameron, Esq. favor of
Robertson and Ross, for Nine hundred guilders, has
been lost or mislaid ; Notice is hereby given that the
payment of the same has been stopt.
D. of Phases of he ? , Hoi H.â€w.
M - Piici; uena, &c. h. m.
1 XV c ih.ldm moriucg. M 35
2 Th Purtfofß. V. Maiy. Neap Tides. 11 36
3 F ' 1 As 4i
4 S . . I 34
5Su Quinquagesima Sunday. Agatha. 229
6 M Commissary Court. ' 3 18
7 Tu 4 g
8 XV Ash Wednesday. 4 42
9 Th New Moon, sh. 39m. morning. 5 18
10 F Spring Tides. 5 54
11 S 6 26
12 Su First Sunday in Lent. 7 I
13 M 7 38
It To s 19
15 W 9 3
16 Th 9 56
17 F First Quarter, Oh. S9rn. morning- 11 3
IS S Neap T des. M 9
19 Sii 2d Sunday in Lent. Sun Enters Pis- 1 9
29 M r C es, 2 3
21 Tu 3 1
22 W 3 53
23 Th Full Moon, 4h. 24. m. evening. 4 37
21 F St. Mathias. D. of Camb. b. 1774. 5 30
25 S [Spring Tides. 6 13
26 Su 3d Sunday in Lent. ’ 6 56
27 M 7 54
2fc Tu 8 41
This is to inform the Public, that the following
Persons intend quitting this colon/.
John Dow and his child unmed John August, in six
weeks f oni 4 Feb.
J. G. Tout qq. will transport to Demerary, 3 Ne Negroes,
groes, Negroes, named Bristol, Gloucester and Lancaster.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
Notice is herein/ given, that a month aft er dale the
following Transport s and Mortgages will be passed.
Jan. 21. James Fraser will transport to Alex. Fraser
Lot No. 42 W est coast, commonly called Sea Seafield,
field, Seafield, with 47 staves.
, Alexander Fraser will mortgage to Jas. Fraser,
hall of said Lot with one half of all Slaves now
attached thereto, in security of the balance due
to Jas. Fraser of the purchase ol the whole of
. said Lot with 47 slaves.
Alex. Fraser will transport to Alex. Simpson
the other half of said Lot No. 42, with half of
all slaves, stock, boat, appurtenances and de dependencies.
pendencies. dependencies.
Jan. 28. Colin Douglas will transport to Demerary
63 Negroes, names to be seen at this Office.
R. C. D< >WNE R, Secy
XVHEREAS Application, by Petition, has been
made to the Hon'ble. Court of Policy andCriiniual
.hist ice ol the colony Berbice, at their Sc sions of the
131 h January 1815, tor Letters of Manumission t
The Negro woman Cumba, assisted by A. G. Cal Calmer,
mer, Calmer, for herself and her three children, Elizabeth,
Frances, and Susannah.
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant
of said Letters of Manumission,that they may address
themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of
the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the
Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made on
the aforesaid Petition.
Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 28th January 1814.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
On the6th February, at the Vendue Office, by or order
der order of J, G. F- Thiensma, Esq. Dutch potatoes, do.
herrings, do. sweet milk cheese, do. white wine vi vinegar,
negar, vinegar, &c.
Also beer, porter, tobacco, soap, candles, dry
goods, hardware, cotton & coffee bagging, a pipe of
brandy, &c.
By order of W. Katz, Esq. on account of those
concerned, 24 barrels herrings and 5 kegs temper
lime, imported to Demerary, in the ship Planter,
A. Nicholson, from London.
Aho Osnaburgs, Madeira in bottels, &c.
D. C. Cameron, Dcp. Vendue Master.
On Friday the 10th inst. will be sold at the Store
of J. Wulff, Esq. cod and ling fish, salmon, mackrel
herrings, hams, hung beef, beef and pork, Dutch
cheese, split peas,barley, raisins, salad oil, fish sauce
I mustard, tobacco, old rum, palcal e, negro cloathuig
and pipes, cotton bagging, ilon mongery, 3
hinges, saws, hats,cotton sh:rting and sheeting, ’ '
tick, cotton for lining, thread, stockings, lace, frow frowses,
ses, frowses, pantaloons, shawls, hkfs., ladies and chdJre i
shots, Hessian boots, gold ear and finger ring's, and
broaches, ivory and shell combs, hair- shoe- touth touthand
and touthand nail brushes, oval and squire chamber glasses,
stationary, &c.
By the V endue Master in commission—a fewdozMi
very superior hock, white and red Champagne, flon flonbgnac
bgnac flonbgnac sanel m p nt bottles, superior claret Constan Constantia
tia Constantia wine, Seltzer and Spa water.
By order of Dr. Kennedy, a saddle mule, a cow &
calf. ’
D. C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master.
On Monday the 6th of Mareh, next, and following
days, will be sold to the highest bidders, by order o?
the Executorsof the late Mrs. H. J. Busc, (he cof coffee
fee coffee Plantations LUST TOT RUST and PROVI PROVIDENCE,
DENCE, PROVIDENCE, in the river Berbice; and the cotton Plan Plantation
tation Plantation ZEEZIGT, on the west sea coast of Berbice.
together with about 600 Slaves, also cattle, furniture
end what furt her may appear. For terms of sale and
other particulars, application may be made to A. A.
de la Court, Esq. or to
D. C. Camerrn, Dep. Vendue Master.
SrST-J !!=»■—■... — â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â–
By den ondergeteekende de volgende onlangi
aangebrachte vcrsche Ilollandsche provisieu,
voor cassa:—
Nieuwe haring in vaatjes,
Boter in dito,
Zoete melksche kaas in kisjes,
Edammer dito,
Zeeuwsche en Vriesche aardappelc®
in groote manden,
Zeer goede witte wyn azyn in pullen,
Beste Rhynsche wyn in kisten van 24 botteh,
Extra goede gekorvene rook Tabak in kisjes,
En zeergoede groene thee
14 Jan. J G.F.THIENSM.4.
By the subscriber the following fresh Dutch
provisions, lately imported, for cash:—
New herring in kegs,
Butter in ditto,
Sweet milk cheese in boxes,
Edammer ditto,
Potatoes in large hampers.
White wine Vinegar in jugs,
Choice Rhine-wine in boxes containg 24 bottles,
Smoke Tobacco in small cases,
Very good green tea, &c.
J 4 Jan ’__ G - F. THIENSMA.
NEGROES TO HlßE.—Twenty valuable
Field People, men and women. For particulars aa aaquire
quire aaquire of the Subscriber.
23 Jan. CHs. KYTE.
FOR SALE by the undersigned, new Led
fish in 6 and 8 quintal casks, fine salt in tierces and
barrels, crabwood lumber, &c.
14 Jan. G. BONE & Co.
This week came in here the ships Simon Cock and
Egkam, with excellent cargoes of provisions, &c.
they bring no particular news; agood understanding
between England and America, for Peace, was every
moment expected.——Also came in yesterday, tha
Dutch brig Berbician, Capt. Rap, with a great num number
ber number of- Passengers, all inhabitants of this colony.—
The said brig has brought a very extend quantity of
excellent Dutch provisions Three more Dutch ves vessels
sels vessels are every moment expected. 60 vessels have
sailed from Texel for the West Indies, and was to
be followed with 5 Dutch men of war, supposed wish
Troops for that quarter.
Tkis week a report was in circulation, that a ge<
neral Meeting would take place by the Merchante of
this Town, for Fixing the Custom-House Charges.
Next Wednesday, 4 o’clock afternoon, fi rcgjjlaf
Berbice will be published.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Public . —
•That the Execution Sale, in favor of the free Negro
'woman Daphne, versus, J. C. Schollevanger, of a
Sentence against James Sinclair, favor F. A. Roden Rodenbroek
broek Rodenbroek for a Bill of Exchange for £ 100. Sterling, be besides
sides besides interest, damages, and cxpences, will now po positively
sitively positively take place on the 15th February 1815, at the
( ourt House of this colony, at 11 o'clock in the fore forenoon
noon forenoon of that day.
Berbice, 27th January ISIS.
