Berbice gazette

Material Information

Berbice gazette
Uniform Title:
Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
Place of Publication:
New Amsterdam
W. Schulz
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
New Amsterdam (guyana)
newspaper ( sobekcm )


General Note:
General Note:
Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
General Note:
The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
General Note:
In English, with occasional text in Dutch
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Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Digital Library of the Caribbean
Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
University of Florida


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fgelve dollars p. annum.]

King s Jan. 1815.
THE Lieutenant Governor experiencing great Ir Irwgfl’arilv
wgfl’arilv Irwgfl’arilv and Confusion for the want of due attcn attcnfjon
fjon attcnfjon to lb<‘ Order ofthc respective the Honorable the
Coarts of Policy, Criminal and Cilil .Justice. NOW
DIRECTS, that the same be re-published, and strict strictly
ly strictly complied with, by al! parties; and Notified that
no petition will be received as therein mentioned af af(be
(be af(be time specified by the same Order, unless in
caws of Periculttm in Aiora, which must be made
manifestly to appear.
Ry command,
F. WHITE, Gov.. Sec.
The Honorable Courts of Policy, Criminad and
Civil Justice of the Colony Berbice
JlTaviog obrervod that many persons presenting
Petitions to the aforesaid Courts, frequently deviate
from the general order, given out in this respect, un underdtfe
derdtfe underdtfe of 2'2 Nov< mber ISOS, whereby all Petitions
were required to be delivered into the President’*
Office, within a certain period previous to their sit sittings.
tings. sittings. NOW ORDER, and require, all persons
who have Petitions to present to the Court of Policy,
Criminal, or Civil Justice, to render in the same to
His Excellency die Governor, a$ President. 48 hours
Previous to the sitting of th »t Court to whit h such
rtition is addressed ; asoiherwbe Petitions will not
be Noticed, <*v< vpt in c-i -es of pe.riculvm in mom.
Court House, Berbice, 28(h July, 1814.
By command,
R. C. DOWNER, Secretary.
RECEI VE R GENE A\ / L'S 01'11 CE.
Berbice, 21st January, 1815.
THE pressing Demands against (his Office, makes
it necessary to coll < t in the Taxes, f many o f which
are long due) — The undersigned gives notice, that
be positively will (without r< sped to person*) h.-nd
over to the Marshal, on the Ist February next, every
Outstanding Account to be sued for.
The Accounts arc now ready fi»r (Jnhnary and Ex Extraordinary
traordinary Extraordinary Head-money, Individuals, year 1814,
and must be paid in all this month.
DANIEL AL LT, Dep. Rec. Gen.
FOR SALE —Plantation GOLSPIE, being beingthe
the beingthe Eastern half of Lol No. 41, ( krrentyn coast, 854
Roods facade, and empoldered about 900 Roods
deep; having a ('an d extending the full depth from
front to back, and the whole perfectly secured by
proper Dams, Trenches, &c. with a cultivation of
120 acres of Cotton and SO acres of Plantains; also
large Fields of old cotton which has been tor some
time under salt water; and 50 acres of excellent
Plantain Land ready to plant.
There is a con Portable Dwelling House 44 feet by
SO, lately built of best materials, a large hardwood
cotton Logie and other necessary Buildings; in every
respect, requisite for a cotton property ; and the rea rearing
ring rearing of Catlh* for which the situation is inferior to
none in the colonies. It being the intention ofthc
Advertiser to quit the colony. A great sacrifise will
be made to an approved Purchaser, with or without
about 30 very valuable Slaves, (Is of which are prime
men. Hundred head of a very superior breed of
horned Cattle, and 200 fine Sheep ; and if required,
long credit will be given, on good security, fora
considerable part of the purchase-money. For fur further
ther further particulars apply to the undersigned on the pre premises.
mises. premises.
21 Jah. ROBT. GRANT.
NB. Should the above property not be sold by pri private
vate private bargain previous to the Ist. of May next, it
will then be sold at public sale, without reserve.
THE Subscriber informs the Public, he shall
take such steps as the Law allows him, against all
H<*ses, Goats, Oxen, &c. he finds straying in his
premises. Wm. WOODGATE.
21 Jan. Lt. Col. Commandant.


SAI Ui !) \Y. JANUARY 21.

BY PRIVATE SALE to be Disposed of,
the following prime .Xcg.o.s, ((he whole together in
one Lol) on very r. asonahbl; t erm*, to an approved
Purchaser, viz.,—B Carpenter Negroes,s House boys,
a (tapable man Cook, a V\ asher woman with 2 chil children,
dren, children, one ditto with I child, and 3 capable House
women, one of whom has a child.
It the whole is not sold before the 15th of next
month, they wi ibe pul at | üblic V endue. For fur further
ther further particulars apply to the bub t fiber on Plant.
Crnisburg, where the ?< eg rocs are to be seen.
21 January. J. A. HICKEN.
EKA TA.—ln last week’s Newspaper, in the Adver Advertisement
tisement Advertisement oi Tender* lor entice, oi planta plantation
tion plantation Kortberaad, stands, lowest offer,
must In , highest oficr.
TENDERS for k.O to 25,000 pounds first
quality < olive, ih,- growth <,i Plantation Kortberaad,
will be received at the Secretary’!, Office, ot this co colony,
lony, colony, until W edfi.sGay the 25iii inst. when the higli higlieOutfrr,
eOutfrr, higlieOutfrr, it approved 01, will be accepted— payment
(o be made in cash, and die ci.flee to be debrvied on
the Estate. PA L ELS, »
21 Jan. J. van den BROEK, S
NOTIC E, such persr .sas have an> demands
against the late i/ffii nix Saw Mill Co. Nikiric, are
requested to semi d, • same in for examination, to (he
undersigned, and iffi»e indebted to come forward
with immediate payment.
21 Jan. rm. BONE & Co.
FOR SALE — Ed,Lvb Lbs. whoic, and 6000
Lbs. broken (’office f. mi pi.miaiioii - And
9,000 Lbs. whole and 7,000 Lbs. broken Coffie from
Plantation II e/gi legt u.— And VO round bales Cotton
f rom Plantatiaii E-d< rlvwm. Samples to be seen at
the house oi Mr. Heywood, New m*h r lam, where
Tenders will b;- received unlit M ednesday next the
251 h inst. when the hi .best elf - , u approved, will
be accepted.— Ihe colii < ami < uun to be taken from
(he Estates, and the payment mu*i be cash on deliv delivery.
ery. delivery. J timary 21.
EUR SALE by the Subscriber, —Pert, sher sherry
ry sherry and Madeira wines i t b »Uit •* and casks, brown
stout, Hour, tripe in jtis, potatoes, boxes soap and
candles from 30 to co lbs., hams, real liusTi sheet sheeting,
ing, sheeting, thercpcuiick billers, Ac.
_2 1 JJan. W_ RE V N ()LBS.
EOR SALE, — 2o b iles of Cotton, from Pl
Omtrwagl. 1 enders for the same will be received
at the house of L. van Rossum, New Amsterdam.
L. van I 2! Jan. W. KATZ, qq.
QA’ G. PA L ELS piesenteerd te koop, een
Kofly Order, luideude aldiis:—”De Directeur van
Plaatagi - liuses Lust, gclieve a.televeren aan den
Hcei (r. Pauels, of Order, I'.’t rd; h< i:d ponden l;oj l;ojfy,
fy, l;ojfy, zynde in restitutio van Acht duizend ponden door
gcimjikle Heer Panels gelecnd a n de Plantagie Bu Buses
ses Buses Lust, op een Orde r van dato io December 1812,
zynde de prys der kuffy thans zoo veel huger, waar waarom
om waarom het op de hvlfle is gesteid.
Beibice, 18 Augustus, 18J4.
(gefeekend) L. van ROSSUM.
Zegge ponden koffy 4000.
NOTICE is hereby given to all those who
may be inclined to purchase from George Panels the
Cotfrc Order tor 4000 pounds; that the same was
made and given by the undersigned to the said Geo.
Panels, bona fide, and in supposition that his Ac Accounts
counts Accounts as Curator to the Boedel Buse were correct;
that on carefully Examining the said Geo. Panels’*
Accounts, the undersigned found several Errors,
and Omissions. A Statement whereof, he the un undersigned,
dersigned, undersigned, has already submitted to and is now be before
fore before the Honorable the Court of Civil Justice for de decision.
cision. decision. That it is to be hoped that no person w ill
yield G. Panels any facility in •negociating the un undersigned’s
dersigned’s undersigned’s Order, obtained as aforesaid, as after
this public notice, the undersigned shall consider
himself entitled and in duty bound to contest the va validity
lidity validity of the said Order for the want of good consi consideration.—l
deration.—l consideration.—l 4 Jan, L. van ROSSUM, qq.


