Berbice gazette

Material Information

Berbice gazette
Uniform Title:
Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
Place of Publication:
New Amsterdam
W. Schulz
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
New Amsterdam (guyana)
newspaper ( sobekcm )


General Note:
General Note:
Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
General Note:
The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
General Note:
In English, with occasional text in Dutch
Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Digital Library of the Caribbean
Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
University of Florida


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Twelve dollars p. annum.']

I Berbice, 18tA December , 1813.
REQUIRED for the use of this Department— Department-20
-20 Department-20 Barrels Flour.
I 40 Quintals Salt Fish.
For which tenders in triplicate, for the whole or any
pan thereof, marked, “Tender for Provisions, will
be received at this Office, until Monday morning the
27tb inst. at 10 o’clock.—The provisions to be of the
first quality, and subject to a Board of Survey.
JOHN S. WILSON, Commissariat.
Berbice, 18t7i December.
.REQUIRED for the use of the Quart#*’ an< J ®*Vr ®*VrrackiMaster
rackiMaster ®*VrrackiMaster General’s Department, si»*J ec * , c a l>-
pioval of the .Assistant Quarter M»^ er General, an.j
dcliveia ble at his Stoics in For* «t- Andrew,
' 12 Kegs white lead, /
300 Lbs. red were, /
Barrels tar*
£ barrels lamp oil,
21} (rollons linseed oil, . /
5 Gallow spirits terpentine,
12 Lbs. lampblack, .
1 Dozen ladgc
6 small do. Z
6 White washing do.
1 Hogshead lime.
For which tenders in' for the whole or
any part thereof, malpcl “Tender for Storrs, will
- 'be received at this Office, until Wednesday the 29th
inst. at 10 o’clock.
JOHN S. WILSON, Commissariat.
Berbice, 23th Dec. 1813.
REQUIRED for the Quarter- and Barrack Master
General’s-Department, subject to the approval ofthe
Assistant Quarter- and Barrack-Master-Gencral, and
deliverable at Fort St. Andrew.
72 Cubic feet hardwood for x
5290 feet I inch crab boards, to serve as baords
. orclapboards
50 Lbs. HMy. nails,
100 Lbs. Bdy do.
60Ibs. 6dy. do.
2 Barrels Tar,
150 Lbs. red ochre,
4 Paint brushes,
493 Days carpenter labor.
' For which Tenders in Triplicate, for the whole
'or any part thereof, will be received at this Office;
marked, “Tender for Repairs, until Monday morn morning
ing morning 3d January, 1814, at 10 o’clock.
JOHN S. WILSON, Commissariat.
THE Commissaries of the East coast Public Roads
give notice, that they are ready to engage the side
line road between No. 4 and 6, and Canal bridge,
for one year to be kept in order, agreable to Law,
and the bridge filled up and for pas passengers
sengers passengers to the approbation of the said Commissaries,
—-For which Tenders will be received at the Secre Secretary’s
tary’s Secretary’s Office, until Monday the 10tfi January, 1814,
when the lowest offer, if approved, will be accepted
of Jno. MdCAMON, ? „ . .
25 Dec. S. KENDALL, £ Commissaries.
THE Creditors of Plantation Kendall's, are in informed,
formed, informed, (bat 50 bales of Cotton will be ready on the
laid plantation, on January the 18ih, 1814, for pay payment
ment payment ofthe debts, Tenders for which, in lots of five
bales, will be received by either of the subscribers,
in liquidation, and opened on that day, at 12 o’clock
on said plantation, when the highest offer will be ac accepted
cepted accepted of.
Also 10 to 20 bales to the highest tenders, for cash
for current expences of said plantation.
1 â–  Jno. McCAMON.
: Jno. TAPIN.
w»n« DR * FT ED or STOLEN
rROM the Subscriber, a small round Punt; any
K rson who can give information of said Punt, will

\ v ?oul

SATURDAY, December 25.

FROM 15 to 20 bales of good clean Cotton, from
Plantation Tyrish, for which Tenders will be receiv received
ed received till the 12th of January ensuing, at the Store of
Messrs. Douglas Reid & Co. and the highest offer
in cash, if approved, will be accepted.
Tenders for Coffee
30,000 Pounds of first quality Coffee, the produce
of Plantation La Fraternity. Tenders for the above
quantity will be received at the house of the first un undersigned,
dersigned, undersigned, until Friday the 31st inst., and the high highest
est highest offer, if approved of, accepted—payment to be
made in cash. B. J. SCHWIERSand
25 Dec. ' Sequestrators.
THE undersigned having mutually agreed to dis discontinue
continue discontinue their Copartnership, under the Firm of
Mathews & Staal ; hereby notify to the Public,
that said copartnership will be dissolved on the Ist
of January, 1814—The second undersigned being
duly authorised to arrange all outstanding Accounts,
&c. due to or by said Firm, and to deliver the Pa Papers.—The
pers.—The Papers.—The pending causes will still be conducted by
them to a final close. J. THIBOU MATHEWS.
25 Dec. H. STAAL.
THE undersigned intending to continue the Law
busines, as formerly, informs the Public, that his
office is kept on lot No. 21, where he sollicits the
continuance of the public favor, and will attend from
six to.eight, and ten to three every day.
Translations executed with dispatch and fidelity.
Berbice Agricultural
The next Meeting of this Society will be held on
Thursday the 6th January next, at Mr. Harris’s,
No. 11, Corentine coast.
S. Mourant, Fk. (K C. de Nieuwerkerk.
FROM 40 to 50 bales Cotton, from Plantation Kil
morack, Tenders, payable in cash, will be received
for the same, till the 11th of January next, by the
Sequestrators of said Estate, at Wm. Scott’s, Esq
New Amsterdam,, where the highest offer, if ap approved
proved approved ,will be accepted.. '25 Dec.
TWENTY five bales of Cotton, from Plantation
beanies, for cash on delivering,—Tenders for which
will be received by the undersigned at Mr. John
Downer s, until Monday the 3d January next, when
the highest offer, if approved, will be accepted.
„ ' Wm. CORT. ».
25 Dec. F. ‘
' Sequestrators.
forlale ”
THE fast sailing schooner Belleisle, 44 tons per
Register, has lately undergo a thorough repair, and
trade emt Jr wellado P ted tor lum her or any other
25 Dec. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
THIRTY-two bales of clean and one bale of yel yellow
low yellow cotton.—Tenders for the above quantity the
produce of'plantation Hope, will be received at the
house of Mr. H. Luthers, on lot No. 43 until
Monday the 3d of January, 1814, and the highest
otter accepted—payment to be made in cash
J. C. SPANGENBERG, for self and
18 Dec. P. FAIRBAIRN, Sequestrators.


Will sell the following Articles, of late impor importations,
tations, importations, at his usully low prices, for Cash, or
Berbice Money; or to the Purchasers of/500,
payable on delivery, in best quality Sugar, Cof Coffee,
fee, Coffee, and Cotton, Rum, Molasses, Timber,
Plank, Boards, Staves, Shingles, &c. &c.
Best Cumberland hams, Irish May butter in half
firkins, kegs pickled beef and pork, half barrels prime
mess beef, hung beef, prime mess pork in barrels,
Morton’s and Abbott’s‘London brown stout in hhds.
fine old Irish port and claret ; Gordon, Duff, Inglis,
and Co.’s fine old Madeira wine in pipes, hhds. and
quarter casks, and per doz.; fine old Sercial and
Malmsey, per doz. do. old hock, fine old Antigua
and Jamaica rum, mixed pickles, fish and meat
sauces, white wine pickling vinegar, soap and candles,
real Russia sheeting bleached; do. do. and duck half
bleached ; do. do. canvas for boat sails, and brown
canvas for do. 5 to 6} inch cables, small tarred rope,
white baling rope, broad and narrow cotton bagging
and twilled coffee bagging, London-made gin cranks,
firmer and socket chissels, planes, plane irons, draw drawing
ing drawing knives, Carpenters’ and Coopers’ braces and bits,
brass back tenon saws ; hand, x-cut, lock, and com compass
pass compass do.; brass, iron, and stock locks, do. and iron
desk, chest, and drawer locks; best double and single
bolted padlocks, brass and iron but hingesand screws
hook and eye and hl hinges, window curtain pins’
drawer knobs, cloak and hat pins, door and window
bolts, window hooks and staples, bed screws, sailors’
clasp knives, negro combs, pocket and small tooth
ivory combs, garden rakes, iron tinned inside and
double block tin fish kettles, dripping pans with and
without wells, coffee biggins and coffee pots, bottle
stands, bread baskets, knife trays, fish hooks, White Whitechapel
chapel Whitechapel needles in boxes, fine white pins in bundles
brass bottleing and wine cocks, brass door rappers
and brass handles, caulking irons, ship and boat sera serapers,
pers, serapers, helve hatchets, kitchen choppers, cambooses
round and square shouldered capooses with steps of
the best hardened kind, inasons’ trowels; Ladies’
fine white and black silk stockings, large damask
shawls, and black and coloured silk handkerchiefs •
Gentlemen’s fine black silk stockings lamb’s wool and
gauze worsted do. and worsted half stockings • chil children’s
dren’s children’s cotton stockings, Ladies* fine white 'silk and
kid slippers, Children’s and Misses shoes, printed
and striped cottons.fine cotton shirting, platillas bri britannias
tannias britannias and cotton lining, cheeks, handkerchiefs
Irish table linen, diaper, huckaback, long lawns fine
white dowlas, blue and white salempores; fine white
Indian nankeens long pieces; superfine black and
corbeau broad cloths; do black, blue, drab, buff
and white mixed kerseymeres; coats, coatees,’round
robbins, and pantaloons, black and buffsuperfine ker kerseymere
seymere kerseymere waistcoats, coloured Marseilles do. striped
nankeen trowsers, Trademen’s & Negro hats jackets
and blankets, flaxen Osnaburghs, djrahjand mixed
livery cloths and chaise lining; gilt and plated coat
buttons, flannel coatees and dressing gowns boat
cloaks, silver stop watches with second hands do
table and tea spoons, butter knives, best London plat plated
ed plated fish knives, cruet frames, candlesticks with taint tainted
ed tainted shades, bottle coasters, spurs, boot hooks 1 nut
crackers, tea spoons, snuffers and trays, extinguish extinguishes,
es, extinguishes, white hand bells, chaise and jockey whips, spare
bridles, reins, & head stalls, Morocco skins & basils
boats ensigns and jacks,-bunting, k|k and cotton
umbrellas, foolscap and pot paper, wove .and laid
thin and thick letter paper, quills, wafers, ink pow powder,
der, powder, sealing wax, ink stands, Morocco leather pocket
books with clasps and straps, roumLriilers, folio and
letter size writing cases, black lead pencils, slates and
pencils, bound books, blank bills of exchange and
bills of loading, hanging paper, and fine gold border bordermg.
mg. bordermg.
Also, —A 10-inch stream cable, very little used
and some fine new wallaba vats from 300 to 1000 gal gallons
lons gallons each; some of them with greenheart bottoms bottomsand
and bottomsand one very large vat from 2000 to 2500 gallons, a
few dry goods, rum puncheons, and some molasses
casks made with red oak staves.
And to clcise a-Consignment— loo pieces of miislin
for mnsquito nets, 10 yards long each, 1| yards wide,
wdl be sold 10 pieces for/SO.
Denterury, Nov. 24, IS 13.

