Berbice gazette

Material Information

Berbice gazette
Uniform Title:
Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
Place of Publication:
New Amsterdam
W. Schulz
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
New Amsterdam (guyana)
newspaper ( sobekcm )


General Note:
General Note:
Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
General Note:
The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
General Note:
In English, with occasional text in Dutch
Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Digital Library of the Caribbean
Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
University of Florida


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1813.) .

TV ''lve dollars p. annum.'}

The S ibscfibers h ive imported by the Ship
PLANTER, Cipt. Nicholson, from Lon London,
don, London, the following general assortment of
Merchandise, which they will bell at low
prices, for Cash, Produce, best Crab w ood
Board, and Staves :—
ROMAL and Manchester Madias handkerchiefs,
Bine an-.l white saleiiiporcs, and white j;-an,
White, yellow, and striped nankeen,.
Linen anj chiton Bntaimias, and Irish linen,
Bed sheeting, pkftdhas Koya lbs and printed calicoes,
Ginghams, dimity, London and Carlisle checks,
Patent ami plain cotton shirting and fancy cambrics,
Mull mtisims, table cloths,and towels.
Ladies Irshitm tbie mo:niUg and evening dresses,
Black- white- aim colmired-Miicciicts, and ribhaus,
Vrlves, sa'tins, sew ing Miks, twist and threads,
Ladies < ’unbricand fancy'button*, straw and beaver
bonneff-’., shoes, gloves, silk and cotton stockings,
Sup. fine I iroad cloths, flannel, baze and green table
Gentlemen, military jockey and Hessian boots, Plan Planters
ters Planters ‘’r Silk and beaver hats,
Nails fiom 4to 40(1 , parlour door- warehouse- li liquor
quor- liquor bookcase- and writing desk-locks, and hing-
Tea troyr, waiters, patent cork screws, ivory handled
and < dmmoii knives and forks, ttissars and pen
• Gilt and |.latel spurs, candle sticks, snuffers, best
block ri • dish covers,
Window blur. I and pump tacks, gridirons, frying
pans, sad irons, hoes and shovels with rivets, mat matchits
chits matchits and pinning knives,
Carpenteradz< f, axes, and whip saws,
Paints a..d paint oil, neats toot do. tor harness, pitch
and tar,
White wine vinegar,
Shoe- table- paint- hair- and tooth-brushes, and
Gun powder and patent shot,
Wrif ir;g desks, dressing cases, backgantun boxes ami
chess boards with men,
Sash cord, window glas and pullic.s,
Perfumery and stationary,
Pease, bark y, almomls, raisins, currents, double re refined
fined refined sugar,gmi powder tea, black pepper,
Stone blue,
Green gooseberries, apricoss, pears, cherries, green
* gages in biandy, preserved Damson's and raspber raspberries,
ries, raspberries,
Pine apple, Glouchester and Spilton cheese,
Smoaked and pickled tongues, and tripe,
Pickled gerkins, anchovies, capers, walnuts, olives,
cauliflowers, ensence of anchovies, kitchup, and
. mustard,
Prince Regent, macouba, and Scotch’ snuff,
Elegant painted vase lamps, and lan horns,
• Dinner and breakfast services, and glass ware,
Jewelleiy, coral.'., and a v v iri< (y oi Lim y beads,
fil'd stc ads complete, pembrokc tables, and sophas,
Tin plate baskets,ami b skclswith apertures lor but butths,
ths, butths,
An assortment of Negro cloathing and blankets,
Rum, brandy, &c.
A consignment of brown stout in barrels,
Prime mess beef aud pork in half barrels, and butter
' in firkins.
BLUE salernpon s, jean, Britannias,
. Irish linen, sheeting, calicoes, furniture chintz, ging ginghams,
hams, ginghams, dimity, stripe and furniture checks, black and
• while cambric nuidin, table cloths, napkins, towels,
black velvet, thread, flannel, green baize, green ta-
. ble cloths, Ranters and dress shoes, silk and beaver
bats, 4dy. to 40dy. nails, brads and pump tacks,
Wks and hinges assorted, tea trays and waiters, scis scis•ars,
•ars, scis•ars, patent cork screws, ivory bandied and common
. Ahi ves and forks, desert ditto, car vers, gilt and pla plajted
jted plajted spurs, candlesticks and snuffersj tin dish covers,
grid noris, coffee sifs, frying pans, hoes, shovels,
cutlassep, pruning knives, carpenters and cooper ad adstfs,
stfs, adstfs, axCs,’whip- and handsaw files, elegant silver
plated divhes with covers,paint, tar, lamp- Florence



SATURDAY, December 18.

and paint oils, brushes,gunpowder, shot, fowling pie.
ces, pistols, fishing and chalk lines, corks, blankets,
rugs, Osnaburgs, pease, bailey, salt, soap, candles,
pipes, spiritious liquors, Madeira- Port- sherry- and
claret wines, noyeau, tea, &c.
Imported and for Sale by the Subscriber.
Tongues, tiipe, Brown, drogheda, table,
Beet, pork, butter, hams and Irish linens,
Cheese, pilchards, Long lawns,
Herrings, pickles, sauces, Black, blue & green cloth
Brumes, raisins, spices, Thread, tapes & ribbons,
Pease, barley, balenipores, & mnsquito
Tea, refined sugar, lawns,
Ling fish, potatoes, Calicoes & furn. chintz,*
lieei, porter, Pullicat, Madras, Banda-
Port wine, Sicily do. na, Batisore, & common
Brandy, ruin, - pocket hkfs.
Sall, oats, Damask shawls,
.Medicines, do. chests Spotted, plain, & lapett
Tar, cordage, cambric muslins,
Pipes, tobacco, Striped, plain, tambour-
Powder, shot, ed jaconett muslins,
Paints, oil, turpentine, Corded dimities, jeanet,
Soap, candles, Mt. calicoes,
Gentlemen, ladies, and Cotton & linen checks, &
children hats, furniture do.,
Do. boots & shoes, Plat 11 las & Britannias,,
Blacking, Table cloth, & napkins,
Mad • asses, canvas, Ginghams, quilling,
.Negro blankets, jackets, Umbrellas & parasols,
Bowsers, shirts, bats, Earthen-glass- tin- and
wrappers,& petticoats, hardware,
Flannel, green table cloth Stationary,
Sun & sewing twine, liozqry & sadlery,
Osn.ibr. & !4u«. sheetipg I uinrure& p.iiu -aery,
Coffee & cotton bagging,
By G Bone & Co. in audition to their arti articles
cles articles on hand. â– 
PRIME mess beef and pork in half barrels, dou doubt
bt doubt • rose Corl. butter, huns, cheese, tripe, barley,
split pease in jugs, onions, pickles, assorted,, sago,
po:U r and be r, currants, raisins, in excellent order;
er Hrs ol earthen ware, barrels of do. containing com complete
plete complete dinner services. Also a fresk assortment of
dry goods; Madeira wine in bottles, 2 pipes fine old
.Margala wine, and London brown stout in hhds.
18 Dec.
Just arrived, aud for Sale by the Subscriber,
the following Medicines, of Hie fir t quali quality,
ty, quality, and on reasonable terms, for cash only.
A ellow bark, calomel, jalap, rhubarb rood and
powd r, salt of nitre, cream of tartar, refined and
powdered liquorice, Cheltenham- Rochell- Epsoni
.md Glauber salts, ipecac nliana, white- green- and
blue vitriol, red precipitate, corrosive sublimate, su sugar
gar sugar oi lead, yellow and white wax sulpher, sulphuric
an I muriatic acids, gum quaiacumj camphor, asse assefoedita
foedita assefoedita and myrrh quicksilver, plain calcined and
Henry’s magnesia, Dover and antimonial powders,
Cantharides strengthning adhesive and diachylum
plasters, snake root, santonicum seed and powder,
manna, isinglass, Iceland moss, chamomile Howers,
senna leaves, opium, musk and castor, castor oil,
balsam capivi, aromatic vinegar, eau medicinal, Tur
hngton’s balsam, Anderson’s and James’ analeptic
pills, lavender- rose- hbney- and orange flower wa waters,
ters, waters, lances, surgeons pocket instruments, phials tow,
pewter, syringes assorted, sago and pearl barley in
bottles. --18 Dec. ' W- B. HOT.
ALL persons that have claims on the Estate ofthc
late Dr. Frances Jeffery, are requested to render
a statement of the same to the undersigned, with as
little delay as possible.
Those persons that are indebted thereto, for the
years 1808 and 1812, are hereby informed, that, un unless
less unless payment is made previous to last December 1813
these accounts, notes, &c., will be placed in the
hands of a Lawyer, in order to enforce payment in
the most summary and legal manner,
1 .i- W. KATZj Executor.
*■■'l. > • <■ >

Berbice, 10M December, 1813.
CASH required for two Bills of Exchange of £ 100
each, drawn on the Right Hon. the Paymaster Ge- '
neral, at 20 days sight.
For which Tenders in triplicate, marked a Ten Tenders
ders Tenders for Bills,'' will be received at thisOffice until
Monday the 20th of December, at 10 o’clock.
JOHN S. WILSON, Commissariat.
Berbice, \&h December, 1813*
REQUIRED for the use of this Department— Department-20
-20 Department-20 Barrels Flour.
40 Quintals Sait Fish.
lor which tenders in triplicate, for the wrhole or any
part thereof, marked, “Tender for Provisions, will
be received at this Office, until Monday morning the
27th inst. at 10 o’clock.— i'he provisions to be of the
first quality, and subject to a Board of Survey.
JOHN'S. WILSON, Commissariat.
Berbice, liith December, 1813.
REQUIRED for the use of the Quarter- and Bar Barrack-Master
rack-Master Barrack-Master General’s Department, subject to the ap approval
proval approval oi the Assistant Quarter Master General, aud
deliverable at his Stores in Fort St. Andrew.
12 Kegs white lead,
s'oo Lbs. red ocre,
8 barrelstar,
2 barrels lamp oil,
21f Gallons linseed oil,
5 Gallons spirits terpentine,
12 Lbs. lampblack,
1 Dozen large paint brushes,
0 small do.
6 White washing do.
1 Hogshead lime.
For which tenders in Triplicate, for the whole or
any part thereof, marked “Tender for Stores, wdl
be received at this Office, until W ednesday the 291 h
inst. at 10 o’clock.
JOHN S. WILSON, Commissariat.
THIRTY -two liales of chan and one bale of yel yellow
low yellow cotton.—Tenders for the above quantity, the
produce of plantation Hope, w ill be received at the
house ot Mr. H. Luthers, on lot No. 43, until
Monday the 3d of January, 1814, and the highest
offer accepted—payment to be made in cash.
J. C. SPAiNGENBERG, for self and
18 Dec. P. hAIRBAHLN, Sequestrators.
THE Lottery of A. Fleury, will be Drawn on
the 6th of January, 1814, at the Tavern of Larose
and Martin. jg Q eCa
TENDERS for 20,000 weight best quality Coffee
the produce of Plantation Augsburg, will be receiv received
ed received until Monday the 20th instant, at 11 o’clock, at
the house of the first undersigned, by whom samples
of the coffee may be seen,i and the highest offer, if
approved of, accepted, payment to be made in cash.
ALSO TAiders for 200 Bunches Plantains, to be
delivered every Saturday evening, or Sunday morn morning,
ing, morning, for the time of six months, payable io cash evi-ry
three months, for which the highest offer, with good
security for the payment, if approved of, ,will be
WANTED for the Use of the said Four
barrels Beef, —one barrel Pork, —and 2000 Weight
Salt fish. Tenders for the abovementioned Provi Provisions,
sions, Provisions, will be received until the 20th inst. at eleven
o’clock, and the offer most advantageous, if approv approved
ed approved of, accepted. Payment will Ik- made in cash.
J. M. C. REUSS, qq.
I J_ Dec - T A. HICKEN, qq.
Sheet Almanacks’
For the year 1814, for this Colony,
Will be ready at this Office, on the last Satuiday of
this month—(2s Dec.)— For CASH only

(No. 481.

