Berbice gazette

Material Information

Berbice gazette
Uniform Title:
Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
Place of Publication:
New Amsterdam
W. Schulz
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
New Amsterdam (guyana)
newspaper ( sobekcm )


General Note:
General Note:
Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
General Note:
The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
General Note:
In English, with occasional text in Dutch
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Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Digital Library of the Caribbean
Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
University of Florida


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Full Text

Twelve dollars p. annumJ]

JBECbrnnHind of His Excellency the Governor, and
the Honorable Court o f Policy and Criminal
Justice of the colony Berhice.
ALL Proprietors or Representatives of Estates,
â– within the colony Bcrbice, having Negro Slaves em employed
ployed employed as Pioneers on the Fortifications of Fort St.
Andrew, and drawing allowances from the colony for
the hire of such Negroe or Negroes, are informed
that the customary Hire heretofore paid by the Civil
Government tor such Pioneer Negrocss will ceflsron
theSlstdav of July, 1814, —on which day the Pro Proprietors
prietors Proprietors or Representatives of Estates are required to
withdraw their Negroes; it being further publicly
notified that no Hire will be allowed for any such
Negro nr Negroes, on any pretext, from and after the
dare of the .‘J I st July, 1814.
Ap| lication for Orders for the delivery of the said
Negroes, to be marie to the Colonial Secretary, from
the 28th tothe 31st of July, 1814.
By command of Hie Court.
R. C. DO A -.IL •
BF His Excellency the Governor, an I the Honorable
Court of Policy and Criminal J usiuf, ths c«A.
ny IC i I'ice.
To all to whom these presents may or shall cine;
Gri eting ! Be it known :
WHEREAS by our Proclamation b< .'ir’ng dat ■
the :’d of .Inly, i' 10, Permission was given a-.:!
grarZed to ail bdiaLuanfs of this col-ia ~ h> '- , :
toDemerary, Surnpm, or i::y of the PhitLb ’-.lauds
ur Colonies in the West- ndi s, or els -here, such
Horned Cattle, Calves, Sheep, and Ccgs, as they
might think pro â–  r, on paying previous oany such
Exportation to the Reviver of the Petty Anns (he
small d‘d\ v i.ich would he paid, if the ssid catlie
were slaiiehicied I 1 colony, namely, three
ganders | e» head Gr horned cattle, and one. guilder
p. i head for v sheep, and hogs. And whereas
cireti I'st.mci i »c ; ;J< ■ (I ,l m cessary that the re-
Mr ic attendant tin >'.id permission lor Exporta Exportation
tion Exportation should be again ws hdruii.
Be it therefore I aown that 11 e reductions on the
I.'xooria'i hi to I <-.h r ;ry, Surinam, or any of the
Erni.'h Islands or Co < ie> in the West Indies, of
Horned cat'!.' , c.dv. and h gs, are from
henceforth w .th Ira an, and lhe free Exportation of
the same allowed.
A :d in order that all and every Inhabitant may be
acquaint d therewith, these presents shall be punted
and published as Customary.
Thus enacted in our Assembly, held at the Court
House, in New Amsterdam, Berhice, this 12th Day
of January, 1814, present His Excellency H. W.
Bf.ntinck, Lit u'cnan'-Govenior, ami the Honor Honorable
able Honorable Members L. C. Abbcnsets, John McCamon, Js.
Eraser, P. Fairbairn, A. J. Glasius, and G. Munro.
By command of the Court.
‘ R. C. DOWNER, Aecy.
And published on the 10th May, 1811, present.
His Excellency the Governor.
By command,
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
ALlxilN STEWART & €o.
Offer for Sale al their Store, adjoining that of
Messrs. Hencry and Taylor, the following Goods
on moderate terms, fovimnicdint<â–  payment.
SCOTCH and pearl barley, Bristol tripe, mus mustard,
tard, mustard, pickles assorted, Hessian boots, jockey ditto,
planters shoes, dress do., ladies slippers, silk, beaver,
and willow hats, stationary assorted, gentlemen cot cotton
ton cotton hose, ladies do., blue and green bordered tabli tablicours,
cours, tablicours, supperfine broad cloths, Welch flannel, Irish
linen, cotton rugs for negroes, Indian shades, beer
and wine glasses, decanters and rummers, buttons
assorted, Britania metal tea and coffee pots, Japajied
, tea caddys, Japaned waiters, plated candle
sticks, snuffers and trays, knives and forks, decanter
stands, scissars, pocket books, iron pots, pale ale in
bottles, dryed ox tongucs, &c. —4th June.
AN excellent and handsome chesnut Mare, she is
h pleasant riding animal, and perfectly steady in
harness, price 50 Joes.——Enquire of the Printer.
4 June.




Bcrbice, 2d June, 1814.
Cash wanted for the following Government Bills,
viz No.
for which Tenders will be received at this Office.
H. HENDY, Dep. Act. Com. Gen.
A young Barbadian Negro, a complete Tailor ; for
particulars apply to Mr. A. Stewart, in New Am Amsterdam,
sterdam, Amsterdam, or to the subscriber.
4 June. Wm. ROBERTSON.
K i NGS a GE n ( 7y;
TWO or three days after the arrival of the next
Guiana Packet, will be disposed o! by Tenders of
Bills, together amounting to £ 900 Sterling, to such
amounts, as will be required, at 90 days sight on Z.
Macaulay, Esq. the Secretary to the Commissioners
for the Crown Property in South America, drawn by
• v Mr. A. A. de la Court, Principal Agent for the
s' . ’•operty. The time for Tendering will be fixed
? it-r tl.c Packet’s arrival, ami stuck up at the Post
•. The 'fenders to be sent to Mr. A. A. de la
Court —Jcrhice, 28th May, 1814.
ICR a cotton Estate, on ihe west coast oft; is co comay,
may, comay, an Overseer who can be well recommended;
i liberal salery will be given.—Application to be
made to Mr. R. McKLNZIE, in New Amsterdam.
28 May.
FOR sale, a valuable assortment, peculiarly suit suitable
able suitable to this climate, being of the best quality, pre prepared
pared prepared and put up at Apothecaries Hall, London, for
exportation to Demcrary : the same will be sold at
a reasonable advance for Cash, or Bills of Exchange.
Should no acceptable offer be received early ; they
will then be reta.hd in such small quantities, as may
accomodate families, or individuals.
28 May. M. LINDNER.
THE Land and Buildings forming a part of Lot
No. 3, First Ein polder; for fur the i particulars ap apply
ply apply to
28 May. K. FRANCKEN.
THE Sequestrators of plantation Nigg, offer for
sale by Tenders, 40 bal s of cotton, to be delivered
• t the house of Messrs Henery and Taylor, and paid
for in < ish ; the highest offer, for which will, if ap approved
proved approved of, be accepted, and Tenders opened on the
Sth of June next.—2Bth May.
A handsome Carricle and pair of Horses, who are
in complete match, in high condition and prefectly
sound, they are well worth the attention of any
Gentleman, who may be in want of an article of this
description—for further particulars enquire of Lieut.
Downie, at Fort St. Andrew.—2Bth May.
By the Subscriber, the following goods, just landed
from the Alf/'j, from Glasgow.
Fresh flour in barrels,
London porter and pale ale in hhds. and bottles,
Port wine,
Mess beef fc pork in whole and half barrels
Pease, barley, and oatmeal in jugs,
Spermaceti and tallow candles,
Soap, paints & oil,
Sets of ivory handled green & plain knives & forks,
Pruning & glasp knives,
Hoes, shovels, cutlasses, and nails assorted,
Glass & tin ware,
Setts of earthen ware,
Tar in barrels, canvas, and cordage assorted,
Osnaburgs & salempores,
Negro clothing & iron pots,
Ladies & gentlemens gloves, boots 3c shoes.
Planters shoes,
Irish linen & sheeting,
Beaver, silk, and Japanned hats,


Ginghams, platillas, calicoes, Britannias, pul. hkfs..
Toweling, d’oyleys, sadlery, & stationary.
Brass vats & small cocks, whipsaws, & files,
Falling axes, & carpenters tools,
Cotton & coffee bagging, seine & sewing twine,
Ready made clothes, and corn mills,
Setts of shoe brushes, house brooms, &c.
28 May. DOUGLAS REID & Co,
All persons who may hava any claims or defnandt
of whatever kind, against the late Firm of
Angus Ftaser & Co.
Evan & Angus Fraser & Co.
Fraser Cambells & Co.
or against
Evan & Angus Fraser,
Angus I'raser, deceased, or
Evan Fraser.
Are hereby required, at th i stan -e of the aforesaid
Evan Fraser, Partner of the above Firms, for him himself,
self, himself, and representing his deceased Brother Angus
Fraser, to furnish him with statem *nts thereofwhh thereofwhhout
out thereofwhhout delay, inorder that they may be immediately
settled. Rerbice, 28th May.
WIIERE/iS the following person has addressed
herself to the Hon. Court of Policy, of this colony,
for Letters of Manumission :
The mulatto woman Catharine Richards, as assisted
sisted assisted by A. F. Ficher, for herself.
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, ami who may wish to oppose the grant
of said Letters of Manumission, that they may ad address
dress address themselves in writing to the Secretary of tho
colony, previous to the next Sessions of the Hon’bltf
Court, when a final disposition will be made on the
aforesaid Petition.
Secretary Office, Berhice, May 28.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy ]
This is to inform the Public, that the fallotting pcr»
sons intend quitting this Colony.
Wilson Taylor with the next convoy.
A. Krieger with the.lune or July convoy.
C. Molrnaar in 6 weeks from 25 May.
J. r - Schollevanger for Barbados by the first oppor opportunity.
tunity. opportunity. 1 r
W. Dodgson, family and one servant, with the June
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
NOTICE is hereby given, that u month after date tho
following Transports and Mortgages will be passed.
May 14, David Carnegie will transport to Geo. Ba Bagot,
got, Bagot, the western half of tot No. 26, west Coren Corentyn
tyn Corentyn coast, known there as Plantation Nurney.
Geo. Bagot will transport to Th. Wade, the
western half of lot No. 26, west Corentine coast
known there as Pin. Nurney.
Thomas Wade will pass a mortgage for the pur purchase
chase purchase money of Pin. Nurney, or western half
of lot No. 26, west Corentinc coast, to be vest vested
ed vested on the said estate Nurney, as also on 8 Ne Negroes,
groes, Negroes, named Change, Prince, Adam, John,
Howe, Cato, Little Prince, Little Present, and
further a second Mortgage in favor of Geo. Ba Bagot,
got, Bagot, to be vested on 32 Negroes, names to be.
seen at this Office.
June 4. W. Lobban, will transport to M. Jaffray,the
negroes: George, Tancred, Sam, Sandy, and
Harry, and the said M. Jaffray, w ill at the same
time execute a first mortgage in favor of the said
W. Lobban, on the negroes above named, and
on the following negroe s, viz. George. William.
Ben, James, and John.
V/- Schulz will transport to Thos. C. Emery,
two half lots of land, in the 2d einpolder of this
town, from the middle road to the backdam,
known as No. 33 and No. 34.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.

[Payable in advance.

No. 506.

