Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://original-ufdc.uflib.ufl.edu/AA00093219/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Berbice gazette
- Uniform Title:
- Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
- Place of Publication:
- New Amsterdam
- Publisher:
- W. Schulz
- Publication Date:
- December 4, 1813
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Berbice
New Amsterdam (guyana) guyana
- Genre:
- newspaper ( sobekcm )
- General Note:
- Semiweekly
- General Note:
- Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
- General Note:
- The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
- General Note:
- In English, with occasional text in Dutch
- Funding:
- Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
This Rights Statement should be used for Items for which the organization that intends to make the Item available has determined are free of copyright under the laws of the United States. This Rights Statement should not be used for Orphan Works (which are assumed to be in-copyright) or for Items where the organization that intends to make the Item available has not undertaken an effort to ascertain the copyright status of the underlying Work.
URI: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
- Resource Identifier:
- 1380865228 ( OCLC )
Aggregation Information
- DLOC1:
- Digital Library of the Caribbean
- Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
- IUF:
- University of Florida
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Twelve dollars p. annum.'}
ABSENTED himself from the Subscriber, a month
ago, a Negro man named Card; any person who whocan
can whocan give information or lodge him in the barracks,
or sending him up to plantation Kortberaad, to Mr.
Gemox, will be good rewarded besides all expences.
4 Dec. Z. van LEEUWEN.
TEN or Twelve good Field Negroes, for which a
liberal price will be given, and punctually paid.
For particulars apply to the subscribe.
4 Dec. S. TAITT, Pin. Supply, Canje.
THE Public are respectfully informed, that the
Brijf Ulysses, is daily expected in this River to load
for Liverpool, and to sail with January convoy. The
Subscriber will receive produce on freight for said
-vessel, and find store room in town until her arrival.
4 Dec. • Wm. CROFT.
THE Subscriber intending to quit this colony by
the January convoy, requests all those having De*
nianrlsagainst him to render them in for payment;
and all those indebted to either him or Mr. John
Croft, to come forward with immediate payment.
4 Dec. Wm. CROFT.
NB. A few tierces Salmon, and herrings in barrels,
also negro cloathing, which will be sold cheap
to close sales.
Rcvlice, 26th November, 1813.
WANTED for the nee of this Department.
20 Barrels Flour,
10 Barrels Beef. and * ,
10C Bushels Oats.
Any person wishing to supply the whole or any
part thereof, are desired to kind in Tenders, in tri triplicate,
plicate, triplicate, marked, “Tenders fur Provisions†until
Monday morning the 6th Dec. next, at !0 o’clock
when they will he opened, and theotr.>r or offers most
advantageous to Government, will, if approved, be
JOHN S. WILSON, Commissariat.
—**• Ms*——
Berbice Agricultural
.The next M-eling of this Society wilt be held on
Wednesday the Bth December, at Mr. Hakhis’s,
No. IL
F* Cort,— H. B. Ixglis, —M. Dallas.
Berbice, Nov. 27.
IS hereby given, that all Accounts due to the
Winkel Department, fortlie year 1812, which are
not paid by the 15th of December next, will be sued
for in the January Courts, without respect to persons.
Principal Agent for the Crown Property
t " in South America.
, I J °f No. 3, first empolder, with all the
mitidjngs thereupon, at present occupied by the Sub Subscriber.
scriber. Subscriber. VV ho also offers for Sale, a Chaise and Har-
Jmss, and an excellent chaise Horse.
for tl,e Z ears 1810 > 181 b and
1812, to the Estate of the late Dr. Francis Jesse Jesse•
• Jesse• a?’ are e ® requested to settle their accounts,
«c.» previous to the Ist day of January 1814, as
further indulgence cannot possible be granted.
W. KATZ, for self and
DEN ondergeteekende geest hiermede kennisse,
die het mogte aangaan, dat hy den Heer E. J.
gemagtigd heeft tot het van zyne
steande penningen, waar voor hy quitantien kan
Passey 27 Nov. J MUNO.
SATURDAY, December 4.
Regulation for the Meetings of the respective Courts
in the Colony Berbice, for the year 1814.
Court of Policy and Criminal Justice.
Monday, January 10.
â– April 4.
October 3.
Court of Civil Justice,
Monday January 24.
— -April 18.
July 18.
October 17.
Commissary Court. *
Monday, February 7.
— May 9.
• August 8.
November 14.
Court of Rolls.
Monday, January 17.
March 7.
Wednesday, April 13.
Monday, May 23.
July 11.
October 10.
— November 21.
By Command.
R. C. DOWNER, See,
TO an at 3. 6, 9 & 12 months
credit, 13 roods Land, of Lot No. 22, be between
tween between the centre ana backdarn, and the buddings
thereon. Also 20 roods land of Lot No. 4, towards
the backdarn. If not sold on or before the 18th De December
cember December next, the same will be disposed of at public
Vendue. (Good quality Coffee will be taken in pav pavment,
ment, pavment, at cash price.—For particulars, apply to (his
Office. 27 Nov.
1 he Friends of Messrs. Campbells Fraser and
Co. are respectfully informed, that the Diana, Capt.
McGeorce, is expected in this river, in time to load
for Glasgow by the .January convoy.
THE undersigned intending to quit this colony for
Europe, in the month of February next, requests all
those who have any claims against him, either by
open accounts or notes of hand, to render them in ai
his residence at plantation Palmyra; And all indebt indebted
ed indebted to him are particularly solicited to come forward
with payment, before the Jsth Dec. ensuing; as all
accounts not then paid will be put into the hands of
his /Attorney at Law, to sue for.
He also offers for Sale a family of eight negroes,
v >z, —Two men, excellent sawyers, and two very fine
field women, their wives,’and their three children,
all girls ; an old man, an excellent gardner; also three
or four very fine young men, amongst whom there is
a man boy a very good house servant, a good groom,
and a carpenter; and a very fine strong healthy was washer
her washer woman with her three children; a good strong
and new chaise with a moveable oil case head with
curtains at the sides that runs up and down on brass
tollers, with two setts of new harness attach’d a shaft
and tandom; a sett of very handsome mahagony dine dineing
ing dineing tables with D ends, a bed stead & mattresses with
mosquito netting compleate, a patent sopha bed, a
handsome mahogany Escrutoire with private draw drawers,
ers, drawers, silver spoons, chairs, a handsome sett of china
warse &c.—And lastly, his red roan or flea bitten
grey horse and his mule, both of which are too well
known to need any comment.
The negroes will be sold moderate for produce at
cash price, or approved bills of exchange at 3 and 6
months sight, cattle, &c.
13th Nov. B. JEFFERY.
FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of Ex Exchange,
change, Exchange, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Procee Proceedings,
dings, Proceedings, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Co Colony,
lony, Colony, Foolscap Paper, and blank books of any size.
Letters remaining in the Post Office, which if not
forthwith called for, will be returned to Eurone
by the next Packet.
Balfour J. 4) Bennett J. 2) BUphaneJ. 1) Mary Blair, MiM. 2)
Brumont Th. 1)
Cully J.jun. 1) corsis F.L. 1) Ch ambon MinM.C.l) CucbeA.D.l.
Dunlop J. 1) Dodson R.l) Daugherty J. 1) DoveS. 1) DodgonW.l.
EboralCh. 1) Egan W. 1) Ellacotß.W. 1) Esdaile Mr. R. 1) Elli Elliott
ott Elliott Mr. Jos. 2.
Flushman Mr. D. 1) Fleischman Mr. G. S. 1) Fraser A. 1) Findlater
Mr. D. 3) Floyd Dr. 1.
Georgy J.H. 1) Game Miss J. S. I) Gardner Miss M. 1) Gomens L. 1)
Graval H. M. 1) Gallic J. 2) Grant H. 2) Gordon G. 1.
Hal * J ’, 4 ) Harris J. 1) Huggan W. 1) Houston A. 1) Hart G. 1)
E. 1) Harris W. 2) Harris N. 2) Heywood & Tayler D
Hall Miss C. 1) Herlin & Bender 7. *
Jones Capt. 1) Johan J. 1) Jones J. 1.
KerrC. 2) Koster Mr. W. 1) King Mr. W. C. 1) Klimmer J. F D
Krieger A. 2. '
Leisner J. A. 1) Linde J. F. 1) LobbauMr. W, 1) Luff & Bender 2)
\Lawrence Miss H. 1) Laurence W• 1) Lewis Manor Attorney of 1.
Mclndoe'J. 1) Munroß.l) MunroW. 1) McKenzie R. 1) Mustard
Mr. D. 1) McQuistan Mr. J. 1) McDonald J. 1) McLennan J. 1)
M CK .‘\ ng A e £: H \ l ) McGregor.!. 8. 2) Milligan J. 1) McKengie
Mr. 1) McKimmie A. 3) McKengie K. I) Maria & Agnes til*
Administrator of 1) Mahler D. B. 1) Morris Capt. 1.
Nicolson M. 1.
Overeem J. 1.
Pollet Capt. J. C. A. 1.
Reeborst P 1) Rose A. 1) Rolderer P.l) Reuss J. M. 1) Robinson
S. I) Reach A.l) Rickets S. 1) Robertson G. 1.
Sampson Miss M. 1) Smith Mr.T. 1) Sinclair J. 2) Slockkel Mrs. 1)
Suttle Mr. R. I) Sharpe Miss E. 1) Shaw Mr. A. 1) Stewart Mr. J.
1) Stobie Esq. 1) Schwartz Mr. G. 1) Shanks Mr. A. 1) Small &
lurelfall 1. '
Twit Capt. J. 1) Th re 1 fall Mr. H. 1) Tlirelfall E. 1) Tyndall H. 2)
Tayler VV. 1) Towler R.l. '
Westerveld G 2) White Mr. G. 1) Weir Miss J. 1) Watt A. 2) Wade
l.b.i) White Mr. T. 1.
ZadelhoO* Mr. G. van 1.
Berbice, 27/A Nov.
Wm. SCOTT, Dep. Postmr. Gen.
A Negro woman named Eliza, belonging to Miss
Sally Postlethwaite, Demerary, she is supposed to
be on the Corent ne coast.—Any person harbouring
her, will be prosecuted against according to Law.
And (hose who will apprehend her and sending her
to the house of Mr. B. Ziegler, will handsomely be
rewarded. .go Nov.
Colony salted fish in barrels, well cured.
Do. lamp oil, clear and fluid and equal to sper spermaceti
maceti spermaceti oil. »
Tobacco, tar, white soap, &c.
27 Nov. > J. H. SCHLARHORST.
i P ersons having any Claim or Demand against
the Ship Speculator, of London, or on the Cargo of
the said vessel, lately Condemned and Sold, are de desired
sired desired to rentier their accounts to the Agent for the
Committee at Lloyds, within six weeks from this
date, and after the elapse of that period, the balance
of the proceeds of the ship Speculator and Carga,
will be remitted to England, and no further colonial
claims against that vessel or cargo, be allowed.
Secretary's Office, Oct. 26.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
THE undersigned requests, the Planters will pay
their respective Accounts for Weigh-money, &c.,
up to Ist July, as it is impossible to pay the demands
against the Office; those unpaid will be shortly given,
to the Deurwaarder, and several preceding accounts
are in forwardness for Execution.
Berbice, Ist Nov. 1813.
