Berbice gazette

Material Information

Berbice gazette
Uniform Title:
Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
Place of Publication:
New Amsterdam
W. Schulz
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
New Amsterdam (guyana)
newspaper ( sobekcm )


General Note:
General Note:
Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
General Note:
The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
General Note:
In English, with occasional text in Dutch
Funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship through Increasing Access to Unique Materials grant program.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Digital Library of the Caribbean
Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
University of Florida


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Full Text

Twelve dollars p. annumJ\

BY His Excellency the Governor, and
the Honorable Court of Policy and
Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice.
To all to whom these presents may or
shall come; Greeting! be it known ;
?' W H EREaS we have taken under consideration,
What alfho’ the right of Summary Execution has been
Wranted by us to the Vendue Master, for the time
being, of the Colony Berbice, (for the recovery of
Debts contracted at Public Sale), in order that the
fellers of Goods at Public Vendue, may meet with
delay from the Vendue Office at the expiration of
Bnhe credit stipulated by them. Yet that the object
gos th is authority to the Vendue Master granted for
gthe advantage of the Public, has been in many in-
Hstances frustrated; several of our Inhabitants who
Bhave sold goods at Public Sale, having sustained se sett
tt sett rious inconvenience in their payments being procras procrasmated
mated procrasmated by the Vendue Master, beyond the limits
| tion of.the Credit engaged to be allowed by them.
We have therefore thought it expedient to make
J further disposition on this head, by enacting and
| granting, as we do hereby Enact and Grant, from
| and after the day of the date of the Publication of
| these presents, to the Sellers of Goods, at Public
| Sale, within the Colony Berbice, the samb Right of
i Summary Execution, for the recovery of the amount
| of the proceeds of such Sales at Vendue as has been
| heretofore grantor! by us to the Vendue Master, for
| the time being, against all Purchasers of Goods at
I Public Vendue, with this reserve however :
That the enforcement of Payment by the Sellers,
I against the Vendue Master, shall only take place Six
I weeks after the expiration of the credit, stipulated
at theday of Sale t and under which the goods arc
sold, and after payment of the net proceeds of the
goods so sold shall have been legally demanded from
the Vendue Master.
And should after the expiration of the credit un under
der under which goods are ex; osc after the further allowance of six weeks for collec collection,
tion, collection, the Vendue Master still remain in default For Forty
ty Forty eight hours after a legal demand for payment shall
have been made ; the Seller in order to profit of this
present enactment in their favor may proceed to pre present
sent present a Petition to the Honorable Court of Civil Jus Justice,
tice, Justice, or by their non-sessions to His Excellency the
Governor as President of the said Court, in order to
effect a recovery of what is due him or them, by
Summary Execution; and on his Excellency the
Governor, or the Hon. Court granting the Prayer of
the Petition, the Petitioner may proceed to the en enforcement
forcement enforcement of the-fiat, thro’ the Ucurwaarder, after
due Summation and Renovation.
And in order that no ignorance may be pretended,
these presents shall be published, printed and posted
up as customary,*
Thus enacted m our Assembly, held at the Court
House, New Amsterdam, Berbice, this 15th day of
April, 1813.—— Present, His Excellency R. Gordon,,
Governor General, President; and the Honorable
Members L. C. Abbensets, J. McCamon, A. J.
Glasivs, and G, Munro.
And published on the 16th August following,
Present, His Honor James Grant, Act. Governor.
J. GRANT, Act. Gov.
Fy command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.

BY the Honorable Court of Policy and Cri Criminal
minal Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice and
its fyc. &>c. fyc.
Be it known:
WHEREAS the Committee,
appointed for the Gene General
ral General Superintendance of the Public Works of this
Town New Amsterdam, have addressed themselves
unto us by memorial representing. That an ancient
' Ordinance of this Court, respecting the Strayiug on
the Public Roads and Dams of Horses, Mules, Cattle
Sheep, Goats, and Ilogs, is so little attended to, that



SATURDAY, the 28th of August.

the same daily occurs to the great detriment and in injury
jury injury of the Roads of the said- Town; praying that
the Court would be pleased to provide therein.
We have therefore thought proper, to order and
direct, as we do by these presents :
That Fourteen days after the day of the date of
the Publication hereof, it shall be lawful for any
person, to take up all Horses, Mules, Asses, Cattle,
and Sheep, which at any time may be found stray straying
ing straying on the Public Roads or Dams of the Town of
New Amsterdam, and place them in custody of the
Town Manager, and that such Horses, Mules, Asses,
Cattle, and Sheep, shall be detained by the said Ma Manager,
nager, Manager, until the owner or owners shall have paid, af after
ter after the followingrate, for their release, namely:
For a Horse, Mule, Ass, Bull,Steer, Ox, Cow, Calf,
or Heifer, each f 6.—And for Sheep, each f I.—
Which sail! fine shall be Collected by the Manager,
and be divided ; namely :—One half to the person
who Arrests the Horse, Mule, Ass, Cattle, Sheep, or
Arinimals so Straying, and the other half to the Town
Manager, who will be further entitled to a charge of
a guilder per day, for Food, should such Animal re remain
main remain in his custody longer than 12 hours; And
should the owner or owners of such Horse, Mule,
Ass, Bull, Steer, Ox, Cow, Calf, Heifer, or Sheep,
entirely omit to release the same from the custody oi
the Manager, the same shall be sold at Public Vendue
(after having been three times Advertised in the Ber Berbice
bice Berbice News-paper), to defray the fine attendant their
being taken in custody, Food and Advertisement, and
the surplus be paid over to the owner on his appli application.
cation. application.
That if shall further be lawful for any person with within
in within the Town of New Amsterdam, Fourteen days after
the Publication of these presents, to Kill (but not with
fire arms), any Goat or Rog, found on his Premises,
or on the Public Roads, or Dams, of the Town New
Amsterdam ; And should any Damage be done to any
Lots or parts of a Lot withing the said Town by
Horses, Mules, Asses, or other description of Cattle,
committing the said Damage, and tire owner of such
Horse, Mule, Ass, or Cattle, refuse to pay the ex expence
pence expence of the Damage so committed, after the same
shall hhve been fairly appraised, or to make good
such Damage as has been incurred ; It Shall be law lawful
ful lawful for the Committic to expose such Horse, Mule,
Ass, or other Kind of Cattle, at Public Vendue after
the same shall have been three timbs Notified in the
Berbice Gazette, and from the proceed of the Sale,
defray the expence of the reparation of the Damage
committed: And should after the payment of tin*
said ex pence any ov< rplus remain, such overplus
shall be paid to the Proprietor of the Horse, Mule,
Ass, or Cattle, so sold.
And in order that no ignorance may be pretended,
these presents shall be Published, Printed, and posted
up as customary.
Thus enaclied in our Assembly, held at the Court
House in New Amsterdam, Berbice, this 6th day of
July, 1813.—Present, His Honor, James Grant,
Esq. Acting Governor ; and the Honorable Members
L C. Arbensets, J. McCamon, P. Fairbairn,
A. J. Glasius, and G. Munro ; demptis, S. Fra Fraser.
ser. Fraser.
And Published on the 16th August following, in
presence of His Honor J. Grant, Acting Governor.
By command of the Court of Policy.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
- — , 4 :

2? Y the Honorable Court of Policy and Cri Criminal
minal Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice and
its Dependencies, fyc. bfc. bfc.
Be it known:
WHEREAS the Committee
appointed for the Gene General
ral General Superintendance of the Public Works of this
Town of New Amsterdam, have addressed them themselves
selves themselves unto us by Memorial, representing the neces necessity
sity necessity of establishing a fund by Annual Contribution,
from each and every Proprietor of Land, within the
said Town, in proportion to the quantity of Land pos possessed
sessed possessed by him, her, or them, for the purpose of im improving
proving improving the Public Dams, Roads, Bridges, and Drain-

age, of the said Town, at present in a total state of
Neglect and Decay, as also for the future preserva preservation
tion preservation of the Town by maintaining and keeping up the
said Dams, Roads, Bridges, and Drainage, in con constant
stant constant order and repair, and further to defray both,
the charge of future necessary improvements, as well
as the expence of the establishment for the Town
Management. And the said Committee having sub submitted
mitted submitted unto us a Plan, on which, according to their
opinion, this Contribution could be best carried into
effect; and prayingthat the Honourable Court would
be pleased to take the aforesaid proposal under con consideration,
sideration, consideration, and, if approved of, to Sanction the same,
or, to make such ameliorations as the Court should
judge most expedient.
We therefore, after having attentively examined
the plan submitted by the said Committee,and hav having
ing having maturely considered the proposal for an Assess Assessment,
ment, Assessment, have thought proper and resolved fully to ap approve
prove approve thereof.—Accordingly ordering and directing,
as we do Order and Direct by these presents:
That each and every Proprietor, or Proprietors,
of a whole Lot or part of a Lot in the First and Second
Empolders, of the Tpwn New Amsterdam, shall an annually
nually annually Contribute, into the hands of the Committee,
chosen by the Proprietors of the Town Lots, and ra ratified
tified ratified and confirmed as a Committee by this Court,*
and by them generally constituted for the Manage Management
ment Management of the 'J own, their Quota of contribution (con (conformable
formable (conformable to the repartition list here inserted, which
we have approved of and affixed for the next coming
year) for the Lot or part of Lot which he, she, or
they possess, either by Contract of Purchase or Trans Transport,
port, Transport, and conformable to his, her or their.return made
to the said Committee; for improving and keeping
up in constant Repair the Roads, Bridges, Drainage,
and Koker, of the said Empolders, and tor other use useful
ful useful and necessary purposes.
f l Emp. <2d Emp.
A. w hole Lot s 4po / 3CC '
A half Lot fronting the River.. ~, 3(X) ~220
A quart do. d 0....,, 200 „176-
An eighth do. d 0..;.,, 175 „132
A sixteenth do. d 0....,, 132 ~ 88
A smaller part do. d 0....,, 88 ~ 44
A half Lot frontiug the Cent. R.,, 200 ~ 176--
A quart do. d 0....,, 176 „132
An eighth do. d 0....,, 132 ~88 .
A sixteenth do. d 0....,, 88 ~44
A smaller part do. d 0....,, 44—— ~ 22-
A quart’ Lot front’ theßackd’. .„ 132 ~ 8b
An eighth do. d 0....,, 88 ~44
A sixteenth do. d 0....,, 44 ~ 22—
A smaller part do. d 0....,, 32 ~ 12
The inner parts between front and
centre road :—whole breadth.. 10st. p-ft. 8 st. p. ft.
Idem half. 5 ditto 4 ditto
Idem..quarter 2’- ditto 2 ditto
Idem between centre and back rood
whole breadth 8 ditto 6 ditto
Idem half 4 ditto 3 ditto
Idem quarter 2 ditto If ditto
Cross paths considered included in the breadth.
To the amount of the respective proportions, to be ad. •
ded 10 pCt. for divided, and 5 pCt. for whole Lots, and
to be charged in every Account. The said percentages ,
being allowed to the Secretary of the Committee, in con.
sideration for his keeping the Books, Accounts, &c, and
rendering Accounts in proper order.
And it is hereby further ordered and directed:
That the payment of this Contribution shall be made
previous to the last day of November, next ensuing,
and annually for the future, one half of the present
quota of contribution, which quota after the account
specifying the same, shall have been one month pre previously
viously previously sent to the Proprietor or Representative of
the Lots and parts of Lots shall also be paid previous
to the latter end of.the month of November, and that
in the hands of two of the Members of the aforesaid
Committee, who will attend for the purpose of re receiving
ceiving receiving the said contributions at such time and place
asshall hereafter be made known by Adverti.vernrnt
from the said Committee in the Gazette of this colo colony,
ny, colony, and should payment not punctually be made at
the afore specified period of the amount of Assess Assessment,
ment, Assessment, the same shall be recoverable by and on behalf
of the said Committee on the Land and further pro property
perty property as the defaulters, by Summary Execution.
And it is further ordered and directed, that each

[Payable in advance.

