Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://original-ufdc.uflib.ufl.edu/AA00093219/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Berbice gazette
- Uniform Title:
- Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
- Place of Publication:
- New Amsterdam
- Publisher:
- W. Schulz
- Publication Date:
- October 29, 1814
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Berbice
New Amsterdam (guyana) guyana
- Genre:
- newspaper ( sobekcm )
- General Note:
- Semiweekly
- General Note:
- Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
- General Note:
- The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
- General Note:
- In English, with occasional text in Dutch
- Funding:
- Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
This Rights Statement should be used for Items for which the organization that intends to make the Item available has determined are free of copyright under the laws of the United States. This Rights Statement should not be used for Orphan Works (which are assumed to be in-copyright) or for Items where the organization that intends to make the Item available has not undertaken an effort to ascertain the copyright status of the underlying Work.
URI: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
- Resource Identifier:
- 1380865228 ( OCLC )
Aggregation Information
- DLOC1:
- Digital Library of the Caribbean
- Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
- IUF:
- University of Florida
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fioelve dollars p. annum.]
I Os the Honorable the Court of Civil Justice.
I gfiOUESTRATION of Pl’n. Senftefd.
Memos — A7
Jilern of— P-'itania.
J lem of— de Fdzoard.
1 Icm of—• OiroerwtZfs (half).
I'lern of— EH mor ack.
Idem of— Cramcv.
Idem of— Korlbernad
I for the Heir of the Widow
r. A. Ph. Beille, deceased.
\ Idem Fdafe of Hani 1 BorbotlW.
Idem Estate of J. A. Balk.
(JIJPJTORSHIP Estate of the late J. Sfohic, dec.
Idem Estate of P. Hagens, deceased.
WtfPitEA* by an Order of His Excellency 77. rr .
fieulhrk, Lieutenant-Governor, hearing date the
«Bth October instant, the Accounts of the persons
hereafter named, having been referred to us, viz.
jjlex. Stmp’on and T«, Fraser, Sequestrators of Plantation Seafit-U.
J. Taptu and .1. MCatnon, SeqoMtrat re of Plantation N’i?».
- P. FsHnirn and Win. lone* Seqnestrafore of Pt int. Brittaoia.
I„C. Abbens’ts sn-i M. Rader Sequestrator*of Plant, de Edward.
W, Hit and J. Downer Sequestrators of half of Pin. Onverwagt.
Wa Gor l in for self an 1 others Sequestrators of Pin. Kilmorack.
WB.Gos fun for s if and Alex. Houston Seq'rs of Pin. Qeaniee.
G. Piuel' and J. van den Broek S. qnestrntors of Pin. Kortbcra id.
H. C. Ifintiea Administrator far lire Heirs of the Widew F A. Ph.
B.leen and (7 H ibis Ali.iluLtrators of the Estate of Daniel Boe Boebvw,
bvw, Boebvw, deceased.
D.lzen and r the Minor Frederick Legatee, of the late
J.A, BUk, deceased.
W.lci.c < and VS , t laser Coraters of the Estate of the late J. Rtobie,
deer .ord.
G.llcbus for self and others, Curators of the Estate of the late P.
Hagen*, deceased.
NoTicr is hereby given tn nil persons interested
therein, that attendance will be given at the Accoun Accountants
tants Accountants Office, held at the house of the second under under•ignrrl,
•ignrrl, under•ignrrl, trj Mondays, Wrdnes’:iv% and Fridays,
frem noon until 3 o’clock in ’h • alter toon, for the
tertn of one month from the d ife hereof, in order to
enable such person to iiiMjeef said Accounts, and
itate their objections or observations in writing. at
th" rxpira*ion of wh ch time, the required report
>illbe made in the abovementioued matt rs, and of
Which (if required), the pirties m>y obtain on office
®opy, their own ex pence, in order should they
deem if expedient, to attend the Hon’ble the Court
®f Civil du tice on th day appointed for hearing said
icport, and contest the confirmation thereof.
Bcrbice, 29th October, 181-1.
fFt’rtf f.’we of pnlli-h'ng.)
•■■■■■■■■■MaWßßOM-iiil l ins » Mt
The Creditors of /?o$« an I Sinclair, and of Plan Plantation
tation Plantation .V/gg, are reonestrd to attend a Meeting, to
beheld on Wehiesd y 'h'* 9th of November next,
at s he house of the fi. st undersigned, in order to con consider
sider consider and adopt, joi. Iy w th the Curators, such rnea rneainres,
inres, rneainres, ns maybe most conducive to the fir.al liquida liquidation
tion liquidation of said concern.. 11. LUTHERS for self and
Rout. DOI GE AS.
Those indebted to the undersigned, up to ultimo
August, 1814, are requested to make speedy pay payment
ment payment before the Ist of January next, otherwise all
accounts See. unpaid, will be given up to the Denr Denrwaarder.—29
waarder.—29 Denrwaarder.—29 ()ct. R. BA R N ES.
THE next Meeting of the IVhist Club will boon
Tuesday the Ist November, next. 29 Oct.
Old and new Rum, )
I 10l land’s Gin, and > per pipe or 5 gallons.
Cogniac Brandy. J
Madeira wine in pipes or per dozen.
•»<><*♦ Wm. IIENERY.
_ , Rerbice, 15/A Oct. 1814.
THE pressing demands against this Office, requires
â– namediate payment of the Taxes, now due, for
Weigh Money and old Arrears.—The undersigned
therefore gives notice, that it will not be in his power
grant any indulgence after the Ist of next month.
DANIEL ALLT, Dtp. Rcc. Gen.
This is to inform the Public, that the following per.
sons intend quitting this Colony.
Donald M’Leod in 6 weeks from Oct. 22.
O. W. Lantsheer in G weeks from Oct. 22.
Wm. 8. Owen*, for Barbados.
Hon. John M’Camon will quit this colony by the
first opportunity, Oct. 29.
* • R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
NfJTICfo u> hereby given, that a month after date the
following Transports and Mortgages atll be passed.'
Oct. 8. R. Barnes will transport to Polly Hill, a part
of lot No. 7, NewAmst. adjoining the centre
Oct. 22. J. Bakker and C C. Bwavinsrqq. TT.Bfecn TT.Bfecnbergen,
bergen, TT.Bfecnbergen, will pass a mortgage in favor of Edw.
v m Harth ds, London, on Plantation Hoorn and
Noord holla ml, with all the Negroes, buildings,
and furthej- appurtenances thereof.
Oct. 29. J. 11. Schlarhorst will transport to 11. C. Lu Luthers
thers Luthers 315 tect of land, of lot No. 16. N. Amst.
facing the middle road.
R. C. DOWNER, S'rry.
On Thursday 3d. Not. will be sold at the Vendue
Office, by order of G. Robertson, Esq. Executor to
the Estate of the late John Robinson, viz., wearing
apparel, a writing desk, trunks, rings, a gold watch.
By order of J. H. L. Maureiibrechcr, Esq. Planta Plantation
tion Plantation Christina’* Lust, situate opposite Plantation Lust
(of Rust, east bank yf the riv< r dcrbice.
On the same d iy, will be sold without reserve, an
assortment of dry good*, tin ware, sadles, bridles,
muslins, Osnaburg’s, sugar in barrels, salt in ditto,
beef, pork,
By the V endue Master in commission, a saddle and
chaise horse, warranted sound and gentle, G years
old, also a capital saddle horse and mule, warranted
sound, and a or 6 prime mile k cows, of a superior
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
On Monday th;’ l-lfh of November next, will
sold by onh r of the t’ura’ors of plantation Nigg, 4< :
so 50 head of horned cattle, and a flock of about 30
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Tendue Master.
On Monday 28th Nov. will be sold, by order of
the Executors ol th? lite Mr. 'Jims. 'l’hornbuin, at
the Vrndne Office, 5 prime carpenter negroes, a case
of pistols, carpmtcr tools, wearing apparel, w riting
desk, &c.
On the same day by the Vendue Master in com commission,
mission, commission, an assortment of dry goods, provisions, &c.
By order of Dr. Win. Gordon,B pipes of particu particular
lar particular Madeira wine, 2 of which are upwards of 18
months in this colony.—Also by the Vendu<* Master
in commission, 3 negroe men, field people, and a
washer woman warranted sound.
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
SIX thousand pounds first quality coffee, the pro produce
duce produce of Pin. Goedland, will be received at the house
of the second undersigned, till Monday the 31st in instant,
stant, instant, and if approved of, accepted—payment to be
made in cash. (>. P. van HOLST.
j — 5 -
AANde Evangelische Luthcrsche Gemeente dezer
Kolonie, wordt by dozen bekend gemaaLt, als dat in ingevolge
gevolge ingevolge het Artikel van het Reglerncnt, opDingsdag
den Isfen November, door de Regcnten van de plan plantagie
tagie plantagie Augsburg, de jaarlyksche rekening en verant verantwoording
woording verantwoording zal worden gedaan ten huize van de vreije
Lucia, te Nieuw Amsterdam.
15 Oct. C. D. TO EL, Scribe.
THE undersigned finding that very little attention
has been paid to his former Advertisement, again so solicits
licits solicits those indebted to him, to come forward with
payment before the time expires for sueing at the
next (.’ommissary Court, as all accounts tluju unpaid
will be put into the hands of his Attorney,wsuefor.
He also informs the public, that for the future* he
will collect bis accounts consequently the
receipt of Beniamin Young'will not be valid after
this date.—22 Oct. B. JEFFERY.
The following Letters, if not forthwith claimed, Wilf
be returned to Europe by the first Packet;—
Bartram (E. Kummer (F.
Bartrum (Alf. D. Lacy (G.
Bunuu.ru CI. Lewin (C.
Blake (T. is Manor (the AttttMr of
PeHT- U®rant(C.
beer (J. d lligan(J,
Burton (Mary Ana. .lathew. (Th.
Baird (W. .lackiuiosli (Cha.
Chalmers (J. H'Leod (H.
Chapman (H. W. M’Eiven (N.
Carkle (k ang. MacdouaiJ (J.
Case (J. Molenaar (C. J.
CoreistF. L. >lahler(D.
Colebeek(J. dori.on (J.
Dunn(W. TKaetF.
Uod.on (R. lunrofW.
Dunn (G. >lorbourne (Capt.
I boruletC. ird (J.
Foulis(J. Peachy (D.
Floyd (Dr. toibtone (L. P,
r laser (T, t osean.
Fraser (J. (eid.
locking (C. tobertsou (1.
I elderuon. t. Young (P.
bailey (H. iiauks (A.
rulcringu* n;TF» tewart(Ja».
Gorden (J. andwon(J.
â– ibson iG. uiit'i (bin. M. T.
Game (J. »mall(T.
Graval (11. mail (J.
Mall (J. ait and HollingswerA.
.lope R. rhomron (Robt.
Heazle < Lient. Wray (J,
Jan on (J. C. Wade (J.
Jau.on (J . Wilson (Geo.
Irvine R. Watt (Aiea.
Kemptou(J. Wollard (Ana.
Kinin (C, * v a de (The.
Keating < Mrt. White g eo.
Krieger (A. Whitehall.
KetiutMr. Vade(Dr.
Berbice, 15th October, 1814.
K. M'KCNZIE, Act. Dep. Post Master flea.
Six white person*, as Overseers on coffee Estates,’
under the Attorneyship of the undersigned. Any
person qualified to fill such situation, may obtain
emplnvmcnt on application to G. PAGELS and
22 Oct. J. v.d. BROEK.
BY the subscriber, brown stout, poortrrpr. dozen
anti pr. puncheon, Madeira wine in pipes, quarter
casks, and pr. dozen, Dutch sweet milk cheese, Hy Hyson
son Hyson tea, refined loaf sugar, beef in barrels, soap and
candles, &c.—also a lew puncheons new rum.
15 Oct. B. ZIEGLER.
By the Subscriber,
15 Puncheons Rum,
25 Proof —to 7 bitts per gallon.
22 Oct. Jno. WULFF.
Those indebted, in this colony, to the Printing Of Office
fice Office of Mr. E. J. Ilenery, Demerary, arc requested
to make speedy payment to this Office.—And th. so
indebted to the Printing Office of Messrs. Aulekt
and Stevenson, Demerary, wil ruake payment to
Mr. K. Franckbn. 22 Oct.