A. THORNBORROW, Dep. Rec. Gen.
ALL persons indebted to N. Volkerts, for his
Printing Office, up to the 30th of June, 1812, are
requested to make payment to this Office, otherwise
will be sued for by the next Courts. 4 Dec,
(No. 479.
\Paydble in advance.
Wordt geadverteerd, dat\ This is to inform the Pu.
ile volgende personen voor-blic, that the following per.
tiemens zyn uitdeze Kolonle sons intend quitting this Co.
te vertrekken. lony
J. R. Card by the first opportunity.
J. C. Poortenuans in 6 weeks from Nov. 20.
R V C. DOWNER, Seey.
IVO RDT hlermede bekentl NOTICE is hereby given,
gemaakt, dat een maand no that a month after date the
da to de volgende Transpur. following Transports and
ten en Hipotheeken zullen Mortgages will be passed,
verleden warden.
Nov. 13. .John Davies will transport to the free ne negro
gro negro woman Susanna Gre< n, the northern back
quarter <»f lot No. 27, in New Amst.
27 Nov. J. van den Broek qo. A. Donzel, will trans transport
port transport to Geo. Munro, Lot No. 4, west Coren Corentinc
tinc Corentinc coast.
- James Fraser, in quality as Curator to the (
Estate of the late E. D. Fraser, will transport
to Simon Fras r, his undivided halt of Plan Plantation'Brijrhton,
tation'Brijrhton, Plantation'Brijrhton, Slaves, and other appurten appurtenances
ances appurtenances thereto belonging.
Dec. 4. R. Harper, n. r. will transport to the free
George Thomas, 5 roods of land of lot No.
4, between the centre road and back dam.
.. . .... J. van den Broek qq. the Heirs of A. Don*
zel, will transport to Wm. Munro and Geo.
Munro, the Coroutine coast lot No. 4.
Win. Munro and Geo. will transport to John
Fraser the west hern hall of said lot, and to
the Heirs of .Is. Chesney, the eastern half.
The Attornies of L. Lowrie, will transport
15 Neuro men slaves, ♦<> Demerary, names to
be s< en at the Secretary’s Office.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
WHEREAS the following person his addressed
himself to the Hon Court of Policy, of this colony,
at their Sessions in the month October last, for a Let Letter
ter Letter of Manumission :
H. P. Brock er, for the mulatto girl Francisco,
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant
of said Letter of Manumission, that they may add res
themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary
of the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of
the Hon. Court, when a finaldisposition will be made
on the aforesaid Pe
THE Subscriber respectfully inform the Public,
that the Vendue Office is removed from lor No. 8 to
lot No. 5, New
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
On Tuesday the 7fh inxt. will be sold at the Ven Vendue
due Vendue office, by order of the lion. Board of Orphan
Chamber, the etT cts o. the late F. von Waldkirch,
consisting in wearing apparel, furniture, &c.
By order of A. Thornborrow, Esq. a few pipes
and hhtls. of old Madeira w ine.
By the Vr nduemr. in commission, coffee bagging,
negro clothing, hats, peas, barley, 150 dozen best
London porter, dry goods, provisions, gin, brandy,
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
* M ■■■i■■■i* — —' ■-■■■■i«W — ■i -
On Thursday 9th Dec. at the store of Messrs. Dou Douglas
glas Douglas Reid & Co-., the f ollowing articles, —beaver and
silk hats, calico, cotton shirting, Irish linen, sadlery,
cotton & coffee bagging, glass & earthenware, boots
and shoes, beei & porter, stationary, loaf sugar, vi vinegar,
negar, vinegar, negro clothing & pipes, ginghamsj paint and
oil, salt, beef, &c.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
On Saturday II th Dec. will be sold,
Retreat, west co.rst, by the \ enduemr. in commis commission,
sion, commission, from 25 to 30 head of cattle, amongst which
are some fine fat oxen.
By order of the Executors of the late G. Graham.
9 head of cattle. ’
By the Sequesters of pin. Hope, about SO hedd of
cattle, of which 14 Ihtoxen.
D. C. CAMERON Dep.- Vendue Master.
Notice to Woodcutters.
ALL persons holding Licences to cut Timber, on
ungranted lands in tins colony, are desired to attend
and exhibit them at Government Secretary’s Office
w ithin six weeks from the date of this Notification. ’
Kind's House, Bcrbice, 13th Nov. 1813.
m By Command.
Tus. C. EMERY, Act. Goy. Sec.
BY G. BONE & Co. Fresh Cumberland hams a
25 stivers per Ui.j or in any quantity a 22 stiv. cash.
4 Dec.
â– 11. â– â– â– â– â– â– 111 ifa H > I â– !â– â– â– *
—— â–
No fresh news this time to lay before our Readers, but
having collected a few extracts from some late papers.
Horse Guards, \Oth Sept. 1813.
The Commander in Chief is persuaded, that the late Trial
of Eiv-ign Edward M’Guire, 6th West India Regiment;
Ensign James G>lchri«t, 6th West India Regiment; Lieu Lieutenant
tenant Lieutenant Anthony Ddion, 101st Regiment; Ensign Daniel
O’Brien, 101st Regiment, for the heinous crime of inunk r,
has excited the liveliest interest and anxiety throughout
the Army. His Royal Highness has therefore been pleas pleased
ed pleased to direct, that the following Letter, which he has re received
ceived received from the Lord Vi-count Sidmouth, one of his Ma.
jesty’s Principal Secretaries of State, shall be published in
General Orders.
Whitehall, Sept. 8, 1813.
“In obedience to the commands of the ITiiice Regent, 1
have the honour of acquainting yourlloy al Highness, that
it is his Royal Highness’s gracious intention not to order
the sentence upon the lour officers of the army, wiio were
capitally convicted at the last Assizes at Winchester, of
the murder of Lieutenant Blundell, of the 101st ii.giment
ot hoot, to be carried into'executioti; but to giant them
the Royal Pardon.
“1 lunik it incumbent upon meat the same time, to lay
before your Roy a' Highness a copy of the evidence adduc adduced
ed adduced upon the trial of those Officers; from which it appear.*,
that the original disagreement between Lieut. BiuudcU
and Ensign M’Guire, arose from a trivial cause; that no
attempt was made to reconcile the parti, s, but on tin
contrary, that, instead of those ettorts, which, if proper properly
ly properly ami seasonably exerted, might have had the happy es.
feet of preventing the meeting, which led to the fa.ai re.
suit, great pains were most unwarrantably taken to i...
stigateand promote it. This observation lam bound to
state, refers more especially to Dillon, who,
bom ms rank in the regiment, in the ai aiuiy,
uiy, aiuiy, was peculiarly called upon to exeicise his i .fluence
and authority for a purpose very dilterent from that to
which they were applied.â€
“I deem it my indispeiisible duty , to submit this repre representation
sentation representation to your R.yal Highness, a.id Ido so, in the lull
persuasion, that your Royal Highness will be pleased to
cause such steps to be taken upon this painful occasion,
as the circumstances of the case shall, upou consideration,
be found to require.
(Signed) “SIDMOUTH.â€
W hile the awful sentence of the law was pending, the
Commaiukr m Chief abstained from expressing any u; i imo.i
mo.i imo.i on this most distressing occasion. His Royal High Highness
ness Highness now feels it incumbent on him to .take that part,
whim a due regard to the discipline and the character of
the Army demands.
The Commander in Chief is sincerely rejoiced, that the
clemency of his Royal Highness the •Prince Regent, acting
»ii the name and on behalf of his Majesty, has been graci graciously
ously graciously extended to these Officers, and has prevented thei.
suitering an ignominious death.
The oiience of which they have been guilty, cannot,
however, in a military point of view , remain unnoticed.
On a due consideration of all the circumstance* attend attending
ing attending this transaction, the Commander in Chief is induced to
hink, that of all the parties concerned, the unfortunate
Officer w ho lost his life, and the yet more unfortunate onej
by whose hand his comrade fell, are the least culpable;
they appear not to have been actuated by any personal
animosity, but to have been instigated aud governed by
the advice of others. 1
1 he Commander in Chief is greatly concerned to observe,
that no such palliation can be adduced in the cases of
Lieutenant Dillon, Ensign Gilchrist, and Ensign O’Brien.
Their interference was equally uncalled for, aud unne unnecessary,
cessary, unnecessary, and tended, not as might have been expected, to
settle the trivial difference which existed between their
brother Officers, but to magnify its importance, and to
instigate them to the measure which has led to so fatal a
The Commander in Chief therefore has it in command to
convey to all these Officers the highest displeasure of the
Prince Regent, for conduct so unmilitary and disgraceful;
and to notify to them, that they are no longer Officers in
his Majesty’s service,, but his Royal Highness being dis.
posed in this decision to attend to the distinction which
appears in their conduct, and observing that Lieutenant
Dillon, who, from his rank an'd standing in the army,
ought to have set a different example has throughout taken
the most prominent part in these outrageous proceedings,
and greatly influenced the conduct of Ensigns Gilchrist
and O’Brien, is pleased to limit the declaration of being
incapable of ever serving his Majesty in any Military ca.
pacify, to Anthony Dillon, late Lieutenant in (he 101 st
The Commander in Chief directs, that this ofder shall
he entered in the Orderly Books, and read at the bead of
every regiment and corps in the service. He hopes it will
prove an useful and impressive lesson to the young Officers
of the Army, and a warn.ng to them of the fatal couse.
queuces of allowing themselves to be misled by erroneous
notions, and false principles of honour; which, when
rightly understood, and leading to i s legitimate object, is
the brightest gem in the character of a sowlier.
By Ins Royal Highness the Commander in Chiefs coin,
maud. . . _
HARRY CALVERT, Adjutant-General.
Accounts had reached Barbados from Jamaica, which
state the arrival there of Some and Passengers
who had been captured by the United States’ ship of war
Essex, Capt. Porter, that has been cruising for some time
in the South Seas. The Essex, up to the 28*h of May,
had cdptured five British vessels, one of which Capt. l or.
ter fitted out as a vessel of w ar, mounting 16 g.. is, a d.
gave the command of her to Lieut. Downs (first of the
Essex), w hen she shortly after captured three others, all
of which were carried into 'Fombes, when Capt. Porter
requested permission from the Spanish Governor to di**
pose of his prizes, but was refused. The British frigate
Phabe has gone round Cape Horn in search of the Essex.
, Office of the Newport Mercury,
Sunday evening, Sept. ‘26, 1813.
This morning arrived in ’his harbour the U. S. frigate
President, Commodore Rodgers, from a cruise of five
months. We nave b enjavor d with the following ac account
count account of her cruise:
May 8:b, iat. 39, 13, long. ’9, separated from the
9th June, lat. -I**, 19, long. 3'», c l7, captured the brig
Kitty, from Newfou u and for Al.cant, with a cargo of
fish, ordered her for brititc—(r ’akeu.)
Kith June, capicied the British j acket Duke of Mon.
trose, from Falmouth to Halifax.
llcti June, captured ;he Briti-h brig Marfa, letter-of.
marque, from Nt wiimml'a d, bound to Spain with a car cargo
go cargo of fish; ord red her tor France, and dispatched 'ha
Duke of Mo-.’ro eto England as a cartel, with the crews
of the captured ve-scls on | aro’e, heiu, 78 in number.