No. 465.

* 'Proprietor or Proprietors of Land in the First or Se Secona
cona Secona Em polders of this Town, who may have sold
or otherwise disposed of their Lots or parts of Lots
. since the last Return made to the Committee, do
within fourteen days after the Publication of these
presents, and in future within the like space of time
after any subsequent Sales or Alienations of Lots or
parts of Lots, give in a Statement thereof in writing,
addressed to the Secretary of the Committee, speci specifically
fically specifically stating the admeasurement and boundaries of
the Land so sold or otherwise alienated, on pain to
those who shall be found deficient in making tire said
return within the above limited time, of forfeiting
for the benefit of the Town Fund, the sum of f 5-10.
per diem for every day that shall elapse after the ex expiration
piration expiration of the aforesaid specified time, and be ne nevertheless
vertheless nevertheless bound to make the said Return, which fine
shall in like manner as the collection of the yearly
Assessment, be recovered from the Land and other
property of the proprietor remaining in default, (if
need) by Summary Execution.
And whereas the said Committee hath further re represented
presented represented to usThat notwithstanding their repeat repeated
ed repeated Advertisements, requiring Proprietors of Lots to
render in a statement to the Committee of the Land
they possess; yet, that a few persons appear to have
remained in default of rendering in such a statement,
and the owners of such Land being unknown; The
said Committee played that we should provide there therein.
in. therein.
We have consequently thought proper to order
and direct, as we do by these presents :
That it shall bo-Lawful to tire Committee, to sell,
at Public Sale, such Lots or parts of Lots in the Town
of New Amsterdam, whereof no return appears to
have been made to the Committee, and whereof the
proprietor or proprietors remain unknown ; provided
that such Sale he previously advertised three times in
the Berbice and Demerary Gaieties, and that the pro proceeds
ceeds proceeds thereof remain deposited in the hands of the
Committee ad opus jus habentiuni.
And in order that no ignorance may be pretended,
these presents shall be Published, Printed, and Post Posted
ed Posted up as customary.
Thus enacted in our Assembly, held at the Court
House, in New Amsterdam, Berbice, this 6th day
of July, 1813, —Present, His Honor J. Grant, Esq
Acting Governor: and the Hon’blc Members L. C.
Abbensets, J. McCamox, P. Fairbairn, A. J.
Glasius, G. Munro, —demptis, S. Fraser.
And published on the 16th August following, in
presence of His Honor J. Grant, Act. Governor.
J- GRANT, Act. Gov.
< By command of th-- Court.
r. c. dowNeil y
Bl /Its EirtllensyJ ames Gra\t, Major in
His Majesty's (fdh lleginient of Foot, Act Acting
ing Acting Governor of the ( ohniy of Berbice and
its Dependencies, Vice-Admiral, and Presi President
dent President of alt Cuttits and College's within the
same «Sc. Ac. 4r.
To all to whom these presents shall or may come
Greeting ! be it knozen :
IF HE R E IS the I endue Master, appointed by His
Majesty's Letters Patent, for the Colony of Berbice
has thought proper, on the demise of his late Deputy
William Tlirelfa'J, to nominate and appoint Donald Chat,
les Cameron, L' wis Cameron, Esquires, to be joint jointly
ly jointly and severally his Deputies; and those Gentlemen hav having
ing having exhibited to me their Powers in due form, and taken
the customary Oath for the performance of the duties of
their Ojice, 1 have received them in that capacity.
Notice whereof is given to the Public, that they may
receive and acknowledge these Gentlemen as Deputy Fen.
due Masters, of the Colony Berbice, and further govern
themselves accordingly.
And that no ignorance may be pretended, this Notifi.
cajion is made public through the customary channel.
Given unde-r my Hand and Seal, at the king's House
in New Amsterdam, Berbice, this foth day of Au August,
gust, August, 1813.
J. GRANT, Acting Governor.
By his Excellency's command.
Thos. C. EM Ell V Gov. Sec.
BY a Gentleman living in the country, a good
House Boy, of about 14 years of age, for which a
liberal price (cash) will be given—apply to
A«g. G. BONE.
THE undersigned in his capacity as qq. the Ex Executrix
ecutrix Executrix of the late C. Stuveng, requests all those in- 1
debted to him, either by note of hand, open accounts
or otherwise, to come forward with immediate pay payment.—2l
ment.—2l payment.—2l Aug. G. BONE.
AT sea, iu front of this estate, a Punt, 18 feet in
length and 4 £• feet beam* lhe owner may have it
restored by paying the expence of this advertise advertiseroent
roent advertiseroent and rewarding the Negroes who picked it up.
No, 19, west coast, 21 Aug t r

Secretary's Office.
IFordt geadverteerd, dat This is to inform the Fa Fade
de Fade vol gende personen voor-blic, that the following per pernemens
nemens pernemens zyn uit deze Koloniesons intend quitting this Co.
te vertrekken, lony.
A. A. de la Court in 6 weeks from Aug. 14.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
WORDThiermede bekend NOTICE is hereby given,
gemaakt, dat eenmaand nit that a month after date the
dato de vo'gende Transpor- following Transports and
ten en Hipotheeken zullen Mortgages will be passed,
verleden warden.
24 July. Ths. Frankland, qq. will transport to De Demerary,
merary, Demerary, 100 Negroes, being the Gang of Pin.
Union, west corentyn, names to be seen at this
Dr. C. Schwiers will transport to J. Vogt,
Lots 55, 56, & 57, second empolder.
— Simon Fraser will transport to the Repre Representatives
sentatives Representatives of R. Dodson, Pin. Litchfield, on
the west seacoast of this colony, with all the
slaves and other appurtenances to the same
——— W. Katz will transport to J. A. Frauendorf
77} acres land, part of Pin. Cumberland, in
Aug. 1. J. Zimmerman w ill transport to the free ne negro
gro negro woman May, 29 roods from the northern
half of Lot No. 19, NewAmst. adjoining the
new centre road.
Mrs. C. K knick, widow and Relict of H. J.
Buse, dec. will transport to John Beiesford,
n. V. a part of the lot No. 1, first empolder in
New Amst. w ith the building thereon, adjoin adjoining
ing adjoining the new centre road.
A. Tbornborcow will transport to Demerary
51 Negroes, names to be seen at this office.
in favor of Campbells Fraser &â–  Co. vested on
Pin. Dingwall, or halt No. 40, Corentyn, cum
Wm Munro (Corentyn) will transport to
Taitt and Hollingsworth, the half of Lot No.
40 Corentyn, known under the name of Ep Epsom.—Taitt
som.—Taitt Epsom.—Taitt and Hollingsworth will pass a
mortgage on Pin. Epson, or the half of Lot
No. 40, Corentyn, as also on 20 Negroes, in
favor of W. Nnnro, (Corentyn).
Aug. 14. J. Quarles will transport'to W. Kewlcv,
his part of lot No. 8, in New Amst. with the
building thereon, adjoining West to Mary
Blair, and cast toll. W. Hackmann.
Wm. Kewley will transport to Th. C. Jones
and John Quarles, the lot of land called Ta Tapin'sburgh,
pin'sburgh, Tapin'sburgh, situated in the East coast can d.
V\ ho are to pass a mortgage on said land,
with 30 head of cattle and their encrease, in
favor of said W. Kewley.
21 Aug. B. Lohman will transport to Peter Mathews
the south back’ quarter of lot No. 42, New
B. Lohman w ill transport to John Croft, 400
feet of land, from the north back quarter of
lot No. 42, NewAmst. adjoining the new cen centre
tre centre road.
~“p 1 'fT'™* Fra ? er frj »nsport to Douglas
held et ( o plantation Kingeley, situated op
the west seacoast of this colony, with Fifty
eight blavcs, and all its appurtenances.
R- c. DOWNER, Scry.
V\ II EREAS tint following persons have addressed
themselves to the Hon. Court of Policy and Criminal
d" ! he 1 C c °/2 n^ Bt ; rbice » at Hleir Sessions of
the -bill July, ISIS, tor Letters of Manumission.
The mulatto woman Vo/Zy Hagar, assisted by A.
I. Fischer, for herself. • 7
77. Luthers for the Sambo woman Massy
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
Xid°l?Z n ’ a,^ h ° n, ?- v . wisl ’ tonpjmse the grant
of said Letters of Manumission, that they may’ ad address
dress address themselves in writing to the undesigned Secre SecrenfYhf
nfYhf SecrenfYhf H he ony ’ Pr enous to the ensuing Sessions
of the Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be
made on the aforesaid Petitions.
Berbice, 27th July. R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
THE undersigned, Curators to the Estate nf
Deputy Vendue Master Wm. ThrdfUl, I°!±
give Notice, that all Vendue Accounts, due’said eZ
tate, remaining unpaid after the 31st instant will
put into the hands of a Lawyer, to recover by
mary Process. 7 J. DO« Su,n -
21 Aus ~ r>. C. CAMERON.
FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of
d?» a " gC /’ r’ ?[ Lading, and the Manner of Procee'.
d-ngs, teforethe Court of CM Surlier o} IkhC.-