(No. 482.

[Payable in advance.

NOW ready
•And for Sale at this Office,
PRICE f3.~
Sheet Almanacks
For the year .1814, for this Colony,
Wbrdt geadverteerd, dull This is to inform the Pu.
de volgende personen voor-blic, that the following per-
Siemens zyn uit deze Kolotuesons intend quitting this Co Cote
te Cote vertrekken. lony
J. R. Card by the first opportunity.
J. C. Poortermans in 6 weeks from Nov. 20.
John Davies with the January ccnvoy;
Chs. Lawton in 6 weeks from 11 th Dec.
Alex. Fraser in 6 weeks from 11th Dec.
Hugh Bethune in 6 weeks from Dec. 25.
Th. Shepherd in 14 days from do. or with the Janua January
ry January convoy.
Donald McQueen in 7 weeks from do. for Demerary.
r R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
BY? R I)T hiermede bekend NO TICE is hereby given,
gematikt, dot ecu tnaand nu that a month after date the
data de volgende Transpor- folloicing Transports and
ten en Hipotheeken zullen .Mortgages will be passed,
verleden warden.
27 Nov. J. van den Brock qq. A. Donzel, will trans transport
port transport to Geo. Munro, Lot No. 4, west Corou Coroutine
tine Coroutine coast.
- James Fraser, in quality as Curator to the
Estate ofthe late E. D. Fraser, will transport
to Simon Fraser, his undivided half of Plan Plantation
tation Plantation Brighton, Slaves, and other appurten appurtenances
ances appurtenances thereto belonging.
Dec. 4; R. Harper, n. u. will transport to the free
George Thomas, 5 roods of land of lot No.
4, between the centre road and back dam.
J. van den Brock qq. the Heirs of A. Don Donzel,
zel, Donzel, will transport, to Wm. Munro and Geo.
Munro, the Coroutine coast lot No. 4.
Wm. Munro and Geo. will transport to John
Fraser the west hern half of said lot, and to
the Heirs of Js. Chesney, the eastern half.
—— The Attornies of L. Lowrie, will transport
15 Negro men slaves, to Demerary, names to
be seen nt the Secretary’s Office.
Dec. 11. A. Krieger and G. Panels qq. C.J. Meyen
and W. E. C. Meyen born van Staden, will
transport to J. van den Brock, their right and
title to a second mortgage on plantation'Ruim plantation'Ruimzigt._
zigt._ plantation'Ruimzigt._
Dec. 18. D. M icqueen will transport to Demerary,
the following Negroes, Hope, Commodore’
Abouki, Sam, Skelton, Montrose, Fortune,
George, .lane, L< na, Charlotte, and fourchii fourchiidren
dren fourchiidren Francis, S phia, Sarah and Henry.
Dec. 25. IL Staal wtll transport to Henrietta Ender Enderm
m Enderm in, the nori he n back quart of lot No. 16
in New Amsterdam, extending from the new
centre road to 'he ba* k dam.
' Wm. and Geo. Munro will transport to Robt.
Doughs, Lit No. 4, situate on the west coren corentyn
tyn corentyn coast. ♦
. R- C. DOWNER, Secy. .
ALL persons having any claim or demand against
plantation RETREAT, situate on the west sea'coast
of this colony, are requested to deliver in a note of
the same to the undersigned, on or before the 4th of
January next. Secretary’s Office, 11th Dec.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
WHEREAS the following person has addressed
himseli to the Hon Court of Policy, of this colony
at their Sessions in the month October last, for a Let Letter
ter Letter of Manumission :
It. P. Broeker, for the mulatto girl Francisco,
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant
of said Letter of Manumission, that they may addres
themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary
of the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of
the Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made
on the aforesaid Petition. Berbice, Nov. 27.
On Friday the 14th January, 1814, will be sold by
order of Joseph Hall &A. Krieger Esqrs. as
A >r k ! ‘ C te l of ‘ he J. Sawyer, dec. By
Authority obtained from th. Hon. Cburt of Civil
Justice dated 22d Oct. 1813, (on the spot) one
third of Lot No. il Coiirrantyne river, with all the
Slaves and further Appurtenances, as will be seen on
the day of sale.—lnventory as W(>|l ag
salt, will be seen at the V endue Office.
D* CAM Dep. Vendue Master.
On Wednesday 19ih Jan. will be sold at the Ven Vendue
due Vendue office, by order of the Executors of the late Dr.

Jeffery, dec.—household iwing prrsrA has addtfise
and harness, &c. ' /of Poliyv sA. "
On the same day, by Jeffi?ry, Esquire,
household furniture, negroes, amongst
which are carpenter, and washer women,
the negroes will be sold at 3 and 6 months credit.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
Qoper’d brig* Lord Blantyre
A. McLEA, Master;
Now on her first voyage, will be dispatched with the
January fleet. For freight or passage apply to
25 Dec. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
Who have imported in said vessel, a general as assortment
sortment assortment of Plantation Stores.
The fine new btig* TRADER,
Wm. Gem mill, Commander.
Is now ready to receive her cargo, and Warranted to
sail with the first convoy.— For freight or passage ap apply
ply apply to Capt. Gemmill, or to
Loading at Demerary., '
The ship NEIIIUS,
Sam. Paterson, Commander,
Is now ready to receive her cargo, and warranted to
sail with the first convoy.— For freight or passage,
apply to EVAN & A NGUS FRASER.
NB. The DIANA, Capt. McGeorge, also.
THE fine coppered Ship Harmony, John Wil Wilson,
son, Wilson, Master, will Ke dispatched with the convoy to
sail in January next. Apply to
23 Oct. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
Who have received by the above ship, small boats
for colony craft.
With convoy,
The brig* U lyses,
James Brien, Master,
Will be ready to receive her cargo on board in 5 or
6 days. For ft eight or passage, apply to said Mas Master,
ter, Master, or John Croft. “ Dec. 18.
To Sail with the First Convoy.
The Fast Sa.ling Brig EGHAM.
Stand A. 1. at Lloyds,
coppered andcopper-fastened, John Pavy, Master,
has excellent accommodation for passengers. For
freight or passage, applay to said Masterson board,
30 Oct. QI to J. VAN DEN BROEK.
To sail with the January Convoy,
Theship MULLETT, Tro. Smith, Master, for freight
or passage., apply to said Master, or to
16-Oct. W. DUNCAN.
■ —
Me are happy to hear, His Excellency Governor Ben.
tinck, may be expected in this Colony shortly Ke are
given to understand, he will assume the Civil Admini.
stration on Monday the 3d January.
arrival ofthe Schooner Sirs ft, from Barba.
dos^Ai ch l )lace she on the 20 th in st. we became in
possession of Barbados Papers to the 20th of this month.
At that time three packets were due in, Barbados a re-
port prevailing that the 2d October Mail had met with
the same fate as its predecessor for the month, in beinsr
captured of the Island. , ’ s
Independent of the convoy, no intelligence appears to
have reached the West Indies later than the 22d October
The information to be expected by the Mails now due
cannot but be of a momentous nature, as the natural re result
sult result of the continued successes experienced by the Allied
Armies in Germany, and our victorious troops in Spain.
LONDON, October 22.
Dispatches, of which the so lowing are copies, have been
this day received from Lieut-Gen. the Hon. Sir Charles
William Stewart, K. B. and from Edward Thornton
Esq. >
Toplitz, Oct. 1, 1813.
Mx Lord,— The affair I mentioned in my dispatch, of

the 29th uit. near Altenburg, has turned out to be of mofo
importance than was at first imagined, and the Hetman
Piatow, with ius usual ability and gallantry,! has accoin.
plished a very brilliant exploit against a consiokrable body
of the enemy. - •
This corps Uas under the orders of Gen. Lelehre* De.
nouette, and contested of some French light cavalry, fo e
Polish uhlans of the guard, and a brigade of light dragoons
under the orders of Gen. Pilot. Generals Kebeiski and
Krutecks were also in command.
The force consisted of eight thousand cavalry and seven
hundred infantry, one squadron of Mamelukes, and a small
party of Tartars of the guard, under the orders of Col
Murot. The whole were attacked by Piatow, and conu
pletely put to the route.
Gen. Keist’iski is reported by the prisoners to havebeen
killed. Fifteen hundred prisoners, five guns, and forty I
officers (three of the staff), are the fruits of this victory.
The army has broken up from hence, and is in inoteinent
to the left. The corps of Gen. Count Wittgi nstein uas
yesterday at Kommatau, and that of Gru. Kleist neat
The Austrians are marching upon Chemnitz. Thereisa
repo tfrom the enemy that Napoleon, attended by the King
of Saxony and family, set out for Leipsig upon the 28th
inst. the head.quarters are said to be removed there.
The French corps, under Marshal Augereau, hare
m» ched from Hamburg to Coburg, having left a consider
at VVurtzburg.
■• I ' e j ' ,son to be ieve the Russian and Prussian army ex.
C n .rn '*' ioUsan ‘i n,e ", which will now be assembled on
*.orns of aM Freybcrg.linc ;to these may be added the
4heXustnans”* 1 11* 1 Un tl,ousau Uav* *” H t,,,,,,n X s c"’s cor;*, which has been reviewed this
* >’ ’ S 1 *. a r ’ r ‘‘ r y ‘fiivient sut< as to appearance; but I bar*
n\ 4 *" O,ma *ion as to the numbers arrivkig.,
V ni f"r' ,rt t n L < ' U! ' Se ’ eu men of the Prussian
corps 01 Meist, i» upon th,. roa( | f rom p ral g ue ,
\ 1 have the honour to be, Sec.
\ (Signed) CHAH6.ES STEWART,
*X E/j t en a ut. General.
discount Castl&ifwgh, ffc. sc.
\ f Zerbst, Oct. 4. 1813.
Mv Lord, — T have to acquaint your Lord*
ship, that Gen. Pozzq di Lftrgo fcas received intelligence
from the head.quarters of thc&niies in Bohemia, under
date of the 21th ultimo, stating* that the corps of Gen.
Benuigsen, having joined the Grand Alniy, the Allied So Sovereigns
vereigns Sovereigns had come to the resolution of making a movtu
ment by tluir left from Bohemia and that this movement
should be executed on the Ist of the present month.
I his intelligence determined the Prince Royal to attempt
(he passage of the Elbe. The bridge at Rassiaw had been
a ready completed, while the works of the tetc de pont oh
the hit bank had been traced out, and were in a state of
progress Detachments of Swedish troops were in posses,
siou of Dessau, and the town of Acken, on the left bank
a little lower dow n the river, was fortifying, under the
direction of Count Woronzow, in such a manner as to
render it a place of considerable strength, while prepara,
lions were accelerated for constructing a bridge there.
lit the mean time, the enemy, who appear to have Kad
no id-a the passage of the Elbe, at Ackeu, sent strong
detachments of troops to occupy Dessau and the line of
the Mu Ida, and employed themselves in th tow ing up works,
as wed before that town, as in front of â– it Ross,an, w ith intent to impede the | assage there, and
to obstruct the movements of the army after the passage.
1 his gave occasion to skirmishes between the enemy and
the Swedish advanced guard, which was obliged to relin.
quish Dessau, and to retire to the neighbourhood of the
tete de pout at Rossiau, and indeed to the right bank of
L nder these circumstances, the Prince Royal received
intelligence from Gen. Blucher, on the Ist inst. informing
His Royal Highness that he should, on that dajf, make
i movement with his whoe army on his right towards
llertzberg; that on the following day he should be at
Jessen ; on the 3d at Elster, and on the following day (to-*
day) would effect the passage of the Elbe at Elster, pro.
reeding up6vt Kemberg against the French corps stationed
. 1 he bridge at Acken had just been completed and yes yesterday,
terday, yesterday, to-day, or perhaps to-morrow, was each spoken
of as the probable day for passing the river.
Gen. Blucher crossed the Elbe at Elster yesterday with
some opposition, and attacked the entrenched village of
VVartenberg on the opposite bank, which he carried, after
an obstinate resistance, making himself master of sixteen
pieces of cannon. It is* understood that this victory,
which was carried against the corps commanded by Ber Bertrand,
trand, Bertrand, was not obtained without considerable loss parti particularly
cularly particularly among the troops commanded by Gen. d’Fork;
bu,t the particular!, have not yet been received.
The Prince Royal received this iutelligence yesterday
evening, while he was at Rosslau, or immediately on his •
return here, and took the resolution of crossing the whole
army to day over the Elbe, at Acken and at Russian, the
Russians at the former, and the Prussians and Swedes at
Rosslau, some what later or otherwise, according as it
should be understood whethei the French would make a
stand at Dessau. This however was not to be expected,
when once the passage of the Russians was completed at
Acken, pa-ticularly under the position of Gen. Blucher’s
army, and in effect it was learnt this morning, that the
trench had retired from Dessau, where consequently, I
learn that the head-quarters of the Prince Royal w ill be
established this evening. His Royal Highness left this
place about nine o’clock this morning.