.. â–  J
\_PayMe in advance.

Will sell the following Articles, of late impor importations,
tations, importations, at his ustilly law prices, for Cash, or
" Berbice Money ; ar io the Purchasers of f SOO,
payable on delivery, m best quality Sugar, Cof Coffee,
fee, Coffee, and Cotton, Rum, Molasses, Timber,
Plank, Boards, Staves, Shingles, &c. &c.
Best Cumberland hams, Ir : sh May butter in half
firkins, kegs pickled beet and pork, half barrels prime
mess beef, hung beef, prime mess pork in barrels,
Morton’s and Abbott’s London brown stout in hhds.
fiae old Irish port and claret; Gordon, Duff, Inglis,
and Co.’s fine old Madeira wine in pipes, hhds. and
quarter casks, and per doz.; fine old Sercial and
Malmsey, per doz. do. old* hock, fine old Antigua
and Jamaica rum, mixed pickles, fish and meat
sauces, white wine pickling vinegar, soap and candies,
real Russia sheeting bleached bleached *, do. do. canvas for boat sails, and brown
canvas for do. 5 to 6) white baling rojie, broad and narrow cotton bagging
and twilled coffee bagging, London-made gin cranks,
firmer and socket chissels, planes, plane irons, draw drawing
ing drawing knives, Carpenters’ and Coopers’ bracesand bits,
brass back tenon saws ; hand, x-cut, lock, and com compass
pass compass do. ; brass, iron, and stock locks, do. and iron
desk, chest, and drawer locks, best double and single
bolted padlocks, brass and iron but hingesand screws,
hook and eye and hl hinges, window curtain pins,
drawer knobs, cloak and hat pins, door and window
bolts, window hooks and staples, bed screws, sailors’
clasp knives, ivgro combs, pocket and small tooth
ivory combs, garden rakes, iron tinned inside and
double block tin fish kettles, dripping pans with and
without wellx, cutfee biggins and coffee pots, bottle
stands, brad baskets, knife trays, fish hooks, White White•
• White• chapel needles in boxes, fine white pins in bundles,
brass bottleiiig and wine cocks, brass door rappers
and brass handles, caulking irons, ship and boat scra scrapers,
pers, scrapers, helve hatchets, kitchen choppers, cambooses,
round and square shouldered capooses with steps of
the best bardem d kind, masons’ trowels ; Ladies’
fine white and black silk stockings, large damask
shawls, an I black and coloured silk handkerchiefs;
Gentlemen's fine black silk stockings lamb’s wool and’
gauze worsted do. and worsted half stockings; chil children’s
dren’s children’s cotton stockings, Ladies’ fine white silk and
kid slippers, Childn n’s and Misses shoes, printed
and striped cottons fi..c cotton shirting, platillas, bri britannias
tannias britannias and cotton lining, checks, handkerchiefs,
Irish table linen, diaper, huckaback, Lmg lawns, fine
white dowlas, blue and white sale in ports; fine white
Indian nankeens !<>nx pieces; superfine black and
corbeau broa I cloths; do black, blue, drab, buff,
and white mixed kerseymeres ; coats, coatees, round
robbins, and pantaloons, black and bnilsuperfi'ic ker-,
seymerc waistcoats, coloured Marseilles do. striped
nankeen trowser-, Tradrim n’s & .Negro haLs jackets,
and blankets, flaxen Osuaburgbs, drab and mixed
livery cloths and chaise, lining, gilt and plated coal
buttons, flannel cJahes and dressing gowns, boat
cloaks, silver stop w itches with secund hands, do.
table and tea spoons, butter knives, best London plat plated
ed plated fish knives, cruet frames, candlesticks with paint painted
ed painted shades, bottle coaster.-, spurs, boot hooks, nut
crackers, tea spoons, snuffers and trays, extinguish extinguishers,
ers, extinguishers, white hand bells, chaise and jockey
bridles, reins, & head stalls, Morocco skins & basils,
bor.ts ensigns and jacks, bunting, silk and cotton
umbrellas, foolscap and pot paper, wove and laid
thin and thick letter paper, quills, wafers, ink pow powder,
der, powder, scaling wax, ink stands, Morocco leather pocket
books with clasps and straps, round rulers, folio and
letter size writing cases, black lead pencils, slates and
pencils, bound books, blank bills oi exchange and
bills ot loading, hanging paper, and fine gold border bordering.
ing. bordering.
JZso,—A 10-inch stream cable, very little used,
and some fine new waihbi vats IromSOO to 1000 gal gallons
lons gallons each ; some ot them with greenheart bottoms*
and one very large vat,from 2000 to 2500 gallons, a
few dry goods, rum puncheons, and some molasses
casks made with red oak staves.
And to close a Consignment— loo pieces of muslin
for musquito nets, 10 yards long each, lj yards wide,
will be sold 10 pieces tor f 80.
THE Subscriber has just teceived from Europe an
elegant assortment of Leather, of the best quality*
as he intends carrying on the Shoemakers business in
all its various branches, and hopes for the continu continuance
ance continuance of his Friends and the Public in general.

On Monday the 20th inst. will be sold by order of
S. Fraser, qq. on pin. Kilmorack, from 60 at SO head
of fine cattle, say fat oxen & milck cows, 3 saddle
and draught horses, and 100 head of sheen
D. G. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.

On Wednesday 22d Dec. will be'sold je the Ven- i
due Office, by order of Capt, Sinclair,-pricks, lime
and terrace, salt, By the Vendue Master in coi*’f*"%on, butter, po potatoes,
tatoes, potatoes, tongues, hams, porter, alc, p i 4 fer in bottles and
casks, Madeira in hhds. and pipes, dry goods, valu valuable
able valuable books amongst which are the encyclopedia, pla plated
ted plated si ver edged cruit stands with glass emits, can candlesticks,
dlesticks, candlesticks, trays, egg stand and cups, fruit stands of
cut glass, plated coffee, tea and milk pots, liquor
stands with cut glass bottles, gold chains, seals, keys
ear rings, finger do, lockets, broaches, and breast
pins; old rum,bitters, noyeau, venille, orgeat, ca capilaire,
pilaire, capilaire, rose water, orange do, Spanish segars, quills,
paper, building lime, shoes & boots.
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
On Friday the 14th Jantiary, 1814, will be sold by
order of Joseph Hall & A. Krieger Esqrs. as Cura Curators
tors Curators to the Estate of the late J. Sawyer, dec. By
Authority obtained from the Hon. Court of Civil
Justice, dated 22d Oct. 1813, (on the spot) one
third of Lot No. 71 Courrantyne river, with all the
Slaves and further Appurtenances, as will be seen on
the day of sale.—lnventoryas well as the terms of
sale, will be seen at the Vendue Office.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
On W ednesday 19th Jan. will be sold at the Ven Vendue
due Vendue office, by order of the Executors of the late Dr.
Jeffery, dec.—household furniture, negroes, a chaise
and harness, &c.
On the sameday, by order of B. Jeffery, Esquire,
household furniture, rattle, and negroes, amongst
which are sawyers, carpenters, and washer women,
—the negroes will be sold at 3 and 6 months credit.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.

The fine new brig TRAD) R,
XV m. Gemmill, Cominanilcr.
Is now ready to receive her cartfo, nml warranted to
sail with the fit st convoy.— For freight or passage ap apply
ply apply to Capt. Gemmill, or to
at Demerary,
The ship NERI US.
Sam. Pateuson*, Commander,
Is now ready to receive her cargof m.'d u wanted to
sad with the first convoy.— For freight or p.Tss i<»y.
NB. The DIANA, (’apt. McGeorge, also.
With convoy,
The brig Ulyses,
James Brif.n, Master,
Will be ready to receive her cargo on board in 5 or
6 days. For fieicht or passage, apply to said Mas Master,
ter, Master, or John Croft. Dec. 18.
THE fine coppered Ship Harmony, John Wil Wilson,
son, Wilson, Master, will be dispatched with Ihe convoy to
sail in January next. Apply to
£3 Oct. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
Who have received by the above ship, small boats
for colony craft.
To Sail with the First Convoy.
The Fast Sailing Brig EGHAM.
Stand A. 1. at IJojyds,
coppered andcopper-fastened, John Paw, Master
has excellent accommodation tor passengers. For
freight or passage, applay to said Master, on board,
30 Oct. or to J. van den BROEK.
To sail with the January Convoy,
Theship MULLETT, Tho. Smith, Master,for freight
or passage, apply to said Master, or to
â„¢ W. DUNCAN.
PART of Lot No. 3, first cmpolder, with all the
buildings thereupon, at present occupied by the Sub Subscriber.
scriber. Subscriber. Who also offers for Sale, a Chaise and Har Harnass,
nass, Harnass, and an excellent chaise Horse.
27 Nov._ K. FRANCKEN.
BONE & Co. Fresh Cumberland hams a
25 stivers per lb., or in any quantity a 22 stir. cash.
4 Dec.