Vendue Office. I
Public Vendues. |
Ori Wednesday the Ist Sept, and foil<»win will be sold by order of Robt. Taitt, and Wm.
ley, Esqrs. in their capacity as Curators to theH
tate of the late Richard Barry, dec.—The
half of Plantation Ncwlandhall, being one-ffijl
Lot No. 23, Corentyn coast.
NB. The Sale will take place on the spot,—(
Terms of payment, those purchasing under f ls!F
payable in 3 months, and above that sum 10 69(1
The southern half of Plantation Harriet, beingk
Lot No. 76 Correntyn, together with buildingi j 4
slaves, stock and all and every thing thereunto!
longing—lnventories of which to be seen at the V:
due office.
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendne Mafe
On the 2d Sept, will be sold at Pin. Hogsty, by m 1
of the curators of the late R. Merchant dec. Housed
furniture House Servants, and some field negroes— negroesorder
order negroesorder of W. Fraser Esq. 10 Cows and 50 Sheep.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Fendue
On Tuesday 7th Sept, by order of James Beaac
Esq. orv No; 12 West coast, frou 30 to 40 headk
cattle.—3 ami 6 months credit.
On the same day ami place, by order of Thi. Fs
ser, from 20 Io 30 head of cattle in excellent order
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Mata
On Thursday 9th Sept, will he sold at the Veal I
office—beef and pork in tierces, barrels and} di j
Madeira wine in whole and j hhds., gin uiKlbnai
per 5 gallons, soap, candles, Irish linen, cottoe a =
linen checks, cotton socks, white jean, cotton key >
fee bagginsr, coffee bags, nails assorted, &c.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Mate
Oh W eduesilay 13th S«* pt. by order of A.
la Court, Esq. the whole of his household furnilc
an elegant blue table service for 24 persons, a h
and chaise, 2 sets of' harness, saddles and bridka,(
On the spme day, by order of the Curators of t
Estate of the late VV. Threlfall, dec—The presm
on lot No. 7, well known as the Vendue Office i
some years, two waler vats, &c.
By the I endue Master in commission, dry goft
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Fcndue
( Dith or without about 50 Negroes),
Bung Lot Av. 9 on the IVest Corentyn cousl of RetVtv
and known on the general Chart as j c/ Luts
No. 7, 8,4 9.
’I he healthy and very desirable situation of ibb p*
petty, are well known, no laud-, within the colony,b>|
better adapted for the growth of Cotton, besides affwfi
abundance of good Plantain Land.
Its present cultivation consists of 318 Acrosin finebes*
ing Cotton, Plantains and Ground Provision ; all is *
celleut order.—To an approved purchaser, liberal W
will be given. ’ <1
Should this property not be disposed of by Printed
before the Ist July next 1813, it will be sold at P»&
Application to be made in the meantime, to Mr. W
Hose, on the Estate, or to
August 28. jkNGUS FRASB- <
Ifyy of Sale fixed.
On Monday the first of November next at the
Office, by order of Messrs. Evan & Angus Fraser, as tte»
into specially authorised, will be sold by Public Sak ®-
Plantation ROSE HALL, Cour an tine coast, Berbitf
situated and described as above, with all its Slaves,
every thing attached, agreeably to an Inventory
sect, at this Office.
Terms of Pay ment— For Land, Cultivation and
ings— on satisfactory security being given by the
chaser, —12& 3 years by equal Annual Instalments,**
For the Negroes. .
Approved Bills of Exchange, on delivery at
and 24 months sight,—or as an encouragement to RJ
chaser,* who may be desirous of taking the whole ® *
Property, as it at present stands, say (he land and nef*
to gether, the terms of payment will be extended to *>•'
and 3, years on security being given to the satisfaction
Messrs. Evan & Angus Fraser.
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue MtfW*
FROM the subscriber, a Negro man named
of the Congo Nation, and is well known
lony, has a remarkable rising on fiis right wnsi
any person taking him up, or lodging him »
barracks, shall have a reasonable
1 ‘

THE resumed Sittings of the Court of Civil Jus-
Wce, is fixed for Monday the 20th Sept. 1813.
Court House, Berbice, 2lth Aug:
• j R. C. DOWNER, Sec
Commissariat Office,
Berbice, 26th Aug.
Required for the use ofthis Garrison, One Hundred
Bushels of good Oats.— Tenders for the whole, or
partthereof, will be received at this Office until Wed Wednesday
nesday Wednesday the Bth September at lo*o’clock in the morn morning,
ing, morning, when they will be opened, and the offer, or of offers,
fers, offers, most advantageous to Government if approved,
will be accepted. ,
The Oats subject to survey, and payment made on
passing the Board.
JAMES B. BUHOT, D. Assist. Com. Gen.
Presentecrd uitde hand te Koop, tot civile prysen
â–¼oor kassa of produkten, zyn Lot No. 26 en zyn part
in No. 8, met gebouwen, in een of gedeeltens, kom komplete
plete komplete bocrewy Frarnen, en geschaaft vierkant boere boerewy
wy boerewy Hout en planken in soorten. Diverse winkel wa waren
ren waren als yzer, tin, koper, blik, aarde, linnen, wollcn,
an katoen-waren, oude rum in puncheons, water va vaten,
ten, vaten, Frausdie waterpotten, en huishoudings goede goederen.
ren. goederen. 28 Aug,
post' office.
LIST of Letters remaining in the Post-Office,
which if not called for, will be forthwith return returned
ed returned to Europe.
Brown, Mrs.) Bridgewater Miss E.) Bisphane, Mr.
J.) Barnes, Mr. J.) Bryant, Mr. J.) Balfour, Dr. J.
Corsis, F. L. de heer.) Carter, J. Hickman.) Chap Chapman,
man, Chapman, Rich. Esq.) Collier, Mr.* Rich.)
• D.
Douglas, Edmond A.) Domings, Chs.) Dunlop,.Tas.
Dodgson, Rob (J Dromgokl, Miss Mary.) Dove, Mr.
Eborai, Mr, Charles.) Elliot, Mr. Jos.
Findlater, Mr. David.
Gallez, L. F. de hrej.) Guyot, Monsr. J.) Goring,
Dr. J.
Harvie, Mr. Jas.) Merlin & Bender) Hagburne, Miss
Carsenia.) Dall, Mr. Jos.) Hall, Miss Catharine.)
Hinde, Air. Thomas.) Heytmeyer, J. W.) Hewitt,
J. Esq. Nickirie.) Henvry, Mr. John.
Jones, Capt.) Johan, Jacob.) Jackson, Jas Esq.
Kerr, Catharine.) King, Mr. Wm.) Kerr, Mr. Win.
Kennedy, Mr.
Long, Ths. C.) Luthers, IL) Lighton, Mr. Thus.
Lewis Manor qq. of.)
* M.
Milligan, Jas. Esq.) McKinmice, Alex.) McDonald
J. Esq.) Morris, Capt.) McDowal, (’apt. Robert.
McKenzie, Mr.) Muncker, J. J. Esq.) Mclntosh,
Mr. Alex.) McKenzie, Capt.) Meredith, Robert.)
McKenzie, Mr. Rodk.) Mosset, M atchmaker.
Pissmirken, Miss. B.) Philips, Nath. Esq.) Pollet,
Jacob Card. ’
Rawlins, Mrs.) Ricketts, Sam. Esq.) Reynolds, Mr.
W.) Roberts, Mr. John.) Rose, Mr. W. Inverness.
(Rimmer, Oliver.
Sheppard, Ths. Esq.) Stewart, Mr. Allan.) Shaw,
Mr. Alex.) Shanks, Mr. Jam.) Sander, J. P. Esq.)
Shanks, E. Esq.) Stewart, Mr. Jam.) Shutter, Mr.
Campbell.) Sowerby, Mr. John) Smith, Mrs. M. F.
fiSchwartz, Mr. G.
T, \
Tuit, Jas. Capt.) Thompson, Rbt.) Taitt, H. Esq.)
"Watt, Alex. Esq.) Wade, Thos. Esq.) Wade, Rt.
Esq.) Wade, Isaac Esq.) White, Mr. Geo.) Wal Waller,
ler, Waller, Dr. Geo.
Young, Mr? William.
Post-Office, 21st Aug. 1813
Wm. SCOTT, Dep. Postmr. Gen.
a good house boy-» to this office, s July.
upperßerbice, Mr. F. von Waldkibch.

I . |
NEW AMSTERDAM, S 3 Aug. 1813.
He have the pleasure to announce to the Public,
the arrival of Ilis Excellency Major General Mur Murray.—llis
ray.—llis Murray.—llis Excellency, by virtue of His Majesty's
appointment, will receive over the Civil Administra Administrationof
tionof Administrationof the Colony Berbice and assume the Functions
of Governor, on Monday uext.
A Mail for Barbados will be made up at the Post Office here, on
Tuesday the 31st inst. at 10 o’clock, r. m. to be forwarded to Bar Barbados
bados Barbados by the Dispatch Boat Harriet Elizabeth.
From the late t nglish Papers.
An order has Iqjely been issued bydhe War Office, per permitting
mitting permitting the Fife Militia now at Chatham, and all the other
regiments of Scotch Militia, to volunteer into the 49th
regiments of the line, now serving in Canada; on conditi condition,
on, condition, as is to be stated in their attestations, that each vo volunteer
lunteer volunteer shall be discharged at the expiration of six months
after a general peace, and be allotted a certain quantity
of land in proportion to his rank.
On the Ist of June, the Officers and men, quartered at
Radipole Barracks, were gratified in seeing a brother
soldier rewarded. Serjeant William Butler, of the 12th
Light Dragoons.— All the Non Commissioned Officers of
that Regiment were ordered to attend the Mess-room, after
their Officers’ dinner, when Capt. Cole, of the Regiment,
in the presence of the Field Officers and men belonging to
the garrison, presented unto Serjeant Wm. Butler a silver
cup, which the Officers.had voted to him as atoken of
their regard for his good services, as a man and a soldier,
for 48 years in that Regiment. Capt. Cole’s address in
presenting the same, was such as to animate the young
soldier, and to inspire those of more mature age to follow
the example of the old veteran whom he was about to
reward: the same was received with every degree of dig dignity
nity dignity and respect becoming the soldier.. When the old
warrior received the emblem of honour, his feelings may
be better imagined than described. The Band struck up
‘Britons strike home,’ and they marched to the old veter veteran’s
an’s veteran’s room in military order, where the cup was filled with
claret, and the evening spent with the greatest order and
conviviality, at the expeuce of (he Officers of the garrison,
during which the old soldier danced several hornpipes, in
the 74th year of his age.
In her late passage from the Cape of Good Hope, the
Union discovered a shoal and reef hitherto unknown, of
considerable extent, and icmfniently dangerous to vessels
passing from thence to the French islands, as it lies in the
direct tract; the account we have been politely favoured
with, states, that the Union was becalmed for three hours
w ithin three miles of a small rock, the length of which w as
computed to be 12 yards, and the elevation above the wa water
ter water about six feet, from which a reef extends nearly six
miles. The weather had been very favourable, and the
Commander of the Union having a good Chronometer, it
is believed that the position of this reef and shoal bas becn
accurately ascertained; The longitude agreed very near nearly
ly nearly w ith a recent lunar observation. We cannot, of course,
vouch for the accuracy of u verbal communication, but
the latitude is stated to be 35, and a few min. S. and the
longitude 5'2, 30, E. It is thought to be the shoal laid
down in some charts by the Dutch, and named Slot van
An Irish estate has recently been advertised in a Cork
newspaper, with temptations to a purchaser of no ordinary
kind—it consists of two villages, the lotnre prospects of
which are set forth by stating, that one of them is let for
nine hundred years, and the other on a lease fur ever! on
the expiration of which terms, both the said villages will
be capable of great improvement.
New York, June 21.—We understand that an express
to General Izard reached here last evening from New
London, bringing intelligence that the British squadron
off that port had been reinforced by a ship of the line,
three frigates, and a brig; and that it was apprehended an
immediate attack would be made upon the town. This
news has been subsequently corroborated by the arrival of
a smack down the Sound.—the Captain of which states,
that he saw the above-described force off New London
yesterday afternoon, aud that they suffered him to pass
The United States’ brig Argus sailed from this port for
France on Saturday, with a fait wind, having on board
our Ambassador, Mr. Crawford, add suite.
By letters received here from Washington, it appears
that the nomination of Gallatin, as Minister to Russia,
has been rejected by the Senate by a majority of six. It
is considered necessary that the office of Secretary tb the
Treasury should be declared vacant before the above ap appointment
pointment appointment could be confirmed.
Kin istun, June 7th,
General Order.—His Excellency the Commander of
the Forces has great satisfaction in ordering the following
General Order, issued by Major-General De Rottenburgh,
to be published, and to add his approbation of the Judge Judgement
ment Judgement and gallantry displayed upon the occasion by Major
Taylor of the 100th regiment, and the officers and men
employed in the attack of the enemy’s armed vessels.
By His Excellency’s command,
Edward Baynes Ad.-Gen

