Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://original-ufdc.uflib.ufl.edu/AA00093219/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Berbice gazette
- Uniform Title:
- Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
- Place of Publication:
- New Amsterdam
- Publisher:
- W. Schulz
- Publication Date:
- January 28, 1815
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Berbice
New Amsterdam (guyana) guyana
- Genre:
- newspaper ( sobekcm )
- General Note:
- Semiweekly
- General Note:
- Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
- General Note:
- The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
- General Note:
- In English, with occasional text in Dutch
- Funding:
- Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
This Rights Statement should be used for Items for which the organization that intends to make the Item available has determined are free of copyright under the laws of the United States. This Rights Statement should not be used for Orphan Works (which are assumed to be in-copyright) or for Items where the organization that intends to make the Item available has not undertaken an effort to ascertain the copyright status of the underlying Work.
URI: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
- Resource Identifier:
- 1380865228 ( OCLC )
Aggregation Information
- DLOC1:
- Digital Library of the Caribbean
- Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
- IUF:
- University of Florida
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fieelve dollars p. annum.]
By His Excellency Henvy Wii.viam
Esquire, Lieut.-Governor
of the colony Berbice and its Deyendcn-
• cies, ftc sc. c -
And the Honorable the Court of Policy
of the said colony.
To all to whom these presents may or shall
Come, Greeting ! Be it known :
HAT we have thought proper to regulate the
Contributions, for the final Payment of the Hire of
the Negroe Slav* s furnished by several Planters, for
the Repair of the Fortifications, in this (,'olony, foi
the year 1813, anti part of the year 1814, on the same
fiKiting, anrl in the same manner, as is ex prosed in
our Publication of the Sth and 18th August, 1808,
and to ordain and enact, as We do hereby Ordain
and Enact by these presents.
That each Inhabitant of this colony, agreable to
the Return made by him to the Capitation Tax for
the year 1813, at the Receiver General's Office, shall
pay previous to the first of May, 1815, his Quota or
Proportion, towards the aforementioned final hire of
the Negroes so furnished for the repair of iheFortifica iheFortifica.fions
.fions iheFortifica.fions in this colony, due for the year 1813, and part
oftheyear 1811, and to make good the Receiver
General’s Commission, of .s,per cent for receiving and
paying the whole charge incurred, which amounts
on rrj artetioii to thirty Shtivers per Head.
For the receipt of which quotas or proportion, and
afterwards for payment of the aforesaid hire, the
â– Receiver General is hereby qualified, and further
authorised to corny I and < ulorce payment of the said
contributions, from all LVfiuoters, after expiration of
the aforesaid term-, -by •smnmrtfy Execution, and
without further process of l aw.
And in order that no ignorance may he pretended,
these pr ’sents ■•'.ill be published, printed and posted
Up as customary.
Thus enacted in our Ordinary Session of the Court
of Policy on the I3 ; h January, 1814 ;• present : Iris
Excellency la ut.-Governor H. W..Bentix*. K,and
ihe Horable Memb*rs: James Fraser, Peter Fair Fairbairn,
bairn, Fairbairn, J. A. Glasius, and Geo. "’miro.
By (’omman I of I he Court,
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
' And published on the2sfh January, IS 15, present:
his Excellency anti the aforesaid Hon.. Members.
In presence of
By His Excellency Hen nr William
Bentinck, Esquire, Lieut.-Governor
ever the colony Bcrbice and its Depen Dependencies,..
dencies,.. Dependencies,.. ssc. sc. sc.
~ .And the Honorable Court of Policy of
the said colony.
To all whom these presents may or shall
come, Greeting ! Be it known :
T HAT the number of Slaves on Estates subject to
the payment of Plantar ion-Money, consisted on the
31st December 1813, in 22,094 Heads, and that on
a repartition, the Plantation-Money for the present
year, is by these presents fixed ami regulated at
Twelve Stivers per Head.
All persons possessing any Estates or who may have
the Administration of them, are hereby enjoinedand
directed to make payment for the aforesaid Planta Plantation-Money,
tion-Money, Plantation-Money, agre ible to the said Ih-partition, at the
Oilice of the Receiver General, or on before the First
of May next ensuing.
' And in order that no ignorance may be pretended,
these presents shall be publish
ther together theTist of Slaves, printed ami sent round
to the different Estates within (he colony, as is cus customary.
tomary. customary.
Thus enacted in our Ordinary Session of the Court
Os Policy, on the 13th January 1815; Present, His
Excelfiju'.y Li< uteratg-Governor Bentinck, and
the Honorable Members Jas. Fraser, P. Fairbairn,
A. J. Glasius, and G. Munro.
Ev Command of (he Court,
' IL C. DOWNER, Sec.
•And published on the2sthfollowing, present, His
Excellency the Governor and the Honorable Mem Members
bers Members aforesaid* I n presnee of
By the Honorable Court of Policy and Cri Criminal
minal Criminal Justiceof the Colony Berbice.
To all to whom these presents may or shall
come; Greeting! Beit known:
HER EAS a Vacancy has again occurred in
the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of the colony
Berbice. by th * resignation of Samuel Kendall, Esq.
And a Norn; nil ion having been made by the Honor Honorable
able Honorable Court of Policy to supply his place. His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency the Governor has been pleased to select Si Sinox
nox Sinox Phaser, Esq. of Plantation Kihnorack, to be
Member of (he Court of Civil Justice.
Notice whereof is hereby given, that the Inhabi Inhabitants
tants Inhabitants of this colony may respect that gentleman in his
said capacity.
Secretary’s Ofiice, Berbice, 21 Jan. 1815.
By command,
It. C. DOWNER, Sec.
By Command of the Honorable Court of
Policy and Criminal Justice of the Colony
The follow ingExpJanatory Extract from the
Minutes of the said Court, L published for Ge General
neral General Information:
...w HEREAS it has been represented to the
Court 1 , that many Proprietors of Estates are impres impressed
sed impressed with an idea, that in the Annual Returns to be
given in by them to the Receiver General, it is un unnecessary
necessary unnecessary to include invalided Slaves; ih y being
considered exempt from the Capitation Tax.
“ .And as this impression is perfectly erroneous and
indirect con’radictionto the Ordinances of the Court
of Policy, whereby, under a heavy fine, to be paid
by Defaulters, Slaves of every description are requir required
ed required to be included in the list given inby their Owners,
to the Receiver General, and are equally liable to
Taxation, as all other Negroes; this Notification of
the Court’s pleasure, is desired to be be published to
obviate the error many may otherwise tail into, and
to prevent those who have been in error, from being
fined for undue Returns.
“ And the Court desire if to be further notified,
(hat the Slaves who have been absent from their
Masters or the respective Estates to which they
belong, more than twelve months, are not subject
Conformable to the aforesaid Minutes.
By Command ol the Court,
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
By the Honorable Court of Policy and Cri Criminal
minal Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice.
OTlf’E is hereby given : That the Honorable
Court of Policy has been pleased to fix the Rates of
Produce on which the Colonial Duty of 2} per cent
is to be paid to the Receiver General, for the Six
months, commencing the Ist of July 1814, and end ending
ing ending the 31st day of December of the same year, at
Cotton—l 6 stivers per pound.
Coffee—Bstivers per pound.
Sugar—6 stivers per pound.
Cocoa—7 stivers per pound.
Rum— 30 slivers per gallon.
Molasses—one guilder per gallon.
Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 21th Jan. 1815.
By Command,
By the Honorable Court of Policy and Cri
minal Justice of the Colony Bcrbice.
is hereby given to the Public : that the
t le undermentioned Gentlemen are appointed Com Commissaries
missaries Commissaries for the year 1815, on the different Districts
of th is colony.
Commissaries for the East Sea Coast, Berlice.
Samuel Kendall, > r . .
David Carnegie, 5 Lsf l’ urcs “
Commissaries of the West Sea Coast, Berbice.
Peter Fairbairn, > n
John Ross, $ EsqUirCS ‘
Commissaries for the lower Division of the West
Corrcntyn Coast.
Robert Douglas, >
Thomas Wade, \ Ees( l ,lircs ’
Commissaries for the upper Corrcntyn Division. \
F. Brittlebank, > r
John Bethune, > E ' r l"' r «-
Commissaries f or Canje River.
Henry Smithson, ?
Isaac Farley, $ Esquires.
Commissaries for the East Sea Coast Canal.
Samuel Kendall,)
David Carnegie, Esquires.
Henry Smithson,)
Commissaries for the East Bank of the Riverßcrbice
J. IE L. Maurenbrecher, )
C. C. Swaving, $ Esquires.
King’s House, N. Airist. 25th January, 1815.
By Command,
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
W HEREAS Application, by Petition, has been y.
made to the Hon’ble. Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice of (he colony Berbice, at their Sessions of the
13th January 1815, for Letters of Manumission:
The Negro woman Cumba, assisted by A. G. Cal Calmer,
mer, Calmer, for herself and her three children, Elizabeth,
Frances, and Susannah.
Notice whereof is hereby given to tho®e whom it
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant
of said Letters of Manumission,that they may address
themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of
the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the
Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made on
the aforesaid Petition. y
Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 28th January ISiL
______ R. D. DOWNER, Sec.
>—'■n wi ——t— ~ iiiii u iii i m u— j
REQUIRED for the Poslliolder, in Coren Corentinc
tinc Corentinc River, the following Articles, viz.—
182} Lbs. Flotfr,
182} Lbs. Beef,
208 Lbs. Rice,
58 Lbs. Sugar,
32 Lbs. Coffee,
1 Barrel Salt, and
30 Gallons old Rum.
For which Tenders will be received by (he Subscri Subscriber
ber Subscriber until Tuesday the 7th February, at 10 o’clock in
the morning, when they will be opened in presence
of His Excellency the Governor, and the lowest, if
approved of, accepted. 28 Jan
R. MACKENZIE, Acting Com.*
NB. The whole of the above Articles to be deliv»
eredat the Civil Commissary’s Oilice.
