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3 www.RoyalFurnitureAndDesign.comKEY LARGO305-451-5700MM 99 MedianKEY WEST305-295-6400Searstown by PublixMARATHON305-743-4397MM 50 OceansideCall 305-481-1790 to schedule a complimentary in-home consultation, or stop by any of our three stores:WINDOW TREATMENTSfeaturingINTERIOR DESIGN KITCHENS & BATHSFURNITURE All work performed by LOCAL, LICENSED & INSURED contractors. OVER $10M INVENTORY IN-STOCK & QUICK DELIVERY
4 5450 MacDonald Ave. No.5 Key West, FL 33040 www.keysweekly.comPublisher / Britt Myers britt@keysweekly.comPublishing Partner / Jason Koler jason@keysweekly.comEditor / Mandy Miles mandy@keysweekly.comDirector of Sales Manuela Carrillo Mobley manuela@keysweekly.comAccount Executive Stephanie Mitchell Jim McCarthy Alex Rickert alex@keysweekly.comCopy Editor / Mike Howie mike@keysweekly.comProduction Manager Anneke Patterson anneke@keysweekly.comExecutive Administrator Charlotte Hruska char@keysweekly.comDesign / Pre-Press Irene de Bruijn Javier Reyes Diana Striker / Travis Cready / Anneke Patterson Se habla espaol THE KEY WEST WEEKLY BY WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS, INC., MARATHON FL 33050. APPLICATION TO MAIL AT PERIOD All stories, photos, and graphics are copyrighted materials. Postmaster TO THE KEYS WEEKLY, MARATHON FL 33050News Deadline Monday NoonAdvertising Deadline KEYSNEWSPAPERS @theWeekly @KeysWeeklyMembers of ON THE COVER BRITISH WARSHIP STOPS IN KEY WEST2.8M take at least one trip of 50 miles or more, between more holiday travelers than the previous record high, set last year. Nationally, travel figures are also expected to set new records.HMS DAUNTLESS TO SPEND SUMMER IN CARIBBEANA Navy’s Mole Pier the morn not go unnoticed. Brian Dombrowski, an email acquaintance who maintains a net work of mounted cameras overlook ing Key West Harbor, emailed me a video clip that had captured the “Just captured this bizarre ship coming into the Navy Mole with a spinning sphere on top of it. Any idea or news on this vessel? I’m look ing for info.†His message was the first of several I received throughout the morning, all with a photo attached, and all asking where the ship was from, why it was here and what the hell was up with that spinning ball. wall rising from the deck of a Navy destroyer with a spiky, spinning sphere at its summit. The sphere itself sort of reminded me of one of those cartoonishly aggressive, but biologically accurate, pictures of a coronavirus molecule. And you can’t blame Key West ers for inquiring about unusual military activity. Missiles, after all, did line our beach during the Cuban Brian’s email had gotten my at tention, and I immediately sent the photo to Ron Demes, my friend and local military cheat sheet. I knew Ron would know what was up. He replied to my text quickly, including a link to the ship’s home page. The Royal Navy’s HMS Daunt but it was out of commission for the past seven years, being refitted in England to correct power problems with that class of destroyers. “On May 31, the Royal Navy’s most advanced destroyer deployed to the Caribbean to support British Overseas Territories during hur ricane season and counter drug trafficking in the region,†according to a report from “The ship will be in the Caribbean to respond quickly to natural disasters during the region’s hurricane season from June to November, while visit ing island communities as a reas suring presence, working with local services and authorities to ensure the most rapid and effective aid is provided should nature strike. “While in the Caribbean, she will maritime exercise in the region designed to demonstrate a united stance against the spread of the ence in Latin America,†seawaves. com states. Oh, and that spinning sphere is a radar that “can track multiple incoming targets simultaneously, prioritize them, assign counter measures and deploy them to their targets,†states the British website “It can even track a threat the size of a cricket ball approaching at three times the speed of sound. “ For footage of the ship, visit BLC Streams on YouTube. MANDY MILES mandy@keysweekly.comRoyal Navy’s destroyer, HMS Dauntless, docks at the U.S. Navy’s Mole Pier in Key West on June 27. LARRY BLACKBURN/Keys WeeklyThe Rotary Club of Key West again presents the island’s Independence Day fireworks, set off over the Atlantic Ocean. See page 11.
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6 rrf rfntrbb rfr b THE ROTARY CLUB OF KEY WEST INVITES YOU TO DINNER UNDER THE FIREWORKS WHERE Indigenous Park 1801 White Street WHEN July 4, 2023 Seating begins @ 7 p.m. MENU Dinner provided by Catered Affairs & CASH BAR TICKETS $ IOO/PER PERSON @ Come have a with us! BLASTJOIN US! FOR A STAR SPANGLED 4TH OF JULY VIP DINNER & CELEBRATION!Proceeds to benet Rotary Club of Key West Scholarship Programs 4TH OF JULY Fast Buck’s at Home726 Caroline Street | Key West | 305.294.1304 Open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.island living at its bestCOME CHECK OUT THESE DISCOUNTS!20-50% OFFEVERYTHING IN THE STORE
8 AQUA D’KEYS SPECIALIZES IN SCENTS INSPIRED BY OUR ISLAND CHAINHave you ever wanted to bottle a vacation, or an experience, and take inhale gently and savor the memories that come flooding back? That’s what the four men who launched Aqua d’Keys exactly one year ago have done parfum, lotions, body wash, bath salts, and Florida Keys and embody the fresh, sunny, ad venturous and romantic lifestyle of our island chain. “We really wanted to elevate the typical ‘souvenir,’ by creating a fragrance that reflects Maurizio Nardi, a native of Italy who spent much of his professional life as a dancer with smell is the one that lasts the longest as we age. Our eyesight and hearing decline, but our olfactory memories remain strong throughout our lives.†The practice of carrying memories through scent dates back centuries, Nardi said, add ing that Cleopatra used to perfume the air in front of her with her signature scented oils to had been there. The foursome initially intended to develop a single scent called “Zero†in honor of Mile Marker 0 “and to symbolize the start of our own journey here in the Keys.†But that idea evolved into six signature scents, named for various regions of the Keys Summerland and Largo. And before you start thinking that they all think again. gredients, along with florals, including jasmine, lemon verbena, lilies and other botanicals,†MANDY MILES mandy@keysweekly.comA SHOP THAT SMELLS AS GOOD AS IT LOOKS Nardi said. “We collaborated with a perfume maker that customized and created the scents specifically for us. So these aren’t existing fragrances that we just slapped our label on. These are scents that allow people to take a piece of their Florida Keys experience with them when they leave.†The eau de parfums are available in of Aqua d’Keys’ bestsellers is the sample pack of “This way you don’t have to select a single fragrance for someone else, as that’s a very personal choice,†Nardi said, adding that the and home scents are intentionally milder “so as not to drench a room in perfume, but rather elevate it with light, crisp scents.†Nardi and his husband, Todd Bankhead, live on the water on Sugarloaf Key while their business partners, Dominik Zimmerli and Ron Hebert, live on Cudjoe Key. “Even though our two shops are on Duval Street and inside The Shops at Mallory Square, we’re absolutely a local business with local owners who are a part of this community that we love,†Nardi said on a recent Monday morn ing inside the crisp and sparkling shop at 1075 Duval St. “We live here in the Keys. We love going out on the boat or kayak. Spending a day at the pool or beach. Having drinks on a porch waterfront dinner. And walking through Old blooming jasmine wafting from someone’s yard. We wanted to recreate those experiences in the form of memories in a bottle that will always remind people of the Florida Keys. Each scent is designed to recall that special feeling, that calming sublime vibe, of memories made.†And the shop itself is a memorable experi ence. Drenched in a rich aqua color that’s more green that Tiffany & Co. blue, the colors of the rounds the Keys. “Everything in here is meant to reflect the way we want to live in the Keys,†Nardi said. And to help shoppers partake in the actual Keys experiences they’ll want to remember, Aqua d’Keys also offers deliciously thick beach towels, lightweight scarves, sarongs, hats and fishing shirts as well as canvas beach bags and Custom gift boxes can be assembled to include one or more scents, along with the eau de parfum, candles, body washes and other items. tion and online shopping. And stop by the MANDY MILES/Keys Weekly Maurizio Nardi, Todd Bankhead, Dominik Zimmerli and Ron Hebert launched Aqua d’Keys perfume and scent shop in 2022. CONTRIBUTED
9 rf nt From le to right: Dr. Hector Guzman D.D.S, Dr. David McDonald D.M.D Dr. Natalia Vazquez-Marrero D.M.D and Dr. Oscar Rodriguez D.M.D rfntbtn trtr rf rnftb ff f f
