Berbice gazette

Material Information

Berbice gazette
Uniform Title:
Berbice gazette (New Amsterdam, Guyana : 1804)
Place of Publication:
New Amsterdam
W. Schulz
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
New Amsterdam (guyana)
newspaper ( sobekcm )


General Note:
General Note:
Began in 1804?;Ceased with number 1217 (January 23, 1822)
General Note:
The Berbice gazette, published in New Amsterdam, Berbice, began between 1804 (Berbice gazette, December 7, 1901, page 1) and 1806 (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 1918, page 285), depending on the source consulted, although there is reference to a newspaper located in New Amsterdam by this name in a letter dated May 7, 1805 (Kort historisch verhaal van den eersten aanleg, lotgevallen en voortgang der particuliere colonie Berbice, gelegen in het landschap Guiana in Zuid-America, 1807). Nicolaas Volkerts is often credited with establishing the Berbice gazette, however he was publishing the Essequebo and Demerary gazette in Stabroek, Demerara (now Georgetown, Guyana) until 1806, when he lost his status as the government printer to his former partner, then rival, Edward James Henery, publisher of the Essequebo and Demerary royal gazette. Volkerts remained in Demerara until July 1807, making it unlikely for him to have been the original publisher of the Berbice gazette. By 1813, the newspaper had been sold to William Schulz, who would oversee publication of the newspaper for the next two to three decades. In 1822, the title of the paper was briefly changed to the Berbice gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, before becoming the Berbice royal gazette and New Amsterdam advertiser, a few months later. Around 1837, the name of the paper was shortened to the Berbice advertiser, which only lasted until May 1840 (Journal of the Statistical Society of London, July 1841, page 125). The discontinuation of the Berbice advertiser may have been a result of a libel suit against the then publisher John Emery (Legal observer, or, Journal of jurisprudence, November 9, 1844, page 19). Whatever the reason behind the cessation of the Berbice advertiser, it was soon after replaced by another iteration of the Berbice gazette, started by George A. M'Kidd around 1841. Sometime between 1846 and 1858, the name of the newspaper changed to become the Berbice gazette and British Guiana advertiser (The Creole, March 6, 1858, page 1). Publication was suspended for a few months that year but returned in December 1858 as a weekly newspaper with a new publisher, John Thompson (The Creole, December 11, 1858, page 2). Thompson returned the name of the newspaper to the Berbice gazette in 1877 and continued to publish it until his death in 1879. Charles Edwin Hooten purchased the newspaper and ran it for the next 8 years, until falling into the hands of its final publisher, William MacDonald. The Berbice gazette published its final issue on March 29, 1902.
General Note:
In English, with occasional text in Dutch
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Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Digital Library of the Caribbean
Caribbean Newspapers, dLOC
University of Florida


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Twelve dollars p, annum.]

A Brick Sluice being wanted in the front part of
lot No. 32, New Amsterdam, of sufficient dimens dimensions,*
ions,* dimensions,* to drain the said town. Sealed proposals for
the building of said Sluice and the furnishing of all
the materials thereto required, accompanied with a
plan of the work, marked, “(Tender for a Brick
Sluice), will be received by the undersigned until
the 28th August, when the said Tenders will be op opened
ened opened by the Committee, and the lowest offer, it ap approved
proved approved of, accepted. Security will be required from
the Contractor for the performance of his agreement.
Bcrbicc, 31 July.
7?// order of the Committee.
J. F. OBERMI'LLER, Se BY Order of the Town Committee, the subscriber
wanted to Hire, per day, a gang of 25 Negroes,
Grass cutters and Shovelers, for cleaning the Town’s
Public Cross Roads, &c. &c. to be furnished in the
course of next week, for which the lowest undertaker
will be accepted. New Amst. 31 July.
C. RULACH, Manager.
ALL persons indebted to I*. A- Braun,evet since
the years 1809, 1810, 18H, & 1812, are once more
'requested to render payment of their accounts, either
to the undersigned ot A. G. Calmer, Esq. as being
thereunto duly authorized; in default of which the
undersigned w ill be in the necessity to enforce pay payment
ment payment by law proceedings.
31 July. H. C. HINTZEN. qq.
THE subscriber (.-upixntwl by a Gentlemen on
the coast) will Kill, on Sunday the Ist Aug. at the
house of James Burnett, middle dam, a Fat Ox,
-which he pledges himself to cont inue weekly. provi provided
ded provided he meets that encouragement his attention may
merit; and as it may not be convenient at all times
to send cash, he request a Good to amount of beef
required, at fifteen stivi rs per pound, which Gotxls
he proposes collecting every two or three months, or
sooner, if circumstances would require, so that he
may be enabled to support the concern with first
quality Beef.
Go bespoken over night.
31 July. B. YOUNG.
ALL those indebted to the Estate of the late .-/w .-/w---gus
--gus .-/w---gus Macdonald, dec. are requested to come forward
with payment, and persons having demands against
said estate, to render in their claims to either of the
undersigned. Jos. M A('I)ON A LI).
21 July. Executors.
TH E Subscribers offers for Sale, at their Stort
on Lol Ao. 16, the foliowing articles, on reas reasonable
onable reasonable terms, for cash.
Bottled porter in hampers
A few half barrels Jew’s beef
Ballad oil, mustard, butter, & barley
Welch flannel & mill’d green cloth.
Printing cloth for carpeting
Green printed table cloths
Fine black, blue, & green cloth.
White & green canvas
Striped & linen checks
Russia duck & Irish sheeting
Negro cloathing & check shirts
Gentlemen’s & lady's stockings
Gent, socks —coffee bagging
Nails from 4 to 20 penny
And a few reams post paper.
24 July. J. L. KIP & Co.
THE House and Ont-buildings, situate on lot No.
8, at present occupied by the Subscriber. Terms of
payment will be made easy. For further information
apply to
SIX able House Servants—apply to the under undersigned,
signed, undersigned, or either of them. J. van den BROEK.
24 July. G.PAUELS.


SATURDAY, the 31st of July.

Secretary’s Office.
aNY person desirous to undertake the railing in
of the Land around the Secretary’s Office, with crab crabwood
wood crabwood Slabs, (the extend of the land about 500 feet),
is requested to give in a Tender at this Office, stating
the lowest the work will be performed for. The said
tender or tenders are required to be given in on or
before Wednesday the 28th July, when the lowest
offer w ill be accepted of.
New Amst. 22d July, 1813.
By command oj the Court of Policy.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
AN Y persons having, or pretending to have any
claims against the Estate No. 2, on the Corentyn
coast, contracted by any of the former Proprietors
for account of the said Estate, are requested to rend render
er render the same, or give information thereof to the pre present
sent present Proprietor John McCamon, Esq. within three
weeks from this date, as the present Proprietor will
not consider himself bound or liable for any demand
that the claimant may neglect to notify to the under undersigned,
signed, undersigned, within the time specified.
Secretary's Office, 17 July.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
A LL persons having any Claim or Demand against
II is Excellency Governor Gordon, are requested to
render the same in w ithout delay to
/I (JHl)Thiermedc bekend NOTICE is hereby given,
gemuakt, dut ten maand mi that a month after date the
data de volgendc Transport fallowing Transports and
ten en 111 pother ken zullen Mortgages will be passed,
vcrleden warden.
July 3. A. F. Fischer will pass a mortgage in favor
of Thos. C. Emery, vested on the southern
quart of lot No. 13, with the building thereon
first cm polder fronting the middle road.
\V. Kewley will transport toll. Welch, all
hi right and title anc interest in plantation
Liverpool, or two thirds of lut 19 west coren corentyn
tyn corentyn coast.
Henry Welch will pass a mortgage in favor
ol W. Kewley for the purchase money of PI.
Liverpool vested on the said estate and on 40
Negroes (lames w hereof are to be seen at this
Henry Welch will transport to W. Kewley
all his right, title, and interest on lot No. 10,
Fist sea coast canal.
July 17. James Fraser will transport to W. Alves
and the Assignees of the Estate of G. Baillie,
Lot No. 11, east sea coast canal.
The Representatives of the Estate of the
late Jas, Fraser, will transport to the Repre Representatives
sentatives Representatives of the Estate of Harbourne Barn Barnwell,
well, Barnwell, the western half of lot No. 4, in Canjc.
J. B. Rule will transport to S. Bain 21 roods
f of land of lot No. 19, New Amst. south side
next the back dam, and 27 roods on the north
side of No. 19 next the back dam.
S. Bain wilt transport to Harriet Parkinson,
21 roods of land of lot No. 19 N. Amst. south
side, back dam.
S. Bain will transport to Elizabeth Fraser 13
roods Os land of lot No. 19, north side, back
24 July. Ths. Frankland, qq. will transport to De Demcrary,
mcrary, Demcrary, 100 Negroes, being the Gang of Pin.
Union, west corentyn, names to be seen at this
— Dr. C. Schwiers will transport to J. Vogt,
Lots 55, 56, & 57, second empblder.
Simon Fraser will transport to the Repre Representatives
sentatives Representatives of R. Dodson, Pin. Litchfield, on
the west seacoast of this cotony, with all the
slaves and other appurtenances to the same
— — W. Katz will transport to J. A. Frauendorf
77| acres land, part of Pin. Cumberland, in



