Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://original-ufdc.uflib.ufl.edu/AA00093219/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Berbice gazette
- Uniform Title:
- Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
- Place of Publication:
- New Amsterdam
- Publisher:
- W. Schulz
- Publication Date:
- September 4, 1813
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Berbice
New Amsterdam (guyana) guyana
- Genre:
- newspaper ( sobekcm )
- General Note:
- Semiweekly
- General Note:
- Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
- General Note:
- The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
- General Note:
- In English, with occasional text in Dutch
- Funding:
- Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
This Rights Statement should be used for Items for which the organization that intends to make the Item available has determined are free of copyright under the laws of the United States. This Rights Statement should not be used for Orphan Works (which are assumed to be in-copyright) or for Items where the organization that intends to make the Item available has not undertaken an effort to ascertain the copyright status of the underlying Work.
URI: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
- Resource Identifier:
- 1380865228 ( OCLC )
Aggregation Information
- DLOC1:
- Digital Library of the Caribbean
- Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
- IUF:
- University of Florida
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Twelve dollars p.
BY His Excellency the Governor and the
Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice of the colony Berbice, Rivers,
; and Districts thereof &c. &c.
To all to whom these presents may come
| or concern; Be it known:
|| '•HAT it has pleased His Royal Highness the
|JL Prince Regent, in the name and on behalf
Os His Majesty, King George the Third, of the
HJnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King
jjDefender of the Faith, to appoint His Excellency
'John Murray, Esquire, a Major-General in his
â– Majesty's Annies, Lieutenant-Governor of the colo-
Imy Bernice, ami Vice-Admiral of the said colony —
jAnd His Excellency Lieutenant-Governor Murray,
Slaving this day received over the Civil Administra Administration
tion Administration of this colony and Presidency of the Courts,
â– from His Excellency Major Grant,and bring duly
â– installed in the Government of this colony and its
â– dependencies.
1 We have deemed it necessary to give official in-
Iformation thereof to the Inhabitants of Berbice, or ordering
dering ordering and commanding all and every one to regu regullate
llate regullate themselves accordingly, and to respect and ac acâ– knowledge
â– knowledge acâ– knowledge His aforesaid Excellency Major-General
I John Murray, as Lieutenant-Governor of this co collony.
llony. collony.
Thus done and published at the Court House of
â– the colony Berbice, this SOth day of August, 1813.
| Present, His Excellency Major-General John Mur-
â– ray, Lieutenant Governor, and the Rouble. Mem-
II bers L. C. Abbe/isds and George Munro.
Zfy command,
ft. C. DOWNER, Secy.
’ A
B Y lheHonorable Court of Policy and Cri Criminal
minal Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice and
its Dependencies, S>'C. fyc. &c.
Be it known:
WHEREAS the Committee
appointed tor the Gene General
ral General Super intendance of the Public Works of this
Town of New Amsterdam, have addressed them themselves
selves themselves unto us by Memorial, representing the neces necessity
sity necessity of establishing a fund by Annual Contribution,
from each and every Proprietor of Land, within the
said Town, in proportion to the quantity of Land pos possessed
sessed possessed by him, her, or them, for the purpose of im improving
proving improving the Public Dams, Roads, Bridges, and Drain Drainage,
age, Drainage, of the said Town, at present in a total state of
Neglect and Decay, as also for the future preserva preservation
tion preservation of the Town by maintaining and keeping up the
said Dams, Roads, Bridges, and Drainage, in con constant
stant constant order and repair, and further to defray both,
the charge of future necessary improvements, as well
as the expence of the establishment for the Town
Management. And the said Committee having sub submitted
mitted submitted unto us a Plan, on which, according to 'their
•pinion, this Contribution could be best carried into
effect; and praying that the Honourable Court would
be pleased to take the aforesaid proposal under con consideration,
sideration, consideration, and, if approved of, to Sanction the same,
or, to make such ameliorations as the Court should
judge most expedient.
We therefore, after having attentively examined
the plan submitted by the said Committee, and hav having
ing having maturely considered the proposal for an Assess Assessment,
ment, Assessment, have thought proper and*resulted fully to ap ap*
* ap* prove thereof.—Accordingly ordering and directing,
as we do Order and Direct by these presents:
That each and every Proprietor, or Proprietors,
•f a whole Lot or part of a Lot in the First ana Second
Empolders, of the Town New Amsterdam, shall an annually
nually annually Contribute, into the hands of the Committee,
«hosen by the Proprietors of the Town Lots, and ra ratified
tified ratified ana confirmed as a Committee by this Court,
and by them generally constituted for the Manage Management
ment Management of the Town, their Quota of contribution (con (conformable
formable (conformable to the repartition list here inserted, which
SATURDAY, the 4th of September.
we have approved of and affixed for the next coming
year) for the Lot or part of Lot which he, she, or
they possess, either by Contract of Purchase or Trans Transport,
port, Transport, and conformable to his, her or their return made
to the said Committee; for improving and keeping
up in constant Repair the Roads, Bridges, Drainage,
and Koker, of the said Empolders, and for other use useful
ful useful and necessary purposes.
I IstEmp. | Id Emp.
A whole Lot s 400- f 300
A half Lot fronting the Biver...,, 300 „220
A quart do. d 0....,, 200 „176
An eighth do. d 0....,, 176 >,132
A sixteenth do. d 0....,, 132 ~ 88——
A smaller pr-t do. d 0....,, 88 „ 44
A half Lot fronting the Cent. R.„ 200 r- „ 176
A quart do. d 0....,, 176 „ 132
An eighth do.. d 0....,, 132- „ 88
A sixteenth do. d 0....,, 88 „44
A smaller part do. d 0....,, 44 „ 22
A quart’ Lot front’ theßackd’..,, 132 „ 88
An eighth do. d 0....,, 88- ~ 44
A sixteenth do. d 0....,, 44— „ 22
A smaller part du. d 0....,, 32 ~ 12
The inner parts between front and
centre road :—whole breadth. .10st. p- ft. 8 st. p. ft
Idem halfs ditto 4 ditto
Idemquarter 2| ditto 2 ditto
idem between centre and back rood
whole breadth 8 ditto 6 ditto
Idem half. 4 ditto 3 ditto
Idem quarter 2 ditto if ditto
Cross paths considered included in the breadth.
To the amount of the respective proportions, to be ad addl'd
dl'd addl'd 10 pCt. for divided, and 5 pCt. for whole Lots, and
to be charged in every Account. The said pcrc. ntages
being allowed to the Secretary of the Committee, in con consideration
sideration consideration for his keeping the Bock.-., Accounts,
rendering Accounts in proper order.
And it is hereby further ordered and directed:—
That the payment of this Contribution .shall be made
previous to the last day of November, next ensuing,
and annually for the future, one half of the present
quota of contribution, which quota alter the account
specifying the same, shall have been one monlb pre-,
viously sent to the Proprietor or Representative of
the Lots and parts of Lots shall also be paid previous
to the latter end ol the month of November, and dial
in the hands of two of the Members of the aforesaid
Committee, who will attend for the purpose.of re receiving
ceiving receiving the said contributions at such tirneand place
as shall hereafter be made known by Advertisement
from the said Committee in the. Gazette of this colo colony,
ny, colony, and should payment not punctually be- made at
the afore specified period of the amount of Assess Assessment,
ment, Assessment, the same shall be recoverable by and on behalf
of the said Committee on the Land and further pro property
perty property aftbc defaulters, by Summary Execution.
And it is further ordered and directed, that each
Proprietor or Proprietors ol Land in the First or Se Second
cond Second Empolders of this'Town, who may have sold
or otherwise disposed of their Lots or parts of Lots
since the last Return made to the Committee, do
within fourteen days after the Publication of these
presents, and in future within the like space of time
after any subsequent Sales or Alienations of Lots or
parts of Lots, give in a Statement thereof in writing,
addressed to the Secretary of the Committee, speci specifically
fically specifically stating the admeasurement and boundaries of
lhe Land so sold or otherwise alienated, on pain to
those who shall be found deficient in making the said
return within the above limited time, of for setting
for the benefit of the Town Fund, the sum of f 5-40.
per diem for every day that â– shall elapse after the ex expiration
piration expiration of the aforesaid specified time, and be ne nevertheless
vertheless nevertheless bound to make the said Return, which fine
shall in like manner as the collection of the yearly
Assessment, be recovered from the Land and other
property of the proprietor remaining in default, (if
need) by Summary Execution.
And whereas the said Committee hath further re represented
presented represented to usThat notwithstanding their repeat repeated
ed repeated Advertisements, requiring Proprietors of Lots to
render in a statement to the Committee of the Land
they possess; yet, that a few persons appear to have
remained in default of rendering in such a statement,
and the owners of such Land being unknown; The
said Committee piayed that we should provide there therein.
in. therein. x ,
We have consequently thought proper to order
and direct, as we do by these presents:
That it shall be Lawful to the Committee, to sell,
at Public Sale, such Lotsor parts of Lots in the Town
of New Amsterdam, whereof no return appears to
have been made to the Committee, and whereof the
proprietor or proprietors remain unknown ; provided
that such Sale be previously advertised three times in
the Berbice and Demerary Gazettes, and that the pro proceeds
ceeds proceeds thereof remain deposited in the bands of the
Committee ad opus jus habentium.
And in order that no ignorance may be pretended,
these presents shall be Published, Printed, and Post Posted
ed Posted up as customary.
Thus enacted in our Assembly, held at the Court
House, in New Amsterdam, Berbice, this 6th day
of July, 1813, —Present, His Honor J. Grant, Esq
Acting Governor ; and the Hon’ble Members L. C.
Glasius, G. Munro, —deinptis, S. Fraser.
Aud published on the 16th August following, in
presence of His Honor J. Grant, Act. Governor.
J. GRANT> Act. Gov.
By command of the, Court.
B. C. DOWNER, Secy.
B Y lhe Honorable Court of Policy and Cri Criminal
minal Criminal Justice of lhe Colony Berbice and
Us Dependencies, fyc. &c. &>c.
Be it known: ,
WHEREAS the Committee,
appointed for the Gene General
ral General Sunerintendance of the Public Works of this
Town New Amsterdam, have addressed themselves
unto us by memorial representing. That an ancient
Ordinance of this Court, respecting the Strayiug on
the Public Roadsand Dams of Horses, Mules t Cattle
Sheep, Goats, and Hogs, is so little attended to, that
the same daily occurs to lhe great detriment and in injury
jury injury of the Roads of the said Town ; praying that
the Court would be pleased to provide therein.