REQUIRED for the Indians, the following
Articles, viz,—
6 Pieces Salem pores,
4 Dozen Knives,
1 Do. Falling Axes,
1 Do. Cutlasses,
4 Do. Razors,
4 Do. Scissars,
4 Do. Combs,
100 Lbs. Gun-powder,
150 Gun-flints,
2 Jugs Lamp-oil,
2 Barrels Salt,
4 Quire Foolscap-paper,
200 Quills,
4 Bags Shot,
75 Gallons new Rum, and
An assortment of Medicines.
For which Tenders will be received by the Subscri Subscriber
ber Subscriber until Tuesday the 7th February, at 10 o’clock in
the morning, when thy will be opened in presence
of His Excellency the Governor, and the lowest, if
approved of, accepted. 28 Jan.
IL McKENZIE, Acting Com*
NEGROES TO HlßE.— Twenty valuable
Field People, men anj women. For particulars en enquire
quire enquire of the Subscriber.
28 Jan. CDs. KYTE.
(No. 540.
[Payable in advance.
Commissariat office,
Berbice, 28th January, 1815.
CASH wanted for the following Bills, drawn
by tile Commissary General, viz,—
No. 50, £ 150.
No. 51, — 150.
No. 52, — 100.
N 0.742,.742, — 120. Stcding.
For which Tenders will be received at this Office)
Until I uesday next the 31st inst. at 10 o’clock in the
H. HENDY, Bep. Act. Com. Gen.
NOTICE, —300 bunches good Plantains are
Weekly required for Plant’n HersteHing, lor which
Tenders will be received at Mr. Heywood’s, New
Amsterdam, until Thursday next the $d proximo,
when the fewest offer, if approved, will be accepted
f AB. The Plantains to be delivered on the Estate.
Jan. 28.
RUNAWAY from the Subscriber a Negro
Women named Simire, formerly belonging to Miss.
E. Bannister; whoever will apprehend the said wo women
men women and lodge her in the barracks, w ill receive a Joe
reward. Masters ol vessels are forbidden to take her
from this colony, on punishment as the Law directs.
From who also is strayed, a few days ago, a young
Ox and a heifer, a reasonable reward will be given
to any person who deliver them up to the above sub subscriber.
scriber. subscriber.
THE undersigned as the o'dest Attorney of
1 homas Gudgeon, John Dodson and Joshua Hinde,
of Great Britain, takes the liberty to inform their
Friends, that they will please apply to him on their
business us usual.
28 Jan. Jno. LAYFIELD.
THE undersigned having appointed K.Franc K.Francken,
ken, K.Francken, Esq. as his general Attorney, requests all those
that are indebted to him, to make payment to said
gentleman.2B Jan. J. C. Schollevamger.
TENDERS for 11000 pounds good quality
Coffee, in two seperate parcels of 5000 and 6000 lbs.
the produce of P.n. I’Esperance, will be received at
the house of the first undersigned, in New Amster Amsterdam,
dam, Amsterdam, until Thursday the 3d February instant, when
the highest offer, if approved of, wdl be accepted— acceptedpayment
payment acceptedpayment to be made in cash.
J.ILL. Mauhenbrecher for self and
28 Jan. B. J. SCHWIERS, Sequestrators.
AN ORDER drawn by Messrs. MTntosh
Cameron & Co. on I). C. Cameron, Esq. favor of
Robertson and Ross, for Nine hundred guilders, has
been lost or mislaid ; Notice is hereby given that the
payment of the Same has been stopt. *
C. L. BRANDES—Hereby respectfully in informs
forms informs his Friends and tbe Public, that he designs to
establish himself as a Preceptor of Music, under
which determination he flatter himself to accede the
encouragement of a liberal Community—the Instru Instruments
ments Instruments for that purpose arc the following,—lst CZ«-
tenette,— 2d. Flute,— 3d. /?/>,—4h. Bughelhorn.
His residence is on Lot No. 3, middle road, where
he can be seen any hour in the day. Gentlemen that
may feel pleased to bestow on their servants lictures,
on either or every of the above Instruments, will
meet with very agreable terms. 28 Jan.
ONE JOE REWARD will be given to any
person who may have found a red leather Pocket
Book, containing a bill of exchange for £ 25, three
one joe papers, three half joe papers, a 6 bitts paper,
a dollar, and /2. piece, together with a letter and
other papers which have his name on. As the adver advertiser
tiser advertiser will sustain the loss more severely as the pro property
perty property is not his own, he hopes any one meeting with
the above papers will restore them.
NB. The bill is drawn, by J. F. Stapel, Esq. for
J. Hopkins.— 2B Jan. J. HOPKINS.
* _ Pin. Lust tot Rust.
CAUTlON—Deserted from the Brig Fairy
on the night of the 24th inst. JOHN FINK, a native
of Germany, but speaks English tolerable well.—
Whoever conceals or employs the said John Fink,
after this notice, will be prosecuted according to
ABSCONDED from the Subscriber, a Ne Negro
gro Negro boy named Harry, about 14 years of age; he
has been in the habit of travelling with the Snbscri Snbscrii
i Snbscrii ber so Demerary; all Masters and Owners of ves vessels
sels vessels are requested not to harbour or take said Negro
from the colony, os th* Law will be enforced against
inch offending,
This is to inform the Public, that the following per.
sons intend quitting this Colony.
H. Beekman and Servants, in 6 weeks from Dec. 24.
J. H. Tilkemcyer, in 6 weeks from do.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
NOTICE is hereby given, that a month after date the
following Transports and Mortgages will be passed.
Jan. 7. J. A. Hicken, qq. the Estate of H. C. Bran Brandes,
des, Brandes, will transport to K. Francken, the Lots No.
46& 47, second empoldcr, with all the buildings
having belonged thereto on the day of purchase.
K. Francken will transport to O. W.Lants W.Lantsheer,
heer, W.Lantsheer, the front half of Lot No. 46, second em empolder,
polder, empolder, with all the buildings thereupon.
Jan. 21. James Fraser will transport to Alex. Fraser
Los No. 42 West coast, commonly called Sea Seafield,
field, Seafield, with 47 slaves.
Alexander Fraser wilt mortgage to Jas. Fraser,
halt of said Lot with one half of all Slaves now
attached thereto, in security of the balance due
to Jas. Fraser of the purchase of the whole of
said Lot with 47slaves.
" Alex. Fraser will transport to Alex. Simpson
the other half of said Lot No. 42, with half of
all slaves, stock, boat, appurtenances and de dependencies.
pendencies. dependencies.
Jan. 28. Colin Douglas will transport to Demerary
63 Negroes, names to be seen at this Office.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy
On Monday the .‘Oth inst. will be sold at the Ven Vendue
due Vendue Office, by order of John Beresford, Esq. in qua quality
lity quality as Attorney to the Administratrix of the Estate of
the late S. Beresford, Esq.—The half of lot No. 20,
situated in the east coast cannal, with a dwelling
house of colony worn!, 40 feet long, and 22 feet wide,
one and a half story high, 9 negroes, viz, Betty, a
washerwoman, with her 2 children ; Bessy, a field
woman, with her child ; Adela, a field woman ; 3
men, Robert, Primo, and Pill, the former is a good
groom, the two latter field people ; also about 20 head
ol cattle, a horse, liquor case, bedstead, mattrasses,
fkc. &c.— I rrnis: the land payable in 12 months,
negroes in 3,6, and 9 months, other articles in 3
On the same day by order of J. B. Rule, Esquire,
American flour, double rose butter, a pipe and two
hhds. Madeira wine, dry goods, figs, &c.
D.C.Ca merom, Dep. Vendue Master.
On the6th February, at the Vendue Office, by or order
der order of J G. F Thiensma, Esq. Dutch potatoes, do.
herrings, do. sweet milk cheese, do. white wine vi vinegar,
negar, vinegar, &c.
Also beer, porter, tobacco, soap, candles, dry
goods, hardware, cotton & coffee bagging, a pipe ol
brandy, &c.
D. C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master.
On Monday the 6lh of March, next, and following
days, will be sold to the highest bidders, by order o
the Executors of the late Mrs. H. J. Buse, the cof coffee
fee coffee Plant'd ions LUST TO 1’ RUST and PROVI PROVIDENCE,
DENCE, PROVIDENCE, in the river Berbice; and the cotton Plan Plantation
tation Plantation ZEEZIG I’, on the west sea coast of Berbice.
together with about 600 Slaves, also cattle, furniture
end what further may appear. For terms of sale and
other particulars, application may be made to A. A.
de la Court, Esq. or to
D. C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master.
FOR SALE—Plantation GOLSPIE?being
the Eastern half of Lot No. 44, Corenfyn coast, 85f
Roods facade, and empowered about 900 Roods
deep; having a Canal extending the full depth from
front to back, and the whole perfectly secured by
proper Dams, Trenches, &c. with a cultivation of
120 acres of Cotton and 30 acres of Plantains; also
large Fields of old cotton which has been for some
time under salt wafer; and 50 acres of excellent
Plantain Land ready to plant.
There is a confortable Dwelling House 44 feet by
20, lately built of best materials, a large hardwood
cotton Logie and other necessary Buildings; in every
respect, requisite for a cotton property ; and the rea reariig
riig reariig of Cattle for which the situation is inferior to
none in the colonies. It being the intention of the
Advertiser to quit the colony. A great sacrifise will
to an approved Purchaser, with or without
about 30 very valuable Slaves, (18 of which are prime
men. Hundred head of a very superior breed of
horned Cattle, and 200 fine Sheep ; and if required,
long credit will be given, on good security, fora
considerable part of the purchase-money. For fur further
ther further particulars apply to the undersigned on the pre premises.
mises. premises. r
should the above property not be sold by pri private
vate private bargain previous to the Ist of May next, it
will then be sold at public sale, without reserve.
THE pressing Demands against thisOffX* *bls *bls
- *bls necessary to collect in the Taxes, A®’}*
are long due)-TI K undersigned gi ves notift*
he positively will (without respect to
over to the Marshal, on the Ist February b ’*
outstanding Account to be sued for. every
The Accounts are now ready for Ordinary n
traordinary Head-money, Individuals, / ar .J*
and must be paid in all this month.