BY the Honorable Court of Policy and Cri»
minal Justice of the colony Berbice.
Notice is hereby given, that the Honorable Court
of Policy has been pleased, to fix the Rates of Pro Produce
duce Produce on which the colonial duty of 2| per cent is to
be paid to the Receiver General, for the six months
commencing Ist January, and ending 30th June,
1813, as follows :
Cotton, 14 stivers per pound.
Coffee, 4f do. do.
Sugar, 5 do. do.
Cocoa, 4 do. do.
Rum, 25 do. per gallon.
Secretary's Office, July.
By command;
R. C. DOWNER, Secy;
Plan of a Lottery.
To be drawn with Permission of His Excellency
Governor J. GRANT.
Consisting of the Northern front quarter of Lot
No. 37, in the second ein polder of the Town of New
Amsterdam, with the Buildings thereon, and Ap Appraised
praised Appraised by Mr. Wm. Grant, Carpenter, at f 4,708.
There will be 107 Tickets, at /44. each.
The Wirmer may take, possession the very mo moment
ment moment after the drawing.
The costs of Transport are to be paid by the win winner.
ner. winner.
The day of drawing of this Lottery will be made
known thro’this Gazette.
TICK E r S to be had at A. Fleury's, this
Office, and La Rose's Tavern.
Berbice, 24th July.
Tenders for Coffee
FROM Jo to 12,000 pounds good qualify Coffee,
from Plantation AoriAeraotf. Tenders for the whole
or part thereof, will be received at the Secretary’s
Office until Monday the 2d Aug. when the highest
offer will be accepted ot, payment to be madbin cash.
24 July. G. PAUELS.
Sequest rators.
Tenders for Coffee.
A quantity of 12,000 pounds good quality Coffee
(more or Irss) in parcels of 3,000 each, will be dis disposed
posed disposed of to the highest bidder, amongst the Credi Creditors
tors Creditors of Plantation d'Eduard, on Monday the 2d Au<*.
inst. at the house of IF. Fraser, Esq. New Amst.—
Also a quantity of broken Coffee of divers qualities
samples will be exhibited on the day of sale
L. C. A BBENSETS for self and
24 July. M. RADER, Sequestrators.
THE whole or any part or parts of the Lots No’s.
I and 2, situated in the Town of New Amsterdam, a
Chart thereof is to be seen at Mrs. Buses's, or at
Mr. F. Nicolay's, at whose house on lot No. 3, fur further
ther further particulars may be known. 24 July.
FOR f 330. Cash, a new six oar’d Sloop, paint,
ed, long 24, by 4f feet wide, with rudder, &c. com complete,
plete, complete, all krabwood and mora knees. For further in information
formation information apply to
17 July. C. J. van EERSEL.
By C. Rulach,
In Commissie, te belomen.
Brown stout in vaten, houdende 24 douzyn, a f 12Q
And per the dozen /8 - 10.
Kurjken a /’4 - 10. hetgros.
4 Spykers, &c. 17 July.
BY the Crew of the Schooner Belleisfe, off Co Corentine
rentine Corentine river, a Punt, about, 24 feet keel, —the owner
of which can have it restored on paying the expenre
of this advertisement and a gratuity to the negroes
17 July. Apply to DOUGLAS REID & Co.

(No. 461.

[Payable in advance.

Marshal's Office,
. Second Proclamation.
BY virtue of* authority granted by the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under date of
Ist May 1813, upon aPetition of A. J. Glasius and
B. J. Schwiers, Sequestrators over Plantation Vrede
en Vriendschap, and half Goudmyn.
Notice is hereby given, that I the undersigned,
First Marshal of the Courts of this colony, will sell
by public Execution Sale, in the month of July,
1814, precise day hereafter to be notified thro’
the Gazette of this colony.)
The Plantation VREDEen VRIENDSCHAP, and
hair of Plantation GOUDMYN, with all its culti cultivation,
vation, cultivation, buildings, slaves, and other appurtenances,
anti dependencies thereto belonging.
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest on the abovementioned plantations, and
its dependencies, and wishes to oppose this sale by
Execution, let him or them address themselves to me
the undersigned, declaring their reason for so doing
ina legal manner in w riting, as I hereby give notice
that I will receive opposition from all intermediate
person or persons, appoint them a day to have their
claims heard before the Court, and further act there thereon
on thereon according to !»w.
This 2nd proclamation published by beat of drum
as customary. Berbice, 25 July 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, \nt Marshal.
Second Proclamation.
WHEREAS 1 the undersigned, by authority ob obtained
tained obtained from His Excellency R. Gordon, Governor
General of the colony Berbice, and its Dependen Dependencies,
cies, Dependencies, &c. &c. tec.
Upon % Petition of John Beresford, under date of
April 1812, versus-, F. Curt qq. Benfield’s Es Estate,
tate, Estate, as thus having signed the Bill oi Exchange for
•which this action is instituted.
Hate caused to be taken in Execution and put un under
der under Sequestration :
The undivided half of Plantation RESOURCE,
being the Eastern one third of Lots No’s. II and 12,
situate on the western coast of Corentyn with all its
Slaves, Bui! lings, Cultivation, &c. the property of
F. C or f aforesaid.
Be it therefore known, that I tee undersigned in intend
tend intend to Sell, after the expiration of One year and Six
week, from the 2Sd February 1813, the abovena abovenamed
med abovenamed undivided half of Pin. Resource, as above spe specified,
cified, specified, with all its cultivat/on, buildings, slaves, and
further ap- and dependencies thereto belonging, al!
‘Conformable to an Inventory formed thereof and now
lying at the Marshal’s Office for the inspection of
those whom it may concern, in order to recover from
the proceeds of said Execution Sale, such capital
sum, interest, .’tc. as wherefore the same has been
taken in execution, czzw expeiues.
This 2nd Proclamation made known to the public
by beat of drum as customary.
Berbice, 25 July, 1813.
_ K. 1 RANCKEN, First Marshal.
Turd Proclamation.
WHEREAS 1 the undersigned, by authority ob obtained
tained obtained from His Excellency Robert Gordon, Go Governor
vernor Governor General in find over the colony of Berbice
and its Dependencies, Vice-Admiral, and President
in all Courtsand Colleges within the same, &c. &c.
Upon a Petition of James Fraser, under date of
29th March 1813, versus, the Attorney or Attornies
or such person or persons as are qualified to act for
Alexander Fraser
Have caused to be taken in Execution and Seques Sequestration,
tration, Sequestration, the Cotton Estate
situate on the West sea coast of this colony, with all
its cultivation, buildings, and slaves, the property of
A. Fraser.
Be it therefore known, that J the undersigned in intend
tend intend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 25th of June 1813, the abovemen abovementioned
tioned abovementioned Cotton Plantation Seafield No. 42,with all its
Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, and further appurt appurtenances
enances appurtenances and dependenciestbereto belonging, and spe specified
cified specified in the Inventory laying at the Marshal’s Office
for the inspection of those whom it may concern in
order to recover from the proceeds of said Execution
Sale such capital sum, interest and expences as
wherefore the Estate abovementioned, has been’ ta taken
ken taken in Execution.
This 3rd Proclamation published by beat of drum
as customary. Berbice, 25 July, 1813
K - FRANCK EN, First Marshal.
Third Proclamation.
WHEREAS 1 the undersigned, by authority ob-

tained from His Etfcellenqr Robert Gordon, Go Governor
vernor Governor General of the Colo?'" Berbice and its De Dependencies,
pendencies, Dependencies, Vice-Admiral, Wf President in all
Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. Granted upon a petition presented for that purpose
by James Fraser, under date of 29th March 1813,
versus the Executor or Executors of the Estate of
Patrick Small. As also versus the Executor or Ex Executors
ecutors Executors of the Estate of the late Wm. ThrclfaU,dec.
Have caused to be taken in Execution, and put
under Sequestration, the undivided moiety of the cot cotton
ton cotton Plantation No. 40 and 41, situate on the West
seacoast of this colony, with all the Cultivation,
Buildings, Slaves, and further Appurtenances and
Dependencies thereto belonging, agreeable to an In Inventory
ventory Inventory formed thereof, and which lays at the Mar Marshal’s
shal’s Marshal’s Office for the inspection of those whom it may
Being the property of the Estates of Patrick Small
and Wm. Threlfall, dec.
Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned in intend
tend intend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 25th June 1813, the said undivided
moiety of plantation No. 40 and 41, with all its Cul Cultivation,
tivation, Cultivation, Slaves, Buildings, and further Appurten Appurtenances
ances Appurtenances thereto belonging, in order to recover from the
proceeds of said Sale, such capital sum, interest, &c.
as wherefore the same has been taken in execution.
This 3rd Proclamation published by bcatot drum
according to custum. Berbice, 25 July, 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First JMefrshal.
Third Proclamation.
BY virtue of an appointment, given by his Honor
James Gr ant, Acting Governor of the colony Ber Berbice,
bice, Berbice, and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c.
Upon a petition of Thomas Fryer Layfield versus
Gilbert Robertson, under date of 16th July, 1812.
1 the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts of
the Courts ot this colony, shall expose and Sell, at
public Execution Sale, in presence of two Councci Counccilors
lors Counccilors Commissaries and their Secretary, on Wednes Wednesday
day Wednesday the 11th August 1813, at the Court House ol this
colony, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day.
Ihehalj of Lot ho. 79, situate in (orentineri (orentineriver,
ver, (orentineriver, with all its Buildings ami ( ulti-:a(um, m>
also Two Negroes thereto belonging, th pro property
perty property of said G. Robert sun.
W hoever should think Io have any interest
or claim on the aforesaid Land and 2 ..egroes, and
wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let such person oi
persons address himseli to me the first Marshal, de declaring
claring declaring his reason for such opposition, in due time
and form, as 1 hereby give notice, that 1 will leccivc
opposition from every one, thereunto qualified, ap appoint
point appoint them a day to have bis or her claim heard bc bctbre
tbre bctbre the Court, and further act therein according to
style and law.
This 3rd Proclamation made known to the public
as customary. Berbice, 25 July, iM3.
K. FRANCKEN, kirst Marshal.
Third Proclamation.
BY virtue of authority obtained from His
excellency Robert Gordon, General in
and over the colony Berbice and is dependencies,
Vice-Admiral, and President in all • our.s Col Colleges
leges Colleges within the, &c. &c.
I pon a petition presented by his Honor M. S.
Bennett, fiscal, R. (). versus, the Proprietor or Pro Proprietors,
prietors, Proprietors, Representative or Represt ntatives, of the
upper halt ot Lot No. 35, situated in the second em empolder
polder empolder ot the Town New Amsterdam.
1 the undersigned first Marshal of the Courtsol this
colony, shall expose and sell, at public Execution
Sale, in presence of two Counceliors Commissaries
and their on Wednesday the 11th August
1813, at the Court Hoose of this colony, at 11 o’clock
in the forenoon of that day,
The abovenamed half Lot No. 35.
Whoever should think to have any right, interest,
or claim, on the aforementioned Lot No. 35, 2d era erapokier
pokier erapokier N.Amst. and wishes to oppose the sale thereof,
let'such person address himself to me the First Mar Marshal,
shal, Marshal, declaring his reason for such opposition, in due
time and form, as I hereby give notice that 1 will
receive opposition from every one thereunto quali qualified,
fied, qualified, appoint them a day to have his or her claim
heard before the Court, and further act the< m ac according
cording according to stile and law.
This 3rd proclamation published by beat of drum
as customary. Berbice, 25 July, 1813
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
t Third Proclamation.
hv IliT v rtU ii ° f a ritS ° f ® xecution , granted
by His Excellency Robert Gordon, Governor
General in and over the Colony of Berbice and its
dependencies, Vice-Admiral, and President of all
Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. &c. &c
Upon a petition presented by his Honor M S

