Kn Celebration of His Life LoreJon Lorence Boynes 9 Sro Aprili 2 9 1919 = August 27 9 l 99~ F unera. l Services Sunclla.y, September 4, 1994 ' Viewing: 10:00 11:00 a.m ... Creque's Funera.l Home Cha.pel Viewing: 1:00 2:30 pm, Service: 2:30 pm . .. Luthera.n Church Interment in Cruz Ba.y Cemetery, St. John, U.S. Virgin [sla.nds
Loredon L. Boynes, Sr. was born April 2, 1919 on the island of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands to Alfred and Geraldine Sprauve Boynes . From his father's side of noted seafarers he inherited a love of the sea and from an early age Loredon indicated he, too, would make the sea his calling, in one way or another. As such he came to be a familiar figure, piloting boats on the waterways of the Caribbean: for a deep sea fishing company; for the National Park Service (where he served as Park Ranger); for the Virgin Is lands Government, operating a ferry between St. Tho mas St. John Tortola; and for the renowned Rockefeller family as captain of Laurence Rockefeller's boat, "TI1e Mary." In that capacity he became their trusted captain and friend, joining together in Luth eran church services. His years of sea duty led him to form a ferry service with Victor Sewer in 1964, piloting the "Jolly Roger." That venture persuaded Captain Boynes to form a family-owned corporation which would streamline regularly scheduled ferry service between St. Thomas and St. John. In 1965 that enterprise was born. The formation of Transportation Services led to the pur chase of larger, more dependable vessels the Caribe Sunrise, Caribe, Caribe Tide and to the reliable, scheduled service with which we are all familiar. Captain Boynes' career also led to his inclusion in the history of international affairs, involving a con frontation between the United States and Cuba, a dan gerous incident which w~ finally m~goti_ate~ to a peaceful conclusion. It was 111 1973, while piloting the "Nicole Robin" from New Orleans to the Virgin is lands with his son Loredon , James Penn, Roy and Liston Sprauve and a navigator from Mississippi. Navigating a supposed shortcut, they were intercepted in Cuban waters by gunboats and promptly impris o ned in separate cells, unable to communicate. For 18 days they were kept in the dark about their fate; ~ot knowing their delayed arrival had aroused warned families; activated contacts between the Virgin Islands Government, Washington and the U.S. Navy and set ting into motion unceasing communication among them. The imprisonment of American seamen was clearly a hostile act in the strained relations between the United States and Cuba, but the services of Canada, as mediator, finally persuaded Cuba to release the captives. Captain Boynes has inherited other loves besides that of the sea from his multi-talented family: a love of sports and music. From his early days as a student at Bethany School, St. John, he proved to be an athlete, taking part in activities available at that time, including" round dove" (a form of softball), volleyball, basketball and cricket, later joining the St. John team and participating in regional tournaments. As a member of the "West Rover" a cricket team that won may trophies his prow ess as one of its best players was acknowledged; as was his record with the Cruz Bay Softball team, which also earned many awards. With equal fervor he threw himself into music, nur tured by his beloved mother, Geraldine Boynes. He was a member of the Lutheran Choir and participated in Christmas serenades and various chorales. His love of vocalizing expanded to musical instruments, learning to play the banjo and saxophone. Even while at sea he pursued such activities. His deep-sea fishing company took him on regular trips to Anegada where he joined with the band on that island, "jamming'' far into the evenings. His 3 years of service with the U.S. Armed Forces beginning in 1945 saw him and other Virgin Islanders in his battalion form a band. Among its fourteen members was Governor Alexander Farrelly, who played the trumpet. Then of