DANIEL ALLT, Pep, Rec. f% n
the following prime Negroes, (t| lc whole i OM r “!â–
one Lol) on very reasonabble Terms, lonnappSj
Purchaser, vu,_B Carpen erNegroes.JHo.gff
a capable man Cook, a Washer woman with 2 K’
drtyi, one ditto with 1 oliild, and 3 callable m ’
wmueti, one of whom has a child. 1 H ° Uso
If tlie whole is not sold before the 15th of
month, they will be put at public Vendue. p or f
ther particulars apply to the Subscriber on Plan?
Cruisburg, where the Negroes are to be seen U
21 January. J. a. HICKEN.
NOTICE, such persons as have anv demand*
against the late Phoenix Saw Mill Co. Nikirie are
requested to send the same in for examination to the
undersigned, and those indebted to come forward
with immediate payment. 4
JL Jan - £E?J?2 NE *Co.
FOR SALE, a handsome dark Bavtaddfo
and draft Horse, warranted sound and free of vice
Apply to the Printing Office.—2l Jan.
NOTICE,—The undersigned beg* leave to
informs the Public, that Mr. G. Schwar'z, is fully
authorised to collect my outstanding Accounts as
well as Note* of Hand, and hi* receipt will be of full
_ 2l Jan -
FOR SA LE by the Subscriber, —Port, sher sherry
ry sherry and Madeira wines in bottles am! casks, brown
stout, flour, tripe in jars, potatoes, boxes soap and
candles from 30 to 35 lbs., hams, real Russia sheet sheeting,
ing, sheeting, therapeutick bitters, &c.
EOR SALE, 1 —25 bales of Cotton, from Pl.
Omerwagt. Tenders for the same will be received
at the house of L. van Rossum, New Amsterdam.
L. van ROSSUM, qq. for self and
21 Jan. W. KATZ, qq.
By the subscriber the following fresh Dutch
provisions, lately imported, for cash•
New herring in kegs,
Butter in ditto,
Sweet milk cheese in boxes,
Edammer ditto,
Potatoes in large hampers.
r , • O ? V hl,e . wine Vinegar in jugs,
Choice Klune-wine in boxes containg 24 bottle*.
X Smoke Tobacco in small cases,
Vcry good green tea, &c.
11 Jan - J.G.F. THIENSMA.
By den ondergeteekende de volgende onlanct
aangebrachte versche Hollandsche proviiieun
voorcassa:— r
Nicuwe haring in vaatjes,
Boter in dito,
Zoete nielksche kaas in kisjet,
Edammer dito,
Zeeuwscheen Vricsche aardappelw
in grootc manden,
Zeer goede witte wyn azyn in pidlen,
Beste Rhynsche wyn in kisten van 24 bottefe,
Extra goede gekorvene rook Tabak in kisjes,
En zecr goede groene thee
_ l4 Jan - J- G. F. THIENSMA.
FOR SALE by the undersigned, new Cod
fish in 6 and 8 quintal casks, fine salt in tierce* and
barrels, crabwood lumber, &c.
HJan. G. BONE & Co.
NOTICE.—The undersigned requests bi*
Friends and the different Shippers, who have cnga«
ged Room in the Brig Fairy, to send their Pfodac*
alongside with as little delay as possible, in order
that no doubt may be entertained of her being able
to leave here with the first convoy,
J* dan. Jno. SINCLAIR.
DE ondergeteekenden, zoo wel in prive als voor
de I'irma van Dehnert and Zimmerman, authorueerd
en volmagtigd by dezen, den heer P. de Goeje, om
alle uitstaande pretentien intevorderen en daarvoor
quitantie fe passeren, zullende zulks beschouwd wof»
den alsdoor bemzelve geschied.
J. A. DEHNERT, priv6, en qq.
7 Jau* Dehuert & Zimmerman.
Thi Lieutenant-Governor having been honored
I *tb the Lc<
Lnd i
I the information of the Ladies of Berbice.
I On perusal of these papers, His Excellency expe-
Ifieoces his inability to add any remarks that can pos posâ–
â– posâ– sibly conduce to the proposed Honorable underta-
I king J and he therefore felicitates in the consciousness
I that the Ladies of Berbice will not suffer his solici-
I tations for their aid in the furtherance of the propo-
I ied Noble Undertaking, to be unavailing.
Lieutenant-Colonel Allt has kindly undertaken to
I be the Receiver of the .Subscriptions of our Fair, to
I the monument of British valor and talent.
ANTIGUA, 15th. December, 1814.
1 HAVE the honor to transmit herewith, an
I Extract of a Letter which 1 have received from the
I Countess Spencer, one of the Ladies Directresses,
I who have associated themselves for the purpose of
I erecting by Subscription of the Ladies of the British
I Monarchy, a Monument to commemorate the Services
I of the Duke of W ellington.
1 beg leave to Solicit your Aid in applying to
I the Ladies of Berbice, in Order to forward the pro proposed
posed proposed Plan.
A Cause, of which the Merits are so universally
I known, and now brought forward under such Aspices,
I does not require that I should make any further Re-
I marks, I therefore take the Liberty of enclosing the
Prospectus, with a Subscription Paper for the Signa Signatures
tures Signatures of such Ladies as may be pleased to forward a
Plan equally calculated to prove a lasting and dis dis;
; dis; tinguished Memorial of the Services of an Illustrious
Man, as of the Public Spirit, Generosity and Taste of
the Women ofthe British Empire.
I would beg being honored by an Answer as
toon as may be convenient, and to have the Subscrip Subscription
tion Subscription Paper returned to me, with a Specification ofthe
Manner in which such Sums as may be put down, are
to be remitted to Europe.—l have the honor to be,
Sir, y our most Obedient, Humble Servant.
ft Ueatenant Governor Bbhtinck,
Ac. Ac. Ac. Berbice.
Extract of a Letter from the Countess Spencr,
one of the Ladies Directresses, to Lieut.-
General Sir James Leith.
“THE Ladies of Great Britain and Ireland are
very desirous of perpetuating their Sense of what they
Owe to the Valour and Tallents of the DUKE OF
WELLINGTON, by a Monument of a more lasting
kind than a Dinner, a Masquerade, or a Fete, and
they have accordingly determ i ned, to a rise one, w h ich
does credit to their Gratitude and good taste. The
Subscription to this end is rapidly filling, and altho*
the expence of so noble an undertaking will be large,
yet we think the means will be adequate to the de demands.
mands. demands. Butrfor this purpose we hope to be assisted
by every one who feels as we do a strong desire of
testifying in a splendid and beautiful shape, the warm
Gratitude which the Duke of Wellington and his
brave Companionsin Arms have excited inour Minds.
And it is to obtain the assistance and co-operation of
the Ladies in your part of the World that I address
myself to you during the absence of Lady Augusta
“Will you have the goodness to persuade some of
the principal Women within your reach to become
active Supporters of this interesting Memorial ? The
eager manner wh' 1, which it has been received in this
Country gives me the best hopes that its Success will
be equally certain in every quarter of the World,
Ivhere English-Women are established, and where
English feelings are participated by them.
“The Alto Relievos round the pedestal of the Group
which is to form this Monument are to represent four
ofthe principal Victories of the DUKE OF WEL WELLINGTON
LINGTON WELLINGTON during the Peninsula War, and his Por Portrait
trait Portrait and those of his Principal Generals are to be
introduced. It is to be placed in a conspicious situ situation
ation situation in the upper part of Green Park, or in Hyde
Park, and die whole of it will be about 50 feet high,
the figures in relievo six feet.
“We receive any Subscription from one Guinea to
fifty. So that we include every class of Females.†i
A PLAN is under consideration, to erect an
appropriate Monument, to Commemorate the sense
which the Women of Great Britain, and Ire Ireland
land Ireland entertain of the Services rendered to their
Country by the Duke of Wellington.
it is placed under the Patronage of Her Royal
Highness the Duchess of York, the Wife of the
Commander-In-Chief, who has graciously been
pleased to adopt and promote it.
Should this Plan be supported by general
Subscription, it is proposed to erect in Bronze an
exact Copy of the celebratod Group, by Phidias, on
Monte Cavallo at Rome, usually but erroneously cal called
led called Alexander and Bucephatu .rfbeing a mod beauti beautiful
ful beautiful exemplification of the T.iumpli of Skill and
Valour over Force,) with appropriate Bronze Deco Decorations
rations Decorations and Inscriptions, best calculated to illustrate
the object in question.
The Bronze of which this Monument is to be
composed ofthe Cannon taken by the Duke of Wel Wellington’s
lington’s Wellington’s Army in Spain and in France.
If this Project should meet your approbation,
you are requested to put your Name down as a Sub Subscriber
scriber Subscriber to this interesting Testimony of Female Gra Gratitude
titude Gratitude and Respect, to such amount as you may
please to contribute ; and you are also requested to
use your influence amongst your Female Friends, to
induce them to follow your example.
We hope you will have the goodness to affix
your Name and amount of your Subscription to this
Paper, and to return it to George Watson, Esq.
No 5, Savill -Row, or at the Board of Excise, Lon London,
don, London, (if by Letter from the Country,) as it is very de desirable
sirable desirable that your concurrence in this Honorable Un Undertaking
dertaking Undertaking should be circulated as soon as possible,
for the encouragement of others.
Subscription Books are opened at the Banking
House of Messrs. Drummond, Coutts, Hoarc, and
Hcrries,, Farquhar & Co.
Charlotte Duchess of Richmond,
Anne Marchioness of Buckingham,
Leuisa Marchioness of Lansdowne,
France Marchioness Camden,
Lavinia Countess Spencer,
Augusta Countess «f Lonsdale,
1815. High Water at Fort Moon’*
January. St. Andrew. Age.
Sun. 29. Sexag. Sunday. 41 past 7.1 W.
M. 3o- K.Lhs.l. Martyr. 32 B.M.
T. 31. 27 9. M
Feb. 1. 35 10. M. LastQr.at lb. 10m.Morn
Tit. 2 ?. of BY. Mary. 36 II.M.
