Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://original-ufdc.uflib.ufl.edu/AA00093219/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Berbice gazette
- Uniform Title:
- Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
- Place of Publication:
- New Amsterdam
- Publisher:
- W. Schulz
- Publication Date:
- July 9, 1814
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Berbice
New Amsterdam (guyana) guyana
- Genre:
- newspaper ( sobekcm )
- General Note:
- Semiweekly
- General Note:
- Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
- General Note:
- The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
- General Note:
- In English, with occasional text in Dutch
- Funding:
- Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
This Rights Statement should be used for Items for which the organization that intends to make the Item available has determined are free of copyright under the laws of the United States. This Rights Statement should not be used for Orphan Works (which are assumed to be in-copyright) or for Items where the organization that intends to make the Item available has not undertaken an effort to ascertain the copyright status of the underlying Work.
URI: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
- Resource Identifier:
- 1380865228 ( OCLC )
Aggregation Information
- DLOC1:
- Digital Library of the Caribbean
- Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
- IUF:
- University of Florida
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Twelve dollars p. annum.']
" Berbice, 9th July, ]&l4.
PURSUANT to an Order of the Honorable Court
6f Policy, directing the Receiver Genera! to collect
the Assessed Tax*'s on Lots in the Town of New Am Amsterdam
sterdam. Amsterdam —Notice is hereby given, that Mr. J. F.
Oberinullcr, Bookkeeper, hath lodged in this Office
a certified copy of the sumsdiie by each lot, agreable
to the account rendered by him, and which sums be being
ing being due, are to be paid wii limit loss of time.
AH persons concerned, are requested to pay due
DANIEL ALLT, Dep. Rec. Gen.
Berbice, 2d July, 1811.
Blank Returns for Produce, for the six months,’
from I.*/ January to l.v/ Juh , are ready for delivery at
this Office, which Returns arc to be made in all this
niontlr, under Tender of Oath.
D. ALLT, Dep. Roc. Gen.
THE Executors to the Estate of the late Mrs. IL
J. Ruse, will on the latter end, of September, or in
the beginning of October next, S. 11,
Cbfiy Plantations < and > Riv< rof
(PROVIDENCE, \ Berbice.
And the Cotton Plantation ZEEZICIIT, on (he west
coast of Berbice.
Together with about 600 Slaves, to lv sold in ’ofs of
families. The conditions of Sale, together with the
Inventories, are visible at Mr. A. A. de la Court’s
Office.—The day of Sale will be notified by follow following
ing following advertisement, 9th July.
TH E Sequestrators of plantation A7gg offer for
sale 1 hirty bobs of cotton, to be paid for in cash :
Tenders tor which wiW be received at the house of
Messrs. Hem ry & Taylor, until the 18th inst. on
which d iv said lenders will be opened at 12o’clock,
and the highest offer, it approved, will be accepted.
The cotton ts ill be delivered from the abovenamed
!^ re ’ _ 9 July.
THE Domic ilium, citandi ct executant!;, of the
Subscriber, both iy p iveand as qq. ihe heirs and le legatees
gatees legatees of Robert and Joseph Cliff, deceased, sat the
house of Messrs. G. Bone & Co. New Amsterdam.
Nu gerecd en tc bekomcn ter dezer Drukkery
Exemplaren van de
Voor de Vereenigde Nederlandfn.
In de Hollands' he Taal.
Tegen gerede betaling van ffi. —
Ook zyn dezelve te bekomcn, - in Dcmerari/, ter
Drukkery van de lleeren Aulert & Stevenson,
also prys f 6.
Now ready for delivery, at this Office, in the Dutch
Language only, Copies of the
For the Netherlands,
Price /6. —Cash.
Also to be had, in at the Printing Of Office
fice Office of Messrs. Aulert & Stevenson.—price f 6.
lemand genegen zyndc zich alsTuinman teenga teengagecren
gecren teengagecren op de plantagie Lust tot Rust in doze rivier
gelieve zich met behoorlyke getuigsebriften te voor voorzien,te
zien,te voorzien,te addresseren by den Dirccfetir van die plan planlagie>—2
lagie>—2 planlagie>—2 July. W. KLOUWENS.
The front quarter of the whole breadt oflot No. 34.
New Amsterdam, with all the buildings thereon, viz.
a dwelling house, lately pul in repair, and outbuild outbuildings
ings outbuildings entirely new, terms will be made easy to any ap approved
proved approved purchaser.—-Apply for particulars to
2 July. J. J. VAN DEll STOOP.
Crabwood Lumber.
<5 June. ' ALLAN STEWART & Co.
King's House, Hit July, 1814
THE Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased to
appoint C. C. Swaving, to be Captain of the sth
comp. Ist batt. Burgher Militia.
F. WHITT', Gov. Sec.
Any person willing to contract for the immediate
Cleaning and Bricking of the frontd on, Digging out
the Main Trenches, &c. in the first emp< id t of this
Town New Amsterdam, according to p irticulars to
be seen at the Pr sident of said Committee J.
Croft, Esq. will please address hiins if. by Tender,
on or before the 18th in-la if, at J I o’clock in the
morning, when said fenli rs ~ i!i he opened, and the
lowest offer, if approved of, accepted.—The Con Contractor
tractor Contractor is to give security tor the due performance of
(he 11 ork, which will be a> all limes under the in inspection
spection inspection of the Town Manag i.
Berbice, New Amsterdam, I July, 18'4.
Bi/ (»d( r < f the Town Committee.
J. F. <).iERM ULl.Eit, Secy.
From Bengalen Estate, nineteen bales and a poc pocket
ket pocket good clean, and one bd â– yellow cotton, for cash
on delivery, in the Town of New Amsterdam.—Ten Amsterdam.—Tenders
ders Amsterdam.—Tenders fm which will be received at the house of Mr.
Edward Theobald, until Tuesday the twelfth (I2tb)
of July next.
J. van t»en 'ROEK, qq.
2 July. A. Ki{i : ;GEß,qq.
The Subscribers have given over to Mr. A. G.
Calmer, foi collection and liquidat.-ia ; tH.account >
and notes of hand, due, to the leteFiiAT â– fi any
and William Jeffery, for tiic j ,s c 1813.
This is therefore to inform those to the
said Estate, that Mr. A. G. Calmer! - . •. .misrd
and empowered, to give acquittance’ that he is
instructed, not (o give further oidulg< ..c «o any per person
son person or persons whatsoever.
25 June. AW KATZ.
N.B. The first undersigned, h is also given the ac accounts,
counts, accounts, &c. due to ihe Lst He or the late Dr.
Jeffery, to Mr. A, G. Calmer, for collection,
of this ciicumstauce those indebted are request requested
ed requested to take notice.
From Plantation Palmyra, from three weeks to a
month since, a large bhek (-x, | uor, and an Ox a about
bout about 20 months old, ol a red colour, with very wide
spreading horns, some white in his face and" about
his fi inks.— It strayed, one Joe wore than the custo customary
mary customary reward will be given lor their recovery ; and
ifsto! n, a stun oi twenty Jots, to any person, who
will convict the THIEF or THIEVES.
Also drifted from said plantation, on Monday last,
:< large Punt, painted on its outside with red ocre
an I tar, for the recovery of which a liberal reward
wih »e given by
25 June. B. JEFFERY.
From One hundred to two hundred bunches Plan Plantains
tains Plantains per week—also a Task Gang is wanted to put in
a plantain walk, apply on Pin. Scotland.
25 June. J. McKAY.
Ten to twelve prime Negroe men, they have been
accustomed to work in a Task Gang, are all good
shovelers, and some are ginners, they are recom recommended
mended recommended to the attention of Woodcutters, as they un understand
derstand understand to square and saw wood ; if not sold by pri private
vate private sale in the course of a month w ill be pul at Public
Sale, apply to the Printer.—2sth June.
— , —
The Buildings on parttif lot No. 3.
apply to
25th June. A. G. CALMER.
The brig' Star,
Wm. Wardill, Master,
will sail with first convoy—fur freight or passage,
appk- to the said Master or
25 June. W. IIENERY.
The brig Speculation,
Capt. Ferguson,
warranted to sail with the first convoy,—for freight
or passage apply to the capt. on board, or to
IMPORTED and for Sale by the Subscriber, the
cargo of the Schooner Swijft, from Oronoqu., con consisting
sisting consisting of
S Horses, & 51 prime Mules,
amongst which are several excellent saddle mules.
21 June. D. C. SCH El DI US.
This is to inform the Public, (hat t>.e following per,
sons intend q dttintr this Colony.
A. Krieger w ith the Jnn<* or July convoy,
f. MolenorinG weeks from 25 May.
J. f'. Schollevanger for Barbados by the first oppor opportunity.
tunity. opportunity.
J. L. Tapin and two servants, Harlequin and Wil Willem,
lem, Willem, in 6 weeks from 18 June.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
A U Z’/u E Z.v hereby given, that a month after date the
following Transports and Mortgages will be passed.
June IS. J. van den Brock, as the Attorney of the
Heirs of Aime Donzel, dec. will transport to Js.
Fraser, the lots No. 5 and 6. situate in Canja
June 25. G. E. Berkely,will transport to the black
woman Daphne, 5 roods of land in depth of iu»
northern halfoflot No. 5. and to Wm. A-liby,
the adjoining five roods in depht of the southern
half of said lot, both fronting the new center
road, New Amst.
BY Command of the Honorable Court of
and Criminal Justice o f the Colony Bert it e. '
’’J 1,11 Order of the Honorable Court
of 1 oltcy of this Colony, bearing date 2 d ofMav
1811, a aeucral Meeting nf the Proprietors of Lots
within the Town New Amsterdam, was held at the
Court House of the colony, on Wednesday the Ist
June, 1814, for the purpose of choosing a *Presi
and two Members for the Committee having clmri-e
and superintendance of the Town New Ainsterd h .
These are therefore by comma id of the Hono able
Court to notify to the Public that the fol Io vviag Gen Gentlemen
tlemen Gentlemen have been elected by a majority of votes
and are accordingly constituted by the Court of Pol
licy President and two of the Members of the Com Committee
mittee Committee for the future care of the Rirads, Bridges Ko Kokers,
kers, Kokers, and generally the Affairs of the Towe New
John Croft, President.
"Wm. Fraser, ) .
Chs. Kyte, ’J Members.
Notice whereof is hereby given that each and every
one interested may govern themselves accordimdy.
Aew Amsterdam, Berbice, 22dJune, 1814. °
Uy command,
From the Honorable Court of Civil Justice o f the
Colony Berbice.
THE Court have thisday been pleased to nominate
and appoint Francis White and John Dow ner,
to be their Sworn Accountants, tor the purpose of ex examining
amining examining and auditing all snch accounts as shall be
<^fcr rc ‘I Jo them for such purpose, by the Court of
Civil Justice. And of which appointneit Public
Notice is given, that none may plead ignorance
Court-House, New Amsterdam, Berbice,
the 15th June, 1814.
