'Twelve dollars p. annum.]
Secretary's Office.
IVordt geadverteerd, dut This is to inform the Pit.
de volgende personen voor-blic, that the following per.
nemens zyn uit dezc Kolonie sons intend quitting this Co.
te vertrekken. Many.
A. A. de la Court in 6 weeks from Aug. 14.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
WO tiDT hiermede hekend NO TICE is hereby given,
gemaakt, dot een matt nd no that a month after date the
data de volgende Transpor. following Transports and
ten en llipotheeken zullen Mortgages will be passed,
verledcn worden.
July 17. James Fraser will transport to W. /Ilves
ami the Assignees of the Estate of G. Baillie,
Lot No. 14, east sea coast canal.
— The Representatives of the Estate of the
late Jas, Fraser, will transport to the Repre Representatives
sentatives Representatives of the Estate of Ifarbourne Barn Barnwell,
well, Barnwell, the western halt of lot No. 4, in Ganje.
.;. B. Rule will transport to S. Bain 21 roods
of land of lot No. 19, N<-w Amst. south side
next the back dam, and 27 toodson the north
side of No. 19 next the back dam.
■— S. Bain will transport to Harriet Parkhison,
» 21 roods of land of lot No. 19 N. Amst. south
side, back dam.
S. Bain will transport to Elizabeth Fraser 13
roods of land of lot No. 19, north side, back
54 July. Ths. Frankland, qq. will transport to De Demer
mer Demer irv, 100 Negroes, being the Gang of Pin.
Union, west corentyn, names to be been at this
— Dr. C. Schwicrs will transport to J. Vogt,
Lots 55, 56, N 57, second empolder.
— Simon Fraser will transport to the Repre-
sentatives of IL Dodson, Pin.* Litchfield, on
the west seacoast of this colony, with all the
slaves and other appurtenances to the same
I —*— — \\ . Katz will transport to J. A. Frauendorf
771 acres land, part of Pin. Cumberland, in
t aH^e ;
Aug. 1. J. Zimmerman will transport to ’he free ne negro
gro negro woman May, 29 roods irom tin northern
half of Lot No. 19, New A mat. adjoining the
new centre road.
Mrs. ( . Klmick, widow and Relict of 11. J.
Buse, dec. will transport to John Betesiord,
N. u. a part oft lie lot No. I, first empolder in
New Amst. with the building thereon, adjoin-
| . ing the new centre road.
• A. Thornboirow will transport to Demerary
51 Negroes, names to be st en at this office. *
j . W. Mumo (Goreniyn) will pass a mortgage
in lavor of Campbells 1 laser & Co. vested on
Pin. Dingwall, or half No. 40, Corcnryn, cum
I anuexis.
Win Munro (Corentyn) will transport to
Taittand Hollingsworth, the half of Lot No.
40 Corentyn, known under the name of Ep Epsom.—Taitt
som.—Taitt Epsom.—Taitt and Hollingsworth will pass a
mortgage on Pin. Epson, or (he half of Lot
No. 40, Corentyn, as also on 20 Negroes, in
favor of W. Nunro, (Corentyn).
Aug. 14. J. Quarles will transport to W. Kewley,
his part of lot No. 8, in New Amst. with the
building thereon, adjoining west to Mary
I Blair, and east toll. W. Hackmann.
Wm. Kewley will transport to Th. C. Jones
and John Quarles, the lot of land called 7«-
pin'sburgh, situated in the East coast canal.
* Who arc to pass a mortgage on said land,
» with 30 head of cattle and their encrease, in
favor of said W. Kewley.
WHEREAS the following persons have addressed
themselves to the Hon. Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice, of the colony Berbice, at their Sessions of
the 26 th July, 1813, for Letters of Manumission.
The mulatto woman Molly Hagar, assisted by A.
F. Pitcher, for herself.
H. Luthers for the Sambo woman Massy.
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
SATURDAY, the 14th of August.
may concern, and who may w ish to oppose the grant
of said Letters of Manumission, that they may ad address
dress address themselves in writing to the under signed Secre Secretary
tary Secretary of the Colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions
of the Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be
made on the aforesaid Petitions.
Berbice, 21th July. IL C. DOWNER, Sec.
FROM the subscriber, a Negro man named Dick,
of the Congo Nation, and is well known in this co colony,
lony, colony, has a remarkable rising on his right wrist
any person taking him up, or lodging him in the
barracks, shall have a reasonable reward.
14 Aug. MARY W. DAWS.
DRIFTED from the water side of the Subscriber,
a Punt, about 27 feet long by 10 broad, with a fiat
bottom and square ends. —Also Strayed or Stolen,
from Plantation Seawell, a large black Ox with
spreading horns. Any person giving such informa information
tion information that they may be recovered, will be rewarded,
and ail reasonable ex peaces paid.
THE House and Out-buildings, s’tuatc on lot No.
8, at present occupied by the Subscriber. Terms of
payment will be made easy. For further information
apply to
Foil SALE.
THE whole or any part or pails of the Lots No’s.
1 and 2, situated in the Town of N\ w Amsterdam, a
C hart thereof is to be seen at .Mrs. Buscs's, or at
Mr. J*. Nicolay's, at whose house on lot No. 3, fur further
ther further particulars may be known. 24 July.
By C. Rl i.ach,
Jn Commissie, te btkomen.
Brown stout in vaten, houdmdc 24 douzyn, a J 120
And per the dozen fS - 10.
Kurken a /’4 - 10. het gros.
Spykers, 17 July.
B\ the Subscriber, on Lot No. II, —Irish linen,
long lawn, cotton shirting, cotton & codec bagging.
Negro hats, stationary, soap & candies, sadleijTand
chaise harness, HL
to 24 inches,, cotton pruning knives, American fal falling
ling falling axis, soi kel chtssels, all sizes & stay bars & sta staphs,
phs, staphs, nails, coffee men irii s, and London particular
Madeira wine, ill pipes, hhJs, casks, and a
quantity of crabwood lumber inch and inch & half.