11 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICAEVENTS TO CELEBRATE THE FOURTH OF JULY IN THE ISLAND CHAINLocal parades, beach parties, glitter ing fireworks and the creation of the world’s largest Key lime pie will highlight Independence Day celebra tions throughout the Florida Keys. Highlights The Key Lime Festival features culinary and libation adventures Friday, June 30, through Tuesday, July 4, showcasing the tiny fruit that inspired Key lime pie, the Florida Lime Pie Eating Championship, the festival oceanfront Southernmost Beach Cafe at 1405 Duval St. Participants with their hands than their rivals. The event is free for specta The Key West Mermaid Festival is filled active mermaid adventures in the island city. Events include a “sailing with the mermaids†sunset sail, a mermaid encounter at the Flor Blue Party with dancing by the sea. On July 4, bring the kids to enjoy donuts with mermaid on the beach at Lagerheads, 0 Simonton St. perform for the cameras during a music video taping. A portion of festival proceeds will benefit Reef Relief’s efforts to protect the has presented the island’s annual Indepen dence Day fireworks show. Staged from the Edward B. Knight Pier overlooking the Atlan view the spectacle from Smathers Beach, Higgs Beach, or from oceanside hotels and restaurants. Attendees can celebrate before the fireworks at a catered, ticketed “Patriotic at 7 p.m. Dinner proceeds will benefit the Rotary Club of Key West’s scholarship fund. The public is invited to celebrate Monroe from 5 to 10 p.m., hosted by the Lower Keys Rotary Club at Big Pine Community Park, Sands Road. Highlights will include the cre ation and serving of the world’s largest Key lime pie, live music by Brian Roberts and the Prime Movers and others, a bounce house and games for kids, food trucks, beverages for sale, and a fireworks display and patriotic will be available at the Lower Keys Chamber Highway, with a shuttle to the park begin ning at 5 p.m. Admission is free but coolers, pets and personal fireworks are not allowed. MARATHON Beach is the site of one of the Keys’ largest and longest fireworks displays, produced by the City of Marathon and the Rotary Club of Marathon. Spectators on land and hundreds of boaters traditionally line up for colorful views of the show. A full day of activities in cludes a patriotic parade starting at 11 a.m. from Marathon High School to the beach on Sombrero Beach Road, followed by food and along with the display. Boaters are encour aged to watch from the waters off Sombrero Beach. For more information, visit florida ISLAMORADA Independence Day Celebration at Found to 10 p.m. There will be food trucks, games, music and special events including an apple and the Patriotic People & Pets Parade and available for a suggested donation of $10 Rotary Foundation. No coolers, glass con tainers or outside food are permitted, but attendees are encouraged to bring chairs The Key Largo Chamber of Commerce will host the annual “Celebrating Freedom†in front of Anthony’s Clothing Store and proceed to Laguna Avenue near Key Largo annual bayfront Blackwater Sound fireworks celebration will be held at Rowell’s Water recommend spectators bring lawn chairs. The fireworks also can be viewed at several businesses located on the Bay. For more de tails, visit
12 Discussions among Monroe County officials over a potential transition to a charter county continued at a June meeting in Key Largo. Officials are examining the move to a charter county, which needs sales surtax, which also needs approval by vot ers, to fund expensive road and bridge projects on the horizon. Currently, Monroe County is unable to levy a penny sales surtax to fund road projects, related expenses. That’s because Monroe charter governments can seek approval from state legislators to levy such a tax. Requests by county officials to the Florida Legislature to implement a penny transporta tion tax, however, haven’t gained movement with Tallahassees’s unwillingness to burden Florida residents with another tax. A push to extend the charter county and regional system momentum that supporters hoped to see dur ing the legislative session. Many local govern ments are facing increased project costs for roads, transportation and transit systems. Those costs are magnified in coastal com munities, including the Keys, where king tide floods and heavy rainfall are wreaking havoc on local roads and communities like Twin Lakes and Stillwright Point in Key Largo. County of ficials are also seeking funds to replace aging Card Sound and Seven Mile bridges. CHARTING A PATHCHARTER COUNTY CONVERSATIONS HIGHLIGHT INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING NEED Card Sound Bridge is slated for replacement, according to Monroe County Crews work on Card Sound Bridge. CONTRIBUTEDJIM McCARTHY jim@keysweekly.comCounty Attorney Bob Shillinger informed three county commissioners in attendance forward on putting together a charter, or writ ten documents that confer power, duties and privileges on the county. Meanwhile, County with city managers throughout the Keys as the charter discussion rollout begins. According to Shillinger, there was “general positivity†from city managers who wanted to learn more. Shillinger said the county is plan ning to visit commissions and councils up and down the Keys as early as September to pres ent their intentions for a potential conversion mate say in whether Monroe should become a charter county. And then the question becomes whether county voters will support the penny surtax to fund transportation projects. “If the voters would approve us being a charter county, the commission can’t just decide on their own to levy the transportation tax,†said County Commissioner Jim Scholl. “It has to go back out to the voters to approve. It’s an option that provides that availability to us. It’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it, in my opinion.†Key Largo resident John Millhiser expressed some concerns over the possible move to a charter county. While it could give the county the chance to levy a transportation surtax with voter approval, Millheiser said charter counties can also implement surtaxes on utilities like wa ter and electricity. Mayor Pro Tem Holly Merrill Raschein said that’s not something the county is seeking to do, and Shillinger said the county isn’t contemplating such an action. Millhiser believes that Monroe isn’t big enough to be a charter county. Five charter counties that adopted a transportation sales people. roe County,†he said. ters of the Florida population live within charter have larger populations than Monroe County. residents and Columbia County, with nearly 70,000 residents. “It has historically been larger counties, but it’s not exclusively larger counties,†Shillinger said. Charters in other counties allow county rules to preempt city rules, meaning the cities of Key West, Marathon, Key Colony Beach, Is lamorada and Layton would lose their autono my and be subject to the power of the county. But county officials have expressed they have no desire in interfering with other municipal operations. County Commissioner Michelle Lincoln reiterated that a move to potentially become a charter county isn’t a power grab by the county on local cities. “We don’t want to preempt our municipali ties. They are our partners. That is something I don’t have an appetite for creating our new charter,†she said. Shillinger, who agreed with Lincoln, said language can be crafted as it relates to munici pal preemption, requiring a supermajority of the referendum of county voters to approve any change to the provision that protects local municipalities. “I’ve had conversations with the Polk for changes to their charter,†he said. “It’s never defensible.â€
13 KEYS WEEKLY By: Tracy and Sean McDonald Cross Country Key West’s Naima Thomas is the sort of athlete who makes coaching a joy. As a freshman, she track star with natural speed, making her an exciting prospect for the Conchs in the sprinting events. She then took her speed and added some major miles cross country team. “Naima shows up with a great attitude, works hard, and is always striving to be better,†Mc When cross country season closed, she hit the track relay team reach regionals too. With her usual determination and focus, Thomas has been putting in the miles this summer to prepare for fall’s cross country season. For her dedication to her sport and her team coupled with an unmatchable work ethic, Naima Thomas is the Keys Weekly Athlete of the Week. NAIMA THOMAS Naima Thomas midway through the FHSAA 2A Region 4 cross coun try championship race in 2022. RICK MACKENZIE/ContributedO football players made the trek to Webber Internation Lake Wales to attend the Down and Dirty Lineman Camp. The skills camp is designed to take good offensive and defensive linemen and develop them into great ones. Marathon’s “mules,†as termed by the camp for the linemen’s ability to carry the load for a team, often put in the work and get little glory, but it is these linemen who can ultimately determine the success or failure of a team. The players endured a grueling with multiple daily practice sessions. The schedule did not discourage the young athletes, though. “It takes a lot of hard work to get good at some thing,†said upcoming junior Nolan O’Hare. gy player†by coach Sean McDonald, is relatively new to football, joining the team in the spring after baseball and going to put forth whatever it took to is a studious athlete who pays atten tion to detail and is willing to put in the extra effort to improve. He used the camp to gauge his progress thus far. “The biggest takeaway I had was seeing the competition and seeing where I needed to be to be elite at the high school level and progress to the next level,†he said, adding that the mixture of high school and college coaches running the event would also benefit him in the coming season. “Be ing taught by both really opened my eyes to how the next level is coached and how to prepare myself.†The camp aims to develop tech niques critical to becoming a solid lineman, focusing on both the physical and psychological factors involved in lio, who will be a junior next season, took away a bit of the latter, explaining that he learned, “Even small people can still be ‘dogs’ and punish people who are bigger than them.†Fellow junior Robert Petrick suf fered a setback last fall, breaking his terred, Petrick returned for spring ball and attended the camp. He felt his mantra – “No matter how hard it gets, never quit†– was reinforced by the staff, who he also said instilled the concept of “working together to get better.†Throughout the camp, the athletes worked on drills to improve stances, starts, trapping, double teams, pass blocking, gap control, pursuit, tackling and many other skills. On the final day, the players engaged in a competition to determine the top athletes in the skills taught. Sophomore Steven Stotts was particularly adept at pass rushing, finishing at the top of his group’s chal lenge in that skill. Teammates Matthew Delgado, another rising sophomore, lenging groups with their teamwork and athleticism. Marathon head coach Sean McDonald understands the value of having played that role himself. “The linemen are the foundation for a team,†he said. “Marathon is a small school. We are always going to have a small core of good players, but if we build the skills and develop a couple more, we will win a lot more games. A team with good linemen will always be a contender.†Football season officially begins July 31, when schools may schedule DOLPHIN LINEMEN GET ‘DOWN-N-DIRTY’Marathon players polish skills at camp Marathon linemen at the Down and Dirty Camp. Back, from left: Christopher Paul, Robert Petrick, Kenny Barry, Nolan O’Hare, TRACY M cDONALD /Keys Weekly “Naima has been a great asset to the Conchs cross country team. She’s got a great attitude and is a phenomenal cheerleader for her fellow teammates, always providing encouragement to everyone around her.†cross country coach.