â– & THK Lmuten* >d-*Jovernor lias been Pleased to
tnauc the folluning From! bins in the Militia :
be Maj >r,vice, E. I). Fraser,dec.
. .erherson, to be Adjutant, with the rank of
vice, Lewis Cameron, promoted.
< ccn rj’iroairn, to be Captan.*, vice, Thos. Fraser.
gone to Europe.
John Ross, to be Ist Lieutenant, vice, John Fair Fairbairn,
bairn, Fairbairn, promote-.!.
Pa'i i.-n. Q>:m, to be 2d Lieutenant, vice. John Ross,
7?y dlls Exct Henry's command,
1 . WRITE, Gov. Sec.
> r E. V 1) UE GFIICE.
A .* 1.. -mm/ the 7th oj June, will be told, by order and
9 ' ' ' ' ' ' if i). SiaaL Esq. on lot No. 16. the Es.
â– '' â– ' ' > sate J. E. Tiefael, Esr/., consisting in six
house boy, a washerwoman, a horse, a lull,
C <- .-cj, goats and pigs ; silver table spoons and
â–  ,r â–  chairs, bedsteads anti tns ; ressfs, sofas, an
■'••* • ■ or case, zctl h 24 cal gtuss bai it.., ; earthen and
/<'»•/«£■pskv »■, a good m mired tent ebrjaal,
■ .*»;.•<: . 00., a punt, wearing apparel, f:. —Also the
■' / re.niming stock uj gccT, : gned, viz.—
la i . and childrens shoes, per fine cloth
, i -:dl:» d; ■s- cs, strait bonnets, I. •.:hircaps,Jlanncl,
E â– tling yaps i, I. u.'y i,:, d j , bru .
ri' sal.n ‘ii in tio fags, Dutch herrings, cut glassware,
; aials > it!, glsteppers, zeillow hats, tool chests, sation.
: .-oriis, lavender aid honey water,
*tJ ks, saddles, bridles, curry combs,
in ::::r,r >. and t v::i-:ty cf Other
  • () .i die same day, by order t f Messrs. C. C. & Suring
    a. .1 11. Stud, qq. the E’er tors oj the i:.t» J. J, Stca Stcav.
    v. Stcav. Esq., ths aba k â– -! Estates II llundia and Zee Zee'
    ' Zee' • •'■■* 9 , ‘ i " ' •' M 48, ~ ’ ■ •■;/. • •’. er, cJ - ids town, a large
    f' :! $ a-:.: xfi -.’s, trgti.'.er • :t,i l;j d r spoons, 21 do.
    forks, *2 dr. s up dealers, G p : 4; > ms, 2 silver P rinted
    s eoruiS, gfa‘S,c:ire, efeg. d Chinaware, consisting in punch
    c t f.,i,s, tea i.a.l cgj .e, a id a complete tea
    seed 9.
    A. so orr tise save dz g and plac ,> , I'y e der of Messrs.
    J. L. Kip iy Co., 1 ‘ r eminder oj th. goods, w shout
    res 'rcc, vs.:. — ifaint oil, nails assvisd. ■ ar dies,
    •' a !’s Lort J'i : r..zt.ii • >:-t in hiids. gmitiemen dooihrng,
    Csuabargv, 'i! n -.: i,. d ck, negro blankets, st dimi-iry, de.
    JJ- » . CAaikitUN, De}-, i endue Master,
    N. P. Tie eminence at 11 o'clock yi tcise'y.
    On' aiur ‘ly the 11 h insi. will !.■«• so lat the ?■
    I• y kr of A. Me! ain, Esq. I \ rem
    stoc’. .. o; !h, Madeira \wtvk pip(“, Mids. and quarter c ssks, beer
    and porScr , j wouo ;.“■(! bottles, also hams, c!> • -se,
    potatoes of the 1. t iu portatiih!, ail which will be
    sold without n'scfvc.
    The side will cor ex ueo at J1 oh leek prcci-ely.
    1). '. ( ('N Deo. V"I J .ie >â–  T.
    On ’ ..■ ! » t'.e 1 •'ii instant, vuii be so! lon plan-
    tatio t i !•> 'e-vone, correntyn, by order of William
    Oo'Jgso::, 1. iruni 10 a-15 head ol cattle, amo ,, gst 1
    â– which are some fit oxon, a Hock of sheep, a chaise
    end h ; r j chaise horses, also household furni furniture,
    ture, furniture, cm.-.!:,.mg oi !>.‘d‘leads with curtains,feather
    hods, resies a::d countcrc oies. a sett of dining
    ’ io' . c.idi |’viiibroJ.e and joelette do., a. lady’s
    '< i !,c >â–  .: . drawers, ladies work tables, a pair sofas,
    < '.. w , a ircau, a (’it of drawers, a (linnet sett of
    ' me, a J..a,, tea sett, 2 Knife cases, table, desertand
    va spoon-., a Hsh knif', sundry articles of plate and
    :d i;.-.i-.avr. globe lamp-:, ivory handled knives and
    i nk.-, b;;>, :n stands, 2 (»d cloth c ’.rpets, 2 chamber
    do., a liquor case, side hoard, plate baskets, a col collect;
    lect; collect; mi ol books ai.d uiber articles.
    '.t'he t’jl ■ will coin: ■ice at 11 o’clock precisely.
    I). C. CA.ui t'ON D p. Vemlue Master.
    ( v > Thurfhy th(? loth i. stunt, will be told at the
    Vendu â–  (Hike, an assortment of goods, imported by
    the !-.>t arrivals: c.mAsting of beer and porter in
    bottles, I ' Lt- !i;.i brown stout in bhds., plantation
    tools, grind stows, naiis, boots and shoes, ladies
    dresses, ; . p, c . ;d.\ .-, gin and brandy pr. gallon,
    sheeting, ..'a. vary. T'C.
    On the ;e ,by order of R. Harper, 50 roads '
    of i.ii. f.-?. 1 the back dam towards the
    middle luii >, l.e>;.g ti e breadth of the half lot No. 4,
    with the ngiit of a road from the middle dam, in lots
    to suit puis baser .
    On the ; med.:y, will be sold 50 barrels of her herrings
    rings herrings and 1 1 h rtrcls of Jour.
    Al: o h v order of the Curators, to the Estate of the
    late R. I i.y. L;-<. a piece 01, part of lot N0.3,'
    fronting the middle, ami n.i joining the premises
    lately tile propm tyoi Met is Evan & Angus Fraser.
    D. C. C-k.’iLAu.k, J. y. I .. due Mftilr,

    • On VJ.mncsday the 22d iastanf, will b? sold by
    Bone & Co., London brown
    S.out m mids., Madeira wine in bottles and pipes,
    potato., s in hampers, mould candles, and a lew bar barrels
    rels barrels of Hour.
    On the same day, linen, hkfs., checks, Osnaburghs,
    codec and cotton bagging, tea in canisters, loaf sugar,
    beer and porter pr. dozen, beef and pork in half bar barrels,
    rels, barrels, a few crates of earthenware, coffee bags—also
    6 tierces of salt, N-c.
    D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
    — 1— i-jira ,
    rir.iT Fr.oci.A.vaTiox.
    LA virtue of two appointments from His Excel Excellency
    lency Excellency John '’ c n rav, Major-General, Lieutenant
    ( overnor ot the colony Berbicc audits Dependen Dependencies,
    cies, Dependencies, &c. &c. Arc.
    (named upon two petitions, presented by Thomas
    *y (, r Lny.Geld, versus, Simon Fraser, as together
    with.J.G C. de Nieuwerkcrkand John Bethune, the
    Attorney of \\ m. Gordon ; said oppointrm nts bear bearrng
    rng bearrng 1 tee undersigned, first Marshal of the Courts
    viihin this colony, intend to Sell at Public Execu Execution
    tion Execution Sale, in presence of two Councellors Commissa Commissaries
    ries Commissaries and their Secretary, on W ednesday the 15th of
    June, 181 J, on plant .’lions No. 41 and No. 79, both
    siiuatedon the Corenlinc coast of this colony, the
    following Negro slaves:
    George, Leah, Ashford,-.
    Diana, Affleck, Bob, Con r , ~ n ,
    tenement, Cadmin, Dnn- ff ,so s" on -
    can, Desdamiua, lihanor, ■ 2 ’ o ' corf.v/me.
    Sophy and her child.
    Cupid, Tilly, William,
    ii .Margareth, t u- tofesedd on Plantation
    pid, January, Helena and No. 79, cortniinc.
    , Al! conformable to the New Regulations of the
    | Court of Civil Justice of this colour, dated 20lh of!
    j August, 1813. ’ I
    VV hoover should tbmk to have any right, actio:i â– 
    or interest on ike aforenamed Slaves, and wishes to I
    oppose the Ex.-cutim: Sale thereof, let such
    address him -'t to me the undersigned, dcciu.-in,
    their reason for so doing in due time and form, as ’
    hereby give not ict.. that 1 will receive opposition from
    any intermediate person, appoint them a day toh.rv
    their claims heard bciore the Court, and liiriher *ct
    thereon as the Law directs.
    1 his first proclamation published aa customary
    Berbice, 29th May, ISI4.
    K. 1 RANCKEN, Tint 7Marshal.
    r 11: r procl .i nxi tiox.
    B t virtue of I our Appointments (hereafter to he
    specified) granted against plantation Lewis XLoior.
    No.Jce isb. ireby given, that. 1 the undersi-Ll,
    eiist â–  ir.JialoftheCmiJswithinthis coloriv, will
    bell at i-iibbc Execution Sale, in the month of l!iic
    IS!•>, (the.precise day afterwards notified thro’ the
    Gazette of this colony),
    T/ie cotton Estate ca’lrd T.t.ifis Ujnop, situate
    on the e.-st sea coast o ft/us colony, U l t/ t u y y s
    cidlivation, buildings, slaves,
    Whoever should think to haveany right, action or
    interest, on abovenamed plmta‘ion Lewis Manor,
    wishes to oppose the Execution Sale thereof, let such
    persons address themselves to the Marshal’s’office of
    this colony, declaring their reasons for so
    due time and form, as 1 hereby givenotice, that I w ill
    receive opposition from every one thereunto quali qualified,
    fied, qualified, appoint them a day to have his or her < laic. 1
    heard before the Court, and further act therein as
    the hw directs.
    This first proclamation published as
    Berbice, May 29, 1814. " J ’
    k. FRANCKEN, first Mnrkals.
    Specification of the appointments, in favor of Co Colb'.
    lb'. Colb'. F.lden, dalcrl ISth Jan. 1814 ; John W ulff 191 b
    beb. 1814; ami H. C. Ilintzen, 31st Jan. 1814.— -
    4 .’ranted by His Excellency H. \V. Bentinck, FL i.
    Lieutenant-Governor of the colony Berbice and its
    Dependencies, &c. &c. &c.
    And in favor of Win. Leach, 27th Sept. 1811
    granted by his Excellency the late Governor Robert
    Gordon. Berbice, 29th May, 1814.
    BA' virtue of two appointments from His Excel Excellency
    lency Excellency R. Gordon, Captain General, and Governor
    in Chief of the colony Berbicc and its Dependencies
    &c. &c. &c. ’
    (parted upon two petitions, both presented by
    J. L’akkcr, as one of the Representatives ofplan ofplantaiou
    taiou ofplantaiou La fraternity versus plantation Lewis Manar,

