Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://original-ufdc.uflib.ufl.edu/AA00093219/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Berbice gazette
- Uniform Title:
- Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
- Place of Publication:
- New Amsterdam
- Publisher:
- W. Schulz
- Publication Date:
- July 16, 1814
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Berbice
New Amsterdam (guyana) guyana
- Genre:
- newspaper ( sobekcm )
- General Note:
- Semiweekly
- General Note:
- Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
- General Note:
- The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
- General Note:
- In English, with occasional text in Dutch
- Funding:
- Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
This Rights Statement should be used for Items for which the organization that intends to make the Item available has determined are free of copyright under the laws of the United States. This Rights Statement should not be used for Orphan Works (which are assumed to be in-copyright) or for Items where the organization that intends to make the Item available has not undertaken an effort to ascertain the copyright status of the underlying Work.
URI: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
- Resource Identifier:
- 1380865228 ( OCLC )
Aggregation Information
- DLOC1:
- Digital Library of the Caribbean
- Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
- IUF:
- University of Florida
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Twelve dollars p. anmimJ]
By Hi* Excellency Henry William
Bentinck, Esquire, Lieut.-Governor
of the colony Berbice ami its Dcpendcn-
II ties, sc. Sgc. &;c.
And the Honorable the Court of Policy
and Criminal Justice of the said colony.
To all to whom these presents may or shall
Come, Greeting I Be it known: A&
I WHEREAS Representation has been made to us,
that notwithstanding the severe penalties contained
I ia our Proclamation of the Ist October IS 10, respect respecting
ing respecting the number of white persons ordered to be kept
on Estates in proportion to the number of Negroes
I thereon; that many Plantations, either from the igno ignorance
rance ignorance or neglect of die Proprietors thereof; are very
deficient, in (his particular; and having taken under
cur serious consideration the consequences likely to
he attendant the want of observance of our aforesaid
We have deemed it proper to republish for more
| general information, the aforesaid Proclamalion of
the Ist October, 1810, and to order, as wedo hereby
order, authorize, and empower the Fiscal of this co co.l-ny,
.l-ny, co.l-ny, in six month* after (he Publication of this our
pleasure shall have been notified to the public, thro’
the Berbice Gazette, to proceed thro’ each division
’ of the colony Berbice ami its dependencies, with the
Senior Burgher Officer in loco of each respective dis district
trict district or division, and inspr et each and every Plan Plantation
tation Plantation within the jurisdiction of this Government,
jn order to ascertain whether due obedience is paid
Jfoour aforesaid ordinance.
Arid should after this salutary warning, any Estate
Within the colony be found deficient in the number
of white si rvants prescribed by law to be thereon,
the Fiscal is ordered and enjoined without delay, to
enforce the penalties coni lined in our aforementioned
Proclamation of the sot October, 1810, against of offenders,
fenders, offenders, and that without respect to Persons.
And in order that no ignorance may be pretended,
these presents shall be published and sent round to
each respective Estate within the colony Berbice.
Thus resolved and enacted in our Ext raoi dinar y.
« Assembly of the Court of PbMcy and Criminal Jus Justice,
tice, Justice, held in (he Town of New Amsterdam on lhe
sd.hme, 1814. Present His Excellency Lieut.-Go Lieut.-Governor
vernor Lieut.-Governor H. ll'. I‘e.ntinck, President; un i the Hon.
Members John McCamon, PtUr Fairbairn, A. J.
Glasius and George Munro; demptis, the Honorable
Members L. ( . Abkcnstts, and Janies leaser.
And Piibl’.-h <1 on the 4th day of July, 1814, in
presence of His Excellency (he Lieut.-Governor.
By command of Hie Court,
IL C. DO\V NER, Sec.
Ills Excellency the Governor and the
â– B Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice of the colony Berbice, sc. %c. %c %c---'
--' %c---' To all to whom these presents may or shall
come; Greeting ! Be it known :
WHEREAS w c find a considerable Decrease in
the number of white Inhabitants, residing on Planta Plantations
tions Plantations within this colony, a circumstance which threa threa,lcus
,lcus threa,lcus to involve its tranquility and safety. In order
•therefore to remedy the same, we have thought pro proper
per proper to establish the present Regulations, enacting, as
We do hereby enact as follows :
That in future every Plantation in this Colony,
possessing from 1 to 79 Negroes, shall have at least
one white Person resident upon the same, capable of
doing Burgher Militia Duty when required, and that
all Estates in this colony possessing -from SO to 199
•Flaves, shall have Two or more white Persons—from
•SOO to 319, Three whites, —320 to 450 Four whites,
,450 and upwards Five whites. Such plantations as
art?found not to possess the number of whites above
Stated, being subject to a penalty of f 500 for each
offence, and further of f 100. per 1 month for every
white P
portion proportion to the number ot Negroes. The circum circumstance
stance circumstance of the number of whites on each property be being
ing being to be determined by the report of the Burgher
*'<)fficer of the district, and to be regulated by the re return
turn return of Negroes given up to the Receiver General, as
being on the estate.
Two Burgher Officers in each district are hereby
after the First of dime next ensuing, to in inspect
spect inspect the Estates in their respective divisions, in or-
der to ascertain and report, how far these our Regu Regulations
lations Regulations have, been complied with.
We nevertheless require it so to be understood,
that in the event of the decease of any white person
upon any plantation within this colony, that Six
months time shall be given to the Proprietor or At Attorney,
torney, Attorney, to provide another white Substitute in his
lieu ; and that until the expiration of such 6 months,
' the plantation shall not incur or be liable tor the fine
as before stated; except ingal ways Estates which only
require by Law one white Person, as on the demise
of such white Person, or on his quitting the Proper Property,
ty, Property, another shall be placed in his room, within one
month aft dr his decease or departure, on pain of in
curving the fine as before stated.
Lastly we decree, that the Fines and Penalties im imposed
posed imposed by us to be levied from those who disobey
these our Orders, shall be decided as follows : One
third lor the Fiscal, One third for the Informer, and
One third for the Pour of the Reformed Church ol
the colony.
And that no ignorance may bo pretended of this
our Ordinance, the same shall be published, affixed,
and send round for general information. *
Thus resolved and enacted in our general Assem Assembly,
bly, Assembly, held in the town of New Amsterdam, in the co colony
lony colony of Berbice, on the Ist of October 1.810. Present,
His Excellency Major Gen. Sam. Dalrymple, Pre President
sident President ; and the Hon. Members L. C. Abbcnsets, J.
Tapin, S. Kendall, P. Fairbairn, and A. J. Gla Glasius.
sius. Glasius. And published on the sth of the same month.
B>/ command of Hie Court,
■' —-
By His Excellency Henry William
s Bentinck, Esquire, Lieut.-Governor
/V* over the colony Berbice and its JDcpcn JDcpcn(
( JDcpcn( y dencies, sc. Sgc. sc.
r > And the Honorable Court of Policy and
Criminal Justice of the said colony.
all whom these presents may or shall
come, Greeting ! Be it known :
†HE ELLAS It has been reported to us by the dif different
ferent different Burgher Officers of this Government, and
others, tbit Negroes belonging to the respective
Estates within the jurisdiction of this colony, are in
constant practice and habit of walking during the
night from one plantatfon to another, and there as assembling,
sembling, assembling, in direct violation of the positive orders
and ordinances made and provided by us against
such transgressions; and whereas we have lately seen
the ill effect which arose from such irregular and
reprehensible conduct, and being fully impressed
with the urgent necessity which exists for a rigid ob observance
servance observance of our ancient Saluntary Regulations, with
regard to the conduct ot Slaves ;as also that by the
exertion of due vigilance, the recurrence of similar
evils may be prevented, and a stop put to the frequent
complaints made to ns on the subject of the Negroes
appertaining to this Government; we do now hereby
issue our Ordersand Directions to all Owners, Pro Proprietors
prietors Proprietors or Administrators of Estates and Negroes, as
well as to the different Burgher < Hlicers of the colony;
that no Negroes under any pretext shall be allowed
to proceed from one Estate to another, or depart from
the Estate, Property, or Place to which he, or they
belong, or are working on, or proceed from the Town
New Amsterdam to Estates without thp precincts of
the Town New Amsterdam, without being provided
with a written pass from their Masters or Persons
having charge of them; which pass shall spt cify the
name of the Negroe, of his Owner, whither going,
and the date when permitted to absent himself from
the Estate and when to return. —And should not notwithstanding
withstanding notwithstanding this our Order, any Negroe or Negroes
be found on the public roads or from off the Estates
to which they belong, unprovided with a proper pass
from their Masters, all the Subjects of this Govern Government
ment Government are required to aid and assist in securing such
Offender or Offenders, ami carrying them forthwith to
the Burgher Captain of the Division, and inhisab inhisabsencc
sencc inhisabsencc to the next Senior Officer in loco, inorder that
such Negroe or Negroes found straying without a
proper pass, may be punished at the discretion of the
Burgher Captain or Senior Officer in loco, by the in infliction
fliction infliction of any number of lashes, not exceeding thir thirty
ty thirty nine; and we in consequence declare as abrogated
and made void by these presents, all such parts of
| any of our former Piuckimatiom, whereby Slaves
arrested without a pass were required forthwith to be
delivered to his Honor the Fiscal.
, And we do hereby warn and caution all Masters of
Slaves, Proprietors, and Administrators of Estates to
pay proper attention and guard against any trespass
of this our Proclamation, the penalty whereof we
positively order to be fully enforced, without consi consideration
deration consideration of Persons to whom the Offenders may
belong. **
And in order the better to ensure due obedience tel
this our Order, the Burgher Captain of each district
shall be furnished with printed copies of this Publi Publication,
cation, Publication, that the same may be generally distributed
throughout the colony.
And whereas we are informed that in disobedience
of the existing orders enacted to the contrary, Pro Proprietors
prietors Proprietors of Negroes, still permit the said Negroes,
when pissing up and down the Rivers and Creeks of
this colony, to sing shout or express themselves to
other Negroes on different Estates, in certain songs
tending to inflame and produce improper effect on
their minds; and whereas such practise is not alone
contrary Io Law, but is often limes productive of
inischiei, we therefore absolutely ami peremptorily
forbid any Owner, Proprietors, Administrators, or
oilier Persons having charge of Negroes, from allow allowing
ing allowing their own Negroes, or such as they have charge
of, from singing, shouting, or making outcry in boats,
within the River and Creeks of this colony, under a
penajly of One hundred guilders, which the Proprie Proprietor,
tor, Proprietor, Administrator, or Person having charge of such
Negroes, shall pay to his Honor the Fiscal.
Ami should any Slaves while in any kind of boat N
unaccompanied by any white Person dare to sing
shout, or raise outcry in manner as aforesaid, such
Negroe Negroes shall be punished with any num number
ber number of lashes not exceeding One hundred, winch the
Fiscal, Burgher Captain, or Senior Officer in loro,
shall arbitrarily inflict upon the Offender or Offen Offenders
ders Offenders on being brought before him for this purpose.
And we do hereby order and direct the Fiscal of
the colony am|a|l other Subjectsof this Government,
10 arrest and, AV and aid in arresting any and all
Negroes be found singing in boats, and we
do such of the Inhabitants of this
colony witness such misconduct to report the
same tomis4lonor the Fiscal, who is strictly enjoin enjoined
ed enjoined to proceed aginsl the Offender or Offenders.