We have therefore thought proper, to order and
direct, as we do by these presents :
That Fourteen days after the day of lhe date of
the Publication hereof, it shall be lawful for any
person, to take up all Horses, Mules, Asses, Cattle,
and Sheep, which at any time may be found stray straying
ing straying on the Public Roads or Dams of the Town of
New Amsterdam, and place them in custody of the
Town Manager, and that such Horses, Mules. Asses,
Cattle, and Sheep, shall be detained by the said Ma Manager,
nager, Manager, until the owner or owners shall have paid, af after
ter after the following rate, for their release, namely:
For a Horse, Mule, Ass, Bull,Steer, Ox, Cow, Calf,
or Heifer, each f 6.— Anil for Sheep, each f L—
Which said fine shall be Collected by the Manager,
and be divided ; namely :—One half to the person
who Arrests the Horse, Mule, Ass, Cattle, Sheep, or -
Aimimals so Straying, and the other half to the Town
Manager, who will be further entitled to a charge of
a guilder per day, for Food, should such Animal re remain
main remain in his custody longer than 12 hours; And
should the owner or owners of such Horse, Mule,
Ass, Bull, Steer, Ox, Cow, Calf, Heifer, or Sheep,
entirely omit to release the same from the custody of
the Manager, the same shall be sold at Public Vendue
(after having been three times Advertised in the Ber Berbice
bice Berbice News-paper), to defray the fine attendant their '
being taken in custody, Food and Advertisement, and
the surplus be paid over to the owner on his appli application.
cation. application.
. • That it shall further be lawful for any person with within
in within the Town of New Amsterdam, Fourteen days after
the Publication of these presents-, to Kill (but not with
fire arms), any Goat or Hog, found on his Premises,
or on the Public Roads, or Dams, of the Town New
Amsterdam ; And should an v Damage be done to any
Lots or parts of a Lot withing the said Town by
Horses, M ules, Asses, or other description of Cattle,
committing the said Damage, and the owner of such
Horse, Mule, Ass, or Cattle, refuse to pay the ex expence
pence expence of the Damage so Committed, after the same
shall have been fairly appraised, or to make good
such Damage as has been incurred ; It Shall be law lawful
ful lawful for the (’ominittk- to expose such Horse, Mule,
Ass, or other Ktnd of Cattle, at Public Vendue after
(No. 466.
[Payable in advance.
Vie same shall have been three times Notified in the
Berbice Gazette, and from the proceed of the Sale,
defray the expence of the reparation of the Damage
committed: And should after the payment of the
said expence any overplus remain, such overplus
shall be paid to the Proprietor of the Horse, Mule,
Ass, or Cattle, so sold.
And in order that no ignorance may be pretended,
these presents shall be Published, Printed, and posted
up as customary.
Thus enached in our Assembly, held at the Court
House in New Amsterdam, Berbice, this 6th day of
July, 1813.—-Present, His Honor, James Grant,
Esq. Acting Governor; and the Honorable Members
L. C. Abbensets, J. McCamon, P. Fairbairn,
A. J. Glasius, and G. Munro ; demptis, 8. Fra Fraser.
ser. Fraser.
And Published on the 16th August following, in
presence of His Honor J. Grant, Acting Governor.
By command of the Court of Policy.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
BY His Excellency the Governor, and
i‘ the Honorable Court of Policy and
Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice.
To all to whom these presents may or
shall come; Greeting! be it known :
w HER EaS we have taken under consideration,
that altbo’ the right of Summary Execution has been
granted by us to the Vendue Master, for the time
being, of the Colony Berbice, (for the recovery of
Debts contracted at Public Sale)* >*> order that the
Sellers of Goods .at Public Vendue, may meet with
no delay from the Vendue Office at the expiration of.
the credit stipulated by them. Yet that the object
oT th is authority so the Vendue Master granted for
the advantage of the Public, has been in many in instances
stances instances frustrated: several of our Inhabitants who
have sold goods at Public Sale, having sustained se serious
rious serious inconvenience in their payments being procras procrastinated
tinated procrastinated by the Vendue Master, beyond the limits
tion of the Credit engaged to be allowed by them.
We have therefore thought it expedient to make
further disposition on this head, by enacting and
granting, as we do hereby Enact and Grant, from
and after the day of the date of the Publication of
these presents, to the Sellers of Goods, at Public
Sale, within the Colony Berbice, the same Right of
Summary Execution, for the recovery of the amount
of the proceeds of such Sales at Vendue as has been
heretofore granted by us to the Vendue Master, for
the time being, against all Purchasers of Goods at
Public Vendue, with this reserve however:
That the enforcement of Payment by the Sellers,
against the Vendue Muster, shall only tiike place six
weeks after the expiration of the credit, stipulated
at the day of Sak\ and under which the goods are
sold, and d’ler payment of the net proceed •of the
goods so sold shall have been legally demanded from
the Vendue Master.
And should after the expiration of the credit un under
der under which goods are exposed by the Seller, as also
after the further allowance of six weeks for collec collection,
tion, collection, the Vendue Master still remain in default For Forty
ty Forty eight hours after a legal demand for payment shall
have been made ; the Seller in order to profit of this
present enactment in their favor may proceed to pre present
sent present a Petition to the Honorable Court of Civil Jus Justice,
tice, Justice, or by their non-sessions to His Excellency the
Governor as President of the said Court, in order to
effect a recovery of what is due him or them, by
. Summary Execution; and on his Excellency the
Governor, or the Hon. Court granting the Prayer of
the Petition, the Petitioner may proceed to the en enforcement
forcement enforcement of the fiat, thro’ the Deurwaarder, after
due Summation and Renovation.
And in order that no ignorance may be pretended,
these presents shall be published, printed and posted
up as customary.
Thus enacted in our Assembly, held at the Court
House, New Amsterdam, Berbice, this 15th day of
April, 1813.—Present, His Excellency R. Gordon,
Governor General, President; and the Honorable
’ Members L. C. Abbensets, J. McCamon, A. J.
Glasius, and G. Munro.
And published on the 16th August following,
Present, His Honor James Grant, Act. Governor.
J. GRANT, Act. Gov.
By command of the Court.
, R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
* NO i ICE.
THE resumed Sittings of the Court of Civil Jus Justice,
tice, Justice, is fixed for Monday the 20th Sept. 1813.
Court House, Berbice, 24th Aug.
■‘-_ r R. C. DOWNER, Sec
A goal house bo/—apply to thia office. 3 July.
Secretary’s Office.
IFonll geadvrteerd, ilaf. is to inform the Pu.
de volgendc personen voor-blit, that the follozving per.
nemcns zyn uit dezc Kolunie sons intend quitting »his Co.
te vertrekken. • \lony,
A. A. de la Court in 6 weeks from Aug. 14.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
IVO RDT hiermede bekend NOTICE is hereby given,
gemuukt, dat een maand na that a month after date the
data de volgende Transport following Transports and
ten en Hipotheeken ttullen Mortgages will be passed,
verleden warden.
Aug. 1. J. Zimmerman will transport to the free ne negro
gro negro woman May, 29 roods from the northern
half of Lot No. 19, New Amst. adjoining the
new centre road.
— Mrs. C. Klonck, widow and Relict of H. J.
Base, dec. will J ansport to John Beiesford,
n. u. a part ol the lot No. 1, first empolder in
New Amst. with the building thereon, adjoin adjoining
ing adjoining the new centre road.
———— A. Thornborrow will transport to Demerary
51 Negroes, names to be seen at this office.
. W* Munro ((’orentyn) will pass a mortgage
in favor of Campbells Fraser & Co. vested on
Pin. Dingwall, or half No. 40, Corentyn, cum
annex is.
Win Munro (Corentyn) will transport to
Taittand Hollingsworth, the half of Lot No.
40 Corentyn, known under the* name of Ep Epsom.—“-Taitt
som.—“-Taitt Epsom.—“-Taitt and Hollingsworth will pass a
mortgage on Pin. Epson, or the half of Lot
No. 40, (’orentyn, as also on 20 Negroes, in
favor of W. Nunro, (Corentyn).
Aug. 14. J. Quarles will transport to W. Kewley,
his part of lot No. 8, in New Amst. with the
building thereon, adjoining west to Mary-
Blair, and east to H. W. Hackmann.
Wm. Kewley will transport to Th. C. Jones
and John Quarles, the lot of land called Ta Tapin'sburgh,
pin'sburgh, Tapin'sburgh, situated in the East coast canal.
Who are topass a mortgage on said land,
with SO head of cattle ami their encrease, in
favor of said W. Kewley.
21 Aug. B. Lohman will transport to Peter Mathews
the south back quarter of lot No. 42, New
B. Lohman will transport to John Croft, 400
feet of land, from the north back quarter of
lot No. 42, Non Amst. adjoining the new cen centreroad.
treroad. centreroad.
Thomas Fraser will transport to Douglas
Reid Ac Co plantation Kingeley, situated on
the west sea coast of this colony, with Fifty
eight Slaves, and all its appurtenances.
Sept. 4, Widow P. Eggers will transport to J. Vogt
Lot No. 54, situate in the 2d empolder of tins
Lewis Cameron qq. E. S. Fraser, will pass a
mortgage on plantation lot 28, cum aimcxis,
in favor of James Fraser.
Thomas Fraser will transport to J. T. & A.
Douglas & Co. his plantation Kingelly, situ situated
ated situated on the West sea coast of Berbice, as also
the Slaves, and other appurtenances and de dependencies.
pendencies. dependencies.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
WHEREAS the following persons have addressed
themselves to the Hon. Court of Policy and Criminal
of the colony Berbice, at their Sessions of
the 26th July, 1813, for Letters of Afiwwmmfox.
Jm* mulatto woman Molly Hagar, assisted by A.
x. list her, for herself.
H. Luthers for the Sambo woman Massy.
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant
ot said Letters ot Manumission, that they may ad address
dress address themselves in writing to the undeisi
tary Secretary of the Colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions
ot the Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be
made on the aforesaid Petitions.
Berbiee, 27th July. R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
endue Office.
Public Vendues.
NOTICE The Sale of Cattle, advertised to take
R C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
On Wednesday 8 Sept, will be sold at the Vendue
office—beef and pork in tierces, barrels and I ditto
Madeira wine in whole and f hhds., gin and brandy
per 5 gallons, soap, candles, Irish linen, cotton and
AThJ checks ’ co i ton white jean, cotton &cos-
fee bagging, coffee bags, nails assorted, &c.