14 KEYS WEEKLY By: Tracy and Sean McDonald MIESHA HERNANDEZ Senior, Key West 3B/Pitcher On a team of standout players, Key West’s Miesha Hernandez found a way to shine even brighter. The St. Thomas team in multiple categories, including doubles and three triples in addition to batting average stands by itself as a solid stat, but her big bat boosted her wise opponents to pitch around her and giving her the team’s top spot in walks with 11 this season. ELENA Sophomore, Marathon Infielder .511 while also chalking up 13 RBIs. five triples this season, making her one of the Dolphins’ top hitters. Defen sively, Eubank makes big plays while holding down the infield for Marathon. ALLISON GARCIA Junior, Marathon Pitcher Team captain and starting pitcher the mound for the Fins this season, in 17 runs, making her both an offen sive and defensive threat. SAGE Junior, Marathon Infielder Sage Brown moved to Marathon just in time for softball season and made an immediate impact. The junior stole percentage of .511. IVY TIEDEMANN Freshman, Coral Shores Shortstop Tiedemann’s fielding skills made her a reliable shortstop for the Hurricanes defensively. Offensively, she led the ’Canes in hitting, batting .350 on the season. The freshman phenom has three more years to develop further for Coral Shores.ey West’s Lady Conchs put the gentlemen on notice the past two seasons, and the Southernmost City is now a double diamond dynasty. ning their district and regional champion ships and making their way to the final four teams in the state for the second consecutive year. Three from the Lady Conchs’ roster signed letters of intent to play collegiately next spring. Marathon finished with a win district playoff action. The Dolphins split with the Coral Shores Hurricanes, each winning one at their home field, while Coral Shores participate in district postseason play.THE 2023 KEYS WEEKLY ALL-KEYS SOFTBALL TEAMFrom our staff at the Keys Weekly, congratu MVP Key West photos by Ella Hall. Coral Shores photos contributed.
15 KEYS WEEKLY By: Tracy and Sean McDonald MIRA JONES Freshman, Coral Shores Left Fielder Hurricane outfielder Mira Jones gave her team everything she had this sea son, improving both offensively and defensively as the season progressed. huge strides, making her an asset to the ’Canes’ roster. NEVAEH ARNOLD Junior, Key West Pitcher nine games for the Lady Conchs this season. She led the team in strikeouts with 55, and on the rare occasion that she was called to the plate, Arnold delivered there as well, earning one hit and a season batting average of .500. CHLOE GILDAY Junior, Key West Pitcher season for the Conchs, winning all six brave enough to face her, 54 of them struck out. DHARMA MURRAY Senior, Key West Catcher Dharma Murray did a stellar job cover ISABELLA FRANCO Senior, Key West Second Base Isabella Franco batted .475 this season, age was one of the team’s best and percentage including a double play this season. TY MARIE CERVANTES Senior, Key West Shortstop to her name, it is not surprising that Cervantes was signed by Miami Dade College to play ball there next spring. doubles, and she stole five bases this season. SCARLET NILES Junior, Key West Center Fielder Niles led the Lady Conchs in hits this season with 37, including five doubles and three triples. Her .457 batting average struck fear in opposing teams’ pitchers, and once she made it to base, that fear transferred to the rest of the MADELYN PERUSSE Senior, Key West Right Fielder Perusse was a skilled outfielder for the Conchs, but it would be her offensive play that made her a standout this season. With six doubles, a triple and ting senior also stole 10 bases and is credited with 17 RBIs. Her extra base hits boosted her slugging percentage
16 Don’t say you never heard Wembanyama. I wrote about the 7†Frenchman several months ago, previewing his selection as the No. 1 choice in the I didn’t know at the time which team would take him, but it turned out to be San Antonio. Marty Smith, an ESPN announcer, was stationed in San Antonio, dressed for the occasion, as he entertained the crowd. Wembanyama was at the Barclays Center in New York, where he was interviewed by ESPN’s Monica McNutt and his responses entertained the crowd. Later, a private plane took him to San Antonio, where a large and wel coming crowd cheered his arrival. “Wemby,†as he’s called, was Frenchman who speaks perfect English and plays perfect basketball, as dem onstrated by the many films of him in action. Many basketball minds believe he’ll have no trouble turning the Spurs The Miami Heat, on the other in the draft, having finished in eighth place in the East when the playoffs be on Denver when it ended. That meant the Heat and team president Pat Riley were choosing well down the line. Of course, Riley and Co. still made good use of their selection. They picked whom several analysts said would be perfect for the Heat. We’ll see. Having pick in an earlier deal, the Heat had no further selections. Brandon by the Charlotte Hornets, while Scoot man at Alabama, went to the Portland Trail Blazers at No. 3. Henderson sparked conversation about the availability of Portland’s star Damian Lillard. If available, the Heat would be interested. However, the president of that team said strongly that Lillard was not available. Next up to pick in the draft were the Houston Rockets and the Detroit Pistons, who took twins Amen and AuSPORTS & MORE ... a veteran sports columnist, says the only sport he doesn’t follow is cricket. That leaves plenty his time. ralphmoro1936 RALPH MORROWWEMBANYAMA ENTERTAINS CROWD AS NBA’S NO. 1 DRAFT PICK sar Thompson in succession. They had been playing for the Overtime Elite. This will be the first time Amen and Ausar have played on different teams. The Orlando Magic, picking sixth, took Anthony Black of Arkansas. After Indianapolis and Washington made their selections, Taylor Hendricks first selection for the first round. Hen by the Jazz. If there was one pattern about this draft, it was that few college seniors were selected. Nearly all the drafted players showed their emotions by cry ing real tears. The mothers, wives or girlfriends of all the draft candidates Many of the players tried to get into the dressing competition. My vote would have gone to Scoot Henderson, whose suit was emblazoned with silver decorations. There were also several trades made during the draft. Marcus Smart went from the Boston Celtics to Mem phis. The deal that sent Kristaps Porz ingis to Boston was finally completed, as was the one that sent Chris Paul to Next up for the executives and some players is the free agent grab bag, which opens June 30. Players who are not satisfied with the contract offered them, announce they are free agents and can be claimed for an agreeable salary. Both sides can think about it until an early July date, when they can sign the official papers.THE STUDIOS OF KEY WEST’S JED DODDS JOINS LEADERSHIP FLORIDA PROGRAMNINE MONTH, MULTICITY PROGRAM EXPLORES CRITICAL ISSUESJed Dodds, The Studios of Key West’s executive director since selected for the prestigious Lead ership Florida program as a member of its 41st Cornerstone Class. Dodds will be among 55 Florida leaders aged 40 and over, including corporate CEOs, business owners, educators, elected officials and tional program exploring critical issues facing the state of Florida. “Our mission at Leadership Florida is to bring together commit ted leaders from all over the state to recharge their leadership skills and expand their network,†said Wendy Spencer, president and CEO of Leadership Florida. “Through this powerful community, our class participants are able to find the knowledge and inspiration to take on some of Florida’s biggest chal lenges.†In his time at The Studios, Dodds has spearheaded the devel opment of its downtown campus, anchored by the iconic flagship building at the corner of Eaton and Simonton streets. Busy with exhibitions, concerts, plays, classes, a bookstore and rooftop terrace, The Studios is at the center of the island’s cultural life. Just next door, the arts organization is currently tion of the PEAR House, which welcomes artists in residence from around the world to create new work in Key West. — ContributedJed Dodds. ing for the Metropolitans 92 in France, was San Antonio Spurs. WIKIPEDIA/Contributed Staff from your Monroe County Public Library recommend some of their favorites from the collection. Lie With Me by Philippe Besson Does the title imply repose or deceit? Both? Molly Ringwald’s elegant translation of fers a gift promised by this small package. The regret of squandered love, the lingering nature of firsts, and the destructive impact of family. A taboo love story between two young men who share first love, but must cast it away to fulfill obligations. It’s the knowing that he’s still out there that haunts them both and pushes this story along; one comfortable in his own skin, the other determined to eviscerate all that he is. This is available as from the Monroe County Library system. You can request books online by logging in to www. If you don’t have a card, you can visit your local branch or register on line to get one. Questions? info@ Amy Skerly, library assistant, Key West branch. SHELF HELP