Lastly we Order and Direct, that the pecuniary
fine to be imposed on the transgressors of this out
Order, be divided as follows ; namely : one third to
the Fiscal, one third to the Poor fund of the Reform Reformed
ed Reformed Church of this colony, and the remaining one third
to the Informer.
Thus resolved and enacted in our ordinary Assem Assembly
bly Assembly of the Court of P< licy and Criminal Justice of the
colony Berbice on tljc 6lh day of July 1814. Present
11 is Excellency Lieut.-Governor H. IF. Bentinck*
President ; and the Honorable Members John McCa McCamon,
mon, McCamon, James Fraser, Peter Fairbairn, Geo. Munro •
deniplo the Honorable Member A. J. Glasius.
And published on the same day, present His Ex Excellent
cellent Excellent the Lieut.-Governor, and the aforesaid
Honorable Members.
By command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNER. Secy.
Jjfßy the Honorable Court of Policy and
1 " Criminal Justice of the colony Berbice.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Honorable*Court
of Policy has been pleased to fix thp rates of produce
<>n which the Colonial Duty of percent is to be
paid to the Receiver General, for the 6 months, com commencing
mencing commencing Ist January, and ending GOth June 1814,
as follows: ’
Colton, 17{ Sfiv. pr. pound.
Coffee whole, 9 do. do.
Coffee broken or black, do. do.
Cocoa,. 9 do. do.
Sugar, 6 do. do.
Num, 30 do. pr. gallon.
M01a55e5............ | Guilder pr. do.
Secretary's Office, Berbice, 12th July 1814.
By Command,
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
BY the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice, of the colony Berbice. To all to whom
these presents may-or shall eome ; Greeting ! Be
it known :â–
WHEREAS a vacancy has occurred in the
No. 519.
[Payable in advance.
Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice, of
tile colony Berbice, by the resignatian of the Honor Honorable
able Honorable Member L. C. Abbensets, and a nomination
having been made by the Honorable Members of the
Court to His Excellency the Governor—His Excel Excellency
lency Excellency has been pleased to elect John Tapin, Esquire,
to be a Member of the said Court.—Notice whereof
is hereby given to the Public, that all and every one
concerned may respect that gentleman in his afore aforementioned
mentioned aforementioned capacity.
Thus done in our ordinary Sessions of the Court
of Policy and Criminal Justice, of the colony Her Herbice.
bice. Herbice.
King's House, Berbice, 7th July, 1814.
By Command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice o f the cole :y Bcrbice.
» INFORMATION is hereby given to the Public,
that the undermentioned Gentlemen are appointed
Commissaries in the different districts, where vacan vacancies
cies vacancies have been occasioned by the resignation or de departure
parture departure of the Gentlemen nominated by our Procla Proclamation
mation Proclamation of the ] 4th January, 1814.
Commissary for the. west sea coast, Berbiee.
Peter Fairbairn, Esquire, in the room of John
Cameron, Esquire, who has quitted the colony.
Commissary for the lower division, Correntyn Coast.
W. Lawson, Esquire, in the room of George Bagot,
Esquire, who has quitted the colony.
Commissary for the east bank of the river Berbice.
C. C. Swaving, Esquire, in the Room of L. C. Ab Abbensets,
bensets, Abbensets, Esquire, who has resigned.
Court House, N. Aiust. Berbice, 6 July 1811.
By command of the Court,
It. C. DOWNER, Secy.
S’ WHEREAS the following persons have addressed
themselves to the Hon. Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice of the colony Berbice, at their Sessions ofthe
4 July, 1814, tor Letters of .Manumission:
J. J. llilken, for the Mulatto boy named Klaas
J. vax dex Shock, and A. A. de la Covut,
In quality as Executors to the last Will ofthe Widow
Jf. J. Buse, for the Mulatto man T.auw, the Negroe
man Jacob, Dove Jan, J 'redrik, the Must ice woman
.Anna Tats man, the Negroe woman Turiba, and An Annaatje.
naatje. Annaatje.
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant
of said Letters oi Manumission,that they may add res
themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of
the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the
lion. Court, when a final disposition will be made on
the aforesaid Petition. Berbice, July 4.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
This is to inform the Public, that the following per.
tons intend quitting this Colony.
J. L. Tapin and two servants, Harlequin and Wil Willem,
lem, Willem, in 6 weeks from 18 June.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
NOTICE is hereby given, that a month after date the
following Transports and Mortgages will be passed.
June 25. G. E. Bcrkely,will transport to the free black
woman Daphne, 5 roods of land in depth ofthe
northern half of lot No. 5. and to Wm. Ashby,
the adjoining five roods in depht ofthe south -rn
half of said lot, both fronting the new center
road, New Amst.
July 16. W. Katz, as thereunto specially authorized
by J. P. Jennings, will pass a mortgage in lavor
of Jas. Morrison on plantation No. 27, east sen I
coast, slaves and other appurtenances and de dependencies,
pendencies, dependencies, as also upon 23 negroe slaves, pur purchased
chased purchased from said Jas. Morrison.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
Berbice, 9lh July, 1814.
PURSUANT to an Order of the Honorable Court
of Policy, directing the Receiver General to collect
the Assessed Taxes on Lots in the Town of New Am Amsterdam
sterdam. Amsterdam —Notice is hereby given, that Mr. J. F.
Obermuller, Bookkeeper, hath lodged in this Office
a certified copy of the sumsdue by "each lot, agreable
to the account rendered by him, and be being
ing being due, are to be paid without loss of
AU persons concerned, are requested to pay due
DANIEL ALLT ; Dep. Rcc« Gqu,
' ’t , •
Berbice, 2d July, 1814.
Blank Returns for Produce, for the six months,
from Ist January to Ist July, are ready for delivery at
this Office, which Returns are to be made in all this
month, under Tender of Oath.
D. ALLT, Dcp. Rec. Gen.
Oft Thursday the 21st July will be sold at the
Vendue Office.—Cotton and coffee bagging, beer
•ml porter, beef and pork iu half barrels, salt iu tier tiercos,
cos, tiercos, dry goods, &c.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vtndue Matetr.
On Thursday the 28th July, will be sold at «hr
Vendue Other, by order ol the Wecskamer of this
colony, the one third part of Lots No. 11 and 12.
situate on the west sea coast, with the negroes thrrr thrrruutu
uutu thrrruutu belonging, the property ofthe late F. Smith.
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
On Monday the Ist August, will be sold on plan plantation
tation plantation No. 11. correntyn, by order of W. I aw son,
Esq. qq.—6o head oi cattle a parcel of household
furniture, &c.
D. C. CAMERON D p. Vendue Master.
Letters addressed to the following persons, are now
in the Post Office, and will, if not forthwith claim claimed,
ed, claimed, be returned io England by the first Packet.
Ansell (Thoma.) Kummer (J. F.)
Baird (George) Ketler (Caroliui)
Baird (11. J.) Leeo (D.)
Banniatei (Enza) Lawrence (Harriet)
Barey (Geo.) Lawrence (W.)
Biasct (Aleaaudcr) Leitner (De Heer)
Black (W.) Luff(H.)
Blackman (T.) Lewin (Charles)
Blair (MaryJ * Martin (D.)
Blair (J. J.) McAlpin (Mrs.)
Bain (Samuel) McKay (W.)
Bamfield (John) McNeil lie (W.)
Barret (Captain) Mcßae (F.)
Buchanan (J.) Macalpine(G. B.)
Burton (Mary Ann) Milligan (J.)
torsi* (F. L.) Mclodoe (J.)
Cos ten Lader (M. F.) Macquistaa (J.)
Carkk (Gang) Macqmttan (Js.)
Cumings (John) McLeod (11.)
Coleman (Lieut.) McKintosh (E.)
Dawson (James) Mclntosh (L.)
Bote (Samuel) McKid (J.)
Dodsun (Robert) McLean (J.) Jjy
Dunn (Waiter) Meadow era! t (R.) Vb
Eggers (P ) Nietsch If. V..) the Exrs.Nf
Ehoial (C.) Norbourne (Captain it.)
Easmond (Catharine) Owens (W. S.)
Edinonsume (Charles) U.d (J.)
Feiderhoii (De Heer) Jakey (J. H. S.)
Flloyd (Dr. John) Peachy (D.)
Fowiis (James) Remitters (Mr.)
Flushman (Derr.ck) Hose (A.)
Fraser (Thomas) • Robertson (E.)
Fraser (John) iUid Etqr.)
Graral (H. M.) Rulach (C.)
Gildcrddeave (Charles) Ricketts (S.)
Gibson (George) Roiderer (Den Heer)
Grutard (J. P.) Robinson (Arabella)
Gliuhis (A. J.) 'andison (J.)
Ga;ne(L. S.) Strachan (J.)
Grant (Miss Sarah) small & fhrelfall
Junes (Susanna Green) Shanks (A.)
Gordon (James) Stewart (J )
Humbert (Monsieur) Smith (Mr*. M. T.)
Helmer* (J.) Mtidnr (J. P.)
Hintze (J. C.) fait & Hollingsworth
Ho bus A Bakker fowler (R.)
Harris ( Wm.) fhornton (Mary)
Harris (Samuel) Trade (T.)
Hew in (John) White (T.)
Hall (Catharine) White (Geo.)
Hail (Joseph) H isterveld (G.)
Hawksworth (Win.) Mollison (J.)
Huggaii (Wm.) Weir (J.)
Hautze (E. J.) Wade (Dr.)
Harvie (James) Wade (P.)
ir»ine(R.) Watt (A.)
Janson (J. C.) Wilson (Geo.)
Jong (John) Wischropp Elizabeth
Kiouweus (W.)
Berbice, IGth July, 1814.
R. McKENZIE, Act. Dep. Post Master Gen.
Plantains for Sale.
Plantains to the amount of One Hundred Bun Bunches
ches Bunches can be delivered, in any quantity in Town ; at
Eight Stivers per Bunch, either on the Saturday, or
the Sunday in each week, all the year round, to be
settled for every threp months.—Estates can also re receive
ceive receive occasional supplies; at Nine Stivers per Bunch
sending for them; application to be made to Messrs,
u. BOAS fcGo.—m July,
DE Plantagie Vcrgenoegen, een geheele dienf J
met de daaropstaande gebouwen, bestaande it I
woonhuisj morslogie, een gemakbuisje, en vec
excellent geschikt voor iemand genegen zynd°*l
eene veeteeld ; voor nudere imfonmaiie address^ I*l 1 *I
menzich by den ondergetekende,
pokier, Nieuw Amsterdam. f '**â–
Allede genen die iets te pretenderen hebben ml
de Gronden Jacobs-Rust, Abrahamsburg, Cone I
dia, (boven) en Rcmoh Court, aile gelegen in bn, â–
Canje.—Alsodezelve aande Heer L. F. Gallez i2l
ten worden getransporteerd. ’ » n
Hi d»ly. T. BRUMONT. I "
Ant person willing to contract for the immcdyi-l
Clt aning and Biii king ofthe frontdam, Digging Zl.
the Main Trenches, &c. in the first cm polder of (Ul ' 1
Town New Amsterdam, according to particularshl
be seen at the President of said Committee JI
Esq. will please address himself, by Tender!
onTr. before the 18; h instant, at 11 o’clock in th»K
morning, when said Tenders will be opened, and the!
lowest ofllr, if approved of, accepted.—TheC <)n .!
tractor is to give security for the due performcnce oft
the Hoik, which will be at all times under the h.|
spection ofthe Town Manager.