Bennett, Fiscal it. O. versus, the Proprietor or Pro*
prietors, Representative or Representatives of a pari
of Lot No. 13, situated in the first empolder of the •
Town of New Amsterdam, between the bouse of A.
F. Fischer and that of Mietje van Winfz. (
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable
Courts of this colony, shall expose and sell, at public
execution sale, in presence of two Counceliors Com Commissaries,
missaries, Commissaries, and their Secretary, at the Court house of
this colony, on Wednesday the 1 Ith Aug. - 1813, at
11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day :
The abovenamed part of Lot No. 13.
Whoever should think to have any right, interest
or claim on the abovementioned Land and wish wishes
es wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let such person or
persons address themselves to me the first Marshal
declaring their reasons for such opposition in due
time and form ; as I hereby give notice that I will
receive opposition from every one thereunto quasi.
ffed, appoint them a day to have his or her claim
heard before thg Court, and further to proceed ac according
cording according to law.
This 3rd Proclamation made known to the Publie
by beat of drum as customary.
Berbice, 25 July, 1813.
K. Francken, First Marshal.
~~JalebCexecutTon. “
Third Proclamation.
BY r virtue of an appointment granted by His Ex Excellency
cellency Excellency R. Gordon, Go ver nor-Genera I in andover
the colony Berbice, and its dependencies, Vice-Ad- 4
miral, and President in all courts and colleges with- I
in the same, &c. &c. &c.
Granted a petition presented by his ILwior
M. S. Bennett, Fiscal R. (>. versus, the Propriofot
or Proprietors, Rrorcscntativc or Representatives, of
a part of Lot No. 7, situated in the first empolderof
the Town of New Amsterdam, between the lots of La
Rose’s and t'iat ot W . W . King, towards the back
I the undersigned, Marshal of both the Honorable
Courts ol this Colony, shall expose and m H, at pu.
, blic Execution sale, in presence of two Councclta®
j <’ommissarii s and their S en firv, on Wcdnesdu
! the II August, 1813, at the Court-house of this cob
ny, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day:
abovenamed part of Lot No. 7.
Whoever should think to have any right, interat
or claim, on the abovemt nticmd part of Land,
wishesto op|x>se tne sale thereof, let such person ad*
dress himseli to me the Marshal, declaring his reason
tor such opposition, in due time and form, as I het»
by give notice, that I will receive opposition Iron
every one thereunto qualified, appoint them a day
to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and i
P roc <*ed according to law in such case.
I his 3rd Proclamation made known to thepuldil ;
by beat oi drum, as customary.
Berbice, 25 Julv, Nl3.
— — - 't'jl
SnuiMitHis by Edict.
BY virtue ot an extract r r >m tin* minutes of the
proceedings fht . ( o , irt o IML o f c ivi |
h< 1(1 at the <' ven in the cause, eutilied- Th . F. Lay field, Robl.
Douglas i\n i \ Jets. Sinclair, m capacity as Curaton |
tor I lantation Nigg, b< longing‘o the Ixxilel of lion 1
ir Sinclair, Plaintiffs by Euict, versus, all knovi i
and unknown Creditors, as well of the Estate Jobs
Ross as of John Sinclair, in their life time partnen
trading under the Fit® ®
oi Ross kSc Sinclair, and in that capacity Proprietor ?
of the Cotton Estate Nigg, Defendants.
I the undersigned first Marshal of both the Hono-1
rable Courts of this colony, and at the request
aforesaid Plaintiffs.
ill Edict for the Third Time: 1
All known and unknown Creditors'as well of
Estate John Ross as of John Sinclair, in their lift |
t ime I 'artners in the House of Commerce trading uo* ;
der the Hrm of Ross & Sinclair, and in that capaci* j?
ty 1 roprielors of the cotton Estate Nigg. Toappe#
before the Hon. Court of Justice, at the sessions^\
the ordinary Court of Rolls, on Monday the 2d Aug
1813, in order to render their claims in due form, fc
Whereas after the expiration of the fourth EdicUl |
Summons, will be proceeded against the non-appeaf'
ers according to law.
This third summons by edict being made
to the public, by beat of drum, as customary.
Berbice, 26th July, 1813. I
Summons by Edict. I
BY virtue of an appointment granted by the
orable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony,
date of 28th e p 1
by JJ r m. Innes, in capacity as Curator over the i* |
tate of John Donaldson, dec. u 1
I the undersigned First Marshal of both the
Courts of this colony, and at the request of«^ resa *|l

Wm. Innes, in capacity aforesaid,
Summon by Edict: ,
AH known and unknown claimants against the Estate
of John Donaldson, dec. to appear before the Court
Os Civil Justice of this colony, at their session, to be
leld in the month of October, 1813, say Eighteen
and thirteen, there to give in their claims
•gainst said estate, and farther to proceed according
to Law.
This summons by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum, from the Court house of th is colony,
f *nd further dealt with conformable to custom.
Berbice, 2d July, 1813.
K Francken, First Marshal.
Summons by Edict.
'BY virtue of an appointment, granted by the
Hon. Court of Civil Justice of this colony, under
date of 28th April, upon a petition of Charles Mc-
Intosh, in capacity as appointed Executor to the
last Will and Testament of Charles G dr don, dec.
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, and at the request of said Ch. Mclntosh,
in his capacity abovementioned.
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors against the es estate
tate estate of Ch. Gordon, dec. to appear before the Court
â– of Civil Justice of this colony, at their session to be
held in the month of July in the year one thou thousand
sand thousand eight hundred and fourteen, (say 1814), there
to render their claims against said estate, to verify
| the same , and further to proceed according to law,
| on pain of being for ever debarred their right of
I claim in case of default,
This Summon by I xlict made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court house of this colony,
and further dealt with according to custom
Bcrbice, 2d July, 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
K - . - ■ ■■ ■ — ■ —— —— ■
T'endue OJJice.
Public Vendues.
On Wednesday 4th Aug. at the Vendue office, by
order of Jas. Mclndoe, the north front quarter of lot
No. 39, New Amst. with all the buildings thereon,
consisting of a framed and shingled house, GO ft. by
25, fitted up to let as two seperate dwellings, each
having a seperate out house, the one 60 fl. long by
f? 0, and the other 45 by 20— Terms of payment, 6,
12, 18, & 24 months.
By the Sequestrators of PI. d’ Edward, a new boat
with a deck, a ferry punt, and 2 flat bottom boats,
laying in front of the hou>e of G. Reuss, Esq.
By the Vendue Master, dry goods, provisions, and
A few head of Prime cattle
G. BONE, Act. Vendue Master.
On Thursday sth Aug. will be sold by the Vendu-
Master in commission, at a place made known be before
fore before the day of Sale—from 35 to 40 head of cattle, of
an excellent breed for particulars enquire at the
Vendue Oflice.
NB. The Sale will take place on No. 27 west coast,
precisely at 12 o’clock.
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Fcnduc Mastr
On Wednesday the 18 August, will be sold, by
order of the Curators of the late W. Threlf.dl, the
premises on lot No. 7, known as the Vendue Office,
Negroes, furniture, and what further may appear on
the day of sale.
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Fendtiemr.
On Thursday 26th August next, will be sold, on
the spot, by order of the Hon’ble. Orphan Chamber,
Plantation Mary'sburg, situate on the cast sea coast
of this colony, with the Negroes and all other ap appurtenances,
purtenances, appurtenances, thereunto belonging—terms of Sale may
be known on application to the Vernine Master.
G. BONE, A. D. Vend. Mr.
Commissariat Office
Berbice, 30th July.
CASH wanted for the following Bills of Exchange
tfrawn on the Hon. the Paymasters General of His
Majesty at 30 days sight.
No. 776— j£2oo Sterling
No. 777—£ 100 Ditto.
For which Tenders will be received at this Office,
intil 12 o’clock on Tuesday the 2d Aug. when they
frill be opened, and if approved, accepted.
JAMES B. BUHOT, D. Assist. Com. Gen.
A good house boy—apply to this office.3 July.

NEW AMSTERDAM, July 30th 1813.
Late in the Evening of Thursday last, our First
June Packet arrived here, bringing London News Newspapers
papers Newspapers to the 14th. The intelligence of the allied
Russian and Prussian armies, are of a very unpleas unpleasant
ant unpleasant nature. After the battles of the 20th, 21st, and
22d of May, the French entered Siiecien, and reports
says that the allied armies must recross the Vistula,
as not able of standing against their opponents. It
was also in circulation that a Congress would be short shortly
ly shortly held for a general Peace, between all the Powers
of Europe.
Denmark has declared hostilities against Great
Britain; and it was expected a similar declaration
would be issued between that Power and Sweden.
The Letter bag from hence will be closed for De Demerary
merary Demerary Thursday.
June 2. —Advices from Copenhagen mention, that the
return of Count Bernstorti so suddenly without accom accomplishing
plishing accomplishing the object of his mission, had excited much dis
gust, and that orders had, in consequence, been given to
renew hostilities against Great Britain. Coinciding with
this account, we nave the fullowing from a correspon correspondent:—
dent:— correspondent:—
“Heligoland, May 24. —I regret being under the ne necessity
cessity necessity to inform you, that the Danish Government have
signified to the Commander of his Majesty’s vessels in the
river Elbe, that the English ilag and English property are
no longer to pass unmolested in the river Elbe.”
A new Coinage of Guineas has recently been made at
the Mint, and delivered to the Bank ; the d>e varies con considerably
siderably considerably from the impression on those hitherto issued,
and they are smaller. 50,000 of them were sent last week
to Bernadotte,
J line 3. —The details of the late battle between Napoleon
and the Allies have at lengm arrived. Paris Papers to
the 31st ult. reached town last iu*.ut, from which we have
extracted th ? account given of the action, or rather acti actions,
ons, actions, for two battles, it appea s, were fought; one on the
201 ii at Bautzen, and the other on the 21st, at VV iiltchen ;
the Allies having retired in the interval to a second posi position.
tion. position.
That the French ultimately gained the victory, there
is no doubt, because they remained in possession of the
livid of battle, from which the Allies retreated. Bonaparte
acknowledges a loss of 11 or 12,000 men, killed and
wounded, and has no trophies to boast of ; he says he
could take no colours, because the Allies always carry
them oil the field of battle! and he only took lb cannon,
because he wished to spare his cavalry. The number of
the wound d of the allied force is said to be about 28,000
men, of whom 10,(XX) were prisoners. The rest he admits
had been carried oil by the allied army in carriages, ft
is said, that a Flag of Truce had been sent by the allies,
with letters, and it was Utiicved they wished to negotiate
for an armistice.
June s.— Unhappily all the hopes which have been
held out to us of the security of Hamburgh have proved
fallacious. That city has ag iin laiku into the hands of
the French, assisteU t>y a Dui»h force. The Swedes it
appears, whose protection was so much relied upon, sud suddenly
denly suddenly quitted Hamburgh and left it to its fate. The mo motive
tive motive for this desertion of the unfortunate llamburgtiers re remains
mains remains to be explained. It is said in the Ministerial circles
that the Crown Prince of Sweden considers he temporary
possession of Hamburgh as of no consequence, and that
every thing must ultimately depend upon deieating the
main French army. This may be just reasoning, but is
the effective co-operation of the Swedes to be relied upon ?
Undoubtedly, if the Crown Prince bears down upon the
left flank of the French army, and Austria takes a hostile
position upon their right, a most important change must
very soon be effected in the situation of Europe. This,
however, is, we fear, too much to look for. In the mean
time, whatever may be the Swedish of operations,
the most dreadful calamities fall upon Hamburgh, whose
unfortunate inhabitants have only had a transient gleam
of freedom to be the more rigorously subjected to tyranny,
and to become the victims of the most unrelenting venge vengeance.
ance. vengeance.
The fate of Hamburgh is the more deeply to be lament lamented,
ed, lamented, if, as it is said, a promise of protection was held out
from this country—if a promise was made of troops and
engineers, and of the occupation of Cuxhaven by a British
force. Truly melancholy indeed is the lot of that city,
thus deprived from all quarters of promised protection,
and at' length left utterly defenceless, exposed to ail the
vengeance of a merciless enemy.
The dispatches of Sir Charles Stewart have made a deep
impression on the public mind; for they amount to a
confession of the inability of the allies to withstand the
force of the French. He states the allied army at 65000,
and the French at 120,000 men. Is this meant to apply
to the numbers engaged in the battle of Bautzen, or does
it include the whole of the armies on both sides? If the