By Command,
s R. C. DO WNER, Sec.
(No. 511.
[Payable in advance.
Extract from the Register of the Mindies of
the Court of Civil Justice, cf the Colony Ber Berbice,
bice, Berbice,
TFcdnesday, 15th June, 1814.
AND it was accordingly Ordered, that all persons
feeling under the appointment of the Court, either as
Trustees for Creditors, Curators to Insolvent Estates,
Sequesi raters, Guardians, Administrators, and other
Accounting Parties, under the orders of the Court,
do render and give in their Accounts; within one
month from the date of the Publication of this Order
in the Berbice Gazette, and in future annually in the
first week of the month of January in every year, to
the Secretary of the Court, and on no pretence what whatever
ever whatever to omit the same without a special order f(»r fur further
ther further time being previously obtained on Petition,
shewing good cause ; And the more effectually to
ensure the due observance of this Order, it is hereby
further directed : That the Secretary of the Court do
on the first day of every ordinary Session, lay on he
table of this Court a List of the names and capici*
ties of the several Accounting parties, together with
the dates of their respective Appointments, and the
time up to which the said Accounts have already
been given in, or rendered to the Court fur conform conformation
ation conformation or approval, such lists to specify particularly
where the several vouchers and Documents thereto
belong in g, are deposited and under whose authority
or Older.
AND in the said List is also to be inserted the
Namesoi ah Persons who have taken out Acts of
Jjclihcra ioc, together with the dates thereof, and
the times v hen the same have been renewed or pro proieuged,
ieuged, proieuged, and iurlher to co..t en the names of the sev several
eral several Elates a a ..st which the claims of the respect respective
ive respective Cte. itois La e been already tiled a.id exhibited
for the decision of the Court on the Priu and cancur cancurreniire
reniire cancurreniire thereof, together with the dates when the said
claims were filed, and also when the several P.oclu-.
mations and Advertisements relating thereto, were
is <1 both in the colonial ami foreign G izeitt s.
- : 'x\\c Court prohibit and forb : d ttulr Sworn
.\7 to Certify, Lxanune and Report io
th ; u i any vcio ts of the parties aforesaid, at
t‘i. ir own n quest, or to receive their papers tor such
durpose,' without the same having been kugularly.
referjed to TEi w by the Court,. and the Si v ( nd
parties interested therein, regularly summon d by
Advertisement tn the public Papers, ami du • N nice
given ot’at least one calender month, to appear be before
fore before them, n d to state theijr Objections, previously
to their making up their report thereon.
AND the Sure tary of the Court, is hereby strictly
forbid, in future to receive any Documents or Vou Vouchers
chers Vouchers irooi air. of the Accounting Parties aforesaid,
Without a regular Inventory thereof is at the same
time rendered to him by die said p .rtie , duly sign signed
ed signed and dated b. (hem ; and he is uirccled, on re recciviog
cciviog recciviog such inventory, Jo compare the same with
the '♦ oa< he is, and re.city the accuracy thereof, ami
further io .. hv< i to them the said parties one copy
oi such l.ivvn.ory si ~a u and attested by him, gra.is,
Suvii l:i* ones ntiib Accounts to be carefully pre preserved
served preserved by hii.i i.i Lis < ulicv, prop, tly I iLx Leil and
p..rapue.i, a.d not .o be returned or givu cut of ihe
ice, except in the cases of pre and concurrent a,
al’ur pronunciation ot the sentence in those cases,
tvi hmit an ex, ress Order oiTiic Court or Governor.
A true extract, published tor general iuformatmi.,
by order of the Honorable Court of Civil Justice.
Quod Attestor.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
On Thursday the 21st July will be sokl at the
Vei.du ’ Office.—Cotton and codec bagging, beer
and portei, beef and po.k in half barrels, salt in tier tierces,
ces, tierces, ury goods, Kc.
JL). C. CAMERON,XKp, Vendue Alastr,
On Thursday she 98lh July, will be sold at *he
Vendue Office,* by ohler of the Weeskamcr oflhis
colony, the one ilfird part of Lots No. 11 and 12.
situate on the west sea coast, with the negroes there thereunto
unto thereunto belonging, the property of the late F. Smith.
D. Ci CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
On Monday the Ist August, will be sold on plan plantation
tation plantation No. 11. correntyn, by order of W. Lawson,
Esq. qq.—6o bead of cattle a parcel of household
furniture, &c.
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
Pl iSLIG NOTICE is hereby given: That the
Gopio/M rs’/ep between the Subscribers, under the
I inn of ‘’iiENEKY & Tayt.or,†will be dissolved
by mutual consent on the 21st proximo.
All jiersuns indebted to (lie said 1 iim,are request requested
ed requested to m.t.'.e payment to either of t he Subscribers; and
ih >sewho have any.claims against them, will please
render them with hull t delay.
Berbice, Wm, HEN ERA’,
Lost, Mislaid, or Stolen, on Wednesday morning
last, a Goh! Match, English unde, with a ribbari
and key—should the same be o lie red for sale, it is
requ. stud that it may be stopped.
V '
weekly almanack.
iU'Se sth Sunday after Trinity.— Last quarter ll h. 2 in.
II Ai ul ivuiis. (tuui'uuig.—Spring tides.
12 i
iJ a
t jl i
ia'i hiithin.
Returns to be made in this moat’i, under tender of Oath, of ail
1 ivu.ict u.UvtTcu liu... fury > noli. t.*c I9tji.ii.
Lie c.l â– ~u tuc i .ere net vitui rat â–¡ ..nice; hi oruer
lam m.n eoucci ...< Uu .uiiui ui'tne uut; ot ioo aim a. hah
cuii,\»«<> > 4 ><>n Lie e.poiteu i rmlace noi Lieu j. nd —
(Ih .oa tor uic avow iiciuii.a u>ay Le u*u giant at..sc
Atu.u. li .je made uuo r ici.u. r ui uatft of W ine, Spirit),anu
M<\i. . ~ e. ei> .< .vu. . . .r.p< or clacwiicre, uutiug luc
ioa' n jii: 0 mo.i. .s o. u.» p.i.iui >ear, to toe ftceeiverot
S m MMivn;; ui order to collect the imyoJoi.
L.Ui. a..Hies.
- -■■«•>'!■II——MV O— OTHE
Satvrday, Jilt 3, 1814.
Nojtrri'cals—Ro xeizs. —.V«t less than 15 American
i.ricuteirs have visited cur coasts, and taken the
s huoners John Duncan und Lady Spencer. —Orders art
by Government, that no colony boat may left
the harbour.
Exemplary Punishment of Bonaparte, and the Great
ARrul and Political Lesson'd A Jords. —Together
ictth a J the 1 ranch Constitution.
It is suu seldom Gut any history, sacred or profane,
presents ihe splendid ixanipic of the , refect pumsiinieiit ul
iytau, , ir.at the ag. in vreikii it occurs Las a just claim
co Uc coasiuered as an era; aud the atieniioti of mankind
is mo‘t j.ariuujd.y md dto if, usahurdmg at ouce a sa.
.isiavuim to Eai principle oi justice which is innate in
every brers;, aua, « tae sa...c time, a most impressive'
, roo; oml (, oa.hftiauo i vl the supt-rititentiertce of I‘ruvi.
uencu of.r hu.ndii u.i.ihs. Esu.iipies of this k.ad, tiure.
fun , to .. gcn.iuus people, and to minds of due
«.re at ouce Consolatory and awi'..f; they comfort indivi individuals
duals individuals a io uauuns in private difficulties and national cala calai.itiier,
i.itiier, calai.itiier, i ; ceniuiuing them that the world, and all that uc uccuresm
curesm uccuresm ii, ace under die government of‘One who never
sleeps ; who putteth up one, and setteth another, down ;
and wno having ictllcd, particularly since the revelation
ol Chr.stunity, tnat the wond should exist in a certain
degree of order and hapiness; alsways preserves it in that
degree, or recalls it back to it, by his exampiary visita visitation
tion visitation on atrocious wickedness. Now, in Kings and Go Governors,
vernors, Governors, this wickedness is hut of two kinds; —in-the first
place tyranny, and in thekecond ambition ; by the first
of winch they oppress their own people, and by the latter,
arc the scourges and desolaturs of the world.
It has been suggested, however, by some of the daily
writers, and very erroaeonsty, that this example still wasfe
something of its completeness by the subject of it
suflered to live ; that it was the duty of the AJllitd
eigns to consign Bonaparte to the punishment which
merits, and that his escape With life, and particularly
a provision for his comfort and independence, is so much
detracted from the just rule and meaenreof his p
ment, and therein so much wanting to the prefectneesof
the example.
H is sufficient answer to this object, to consider thess.
ture of punishment. Now punishment, as exercised fjj
one human being over another, has but two ends,—
ly, the removal of (he evil or the cause of evil, and (fe
s-itbfactiou to themjured laws of right of society by
eMiniiiipie which goes forth in the punishment criminals
Revenge, or the infliction goes forth of pain fur pain with,
out lor»in> further, has no place in human righti-—Ty*
kind of vetig ant e belonging only to t ie Governor ofj[
ot us. Human tribunals.have no further right in paniA.
merit hut that of the removal of tile evil, the Correction of
♦he o.a nder, and the example to others. No>v aren<>ta!l|
these interests most siifin ienf ly sj'isiied in the present ia-â–
stance.’ The ev.l is removed, — and w hat example is morv H
trei.) :i lons than th it :>f one who has fallen from such i I
height, a .1 who ha* sm k Into such an abyss Would not K
dra?ti be a relief fr< m secli suiTerings? he now remindsui I
old of Dionysius of Syracu- e. or B ijaz. t, —the one of E
whom, after having been the tyrant of his time,finLudhii B
days as a schuo'niaster, and the other, after having been «
a conqueror, was carried about by Tamerlane in an iron S
cage, a:wl exhibited from town to town, and from lilljge |
*<> village, with the inscription—“ Here you uMy behold a j
Tv rant.
Nor do wee see, indeed, in what mode Bonaparte, mu I
parcelled as have been his crimes, could hive heotliss G
capital*}’ punished w ithout wounding much greater inter* I
ests than such punishment could sa'i-ty—lf coed m mil to I
death, it must cithtr have been by the Allies, or by ths I
French ped. le. But it would tare been contrary to aU I
acknowledged rights of war, and of the most dJngerotA K
example in future times, if Sovereigeiis (fur at that he I
was a Sovereign) had assumed aright tosjtin I
over tach other, and after having conquered each other ia I
a regular war, to become tn a formal ♦rialJ-.1l I
s.' >.i as the .i mj were out of his hands, the ; vir I
< as. J—l' •’ if he was to be tri* Iby the !* le, I
w’iowu- ’ -n H‘ >••'('/ ■5 • . I
fives us ’ > 80. I
dy, and wi ... ( .u ? think oi 1.n.. / il I
; used to j: > - |
cealcd or deni'd that t'icy were th;m s f’v.»» the in it re»’nt* I
of his an.bi ion, th |ar ..1; rs o f B)1 u s I.E crimes, *ni |
nearly as g idty as mm .7.