Berbice, New Amsterdam, ] July, 1814.
By order of the Town Committee I
J. F. OIiERMI LLEK,«ecy. |
THE Executors to the Estate of the late Mrs. IT, e
J. Bums will on the latter end of September, or is f
the beginning of October next, Sell,
(LUST TOT RUST) Tn the |
Coffy Plantations â– < and v River of
(PROVIDENCE, ) Berbice. |
And the Cotton Plantaiion ZEEZICIJT, un thewal I
coast of Berbice.
Togclher with about 600 Slaves, to be sold in lots of I
families. The conditions of Sale, together with the I
Inventories, are visible at Mr. A. A. de la Court’s 1
Office.—l he day oi Sate will be notified by follow. 1
ing advertisement, fith July. |
TH E Sequestrators of plantation Nigg ‘oficr sot I
sale 1 hirty bolts of cotten, to be paid for in cadi; I
Tenders for which will be received at the housed I
Messrs. Ilenery & Taylor, until the JBfb inst. on I
which day said tenders will be opened at ISo’clock, I
and the highest offer, if approved, will he accented. I
Ibe cotton will be delivered from the abov. named I
t store - 9 July, I
Ten to twelve prime Negroe men, they have beet I
accustomed to work in a Task Gang, arc all good
shovelers, and some are ginners, they are recon. 8
mended to the attention of Woodcutters, as they un«
derstand to square and saw wood ;if nut sold by pri«
vate sale in the course of a month will lie put al Publia
.•aalc, apply to the Printer.— 25th June.
The brig Star,
Wm. Wardill, Master,
will sail with first convoy—for freight or passarait
apply to the said Master or ;
' 3 June - W. HENERY.
The brig Speculation,
(.’apt. Ferguson,
warranted to sail with the first convoy,—for freight
or passage apply to the capt. on board, or to
____ __ JVLX, 31 DAYS.
17Sa 6lh Sunday after Trinity. 2h. 34m.
18M Court ot Civil Justice. (morning.—Spring lidn*
20 V\ Margaret. ,
21 T
22 F
23 S Magdalen. Sun enters Leo.
03 - Return* to b« made in thu month, under tender of Oath, of aft
.V^u C , e . d *i ‘ Tend fnMße * er y l *l«te, from the l.t Jan. 1314,10
1 u Kecc »*er«ener»i'»Utlicej in order ioa»cer-
* a ‘" “*»“ the an.uuut of the duty ofuwj and a half per
/ui ’ £ V**-8 C W) "pou the exported Produce uot then paid —
•aid office 0 ) 11 ** *** abav * had rau. at ibn
Kttnrn to be made under tender of Oath of Wine, Spirit*, and
nrait Uiquoi,, received iron* Europe or elsewhere, during the
m* niouiiw of the present year, to the Receiver of
uX sjuUw L*#tcu)« in order cetfecl insert
A Proclamation.
By Ilis Excellency Henry William
Bentinck, Esquire, Lieut.-Gover Lieut.-Governor
nor Lieut.-Governor of the Colony Berbice and its
Dependencies, &c, &c. &c.
To all whom these presents shall conic
WHEREAS I have received the Commands
of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, in
the Name and Behalf of His Majesty, to give
' Publicity of the following Proclamation:
In obedience therefore, to the Orders I have
been Honored with.—Official Notification is
hereby made to the Inhabitants of this Govern Government,
ment, Government, of the Suspension of Hostilities between
Great Britain and France.
King’s House, Berbice, 16th July, 1814.
By Command,
F. WHITE, Gov. Sec.
By Ilis Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, Regent
•f the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,
in the Name and on the Behalf of Hu Majesty.
JBeclaring the Cessation of Arms, as well by Sea as Land,
•greed upon between His Majesty and His Most Christi,
an Majesty, and enjoining the Observance thereof.
WHEREAS a Convention for the Suspension of Hos Hostilities
tilities Hostilities between His Majesty and the Kingdom of France,
Was signed at Paris on the 23d day of April last, by the
Plenipotentiary of Ilis Majesty and the Plenipotentiary
©f His Rova! Highness Monsieur, Brother of the Most
Christian King, Lieutenant General of the Kingdom of
France: And whereas for the putting an End to the Ca Calamities
lamities Calamities of War, as soon and as far as may be possible;
It hath been agreed between Ilis Majesty and His Most
Christian Majesty, as follows; that is to say, that as soon
as the Convention shall be signed and ratified, Friendship
•hould be established between H s Majesty and the King,
dom of France by Sea and Laud in all Parts of the World;
And in order to prevent all Causes of Complaint and Dis.
pute which might arise with respect to Prizes that might
be made at Seaafter the Signature of the said Convention ;
It has alio been reciprocally agreed, That the Vessels and
Effects which might be taken in the English Channel and
In the North Seas, after the Spare of Twelve Days, to be
reckoned from the Exchange of the Ratifications of the
•aid Convention, should be restored on both Sides; That
the Perm should be One Month within the British Chan Channel
nel Channel and North Seat to the Canary Islands and to the
Equator, and Five Months in every other Part of the
World, without any Exception or other particular Dis.
tinction of Time or of Place: And whereas the Ratifica Ratifications
tions Ratifications of the said Convention were exchanged by the res respective
pective respective Plenipotentiaries above mentioned on the 3d day
•f this instant May, from which day the several Terms
above mentioned, of Twelve days, of One Month, and
Five Months, are to be computed : Now, in order that
the several Epochs fixed as aforesaid between His Majesty
and His Most Christian Majesty should be generally
known and observed, Wc have thought fit, in the Name
andon the Behalf of His Majesty’s and by and with the
Advice of His Majesty’s Privy Council, to notify the
•ameto His Majesty’s loving Subjects,; And We do here,
by, in the Name and on the Behalf of His Majesty, strict strictly
ly strictly charge and command all His Majesty’s Officers, both
atSef*and Land, and all other His Majesty’s Subjects
Whatsoever, that they forbear all Acts of Hostility, cither
by Sea or Land, against the Kingdom of France, Her Al.
lies, Her Vassals, or Subjects, under the Penalty es in.
•urring His Majesty’s highest Displeasure.
Given at the Court at Carlton House, the 6th day of
May, in the 54th Year of His Majesty’s Reign, and in
the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and
IT being observed that contrary to the existing re regulations,
gulations, regulations, several persons, unlicensed, suffer their.
Horses and Cattle to stray about the colony Town.
Notice is hereby given, that the horses and cattle,
belonging to persons unlicensed, and in future found
trespassing within the colony Town, will be seized
and impounded.
King’s House, 16th July, 1814.
By Command,
F. WHITE, Gov. Sec.
■e -—
Saturday, July 16, 1814.
The Pilot Boat which arrived this morning from Suri Surinam,
nam, Surinam, brought our Mail for the month May, with intelli intelligence
gence intelligence to the 25th of this month. The lateness of the hour
at which we came in possession of the papers prevent our
making any selection this day, but we propose issuing a
Supplement on Wednesday next, with the most interest,
ing points which the London papers contain. The Pre Preliminaries
liminaries Preliminaries of Peace were not signed on the 25th May.
The privateers have done much mischief on the coast of
Demerary, reported tu have taken 7 and burnt 1 vtssels.
in face of the fort. The privateer off Surinam chased a
vessel into that river. There is a report that two sloops
of war had sailed from Barbados for Surinam.
The Mail to be forwarded to Europe, by the Queen
Charlotte Packet, wil. be made up at the Post Office here
precisely at 2 o'clock on Friday the 22d iust, after which
hour no letters will be received.
Wc are happy to learn that our Dispatch Boat is save
arrived in Demerary—- so that we soon may expect her
Extract of a Letter, sent express from H ashington, to
Neu-York, dated April 7, in the Evening,
“I send an express to New. York, with thie letter,
that it may be in season to go by the Chauncey.
“The House of Representatives have this day, by a
very great majority, passed a Bill repealing the Embargo
and Non-liupoitation Laws, which Bill will pass the
Senate in a day or two, by an unanimous vote, or nearly
so. The free importation of British manufactured goods
will, after this weik, be al owed into a I the ports of the
United States, in neutral ships, on accounts of persons
residing in neutral countries.â€
The President’s Message bear ample testimony of the
humbled tone and demeanour of the servile adherent of the
lately tyrant of France ; and as these were so strikingly
manifested before the Despost’s overthrow was effected,
or at least before any advice of that event could have
reached America, w e may reasonably expect that a due
knowledge of it will produce unqualified submission on
the part of Mr. Madison, as the only means of saving
him from the effects of our provoked vengeance, if not also
those of the resentment of the people of the United States,
whose confidence he has so much abused, and whose in.
tcrcsts he has sacrificed to his own prefidious purposes.
Paris, May 19.—The peace is signed: such at least is
the universal assertion; and every one pretends to have
received his information from an authenticsource. It has
not yet been published, it is added, because the ratificati ratification
on ratification of the Prince Regent of England is waited for. The
following, occording to report, are the principal conditi conditions
ons conditions of a treaty which must constitute the happiness of na.
tions:—Guadaloupe, Martinique, and St. Domingo, to
be restored to France, who will also recover the Isle of
France, and have two factories on the Malabar and Coro Coromandel
mandel Coromandel coasts; one half of the ships and artillery in for fortresses
tresses fortresses now occupied by the allied armies, to be restored
to her: a pert of Belgium to remain her’s, together with
all the districts «u cl used within her territory, such as
Mulhausen, the Contat, &c. There shall be no talk*
either of contributions, war expences, or any other extra,
ordinary imposition : no picture, nor any monument of
the arts, will be removed. *
Madrid, May 6.—Most of the Grandees have follow followed
ed followed the example of the Duke del In fa nt ado, and King Fer Ferdinand
dinand Ferdinand is surrounded with the principal chiefs of the no nobility.
bility. nobility. Many prelates also repair to that youg monarch.
The Cortes appear determined to persevere in their sys system
tem system of rigorously giving the law, and hold up their con constitutional
stitutional constitutional charter philosophically decreed in the Isla 9
which was sheltered from ail the dangers of war.
Gen. Lacy, of Irish origin, has been placed at the head
of the troops which the liberal party has collected to sup support
port support its cause.
However, the arrival of the King is announced for the
14th inst.; so that the struggle approaches its close. Fer Ferdinand
dinand Ferdinand has the most beneficent intentions; but opposi opposition,
tion, opposition, instead of weakening, only inflames the pretensions
of each party.
Hanover, May 6.— His Royal Highness the Duke of
Cam budge will depart in a few days for Holland, whence
he will return with the Hered. Prince of Orange into Eng England,
land, England, fur the marriage us her Royal Highaess the Princess
Charlotte of Wales. It is not known whether that Prince
will afterwards go to Pari* as it has been announced.
