Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://original-ufdc.uflib.ufl.edu/AA00093219/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Berbice gazette
- Uniform Title:
- Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
- Place of Publication:
- New Amsterdam
- Publisher:
- W. Schulz
- Publication Date:
- October 1, 1814
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Berbice
New Amsterdam (guyana) guyana
- Genre:
- newspaper ( sobekcm )
- General Note:
- Semiweekly
- General Note:
- Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
- General Note:
- The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
- General Note:
- In English, with occasional text in Dutch
- Funding:
- Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
This Rights Statement should be used for Items for which the organization that intends to make the Item available has determined are free of copyright under the laws of the United States. This Rights Statement should not be used for Orphan Works (which are assumed to be in-copyright) or for Items where the organization that intends to make the Item available has not undertaken an effort to ascertain the copyright status of the underlying Work.
URI: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
- Resource Identifier:
- 1380865228 ( OCLC )
Aggregation Information
- DLOC1:
- Digital Library of the Caribbean
- Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
- IUF:
- University of Florida
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Twelve dollars p. annum.]
Berbice,2bth September, 1814.
List of Negroes on the following Estates, agree agreeable
able agreeable to the Returns made to this Oilice in Janu January,
ary, January, 1814.
Jlorg en Hoop 119
Ithaca 1 >o
Gelderland 1.3?
, I jfchwnaciiers’Lust 90
La Fraternite 130’-
/ufsburg I’3
thc r iß rntisbirg >B6
Siandvastigheid 151
I JJwidwyk J7-i)
’g€F,H ScoUand 11
(|J â– Op hoop van be-
ri 'J ter 10l
lllddelhurg’s wel weli
i weli !),;â– varen 10!
Ke.dntie 1■»
Utile Paisiblc IV7
r " ! ® Srii:;»venh:ii. r e 199
dt, M K’iMl"® Nrvcio 6.'
‘liitw Bevtendigheid ill
Baftibiarhed en
Ruiaizigt lO* •
rail® Vrotnv Johanna bl
Overv.'del 73)
Kieu.ve Hoop 93
Z-iid H -'Lind 51
JIS® J)c l.i-fde 16- '
Lllaf tot
j| J.. SJe’i Rust b*
}><â– >v B -iesteui 1 0
ihujl Iler telling 164 i
>3 gl
Hoorn cn Noosd- ’
' Xtc j Holland 134
â– Vergenoegen (ab-
• VaJ andoned)
, â– No.-,it gcdagt (none)
Cloudin'n 36
I- C.g Anna's Rust 9)
Oude V ig'-lantic
en Wvnzaard's
J Lost 39
Harla en Agn« 5.)
Ben Arend en La
Tranqnlliti 1H
Carelen Willem’s
1 W Hoop 7’l
pgfl Waria Henrietta 41'
LiM Bien content 59
I Doornlofeit Doorn-
'• S W sprtiit 3-
ei* Overw inning 115
iJr La. Providence 69
Bdenburg & Glas Glas'•’■l
'•’■l Glas'•’■l gow (aband.)
>r»B -Woordsburg 62
Bellevue 194
.j’ Rotterdam 115
M Herstelder 139
sjAv Ge breeders 13!
Ijitvlugt 11
Korht read 11
Deutichem 207
I K He h> iutleren 146
ol; Buses’Lust 135'
Jkinklriafbeld 29U>
Flegt anker 9i
Zorgenviyt 6t
eu Sans
ifiK Souci £32)
Jiieuw Vigilantie 126
Welgelegen IH
Dulcamara 15.)
UraiiH btmderland 58
â– JturaAGerr.iar.la 1-6)
â– B v La Prudence 121
11 speranceAllel speranceAllel—B
—B speranceAllel—B vetia. 142
—F Wttakzaamheid 194
/ g Bloemhoft' 1254
Voorburg 130
vntnberiund 40
-I Supply 42£
A Mail will be made up at this Office, and for forwarded
warded forwarded to Demerary by the sloop Adventure, bn
fcvery Sunday morning in future.
Beibicc, Ist Oct. 1814.
R. McKENZI E, Act. Dep. Post Master Gen.
THE undersigned offer for sale, from 20 to 25000
feet Lumber, monthly, at a moderate rate.
1 Oct. GEORGE BONE & Co.
Who have on hand a few barrels Salt Fish, also
Lime and Terrace ia barrels.
Rosehall ?
Idelphi 88
loed Banannen Banannenland
land Banannenland 39J
loldstonehall 117
,'oedland 42
Xooit Volnaakt 14
-erken'iust 10
foevFigc 1
New Forrest 63)
oedstcr 55-
Vrerle eu Vfiend Vfiendsebap
sebap Vfiendsebap 51-
Vryheid 339
iJlci'ei.daal 130
Inna, dementia 163
•hiladelphia 139
ilrst Coiiyland 47
‘l inters Lust 27)
i'': tharind’sbnrg en
r rati.enbiifg 93.
Icnnig 14
sea w i ll 71’
Kit ty re 44
i’lilinvra fe-’.
No. 5 A 7. 168-:
•> niti.siHi’s Place 108
I â– h Manor 9t-
j i rein lift 32
> lizi s Hope 21
kiei'uat.ige 107 j
•’.? in»a l l-;:
ielludnun 50-j
B li'Tiia 123 I
B -st Bower Ibj,
R ivbf'i'hall IT !
Kendalls 117| !
food Success 7 i
Friendship 17 â–
Warren B®Ji
Donrobin 9
I nd:-try B"7
'0.27. ®o
Mervifle 146
Cues iv irk 13Q !
East Lothian 169
Mary’sburg 86
vrlum 7t
Gibraltar lil|
No. 1 52
Courtland 9
I’- risk 67
Kilcoy 8 ",
('hesiiys 46
Albion 83
Belvidere 93
Hampsliere&Wil Hampsliere&Willi.imsburg
li.imsburg Hampsliere&Willi.imsburg 2074
Rosehall 69
rort hiourant 2|.
d- of 11 A 12. fit fitiL-oarce
iL-oarce fitiL-oarce 87|
;;.!n 59'
Clifton 47
Johns 89 :
Hlooinfield 89 •
l.etterkenney 88-
\cblyne 86
Whim 83
Lancaster 69J
Liverpool 5.3
Manchester 92 |
(J| verstone .74/
\lness &47 ,
Salt on 67 |
(logstye 44
Acwlandhali 135
Friendship 68
Adventure 441
Nurney 50
Kildonnand 55J
Maida 128
D. ALLT, Dep. Rec. Gen.
Kiimorrack 64
’tilippi 43).
Cromarty 60
'Jeanies 95
i'arlogie 2354
Vo. 35. 36
Half Vo. 36. (west
half) 29
Brighton 149 J
iviltearn 72-
ilevershatn 92
Dingwall 38
â– psoin 68)
»ava 34
lengal 39
>ood Hope. 66
Jolspie 27’L
Silver Fleece 40-
Arcadia 4
’■uirt No. 18. 8
•l-.rv's Hope 16
No. 50. 6FJ
No. 6'?. 16~
Weymouth 34-
1-3 d of 71 &72(T.
W nite) 20
Printemps 90
Spring Garden 65
iarriet 49
-\nn 29 .)
Cnmbcrland 44-
Cnrrol nr half 79. 18
jcuieairne 27
piduard 131
JVredcnb’jrg 3«
i Cotton Tree 26. |
i’e-zicht 99
! i-.dleitown 82’
pi ,-lair 60
I Inverness 150
(Friends Retreat 24-
Woodlands 37
)of 11 and 12 or
Barn 11
I’ivo Friends 25-
Kiinierzorg 44
Retreat 48
Hope & Experi-
ment 210
Bata & Naarstig Naarstigtiaheid
tiaheid Naarstigtiaheid 191
Onderueiuing 2)7-
3 1 Hr 142
. I .Id N 0.23 A24. 49-
â– olden Grove &
Lovely Lass 102-
Onverwagt 55-
No. 28. 120
rraf.dg-ir 75
(Jif. >n‘ 132
Tempe & Nursery 95
Chester 50-
Y’covil Place 1.3
r Ross 56-
tlraban 65-
Kingely 48
‘*ho’ iiix . 50
Jacoba Welhclmi-
â– u.i 74
Litchfield 128-
No. 40 A 41. 171-
iSeiticld 64
I Washington 239
mope 66
/Weldaad 112
IGolden Fleece 250-
iKintail 76
Fowl is 54
Profit 153-
Sundry Individ. 1,887
Total 22,228
NIEUW AMsSTERDAM, J October, 1814.
By de aankomst,gepasscerde 7j(iturdag avond, van on onze
ze onze Guyana Bukket, brengende de Augitslux male,zyn ons
eenige Nederlandsche Kouranten ter hand gekotnen, en
isaarvan wy het vulgende mededeelen.
De Brievezak vour Europa, zal aan het Post Kafttoor
alhier gesloten zsorden op Dingsdag 4 October aanstaan aanstaand
de aanstaand } ’j morgens ten 6 uren.
WY WILLEM, by de grade Gods, Prinse van Oranje-
Nassau, Souvercin l orst der Pereenigde Ncdcrlanden,
enz., enz-, enz.;
Aan allede genen, die deze zullen zien of hooren lezen,
saint! doen te witen :
Nadema.il Wy, in afwachting van het tydstip, waarop
de Nederlandsche v<> kplantingen en bczittnigen, in de
Wext.lndie i, aan Ous zullen worden terug gegeveti, de
goede ingezetenen d.-zer Landen willen stellen hi het geno
tier voordeelen, aan eenen regtstreekschen handel en vaart
op dezelve bezittingen veriionden, en deswege met hvi
gouvernenient van Groot.Britatmie in onderhandelingiu
zyn getreden, die tlians tot het gewenschte einde gebragl
zyn, en overmenkomstig degelke bovengumelde vaart eti
handel door Ons provisioneel behuoren tc worden gercgekl
en bepaaltl;
Zoo is het, dat Wy, den Raad van State gehoerd, en
met gemeen overleg der Staten.Gencraal dezer Landen;
Hebben goedgevonden en verstaan te statueren, zoo a!;,
gestatueerd wordt, by deze:
Art. 1. AlleOnze onderdanen zullen vermogen te navi,
gcren en te handclen op Suriimmen, Her bice, Demcrnry,
Esscquebo, Curasao, St, Eustatins, Saha, St. Ana/iia,
hoewel zich deze kolonien nog bevindcn in de nia-t der
kroon van Engeland, mils zy uooizien zyn van lie. uces,
ten (lien einde door den atnbassadeur van Zyne Groot-
Brittannische Majesteit, by Ons residertnde, aftcgeven
2. Ter bekomi ig van deze licenses, zullen de belaug.
hebbende by het departement van finautien moeten bewy.
zen, dat zy zyn onderdanen der Vereenigde Nedcrlanden
en biimen dezelve woonachtig, en dat het schip of vaartuig
me* hetwelk zy voorncmens zyn een reize naar eene der
bovengeinelde kolonien te doen, him eigendom is, en ge gebo'iwd
bo'iwd gebo'iwd op het grondgebied der VerSenigdeNederlaodeu en
hemand met een’ kaptain en drie vierde der equipagie Ne Nederlandschc
derlandschc Nederlandschc onderdanen zynde, of een schip of vaartuig,
in Groot-Brittannie gebouwd en in eigendom toebehoren toebehorende
de toebehorende en bemand, zoo als by de Britsche wetten voorsch.e.
ven is.
3. Dienvolgens zullen voor gemelde vaart en handel,
door het departement der nnantien, worden verleeud as.
zo.iderlyke zeebrieven, houdeude den naam van ten min.
sten ct n’ der eigenaren, eu de piaats aanwyzendc, alwaar
het schip is gebouw d.
•1. Met last- of tonnegeld, voor elk schip of vaartuig,
van, of naar de voortnelde kolotiiln in. of uitgeklaani
w ordende, anders dan in ballast, zal zyu een gulden per
ton gerekend tegen een last.
5. Ter vervanging der recognitir, veil, en lastgdden, en
alleandere byzondere konditien, waaraan de vaart en han.
del van, en op de voonnelde bezittiugen, in de West-ln.
dien, is onderworpen geweest, en ten einde deze vaart en
handel op gelyke voet te brengen als die, welke tnsschcn
Groot.Brittannie en gezegde kolonien g/voerd wordt, zal
dezelve gcschiedeo in voege als hier volgd:
6. Alle goederen, waren en koopmanschappcn, zynde
van het gewas, voortbrcngsel of fabriekwezen der Ver Vereenigde
eenigde Vereenigde Nederlandon, betalen, op het uitgaan naar de ge gemelde
melde gemelde kolonien, van de waarde van honderd guldens een
recht van vyf guldens en tien stuivers, en een recht van
drie guldens en tien stuivers, wanneer dezelve zyn van
het gewas, voorbrcngZel of fabriekweaen van het Veree Vereenigdkoningryk
nigdkoningryk Vereenigdkoningryk van Groot-Brittanje en lerland, makende
het laatstgemelde met het recht van twee per cent, dat in
Engeland op het Uitgaan geheven wordt, eene gelyke be.
lasting van vyf cn een half per cent, als voor inlandschc
goederen is bepaald.