L t then here, o% vr, tta d . ’timeifed, as their pit pitsent
sent pitsent comluct is tii si m’i ; i of men c*jj .try.
Our own i>; uiion is, that this is the iuosl undoubted and.
•he best praise of t' is Revulutibn that it lias been so trafl*
qiiil’y ettcciui, and that, excepting the blood shed in bat*
tie u.twcen th • contending armies, not a life has been loK
in the most complete Revolution on modern record. A
kjgdom has been conveyed-away from one Dynasty to ano another,
ther, another, with as much ease and as little formality as a priratk
estate; and the one Sovereign departs and (he other ar arrives.
rives. arrives. as it in legal succession or civil proprietorship. M®
do not remember in all history, indeed, such an example
as the City of Paris now presents,—An hostile and invad invading
ing invading army going to and through the gates and streets, winhl
all the Councils of the Country, the Senate, the Legisla Legislative,
tive, Legislative, and the Administrative Bodies execute their function*
as tranquilly as in the most profound Peace. The con conduct
duct conduct of the Citizens of i’ari*. indeed, is as extraordirary,
and in this point of view is as comui< ndable, as that of th®
Allied Sovereigns ; for never was performed so important
a Drama with so little of malignity. *
With respect to the New Constitution of France, it
resembles, in a great degree, our own happy system, which
all tha French writers, and, still more particularly, all heF
Statesmen who have resided in England, have always held
»p as the pci fee fion of political wisdom. —But as the pat*
ties now in France, the Senate and Legislative Body, hav®
their own particular interest to provide for, and could on only
ly only accomplish their own security by reserviftg to them themselves
selves themselves a great degree of controuilng power, it w ill be see®
that lbs Aristvcracy, or Suuate, muqh mor® powerful
than, the House of Lords, amongst us, with whose func functions
tions functions it corresponds.—The limits to its number tend to
give a perpetual Majority to the party now composing it.
—The present Senate in number is 130; and is not to ex exceed
ceed exceed 200; so that'the King can only add a minority of
70; and as the Princes of the Blood, and the great Peers
of France, must necessaiily have a seat, he is almost en entirely
tirely entirely precluded from mew creations.
There is a double disadvantage, therefore, in this lirni.
fafiun.—ln the first place, the Monarch has not that au.
thority and influence which he should havcih the Senate;
an J secondly, the Legislative Body, and the people them-,
lehes, Are precluded from one of the great objects of pub public
lic public ambition, and, therein, of one of the greatest incite incitements
ments incitements to public service.
It has a third disadvantage perhaps equally great.—A
limited Aristocracy is necessarily a body by itself; it has
no sympathy with the people; it has therefore that into intolerable
lerable intolerable |>rije w Li. h rendersit a subject of more invidious,
ness than the power of the Monarch himself.—lt becomes
hither too powerful for the Sovereign, in which case it
checks him in the exercise of his salutary authority; or
like the Doge, and Senate, in the ancient Constitution of
V nice, it assimilates, and becomes one with him, and
bt> h concurring together render the people Nothing.
The Legislative Body has a nearer correspondence with
nur English House of Commons, except in two points.—
' first and most important difference is, that tho Mem Mem’.
’. Mem’. .. a. io be chosen by Electoral Colleges; the sec*
i-,. : 'r> li is ’.• Jy. as w< II as the Senate, is to assemble of
r xear on the Ist. of October.—This is cvnlciiV’v
â– cijif rhe Royal authority-*-Bu> the prerogative
. here;*. ndc'uudied hy (he influence which it will
r- ■i! * fc Mi*h i’i the Wectora! Co'legcs.
J is o the Senate and Legish’ivo Body an
[ . p†c. - ir, in the present stsue and representation
of Fiance, wh; re the country Gentlemen are not suffici sufficiently
ently sufficiently numerous, and sufficiently rich, to bear the expence
of a long resilience in the capital; and where the institu institution
tion institution itself, from its novelty, wan’s that honourable splcn.
do* r, which renders it an object of ambition, as amongst
t>*isc!ve« in England.--The Trial by Jury, and- the in independence
dependence independence of (he Judges arc provided for—What may be
called tin locality of actions, that is to say, that no one
can be ivn ov.d irom his natural Judges, is an excellent
• canty against any unfair d
I he nomination of three persons, upon the vacancy of
a J udicial office, out of which the Monarch is to elect on<,
ican unwise infringement of what ought to be the Royal
Prerogative.— It renders the Judges independant of the
King; but does it not rqualy render them subservient to
the people?—A popular, or factions Judge, is amove real
dinger than a roiir'ly one. .♦
Til?executive, with the exception of the diminutions
above m otioned, which are very serious ones, and some
of .vmrh are nut calculated to preserve the public peace,
has the usual prerogatives of the other European Sovereigns
We must not, however, upon the whole, blindly com compliment
pliment compliment this Constitution of France. It is rather Aristo Aristocratic
cratic Aristocratic than popular, and m ire popular than Monarchical
The Crown wants a good deal of that splendour which is
Accessary to render it awful in the sight of the people ;
and there arc too many points in which the Senate and Le Legislative
gislative Legislative Body are protruded forth independent of it.
In our own Constitution, tho Roy al authority is held
forth to the peopled* supreme and the King is not so much
prevented from doing any thing, as he is afterwards made
res Hinsible it) the persons of his Ministers for doing
wrong. But in the French Constitution, the spirit of de democratic
mocratic democratic independ nee, and a licentious liberty, are che.
rishtd and called forth in the people, by having repeated
instances before their eyes of a power superior to the King
Tins is a mai • defect, as well as it lessens the salutary in.
fl'ic*’i’ of the Royal authority upon the vulgar, and gains
nothing but what might equally have been gained, by the
preservation of the full prerogative, controuled in its ex.
ercisc by the responsibility of Ministers.
. We trust, as the spirit of the times become* more tran tranq
q tranq til, that, for the happiness of France, their Constitution
will be improved into a nearer resemblance with that of
Great Britain, which, by a due mixture of popular Liber Liberty,
ty, Liberty, abd Royal Authority, has held an equal and straight,
forward course, for so many centuries and has brought us
l»fe out of so long and sq many calamities.
( From the Greenock Advertiser of the 4th of April, 18 i 4.)
lo the surprize arid diappoinfment of etery person con connected
nected connected with the West Ind.a colonies, it has been announ announced
ced announced (official y, we arc informed) that it is net expected
any convoy will be appointed to sail from thence before
the month of May. This unaccountable neglect of the
best interests of the country may be attended with the
inos serious consequences. At the colonies of Surinam,
Berbice, and Dcmerary alone, there were upwards of 50
sail of vessels fnlly loaded on the Ist of February, besides
about the same number in the windward Islands; and, at
that time it was daily expected that a ship of war would
appear to give them protection to the usual place of ren rendezvous;
dezvous; rendezvous; where, it was supposed, they would immediate immediately
ly immediately get convoy for tne passage home; but what must have
been the feelings of those concerted, when, shortly after,
the mortifying intelligence was communicated, that no
convoy would be granted them until the month of May ?
What has become of our mighty navy, when a single ship
ranuot be spaced for the protection of ihe valuah e West
India trade between tne ino-iths of October and May.—
can it be supposed that half-a-dozen American frigates are
be cause of all this mischief ?
L.-tween the Board of Custom and the Board of Ad Admirtliy,
mirtliy, Admirtliy, people connected with shipping are placed in au
• kwurd predicament ; the former have been pleased to
nelie orders, d.reeling that four mouths provisions only
‘hall be allowed to the crew of a ship going on a W est In.
di.! voyage; while, according to the measures ud'> td by
t>>t . it will require fudy nine months to perform this
voya the ships above alluded to having mostly left this
cioiuTy i i t-i mouth A October, and some of them at an
cut Hi; , liod.— In ir, > tof the colonies provisions cannot
be pits chr ud ; how ' ..i are th se slips to be supplied
daring their '.i.- w JrFy p*<,triced .stay abroad?
But sure’y it cannot come to this extr.’inity——remon extr.’inity——remonstrances
strances extr.’inity——remonstrances would qour in fruit; a'l qu-ntcrs; and unless the
Admiral can show string r asixis for actin-.. otherwise, he
would certainly be induced to alter bis putt, and fix a
much earlier day fur the departure of he convoy.
Baris Papers of a late date contain a pointed Proclama.
tion from Marshal Augereau to liisam y, in which he treats
Bonaparte with gal|i’*g sev-rify, a-.* inritvs his. corps
d’artneeto submit to the G->r ment of the Bourbons.
It is a curious fact, though it .ill not excite the astonish,
ment of judicious ob-M; that those persons who were
most submissive to I. aanarte, while vested with supreme
inthority,no*v s .ak of him with most harshness. Among
he acts of the late Tyrant enumerated by Augereau, as
roving him unworthy of empire, hementions bis conduct
subsequent to his deposition, which the Marshal brands as
he effect of cowardice, saying that he had not the cour courage
age courage to di? like a soldier.—The brave General Leconrbe,
he intimate friend of Moreau, has been recalled from the
state of retirement and inaction, to which the jealousy of
the Corsican had condemned him, and has been restored
by Monsieur to his former rank.
The Allies have required from France a contribution of
1,5(X) million of France (upwards of 62 millions sterling) ;
that as a guarantee for ihe payment of that contribution,
fifteen French fortresses are to bo placed in the hands of
the Allies; and that a fortress Is to be returned to France
for every ICO million paid off so that the whole shall be
paid oil m fifteen years. We apprehend that thedistribut.
ing of this sum wi I be among such of the Allies as have
been ekpulied to ciintributions levi.’d by Bcnapartc.
Do Id ream ! or do 1 wake!
Is the Sou of Storms no more?
He who badethe wide world shake,
Is his reign of terror o’er ?
I dream !—aiid o’er my ptartl’d soul
Wild delusion still has sway,
Splendid visions o’er it roll,
In the blaze of noon-tide day.
What but adream ! (hat he whose rod
Kept o’er the earth despotic sway,
Who breath’d defiance to his God,
.Should like a shade have pass’d away !
What but a dream—that he is now
Beneath the earth-worm crawling vile,
Who rais’d to Heav’n his darkling brow.
And view’d its terrors with a entUa.
What but a dream—that he is go'u»
Not as the mighty pass away,
But, like a wretch to nothing born,
Nor destin’d to one gloriops day !
