Berbice gazette

Material Information

Berbice gazette
Uniform Title:
Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
Place of Publication:
New Amsterdam
W. Schulz
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
New Amsterdam (guyana)
newspaper ( sobekcm )


General Note:
General Note:
Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
General Note:
The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
General Note:
In English, with occasional text in Dutch
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Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Digital Library of the Caribbean
Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
University of Florida


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Full Text

Twelve dollars p. annum.]

B Y Command of JI is E vctllertcy the Governor, and
the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal
< Justice of the colony Berbice.
ALL Proprietors or Representatives of Estates,
within the colony Berbice, having Negro Slaves ern-
* ployed as Pioneers on the Fortifications of Fort S'*
Andrew, and drawing allowances from the coh' .r
tin hire of such Negroe or Negroes, are inu
that the customary Hire heretofore p id by ’’ • »
Government lor such Pioneer Negroess u .
the 31st day of July, 1814, —on v»h : v.h t. »y ’’ >-
prirfors or Representatives of Esta f
withdraw their Negroes; it being i. !r . uly
notified tl at no Hire will be a!lo-,ved f y such
Neg’o nr Negroes, on any pretext, from and f;< r the
date of the Slst Ju:y, 1314.
Apf iienfien for < )rders t< r ♦be d. livery of the said
Negroes, to be made to the ('.?!â–¡ id 3cco tary, from
the 28th tothe 31st of July, iqi.J.
J'y con. a (:•■ R. C. HOW\ER. Seey.
BY the Honorable Court nf and Criminal
Justice of the co! >ny I' rbice.
TH E Proprietors of Lots w/ahi the First and Se Second
cond Second Em polders of the 'i'ov.n an* requested to attend i Mectieg, to be h< Id a! the
Nerretary’s Office, on WA’ui lay l<*e la ofJuui,
JBI4, before a Comniisciry fft’.i.- Ho > r ble Comt,
for the purpose of choosing a P.csi I. a< r ■ two ■<•»*•-
bers for‘hr Committee having huge « s;i superin*
tendance of the Town \msierd. • in the room
of J. J. van drb S‘ro< p and t. T. Mathews, Esqrs.
resigned, and A. t xaonnow, Esq. wlro has
quitted the colony lor Korop-.
Secretary’s Office, May 23d, 1814.
By and of the Court.
R.C. DOWN!.'?, Secy.
BY His Excellency the Governor, and the IGn?.-);..
Court us Policy and Criminal J idde, <>: ir.c <...
ny Berbice.
To all to whom these presents mav or slr-’i c ;
* Greeting! Be it kno. n :
WHEREAS by our Proclamatio" r -.g date
the 3d of July, 1310, Permission w»s ?ivci: ami
granted to all Inhabitants of the; colony, to to Demeiary, Surir i n, ora ,y of the Bi fish>
or Colonics in the \V» lulus, or elsewhere, sue's
Horned Cattle, Calves, She. p, and Hogs, as th y
might think proper, on paying previous to any such
Exportation to the Receiver of the Petty Duties the
small duty which wi. ild be paid, it the ssid catilr
were slaughtered within this colony, namely, three
guilders per herd f>r horned catlie, and one guilder
per head tor calves, sheep, and hogs. And whereas
circumstances have rendered it necessary Hunt the re restrictions
strictions restrictions attendant the said permission tor Exporta Exportation
tion Exportation should be again with Irawn.
, Be it therefore known th it the restrictions on th<
Exportation to Dem rary, Surinam, or any of the
British Islands or Co onu s in the W est Indies, of
Horned cattle, calves, sheep, and hogs, are from
henceforth withdrawn, and tli« free Exportation of
the same allowed..
And in order that ah and every Inhabitant may be
acquaint' d therewith, these presents shall be punted
and published as customary.
Thus enacted in our Assembly, held at the Court
House, in New Amsterdam, B rbice, this 12th Day
of January, 1814. present His Excellency H. W.
Bentinck, Lieutenant-Governor, and the Ilonor Ilonorable
able Ilonorable Members fe. C. Abbensets, John McCamon, Js.
Fraser, P. Fairbairn, A. J. Glasius, and G. Munnx
By command of the Court.
R.C. DOWNER, Neg,.
And published on the 10th May, 1814, present
His Excellency the Governor.
By command,
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.




King's House, 23th May, 1814.
THE Lienfen'int-Governor has been pleased to
make the f<>llowmg Promotions in the Miliatia :
Lieut. Jno. Croit to be Capt. vice, Wilson Taylor
). Cameron, (I- ifleman, to be Ist Lieut, vice,
t’r - ! t prom >t< d.
' I y rtood, to be 2d Lieutenant, vice, Mclntosh,
deceased.**— Iso,
hai l s Kyte, Gentleman, to be Receiver of the Mi Mill*
ll* Mill* ii lines.
llis ' xerllcncy trusts that the latter appointment
•nil )(' k< pt by the good order and discipline
cl ev ry member oi In- Militia, and particularly by
their punctual attendance on parade.
By Command,
F. AV HITE, Gov. See.
I \\ O or ’•uiaii i Pt ket, uill be disposed of by Temlers «»t
tiil s, together amounting to s£ 900 Sterling, to such
amounts, as will be required, at 90days sight on Z.
Mac ai i. av, I .'so. the Secretary to the Commissioners
tor the Crown Property in South America, drawn by
by 'lr. A. A. de la Court, Principal Agent for the
said Property. The time for Tendering will be fix'cd
after the Packet’s artival, and stuck up at the Post
Oliiee. The Tenders to De sent to Mr.
Ut rbice, 28ih May, 1814. A. A. de la COURT.
FO7 a cotton Estate, on the w-est coast of this co colony,
lony, colony, an Overseer who can be well recommended ;
a liberal sdery will b-> given.—AppltAition to be
mad • to Mr. R. McKENZIE, in New Amsterdam.
28 May.
J OR sale, a valuable assortment, peculiarly suif suifâ– ible
â– ible suifâ– ible to this climate, being ot the best quality, pr<-
f •<: and put op at Apothecaries Hail, Lo< ,f x;. rtalioii to Demi rary : the same wid x sold a
bh* advance tor (.'ash, or It 3- f Ex« hangc.
table â–  ' r ' d early ; t hey
â–  1 , lantitiej, as maj
. to' io -itt-f.mdies, or nuiiuiluais.
/niE Luifand Buildings i.miing a part of Lot
>o. 2, I ds. Empoldtr; tor ituihci particulars ap ap'
' ap' Iv to
THE SeqiHshators of plantation Nigg, ofler For
saL by I»riders, 40 bales oi cotton, to be dciiveicd
at he house ot M< S'is Henery and i’aylor, anu paid
li>r in Cash ; the highest oiler, fi.r v.hicli will, ii ap approved
proved approved ot, be accepted, anil Fenders opened on tin
;Sth of June next. —28th May.
A handsome Carride and pair of Horses, who arc
incomplete mate h, in high condition and pnfectly
sound, they are well worth the attention of any
Gentleman, who may be in want of an article of this
description—for faiilmi particulars enquire of Lieut.
Downie, at Fort St. Andrew.—2B FOR SALE “
By the Subscriber, thr following goods, just landed
from the from Glasgow.
Fresh flour in barrels,
London porter and paleale in hhds. and bottles,
Port wine,
Mess beef & pork in whole and half barrels
Pease, barley, and oatmeal in jugs,
Spermaceti ami tallow candles,
Soap, paints Ac oil,
Sets of ivory hatidled green & plain knives & forks,
Pruning & glasp knives,
Hoes, shovels, cutlassi's, and nails assorted,
Glass & tin ware,
Sells of earthen ware,


Tar in barrels, canvas, and cordage assorted,
Osnaburgs & salempon s,
Negro clothing Ac iron pots,
Ladies & gentlemens gloves, boots Planters shoes,
Irish linen & sheeting,
Beaver, silk, and Japanned hats,
Ginghams, platillas, calicoes, Britannias, pul. hkfs ,
Toweling, d’oyleys, sadlery, Ac stationary.
Brass vats & sniaUcocks, whipsaws, Ac files,
Falling axes, & carpenters took,
Cotton Ac coffee bagging, seine & sewing twine,
Ready made clothes, and corn mills,
Setts of shoe brushes, house brooms &c.
28 May. DOUGT.AS R Fl ’) Ac
The Subscriber offers tor Sale, a few casks
in 8,6, 4, an I 3 quintal cask,
28 May. GEO. LACY.
■—ni wi -Tn* •’Tw.-acr- «
All persons who may havn any claims or demands
of whatever kind, against the late Firm of
Angus Ftaser Ac (’o.
Evan Ac Angus Fraser Ac Co.
Fraser Cambells & Co.
or against
Evan Ac Angus Fraser,
Angus Fraser, deceased, or
Evan Fraser.
Are hereby required, at the instance of the as >n’ ’ I
Evan Fraser, Partner of the above Firms, for h -
S' If, and representing his deceased Brother A>: t
Fraser, to furnish him with statements thereof v uh uhout
out uhout delay, inorder that they may be hne < ’ u iy
settled. Berbice, 2>< R. c. nnvv\n\
Wil i.i.« JAS the following pris*' h s
herself to the Hon. Court of Policy, oft! â– 
for Letters of Manumission :
The mulatto woman Catharine Kichauj?o Kichauj?o-sistcd
sistcd Kichauj?o-sistcd by A. F. Ficher, for herself.
Notice whereof is htrehy given io these whom t
may concern, and who may wish to oppose thegiaiit;
of said Letters of Manumission, tint th y may ad address
dress address themselves in writing to the Secretary o r colony, previous to the next Sessions of the Ho ’t.'e
Court, when a final disposition will be made ua the
aforesaid Petition.
Secretary OJj'tce, Berbice, May 28.
r. c. Downer, Secy !
This is to inform the Public, that the Jolluuting per.
tons intend quitting this Colony.
Wilson Taylor with the next convoy.
A. Krieger with the June or July convoy.
C. Molenaar in 6 weeks from 25 May.
J. ( . Schollevangcr for Barbados by the first oppor opportunity.
tunity. opportunity.
W. Dodgson, family and one servant, with the June
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
NOTICE is hereby given, that a month after date the
following Transports and Mortgages will be passed.
May 7. 'rhe Excecutors to the Willofßobt. Wade,
dec. will transport to Susan Mintos, 7 roods of
land ot lot No. 6, with the buildings thereon.
May 14, David Carnegie will transport to Geo. Ba Bagot,
got, Bagot, the western half of ot No. 26, west Coren Corentyn
tyn Corentyn coast, known there as Plantation Nurney.
Geo. Bagot will transport to Th. Wade, the
western half of lot No. 26, west Coroutine coast
known there as Pin. Nurney.
Thomas V» ade will pass a mortgage for the pur purchase
chase purchase money of Pin. Nurney, or western half
of lot No. 26, west Corentine coast, to be vest vested
ed vested on the said estate Nurney, as also on 8 Ne Negroes,
groes, Negroes, named Change, Prince, Adam, John,
Howe, Cato, Little Prince, Little Present, and
further a second Mortgage in favor of Geo. Ba Bagot,
got, Bagot, to be vested on 32 Negroes, names to be
seen at this Office.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.

\_Payaltle in advance.

No. 505.