This is to inform the Public, that the following per*
sons intend quitting this Colons/.
11. Beekman and Servants, in 6 weeks from Dec. 24.
J. H. Titkemeyer, in 6 weeks from do.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
NOTICE is hereby given, that a month after date tkt
following Transports and Mortgages will be passed.
Dec, 31. John Fraser will transport to Lewis Came Cameron,
ron, Cameron, 35 roods and 6 feels of Lot No. 12, situate
in the first empolderof this town, being the north
quarter front part of said lot.
Jan. 7. J. A. Hicken, qq. the Estateof H. C. Bran Brandes,
des, Brandes, will transport to K. Francken, the Lots No.
46& 47, second enrpolder, with all thebiiildings
having belonged therctoon the day of purchase.
—K. Fiancken will transport to (). VV. Lants Lantshcer,
hcer, Lantshcer, the front half of Lot No. 4G, second em«
polder, with all the buildings thereupon.
Jan. 21. James Fraser will transport to Alex. Fraser
Lot No. 42 West coast, commonly called Sea Seafield,
field, Seafield, with 47 slaves.
Alexander Fraser w ill mortgage to Jas. Fraser,
halt of said Lot with one half of all Slaves now
attached thereto, in security of the balance duo
to Jas. Fraser of the purchase of the whole of
said Lot with 47slaves.
Alex. Fraser will transport to Alex. Simpson
the other half of said Lot No. 42, with half of
all slaves, stock, boat, appurtenances and de dependencies.
pendencies. dependencies.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy
Berbice, 10th January, 1815.
Rier, Coffff, Muscovado Sugar, Vinegar,
Fuel Woon. Candles, Lamp oil,
and Cotton Wick.
PERSONS desirous of entering info Contracts,
from the 25(h January instant, to the 24th December
following, for supplying any or all of the above arti artic!
c! artic! s, of the best quality, and in such quantities as may
from time to time be required, subject to the approv approval
al approval of a Board of Survey, on delivery, at the Com Commissariat
missariat Commissariat or Quarter- and Barrack-Stores, Fort St.
Andrew, are hereby informed, that Tenders, in Tri Triplicate,
plicate, Triplicate, will be received at this Office until Monday
the 23d inst. at 10 o’clock in the morning; The pri prices
ces prices to be stated in Sterling money ; all packages con considered
sidered considered tfce property of (Government and no allow allowance
ance allowance made for them. Mode of payment, cash or a
Government bill at 4 | Ssterl. per dollar, at the op option
tion option of (he Subscriber; two Securities to be named in
the Tender. It may be necessary to observe, that
should the colony during (he above period cease to
be under British dominion, the contracts will be an annulled.
nulled. annulled.
IL TIENDY, Dep. Act. Com. Gen.
Berbice, 10th January, 1815.
SUCH persons as may be willing to enter in-o
Contracts, for the same period, and on the same
terms as those specified in (he above Advertisement,
to furnish Six able bodied Negroes and a Cooper, for
the Commissariat Department, and Four Pioneers lor
I hat of the Quarter Master General’s Department; are
informed, that Sealed Tenders, in Triplicate, will be
received at this Office, until Monday the 23d inst. at
10 o’clock in the morning. The names of two persons
as Securities for the one performance of the contract,
to be stated in the Tender.
H. HENDY, Dcp. Act. Com. Gen.
Berbice, lOthJam I** 15.
ANY person desirous «f entering into a Contract,
from2sth instant to the 24th December next, to fur furnish
nish furnish a Punt rvith Six Oars, for the Use of this De Department,
partment, Department, will send sealed Tenders in Triplicate to
(his Office, until Monday (he 23d inst. at 10 o’clock
in the moating, stating in sterling money the price
perday. H. HENDY, Dep. Act. Com. Gea.
FOR SALE, a handsome dark Bay saddle
and draft Horse, warranted sound, and free of ric*.—-
Apply t» the Printing Office. —21 Jan.

(No. *3O.

[Payable in advance.

By Command of the Court of Civil Justice.
THE Honorable Court of Civil Justice of the co*
lony Berbice, having observed that many persons,
acting under their Orders, remain deficient in obe obedience
dience obedience to their general Order of the 15th June, 1814,
Direct the same to be re-published for information ;
And to Order, Attention to be paid thereunto, by all
Accounting Parties, on or before the 2.3 d February,
text ensuing; on pain of the Court’s Displeasure,
•nJ of king dealt with as the Law prescrib s.
King’s House, Berbice, 17th January, 1814.
By Command,
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
- ■ ■ * .. ■« I "HiWWI ■
Extract from the Register of the Minutes of
the Court of Civil Justice, cf the Colons
iVeduesdtiy ]slhjune 9 1814.
J/A.ND it was accordingly Ordered, that rd! nelsons
acting wed'r the appoiutniet ot the Couit, either as
Trustees for Creditors, Curators to Tnsolv» <}* F. dates,
Sequestrators, Guardians, Administrators, .and other
Accounting Parfiunder the orders of the Court,
Ao render and give in their Accounts, within one
month from the date of the Publication of this Order
tn the Berbice. Gazette, and in future annually in the
first week of the, month of January in every year, to
( .c Secretary of the Court, and on no pretence what whatever
ever whatever to omit the same without a special order tor fur further
ther further time being pr vimisly abt .lined on Petition,
shewing good cans*; and the more effectually to
ensure the due observance of this Order, it is hereby
further directed : Tint the Seen (ary of the Court on the fir-4 day of eve y ordinary So-.ions, lav on the
table of this Cour! a List of the names and capaci capacities
ties capacities of the several Accounting parties, together with
the dates of their respective Appointments, and the
time up to which the said Acco-i:>ts have already
Iv'en given in, or rendered to the Court for confor conformation
mation conformation or approval, -w h lists to specify particularly
where the several \ <>;:< hers and Documents thereto
belonging, a.e di posted and under v.hose authority
or or. er.
AND in the s i I List is also to be inserted dm
N’im.'s of all rer.mns who h ive taken out Acts of
Deliberation, together with the dates (hereof, and
the times when the same have been renewed or pro prolonged,
longed, prolonged, and further to contain the names of the sev several
eral several E, ates against which the claims of the respeef respeef.
. respeef. ire Creditors h ive been already filed and exhibited
Dr the Jecisio â–  of the Court on the Pra? and com ur-
Jtmtia? thereof, together with the dates when the si ]
claims were filed, and also when the several Prodi-,
mations and Advertisements relating thereto, were
issued both in the colonial and foreign G<;zcb‘s.
AN’) the Court prohibit mid forbid their Sirorn
Aocounlants to Certify, Examine and Report to
them on any accounts of the parties aforesaid, al
1 heir o nil request, or to receive their,papers for such
purpose, without the epue having been heqularly
u eh;h am TO them by the Court, and the several
parties interested ilurein, regularly summon'd by
Advertisement in the public Papers, and due Notice
given of at least < ue calamLr month, to appear be before
fore before them, and to stale tin ir Objections, previously
to their marking up their report thereon.
AND the Secretary ol the Court, is hereby strictly
forbid, in future to r< ceivc any Documents or Vou Vouchers
chers Vouchers from any of Ihe Accounting Parties aforesaid,
without a regular Inventory thereof is at the same
time rendered to him by the said parties, duly sign signed
ed signed and dated by them; and he is directed, on re receiving
ceiving receiving sinto Inventory, 40 compare the same with
the v ouchers, and certify the accuracy thereof, and
further to deliver to (hem the said parties one copy
of such Inventory signed and attested by him, gratis,
such Inventories and Accounts to be carefully pre pre•«rv«d
•«rv«d pre•«rv«d b/ Liba in his Office, proparly labelled and

paraphed, aad not to be returned or given ent of the
Office, except in cases of praiand after
pronunciation of the sentence in those cases, without
an express Order of the Court or Governor.
A true extract, published for general information,
by order of the Honorable Court of Civil Justice.
Quod Attestor,
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
By Order of (he Honorable Court of Policy
and Criaiinal Justice of the Colony Ber Berbice,
bice, Berbice, &c. &e. &c.
To Jobbers and Owners oj Tad;
dl. ENDERS will be received by the undersigned
until Wednesday the Ist of February 1815, for the
Hire ot 50 able Negro men, for one. calender month,
to be employed at Fort St. Andrew, Berbice,; on
such labour as shall be pointed out by the Assistant
Engineer; and for which payment will be made by
rhe Receiver General. The Tenders Will be opened
in presence ot His Excellency the Governor, on (he
aforesai date, anj the lowest offer, if satisfactory, ac accepted.—Secretary’s
cepted.—Secretary’s accepted.—Secretary’s Office, 12th Jan. 1815.
By Command
R. c. ’Downer,
ABSCONDED from the Subscriber, a Ne Negro
gro Negro bey named /An ry, about 11 years of age; he
has Be< n in the habit ol travcllmf v uh th • Stdwori Stdworibcr
bcr Stdworibcr to Demerary; all Masters and Owners ot Ves Vess'
s' Vess' Is are requested not to haibour or la’.e said Negro
from the colony, as the Law will be enforced
such offending.
Jan. 21. G. SCHWARTZ.
NO I ICE,- —lire undersigned begu leave to
informs the Public, that Mr. iZ Schwarz, i- Hilly
authorised to collect my outstanding Accounts,;:
well as Notes ol Hand, and les receipt v. Hi be of tail
2 _ Ua n. J. p. RROEIL
T IIE next Meeting of the V* hist Club will
be on Thursday the 26 h iust. g| Jan.
■ • “*'*« *»*■—•*>* . • t'iiwl.-'.-.-i-.—-
■ ■I ■ I —— —.— .... - MgWKWW-e-'Wu ■ -
Os *Ved!iC“'J:iy the 25th insf. will be sold at (he
V cn luc Office, hams, cheese, potatoes, ling fish best
Ncucotmdkxid codfish, dry goods, fine W elch flan flann.
n. flann. l, Ai. dci.a vine in botlh sJduE. and pipes, gen gent!-mru’s
t!-mru’s gent!-mru’s cteathing, beaver and sjk hatj;, s and
gi tiiieincns siik stockings, L â–  r, port;cwitrni ami
cuficc bag-, ing, some lai ox tn, &c.
D.C C am er o n, Dtp. Ecndue Master.
O r Thursday the 2Gdi im t. will be sold b/mder
aim at the Store of J. Ziegler, Esq. J ,(,t .\ u . 21, cod
li-.t in 4, (ide Squinkd caj\s, Im* sold wit hecit reserve.
At same time London particular v-ine
in p;p< , and quarter casks, Lan.s, chas*, p--atocs,
so; !( -, candles, gentlemen and la lies shoes ami oo>/s,’
ditto stockings & s icks, ha!-, lim-n cotton checks,
giass and earthen ware, pan;’ oil.
D. C. Cameron, Dcp. 1 'etirliic Master.
On Monday the tOth v.di b? wld at the r t-u t-u---d
--d t-u---d ie (Hiicc, by order ot John Bercsfifrd, Esq. in qua quality
lity quality ;is Attorney to the Adminisfrutrix of the Estate of
the late 8. Beresford, Esq.—The half of lot No. •(),
situated in the east coast cannal, with a dwellin’
bouse of colony wood, 10 feet long, and 22 f. < t wide'
one and a hail story high, 9 negroes, viz, Betty a
washerwoman, with her2children; Ikssv, a field
woman, with her child ; Adda, a field woman* J
men, Robert, Primo, and Pill, the former is a «ood
groom, thetwolatter field people : ahoabout 20 head
oi cattle, ahorse, liquor case, bedstead, mattrasses
iVc. &c.—Terms: the land payable in 12 mouths’
negroes in 5,6, and 9 months, other articles in J
D. C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master.
On Monday the flth of xMareh, next, and following
days, will be sold to the highest bidders, by order oi
the Executors of the late Mrs. H. J. Base, the cof cofnpvza”/UVons
npvza”/UVons cofnpvza”/UVons LUST TOT KUST and PROVI PROVI<
< PROVI< nvcr Berblcc ; a“J thecotton Plan-
tation ZLLZIGT, on the west sea coast of Berbice.
together with about 600 Slaves, also cattle, furniture
end what f urther may appear. For terms of sale and
other particulars, application may be made to A. A.
de la Court, Esq. or to
D, C, Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master,