course, there is another love in his life, that of his home and family; father of six, grandfather of thirteen and great-grandfather of eight. Of his six children, five are part of the family business: Noel, Ashley, Loredon, Jr., June and Karen; Bernice resides in Maryland. His children are _quick to note their father never coerced them into working for the busi ness and fondly recall the tremendous love and re spect between them all. Happily married to Margie Brown-Boynes, the couple reside between the Virgin Islands and Phila delphia. As indicated, Captain Boynes is a man of many dimensions, including a sense of appreciation for a life showered with blessings; this includes his grati tude in having the Cruz Bay facility named in his honor. 3
Suurviv(())Jr WIFE Margie Brown-Boynes SONS Noel Boynes, Sr., Clifton Ashley Boynes, Sr., Loredon (Bucky) Boynes, Jr. DAUGHTERS Bernice Boynes-Pearson, Karen Boynes, June Boynes DAUGHTERS-IN-LAW Bernice Mahoney-Boynes, Lydia Boynes, Lisa Boynes SON-IN-LAW Cornelius Pearson BROTHER James A. Boynes DEVOTED COUSIN Elaine I. Sprauve SPECIAL GRANDCHILD Cheryl Boynes-Jackson 13 Grandchildren, 8 Great-Grandchildren many other relatives and friends Noel U. Boynes, Sr., Clifton Ashley Boynes, Sr., James U. Boynes, Clifton Ashley Boynes, Jr., Fritz Boynes, Sr., Loredon L. Boynes, Jr. James A. Boynes, Noel U. Boynes, Jr., Victor Sewer, Ricardo sewer, Sr., Gilbert Sprauve, Gilroy Sprauve, Elroy Sprauve, James Penn, Richard Pearson, John Goeb, Sam Boynes, Anthon Boynes, Jr., Theovald Moorehead, Liston Sprauve, Julius E. Sprauve, Jr., Verne Sprauve, Colin Sprauve, Corne~us Pearson, Michael Antoine, Michael Jackson , Sr., Rouse Payne 4
EULOGY OFFICIANT ... Pastor Carlyle 0. Sampson ORGANIST ... Elroy Sprauve VOCAL SELECTION Gilbert Sprauve, Ph.D. HYMN ........ . ..................................... . .... . .......... .. ....... To God Be the Glory SERVICE FOR BURIAL OF THE DEAD ..................................................... Page 207 RESPONSIVE READING: ................................................ . .......... Psalm 73:12-29 EPISTLE: Galatians 2:15-21 ...................................................... Dr. Wilbur Sprauve HYMN ................................................. .. .................... How Great Thou Art GOSPEL ................................... . ................ . ................... Matthew 25: 31-46 MEDITATION HYMN ............................................................ I Know That My Redeemer Lives SERVICE CONfINUED ............... . ..... . ............................................. Page 209 RECESSIONAL HYMN ............ . ............................................. Thine Is the Glory Hym.ns at the Church TO GOD BE THE GLORY To God be the glory! Great things He hath done! So loved He the world t hat He gave us His Son, Who yielded His life an atonement for sin And opened the Life-gate that all may go in. Chorus Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Let the earth hear His voice! Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice! Oh come to the Father, through Jesus the Son; And give Him the glory great things He hath done! 0 perfect redemption, the purchase of blood! To every believer the promise of God; The vilest offender who truly believes, That moment from Jesus a pardon receives. Great things He hath taught us, great things He hath done, And great our rejoicing thru Jesus the Son; But purer and higher and greater will be Our wonder, our transport, when Jesus we see. HOW GREAT THOU ART 0 Lord, my God when I in awesome wonder Consider all the worlds 5 Thy hands hath made. I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy pow'r throughout the universe displayed. Refrain Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee How great Thou art, How great Thou art, Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee, How great Thou art! How great Thou art! When through the woods and forest glades I wander And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees;