The Duke of Clarence has struck his flag on board the
Impregnable, in the Downs, and returned to town, advice
having been received that the Emperor of Russia and the
King of Prussia did not propose leaving Paris before the
Bth of June.
The Allied artniesareon their march home; and the de departure
parture departure of the Crowned Heads from Paris for London has
been delayed only hy the temporary obstacles that occur occurred
red occurred to the signature of the Treaty of Peace, but which by
this time have been happily removed. The Emperor of
Russia lately visited Prince Eugene at the Castle of Saint
Leu, at Montmorency, where he dined with him, his mo mother
ther mother and sister. This is the first notice of Josephine and
the ci-devant Queen of Holland, that we have read in ths
Paris Papers.—The Emperor of Austria is now styled
Emperor of Germany. This is as it ougt to be—the
Emperor Francis is, by all means, entitled to resume hia
former rank and influence in Germany, the Empire of
which will be restored under the powerfull suspicesof that
Monarch.—There is no further mention of Bona; a/tu.
The French Government is assembling a gnat military
force at Lisle, and apparently they do not wish to let tra travel
vel travel ers pass through Flanders. Three English Gentlemen
returning from Paris to England, by Brussels, last week*
though provided with passports, countersigned hy Lord
Castlereagh, were stopped by Central St. Cyr, and no*
suffered to proceed. They were obliged to return ami
take their journey by the direct route to Calais.
By some of the French papers it is again assorted that
Peace is signed, and that the publication of the Treaty on only
ly only waifs the ratification of the Prince Regent of England.
By it, we are told, Guadaloupe, Martinique, St. Domingo*
and the Isle of France are to be restored to France, who
is also to be allowed two factories on the coasts of Ma Malabar
labar Malabar and Coromandel; she is to have a part of Belgium ;
no monument of the arts is to be taken away, &c.—From
the nature of the terms, we may conclude that this is but
another premeture report, and that these rumours express
only the wishes of the writers. Such terms are etp.ally
inconsistent with policy and with justice.
Lord Walpole arrived at Hanover, he is to go to Pa»
tersburgh in quality as Ambassador from England.
A corps of 1400 lancers is to be raised at Hanover.
Population of the World.—From Le Sage’s Atlaij
Europe.,... 170,000,000 of Inhabit
Asia 380,000, (XX) [tants
Africa 90,000,000
America, North. 30,000,000
South . 20,000,000
The Oceanic Islands 20,000,(X)0
Total population of the Globe 710,(XX)
WHEREAS I the undersigned have feccived from
England the Newspapers containing the advertise advertisement
ment advertisement calling up the creditors of the estate of Evan
Duncan Fras*r, dec.—Notice is hereby given to the
Public, that, the said creditors are to appear before
the Court of Civil Justice of this colony, on Monday
the 18th July, 1814, and following days, forthe pur purpose*
pose* purpose* of there rendering their claims against the afore aforesaid
said aforesaid estate of Evan Duncan Fraser, dec., and further
to proceed as the law directs.
Berbice, 7th June, 1814.
K. Francken, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellency
the Governor, given upon a petition of 11. Staal, as
the generaal and speciaal Attorney of A. C. Buode,
of Dcmerary, said appointment bearing date 24th
June, 18! 1.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that the Ex Execution
ecution Execution and Sequestration of the undivided half of
Plantation Onverzeagt, situate on the west seacoast
of this colony, the property of the late L. 11. Buse,
is thisdnv cancelled and taken of.
Berbice, the 2d July, 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, Ffrrf Marshal.
first proclamation.
BY virtue ofan appointment from His Honor Jas.
Grant, Major, .Acting Governor of the colony L'er L'erbice
bice L'erbice and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c.
Granted upon a petition presented by the free Ne Neg-o
g-o Neg-o woman Daphne, versus, J. C. Schollevanger,
under date of 16lh Dec. 1813.
I the undersigned intend to sell, at Public Execution
Sale, in the presence of two Councillors Commissaries
and their Secretary, on Wednesday the 27th of July
1814, at the Court House of this colony, at 11 o’clock
in the forenoon of that day.
A Definitive Sentence of the Hon. Court of Civil
Justice, of this colony, given in the cause entitled
F. A. RoJenhrock, Plaintiff, versus, James Sinclair,
dated 19th Nov. 1813, fora capital sum of X? ICO.
together with 25 per cent damage, protest, charges,
and interest, as also with costs of suit. Said Sentence
being surrendered to me as his own and sole property.
Whoever should think to have any right,action
or interest on abovenamed Sentence, and wishes to
oppose the Execution Sale thereof, let such persons
address themselves to the Marshal’s Office of this
colony, declaring their reasons for so doing in due
lime and form, as I hereby give notice, that 1 will re receive
ceive receive opposition from every one (hereunto qualified,
appoint (hem a day to have his or her claim heard
before the Court, and further act thereon as the Law
This first proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, 10:h, July 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of a Voluntary Surrender in Execution
made by Thomas Fryer Lay field, as one of the part partners
ners partners of the late Firm of Duncan McKenzie & Co. in
order to comply with the tenor of a Sentence of the
Honorable Court of ( ivil Justice, in the cause, enti entitled
tled entitled Douglas Reid & Co. as being a branch of the
house ot commerce in Glasgow, carried on under
the Firm ot J. T. & A. Douglas & co., Plaimitls,
versus, the Representative or Representatives ot the
late Firm of Duncan McKenzie &co.—said sentence
bcari g date (he 20th May, 1814.
I (he undersigned First Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, will sell at Public Execution Sale
on Wednesday the 20th of July 1814, in presence of
two Councellars Commisaries and their Secretary al
the Court House of (his colony, at 11 o’clock in (he
. forenoon of (hat day, the following open Accounts
due to the late Firm of Duncan McKenzie & co.
An Account agaiust Jno. Ross, amt. to f 1 |o. g. 7
Do. Belair Estate N 0.22 west sea coast- 2.5 • i(j. p
Do. the Estate of Duncan McKenzie - 211-18-1-
Du. Hugh 13. Inglis, pin. Clifton - 3000- 0- 6
(under deduction)
Do. Nigg estate Ross & Sinclair — 3,';0. o. q
Do. pin. Hogstye, A. Shanks - 504-12-0
Do. the estate of Ths. Robson — j pg. o. q
Do. Donald Macrae for lot No. 2 - 44. 0- 0
Do. pin. Brighton, S. Fraser - 437. 0. 0
Do. John Hewith, Nikirie - 37. 9 q
Do. J. C. Spangenberg - 72-10- ()
And of which accounts the particulars may be seen
xt the Marshal's Office during the hours of duty.
XV hoever should think to have any right, action
or interest, on the aforementioned open Accounts’
and wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let such
persons address themselves to the Marshal’s Office
declaring their reasons for so doing in due time and
form, as 1 hereby give notice, that I will receive on
positioa from mry wic thereunto Qualified; appoint
them a day to have his or her claim heard before the '
Court, and further act (hereon as the Law directs.
This 2nd Proclamation, published as Customary.
Berbice, the 10th July, 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an appointment from the Honor Honorable
able Honorable Cour 1 of Civil Justice of (his colony, under date
of 21st May, 1811, given upon a Petition presented
by K. Francken, First Marshal of the Courts within
this colony, for and in name of A. J. Glasius and
14. J. Schwicrs, Sequestrator* over Plantation V rede
en V riendschap, and half of Plantation Goudmyn,
the former situated in Canje creek, and the latter up
the river. x
Notice is hereby given, that I the undersigned,
intend to Sell at Public Execution Sale, in presence
of two Councelkirs Commissaries and their St crclarv,
on Wednesday the 27th ot July, 1814, the collie
Estate called / rate SF I iends< hap, (Ilie terms of
which,as also the Inventory, are to be seen at the
Marshal’s Office during the hours of duty.
And on Wednesday the 3d of August* 1814, the
undivided half of (he coffee Estate called Goudm/pi,
((lie terms of which, as also (he Inventory, ore lying
at (he Man hai s Office for the inspection of those
whom it may concern.
1 be Sales are to take place on the respective spots
Whoever sf-mid think to have any right, actio::,
or interest on (he aforenamed Estates, and wish -s to
oppose the Execution Sale thereof, l v t such p rson
address himself to the Marshal’s Office, d . bring
(heir reason for so doing in due time and Ibr.u, as 1
hereby give notice, (hat 1 w ill receive ojiposit ion Irom
any intermediate person, appoint them a day to have
their claims heard before the Court, and further act
thereon as the l aw directs.
Tins li’i proclamation published as customary
Berbice, Ist July, 1814.
K. i R.i.. (. KEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an extract from the Minutes of the
Proceedings of the Court of Rolls, dated 7th June,
1814, given in the cause of Edvard Theobald, Cu Curator
rator Curator to the Estate of Henry Croft, dec. Plaintiff,—
versus, all known and unknown creditors against tin*
Estate of H. (’i\;ft, dec.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, and at the request of aforesaid
Summon, fur the third time, ly Edict:
All known and unknown creditors of the Estate of
•It n
on Monday the 10th October, 1814, their to render
in their claims, Io verify the same, and hear objec objections
tions objections made thereunto, it need, and iunher to proceed
as the law directs.
This 3d Summon by Edict published as customa customary.—Berbice,
ry.—Berbice, customary.—Berbice, 27th June, 18! L
K. I LANCKEN, First Marhals.
t BY virtue ofan appointment from the Honorable
Court of Civil Ju dice of this colony, granted upon a
Petition presented by J. C. de Nieuwerkerk, qq.
fiu* Estate ol the late A. J. van Imbyze van Bateo Bateoburg,
burg, Bateoburg, deceased, said appointment bearing date the
16th day of May, 1.814.
I the underdgned, First Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, and at the request of aforesaid J
G. C. de Nieuwerkerk, qq.
Sammon by Edict:
AH known and unknown creditors or claimants on
the Estate of A. J. van Imbyze van Batenbur<>-, to
exhibit their claims before the Hon. (’ourt of Civi!
Justice ol .his colony, at their session in the month
of January, 1815, to verify the same, witnesss ob objections
jections objections then unto, if need, and further to proceed
according to Law, on pain of being for ever debar debarred
red debarred (heir right of claim.
This Summon by Edict, made known 1o the public
by bea( of drum from the Court House of this colon v,
send to Holland and England, and furtherdealt with
according to custom.
Berbice, the 10th June, 1814.
_ K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue ofan appointment from the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, granted upon a
Petition presented by J. G. C. de Nieuwerkerk, as
qq. both to the Estate of the late Marianna Au Augustina
gustina Augustina van Imbyze van Batenbuug, as well as
to that of the late Susanna Jeannette Berhau Berhaubina
bina Berhaubina van Imbyze van Batenburg, said appoint appointment
ment appointment bearing date the 16th day of May, 1814.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts
w ithin this colony, and at the request of aforesaid J.
G. C. de Nieuwerkerk, qq.
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors or claimants on
the Estates of the late M. A. van Imbyze viuißatcu-
bur-*, apd the late S. j. B. van Imbyze Van Baf«u
burg, to exhibit their claims before the Hon. ( .