June I‘2, Capt iretl the British sch. Falcon, from Nt w*
fouiidland, boend to Spam, with a cargo of fish; order ordered
ed ordered her for France.
June‘27, anivida* Brg n in-Norway, the distressed
-iteation of which prevented our getting any supples, ex except
cept except water, and sailed from thence 2d July.
July 13, captured oil North U h.te sea, British
brig Jane A Ann, from N. Shields, fur Archangel, in bal ballast.
last. ballast. ami destroyed her.
July 19, was chased from our cruising ground, off N.
Cape, by a Live of hattie ship and a frigate. From the
lightness of the wind, and several shiftings of it in their
favor, the chase uas i.rolouged to 86 hours.
July ‘2l, captured the British whale ship Eliza Swan,
returning from (ireenland, w ith a cargo of fish and blub blubh
h blubh r—ransomed her, and put on board the crews of the
captured vessels, which, together with her own crew, were
permi’tcd to proceed to England on parole, being 76 in
July ‘29, off the Ferro Islands, captured the British brig
Alert, fiom Archangel bound to England, with a cargo
of pitch and tar, and destroyed her.
Aug. 2, between the Ferro Islands and the coast of Ire Ireland,
land, Ireland, captured the British barque Lyon, returning from
a whaling voyage, with a cargo of fish and blubber; ran ransomed
somed ransomed her, and sent the'erew of the Alert, together with
her own, being 6*2, to England on parole.
Aug. 30, lat. 47 17, long. 46 42, captured the herma hermaphrodite
phrodite hermaphrodite brig Shannon, from Antigua for Loudon, with a
cargo of rum and sugar—ordered her to the first Ameri American
can American port.
Sept. 9, lat. 43, long. 50 26, captured brig Fly, from
Jamaica for London, with a cargo of coffee; ordered her
for the first Airierican port.
Sept. 23, oti Nau tucket shod?, R. B. M. sch Highfly Highflyer,
er, Highflyer, formerly of Baltimore, commands! hy Lt. Hutchiu Hutchiuson,
son, Hutchiuson, 5 guns aud 39 men; ordered her in.
The President was bound to Boston, but on obtaining
information by the Highflyer, that the Majestic and afri afrigate
gate afrigate were in Boston Bay, Com. R. then stood for this
Com. Rodgers obtained information of the loss of the
American signals, from vessels w hich he spoke in the North
Sea, which took him for an Englishman.
The President kept the sea, until her provisions were
nearly exhausted. She has seen no enemy’s cruisers, ex except
cept except the squadron and schooner mentioned above.
The President and her prize the Highflier proceeded
this evening, up Providence river. Com. Rodgers has
sent 216 prisoners to England on parole, and baa on board 4 •
54, including 5 officers.
Lieut. Hntchinson, of the Highflier, supposing the Pre President
sident President to be a British frigate, came on board, and inform informed
ed informed Com. Rodgers, that he was looking for the President,,
and as soon as he should obtain information of her, he
should inform the commanders of the squad < on in the sound,
»nd in Boston bay. He gave to Com. Rodgers the pri private
vate private signals of the British Navy, and Admiral Warren’*
Capture of his Britannic Majesty's Brig Boxer.
Copy of a Isttsr from Captain William Bainbridge to
the Secretary of the Navy, dated Boston, Sept. 7, —The
enclosed letters will give you the information of a brilliant
victory, gained by the U. S. brig Enteprise, over his Bri.
tannic Majesty' brig Boxer, of considerable superiority
of force. Notlnng 1 could say would add to the lustre
of this gallant action, which so decidedly speaks for itself.
But I Cannot restrain my deep regret for the loss of so
Valuable an Officer, as the brave Lieut. Burrows.
I have the honour to be, Sir, with great respect, your
obedient servant.
W. Bainbridge.
Honorable William Jones,
Secretary of the Navy, Washington City.
Copy of a letter from Sam. Storer, Esq. Navy Agent,
Portland, to ('apt. Hu I, transmitting to Commodore
Bainbridge, and by him to the Navy Department.
Portland, Sept. 6, 1813,
3 o’clock, P. M.
Sir—l have the happiness to inform you, that another
glorious achievement has been added to the list of those
already acquired by our navy ; but the pleasure and satis satisfaction
faction satisfaction with which I should give you the following ac.
count is greatly lessened by the death of the brave Capt.
On Friday last, the U.S. brig Enterprise, William Bur.
rows, commander, left this port on a cruise, and, yester yesterday
day yesterday afternoon fell in with 11. B. M. brig Boxer, J. Bly th,
commander, mounting 16 181 b. carronades, and 2 long
nine pounders, between Cape Elizabeth and Sequin Is Islands,
lands, Islands, off this harbour, when a severe action took place,
which ended after a con diet of 15 minutes by' the capture
of the Boxer.—The loss on board the Enterprise is her
brave and lamented commander and tw o men killed, and
I'-veti wounded ; and on board the Boxer, the commander
killed and between forty and titty officers and men killed
and wounded. The Enterprise a.id her prize are now at
anchor under the guns of Fort Preble. The fresh wind
frotnN. N. W. has prevented their getting up to the town;
but they will get up this evening on the turn of the tide.—
Several small vesse s and boats went oil this morning, as
soon as the two vessels appeared in sight, in which several
surgeons from this town went to offer their professional
assistance, as from the appearance of the sails znd masts
of both vessel, it seemed they must Lave had a severe ac action.
tion. action.
One of the boats w hich went down has just come up
from the Enterprise, from whivh I have received the fore foregoing
going foregoing particulars ; but we must wait a few houis fur
more correct detail*, which shall be forwarded to you as
soon as they are received. In the mean time lam pro providing
viding providing the necosary and comfoitable accommodations for
the wounded of b
you by express ; wit h a request that, if there arc any par particular
ticular particular directions which you would wish to give respect respecting
ing respecting the interment of the bode of the brave captain Bur Burrows,
rows, Burrows, as we.ll as the late comnundcr of the Boxer, yon
would be so good us to let me know, and they shall be
properly attended to. There will undoubtedly be every
mark of respect l id honour | aid t<> ihc funeral by the ci-,
- tizens of this place, which the time v.. i permit of, but it
would be desirable to have your wi-lies’known tm this
subject—the funeral will Dot take place unit. Wednesday
the Bth inst.
With great respect, I have the honour to be, Sir, your
most obedient servant,
Sa wei< Storer, Navy Agent.
Isaac Hull, Esq.. cpininaitdei, &c.
[ln addition to the above, is is stated itl the public
prints, that the Enterprise rates 14, but mounts 16 guns,
viz. fourteen 18-pound carronades. and two long nines';
! and had on board, when she sailed from Portsmouth, 102
• persona, including officers, seamen, and marines. The
Boxer is staled to Be’nearly a third heavier tonnage than
| the Enterprise.
The dispatch from Com. Hull, stated, that the officers
who fell on board the Enterprise and Boxer were to be
I huried with martial honours, in Portland; and requested
I that all naval and other officers, who could conveniently,
would attend -the funeral. J
DEMERARY, Nov. 27.
I His Excellency our Acting Governor, Colonel Codd,
I We regret to state, is about to retire from the Administra Administra|
| Administra| on of the Civil Government. His Excellency we un understand,
derstand, understand, is to be Succeeded by Major-General Murray,
rom Berbice. It nevertheless affords us much gratifica gratifica-1
-1 gratifica-1 on in giving publicity to the following highly battering
I V , P* , *^ W * Address of the Inhabitants, presented to His
I -** c enc y on Monday last, andliis Excellency’s answer
I A^r* 0 ’ we have no doubt, will tend to promote
I future welfare and prosperity of the Colony.
Demer ary, 22rf November.
I2 2, 7 Tn7 Tn han di n g to your Excellency the inclosed Ad-
I t>, ’’ * rora so numerous and respectaJble a body of our
I tt»° W Co ‘ on ’ 8 * 8 > â€' e cannot but feel highly gratified by
I ,a 1 Oppor
I h°w warmly we participate in the sentiments it
I an d with how much esteem and regard, we have
I ®onor to be, your Excellency’s
Most obedt. humble servants,
I Th os. Mewburn.
1 ' Wm. Munro.
To fft.» „ - Angus Fraser.
Excellency Colonel Codd,
I acting Governor, Afc. sc. %c.
Deme' King's House, Nov. 22.
Gentlemen, —I have the honor to thank you for the
handsome manner in you have conveyed to me the
approbation and good wishes of the Inhabitants of this va valuable
luable valuable Colony, in their Address, presented tomethisday;
and to which the inclosed is my answer.
I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, your most obedt.
humble servant, ~ »
Edw. Codd, Colonel 60th a
Administering the Government Demerary.
Hon. Th. Mewburn.
Wji. Munro, Esq.
Angus Fraser, Esq.
Sib—Having- reason to believe that your Excellency is
about to retire from the discharge of the duties of the Ci Civil
vil Civil Administration, we beg leave thus publicly to express
our thanks and unfeigned gratitude for your unremitting
solicitude and attention to the general interests and wel.
fare of the Colonies.
The strong disposition you have evinced to promote
harmony and happiness—the polite and ready reception
that every individual has experienced from you, as an Of Officer
ficer Officer and a Gentleman—combined with the prompt and
impartial performance of your important duties as Chief
Magistrate—and your earnestness to forward every ob object
ject object of Colonial advantage, during the short period you
have presided over us, are convincing proofs that we should
have enjoyed under your Excellency’s mild and paternal
administration, that tranquility and cordiality, no less es essential
sential essential to the comfort and well being of - than to
our internal security and prosperity.
May the Ministers of an enlightened Government duly
appreciate those talents which you have so beutticially
exercised here, and which have made on our minds, a last lasting
ing lasting impression of esteem and respect.—And may your Ex Excellency,
cellency, Excellency, wherever called by the duties of your honorable
profession, not only leap those laurels so peculiarly
tifying to the mind of a soldier ; hut, in every situation;
enjoy that happiness, which your anxious desire of im imparting
parting imparting it to others, so eminently entities you to.
With sentiments of sincere regard, we have the honor
to be, your Excellency’s very obadtl humble, servts.
( Here follows a list of Subscribers.)
Demcranj, King's House, Nov. 22.
Gentlemen—l have the honour to return you my best
thanks lor the indulgent manner in which you have viewed
my endeavours to discharge the duties oi the Civil Admi Administration
nistration Administration of these Colonies, during the short period 1 have
acted as Governor. As these duties have’beeti both easy
and agreeable to me, from-Ahe cordiality k liich has existed
amongst*-us, 1 can ciaitn nd merit, having only faithfully
obeyed the instructions of Ilia Royal Highness the Prince
I derive real pleasure in observing, that my conduct has
been approved by the most respectable inhabitants of tne
diden-nt nations which compose our population, since,
with a due regard to all, it has been my most earnest aud
a ixious wish, by an impartial administration, to recom recommend
mend recommend the Government of our Most Gracious Sovereign to
those individuals placed under his powerful protection by
the fortune of war.
For the kind wishes which you conclude your address
be pleased to accept my sincere thanks.
You possess, Genth,men, a country highly favoured by
Nature, with a most fertile soil, and easy- means of trans transport.
port. transport. That these advantages may lead to the happiness
and independence, which you. industry and enterprise so
eminently deserve, will ever be my most earnest wish.