BY virtue of an Order from His Excellency the
Governor, dated 25th October, 1814, given upo> t
Memorial presented by Wm. Gordon, M. D. Plan Planter
ter Planter and Inhabitant of this colony.
Notice ts hereby given to the Public: That the
Sale of Plantation de. Voedder, cum annexis, situate
in Canjecreeck, which was advertised to take place
on Wednesday the 2d November next, is postponed
until the sth of January next ensuing.
Berbice, 27th October, 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Order from Hi.r Excellency the
Governor, given upon a Petition presented byH.
Luthers, for self and R. Douglas, Curators to the
Estate of John Ross deceased, and James Sinclair,
Curator the Estate of John Sinclair, deceased, said
Order liearing date the 10th October, 1814.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that Planta Plantation
tion Plantation Nigg, the property of the late Firm of RcssnvtX
S?Mc/«7?r, has been this day rel eased from Execntioii
and Sequestration.—Berbiee, 19th October, 1814.
° K. FRANCKEN, FirU Marshal.
Qtoi 521
[Payable in advance
WY v*rfne of an appointment from the Honor Honorable
able Honorable Court of Civil Justice of this colony, under dale
of Isih June 1814,
by the First Marshal K. FrAncken, for and in name
of P. Quin qq. Gordon and Murphy, as also in the
name ot A. A. de la Court, as Principal Agent to the
('rown Estates within this colony.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the
undersigned, or the Marshal at the time being, in intend
tend intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in the pre presence
sence presence of two (ouncellors Commissaries and their Se Secretary,
cretary, Secretary, in the month of December, 1815, the precise
day here alter to be notified through the Gazette of
Ih'.s colony, the Cotton Estate called P/ZOF/T, si siiu
iu siiu ite On the West sea coast of this colony, the pro property
perty property of abovenamed Gordon and Murphy, with all
its cultivation, buildings* slaves, and further appur appurtenances,
tenances, appurtenances, according to an Inventory made thereof,
anil laying at the Marshal’s Olfice for the inspection
of those concerned.
\\ hoever should think to have any right,action
® r interest on aforesaid Plantation Profit, cmn annexis
and w ishes to oppose the Execution Sale thereof, let
nidi persons address themselves to the Marshal’s
doing, as I hereby give notice that I will receiveop receiveopposition
position receiveopposition from every intermediate person,appoint them
a day, it need, to have his or her claim heard before
th • (h»!irt, and further act thereon as lhe Law directs.
This First proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, 23d Oct. 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marhals.
virtue of an appointment from His Excellency
11. W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieutenant-Governor
of the colony Berbice and its Depencies, &c. &<-. &e.
Given upon a petition presented by F. L. Mosset,
versus, 4. A. I’odenbrock, said appointment bearing
date 9th July. 1814.
V ,tice is hen by given to the Public, that I the
lie i -rsign'd intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale,
in the presence of two( <»iinc< Hors Comm issaries ami
their < tarv, on Wedn; sday the 9th of Nov. 1814,
fit tin* Court lloee of this colony, at 11 o’clock in
the forenoon <> i hat d v :
An Accept mec of i. F. Fischer, dated Ist Sept.
IS|O, for I'WP., with interest on that sum from
th'Hst Sept, lb*.'", til' paid.—ALSO an Interlocuto Interlocutory
ry Interlocutory Senteiie.’, in favor <,; I. \. llodenbroek, versus,
Godfried Lrism r, amounting in capital to f 1000—
dated the 19 li ’Jay, 1814.— Said documents being
lurremb red in Execution by J. C
for and in the name of said F. A. Rodenbroek.
Vv hoover should think to have any right, action,
or interest on the atoiesaid Acceptance and Sentence,
and wishes to oppose the Execution Sale thereof, let
•uch person or p -rsons address themselves to the un undersigned,
dersigned, undersigned, declaring their reason for such an oppo opposition
sition opposition in due tune a id form, as 1 hereby give notice,
tint I will receive opposition from every intermediate
person, appoint them a day, if need, to have his or
licr claim heard b fore the Court, and further act
thereon as the law directs.
J his 2nd Proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, £2nxl Oct. 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellency
TL M . Bextinck, i'.sq. Lieutenant-Governor of the
Colony Berbice, and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c.
Da'ed 21st Sept. 1814, given upon a petition pre presented
sented presented by Lewis (’aim son and T. Fraser, as together
with the now absent John Camcron, Aftornies for
W. Fraser, of Cuibockie County of Inverness, North
Britain, and part proprietor of Plantation Union,
West coast, ret sits, the Executor or Executors, Re-’
presentation or Representatives, of the Estate of IL
Gordon, of Plantation Bor/wru and of Drakics, in
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the
undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execut ion Sale,
in the presence of two Councellors Commissaries and
their Secretary, in the month of November, 1815
(the precise day afterwards notified thre’ the Gazette
•flkis colony).
The Cutton Estate called BOR LUM,
lituate on the East sea coast of this colony, and there
known under No. 37, with all its cultivation, build buildings,
ings, buildings, slaves, and further appurtenances thereto be belonging,
longing, belonging, and of which an Inventmy is to be seen at
the Marshal’s Ollice during the hours of duty. Said
Estate being the properly of the Estate of R. Gor Gordon
don Gordon aforesaid.
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
•r interest on the aforenamed Plantation Horluw,
cum annexis, and wishes to oppose the Execution
Sale thereof, let such person address himself to the
Marshal’s Office, declaring their reason for so doing
M tuaw aid as 1 that 1
1 will receive Opposition from any intermediate person,
appoint them a day to have his or her claims heard
before the Court, and further act thereon as the Law
This 4th proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, 22nd October, 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
FOR SALE by the subscriber, a few casks of dry
from Newfoundland.
—'JgLILtIdTJLM-.,'' J. li •
3q Su gljz Sunday after Trinity.—
31 v|
1 T November.—All Saints.
*. A Duke of Kent born 1767.—A1l Souls.
3 •’ Princess Sophia born 1777.
4.' East Quarter 3 11. 11 M. Afternoon.— Neap Tides.
5 4 Gun Powder plot, 1605.
Saturday, October 2», 1814.
Tly an extract from an London Paper of the 2d Sept,
tee observe, that it was generally credited, that the Colo Colonies
nies Colonies Demerary and Herbice, had been ceded by the So Sovereign
vereign Sovereign Prince of the Netherlands to Great Britan, and
that Surinam, Curacoa, St. Enstetius, and all other
l)ut< h possessions in the If est Indies, were to be irnme.
dtalcly delivered over to the Dutch Government.—The
Xegocialions carrying »n between Great Hritain and A.
rnerica wore every prospect that the existing differences
with the latter power, would be speedily accommodated.
Between his Royal Highmss the Prince Royal of Sweden,
in the name of the King of Sweden, on the one pan, and
the Norwegian Government wn the other part, concluded
at Moss, August 11.
Article 1. llis Royal Highness Prince Christina shall as soon a« pos possible,
sible, possible, convoke the State tienerul of the Kingdo m <>f Norv.a , nrd
mg to the mode prescrioed bv the exiting commutiâ„¢ 'The Diet
shall be opened on ti>e li t day of Septe> her; or if tins be uoprac
ticablc, w ithin the first days of October. 1
2. Hit Majesty the Ring of Sweden shall communicate directly
with the Diet b, one or more Comrutuioners, whom ), c ,' la |i appouit.
â– >. iii.- Map-stv the King ofSweder promises to accept theloasfi theloasfitut.on
tut.on theloasfitut.on himed <>, the Deputies of the l>.-iof Ewswold. Hi. Maje-tv
wi:l propose snch ciiaagts only a* are necessary to the union of the
two Kingdoms, and engage, to make none other but in concert v iih
the Uiet.
d ue promises ofhis ’i Majestv, and of the Prince Roval
to tue Nonveg an people, 11 b - strict!., fuelled, and confirmed bs’
bis Alafe tv lu the Norwegian Diet.
5. J tic slfdH as-.PR.bk* hi ChristtiiuiT.
«. Dis Ma. ? t ? Lie King of Sweden declares, that no person shall
os molested, directly or njc.ire. tly, for ans opinions heietofoie ei
preyed ud.erse to the union of the two kingdo, «. The Norwegian
etui and military hiactiuoaries, or those woo are
treated wuh all regard and courtesy. None of taem snail be harassed
tor his opinion. I hose wl.o decline continuing their sei vices shall be
pensoned according to the Idws of the cotmtrv,
7. His Majesty the King of Sweden shall employ his good office,
with .its Maje.t , tue Kmg of Denmark, to procure the revocation . t
the ordinance, or edicts promulgated since .lamiary U, |«11 a -ainu
the puolic iutictionarie»,and the kingdomof Norway in .•eiwraj’
Done at Moss, Aug. 1,, 1814, J 6
Between the Swedish and Norwegian troops, concluded at
Moss, A tigust 11.
Article 1. Ho tilifies shall et asc by sea and land between the Swe Swedi-n
di-n Swedi-n tru >i » sad fleets on one side, and the Norwegian trooos an.t
heels on the otier, from the day of signing the present convention, till
tlmnime. °l’ ri ’ ,u g us Web " ith » days notification beyond
2. The blockade of the Norwegian ports shall be raised, from the
'’ a > of these presents. Importation and exportation shall be
fret, regaid being had to the Norwegian t 'csto.u duties
t for “? ss of Fr.-dericksti in has nit already capitulated it
it shall be immediately surrendered, with the works thereunto belong
•’ lt, e troops ot his Swedish Majesty. The garrison shall lr H>
om of the fortress w ith armbaggage, and all military honours The
< h< cis shall be permuted to go wherever they think proper: the sol soldicr.
dicr. soldicr. snail return to their homes. Both shall promise not again to
serve against the troops of his Swedish Ma jesty. a
4 and 5. These aru. les trace the line of demarcation ; stipulate that
the Norwegian national troops shall be disbanded, and return to tbeh
Oi,b four afid b *
artHervrf/T SM with a proportion of cavalry and
Xi S.X7' ofte 0fte KSI ‘" c “I
7. The part of the Norwegian army remaining under arms shall
retire w itmn the line of demarcation in two days. The Swedish ir
my remnungbon,,., shall commence its movements as soon «
« anilAprovide fortlie reciprocal restoration ofharmonv hetw.. n
11. To prevent anv farther effussion of MftnA .
tice shall be instantly signed. ’ a P rAv lßot>> l | I
te. The Norwegian flag to be respected the cam- 4
armistice. r luc con ‘*nuati a4tf I
Ratified, CHRISriAK ° I
I ratify tiie present Convention; and seize wi‘h . i I
opportunity of giving a proof of my seatimems I
giau nation and unuj. r low ‘Wd* the I
(Si » n _ eJ) Charles I
_ The following letter presents such a vie W of ' I
Hees of the Custom-house at the port of l.ondm, Pn * I
than at the outsorts, as we believe theinland nubi’; I
httle acq united with. Such proceedings as th s * ° lS| "* I
cause mat so many people have been dissatisfud I
Government under which they liv®. We are n|. .? I
the t.mperate manner in which the Lords of hi A? I
I n-a-.t.ry reprimand the Commissioners us Citsto. I
we trust that something of the furtiter in re will S f : i| k ’ < I
thc'suuviter in mddo ; and particularly, that that k»' I
of Customs, which could recommend some remur I
to an olhcer, lor having made what the Lords oft] tâ€* I
sury du themse ves call “a mast unjust seizure †I
bronsh, W e .ekr lo .he f.„, k * I
f hr foiioAiiig letter. * I
We would also take the liberty of submitting tn I
consideration of lhe Lords of his Majesty’., T re * I
how many com; laints o f the out-port Ctmom.hmit s ?* I
y;r reach their L.rdship*; but are only | a j d before tL I
Commissioners ol Customs in London, a s the «>o * I
•uggi-st (hat their out, officer should hccnii lcdtoasa I
.facts n \c« oin. iso to ph actice, for that which annu. I
to the Lords of the 1 reasury to huve a most U'justssi iVt I
TR E A SUR Y C iIA MB I- IK, Arc. 11, igQ. I
Gentlemen,— J am command, d by the Lords Commit. I
Monerv of his Majesty’s Treasury to inform yuu.thdl
they ave recently had under theii consideration rqiresea I
tation- from various merchants, complaining o f unjust sei* I
zur. s and vexatious detentions by the officers of your 1* I
partments. 3 B
In some of these cases my Lards have observed thatffi.l
precise letter of Acts of Parliament framed many y,. an I
ago, in time of peace, and of mure circumscribed commerce. I
have been rigorously applied amid.f all ths difficulties iu I
ndent to war. and against the manifest spirit o f the Aci I
themselves, the penalties of which were directed for tie I
punnbment of fraud or culpable negligence, and nut for I
accidental or triral omissions.