De navolgende goederen van voorschreven origine zyn
van deze belasting uitgezonderd, en alzoo vry van rechten
hetzy rechtstreeks van hier of uit England over dit Land
uair de kolonien worden uitgevoerd, te weten:
Katoenen garens cn andere katoenen manufakiuren,
linnens, geraffine rde suiker, kundy suiker, strosp,
wiuntmatrialen, ulsmede grancn en meet.
1. Van goederen uit de Vereenigde Nederlanden her.
komstig, zullen, by de aangifto tot uitvuer naar de kolo-
nien, voldocnde, door de plaatselyke regering gclegaliseer*
van derzelver inlandschen oorsprong, ten kauloreder kon.
vooijen en licenten moeten worden geproduceerd, eu aU
daar blyven bcrusten.
Onder goederen vdh inlandschen oorsprong w orden, met
betrekkiug tot bet gemanufaktureerde, begrepen alle de
zoodanigen, welke binnen deze Landen cenigerlei be wor working
king working hebben ondergaan.
8. Deze goederen van Britsche oorsprong, cn uit Enge«
land komende, met destinatie naar de kolonien, zullen by
arrm ment, als zoodanig mdeten worden gedeclarecrd, met
produktie van bewys hunner origine, by de aangifte ten
konvooi.kantore, tot betaling der gewone inkomende reg»
tert, die vervolgens, by de aangifte tot uitioer naar deko dekolonien,
lonien, dekolonien, door restitutie van het te veel betaalde of supple suppletie
tie suppletie van het te kort, op de by art. 6. bepaalde regten van
drie en een half pCt. van de w aarde moeten worden verre verrekend.
kend. verrekend. En zullen niet aileeri de merken, numinerv, fusta fustagic,
gic, fustagic, emballagie, kwantiteiten waarde, volgens welke de
uirlJai ing in Engeland is gcschied, maar ook de pakhuizen
moeten worden opgegeven, waariu deze goederen zullea
worden opgeslagen, yn waaruit dezelve niet zullen mogeu
worden g trausporteerd, dan om naar derzelver destinatio
i igescheept te w orden, op verbeurtc van de faculteit, tot
de verzending naar de kolonien, die, niterlyk binnen dria
maanden, na de aangifte op het inkomen, zal moeten ge geschieden,
schieden, geschieden, ten zy, in byzondere gvalien, redeiien tot pro prolorigatie
lorigatie prolorigatie gevonden worden.
De otficiiren der konvooijen cn licenten zullen het fegt
hebben, om de aangewezciie pakhuizen, van tyd tot tyd,
te hezoeken, ten einde zich van het aanwezen aldaar en do
identiet der goederen te verzeken n.
9. De goederen, waren en koopmanschappen, niet zyn zynde
de zynde van het gewas, voortbrengsel of fahrykwezen van het
koningryk van Groot.Britanje en lerland, noch van do
Vereenigde Nederlanden, zu’ien, by den uitvoer naar de
kolonien, de uitgaande regten betalen, overcenKomstig het
novolgende tarif:
Plane!— (zie manufa -turen.)
Plesschen— van gew o. n groen of gemeen glas, tot zoo.
danige hocveeltieid als kan bevatteu honderd me igelen
vocht f 33-
Garen— getwynd garen, de honderd ponden f 15—10
Kabel garen, (zie touw werk.)
Katoen garen de honderd ponden f 40-
Glas— te weten flesschen, (zie flesschen.)
Granen en Meet— vry van regten.
Haarpoeder— de honderd ponden f 98-
idsm geparfutneerde of parfumen stof, de hond rd
ponden / 136-
lloeden— geheel of gedeelfelyk gemaakt van vi'thaar, wol
of bever, de hoed f 17—
Iloepen— van yzer, de honderd ponden f 12-
van hout, de duizend sluks f 7-
lluiden— als volgt:
Van buliels, bullen, koeij n en Ossen, gelooid en niet
anders bereid, het pond J 0-10
Van paarden, merries of ruitien, gelooid en gene andere
wyze bereid, het ponrl f 0-10
Van lynxen, het pond f 0-16
Moskovische en Russische gelooid of g kfeurl, het
pond f 0-16
Kaur sen— spermaceti en waskaarsen, de honderd pon ponden
den ponden f 119-
Van talk, de drie.honderd ponden f 95-
Kaarskatoen— de honderd ponden f 44—
Kaarten— te weten speelkaarten, hei gros f 40-
Kabeltouw— (zie touwwerk.)
Katoen voor Kaarsen-~-(z\e kaarskatocn.)
Laken— (zie manufacturer!.)
Linnen— van allerhande soort, het zeild >ek alleen ultge.
zonderd, van def 100— waarde f 40-
Nanking.linnen, (zie Oost-Indische goederen.)
Zeillinnen of zeildoek, de honderd twintig ellen f 54—
Manufacturen — lianel, de el f 0-12
Alle soorten van laken, de el f 12-15
Alle anderestoffen, gemaakt van of vermengd met wol 194
de e! f 4-9
Zie verdere Oost-Indische goederen.
Muntmateriaal, vry van regten.
Oost-Indische goederen— namelyk:
Goederen, waren, en koopmanschappen van het gewas
voortbrengsel of fabrykWezen van de OosUlndienof Chil
na, dadelyk vars het Vereenigd koningryk van Groot-
Britanje en lerland in de Vereenigde Nederlanden inge ingevoerd
voerd ingevoerd zynde, vry van rechten.
Dezelfde goederen, waren en koopmanschappen niet van
het Vereenigd koningryk Groot Britanje en lerland in de
Vereenigde Nederlandan ingevoerd zynde, als volgt;
Thee~ vry van regten.
Effin Mousseline of Neteldoek :
Effea wit caUJcee*, mousseline es erltte callicoes, ge-
(No® 523.
{ Payable in advance.
blofmd of gebordnnrd, eSan vrltte d'mdtert, nanking.Rn.
»*‘n, en alle artHtelen, gemaakt van haar of boomwolle, of
•enig zamenmengsd daarvan, van do waarde van honderd
guldens f 5-
Goederen, waren en koopmanschappen uit de Oost.
Indien, die vcrbuden Zyn in Engeiand te dragen of te ge.
bru.kcn, van de warde van honderd gulden/5-
Te wefen : alatlies, ak ejars, atehabanoes, atlas, banda.
Moezen, bveta.iants, brawls, calamapues, gvkleurde ka.
to:*ne»S kaio. new handoeketi, dito met geklenrde randen,
camdanics, eharcomiaes, melassen, chitsen, chuchlaes,
dbusloes, coopus, krip, cushtaes, custanes, dyksooksoys.
sprei en heddcbehangsels, ghillils, gingang, cotroots
of tarouts, of siichtermanszy de, herba, indhch.
•i-otfen, bcddenbenoodigdheden en ameublementen, jew.
bftoisois, kiugoel, bastendoekcn, zyden dito, zyden roller*,
muggesawies, gekleurde neteldoeken, blaauw nanking,
pawabeys, neganepants, nicanasser, hasten, paduasoys,
palampons, pininscor, photoes, poyees, zyden roeinaals,
katoencn dito, salbpants, sarsenets, sjerpen of gotdels van
lyde, idem van gekleurde katoen; sastracandies, sanstt.
Chers, naaizyde, zyden stollen, dito zakdoeken, soolans.
Boosies, soowies, shawis, geborduurd, dito doeken gebor.
d ntrd, taflen, tapseils, tepoys, taradari, fluweel, zcer.
Aik andere goederen, waren en koopmanschappen van
het gewas, voortbrengsel of fabrykwezen van de Oust.
Imliseh of China, niet elders by dittarif genocmd of belast,
•Is volgt;
Van de gemanufactuurd', de honderd waarde/ 10-
\ an de ongcmanuiactuurde, de honderd waarde / 20—
7 — a | s rolgt;
Van tcrpentyn, de honderd ponden / 29-
V-m vitriool, d- honderd pondeu/21-
Papicr— a's valgt:
Bruin of graauw rapier, de honderd ponden/39-10
Gedr-ukt, g scltilderd mitsgaders beiiang.
•cl papier, de vierkante ei /O-9
Alle andere sourten van papier, per pond/0-16
Parliament— de twnalf b'ad' ii /5—
Sp eUcaarten— (zi • karrten.)
Hf afsel — d« honderd ponden 96-
7’/ ittwerk —geteerdofongeteerd, dchonderd ponden/11-
2’Aee—(zie Oost-lndische gouleien.)
K vofgt;
Kalfsvellen, gelooid en niet anders bereid, de honderd
ponden f 40-
Geitenvellen, gelooid, de honderd stubs/284-
Jonge boksvell n, bereid, do honderd stnks/ 14-10
Lamsvellen, bereid in aluin, zout of meel, de honderd
Idem, bereid in olie, de honderd stuks/2 4—
Schapen veile.l, bereid, gelooid of getouwd, de honderd
Eikhoorns of calabrische vcllen, getouwd, de honderd
VV’olfsvellen, getouwd, het sfok / 5—
Hyn— Fransche wyn, het vat van 60 stekan./ 80—
Aiadcra wyn, dito dito / 59—
Rynsche, D'itsche of Hongaarsche wyn, als voren f7s— f7s—
— f7s— nen van de Kaap de Goede Hoop, eu daartoe beho behotende
tende behotende landen, als voren J 17—
Portuge-cae, Spaansche en alle andere wynen, welke by
flit Xarief ni t anuera geuoemd of omsGhratea zyu, als
voren / 53—
J zer. u lloepen— (zie hoepeu.)
Sleep—als iolgt :
Harde zeep. de honderd ponden/42—
Zachtezeep, de honderd pondeu / 36-
Zti'ihek— (zie lumen.)
Alle andere goederen, waren koopmanschappen, niet
Zynde van het gewa-:, voortbrengsel of fahiykwcz.n van
het Verceni;d kouin jryk van Groot Britanje en leiland,
Hoch van da Ntderlanden, en by het tegen.
woordig tarief niet byzonder genoeind, omschrevett of met
ffechieu bczwa>rd, betalen als volgt;
Gcmanufaktureeidc, van de honderd waarde/40—
lOngcinanuf.ikturccide, van de honderd waarde J 20—
Alle goedenn, waren en koopmanschappen, zynde van
het gewas, voortbrengsel of faery kwezen van Frankryk,
betalen, boven en bshaiven de rechten by dit tariif voor
goederen, niet uit England of de Vereeingde Nederlanden
heikomsiig, be aald, noch een additioncel recht, gelyk
Itaandc am ecu »ieide gedeelte van diczeifde recht. n, en
Zu ks alles naar aanleiding van, en overeeustemming met
de in Groot Britanje vigeiende wetten en regleo.euten, ten
gevolge van het begin sei van gelykstelliug der rechten,
hierboven als eenc der hoofdvoorwaaiden van deze pruvi.
•ionele. vaart en hatidel opg
10. Ten elude de in artike! 9 gemelde goederen, niet
Zynde van Britschen of Nederlandschen oorsprong, en ge.
•lestineerd, om naar de kolonien tc worden uitgevoerd, te
onderscheiden van dezulken, welke uit Frankryk herkom.
•tig zyn, zullen dezrlve nioeten zyu vergizdd van ceitili.
eaten, dodr onzekonsu's, de embtenaren der token of an.
-dere publieke uutoritciten, zoo vcel mogelyk, ter plaatse
van den oorsprong, of aiiderznis van de afzendmg, ten be.
Wyze van derzelver origine, as te geven ; en zai van g..
aaeide hunne besfemming, daddy k, by arrivenieiit, decla.
gatie moeten worden gedaan, en verder ten opzichte dezer
goederen, zoo met betrekki.ig tot de vdurbetaling de ge.
woue ink amende rechten als anderzins, gehandeld worden
ju gelyke maniere, als ten aauzicn van dezulken, die met
jgelyke destinatie uit Engdand worden aangebracht, hier.
voren by art. 8 is vastgcsteld.
11. Alle goederen, niet van certificate!! d’origine voor voor£ien,
£ien, voor£ien, welke men naar de kolonien zouden willen expe.
4i«ren, znlleii worden beschouwd te zyn herkomstig uit
frankryk, en mitsdien onderworpan zyn aan de betaling
van zoodanig recht, als daarop, by tat laatsts gedesiw van
9, is vMigaiivlti.
H. begoederert, voor welke zertificateen & origins wor.
den geproduce rd, en die vooraf by de inlading naar de
kolonien mochten worden bevonden te zyn van een’ an.
deren oorsprong dan de certificate!* aanduiden, zullen wor.
den verbeurd vvrklaard, ten behoeve der aenen, die daartoe
by de wetten op het stuk der konvooijen en licenten zyn
gerechtigd verklaard;
13. De goederen, komende uit de voormvlde kolonien,
zullen oiidcrworpen zyn aan de betaling van zoodanig?
rechten, als voor gely ksoorlige goederen van andere lan landen
den landen zyn gerege d, by he. tarief van 31 July 1725, en op.
gcvolgde alteratien.