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze. But when I think that God, his Son not sparing, Sent Him to die, I scarce c an take it in That on the cross my burden gladly bearing He bled and died to take away my sin. When Christ shall come, with shouts of acclamation, And take me home, what joy s hall fill my heart! Then I shall bow in humble adoration And there proclaim , " M y God, how great Thou art." WILL YOUR ANCHOR HOLD Will your anchor hold in the storms of life? When the clouds unfold their wings of strife? W h en th e strong tides lift and the ca bles strain, Will yo ur anchors drift or firm remain? Chorus We have an anchor that keeps the soul Steadfast and sure while the billows roll, Fastened to the rock which cannot move, Gro unded firm and deep in the Saviour's love! Will your anchor hold in the straits of fear? When the breakers roar and the reef is near , While the surges rage and the wild wind blows , Not an angry wave shall our bark o' erflow. I KNOW TiiA T MY REDEEMER LNES I know that my Redeemer lives : What a joy the blest assurance gives! He lives, He lives, who once was dead; He lives, my everlasting head! He lives, to bless me with his love; He lives, to plead for me above; He lives, my hungry soul to feed; He lives, to help in time of need . He lives, and grants me daily breath; He lives, and I shall conquer death ; he lives, my mansion to prepare; He _ lives, to bring me safely the . re. He lives, all glory to his Name He lives, my Saviour, still the same; What joy the blest assurance gives: I know that my Redeemer lives. THINE IS THE GLORY Thine is the glory, Risen, conqu ' ring Son; Endless is the victory Thou over death has won! Will your anchor hold in the floods of death , When the waters cold chill your latest breath? On the rising tide you c an never fail, While your anchor hold s within the veil. Will your eyes behold through the morning light , The city of gold, and the harbour bright? Will your anchor safe by the heavenly shore, When life's storms are past for evermore ? WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and grief to bear; What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer! Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear; All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer. 6 Angels in bright raiment Rolled the stone away, Kept the folded grave clothes Where thy body lay . Chorus : Thine is the glory, Risen, conqu'ring Son; Endless is the victory Thou o'er death hast won! Lo, Jesus meets thee, Risen from the tomb! Lovingly he greets thee, Scatters fear and gloom; Let his Church with gladness Hymns of triumph sing, For the l,ord now liveth, Death hath lost its sting! No more we doubt thee, Glorious Prince of life; Life is nought without thee; Aid us in our strife; Make us more than conqu'rors , Though thy deathless love; Bring us safe through Jordan To thy home above. Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged; Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful, Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness ; Take it to the Lord in prayer. Axe we weak and heavy-laden, Cumbered with a load of care? Precious Saviour, still our refuge , Take it to the Lord in prayer . Do thy friends despise , forsake thee ? T ake it to the Lord in prayer ; In His arms He ' ll take and shield th ee Thou wilt find a solace the . re. WHEN WE ALL GET TO HEAVEN Sing the wondrous love of Jesus , Sing His mercy and His grace; In the mansions bright and blessed, He'll prepare for us a place .