In resigning the Government of these Colonies, I con congratulate
gratulate congratulate you on the appointment of my successor, whois
a Gentleman, known to t us ail, as beiug well qualified to
discharge the duties, which His Royal Highness the Prince
Regent has been graciously pleased to confide to him.
I have the honor tube, Gentlemen, your most obedient
humble servant,
Edw. Codd, Colonel 60th,
Administering the Government of Demerary.
Hon. Th. Mewburn,
Wm. Munro, Esq.
Argus Fraser, Esq.
Zitst of Ships composing the Enemy's Fleet in Toulon,
obtained from Deserters therefrom, July 6, 1813.
No. 1. I’lmperiallc. (•) f
2. Le Commerce du Paris. ( + )...
3. Wagram . .
4. MajesCeux... k, 1,1 '•.
4. Montebello ,h â„¢
6. Austerlitz,
7. I’Heurreux..
8. Le Donnawert) '
9. Le Sceptro 4 J 80 s.
Le Ville de Marseilles—Genois—'N
Breslau—Magnanime— Ajax—Da-/
Tnube— Ulm—Agamemnon——Bo-> 74’s.
w re—Romulus—Trident—SouvreignC
$* } —Robust—Hannihal f
i? L* Penelope—Paulina—Driade—N
Galate—Medie Emelic—-Incor-f .
rupfible—Melpomene— rupfible—Melpomene—Adriany
—Adriany rupfible—Melpomene—Adriany
34. Victorious©. | Corvette.
(•) Flag of Vice-Admiral Emrrean, Commander in Chief.
(+) Flag of Rear-Admiral Violette, Second in Command.
To the Editor of the Berbice Gazette.
From the various opinions which seem to be en enterained
terained enterained of the late Schedule of Taxation, intended to be
levied from the Town of New Amsterdam, as well as of
what has been considered by some the rather objection objectionable
able objectionable proposed mode, and expence, of collection—and ap apprehending
prehending apprehending that, however desireable, a perfect unanimi unanimity,
ty, unanimity, is seldom if ever to be expected, on occasions of vot voting
ing voting money for public purposes or public improvements,
particularly when there may happen to be so many and
such various interests, as well as tempers and disposi dispositions
tions dispositions to consult.—ls you think the following suggestions,
byway of remedy, to the evil complained of, worth your
insertion, they may at least serve one good purpose, that
of probably drawing the attention of some others more
ccmpetent than myself to do justice to a subject, confes confessedly
sedly confessedly of some imputance, and on which the Inhabitants
may soon again be called upon to give their canded opin opinion,
ion, opinion, andfinally to decide.
Ist.—That the collection and disposal of the Town
Funds, be in future placed under the entire charge of the
Receiver General of the colony, for the time being, in
‘the same manner as the other receipts and expenditure of
the colony, no other than the usual and established Com Commission
mission Commission of his ofji:e, being to be paid by the Town, but
the lots and buildings of every description within the two
empulders, to be always liable and executable for what whatever
ever whatever assessment it may from time to time be found neces neceshary
hary neceshary and expedient to enact in the same manner as all ths
•sfuijs or plantations to thin the Government, all under
suh regulations, 6{c. as His Excellency the Governor
and the Hou. Court of Policy may dee m proper.
2d.—That as I believe it has b en heretofore customa customary
ry customary for the Town Inhabitants, to pay the Tax. or Heud Heudmoncy
moncy Heudmoncy on their domestics and other slaves, to the Receiv Receiver
er Receiver General's Ojice,. it is presumed no good reason can
now be urged, why their other taxes (and whether aris arising
ing arising on buildings or unoccupied lots) should not also be
paid to the same ojice, at the same time, half yearly, or
at other stated periods to be fixed upon; some regula regulations
tions regulations of this kind, it is hoped, may greatly tend, not on only
ly only to put an end to any Individual or party differences
(should unfortunately any exist) amongst the proprietors
themselves, but also give a much greater degree of confi confidence,
dence, confidence, than could otherwise probably be expected, in the
proper execution and payment of any contracts, or im improvements
provements improvements occasionally going forward, besides perhaps
proving in the end, the most effectual and least burthen,
some mode of collection that could well be suggested.
3d.—'l hat, whatever the mode of collection to be fin finaly
aly finaly determed upon, under the sanction of the Hon. Court
may be, some regard may be had to the circumstances,
and ability of Individuals, none being to be called upon,
for more, than a correct estimation to be formed of the
retd value of his building or lot, may reasonably warrant
—Two, or more, competent members of the community,
to be named by the Hon. the Court of Policy, as sworn
appraissers, (if necessary), ansi whose duty it would be,
annually to appraise, according to the best of teir judge judgement,
ment, judgement, each particular lot, buildings, ftc., the result of all
which to be as regularly laid before the Hon. Court, to.
get her with an estimate of the probable Town expenditure
for the ensuing year, to enable them to make due and ad adequate
equate adequate provision for the same, by a percentage on the to.
tai appraisement, all would then in proportion be placed •
on a more equal footing, and pay only to their property
or means. An Inuabitant.
When coward got in fighting humour,
The fit did not last long,
Philosophy then talk’d in stammer,
Antagonist’s too strong.
To quibble them for aid he runs,
And says, in quaking fright,
This fray could surely get some turns,
Might parry of the right.
Quibble in his usual strain,
Lent a hand in quirking,
For fee he labour’d not in vain,
Payment was horsewhipping.
Sales by Execution.
fourth proclamation.
WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority ob obtained
tained obtained from the Hon. Court of Civil Just ice, of this
colony, upon a petition of H. C. Hintacn, under
date of 21 st Aug. 1813, versus, the proprietor or pro proprietors,
prietors, proprietors, representative or representatives of planta plantation
tion plantation La Fraternity. . .
Have caused to betaken in Execution, and put
under Sequestration, the coffee Estate called
Situate in the lower division of this river, withall its
cultivation, buildings, slaves, and further ap- and
dependencies thereto belonging.
Be it therefore known, that 1 the undersigned in intend
tend intend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 6th October, 1813, the abovemen abovementioned
tioned abovementioned coffee Plantation La Fraternity, with all its
cultivation, buildings, slaves ,&c. thereto belonging,
and specified in the Inventory laying at the Marshal’s
Office fur the aspection of those whom it may con concern,
cern, concern, in order to recover from the proceeds of said
Sale such sum of money as wherefore the abovemen abovementioned
tioned abovementioned Estate has been taken in Execution.
All conformable the Regal Hions of the Hon. Court
of Civil Justice, beaa.iing date Ist January, 1810.
This 4th Proclamation published by beat of drum
as customary. Berbice, 28 Nov. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
WH EREAB I the undersigned, by authority ob obtained
tained obtained from the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, ol this
colony, upon a petition of 11. C. Hintzen, versus,
the Estate of I). P. Worthier, under dato of 6 March
I hive caused to b? taken in Execution and Seques Sequestration,
tration, Sequestration, (he coffee plantation called
situate tn Can’t • river, with all its cultivation, build buildings,
ings, buildings, slaves, and further ap-and dependencies there thereto
to thereto belonging, the property of said D'. P. Morlhier.
Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned in intend
tend intend to Sell, after tin* expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 29 h July, 1813, the abovenanied
coffee plantation called Gocd Land, with ail its cul cultivation,
tivation, cultivation, slaves, buildings, and further appurtenan appurtenances
ces appurtenances thereto belonging, specified in the Inventory
formed thereof, laying at the Marshal’s Office, for
the inspection of those whom it may concern, in or order
der order to recover from liu proceeds of said Sale, such
sum, as wherefore the >amc has been taken in Exe Execution.
cution. Execution.
All conformable to the Regulations of the Court
of Civil JuStic bran :g dale Ist Jauu iry 1810.
This 4th proclamation published by beat of drum
as customary. Bi-rbice, 17 Oct. 1813.
K Francken, First Marshal.
WHEREAS 1 the undersigned, by authority ob obtained
tained obtained from the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, of this
colony, upon a petition of J. Bakker and J. C. Span Spangenberg,
genberg, Spangenberg, as the Attornies of J. M. van Vloten, ver versus,
sus, versus, the proprietor or proprietors, representative or
representatives of plantation (lord Land.
Have caused to be taken in Execution and Sequcs Sequcstralion,
tralion, Sequcstralion, the coffee Estate called
situate in Ca ije river, with all its cultivation, build buildings,
ings, buildings, slaves, and further ap- and dependencies there therebelonging.
belonging. therebelonging.
BeJt therefore known, that I the undersigned in intend
tend intend to Sell, alter the expiration of One year and Six
weeks, from the 291 h July 1813, the abovenamed
coffee Estate colled Gocd Land, with all its cultiva cultivation,
tion, cultivation, buildings, slaves, and further appurtenances
thereto belonging, as specified in an Inventory form formed
ed formed thereof, which lays al the Marshal’s Office for the
inspection ol those whom it may concern, in order to
recover from the proceeds of said sale, such sum of
money as wherefore the said Estate has been taken
in Execution.
All conformable to the Regulations of the Court of
Civil Justice of this colony, dated Ist January, 1810.
This 4th proc umat ion published by beat of drum
as customary. Berbice, 17 Oct. 1813.
K..Francken, First Marshal.
WHEREAS 1 the undersigned, by authority ob obtained
tained obtained from the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, of this
colony, upon a petition of J. A. under date
6th March 1813, versus the Executor or Executrix,
representative or representatives of the Estate of D.
P. Worthier, dec.
Have caused to be taken in Execution and Seques Sequestration
tration Sequestration the coffee Estate called
Situate in Canje riverj with aft its cultivation, slaves, >
building, and further appurtenances thereto belong belonging.
ing. belonging.
Be it therefore known that I the undersigned in intend
tend intend to sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 29th July, 1813, lac abovenan ed
coffee Estate Goed Land, with all its cultivation,
buildings, slaves, andfurther ap- and dependencies
thereto belonging, all conformable to an Inventory
formed thereof and now lying at the Marshal’s Office
for the inspection of those whom it may concern, in
order to recover from the proceeds of said Sale, such
sum, as wherefore the same has been taken in execu execution.
tion. execution.
All conformable to the Regulations of the Court of
Justice, bearing date Ist January, 1810.
This 4th p oclamation made known to the public
as customary. Berbice, 17 Oct. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Summons by Edict.
, WHEREAS I the undersigned have received from
England the Newspapers, containing the Advertise Advertisement
ment Advertisement calling upon the Creditors of the Surrendered
Estate of Heywood & Taylor, Notice is hereby giv given
en given to the Public, that the said Creditors, by virtue
of an Appointment obtained by W. Leach and W.
l iiASER, Curators to aforesaid Estate, under date of
29th November, 1813, from His Excellency the Go Governor,
vernor, Governor, are hereby SUMMONED, To appear before
the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, on Monday
the 24th January, 1814, and following days, for the
purpose of there rendering their claims against the
said Surrendered Estate of Hey wood & Taj lor, and
further to proceed according io Law.
Berbice 3d Dec. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY’ virtue of an appointment from (he Honorable
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under dale of
21st Aug. 1813, upon a |ie(ition presented by .fas.
Morison, Wm. Fraser, F. Graham, anil Th. Kenny.
Executors to the Will of Gustavus Graham, dec.
