Berbice gazette

Material Information

Berbice gazette
Uniform Title:
Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
Place of Publication:
New Amsterdam
W. Schulz
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
New Amsterdam (guyana)
newspaper ( sobekcm )


General Note:
General Note:
Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
General Note:
The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
General Note:
In English, with occasional text in Dutch
Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Resource Identifier:
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Digital Library of the Caribbean
Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
University of Florida


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7\vetve dollars p. annum.]

By His Excellency Henry
Bentinck, E quire, Lieut.-Coverno
of the colony Berime and its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, *s’c. s’r.
And the Honorable the Court of Policy
stnd Criminal Judice of the said colony.
To all to whom these presents may or shall
Come, Greeting ! Be it known
Whereas the late unhappy preme premeditated
ditated premeditated disturbances on the West and East Sea Coast
of tiiis colony, places us under the necessity to call
Upon tlie C -lonist* under this Government, tub. ar
their proportionate quota of the expences necessari necessarily
ly necessarily iacuire 1 in crushing a plot which endangered th
safety of the colony.
Am! whereas the proceedings instituted by us for
the detection and punishment of such offenders as
were proven to b? concerned in the said premedita premeditated
ted premeditated disturbances, have occasioned severe am! heavA
expences. —And as by our Ordinance of the lltli of
January, 1814, we are bound to indemnify and make tolhe Proprietor* of the Slaves so capitally pu punished
nished punished by virtue of our Sentence, the value thereof;
AV e h tvo in order to provide for the payment of (he
said just and necessary expences, roih '4er<-d it most
expedient and equitabl *, that all the Inhabitants ot
this colony possessing SI ives, should contribute in
proportion to the numb r oi Skives possessed bv
them, toward* the r payment oft hose expenses which
the colony ha* been put »<,.
SO IT IS, th I we ha \ e enacted, as we do hereby I
Enact, th it <• ch tin.l <*ey Inhabitant shall contri contribute
bute contribute and pay un* » the I*< reiver General of the coin,
ny Berbice, agitable to the Rr.turn for the Capita-
Lon Tax, made to the Receiver General’* Oflice do doling
ling doling the month of January, 1814, theirquota or pro proportion
portion proportion towarls the payment of the aforementioned
expenses after the rae of two gudd< rs per head, for
encl* and every Slave posses.-ed by them at that time,
liable to the Ordinary’ Head-money or capitation tax.
AIS I) we du further bv these presents, qnriMfyand
authu.ize the lb c< iver General of tic, colony, utter
the expiration oi the time appoint • I, n tm *iy the 31
December, 1814, to compel and enforce payment of
the said capitation tax, front all defaulters, l»v Sun -
th ary Execution, and without further process of
And in order (hat no ignorance may’ be pretended,
these presents shall be published, printed, posted u; .
and sent round th? colony a* usu d.
Thus enacted in our Ordinary Assembly, In Id i"
the King’s House, New Amsterdam, Berbice, i his y
day ot October, ISl4.—Present, His Excellemv l‘.
AV. Bcnt'nck, Esq. Lieidenanl-Goveinor; and Hr
Il.onorable Member* John Tapi'q.las. Fraser, P< tei
Fairburn and Geo. Munro; —Dempf's, th? llon’bL
Jklemb rs.lohn M’.'anion and A. J. Glasin-..
And published on the Oth Octobr foll-.iwimr, in
presence of His Excellency the Lieutenant-Gover Lieutenant-Governor,
nor, Lieutenant-Governor, and the aforesaid Men tiers.
By toinmond nf the Court.
if. c. n<> w x b, Sec.'
By His ExcelLncy Heney* William
Benti \ ex, Esquire, ' Lieut.-Go. ci not
over the colony Bet bice and its Depen Dependencies,
dencies, Dependencies, fa fa fa
And the Honorable Court o f Policy and
Criminal Justice of the said colony.
To all whom these presents may or shall
come, Greeting I Be it known ;
Whereas Representation
tntlde lows, that due attention is not paid to our Or Ordinance
dinance Ordinance of the 14/// Amren/f/rr, IS 10, whereby Slaves
•rt forbidden to be worked by their Masters on a
Jn order therefore to ensure heifer observance nf
the Regulation contained in our aforesaid Procla Proclamation,
mation, Proclamation, we batt, after such foundation as we hare
deemed necessary, caused the said Oidinanrt to be
Te-pub fished for general information, ttrictlu rtqui rtquiring
ring rtquiring obedience then unto from all the Inhabitants of
this lyleny. <


BY His Excellency Major General SavVF.l
Daluympli', Jcting Governor; and the f/o f/o---fioralde
--fioralde f/o---fioralde Court of Policy and Ciiminal Just'ue
of the Colony Berbice.
To all to whom these present may or shall conic ;
Greet inn I Beit known:
Whereas we h ive di em< I it of th * highest ne necessity
cessity necessity for (Iy* welfare of he Golu -y, and its lull b -
tan’s, and being desirous of mak.ig such essenfji!
’leg'll t'ions, 'ip will pr > nose tl e Weharcof Negro
S’.ives,-irid the I'rmcmility of (he Colony; as also
to comply with tin* wishes of a great in ijority of the
comm;!oily, who have in tie r present iiion to us on
the principle of the inadi qua y of the exists ig Laws
for these purposes; to revise and reconsider tie. L*w
’in * which hav ng Iv*. n don? by is. VV ttAli? (rover i>.
and Court of Policy in C mucil assembled, riake
known th *»e our New Adopted R<- ul itions, Order Ordering
ing Ordering an I enjoining all the Inhabitants o! tips Colony,
to obey (hem, and cause them to be obey id ; for that
pu pose revoking all form- r Laws and negul itions
made by Us, that in any’ wise juilitale or can be con construed
strued construed to inilim’e ag’inst these our present Ordinan Ordinance*,
ce*, Ordinance*, and I'irsffy with regard to the punishment ui
Negroes, or other Slaves, Ordain.
That no Owner, Proprietor, Attorney, or any odier
description or class of personshaving coniroiii over
Negroes or other Slaves, sh ill, under any pretence,
whatsoever, on One Day or at Oau Time, Punish my
Slave in any more severe manner t Irin by Thirty-me
T.ashes, \\d'\ "A n hip,Vih\e\i Punishment sh di not
tie inflicted on any other part than oa the iiricch of
tlu* Slave, so punished; such persons who exert'd
â–  his our Ordinarce, b i:ig suhjci tto th penaily ot
'ihree hnndiedguiders. I b application m which
penalty is to be made as hereafter s.i.dl be resulted
on by I's.
XVi I! aware that circumstances cannot ftil of ari arising
sing arising at 'i"i> s with tlieslavis that m< i t a mon st vire
md p"bkc p I'Lshmvn*, and ho’ J< sir.onsoi treating
th? slaves, wi«l; such humanity, that Luve and ;.oi
hear may operate, as motives for their good conduct
to their Musters. We hereby b i SI) vi' < (I'tim 1 s a Ciin" or a Foiil which his Mas Masferfhi
ferfhi Masferfhi ks d'sirving of sev. rer Pumshment thanl'iin thanl'iiny
y thanl'iiny nine Lashes, then, and in that case to have such
’ iv. brought before the Burgher Captain or nearest
• iurgher Offi er ot the District, who is hereby Or Ort
t Ort r. it and nj lined to ciuse a Puuisliment not ex ex"cmYmg
"cmYmg ex"cmYmg Oiu hundred I .ashes,to he iuliicled in his
presence; it being left to such Burgher Officer's dis discretion,
cretion, discretion, to Punish such .Negroes as are brought be before
fore before him as he may think proper, always within the
limited number of One hundred Lashes.
All Masters, Owners, or Hirers of Slaves, arc here hereby
by hereby strict v enjoined, whenever any slave has com committed
mitted committed any Offence which can be so far looked upon
as a Crime, and therein to offend against the Laws ot
the l/ind, to cause such slave to be brought before
the Burgher Captain of the District, or next Senior
Burger Officer, that the Crime laid to the Negroes
ch irge, may be looked into, and if found of that na nature,
ture, nature, so as to deserve Severer Punishment than what
he the Burgher Officer has it in his power to inf Pct,
to cause the negr i or slaw so offending, to be sent
forthwith to the Fiscal of the Colony, to be dealt with
according to La »v.
All persons, Planters, Inhabitants, and others,
whoniso.'vi r the same may be, are heraby strictly en enjoined,
joined, enjoined, under no pretence whatever, to inflict, or
cause to be inflicted, any punishment, oi any kind,
on the Negro or Slave of another man, or on Slaves
not tin ir own property, or over which they have not
licensed confront, or have in hire, save and except
(hie. Blow, which any person is allowed to give to a
Negro or Slave, being guilty of insolence or imper
tincncc in speaking or replying to a while or tree
person, under penalty of fori'eitihg for every offence
the sum of One Thousand Guilders.
All and every of the Inhabitants of this Colony are
licrcby strictly ordered and enjoined, under Penal-


ty of Tire Jlurdrd Gui'ders not to send or order their
negroes to work in the Fit Ids, or to do other planta plantation
tion plantation wo k on a Sunday or Holiday, except wherethe
immediate preservation of the Estate requires it,
'â– in h ns by Dambreaking, Kober giving away, or
oil) r Accidents, v,hi< h ft»r th? s fety ahd pre*erva pre*erva'
' pre*erva' o i of the property requires immediate assistance.
I'he Burgh t Officers of the District or either ofthrni
beingpnsitively enjoined on its coining to their know know'edge.
'edge. know'edge. But Ne. roes are made to work on any Estati s
o • < i* is f?idi?r (hdi'red, that the Burgher Officers of
the Distrief sh ill listen to, and attend to all Com Comjliir.ts
jliir.ts Comjliir.ts of Slaves on this h ad if the same, donut
appear tu him frivu ous; and to do them justice.
No Negro or oilier Slave, shill be punished by
th? bin, withoul b Tig previously laid flat on th.j
groun h s hands and ferfs tii d sufficiently to pre.
'•ent hi* vital parts being injured, under a penally
*’om any one causing punishment to be inflicted ii|
a different manner of The hundred guilders for each
‘Vlt .
We hereby strictly prohibit all and every person*
or persons, whatsoever,from causing nny Negroes
or other SI iv«*>, tube b iried, who have died sudden.
Iy, or who have died in consequence of punishment
<»' hurt, or who have hung, or otherwise made away
with th m- Ivi s, without previouJy giving notice
to the Burgh. .t Officer of the Dish id, or if in town
to the Fiscal, or without at least procuring a Ccrfil
fieate from the Surgeon of the Estate who had in inâ– speefed
■speefed in■speefed the body, what the na’ur? of the Decease,
Ac< i lent or Cause via- by which the negro died, un.
dera penally o. One thousand guilders.
L?sl’y We Decree, that the Fin»s and Penaltiei
imposed by IN, f or non compliance, with these our
present < frdinaeces, shall be divided as t<>L'ow.s: one
third for the Fiscal, One third to the Informer, and
one third for the Poor of this Colony.
And in order that n > ignorance may be pretend • !
his our present Proclamation shall b<* posted up, al.
fixe**!, and circulated for the information of all whoaj
it may concern.
Thus Resolved, Enacted and Published inourexJ
traordinary Sittings, held in New Amsterdam, fkr fkrbice,
bice, fkrbice, the 14th November, 1810; Pnsmt, his Ex.
cellency Major Generd Snn///r/ Dalrymple, Actin**
Governor ; and the Honorable Member* L. C.
bensets, J. Tapin, S. Kendall, P. Fairbairn, and S;
Fraser. Absent, the Hon. A. J. Glazius.
In presence of
And in order that no ignorance may be pr"tende these presents tihall be sent round to each Estate, and
published in the usual manner.
Thus enacted in our Ordinary Sessions of the Court
of Policy and Criminal Justice, on the 4th Oct. 1814.
Present, His Excellency the Governor, and the Hon*
Members J. Tapin, J. M’Camon, Jas. Fraser, Peter
Fairbairn, G. Munro,—dem pt is, A. J. Glasius.
And published on the 5m October following, iri
presence oi His Excellency the Governor, and tho
aforesaid Members. ’
By Command of the Court;
K. C. DOWNER, Sec.
BY His Excellency 11. IV. Bentincy, Esq.
Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony Berbice
and its Dependencies, President in all Courts
and Colleges within the same, Ssc.
W hereas I have received the Complaint of Mer Merchants
chants Merchants and Inhabitants of this Colony, stating that there
are a number of Negroes huckstering in and about this
Colony, who are Hot belonging to Residents, ivhichprav
tire is unlawful amt detrimental to the Complainants.—
I have thcrejore thought fit for the Remedy and Breren»
tion of s icn irregularity, to Declare, and do hereby ,
.Vorr/ F: That every Huckster found without my Rasa ’
or Licence, shall be apprehended ard Lodged in the Co
lony Jail, and further dealt with according to Law.
And that the said Licences may be duly and rcg’darly
Ybluiiicd, the Jpplicauls for the same shall bs obligetf

(No. $23.

in advance.