On Wednesday the Ist of J une, will be sold at ths
Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. Douglas Reid df Co.
the fol owing goods, just imported, viz.— Hams, cheese,
pale ale in buttles, red and white herrings in kegs, tripe
in do., boots, shoes, beaver and japann.d huts, printed
calicoes, ginghams, best mess pork in half barrels.—Also
jive prime field negroes.
O’i the same day by the Vendue Master in Commission,
thr' reclaimed field negroes, also ten hhds. best London
brown stout, and ten casks do. of ten dozen each, butler
in firkins, candles, soap, cotton and coffee bagging, tea
sugar, a Jew tierces <>/ salt, sc.
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
On Tuesday thc7ih of June, will be sold, by order and
at th? premises oj 11. Stual, Esq. on lot _Vu. 16. the Ef Effeels
feels Effeels of the late J. E. Tiebucl, Esq., consisting in six
negroes, a house boy, a washers:Mian, a horse, a bull,
6 core*, ta/rej, goats and pigs ; silver table spoons and
forks, tables, chairs, beasteads und matresses, s<>Jus, an
elegant liquor case, with 21 cwf glass bottles, > arthen ana
glassware, fowling piec s, a good six oared tent coijuul,
a small d>., a pint, wearing apparel, ilfc. —Also the
dev used remaining stock if goods, consigned, viz.—
Ge itlemen, ladies and childrens shoes, supperjine ch th
co.if s, ladies dresses, straw bonnets, leather ca r s, flannel,
bljttingpa er, books, card racks, brushes, braces, smok smoked
ed smoked salmon in tin kegs, Dutch herrings, cut glassware,
phials with gla s stoppers, willow huts, tool chests, sation.
ary, black s:lk waistcoats, lavender and honey water,
powder, shot, candlesticks, saddles, bridles, curry combs,
brushes, and a variety of other articles oj merchandize.
On the same day, by order oj Messrs. C. C. S waving
and II Staal, qq. the Executors of the lute J. J. Swa Swaving,
ving, Swaving, Esq., the abandoned Estates Ho'llandia and Zee Zeeland’a,
land’a, Zeeland’a, the lot No. 48, 2d Empolder, of this town, a large
knire case silver mounted, inteded for four dozen knives,
forks and spoons, together with 18 silver spoons, 21 do.
forks, 2 do. soup dealers, 6 tea spoons, 2 silver mounted
swards, glassware, elegant Chinaware, consisting in pum h
bowls, dishes, tea and coff.e puls, and a Complete tea
Also on the same day and place, by order of Messrs.
J. L. Kip tj Co,, the remainder of th’ goods, without
reserve, viz.—Faint and paint oil, nails assurteu,candles,
scan, L ’itdta brown stout m hhds. g nilemen do a thing.
Ojnabuigs. «w> duck, negro blankets, stationary,
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Fcndue Muster.
-V. R. Tne •» lie will commence at 11 o'clock precisely.
«n*a a .ajaßßa®g®®®a®®®gmr tumca mu mbm
BY virtue of aa appointment from His Excellency
H. •' . iJestjnck, Esquire, Lieutenant-Governor
of Upon a petition of IL U. Downer, as the Attorney of
M tn. king, tenet her with P. Benjamin, appointed
Curators to the Estate of F. Bynoe, dec., versus, the
Pl »nt Eon Lewis Manor,
Notice is her by triven, that I the undersijrned,
First M irshtd of tire Courts of this colony, will S' 11,
at Public Execipien Sale, in the month of June 1815,
th’ precise day hereafter to be notified through the
Gazette of this colony.
TA<* (nt lon Plantation Lewis .Manor, situate on
the Fast sea coast of this colony, with all it-,
cultivation, slaves, buildings, Ar.
Whoever should think to haveany right, action or
interest, on abovenamed plantation Lewis Manor,
wishes to oppose the Execution Sale thereof, let such
persons address themselves to the Marshal’s Office of
this colony, declaring their reasons for so doing in
due time and form, as I hereby give notice, that I will
receive opposition from every one thereunto qua!;,
fieri, appoint them a day to have his or her claim
heard hefo-e the Court, and further act therein as
the law directs.
This 4tn pm tarnation published as customary.—
Bcrbicc, 2ul May 1814.
K. 1 RANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellen Excellency
cy Excellency 11. VV. Bf.ntjnck, Esquire, Lieutenant-Gover Lieutenant-Governor
nor Lieutenant-Governor of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c.
&c. &c.
Upon a petition of John Me Cam on, versus, Plan Plantation
tation Plantation Lewis Manor, said appointment bearing date
Js(h Feb. 1814.
Notice is hereby given, that I the undersigned,
Fir at Public Execution Sale, in the month of June, 1815,
the precise day hereafter to be notified through the
Gazette of this colony.
The Cniton Estate Lewis Manor, situate on the
East coast of this colony, with all its cultivation,
sieves, buildings, <$ c.

Whoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest, on aforesaid plantation Lewis Manor, and
wishes to oppose the Execution Bde thereof, let such
persons address themselves to the Marshal’s Office,
of this colony, declaring their reasons for so doing
in due time and form, as I hereby give notice, th it
I will receive opposition from everyone thereunto
qualified by law, appoint them a day to havchis or
her claim heard b tore the Court, and further act
thereon as the law directs.
This 2nd proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, 22d May, 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an appointment from the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, granted upon a
petition, presented by John Tapin and Peter Fair Fairbairn,
bairn, Fairbairn, in their capacity as Sequestrators for Planta Plantation
tion Plantation YEOVIL, the late property of Dudley Wade,
said appointment bearing date 26th January, 1814.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, and at the instance ofaforeaid Se Sequestrators,
questrators, Sequestrators,
Summon by Edicts
All claimants on the proceeds of plantation Yeovil,
cum anuexis, sold at Execution Sal.*.
To appear before the Court of Civil Justice of this
colony, at their session which will be held in the
month of July 1814, there to exhibit and verify
t heir claims, see the same obj cted to, if need, and
further to proceed arc online to Law.
Whereas after the fourth Summon by Edict, th<*
Court will proceed to decide on the preferent and
concurrent right of claimants, on pain to all Mich as
remain in default to exhibit their claims, of being for
everd< barred of their right of claim.
This Summon by Edict, made known to the public
by be it of drum from the Court House of this colony,
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 20lh May, 1814.
_ K. ER ANCK rN. GrvZ Marsha’.
B 5 virtue of an appointment from the Honorable
Court of ( ivil Justice of this colonv, grafted upon a
petition of Peter Fairbairn, as ap on.ted Interim Se Sequestrator
questrator Sequestrator to the Estate of James Fiascr, dec., dated
261 h January, 1814.
1 the undemig’if •, First Marshal of the Court«.
within this colony, ai.d at the request of aforesaid P.
Fairbairn, qq.
Summon by Edict:
(For the fourth time ex super abundanfi.)
All creditors or claimants on the Estate of James
Fraser, dec., to give in their respective claims, in
person or by proxy, before the Bar of (he Court of
Civd Justice of this colony, at thrir session which
wdl be held in the month of,lnly, 1814, to hear ob objections
jections objections made thereunto, if need, and faith rto pro proceed
ceed proceed according to Law, on pain to all such who r<-
main in default, of being for ever debarred their ii<>ht
of claim.
This Summon by Edict, (ex super ahundanh*) made
known to the public by bea’ of drum from the Court
House of this colony, and further dealt with accord according
ing according to custom.
Berbice, the IGth of’ May, 1814.
K. FRANCK EN, First Marshal.
3/xf 28, 1811.
We are happy to communicate the arrival in De Demerary
merary Demerary of the Mutine, gun brig, and a sloop as war,
and that the continuance of (he depredation of the
American privateer, as no longer to be apprehended.
London Gazette Extraordinary.
downing-street, march 11, 1814.
Dispatches, of which the follow ing are copies, were re received
ceived received last night from General Sir Thomas Graham, K. B.
Head-quarters, Calmhout March 10, 1814.
My Lord—lt becomes my painful task to report to
your Lordship, that an attack on Bergen.op-2oom, w hich
seemed at first to promise complete success, ended in fai failure,
lure, failure, and occasioned a severe loss to the Ist division and
to Brigadier. Genera I Gore’s briuade.
It is unnecessary for me to state the reasons which de.
termined me to make the attempt to carry such a place by
storm, since the success of two of the colum in establish,
ii'g themselves on the ramparts, with every trifling loss
must justify the having incurred the risk for the attaint
ment of so important an object, as the capture of such a

The troops employed were formed in four columns, ea
per margin*. No. 1, the left column, attacked betweea
the Antwerp and Water Port Gates. No. 2 attacked * the right of the New Gate No. 3 was destined oul
draw attention by a false attack near Steenbergen Gate
and to be afterwards applicable according to circumstan circumstances.
ces. circumstances. No. 4. right column, attacked at the entrance of the
harbour, which could be forded al low waler, and the
hour was fixed according at half past ten P. M. u s t| le
Blh instant.
Major-General Cooko accompanied the left column.
Major-General Skerret and Brigadier-General Gore hoik
accompanied the right column; this was the first which
forced its nay into the body of the place. These tw o
columns were directed to move along the ramparts so as to
form a junction as soon as possible, and then to ; recced j
to clear the rampart and assist the cente. column, or to /
force open the Antwerp Gate. JR
An unexpected difficulty about passing th ditch on the
ice having obliged Major General Cooke to change th*
point of attack, a considerable delay ensued, and that
coinmil did not gain the rampart till half.; ast eleven.
Meauwhil* the lamented fall ol Brigadier-General Gore
and Lieat..Coionel the Hon. George ( arieton, and the
dangerous wound us Major-General Skerrett, depriving
the rignt column of their able directi >n, it fell into diso*
dcr, and sullered great loss in killed, wounded, and pri prisoners.
soners. prisoners. Ihe centre column having been forced back with
considerable loss by ifie heavy tire .Morr.ceiu commander, and Lteut..Colonel
commanding tiu33d regiment, bring botii wounded.) wag
retoruied under Major Mutilebury, marched round ami
j on d Major.Gene ia i Cooke, leaving the left wing of tag
55th jo remove the wounded troni the glacis. However Guards too iiaUsuilervd very severely during the nig
life hum the houses on their position, and by
Hie >uss oi tne detachment of the Ist guards, which having
been scut tomdeavour to assist Lieut-Col. Carleton, and
t I secure the Antwerp Gate, was cut off, after tho mmf
gallant resistance, wuica cost the lives of many mostva ia
able officers. * ‘ w
At day-break the cn my having turned the gnns of tig
piuce, optied ihcir fire >st the troops on the unpro*
ucted rampart, and the reset vc of the 4th column (thg
uoy al .vcu(ch) retired from Water Port C»te, followed by
uic djd. imj lurmci r L orn the place and W atm Fort redoubt, soon afterwardi
iuid dawn their anne.
Majui.General Cooke then despairing of success, di directed
rected directed tile retreat of the Guards, which was conducted ia
i‘‘ e “ ost . ord « f *y nianuer, protected by the remains of thg
both regiment, and ui the right wing of the 55th (which
corps repeatedly drove the enemy back with the hoyonet)
under the .Major-General’s immediate direction. Th®
General afterwards tou d it impossible to withdraw th.-s®
wed«. battai.ons, and having thus, with the genuine feel,
mgs oi a true soldier, devoted himself, he sunendered. to
save lives of the gallant men remaining with him
i suomd wish to do justice to the great exertions and
conspicuous gallantry ul ail tnosv officers who bad th? op.
poriu.iju.s u. dtsimgmshing themselves. 1 Laie not ag
jd been able to coiled Sufficient information.
olujoi-Geui-rai Cooke re, urts to me his highest appro.
04.>04, s e.!eially, oi an the officers and m<-n m»loyed
Otar him, pamcuiariy maniioniug Colonel Lord Proby.
Gieui-Coionels Rooke, commanding the Coldstream*
. iercer oi the 3d uuards, command! g the ight companies
oi inc bngaue, (the alter unfor unauly among the kil.
ieii;) iildjors .dutUebury and Hog, of the 69th and 55 th thus
us thus uvsering ul his warm praise. He laments, ia commo®
with the whom coips, tnesev> re .oss to the service of thes®
disUnguisned officers, Lieut—Co onel Clifton, •>mnr>and.
n>g ti.e Ist L> wards, and Liuut.-Coioncl the Hon. Jame®
.vucdor.a.d, of that regiment. These officers fell, with
many others, at theAuiwcrp Gate, all behaving with th®
s.latest intrepidity ; and Lieut—Colonel Jones, with th®
reinamuer oi ihj detachment, was forced to surrender.
1 he service oi conducting the columns was ably provid.
ul lor Oy Lmut..Cuio.iei Carmichael Smith, of the Royal
cngiuems, v r )v himself accompanied Majir General Cooke,
as did also Lneut-Colonel sir Geo. Wood, commanding
•ie Kaya! Artillery) who ottached officers to lead each
co.num, vj2. Capt. Sir Geo. Hoste, and Lieut. Abbey,
to tne left; and Lieut. Sparling to the right, and Capt.
Edvard MicheL, Royal Artillery, who volunteend hit
services, to the centre column, tach having a paity of
suppers a and minus under his command.
J Jeu tenant Abbey was dangerously wounded, and Capt.
Alicneli was covered wiih wounds, in the act of escalad.
mg me scarp wail of the place, but I trust ther® are good
hopes oi his not being lost to the service.
lour Lordsliip wnl beieve, that though it ig
impossible not to feel the disappointment of our ultimata
failure in tins attack, 1 can only think at present with the
deepest regret of the loss of so many of my gallant co comaradus.
maradus. comaradus. i have the honor to be, &c.
„ , „ . Thomas Graham.
Earl Bathurst, 4c. fc
P. S. Returns will be transmitted as soon as they ca®
possibly be received, meanwhile 1 send the most correct
nominal list, that can be obtained of the officers ki led,
w ounded, and prisoners. T, G.
* Ist Column— Guards, ibobTcoiTTxird Proby? '
Sd ( olumn—ssth l oot.idJO j 69tli Foot, leMj 33d l oot, 600—To 600—Total,
tal, 600—Total, l.OO; Lieut.-Col. Morrice, 60th Foot.
3d Column—9lst Foot, 400; i Ist Foot, 100; 87th Foot, 150—To 150—Total,
tal, 150—Total, 650; Lieut.-Col. llenQ,2ist Hegiment.
root, 2GO; Ro ? als, 000—Total, 1100; llrigadier-Geu. Gore, -nd
Lieut.-Col. Carleton.
Total force—lst column, 1000 rank and file; 2d column, 1200 rank
and hie; 3d column, 050 raak and ale; 4G column, liOO raak aud
filer-Graud tctal, 3959.