Montreal, June 4 th,
i General Order.-—The Major-General Commanding hair
I received a report from Major Taylor of the 100th regiment,
I giving an account of agallant affair which took place yes yesterday
terday yesterday between the gun-boats and detachments from the
- garrison of Isle aux Noix, and the enemy’s armed vessel*
Growler and Eagle, from Lake Champlain; having each
’ 11 guns, with four officers and 45 men on board, and which
ended in the capture of both these vessels, after a well con.
f tested action of three hours and a half Major Tayjor speak*
• in high terms of the gallantry of all the officers and soldiers
? employed on this occasion, particularly of Lieut. Lowe
of the marine department, Ensigns Dawson, Gibbon, and
1 Humphries, and Acting Quartermaster Pilkington of the
100th regiment, with their crews, and reports the material
assistance he received from Capt. Gordon of the Royal
Artillery, Lieut. Williams of the 100th regiment, with the
parties on shore, who contributed greatly to the capture
of the enemy.—The garrison had three men wounded; the
enemy one man killed, and eight severely wounded.—The
• Major-General Commanding wi I have much satisfaction
i in reporting tb His Excellency the Commander of the
. Forces, this action, which does high credit to the arrange arrange.
. arrange. meats of Major Taylor, and to the conduct and bravery
, of all concerned;
By command, J. Rowan, D. A. A. G.
Precept for a Lady's Dress.
If you would rise a wash of white.
Let chastity be chose’,
Aud fasinating modesty,
Your bloom that tifits the rose ;
Your eye brow’s dress with chearfuluess,
Sincerity your lip,
And let instruction ever be,
Your ears peruvian dip ;
Your mantle than let innocence,
With happy mildness place,
Os plac’4 virtue abuse a robe,
With resolution's brace.
Take confidence in him you love,
. The partner of your life,
The best of ornaments that can
Distinguish the best wife;
The fragment zypber of your breath,
Let truth alone improve,
Use this precept, nor even death
Nor age shall lessen love. • O.—■
Shannon and Chesapeake.
When a portion of Cream they had skimm’d on the Sea,
For a mode to preserve it they seek ;
As an emblem of Vict’ry at length they agree,
On erecting a great Cheesy. Peak I!
But the Lads of the Shannon they brandish’d the Oak,
And kveli’d the trophy in Style;
And e’en tho! their toughest Shillclah was Broke*
Triumphant they ruin’d the Pile.—
New Amst. 24th Augt. PADDY WHACK.
Plan of a Lottery.
To be drawn with Permission of Ilis Excellency
Governor J. GRANT.
Consisting of the Northern front quarter of Lot
No 37, in the second cm polder of the Town of New
Amsterdam, with the Buildings thereon, and Ap Appraised
praised Appraised by Mr. Wm. Grant, Carpenter, at f 4,708
There will be 107 Tickets, at f 44. each.
The Winner may take possession the very mo moment
ment moment after the drawing.
The costs of Transport are to be paid by the win winner.
ner. winner.
The day of drawing of this Lottery will be made
known thro’this Gazette.
TICKETS to be had at A. Fleury's, this
Office, and La Rose's Tavern.
.. Berbice, 24th July.
Fourth Proclamation
BY virtue of authority granted by the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under date of
Ist May 1813, upon a Petition of A. J. Glasius and
B. J. Schwiers, Sequestrators over Plantation Vrede
en Vriendschap, and half Goudmyn.
Notice is hereby given, that. I the undersigned.
First Marshal of the Courts of this colony, will sell
by public Execution Sale, in the month of July
1814, (the precise day hereafter to be notified thro’
the Gazette ofthis colony.)
The Plantation VREDEen VRIENDSCHAP, and :
half of Plantation GOUDMYN, with all its culti cultivation,
vation, cultivation, buildings, slaves, and other appurtenances
and dependencies thereto belonging
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest on the abovementioned plantations, and
its dependencies, and wishes to oppose this sale by
Execution, let him or them addressthemselvcs to n e
the undersigned, declaring their reason for so doing
in a legal manner in writing, as I hereby give notice
that I will receive opposition from all intermediate
person or persons, appoint them a dafy to have their
claims heard before the Court, and further act there thereon
on thereon according to law. ‘
This 4th proclamation published by beat ofdrtim
as customary. Berbice, 8 Aug.* ISIS

Marshals Office,
First Proclamation.
WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority ob obtained
tained obtained from His Excellency R. Gordon, Governor
General of the colony . Berbice, and its Dependen Dependenciesf
ciesf Dependenciesf &c. &c. &c.
Upon a Petition of Wm. Gordon, as together with
Evan Fraser and Angus Fraser, the Surviving At Attornies,
tornies, Attornies, jointly and severally j for Donald McLeod,
of Geanies, in the county of Ross, North Britain,
versus, James Craufurd, MeLeod, and John Be Bethune,
thune, Bethune, under date of 17th April 1813, has on the
29th April and 16th Aug. 1813, taken in Execution
and put under Sequestration, the Cotton Estate
situate on the Corentyn coast of this colony, with all
its Slaves, Buildings, Cultivation, &c.—As also the
Lower half of Lot No. 80, Corentine river, the pro property
perty property of abovenamed J. Craufurd, McLeod, and J.
Bethune, al of which properties an Inventory is to
be seen at the Marshal’s Office.
Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned in intend
tend intend to Sell, aftcrthe expiration of One year and Six
week, from the 16th August, 1813, the abovenamed
cotton Estate Geanies, and the Lower half of Lot
No. 80, ctm annexis.
Whoever should think to have any right, action
or interest on theabovementioned Estates,, and wish wishes
es wishes to oppose the Sale thereof, let such person address
themselves to the Marshal’s office, declaring their
reason for such opposition indue time and form, as
1 hereby give notice that 1 will receive opposition
from every one thereunto qualified, appoint them a
day to have his or h< r claims beard before the Court,
and further act thereon according to Law.
This first Proclamation made known to the public
by beat of drum as customary. Berbice 22 Aug. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Second Proclamation.
BY virtue of a Writ of Execution, granted
by His Excellency James Grant, Acting Governor
of the Colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c.
&c. &c.
Upon a petition presented by J. J. van der Stoop,
under date of 22d July 1813, versus, F. A. Rodtn Rodtnbroek
broek Rodtnbroek for s< If and for J..C. Schollevanger.
I the undersigned. Marshal oi both the Honorable
Courts of this Colony, shall expose and sell, at pu public
blic public Execution sale, in presence of two Councellors
Commissaries and their (Secretary, on Wednesday
the B colony, at i I o’clock in the forenoon of that day :
A Negro man, being a house servant, named Joe,
the property of F. A. Rodenbroek.
Whoever should think to have any right, interest
or claim, on the abovt mentioned Negro man Joe,
wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let such person ad address
dress address himself to me the Marshal, declaring bis reason
for such opposition, in due time and form, as I here hereby
by hereby give notice, that I will receive opposition from
every one thereunto qualified, appoint them a day
to have his or li<*r claim heartLbefore the Court, and
further to proceed according to law in such case.
This 2nd proc aural ion published by beat of drum
as customary. Berbice, 22 Aug. 1813.
K FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Second Proc am at ioh.
B Y virtue of a Writ of Execution, granted for a
second Levy, by His Honor James Grant, Acting
Governor oi' tbe colony Berbice, and its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, &c. , &,c. &c.
Upon a Petition presented by E. S. Bannister
under date of 22d July 1813, versus, J/. S. Bennett
and Larose.
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable
Courts of this colony, shall expose and Sell, at
Jntblic Execution Sale, in presence of two Councel Councelors
ors Councelors Commissaries and their Secretary, on Wednes Wednesday
day Wednesday the Jsth Sept. 1813, at the Court House of this
colony, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day.*
Part of Land o f lot No. 7, with all the buildings,
. thereon, say a dwelling House and other requi requisite
site requisite out-buildings, the property of the free Larose.
Whoever should think to have any right, interest
or claim on the aforesaid Land and Buildings, and
wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let such person or
persons address himself to me the first Marshal, de declaring
claring declaring bis reason for sudi opposition, in due time
and form, as 1 hereby give notice, that I will receive
opposition from every one, thereunto qualified, ap appoint
point appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard be before
fore before the Court, - and further act therein according to
style and, law.
This 2nd proclamation published by beat of drum
according to custom. Berbice, 22 Aug. 1813.
K. Fbanckbn, First Marshal.