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their
(he month of January, 1815, lo verily the tSa 111
witless objections thereunto, if need, and farther?
proceed according to law, on pain of for
debarred of their right of claim. k 3 F*
This Summon by Edict, matle known to the piffiix
by beat of drum from the Court House of this color *
send to Holland and Englund, and further dealt
according to custom.
Berbice, the 10th June, 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First MarsafiL
"Il . ' * _ .. . --
lemand geuvgen zynde zich alsTuinman teen**,
gecren op de plautagie Lust tot Rust in r j v^r *
gclieve zich met bchoorlvke geluigschriften te voo*
zi<*n, te addresseren by den 1 Hr< x (eur van die tXT
(agic.-2 July. W. KLOC WE\s
The front quarter of the v hole bread! of lot No
New Amsterdam, with all (he buildings thereon vi»*
a dwelling house, lately put in repair, and outbuild;
ings entirely new, terms will be made easy to any mJ
proved purchaser. —Apply for particulars to 3 ***
2 •Lily. J. J. van der STOOP,
Nu gereed < n te btkoiaen ter dezer Drukkerw
Exempl-.rcn van de
Foor de Vercenigde Niderlanden,
Jn de 1 hill ".mlsche Taal.
T 'geh ger.de betaling van 16.
Ook zyn dezelve te b. kmnen, in Dimernry, tef
Dfiixk' ry van de Heercn Aulert & SfEVtssoM
also p .f 8. * I
— — — ■■■■,_ 5 1
Now ready for-delivery, at this Office, hi the Dale! I
Language only, Copies of (he
For tiie Netherlands,
lUice fb.—Ciush.
Also to be had, in at the Printing OR I
fice of Messrs. Aulert & Stevenson.—price ffi, I
THE Domiciliiim, cilandi
subscriber, bolh in prive am! as
gatees of lb.bvr( and Joseph < liff, deceased, sshtai I
house oi Messrs. G. Bone & Co. New Amsterdam.
notice’ ~ I
Tur. Subscribers have given over to Mr. A. G. I
t almer, forcollccikmand liquidation ; all accoun?i I
and note.-, ol hand, dur, to (he late 1- iiancis J offer? I
ami Wiin.iAM Jei eery, for the years 1812& IbiX I
I h'.s is therefore to inlorm (hose i uk-bted to (be I
said that Mr. A. G.( dmerislidiyaudiorhcd I
and empowered, to give acqnii lances, and that hc|| I
instructed, n >1 to give iunher inuulgcace to any pell b
son or persons whatsoever.
25 June. XV. KATZ.
Che first undersigned, has also given iheaol
counls, &c. due to the instate oi'the late Dr. I
J -licry, to Mr. A. G. Calmer, for collection* I
ol this ciicumstance those indebted are I
rd to take notice.
TiiL Charter ol the Colony Berbice, Mamicrsoi I
‘he Fireel'dings, in the Courts of Civil Justice, botfc I
in (he English and Dutch Languages, Blank Bilbof I
i.xchauge and Lading, Cotfee Certificates, a let I
Sheet Almanachs for the present year, I
several kinds 01 Paper, Quills, Wavers, &:c.
- —l — jp- n - T
List oj Ean-a.r:tiy Negroes, in the Colony Slocks oj
Brnßicr, on the 16. A July, 1811.
I Pruprn tkTsT j‘ Uy whoni
Rosa Pin. Oiiverwagt Dchnert
Hercules Idem McCamon
Larose Pin. Mara J, (Jourcriicsr
Primo "’(ik (Dem.) Costcnbader
Murphy Pin. Herstelling Fiscaal
Mars Miss Laurants Adami
Bantje Pin. Welgdcgen van den DroJt ‘ I
Glasius Bellevue White e
1 homat Mrs. Beresford Heytmcycr
Francis B. Sinclair (Dem.) Rule
Primo K. L. Schmidt Dchnert.
April Idem. Idem.
Adoncs idem. idem.
Joe Allen Fraucndoaf
William Burton 'Fiscaal
Kees. PI. Dagcraad, Costenbader
J. A. DEHNERT, Under Sherif. . I
J „ 1 A-*? I
Published even/ Saturday at 4 o'clock, P. «•
By \V. SCHULZ & Co.
Privileged, Government PrinUrs
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11811) THE ( BERBICE GAZETTE Twelve dollars p. anmimJ] By Hi* Excellency Henry William Bentinck, Esquire, Lieut.-Governor of the colony Berbice ami its DcpendcnII ties, sc. Sgc. &;c. And the Honorable the Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of the said colony. To all to whom these presents may or shall Come, Greeting I Be it known: A& I WHEREAS Representation has been made to us, that notwithstanding the severe penalties contained I ia our Proclamation of the Ist October IS 10, respecting the number of white persons ordered to be kept on Estates in proportion to the number of Negroes I thereon; that many Plantations, either from the ignorance or neglect of die Proprietors thereof; are very deficient, in (his particular; and having taken under cur serious consideration the consequences likely to he attendant the want of observance of our aforesaid order. We have deemed it proper to republish for more | general information, the aforesaid Proclamalion of the Ist October, 1810, and to order, as wedo hereby order, authorize, and empower the Fiscal of this co.l-ny, in six month* after (he Publication of this our pleasure shall have been notified to the public, thro’ the Berbice Gazette, to proceed thro’ each division ’ of the colony Berbice ami its dependencies, with the Senior Burgher Officer in loco of each respective district or division, and inspr et each and every Plantation within the jurisdiction of this Government, jn order to ascertain whether due obedience is paid Jfoour aforesaid ordinance. Arid should after this salutary warning, any Estate Within the colony be found deficient in the number of white si rvants prescribed by law to be thereon, the Fiscal is ordered and enjoined without delay, to enforce the penalties coni lined in our aforementioned Proclamation of the sot October, 1810, against offenders, and that without respect to Persons. And in order that no ignorance may be pretended, these presents shall be published and sent round to each respective Estate within the colony Berbice. Thus resolved and enacted in our Ext raoi dinar y. « Assembly of the Court of PbMcy and Criminal Justice, held in (he Town of New Amsterdam on lhe sd.hme, 1814. Present His Excellency Lieut.-Governor H. ll'. I‘e.ntinck, President; un i the Hon. Members John McCamon, PtUr Fairbairn, A. J. Glasius and George Munro; demptis, the Honorable Members L. ( . Abkcnstts, and Janies leaser. And Piibl’.-h <1 on the 4th day of July, 1814, in presence of His Excellency (he Lieut.-Governor. By command of Hie Court, IL C. DO\V NER, Sec. Ills Excellency the Governor and the ¦B Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of the colony Berbice, sc. %c. %c--' To all to whom these presents may or shall come; Greeting ! Be it known : WHEREAS w c find a considerable Decrease in the number of white Inhabitants, residing on Plantations within this colony, a circumstance which threa,lcus to involve its tranquility and safety. In order •therefore to remedy the same, we have thought proper to establish the present Regulations, enacting, as We do hereby enact as follows : That in future every Plantation in this Colony, possessing from 1 to 79 Negroes, shall have at least one white Person resident upon the same, capable of doing Burgher Militia Duty when required, and that all Estates in this colony possessing -from SO to 199 •Flaves, shall have Two or more white Persons—from •SOO to 319, Three whites, —320 to 450 Four whites, ,450 and upwards Five whites. Such plantations as art?found not to possess the number of whites above Stated, being subject to a penalty of f 500 for each offence, and further of f 100. per 1 month for every white P/ command of Hie Court, ‘IL C. DOWNER, Sec. ¦ ' —By His Excellency Henry William s Bentinck, Esquire, Lieut.-Governor /V* over the colony Berbice and its JDcpcn( y dencies, sc. Sgc. sc. r > And the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of the said colony. all whom these presents may or shall come, Greeting ! Be it known : ” HE ELLAS It has been reported to us by the different Burgher Officers of this Government, and others, tbit Negroes belonging to the respective Estates within the jurisdiction of this colony, are in constant practice and habit of walking during the night from one plantatfon to another, and there assembling, in direct violation of the positive orders and ordinances made and provided by us against such transgressions; and whereas we have lately seen the ill effect which arose from such irregular and reprehensible conduct, and being fully impressed with the urgent necessity which exists for a rigid observance of our ancient Saluntary Regulations, with regard to the conduct ot Slaves ;as also that by the exertion of due vigilance, the recurrence of similar evils may be prevented, and a stop put to the frequent complaints made to ns on the subject of the Negroes appertaining to this Government; we do now hereby issue our Ordersand Directions to all Owners, Proprietors or Administrators of Estates and Negroes, as well as to the different Burgher < Hlicers of the colony; that no Negroes under any pretext shall be allowed to proceed from one Estate to another, or depart from the Estate, Property, or Place to which he, or they belong, or are working on, or proceed from the Town New Amsterdam to Estates without thp precincts of the Town New Amsterdam, without being provided with a written pass from their Masters or Persons having charge of them; which pass shall spt cify the name of the Negroe, of his Owner, whither going, and the date when permitted to absent himself from the Estate and when to return. —And should notwithstanding this our Order, any Negroe or Negroes be found on the public roads or from off the Estates to which they belong, unprovided with a proper pass from their Masters, all the Subjects of this Government are required to aid and assist in securing such Offender or Offenders, ami carrying them forthwith to the Burgher Captain of the Division, and inhisabsencc to the next Senior Officer in loco, inorder that such Negroe or Negroes found straying without a proper pass, may be punished at the discretion of the Burgher Captain or Senior Officer in loco, by the infliction of any number of lashes, not exceeding thirty nine; and we in consequence declare as abrogated and made void by these presents, all such parts of | any of our former Piuckimatiom, whereby Slaves No. 519. [Payable in advance. arrested without a pass were required forthwith to be delivered to his Honor the Fiscal. , And we do hereby warn and caution all Masters of Slaves, Proprietors, and Administrators of Estates to pay proper attention and guard against any trespass of this our Proclamation, the penalty whereof we positively order to be fully enforced, without consideration of Persons to whom the Offenders may belong. ** And in order the better to ensure due obedience tel this our Order, the Burgher Captain of each district shall be furnished with printed copies of this Publication, that the same may be generally distributed throughout the colony. And whereas we are informed that in disobedience of the existing orders enacted to the contrary, Proprietors of Negroes, still permit the said Negroes, when pissing up and down the Rivers and Creeks of this colony, to sing shout or express themselves to other Negroes on different Estates, in certain songs tending to inflame and produce improper effect on their minds; and whereas such practise is not alone contrary Io Law, but is often limes productive of inischiei, we therefore absolutely ami peremptorily forbid any Owner, Proprietors, Administrators, or oilier Persons having charge of Negroes, from allowing their own Negroes, or such as they have charge of, from singing, shouting, or making outcry in boats, within the River and Creeks of this colony, under a penajly of One hundred guilders, which the Proprietor, Administrator, or Person having charge of such Negroes, shall pay to his Honor the Fiscal. Ami should any Slaves while in any kind of boat N unaccompanied by any white Person dare to sing shout, or raise outcry in manner as aforesaid, such Negroe Negroes shall be punished with any number of lashes not exceeding One hundred, winch the Fiscal, Burgher Captain, or Senior Officer in loro, shall arbitrarily inflict upon the Offender or Offenders on being brought before him for this purpose. And we do hereby order and direct the Fiscal of the colony am|a|l other Subjectsof this Government, 10 arrest and, AV and aid in arresting any and all Negroes be found singing in boats, and we do such of the Inhabitants of this colony witness such misconduct to report the same tomis4lonor the Fiscal, who is strictly enjoined to proceed aginsl the Offender or Offenders. Lastly we Order and Direct, that the pecuniary fine to be imposed on the transgressors of this out Order, be divided as follows ; namely : one third to the Fiscal, one third to the Poor fund of the Reformed Church of this colony, and the remaining one third to the Informer. Thus resolved and enacted in our ordinary Assembly of the Court of P< licy and Criminal Justice of the colony Berbice on tljc 6lh day of July 1814. Present 11 is Excellency Lieut.