Yesterday evening Mr. Adlcrerenlz, a son of the Gon.
and ail Aidc-dc-Camp of the I’iince Royal, returned here
from the Impcirial head quarters, to which he had been sent
after the battfc of DonuewStz. lie brings intelligence of
the actual of the grand army, as was projected,
on thed afwistant• and it was calculated that it would be
adranced as far as Chemnitz, on yesterday, the 3d.
I am as yet without defails of the affair of Gen. Blucher ;
but Baron de Wetterstedt has engaged me to detain this
until 1 shall receive a dispatch from him this
Fevening for M, de Rehausen, and he promised me, (for he
went to-day to Dessau] to transmit to me at the same time
the same particulars, if he should obtain them. 1 shall
keep this dispatch open for them.
We have indirect accounts of Gen. Czernitscheff hav having
ing having taken possession, with his corps of Cossacks, of the
whole city of Cassel, from which Jerome Bonaparte had
fled. But nothing has yet been received from himself.
I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) E. THORNTON.
P. S. Ten P. M. 1 have the honour of transmitting to
your Lordship inclosed, a letter which I have just receiv.
ed from Baron de Wetterstedt.
(Signed) I*7. T.
Dessau, Oct. 4, 1813.
According to reports received from Gen. Blucher, he
has been engaged with the fourth French corps, command commanded
ed commanded by Gen. Bertrand.
The latter was strongly intrenched in a village between
Wartenberg and Bledin.
Gen. d’Yorck’s corps dislodged and overthrew the ene enemy,
my, enemy, taking above, one thousand prisoners; sixteen pieces
of cannon, and s venty tumbrils, with their train, were cap.
tured. A Judy of two thousand men threw themselves in.
to Wittenberg ; the remainder of the enemy’s troops fell
back upon Kemberg. Gen. B ucher pursued them, and
his head-quarters will be this evening al the latter place.
Hiscav.ilr) isatDdbc'.i.
By live o’clock thiMnorning, the enemy’s troops, under
the orders of Mar.-hal Ney, which were in this town, a amounting
mounting amounting to eighteen thousand men, had begun their re retreat
treat retreat towards Liij.zlg.
Ouradianced posts had, in tho course of this evening,
pushed on as far a» k* junction with Gru. Bluche* will take place.
The van-guard of tl.c R ussiau army, under the orders of
Count Woronz.otf, occupiegCzitthen. Bcrnbonrg is garri garrisoned
soned garrisoned by Russian cavalry. To-morrow the two armies of
the Princt Royal and of (fen. Blucher, will make a com combined
bined combined movement in advance, probably in the direr lion of
Leipzig. They form together a total of one hundred and
twenty-seven thousand or one hundred aud thirty thousand
men. His Royal Highness will, without doubt, establish
his head-quarters at lirguhn.
1 have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) ih. WETTERSTEDT.
IJ/s Excellency Lieut.-Gen. Sir Geo. Prevost, Rwonet,
Governor in Chief and Commander of the b'orces in
and over the it ovinces of Lower and Upper Canada,
S’C. To the Inhabitants of Lower Canada.
As the period is in all probability fast approaching,
when it is to be finally decided whether the arrogant ex expectations
pectations expectations of the enemy arc to be realised by his success successful
ful successful invasion of this Province, or whether he is to meet
with defeat and disgrace in theatteinpt, His Excellency the
Governor in Chief atul Commander of the Forces confi confidently
dently confidently appeals to the loyalty, courage, and patriotism of
His Majesty’s'subjectsof ail c asses in it, for their prompt
and cheerful acquiescence in whatever sacrifice the arduous
Conflict in which tiny are now engaged, may require of
them. Preserved as (his high favoured country has hither hitherto
to hitherto been from the calamities of war, by the exertions which
have been made for its protection, its inhabitants are hap happily
pily happily ignorant of those miseries which would unavoidably
result from an invasion of their territory, aud which have
already been so severely felt iir the sister Province.—The
•tern mandate of an insulting foe has not yet been heard
within our cottages, nor has his foot been permitted to
pollute our soil ; our plenteous harvests have every where
been gathered in security, and the industrious peasant has,
in the midst of his family, tranquilly enjoyed the fruits of
his honest labours.
To secure a continuance of blessings like these, and to
avert from yourselves and families the evils which are in inseparable
separable inseparable from an hostile invasion, you must be prepared
to manifest the most determined devotion in resisting it;
a ready submission to whatever hardships and privations
?t may expose you, and a firm resolution on'y to yield,
with your latest breath, your country to a foreign ruler.
To cherish and encourage such sentiments, which are
•lone worthy of a free people, His Excellency calls, in a
more particular manner, upon the Gentry of the Province,
to persevere in that noble example they arc now affording,
by the sacrifice of their private ease to the public good,
•nd by standing forth amongst the foremost ranks to meet
•nd to repel the advance of the enemy. Such conduct
cannot but inspire confidence amongst those whtf look up
to and depend upon them, and will not fail,, under the
blessing of Heaven, aided by the brave people whom they
command, and seconded by the valour and discipline of
His Majesty’s regular troops and embodied militia, to
lead to a successful aud honourable termination of the pre present
sent present contest.
As a further incentive to your most strenuous efforts,

in order to produ as a result, His Excellency
would direct your t n towards the momentous con conflict
flict conflict in which the AF. Country has been so long en-
gaged, to the profusio. blood which she has sustained,
and to the important fruits of them—the emancipation of
kingdoms from the iron grasp of a powerful and inveterate
enemy.—He would again point your view to her, whilst
thus straining qvery nerve for the independence of other
nations, still not unmindful of her children and her sub subjects
jects subjects in this distant though valuable part of her dominions;
but amidst the great concerns with which she is surround surrounded,
ed, surrounded, and the vast demands which art made upon her during
such a contest, still manifesting her undiminished anxiety
for your welfare, and outstretching her powerful arm for
your protection. Already are her fleets conveying fresh
reinforce.ments of troops upon your coasts, all of them
eager to share with their brethren in arms, thehonour aud
glory of defending the Canadas.
With such support in your favour, and With such
strong incentives for a vigorous use of the means which
Providence, in its mercy, has vouchsafed to you for your
defence, will it not depend upon yourselves whether you
are to be conquered? The history of the world abundant abundantly
ly abundantly proves, that an united nation cannot easily be overcome.
If, therefore, you are true to each other; —if you are on only
ly only solicitous who shall best discharge his duty to his God
and to his King, by devoting himself to the defence of his
Religion and his Country ; —if with one heart and soul
you cheerfully and promptly unite for their preservation
—you need not fear what hosts may be opposed to you.
I’he breasts of such a people will raise the most formidable
as well as the most successful raid parts against the attempts
of any enemy tp subdue them.
Given under my hand and seal at arms, at Montreal,
this 18th day of October in the year of our Lord,
1813. Geo. Prevost.
â– " .. *
BY His Excellency JAMES GE ANT, Esquire,
Major in His Majesty's 60 th Regiment, Acting
Governor in and over the Colony Berbice ; And
the Honorable Court o f Policy and Criminal Jus~
lice of the said Colony.
TO alt to whom these presents may or shall come or
concern ; be it known :
ERE AS His Majesty has been pleased to
direct in the event of the absence of the Governor
appointed for the Civil Administration of the colony
Berbice, that the Government thereof should de devolve
volve devolve on the Officer Commanding His Majesty’s
Troops within the colony aforesaid, and His Excel Excellency
lency Excellency Major-General Murray having, on the oc occasion
casion occasion of his Appointment to the Government of the
Colonies Demerafy and Esscqucbo, resigned this day
(lie Civil Administration of the colony Berbice; the
Government thereof has devolved on Major James
Grant, who has this day taken the Oath prescrib prescribed
ed prescribed for his Majesty’s Governors, before the Honorable
Court of Policy.—Notice whereof is hereby given,
that all the Inhabitants of this colony may regulate
and govern themselves accordingly.
Thus done at our Extraordinary Meeting of the
Court of Policy, held this 6th day of December,
ISlS.—Present, His Excellency Major Grant, and
the Honorable Membets L. C. Abbensets, Jno. M'
Canton, Jas. Eraser, and A. J. Glasius.
Court House, New Amsterdam, 6th Dec. 1813.
IL/ Command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
Third time of publishing.
HIS Excellency Major James G?.ant, has been
pleased to Appoint Mr. Thomas C. Emery, Go Government
vernment Government Secretary, ami M. Benjamin F. Tuck Tuckniss,
niss, Tuckniss, Assistant Government Secretary of this colony.
King’s House, Beibice, 7th Dec. 1813. -
By Command
Thos. C. EMERY, Gov. Sec’y.
ALL persons indebted to ,N. Volkerts,
Printing Office, up to the 3()tb of June, ISlflHre
requested to make payment to this Office, othenvise
will be sued for by the next Courts. 4 Dec.
AT • MEETING of the British Inhabitants of the
Colony of Surinam:
Rt solved —That the general poverty and distress to
which this Colony has been reduced by different circum circumstances,
stances, circumstances, and more particularly by the operation of the
Commission for taking charge of Absentee Alien Proper-,
ties, render it highly expedient that some measure should
be taken to obtain, redress.
That from the information conveyed to us, Mr. Bent,
the Receiver and Administrator General, appears to have
gone far beyond the intentions of His Majesty’s Ministers,
in the appointment of the said commission.
That the measures he has thought proper to introduce,