1 the undersigned, First Marshal of the Honorable
Courts within this colony, and at the request of a: orc*
said Executors.
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors of (he estate of
Gustavus Graham, to appear before the Bar of the
Court of Civil Just cc, of this colony, at tiiciror tiicirordinary
dinary tiicirordinary Sessions to be held in the month of October,
1814, there to exhibit and verily their claims, to
see opposition made thereon, if need, and after the
expiration ot the fourth summons by edict, to wit witness
ness witness the Court’s decision as to the preferent and con concurrent
current concurrent right of claimants against the said estate, and
further to proceed according to Law, on pain of being
for ever debarred their right of claim.
This Summon by Edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum, as customary.
Berbice, 12th Nov. 1813.
K. IRANCKEN, First Marshal.
B Y virtue ot an appointment granted by the Hon Honorable
orable Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under
date ol 21st Aug. 1813, given upon a petition, pre presented
sented presented by ll.Staal and 11. Luthers, appointed
Curators to the insolvent Estate of C. Locking dec.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, and at the request of übuvenamed
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors against the Es Estate
tate Estate of C. Fucking, dec. to appear before the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their ordinary ses session,
sion, session, to be held in the month of October, 1814, say
in the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen
there to exhibit and verily their claims, to see oppo opposition
sition opposition made thereunto, if need, and after the expira expiration
tion expiration of the fourth summons by edict, to witness the
Court’s decision as to the preferent and concurrent
right of claimants, and further to proceed according
to law, on pain of being for ever debarred their right
of claim . - s
This Ed ictal Summons published, posted up, and
further dealt with as the law directs.
Berbice, Ist November, 1813.
K. fHANCKEN, Ist Marshal.
BY virtue of an appointment, granted by th*
Hon. Court of Civil Justice of this colony, given
upon a Petition presented by John Lay field, the At Attorney
torney Attorney of Thomas Bond, oi Lancaster, and Proqrie Proqrietor
tor Proqrietor of plantation Lancaster, situated in this colonv
under date of 21 Aug'. 1813.
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable
Courts within this colony, and at the request of said
J. Layfield, qq
Summon by Edict :
All known and unknown claimants on plantation
Lancaster, situate on the west Coroutine coast of this
colony, or on the Slaves, and other appurtenances
•ind dependencies thereto belo gtng, or on TluMnas
Bowl, for-end on account ot any book debt, imnd*
mortgage, legacy, or annuity, arising from out of
the will of the late Robert Wilson, or other otherwise,
wise, otherwise, to appear before the Court of Civil Justice, of
this colony, at their ordinary Sessions, which will
be held in the month October 1814, there Io exhibit
am! verify their claims, to see opposition made there
unto if need, and alter expiration of the fourth sum summons
mons summons by edict, to witness the Court’s decision as to
the preferent and concurrent right of claimants, and
further to proceed according to Law, on pain of be being
ing being for ever debarred their right of claim.
This summon by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum as customary —Berbice, 13th Octo October
ber October 1813.
’ * K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
B Y virtue of authority granted by the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice, ot this colony, under date of
16th Nov. 1813, granted upon a Petition presented
by Robert Taitt and William Kewley, as appointed
Curators to the Estate of Richard Barry, dec.
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, and at the request of aforesaid Curators
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown Creditors against the Es Estate
tate Estate of R. Barry, dec., To appear before the Court
ot Civil Justice of this colony, at their Session which
will be h» Id in the month of July, 1814, for the pur purpose
pose purpose of there exhibiting their demands against said
Estate, to verify the same, and if necessary, t<» hear
objections made against such claims, and further to
proceed according to Law, under pain to those Who
remain in delimit of coming forward with their de demands
mands demands at (he appiinted period of being for ever de debarred
barred debarred their right of claim.
This Summon by Edict made known to the Public
as customary. Berbice, 18th Nov. 1813.
K FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
THE fine coppered Ship Harmony, John Wil Wilson,
son, Wilson, Master, will be dispatched with the convoy to
sail in January next. Apply to
23 Oct. DOUGLAS RETD & Co.
Who have received by the above ship, small boats
for colony craft.
To Sail with the First Convoy.
The Fast Sailing Brig EGHAM.
Stand A. I. at Lloyds,
copiwred and copper-taslened, John Pavy, Master,
has excellent accommodation for passengers. For
fr< ight or passage, apj lay to said Master, on board,
SO Out. or to J. VAN din BROEK,
To sail with the January Convoy,
The ship MULLETT, Tuo. Smith, Master, for freight
or passage, apply to said Master, or to
16 Oct * 'W. DUNCAN.
LOST or mislaid, an underwritten Account of J.
B. Rule, Esq. for work done for the American
Schooner President. Should any Genth mm have it
in their possession, the Subscriber will be obliged by
its being returned, payment being stopt, it can be of
use to none but himself.— 4 Dec. K. BARN IS.
List of Run-a-way Negroes, in the Colony Stocks oj
Berbiex, on the 3d Dec. 1813.
—— ■■■...
- framer- Proprietors. | By whom brosgM.
Kamen. Ligenarea. | AaabrengeA;
D ; —— — — —n.» I ,■TmiMMi
Koßa Pin. Onverwagt Dehnert
Hercules Do. McCamoa
Cupido Do. deVocster Schwiers
Edward Do. Wassendatn Reuss
Murphy Ro. Do. ‘ . d
Blasius Pin. Bellevue White ‘
Sunday unknown licken
Boedman Do. \dami
Marsh Do. £)o. t
Robert Beresford Dr. Beresford
Captain- Bartrum Jones
Sunday Pin. Gran bunder. Dehnert
Malfel Pin. Herstdling Fiscaal
Primo Shanks (Dem.) Costenbader
Robert Grant Frauendorf «
Nero Farley Negro Moves
Adonb Dodson Fiscaal
J. A. DEHNERT, Under Skertf.
Published every Saturday at 4 o f cloch,
Br W. SCHULZ & Cu.
Full Text |
1813.) THE BERBICE GAZETTE. Twelve dollars p. annum.'} ABSENTED himself from the Subscriber, a month ago, a Negro man named Card; any person whocan give information or lodge him in the barracks, or sending him up to plantation Kortberaad, to Mr. Gemox, will be good rewarded besides all expences. 4 Dec. Z. van LEEUWEN. WANTED TO HIRE. TEN or Twelve good Field Negroes, for which a liberal price will be given, and punctually paid. For particulars apply to the subscribe. 4 Dec. S. TAITT, Pin. Supply, Canje. THE Public are respectfully informed, that the Brijf Ulysses, is daily expected in this River to load for Liverpool, and to sail with January convoy. The Subscriber will receive produce on freight for said -vessel, and find store room in town until her arrival. 4 Dec. • Wm. CROFT. THE Subscriber intending to quit this colony by the January convoy, requests all those having De* nianrlsagainst him to render them in for payment; and all those indebted to either him or Mr. John Croft, to come forward with immediate payment. 4 Dec. Wm. CROFT. NB. A few tierces Salmon, and herrings in barrels, also negro cloathing, which will be sold cheap to close sales. COMMISSARIAT OFFICE. Rcvlice, 26th November, 1813. WANTED for the nee of this Department. 20 Barrels Flour, 10 Barrels Beef. and * , 10C Bushels Oats. Any person wishing to supply the whole or any part thereof, are desired to kind in Tenders, in triplicate, marked, “Tenders fur Provisions” until Monday morning the 6th Dec. next, at !0 o’clock when they will he opened, and theotr.>r or offers most advantageous to Government, will, if approved, be accepted. JOHN S. WILSON, Commissariat. —**• Ms*—— Berbice Agricultural SOCIETY. .The next M-eling of this Society wilt be held on Wednesday the Bth December, at Mr. Hakhis’s, No. IL STEWARDS: F* Cort,— H. B. Ixglis, —M. Dallas. Berbice, Nov. 27. IS hereby given, that all Accounts due to the Winkel Department, fortlie year 1812, which are not paid by the 15th of December next, will be sued for in the January Courts, without respect to persons. A. A. DE LA COURT, Principal Agent for the Crown Property t " in South America. folTsale. , I J °f No. 3, first empolder, with all the mitidjngs thereupon, at present occupied by the Subscriber. VV ho also offers for Sale, a Chaise and HarJmss, and an excellent chaise Horse. _JZ^ OV KFRANCKEN. for tl,e Z ears 1810 > 181 b and 1812, to the Estate of the late Dr. Francis Jesse• a?’ are e ® requested to settle their accounts, «c.» previous to the Ist day of January 1814, as further indulgence cannot possible be granted. W. KATZ, for self and Mrs. T. JEFFERY DEN ondergeteekende geest hiermede kennisse, die het mogte aangaan, dat hy den Heer E. J. gemagtigd heeft tot het van zyne steande penningen, waar voor hy quitantien kan Passey 27 Nov. J MUNO. SATURDAY, December 4. Regulation for the Meetings of the respective Courts in the Colony Berbice, for the year 1814. Court of Policy and Criminal Justice. Monday, January 10. ¦ April 4. October 3. Court of Civil Justice, Monday January 24. — -April 18. July 18. October 17. Commissary Court. * Monday, February 7. — May 9. • August 8. November 14. Court of Rolls. Monday, January 17. March 7. Wednesday, April 13. Monday, May 23. July 11. October 10. — November 21. Approved. JOHN MURRAY By Command. R. C. DOWNER, See, ” FOR SALE. TO an at 3. 6, 9 & 12 months credit, 13 roods Land, of Lot No. 22, between the centre ana backdarn, and the buddings thereon. Also 20 roods land of Lot No. 4, towards the backdarn. If not sold on or before the 18th December next, the same will be disposed of at public Vendue. (Good quality Coffee will be taken in pavment, at cash price.—For particulars, apply to (his Office. 27 Nov. 1 he Friends of Messrs. Campbells Fraser and Co. are respectfully informed, that the Diana, Capt. McGeorce, is expected in this river, in time to load for Glasgow by the .January convoy. 13 Nov.EVAN & ANGUS FRASER. THE undersigned intending to quit this colony for Europe, in the month of February next, requests all those who have any claims against him, either by open accounts or notes of hand, to render them in ai his residence at plantation Palmyra; And all indebted to him are particularly solicited to come forward with payment, before the Jsth Dec. ensuing; as all accounts not then paid will be put into the hands of his /Attorney at Law, to sue for. He also offers for Sale a family of eight negroes, v >z, —Two men, excellent sawyers, and two very fine field women, their wives,’and their three children, all girls ; an old man, an excellent gardner; also three or four very fine young men, amongst whom there is a man boy a very good house servant, a good groom, and a carpenter; and a very fine strong healthy washer woman with her three children; a good strong and new chaise with a moveable oil case head with curtains at the sides that runs up and down on brass tollers, with two setts of new harness attach’d a shaft and tandom; a sett of very handsome mahagony dineing tables with D ends, a bed stead & mattresses with mosquito netting compleate, a patent sopha bed, a handsome mahogany Escrutoire with private drawers, silver spoons, chairs, a handsome sett of china warse &c.—And lastly, his red roan or flea bitten grey horse and his mule, both of which are too well known to need any comment. The negroes will be sold moderate for produce at cash price, or approved bills of exchange at 3 and 6 months sight, cattle, &c. 13th Nov. B. JEFFERY. FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of Exchange, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Proceedings, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Colony, Foolscap Paper, and blank books of any size. (No. 479. \Paydble in advance. POST OFFICE. Letters remaining in the Post Office, which if not forthwith called for, will be returned to Eurone by the next Packet. Balfour J. 4) Bennett J. 2) BUphaneJ. 