"Certify in terming that the Huckster is either a free
Resident, or the Slave belonging to an established Resi.
dent of this Colony.
And Lastly, that this Order may be strictly observed,
His Honor the Fiscal is enjoined to imprison the Trans,
grciurs as aforesaid, and pursue them for such Fine
und confiscation as by the Law is established.
Given under mi) Hand and Sea' at Arms, at the King's
House, Herbice, this \Jth day of October, 18 11.
By Commnnd,
F. WH I I'E, Gov. See.
King's House, \Qth October, 1814.
The Dispatch of which the following is a copy, was
yesterday received by the Lieut. Governor, from Rear.
P. C. Durham, and is published for general in.
By fits Excellency Cammand.
F. WHITE, Gov. Sec.
Fenerrtle, Saintcs, Sth Sept. 1814.
Having yesterday received Directions from
the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, to appoint a
Convoy, for conducting the homewardbound Trade from
St. 1 homas, on (he 15th of November next. 1 acquaint
your Excellency, for the information of the Merchants
•nd Planters, that in consa pience of such directions, the
homeward Trade will sail from the Colonies and Islands,
at the time here u >d ‘mentioned, being 15 days later than
the periods Axed by any former arrangement.
1 have the honor to be, Sir,
Your most obedt. humble servant
Rear. Admiral, Commander-iu-Chief.
NR. The Trade must pcsifivi iy be at St. Thomas's by
the 15/Zt of November, or they have to wait until
the next convoy,
Barbados.,,,, Nov. fOominica Nov. S
S 'Huam 2 Guadeloupe 3
Berbice, 2) or as soon aj- Montsemt........ 9
Deinerary, 21 ter as posible Antigua........... 9
Tobago ( Vevis 10
St. V incent .. 7 it. Kitt’s 10
Grenada 8 ■it. Martin’s 9
J rinidad 7 i'ortola 14
St. Lucia 7 st. Croix 14
Martinique F St. Thomas 15
St. Eustatius t
To H's Excellency 11. W. Brntinck,
&c. Ac. Ac. Berbice.
Berbice, ]sth Oct. IS 14.
THE pressing demands against this Office, requires
. Immediate payment of the Taxes, now due, for
Weitrh Motvy and old Arrears.—The undersigned
therefore gives notice, that if w ill not be in his power
to grant any indulgence a'iferthe Ist of next month.
Berbice, \bth Oct. Is 14.
CASH want d for Hie following Bills,drawn by the
Commissary G‘neral, on the Right Honorable the
Jj >r l.s Coaiinisbiune's ol His Majesty’s Treasury,
via:— No. 2777 1.50
27 78 150
50‘3—. 100
50 4 -—IOO
3015 joo
■£ 600 Sterling,
for which Tenders in Triplicate, (expressing in words
at lenglit the amount required, and exchange offend)
Will be received at this Office until Tuesday next,
the 18th instant, at 10 o’clock in the morning.
11. HENDY , Dep. Assist. Com. Gen.
On Thursday the 27th instant, will be sold by or order,
der, order, and at the Store of Messrs. Douglas Reid & Co.
the following goods, viz Cotton and linen checks,
printed calicoes, cotton shirting, Irish linen, platillas,
furniture, chintz, Britannias, waistcoats patterns, an
assortment of tapes, threads, and bobbing, fine Welch
flannel, ginghams, diaper and towelling, woodstock
gloves, silk umbrellas, Oznaburgs, cotton bagging,
beer and porter, stationary assorted, saddlery, car carpenters
penters carpenters and coopers tools—also to close sales, a few
cases gentlemen’s best silk hats, and a few half barrels
pork, &c.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue M aster.
On Thursday the2oth instant, will be sold at the Vendue
Office without reserve the following goods, viz:—Real
” Russia sheeting, gentlemen’s made shirts, Oznaburgs,
boots, shoes, ladies ditto, stationary assorted, dowlas,
cambric muslin, tweeledand Mad.sshkfs., linen, Britan.
•• -‘nifa,—blue cotton, salcmpores, furniture, chintz, ladies
O' Mraw bonnets, tftjnlage, coffee and cotton bagging, salt in
barrels, sugar in ditto, nun, gin, brandy, linen and cot.
ton checks, Irish linen whole and half pieces, beef, p pease, barley, Madeira wine in bottles, thread, tajfs,
bobbing, silk and straw hats, a few casks of blue stone
* D. C, CAMERON Dep, Vuuduu Ma»tecr.

The following Letters, if not forthwith claimed, will
be returned to Europe by the first Packet:—
Bartram (E. Lewin (C.
Bartram (Alf. D. Lewis Manor (the Attorney of
Bunnosch (T. Moraut (C.
Blake (T. Munro (Jas.
BetJ(T. Milligan (J.
Beer (J. Mathews (Th.
Burton (Mary Ann. Mackintosh (Chs.
Balfour (J. M’Leod (H.
Baird (W. M’Eiven (N.
Chalmers (J. Mackenzie (M.
Chapman (H. W. Macdonald (J.
Garkle ang. Molenaar (C. J.
Cose (J. Mourand (W. C.
CorsisiF. L. Mahler (D.
Colebeek (J. Morison (J.
Christie (W. MKaeiF.
Dnnn(W. Munro (VV.
Dodson (rt. Norbourne (Capt.
Dminffi. * Ord (J.
1 boratv ; C. t’e.ic'iy D
l oulistj. i’ourter nans (J. C.
!• to»d Dr. Payne (Betse, Ann.
Fraser T. thile(J.B.
Fink((. Robinson (J.
Fraser (J, Rollstone (L. P.
Fucking (C. Roseau (P.
Fetderaoif. Rader (M.
Farley (11. $
Foderingham (W. Robertson (E.
< Gibson (G. Shanks (A.
Gaine (J. Stewart (Jas.
Graval (H. M. Saudison(J.
flail (J. Smith (Mrs. M. T.
Harris (W. Small (T.
Hope i R. * Sciiot t A. J.
Hall(C. Small (J.
Hcazle (Lient. Schwier.s (B. J.
Hantze. Tait and Hollingsworth.
Janson (J. C. Thomson (Robt.
Janson (J. Tait (Robt.
Irvine R. Till(W. -
Kempton (J. W ray (J.
Kittin(C. Wade (J.
Keating (Mrs. Wdson (Geo.
Krieger (A. Wi chropp (Elia.
KetinfMr. Watt (Alex.
Klowens (W, Bollard (Ann.
Kimmis(H. Wade (Ths.
Kummer (F. White (Geo.
Layfiel 1 (J. Whitehall.
Locy (G. Wade (Dr.
Laurence (W,
Berbice, 15th October, ISI-I.
R. M KI.NZIE, Act. Dep. Post Master Gen.
A M iil will be untie up at this Office, and for forwarded
warded forwarded to Detnrrary by the sloop Adventure, on
every Monday morning in future.
Berbice, Ist Oct. 1814.
R. McIkENZIE, Act. Dep. Post Master Gen.
The next meeting of this Society, will !>>• held on
Wednesday the 26th instant, at No. 11, Currentyn
15 Oct. By rennest of the Stewards.
F. COR I', Scry.
In consequence of the sailing of tin* fleet being
postponed, the Sequestrators oi (he above estate w i!
continue to receive tenders for the 20 < r 25 bales,
previously advertised, tili Tuesday the 25th instant,
at the store of Mr. Charles Kyle, when (he lowest
offer, payable either tn cash or bills ofexch ingc, it
approved, Mill be accepted. 15 October.
BA the subscriber, brown stout, poorfcr pr. dozen
and pr. pun. hcon, Madeira wine in pipes, quarter
casks, and pr. Z' n, Dutch sweet milk cheese, Hy Hyson
son Hyson tea, relined loaf sugar, beef in barrels, soap and
candles, &c.—also a few puncheons ivw rum.
15 Oct. B. ZIEGLER.
A AN de EvangclischeLulhersche Gemecnte dezer
Kolo'iie, wordt by dozen bekend gemaakt, als dat in ingvvolge
gvvolge ingvvolge het Arlikel van het Reglemcnt, opDingsdag
den Isten November, door de Regenten van de plan planhgie
hgie planhgie AitosburpA de jaarlyksche rekeningen verant verantwßording
wßording verantwßording zal worden gedaan ten liuize van de vreije
Luc.i •, te Nicuw Amsterdam.
15 Oct. C. D. TO EL, Scriba.
for Tcn Thottrand of good qualify
the produce of Plantation I’Esperance, payable in’
(’ash, will be received at the house of the first under undersigned,
signed, undersigned, in New Amsterdam, until Wednesday the
I9;h October instant, when the same will be opened,
and the highest offer, if approved of, accepted
forself and B. J. SCH WIERS
SIX thousand pounds first quality coffee, the pro produce
duce produce of Pin. Goedland, will lx- received at the house
the second undersigned, fill Monday the 21st in instant,
stant, instant, and if approved of, accepted—payment to be
Aade in cash. G. P. van HOLST

NOTICE is hereby given, that a month after dot d.
following Transports and Mortgages will be vu !/
1 Oct. W. Lav son will transport to Maria Th 1
fall, seven roods of land us lot No. 5 i n v e ’
Amsterdam. i ’
Oct. 8. R. Raines will transport to Polly Hill anarf
of lot No. 7, NcwAmst. adjoining the’ceEJ
road. '•
Nor i c e. S
IS hereby given to all whom it may concern th t
Edwaiid Tin o'iali), 01 this Town <»f New An’isP
dam, is duly empowered by J. H. SciiLAnH Oil «
Esq. for an I in his mme to trapsact, S i Hie a J
adjust all his concerns in this Colony, Demerary a d
Esseqnebo. 41
Berbice, Sth October, 1814.