latter, we must stand confounded at the exaggerated state
ments of the Russian force, which have been published,'
in order to raise the expectations of the pub ic. And wu
apprehend, that if it alludes only to the relative numbers
in the field of battle, on the 21st ult. it will be equally
cheerless—for we have shewn upon good authority that
the French garrisons, not in the battle, amount to more
than 70,000 men. What has became of the innumerably
hosts of Russians? Did the armies of Russia aiso feel the
inclemency of the last winter ?
But the most important passage in Sir Charles Stewart’s
letter is, that the Russian Emperor would have maintain maintained
ed maintained the position, “had uot reasons of prudence, coupled
with the most important considerations, decided other otherwise.
wise. otherwise. They were in absolute want of stores, having nei neither
ther neither adequate magazines nor commissariat; and that id
was not the inferiority of force alone which obliged them
to retreat.
Advices from Sicily were received yesterda z to the Sth
of April, and we learn with considerable surprize, that
there seems to be some appearance of friendly and com commercial
mercial commercial arrangement between Lord W. Bentinck and tho
Ministers of Murat, at Naples. A cessation of all hosti hostility,
lity, hostility, it appeaas, has been agreed upon between Sicily and
Naples; and in a letter of the 7th of April from Messina,
it is stated, that the intercourse had been re-established with:
the islands in the bays of Gaeta and Naples, and that there
was a prospect of a beneficial trade with the Continent,
through the medium of those settlements. It will be cu curious
rious curious if another French Marshal, raised to a throne, is to
be ranked among our friends or allies. Has the missioA
of Beauharnois to Milan any relation to the supposed de defection
fection defection of Murat.
Frenada, May 6. —Every thing is ready here for open opening
ing opening the campaign. General Castanos has been here some
time, and to-day General Graham arrived. It is said,
and with probability, that General Hill’s corps and this
4th light division, will advance by the way of Salamanca,
and the other divisions, with the greater pait of the caval cavalry,
ry, cavalry, by the right hank of the Douro We have now 20,000
more men than at the beginning of the last campaign. Be Besides
sides Besides the Spaniards and Portuguese, there am 45.000 En English
glish English infantry, and 8000 British atul Portuguese horse.
Elie total force is uot under 100,000 men.
June 12.—A Gottenburgh Mail arrived yesterday which
has brought us letters and papers from thence to the 6th
instant. The Crown Prince of Sweden remained at Stral Stralsund.
sund. Stralsund. War, we are told in these accounts, between Den Denmark
mark Denmark and Sweden, was inevitable, and it of course fol follows,
lows, follows, from the stipulations of the Treaties between this
country, Sweden, and Russia. The Crown Prince may
now carry on his projects in Norway with the aid of the
money furnished from this country,
One of the letters from Gottenburgh states, that the
Swedish General who occupied Hamburgh has been con condemned
demned condemned to death by a Court Martial, for having taken
upon himself so decisive a step without orders.
lhe I rcaty with Sweden was laid before Parliament last
night. It not only stipulates that we shall assist the
views of Sweden hy a naval co-operation, if necessary, in
obtaining possession of Norway, but also cedes to that
power the Island of Guadaloupc, and grants a subsidy of
1,000,0001. sterling. Sweden in return, agrees to con contribute
tribute contribute 30,000 men to join the Russian army, and grants
a right of entrepot for British goods and colonial produce,
in British or Swedish vessels, to the portsof Gottenburgh,
Carlshamn and Stralsund, on payment of a duty of one
: per cent, ad valorem, possession of Guadaloupe to be de delivered
livered delivered to Sweden in the month of August in the present
year, or three months after the lauding of Swedish troops
on the Continent.
The fact we stated yesterday respecting the treatment
of Mr. Boughton, at Vienna, and which is not attempted
to be denied by Ministers, proves how little reliance is to
be placed upon the expectations held out of Austria join,
ing the Allies. Delusive indeed we fear will prove all the
hopes upon this subject, with which, from day to day, the
public have been fed by the Ministerial Papers. Bona Bonaparte,
parte, Bonaparte, it is true, is silent as to the intentions of the Cabinet
of Vienna; but his silence may be the dictate of a deep
and insidious polity. What if Austria ultimately joins
him? Towhat a situation will the Allies be reduced!
Their retreat towards Bohemia will then prove the conZ
summation of disaster. Their army will be placed in a
cul de sac, and will have no resource but to surrend r at
discretion. Will their situation be better if Austria re remain
main remain neutral? We cannot discover in what manner they
are to profit by her neutrality. The only way in which'
the Allies can possibly derive advantage from the position
of their retreat is from the active assistance of Austria.
Her neutrality may render the destruction of the Allied
army less certain, but it cannot prevent in tho smallest
degree the success of Bonaparte in all the objects for which
he is fighting.
Bonaparte, besides by the vantage ground he has gained
and his proximity to her territories, has the means of over
awing Austria, and these circumstances will nodoubt have
this effect upon the well-known timidity and irresolution
of the Cabinet of Vienna. It is impossible, therefore, for
us to look at the present position of the allied army with
any other feelings than those of terror and alarm, for
with the utter hopelessness of the co-operation of Austria
it is no longer a question what the allies can achieve, but
how their troops can ultimately escape from the gaeatly
superior foroc opposed to thesr. *

Capture of York 1 own.
Head-quarters , FbrZr, Capital of
• Upper Canada, April 28.
tigir—After a detention of some days by adverse winds,
we arrived at this place yesterday morning, and, at eight
o’clock, commenced landing the troops about three miles
westward from the town, and one and a half from the
enemy’s works. The wind was high and in an unfavour,
able direction for the boats, which prevented the landing
of the troops at a clear field, the cite of the ancient French
Fort Tarento. It prevented also many of the armed ves vessels
sels vessels from taking positions, which would most effectually
covered our landing—but every thing that could be done
was effected.—The riflemen under Major Forsyth first
landed, under a heavy lire from Indians and others troops,
Gen. Sheaife, commanded in person. He had collected
his whole force in the woods near the point, where the
wind compelled our troops to land. His force consisted
of 700 regulars and militia, and 100 Indians. Major
Forsyth was supported as promptly as possible; but the
contest was sharp and severe nearly half an hour, and the
enemy was repulsed by a number far inferior to theirs.
As soon as Gen. Pike landed with 7 or 800 men, and the
remainder of the troops were pushing for the shore the
enemy retreated to their works. Our troops were now
formed on the ground originally intended for their land landing,
ing, landing, advanced through a thick wood, and after carrying
one battery by assault, were moving in columns towards
the main work, when, within sixty rods of this, a tremen tremendous
dous tremendous explosion took place from a magazine previously
prepared, which threw out such immense quantities of
stoneas most seriously to injure our troops. 1 have not
yet been able to collect the returns of the killed and woud woudwl,
wl, woudwl, but our loss will 1 fear exceed 100 men ; and among
these I have to lament the loss of that brave and excellent
Officer, Brig.-Gen. Pike, who received a contusion from
a large stone, w hich terminated his valuable life within a
few flours. His loss will be severely felt. Previously to
this explosion, the enemy had retired into the town, ex.
cepting a party of regulars, to the number of 40, who
did not escape the effects of the shock, and were destroyed.
■—Gen. Shtaife moved olf with the regular troops, and
left directions with the Commanding Officer of the militia
to make the best terms he could, in the mean time all
further resistance on the part of the enemy ceased, and the
outlines of a capitulation were agreed on. As soon as 1
learned that G fi. Pike had been wounded, I went on
shore. To the G neral 1 had bven induced to confide the
immediate attack, from a know ledge that it was his wish,
and that he would have felt mortified had it not been giv given
en given him.— I'.v ry movement was under my view. The
troops behaved with great firmness, and deserve much ap applause,
plause, applause, particularly those first engaged, and under circum circumstances
stances circumstances which would have tried tne steadiness of veterans.
Our loss in the morning, and m carrying the first battery,
was not great, perhaps it) or 5<3 killed and wounded, and
of them a full proportion of Officers.—'Notwithstanding
the enemy’s advantage in position and numbers in the
Commencement of the action, their loss was greater than
ours, especially in Officers. It was with great exertion
that the small vessels of the licet could work into the har harbour
bour harbour against a gale of wind, but as soon as they got into
a proper position, a tiimeiidous cannonade opened upon
the enemy’s batt ui s. and was kept up against them until
they were carried dr blow n up, and had no doubt a power powerful
ful powerful effect upon the enemy.—l am under the greatest obli obligations
gations obligations to C’ommodoie < fauncey, for his able and indefa indefatigable
tigable indefatigable exertions in eviry possible manner which could
give facility and effect to the expedition. He is equallv
estimable for sound judgment, bravery, and industry.
The Government could not have made a more fortunate
selection. — Unfortunately the enemy’s armed ship Prince
Regent left this place for Kingston a few days before we
arrived. A large ship o i the stocks and nearly planked
up, and much naval stores, were set fire to by the enemy
soon after the explosion of the magazine. A considerable
quantity of military stores and provisions remain, but no
vessel fit for use. We have not the means of transporting
the prisoners, and must of course leave them on parole.
I hope we shad so far complete what is necessary to be
done here, as to be able to sail to-morrow for Niagara,
wljither 1 send this by a small vessel, with notice to Gen.
Lewis of our apprum•;». —1 have the honour to be, Sir,&c.
“Henry Dearborn.
“Hon. Gen. John Armstrong, Sec of War, Washington.”
“ United States ship Madison, at anchor
off York, April 28.
ti Sir— Agreeably to your instructions, and arrange arrangemeats
meats arrangemeats made with Major. Gen. Dearborn, 1 took on board
the squadron under my command the General and Suite,
and about 1700 troops, and left Sacket’s Harbour on the
25th inst. for this place. We arrived here yesterday
morning and took a position about one mile to the south
and westward of the enemy’s principal Fort, and as near
the shore as we could with safety to the vessels. The place
• fixed upon by the Major. Gen. and myself for landing the
troops was the site of the old French Fort Tarento.—The
debarkation commenced about 8 o’clock a m. aud was
completed about 10. The wind blowing heavy from the
eastward, the boats fell to leeward of the position fixed
upon, and were in consequence exposed to agalling fire
from the enemy, who had taken aposition in a thick wood
near where the first troops landed; however, the cool in.
trepidity of the Officers and men overcame every , obstacle.
—The attack upon the enemy was so vigorous, that he
had fled in every direction, leaving a great number of his