IBergen-yp.Zoom, Marek 16, 1814.
I'gjj— I bare now the honor of reporting toyour Excel.
Ley that the column which made the attackontheAm.
icrp side got into the about eleven o’clock on the
kht of the Bth, by thet clock of this town ; but at about
alf.nast eleven, by the time we regulated by, a delay
svthg occurred at Bourgbliet, occasioned by my findiih
necessary to change the point of attack, on account or
ie state of the ice at first intended spot. Every exertio
as made by Lieut.-Colonel Smith and Capt. Sir G. Hoste,
f the royal engineers, in getting on the ladders and planks
quisite or effecting the enterprise, and in directing the
lacing them for the descent into the ditch, the passing the
eetini the ice, and ascending the ramparts of the body of
be place ; during which operation several men were lost
by a fire from the rampart. After we were established on
the rampart, and had occupied some houses, from whence
ve might have been much annoyed, and had sent a strong
®3trole towards the point at which Major-Gen. Skerrett
and Lieut.-Col. Carleton had entered, 1 detached Lieut-
Col, Clifton with part of the Ist guards, to secure the
Antwerp Gate, and to see if he could get any information
of the column under Lieut.-Col. Morrice. Lieut.. Col.
Clifton reached the gate but found that it could not be
opned by his men, the enemy throwing a viry heavy fire
up a street leading to it. It was also found that they oc-
Bied an outwork, commanding the brigade, which would
effectually render that outlet useless to us. I heard noth nothing
ing nothing more of this detachment, but considered it as lost, the
Communication having been interrupted by the enemy.
Lieut.-Col. Hooke, with part of the 3d guard, wasaf.
teruards s< nt in that direction, drove the enem. from the
intermediate rampart, and reached the gate, when he found
it useless to attempt any thing, and ascertained that the
S outwork was still occupied. We were joined in the course
of tie night by the 33d, 35th, and id battalion of the
C9thTtitimint, but the state uncertainty as to what had
. passid at < ther points, determined me not to weak< n the
forct n w collected, by attempting to carry points which
we could not maintain, or penetrate through the strets
with a certain loss of a great number of men, particularly
as I heard that the troops at the Water Port Gate, under
Lieut.-Col. Muller, were very seriously opposed. I sent
th ' 33d to reinforce him.
The eremy continued a galling fire upon us, and at one
time held the adjoining bastion, from the angle of which
they completely commanded our communication wi«h the
exterior, and brought their guns at that angle to bear
against us. They were charged and driven away by Ma.
Jors Mutt ebury and Hog, with the 69ih and 55th, in a
very spirited and . a lant style.
Find, ng that matters were Incoming more serious, and
being still without any information from other points, ex.
cepting that of the failure of Lieut.-Col. Morr ce’s column
near the Nourd Gate, i determined, at the suggestion of
Colonel Lord Proby, to let part of the troops withdraw,
which was done al the ladders where they entered.
About day-light the enemy having again possessed them themselves
selves themselves of the before mentioned bastion, they were again
driven from it by Majors Muttkbury and Hog, with their
weak battalions, in the same gallant manner. I soon at.
forward' began sending off some more men, when Lieut..
Co! Joies, who had been taken prisoner in the night,
tan e to me, (accompanied by a French officer, who sum.
Biotied me to surrenderJ and informed me that Lieut..
Col. Muller, and the troops at the Water Port Gate had
bu n obliged io surrender, and were marched prisoners in.
to the town, wheu I also learnt the fate of Lieut.-(Joi.
Clifton's detachment, and of Major-Gen. Skerrett, Major-
Cen, Gore, and Lieut.. Col. Carleton, and that thetroo, s
which had followed them had suffered very m ich, and had
bivu repulsed from the advanced points along the rampait
where they had penetrated to. I was convinced that a
ioi'aer continuance of the contest would bean useless loss
el lives, and w ithout a prospect of relief, as were situat.
•d. 1 therefore consented to adopt the mortifying alter,
â– alive of laying down our arms.
I have now to perform the just and satisfactory duty
of conveying to your Excellency my sense of the merits
and good conduct of the officers and soldiers in this bold
and arduous enterprise. 1 have only a knowledge of what
Passed under my ow n observation and I lament that the
loss of Major-Gen. Skerrett, from his dangerous wounds,
â– nd of the other superior officers employed at the other
points of attack, prevents me from giving such detailed
praise of the merits of the officers and soldiers as J have
Bo doubt they deserve.
J heg to repeat my sense of the distinguished conduct
of Col. Lord Proby; Lieut.-Col. Rooke and Mercer,
rd themselves by their activity and bravery’; and Majors
Muttlebury and Hog, of the 69th and 55th regiments, de.
«crve my warm praise for the conduct displayed by those
corps in the charges I have before mentioned. 1 have
every reason to know that Lieut.-Col. Clifton conducted
â– is detachment in the most gallant and officer-like manner,
•nd I have to lament that his death deprives me of receiv.
ing I'H report of the conduct of Lieut.. Colonels M. Don.
•Id and Jones, and the officers and soldiers of the Ist
guards, under his command.
I am not yet able to transmit an exact return of the
prisoners taken at different times by the enemy, nor of the
â– umbers taken from them.
1 have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) J. G. Coons, Major-Gen.
General Sir Thomas Graham.
£rsf of Officer! Killed, Wounded, and Misting, of the
Army under the Command of his Excellency Sir T.
Grahxim f K. B. in the Attack upon

by Storm, on the night of the Bth and morning of ike
9lh March, 1814.
Staff, Brigadier-Gen. Gore, 33d regiment.
lit Foot Guards, Lieut.-Col. the Hou. J. Macdonald.
3d ditto, Lieut.-Col. Mercer.
4th Batt. Koal Scots, Captains M'Nicoland Wetheral and Lieut.
Henry Miles
37t0 Reg. 2d Battalion, I nsign Saudes.
44th Reg. 2d Battalion, Lieut.-Col. tbeHon G.Carleton {and En Ensign
sign Ensign James Maxwell.
91st Foot,id liattal on, Ensign Hugh M’Dougald.
Royal Suppers and Miners, Sub- Lieutenant Adamson.
Ro al Artillery, Cap*. E. Mitchell, B. M. severely.
Royal ' ngineers, i.ieut. Abbey, severely, since dead.
Ist l-o t Guards, Lieut.-Col. Clifton, severely, since dead; Cap Capt-.ii
t-.ii Capt-.ii » !.ir.d-ey, i»iu kenfiel-I,and Trelawny, severe!,,not dangerously,
prisoners | Captain Bnlteel, sexerely, since dead; Ensign Fardoe,
severe! , not dangerously, prisoner.
Coldstream Guards, I apt. Shawe,severely,not dangerously.
3d Foot Guards, C.ipt. Mio.ldart (B. M ) -even |>, not dangerously.
Royal Scots, m th Battalion,* apt. Purvis,severely,prisoner; Lieu Lieutenants
tenants Lieutenants Sto.te, Robertson,aurt W. Midgles,severely.
21st Foot,2d battalion, Major Robert Henry (Lieut.-Colonel), se severely,
verely, severely, not dangerously; Capt. Darrah, severely, not dangerously;
Capt. Donald M’Kenzie,severely, leg amputated; Ist Lieutenants
the Hon. F. H. Morris,slightly ; H. Pigou,slightly ; id LieUtenan's
John Bnlteel,severely since dead ;D. Moody, severely prisoner; D.
Rankin,?evere!y,prisoner; Ensign Sir W’.Crosby.severely.
33d Regmeiit, Lt.-Col. 1 Iphinston,severely,not dangerous!.. ;Capt.
Guthrie, ditto; Lieut. M Quarrie, Hight!.; Lieut. Kerr, severely;
Lieut. Buck, slightly; Lieut. Pode, severely, prisoner; Ensign Ban Bannatvne,
natvne, Bannatvne, severely ; Ensign Gaming, ditto ; I-nsign Howard, slightly;
Adjutant Priesdy,ditto.
37th Reg. 2d battalion, Lieut. Dyer,severely, pr soner; J nsigh W.
Ralph, slightly ; Ensign Thomas Butler, ditto; Adjutant John Long,
4 tii Reg. 2d battalion, Major George Harding (Brevet Lieut.-Col )
severely, not dangerously, prisoner; Capt. J. C. Gutnrie, slightly;
Captains David Power and J. Ballard, severely, prisoners; Capt.
J. Dudie, severely; Lieut. G. ( . Beatty, slightly, prisoner ; Lieu Lieutenants
tenants Lieutenants John O'Reilly and O. lo'.kins,severely, prisoners: Ensigns
Henry Martin and Gilbert Dunlevie, severely ; Adjutant Meade and
Ensign Whitney, severely, prisoners.
55th Regimei t, ( apt. Campbell, severely, prisoner; Capt. Macdo Macdonald,slightly,
nald,slightly, Macdonald,slightly, ditto; Lieut. Friend,sjightk,ditto; Lieutenants Gar Gardner,
dner, Gardner, Adam,and Sinclair, severely, prisoners; Lieut, and Adjutant
Delgairns,severe) .prisoner; Ensigns Marshall, iievely,Goodall,and
King, severe! , prisoners.
69th Ke?, td battalion, Lieut.-Col. Morrice, severely, not danger dangerous!
ous! dangerous! v ; 1 nsign Ry an. severely, prisoner.
91st Reg. 2d battalion, I ieut.-Col Ottley, severely, not danger dangerously,
ously, dangerously, prisoners Capt. Arch. Campbell, slightly, prisoner; Lieut.
Jonn l amyb‘ll, seveiel-,, not dangeiously ; Lieut, ,'otia M’Donaid,
slightly; Lieut, and Adjutant Scott, slight! v, prisoner ; Ensign D V.
Machen,slightly, prisoner; Ensigns J. Briggs. Horsley, and Gage,
1 severely, prisnneis; Quarter-Master Fergusou,severely, not danger dangerou-1
ou-1 dangerou-1 >, prisoner.
General fttatf, Major-Gen. Skerrett. severely, prisoner; Capt. Des Desbrow
brow Desbrow , Aki»rio<4tnp, •lightly, prisoner.
Ist Foot Guards, Cooke; Lieut.-Col. Jones; Ensigns
Masters and Hooyman ; Surgeon ( urts.
Royal Scots,*lth battalion, Lieut.-Col. Muller; Lieutenant Macart Macartney
ney Macartney
'4 th Foot,2d battalion,Capt. Gearge Crozier; Lieutenants Frede Frederick
rick Frederick Hennaing, R. J Turnbarrow, J. S. Sinclair.
33d Foot,? battalion, Capt. <â– . Culcougu, Aide-de-Catnp to Bri Brigadier-Gen.
gadier-Gen. Brigadier-Gen. Gore.
55th Foot, Major Hogg.
60th Foot, id battalion, Maior Muttlebury t Surgeon G. Reeve.
91 st Fcot, 2d battalion. Surgeon M. k oung ; Assistant Surgeon H.
J. O'Donnell.
Capt. Cuyier, Aide-de-Camp to Major-Gen. Skerrett.
t Lieut.-Col. Dep.-Adjutant Gen.
N.R. Those return'd mi sing are ail prisoners in Bermeo-op-Zoom.
Tae list of the remaining missiegnot obtained.
Head-quarters, Calmhout, March 11, 1811.
My Lord—-1 have the honor to inform your Lordship,
that Gen. Bizanet, the Governor of B rgeiuop-Zoom, al.
lowed Li< ut..CoI. Jones to come h re with letters from
Gen. Cooke, in consequence of which I sent in my Aidr Aidrde-Cainp,
de-Cainp, Aidrde-Cainp, Major Stanhope yesterday morning, with full
powers to conclude an agreement relative to an exchange
of prisoners; a copy of which J have the honor to enclose,
agreeable to which, all but the wounded were marched out
from Bergen-op-Zoom yesterday, for the purpose of being
embarked for England, as soon as the navigation of the
river shall he open ; and I trust that my conduct in p edg.
ing my honor to the strict observance of this agreement
will be approved of, and that an immediate release of
French prisoners of coresponding ranks, will take place
with the least possible dalay.
1 must not omit this opportunity to express my entire
satisfaction with theindefatigablezeal of Lient..Col. Jones,
relative to theewnfort of the prisoners, and my obligation
to that officer ano io Major Stanhope on this occasion, 1
am anxious too to do justice to the conduct of Gen. Biza.
net, which, truly characteristic of a brave man, has been
marked from the first with the most kind and human at.
tention to the prisoners. He has sent me the name of an
officer, prisoner in England, formerly his Aide-de-Camp,
and I would gladly hope that, in compliment to the Gen.
this officer would be immediately released without exchange.
Major Stanhope, who can better than any body inform
your Lordship of all particulars you may wish to be in.
formed of, is sent purposely as the bearer of my dispatches,
which makes it unnecessary forme to add more. J have
the honor to be, &c. Thomas Graham.
Earl Bathurst, 4e.
[Here follow the Articles for exchange of prisoners, in
which it is stipulated that proper cara shall be taken of the
wonnded left in the fortress, by English medical officers;
and that ail necessaries shall be allowed to be conveyed to
them. The other Articles are of no consequence, being
merely agreements of course.]
On this 10th of March, Lieut.-Colonel Jones, Lieut-
Col. Stanhope, to the General Officer com.