1) Mary Blair, MiM. 2) Brumont Th. 1) Cully J.jun. 1) corsis F.L. 1) Ch ambon MinM.C.l) CucbeA.D.l. Dunlop J. 1) Dodson R.l) Daugherty J. 1) DoveS. 1) DodgonW.l. EboralCh. 1) Egan W. 1) Ellacotß.W. 1) Esdaile Mr. R. 1) Elliott Mr. Jos. 2. Flushman Mr. D. 1) Fleischman Mr. G. S. 1) Fraser A. 1) Findlater Mr. D. 3) Floyd Dr. 1. Georgy J.H. 1) Game Miss J. S. I) Gardner Miss M. 1) Gomens L. 1) Graval H. M. 1) Gallic J. 2) Grant H. 2) Gordon G. 1. Hal * J ’, 4 ) Harris J. 1) Huggan W. 1) Houston A. 1) Hart G. 1) E. 1) Harris W. 2) Harris N. 2) Heywood & Tayler D Hall Miss C. 1) Herlin & Bender 7. * Jones Capt. 1) Johan J. 1) Jones J. 1. KerrC. 2) Koster Mr. W. 1) King Mr. W. C. 1) Klimmer J. F D Krieger A. 2. ' Leisner J. A. 1) Linde J. F. 1) LobbauMr. W, 1) Luff & Bender 2) \Lawrence Miss H. 1) Laurence W• 1) Lewis Manor Attorney of 1. Mclndoe'J. 1) Munroß.l) MunroW. 1) McKenzie R. 1) Mustard Mr. D. 1) McQuistan Mr. J. 1) McDonald J. 1) McLennan J. 1) M CK .‘\ ng A e £: H \ l ) McGregor.!. 8. 2) Milligan J. 1) McKengie Mr. 1) McKimmie A. 3) McKengie K. I) Maria & Agnes til* Administrator of 1) Mahler D. B. 1) Morris Capt. 1. Nicolson M. 1. Overeem J. 1. Pollet Capt. J. C. A. 1. Reeborst P 1) Rose A. 1) Rolderer P.l) Reuss J. M. 1) Robinson S. I) Reach A.l) Rickets S. 1) Robertson G. 1. Sampson Miss M. 1) Smith Mr.T. 1) Sinclair J. 2) Slockkel Mrs. 1) Suttle Mr. R. I) Sharpe Miss E. 1) Shaw Mr. A. 1) Stewart Mr. J. 1) Stobie Esq. 1) Schwartz Mr. G. 1) Shanks Mr. A. 1) Small & lurelfall 1. ' Twit Capt. J. 1) Th re 1 fall Mr. H. 1) Tlirelfall E. 1) Tyndall H. 2) Tayler VV. 1) Towler R.l. ' Westerveld G 2) White Mr. G. 1) Weir Miss J. 1) Watt A. 2) Wade l.b.i) White Mr. T. 1. ZadelhoO* Mr. G. van 1. Berbice, 27/A Nov. Wm. SCOTT, Dep. Postmr. Gen. RUN AWAY A Negro woman named Eliza, belonging to Miss Sally Postlethwaite, Demerary, she is supposed to be on the Corent ne coast.—Any person harbouring her, will be prosecuted against according to Law. And (hose who will apprehend her and sending her to the house of Mr. B. Ziegler, will handsomely be rewarded. .go Nov. Colony salted fish in barrels, well cured. Do. lamp oil, clear and fluid and equal to spermaceti oil. » Tobacco, tar, white soap, &c. 27 Nov. > J. H. SCHLARHORST. i P ersons having any Claim or Demand against the Ship Speculator, of London, or on the Cargo of the said vessel, lately Condemned and Sold, are desired to rentier their accounts to the Agent for the Committee at Lloyds, within six weeks from this date, and after the elapse of that period, the balance of the proceeds of the ship Speculator and Carga, will be remitted to England, and no further colonial claims against that vessel or cargo, be allowed. Secretary's Office, Oct. 26. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. RECEIVER GEN'S. OFFICE. THE undersigned requests, the Planters will pay their respective Accounts for Weigh-money, &c., up to Ist July, as it is impossible to pay the demands against the Office; those unpaid will be shortly given, to the Deurwaarder, and several preceding accounts are in forwardness for Execution. Berbice, Ist Nov. 1813. A. THORNBORROW, Dep. Rec. Gen. NOUCE. ALL persons indebted to N. Volkerts, for his Printing Office, up to the 30th of June, 1812, are requested to make payment to this Office, otherwise will be sued for by the next Courts. 4 Dec,
SECRETARY* OFFICE. Wordt geadverteerd, dat\ This is to inform the Pu. ile volgende personen voor-blic, that the following per. tiemens zyn uitdeze Kolonle sons intend quitting this Co. te vertrekken. lony J. R. Card by the first opportunity. J. C. Poortenuans in 6 weeks from Nov. 20. R V C. DOWNER, Seey. IVO RDT hlermede bekentl NOTICE is hereby given, gemaakt, dat een maand no that a month after date the da to de volgende Transpur. following Transports and ten en Hipotheeken zullen Mortgages will be passed, verleden warden. Nov. 13. .John Davies will transport to the free negro woman Susanna Gre< n, the northern back quarter <»f lot No. 27, in New Amst. 27 Nov. J. van den Broek qo. A. Donzel, will transport to Geo. Munro, Lot No. 4, west Corentinc coast. James Fraser, in quality as Curator to the ( Estate of the late E. D. Fraser, will transport to Simon Fras r, his undivided halt of Plantation'Brijrhton, Slaves, and other appurtenances thereto belonging. Dec. 4. R. Harper, n. r. will transport to the free George Thomas, 5 roods of land of lot No. 4, between the centre road and back dam. .. . .... J. van den Broek qq. the Heirs of A. Don* zel, will transport to Wm. Munro and Geo. Munro, the Coroutine coast lot No. 4. Win. Munro and Geo. will transport to John Fraser the west hern hall of said lot, and to the Heirs of .Is. Chesney, the eastern half. The Attornies of L. Lowrie, will transport 15 Neuro men slaves, ?<> Demerary, names to be s< en at the Secretary’s Office. R. C. DOWNER, Secy. WHEREAS the following person his addressed himself to the Hon Court of Policy, of this colony, at their Sessions in the month October last, for a Letter of Manumission : H. P. Brock er, for the mulatto girl Francisco, Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant of said Letter of Manumission, that they may add res themselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the Hon. Court, when a finaldisposition will be made on the aforesaid Pe I ¦!¦¦¦* THE BERBICE GAZETTE. —— ¦ NEW AMSTERDAM, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1813. No fresh news this time to lay before our Readers, but having collected a few extracts from some late papers. GENERAL ORDERS. Horse Guards, \Oth Sept. 1813. The Commander in Chief is persuaded, that the late Trial of Eiv-ign Edward M’Guire, 6th West India Regiment; Ensign James G>lchri«t, 6th West India Regiment; Lieutenant Anthony Ddion, 101st Regiment; Ensign Daniel O’Brien, 101st Regiment, for the heinous crime of inunk r, has excited the liveliest interest and anxiety throughout the Army. His Royal Highness has therefore been pleased to direct, that the following Letter, which he has received from the Lord Vi-count Sidmouth, one of his Ma. jesty’s Principal Secretaries of State, shall be published in General Orders. Whitehall, Sept. 8, 1813. “In obedience to the commands of the ITiiice Regent, 1 have the honour of acquainting yourlloy al Highness, that it is his Royal Highness’s gracious intention not to order the sentence upon the lour officers of the army, wiio were capitally convicted at the last Assizes at Winchester, of the murder of Lieutenant Blundell, of the 101st ii.giment ot hoot, to be carried into'executioti; but to giant them the Royal Pardon. “1 lunik it incumbent upon meat the same time, to lay before your Roy a' Highness a copy of the evidence adduced upon the trial of those Officers; from which it appear.*, that the original disagreement between Lieut. BiuudcU and Ensign M’Guire, arose from a trivial cause; that no attempt was made to reconcile the parti, s, but on tin contrary, that, instead of those ettorts, which, if properly ami seasonably exerted, might have had the happy es. feet of preventing the meeting, which led to the fa.ai re. suit, great pains were most unwarrantably taken to i... stigateand promote it. This observation lam bound to state, refers more especially to Dillon, who, bom ms rank in the regiment, in the aiuiy, was peculiarly called upon to exeicise his i .fluence and authority for a purpose very dilterent from that to which they were applied.” “I deem it my indispeiisible duty , to submit this representation to your R.yal Highness, a.id Ido so, in the lull persuasion, that your Royal Highness will be pleased to cause such steps to be taken upon this painful occasion, as the circumstances of the case shall, upou consideration, be found to require. (Signed) “SIDMOUTH.” W hile the awful sentence of the law was pending, the Commaiukr m Chief abstained from expressing any u; imo.i on this most distressing occasion. His Royal Highness now feels it incumbent on him to .take that part, whim a due regard to the discipline and the character of the Army demands. The Commander in Chief is sincerely rejoiced, that the clemency of his Royal Highness the •Prince Regent, acting »ii the name and on behalf of his Majesty, has been graciously extended to these Officers, and has prevented thei. suitering an ignominious death. The oiience of which they have been guilty, cannot, however, in a military point of view , remain unnoticed. On a due consideration of all the circumstance* attending this transaction, the Commander in Chief is induced to hink, that of all the parties concerned, the unfortunate Officer w ho lost his life, and the yet more unfortunate onej by whose hand his comrade fell, are the least culpable; they appear not to have been actuated by any personal animosity, but to have been instigated aud governed by the advice of others. 1 1 he Commander in Chief is greatly concerned to observe, that no such palliation can be adduced in the cases of Lieutenant Dillon, Ensign Gilchrist, and Ensign O’Brien. Their interference was equally uncalled for, aud unnecessary, and tended, not as might have been expected, to settle the trivial difference which existed between their brother Officers, but to magnify its importance, and to instigate them to the measure which has led to so fatal a result. The Commander in Chief therefore has it in command to convey to all these Officers the highest displeasure of the Prince Regent, for conduct so unmilitary and disgraceful; and to notify to them, that they are no longer Officers in his Majesty’s service,, but his Royal Highness being dis. posed in this decision to attend to the distinction which appears in their conduct, and observing that Lieutenant Dillon, who, from his rank an'd standing in the army, ought to have set a different example has throughout taken the most prominent part in these outrageous proceedings, and greatly influenced the conduct of Ensigns Gilchrist and O’Brien, is pleased to limit the declaration of being incapable of ever serving his Majesty in any Military ca. pacify, to Anthony Dillon, late Lieutenant in (he 101 st Regiment. The Commander in Chief directs, that this ofder shall he entered in the Orderly Books, and read at the bead of every regiment and corps in the service. He hopes it will prove an useful and impressive lesson to the young Officers of the Army, and a warn.ng to them of the fatal couse. queuces of allowing themselves to be misled by erroneous notions, and false principles of honour; which, when rightly understood, and leading to i s legitimate object, is the brightest gem in the character of a sowlier. By Ins Royal Highness the Commander in Chiefs coin, maud. . . _ HARRY CALVERT, Adjutant-General. Accounts had reached Barbados from Jamaica, which state the arrival there of Some and Passengers who had been captured by the United States’ ship of war Essex, Capt. Porter, that has been cruising for some time in the South Seas. The Essex, up to the 28*h of May, had cdptured five British vessels, one of which Capt. l or. ter fitted out as a vessel of w ar, mounting 16 g.. is, a d. gave the command of her to Lieut. Downs (first of the Essex), w hen she shortly after captured three others, all of which were carried into 'Fombes, when Capt. Porter requested permission from the Spanish Governor to di** pose of his prizes, but was refused. The British frigate Phabe has gone round Cape Horn in search of the Essex. COMMODORE RODCERS. , Office of the Newport Mercury, Sunday evening, Sept. ‘26, 1813. This morning arrived in ’his harbour the U. S. frigate President, Commodore Rodgers, from a cruise of five months. We nave b enjavor d with the following account of her cruise: May 8:b, iat. 39, 13, long. ’9, separated from the Congress. 