-Governor H. IF. Bentinck* President ; and the Honorable Members John McCamon, James Fraser, Peter Fairbairn, Geo. Munro • deniplo the Honorable Member A. J. Glasius. And published on the same day, present His Excellent the Lieut.-Governor, and the aforesaid Honorable Members. By command of the Court. R. C. DOWNER. Secy. Jjfßy the Honorable Court of Policy and 1 " Criminal Justice of the colony Berbice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Honorable*Court of Policy has been pleased to fix thp rates of produce <>n which the Colonial Duty of percent is to be paid to the Receiver General, for the 6 months, commencing Ist January, and ending GOth June 1814, as follows: ’ Colton, 17{ Sfiv. pr. pound. Coffee whole, 9 do. do. Coffee broken or black, do. do. Cocoa,. 9 do. do. Sugar, 6 do. do. Num, 30 do. pr. gallon. M01a55e5............ | Guilder pr. do. Secretary's Office, Berbice, 12th July 1814. By Command, R. C. DOWNER, Secy. PROCLAMATION. BY the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice, of the colony Berbice. To all to whom these presents may-or shall eome ; Greeting ! Be it known :¦ WHEREAS a vacancy has occurred in the
Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice, of tile colony Berbice, by the resignatian of the Honorable Member L. C. Abbensets, and a nomination having been made by the Honorable Members of the Court to His Excellency the Governor—His Excellency has been pleased to elect John Tapin, Esquire, to be a Member of the said Court.—Notice whereof is hereby given to the Public, that all and every one concerned may respect that gentleman in his aforementioned capacity. Thus done in our ordinary Sessions of the Court of Policy and Criminal Justice, of the colony Herbice. King's House, Berbice, 7th July, 1814. By Command of the Court. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. Notification. the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice o f the cole :y Bcrbice. » INFORMATION is hereby given to the Public, that the undermentioned Gentlemen are appointed Commissaries in the different districts, where vacancies have been occasioned by the resignation or departure of the Gentlemen nominated by our Proclamation of the ] 4th January, 1814. Commissary for the. west sea coast, Berbiee. Peter Fairbairn, Esquire, in the room of John Cameron, Esquire, who has quitted the colony. Commissary for the lower division, Correntyn Coast. W. Lawson, Esquire, in the room of George Bagot, Esquire, who has quitted the colony. Commissary for the east bank of the river Berbice. C. C. Swaving, Esquire, in the Room of L. C. Abbensets, Esquire, who has resigned. Court House, N. Aiust. Berbice, 6 July 1811. By command of the Court, It. C. DOWNER, Secy. SECRETAR Is OFFICE. S’ WHEREAS the following persons have addressed themselves to the Hon. Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of the colony Berbice, at their Sessions ofthe 4 July, 1814, tor Letters of .Manumission: J. J. llilken, for the Mulatto boy named Klaas Jlilken. J. vax dex Shock, and A. A. de la Covut, In quality as Executors to the last Will ofthe Widow Jf. J. Buse, for the Mulatto man T.auw, the Negroe man Jacob, Dove Jan, J 'redrik, the Must ice woman .Anna Tats man, the Negroe woman Turiba, and Annaatje. Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant of said Letters oi Manumission,that they may add res themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the lion. Court, when a final disposition will be made on the aforesaid Petition. Berbice, July 4. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. This is to inform the Public, that the following per. tons intend quitting this Colony. J. L. Tapin and two servants, Harlequin and Willem, in 6 weeks from 18 June. R. C. DOWNER, Secy. NOTICE is hereby given, that a month after date the following Transports and Mortgages will be passed. June 25. G. E. Bcrkely,will transport to the free black woman Daphne, 5 roods of land in depth ofthe northern half of lot No. 5. and to Wm. Ashby, the adjoining five roods in depht ofthe south -rn half of said lot, both fronting the new center road, New Amst. July 16. W. Katz, as thereunto specially authorized by J. P. Jennings, will pass a mortgage in lavor of Jas. Morrison on plantation No. 27, east sen I coast, slaves and other appurtenances and dependencies, as also upon 23 negroe slaves, purchased from said Jas. Morrison. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. RECEIVER GENERAL'S OFFICE, Berbice, 9lh July, 1814. PURSUANT to an Order of the Honorable Court of Policy, directing the Receiver General to collect the Assessed Taxes on Lots in the Town of New Amsterdam. —Notice is hereby given, that Mr. J. F. Obermuller, Bookkeeper, hath lodged in this Office a certified copy of the sumsdue by "each lot, agreable to the account rendered by him, and being due, are to be paid without loss of AU persons concerned, are requested to pay due DANIEL ALLT ; Dep. Rcc« Gqu, ' ’t , • Berbice, 2d July, 1814. Blank Returns for Produce, for the six months, from Ist January to Ist July, are ready for delivery at this Office, which Returns are to be made in all this month, under Tender of Oath. D. ALLT, Dcp. Rec. Gen. VENDUE OFFICE. PUBLIC "VENDUES. Oft Thursday the 21st July will be sold at the Vendue Office.—Cotton and coffee bagging, beer •ml porter, beef and pork iu half barrels, salt iu tiercos, dry goods, &c. D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vtndue Matetr. On Thursday the 28th July, will be sold at «hr Vendue Other, by order ol the Wecskamer of this colony, the one third part of Lots No. 11 and 12. situate on the west sea coast, with the negroes thrrruutu belonging, the property ofthe late F. Smith. D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master. On Monday the Ist August, will be sold on plantation No. 11. correntyn, by order of W. I aw son, Esq. qq.—6o head oi cattle a parcel of household furniture, &c. D. C. CAMERON D p. Vendue Master. POST OFFICE. Letters addressed to the following persons, are now in the Post Office, and will, if not forthwith claimed, be returned io England by the first Packet. Ansell (Thoma.) Kummer (J. F.) Baird (George) Ketler (Caroliui) Baird (11. J.) Leeo (D.) Banniatei (Enza) Lawrence (Harriet) Barey (Geo.) Lawrence (W.) Biasct (Aleaaudcr) Leitner (De Heer) Black (W.) Luff(H.) Blackman (T.) Lewin (Charles) Blair (MaryJ * Martin (D.) Blair (J. J.) McAlpin (Mrs.) Bain (Samuel) McKay (W.) Bamfield (John) McNeil lie (W.) Barret (Captain) Mcßae (F.) Buchanan (J.) Macalpine(G. B.) Burton (Mary Ann) Milligan (J.) torsi* (F. L.) Mclodoe (J.) Cos ten Lader (M. F.) Macquistaa (J.) Carkk (Gang) Macqmttan (Js.) Cumings (John) McLeod (11.) Coleman (Lieut.) McKintosh (E.) Dawson (James) Mclntosh (L.) Bote (Samuel) McKid (J.) Dodsun (Robert) McLean (J.) Jjy Dunn (Waiter) Meadow era! t (R.) Vb Eggers (P ) Nietsch If. V..) the Exrs.Nf Ehoial (C.) Norbourne (Captain it.) Easmond (Catharine) Owens (W. S.) Edinonsume (Charles) U.d (J.) Feiderhoii (De Heer) Jakey (J. H. S.) Flloyd (Dr. John) Peachy (D.) Fowiis (James) Remitters (Mr.) Flushman (Derr.ck) Hose (A.) Fraser (Thomas) • Robertson (E.) Fraser (John) iUid Etqr.) Graral (H. M.) Rulach (C.) Gildcrddeave (Charles) Ricketts (S.) Gibson (George) Roiderer (Den Heer) Grutard (J. P.) Robinson (Arabella) Gliuhis (A. J.) 'andison (J.) Ga;ne(L. S.) Strachan (J.) Grant (Miss Sarah) small & fhrelfall Junes (Susanna Green) Shanks (A.) Gordon (James) Stewart (J ) Humbert (Monsieur) Smith (Mr*. M. T.) Helmer* (J.) Mtidnr (J. P.) Hintze (J. C.) fait & Hollingsworth Ho bus A Bakker fowler (R.) Harris ( Wm.) fhornton (Mary) Harris (Samuel) Trade (T.) Hew in (John) White (T.) Hall (Catharine) White (Geo.) Hail (Joseph) H isterveld (G.) Hawksworth (Win.) Mollison (J.) Huggaii (Wm.) Weir (J.) Hautze (E. J.) Wade (Dr.) Harvie (James) Wade (P.) ir»ine(R.) Watt (A.) Janson (J. C.) Wilson (Geo.) Jong (John) Wischropp Elizabeth Kiouweus (W.) Berbice, IGth July, 1814. R. McKENZIE, Act. Dep. Post Master Gen. Plantains for Sale. Plantains to the amount of One Hundred Bunches can be delivered, in any quantity in Town ; at Eight Stivers per Bunch, either on the Saturday, or the Sunday in each week, all the year round, to be settled for every threp months.—Estates can also receive occasional supplies; at Nine Stivers per Bunch sending for them; application to be made to Messrs, u. BOAS fcGo.—m July, ITT DE HAND TE KOOft I DE Plantagie Vcrgenoegen, een geheele dienf J met de daaropstaande gebouwen, bestaande it I woonhuisj morslogie, een gemakbuisje, en vec excellent geschikt voor iemand genegen zynd°*l eene veeteeld ; voor nudere imfonmaiie address^ I*l 1 *I menzich by den ondergetekende, pokier, Nieuw Amsterdam. f '**¦ Allede genen die iets te pretenderen hebben ml de Gronden Jacobs-Rust, Abrahamsburg, Cone I dia, (boven) en Rcmoh Court, aile gelegen in bn, ¦ Canje.—Alsodezelve aande Heer L. F. Gallez i2l ten worden getransporteerd. ’ » n Hi d»ly. T. BRUMONT. I " TOWN COMMITTED | f Ant person willing to contract for the immcdyi-l Clt aning and Biii king ofthe frontdam, Digging Zl. the Main Trenches, &c. in the first cm polder of (Ul ' 1 Town New Amsterdam, according to particularshl be seen at the President of said Committee JI Esq. will please address himself, by Tender! onTr. before the 18; h instant, at 11 o’clock in th»K morning, when said Tenders will be opened, and the! lowest ofllr, if approved of, accepted.—TheC <)n .! tractor is to give security for the due performcnce oft the Hoik, which will be at all times under the h.| spection ofthe Town Manager. Berbice, New Amsterdam, ] July, 1814. By order of the Town Committee I J. F. OIiERMI LLEK,«ecy. | PUBLIC THE Executors to the Estate of the late Mrs. IT, e J. Bums will on the latter end of September, or is f the beginning of October next, Sell, (LUST TOT RUST) Tn the | Coffy Plantations ¦< and v River of (PROVIDENCE, ) Berbice. | And the Cotton Plantaiion ZEEZICIJT, un thewal I coast of Berbice. Togclher with about 600 Slaves, to be sold in lots of I families. The conditions of Sale, together with the I Inventories, are visible at Mr. A. A. de la Court’s 1 Office.—l he day oi Sate will be notified by follow. 1 ing advertisement, fith July. | TH E Sequestrators of plantation Nigg ‘oficr sot I sale 1 hirty bolts of cotten, to be paid for in cadi; I Tenders for which will be received at the housed I Messrs. Ilenery & Taylor, until the JBfb inst. on I which day said tenders will be opened at ISo’clock, I and the highest offer, if approved, will he accented. I Ibe cotton will be delivered from the abov. named I t store 9 July, I FOR SALE I Ten to twelve prime Negroe men, they have beet I accustomed to work in a Task Gang, arc all good shovelers, and some are ginners, they are recon. 8 mended to the attention of Woodcutters, as they un« derstand to square and saw wood ;if nut sold by pri« vate sale in the course of a month will lie put al Publia .•aalc, apply to the Printer.— 25th June. FOR LONDON, The brig Star, Wm. Wardill, Master, will sail with first convoy—for freight or passarait apply to the said Master or ; ' 3 June W. HENERY. FOR GLASGOW, The brig Speculation, (.’apt. Ferguson, warranted to sail with the first convoy,—for freight or passage apply to the capt. on board, or to 25 June. EVAN & ANGUS FRASER. WEEKLY ALMANACK. ____ __ JVLX, 31 DAYS. 17Sa 6lh Sunday after Trinity. 2h. 34m. 18M Court ot Civil Justice. (morning.—Spring lidn* 20 V\ Margaret. , 21 T 22 F 23 S Magdalen. Sun enters Leo. 03 Return* to b« made in thu month, under tender of Oath, of aft .V^u C , e . d *i ‘ Tend fnMße * er y l *l«te, from the l.t Jan. 1314,10 1 u Kecc »*er«ener»i'»Utlicej in order ioa»cer* a ‘" “*»“ the an.uuut of the duty ofuwj and a half per /ui ’ £ V**-8 C W) "pou the exported Produce uot then paid — •aid office 0 ) 11 ** *** abav * had rau. at ibn Kttnrn to be made under tender of Oath of Wine, Spirit*, and nrait Uiquoi,, received iron* Europe or elsewhere, during the m* niouiiw of the present year, to the Receiver of uX sjuUw L*#tcu)« in order cetfecl insert