NEW AMSTERDAM,, Octorer 15, 1814.
Ty the arriving of cur Government Boat the Ilarrid
i : .:.-sui,clh, Jr..m Barbados, we have received our Enditk
Journals d ifed to the 2()lh oj ept.—of which the Mt*
tag are the j artic.nurs. —
Eitract of a letter from Siromstad, dated July 03.
“The A hand, Ge . vra B aron j,. p uJ reportgj (hj|
at eleven o’. >ck on /he morning of the 26 h, he set sail
with (he h., o L .leeg in order to aiuck the enemy’s flo.
tula, stationed m the islands of Ibdo. Theenemy shew
cd mrnsd m order ol battle, no doubt for the purpose J
r connoitn ig our forces. Vaiublc or contrary winds
followed by a ca m, a ..I abuse all, a current extremely
strong in tnu- • pirts, |.rioe!iti;l our vessels from advaac.
.ns,, and ob.igcd them to cast anchor. In the night th«
lemy’s guu.floats rdm J into the Archipelago, between
the islands d Rva'u and IT been able to ciia-r Gut port, they would in all probability
have taken refuge on the other stde of the Gulf, in T 0l!i .
beig and Frcderuksvarn, and then they would have been
immubate.y attacked. I hu» the first operation of the
Aorwtgia'is has been to abandon, witbrjut fighting, ano.
'ilion (that ol tf>e isles of llvalo) which they thought rai.
; regn .b e, at the very sight o f our fleet, and which wai
regarded in the country as the palladium of Norway. Thij
will, without doubt, have a great effect upon the
public <>i inion. The spirit that animates the officers and
crew sos our ibet u suc h, that had the enemy offered any
resistance, there could |>c no doubt that the victory wou4
have been com, I. te.
‘•Our troo; s, under the orders of Major-General 0.
.1 ono r, on upy the islands ui 11 valo, the key of the Gulf .
01 t 'll Colonel Hay lias made a descent on the
island of Not th Sando, Colonel Deskoldcbrand on that of
South Sand >, Major Hay on the island of Herfode. Thu
eit'-my has left many of Im effects, and has cast several
cannon into the sea. The inhabitants scetn con tent and
tmpi yat seeing th. ir sulteriugs terminate. They accnw rich and powerful men of the country of having been
(tie cause of all the evils which threaten the nation. Th*
island ot Kraguro, situate at (lie entrance of the port of
I’ie:k'i ickstadt, u >ll be a. tacked tomorrow". In themeu
time the enemy’s flotilla contigiieu inactive, till it shall
taken or hiiinrd.”
Subsequent lo the above occurrence*, there arealsosaiil
to bu letters in tow 11 of the Ist instant from Goftenburgb,
stating, that a suecesful attack was made on the Island of
on the‘29 hul .; the Swedes having dcafroyod
the Norwegian flotilla, and taken twenty of thvir gun.
boats. .
“The Prince Royal reminds the army, (hat in combat,
ting the factions and foreigners who only seek the misery
of Norway, the Swedes are not making war upon th*
Norwegians. To them the army owtsguod will and pro.
tection ; their property is put under the safe guard of it*
loyalty and good discipliot*. The Generals of Division
are personally responsible for any infraction of this order;
an infraction which will be equally contrary to the honor
of the Swedish name, and to the principles which at all
times distinguished our soldiers.
Every requisition of cattle and provisions made in
me districts, the inhabitants of which shall submit to their
duty, shall be paid in ready money; which will not bethe
ca*e in those districts which, by funishing ny,‘ans to the
agitators, render themselves liable to the crime of resilG
ancc against their lawful Sovereign.”
Frankfort, Aug. 6.—Wo have here strange report/
from Italy, King Jochiin, it is stated, is rcconsilcd to N*.
polrun and there resort to the latter many adventuresfron
l iedmont and other parts of Italy, but particularly front
Corsiea to Elba, as he seems to be. in no want of money*
—On the other hand Napoleon is said to be intriguing ia
1' rance, by the aid of money, and to seek tocxcite discon,
tent among certain classes of people. These we repeat a*
reports which cannot be warranted as trae. and
perhaps have Uulu foundation.

® refr S.—•-Some batallift* rtf EflgHsti Guards
” fnt cl J lw laud at Ostend Those chosen troops seem
t j ie Riirrison o f Brussels, with the corps
fe /r?rds already here. The Hanoverian troops 12,00 U
® f ,l H . r are to conic into Belgium. We are bu>y in
’bat for these troops, w huh are on the
nia 7 h ' K) —His Roya’ Highness the Prince Sovereign
„ J |)U bhc Court twice a week. He endeavours to
■° . as much as possible, tha evils which the former
'Z’inUratiua occasioned, and gains by this general ap.
• dm , iinti His ilo.ul Highness iuhaoits still the Pa ac
P nhe government, formerly the Pal ice ' Some measures hive given ri-v to an opim.m.
h t the line l,t customhouse station alone the Mease, will
t lihv' remain, but that all the conutties on the left o:
♦he lUine will be pl-Ccd under the Government of 8.1.
• In this case, the Prussians will withdraw to th
ufthe Rhine, and occupy the wholerxteut from
♦he Wesei to the Lahn. A Russian Commissioner is ex exlifted
lifted exlifted to join the conferences at Ghent.

Paris. Aug. 1 Mougaillard has published an in.
leH'stm' w ora, from which we make the following quota.
**°“Miiiisters, those eterm! courtiers of Kings, will always
have one hand upon the eyes of the Prince and the other
ju the pockets oi the peopic. ... , .
“A Minister and a beggar are equal in the eye of the
h iv • Mich is true liber •y .
‘•li tin Chambers of Deputies and Peers do not reject the
project of the law propos d by the Crown, Frenchmen
Will' have no chai ter, no liberty , no political rights.
“Where is the man w ho can flatter himself with going to
ileep in safety , if the pres* u put under censorship, that
j« and i i>’t i- ?
“H l i-.i ice do. b not enjoy the liberty of the press, the
BaUille mast be rt.bnilt, the d mgeous rc.upcncd, and
tellies de caihA prove; d ; for if w c i.av e the mi-lui tunc ro
« ,eak against the administration of a man in power, or to
jay that his wife L is riot a good appearance, is a fool, old,
or ugly. —If we have tile misfortu >e to d.splease the de.
inirep of a grcM man, or the !*e>| icy ot a man in office,
.there cannot be a doubt (hat we shall receive a mittimus
for the B.i-tile, and in its caverns, v.ctims of despotism,
our voice# will be no longer heard.
“A common coachman reason in these times, on matters
of state, more justly than Uiuicrly the gieaUst pa.t oi
our great Lords.”
Vienna, Aug. l. -It is said, that the Ministers of the
four Powers, Prince Metternich, Count Nesjr rom,
Lord <*stlcrea”li, and Prince de ihi den berg, hi 1 meet
here on the 10th of
the bases of peace. I heir Maj-sties the Euipvroi oi Jeus,
lia aud King of Prussia are expected t.i active here on the
27th of September, when they will runty the bases that
(hall be agreed upon, iu cuiijuurtion with the Emperor ot
Austria. The Congrc s will afterwards hr opened uii the
Ist of October, for ail tile Stale# oi t.uropu which are in.
forested in a genviai pacihcatm i.
Major Count K uaczy armed here yesterday from Aix
In Savoy and broi’glit to (tie Einper r i.u .nos .-.i i-ia.lory
accounts of the Archd.i.tnss *v. iri;i, lus augu.-
daughter. This Prine --ins u-eil die bams, and iak n the
m. neral walers. About the middle oi Sv,.(ember she mi..
leave At, to return to \ .cii »a t.y B. me a- u Cuiutancc.
Leghorn, Aug. I.— -Lo.kuhicc, after being shack.ed
for so ma t, y car*, lias resumed ncie inc greatest activity .
Our |'Ort*> is full of vessels, winch cuuie «a,
.csj-ecii-iy from Malta and MCily.
Munich, Aug. -I. —His .Xiaj -ty ha- made a present ol
the tine L<» d hip Ellingen, in Franco .is, to Marshal
Prince, to ruable him to mi, pml th, dignity lately
Conferred on bail, i'.os estate p.uuuce ui auuut lUuj'XX.
The Chamber of Con m ice oft : c town of Xante lias
published an i iteresting memoir u i i.iv Siive i’rade, aim
the restoration of St. D-mung >. According to t >c.. cal.
dilations, which come d >wn io tl.e yen 175 J, it follows,
that in order to fu in a population sulbciuii tor the cul.
ture, in the peace of live years we siiu.ild i n.o.t tu/J/l
head per year.
July 17.-—The government has received from
Its Admiral an account oi hat i-u seei. ...i l- dpetM. V.nccnt
a Swedish ship of war, and a uiercha. t v.s.-ei of the sam.
nation, both destined for tins port. I’ue six Swedish ves.
•els detained here have been set at iberty : live ol t..em
•ailed forthwith ; the sixth will&et ol! a» suo . a# h r pro provision*
vision* provision* shall be completted.
Paris, Aug. 12.—•M.i’hme Letitia B ma ’.irteleft Rome
for Elba on the 27>h July. Ihe A rci. i.umess Maria
Louisa is expected in Vienna o i tiio 15th oi siuth Sept.
An article from Augsburg stabs, the Gongres# oi
Vienna will assign Treves, and a part of tho electorate ol
that^irineipality to Eugene Beulurnois.
The Vienna Gazelle of the 2d.a.July contain* the fol.
lowing article:—*
According to accounts from the is'and of Elba, ths
Emperor Napoleon continues to enjoy good health, ami
to exhibit every sign of content. He resides at Porto
Ferrajo, in a small house, tul the palace w loch lie is build*
Ing outside the tow n shall be finished. A great number ol
Strangers, and particularly of.Eng ish, including all the
Officers of the fleet cruizing in the Mediterranean, put in into
to into the island, and come to see the Emperor. ’1 hat Sove Sovereign
reign Sovereign continues to lead a very active live, employed ahei.
•lately in his Cabinet, or inspecting the different public
Works which he has ordered to be erected. He expends
evuMtlvrabk *uiu» vu (batt » o«k.s t aud liu* utviicd the uiwai

celebrated artists from different* parts of Italy for the
execu Uun of thurn.
Hamburgh, Aug. 1. —"Several of our patriotic citizens
have form d a Committee, to adord rulnf to me poorer
c asses of our community, by purchasing beds and tools,
redeeming their pawned eiiects, iScc. They havespared no
pains i distributed 8 ! ) thousand maiks, aud hope that the new
L'oniriiiutions which (hey expect from England will eua.
ole them to extend th.ii aid.
Aug. 5.— War between Sweden and Norway is at last
'eciued. Military operations commenced on the 26th of
July, betwecu tl.e S vedish and Norwegian flotillas, lh< are the odiccii details;—•
“// ad-q iui'(ei n vj' the Crojn Prince, J Ay iT.
“Yesterday, at eleven in ihe. mmm. mirai iiaron , ukeniaiiea ig-i i. to liie gnat ano little ihe
.o weigh a tenors, .nd .mu.ic aeai N iiwvyiaus, w wa- s auu ud ne«r the ii.uriorn is islands,
lands, islands, pioi.c..d l«v aooui 4..1 rat ed there. '1 he
licet immediate!v pit os m with a get < gate, but some
hours later a cairn look place, so tint ouiy o cs.’ip ol ih<
line and om fr.gatv could icacii tlienneat sin p. 01. i.ioui,.;
tile greatest eiioris, were mad. ; the other, or ordered
dered ordered to tail on the rear of tile poti ion lie u by the Nor Norwegian
wegian Norwegian fleet, could not reach its destination b fore noon,
w inch caused ihe attack, to be postponed until tc»day . w hen
at an early hour our fleets were aavancing. The .’sorwe.
g. in Commander, afraid of a complete destruction, avai'.
ed himself oi the night fur r vacuuling the islands, and at
th' approach of the Swedish squadron, he already was
in full reheat to Fiederi. ks.adt. The evacuation of the
island- also had been performed in such haste, that the
greatest part of their cannon bad been thrown into the
sea. Thu regiment of 3>dn.-land was the first oi the troops
which occuj i:d tfiWsiamls. '1 hu* we are in the possvs-i.
on of positions of the liighe t importance for the opening
of the campaign, without the 10-s of a single man ; audit
is to be hoped that the people of Norway will be per persuaded
suaded persuaded of the imposLiiity ul further resisting aSwcdi-h ar army,
my, army, who, animated wi'h enthusiastic valour, will ve.y
soon terminate the foolish p an of preventing the union of
Norway Sweden.”
On ihe 27th July the Prince Royal put himself in
inarch, with all . army, a,iiu»t No way.
I'iie Ki g oi Swcd.n has, it .» -aid, departed fro n U.l U.l-dewalla
dewalla U.l-dewalla for Stroinstau, in ordei to yo on hoa of war the 6rU.rf. to take part in the naval upe.atious, as having been for forme
me forme ly Grind Admiral.
Cui.i iiluigen, Aug. 2.—-On the 26th ult. the four Com.
u.i s.o nr- ui tne Al ieu Cowers set oat iron. L'.muwa iato
r. turn to Ciiristiaiii.*, proba.dy to make a .ust attempt
towards an amicable a. .aiigcmtmf.
A/ecA-/. M6«rg, A ig. 3—His Highness the Duke has
been | leased to erect a Military order of Mvi.t, as a me.
moiiai of the-va »nr of our troops i.i toe lau glorious war.
i'ruiiti. ri> <>J ,\v a ! y, Juy 27J’ii ice Ciiiisi.a.i wa waon
on waon Ine point oi sctimg out tor t.i. army fnc .vor
cruisers have again made sever. I Swedish , i.zc ; Ous tnc
Swcdik.i have also taken many vessels bound to N » way.
Guttenb’irg, July 18.—Someday s a 6 o, being on board oi our frigates, mar Otlord, on the Noiwegian caast,
1 saw s. vi ral Norwegian u inrimii come to beg for a little They reported, that large quantities o> flour and
coru wire arrived r> .vorway , but that he whole was kept
>r the use of tiie army ; and that the jieople all ove" trie
country were in the greatest distress for want of food,
i he poor peoj ic received some bread and left us.—Seven us.—Seventeen
teen us.—Seventeen have been lately caj tured on the coast of Nor Norway
way Norway , m consequence of the blockade; twelve by the Swedes
ind live b, the English.
l''r< m the Maine, J tily 28 —lt said that the coffin of
Queen Cam ine Matilda is to be removed from Zell to
Suland, a d solemnly interred at Roc-kehle.
A vic. —l*lll* unloi tnnate Prine s» wa» the youngest
si'tci of th? present King ofGieit Britain, wife to Chris, V it. oi Denmark, and muiiicr to toe reigning Mo