Third Proclantyiion.
BY virtue of a Writ of Execution, granted by
His Excellency J. Murray, Brigadier General,
and Acting Governor of the colony Berbice and its
Dependencies, &c. &c. &c.
Upon a petition of J no. Douglas and Gilbert Ro Robertson,
bertson, Robertson, Executors to the last Will and Testament
of Jos. Cliff, dec.—versus, Peter Fairbairn, the At Attorney
torney Attorney for Jas. Maxwell, of the Island Barbados.
Beit therefore known, that I the undersigned have
caused to be taken in Execution, at the instance of
said J. Douglas and G. Robertson, in their aforesaid
capacity, the Cotton Estate
situate on the West sea coast of this colony, the pro property
perty property of the Estate of Jas. Maxwell, dec. with all its
cultivation, buildings, slaves, &c. conformable to an
Inventory formed thereof, and lying at the. Marshal’s
Office for the inspection of those whom it may con concern.
cern. concern.
Which said cotton Estate Britannia, cum annexis,
I the undersigned intend to sell, after the expira expiration
tion expiration of one year and six weeks, from (he 6th August,
1813, conformable to the Regulations of the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, dated Ist January,
1810, respecting the Sale of Estates by Execution
in this colony, in order to recover from the ptp ptpceeds
ceeds ptpceeds of said sale such sum of money as wherefore
the said plantation Britannia, has been taken in Exe Execution,
cution, Execution,
This 3rd Proclamation published by beat of drum
as customary. Berbice, 22 Aug. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, J&WJ/irrtd.
Third Proclamation.
BY virtue of a Writ of Execution, granted by His
Excellency John Murray, Brigadier General, and
Acting Governor in and over the colony of Berbice
and its dependencies, Vice Admiral, and President
in all Courts and Colleges within the same,
&c. . &c. , &c.
Upon a Petition of JoAw, FrOy/ie/i/qq. John Dod Dodson
son Dodson dje Co. of Lancaster, versus, George Munro, un under
der under date o 26th January, 1813.
Be it therefore known, that 1 the undersigned have
caused to be taken in Execution, al the instance of
said J. Lay’field qq. J. Dodson & Co. of Lancaster,
Cotton Estah No. 21.
situate on the Corentine coast, the piop<-rty of said
G. Munro, with all its Cultivation, buildings, Slaves
and further Appurtenances, am) Dependencies there thereto
to thereto belonging, and specified in the Inventory thereof,
lying at the Marshal’s Office tor the inspection of
those whom it may concern.
Which said Cotton Estate No. 2!, Cum annexis,
I the undersigned intend to Sell, alter the expira expiration
tion expiration of one year and six weeks, from the 2d August,
1813, conformable to the Regulations of the Court
of Civil Justice, dated Ist January 1810, respecting
the Sale of Estates by Execution in this colony, in
order to recover from the proceeds of said sale, such
sum of money as wherefore the said Estate No. 21
have been taken in Execution.
This 3rd Proclamation*published by beat of drum
according to custom. Berbice, 22 Aug. 1813.
K- FRANCKEN. First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract of the Minutes of the
Proceedings oi the Court of Justice, of this colony,
dated 24th June 1813, given in the cause entitled
“The Guardians of the minor Ann Cameron, Plain Plaintiff
tiff Plaintiff in case of opposition, respecting the Sale of Plan Plantation
tation Plantation iJogstye, versus, P. fthoffuq. Rich. Bar Barry,
ry, Barry, or the Curators of said Estate 4 , the persons in
whose favof said plantation Hogstye was to be sold.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, /bat the sale
of Pin. Hogstye, with all its Cultivation, Buildings,
Slaves, &c. thereto belonging, will now take place
on Thursday the 2d Septum berr 1813, on the spot.
Whoever should think to have any right, interest
or claim on the albresid Plant’n. Hogstye, and wish wishes
es wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let such person or
persons address themselves to me the first Marshal,
declaring their reasons for such opposition in due
time and form ; as I hereby give notice that I will
receive opposition from every one thereunto quali qualified,
fied, qualified, appoint them a day to hqve his or her claim
heard before the Court, and further to proceed ac according
cording according to law.
This 2nd Proclamation made known to the Public
by beat of drum as customary. Berbice22 Aug. 1813.
K. Francken, First Marshal.
Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of authority, granted by the Hqnorable
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated 25 June,
*fSJ3, S iren U P?° a Petition of James Fraser, and
Simon Fraser, in capacity as the only within this
colony residing Executors of the Last Will and Tes Testament
tament Testament of Evan Duncan Fraser.
1 the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, and at the request of beforenamed Jas.

Fraser and S. Fraser, in capacity as Curators to the
said Estate of E. D. Fraser, and by virtue of above*
named appointment.
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors against the eg.
tate of Evan Ditncan Fraser, to appear befoiethe
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony,at their Session
which will be held in the month of July, 1814, (say
Eighteen hundred and fourteen), there to exhibit
and verify their claims, to see opposition made there,
unto, if need, and after expiration of the Fourth
Ed ictal Summons, to witness the Court’s decision on
the preferent and concurrent right of claimants, and
further to proceed according to law, on pain to aU
those who remain in default, of being for ever de debarred
barred debarred their right of claim.
This summon by edict made known to the Publie
by beat of drum as customary —Berbice, 14 July.
_ K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of an appointment granted by the Hon Honorable
orable Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, n icier
date of2Bth Aug. 1812, upon a petition presented
by ITm. Innes, incapacity as Curator over the Es Estate
tate Estate of Jchn Donaldson, dec.
I the undersigned First Marshal of both the lion.
Courts of this colony, and at the request of aforesaid
Win. Innes, in capacity aforesaid,
Summon by Edict;
All known and unknown claimants against the Estate
of John Donaldson, dec. to appear before the Court
of ( ivil Justice of this colony, at their session, to be
hi Id in the month of October, 1813, say Eighteen
hundred and thirteen, there to give in their chirm
against said estate, and further to proceed according
to Law.
This summons by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum, from the Court house of this colony,
and further dealt with conformable to custom.
Berbice, 2d July, 1813.
K Francken, First Marshal.
â–  Th,
Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of an appointment, granted by the
lion. Court of Civil Justice of this colony, under
date of 28th April, upon a petition of Charles Mc-
Intosh, in capacity as appointed Executor to the
last Will and Testament of Churns Gordon, dec.
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, ami at the request of said Ch. Mclntosh, I
in his capacity abovementioned.
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown' creditors against the es* I
fate of Ch. Gordon, dec. to appear before the Court â– 
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their session to be ;
hold in the month of July in the year one thou* I
sand eight hundred and fourteen, (sa y 1814), there I
to render their claims against said estate, to verify I
the same , and further to proceed according to law, |
on pain of being for ever debarred the it right, of I
claim in case of default,
’I his Summon by Edict made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court house of this colony,
and further dealt with according to custom
Berbice, 2d July, 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal, j
Summons by Edict. j
BY virtue of an Appointment, given by the Court |
Civil Justice, under date of 28th April 1813, granted |
upon a petition of Charles Mclntosh, in capacity ai |
appointed Executor to the List Will and Testainert |
of Donald Cameron, dec.
1 the undersigned, First Marshal of berth Courfl 1
of this colony, and at the request of aforesaid Chf. |
Mclntosh, in his capacity aforesaid.
Summon b/yf Edict:
All known and unknown Creditors against thebe* I
forementioned estate of Donald Cameron, dec. to ap* |
pear before the Hon. Court of Civil Justice of tW 1
colony, at their session which will be held in the â– 
month of July 1814, (say One thousand eight him* I
dreel and fourteen), there to deliver in their claims â– 
to verify the same, and further to proceed accord* I
ing to Law, on pain of being for ever debarred their â– 
right of claim. S
by edict is published by beat of |
drum, as customary. Berbice, 2d July, 1813* <â– 
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. I
DRIFTED from the water side of the I
a Punt, about 27 feet long by 10 broad, with a * I
bottom and square ends. Also Strayed or Stolft I
from Plantation Seawell, a targe black Ox ww> 1
spreading horns. Any person giving suqh.injbtey I
tion that they may be recovered, will be rewarded) |
and all reasonable expences paid. „ I
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, P. â– 