». G. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
Ou Thursday the Sth inst. will be sold at the VetM
Office, by order of P. Reynard, Esq,— Salt fish, i o 2| '
salt in barrels, Dutch salmon and butter, pickled aafil
(kibbeling) in kegs, sausages and rblpeiis in
old ruiu, port wine, cream of noyeau, stationary t-J
paint brushes, cloath do., buck razors, cards,
pets and straw hohuetts ready trimmed, Irish linen
tea in canisters, black woollen stockings, blue
salemporvs, checks, calicoes, thread, snuff in bottle!ulM
then water, 2 sets of piano strings, fiddle strings
books, glassware assorted, building limeJ&c. ’
< D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue
On Wednesday 15th Sept, by order of aTaJ
la Court, Esq. the whole of his household furtihW
an elegant blue table service for 24 persons, a IXS
and chaise, 2 sets of harness, saddles arul bridles M
On the same day, by order of the Curators dl
Estate of the late W. Thrclfall, dec.—The nrwg|
on lot No. 7, well known as the Vendue
some years, two water vats, &c.
By the Vendue Master in commission, dry gog®
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue. Mm®
On Thursday the 30th inst. will be sold at
Brighton, by order of the Hon. Simon Fraser, llnn-il®'
Furniture, viz, — A handsome side board, a do. claw ijflß
cd breakfast table, a dining tab e with D ends for
pie, chairs, sophas, card tables, bedsteads, a tarffiK
with drawers, chests of drawers With a Writing dak®
each, ladies* dressing tables, cloth screens,
rocks, (all solid mahogany . A handsome satinwJß
desk with drawers, metresses, bolsters,
carpet and oil cloths, a case of plate complete for 12|fl
pie, 2 sets tea services with tea and cotfee arus, 4
steak dishes, bottle slides, porter mugs, candlesticks
(all plated). £
On HeUmsday the 6th OctoLei nest, will be
the Vendue Office, by order of the Hon. George Msdßjjj
and and Robt. Douglas, Enpiires, Phi. SCOTI.AK®:
situate on the west bank of (he river Berbice,
of two lots of laud us 50; acres each, with 30 NqpdHl
fthe Acre ujimey warranted paid), th stenns willbeaMK
favorable to an approved punhaser, and winch tntyli
known by application to the Vendue office.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Mister.
'LI... . â– â– â– â– â– â– ! jp
Commissariat Os fa
Berbice, 26th Jtt(.
Require* forthe use ofthis Garrison, Ont tlttiwt
Bushels of goad Oats.— Tenders for the ( wliok i
part thereof, will be received at this Office until Wei
nesday the Sth September at 10 o’clock in the mtn
mg, when they will be o’M iicd, and the offer, errs
fees, most advantageous to Government if approved
will be accepted.
The Oats subject to survey, and payment madet
{Missing the Board.
JAMES B. BFHOT, D. Assist. Com. Go.
Berbice, 4th September. 1813.
CASH wanted for the following Bills of
drawn on the Right HouoraHe the Paymastcr-(»r»
ral of ills Majesty’s Forces, Load on, at SOdaji
sight, tit—-
One Bill of 200 Sterling,
1 hree do. —IOO each, and
One dolso— dolso—by
—by dolso—by the Commissary in Chief London.
For which Tenders in triplicate, marked “ Tn*
dersfor Bills,'' will be received at this Office ui»
I'uesday next, the 7th inst. at JO o’clock in J
morning, when they will be opened, and if approved,
De/A Assist, Com. Gen.
te Berbice Agricultural
The next Meeting of this Society will be held*
Monday the 13th instant, at Plantation Nurnetp
S. Fraser, J. Chalmers, G. Bagot
To be Sold by the Subscriber
BEST PERUVIAN BARK, in packages of
at /10 per lb.—immediate payment.
CHAiais KYTE. â–
New Amsterdam, Sept. 3, 1813.
TO be Sold on Monday the 13th inst. at
of Messrs. Douglas, Reid, Sr Co. Five bales of
ton, from 2-3ds. of No. 11 Corentine coast,
in cash on delivery ; Sealed Tenders for the .
will be opened on that day, and the highest one j
approved of, will be .coepfed. J
4 Sept. W.* KATZ,
HIS Excellency, Major-General Menn ay, has
*B been pleaded to appoint Richard Chapman, Esquire,
3 Government Secretary, and Mr Benjamin F. Tacit •
'CI wss, Assistant Government Secret ry of this colony.
King's House, iierl-icc, this 30lh Aug. 1813.
3 HIS Excellency has also been pleased tn appoint
'dS Thos. C. Finny, Esq. Acting Government Secreta Secreta.3
.3 Secreta.3 'OS Berhice.
3 King's Route, Ucrbicc, this 20th Aug. 1813.
ralß Bit command'.
c 3 / Assist. Got. Ser.
JLB IS hereby given: That all Demands' against the
3. B Civil Government, are requited to be given in to the
jn gß Civil Commissary, by the 25th inst. Any that are
fnf ß neglected to be rendered by that period, will not be
bpß attended to afterwards.
, Z?V Command.
B. F. TUCKNISS, A. Got. Sec.
BOOKS and LOOSE PAPERS bound to anv pat-
Tt*l tw °’ Books and Records *Fc«bound, &c. &c.
Apply at this Printing Office.—Sp/, 4,
' ■NOTICE. ’
The Undersigned keeps his Office at the House of
JdftN WolfF, Esq. where those indebted to him in
his late capacity as Acting Vendue-Master, are rc rc_ssi«
_ssi« rc_ssi« 3®ested to come forward with payment.
Berbice, 3d Sept, 18 3. G. BONE,
nl TH E undersigned is wishful of disposing of the
4)1 ’•^ ,e £ ro woman FranZ'//, now absent 1.5 months.—Any
'll I Person therefore willing to purchase her, will apply
Id tfl â„¢ rs * za Bennett, of this colony ; or, in George
Town, Demerary, to
T, I k the Subscriber, aNe gro man named Pitt, I
"•ftl'l ♦ Was Pin. Roxbro’hall, from where he has
I let off, and has since passed the Canje Ferry. Any
PE 1* f r8 °® who will apprehend said Negro, and lodge
I * ,m J n thy barracks, or send him to the subscriber,
-—*'l ® n plantation Mara, will be handsomely rewarded.
pBIFTED from the water side of the Subscriber,
* nn t> about27 feet long by 10 broad, with a flat
jOrn and square ends. Also Strayed or Stolen,
,r ° m Plantabon Seawell, a large, black Ox with
ffeij ®P rea o>ng horns. Any person giving such informa-
I > ? ~a ttb ey maybe recovered, will be rewarded,
f, aß»| , ®*’ reasonable expences paid.
lt on. I 14 Aug. Wilson taylor.
WHEREAS nb statements have been sent into
the said Committee of the following lands in the
town of New tlie proprietors whereof
are unknown, u«3.— ' .
Lot No. 22—14 feet of the northern back quarter,
fronting centre road 1
Do. do. 22— 9 roods between the land of I. Bader
and T. F. Matthews.
Do. do. 22—1-16th lot of the southern back I.4th,
fronting the back dam.
Do. do. 35—back half.
Do. do. 37—northern back I.4th and southern half
from front to back.
Do. do. 37—northern back I.4th and southern half
from front to back.
Do. do. 41—15 roods of the northern back I.4th, be.
tween Cath. Hall and The. Tappin.
Do. do. 43 —the whole lot.
Do. do. 44—the northern back I.4th.
Do. do. 45—the northern half from front to back.
Notice is hereby given, to all whom it may con concern,
cern, concern, that conformable to the Publication of the Ho Honorable
norable Honorable Court of Policy, bearing date 16th of August
last past, the said several pieces of land, or such as
of which no returns are at that time given in, will be
exposed and sold at public sale immediately ufter
this advertisement shall have appeared three times
in the Berbice and Denierary Gazettes.
By command of the Committee,
New Amsterdam, ( J)th Aug 1813.
At a Meeting of the Court of Policy, convened for
that purpose, on Monday last, His Excellency Ma Major-General
jor-General Major-General Murray received over the Civil Ad Administration
ministration Administration of the colony Berbice from Major
Grant, and uas sworn in Lieutenant-Governor.
We received th:s day, at a late hour, Barbados
papers to the 24th ult. which contain dispatches
from Marquis (now Field Marshal) Wellington
to Earl Bathurst, announcing the
Total Defeat of the French Army,
on the 21st of June, at Vittoria, with the loss 151
pieces of cannon, 415 waggons of ammunition, all
their baggage, provisions, cattle, treasure, &c. and
a considerub e number of prisoners. The loss of
the Allies consists of 1 Lieut.-Coloned, 10 Captains,
14 Lieutenants, 7 Ensigns, 1 Staff, 19 Serjeants, 5
Drummers, 683 Rank and File, 93 Horses, killed— killed-2
-2 killed-2 General Staff, 9 Lieut.-Colonels, 9 Majors, 59
Captains, 103 Lieutenants, 41 Ensigns, 7 Staff, 158
Serjeants, 14 Drummers, 3768 Rank and File, 68
Horses, wounded.
The wreck of the vanquished army fled by the
roail ot Roncevalles into France, pursued by our
light troops.
For want of time we are unable to enter into any
further particulars this day, but shall publish thb
dispatches in a Supplement on Wednesday next.
Further Particulars of the capture of the Chesapeake,
by the Shannon frigate.
.The Shannon*’is laying to under topsails, top.gallant
sails, jib, and spanker, with just steerage way, availing the
approach of the Chesapeake, arid leaving it in her power to
commence the engagement as she pleased—either at a dis distance
tance distance or close—either on the starboard or larboard side.
She came down in a very gallant style on the Shannon’s
weather quarter till within half pistol-shot. The Shannon’s
men having orders to fire as they could bring their guns to
bear, commenced by firing first their after guns on the main
deck, and then their foremast carronade on the quarter
deck, just as the Chesapeake’s bows were upon their quar.
ter; these two guns were distinctly heard before the Che.
sapeake returned her fire, which then became furious on
both sides; but the superiority of the Shannon’s was so
great, that at her second broadside nearly all the men were
swept from the upper deck of the Chesapeake. About this
time the ships came in contact, and the Chesapeake having
shot rather a head, was caught by one of the Shannon’s
anchors, and lay obliquely athwart her starboard bow,
exposed to a most tremendous fire from the Shannon’s after
guns ; which, battering her lee quarter and entering her
port-holes from the»ce towards the main-mast, strewed
het main-deck with killed and wounded. A small open
cask of musket cartridges, in an open (best abaft the mi.
zemhast of the Chesapeake, now caught fire and blew up.