The Subscriber Las Imported i n w
W jLLiAMjiom fAverpoolthefodowwF ?
which he will dtspose of at reasonable nri^ 0 ?
the Pxrkage, at the New Store, belL&
W tlham llenery, Esq. en lot No, 17 S
Ling fish in boxes, potatoes in hampe,? r n 4
brown stout in bottles and wood bottled nm. i 01
cyder, cherry and raspberry brandy,
pear! barley, «»)•<• in Lga, herringi in
IKCnh-sand preserve,, I, st bl t)<)l „ rai,i., s i„ |,%
double refined sugar, soap in boxes ,'
seeds, super fi,ie blaek blue green and brown blu
cloth, super line cloth coats, fashionable vests ?
i<'»usand trowsers, planters strong shoes drA.
hah dress ditto, negro clothing assorted, print
tonsaud pocket haiffikcrt hicfsijocconet a t! J
muslin pl.dt Insand Britianni ts, Irish |i tlenand ?
mg, b< dsttads with hair maltiess«!», »io] b tt r. •>
quifo netts, linen and cotton checks hulp,
bonnetts shoes and slippers, |>ost and fookcap
quire and bound booksand other statiomrv r ’
and oil, spirits turpentine, eaithen and stone <
cratesand puncheons, black figured China, lands.?
ditto, purple ditto, an assortment of beads a din *
childrens toys, cordage hum 1 to 3 Inch, niahoeJ wiihiny m -rks, brass Iwund and d?
utth svcrct dm urns and dressing boxes,
tovU:he>(s, inahogany chests ol drawers, cotton arj
cofibo b i . ging, ai. i a variety of otlmr a r ;i e | es . ' t:
'“Y* vv at. cßorr.
NB. Wm. crol't, hopes that all those who stand in.
clebfed to him porn (ormer transactions, wifl
come irrwaid villi payment without anhur,
liter deh . . J
—-K-*. %
*jru7?.yyr, jx.v”ynr21 J IflJ.
frA Nw P ip?-has Wn established in Dene,
rii v, rzhtie.!, iie Guiana Chronicle am
Giorgi; T-jwn Gazette,” by Mr. A. Stevenson.
The I ~ : Number was issued on the 2d instant. It
pa ;.i d every JfoWuy and Friday,
-'tm’-enpiious to th.* above* Paper, will be received
this Diiii-e, as aha fur the tic D^ntra-y f
and jA-j :d Ci'aiciljs.
I* is affirm? d that all the Plcni? otcntiarics have re.
cognised >.he title :i Mimed by the Prince Regent of
Engl i;;d,ot king oi llanovtr.
'I he > troi.K/e of the ( ongress, cons. :ins the fol»
lowing, la tm Vi rma The exc H t Maria Loui»a
great in prosperity as in adversity, will he scpanfwl
IrOtn Napoleon. A great plan is arranging for her.
She does not rcma i Difche-.s of Parma.
A gentl' inen lately ar. ived in Engl:iud from VietW
:n, slates that the grrafest atfeutiin is paid thereto
the young Napol.-O’i, late king of Rome. Thercara
two coaches and ?.ix i i attendance upon him, one to
< ory him to Schoenbi un, the other to carry him
b ck. The carriages are ornamented with the arnif
of France am! insignia of the Legion of Honor, lie
is a very fine b >y, fair complexion, blue eyes, and a
v< ry .’nuiialcd countenance.
J.ettyrs trom Vienna says:—Sir Sidney Smith it
charged with two important missions to the Congress
—the first is to demand ol all the Powers of Europe
the abolition oi the Slave Trad-'; toe second, tore torequire
quire torequire measures to be taken for the subjection of the
Barbary Pirates, who successively insults all flags
But the Congress has s<> much business to attend to
that it is no worth any notice.
Pdv ate accounts from Paris state, that at d late re review
view review ot the (roops near that ci(y, there were several
fatal occurrences ; two or three men are killed : four
or five balls whistled very near where the Duke of
V. ellington and the Duke de Berri stood.
In the House of Commons, on the 14th November
Sir G. W ai reader moved the vote of seamen for th#
service of the year )Sls, observing that it was not
necessary for him to enter into any as the
war with America would require that the mwLJein
should be kept up.

particularly desirable that the commerce
Lftbe country should’ be protectcd,the enemy’s ships
Im nnoycd, and therefore the vote would be for 70,
IflOOseamcn. He then moved,—“(hat 70,000 men be
I ntedfor the service of the year 1815, including
|{^X)Royal Afarines.—Also that sum of
lie granted for wages, at the rate of £ 1. 15. 6d. per
Loath,’for foe said thirteen months.”
I fbe following ext net of a letter, published in a
| provincial print, expresses some fears at the threat threat|
| threat| of French manufactures over Hur e
| of England:— N mmamly is evidently making very
towards out vindyig w h ite.ver v.e have
I fa Lancashire, particularly at Ron n. Not half an
jw since I have seen in a part of r. M.’s factory,
M MXxlmulcy'’tn be made; the spin trom
Rrezil cotton, and from all that I can learn, sell it to
I the fabritjuanfs or manu-actnr<’rs at little more than
v e could d<4 They can weave it at considerable less
on acconnt of the wages being so much lower than
yith us, paying only Jos. a week, to men that in
Manchester must have 255. or 20s. • There are in
Rouen 50,000 person* <- npl yed in the cotton trade,
and in Noamandy altogether 4GO.000.”
of Fl E X TA.
It is Mated in the reran Rapers, that to avoid all
tltcdiffifullies of CmiK etiquette, (he Souvcr’gns at
Vienna have agreed to take precedence according to
their age. 1“ consequence of this deer- ion the Mo Monarchs
narchs Monarchs rani, thus: —
1. The King of Wurtmnburg, bom in 1754.
2. The King of Bavaria,barn in 175*3.
f. Th • King ■ i Denmark, booi in I7tiß, (98 Jan,)
4. The Emperor Francis, born m ITffe, (12Feb.)
5. The King vs IMc sia, born in 1779.
6. The Emperor Alexander, burn in 1777
Private left* r* from Paris s ’v, that some changes
arc about to lake place in the French Ministry ; that
Bllgnot, the Mini-ter of Pol Cf’, is fob. replaced by
M. Dandbcr, and that a chane is i:: wfe- pjatke.
in (lie financial di pe.ibn' nt. I he d -s'gn ol part
the administration which was said to be disposed
to proci.'itate the nation again info .\;>r, are reported
to have been failed.
We find iu the Foreign Rapers, fb>t the Allied
Sovereigns at Vienna dine i;a the Ridin'-'bmise.
Wed id not treat them better iu Lou! >n —where they
Were sent to sleep in the Stable ya * I.
On the Sdnov. 3 was received at Hamburgh by ex express
press express that the Diet of Norway had recognised his
Majesty the King of Sweden for Sovereign ni-1 Bril
the Twelfth King of Norway.
A Free but CanFJ Elscusdon of lie late
Ne AVe conic now Io a most impnrteid question. Is
there any just reason to believe that (treat Britain in intended
tended intended to insist on any other article than Peace with
the Indians an ! security tor their possessions, so that
they might be a permanent barrier to secure the Ca Canadian
nadian Canadian provinces.’
In the first conferrcncc the British opened some
•objects of discussion, one of them only, the Indian
territory and peace they declared a sine qua non or
indispensable. Without that, they would make no
peace. Tftis in common sense was declaring that the
others were not indispensible' Isl h y bad afterwards
without a change of circumstances brought forward
•ither of the others as indispensable conditions it
Would have been deemed unfair or perfidious.
Our ministers adroitly with a view to create doubts
asked them whether any of the other articles were
also intended as a sine qua non.
If the British were instructed to make them such,
there was no reason why they should not avow it.
They had before done so frankly, when whether

the Indian peace and Indian boundary were both sine
qua non.—They answered yes.
But if they had replied to the other question, that!
they were not, it would have been committing them themselves
selves themselves to our Ministers and giving up the questions.
For as soon as our ncgociators should know that they
were not instructed to insist upon them, they would
have refused to djseuss them.
The British Ministers warily took the only course
left to them. They answered when you have replied
to our proposed sine qua non it will be time enough to
talk of another 44 We have been (say they) sufficiently
explicit” and so they were. They stated four sub subjects
jects subjects of which one only they declared to be a sine qua
In confirmnlion of this in the last letter of the Brit British
ish British Ministers, after they received their new instruc instructions
tions instructions they refer to the Indians peace and Boundary
only as a sine qua non.
The other points must therefore be considered only
as subjects offered for discussion, to be modified, or
: wholly conceded eccording as our Ministers might
! press other claimsand demands.
AVilh this view ofthe subject which lam persuad persuaded
ed persuaded is correct, it is almost uneecssary to discuss the
other propositions. It is wholly uncertain whether
every one of them would not have given up. It is
probable they would h ive been modified ia such
away as to meet honor.
I infer this from the manifest desire of Great Bri Britain
tain Britain to make a peace, a desire most evidently proved
by the terms offered.
But as false rumours have gone abroad, and an im impressions
pressions impressions is attempted to be made that the terms pro proposed
posed proposed were degrading to us, such as “a conquering
nation only would impose upon a conquered people,”
and as the very proposal of such terms even if not
intended to be insisted on ought ji.-tly to exile the in indignation
dignation indignation of a free people. It .is of some cons quence
to look at the terms, keeping in mini however that
(hey wore mere proposals to be modified or even
If Great Britain Ind proposed that we should
change our President, if -he did not mean to make
t hr. t a sine qo-> non, still it •would be afi’ronfive.
But were any of the terms she proposed of this
aifrontivc character ?
Let us take one of which she seemed to make the
most. The a rreement that we should demolish our
forts J keep no fleet on the lakes.
I- this insulting ? If it is s> it must be because it
is unusual—because no great nation ever submitted
to such a thing—because it was a wanton mid urine urinecess
cess urinecess iry humiliation of us without benefit to her, or
because it would be very injurious to us.
II on tin other han:! it has been a common stipula stipulation
tion stipulation between great and powerful nations, when
neithcrof them was humbled.—ls it was really im important
portant important ami necessary to her security and not impor important
tant important or injurious to us, thansurely it was nqt a Ifrontive.
Is this true ? can zee deny it ? who boasted we
could take Canada in four months. She has been
our neighbour there for 30 years. Have we ever
felt or experienced danger from her ?
The reasons she assigned are honorable to us.
They admit our rising greatness, our formidable
power they express a fear of us. Is this degrading ?
surely not. But it was solemnly true that we are
dangerous neighbours to her, and this war has prov proved
ed proved it.
What she demands is only that we should do what
wc did before the war. For 25 years wo had not a
ship of war on either lake; we had only the misera miserable
ble miserable fortress of Niagara, (miserable I call it from per personal
sonal personal observation) with a feeble garrison of 70 men.
—As to Miahilimchinack and Detroit, I presume no
man will call them fortresses though they had the
name of torts. t
But is it not true also that in twelve months we
became masters of all the lakes ? and under good and