Full Text


1813.) TH$ BERBICE GAZETTE. Twelve dollars p. annumJ\ A PROCLAMATION. BY His Excellency the Governor, and the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice. To all to whom these presents may or shall come; Greeting! be it known ; ?' W H EREaS we have taken under consideration, What alfho’ the right of Summary Execution has been Wranted by us to the Vendue Master, for the time being, of the Colony Berbice, (for the recovery of Debts contracted at Public Sale), in order that the fellers of Goods at Public Vendue, may meet with delay from the Vendue Office at the expiration of Bnhe credit stipulated by them. Yet that the object gos th is authority to the Vendue Master granted for gthe advantage of the Public, has been in many inHstances frustrated; several of our Inhabitants who Bhave sold goods at Public Sale, having sustained sett rious inconvenience in their payments being procrasmated by the Vendue Master, beyond the limits | tion of.the Credit engaged to be allowed by them. We have therefore thought it expedient to make J further disposition on this head, by enacting and | granting, as we do hereby Enact and Grant, from | and after the day of the date of the Publication of | these presents, to the Sellers of Goods, at Public | Sale, within the Colony Berbice, the samb Right of i Summary Execution, for the recovery of the amount | of the proceeds of such Sales at Vendue as has been | heretofore grantor! by us to the Vendue Master, for | the time being, against all Purchasers of Goods at I Public Vendue, with this reserve however : That the enforcement of Payment by the Sellers, I against the Vendue Master, shall only take place Six I weeks after the expiration of the credit, stipulated at theday of Sale t and under which the goods arc sold, and after payment of the net proceeds of the goods so sold shall have been legally demanded from the Vendue Master. And should after the expiration of the credit under which goods are ex; oscc. fyc. Be it known: WHEREAS the Committee, appointed for the General Superintendance of the Public Works of this Town New Amsterdam, have addressed themselves unto us by memorial representing. That an ancient ' Ordinance of this Court, respecting the Strayiug on the Public Roads and Dams of Horses, Mules, Cattle Sheep, Goats, and Ilogs, is so little attended to, that SATURDAY, the 28th of August. the same daily occurs to the great detriment and injury of the Roads of the saidTown; praying that the Court would be pleased to provide therein. We have therefore thought proper, to order and direct, as we do by these presents : That Fourteen days after the day of the date of the Publication hereof, it shall be lawful for any person, to take up all Horses, Mules, Asses, Cattle, and Sheep, which at any time may be found straying on the Public Roads or Dams of the Town of New Amsterdam, and place them in custody of the Town Manager, and that such Horses, Mules, Asses, Cattle, and Sheep, shall be detained by the said Manager, until the owner or owners shall have paid, after the followingrate, for their release, namely: For a Horse, Mule, Ass, Bull,Steer, Ox, Cow, Calf, or Heifer, each f 6.—And for Sheep, each f I.— Which sail! fine shall be Collected by the Manager, and be divided ; namely :—One half to the person who Arrests the Horse, Mule, Ass, Cattle, Sheep, or Arinimals so Straying, and the other half to the Town Manager, who will be further entitled to a charge of a guilder per day, for Food, should such Animal remain in his custody longer than 12 hours; And should the owner or owners of such Horse, Mule, Ass, Bull, Steer, Ox, Cow, Calf, Heifer, or Sheep, entirely omit to release the same from the custody oi the Manager, the same shall be sold at Public Vendue (after having been three times Advertised in the Berbice News-paper), to defray the fine attendant their being taken in custody, Food and Advertisement, and the surplus be paid over to the owner on his application. That if shall further be lawful for any person within the Town of New Amsterdam, Fourteen days after the Publication of these presents, to Kill (but not with fire arms), any Goat or Rog, found on his Premises, or on the Public Roads, or Dams, of the Town New Amsterdam ; And should any Damage be done to any Lots or parts of a Lot withing the said Town by Horses, Mules, Asses, or other description of Cattle, committing the said Damage, and tire owner of such Horse, Mule, Ass, or Cattle, refuse to pay the expence of the Damage so committed, after the same shall hhve been fairly appraised, or to make good such Damage as has been incurred ; It Shall be lawful for the Committic to expose such Horse, Mule, Ass, or other Kind of Cattle, at Public Vendue after the same shall have been three timbs Notified in the Berbice Gazette, and from the proceed of the Sale, defray the expence of the reparation of the Damage committed: And should after the payment of tin* said ex pence any ov< rplus remain, such overplus shall be paid to the Proprietor of the Horse, Mule, Ass, or Cattle, so sold. And in order that no ignorance may be pretended, these presents shall be Published, Printed, and posted up as customary. Thus enaclied in our Assembly, held at the Court House in New Amsterdam, Berbice, this 6th day of July, 1813.—Present, His Honor, James Grant, Esq. Acting Governor ; and the Honorable Members L C. Arbensets, J. McCamon, P. Fairbairn, A. J. Glasius, and G. Munro ; demptis, S. Fraser. And Published on the 16th August following, in presence of His Honor J. Grant, Acting Governor. JAMES GRANT, Act. Gov. By command of the Court of Policy. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. — , 4 : A PROCLAMATION, 2? Y the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice and its Dependencies, fyc. bfc. bfc. Be it known: WHEREAS the Committee appointed for the General Superintendance of the Public Works of this Town of New Amsterdam, have addressed themselves unto us by Memorial, representing the necessity of establishing a fund by Annual Contribution, from each and every Proprietor of Land, within the said Town, in proportion to the quantity of Land possessed by him, her, or them, for the purpose of improving the Public Dams, Roads, Bridges, and DrainNo. 465. [Payable in advance. age, of the said Town, at present in a total state of Neglect and Decay, as also for the future preservation of the Town by maintaining and keeping up the said Dams, Roads, Bridges, and Drainage, in constant order and repair, and further to defray both, the charge of future necessary improvements, as well as the expence of the establishment for the Town Management. And the said Committee having submitted unto us a Plan, on which, according to their opinion, this Contribution could be best carried into effect; and prayingthat the Honourable Court would be pleased to take the aforesaid proposal under consideration, and, if approved of, to Sanction the same, or, to make such ameliorations as the Court should judge most expedient. We therefore, after having attentively examined the plan submitted by the said Committee,and having maturely considered the proposal for an Assessment, have thought proper and resolved fully to approve thereof.—Accordingly ordering and directing, as we do Order and Direct by these presents: That each and every Proprietor, or Proprietors, of a whole Lot or part of a Lot in the First and Second Empolders, of the Tpwn New Amsterdam, shall annually Contribute, into the hands of the Committee, chosen by the Proprietors of the Town Lots, and ratified and confirmed as a Committee by this Court,* and by them generally constituted for the Management of the 'J own, their Quota of contribution (conformable to the repartition list here inserted, which we have approved of and affixed for the next coming year) for the Lot or part of Lot which he, she, or they possess, either by Contract of Purchase or Transport, and conformable to his, her or their.return made to the said Committee; for improving and keeping up in constant Repair the Roads, Bridges, Drainage, and Koker, of the said Empolders, and tor other useful and necessary purposes. f l Emp. <2d Emp. A. w hole Lot s 4po / 3CC ' A half Lot fronting the River.. ~, 3(X) ~220 A quart do. d 0....,, 200 „176An eighth do. d 0..;.,, 175 „132 A sixteenth do. d 0....,, 132 ~ 88 A smaller part do. d 0....,, 88 ~ 44 A half Lot frontiug the Cent. R.,, 200 ~ 176-A quart do. d 0....,, 176 „132 An eighth do. d 0....,, 132 ~88 . A sixteenth do. d 0....,, 88 ~44 A smaller part do. d 0....,, 44—— ~ 22A quart’ Lot front’ theßackd’. .„ 132 ~ 8b An eighth do. d 0....,, 88 ~44 A sixteenth do. d 0....,, 44 ~ 22— A smaller part do. d 0....,, 32 ~ 12 The inner parts between front and centre road :—whole breadth.. 10st. p-ft. 8 st. p. ft. Idem half. 5 ditto 4 ditto Idem..quarter 2’ditto 2 ditto Idem between centre and back rood whole breadth 8 ditto 6 ditto Idem half 4 ditto 3 ditto Idem quarter 2 ditto If ditto Cross paths considered included in the breadth. To the amount of the respective proportions, to be ad. • ded 10 pCt. for divided, and 5 pCt. for whole Lots, and to be charged in every Account. The said percentages , being allowed to the Secretary of the Committee, in con. sideration for his keeping the Books, Accounts, &c, and rendering Accounts in proper order. And it is hereby further ordered and directed: That the payment of this Contribution shall be made previous to the last day of November, next ensuing, and annually for the future, one half of the present quota of contribution, which quota after the account specifying the same, shall have been one month previously sent to the Proprietor or Representative of the Lots and parts of Lots shall also be paid previous to the latter end of.the month of November, and that in the hands of two of the Members of the aforesaid Committee, who will attend for the purpose of receiving the said contributions at such time and place asshall hereafter be made known by Adverti.vernrnt from the said Committee in the Gazette of this colony, and should payment not punctually be made at the afore specified period of the amount of Assessment, the same shall be recoverable by and on behalf of the said Committee on the Land and further property as the defaulters, by Summary Execution. And it is further ordered and directed, that each