17 ENGLISH SERVICESunday Bible Study 10am Service 11am & Service 6pm Wednesday Bible Study 7:30pm Evangelist Rodrigue Aleandre Cell 305.296.3331KREYOL SEVISDimanch Klas Biblik 7:30pm Adorasyon 8:30pm Madi Klas Biblik 7:30pm Minis Rodrigue Aleandre Cell 305.296.3331SERVICIO ESPAOLDomingo Estudio Biblico a las 4:30pm Servicio de Adoracin a las 5pm Jueves Estudio Biblico a las 7pm Ministro Pedro Ruiz Celda 347.430.2263 ‘ ‘The churches of Christ greet you.’ ’ Romans 16:16 NKJV1700 VON PHISTER ST, KEY WEST“ Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. ’’ Psalms Joshua 1:9 NKJV MARIA GONZALEZWOMANKIND VOLUNTEER OF THE WEEK WANT TO HELP OUR KEYS COMMUNITY? FIND OUT HOW AT VOLUNTEERKEYS.COM IN PARADISE FOR GOOD
18 MILES TO GO DON’T BE A JERK; IT’S TOO HOT breaks things and falls down more than any adult should. She’s married to a saintly — and handy — has been stringing words together in Key West since 1998. MANDY MILESOK, Key West. We’ve got to stick together. It’s sum mertime in the Southernmost City and we’ve already had several days’ worth of heat advisories and like†temperatures. All before the calendar flips to July. Everyone who can afford to get out of town for the summer has already left for northern locales. The rest of us diehards are here, sweating, toughing it out and trying not to touch the hot metal of our car with our hands, or the searing black leather seats with the back of our thighs. Tempers tend to run short, which is understand able, but we’ve gotta stick to gether. We’ve got four months of this wicked heat ahead of us. So we have to stop pissing each other off by doing stupid stuff. The snowbirds and swarms of tourists are gone, so we have a bit more space to maneuver around each other. That is not to say, howev er, that we have a right to take up two parking spots with our obnoxiously oversized truck. Just because your ridiculous vehicle won’t fit in a single can’t even maneuver up Olivia can straddle two spots in an otherwise crowded shopping center parking lot. It happened to me last Tuesday. I pulled out my phone and snapped a photo of the monstrous machine and thought about posting Public humiliation can be an effective tool against exces sive idiocy. Consider the local Facebook page, started years ago by Key West bartenders to alert others in their field about unpaid tabs and nontippers. Often, the bartender at the next place recognizes the of fending customer before they order their first drink. And while we’re on the topic of annoying human be havior, may I just say, hang up the phone while waiting in line and especially while check ing out at a cash register. The people behind you hate you and the clerk would throw your change in your face if she wouldn’t get fired for doing so. (And as for the guy in the dollar store last week, I heard your conversation. It was NOT important. But it was clearly your primary focus, because the clerk had to snap twice at you to get your attention and Come on, Key West. No one’s perfect and we’ll all do things to bug the hell out of each other, especially in these prickly temperatures. But let’s try to have some consider ation. We’re in this together. And who knows? That obnoxiously oversized truck could be the only vehicle that can make it down a flooded street after a summer storm. (Then again, I’d sooner swim up Flagler Av enue than expect assistance Happy summer, everyone. Hang in there. October will be here eventually. 10. “Charlie Wilson’s War†saying one thing and doing nothing?†/ “Well, tradition mostly.†“We have to have the con versations our governments can’t.†when you’re fighting in your own backyard, when you’re fighting for your family, it all hurts a little less, and makes a little more sense. Because for them, this is just a place. But for us, this is our home.†7. look like hockey to you? To me it looks like two monkeys trying to hump a football.†this time?†5. “Would you like to play a game?†4. say anything. Your words would be useless, maybe even insulting. Just fly the damn plane.†3. never worked for you. You worked for me. Every false intel I gave you, a rip in the iron curtain. Every piece of intel you gave me, a bullet in back.†“Hunt for Red October†going to make it to America, Mr. Ryan. And he’s going to die within sight of it.†1. “Rocky change, and you can change, everybody can change.†HONORABLE MENTIONS Aside from threats of vio lence and hate mail directed at our Top 10s, we do occa sionally receive constructive feedback and ideas. This Top 10 was originally published in have since offered some ad ditional nominations for “Best “First Man,†“Spies Like date,†“Tinker Tailor Soldier Chuck Norris movie, “The Days of the Condor.â€COLD WAR (OR COLD WARINSPIRED) MOVIES Summers can be brutal. Aside from sweltering tempera tures, an acute sense of melancholy has replaced the reunion finale came and went like a whoopee cushion in the wind and now the Hollywood writers strike has proven of a creative assist. With so little going on, our Top 10 creative well has gone dry, leaving us little inspiration to draw from outside of regurgi tated content. Basically, we are admitting our apathy, but found this week’s Top 10 in our archives, which does have some situ ational relevance based on current events in Russia. So here are our HUMOR
24 LOUD, PROUD & COMING OUTQUEER KEYS HOSTS 2ND ANNUAL EVENT AT KEY WEST THEATER“Love is love; community is every thing.†Such is the motto of Queer Keys, one of Key West’s newer non profit organizations that has made a colorful and impactful splash in its first two years. Its mission is to “support, educate, em power and celebrate the queer community in the Florida Keys,†while its vision is to “see the Florida Keys become a safe, supportive and celebratory island chain for all people.†Queer Keys hopes to grow into a wrap programs and services for people throughout the Keys. to help local trans folks access healthcare, organized a community rally at Bayview Park service agencies, among other initiatives,†said second annual Coming Out Party and fund added. The event featured drag performances, MANDY MILES music musicians, along with plenty of support ive and educational material, as well as a silent auction and more. All money raised supports Queer Keys’ youth program, its trans trust fund (currently in The theme for this year’s Coming Out Party was Summer of Love. “With this past legislative session in Florida instilling hate and fear throughout the state, our intent was to counteract that ethos with a night focused on the love and beauty of our community,†states the group’s website. “Be cause of the drag ban that was signed into law over. We weren’t happy about it, but we raised a bunch of money for the kids in our youth program who couldn’t attend and we showed the governor how resilient the Key West com munity is.†For more information visit educating, empowering and celebrating the queer community of the Florida Keys, hosts its second Coming Out Party June 25 at Key West Theater. LARRY BLACKBURN/Keys Weekly
25 ZONTA HONORS ROBERTA De PIEROSERVICE ORGANIZATION RECOGNIZES COMMUNITY COMMITMENT Zonta, a women’s ser vice organization, re cently honored Roberta resident of Key West, owner of Cocograms Enterprises and founder of Key West Playbills. DePiero received the members who work to better efforts and countless hours in serving Monroe County resi dents and keeping Key West beautiful. DePiero is an active or ganizer for nonprofit groups such as the American Cancer Society, Mote Marine Ocean Festival and the Anne McKee Artists Fund. She also is among the key photogra phers of a fundraising book, Season Fund, which was highly needed at that time. DePiero is also dedicated to keeping Key West beauti ful. She is a dedicated Plogger who has participated in almost every “Plogging The Keys†event, which take place each week in Key West at new loca tions, encouraging residents and visitors to pick up garbage. She has collected hundreds of pounds of trash and recycling, and dozens of gallons of ciga rette butts. Zonta president Allison Kerr presents Roberta DePiero with the club’s Community Service Award. Members of the 2023 Zonta Club of Key West at their installation banquet at Opal Key Resort. CONTRIBUTED A former member and past president of Zonta Club of Key West, she continues to serve the community in multiple other ca pacities. She continues to make great strides and a big impact in helping others while ensur ing our community remains a beautiful place to live. — Contributed rfntr btrrrf rfn rr rnr Covering All The Keys From Key Largo To Key West Upper Keys Weekly 91760 O/S Hwy, Ste 3 Tavernier, FL 33070 305.363.2957 Key West Weekly 5450 MacDonald Ave, Ste 5 Key West, FL 33040 305.453.6928 Marathon Weekly 9709 O/S Hwy Marathon, FL 33050 305.743.0844