have established an almost complete monopoly in hands of
himself and friends, of the commerce of the Colony.
That several meritorious individuals have been thereby
driven to great loss, and deprived of the means of support supporting
ing supporting themselves and families.
That confident this could not have been the intention of
His Majesty’s Government, it becomes expedient for us,
as British Subjects, to state our grievances in an humble
Petition and Memorial.
That the purport of the said memorial be, to solicit the
recal of the commission; or that its powers and objects
may be defined, and a proper check and controul establish established,
ed, established, and, at any rate, that the monopoly at present so in injuriously
juriously injuriously erected, may be abolished. .
That the petition now presented to us, be signed by us
all, and that the inhabitants and colonists at large be invit invited
ed invited to come forward in its support
That the same be presented to His Excellency the Go Governor,
vernor, Governor, with a request to forward it, accompanied with
every information requisite; and a duplicate forwarded to
the Committee of Merchants in Loudon, to be by them
presented to Lord Bathurst.
That these resolutions be sent for insertion to the Edi Editors
tors Editors of the Newspapers in Surinam, Berbice, and Demera Demerary,
ry, Demerary, and in Barbados.
Paramaribo, 201 h Nov. 1813.
J. Prinsep, Jon. J. J. Duncan,
Edw. Conolly, R. O. Terrall,
Wm. Leckie, R. Austin,
Geo. Cruden, Wm. Wilkinson,
W. A. Carstairs, W. P. Millar.
*—■’ I -—
OP ene Byeenkomst van de Britscho Ingczetenen der
Kolonie Surinamen, zyn de volgende Resolution genomen,
te weten: —
Dat de algcmene Armocdc en Elende waarin deze Ko Kolonie
lonie Kolonie vervallen is door vcrscheidene omstandiglieden, en
in het bizondcr door de uitweiking der Kommissie tot het
Admiuistreren der Eigendommen toebehorende aan Vreem Vreemdelingen
delingen Vreemdelingen residerende in’s vyand’s land, het ten hoogston
noodzaaklyk nuken om middelen te beramen tot verkry verkryging
ging verkryging van redres.
Dat volgcus information ons toegezonden, het schynt
dat den Heer Bent, Ontvangcr en Administrateur Gene Generaal,
raal, Generaal, het oogmerk van zyn’ Majesieit’s Ministers, in het
aanstellen van gemelde kommissie, verre is te buiten ge gegaan.
gaan. gegaan.
Dat de maatregelen dewelke hy heeft goedgevonden te
introduceren, cen byna gehecl monopool der koophandel
dezer kolonie, in handen van hemzelven cn zyne vriendea
hebben geetabliscerd.
Dat verscheiden verdienstelyke Ingezetenen daar door
grote verliezen hebben geleden; en verstoken zyn van de
middelen tot onderhoud van hunzelven en familie.
Dat wel verzekerd zulks het oogmerk van zyne Majes Majesteit’s
teit’s Majesteit’s Gouvernement niet kan gewepst zyn ; het voor ons
als Britsche orderdanen, noodzaaklyk wordt om onze
klagten by ootmoedige Requests en Memorie voortedra voortedragen.
gen. voortedragen. *
Dat den inhoud van gemelde Memorie strekke, om te
verzoeke de tcrugroepiug van de kommissie, of dat de
magt in deoogmerken van dien, worde beschreven en uit uitgedrukt,
gedrukt, uitgedrukt, en ene behoorlyke bcteugeling en bedwang moge
worden geetabliseerd, in gevolg dat het thans zoo schadcu
lyk monopool mag worden vernietigd.
Dat de Memorie thans door ons te presenteren, door
ons alien worden ondertcekend, en dat de Ingezetenen en
Kolonisten in’t algemeen, worden uitgenoodigd, zulks
met hunne onderteekening te ondersteunen.
Dat gemelde Memorie worde gepresenteerd aan Zyne
Exellentie den Heer Gouverneur, met verzoek, dezelve
naar England te verzenden, vergczeld met alle noodige in inligting,
ligting, inligting, en een duplikaat van dien worden gezonden naar
het Kommitte van Kooplieden, te Londen, 6m door hun
te worden gepresenteerd aan Lord Bathurst.
Dat dezo Resolutien ter insertie gezonden worden naar
de Editeuren der Niewspapieren van Suriramen, Berbice,
Demerary, en Barbados.
Paramaribo, 20 November, 1813.
(Was geteekend, als voren.) /.
DIED.) Last evening, in New Amsterdam, Barend
Lohman, Esq. an Inhabitant of 25 years
in this colony.
s In Barbados, on Sunday the 19th inst. Ri Richard
chard Richard Harris, Esq. Planter and Inhabi Inhabitant
tant Inhabitant of this colony.

The Subscribers have imported by the Ship
PLANTER, Capt. Nicholson, from Lon London,
don, London, the following general assortment of
Merchandise, which they will Sell at low
prices, for Cash, Produce, best Ctabwood
Board, and Staves
RQMAL and Manchester Madras handkerchiefs,
Blue and white salem pores, and white jean,
White, yellow, and striped nankeen,
Linen and cotton Britannias, and Irish linen,
Bed sheeting, platillias Royallis and printed calicoes,
Ginghams, dimity, London and Carlisle checks,
Patent and plain cotton shirting and fancy cambrics,
Mull muslins, table cloths,and towels.
Ladies fashionable morning and evening dresses,
Black- white-and coloured-sarcenets, and ribbans,
Velves, salt ins, sewing silks, twist and threads,
Ladies cambric and fancy buttons, straw ami beaver
bonnetts, shoes, gloves, silk and cotton stockings,
Sup. fine broad cloths, flannel, baze and green table
cloths. »
Gentlemen, military jockey and Hessian boots, Plan Planters
ters Planters strong and dress shoes,
Silk and beaver hats,
Nails from 4t040d., parlour door- warehouse- li liquor
quor- liquor bookcase- and writing desk-locks, and hing hinges,
es, hinges,
Tea frays, waiters, patent cork screws, ivory handled
and common knives and forks, scissars and pen
Gilt and plated spurs, candle sticks, snuffers, best
block tin dish covers,
Window blind and. pump tacks, gridirons, frying
pans, sad irons, hoes and shovels with rivets, mat matchcis
chcis matchcis and pruning knives,
C arpetiteradzes, axes, and whip saws,
Paints and paint oil, neats lout do. for harness, pitch
and tar,
White wine vinegar,
Shoe- table- paint- hair- and tooth-brushes, and
Gun powder and patent shot,
Writing desks, dressing cases, backgamonboxes and
chess boards with men,
Sash cord, window glas and pullies,
Ferfum-ry and stationary,
Pease, barley, almonds, raisins, currents, double re refined
fined refined suzar,gun powder tea, bf.ick pepper,
Stone blue,
Green gooseberries, apricoss, pears, cherries, green
gages in bia.idy, preserved Damson's and raspber raspberries,
ries, raspberries,
Pine apple, Gltmchcster and Spilfon cheese,
Smoaked and pickh d tongues, and tripe,
Pickled gerkins, anchovies, capers, wainuts, olives,
cauliflowers, ciucuce of anchovies, kitchup, and
Prince Regent, macoubn, and Scotch’ snuff,
Elegant painted vas' lamps, and lam horns,
Dinner and breakfast services, and glassware,
Jewellery, corals, and a variety oi fancy beads,
Bedsteads complete, pembroke tables, and sophas,
Tin plate basnets, and baskets with apertures tor bot bottles,
tles, bottles,
An assortment of Negro cloathing and blankets,
Rum, brandy, &*•.
A consignment of brown stout in barrels,
Prime mess beef and pork in half barrels, and butter
in firkins.
is D r * TAYLOR.
i'Uli, SALE.
BLUE and white salempores, jean, Britannias,
Irish lirrm, sheeting, calicoes, furniture chintz, ging ginghams,
hams, ginghams, dimity, stripe and furniture checks, black and
white cambric miulin, table cloths, napkins, towels
black velvet, thread, flannel, green baize, green ta table
ble table cloths, Planters and dress shoes, silk and beaver
hats, 4dy. to 40dy. nails, brads and pump tacks,
locks and hinges assorted,'tea trays and waiters, scis scissars,
sars, scissars, patent cork screws, ivory bandied and common
knives and forks, dest rt ditto, carvers, gilt and pla plated
ted plated spurs, candlesticks and snuffers, tin dish covers
grid irons, coffee sifs, frying pans, hoes, shovels,j
cutlasses, priming knives, carpenters and cooper ad-1
zes, axes, whip- and handsaw files, elegant silver
plated dishes with covers, paint, tar, lamp- Florence
and paint oils, brushes,gunpowder, shot, fowling pie.
ces, pistols, fishing and chalk lines, corks, blankets
rugs, Osnaburgs, pease, barley, salt, soap, candles,
pipes, spirituals liquors, Madeira- Port- sherry- and
claret wines, noyeau, tea, &c.
_lB Dec. J, H, fiUHLARHORST.
ALL persons that have claims’on the Estate of the
late Dr. P rances Jeffery, are requested to render
a statement ot the same to the undersigned, with as
little delay as possible.
Those persons that are indebted thereto, for the
years ISOB and 1812, are hereby informed, that, un unless
less unless payment is made previous to last December 1813
these accounts, notes, &c., will be placed in the
hands of a Lawyer, in order to enforce payment in
the most summary and legal manner,
18Dc<; - W. KATZ, Executor.