Refrain When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, WHEN PEACE, LIKE ARNER When peace , like a river , attendeth my way ; We' ll sing and shout about the victory. When sorrows , like sea bill o ws , roll ; Whatever my lot , Thou has taught me to sa y, While w e walk the pilgrim pathway , C l o ud s will overspread the sky; "It is well, it is well with my soul ." But when traveling days are over, Chorus : Not a shadow, not a sigh. It is well . . . with my soul , ... And, Lord , haste th e day when our faith s hall be sight. It is well, it is well with my soul . Let us then be true and faithful , Tru s ting, serving every day; My sin oh, the joy Ju s t one glimpse of Him in glory Will the toils of life repay. of this glorious thought The clouds be rolled back as a scroll , The trumpet shall sound , and th e L o rd shall descend; My sin not in part , but the whole , Is nailed to the cross ; Even so, it is well with my soul . Onward to the prize before us! Soo n His beauty we'll behold; Soon the pearly gates will Qpen, We shall tread the streets of gold . and I bear it no more: Praise the Lord , praise the Lord, Oh my soul. Government House Charlotte Amalie , St. Thomas The entire Virgin Islands community has suffered a great loss with the passing of Loredon Boynes, Sr . The Virgin Islands was his home and his love for the people of St . John was evident in his dedi c ation to serve. Captain Boynes was a loyal supporter and a close friend for man y years. His dr e am of o wning the first ferry transportation service between Red Hook and C ruz Bay became a reality in 1964 , when he started Transportation Services, In c . His c ommitment and l oy alty to Virgin Islanders and St. Johnians in particu lar to ensure their fair treatment and rightful benefits is commendable and will be long remembered. I shall miss his friendship . However , I will be s ustained in the knowledge that he has found eternal peace . On behalf of the people of the Virgin Islands, Mrs . Farrelly joins me in extending our heartfelt sympathy to the family and loved ones of Loredon Boynes, Sr . Alexander A. Farrelly Governor Office of the Lt . Governor Charlotte Amalie , St. Thomas It is with deep regret that Monique and I extend o ur condolences to your family on the d e ath of Loredon . His unfortunate passing took us by surprise a nd we share in your grief . Loredon was cherished and respected as a Virgin I s lands pione~r who launched the first ferry service between St. Thomas and St. John. His energy and c ommitment were classic examples of the work ethic which has elevated the standard of living for all of us here in the Virgin Islands . Although the pain of your loss may se e m unbear able now , we hope that you will be comforted by th e knowledg e that Lor e don ' s life and years of service in the Virgin Islands will be remembered by all wh o knew him . The Cruz Bay dock named in his hon o r will preserve his legacy for those who did not. Today , we c an only hold steadfast in our faith th a t Lor e don is in a better pla c e an among good compan y. May h e r e st in p e a c e . Derek M . Hod ge Lt . Governor of the Virgin Island s Capitol Build i n g Charlotte Amalie , St . Thomas Many have been rightfully described as role mod els and referred to as examples for us to follow. From my personal experien c es, Captain Loredon L. Boyn es, Sr . was the one I admired and who inspired me t o become involved in our viable ferryboat industry . A giant among men, Captain Boynes taught all with willing ears , not only the techniques of marine naviga tion , but how to appreciate family, friends and th e joys of everyda y life . He was the perfect combination of the ultimate professional and sincere humanitarian. On behalf of my family and the members and staff of the 20th Legislature, I extend sincere condolences to the family and friends of Captain Loredon L . Boynes, Sr . His absence will be felt for generations to come . May he rest in peace . 7 Bingley G . Richardson , S r . President, 20th Legislatur e