AT a MEETING of the British Inhabitants of th®
Colony of Surinam: .1
Resolved— That the genet al poverty and distress
w hich this Colony has been reduced by different circtnr.
stances, and more particularly by the operation of the
Commission for taking charge of Absentee Alien Proper,
ties, rertder it highly expedient that some measure should
be taken to obtain redress.
That from the information conveyed to us, Mr. Bent,
the Receiver and Administrator General, appears to have
gone far beyond the intentions of His Majesty's Ministers,
in the appointment of the said commission.
That the measures he has thought proper to introduce,
have established an almost complete monopoly in hands of
himself and friends, of the commerce of the Colony.
That several irferitorionsindividuals have been thereby
driven to great loss, and deprived of the means of support,
ing themselves and families.
That confident this could not have been the intention of
His Majesty’s Government, it becomes expedient for us,
as British Subjects, to state our grievances in an humbk
Petition.and Memorial.
That the purport of the said memorial be, to so'icit th«
recal of the commission; or that its powers and objects
may be defined, and a proper check and controui establish,
ed, and, at any rate, that the monopoly at present so hi.
juriously erected, may be abo'i-hrd.
That the petition now presented to us, be signed by us
all, and that the inhabitants and colonists at large be ini it.
ed to come forward in its support
That the same be presented io His Excellency the Go.
vernor, with a request to forward it, accompanied with
every information requisite; and a duplicate forwarded to
the Committee of Merchants in London, to be by them
presented to Lprd Bathurst.
That these resolutions be sent for Insertion to the Edi.
tors of the Newspapers i i Surinam, Berbice, and Demera.
ry, and in Barbados.
Paramaribo, 20 th Nov. 1813.
J. Pnixsrp, Jun. J. J Duncan,
Edw. ( ovoli.y, R. O. Terball,
Wm. Lickie, R. Austin,
Gro. Cruren, Wm. Wilkinson,
W. A. Carstairs, W. P. Millar.
OP enc van da Britsche Ingt-zetenen dcr
Kolonie Surin amen, zyn de volgende Resolution ggnomen,
te w eten;—
Dat de algemenc Armoede en Elende waarin deze Ko Kolonie
lonie Kolonie vervallen i» door verscheidene omstandigheden, en
in het bizondcr door de uitwerking det Kotnmissie tot l*jt
Administreren der Eigendommen toebehorendo aan Vreem Vreemdelingen
delingen Vreemdelingen residerende in’s vyand’s land, het ten hoogsten
noodzaaklyk maken om n.iJdden tc beramen tot verkry.
ging van redres.
Dat volgeus informatien ons toegeconden, bet sfhynt
dat den Heer Bent, Ontvanger en Administrateur Gene,
raal, het oogmerk van zyn’ Majcsteit’a Ministers, in het
aanstellen van gemelde kommissie, verre is te buiten ge gegaan.
gaan. gegaan.
Dat de maatregelen dewclke hy heeft goedgevonden te
introduceren, eon byna geheel monopool der koophandei
dezer kolonie, in handen van hemzelven en zyne vrienden
hebben geetabliseerd.
Dat vcrscheiden verdienstelyke Ingezctenen daar door
grote verliezen hebben geleden; en verstoken zyn van da
middelen tot onderhoud van hunzelven en familie.
Dat wel verzekerd Bulks het oogmerk van zyne Majes Majesteit’s
teit’s Majesteit’s Gouvernement niet kan geweest zyn ; het voor ons
als Britsche orderdanen, noodzaaklyk wordt om ooze
klagten by ootmoedige Requests en Memorie voortedn voortedngen
gen- voortedngen ’ <
Dat den inhoud van gemelde Memorie atrekke, om te
verzoeke de terugroeping van de kommissie, of dat d«
magt in deoogmerken van dien, worde beschreven en nit nitgedrukt,
gedrukt, nitgedrukt, en ene behoorlyke beteugeling en bedwangmoge
worden geetabliseerd, in gevolg dat het thaus zoo sebade*
lyk monopool mag worden verttietigd.
Dat de Memorie thans door ons te presenteren, do° r
ons alien worden onderteekend, en dat de Ingezetenen en
Kolonisten in’t algemeen, worden uitgenoodigd, zolks
met hunue onderteekening te ondersteunen.

Oat gemclde Mem oris worde gepresenteerd aan Zyne
Etellentie den Heer Gouvernciir, met verzoek, dezelve
paar England te vcwendeti, vergezeld met allc noodige in.
ligtinf*, cn ecn duplikaat van dien worden gezonden naar
hat'Kommhte van Kooplicdcn, 1 te Lurulen, oin flour h.m
te worden.gepfesenteerd uu'.i Lord Bathurst.
Datdeze Rcsolntien ter insertie gezonden worden naar
de Editeuren der NicHspapien n van Suri ramen, Berbice,
Demcrary, en Barbados.
Paramaribo, 20 November, 1813.
(Was geltvkend, als voreu.)

Sunday last cwne in here the following vessels, part of
ths fleet, —Prig Lord Blanntyr, A.McLea; brigUlys brigUlyssee,
see, brigUlyssee, Jas. Brien; brig Trader, Wm. Gemmill; brig
IKstbury, John Sinclair; ship Planter, A. Nicholson ;
all laden with valuable cargoes.—Soin? Inhabitants of
this colony came Lark passengers by the above vessels.-—
No news brought by them.—lt is saidthat His Excellen Excellency
cy Excellency our Governor Bi ntink, wi I arrive here next week.
It Was report' d here yesterday, that an American pri.
vateer was seen on our coasts.
There was also in circulation that intelligence was re received
ceived received of the fall of Dant Ac and Dresden,
For seven successive days, the city of London was Uli.
mUnatedfor the glorious fall of Pampeluna.
Fall of PAMPELUNA. and
Defeat of Marshal Soult.
Berbados Dec. 7. — liUi lliijenre to this effect was recciv.
ed hereon Sunday last, by the schooner Ben Bovell, from
Grenada, where it seems, a vessel had touched on her way
from Barce'pna, in Spain, to one of the ports on the Alain,
and had given an account that Marshal Soult, in attempt,
ing to relieve the fortress of Pamjwkma, had been defeated
by the Allies in a very sanguinary coinbat, in which the
enemy suffered severely in kilhsl. wounded, and prisoners,
and had also been deprived of the services of their Com.
mander, Soult. Thu* foiled in their hopes of succour,
and reduced to the utmost extremity, the French (Jarn.
ton had been compelled to surrender Pampeluna toils be.
siegers. Although this information had not been obtain,
ed at Grenada in any off,rial shape, yet as there is much
reason to snppo'c lint those events haverea-ly taken place,
we submit it to our readers in the hope of its authenticity.
A letter dated ti Trinid'id,2\st Nov. 1 ' lias been receiv received
ed received by a Gentleman of this Tu»n, in which it is stated that
the Insurgents on the Spanish Main have gained possession
of Porto Cawllo and all'the strong positions in that quar quarter,
ter, quarter, Angustura being the only port now in the hands of
the Royalists; and accounts had also been received at Tri.
nidad, that the whole of the reinforcements which lead late,
ly arrived from Spain, had been destroyed by the forces id
the Insurgents.
A detachment ofthc9Bth Regiment embarked on board
transports at Bermuda on.the I7thult. and they have since
proceeded for Halifax under the Nieman's eowsuy.
His Majesty’s brig Eclipse and Surveyor (tender) an.
chored on Thursday night last, froip Bermuda; also on
the following morning, the ship Rebecca, with schooners
Mary Ann, Gertrude, and Tyro, which had sailed under
Charge of the Eclipse eleven days previously. Governor
Bentinck came passenger in this brig of war, on his way
to Berbice, being appointed to the administration of that
Colonjr; and His Excellency had reached Bermuda in the
Niemen frigate, Capt. Pym, which sailed from Cork on
the 2d Oet. last.
\ ~n ^Mr. ...
Downing.street, Oct. 14, 1813.
Dispatches, of which the following are Copies, were this
day received" by Earl Bathurst, from Lieut—Gen. Sir
George Prevost, Bart.
Head-quarters, Kingston, Upper Canada,
e Aug. 8, 1813.
My Lord, —I have the honour to acquaint your Lord,
ship that the enemy’s fleet of twelve sail made its appear,
tnce off York on the 31st ultimo: the three square-rigged
Vessels, the Pike, Madison, and Oneida, came to anchor
in the offing, but the schooners passed up the harbour aud
l»nded several boats full of troops at the former garrison,
an d proceeded from thence to the town, of which they
‘ took possession. The opened the gaol, liberated the pri.
»oners, and took away three soldiers confined for felony:
they then went to the hospitals and parolled the few men
that could removed ; they next entered the store,
houses of some inhabitants, seized their contents, chiefly
flour, the same being private property; between eleven

and twelve o’clock that night they returned on board their
vessels; the next morning, Sunday the Ist instant, the
enemy again landed; and s*#»t three armed boats up the
river Don, in search ot p tores, of which being disap disappointed,
pointed, disappointed, by sunset both /dfers and sailorshad evacuated
the town, the small barntVk, wood.yardj and store-house,
on Gibraltar Point, having been first set on fire by them ;
and at d sailed.
The plunder obtained by the enemy upon this predato predatory
ry predatory expedition has been indeed trifling, a >d the loss has
altogether fallen upon individuals; the public stores of
every description having been removed ; and the only pri.
soners taking by them being confined felofis aud invalids
in hospital.
The troops which were lahded were acting as marines,
and appeared to be about two hundred and fifty men ; they
were under the command of Commodore Chauncey, and
Lieut.-Colonel.Scott, an unexchanged prisoner of war on
his parole, both of whom landed with the troops: the
town, upon the arrival of the enemy, was totally defence,
less, the militia were still on their parole, and the princi.
pal Gentlemen had retired, from an apprehension of being
treated with the same severity used towards several of the
inhabitants near Fort George, who had been made prison,
ers and sent to the United States : Lieut.. Col. Battersby,
of the Glengarry fencibles, with'the detachment of light
troops under his command, who had been stationed at
York, was, upon the appearance of the enemy’s fleet off
that place on the 29th ultimo, ordered, with his detach,
ment and light artillery, to proceed for the protection of
the depots formed on Burlington Heights, where hi had
joined Major Maule’s detachment of the 104th regiment,
and concentrated his force on the following evening. The
enemy had, during the course of tiiat day, landed from the
fleet five hundred men, near Brandt’s House, with an in intention
tention intention of storming the heights, but finding Major Maule
well prepared to receive them, and being informed of Lieut .
Col. Battersby’s march, they reim barked and stood away
for York.
My last accounts from Major.Gea. de Rottenburg are
to the 3d instant, when the enemy’s fleet had anchored oti
Niagara; I have received no tidings of our squadron un under
der under Sir James Yeo, since its sailing from hence on the 31st
I have the honour to be, &c.
Earl Bathurst, &c. &c. &c.
Head-quarters, Kingston, Upper Canada,
Aug. 8,1813.
My Lord, —Referring to my dispatch of-the Ist inst.
wherein 1 had the honour ot acquainting your Lordship
that 1 had thought it expedient to endeavour to relieve
Upper Canada from the pressure of the war, and to call
the enemy’s attention to the defence*of their own settle settlemonts
monts settlemonts on Lake Champlain, by employing such naval of.
obtain tram Quebec, to man our gun-boats, and Shu cap.
tured American vessels, for the purpose of co-operating
w ith a small but chosen body of troops, in various demon,
strations on that sheet of water.
1 have now the satisfaction of transmitting herewitTi to
your Lordship, for the information of his Royal Highness
Ute Prince Regent, the copy of a letter I havejust receiv received
ed received li oiti Majur-Gcn. Sir K. H. Sheaffe, commanding in
the Montreal district, conveying the official report of
Lieut-Cui. Murray, detailing the operations of the com combined
bined combined movements winch took place on the 29th July ; and
1 also annex the copy of another, which' 1 have received
trom Capt. Evcrard, of the Royal Navy, to whose prompt,
zealous, and able assistance, 1 feci highly indebted.
Tim objects of this service have been fully accomplish,
ed, by tile total destruction of all the enemy’s arsenals,
block-houses, barracks, and stores of every description at
Piattkbiugli, Swanton, and Champlain Town, and the ex.
tensive barracks at Sargnac, capable of containing four
thousand men, have been burnt; all naval, ordnance, and
other stores, on the west side of the Lake, have been des destroyed
troyed destroyed or carried away.
This important service has been performed with a degree
of promptness and regularity h.ghly honourable to the of.
licers directing the expedition, and without sustaining any
loss. 1 have, &c.
Earl Bathurst, &c. &c. &c.
MONTREAL, (Canada). Oct. 18.
The Commander of the Forces has the deepest regret in
announcing to the army that Lieut. Rieffeustcn, Staff-Ad Staff-Adjutant,
jutant, Staff-Adjutant, arrived yesterday, and is the bearer of the follow,
ing unpleasant intelligence, that Major. Gen. Proctor
having sustained by the unfortunate capture of the Squa Squadron
dron Squadron on Lake Erie, the loss of a v?ry considerable pro.
portion of his military force, which was serving on board
that fleet, as well as the principal heavy ordnance necessa necessary
ry necessary for the defence of his military positions, commenced
his retreat from the post of Sandwich on the £4th Sept,
having previously dismantled the posts of Amheretburgh
and Detroit, and burnt and destroyed every public build building
ing building and stores of every description.
The retreating regular force consisted of a small detach,
ment of Royal Artillery, a troop of provincial dragoons,
and the remains of the 61st regiment, in allabout4so rank
and file, which was accompanied by a body of Indian war warriors,
riors, warriors, from 12 to 1500.
The enemy’s fleet and army appeared off Amherstburg
on the 25th Sept, and landed on the following day ; but
soon re-embarked their troops, and proceeded by Lake
St. Clair to the month of the Thames River. The Arne.