K. Franc ken, First Marshal.
By virtue of an appointment from the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated 17th De December
cember December 1814 ; given upon a petition presented by
John Ljyfield, as Attorney of Thomas Gudgeon, oi
Stoke Ncwington,near London.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the un undersigned
dersigned undersigned intend to 11, at Public ExecutM.i Sale, in
the presence of two Councellors Conuc:-..>:;ncs a.al
their Secretary, on the first coming Monday : i
month of May. 1815, the Cotton Estate called Rl' -
ATOR YCK, situate. i on the Correntyn con .t of this
colony, with all its cuhiw.tio i, Imikbm.e>. J
further appurtenances th---r to belonging, al! oi'v hich
an inventory ns also the Terms of Sale, are to be seen
at the Marshal’s Office duringthe hours ofduty; said
iXt'ite being the properly of Simon Fraser.
Whoever should think himself entided to oppose
the Execution Sale of above Estate Kilmorack, lei
such persons address themsches at the Marshal’s Of Office.
fice. Office. dcclm eg then reasons for so doing. in due time
and form, as 1 hereby give notice, that I the under underfeigned
feigned underfeigned will receive opposition from every person
thereunto qualiffi-d bv law, appoint them a day to
have his or her claim heard before the Court, and
further act therein at the law directs.
This 4th Procia -'aiso:- publidicd as customary.
Berbice, the ' January, 1815.
K. Iranc ken , First ?>larsha I’.
ND. The above mimed Sale is to take place on
.the spot.
BY virtue of an Appointment from the Honorable
r.ent of Civil Justice, of this col -ay, dated the 17th
1- <■> m’z-r, 1814, given upon a Eeiuion presented by
I\. I* idiK'kcii, as I mt Mashal. lor and in name oi
*V' (tore lon, as togeiher v. i«h Evan Fraser and Angus
J'rasrr, the survi-. ing AUornies jointly and severally
for Donald > ’Lend, of Geauiet, in the County ot
Hoss, North Friiain.
Notice is l er- by <â– iven to the Public, that J the
Undersigned to Sell at Public Execution Sale
in the presence o. iwo Couiic’ellors Commissaries and
their S’cieta.y, o.s ednesday the 1.5 of March 1815
firstly, the Cotte ; â– Mate called G EANTES, situated
on th,> Corronfn. c.-ut, with all itscultivation, slave;.,
buihiirtg-.- ;od t er appurtenances thereto belong belonging,
ing,—mill belonging, s«r Uy. the lower half of lot No. S(h
situate in iim ( a. -atyn river, of which Estates an
luvr dory may be seen, as also of the Terms of Sale,
at the • Os: cc, during the hours of duty ;
-■aid Estates being the properly of J. C. M’Lecd and i
John Bethune. I
\Y hoever should think himself entitled to oppose !
the Execution Sale of the two abovementioneu
tat L-t such person or persons address theinsel J
t; <; Marshal’» Office, declaring their reason for
t ‘> doing, as I hereby give notice, that I will receive
opposition from every one thereunto qualified by law,
ji.it them a day to have his or her claim heard
I fore. the Cou.i, and further act therein as the Law
This 4th Proclamation published as customary.
JucrK e, 29 January, 1815.
t iIANCKEN, First Marshal.
NB. The tale of said Estates is to take place on the
respective spots.
BY virtue of an Appointment from the Ho Honorable
norable Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated
the 1 i h December IS 14, given upon a petition pre presented
sented presented by Mathias Rader, as the only surviving Cu Cu-rator
-rator Cu-rator to 1 ne'E trite of Robert Gordon, deceased. 1
the undersigned do hereby Summon bv Edict: AH
known and unknown Creditors of the Estate of Robt.
Gordon, dec. To appear before the Court of Civil
.hisl :ce, ot -nis colony, at their Session which will
b« held iu the month of October 1815 and following
days, theie to render iu their claims', to verify (he
ami further to precced according to Law.
J hffi Summon by Edict, made known to the public
F- beat of drum from the Court House of this colony.
CeLbice, ulst January 1815.
K, First Marshal.
LY virtue of an Extract from the Court of
Civil Justice, of this colony, dated 17th January,
1815, given in the cause entitled Ths. F. Luyfield,
one of the Executors to the Estate of the late Robert
Wilson, and Attorney of Thomas Bond; another of
the Executors and one of the Heirs of said R. Wil Wilson,
son, Wilson, and ofH. Staal appointed in the place of W.
Dodgson during bis absence from the colony, Plain Plaintiffs
tiffs Plaintiffs by Edict, versus, all Claimants on the proceeds
of fl otation//enw/fagc, cum annexis, Defendants
by Edict. 1 the undersigned do hereby Summon by
Edict: All Claimants on the proceeds’ of Plantation
Hermitage, cum annexis, to appear before the Court
of Rolls, on Monday the 6th of March, 1815, and
following days, at the Court House of this colony ;
there to render in.their claims, to verily the same,
and further to proceed according to Law.
This Summons by Edict published as customary.
Berbice, 3!st January, 1815.
K. Francken, First Marshal.
B Y virtue oi an Extract from the Minutes
of the ( ourtol Civil Justice, of this colony, dated
toe 16th January 1815, given in the cause entitled
E Staal and 11. Luth< is, appointed Curators to the
Insolvent Estate of C. 1 ock ig, deceased, Plaintiff’s
joy Edict, versus, all known and unknown creditors,
I against the Estate of Cornel is Focking, dec. Defen Defen;
; Defen; ..'?us by 1 .diet. I the under’igned do hereby Sum Sum•
• Sum• mon by Ldici; All known and unl.Lown medito: ,
â– against the I,stale of C. Focking, dec. to ap; l ' .r bc bciore
iore bciore the Coi.il ul Rolls, on Monday the 6th March,
1815, and tolhmiug days, at dm { ourt House of this
colony ; there to render in their to veiiiy the
same and further to proceed according to Law .
1 bis Summons by Edict made knov.n to the Pu Public
blic Public by beat of drum from the (.’ourt House of this
colony.— Jeibicv, 31st January, ISIS.
lx. Fr ancken, a list Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract, from the Minute?
of the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, dated ■*);(•
October 1814, given in the cave euthl- d : J. Tapis
and P. lairbairn, in capacity as Stqucstiab-Ji ; to
* halation Yeovil, the late property of I'id! v
Wade, Plaintiff by Edict, versus, nil\'iaiimui’s on
Hie proceeds oi Plantation eovil, cumamu xi-, sold
at j.xecu!ion Sale, Defendants, by Edict. J the un undersigned
dersigned undersigned do hereby Summon by FJrlict: All t’laim-
â– ants on the proceeds oi Pl.iitation Y eovil, com au aunexis,
nexis, aunexis, sold al Execution Salt. '1 o ap?w tr I- fore the
Court of Rolls, on Monday the 6th March 1815. and
lullowing days, at the Com! House of ibis Colony,
there to render in their claims against said Estate, aiju
further to proceed according to Law.
This St immon by Edict made known so the public
bj- beat of drum from the Court House oi this colony,
<;rm further dealt wiih according to < wstom.
Etrbice, the L’7th Jammry, 1815.
K. 1- RA NCKEN, First Marshal.
virtue of an Order from His Excellency
Lieu enant-Governor 11 W. Lentinck, given up upon
on upon a t’l'i it ion off John Lay field q;;. J no. i’udson & Co.
ol Gieat briiain, dated she January 1815. No Notice
tice Notice is hereby given to the Public: That the Debt
tui w liich j’kintation No. 21, Vv cst Coreirfiae coast
was placed under bequest ration, having been duly
â– paid by ( morge Munro, as Proprietor of said Estate,
ho John Layheldqq. John Dodson ec Co. The said
IJ > .«o. •;!, est Coreutine coast, has been
j Ewsuay Released from Jhxeciiturn and Sequestration.
I Berbice, 27th January, 1815.
K. I KANCKJLN, First Marshal.
ABSCONDED from the Subscriber, a Ne Negro
gro Negro boy named //tfrry, about Hycars of age; he
has been in the habit of travelling with the Subscri Subscrioer
oer Subscrioer to Lâ– incrary; all Masters and Owners of ves vessms
sms vessms are requested not to harbour or take said Ne- ro
iiom the colony, as the JLaw will be enforced against
such offending. °
AIE SALE to be Disposed of,
the following prime Negroes, (the whole togetherâ„¢
one Lot) on very reasonabble Terms, to an approved
1 urchaser, viz,—B Carpenter Negroes, 5 House boys,
a capable man Cook, a W’ashcr woman with 2 chii chiiuten,
uten, chiiuten, one ditto with J ohild, and 3 capable House
women, one of whom has a child.