9th June, lat. -I**, 19, long. 3'», c l7, captured the brig Kitty, from Newfou u and for Al.cant, with a cargo of fish, ordered her for brititc—(r ’akeu.) Kith June, capicied the British j acket Duke of Mon. trose, from Falmouth to Halifax. llcti June, captured ;he Briti-h brig Marfa, letter-of. marque, from Nt wiimml'a d, bound to Spain with a cargo of fish; ord red her tor France, and dispatched 'ha Duke of Mo-.’ro eto England as a cartel, with the crews of the captured ve-scls on | aro’e, heiu, 78 in number. June I‘2, Capt iretl the British sch. Falcon, from Nt w* fouiidland, boend to Spam, with a cargo of fish; ordered her for France. June‘27, anivida* Brg n in-Norway, the distressed -iteation of which prevented our getting any supples, except water, and sailed from thence 2d July. July 13, captured oil North U h.te sea, British brig Jane A Ann, from N. Shields, fur Archangel, in ballast. ami destroyed her. July 19, was chased from our cruising ground, off N. Cape, by a Live of hattie ship and a frigate. From the lightness of the wind, and several shiftings of it in their favor, the chase uas i.rolouged to 86 hours. July ‘2l, captured the British whale ship Eliza Swan, returning from (ireenland, w ith a cargo of fish and blubh r—ransomed her, and put on board the crews of the captured vessels, which, together with her own crew, were permi’tcd to proceed to England on parole, being 76 in number. July ‘29, off the Ferro Islands, captured the British brig Alert, fiom Archangel bound to England, with a cargo of pitch and tar, and destroyed her. Aug. 2, between the Ferro Islands and the coast of Ireland, captured the British barque Lyon, returning from a whaling voyage, with a cargo of fish and blubber; ransomed her, and sent the'erew of the Alert, together with her own, being 6*2, to England on parole. Aug. 30, lat. 47 17, long. 46 42, captured the hermaphrodite brig Shannon, from Antigua for Loudon, with a cargo of rum and sugar—ordered her to the first American port. Sept. 9, lat. 43, long. 50 26, captured brig Fly, from Jamaica for London, with a cargo of coffee; ordered her for the first Airierican port. Sept. 23, oti Nau tucket shod?, R. B. M. sch Highflyer, formerly of Baltimore, commands! hy Lt. Hutchiuson, 5 guns aud 39 men; ordered her in. The President was bound to Boston, but on obtaining information by the Highflyer, that the Majestic and afrigate were in Boston Bay, Com. R. then stood for this port. Com. Rodgers obtained information of the loss of the American signals, from vessels w hich he spoke in the North Sea, which took him for an Englishman. The President kept the sea, until her provisions were nearly exhausted. She has seen no enemy’s cruisers, except the squadron and schooner mentioned above. The President and her prize the Highflier proceeded this evening, up Providence river. Com. Rodgers has sent 216 prisoners to England on parole, and baa on board 4 • 54, including 5 officers. Lieut. Hntchinson, of the Highflier, supposing the President to be a British frigate, came on board, and informed Com. Rodgers, that he was looking for the President,, and as soon as he should obtain information of her, he should inform the commanders of the squad < on in the sound, »nd in Boston bay. He gave to Com. Rodgers the private signals of the British Navy, and Admiral Warren’* instructions. Capture of his Britannic Majesty's Brig Boxer. Copy of a Isttsr from Captain William Bainbridge to •e •d •m
the Secretary of the Navy, dated Boston, Sept. 7, —The enclosed letters will give you the information of a brilliant victory, gained by the U. S. brig Enteprise, over his Bri. tannic Majesty' brig Boxer, of considerable superiority of force. Notlnng 1 could say would add to the lustre of this gallant action, which so decidedly speaks for itself. But I Cannot restrain my deep regret for the loss of so Valuable an Officer, as the brave Lieut. Burrows. I have the honour to be, Sir, with great respect, your obedient servant. W. Bainbridge. Honorable William Jones, Secretary of the Navy, Washington City. Copy of a letter from Sam. Storer, Esq. Navy Agent, Portland, to ('apt. Hu I, transmitting to Commodore Bainbridge, and by him to the Navy Department. Portland, Sept. 6, 1813, 3 o’clock, P. M. Sir—l have the happiness to inform you, that another glorious achievement has been added to the list of those already acquired by our navy ; but the pleasure and satisfaction with which I should give you the following ac. count is greatly lessened by the death of the brave Capt. Burrows. On Friday last, the U.S. brig Enterprise, William Bur. rows, commander, left this port on a cruise, and, yesterday afternoon fell in with 11. B. M. brig Boxer, J. Bly th, commander, mounting 16 181 b. carronades, and 2 long nine pounders, between Cape Elizabeth and Sequin Islands, off this harbour, when a severe action took place, which ended after a con diet of 15 minutes by' the capture of the Boxer.—The loss on board the Enterprise is her brave and lamented commander and tw o men killed, and I'-veti wounded ; and on board the Boxer, the commander killed and between forty and titty officers and men killed and wounded. The Enterprise a.id her prize are now at anchor under the guns of Fort Preble. The fresh wind frotnN. N. W. has prevented their getting up to the town; but they will get up this evening on the turn of the tide.— Several small vesse s and boats went oil this morning, as soon as the two vessels appeared in sight, in which several surgeons from this town went to offer their professional assistance, as from the appearance of the sails znd masts of both vessel, it seemed they must Lave had a severe action. One of the boats w hich went down has just come up from the Enterprise, from whivh I have received the foregoing particulars ; but we must wait a few houis fur more correct detail*, which shall be forwarded to you as soon as they are received. In the mean time lam providing the necosary and comfoitable accommodations for the wounded of b ihc funeral by the ci-, tizens of this place, which the time v.. i permit of, but it would be desirable to have your wi-lies’known tm this subject—the funeral will Dot take place unit. Wednesday the Bth inst. With great respect, I have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedient servant, Sa wei< Storer, Navy Agent. Isaac Hull, Esq.. cpininaitdei, &c. [ln addition to the above, is is stated itl the public prints, that the Enterprise rates 14, but mounts 16 guns, viz. fourteen 18-pound carronades. and two long nines'; ! and had on board, when she sailed from Portsmouth, 102 • persona, including officers, seamen, and marines. The Boxer is staled to Be’nearly a third heavier tonnage than | the Enterprise. The dispatch from Com. Hull, stated, that the officers who fell on board the Enterprise and Boxer were to be I huried with martial honours, in Portland; and requested I that all naval and other officers, who could conveniently, would attend -the funeral. J DEMERARY, Nov. 27. I His Excellency our Acting Governor, Colonel Codd, I We regret to state, is about to retire from the Administra| on of the Civil Government. His Excellency we understand, is to be Succeeded by Major-General Murray, rom Berbice. It nevertheless affords us much gratifica-1 on in giving publicity to the following highly battering I V , P* , *^ W * Address of the Inhabitants, presented to His I -** c enc y on Monday last, andliis Excellency’s answer I A^r* 0 ’ we have no doubt, will tend to promote I future welfare and prosperity of the Colony. Demer ary, 22rf November. I2 2, 7 Tn7 Tn han di n g to your Excellency the inclosed AdI t>, ’’ * rora so numerous and respectaJble a body of our I tt»° W Co ‘ on ’ 8 * 8 > ”' e cannot but feel highly gratified by I ,a 1 Oppor 74’s. w re—Romulus—Trident—SouvreignC $* } —Robust—Hannihal f i? L* Penelope—Paulina—Driade—N Galate—Medie Emelic—-Incor-f . rupfible—Melpomene——Adriany 34. Victorious©. | Corvette. (•) Flag of Vice-Admiral Emrrean, Commander in Chief. (+) Flag of Rear-Admiral Violette, Second in Command. To the Editor of the Berbice Gazette. Sir, From the various opinions which seem to be enterained of the late Schedule of Taxation, intended to be levied from the Town of New Amsterdam, as well as of what has been considered by some the rather objectionable proposed mode, and expence, of collection—and apprehending that, however desireable, a perfect unanimity, is seldom if ever to be expected, on occasions of voting money for public purposes or public improvements, particularly when there may happen to be so many and such various interests, as well as tempers and dispositions to consult.—ls you think the following suggestions, byway of remedy, to the evil complained of, worth your insertion, they may at least serve one good purpose, that of probably drawing the attention of some others more ccmpetent than myself to do justice to a subject, confessedly of some imputance, and on which the Inhabitants may soon again be called upon to give their canded opinion, andfinally to decide. Ist.—That the collection and disposal of the Town Funds, be in future placed under the entire charge of the Receiver General of the colony, for the time being, in ‘the same manner as the other receipts and expenditure of the colony, no other than the usual and established Commission of his ofji:e, being to be paid by the Town, but the lots and buildings of every description within the two empulders, to be always liable and executable for whatever assessment it may from time to time be found neceshary and expedient to enact in the same manner as all ths •sfuijs or plantations to thin the Government, all under suh regulations, 6{c. as His Excellency the Governor and the Hou. Court of Policy may dee m proper. 2d.—That as I believe it has b en heretofore customary for the Town Inhabitants, to pay the Tax. or Heudmoncy on their domestics and other slaves, to the Receiver General's Ojice,. it is presumed no good reason can now be urged, why their other taxes (and whether arising on buildings or unoccupied lots) should not also be paid to the same ojice, at the same time, half yearly, or at other stated periods to be fixed upon; some regulations of this kind, it is hoped, may greatly tend, not only to put an end to any Individual or party differences (should unfortunately any exist) amongst the proprietors themselves, but also give a much greater degree of confidence, than could otherwise probably be expected, in the proper execution and payment of any contracts, or improvements occasionally going forward, besides perhaps proving in the end, the most effectual and least burthen, some mode of collection that could well be suggested. 3d.—'l hat, whatever the mode of collection to be finaly determed upon, under the sanction of the Hon. Court may be, some regard may be had to the circumstances, and ability of Individuals, none being to be called upon, for more, than a correct estimation to be formed of the retd value of his building or lot, may reasonably warrant —Two, or more, competent members of the community, to be named by the Hon. the Court of Policy, as sworn appraissers, (if necessary), ansi whose duty it would be, annually to appraise, according to the best of teir judgement, each particular lot, buildings, ftc., the result of all which to be as regularly laid before the Hon. Court, to. get her with an estimate of the probable Town expenditure for the ensuing year, to enable them to make due and adequate provision for the same, by a percentage on the to. tai appraisement, all would then in proportion be placed • on a more equal footing, and pay only to their property or means. An Inuabitant. When coward got in fighting humour, The fit did not last long, Philosophy then talk’d in stammer, Antagonist’s too strong. To quibble them for aid he runs, And says, in quaking fright, This fray could surely get some turns, Might parry of the right. Quibble in his usual strain, Lent a hand in quirking, For fee he labour’d not in vain, Payment was horsewhipping.