F. 3. [Neap Tides. 41 0. E.
8. 4. iS4 I.E.
A New Pap r has b«en established in Deme Demerary,
rary, Demerary, entitled, “The Guiana Chronicle and
George Town Gazette,†by Mr. A. Stevenson.
The First Number was issued on the 2d instant. It
is published every Monday and Friday, afternoon—
Subscriptions to the above Paper, will be received at
this Office, as also for the Es»equebo Si Denier ary,
and Royal Gazettes.
wne ice j—
JANUARY 28, 1815.
We have this work received some Barbados pa papers,
pers, papers, but they contain nothing of importance.
Bridge-Town, January 7,1815.
AT noon yesterday, His Majesty’s ship Barossa
arrived from Antigua ; and it was soon in circulation,
that she was the bearer of the highly gratifying intel intelligence
ligence intelligence that the British forces under the command of
Lieut.-General Drummond had compelled the enemy
to surrender Sachet's Harbour, some time about the
24th November, and, by a simultaneous attack, our
squadron had been equally successful, Sir James Yeo
having taken the whole of that Flotilla ; and also that
Commadore Chauncy, who defended his vessels with
great gallantry, was killed during the action. These
accounts, it was said, had been derived fron an Ame American
rican American paper of the 7th December, which was taken
from on board the Gallant Hull, one of two schooners
that were chased by the Barossa and Barbados brig,
but the other got into St. Bartholomew. They had
been but twelve days from Baltimore when the for former
mer former was captured, and sent to St. Thomas. It is to
be regretted, that this paper was inadvertently des destroyed
troyed destroyed on board the Barossa ; because, from what
we have since heard, some doubts have arisen with
respect to the accuracy of this information.
It fs, satisfactory, that We are thus ac<
quainted with the recent rapture of the American ship
of war H asp, by the Castilian British brig of 18 guns,
which, it is reported, fell in with the enemy whilst
cruising off Madeira, and took possession ofthe Wasp
by boarding.
Through this channal, too, it is learnt, the United
States are in the greatest commotion in consequence
of the Conscription Bill, which has been passed by
Congress, and authorises the arming of 80,000 men,
to complete which each State to furnish its quota.
This has been objected to by the Northern States, and
they do not hesitate to declare, that they will not com comply
ply comply with the requisition ; so that, connecting this with
those Resolution which are likely to be adopted by
the New-England Convention, a disunion may, in all
probability, be the result of this measure on the part
of that Government.
On the 24th December, in the night, the Barossa
fell in with a Spanish vessel of war, which mistaking
her for an armed ship belonging to the Insurgents on
tEe Main, fired :nto the Barossa, and, we are sorry
to add, killed two men, and did some injury to the
ship. Upon receiving a few shots from our frigate,
the Spaniard discovered his error, and will no doubt
in future be moie cautious.
A private letter recently received from Halifax,
states, as a rumour, that the American line-of-battle
ship Independence, with acomplctement of 1000 men;
and the frigate Constitution, had sailed in company
i from one of the ports of the United States.
A letter from St. Thomas, recently received here,
states, th .t the American ship of war Independence,
was seen cruising in the neighboorhood of St. Do Domingo.
mingo. Domingo.
Port-Royal (Martinique), Ist Dec. 1814.
The Meduse frigate, commanded by Captain de
Chesfontaines, arrived at this port yesterday evening,
having on board M. du Buc. About the 9th of last
month, she parted from the 2d division, which is exJ
pected every moment.
St. Pierre, 3d Dec. 1814.
Ceremony of taking possion of the Town of St.
Pierre and its Jurisdictions.
At day-light yesterday morning, the French frigate
F.rigone, with troops onboard from Fort-Royal, ap appeared
peared appeared off the harbour. Between nine and (cno’clok,
she anchored, and fired a salute to the batteries, which
was returned.—About one o’clock, the British 74*
gun ship Venerable also appered, having on board
Rear-Admiral, Naval Commander on this Station;
Sir James Leith, Commander in Chief of the Land
Forces; Major-General Lindsey, Governor of thx
Island and several other officers of rank. Whilst un under
der under sail, she fired a salute, which was returned by tho
batteries; and she came to anchor about half-past
three. M. du Buc, M. le Baron de Labarthe, and
M. de Perinelle, had previous arrived from Fort-
Royal. The change of Flag was announced by a
general and brisk firing, both from the batteries and
the frigate, which began a little before five, and was
continued till near sun set. The French troops,
whose march was interrupted by an immense c rowd
of people, moved to occupy the post of the battery
D’Esnotz, amidst repeated shouts of “Vive le Roi!â€
from the spectators.—ln the mean time, Sir James
Leith, surrounded by the General Officers and the
respective Authorities of the two Nations, arrived at
the battery, wishing to deliver up the post himself.
The restoration was made with great pomp and so solemnity,
lemnity, solemnity, accompanied on both sides with all that ur urbanity,
banity, urbanity, attention, and frank cordiality, which the
Governments of States in amity reciprocally owe to
each other—Afterthis striking ceremony, His Excel Excellency
lency Excellency the Commander in Chief repaired to Govern Government
ment Government House, wher« he gave a most splendid enter entertainment
tainment entertainment to his Suite, and a large party of guests in invited
vited invited ou the occasion.
By Command of the Court of Civil Justice.
THE Honorable Court of ('b i! Justice of the co colony
lony colony Berbice, having observed that mmy persons,
acting under their Orders, remain deficient in obe obedience
dience obedience to their general Order of the Is(h June, 1814,
Direct the same to be. re-published for information ;
And to Order, Attention to be paid thereunto, by all
Accounting Parties, on or before the 23.1 February,
next ensuing • on rain of the Court’s Displeasure,
•nd of being-d ';dt v ith as the Law prescrib•«.
King’s Douse, 3. fbice, ]7th January, ISM.
By (\>F!:r ind,
11. C. DO vi NLR, Sec.
-.. t»- v;.
Extract from the Register of the Minutes of
the Court of Civil Justice, of the Colony
Wednesday \sth Junt) 1811.
.Al ND it was accordingly Ordered, that all persons
acting under Ifie appoinliuet ot the Court, either as
Trustees for Cr» ditors, Curators to Insolvent Estates,
Sequestrators, Guardians, and other
Accounting Parties, under rhe orders of the Court,
do render and che in their Accounts, within one
month from the'.’. ;>■of th" Publication of this Order
in the Berbice Gazc’te, ,nd in future annually in the
first week cf the nini.’h of January in every year, to
the Secretary of the Court, and on no pretence what whatever
ever whatever to omit the same without a special order for lur lurther
ther lurther time be'•> g piVviousiy abiained on Pei it ion,
shewing go- ’ can;• - ; and the more effectually to
ensure the dm* o srivasice of this Order, it. is hereby
further diru n : ..nt the eecrdary of the Court do
on then o •< ; \ y( .. ;-ry Svs-imis. l.’V on the
table of this * wort a I i-: the minus end capaci capacities
ties capacities of the several Acco;;?.:l :g partie . together w ith
the dates pf their respective Appointments, and the
time up io which the said Acc mats-have already
been given in, or rendered to flu* « om;t for confor confor.Miation
.Miation confor.Miation or approval, such lu-ts io specify particularly
where the several V ouchers and i. ocumetits thereto
belonging, arc deposited a .id ui. ler whose authority
or order.
AND in th? paid Li t is also to be inserted (he
Names cf all Persons who have taken out Acts of
Deliberatin ’, to n 3 er with the dates th(T-of, and
(he times wh-'M the < a* have been renewed or pro prolonged,
longed, prolonged, and further io contain the names ol the sev several
eral several Estates a . cii't which t’.e claims of the respect respective
ive respective Creditors have be-n already filed and exhibited
for the decisi of :■e ‘ 'ourt on the Ptai and concuc concucrentiae
rentiae concucrentiae ther? . f t with tliedates when the said
claims wer â– li.ed, d also when the several Procla Proclamations
mations Proclamations an I ’dver ho-nents relating thereto, were
issued both in the < <4uni d and force 1( be-
AND th ’ Court poAGP and foi . id t/irir Sxom
Account a:fy, Ftamvie and Ff 'rt to
them on a; •• a*- ■ts of the parties aforesaid, nt
their own r !.«.•■:• to receive their papers for such
purpose, w: ’ ■rmne having been regularly
«r,FEi:i ! .E» to tl .by the Court, and the several
parties inl-r led •’ itiu. regularly summoned by
Advertiserit in the public Papers, and due Notice
given of at least ?ne cdan l-r month, to appear be before
fore before them, and to * ite th. ir Objections, previously
to (heir m ;• ’ mg n; their report thereon.
AND (He S; erctary of the Court, is hereby strictly
forbid, in future* receive any Documents or Vou Vouchers
chers Vouchers frm.i n-y of the Accounting Parties aforesaid,
without a io 'â– iibr Inventory thereof is at the same
lime r n-.iered ,o him by the said parties, duly sign signed
ed signed an Id
ceiving receiving sn«»i Inventory,. Jo cpm[»aYc the same with
the Vouchers,-nml certify the accuracy thereof, and
further to deliver to them the said parties one copy
of such Inventor, â– 'â– â– '(land attested by him. gratis,
such Inventories mid A« • counts to be carefully pre preserved
served preserved In hi. » i hE Office, properly labelled and
paraphed, mid not to be returned or given out of (ha
Ofiice, ext pt >n case.-.- ol pnu and concurrents, after
promiuci tLion of the sentence in those cases, without
an expre.-s Order of the (’ourt or Governor.
A true extract, p ibli' bed for general information,
by order of (he Honorable Court of Civil Justice.
fjrtor/ Aftestor,
Kind's Wovse Jan. 1815.
THE Lieutenant Governor experiencing great Ir Irregularity
regularity Irregularity and Cojifesion for the v.ant of due atten attention
tion attention to the Order of (he-respectivc the Honorable the
Courts of Policy, Criminal and Cilil Justice. .NOW
DIRECTS, that the same be re-published, and strict strictly
ly strictly complied with, by ail parties: and Notified that
no petition will be received as therein mentioned af after
ter after the time specified by the same Order, unless in
r ises cf PeAculum in Mera, which must be made
ai.tnifestly t© appear.