efficient rulers we could do it in six', ft is idle to say
that a nation of 7 millions of people are afraid of be being
ing being unarmed on a frontier against a colony, a scat scattered
tered scattered colony of 250,000 Frenchmen. Great Britain
never did, and in case of an ho test peace, never will
maintain a force in these piovinces of more than
3,000 men.
If then we can never be afraid of her; if her sub subject
ject subject have had dreadful cause to be afraid of our irrup irruptions,
tions, irruptions, is there any thing so degrading in admitting
that she ought to be afraid, and is afraid of us? And
therefore that wc will keep no force ready to pounce
down upon her unsuspecting colonists.
To those who wish when we have a peace that It
may be durable, 1 \vould add one word more. If we
maintain a force on the lakes Britain must do so too.
From the irritations, the remembrance of past wrongs,
the bitter spirit resulting from the late predatory war
on the frontier, collisions and quarrels must be in inevitable.
evitable. inevitable. Our peace may be disturbed as soon as it
is made. If we have no force Britain will soon with withdraw
draw withdraw hers'. But I add there is little doubt, if our
Ministers had met the Brit ish offers in a spirit of con conciliation,
ciliation, conciliation, this article would have been modified to a
mutual demolition efforts and dismantling of ships.
There remains but one other question. Is this an
unusual stipulation ? Have not nations often demand demanded,
ed, demanded, and great powerful proud nations, unsubdued,
unconquered, perfectly equal, often granted such
condit ions for the sake of anoiding future quarrels ?
AV hen men arc quarrelling, the first and most ra rational
tional rational sympton of reconciliation is to lay aside wea weapons
pons weapons of offence.
M hy maintain any force on the Jakes when cither
they nor we have kept any of conseqicnce for 30
years ?
Louis XIV. by the treaty of Utrecht, (hen even at
the moment the most powerful sovereign in Ftiropa
agreed to demoli-h (he fortifications of Dunkirk to
quiet the fears of the English and Dutdi. H * did
so. '('he same stipulations was repeated in the treaty
of Aix la Chapelle and of Paris in 1792. In this lat latter
ter latter treaty Louis XV. added a still more extraordina extraordinary
ry extraordinary condition, he agreed to demolish the forts on the
land side. Great Britain dictated that peace. Ry
the aid of the brave people of Massachusetts and
Connecticut she had conquered the Canadas, mid
humbled Spain by taking the Island of Cuba. Yet
i even Britain stipulated to case the fears of Spain, to
demolish all fter fortifications in the Bay of Honduras.
Yes the conqueror did this. His Most Christian
Majesty the King of France also agreed not to erect
fortifications or keep troops in certain parts of his
East India possessions. I could multiply in these
examples without number.
These are enough because they relate to the two
greatest powers in the world,and one of them too this
very enemy then a conqueror.
Is it derogatory to us to agree to tint which thes»
nationseven in success agreed to ? did I say agree to
it ? it is doubtful whether it would havebecn insistnl
on ; but if it had been it would have promoted and
perpetuated peace. The truth is, such a demand is
complimentary to us as it proves a dnadofour po.iar.
The Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussia
have heeu at Aspern, where the Archduke Charles
showe d them the field on which the great battle was
fought, May 21 and 22, 1809.
The Sjwmiards are punishing the Mahonese for
their attachment to the English, by imposing heavy
burthens, 11 sail of the line are now in Port Mahon
to block the harbour up. <
Orders have been issued to our fleet on the Ame American
rican American coast, tod-'stroy vessel that the captur capturing
ing capturing Commanders may not deeni of sufficient value to
send into port.
DIED] On Monday last, the Child of Mr. J. G. F/
Thienwna, aged 9 mouths.

T?y virtue of an appointment from the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated t7th De December
cember December 1814; given upon a petition presented bv
John Layfidd, as Attorney of Thomas Gudgeon, of
Stoke Newington, near London.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the un undersigned
dersigned undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in
the presence of two Counci llors Commissaries and
their Secretary, on the first coming Monday in the
month of May, 1815, tip* Cotton Estate called KIL KILMORACK,
MORACK, KILMORACK, situated on the Uorrentyn coast of this
colony, with all its cultivation, buildings-, slaves, and
further appurtenances ther to belonging, ail of which
an Inventory as also the Terms of Sale, are to be seen
at the Marshal’s Office during the hours of duly ; said
Estate being the property oi Simon Fraser.
Whoever should think himself entitled to oppose
the Execution Sale of above Estate Kilmorack, let
inch persons address themselves at the Marshal’s Of Office,
fice, Office, declaring their reasons for so doing, in due time
and form, as I hereby give notice, that 1 the under undersigned
signed undersigned will receive opposition from every person
thereunto qualifi. d by law, appoint them a day to
have his or her claim heard before the Court, and
further act therein as the law directs.
This 2nd Proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, the 151 h Janinrr, 1815.
K. F rancken, I irst Marshal.
NE. The above named Sale is to take place on
the spot.
BY virtue of an Appointment from the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated the 17th
December, 1814, given upon a Petition presented by
K. Franeken, as First Marshal, for and in name of
W.Gcrdrm, as together with Evan Fraser and Angus
Fraser, the surviving Attornies jointly and severally
for Dmudd M’Leod, of Geanius, in the County of
Kosr, North i; I’ain.
Notice F hereby given to the Public, that I the
undersigned intend to Sell at Public Execution Sale,
in t'-e presence oftwo Councellors Commissaries anil
their Secretary, o:i Wednesday the 15 of March 1815,
firstly, tic- Cotton Estate called GEANIES, situated
on the Ci ,rr< mvn coast, w ith al! its cultivation, slaves-,
buildings, and further appurtenances thereto belong belonging,—and
ing,—and belonging,—and secondly, the lower half of lot No. 80.,
situate in the Corret’tyn river, of which Estates an
Inventory may be seen, as also of the Terms of Sale,
fit the Marshals Office, during the hours ot duty:
said Estates being th. ptopertyof J. C. M’Leod and
John Bethune.
Whoever should think himself entitled to oppose
the E xrculion Sale ot the two abovementioned Es Estates,
tates, Estates, let such perron or persons address tiiemsilves
to the Marshal’s Oilice, declaring their reason for
bo doing, as I her< by give notice, that 1 will receive
opposition from every one thereuntoqualified by law,
appoint them a day io have his or her claim heard
before the Couit, and further act therein as the Law
This 2n I Proclamation published as customary.
Beibfcic, 15fh January, 1815.
K. 1 RANCKEN, First Marshal.
NB. The Sale of said Estates is to take place on the
respective spots.
IS hereby given, that the Sale of Plantation De
Voedster is postponed until the 2Sd of January next,
Berbice, 51st December, 1811.
K. Fr anc ken, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellency
(he Governor, dated 22J Oct. 1814, given upon a
• Petition, presented by K. Francken, First Marshal,
for and in n unc of James Fraser, Planter and Inha Inhabitant
bitant Inhabitant of this colony.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the
undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale,
in the presence of two Councellors Commissaries and
their Secretary, on Wednesday the Ist day of March,
1815, the cotton estate called No. 40 and 41, situate
on the west sea coast of this colony, with all its Cul Cultivation,
tivation, Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, &c., all of which an
Inventory as also the terms of sale are to be seen at
the Marshals Office, during the hours of duly; said
estate being the property of the estates of Patrick
Small, and William Thrclfali, deceased.
Whoever should think himself entitled to oppose
the Execution Sale of above estate No. 40 and 41,
-west seacoast, let such persons address themselves to
the undersigned, declaring their reasons tor so doing
in due time and loim, a* 1 hereby give police, that 1