7 Aug. CH. KYTE.
FROM Pin. Good Hope, Corentyn, between the
afternoon of the 26th and the morning of the 27th ult.
A new Punt, silver bally planked, 26 feet long by 7
wide, without any tar, except a little run over the
seams—any person picking it up, will be rewarded,
by applying to IV. Lawson, Esq. or on the estate to
the Manager.
7 A »g* G. GORDON.
TH E subscriber (supported by a Gentlemen on
the coast) will Kill, on Sunday the Ist.Aug. at the
house of James Burnett, middle dam, a Fat Ox
which he pledges himself to continue weekly, provi provided
ded provided he meets that encouragement his attention may
merit; and as it may not be convenient at all times
to send cash, he request a Good to amount of beet
required, at fifteen stivers per pound, which Goods
he proposes collecting every two or three months or
sooner, if circumstances would require, so that he
may be enabled to support the concern with first
quality Beef.
Good Mutton every Tuesday and Friday to be
bespoken over night.
31 Ju| y- B. YOUNG.
A good house boy to this office. 3 July.
T 7 'endue Office.
Public Vendues.
On Wednesday the 18 August, will be sold, by
order of the Curators of the late W. Threlfall, the
K remises on lot No. 7, * known as the Vendue Office,
fegroes, furniture, and what further may appear on
the day of sale.
By order of Capt. Clapham, a schooner, with sails
rigging, cable and anchor.
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Venduemr.
On Thursday 26th August next, will be sold, on
the spot, by order of the Hon’ble. Orphan Chamber,
Plantation Mary'sburg, situate on the east sea coast
of this colony, with the Negroes and all other ap appurtenances,
purtenances, appurtenances, thereunto belonging—terms of Sale may
be known on application to the Vendue Master.
The Vendue Master, on above place, will sell in
commission, 14 tine fit Oxen. .
G. BONE, A. I). Vend. Mr.
On Wednesday the Ist Sept, and following days,
will be sold by order of Robt. Taitt, and Win. Kew Kewley,
ley, Kewley, Esqrs. in their capacity as Curators to the Es Estate
tate Estate of the late Richard Barry, dec.—The western
half of Plantat ion Newlandhall, being one-third of
Lot No. 23, Corentyn coast.
NB. The Sale will take place on the spot.
The southern half of Plantation Harriet, being half
Lot, No. 76 Correntyn, together with buildings, and
slaves, stock and all and every thing thereunto be belonging—lnventories
longing—lnventories belonging—lnventories of which* to be seen at the Ven Vendue
due Vendue office.
. G. BONE, Act. Dep. Vendue Master.
G. BONE, Act. Vendue Master.
On Tuesday 7th Sept, by order of Janies Bennett,
Esq. on No. 12 West coast, frou 30 to 40 head fine
[cattle. —3 and 6 months credit. ,
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Vendue Mastr
On W,|inesday 15th Sept, by order of a. A. d e
la Court, Esq. the whole of his household furniture,
an elegant blue table service for 24 persons, a horse
and chaise, 2 sets of harness, saddles and bridles, &c<
G. BONE, Act. Dap. Vendue Master.
A Brick Sluice being wanted in the front part of
lot No. 32, New Amsterdam, of sufficient dimens dimensions,
ions, dimensions, to drain the sa d town. Sealed proposals for
the building of said Sluice and the furnishing of all
the materials thereto required, accompanied with a
plan of the work, marked, “(Tender for a Brick
Sluice), will be received by the undersigned until
the 28th August, when the said Tenders will lie op,
ened by the Committee, and the lowest offer, if ap.
proved of, accepted. Security will be required from
the Contractor for the performance of his agreement.
Beibice, 31 July,
By order of the Committee.
ALL persons indebted to P. A. Braun, ever since
the years 1809, 1810, 1811, & 1812, are once more
requested to render payment of their accounts, either
to the undersigned or A. G. Calmer, Esq. as being
thereunto duly authorized; in default of which the
undersigned will be in the necessity to enforce pay*
ment by law proceedings. r J
31 July* H. C. HINTZEN. qq.
ALL those indebted to the Estate of the late An Angus
gus Angus Macdonald, dec. are requested to come forward
with payment, and persons having demands against
said estate, to render in their claims to either of the
undersigned. Jos. MACDONALD.
24 July. Executors.
SIX able House Servants—apply to the under undersigned,
signed, undersigned, or either of th«m. J. van den BROEK.
24 July. G. PAUELS.
(No. 463.
[Payable in advance.
Commissariat Office
Btrbice, 14M A tig.
CASH wartted for the following Bills of Exchange
No. 558— £ 100 (
No. 325—£ 150.0 n the Commissary in Chief
And a Bill of £ 54-14-0. On Messrs. Greenwood &
Cox, Agents, Royal ArJillery.
For which Tenders will be received at this Office,
Until 12 o’clock on Thursday the 19 Aug. when they
will be opened, and if approved, accepted.
JAMES B. BUHOT, D. Assist. Com. Gen.
ALL persons having any Claim or Demand against
Il is Excellency Governor Gordon, are requested to
render the same in without delay to
| j
I NEW AMSTERDAM, 14 Aug. 1813.
By the way of Barbados, we have received this
week, London news to the 22d of June, eight days
later than by our last Mail, brought by the Lord
Hobart Packet, in 29 days from Falmouth.