The Ex. Emperor Bonaparte gave Caph Uvhef on his
lauding at Elba, a mast splendid suult. box, the lid ul
vinch is coveted with diamond-, valued it seems that the frontiers of Belgium are to extend fo<
die present to the Roer; and it is hoped that at the Cun.
gruss they will be extended to the Rhine.
We j estenlay staled (aug. 17) that advices had been re.
criv.'d from high authoiitj in France, stating that Buna,
parte had been tempering with sonic of the French Mar.
-hals, who, however, to their eternal honor be it stated,
promptly la d the perlidons overtures of the Corsican be before
fore before their legitimate Sovereign. By the following extract
of a letter from Paris, inserted in the German Papers, it
appears that the fallen tyrant has also been writing to the
ormer Minister of Police:—
“Thu adherents of the Emperor assert that Gen. Savary
has received a letter from .Bonaparte, in which he enters
minutely into his motives for rejecting the terms of peace
that w ere ottered him ‘As the people in general,’ says he,
‘are not satisfied with the peace which the King has con concluded
cluded concluded with the Allied Powers, they would have had much
more just reason to reproach me had 1 agreed to that which
was proposed to me, as it was far more disadvantageous to
France.’ It is confidently said, that General Savary,
who received this letter by spot, has forwarded it to the
Director-General of Police, and Minister of the King’s
Au article iu thv J/vwtoir says the Allies ducliasaaauG

irtg the Grown Prlnee of Sweden In his on ffofl*
way, and that he has deteimined to undertake the redue*
(ion of ths Norwegians with In* own foice*.
The Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussia hav®
presented the crew of the Impregnable with jC 800, to b®
equally distributed among them.
Capt. Boyd, late of the Pelhamy said to have been kil killed
led killed in an engagement w ith an Amiricau pr.vateer, >* arrived
at Jamaica, and recovering of his won ds.
The Halycon sloop of wai, Capt./J. 11. Marshall, wag
unfortunately lost, in the middle of May la*t, i i An.iit
Bay, on the north.side of St. 1) nningo, on a reef of rock®
(unknown to any b it the natives,) which was created by
A lie earthquake of 1212, and extends four mites from iu«
shore. Shortly after she struk she bilged aud wen. dow
and from a gale of wind s, ringing Up during tne ell- .< g
(1 ght, few of her stores w ere saved. Much difficulty pre.
vailed against saving the people, « hich wa-. tiowdv er, ha. •
pily effected. Capt. Marshal and ins Uflic. r» ca ne home
in the Snake.
It is said to be Intend d to give the rommard t f tis M ia
j sty’.- Packets in future to Command, rs m th. Royal Naw
vy, with a suitable establishment uliiif rior Naval Oiucera
under them.
Letters from the Canary Island* of the Sth July m< na
t; in that Ferdi mud VH had been proclaimed it l\ , nenii’ , >
the inquisition reestablished, and the new Con titutioil
Bonaparte’s mother set out from Rome on the 27t!l
J ily, for the island of Elba.
it is mid rs(ood, that three Comm **i mors from the Kinj
of France, left France far S . Domingo about a mo.itfl
since. These gentlemen, whose names are .Messrs. Lavais Lavaissc,
sc, Lavaissc, Medina, a id Drayeinan, came through England, and
embarked on the 15th July, at Falmouth, for Kingston it*
Jamica. w hence they intend <1 to open a cumiuuniciiioti
with St Domingo, and to proceed theiter to complete their
arrangements, if circumstance* shall afford of their
safety And success.
Cominerc • is totally (fagnantin th? ports of the Medi Mediterranean.
terranean. Mediterranean. The preparation* to oppose the Barbary Cor Corsairs,
sairs, Corsairs, render in revival stiil more difficult. It is sur.lyr
time to put an end to the tyranny’ ex rci ed with imptini*
ty by these greedy pirates on Christian navig itors. Eu Europe
rope Europe sees with admiration the successful combination of
the chief Powers, vising with each other in effort for the
st liver-ion of a tyranny that threaten.d to rtduce all na«
tions to genet a i slavery. How much is ii to be wished
(hat they would crown the work of general liberty and
happiness, by delivering Christian Europe from ihe pirau
cies of the Barbary S a es ?
Paiiiamenl be prorogued to TuesJiy the fir»t of No*
vein her next.
The Gazette of last ni/h* (a ig. 16) announces the no*
mii>atiou of hi* Roy a! Highiiuss the Hereditary Pri see of
O.a ge, to be an Extra of the Most h»ii. Older . t
the Batn.
Tn? Set enty.first Annual Conferenc of the Methodists,
assembled at Bristol on the2s*h ult. and is rxiec -.d te
conclude its sittings. Dr. AdainClarke was chos sident President 5 and there wVre nearly 300 Ministers present. Iha
increase, during the last year, amounts to near 15,0001-*
12,181 ot whom have been added in Britain, and the re*
m.ii xlerin the West Indies mid Nova Scotia.
The West India fleet, under convoy of the Magnificent
will sail from Portsmouth on the Ist August.
Three American privateer* are refitting at Rochelle and
were expected to sail on a cruise.
Longehi'ity.—X New Y’oik Paper contains the fol*
lowing:—“Henry Brown, native of New Jersey, residing
near Beavertown, was born Jan. 1683; conscqueii'ly is
now in his 129th y«ar. He is a black man, with long
straight hair, and wears it tied. He was in General Br>.u Br>.u-dock’s
dock’s Br>.u-dock’s defeat, in 1755 and then was 59 years old. Ha
had been a slave 70 years— has been a free man 59 ye-rt
—-is now in good health, can walk pretty well, has agm.d
appetite at times, but getting weak.
The Dutch Ambassador, for North America, was arri arrived
ved arrived there with his suite, in the tloop Aj ax s rvcuvul
there in great procession.

How l n on Iberia I have tho.e proud hopes fled,
That lately rous'd to life thy torpiti realm j—
Again Oppression lifts her gorgon head,
And snrinking Freedom tamely yields tie helal
Thy sons have shed their noblest blood in vain,
To rescue thee from Foreign Slavery’s yoke |
Grim Superstition locks thy limbs again
In bondage baser than their valour broke!
Ahl what avails it that thy brave Alli-•
Maintain'd they cause in many a disparate fray,
And gain'd for the immortal victories—
If thus their fruits are blindly thrown away!
Are these the kind returns thy kid napp'd King
Markes for thy toils, thy sufleiiiig in his cause)
To re-establish that most odious thing—
The Inquisition, and its barbarous lawst
To seize—impression—banish from the land,
Patriots, who, in the days of thy despair,
Still faitful to their “dear-lov’d Ferihnano,’*
For his retain preferr’d the servent pray'ri
O black ingratitude!—O burning shame 1
blush! Royalty, and Royalty, and all
That e'er respeeted Freedoms sacred name,
Or triumph felt at Tyranny’s downfall
Le Mercier rightly punished is
By Britain's equal law j
He should tearh Ladies proper
not a grand Jmu

first proclamation.
BV virtue of an appointment from Ilis Excellen Excellency
cy Excellency J Men hy, Major-General, Lieutenant-Gover Lieutenant-Governor
nor Lieutenant-Governor of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c.
&c. Acc.
Given upon a petition presented by Edward Theo Theobald,
bald, Theobald, versus, J. C. Schollevanger, dated 25th Oc October,
tober, October, IS 13. /
Notice is hereby given to the public, that I the
undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale
in presence of two Counsellors Commissaries, and
their Secretary, on Wednesday the 26th of October,
JRI4, at House of this colony, at eleven
o’clo. k in the forenoon of that day, the following fur furniture,
niture, furniture, viz,—
A pen bile, 6 mahogany chairs, a bureau, 9 pic pictures,
tures, pictures, a looking gl ass, a table with D ends, a writing
desk, a side board, a l-.nite and fork case with some
steel fo>ks,a chais, a harness, a chais horse, a small
table, 6 plated candlesticks w ith shades, 2 shades, 2
ditto to han 2. against the wall, a small table, a sopha,
and a liquor case.
Who- ver should think to have any right, action,
or interest, on the aforementioned articles of furni furniture,
ture, furniture, and wishes to oppose th- Execution Sale there thereof,
of, thereof, let such persons address themselves to tin* mid; r r•igued,
•igued, r•igued, declaring their reasons tor so doing in due
time and form, as J hen by give notice, that I will re receive
ceive receive opposition from every intermediate person, ap appoint
point appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard be before
fore before the Court, and further act thereon as the Law
This First proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, 9th October, 1814.
K. FRANC KEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellency
FL W. Bentinck, Esq. Lieutenant-Governor of the
Colony Berbice, and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c.
Dated 21st Sept. 1814, given upon a petition pre presented
sented presented by Lewis Camcron and T. Fraser, as together
•with the now absent John Cameron, Attornies for
W. Fraser, of Culbockie County of Inverness, North
Britain, and part proprietor of Plantation Union,
West coast, versus, the Executor or Executors, Re Representative
presentative Representative or Rcpiesentatives, of the Estate of R.
Gordon, of Plantation Bor/um and of Drakies, in
Notice is hereby given to the Public, tint I the
undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Ex, cnfiouSale,
fn the presence of two Councellors Commissaries and
their Secretary, in the moldh of November, 1815,
(the precisedav afterwards notified thro’ the Gazette
of this colony).
Th- (i f on Fst; te called BOR LUM,
lituateon the East sen con-t of this colony, and there
Jiiiowu under No. .*7, with al its cultivation, build buildings,
ings, buildings, slaves, an l further appnrter ances thereto be belonging,
longing, belonging, awl ot which an Inventory is to be si n at
the Mir'h d\ Ollie, during tin- hours of duty. Said
Estate being the property of the Estate of R. Gor Gordon
don Gordon aforesaid.
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest on the .aforenamed Plantation Horlum,
rum annexis, and wishes to oppose the Execution
Sale thereof, let such person.address himselftothe
Marshal’s Olli ce, declaring their reason for so doing
indue time and farm, as I hereby give notice, that 1
XvilJ receive opposition from any intermediate person,
appoint them a day to have his or her claims heard
before the Court, and further act thereon as die Law
This 2nd proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, 9th October, 1814. x
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellen Excellency
cy Excellency IL W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieutenant-Gover Lieutenant-Governor
nor Lieutenant-Governor of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c.
Jfcc. &c.
Under date of 21st Sept. 1814, upon a petition of
J. H, L. Maurcnbrecher, as the Attorney of Rouge Rougemont
mont Rougemont and Behrends.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the
Undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale,
in the presence of two Councellors Commissaries and
their Secretary, in the month of November, 1815, the
precise day hereafter to be notified through the Ga Gazette
zette Gazette of this colony.
The Coflee Estatecalled VRTENDSCHAP, situate
in the middle river of this colony, with .all itscultva itscultvation,
tion, itscultvation, buildings, slaves and further appurtenances
thereto belonging,, and of which an Inventory is to
be seen at this Office; said plantation being the pro proper!
per! proper! v of George Panels.
Whoever should think to have any right, action