will receive opposition from every one thereunto qua qualified
lified qualified by law, appoint them a day to have his in her
claim lu-ard before the Court, and further act thereon
as the Law directs.
This 4th proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, the Sth January, 1815.
K. Francken, First Marshal.
By the subscriber the following fresh Dutch
provisions, lately imported, for cash :—
New herring in kegs,
Butter in ditto,
Sweet milk cneese in boxes,
Edammer ditto,
Potatoes in large hampers.
V. bite wipe Vinegar in jugs,
Choice Rhino-wine in boxes contain 4 24 bottles,
Smoke Tobacco in small cases,
Very good green tea, tec.
14 Jan. _ ‘ J. G. F. THIENSMA.
By den de vi Igende onlangs
aangebrachte vcrsche iloilundsciie provision,
voor cassa:—
Nieuwc hariny in vaatjes,
Bofer in dito,
JZoete nn lksche kaas in kisjes,
Edammer dilo,
Zeeuwschein Yriescbi- aardainelrU
* *
io grootc nianden,
Zecr goedc witte vyuazyn in pull n,
Beste Rhynsche wyn in kistrn ran 24 boitcls,
Extra guide gckorvi-ne rook Tabak i.i ki>jcs,
Ell zeergoedc groenc thee
14 Jan. J. G. F. TiiIENSMA.
NOTICE.-—’l he urch u-ipicd recrcMs ins
Fiiends and the diffi rent Bhij|vi-, who l ive enga engaged
ged engaged Room in the Brig I airy, to send fin ir Produce
alongside with as little delay as .le, in order
that no doubt may be entertained ui hi 1 being able
to leave here with the first convey.
14 Jan. Jno. SINCLAIR.
15 hereby, that Mr. A. Kerschner hr?s past bis ge general
neral general power of Attorney on the Sulni f iber, to col collect
lect collect all outstanding debt as (morns at d Open Ac Accounts
counts Accounts lor delivered bleed and biscuit, Ju reiuie the
Subscriber informs i t all who it may c< .icrjn, (ocome
forwards with payment, being odicr.vise in the ne necessity
cessity necessity to sue tor the same; : .;d hirlh> r he informs
that Mr. Kerschner not can give longer crcuil im
bread, &c. as lobe paid every month.
I 14 Jan. F.B. ADER, qq.
O?\ 1 liday the 27 th instant will be disposed of
1 among the Creditors ot Plantation Clijlon and H
!i. Inglis, at the house of W.n. Fiasvr, Nt w
Amsterdam, 20 aSO bales Cotton. And ai the same
time, by Order oi the II mor; Me Court <>i Civil Jus Justice,
tice, Justice, the Cieiiitors of said Estate and 11. B. Inglis,
will choose (wo among them, as their Rcj resenta resentatives,
tives, resentatives, during the Trusteeship. 14 Jan.
FOR 40squiw bales of clean Cotton, from Plantt
Kendall's, will be received by the Subscribers, a.
Mr. Jn;>. Crust’s, New Amsterdam, until Wednes Wednesday
day Wednesday the 25th January, when the highest, if approv approved
ed approved of, will be accepted.
. J. T.APIN, for self and
14 Jan. J M’CAMON, Sequesters.
Tilly Creditors of plantation Lclterkenny, are
hereby informed, that .SO bales of good chan Cotton,
will be sold amongst them, at the Store of Messrs.
Douglas Reid & Co. on the 251 h January, next.
51 Dec. C. 1)01 GLAS,3 trustees.
THIRTY bales of good clean Cotton, will be sold
to the Creditors of Plantation l*loornfield,Oi\ the 25th
January next, at the Store of Messrs. I ouglas Reid
J! Dec. C. DOUGLAS J T,us ' fcs -
SIXTY bales of good clean Cotton, will be sold
amongst tin* Creditors of plantation J ass. Lothian,
on the 24th January, at the Store of M««srs. Dou Douglas
glas Douglas Reid & Co. S. KEN DA LL, > , r
31 Dre. C. DOLGLAM rrustees ’
~~ ~ I ■■ I fcl— H 111 1u11... I—UI 1 !■ .. _ .. - —
TEN or twelve thousand pounds, first quality cos
fee, from Plantation d’Edward, for which Tenders
will be received till the 22nd January next, at the
house of Wm. Fraser, Esq., where a sample of the
same may be seen ; the coffee to be received by the
purchaser, on the Estate, and pajment to be made
in colony money.
, T L. C. ABRENSETS for self and
M. RABERp Si quustrators.

I>Y His Excellanev Henry VFn I
Bentinck, Lieutenant-Governor andr U| I
, wander in Chief in and over the Settle I
of Berbice and it* Dependencies Pr I
&e all &c°&c ai ' d COll< ’ Ses 1 ■
Wherea S I have received I !
Right Honorable the Earl Bathurst the Di' I
whereof a copy is hereunto annexed, which I
municated to, and made a Provishmal R n |,. I
Honorable the Court of Civil Justice, durin<> id 1 I
Session. a â– 
Asa further measure to prevent the proceeds I
therein mentioned, and the parties incurrineni? I
less costs in the adoption thereof, I have d C(n .’? I
expedient to publish the same for the inf<>r ! »'. t : lt |
and guidance of all those who are, sh dor in./'! I
any wise concerned, 111 1
Liven under my Hand and Seal at Arms aftv|
King’* House, this Ith day of J nuarv’ ’ki- I
H. W. BENtim I
By Com-wW,
F. \» 11 1 TE, Gov. Fee.
• p t, 13th Oclober. I
u 'I Y atteutimj Ins been called to the sitm. I
turn of E fates in the Colonies in Guyana, snljiectti I
the claimsot Cutch Moitjrages; a-,id’it has been k, I
presented (hat great hardship will be sustained bt' |
the iMiLh Proprietors and Mediants, if, in cons | I
queiice of the change <>f 1 ircuiustances which hat I
lately taken place, those Mortgage’s are penniltcd I
â–  imincdiiteiy to ! to (lie Sflmmary Laws oi (be Il ha#, in coj I
j u qurnce, been proposed that some arrangement I
should be entered into between the Government of I
this country and Ilolhml, under which a n-asotiahle l
time may be allowed to meet (>y demands oi tbjl
’•origiige’s • and as this subject is now under cnnsi.l
ih ration, I am to desire that you will take the nt*ce«.|
sary measures to prevent such proceedings as mw I
have the effect of cnnblmg the Mortgages to obtain I
possession of Estates so situated, nndl you shall fs . I
wive further ii. ..notions upon this subject.
i have the honor to be, Sir,
“ 1 our must obedient humble semnL I
To Lieutenant Governor
Bfcvritou, &c. 6,e. Ac.
1011 S ALL by the undersigned, new Cod I
fish in 6 a i.i s qtiiii* d casks, fine sail in tiercelaol I
Jarre:-, < rabwoin! lumber, tic.
14 Jan. G. BONE fi. I
I ondergetet-kenden, zoo wel in price alsvoofl
de 1 irma van Ih-hnert and Zimmerman, antboriiectd I
i-n volmagtigd by dezen, den beer P. de Goeje, am I
alle nitstaaude preteutien intevoAleren en daarvoot I
quitantie te passeren, zu l< nde zulksbeschouwdwofc 1
il«u alsdoor bcmze’ve ges hied.
J. A. DEH N ERT, prive, en qq. I
1 Delmert & Zimmerman.
ToiFsTCiLe r I
7,’7 /Zrr Subsrrilt r;
Long 1 -: t f tobacco f 2-10 per lb.
Nigro rum / I-if) per gallon.
Striped Negro blankets f 48.' per dozer,
Negro hats J 22. per dozen.
Negro lined jackets fUA . p-.-r dozen.
Two gallon jags paint oil f 16-10.
Kegs white lead 28 lbs. f 16-10.
Florence oil perbottlc fl.
Lencasliire hams f 1-5. per lb.
Hung beef ff~s. per lb.
Potatoes per hamper / 9. &c. I
Boxes ling-fish f 16-10.
7.Ln. Jno. WULFR
'HIE Lottery of Mr. A. Fleury, will take plact I
on the 23d of January next, at the New Town T»*
vern, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
7 .lan. A. FLEURY. I
The Manners of Proceedings before the Court ofCift
Jtstice, in English and Dutch.
I he Charter of the colony Berbice, in English.
The new Dutch Constitution, in Dutch.
Coffee Certificates, Bills of Exchange and Lading.
All kind of Books, blank and ruled, Quilhy
Rttidy made Ink in Bottles, &c.
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clcch, P.
By W. SCHULZ & Co.
Privileged Government Print erg.


Full Text


1815) THE BERBICE GAZETTE. fgelve dollars p. annum.] tlßßlCli. King s Jan. 1815. THE Lieutenant Governor experiencing great Irwgfl’arilv and Confusion for the want of due attcnfjon to lb<‘ Order ofthc respective the Honorable the Coarts of Policy, Criminal and Cilil .Justice. NOW DIRECTS, that the same be re-published, and strictly complied with, by al! parties; and Notified that no petition will be received as therein mentioned af(be time specified by the same Order, unless in caws of Periculttm in Aiora, which must be made manifestly to appear. Ry command, F. WHITE, Gov.. Sec. NOTIFICATION. The Honorable Courts of Policy, Criminad and Civil Justice of the Colony Berbice JlTaviog obrervod that many persons presenting Petitions to the aforesaid Courts, frequently deviate from the general order, given out in this respect, underdtfe of 2'2 Nov< mber ISOS, whereby all Petitions were required to be delivered into the President’* Office, within a certain period previous to their sittings. NOW ORDER, and require, all persons who have Petitions to present to the Court of Policy, Criminal, or Civil Justice, to render in the same to His Excellency die Governor, a$ President. 48 hours Previous to the sitting of th »t Court to whit h such rtition is addressed ; asoiherwbe Petitions will not be Noticed, <*v< vpt in c-i -es of pe.riculvm in mom. Court House, Berbice, 28(h July, 1814. By command, R. C. DOWNER, Secretary. RECEI VE R GENE A\ / L'S 01'11 CE. Berbice, 21st January, 1815. THE pressing Demands against (his Office, makes it necessary to coll < t in the Taxes, f many o f which are long due) — The undersigned gives notice, that be positively will (without r< sped to person*) h.-nd over to the Marshal, on the Ist February next, every Outstanding Account to be sued for. The Accounts arc now ready fi»r (Jnhnary and Extraordinary Head-money, Individuals, year 1814, and must be paid in all this month. DANIEL AL LT, Dep. Rec. Gen. FOR SALE —Plantation GOLSPIE, beingthe Eastern half of Lol No. 41, ( krrentyn coast, 854 Roods facade, and empoldered about 900 Roods deep; having a ('an d extending the full depth from front to back, and the whole perfectly secured by proper Dams, Trenches, &c. with a cultivation of 120 acres of Cotton and SO acres of Plantains; also large Fields of old cotton which has been tor some time under salt water; and 50 acres of excellent Plantain Land ready to plant. There is a con Portable Dwelling House 44 feet by SO, lately built of best materials, a large hardwood cotton Logie and other necessary Buildings; in every respect, requisite for a cotton property ; and the rearing of Catlh* for which the situation is inferior to none in the colonies. It being the intention ofthc Advertiser to quit the colony. A great sacrifise will be made to an approved Purchaser, with or without about 30 very valuable Slaves, (Is of which are prime men. Hundred head of a very superior breed of horned Cattle, and 200 fine Sheep ; and if required, long credit will be given, on good security, fora considerable part of the purchase-money. For further particulars apply to the undersigned on the premises. 21 Jah. ROBT. GRANT. NB. Should the above property not be sold by private bargain previous to the Ist. of May next, it will then be sold at public sale, without reserve. THE Subscriber informs the Public, he shall take such steps as the Law allows him, against all H<*ses, Goats, Oxen, &c. he finds straying in his premises. Wm. WOODGATE. 21 Jan. Lt. Col. Commandant. SAI Ui !) \Y. JANUARY 21. BY PRIVATE SALE to be Disposed of, the following prime .Xcg.o.s, ((he whole together in one Lol) on very r. asonahbl; t erm*, to an approved Purchaser, viz.,—B Carpenter Negroes,s House boys, a (tapable man Cook, a V\ asher woman with 2 children, one ditto with I child, and 3 capable House women, one of whom has a child. It the whole is not sold before the 15th of next month, they wi ibe pul at | üblic V endue. For further particulars apply to the bub t fiber on Plant. Crnisburg, where the ?< eg rocs are to be seen. 21 January. J. A. HICKEN. EKA TA.—ln last week’s Newspaper, in the Advertisement oi Tender* lor entice, oi plantation Kortberaad, stands, lowest offer, must In , highest oficr. TENDERS for k.O to 25,000 pounds first quality < olive, ih,growth <,i Plantation Kortberaad, will be received at the Secretary’!, Office, ot this colony, until W edfi.sGay the 25iii inst. when the higlieOutfrr, it approved 01, will be accepted— payment (o be made in cash, and die ci.flee to be debrvied on the Estate. PA L ELS, » 21 Jan. J. van den BROEK, S NOTIC E, such persr .sas have an> demands against the late i/ffii nix Saw Mill Co. Nikiric, are requested to semi d, • same in for examination, to (he undersigned, and iffi»e indebted to come forward with immediate payment. 21 Jan. rm. BONE & Co. FOR SALE — Ed,Lvb Lbs. whoic, and 6000 Lbs. broken (’office f. mi pi.miaiioii And 9,000 Lbs. whole and 7,000 Lbs. broken Coffie from Plantation II e/gi legt u.— And VO round bales Cotton f rom Plantatiaii E-d< rlvwm. Samples to be seen at the house oi Mr. Heywood, New m*h r lam, where Tenders will b;received unlit M ednesday next the 251 h inst. when the hi .best elf , u approved, will be accepted.— Ihe colii < ami < uun to be taken from (he Estates, and the payment mu*i be cash on delivery. J timary 21. EUR SALE by the Subscriber, —Pert, sherry and Madeira wines i t b »Uit •* and casks, brown stout, Hour, tripe in jtis, potatoes, boxes soap and candles from 30 to co lbs., hams, real liusTi sheeting, thercpcuiick billers, Ac. _2 1 JJan. W_ RE V N ()LBS. EOR SALE, — 2o b iles of Cotton, from Pl Omtrwagl. 1 enders for the same will be received at the house of L. van Rossum, New Amsterdam. L. van I