    the one appointment, b?armgdate the 10th Pebru Pebru-1812,
    -1812, Pebru-1812, both appointments being renewed on the <3
    April, 1813. ‘ ~' 3fl
    Notice is hereby given, that I the undersi«- n prl
    First Marshal of the Courts within this colony 0 /.
    Sell at Public Execution Sale, in the moot} Gs J, '
    1815, the precise day hereafter to be notific the Gazette of this colony. a â– 
    77m cotton Estate Lewis Manor, situate on t]
    cast sea coast of this colon ty with all its cultfa
    tion, slaves, buildings, AVhoever should think to have any right, nctioi?
    or interest, or aforementioned plantation" Le W i s \j. ’
    nor, and wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let sn.k
    persons address themselves to the Marshal’s Ofli C p
    declaring their reasons for so doing in due time -nJ
    form, as 1 hereby give notice, that I will receive on
    position from every one thereunto qualified, appnij.t
    them a day to have his or her claim heard before ihe
    Court, and further act thereon as the Law directs ”
    This first Proclamation, published as Customary
    Berbice, the 29th May, 1814.
    K. 1 kAi\(.KEN, First Marshal,
    BY virtue of an appointment from THs Exce’hn Exce’hncy
    cy Exce’hncy IL W. Bentinck, Esquire,
    nor of the colony Beibice ami its D< pendencies & c
    Ac. &C. 5
    I pon a petitimi of John HcCamon, versus. PFn-
    Hth Kb*!* kaid appointment bearing date
    is hereby given, that I the undersigned,
    .â– imt arshal of the( < (! rtsof this co! my, will Sell
    at I übhc Execution Sale, in the month of June, ISlo’
    the precise day hcreaffei to be notified through t'a
    uazette of this colony.
    Ihe Cotton Edate T riris X.fanar, situate on the
    Fast coast cflhisci lei y, with all its culiivAwy
    slaves, buildings, &c.
    iNhpever should think to have any right, action,
    er interest, onuloresa: I plantation Lewis Manor a-d
    whM-s to oppose the Execution Sale thereof,let sm h
    persons addres-themselves to the Marshal’s Oih. c,
    Os this colony, decl .rm : their reasons for so
    #:1( 1 ns ’ hereby give notice, that
    sr , , '’ r:v .’" 'k ’?<’• - I '-yii from everyone thereunto
    ju.l.mH by .aw,, p nnt them a day to liavehis or
    ; ' 1 h • K t ! >c Court, and further act
    thereon as the lav; <’iiects.
    1 fi pi... ’u jmblishcd as customary.
    Berbice, 291 h May, 1811.
    i•. I’ it A ACK EN, First Marshal.
    S UMM'i.X u 7EDICT.
    .. BY a PP‘>intmcnt from the Honorable
    .m;t ol ( iml J.: lie - <>( tuis colony, granted upon a
    petition Os Peter Fairbairn, as appointed Interim S’e S’eqn.-nntor
    qn.-nntor S’eqn.-nntor to the Ikfate of James Fraser, dec., dated
    2; th January, 1814.
    I the undersigned, First Mar Iml of the Conrh
    • Jhfs colony, and at the request of aforesaid P.
    1 airbain., qq.
    5u am on Z> y Ediet:
    (For the fourth time ex super abundanti.)
    All creditors or claimants on the Estate of James
    1 raser, dec., to give in their respective claims, in
    pmson orby proxy, before the Bar of the Court of
    ! -\ ! , | !s J* ce G * ’*iis colony, at their session which
    .fill be held m the month of July, 1814, to hear ob objections
    jections objections imide thereunto, if need, and further to pro pro nni-i in defaultjof being fur ever debarred their right
    I his Summon by Edict, (ex super abundanti) made
    .nomj to the public by beat of drum from the Court
    t oust* of this colony, »:rl further dealt with accord according
    ing according to custom.
    Berbice, the I6th of May, 1814.
    K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
    (Far more Marshal's advertissements, see the last page.)
    Tt -»■ ~ir 111 -—MB ■ > -111 JI u
    —• • **—
    Hatvriiay, Jua’l: 4, I#l4.
    It is a happiness which -we I’ttle expected to liaj« <•
    record on the Anniversary of oar Venerable Sovereign’s
    Birth-day, the compile a::d final overthrow of the com comuion
    uion comuion Disturber of the Peace of Europe, who after a aeries
    of losses, has been compelled to abdicate the Throne
    which he had usurped, and on which his fortune (as far
    as human foresight extended) appeared to have fixed him
    beyond the possibility of a removal.-—
    O thougtless mortals! ever blind to fate,
    To soon dejected, and to soon elate,
    Sudden, these honors shall be snatch'd array,
    And curs'd for ever this Viciomovis day.

    The 3d Battalion of the Burgher Militia, tinder the
    Command of Ma,or Schwiers, was inspected on their pa parade
    rade parade ground this morning, by His Excellency the Gover Governor;
    nor; Governor; the appearance of the 3d Battalion was highly
    creditable to the officers. Ihe corps hiving gone through
    the ordinary manoeuvres, with precision tired a Salute of
    three volleys, honor of the day.
    By an arrival from Demcrary this morning, we learn
    that the TYRANT of France has been obliged to abdicate
    the Throne of that Empire, which he has so long usurped
    to the misery of mankind in general, and is about to re retire
    tire retire to the Island of Elba, near the place of his nativity,
    on a pension.
    It is believed, that Louis the 18*I» is long ere this seated
    on the Throne of his ancestors, having been invited by
    the Provisional Government, by most of the town, in
    France; we may now soon expect a general Peace and Com Commerce,
    merce, Commerce, to bind the Nations in a Golden Chain, as the
    blockade of the I ports is taken off, and free inter intercourse
    course intercourse with England allowed.
    We further learn by the same opportunity, that the
    Utter , American Privateer, had not been heard of in De.
    merary since Thursday week, when shewasin Porneroon,
    and it is generally supposed that she is gone to the Orono,
    que. —It is much wished that our cruizers may be on the
    alert and retaliate the mischief we have suffered.
    The intelligent- â–  r dative to the great changes in Europe
    was brought by two Loudon vessels that arrived at Deme,
    rary with convoy la t «• k.
    Extract of ale-br from Madeira, dated 2*th April,
    ' 1811 —‘ The Pacl. t arrived on the 9.3 d, and has brought
    us the following intelligence—the Allies entered Paris on
    the3oth March, and it is reported that Bonaparte has ab absconded,
    sconded, absconded, no bod) knows wh re. Fifteen Provinces have
    hoisted the While Lord Well.ngton had ad.
    vanced considerably further than Bomdeaux. Twomore
    French frigates have b en taken and another destroyed,
    which leaves only one out of the t t that escaped from
    Fiance we have net fallen in with. Li a Paper of the 4th
    April, I secit is gene,ally believed in England (a pretty
    correct reportj, i'..;! t S'ite of Ma>;a. busetts had de.
    dared in favour of 1 g! ; d; and in a Public Assembly,
    had generally oppo J the measuivs of th ir Pcc. ident,
    Madison. Ancx* Iff. j.i hv.i ktEu ,1 ti.d f.-r the coa»t
    of America, which is supp rted to be meant for the Lakes
    in Canada, as the fi tines of tv. o I. igaks and a great
    number of shipwr. ,T.. ~ with :.”
    April 1, —Dispatches !i I. n r L. .1 from I.ord
    Wellington. Hr .u ’quart.-. .. .. d Imtnsmi ii * 20(h
    of March ; having pui . d tie t.iy ui-i .. i»a.ta ever
    since the memorabl • ■’e m • )rt'.<*. i t, it is added,
    as the French in: I r . . ... , .ichet’s di.
    vision from Spain, consi ting. of e . ih > British
    Field-Marshal had L* n i:u.;.t the n j , ~f r /
    Beresford from Bourdenix. I .’.vi r' t'.-.t t'.-vii however,
    in perfect seenrit . â– >th â–  w . <1; i<.ns th.n Lad taken
    place, it is supp<-«. it. ■ tk-e , t from eight to nine
    thousand men killed, a
    Extract or a L-iiei itom an Oltieer of iiauk iu Holland
    dated Rosendaal, Mm ch 9:— “A lew days j > we got a
    large supply of military store;-, w.'li a q.i ; nit-,
    of Congreve rockc* ■■, f'mie of win. : i were played <>ff u it’ii
    very tine effect from (he ramparts of V» ibiamstadt, 1 > pre presence
    sence presence of Sir T. Graham. All the formidable mate.-; j o:
    war moved on to the advance of our urmy, and v. . 1 c. iw .
    edarcccnt reinforcement of two fine rv.ieicms, the Ist
    Royals, and the *i-t. from Slralfund. livery one sir,),
    posed that anoth r att ic', on the fleet was immediately to
    take place, and we were niitr ipatinq the most favotitable
    results, when, tins moruiu-', the ariival of a number of
    wounded men gave us to un i., tend (hat the attack was
    made, not on Antwerp', but on b rg n-op-Zoom. Bcr.
    gen.op.Zoom is one of the fr<;ngi' i t towns in all Europe.
    We were encouraged to expect secrets, because it wa*
    known that the French garrison v. ish. d to evacuate it,
    and to throw its-k into Antwerp; a.l .11 that the tow n’s
    people were all in a inf ; ,t. Tlie Etifi-Ji aray, there therefore,
    fore, therefore, advanccil from ail c iiit.m in irs on tile Gth and
    7th, towards Antwerp, th ii. a-.i.quarters being at Kahn,
    hent. On the Bth, it suddenly marched to Fort Libuand
    Bergen. op-Zoom; all thee places only being a few hours
    march from each other. Th.: object proposed to Im at.
    tacked was given out to be Fort Lillo, which lies between
    Bergen and Antwerp. Ihe former, however, was only
    masked; and the real attack was made on Bergen on the
    same night. Bergen is on a rising ground or hill, the on.
    ly one in the country, protected by a marsh on the S. E.
    and watered by the little river Zoom, which is divided by
    dykes and canals. On the west it is washed by a branch
    of the Scheldt. The assault was made by two brigades,
    ’imultancously, on the north side, next Tholen, and on
    east. The Major. Gen. Skcrrctt commanded
    the attack. He had some time before broke his leg by a
    fall from his horse, from which he was not recovered. The
    other brigade was conducted by Major. Gen. Gore, Ist
    Guards, Ist Royals, and 44 th, with a detachment of the
    91»t. It traversed a frozcnmorals, cleared the empale.
    Ments andchevaux-de.frise, and scaled the ramparts; they
    actually got into the town undicovered. The other bri brittle,
    ttle, brittle, consisting of the 55th, G9th, and 33d, and some of
    fne 21st and 37th, also assaulted by escalade, but was
    Vigorously opposed. The enemy raised up the ladders from
    tactop of the ramparts with hooks, and dashed down the
    tneij oa the frozen ditches; the gates weruhowever forced