* 'Proprietor or Proprietors of Land in the First or Secona Em polders of this Town, who may have sold or otherwise disposed of their Lots or parts of Lots . since the last Return made to the Committee, do within fourteen days after the Publication of these presents, and in future within the like space of time after any subsequent Sales or Alienations of Lots or parts of Lots, give in a Statement thereof in writing, addressed to the Secretary of the Committee, specifically stating the admeasurement and boundaries of the Land so sold or otherwise alienated, on pain to those who shall be found deficient in making tire said return within the above limited time, of forfeiting for the benefit of the Town Fund, the sum of f 5-10. per diem for every day that shall elapse after the expiration of the aforesaid specified time, and be nevertheless bound to make the said Return, which fine shall in like manner as the collection of the yearly Assessment, be recovered from the Land and other property of the proprietor remaining in default, (if need) by Summary Execution. And whereas the said Committee hath further represented to usThat notwithstanding their repeated Advertisements, requiring Proprietors of Lots to render in a statement to the Committee of the Land they possess; yet, that a few persons appear to have remained in default of rendering in such a statement, and the owners of such Land being unknown; The said Committee played that we should provide therein. We have consequently thought proper to order and direct, as we do by these presents : That it shall bo-Lawful to tire Committee, to sell, at Public Sale, such Lots or parts of Lots in the Town of New Amsterdam, whereof no return appears to have been made to the Committee, and whereof the proprietor or proprietors remain unknown ; provided that such Sale he previously advertised three times in the Berbice and Demerary Gaieties, and that the proceeds thereof remain deposited in the hands of the Committee ad opus jus habentiuni. And in order that no ignorance may be pretended, these presents shall be Published, Printed, and Posted up as customary. Thus enacted in our Assembly, held at the Court House, in New Amsterdam, Berbice, this 6th day of July, 1813, —Present, His Honor J. Grant, Esq Acting Governor: and the Hon’blc Members L. C. Abbensets, J. McCamox, P. Fairbairn, A. J. Glasius, G. Munro, —demptis, S. Fraser. And published on the 16th August following, in presence of His Honor J. Grant, Act. Governor. JGRANT, Act. Gov. < By command of th-Court. r. c. dowNeil y Bl /Its EirtllensyJ ames Gra\t, Major in His Majesty's (fdh lleginient of Foot, Acting Governor of the ( ohniy of Berbice and its Dependencies, Vice-Admiral, and President of alt Cuttits and College's within the same «Sc. Ac. 4r. To all to whom these presents shall or may come Greeting ! be it knozen : IF HE R E IS the I endue Master, appointed by His Majesty's Letters Patent, for the Colony of Berbice has thought proper, on the demise of his late Deputy William Tlirelfa'J, to nominate and appoint Donald Chat, les Cameron, L' wis Cameron, Esquires, to be jointly and severally his Deputies; and those Gentlemen having exhibited to me their Powers in due form, and taken the customary Oath for the performance of the duties of their Ojice, 1 have received them in that capacity. Notice whereof is given to the Public, that they may receive and acknowledge these Gentlemen as Deputy Fen. due Masters, of the Colony Berbice, and further govern themselves accordingly. And that no ignorance may be pretended, this Notifi. cajion is made public through the customary channel. Given unde-r my Hand and Seal, at the king's House in New Amsterdam, Berbice, this foth day of August, 1813. J. GRANT, Acting Governor. By his Excellency's command. Thos. C. EM Ell V Gov. Sec. BY a Gentleman living in the country, a good House Boy, of about 14 years of age, for which a liberal price (cash) will be given—apply to A«g. G. BONE. KoticeT THE undersigned in his capacity as qq. the Executrix of the late C. Stuveng, requests all those in1 debted to him, either by note of hand, open accounts or otherwise, to come forward with immediate payment.—2l Aug. G. BONE. PICKED UP ~~ AT sea, iu front of this estate, a Punt, 18 feet in length and 4 £• feet beam* lhe owner may have it restored by paying the expence of this advertiseroent and rewarding the Negroes who picked it up. No, 19, west coast, 21 Aug t r Secretary's Office. IFordt geadverteerd, dat This is to inform the Fade vol gende personen voor-blic, that the following pernemens zyn uit deze Koloniesons intend quitting this Co. te vertrekken, lony. A. A. de la Court in 6 weeks from Aug. 14. R. C. DOWNER, Secy. WORDThiermede bekend NOTICE is hereby given, gemaakt, dat eenmaand nit that a month after date the dato de vo'gende Transporfollowing Transports and ten en Hipotheeken zullen Mortgages will be passed, verleden warden. 24 July. Ths. Frankland, qq. will transport to Demerary, 100 Negroes, being the Gang of Pin. Union, west corentyn, names to be seen at this Office. Dr. C. Schwiers will transport to J. Vogt, Lots 55, 56, & 57, second empolder. — Simon Fraser will transport to the Representatives of R. Dodson, Pin. Litchfield, on the west seacoast of this colony, with all the slaves and other appurtenances to the same belonging. ——— W. Katz will transport to J. A. Frauendorf 77} acres land, part of Pin. Cumberland, in Ganje. Aug. 1. J. Zimmerman w ill transport to the free negro woman May, 29 roods from the northern half of Lot No. 19, NewAmst. adjoining the new centre road. Mrs. C. K knick, widow and Relict of H. J. Buse, dec. will transport to John Beiesford, n. V. a part of the lot No. 1, first empolder in New Amst. w ith the building thereon, adjoining the new centre road. A. Tbornborcow will transport to Demerary 51 Negroes, names to be seen at this office. in favor of Campbells Fraser &¦ Co. vested on Pin. Dingwall, or halt No. 40, Corentyn, cum annexis. Wm Munro (Corentyn) will transport to Taitt and Hollingsworth, the half of Lot No. 40 Corentyn, known under the name of Epsom.—Taitt and Hollingsworth will pass a mortgage on Pin. Epson, or the half of Lot No. 40, Corentyn, as also on 20 Negroes, in favor of W. Nnnro, (Corentyn). Aug. 14. J. Quarles will transport'to W. Kewlcv, his part of lot No. 8, in New Amst. with the building thereon, adjoining West to Mary Blair, and cast toll. W. Hackmann. Wm. Kewley will transport to Th. C. Jones and John Quarles, the lot of land called Tapin'sburgh, situated in the East coast can d. V\ ho are to pass a mortgage on said land, with 30 head of cattle and their encrease, in favor of said W. Kewley. 21 Aug. B. Lohman will transport to Peter Mathews the south back’ quarter of lot No. 42, New Amsterdam. B. Lohman w ill transport to John Croft, 400 feet of land, from the north back quarter of lot No. 42, NewAmst. adjoining the new centre road. ~“p 1 'fT'™* Fra ? er frj »nsport to Douglas held et ( o plantation Kingeley, situated op the west seacoast of this colony, with Fifty eight blavcs, and all its appurtenances. Rc. DOWNER, Scry. V\ II EREAS tint following persons have addressed themselves to the Hon. Court of Policy and Criminal d" ! he 1 C c °/2 n^ Bt ; rbice » at Hleir Sessions of the -bill July, ISIS, tor Letters of Manumission. The mulatto woman Vo/Zy Hagar, assisted by A. I. Fischer, for herself. • 7 77. Luthers for the Sambo woman Massy Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it Xid°l?Z n ’ a,^ h ° n, ?v . wisl ’ tonpjmse the grant of said Letters of Manumission, that they may’ address themselves in writing to the undesigned SecrenfYhf H he ony ’ Pr enous to the ensuing Sessions of the Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made on the aforesaid Petitions. Berbice, 27th July. R. C. DOWNER, Sec. THE undersigned, Curators to the Estate nf Deputy Vendue Master Wm. ThrdfUl, I°!± give Notice, that all Vendue Accounts, due’said eZ tate, remaining unpaid after the 31st instant will put into the hands of a Lawyer, to recover by mary Process. 7 J. DO« Su,n 21 Aus ~ r>. C. CAMERON. FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of d?» a " gC /’ r’ ?[ Lading, and the Manner of Procee'. d-ngs, teforethe Court of CM Surlier o} IkhC.Vendue Office. I Public Vendues. | Ori Wednesday the Ist Sept, and foil<»win fee bagginsr, coffee bags, nails assorted, &c. D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Mate Oh W eduesilay 13th S«* pt. by order of A. la Court, Esq. the whole of his household furnilc an elegant blue table service for 24 persons, a h and chaise, 2 sets of' harness, saddles and bridka,( On the spme day, by order of the Curators of t Estate of the late VV. Threlfall, dec—The presm on lot No. 7, well known as the Vendue Office i some years, two waler vats, &c. By the I endue Master in commission, dry goft &c. D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Fcndue TO BE SOLD? 1 The Pin. HOSE HAU ( Dith or without about 50 Negroes), Bung Lot Av. 9 on the IVest Corentyn cousl of RetVtv and known on the general Chart as j c/ Luts No. 7, 8,4 9. ’I he healthy and very desirable situation of ibb p* petty, are well known, no laud-, within the colony,b>| better adapted for the growth of Cotton, besides affwfi abundance of good Plantain Land. Its present cultivation consists of 318 Acrosin finebes* ing Cotton, Plantains and Ground Provision ; all is * celleut order.—To an approved purchaser, liberal W will be given. ’ <1 Should this property not be disposed of by Printed before the Ist July next 1813, it will be sold at P»& Sale. Application to be made in the meantime, to Mr. W Hose, on the Estate, or to August 28. jkNGUS FRASB< Ifyy of Sale fixed. On Monday the first of November next at the Office, by order of Messrs. Evan & Angus Fraser, as tte» into specially authorised, will be sold by Public Sak ®Plantation ROSE HALL, Cour an tine coast, Berbitf situated and described as above, with all its Slaves, every thing attached, agreeably to an Inventory sect, at this Office. Terms of Pay ment— For Land, Cultivation and ings— on satisfactory security being given by the chaser, —12& 3 years by equal Annual Instalments,** Interest For the Negroes. . Approved Bills of Exchange, on delivery at and 24 months sight,—or as an encouragement to RJ chaser,* who may be desirous of taking the whole ® * Property, as it at present stands, say (he land and nef* to gether, the terms of payment will be extended to *>•' and 3, years on security being given to the satisfaction Messrs. Evan & Angus Fraser. D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue MtfW* RUNAWAY. FROM the subscriber, a Negro man named of the Congo Nation, and is well known lony, has a remarkable rising on fiis right wnsi any person taking him up, or lodging him » barracks, shall have a reasonable M Aug. MARYW. OAWP 1 ‘