26 rfr r r r rnr r r r rrr rffntb rfnfrt r VOTE FOR US! BEST BLOODY MARY VOTE FOR US! BEST BLOODY MARY VOTE FOR US!BEST BLOODY MARY Thank you my friends and neighbors, I am very honored and humbled by your Bubba Awards nomination for best doctor. Winning last year left me without words. This is where Kathryn and I are raising our daughters, we would never raise them anywhere else. — Dr. Jack Norris
27 THANK YOU KEY WEST!926 SIMONTON ST. | KEY WEST | 305.296.8102 | BETTERTHANSEXDESSERTS.COMWINNING THE BUBBA AWARD FOR BEST DESSERT WOULD BE BETTER THAN SEX " Dr.Fred TroxelJr., DDS Unlessyouaretalkingabout RESTORATIVEDENTISTRY whichiswhatILOVEand do.I'vespent45years practicingonBigPineKey developingmyskillsin complexrestorativeand estheticdentistryand developingaworldclass team.Iwouldlovetohelp YOUgetthesmileyoudesire andthehealthyfunction youdeserve."D on 'tmention the R word" rfnrnt bb bb rnrnt rf rf nn
28 Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Weekend Brunch Happy Hour • Live Music SCAN FOR MENUReservations: 305 293 6250 or Locals Discount & Free Valet Located at The Reach Key West 1435 Simonton St. FREE ESTIMATES & 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICES AVAILABLEWE SPECIALIZE IN Tree trimming & removal Stump grinding Coconut palm trimming Hurricane prep & clean up Bobcat services Rock & sandLICENSED (#LD20156) AND INSURED | 305-394-7288 | MARATHON TO KEY WEST Amateur BBQ Cooking Competition FESTIVAL JULY 14&15 rffntbbf rrrtbbfrffrftf tbnrtfff bft P i er Ho us e Res o rt & Spa1 Du va l S t | Key W es t, FL 3 30 40 30 5. 29 6. 46 00 | p i erh o us e. co m OCEAN FRONT DINING
30 THAT’S A WRAP...KEY WEST HONORS PATTI MCLAUCHLIN AT RETIREMENT PARTYRetiring Key West city manager Patti McLauchlin has had a clock on her phone, counting down the days until her retire ment next month after more than 30 years with the city of Key West. The support, friendship and emotion poured guess their decision to leave it all behind. But only for a moment. McLauchlin, who moved up through the city ranks before becoming Key West’s first female city more time with her grandchildren, family and city. That responsibility now falls to McLauchlin’s successor Al Childress, who started work in April to allow for sufficient overlap before McLauchlin’s last day on Friday, July 14. On behalf of the Keys Weekly, we wish you all the best and we thank you for your support and accessibility in keeping the community informed via its local newspaper. MANDY MILES 1. Key West Mayor Teri Johnston, County Manager Patti McLauchlin, City Manager Al Childress, City Commissioners Clayton Lopez, Sam Kaufman and Billy Wardlow. LARRY BLACKBURN/Keys Weekly 2. Fast friends and colleagues Dorian Patton and Patti McLauchlin at her June 23 retirement party at Waterfront Brewery. 3. Past and present Key West city managers, from left, Jim Scholl (now a county commisAqueduct Authority), Patti McLauchlin (soonto-be-retired guest of honor) and current City Manager Al Childress. 4. Patti McLauchlin hands the reins of city manager to Al Childress. 5. Patti McLauchlin speaks to the crowd of more than 200 guests who braved the heat advisories and afternoon sun for her June 23 retirement party on the rooftop terrace at Waterfront Brewery. 6. City Commissioner Sam Kaufman and Mayor Teri Johnston sing McLauchlin’s praises at her retirement party on June 23. McLauchlin worked for the city of Key West for more than 30 years and became its first female city manager in 2021. 1 2 3 4 5 6
31 City employees, police officers, elected officials, business owners and residents wish City Manager Patti McLauchlin well at her June 23 retirement party at Waterfront Brewery. LARRY BLACKBURN/Keys Weekly r fr rfntbn rr nnb
32 The Bahia Honda railroad bridge is one of the iconic sights in the Florida Keys. Because of its truss design, and the way it was elevated over the water, it stands out like no other bridge in the Keys. Two bridges of a similar truss design were incorporated Sea Railroad, the Bahia Honda Bridge and the swing portion of the Moser Channel Bridge on the old Seven Mile Bridge that could be swung open to allow boats to pass. However, it should be noted special mention. defines a viaduct as “a long elevated roadway usually consisting of a series of short spans supported on arches, piers or columns.†A viaduct bridges between Lower Matecumbe Key and Key West. Out of all the bridges connecting Miami to Key West, it is the likeness of the Long FILLING THE GAPS FOR MORE TRACKSLOCALS WARNED FLAGLER OF PERILS A train traveling across the Long Key COLLECTION/Contributed FLORIDA KEYS HISTORY is an author, speaker, Florida Keys historian and Honorary Conch. His latest book, “Florida Keys History with Brad 1,†shares fascinating glimpses into the rich and sometimes surprising histories of the Florida Keys. BRAD BERTELLI East Coast Railway logos and that of the Monroe County Library System. A viaduct offered a more stable design than those bridges built of wooden trestles like the ones cre ated to cross the shorter expanses One of the things that using a viaduct or trestle bridge did was allow for the free passage of water Flagler’s men did not fill every gap between the islands with viaducts or trestles. Several gaps between the is lands were closed using fill to create land to build the railroad tracks that delivered the train to Key West. In some places like Windley Key, the gaps were short enough that it was easier to fill them rather than to build a bridge to cross them. For in stance, before Flagler’s men arrived, the railroad crew did their job, the Keys was joined by fill to create a single island, recognized as Windley Key today. Other railroad fill projects, like Matecumbe Keys, were of a grander design. The engineers created a land bridge between the two islands that it is said that locals warned Flagler’s workers of the perils of essentially erecting a dam between the two islands. They knew what they were talking about. One of the results of the cause way was that it obstructed the natural flow of water between the Atlantic Ocean and Florida Bay. One of its effects was that it redefined the shallows between the two islands and those surrounding the small offshore. Indian Key, by the way, was once the most important island in the Florida Keys not named Key West. One of its predominant fea tures was a relatively deep, naturally occurring harbor. Thanks to the damming effect of the causeway, silt began to build up around the island, and the natural harbor filled up and disappeared. The causeway did other things, too. When State Road 4A, the first version of the Overseas Highway, offered an incomplete road between Key West and the mainland. It was possible to drive a car from Miami to Key West, but the trip required a a.m. and 1 p.m. The road traveled Matecumbe Key, where the road ended at the island’s west end. It picked up again 40 miles away at No Name Key. The automobile ferry was not terribly convenient, and plans were made to build a series of concrete bridges between Lower Matecumbe and Big Pine to eliminate it. Hun dreds of World War I veterans were and housed in three work camps. Camp 1 was established on Windley Key. Camps 5 and 3 were created on Lower Matecumbe Key. The three camps housed 700. The influx of workers essentially doubled the year in the Florida Keys. It was Sept. Day Hurricane ravaged the island chain and drove the final nail into the coffin of the Key West Extension of Henry Flagler’s East Coast Railway. That horrible Monday was the last time the train steamed, rattled and rolled down the railroad tracks ham mered into the Florida Keys. The eye of the Category 5 hur ricane, the strongest ever to strike North America to this day, passed over Lower Matecumbe and Long Key. The storm killed hundreds of people, ravaged families and es sentially erased the communities of Matecumbe and Islamorada from I veterans were killed in the storm. While the true number of lives lost will never be known, it is thought to be in the neighborhood of 500. railroad fill between the Matecumbe Keys was not a magnet that attracted the storm, it contributed to the devastation. Because the free flow of water that had historically passed between the Matecumbe Keys had become obstructed, the tidal surge pushed by the approaching storm piled up and piled up. With nowhere surge washed over the islands. When the storm broke through the causeway and the water started to move between the islands, the water brought by the storm surge began dissipating as if someone had pulled the plug out of a sink filled with water. railroad fill is augmented with four bridges.ASSOCIATED WITH DAM BETWEEN ISLANDS
33 r f 1 2 9 P M m i g h t y c o c k . c o m ( 3 0 5 ) 7 3 5 4 6 6 2 6 3 3 D u v a l S t , K e y W e s t , F L Y o u ’ r e n o t j u s t e a t i n g d e l i c i o u s c h i c k e n , y o u ’ r e k e e p i n g n at u r e i n b a l a n c e ! Isla Bella Day PassesWe've got a pool lounger & frozen drink with your name on it.From $129/personDaily Spa SpecialsRelax & unwind at the Spa at Isla Bella. And join us for Mimosa Mondays, Facial Fridays & more!See website to make appointment & view full menuCountry in the KeysJoin us for a four-day concert series on the beach this Fourth of July.From $89/ | 305-4 81-9451Calling All Keys Locals!