manding the British forces; Messrs. TTugot Fcufville,
Major, and leClere, Lieut.-Col. of the French Engineers,
having been appointed by their respective Generals, and
having met for the purpose of settling the corditions of an
exchange of prisoners, to be submitted hereafter to the
Commanding Generals of both parties;
The British officers have proposed:
Art. 1. A. suspension of hostilities for three days, to
commence from this day at noon, in order to afford time
for making the necessary arrangements for the execution
of an exchange of prisoners.—Answer, Granted.
Art. 2. That all prisoners of war, wounded and others,
belonging to his Majesty’s forces, shall be given up, giv.
ing their parole of honour not to serve against France or
her Allies in Europe, until they shall have been regular,
ly exchanged.—Answer, Granted.
Art. 3. That all French prisoners of war, wonnded and
otherwise, shall be given up and be accounted for by the
prisoners to be restored to his Britannic Majesty, as lias
been stipulated in the preceding article.—Answer, Grant Granted.
ed. Granted.
Art. 4. At some of his Majesty’s Officers and soldiers
have been dangerously wounded, they shall be left in the
fortress of Bergen.op.Zoom; and two medical officers,
together with the requisite- number of hospital attendants,
to take care of them.—Answer, Granted.
Art. 5. That a building shall be allorted for the pur.
pose of being used as an hospital for the wounded Eng English;
lish; English; and that the Br.tish Officers be allowed to lodge
with the inhabitants, at their own expence.—Answer,
Art. 6. That when the officers, or any others of tha
British wounded, shall be cured, they shall rcriive* pass passports
ports passports from the Governor of Bergen-op-Zoom, to enable
them to proceed to the English outposts; and that the
medical officers and hospital attendants be in like manner
permitted to depart, when their servic s so. ll be no longer
required.—Answer, Granted.
Art. 7. That the general officer commanding the . h
force* be allowed to appoint a Commissary, for the pi r rpoae
poae rpoae of carrying into the place of Bergen.op-Zoom such
articles as may be wanted by the wounded remaining ther -
in, and that the said Commissary be permitted to |as»aud
repass.—Answer, These articles shall be carried once a
week, and on a fixed day, between ten o’clock in the
morning and two in the afternoon ; they shall be deposit deposited
ed deposited within cannon shot, and from thence be taken into the
Art. 8. That the troops of both powers do remain dur.
ing the suspension of hostilities in the same positions which
they now occupy.—Answer, Granted.
Art. 9. That a British officer be authorised to remain
in the place of B< rg» n-oj -Zoom during the sue] uimod of
hostilities, in order to regulate the execution of these dif different
ferent different arrangements.—Answer, Granted.
Art. 10. That the British Officers preserve their swords.
—Answer, Granted.
Art. 11. That waggons be allowed toenter thetown for
the conveyance of the wounded.—Answer, Granted.
Demanded by the French.
Art. 12. That a French Officer be sent with the dis dispatches
patches dispatches of the Governor of Bergen-op-Zoom, for the |,i«r-
P®se of acquainting the Governor <>f Antwerp with the
result of this exchange.—Answer, Granted. He will h 0
accompanied by a British Officer attached to head.quar head.quarters,
ters, head.quarters, to the French out-posts before Antwerp.
Art. 13. That a return be drawn up of the officers and
soldiers of his Britannic Majesty who are actually pri prisoners
soners prisoners of war in Bergen-op-Zoom, which is to be annexed
to this treaty of exchange.—Answer, Granted.
Art. 14. That a return be likewise made of the officers
and men of the French army, who were made prisoners
of war in the night of the Bth to the 9th instant, and that
they, be immediately given up.—Answer, Granted.
Art. 15. These returns shall contain the names of tha
prisoners according to their ranks, and duplicates of the
same shall be made out.— Answer, Granted.
Concluded, subject to the approbation of Gen. Bizanet,
Chief Commandant of Bergen-op. Zoom, and to Ma.
jor-Gen. Cooke, Superior Officer of the prisoners of
war in the place, furnished with the full powers of
Gen. Graham,
(Signed) Leslie Grove Jones, Lieut.-Col.
Jas. Hamilton Stanhope, Major and Aide.
de-Camp to the Commander of the Forces.
Approved by me G. Cooke, Major-Gen.
Le Clerc, commanding the Battalion of En.
gi neers.
Hugot De Neufville, Town Major.
Approved, Le General Bizanet.
| 110 The Mutine brig which arrived in Demerary dn dn-t
-t dn-t • ring the present week, proceeds immediately
to Surinam to take charge of the convoy from thence.
The June fleet being appointed to leave Detuerary bar on
the2lst of that month.
The April convoy frem this eoast, arrived in safety at
St. Thomas, from whence they proceeded on the 4th i’nst.
—the fleet, inclusive of about ICO sail for North AmerL
ca, consisted in 426 ships.
We find by letters from Demerary, that the American
privateer, independent of the damage done on that cea-t,
has captured during her cruize, the ship Aslrea, from Ha Halifax,
lifax, Halifax, bound to Surinam ; theiar//, ficm the same tort,
for Trinidad.

Mr- SMALLEY begs leave to inform his Subscri Subscribers,
bers, Subscribers, and the Gentlemen and Ladies, both of
Berbice and Corentyn Coasts, that his
K iH take place on Monday Evening the \3tU of June,
JBl4, at the above place; on which occasion, he
Mr- will introduce to his most repectable audit nee,
the most celebrated Songs as sung by Messrs. Bra-
and Irish Johnson, vie.
Kais or Love on the Mountains,- with a Recitative
and Air. (composed by Braham.)
The . Thorn, —as sung by Tncledon in his entertain entertainment,
ment, entertainment, call'd Variety, (composed by Shitlelah.)
The Death of Lord Viscount Nelson,—England ex expect
pect expect every Man to do his Duty.
Said, a Smile to a Tear,—as sung and composed by
To com hide the first part, and by particular desire,
the Comic Song as sung by Mr Fawcet, called,
Lobsky and Lis Ugly Wile, or Fishing in Troubled
No More shall S O riow My Heart,— Polacre,
(composed by Braham.)
Comic Song, called
The Farm Yard, or Pigs sqeeking, Wheelscreaking,
Cart whips cracking, Turkles gobbling, Carters
sqnabling, Ranks cooing, Ploughboys jawing,
Horses neighing, Donkics braying, Cocks ciow ciowing,
ing, ciowing, Oxen hollow ins, Dogs barking, Noah’s ark,
as sung by Mr. Fawcet, iir the Popular I'arce
of Love Laughs at Lock Smiths.
Far Far at Sea or Tossed on the Billows,—Sung by
Inclcdon, Dignum, Kelly, &c.
Sprigs of Shillcla’ , —An Irish Song, sung by Mr.
Johnson, at Drury Lane Theatre, with unbound unbounded
ed unbounded applause, in the Opera of Family Quarrels.
Honey and Mustard,—Or matrimony with Sweets
and Sours.
To conclude, by particular desire of several Gen Gentlemen,
tlemen, Gentlemen, with the Song, called.
What’s a Woman Like*
• Admittance f 22. .
Tea, Coffee, ecolateFLemonndes, Sangries, Sand Sandwiches,
wiches, Sandwiches, S,c. will be seized up.
Mr. Smalley unit feel hinyglf highly honored, if
the Gentlemen and Ladies, .who. intend visiting
’ the Cum ert.wi'l subscribe their t namcs and the
number of Tickets wanting. â–  .
pjr Tickets to be had of Mr. Smalley, an’ Planta Plantation
tion Plantation Liverpool; and at the Gazette Office, New
NB. U the weather should not permit on that Even Evening,
ing, Evening, it will be postponed until the following
Monday. â– '
Berbice, May 21, 1814.
Fifteen bales of good clean cotton will be sold
among the creditors of plantation Letterkeney , to
the highest bidders—the sale, to take place at the
store of Messrs. Douglas Reid 8c Co., on the 15th of
June, at 12 o’clock. . Wm. LAWSON.
21 May. , Trustees.
Thirty bales of good clean cotton will be sold to
the highest bidder among the creditors of plantation
Bloomfield, at the store of Douglas Reid & Co., on
Wednesday the 15th of June next, at 12 o’clock.
21 May. C. DOUGLAS,
The undersigned being about to leave the colony,
begs leave, by desir’d of several of the Subscribers to
the Quarterly Balls, to request a.Meeting of Sub Subscribers,
scribers, Subscribers, at Mr. Binding’s Tavern, on the sth of
June next, for the purpose of entering, into arrange arrangements
ments arrangements for continuing the same, and, of appointing a
Treasurer in his roum. GEO. BAG’OT,
14 May. Treasurer.