11 the whole is not sold before the 15th of next
month, they will be put at public Vendue. For far farther
ther farther particulars apply to the Subscriber on Plant.
Cruisburg, where lite Negroes are to be seen.
21 January. J. A. HICKEN.
NO I ICE, such persons as.have any demands
Against the late Phoenix Saw Mill Co. Nikirie, are
requested to send the same in for examination, to the
undersigned, and those indebted to come forward
with immediate payment.
Jau ‘ GEO. BONJE & Co.
the Eastern half of Lot No. 44, Corentvn J bein ?-
Roods facade, and empowered about
deep ; having a Canal extending the son dZii. V®*
bout to back, and the whole % r fectlv Jr
proper Dams, Trench.-,, fre fill, . •»
120 acres of Cotton and 30 acres of Ph?.,'; ° f
large liclds of old cotton which I,as been
time under salt waler; and 50 acres nF » > nie
Plantain I,and ready to plant ““ “ f ,xc *t
There is a confortable Dwelling House At
20, lately built of best materials,°a
cotton 1 .Ogie and other necessary Buildffi's j±?
respect, requisite for a cotton property ; and th/â„¢ 7
mg of Cattle for which the situatiim i s infenoj
none in the colonies It being the intention of J
Advertiser to qu.t the colony A s reat s;icrifec '
be i iade to an approved Purchaser, with or withl
aoont 50 very valuable Slaves, (IS of which are p ril J
m<->. Hundred head of a very superior brelinJ
horned ( attic, and 200 fine Sheep; and if required
long credit will be given, on good sectnitv J’
considerable part of the purchase-money. j. or r
tlier particulars apply to the undersigned
NB. Should (he above propert y not be sold by
vate bargain previous to the Ist 'of M„y next a
! will then be solei at public sale, without reserve.
CAL LI O N—Deserted from the Bri<- ~Fai^ u
on the night of the 2Hh imt. JOHN FI NK, a nati4
of Germany, but speaks English tohmihle well.--
\\ hoever conceals or employs the said John Fin?
Alter tui? notice, will be pm vented according <(,
O N E JO E R EAV A RD will be given to ant
; person who may h ive found a red leather Pocket
; Book, contaminga bill of exchange for Z'2s, three
one joe papers, three half joe papers, a 6 bit's paper,
a dollar, and /’2 pu-re, together with a letter ami
other p . pets -which have hi,"name on. As the adver.
User will sustain the loss more severely as the pro.
ity is not his own, he hopes any one meeting with
the above papers vill restore them.
A fi. The bill is by J. T. Staprl, for
, J. J/oyih/M.—2SJan. ~ J. HOPKINS;
I Pin. Lust tot Rust.
NOTICE- The undersigned begs leave to
informs the Public, that Mr. (7. Schwadz, is fully
authorised to collect my outstanding A< counts, as
we’l as Noles of Hand, and hii> receipt will be of full
Jan. J. P. BROER.
F <) 1» SALE by the Subscriber, —Port, sher sherry
ry sherry and Madeira wines in bottles and casks, brown
stout, flour, tripe in j ars, potatoes, boxes soap and
< oHilcs irom fit) to . 5 lbs., hams, real Russia sheet sheetin*,
in*, sheetin*, therapeiitick bitters, &c.
_2 1 W • R EYNOLDS.
EOR SALE, —25 bales of Cotton, from Pi.
(hivem a<>l. 'renders for the same w ill be received
al the bouse ul JL. van Rossuin, New Ams O dam.
L. van ROSSI M, qq. for self and
21 Jan. W. KATZ, qq.
TH E Subscriber informs the Public, be shall
take tuch steps as the l aw allows him, against ail
floras, GoatS| Oxcu, &c. he finds straying in hit
premises. Wm. W OODGATE.
21 Jan. . Lt. Col. Commandant.
C. L. BRANDES—Hereby respectfully in informs
forms informs his Friends and the Public, that he designs id
establish himself as a Preceptor of Music, under
which def ruination he flatter himself to accede the
encouragement of a liberal Community—the Instru Instruments
ments Instruments for that purpose are the following,—lst Cla*
renette, — 2d. Flute, — 3d. Fife, — 4'h. Hugh el horn.
His residence is on Lot No. 3, middle road, where
he can be seen any hour in the day. Gentlemen that
may feel pleased to bestow on their servants lictures,
on either or every of the above Instruments, will
meet with very agreable terms. 28 Jan.
RUNAWAY from the Subscriber a Negro
women named Simire, formerly belonging to Miss.
E. Bannister; whoever will apprehuud the.j>aid wo women
men women and lodge her in the barracks, w ill receive a Joe
reward. Masters of vessels are forbidden to take her
from this colony, on punishment as the law directs.
From who also is strayed, a few days ago, a young
Ox and a heifer, a reasonable reward will btqgiveo
to any person who deliver them up tp the above sub*
Published even/ Saturday at 4 o'clock, r.
Prniteped G/sscrnineni PrinWs*
Full Text |
I1S15.) THE BERBICE GAZETTE. metre dollars p. annum.:} >, I PROCLAMATION. I By Bis Excellency Henry William ! I Bentin ck, Esquire, Lieut.-Governor JIW I of the colony Berbice and its DcpcndenJf I eies, &'c. 8?c. . I And the Honorable the Court of Policy ?cive I of the said colony. I to all to whom these presents may or shall f' rtl I Come, Greeting! Be it known: I ll HAT we have thought proper to regulate the I Contributions, for the final Payment of the Hire of I I the Negroe Slaves furnished by several Planters, for *. I the Repair of the Fortifications, in this Colony, foi ' I the year IS 13, and part of the year 1814,0 n the same — I footing, a, ’ { l ’ n ie sarnc lui,r,ner 5 as is expresed in I oar Publication of the Bth and 18th August, ISOS, I and to ordain and enact, as We do hereby Ordain if e , I and Enact by these presents. . (H I That each Inhabitant of this colony, agreable io h ; I the Return made by him to ti e Capitation Tax for t* I the year 1813, at the Receiver General’s Oflice, shall I pay previous to the first of May, 1815, his Quota or. I Proporbow, towards the aforementioned final hire of ( u I . .’miro. *1 By Command of the r ‘ourt, ’ I RI C. DO W ?-i ER, Sec. And published on theSilh January, 1815, present ; his Excellency and the aloresaid lion. Members. I In presence of / R C. DOWNER, Sec. I PROCLAM ATI ON By His Excellency Henry William Bentinck, Esquire, Lieut.-Governor ever the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, sc. sc. sc. I And the Honorable Court of Policy of I • the said colony. To all whom these presents may or shall I ’ come, Greeting! Be it known: HAT the number of Slaves on Estates subject to the payment of Plantation-Money, consisted on the 31 st December 1813, in 22,094 Heads, and that on a repartition, the Plantation-Money for the present I year, is by these presents fixed and regulated at g Twelve Stivers per Head. All persons possessing any Estates or who may have the Administration of them, are hereby enjoined and directed to make payment for the aforesaid Plantation-Money,’agreable to the said Repartition, at the | Office of the Receiver General, or on before the First I of May next ensuing. And in order that no ignorance may be pretended, these presents shall be published, affixed, and together with the List of Slaves, printed and sent round to the difterent Estates within the colony, as is customary. Thus enacted in onr Ordinary Session of the Court of Policy, on the 13th January 1815; Present, His Lieutenant-Governor Bentinck, and the Honorable Members Jas. FrMser, P. Fairbairn, A. J. Glasiui, and G. Munro. I '* By Command of the Court, I . R. C. DOWNER, Sec. .. And published on the 25th following, present, His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable Mcm’ ’bers aforesaid. In presnee of R. C. DOWNER, Set. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4. NOTIFICATION. By the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justiceof the Colony Berbice. To all to whom these presents may or shall come ; Greeting ! Be it known: HER EAS a Vacancy has again occurred in the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of the colony Berbice, by the resignation of Samuel Kendall, Esq. And a Nomination having been made by the Honorable Court of Policy to supply his place. His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to select Simon Fraser, Esq. of Plantation Kilinorack, to be Member of the Court of Civil Justice. Notice whereof is hereby given, that the Inhabitants of this colony may respect that gentleman in his said capacity. Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 21. Jan. 1815. By command, R. C. DOWNER, Sec. NOTIFICATION. . By Command of the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice. The following Explanatory Extract from the Minutes of the said Court, is published for General Information: HEREAS it has been represented to the Court, that many Proprietors of Estates are impressed with an idea, that in the Annual Returns to bigiven in by them to the Receiver General, it is unnecessary to include invalided Slaves', they being considered exempt from tint Capitation Tax. “ And asthis impression is perfectly erroneous and in direct contradictionto the Ordinam -s of the Court of Policy, whereby, under a heavy to be paid by Defaulters, Slaves of every description art: required to be included in the list giver, in by their Owners, to the Receiver General, and are equally liable to Taxation, as all other Negroes ; this Notification of lie Court’s pleasure, is desired to be be published to obviate the error many may otherwise fall into, ami to prevent those who have been in error, from being fined for undue Returns. “ And the Court, desire it to be further notified, that the Slaves who have been absent from their Masters or the respective Estates to which they belong, more than twelve months, are not subject to Taxation.” Conformable to the aforesaid Minutes. By Command of the Court, R. C. DOWNER, Sec. NOTIFICATION. By the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice. is hereby given: That the Honorable Court of Policy has been pleased to fix the Rates of Produce on which the Colonial Duty of 2| per cent is to be paid to the Receiver General, for the Six months, commencing the Ist of July 1814, and ending the 31st day of December of the same year, as follows: Cotton—lS stivers per pound. Coffee—Bstivers per pound. Sugar—6 stivers per pound. Cocoa—7 stivers per pound. Rum— 30 stivers per gallon. Molasses—one guilder per gallon. Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 21th Jan. 1815. By Command, R. C. DOWNED, Sec. NOTIFICATION. By the Honorable Court of Policy and Cri minal Justice of the Colony Berbice. _ VOTIQE is hereby given to the Public: that the the undermentioned Gentlemen are appointed Commissaries for the year 1815, oh the different Districts of th is colony. Commissaries for the East Sea Coast, Berbice. Samuel Kendall, > David Carnegie; J £^u ‘ reil (No. 541. [Payable in advance. Commissaries of the West Sea Coast, Berbiet Peter Fairbairn, > p, John Ross, $ Esquires. Commissaries for the lower Division of the West Correntyn Coast. Robert Douglas, ) p, Thomas Wade, J Eesqutres. Commissaries for the upper Correntyn Division* John Bethune, J Esquires. Commissaries for Canje River. Henry Smithson, ) Isaac Farley, J Esquires. Commissaries for the East Sea Coast Canal. Samuel Kendall,} David Carnegie, > Esquires. Henry Smithson, y Commissaries for the East Bank of the River Berbice J. H. L. Maurenbrecher. > T . C. C. Swaving, f Esquires. Ring’s House, N. Amst. 25th January, 1815. By Command, R. C. DOWNER, Sec, notification; By Command of tire Court of Civil Justice. THE Honorable Court of Civil Justice of the colony Berbice, having observed that many persons, acting under their Orders, remain deficient in obedience to their general Order of the 15th June, 1814, Direct the same to be re-published for information ; A’-,( to Order, Attention to be paid thereunto, by all .Accounting Parties, on or before the 23d February, next ensuing; on pain of the Court’s Displeasure, and of being dealt w ith as the Law prescribes. King’s House, Berbice, F7th January, 1814. By Conniand, R. C. DOWNER, Sec. Extract from the Register of the Minnies of the Court of Civil Justice, of the Colony Berbice. TCednesday 15th June, IS 14. A.ND it was accordingly Ordered, that all persons acting under the appointmet of the Court, either as Trustees for Creditors, Curators to Insolvent Estates Sequestrators, Guardians, Administrators, and oihcv Accounting Parties, under the orders of the Court, do render and give in their Accounts, within one month from the date of the Publication of this Order • in the Berbice Gazette, and in future annually in the first week of the month of January in every year, to the Secretary of the Court, and on no pretence whatever to omit the same without a special order for further time being previously abtained on Petition, shewing good cause; and the more effectually to ensure the due observance of this Order, it is hereby further directed : That the Secretary of the Courtdo on the first day of every ordinary Sessions, lay on the table of this Court a List of the names and capacities of the several Accounting parties, together with the their respective Appointments, and Hie time up to which the said Accounts have already been given in, or rendered to the Court for conformation or approval, such lists to specify particularly where the several V ouchers and Documents thereto belonging, arc deposited and under whose authority or order. AND in the said List is also to be inserted the Names of all Persons who have taken out Ads of Deliberation, together with the dates thereof, and the times when the same have been renewed or prolonged, aiid further to contain the names of the several Estates against which the claims of the respective Creditors have been already filed and exhibited for the decision of the Court on the Prae and concurrentin’ thereof, together with the dates w hen the said claims were filed, and also when the several Proclamations and Advertisements relating thereto, were issued both in the colonial and foreign Gazettes. AND the Court prohibit and forbid their Sworn Accountants to Certify, Examine and Report to them on any accounts of the parties aforesaid, at their owu request, or to receive (heir papers for sueh purpose, without the same having Ixx-n reci larly REFERRED TO THEM by tllC Coillt, and the SCVCiaI parties interested therein, regularly summoned by Advertisement in the public Papers, ami due Nolic
liven nf at foist Catandet month, to appear bet >»e them* and to state their Objection*, previously to their marking up their report thereon. AND the Secretary Os the Court, is hereby strictly forbid, in future to receive any Documents dr Vouchers from any of the Accounting Patties aforesaid, Vyithout a regular Inventory thereof is at the same time rendered to him by the said parties, duly signed and dated by them; and he is directed, on receiving snail Inventory, to compare the same with the Vouchers, and certify the accuracy thereof, and further to deliver to them the said parties one copy of such Inventory signed and attested by him,gratis, «uch Inventories and Accounts to be carefully preserved hy him in bis Office, properly labelled and paraphed, and not to be returned or given out of th.* Office, except in emses of pra» and concurrentia, after pronunciation of the sentence in those cases, without an express Order of the Court or Governor. A true extract, published for general information, by order of the Honorable Court of Civil Justice. Qitod Attestor, R. C. DOWNED, Sec. XERI3ICE. \ ' King’s House,''List Jan. 1815. THE! .ieutenant Governor experiencing great Irtegti anty and Confusion for the want of due attention to the Order of the respective the Honorable the Courts of Policy, Criminal and Civil Justice. NOW DIRECTS, th at the same be re-published,and strictly complied with, by all parties; and Notitied that no petition will be received as therein mentioned after the time specified by the same Order, unless in eases of in Mora, which must be made manifestly to appear. P>t/ command, F. WHITE, Gov. Sec. NOTIFICATION The Honorable Courts of Policy, Criminal and Civil Justice of the Colony Berbice Having observed that many persons presenting Petitions to the aforesaid Courts, frequently deviate from the general order, given out in this respect, under date of 2? November 180.5. whereby ali Petitions were required to be delivered into the President** Office, within a certain period previous to their sittings. NOW ORDER, and require, all persons kvho have Petitions to present to the Court of Policy, Criminal, or Civil Justice, to render in the same to His Excellency the Governor, as President, IS hours previous to the sitting of that Court to which such Petition is addressed ; as otherwise Petitions will not be Noticed, except in cases oi ptriculuni in mora. Court House, Bnibice, Sfeth July, 1814. By command, H. C. DOWNER, Secretary. CIVIL DEPARTMENT. REQUIRED for the Postholder, in Corea** Hue River, the following Articles, viz.