Capitol Building Charlotte Amalie On ~half of my family, my staff, and myself, I would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt condolences to your family on the untimely passing of the man you all hold dear to your heart and an outstanding member of the St. John community, Mr. Loredon Boynes, Sr. While growing up on St. John, I always knew Mr. Boynes to be a happy, hard working individual who had a sp~cial love for the sea. The story of Mr. Boynes' capture in 1973 by the Cubans while travelling by boat from the mainland to the Virgin Islands is a well known story that can attest to his love of the sea. . Mr. Boynes was one of the pioneers of the boating industry in the Virgin Islands and one of the very few black'indigenous business owners on St. John. He has left his legacy behind in the form of the business he beg~ in the 1960s, known to us as Transportation Services, Inc., which is still family owned and oper ated. During the dedication ceremony of the newly con structed Cruz Bay Dock, which is named in his honor, I can clearly remember his famous words, "How Sweet It Is", as he was awarded the plaque naming the dock the Loredon Boynes, Sr. Dock. His contributions to his family, his community, and most of all the boating industry, will be sorely missed. Though we cannot ease the sorrow of the loss of a loved one, we hope that you are all comforted by knowing that others truly care. Senator-At-Large Almando "Rocky" Liburd 20th Legislature of the Virgin Islands Capitol Building Charlotte Amalie Captain Loredon Boynes Sr . , was a man born to succeed in whatever he set his mind to. There was just never any question about that! With his heart and soul he threw himself into his four loves -his love of sports, his love of music, his love of the sea and his love of family. As a young lad he waged dynamic energies in his love of sports, spurring his friends to join teams of volleyball, softball and cricket; and his formidable prowess led his "West Rovers" to become the best cricket team in the Virgin Islands. His bestowed equal fervor on his love of music which proved a joy to others. His melodious voice 8 r~g out in church choirs and at private parties and his love of the banjo and saxophone would not be quelled because there was no one on his home island of St. John to teach the instruments. No matter! He would teach himself! And he did. How eagerly he would seek out fellow musicians on distant shores during his many sea voyages, to "jam" far into the night. A_s for his love of the sea; born into a seafaring family there was always a boat in his life. His superb self-confidence offshore was so palpable he was sought out by such eminent personages as Laurence ~ockefeller to p~ot his private yacht and by the Na tional Park Service. His years of piloting various ves sels led him to gamble on his superb seamanship tal ents to form an interisland ferry service that would forever more open the lines of transportation between the islands, bringing people together and providing services that had heretofore been denied. As for his greatest love that of his home and family: How he cherished them, reveling in the ac complishments of children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. While he needed their help in the arduous management of his ferry transportation busi ness he never coerced any to join his enterprise. He felt each was a special unique, individual, entitled to his or her own pursuits. So very much more should be said of Captain Loredon Boynes, Sr. but I sum his life with these words: Cap_tain Loredon Boynes, Sr. made his mark upon his family and upon the world; especially the world of his beloved Virgin Islands which are a better place be cause he passed this way. Senator Lorraine L. Berry 20th Legislature of the Virgin Islands In Tribute ... Although I was privileged to know Captain Loredon Boynes only briefly, the warmth of his spirit made an indelible impact on me. On behalf of the management and staff of the Virgin Islands Port Authority, I convey heartfelt condolences to the Boynes family. Gordon A. Finch Executive Director, Virgin Islands Port Authority