NOTIFICATION. By Command of the Court of Civil Justice. THE Honorable Court of Civil Justice of the co* lony Berbice, having observed that many persons, acting under their Orders, remain deficient in obedience to their general Order of the 15th June, 1814, Direct the same to be re-published for information ; And to Order, Attention to be paid thereunto, by all Accounting Parties, on or before the 2.3 d February, text ensuing; on pain of the Court’s Displeasure, •nJ of king dealt with as the Law prescrib s. King’s House, Berbice, 17th January, 1814. By Command, R. C. DOWNER, Sec. ¦ ¦ * .. ¦« I "HiWWI ¦ Extract from the Register of the Minutes of the Court of Civil Justice, cf the Colons Berbice. iVeduesdtiy ]slhjune 9 1814. J/A.ND it was accordingly Ordered, that rd! nelsons acting wed'r the appoiutniet ot the Couit, either as Trustees for Creditors, Curators to Tnsolv» <}* F. dates, Sequestrators, Guardians, Administrators, .and other Accounting Parfiunder the orders of the Court, Ao render and give in their Accounts, within one month from the date of the Publication of this Order tn the Berbice. Gazette, and in future annually in the first week of the, month of January in every year, to ( .c Secretary of the Court, and on no pretence whatever to omit the same without a special order tor further time being pr vimisly abt .lined on Petition, shewing good cans*; and the more effectually to ensure the due observance of this Order, it is hereby further directed : Tint the Seen (ary of the Court ts have already Iv'en given in, or rendered to the Court for conformation or approval, -w h lists to specify particularly where the several \ <>;:< hers and Documents thereto belonging, a.e di posted and under v.hose authority or or. er. AND in the s i I List is also to be inserted dm N’im.'s of all rer.mns who h ive taken out Acts of Deliberation, together with the dates (hereof, and the times when the same have been renewed or prolonged, and further to contain the names of the several E, ates against which the claims of the respeef. ire Creditors h ive been already filed and exhibited Dr the Jecisio ¦ of the Court on the Pra? and com urJtmtia? thereof, together with the dates when the si ] claims were filed, and also when the several Prodi-, mations and Advertisements relating thereto, were issued both in the colonial and foreign G<;zcb‘s. AN’) the Court prohibit mid forbid their Sirorn Aocounlants to Certify, Examine and Report to them on any accounts of the parties aforesaid, al 1 heir o nil request, or to receive their,papers for such purpose, without the epue having been heqularly u eh;h am TO them by the Court, and the several parties interested ilurein, regularly summon'd by Advertisement in the public Papers, and due Notice given of at least < ue calamLr month, to appear before them, and to stale tin ir Objections, previously to their marking up their report thereon. AND the Secretary ol the Court, is hereby strictly forbid, in future to r< ceivc any Documents or Vouchers from any of Ihe Accounting Parties aforesaid, without a regular Inventory thereof is at the same time rendered to him by the said parties, duly signed and dated by them; and he is directed, on receiving sinto Inventory, 40 compare the same with the v ouchers, and certify the accuracy thereof, and further to deliver to (hem the said parties one copy of such Inventory signed and attested by him, gratis, such Inventories and Accounts to be carefully pre•«rv«d b/ Liba in his Office, proparly labelled and paraphed, aad not to be returned or given ent of the Office, except in cases of praiand after pronunciation of the sentence in those cases, without an express Order of the Court or Governor. A true extract, published for general information, by order of the Honorable Court of Civil Justice. Quod Attestor, R. C. DOWNER, Sec. NOTICE? By Order of (he Honorable Court of Policy and Criaiinal Justice of the Colony Berbice, &c. &e. &c. To Jobbers and Owners oj Tad; Gangs, dl. ENDERS will be received by the undersigned until Wednesday the Ist of February 1815, for the Hire ot 50 able Negro men, for one. calender month, to be employed at Fort St. Andrew, Berbice,; on such labour as shall be pointed out by the Assistant Engineer; and for which payment will be made by rhe Receiver General. The Tenders Will be opened in presence ot His Excellency the Governor, on (he aforesai date, anj the lowest offer, if satisfactory, accepted.—Secretary’s Office, 12th Jan. 1815. By Command R. c. ’Downer, ABSCONDED from the Subscriber, a Negro bey named /An ry, about 11 years of age; he has Be< n in the habit ol travcllmf v uh th • Stdworibcr to Demerary; all Masters and Owners ot Vess' Is are requested not to haibour or la’.e said Negro from the colony, as the Law will be enforced such offending. Jan. 21. G. SCHWARTZ. NO I ICE,—lire undersigned begu leave to informs the Public, that Mr. iZ Schwarz, iHilly authorised to collect my outstanding Accounts,;: well as Notes ol Hand, and les receipt v. Hi be of tail value. 2 _ Ua n. J. p. RROEIL T IIE next Meeting of the V* hist Club will be on Thursday the 26 h iust. g| Jan. ¦ • “*'*« *»*¦—•*>* . • t'iiwl.-'.-.-i-.—¦ ¦I ¦ I —— —.— .... MgWKWW-e-'Wu ¦ PLi B LIC VEN DU Erf. Os *Ved!iC“'J:iy the 25th insf. will be sold at (he V cn luc Office, hams, cheese, potatoes, ling fish best Ncucotmdkxid codfish, dry goods, fine W elch flann. l, Ai. dci.a vine in botlh sJduE. and pipes, gent!-mru’s cteathing, beaver and sjk hatj;, s and gi tiiieincns siik stockings, L ¦ r, port;cwitrni ami cuficc bag-, ing, some lai ox tn, &c. D.C C am er o n, Dtp. Ecndue Master. O r Thursday the 2Gdi im t. will be sold b/mder aim at the Store of J. Ziegler, Esq. J ,(,t .\ u . 21, cod li-.t in 4, (ide Squinkd caj\s, Im* sold wit hecit reserve. At same time London particular v-ine in p;p< , and quarter casks, Lan.s, chas*, p--atocs, so; !( -, candles, gentlemen and la lies shoes ami oo>/s,’ ditto stockings & s icks, ha!-, lim-n cotton checks, giass and earthen ware, pan;’ oil. D. C. Cameron, Dcp. 1 'etirliic Master. On Monday the tOth v.di b? wld at the r t-u--d ie (Hiicc, by order ot John Bercsfifrd, Esq. in quality ;is Attorney to the Adminisfrutrix of the Estate of the late 8. Beresford, Esq.—The half of lot No. •(), situated in the east coast cannal, with a dwellin’ bouse of colony wood, 10 feet long, and 22 f. < t wide' one and a hail story high, 9 negroes, viz, Betty a washerwoman, with her2children; Ikssv, a field woman, with her child ; Adda, a field woman* J men, Robert, Primo, and Pill, the former is a «ood groom, thetwolatter field people : ahoabout 20 head oi cattle, ahorse, liquor case, bedstead, mattrasses iVc. &c.—Terms: the land payable in 12 mouths’ negroes in 5,6, and 9 months, other articles in J months. D. C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master. On Monday the flth of xMareh, next, and following days, will be sold to the highest bidders, by order oi the Executors of the late Mrs. H. J. Base, the cofnpvza”/UVons LUST TOT KUST and PROVI< nvcr Berblcc ; a“J thecotton Plantation ZLLZIGT, on the west sea coast of Berbice. together with about 600 Slaves, also cattle, furniture end what f urther may appear. For terms of sale and other particulars, application may be made to A. A. de la Court, Esq. or to D, C, Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master, The Subscriber Las Imported i n w W jLLiAMjiom fAverpoolthefodowwF ? which he will dtspose of at reasonable nri^ 0 ? the Pxrkage, at the New Store, belL& W tlham llenery, Esq. en lot No, 17 S Ling fish in boxes, potatoes in hampe,? r n 4 brown stout in bottles and wood bottled nm. i 01 cyder, cherry and raspberry brandy, pear! barley, «»)•<• in Lga, herringi in IKCnh-sand preserve,, I, st bl t)<)l „ rai,i., s i„ |,% double refined sugar, soap in boxes ,' seeds, super fi,ie blaek blue green and brown blu cloth, super line cloth coats, fashionable vests ? i<'»usand trowsers, planters strong shoes drA. hah dress ditto, negro clothing assorted, print tonsaud pocket haiffikcrt hicfsijocconet a t! J muslin pl.dt Insand Britianni ts, Irish |i tlenand ? mg, b< dsttads with hair maltiess«!», »io] b tt r. •> quifo netts, linen and cotton checks hulp, bonnetts shoes and slippers, |>ost and fookcap quire and bound booksand other statiomrv r ’ and oil, spirits turpentine, eaithen and stone < cratesand puncheons, black figured China, lands.? ditto, purple ditto, an assortment of beads a din * childrens toys, cordage hum 1 to 3 Inch, niahoeJ wiihiny m -rks, brass Iwund and d? utth svcrct dm urns and dressing boxes, tovU:he>(s, inahogany chests ol drawers, cotton arj cofibo b i . ging, ai. i a variety of otlmr a r ;i e | es . ' t: '“Y* vv at. cßorr. NB. Wm. crol't, hopes that all those who stand in. clebfed to him porn (ormer transactions, wifl come irrwaid villi payment without anhur, liter deh . . J THE EEEBICE —-K-*. % NEV/ AMSTERDAM, *jru7?.yyr, jx.v”ynr21 J IflJ. frA Nw P ip?-has Wn established in Dene, rii v, rzhtie.!, iie Guiana Chronicle am Giorgi; T-jwn Gazette,” by Mr. A. Stevenson. The I ~ : Number was issued on the 2d instant. It pa ;.i d every JfoWuy and Friday, -'tm’-enpiious to th.* above* Paper, will be received this Diiii-e, as aha fur the tic D^ntra-y f and jA-j :d Ci'aiciljs. FROM THE LATE LO VDOV PAPERS, I* is affirm? d that all the Plcni? otcntiarics have re. cognised >.he title :i Mimed by the Prince Regent of Engl i;;d,ot king oi llanovtr. 'I he > troi.K/e of the ( ongress, cons. :ins the fol» lowing, la tm Vi rma The exc H t Maria Loui»a great in prosperity as in adversity, will he scpanfwl IrOtn Napoleon. A great plan is arranging for her. She does not rcma i Difche-.s of Parma. A gentl' inen lately ar. ived in Engl:iud from VietW :n, slates that the grrafest atfeutiin is paid thereto the young Napol.-O’i, late king of Rome. Thercara two coaches and ?.ix i i attendance upon him, one to < ory him to Schoenbi un, the other to carry him b ck. The carriages are ornamented with the arnif of France am! insignia of the Legion of Honor, lie is a very fine b >y, fair complexion, blue eyes, and a v< ry .’nuiialcd countenance. J.ettyrs trom Vienna says:—Sir Sidney Smith it charged with two important missions to the Congress —the first is to demand ol all the Powers of Europe the abolition oi the Slave Trad-'; toe second, torequire measures to be taken for the subjection of the Barbary Pirates, who successively insults all flags But the Congress has s<> much business to attend to that it is no worth any notice. Pdv ate accounts from Paris state, that at d late review ot the (roops near that ci(y, there were several fatal occurrences ; two or three men are killed : four or five balls whistled very near where the Duke of V. ellington and the Duke de Berri stood. In the House of Commons, on the 14th November Sir G. W ai reader moved the vote of seamen for th# service of the year )Sls, observing that it was not necessary for him to enter into any as the war with America would require that the mwLJein should be kept up.