THE KING’S HOUSE, BERBICE. A Proclamation. By Ilis Excellency Henry William Bentinck, Esquire, Lieut.-Governor of the Colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c, &c. &c. To all whom these presents shall conic WHEREAS I have received the Commands of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, in the Name and Behalf of His Majesty, to give ' Publicity of the following Proclamation: In obedience therefore, to the Orders I have been Honored with.—Official Notification is hereby made to the Inhabitants of this Government, of the Suspension of Hostilities between Great Britain and France. King’s House, Berbice, 16th July, 1814. 11. W. BENTINCK. By Command, F. WHITE, Gov. Sec. By Ilis Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, Regent •f the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in the Name and on the Behalf of Hu Majesty. A PROCLAMATION, JBeclaring the Cessation of Arms, as well by Sea as Land, •greed upon between His Majesty and His Most Christi, an Majesty, and enjoining the Observance thereof. GEORGE P.R. WHEREAS a Convention for the Suspension of Hostilities between His Majesty and the Kingdom of France, Was signed at Paris on the 23d day of April last, by the Plenipotentiary of Ilis Majesty and the Plenipotentiary ©f His Rova! Highness Monsieur, Brother of the Most Christian King, Lieutenant General of the Kingdom of France: And whereas for the putting an End to the Calamities of War, as soon and as far as may be possible; It hath been agreed between Ilis Majesty and His Most Christian Majesty, as follows; that is to say, that as soon as the Convention shall be signed and ratified, Friendship •hould be established between H s Majesty and the King, dom of France by Sea and Laud in all Parts of the World; And in order to prevent all Causes of Complaint and Dis. pute which might arise with respect to Prizes that might be made at Seaafter the Signature of the said Convention ; It has alio been reciprocally agreed, That the Vessels and Effects which might be taken in the English Channel and In the North Seas, after the Spare of Twelve Days, to be reckoned from the Exchange of the Ratifications of the •aid Convention, should be restored on both Sides; That the Perm should be One Month within the British Channel and North Seat to the Canary Islands and to the Equator, and Five Months in every other Part of the World, without any Exception or other particular Dis. tinction of Time or of Place: And whereas the Ratifications of the said Convention were exchanged by the respective Plenipotentiaries above mentioned on the 3d day •f this instant May, from which day the several Terms above mentioned, of Twelve days, of One Month, and Five Months, are to be computed : Now, in order that the several Epochs fixed as aforesaid between His Majesty and His Most Christian Majesty should be generally known and observed, Wc have thought fit, in the Name andon the Behalf of His Majesty’s and by and with the Advice of His Majesty’s Privy Council, to notify the •ameto His Majesty’s loving Subjects,; And We do here, by, in the Name and on the Behalf of His Majesty, strictly charge and command all His Majesty’s Officers, both atSef*and Land, and all other His Majesty’s Subjects Whatsoever, that they forbear all Acts of Hostility, cither by Sea or Land, against the Kingdom of France, Her Al. lies, Her Vassals, or Subjects, under the Penalty es in. •urring His Majesty’s highest Displeasure. Given at the Court at Carlton House, the 6th day of May, in the 54th Year of His Majesty’s Reign, and in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and (•artan. GOD SAVE THE KING. NOTIFICATION IT being observed that contrary to the existing regulations, several persons, unlicensed, suffer their. Horses and Cattle to stray about the colony Town. Notice is hereby given, that the horses and cattle, belonging to persons unlicensed, and in future found trespassing within the colony Town, will be seized and impounded. King’s House, 16th July, 1814. By Command, F. WHITE, Gov. Sec. THE BERBICE GAZETTE. ¦e -— NEW AMSTERDAM, Saturday, July 16, 1814. The Pilot Boat which arrived this morning from Surinam, brought our Mail for the month May, with intelligence to the 25th of this month. The lateness of the hour at which we came in possession of the papers prevent our making any selection this day, but we propose issuing a Supplement on Wednesday next, with the most interest, ing points which the London papers contain. The Preliminaries of Peace were not signed on the 25th May. The privateers have done much mischief on the coast of Demerary, reported tu have taken 7 and burnt 1 vtssels. in face of the fort. The privateer off Surinam chased a vessel into that river. There is a report that two sloops of war had sailed from Barbados for Surinam. The Mail to be forwarded to Europe, by the Queen Charlotte Packet, wil. be made up at the Post Office here precisely at 2 o'clock on Friday the 22d iust, after which hour no letters will be received. Wc are happy to learn that our Dispatch Boat is save arrived in Demerary—so that we soon may expect her here. AMERICA. REPEALOF THE EMBARGO ANDNON-IMPORTATION ACTS. Extract of a Letter, sent express from H ashington, to Neu-York, dated April 7, in the Evening, “I send an express to New. York, with thie letter, that it may be in season to go by the Chauncey. “The House of Representatives have this day, by a very great majority, passed a Bill repealing the Embargo and Non-liupoitation Laws, which Bill will pass the Senate in a day or two, by an unanimous vote, or nearly so. The free importation of British manufactured goods will, after this weik, be al owed into a I the ports of the United States, in neutral ships, on accounts of persons residing in neutral countries.” The President’s Message bear ample testimony of the humbled tone and demeanour of the servile adherent of the lately tyrant of France ; and as these were so strikingly manifested before the Despost’s overthrow was effected, or at least before any advice of that event could have reached America, w e may reasonably expect that a due knowledge of it will produce unqualified submission on the part of Mr. Madison, as the only means of saving him from the effects of our provoked vengeance, if not also those of the resentment of the people of the United States, whose confidence he has so much abused, and whose in. tcrcsts he has sacrificed to his own prefidious purposes. Paris, May 19.—The peace is signed: such at least is the universal assertion; and every one pretends to have received his information from an authenticsource. It has not yet been published, it is added, because the ratification of the Prince Regent of England is waited for. The following, occording to report, are the principal conditions of a treaty which must constitute the happiness of na. tions:—Guadaloupe, Martinique, and St. Domingo, to be restored to France, who will also recover the Isle of France, and have two factories on the Malabar and Coromandel coasts; one half of the ships and artillery in fortresses now occupied by the allied armies, to be restored to her: a pert of Belgium to remain her’s, together with all the districts «u cl used within her territory, such as Mulhausen, the Contat, &c. There shall be no talk* either of contributions, war expences, or any other extra, ordinary imposition : no picture, nor any monument of the arts, will be removed. * Madrid, May 6.—Most of the Grandees have followed the example of the Duke del In fa nt ado, and King Ferdinand is surrounded with the principal chiefs of the nobility. Many prelates also repair to that youg monarch. The Cortes appear determined to persevere in their system of rigorously giving the law, and hold up their constitutional charter philosophically decreed in the Isla 9 which was sheltered from ail the dangers of war. Gen. Lacy, of Irish origin, has been placed at the head of the troops which the liberal party has collected to support its cause. However, the arrival of the King is announced for the 14th inst.; so that the struggle approaches its close. Ferdinand has the most beneficent intentions; but opposition, instead of weakening, only inflames the pretensions of each party. Hanover, May 6.— His Royal Highness the Duke of Cam budge will depart in a few days for Holland, whence he will return with the Hered. Prince of Orange into England, fur the marriage us her Royal Highaess the Princess Charlotte of Wales. It is not known whether that Prince will afterwards go to Pari* as it has been announced. The Duke of Clarence has struck his flag on board the Impregnable, in the Downs, and returned to town, advice having been received that the Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussia did not propose leaving Paris before the Bth of June. The Allied artniesareon their march home; and the departure of the Crowned Heads from Paris for London has been delayed only hy the temporary obstacles that occurred to the signature of the Treaty of Peace, but which by this time have been happily removed. The Emperor of Russia lately visited Prince Eugene at the Castle of Saint Leu, at Montmorency, where he dined with him, his mother and sister. This is the first notice of Josephine and the ci-devant Queen of Holland, that we have read in ths Paris Papers.—The Emperor of Austria is now styled Emperor of Germany. This is as it ougt to be—the Emperor Francis is, by all means, entitled to resume hia former rank and influence in Germany, the Empire of which will be restored under the powerfull suspicesof that Monarch.—There is no further mention of Bona; a/tu. The French Government is assembling a gnat military force at Lisle, and apparently they do not wish to let travel ers pass through Flanders. Three English Gentlemen returning from Paris to England, by Brussels, last week* though provided with passports, countersigned hy Lord Castlereagh, were stopped by Central St. Cyr, and no* suffered to proceed. They were obliged to return ami take their journey by the direct route to Calais. By some of the French papers it is again assorted that Peace is signed, and that the publication of the Treaty only waifs the ratification of the Prince Regent of England. By it, we are told, Guadaloupe, Martinique, St. Domingo* and the Isle of France are to be restored to France, who is also to be allowed two factories on the coasts of Malabar and Coromandel; she is to have a part of Belgium ; no monument of the arts is to be taken away, &c.—From the nature of the terms, we may conclude that this is but another premeture report, and that these rumours express only the wishes of the writers. Such terms are etp.ally inconsistent with policy and with justice. Lord Walpole arrived at Hanover, he is to go to Pa» tersburgh in quality as Ambassador from England. A corps of 1400 lancers is to be raised at Hanover. Population of the World.—From Le Sage’s Atlaij 1814:— Europe.,... 170,000,000 of Inhabit Asia 380,000, (XX) [tants Africa 90,000,000 America, North. 30,000,000 South . 20,000,000 The Oceanic Islands 20,000,(X)0 Total population of the Globe 710,(XX)