What but a dream—that he has play’d
With crowns and sceptres at his will,
Now slave and robber turn’d—afraid
His recreant heart’s blase blood to spill I
Beset by those he laugh’d to scorn,
Borne from his conquei’d realms away,
Goaded by slaves ignobly'born,
By Cossack’s spikes—his route to sway,
He nho led armies, now is driven I
And is this then no mockery—
Napoleon who with Fate hath strive*
fel iijts — with power to die !
Aâ€d Can it be that giant might
On earth now grov’liug lies ;
That son of glory .fiercely bright '
Hath sunk no more to rise;
Satan thrown down from Heav’en’s height.
Ne’er sunk so low as thee,
Still proud in Hell—in fallen might
And sullen Majesty.
. Where is thy Roman virtue now ?
Thy stern contempt of death—
Thou fvar’st to see thy life-blood flow—*
*1 hou fear’st to yield thy breath !
W here is thy vaunted firmness fled ?
Oh, where! thou abject man!
Such dark dishonor round thy head,
1 o hoard life’s swindled span !
M< thought
The death that heroes die!
That if no*h ind would pierce they side
Thine ozc « would not deny.
Methought 1 saw thee matiiy rush
On thousand spear, upborne,
Disdainful view thy life-blood gnsh,
And die with smile of scorn.
’T was ow’d to an insulted world »
Thy proper part to-know ;
From such an height stupendous hurl’d
Ne’er to have sunk so lbw,
Yet, since thou art so base, so frail,
Greedy of life’s last s
They a >ject choice ’hau not avail—
A coward’s death is nigh!
Thy guards arc Cussackt—nre they not}
Tyrant—thou’rt iibw forlorn!
’T is scarce a hope they have forgot
Thy former bitter scorn!
If they have not—how sharp their spears!
How swiftly rous’d their rage !
If they have not—let thy base fears
Thy shameful end presage!
A word—a look, itiay rdge provoke,
Then vengeance forth will burst!
A Haste then—with wom in.’s tears invoke, »
.Mercy!—thou worm accurst,
Methinks I see thy shuddering blood
Creep m number’d streams,
Not rushing in a generous flood—
But pale with coward dreams !
Methinks 1 see them widdly pour
Around that sullen stream,
Eager to dim in Tyrant’s gore
Their sabre’s «parkiihg gleam ;
Methink unaided, and unmourn’d,
I see thee ’ -It to die,
Thy corse disfigur’d, hated, scorn’d,
On ea>t., unburied lie!
And was it to a worm like thee,
When clad in kingly power!
That trembling Nations bent the knee,
Thou upstart of an hour !
They name shall be a taunt of shame,
The future coward’s sting
E’en babes shall mocking lisp that name,
Napoleon— was a King!
Methought that men would never know
The secret of thy fate,
That fire from Heav’u would lay thee low,
Or change thy earthly state;
Or, that if fail’d the lightning’s flash,
Thyself would guard thy name,
- Unseen, beneath the wild wave dash,
An vanish—into fame !
But no—no comet! thou !—no star!
A scourge in Heav’n’s hand— handr
r handr Fore-doom’d to pour forth plague and war
O’er Europe’s sinful land!
Thy task is done—Almighty God !
Now easts thee far away,
A wretched despis’d worthless rod,
To moulder and decay.
frr Notice is hereby given, that the Execution Sale
of Plantation Kilmorack, advertised to take place
on Wednesday the 13th inst. is postponed on ac account
count account ot an opposition has been entered against the
â– < sale of said estate. >
Marshal's Office, 9th Jnly, 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal,
WHEREAS 1 the undersigned have received'from
England the Newspapers containing the adveiflse adveiflseinent
inent adveiflseinent calling up the creditors of the estate of Evan
Duncan Fraser, dec.—Notice is hereby given to th
Public, that the-said creditors are to appear before
the Court of Civil Justice ot this colony* on Monday
the 18th July, 18)4, and followiogdays, for the pur purpose
pose purpose of there rendering their claims against the afore aforesaid
said aforesaid estate of Evan Duncan Fraser, dec., and further
to proceed ns th • I iw directs.
Berbice, 7lh June, 1814.
K; Francken, First Marshal.
T - A,- . ■. _ ■—
BA vir'ur* of an appointment from His Excellency
♦he Governor, 'riven upon a petition of 11. Staal, as
the gencinal and spec.’a d Attorney of A. C. Bjmxlo,
of Demerary, Said appointment bearing date 24th
June, 1814.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that the Ex Execution
ecution Execution and Sequestration o! the undivided half
PI int ition Oircerwagt, situate on the west sea c.> .j
of this colony, the property of the late L. 11. Base,
is this day cancelled and taken of.
Berbice, the 2d July, 1814.
K. t’ i* ANCKEN, First Marsha’.
BY virtue of a Voluntary Surrender in Execution,'
made by fhomas T’ry< r LayfidJ, as on- of the part partners
ners partners ofthc late 1 irm <>. Dune iti M< K< tizie & Co., in
order to coni*.ly v.i 'lithe tenor of a Sentence of the'
Honorable C < i. t of < 'J i Justice, in the cause, enti entitle
tle entitle 1 Dongl-i* Heid N Co; as being a branch of the
liaise of couj’nerce in Glasgow, carried on under
the Finn oi J. T. & A. Douglas & co., Plaintiff’s,
versus, the l?<'p.cs<'iif:dive or Representatives of the
la c Firm of Duncan Meitenzie & co.—said sentence
bearing date ?h.- 2ith May, 1814.
I the nnfersi.iu ul First Marshal of the. Courts
within this colony, will sell at Public Execution Sale
on W
Lio Cuu'icellnrs (Jin .Larics ami their Secretarv, at
the.C-Oijrt House of this coke y, at 11 o’clock iu the
foren uii of that day, the following open Accounts,
due Jo he late Finn ot Limc ili McKenzie & co.
/. :i Acc >unt a -’ius? Jno. Ross, amt? to f 119- R- 7
Do. .f l >ir i.’.uato N 0.22 west sea coast- 2.j. 10- 0
D».th • «»f ' -uncan-Mi Keijzie - 211-18-12
Do. Hugh B. I 1.-, pin. Ch'fLm - 5000- 0- 0
(u'mli-r deduction)
P». Nig c * ’’e « o' & Sinclair - 332- 2- F
Di. J Ei. lye, A. Shanks - 504-12- 0
D>. tl’e e-ta . <>f I hs. Robson — L- <)
Do. Do ad ’a â€ie for lot No. 2 - 44- 0- 0
Do. p n.' Bright©!, S. Fraser - 437- 0- 0
Do. .Um HewiJi, JGkiric - 37- 2. 0
D0.’.1. G. Spa geiiberg - 72-10-0
And ot w ich accounts the particulars may be seen
at 'the Mashal's (HBcc during the hours of duty.
Whoever should think to have any right, ac ion,
or int< rest, o.> he aforementioned .open Accounts,
: I wishes 'to < ppose the sale ’hereof, let stub
•persons address thrmselves to (he Marshal’s Office,
deeliring their urons tor so d iing in due time ami
form, as 1 hereby give notice, that I will receive op.
ir >.a t » <;y one. tberrii 'tn qualified, appoint
them ad ! y <> have his or her claim heard before the
Court, and fui Jmr act thereon as the Law directs.
This first Pio.hmatioij, published as Customary.
Berbice, the 3d July, 1814.
K. EIiANCXEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes of the
Holm aide Court of Civil Justice of this colony,
dated 201 h May, 1814, given in (because entitled,
Even & Angus I raser, as partners of the House of
Commerce at Glasgow, trading under the Finn ami
style of Campbells Fraser & Co. Plaintiffs in opposi opposition,
tion, opposition, versus; the Sale in Execution of Plantation |
m |
Thos. Gudgeon, of Stoke Newington, near JLonuon
Notice is hereby given, that the Sale of said Plan Plantation
tation Plantation Kjltu6iac», situate oh (he Corentine coast ol
this colony, the prop rty of Simon Fraser, with all
its cultivation, slaves, buildings, &c. will now take
place on AV cdacsday.ihe 13lli of July, 1814, on the
Whoever should think to have any right, action
or interest, on aforesaid plantation Kilinorack, cum
annexis, and wishes to oppose (he Ext cution Sale
thereof, icf Such persons address' themselves to the
Marshal s Office of this colony, declaring their reas reasons
ons reasons for so doing in due time and form, as 1 hereby
give notic ’, that 1 will receive opposition fromrv
intermediate person, appoint them a day to have his
or her claim hoard before the Court, and further act
thereon as the law directs.
Bcrbicc, 17th June, 1814.
K* iKAACKENj First Marshal,
BY virlue of an appointment from ths Honor Honorable
able Honorable Court of Civil Justice of this colony, under dale
ot 21st May, 1814, given upon a Petition presented
;y K. Francken, First Marshal of the Courts within
(his colony, tor and in name of A. J. Glasius and
B. J. Schwicrs, Sequestrator > over Plantation Vrcde
en V riendschap-and hirlf of Plantation* Goudmyn,
the former situated m Canje creek, and the latter up
the river.
Notice is hereby given, that I the undersigned,
intend to Sell at Public Execution S.dcJ i:t presence
of two Councellors Commissaries and their becietary,
on Wednesday-the 27th of July, 1814, the cotit e
I state called i redz Vrierulsihap) (the terms of
w hieli, as also the Inventory, are to be sevu at the
vtarsliai’s Oilicc during the hours of duty.
Audon Wednesday the 3d of August, 1814, the
undivided bait ol the coifee l.sute called iaOHdiityn,
(the terms of which, its also the Inventory, orc lying
.( the MarJi d's Oiiice tor the inspection of those
ft horn it may concern.
'I he Sia » are to take place on the respective spots
Wii ><■■»i r should ihmk to havejmy n. ht, action,
or interest ou the aforenamed {.slates, and wishes to
oppose the execution Sale thereof, let such person I
addicss liii.is It to the Ma shads Office, declaring!
llicii reason for so d >ing in due tunc and ti.rm, as 1
heieby give notice, ihai 1 will receive opposition ir;>m
any mlcnnedi iie person, appoint them aday tohave
their clai ns heard before the Coud, and further act
thercoa as the Law directs.
Tins 4th proclamation published as customary.—
beibicc, Ist July, 1814.
K. i KANCKEN, First Marshal.
BA' virtue of ati extract from the Minutes of the
Proceedings of the Court ot Rolls, dated 7th June,
1814, given in the cause oi FJdwaid Theobald, Cu Curator
rator Curator to the Estate of Henry Cro l, dec. Plaintiff, —
versus, all known and unknown creditors against the
Estate of 11. Croft, dec.
1 the imdersigncd, First M.arshal of the Courts
within (his colony, aau at ihe request oi afoiesaiii
Saruman, forfhr third time, ly Edict:
All known and unknown creditors of the Estate of
Henry Croft, dec. to iq par al the i omt oi Koils,
on Monday the 10th (Mober, 1811, their to remit i
in I heir claims, to verdj ine same, and heat u.qec u.qeclions
lions u.qeclions made tin roimtu, ii need, ami miiher to proceed
as the law directs.