rican army was again landed, and, accompanied by gun gunboats,
boats, gunboats, followed the route of Major-Geu. Proctor's corps,
which, having been much retarded by the slovt progress
of his loaded batteaux, they were enabled to come up with
his rear guard and loaded boats on the 3d inst. and suc succeeded
ceeded succeeded in capturing the whole. Gen. Proctor being thus
deprived of the means of supporting bis little army, was
under the necessity of awaiting the enemy’s attack, which
took place at four o'clock on the evening of the sth inst.
near the Moravian village.
A six-pounder on the flank was, by some unpardonable
neglect, left destitute of ammunition; aud the enemy,
availing himself of this unfortunate circumstance, pressed
upon that part of the line, which, wanting the support
of artillery, was forced by superior numbers of the ene.
my. Major-Gen. Proctor exerted himself to rally the
troops, who, being exhausted with fatigue, not having
received any provisions on the preceding day, were unable
to make adequate exertion to resist the superior numbers
by which they were assailed.
The safety of Major-Gen. Proctor, the officers of his
personal Staff, and some few others, with about 50 men'
has only, as yet, been ascertained.—The Indian warriors
retreated towards Macheoash.
The enemy’s force employed on this service, is estimated
to be from 10 to 12,000 strong, including troops of every
Edw. Baynes, Adj. Gen.

DEN ondergeteekendc geest hiermede kennisse,
arm die het mogte aangaan, dat hy den Heer E. J.
Hantze gemagtigd heeft tot het inkassenn van zyne
uitsteande penningen, waar voor hy quitantien kan
passcren. 27 Nov. J. MUNO.
PERSONS indebted for the years 1810,1811, and
1812, to the Estate of the late I)r. Francis Jesse«
ry, are earnestly requested to settle their accounts,
&c., previous tn the Ist day of January 1814, as
further indulgence cannot possible be granted.
W. KATZ, for self and
SO Nov. Mrs. T. JEFFERY.
- ... _ A _ . . .. r .
BY' Virtue of an appointment from the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under date of
21st Aug. ISIS, upon a petition presented by Jas.
xMorison, Wm. Fraser, F. Graham, and Th. Kenny.
Executors to the Will of Gustavus Graham, dec.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Honorable
Courts within this colony, and at the request of afore
said Executors.
• Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors of the estateof
Gustavus Graham, to appear before the Bar of the
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, at their or ordinary
dinary ordinary Sessions to be held in the month of October,
1814, there ttv exhibit and verify their claims, to
see opposition made thereon, if need, and after the
expiration of the fourth summons by edict, to wit witness
ness witness the Court s decision as to the preferent and con concurrent
current concurrent right of claimants against the said estate, and
further to proceed according to Law, on pain of being
for ever debarred their right of claim.
This Summon by Edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum, as customary.
Berbice, 12th Nov. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Regulation for the Meetings of the respective Courts *
in the Colony Berbice, for the year 1814.
Court of Policy and Criminal Justice.
Monday, January 10.
—— April 4
--July 4.
- , October 3.
Court of Civil Justice.
Monday January 24.
—April 18.
July 18.
— October 17.
, Commissary Court.
Monday; February 7.
May 9.
— August 8.
-â–  - -November 14.
Court of Roils.
Monday, January 17.
- 1 ' March 7.
Wednesday, April 13.
Monday, May 23.
• July 11.
October 10.
November 21.
Bu Command.
R. C. 'DOWNER, Sec

B Y His Erg Henry J A MES C r RA NT, Esquire,
Major in His Majesty's 60/A Regiment, Actins’
GozEmor in and over the Colony' Rerbice ; And
the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Jus Justice
tice Justice of .the said Colony.
TO ah to whom these presents may or shall come or
concern ; be it known :
HEREAS His Majesty has been pleased to
direct in the event of the absence of the Governor
appointed for the Civil Administration of the colony
» Berbice, that the .Government thereof should de devolve
volve devolve on the Officer Commanding’ His Majesty’s
Troops within the colony aforesaid, and His Excel Excellency
lency Excellency Major-General Murray having, on the oc occasion
casion occasion of his Appointment to the Government of the
Colonies Demerary and Essequebo, resigned this da v
the Civil Administration of the colony Berbice; the
Government thereof has devolved on Major Jamf.<
Grant, who has this day taken the Oath prescrib prescribed
ed prescribed for his Ma jesty’s Governors, before the Honorable
Court of Policy.—Notice whereof is hereby given,
that all the I'habitants of this colony may regulate
and govern themselves accordingly.
Thus*done at our Extraordinary Mecting'of the
Court of Policy, held this 6th day of December,
1813.—Present, His Excellency Major Grant, and
the Honorable Members L. C. Abbensits, Jno.M'
Camon, Jas. Fraser, and A. J. Glasitts.
Court House, New Amsterdam, 6th Dec. 1813.
By Command of the Court.
11. C. DOWN EK, Secy.
HIS Excellency Major James GraaT, has been
pleased to Appoint Mr. Thomas (’. Emery, Go Government
vernment Government Secretary, and M. Benjamin F. Tuck-
Niss, Assistant Government Secretary oi this colony.
King’s House, Berbu r, 7 By Command
Took. C. I'ME’RY, Gov. Sec’y.
Wordt geadverteerd, dot This is to inform the Pit.
de volgcnde persvnen vno . bl tie me ns zyn nil dezc Kolonie. s .ao intend quitting this Co Cote
te Cote vertrzkken. F> ,i y
J. R. C od by the first opportunity.
J. C. Poortermans in 6 weeks from Nov. 20.
John Davies with the .1 ounoy ccnvay.
Chs. Lawton in 6 weeks .from I Itli Dec.
Alex. Fraser in 6 weeks titan 11 th Dec.
B. C. DOWNER, secy.‘
HORD I hiermede bekem; NOTICE is hereby given,
gernaakt* dot ecu ma nt, /..nt a month.after date the
data de volgemi â–  Tra o jor- Jullqvsiwg Transports and
ten ch Uipothceken zalicn Mortgages will be passed.
Verleden zcorden.
27 Nov. J. van den Brock qq. A. Douzcl, will trans transport
port transport to Geo Munro, Lot No. 4, wist Coren Corentine
tine Corentine coast.
—-—- James Fraser, in quality as Curator'to the
Estate of the late E. I). F raser, will transjrort
to Simon Fras r, his undivided half of Plan Plantation
tation Plantation Brighton, Slaves, and other appurten appurtenances
ances appurtenances thereto belonging.
Dec. 4. R. Harper, n. n. will transport to'the free
George Thomas, 5 roods of land of lot No.
4, between the centre road and back dam.
J. van den Brock qq. the Heirs of A. Don Donzel,
zel, Donzel, will transport to Wm. Munro and Geo.
Munro, the Corentiue coast lot No. 4.
Wm. Munroond Geo. will transport to John
Fraser the west bcm half of said lot, and to
the Heirs of .Is. Chesney, the eastern half.
The Attornies of L. Lowrie, will transport
15 Negro men slaves, to Demerary, names to
be seen at the Secretary’s Office.
Dec. 11. A. Krieger and G. Panels qq. C.J. Meyen
and W. E. C. Meyen born van Staden, will
transport to J. van den Brock, their rightand
title to a second mortgage on plantationßuiin plantationßuiinzigt.
zigt. plantationßuiinzigt.
Dec. 18. D. Macqueen will transport to Demerary,
the following Negroes, Hope, Commodore,
Abouki, Sam, Skelton, Montrose, Fortune,
George, Jane, Lena, Charlotte, and four chil children
dren children Francis, Sophia, Sarah and Henry.
R- C. DOWNER, Necy.
ALL persons having any claim or demand against
P.RETREAT, Xte <„, the west sel’cZ
of this colony, are requested to deliver in a note of
the same to the undersigned, on or before the 4th ®f
January next.. Secretary’s Office, 11 th Dec
R. C. DOWNER, Seey. ’