Imported and for , • Subscriber.
Tongues; .tiipe, I\,| H v ,. drogheda, table,
Beef, pork, butter, hams so. linens,
Cheese, pile hards,
Herrings, pickles, sauces, Busck, blue & green cloth
I rumes, raisins, spices; Thread,'tapes & ribbons,
Pease, barley, -Salempores, & tnusquito
lea, refined sugar, lawns,
Ling fish, potatoes, Calicoes & furn. chintz,
Beer, porter, Pullicaf, Madras, Banda-
I ort wme, Sicily do. na, Balisore, & common
Brandy, rum, pocket hkfij.
Salt, oats, Damask shawls,
Medicines, do. chests Spotted, plain, & lapett
Tar, cordage, cambric muslins,
Pipes, tobacco, Striped, plain, tambour-
Powder, shot, ed jaconet t muslins,
Paints, oil, turpentine, Corded dimities, jeanet,
Soap, caudles, Wt. calicoes,
Gentlemen, ladies, and Cotton & linen checks, &
children hats, furniture do.,
Do. boots & shoes, Platillas & Britannias,
Blacking, Tablecloth, & napkins,
Mattrasses, canvas, Ginghams, quilting,
Negro blankets, jackets, Umbrellas & parasols,
trowsers, shirts, hats, Earthen- glass- tin- and
wrappers,& petticoats, hardware,
Flannel, green table cloth Stationary,
Sein & sewing twine, Hozery & sadlcry,
Osnabr. & Rus. shot ting Furniture & perfumery,
Coffee & cotton bagging,
By G Bo$e&Co. in addition to their an'
des on hand.
PRIME mess beef and pork in half barrels, dou double
ble double rose Cork butter, hams, cheese, tripe, barley,
split pease in jugs, onions, pickles, assorted.,, sago,
porter and beer, currants, raisins, in excellent order;
crates of eart hen ware, barrels of do. containing com complete
plete complete dinner services. Also a fresh assortment of
•by goods; Madeira wine in bottles, 2 pipes fine old
Margala wine, and London brown stout in hbds.
18 Dec.
Just arrived, and for Sale by Hie Subscriber,
the following Medicines, of the tint quali quality,
ty, quality, and on reasonable terms, for cash only.
"Yellow bark, calomel, jalap, rhubarb rood and
powder, salt of nitre, cream of tartar, refined and
powdered liquorice, Cheltenham- Rocked- I psom psomand
and psomand Glauber salts, ipecacuhana, white- green- and
blue vitriol, red precipitate, corrosive sublimate, su sugar
gar sugar of lead, yellow and white wax sulphur, sulphuric
an I muriatic acids, gum quaiacum, camphor, asse assefoedita
foedita assefoedita and myrrh quick silver, plain calcined and
Henry’s magnesia, Dover and antimonial powders
Cantharidcs strengthning adhesive and diachylum
plasters, snake roo*, santonicum seed and powder
manna, isinglass, Iceland moss, chamomile flowers’
senna leaves, opium, musk and castor, castor
balsam capivi, aromatic vinegar, eau medicinal, Tur
Imgton’s balsam, Anderson’s and James’ analeptic
pills, lavender- rose- honey- and orange flower wa waters,
ters, waters, lances, surgeons pocket instruments,phials tow
pewti r, syringes assorted, sago and pearl barlev in
bottles. --18 Dec. W. B. LiOT.
THE Carpenters business hitherto conducted un uniter
iter uniter the Firm of Robert Lowril & Co. is this day
dissolved by imdual consent ; all Persons having any
demands against the said Firm, are requested to ren render
der render them to the first undersigned for examination
on, or before the 3l»t inst. as none will be attended'
to after that period.
* 1 IJC L. K. Low RIE.
»HIE undersigned being appointed Sworn Book-
within this colony, recomniands his services
in That capacity, to his Friends and the Public, pro promising
mising promising secrecy, accuracy and dispatch. 1
11 Bee. J. F. OBER MULLER.
DEN ondergetcekende zynde als Gc Gczworen
zworen Gczworen Boekhouder in deze kolonie, neemt de vry.
heiil zich als zoodanig by zyne yriendeu on het Pu
buek te recommandeeren, belovende geheimhoudimr
nauwkeurigheid en spoed. ®
11 Dec - J. F. OBERMULLER.
~ ■IB >«■* -•* •— — -I ■■ >■ ■■ —M. lMw _
. THE Subscriber has just icceived from Eurone an
elegant assortment of Leather, of the best qualif y •
as he intends carrying on the Shoemakers business in
all its various branches, and hopes for the continu continuanceot
anceot continuanceot his Friends au(l the Public in general.
18 Dec - REN SETTLE.

Sales by Execution. I
BY virtue of an appointment, granted by fi lc n
notable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony °*
a petition of Evan & Angus Fraser & Co. as aferj*?
oi Campbells Fraser & Co , under date of 20th X
veinbrr, 1813. i '°*
Not ice is hereby given : That I the
First Marshal ot the Courts of this colony, wilK j
in presence of two (Jouncellors Commissaries
their Secretary, by Public Execution Sale i on Tup
day the Ist day of February, 1811, the Cuttonß.
tale called **
the property of Hugh B. Inglis, situated on then,
routine coast, with all its cultivation, slaves l
tugs, and further appurtcr mces thereto
VV huever should think to have any right, infeS
or claim sn the aforesaid Plant’n. (7-f and wkb.
es to oppose the sale th. reol, let such p rsnn w
persons address (hemselv* sto me the first Mandat,
declaring their reasons for such opposition i H
time and form ; as I hereby give notice that ha
receive opposition from every one tloreunto q lla |i.
tied, appoint them a day to have his or her Liis
heard before the Court, and further act therco# u
the law directs.
The sale is to take place on the spot.
Bernice, 4th December, sl3, 1
K- Fit ‘.ncken, First Marshal. |
Summons by Edict.
WH ER I’AS 1 the undersigned have receivedfr»u
England the Newspapers, coii>fining the Advertise Advertisement
ment Advertisement cJlmg upon the of the Surrendered
Estate of , ‘ les wood & Taylor, Notice is hereby giv.
en to the PuNjc, that the said Creditors, by virtue
of an Appointiiujfrt obtained by W. Leach and VV. >
Fr aseii, CuratorsTo aibA's-aul Estat *, uitdcr date of
29th November, lSlsy tn>m His Exccllt iicy thefia.
vernor, arc hereby SI HMON El), To appear befe»
the Court of Civil this colony, on Monday
the 24th January, 1814, and following days, tor the
purpose of there rrnderi .g their claims against the
said Surrendered Estate of Heywood & Taylor, aid
further to proceed according tu Law.
Berbicc 3d D< c. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Mttrshd!;
BY virtue of authority granted by the Honorwic
( 16th Nov. 1813, granted upon a Petition presented
by Robert I'aitt and W illiam Kewiey, as appointed
Curators to the Estate of Richard Barry, dec.
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, and at the request ot aforesaid Curators,
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown Creditors against the Es«
tate of l{. Barry,dec., To appear before the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their Session whick
will be h Li in the month ot July, 1814, forthepur*
l>ose of there exhibiting their demands against said
i'.state, to verily the same, and if necessary, to heat
objections made against such claims, and further to
proceed according to Law, under pain to those who
remain in default of coming forward with their de demands
mands demands at the appointed period of being for ever de debarred
barred debarred t heir right of claim.
1 his Summon by Edict made known to the Publit
as customary. Berbice, I8(h Nov. 1813.
Tor sale.
BY' the subscriber, an elegant assortment of Lon London
don London printed cambricks of 28 yards each, of superior
quality, consisting of blue, gold, pinck, black, yellow
and purple colours, fine Irish yard wide linen ami,
sheeting, London plated silver edged cruet standi
with giass emits, suffers, trays, egg stand and cups,
fruit stands of cut glass, plated coffee, tea and mild
potts, liquor stands with cut glass bottles, brushes,
gold watch chains, seals, keys, ear rings, finger rings
lockets, broaches, breast pins, old rum, bitters, Rep
nard’s cream of noyeau, of mint, of venille, sirup of
orgeat, capita ire, rose water, flowers of orange water
bay rum, veinegar, Spanish segars, gunpowder, tea, ?
potatoes, quills, paper, building lime, &c.
11 Dec. Lot No. 7, front dam.
—*■*- - . - . i . 'a" i "*4
THE Lottery of A. Fleurf, will be Drawn on I
the 17 of
and Martin. 18 Dec. r
Published %Tery Saturday at 4 o'clock, f. I
Privileged Government Printers. ,