MARSHAL'S OFFICE. WHEREAS I the undersigned have feccived from England the Newspapers containing the advertisement calling up the creditors of the estate of Evan Duncan Fras*r, dec.—Notice is hereby given to the Public, that, the said creditors are to appear before the Court of Civil Justice of this colony, on Monday the 18th July, 1814, and following days, forthe purpose* of there rendering their claims against the aforesaid estate of Evan Duncan Fraser, dec., and further to proceed as the law directs. Berbice, 7th June, 1814. K. Francken, First Marshal. BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellency the Governor, given upon a petition of 11. Staal, as the generaal and speciaal Attorney of A. C. Buode, of Dcmerary, said appointment bearing date 24th June, 18! 1. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that the Execution and Sequestration of the undivided half of Plantation Onverzeagt, situate on the west seacoast of this colony, the property of the late L. 11. Buse, is thisdnv cancelled and taken of. Berbice, the 2d July, 1814. K. FRANCKEN, Ffrrf Marshal. SALE er EXECUTION. first proclamation. BY virtue ofan appointment from His Honor Jas. Grant, Major, .Acting Governor of the colony L'erbice and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. Granted upon a petition presented by the free Neg-o woman Daphne, versus, J. C. Schollevanger, under date of 16lh Dec. 1813. I the undersigned intend to sell, at Public Execution Sale, in the presence of two Councillors Commissaries and their Secretary, on Wednesday the 27th of July 1814, at the Court House of this colony, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day. A Definitive Sentence of the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, given in the cause entitled F. A. RoJenhrock, Plaintiff, versus, James Sinclair, dated 19th Nov. 1813, fora capital sum of X? ICO. together with 25 per cent damage, protest, charges, and interest, as also with costs of suit. Said Sentence being surrendered to me as his own and sole property. Whoever should think to have any right,action or interest on abovenamed Sentence, and wishes to oppose the Execution Sale thereof, let such persons address themselves to the Marshal’s Office of this colony, declaring their reasons for so doing in due lime and form, as I hereby give notice, that 1 will receive opposition from every one (hereunto qualified, appoint (hem a day to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and further act thereon as the Law directs. This first proclamation published as customary. Berbice, 10:h, July 1814. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. SALE by EXECUTION. SIICOND PROCLAMATION. BY virtue of a Voluntary Surrender in Execution made by Thomas Fryer Lay field, as one of the partners of the late Firm of Duncan McKenzie & Co. in order to comply with the tenor of a Sentence of the Honorable Court of ( ivil Justice, in the cause, entitled Douglas Reid & Co. as being a branch of the house ot commerce in Glasgow, carried on under the Firm ot J. T. & A. Douglas & co., Plaimitls, versus, the Representative or Representatives ot the late Firm of Duncan McKenzie &co.—said sentence bcari g date (he 20th May, 1814. I (he undersigned First Marshal of the Courts within this colony, will sell at Public Execution Sale on Wednesday the 20th of July 1814, in presence of two Councellars Commisaries and their Secretary al the Court House of (his colony, at 11 o’clock in (he . forenoon of (hat day, the following open Accounts due to the late Firm of Duncan McKenzie & co. An Account agaiust Jno. Ross, amt. to f 1 |o. g. 7 Do. Belair Estate N 0.22 west sea coast2.5 • i(j. p Do. the Estate of Duncan McKenzie 211-18-1Du. Hugh 13. Inglis, pin. Clifton 300006 (under deduction) Do. Nigg estate Ross & Sinclair — 3,';0. o. q Do. pin. Hogstye, A. Shanks 504-12-0 Do. the estate of Ths. Robson — j pg. o. q Do. Donald Macrae for lot No. 2 44. 00 Do. pin. Brighton, S. Fraser 437. 0. 0 Do. John Hewith, Nikirie 37. 9 q Do. J. C. Spangenberg 72-10() And of which accounts the particulars may be seen xt the Marshal's Office during the hours of duty. XV hoever should think to have any right, action or interest, on the aforementioned open Accounts’ and wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let such persons address themselves to the Marshal’s Office declaring their reasons for so doing in due time and form, as 1 hereby give notice, that I will receive on positioa from mry wic thereunto Qualified; appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard before the ' Court, and further act (hereon as the Law directs. This 2nd Proclamation, published as Customary. Berbice, the 10th July, 1814. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. SALE BY EXECUTION. FOURTH PROCLAMATION. BY virtue of an appointment from the Honorable Cour 1 of Civil Justice of (his colony, under date of 21st May, 1811, given upon a Petition presented by K. Francken, First Marshal of the Courts within this colony, for and in name of A. J. Glasius and 14. J. Schwicrs, Sequestrator* over Plantation V rede en V riendschap, and half of Plantation Goudmyn, the former situated in Canje creek, and the latter up the river. x Notice is hereby given, that I the undersigned, intend to Sell at Public Execution Sale, in presence of two Councelkirs Commissaries and their St crclarv, on Wednesday the 27th ot July, 1814, the collie Estate called / rate SF I iends< hap, (Ilie terms of which,as also the Inventory, are to be seen at the Marshal’s Office during the hours of duty. And on Wednesday the 3d of August* 1814, the undivided half of (he coffee Estate called Goudm/pi, ((lie terms of which, as also (he Inventory, ore lying at (he Man hai s Office for the inspection of those whom it may concern. 1 be Sales are to take place on the respective spots Whoever sf-mid think to have any right, actio::, or interest on (he aforenamed Estates, and wish -s to oppose the Execution Sale thereof, l v t such p rson address himself to the Marshal’s Office, d . bring (heir reason for so doing in due time and Ibr.u, as 1 hereby give notice, (hat 1 w ill receive ojiposit ion Irom any intermediate person, appoint them a day to have their claims heard before the Court, and further act thereon as the l aw directs. Tins li’i proclamation published as customary Berbice, Ist July, 1814. K. i R.i.. (. KEN, First Marshal. SUMMON er EDICT. BY virtue of an extract from the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Court of Rolls, dated 7th June, 1814, given in the cause of Edvard Theobald, Curator to the Estate of Henry Croft, dec. Plaintiff,— versus, all known and unknown creditors against tin* Estate of H. (’i\;ft, dec. I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts within this colony, and at the request of aforesaid Curator, Summon, fur the third time, ly Edict: All known and unknown creditors of the Estate of •It n on Monday the 10th October, 1814, their to render in their claims, Io verify the same, and hear objections made thereunto, it need, and iunher to proceed as the law directs. This 3d Summon by Edict published as customary.—Berbice, 27th June, 18! L K. I LANCKEN, First Marhals. SUMMON ly EDICT. t BY virtue ofan appointment from the Honorable Court of Civil Ju dice of this colony, granted upon a Petition presented by J. C. de Nieuwerkerk, qq. fiu* Estate ol the late A. J. van Imbyze van Bateoburg, deceased, said appointment bearing date the 16th day of May, 1.814. I the underdgned, First Marshal of the Courts within this colony, and at the request of aforesaid J G. C. de Nieuwerkerk, qq. Sammon by Edict: AH known and unknown creditors or claimants on the Estate of A. J. van Imbyze van Batenbur<>-, to exhibit their claims before the Hon. (’ourt of Civi! Justice ol .his colony, at their session in the month of January, 1815, to verify the same, witnesss objections then unto, if need, and further to proceed according to Law, on pain of being for ever debarred (heir right of claim. This Summon by Edict, made known 1o the public by bea( of drum from the Court House of this colon v, send to Holland and England, and furtherdealt with according to custom. Berbice, the 10th June, 1814. _ K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. SUMMON by EDICT. BY virtue ofan appointment from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice of this colony, granted upon a Petition presented by J. G. C. de Nieuwerkerk, as qq. both to the Estate of the late Marianna Augustina van Imbyze van Batenbuug, as well as to that of the late Susanna Jeannette Berhaubina van Imbyze van Batenburg, said appointment bearing date the 16th day of May, 1814. I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts w ithin this colony, and at the request of aforesaid J. G. C. de Nieuwerkerk, qq. Summon by Edict: All known and unknown creditors or claimants on the Estates of the late M. A. van Imbyze viuißatcubur-*, apd the late S. j. B. van Imbyze Van Baf«u burg, to exhibit their claims before the Hon. ( . of Civil Justice of this colony, at their (he month of January, 1815, lo verily the tSa 111 witless objections thereunto, if need, and farther? proceed according to law, on pain of for debarred of their right of claim. k 3 F* This Summon by Edict, matle known to the piffiix by beat of drum from the Court House of this color * send to Holland and Englund, and further dealt according to custom. Berbice, the 10th June, 1814. K. FRANCKEN, First MarsafiL "Il . ' * _ .. . -lemand geuvgen zynde zich alsTuinman teen**, gecren op de plautagie Lust tot Rust in r j v^r * gclieve zich met bchoorlvke geluigschriften te voo* zi<*n, te addresseren by den 1 Hr< x (eur van die tXT (agic.-2 July. W. KLOC WE\s FOR. SALE, ” The front quarter of the v hole bread! of lot No New Amsterdam, with all (he buildings thereon vi»* a dwelling house, lately put in repair, and outbuild; ings entirely new, terms will be made easy to any mJ proved purchaser. —Apply for particulars to 3 *** 2 •Lily. J. J. van der STOOP, Nu gereed < n te btkoiaen ter dezer Drukkerw Exempl-.rcn van de GItON D W E T Foor de Vercenigde Niderlanden, Jn de 1 hill ".mlsche Taal. T 'geh ger.de betaling van 16. Ook zyn dezelve te b. kmnen, in Dimernry, tef Dfiixk' ry van de Heercn Aulert & SfEVtssoM also p .f 8. * I — — — ¦¦¦¦,_ 5 1 Now ready for-delivery, at this Office, hi the Dale! I Language only, Copies of (he CONSTIT U T I o nJ For tiie Netherlands, lUice fb.—Ciush. Also to be had, in at the Printing OR I fice of Messrs. Aulert & Stevenson.—price ffi, I THE Domiciliiim, cilandi 1 to give iunher inuulgcace to any pell b son or persons whatsoever. 25 June. XV. KATZ. XV. JEFFERY, i Che first undersigned, has also given iheaol counls, &c. due to the instate oi'the late Dr. I J -licry, to Mr. A. G. Calmer, for collection* I ol this ciicumstance those indebted are I rd to take notice. t