hilled and wounded upon the field. As Joon as the troops
were landed, 1 directed •jttVr.’hooners to take a position
near she Forts, in order upon thuin by the
army and navy might be simultaneous. The schooners
were obliged to beat up to their position, which they did
in a very handsome order, under a very heavy fire from
the enemy’s batteries, and took a position within about
600 yards of their principal Fort, and opened a hears
cannonade upon the enemy, which did great execution,
and very much contributed to their final destruction. The
troops as soon as landed were formed under the immediate
orders of Brig Gen. Pike, who led, in a most gallant man manner,
ner, manner, the attack upon the Forts, and after having carried
two redoubts in their approach to the principal work
(the enemy having previously laid a train), blew up his
magazine, which, in its effect upon our troops, was dread,
ful; having killed and wounded a great many, and,
amongst the former, the ever-to-be-lamented Brig.-Gen.
Pike, who fell at the head of his column by a contusion,
received by a stone from the magazine.—His deapth at
this time is much to be regretted, as he had the perfect
confidence of the Major-General, and his known activity,
zeal and experience, make his loss a national one.—ln
consequence of the fall of Gen. Pike, the command of the
troops devolved for a time on Col. Pierce, who soon after
took possession of the town. At about two pm. the
American flag was substituted for that of the British, and
at about four our troops were in quiet possession of the
town. As soon as Gen. Dearborn learnt the situation of
Gen. Pike, he landed and assumed the command. I have
the honour of inclosing a copy of the capitulation which
was entered into and approved by Gen. Dearborn and my myself
self myself —The enemy set fire to some of his principal stores,
•containing large quantities of naval and military stores, as
well as a large ship upon the stocks nearly finished—the
only vessel found here is the Duke of Gloucester, under undergoing
going undergoing repairs—the Prince Regent left here on the 21th
for Kingston. We have not yet had a v’>irn made of the
naval and military stores, consequently can form no cor correct
rect correct idea of the quantify, but have made arrangements to
have all taken on board that we can receive, the rest will
be destroyed—l have to regret the death of Midshipmen
Thomson and Hatfield, and several seamen killed—the ex exact
act exact number 1 do not know, as the returns from the dif different
ferent different vessels have not yet been received—From flu judi judicious
cious judicious arrangements made by Gen. Dearborn. I ; r< unit
that the public stores w ill be disposed of, so that the troops
will be ready to embark to-morrow, and proceed to exe execute
cute execute other objects.of the expedition, the first fair wind. —
J cannot speak in too much praise of the cool intrepidity
of the Officers and men generally under my command, and
1 feel myself particularly indebted to the Officers Com Commanding
manding Commanding vessels, for their zeal in seconding a 1 my views.
1 have the honour to be, &c.
“Isaac Chacncey.
“Hon. Win. Jones, Sec. of the Navy, Washington.”
London, May 25 — Copy of a Letter from Admiral
she Right lion. Sir J. B. W arren, Bart, and K. B. Com Commander
mander Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s ships and vessels on lit;
North American Station, to J. W. Croker, Esq.
On board the San Domingo, Annapolis,,
Chesapeake, April 20.
Sir,—l request you to inform their Lordships, that in
proceeding up this Bay, oti the river Rappahannock, live
sail ol armed vessels were discovered ; 1 immediately or ordered
dered ordered the Maidstone, and Siatffa, with the Fantome ami
Mohawk brigs, and Highflyer tender, to pursue them in into
to into the river; however, it fading little w ind, tne signa for
the boats of the squadron, manned and armed, was re repeated,
peated, repeated, aud they were all sent in under the direction ol
Lieut. Puckinghorne, of tins ship; and alter a most gal gallant
lant gallant attack from the officers, seamen, and marines in tin
boats, and a(k tei mined resistance from the enemy’s ves.
seis, who were prepared to receive them, the whole wen
carried, with the loss of 2 killed, and eleven wounded on
our side.
I beg leave to refer their Lordships to the enclosed let letter
ter letter from Lieut. Puckinghorne for further particulars ot
this brilliant affair, which 1 trust, will meet with their
Lordship’s approbation.
Lieut. Brand having formerly lost an arm, and being so
unfortunate as to lose his remaining one, as a volunteer
upon this occasion, 1 trust their Lordships will confer a
mark of reward for the misfortune of a most courageous,
zealous, young man.
. 1 have the honor to be, & J. B. WARREN.
His Majesty's Ship San Domingo,,
in the Chesapeake, April 3.
Sir, —In pursuance of orders to proceed with the boats
of the squadron you did me the honor to place under my
command, aud attack the enemy’s vessels at the mouth of
the Rappahannock, I have to inform you, that, after row rowing
ing rowing 15 miles, I found they were four ' armed schooners,
draw up in a line a-head, apparently determined to give
us a w arm reception; notwithstanding their formidable
appearance, and the advantage they would necessarily de derive
rive derive from mutual support, 1 determined to attack them,
the issue of which is such as might have been expected from
the brave men you did me the honor to command, and is
as follows.
Arab, of 7 guns and 45 men, run on shore, and board boarded
ed boarded by two boats of the Malborough, under Lieut. Urm.
ston and Scott.
Lynx, of 6 guns and 40 men, hauled her colours down
on my going alongside in the San Domingo’s pinnace.
Racer, ot 6 guns and 36 men, boarded and carried, as.

lord sharp resistance, by the San Domingo’s pinnace.
Dolphin, of 12 guns and 98 men. The guns of theßj,
ccr were turned upon her, and then gallantly boarded
Lieut. Bishop in theStatira’s large cutter, and Lieut. Lit
don in the Maidstone,s launch. i
It would be an injustice to all these officers and ma
were it not to bear testimony to their gallant and intrnß
conduct; it was such as to merit the highest encomium;
1 herewith enclose a list of the killed and
have the honor to be, &c.
The Right Hon. Sir J.B. Warren, Bart, K.B. &c.
Loss of the Chesapeake Frigate.
Boston, June 5. —In the last Ccntinc! w e noticed
agitation of the public irtiud, excited by the expectation (I
a naval coinbat off our harbour, between the U. S’. fti|
gate Chesapeake, of 36 guns, and the British frigate Sion.
non, of 38 guns. We then gave our readers some of
numerous and contradictory reports in circulation rtfe
ing to the event, as they reached us at various hourso
the night; and in the morning a Postscript announced th
capture of the Chesapeake by the Shannon, as communi.
cated by many Gentlemen who were spectators of the at.
tion and event. —The particulars of the early movement
of the frigates were inserted in all our impcssions, «nth t
now give the report us the Branch pilot, who carife
down the Chesapeake.
“At 5 p. m. I left the Chesapeake, Boston
bearing W. 6 leagues distance—the Shannon then insigi;,
the Chesapeake prepared for action, standing for her; «
6 p. m. the action commenced, and in twelve minutest
ter both vessels were yard-arm and yard-alongside e«i!
other as if in the act of boarding : at that moment an is.
incline explosion took place on board the Cehsaptwfa;
which spi .-d a tire from the foremast to the mizenuias,
apparently as high as the tops, pn which both vessels w®
enveloped hi smoke; and on the smoke clearing away,&
English colours were seen flying onboard the (’hesa’pe&
over the American, and both vessels were standing tilth
Eastward. From appearance, it was evident to me, tfe
the loss of the Ciic'.i; eakr was owing to the unfoitui*
explosion that touk place on board of her.
“Robert Knox."
Capture of the LinnA.
The follow! g is a statement of the capture of bis Mi
jesty’s cutter Linnet, of I 4 gnus, and 75 men, by is-
French frigate La Gtoire, of 41 guns:
“ The Linnet . ailed from Spithead in January last, wi
i convoy fur Cork. Returning from thence, she expo'
h iHisi seme very heavy gales, and after a miraculouso
cape from th • dangers of the ocean, she unfortunately fc
m with an enemy of such superior force, as to rendvrre.
•istance iinavaifing. Numerous exertions were made
get off, but the f.i-t sailing aud wel directed fire of thecntJ
my rendered all attempts fruitless; she was taken ontb:
25th of February, after a chace of four hours, by b
Gloire, French frigate of II guns, and sails remarkably
f.i‘t; the Linnet had only 12 18-pounders carronadeiaid 1
two long sixes; she was completely disarmed in heriuatu.
and rigging, but no person on board hurt.
Coyy of a Li tter from Napoleon, to the Duchess tj]
Ist ria:—
“ My Cousin—Your husband has died in the field ol;
honor; your loss and that of y our children, is certainly
great, but mine is still greater. The Duke of I stria did
the noblest of deaths, and without suffering. HehasW
a reputation without blemish—the fairest
couhi bequeath to his children. They have acquired®/
protection, and they will also inherit the affection whfii
I bore to their father. Find in all these considerate#
motives of consolation to alleviate your sorrow, and nt ntver
ver ntver doubt of my sentiments of regard towards you; tlw
letter having no other end than to assure you of it. I*
pray God to have you, my cousin, in his holy andwtf andwtfthy
thy andwtfthy keeping.
“ From my Imperial Camp at Colditz, May 6.**
A serious disturbance has lately taken place at Atnsts Atnstsdam,
dam, Atnstsdam, between the conscripts and the French gcusd’ar®*
One of the latter struck a young Dutchman on theparad'
for performing his exercise badly. Ills companions f*
ponsed his part, cut down the military, and compel
them to fly. Being joined by 500 Spanish prisonend,
work upon the canal, the most serious consequences wert
threatened, when a reinforcement of French troops aw* ?
ving from the country, the mutineers were attacked,
of them killed, and the remainder compelled to sobtaff
Seven of the ringleaders have been tried and been sente*
ded to be shot, but the Commandant had deemed it p*
dent to pardon them.
Rec r . Gen rrs . Office.
Berbice, July Ist
BLANK Returns for Produce, for the
from Ist January to Ist July, are ready at this uw
gratis, and which returns are to be made in all W
month of July, under tender of Oath.
A. THORNBORROW, Dep. Rec. Gen.
Published etcri/ Saturday at 4 o'clock, f.
By W. SCHULZ & Co.