    open from the inside, and the greater part of the assailants
    entered. The garrison, though surprized, was not thrown
    into confusion: itiailied, iined the houses on each side the
    •street with musketry, an.l enfiladed them with grape-shot
    and howi'.zershells. TneG.mrds wercdiawn op, and pre prepared
    pared prepared to tire by platoons, w hen they w ere ordered to throw
    out their priming and to charge. They advanced at the
    />«.? de but they met nothing but showers ofgrape,
    canister-shot, and bullets. Almost all the brigade was laid
    prostrate; nor did the other brigade suffer less, though they
    only gained the ramparts ; in short, it was very like the
    Buenos Ayres business, only that no blame can possibly
    attach to our brave vet ia i Commiitder; in fact, nothing
    could be better planned tnaa the attack, or more heroical heroically
    ly heroically executed. The two leaders, Generals Gore and Sker Skerrelt,
    relt, Skerrelt, were literally piece d with balls —the first fell dead
    on the heaps of s am, bat Gen. Skerrett has survived.
    The corps began now to retreat ; but here the enemy feel,
    ing his strength and hi* vantage ground, shut the gates
    Many threw themselves over the ramparts, but the greater
    number remained in the town, killed, wounded, and pri prisoners.
    soners. prisoners. To intercept th? retreat, the French opened the
    sluices, which flooded the d\ kes over the ice. ’Three lines
    o' works and three courses of d.k s had the retreaters to
    pass under showers of round and grape, and shells, before
    they could be safe; yet, numbers of wounded men, with
    balls in their bodies, got over all; numbers were also
    drowned in the attempt. It was a moonlight night, but
    occasionally clouded ; no blur-lights, Ajc. were exhibited,
    but the aim was notless sure, nor the fire less des! ructive.
    Os about 150 ) nun engaged in the assault, it is said on only
    ly only 1500 escaped. We trust, however, the loss will turn
    out not so great. The enemy will boast of having taken
    two pair of colours, but (here was no honour lost—they
    wire lost only when their gallant defenders ceased to
    breathe. The enemy’s Gemral, wlim? name I have not
    yet learnt, behaved w ith urbanity, lie sent a flag of truce
    to propote giving up the worst wound J men, which pro proposal
    posal proposal was accepted, and between six and seven hundred
    were delivered to us at the Antwerp gate.”
    Blucher ’s retreat to Laon was tne consequence of a con conceited
    ceited conceited plan—Laon aiiorditig uiia of the finest positions for
    an army, it stands on a hill, and thus rendered his left
    almost impregnable, whilst his ii lit extended to the for fortress
    tress fortress of La Fere and the river Serre.
    By Die Ifon. Sir Aiex.indi.k, Knight of the
    l-fithy ! icee Admiral of the Red ttquudi en oj hts Ma Majesty's
    jesty's Majesty's Elect, and command rin Chief of his Majesty's
    ships and vessels employed and tn ie employed in the
    River St. Laitrcnce and along the (.'< isl ts Koea
    Scotiiiy the Islands of Anticost iy Madeluney Si. J Ain,
    and Caj e Isretony the Raj of Fundyy a id at and about
    Rermuda cr Sommer's and the Gulyli oj
    Mi.xtco t to the Tropis Cancery e>p. 6)C. bfc.
    Mhcrsas Adminl the Right Hon. Sir John Borlane
    A d. 1, by virtue of the power and author.ty to Mm
    given, by his Proclamation bearing date at Halifax t .lu 1G th
    day o.‘ iff vtinbcr, 1813, diclare that not only the ports
    :m; .• ns of the Che’am »ke, Delaware, New York,
    Ciiarlstoti, port, Sd>ann;ih, and t ie river MissA MissAsipi
    sipi MissAsipi i, in il.c L’r.H?d States of Am .ica. wi re arid still con.
    tinned in a stale of bio.l. de, but also a i that part of
    Long Island Sound, b ing the tia coast lying within
    Montnsk Point and the Point o land op os.tu thereto,
    omiaonly ca’led Black Point ; together witn all the ports,
    .irh 1 >:r , cr.iks, and enfianees of the North and East
    rivers of New i oik, as well avail oinwr the ports, creeks,
    and bays, along tiie s-a co-istof Lon-; L and and the Sta Stales
    les Stales of New \ ork, au.l ill the ports, tia.iioar*. rivers, and
    creeks, lying a; J bi-im* on the sea cox ts of the States of and \\ .st Jersey, Pcuns) van'.i, the lower countries
    on the D ' ware, Maryland, Vir imt, .North and South
    Carolina, Cmagia, a..d all i : e ? 11;. .nces from the aea to 3iiS*i»?i pi. weii el- ■ I f-'d :—And vyhereas,
    ince the institution of the aid bla< ksile, the enemy, avail availing
    ing availing himself of the suppiita whkb Im . -, been furnished by
    means of neutral commuiucation t rtauf.c ports and places
    of the l.’nited States, which were left u on and unrcstrict.
    rd, bath al ready fltad out numarous vessels of war, and
    is now engaged in and setting forth several
    ships of the line, as well as frigates and other armed ves vessels,
    sels, vessels, for the purpose of prosecuting the war with Gre.l
    Britain, and frustracting the obj.xt of the said Bloc Blockade
    kade Blockade -
    1 do therefore, by virtue of the power and authority in
    me vested, declare, in addition to the said ports and places
    blockaded as aforesaid, ail the remaining ports, harbours,
    bays, creeks, rivers, inlets, outlets, islands, and sea coasts,
    ot the said United States of America, from the Point of
    I.and commonly called Black Point to the Northern and
    Easthern boundarias, between the said United States and
    British Provinces of New Brunswick in America, to be in
    a state of strict and rigorous blockade. And Ido fnrtner
    declare, that 1 have stationed off the said ports and places,
    herein before mentioned, a Naval Force adequate to main maintain
    tain maintain the said blockade in the most rigorous and effective
    manner. And I do hereby require the respective Flag
    Officers, Captains, Commanders, and Commaridirg Cfli.
    cers, of his Majesty’s ships and vessels employed and to
    be ernplo ed on the North American Station, and all others
    whom it niay concern, to pay the strictest regard and at attention
    tention attention to the execution of this Proclamation. And Ido
    caution and forbid the ships and vessels of all and every
    Nation in peace and amity with the Crown of Great
    Britain, from entering and attemptir g to enter, or from
    coming out or attempting to come out of auy of tne said
    ports, harbours, bays, creeks, inlets, e; < it-.., LlatKi-, ami
    ceasU, after due Notification ol tba said blyck—ff,

    under any pretence whatever : And that no person m?y
    hereafter plead ignorance of this Proclamation, 1 iiave
    caused the same to be published.
    Given under my Hand at Bermuda, the 25th <’«y of
    April, 1814. Alexander Cochrane.
    To the respective Flag Officers, Captains, Com Commanders,
    manders, Commanders, and Commanding Officers, of his
    Majesty’s ships and vessels, empla , • .1 and to
    be employed on the North Amciican Station,
    and all whom it may concern.
    By command of the Vice-Admiral
    Wm. Balhetchet Secy.
    By the Hon. Sir Alexander. CocnitANE, K. B. I'i -e.
    Admiral of the Rcdy and Commander in Chief of /;•?
    Majesty's ships and vessels upon the North American
    S tat ion y
    Whereas it has been represented to tne, that many per persons,
    sons, persons, now resident in the United States, have ex pr:-s .1
    a desire to withdraw therefrom, with a view ofente. .
    into his Majesty’s service, or of being expressed as free
    settlers into some of his Majesty’s Colonies;
    This is therefore to give Notice,
    That all those who may be disposed to cmigate from the
    United states, will, with their Families, be received on
    board of his Majesty’s ships or vessels of war, or at C;e
    Military Posts tnat may be established upon or n. r t’.u
    Coasts of the United States, w.ien they will have th; Ir
    choice of cither euiwiing into his Majesty’s sea or land
    Forces, or of being sent as FREE Settler.--, to the Brit; <
    possessions in North America or the West indies, wh r?
    they will meet with al! due encouragement.
    Given under my Hand at Bermumi, this *..l div off
    April, 1811. Alexander Cochra xe.
    By command of the Vice. Admiral,
    \V:.i. Balmetchet, Secy.
    Bonaparte's Answer to the Address of the French Le Legislative
    gislative Legislative Body.
    “I have prohibited the printing of your Adres? : i • ?
    seditious. Eleven-twelfths of the Legislative :. od) c -
    sist of citizens. I know and respect th. .u. 1
    other twelfth contains rebels and bad citizens, a. J yo r
    Committee is amongst the number. (This i uu. < • .
    consisted of Messrs. Laine. Rainonard, Gallois, Mu -e,
    J.e Bryant, and FLnqucrgi's). Laine is a trabo.- v>!,.»
    corresponds with the Prince Regent through the
    of Desfzc; I know it, and have proofs; the 01;.four
    are seditious persons. This twelfth consists of men uh >
    wish for anarchy, and are like the Girondists.
    ‘‘Whither did such condcct lead Virxgniaud and *Lc
    other Chiefs ? Io the scaffold! At t iis moment, wlh*
    wc have to drive the enemy from our frontiers, it is o ‘
    time to desire changes in the Cons itutiun. J\ t . 2
    -iio 1 ;: ! toilo-.v the example of Alsace, Fr.mciie Comte, t
    th? \ o ihe miuib:tants apply to me for arms at .*
    Officers, and I have sent them some Adjutants. Yu (t ;ills
    not (he representatives of the nation, but the D? ,uucs f
    tiie Departments. I called you around me to obtain >t;
    poit from you, not because 1 want for courage, but b c _
    cause I hoped that the Legislative Body wonks increase t y
    courage. Instead of this it has deceived me. Instead of
    the good I expected of it, it has done mischief; a small
    mischief indeed, because it could not do a greater. Y O :t
    seek in your address to separate the Sovereign from the
    nation ; I alone am the true Representative of the people -
    and which of you would to take on himself this burthen i
    ihe t.urone is but apiece of wood covered with velvet. I
    1 alone am the true Representative of the peoole. I’ 1
    would follow you, J should give up to the enemy more
    than he himself requires.—ln three months you will Lava
    peace, or I shall be annihilated. But new energy 1 is 11
    cessary ; I will go after the enemy, and beat them. Tha
    moment when Huningeii isbombaided, and Befort attack attacked,
    ed, attacked, is not the proper one io complain of the Uonslituti ni
    of the Empire, and the abuse of the Executive Power.
    The Legislative Body is but a part of the State, and can cannot
    not cannot be compared even with the Senate and the Council of
    State. lam at the head of the nation, because you ai l
    prove the Constitution, as it is. Should France’ rcimiim
    another Constitution, which 1 did not like, 1 should thlii
    say look for another Sovereign. The enemy is nine!; .tkh iv
    incensed against me than agam-t France ; but shall i fol .
    this reason allow myself to tear the Empire in pieces ?
    Yes, I make pretensions, because I have done France.
    “Your address is unworthy of me and of the Legislative
    Body, and puts the nation to the b ush. Retu n , " o
    homes, and be assured, (hat even if i should be wrong, it
    is not your business publicly to reproach me for it. }’ ur
    the rest, France wants me.more than i want Fiance ”
    A Morning Paper says, that “it is confidently stated that
    a Treaty of Alliance had been en* red into between Austria
    Prussia, Russia, amt England, for twenty ) ears, by
    the High Contracting Poweis bind themselves, in ihe . i . , t
    of a Treaty of Peace with France, to preserve the balance of
    power in Europe, and to protect each other in their territo
    rial possessions which at such peace may be und r the d >-ui'
    monos eacn power; and for thepurposeofguarantcemg the
    Slime, t;;e High Coni .-acting Parties on tiie Continent Lin J
    themselves, v.uen called upon, to have r . ady to t ike tlm
    held, J S(),Ot;U men each, wi* hin a given tiini- • ! • • jj• * ,
    assist the Allies as speudilj U3 { ui... '.y oLlffous If