— 182} I bs. Flour, IB2f Lbs. Beef, 208 Lbs. Rice, 68 l bs. Sugar, 32 Lbs. Coffee, 1 Barrel Salt, and 30 Gallons old Rum. For which Tenders will be received by the Subscriber until Tuesday the 7th February, at 10 o’clock in the morning, when they will be opened in presence of His Excellency the Governor, and the lowest, if approved of, accepted. 2g j an> ii< Mackenzie, Acting com. NB. The whole of the above Articles t® be delivered at the Civil Commissaiy’s Office. REQUIRED lor the Indians, the following Articles, viz,— 6 Pieces Salem pores, 4 Dozen Knives, I Do. Falling Axes, 1 Do. Cutlasses, 4 Do. Razors, 4 Do. Scissars, 4 Do. Combs, 100 Lbs. G un-powder, 150 Gun-flints, 2 Jugs Lamp-oil, 2 Barrels Salt, 4 Quire Foolscap-paper, SOO Quills, 4 Bags Shot, 75 Gallons new Rum, and An assortment of Medicines. For which Tenders will be received by the Subsen. ber until Tuesday th® 7th February, at 10 o’clock in the morning, when thy will be opened in presence of His Excellency the Governor* and the lowest, if appro wd accepted. 28 Jan. R» McKENMIEf Acting C'oxqj berbice. The Lieutenant-Governor having been honored with the Letter from His Excellency Sir Jas. Leith, and its inclosures, has desired us to insert them for the information of the Ladies of Berbice. On perusal of these papers, His Excellency experiences his inability to add any remarks that can possibly conduce to the proposed Honorable Undertaking ; and he therefore felicitates in the consciousness that the Ladies of Berbice will not suffer his solicitations for their aid in the furtherance of the proposed Noble Undertaking, to be unavailing. Lieutenant-Colonel Allt has kindly undertaken to be the Receiver of the Subscriptions of our Fair, to the monument of British valor and talent. ——¦ANTIGUA, 15th December, 1814. Sir, I TTA\E the honor to transmit herewith, an Extract of a Letter which 1 have received from the Countess Spencer, one of the Ladies Directresses, who have associated themselves for the purpose of erecting by Subscription oi the Ladies of the British Monarchy, a Monument to commemorate the Services ol the Duke of Wellington, I beg h ave to Solicit your Aid in applying to the Ladies of Berbice, in Order to forward the proposed Plan. A t 'ause, of which the Meritsare so universally known, and now brought forward tinder such A spices, does not require that I should make ar y further Remarks, I therefore take the Liberty of enclosing the Prospectus, with a Subscription Paper tor the Signatures of such Ladies as may be pleased to forward a plan equally calculated to prove a lasting and dislingttisbed Memorial oi the Services of an illustrious Man, as ofthe Public Spirit, Generosity and Taste of ihe Women of the British Empire. I would beg being honored by an Answer as soon as may be convenient, and to have the Subscription P iper returned to me, with a Specification of the Manuel in which such Sums as may be put down, are to be iviiitted to Europe.— I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most Obedient, Humble Servant. J AMES LEITH. To Lieutenant Governor Bentinck, &c. &c. &c. Berbice *s*** * * * $ Extract of a Letter from the Countess Spencr, one of the Lathes Directresses, to Lieut.' Central Sir James Leith. “THE Ladies of Great Britain and Ireland are verV desirous of perpetuating their Sense of what they Owe to the Valour and Tallents of the DUKE OF 'V ELLING ION, by a Monument of a more lasting kind than a Dinner, a Masquerade, or a Fete, and they have accordingly determined, to arise one, which does credit io their Gratitude and good taste. 'Hie Subscription to this end is rapidly filling, and altho* the ex pt* Ace of so noble an undertaking will be large, yet we think the means will be adequate to the demands. But for this purpose we hope to be assisted by every one who feeli as we do a strong desire of testifying in a splendid and beautiful shape, the warm Gratitude which the Duke of Wellington and his brave Companions in Arms have excited incur Minds. And it is to obtain the assistance and co-operation of lhe Ladies in your part of the World that I address myself to you during the absence of Lady Augusta Leith. ° “ W ill you have the goodness to persuade some of the principal Women within your reach to become active Supporters of this interesting Memorial ? The eager manner with which it lias been received in this Country gives me the best hopes that its Success will be equally certain in every quarter of the World, wher® English-Women are established, and where English feelings are participated by them. “The Alto Relievos round the pedestal of the Group which istoform this Monument are to represent four of the principal Victories of the DUKE OF WELLINGTON during the Peninsula War, and his Portrait aud those of his Principal Generals are to be introduced. It is to be placeddn a conspicious situation in the upper part of Green Park, or in Hyde Park, and the whole of it will be about 50 feet high the figures in relievo six feet. “ We receive any Subscription from one Guinea to fifty. So that we include every class of Females.” ********** A PLAN is under consideration, to erect an appropriate Monument, to Commemorate the sense which the Women of Great Britain, and Ireland entertain of the Services rendered to their Country by the Duke of Wellington. ... . “is placed under the Patronage of Her Royal Highness the oj Yomk, the Wife of | wIIO has ovn < . pleased io adopt and promote it t ’ raCi °nsTy I Should this Plan be supported K If Subscription, it is proposed to erect in £ ¦ « exact Copy of the celebrated Group h. M I ’ Monte Cavallo at Rome, usually buH-rLf^S O ! 1 1 led Alexander and B«cepAo/«f ( b einrr ” e ‘ las bcal. I < ful exemplification of the Triumph of I < Valour over Force,) with appropriate ttL I rations andl Inscriptions, best calculated S I 1 the object m question. 10 I 1 The Bronze of which this Monume ? • composed of the Cannon taken by (he I lington’s Army in Spain and in France W,fc I If this Project should meet your aDnrnk you are requested to put your Name doXT/c 0 ?’ scriber to this interesting Testimony nf r , a ‘-< I titude and Hespert, to’sneh *¦ please to contribute ; and you are also ¦use your influence amongst your Ftmale “ I induce them to follow your example IL «aS)fo I We hope you will have the goodness to ,« your Name and arnounl <•! .your Subscription I Paper, ami io return il to (.'bohcb r ’ I No. i, Saville-How, or at the Board of Exclm I don, (if by Letter from the Country,) as it j s VP ’ r h I sirable that your concurrence in this 1 delinking should be circulated as soun as nossiU I for the encouragement of others. 1 410e > I Subscription Books are opened at the [louse of Messrs. Drummond, Coutts, Hoare w I Hemes, Farquhar & Co. ’ ’‘ aQ I Charlotte Duchess of Richmond Anne Marchioness of Buckingham Ixjuisa Marchioness of Lansdgwne! Frances M archioness Ca mden. Lavinia Countess Spencer, Augusta Countess of Lansdale, BERBICE. * I ACCOUNTANT’S OFFICE Os the Honorable the Court of Civil Justice, Executorship of the Will of A. Sehlapfer and dec. Guardianship of (he Minor A. Sehlapfer. Sequestration of Plantation Yeovil. Administration of (he Estate and Effects of thelafc I James Fraser, dec. Sequestration of Plantation Rois. Scq nest ration of Plantation La Fraternity. Whereas the Honorable the Court ofCiviLTos. I tice by Order, having referred to us the Accounts I oi the persons hereafter named, viz. J. A. Hickcn, Excntorof the Will of A. Sehlapfer deceased; and Guardian of the Minor A. Sehlapfer! I P. Fairbairn and J. lapin, Sequestrators oi PlantaI tion Yeovil. P. Fairbairn and Jas. Fraser, Administrators of the I Estate and Effects of the late Jas. Fraser, dec. A. i hornborrow and P. Fairbairn, Sequestrators of I Plantation Ross. *’¦ JSchwiersand H. C. Hintzcn, Sequestrators of I Plantation La Fraternity, Notice is hereby given to all persons interested I herein, that attendance will be given at the AccounI (ants Ohice, held at the house of the second underI signed, on Mondays,. Wednesdays, and Fridays, from noon until 3 o’clock in the afternoon, forth® term of one month from the date hereof, in order to enable such person to inspect said Accounts, and slate their objections or observations in writing, at the expiration of which time, the required report will be made in the abovementioned matters, and of which (if required), the parties may obtain an office CO PJ r , their own expence, in order should they deem it expedient, to attend the Hon’ble the Court oi (ivi! Justice on the day appointed for hearing said report, and contest the confirmation thereof. Berbice, W February, 1815. F. WHITE and J. DOWNERFOR SALE by the Subscriber, the follow* vv I ndia oods » imported >'» the Simon Coch, Capt. Warren, from London:—Blue and white salempores, blue, white and yellow nankeens, 9jjß & 6||4 ja* ecnet muslins, seersuckus, Baudama handkerchiefs, hyson tea and black pepper. 4 FebJOHN CROFT. lhe undersigned intending to quit the colony in 6 weeks or 3 months from date, requests all persons having any demands against him to render the same; and thos® indebted to come forwrd with Payment. He offer for Sale, cheap, his premise® on ot No. 10, comprising 5 road land, with a dwelling house 22 by J2| feet and out-houses, &c. 4 Fc b. JOHN DOW. BERBICE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. THE next Meeting of this Society willbt held at Plantation Port Mourant, on Tuesday the 14 Feb. f, CORT,