A Mail for Barbados will be made up at the Post
Office here, on Monday evening the 16th inst. at six
The state of the armies in the Peninsula has now become
an interesting feature in the scale of European warfare;
Lord Wellington is in advance against the French, who
are retiring before him ; and it has been ascertained, that
since November last, the following numbers of their troops
have passed through Vittoria in a direction for France:—
Foot guards,a:;d detachments, 14,100; skeletons of in.
fantry regiments, 15,500 ; Polish lancers and German Le Legion,
gion, Legion, 6«0; Commanders in Chief, Soult aud Caffarelli,
and 28 Generals of Division ; 150 Brigadiers aud Colonels;
250 Lieut-Colonels, aud 1000 other Officers.—We also
learn by the Lord Hobart Packet, which spoke on her
passage the Jasper sloop of war, two dajs from Lisbon,
that the Garrison of Burgos had been withdrawn, and that
the French troops had burnt the Castle previous to theirj
Barbados July, 21. —'A c feel much regret in having to
recount the lapses .sustained by some of the Merchant ves vessels
sels vessels at this anchorage since Thursday last. On that day
the wind set in at N. W. from which quarter it Blew with
much violence during the night; but, towards day.light
on the following morning it veered to S. W. which occa occasioning
sioning occasioning a great swelling of the sea, drove on shore many
Vessels, one of w hie i fully laden and ready to proceed
with convoy for the rendezvous of the present homeward
bound fleet, and another, with part of a valuable cargo on
board. The following is a statement of this unfortunate
The Ship Bootle, Ford, is on shore a little above the
Fort at the Pfer-head and completely strand, d ; slic had
70 tons of outward.hoand freight from Liverpool, and
150 hogsheads of sugar on board for that port—ail da.
Ship Colonist, Oliver, went on shore abreast of Mar.
tilldale’s watering-place in the Bay; she was ready for
sea, her were also on board at the time, bound
for London, and had cargo of 533 hogsheads, 267 tierces,
15 barrels of Sugar; 80 bales of cotton, aud some other
trilling freight.—The water in her hold is up to the second
tier of Sugar, about 200 casks of the remainder of which
may piobably be saved. She has lost her bowsprit and
Atno great distance from this, the Army. Schooner Tea.
»er and the two prison.ships were stranded.
Mais-boats Spencer and Sprightly are also on
shores and damaged.
Sloop Chance, of Anguilla, got on the reef of Need-
Ham's, in attempting to proceed to and is bilged.
Two foreign schooners are on the beach, and as they arc
not bilged, effort* are making to get them off.
A boat belonging Jo the Bustard man of war was upset |
on coming round the point at the entrance to the wharf,
and two of the crew drownA* v-the remaining three being
saved with difficulty.
The small craft at Speight’s Town are repotted io have
been destroyed ; and a shallop belonging to Mr. Evelyn,
off Oistin’s, was also lost.
His Majesty’s ships Grampus, Fen us, Lighting, Brigs
Meron, Bustard, Espiegle, schooner Balabou ; and several
merchant vessels, rode out the gale, without receiving any
Mr. Lockwood, Master Attendant at the Naval Yard
established here, and the Captain of the Transport Three
Sisters, afforded every assistance in their power to the
Colonist, and rescued the passengers and crew from their
perilous situation on board that vessel, at the hazard of
their own lives
Barbados, July 27.—There was a meeting yesterday
morning of the Gentlemen concerned In the trade to Gua Guadeloupe,
deloupe, Guadeloupe, in consequence of its alienation by the late trea treaty.
ty. treaty. On this occasion it was determined that the present
agent for the Island, with Messrs. Le Comte, Wilson, and
Marryatt, should constitute a Committee, to manage their
interest with Ministers, and particularly to arrange the
means of liquidating the demands of the merchants upon
the Island, either by admitting the produce to entry or
otherwise, as circumstances might render prudent.
Barbados, July 31.—The American schooner Decatur*
of six 18-pounders and one long 9, with a crew of 1 10
men, captured on the 9th, instant the schooner Brothers,
from Demerary bound to this Island, which she burnt on
the following day. The General Horsford, from Surinam
to Cayenne, laden with flour and fish, was also taken by
this privateer; as was the Harriot $ Eliza, Berbice Co Colony-boat,
lony-boat, Colony-boat, bound hither, on board of which was R. A.
Hyndman, Esq. She bad previously made prize of the ship
Helena, from Fay al for New Providence, and sent her
to New Orleans : and the enemy had chased on shun*, to
windward of Surinam, the sloop Giwz/e/, from on board
of which she took live punchcuu*- oi rum and a quantity
of dry goods. Ihe Harriot & Eliza was given up to the
passengers and crews of these vessels, and has arrived at
Grenada. The privateer afterwards steered to the north,
ward with the view of intercepting our homeward bound
The tempestuous weather which destroyed several of the
vessels in this Bay on the 23d instant, has been severely
felt at the Islands to leeward. By arrivals from St. Vin.
cent we learn, that the Ship Severn was driven ashore at
that Island; all the vessels at Dumiuica shared the same
fate; and at St. Piere, Martinique, the following damage
has been sustained by the shipping, and a number of lives
At St. Pierre, wrecked and totally lost—the Ship Watt;
the brigs Barbados and Blonde; the sloops Linnet, Fau Fauny‘
ny‘ Fauny‘ Porpoise, Dispatch, Superior, Fanny, Little Edward,
Medway ; the schooner Betsy Gavauun. Alsu, the Spa.
nish brig San Lorenzo, 90 tons. —Swedish schooners Free Freeport,
port, Freeport, 133 tons, Okbary, 99 tons, Packet, 95 tons—and
five Droghers.
Foundered oft Fort Royal, after escaping from St. Pier,
re, Bay :—The Ship Amelia.
At Laze Navirc, foundered—the schooner Miss Park Parkinsong
insong Parkinsong and the sloop Governor Beckwith.
At Lamentin—the sloop Flurissante.
At Fort Rojal—the schooner Kentish, and a Swedish
At Trinite—the sloop Requin ; and a Swedish ship ;
also six Droghers.
At Vauchlin—Four Droghers,
At St. Ann—the sloop Rachael.
At Robert—the sloop Polly.
At Macouba—the sloop Dove.
Total 42 Vessels.