particularly desirable that the commerce Lftbe country should’ be protectcd,the enemy’s ships Im nnoycd, and therefore the vote would be for 70, IflOOseamcn. He then moved,—“(hat 70,000 men be I ntedfor the service of the year 1815, including |{^X)Royal Afarines.—Also that sum of lie granted for wages, at the rate of £ 1. 15. 6d. per Loath,’for foe said thirteen months.” I fbe following ext net of a letter, published in a | provincial print, expresses some fears at the threat| of French manufactures over Hur e | of England:— N mmamly is evidently making very towards out vindyig w h ite.ver v.e have I fa Lancashire, particularly at Ron n. Not half an jw since I have seen in a part of r. M.’s factory, M MXxlmulcy'’tn be made; the spin trom Rrezil cotton, and from all that I can learn, sell it to I the fabritjuanfs or manu-actnr<’rs at little more than v e could d<4 They can weave it at considerable less on acconnt of the wages being so much lower than yith us, paying only Jos. a week, to men that in Manchester must have 255. or 20s. • There are in Rouen 50,000 person* r, are reported to have been failed. We find iu the Foreign Rapers, fb>t the Allied Sovereigns at Vienna dine i;a the Ridin'-'bmise. Wed id not treat them better iu Lou! >n —where they Were sent to sleep in the Stable ya * I. On the Sdnov. 3 was received at Hamburgh by express that the Diet of Norway had recognised his Majesty the King of Sweden for Sovereign ni-1 Bril non, still it •would be afi’ronfive. But were any of the terms she proposed of this aifrontivc character ? Let us take one of which she seemed to make the most. The a rreement that we should demolish our forts J keep no fleet on the lakes. Ithis insulting ? If it is s> it must be because it is unusual—because no great nation ever submitted to such a thing—because it was a wanton mid urinecess iry humiliation of us without benefit to her, or because it would be very injurious to us. II on tin other han:! it has been a common stipulation between great and powerful nations, when neithcrof them was humbled.—ls it was really important ami necessary to her security and not important or injurious to us, thansurely it was nqt a Ifrontive. Is this true ? can zee deny it ? who boasted we could take Canada in four months. She has been our neighbour there for 30 years. Have we ever felt or experienced danger from her ? The reasons she assigned are honorable to us. They admit our rising greatness, our formidable power they express a fear of us. Is this degrading ? surely not. But it was solemnly true that we are dangerous neighbours to her, and this war has proved it. What she demands is only that we should do what wc did before the war. For 25 years wo had not a ship of war on either lake; we had only the miserable fortress of Niagara, (miserable I call it from personal observation) with a feeble garrison of 70 men. —As to Miahilimchinack and Detroit, I presume no man will call them fortresses though they had the name of torts. t But is it not true also that in twelve months we became masters of all the lakes ? and under good and efficient rulers we could do it in six', ft is idle to say that a nation of 7 millions of people are afraid of being unarmed on a frontier against a colony, a scattered colony of 250,000 Frenchmen. Great Britain never did, and in case of an ho test peace, never will maintain a force in these piovinces of more than 3,000 men. If then we can never be afraid of her; if her subject have had dreadful cause to be afraid of our irruptions, is there any thing so degrading in admitting that she ought to be afraid, and is afraid of us? And therefore that wc will keep no force ready to pounce down upon her unsuspecting colonists. To those who wish when we have a peace that It may be durable, 1 \vould add one word more. If we maintain a force on the lakes Britain must do so too. From the irritations, the remembrance of past wrongs, the bitter spirit resulting from the late predatory war on the frontier, collisions and quarrels must be inevitable. Our peace may be disturbed as soon as it is made. If we have no force Britain will soon withdraw hers'. But I add there is little doubt, if our Ministers had met the Brit ish offers in a spirit of conciliation, this article would have been modified to a mutual demolition efforts and dismantling of ships. There remains but one other question. Is this an unusual stipulation ? Have not nations often demanded, and great powerful proud nations, unsubdued, unconquered, perfectly equal, often granted such condit ions for the sake of anoiding future quarrels ? AV hen men arc quarrelling, the first and most rational sympton of reconciliation is to lay aside weapons of offence. M hy maintain any force on the Jakes when cither they nor we have kept any of conseqicnce for 30 years ? Louis XIV. by the treaty of Utrecht, (hen even at the moment the most powerful sovereign in Ftiropa agreed to demoli-h (he fortifications of Dunkirk to quiet the fears of the English and Dutdi. H * did so. '('he same stipulations was repeated in the treaty of Aix la Chapelle and of Paris in 1792. In this latter treaty Louis XV. added a still more extraordinary condition, he agreed to demolish the forts on the land side. Great Britain dictated that peace. Ry the aid of the brave people of Massachusetts and Connecticut she had conquered the Canadas, mid humbled Spain by taking the Island of Cuba. Yet i even Britain stipulated to case the fears of Spain, to demolish all fter fortifications in the Bay of Honduras. Yes the conqueror did this. His Most Christian Majesty the King of France also agreed not to erect fortifications or keep troops in certain parts of his East India possessions. I could multiply in these examples without number. These are enough because they relate to the two greatest powers in the world,and one of them too this very enemy then a conqueror. Is it derogatory to us to agree to tint which thes» nationseven in success agreed to ? did I say agree to it ? it is doubtful whether it would havebecn insistnl on ; but if it had been it would have promoted and perpetuated peace. The truth is, such a demand is complimentary to us as it proves a dnadofour po.iar. The Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussia have heeu at Aspern, where the Archduke Charles showe d them the field on which the great battle was fought, May 21 and 22, 1809. The Sjwmiards are punishing the Mahonese for their attachment to the English, by imposing heavy burthens, 11 sail of the line are now in Port Mahon to block the harbour up. < Orders have been issued to our fleet on the American coast, tod-'stroy vessel that the capturing Commanders may not deeni of sufficient value to send into port. DIED] On Monday last, the Child of Mr. J. G. F/ Thienwna, aged 9 mouths.