    Mr. SMALLEY begs leave to inform his Subscri Subscribers,
    bers, Subscribers, and the Gentlemen and Ladies, both of
    Berbice and Corentyn Coasts, that his
    w ill take place on Monday Evening the \3th of June,
    1814, at the above place; on which occasion, he
    Mr. S. will introduce to his most repectable audience,
    the most celebrated Songs as sung by Messrs. Bra Braham,
    ham, Braham, IxcLEnoN, Dignum, Kelly, FaSTCET,
    and Irish Johnson, viz.
    Kais or Love on the Mountains, —■with a Recitative
    and Air. (composed by Btinarn.)
    The Thorn, —as sung by Incledon in his entertain entertainment,
    ment, entertainment, called Vane The Death of Lord Viscount Nelson, —England ex expect
    pect expect every Man to do his Duty.
    Said, a Smile to a Tear, —as sung and composed by
    Bi ah am.
    To conclude the first part, and by particular desire,
    the Comic Song as sung by Mr Fawcet, called,
    Lobsky and his Ugly Wife, or Fishing in Troubled
    No More shall Sonow Chacc My Heart, — Polacre,
    (composed by Braham.)
    Comic Song, called
    The Farm Yard, or Pigs sqeeking, Wheels creaking,
    Cart whips cracking, Turkies gobbling, Carters
    «quabling, Rooks cooing, Plough boys jawing,
    Horses neighing, Donkies braying, Cocks crow crowing,
    ing, crowing, Oxen'Hollowing, Dogs barking, Noah’s ark,
    as sung by Mr. Fawcet, in the Popular Farce
    of Love Laughs at Lock Smiths.
    Far Far at Sea or Tossed on the Billows, —Sung by
    Incledon, Dignum, Kelly, &c.
    Sprigs of Shillelah, —An Irish Song, sung by Mr.
    Johnson, at Drury Lane Theatre, with unbound unbounded
    ed unbounded applause, in the Opera of Family Quarrels.
    Honey and Mustard,— Or matrimony with Sweets
    and Sours.
    To conclude, by particular desire of several Gen Gentlemen,
    tlemen, Gentlemen, with th- Song, called.
    What’s a Woman Like.
    Admittance f 22.
    Tea, Co fee, Chocolate, Lemonades, Sangries, Sand Sandwiches,
    wiches, Sandwiches, <.yc. will be served up.
    Mr. S M alley will feel himself highly honored, if
    the Gent ’emen and Ladies, who intend visiting
    the Concert, will subscribe their names and the
    number o f Tickets wanting.
    fir Tickets to be had of Mr. Smalley, on Planta Plantation
    tion Plantation Liverpool; and at the Gazette Office, New
    The Doors to be opened at 6 and the Commencement at 7
    o'clock precisely.
    NB. If the weather should not permit on that Even Evening,
    ing, Evening, it will be postponed until the following
    Berbice, May 21, 18H.
    Fifteen bales of good clean cotton will be sold
    among the creditors of plantation Letterkeney, to
    the highest bidders—the sale to take place at the
    store of Messrs. Douglas Reid & Co., on the 15th of
    June, at 12 o’clock. Wm. LAWSON.
    21 May. Trustees.
    Thirty bales of good clean cotton will be sold to
    t he highest bidder among the creditors of plantation
    Bloomfield, at the store of Douglas Reid & Co., on
    Wednesday the 15th of June next, at 12 o’clock.
    Wm. LAWSON,
    21 May. C. DOUGLAS,
    ALL those who have any demand against, or are
    indebted to the late J. E. Tieboel, Esq. dec. are
    requested to render their claims, and to make pay payment
    ment payment to Mr. H. Staal, New Amsterdam.
    21 May. Deliberating Executrix.

    Offers for Sale, the following articles, at his Stere
    in front of the NeW Town's Tavern, on moder moderate
    ate moderate terms, for immediate payment.
    PRIME mess beef in half barrels, Yorkshire hams
    pine, double, and shingle Gloster cheese, split peas,
    pearl barley in jugs, Bristol tripe, Irish potatoes in
    hampers, salade oil, draft porter inbhds., Port, Ma Madeira,
    deira, Madeira, and claret per pipe and hhd.,old rum incasks,
    rose and lavender water in pint bottles, printed cali calicoes,
    coes, calicoes, gentlemen dress, half do., and buckled shoes,
    ladies fancy do. do., boys, girls, and children do. do,
    raspberry vinegar, stationary assorted, tiped & plain
    concorded flutes, knives and forks with carvers, best
    plated table arid tea spoons, fish kettles, sauce pans
    with covers, sets of dish covers, mclion moulds, stew
    pans, Japanned tumblers, egg codlcrs, table bells,
    sugar boxes, sailor’s pots, horn and glass laidhorns,
    ink stands, large Dutch ovens, ladies scissars, chests
    and cupboard locksand hinges, white chapel needles
    and thimbles, steel palm needles, pen and pocket
    knives, round boltts, Bucks looking glassess, sweep sweeping
    ing sweeping brushes, crates of Queens wares assorted, tooth
    brushes, bridles anti saddles, portable co the hi ’•ging,
    cotton bagging and coffee bags. 21 May.
    The Ship ELISABETH.
    Thos. Langeiuck, Master.
    Is ready to receive her cargo, and will sail with
    the first convoy, for freight apply to
    23 April. A. A. de la COURT.
    Tuk Brig MINERVA.
    Is ready U Vibe in her cargo, and will posi positively
    tively positively sail with he first convoy, fur freight apply to
    23 April. A. A. de la COURT.
    Tup. Brig KLPHA.
    â– wfaiK D. Vc Cornnick, Waster.
    To sail with the June convoy; for freight or passage
    apply to
    7 May. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
    BY virtue of an appointment from the Hono r able
    Court of Civil Justice of this colony, granted upon a
    petition, presented by John Tapin and Peter ’’-rir ’’-rirbairn,
    bairn, ’’-rirbairn, in their capacity as Sequestrators 'or PE. Na Nation
    tion Nation YEOVIL, the late property of Dudley \\ ade,
    said appointment bearing date 26th January, 18'4.
    I the undersigned, First Ma: ual of the Courts
    within this colony, and at the instance ofaforeaid Se Sequestrators,
    questrators, Sequestrators,
    Summon by Eli t:
    All claimants on the proceeds of phntstioi Yeovil,
    cum annexis, sold at Ex tut ion S«k.
    To appear before the Court of Civl Justice of this
    colony, at their .session which will be held in the
    month of July 1814, there to exhibit and verify
    their claims, see the same objected to, if need, ami
    further to proceed according to Law.
    Whereas after the fourth Summon by Edict, the
    Court will proceed to decide on the preferent anil
    concurrent right of claimants, on pain to all such as
    remain in default to exhibit their claims, of being for
    ever debarred of their right of claim.
    This Summon by Edict, made known to the public
    by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony,
    and further dealt with according to custom.
    Berbice, 20th May, 1814.
    K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
    BY virtue of an appointment from the Honorable
    Court of Civil Justice of this colony, granted upon a
    petition, presented by the Board for Orphans and
    unprovided Estates, bearing date the 16th Novem November
    ber November 1813. I the undersigned, at the request of afore aforesaid
    said aforesaid Board, do hereby Summon by Edict:—Al! per persons
    sons persons having or pretending to have any claim or right
    on the Estate of the late Robert Mitchell, to appear
    before the Court of Civil Justice of this colony, at
    their session in the month of July, (in the year one
    thousand eight hundred and fourteen,) say 1814, for
    the purpose of there delivering in their claims, see
    the same objected to, should it be necessary, ami to
    witness, after the fourth Edictal Summon, the
    Court’s decision as to the preft rent and concurrent
    right of claimants, on pain to such as remain in de default
    fault default of being for ever debarred their right of claim.
    This Summon by Edict, made known to the public
    by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony,
    and further dealt with according to custom.
    Berbice, the 15th February, 1814.
    K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.

    BY virtue of an appointment from the Honorable
    Court of Civil Justice of this colony, granted upona
    petition, presented by Thomas Fryer Layfield and
    Robert Douglas, as Curators to the Estate of John
    Ross, dec., and of James Sinclair, as Cȣ,.Uor to the
    Estate of John Sinclair, dec., under datTof 29th Ja.
    nuary 1814. I the undersigned, at the request of
    aforesaid Curator, do hereby Summon by Edict:—
    for the fourth time ex superabundant, all creditor
    or claimants on the late firm of Ross and Sinclair, ot i
    plantation Nigg, situate within this colony, or on |
    the separate Estates of John Ross and James Sinclair, 1
    to give in their claims in person, or by proxy, before I
    the Bar of the Court of Civil Justice, at their session
    which will be held in the month of July, 1814, there
    to hear the objection made thereto, if necessary, and
    further to proceed according to Law, on pain to alt 1
    such who remain in default, of being for ever debar,
    red their right of claim.
    This Summon by Edict, made known to fbe public
    by beat of drum from the Court House of tins colony,
    and further dealt with according to custum.
    Berbice, the I6th I ebruary, 1814.
    K. FRANCK r'.N, First V arsahl.
    BA” virtue of an appointment from the Honorable
    Court of Civil Justic ofthis iolony, granted uponi
    petition, presented by th»* Board for Orphans and
    unprovided Estates, bearing date the 16th Novem.
    her IS 13. 1 the iindersigicd, at the request ofafore.
    said Board, do hen’a Summon by Edict:—All per persons
    sons persons having, <>r | ret‘nd i:i on the Estate of Alexander Houston and Hugh Hous Houston
    ton Houston or plantation Mary’sburg - , negroes and other ap appnrtvnances,
    pnrtvnances, appnrtvnances, to appear before the Court of Civil Jus Justice
    tice Justice of this colony, at their session in the mouth of
    July, (in the year one (h-msand eight hundred and
    fourteen,) say IM4, tor the purpose of there deliver deliverin
    in deliverin 'in their claino. s-e the •amc objected to, should
    i* be necessary, and to witness, after the fourth
    Ed clal Summon, the ;ir*'s decision as to the pre preferent
    ferent preferent and concurien* rights <>f claimants, on pain to
    such as remain in default, of being for ever debarred
    their right cl »m.
    This on ov ’’lie!. unde known to the public
    by beat ol drum Hr i ‘be < ‘ourt [louse of this colony,
    and further deal ,i‘i’ unit ’<<• Berbice, (he 15(li F< b tt.iry, 1814.
    K. FA AXv. a iN, First Marshal.
    J U N E.
    iT m.
    Full f10rin ....*2.... 9.... 23.... Evening.
    Fust Quart ... I i.... 0.... Jj.... morning.
    Neve M00n ... 17... .7... .40.... Evening.
    First Q tart .. 24... .0....41.... uftcrn00n.
    — . — — „ ,j,.. „
    I W
    9 T
    .3 F Sprin? Tides.
    4 * King Geo. HI. born, 1738.
    sjßu Trinity Sand. Duke of Cumb. born. 1771.
    ‘ ’ V
    10 F
    1 1 S Os. Barnabas. Neap Tides,
    p ' Is/ Sunday after Trinity.
    14 1’
    15 W
    if 1’
    I7[F St. Alban. Spring Tides,
    is's 1 °
    19 Su Sunday after Trinity.
    2() Al I rial of Edw. K. of \v . Sax.
    I JI T ; Sun enters Cancer.
    2? W
    2.' T
    St. John Babtist. Neap Tides-
    96 foi 3d Sunday after Trini'y.
    27 M
    28 T
    29 W St, Peter.
    30 T
    .. ..â– MWMMMWWWMWafa.
    THE Charter of the Colony Berbice, Manners of
    the Pioceedings, in the Courts of Civil Justice, both
    in the English and Dutch Languages, several kiuds
    of Paper, Quills, Wavers, &c.
    ™ — u 1 'tay
    Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, p. ar.
    By W. SCHULZ & Co.
    Privileged Government Printers.