When the smoke it occasioned had blown away, Capt.
Broke saw the favourable moment, and instantly, with
a few men, not exceeding 20, boarded her about the m zea
rigging, from her starboard bow. Not a man was less
standing on the Chesapeake’s quarter-deck when she wat
boarded, about twenty made a slight resistance on her
gang-way, who were instantly driven before the foremast,
and being there obliged to stand, fought desperately, but
were quickly overpowered. A few endeavoured to get
down the fore hatchway, but in their eagerness prevented
each other—some jumped over, and one or two of them
escaped by getting in again at the main-deck ports, Capt.
Broke and his first boarding party were almost immediately
followed by thirty or forty marines, who secured posses possession
sion possession of the Chesapeak’s quarter-deck, dislodged the med
from the main and fore top, who were tiring down on the
boarders, and kept down alt who attempted to come up
from the main deck. Being thus completely captured,
Mr. Watt, the ist. Lieutenant, ran after, and seizing the
British colours from a sailor who brought them from the
Shannon, bent them, and was in the act of hoisting them
above the American, when he was struck in the forehead
by a grape-shot and killed in the very moment of victory.
He was shot by one of the Shannon’s maindeck guns— gunsthe
the gunsthe commanding officers of whom did not know that the
contest was already decided. Just at the close of the ac action,
tion, action, as Capt. Broke was earnestly calling on his men to
desist and give the enemy quarter, one cf them gave him
a severe wound on the head ; the man who did it was in.
stantly killed;—the Capt. did not fall, but staggered back
aid sat down on a coil of rope, when one of the Chesa Chesapeake’s
peake’s Chesapeake’s midshipmen, who had been in the fore-top, slid
down a rope and alighted close to him : the ppor fellow
was sated from the fury of the boarders by the, Capt. who’
brought him with him back to the quarter deck. Capt.
Broke faint from exertion, pain and loss of blood, was
then brought on board the Shannon.—Capt. Lawrence
received his mortal wound from one of the Shannon’s top topmeo,
meo, topmeo, and had been carried, below before the hoarding com commenced.
menced. commenced.
The Shannon suffered on most of the fore part of the
main Seek and forecastle, and her greatest loss' of men were
on those parts. The Chesapeake was terribly battered
on her larboard bow and quarter; amidships there are not
many marks of shot, which must have entered her port
holes, as the whole of her main-deck was strewed with
dead and wounded.
Thus ended, in thirteen minutes from the firing of the
first gun, one of the fairest, shortest, severest, and most
decisive actions that ever was fought between two ships of
equal fo.*ce.
Shannon's Guns:
Main. Deck— 2B long 18-pouuders.
Quarter-Deck — Twelve 32 pound carronades, one 12
pound ditto, two long 9-pounders, one brass 6-poua*
J ore-castle— h our 32-pound carronades, two long 9
Total number of guns, 50—Weight of metal. 10701 b.
Chesapeak's Guns.
Main-Deck~<2.B long 18-pounders.
Quarter-Deck— Sixteen 32-pound carronades.
I ore-castle— Four 32 pound ditto, one long l<4-poun.
Total number of guns 49—Weight of metal 11621 b.
, I be Shannon we find mounted one gup more than the
Chesapeake, yet the Chesapeake was superior in weight of
metal by 921 b. She victualled 389 men, who were all bu>
one on the mustcr-roil; and more were said to have join joined
ed joined her. from the Constitution the morning of the action,
but this assertion has not been proved by any evidence
that could be obtained. The Shannon victualled 335 men,
20 of whom were taken info the ship the day before from
a vessel from Ireland bound to Newfoundland.
Killed and wounded on board the Shannon ;
Killed in theaction, 26—Wounded severely and receiv.
ed in the Hospital, 37.—Several others wounded
Killed and wounded on board the Chesapeake.
. Killed in the action, 64.—Wounded severely and re received
ceived received in the Hospital, 71. —Prisoners, of whom 20
were wounded slightly, 250.—Received into the Hos.
pital, sick, 4 —making her original number 389.
These accounts are taken from the Navy Hospital
Books, and th â– Books < f the Agent for Prisoners of War.
“J’ j irf . ue of Appointment, given byTheCourt
Civil Justice, under date of 28th April 1813, granted
upon a petition of Charles Mclntosh, in capacity as
appointed Executor to the last Will and Testament
of Donald (dmeron, dec.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of both Courts
of tins colony, and at the request of aforesaid Chs
Mclntosh, in his capacity aforesaid.
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown Creditors against the be beforementioned
forementioned beforementioned estate of Donald Cameron, dec to an anpear
pear anpear before the Hon. Court of Civil of this
colony, at their session which will be held in the
month ot July 1814, (say One thousand eight hun hundred
dred hundred and fourteen), (hereto deliver in their claims
to verify the same, and further to proceed acS
Pa ‘" ° f b * i " S for cvcr
This summons by edict is published by beat
drum, as customary. Berbice, 2d July Ift I‘i *
k. franckeA,
Marshals Office.
tS hereby given to the Public, that the Execution
Sale of Plantation Hogstye, which was appointed
to take place this day, is postponed until the 29th
inst. on account of the Demerary Newspapers in
which the Advertisement of said Sale was inserted,
not having arrived in due time within this colony.
Berbice, 2d September, 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, Is/ Expl.
Second Proclamation.
WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority ob obtained
tained obtained from His Excellency R. Gordon, Governor
General of the colony Berbice, and its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, &c. &c. &c.
Upon a Petition of Hm. Gordon, as togetherwith
Evan Fraser and Angus Fraser, the Surviving At Attornies,
tornies, Attornies, jointly and severally, for Donald McLeod,
of Geahies, in the county of Ross, North Britain,
versus, James Craufurd, Me Lead, and John Be Bethune,
thune, Bethune, under date of 17th April 1813, has on the
29th April and 16th Aug. 1813, taken in Execution
and put under Sequestration, the Cotton Estate
situate on the Corentyn coast of this colony, with all
its Slaves, Buildings, Cultivation, &c.—As also the
Lower half of Lot No. 80, Core ntine river, the pro property
perty property of abovenamed J. Craufurd, McLeod, and J.
Bethune, al o 'which properties an Inventory is to
be seen at the Marshal’s Office.
• Be it therefore known, that 1 the undersigned in intend
tend intend to Sell, after the expiration of One year and Six
week, from the 16th August, 1813, the abovenamed
cotton Estate Geanies, and the Lower half of Lot
No. 80, earn annexis.
W hoever should think to have any right, action
or interest on the abovementioned Estates,, and wish wishes
es wishes to oppose the Sale thereof, let such person address
themselves to the Marshal’s office, declaring their
reason tor such opposition in due time and form, as
I hereby give notice that 1 will receive opposition
from every one I hereunto qualified, appoint them a
day to have his or her claims heard bi tore the Court,
and further act thereon according to Law.
This 2nd Proclamation made known to the public
by beat of drum as customary. Berbice 29 Aug. 1813.
K. FRA Nt 'KEN, First Marshal.
~—, . ■.
Second Proclamation.
BY virtue of a W rit of Execution, granted
by Ilis Excellency James Grant, Acting Governor
of the Colony Berb ce and‘its Dependencies, &c.
&c. &c.
Upon a petition presented by J. J. ran dtr Stoop,
under date of 22d July 1813, versus, F. A. Rodni Rodnibroek
broek Rodnibroek for self and for ./. ( . Sihollcvangcr.
I the undersigned, Marshal of both the Honorable
Courts of this Colony, shall expose and sell, at pu public
blic public Execution sale, in presence of two Counceliors
Commissaries and their Secretary, on Wednesday
the 8 h September, 1813, al the Court House of this
colony, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day;
A Negro man, being a house servant, named Joe,
the property if F. A. Rodenbroek.
Whoever should think to have any right, interest
or claim, on the abovementioned Negro man «loe
wishes to op|>ose the sub' thereof, let such person ad address
dress address himself to me the Marshal, declaring bis reason
for such opposition, in due time and form, as I here hereby
by hereby give notice, that 1 will receive opposition from
every one thereunto qualified, appoint them a day
to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and
further to proceed according to law in such case.
This 2nd proclamation published by beat oid rum
as customary. , Berbice, 22 Aug. 1813.
K FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Third Proclamation.
BY virtue of a,Writ of Execution, granted for a
second Levy, by His Honor James Crant, Acting
Governor of the colony Berbice, and its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, ’ &c. &c. &c. r
Upon a Petition presented by E. $. Bannister
under date of22d July 1813, versus, Jf. Be/mez!
and Larose.
1 the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable
Courts of this colony, shall expose and Sell at
public Execution Sale, in presence of two Counsel Counsellors
lors Counsellors Commissaries and their Secretary, on Wedne.
dav the 16th Sept. 1813, at the Court House of thh
colony, at 11 o clock in the forenoon of that day.
Part of Land of lot No. 7, with all the buildings
thereon, say a dwelling House and other requi requisAeout-bmldmgs,
sAeout-bmldmgs, requisAeout-bmldmgs, G'e property of the free La-
Whoever should think to have any right, interest
or claim on the aforesaid Laud and Buildings, S
wishes to oppose the sale thereof, taksnch person or
persons address himself tome the fi* Marshal, de declaring
claring declaring his reason for such opposition, in due time
and form, as 1 hereby give notice, that I will receive
opposition from every one, thereunto qualified, ap appoint
point appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard be before
fore before the Court, and further act therein according to
style and law.
This 3rd proclamation published by beat of drum
according to custom. Berbice, 29 Aug. 1813.
K. Francken, First Marshal.
Fourth Proclamation.
BY virtue of a Writ of Execution, granted by
His Excellency J. Murray, Brigadier General,
and Acting Governor of the colony Berbice and it’s
Dependencies, &c. &c. &c.
Upon a petition of J no. Douglas and Gilbert Ro Robertson,
bertson, Robertson, Executors to the last Will and Testament
of Jos. Cliff, dec.—versus, Peter Fairbairn, the At Attorney
torney Attorney for Jas. Maxwell, of the Island Barbados.
Be it thereibre'known, that I the undersigned have
caused to be taken in Execution, at the instance of
said J. Douglas and G. Robertson, in their aforesaid
capacity, the Cotton Estate
situate on the West sea coast of this colony, the pro property
perty property of the Estate of Jas. Max well, dec. with all its
cultivation, buildings, slaves, &c. conformable to an
Inventory formed thereof, and lying at the Marshal’s
Office for the inspection of those whom it may con concern.
cern. concern.