11. De ruwceii buiten Europa geraffineerde suiker, uit
de kolonien, in art. I vermeld, hier te Lande aangebracht
en vervolgens naar buiten’s Lands verzonden wordenu.,
zal, provisioned en tot nadere bepaling, op het uitgaan,
betalen als Vdlgt:
Gedrkte, gek'eide of gcaarde suiker, van de honderd
ponden / 5—15.
Ruweof Aloskovada suiker, van de 100 ponden /3. 5.
Zullende voor zoodamge suiker worden gehouaeu aik
dezmke, wadrvan, by deaingifte ten konvoui.kantu.cn,
geene aliezins voldoende bewyzen eener andere origin,
w orden geprodiueerd.
Ooze Jsccretiaris van staat voor de finantien zal de exe.
cutie dezer wet door de unrest gepastc maatregelen verze.
keren ; en zal dexvlvc voorts in het Staaisblad worden ge.
Gegeven in ’sGravenhage den Ode July des jaars 1814,
ea van O.ize Regt ring het Eerste.
Ter ordonnantie van Zyne Komnklyke H /oghcid,
Jje algjmeenc secret ar is van staat
(Get. A. K. FaLCa.
De Secretaiis van staat vooui de finantien der Vc.eemg.
de Nederlanden, ais belast met deexeculie van «de wet,
van den bdetl.zer maand, waarby, ten gevoige eener on.
langs door het Gouverneine.it van Gioot.B.ittatmie mt mtgevaardigde
gevaardigde mtgevaardigde parleinents.akte, wordt geregcld de vu.teti
wyze waarop net aan deing*zeteinu d.zer Vcieanigdu -
derlanden vry staat te handelen en te navigeren, van, ci
op de nav olgende kulonie i in de VVcst-in.e;*, te w ctei*:—
Sunnamen, Berbicc, Demerary, Essequeou, Curasao, St
Eustatius, Saba en St. Martin, brengt hierimde t.r k u unisse
nisse unisse van een’ivder diet* zulks aangaat, dat tot v
van den voor elke exped.tie naar gezegde kolonien u.-iiuv.
digden afzonderly ken ze brief en aanvrage om lrccnc«, oy
het daartoe in te levvic:* verzoikscinift aan den secretute
van staat zullen moctcti worden overgelegd:
I. Een certihcaat door de respective plaatsclyk. g -
rechten aftegeven, op preduetie van de reedwry .ciuuiie c
van den bylbrief of laatste koopbrivtn van het te emj io ; -
eren schi ~ of andere daarvoor subintrerende, even vol.
doende kg.de documcnten, de met-t.cedulleeii and rrsi .k.
k. n, en welk cert.ficaut zal uiueteu worden mgericht naar
het volgende formulier:
Hy... .cerlijiceren hiermede, dot voor ont is ( zyn)
g. com}>areeid...., tvoona luig te.en dat uoor dtn dtnzelven
zelven dtnzelven (oj dezeive) uan oils, onder soletnnele cede is ver verklaard
klaard verklaard tn ook aan ons, up eenc volduende wyze aim on.-
geexhibeerily en ter omer grijfie ui d r A’«... .gc/cgts
schipper...., grunt omtrend... .lusieiiy hebbende,...
dekken... masten, lang zynde. . rot/en,.. . duimen, i r<. eu
... .roc/en,... .duimen, en diep.. . .roeti/i,.... uutmen
lhans liggende te...en gedesiine.rd om te verh kken
naar...., en tervg te koine nm de huven v<,n . ... ,is -
bouwd binnen het gebu d der l\ rcenigde Nederlanden,
enwel te....; dat hetzelve geheel en a'leen tceben,ura
aan ingezetenev van dezen Utaat, binned dcnzelvvn wouu
achtig, en dat de eenige eigenaar (uj een der vut rnaum rnaumsle
sle rnaumsle van hcuelvt is... .wunenue 1e....
d n
Vcor zoo ver de in deze vaart te employerett Nvder Nvderlandscnc
landscnc Nvderlandscnc schepen reeds van ecu’ gewone zeebrief mochten
zyn voerzicii geworden, zal de productie daarvan aan den
gerechte genoegzaam zyn, ten bewyze van tie grootte van
het schip, en of hetzeive binnen het geb.ed der Verecnig Verecnigde
de Verecnigde Nederlanden gebouwd is ; zullendc mitsd.en in zulkgc zulkgcval,
val, zulkgcval, tot verkryging van het liter boven omschn ven cettt.
ficait, by zoodanige zeebrief, en de opgave van de desti destinatie
natie destinatie van ship uit en te huis, noch slecnfs te voegen zyn
hetbiwys, precisely k aantoonende de plaats, waar het
schip bnmen de V’ereenigde Nederlanden is gehouwd, en
den mam en woonplaats van den eigenaar of ecu der voor voornaamste
naamste voornaamste reeders.
2. Een op productie van de monstcr.rol en verderebe verderebenoodigde
noodigde verderebenoodigde papieren, door d zelfde autoriteit te verieenen
ccrtincaat, van den navolgeoden inhoud:
Hy... .cert/ficeren hiermede, dat aan ons, uit de aan
ons geproduceerde en ter onzer grijjie under N 0... .ge.
registreerde legale documcnten, volkomen is bezeezen, dul
de schipper, en niet minder dau drie vierde gedeell n der
zeclieden van het te... .gebouwd schip, thans genn.umd
...., gevoerd by schipper...., liggende te...., en be.
stemd nwtr...., zyn onderdunen tier I’eretnigde Ne.
derlanden ( geteekend als voren.)
3. Een door de inladers of derzelver gemachtigdcn, on.
der presentatie van cede, as te geven declaratoir, van in.
houd, als vo gt:
IVy ondergeteekenden, eenige inladers of gemachligden
der inladers in het schip, thans genaamd ,
gevoerd door schipper en gedestineerd
naar verklaren hiermede, onder presen.
tatie van eede, dat de goederen, in hetzelve schip door ons
geladen of noth te’laden, en bestaande in ,
taf figciufoui van ous 9 of van onze
de . . . alienonderdrtnenderVereenGde
landen, en dat mitsdien geene budenlanders
part of deel hebben. Weeni*
4. Ten opzichte van de in voorsz. vaart te £ P h x
Fmgelsche schepen, zal het sub L â–¼ermeldecertific/a'i
den vervangen door een, door het engelsch cm, 3ulaa
geven declaratoir, houdande: dat het te bcztgen *
gehouwd in Groot.Brittannieen in eigendo n toehriwZ ?
en bemand, zoo als by de Britsche wetten k vomgXhJ
Zu’lende de afgifte der licences by de Britsche
plaats iiebbtn, ten gevoige der disposition, by den
taris van Staat,opde vooimeldevaczo.kschriften tenem?
en zynde, scr bevon'ering daarvan, ezpresselyk «eda<*
it erd d< “olliciteur by het departement van buiten| an( Jk
zaketi, Thomas Cat or. **
Voorts zal icdere aldus v i worvenc license voor de (ft
vaart van het schi'-, aan den ontvaiiger der konvooyen '
licenh n, ter plaatsc der itilading, mbet h wnrdvit vertoaj
est door d- nzelven geregistreeiden geviseerd. *
I n wordt, eindelyk, aan de be'anghebbenden onderhet
oog gubra jt, dat, door de vourz, wet niet is gederoreej
aan een.gerlci vroegere prohibitive verordeniugen op
invoer, oilv bcr of doorvorr, in, uit, of door de V
uigde Nederlanden van sommige artikekn gestatueerd.
*« Gravcnhagf, den 12 July. 1814.
De secretai is van staat voor de
2 ' )7 ih Sunday after Trinity.
Court of Policy and Criminal Justice.
5 V
.’aith.—l a t Qr. 8 11. 6M. Morning.—?'aapTiita
( olony arc to he ; < over with white in thg
cours.- of the presen’ month.
SutunD.tr, October 1, 1814.
The K' lit p icket, with the .dugud Mail, arrived dl
\nuinum on i!
tunearded in a small sloop which sailed shortly Oder thd
trrival at the pa kef, and came in on Saturday
!'he London Tapirs are to the 13th of that
inclusive, but (heir content# are unimportant.
H'e have likewise received Dutch Papers of reeeid
dat.s, some of i.hich contain a y bloat ion of the Prisut
.Sovereign oj the Netherlands, Jibing the rutes of custsad
for ihe Trade to be carried on between Holland and kef
former Settlements, in the Hesi Lillies and South rlna*
i u, while tlry remain in the possession of the British.
if e have authority to state that the Mail for Europt
will be closed at the Post Office on Tuesday, the 4th nisi.
ui 9 x o'doik ii the miming.
lifllTlSli P 4 \LLPMENT.
At two o’clock hi' i.oya' Highness the Prince Recent
esme fioni Laihi state, to prorogue Parliament.
I’he House aas crowded with ladi ?s, and the aticndancW
of Peers, who were as usual, attired hi their state robed
was very numerous.
On toe enu inco of his Royal Highness, Sir Thomas
Ty rwhitt aa* dispatched to require the attendance of tha
House of Commons.
The Speaker, attended by several'Members, soon after
appeared at the bar, w ith the Vote of Credit Bill in his
hand, and after bowing to the Prince Regent, addressed
his Roy al Highness in tli.i following terms;—
“ Jhiy it please your il-jyal Highness,
“ his Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Commo®!
of Great Britain and In land, do now attend your Royal llighno*
with our last Bill of Supply for the .ervice of the present year.
“ Assembled at a period when the fate of Europe was still doubt doubtful,
ful, doubtful, and baiamed by alternate hopes and reverses, we have been
anxious but not inactive spectators of those great transactions wbidt
have wrought So fortunate a change in the state of the civilised
“ During th'-s portentous interval, we have pursued our legislative
labours according to our accustomed course, applying pratgical re»
niedies to the practical evils incident to old establishments, or arising
ont of new occurrences j in soi.,e cases proceeding experimentally by
laws of a limiti d duration; in others collecting such materials of io*
formation as may Uy the ground for future measures} and those whs
may come after v« w ill see traces of that progressive improvement
which the sober habit of this country cautiously, but not reluctautlji
adopts into the system of its domestic policy and jurisprudence.
“ With respect to our financial arrangements, by the provident
measures of a former Session, we have been enabled to refrain t*®®
augmenting the burthens of the people, and at the same time to mako
our military exertions correspond with the scale of passing events.
“Whilst we have been thus employed, tbe destinies of Europe has®
been gradually unrolled before oar eyes; and the powerful nation*
of the North sending forth their collect ive strengbt to try the last is
•f war, whibt Great Sritaia aad iter Allies were, with eipial vigour*
r. inc»n< fr® m the South, their joint efforts have at length aeeom-
K' bed the downfall of the greatest military despotism which,iu mo-
* fl b rfav!i has disgraced and desolated the earth.
■“In these arduous struggles, w e can look back, with just pride, on
*• Bi,. discha ge of our high duties. The Biitish army, modelled upon
l« ■„j seß ystem,steadily and impartially administered at home, and
»inducted by consummate skill and valour in the field, has borne its
â– ID lete share in the glorious conclusion of this long aud eventful
fIX- and his Majesty’s faithful Coininuns have gladly lent their aid
* â– maintain the honours and dignities of those illustrious commanders
t â– whom the wisdom of the Sovereign has called upon to surround his
I f peace which has since followed, the efforts of this country
* Biave been not less glorious. The w ise and liberal policy of our Go Go-4
-4 Go-4 â– vernment, which announced justice and equality of rights to be the
l Ibasis of our diplomatie system, has been happily sustained abroad.
, ■T ‘ lie British name now stands high in policy as in arms; and an eu-
â– lightened people has justly applauded the firmness and temper winch
â– have conciliated and cemented the interests of Allies, cheered th,
â– doubtful animated the zealous, and united the deliverers and the de delivered
livered delivered in a peace honorable and advantageous to all the Contract Contractfling
fling Contractfling Powers. ... , .
■“The events of our ow n times have out-run the ordinary march of
â– history. Peace restored, commerce revived, thrones re-established,
I afford' the well-founded hope that the same counsels and the same
I Biaster-hand, so mainly instrumental in the w ork hitherio arcom-
I nlisbed, may, at the approaching Congress, extend and fix the work
I of peace throughout Europe; and a further hope that the earnest and
I universal prater of this great country may prevail Upon the nations
ft of Europe, in re-establishing their own happinc-s, to concur also in
ft puttin’’ an effectual end to the wrongs and de olitianof Africa.
■Z “ Auspicious, however, as our present state may seem to he, the in inst
st inst stability of all hdman affairs forbids ns to be too confident of its
ft prosperou- < outicnanie. Much >ct remains to be done in Europe,
I and we have slid one content to maintain by war; a w tr which we
â– can nevercons' n to terminate but by the estaid > iim utof otis claims,
I according to the maxims of public law, and the maritime rights of
ft this empire.
ft “To provide for these branches of fir public service has been our
I last care, and the i ill w hich I have to present to your Royal High-
I aess is intitled, 4 An Ac) for enabling his Majestr to raise the sura of
I three millions for the service of Great Britain,and for applying the
I sum of SOO/XIOI. Briti h currency for tae service of Ireland.’ To
â– which Bill your faithful Commons, w ith all humility,entreat bis Wa Waft
ft Waft jttty’s Roval Assent.â€
I The Speaker then handed the Vote of Credit Rill to the Clerk,
and the Koval Assent having been given thereto in toe usual form,
his Royal Highness the Prime Regentdeliveredtofollowingspeech:—
“ J/y Lords and Gentlemen,
« I cannot dose this Session of Pailiament, without repeating the
f expression of my deep regret at the continuance of his Majesty’s la la|
| la| Stented indisposition.