Io tour ci-.-s which wil serve as examples of man.
otlnr.s, lam mint aiaffil todr-w your special atten.imi;-!
lhe first the seizure of fu nty hogsheads ot sugar,
•nfend with the m.nk RS instead of R. S.: these hugu
head, were s.izcd by lhe officers of y uiir department, R
•Bn fol, merely fur the omission of the small interveaisf
i’ a.-k ; and a satisfaction has been demanded for thera.
iot iiion of each ca«k of one guinea.
It is quite manifest, from all the circumstances of this
case, that no fiaud could Lave bcm intended. To g nut
a satisfaction, therefore, to the seizing officer could tend
only to encourage similar sciztin s for trifling irregularities,
and, therefor , my Lords cannot sanction the payment t»
the seizing officer us a: j satisfaction whatever, but direct
the imm diate restoration of the goods.
Another seizure at the port of Bristol, which has parti,
cularsy attracted thei, L<»rd»hij s’ observation, is that of
two hogsheads ot sugar imported in the ship Ruth, in tin
month ot Apii , and s ( u d by the officer, as he declared for
lieiim an excess upon the report of th. charge, against tha
iheearne-t remonstrance of the owners, who contended
ii. t «he cargo entirely correspond d with the report.
After nearly tour months’ detention, and various reports
am! corresponde .ee, the owners were enabled, from ths
accidental circnmstaiisc of no part of the cargo having beta
‘o.d until the whole w as delivered, to prove that there was
no ground whatever for the seizure, and the very irrego.
lanty which was the pretence for the seizure was traced
to the officer himself.
A third case at the port of Bristol, is that of the sugar
imported in the Anna Maria, a part of which has beea
m ized betause-the marks do not entirely correspond with
(he report ; but as the whole contents of the cargo, as rs.
ported and delivered, agree, there is no ground to suspect
any fraud, and the irregularity is not of an extent to call
for any penalty. My Lsrds,’ therefore, desire that ths
sugar may be forthwith restored, without any satisfaction
w hatever.
A fourth case, now before their Lordships, is that of
the /erscueraflcc, in the port of London, which vessel
and her cargo have been seized under circumstances so er ertraordinary,
traordinary, ertraordinary, as to dviuand their Lordships immediate in.
It appears that this ship brought some cases of sugar
from Gibraltar, and, under the existing laws, w£ not li liable
able liable to seizure, but the owners were at liberty to send ths
vessel and cargo again from this country. They applied,
inwever, to their Lordships for leave to laid and ware warehouse
house warehouse the cargo ; and whilst this application was under
consideration, your officers Construing such application
into an intention to laud the goods for w arehousing, scizsd
the vessel and cargo.
Theapplication to their Lordshis for permission to ware waremuse
muse waremuse being refused, the memorialist then applisd for
order to tranship the cargo into another vessel, for Gibral Gibral/
/ Gibral/ lu P e< ‘tioner being subject to heavy demurrage for
detaining the vessel;†to this request their Lodships were
pleased to accede, and your Board were apprised thcraof
on t »e c»ih ult., anddwioti to give teuuwUate dirwti»«
*W teal purpest.
fjie vMsd Pertev?rtmce and cargo tiavTng, fiowerer,
. seized by your officers as above stated, you have re reeited
eited reeited their L >rd*hips’ directions, submitting “that
V did their Lordships be pleased to order the delivery ot
Xe goods and veTcl, the seizing officer might, according
* the practice, b? entitled to a satisfaction ; but you be s
tosubmithow fartheir Lordships, under thecircumslants.
l av think he has any claim to the same.
* According to the view which my Lords at present take
fthis case, the ordinal seiz ire appears to have been mort
just - and any prretice which would entitle the oflicei
to satisf ction cannot be 100 much censured, or too soon
like this, my Lords expect, from the discrin ina ina•w
•w ina•w judgment of your Board, the prompt and vigorous
mar confidently rdy, without the delay of previous refer,
•nee to their Lordships, which is in i.seil' a heavy punish.
W eii) to the merchant, upon their Lordships’Juil support
in whatever measures may be necessary for the punishment
ouprassive or contumacious officers. This, my Lords
fed to be due to the interest of the fair merchant, and to
the character of the Government, both ot which arc etiect etiect(d
(d etiect(d by such transactio is as those adverted to in this letter.
Already my Lords have instructed you to enjoin your
officers to refrain from acting upon any new constructions
®f law contrary to the past practice, and to refer all such
doubts, in the iirst instance, to your boaid: and in cases
of great importance or difficulty, you will apply for their
Lordships* deb rniiiialion. As the penalties contained in
tha variou« Ivw s of Customs w ere intended for the pu.
tishment «f fraud, and not of accidental or trivial oi.,is.
linns, the officers of the Customs must cease to consider
inch mislabel as sources of advantage to themselves; fur
jnv Lords are d ’termined hereafter tomaik wish their de.
tided disnhaiu.e every d tention that shall appear to have
been made upon such vexatious pr.teuces.
In order to remove every doubt of their Lordships* io.
tention upon this subject, I have it in co.-.>m;u«d to desire,
I that if upon the delivery of ca govs of ve.-scls it shall ap.
pear tint any packages which may be erroueuusly maik maikcd,
cd, maikcd, du in substance an J coat, uts correspond w ith the re report
port report and the manifest, neither sucl. goods or vessels slull
be deemed liable to seizure on account of such error.
1 am, G« nth men,
Your obedient servant,
Fomc.io’onf rt Customs. (Signed) b. K. LUSHIN JTON.
An arrangement b fwemi Great Britain and Holland
Bas been signed, on the part ol the former by the Prince
Regent, and wa» sent oif on Mu.ijy lust (Aug 29) to
Bros el-, to receive the signature of the Piince Sovereign
of the Nt th Hands. The Cape of G ood Hope, Dcinarary,
Esrequebo, and Berhicc, ar to be retained by this Cuun.
try. Batavia, and all the rest of the islands and places,
•s Surinam, Cmacoa, and St. Euslatia, conquered Horn
the Dutch during the war, Brc8 r c agreed to be. restored by
the treaty. Ceylon, of course remains with us, as 11 was
Ceded tu Great Bi tain before the war. The value of Cu Cutacoa
tacoa Cutacoa and St. Enstatia are said to be much dimiiii.*hcd by
the openness of the tr.t I • to the Spanish main, for wbioa
they foitn rly served as thug, .at depots tor European con.
traband goods.
A strange an! incredib! • report was spread yesterday
through the town, o th • strenghi us letters of the 28:h
from Gibra't?i ;—Th ■»« s j •, that the Government of
Spain had by a public order excluded all French vessels
Dearint, the white flag from ihc por.s ofSpam. The motive
•I ibis ho-ti’e co td n t is said to be th.- siuctio 1 given by
Louis X V Jll. tut he claims of Clnirks I V*. 011 the i’lirone
•f Spain. We bar ly think it pro • r tu notice the ru.
ftiotir, and the foundation f»r it, wi uuut attaching any
Credit to it oum lv is.
. 1 he Dutch mail of yesterd ty (Aug. °fi) presents several
•r icus of intelligence ; winch, it not import mt, are yet
interesting o amusing. I'h re is, indeed, something high highly
ly highly gratify big in the power n oca .e have acquired by the
peace, of sharing j >,or i wing the demesne transactions
®f surround! ig nriotis w iihuul fee Tig icsuamt or exciting
jealousy. The Prince Seven ign oft,,. U id* J Ivelhei lands
•as been invested with the Old 1 of the Gaiter, and the
Hereditary Prine?, his sun, with th.it ol the Hath. The
Ceremonies took place at Brussels, the scat of all that is
gay in the L>w Countries, | robabiy the future seat of
empire al«o fur the Jlu ;sc of Nassau Orange. 1 here the
Duke ol Wei i igion is, looking at the state of defence in
ch thegirriao snd towns are on the Flemish frontier;
•nd this, we apprehend, may be dune without giving just
•ause for di-satisfac'i in to any one. An empire which
•as acquired a new frontier, would of course, even i 1 time
•f the profonndest peace, have a barrier thrown around it.
"he towns between Namur and the North Sea a.e those
general which formed the barrier in the reign of Queen
Anne. Louis XIV. was most anxious to letain Tournay
»n his hiftids, but was not allowed ; yet the Allies of those
■*y< he»er entered Paris, though Lord Boii -gliroke say»
•hat projects of that nature w ere in contemplation. 'J he
| French barrier line will of course consist of Bergues, Cas Cas!â–
!â– Cas!â– St- Venant, Lisle, St. Arnaud, Maubeuge; tu the for forvhcatiuns
vhcatiuns forvhcatiuns of which they will no doubt attend, and yet,
*« preiume, without any expectation of an attack in that
Ihe Government of the Prince Sovereign, if such as
â– escribed in the Dutch mail, is politic and conciliating.
The employment of native subjects in offices of state
â„¢ r oughout the Belgic provinces, is peculiarly proper.
Hts Highness will recollect enough of the early history of
own country's indt*|>endeuce, to bo aware that the
â– rst feeling of disgust which sprung up in the minds of
Dutch, was exciud by the uuwbwr of who
surrounded Philip IT. during his stay among them, and
engrossed all the incratic offices.
It is the intention of the Admiralty, in consequence of
the numerous captures made by the Americans, to be ex extremely
tremely extremely strict with Captains who quit their convoy at sea,
or who, contrary to orders, sail without convoy. Pro.
secutioiis of blasters of ships for neglect of this descrip,
lion, have already commenced, as will Ise seen by thesub thesubjoiued
joiued thesubjoiued extract of a letter: —
“Lloyd*, August 31, 1814.
“The Lords Commissionersul the Admiralty have been
jilcased to inform the Committee, that they have given
dirs tions to their Sulicdor to prosecute the Masters of
■he following vessels, viz.:—Mr Smart of the
lately arrived at Liverpool from St. Domingo, and
Jamaica, for sailing withont convoy ; and Mr. Kundell,
Master of the Acre Frederick t from Malta to Hull, forde.
setting the fleet under convoy of his Majesty’s ship aVI/.
joril } in J one last.â€
(Signed) “JOHN BENNETi', Jun.â€
We have seen a list of A aerie in captures published on
the 11 th of July, from which it appears that during ih.
setundgear oj the aar they aiiio mted to no less than 825
vessels, many of w hich were valuable pr z ».
The vacant R?d Ribands are conferred on i.ieut.Gen.
Sir H. Clinton and Admiral W. Young.
A Committee ol French merchants have, we hear, wait waited
ed waited on Ministers to represent to them the policy of with,
drawing the high duties on German ami Dutch linens,
HHich we believe is about 25 t .ei cent, it was slated by
them that numerous ships, with cargoes, from the lia liavann
vann liavann :h a d elsew here, have gone to Germany tor hutii.-,
it being impracticable to übta.u them from neuce u dvi
the d>sadv an tag. s of the Custom House imposts, and the
consequence has been, But the donsignme.tts aim die re.
tnriii have devolved into foreign Lauds. Lie answer maue
by the Minister was,a» wc are infu.m. J, limt lie is pe».
iectly sensible ofthebeneht of the i .t.icouise, Out that
the duties on linens are Uvit-u m aicummuu .Uuii to lae
manufactures of Ireland.
Mr. Colquhoun, in his recent treatise 01 the wealth,
power, and resources of the Bntisa empire, has uie lul lullowing
lowing lullowing statrmeHt on the number <>f paupeis.—“Accord paupeis.—“According
ing paupeis.—“According to the return made to i arl.ament, in the year 18U3,
the number of individuals who rtceiV id parocmai relief m
England and Wales, amounted to one minion forty thou thousand
sand thousand and seventeen, ami tins on a population (according
to a return made to Parliament two years baton) which
amounted only to nine miliiotis taiee ou.idied and forty,
three th.i isand.â€
Tti« Bank, notes in circulation July 3,1813, amounted to
23,314,890/. ; on July 10th, same year, t024,b91,43L>/.