  • Full Text

    PAGE 1

    1814.) BERBICE Twelve dollars p. annumJ] NOTIFICATION. JBECbrnnHind of His Excellency the Governor, and the Honorable Court o f Policy and Criminal Justice of the colony Berhice. ALL Proprietors or Representatives of Estates, ¦within the colony Bcrbice, having Negro Slaves employed as Pioneers on the Fortifications of Fort St. Andrew, and drawing allowances from the colony for the hire of such Negroe or Negroes, are informed that the customary Hire heretofore paid by the Civil Government tor such Pioneer Negrocss will ceflsron theSlstdav of July, 1814, —on which day the Proprietors or Representatives of Estates are required to withdraw their Negroes; it being further publicly notified that no Hire will be allowed for any such Negro nr Negroes, on any pretext, from and after the dare of the .‘J I st July, 1814. Ap| lication for Orders for the delivery of the said Negroes, to be marie to the Colonial Secretary, from the 28th tothe 31st of July, 1814. By command of Hie Court. R. C. DO A -.IL • pROCLAM^ TION BF His Excellency the Governor, an I the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal J usiuf, ths c«A. ny IC i I'ice. To all to whom these presents may or shall cine; Gri eting ! Be it known : WHEREAS by our Proclamation b< .'ir’ng dat ¦ the :’d of .Inly, i' 10, Permission was given a-.:! grarZed to ail bdiaLuanfs of this col-ia ~ h> ', : toDemerary, Surnpm, or i::y of the PhitLb ’-.lauds ur Colonies in the Westndi s, or els -here, such Horned Cattle, Calves, Sheep, and Ccgs, as they might think pro ¦ r, on paying previous oany such Exportation to the Reviver of the Petty Anns (he small d‘d\ v i.ich would he paid, if the ssid catlie were slaiiehicied I 1 colony, namely, three ganders | e» head Gr horned cattle, and one. guilder p. i head for v sheep, and hogs. And whereas cireti I'st.mci i »c ; ;J< ¦ (I ,l m cessary that the reMr ic attendant tin >'.id permission lor Exportation should be again ws hdruii. Be it therefore I aown that 11 e reductions on the I.'xooria'i hi to I <-.h r ;ry, Surinam, or any of the Erni.'h Islands or Co < ie> in the West Indies, of Horned cat'!.' , c.dv. and h gs, are from henceforth w .th Ira an, and lhe free Exportation of the same allowed. A :d in order that all and every Inhabitant may be acquaint d therewith, these presents shall be punted and published as Customary. Thus enacted in our Assembly, held at the Court House, in New Amsterdam, Berhice, this 12th Day of January, 1814, present His Excellency H. W. Bf.ntinck, Lit u'cnan'-Govenior, ami the Honorable Members L. C. Abbcnsets, John McCamon, Js. Eraser, P. Fairbairn, A. J. Glasius, and G. Munro. By command of the Court. ‘ R. C. DOWNER, Aecy. And published on the 10th May, 1811, present. His Excellency the Governor. By command, R. C. DOWNER, Sec. ALlxilN STEWART & €o. Offer for Sale al their Store, adjoining that of Messrs. Hencry and Taylor, the following Goods on moderate terms, fovimnicdint<¦ payment. SCOTCH and pearl barley, Bristol tripe, mustard, pickles assorted, Hessian boots, jockey ditto, planters shoes, dress do., ladies slippers, silk, beaver, and willow hats, stationary assorted, gentlemen cotton hose, ladies do., blue and green bordered tablicours, supperfine broad cloths, Welch flannel, Irish linen, cotton rugs for negroes, Indian shades, beer and wine glasses, decanters and rummers, buttons assorted, Britania metal tea and coffee pots, Japajied , tea caddys, Japaned waiters, plated candle sticks, snuffers and trays, knives and forks, decanter stands, scissars, pocket books, iron pots, pale ale in bottles, dryed ox tongucs, &c. —4th June. forsale AN excellent and handsome chesnut Mare, she is h pleasant riding animal, and perfectly steady in harness, price 50 Joes.——Enquire of the Printer. 4 June. No. 506. GAZETTE. [Payable in advance. Ginghams, platillas, calicoes, Britannias, pul. hkfs.. Toweling, d’oyleys, sadlery, & stationary. Brass vats & small cocks, whipsaws, & files, Falling axes, & carpenters tools, Cotton & coffee bagging, seine & sewing twine, Ready made clothes, and corn mills, Setts of shoe brushes, house brooms, &c. 28 May. DOUGLAS REID & Co, SECRETAR Fs NOTICE. All persons who may hava any claims or defnandt of whatever kind, against the late Firm of Angus Ftaser & Co. Evan & Angus Fraser & Co. Fraser Cambells & Co. or against Evan & Angus Fraser, Angus I'raser, deceased, or Evan Fraser. Are hereby required, at th i stan -e of the aforesaid Evan Fraser, Partner of the above Firms, for himself, and representing his deceased Brother Angus Fraser, to furnish him with statem *nts thereofwhhout delay, inorder that they may be immediately settled. Rerbice, 28th May. R. C. DOWNER, WIIERE/iS the following person has addressed herself to the Hon. Court of Policy, of this colony, for Letters of Manumission : The mulatto woman Catharine Richards, assisted by A. F. Ficher, for herself. Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it may concern, ami who may wish to oppose the grant of said Letters of Manumission, that they may address themselves in writing to the Secretary of tho colony, previous to the next Sessions of the Hon’bltf Court, when a final disposition will be made on the aforesaid Petition. Secretary Office, Berhice, May 28. R. C. DOWNER, Secy ] This is to inform the Public, that the fallotting pcr» sons intend quitting this Colony. Wilson Taylor with the next convoy. A. Krieger with the.lune or July convoy. C. Molrnaar in 6 weeks from 25 May. J. r Schollevanger for Barbados by the first opportunity. 1 r W. Dodgson, family and one servant, with the June convoy. R. C. DOWNER, Secy. NOTICE is hereby given, that u month after date tho following Transports and Mortgages will be passed. May 14, David Carnegie will transport to Geo. Bagot, the western half of tot No. 26, west Corentyn coast, known there as Plantation Nurney. Geo. Bagot will transport to Th. Wade, the western half of lot No. 26, west Corentine coast known there as Pin. Nurney. Thomas Wade will pass a mortgage for the purchase money of Pin. Nurney, or western half of lot No. 26, west Corentinc coast, to be vested on the said estate Nurney, as also on 8 Negroes, named Change, Prince, Adam, John, Howe, Cato, Little Prince, Little Present, and further a second Mortgage in favor of Geo. Bagot, to be vested on 32 Negroes, names to be. seen at this Office. June 4. W. Lobban, will transport to M. Jaffray,the negroes: George, Tancred, Sam, Sandy, and Harry, and the said M. Jaffray, w ill at the same time execute a first mortgage in favor of the said W. Lobban, on the negroes above named, and on the following negroe s, viz. George. William. Ben, James, and John. V/Schulz will transport to Thos. C. Emery, two half lots of land, in the 2d einpolder of this town, from the middle road to the backdam, known as No. 33 and No. 34. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. SATURDAY, JUNE 4. COMMISSARIAT OFFICE, Bcrbice, 2d June, 1814. Cash wanted for the following Government Bills, viz No. No. for which Tenders will be received at this Office. H. HENDY, Dep. Act. Com. Gen. FOR SALE A young Barbadian Negro, a complete Tailor ; for particulars apply to Mr. A. Stewart, in New Amsterdam, or to the subscriber. 4 June. Wm. ROBERTSON. K i NGS a GE n ( 7y; TWO or three days after the arrival of the next Guiana Packet, will be disposed o! by Tenders of Bills, together amounting to £ 900 Sterling, to such amounts, as will be required, at 90 days sight on Z. Macaulay, Esq. the Secretary to the Commissioners for the Crown Property in South America, drawn by • v Mr. A. A. de la Court, Principal Agent for the s' . ’•operty. The time for Tendering will be fixed ? it-r tl.c Packet’s arrival, ami stuck up at the Post •. The 'fenders to be sent to Mr. A. A. de la Court —Jcrhice, 28th May, 1814. WANTED, ICR a cotton Estate, on ihe west coast oft; is comay, an Overseer who can be well recommended; i liberal salery will be given.—Application to be made to Mr. R. McKLNZIE, in New Amsterdam. 28 May. ~M EDECI NES, FOR sale, a valuable assortment, peculiarly suitable to this climate, being of the best quality, prepared and put up at Apothecaries Hall, London, for exportation to Demcrary : the same will be sold at a reasonable advance for Cash, or Bills of Exchange. Should no acceptable offer be received early ; they will then be reta.hd in such small quantities, as may accomodate families, or individuals. 28 May. M. LINDNER. ~FOR SAIX THE Land and Buildings forming a part of Lot No. 3, First Ein polder; for fur the i particulars apply to 28 May. K. FRANCKEN. TENDERS for COTTON?" THE Sequestrators of plantation Nigg, offer for sale by Tenders, 40 bal s of cotton, to be delivered • t the house of Messrs Henery and Taylor, and paid for in < ish ; the highest offer, for which will, if approved of, be accepted, and Tenders opened on the Sth of June next.—2Bth May. FOR A handsome Carricle and pair of Horses, who are in complete match, in high condition and prefectly sound, they are well worth the attention of any Gentleman, who may be in want of an article of this description—for further particulars enquire of Lieut. Downie, at Fort St. Andrew.—2Bth May. FOR SALE ~ By the Subscriber, the following goods, just landed from the Alf/'j, from Glasgow. Fresh flour in barrels, London porter and pale ale in hhds. and bottles, Port wine, Mess beef fc pork in whole and half barrels Pease, barley, and oatmeal in jugs, Spermaceti and tallow candles, Soap, paints & oil, Sets of ivory handled green & plain knives & forks, Pruning & glasp knives, Hoes, shovels, cutlasses, and nails assorted, Glass & tin ware, Setts of earthen ware, Tar in barrels, canvas, and cordage assorted, Osnaburgs & salempores, Negro clothing & iron pots, Ladies & gentlemens gloves, boots 3c shoes. Planters shoes, Irish linen & sheeting, Beaver, silk, and Japanned hats, THE