“ When, in consequence of that calamity, the powers of Govern Government
ment Government were first entrusted to me, I found this country engaged in a
War with tire greater part of Europe.
“ I determined, to adhere to that line of policy which his Majesty
had adopted, aud in which tie had persevered under so many and
Such trying difficulties.
“ The zealous and unremitting support and assistance which 1 have
received from you, and fora all classes of his Majesty's subjects; the
consummate skill and ability displayed by the great Commander,
wtiu.,e services yon ha. e o jus I, a< kn<>w lodged; aid ti e valour and
intrepidity of Lis Majesi. s fortes by sea and land, have enabled me,
under the blessing*ot' Hit ue Prov uleKce, io surmount all the difficul difficulties
ties difficulties with which I h:,vi bad to toi.lt -.
“ I have the • t auction of coni’ .p! i.iog the full accomplishment
of all those ob’ects for w hich l,ie t ,r >< »=. < itner undertaken or con continued;
tinued; continued; ;nd the in evampled vc lunsnt »...-> country,combined with
those ofhs Majcs.ys ’.iin’s,. ive uttec l-’u in -Reeling the deliver deliverance
ance deliverance of Ivrope fitiin the , o I gulirag aud oppressive tyranny under
Which if bas.vei laboured.
“ The r< .’••Huiou ot »o many of the anti.mt and kgitimateGovern kgitimateGovernments'of
ments'of kgitimateGovernments'of the Couticent ailc.ds th • i.< i pect of tue permanence
•f that peace wl.i: h, in ecinje.iH i.iou wiia Majesty's Allies, I ua'e
concluded; and on may rely on iny c.i its being directed, at the
approaching Congrefc, to complete the senl<â€. nt of Europe, w hich
hes been already so ausph iously Ivegiiu, uiui a; promote, upon prin principles
ciples principles of justice and impartiality, all uiom* u.e . ures winch may ap appear
pear appear best calculated to secure tur tranquillity aua happiness ot all
the nations engaged in the late war. ,
44 1 regret the continuance of hostilities with the United States of
America. Notwithstanding the unprovoked ion of the Go Government
vernment Government of that country , and tae cn’i umstauces under which it took
place, 1 am sincerely desirous of the restoration of peace between
the two nations honourable to both. Lut until Uns object can be ob obtained,
tained, obtained, lam persuaded you will see the nece-'Sity of oiy availut. ;ny ;ny•elf
•elf ;ny•elf of the means now at my disposal to prosecute tiie war witu in increased
creased increased vigour.
Gentlemen o f the House o f Commons,
44 I thank you for the liberal pi o vision which you have made for
the serviceâ„¢ of th ' present year.
“ The circumstances under which the war iu t.urope has been con concluded,
cluded, concluded, and th.' necessity of inai ‘taiaiug for a time a body of troops
in British pa, up’A the Continent, nave rendered a continuation of
•ur foreign expenditure unavoidable. Yon na > rely,however, upon
my determination io reduce* th.- expenses ot me country a« rapidi ?
as the nature of our situation will permit.
“ My Lot ds and Gentlemen,
“ It is a peculiar gratification to me to be enabled to assure yon,
that full justice is rendered throughout Europe to that manly p rse rseverance
verance rseverance which, amid
ed preserved this country against all the designs of its eni'iaics, lias augmented
the resources and extended toe dominions ot t»e Briusn Empire, and
has proved in its result as beneficial to other nations a- to our own.
“His Majesty s subjects cannot fail lo be deeply sensible of the
distinguished advantages which they Have poss ..ed; and I am per per•uuded
•uuded per•uuded that they w
atitution Conatitution which it has now for a century been the << > t ci of my f.t.oi f.t.oily
ly f.t.oily to maintain unimpaired,and vndi r which dr people o this realm
llave enjoyed more, of real liberty at home, and of auc glo.y abroad,
than has ever fallen to t ie lot of any nation.â€
Then the Lord f nancellor, by the I‘rince Regent's command,said,
“ idy Lords and Gentlemen,
' ** It is the command of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent,
acting in the name and on behalf of hi» .da, sty, thal this Parliament
be prorogued to Saturday the th day of August next, to be i;,en
here noldeii; and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to fia-
Airday tha *47 th day of August next.
For recalling and prohibiting His Majesty's nnfitra 1 born
Subjects front serving in the Sea, or Lund I'orces of
the United Stales of America.
•eorge, P. R.
Whereas by the ancient law of this realm, founded
Apon the principles of general law, the natural born sub.
jects of His Majesty cannot, either by swearing allegiance
to other Princes or Slates, or by any other their Own acts,
•r by the acts of any foreign Princes or States, either
alone or concurring with their own, discharge themselves,
•r be discharged, from the natural allegiance which, from
flair birth, they wit to His Majesty, his heirs aud succes.
Mrs, which nafttrai allegiance being antendent and para,
mount to any ather claim of allegiance whatsoever, cannot,
by these or any other such acts, be withdrawn or cancel,
led. And whereas it hath been represented to us, that di divers
vers divers of the natural.born subjects of His Alajesty have ac.
cepted letters of Naturalization, or certificates of citizen,
ship, from the United States of America, and have sworn
allegiance which they owe, and must continue to owe, t®
his iVlajesty, his heirs and successors, and have, in viola,
tion of such natural allegiance, engaged by sea aud land, in
hostile and traitorous acts against His Majesty : And
whereas some of the said natural.bom subjects of His Ma Majesty
jesty Majesty may have been induced so to act, from an erroneous
persuasion and belief which they may have been led to en entertain,
tertain, entertain, that their duty of naun il allegiance was capable of
being dissolved or withdrawn from His Majesty, his heirs
and successors; we have therefore thought fit, in the
name and on the behalf of His .vlaj.sty, aud by and with
the advice of His Majesty’s Pnvy Council, to issue thi>
Proclamation, hereby naming ail the natural born sub subjects
jects subjects of His Majesty, that the natural a k-gianfe w hicii
• hey owe, and of right aught to hear aid pay, to Ills Ma.
j es ty» bis heirs and succe s.
acts, or by t..n acts ot any t h ig.i Fiinres or States, cither
alone, or concurrent with thmro vn, h. dissolved or with,
drawn from His Maj.sly, his heirs or succ. ssors. And
we have further thought fit, in the na.ne ana on t ic Ir h in
of His Majesty, and by and with the 4 i i iea oresatvi, in
consideration that some of the said uaturai-boru snbjcc’.-
of His .Majesty, may, through delusion or error, h ive so
acted as aforesaid, by this Pnc’a.nation to pnohsti and d< -
c are, that ail such the said oaturai-tjui u subj cts of His
Alaj sty, who, having so acted, shad, wilimi four months
from the date hereof, wiiiiU. iv. (iie. i .-n s ;ro
of the said United States, shall receive it s alaj.sty’s free
and gracious pardon: And wc do, t.,oreover, in the iiain.
and on the behalf of His Majesiy , and by and with th.
advice aforesaid, hereby also pub ish and declare, th.it aii
naf .irat-born subjets ot His Majesty, who shall hertafiei
voluntarily enter, or having enter, d, sha I voluntarily
continue to Serve in tha laud forces, or on bond any oi
the ships or vessels of war of the s a.d United Slates ot
America, or in the private ships or vessels of war belong belonging
ing belonging to the citizens of the said United States, at enmity witu
His Majesty, being thereby guilty of high treason, sha I
be punished with the utmost severity of the law.
Given at the Court at Carhoii.iionse, the iJd day of
July, 1814, in the fifty-fourth year of His Majesty’s reign.
Gou save the King !
The Hereditary Prince of Orange, in hiS new capacity
as Commander of the British. Forces in the Netherlands,
is to have a Staff, composed of some of our Alililacy
Noblemen of the first distinction.
The Earl of March has embarked for the Netherlands,
having been appointed Aide-dc.Canip to the Prince oi
The Portuguese Government is said to have ordered a
complate service of plate (gold) to be made, in older to
be presented t» the Duke ot \\ ei'ington, lor ms glorious
efforts in the deliverance of th. ir country. Tiic expense
is estimated at one dundred thousand pounds!
The Essex is said to have landed 2,L0G,W0 of dollars
at Valparaiso previous to her being captured.
The following are reported to be the priuci; al terms
to be proposed by th* British Commissioners al Ghent,
to the American u gociutors s
The British fisheries connected with our Nort Ameri American
can American territories, not to be, under any circumstances, eu eucroacned
croacned eucroacned upo iby the ci izeus of th United States.
The whole of the Lakes, especially Lake Ontario and
Erie, to be exclusively British.
No forts of any description to be constructed in the
neighbourhood of these Lakes, on Republican ground.
The Ohio to be the limit of the territo.y of tne United
'•ales, and the Indians to be guaranted the possessions and
Hunting grounds north and west of the river.
Brussels, Aug. I.—The city of Brussels is at this mo moment
ment moment a scene of bustle. Numbers of strangers, panicu.
larly English, arrive daily. The distinguished personages
who are among us: the hope of approaching happiness,
which shall make us forget our past sufferings; all con.
tribute to fill the hearts of the inhabitants of Brussels with
sensations of pleasure. The amusements which were ba.
nished from the city are return ng with greater splendour
• han ever. The celebrated Fleury, the. veteran of the
French theatre, in spite of nis advanced age, still displays
on our stage his agreeable talents. Crowds flock to see
him; and the English ladies are not the last to applaud
him. An English company is soon expected to appear;
among whom are said to be some good actors.
Biilliaut equipages, fine horses, and crow ds of footpas.
sengers arc daily seen in the Alic Eerie, and give it the
splendour it had lost. Thus all resume new life, and,
like the ; hceriix, we rise from our ashes.
Geri. Piatuff’ is arrived here, with some Cossacks of the
Guard in his suite.
Brussels, Aug. 3.—The proclamation of his Royal
Highness the Prince of Orange has made a very favourable
impression, as it leaves no doubt concerning our future
lot. His Royal Highness calls round him the most res.
pcctablc persons in the country, both for their taieutsand
their virtues; and the affable reception he gives to every
body ensures him already the respect of our fellow coun countrymen.
trymen. countrymen.
His Royal Highness visited yesterday the Palace of La Laken
ken Laken ; and it is not doubted but he will soon go to inhabit
that Palace, so remarkable for iu tine situation and beau,
liiul euvirbiisi
The whole country as far as the Maesc is evacuated
the Prussian and Russian tfoops. A liheof Custom-house
stations has been provisionally established along that ri river,
ver, river, till the Congress of Vienna Shall have definitively fix fixed
ed fixed the frontiers of the new state of which we are to fertn
apart. One of the chief Bureaux is already establish t|
at Liege, in the name of the general Government of Bel Belgium.
gium. Belgium. The uncertainly respecting the Occupation of that
town is at an end.
Yesterday a very fine rejment of Englhh guards march marched
ed marched in here, to form henceforth apart of our garrison ; and
this morning a regiment of English chasseurs left us for
another destination. We expect here a part of the Ger German
man German Legion, w hich so greatly distinguished itself in Spain
under Lord Wellington. The Belgian hussars of Croy,
a very fine corps of cavalry, come here to complete their
organisation. The number of Belgic officers, siibalterns,
and soldiers, who have returned from France only within
some days past, is reckoned at six thousand.
All persons employed in the civil department of Go Government
vernment Government are to wear henceforward the Orange cockade.
Ei.’miu, .Lily 29.— The giving up of Tyrol bv Bavaria
has been executed very peaceably; but the new Governor
hiving enjoined all the inhabitants, from 18 to 60 yeaiS
to enrol their names for the militia, some disorders
arose in consequence, which induceu :he Government to
recal this order, not to irritate its new subjects, who have
been at all times of a restless disposition.
Frankfort, July 31.—His M ij *s«y th'' Ki ig of Prni Prnisia,
sia, Prnisia, who arriiei here on the 28th, depart. d to-day for
Bci'in, where he will arrive on the 4th of August.
On Mon ! >y the 3.1 October, will bo sold by order
of the Ho i. Board of Wecskamer of this c dony, the
MFects ofthe late Richard Towler, Il Millan, and
Stnnlley,—consisting in wearing apparel, furniture,
a variety of carpenters tools, a horse and chaise; ten
prime negroes, terms of sale for the negroes 3 and (j
months, other articles payable in 6 weeks.
By order of W. Kcwley, a few casks best New Newfoundland
foundland Newfoundland cod-fish, rock salt in barrels, choice old
Madeira wine in pipes and hhds. a tewdoz. excellent
Champaign, and a few pieces Oznaburgs.