Which said cotton Estate Britannia, cum annexis,
I the undersigned intend to sell, alter the expira expiration
tion expiration of one year and six weeks f.om the 6th August,
1813, conformable to the Regulations of the Court
ot Civil Justice of this colony, dated Ist January,
1810, respecting the Sale of Estates by Execution
in this colony, in order to recover from the pro proceeds
ceeds proceeds of said sale such sum of money as wherefore
the said plantation Britannia, has been taken in. Exe Execution,
cution, Execution,
This 4th Proclamation published by beat of drum
as customary. Berbice, 29 Aug. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Fourth Proiiamution
BY virtue ofa W rit ot Execution, granted by Hi.
Excellency John Murray, Brigadier Gcrirt:d,and j
Acting Governor in and over the colony of Ecrbice
and its dependencies, Vice Admiral, and President
in all Courts and Colleges within the same,
&c. &c. &c.
Upon a Petition of John Lay field qq. Jo/w Dod Dodson
son Dodson cy Co. ot Lancaster, versus, Gto/ge Aiunio, un under
der under date O' 26th January, 1813.
Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned have
caused to be taken in Execution, at the instance ot
said J. Lay field qq. J. Dodson & Co. ot Lancaster,
The Cotton Estate No. 21.
situate on the Corent ine coast, the of said
G. Munro, with all its Cultivation, Buildings, Mavis
and further Appurtenances, and Dependencies there thereto
to thereto belonging, and specified m the inventory thereof,
lying at the Marshal’s Office for the inspection of
those whom' it may concern.
Which said Cotton Estate No. 21, cum annexis,
1 the undersigned intend to Sell, alter the expira expiration
tion expiration of one year ; nd six weeks, from the 2d August,
1813, conformable to the Regulations ot the Court
of Civil Justice, dated Ist January 1810, respecting
the Sale ot Estates by Execution in this colony, in
order to recover f rom the proceeds of said sale,‘such
sum of money as wherefore the said Estate No. 21
have been taken in Execution.
Ihis 4th Proclamation published by beat of drum
according to custom. Berbice, 29 Aug. 1813.
K- hIIANCKEN, First Marshal.
Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of an appointment granted by the Hon Honorable
orable Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under
date ol 28th Aug. 1812,' upon a petition presented
by llm. Jnnes, incapacity as Curator over the Es Estate
tate Estate of John Don aids on , dec.
I the undersigned First Marshal of both the Hon.
Courts of this colony, and at the request of aforesaid
Wm. Innes, in capacity, aforesaid,
.. Summon by Edict:
All knowft an d unknown claimants against the Estate
°1 ’J?. 11 ?. Donaldson, dec. to appear before the Court
u 11 1 . v “. Ju8tlC(? of tJ »is colony, at their session, to be
held in the month of October, 1813, say Eighteen
md thirteen, then to give in their claims
to Law estate> and further to proceed according
This summons by edict made known to the Public
i c dr . um > from the Court house of this colony,
and further dealt with conformable to custom.
Berbice, 2d July, 1813.
K- Franckkn, First Marshal.
H I t ll '- i‘ :
& . R kh ’' : t
S&, WSI r n <
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, iWf f : ’ ’f£ "■‘pi■■■n.-
e Ibu ;
Eue'oL, ; .-. r
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I \ .. fr B .’ ! !
1 ‘ [tors '•! *
S ..... . r c â–
i â– o,: ' ! '
â– i-' . ./ r>
* Aw Notts
r '
W ii'..
I Bestick-. v
I â–
t hsMn i rk
Jacob Carol. r ’
Rawlins, Mrs.) Ricketts, Sam. Esq.) Rpynoldj,Mf.
M .) Roberts, Mr. John.) Rose, Mr. W. Inverness.
rßimruer, Oliver.
Sheppard, The. Esq.) Sn*wart, Mr. Allan.) Star,
Mr. Alex.) Shanks, Mr. Jam.) Sander, J. P. Esq )
Snanks, E. Esq.) Stewart, Mr. Jam.) Shutter, Mr
Campbell.) Sowcrby, Mr. John) Smith, Mrs. M.F.
(Schwartz, Mr. G.
Tuit, Jas. Capt.) Thompson, Rbt.) Taitt, H. EsqJ
Watt, Alex. Esq.) Wade, Thps. Esq.) Wade,ft
Esq.) Wade, Isaac Esq.) W hite, Mr. Geo ) Wik
ker, Dr. Geo.
Young, Mr. William..
Post-Office, 91st Aug. ISIS
Wm. SCOTT, Pep. Poster. (fe
AT sea, iu front of this estate, a Punt, 18 fed h
length ami 4| feet beam. The owner may have I.
restored by paying the expence of this advertise*
ment ami rewarding the Negroes who picked it up.
No. 19, west coast, 21 Aug.
— j — _— — ~., i
TH E undersigned in his capacity as qq. the Ex*
ecutrix of the laje C. Stuveng, requests ail those in indebted
debted indebted to him, either by note of hand, opcnaccoiwb
or otherwise, to come forward with immediate W*
ment.—2l Aug; G. BON&
BY a Gentleman living in the country, a go*
House Boy, of about 14 years of age, for which *
liberal price (cash) will be given—apply to „„
21 Aug. ° G. BONt
— - <■» in —. -..i.y -M-aaM-.. — -■. . ■mi i..- -i .. -i~i~
Prescnteerd tilt de hand tc Koop, tot civile pry*®*
voorkassa of produkten, zyn Lol No. 26enzy i, P 4n
in No. 8, met gebouwen, in cen ofgedeeltens.
plete boerewyr ramen, en geschaan vierkant boeK’
wy Hout en plankcn in soorten. Diverse winkd**’
ren als yzer, tin, kopcr, blik, aarde, linnen, woU®>
en katoen-waren, oude rum in puncheons, water’™
ten, Fransche waterpotten, en huishoudings
FORSALE—At this Office—Blank Bills
change, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of
lon J/‘ _
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, I'*'
By W. SCHULZ ft Co.
Full Text |
813.) THE BERBICE 1 GAZETTE. Twelve dollars p. PROLAMATION. BY His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of the colony Berbice, Rivers, ; and Districts thereof &c. &c. To all to whom these presents may come | or concern; Be it known: || '•HAT it has pleased His Royal Highness the |JL Prince Regent, in the name and on behalf Os His Majesty, King George the Third, of the HJnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King jjDefender of the Faith, to appoint His Excellency 'John Murray, Esquire, a Major-General in his ¦Majesty's Annies, Lieutenant-Governor of the coloImy Bernice, ami Vice-Admiral of the said colony — jAnd His Excellency Lieutenant-Governor Murray, Slaving this day received over the Civil Administration of this colony and Presidency of the Courts, ¦from His Excellency Major Grant,and bring duly ¦installed in the Government of this colony and its ¦dependencies. 1 We have deemed it necessary to give official inIformation thereof to the Inhabitants of Berbice, ordering and commanding all and every one to regullate themselves accordingly, and to respect and ac¦knowledge His aforesaid Excellency Major-General I John Murray, as Lieutenant-Governor of this collony. Thus done and published at the Court House of ¦ the colony Berbice, this SOth day of August, 1813. | Present, His Excellency Major-General John Mur¦ ray, Lieutenant Governor, and the Rouble. MemII bers L. C. Abbe/isds and George Munro. JOHN MURRY. Zfy command, ft. C. DOWNER, Secy. GOD SAVE THE KING. ’ A B Y lheHonorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice and its Dependencies, S>'C. fyc. &c. Be it known: WHEREAS the Committee appointed tor the General Super intendance of the Public Works of this Town of New Amsterdam, have addressed themselves unto us by Memorial, representing the necessity of establishing a fund by Annual Contribution, from each and every Proprietor of Land, within the said Town, in proportion to the quantity of Land possessed by him, her, or them, for the purpose of improving the Public Dams, Roads, Bridges, and Drainage, of the said Town, at present in a total state of Neglect and Decay, as also for the future preservation of the Town by maintaining and keeping up the said Dams, Roads, Bridges, and Drainage, in constant order and repair, and further to defray both, the charge of future necessary improvements, as well as the expence of the establishment for the Town Management. And the said Committee having submitted unto us a Plan, on which, according to 'their •pinion, this Contribution could be best carried into effect; and praying that the Honourable Court would be pleased to take the aforesaid proposal under consideration, and, if approved of, to Sanction the same, or, to make such ameliorations as the Court should judge most expedient. We therefore, after having attentively examined the plan submitted by the said Committee, and having maturely considered the proposal for an Assessment, have thought proper and*resulted fully to ap* prove thereof.—Accordingly ordering and directing, as we do Order and Direct by these presents: That each and every Proprietor, or Proprietors, •f a whole Lot or part of a Lot in the First ana Second Empolders, of the Town New Amsterdam, shall annually Contribute, into the hands of the Committee, «hosen by the Proprietors of the Town Lots, and ratified ana confirmed as a Committee by this Court, and by them generally constituted for the Management of the Town, their Quota of contribution (conformable to the repartition list here inserted, which SATURDAY, the 4th of September. we have approved of and affixed for the next coming year) for the Lot or part of Lot which he, she, or they possess, either by Contract of Purchase or Transport, and conformable to his, her or their return made to the said Committee; for improving and keeping up in constant Repair the Roads, Bridges, Drainage, and Koker, of the said Empolders, and for other useful and necessary purposes. I IstEmp. | Id Emp. A whole Lot s 400f 300 A half Lot fronting the Biver...,, 300 „220 A quart do. d 0....,, 200 „176 An eighth do. d 0....,, 176 >,132 A sixteenth do. d 0....,, 132 ~ 88—— A smaller pr-t do. d 0....,, 88 „ 44 A half Lot fronting the Cent. R.„ 200 r„ 176 A quart do. d 0....,, 176 „ 132 An eighth do.. d 0....,, 132„ 88 A sixteenth do. d 0....,, 88 „44 A smaller part do. d 0....,, 44 „ 22 A quart’ Lot front’ theßackd’..,, 132 „ 88 An eighth do. d 0....,, 88~ 44 A sixteenth do. d 0....,, 44— „ 22 A smaller part du. d 0....,, 32 ~ 12 The inner parts between front and centre road :—whole breadth. .10st. pft. 8 st. p. ft Idem halfs ditto 4 ditto Idemquarter 2| ditto 2 ditto idem between centre and back rood whole breadth 8 ditto 6 ditto Idem half. 4 ditto 3 ditto Idem quarter 2 ditto if ditto Cross paths considered included in the breadth. To the amount of the respective proportions, to be addl'd 10 pCt. for divided, and 5 pCt. for whole Lots, and to be charged in every Account. The said pcrc. ntages being allowed to the Secretary of the Committee, in consideration for his keeping the Bock.