In ciicniatiu 12d July, 181», 2d,J0i 5 3 >Bf. and ou the
Sth July instant 29,532,90 b/.
I'alul Ciiiiuiiicncc.- —in New Orleans, America, on the
llh of April last, died Mr. iierlhe Ggrtnii, mercuant,
r ed 71 years, and one ol the oldest name inhabitants ul
that city. Finding himsell indisposed m the middle of the
night, he sent lor Dr. Domtiigo /7
nutes alter fecli y the pu se ol his menu, lenuuwu, when
Huth expircu ar l
Mr. Wellesley Pule to be Master of the Mint; he is
also to have a seat in the Cabinet.
The following have beta finally determined
Mr. Canning, to be Ambassador to the Court of Lis Lisbon
bon Lisbon ;
Mr. Hn.-kisson, Privy Councillor, and Survey or of the
Woods ami !• oiesis ;
Mr. Blachfurd, a Lord of the Treasury;
Mr. Sturges Bourne, a Privy Council or, and Member
of (lie India Board ; a d.
T e Hon. J. W. Waal, a Privy Councillor, and a
Member ul the Boaid of Contiol.
Brussels Aug. 22. —The Prince Sovereign has named
Commissioners, who are already departed to take posses possession
sion possession of that important city. It is affirmed that the arrival
of Lord will cause some changes. It appears
certain, that the general Government of Belgium wdl ex.
tend beyond the Mavse, but we know not how far the new
line is to reach.
The Dutch garrison of Namur is strengthened, as the
Belgian regiment that is organised is soon to go to
Termonde. Qthea troops are to go to Charleroi and the
Sam h re.
The Prince of Orange and the Duke of Wellington are
expected back to-morrow from visiting the frontiers.
Since the decree of the Prince Sovereign was known, the
number of Belgiau officers leaving the French service in.
creases daily.
Lord Castlereagh, Lis Britannic Majesty’s Minister,
has arrived in this city. On his passage through Ghent,
he had an interview with the American Envoys; and eve.
ry thing leads us to hope, that peace between England and
the United States of America will soanbe concluded.
Brussels, Aug. 23.—Lord Castlereagh has taken up
his residence at the hotel of Lord Lynedock. It seems
certain, that since his Lordship had a cmiference*ith the
American Ambassadors at Ghent, many difficulties in the
way of the negotiation have been removed, so that a hap happy
py happy issue may be expected. Letters from Ghent say, that
the Intendant of the Department of the Sambre gives to today
day today amagnificient entertainment tu the English and Ame-
HMU Ambassadors.
Al! the TTanovcrian troops on their way to the
to come to Belgium, have received orders to hasten thag
inarch, and will active in a few days. The places they
are to occupy drealready fixed.
It is nut to toe doubted, but the abode of Lord Castle*
reagh at Brussels, however short ii may be, will he diaim*
gmsiied by measures highly conducive to the interest of
England protects oar country in the most decided man*
ncr, and is resolved to employ all possible m.aus lueusuito
its independence and piosperiiy.
it is affirmed, ihat a numerous camp will be formed oa
our fruHtiers 11 the beginning of September, ’j hj troop*
will be exercised several days in performing grand ma*
Brussel, Aug. 21.—The following are some interest* n<
details rcspec.ing the ceremony ot the investitute of tug
Orders ol the Garter and the Bath, winch look place oi*
the 22d.
“Ills Royal Highness the Prince Sovereign of the Unit*
ed Netherlands, having bent recently appointed a Knight
of th u.urt noble Order of the Garter, and Li» Ex. elleucy
Lord Uartlereagh, aud Sir Isaac Heard, Garter King at
arms, having been charged on the part of his Royal High*
ness the P.>nce Regent of Great Britain, acting in th*
name and o 1 the bcfiall ol the Sovereign, to invest theneMf
hnight with the insignia of the order, this ceremony took
pi ice on the 22.1, in presence ot a very cousideiable a- - *
sembly, composed ol tiie principal Functionaries, the
Vhiel Officers ol the Siati, aud the most distinguished 9!
our citizens of both sexes. After the usual forms had
been gone through, Lord Castlereagh, in person, attach,
cd me gaiter to the person of the Prince Sovereign, and
tiie Duke ot Cambridge decorated his Roy al Highness wills
the ribband ol the order, and thc.r gave him the saiutto
prescribed by the statutes
“ 1 fie reception of the Hereditary Prince o r Orange t
as K iigbl us tiie o>dcr ol the Balti, took place i umedi.
ate y aiteiward-. Lord Castlereagh, ui (resetting tha
d cuiatiuti, wish that facility and ekgiame vt hich cliara •
terise his Lordship, addressed his Royal H.ghness in .4
speech w inch made a lively and agreeable impression on
*.l who hr aid it. W\ notice as the most remarkable | as.
sages those in which lie mentioned the order of the Bath
as tee nisi military order of kkeat Britain, and as being
tiiiy gianted to his Royal Highness fur his ta'oerasa
wa r or, and I.is conduct full of dignity as a Prince; th<> s
in wiiicn the Noble Lord alluded to the services performed
to England ny the House of (Lange, in the establishment
of liberty a.iu national prosperity ; and a-.-ured him th?t
among the numerous recompenses which the fortunate
events of late months had called iq 01 the Prince Regent t<»
bestow, there was none which gave the people ol England
more sincere satisfaction than the bestowal of the present ;
and, in line, where his Excellency expressed hisconfideiictf
that the same talents and bravery winch relatisto persons
ui such high distinction is now befo e the w arid, and this
conduct ol each is now duly appreciated.
1 his day took [dace the celebc.auou of the birth-d iy of
the Prince of Orang?. In tiie morning then- was a superb
parade in the park ; the English G ux.ds, the first r
of Belgic in antry us the line, the hone artill. ry . ami a
regiment of Hanoverian Hussars, wcredrawnup in line in
this vast and magnificent space. The whole formed thj
most pleasing spectacle, from the finances of the troops,
and ihe elegant diversity of their uniforms. The crowds
attracted to the spectacle were so numerous, that it was
difficult (• move. Alter several discharges of nuoketry,
all the troops defiled before the Palace of the Prince.
Sports, illuminations, and fire works, teiminatid the les*
tivitie* us this day, winch will form an epoch in iheannalto
us Brussels. All true friends of thcii country must hmctf
date the era of the renewal of its happiness and prosperity.
Ghent, Aug. 2'i.— Mr. Todd, sun in-law to President
Madison, ana Private Secretary loMr. Gallatin, itariivvA
It is affirmed that a camp of English troops will be
formed between Tournay and Courtray.
By a private letter, of good authority, in this colony, it
was understood that those colonies, by somearrangciueuiM
would be ceded to Great Britain for live years.
We perceive by the Dublin Papers, that the Letter 0/
M Quarantatti, from Rhome, was received by tne Iristx
Demagogues in the manner that might be expected. Tut*
Organ of the Faction in Dublin, terrified at the prospect
of conciliation or harmony, says— says“We
“We says“We are really glad that Q larantofti has afforded to
the people of Ireland an opportunity of repelling the
charge of passive obedience and mean subserviency to th*
See of St. Peter.— Theg will not obeg this Deere
And an “Irish Priest,†in the same Paper, expresses
himself in the following elegant manner upon the subject.
After insinuating that M. Quarantotti was bribed by
Lord W. Bentinck, he says—“ Mr. Quarantotti, and hito
most learned Pi elates, were undoubtedly poor at the time j
the argumentum ad ventrtm is very strong every where,
and particularly at Rome.â€
He then proceeds to call the Pope’s Vicar “aconsam*
mate blockhead,†and concludes thus.—
“Every attempt to weaken the Catholic Church in Ire Ireland
land Ireland shall in the end prove fruitless; and as long as tha
i Hhamroc so green* shall adarn our island, so long shall
the Faith delivered to us by St. Patrick prevail, in spit*
of Kings, Parliaments, Orangemen, and Quarantuttis.â€
Xto-J At his plantation in Canje t Air,
By His Excellency Henky Wilytam
Bentixck, Esquire, Lieut .-Governor
over the colony Berbice and its Depen Dependencies-,
dencies-, Dependencies-, Ssc. sc. &c.
And the Honorable Court o f Policy and
Criminal Justice of the said colony.
To all whom these presents may or shall
come, Greeting! Be it known :
Wiser eas Representation has been
made. to us, that the attention is not paid to our Or-*
finance of the \Ath. November, 1810, whereby Slaves
are forbidden to le worked by their Masters on a
In order therefore to ensure better observance of
the Regulations contained in our aforesaid Procla Proclamation,
mation, Proclamation, we have, after such emendation as we have
deemed necessary, caused the said Ordinance to be
re-published for general information, strictly retfvi retfviring
ring retfviring obedience thereunto ft uni all the Inhabitants of
this colony.
BY His Excellency Major General Samuel
Dal a tuple, Acting Governor ; and the Ho Honorable
norable Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice
of the Colony Berbice.
To alt to whom these present may or sha* come ;
Gretting ! Be it known :
Whereas we have deenu d it of the highest ne ne•essity
•essity ne•essity for (he welfare of the Colony, and its inhabi inhabitar/s,
tar/s, inhabitar/s, and being desirous of making such essential
Regulations, as will promote the Welfare ot Negro
Slaves, and the Tranquility of the Colony; as also
to comply with the wishes ol a great majority of the
community, who have made representation to ns on
the principle of the inadequacy of the existing Law,
for these purposes ; to revise and reconsider I lie Laws
and Ord num rs of the Colony at present in iorci*
which having been dune In Is. Wi the Governor
and Court of Pobcy in Council assembled, make
known these our .\’w Adoj ted Regulations, Order Ordering
ing Ordering and enjoining all the Inhabitants of this Colony,
t<» obey them, and c use them to be obeyed ; Im that
pu pose revoking all former Laws ami Regulations
made by Us, that in any wise militate or can be con construed
strued construed to militate agai< st these our present Ordman Ordmances,
ces, Ordmances, and Firstly with regard to the punishment ui
Negroes, or other Slaves, < irdain.
That no Owner, Pioprietor, Attorney, or any other
description or class of persons having controui over
Negroes or other Slaves, shall, under any pretence,
â– whatsoever, on One Day or at One Time, Punish any
Slave in a more severe maimer t han by Thirty-Nine
Lashes, with a HZ?/ , which Punishment shall not
Ire inflicted on any other pint than on the Breech of
the Slave, so punished; such persons who exceed
this our Ordinance, being subject to-tbe penalty ot
Three hundred guildi rs. lhe application oi which
penalty is to be made as hereafter shall be resolved
on by Us.
Well aware that circumstances cannot fail of an anting
ting anting at limes with the slave# that merit a more severe
and public punishment, and t ho’ desirious of treating
the slaves, with such humanity, that Love and not
Fear may operate, as motives for their good conduct
to their Masters. We hereby Order, that wh never
a Slave commits a Crime or a Fault which his Mas Master
ter Master thinks deserving of severer Punishment than’l flir flirty
ty flirty nine Lashes, then, and in that case to have such
•lave brought before the Burgher Captain or nearest
Burgher Officer of the Lisi riel, who is hereby Or Ordered
dered Ordered and enjoined to cause a Punishment not ex exceeding
ceeding exceeding One hundred J.ashes, to be inflicted in his
presence; it being left to such Burgher Othcer’sdis Othcer’sdiscretion,
cretion, Othcer’sdiscretion, to Punish such Negroes as are brought be before
fore before him as he may think proper, always within the
limited number oi One hundred Lashes.
All Masters, Owners, or Ilirersof Slaves, are here hereby
by hereby strict y enjoined, whenever any slave has com committed
mitted committed any Offence which can be so far looked upon
as a Crime, and tin rein to offend against the Laws oi
the Land, to cause such slave to be brought before
the Burgher Captain of the District, or next Senior
Burgher Officer, that the Crime laid to the Negroe’s
charge, may be looked into, and if found of that na nature,
ture, nature, so as to deserve Severer Punishment than what
lie the Burgher Officer has it in his power to inflict,
to cause the negro or slave so offending, to be sent
forth w ith to the 1 ucal oi tbeL’olony, to be dealt with
according to Law.