By order of R. Grant, qq. the Effects of the late
Jno. Richardson, consisting in wearing apparel, art
enCyclcepedia perthenses, and a good field Negro.
By order of John M ’Canion, a capital chaise and
saddle horse, warranted sound.
On the same day a parcel of dry goods, provi provisions,
sions, provisions, &c.
Also on the same day, a few excellent riding mules
and S superior saddle and draught horses.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
On Tuesday the 4th October next, will be sold at
plantation Smithson’s Place, or No. 8 in the canal,
by order of Henry Smithson, 50 head of cattle, fine
fat oxen, milk cows and young heifers amongst them,
and 100 head ot sheep; CO Negroes, chiefly remov removed
ed removed from plantation Weymouth,—to accommodate
purchasers—also a baling machine, in complete or order,
der, order, some liousehold furniture, &c. —The negro< s to
be sold at 6 months credit, cattle and other articled
at 3 months credit.
NB. Refreshments will be provided at the place of sale
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
---' ■!■--— -?-■_ I—l.l I ' .... „II , 4
A new crabwood Punt, 19 feet long, and 7 feet
wide, whoever can give such information as may
recover the same, will receive a reward of one Joe.
1 Oct; J. A. LEISNER,
FOR SALE by the subscriber, a few puncheons
Grenada rum, excellent Madeira wine in pipes, and
Tember Lime in small kegs, very reasonable for
AN ox about three years old was found a few days
ago, among the cattle on No. 7, West coast; who whoever
ever whoever can prove property, can have it restored oft
paying the expence of tl advertisement, by apply applying
ing applying to the Manager.—lnverness, 1 Oct. 1814.
The Manner of Proceedings before the Court of Civil
Justice, in English and Dutch.
The Charter ofthe colony Berbice, in English.
The new Dutch Constitution, in Dutch.
A few Almanacks, Coffee Certificates, Bills of Ex Exchange,
change, Exchange, Bills of Lading.
Alt kind of Books, blank and ruled, Quills, Pencils,
Writing Paper, ink Powder; and Walers.
DIED) The child of Mr J. A. Fischer.
BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellen Excellency
cy Excellency H. W. Bemtinck, Esquire, Lieutenant-Gover Lieutenant-Governor
nor Lieutenant-Governor of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c.
&c. &c.
Under date of 21st Sept. 1814, upon a petition of
J. H. L. Maurenbrecher, as the Attorney of Rouge Rougemont
mont Rougemont and Behrends.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that T the
undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale,
in ti e presence ot two Councellors Commissaries and
their Secretary, in the month of November, 1815, the
precise day hereafter to be notified through the Ga Gazette
zette Gazette of this colony.
The Coffee Estatecalled VRIENDSCHAP, situate
in the middle river of this colony, with all itscultva itscultvalion,
lion, itscultvalion, buildings, slaves and further appurtenances
thereto belonging,, and of which an Inventory is to
be seen at this ( Mfice $ said plantation being the pro property
perty property of George Panels.
Whoever should think to have any right, action
or interest on above Estate Vriendschap.and wishes to
oppose the Execution Side thereof, let such persons
address themselves to the undersigned, in writing,
and in due time and form, as I hereby give notice,
that I wdl receive opposition from every intermediate
person, appoint them a day to have his or her claim
heard before the Court, and further act thereon as
the Law directs.
This First proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, 25th Sept. 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marhals.
RV virtue of an appointment from Hit Excellency
the Governor, dated 13th September, 1814, given
Upon a Petition presented by K. Fiancken, as First
Marshal, tor and in name of I). Allt, Receiver of the
Church Fund, wishin this colony.
Notice is hereby given, that I the undersigned in intend
tend intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in the pre presence
sence presence of two Counceliors Commissaries and their Se Secretary,
cretary, Secretary, on Wednesday the 2nd of Nov. 1814, the
Coffee Estate called DE VOEDSTER, situate in
Ganje Creeck, with ail its cultivation, buildings,
slavesand further appurtenances thereto belonging,
(the terms of which as also the Inventory arc tube
se- ,i at the Maishai’s Oilice, du*ing the hours of
The Sale is to take place on the spot.
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest, on a 'oiesar.l Plantation de Voedster, cum
annex:'-, ami wishes io oppose the Execution Salt'
thervo ’, let such p rsons address themselves to the
Marshal’s Oilier ot this colony, declaring their reas reasons
ons reasons for so doing in due time and form, as 1 hereby
give notice, that i will receive opposition fromev< ry
intermediate person, appoint them a day.to have his
or her claim heard before the Court, and further act
thereon as the law directs.
This 2nd Proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, 25th 8< pt. 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
In furtherance of an Appointment from His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieutenant-
Governor of the colony Berbice and its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. Given upon a petition, present presented
ed presented by his Honor M. S. Bennett, Fiscal of this co colony,
lony, colony, R. O. dated the 12th Sept. 1814.
1 the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, in the name and behalf of M. S.
Bennett, Fiscal R. O.
Do hereby
Summon by Edict :
Residents of the colony Demerary.
PERSON ALLY to appear before the Honorable
Counsellors Commissaries oi the Court of Policy and
Criminal Justice of this colony, on Monday the 17th
of October, 1814, and following days, it need, for
the purpose of there hearing, answering, and proceed
to such conclusion and demand as his Honor the Fis Fiscal
cal Fiscal R. O. then and there shall exhibit, ami further
to proceed according to Law.
This Summon by Edict, made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony,
posted up, and further dealt with as the Law directs.
Berbice, 14th Sept. 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an extract from the Minutes of the
Proceedings of the Court ot Rolls, dated 28th of
June, 1814, given in the cause, entitled W. Leach
ahd W. Fraser, Curators to the Abandoned Estate
oi Heywood Ct Taylor, Plaintiffs by edict, versus r all
known and unknown creditors against the said Estate,
I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, and at the request of aforesaid
Summon by Edict, Exmperabnndanfi:
All known and unknown creditors against the ab abandoned
andoned abandoned Estate of Heywood A Taylor, to appear be before
fore before the Court of Rolls, which will be held on Mon Monday
day Monday the 10th October, 1814, their to render in their
claims, to verify the same, and hear objections made
thereunto, if need, and further to proceed as the Law
This Summon by Edict, made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony,
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 23d Aug. 1814.
K. Francken, First Marshal.
For Sale at this Office,
Cordial Stomach Bitters,
at f 11- the Bottle.
24 Sept. E. ten BOSCH.
7f6k SALE
BA the Subscriber, Dutch Sweet Milk Cheese*
24 Sept. ALLAN STEWART & Co.
’"for SALE,
17 Sept. Apply to 11. LUTHERS.
Will be received by the Sequcstratorsof Planta Plantation
tion Plantation Fyrish for from 20 to 25 bales of good clean cot cotton,
ton, cotton, at the store of Mr. Charles Kyte, till Monday
the lOih of October next, the highest offer, if ap approved
proved approved of, will be accepted, payment to be made in
cash or approved bills oiexchange on delivery.
17 Sept. J
BA the Subscriber, <>n reasonable terms, Exc I Ilent
lent Ilent milk cows, calves, and oxen.
24 Sept. c. (’. SWA VING.
’ "" r~~ —-——
OP voordelige condition, by den ondcrgetcckendi
—Exeilente melk koeijen, kalven, en ossrn.
24 Sept. C. C. SWA VI NG.
From the Subset ibers, a Negro boy named WILL,
formerly the properly of .1. d. Rule, Esq. he is o:
the Congo Nation, and is well known both in Ber Berbice
bice Berbice and Itinerary; One Joe Reward will be gi given
ven given to any person who will apprehend and lod lodsaid
said lodsaid Negro boy in the barrack:,.—His intention is lo
proceed to Demerary—Captains of vessels are there therefore
fore therefore strictly forbid taking said Negro from the colo colony,
ny, colony, as the Law will be rigidly enforced against all
such offenders.
24 Sept. H. BURTON & Co.
De gebouwen op Plantagie Sanssouci, besfaand*
in een woonhuis, kombuis, paardestal, en hospitaal.
elides verkiezende nog een timmerlogie en neger ge gebouwen
bouwen, gebouwen —dit alles op zeer aannemelyke condition
en te bevragen by de omlergetcekendens.
C. C. SWAVING, qq.
24 Sept M. F. COSTENBAL ER, qq
4’l IE undersigned hivng entered into Co-part Co-partnership
nership Co-partnership for conducting business at Law, beg leave to
give notice hereof to their Friends and the Public
Their Office w ill be held on Lot No. 15, at the house
of the late Mrs. Buse, dec.
D-ST A AL, Attorney at Law.
24 Sept. L. van ROSSUM.
DEondergeteekenden in Compagnieschap getre getreden
den getreden zynde voor de waarneming van Judicieele Za Zaken,
ken, Zaken, nemen de vryheid daarvan hunne Vriendcn en
het Pubhek kenms te geven. Hun Comptoir zal op
net Erf No. 15, in het woonhuis van wylen Mc Mcvrouwede
vrouwede Mcvrouwede Wed. Buse gehonden worden.
o * « . V* STAAL, Procurcur.
24 Sept L. van ROSSUM.
A LE persons having demands against the Estates
ol Frederik Roelvink, and of the free Indian woman
Anna Caritas, deceased, orthose indebted to the said
••states, are again requested within six weeks after
date, to render in their claims, or come forward with
payments to Gilles Hobus, Esquire, as Executor of
the VV ills of the said persons.—Berbice, Sept 17
R. 0. DOWNER, Scry"
-A gang of about Seventy Prime Negroes. For
fur th VI particulars apply to the Printing Office.
24 Sept.
This is to inform the Public, that the fulfo, â–
sons intend quitting this Colony. J
John Crosth waite in u weeks Hom Sept 3
_—— i.£-_gOWNER, » I
NOTIC Eis hereby that a month
follozcing Transports and Mortgages
tiept. 10. G. Munro and O.W* La nt shee/L? I
unlo specially authorised by the Hon’r ’ lfr ’ , l
Civi! Jiistic;-, will transport to the RepSl
fives ot Blur dinning, a parcel of Lot Nil
within this town, between the middle road "’I
the premises belonging to J. Claphain.
property of Th. Robson. 5 1
Sept. 17. G. Hobus will transport to Robt Taitu I
right and tide to one third of lot No. 71 \’â–
the whole <>*’lot N». 72, on the Con ntin’pT
— Th., fro, bb,:. , ~; 1|
A. Leisner, 15 roods of the southern backl'l
ot lot No. 19 m New Amsterdam, with the I
dmnrs thereon, adorning the publicee atttr .J|
1 Oct. . Lawson wdl transport to tfarii TUil
fall, seven roods of lam! of lot " in x I
^ I
\\ lirIKEA: th • f >lioniug
themselves .i the l*
J lt stme ol tn • colony Berbice, at fheirSo ß ,i O n so fib|
4 July, Ml, tor Letters oi Manumission: f
y/v. ‘ ’ u '
J. VVN den Broex, an! A. A. de U Coâ„¢ I
in quihfy ts Executors to the last Will of th
'I. .1. r'l’XE, tor th • V.ui i
.nan JmoA, .fan'
.nuHi lecsman,iac Negroe woman Turiba i *
no aty. 1 B
Notice wh-reof is hereby given to those whom i|
may co K-ern, ami who may wish to oppose (he n. tl
>1 said Letter, <4 M.imimisd(m,:h p fliev may aAb , I
i -mselvcs m writing to t he mid-rV-nrd S
colony, previous u. Hie ensuing Sessions of‘t! e I
■when a i md disposition will bej na dc tiß 1
he aiorcsaid Petition. Berbice, JuM 1
The biiiidiugs upon Plantation Sanssouci, I
Mstmg in a 'welling house, kitchen, stable,and ho- I
pit ; , and it fouired, actrpnihr logic and mgra I
Houses. All upon r?asonabie teims, by applyiagto I
tin-undersigned. ('. C S W.\ . ING, Jq. 0
ANA person willing tucontrnct for twelve ending I
m ei’hs, to keep in repair the Koker and Public I
otd,‘ s and to keep the several frenches withit I
s I own clean of Grass, Filth, and other Obstruct. I
which m i v impud the Drainage, please addreM I
themselves with Tenders, on or b lore the iOtb of I
’ ’ctober next, at noon, at the house of John Cmit, I
N ew Amst. 24th Sept. 1814.
By order of the 'i'o.on Commiltee. I
1 HE Assessors of the Lufherian (iongregatiwi,
in Hiisc >lony, will rec eive Tenders from any Master
a pi * h r or other qualified person, for theerectwW
>i a building on Lot No. 9 in the Tomn of New Am*
sterd mi, to serve as a ( hurcti, to be erected agreablc
’o a, I lan and uj >n are tobeseti
at tiie house oi Mr. J. G. F. I hiensma, on Lot No.