WHEREAS the following prysr,\ has addressed
himself to the Hon Court of of this colony,'
at their Sessions in the month. October last, for a Let Letter
ter Letter of Manumission : . e”
•H. P. Brock er, for girl Francisctt,
Notice whereof is hereby to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the gr ail
ot\aid Letter of Manumission, that they may addres
themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary
of the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of
the Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made
on the aforesaid Petition. Berbice, Nov, 27.
THE Carpenters business hitherto conducted un under
der under the Firm of Robert Lowrie & Co. is this day
dissolved by mutual consent; all Persons having any
demands against the said Firm, are requested to ren render
der render them to the first undersigned for examination,
on, or before the 31st inst. as none will be attended
to after that period!
â–  I Dec. R. Lowrie.-
Tenders for Coffee.
NINE thousand pounds of First quality, and 700
pounds broken Coflee—Tenders for the above quan quantities,
tities, quantities, the produce oi plantation Goed Land, will be
received at the house of the second undersigned, un until
til until Monday the 20th inst. and if approved of, ac accepted
cepted— accepted payment to be made in cash.
P. van HOLST, for self and
H Bee. M. S. BENNETT, Seq.
THE undersigned being appointed Sworn Book Bookkeeper,
keeper, Bookkeeper, within this colony, recommands his services
in that capacity, to his Friends ami (he Public, pro promising
mising promising secrecy, accuracy anil dispatch.
DEN ondergeteekende aaiigesteld zynde als Ge.
zworen Boekhouder in -deze kolonie, neelnt «1c vry vryheid
heid vryheid zich als zoodanig by zyne V riemleu en het Pu
bliek te recommandeeren, bdovende geheimhoiidiag
nauwkenrigheid en spoed.
BY the subscriber, an elegant assortment of Lon London
don London printed cambricks of 28 yards each, of supi riot
quality, consisting ot blue, gold, pinek, b!a< k, yelluw
and purple colours, fine Irish yard wide limn am!
sheeting, London pl ated silver edged cruet stands
with giass emits, suffers, trays, egg stand ami cups,
fi • (.stands of cut glass, plated coff-e, tea and miick
puffs, liquor stands with cut glass bottles, brushes,
gold watch chains, seals, keys, car rings, finger rings
lockets, broaches, breast pins, oldrtini, bitiei., Rey Reynard’s
nard’s Reynard’s cream of noycau, of mint, of vemlle, sirup of
orgeat, cap.laire, rose water, flowers of orange waler
bay rmn,-veinegar, Spanish srgars, gunpowder, tea,
potatoes,quills, paper, building lime, &c.
I! Dec. Lot No. 7, trout dam.
ABSENTED Itimsclf from the Subscriber, a mouth
ago, a Negro man named Can ’; any person who
ctan give information or lodge him in the barracks
or sending him up to plantation Kortb: raad, to Mr.’
Gemon, will be good rewarded besides all cxpritcrs.
4 <-• Z. van LEEUWEN.
i ° r Tw l e,vc g° lHl Field Negroes, for which a
liberal hire wdl be given, and punctually paid
For particulars apply to thesubscrib’r.
4 Dec. S. TAJTT, Pin. Supply, Canje.
THE Subscriber intending to quit this colonTby
the January convoy, requests all those having De Demands
mands Demands against him to render 1 bcm in for payment paymentand
and paymentand all those indebted to either him or Mr. John
Croft, to come forward with immediate payment
4,kc - Wm. CIIOFL
NB. A few tierces Salmon, and herrings in barrels
. also negro cloathing, which will be sold cheat!
to close sales. r
LOST or mislaid, an underwritten
B. Rule, Esq. for work done for tire American
Schooner President. Should any Gentleman have it
in their possession, the Subscriber will be obliged bv
Us being returned, payment being stopt, it can be of
use to none but himselt.—>4 Dec. R. BARNES
ALL persons indebted to N. Volkert*, for his
Printing Office, up to the 30tb of June, 1812, are
requested to make payment to this Office, otherwise
will be sued for by the negt Courts. 4 ; £)cc

Sales by Execution.! I
BY virtue of an appointment, granted by The jfo.W
norablc Court of Civil Justice, of-this colony, n p f
a petition of Evan & Angus Fraser & Co. as a
of I’ampbelLs Fraser & Co;, under date us 20ih NA. 1
vender, 1813.
Notice is hereby given : That 1 the undersigned I
First Marshal oi the Courts-of this colony, will Sell 1
in prcM-nce of two ('oiiucellors Commissaries and!
their Secretary, by Public F.xtcntion Sale, on T Mt!) 1
day the Ist day of February, 1814, the Cotton P. â– 
late called |
the property of Hugh B. Inglis, situated on
rent inc coast, with all its cultivation, slaves,, build. I
ings, and further appurtenances thereto belonging
Whoever should think to have any right, intcnitl
or claim on the afbrcsnid Plant’n. Clifton, nm\ wish. I
cs to oppose the sale thereof, let sm-h person $ I
persons address themselves to me the first M iislid I
declaring their reasons for such opposition in
time and form ; as I hen by give ftotic« that I wiw
receive oppo-ition from every one thercueUi qn t J
tied, appoint them a day to have his or her claiuß
heard before the Court, and further act thercog J
the law directs.
The sale is to take pl-jeeon the spot.
Beibire, 4lh !)ec< mb r, 1813.
K. Fuancken, First Marshal. â– 
Summons by Edict. I
MIIER E '.B I the undersigned have receivedfron|
England r Newsp-ip "is cont.iiniu ( the Advcrti«<-.K
m ks!ai<> ot Hey wood &• Taylor, Notice is hereby gir.l
en to the Public, that the said Creditors, by vicuel
of an Appointment obtained by W. Leach ;uhJ \V. I
I'Raseh, ( unitors to aforesaid Estate, tinder dateofß
29(h November, 1813, from His Excelk m y tlu-Go. I
vernnr, are hereby Sl ' MMO.V’ED, To appear before I
the ( ourt of t ivil Justice, of this colony, on Monday I
fhv24(h •h-.nn'ry, 1814, and following days, for the |
purpose of there rendering their claims against tie I
said Surn trlercd Estate of Ileywood & Taylor, anti I
fuilhcy to proc -cd according to Law.
Berbicc 3 1 Dec. 1813.
, virtue of authority granted by tfie tbuiurabh-l
< ourt of ( ivil Justice*, of this colony, under date oil
Ifitli Nov. 1813, granted upon a Petition presented!
oy Robert iaittanJ \V illiam Kewb-y, as appointed!
(.orators to (hi* Estate of Richard Barry, dec.
1 tne undersigned First Marshal of the f 'ourtsoi’l
this colony, and at the request of aforesaid Curatoo, â– 
Summon by Edict :
All .nnwn and unknown Creditors against the Es*l
’•de ol R. Bairy, of ( ivil Justice of this colony, as their Session which 1
will beli Id in the monih of July, 1811, lor the pur-â– 
pose ot ihen- exhibiting their demands against said I
r.stato, to verify the same, and if necessary, t<> hear |
objections made against such claims, and further to |
protreed according to Law, under pain to those who I
remain in default ol coining forward with their do- 1
mnnds at the appointed perimlof being for gvflrdf* I
barn-d their right of claim.
1 his Summon by Edict made known to the Public I
as customary. Bmbice, 18th Nov. 1813.
K FRANCKEN, First Marshgk I
"T 11 1-11LL....1 J.IJL 1 ,__l LL„_L_l J, Xi.k I
Notice to Woodcutters. I
ALL persons holding Licences to cut Timber, an I
ungranted lands in this colony, a e desired to nttend I
•ml exhibit them at Government Secretary’s Office, I
within six weeks from the date of this Notification:
King's House, Berbice, \3th Nov. 1813.
Bu Command,
Ths. C, EMERY, Act. Gov. Sec.
TO an approved purchaser, at 3,6, 9 & 12months
credit, 13 roods ami 4 feet Land, of Lot No. 82, be*
tween the centre and backdam, and the buildings
thereon. Also 20 roods land of Lot No. 4, towards
the backdam. it not sold on or before the lAt lAtcember
cember lAtcember next, the game will be disposed of at public
vendue. (Good quality Coffee will be <49
menL at cash price. ---For partjculars, apply so 4bis
Office. 27N«v.
YfOR SALfi—Af tjiigOfficei-lWanK W bL&i
clumge, Buis of Lading, amj the Manner pf Pwci?
dings, before the Ctyurt of Civil Jusliceof Riis Co*
tony, Foolscap Pa per, and blank books cfany size.
Published everu Saturday at 4 o'clock, F. K*
Bv W. SCHULZ & Co.