All persons, Planters, Inhabitants, and others,
â– Whomsoever the same may be, are hereby strictly en enjoined,
joined, enjoined, under no pretence whatever, to inflict, or
cause to be inflicted, any punishment, of any kind,
on the Negro or Slave of another man, or on Slave*
not th«ir own property, or over which they have not
Roonscd •vnkwul, «c have in Jure, save and except I
Blow, which any person is allowed to give to a
Negro or Slave, being guilty of insolence or imper
timmce in speaking or replying to awhile or tree
person, under penalty oi forfeiting for every offence
the sum of One Thousand Guilders.
All and every of the Inhabitants of this Colony are
hereby strictly ordered and enjoined, under a Penal Penalty
ty Penalty of Five HundrdGuilders not to send or order their
negroes to work in the Fields, or to do other planta plantation
tion plantation work on a Sunday or Holiday, except where the
immediate preservation of the Estate requires it,
such as by Dambreaking, Koker giving away, or
other Accidents, which for the safety and preserva preservation
tion preservation of the property requires immediate assistance.
1 he Burgher Officers of the District or either of them
being positively enjoined on its coming to their know knowledge,
ledge, knowledge, that Negroes are made to work on any Estates
on Sundays, to report the same to the Fiscal. And
it is further Oidered, that the Burgher Officers of
the District shall listen to, and attend to all Com Complaints
plaints Complaints of Slaves on this head if the same, do not
appear to him frivo'ous, and to do them justice.
No Negro or other Slave, shall be punished by
the \\ flip, without being previously laid flat on the
ground, his hands ami frets tied sufficiently to pre prevent
vent prevent his vital parts being injured, under a penalty
irum any one causing punishment to be inflicted in
a different manner of Five hundred guilders for tat h
* V,L
M e hereby strictly prohibit all and every person,
or persons, whatsoever,from causing any Negroes,
or other Slaves, to be buried, who have died sudden suddenly,
ly, suddenly, or who have died in consequence of punishment,
or hurt, or who have hung, or otherwise made away
with thenis< Ives, without previously giving notice
to the Burgher Officer of the District, or n in town,
to the fiscal, or without at least procuring a Certi Certificate
ficate Certificate from the Surgeon of the Estate who had in inspected
spected inspected the body, what (he nature of the Disease,
Accident or ( ause vm- by which the negiu divd, un under
der under a penalty ot One thousand guilders.
Lastly AVc Decree, that the Fines and Penalties
imposed by 1 s, for non compliance, with these our
present Ordinances, shall be divided as follows: one
third for the Fiscal, one third to the Lilunncr, and
one third tor the Poor of ibis Colony.
And in order that no ignorance may be pretended,
his cur present Proclamation shall be posted up, at atiix<
iix< atiix< d, and circnlatcd fur the infoi mat ion of all whom
it may concern.
liius Resolved, Enacted ami Published in ourex ourextraordinary
traordinary ourextraordinary Sittings, held in New Amsterdam, IJer IJerbice,
bice, IJerbice, the 14th November, 1S10; Present, hi* Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency Major General Samuel Dalrymple, Acting
Governor; and the Honorable Members L. C. Ab Abbensefs,
bensefs, Abbensefs, J. lapin, S. Kendall, P. Fairbairn, and S.
eraser. Absent, the Hon, A. J. Glazius.
hl presence of
, . . R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
And in order that no ignorance may be pretended,
these presents shall be sent round to each Estate,and
published in the usual manner.
I bus enacted incur Ordinary Sessions of the Court
1 lesent, H is Excellency the Governor, and the Hon.
. lembrr* J. Tapin, J. M’t amon, Jas. Fraser, Petei
1 airbairn, G. Munro,—dem pt is, A. J. Glasius.
And published on the sth October following, in
presence o< Hi* Excellency the Governor, and the
iiiorciaid Member*.
By Command of the Court
. R- C. DO WNER, Sec.
( I Hird time of publishing.)
By ilia Excellency Heehy !l illiam
Bentinck, Esquire, Lieut.-Governor
of the colony Berbice and its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, sc. sc.
And the Honorable the Court of Policy
and Criminal Justice of lhe said colony '.
To all to whom these presents may or shall
Come, Greeting ! Be it known:
Wlier eas the late unhappy preme-I
dilated disturbances on the West and East Sea Coast
of this colony, places us under the necessity to call
upon the Colonists under this Government, to bear
their proportionate quota of the expences necessari necessarily
ly necessarily incurred in crushing a plot which endangered the
safety of the colony’.
And whereas the proceedings instituted by us for
the detection and punishment of such offenders as
were woven to be concerned in the said premedita premeditated
ted premeditated dimtrbances, have occasioned severe and heavy
expences.—And as by our Ordinance of the 11th of
January, 1814, we are bound to indemnify and make
good to the Proprietors of the Slaves so capitally pu punished
nished punished by virtue of our Sentence, the value thereof;
Wu havo in order to provide for the payment oi the
said just and necessary expences, considered it
expedient and equitable, that all the Inhabitant *
this colony possessing Slaves, should contribnti contribntiproportion
proportion contribntiproportion to the number of Slaves possessed }
them, towards the repayment ofthose*expense 8 whiX
the colony has been put to. c *
SO IT IS, that we have enacted, as we do hereh*
Enact, that each and every Inhabitant shall contri
bute and pay unto the Receiver General ofthecoku
ny Berbice, agreable to the Return for the CanitZ
tion Tax, made to the Receiver General’* Office du*
ring the month of January, 1814, their quota or nm*
portion towards the payment of the aforementioned
expenses after the rate of (wo guilders per head
each and every Slave possessed by them at that time
liable to the Ordinary Head-money or capitation tax*
ANT) we do further by these presents, qualify and
authorize the Receiver General of this colony, alter
the expiration of the time appointed, nameiy the 31
December, 1814, to compel and enforce payment of
the said capitation tax, from all defaulters, by Sum.
mary Execution, and without further process of
Law. i
And in order that no ignorance may be pretended
these presents shall be published, printed, posted up*
and sent round the colony as usual. â€
'1 hus enacted in our Ordinary Assembly, held in
the Kin.’s H nise, New Amsterdam, Berbice,thisSth
daj iff t h tuber, 1814.—Present, His Excellency ||,
W . Bentiiiek, Esq. Lieutenant-Governor; and th*
Honorable Members John i'apin, Jas. F raser, Peter
1 airbairn and (ieo. Munro ;—Demptis, thellou’bl*
Mvmbcis John M’l’amon and A. «L Glasius.
And published on the 6th October following, j*
presence o! Iris Excellency the Lieutenant-Gover Lieutenant-Governor,
nor, Lieutenant-Governor, and the aforesaid Members.
By command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
( I hird time of publishing.)
Z? F His Excellency 11. W. Bentixck, Esq,
Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony Berbut
and its Dependencies, Pi esident in all Count
and Colleges within lhe same, £c.
VV tier CHS / hat't received the Complaint of hler»
chants and Inhabitants of this Colony, staling that there
f e tt number i>J Negr.is huckstering tn and about this
;. h,/ are ,iut bcl«>
1 have i.icrejdre thought Jit Jor lhe Remcuy and Prrien.
tiijit oj such irtegatat
ikuiin-; /hat ee tin tester Juitnd without mj Past
ot Licence, sliull be apprehenai d an l ■Lodged in the Cv«
iu,i y Juil, and further d.nit with according to Cts-.s.
.tsu that the said Licences maybe duly and regularly
obtained, the Applicants Jor the same shall be obliged
to C-r.ijy tn wr.hng that the Huckster is ether a J ret
iiesidint, or the Slave belonging le> uh established iicsi.
dent oj this Colony.
And Lastly, that this Order nuty be strictly observed,
His Honor the Fiscal is enjoined to imprison the Trani,
gress -rs as afmesaid, and pursue them Jur such lint
and confiscation us by the Laic is established.
Giceu under my Hand and Sea' at Arms, al the Kinfl
Bouse, Berbice, this I3r/i day of October, 1814.
By Cb mm and,
F . XV H ITE, Gov. Sec.
( Ultra time of publishing.')
. Berbice, Blh October, 1814.
’V II LI?EAS it having been represented to thii
Office, that colony and other boats have been, and
are constantly employed, in clandestinely conveying
away the produce of this colony, as also bringing
Rum and ail kind of non-Enumerated Goods, with without
out without (either) Enteringof Clearing, indirect Violation
ot tlie Revenue Laws and Customs, provided and es established
tablished established for the protection ot Trade in Hi* Majesty's
And as the Law requires the Master of every boat
or vessel, being of 15 tons burthen, to report at the
Customs, whether in ballast, or if otherwise, coming
from another Port, the particular description of her
Lading, and who consigned to, under certain Penal Penalties
ties Penalties directed in the said Act, which penalties will be
duly enforced in default thereof; and likewise, that
no vessel of this description can in future be allowed
to remain at anchor in or about the entrance of the
canal leading from thip east coast or Canje creek,
without making, within 24 hours, after such arrival,
the usual report, required by law, at this Office.
THs. CHAPMAN, Collector.
THE Domicilium Citaudi et Executandi, of the
subscriber, is at the house of A. Stewart & Co.
wsem— 11 i* in ■mi* ii ■—mbm——
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, r.