Full Text


1813.), the i?! \ v ?oul BERBICE GAZETTE. Twelve dollars p. annum.'] I . COMMISSARIAT OFFICE. I Berbice, 18tA December , 1813. REQUIRED for the use of this Department—-20 Barrels Flour. I 40 Quintals Salt Fish. For which tenders in triplicate, for the whole or any pan thereof, marked, “Tender for Provisions, will be received at this Office, until Monday morning the 27tb inst. at 10 o’clock.—The provisions to be of the first quality, and subject to a Board of Survey. JOHN S. WILSON, Commissariat. Berbice, 18t7i December. .REQUIRED for the use of the Quart#*’ an< J ®*VrrackiMaster General’s Department, si»*J ec * , c a l>pioval of the .Assistant Quarter M»^ er General, an.j dcliveia ble at his Stoics in For* «tAndrew, ' 12 Kegs white lead, / 300 Lbs. red were, / Barrels tar* £ barrels lamp oil, 21} (rollons linseed oil, . / 5 Gallow spirits terpentine, 12 Lbs. lampblack, . 1 Dozen ladgc 6 small do. Z 6 White washing do. 1 Hogshead lime. For which tenders in' for the whole or any part thereof, malpcl “Tender for Storrs, will 'be received at this Office, until Wednesday the 29th inst. at 10 o’clock. JOHN S. WILSON, Commissariat. Berbice, 23th Dec. 1813. REQUIRED for the Quarterand Barrack Master General’s-Department, subject to the approval ofthe Assistant Quarterand Barrack-Master-Gencral, and deliverable at Fort St. Andrew. 72 Cubic feet hardwood for x 5290 feet I inch crab boards, to serve as baords . orclapboards 50 Lbs. HMy. nails, 100 Lbs. Bdy do. 60Ibs. 6dy. do. 2 Barrels Tar, 150 Lbs. red ochre, 4 Paint brushes, 493 Days carpenter labor. ' For which Tenders in Triplicate, for the whole 'or any part thereof, will be received at this Office; marked, “Tender for Repairs, until Monday morning 3d January, 1814, at 10 o’clock. JOHN S. WILSON, Commissariat. THE Commissaries of the East coast Public Roads give notice, that they are ready to engage the side line road between No. 4 and 6, and Canal bridge, for one year to be kept in order, agreable to Law, and the bridge filled up and for passengers to the approbation of the said Commissaries, —-For which Tenders will be received at the Secretary’s Office, until Monday the 10tfi January, 1814, when the lowest offer, if approved, will be accepted of Jno. MdCAMON, ? „ . . 25 Dec. S. KENDALL, £ Commissaries. THE Creditors of Plantation Kendall's, are informed, (bat 50 bales of Cotton will be ready on the laid plantation, on January the 18ih, 1814, for payment ofthe debts, Tenders for which, in lots of five bales, will be received by either of the subscribers, in liquidation, and opened on that day, at 12 o’clock on said plantation, when the highest offer will be accepted of. Also 10 to 20 bales to the highest tenders, for cash for current expences of said plantation. 1 ¦ Jno. McCAMON. : Jno. TAPIN. w»n« DR * FT ED or STOLEN rROM the Subscriber, a small round Punt; any K rson who can give information of said Punt, will Dec. J. A, DEHNERT. SATURDAY, December 25. COTTON FOR SALE. FROM 15 to 20 bales of good clean Cotton, from Plantation Tyrish, for which Tenders will be received till the 12th of January ensuing, at the Store of Messrs. Douglas Reid & Co. and the highest offer in cash, if approved, will be accepted. JOHN FRASER. 25 Dec. T.F LAYFIELD. Sequestrators. Tenders for Coffee 30,000 Pounds of first quality Coffee, the produce of Plantation La Fraternity. Tenders for the above quantity will be received at the house of the first undersigned, until Friday the 31st inst., and the highest offer, if approved of, accepted—payment to be made in cash. B. J. SCHWIERSand IL C. HINTZEN, 25 Dec. ' Sequestrators. NOTICE. THE undersigned having mutually agreed to discontinue their Copartnership, under the Firm of Mathews & Staal ; hereby notify to the Public, that said copartnership will be dissolved on the Ist of January, 1814—The second undersigned being duly authorised to arrange all outstanding Accounts, &c. due to or by said Firm, and to deliver the Papers.—The pending causes will still be conducted by them to a final close. J. THIBOU MATHEWS. 25 Dec. H. STAAL. ~ NOTICE, THE undersigned intending to continue the Law busines, as formerly, informs the Public, that his office is kept on lot No. 21, where he sollicits the continuance of the public favor, and will attend from six to.eight, and ten to three every day. 25 Dec. J. THIBOL MATHEWS. Translations executed with dispatch and fidelity. Berbice Agricultural SOCIETY. The next Meeting of this Society will be held on Thursday the 6th January next, at Mr. Harris’s, No. 11, Corentine coast. STEWARDS: S. Mourant, Fk. (K C. de Nieuwerkerk. FOR SALE. FROM 40 to 50 bales Cotton, from Plantation Kil morack, Tenders, payable in cash, will be received for the same, till the 11th of January next, by the Sequestrators of said Estate, at Wm. Scott’s, Esq New Amsterdam,, where the highest offer, if approved ,will be accepted.. '25 Dec. FOR SALE. TWENTY five bales of Cotton, from Plantation beanies, for cash on delivering,—Tenders for which will be received by the undersigned at Mr. John Downer s, until Monday the 3d January next, when the highest offer, if approved, will be accepted. „ ' Wm. CORT. ». 25 Dec. F. ‘ ' Sequestrators. forlale ” THE fast sailing schooner Belleisle, 44 tons per Register, has lately undergo a thorough repair, and trade emt Jr wellado P ted tor lum her or any other 25 Dec. DOUGLAS REID & Co. TENDERS FOR COTTON THIRTY-two bales of clean and one bale of yellow cotton.—Tenders for the above quantity the produce of'plantation Hope, will be received at the house of Mr. H. Luthers, on lot No. 43 until Monday the 3d of January, 1814, and the highest otter accepted—payment to be made in cash J. C. SPANGENBERG, for self and 18 Dec. P. FAIRBAIRN, Sequestrators. (No. 482. [Payable in advance. H. O. SEWARD Will sell the following Articles, of late importations, at his usully low prices, for Cash, or Berbice Money; or to the Purchasers of/500, payable on delivery, in best quality Sugar, Coffee, and Cotton, Rum, Molasses, Timber, Plank, Boards, Staves, Shingles, &c. &c. Best Cumberland hams, Irish May butter in half firkins, kegs pickled beef and pork, half barrels prime mess beef, hung beef, prime mess pork in barrels, Morton’s and Abbott’s‘London brown stout in hhds. fine old Irish port and claret ; Gordon, Duff, Inglis, and Co.’s fine old Madeira wine in pipes, hhds. and quarter casks, and per doz.; fine old Sercial and Malmsey, per doz. do. old hock, fine old Antigua and Jamaica rum, mixed pickles, fish and meat sauces, white wine pickling vinegar, soap and candles, real Russia sheeting bleached; do. do. and duck half bleached ; do. do. canvas for boat sails, and brown canvas for do. 5 to 6} inch cables, small tarred rope, white baling rope, broad and narrow cotton bagging and twilled coffee bagging, London-made gin cranks, firmer and socket chissels, planes, plane irons, drawing knives, Carpenters’ and Coopers’ braces and bits, brass back tenon saws ; hand, x-cut, lock, and compass do.; brass, iron, and stock locks, do. and iron desk, chest, and drawer locks; best double and single bolted padlocks, brass and iron but hingesand screws hook and eye and hl hinges, window curtain pins’ drawer knobs, cloak and hat pins, door and window bolts, window hooks and staples, bed screws, sailors’ clasp knives, negro combs, pocket and small tooth ivory combs, garden rakes, iron tinned inside and double block tin fish kettles, dripping pans with and without wells, coffee biggins and coffee pots, bottle stands, bread baskets, knife trays, fish hooks, Whitechapel needles in boxes, fine white pins in bundles brass bottleing and wine cocks, brass door rappers and brass handles, caulking irons, ship and boat serapers, helve hatchets, kitchen choppers, cambooses round and square shouldered capooses with steps of the best hardened kind, inasons’ trowels; Ladies’ fine white and black silk stockings, large damask shawls, and black and coloured silk handkerchiefs • Gentlemen’s fine black silk stockings lamb’s wool and gauze worsted do. and worsted half stockings • children’s cotton stockings, Ladies* fine white 'silk and kid slippers, Children’s and Misses shoes, printed and striped cottons.fine cotton shirting, platillas britannias and cotton lining, cheeks, handkerchiefs Irish table linen, diaper, huckaback, long lawns fine white dowlas, blue and white salempores; fine white Indian nankeens long pieces; superfine black and corbeau broad cloths; do black, blue, drab, buff and white mixed kerseymeres; coats, coatees,’round robbins, and pantaloons, black and buffsuperfine kerseymere waistcoats, coloured Marseilles do. striped nankeen trowsers, Trademen’s & Negro hats jackets and blankets, flaxen Osnaburghs, djrahjand mixed livery cloths and chaise lining; gilt and plated coat buttons, flannel coatees and dressing gowns boat cloaks, silver stop watches with second hands do table and tea spoons, butter knives, best London plated fish knives, cruet frames, candlesticks with tainted shades, bottle coasters, spurs, boot hooks 1 nut crackers, tea spoons, snuffers and trays, extinguishes, white hand bells, chaise and jockey whips, spare bridles, reins, & head stalls, Morocco skins & basils boats ensigns and jacks,-bunting, k|k and cotton umbrellas, foolscap and pot paper, wove .and laid thin and thick letter paper, quills, wafers, ink powder, sealing wax, ink stands, Morocco leather pocket books with clasps and straps, roumLriilers, folio and letter size writing cases, black lead pencils, slates and pencils, bound books, blank bills of exchange and bills of loading, hanging paper, and fine gold bordermg. Also, —A 10-inch stream cable, very little used and some fine new wallaba vats from 300 to 1000 gallons each; some of them with greenheart bottomsand one very large vat from 2000 to 2500 gallons, a few dry goods, rum puncheons, and some molasses casks made with red oak staves. And to clcise a-Consignment— loo pieces of miislin for mnsquito nets, 10 yards long each, 1| yards wide, wdl be sold 10 pieces for/SO. Denterury, Nov. 24, IS 13.