Full Text


1813.) . ! THE BERBICE GAZETTE. TV ''lve dollars p. annum.'} The S ibscfibers h ive imported by the Ship PLANTER, Cipt. Nicholson, from London, the following general assortment of Merchandise, which they will bell at low prices, for Cash, Produce, best Crab w ood Board, and Staves :— ROMAL and Manchester Madias handkerchiefs, Bine an-.l white saleiiiporcs, and white j;-an, White, yellow, and striped nankeen,. Linen anj chiton Bntaimias, and Irish linen, Bed sheeting, pkftdhas Koya lbs and printed calicoes, Ginghams, dimity, London and Carlisle checks, Patent ami plain cotton shirting and fancy cambrics, Mull mtisims, table cloths,and towels. Ladies Irshitm tbie mo:niUg and evening dresses, Blackwhiteaim colmired-Miicciicts, and ribhaus, Vrlves, sa'tins, sew ing Miks, twist and threads, Ladies < ’unbricand fancy'button*, straw and beaver bonneff-’., shoes, gloves, silk and cotton stockings, Sup. fine I iroad cloths, flannel, baze and green table cloths. Gentlemen, military jockey and Hessian boots, Planters ‘’rec HENERY & TAYLOR. FOR SALE. — BLUE salernpon s, jean, Britannias, . Irish linen, sheeting, calicoes, furniture chintz, ginghams, dimity, stripe and furniture checks, black and • while cambric nuidin, table cloths, napkins, towels, black velvet, thread, flannel, green baize, green ta. ble cloths, Ranters and dress shoes, silk and beaver bats, 4dy. to 40dy. nails, brads and pump tacks, Wks and hinges assorted, tea trays and waiters, scis•ars, patent cork screws, ivory bandied and common . Ahi ves and forks, desert ditto, car vers, gilt and plajted spurs, candlesticks and snuffersj tin dish covers, grid noris, coffee sifs, frying pans, hoes, shovels, cutlassep, pruning knives, carpenters and cooper adstfs, axCs,’whipand handsaw files, elegant silver plated divhes with covers,paint, tar, lampFlorence SATURDAY, December 18. and paint oils, brushes,gunpowder, shot, fowling pie. ces, pistols, fishing and chalk lines, corks, blankets, rugs, Osnaburgs, pease, bailey, salt, soap, candles, pipes, spiritious liquors, MadeiraPortsherryand claret wines, noyeau, tea, &c. 18 Dec. J. H. SCHLARHORST. Imported and for Sale by the Subscriber. Tongues, tiipe, Brown, drogheda, table, Beet, pork, butter, hams and Irish linens, Cheese, pilchards, Long lawns, Herrings, pickles, sauces, Black, blue & green cloth Brumes, raisins, spices, Thread, tapes & ribbons, Pease, barley, balenipores, & mnsquito Tea, refined sugar, lawns, Ling fish, potatoes, Calicoes & furn. chintz,* lieei, porter, Pullicat, Madras, BandaPort wine, Sicily do. na, Batisore, & common Brandy, ruin, pocket hkfs. Sall, oats, Damask shawls, .Medicines, do. chests Spotted, plain, & lapett Tar, cordage, cambric muslins, Pipes, tobacco, Striped, plain, tambourPowder, shot, ed jaconett muslins, Paints, oil, turpentine, Corded dimities, jeanet, Soap, candles, Mt. calicoes, Gentlemen, ladies, and Cotton & linen checks, & children hats, furniture do., Do. boots & shoes, Plat 11 las & Britannias,, Blacking, Table cloth, & napkins, Mad • asses, canvas, Ginghams, quilling, .Negro blankets, jackets, Umbrellas & parasols, Bowsers, shirts, bats, Earthen-glasstinand wrappers,& petticoats, hardware, Flannel, green table cloth Stationary, Sun & sewing twine, liozqry & sadlery, Osn.ibr. & !4u«. sheetipg I uinrure& p.iiu -aery, Coffee & cotton bagging, FOR SALK By G Bone & Co. in audition to their articles on hand. ¦ PRIME mess beef and pork in half barrels, doubt • rose Corl. butter, huns, cheese, tripe, barley, split pease in jugs, onions, pickles, assorted,, sago, po:U r and be r, currants, raisins, in excellent order; er Hrs ol earthen ware, barrels of do. containing complete dinner services. Also a fresk assortment of dry goods; Madeira wine in bottles, 2 pipes fine old .Margala wine, and London brown stout in hhds. 18 Dec. Just arrived, aud for Sale by the Subscriber, the following Medicines, of Hie fir t quality, and on reasonable terms, for cash only. A ellow bark, calomel, jalap, rhubarb rood and powd r, salt of nitre, cream of tartar, refined and powdered liquorice, Glauber salts, ipecac nliana, whitegreenand blue vitriol, red precipitate, corrosive sublimate, sugar oi lead, yellow and white wax sulpher, sulphuric an I muriatic acids, gum quaiacumj camphor, assefoedita and myrrh quicksilver, plain calcined and Henry’s magnesia, Dover and antimonial powders, Cantharides strengthning adhesive and diachylum plasters, snake root, santonicum seed and powder, manna, isinglass, Iceland moss, chamomile Howers, senna leaves, opium, musk and castor, castor oil, balsam capivi, aromatic vinegar, eau medicinal, Tur hngton’s balsam, Anderson’s and James’ analeptic pills, lavenderrosehbneyand orange flower waters, lances, surgeons pocket instruments, phials tow, pewter, syringes assorted, sago and pearl barley in bottles. --18 Dec. ' WB. HOT. ALL persons that have claims on the Estate ofthc late Dr. Frances Jeffery, are requested to render a statement of the same to the undersigned, with as little delay as possible. Those persons that are indebted thereto, for the years 1808 and 1812, are hereby informed, that, unless payment is made previous to last December 1813 these accounts, notes, &c., will be placed in the hands of a Lawyer, in order to enforce payment in the most summary and legal manner, 1 .iW. KATZj Executor. *¦¦'l. > • <¦ > (No. 481. .. ¦ J \_PayMe in advance. COMMISSARIAT OFFICE. Berbice, 10M December, 1813. CASH required for two Bills of Exchange of £ 100 each, drawn on the Right Hon. the Paymaster Ge' neral, at 20 days sight. For which Tenders in triplicate, marked a Tenders for Bills,'' will be received at thisOffice until Monday the 20th of December, at 10 o’clock. JOHN S. WILSON, Commissariat. _ Berbice, \&h December, 1813* REQUIRED for the use of this Department—-20 Barrels Flour. 40 Quintals Sait Fish. lor which tenders in triplicate, for the wrhole or any part thereof, marked, “Tender for Provisions, will be received at this Office, until Monday morning the 27th inst. at 10 o’clock.— i'he provisions to be of the first quality, and subject to a Board of Survey. JOHN'S. WILSON, Commissariat. Berbice, liith December, 1813. REQUIRED for the use of the Quarterand Barrack-Master General’s Department, subject to the approval oi the Assistant Quarter Master General, aud deliverable at his Stores in Fort St. Andrew. 12 Kegs white lead, s'oo Lbs. red ocre, 8 barrelstar, 2 barrels lamp oil, 21f Gallons linseed oil, 5 Gallons spirits terpentine, 12 Lbs. lampblack, 1 Dozen large paint brushes, 0 small do. 6 White washing do. 1 Hogshead lime. For which tenders in Triplicate, for the whole or any part thereof, marked “Tender for Stores, wdl be received at this Office, until W ednesday the 291 h inst. at 10 o’clock. JOHN S. WILSON, Commissariat. TENDERS FOR COTTON THIRTY -two liales of chan and one bale of yellow cotton.—Tenders for the above quantity, the produce of plantation Hope, w ill be received at the house ot Mr. H. Luthers, on lot No. 43, until Monday the 3d of January, 1814, and the highest offer accepted—payment to be made in cash. J. C. SPAiNGENBERG, for self and 18 Dec. P. hAIRBAHLN, Sequestrators. NOTICE. THE Lottery of A. Fleury, will be Drawn on the 6th of January, 1814, at the Tavern of Larose and Martin. jg Q eCa TENDERS for 20,000 weight best quality Coffee the produce of Plantation Augsburg, will be received until Monday the 20th instant, at 11 o’clock, at the house of the first undersigned, by whom samples of the coffee may be seen,i and the highest offer, if approved of, accepted, payment to be made in cash. ALSO TAiders for 200 Bunches Plantains, to be delivered every Saturday evening, or Sunday morning, for the time of six months, payable io cash evi-ry three months, for which the highest offer, with good security for the payment, if approved of, ,will be accepted. WANTED for the Use of the said Four barrels Beef, —one barrel Pork, —and 2000 Weight Salt fish. Tenders for the abovementioned Provisions, will be received until the 20th inst. at eleven o’clock, and the offer most advantageous, if approved of, accepted. Payment will Ikmade in cash. J. M. C. REUSS, qq. I J_ Dec T A. HICKEN, qq. Sheet Almanacks’ PRICE For the year 1814, for this Colony, Will be ready at this Office, on the last Satuiday of this month—(2s Dec.)— For CASH only


H. O. SEWARD Will sell the following Articles, of late importations, at his ustilly law prices, for Cash, or " Berbice Money ; ar io the Purchasers of f SOO, payable on delivery, m best quality Sugar, Coffee, and Cotton, Rum, Molasses, Timber, Plank, Boards, Staves, Shingles, &c. &c. Best Cumberland hams, Ir : sh May butter in half firkins, kegs pickled beet and pork, half barrels prime mess beef, hung beef, prime mess pork in barrels, Morton’s and Abbott’s London brown stout in hhds. fiae old Irish port and claret; Gordon, Duff, Inglis, and Co.’s fine old Madeira wine in pipes, hhds. and quarter casks, and per doz.; fine old Sercial and Malmsey, per doz. do. old* hock, fine old Antigua and Jamaica rum, mixed pickles, fish and meat sauces, white wine pickling vinegar, soap and candies, real Russia sheeting bleachednx pieces; superfine black and corbeau broa I cloths; do black, blue, drab, buff, and white mixed kerseymeres ; coats, coatees, round robbins, and pantaloons, black and bnilsuperfi'ic ker-, seymerc waistcoats, coloured Marseilles do. striped nankeen trowser-, Tradrim n’s & .Negro haLs jackets, and blankets, flaxen Osuaburgbs, drab and mixed livery cloths and chaise, lining, gilt and plated coal buttons, flannel cJahes and dressing gowns, boat cloaks, silver stop w itches with secund hands, do. table and tea spoons, butter knives, best London plated fish knives, cruet frames, candlesticks with painted shades, bottle coaster.-, spurs, boot hooks, nut crackers, tea spoons, snuffers and trays, extinguishers, white hand bells, chaise and jockey bridles, reins, & head stalls, Morocco skins & basils, bor.ts ensigns and jacks, bunting, silk and cotton umbrellas, foolscap and pot paper, wove and laid thin and thick letter paper, quills, wafers, ink powder, scaling wax, ink stands, Morocco leather pocket books with clasps and straps, round rulers, folio and letter size writing cases, black lead pencils, slates and pencils, bound books, blank bills oi exchange and bills ot loading, hanging paper, and fine gold bordering. JZso,—A 10-inch stream cable, very little used, and some fine new waihbi vats IromSOO to 1000 gallons each ; some ot them with greenheart bottoms* and one very large vat,from 2000 to 2500 gallons, a few dry goods, rum puncheons, and some molasses casks made with red oak staves. And to close a Consignment— loo pieces of muslin for musquito nets, 10 yards long each, lj yards wide, will be sold 10 pieces tor f 80. THE Subscriber has just teceived from Europe an elegant assortment of Leather, of the best quality* as he intends carrying on the Shoemakers business in all its various branches, and hopes for the continuance of his Friends and the Public in general. 18 Dec* REN SETTLE. FENDUE's OFFICE. PUBLIC VENDUES. On Monday the 20th inst. will be sold by order of S. Fraser, qq. on pin. Kilmorack, from 60 at SO head of fine cattle, say fat oxen & milck cows, 3 saddle and draught horses, and 100 head of sheen D. G. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master. FOR GLASGOW. The fine new brig TRAD) R, XV m. Gemmill, Cominanilcr. Is now ready to receive her cartfo, nml warranted to sail with the fit st convoy.— For freight or passage apply to Capt. Gemmill, or to 18 Dec. EVA N & A NG US FRASER. at Demerary, FOR GLASGOW, The ship NERI US. Sam. Pateuson*, Commander, Is now ready to receive her cargof m.'d u wanted to sad with the first convoy.— For freight or p.Tss i<»y. apply to EVAN & ANGUS FRASER. NB. The DIANA, (’apt. McGeorge, also. FOR LIVERPOOL, With convoy, The brig Ulyses, James Brif.n, Master, Will be ready to receive her cargo on board in 5 or 6 days. For fieicht or passage, apply to said Master, or John Croft. Dec. 18. FOR GMSGOW. THE fine coppered Ship Harmony, John Wilson, Master, will be dispatched with Ihe convoy to sail in January next. Apply to £3 Oct. DOUGLAS REID & Co. Who have received by the above ship, small boats for colony craft. FOR LONDON. To Sail with the First Convoy. The Fast Sailing Brig EGHAM. Stand A. 1. at IJojyds, coppered andcopper-fastened, John Paw, Master has excellent accommodation tor passengers. For freight or passage, applay to said Master, on board, 30 Oct. or to J. van den BROEK. FOR LONDON. To sail with the January Convoy, Theship MULLETT, Tho. Smith, Master,for freight or passage, apply to said Master, or to ™ W. DUNCAN. PART of Lot No. 3, first cmpolder, with all the buildings thereupon, at present occupied by the Subscriber. Who also offers for Sale, a Chaise and Harnass, and an excellent chaise Horse. 27 Nov._ K. FRANCKEN. FOR SALE BONE & Co. Fresh Cumberland hams a 25 stivers per lb., or in any quantity a 22 stir. cash. 4 Dec. AT a MEETING of the British Inhabitants of th® Colony of Surinam: .1 Resolved— That the genet al poverty and distress w hich this Colony has been reduced by different circtnr. stances, and more particularly by the operation of the Commission for taking charge of Absentee Alien Proper, ties, rertder it highly expedient that some measure should be taken to obtain redress. That from the information conveyed to us, Mr. Bent, the Receiver and Administrator General, appears to have gone far beyond the intentions of His Majesty's Ministers, in the appointment of the said commission. That the measures he has thought proper to introduce, have established an almost complete monopoly in hands of himself and friends, of the commerce of the Colony. That several irferitorionsindividuals have been thereby driven to great loss, and deprived of the means of support, ing themselves and families. That confident this could not have been the intention of His Majesty’s Government, it becomes expedient for us, as British Subjects, to state our grievances in an humbk Petition.and Memorial. That the purport of the said memorial be, to so'icit th« recal of the commission; or that its powers and objects may be defined, and a proper check and controui establish, ed, and, at any rate, that the monopoly at present so hi. juriously erected, may be abo'i-hrd. That the petition now presented to us, be signed by us all, and that the inhabitants and colonists at large be ini it. ed to come forward in its support That the same be presented io His Excellency the Go. vernor, with a request to forward it, accompanied with every information requisite; and a duplicate forwarded to the Committee of Merchants in London, to be by them presented to Lprd Bathurst. That these resolutions be sent for Insertion to the Edi. tors of the Newspapers i i Surinam, Berbice, and Demera. ry, and in Barbados. Paramaribo, 20 th Nov. 1813. (Signed) J. Pnixsrp, Jun. J. J Duncan, Edw. ( ovoli.y, R. O. Terball, Wm. Lickie, R. Austin, Gro. Cruren, Wm. Wilkinson, W. A. Carstairs, W. P. Millar. OP enc van da Britsche Ingt-zetenen dcr Kolonie Surin amen, zyn de volgende Resolution ggnomen, te w eten;— Dat de algemenc Armoede en Elende waarin deze Kolonie vervallen i» door verscheidene omstandigheden, en in het bizondcr door de uitwerking det Kotnmissie tot l*jt Administreren der Eigendommen toebehorendo aan Vreemdelingen residerende in’s vyand’s land, het ten hoogsten noodzaaklyk maken om n.iJdden tc beramen tot verkry. ging van redres. Dat volgeus informatien ons toegeconden, bet sfhynt dat den Heer Bent, Ontvanger en Administrateur Gene, raal, het oogmerk van zyn’ Majcsteit’a Ministers, in het aanstellen van gemelde kommissie, verre is te buiten gegaan. Dat de maatregelen dewclke hy heeft goedgevonden te introduceren, eon byna geheel monopool der koophandei dezer kolonie, in handen van hemzelven en zyne vrienden hebben geetabliseerd. Dat vcrscheiden verdienstelyke Ingezctenen daar door grote verliezen hebben geleden; en verstoken zyn van da middelen tot onderhoud van hunzelven en familie. Dat wel verzekerd Bulks het oogmerk van zyne Majesteit’s Gouvernement niet kan geweest zyn ; het voor ons als Britsche orderdanen, noodzaaklyk wordt om ooze klagten by ootmoedige Requests en Memorie voortedngen’ < Dat den inhoud van gemelde Memorie atrekke, om te verzoeke de terugroeping van de kommissie, of dat d« magt in deoogmerken van dien, worde beschreven en nitgedrukt, en ene behoorlyke beteugeling en bedwangmoge worden geetabliseerd, in gevolg dat het thaus zoo sebade* lyk monopool mag worden verttietigd. Dat de Memorie thans door ons te presenteren, do° r ons alien worden onderteekend, en dat de Ingezetenen en Kolonisten in’t algemeen, worden uitgenoodigd, zolks met hunue onderteekening te ondersteunen. On Wednesday 22d Dec. will be'sold je the Veni due Office, by order of Capt, Sinclair,-pricks, lime and terrace, salt,