hppo«e the Exechlion Rale thereof, let such persons
address themselves to the undersigned, in writing,
and in due time and form, as 1 hereby give notice,
that 1 will receive opposition from every intermediate
person, appoint them a day to have his or her claim
heard before the Court, and further act thereon as
the Law directs.
This 3(h proclamation published as customary.
•Berbice, 9th Oct. 1814.
K. FRA NCKEN, First Marhals.
BY virtue of an appointment from Hit Excellency
the Governor, dated 13th September, 1814, given
upon a Petition presented by K. Francken, as First
Marshal, for and in name of I). Alli, Receiver oi the
Church Fund, wishin this colony.
Notice is hcr< by given, that I the undersigned in intend
tend intend to Sell, at Public Ex du the pre presence
sence presence of two Councellors Com d-saries and their Se Secretary,
cretary, Secretary, on Wednesday the 2nd of Nov. 18'1, th-
Coffee Estatecalled l)E VOEDSTI'I*, sittire ir
Canje Creek, with all its cultivate n, buildings,
'•laves and turther appiirtcnauces Hereto belonging,
(the terms of which as also Inventmy are to he
seta at the Marshal's Office, during the hours Ju'y.
The Sal is to ce or- the s-pnt.
Whoever should think foffiivea.iy rigid, action,
or in'ei -st, mi aforesaid I s ' .'at’oii <«<* Vo.»!cr, cum
annexis, and wishes to oppose the Execution S.-d
th reo , |< 1 such p rsons ad dress then selves to the
Marsbai s Cilice <1 this colour, declining tin ir reas reasons
ons reasons for so doing in due time and form, as I he.eby
give notice, that 1 v. ill receive opposition liornevery
intermediate person, appoint them a day to have his
or her claim heard before the Court, and further act
thereon as the law directs.
'lliis 4th Proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, 9th Oct. 1814.
K. FR ANt’ KE N, First Marshal.

P,Y virtue of an appointment from tin* Honor Honorable
able Honorable Court ot ( ivil Justice o! this colony, under d.U<*
of 23d July, 1814, given upon a Petitio i present .!
by John Layfiekl, qq. Thos. Gudgeon, and others;
as also of W. Kewley and Rolyf. Taitt, in (heir ca capacity
pacity capacity as Curators to the Estate of R. Barry, dec.
I the undersigned, at the request of alurtsaid Cu Curators,
rators, Curators,
Summon bij Edi t •
All cl .iiuanfs on the proceeds ot Fhinfafion Jlors Jlorstye,
tye, Jlorstye, cum annexis, (o appear before the Couit of Civil
m :ic« ,of this colony, mi Monday the 1741 Octohei
1814, and following day?, there to render in thvii
claims, ami turtht r to proceed according to I,aw.
1 his Sue mon by I diet made known to the public
by beat of drum f om the Court Druse oi this colony,
and tiirflier d< ait uith according to custom.
Berbice, 7(li October, 1814.
K I‘RANCKIIN, First • arsahl.
BY virtue of an extract from the Minutes of (he
Proceedings of the Court of Rolls, osdi oi
June, 1814, given in (he cause, entitled W. Leach
and W. Fras< r, Curators to the abandoned Estat,
of Heywood & Taylor, Fi tintiffsby edict, versus, nil
known and unknown creditors against the said Estate
Defendants. ’
I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, and at the request of aforesaid
Summon by Edict, Exsuperabundanti:
All known and unknown creditors against the ab abandoned
andoned abandoned Estate of Heywood & Taylor, to appear be before
fore before the Court of Civil Justice which will be held on
Monday the 1/th October, 1814, ami following days,
their to render in (heir claims, to verify the same, and
hear objections made thereunto, it need, and furlht r
to proceed as the Law directs.
I’his Summon by Edic t, made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Cotirl House of this colony
and furlherdealt with according to custom
Berbice, 23d Aug. 1814.
Francken, First Marshal.
Tn furtherance of an Appointment from His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieutenant Lieutenanttiovernor
tiovernor Lieutenanttiovernor ot the colony Berbice and its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, &c. (Sjc. &e. Given upon a petition, present presented
ed presented by his Honor M. S. Bennett, Fiscal of this co colony,
lony, colony, R. O. dated the I2 1 the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, in the name and behalf of Al S
Bennett, Fiscal R. O.
Do hereby
Summon by Edict:
Residents of th* colony Demcrary.

PER RONA LtA to appear before the !tow it
Counsellors Commissaries of the Court of p o |j., g
Criminal Justice of this co!ony,on Monday th?,- I
«f October, 1814, and following days,
the purpose of there hearing, answering, and , )r ’ Os I
to such conclusion and demand as h> Honor th l
cal R. O. then and there shall exhibit, and fL) I
to proceed according to Law. I
This Summon by Edict, made known to the null nullby
by nullby beat of drum from the Cour: House of (hi s c o | ( * 8
posted up, and further dealt with as the Lawdir"?’ I
Berbice, 14th Sept. 1814. I
k* bdANCKI-.N, First Marshal,
BY virtue of an appointment from I
lency (he Governor, dat. d COth Septbr. 1814
upon a petition presented by the Orphan ChandM.’ I
of (his colony, in capacity as Administering t| le p’ '
tale of ./. .// assdaur, in w hose Estate is comprehei’ I
ded and yet remaining the Concern of the lirnino
dissolved, but having formerly carried on bnsinei I
under the name and style of ./. Jlassdaar & Co
1 the und. rsigned, at (he request <>f aforesaid Or.
j Lan < hamber, **• icity as above <*xpresseA
Do kerdij Sihiunon bi/ Edict, Ex Super
Abundanti: 1
Al! known and unknown cr< Jilors or claimants<»
<>! ti«e » th ot .L Irassehmr, or of the Firm, now '
v. iv.i! ? as ifsev.lnn*.—io appear before the Ilonor;ffi| 8 ’
< oiut oi ( iv .! dustKi- of this colony, at their m smom
vi hu h will be held on the 17 h O< tober, 1814 and
tollowing days, there to render in their claims h ar
objections, ii need, made then unto, ami witness the
decision Gt .'he Eon. Court on the ; referent and con concurrent
current concurrent ri-ht of claimards, 'l’hisSimmionby Edict, (ex >up rabundanti) mads
noun tothe public by be,' oi drum from the Court
Houseofthiscoloiiy, an I further dealt with accord according
ing according to custom.
Bcibic., Ist October, IS! I.
K. Fiv AN(. K !’N, First Marshal.
BY virtue of anappointment from His Excellency
tlie Govcn or,d- d 28'h 87 pt. 18f I, given upon*
petition pri senl/d by the Orphan Chamber, of tbs
colony Berbice, i > capacity as having charge ofun ofunadministcred
administcred ofunadministcred f At.des.
I th undersigned, at the request of aforesaid Or*
phan Chamber, do hereby
Aatn mo n bjj Edi ft;
All known and unknown Creditors of the under undernientiomd
nientiomd undernientiomd boedels, viz,—
John Jones. (Jeorge Adamson.
Joseph Elliot. B. Lohman.
'I homas f riser. J*. T hompson.
Richard Colli, r. J . <{,. Vadder.
J. (i. Slaving. John Broderick.
Frans von W aldkirch. C. M. Soest.
111, vv< d in (his colony, ns elsewhere,— To appear
before (he lion. Court of Civil Justice of thiscolony,
at their session in the month of July, 1815, there ti»
render in th ir claims ajjaimt the abovenamed Es Est
t Est des, to verily the same, to hear objections mads
(hereunto, if need, and t . witness rhe"Comt’s d ci.
sion on the prefen nt and concurrent right of claim claimants,
ants, claimants, and furtli- rto proceed according to Eiw, oa
paan of being (or ever deburred (heir right of cl-ini.
This Summon by Edict, made known to the public
by beat of drum from th • Court House of this colony,
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, Ist October, 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
AN ox about three years old was found a few days
ago, among (he cattle on No. 7, West coast ; who whoever
ever whoever can prove property, can have it restored on
paying (lie expence of this advertisement, by apply applying
ing applying to the Manager.—lnverness, 1 Oct. 1814.
A new crab wood Punt, 19 feet long, and 7 feet
wide, whoever can give such in format ion as may
recover the same, will receive a reward of one Joe.
< Oct J. A. LEISNER.
IOR SALE Uy the subscriber, a few puncheons
Grenada rum, excellent Madeira wine in pipes, and
'Pemper Lime in small kegs, very reasonable foe
1 Oct. J. G. F. TIIIENSMA.
TH E undersigned offer for sale, from 20 to 25000
feet Lumber, monthly, at a moderate rate.
I Oct. * GEORGE BONE & Co.
\V ho have on hand a few barrels Salt Fish, als*
Limae nd Terrace in barrels.
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock) r. K*
By W. SCHULZ * Co.
Government Prints