34 1029 SOUTHARD CORNER OF FRANCES | WWW.CAFESOLE.COM20% OFF FOR LOCALSDAILY 5:30PM WITH LOCAL IDBOOK THROUGH OPENTABLE, YELP OR CALL 305.294.0230 OPEN TUESDAYSUNDAY 5PM CLOSED MONDAYS FOR SUMMERINDOOR & OUTDOOR DININGFRENCH CARIBBEAN OVER 10 YEARS OF LOCAL EXPERIENCE & TRUST PAULA BARRY • 305.304.1119 • STOP BEING BUGGED RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL LICENSED & INSUREDCALL TODAY TO SET UP AN APPOINTMENT AND PUT THOSE BUGS ON THE MARCH! TOUGH ON BUGS SAFE FOR PETS! Featured on Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives. (305) 294-0102 11:30 AM – 10 PM 629 Duval St, Key West Serving Ipswich Whole Bellied Clams & Maine Lobster When you’re on Long Island be sure to visit our new location in Wantagh. Call ahead for Daily Specials 516-900-1400. Serving Ipswich Whole Bellied Clams & Maine Lobster Serving Ipswich Whole Bellied Clams & Maine Lobster F or R eservations, Call 305.296.8100 R eserve Online at OpenT D aily Happy Hour 5-7 pm & 9-11 pm | Nightly L i ve Mus i c | 15% Locals DiscountEnjoy your choice of various wines by the glass Limited Seating A vailable R eservations R ecommended We appreciate your Nomination for Best Happy Hour, Steak, and Bar/Restaurant Restroom! D o n a t e A B o a tP l ea s eh e l p u s m o v e t o t h e K e y s !O R : C a r, R V , T r u c k , B o a t , T r a i l e r, M o t o r c y c l e, A ir p l a n e, J et S k i, p r o p e r t y T ax Deducti bl e!W e Pi ck Upw w w .d a d s fo r bo y s . o r g• 5 0 1 -C3M e n t o r in g F a t h e r l e s s B o y s fo r 34 Y ea r sA F at h erl ess Ep i d em i c i n t h e US 18. 3 M i l l i on k i d s l i ve i n a F at h er Ab sen t H om e 1 i n 4 k i d s 80% b y si n gl e m ot h ers. S t art a ch ap t er i n you r com m u n i t y , b ecom e a m en t or t o a F at h erl ess Boy or h el p u s wi t h a f i n an ci al gi f t . F REE h ow t o vi d eo an d op erat i on s m an u al on DF B web si t e.C o n t a c t J o hn P y l e F o u nd e r • J o hnP y l e p r@g m a il .c o m • 35 2-25 5 -35 90Es tabli shed 1989
35 PLEASE VOTE FOR US FOR BEST SPA & BEST BARBER! FLOW SPA 1800 ATLANTIC BLVD #227C | KEY WEST | 2BD | 2BA | 1,311 SQ FT $1,129,000 | MLS #6050331800 Atlantic Condominium offers a wonderful waterfront lifestyle and pristine ocean views. Gorgeous and meticulously maintained property featuring a stunning oceanfront pool and private beach access. Live your best life here!LISA LENNON SALES PROFESSIONAL Cell: 305.304.1027 www.KeysRealEstate.comBerkshire Hathaway HomeServices Knight & Gardner Realty WATERFRONT LUXURY AT ITS FINEST!PRICE IMPROVEMENT $1,129,000
36 WANT TO BE KING OR QUEEN OF FANTASY FEST?TAKE ME HOME?FIND A FRIEND AT THE FLORIDA KEYS SPCA The Keys Weekly family loves animals as much as our friends at the Florida Keys SPCA do, and we’re hon ored each week to showcase some “furever†friends that are ready, waiting and available for adop tion at the organization’s Key West campus.Fishy is a 2-year-old male medium mixed breed. He loves to snuggle nearly as much as he loves to play. Regular-sized Rudy is a white male rat. He may be regular-sized, but his heart is as big as the whole outdoors. shorthair. He gets along well with other kitties and would adjust easily to new surroundings. Camper is an 11-month-old male domestic shorthair. He has it all and wants to share it. He’s good with other cats, dogs and children. Tigger is a 2-year-old male domestic shorthair. The wonderful thing about Tiggers, is that Tiggers are wonderful things.From pigs, hamsters, rabbits, reptiles and birds, the perfect addition to your family is waiting for you. The SPCA’s knowledgeable staff will help with advice and care tips while working to ensure a good fit between each pet and its people. The gram also provides special assis tance with vet bills and medications that require a little extra TLC. Check these pages each week for just a few of the animals wait ing for a home and see them all at APPLICATIONS NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SPCAThe Florida Keys SPCA is now officially taking ap plications for the Royal King & Queen Cam paign of Fantasy Fest. After 34 years of the royal candidates raising money for AH Monroe, that organization has passed the torch, so the will now benefit the Florida Keys SPCA, which stands ready to continue making a huge dif ference in the lives of homeless animals and our community’s pets. The King & Queen cam paign this year will be known as a “Fun & Furious†event. Anyone interested in rais ing money and being the next Fantasy Fest King or Queen date application at the SPCA’s Key West campus, 5711 College Road. You can also download it at or email Tiffany@ for an application. Stay tuned for announce ments about preliminary meetings with other potential candidates and learn about what the Florida Keys SPCA is planning for the inaugural kickoff event. Email with any questions. — Contributed
37 MIKE GARCIA 305.304.4188C ONCHROOFING@GMAIL.COM WWW.CONCHCONSTRUCTIONANDROOFING.COM LIC# CCC1329991 LIC# CGC032862 BEST CONTRACTOR NOMINATIONS VOTED BEST CONTRACTOR5 YEARS IN A ROW ARTISTIC CONCRETE DESIGN GOT CONCRETE?We can Preserve, Protect & Beautify ANY Concrete Surface For more information go to or call 305-923-0654Licensed & Insured SP#3136 Serving the Keys for 20 Years! Household Hazardous WasteDrop-off DayPaint, stains, e-waste, preservatives, pesticides, fertilizers, roong compounds, waste oil (ve gallons maximum), resins and solvents, adhesives and caulks, corrosives and acids, cleaning products, and automotive uids.SATURDAY, JULY 1Sonny McCoy Indigenous Park • White St. (305)296-8297Residential ONLY
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39 TRYING TO LAND A HAIL MARY AT AVE MARIA We had to be in Miami for a thing, and then we noticed that The Beths, the kickass quartet from Auckland, New Zealand, were playing in Orlando, which was only an or so of driving. So we de cided to go see them. Once you make it to the mainland, nothing seems very far. Also, there was the chance of see bird, and something I hadn’t lifer. The Beths played such a great set that my wife’s migraine receded as soon as they dug into their first song. They played such a great set that I bought one of their albums on vinyl, even though I currently have no way to play it. (If you’ve been wasting your life and haven’t listened to The Beths, start with “Future Also, I’ve been convinced for a while that at least a couple members of the band are secret birdwatchers. The next morning, bellies full of Waffle House, ears still ringing, choruses still echoing in our brains, we headed south again, though, perhaps, not in the most direct route. there is some sort of dire need for expedience, I avoid interstates in Florida the same way I avoid pineapple on pizza. I prefer to take what William Least Heat Moon called the blue highways. It might take an hour or two lon ger, but you feel much less shabby at the end. Also, you have a much better chance of seeing tailed kites, wood storks, sandhill cranes and crested caracaras. ban sprawl to the orange groves of the Lake Wales Ridge, to the cattle lands around Lake Okeechobee, to the sugarcane fields south of Clewiston, to the Miccosukee Casino and Tamiami Trail. From there it’s Krome Avenue to But along Lake Okeechobee, we kept going due south, passing through La Belle, which seemed like an artsy little town, and Imokolee, which is all about the agriculture, before heading to the Maria.A large-billed tern seen recently near Ave Maria, Florida. MARK HEDDEN/Keys Weekly ... is a photographer, writer, and semi-professional birdwatcher. He has lived in Key West for more than 25 years and may no longer be employable in the real world. He is also executive director of the Florida Keys Audubon Society. MARK HEDDENThe South American species known for its love of the species had only been recorded in North owlands of New Jersey. But then on June 1, was at Ave Maria. The tern at the waterfowl management area might have seemed less out of the way if it Ave Maria is a bit unique. It was found Monaghan, famous for also founding Domino’s Pizza and owning, for a time, the Detroit Tigers. It was a planned community for conservative versity, a private Catholic university. Monaghan initially said the town would ban the sale of birth control and cable channels that showed pornography, though he backed off those plans when, as it turns out, it was illegal to do so. In an interview with CNN at the time, Monaghan stated that in 10 years there would town, with 5,000 students at the university. When entire downtown, which surrounds a modern cathedral called the Ave Maria Oratory, had been built, but not many people had moved in yet, so the storefronts were filled with card board cutouts of people. hasn’t come the way Monaghan expected. A press release from April of this year announced that they passed the mile mark of mention of Catholicism on Ave Maria’s current website. But there is a town there, with lots of houses. I was a little worried as we pulled onto Pope John Paul II Boulevard. The bird had been in the area, spread out over a couple miles – mostly out near the access road, but also near the fire station, on one of the golf courses, and in the surrounding farm fields. There were multiple constellations of red flags on the eBird map. Also, the thing I may not have stressed to my wife before we took the extended version of the extended route home, was that it hadn’t been reported in three or four days. I took a left at the first intersection, which had curb cuts and whatnot, but which was re ally a rutted dirt road that led down to a couple acres of scarified land – bright, glaring dirt – and some huge puddles, no doubt enhanced by the bands of rain we’d driven through. I wasn’t expecting any wildlife, but there were about 75 It was going to be hot out there, so I sat in the AC and pulled out my phone to orient myself to the dots on the map versus the real world. Then I looked out the windshield and noticed a shape – a tern – sitting on an island of mud at the edge of one of the huge puddles. It can’t be that easy, I thought, and I grabbed my binoculars. Even through the dis tortion of the windshield, it was clear the bird had long, dark primaries, gray secondaries, a cap that looked similar in shape to a medieval monk’s threadbare headgear, and a mostly yellow bill that was very large as tern bills go. Some days the world conspires to make your life a little easier. It’s a good idea to accept those seeming miracles when they happen.