-., Accounts, Act. Gov. By command of the, Court. B. C. DOWNER, Secy. A PROCLAMATION. B Y lhe Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of lhe Colony Berbice and Us Dependencies, fyc. &c. &>c. Be it known: , WHEREAS the Committee, appointed for the General Sunerintendance of the Public Works of this Town New Amsterdam, have addressed themselves unto us by memorial representing. That an ancient Ordinance of this Court, respecting the Strayiug on the Public Roadsand Dams of Horses, Mules t Cattle Sheep, Goats, and Hogs, is so little attended to, that the same daily occurs to lhe great detriment and injury of the Roads of the said Town ; praying that the Court would be pleased to provide therein. We have therefore thought proper, to order and direct, as we do by these presents : That Fourteen days after the day of lhe date of the Publication hereof, it shall be lawful for any person, to take up all Horses, Mules, Asses, Cattle, and Sheep, which at any time may be found straying on the Public Roads or Dams of the Town of New Amsterdam, and place them in custody of the Town Manager, and that such Horses, Mules. Asses, Cattle, and Sheep, shall be detained by the said Manager, until the owner or owners shall have paid, after the following rate, for their release, namely: For a Horse, Mule, Ass, Bull,Steer, Ox, Cow, Calf, or Heifer, each f 6.— Anil for Sheep, each f L— Which said fine shall be Collected by the Manager, and be divided ; namely :—One half to the person who Arrests the Horse, Mule, Ass, Cattle, Sheep, or Aimimals so Straying, and the other half to the Town Manager, who will be further entitled to a charge of a guilder per day, for Food, should such Animal remain in his custody longer than 12 hours; And should the owner or owners of such Horse, Mule, Ass, Bull, Steer, Ox, Cow, Calf, Heifer, or Sheep, entirely omit to release the same from the custody of the Manager, the same shall be sold at Public Vendue (after having been three times Advertised in the Berbice News-paper), to defray the fine attendant their ' being taken in custody, Food and Advertisement, and the surplus be paid over to the owner on his application. . • That it shall further be lawful for any person within the Town of New Amsterdam, Fourteen days after the Publication of these presents-, to Kill (but not with fire arms), any Goat or Hog, found on his Premises, or on the Public Roads, or Dams, of the Town New Amsterdam ; And should an v Damage be done to any Lots or parts of a Lot withing the said Town by Horses, M ules, Asses, or other description of Cattle, committing the said Damage, and the owner of such Horse, Mule, Ass, or Cattle, refuse to pay the expence of the Damage so Committed, after the same shall have been fairly appraised, or to make good such Damage as has been incurred ; It Shall be lawful for the (’ominittkto expose such Horse, Mule, Ass, or other Ktnd of Cattle, at Public Vendue after
Vie same shall have been three times Notified in the Berbice Gazette, and from the proceed of the Sale, defray the expence of the reparation of the Damage committed: And should after the payment of the said expence any overplus remain, such overplus shall be paid to the Proprietor of the Horse, Mule, Ass, or Cattle, so sold. And in order that no ignorance may be pretended, these presents shall be Published, Printed, and posted up as customary. Thus enached in our Assembly, held at the Court House in New Amsterdam, Berbice, this 6th day of July, 1813.—-Present, His Honor, James Grant, Esq. Acting Governor; and the Honorable Members L. C. Abbensets, J. McCamon, P. Fairbairn, A. J. Glasius, and G. Munro ; demptis, 8. Fraser. And Published on the 16th August following, in presence of His Honor J. Grant, Acting Governor. JAMES GRANT, Act. Gov. By command of the Court of Policy. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. A PROCLAMATION BY His Excellency the Governor, and i‘ the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice. To all to whom these presents may or shall come; Greeting! be it known : w HER EaS we have taken under consideration, that altbo’ the right of Summary Execution has been granted by us to the Vendue Master, for the time being, of the Colony Berbice, (for the recovery of Debts contracted at Public Sale)* >*> order that the Sellers of Goods .at Public Vendue, may meet with no delay from the Vendue Office at the expiration of. the credit stipulated by them. Yet that the object oT th is authority so the Vendue Master granted for the advantage of the Public, has been in many instances frustrated: several of our Inhabitants who have sold goods at Public Sale, having sustained serious inconvenience in their payments being procrastinated by the Vendue Master, beyond the limits tion of the Credit engaged to be allowed by them. We have therefore thought it expedient to make further disposition on this head, by enacting and granting, as we do hereby Enact and Grant, from and after the day of the date of the Publication of these presents, to the Sellers of Goods, at Public Sale, within the Colony Berbice, the same Right of Summary Execution, for the recovery of the amount of the proceeds of such Sales at Vendue as has been heretofore granted by us to the Vendue Master, for the time being, against all Purchasers of Goods at Public Vendue, with this reserve however: That the enforcement of Payment by the Sellers, against the Vendue Muster, shall only tiike place six weeks after the expiration of the credit, stipulated at the day of Sak\ and under which the goods are sold, and d’ler payment of the net proceed •of the goods so sold shall have been legally demanded from the Vendue Master. And should after the expiration of the credit under which goods are exposed by the Seller, as also after the further allowance of six weeks for collection, the Vendue Master still remain in default Forty eight hours after a legal demand for payment shall have been made ; the Seller in order to profit of this present enactment in their favor may proceed to present a Petition to the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, or by their non-sessions to His Excellency the Governor as President of the said Court, in order to effect a recovery of what is due him or them, by . Summary Execution; and on his Excellency the Governor, or the Hon. Court granting the Prayer of the Petition, the Petitioner may proceed to the enforcement of the fiat, thro’ the Deurwaarder, after due Summation and Renovation. And in order that no ignorance may be pretended, these presents shall be published, printed and posted up as customary. Thus enacted in our Assembly, held at the Court House, New Amsterdam, Berbice, this 15th day of April, 1813.—Present, His Excellency R. Gordon, Governor General, President; and the Honorable ’ Members L. C. Abbensets, J. McCamon, A. J. Glasius, and G. Munro. And published on the 16th August following, Present, His Honor James Grant, Act. Governor. J. GRANT, Act. Gov. By command of the Court. , R. C. DOWNER, Sec. * NO i ICE. THE resumed Sittings of the Court of Civil Justice, is fixed for Monday the 20th Sept. 1813. Court House, Berbice, 24th Aug. ¦‘-_ r R. C. DOWNER, Sec WANTED. A goal house bo/—apply to thia office. 3 July. Secretary’s Office. IFonll geadvrteerd, ilaf. is to inform the Pu. de volgendc personen voor-blit, that the follozving per. nemcns zyn uit dezc Kolunie sons intend quitting »his Co. te vertrekken. • \lony, A. A. de la Court in 6 weeks from Aug. 14. R. C. DOWNER, Secy. IVO RDT hiermede bekend NOTICE is hereby given, gemuukt, dat een maand na that a month after date the data de volgende Transport following Transports and ten en Hipotheeken ttullen Mortgages will be passed, verleden warden. Aug. 1. J. Zimmerman will transport to the free negro woman May, 29 roods from the northern half of Lot No. 19, New Amst. adjoining the new centre road. — Mrs. C. Klonck, widow and Relict of H. J. Base, dec. will J ansport to John Beiesford, n. u. a part ol the lot No. 1, first empolder in New Amst. with the building thereon, adjoining the new centre road. ———— A. Thornborrow will transport to Demerary 51 Negroes, names to be seen at this office. . W* Munro ((’orentyn) will pass a mortgage in favor of Campbells Fraser & Co. vested on Pin. Dingwall, or half No. 40, Corentyn, cum annex is. Win Munro (Corentyn) will transport to Taittand Hollingsworth, the half of Lot No. 40 Corentyn, known under the* name of Epsom.—“-Taitt and Hollingsworth will pass a mortgage on Pin. Epson, or the half of Lot No. 40, (’orentyn, as also on 20 Negroes, in favor of W. Nunro, (Corentyn). Aug. 14. J. Quarles will transport to W. Kewley, his part of lot No. 8, in New Amst. with the building thereon, adjoining west to MaryBlair, and east to H. W. Hackmann. Wm. Kewley will transport to Th. C. Jones and John Quarles, the lot of land called Tapin'sburgh, situated in the East coast canal. Who are topass a mortgage on said land, with SO head of cattle ami their encrease, in favor of said W. Kewley. 21 Aug. B. Lohman will transport to Peter Mathews the south back quarter of lot No. 42, New Amsterdam. B. Lohman will transport to John Croft, 400 feet of land, from the north back quarter of lot No. 42, Non Amst. adjoining the new centreroad. Thomas Fraser will transport to Douglas Reid Ac Co plantation Kingeley, situated on the west sea coast of this colony, with Fifty eight Slaves, and all its appurtenances. Sept. 4, Widow P. Eggers will transport to J. Vogt Lot No. 54, situate in the 2d empolder of tins town. Lewis Cameron qq. E. S. Fraser, will pass a mortgage on plantation lot 28, cum aimcxis, in favor of James Fraser. Thomas Fraser will transport to J. T. & A. Douglas & Co. his plantation Kingelly, situated on the West sea coast of Berbice, as also the Slaves, and other appurtenances and dependencies. R. C. DOWNER, Secy. WHEREAS the following persons have addressed themselves to the Hon. Court of Policy and Criminal of the colony Berbice, at their Sessions of the 26th July, 1813, for Letters of Afiwwmmfox. Jm* mulatto woman Molly Hagar, assisted by A. x. list her, for herself. H. Luthers for the Sambo woman Massy. Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant ot said Letters ot Manumission, that they may address themselves in writing to the undeisi