F« V.TiITE, Gov. Sec.
The Honorable Courts of Policy, Criniisal and
Civil Justice of the Colony Berbico
aving observed that many persons presenting
Petitions to the aforesaid Courts, frequently deviate
from the general order, given out in this respect, un underdate
derdate underdate of 22 November 1805, whereby all Petitions
were required to be delivered into the President’s
Office, within a certain period previous to their sit sittings.
tings. sittings. .NOW ORDER, and require, all persons
who have Petitions to present to the Court of Policy,
Criminal, or Civil Justice, to render in the same to
His Excellency the Governor, as President, 48 hours
previous to the sitting of that ( ourt to which such
Petition is addressed ; as otherwise Petitionswill not
be Noticed, except in cases of pericuhnn in inora.
Court House, Berbice, 28th July, 18M.
By command,
R. C. DOWNER, Secretary.
By Order of the Honorable Court of Policy
and Criminal Justice of the Colony Ber Berbice,
bice, Berbice, &c. &c. &c.
To Jobbers and Owners oj Task
TENDERS will be received by the undersigned
unjil XV ednesday the ’st of February 1815, tor the
Hire ot oO able Negro men, for one calender month,
to be employed at Fort St. Andrew, Berbice,; on
such labour as shall be pointed, out by the Assistant
Engineer ; and for which payment wdl be made by'
the Receiver General. The lenders will be opened
in presence of His Excellency the Governor, on the
aforesai date, and the lowest off< r, if tali * factory, ac accepted,—Secretary’s
cepted,—Secretary’s accepted,—Secretary’s Office, 12th Jan. 1815.
Bv Command
R. C.'LOW N ER, Wry.
*"""■" Il —■■■■-
BY virtue of an Order from His Excellencv
Lieutenant-Governor H AV . Bex rixcK, given u;,-
on a Petition of John La \ field qq. J no. Dodson & Co.
or Great Britain, dated the January 1815. No Nolice
lice Nolice is hereby given t<» the Public : That the Debt
for which Plantation No. 21, West Corentine co txt
was placed under Sequestration, having been duly
paid by George Munro, as Proprietor of said Estate,
to John Laybeld qq. John Dodson & Co. The said
I’imtation No. 21, West Corentine coa , -t, has beef.
iiiis'J ' y Released from Execution and Sequestration.
liitbice, 27ih January, 1815.
K. ERANCKEN, First Marshal.
By virtu-' of an appointment from the Honorable
Court ol Civil Justice of this.colony, dated 17th De Decembrr
cembrr Decembrr 1814: given upon a petition presented by
John Layfiekl, as Attorney of ThomasGu.lgeon, of
Stoke Newington, .ear London.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that 1 the un undersigned
dersigned undersigned intend to Sell, at Public I’x-cution Sale, in
t ie presence ot two Councellors ( uimniss i?a -s and
ts eir .'-icretary, mi the coming 'onday in the
month of Muy, 1815, the Cotton Estate called KIL
idi)TACK, situated on the Correntyn coast of this
cmuny, with all its cultivation, buildings,slaves, and
further appurtenances then to belonging, all of which
an Inventory as also the Terms of Sale, are to be seen
at the Marshal’s Officeduringthe hours ofduty ; said
Estate being the property ot Simon Fraser.
Whoever should think himself entided to oppose
the Execution Sale ol above Estate Kilmorack, let
such persons address themselves at the Marshal’s Of Office,
fice, Office, declaring their reasons tor so doing, in due time
and form, as I hereby give notice, that I the under undersigned
signed undersigned will receive opposition from every person
thereunto qualified by law, appoint them a day to
have his or her claim heard before the Court, and
further act therein as the law directs.
This 3rd Proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, the22(l January, 1815.
K. Francren, First Marshal.
NIL The above named Sale is to take place on
the spot.
—-■- ■f
BA virtue of an Appointment from the Honorable
Court us Civil Justice, of this colony, dated the 17th
Dca-mbcr, ISI4, given upon a Petition presented by
• I rancken, as l irst Marshal, for and in name of
.7-Gordon, as together with Evan Fraser and Am-ms
i raser, the surviving Attornies jointly and severally
m Donald w Lend, of Geaniei, in the County of
loss, Noy th Britain. J
N dis c is hereby given to the PnbVc h* .
undersigned intend to Sell at Public Ex<’ c ; 1 A
m the presence ol two Councellors Conm» •
t heir Secretary, on Wednesday the 13 of\; f>sar ‘ es "M
firstly, the Cotton Estate called G'E
on the Correntyn coast, with all itsculfivati,,? l^ 6 ' l
buildings, and iurther appurtenances the re t„ii f N
mg,—and secondly, the lower half oflot N'>
situate in the Correntyn river, of which F n
Inventory may be seen, as also of the Tern/ ' l
at the Marshals Office, during the hou™\°
s lid Estates being the property of J r M’r .Jt?
John Bethune.
Whoever should think himself entitle m
the Sale of the two abovem<.„,'„
tales, n't such person or persons address thJ >
to the Marshal’s Office, declaring tIS
so don g, as 1 hereby give notice, Uiat I will’
opposition from every one IhereuntoqimlifiJ i'// 6
appoint (hem a day to have his or ber clain/i
before the Court, and further act therein as th
directs. e Gw
T,l ii s P^^7 a(ion Pushed as
BerbKie, 22d January, 1815.
K. I RANCKEN, First Mnrd, i
NB. The Sale of said uto’takepfe ,
respective spots. 1 u °nifie
B i virtue of an Extract from the ATianh,
(-v.ob r I.- ■. .-I v; JI rn the ram -• entitled ; ,|. qq/
p/ ? •_* airhairn, in capnedy as Sequestrators j!
Waf’e p" ?r-P- IL ’jm iP LjC P ro P< » # y <>» DuilW t
Aadr, iij.ntih >y J.hct, versus, ail Claimant/
the proceeds u s plantation Yeovil, ctim annex is Si |i
»' ExeeufioaSale,!) faulaah, by’ Edict 1£
g;> 1),.,.,. MriHuon Edict: All Chi m X
ants on the prom eds of PLmUtion Yeovil. Clnn X ’
nt as, sold at LTecutiuu B a | e . 'f,, app s > ai h c ft re .c
< <>mt ot Rolls, on Mond ;y th-6»h Meri h
â– OllwAmg diy the ( ourt House of this
‘ - IGdrclaims ng tins! said
iUitm r Li proce/d according to J.aw.
I msb .mii ion ! y j .'.cl made known to Uiennfit;*
by beat of drum from the Court House of this
andJurtiierdaTt with n. co., ling to custom.*
Berbice, thc.27
K. Hi 1 ( KE , First Marshal.
t T'' l'Al ELS presi nteerd te koou,
h’dfv Order, luidmde aldus:—â€De Diredeur va#:
I’fm'agie . w /Gnd, g< ii-ve aftelevi-ren aan dej
I Ice i G. Pa*- -of Order, t ier duiicndponden hoi»
!y> z yn le in rec futie van A< lit duizend ponth-ndour
g. f'i' ide Hee i F-tiels gelcend aau de.Planlagi« iin.
sex Lm(. op eui Order van dato 15 December IS I?,
zyude de Iâ€,' s d< r kofiy (hans zoo veel huger, waai»
om I’i’t opjle helfi.' is gesl(4d.
Berbice, 18 A iigaslulSM.
(getcekend) J,, van HOSSUJf.
Zegge p-m' -!i k-'d v 4000.
N OTICE is hereby given to all those who
may ixGmdi icd to purchase from Georg? Panels tbs
Cohcc Order for 4000 pounds; i hat the same wa
made and given by the undersigned to (he said Geo.
Panels, bona fide, and in supposition that his Ac Accounts
counts Accounts as ( urator to the Boedel Bust were correct;
ibaton carefully Examining ft Gid Geo. Paiieis’l
Accounts, the under igned found several Errors,
and Omissions. A. Statement w hereof, he the un undersigned,
dersigned, undersigned, has already submitted to and is now be before
fore before the Honorable the (’ourt of Civil Justicefor de decision.
cision. decision. That it is to be hoped that no person will
vicLl G. Panels any facility in negociafing the un«
(• rsigned’s Order, obtained as aforesaid, as after
this public riotice, the undersigned shall consider
himself en>o't■■■• -rnd in duty bound to contest theva*
Iniity of the said Order for the want of good consi consideration.-—l
deration.-—l consideration.-—l 4 Ja». L. van ROSSI 1 M, qq.
IS hereby given, that Mr. A. Kcrschncr has past his
general power of Attorney on the Subscriber,to col*
lect all.outstanding debts ns Goods and Open Ac Accounts
counts Accounts for delivered bread and biscuit, therefore the
Subscriber informs to nil who it may concern, tocooW
forwards with payment, beiiig otherwise in thene*
cessity to sue for the same; and furtherjic informs
that Mr. Kerschner not can give longer credit*hit
bread, &c. as to be paid every month.
14 Jan? F.B. ADER, qq-
THE Subscriber informs the Public, he
hake such steps as the Law allows him, against all
Horses, Goats. Oxen, &c. he finds straying in b»
premises. Wm. WOODGATE. '.