I UlfttnßED for the Civil Commissary DeI viz,— 2 Puncheons Rum, 2—6 quintal ~ I awk» Fish, and 1 barrel Tar. For which Tenders i I will be received by the Subscriber until Tuesday the m I fth in«t. at ten o’clock in the morning, when they |l ill be opened in presence of His Excellency the L I Svernor, and the lowest, if approved of, accepted. } I 4 Feb. RM’KENZIE, Act. Com. * I NB The above articles to be delivered at the Civil »I ** Commissary’s Office, and the two puncheons to be retu rued. IMPORTED in the Ship Simon Cock, Capt. I n Warren, from London, and for Sale by the Sub I briber-London particular Madeira wine in hhds. I Champagne, claret, Pert wine, cydar, soda water, French brandy, Holland’s gin, Hoffman’s cherry and raspberry brandy, preserved fruits, confectionary, I Jams, cheese, potatoes, herrings in barrels, ling fish, | (ourcrout, beef and pork in tierces and half barrels, I mustard, vinegar, spices, black pepper, prunes, raisins, currants, refined sugar, gun powder hyson tea, I cotton and coffee bagging, Russia shirting, brown I Holland’s, checks, Osnaburg’s, India white and yelI low nankeens, salempores, hkfs., India book, jacconet, cambric,mull, sprigged, spotted and satin striped muslins, fine linens, long lawns, French cambric, I pocket hkfs.,black crape, bombazeen,sarcenet, Barcelona shawls and hkfs., sup. fine ladies black, blue and green cloths and kerseymere, Manchester striped nankeens, ginghams, thread, tape, needles, ladies straw and white beaver bonnets, fashionable tripl’d children do., ladies dresses, Lnppels hkfs., coliors, thread lace, edgings and footing, children robes and I caps, silk and cotton stockings, gentlemen's silk and beaver hats, gloves, boots, shoes, shirts, pantaloons, waistcoats, robes des chambre, ladies shoes, gloves, I pearl and garnet drop earings, bracelets and beads, youths hats and shoes, mahogany writing desks, and dressing cases, lavender, rose and honey water, liuihantiqui, Windsor soap, Packwood’s razor straps and lhaving brushes, silk umbrellas and parasols, wax awl spermaceti candles, pitch, tar, dryed red ochre, patent and common paints, sperm, neat foot & paint oils, gunpowder, shot ami flints, sash pullies & cord fishing lines, sewing &«ein twine, vat hoops, rivets, aheet lead, budding & temper lime, Roman cement, nails 4dto 40J., boat nails 2J to 3 inch, claspheaded do., boat chains, hand and whipsaws, boning braces and bitts, adze, axes jack, smoothing and heading jdanes with spare irons, hammers, gimblets, compasses, files, hoes, shovels, ivory handled and common knives with or without forks, wine and vat cocks, frying pans, grid irons, tea kettles, bras, plate and banbury locks, hinges, screws, shop scales and weights, plantation do. with Dutch .50 lbs. do., wafer seals A to Z, portable billiard tables, swinging cradles, hair matrasses, toilet glasses, stationary, and glassware, Negro anti tradesmen's jackets, wrappers and hats, nt-ut leather trunks, bird cases, ne»rks,&c. 4 Feb. Wm. IIENERY. DE ondergeteekenden in Compagnie, maken i aan het Publiek bekend, dat zy voornemens zyn cm de Kleremakcry te excerceren tot het makrn van allerley mans klederen, belovrr.de een prompted) ci-i vile bediening, verzoeke een icders gunst en rccommandatie. Dagcneu die hun gelievcn tc begunstigen, vervoege zich op het erf No. 6, aan de agter4im, ten huiae van de ccrste ondergeteekeud. n. J. C. HAEDECKE, < Feb. A. JUNG, and ~ JVOLKERIS. EOR SALE, by the Subscriber, at reduced prices: Barrels of mackrel f 66. half barrels do./36 barrels salmon /88. boxes offish 120 lbs. each at stuiver p. Ib., long leaf tobacco f 2 10. per lb. Irish mess beef in tierces f 154. barrels mess pork at /132. half do. fIQ. assorted pickles in boxes con-! taiuing 9 large bottles at f 44. per box, fish sauses at f 4. per bottle, coffee and cotton bagging at f 1. per yard, hams, hnug beef, ling fish, cheese, &c. 4 Feb. J. WULFF. THE undersigned as the oldest Attorney of Thomas Gudgeon, John Dodson and Joshua Hinde, of Great Britain, takes the liberty to inform their Friends, that they will please apply to him on their business as usual. 28 Jan. Jno. LAYFIELD. -— t THE undersigned having appointed K.Francken, Esq. as his general Attorney, requests all those that are indebted to him, to make payment to said gentleman.2B Jan. J. C. Schollbvanger. AN ORDER drawn by Messrs. M’lntosh Cameron & Co. on D. C. Cameron, Esq. favor of Robertson and Ross, for Nine hundred guilders, has been lost or mislaid ; Notice is hereby given that the payment of the same has been stopt. S 3 Jan. ALLAN STEWART & Co. FEBRUARY u th 2« DAYS. D. of Phases of he ? , Hoi H.”w. M Piici; uena, &c. h. m. 1 XV c ih.ldm moriucg. M 35 2 Th Purtfofß. V. Maiy. Neap Tides. 11 36 3 F ' 1 As 4i 4 S . . I 34 5Su Quinquagesima Sunday. Agatha. 229 6 M Commissary Court. ' 3 18 7 Tu 4 g 8 XV Ash Wednesday. 4 42 9 Th New Moon, sh. 39m. morning. 5 18 10 F Spring Tides. 5 54 11 S 6 26 12 Su First Sunday in Lent. 7 I 13 M 7 38 It To s 19 15 W 9 3 16 Th 9 56 17 F First Quarter, Oh. S9rn. morning11 3 IS S Neap T des. M 9 19 Sii 2d Sunday in Lent. Sun Enters Pis1 9 29 M r C es, 2 3 21 Tu 3 1 22 W 3 53 23 Th Full Moon, 4h. 24. m. evening. 4 37 21 F St. Mathias. D. of Camb. b. 1774. 5 30 25 S [Spring Tides. 6 13 26 Su 3d Sunday in Lent. ’ 6 56 27 M 7 54 2fc Tu 8 41 SECRETARY’S OFFICE. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this colon/. John Dow and his child unmed John August, in six weeks f oni 4 Feb. J. G. Tout qq. will transport to Demerary, 3 Negroes, named Bristol, Gloucester and Lancaster. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. Notice is herein/ given, that a month aft er dale the following Transport s and Mortgages will be passed. Jan. 21. James Fraser will transport to Alex. Fraser Lot No. 42 W est coast, commonly called Seafield, with 47 staves. , Alexander Fraser will mortgage to Jas. Fraser, hall of said Lot with one half of all Slaves now attached thereto, in security of the balance due to Jas. Fraser of the purchase ol the whole of . said Lot with 47 slaves. Alex. Fraser will transport to Alex. Simpson the other half of said Lot No. 42, with half of all slaves, stock, boat, appurtenances and dependencies. Jan. 28. Colin Douglas will transport to Demerary 63 Negroes, names to be seen at this Office. R. C. D< >WNE R, Secy XVHEREAS Application, by Petition, has been made to the Hon'ble. Court of Policy andCriiniual .hist ice ol the colony Berbice, at their Sc sions of the 131 h January 1815, tor Letters of Manumission t The Negro woman Cumba, assisted by A. G. Calmer, for herself and her three children, Elizabeth, Frances, and Susannah. Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant of said Letters of Manumission,that they may address themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made on the aforesaid Petition. Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 28th January 1814. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. PUBLIC VENDUEtL On the6th February, at the Vendue Office, by order of J, G. FThiensma, Esq. Dutch potatoes, do. herrings, do. sweet milk cheese, do. white wine vinegar, &c. Also beer, porter, tobacco, soap, candles, dry goods, hardware, cotton & coffee bagging, a pipe of brandy, &c. By order of W. Katz, Esq. on account of those concerned, 24 barrels herrings and 5 kegs temper lime, imported to Demerary, in the ship Planter, A. Nicholson, from London. Aho Osnaburgs, Madeira in bottels, &c. D. C. Cameron, Dcp. Vendue Master. On Friday the 10th inst. will be sold at the Store of J. Wulff, Esq. cod and ling fish, salmon, mackrel herrings, hams, hung beef, beef and pork, Dutch cheese, split peas,barley, raisins, salad oil, fish sauce I mustard, tobacco, old rum, palcal e, negro cloathuig and pipes, cotton bagging, ilon mongery, 3 hinges, saws, hats,cotton sh:rting and sheeting, ’ ' tick, cotton for lining, thread, stockings, lace, frowses, pantaloons, shawls, hkfs., ladies and chdJre i shots, Hessian boots, gold ear and finger ring's, and broaches, ivory and shell combs, hairshoetouthand nail brushes, oval and squire chamber glasses, stationary, &c. By the V endue Master in commission—a fewdozMi very superior hock, white and red Champagne, flonbgnac sanel m p nt bottles, superior claret Constantia wine, Seltzer and Spa water. By order of Dr. Kennedy, a saddle mule, a cow & calf. ’ D. C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master. On Monday the 6th of Mareh, next, and following days, will be sold to the highest bidders, by order o? the Executorsof the late Mrs. H. J. Busc, (he coffee Plantations LUST TOT RUST and PROVIDENCE, in the river Berbice; and the cotton Plantation ZEEZIGT, on the west sea coast of Berbice. together with about 600 Slaves, also cattle, furniture end what furt her may appear. For terms of sale and other particulars, application may be made to A. A. de la Court, Esq. or to D. C. Camerrn, Dep. Vendue Master. SrST-J !!=»¦—¦... — ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ TE KOOP By den ondergeteekende de volgende onlangi aangebrachte vcrsche Ilollandsche provisieu, voor cassa:— Nieuwe haring in vaatjes, Boter in dito, Zoete melksche kaas in kisjes, Edammer dito, Zeeuwsche en Vriesche aardappelc® in groote manden, Zeer goede witte wyn azyn in pullen, Beste Rhynsche wyn in kisten van 24 botteh, Extra goede gekorvene rook Tabak in kisjes, En zeergoede groene thee 14 Jan. J G.F.THIENSM.4. FOR SALE ’ ’ By the subscriber the following fresh Dutch provisions, lately imported, for cash:— New herring in kegs, Butter in ditto, Sweet milk cheese in boxes, Edammer ditto, Potatoes in large hampers. White wine Vinegar in jugs, Choice Rhine-wine in boxes containg 24 bottles, Smoke Tobacco in small cases, Very good green tea, &c. J 4 Jan ’__ G F. THIENSMA. NEGROES TO HlßE.—Twenty valuable Field People, men and women. For particulars aaquire of the Subscriber. 23 Jan. CHs. KYTE. FOR SALE by the undersigned, new Led fish in 6 and 8 quintal casks, fine salt in tierces and barrels, crabwood lumber, &c. 14 Jan. G. BONE & Co. THE BERBICE GAZETTE. NEW AMSTERDAM, j SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, I8I& A This week came in here the ships Simon Cock and Egkam, with excellent cargoes of provisions, &c. they bring no particular news; agood understanding between England and America, for Peace, was every moment expected.——Also came in yesterday, tha Dutch brig Berbician, Capt. Rap, with a great number ofPassengers, all inhabitants of this colony.— The said brig has brought a very extend quantity of excellent Dutch provisions Three more Dutch vessels are every moment expected. 60 vessels have sailed from Texel for the West Indies, and was to be followed with 5 Dutch men of war, supposed wish Troops for that quarter. LOCALITIES. Tkis week a report was in circulation, that a ge< neral Meeting would take place by the Merchante of this Town, for Fixing the Custom-House Charges. Next Wednesday, 4 o’clock afternoon, fi rcgjjlaf Berbice will be published.
MARSHAL* OFFICE. SALES bv EXECUTION. NOTICE is hereby given to the Public . — •That the Execution Sale, in favor of the free Negro 'woman Daphne, versus, J. C. Schollevanger, of a Sentence against James Sinclair, favor F. A. Rodenbroek for a Bill of Exchange for £ 100. Sterling, besides interest, damages, and cxpences, will now positively take place on the 15th February 1815, at the ( ourt House of this colony, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Berbice, 27th January ISIS. K. Franc ken, First Marshal. FOURTH rROC I. A M ATIO N . By virtue of an appointment from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated 17th December 1814 ; given upon a petition presented by John Ljyfield, as Attorney of Thomas Gudgeon, oi Stoke Ncwington,near London. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the undersigned intend to 11, at Public ExecutM.i Sale, in the presence of two Councellors Conuc:-..>:;ncs a.al their Secretary, on the first coming Monday : i month of May. 1815, the Cotton Estate called Rl' ATOR YCK, situate. i on the Correntyn con .t of this colony, with all its cuhiw.tio i, Imikbm.e>. J further appurtenances th---r to belonging, al! oi'v hich an inventory ns also the Terms of Sale, are to be seen at the Marshal’s Office duringthe hours ofduty; said iXt'ite being the properly of Simon Fraser. Whoever should think himself entided to oppose the Execution Sale of above Estate Kilmorack, lei such persons address themsches at the Marshal’s Office. dcclm eg then reasons for so doing. in due time and form, as 1 hereby give notice, that I the underfeigned will receive opposition from every person thereunto qualiffi-d bv law, appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and further act therein at the law directs. This 4th Procia -'aiso:publidicd as customary. Berbice, the ' January, 1815. K. Iranc ken , First ?>larsha I’. ND. The above mimed Sale is to take place on .the spot. FOl .T H PROCLAMATION. BY virtue of an Appointment from the Honorable r.ent of Civil Justice, of this col -ay, dated the 17th 1<¦> m’z-r, 1814, given upon a Eeiuion presented by I\. I* idiK'kcii, as I mt Mashal. lor and in name oi *V' (tore lon, as togeiher v. i«h Evan Fraser and Angus J'rasrr, the survi-. ing AUornies jointly and severally for Donald > ’Lend, of Geauiet, in the County ot Hoss, North Friiain. Notice is l erby <¦ iven to the Public, that J the Undersigned to Sell at Public Execution Sale in the presence o. iwo Couiic’ellors Commissaries and their S’cieta.y, o.s ednesday the 1.5 of March 1815 firstly, the Cotte ; ¦ Mate called G EANTES, situated on th,> Corronfn. c.-ut, with all itscultivation, slave;., buihiirtg-.;od t er appurtenances thereto belonging,—mill s«r Uy. the lower half of lot No. S(h situate in iim ( a. -atyn river, of which Estates an luvr dory may be seen, as also of the Terms of Sale, at the • Os: cc, during the hours of duty ; -¦aid Estates being the properly of J. C. M’Lecd and i John Bethune. I \Y hoever should think himself entitled to oppose ! the Execution Sale of the two abovementioneu tat L-t such person or persons address theinsel J t; <; Marshal’» Office, declaring their reason for t ‘> doing, as I hereby give notice, that I will receive opposition from every one thereunto qualified by law, ji.it them a day to have his or her claim heard I fore. the Cou.i, and further act therein as the Law directs. This 4th Proclamation published as customary. JucrK e, 29 January, 1815. t iIANCKEN, First Marshal. NB. The tale of said Estates is to take place on the respective spots. SUMMONS by EDICT. BY virtue of an Appointment from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated the 1 i h December IS 14, given upon a petition presented by Mathias Rader, as the only surviving Cu-rator to 1 ne'E trite of Robert Gordon, deceased. 1 the undersigned do hereby Summon bv Edict: AH known and unknown Creditors of the Estate of Robt. Gordon, dec. To appear before the Court of Civil .hisl :ce, ot -nis colony, at their Session which will b« held iu the month of October 1815 and following days, theie to render iu their claims', to verify (he ami further to precced according to Law. J hffi Summon by Edict, made known to the public Fbeat of drum from the Court House of this colony. CeLbice, ulst January 1815. K, First Marshal. LY virtue of an Extract from the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated 17th January, 1815, given in the cause entitled Ths. F. Luyfield, one of the Executors to the Estate of the late Robert Wilson, and Attorney of Thomas Bond; another of the Executors and one of the Heirs of said R. Wilson, and ofH. Staal appointed in the place of W. Dodgson during bis absence from the colony, Plaintiffs by Edict, versus, all Claimants on the proceeds of fl otation//enw/fagc, cum annexis, Defendants by Edict. 