    PAGE 2

    Eehbice. ¦&d-*Jovernor lias been Pleased to tnauc the folluning From! bins in the Militia : lid. BATTALION. be Maj >r,vice, E. I). Fraser,dec. . .erherson, to be Adjutant, with the rank of vice, Lewis Cameron, promoted. Vth. COMP.AW, n 1. BATTALION. < ccn rj’iroairn, to be Captan.*, vice, Thos. Fraser. gone to Europe. John Ross, to be Ist Lieutenant, vice, John Fairbairn, promote-.!. Pa'i i.-n. Q>:m, to be 2d Lieutenant, vice. John Ross, promoted. 7?y dlls Exct Henry's command, 1 . WRITE, Gov. Sec. t-.. > r E. V 1) UE GFIICE. PUBLIC VENDUES. A .* 1.. -mm/ the 7th oj June, will be told, by order and 9 ' ' ' ' ' ' if i). SiaaL Esq. on lot No. 16. the Es. ¦'' ¦' ' > sate J. E. Tiefael, Esr/., consisting in six house boy, a washerwoman, a horse, a lull, C <.-cj, goats and pigs ; silver table spoons and ¦ ,r ¦ chairs, bedsteads anti tns ; ressfs, sofas, an ¦'••* • ¦ or case, zctl h 24 cal gtuss bai it.., ; earthen and /<'»•/«£¦pskv »¦, a good m mired tent ebrjaal, ¦ .*»;.•<: . 00., a punt, wearing apparel, f:. —Also the ¦' / re.niming stock uj gccT, : gned, viz.— la i . and childrens shoes, per fine cloth , i -:dl:» d; ¦scs, strait bonnets, I. •.:hircaps,Jlanncl, E ¦tling yaps i, I. u.'y i,:, d j , bru . ri' sal.n ‘ii in tio fags, Dutch herrings, cut glassware, ; aials > it!, glsteppers, zeillow hats, tool chests, sation. : .-oriis, lavender aid honey water, *tJ ks, saddles, bridles, curry combs, in ::::r,r >. and t v::i-:ty cf Other
  • ms, 2 silver P rinted s eoruiS, gfa‘S,c:ire, efeg. d Chinaware, consisting in punch c t f.,i,s, tea i.a.l cgj .e, a id a complete tea seed 9. A. so orr tise save dz g and plac ,> , I'y e der of Messrs. J. L. Kip iy Co., 1 ‘ r eminder oj th. goods, w shout res 'rcc, vs.:. — ifaint oil, nails assvisd. ¦ ar dies, •' a !Â’s Lort J'i : r..zt.ii • >:-t in hiids. gmitiemen dooihrng, Csuabargv, 'i! n -.: i,. d ck, negro blankets, st dimi-iry, de. JJ» . CAaikitUN, De}-, i endue Master, N. P. Tie eminence at 11 o'clock yi tcise'y. On' aiur ‘ly the 11 h insi. will !.¦«• so lat the ?¦ I• y kr of A. Me! ain, Esq. I \ rem stocÂ’. .. o; !h, • -se, potatoes of the 1. t iu portatiih!, ail which will be sold without n'scfvc. The side will cor ex ueo at J1 oh leek prcci-ely. 1). '. ( ('N Deo. V"I J .ie >¦ T. On Â’ ..¦ ! » t'.e 1 •'ii instant, vuii be so! lon plantatio t i !•> 'e-vone, correntyn, by order of William Oo'Jgso::, 1. iruni 10 a-15 head ol cattle, amo ,, gst 1 ¦which are some fit oxon, a Hock of sheep, a chaise end h ; r j chaise horses, also household furniture, cm.-.!:,.mg oi !>.‘d‘leads with curtains,feather hods, resies a::d countcrc oies. a sett of dining Â’ io' . c.idi |Â’viiibroJ.e and joelette do., a. ladyÂ’s '< i !,c >¦ .: . drawers, ladies work tables, a pair sofas, < '.. w , a ircau, a (Â’it of drawers, a (linnet sett of ' me, a J..a,, tea sett, 2 Knife cases, table, desertand va spoon-., a Hsh knif', sundry articles of plate and :d i;.-.i-.avr. globe lamp-:, ivory handled knives and i nk.-, b;;>, :n stands, 2 (»d cloth c Â’.rpets, 2 chamber do., a liquor case, side hoard, plate baskets, a collect; mi ol books ai.d uiber articles. '.t'he tÂ’jl ¦ will coin: ¦ice at 11 oÂ’clock precisely. I). C. CA.ui t'ON D p. Vemlue Master. ( v > Thurfhy th(? loth i. stunt, will be told at the Vendu ¦ (Hike, an assortment of goods, imported by the !-.>t arrivals: c.mAsting of beer and porter in bottles, I ' Lt!i;.i brown stout in bhds., plantation tools, grind stows, naiis, boots and shoes, ladies dresses, ; . p, c . ;d.\ .-, gin and brandy pr. gallon, sheeting, ..'a. vary. T'C. On the ;e ,by order of R. Harper, 50 roads ' of i.ii. f.-?. 1 the back dam towards the middle luii >, l.e>;.g ti e breadth of the half lot No. 4, with the ngiit of a road from the middle dam, in lots to suit puis baser . On the ; med.:y, will be sold 50 barrels of herrings and 1 1 h rtrcls of Jour. Al: o h v order of the Curators, to the Estate of the late R. I i.y. L;-<. a piece 01, part of lot N0.3,' fronting the middle, ami n.i joining the premises lately tile propm tyoi Met is Evan & Angus Fraser. D. C. C-k.Â’iLAu.k, J. y. I .. due Mftilr, • On VJ.mncsday the 22d iastanf, will b? sold by Bone & Co., London brown S.out m mids., Madeira wine in bottles and pipes, potato., s in hampers, mould candles, and a lew barrels of Hour. On the same day, linen, hkfs., checks, Osnaburghs, codec and cotton bagging, tea in canisters, loaf sugar, beer and porter pr. dozen, beef and pork in half barrels, a few crates of earthenware, coffee bags—also 6 tierces of salt, N-c. D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master. — 1— i-jira , MARSHA L's OFFICE. SALE BY EXECUTION. rir.iT Fr.oci.A.vaTiox. LA virtue of two appointments from His Excellency John 'Â’ c n rav, Major-General, Lieutenant ( overnor ot the colony Berbicc audits Dependencies, &c. &c. Arc. (named upon two petitions, presented by Thomas *y (, r Lny.Geld, versus, Simon Fraser, as together with.J.G C. de Nieuwerkcrkand John Bethune, the Attorney of \\ m. Gordon ; said oppointrm nts bearrng , (the.precise day afterwards notified throÂ’ the Gazette of this colony), T/ie cotton Estate caÂ’lrd T.t.ifis Ujnop, situate on the e.-st sea coast o ft/us colony, U l t/ t u y y s cidlivation, buildings, slaves, Whoever should think to haveany right, action or interest, on abovenamed plmta‘ion Lewis Manor, wishes to oppose the Execution Sale thereof, let such persons address themselves to the MarshalÂ’sÂ’office of this colony, declaring their reasons for so due time and form, as 1 hereby givenotice, that I w ill receive opposition from every one thereunto qualified, appoint them a day to have his or her < laic. 1 heard before the Court, and further act therein as the hw directs. This first proclamation published as Berbice, May 29, 1814. " J Â’ k. FRANCKEN, first Mnrkals. Specification of the appointments, in favor of Colb'. F.lden, dalcrl ISth Jan. 1814 ; John W ulff 191 b beb. 1814; ami H. C. Ilintzen, 31st Jan. 1814.— 4 .Â’ranted by His Excellency H. \V. Bentinck, FL i. Lieutenant-Governor of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. And in favor of Win. Leach, 27th Sept. 1811 granted by his Excellency the late Governor Robert Gordon. Berbice, 29th May, 1814. SALE nr EXECUTION. ~ FIRST PROCL.4.'HATION. BA' virtue of two appointments from His Excellency R. Gordon, Captain General, and Governor in Chief of the colony Berbicc and its Dependencies &c. &c. &c. Â’ (parted upon two petitions, both presented by J. LÂ’akkcr, as one of the Representatives ofplantaiou La fraternity versus plantation Lewis Manar, the one appointment, b?armgdate the 10th Pebru-1812, both appointments being renewed on the <3 April, 1813. ‘ ~' 3fl Notice is hereby given, that I the undersi«n prl First Marshal of the Courts within this colony 0 /. Sell at Public Execution Sale, in the moot} Gs J, ' 1815, the precise day hereafter to be notificc Court, and further act thereon as the lav; <Â’iiects. 1 fi pi... Â’u jmblishcd as customary. Berbice, 291 h May, 1811. i•. IÂ’ it A ACK EN, First Marshal. S UMM'i.X u 7EDICT. .. BY a PP‘>intmcnt from the Honorable .m;t ol ( iml J.: lie <>( tuis colony, granted upon a petition Os Peter Fairbairn, as appointed Interim SÂ’eqn.-nntor to the Ikfate of James Fraser, dec., dated 2; th January, 1814. I the undersigned, First Mar Iml of the Conrh • Jhfs colony, and at the request of aforesaid P. 1 airbain., qq. 5u am on Z> y Ediet: (For the fourth time ex super abundanti.) All creditors or claimants on the Estate of James 1 raser, dec., to give in their respective claims, in pmson orby proxy, before the Bar of the Court of ! -\ ! , | !s J* ce G * Â’*iis colony, at their session which .fill be held m the month of July, 1814, to hear objections imide thereunto, if need, and further to pro -111 JI u 77ZE BEL EICE GAZETTE. —• • **— NEW AMSTERDAM, Hatvriiay, JuaÂ’l: 4, I#l4. It is a happiness which -we IÂ’ttle expected to liaj« <• record on the Anniversary of oar Venerable SovereignÂ’s Birth-day, the compile a::d final overthrow of the comuion Disturber of the Peace of Europe, who after a aeries of losses, has been compelled to abdicate the Throne which he had usurped, and on which his fortune (as far as human foresight extended) appeared to have fixed him beyond the possibility of a removal.-— O thougtless mortals! ever blind to fate, To soon dejected, and to soon elate, Sudden, these honors shall be snatch'd array, And curs'd for ever this Viciomovis day.