'I Ins Jd yiiuirm n by Edict published as customa customary.—ocrbice,
ry.—ocrbice, customary.—ocrbice, 27ih June, 181 i.
K. 1 iIANi K. N, First Marhals.
- - : _ . -
BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellen Excellency
cy Excellency 11. V* . i.»i ■. rt ACiv, esquire, Lreuteu mt-txovi*r mt-txovi*rnor
nor mt-txovi*rnor ot die col my Beibicc and its Dependencies, &c.
&c. 6 c.
Given iip
Bamu< 1 and fhomas White, proprietors oi
the cotton pl nt.’.t ma No do. on the west i orrentine
coast, stiid appointment bcarmg dale the 22d June
1 die undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts
within tins colony, and at the request of aforesaid
Sumnon by Edict:
All the creditors of the cotton plantation No. 35.
situate on the west Carrent me coast oi this colony, to
appear be.me Commissaries of the Honorable Court
Oi Civil Justice of this colony, on M mday the 11th
of July next, at 11 o’clock in the hirruoon of that
daj , foi the pur pose oi hearing (lie proposals ot said
proprietors by virtue ot above writ, as ~cil as to en enable
able enable the Commissaries to make a i. port ol’ the pro proceedings
ceedings proceedings ol that meeting of creditors ; us also for ac acquiring
quiring acquiring the Courts conioriuation and appointment on
what may be agreed to, and iind by them to be
This Summon by Edict made known and published
as customary.
Berbicc, 21th June, 1814.
K. FiIAA CKEN, First Marshal.
BA virtue of an appointment from the Honorable
Court ot Civil .Justice of this colony, given upon a
petition presented by M. F. Costenbader and 11. Lu Luthers,
thers, Luthers, as Curators to the Estate of Hk. Wm. Bran Branties,
ties, Branties, d c. said appointment bearing date the 17th of
May, 1814.
I Hie undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, and at the request of aforesaid
Summon by Edict:
4H known and unknow creditors or claimants on
the Estate of Hk. Win.'Brandes* dec., to exhibit
their claims, before the Hou. Cvml of Civil Justice
hf this colony, nt their session which will b* k
in the inont lof January, 1815, to verify the S a I
witness objections thereunto, if need, and furth â– â–
proceed according to Law, on paip otfbeing G, erk) l
debarred their right of claim. | 0 ever l
This Summon by Edict, made known to thcni.hK.l
by beat of drum from the Court House of this
scat to Holland and England, and further dealt 5 1 ’
according to custom. i
Berbicc, 11th, June 1814.
K- FRANCKEN, First Marshy. I '
BY virtue ofan appointment from the HonomKhl
Court ot t ivil Justice ofthis colony, granted uptai â–
Petition presented by J. (E C. de Nieuwerkerk Q ?|
the Estate ot the late A. J. van Imbyze van
burg, di ceased, said appointment bearing danxCß
16th day of May, 1814. ° li *|
1 the undersigned, First Marshal of the C oln k|
uitbin this colony, and al the request of aforesaid) I
(i. C. deNieuaerkerk, qq.
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown < reditors or claimants m â–
the Estate of A. J. van Imbyze v:ri Batenbarj, to |
exhibit then i l iinis bejore the Hon. Court of Fuji I
Justice ofthis <â– >lony, at their session in the month â–
of January, 1815, th verify the same, wibiesss oh. I
.ections thereunto, if need, ;
occoiding to Law , on psiu of b. ing for ever deb«. â–
red their right of chirn.
i his Summon by Exlict, made known tothe pnbli< B
by beat ol drum from the Court House ofthis colony 1
send to Holland ami England, and furiljcrdcall with 1
according to < iistom.
Berbic , the 10th June, IS 11.
K. kUANC ii E.V, First Mardtsl, I
8 £7.»z MiJN by ED II T.
BY virtue of ;m ajipomhncnt from the Honorable |
ourt ot ki> d Jusiita* ot tin., colony, granted upont
Peiition pr. entul l.»y J. G. C. de Ni uw: ikc.a, a|
qq. both to the E-tate ol the late Makiaxsa Ac Acocstina
ocstina Acocstina van Imbyze van Bate.nbuhg, as well at
to that of the late Sosanxa Ji-ak.nf.ti e Beiihak Beiihakdina
dina Beiihakdina va.n Imbyze van Bati nbvrg, said appoint appointment
ment appointment bearing<{ate the 16th day of May, 1814.
1 ill:* tmd rsio aed, First Marshal of the Condi
withiii this. co'o.'iy, and at the request of aforesaid J»
G. C. de Nieuwerk rk, qq.
Summon by Edct:
AH known and unknown creditors or claimants nt
the Estates ot the late M. A. van imbyze van Bates Batesburg,
burg, Batesburg, and the lute S. J. B. v>. 1 btibyze van Batea Bateaburg,
burg, Bateaburg, to exhibit their claims before t;-e Hon. Cnnrt
oi ( ivil Justice ot this colony, al their session it
phe month ot January, 1813, to verity the s.irar,
witness objections thereunto, if need, and fort her to
proceed according to law, on pain of being tor ever
debarred of their right of claim.
I his Summon by Edict, inade.known to the publit
by beat of drum tromtlu- Court House of this colony,
send 10 Holl and and England, and further dealt with
according to custom.
Berbicc, the 10th June, ISI L
1..E i barter ot the Colony Berbicc, Manners of
t ie Piocecdmgs, in the Courts of (‘ivil Justice, botO
in the Englisn and Dutch Languages, Blank Bills of
Exchange and Lading, Coffee Certificates, a few
Sheet Abnanachs for the present year, price J 3,
several Kinds of Paper, Quills, Wavers, &c.
List oj R m.a.xay Negroes, in the Colony Stocks of
BerUice, on the Hth July, 1814.
Xsn:c-. [ Proprietors. lUy whom browrau
—- | tigeuarea. __ | Aaabrenfen.
R-osa Phi. Unver vagt Dchnert
Hercules idem AlcCamon
Larose Pin. Mara J 4 Gouverncur
Primo , Mak (Dem.) Costenbauer
Murphy Pin. Hostelling Fiscual
Mars alias Laurants Adami ’
Santje Pin. Weigel egen van don Brock
eylasius Bellevue White
I'liotiias Mrs. Beresford He’-tmcycr >
brands B. Sinclair (L'cm.) Rule
r ’ m o i*. L. Schmidt Dehner?.
April Idem. Idem.
Adonus idem. ld em .
Allen /Frauendoaf
Wiluain Burton . Fiscaal
Fi. Dageraad. Costenbader
J. A. DEMNERT, Under Sheriff.
- T^t * ll ’-'T*'.' y, " l *^ >jr nwTi—nrw - ■:un — n ni — n wirr w
Published er C ry Saturday at 4 o'clock, p.
Bv W. SCHULZ & Co.
Privilbfftd GoTvrnniail Pi inters.
Full Text |
1814.) THE BERBICE GAZETTE. Twelve dollars p. annum.'] RECEIVER GENERAL'S OFFICE, " Berbice, 9th July, ]&l4. PURSUANT to an Order of the Honorable Court 6f Policy, directing the Receiver Genera! to collect the Assessed Tax*'s on Lots in the Town of New Amsterdam. —Notice is hereby given, that Mr. J. F. Oberinullcr, Bookkeeper, hath lodged in this Office a certified copy of the sumsdiie by each lot, agreable to the account rendered by him, and which sums being due, are to be paid wii limit loss of time. AH persons concerned, are requested to pay due attention. DANIEL ALLT, Dep. Rec. Gen. Berbice, 2d July, 1811. Blank Returns for Produce, for the six months,’ from I.*/ January to l.v/ Juh , are ready for delivery at this Office, which Returns arc to be made in all this niontlr, under Tender of Oath. D. ALLT, Dep. Roc. Gen. PUBLIC VENDUE. THE Executors to the Estate of the late Mrs. IL J. Ruse, will on the latter end, of September, or in the beginning of October next, S. 11, f LUST TO P RUST) Tn t& Cbfiy Plantations < and > Riv< rof (PROVIDENCE, \ Berbice. And the Cotton Plantation ZEEZICIIT, on (he west coast of Berbice. Together with about 600 Slaves, to lv sold in ’ofs of families. The conditions of Sale, together with the Inventories, are visible at Mr. A. A. de la Court’s Office.—The day of Sale will be notified by following advertisement, 9th July. TH E Sequestrators of plantation A7gg offer for sale 1 hirty bobs of cotton, to be paid for in cash : Tenders tor which wiW be received at the house of Messrs. Hem ry & Taylor, until the 18th inst. on which d iv said lenders will be opened at 12o’clock, and the highest offer, it approved, will be accepted. The cotton ts ill be delivered from the abovenamed !^ re ’ _ 9 July. THE Domic ilium, citandi ct executant!;, of the Subscriber, both iy p iveand as qq. ihe heirs and legatees of Robert and Joseph Cliff, deceased, sat the house of Messrs. G. Bone & Co. New Amsterdam. _£July. OWEN JONES. Nu gerecd en tc bekomcn ter dezer Drukkery Exemplaren van de GRON D W E T Voor de Vereenigde Nederlandfn. In de Hollands' he Taal. Tegen gerede betaling van ffi. — Ook zyn dezelve te bekomcn, in Dcmerari/, ter Drukkery van de lleeren Aulert & Stevenson, also prys f 6. Now ready for delivery, at this Office, in the Dutch Language only, Copies of the CONSTITUTION, For the Netherlands, Price /6. —Cash. Also to be had, in at the Printing Office of Messrs. Aulert & Stevenson.—price f 6. lemand genegen zyndc zich alsTuinman teengagecren op de plantagie Lust tot Rust in doze rivier gelieve zich met behoorlyke getuigsebriften te voorzien,te addresseren by den Dirccfetir van die planlagie>—2 July. W. KLOUWENS. The front quarter of the whole breadt oflot No. 34. New Amsterdam, with all the buildings thereon, viz. a dwelling house, lately pul in repair, and outbuildings entirely new, terms will be made easy to any approved purchaser.—-Apply for particulars to 2 July. J. J. VAN DEll STOOP. for’sale, Crabwood Lumber. <5 June. ' ALLAN STEWART & Co. SATUKDAY. JUJA r 9. 3ERBICK. | King's House, Hit July, 1814 THE Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased to appoint C. C. Swaving, to be Captain of the sth comp. Ist batt. Burgher Militia. Bt/Command, F. WHITT', Gov. Sec. TOWN COMMIT TEE. Any person willing to contract for the immediate Cleaning and Bricking of the frontd on, Digging out the Main Trenches, &c. in the first emp< id t of this Town New Amsterdam, according to p irticulars to be seen at the Pr sident of said Committee J. Croft, Esq. will please address hiins if. by Tender, on or before the 18th in-la if, at J I o’clock in the morning, when said fenli rs ~ i!i he opened, and the lowest offer, if approved of, accepted.—The Contractor is to give security tor the due performance of (he 11 ork, which will be a> all limes under the inspection of the Town Manag i. Berbice, New Amsterdam, I July, 18'4. Bi/ (»d( r < f the Town Committee. J. F. <).iERM ULl.Eit, Secy. TEN I)ERS Foa C() ITON. ~ From Bengalen Estate, nineteen bales and a pocket good clean, and one bd ¦ yellow cotton, for cash on delivery, in the Town of New Amsterdam.—Tenders fm which will be received at the house of Mr. Edward Theobald, until Tuesday the twelfth (I2tb) of July next. J. van t»en 'ROEK, qq. 2 July. A. Ki{i : ;GEß,qq. NOTICE. ~ The Subscribers have given over to Mr. A. G. Calmer, foi collection and liquidat.