MARSHAL'S OFFICE. SALES by EXECUTION. SECOND PROCLAMATION. T?y virtue of an appointment from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated t7th December 1814; given upon a petition presented bv John Layfidd, as Attorney of Thomas Gudgeon, of Stoke Newington, near London. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in the presence of two Counci llors Commissaries and their Secretary, on the first coming Monday in the month of May, 1815, tip* Cotton Estate called KILMORACK, situated on the Uorrentyn coast of this colony, with all its cultivation, buildings-, slaves, and further appurtenances ther to belonging, ail of which an Inventory as also the Terms of Sale, are to be seen at the Marshal’s Office during the hours of duly ; said Estate being the property oi Simon Fraser. Whoever should think himself entitled to oppose the Execution Sale of above Estate Kilmorack, let inch persons address themselves at the Marshal’s Office, declaring their reasons for so doing, in due time and form, as I hereby give notice, that 1 the undersigned will receive opposition from every person thereunto qualifi. d by law, appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and further act therein as the law directs. This 2nd Proclamation published as customary. Berbice, the 151 h Janinrr, 1815. K. F rancken, I irst Marshal. NE. The above named Sale is to take place on the spot. SECOND PROCLAMATION. BY virtue of an Appointment from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated the 17th December, 1814, given upon a Petition presented by K. Franeken, as First Marshal, for and in name of W.Gcrdrm, as together with Evan Fraser and Angus Fraser, the surviving Attornies jointly and severally for Dmudd M’Leod, of Geanius, in the County of Kosr, North i; I’ain. Notice F hereby given to the Public, that I the undersigned intend to Sell at Public Execution Sale, in t'-e presence oftwo Councellors Commissaries anil their Secretary, o:i Wednesday the 15 of March 1815, firstly, ticCotton Estate called GEANIES, situated on the Ci ,rr< mvn coast, w ith al! its cultivation, slaves-, buildings, and further appurtenances thereto belonging,—and secondly, the lower half of lot No. 80., situate in the Corret’tyn river, of which Estates an Inventory may be seen, as also of the Terms of Sale, fit the Marshals Office, during the hours ot duty: said Estates being th. ptopertyof J. C. M’Leod and John Bethune. Whoever should think himself entitled to oppose the E xrculion Sale ot the two abovementioned Estates, let such perron or persons address tiiemsilves to the Marshal’s Oilice, declaring their reason for bo doing, as I her< by give notice, that 1 will receive opposition from every one thereuntoqualified by law, appoint them a day io have his or her claim heard before the Couit, and further act therein as the Law directs. This 2n I Proclamation published as customary. Beibfcic, 15fh January, 1815. K. 1 RANCKEN, First Marshal. NB. The Sale of said Estates is to take place on the respective spots. NOTICE. IS hereby given, that the Sale of Plantation De Voedster is postponed until the 2Sd of January next, Berbice, 51st December, 1811. K. Fr anc ken, First Marshal. FOURTH PROCLAMATION. BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellency (he Governor, dated 22J Oct. 1814, given upon a • Petition, presented by K. Francken, First Marshal, for and in n unc of James Fraser, Planter and Inhabitant of this colony. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in the presence of two Councellors Commissaries and their Secretary, on Wednesday the Ist day of March, 1815, the cotton estate called No. 40 and 41, situate on the west sea coast of this colony, with all its Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, &c., all of which an Inventory as also the terms of sale are to be seen at the Marshals Office, during the hours of duly; said estate being the property of the estates of Patrick Small, and William Thrclfali, deceased. Whoever should think himself entitled to oppose the Execution Sale of above estate No. 40 and 41, -west seacoast, let such persons address themselves to the undersigned, declaring their reasons tor so doing in due time and loim, a* 1 hereby give police, that 1 will receive opposition from every one thereunto qualified by law, appoint them a day to have his in her claim lu-ard before the Court, and further act thereon as the Law directs. This 4th proclamation published as customary. Berbice, the Sth January, 1815. K. Francken, First Marshal. FO RS ALE By the subscriber the following fresh Dutch provisions, lately imported, for cash :— New herring in kegs, Butter in ditto, Sweet milk cneese in boxes, Edammer ditto, Potatoes in large hampers. V. bite wipe Vinegar in jugs, Choice Rhino-wine in boxes contain 4 24 bottles, Smoke Tobacco in small cases, Very good green tea, tec. 14 Jan. _ ‘ J. G. F. THIENSMA. TE KOOP By den de vi Igende onlangs aangebrachte vcrsche iloilundsciie provision, voor cassa:— Nieuwc hariny in vaatjes, Bofer in dito, JZoete nn lksche kaas in kisjes, Edammer dilo, Zeeuwschein YriescbiaardainelrU * * io grootc nianden, Zecr goedc witte vyuazyn in pull n, Beste Rhynsche wyn in kistrn ran 24 boitcls, Extra guide gckorvi-ne rook Tabak i.i ki>jcs, Ell zeergoedc groenc thee 14 Jan. J. G. F. TiiIENSMA. NOTICE.-—’l he urch u-ipicd recrcMs ins Fiiends and the diffi rent Bhij|vi-, who l ive engaged Room in the Brig I airy, to send fin ir Produce alongside with as little delay as .le, in order that no doubt may be entertained ui hi 1 being able to leave here with the first convey. 14 Jan. Jno. SINCLAIR. N O'i ICE 15 hereby, that Mr. A. Kerschner hr?s past bis general power of Attorney on the Sulni f iber, to collect all outstanding debt as (morns at d Open Accounts lor delivered bleed and biscuit, Ju reiuie the Subscriber informs i t all who it may c< .icrjn, (ocome forwards with payment, being odicr.vise in the necessity to sue tor the same; : .;d hirlh> r he informs that Mr. Kerschner not can give longer crcuil im bread, &c. as lobe paid every month. I 14 Jan. F.B. ADER, qq. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, O?\ 1 liday the 27 th instant will be disposed of 1 among the Creditors ot Plantation Clijlon and H !i. Inglis, at the house of W.n. Fiasvr, Nt w Amsterdam, 20 aSO bales Cotton. And ai the same time, by Order oi the II mor; Me Court <>i Civil Justice, the Cieiiitors of said Estate and 11. B. Inglis, will choose (wo among them, as their Rcj resentatives, during the Trusteeship. 14 Jan. “ TEN DLRS ~~ FOR 40squiw bales of clean Cotton, from Plantt Kendall's, will be received by the Subscribers, a. Mr. Jn;>. Crust’s, New Amsterdam, until Wednesday the 25th January, when the highest, if approved of, will be accepted. . J. T.APIN, for self and 14 Jan. J M’CAMON, Sequesters. Tilly Creditors of plantation Lclterkenny, are hereby informed, that .SO bales of good chan Cotton, will be sold amongst them, at the Store of Messrs. Douglas Reid & Co. on the 251 h January, next. W. LA\VSOX,T 51 Dec. C. 1)01 GLAS,3 trustees. THIRTY bales of good clean Cotton, will be sold to the Creditors of Plantation l*loornfield,Oi\ the 25th January next, at the Store of Messrs. I ouglas Reid &Co. W. LAWSON, J! Dec. C. DOUGLAS J T,us ' fcs SIXTY bales of good clean Cotton, will be sold amongst tin* Creditors of plantation J ass. Lothian, on the 24th January, at the Store of M««srs. Douglas Reid & Co. S. KEN DA LL, > , r 31 Dre. C. DOLGLAM rrustees ’ ~~ ~ I ¦¦ I fcl— H 111 1u11... I—UI 1 !¦ .. _ .. — TEN or twelve thousand pounds, first quality cos fee, from Plantation d’Edward, for which Tenders will be received till the 22nd January next, at the house of Wm. Fraser, Esq., where a sample of the same may be seen ; the coffee to be received by the purchaser, on the Estate, and pajment to be made in colony money. , T L. C. ABRENSETS for self and M. RABERp Si quustrators. Berbice. I>Y His Excellanev Henry VFn I Bentinck, Lieutenant-Governor andr U| I , wander in Chief in and over the Settle I of Berbice and it* Dependencies Pr I &e all &c°&c ai ' d COll< ’ Ses 1 ¦ Wherea S I have received I ! Right Honorable the Earl Bathurst the Di' I whereof a copy is hereunto annexed, which I municated to, and made a Provishmal R n |,. I Honorable the Court of Civil Justice, durin<> id 1 I Session. a ¦ Asa further measure to prevent the proceeds I therein mentioned, and the parties incurrineni? I less costs in the adoption thereof, I have d C(n .’? I expedient to publish the same for the inf<>r ! »'. t : lt | and guidance of all those who are, sh dor in./'! I any wise concerned, 111 1 Liven under my Hand and Seal at Arms aftv| King’* House, this Ith day of J nuarv’ ’kiI H. W. BENtim I By Com-wW, F. \» 11 1 TE, Gov. Fee. • p t, 13th Oclober. I u 'I Y atteutimj Ins been called to the sitm. I turn of E fates in the Colonies in Guyana, snljiectti I the claimsot Cutch Moitjrages; a-,id’it has been k, I presented (hat great hardship will be sustained bt' | the iMiLh Proprietors and Mediants, if, in cons | I queiice of the change <>f 1 ircuiustances which hat I lately taken place, those Mortgage’s are penniltcd I ¦ imincdiiteiy to y demands oi tbjl ’•origiige’s • and as this subject is now under cnnsi.l ih ration, I am to desire that you will take the nt*ce«.| sary measures to prevent such proceedings as mw I have the effect of cnnblmg the Mortgages to obtain I possession of Estates so situated, nndl you shall fs . I wive further ii. ..notions upon this subject. i have the honor to be, Sir, “ 1 our must obedient humble semnL I “BATHURST." I To Lieutenant Governor Bfcvritou, &c. 6,e. Ac. 1011 S ALL by the undersigned, new Cod I fish in 6 a i.i s qtiiii* d casks, fine sail in tiercelaol I Jarre:-, < rabwoin! lumber, tic. 14 Jan. G. BONE fi. I I ondergetet-kenden, zoo wel in price alsvoofl de 1 irma van Ih-hnert and Zimmerman, antboriiectd I i-n volmagtigd by dezen, den beer P. de Goeje, am I alle nitstaaude preteutien intevoAleren en daarvoot I quitantie te passeren, zu l< nde zulksbeschouwdwofc 1 il«u alsdoor bcmze’ve ges hied. J. A. DEH N ERT, prive, en qq. I 1 Delmert & Zimmerman. ToiFsTCiLe r I 7,’7 /Zrr Subsrrilt r; Long 1 -: t f tobacco f 2-10 per lb. Nigro rum / I-if) per gallon. Striped Negro blankets f 48.' per dozer, Negro hats J 22. per dozen. Negro lined jackets fUA . p-.-r dozen. Two gallon jags paint oil f 16-10. Kegs white lead 28 lbs. f 16-10. Florence oil perbottlc fl. Lencasliire hams f 1-5. per lb. Hung beef ff~s. per lb. Potatoes per hamper / 9. &c. I Boxes ling-fish f 16-10. 7.Ln. Jno. WULFR 'HIE Lottery of Mr. A. Fleury, will take plact I on the 23d of January next, at the New Town T»* vern, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. 7 .lan. A. FLEURY. I FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. The Manners of Proceedings before the Court ofCift Jtstice, in English and Dutch. I he Charter of the colony Berbice, in English. The new Dutch Constitution, in Dutch. Coffee Certificates, Bills of Exchange and Lading. All kind of Books, blank and ruled, Quilhy Rttidy made Ink in Bottles, &c. Published every Saturday at 4 o'clcch, P. By W. SCHULZ & Co. Privileged Government Print erg. on an an