7, to whom Sealed Penders may be sent on or before
the sth ot < Ictober next ensuing, when the same will
be opened by the said Assessors, at the House of the
free negroe woman Lucia, on Lot No. 14, audthe
lowest lender, if approved, accepted of.
j n / < ,’ r 9 1 l ‘ ,ose "ho it may concern, that
Mr. J. G. F. Thiei:s:na, (by procuration) is em empowered
powered empowered to collect all outstanding debts from Plan Plantation
tation Plantation Augsburg.— New Amst, 24th Sept. 1814.
C. I). TO EL, Scribe.
DE Heeren Asseseoren van de F'vangclischf* Liy
thersche Gemeente, dezer kolonie, zullen aanbesfe aanbesfeden
den aanbesfeden het Bon wen van een Kerb, op het Erf No.-9,
aan de Stad Nieuw Amsterdam alhier,
Plan en Condition, ter visie leggende ten huize v:ia
de Heer J. G. F Thiensma, op het erf No. 7, al alwaar
waar alwaar de Gegadigdeps verzogt worden zich omtrent
de Aanneining van hetzelve w*t*rk, by hcslotjjii bib
jetten te addresseien, tot den sde October aansfaan*
de, wannecr dezelve biljetten door voormclde Hcren
Assessoren zullen geopehd worden ten huize vanuc
vrye Lucia op het Erf No. 14, on het Laagstc Aan Aanbod
bod Aanbod goedgekeurd zynde, aangenomen.
Verders wordt nog bekend gemaakt, dat den He I
J. G. F. Thiensma, (by procuratie) gemagtigd is
tot het inkasscren van alle Schuldcn aan Plantagie
Augsburg.— Nieuw Amst. 24 Sept. 1814.
C. D. TOLL, Scriba.
AV. Scmviz & Co. Frivileged
Full Text |
18U0 THE BERBICE GAZETTE. Twelve dollars p. annum.] RIVER. Jlorg en Hoop 119 Ithaca 1 >o Gelderland 1.3? , I jfchwnaciiers’Lust 90 La Fraternite 130’/ufsburg I’3 thc r iß rntisbirg >B6 Siandvastigheid 151 I JJwidwyk J7-i) ’g€F,H ScoUand 11 (|J ¦ Op hoop van beri 'J ter 10l lllddelhurg’s weli !),;¦ varen 10! Ke.dntie 1¦» Utile Paisiblc IV7 r " ! ® Srii:;»venh:ii. r e 199 dt, M K’iMl"® Nrvcio 6.' ‘liitw Bevtendigheid ill Baftibiarhed en Ruiaizigt lO* • rail® Vrotnv Johanna bl Overv.'del 73) Kieu.ve Hoop 93 Z-iid H -'Lind 51 JIS® J)c l.i-fde 16' Lllaf tot j| J.. SJe’i Rust b* }><¦ >v B -iesteui 1 0 ihujl Iler telling 164 i >3 gl Hoorn cn Noosd’ ' Xtc j Holland 134 ¦ Vergenoegen (ab• VaJ andoned) , ¦ No.-,it gcdagt (none) Cloudin'n 36 IC.g Anna's Rust 9) Oude V ig'-lantic en Wvnzaard's J Lost 39 Harla en Agn« 5.) Ben Arend en La Tranqnlliti 1H Carelen Willem’s 1 W Hoop 7’l pgfl Waria Henrietta 41' LiM Bien content 59 I Doornlofeit Doorn'• S W sprtiit 3ei* Overw inning 115 iJr La. Providence 69 Bdenburg & Glas'•’¦l gow (aband.) >r»B -Woordsburg 62 Bellevue 194 .j’ Rotterdam 115 M Herstelder 139 sjAv Ge breeders 13! Ijitvlugt 11 Korht read 11 Deutichem 207 I K He h> iutleren 146 ol; Buses’Lust 135' Jkinklriafbeld 29U> Flegt anker 9i Zorgenviyt 6t eu Sans ifiK Souci £32) Jiieuw Vigilantie 126 Welgelegen IH Dulcamara 15.) UraiiH btmderland 58 Vryb niti.siHi’s Place 108 I ¦ h Manor 9tj i rein lift 32 > lizi s Hope 21 kiei'uat.ige 107 j •’.? in»a l l-;: ielludnun 50-j B li'Tiia 123 I B -st Bower Ibj, R ivbf'i'hall IT ! Kendalls 117| ! food Success 7 i Friendship 17 ¦ Warren B®Ji Donrobin 9 Belvidere 93 Hampsliere&Willi.imsburg 2074 Rosehall 69 rort hiourant 2|. dof 11 A 12. fitiL-oarce 87| ;;.!n 59' Clifton 47 Johns 89 : Hlooinfield 89 • l.etterkenney 88\cblyne 86 Whim 83 Lancaster 69J Liverpool 5.3 Manchester 92 | (J| verstone .74/ \lness &47 , Salt on 67 | (logstye 44 Acwlandhali 135 Friendship 68 Adventure 441 Nurney 50 Kildonnand 55J Maida 128 D. ALLT, Dep. Rec. Gen. RECEIVER GENERA VS OFFICE, Berbice,2bth September, 1814. List of Negroes on the following Estates, agreeable to the Returns made to this Oilice in January, 1814. Kiimorrack 64 ’tilippi 43). Cromarty 60 'Jeanies 95 i'arlogie 2354 Vo. 35. 36 Half Vo. 36. (west half) 29 Brighton 149 J iviltearn 72ilevershatn 92 Dingwall 38 ¦ psoin 68) »ava 34 lengal 39 >ood Hope. 66 Jolspie 27’L Silver Fleece 40Arcadia 4 ’¦uirt No. 18. 8 •l-.rv's Hope 16 No. 50. 6FJ No. 6'?. 16~ Weymouth 341-3 d of 71 &72(T. W nite) 20 Printemps 90 Spring Garden 65 iarriet 49 -\nn 29 .) Cnmbcrland 44Cnrrol nr half 79. 18 jcuieairne 27 W EST COAST, piduard 131 JVredcnb’jrg 3« i Cotton Tree 26. | i’e-zicht 99 ! i-.dleitown 82’ pi ,-lair 60 I Inverness 150 (Friends Retreat 24Woodlands 37 )of 11 and 12 or Barn 11 I’ivo Friends 25Kiinierzorg 44 Retreat 48 Hope & Experiment 210 Bata & Naarstigtiaheid 191 Catharinn’sbttrg& Onderueiuing 2)73 1 Hr 142 . I .Id N 0.23 A24. 49¦olden Grove & Lovely Lass 102Onverwagt 55No. 28. 120 rraf.dg-ir 75 (Jif. >n‘ 132 Tempe & Nursery 95 Chester 50Y’covil Place 1.3 r Ross 56tlraban 65Kingely 48 ‘*ho’ iiix . 50 Jacoba Welhclmi¦ u.i 74 Litchfield 128No. 40 A 41. 171iSeiticld 64 I Washington 239 mope 66 /Weldaad 112 IGolden Fleece 250iKintail 76 Fowl is 54 Profit 15320,3.36 Sundry Individ. 1,887 Total 22,228 POST OFFICE. A Mail will be made up at this Office, and forwarded to Demerary by the sloop Adventure, bn fcvery Sunday morning in future. Beibicc, Ist Oct. 1814. R. McKENZI E, Act. Dep. Post Master Gen. THE undersigned offer for sale, from 20 to 25000 feet Lumber, monthly, at a moderate rate. 1 Oct. GEORGE BONE & Co. Who have on hand a few barrels Salt Fish, also Lime and Terrace ia barrels. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 1. NIEUW AMsSTERDAM, J October, 1814. —e—i By de aankomst,gepasscerde 7j(iturdag avond, van onze Guyana Bukket, brengende de Augitslux male,zyn ons eenige Nederlandsche Kouranten ter hand gekotnen, en isaarvan wy het vulgende mededeelen. De Brievezak vour Europa, zal aan het Post Kafttoor alhier gesloten zsorden op Dingsdag 4 October aanstaande } ’j morgens ten 6 uren. VEREENIGDE NEDERLANDEN. SCHRAVENHAC E, DEN 16de JULY. WY WILLEM, by de grade Gods, Prinse van OranjeNassau, Souvercin l orst der Pereenigde Ncdcrlanden, enz., enz-, enz.; Aan allede genen, die deze zullen zien of hooren lezen, saint! doen te witen : Nadema.il Wy, in afwachting van het tydstip, waarop de Nederlandsche v<> kplantingen en bczittnigen, in de Wext.lndie i, aan Ous zullen worden terug gegeveti, de goede ingezetenen d.-zer Landen willen stellen hi het geno tier voordeelen, aan eenen regtstreekschen handel en vaart op dezelve bezittingen veriionden, en deswege met hvi gouvernenient van Groot.Britatmie in onderhandelingiu zyn getreden, die tlians tot het gewenschte einde gebragl zyn, en overmenkomstig degelke bovengumelde vaart eti handel door Ons provisioneel behuoren tc worden gercgekl en bepaaltl; Zoo is het, dat Wy, den Raad van State gehoerd, en met gemeen overleg der Staten.Gencraal dezer Landen; Hebben goedgevonden en verstaan te statueren, zoo a!;, gestatueerd wordt, by deze: Art. 1. AlleOnze onderdanen zullen vermogen te navi, gcren en te handclen op Suriimmen, Her bice, Demcrnry, Esscquebo, Curasao, St, Eustatins, Saha, St. Ana/iia, hoewel zich deze kolonien nog bevindcn in de nia-t der kroon van Engeland, mils zy uooizien zyn van lie. uces, ten (lien einde door den atnbassadeur van Zyne GrootBrittannische Majesteit, by Ons residertnde, aftcgeven 2. Ter bekomi ig van deze licenses, zullen de belaug. hebbende by het departement van finautien moeten bewy. zen, dat zy zyn onderdanen der Vereenigde Nedcrlanden en biimen dezelve woonachtig, en dat het schip of vaartuig me* hetwelk zy voorncmens zyn een reize naar eene der bovengeinelde kolonien te doen, him eigendom is, en gebo'iwd op het grondgebied der VerSenigdeNederlaodeu en hemand met een’ kaptain en drie vierde der equipagie Nederlandschc onderdanen zynde, of een schip of vaartuig, in Groot-Brittannie gebouwd en in eigendom toebehorende en bemand, zoo als by de Britsche wetten voorsch.e. ven is. 3. Dienvolgens zullen voor gemelde vaart en handel, door het departement der nnantien, worden verleeud as. zo.iderlyke zeebrieven, houdeude den naam van ten min. sten ct n’ der eigenaren, eu de piaats aanwyzendc, alwaar het schip is gebouw d. •1. Met lastof tonnegeld, voor elk schip of vaartuig, van, of naar de voortnelde kolotiiln in. of uitgeklaani w ordende, anders dan in ballast, zal zyu een gulden per ton gerekend tegen een last. 5. Ter vervanging der recognitir, veil, en lastgdden, en alleandere byzondere konditien, waaraan de vaart en han. del van, en op de voonnelde bezittiugen, in de West-ln. dien, is onderworpen geweest, en ten einde deze vaart en handel op gelyke voet te brengen als die, welke tnsschcn Groot.Brittannie en gezegde kolonien g/voerd wordt, zal dezelve gcschiedeo in voege als hier volgd: 6. Alle goederen, waren en koopmanschappcn, zynde van het gewas, voortbrcngsel of fabriekwezen der Vereenigde Nederlandon, betalen, op het uitgaan naar de gemelde kolonien, van de waarde van honderd guldens een recht van vyf guldens en tien stuivers, en een recht van drie guldens en tien stuivers, wanneer dezelve zyn van het gewas, voorbrcngZel of fabriekweaen van het Vereenigdkoningryk van Groot-Brittanje en lerland, makende het laatstgemelde met het recht van twee per cent, dat in Engeland op het Uitgaan geheven wordt, eene gelyke be. lasting van vyf cn een half per cent, als voor inlandschc goederen is bepaald. De navolgende goederen van voorschreven origine zyn van deze belasting uitgezonderd, en alzoo vry van rechten hetzy rechtstreeks van hier of uit England over dit Land uair de kolonien worden uitgevoerd, te weten: Katoenen garens cn andere katoenen manufakiuren, linnens, geraffine rde suiker, kundy suiker, strosp, wiuntmatrialen, ulsmede grancn en meet. 1. Van goederen uit de Vereenigde Nederlanden her. komstig, zullen, by de aangifto tot uitvuer naar de kolo{ Payable in advance. nien, voldocnde, door de plaatselyke regering gclegaliseer* ek alleen ultge. zonderd, van def 100— waarde f 40Nanking.linnen, (zie Oost-Indische goederen.) Zeillinnen of zeildoek, de honderd twintig ellen f 54— Manufacturen — lianel, de el f 0-12 Alle soorten van laken, de el f 12-15 Alle anderestoffen, gemaakt van of vermengd met wol 194 de e! f 4-9 Zie verdere Oost-Indische goederen. Muntmateriaal, vry van regten. Oost-Indische goederen— namelyk: Goederen, waren, en koopmanschappen van het gewas voortbrengsel of fabrykWezen van de OosUlndienof Chil na, dadelyk vars het Vereenigd koningryk van GrootBritanje en lerland in de Vereenigde Nederlanden ingevoerd zynde, vry van rechten. Dezelfde goederen, waren en koopmanschappen niet van het Vereenigd koningryk Groot Britanje en lerland in de Vereenigde Nederlandan ingevoerd zynde, als volgt; Thee~ vry van regten. Effin Mousseline of Neteldoek : Effea wit caUJcee*, mousseline es erltte callicoes, ge(No® 523.