Full Text


1814.) THE BERBICE GAZETTE. 7\vetve dollars p. annum.] By His Excellency Henry Bentinck, E quire, Lieut.-Coverno of the colony Berime and its Dependencies, *s’c. s’r. And the Honorable the Court of Policy stnd Criminal Judice of the said colony. To all to whom these presents may or shall Come, Greeting ! Be it known Whereas the late unhappy premeditated disturbances on the West and East Sea Coast of tiiis colony, places us under the necessity to call Upon tlie C -lonist* under this Government, tub. ar their proportionate quota of the expences necessarily iacuire 1 in crushing a plot which endangered th safety of the colony. Am! whereas the proceedings instituted by us for the detection and punishment of such offenders as were proven to b? concerned in the said premeditated disturbances, have occasioned severe am! heavA expences. —And as by our Ordinance of the lltli of January, 1814, we are bound to indemnify and make tolhe Proprietor* of the Slaves so capitally punished by virtue of our Sentence, the value thereof; AV e h tvo in order to provide for the payment of (he said just and necessary expences, roih '4er<-d it most expedient and equitabl *, that all the Inhabitants ot this colony possessing SI ives, should contribute in proportion to the numb r oi Skives possessed bv them, toward* the r payment oft hose expenses which the colony ha* been put »<,. SO IT IS, th I we ha \ e enacted, as we do hereby I Enact, th it <• ch tin.l <*ey Inhabitant shall contribute and pay un* » the I*< reiver General of the coin, ny Berbice, agitable to the Rr.turn for the CapitaLon Tax, made to the Receiver General’* Oflice doling the month of January, 1814, theirquota or proportion towarls the payment of the aforementioned expenses after the rae of two gudd< rs per head, for encl* and every Slave posses.-ed by them at that time, liable to the Ordinary’ Head-money or capitation tax. AIS I) we du further bv these presents, qnriMfyand authu.ize the lb c< iver General of tic, colony, utter the expiration oi the time appoint • I, n tm *iy the 31 December, 1814, to compel and enforce payment of the said capitation tax, front all defaulters, l»v Sun th ary Execution, and without further process of Law. And in order (hat no ignorance may’ be pretended, these presents shall be published, printed, posted u; . and sent round th? colony a* usu d. Thus enacted in our Ordinary Assembly, In Id i" the King’s House, New Amsterdam, Berbice, i his y day ot October, ISl4.—Present, His Excellemv l‘. AV. Bcnt'nck, Esq. Lieidenanl-Goveinor; and Hr Il.onorable Member* John Tapi'q.las. Fraser, P< tei Fairburn and Geo. Munro; —Dempf's, th? llon’bL Jklemb rs.lohn M’.'anion and A. J. Glasin-.. And published on the Oth Octobr foll-.iwimr, in presence of His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, and the aforesaid Men tiers. By toinmond nf the Court. if. c. n<> w x b, Sec.' By His ExcelLncy Heney* William Benti \ ex, Esquire, ' Lieut.-Go. ci not over the colony Bet bice and its Dependencies, fa fa fa And the Honorable Court o f Policy and Criminal Justice of the said colony. To all whom these presents may or shall come, Greeting I Be it known ; Whereas Representation tntlde lows, that due attention is not paid to our Ordinance of the 14/// Amren/f/rr, IS 10, whereby Slaves •rt forbidden to be worked by their Masters on a Sunday. Jn order therefore to ensure heifer observance nf the Regulation contained in our aforesaid Proclamation, we batt, after such foundation as we hare deemed necessary, caused the said Oidinanrt to be Te-pub fished for general information, ttrictlu rtquiring obedience then unto from all the Inhabitants of this lyleny. < SATL'KDVY. OCTOBER 15. PROCLAMATION. BY His Excellency Major General SavVF.l Daluympli', Jcting Governor; and the f/o--fioralde Court of Policy and Ciiminal Just'ue of the Colony Berbice. To all to whom these present may or shall conic ; Greet inn I Beit known: Whereas we h ive di em< I it of th * highest necessity for (Iy* welfare of he Golu -y, and its lull b tan’s, and being desirous of mak.ig such essenfji! ’leg'll t'ions, 'ip will pr > nose tl e Weharcof Negro S’.ives,-irid the I'rmcmility of (he Colony; as also to comply with tin* wishes of a great in ijority of the comm;!oily, who have in tie r present iiion to us on the principle of the inadi qua y of the exists ig Laws for these purposes; to revise and reconsider tie. L*w ’in * . and Court of Policy in C mucil assembled, riake known th *»e our New Adopted R
    s with tlieslavis that m< i t a mon st vire md p"bkc p I'Lshmvn*, and ho’ J< sir.onsoi treating th? slaves, wi«l; such humanity, that Luve and ;.oi hear may operate, as motives for their good conduct to their Musters. We hereby b, tube b iried, who have died sudden. Iy, or who have died in consequence of punishment <»' hurt, or who have hung, or otherwise made away with th mIvi s, without previouJy giving notice to the Burgh. .t Officer of the Dish id, or if in town to the Fiscal, or without at least procuring a Ccrfil fieate from the Surgeon of the Estate who had in¦speefed the body, what the na’ur? of the Decease, Ac< i lent or Cause viaby which the negro died, un. dera penally o. One thousand guilders. VIII. L?sl’y We Decree, that the Fin»s and Penaltiei imposed by IN, f or non compliance, with these our present < frdinaeces, shall be divided as t<>L'ow.s: one third for the Fiscal, One third to the Informer, and one third for the Poor of this Colony. And in order that n > ignorance may be pretend • ! his our present Proclamation shall b<* posted up, al. fixe**!, and circulated for the information of all whoaj it may concern. Thus Resolved, Enacted and Published inourexJ traordinary Sittings, held in New Amsterdam, fkrbice, the 14th November, 1810; Pnsmt, his Ex. cellency Major Generd Snn///r/ Dalrymple, Actin** Governor ; and the Honorable Member* L. C. bensets, J. Tapin, S. Kendall, P. Fairbairn, and S; Fraser. Absent, the Hon. A. J. Glazius. In presence of R. C. DIAVNER, Sec. And in order that no ignorance may be pr"tende
    PAGE 2

    "Certify in terming that the Huckster is either a free Resident, or the Slave belonging to an established Resi. dent of this Colony. And Lastly, that this Order may be strictly observed, His Honor the Fiscal is enjoined to imprison the Trans, grciurs as aforesaid, and pursue them for such Fine und confiscation as by the Law is established. Given under mi) Hand and Sea' at Arms, at the King's House, Herbice, this \Jth day of October, 18 11. n „ W. BENTINCK By Commnnd, F. WH I I'E, Gov. See. Bcrbics. King's House, \Qth October, 1814. The Dispatch of which the following is a copy, was yesterday received by the Lieut. Governor, from Rear. P. C. Durham, and is published for general in. formation. By fits Excellency Cammand. F. WHITE, Gov. Sec. Fenerrtle, Saintcs, Sth Sept. 1814. SIR, Having yesterday received Directions from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, to appoint a Convoy, for conducting the homewardbound Trade from St. 1 homas, on (he 15th of November next. 1 acquaint your Excellency, for the information of the Merchants •nd Planters, that in consa pience of such directions, the homeward Trade will sail from the Colonies and Islands, at the time here u >d ‘mentioned, being 15 days later than the periods Axed by any former arrangement. 1 have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedt. humble servant P. C. DURHAM, Rear. Admiral, Commander-iu-Chief. NR. The Trade must pcsifivi iy be at St. Thomas's by the 15/Zt of November, or they have to wait until the next convoy, Barbados.,,,, Nov. fOominica Nov. S S 'Huam 2 Guadeloupe 3 Berbice, 2) or as soon ajMontsemt........ 9 Deinerary, 21 ter as posible Antigua........... 9 Tobago ( Vevis 10 St. V incent .. 7 it. Kitt’s 10 Grenada 8 ¦it. Martin’s 9 J rinidad 7 i'ortola 14 St. Lucia 7 st. Croix 14 Martinique F St. Thomas 15 St. Eustatius t To H's Excellency 11. W. Brntinck, &c. Ac. Ac. Berbice. RECEIVER G EXE HAL'S OFFICE. Berbice, ]sth Oct. IS 14. THE pressing demands against this Office, requires . Immediate payment of the Taxes, now due, for Weitrh Motvy and old Arrears.—The undersigned therefore gives notice, that if w ill not be in his power to grant any indulgence a'iferthe Ist of next month. u u.a MISS AR IA T O FFICE, Berbice, \bth Oct. Is 14. CASH want d for Hie following Bills,drawn by the Commissary G‘neral, on the Right Honorable the Jj >r l.s Coaiinisbiune's ol His Majesty’s Treasury, via:— No. 2777 1.50 27 78 150 50‘3—. 100 50 4 -—IOO 3015 joo ¦£ 600 Sterling, for which Tenders in Triplicate, (expressing in words at lenglit the amount required, and exchange offend) Will be received at this Office until Tuesday next, the 18th instant, at 10 o’clock in the morning. 11. HENDY , Dep. Assist. Com. Gen. ” PUBTTC VENDUES. On Thursday the 27th instant, will be sold by order, and at the Store of Messrs. Douglas Reid & Co. the following goods, viz Cotton and linen checks, printed calicoes, cotton shirting, Irish linen, platillas, furniture, chintz, Britannias, waistcoats patterns, an assortment of tapes, threads, and bobbing, fine Welch flannel, ginghams, diaper and towelling, woodstock gloves, silk umbrellas, Oznaburgs, cotton bagging, beer and porter, stationary assorted, saddlery, carpenters and coopers tools—also to close sales, a few cases gentlemen’s best silk hats, and a few half barrels pork, &c. D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue M aster. On Thursday the2oth instant, will be sold at the Vendue Office without reserve the following goods, viz:—Real ” Russia sheeting, gentlemen’s made shirts, Oznaburgs, boots, shoes, ladies ditto, stationary assorted, dowlas, cambric muslin, tweeledand Mad.sshkfs., linen, Britan. •• -‘nifa,—blue cotton, salcmpores, furniture, chintz, ladies O' Mraw bonnets, tftjnlage, coffee and cotton bagging, salt in barrels, sugar in ditto, nun, gin, brandy, linen and cot. ton checks, Irish linen whole and half pieces, beef, p>• held on Wednesday the 26th instant, at No. 11, Currentyn coast. 15 Oct. By rennest of the Stewards. F. COR I', Scry. FYRISH COTTON. In consequence of the sailing of tin* fleet being postponed, the Sequestrators oi (he above estate w i! continue to receive tenders for the 20 < r 25 bales, previously advertised, tili Tuesday the 25th instant, at the store of Mr. Charles Kyle, when (he lowest offer, payable either tn cash or bills ofexch ingc, it approved, Mill be accepted. 15 October. FOR SALE,' BA the subscriber, brown stout, poorfcr pr. dozen and pr. pun. hcon, Madeira wine in pipes, quarter casks, and pr. Z' n, Dutch sweet milk cheese, Hyson tea, relined loaf sugar, beef in barrels, soap and candles, &c.—also a few puncheons ivw rum. 15 Oct. B. ZIEGLER. A AN de EvangclischeLulhersche Gemecnte dezer Kolo'iie, wordt by dozen bekend gemaakt, als dat ingvvolge het Arlikel van het Reglemcnt, opDingsdag den Isten November, door de Regenten van de planhgie AitosburpA de jaarlyksche rekeningen verantwßording zal worden gedaan ten liuize van de vreije Luc.i •, te Nicuw Amsterdam. 15 Oct. C. D. TO EL, Scriba. TENDERS for Tcn Thottrand of good qualify the produce of Plantation I’Esperance, payable in’ (’ash, will be received at the house of the first undersigned, in New Amsterdam, until Wednesday the I9;h October instant, when the same will be opened, and the highest offer, if approved of, accepted Bth Oct. J. H. L. MAURENBRECHER forself and B. J. SCH WIERS Sequestrators. TENDERS FOR COFFEE SIX thousand pounds first quality coffee, the produce of Pin. Goedland, will lxreceived at the house the second undersigned, fill Monday the 21st instant, and if approved of, accepted—payment to be Aade in cash. G. P. van HOLST M. S. BENNETT. Sequestrators, OFFICE* NOTICE is hereby given, that a month after dot d. following Transports and Mortgages will be vu !/ 1 Oct. W. Lav son will transport to Maria Th 1 fall, seven roods of land us lot No. 5 i n v e ’ Amsterdam. i ’ Oct. 8. R. Raines will transport to Polly Hill anarf of lot No. 7, NcwAmst. adjoining the’ceEJ road. '• . KC. DOWNER, Nor i c e. S IS hereby given to all whom it may concern th t Edwaiid Tin o'iali), 01 this Town <»f New An’isP dam, is duly empowered by J. H. SciiLAnH Oil « Esq. for an I in his mme to trapsact, S i Hie a J adjust all his concerns in this Colony, Demerary a d Esseqnebo. 41 Berbice, Sth October, 1814. ILC. DOWNER. Sety. THE BERBICE GAZETTE. NEW AMSTERDAM,, Octorer 15, 1814. Ty the arriving of cur Government Boat the Ilarrid i : .:.-sui,clh, Jr..m Barbados, we have received our Enditk Journals d ifed to the 2()lh oj ept.—of which the Mt* tag are the j artic.nurs. — WAR BETWEEN SWEDEN ano NORWAY. Eitract of a letter from Siromstad, dated July 03. “The A hand, Ge . vra B aron j,. p uJ reportgj (hj| at eleven o’. >ck on /he morning of the 26 h, he set sail with (he h., o L .leeg in order to aiuck the enemy’s flo. tula, stationed m the islands of Ibdo. Theenemy shew cd mrnsd m order ol battle, no doubt for the purpose J r connoitn ig our forces. Vaiublc or contrary winds followed by a ca m, a ..I abuse all, a current extremely strong in tnu• pirts, |.rioe!iti;l our vessels from advaac. .ns,, and ob.igcd them to cast anchor. In the night th« lemy’s guu.floats rdm J into the Archipelago, between the islands d Rva'u and ITe isles of llvalo) which they thought rai. ; regn .b e, at the very sight o f our fleet, and which wai regarded in the country as the palladium of Norway. Thij will, without doubt, have a great effect upon the public <>i inion. The spirit that animates the officers and crew sos our ibet u suc h, that had the enemy offered any resistance, there could |>c no doubt that the victory wou4 have been com, I. te. ‘•Our troo; s, under the orders of Major-General 0. .1 ono r, on upy the islands ui 11 valo, the key of the Gulf . 01 t 'll Colonel Hay lias made a descent on the island of Not th Sando, Colonel Deskoldcbrand on that of South Sand >, Major Hay on the island of Herfode. Thu eit'-my has left many of Im effects, and has cast several cannon into the sea. The inhabitants scetn con tent and tmpi yat seeing th. ir sulteriugs terminate. They accnw rich and powerful men of the country of having been (tie cause of all the evils which threaten the nation. Th* island ot Kraguro, situate at (lie entrance of the port of I’ie:k'i ickstadt, u >ll be a. tacked tomorrow". In themeu time the enemy’s flotilla contigiieu inactive, till it shall taken or hiiinrd.” Subsequent lo the above occurrence*, there arealsosaiil to bu letters in tow 11 of the Ist instant from Goftenburgb, stating, that a suecesful attack was made on the Island of on the‘29 hul .; the Swedes having dcafroyod the Norwegian flotilla, and taken twenty of thvir gun. boats. . ORDER OF THE DAY. “The Prince Royal reminds the army, (hat in combat, ting the factions and foreigners who only seek the misery of Norway, the Swedes are not making war upon th* Norwegians. To them the army owtsguod will and pro. tection ; their property is put under the safe guard of it* loyalty and good discipliot*. The Generals of Division are personally responsible for any infraction of this order; an infraction which will be equally contrary to the honor of the Swedish name, and to the principles which at all times distinguished our soldiers. Every requisition of cattle and provisions made in me districts, the inhabitants of which shall submit to their duty, shall be paid in ready money; which will not bethe ca*e in those districts which, by funishing ny,‘ans to the agitators, render themselves liable to the crime of resilG ancc against their lawful Sovereign.” DUTCH MAIL. ' Frankfort, Aug. 6.—Wo have here strange report/ from Italy, King Jochiin, it is stated, is rcconsilcd to N*. polrun and there resort to the latter many adventuresfron l iedmont and other parts of Italy, but particularly front Corsiea to Elba, as he seems to be. in no want of money* —On the other hand Napoleon is said to be intriguing ia 1' rance, by the aid of money, and to seek tocxcite discon, tent among certain classes of people. These we repeat a* reports which cannot be warranted as trae. and perhaps have Uulu foundation.