NOW ready •And for Sale at this Office, PRICE f3.~ Sheet Almanacks For the year .1814, for this Colony, OFFICE. Wbrdt geadverteerd, dull This is to inform the Pu. de volgende personen voor-blic, that the following perSiemens zyn uit deze Kolotuesons intend quitting this Cote vertrekken. lony J. R. Card by the first opportunity. J. C. Poortermans in 6 weeks from Nov. 20. John Davies with the January ccnvoy; Chs. Lawton in 6 weeks from 11 th Dec. Alex. Fraser in 6 weeks from 11th Dec. Hugh Bethune in 6 weeks from Dec. 25. Th. Shepherd in 14 days from do. or with the January convoy. Donald McQueen in 7 weeks from do. for Demerary. r R. C. DOWNER, Secy. BY? R I)T hiermede bekend NO TICE is hereby given, gematikt, dot ecu tnaand nu that a month after date the data de volgende Transporfolloicing Transports and ten en Hipotheeken zullen .Mortgages will be passed, verleden warden. 27 Nov. J. van den Brock qq. A. Donzel, will transport to Geo. Munro, Lot No. 4, west Coroutine coast. James Fraser, in quality as Curator to the Estate ofthe late E. D. Fraser, will transport to Simon Fraser, his undivided half of Plantation Brighton, Slaves, and other appurtenances thereto belonging. Dec. 4; R. Harper, n. u. will transport to the free George Thomas, 5 roods of land of lot No. 4, between the centre road and back dam. J. van den Brock qq. the Heirs of A. Donzel, will transport, to Wm. Munro and Geo. Munro, the Coroutine coast lot No. 4. Wm. Munro and Geo. will transport to John Fraser the west hern half of said lot, and to the Heirs of Js. Chesney, the eastern half. —— The Attornies of L. Lowrie, will transport 15 Negro men slaves, to Demerary, names to be seen nt the Secretary’s Office. Dec. 11. A. Krieger and G. Panels qq. C.J. Meyen and W. E. C. Meyen born van Staden, will transport to J. van den Brock, their right and title to a second mortgage on plantation'Ruimzigt._ Dec. 18. D. M icqueen will transport to Demerary, the following Negroes, Hope, Commodore’ Abouki, Sam, Skelton, Montrose, Fortune, George, .lane, L< na, Charlotte, and fourchiidren Francis, S phia, Sarah and Henry. Dec. 25. IL Staal wtll transport to Henrietta Enderm in, the nori he n back quart of lot No. 16 in New Amsterdam, extending from the new centre road to 'he ba* k dam. ' Wm. and Geo. Munro will transport to Robt. Doughs, Lit No. 4, situate on the west corentyn coast. ? . RC. DOWNER, Secy. . ALL persons having any claim or demand against plantation RETREAT, situate on the west sea'coast of this colony, are requested to deliver in a note of the same to the undersigned, on or before the 4th of January next. Secretary’s Office, 11th Dec. R. C. DOWNER, Secy. WHEREAS the following person has addressed himseli to the Hon Court of Policy, of this colony at their Sessions in the month October last, for a Letter of Manumission : It. P. Broeker, for the mulatto girl Francisco, Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant of said Letter of Manumission, that they may addres themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made on the aforesaid Petition. Berbice, Nov. 27. FENDUE's OFFICE. PUBLIC VENDUES. On Friday the 14th January, 1814, will be sold by order of Joseph Hall &A. Krieger Esqrs. as A >r k ! ‘ C te l of ‘ he J. Sawyer, dec. By Authority obtained from th. Hon. Cburt of Civil Justice dated 22d Oct. 1813, (on the spot) one third of Lot No. il Coiirrantyne river, with all the Slaves and further Appurtenances, as will be seen on the day of sale.—lnventory as W(>|l ag salt, will be seen at the V endue Office. D* CAM Dep. Vendue Master. On Wednesday 19ih Jan. will be sold at the Vendue office, by order of the Executors of the late Dr. Jeffery, dec.—household iwing prrsrA has addtfise and harness, &c. ' /of Poliyv sA. " On the same day, by Jeffi?ry, Esquire, household furniture, negroes, amongst which are carpenter, and washer women, the negroes will be sold at 3 and 6 months credit. D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master. FOR GLASGOW, «¦¦¦¦* Qoper’d brig* Lord Blantyre A. McLEA, Master; Now on her first voyage, will be dispatched with the January fleet. For freight or passage apply to 25 Dec. DOUGLAS REID & Co. Who have imported in said vessel, a general assortment of Plantation Stores. The fine new btig* TRADER, Wm. Gem mill, Commander. Is now ready to receive her cargo, and Warranted to sail with the first convoy.— For freight or passage apply to Capt. Gemmill, or to 18 Dec. EVAN & ANGUS FRASER. Loading at Demerary., ' The ship NEIIIUS, Sam. Paterson, Commander, Is now ready to receive her cargo, and warranted to sail with the first convoy.— For freight or passage, apply to EVAN & A NGUS FRASER. NB. The DIANA, Capt. McGeorge, also. THE fine coppered Ship Harmony, John Wilson, Master, will Ke dispatched with the convoy to sail in January next. Apply to 23 Oct. DOUGLAS REID & Co. Who have received by the above ship, small boats for colony craft. FOR LIFERPOOL, With convoy, The brig* U lyses, James Brien, Master, Will be ready to receive her cargo on board in 5 or 6 days. For ft eight or passage, apply to said Master, or John Croft. “ Dec. 18. FOR~LONDON. To Sail with the First Convoy. The Fast Sa.ling Brig EGHAM. Stand A. 1. at Lloyds, coppered andcopper-fastened, John Pavy, Master, has excellent accommodation for passengers. For freight or passage, applay to said Masterson board, 30 Oct. QI to J. VAN DEN BROEK. FOR LONDON. To sail with the January Convoy, Theship MULLETT, Tro. Smith, Master, for freight or passage., apply to said Master, or to 16-Oct. W. DUNCAN. THE BERBJCE GAZETTE. ¦ — NEW AMSTERDAM, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1813. Me are happy to hear, His Excellency Governor Ben. tinck, may be expected in this Colony shortly Ke are given to understand, he will assume the Civil Admini. stration on Monday the 3d January. arrival ofthe Schooner Sirs ft, from Barba. dos^Ai ch l )lace she on the 20 th in st. we became in possession of Barbados Papers to the 20th of this month. At that time three packets were due in, Barbados a report prevailing that the 2d October Mail had met with the same fate as its predecessor for the month, in beinsr captured of the Island. , ’ s Independent of the convoy, no intelligence appears to have reached the West Indies later than the 22d October The information to be expected by the Mails now due cannot but be of a momentous nature, as the natural result of the continued successes experienced by the Allied Armies in Germany, and our victorious troops in Spain. LONDON, October 22. Dispatches, of which the so lowing are copies, have been this day received from Lieut-Gen. the Hon. Sir Charles William Stewart, K. B. and from Edward Thornton Esq. > Toplitz, Oct. 1, 1813. Mx Lord,— The affair I mentioned in my dispatch, of the 29th uit. near Altenburg, has turned out to be of mofo importance than was at first imagined, and the Hetman Piatow, with ius usual ability and gallantry,! has accoin. plished a very brilliant exploit against a consiokrable body of the enemy. • This corps Uas under the orders of Gen. Lelehre* De. nouette, and contested of some French light cavalry, fo e Polish uhlans of the guard, and a brigade of light dragoons under the orders of Gen. Pilot. Generals Kebeiski and Krutecks were also in command. The force consisted of eight thousand cavalry and seven hundred infantry, one squadron of Mamelukes, and a small party of Tartars of the guard, under the orders of Col Murot. The whole were attacked by Piatow, and conu pletely put to the route. Gen. Keist’iski is reported by the prisoners to havebeen killed. Fifteen hundred prisoners, five guns, and forty I officers (three of the staff), are the fruits of this victory. The army has broken up from hence, and is in inoteinent to the left. The corps of Gen. Count Wittgi nstein uas yesterday at Kommatau, and that of Gru. Kleist neat Brux. The Austrians are marching upon Chemnitz. Thereisa repo tfrom the enemy that Napoleon, attended by the King of Saxony and family, set out for Leipsig upon the 28th inst. the head.quarters are said to be removed there. The French corps, under Marshal Augereau, hare m» ched from Hamburg to Coburg, having left a consider at VVurtzburg. ¦• I ' e j ' ,son to be ieve the Russian and Prussian army ex. C n .rn '*' ioUsan ‘i n,e ", which will now be assembled on *.orns of aM Freybcrg.linc ;to these may be added the 4heXustnans”* 1 11* 1 Un tl,ousau’ ’ S 1 *. a r ’ r ‘‘ r y ‘fiivient sut< as to appearance; but I bar* n\ 4 *" O,ma *ion as to the numbers arrivkig., V ni f"r' ,rt t n L < ' U! ' Se ’ eu men of the Prussian corps 01 Meist, i» upon th,. roa( | f rom p ral g ue , \ 1 have the honour to be, Sec. \ (Signed) CHAH6.ES STEWART, *X E/j t en a ut. General. discount Castl&ifwgh, ffc. sc. \ f Zerbst, Oct. 4. 1813. Mv Lord, — T have to acquaint your Lord* ship, that Gen. Pozzq di Lftrgo fcas received intelligence from the head.quarters of thc&niies in Bohemia, under date of the 21th ultimo, stating* that the corps of Gen. Benuigsen, having joined the Grand Alniy, the Allied Sovereigns had come to the resolution of making a movtu ment by tluir left from Bohemia and that this movement should be executed on the Ist of the present month. I his intelligence determined the Prince Royal to attempt (he passage of the Elbe. The bridge at Rassiaw had been a ready completed, while the works of the tetc de pont oh the hit bank had been traced out, and were in a state of progress Detachments of Swedish troops were in posses, siou of Dessau, and the town of Acken, on the left bank a little lower dow n the river, was fortifying, under the direction of Count Woronzow, in such a manner as to render it a place of considerable strength, while prepara, lions were accelerated for constructing a bridge there. lit the mean time, the enemy, who appear to have Kad no id-a the passage of the Elbe, at Ackeu, sent strong detachments of troops to occupy Dessau and the line of the Mu Ida, and employed themselves in th tow ing up works, as wed before that town, as in front of

Yesterday evening Mr. Adlcrerenlz, a son of the Gon. and ail Aidc-dc-Camp of the I’iince Royal, returned here from the Impcirial head quarters, to which he had been sent after the battfc of DonuewStz. lie brings intelligence of the actual of the grand army, as was projected, on thed afwistant• and it was calculated that it would be adranced as far as Chemnitz, on yesterday, the 3d. I am as yet without defails of the affair of Gen. Blucher ; but Baron de Wetterstedt has engaged me to detain this until 1 shall receive a dispatch from him this Fevening for M, de Rehausen, and he promised me, (for he went to-day to Dessau] to transmit to me at the same time the same particulars, if he should obtain them. 1 shall keep this dispatch open for them. We have indirect accounts of Gen. Czernitscheff having taken possession, with his corps of Cossacks, of the whole city of Cassel, from which Jerome Bonaparte had fled. But nothing has yet been received from himself. I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) E. THORNTON. P. S. Ten P. M. 1 have the honour of transmitting to your Lordship inclosed, a letter which I have just receiv. ed from Baron de Wetterstedt. (Signed) I*7. T. Dessau, Oct. 4, 1813. According to reports received from Gen. Blucher, he has been engaged with the fourth French corps, commanded by Gen. Bertrand. The latter was strongly intrenched in a village between Wartenberg and Bledin. Gen. d’Yorck’s corps dislodged and overthrew the enemy, taking above, one thousand prisoners; sixteen pieces of cannon, and s venty tumbrils, with their train, were cap. tured. A Judy of two thousand men threw themselves in. to Wittenberg ; the remainder of the enemy’s troops fell back upon Kemberg. Gen. B ucher pursued them, and his head-quarters will be this evening al the latter place. Hiscav.ilr) isatDdbc'.i. By live o’clock thiMnorning, the enemy’s troops, under the orders of Mar.-hal Ney, which were in this town, amounting to eighteen thousand men, had begun their retreat towards Liij.zlg. Ouradianced posts had, in tho course of this evening, pushed on as far a» k*