    PAGE 3

    The 3d Battalion of the Burgher Militia, tinder the Command of Ma,or Schwiers, was inspected on their parade ground this morning, by His Excellency the Governor; the appearance of the 3d Battalion was highly creditable to the officers. Ihe corps hiving gone through the ordinary manoeuvres, with precision tired a Salute of three volleys, honor of the day. By an arrival from Demcrary this morning, we learn that the TYRANT of France has been obliged to abdicate the Throne of that Empire, which he has so long usurped to the misery of mankind in general, and is about to retire to the Island of Elba, near the place of his nativity, on a pension. It is believed, that Louis the 18*I» is long ere this seated on the Throne of his ancestors, having been invited by the Provisional Government, by most of the town, in France; we may now soon expect a general Peace and Commerce, to bind the Nations in a Golden Chain, as the blockade of the I ports is taken off, and free intercourse with England allowed. We further learn by the same opportunity, that the Utter , American Privateer, had not been heard of in De. merary since Thursday week, when shewasin Porneroon, and it is generally supposed that she is gone to the Orono, que. —It is much wished that our cruizers may be on the alert and retaliate the mischief we have suffered. The intelligent¦ r dative to the great changes in Europe was brought by two Loudon vessels that arrived at Deme, rary with convoy la t «• k. ———<¦¦¦* Extract of ale-br from Madeira, dated 2*th April, ' 1811 —‘ The Pacl. t arrived on the 9.3 d, and has brought us the following intelligence—the Allies entered Paris on the3oth March, and it is reported that Bonaparte has absconded, no bod) knows wh re. Fifteen Provinces have hoisted the While Lord Well.ngton had ad. vanced considerably further than Bomdeaux. Twomore French frigates have b en taken and another destroyed, which leaves only one out of the t t that escaped from Fiance we have net fallen in with. Li a Paper of the 4th April, I secit is gene,ally believed in England (a pretty correct reportj, i'..;! t S'ite of Ma>;a. busetts had de. dared in favour of 1 g! ; d; and in a Public Assembly, had generally oppo J the measuivs of th ir Pcc. ident, Madison. Ancx* Iff. j.i hv.i ktEu ,1 ti.d f.-r the coa»t of America, which is supp rted to be meant for the Lakes in Canada, as the fi tines of tv. o I. igaks and a great number of shipwr. ,T.. ~ with :.” LONDON. April 1, —Dispatches !i I. n r L. .1 from I.ord Wellington. Hr .u ’quart.-. .. .. d Imtnsmi ii * 20(h of March ; having pui . d tie t.iy ui-i .. i»a.ta ever since the memorabl • ¦’e m • )rt'.<*. i t, it is added, as the French in: I r . . ... , .ichet’s di. vision from Spain, consi ting. of e . ih > British Field-Marshal had L* n i:u.;.t the n j , ~f r / Beresford from Bourdenix. I .’.vi r' t'.-.t t'.-vii however, in perfect seenrit . ¦>th ¦ w . <1; i<.ns th.n Lad taken place, it is supp<-«. it. ¦ tk-e , t from eight to nine thousand men killed, a Extract or a L-iiei itom an Oltieer of iiauk iu Holland dated Rosendaal, Mm ch 9:— “A lew days j > we got a large supply of military store;-, w.'li a q.i ; nit-, of Congreve rockc* ¦¦, f'mie of win. : i were played <>ff u it’ii very tine effect from (he ramparts of V» ibiamstadt, 1 > presence of Sir T. Graham. All the formidable mate.-; j o: war moved on to the advance of our urmy, and v. . 1 c. iw . edarcccnt reinforcement of two fine rv.ieicms, the Ist Royals, and the *i-t. from Slralfund. livery one sir,), posed that anoth r att ic', on the fleet was immediately to take place, and we were niitr ipatinq the most favotitable results, when, tins moruiu-', the ariival of a number of wounded men gave us to un i., tend (hat the attack was made, not on Antwerp', but on b rg n-op-Zoom. Bcr. gen.op.Zoom is one of the fr<;ngi' i t towns in all Europe. We were encouraged to expect secrets, because it wa* known that the French garrison v. ish. d to evacuate it, and to throw its-k into Antwerp; a.l .11 that the tow n’s people were all in a inf ; ,t. Tlie Etifi-Ji aray, therefore, advanccil from ail c iiit.m in irs on tile Gth and 7th, towards Antwerp, th ii. a-.i.quarters being at Kahn, hent. On the Bth, it suddenly marched to Fort Libuand Bergen. op-Zoom; all thee places only being a few hours march from each other. Th.: object proposed to Im at. tacked was given out to be Fort Lillo, which lies between Bergen and Antwerp. Ihe former, however, was only masked; and the real attack was made on Bergen on the same night. Bergen is on a rising ground or hill, the on. ly one in the country, protected by a marsh on the S. E. and watered by the little river Zoom, which is divided by dykes and canals. On the west it is washed by a branch of the Scheldt. The assault was made by two brigades, ’imultancously, on the north side, next Tholen, and on east. The Major. Gen. Skcrrctt commanded the attack. He had some time before broke his leg by a fall from his horse, from which he was not recovered. The other brigade was conducted by Major. Gen. Gore, Ist Guards, Ist Royals, and 44 th, with a detachment of the 91»t. It traversed a frozcnmorals, cleared the empale. Ments andchevaux-de.frise, and scaled the ramparts; they actually got into the town undicovered. The other brittle, consisting of the 55th, G9th, and 33d, and some of fne 21st and 37th, also assaulted by escalade, but was Vigorously opposed. The enemy raised up the ladders from tactop of the ramparts with hooks, and dashed down the tneij oa the frozen ditches; the gates weruhowever forced open from the inside, and the greater part of the assailants entered. The garrison, though surprized, was not thrown into confusion: itiailied, iined the houses on each side the •street with musketry, an.l enfiladed them with grape-shot and howi'.zershells. TneG.mrds wercdiawn op, and prepared to tire by platoons, w hen they w ere ordered to throw out their priming and to charge. They advanced at the />«.? de but they met nothing but showers ofgrape, canister-shot, and bullets. Almost all the brigade was laid prostrate; nor did the other brigade suffer less, though they only gained the ramparts ; in short, it was very like the Buenos Ayres business, only that no blame can possibly attach to our brave vet ia i Commiitder; in fact, nothing could be better planned tnaa the attack, or more heroically executed. The two leaders, Generals Gore and Skerrelt, were literally piece d with balls —the first fell dead on the heaps of s am, bat Gen. Skerrett has survived. The corps began now to retreat ; but here the enemy feel, ing his strength and hi* vantage ground, shut the gates Many threw themselves over the ramparts, but the greater number remained in the town, killed, wounded, and prisoners. To intercept th? retreat, the French opened the sluices, which flooded the d\ kes over the ice. ’Three lines o' works and three courses of d.k s had the retreaters to pass under showers of round and grape, and shells, before they could be safe; yet, numbers of wounded men, with balls in their bodies, got over all; numbers were also drowned in the attempt. It was a moonlight night, but occasionally clouded ; no blur-lights, Ajc. were exhibited, but the aim was notless sure, nor the fire less des! ructive. Os about 150 ) nun engaged in the assault, it is said only 1500 escaped. We trust, however, the loss will turn out not so great. The enemy will boast of having taken two pair of colours, but (here was no honour lost—they wire lost only when their gallant defenders ceased to breathe. The enemy’s Gemral, wlim? name I have not yet learnt, behaved w ith urbanity, lie sent a flag of truce to propote giving up the worst wound J men, which proposal was accepted, and between six and seven hundred were delivered to us at the Antwerp gate.” Blucher ’s retreat to Laon was tne consequence of a conceited plan—Laon aiiorditig uiia of the finest positions for an army, it stands on a hill, and thus rendered his left almost impregnable, whilst his ii lit extended to the fortress of La Fere and the river Serre. By Die Ifon. Sir Aiex.indi.k, Knight of the l-fithy ! icee Admiral of the Red ttquudi en oj hts Majesty's Elect, and command rin Chief of his Majesty's ships and vessels employed and tn ie employed in the River St. Laitrcnce and along the (.'< isl ts Koea Scotiiiy the Islands of Anticost iy Madeluney Si. J Ain, and Caj e Isretony the Raj of Fundyy a id at and about Rermuda cr Sommer's and the Gulyli oj Mi.xtco t to the Tropis Cancery e>p. 6)C. bfc. A PROCLAMAIION. Mhcrsas Adminl the Right Hon. Sir John Borlane A d. 1, by virtue of the power and author.ty to Mm given, by his Proclamation bearing date at Halifax t .lu 1G th day o.‘ iff vtinbcr, 1813, diclare that not only the ports :m; .• ns of the Che’am »ke, Delaware, New York, Ciiarlstoti, port, Sd>ann;ih, and t ie river MissAsipi i, in il.c L’r.H?d States of Am .ica. wi re arid still con. tinned in a stale of bio.l. de, but also a i that part of Long Island Sound, b ing the tia coast lying within Montnsk Point and the Point o land op os.tu thereto, omiaonly ca’led Black Point ; together witn all the ports, .irh 1 >:r , cr.iks, and enfianees of the North and East rivers of New i oik, as well avail oinwr the ports, creeks, and bays, along tiie s-a co-istof Lon-; L and and the Stales of New \ ork, au.l ill the ports, tia.iioar*. rivers, and creeks, lying a; J bi-im* on the sea cox ts of the States of and \\ .st Jersey, Pcuns) van'.i, the lower countries on the D ' ware, Maryland, Vir imt, .North and South Carolina, Cmagia, a..d all i : e ? 11;. .nces from the aea to 3iiS*i»?i pi. weii el¦ I f-'d :—And vyhereas, ince the institution of the aid bla< ksile, the enemy, availing himself of the suppiita whkb Im . -, been furnished by means of neutral commuiucation t rtauf.c ports and places of the l.’nited States, which were left u on and unrcstrict. rd, bath al ready fltad out numarous vessels of war, and is now engaged in and setting forth several ships of the line, as well as frigates and other armed vessels, for the purpose of prosecuting the war with Gre.l Britain, and frustracting the obj.xt of the said Blockade 1 do therefore, by virtue of the power and authority in me vested, declare, in addition to the said ports and places blockaded as aforesaid, ail the remaining ports, harbours, bays, creeks, rivers, inlets, outlets, islands, and sea coasts, ot the said United States of America, from the Point of I.and commonly called Black Point to the Northern and Easthern boundarias, between the said United States and British Provinces of New Brunswick in America, to be in a state of strict and rigorous blockade. And Ido fnrtner declare, that 1 have stationed off the said ports and places, herein before mentioned, a Naval Force adequate to maintain the said blockade in the most rigorous and effective manner. And I do hereby require the respective Flag Officers, Captains, Commanders, and Commaridirg Cfli. cers, of his Majesty’s ships and vessels employed and to be ernplo ed on the North American Station, and all others whom it niay concern, to pay the strictest regard and attention to the execution of this Proclamation. And Ido caution and forbid the ships and vessels of all and every Nation in peace and amity with the Crown of Great Britain, from entering and attemptir g to enter, or from coming out or attempting to come out of auy of tne said ports, harbours, bays, creeks, inlets, e; < it-.., LlatKi-, ami ceasU, after due Notification ol tba said blyck—ff, under any pretence whatever : And that no person m?y hereafter plead ignorance of this Proclamation, 1 iiave caused the same to be published. Given under my Hand at Bermuda, the 25th <’«y of April, 1814. Alexander Cochrane. To the respective Flag Officers, Captains, Commanders, and Commanding Officers, of his Majesty’s ships and vessels, empla , • .1 and to be employed on the North Amciican Station, and all whom it may concern. By command of the Vice-Admiral Wm. Balhetchet Secy. GOD SAVE THE KING I By the Hon. Sir Alexander. CocnitANE, K. B. I'i -e. Admiral of the Rcdy and Commander in Chief of /;•? Majesty's ships and vessels upon the North American S tat ion y A PROCLAMATION. Whereas it has been represented to tne, that many persons, now resident in the United States, have ex pr:-s .1 a desire to withdraw therefrom, with a view ofente. . into his Majesty’s service, or of being expressed as free settlers into some of his Majesty’s Colonies; This is therefore to give Notice, That all those who may be disposed to cmigate from the United states, will, with their Families, be received on board of his Majesty’s ships or vessels of war, or at C;e Military Posts tnat may be established upon or n. r t’.u Coasts of the United States, w.ien they will have th; Ir choice of cither euiwiing into his Majesty’s sea or land Forces, or of being sent as FREE Settler.--, to the Brit; < possessions in North America or the West indies, wh r? they will meet with al! due encouragement. Given under my Hand at Bermumi, this *..l div off April, 1811. Alexander Cochra xe. By command of the Vice. Admiral, \V:.i. Balmetchet, Secy. GOD SAVE THE KING! Bonaparte's Answer to the Address of the French Legislative Body. “I have prohibited the printing of your Adres? : i • ? seditious. Eleven-twelfths of the Legislative :. od) c sist of citizens. I know and respect th. .u. 1 other twelfth contains rebels and bad citizens, a. J yo r Committee is amongst the number. (This i uu. < • . consisted of Messrs. Laine. Rainonard, Gallois, Mu -e, J.e Bryant, and FLnqucrgi's). Laine is a trabo.v>!,.» corresponds with the Prince Regent through the of Desfzc; I know it, and have proofs; the 01;.four are seditious persons. This twelfth consists of men uh > wish for anarchy, and are like the Girondists. ‘‘Whither did such condcct lead Virxgniaud and *Lc other Chiefs ? Io the scaffold! At t iis moment, wlh* wc have to drive the enemy from our frontiers, it is o ‘ time to desire changes in the Cons itutiun. J\ t . 2 -iio 1 ;: ! toilo-.v the example of Alsace, Fr.mciie Comte, t th? \ o ihe miuib:tants apply to me for arms at .* Officers, and I have sent them some Adjutants. Yu (t ;ills not (he representatives of the nation, but the D? ,uucs f tiie Departments. I called you around me to obtain >t; poit from you, not because 1 want for courage, but b c _ cause I hoped that the Legislative Body wonks increase t y courage. Instead of this it has deceived me. Instead of the good I expected of it, it has done mischief; a small mischief indeed, because it could not do a greater. Y O :t seek in your address to separate the Sovereign from the nation ; I alone am the true Representative of the people and which of you would to take on himself this burthen i ihe t.urone is but apiece of wood covered with velvet. I 1 alone am the true Representative of the peoole. I’ 1 would follow you, J should give up to the enemy more than he himself requires.—ln three months you will Lava peace, or I shall be annihilated. But new energy 1 is 11 cessary ; I will go after the enemy, and beat them. Tha moment when Huningeii isbombaided, and Befort attacked, is not the proper one io complain of the Uonslituti ni of the Empire, and the abuse of the Executive Power. The Legislative Body is but a part of the State, and cannot be compared even with the Senate and the Council of State. lam at the head of the nation, because you ai l prove the Constitution, as it is. Should France’ rcimiim another Constitution, which 1 did not like, 1 should thlii say look for another Sovereign. The enemy is nine!; .tkh iv incensed against me than agam-t France ; but shall i fol . this reason allow myself to tear the Empire in pieces ? Yes, I make pretensions, because I have done -ui' monos eacn power; and for thepurposeofguarantcemg the Slime, t;;e High Coni .-acting Parties on tiie Continent Lin J themselves, v.uen called upon, to have r . ady to t ike tlm held, J S(),Ot;U men each, wi* hin a given tiini• ! • • jj• * , assist the Allies as speudilj U3 { ui... '.y oLlffous If money.”

    PAGE 4

    cr TOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. NEWLAND HALL LOGIE, Mr. SMALLEY begs leave to inform his Subscribers, and the Gentlemen and Ladies, both of Berbice and Corentyn Coasts, that his GRAND CONCERT AND BALL w ill take place on Monday Evening the \3th of June, 1814, at the above place; on which occasion, he Mr. S. will introduce to his most repectable audience, the most celebrated Songs as sung by Messrs. Braham, IxcLEnoN, Dignum, Kelly, FaSTCET, and Irish Johnson, viz. SONGS, Kais or Love on the Mountains, —¦with a Recitative and Air. (composed by Btinarn.) The Thorn, —as sung by Incledon in his entertainment, called Vaner | ret‘nd i:if claimants, on pain to such as remain in default, of being for ever debarred their right cl »m. This on ov ’’lie!. unde known to the public by beat ol drum Hr i ‘be < ‘ourt [louse of this colony, and further deal ,i‘i’ unit ’<<•