21 Jan. Lt. Col. Commandant
W-WI ■111 I 1-1,1111,1 I, I—myi—■—iTi.a wi n r»-n
Published excry Saturday at 4 o'clock)
Privileged Cu'ucrnmenl Printers*
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1815.) THE BERBICE ' GAZETTE. fieelve dollars p. annum.] PROCLAMATION. By His Excellency Henvy Wii.viam Esquire, Lieut.-Governor of the colony Berbice and its Deyendcn• cies, ftc sc. c And the Honorable the Court of Policy of the said colony. To all to whom these presents may or shall Come, Greeting ! Be it known : HAT we have thought proper to regulate the Contributions, for the final Payment of the Hire of the Negroe Slav* s furnished by several Planters, for the Repair of the Fortifications, in this (,'olony, foi the year 1813, anti part of the year 1814, on the same fiKiting, anrl in the same manner, as is ex prosed in our Publication of the Sth and 18th August, 1808, and to ordain and enact, as We do hereby Ordain and Enact by these presents. That each Inhabitant of this colony, agreable to the Return made by him to the Capitation Tax for the year 1813, at the Receiver General's Office, shall pay previous to the first of May, 1815, his Quota or Proportion, towards the aforementioned final hire of the Negroes so furnished for the repair of iheFortifica.fions in this colony, due for the year 1813, and part oftheyear 1811, and to make good the Receiver General’s Commission, of .s,per cent for receiving and paying the whole charge incurred, which amounts on rrj artetioii to thirty Shtivers per Head. For the receipt of which quotas or proportion, and afterwards for payment of the aforesaid hire, the ¦Receiver General is hereby qualified, and further authorised to corny I and < ulorce payment of the said contributions, from all LVfiuoters, after expiration of the aforesaid term-, -by •smnmrtfy Execution, and without further process of l aw. And in order that no ignorance may he pretended, these pr ’sents ¦•'.ill be published, printed and posted Up as customary. Thus enacted in our Ordinary Session of the Court of Policy on the I3 ; h January, 1814 ;• present : Iris Excellency la ut.-Governor H. W..Bentix*. K,and ihe Horable Memb*rs: James Fraser, Peter Fairbairn, J. A. Glasius, and Geo. "’miro. By (’omman I of I he Court, R. C. DOWNER, Sec. ' And published on the2sfh January, IS 15, present: his Excellency anti the aforesaid Hon.. Members. In presence of R C. DOWNER, Sec. PROCLA'IATION. X By His Excellency Hen nr William Bentinck, Esquire, Lieut.-Governor ever the colony Bcrbice and its Dependencies,.. ssc. sc. sc. ~ .And the Honorable Court of Policy of the said colony. To all whom these presents may or shall come, Greeting ! Be it known : T HAT the number of Slaves on Estates subject to the payment of Plantar ion-Money, consisted on the 31st December 1813, in 22,094 Heads, and that on a repartition, the Plantation-Money for the present year, is by these presents fixed ami regulated at Twelve Stivers per Head. All persons possessing any Estates or who may have the Administration of them, are hereby enjoinedand directed to make payment for the aforesaid Plantation-Money, agre ible to the said Ih-partition, at the Oilice of the Receiver General, or on before the First of May next ensuing. ' And in order that no ignorance may be pretended, these presents shall be publish r . . David Carnegie, 5 Lsf l’ urcs “ (No. 540. [Payable in advance. Commissaries of the West Sea Coast, Berbice. Peter Fairbairn, > n John Ross, $ EsqUirCS ‘ Commissaries for the lower Division of the West Corrcntyn Coast. Robert Douglas, > Thomas Wade, \ Ees( l ,lircs ’ Commissaries for the upper Corrcntyn Division. \ F. Brittlebank, > r John Bethune, > E ' r l"' r «Commissaries f or Canje River. Henry Smithson, ? Isaac Farley, $ Esquires. Commissaries for the East Sea Coast Canal. Samuel Kendall,) David Carnegie, Esquires. Henry Smithson,) Commissaries for the East Bank of the Riverßcrbice J. IE L. Maurenbrecher, ) C. C. Swaving, $ Esquires. King’s House, N. Airist. 25th January, 1815. By Command, R. C. DOWNER, Sec. W HEREAS Application, by Petition, has been y. made to the Hon’ble. Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of (he colony Berbice, at their Sessions of the 13th January 1815, for Letters of Manumission: The Negro woman Cumba, assisted by A. G. Calmer, for herself and her three children, Elizabeth, Frances, and Susannah. Notice whereof is hereby given to tho®e whom it may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant of said Letters of Manumission,that they may address themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made on the aforesaid Petition. y Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 28th January ISiL ______ R. D. DOWNER, Sec. >—'¦ n wi ——t— ~ iiiii u iii i m u— j CIVIL DEPARTMENT. REQUIRED for the Poslliolder, in Corentinc River, the following Articles, viz.— 182} Lbs. Flotfr, 182} Lbs. Beef, 208 Lbs. Rice, 58 Lbs. Sugar, 32 Lbs. Coffee, 1 Barrel Salt, and 30 Gallons old Rum. For which Tenders will be received by (he Subscriber until Tuesday the 7th February, at 10 o’clock in the morning, when they will be opened in presence of His Excellency the Governor, and the lowest, if approved of, accepted. 28 Jan R. MACKENZIE, Acting Com.* NB. The whole of the above Articles to be deliv» eredat the Civil Commissary’s Oilice. REQUIRED for the Indians, the following Articles, viz,— 6 Pieces Salem pores, 4 Dozen Knives, 1 Do. Falling Axes, 1 Do. Cutlasses, 4 Do. Razors, 4 Do. Scissars, 4 Do. Combs, 100 Lbs. Gun-powder, 150 Gun-flints, 2 Jugs Lamp-oil, 2 Barrels Salt, 4 Quire Foolscap-paper, 200 Quills, 4 Bags Shot, 75 Gallons new Rum, and An assortment of Medicines. For which Tenders will be received by the Subscriber until Tuesday the 7th February, at 10 o’clock in the morning, when thy will be opened in presence of His Excellency the Governor, and the lowest, if approved of, accepted. 28 Jan. IL McKENZIE, Acting Com* NEGROES TO HlßE.— Twenty valuable Field People, men anj women. For particulars enquire of the Subscriber. 28 Jan. CDs. KYTE.
Commissariat office, Berbice, 28th January, 1815. CASH wanted for the following Bills, drawn by tile Commissary General, viz,— No. 50, £ 150. No. 51, — 150. No. 52, — 100. N 0.742,.742, — 120. Stcding. For which Tenders will be received at this Office) Until I uesday next the 31st inst. at 10 o’clock in the morning. H. HENDY, Bep. Act. Com. Gen. NOTICE, —300 bunches good Plantains are Weekly required for Plant’n HersteHing, lor which Tenders will be received at Mr. Heywood’s, New Amsterdam, until Thursday next the $d proximo, when the fewest offer, if approved, will be accepted f AB. The Plantains to be delivered on the Estate. Jan. 28. RUNAWAY from the Subscriber a Negro Women named Simire, formerly belonging to Miss. E. Bannister; whoever will apprehend the said women and lodge her in the barracks, w ill receive a Joe reward. Masters ol vessels are forbidden to take her from this colony, on punishment as the Law directs. 28 Jan. MARY THORNTON. From who also is strayed, a few days ago, a young Ox and a heifer, a reasonable reward will be given to any person who deliver them up to the above subscriber. THE undersigned as the o'dest Attorney of 1 homas Gudgeon, John Dodson and Joshua Hinde, of Great Britain, takes the liberty to inform their Friends, that they will please apply to him on their business us usual. 28 Jan. Jno. LAYFIELD. THE undersigned having appointed K.Francken, Esq. as his general Attorney, requests all those that are indebted to him, to make payment to said gentleman.2B Jan. J. C. Schollevamger. TENDERS for 11000 pounds good quality Coffee, in two seperate parcels of 5000 and 6000 lbs. the produce of P.n. I’Esperance, will be received at the house of the first undersigned, in New Amsterdam, until Thursday the 3d February instant, when the highest offer, if approved of, wdl be accepted—payment to be made in cash. J.ILL. Mauhenbrecher for self and 28 Jan. B. J. SCHWIERS, Sequestrators. AN ORDER drawn by Messrs. MTntosh Cameron & Co. on I). C. Cameron, Esq. favor of Robertson and Ross, for Nine hundred guilders, has been lost or mislaid ; Notice is hereby given that the payment of the Same has been stopt. * 28 Jan. ALLAN STEWART & Co. C. L. BRANDES—Hereby respectfully informs his Friends and tbe Public, that he designs to establish himself as a Preceptor of Music, under which determination he flatter himself to accede the encouragement of a liberal Community—the Instruments for that purpose arc the following,—lst CZ«tenette,— 2d. Flute,— 3d. /?/>,—4h. Bughelhorn. His residence is on Lot No. 3, middle road, where he can be seen any hour in the day. Gentlemen that may feel pleased to bestow on their servants lictures, on either or every of the above Instruments, will meet with very agreable terms. 