Offers for Sale, the following articles, at- his Store
in front of the New Town's Tavern, on modul modulate
ate modulate terms, for immediate payment.
PRIME mess beef in half barrels, Yorkshire hams
pine, double, and shingle Gloster cheese, split peas,
pearl barley in jugs, Bristol tripe, Irish potatoes in
hampers, salade od, draft porter in hhds., Port, Ma Madeira,
deira, Madeira, and claret per pipe and hhd., old rum incasks,
rose and lavender water in pint bottles, printed cali calicoes,
coes, calicoes, gentlemen dress, half do., and buckled shoes,
ladies fancy do. do., H >ys, girls, and children do. do,
raspberry vinegar, stationary assorted, tiped & plain
concorded flutes, knives and forks with carvers, b°st
plated table and tea sj >ons-, fish kettles, sauce
w ith covers, sets of did) covers, motion moulds, stew
pans, Janamied tumblers, egg codlers, table bells,
sugar boxes, sailo \ pots, horn and glass lanthorns,
ink st nds, large Dutch ovens, ladies scissars, chests
and cu; hoard locksand hinges, white chapel needles
and haubl.s. steel palm needles, pen and pocket
knives, round bol!*s, Bucks 1 okingglasscss, swc« p ping
ing ping brush s, crat suf Queens wares assorted, toi.-th
brushes, bridi< sa • cotton bagging ami. • ■ l> .••■«« 2! May.
Fifty-two hah •s good ch an cotton, the produce
of plantation AW/rum—Tenders for which, or ahv
quantity not I ss than 10 b iles, will be icceived at
the Vendue Office until Saturday the 4th of June,
when the sane- will be opened and the highest offer
accepted,—pymcni to be made in cash on delivery.
D. C. CAMERON, for self and
21 May. JOHN ROSS, Sequestrators.
ALL those who have any demand against, or are
indebted to the late J. E. Tichoel, Esq. dec. are
•requested to render their claims, and to make pay payment
ment payment to Mr. H. Staal, New Amsterdam.
21 May. Deliberating Executrix.
P ara & barley, | n & w t salcmpores,
Refined sugar, Printed calicoes,
M-ifscdla wmc, I iirniture chmu,
Windsor ch Hrs, Musqnitto lawn,
Bark, rhubarb & Epsom Pullicate, Bandana, Ma Mas'dta,
s'dta, Mas'dta, liras, Bde >re, and poc-
kef handkerchiefs,
lobacco, Pluin, spotted, tfript d,la-
• I l ' *’ & ta,, boured mus-
:* uihs & oil,. tins,
11 oops &" revets, ‘ leans Ac corded dimity.
So«p & q.idles,. , . .... , White cottons,
tie 'hmeij’s * ladie'sJttits Bim, yellow, & white nan-
shoes, keens,
Blacking, liquid for boo : ?l ttillas & checks,
t°p s , 3r:lannia & cotton shirting
Negro jackets &-laps, • | Table cloths & napkins,
Green table covers, Vlarst iHes;
Irish sheeting Ar linen, Hozcry,
'Table & brawri. linen*,
Thread & tape, . Perfumery, &c.
Coffee At cotton bagging,! t .
14 May. • JOHN CROF’ r
THE two htdf I ots No's No's
- No's an excellent sitpaUoh for-
Enquire to this Dffice. ' f . 21
~ ~~
AT the rate of fen guilders per thousand eats; or
at eight guilders tier thousand by taking n quanfi'y
of 10,000. —Apply to G. PU’i I
14 May. oral Pin. Ma iL’traite.
• Thb fast sailing Pilot Sloop, copper bottom’d and
in good order.—ls not sold by the first June, will be
put up at Vendue. <
14 May. JAMES CAPLE. '
A Negro man, who understands in perfect, order
the Baking profession.—enquire at this Office.
; FOR the use of the Civil Government, Two
hundred bunches o f Plantains, wi-ekly, to be landed
at Government stelling; For which Tenders will be
received by fbc Subscriber until Monday the 30th
instant, when they will be opened in presence of His
Excellency the Governor, and the lowest, if approv approved,
ed, approved, accepted.—New Amsterdam, 21st May.
•• ■ •

Ti t r,Ship ELISABETH; I
. Tnos. Langerick, Master.
Is regdy to receive her carp.), and wil] sa }|J
•he first oonvoy, for freight apply to
23 April. A. A. de la COURT I
.t£p The Brig MINERVA
wU Is ready H 4 Wr in her cargo, and
lively sail with he fi/si convoy, for freight app|»J
23 April. A. A. de la COT'fffl
The Brig ALPHA.
D. McCohnnick, Master.
To sail with the June convoy; for freight or pasgj
apply to
BY virtue nf an appointment fro i the
Court of Civil Jist'. 1 11! 1 <• ’his colony, granted
pet ,: on, prescnfe< '<• <»<>:.! tor , j
unprovided Ist • ’ a . I
ber 1813. I the I
said Board, do le'li , **t’ o? by Edi A'l rnl
s»i:s havingcri -nd; ig to h ive a"y on the Estate of ‘h late Robert 'Ji*< I • , ’<» pp'al
before the Curt of Civil Justice of iheir session in -’O'i!h of July, ( i 'he v>r e B
thousand eight hundred an I r urf ’en.) st v
the ptrpos- of th re d •liverin r in thei - < I iais, sj®
the same objected to, «h mid if he neccss i y, andtoH
v. i’n< af'er the fee 'll E ’ictal Summon, the
Court’> deeis on as to the pref rent and com 'rrentl
r gh: of claimants, on ’ ain to such as remain in de«l
fault < f b: irg for ev.rih-barred Iheir right of claim. 1
'TIi sSuo; ion by Edi. t, • ade known to the puhlitl
by beat of'driim from the Court II use of this colony,!
or liirther dealt wi.h according to custom.
Ledncc, the Jjtl February, 1814.
K. I 11A NC K N, First Marshal.
BY vi;ti|e <; :m appoint ent from the Honorable
# ’o irf of Civil Just'ce of his << I my, granted iqons
t’'Uiiion. prcM ult.l by Thomas Fryer Layfield and
Robert Douglas, as ( ur.ators Io the Estate of John
b>ss, dec,, and of J Sincl iir, as Curator tn the
Estate of John S m lair, dec., under date of 29tb .In .Innu
nu .Innu iry 1814. I th * uid Tsig.; I. at the request ol
atoms»id i'iu:;l >r, do hereby Sum non by Edict:—
lor the lourth time • x superaimnd int, all crcdi ors
o <:laim-uit« on the ’,ite fir •> of Ros and Sinclair, or
plantation Nigg, situate wi' this colony, er on
th â–  separate Ic f d's of John Ross and James Sinclair,
to give i t tlieii v uintx in person, or by proxy, belor®
(he B it of the •'’omt of Civil Justice, at th. tr session
which will be held in the iro. < ii of July, 1814, there
to hear the objection made (hereto, if necessary. 1
' to rrocce ! according to Law, on • !
si; ' •ho rcn' 'i>i in dcErult, of being uw
r- -i '•. •■ ■' him.
. ’ ~ ' 5
. Dice, the 16:h E b on. ~
K.F.kAN .k a,. .
BY virtue of an tippociimrnf 'rom the U ’’oraUe
’our.’ ot Civil Justice <»ft'*is colony, gran?c uiioi a
jict lion, presented by the Board’ tbr'Lph ras Did
uni rovided Estates, bearing date the huh N v in inber
ber inber ISI3. I the undersigned, at lhe rcruest ofa.'orr ofa.'orrsaid
said ofa.'orrsaid Boar:l, do hereby Summon by Ed : ct:—All p< r rsons
sons rsons having, or pretending to have any claim or right
<>'.the Eslate of Alexander Houston an.l Hugh Hous Houston
ton Houston or plant dion Mary’sbnrg, negroes and other ap.
pupenances, to appear before the Court tice Justice of this colony, at their session in the month of
July, (in the year one thousand eight hundred and
fourteen,)'say 1814, for the purpose of there deliver delivering
ing delivering in their claims, see the same objected to, should
it be necessary, and to witness, after the fourth
Edictrtl Summon, the Court’s decision as to the pre preferrnl
ferrnl preferrnl and concurrent rights of claimants, on pain to
snety as remain in default, of being for ever debarred
their right of claim.
This Summon by Edict, made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony,
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, the 15th February, 1814.
' K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, p. M.
By W. SCHULZ & Co.
Privileged Government Printers.

Full Text


1814.) BERBICE Twelve dollars p. annum.] NOTIFICATION. B Y Command of JI is E vctllertcy the Governor, and the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal < Justice of the colony Berbice. ALL Proprietors or Representatives of Estates, within the colony Berbice, having Negro Slaves ern* ployed as Pioneers on the Fortifications of Fort S'* Andrew, and drawing allowances from the coh' .r tin hire of such Negroe or Negroes, are inu that the customary Hire heretofore p id by ’’ • » Government lor such Pioneer Negroess u . the 31st day of July, 1814, —on v»h : v.h t. »y ’’ >prirfors or Representatives of Esta f withdraw their Negroes; it being i. !r . uly notified tl at no Hire will be a!lo-,ved f y such Neg’o nr Negroes, on any pretext, from and f;< r the date of the Slst Ju:y, 1314. Apf iienfien for < )rders t< r ?be d. livery of the said Negroes, to be made to the ('.?!? id 3cco tary, from the 28th tothe 31st of July, iqi.J. J'y con. a (:•¦ny I' rbice. TH E Proprietors of Lots w/ahi the First and Second Em polders of the 'i'ov.n r ble Comt, for the purpose of choosing a P.csi I. a< r ¦ two ¦<•»*•bers for‘hr Committee having huge « s;i superin* tendance of the Town \msierd. • in the room of J. J. van drb S‘ro< p and t. T. Mathews, Esqrs. resigned, and A. t xaonnow, Esq. wlro has quitted the colony lor Korop-. Secretary’s Office, May 23d, 1814. By and of the Court. R.C. DOWN!.'?, Secy. PROCLAMATION. BY His Excellency the Governor, and the IGn?.-);.. Court us Policy and Criminal J idde, <>: ir.c <... ny Berbice. To all to whom these presents mav or slr-’i c ; * Greeting! Be it kno. n : WHEREAS by our Proclamatio" r -.g date the 3d of July, 1310, Permission w»s ?ivci: ami granted to all Inhabitants of the; colony, to or Colonics in the \V» lulus, or elsewhere, sue's Horned Cattle, Calves, She. p, and Hogs, as th y might think proper, on paying previous to any such Exportation to the Receiver of the Petty Duties the small duty which wi. ild be paid, it the ssid catilr were slaughtered within this colony, namely, three guilders per herd f>r horned catlie, and one guilder per head tor calves, sheep, and hogs. And whereas circumstances have rendered it necessary Hunt the restrictions attendant the said permission tor Exportation should be again with Irawn. , Be it therefore known th it the restrictions on th< Exportation to Dem rary, Surinam, or any of the British Islands or Co onu s in the W est Indies, of Horned cattle, calves, sheep, and hogs, are from henceforth withdrawn, and tli« free Exportation of the same allowed.. And in order that ah and every Inhabitant may be acquaint' d therewith, these presents shall be punted and published as customary. Thus enacted in our Assembly, held at the Court House, in New Amsterdam, B rbice, this 12th Day of January, 1814. present His Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Lieutenant-Governor, and the Ilonorable Members fe. C. Abbensets, John McCamon, Js. Fraser, P. Fairbairn, A. J. Glasius, and G. Munnx By command of the Court. R.C. DOWNER, Neg,. And published on the 10th May, 1814, present His Excellency the Governor. By command, R. C. DOWNER, Sec. SATURDAY. MAY 28. BERBICE. King's House, 23th May, 1814. THE Lienfen'int-Governor has been pleased to make the f<>llowmg Promotions in the Miliatia : Ist COMPANY, 3d BATTALION. Lieut. Jno. Croit to be Capt. vice, Wilson Taylor resigned. ). Cameron, (Iifleman, to be Ist Lieut, vice, t’r ! t prom >t< d. ' I y rtood, to be 2d Lieutenant, vice, Mclntosh, deceased.**— Iso, hai l s Kyte, Gentleman, to be Receiver of the Mill* ii lines. llis ' xerllcncy trusts that the latter appointment •nil )(' k< pt by the good order and discipline cl ev ry member oi InMilitia, and particularly by their punctual attendance on parade. By Command, F. AV HITE, Gov. See. KINGB AGE\(7\< I \\ O or given.—AppltAition to be mad • to Mr. R. McKENZIE, in New Amsterdam. 28 May. M EDEC INES, ~ J OR sale, a valuable assortment, peculiarly suif¦ible to this climate, being ot the best quality, pro. 2, I ds. Empoldtr; tor ituihci particulars ap' Iv to '2B May. K. FRANCKEN. TEN DE R 8 Fo r COTTON."" THE SeqiHshators of plantation Nigg, ofler For saL by I»riders, 40 bales oi cotton, to be dciiveicd at he house ot M< S'is Henery and i’aylor, anu paid li>r in Cash ; the highest oiler, fi.r v.hicli will, ii approved ot, be accepted, anil Fenders opened on tin ;Sth of June next. —28th May. FOR SALE” A handsome Carride and pair of Horses, who arc incomplete mate h, in high condition and pnfectly sound, they are well worth the attention of any Gentleman, who may be in want of an article of this description—for faiilmi particulars enquire of Lieut. Downie, at Fort St. Andrew.—2Bn’ ’ I Evan Fraser, Partner of the above Firms, for h S' If, and representing his deceased Brother A>: t Fraser, to furnish him with statements thereof v uhout delay, inorder that they may be hne < ’ u iy settled. Berbice, 2><