Downing-Street, June 15, 1813
A dispatch, of which the following is an extract, has
been received this morning by the Earl Bathurst, address,
ed to his Lordship by the Marquis of Wellington, and
dated Carvajales, May 31
The troops arrived at Sal man ca on the 26th inst and
we found the enemy still in the town, with one division
of infantry, and three squadrons of cavalry, and some
cannon of the Army of the South, under the comwapj. t s
Gen. ViKatte. —The enemy evacuated tke town on oaf
approach, but they waited lunger than they ought up oa
the high ground in the neighbourhood, and afforded
opportunity for the cavalry, under Generals Fane »nd
Victor AI ten (the former of which crossed the 'formes at
the Ford of Santa Martha, and the latter at the bridge)
to do thems good deal of injury in their retreat; many
were killed or wounded, and we took about 200 prisoners,
7 tumbrils of ammunition, some baggage, provisions, &
—The enemy retired by the road of Babila. Fuento,
and near Huerta was joined by a body of infantry aai
cavalry, on their march from Alba. I then ordered ow
troops to discontinue their pursuit, our infantry not be.
ing up. Mqjor-Gen. Long, and Brig.-Gen. Motillo, i|
command of the Spanish division, attacked Alba, froa
which place the enemy retired. In the course of the
and 28th, I established the troops which had
from the Agueda and Upper Estremadura, between th
Tormes and the Douro, under the command of Lent.
Gen. Sir K. Hill; I set off myself, on the 29th, to job
the troops here, a id arrived that day at Maranda de Douro,
and hereon the 31st. 1 found the troops on the Esh
under the orders of Sir T. Graham, as Iliad intended,
with their left at Tabaia, and in communicatiuli with fit
Gallician Army, and their right at this place, a >d all (h
arrangements made for pacing the Esla. The great®
part passed that river this morning, the cavalry by fori,
and the infantry by a bridge, which it was necessary t*
throw over that river, a> it wa. so deep that some too,
even of the cavalry, were lost in the passage. The Ei
glish hussars who erased i.r-t, took ati Officer and $
men prisoners, near \ aldeperdices.—The enemy haveen.
coated Zamora, and our patroles have been in that ton;
, the troops which were there have fallen back upon Tws,
where I understand they have one division of in fan tn
: and a brigade of cavalry.— It appears that the enemy tax
â– joined at La Nava del Rey, the troops which retired fra
i Salamanca, Avila, &c. with those which were at Areva;
and Media l del lafflpo; and 1 imagine that as this pt
< of the army advances, they will retire across the Dov*.
—I he enemy’s troops were still at Madrid, aud ng â–
lagtt«, on the 22d; but I conclude that they will tar
evacuated that part of the country on bearing of or
The late h.irdfougl t battles in and near Bautzen, it Heat
have led to a suspension us hostile operations betweeotk
armies of France and those of the allies, Bonaparte k<
ing proposed an Armistice, which, it is said, had be*,
acceded to; —fur the only exception to this couclumi
appears to rest upon a report, that the Emperor of R«J»
sia had refused compliance, as far as regarded tho perioi
that had been prescribed for its continuance, w hich w*
from the 4th June until the 20th July ; but that he taL
offered Ins ratification for a term of fifteen days, prtniM ..
such stipulations as he should propose were agreed to a
the part of the French Ruler; the result of w hich prop* |
sals, however, has not btu n satisfactorily stated in tbep*
pers before us. This Armistice has, no doubt, been th â–
offspring of Austrian interference, whose Emperor hss#
view ths annexation of certain places to his territories,
which this step may occasion, either by negociation or ty *
means of war. The signatures to this document, as
lished in a French paper, are those of Caulincourt, h*'
I*rance; Count SchouvalofT, in behalf of Russia; .
Gen. Kleist, on the part of Prussia; and the following#
the provisions of the
Art. I.—Hostilities shall cease upon all points upon lb
notification of the present armistice. ft i
2. The Armistice shall last to the Sth (20th) July ■*’
elusive. Hostilities not to commence without giving
days notice. »
3. Hostilities shall not coscqucntly recommence fill «
days after the denunciation of the armistice at the rtfp# s
tive head quarters. i
4. The line of dcmorcation between the Belligerent Ar Arnries
nries Arnries is fixed as follows:—In Silesia, the line of thetW* |
reation of the Combined Army, setting out from thefr* ®
tiers of Bohemia, shall pass through Detersbach, PW®*" |
dorf, Landshut, follow the Bober to Ruderstadt; FM
from thence through Bolkenhayn, Striegan, folio* (
Strieganerwasser to Gauth, and join the Order by
through Bettlern, Olfaschin, and Althoff.—The comM®* 11 ,
army shall be at liberty to occupy tbc low*® 'J
Rudolstadt, Bolkenhayu, Striegan, and Gauth,, as well
as their suburbs. The line of the French army, also set setting
ting setting out from the frontier which touches Bohemia, shall
pass thro’ Serffershaus, Air-Ramnitz, follow the course of
the smalt river which falls into the Bober, not far from
Berlelsdorf; afterwards from the Bober to Lahn. From
thence to Nieukick, upon the Katzbach, by the most di.
rect line, from whence it will follow the course of that
river to the Oder. —The town of Patchwitz, Deignitz,
Goldberg, and Lahn, no matter on what side the river
they are situated, may, as well as their suburbs, be oc occupied
cupied occupied by the French troops. —All the territory between
the French and combined armies shall be neutral, and
cannot be occupied by any troops, noteven by the Lauds Laudstur
turm Laudstur —The disposition consequently applies to the town
of Breslau.—-From the mouth of the Katzback, the line
of demarcation shall follow the course of the Oder to the
frontiers of Saxony and Prussia, and join the Elbe in pas.
sing the Oder, not far from Mu hl rose, and follow the
froniiers of Prussia, so that all Saxony, the country of
Dessarc, and the small States surrounding the Princess of
the Confederation of the Rhine, shall belong to the French
army, and all Prussia shall belong to the combined army.