Oat gemclde Mem oris worde gepresenteerd aan Zyne Etellentie den Heer Gouvernciir, met verzoek, dezelve paar England te vcwendeti, vergezeld met allc noodige in. ligtinf*, cn ecn duplikaat van dien worden gezonden naar hat'Kommhte van Kooplicdcn, 1 te Lurulen, oin flour h.m te worden.gepfesenteerd uu'.i Lord Bathurst. Datdeze Rcsolntien ter insertie gezonden worden naar de Editeuren der NicHspapien n van Suri ramen, Berbice, Demcrary, en Barbados. Paramaribo, 20 November, 1813. (Was geltvkend, als voreu.) THE BERBICE GAZETTE. NEW AMSTERDAM, SATURDAY', DECEMBER 18, 1813. * Sunday last cwne in here the following vessels, part of ths fleet, —Prig Lord Blanntyr, A.McLea; brigUlyssee, Jas. Brien; brig Trader, Wm. Gemmill; brig IKstbury, John Sinclair; ship Planter, A. Nicholson ; all laden with valuable cargoes.—Soin? Inhabitants of this colony came Lark passengers by the above vessels.-— No news brought by them.—lt is saidthat His Excellency our Governor Bi ntink, wi I arrive here next week. It Was report' d here yesterday, that an American pri. vateer was seen on our coasts. There was also in circulation that intelligence was received of the fall of Dant Ac and Dresden, For seven successive days, the city of London was Uli. mUnatedfor the glorious fall of Pampeluna. Fall of PAMPELUNA. and Defeat of Marshal Soult. Berbados Dec. 7. — liUi lliijenre to this effect was recciv. ed hereon Sunday last, by the schooner Ben Bovell, from Grenada, where it seems, a vessel had touched on her way from Barce'pna, in Spain, to one of the ports on the Alain, and had given an account that Marshal Soult, in attempt, ing to relieve the fortress of Pamjwkma, had been defeated by the Allies in a very sanguinary coinbat, in which the enemy suffered severely in kilhsl. wounded, and prisoners, and had also been deprived of the services of their Com. mander, Soult. Thu* foiled in their hopes of succour, and reduced to the utmost extremity, the French (Jarn. ton had been compelled to surrender Pampeluna toils be. siegers. Although this information had not been obtain, ed at Grenada in any off,rial shape, yet as there is much reason to snppo'c lint those events haverea-ly taken place, we submit it to our readers in the hope of its authenticity. A letter dated ti Trinid'id,2\st Nov. 1 ' lias been received by a Gentleman of this Tu»n, in which it is stated that the Insurgents on the Spanish Main have gained possession of Porto Cawllo and all'the strong positions in that quarter, Angustura being the only port now in the hands of the Royalists; and accounts had also been received at Tri. nidad, that the whole of the reinforcements which lead late, ly arrived from Spain, had been destroyed by the forces id the Insurgents. A detachment ofthc9Bth Regiment embarked on board transports at Bermuda on.the I7thult. and they have since proceeded for Halifax under the Nieman's eowsuy. His Majesty’s brig Eclipse and Surveyor (tender) an. chored on Thursday night last, froip Bermuda; also on the following morning, the ship Rebecca, with schooners Mary Ann, Gertrude, and Tyro, which had sailed under Charge of the Eclipse eleven days previously. Governor Bentinck came passenger in this brig of war, on his way to Berbice, being appointed to the administration of that Colonjr; and His Excellency had reached Bermuda in the Niemen frigate, Capt. Pym, which sailed from Cork on the 2d Oet. last. \ ~n ^Mr. ... CO LON IA L I)EPA RTM ENT. Downing.street, Oct. 14, 1813. Dispatches, of which the following are Copies, were this day received" by Earl Bathurst, from Lieut—Gen. Sir George Prevost, Bart. Head-quarters, Kingston, Upper Canada, e Aug. 8, 1813. My Lord, —I have the honour to acquaint your Lord, ship that the enemy’s fleet of twelve sail made its appear, tnce off York on the 31st ultimo: the three square-rigged Vessels, the Pike, Madison, and Oneida, came to anchor in the offing, but the schooners passed up the harbour aud l»nded several boats full of troops at the former garrison, an d proceeded from thence to the town, of which they ‘ took possession. The opened the gaol, liberated the pri. »oners, and took away three soldiers confined for felony: they then went to the hospitals and parolled the few men that could removed ; they next entered the store, houses of some inhabitants, seized their contents, chiefly flour, the same being private property; between eleven and twelve o’clock that night they returned on board their vessels; the next morning, Sunday the Ist instant, the enemy again landed; and s*#»t three armed boats up the river Don, in search ot p tores, of which being disappointed, by sunset both /dfers and sailorshad evacuated the town, the small barntVk, wood.yardj and store-house, on Gibraltar Point, having been first set on fire by them ; and at dd the loss has altogether fallen upon individuals; the public stores of every description having been removed ; and the only pri. soners taking by them being confined felofis aud invalids in hospital. The troops which were lahded were acting as marines, and appeared to be about two hundred and fifty men ; they were under the command of Commodore Chauncey, and Lieut.-Colonel.Scott, an unexchanged prisoner of war on his parole, both of whom landed with the troops: the town, upon the arrival of the enemy, was totally defence, less, the militia were still on their parole, and the princi. pal Gentlemen had retired, from an apprehension of being treated with the same severity used towards several of the inhabitants near Fort George, who had been made prison, ers and sent to the United States : Lieut.. Col. Battersby, of the Glengarry fencibles, with'the detachment of light troops under his command, who had been stationed at York, was, upon the appearance of the enemy’s fleet off that place on the 29th ultimo, ordered, with his detach, ment and light artillery, to proceed for the protection of the depots formed on Burlington Heights, where hi had joined Major Maule’s detachment of the 104th regiment, and concentrated his force on the following evening. The enemy had, during the course of tiiat day, landed from the fleet five hundred men, near Brandt’s House, with an intention of storming the heights, but finding Major Maule well prepared to receive them, and being informed of Lieut . Col. Battersby’s march, they reim barked and stood away for York. My last accounts from Major.Gea. de Rottenburg are to the 3d instant, when the enemy’s fleet had anchored oti Niagara; I have received no tidings of our squadron under Sir James Yeo, since its sailing from hence on the 31st ultimo. I have the honour to be, &c. GEORGE PREVOST. Earl Bathurst, &c. &c. &c. Head-quarters, Kingston, Upper Canada, Aug. 8,1813. My Lord, —Referring to my dispatch of-the Ist inst. wherein 1 had the honour ot acquainting your Lordship that 1 had thought it expedient to endeavour to relieve Upper Canada from the pressure of the war, and to call the enemy’s attention to the defence*of their own settlemonts on Lake Champlain, by employing such naval of.