VENDUE OFFICE. PUBLIC VENDUES. On Wednesday the Ist of J une, will be sold at ths Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. Douglas Reid df Co. the fol owing goods, just imported, viz.— Hams, cheese, pale ale in buttles, red and white herrings in kegs, tripe in do., boots, shoes, beaver and japann.d huts, printed calicoes, ginghams, best mess pork in half barrels.—Also jive prime field negroes. O’i the same day by the Vendue Master in Commission, thr' reclaimed field negroes, also ten hhds. best London brown stout, and ten casks do. of ten dozen each, butler in firkins, candles, soap, cotton and coffee bagging, tea sugar, a Jew tierces <>/ salt, sc. D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master. On Tuesday thc7ih of June, will be sold, by order and at th? premises oj 11. Stual, Esq. on lot _Vu. 16. the Effeels of the late J. E. Tiebucl, Esq., consisting in six negroes, a house boy, a washers:Mian, a horse, a bull, 6 core*, ta/rej, goats and pigs ; silver table spoons and forks, tables, chairs, beasteads und matresses, s<>Jus, an elegant liquor case, with 21 cwf glass bottles, > arthen ana glassware, fowling piec s, a good six oared tent coijuul, a small d>., a pint, wearing apparel, ilfc. —Also the dev used remaining stock if goods, consigned, viz.— Ge itlemen, ladies and childrens shoes, supperjine ch th co.if s, ladies dresses, straw bonnets, leather ca r s, flannel, bljttingpa er, books, card racks, brushes, braces, smoked salmon in tin kegs, Dutch herrings, cut glassware, phials with gla s stoppers, willow huts, tool chests, sation. ary, black s:lk waistcoats, lavender and honey water, powder, shot, candlesticks, saddles, bridles, curry combs, brushes, and a variety of other articles oj merchandize. On the same day, by order oj Messrs. C. C. S waving and II Staal, qq. the Executors of the lute J. J. Swaving, Esq., the abandoned Estates Ho'llandia and Zeeland’a, the lot No. 48, 2d Empolder, of this town, a large knire case silver mounted, inteded for four dozen knives, forks and spoons, together with 18 silver spoons, 21 do. forks, 2 do. soup dealers, 6 tea spoons, 2 silver mounted swards, glassware, elegant Chinaware, consisting in pum h bowls, dishes, tea and coff.e puls, and a Complete tea service. Also on the same day and place, by order of Messrs. J. L. Kip tj Co,, the remainder of th’ goods, without reserve, viz.—Faint and paint oil, nails assurteu,candles, scan, L ’itdta brown stout m hhds. g nilemen do a thing. Ojnabuigs. «w> duck, negro blankets, stationary, D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Fcndue Muster. -V. R. Tne •» lie will commence at 11 o'clock precisely. «n*a a .ajaßßa®g®®®a®®®gmr tumca mu mbm MARSHAL's OFFICE. S.ILE UX EXECUTION. FoUliTtl PROLLMIA TION. BY virtue of aa appointment from His Excellency H. •' . iJestjnck, Esquire, Lieutenant-Governor of ht of claim. This Summon by Edict, (ex super ahundanh*) made known to the public by bea’ of drum from the Court House of this colony, and further dealt with according to custom. Berbice, the IGth of’ May, 1814. K. FRANCK EN, First Marshal. THE BE It Illi E GAZETTE. 'saßn»NEW AMSTERDAM, 3/xf 28, 1811. We are happy to communicate the arrival in Demerary of the Mutine, gun brig, and a sloop as war, and that the continuance of (he depredation of the American privateer, as no longer to be apprehended. London Gazette Extraordinary. WAR DEPARTMENT. downing-street, march 11, 1814. Dispatches, of which the follow ing are copies, were received last night from General Sir Thomas Graham, K. B. Head-quarters, Calmhout March 10, 1814. My Lord—lt becomes my painful task to report to your Lordship, that an attack on Bergen.op-2oom, w hich seemed at first to promise complete success, ended in failure, and occasioned a severe loss to the Ist division and to Brigadier. Genera I Gore’s briuade. It is unnecessary for me to state the reasons which de. termined me to make the attempt to carry such a place by storm, since the success of two of the colum in establish, ii'g themselves on the ramparts, with every trifling loss must justify the having incurred the risk for the attaint ment of so important an object, as the capture of such a fortress. The troops employed were formed in four columns, ea per margin*. No. 1, the left column, attacked betweea the Antwerp and Water Port Gates. No. 2 attacked *n, it fell into diso* dcr, and sullered great loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners. Ihe centre column having been forced back with considerable loss by ifie heavy tire uss oi tne detachment of the Ist guards, which having been scut tomdeavour to assist Lieut-Col. Carleton, and t I secure the Antwerp Gate, was cut off, after tho mmf gallant resistance, wuica cost the lives of many mostva ia able officers. * ‘ w At day-break the cn my having turned the gnns of tig piuce, optied ihcir fire >st the troops on the unpro* ucted rampart, and the reset vc of the 4th column (thg uoy al .vcu(ch) retired from Water Port C»te, followed by uic djd. imj lurmci r04, s e.!eially, oi an the officers and m<-n m»loyed Otar him, pamcuiariy maniioniug Colonel Lord Proby. Gieui-Coionels Rooke, commanding the Coldstream* . iercer oi the 3d uuards, command! g the ight companies oi inc bngaue, (the alter unfor unauly among the kil. ieii;) iildjors .dutUebury and Hog, of the 69th and 55 thus uvsering ul his warm praise. He laments, ia commo® with the whom coips, tnesev> re .oss to the service of thes® disUnguisned officers, Lieut—Co onel Clifton, •>mnr>and. n>g ti.e Ist L> wards, and Liuut.-Coioncl the Hon. Jame® .vucdor.a.d, of that regiment. These officers fell, with many others, at theAuiwcrp Gate, all behaving with th® s.latest intrepidity ; and Lieut—Colonel Jones, with th® reinamuer oi ihj detachment, was forced to surrender. 1 he service oi conducting the columns was ably provid. ul lor Oy Lmut..Cuio.iei Carmichael Smith, of the Royal cngiuems, v r )v himself accompanied Majir General Cooke, as did also Lneut-Colonel sir Geo. Wood, commanding •ie Kaya! Artillery) who ottached officers to lead each co.num, vj2. Capt. Sir Geo. Hoste, and Lieut. Abbey, to tne left; and Lieut. Sparling to the right, and Capt. Edvard MicheL, Royal Artillery, who volunteend hit services, to the centre column, tach having a paity of suppers a and minus under his command. J Jeu tenant Abbey was dangerously wounded, and Capt. Alicneli was covered wiih wounds, in the act of escalad. mg me scarp wail of the place, but I trust ther® are good hopes oi his not being lost to the service. lour Lordsliip wnl beieve, that though it ig impossible not to feel the disappointment of our ultimata failure in tins attack, 1 can only think at present with the deepest regret of the loss of so many of my gallant comaradus. i have the honor to be, &c. „ , „ . Thomas Graham. Earl Bathurst, 4c. fc P. S. Returns will be transmitted as soon as they ca® possibly be received, meanwhile 1 send the most correct nominal list, that can be obtained of the officers ki led, w ounded, and prisoners. T, G. * Ist Column— Guards, ibobTcoiTTxird Proby? ' Sd ( olumn—ssth l oot.idJO j 69tli Foot, leMj 33d l oot, 600—Total, l.OO; Lieut.-Col. Morrice, 60th Foot. 3d Column—9lst Foot, 400; i Ist Foot, 100; 87th Foot, 150—Total, 650; Lieut.-Col. llenQ,2ist Hegiment.