OFFICE. Sales by Execution. fourth proclamation. WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority obtained from the Hon. Court of Civil Just ice, of this colony, upon a petition of H. C. Hintacn, under date of 21 st Aug. 1813, versus, the proprietor or proprietors, representative or representatives of plantation La Fraternity. . . Have caused to betaken in Execution, and put under Sequestration, the coffee Estate called LA FRATERNITE, Situate in the lower division of this river, withall its cultivation, buildings, slaves, and further apand dependencies thereto belonging. Be it therefore known, that 1 the undersigned intend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six weeks, from the 6th October, 1813, the abovementioned coffee Plantation La Fraternity, with all its cultivation, buildings, slaves ,&c. thereto belonging, and specified in the Inventory laying at the Marshal’s Office fur the aspection of those whom it may concern, in order to recover from the proceeds of said Sale such sum of money as wherefore the abovementioned Estate has been taken in Execution. All conformable the Regal Hions of the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, beaa.iing date Ist January, 1810. This 4th Proclamation published by beat of drum as customary. Berbice, 28 Nov. 1813. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. FOURTH PROCL A M AVION. WH EREAB I the undersigned, by authority obtained from the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, ol this colony, upon a petition of 11. C. Hintzen, versus, the Estate of I). P. Worthier, under dato of 6 March 1813. I hive caused to b? taken in Execution and Sequestration, (he coffee plantation called GOLD LAND, situate tn Can’t • river, with all its cultivation, buildings, slaves, and further ap-and dependencies thereto belonging, the property of said D'. P. Morlhier. Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned intend to Sell, after tin* expiration of one year and six weeks, from the 29 h July, 1813, the abovenanied coffee plantation called Gocd Land, with ail its cultivation, slaves, buildings, and further appurtenances thereto belonging, specified in the Inventory formed thereof, laying at the Marshal’s Office, for the inspection of those whom it may concern, in order to recover from liu proceeds of said Sale, such sum, as wherefore the >amc has been taken in Execution. All conformable to the Regulations of the Court of Civil JuStic bran :g dale Ist Jauu iry 1810. This 4th proclamation published by beat of drum as customary. Bi-rbice, 17 Oct. 1813. K Francken, First Marshal. WHEREAS 1 the undersigned, by authority obtained from the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, upon a petition of J. Bakker and J. C. Spangenberg, as the Attornies of J. M. van Vloten, versus, the proprietor or proprietors, representative or representatives of plantation (lord Land. Have caused to be taken in Execution and Sequcstralion, the coffee Estate called GOEI) LAND, situate in Ca ije river, with all its cultivation, buildings, slaves, and further apand dependencies therebelonging. BeJt therefore known, that I the undersigned intend to Sell, alter the expiration of One year and Six weeks, from the 291 h July 1813, the abovenamed coffee Estate colled Gocd Land, with all its cultivation, buildings, slaves, and further appurtenances thereto belonging, as specified in an Inventory formed thereof, which lays al the Marshal’s Office for the inspection ol those whom it may concern, in order to recover from the proceeds of said sale, such sum of money as wherefore the said Estate has been taken in Execution. All conformable to the Regulations of the Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated Ist January, 1810. This 4th proc umat ion published by beat of drum as customary. Berbice, 17 Oct. 1813. K..Francken, First Marshal. FOURTH WHEREAS 1 the undersigned, by authority obtained from the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, upon a petition of J. A. under date 6th March 1813, versus the Executor or Executrix, representative or representatives of the Estate of D. P. Worthier, dec. Have caused to be taken in Execution and Sequestration the coffee Estate called Situate in Canje riverj with aft its cultivation, slaves, > building, and further appurtenances thereto belonging. Be it therefore known that I the undersigned intend to sell, after the expiration of one year and six weeks, from the 29th July, 1813, lac abovenan ed coffee Estate Goed Land, with all its cultivation, buildings, slaves, andfurther apand dependencies thereto belonging, all conformable to an Inventory formed thereof and now lying at the Marshal’s Office for the inspection of those whom it may concern, in order to recover from the proceeds of said Sale, such sum, as wherefore the same has been taken in execution. All conformable to the Regulations of the Court of Justice, bearing date Ist January, 1810. This 4th p oclamation made known to the public as customary. Berbice, 17 Oct. 1813. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. Summons by Edict. , WHEREAS I the undersigned have received from England the Newspapers, containing the Advertisement calling upon the Creditors of the Surrendered Estate of Heywood & Taylor, Notice is hereby given to the Public, that the said Creditors, by virtue of an Appointment obtained by W. Leach and W. l iiASER, Curators to aforesaid Estate, under date of 29th November, 1813, from His Excellency the Governor, are hereby SUMMONED, To appear before the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, on Monday the 24th January, 1814, and following days, for the purpose of there rendering their claims against the said Surrendered Estate of Hey wood & Taj lor, and further to proceed according io Law. Berbice 3d Dec. 1813. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. BY’ virtue of an appointment from (he Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under dale of 21st Aug. 1813, upon a |ie(ition presented by .fas. Morison, Wm. Fraser, F. Graham, anil Th. Kenny. Executors to the Will of Gustavus Graham, dec. 1 the undersigned, First Marshal of the Honorable Courts within this colony, and at the request of a: orc* said Executors. Summon by Edict: All known and unknown creditors of (he estate of Gustavus Graham, to appear before the Bar of the Court of Civil Just cc, of this colony, at tiicirordinary Sessions to be held in the month of October, 1814, there to exhibit and verily their claims, to see opposition made thereon, if need, and after the expiration ot the fourth summons by edict, to witness the Court’s decision as to the preferent and concurrent right of claimants against the said estate, and further to proceed according to Law, on pain of being for ever debarred their right of claim. This Summon by Edict made known to the Public by beat of drum, as customary. Berbice, 12th Nov. 1813. K. IRANCKEN, First Marshal. B Y virtue ot an appointment granted by the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under date ol 21st Aug. 1813, given upon a petition, presented by ll.Staal and 11. Luthers, appointed Curators to the insolvent Estate of C. Locking dec. I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts within this colony, and at the request of übuvenamed Curators. Summon by Edict: All known and unknown creditors against the Estate of C. Fucking, dec. to appear before the Court of Civil Justice of this colony, at their ordinary session, to be held in the month of October, 1814, say in the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen there to exhibit and verily their claims, to see opposition made thereunto, if need, and after the expiration of the fourth summons by edict, to witness the Court’s decision as to the preferent and concurrent right of claimants, and further to proceed according to law, on pain of being for ever debarred their right of claim . s This Ed ictal Summons published, posted up, and further dealt with as the law directs. Berbice, Ist November, 1813. K. fHANCKEN, Ist Marshal. BY virtue of an appointment, granted by th* Hon. Court of Civil Justice of this colony, given upon a Petition presented by John Lay field, the Attorney of Thomas Bond, oi Lancaster, and Proqrietor of plantation Lancaster, situated in this colonv under date of 21 Aug'. 1813. I the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable Courts within this colony, and at the request of said J. Layfield, qq Summon by Edict : All known and unknown claimants on plantation Lancaster, situate on the west Coroutine coast of this colony, or on the Slaves, and other appurtenances •ind dependencies thereto belo gtng, or on TluMnas Bowl, for-end on account ot any book debt, imnd* mortgage, legacy, or annuity, arising from out of the will of the late Robert Wilson, or otherwise, to appear before the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, at their ordinary Sessions, which will be held in the month October 1814, there Io exhibit am! verify their claims, to see opposition made there unto if need, and alter expiration of the fourth summons by edict, to witness the Court’s decision as to the preferent and concurrent right of claimants, and further to proceed according to Law, on pain of being for ever debarred their right of claim. This summon by edict made known to the Public by beat of drum as customary —Berbice, 13th October 1813. ’ * K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. B Y virtue of authority granted by the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, ot this colony, under date of 16th Nov. 1813, granted upon a Petition presented by Robert Taitt and William Kewley, as appointed Curators to the Estate of Richard Barry, dec. I the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts of this colony, and at the request of aforesaid Curators Summon by Edict: All known and unknown Creditors against the Estate of R. Barry, dec., To appear before the Court ot Civil Justice of this colony, at their Session which will be h» Id in the month of July, 1814, for the purpose of there exhibiting their demands against said Estate, to verify the same, and if necessary, t<» hear objections made against such claims, and further to proceed according to Law, under pain to those Who remain in delimit of coming forward with their demands at (he appiinted period of being for ever debarred their right of claim. This Summon by Edict made known to the Public as customary. Berbice, 18th Nov. 1813. K FRANCKEN, First Marshal. FOR GLASGOW. THE fine coppered Ship Harmony, John Wilson, Master, will be dispatched with the convoy to sail in January next. Apply to 23 Oct. DOUGLAS RETD & Co. Who have received by the above ship, small boats for colony craft. FOR LONDON. To Sail with the First Convoy. The Fast Sailing Brig EGHAM. Stand A. I. at Lloyds, copiwred and copper-taslened, John Pavy, Master, has excellent accommodation for passengers. For fr< ight or passage, apj lay to said Master, on board, SO Out. or to J. VAN din BROEK, FOR LONDON. To sail with the January Convoy, The ship MULLETT, Tuo. Smith, Master, for freight or passage, apply to said Master, or to 16 Oct * 'W. DUNCAN. LOST or mislaid, an underwritten Account of J. B. Rule, Esq. for work done for the American Schooner President. Should any Genth mm have it in their possession, the Subscriber will be obliged by its being returned, payment being stopt, it can be of use to none but himself.— 4 Dec. K. BARN IS. List of Run-a-way Negroes, in the Colony Stocks oj Berbiex, on the 3d Dec. 1813. —— ¦ ¦ ¦ ... framerProprietors. | By whom brosgM. Kamen. Ligenarea. | AaabrengeA; D ; —— — — —n.» I ,¦ TmiMMi Koßa Pin. Onverwagt Dehnert Hercules Do. McCamoa Cupido Do. deVocster Schwiers Edward Do. Wassendatn Reuss Murphy Ro. Do. ‘ . d Blasius Pin. Bellevue White ‘ Sunday unknown licken Boedman Do. \dami Marsh Do. £)o. t Robert Beresford Dr. Beresford CaptainBartrum Jones Sunday Pin. Gran bunder. Dehnert Malfel Pin. Herstdling Fiscaal Primo Shanks (Dem.) Costenbader Robert Grant Frauendorf « Nero Farley Negro Moves Adonb Dodson Fiscaal J. A. DEHNERT, Under Skertf. Published every Saturday at 4 o f cloch, Br W. SCHULZ & Cu.