blofmd of gebordnnrd, eSan vrltte d'mdtert, nanking.Rn. »*‘n, en alle artHtelen, gemaakt van haar of boomwolle, of •enig zamenmengsd daarvan, van do waarde van honderd guldens f 5Goederen, waren en koopmanschappen uit de Oost. Indien, die vcrbuden Zyn in Engeiand te dragen of te ge. bru.kcn, van de warde van honderd gulden/5Te wefen : alatlies, ak ejars, atehabanoes, atlas, banda. Moezen, bveta.iants, brawls, calamapues, gvkleurde ka. to:*ne»S kaio. new handoeketi, dito met geklenrde randen, camdanics, eharcomiaes, melassen, chitsen, chuchlaes, dbusloes, coopus, krip, cushtaes, custanes, dyksooksoys. sprei en heddcbehangsels, ghillils, gingang, cotroots of tarouts, of siichtermanszy de, herba, indhch. •i-otfen, bcddenbenoodigdheden en ameublementen, jew. bftoisois, kiugoel, bastendoekcn, zyden dito, zyden roller*, muggesawies, gekleurde neteldoeken, blaauw nanking, pawabeys, neganepants, nicanasser, hasten, paduasoys, palampons, pininscor, photoes, poyees, zyden roeinaals, katoencn dito, salbpants, sarsenets, sjerpen of gotdels van lyde, idem van gekleurde katoen; sastracandies, sanstt. Chers, naaizyde, zyden stollen, dito zakdoeken, soolans. Boosies, soowies, shawis, geborduurd, dito doeken gebor. d ntrd, taflen, tapseils, tepoys, taradari, fluweel, zcer. Zoorsoys. Aik andere goederen, waren en koopmanschappen van het gewas, voortbrengsel of fabrykwezen van de Oust. Imliseh of China, niet elders by dittarif genocmd of belast, •Is volgt; Van de gemanufactuurd', de honderd waarde/ 10\ an de ongcmanuiactuurde, de honderd waarde / 20— 7 — a | s rolgt; Van tcrpentyn, de honderd ponden / 29V-m vitriool, dhonderd pondeu/21Papicr— a's valgt: Bruin of graauw rapier, de honderd ponden/39-10 Gedr-ukt, g scltilderd mitsgaders beiiang. •cl papier, de vierkante ei /O-9 Alle andere sourten van papier, per pond/0-16 Parliament— de twnalf b'ad' ii /5— Sp eUcaarten— (zi • karrten.) Hf afsel — d« honderd ponden 967’/ ittwerk —geteerdofongeteerd, dchonderd ponden/112’Aee—(zie Oost-lndische gouleien.) K vofgt; Kalfsvellen, gelooid en niet anders bereid, de honderd ponden f 40Geitenvellen, gelooid, de honderd stubs/284Jonge boksvell n, bereid, do honderd stnks/ 14-10 Lamsvellen, bereid in aluin, zout of meel, de honderd •tuks/9— Idem, bereid in olie, de honderd stuks/2 4— Schapen veile.l, bereid, gelooid of getouwd, de honderd •tuk«/22— Eikhoorns of calabrische vcllen, getouwd, de honderd •tnks/5— VV’olfsvellen, getouwd, het sfok / 5— Hyn— Fransche wyn, het vat van 60 stekan./ 80— Aiadcra wyn, dito dito / 59— Rynsche, D'itsche of Hongaarsche wyn, als voren f7s—— nen van de Kaap de Goede Hoop, eu daartoe behotende landen, als voren J 17— Portuge-cae, Spaansche en alle andere wynen, welke by flit Xarief ni t anuera geuoemd of omsGhratea zyu, als voren / 53— J zer. u lloepen— (zie hoepeu.) Sleep—als iolgt : Harde zeep. de honderd ponden/42— Zachtezeep, de honderd pondeu / 36Zti'ihek— (zie lumen.) Alle andere goederen, waren koopmanschappen, niet Zynde van het gewa-:, voortbrengsel of fahiykwcz.n van het Verceni;d kouin jryk van Groot Britanje en leiland, Hoch van da Ntderlanden, en by het tegen. woordig tarief niet byzonder genoeind, omschrevett of met ffechieu bczwa>rd, betalen als volgt; Gcmanufaktureeidc, van de honderd waarde/40— lOngcinanuf.ikturccide, van de honderd waarde J 20— Alle goedenn, waren en koopmanschappen, zynde van het gewas, voortbrengsel of faery kwezen van Frankryk, betalen, boven en bshaiven de rechten by dit tariif voor goederen, niet uit England of de Vereeingde Nederlanden heikomsiig, be aald, noch een additioncel recht, gelyk Itaandc am ecu »ieide gedeelte van diczeifde recht. n, en Zu ks alles naar aanleiding van, en overeeustemming met de in Groot Britanje vigeiende wetten en regleo.euten, ten gevolge van het begin sei van gelykstelliug der rechten, hierboven als eenc der hoofdvoorwaaiden van deze pruvi. •ionele. vaart en hatidel opgareeid...., tvoona luig te.en dat uoor dtnzelven (oj dezeive) uan oils, onder soletnnele cede is verklaard tn ook aan ons, up eenc volduende wyze aim on.geexhibeerily en ter omer grijfie ui d r A’«... .gc/cgts treerdy
r. inc»n< fr® m the South, their joint efforts have at length aeeomK' bed the downfall of the greatest military despotism which,iu mo* fl b rfav!i has disgraced and desolated the earth. ¦ “In these arduous struggles, w e can look back, with just pride, on *• Bi,. discha ge of our high duties. The Biitish army, modelled upon l« ¦„j seß ystem,steadily and impartially administered at home, and »inducted by consummate skill and valour in the field, has borne its ¦ ID lete share in the glorious conclusion of this long aud eventful fIXand his Majesty’s faithful Coininuns have gladly lent their aid * ¦ maintain the honours and dignities of those illustrious commanders t ¦whom the wisdom of the Sovereign has called upon to surround his I f peace which has since followed, the efforts of this country * Biave been not less glorious. The w ise and liberal policy of our Go-4 ¦vernment, which announced justice and equality of rights to be the l Ibasis of our diplomatie system, has been happily sustained abroad. , ¦ T ‘ lie British name now stands high in policy as in arms; and an eu¦lightened people has justly applauded the firmness and temper winch ¦have conciliated and cemented the interests of Allies, cheered th, ¦doubtful animated the zealous, and united the deliverers and the delivered in a peace honorable and advantageous to all the Contractfling Powers. ... , . ¦ “The events of our ow n times have out-run the ordinary march of ¦ history. Peace restored, commerce revived, thrones re-established, I afford' the well-founded hope that the same counsels and the same I Biaster-hand, so mainly instrumental in the w ork hitherio arcomI nlisbed, may, at the approaching Congress, extend and fix the work I of peace throughout Europe; and a further hope that the earnest and I universal prater of this great country may prevail Upon the nations ft of Europe, in re-establishing their own happinc-s, to concur also in ft puttin’’ an effectual end to the wrongs and de olitianof Africa. ¦ Z “ Auspicious, however, as our present state may seem to he, the inst stability of all hdman affairs forbids ns to be too confident of its ft prosperou< outicnanie. Much >ct remains to be done in Europe, I and we have slid one content to maintain by war; a w tr which we ¦ can nevercons' n to terminate but by the estaid > iim utof otis claims, I according to the maxims of public law, and the maritime rights of ft this empire. ft “To provide for these branches of fir public service has been our I last care, and the i ill w hich I have to present to your Royal HighI aess is intitled, 4 An Ac) for enabling his Majestr to raise the sura of I three millions for the service of Great Britain,and for applying the I sum of SOO/XIOI. Briti h currency for tae service of Ireland.’ To ¦ which Bill your faithful Commons, w ith all humility,entreat bis Waft jttty’s Roval Assent.” I The Speaker then handed the Vote of Credit Rill to the Clerk, and the Koval Assent having been given thereto in toe usual form, his Royal Highness the Prime Regentdeliveredtofollowingspeech:— “ J/y Lords and Gentlemen, « I cannot dose this Session of Pailiament, without repeating the f expression of my deep regret at the continuance of his Majesty’s la| Stented indisposition. “ When, in consequence of that calamity, the powers of Government were first entrusted to me, I found this country engaged in a War with tire greater part of Europe. “ I determined, to adhere to that line of policy which his Majesty had adopted, aud in which tie had persevered under so many and Such trying difficulties. “ The zealous and unremitting support and assistance which 1 have received from you, and fora all classes of his Majesty's subjects; the consummate skill and ability displayed by the great Commander, wtiu.,e services yon ha. e o jus I, a< kn<>w lodged; aid ti e valour and intrepidity of Lis Majesi. s fortes by sea and land, have enabled me, under the blessing*ot' Hit ue Prov uleKce, io surmount all the difficulties with which I h:,vi bad to toi.lt -. “ I have the • t auction of coni’ .p! i.iog the full accomplishment of all those ob’ects for w hich l,ie t ,r >< »=. < itner undertaken or continued; ;nd the in evampled vc lunsnt »...-> country,combined with those ofhs Majcs.ys ’.iin’s,. ive uttec l-’u in -Reeling the deliverance of Ivrope fitiin the , o I gulirag aud oppressive tyranny under Which if bas.vei laboured. “ The r< .’••Huiou ot »o many of the anti.mt and kgitimateGovernments'of the Couticent ailc.ds th • i.< i pect of tue permanence •f that peace wl.i: h, in ecinje.iH i.iou wiia Majesty's Allies, I ua'e concluded; and on may rely on iny c.i its being directed, at the approaching Congrefc, to complete the senl<”. nt of Europe, w hich hes been already so ausph iously Ivegiiu, uiui a; promote, upon principles of justice and impartiality, all uiom* u.e . ures winch may appear best calculated to secure tur tranquillity aua happiness ot all the nations engaged in the late war. , 44 1 regret the continuance of hostilities with the United States of America. Notwithstanding the unprovoked ion of the Government of that country , and tae cn’i umstauces under which it took place, 1 am sincerely desirous of the restoration of peace between the two nations honourable to both. Lut until Uns object can be obtained, lam persuaded you will see the nece-'Sity of oiy availut. ;ny•elf of the means now at my disposal to prosecute tiie war witu increased vigour. Gentlemen o f the House o f Commons, 44 I thank you for the liberal pi o vision which you have made for the service™ of th ' present year. “ The circumstances under which the war iu t.urope has been concluded, and th.' necessity of inai ‘taiaiug for a time a body of troops in British pa, up’A the Continent, nave rendered a continuation of •ur foreign expenditure unavoidable. Yon na > rely,however, upon my determination io reduce* th.expenses ot me country a« rapidi ? as the nature of our situation will permit. “ My Lot ds and Gentlemen, “ It is a peculiar gratification to me to be enabled to assure yon, that full justice is rendered throughout Europe to that manly p rseverance which, amid t ci of my f.t.oily to maintain unimpaired,and vndi r which dr people o this realm llave enjoyed more, of real liberty at home, and of auc glo.y abroad, than has ever fallen to t ie lot of any nation.” Then the Lord f nancellor, by the I‘rince Regent's command,said, “ idy Lords and Gentlemen, ' ** It is the command of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, acting in the name and on behalf of hi» .da, sty, thal this Parliament be prorogued to Saturday the th day of August next, to be i;,en here noldeii; and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to fiaAirday tha *47 th day of August next. A PROCLAMATION For recalling and prohibiting His Majesty's nnfitra 1 born Subjects front serving in the Sea, or Lund I'orces of the United Stales of America. •eorge, P. R. Whereas by the ancient law of this realm, founded Apon the principles of general law, the natural born sub. jects of His Majesty cannot, either by swearing allegiance to other Princes or Slates, or by any other their Own acts, •r by the acts of any foreign Princes or States, either alone or concurring with their own, discharge themselves, •r be discharged, from the natural allegiance which, from flair birth, they wit to His Majesty, his heirs aud succes. Mrs, which nafttrai allegiance being antendent and para, mount to any ather claim of allegiance whatsoever, cannot, by these or any other such acts, be withdrawn or cancel, led. And whereas it hath been represented to us, that divers of the natural.born subjects of His Alajesty have ac. cepted letters of Naturalization, or certificates of citizen, ship, from the United States of America, and have sworn allegiance which they owe, and must continue to owe, t® his iVlajesty, his heirs and successors, and have, in viola, tion of such natural allegiance, engaged by sea aud land, in hostile and traitorous acts against His Majesty : And whereas some of the said natural.bom subjects of His Majesty may have been induced so to act, from an erroneous persuasion and belief which they may have been led to entertain, that their duty of naun il allegiance was capable of being dissolved or withdrawn from His Majesty, his heirs and successors; we have therefore thought fit, in the name and on the behalf of His .vlaj.sty, aud by and with the advice of His Majesty’s Pnvy Council, to issue thi> Proclamation, hereby naming ail the natural born subjects of His Majesty, that the natural a k-gianfe w hicii • hey owe, and of right aught to hear aid pay, to Ills Ma. j es ty» bis heirs and succe s.y the 3.1 October, will bo sold by order of the Ho i. Board of Wecskamer of this c dony, the MFects ofthe late Richard Towler, Il Millan, and Stnnlley,—consisting in wearing apparel, furniture, a variety of carpenters tools, a horse and chaise; ten prime negroes, terms of sale for the negroes 3 and (j months, other articles payable in 6 weeks. By order of W. Kcwley, a few casks best Newfoundland cod-fish, rock salt in barrels, choice old Madeira wine in pipes and hhds. a tewdoz. excellent Champaign, and a few pieces Oznaburgs. By order of R. Grant, qq. the Effects of the late Jno. Richardson, consisting in wearing apparel, art enCyclcepedia perthenses, and a good field Negro. By order of John M ’Canion, a capital chaise and saddle horse, warranted sound. On the same day a parcel of dry goods, provisions, &c. Also on the same day, a few excellent riding mules and S superior saddle and draught horses. D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master. On Tuesday the 4th October next, will be sold at plantation Smithson’s Place, or No. 8 in the canal, by order of Henry Smithson, 50 head of cattle, fine fat oxen, milk cows and young heifers amongst them, and 100 head ot sheep; CO Negroes, chiefly removed from plantation Weymouth,—to accommodate purchasers—also a baling machine, in complete order, some liousehold furniture, &c. —The negro< s to be sold at 6 months credit, cattle and other articled at 3 months credit. NB. Refreshments will be provided at the place of sale D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master. ---' ¦!¦ --— -?-¦ _ I—l.l I ' .... „II , 4 DRIFTED OR STOLExN A new crabwood Punt, 19 feet long, and 7 feet wide, whoever can give such information as may recover the same, will receive a reward of one Joe. 1 Oct; J. A. LEISNER, FOR SALE by the subscriber, a few puncheons Grenada rum, excellent Madeira wine in pipes, and Tember Lime in small kegs, very reasonable for Cash. I OctJ. G. F. THIENSMX. NOTICE. AN ox about three years old was found a few days ago, among the cattle on No. 7, West coast; whoever can prove property, can have it restored oft paying the expence of tl advertisement, by applying to the Manager.—lnverness, 1 Oct. 1814. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. The Manner of Proceedings before the Court of Civil Justice, in English and Dutch. The Charter ofthe colony Berbice, in English. The new Dutch Constitution, in Dutch. A few Almanacks, Coffee Certificates, Bills of Exchange, Bills of Lading. Alt kind of Books, blank and ruled, Quills, Pencils, Writing Paper, ink Powder; and Walers. DIED) The child of Mr J. A. Fischer.