-ia ; tH.account > and notes of hand, due, to the leteFiiAT ¦ fi any and William Jeffery, for tiic j ,s c 1813. This is therefore to inform those to the said Estate, that Mr. A. G. Calmer! . •. .misrd and empowered, to give acquittance’ that he is instructed, not (o give further oidulg< ..c «o any person or persons whatsoever. 25 June. AW KATZ. W. JEFFERY. N.B. The first undersigned, h is also given the accounts, &c. due to ihe Lst He or the late Dr. Jeffery, to Mr. A, G. Calmer, for collection, of this ciicumstauce those indebted are requested to take notice. STRAYED Oil STOLEN From Plantation Palmyra, from three weeks to a month since, a large bhek (-x, | uor, and an Ox about 20 months old, ol a red colour, with very wide spreading horns, some white in his face and" about his fi inks.— It strayed, one Joe wore than the customary reward will be given lor their recovery ; and ifsto! n, a stun oi twenty Jots, to any person, who will convict the THIEF or THIEVES. Also drifted from said plantation, on Monday last, :< large Punt, painted on its outside with red ocre an I tar, for the recovery of which a liberal reward wih »e given by 25 June. B. JEFFERY. FOR SALE From One hundred to two hundred bunches Plantains per week—also a Task Gang is wanted to put in a plantain walk, apply on Pin. Scotland. 25 June. J. McKAY. FOR SALE Ten to twelve prime Negroe men, they have been accustomed to work in a Task Gang, are all good shovelers, and some are ginners, they are recommended to the attention of Woodcutters, as they understand to square and saw wood ; if not sold by private sale in the course of a month w ill be pul at Public Sale, apply to the Printer.—2sth June. — , — FOR SALE OR TO BE LET. The Buildings on parttif lot No. 3. apply to 25th June. A. G. CALMER. (No. 511. [Payable in advance. FOR LONDON, The brig' Star, Wm. Wardill, Master, will sail with first convoy—fur freight or passage, appkto the said Master or 25 June. W. IIENERY. FOR GLASGOW, The brig Speculation, Capt. Ferguson, warranted to sail with the first convoy,—for freight or passage apply to the capt. on board, or to 25 June. EVAN & ANGUS FRASER. IMPORTED and for Sale by the Subscriber, the cargo of the Schooner Swijft, from Oronoqu., consisting of S Horses, & 51 prime Mules, amongst which are several excellent saddle mules. 21 June. D. C. SCH El DI US. SFCRETAR Y's (> This is to inform the Public, (hat t>.e following per, sons intend q dttintr this Colony. A. Krieger w ith the Jnn<* or July convoy, f. MolenorinG weeks from 25 May. J. f'. Schollevanger for Barbados by the first opportunity. J. L. Tapin and two servants, Harlequin and Willem, in 6 weeks from 18 June. R. C. DOWNER, Secy. A U Z’/u E Z.v hereby given, that a month after date the following Transports and Mortgages will be passed. June IS. J. van den Brock, as the Attorney of the Heirs of Aime Donzel, dec. will transport to Js. Fraser, the lots No. 5 and 6. situate in Canja river. June 25. G. E. Berkely,will transport to the black woman Daphne, 5 roods of land in depth of iu» northern halfoflot No. 5. and to Wm. A-liby, the adjoining five roods in depht of the southern half of said lot, both fronting the new center road, New Amst. NOTIFICATION BY Command of the Honorable Court of and Criminal Justice o f the Colony Bert it e. ' ’’J 1,11 Order of the Honorable Court of 1 oltcy of this Colony, bearing date 2 d ofMav 1811, a aeucral Meeting nf the Proprietors of Lots within the Town New Amsterdam, was held at the Court House of the colony, on Wednesday the Ist June, 1814, for the purpose of choosing a *Presi
Extract from the Register of the Mindies of the Court of Civil Justice, cf the Colony Berbice, TFcdnesday, 15th June, 1814. AND it was accordingly Ordered, that all persons feeling under the appointment of the Court, either as Trustees for Creditors, Curators to Insolvent Estates, Sequesi raters, Guardians, Administrators, and other Accounting Parties, under the orders of the Court, do render and give in their Accounts; within one month from the date of the Publication of this Order in the Berbice Gazette, and in future annually in the first week of the month of January in every year, to the Secretary of the Court, and on no pretence whatever to omit the same without a special order f(»r further time being previously obtained on Petition, shewing good cause ; And the more effectually to ensure the due observance of this Order, it is hereby further directed : That the Secretary of the Court do on the first day of every ordinary Session, lay on he table of this Court a List of the names and capici* ties of the several Accounting parties, together with the dates of their respective Appointments, and the time up to which the said Accounts have already been given in, or rendered to the Court fur conformation or approval, such lists to specify particularly where the several vouchers and Documents thereto belong in g, are deposited and under whose authority or Older. AND in the said List is also to be inserted the Namesoi ah Persons who have taken out Acts of Jjclihcra ioc, together with the dates thereof, and the times v hen the same have been renewed or proieuged, and iurlher to co..t en the names of the several Elates a a ..st which the claims of the respective Cte. itois La e been already tiled a.id exhibited for the decision of the Court on the Priu and cancurreniire thereof, together with the dates when the said claims were filed, and also when the several P.oclu-. mations and Advertisements relating thereto, were is <1 both in the colonial ami foreign G izeitt s. : 'x\\c Court prohibit and forb : d ttulr Sworn .\7 to Certify, Lxanune and Report io th ; u i any vcio ts of the parties aforesaid, at t‘i. ir own n quest, or to receive their papers tor such durpose,' without the same having been kugularly. referjed to TEi w by the Court,. and the Si v ( nd parties interested therein, regularly summon d by Advertisement tn the public Papers, ami du • N nice given ot’at least one calender month, to appear before them, n d to state theijr Objections, previously to their making up their report thereon. AND the Sure tary of the Court, is hereby strictly forbid, in future to receive any Documents or Vouchers irooi air. of the Accounting Parties aforesaid, Without a regular Inventory thereof is at the same time rendered to him by die said p .rtie , duly signed and dated b. (hem ; and he is uirccled, on recciviog such inventory, Jo compare the same with the '? oa< he is, and re.city the accuracy thereof, ami further io .. hv< i to them the said parties one copy oi such l.ivvn.ory si ~a u and attested by him, gra.is, Suvii l:i* ones ntiib Accounts to be carefully preserved by hii.i i.i Lis < ulicv, prop, tly I iLx Leil and p..rapue.i, a.d not .o be returned or givu cut of ihe ice, except in the cases of pre and concurrent a, al’ur pronunciation ot the sentence in those cases, tvi hmit an ex, ress Order oiTiic Court or Governor. A true extract, published tor general iuformatmi., by order of the Honorable Court of Civil Justice. Quod Attestor. R. C. DOWNER, Secy. FESDUE OFFICE. PUBLIC VENDUES. On Thursday the 21st July will be sokl at the Vei.du ’ Office.—Cotton and codec bagging, beer and portei, beef and po.k in half barrels, salt in tierces, ury goods, Kc. JL). C. CAMERON,XKp, Vendue Alastr, On Thursday she 98lh July, will be sold at *he Vendue Office,* by ohler of the Weeskamcr oflhis colony, the one ilfird part of Lots No. 11 and 12. situate on the west sea coast, with the negroes thereunto belonging, the property of the late F. Smith. D. Ci CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master. On Monday the Ist August, will be sold on plantation No. 11. correntyn, by order of W. Lawson, Esq. qq.—6o bead of cattle a parcel of household furniture, &c. D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master. Pl iSLIG NOTICE is hereby given: That the Gopio/M rs’/ep between the Subscribers, under the I inn of ‘’iiENEKY & Tayt.or,” will be dissolved by mutual consent on the 21st proximo. All jiersuns indebted to (lie said 1 iim,are requested to m.t.'.e payment to either of t he Subscribers; and ih >sewho have any.claims against them, will please render them with hull t delay. Berbice, Wm, HEN ERA’, 18 noli. t.*c I9tji.ii. Lie c.l ¦ ~u tuc i .ere net vitui rat ? ..nice; hi oruer > 4 ><>n Lie e.poiteu i rmlace noi Lieu j. nd — (Ih .oa tor uic avow iiciuii.a u>ay Le u*u giant at..sc Atu.u. li .je made uuo r ici.u. r ui uatft of W ine, Spirit),anu M<\i. . ~ e. ei> .< .vu. . . .r.p< or clacwiicre, uutiug luc ioa' n jii: 0 mo.i. .s o. u.» p.i.iui >ear, to toe ftceeiverot S m MMivn;; ui order to collect the imyoJoi. L.Ui. a..Hies. -¦ ¦ «•>'!¦ II——MV O—THE BERBICE GAZETTE. NEW AMSTERDAM, Satvrday, Jilt 3, 1814. a Nojtrri'cals—Ro xeizs. —.V«t less than 15 American i.ricuteirs have visited cur coasts, and taken the s huoners John Duncan und Lady Spencer. —Orders art by Government, that no colony boat may left the harbour. FROM BELL’S WEEKLY MESSENGER. Exemplary Punishment of Bonaparte, and the Great ARrul and Political Lesson'd A Jords. —Together ictth a J the 1 ranch Constitution. It is suu seldom Gut any history, sacred or profane, presents ihe splendid ixanipic of the , refect pumsiinieiit ul iytau, , ir.at the ag. in vreikii it occurs Las a just claim co Uc coasiuered as an era; aud the atieniioti of mankind is mo‘t j.ariuujd.y md dto if, usahurdmg at ouce a sa. .isiavuim to Eai principle oi justice which is innate in every brers;, aua, « tae sa...c time, a most impressive' , roo; oml (, oa.hftiauo i vl the supt-rititentiertce of I‘ruvi. uencu of.r hu.ndii u.i.ihs. Esu.iipies of this k.ad, tiure. fun , to .. gcn.iuus people, and to minds of due «.re at ouce Consolatory and awi'..f; they comfort individuals a io uauuns in private difficulties and national calai.itiier, i ; ceniuiuing them that the world, and all that uccuresm ii, ace under die government of‘One who never sleeps ; who putteth up one, and setteth another, down ; and wno having ictllcd, particularly since the revelation ol Chr.stunity, tnat the wond should exist in a certain degree of order and hapiness; alsways preserves it in that degree, or recalls it back to it, by his exampiary visitation on atrocious wickedness. Now, in Kings and Governors, this wickedness is hut of two kinds; —in-the first place tyranny, and in thekecond ambition ; by the first of winch they oppress their own people, and by the latter, arc the scourges and desolaturs of the world. It has been suggested, however, by some of the daily writers, and very erroaeonsty, that this example still wasfe something of its completeness by the subject of it suflered to live ; that it was the duty of the AJllitd eigns to consign Bonaparte to the punishment which merits, and that his escape With life, and particularly a provision for his comfort and independence, is so much detracted from the just rule and meaenreof his p ment, and therein so much wanting to the prefectneesof the example. H is sufficient answer to this object, to consider thess. ture of punishment. Now punishment, as exercised fjj one human being over another, has but two ends,— ly, the removal of (he evil or the cause of evil, and (fe s-itbfactiou to themjured laws of right of society by eMiniiiipie which goes forth in the punishment criminals Revenge, or the infliction goes forth of pain fur pain with, out lor»in> further, has no place in human righti-—Ty* kind of vetig ant e belonging only to t ie Governor ofj[ ot us. Human tribunals.have no further right in paniA. merit hut that of the removal of tile evil, the Correction of ?he o.a nder, and the example to others. No>v aren<>ta!l| these interests most siifin ienf ly sj'isiied in the present ia-¦ stance.’ The ev.l is removed, — and w hat example is morv H trei.) :i lons than th it :>f one who has fallen from such i I height, a .1 who ha* sm k Into such an abyss Would not K dra?ti be a relief fr< m secli suiTerings? he now remindsui I old of Dionysius of Syracue. or B ijaz. t, —the one of E whom, after having been the tyrant of his time,finLudhii B days as a schuo'niaster, and the other, after having been « a conqueror, was carried about by Tamerlane in an iron S cage, a:wl exhibited from town to town, and from lilljge | *<> village, with the inscription—“ Here you uMy behold a j Tv rant. Nor do wee see, indeed, in what mode Bonaparte, mu I parcelled as have been his crimes, could hive heotliss G capital*}’ punished w ithout wounding much greater inter* I ests than such punishment could sa'i-ty—lf coed m mil to I death, it must cithtr have been by the Allies, or by ths I French ped. le. But it would tare been contrary to aU I acknowledged rights of war, and of the most dJngerotA K example in future times, if Sovereigeiis (fur at that he I was a Sovereign) had assumed aright tosjtin I over tach other, and after having conquered each other ia I a regular war, to become tn a formal ?rialJ-.1l I s.' >.i as the .i mj were out of his hands, the ; vir I < as. J—l' •’ if he was to be tri* Iby the !* le, I w’iowu’ -n H‘ >••'('/ ¦ 5 • . I fives us ’ > 80. I dy, and wi ... ( .u ? think oi 1.n.. / il I ; used to j: > | cealcd or deni'd that t'icy were th;m s f’v.»» the in it re»’nt* I of his an.bi ion, th |ar ..1; rs o f B)1 u s I.E crimes, *ni | nearly as g idty as mm .7. L t then here, o% vr, tta d . ’timeifed, as their pitsent comluct is tii si m’i ; i of men c*jj .try. Our own i>; uiion is, that this is the iuosl undoubted and. •he best praise of t' is Revulutibn that it lias been so trafl* qiiil’y ettcciui, and that, excepting the blood shed in bat* tie u.twcen th • contending armies, not a life has been loK in the most complete Revolution on modern record. A kjgdom has been conveyed-away from one Dynasty to another, with as much ease and as little formality as a priratk estate; and the one Sovereign departs and (he other arrives. as it in legal succession or civil proprietorship. M® do not remember in all history, indeed, such an example as the City of Paris now presents,—An hostile and invading army going to and through the gates and streets, winhl all the Councils of the Country, the Senate, the Legislative, and the Administrative Bodies execute their function* as tranquilly as in the most profound Peace. The conduct of the Citizens of i’ari*. indeed, is as extraordirary, and in this point of view is as comui< ndable, as that of th® Allied Sovereigns ; for never was performed so important a Drama with so little of malignity. * With respect to the New Constitution of France, it resembles, in a great degree, our own happy system, which all tha French writers, and, still more particularly, all heF Statesmen who have resided in England, have always held »p as the pci fee fion of political wisdom. —But as the pat* ties now in France, the Senate and Legislative Body, hav® their own particular interest to provide for, and could only accomplish their own security by reserviftg to themselves a great degree of controuilng power, it w ill be see® that lbs Aristvcracy, or Suuate, muqh mor® powerful
than, the House of Lords, amongst us, with whose functions it corresponds.—The limits to its number tend to give a perpetual Majority to the party now composing it. —The present Senate in number is 130; and is not to exceed 200; so that'the King can only add a minority of 70; and as the Princes of the Blood, and the great Peers of France, must necessaiily have a seat, he is almost entirely precluded from mew creations. There is a double disadvantage, therefore, in this lirni. fafiun.—ln the first place, the Monarch has not that au. thority and influence which he should havcih the Senate; an J secondly, the Legislative Body, and the people them-, lehes, Are precluded from one of the great objects of public ambition, and, therein, of one of the greatest incitements to public service. It has a third disadvantage perhaps equally great.—A limited Aristocracy is necessarily a body by itself; it has no sympathy with the people; it has therefore that intolerable |>rije w Li. h rendersit a subject of more invidious, ness than the power of the Monarch himself.—lt becomes hither too powerful for the Sovereign, in which case it checks him in the exercise of his salutary authority; or like the Doge, and Senate, in the ancient Constitution of V nice, it assimilates, and becomes one with him, and bt> h concurring together render the people Nothing. The Legislative Body has a nearer correspondence with nur English House of Commons, except in two points.— ' first and most important difference is, that tho Mem’. .. a. io be chosen by Electoral Colleges; the sec* i-,. : 'r> li is ’.• Jy. as w< II as the Senate, is to assemble of r xear on the Ist. of October.—This is cvnlciiV’v ¦cijif rhe Royal authority-*-Bu> the prerogative . here;*. ndc'uudied hy (he influence which it will r¦ i! * fc Mi*h i’i the Wectora! Co'legcs. J is o the Senate and Legish’ivo Body an [ . p” c. ir, in the present stsue and representation of Fiance, wh; re the country Gentlemen are not sufficiently numerous, and sufficiently rich, to bear the expence of a long resilience in the capital; and where the institution itself, from its novelty, wan’s that honourable splcn. do* r, which renders it an object of ambition, as amongst t>*isc!ve« in England.--The Trial by Jury, andthe independence of (he Judges arc provided for—What may be called tin locality of actions, that is to say, that no one can be ivn ov.d irom his natural Judges, is an excellent • canty against any unfair d td by t>>t . it will require fudy nine months to perform this voya the ships above alluded to having mostly left this cioiuTy i i t-i mouth A October, and some of them at an cut Hi; , liod.— In ir, > tof the colonies provisions cannot be pits chr ud ; how ' ..i are th se slips to be supplied daring their '.i.w JrFy p*<,triced .stay abroad? But sure’y it cannot come to this extr.’inity——remonstrances would qour in fruit; a'l qu-ntcrs; and unless the Admiral can show string r asixis for actin-.. otherwise, he would certainly be induced to alter bis putt, and fix a much earlier day fur the departure of he convoy. Baris Papers of a late date contain a pointed Proclama. tion from Marshal Augereau to liisam y, in which he treats Bonaparte with gal|i’*g sev-rify, a-.* inritvs his. corps d’artneeto submit to the G->r ment of the Bourbons. It is a curious fact, though it .ill not excite the astonish, ment of judicious ob-M; that those persons who were most submissive to I. aanarte, while vested with supreme inthority,no*v s .ak of him with most harshness. Among he acts of the late Tyrant enumerated by Augereau, as roving him unworthy of empire, hementions bis conduct subsequent to his deposition, which the Marshal brands as he effect of cowardice, saying that he had not the courage to di? like a soldier.—The brave General Leconrbe, he intimate friend of Moreau, has been recalled from the state of retirement and inaction, to which the jealousy of the Corsican had condemned him, and has been restored by Monsieur to his former rank. The Allies have required from France a contribution of 1,5(X) million of France (upwards of 62 millions sterling) ; that as a guarantee for ihe payment of that contribution, fifteen French fortresses are to bo placed in the hands of the Allies; and that a fortress Is to be returned to France for every ICO million paid off so that the whole shall be paid oil m fifteen years. We apprehend that thedistribut. ing of this sum wi I be among such of the Allies as have been ekpulied to ciintributions levi.’d by Bcnapartc. ORIGINAL POETRY. iRREOUtAR LINES Off NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Do Id ream ! or do 1 wake! Is the Sou of Storms no more? He who badethe wide world shake, Is his reign of terror o’er ? I dream !—aiid o’er my ptartl’d soul Wild delusion still has sway, Splendid visions o’er it roll, In the blaze of noon-tide day. What but adream ! (hat he whose rod Kept o’er the earth despotic sway, Who breath’d defiance to his God, .Should like a shade have pass’d away ! What but a dream—that he is now Beneath the earth-worm crawling vile, Who rais’d to Heav’n his darkling brow. And view’d its terrors with a entUa. What but a dream—that he is go'u» Not as the mighty pass away, But, like a wretch to nothing born, Nor destin’d to one gloriops day ! What but a dream—that he has play’d With crowns and sceptres at his will, Now slave and robber turn’d—afraid His recreant heart’s blase blood to spill I Beset by those he laugh’d to scorn, Borne from his conquei’d realms away, Goaded by slaves ignobly'born, By Cossack’s spikes—his route to sway, He nho led armies, now is driven I And is this then no mockery— Napoleon who with Fate hath strive* fel iijts — with power to die ! A”d Can it be that giant might On earth now grov’liug lies ; That son of glory .fiercely bright ' Hath sunk no more to rise; Satan thrown down from Heav’en’s height. Ne’er sunk so low as thee, Still proud in Hell—in fallen might And sullen Majesty. . Where is thy Roman virtue now ? Thy stern contempt of death— Thou fvar’st to see thy life-blood flow—* *1 hou fear’st to yield thy breath ! W here is thy vaunted firmness fled ? Oh, where! thou abject man! Such dark dishonor round thy head, 1 o hoard life’s swindled span ! M< thought ject choice ’hau not avail— A coward’s death is nigh! Thy guards arc Cussackt—nre they not} Tyrant—thou’rt iibw forlorn! ’T is scarce a hope they have forgot Thy former bitter scorn! If they have not—how sharp their spears! How swiftly rous’d their rage ! If they have not—let thy base fears Thy shameful end presage! A word—a look, itiay rdge provoke, Then vengeance forth will burst! A Haste then—with wom in.’s tears invoke, » .Mercy!