40 EXPLORING THE ENVIRONMENT T recently returned to the MarineLab campus for the second year to host its annual kickoff for Monroe County students entering ninth grade. mentees in the Keys were immersed in MarineLab’s core curriculum of seagrass, mangrove and coral reef ecology. Prior to their snorkeling field trips, students learned about the interconnectedness of the marine environment, abiotic and biotic factors affecting the organisms in each community and how to identify marine creatures from algae through invertebrates to fish. In addition, students learned about marine debris and its impact and possible solutions, including par ticipating in a cleanup. During labs, the mentees explored the diversity and abundance found in nearshore waters, and identified the zooplank ton which make up part of the base of the food chain. MarineLab’s cur tion Science Standards and Ocean Literacy Principles. “Overall, the kids said they loved the water and snorkeling. Some kids enjoyed the labs,†said Autumn Hag er, TSIC’s student services supervisor. spectacular, and the instructors did a fantastic job pointing out lots of won derful sea life.â€The MarineLab Envi ronmental Education Center, located Key Largo, is the education program of Marine Resources Development Foundation, a nonprofit founded uses education and adventure in the Florida Keys to foster environmental awareness and stewardship on a lo over 5,000 students and teachers MarineLab programs. schools from Florida, and teachers man, St. Maarten, St. Lucia, Barbuda, Dominica. — Contributed MARINELAB WELCOMES 25 TAKE STOCK STUDENTSTake Stock in Children students entering ninth grade recently visited MarineLab in Key Largo. MARINELAB/Contributed Take Stock students head out on the water with MarineLab instructors. Students with Take Stock in Children conduct lab work. The offshore mahi bite has slowly but surely been getting better over the past couple of weeks. We have been seeing a lot of small, under sized fish inshore feet, and having better luck with bigger, qual ity fish further offshore in water 1,000 feet or deeper. My typical spread when I am trolling for mahi is a rigged ballyhoo inch artificial baits on the flatlines. So far this season, I have found that the majority of fish have been eat ing the smaller bait that mimic the flying fish we commonly find in the stomachs of our catch at the filet table. Fishing on the reef has not been easy lately. A combination of irregular water sediment levels and uncommon currents from a variety of directions switching daily has made fishing difficult, but not impossible. The past couple of weeks have made anglers sharpen tactics. Yellowtail snapper and black grouper have been our target species as we patiently wait for the mangrove snapper spawn to begin When it comes to catching yellowtail snapper, the first order of business is to set up your chum slick. Positioned on the reef in 40 up current from the area you would like to fish. Start by placing your frozen block of chum in your large mesh chum hoop. I suggest starting blocks of chum in the water, or you last you much longer and is more cost effective. Many fishermen also add oats to their chum slicks to help raise the fish off the reef, leading to a lower chance of getting caught on the bottom. When targeting yellowtail snap action rod paired with a 4500 series monofilament. Attached to your leader and double the line through the eye of the hook. Weighted jigs such as yellowtail candy can be used and are effective, but I prefer small piece of bait, so it drifts back with the chum. Peeled shrimp is the preferred bait to catch these snapper. According to FWC regula tions, yellowtail snapper must be a measured from the front of the mouth to the tip of the tail. I prefer to release any fish smaller than 14 inches since there is not much of a filet on a smaller yellowtail snapper. The limit on this abundant fish is 10 per person. Yellowtail snapper is delicious when fried, broiled, baked, grilled, or sauteed and can be found in most local restaurants as fresh catch way to munch these fish is fried in a coconut batter dipped in a sweet Thai chili sauce. THE ANGLER’S OUTLOOK Targeting yellowtail when the offshore bite gets tough is the owner and operator of Top in Marathon. His passions include scuba diving and enjoying the natural beauty of the Florida Keys. CAPT. BILL GILIBERTI ing have both been challenging, there are still plenty of great dinners to be had, including this black grouper. BILL
41 DON’T LET FIREWORKS LEAD TO A POWER OUTAGEKEYS ENERGY SERVICES OFFERS FOURTH OF JULY SAFETY TIPSAnnual Independence Day festivities are a popu lar time for fireworks. KEYS reminds its custom ers that power lines and utility poles can be dangerous when setting up firework displays, potentially disrupting the lives of thousands. KEYS recommends these safety tips to avoid a po • Carefully set up and use fireworks only in areas clear of overhead power lines. • Do not string fireworks on utility poles. • If using a ladder or pole to set up fireworks, keep a • Power lines are energized and can cause serious electrical shock, burn or electrocution. • If an object becomes entangled in an overhead “Our job is to keep the lights on and we’ll do a bet ter job of that if we can keep fireworks from contacting our lines,†said Lynne Tejeda, KEYS’ general manager & CEO. “We ask that our customers show good judgment while celebrating Independence Day with fireworks,†she added. — ContributedHELP KEEP KEY WEST CLEANJOIN A 1 HOUR CLEANUP FRIDAY MORNINGSOne hour a week makes a huge differ ence, and volunteers are welcome every Friday and some Saturday when the Key West Ploggers clean up a designated area of the island. vests, hand sanitizer and a parking pass are provided to all volunteers. A troubling number of cigarette butts and plastic bags have been included in recent hauls. Please remember your reusable bags when shopping so we can keep the plastic off the streets, parking lots and, most importantly, out of the water. And dispose of cigarette butts in any receptacle rather than the street or sidewalk, as from there, they easily end up in the ocean. The city of Key West and its residents ask everyone to do their part to help keep Key West beautiful. With simple steps like making sure you bag your trash before putting it in your Waste Management trash cans or Dumpsters, and making sure the lids on Dump sters are closed, will keep a lot of trash from blowing into the streets. Call Waste Manage furniture items left on the city right of way. Please pick up around your home or apartment complex. Every piece of trash picked up Eighteen volunteers met at the First State Bank on North Roosevelt Bou levard for the June 23 cleanup. In one hour, they collected 77 pounds of trash, 9.5 pounds of recycling and 2 gallons of cigarette butts. Special thanks to First State Bank for hosting the event and providing volunteers with refreshments after the cleanup. CONTRIBUTEDis one less that may end up in the ocean that surrounds and sustains our island community. It is not just the large items you can see easily when you are walking, but the smaller items such as bottle caps and ciga rette butts that are collected by the volunteers that make the biggest difference. It takes committed com munity involvement to keep Key West beautiful and we are making progress with every cleanup event and every spot that’s adopted. Call Dorian Pat how your business, nonprofit or club can help. — Contributed Join a Friday morning cleanup from 8 to 9 a.m. Nel son English Park at the end of Catherine Street For I Love Stock Island South Roosevelt between Riviera Canal and Dead Man’s Curve. Meet along the sea wall on South Roosevelt at the end of the airport runway. South ard and Whitehead streets hosted by Courthouse Deli & Whit’s Custard