¦ NOTICE. HIS Excellency, Major-General Menn ay, has *B been pleaded to appoint Richard Chapman, Esquire, 3 Government Secretary, and Mr Benjamin F. Tacit • 'CI wss, Assistant Government Secret ry of this colony. King's House, iierl-icc, this 30lh Aug. 1813. 3 HIS Excellency has also been pleased tn appoint 'dS Thos. C. Finny, Esq. Acting Government Secreta.3 'OS Berhice. 3 King's Route, Ucrbicc, this 20th Aug. 1813. ralß Bit command'. BENJAMIN F. TUCKNISS, c 3 / Assist. Got. Ser. I NOTICE JLB IS hereby given: That all Demands' against the 3. B Civil Government, are requited to be given in to the jn gß Civil Commissary, by the 25th inst. Any that are fnf ß neglected to be rendered by that period, will not be bpß attended to afterwards. , Z?V Command. B. F. TUCKNISS, A. Got. Sec. I . BOOKBINDING. BOOKS and LOOSE PAPERS bound to anv patTt*l tw °’ Books and Records *Fc«bound, &c. &c. Apply at this Printing Office.—Sp/, 4, ' ¦ NOTICE. ’ The Undersigned keeps his Office at the House of JdftN WolfF, Esq. where those indebted to him in his late capacity as Acting Vendue-Master, are rc_ssi« 3®ested to come forward with payment. Berbice, 3d Sept, 18 3. G. BONE, nl TH E undersigned is wishful of disposing of the 4)1 ’•^ ,e £ ro woman FranZ'//, now absent 1.5 months.—Any 'll I Person therefore willing to purchase her, will apply Id tfl ™ rs * za Bennett, of this colony ; or, in George Town, Demerary, to * Sept FRANCIS STEWART. -I RUN AWAY T, I k the Subscriber, aNe gro man named Pitt, I "•ftl'l ? Was Pin. Roxbro’hall, from where he has I let off, and has since passed the Canje Ferry. Any PE 1* f r8 °® who will apprehend said Negro, and lodge I * ,m J n thy barracks, or send him to the subscriber, -—*'l ® n plantation Mara, will be handsomely rewarded. I JlScpt M> S * COSTENBADER. pBIFTED from the water side of the Subscriber, * nn t> about27 feet long by 10 broad, with a flat jOrn and square ends. Also Strayed or Stolen, ,r ° m Plantabon Seawell, a large, black Ox with ffeij ®P rea o>ng horns. Any person giving such informaI > ? ~a ttb ey maybe recovered, will be rewarded, f, aß»| , ®*’ reasonable expences paid. lt on. I 14 Aug. Wilson taylor. TOW/f COMMITTEE. WHEREAS nb statements have been sent into the said Committee of the following lands in the town of New tlie proprietors whereof are unknown, u«3.— ' . Lot No. 22—14 feet of the northern back quarter, fronting centre road 1 Do. do. 22— 9 roods between the land of I. Bader and T. F. Matthews. Do. do. 22—1-16th lot of the southern back I.4th, fronting the back dam. Do. do. 35—back half. Do. do. 37—northern back I.4th and southern half from front to back. Do. do. 37—northern back I.4th and southern half from front to back. Do. do. 41—15 roods of the northern back I.4th, be. tween Cath. Hall and The. Tappin. Do. do. 43 —the whole lot. Do. do. 44—the northern back I.4th. Do. do. 45—the northern half from front to back. Notice is hereby given, to all whom it may concern, that conformable to the Publication of the Honorable Court of Policy, bearing date 16th of August last past, the said several pieces of land, or such as of which no returns are at that time given in, will be exposed and sold at public sale immediately ufter this advertisement shall have appeared three times in the Berbice and Denierary Gazettes. By command of the Committee, J. F. OBERMULLER, Sec. New Amsterdam, ( J)th Aug 1813. THE BERBICE GAZETTE. NEW AMSTERDAM, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1813. At a Meeting of the Court of Policy, convened for that purpose, on Monday last, His Excellency Major-General Murray received over the Civil Administration of the colony Berbice from Major Grant, and uas sworn in Lieutenant-Governor. We received th:s day, at a late hour, Barbados papers to the 24th ult. which contain dispatches from Marquis (now Field Marshal) Wellington to Earl Bathurst, announcing the Total Defeat of the French Army, COMMANDED BY JOSEPH BONAPARTE, in Person, on the 21st of June, at Vittoria, with the loss 151 pieces of cannon, 415 waggons of ammunition, all their baggage, provisions, cattle, treasure, &c. and a considerub e number of prisoners. The loss of the Allies consists of 1 Lieut.-Coloned, 10 Captains, 14 Lieutenants, 7 Ensigns, 1 Staff, 19 Serjeants, 5 Drummers, 683 Rank and File, 93 Horses, killed—-2 General Staff, 9 Lieut.-Colonels, 9 Majors, 59 Captains, 103 Lieutenants, 41 Ensigns, 7 Staff, 158 Serjeants, 14 Drummers, 3768 Rank and File, 68 Horses, wounded. The wreck of the vanquished army fled by the roail ot Roncevalles into France, pursued by our light troops. For want of time we are unable to enter into any further particulars this day, but shall publish thb dispatches in a Supplement on Wednesday next. Further Particulars of the capture of the Chesapeake, by the Shannon frigate. .The Shannon*’is laying to under topsails, top.gallant sails, jib, and spanker, with just steerage way, availing the approach of the Chesapeake, arid leaving it in her power to commence the engagement as she pleased—either at a distance or close—either on the starboard or larboard side. She came down in a very gallant style on the Shannon’s weather quarter till within half pistol-shot. The Shannon’s men having orders to fire as they could bring their guns to bear, commenced by firing first their after guns on the main deck, and then their foremast carronade on the quarter deck, just as the Chesapeake’s bows were upon their quar. ter; these two guns were distinctly heard before the Che. sapeake returned her fire, which then became furious on both sides; but the superiority of the Shannon’s was so great, that at her second broadside nearly all the men were swept from the upper deck of the Chesapeake. About this time the ships came in contact, and the Chesapeake having shot rather a head, was caught by one of the Shannon’s anchors, and lay obliquely athwart her starboard bow, exposed to a most tremendous fire from the Shannon’s after guns ; which, battering her lee quarter and entering her port-holes from the»ce towards the main-mast, strewed het main-deck with killed and wounded. A small open cask of musket cartridges, in an open (best abaft the mi. zemhast of the Chesapeake, now caught fire and blew up. When the smoke it occasioned had blown away, Capt. Broke saw the favourable moment, and instantly, with a few men, not exceeding 20, boarded her about the m zea rigging, from her starboard bow. Not a man was less standing on the Chesapeake’s quarter-deck when she wat boarded, about twenty made a slight resistance on her gang-way, who were instantly driven before the foremast, and being there obliged to stand, fought desperately, but were quickly overpowered. A few endeavoured to get down the fore hatchway, but in their eagerness prevented each other—some jumped over, and one or two of them escaped by getting in again at the main-deck ports, Capt. Broke and his first boarding party were almost immediately followed by thirty or forty marines, who secured possession of the Chesapeak’s quarter-deck, dislodged the med from the main and fore top, who were tiring down on the boarders, and kept down alt who attempted to come up from the main deck. Being thus completely captured, Mr. Watt, the ist. Lieutenant, ran after, and seizing the British colours from a sailor who brought them from the Shannon, bent them, and was in the act of hoisting them above the American, when he was struck in the forehead by a grape-shot and killed in the very moment of victory. He was shot by one of the Shannon’s maindeck guns—the commanding officers of whom did not know that the contest was already decided. Just at the close of the action, as Capt. Broke was earnestly calling on his men to desist and give the enemy quarter, one cf them gave him a severe wound on the head ; the man who did it was in. stantly killed;—the Capt. did not fall, but staggered back aid sat down on a coil of rope, when one of the Chesapeake’s midshipmen, who had been in the fore-top, slid down a rope and alighted close to him : the ppor fellow was sated from the fury of the boarders by the, Capt. who’ brought him with him back to the quarter deck. Capt. Broke faint from exertion, pain and loss of blood, was then brought on board the Shannon.—Capt. Lawrence received his mortal wound from one of the Shannon’s topmeo, and had been carried, below before the hoarding commenced. The Shannon suffered on most of the fore part of the main Seek and forecastle, and her greatest loss' of men were on those parts. The Chesapeake was terribly battered on her larboard bow and quarter; amidships there are not many marks of shot, which must have entered her port holes, as the whole of her main-deck was strewed with dead and wounded. Thus ended, in thirteen minutes from the firing of the first gun, one of the fairest, shortest, severest, and most decisive actions that ever was fought between two ships of equal fo.*ce. Shannon's Guns: Main. Deck— 2B long 18-pouuders. Quarter-Deck — Twelve 32 pound carronades, one 12 pound ditto, two long 9-pounders, one brass 6-poua* der. J ore-castle— h our 32-pound carronades, two long 9 pounders. Total number of guns, 50—Weight of metal. 10701 b. Chesapeak's Guns. Main-Deck~<2.B long 18-pounders. Quarter-Deck— Sixteen 32-pound carronades. I ore-castle— Four 32 pound ditto, one long l<4-poun. der. Total number of guns 49—Weight of metal 11621 b. , I be Shannon we find mounted one gup more than the Chesapeake, yet the Chesapeake was superior in weight of metal by 921 b. She victualled 389 men, who were all bu> one on the mustcr-roil; and more were said to have joined her. from the Constitution the morning of the action, but this assertion has not been proved by any evidence that could be obtained. The Shannon victualled 335 men, 20 of whom were taken info the ship the day before from a vessel from Ireland bound to Newfoundland. Killed and wounded on board the Shannon ; Killed in theaction, 26—Wounded severely and receiv. ed in the Hospital, 37.—Several others wounded slightly. Killed and wounded on board the Chesapeake. . Killed in the action, 64.—Wounded severely and received in the Hospital, 71. —Prisoners, of whom 20 were wounded slightly, 250.—Received into the Hos. pital, sick, 4 —making her original number 389. These accounts are taken from the Navy Hospital Books, and th ¦ Books < f the Agent for Prisoners of War. “J’ j irf . ue of Appointment, given byTheCourt Civil Justice, under date of 28th April 1813, granted upon a petition of Charles Mclntosh, in capacity as appointed Executor to the last Will and Testament of Donald (dmeron, dec. I the undersigned, First Marshal of both Courts of tins colony, and at the request of aforesaid Chs Mclntosh, in his capacity aforesaid. Summon by Edict: All known and unknown Creditors against the beforementioned estate of Donald Cameron, dec to anpear before the Hon. Court of Civil of this colony, at their session which will be held in the month ot July 1814, (say One thousand eight hundred and fourteen), (hereto deliver in their claims to verify the same, and further to proceed acS Pa ‘" ° f b * i " S for cvcr