1 the undersigned do hereby Summon by Edict: All Claimants on the proceeds’ of Plantation Hermitage, cum annexis, to appear before the Court of Rolls, on Monday the 6th of March, 1815, and following days, at the Court House of this colony ; there to render in.their claims, to verily the same, and further to proceed according to Law. This Summons by Edict published as customary. Berbice, 3!st January, 1815. K. Francken, First Marshal. B Y virtue oi an Extract from the Minutes of the ( ourtol Civil Justice, of this colony, dated toe 16th January 1815, given in the cause entitled E Staal and 11. Luth< is, appointed Curators to the Insolvent Estate of C. 1 ock ig, deceased, Plaintiff’s joy Edict, versus, all known and unknown creditors, I against the Estate of Cornel is Focking, dec. Defen; ..'?us by 1 .diet. I the under’igned do hereby Sum• mon by Ldici; All known and unl.Lown medito: , ¦ against the I,stale of C. Focking, dec. to ap; l ' .r bciore the Coi.il ul Rolls, on Monday the 6th March, 1815, and tolhmiug days, at dm { ourt House of this colony ; there to render in their to veiiiy the same and further to proceed according to Law . 1 bis Summons by Edict made knov.n to the Public by beat of drum from the (.’ourt House of this colony.— Jeibicv, 31st January, ISIS. lx. Fr ancken, a list Marshal. BY virtue of an Extract, from the Minute? of the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, dated ¦*);(• October 1814, given in the cave euthld : J. Tapis and P. lairbairn, in capacity as Stqucstiab-Ji ; to * halation Yeovil, the late property of I'id! v Wade, Plaintiff by Edict, versus, nil\'iaiimui’s on Hie proceeds oi Plantation eovil, cumamu xi-, sold at j.xecu!ion Sale, Defendants, by Edict. J the undersigned do hereby Summon by FJrlict: All t’laim¦ ants on the proceeds oi Pl.iitation Y eovil, com aunexis, sold al Execution Salt. '1 o ap?w tr Ifore the Court of Rolls, on Monday the 6th March 1815. and lullowing days, at the Com! House of ibis Colony, there to render in their claims against said Estate, aiju further to proceed according to Law. This St immon by Edict made known so the public bjbeat of drum from the Court House oi this colony, <;rm further dealt wiih according to < wstom. Etrbice, the L’7th Jammry, 1815. K. 1RA NCKEN, First Marshal. virtue of an Order from His Excellency Lieu enant-Governor 11 W. Lentinck, given upon a t’l'i it ion off John Lay field q;;. J no. i’udson & Co. ol Gieat briiain, dated she January 1815. Notice is hereby given to the Public: That the Debt tui w liich j’kintation No. 21, Vv cst Coreirfiae coast was placed under bequest ration, having been duly ¦ paid by ( morge Munro, as Proprietor of said Estate, ho John Layheldqq. John Dodson ec Co. The said IJ > .«o. •;!, est Coreutine coast, has been j Ewsuay Released from Jhxeciiturn and Sequestration. I Berbice, 27th January, 1815. K. I KANCKJLN, First Marshal. ABSCONDED from the Subscriber, a Negro boy named //tfrry, about Hycars of age; he has been in the habit of travelling with the Subscrioer to L¦ incrary; all Masters and Owners of vessms are requested not to harbour or take said Nero iiom the colony, as the JLaw will be enforced against such offending. ° Jan 2L G. SCJI\VARTZ. AIE SALE to be Disposed of, the following prime Negroes, (the whole together™ one Lot) on very reasonabble Terms, to an approved 1 urchaser, viz,—B Carpenter Negroes, 5 House boys, a capable man Cook, a W’ashcr woman with 2 chiiuten, one ditto with J ohild, and 3 capable House women, one of whom has a child. 11 the whole is not sold before the 15th of next month, they will be put at public Vendue. For farther particulars apply to the Subscriber on Plant. Cruisburg, where lite Negroes are to be seen. 21 January. J. A. HICKEN. NO I ICE, such persons as.have any demands Against the late Phoenix Saw Mill Co. Nikirie, are requested to send the same in for examination, to the undersigned, and those indebted to come forward with immediate payment. Jau ‘ GEO. BONJE & Co. FOR SALE—PIantation GOLSPTF l • the Eastern half of Lot No. 44, Corentvn J bein ?Roods facade, and empowered about deep ; having a Canal extending the son dZii. V®* bout to back, and the whole % r fectlv Jr proper Dams, Trench.-,, fre fill, . •» 120 acres of Cotton and 30 acres of Ph?.,'; ° f large liclds of old cotton which I,as been time under salt waler; and 50 acres nF » > nie Plantain I,and ready to plant ““ “ f ,xc *t There is a confortable Dwelling House At 20, lately built of best materials,°a cotton 1 .Ogie and other necessary Buildffi's j±? respect, requisite for a cotton property ; and th/™ 7 mg of Cattle for which the situatiim i s infenoj none in the colonies It being the intention of J Advertiser to qu.t the colony A s reat s;icrifec ' be i iade to an approved Purchaser, with or withl aoont 50 very valuable Slaves, (IS of which are p ril J m<->. Hundred head of a very superior brelinJ horned ( attic, and 200 fine Sheep; and if required long credit will be given, on good sectnitv J’ considerable part of the purchase-money. j. or r tlier particulars apply to the undersigned BOBT. GRINT NB. Should (he above propert y not be sold by vate bargain previous to the Ist 'of M„y next a ! will then be solei at public sale, without reserve. CAL LI O N—Deserted from the Bri<~Fai^ u on the night of the 2Hh imt. JOHN FI NK, a nati4 of Germany, but speaks English tohmihle well.-\\ hoever conceals or employs the said John Fin? Alter tui? notice, will be pm vented according <(, Law.—2S Jan. JOHN SINCLAIR. O N E JO E R EAV A RD will be given to ant ; person who may h ive found a red leather Pocket ; Book, contaminga bill of exchange for Z'2s, three one joe papers, three half joe papers, a 6 bit's paper, a dollar, and /’2 pu-re, together with a letter ami other p . pets -which have hi,"name on. As the adver. User will sustain the loss more severely as the pro. ity is not his own, he hopes any one meeting with the above papers vill restore them. A fi. The bill is by J. T. Staprl, for , J. J/oyih/M.—2SJan. ~ J. HOPKINS; I Pin. Lust tot Rust. NOTICEThe undersigned begs leave to informs the Public, that Mr. (7. Schwadz, is fully authorised to collect my outstanding A< counts, as we’l as Noles of Hand, and hii> receipt will be of full value. Jan. J. P. BROER. F <) 1» SALE by the Subscriber, —Port, sherry and Madeira wines in bottles and casks, brown stout, flour, tripe in j ars, potatoes, boxes soap and < oHilcs irom fit) to . 5 lbs., hams, real Russia sheetin*, therapeiitick bitters, &c. _2 1 W • R EYNOLDS. EOR SALE, —25 bales of Cotton, from Pi. (hivem a<>l. 'renders for the same w ill be received al the bouse ul JL. van Rossuin, New Ams O dam. L. van ROSSI M, qq. for self and 21 Jan. W. KATZ, qq. TH E Subscriber informs the Public, be shall take tuch steps as the l aw allows him, against ail floras, GoatS| Oxcu, &c. he finds straying in hit premises. Wm. W OODGATE. 21 Jan. . Lt. Col. Commandant. C. L. BRANDES—Hereby respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that he designs id establish himself as a Preceptor of Music, under which def ruination he flatter himself to accede the encouragement of a liberal Community—the Instruments for that purpose are the following,—lst Cla* renette, — 2d. Flute, — 3d. Fife, — 4'h. Hugh el horn. His residence is on Lot No. 3, middle road, where he can be seen any hour in the day. Gentlemen that may feel pleased to bestow on their servants lictures, on either or every of the above Instruments, will meet with very agreable terms. 28 Jan. RUNAWAY from the Subscriber a Negro women named Simire, formerly belonging to Miss. E. Bannister; whoever will apprehuud the.j>aid women and lodge her in the barracks, w ill receive a Joe reward. Masters of vessels are forbidden to take her from this colony, on punishment as the law directs. 28 Jan. ' MARY THORNTON. From who also is strayed, a few days ago, a young Ox and a heifer, a reasonable reward will btqgiveo to any person who deliver them up tp the above sub* scriber. Published even/ Saturday at 4 o'clock, r. By W. SCHULSS & Co. Prniteped G/sscrnineni PrinWs*