—thou worm accurst, Methinks I see thy shuddering blood Creep m number’d streams, Not rushing in a generous flood— But pale with coward dreams ! Methinks 1 see them widdly pour Around that sullen stream, Eager to dim in Tyrant’s gore Their sabre’s «parkiihg gleam ; Methink unaided, and unmourn’d, I see thee ’ -It to die, Thy corse disfigur’d, hated, scorn’d, On ea>t., unburied lie! And was it to a worm like thee, When clad in kingly power! That trembling Nations bent the knee, Thou upstart of an hour ! They name shall be a taunt of shame, The future coward’s sting E’en babes shall mocking lisp that name, Napoleon— was a King! Methought that men would never know The secret of thy fate, That fire from Heav’u would lay thee low, Or change thy earthly state; Or, that if fail’d the lightning’s flash, Thyself would guard thy name, Unseen, beneath the wild wave dash, An vanish—into fame ! But no—no comet! thou !—no star! A scourge in Heav’n’s hand—r Fore-doom’d to pour forth plague and war O’er Europe’s sinful land! Thy task is done—Almighty God ! Now easts thee far away, A wretched despis’d worthless rod, To moulder and decay. ROSA MATILDA. frr Notice is hereby given, that the Execution Sale of Plantation Kilmorack, advertised to take place on Wednesday the 13th inst. is postponed on account ot an opposition has been entered against the ¦< sale of said estate. > Marshal's Office, 9th Jnly, 1814. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal,
I MARSHAL'S OFFICE. WHEREAS 1 the undersigned have received'from England the Newspapers containing the adveiflseinent calling up the creditors of the estate of Evan Duncan Fraser, dec.—Notice is hereby given to th Public, that the-said creditors are to appear before the Court of Civil Justice ot this colony* on Monday the 18th July, 18)4, and followiogdays, for the purpose of there rendering their claims against the aforesaid estate of Evan Duncan Fraser, dec., and further to proceed ns th • I iw directs. Berbice, 7lh June, 1814. K; Francken, First Marshal. T A,. ¦ . _ ¦ — BA vir'ur* of an appointment from His Excellency ?he Governor, 'riven upon a petition of 11. Staal, as the gencinal and spec.’a d Attorney of A. C. Bjmxlo, of Demerary, Said appointment bearing date 24th June, 1814. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that the Execution and Sequestration o! the undivided half PI int ition Oircerwagt, situate on the west sea c.> .j of this colony, the property of the late L. 11. Base, is this day cancelled and taken of. Berbice, the 2d July, 1814. K. t’ i* ANCKEN, First Marsha’. SALE ci EXF.CUTi'N. FIRST PROCUXIjCTIO X. BY virtue of a Voluntary Surrender in Execution,' made by fhomas T’ry< r LayfidJ, as onof the partners ofthc late 1 irm <>. Dune iti M< K< tizie & Co., in order to coni*.ly v.i 'lithe tenor of a Sentence of the' Honorable C < i. t of < 'J i Justice, in the cause, entitle 1 Dongl-i* Heid N Co; as being a branch of the liaise of couj’nerce in Glasgow, carried on under the Finn oi J. T. & A. Douglas & co., Plaintiff’s, versus, the l?<'p.cs<'iif:dive or Representatives of the la c Firm of Duncan Meitenzie & co.—said sentence bearing date ?h.2ith May, 1814. I the nnfersi.iu ul First Marshal of the. Courts within this colony, will sell at Public Execution Sale on W unt a -’ius? Jno. Ross, amt? to f 119R7 Do. .f l >ir i.’.uato N 0.22 west sea coast2.j. 100 D».th • «»f ' -uncan-Mi Keijzie 211-18-12 Do. Hugh B. I 1.-, pin. Ch'fLm 500000 (u'mli-r deduction) P». Nig c * ’’e « o' & Sinclair 3322F Di. J Ei. lye, A. Shanks 504-120 D>. tl’e e-ta . <>f I hs. Robson — L<) Do. Do ad ’a ”ie for lot No. 2 4400 Do. p n.' Bright©!, S. Fraser 43700 Do. .Um HewiJi, JGkiric 372. 0 D0.’.1. G. Spa geiiberg 72-10-0 And ot w ich accounts the particulars may be seen at 'the Mashal's (HBcc during the hours of duty. Whoever should think to have any right, ac ion, or int< rest, o.> he aforementioned .open Accounts, : I wishes 'to < ppose the sale ’hereof, let stub •persons address thrmselves to (he Marshal’s Office, deeliring their urons tor so d iing in due time ami form, as 1 hereby give notice, that I will receive op. ir >.a t » <;y one. tberrii 'tn qualified, appoint them ad ! y <> have his or her claim heard before the Court, and fui Jmr act thereon as the Law directs. This first Pio.hmatioij, published as Customary. Berbice, the 3d July, 1814. K. EIiANCXEN, First Marshal. BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes of the Holm aide Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated 201 h May, 1814, given in (because entitled, Even & Angus I raser, as partners of the House of Commerce at Glasgow, trading under the Finn ami style of Campbells Fraser & Co. Plaintiffs in opposition, versus; the Sale in Execution of Plantation | over Plantation Vrcde en V riendschap-and hirlf of Plantation* Goudmyn, the former situated m Canje creek, and the latter up the river. Notice is hereby given, that I the undersigned, intend to Sell at Public Execution S.dcJ i:t presence of two Councellors Commissaries and their becietary, on Wednesday-the 27th of July, 1814, the cotit e I state called i redz Vrierulsihap) (the terms of w hieli, as also the Inventory, are to be sevu at the vtarsliai’s Oilicc during the hours of duty. Audon Wednesday the 3d of August, 1814, the undivided bait ol the coifee l.sute called iaOHdiityn, (the terms of which, its also the Inventory, orc lying .( the MarJi d's Oiiice tor the inspection of those ft horn it may concern. 'I he Sia » are to take place on the respective spots Wii ><¦¦»i r should ihmk to havejmy n. ht, action, or interest ou the aforenamed {.slates, and wishes to oppose the execution Sale thereof, let such person I addicss liii.is It to the Ma shads Office, declaring! llicii reason for so d >ing in due tunc and ti.rm, as 1 heieby give notice, ihai 1 will receive opposition ir;>m any mlcnnedi iie person, appoint them aday tohave their clai ns heard before the Coud, and further act thercoa as the Law directs. Tins 4th proclamation published as customary.— beibicc, Ist July, 1814. K. i KANCKEN, First Marshal. SUMMON ry EDICT. BA' virtue of ati extract from the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Court ot Rolls, dated 7th June, 1814, given in the cause oi FJdwaid Theobald, Curator to the Estate of Henry Cro l, dec. Plaintiff, — versus, all known and unknown creditors against the Estate of 11. Croft, dec. 1 the imdersigncd, First M.arshal of the Courts within (his colony, aau at ihe request oi afoiesaiii Curator, Saruman, forfhr third time, ly Edict: All known and unknown creditors of the Estate of Henry Croft, dec. to iq par al the i omt oi Koils, on Monday the 10th (Mober, 1811, their to remit i in I heir claims, to verdj ine same, and heat u.qeclions made tin roimtu, ii need, ami miiher to proceed as the law directs. 'I Ins Jd yiiuirm n by Edict published as customary.—ocrbice, 27ih June, 181 i. K. 1 iIANi K. N, First Marhals. : _ . BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellency 11. V* . i.»i ¦. rt ACiv, esquire, Lreuteu mt-txovi*rnor ot die col my Beibicc and its Dependencies, &c. &c. 6 c. Given iiplony, at their session in the month ¦ of January, 1815, th verify the same, wibiesss oh. I .ections thereunto, if need, ; d Jusiita* ot tin., colony, granted upont Peiition pr. entul l.»y J. G. C. de Ni uw: ikc.a, a| qq. both to the E-tate ol the late Makiaxsa Acocstina van Imbyze van Bate.nbuhg, as well at to that of the late Sosanxa Ji-ak.nf.ti e Beiihakdina va.n Imbyze van Bati nbvrg, said appointment bearing<{ate the 16th day of May, 1814. 1 ill:* tmd rsio aed, First Marshal of the Condi withiii this. co'o.'iy, and at the request of aforesaid J» G. C. de Nieuwerk rk, qq. Summon by Edct: AH known and unknown creditors or claimants nt the Estates ot the late M. A. van imbyze van Batesburg, and the lute S. J. B. v>. 1 btibyze van Bateaburg, to exhibit their claims before t;-e Hon. Cnnrt oi ( ivil Justice ot this colony, al their session it phe month ot January, 1813, to verity the s.irar, witness objections thereunto, if need, and fort her to proceed according to law, on pain of being tor ever debarred of their right of claim. I his Summon by Edict, inade.known to the publit by beat of drum tromtluCourt House of this colony, send 10 Holl and and England, and further dealt with according to custom. Berbicc, the 10th June, ISI L K. FiIANCKEN, First FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. 1..E i barter ot the Colony Berbicc, Manners of t ie Piocecdmgs, in the Courts of (‘ivil Justice, botO in the Englisn and Dutch Languages, Blank Bills of Exchange and Lading, Coffee Certificates, a few Sheet Abnanachs for the present year, price J 3, several Kinds of Paper, Quills, Wavers, &c. List oj R m.a.xay Negroes, in the Colony Stocks of BerUice, on the Hth July, 1814. Xsn:c-. [ Proprietors. lUy whom browrau —| tigeuarea. __ | Aaabrenfen. R-osa Phi. Unver vagt Dchnert Hercules idem AlcCamon Larose Pin. Mara J 4 Gouverncur Primo , Mak (Dem.) Costenbauer Murphy Pin. Hostelling Fiscual Mars alias Laurants Adami ’ Santje Pin. Weigel egen van don Brock eylasius Bellevue White I'liotiias Mrs. Beresford He’-tmcycr > brands B. Sinclair (L'cm.) Rule r ’ m o i*. L. Schmidt Dehner?. April Idem. Idem. Adonus idem. ld em . Allen /Frauendoaf Wiluain Burton . Fiscaal Fi. Dageraad. Costenbader J. A. DEMNERT, Under Sheriff. T^t * ll ’-'T*'.' y, " l *^ >jr nwTi—nrw ¦ :un — n ni — n wirr w Published er C ry Saturday at 4 o'clock, p. Bv W. SCHULZ & Co. Privilbfftd GoTvrnniail Pi inters. V