    PAGE 3

    ® refr S.—•-Some batallift* rtf EflgHsti Guards ” fnt cl J lw laud at Ostend Those chosen troops seem t j ie Riirrison o f Brussels, with the corps fe /r?rds already here. The Hanoverian troops 12,00 U ® f ,l H . r are to conic into Belgium. We are bu>y in ’bat for these troops, w huh are on the nia 7 h ' K) —His Roya’ Highness the Prince Sovereign „ J |)U bhc Court twice a week. He endeavours to ¦° . as much as possible, tha evils which the former 'Z’inUratiua occasioned, and gains by this general ap. • dm , iinti His ilo.ul Highness iuhaoits still the Pa ac P nhe government, formerly the Pal ice ’t i? “H l i-.i ice do. b not enjoy the liberty of the press, the BaUille mast be rt.bnilt, the d mgeous rc.upcncd, and tellies de caihA prove; d ; for if w c i.av e the mi-lui tunc ro « ,eak against the administration of a man in power, or to jay that his wife L is riot a good appearance, is a fool, old, or ugly. —If we have tile misfortu >e to d.splease the de. inirep of a grcM man, or the !*e>| icy ot a man in office, .there cannot be a doubt (hat we shall receive a mittimus for the B.i-tile, and in its caverns, v.ctims of despotism, our voice# will be no longer heard. “A common coachman reason in these times, on matters of state, more justly than Uiuicrly the gieaUst pa.t oi our great Lords.” Vienna, Aug. l. -It is said, that the Ministers of the four Powers, Prince Metternich, Count Nesjr rom, Lord <*stlcrea”li, and Prince de ihi den berg, hi 1 meet here on the 10th of the bases of peace. I heir Maj-sties the Euipvroi oi Jeus, lia aud King of Prussia are expected t.i active here on the 27th of September, when they will runty the bases that (hall be agreed upon, iu cuiijuurtion with the Emperor ot Austria. The Congrc s will afterwards hr opened uii the Ist of October, for ail tile Stale# oi t.uropu which are in. forested in a genviai pacihcatm i. Major Count K uaczy armed here yesterday from Aix In Savoy and broi’glit to (tie Einper r i.u .nos .-.i i-ia.lory accounts of the Archd.i.tnss *v. iri;i, lus augu.daughter. This Prine --ins u-eil die bams, and iak n the m. neral walers. About the middle oi Sv,.(ember she mi.. leave At, to return to \ .cii »a t.y B. me au Cuiutancc. Leghorn, Aug. I.— -Lo.kuhicc, after being shack.ed for so ma t, y car*, lias resumed ncie inc greatest activity . Our |'Ort*> is full of vessels, winch cuuie «a, .csj-ecii-iy from Malta and MCily. Munich, Aug. -I. —His .Xiaj -ty hamade a present ol the tine L<» d hip Ellingen, in Franco .is, to Marshal Prince, to ruable him to mi, pml th, dignity lately Conferred on bail, i'.os estate p.uuuce ui auuut lUuj'XX. florins. The Chamber of Con m ice oft : c town of Xante lias published an i iteresting memoir u i i.iv Siive i’rade, aim the restoration of St. D-mung >. According to t >c.. cal. dilations, which come d >wn io tl.e yen 175 J, it follows, that in order to fu in a population sulbciuii tor the cul. ture, in the peace of live years we siiu.ild i n.o.t tu/J/l head per year. July 17.-—The government has received from Its Admiral an account oi hat i-u seei. ...i ldpetM. V.nccnt a Swedish ship of war, and a uiercha. t v.s.-ei of the sam. nation, both destined for tins port. I’ue six Swedish ves. •els detained here have been set at iberty : live ol t..em •ailed forthwith ; the sixth will&et ol! a» suo . a# h r provision* shall be completted. Paris, Aug. 12.—•M.i’hme Letitia B ma ’.irteleft Rome for Elba on the 27>h July. Ihe A rci. i.umess Maria Louisa is expected in Vienna o i tiio 15th oi siuth Sept. An article from Augsburg stabs, the Gongres# oi Vienna will assign Treves, and a part of tho electorate ol that^irineipality to Eugene Beulurnois. The Vienna Gazelle of the 2d.a.July contain* the fol. lowing article:—* According to accounts from the is'and of Elba, ths Emperor Napoleon continues to enjoy good health, ami to exhibit every sign of content. He resides at Porto Ferrajo, in a small house, tul the palace w loch lie is build* Ing outside the tow n shall be finished. A great number ol Strangers, and particularly of.Eng ish, including all the Officers of the fleet cruizing in the Mediterranean, put into the island, and come to see the Emperor. ’1 hat Sovereign continues to lead a very active live, employed ahei. •lately in his Cabinet, or inspecting the different public Works which he has ordered to be erected. He expends evuMtlvrabk *uiu» vu (batt » o«k.s t aud liu* utviicd the uiwai celebrated artists from different* parts of Italy for the execu Uun of thurn. HA MB UAGH MAILS. Hamburgh, Aug. 1. —"Several of our patriotic citizens have form d a Committee, to adord rulnf to me poorer c asses of our community, by purchasing beds and tools, redeeming their pawned eiiects, iScc. They havespared no pains idn.-land was the first oi the troops which occuj i:d tfiWsiamls. '1 hu* we are in the possvs-i. on of positions of the liighe t importance for the opening of the campaign, without the 10-s of a single man ; audit is to be hoped that the people of Norway will be persuaded of the imposLiiity ul further resisting aSwcdi-h army, who, animated wi'h enthusiastic valour, will ve.y soon terminate the foolish p an of preventing the union of Norway Sweden.” On ihe 27th July the Prince Royal put himself in inarch, with all . army, a,iiu»t No way. I'iie Ki g oi Swcd.n has, it .» -aid, departed fro n U.ldewalla for Stroinstau, in ordei to yo on hoa <>J ,\v a ! y, Juy 27J’ii ice Ciiiisi.a.i waon Ine point oi sctimg out tor t.i. army fnc .vor cruisers have again made sever. I Swedish , i.zc ; Ous tnc Swcdik.i have also taken many vessels bound to N » way. Guttenb’irg, July 18.—Someday s a 6 o, being on board oi our frigates, mar Otlord, on the Noiwegian caast, 1 saw s. vi ral Norwegian u inrimii come to beg for a little They reported, that large quantities o> flour and coru wire arrived r> .vorway , but that he whole was kept >r the use of tiie army ; and that the jieople all ove" trie country were in the greatest distress for want of food, i he poor peoj ic received some bread and left us.—Seventeen have been lately caj tured on the coast of Norway , m consequence of the blockade; twelve by the Swedes ind live b, the English. l''r< m the Maine, J tily 28 —lt said that the coffin of Queen Cam ine Matilda is to be removed from Zell to Suland, a d solemnly interred at Roc-kehle. A vic. —l*lll* unloi tnnate Prine s» wa» the youngest si'tci of th? present King ofGieit Britain, wife to Chris, V it. oi Denmark, and muiiicr to toe reigning Mo uarc.i. The Ex. Emperor Bonaparte gave Caph Uvhef on his lauding at Elba, a mast splendid suult. box, the lid ul vinch is coveted with diamond-, valued * arrived at Jamaica, and recovering of his won ds. The Halycon sloop of wai, Capt./J. 11. Marshall, wag unfortunately lost, in the middle of May la*t, i i An.iit Bay, on the north.side of St. 1) nningo, on a reef of rock® (unknown to any b it the natives,) which was created by A lie earthquake of 1212, and extends four mites from iu« shore. Shortly after she struk she bilged aud wen. dow and from a gale of wind s, ringing Up during tne ell.< g (1 ght, few of her stores w ere saved. Much difficulty pre. vailed against saving the people, « hich wa-. tiowdv er, ha. • pily effected. Capt. Marshal and ins Uflic. r» ca ne home in the Snake. It is said to be Intend d to give the rommard t f tis M ia j sty’.Packets in future to Command, rs m th. Royal Naw vy, with a suitable establishment uliiif rior Naval Oiucera under them. Letters from the Canary Island* of the Sth July m< na t; in that Ferdi mud VH had been proclaimed it l\ , nenii’ , > the inquisition reestablished, and the new Con titutioil burnt. Bonaparte’s mother set out from Rome on the 27t!l J ily, for the island of Elba. it is mid rs(ood, that three Comm **i mors from the Kinj of France, left France far S . Domingo about a mo.itfl since. These gentlemen, whose names are .Messrs. Lavaissc, Medina, a id Drayeinan, came through England, and embarked on the 15th July, at Falmouth, for Kingston it* Jamica. w hence they intend <1 to open a cumiuuniciiioti with St Domingo, and to proceed theiter to complete their arrangements, if circumstance* shall afford of their safety And success. Cominerc • is totally (fagnantin th? ports of the Mediterranean. The preparation* to oppose the Barbary Corsairs, render in revival stiil more difficult. It is sur.lyr time to put an end to the tyranny’ ex rci ed with imptini* ty by these greedy pirates on Christian navig itors. Europe sees with admiration the successful combination of the chief Powers, vising with each other in effort for the st liver-ion of a tyranny that threaten.d to rtduce all na« tions to genet a i slavery. How much is ii to be wished (hat they would crown the work of general liberty and happiness, by delivering Christian Europe from ihe pirau cies of the Barbary S a es ? Paiiiamenl be prorogued to TuesJiy the fir»t of No* vein her next. The Gazette of last ni/h* (a ig. 16) announces the no* mii>atiou of hi* Roy a! Highiiuss the Hereditary Pri see of O.a ge, to be an Extra of the Most h»ii. Older . t the Batn. Tn? Set enty.first Annual Conferenc of the Methodists, assembled at Bristol on the2s*h ult. and is rxiec -.d te conclude its sittings. Dr. AdainClarke was chos.udock’s defeat, in 1755 and then was 59 years old. Ha had been a slave 70 years— has been a free man 59 ye-rt —-is now in good health, can walk pretty well, has agm.d appetite at times, but getting weak. The Dutch Ambassador, for North America, was arrived there with his suite, in the tloop Aj ax s rvcuvul there in great procession. ORGINAL POETRY. THE INQUISITION. How l n on Iberia I have tho.e proud hopes fled, That lately rous'd to life thy torpiti realm j— Again Oppression lifts her gorgon head, And snrinking Freedom tamely yields tie helal Thy sons have shed their noblest blood in vain, To rescue thee from Foreign Slavery’s yoke | Grim Superstition locks thy limbs again In bondage baser than their valour broke! Ahl what avails it that thy brave Alli-• Maintain'd they cause in many a disparate fray, And gain'd for the immortal victories— If thus their fruits are blindly thrown away! Are these the kind returns thy kid napp'd King Markes for thy toils, thy sufleiiiig in his cause) To re-establish that most odious thing— The Inquisition, and its barbarous lawst To seize—impression—banish from the land, Patriots, who, in the days of thy despair, Still faitful to their “dear-lov’d Ferihnano,’* For his retain preferr’d the servent pray'ri O black ingratitude!—O burning shame 1 blush! Royalty, and Royalty, and all That e'er respeeted Freedoms sacred name, Or triumph felt at Tyranny’s downfall HAFIZ. IMPROMPTU bit HI TRIAL 0» MV.RCIER THE VAVCING MASTER VOR CRIM. CO*. Le Mercier rightly punished is By Britain's equal law j He should tearh Ladies proper not a grand Jmu