28 Jan. ONE JOE REWARD will be given to any person who may have found a red leather Pocket Book, containing a bill of exchange for £ 25, three one joe papers, three half joe papers, a 6 bitts paper, a dollar, and /2. piece, together with a letter and other papers which have his name on. As the advertiser will sustain the loss more severely as the property is not his own, he hopes any one meeting with the above papers will restore them. NB. The bill is drawn, by J. F. Stapel, Esq. for J. Hopkins.— 2B Jan. J. HOPKINS. * _ Pin. Lust tot Rust. CAUTlON—Deserted from the Brig Fairy on the night of the 24th inst. JOHN FINK, a native of Germany, but speaks English tolerable well.— Whoever conceals or employs the said John Fink, after this notice, will be prosecuted according to Law.— 2B Jan. JOHN SINCLAIR. ABSCONDED from the Subscriber, a Negro boy named Harry, about 14 years of age; he has been in the habit of travelling with the Snbscrii ber so Demerary; all Masters and Owners of vessels are requested not to harbour or take said Negro from the colony, os th* Law will be enforced against inch offending, Jau.SL G< SCHWARTZ, SECRETARY * OFFICE. This is to inform the Public, that the following per. sons intend quitting this Colony. H. Beekman and Servants, in 6 weeks from Dec. 24. J. H. Tilkemcyer, in 6 weeks from do. R. C. DOWNER, Secy. NOTICE is hereby given, that a month after date the following Transports and Mortgages will be passed. Jan. 7. J. A. Hicken, qq. the Estate of H. C. Brandes, will transport to K. Francken, the Lots No. 46& 47, second empoldcr, with all the buildings having belonged thereto on the day of purchase. K. Francken will transport to O. W.Lantsheer, the front half of Lot No. 46, second empolder, with all the buildings thereupon. Jan. 21. James Fraser will transport to Alex. Fraser Los No. 42 West coast, commonly called Seafield, with 47 slaves. Alexander Fraser wilt mortgage to Jas. Fraser, halt of said Lot with one half of all Slaves now attached thereto, in security of the balance due to Jas. Fraser of the purchase of the whole of said Lot with 47slaves. " Alex. Fraser will transport to Alex. Simpson the other half of said Lot No. 42, with half of all slaves, stock, boat, appurtenances and dependencies. Jan. 28. Colin Douglas will transport to Demerary 63 Negroes, names to be seen at this Office. R. C. DOWNER, Secy On Monday the .‘Oth inst. will be sold at the Vendue Office, by order of John Beresford, Esq. in quality as Attorney to the Administratrix of the Estate of the late S. Beresford, Esq.—The half of lot No. 20, situated in the east coast cannal, with a dwelling house of colony worn!, 40 feet long, and 22 feet wide, one and a half story high, 9 negroes, viz, Betty, a washerwoman, with her 2 children ; Bessy, a field woman, with her child ; Adela, a field woman ; 3 men, Robert, Primo, and Pill, the former is a good groom, the two latter field people ; also about 20 head ol cattle, a horse, liquor case, bedstead, mattrasses, fkc. &c.— I rrnis: the land payable in 12 months, negroes in 3,6, and 9 months, other articles in 3 months. On the same day by order of J. B. Rule, Esquire, American flour, double rose butter, a pipe and two hhds. Madeira wine, dry goods, figs, &c. D.C.Ca merom, Dep. Vendue Master. On the6th February, at the Vendue Office, by order of J G. F Thiensma, Esq. Dutch potatoes, do. herrings, do. sweet milk cheese, do. white wine vinegar, &c. Also beer, porter, tobacco, soap, candles, dry goods, hardware, cotton & coffee bagging, a pipe ol brandy, &c. D. C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master. On Monday the 6lh of March, next, and following days, will be sold to the highest bidders, by order o the Executors of the late Mrs. H. J. Buse, the coffee Plant'd ions LUST TO 1’ RUST and PROVIDENCE, in the river Berbice; and the cotton Plantation ZEEZIG I’, on the west sea coast of Berbice. together with about 600 Slaves, also cattle, furniture end what further may appear. For terms of sale and other particulars, application may be made to A. A. de la Court, Esq. or to D. C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master. FOR SALE—Plantation GOLSPIE?being the Eastern half of Lot No. 44, Corenfyn coast, 85f Roods facade, and empowered about 900 Roods deep; having a Canal extending the full depth from front to back, and the whole perfectly secured by proper Dams, Trenches, &c. with a cultivation of 120 acres of Cotton and 30 acres of Plantains; also large Fields of old cotton which has been for some time under salt wafer; and 50 acres of excellent Plantain Land ready to plant. There is a confortable Dwelling House 44 feet by 20, lately built of best materials, a large hardwood cotton Logie and other necessary Buildings; in every respect, requisite for a cotton property ; and the reariig of Cattle for which the situation is inferior to none in the colonies. It being the intention of the Advertiser to quit the colony. A great sacrifise will to an approved Purchaser, with or without about 30 very valuable Slaves, (18 of which are prime men. Hundred head of a very superior breed of horned Cattle, and 200 fine Sheep ; and if required, long credit will be given, on good security, fora considerable part of the purchase-money. For further particulars apply to the undersigned on the premises. r ROBT. GRANT, should the above property not be sold by private bargain previous to the Ist of May next, it will then be sold at public sale, without reserve. RECEIVER GENERAL'S OFhr. THE pressing Demands against thisOffX* *blsnecessary to collect in the Taxes, A®’}* are long due)-TI K undersigned gi ves notift* he positively will (without respect to over to the Marshal, on the Ist February b ’* outstanding Account to be sued for. every The Accounts are now ready for Ordinary n traordinary Head-money, Individuals, / ar .J* and must be paid in all this month. DANIEL ALLT, Pep, Rec. f% n BY PRIV ATE SALE to be the following prime Negroes, (t| lc whole i OM r “!¦ one Lol) on very reasonabble Terms, lonnappSj Purchaser, vu,_B Carpen erNegroes.JHo.gff a capable man Cook, a Washer woman with 2 K’ drtyi, one ditto with 1 oliild, and 3 callable m ’ wmueti, one of whom has a child. 1 H ° Uso If tlie whole is not sold before the 15th of month, they will be put at public Vendue. p or f ther particulars apply to the Subscriber on Plan? Cruisburg, where the Negroes are to be seen U 21 January. J. a. HICKEN. NOTICE, such persons as have anv demand* against the late Phoenix Saw Mill Co. Nikirie are requested to send the same in for examination to the undersigned, and those indebted to come forward with immediate payment. 4 JL Jan £E?J?2 NE *Co. FOR SALE, a handsome dark Bavtaddfo and draft Horse, warranted sound and free of vice Apply to the Printing Office.—2l Jan. NOTICE,—The undersigned beg* leave to informs the Public, that Mr. G. Schwar'z, is fully authorised to collect my outstanding Accounts as well as Note* of Hand, and hi* receipt will be of full value. _ 2l Jan FOR SA LE by the Subscriber, —Port, sherry and Madeira wines in bottles am! casks, brown stout, flour, tripe in jars, potatoes, boxes soap and candles from 30 to 35 lbs., hams, real Russia sheeting, therapeutick bitters, &c. W. REYNOLDS. EOR SALE, 1 —25 bales of Cotton, from Pl. Omerwagt. Tenders for the same will be received at the house of L. van Rossum, New Amsterdam. L. van ROSSUM, qq. for self and 21 Jan. W. KATZ, qq. FOR SALE By the subscriber the following fresh Dutch provisions, lately imported, for cash• New herring in kegs, Butter in ditto, Sweet milk cheese in boxes, Edammer ditto, Potatoes in large hampers. r , • O ? V hl,e . wine Vinegar in jugs, Choice Klune-wine in boxes containg 24 bottle*. X Smoke Tobacco in small cases, Vcry good green tea, &c. 11 Jan J.G.F. THIENSMA. TE KOOP ” By den ondergeteekende de volgende onlanct aangebrachte versche Hollandsche proviiieun voorcassa:— r Nicuwe haring in vaatjes, Boter in dito, Zoete nielksche kaas in kisjet, Edammer dito, Zeeuwscheen Vricsche aardappelw in grootc manden, Zeer goede witte wyn azyn in pidlen, Beste Rhynsche wyn in kisten van 24 bottefe, Extra goede gekorvene rook Tabak in kisjes, En zecr goede groene thee _ l4 Jan JG. F. THIENSMA. FOR SALE by the undersigned, new Cod fish in 6 and 8 quintal casks, fine salt in tierce* and barrels, crabwood lumber, &c. HJan. G. BONE & Co. NOTICE.—The undersigned requests bi* Friends and the different Shippers, who have cnga« ged Room in the Brig Fairy, to send their Pfodac* alongside with as little delay as possible, in order that no doubt may be entertained of her being able to leave here with the first convoy, J* dan. Jno. SINCLAIR. DE ondergeteekenden, zoo wel in prive als voor de I'irma van Dehnert and Zimmerman, authorueerd en volmagtigd by dezen, den heer P. de Goeje, om alle uitstaande pretentien intevorderen en daarvoor quitantie fe passeren, zullende zulks beschouwd wof» den alsdoor bemzelve geschied. J. A. DEHNERT, priv6, en qq. 7 Jau* Dehuert & Zimmerman.