MARSHAL'S OFFICE. SALE »s EXECUTION. FIRST PROCLAMATION. BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellency H. W. Bemtinck, Esquire, Lieutenant-Governor of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. Under date of 21st Sept. 1814, upon a petition of J. H. L. Maurenbrecher, as the Attorney of Rougemont and Behrends. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that T the undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in ti e presence ot two Councellors Commissaries and their Secretary, in the month of November, 1815, the precise day hereafter to be notified through the Gazette of this colony. The Coffee Estatecalled VRIENDSCHAP, situate in the middle river of this colony, with all itscultvalion, buildings, slaves and further appurtenances thereto belonging,, and of which an Inventory is to be seen at this ( Mfice $ said plantation being the property of George Panels. Whoever should think to have any right, action or interest on above Estate Vriendschap.and wishes to oppose the Execution Side thereof, let such persons address themselves to the undersigned, in writing, and in due time and form, as I hereby give notice, that I wdl receive opposition from every intermediate person, appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and further act thereon as the Law directs. This First proclamation published as customary. Berbice, 25th Sept. 1814. K. FRANCKEN, First Marhals. SALE RY EXECUTION. SECOND PROCLAMATION. RV virtue of an appointment from Hit Excellency the Governor, dated 13th September, 1814, given Upon a Petition presented by K. Fiancken, as First Marshal, tor and in name of I). Allt, Receiver of the Church Fund, wishin this colony. Notice is hereby given, that I the undersigned intend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in the presence of two Counceliors Commissaries and their Secretary, on Wednesday the 2nd of Nov. 1814, the Coffee Estate called DE VOEDSTER, situate in Ganje Creeck, with ail its cultivation, buildings, slavesand further appurtenances thereto belonging, (the terms of which as also the Inventory arc tube se,i at the Maishai’s Oilice, du*ing the hours of duty. The Sale is to take place on the spot. Whoever should think to have any right, action, or interest, on a 'oiesar.l Plantation de Voedster, cum annex:'-, ami wishes io oppose the Execution Salt' thervo ’, let such p rsons address themselves to the Marshal’s Oilier ot this colony, declaring their reasons for so doing in due time and form, as 1 hereby give notice, that i will receive opposition fromev< ry intermediate person, appoint them a day.to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and further act thereon as the law directs. This 2nd Proclamation published as customary. Berbice, 25th 8< pt. 1814. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. SUMMONS BY EDiCi; In furtherance of an Appointment from His Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Esquire, LieutenantGovernor of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. Given upon a petition, presented by his Honor M. S. Bennett, Fiscal of this colony, R. O. dated the 12th Sept. 1814. 1 the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts within this colony, in the name and behalf of M. S. Bennett, Fiscal R. O. Do hereby Summon by Edict : JAMES JACKSON, and JOHN MARTIN. Residents of the colony Demerary. PERSON ALLY to appear before the Honorable Counsellors Commissaries oi the Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of this colony, on Monday the 17th of October, 1814, and following days, it need, for the purpose of there hearing, answering, and proceed to such conclusion and demand as his Honor the Fiscal R. O. then and there shall exhibit, ami further to proceed according to Law. This Summon by Edict, made known to the public by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony, posted up, and further dealt with as the Law directs. Berbice, 14th Sept. 1814. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. BY virtue of an extract from the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Court ot Rolls, dated 28th of June, 1814, given in the cause, entitled W. Leach ahd W. Fraser, Curators to the Abandoned Estate oi Heywood Ct Taylor, Plaintiffs by edict, versus r all known and unknown creditors against the said Estate, Defendants. I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts within this colony, and at the request of aforesaid Curators, Summon by Edict, Exmperabnndanfi: All known and unknown creditors against the abandoned Estate of Heywood A Taylor, to appear before the Court of Rolls, which will be held on Monday the 10th October, 1814, their to render in their claims, to verify the same, and hear objections made thereunto, if need, and further to proceed as the Law directs. This Summon by Edict, made known to the public by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony, and further dealt with according to custom. Berbice, 23d Aug. 1814. K. Francken, First Marshal. For Sale at this Office, Cordial Stomach Bitters, at f 11the Bottle. 24 Sept. E. ten BOSCH. 7f6k SALE BA the Subscriber, Dutch Sweet Milk Cheese* 24 Sept. ALLAN STEWART & Co. ’"for SALE, CEDER BOARDS and PLANKS. 17 Sept. Apply to 11. LUTHERS. TENDERS for COTTON Will be received by the Sequcstratorsof Plantation Fyrish for from 20 to 25 bales of good clean cotton, at the store of Mr. Charles Kyte, till Monday the lOih of October next, the highest offer, if approved of, will be accepted, payment to be made in cash or approved bills oiexchange on delivery. 17 Sept. J FOR SALE~ BA the Subscriber, <>n reasonable terms, Exc Ilent milk cows, calves, and oxen. 24 Sept. c. (’. SWA VING. ’ "" r~~ —-—— TE KOOP. OP voordelige condition, by den ondcrgetcckendi —Exeilente melk koeijen, kalven, en ossrn. 24 Sept. C. C. SWA VI NG. ~RUN~a\VAA’. From the Subset ibers, a Negro boy named WILL, formerly the properly of .1. d. Rule, Esq. he is o: the Congo Nation, and is well known both in Berbice and Itinerary; One Joe Reward will be given to any person who will apprehend and lodsaid Negro boy in the barrack:,.—His intention is lo proceed to Demerary—Captains of vessels are therefore strictly forbid taking said Negro from the colony, as the Law will be rigidly enforced against all such offenders. 24 Sept. H. BURTON & Co. TE KOOP of TE HUI’R. De gebouwen op Plantagie Sanssouci, besfaand* in een woonhuis, kombuis, paardestal, en hospitaal. elides verkiezende nog een timmerlogie en neger gebouwen, —dit alles op zeer aannemelyke condition en te bevragen by de omlergetcekendens. C. C. SWAVING, qq. 24 Sept M. F. COSTENBAL ER, qq 4’l IE undersigned hivng entered into Co-partnership for conducting business at Law, beg leave to give notice hereof to their Friends and the Public Their Office w ill be held on Lot No. 15, at the house of the late Mrs. Buse, dec. D-ST A AL, Attorney at Law. 24 Sept. L. van ROSSUM. DEondergeteekenden in Compagnieschap getreden zynde voor de waarneming van Judicieele Zaken, nemen de vryheid daarvan hunne Vriendcn en het Pubhek kenms te geven. Hun Comptoir zal op net Erf No. 15, in het woonhuis van wylen Mcvrouwede Wed. Buse gehonden worden. o * « . V* STAAL, Procurcur. 24 Sept L. van ROSSUM. A LE persons having demands against the Estates ol Frederik Roelvink, and of the free Indian woman Anna Caritas, deceased, orthose indebted to the said ••states, are again requested within six weeks after date, to render in their claims, or come forward with payments to Gilles Hobus, Esquire, as Executor of the VV ills of the said persons.—Berbice, Sept 17 R. 0. DOWNER, Scry" FOR SALE, -A gang of about Seventy Prime Negroes. For fur th VI particulars apply to the Printing Office. 24 Sept. SECRETARV’s OFFICE This is to inform the Public, that the fulfo, ¦ sons intend quitting this Colony. J John Crosth waite in u weeks Hom Sept 3 _—— i.£-_gOWNER, » I NOTIC Eis hereby that a month follozcing Transports and Mortgages tiept. 10. G. Munro and O.W* La nt shee/L? I unlo specially authorised by the Hon’r ’ lfr ’ , l Civi! Jiistic;-, will transport to the RepSl fives ot Blur dinning, a parcel of Lot Nil within this town, between the middle road "’I the premises belonging to J. Claphain. property of Th. Robson. 5 1 Sept. 17. G. Hobus will transport to Robt Taitu I right and tide to one third of lot No. 71 \’¦ the whole <>*’lot N». 72, on the Con ntin’pT — Th., fro, bb,:. , ~; 1| A. Leisner, 15 roods of the southern backl'l ot lot No. 19 m New Amsterdam, with the I dmnrs thereon, adorning the publicee atttr .J| 1 Oct. . Lawson wdl transport to tfarii TUil fall, seven roods of lam! of lot " in x I ^ I \\ lirIKEA: th • f >lioniug themselves .i the l*1 said Letter, <4 M.imimisd(m,:h p fliev may aAb , I i -mselvcs m writing to t he mid-rV-nrd S lony, will rec eive Tenders from any Master a pi * h r or other qualified person, for theerectwW >i a building on Lot No. 9 in the Tomn of New Am* sterd mi, to serve as a ( hurcti, to be erected agreablc ’o a, I lan and uj >n are tobeseti at tiie house oi Mr. J. G. F. I hiensma, on Lot No. 7, to whom Sealed Penders may be sent on or before the sth ot < Ictober next ensuing, when the same will be opened by the said Assessors, at the House of the free negroe woman Lucia, on Lot No. 14, audthe lowest lender, if approved, accepted of. j n / < ,’ r 9 1 l ‘ ,ose "ho it may concern, that Mr. J. G. F. Thiei:s:na, (by procuration) is empowered to collect all outstanding debts from Plantation Augsburg.— New Amst, 24th Sept. 1814. C. I). TO EL, Scribe. AANBESTEDING, DE Heeren Asseseoren van de F'vangclischf* Liy thersche Gemeente, dezer kolonie, zullen aanbesfeden het Bon wen van een Kerb, op het Erf No.-9, aan de Stad Nieuw Amsterdam alhier, Plan en Condition, ter visie leggende ten huize v:ia de Heer J. G. F Thiensma, op het erf No. 7, alwaar de Gegadigdeps verzogt worden zich omtrent de Aanneining van hetzelve w*t*rk, by hcslotjjii bib jetten te addresseien, tot den sde October aansfaan* de, wannecr dezelve biljetten door voormclde Hcren Assessoren zullen geopehd worden ten huize vanuc vrye Lucia op het Erf No. 14, on het Laagstc Aanbod goedgekeurd zynde, aangenomen. Verders wordt nog bekend gemaakt, dat den He I J. G. F. Thiensma, (by procuratie) gemagtigd is tot het inkasscren van alle Schuldcn aan Plantagie Augsburg.— Nieuw Amst. 24 Sept. 1814. C. D. TOLL, Scriba. AV. Scmviz & Co. Frivileged