Farewell o 0 0 Daddy ... It is hard, and I am going to miss you. I know you would want me to go on. Therefore, I find comfort in knowing that you're resting safely in the arms of your Heavenly Father. Love Always, Karen Daddy ... I'm at a loss for words, but in time I will learn to accept your sudden and untimely departure. You always had a smile or a kmd word to offer. You have left me with so many memories for me to never forget you. You are one in a million. Forever, Your Baby June Daddy . . Some people say you can't have it all, but I believe in my heart that I did. As a father, you were always there in my times of need. As a friend, you were always there in my times of trouble . In a rela tionship so true, you as a father and a friend were also there in my times of joy and triumphs. Who says you can't have it all, because I know I did. Loredon L. Boynes, Jr. Daddy ... You will always hold a special place in our hearts. We trust the Good Lord will give us the strength to cope with his calling. God bless you and may you rest peacefully. Love You Always, Noel and Bernice Grandfather . . . I am sad you will no longer be around, but I am also glad that I will some day follow in your footsteps. Yes I would like to be a Boat Cap tain and also a singer, as I had to write one day in school. And one of these days I will be able to stand before a crowd and sing the words of Silent Night as y ou did this past Christmas when I visited you in Philadelphia. I know you will be lookmg down from above saying "How sweet it is." Your Grandson, Loredon L. Boynes III Laughter, music, and words of wisdom is what I have always shared with you. During our last phone call you talked about coming home to go fishing and to pass on a lifetime of history to your grandchildren. You laughed when you talked about how much fun it will be to have all of us there together. Your exact words were, "Oh how sweet it is." Grandfather, you have touched the hearts of so many throughout your life . Although you have always made me feel special, you have always treated all your grandchildren equally. At this point I should continue to ask why, but I need to put you to rest peacefully in order for me to go on. Thank you for always being there, listening, and teaching not only me but all of us . You will always hold a special place in my heart. I love you grandfather. Rest in peace. Love Always, Your Granddaughter and family, Capt. Cheryl Boynes-Jackson, Capt. Michael Jackson, Sr., Michael, Jr. and Chemica Grandfather ... Until this day Jalisa and Cherisse had all four great-grandparents. The loss of you is the loss of the Lion King. Hopefully their father or their grandfather would be able to carry 0n the legacy. Love Always , Capt. James U. Boynes , Angela Lee-Boynes, Jalisa and Cherisse Grandpa ... I don't understand it, but I will try to accept it. Please know you will always be remem bered. Love Always, Noel U. Boynes, Jr . To Daddy ... Nobody had a grandfather like I did . He was truly one in a million. The times we spent together communicating, even though at times it was just a simple wave of the hand, will always be my strength to face another day. No matter how confus ing the situation, you had the ability to see through darkness and you gave life to everything you touched . Your Loving Granddaughter Tonya (foni) Pickerin g Grandpa ... I wish you were still down here so I could have some more time to spend with you. You will always be in my heart. Love always , Michael Plaskett Grandpa ... We will always let you be in our hearts. We know that you will be watching over us from heaven. We also wish that we can come to visit you. We love you grandpa, sleep peacefully. Love Always, Chemica and Michael Jackson , Jr . ] Your Great-Granchildren Captain, My Captain . .. We ;hould consider our selves fortunate that Cheryl Boynes-Jackson, Capt. Boynes' granddaughter, had the wisdom to arrange for us to honor this giant and demonstrate our love for him while he was still with us. We would really have cause to mourn if we had been as negligent as we 9