The Prussian territories in Saxony shall be considered as
neutra’, and shall not be occupied by any troops. The
Elbe to its mouth fixes and determines the line of demar demarcation
cation demarcation between the Belligerent armies, with the exception
of the points hereafter mentioned. The French army shall
remain in possession of the Isles, and everything which it
occupied in the 32d military division, on the Sth of June,
at midnight—if Hamburg is only besieged, that town shall
be treated like other besieged towns. —All the articles of
the present Armistice which are relative to them are ap applicable
plicable applicable to it.—The line of the advanced march of the
Belligerent armies after the epoch of Sth June, at mid midnight,
night, midnight, shall form for the 23d military division, that of the
demarcation us the armistice, with the military alterations
which the respective Commandants shall judge nccesary.
These alterations shall be made in concert with an officer
of the stall of each army, upon the principles of perfect
5. The fortresses of Dantzic, Modlin, Zamose, Stettin,
and Custrin, shall be revii tualled every lite days, accord according
ing according to the force of their garrisons, thro’ the care of the
Commander of the blockading troops. A Commissary,
appointed by the Commandant of each place, shall be
w ith one of the besieging troops, to see that the stipula stipulated
ted stipulated provisions arc exactly supplied.
6. During the time of the Armistice, eve’y fortress shall
bf.ve bevond its walls an exteut of a French league; this
giound shall he neutral. Magdeburgh will consequent!;,
have its frontier a league upon the right Lank of the Elbe.
7. A French officer sha 1 be syit in each of the besieged
places, to inform the Commandant of the Conelu iou »t
the Armistice, and of its re-vi*mailing. A IL.sdau or
Prussian officer shall accompany him during the journey,
both going and coming.
8. Commissaries named on both sides in each place,
shall fix the pricv of the provisions furnished. This ac account,
count, account, Settled at the end of every month by the Commis Commissioners
sioners Commissioners charged with maintaining the Armistice, shall be
paid at the head-quarters by the Paymaster. General of
the Army.
9. Officers of the Staff shall be appointed on either side
to regulate in concert the general line of demarcation, res respecting
pecting respecting points which shall not be determined by running
water, and respecting which there may arise any difficulty.
10. All the movements of the troops shall do regulated,
that each army shall odcupy its new line. On the 12th
June. All the corps or parts of the Combined Army,
which may be beyond the Elbe, or in Saxony, shall return
into Prussia.
11. Officers of the French and Combined Armies shall
be dispatched conjointly, to cause hostilities to cease in
all points, and make the Armistice known.—The respect respective
ive respective in Chief shall furnish them with the necessary powers.
19. On both sides two Commissioners, General Officers
shall be appointed, to watch over the stipulations of the
present Armistice. They shall remain in the line of neu neutrality
trality neutrality at Neumarkt, to decide upon such disputes as may
•ccur. These Commissioners shall proceed there within
24 hours, in order to expedite Officers and orders that may
he seht in consequence of the present Armistice.
Done and settled the present Act, iu 12 Articles in dou double
ble double copies, the day, mouth vaud year abovemeutioned.
(Signed.) Duke of Vicenza.
Count Scheuvulot.
Seen and ratified by order of the Emperor and King,
the 4th June 1813.—The Prince Vice Constable of France
Major-General of the Grand Army.
(Signed.) Alexander.
Army Promotions.— The following Officers to take
rank by Brevet—their commissions to be dated 4th June,
Major-Generals W. Dyott; Sir J. Leith, K. 8.; W.
Munro, —to be Lieutenant-Generals in the army.
Colonels J. Murry, Adj. Gen. in the W. L; G. R.
Ainslie, of 25th Foot; Edw. Scott of 96 Foot; H. G.
Barry, of 15th Foot—to be Major-Generals in the army.
Lieut.-Colonels Edw. Codd. 6(.th; T. Austin, 60th;
and P. Anderson, 60th Foot —to be Colonels in the ar army.
my. army.
Capt. C. Vigny, 60th Foot—to be Major in the army.
60th.—Lieut. J. Johnston, from the 50th Foot, to be
Capt. of a Company, by purchase.
If any credit is due to the subsequent extract of a letter
from Madeira, the success of the Allies in Spain may yet
prove a timely diversion in favour of the united Powers
in the North of Europe.—“ The latest accounts from the
Peninsula, arc to the 28th of June. They mention, that
Lord Wellington then was near Victoria,; that the French
were retreating to the Pyrenees, and had crossed the El.ro,
after blowing up tile works at Victoria and Burgos; that
Lord Wellington had taken their military chut; and that
there had been a few partial engagements, in which the
Allies were victorious. Mina was at Madrid, and pre preparing
paring preparing to proceed to Arragen.—Suchet was retreating by
Arrago for Navarre. The Allies under Gen. Murray,
it is reported, had taken Tarragona.â€
The Acasta Frigate — Capt. Kerr, placing a due
confidence in the largest, ‘he best officered,and bcs.
manned frigate in the service, has been roaming about
for his prey for several months, and xve only wish
him fairly alongside the President, Constitution, or
the United States. On receiving tiie account of the
capture of the Guerriere, (’apt. Kerr assembled his
crew, and addressed them as follows;—“My lads,
it is with a distress which 1 cannot sufficiently depict
to you, that I inform you of the capture of the Guer Guerricreby
ricreby Guerricreby the Constitution, American frigate. We are
going to sea, and in (he largest and best armed fri frigate
gate frigate in the service. Hear my determination—lam
determined never to strike the colours of the Acasta
—my mind is made up—what say yon my boys?—
The exclamation of—“To the bottom;†and three
truly British cheers, followed his words, and the
anchor was weighed.
In respect to America, we find a detailed account of
additional success on (he part of the British Army on the
frontiers of Canada.