    PAGE 4

    MARSHAL'S OFFICE. SALT, tv EXECUTION. first proclamation. BV virtue of an appointment from Ilis Excellency J Men hy, Major-General, Lieutenant-Governor of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c. &c. Acc. Given upon a petition presented by Edward Theobald, versus, J. C. Schollevanger, dated 25th October, IS 13. / Notice is hereby given to the public, that I the undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale in presence of two Counsellors Commissaries, and their Secretary, on Wednesday the 26th of October, JRI4, at House of this colony, at eleven o’clo. k in the forenoon of that day, the following furniture, viz,— A pen bile, 6 mahogany chairs, a bureau, 9 pictures, a looking gl ass, a table with D ends, a writing desk, a side board, a l-.nite and fork case with some steel fo>ks,a chais, a harness, a chais horse, a small table, 6 plated candlesticks w ith shades, 2 shades, 2 ditto to han 2. against the wall, a small table, a sopha, and a liquor case. Whover should think to have any right, action, or interest, on the aforementioned articles of furniture, and wishes to oppose thExecution Sale thereof, let such persons address themselves to tin* mid; r•igued, declaring their reasons tor so doing in due time and form, as J hen by give notice, that I will receive opposition from every intermediate person, appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and further act thereon as the Law directs. This First proclamation published as customary. Berbice, 9th October, 1814. K. FRANC KEN, First Marshal. SALE BY EXECUTION. SECOND PROCLAMATION. BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellency FL W. Bentinck, Esq. Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony Berbice, and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. Dated 21st Sept. 1814, given upon a petition presented by Lewis Camcron and T. Fraser, as together •with the now absent John Cameron, Attornies for W. Fraser, of Culbockie County of Inverness, North Britain, and part proprietor of Plantation Union, West coast, versus, the Executor or Executors, Representative or Rcpiesentatives, of the Estate of R. Gordon, of Plantation Bor/um and of Drakies, in Scotland. Notice is hereby given to the Public, tint I the undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Ex, cnfiouSale, fn the presence of two Councellors Commissaries and their Secretary, in the moldh of November, 1815, (the precisedav afterwards notified thro’ the Gazette of this colony). Th(i f on Fst; te called BOR LUM, lituateon the East sen con-t of this colony, and there Jiiiowu under No. .*7, with al its cultivation, buildings, slaves, an l further appnrter ances thereto belonging, awl ot which an Inventory is to be si n at the Mir'h d\ Ollie, during tinhours of duty. Said Estate being the property of the Estate of R. Gordon aforesaid. Whoever should think to have any right, action, or interest on the .aforenamed Plantation Horlum, rum annexis, and wishes to oppose the Execution Sale thereof, let such person.address himselftothe Marshal’s Olli ce, declaring their reason for so doing indue time and farm, as I hereby give notice, that 1 XvilJ receive opposition from any intermediate person, appoint them a day to have his or her claims heard before the Court, and further act thereon as die Law directs. This 2nd proclamation published as customary. Berbice, 9th October, 1814. x K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. SALE sr EXECUTION. THIRD PROCLAMATION. BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellency IL W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieutenant-Governor of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c. Jfcc. &c. Under date of 21st Sept. 1814, upon a petition of J. H, L. Maurcnbrecher, as the Attorney of Rougemont and Behrends. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that I the Undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in the presence of two Councellors Commissaries and their Secretary, in the month of November, 1815, the precise day hereafter to be notified through the Gazette of this colony. The Coflee Estatecalled VRTENDSCHAP, situate in the middle river of this colony, with .all itscultvation, buildings, slaves and further appurtenances thereto belonging,, and of which an Inventory is to be seen at this Office; said plantation being the proper! v of George Panels. Whoever should think to have any right, action Honor th l cal R. O. then and there shall exhibit, and fL) I to proceed according to Law. I This Summon by Edict, made known to the nullby beat of drum from the Cour: House of (hi s c o | ( * 8 posted up, and further dealt with as the Lawdir"?’ I Berbice, 14th Sept. 1814. I k* bdANCKI-.N, First Marshal, BY virtue of an appointment from I lency (he Governor, dat. d COth Septbr. 1814 upon a petition presented by the Orphan ChandM.’ I of (his colony, in capacity as Administering t| le p’ ' tale of ./. .// assdaur, in w hose Estate is comprehei’ I ded and yet remaining the Concern of the lirnino dissolved, but having formerly carried on bnsinei I under the name and style of ./. Jlassdaar & Co 1 the und. rsigned, at (he request <>f aforesaid Or. j Lan < hamber, **• icity as above <*xpresseA Do kerdij Sihiunon bi/ Edict, Ex Super Abundanti: 1 Al! known and unknown cr< Jilors or claimants<» <>! ti«e » th ot .L Irassehmr, or of the Firm, now ' v. iv.i! up rabundanti) mads noun tothe public by be,' oi drum from the Court Houseofthiscoloiiy, an I further dealt with according to custom. Bcibic., Ist October, IS! I. K. Fiv AN(. K !’N, First Marshal. BY virtue of anappointment from His Excellency tlie Govcn or,dd 28'h 87 pt. 18f I, given upon* petition pri senl/d by the Orphan Chamber, of tbs colony Berbice, i > capacity as having charge ofunadministcred f At.des. I th undersigned, at the request of aforesaid Or* phan Chamber, do hereby Aatn mo n bjj Edi ft; All known and unknown Creditors of the undernientiomd boedels, viz,— John Jones. (Jeorge Adamson. Joseph Elliot. B. Lohman. 'I homas f riser. J*. T hompson. Richard Colli, r. J . <{,. Vadder. J. (i. Slaving. John Broderick. Frans von W aldkirch. C. M. Soest. 111, vv< d in (his colony, ns elsewhere,— To appear before (he lion. Court of Civil Justice of thiscolony, at their session in the month of July, 1815, there ti» render in th ir claims ajjaimt the abovenamed Est des, to verily the same, to hear objections mads (hereunto, if need, and t . witness rhe"Comt’s d ci. sion on the prefen nt and concurrent right of claimants, and furtlirto proceed according to Eiw, oa paan of being (or ever deburred (heir right of cl-ini. This Summon by Edict, made known to the public by beat of drum from th • Court House of this colony, and further dealt with according to custom. Berbice, Ist October, 1814. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. NOTICE. AN ox about three years old was found a few days ago, among (he cattle on No. 7, West coast ; whoever can prove property, can have it restored on paying (lie expence of this advertisement, by applying to the Manager.—lnverness, 1 Oct. 1814. DRIFTED OR STOLEN A new crab wood Punt, 19 feet long, and 7 feet wide, whoever can give such in format ion as may recover the same, will receive a reward of one Joe. < Oct J. A. LEISNER. IOR SALE Uy the subscriber, a few puncheons Grenada rum, excellent Madeira wine in pipes, and 'Pemper Lime in small kegs, very reasonable foe Cash. 1 Oct. J. G. F. TIIIENSMA. TH E undersigned offer for sale, from 20 to 25000 feet Lumber, monthly, at a moderate rate. I Oct. * GEORGE BONE & Co. \V ho have on hand a few barrels Salt Fish, als* Limae nd Terrace in barrels. Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock) r. K* By W. SCHULZ * Co. Government Prints hppo«e the Exechlion Rale thereof, let such persons address themselves to the undersigned, in writing, and in due time and form, as 1 hereby give notice, that 1 will receive opposition from every intermediate person, appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and further act thereon as the Law directs. This 3(h proclamation published as customary. •Berbice, 9th Oct. 1814. K. FRA NCKEN, First Marhals. SALE dy EXECUTION. FOURTH PROLIX NATION. BY virtue of an appointment from Hit Excellency the Governor, dated 13th September, 1814, given upon a Petition presented by K. Francken, as First Marshal, for and in name of I). Alli, Receiver oi the Church Fund, wishin this colony. Notice is hcr< by given, that I the undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Ex du the presence of two Councellors Com d-saries and their Secretary, on Wednesday the 2nd of Nov. 18'1, thCoffee Estatecalled l)E VOEDSTI'I*, sittire ir Canje Creek, with all its cultivate n, buildings, '•laves and turther appiirtcnauces Hereto belonging, (the terms of which as also Inventmy are to he seta at the Marshal's Office, during the hours ce orthe s-pnt. Whoever should think foffiivea.iy rigid, action, or in'ei -st, mi aforesaid I s ' .'at’oii <«<* Vo.»!cr, cum annexis, and wishes to oppose the Execution S.-d th reo , |< 1 such p rsons ad dress then selves to the Marsbai s Cilice <1 this colour, declining tin ir reasons for so doing in due time and form, as I he.eby give notice, that 1 v. ill receive opposition liornevery intermediate person, appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and further act thereon as the law directs. 'lliis 4th Proclamation published as customary. Berbice, 9th Oct. 1814. K. FR ANt’ KE N, First Marshal.