the " family, " and will alwa y s be remembered for th e joy and love you shar e d . R e st now , in e verlasting peace and joy. The Sprauve Family often are and waited until this day to talk about the good things Loredon Boynes had done. Captain Boynes has made the contribution to this planet that God had intended for him to make and I think most of us will be happy if, when it is our time to go, that our c ontribution to mankind can be anywhere near as great as his was. To My Dearest Friend , Loredon (Kiddo) Boynes, Sr . . . . . We had a good understanding, and good times together . Bringing the boats to St. John, working on them, etc. Now , final rest until we meet again. Rest in peace . Ricardo (Tony ) Sewer , Jr . We would like t o e xtend our deepest symp a thy t o the Boynes family o n th e passing of their fath e r, fa ther-in-law, grandfather, great-grandfather . His memory will last forever in our hearts. Mr. Boyn es has gone to meet his Creator and is resting peacefull y with him . Let us all remember him in his glory . W e extend our d ee pest sympath y . May God ' s bl es sing be bestowed upon all of you. Well "Kiddo," I am going to miss those moments we used to share just talking about "Man Things" and I am sure that you have already found yourself some fishing buddies up there . The Le e Famil y When I made the presentation to you at the dock dedication, I told you that the ancestors had given me a message for you in which they said "Welcome to y our place in history." Little did I know then that they were already beginning to line up to welcome y ou home. Rest in peace, dear cousin. Sam Boynes and family Cousin Loredon ... Memories of you are memories o f joy, laughter and music. You cared a great deal for to Our Beloved Kiddo ... Words cannot expres s your great devotion and the accomplishments you have achieved for these three Virgin Islands . The passing of one of God's greatest soldiers will be in our hearts and minds forever. You are, and always will be our inspiration . Rest in peace. INDEX u...w ..... . ..... . 1 ...... ,.. . ... 11 .... .... . . . ..... ,. a..lliod . . . . ...... " C-.. ............. lO '-" ,. The Crew at Transportation Servi ces THI: ~ily.News Ofh4~ .......... WIATHIII ,., .. ,-tty...., .. ---.. .. ,y 10 11 -... tliwMIY .._.,. •tlte4fNt.l4itlllH . low 11 . TIit' 011/y i11tlej)t'1ttlt'11/ l1r.!i11 ls/11,,,ls 11e•SfN1J>t'r ser111" IA~ j>e~Nl' of' /1,e l1i'.!i1t ls/11111/s 4411!Y-No.1M11 CHAIIIILOTTE A-.,ALIE, ST. THOflllAI, U.S. VIIIIIGIN ISLANDS MONDAY AUGUST 11973 jjc Nicole Robin Crew Tells Of Ordeal In Cuban Jail ... CRUZ BAY--lltwnl 'mu peop1eavwcW111e eru Bay Doell ad l'll'k lo ll'll• comebom•ta.-ottlle Nicole lollba I& 11 a.& s.&\ll'ay la •CMIII. IP(III laneow-,. Madono, ....... --. brodMa. COUIUII ad ,,__ Mm 8t. n.. .. Jclul .. .._._ .... ... weJK•Capt.ia1!c,7-8r.,u-,uadaa Jr., loJ apmn., U... Spmi,e mil ,.._ ,_ 11,eppM ........ Jolla, 2ada71afta ...... K.e, w.. t'1cJd• Wy 11. u-,...,.,,._, i,,u.......,.rilt,Uuit tile Nleail..,... left lt'7 WIil ,...,,IIIIJU,ftlft aid her hlMl!and Delo<11e Melle. phoned hff. Accordiac to Captain lloya.. U. Nlole Robin, .... u.cllWdionotU. Mle+elppf ~. W.Uoa, -IOodc.&oU..north llbClft ot Cllha, while in tJie BabunaP--,e. Wlwn 0.pCllln loyMlttd Mdlon iC Ult land on 11w llarbaanl Cube, lllt ne.ipt ,.po,v,1y Nld , Uwy lo pl d-, lo U4 10 that 1w could ldontlty landmarb . A Cuban plaM Otw Oftrbtad and I CM•n eunboot fl,.d •amlnt lhota Ibo bow of Ibo Nl>lt Rollin . '11w Culoeno told Boyn11 lhat Molon', n niptional chart .. ....,. poor." 1llt mtn .,,. upt In •Pllrut jail ctlb In Boa cit Suna, ~all Pnmn~. Cu .... ror 19 . nwy w.n rod onl)' rt.. . wttH and brHd . All loollrd lhin wlwn Uwy Ntumtd S.turdlly . E,,f-. Roy Sprau .. --,I lo haw lea& 20 poundl ' mo,. di.nine Iha ....... 18!>0 . 52 lalltn rtom Ult 10 aa:ordlnc lo Boyftfl , W'hlch navl .. lm Dtlouot ~llon 1 1 btl"I all U.. _,, 11,ey hod . d•laln•d In San Juan '"' n.. Cube,. UMn i..i,d nM quullonl n r by th• Stai. .,.,1111 lht Nico!, Robin ro, Dtporlnwnt . txadly tllal 1um. Th• Cubena ll>o Mill Spnut"'"' _,. h'omj&II on A"IU'l 2 . 'not fl'Dlltn food IIM-y had lltpt aboard M rtqlllNd by tho C-t Guanl 1pollff "'11nc Ult II .,.. In Cllbo . n,, Cubona WO juuwd the lhlp'1 radlm lo ,...... .. 1 rnosaca be i nc •nl out . la fwtto Rico F'ltdty the-• )olMd by Mn . VuhU Boy-. Vtmt Spnuw . brotlMr ~r I.Won Spniuw and N~I ,.