We have received American intelligence to the 15
of June, which state, that the American force which
landed in Canada, had been surprised in their camp
by 500 British, and entirely routed, with the loss of
1000 men killed, wounded, and prisoners—among
the latter are Generals Winder and Chandler.
The following toast was drank at a dinner in Bos Boston—“
ton—“ Boston—“ May the death of Bonaparte’s Horses in Rus Russia,
sia, Russia, be followed up by his Asses in America.â€
It having pleased His Royal Highness the Prince Regent
to appoint T. Williams, Esq. First Fiscal of the Colony,
Dcmerary,—that gentleman was sworn into office on the
4th instant.
His Excellency Governor Murray has been pleased to
nominate his Honor Jabez Henry, President of theHonbl.
Court of Justice, a Member of the Honblc. Court of
Policy, until His Royal Highness the Prince Regent’s
pleasure shall be known.
Fourth Proclamation
WHEREAS I the undersigned* by Authority ob obtained
tained obtained from His Excellency Robert Gordon, Go Governor
vernor Governor General in and over the colony of Berbice
and its Dependencies, Vice-Admiral, and President
in all Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. &c,
Upon a Petition of James Fraser, under date of
29th March 1813, versus, the Attorney or Attornies
or such person or persons as are qualified to act for
Alexander Fraser.
Have caused to be taken in Execution and Seques Sequestration,
tration, Sequestration, the Cotton Estate
situate on the West sea coast of this colony, with alt
its cultivation, buildings, and slaves, the property of
A. Fraser.
Be it therefore known, that 1 the undersigned in intend
tend intend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 25th of June 1813, the abovemen abovementioned
tioned abovementioned Cotton Plantation Seafidd No. 42,with all its
Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, and further appurt appurtenances
enances appurtenances and dependencies!hereto belonging, and spe specified
cified specified in the Inventory laying at the Marshal’s Office
for the inspection of those whom it may concern, in
order to recover from the proceeds of said Execution
Sale such capital sum, interest and expences, as
wherefore the Estate abovementioned, has been ta taken
ken taken in Execution.
This 4th Proclamation made known to the public
as customary. Berbice, 1 Aug. 1813.
K. FRANCK EN, First Marshal.
Fourth Proclamation.
WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority ob obtained
tained obtained from His Excellency Robert Gordon, Go Governor
vernor Governor General of the colony Berbice and its De Dependencies,
pendencies, Dependencies, V ice-Admiral, and President in all
Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. &c. &C-
Granted upon a petition presented for ilia' purpose
!y James Fraser, under date of 29th March 1813,
versus the Executor or Executors of the Estate of
Patrick Small. As also versus the Executor or Ex Executors
ecutors Executors of the Estate ot the late JYm. Thrtlfall,dec.
Have caused to betaken in’ Execution, and put
under Sequestration, the undivided moiety of the cot cotton
ton cotton Plantation No. 40 and 41, situate on the West
seacoast of this colony, with all the
Buildings, Slaves, and further Appurtenances and
Dependencies thereto belonging, agreeable to an In Inventory
ventory Inventory formed thereof, and which lays at the Mar Marshal’s
shal’s Marshal’s Office for the inspection of those whom it may
Being the property of the Estates of Patrick Small
and Win. Threifall, dec.
Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned in intend
tend intend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 25th June 1813, the said undivided
moiety of plantation No. 40 and 41, with all its Cul Cultivation,
tivation, Cultivation, Slaves, Buildings, and further Appurten Appurtenances
ances Appurtenances thereto belonging, in order to recover from the
proceeds of said Sale, such capital sum, interest, &c.
as wherefore the same has been taken in execution.
This 4th Proclamation made known to the publid
by beat of drum, as customary. Berbice 1 Aug. 1813
K. FRANCK EN, First Marshal.
- â–
Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of an extract from the minutes of the
proceedings of the Court of Rolls of Civil Justice/
held at the Court House on the 26th April 1813, gi given
ven given in the cause, entitled— Ths. F. Layjield, Robt.
Douglas and Jas. Sinclair, in capacity as Curators
for Plantation Nigg, belongingto the boedel of Ross
& Sinclair, Plaintiffs by Edict, versus, all known
and unknown Creditors, as well of the Estate John
Ross as of John Sinclair, in their life time partners
in the House of Commerce trading under the Firm
of Ross & Sinclair, and in that capacity Proprietors
of the Cotton Estate Nigg, Defendants.
I the undersigned first Marshal of both the Hono Honorable
rable Honorable Courts of this colony, and at the request of
aforesaid Plaintiffs.
Summon by Edict for the Third Time:
All known and unknown Creditors as well of the
Estate John Ross as of John Sinclair, in their life
time Partners in the House of Commerce trading un under
der under the Firm of Ross & Sinclair, and in that capaci capacity
ty capacity Proprietors of the cotton Estate Nigg. To appear
before the Hon. Court of Justice, at the sessions of
the ordinary Court of Rolls, on Monday the 2d Aug.
1813, in order to render their claims in due form/
Whereas after the expiration of the fourth Ed ictal
Summons, will be proceeded against the non-appear non-appearers
ers non-appearers according to law.
This third summons by edict being made known
to the public, by beat ofdrum, as customary.
Berbice, 26th July, 1813.
. K. FRANCKEN, Ui Expl.
Marsha/'s Office.
First- Proclamation.
BY virtue of a Writ of Execution, granted by
His Excellency J. Murray, Brigadier General,
and Acting Governor of the colony Berbice and its
Dependencies, &c. &c. &c.
Upon a petition of J no. Douglas and Gilbert Ro Robertson,
bertson, Robertson, Executors to the last Will and Testament
of Joj. Cliff, dec.—versus, Peter Fairbairn, the At Attorney
torney Attorney for Jas. Maxwell, of the Island Barbados.