Government Printers
Full Text |
18U.) fioelve dollars p. annum.] I BEM ACCOUNTANT'S office. I Os the Honorable the Court of Civil Justice. I gfiOUESTRATION of Pl’n. Senftefd. Memos — A7r the Minor Frederick Legatee, of the late J.A, BUk, deceased. W.lci.c < and VS , t laser Coraters of the Estate of the late J. Rtobie, deer .ord. G.llcbus for self and others, Curators of the Estate of the late P. Hagen*, deceased. NoTicr is hereby given tn nil persons interested therein, that attendance will be given at the Accountants Office, held at the house of the second under•ignrrl, trj Mondays, Wrdnes’:iv% and Fridays, frem noon until 3 o’clock in ’h • alter toon, for the tertn of one month from the d ife hereof, in order to enable such person to iiiMjeef said Accounts, and itate their objections or observations in writing. at th" rxpira*ion of wh ch time, the required report >illbe made in the abovementioued matt rs, and of Which (if required), the pirties m>y obtain on office ®opy, their own ex pence, in order should they deem if expedient, to attend the Hon’ble the Court ®f Civil du tice on th day appointed for hearing said icport, and contest the confirmation thereof. Bcrbice, 29th October, 181-1. T. WHITE, J. DOWNER. fFt’rtf f.’we of pnlli-h'ng.) •¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦MaWßßOM-iiil l ins » Mt NO I I T. The Creditors of /?o$« an I Sinclair, and of Plantation .V/gg, are reonestrd to attend a Meeting, to beheld on Wehiesd y 'h'* 9th of November next, at s he house of the fi. st undersigned, in order to consider and adopt, joi. Iy w th the Curators, such rneainres, ns maybe most conducive to the fir.al liquidation of said concern.. 11. LUTHERS for self and Rout. DOI GE AS. *HVf. J AS . SINCLAIR. Those indebted to the undersigned, up to ultimo August, 1814, are requested to make speedy payment before the Ist of January next, otherwise all accounts See. unpaid, will be given up to the Denrwaarder.—29 ()ct. R. BA R N ES. s THE next Meeting of the IVhist Club will boon Tuesday the Ist November, next. 29 Oct. FOR SALE, Old and new Rum, ) I 10l land’s Gin, and > per pipe or 5 gallons. Cogniac Brandy. J Madeira wine in pipes or per dozen. •»<><*? Wm. IIENERY. REC El VER GENERAL'S OFFICE. _ , Rerbice, 15/A Oct. 1814. THE pressing demands against this Office, requires ¦namediate payment of the Taxes, now due, for Weigh Money and old Arrears.—The undersigned therefore gives notice, that it will not be in his power grant any indulgence after the Ist of next month. DANIEL ALLT, Dtp. Rcc. Gen. THE BERBICE GAZETTE. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 29. SECRETARY’. OFFICE. This is to inform the Public, that the following per. sons intend quitting this Colony. Donald M’Leod in 6 weeks from Oct. 22. O. W. Lantsheer in G weeks from Oct. 22. Wm. 8. Owen*, for Barbados. Hon. John M’Camon will quit this colony by the first opportunity, Oct. 29. * • R. C. DOWNER, Secy. NfJTICfo u> hereby given, that a month after date the following Transports and Mortgages atll be passed.' Oct. 8. R. Barnes will transport to Polly Hill, a part of lot No. 7, NewAmst. adjoining the centre road. Oct. 22. J. Bakker and C C. Bwavinsrqq. TT.Bfecnbergen, will pass a mortgage in favor of Edw. v m Harth ds, London, on Plantation Hoorn and Noord holla ml, with all the Negroes, buildings, and furthejappurtenances thereof. Oct. 29. J. 11. Schlarhorst will transport to 11. C. Luthers 315 tect of land, of lot No. 16. N. Amst. facing the middle road. R. C. DOWNER, S'rry. PUBLIC VENDUES? ~ On Thursday 3d. Not. will be sold at the Vendue Office, by order of G. Robertson, Esq. Executor to the Estate of the late John Robinson, viz., wearing apparel, a writing desk, trunks, rings, a gold watch. By order of J. H. L. Maureiibrechcr, Esq. Plantation Christina’* Lust, situate opposite Plantation Lust (of Rust, east bank yf the riv< r dcrbice. On the same d iy, will be sold without reserve, an assortment of dry good*, tin ware, sadles, bridles, muslins, Osnaburg’s, sugar in barrels, salt in ditto, beef, pork, . P. van HOLST. M. S. BENNETT. Sequestrators. j — 5 AANde Evangelische Luthcrsche Gemeente dezer Kolonie, wordt by dozen bekend gemaaLt, als dat ingevolge het Artikel van het Reglerncnt, opDingsdag den Isfen November, door de Regcnten van de plantagie Augsburg, de jaarlyksche rekening en verantwoording zal worden gedaan ten huize van de vreije Lucia, te Nieuw Amsterdam. 15 Oct. C. D. TO EL, Scribe. THE undersigned finding that very little attention has been paid to his former Advertisement, again solicits those indebted to him, to come forward with payment before the time expires for sueing at the next (.’ommissary Court, as all accounts tluju unpaid will be put into the hands of his Attorney,wsuefor. He also informs the public, that for the future* he will collect bis accounts consequently the receipt of Beniamin Young'will not be valid after this date.—22 Oct. B. JEFFERY. Qtoi 521 [Payable in advance POST OFFICE. The following Letters, if not forthwith claimed, Wilf be returned to Europe by the first Packet;— Bartram (E. Kummer (F. Bartrum (Alf. D. Lacy (G. Bunuu.ru CI. Lewin (C. Blake (T. is Manor (the AttttMr of PeHTU®rant(C. beer (J. d lligan(J, Burton (Mary Ana. .lathew. (Th. Baird (W. .lackiuiosli (Cha. Chalmers (J. H'Leod (H. Chapman (H. W. M’Eiven (N. Carkle (k ang. MacdouaiJ (J. Case (J. Molenaar (C. J. CoreistF. L. >lahler(D. Colebeek(J. dori.on (J. Dunn(W. TKaetF. Uod.on (R. lunrofW. Dunn (G. >lorbourne (Capt. I boruletC. ird (J. Foulis(J. Peachy (D. Floyd (Dr. toibtone (L. P, r laser (T, t osean. Fraser (J. (eid. locking (C. tobertsou (1. I elderuon. t. Young (P. bailey (H. iiauks (A. rulcringu* n;TF» tewart(Ja». Gorden (J. andwon(J. ¦ibson iG. uiit'i (bin. M. T. Game (J. »mall(T. Graval (11. mail (J. Mall (J. ait and HollingswerA. .lope R. rhomron (Robt. Uall(C. Heazle < Lient. Wray (J, Jan on (J. C. Wade (J. Jau.on (J . Wilson (Geo. Irvine R. Watt (Aiea. Kemptou(J. Wollard (Ana. Kinin (C, * v a de (The. Keating < Mrt. White g eo. Krieger (A. Whitehall. KetiutMr. Vade(Dr. Berbice, 15th October, 1814. K. M'KCNZIE, Act. Dep. Post Master flea. WAN I'EIL ~ Six white person*, as Overseers on coffee Estates,’ under the Attorneyship of the undersigned. Any person qualified to fill such situation, may obtain emplnvmcnt on application to G. PAGELS and 22 Oct. J. v.d. BROEK. FoTfsALEv BY the subscriber, brown stout, poortrrpr. dozen anti pr. puncheon, Madeira wine in pipes, quarter casks, and pr. dozen, Dutch sweet milk cheese, Hyson tea, refined loaf sugar, beef in barrels, soap and candles, &c.—also a lew puncheons new rum. 15 Oct. B. ZIEGLER. FOR SALE, By the Subscriber, 15 Puncheons Rum, 25 Proof —to 7 bitts per gallon. 22 Oct. Jno. WULFF. Those indebted, in this colony, to the Printing Office of Mr. E. J. Ilenery, Demerary, arc requested to make speedy payment to this Office.—And th. so indebted to the Printing Office of Messrs. Aulekt and Stevenson, Demerary, wil ruake payment to Mr. K. Franckbn. 22 Oct. % MARSHAL'S OFFICE. BY virtue of an Order from His Excellency the Governor, dated 25th October, 1814, given upo> t Memorial presented by Wm. Gordon, M. D. Planter and Inhabitant of this colony. Notice ts hereby given to the Public: That the Sale of Plantation de. Voedder, cum annexis, situate in Canjecreeck, which was advertised to take place on Wednesday the 2d November next, is postponed until the sth of January next ensuing. Berbice, 27th October, 1814. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. BY virtue of an Order from Hi.r Excellency the Governor, given upon a Petition presented byH. Luthers, for self and R. Douglas, Curators to the Estate of John Ross deceased, and James Sinclair, Curator the Estate of John Sinclair, deceased, said Order liearing date the 10th October, 1814. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that Plantation Nigg, the property of the late Firm of RcssnvtX S?Mc/«7?r, has been this day rel eased from Execntioii and Sequestration.—Berbiee, 19th October, 1814. ° K. FRANCKEN, FirU Marshal.
9At9 »r EXECUTION. FIRST PROCLAMATION. WY v*rfne of an appointment from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice of this colony, under dale of Isih June 1814, i hat d v : An Accept mec of i. F. Fischer, dated Ist Sept. IS|O, for I'WP., with interest on that sum from th'Hst Sept, lb*.'", til' paid.—ALSO an Interlocutory Senteiie.’, in favor <,; I. \. llodenbroek, versus, Godfried Lrism r, amounting in capital to f 1000— dated the 19 li ’Jay, 1814.— Said documents being lurremb red in Execution by J. C for and in the name of said F. A. Rodenbroek. Vv hoover should think to have any right, action, or interest on the atoiesaid Acceptance and Sentence, and wishes to oppose the Execution Sale thereof, let •uch person or p -rsons address themselves to the undersigned, declaring their reason for such an opposition in due tune a id form, as 1 hereby give notice, tint I will receive opposition from every intermediate person, appoint them a day, if need, to have his or licr claim heard b fore the Court, and further act thereon as the law directs. J his 2nd Proclamation published as customary. Berbice, £2nxl Oct. 1814. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. SA LE BY EXECUTION. . rOI'UTU PROCLAMATION. BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellency TL M . Bextinck, i'.sq. Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony Berbice, and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. Da'ed 21st Sept. 1814, given upon a petition presented by Lewis (’aim son and T. Fraser, as together with the now absent John Camcron, Aftornies for W. Fraser, of Cuibockie County of Inverness, North Britain, and part proprietor of Plantation Union, West coast, ret sits, the Executor or Executors, Re-’ presentation or Representatives, of the Estate of IL Gordon, of Plantation Bor/wru and of Drakics, in Scotland. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execut ion Sale, in the presence of two Councellors Commissaries and their Secretary, in the month of November, 1815 (the precise day afterwards notified thre’ the Gazette •flkis colony). The Cutton Estate called BOR LUM, lituate on the East sea coast of this colony, and there known under No. 37, with all its cultivation, buildings, slaves, and further appurtenances thereto belonging, and of which an Inventmy is to be seen at the Marshal’s Ollice during the hours of duty. Said Estate being the properly of the Estate of R. Gordon aforesaid. Whoever should think to have any right, action, •r interest on the aforenamed Plantation Horluw, cum annexis, and wishes to oppose the Execution Sale thereof, let such person address himself to the Marshal’s Office, declaring their reason for so doing M tuaw aid as 1 that 1 1 will receive Opposition from any intermediate person, appoint them a day to have his or her claims heard before the Court, and further act thereon as the Law directs. This 4th proclamation published as customary. Berbice, 22nd October, 1814. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. ADVERTISEMENT. FOR SALE by the subscriber, a few casks of dry Cod-fif Norv.a , nrd mg to the mode prescrioed bv the exiting commuti™ 'The Diet shall be opened on ti>e li t day of Septe> her; or if tins be uoprac ticablc, w ithin the first days of October. 1 2. Hit Majesty the Ring of Sweden shall communicate directly with the Diet b, one or more Comrutuioners, whom ), c ,' la |i appouit. ¦>. iii.Map-stv the King ofSweder promises to accept theloasfitut.on himed <>, the Deputies of the l>.-iof Ewswold. Hi. Maje-tv wi:l propose snch ciiaagts only a* are necessary to the union of the two Kingdoms, and engage, to make none other but in concert v iih the Uiet. d ue promises ofhis ’i Majestv, and of the Prince Roval to tue Nonveg an people, 11 b strict!., fuelled, and confirmed bs’ bis Alafe tv lu the Norwegian Diet. 5. J tic slfdH as-.PR.bk* hi ChristtiiuiT. «. Dis Ma. ? t ? Lie King of Sweden declares, that no person shall os molested, directly or njc.ire. tly, for ans opinions heietofoie ei preyed ud.erse to the union of the two kingdo, «. The Norwegian etui and military hiactiuoaries, or those woo are treated wuh all regard and courtesy. None of taem snail be harassed tor his opinion. I hose wl.o decline continuing their sei vices shall be pensoned according to the Idws of the cotmtrv, 7. His Majesty the King of Sweden shall employ his good office, with .its Maje.t , tue Kmg of Denmark, to procure the revocation . t the ordinance, or edicts promulgated since .lamiary U, |«11 a -ainu the puolic iutictionarie»,and the kingdomof Norway in .•eiwraj’ Done at Moss, Aug. 1,, 1814, J 6 Ratified, CHRISTIAN FREDERICK. CONVENTION Between the Swedish and Norwegian troops, concluded at Moss, A tigust 11. Article 1. Ho tilifies shall et asc by sea and land between the Swedi-n tru >i » sad fleets on one side, and the Norwegian trooos an.t heels on the otier, from the day of signing the present convention, till tlmnime. °l’ ri ’ ,u g us Web " ith » days notification beyond 2. The blockade of the Norwegian ports shall be raised, from the '’ a > of these presents. Importation and exportation shall be fret, regaid being had to the Norwegian t 'csto.u duties t for “? ss of Fr.