Marshals Office. NOTICE tS hereby given to the Public, that the Execution Sale of Plantation Hogstye, which was appointed to take place this day, is postponed until the 29th inst. on account of the Demerary Newspapers in which the Advertisement of said Sale was inserted, not having arrived in due time within this colony. Berbice, 2d September, 1813. K. FRANCKEN, Is/ Expl. SALE sy EXECUTION. Second Proclamation. WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority obtained from His Excellency R. Gordon, Governor General of the colony Berbice, and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. Upon a Petition of Hm. Gordon, as togetherwith Evan Fraser and Angus Fraser, the Surviving Attornies, jointly and severally, for Donald McLeod, of Geahies, in the county of Ross, North Britain, versus, James Craufurd, Me Lead, and John Bethune, under date of 17th April 1813, has on the 29th April and 16th Aug. 1813, taken in Execution and put under Sequestration, the Cotton Estate GEANIES. situate on the Corentyn coast of this colony, with all its Slaves, Buildings, Cultivation, &c.—As also the Lower half of Lot No. 80, Core ntine river, the property of abovenamed J. Craufurd, McLeod, and J. Bethune, al o 'which properties an Inventory is to be seen at the Marshal’s Office. • Be it therefore known, that 1 the undersigned intend to Sell, after the expiration of One year and Six week, from the 16th August, 1813, the abovenamed cotton Estate Geanies, and the Lower half of Lot No. 80, earn annexis. W hoever should think to have any right, action or interest on the abovementioned Estates,, and wishes to oppose the Sale thereof, let such person address themselves to the Marshal’s office, declaring their reason tor such opposition in due time and form, as I hereby give notice that 1 will receive opposition from every one I hereunto qualified, appoint them a day to have his or her claims heard bi tore the Court, and further act thereon according to Law. This 2nd Proclamation made known to the public by beat of drum as customary. Berbice 29 Aug. 1813. K. FRA Nt 'KEN, First Marshal. ~—, . ¦ . SALE by EXECUTION. Second Proclamation. BY virtue of a W rit of Execution, granted by Ilis Excellency James Grant, Acting Governor of the Colony Berb ce and‘its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. Upon a petition presented by J. J. ran dtr Stoop, under date of 22d July 1813, versus, F. A. Rodnibroek for self and for ./. ( . Sihollcvangcr. I the undersigned, Marshal of both the Honorable Courts of this Colony, shall expose and sell, at public Execution sale, in presence of two Counceliors Commissaries and their Secretary, on Wednesday the 8 h September, 1813, al the Court House of this colony, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day; A Negro man, being a house servant, named Joe, the property if F. A. Rodenbroek. Whoever should think to have any right, interest or claim, on the abovementioned Negro man «loe wishes to op|>ose the sub' thereof, let such person address himself to me the Marshal, declaring bis reason for such opposition, in due time and form, as I hereby give notice, that 1 will receive opposition from every one thereunto qualified, appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and further to proceed according to law in such case. This 2nd proclamation published by beat oid rum as customary. , Berbice, 22 Aug. 1813. K FRANCKEN, First Marshal. SALE bp EXECUTION ~~ Third Proclamation. BY virtue of a,Writ of Execution, granted for a second Levy, by His Honor James Crant, Acting Governor of the colony Berbice, and its Dependencies, ’ &c. &c. &c. r Upon a Petition presented by E. $. Bannister under date of22d July 1813, versus, Jf. Be/mez! and Larose. 1 the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable Courts of this colony, shall expose and Sell at public Execution Sale, in presence of two Counsellors Commissaries and their Secretary, on Wedne. dav the 16th Sept. 1813, at the Court House of thh colony, at 11 o clock in the forenoon of that day. Part of Land of lot No. 7, with all the buildings thereon, say a dwelling House and other requisAeout-bmldmgs, G'e property of the free LaWhoever should think to have any right, interest or claim on the aforesaid Laud and Buildings, S • SALE by EXECUTION. Fourth Proiiamution BY virtue ofa W rit ot Execution, granted by Hi. Excellency John Murray, Brigadier Gcrirt:d,and j Acting Governor in and over the colony of Ecrbice and its dependencies, Vice Admiral, and President in all Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. &c. &c. Upon a Petition of John Lay field qq. Jo/w Dodson cy Co. ot Lancaster, versus, Gto/ge Aiunio, under date O' 26th January, 1813. Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned have caused to be taken in Execution, at the instance ot said J. Lay field qq. J. Dodson & Co. ot Lancaster, The Cotton Estate No. 21. situate on the Corent ine coast, the of said G. Munro, with all its Cultivation, Buildings, Mavis and further Appurtenances, and Dependencies thereto belonging, and specified m the inventory thereof, lying at the Marshal’s Office for the inspection of those whom' it may concern. Which said Cotton Estate No. 21, cum annexis, 1 the undersigned intend to Sell, alter the expiration of one year ; nd six weeks, from the 2d August, 1813, conformable to the Regulations ot the Court of Civil Justice, dated Ist January 1810, respecting the Sale ot Estates by Execution in this colony, in order to recover f rom the proceeds of said sale,‘such sum of money as wherefore the said Estate No. 21 have been taken in Execution. Ihis 4th Proclamation published by beat of drum according to custom. Berbice, 29 Aug. 1813. KhIIANCKEN, First Marshal. Summons by Edict. BY virtue of an appointment granted by the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under date ol 28th Aug. 1812,' upon a petition presented by llm. Jnnes, incapacity as Curator over the Estate of John Don aids on , dec. I the undersigned First Marshal of both the Hon. Courts of this colony, and at the request of aforesaid Wm. Innes, in capacity, aforesaid, .. Summon by Edict: All knowft an d unknown claimants against the Estate °1 ’J?. 11 ?. Donaldson, dec. to appear before the Court u 11 1 . v “. Ju8tlC(? of tJ »is colony, at their session, to be held in the month of October, 1813, say Eighteen md thirteen, then to give in their claims to Law estate> and further to proceed according This summons by edict made known to the Public i c dr . um > from the Court house of this colony, and further dealt with conformable to custom. Berbice, 2d July, 1813. KFranckkn, First Marshal. H I t ll 'i‘ : & . R kh ’' : t S&, WSI r n < » . Judies’ , iWf f : ’ ’f£ "¦ ‘pi¦¦ ¦ n.e Ibu ; Eue'oL, ; .-. r I I \ .. fr B .’ ! ! 1 ‘ [tors '•! * S ..... . r c ¦ i ¦ o,: ' ! ' ¦i-' . ./ r> * Aw Notts r ' W ii'.. I Bestick-. v Bon I ¦ t hsMn i rk Jacob Carol. r ’ R. Rawlins, Mrs.) Ricketts, Sam. Esq.) Rpynoldj,Mf. M .) Roberts, Mr. John.) Rose, Mr. W. Inverness. rßimruer, Oliver. Sheppard, The. Esq.) Sn*wart, Mr. Allan.) Star, Mr. Alex.) Shanks, Mr. Jam.) Sander, J. P. Esq ) Snanks, E. Esq.) Stewart, Mr. Jam.) Shutter, Mr Campbell.) Sowcrby, Mr. John) Smith, Mrs. M.F. (Schwartz, Mr. G. T. Tuit, Jas. Capt.) Thompson, Rbt.) Taitt, H. EsqJ W. Watt, Alex. Esq.) Wade, Thps. Esq.) Wade,ft Esq.) Wade, Isaac Esq.) W hite, Mr. Geo ) Wik ker, Dr. Geo. Young, Mr. William.. Post-Office, 91st Aug. ISIS Wm. SCOTT, Pep. Poster. (fe ~~ PICKED UP AT sea, iu front of this estate, a Punt, 18 fed h length ami 4| feet beam. The owner may have I. restored by paying the expence of this advertise* ment ami rewarding the Negroes who picked it up. No. 19, west coast, 21 Aug. — j — _— — ~., i NOTICE, TH E undersigned in his capacity as qq. the Ex* ecutrix of the laje C. Stuveng, requests ail those indebted to him, either by note of hand, opcnaccoiwb or otherwise, to come forward with immediate W* ment.—2l Aug; G. BON& WANTED TO PURCHASE. BY a Gentleman living in the country, a go* House Boy, of about 14 years of age, for which * liberal price (cash) will be given—apply to „„ 21 Aug. ° G. BONt — <¦» in —. -..i.y -M-aaM-.. — -¦ . . ¦ mi i..-i .. -i~i~ H. 11. HACKMANN. Prescnteerd tilt de hand tc Koop, tot civile pry*®* voorkassa of produkten, zyn Lol No. 26enzy i, P 4n in No. 8, met gebouwen, in cen ofgedeeltens. plete boerewyr ramen, en geschaan vierkant boeK’ wy Hout en plankcn in soorten. Diverse winkd**’ ren als yzer, tin, kopcr, blik, aarde, linnen, woU®> en katoen-waren, oude rum in puncheons, water’™ ten, Fransche waterpotten, en huishoudings ren. FORSALE—At this Office—Blank Bills change, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of lon J/‘ _ Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, I'*' By W. SCHULZ ft Co. wishes to oppose the sale thereof, taksnch person or persons address himself tome the fi* Marshal, declaring his reason for such opposition, in due time and form, as 1 hereby give notice, that I will receive opposition from every one, thereunto qualified, appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and further act therein according to style and law. This 3rd proclamation published by beat of drum according to custom. Berbice, 29 Aug. 1813. K. Francken, First Marshal. SALE BY EXECUTION'. Fourth Proclamation. BY virtue of a Writ of Execution, granted by His Excellency J. Murray, Brigadier General, and Acting Governor of the colony Berbice and it’s Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. Upon a petition of J no. Douglas and Gilbert Robertson, Executors to the last Will and Testament of Jos. Cliff, dec.—versus, Peter Fairbairn, the Attorney for Jas. Maxwell, of the Island Barbados. Be it thereibre'known, that I the undersigned have caused to be taken in Execution, at the instance of said J. Douglas and G. Robertson, in their aforesaid capacity, the Cotton Estate BRITANNIA, situate on the West sea coast of this colony, the property of the Estate of Jas. Max well, dec. with all its cultivation, buildings, slaves, &c. conformable to an Inventory formed thereof, and lying at the Marshal’s Office for the inspection of those whom it may concern. Which said cotton Estate Britannia, cum annexis, I the undersigned intend to sell, alter the expiration of one year and six weeks f.om the 6th August, 1813, conformable to the Regulations of the Court ot Civil Justice of this colony, dated Ist January, 1810, respecting the Sale of Estates by Execution in this colony, in order to recover from the proceeds of said sale such sum of money as wherefore the said plantation Britannia, has been taken in. Execution, This 4th Proclamation published by beat of drum as customary. Berbice, 29 Aug. 1813. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.