Beit therefore known, that I the undersigned have
caused to be taken in Execution, at the instance of
said J. Douglas and G. Robertson, in their aforesaid
capacity, the Cotton Estate
situate on the West sea coast of this colony, the pro property
perty property of the Estate of Jas. Maxwell, dec. with all its
cultivation, buildings, slaves, &c. conformable to an
Inventory formed thereof, and lying at the Marshal’s
Office lor the inspection of those whom it may con concern.
cern. concern.
Which said cotton Estate Britannia, cum annexis,
I the undersigned intend to sell, after the expira expiration
tion expiration of one year and six weeks, from the 6th August,
1813, conformable to the Regulations of the Court
of Civil Justice ot this colony, dated Ist .January,
1810, respecting the Sale of Estates by Execution
in this colony, in order to recover from the pro proceeds
ceeds proceeds of said sde such sum of money as wherefore
th- said plantation Britannia, has been taken in Exe Execution,
cution, Execution,
This first Proclamation published by beat of drum
as customary. Berbice, 8 Aug. 1813.
K. FiIANC K E N, / irst Marshal.
First Proclamation.
BY virtue of a Writ of Execution, granted by His
Excellency Jous Murray, Brigadier General, and
Acting Governor in and over the colony of Berbice
.and its dependencies, Vice Admiral, and President
in all Cpurts and Colleges within the same,
&C. &c. &c.
Upon a Petition of John I.ayfitld qq. John Dod Dodson
son Dodson Co. o’ Lancaster, versus, George Munro, un under
der under date of 261 h January, 2813.
Be it thereiVr; known, that I the undersigned have
caused fob' ak n in Execution, at the Distance of
«sa:d J. Lavfi 1 qq. J. D-c Lon
The Cott n i st le No. 21.
situate on the Core .line coast, the property of said
G. Munrft, w
wnd further ipj urti n m es, and Dependencies there thereto
to thereto belonging, pc. iffi d in the Inventory thereof,
lying at the Marffi i\ Office for the inspection of
those whom it may lahreiii.
- Which said t'oiM Est; tr Xo. 21, cum annexis,
1 the midersigne I i teed io Sell, after the expira expiration
tion expiration of one year : n. ! s-x v.eeks, fi'om the 2d August,
1813, conformable io i h Regulations of the Court
©f Civil Justice, d u d 1 t January 1810, respecting
the Sale of Estates by Execution in (his colony, in
order to recover from the proceeds of said sale, such
sum of money us wherefore the said Estate No. 21
have been taken in 1 xecution.
.This first Proclamation published by beat of drum
according to custum. Berbice, 8 Aug. 1813.
K. J*RANGKEN, First Siarshul.
BY virtue of an Extract of the Minutes of the
Proceedings of (he Court of Justice, of this colony,
dated 24th June 1813, given in the cause entitled
“The Guardians of the minor Cameron, Plain Plaintiff
tiff Plaintiff m case of oppo ntion, respecting the Sale of Plan Plantation
tation Plantation Uogslye, versus, P. Syth'offqa. Rich. Bar Barry,
ry, Barry, or the Curators of said Estate, the persons in
who,e favor said plantation llogstye was to be sold
N »tice is hereby given to the Public, that the sale
of Pin. Hogstye, with all its Cultivation, Buildings
Slaves, &c. thereto belonging, will now take place
on Thursday the 2d Scptemberr 1813, on the spot.
Whoever should think to have any right interest
or claim on the a foresid Flant’n. Hogstye, and wish wishes
es wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let such person or
persons address themselves to me the first Marshal
declaring their reasons for such opposition in due
time and form ; as J hereby give notice that I will
receive opposition from every one thereunto quali qualified,
fied, qualified, appoint them a day to have his or her claim
heard before the Court, and further to proceed ac according
cording according to law.
This first Proclamation made known to the Public
by beat of drum as customary. Berbice 8 Aug. 1813
K. Fbancken, First Marshal.
Fourth Proclamation
B y â„¢ l ."' "f «'!'lâ€'n
f «*?.' Jußt,ce >“ , ,hlB “lony, under date ot
Ist May 1813, upon a Petition of A. J. Glasius and
B. J. Schwiers, Sequestrators over Plantation Vrede
on Vriendschap, and half Goudmyn.
Notice is hereby givers that 1 the undersigned,
First Marshal of the of this colony, will sell
by public Execution Sale, in the month of July,
1814, (the precise day hereafter to be notified thro’
the Gazette ofthis colony.)
The Plantation VREDEen VRIENDSCHAP, and
half of Plantation GO UDM YN, wiih all its culti cultivation,
vation, cultivation, buildings, slaves, and other appurtenances,
and dependencies thereto belonging.
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest on the abovementioned plantations, ami
its dependencies, and wishes to oppose this sale by
Execution, let him or them address themselves to me
the undersigned, declaring their reason for so doing
in a legal manner in writing, as I hereby give notice
that I will receive opposition from all intermediate
person or persons, appoint them a day to have their
claims heard before the Couit, and further act there thereon
on thereon according to law.
This 4th proclamation published by beat of drum
as customary. Berbice, 8 Aug. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, Ist Marshal.
Fo u rth Proclam tit io n.
WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority ob obtained
tained obtained from His Excellency R. Gordon, Governor
General of the colony Berbice, and its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, &c. &c. &c.
I poll a Petition of John Beresford, under date of
25th April 1812, versus, F. Cort qq. Benfield’s Es Estate,
tate, Estate, as thus having sign tl the Bill of Exchange for
which this action is instituted.
Have caused to be taken in Execution and put un under
der under Sequestration :
The undivided half of Plantation RESOURCE,
being the Eastern one third of Lots No’s. 11 and 12,
situate on the western coast ot Corentyn with all its
Slaves, Buildings, Cultivation, &c. the property of
F. Cort aforesaid.
Be it therefore known, that 1 tec undersigned in intend
tend intend to Sell, after the expiration of One year and Six
week, from the 22d February 1813, the abovena abovenamed
med abovenamed undivided half of Pin. Resource, as above spe specified,
cified, specified, with all its cultivation, buildings, slaves, and
further ap- and dependencies thereto belonging, all
conformable to an inventory formed thereof and nor.