Full Text


1813.) Twelve dollars p, annum.] TOWN COMMITTEE. A Brick Sluice being wanted in the front part of lot No. 32, New Amsterdam, of sufficient dimensions,* to drain the said town. Sealed proposals for the building of said Sluice and the furnishing of all the materials thereto required, accompanied with a plan of the work, marked, “(Tender for a Brick Sluice), will be received by the undersigned until the 28th August, when the said Tenders will be opened by the Committee, and the lowest offer, it approved of, accepted. Security will be required from the Contractor for the performance of his agreement. Bcrbicc, 31 July. 7?// order of the Committee. J. F. OBERMI'LLER, Se

Marshal's Office, SALE by EXECUTION. . Second Proclamation. BY virtue of* authority granted by the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under date of Ist May 1813, upon aPetition of A. J. Glasius and B. J. Schwiers, Sequestrators over Plantation Vrede en Vriendschap, and half Goudmyn. Notice is hereby given, that I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts of this colony, will sell by public Execution Sale, in the month of July, 1814, precise day hereafter to be notified thro’ the Gazette of this colony.) The Plantation VREDEen VRIENDSCHAP, and hair of Plantation GOUDMYN, with all its cultivation, buildings, slaves, and other appurtenances, anti dependencies thereto belonging. Whoever should think to have any right, action, or interest on the abovementioned plantations, and its dependencies, and wishes to oppose this sale by Execution, let him or them address themselves to me the undersigned, declaring their reason for so doing ina legal manner in w riting, as I hereby give notice that I will receive opposition from all intermediate person or persons, appoint them a day to have their claims heard before the Court, and further act thereon according to !»w. This 2nd proclamation published by beat of drum as customary. Berbice, 25 July 1813. K. FRANCKEN, \nt Marshal. ' SALE by EXECUTION. Second Proclamation. WHEREAS 1 the undersigned, by authority obtained from His Excellency R. Gordon, Governor General of the colony Berbice, and its Dependencies, &c. &c. tec. Upon % Petition of John Beresford, under date of April 1812, versus-, F. Curt qq. Benfield’s Estate, as thus having signed the Bill oi Exchange for •which this action is instituted. Hate caused to be taken in Execution and put under Sequestration : The undivided half of Plantation RESOURCE, being the Eastern one third of Lots No’s. II and 12, situate on the western coast of Corentyn with all its Slaves, Bui! lings, Cultivation, &c. the property of F. C or f aforesaid. Be it therefore known, that I tee undersigned intend to Sell, after the expiration of One year and Six week, from the 2Sd February 1813, the abovenamed undivided half of Pin. Resource, as above specified, with all its cultivat/on, buildings, slaves, and further apand dependencies thereto belonging, al! ‘Conformable to an Inventory formed thereof and now lying at the Marshal’s Office for the inspection of those whom it may concern, in order to recover from the proceeds of said Execution Sale, such capital sum, interest, .’tc. as wherefore the same has been taken in execution, czzw expeiues. This 2nd Proclamation made known to the public by beat of drum as customary. Berbice, 25 July, 1813. _ K. 1 RANCKEN, First Marshal. SALE by EXECUTION, Turd Proclamation. WHEREAS 1 the undersigned, by authority obtained from His Excellency Robert Gordon, Governor General in find over the colony of Berbice and its Dependencies, Vice-Admiral, and President in all Courtsand Colleges within the same, &c. &c. &c. Upon a Petition of James Fraser, under date of 29th March 1813, versus, the Attorney or Attornies or such person or persons as are qualified to act for Alexander Fraser Have caused to be taken in Execution and Sequestration, the Cotton Estate SEAFIELD,No. 42, situate on the West sea coast of this colony, with all its cultivation, buildings, and slaves, the property of A. Fraser. Be it therefore known, that J the undersigned intend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six weeks, from the 25th of June 1813, the abovementioned Cotton Plantation Seafield No. 42,with all its Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, and further appurtenances and dependenciestbereto belonging, and specified in the Inventory laying at the Marshal’s Office for the inspection of those whom it may concern in order to recover from the proceeds of said Execution Sale such capital sum, interest and expences as wherefore the Estate abovementioned, has been’ taken in Execution. This 3rd Proclamation published by beat of drum as customary. Berbice, 25 July, 1813 K FRANCK EN, First Marshal. SALE BY EXECUTION*. Third Proclamation. WHEREAS 1 the undersigned, by authority obtained from His Etfcellenqr Robert Gordon, Governor General of the Colo?'" Berbice and its Dependencies, Vice-Admiral, Wf President in all Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. also Two Negroes thereto belonging, th property of said G. Robert sun. W hoever should think Io have any interest or claim on the aforesaid Land and 2 ..egroes, and wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let such person oi persons address himseli to me the first Marshal, declaring his reason for such opposition, in due time and form, as 1 hereby give notice, that 1 will leccivc opposition from every one, thereunto qualified, appoint them a day to have bis or her claim heard bctbre the Court, and further act therein according to style and law. This 3rd Proclamation made known to the public as customary. Berbice, 25 July, iM3. K. FRANCKEN, kirst Marshal. SALE by EXECUTION. Third Proclamation. BY virtue of authority obtained from His excellency Robert Gordon, General in and over the colony Berbice and is dependencies, Vice-Admiral, and President in all • our.s Colleges within the, &c. &c. I pon a petition presented by his Honor M. S. Bennett, fiscal, R. (). versus, the Proprietor or Proprietors, Representative or Represt ntatives, of the upper halt ot Lot No. 35, situated in the second empolder ot the Town New Amsterdam. 1 the undersigned first Marshal of the Courtsol this colony, shall expose and sell, at public Execution Sale, in presence of two Counceliors Commissaries and their on Wednesday the 11th August 1813, at the Court Hoose of this colony, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, The abovenamed half Lot No. 35. Whoever should think to have any right, interest, or claim, on the aforementioned Lot No. 35, 2d erapokier N.Amst. and wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let'such person address himself to me the First Marshal, declaring his reason for such opposition, in due time and form, as I hereby give notice that 1 will receive opposition from every one thereunto qualified, appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and further act the< m according to stile and law. This 3rd proclamation published by beat of drum as customary. Berbice, 25 July, 1813 K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. SALE by EXECUTION. ~~ t Third Proclamation. hv IliT v rtU ii ° f a ritS ° f ® xecution , granted by His Excellency Robert Gordon, Governor General in and over the Colony of Berbice and its dependencies, Vice-Admiral, and President of all Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. &c. &c Upon a petition presented by his Honor M S Bennett, Fiscal it. O. versus, the Proprietor or Pro* prietors, Representative or Representatives of a pari of Lot No. 13, situated in the first empolder of the • Town of New Amsterdam, between the bouse of A. F. Fischer and that of Mietje van Winfz. ( I the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable Courts of this colony, shall expose and sell, at public execution sale, in presence of two Counceliors Commissaries, and their Secretary, at the Court house of this colony, on Wednesday the 1 Ith Aug. 1813, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day : The abovenamed part of Lot No. 13. Whoever should think to have any right, interest or claim on the abovementioned Land and wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let such person or persons address themselves to me the first Marshal declaring their reasons for such opposition in due time and form ; as I hereby give notice that I will receive opposition from every one thereunto quasi. ffed, appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard before thg Court, and further to proceed according to law. This 3rd Proclamation made known to the Publie by beat of drum as customary. Berbice, 25 July, 1813. K. Francken, First Marshal. ~~JalebCexecutTon. “ Third Proclamation. BY r virtue of an appointment granted by His Excellency R. Gordon, Go ver nor-Genera I in andover the colony Berbice, and its dependencies, Vice-Ad4 miral, and President in all courts and colleges withI in the same, &c. &c. &c. Granted a petition presented by his ILwior M. S. Bennett, Fiscal R. (>. versus, the Propriofot or Proprietors, Rrorcscntativc or Representatives, of a part of Lot No. 7, situated in the first empolderof the Town of New Amsterdam, between the lots of La Rose’s and t'iat ot W . W . King, towards the back dam. I the undersigned, Marshal of both the Honorable Courts ol this Colony, shall expose and m H, at pu. , blic Execution sale, in presence of two Councclta® j <’ommissarii s and their S en firv, on Wcdnesdu ! the II August, 1813, at the Court-house of this cob ny, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day: abovenamed part of Lot No. 7. Whoever should think to have any right, interat or claim, on the abovemt nticmd part of Land, wishesto op|x>se tne sale thereof, let such person ad* dress himseli to me the Marshal, declaring his reason tor such opposition, in due time and form, as I het» by give notice, that I will receive opposition Iron every one thereunto qualified, appoint them a day to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and i P roc <*ed according to law in such case. I his 3rd Proclamation made known to thepuldil ; by beat oi drum, as customary. Berbice, 25 Julv, Nl3. K. FRANCKEN, First MmM — — 't'jl SnuiMitHis by Edict. BY virtue ot an extract r r >m tin* minutes of the proceedings fht . ( o , irt o IML o f c ivi | h< 1(1 at the <'