-dericksti in has nit already capitulated it it shall be immediately surrendered, with the works thereunto belong •’ lt, e troops ot his Swedish Majesty. The garrison shall lr H> om of the fortress w ith armbaggage, and all military honours The < h< cis shall be permuted to go wherever they think proper: the soldicr. snail return to their homes. Both shall promise not again to serve against the troops of his Swedish Ma jesty. a 4 and 5. These aru. les trace the line of demarcation ; stipulate that the Norwegian national troops shall be disbanded, and return to tbeh Oi,b four afid b * artHervrf/T SM with a proportion of cavalry and Xi S.X7' ofte 0fte KSI ‘" c “I 7. The part of the Norwegian army remaining under arms shall retire w itmn the line of demarcation in two days. The Swedish ir my remnungbon,,., shall commence its movements as soon « « anilAprovide fortlie reciprocal restoration ofharmonv hetw.. n 11. To prevent anv farther effussion of MftnA . tice shall be instantly signed. ’ a P rAv lßot>> l | I te. The Norwegian flag to be respected the cam4 armistice. r luc con ‘*nuati a4tf I Ratified, CHRISriAK ° I I ratify tiie present Convention; and seize wi‘h . i I opportunity of giving a proof of my seatimems I giau nation and unuj. r low ‘Wd* the I (Si » n _ eJ) Charles I CUSTOM-HOUSE ABUSES. _ The following letter presents such a vie W of ' I Hees of the Custom-house at the port of l.ondm, Pn * I than at the outsorts, as we believe theinland nubi’; I httle acq united with. Such proceedings as th s * ° lS| "* I cause mat so many people have been dissatisfud I Government under which they liv®. We are n|. .? I the t.mperate manner in which the Lords of hi A? I I n-a-.t.ry reprimand the Commissioners us Citsto. I we trust that something of the furtiter in re will S f : i| k ’ < I thc'suuviter in mddo ; and particularly, that that k»' I of Customs, which could recommend some remur I to an olhcer, lor having made what the Lords oft] t”* I sury du themse ves call “a mast unjust seizure ” I bronsh, W e .ekr lo .he f.„, k * I f hr foiioAiiig letter. * I We would also take the liberty of submitting tn I consideration of lhe Lords of his Majesty’., T re * I how many com; laints o f the out-port Ctmom.hmit s ?* I y;r reach their L.rdship*; but are only | a j d before tL I Commissioners ol Customs in London, a s the «>o * I •uggi-st (hat their out, officer should hccnii lcdtoasa I .facts n \c« oin. iso to ph actice, for that which annu. I to the Lords of the 1 reasury to huve a most U'justssi iVt I TR E A SUR Y C iIA MB IIK, Arc. 11, igQ. I Gentlemen,— J am command, d by the Lords Commit. I Monerv of his Majesty’s Treasury to inform yuu.thdl they ave recently had under theii consideration rqiresea I tationfrom various merchants, complaining o f unjust sei* I zur. s and vexatious detentions by the officers of your 1* I partments. 3 B In some of these cases my Lards have observed thatffi.l precise letter of Acts of Parliament framed many y,. an I ago, in time of peace, and of mure circumscribed commerce. I have been rigorously applied amid.f all ths difficulties iu I ndent to war. and against the manifest spirit o f the Aci I themselves, the penalties of which were directed for tie I punnbment of fraud or culpable negligence, and nut for I accidental or triral omissions. Io tour ci-.-s which wil serve as examples of man. otlnr.s, lam mint aiaffil todr-w your special atten.imi;-! lhe first the seizure of fu nty hogsheads ot sugar, •nfend with the m.nk RS instead of R. S.: these hugu head, were s.izcd by lhe officers of y uiir department, R •Bn fol, merely fur the omission of the small interveaisf i’ a.-k ; and a satisfaction has been demanded for thera. iot iiion of each ca«k of one guinea. It is quite manifest, from all the circumstances of this case, that no fiaud could Lave bcm intended. To g nut a satisfaction, therefore, to the seizing officer could tend only to encourage similar sciztin s for trifling irregularities, and, therefor , my Lords cannot sanction the payment t» the seizing officer us a: j satisfaction whatever, but direct the imm diate restoration of the goods. Another seizure at the port of Bristol, which has parti, cularsy attracted thei, L<»rd»hij s’ observation, is that of two hogsheads ot sugar imported in the ship Ruth, in tin month ot Apii , and s ( u d by the officer, as he declared for lieiim an excess upon the report of th. charge, against tha iheearne-t remonstrance of the owners, who contended ii. t «he cargo entirely correspond d with the report. After nearly tour months’ detention, and various reports am! corresponde .ee, the owners were enabled, from ths accidental circnmstaiisc of no part of the cargo having beta ‘o.d until the whole w as delivered, to prove that there was no ground whatever for the seizure, and the very irrego. lanty which was the pretence for the seizure was traced to the officer himself. A third case at the port of Bristol, is that of the sugar imported in the Anna Maria, a part of which has beea m ized betause-the marks do not entirely correspond with (he report ; but as the whole contents of the cargo, as rs. ported and delivered, agree, there is no ground to suspect any fraud, and the irregularity is not of an extent to call for any penalty. My Lsrds,’ therefore, desire that ths sugar may be forthwith restored, without any satisfaction w hatever. A fourth case, now before their Lordships, is that of the /erscueraflcc, in the port of London, which vessel and her cargo have been seized under circumstances so ertraordinary, as to dviuand their Lordships immediate in. terposition. It appears that this ship brought some cases of sugar from Gibraltar, and, under the existing laws, w£ not liable to seizure, but the owners were at liberty to send ths vessel and cargo again from this country. They applied, inwever, to their Lordships for leave to laid and warehouse the cargo ; and whilst this application was under consideration, your officers Construing such application into an intention to laud the goods for w arehousing, scizsd the vessel and cargo. Theapplication to their Lordshis for permission to waremuse being refused, the memorialist then applisd for order to tranship the cargo into another vessel, for Gibral/ lu P e< ‘tioner being subject to heavy demurrage for detaining the vessel;” to this request their Lodships were pleased to accede, and your Board were apprised thcraof on t »e c»ih ult., anddwioti to give teuuwUate dirwti»« *W teal purpest.
fjie vMsd Pertev?rtmce and cargo tiavTng, fiowerer, . seized by your officers as above stated, you have reeited their L >rd*hips’ directions, submitting “that V did their Lordships be pleased to order the delivery ot Xe goods and veTcl, the seizing officer might, according * the practice, b? entitled to a satisfaction ; but you be s tosubmithow fartheir Lordships, under thecircumslants. l av think he has any claim to the same. * According to the view which my Lords at present take fthis case, the ordinal seiz ire appears to have been mort just and any prretice which would entitle the oflicei to satisf ction cannot be 100 much censured, or too soon like this, my Lords expect, from the discrin ina•w judgment of your Board, the prompt and vigorous m;u«d to desire, I that if upon the delivery of ca govs of ve.-scls it shall ap. pear tint any packages which may be erroueuusly maikcd, du in substance an J coat, uts correspond w ith the report and the manifest, neither sucl. goods or vessels slull be deemed liable to seizure on account of such error. 1 am, G« nth men, Your obedient servant, Fomc.io’onf rt Customs. (Signed) b. K. LUSHIN JTON. An arrangement b fwemi Great Britain and Holland Bas been signed, on the part ol the former by the Prince Regent, and wa» sent oif on Mu.ijy lust (Aug 29) to Bros el-, to receive the signature of the Piince Sovereign of the Nt th Hands. The Cape of G ood Hope, Dcinarary, Esrequebo, and Berhicc, ar to be retained by this Cuun. try. Batavia, and all the rest of the islands and places, •s Surinam, Cmacoa, and St. Euslatia, conquered Horn the Dutch during the war, Brc8 r c agreed to be. restored by the treaty. Ceylon, of course remains with us, as 11 was Ceded tu Great Bi tain before the war. The value of Cutacoa and St. Enstatia are said to be much dimiiii.*hcd by the openness of the tr.t I • to the Spanish main, for wbioa they foitn rly served as thug, .at depots tor European con. traband goods. A strange an! incredib! • report was spread yesterday through the town, o th • strenghi us letters of the 28:h from Gibra't?i ;—Th ¦»« s j •, that the Government of Spain had by a public order excluded all French vessels Dearint, the white flag from ihc por.s ofSpam. The motive •I ibis ho-ti’e co td n t is said to be th.siuctio 1 given by Louis X V Jll. tut he claims of Clnirks I V*. 011 the i’lirone •f Spain. We bar ly think it pro • r tu notice the ru. ftiotir, and the foundation f»r it, wi uuut attaching any Credit to it oum lv is. . 1 he Dutch mail of yesterd ty (Aug. °fi) presents several •r icus of intelligence ; winch, it not import mt, are yet interesting o amusing. I'h re is, indeed, something highly gratify big in the power n oca .e have acquired by the peace, of sharing j >,or i wing the demesne transactions ®f surround! ig nriotis w iihuul fee Tig icsuamt or exciting jealousy. The Prince Seven ign oft,,. U id* J Ivelhei lands •as been invested with the Old 1 of the Gaiter, and the Hereditary Prine?, his sun, with th.it ol the Hath. The Ceremonies took place at Brussels, the scat of all that is gay in the L>w Countries, | robabiy the future seat of empire al«o fur the Jlu ;sc of Nassau Orange. 1 here the Duke ol Wei i igion is, looking at the state of defence in ch thegirriao snd towns are on the Flemish frontier; •nd this, we apprehend, may be dune without giving just •ause for di-satisfac'i in to any one. An empire which •as acquired a new frontier, would of course, even i 1 time •f the profonndest peace, have a barrier thrown around it. "he towns between Namur and the North Sea a.e those general which formed the barrier in the reign of Queen Anne. Louis XIV. was most anxious to letain Tournay »n his hiftids, but was not allowed ; yet the Allies of those ¦*y< he»er entered Paris, though Lord Boii -gliroke say» •hat projects of that nature w ere in contemplation. 'J he | French barrier line will of course consist of Bergues, Cas!¦ StVenant, Lisle, St. Arnaud, Maubeuge; tu the forvhcatiuns of which they will no doubt attend, and yet, *« preiume, without any expectation of an attack in that quarter. Ihe Government of the Prince Sovereign, if such as ¦escribed in the Dutch mail, is politic and conciliating. The employment of native subjects in offices of state ™ r oughout the Belgic provinces, is peculiarly proper. Hts Highness will recollect enough of the early history of own country's indt*|>endeuce, to bo aware that the ¦rst feeling of disgust which sprung up in the minds of Dutch, was exciud by the uuwbwr of who surrounded Philip IT. during his stay among them, and engrossed all the incratic offices. It is the intention of the Admiralty, in consequence of the numerous captures made by the Americans, to be extremely strict with Captains who quit their convoy at sea, or who, contrary to orders, sail without convoy. Pro. secutioiis of blasters of ships for neglect of this descrip, lion, have already commenced, as will Ise seen by thesubjoiued extract of a letter: — “Lloyd*, August 31, 1814. “The Lords Commissionersul the Admiralty have been jilcased to inform the Committee, that they have given dirs tions to their Sulicdor to prosecute the Masters of ¦he following vessels, viz.:—Mr Smart of the lately arrived at Liverpool from St. Domingo, and Jamaica, for sailing withont convoy ; and Mr. Kundell, Master of the Acre Frederick t from Malta to Hull, forde. setting the fleet under convoy of his Majesty’s ship aVI/. joril } in J one last.” (Signed) “JOHN BENNETi', Jun.” We have seen a list of A aerie in captures published on the 11 th of July, from which it appears that during ih. setundgear oj the aar they aiiio mted to no less than 825 vessels, many of w hich were valuable pr z ». The vacant R?d Ribands are conferred on i.ieut.Gen. Sir H. Clinton and Admiral W. Young. A Committee ol French merchants have, we hear, waited on Ministers to represent to them the policy of with, drawing the high duties on German ami Dutch linens, HHich we believe is about 25 t .ei cent, it was slated by them that numerous ships, with cargoes, from the liavann :h a d elsew here, have gone to Germany tor hutii.-, it being impracticable to übta.u them from neuce u dvi the d>sadv an tag. s of the Custom House imposts, and the consequence has been, But the donsignme.tts aim die re. tnriii have devolved into foreign Lauds. Lie answer maue by the Minister was,a» wc are infu.m. J, limt lie is pe». iectly sensible ofthebeneht of the i .t.icouise, Out that the duties on linens are Uvit-u m aicummuu .Uuii to lae manufactures of Ireland. Mr. Colquhoun, in his recent treatise 01 the wealth, power, and resources of the Bntisa empire, has uie lullowing statrmeHt on the number <>f paupeis.—“According to the return made to i arl.ament, in the year 18U3, the number of individuals who rtceiV id parocmai relief m England and Wales, amounted to one minion forty thousand and seventeen, ami tins on a population (according to a return made to Parliament two years baton) which amounted only to nine miliiotis taiee ou.idied and forty, three th.i isand.” Tti« Bank, notes in circulation July 3,1813, amounted to 23,314,890/. ; on July 10th, same year, t024,b91,43L>/. In ciicniatiu 12d July, 181», 2d,J0i 5 3 >Bf. and ou the Sth July instant 29,532,90 b/. I'alul Ciiiiuiiicncc.