A PROCLAMATION. B Y His Erg Henry J A MES C r RA NT, Esquire, Major in His Majesty's 60/A Regiment, Actins’ GozEmor in and over the Colony' Rerbice ; And the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of .the said Colony. TO ah to whom these presents may or shall come or concern ; be it known : HEREAS His Majesty has been pleased to direct in the event of the absence of the Governor appointed for the Civil Administration of the colony » Berbice, that the .Government thereof should devolve on the Officer Commanding’ His Majesty’s Troops within the colony aforesaid, and His Excellency Major-General Murray having, on the occasion of his Appointment to the Government of the Colonies Demerary and Essequebo, resigned this da v the Civil Administration of the colony Berbice; the Government thereof has devolved on Major Jamf.< Grant, who has this day taken the Oath prescribed for his Ma jesty’s Governors, before the Honorable Court of Policy.—Notice whereof is hereby given, that all the I'habitants of this colony may regulate and govern themselves accordingly. Thus*done at our Extraordinary Mecting'of the Court of Policy, held this 6th day of December, 1813.—Present, His Excellency Major Grant, and the Honorable Members L. C. Abbensits, Jno.M' Camon, Jas. Fraser, and A. J. Glasitts. Court House, New Amsterdam, 6th Dec. 1813. By Command of the Court. 11. C. DOWN EK, Secy. NOTIFICATION. HIS Excellency Major James GraaT, has been pleased to Appoint Mr. Thomas (’. Emery, Government Secretary, and M. Benjamin F. TuckNiss, Assistant Government Secretary oi this colony. King’s House, Berbu r, 7 ,i y J. R. C od by the first opportunity. J. C. Poortermans in 6 weeks from Nov. 20. John Davies with the .1 ounoy ccnvay. Chs. Lawton in 6 weeks .from I Itli Dec. Alex. Fraser in 6 weeks titan 11 th Dec. B. C. DOWNER, secy.‘ HORD I hiermede bekem; NOTICE is hereby given, gernaakt* dot ecu ma nt, /..nt a month.after date the data de volgemi ¦ Tra o jorJullqvsiwg Transports and ten ch Uipothceken zalicn Mortgages will be passed. Verleden zcorden. 27 Nov. J. van den Brock qq. A. Douzcl, will transport to Geo Munro, Lot No. 4, wist Corentine coast. —-—James Fraser, in quality as Curator'to the Estate of the late E. I). F raser, will transjrort to Simon Fras r, his undivided half of Plantation Brighton, Slaves, and other appurtenances thereto belonging. Dec. 4. R. Harper, n. n. will transport to'the free George Thomas, 5 roods of land of lot No. 4, between the centre road and back dam. J. van den Brock qq. the Heirs of A. Donzel, will transport to Wm. Munro and Geo. Munro, the Corentiue coast lot No. 4. Wm. Munroond Geo. will transport to John Fraser the west bcm half of said lot, and to the Heirs of .Is. Chesney, the eastern half. The Attornies of L. Lowrie, will transport 15 Negro men slaves, to Demerary, names to be seen at the Secretary’s Office. Dec. 11. A. Krieger and G. Panels qq. C.J. Meyen and W. E. C. Meyen born van Staden, will transport to J. van den Brock, their rightand title to a second mortgage on plantationßuiinzigt. Dec. 18. D. Macqueen will transport to Demerary, the following Negroes, Hope, Commodore, Abouki, Sam, Skelton, Montrose, Fortune, George, Jane, Lena, Charlotte, and four children Francis, Sophia, Sarah and Henry. RC. DOWNER, Necy. ALL persons having any claim or demand against P.RETREAT, Xte <„, the west sel’cZ of this colony, are requested to deliver in a note of the same to the undersigned, on or before the 4th ®f January next.. Secretary’s Office, 11 th Dec R. C. DOWNER, Seey. ’ WHEREAS the following prysr,\ has addressed himself to the Hon Court of of this colony,' at their Sessions in the month. October last, for a Letter of Manumission : . e” •H. P. Brock er, for girl Francisctt, Notice whereof is hereby to those whom it may concern, and who may wish to oppose the gr ail ot\aid Letter of Manumission, that they may addres themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made on the aforesaid Petition. Berbice, Nov, 27. T NOTICE THE Carpenters business hitherto conducted under the Firm of Robert Lowrie & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent; all Persons having any demands against the said Firm, are requested to render them to the first undersigned for examination, on, or before the 31st inst. as none will be attended to after that period! E. THEOBALDqq. ¦ I Dec. R. Lowrie.J. CARRUTHERS. Tenders for Coffee. NINE thousand pounds of First quality, and 700 pounds broken Coflee—Tenders for the above quantities, the produce oi plantation Goed Land, will be received at the house of the second undersigned, until Monday the 20th inst. and if approved of, accepted— payment to be made in cash. P. van HOLST, for self and H Bee. M. S. BENNETT, Seq. NOTICE THE undersigned being appointed Sworn Bookkeeper, within this colony, recommands his services in that capacity, to his Friends ami (he Public, promising secrecy, accuracy anil dispatch. 11 DecJ. F. OBERMCLLER. BEKENDMAKiNG. DEN ondergeteekende aaiigesteld zynde als Ge. zworen Boekhouder in -deze kolonie, neelnt «1c vryheid zich als zoodanig by zyne V riemleu en het Pu bliek te recommandeeren, bdovende geheimhoiidiag nauwkenrigheid en spoed. II Dec. J. F. OBERMCLLER. BY the subscriber, an elegant assortment of London printed cambricks of 28 yards each, of supi riot quality, consisting ot blue, gold, pinek, b!a< k, yelluw and purple colours, fine Irish yard wide limn am! sheeting, London pl ated silver edged cruet stands with giass emits, suffers, trays, egg stand ami cups, fi • (.stands of cut glass, plated coff-e, tea and miick puffs, liquor stands with cut glass bottles, brushes, gold watch chains, seals, keys, car rings, finger rings lockets, broaches, breast pins, oldrtini, bitiei., Reynard’s cream of noycau, of mint, of vemlle, sirup of orgeat, cap.laire, rose water, flowers of orange waler bay rmn,-veinegar, Spanish srgars, gunpowder, tea, potatoes,quills, paper, building lime, &c. P. REYNARD. I! Dec. Lot No. 7, trout dam. ABSENTED Itimsclf from the Subscriber, a mouth ago, a Negro man named Can ’; any person who ctan give information or lodge him in the barracks or sending him up to plantation Kortb: raad, to Mr.’ Gemon, will be good rewarded besides all cxpritcrs. 4 <-• Z. van LEEUWEN. WANTED TO HIRE. ’ i ° r Tw l e,vc g° lHl Field Negroes, for which a liberal hire wdl be given, and punctually paid For particulars apply to thesubscrib’r. 4 Dec. S. TAJTT, Pin. Supply, Canje. THE Subscriber intending to quit this colonTby the January convoy, requests all those having Demands against him to render 1 bcm in for paymentand all those indebted to either him or Mr. John Croft, to come forward with immediate payment 4,kc Wm. CIIOFL NB. A few tierces Salmon, and herrings in barrels . also negro cloathing, which will be sold cheat! to close sales. r LOST or mislaid, an underwritten B. Rule, Esq. for work done for tire American Schooner President. Should any Gentleman have it in their possession, the Subscriber will be obliged bv Us being returned, payment being stopt, it can be of use to none but himselt.—>4 Dec. R. BARNES NO < ICE. ALL persons indebted to N. Volkert*, for his Printing Office, up to the 30tb of June, 1812, are requested to make payment to this Office, otherwise will be sued for by the negt Courts. 4 ; £)cc MARSHALS OFFICE. I Sales by Execution.! I BY virtue of an appointment, granted by The jfo.W norablc Court of Civil Justice, of-this colony, n p f a petition of Evan & Angus Fraser & Co. as a of I’ampbelLs Fraser & Co;, under date us 20ih NA. 1 vender, 1813. Notice is hereby given : That 1 the undersigned I First Marshal oi the Courts-of this colony, will Sell 1 in prcM-nce of two ('oiiucellors Commissaries and! their Secretary, by Public F.xtcntion Sale, on T Mt!) 1 day the Ist day of February, 1814, the Cotton P. ¦ late called | CLIFTON. I the property of Hugh B. Inglis, situated on rent inc coast, with all its cultivation, slaves,, build. I ings, and further appurtenances thereto belonging Whoever should think to have any right, intcnitl or claim on the afbrcsnid Plant’n. Clifton, nm\ wish. I cs to oppose the sale thereof, let sm-h person $ I persons address themselves to me the first M iislid I declaring their reasons for such opposition in time and form ; as I hen by give ftotic« that I wiw receive oppo-ition from every one thercueUi qn t J tied, appoint them a day to have his or her claiuß heard before the Court, and further act thercog J the law directs. The sale is to take pl-jeeon the spot. Beibire, 4lh !)ec< mb r, 1813. K. Fuancken, First Marshal. ¦ Summons by Edict. I MIIER E '.B I the undersigned have receivedfron| England r Newsp-ip "is cont.iiniu ( the Advcrti«<-.K m ot Hey wood &• Taylor, Notice is hereby gir.l en to the Public, that the said Creditors, by vicuel of an Appointment obtained by W. Leach ;uhJ \V. I I'Raseh, ( unitors to aforesaid Estate, tinder dateofß 29(h November, 1813, from His Excelk m y tlu-Go. I vernnr, are hereby Sl ' MMO.V’ED, To appear before I the ( ourt of t ivil Justice, of this colony, on Monday I fhv24(h •h-.nn'ry, 1814, and following days, for the | purpose of there rendering their claims against tie I said Surn trlercd Estate of Ileywood & Taylor, anti I fuilhcy to proc -cd according to Law. Berbicc 3 1 Dec. 1813. K. FRANCKEN, I , virtue of authority granted by tfie tbuiurabh-l < ourt of ( ivil Justice*, of this colony, under date oil Ifitli Nov. 1813, granted upon a Petition presented! oy Robert iaittanJ \V illiam Kewb-y, as appointed! (.orators to (hi* Estate of Richard Barry, dec. 1 tne undersigned First Marshal of the f 'ourtsoi’l this colony, and at the request of aforesaid Curatoo, ¦ Summon by Edict : All .nnwn and unknown Creditors against the Es*l ’•de ol R. Bairy, hear | objections made against such claims, and further to | protreed according to Law, under pain to those who I remain in default ol coining forward with their do1 mnnds at the appointed perimlof being for gvflrdf* I barn-d their right of claim. 1 his Summon by Edict made known to the Public I as customary. Bmbice, 18th Nov. 1813. K FRANCKEN, First Marshgk I "T 11 1-11LL....1 J.IJL 1 ,__l LL„_L_l J, Xi.k I Notice to Woodcutters. I ALL persons holding Licences to cut Timber, an I ungranted lands in this colony, a e desired to nttend I •ml exhibit them at Government Secretary’s Office, I within six weeks from the date of this Notification: King's House, Berbice, \3th Nov. 1813. Bu Command, Ths. C, EMERY, Act. Gov. Sec. FOR SALE. " TO an approved purchaser, at 3,6, 9 & 12months credit, 13 roods ami 4 feet Land, of Lot No. 82, be* tween the centre and backdam, and the buildings thereon. Also 20 roods land of Lot No. 4, towards the backdam. it not sold on or before the lAtcember next, the game will be disposed of at public vendue. (Good quality Coffee will be <49 menL at cash price. ---For partjculars, apply so 4bis Office. 27N«v. YfOR SALfi—Af tjiigOfficei-lWanK W bL&i clumge, Buis of Lading, amj the Manner pf Pwci? dings, before the Ctyurt of Civil Jusliceof Riis Co* tony, Foolscap Pa per, and blank books cfany size. Published everu Saturday at 4 o'clock, F. K* Bv W. SCHULZ & Co.