INDEX 1 ...... . . .... ... . . .. 7 ...... , __ . . . .. 10 ......... . . . . . ...... 15 a.,itied ... ... . . . 11 . . .. . . .... 20 St,onl . . .. . .• 24 THE Daily(l)News WEATHER Fllirto~ly cioudy•III -. w ... -•ly 10 ' 11 k-. Stlitf,tly ~. 3to .... L '4itllll . Low 11 . ,,-,, lsl011tls Gil Y• __,,,.. CHARLOTTE AMALIE. IT. u. a. VIRGIN Ill.ANDS Wl!DNEIOAY JULY n. ,en 5c State Dept .Aid Sought For Missing Boat ,Crew TUESDAY AUGUST 7, 1973 ii ~Ev.. ... adwloed Mn . l..-dcln Boyw11,e of doe oof u. ...... "N'icole Rolla," &W .. ... -mwtk:al,ed .W. Val W..wnct,on md llaat 1M •k 11M lllale Depanmmt to coai.:t U. s .... Em'-y in Cuba, ..u 1M of U. ........_ tlw Domink:-a 8',publc, aod Ralti,,ope ... _ lafenllt.lall .., be obWIIM _.__... ............ ~-_, .. .., .. founll-s ~-tM c.....o....s-w ...... --tM ...,_ ,-. .............. A COM Guard..,..__ ealcl U. Nada caatiaua DOWN 11fE HATCH! Ill. John Admlnlotrator G ...... SimUOllfwlCb _.. IINDdred frieadl and Nlatiwe,e oa 1M dock ID Crua Ba7 Salluda, at 11,00 a.m. to WftCOhome Captain Lotedon Boyne. Sr. (above) and the St. John -n a"-'d the MN Nicole Robin. Boyne. and the crew-"' jaied in Cuba for 19 while worried frienda and f.amily awaited wont of their lllfetj. See other pbooe cenlerfold. (Daily Newa Photo.Jada) 11 wl&II_,._ opantin& ou& ol llu .,_ .,. MmnL "Nlcole lloMa " _ _. la H-, LooallluA, .... lo "'>' olmllor lo Ille "Qndy D , " 1 i.o.& ,...nlly acqulrod by Vllllck 1nd now In _,_ . .. ,-• CNI Bey 11141 !lad Hook. 11,e boll II IIO CNI ton 1, oil -.i CQ1llnldlon , and pal I lod wlllt. . l'lvm I ,-loe of a . 1M boa t _. lo llo 1<1w,....i wllb lwo .... lnllalule U!Hafta . A._.....,.,or,~ ..._, _,.,,i..r Ill• "Nlcolo )labln" 'Lou.lolana lo K., Weot , wiloN II 11-4 for lutl ond ou,..U., and ...,.unue.r on wlU, u,. boot whtn 11M ltlt X.y Woot on July 13 ro, lht V l r,dn blarMk. II II uncltncoocl Ulat u,,,. w• a planllful .,pply ol fu el " boar,! when lht boat lelt y w .. ,. and two ndl .. In openllna -.dlUon . Howntr, the bellcrift !or lh• ...... . . -..II ..... .,, ..... . al u,. botlorn ol Ill• boll , and .-Id IN UM ftlot Ullnp lo 10 out If II lo lak< on WILtt . 11,e d.,.. eotlmaltd for tht trip four and ono-hall lo n" dayo , but UM Coul Guard u y o II II not lo drlcrmlnr lllr llmt n.dacl, It would dopond upon lllr ooune t.krn , Ill• .,...r of lllr lloal, tic . A call lo lllt otnc. ol Ro
' I Our Fam.ily Prayer Heavenly Father, the death of our father, grandfather and great-grandfather has filled our eyes with tears and our hearts with sorrow. We are distrf'ssed by the mysteries of your providence. As your children we want so much to say "Not our will, but thine be done," but at times we find it difficult to do. Forgive us and help us, we pray, to accept your way as always best. Apply to our wounded hearts the healing touch of your precious promises , and let us soon experience its power. Teach us not to mourn as those who have no hope. Wipe away the tears from our eyes that we may be able to see through the mist, beyond death and the grave, to the resurrection and life assured by the glorious victory of our Saviour , Jesus Christ. Amen. ,,aen;/ A ~AYA 4 ta~~ FA/ Ad~ ~AYAM ~Printed by St. Thomas Graphics