IBergen-yp.Zoom, Marek 16, 1814. I'gjj— I bare now the honor of reporting toyour Excel. Ley that the column which made the attackontheAm. icrp side got into the about eleven o’clock on the kht of the Bth, by thet clock of this town ; but at about alf.nast eleven, by the time we regulated by, a delay svthg occurred at Bourgbliet, occasioned by my findiih necessary to change the point of attack, on account or ie state of the ice at first intended spot. Every exertio as made by Lieut.-Colonel Smith and Capt. Sir G. Hoste, f the royal engineers, in getting on the ladders and planks quisite or effecting the enterprise, and in directing the lacing them for the descent into the ditch, the passing the eetini the ice, and ascending the ramparts of the body of be place ; during which operation several men were lost by a fire from the rampart. After we were established on the rampart, and had occupied some houses, from whence ve might have been much annoyed, and had sent a strong ®3trole towards the point at which Major-Gen. Skerrett and Lieut.-Col. Carleton had entered, 1 detached LieutCol, Clifton with part of the Ist guards, to secure the Antwerp Gate, and to see if he could get any information of the column under Lieut.-Col. Morrice. Lieut.. Col. Clifton reached the gate but found that it could not be opned by his men, the enemy throwing a viry heavy fire up a street leading to it. It was also found that they ocBied an outwork, commanding the brigade, which would effectually render that outlet useless to us. I heard nothing more of this detachment, but considered it as lost, the Communication having been interrupted by the enemy. Lieut.-Col. Hooke, with part of the 3d guard, wasaf. teruards s< nt in that direction, drove the enem. from the intermediate rampart, and reached the gate, when he found it useless to attempt any thing, and ascertained that the S outwork was still occupied. We were joined in the course of tie night by the 33d, 35th, and id battalion of the C9thTtitimint, but the state uncertainty as to what had . passid at < ther points, determined me not to weak< n the forct n w collected, by attempting to carry points which we could not maintain, or penetrate through the strets with a certain loss of a great number of men, particularly as I heard that the troops at the Water Port Gate, under Lieut.-Col. Muller, were very seriously opposed. I sent th ' 33d to reinforce him. The eremy continued a galling fire upon us, and at one time held the adjoining bastion, from the angle of which they completely commanded our communication wi«h the exterior, and brought their guns at that angle to bear against us. They were charged and driven away by Ma. Jors Mutt ebury and Hog, with the 69ih and 55th, in a very spirited and . a lant style. Find, ng that matters were Incoming more serious, and being still without any information from other points, ex. cepting that of the failure of Lieut.-Col. Morr ce’s column near the Nourd Gate, i determined, at the suggestion of Colonel Lord Proby, to let part of the troops withdraw, which was done al the ladders where they entered. About day-light the enemy having again possessed themselves of the before mentioned bastion, they were again driven from it by Majors Muttkbury and Hog, with their weak battalions, in the same gallant manner. I soon at. forward' began sending off some more men, when Lieut.. Co! Joies, who had been taken prisoner in the night, tan e to me, (accompanied by a French officer, who sum. Biotied me to surrenderJ and informed me that Lieut.. Col. Muller, and the troops at the Water Port Gate had bu n obliged io surrender, and were marched prisoners in. to the town, wheu I also learnt the fate of Lieut.-(Joi. Clifton's detachment, and of Major-Gen. Skerrett, MajorCen, Gore, and Lieut.. Col. Carleton, and that thetroo, s which had followed them had suffered very m ich, and had bivu repulsed from the advanced points along the rampait where they had penetrated to. I was convinced that a ioi'aer continuance of the contest would bean useless loss el lives, and w ithout a prospect of relief, as were situat. •d. 1 therefore consented to adopt the mortifying alter, ¦alive of laying down our arms. I have now to perform the just and satisfactory duty of conveying to your Excellency my sense of the merits and good conduct of the officers and soldiers in this bold and arduous enterprise. 1 have only a knowledge of what Passed under my ow n observation and I lament that the loss of Major-Gen. Skerrett, from his dangerous wounds, ¦nd of the other superior officers employed at the other points of attack, prevents me from giving such detailed praise of the merits of the officers and soldiers as J have Bo doubt they deserve. J heg to repeat my sense of the distinguished conduct of Col. Lord Proby; Lieut.-Col. Rooke and Mercer, , not dangerously. Royal Scots, m th Battalion,* apt. Purvis,severely,prisoner; Lieutenants Sto.te, Robertson,aurt W. Midgles,severely. 21st Foot,2d battalion, Major Robert Henry (Lieut.-Colonel), severely, not dangerously; Capt. Darrah, severely, not dangerously; Capt. Donald M’Kenzie,severely, leg amputated; Ist Lieutenants the Hon. F. H. Morris,slightly ; H. Pigou,slightly ; id LieUtenan's John Bnlteel,severely since dead ;D. Moody, severely prisoner; D. Rankin,?evere!y,prisoner; Ensign Sir W’.Crosby.severely. 33d Regmeiit, Lt.-Col. 1 Iphinston,severely,not dangerous!.. ;Capt. Guthrie, ditto; Lieut. M Quarrie, Hight!.; Lieut. Kerr, severely; Lieut. Buck, slightly; Lieut. Pode, severely, prisoner; Ensign Bannatvne, severely ; Ensign Gaming, ditto ; I-nsign Howard, slightly; Adjutant Priesdy,ditto. 37th Reg. 2d battalion, Lieut. Dyer,severely, pr soner; J nsigh W. Ralph, slightly ; Ensign Thomas Butler, ditto; Adjutant John Long, severely. 4 tii Reg. 2d battalion, Major George Harding (Brevet Lieut.-Col ) severely, not dangerously, prisoner; Capt. J. C. Gutnrie, slightly; Captains David Power and J. Ballard, severely, prisoners; Capt. J. Dudie, severely; Lieut. G. ( . Beatty, slightly, prisoner ; Lieutenants John O'Reilly and O. lo'.kins,severely, prisoners: Ensigns Henry Martin and Gilbert Dunlevie, severely ; Adjutant Meade and Ensign Whitney, severely, prisoners. 55th Regimei t, ( apt. Campbell, severely, prisoner; Capt. Macdonald,slightly, ditto; Lieut. Friend,sjightk,ditto; Lieutenants Gardner, Adam,and Sinclair, severely, prisoners; Lieut, and Adjutant Delgairns,severe) .prisoner; Ensigns Marshall, iievely,Goodall,and King, severe! , prisoners. 69th Ke?, td battalion, Lieut.-Col. Morrice, severely, not dangerous! v ; 1 nsign Ry an. severely, prisoner. 91st Reg. 2d battalion, I ieut.-Col Ottley, severely, not dangerously, prisoners Capt. Arch. Campbell, slightly, prisoner; Lieut. Jonn l amyb‘ll, seveiel-,, not dangeiously ; Lieut, ,'otia M’Donaid, slightly; Lieut, and Adjutant Scott, slight! v, prisoner ; Ensign D V. Machen,slightly, prisoner; Ensigns J. Briggs. Horsley, and Gage, 1 severely, prisnneis; Quarter-Master Fergusou,severely, not dangerou-1 >, prisoner. General fttatf, Major-Gen. Skerrett. severely, prisoner; Capt. Desbrow , Aki»rio<4tnp, •lightly, prisoner. WIBSISG. Ist Foot Guards, Cooke; Lieut.-Col. Jones; Ensigns Masters and Hooyman ; Surgeon ( urts. Royal Scots,*lth battalion, Lieut.-Col. Muller; Lieutenant Macartney '4 th Foot,2d battalion,Capt. Gearge Crozier; Lieutenants Frederick Hennaing, R. J Turnbarrow, J. S. Sinclair. 33d Foot,? battalion, Capt. <¦. Culcougu, Aide-de-Catnp to Brigadier-Gen. Gore. 55th Foot, Major Hogg. 60th Foot, id battalion, Maior Muttlebury t Surgeon G. Reeve. 91 st Fcot, 2d battalion. Surgeon M. k oung ; Assistant Surgeon H. J. O'Donnell. Capt. Cuyier, Aide-de-Camp to Major-Gen. Skerrett. A. MACDONALD. t Lieut.-Col. Dep.-Adjutant Gen. N.R. Those return'd mi sing are ail prisoners in Bermeo-op-Zoom. Tae list of the remaining missiegnot obtained. Head-quarters, Calmhout, March 11, 1811. My Lord—-1 have the honor to inform your Lordship, that Gen. Bizanet, the Governor of B rgeiuop-Zoom, al. lowed Li< ut..CoI. Jones to come h re with letters from Gen. Cooke, in consequence of which I sent in my Aidrde-Cainp, Major Stanhope yesterday morning, with full powers to conclude an agreement relative to an exchange of prisoners; a copy of which J have the honor to enclose, agreeable to which, all but the wounded were marched out from Bergen-op-Zoom yesterday, for the purpose of being embarked for England, as soon as the navigation of the river shall he open ; and I trust that my conduct in p edg. ing my honor to the strict observance of this agreement will be approved of, and that an immediate release of French prisoners of coresponding ranks, will take place with the least possible dalay. 1 must not omit this opportunity to express my entire satisfaction with theindefatigablezeal of Lient..Col. Jones, relative to theewnfort of the prisoners, and my obligation to that officer ano io Major Stanhope on this occasion, 1 am anxious too to do justice to the conduct of Gen. Biza. net, which, truly characteristic of a brave man, has been marked from the first with the most kind and human at. tention to the prisoners. He has sent me the name of an officer, prisoner in England, formerly his Aide-de-Camp, and I would gladly hope that, in compliment to the Gen. this officer would be immediately released without exchange. Major Stanhope, who can better than any body inform your Lordship of all particulars you may wish to be in. formed of, is sent purposely as the bearer of my dispatches, which makes it unnecessary forme to add more. J have the honor to be, &c. Thomas Graham. Earl Bathurst, 4e. [Here follow the Articles for exchange of prisoners, in which it is stipulated that proper cara shall be taken of the wonnded left in the fortress, by English medical officers; and that ail necessaries shall be allowed to be conveyed to them. The other Articles are of no consequence, being merely agreements of course.] CONDITIONS. On this 10th of March, Lieut.-Colonel Jones, LieutCol. Stanhope, to the General Officer com. manding the British forces; Messrs. TTugot Fcufville, Major, and leClere, Lieut.-Col. of the French Engineers, having been appointed by their respective Generals, and having met for the purpose of settling the corditions of an exchange of prisoners, to be submitted hereafter to the Commanding Generals of both parties; The British officers have proposed: Art. 1. A. suspension of hostilities for three days, to commence from this day at noon, in order to afford time for making the necessary arrangements for the execution of an exchange of prisoners.—Answer, Granted. Art. 2. That all prisoners of war, wounded and others, belonging to his Majesty’s forces, shall be given up, giv. ing their parole of honour not to serve against France or her Allies in Europe, until they shall have been regular, ly exchanged.—Answer, Granted. Art. 3. That all French prisoners of war, wonnded and otherwise, shall be given up and be accounted for by the prisoners to be restored to his Britannic Majesty, as lias been stipulated in the preceding article.—Answer, Granted. Art. 4. At some of his Majesty’s Officers and soldiers have been dangerously wounded, they shall be left in the fortress of Bergen.op.Zoom; and two medical officers, together with the requisitenumber of hospital attendants, to take care of them.—Answer, Granted. Art. 5. That a building shall be allorted for the pur. pose of being used as an hospital for the wounded English; and that the Br.tish Officers be allowed to lodge with the inhabitants, at their own expence.—Answer, Granted. Art. 6. That when the officers, or any others of tha British wounded, shall be cured, they shall rcriive* passports from the Governor of Bergen-op-Zoom, to enable them to proceed to the English outposts; and that the medical officers and hospital attendants be in like manner permitted to depart, when their servic s so. ll be no longer required.—Answer, Granted. Art. 7. That the general officer commanding the . h force* be allowed to appoint a Commissary, for the pi rpoae of carrying into the place of Bergen.op-Zoom such articles as may be wanted by the wounded remaining ther in, and that the said Commissary be permitted to |as»aud repass.—Answer, These articles shall be carried once a week, and on a fixed day, between ten o’clock in the morning and two in the afternoon ; they shall be deposited within cannon shot, and from thence be taken into the garrison. Art. 8. That the troops of both powers do remain dur. ing the suspension of hostilities in the same positions which they now occupy.—Answer, Granted. Art. 9. That a British officer be authorised to remain in the place of B< rg» n-oj -Zoom during the sue] uimod of hostilities, in order to regulate the execution of these different arrangements.—Answer, Granted. Art. 10. That the British Officers preserve their swords. —Answer, Granted. Art. 11. That waggons be allowed toenter thetown for the conveyance of the wounded.—Answer, Granted. Demanded by the French. Art. 12. That a French Officer be sent with the dispatches of the Governor of Bergen-op-Zoom, for the |,i«rP®se of acquainting the Governor <>f Antwerp with the result of this exchange.—Answer, Granted. He will h 0 accompanied by a British Officer attached to head.quarters, to the French out-posts before Antwerp. Art. 13. That a return be drawn up of the officers and soldiers of his Britannic Majesty who are actually prisoners of war in Bergen-op-Zoom, which is to be annexed to this treaty of exchange.—Answer, Granted. Art. 14. That a return be likewise made of the officers and men of the French army, who were made prisoners of war in the night of the Bth to the 9th instant, and that they, be immediately given up.—Answer, Granted. Art. 15. These returns shall contain the names of tha prisoners according to their ranks, and duplicates of the same shall be made out.— Answer, Granted. Concluded, subject to the approbation of Gen. Bizanet, Chief Commandant of Bergen-op. Zoom, and to Ma. jor-Gen. Cooke, Superior Officer of the prisoners of war in the place, furnished with the full powers of Gen. Graham, (Signed) Leslie Grove Jones, Lieut.-Col. Jas. Hamilton Stanhope, Major and Aide. de-Camp to the Commander of the Forces. Approved by me G. Cooke, Major-Gen. Le Clerc, commanding the Battalion of En. gi neers. Hugot De Neufville, Town Major. Approved, Le General Bizanet. | 110 The Mutine brig which arrived in Demerary dn-t • ring the present week, proceeds immediately to Surinam to take charge of the convoy from thence. The June fleet being appointed to leave Detuerary bar on the2lst of that month. The April convoy frem this eoast, arrived in safety at St. Thomas, from whence they proceeded on the 4th i’nst. —the fleet, inclusive of about ICO sail for North AmerL ca, consisted in 426 ships. We find by letters from Demerary, that the American privateer, independent of the damage done on that cea-t, has captured during her cruize, the ship Aslrea, from Halifax, bound to Surinam ; theiar//, ficm the same tort, for Trinidad.


j FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. NEWLAND HALL LOGIE. MrSMALLEY begs leave to inform his Subscribers, and the Gentlemen and Ladies, both of Berbice and Corentyn Coasts, that his GRAND CONCERT AND BALL K iH take place on Monday Evening the \3tU of June, JBl4, at the above place; on which occasion, he Mrwill introduce to his most repectable audit nee, the most celebrated Songs as sung by Messrs. BraHAU, JncLF.DGN, I)IGNUM, KELLY, FAIFCET, and Irish Johnson, vie. SONGS, Kais or Love on the Mountains,with a Recitative and Air. (composed by Braham.) The . Thorn, —as sung by Tncledon in his entertainment, call'd Variety, (composed by Shitlelah.) The Death of Lord Viscount Nelson,—England expect every Man to do his Duty. Said, a Smile to a Tear,—as sung and composed by Braham. To com hide the first part, and by particular desire, the Comic Song as sung by Mr Fawcet, called, Lobsky and Lis Ugly Wile, or Fishing in Troubled Waters. SECOND PA JIT. No More shall S O riow My Heart,— Polacre, (composed by Braham.) Comic Song, called The Farm Yard, or Pigs sqeeking, Wheelscreaking, Cart whips cracking, Turkles gobbling, Carters sqnabling, Ranks cooing, Ploughboys jawing, Horses neighing, Donkics braying, Cocks ciowing, Oxen hollow ins, Dogs barking, Noah’s ark, as sung by Mr. Fawcet, iir the Popular I'arce of Love Laughs at Lock Smiths. Far Far at Sea or Tossed on the Billows,—Sung by Inclcdon, Dignum, Kelly, &c. Sprigs of Shillcla’ , —An Irish Song, sung by Mr. Johnson, at Drury Lane Theatre, with unbounded applause, in the Opera of Family Quarrels. Comic. Honey and Mustard,—Or matrimony with Sweets and Sours. To conclude, by particular desire of several Gentlemen, with the Song, called. What’s a Woman Like* • Admittance f 22. . Tea, Coffee, ecolateFLemonndes, Sangries, Sandwiches, S,c. will be seized up. Mr. Smalley unit feel hinyglf highly honored, if the Gentlemen and Ladies, .who. intend visiting ’ the Cum ert.wi'l subscribe their t namcs and the number of Tickets wanting. ¦ . pjr Tickets to be had of Mr. Smalley, an’ Plantation Liverpool; and at the Gazette Office, New 'Amsterdam NB. U the weather should not permit on that Evening, it will be postponed until the following Monday. ¦' Berbice, May 21, 1814. SALE "of. COTTON. Fifteen bales of good clean cotton will be sold among the creditors of plantation Letterkeney , to the highest bidders—the sale, to take place at the store of Messrs. Douglas Reid 8c Co., on the 15th of June, at 12 o’clock. . Wm. LAWSON. C. DOL GLAS, 21 May. , Trustees. SALE of COTTON. Thirty bales of good clean cotton will be sold to the highest bidder among the creditors of plantation Bloomfield, at the store of Douglas Reid & Co., on Wednesday the 15th of June next, at 12 o’clock. , Wm. LAWSON, 21 May. C. DOUGLAS, Trustees. QUARTERLY BALLS. The undersigned being about to leave the colony, begs leave, by desir’d of several of the Subscribers to the Quarterly Balls, to request a.Meeting of Subscribers, at Mr. Binding’s Tavern, on the sth of June next, for the purpose of entering, into arrangements for continuing the same, and, of appointing a Treasurer in his roum. GEO. BAG’OT, 14 May. Treasurer. GEO. LACY, Offers for Sale, the following articles, athis Store in front of the New Town's Tavern, on modulate terms, for immediate payment. PRIME mess beef in half barrels, Yorkshire hams pine, double, and shingle Gloster cheese, split peas, pearl barley in jugs, Bristol tripe, Irish potatoes in hampers, salade od, draft porter in hhds., Port, Madeira, and claret per pipe and hhd., old rum incasks, rose and lavender water in pint bottles, printed calicoes, gentlemen dress, half do., and buckled shoes, ladies fancy do. do., H >ys, girls, and children do. do, raspberry vinegar, stationary assorted, tiped & plain concorded flutes, knives and forks with carvers, b°st plated table and tea sj >ons-, fish kettles, sauce w ith covers, sets of did) covers, motion moulds, stew pans, Janamied tumblers, egg codlers, table bells, sugar boxes, sailo \ pots, horn and glass lanthorns, ink st nds, large Dutch ovens, ladies scissars, chests and cu; hoard locksand hinges, white chapel needles and haubl.s. steel palm needles, pen and pocket knives, round bol!*s, Bucks 1 okingglasscss, swc« ping brush s, crat suf Queens wares assorted, toi.-th brushes, bridi< sa • .••¦«« 2! May. FuR SALE, Fifty-two hah •s good ch an cotton, the produce of plantation AW/rum—Tenders for which, or ahv quantity not I ss than 10 b iles, will be icceived at the Vendue Office until Saturday the 4th of June, when the sanewill be opened and the highest offer accepted,—pymcni to be made in cash on delivery. D. C. CAMERON, for self and 21 May. JOHN ROSS, Sequestrators. ALL those who have any demand against, or are indebted to the late J. E. Tichoel, Esq. dec. are •requested to render their claims, and to make payment to Mr. H. Staal, New Amsterdam. ANNA TfEPni L. 21 May. Deliberating Executrix. FOR SALE P ara & barley, | n & w t salcmpores, Refined sugar, Printed calicoes, M-ifscdla wmc, I iirniture chmu, Ginghams,* Windsor ch Hrs, Musqnitto lawn, Bark, rhubarb & Epsom Pullicate, Bandana, Mas'dta, liras, Bde >re, and pockef handkerchiefs, lobacco, Pluin, spotted, tfript d,la• I l ' *’ & ta,, boured mus:* uihs & oil,. tins, 11 oops &" revets, ‘ leans Ac corded dimity. So«p & q.idles,. , . .... , White cottons, tie 'hmeij’s * ladie'sJttits Bim, yellow, & white nanshoes, keens, Blacking, liquid for boo : ?l ttillas & checks, t°p s , 3r:lannia & cotton shirting Negro jackets &-laps, • | Table cloths & napkins, Green table covers, Vlarst iHes; Sewing Irish sheeting Ar linen, Hozcry, 'Table & brawri. linen*, Thread & tape, . Perfumery, &c. Coffee At cotton bagging,! t . 14 May. • JOHN CROF’ r FOR SAI E THE two htdf I ots No'san excellent sitpaUoh forEnquire to this Dffice. ' f . 21 ~ ~~ AT the rate of fen guilders per thousand eats; or at eight guilders tier thousand by taking n quanfi'y of 10,000. —Apply to G. PU’i I 14 May. oral Pin. Ma iL’traite. FOR SALE • Thb fast sailing Pilot Sloop, copper bottom’d and in good order.—ls not sold by the first June, will be put up at Vendue. < 14 May. JAMES CAPLE. ' FOR SALE OR HIRE. A Negro man, who understands in perfect, order the Baking profession.—enquire at this Office. REQUIRED 7 ; FOR the use of the Civil Government, Two hundred bunches o f Plantains, wi-ekly, to be landed at Government stelling; For which Tenders will be received by fbc Subscriber until Monday the 30th instant, when they will be opened in presence of His Excellency the Governor, and the lowest, if approved, accepted.—New Amsterdam, 21st May. IL MACKENZIE, Acting Com. •• ¦ • FOB I.ONDON. I i Ti t r,Ship ELISABETH; I . Tnos. Langerick, Master. Is regdy to receive her carp.), and wil] sa }|J •he first oonvoy, for freight apply to 23 April. A. A. de la COURT I .t£p The Brig MINERVA wU Is ready H 4 Wr in her cargo, and lively sail with he fi/si convoy, for freight app|»J 23 April. A. A. de la COT'fffl FOB GLASGOJF, The Brig ALPHA. D. McCohnnick, Master. To sail with the June convoy; for freight or pasgj apply to 7 May. DOUGLAS REID & Co, I SUMMON by EDICT. BY virtue nf an appointment fro i the Court of Civil Jist'. 1 11! 1 <• ’his colony, granted pet ,: on, prescnfe< '<• <»<>:.! tor , j unprovided Ist • ’ a . I ber 1813. I the I said Board, do le'li , **t’ o? by Edi A'l rnl s»i:s havingcri -nd; ig to h ive a"y r e B thousand eight hundred an I r urf ’en.) st v the ptrposof th re d •liverin r in thei < I iais, sj® the same objected to, «h mid if he neccss i y, andtoH v. i’n< af'er the fee 'll E ’ictal Summon, the Court’> deeis on as to the pref rent and com 'rrentl r gh: of claimants, on ’ ain to such as remain in de«l fault < f b: irg for ev.rih-barred Iheir right of claim. 1 'TIi sSuo; ion by Edi. t, • ade known to the puhlitl by beat of'driim from the Court II use of this colony,! or liirther dealt wi.h according to custom. Ledncc, the Jjtl February, 1814. K. I 11A NC K N, First Marshal. SUMMON by EDICT. BY vi;ti|e <; :m appoint ent from the Honorable # ’o irf of Civil Just'ce of his << I my, granted iqons t’'Uiiion. prcM ult.l by Thomas Fryer Layfield and Robert Douglas, as ( ur.ators Io the Estate of John b>ss, dec,, and of J Sincl iir, as Curator tn the Estate of John S m lair, dec., under date of 29tb .Innu iry 1814. I th * uid Tsig.; I. at the request ol atoms»id i'iu:;l >r, do hereby Sum non by Edict:— lor the lourth time • x superaimnd int, all crcdi ors o <:laim-uit« on the ’,ite fir •> of Ros and Sinclair, or plantation Nigg, situate wi' this colony, er on th ¦ separate Ic f d's of John Ross and James Sinclair, to give i t tlieii v uintx in person, or by proxy, belor® (he B it of the •'’omt of Civil Justice, at th. tr session which will be held in the iro. < ii of July, 1814, there to hear the objection made (hereto, if necessary. 1 ' to rrocce ! according to Law, on • ! si; ' •ho rcn' 'i>i in dcErult, of being uw r-i '•. •¦ ¦' him. . ’ ~ ' 5 . Dice, the 16:h E b on. ~ K.F.kAN .k a,. . SUMM N by EGUT. BY virtue of an tippociimrnf 'rom the U ’’oraUe ’our.’ ot Civil Justice <»ft'*is colony, gran?c uiioi a jict lion, presented by the Board’ tbr'Lph ras Did uni rovided Estates, bearing date the huh N v inber ISI3. I the undersigned, at lhe rcruest ofa.'orrsaid Boar:l, do hereby Summon by Ed : ct:—All p< rsons having, or pretending to have any claim or right <>'.the Eslate of Alexander Houston an.l Hugh Houston or plant dion Mary’sbnrg, negroes and other ap. pupenances, to appear before the Court