BERBICE. Thi Lieutenant-Governor having been honored I *tb the Lc<
NOTIFICATION* i By Command of the Court of Civil Justice. THE Honorable Court of ('b i! Justice of the colony Berbice, having observed that mmy persons, acting under their Orders, remain deficient in obedience to their general Order of the Is(h June, 1814, Direct the same to be. re-published for information ; And to Order, Attention to be paid thereunto, by all Accounting Parties, on or before the 23.1 February, next ensuing • on rain of the Court’s Displeasure, •nd of being-d ';dt v ith as the Law prescrib•«. King’s Douse, 3. fbice, ]7th January, ISM. By (\>F!:r ind, 11. C. DO vi NLR, Sec. -.. t»v;. Extract from the Register of the Minutes of the Court of Civil Justice, of the Colony Berbice. Wednesday \sth Junt) 1811. .Al ND it was accordingly Ordered, that all persons acting under Ifie appoinliuet ot the Court, either as Trustees for Cr» ditors, Curators to Insolvent Estates, Sequestrators, Guardians, and other Accounting Parties, under rhe orders of the Court, do render and che in their Accounts, within one month from the'.’. ;>¦ of th" Publication of this Order in the Berbice Gazc’te, ,nd in future annually in the first week cf the nini.’h of January in every year, to the Secretary of the Court, and on no pretence whatever to omit the same without a special order for lurther time be'•> g piVviousiy abiained on Pei it ion, shewing go’ can;• ; and the more effectually to ensure the dm* o srivasice of this Order, it. is hereby further diru n : ..nt the eecrdary of the Court do on then o •< ; \ y( .. ;-ry Svs-imis. l.’V on the table of this * wort a I i-: the minus end capacities of the several Acco;;?.:l :g partie . together w ith the dates pf their respective Appointments, and the time up io which the said Acc mats-have already been given in, or rendered to flu* « om;t for confor.Miation or approval, such lu-ts io specify particularly where the several V ouchers and i. ocumetits thereto belonging, arc deposited a .id ui. ler whose authority or order. AND in th? paid Li t is also to be inserted (he Names cf all Persons who have taken out Acts of Deliberatin ’, to n 3 er with the dates th(T-of, and (he times wh-'M the < a* have been renewed or prolonged, and further io contain the names ol the several Estates a . cii't which t’.e claims of the respective Creditors have be-n already filed and exhibited for the decisi of :¦ e ‘ 'ourt on the Ptai and concucrentiae ther? . f t with tliedates when the said claims wer ¦ li.ed, d also when the several Proclamations an I ’dver ho-nents relating thereto, were issued both in the < <4uni d and force 1( beAND th ’ Court poAGP and foi . id t/irir Sxom Account a:fy, Ftamvie and Ff 'rt to them on a; •• a*¦ts of the parties aforesaid, nt their own r !.«.•¦:• to receive their papers for such purpose, w: ’ ¦ rmne having been regularly «r,FEi:i ! .E» to tl .by the Court, and the several parties inl-r led •’ itiu. regularly summoned by Advertiserit in the public Papers, and due Notice given of at least ?ne cdan l-r month, to appear before them, and to * ite th. ir Objections, previously to (heir m ;• ’ mg n; their report thereon. AND (He S; erctary of the Court, is hereby strictly forbid, in future* receive any Documents or Vouchers frm.i n-y of the Accounting Parties aforesaid, without a io '¦ iibr Inventory thereof is at the same lime r n-.iered ,o him by the said parties, duly signed an Id n case.-.ol pnu and concurrents, after promiuci tLion of the sentence in those cases, without an expre.-s Order of the (’ourt or Governor. A true extract, p ibli' bed for general information, by order of (he Honorable Court of Civil Justice. fjrtor/ Aftestor, JR. C. DOWNER, Sec. JiERDICE. Kind's Wovse Jan. 1815. THE Lieutenant Governor experiencing great Irregularity and Cojifesion for the v.ant of due attention to the Order of (he-respectivc the Honorable the Courts of Policy, Criminal and Cilil Justice. .NOW DIRECTS, that the same be re-published, and strictly complied with, by ail parties: and Notified that no petition will be received as therein mentioned after the time specified by the same Order, unless in r ises cf PeAculum in Mera, which must be made ai.tnifestly t© appear. By F« V.TiITE, Gov. Sec. notification The Honorable Courts of Policy, Criniisal and Civil Justice of the Colony Berbico M. aving observed that many persons presenting Petitions to the aforesaid Courts, frequently deviate from the general order, given out in this respect, underdate of 22 November 1805, whereby all Petitions were required to be delivered into the President’s Office, within a certain period previous to their sittings. .NOW ORDER, and require, all persons who have Petitions to present to the Court of Policy, Criminal, or Civil Justice, to render in the same to His Excellency the Governor, as President, 48 hours previous to the sitting of that ( ourt to which such Petition is addressed ; as otherwise Petitionswill not be Noticed, except in cases of pericuhnn in inora. Court House, Berbice, 28th July, 18M. By command, R. C. DOWNER, Secretary. notice’ By Order of the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice, &c. &c. &c. To Jobbers and Owners oj Task Gangs. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned unjil XV ednesday the ’st of February 1815, tor the Hire ot oO able Negro men, for one calender month, to be employed at Fort St. Andrew, Berbice,; on such labour as shall be pointed, out by the Assistant Engineer ; and for which payment wdl be made by' the Receiver General. The lenders will be opened in presence of His Excellency the Governor, on the aforesai date, and the lowest off< r, if tali * factory, accepted,—Secretary’s Office, 12th Jan. 1815. Bv Command R. C.'LOW N ER, Wry. *"""¦ " Il —¦¦¦¦ MARSHAL S OFFICE. BY virtue of an Order from His Excellencv Lieutenant-Governor H AV . Bex rixcK, given u;,on a Petition of John La \ field qq. J no. Dodson & Co. or Great Britain, dated the January 1815. Nolice is hereby given t<» the Public : That the Debt for which Plantation No. 21, West Corentine co txt was placed under Sequestration, having been duly paid by George Munro, as Proprietor of said Estate, to John Laybeld qq. John Dodson & Co. The said I’imtation No. 21, West Corentine coa , -t, has beef. iiiis'J ' y Released from Execution and Sequestration. liitbice, 27ih January, 1815. K. ERANCKEN, First Marshal. SALES by EXECUTION. * 7 THIRD PROCLAMATION. By virtu-' of an appointment from the Honorable Court ol Civil Justice of this.colony, dated 17th Decembrr 1814: given upon a petition presented by John Layfiekl, as Attorney of ThomasGu.lgeon, of Stoke Newington, .ear London. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that 1 the undersigned intend to Sell, at Public I’x-cution Sale, in t ie presence ot two Councellors ( uimniss i?a -s and ts eir .'-icretary, mi the coming 'onday in the month of Muy, 1815, the Cotton Estate called KIL idi)TACK, situated on the Correntyn coast of this cmuny, with all its cultivation, buildings,slaves, and further appurtenances then to belonging, all of which an Inventory as also the Terms of Sale, are to be seen at the Marshal’s Officeduringthe hours ofduty ; said Estate being the property ot Simon Fraser. Whoever should think himself entided to oppose the Execution Sale ol above Estate Kilmorack, let such persons address themselves at the Marshal’s Office, declaring their reasons tor so doing, in due time and form, as I hereby give notice, that I the undersigned will receive opposition from every person thereunto qualified by law, appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and further act therein as the law directs. This 3rd Proclamation published as customary. Berbice, the22(l January, 1815. K. Francren, First Marshal. NIL The above named Sale is to take place on the spot. —-¦ ¦ f THIRD PROCLAMATION. BA virtue of an Appointment from the Honorable Court us Civil Justice, of this colony, dated the 17th Dca-mbcr, ISI4, given upon a Petition presented by • I rancken, as l irst Marshal, for and in name of .7-Gordon, as together with Evan Fraser and Am-ms i raser, the surviving Attornies jointly and severally m Donald w Lend, of Geaniei, in the County of loss, Noy th Britain. J N dis c is hereby given to the PnbVc h* . undersigned intend to Sell at Public Ex<’ c ; 1 A m the presence ol two Councellors Conm» • t heir Secretary, on Wednesday the 13 of\; f>sar ‘ es "M firstly, the Cotton Estate called G'E on the Correntyn coast, with all itsculfivati,,? l^ 6 ' l buildings, and iurther appurtenances the re t„ii f N mg,—and secondly, the lower half oflot N'> situate in the Correntyn river, of which F n Inventory may be seen, as also of the Tern/ ' l to the Marshal’s Office, declaring tIS so don g, as 1 hereby give notice, Uiat I will’ opposition from every one IhereuntoqimlifiJ i'// 6 appoint (hem a day to have his or ber clain/i before the Court, and further act therein as th directs. e Gw T,l ii s P^^7 a(ion Pushed as BerbKie, 22d January, 1815. K. I RANCKEN, First Mnrd, i NB. The Sale of said uto’takepfe , respective spots. 1 u °nifie SUMMONS ry EDICT? ' B i virtue of an Extract from the ATianh, (-v.ob r I.¦. .-I v; JI rn the ram -• entitled ; ,|. qq/ p/ ? •_* airhairn, in capnedy as Sequestrators j! Waf’e p" ?r-PIL ’jm iP LjC P ro P< » # y <>» DuilW t Aadr, iij.ntih >y J.hct, versus, ail Claimant/ the proceeds u s plantation Yeovil, ctim annex is Si |i »' ExeeufioaSale,!) faulaah, by’ Edict 1£ g;> 1),.,.,. MriHuon Edict: All Chi m X ants on the prom eds of PLmUtion Yeovil. Clnn X ’ nt as, sold at LTecutiuu B a | e . 'f,, app s > ai h c ft re .c < <>mt ot Rolls, on Mond ;y th-6»h Meri h ¦ OllwAmg diy the ( ourt House of this ‘ IGdrclaims ng tins! said iUitm r Li proce/d according to J.aw. I msb .mii ion ! y j .'.cl made known to Uiennfit;* by beat of drum from the Court House of this andJurtiierdaTt with n. co., ling to custom.* Berbice, thc.27 z yn le in rec futie van A< lit duizend ponth-ndour g. f'i' ide Hee i F-tiels gelcend aau de.Planlagi« iin. sex Lm(. op eui Order van dato 15 December IS I?, zyude de I”,' s d< r kofiy (hans zoo veel huger, waai» om I’i’t opjle helfi.' is gesl(4d. Berbice, 18 A iigaslulSM. (getcekend) J,, van HOSSUJf. Zegge p-m' -!i k-'d v 4000. N OTICE is hereby given to all those who may ixGmdi icd to purchase from Georg? Panels tbs Cohcc Order for 4000 pounds; i hat the same wa made and given by the undersigned to (he said Geo. Panels, bona fide, and in supposition that his Accounts as ( urator to the Boedel Bust were correct; ibaton carefully Examining ft Gid Geo. Paiieis’l Accounts, the under igned found several Errors, and Omissions. A. Statement w hereof, he the undersigned, has already submitted to and is now before the Honorable the (’ourt of Civil Justicefor decision. That it is to be hoped that no person will vicLl G. Panels any facility in negociafing the un« (• rsigned’s Order, obtained as aforesaid, as after this public riotice, the undersigned shall consider himself en>o't¦¦¦• -rnd in duty bound to contest theva* Iniity of the said Order for the want of good consideration.-—l 4 Ja». L. van ROSSI 1 M, qq. IS hereby given, that Mr. A. Kcrschncr has past his general power of Attorney on the Subscriber,to col* lect all.outstanding debts ns Goods and Open Accounts for delivered bread and biscuit, therefore the Subscriber informs to nil who it may concern, tocooW forwards with payment, beiiig otherwise in thene* cessity to sue for the same; and furtherjic informs that Mr. Kerschner not can give longer credit*hit bread, &c. as to be paid every month. 14 Jan? F.B. ADER, qqTHE Subscriber informs the Public, he hake such steps as the Law allows him, against all Horses, Goats. Oxen, &c. he finds straying in b» premises. Wm. WOODGATE. '. 21 Jan. Lt. Col. Commandant W-WI ¦ 111 I 1-1,1111,1 I, I—myi—¦—iTi.a wi n r»-n Published excry Saturday at 4 o'clock) Bv W? SCHULZ Ac Co. Privileged Cu'ucrnmenl Printers*