Iy*ug at the Marshal’s Office for the inspection o'
those whom it may concern, in order Io recover from
the pioceeds of said Execution Sde, such capital
suu», interest, etc. as wherefore the same has been
taken m execution, cum t ,rpeaces.
1 h.s 4th Proclamation made known to the public
by beat oi drum as customary. Berbice b Aug. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, F/rst Marshal.
Summons by Edict.
BA’ virtue ot an appointment granted by the Hon Honorable
orable Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under
date of2s:h Aug. 1812, upon a petition presented
by Uni. Dines, incapacity as Curator over the Es Estate
tate Estate ot John Donaldson, dec.
I the undersigned First Marshal of both the Hon.
Courts ofthis colony, and al the request ot aturcsaid
Win. limes, in capacity aforesaid,
Summon by Edit t :
All known and unknown claimants against the Estate
of John Donaldson, dec. to appear before the Court
of ( ivil Justice ot this colony, at their session, to be
held in the month of October, 1813, say Eighteen
hundred and thirteen, there to give in their claims
against said estate, and further to proceed according
to Law.
This summons by edict made known to the Public
by beat oi drum, from the Court house of this colons,
and furthcrdealt with conformable to custom.
Berbice, 2d July, 1813.
K Franck en, First Marshal.
Summons by Edict.
BI virtue of an appointment, granted by the
Hon. Court of ('ivil Justice of this colony, under
date of 28th April, upon a petition of Charles Mc-
Intosh, in ca P acit y as appointed Executor to the
last Will and Testament of Chartes Gordon, dec.
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts* of
this colony, and at the request of said Ch. Mclntosh
tn his capacity abovementioned.
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown* creditors against .the es es%
% es% 11,I 1, Gordon ’ dec. to appear before the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their session to be
held in the month of July in the year one thou thousand
sand thousand eight hundred and fourteen, (say 1814), there
to render their claims against said estate, to verify
the same , and further to proceed according tolaw ?
on pain of being for ever debarred their right of
claim in case of lefault,
This Summon by Edict made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court house of this colony,
and further dealt with accordingto custom
Berbice, 2’l July, 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshy
' 1 ~ 1 ■’*■~ WSW t'
Summons by Edict:
BY virtue of authority, granted by the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated 25 Jone
1813, given upon a Petition of James
Simon Fraser, incapacity as the only within ftG
colony residing Executors of the Last Will and
tament of Evan Duncan Fraser.
1 the undersigned First Marshal of the Courtg oj
this colony, and at the request of befbrenamed
Fraser and S. Fraser, in capacity as Curators to the
said Estate of E. D. Fraser, and by virtue of above,
named appointment.
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors against thee,
fate of Evan Duncan Fraser, to'appear b<*f(»reth
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony,at their
which will be held in the month of July, 1814, fig*
Eighteen hundred and fourteen), there to
and verify their claims, to see op|K»si(h>n made then,
unto, if need, and after expiration of the Fourd
Edictal Summons, to witness the Court’s
the preferent and concurrent right of claimants, and
further to proceed according to la w, «»n pain to all
those who remain in default, of being fur ever de debarred
barred debarred their right of claim.
This summon by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum as customary —Berbice, 11 July.
K. I’RANCKEN, First Marshal.
' - ■■- —- «a,
Summons bi/ Edict.
BA’ virtue of an Appointment, given by the Cour
Civil Justice, under date of 28th April 1813,granted
upon a |>etition oi ( harlcs Me /ntosh , in capacity a
appointed Executor to the last W ill and
of Donald ( 'amcron, dec.
1 the undersigned, First Marshal of both Conru
of this colony, and at the request of aforesaid Ch,
.Mclntosh, in bis capacity af>resaid.
Summon by Edict:
All known and uuknown Creditors against thebe thebeforementioned
forementioned thebeforementioned estate of Donald Camcron, deo. ton
pear before the Hon. Court of Civil Justice ofths
colony, at their session which will be held in (k
month ot July 1814, (say One thousand eight
dred and fourteen), thereto deliver in th<-ir claimi,
to verify the same, an I further to proceed acco*
ing to Law, on pain of being for ever debarred thrit
right of claim.
Ibis summons by edict is published by heato!
drum, ns cus'omary. Berbice, 2d July, 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
7// E Subscribers offers for Sale, at their Sion
on I Ait \o. 16, tht following articles, onretr-
Oiia'jlf terms, for ca 'i.
Bottled porter in hampers
A few halt barrels Jew’s beef
8 til td oil, mustard, butter, & barley
AV r ich flannel & mill’d green cloth.
Printing cloth for carpeting
Green printed table cloths
bine black, blur,
AV hite &• green canvas
Striped & linen checks
Russia duck & Irish sheeting
Negro cloathing it check shirts
Crentlcmen s it lady’s stockings
Gent, socks—coffee bagging
Nails from 4 to 20 penny
Anda few reams post piner.
24 July. J. L. KIP & Co.
Plan of a Lottery. f
Tobe drawn with Permission of llis
Governor J. GRANT.
Consisting of the Northern front quarter of Lot
No, 37, in the second empolderof the Town of New |
Amsterdam, with the Buildings thereon, and Ap*
P ra ised by Mr. Dm. Grant, Carpenter, at f4,7w-
There will be 107 Tickets, at /44. each.
Ihe XV inner may take possession the very mo*
ment after the drawing.
The costs of Transport are to be paid by the win* |
The day of drawing of this Lottery will be made
known thro’ this Gazette.
IICKETS to be had at A. Fleury's,
Office* and La Rose's Tavern.
Berbice, 24th July- '
FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of Ex Exchange,
change, Exchange, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Proctf
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of thisCf
Published every Saturday at 4 c'clock, p. t
Bit W. SCHULZ ft Co.