The Subscribers have imported by the Ship PLANTER, Capt. Nicholson, from London, the following general assortment of Merchandise, which they will Sell at low prices, for Cash, Produce, best Ctabwood Board, and Staves RQMAL and Manchester Madras handkerchiefs, Blue and white salem pores, and white jean, White, yellow, and striped nankeen, Linen and cotton Britannias, and Irish linen, Bed sheeting, platillias Royallis and printed calicoes, Ginghams, dimity, London and Carlisle checks, Patent and plain cotton shirting and fancy cambrics, Mull muslins, table cloths,and towels. Ladies fashionable morning and evening dresses, Blackwhite-and coloured-sarcenets, and ribbans, Velves, salt ins, sewing silks, twist and threads, Ladies cambric and fancy buttons, straw ami beaver bonnetts, shoes, gloves, silk and cotton stockings, Sup. fine broad cloths, flannel, baze and green table cloths. » Gentlemen, military jockey and Hessian boots, Planters strong and dress shoes, Silk and beaver hats, Nails from 4t040d., parlour doorwarehouseliquorbookcaseand writing desk-locks, and hinges, Tea frays, waiters, patent cork screws, ivory handled and common knives and forks, scissars and pen knives, Gilt and plated spurs, candle sticks, snuffers, best block tin dish covers, Window blind and. pump tacks, gridirons, frying pans, sad irons, hoes and shovels with rivets, matchcis and pruning knives, C arpetiteradzes, axes, and whip saws, Paints and paint oil, neats lout do. for harness, pitch and tar, White wine vinegar, Shoetablepainthairand tooth-brushes, and brooms, Gun powder and patent shot, Writing desks, dressing cases, backgamonboxes and chess boards with men, Sash cord, window glas and pullies, Ferfum-ry and stationary, Pease, barley, almonds, raisins, currents, double refined suzar,gun powder tea, bf.ick pepper, Stone blue, Green gooseberries, apricoss, pears, cherries, green gages in bia.idy, preserved Damson's and raspberries, Pine apple, Gltmchcster and Spilfon cheese, Smoaked and pickh d tongues, and tripe, Pickled gerkins, anchovies, capers, wainuts, olives, cauliflowers, ciucuce of anchovies, kitchup, and mustard, Prince Regent, macoubn, and Scotch’ snuff, Elegant painted vas' lamps, and lam horns, Dinner and breakfast services, and glassware, Jewellery, corals, and a variety oi fancy beads, Bedsteads complete, pembroke tables, and sophas, Tin plate basnets, and baskets with apertures tor bottles, An assortment of Negro cloathing and blankets, Rum, brandy, &*•. A consignment of brown stout in barrels, Prime mess beef and pork in half barrels, and butter in firkins. is D r * TAYLOR. i'Uli, SALE. BLUE and white salempores, jean, Britannias, Irish lirrm, sheeting, calicoes, furniture chintz, ginghams, dimity, stripe and furniture checks, black and white cambric miulin, table cloths, napkins, towels black velvet, thread, flannel, green baize, green table cloths, Planters and dress shoes, silk and beaver hats, 4dy. to 40dy. nails, brads and pump tacks, locks and hinges assorted,'tea trays and waiters, scissars, patent cork screws, ivory bandied and common knives and forks, dest rt ditto, carvers, gilt and plated spurs, candlesticks and snuffers, tin dish covers grid irons, coffee sifs, frying pans, hoes, shovels,j cutlasses, priming knives, carpenters and cooper ad-1 zes, axes, whipand handsaw files, elegant silver plated dishes with covers, paint, tar, lampFlorence and paint oils, brushes,gunpowder, shot, fowling pie. ces, pistols, fishing and chalk lines, corks, blankets rugs, Osnaburgs, pease, barley, salt, soap, candles, pipes, spirituals liquors, MadeiraPortsherryand claret wines, noyeau, tea, &c. _lB Dec. J, H, fiUHLARHORST. ALL persons that have claims’on the Estate of the late Dr. P rances Jeffery, are requested to render a statement ot the same to the undersigned, with as little delay as possible. Those persons that are indebted thereto, for the years ISOB and 1812, are hereby informed, that, unless payment is made previous to last December 1813 these accounts, notes, &c., will be placed in the hands of a Lawyer, in order to enforce payment in the most summary and legal manner, 18Dc<; W. KATZ, Executor. Imported and for , • Subscriber. Tongues; .tiipe, I\,| H v ,. drogheda, table, Beef, pork, butter, hams so. linens, Cheese, pile hards, Herrings, pickles, sauces, Busck, blue & green cloth I rumes, raisins, spices; Thread,'tapes & ribbons, Pease, barley, -Salempores, & tnusquito lea, refined sugar, lawns, Ling fish, potatoes, Calicoes & furn. chintz, Beer, porter, Pullicaf, Madras, BandaI ort wme, Sicily do. na, Balisore, & common Brandy, rum, pocket hkfij. Salt, oats, Damask shawls, Medicines, do. chests Spotted, plain, & lapett Tar, cordage, cambric muslins, Pipes, tobacco, Striped, plain, tambourPowder, shot, ed jaconet t muslins, Paints, oil, turpentine, Corded dimities, jeanet, Soap, caudles, Wt. calicoes, Gentlemen, ladies, and Cotton & linen checks, & children hats, furniture do., Do. boots & shoes, Platillas & Britannias, Blacking, Tablecloth, & napkins, Mattrasses, canvas, Ginghams, quilting, Negro blankets, jackets, Umbrellas & parasols, trowsers, shirts, hats, Earthenglasstinand wrappers,& petticoats, hardware, Flannel, green table cloth Stationary, Sein & sewing twine, Hozery & sadlcry, Osnabr. & Rus. shot ting Furniture & perfumery, Coffee & cotton bagging, T JOHN CROI-T. FOR SaTeT By G Bo$e&Co. in addition to their an' des on hand. PRIME mess beef and pork in half barrels, double rose Cork butter, hams, cheese, tripe, barley, split pease in jugs, onions, pickles, assorted.,, sago, porter and beer, currants, raisins, in excellent order; crates of eart hen ware, barrels of do. containing complete dinner services. Also a fresh assortment of •by goods; Madeira wine in bottles, 2 pipes fine old Margala wine, and London brown stout in hbds. 18 Dec. Just arrived, and for Sale by Hie Subscriber, the following Medicines, of the tint quality, and on reasonable terms, for cash only. "Yellow bark, calomel, jalap, rhubarb rood and powder, salt of nitre, cream of tartar, refined and powdered liquorice, CheltenhamRockedI psomand Glauber salts, ipecacuhana, whitegreenand blue vitriol, red precipitate, corrosive sublimate, sugar of lead, yellow and white wax sulphur, sulphuric an I muriatic acids, gum quaiacum, camphor, assefoedita and myrrh quick silver, plain calcined and Henry’s magnesia, Dover and antimonial powders Cantharidcs strengthning adhesive and diachylum plasters, snake roo*, santonicum seed and powder manna, isinglass, Iceland moss, chamomile flowers’ senna leaves, opium, musk and castor, castor balsam capivi, aromatic vinegar, eau medicinal, Tur Imgton’s balsam, Anderson’s and James’ analeptic pills, lavenderrosehoneyand orange flower waters, lances, surgeons pocket instruments,phials tow pewti r, syringes assorted, sago and pearl barlev in bottles. --18 Dec. W. B. LiOT. NOTICE ~ THE Carpenters business hitherto conducted uniter the Firm of Robert Lowril & Co. is this day dissolved by imdual consent ; all Persons having any demands against the said Firm, are requested to render them to the first undersigned for examination on, or before the 3l»t inst. as none will be attended' to after that period. II Dec E THEOBALD qq . * 1 IJC L. K. Low RIE. J. CARRUTHERS. j. NOTICE " »HIE undersigned being appointed Sworn Bookwithin this colony, recomniands his services in That capacity, to his Friends and the Public, promising secrecy, accuracy and dispatch. 1 11 Bee. J. F. OBER MULLER. BEK.ENDMAKINCL DEN ondergetcekende zynde als Gczworen Boekhouder in deze kolonie, neemt de vry. heiil zich als zoodanig by zyne yriendeu on het Pu buek te recommandeeren, belovende geheimhoudimr nauwkeurigheid en spoed. ® 11 Dec J. F. OBERMULLER. ~ ¦IB >«¦* -•* •— — -I ¦¦ >¦ ¦¦ —M. lMw _ . THE Subscriber has just icceived from Eurone an elegant assortment of Leather, of the best qualif y • as he intends carrying on the Shoemakers business in all its various branches, and hopes for the continuanceot his Friends au(l the Public in general. 18 Dec REN SETTLE. OFFICE. 1 Sales by Execution. I BY virtue of an appointment, granted by fi lc n notable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony °* a petition of Evan & Angus Fraser & Co. as aferj*? oi Campbells Fraser & Co , under date of 20th X veinbrr, 1813. i '°* Not ice is hereby given : That I the First Marshal ot the Courts of this colony, wilK j in presence of two (Jouncellors Commissaries their Secretary, by Public Execution Sale i on Tup day the Ist day of February, 1811, the Cuttonß. tale called ** CLIFTON. the property of Hugh B. Inglis, situated on then, routine coast, with all its cultivation, slaves l tugs, and further appurtcr mces thereto VV huever should think to have any right, infeS or claim sn the aforesaid Plant’n. (7-f and wkb. es to oppose the sale th. reol, let such p rsnn w persons address (hemselv* sto me the first Mandat, declaring their reasons for such opposition i H time and form ; as I hereby give notice that ha receive opposition from every one tloreunto q lla |i. tied, appoint them a day to have his or her Liis heard before the Court, and further act therco# u the law directs. The sale is to take place on the spot. Bernice, 4th December, sl3, 1 KFit ‘.ncken, First Marshal. | Summons by Edict. WH ER I’AS 1 the undersigned have receivedfr»u England the Newspapers, coii>fining the Advertisement cJlmg upon the of the Surrendered Estate of , ‘ les wood & Taylor, Notice is hereby giv. en to the PuNjc, that the said Creditors, by virtue of an Appointiiujfrt obtained by W. Leach and VV. > Fr aseii, CuratorsTo aibA's-aul Estat *, uitdcr date of 29th November, lSlsy tn>m His Exccllt iicy thefia. vernor, arc hereby SI HMON El), To appear befe» the Court of Civil this colony, on Monday the 24th January, 1814, and following days, tor the purpose of there rrnderi .g their claims against the said Surrendered Estate of Heywood & Taylor, aid further to proceed according tu Law. Berbicc 3d D< c. 1813. K. FRANCKEN, First Mttrshd!; BY virtue of authority granted by the Honorwic ( ose of there exhibiting their demands against said i'.state, to verily the same, and if necessary, to heat objections made against such claims, and further to proceed according to Law, under pain to those who remain in default of coming forward with their demands at the appointed period of being for ever debarred t heir right of claim. 1 his Summon by Edict made known to the Publit as customary. Berbice, I8(h Nov. 1813. K FRANCKEN, First MJ. Tor sale. BY' the subscriber, an elegant assortment of London printed cambricks of 28 yards each, of superior quality, consisting of blue, gold, pinck, black, yellow and purple colours, fine Irish yard wide linen ami, sheeting, London plated silver edged cruet standi with giass emits, suffers, trays, egg stand and cups, fruit stands of cut glass, plated coffee, tea and mild potts, liquor stands with cut glass bottles, brushes, gold watch chains, seals, keys, ear rings, finger rings lockets, broaches, breast pins, old rum, bitters, Rep nard’s cream of noyeau, of mint, of venille, sirup of orgeat, capita ire, rose water, flowers of orange water bay rum, veinegar, Spanish segars, gunpowder, tea, ? potatoes, quills, paper, building lime, &c. k 11 Dec. Lot No. 7, front dam. —*¦*. . i . 'a" i "*4 NOTICE. THE Lottery of A. Fleurf, will be Drawn on I the 17 of and Martin. 18 Dec. r Published %Tery Saturday at 4 o'clock, f. I Bv W. SCHIJLZ & Co. Privileged Government Printers. ,