—in New Orleans, America, on the llh of April last, died Mr. iierlhe Ggrtnii, mercuant, r ed 71 years, and one ol the oldest name inhabitants ul that city. Finding himsell indisposed m the middle of the night, he sent lor Dr. Domtiigo /7nce Regent of Great Britain, acting in th* name and o 1 the bcfiall ol the Sovereign, to invest theneMf hnight with the insignia of the order, this ceremony took pi ice on the 22.1, in presence ot a very cousideiable a* sembly, composed ol tiie principal Functionaries, the Vhiel Officers ol the Siati, aud the most distinguished 9! our citizens of both sexes. After the usual forms had been gone through, Lord Castlereagh, in person, attach, cd me gaiter to the person of the Prince Sovereign, and tiie Duke ot Cambridge decorated his Roy al Highness wills the ribband ol the order, and thc.r gave him the saiutto prescribed by the statutes “ 1 fie reception of the Hereditary Prince o r Orange t as K iigbl us tiie o>dcr ol the Balti, took place i umedi. ate y aiteiward-. Lord Castlereagh, ui (resetting tha d cuiatiuti, wish that facility and ekgiame vt hich cliara • terise his Lordship, addressed his Royal H.ghness in .4 speech w inch made a lively and agreeable impression on *.l who hr aid it. W\ notice as the most remarkable | as. sages those in which lie mentioned the order of the Bath as tee nisi military order of kkeat Britain, and as being tiiiy gianted to his Royal Highness fur his ta'oerasa wa r or, and I.is conduct full of dignity as a Prince; th<> s in wiiicn the Noble Lord alluded to the services performed to England ny the House of (Lange, in the establishment of liberty a.iu national prosperity ; and a-.-ured him th?t among the numerous recompenses which the fortunate events of late months had called iq 01 the Prince Regent t<» bestow, there was none which gave the people ol England more sincere satisfaction than the bestowal of the present ; and, in line, where his Excellency expressed hisconfideiictf that the same talents and bravery winch relatisto persons ui such high distinction is now befo e the w arid, and this conduct ol each is now duly appreciated. 1 his day took [dace the celebc.auou of the birth-d iy of the Prince of Orang?. In tiie morning thenwas a superb parade in the park ; the English G ux.ds, the first r of Belgic in antry us the line, the hone artill. ry . ami a regiment of Hanoverian Hussars, wcredrawnup in line in this vast and magnificent space. The whole formed thj most pleasing spectacle, from the finances of the troops, and ihe elegant diversity of their uniforms. The crowds attracted to the spectacle were so numerous, that it was difficult (• move. Alter several discharges of nuoketry, all the troops defiled before the Palace of the Prince. Sports, illuminations, and fire works, teiminatid the les* tivitie* us this day, winch will form an epoch in iheannalto us Brussels. All true friends of thcii country must hmctf date the era of the renewal of its happiness and prosperity. Ghent, Aug. 2'i.— Mr. Todd, sun in-law to President Madison, ana Private Secretary loMr. Gallatin, itariivvA here. It is affirmed that a camp of English troops will be formed between Tournay and Courtray. By a private letter, of good authority, in this colony, it was understood that those colonies, by somearrangciueuiM would be ceded to Great Britain for live years. TIIE IRISH DEMAGOGUES. We perceive by the Dublin Papers, that the Letter 0/ M Quarantatti, from Rhome, was received by tne Iristx Demagogues in the manner that might be expected. Tut* Organ of the Faction in Dublin, terrified at the prospect of conciliation or harmony, says—“We are really glad that Q larantofti has afforded to the people of Ireland an opportunity of repelling the charge of passive obedience and mean subserviency to th* See of St. Peter.— Theg will not obeg this Deere And an “Irish Priest,” in the same Paper, expresses himself in the following elegant manner upon the subject. After insinuating that M. Quarantotti was bribed by Lord W. Bentinck, he says—“ Mr. Quarantotti, and hito most learned Pi elates, were undoubtedly poor at the time j the argumentum ad ventrtm is very strong every where, and particularly at Rome.” He then proceeds to call the Pope’s Vicar “aconsam* mate blockhead,” and concludes thus.— “Every attempt to weaken the Catholic Church in Ireland shall in the end prove fruitless; and as long as tha i Hhamroc so green* shall adarn our island, so long shall the Faith delivered to us by St. Patrick prevail, in spit* of Kings, Parliaments, Orangemen, and Quarantuttis.” Xto-J At his plantation in Canje t Air,
By His Excellency Henky Wilytam Bentixck, Esquire, Lieut .-Governor over the colony Berbice and its Dependencies-, Ssc. sc. &c. And the Honorable Court o f Policy and Criminal Justice of the said colony. To all whom these presents may or shall come, Greeting! Be it known : Wiser eas Representation has been made. to us, that the attention is not paid to our Or-* finance of the \Ath. November, 1810, whereby Slaves are forbidden to le worked by their Masters on a Sunday. In order therefore to ensure better observance of the Regulations contained in our aforesaid Proclamation, we have, after such emendation as we have deemed necessary, caused the said Ordinance to be re-published for general information, strictly retfviring obedience thereunto ft uni all the Inhabitants of this colony. PROCLAMATION. BY His Excellency Major General Samuel Dal a tuple, Acting Governor ; and the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice. To alt to whom these present may or sha* come ; Gretting ! Be it known : Whereas we have deenu d it of the highest ne•essity for (he welfare of the Colony, and its inhabitar/s, and being desirous of making such essential Regulations, as will promote the Welfare ot Negro Slaves, and the Tranquility of the Colony; as also to comply with the wishes ol a great majority of the community, who have made representation to ns on the principle of the inadequacy of the existing Law, for these purposes ; to revise and reconsider I lie Laws and Ord num rs of the Colony at present in iorci* which having been dune In Is. Wi the Governor and Court of Pobcy in Council assembled, make known these our .\’w Adoj ted Regulations, Ordering and enjoining all the Inhabitants of this Colony, t<» obey them, and c use them to be obeyed ; Im that pu pose revoking all former Laws ami Regulations made by Us, that in any wise militate or can be construed to militate agai< st these our present Ordmances, and Firstly with regard to the punishment ui Negroes, or other Slaves, < irdain. ART. I. That no Owner, Pioprietor, Attorney, or any other description or class of persons having controui over Negroes or other Slaves, shall, under any pretence, ¦whatsoever, on One Day or at One Time, Punish any Slave in a more severe maimer t han by Thirty-Nine Lashes, with a HZ?/ , which Punishment shall not Ire inflicted on any other pint than on the Breech of the Slave, so punished; such persons who exceed this our Ordinance, being subject to-tbe penalty ot Three hundred guildi rs. lhe application oi which penalty is to be made as hereafter shall be resolved on by Us. 11. Well aware that circumstances cannot fail of anting at limes with the slave# that merit a more severe and public punishment, and t ho’ desirious of treating the slaves, with such humanity, that Love and not Fear may operate, as motives for their good conduct to their Masters. We hereby Order, that wh never a Slave commits a Crime or a Fault which his Master thinks deserving of severer Punishment than’l flirty nine Lashes, then, and in that case to have such •lave brought before the Burgher Captain or nearest Burgher Officer of the Lisi riel, who is hereby Ordered and enjoined to cause a Punishment not exceeding One hundred J.ashes, to be inflicted in his presence; it being left to such Burgher Othcer’sdiscretion, to Punish such Negroes as are brought before him as he may think proper, always within the limited number oi One hundred Lashes. 111. All Masters, Owners, or Ilirersof Slaves, are hereby strict y enjoined, whenever any slave has committed any Offence which can be so far looked upon as a Crime, and tin rein to offend against the Laws oi the Land, to cause such slave to be brought before the Burgher Captain of the District, or next Senior Burgher Officer, that the Crime laid to the Negroe’s charge, may be looked into, and if found of that nature, so as to deserve Severer Punishment than what lie the Burgher Officer has it in his power to inflict, to cause the negro or slave so offending, to be sent forth w ith to the 1 ucal oi tbeL’olony, to be dealt with according to Law. All persons, Planters, Inhabitants, and others, ¦Whomsoever the same may be, are hereby strictly enjoined, under no pretence whatever, to inflict, or cause to be inflicted, any punishment, of any kind, on the Negro or Slave of another man, or on Slave* not th«ir own property, or over which they have not Roonscd •vnkwul, «c have in Jure, save and except I Blow, which any person is allowed to give to a Negro or Slave, being guilty of insolence or imper timmce in speaking or replying to awhile or tree person, under penalty oi forfeiting for every offence the sum of One Thousand Guilders. V. All and every of the Inhabitants of this Colony are hereby strictly ordered and enjoined, under a Penalty of Five HundrdGuilders not to send or order their negroes to work in the Fields, or to do other plantation work on a Sunday or Holiday, except where the immediate preservation of the Estate requires it, such as by Dambreaking, Koker giving away, or other Accidents, which for the safety and preservation of the property requires immediate assistance. 1 he Burgher Officers of the District or either of them being positively enjoined on its coming to their knowledge, that Negroes are made to work on any Estates on Sundays, to report the same to the Fiscal. And it is further Oidered, that the Burgher Officers of the District shall listen to, and attend to all Complaints of Slaves on this head if the same, do not appear to him frivo'ous, and to do them justice. VI. No Negro or other Slave, shall be punished by the \\ flip, without being previously laid flat on the ground, his hands ami frets tied sufficiently to prevent his vital parts being injured, under a penalty irum any one causing punishment to be inflicted in a different manner of Five hundred guilders for tat h offence. * V,L M e hereby strictly prohibit all and every person, or persons, whatsoever,from causing any Negroes, or other Slaves, to be buried, who have died suddenly, or who have died in consequence of punishment, or hurt, or who have hung, or otherwise made away with thenis< Ives, without previously giving notice to the Burgher Officer of the District, or n in town, to the fiscal, or without at least procuring a Certificate from the Surgeon of the Estate who had inspected the body, what (he nature of the Disease, Accident or ( ause vmby which the negiu divd, under a penalty ot One thousand guilders. VIH. Lastly AVc Decree, that the Fines and Penalties imposed by 1 s, for non compliance, with these our present Ordinances, shall be divided as follows: one third for the Fiscal, one third to the Lilunncr, and one third tor the Poor of ibis Colony. And in order that no ignorance may be pretended, his cur present Proclamation shall be posted up, atiix< d, and circnlatcd fur the infoi mat ion of all whom it may concern. liius Resolved, Enacted ami Published in ourextraordinary Sittings, held in New Amsterdam, IJerbice, the 14th November, 1S10; Present, hi* Excellency Major General Samuel Dalrymple, Acting Governor; and the Honorable Members L. C. Abbensefs, J. lapin, S. Kendall, P. Fairbairn, and S. eraser. Absent, the Hon, A. J. Glazius. hl presence of , . . R. C. DOWNER, Sec. And in order that no ignorance may be pretended, these presents shall be sent round to each Estate,and published in the usual manner. I bus enacted incur Ordinary Sessions of the Court J Negr.is huckstering tn and about this ;. h,/ are ,iut bcl«> uh established iicsi. dent oj this Colony. And Lastly, that this Order nuty be strictly observed, His Honor the Fiscal is enjoined to imprison the Trani, gress -rs as afmesaid, and pursue them Jur such lint and confiscation us by the Laic is established. Giceu under my Hand and Sea' at Arms, al the Kinfl Bouse, Berbice, this I3r/i day of October, 1814. H. AV . BENTINCK. By Cb mm and, F . XV H ITE, Gov. Sec. ( Ultra time of publishing.') CUSTOM HOUSE, . Berbice, Blh October, 1814. ’V II LI?EAS it having been represented to thii Office, that colony and other boats have been, and are constantly employed, in clandestinely conveying away the produce of this colony, as also bringing Rum and ail kind of non-Enumerated Goods, without (either) Enteringof Clearing, indirect Violation ot tlie Revenue Laws and Customs, provided and established for the protection ot Trade in Hi* Majesty's Plantations. And as the Law requires the Master of every boat or vessel, being of 15 tons burthen, to report at the Customs, whether in ballast, or if otherwise, coming from another Port, the particular description of her Lading, and who consigned to, under certain Penalties directed in the said Act, which penalties will be duly enforced in default thereof; and likewise, that no vessel of this description can in future be allowed to remain at anchor in or about the entrance of the canal leading from thip east coast or Canje creek, without making, within 24 hours, after such arrival, the usual report, required by law, at this Office. THs. CHAPMAN, Collector. THE Domicilium Citaudi et Executandi, of the subscriber, is at the house of A. Stewart & Co. !WOct. JOHN MARTIN. wsem— 11 i* in ¦ mi* ii ¦ —mbm—— Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, r. By W. SCHULZ Co. Government Printers