Wm. Innes, in capacity aforesaid, Summon by Edict: , AH known and unknown claimants against the Estate of John Donaldson, dec. to appear before the Court Os Civil Justice of this colony, at their session, to be leld in the month of October, 1813, say Eighteen and thirteen, there to give in their claims •gainst said estate, and farther to proceed according to Law. This summons by edict made known to the Public by beat of drum, from the Court house of th is colony, f *nd further dealt with conformable to custom. Berbice, 2d July, 1813. K Francken, First Marshal. Summons by Edict. 'BY virtue of an appointment, granted by the Hon. Court of Civil Justice of this colony, under date of 28th April, upon a petition of Charles McIntosh, in capacity as appointed Executor to the last Will and Testament of Charles G dr don, dec. I the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts of this colony, and at the request of said Ch. Mclntosh, in his capacity abovementioned. Summon by Edict: All known and unknown creditors against the estate of Ch. Gordon, dec. to appear before the Court ¦of Civil Justice of this colony, at their session to be held in the month of July in the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, (say 1814), there to render their claims against said estate, to verify | the same , and further to proceed according to law, | on pain of being for ever debarred their right of I claim in case of default, This Summon by I xlict made known to the public by beat of drum from the Court house of this colony, and further dealt with according to custom Bcrbice, 2d July, 1813. K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. K . ¦ ¦¦ ¦ — ¦ —— —— ¦ T'endue OJJice. Public Vendues. On Wednesday 4th Aug. at the Vendue office, by order of Jas. Mclndoe, the north front quarter of lot No. 39, New Amst. with all the buildings thereon, consisting of a framed and shingled house, GO ft. by 25, fitted up to let as two seperate dwellings, each having a seperate out house, the one 60 fl. long by f? 0, and the other 45 by 20— Terms of payment, 6, 12, 18, & 24 months. By the Sequestrators of PI. d’ Edward, a new boat with a deck, a ferry punt, and 2 flat bottom boats, laying in front of the hou>e of G. Reuss, Esq. By the Vendue Master, dry goods, provisions, and glassware. A few head of Prime cattle G. BONE, Act. Vendue Master. On Thursday sth Aug. will be sold by the VenduMaster in commission, at a place made known before the day of Sale—from 35 to 40 head of cattle, of an excellent breed for particulars enquire at the Vendue Oflice. NB. The Sale will take place on No. 27 west coast, precisely at 12 o’clock. G. BONE, Act. Dep. Fcnduc Mastr On Wednesday the 18 August, will be sold, by order of the Curators of the late W. Threlf.dl, the premises on lot No. 7, known as the Vendue Office, Negroes, furniture, and what further may appear on the day of sale. G. BONE, Act. Dep. Fendtiemr. On Thursday 26th August next, will be sold, on the spot, by order of the Hon’ble. Orphan Chamber, Plantation Mary'sburg, situate on the cast sea coast of this colony, with the Negroes and all other appurtenances, thereunto belonging—terms of Sale may be known on application to the Vernine Master. G. BONE, A. D. Vend. Mr. Commissariat Office Berbice, 30th July. CASH wanted for the following Bills of Exchange tfrawn on the Hon. the Paymasters General of His Majesty at 30 days sight. No. 776— j£2oo Sterling No. 777—£ 100 Ditto. For which Tenders will be received at this Office, intil 12 o’clock on Tuesday the 2d Aug. when they frill be opened, and if approved, accepted. JAMES B. BUHOT, D. Assist. Com. Gen. WANTED. A good house boy—apply to this office.3 July. NEW AMSTERDAM, July 30th 1813. Late in the Evening of Thursday last, our First June Packet arrived here, bringing London Newspapers to the 14th. The intelligence of the allied Russian and Prussian armies, are of a very unpleasant nature. After the battles of the 20th, 21st, and 22d of May, the French entered Siiecien, and reports says that the allied armies must recross the Vistula, as not able of standing against their opponents. It was also in circulation that a Congress would be shortly held for a general Peace, between all the Powers of Europe. Denmark has declared hostilities against Great Britain; and it was expected a similar declaration would be issued between that Power and Sweden. The Letter bag from hence will be closed for Demerary Thursday. LONDON. June 2. —Advices from Copenhagen mention, that the return of Count Bernstorti so suddenly without accomplishing the object of his mission, had excited much dis gust, and that orders had, in consequence, been given to renew hostilities against Great Britain. Coinciding with this account, we nave the fullowing from a correspondent:— “Heligoland, May 24. —I regret being under the necessity to inform you, that the Danish Government have signified to the Commander of his Majesty’s vessels in the river Elbe, that the English ilag and English property are no longer to pass unmolested in the river Elbe.” A new Coinage of Guineas has recently been made at the Mint, and delivered to the Bank ; the d>e varies considerably from the impression on those hitherto issued, and they are smaller. 50,000 of them were sent last week to Bernadotte, LONDON. J line 3. —The details of the late battle between Napoleon and the Allies have at lengm arrived. Paris Papers to the 31st ult. reached town last iu*.ut, from which we have extracted th ? account given of the action, or rather actions, for two battles, it appea s, were fought; one on the 201 ii at Bautzen, and the other on the 21st, at VV iiltchen ; the Allies having retired in the interval to a second position. That the French ultimately gained the victory, there is no doubt, because they remained in possession of the livid of battle, from which the Allies retreated. Bonaparte acknowledges a loss of 11 or 12,000 men, killed and wounded, and has no trophies to boast of ; he says he could take no colours, because the Allies always carry them oil the field of battle! and he only took lb cannon, because he wished to spare his cavalry. The number of the wound d of the allied force is said to be about 28,000 men, of whom 10,(XX) were prisoners. The rest he admits had been carried oil by the allied army in carriages, ft is said, that a Flag of Truce had been sent by the allies, with letters, and it was Utiicved they wished to negotiate for an armistice. J.UN DON. June s.— Unhappily all the hopes which have been held out to us of the security of Hamburgh have proved fallacious. That city has ag iin laiku into the hands of the French, assisteU t>y a Dui»h force. The Swedes it appears, whose protection was so much relied upon, suddenly quitted Hamburgh and left it to its fate. The motive for this desertion of the unfortunate llamburgtiers remains to be explained. It is said in the Ministerial circles that the Crown Prince of Sweden considers he temporary possession of Hamburgh as of no consequence, and that every thing must ultimately depend upon deieating the main French army. This may be just reasoning, but is the effective co-operation of the Swedes to be relied upon ? Undoubtedly, if the Crown Prince bears down upon the left flank of the French army, and Austria takes a hostile position upon their right, a most important change must very soon be effected in the situation of Europe. This, however, is, we fear, too much to look for. In the mean time, whatever may be the Swedish of operations, the most dreadful calamities fall upon Hamburgh, whose unfortunate inhabitants have only had a transient gleam of freedom to be the more rigorously subjected to tyranny, and to become the victims of the most unrelenting vengeance. The fate of Hamburgh is the more deeply to be lamented, if, as it is said, a promise of protection was held out from this country—if a promise was made of troops and engineers, and of the occupation of Cuxhaven by a British force. Truly melancholy indeed is the lot of that city, thus deprived from all quarters of promised protection, and at' length left utterly defenceless, exposed to ail the vengeance of a merciless enemy. The dispatches of Sir Charles Stewart have made a deep impression on the public mind; for they amount to a confession of the inability of the allies to withstand the force of the French. He states the allied army at 65000, and the French at 120,000 men. Is this meant to apply to the numbers engaged in the battle of Bautzen, or does it include the whole of the armies on both sides? If the latter, we must stand confounded at the exaggerated state ments of the Russian force, which have been published,' in order to raise the expectations of the pub ic. And wu apprehend, that if it alludes only to the relative numbers in the field of battle, on the 21st ult. it will be equally cheerless—for we have shewn upon good authority that the French garrisons, not in the battle, amount to more than 70,000 men. What has became of the innumerably hosts of Russians? Did the armies of Russia aiso feel the inclemency of the last winter ? But the most important passage in Sir Charles Stewart’s letter is, that the Russian Emperor would have maintained the position, “had uot reasons of prudence, coupled with the most important considerations, decided otherwise. They were in absolute want of stores, having neither adequate magazines nor commissariat; and that id was not the inferiority of force alone which obliged them to retreat. Advices from Sicily were received yesterda z to the Sth of April, and we learn with considerable surprize, that there seems to be some appearance of friendly and commercial arrangement between Lord W. Bentinck and tho Ministers of Murat, at Naples. A cessation of all hostility, it appeaas, has been agreed upon between Sicily and Naples; and in a letter of the 7th of April from Messina, it is stated, that the intercourse had been re-established with: the islands in the bays of Gaeta and Naples, and that there was a prospect of a beneficial trade with the Continent, through the medium of those settlements. It will be curious if another French Marshal, raised to a throne, is to be ranked among our friends or allies. Has the missioA of Beauharnois to Milan any relation to the supposed defection of Murat. Frenada, May 6. —Every thing is ready here for opening the campaign. General Castanos has been here some time, and to-day General Graham arrived. It is said, and with probability, that General Hill’s corps and this 4th light division, will advance by the way of Salamanca, and the other divisions, with the greater pait of the cavalry, by the right hank of the Douro We have now 20,000 more men than at the beginning of the last campaign. Besides the Spaniards and Portuguese, there am 45.000 English infantry, and 8000 British atul Portuguese horse. Elie total force is uot under 100,000 men. LONDON. June 12.—A Gottenburgh Mail arrived yesterday which has brought us letters and papers from thence to the 6th instant. The Crown Prince of Sweden remained at Stralsund. War, we are told in these accounts, between Denmark and Sweden, was inevitable, and it of course follows, from the stipulations of the Treaties between this country, Sweden, and Russia. The Crown Prince may now carry on his projects in Norway with the aid of the money furnished from this country, One of the letters from Gottenburgh states, that the Swedish General who occupied Hamburgh has been condemned to death by a Court Martial, for having taken upon himself so decisive a step without orders. lhe I rcaty with Sweden was laid before Parliament last night. It not only stipulates that we shall assist the views of Sweden hy a naval co-operation, if necessary, in obtaining possession of Norway, but also cedes to that power the Island of Guadaloupc, and grants a subsidy of 1,000,0001. sterling. Sweden in return, agrees to contribute 30,000 men to join the Russian army, and grants a right of entrepot for British goods and colonial produce, in British or Swedish vessels, to the portsof Gottenburgh, Carlshamn and Stralsund, on payment of a duty of one : per cent, ad valorem, possession of Guadaloupe to be delivered to Sweden in the month of August in the present year, or three months after the lauding of Swedish troops on the Continent. The fact we stated yesterday respecting the treatment of Mr. Boughton, at Vienna, and which is not attempted to be denied by Ministers, proves how little reliance is to be placed upon the expectations held out of Austria join, ing the Allies. Delusive indeed we fear will prove all the hopes upon this subject, with which, from day to day, the public have been fed by the Ministerial Papers. Bonaparte, it is true, is silent as to the intentions of the Cabinet of Vienna; but his silence may be the dictate of a deep and insidious polity. What if Austria ultimately joins him? Towhat a situation will the Allies be reduced! Their retreat towards Bohemia will then prove the conZ summation of disaster. Their army will be placed in a cul de sac, and will have no resource but to surrend r at discretion. Will their situation be better if Austria remain neutral? We cannot discover in what manner they are to profit by her neutrality. The only way in which' the Allies can possibly derive advantage from the position of their retreat is from the active assistance of Austria. Her neutrality may render the destruction of the Allied army less certain, but it cannot prevent in tho smallest degree the success of Bonaparte in all the objects for which he is fighting. Bonaparte, besides by the vantage ground he has gained and his proximity to her territories, has the means of over awing Austria, and these circumstances will nodoubt have this effect upon the well-known timidity and irresolution of the Cabinet of Vienna. It is impossible, therefore, for us to look at the present position of the allied army with any other feelings than those of terror and alarm, for with the utter hopelessness of the co-operation of Austria it is no longer a question what the allies can achieve, but how their troops can ultimately escape from the gaeatly superior foroc opposed to thesr. *


AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE* Capture of York 1 own. Head-quarters , FbrZr, Capital of • Upper Canada, April 28. tigir—After a detention of some days by adverse winds, we arrived at this place yesterday morning, and, at eight o’clock, commenced landing the troops about three miles westward from the town, and one and a half from the enemy’s works. The wind was high and in an unfavour, able direction for the boats, which prevented the landing of the troops at a clear field, the cite of the ancient French Fort Tarento. It prevented also many of the armed vessels from taking positions, which would most effectually covered our landing—but every thing that could be done was effected.—The riflemen under Major Forsyth first landed, under a heavy lire from Indians and others troops, Gen. Sheaife, commanded in person. He had collected his whole force in the woods near the point, where the wind compelled our troops to land. His force consisted of 700 regulars and militia, and 100 Indians. Major Forsyth was supported as promptly as possible; but the contest was sharp and severe nearly half an hour, and the enemy was repulsed by a number far inferior to theirs. As soon as Gen. Pike landed with 7 or 800 men, and the remainder of the troops were pushing for the shore the enemy retreated to their works. Our troops were now formed on the ground originally intended for their landing, advanced through a thick wood, and after carrying one battery by assault, were moving in columns towards the main work, when, within sixty rods of this, a tremendous explosion took place from a magazine previously prepared, which threw out such immense quantities of stoneas most seriously to injure our troops. 1 have not yet been able to collect the returns of the killed and woudwl, but our loss will 1 fear exceed 100 men ; and among these I have to lament the loss of that brave and excellent Officer, Brig.-Gen. Pike, who received a contusion from a large stone, w hich terminated his valuable life within a few flours. His loss will be severely felt. Previously to this explosion, the enemy had retired into the town, ex. cepting a party of regulars, to the number of 40, who did not escape the effects of the shock, and were destroyed. ¦—Gen. Shtaife moved olf with the regular troops, and left directions with the Commanding Officer of the militia to make the best terms he could, in the mean time all further resistance on the part of the enemy ceased, and the outlines of a capitulation were agreed on. As soon as 1 learned that G fi. Pike had been wounded, I went on shore. To the G neral 1 had bven induced to confide the immediate attack, from a know ledge that it was his wish, and that he would have felt mortified had it not been given him.— I'.v ry movement was under my view. The troops behaved with great firmness, and deserve much applause, particularly those first engaged, and under circumstances which would have tried tne steadiness of veterans. Our loss in the morning, and m carrying the first battery, was not great, perhaps it) or 5<3 killed and wounded, and of them a full proportion of Officers.—'Notwithstanding the enemy’s advantage in position and numbers in the Commencement of the action, their loss was greater than ours, especially in Officers. It was with great exertion that the small vessels of the licet could work into the harbour against a gale of wind, but as soon as they got into a proper position, a tiimeiidous cannonade opened upon the enemy’s batt ui s. and was kept up against them until they were carried dr blow n up, and had no doubt a powerful effect upon the enemy.—l am under the greatest obligations to C’ommodoie < fauncey, for his able and indefatigable exertions in eviry possible manner which could give facility and effect to the expedition. He is equallv estimable for sound judgment, bravery, and industry. The Government could not have made a more fortunate selection. — Unfortunately the enemy’s armed ship Prince Regent left this place for Kingston a few days before we arrived. A large ship o i the stocks and nearly planked up, and much naval stores, were set fire to by the enemy soon after the explosion of the magazine. A considerable quantity of military stores and provisions remain, but no vessel fit for use. We have not the means of transporting the prisoners, and must of course leave them on parole. I hope we shad so far complete what is necessary to be done here, as to be able to sail to-morrow for Niagara, wljither 1 send this by a small vessel, with notice to Gen. Lewis of our apprum•;». —1 have the honour to be, Sir,&c. “Henry Dearborn. “Hon. Gen. John Armstrong, Sec of War, Washington.” “ United States ship Madison, at anchor off York, April 28. ti Sir— Agreeably to your instructions, and arrangemeats made with Major. Gen. Dearborn, 1 took on board the squadron under my command the General and Suite, and about 1700 troops, and left Sacket’s Harbour on the 25th inst. for this place. We arrived here yesterday morning and took a position about one mile to the south and westward of the enemy’s principal Fort, and as near the shore as we could with safety to the vessels. The place • fixed upon by the Major. Gen. and myself for landing the troops was the site of the old French Fort Tarento.—The debarkation commenced about 8 o’clock a m. aud was completed about 10. The wind blowing heavy from the eastward, the boats fell to leeward of the position fixed upon, and were in consequence exposed to agalling fire from the enemy, who had taken aposition in a thick wood near where the first troops landed; however, the cool in. trepidity of the Officers and men overcame every , obstacle. —The attack upon the enemy was so vigorous, that he had fled in every direction, leaving a great number of his hilled and wounded upon the field. As Joon as the troops were landed, 1 directed •jttVr.’hooners to take a position near she Forts, in order upon thuin by the army and navy might be simultaneous. The schooners were obliged to beat up to their position, which they did in a very handsome order, under a very heavy fire from the enemy’s batteries, and took a position within about 600 yards of their principal Fort, and opened a hears cannonade upon the enemy, which did great execution, and very much contributed to their final destruction. The troops as soon as landed were formed under the immediate orders of Brig Gen. Pike, who led, in a most gallant manner, the attack upon the Forts, and after having carried two redoubts in their approach to the principal work (the enemy having previously laid a train), blew up his magazine, which, in its effect upon our troops, was dread, ful; having killed and wounded a great many, and, amongst the former, the ever-to-be-lamented Brig.-Gen. Pike, who fell at the head of his column by a contusion, received by a stone from the magazine.—His deapth at this time is much to be regretted, as he had the perfect confidence of the Major-General, and his known activity, zeal and experience, make his loss a national one.—ln consequence of the fall of Gen. Pike, the command of the troops devolved for a time on Col. Pierce, who soon after took possession of the town. At about two pm. the American flag was substituted for that of the British, and at about four our troops were in quiet possession of the town. As soon as Gen. Dearborn learnt the situation of Gen. Pike, he landed and assumed the command. I have the honour of inclosing a copy of the capitulation which was entered into and approved by Gen. Dearborn and myself —The enemy set fire to some of his principal stores, •containing large quantities of naval and military stores, as well as a large ship upon the stocks nearly finished—the only vessel found here is the Duke of Gloucester, undergoing repairs—the Prince Regent left here on the 21th for Kingston. We have not yet had a v’>irn made of the naval and military stores, consequently can form no correct idea of the quantify, but have made arrangements to have all taken on board that we can receive, the rest will be destroyed—l have to regret the death of Midshipmen Thomson and Hatfield, and several seamen killed—the exact number 1 do not know, as the returns from the different vessels have not yet been received—From flu judicious arrangements made by Gen. Dearborn. I ; r< unit that the public stores w ill be disposed of, so that the troops will be ready to embark to-morrow, and proceed to execute other objects.of the expedition, the first fair wind. — J cannot speak in too much praise of the cool intrepidity of the Officers and men generally under my command, and 1 feel myself particularly indebted to the Officers Commanding vessels, for their zeal in seconding a 1 my views. 1 have the honour to be, &c. “Isaac Chacncey. “Hon. Win. Jones, Sec. of the Navy, Washington.” London, May 25 — Copy of a Letter from Admiral she Right lion. Sir J. B. W arren, Bart, and K. B. Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s ships and vessels on lit; North American Station, to J. W. Croker, Esq. On board the San Domingo, Annapolis,, Chesapeake, April 20. Sir,—l request you to inform their Lordships, that in proceeding up this Bay, oti the river Rappahannock, live sail ol armed vessels were discovered ; 1 immediately ordered the Maidstone, and Siatffa, with the Fantome ami Mohawk brigs, and Highflyer tender, to pursue them into the river; however, it fading little w ind, tne signa for the boats of the squadron, manned and armed, was repeated, aud they were all sent in under the direction ol Lieut. Puckinghorne, of tins ship; and alter a most gallant attack from the officers, seamen, and marines in tin boats, and a(k tei mined resistance from the enemy’s ves. seis, who were prepared to receive them, the whole wen carried, with the loss of 2 killed, and eleven wounded on our side. I beg leave to refer their Lordships to the enclosed letter from Lieut. Puckinghorne for further particulars ot this brilliant affair, which 1 trust, will meet with their Lordship’s approbation. Lieut. Brand having formerly lost an arm, and being so unfortunate as to lose his remaining one, as a volunteer upon this occasion, 1 trust their Lordships will confer a mark of reward for the misfortune of a most courageous, zealous, young man. . 1 have the honor to be, &