NOTICE. THE resumed Sittings of the Court of Civil JusWce, is fixed for Monday the 20th Sept. 1813. Court House, Berbice, 2lth Aug: • j R. C. DOWNER, Sec Commissariat Office, Berbice, 26th Aug. Required for the use ofthis Garrison, One Hundred Bushels of good Oats.— Tenders for the whole, or partthereof, will be received at this Office until Wednesday the Bth September at lo*o’clock in the morning, when they will be opened, and the offer, or offers, most advantageous to Government if approved, will be accepted. , The Oats subject to survey, and payment made on passing the Board. JAMES B. BUHOT, D. Assist. Com. Gen. H4C KM A NN. Presentecrd uitde hand te Koop, tot civile prysen ?oor kassa of produkten, zyn Lot No. 26 en zyn part in No. 8, met gebouwen, in een of gedeeltens, komplete bocrewy Frarnen, en geschaaft vierkant boerewy Hout en planken in soorten. Diverse winkel waren als yzer, tin, koper, blik, aarde, linnen, wollcn, an katoen-waren, oude rum in puncheons, water vaten, Frausdie waterpotten, en huishoudings goederen. 28 Aug, post' office. LIST of Letters remaining in the Post-Office, which if not called for, will be forthwith returned to Europe. B. Brown, Mrs.) Bridgewater Miss E.) Bisphane, Mr. J.) Barnes, Mr. J.) Bryant, Mr. J.) Balfour, Dr. J. C. Corsis, F. L. de heer.) Carter, J. Hickman.) Chapman, Rich. Esq.) Collier, Mr.* Rich.) • D. Douglas, Edmond A.) Domings, Chs.) Dunlop,.Tas. Dodgson, Rob (J Dromgokl, Miss Mary.) Dove, Mr. Samuel.) E. Eborai, Mr, Charles.) Elliot, Mr. Jos. Findlater, Mr. David. G. Gallez, L. F. de hrej.) Guyot, Monsr. J.) Goring, Dr. J. H. Harvie, Mr. Jas.) Merlin & Bender) Hagburne, Miss Carsenia.) Dall, Mr. Jos.) Hall, Miss Catharine.) Hinde, Air. Thomas.) Heytmeyer, J. W.) Hewitt, J. Esq. Nickirie.) Henvry, Mr. John. J. Jones, Capt.) Johan, Jacob.) Jackson, Jas Esq. K. Kerr, Catharine.) King, Mr. Wm.) Kerr, Mr. Win. Kennedy, Mr. L. Long, Ths. C.) Luthers, IL) Lighton, Mr. Thus. Lewis Manor qq. of.) * M. Milligan, Jas. Esq.) McKinmice, Alex.) McDonald J. Esq.) Morris, Capt.) McDowal, (’apt. Robert. McKenzie, Mr.) Muncker, J. J. Esq.) Mclntosh, Mr. Alex.) McKenzie, Capt.) Meredith, Robert.) McKenzie, Mr. Rodk.) Mosset, M atchmaker. P. Pissmirken, Miss. B.) Philips, Nath. Esq.) Pollet, Jacob Card. ’ R. Rawlins, Mrs.) Ricketts, Sam. Esq.) Reynolds, Mr. W.) Roberts, Mr. John.) Rose, Mr. W. Inverness. (Rimmer, Oliver. 8. Sheppard, Ths. Esq.) Stewart, Mr. Allan.) Shaw, Mr. Alex.) Shanks, Mr. Jam.) Sander, J. P. Esq.) Shanks, E. Esq.) Stewart, Mr. Jam.) Shutter, Mr. Campbell.) Sowerby, Mr. John) Smith, Mrs. M. F. fiSchwartz, Mr. G. T, \ Tuit, Jas. Capt.) Thompson, Rbt.) Taitt, H. Esq.) W. "Watt, Alex. Esq.) Wade, Thos. Esq.) Wade, Rt. Esq.) Wade, Isaac Esq.) White, Mr. Geo.) Waller, Dr. Geo. Young, Mr? William. Post-Office, 21st Aug. 1813 Wm. SCOTT, Dep. Postmr. Gen. WANTED. ~ a good house boy-» to this office, s July. upperßerbice, Mr. F. von Waldkibch. I . | NEW AMSTERDAM, S 3 Aug. 1813. He have the pleasure to announce to the Public, the arrival of Ilis Excellency Major General Murray.—llis Excellency, by virtue of His Majesty's appointment, will receive over the Civil Administrationof the Colony Berbice and assume the Functions of Governor, on Monday uext. A Mail for Barbados will be made up at the Post Office here, on Tuesday the 31st inst. at 10 o’clock, r. m. to be forwarded to Barbados by the Dispatch Boat Harriet Elizabeth. From the late t nglish Papers. An order has Iqjely been issued bydhe War Office, permitting the Fife Militia now at Chatham, and all the other regiments of Scotch Militia, to volunteer into the 49th regiments of the line, now serving in Canada; on condition, as is to be stated in their attestations, that each volunteer shall be discharged at the expiration of six months after a general peace, and be allotted a certain quantity of land in proportion to his rank. On the Ist of June, the Officers and men, quartered at Radipole Barracks, were gratified in seeing a brother soldier rewarded. Serjeant William Butler, of the 12th Light Dragoons.— All the Non Commissioned Officers of that Regiment were ordered to attend the Mess-room, after their Officers’ dinner, when Capt. Cole, of the Regiment, in the presence of the Field Officers and men belonging to the garrison, presented unto Serjeant Wm. Butler a silver cup, which the Officers.had voted to him as atoken of their regard for his good services, as a man and a soldier, for 48 years in that Regiment. Capt. Cole’s address in presenting the same, was such as to animate the young soldier, and to inspire those of more mature age to follow the example of the old veteran whom he was about to reward: the same was received with every degree of dignity and respect becoming the soldier.. When the old warrior received the emblem of honour, his feelings may be better imagined than described. The Band struck up ‘Britons strike home,’ and they marched to the old veteran’s room in military order, where the cup was filled with claret, and the evening spent with the greatest order and conviviality, at the expeuce of (he Officers of the garrison, during which the old soldier danced several hornpipes, in the 74th year of his age. In her late passage from the Cape of Good Hope, the Union discovered a shoal and reef hitherto unknown, of considerable extent, and icmfniently dangerous to vessels passing from thence to the French islands, as it lies in the direct tract; the account we have been politely favoured with, states, that the Union was becalmed for three hours w ithin three miles of a small rock, the length of which w as computed to be 12 yards, and the elevation above the water about six feet, from which a reef extends nearly six miles. The weather had been very favourable, and the Commander of the Union having a good Chronometer, it is believed that the position of this reef and shoal bas becn accurately ascertained; The longitude agreed very nearly w ith a recent lunar observation. We cannot, of course, vouch for the accuracy of u verbal communication, but the latitude is stated to be 35, and a few min. S. and the longitude 5'2, 30, E. It is thought to be the shoal laid down in some charts by the Dutch, and named Slot van Coqal. An Irish estate has recently been advertised in a Cork newspaper, with temptations to a purchaser of no ordinary kind—it consists of two villages, the lotnre prospects of which are set forth by stating, that one of them is let for nine hundred years, and the other on a lease fur ever! on the expiration of which terms, both the said villages will be capable of great improvement. AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE, New York, June 21.—We understand that an express to General Izard reached here last evening from New London, bringing intelligence that the British squadron off that port had been reinforced by a ship of the line, three frigates, and a brig; and that it was apprehended an immediate attack would be made upon the town. This news has been subsequently corroborated by the arrival of a smack down the Sound.—the Captain of which states, that he saw the above-described force off New London yesterday afternoon, aud that they suffered him to pass unmolested. The United States’ brig Argus sailed from this port for France on Saturday, with a fait wind, having on board our Ambassador, Mr. Crawford, add suite. By letters received here from Washington, it appears that the nomination of Gallatin, as Minister to Russia, has been rejected by the Senate by a majority of six. It is considered necessary that the office of Secretary tb the Treasury should be declared vacant before the above appointment could be confirmed. Kin istun, June 7th, General Order.—His Excellency the Commander of the Forces has great satisfaction in ordering the following General Order, issued by Major-General De Rottenburgh, to be published, and to add his approbation of the Judgement and gallantry displayed upon the occasion by Major Taylor of the 100th regiment, and the officers and men employed in the attack of the enemy’s armed vessels. By His Excellency’s command, Edward Baynes Ad.-Gen Montreal, June 4 th, i General Order.-—The Major-General Commanding hair I received a report from Major Taylor of the 100th regiment, I giving an account of agallant affair which took place yesterday between the gun-boats and detachments from the garrison of Isle aux Noix, and the enemy’s armed vessel* Growler and Eagle, from Lake Champlain; having each ’ 11 guns, with four officers and 45 men on board, and which ended in the capture of both these vessels, after a well con. f tested action of three hours and a half Major Tayjor speak* • in high terms of the gallantry of all the officers and soldiers ? employed on this occasion, particularly of Lieut. Lowe of the marine department, Ensigns Dawson, Gibbon, and 1 Humphries, and Acting Quartermaster Pilkington of the 100th regiment, with their crews, and reports the material assistance he received from Capt. Gordon of the Royal Artillery, Lieut. Williams of the 100th regiment, with the parties on shore, who contributed greatly to the capture of the enemy.—The garrison had three men wounded; the enemy one man killed, and eight severely wounded.—The • Major-General Commanding wi I have much satisfaction i in reporting tb His Excellency the Commander of the . Forces, this action, which does high credit to the arrange. meats of Major Taylor, and to the conduct and bravery , of all concerned; By command, J. Rowan, D. A. A. G. Precept for a Lady's Dress. If you would rise a wash of white. Let chastity be chose’, Aud fasinating modesty, Your bloom that tifits the rose ; Your eye brow’s dress with chearfuluess, Sincerity your lip, And let instruction ever be, Your ears peruvian dip ; Your mantle than let innocence, With happy mildness place, Os plac’4 virtue abuse a robe, With resolution's brace. Take confidence in him you love, . The partner of your life, The best of ornaments that can Distinguish the best wife; The fragment zypber of your breath, Let truth alone improve, Use this precept, nor even death Nor age shall lessen love. • O.—¦ “A GROAN’’ Shannon and Chesapeake. When a portion of Cream they had skimm’d on the Sea, For a mode to preserve it they seek ; As an emblem of Vict’ry at length they agree, On erecting a great Cheesy. Peak I! But the Lads of the Shannon they brandish’d the Oak, And kveli’d the trophy in Style; And e’en tho! their toughest Shillclah was Broke* Triumphant they ruin’d the Pile.— New Amst. 24th Augt. PADDY WHACK. A. FLEURY 'TIOTTER Y. Plan of a Lottery. To be drawn with Permission of Ilis Excellency Governor J. GRANT. Consisting of the Northern front quarter of Lot No 37, in the second cm polder of the Town of New Amsterdam, with the Buildings thereon, and Appraised by Mr. Wm. Grant, Carpenter, at f 4,708 There will be 107 Tickets, at f 44. each. The Winner may take possession the very moment after the drawing. The costs of Transport are to be paid by the winner. The day of drawing of this Lottery will be made known thro’this Gazette. TICKETS to be had at A. Fleury's, this Office, and La Rose's Tavern. .. Berbice, 24th July. SALE by EXECUTION. Fourth Proclamation BY virtue of authority granted by the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under date of Ist May 1813, upon a Petition of A. J. Glasius and B. J. Schwiers, Sequestrators over Plantation Vrede en Vriendschap, and half Goudmyn. Notice is hereby given, that. I the undersigned. First Marshal of the Courts of this colony, will sell by public Execution Sale, in the month of July 1814, (the precise day hereafter to be notified thro’ the Gazette ofthis colony.) The Plantation VREDEen VRIENDSCHAP, and : half of Plantation GOUDMYN, with all its cultivation, buildings, slaves, and other appurtenances and dependencies thereto belonging Whoever should think to have any right, action, or interest on the abovementioned plantations, and its dependencies, and wishes to oppose this sale by Execution, let him or them addressthemselvcs to n e the undersigned, declaring their reason for so doing in a legal manner in writing, as I hereby give notice that I will receive opposition from all intermediate person or persons, appoint them a dafy to have their claims heard before the Court, and further act thereon according to law. ‘ This 4th proclamation published by beat ofdrtim as customary. Berbice, 8 Aug.* ISIS . K. FRANCKEN, XstAfmW.


Marshals Office, SALE nr EXECUTION. First Proclamation. WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority obtained from His Excellency R. Gordon, Governor General of the colony . Berbice, and its Dependenciesf &c. &c. &c. Upon a Petition of Wm. Gordon, as together with Evan Fraser and Angus Fraser, the Surviving Attornies, jointly and severally j for Donald McLeod, of Geanies, in the county of Ross, North Britain, versus, James Craufurd, MeLeod, and John Bethune, under date of 17th April 1813, has on the 29th April and 16th Aug. 1813, taken in Execution and put under Sequestration, the Cotton Estate GEANIES. situate on the Corentyn coast of this colony, with all its Slaves, Buildings, Cultivation, &c.—As also the Lower half of Lot No. 80, Corentine river, the property of abovenamed J. Craufurd, McLeod, and J. Bethune, al of which properties an Inventory is to be seen at the Marshal’s Office. Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned intend to Sell, aftcrthe expiration of One year and Six week, from the 16th August, 1813, the abovenamed cotton Estate Geanies, and the Lower half of Lot No. 80, ctm annexis. Whoever should think to have any right, action or interest on theabovementioned Estates,, and wishes to oppose the Sale thereof, let such person address themselves to the Marshal’s office, declaring their reason for such opposition indue time and form, as 1 hereby give notice that 1 will receive opposition from every one thereunto qualified, appoint them a day to have his or h< r claims beard before the Court, and further act thereon according to Law. This first Proclamation made known to the public by beat of drum as customary. Berbice 22 Aug. 1813. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. 7 SALE by EXECUTION'. Second Proclamation. BY virtue of a Writ of Execution, granted by His Excellency James Grant, Acting Governor of the Colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c. Upon a petition presented by J. J. van der Stoop, under date of 22d July 1813, versus, F. A. Rodtnbroek for s< If and for J..C. Schollevanger. I the undersigned. Marshal oi both the Honorable Courts of this Colony, shall expose and sell, at public Execution sale, in presence of two Councellors Commissaries and their (Secretary, on Wednesday the B 1 spreading horns. Any person giving suqh.injbtey I tion that they may be recovered, will be rewarded) | and all reasonable expences paid. „ I 14 Aug. WILSON TAYLO& | Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, P. ¦ By W. SCHOLZ A Co,