42 FISHING TOURNAMENT RAISES $22K FOR AUTISM SOCIETYJIMMY JOHNSON’S 43.5 POUND DOLPHIN WINS FIRST PLACEThe Autism Society of the Keys hosted its third an nual Monster Charity PBA Dolphin Tournament the Resort & Marina on Stock Island. Capt. Jimmy Johnson caught the winning dolphin on Double J for autism initiatives, along with a small donation to the Cub Scouts and the Police Benevolent Associa tion’s Love Fund. — ContributedJustin Hamilton and Capt. Jimmy Johnson of the Double J celebrate the dolphin The Autism Society of the Keys (ASK) with the Police Benevolent Association. From left, ASK volunteers Hope Haley and Owen Trepanier, ASK executive director Jill Campbell and tournament directors Mike Pettee, Emily Pettee and Frank Betz. Craig and Caitlyn Campbell volunteer at the Autism Society of the Keys’ recent charity dolphin tournament out of Oceans Edge Resort & Marina. Jimmy Johnson aboard Double J Scott Duling aboard Ocean Daze Alex aboard Mama Money (last name not Paul Weisen feld aboard Stella Blue aboard Leviathan Tori Hicks aboard You & Tequila Joshua aboard Natural II (last name • The College of the Florida Keys invites prospective stu dents, family members and the community to learn about CFK Academy at an informa tion event and dual enrollment new CFK Academy building on the Key West campus. The event will highlight the benefits of dual enrollment, a program that allows students to earn high school and col lege credits simultaneously. The event will include tours of the new CFK Academy and beyond onto the main college CFKAcademy. • Key West’s Key Lime Fes tival will celebrate the world’s most sensational citrus with a bountiful array of festivities across the very island where Key lime pie was conceived. • The Key West Mermaid Festival features interactive mermaid adventures in the island city. Events include a “sailing with the mermaids†sunset sail, a mermaid en counter at the Florida Keys Ocean Blue Party with danc ing by the sea. On July 4, bring the kids to enjoy donuts with mermaid Ariel and Prince the beach at Lagerheads, 0 p.m., watch mermaids per form for the cameras during a music video taping. A portion of festival proceeds will benefit Reef Relief’s efforts to protect Club of Key West has pre sented the island’s annual Independence Day fireworks show. Staged from the Edward B. Knight Pier overlooking White St., fireworks will begin the spectacle from Smathers Beach, Higgs Beach or from oceanside hotels and restau rants. Attendees can celebrate before the fireworks at a catered, ticketed “Patriotic next to the pier at Indigenous at 7 p.m. Dinner proceeds will benefit the Rotary Club of Key Saturday, July 8 Music Festival at Looe Key. Local dive and snorkel boats head to Looe Key reef from broadcast tunes underwater. about boat reservations. • The I Love Stock Island festival celebrates Key West’s north. Enjoy culinary events, island cleanups, art strolls and Weekly for a complete event guide and schedule. • Mel Fisher Day tribute to the late, legendary Key West treasure hunter starts at 4 p.m. at Schooner Wharf Bar, for a full schedule of events. • An array of literary events awaits readers and writers during Hemingway ebrates the talent and Key West lifestyle of author Ernest Hemingway, who lived on the full schedule of events. SAVE THE DATE
43 NEVER BOUGHT. NEVER SOLD. ALWAYS LOCAL.LOCALS PAY ENOUGH IN THE FLORIDA KEYS. YOUR LOCAL NEWS SHOULD BE FREE. JOIN HALF A MILLION MONTHLY READERS AT KEYSWEEKLY.COM OR SUBSCRIBE TO OUR DAILY EBLAST AT KEYSWEEKLY.COM/BLAST CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF LOCAL MEDIA KEY WEST MARATHON TAVERNIER KEYS ROTARIAN BECOMES ‘KENTUCKY COLONEL’ Keith Douglass, past president of the Rotary Club of Marathon and past Rotary assistant governor, became the 11th Kentucky Colonel in Monroe and Miami-Dade counties. the Kentucky Regiment, stands for. Worldwide, it has thousands of members, who must have distinguished themselves in local, state, national and foreign activities. Member
44 SHERIFF WARNS OF HOLIDAY TRAFFICTRIBUTE TO TREASURE HUNTER MEL FISHER SET FOR JULY 15URGES PATIENCE & CAUTION ON LAND AND WATER SCHOONER WHARF BAR TO HOST FESTIVITIESThe Monroe County Sheriff’s Office expects Fourth of July traffic to be heavy throughout • Deputies will be on the roads watching for impaired and unsafe drivers. Don’t pass ter turn lanes, as you are likely to get a ticket. If you plan to drive anywhere in or out of the county, plan extra time. Expect to Key West. • Designate a sober driver • The Sheriff’s Office will have extra deputies on the wa ter as well in an effort to keep mariners safe. Be patient and courteous at sandbars, other gathering areas, and especially at marinas and boat ramps as they are expected to be busy. • Please leave the fireworks to the professionals. • Discard trash properly. It isn’t fair to leave it on the ground or in the water for someone else to clean up and you could be charged with lit tering. • Have a safe and fun There will be a parade in Key Largo on July 4 that is expected to cause traffic congestion. Northbound traffic will be fic will then be diverted into southbound lanes starting at 10 a.m. and will last about two hours. The highway is expected to return to normal by 1 p.m. Motorists should avoid the area during those times if pos sible. — ContributedMel Fisher Day in Key West is an annual ter remembered as “the world’s greatest treasure hunter†whose discovery of the Nuestra Senora de Atocha shipwreck and whose life and motto, “Today’s the Day,†inspired people worldwide to follow their dreams. This year’s celebra tion is set for Saturday, July 15 William St., at the Key West Historic Seaport. A favorite Mel Fisher’s Crew annual reunion event, festivities will begin at 4 p.m. and include live mu sic, Mel Fisher trivia games, a 50/50 the Spot Cupcake†game of chance huge online silent auction, a live the “Taffi’s Treasures†jewelry line, and presentation of the annual Mel Fisher Lifetime Achievement Award. Author Wendy Tucker will be on hand to sign copies of her re cently published book, “Today’s the Day – The Mel Fisher Story.†The online auction component, which opened for bids on June 15, offers savvy treasure hunters the opportunity to compete for more adventurous experiences. The Mel Fisher Day event will benefit Wesley House Family Services, a nonprofit organization whose programs provide crucial support to child welfare and family preser vation throughout the Florida Keys; and the Michael J. Abt Have a Heart Foundation, whose mission is to en sure that all schools are equipped with automatic external defibril lators and that school staff and students are trained in their use in the event of a cardiac emergency. More information and an online auction link are at melfisher — Contributed legend lives on at the annual Mel Fisher Day tribute in Key West, set for July 15. CONTRIBUTED
45 Fireworks explode over a portion of Florida Bay for the enjoyment of attendees at a Florida Keys bicentennial celebration on June 17 at Rowell’s Waterfront Park in Key Largo. The gathering was among a series of Keys events being roe County, containing the entire island chain. ROB MODYS/Florida Keys News BureauBOOMING BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONHEMINGWAY DAYS HONOR KEY WEST’S LITERARY HERITAGEEVENTS TAKE PLACE JULY 18 23An array of literary events awaits readers and writers during Hemingway Days festival celebrates the talent and Key West lifestyle of author Ernest Hemingway, who lived on the Events include prose and poetry readings, a walking tour, a Hemingway museum exhibit and presentations that illustrate the island city’s impact on the legend ary writer’s life and work. All are presented by the Key West Art & Historical Society, whose Custom House Museum contains one of the collections of Hemingway artifacts and memorabilia. The festival’s opening evening by Rebecca Johnston, president of the Florida Hemingway Society. Fo cusing on Hemingway’s connection his Key West novel “To Have and Have Not,†the presentation is set For those who arrive in Key West before Hemingway Days, the film version of “To Have and Have Not†will be screened Monday, July 17, at the cinema. Fans of fine writing can attend the announcement and reading of the winning entry in the Lorian Hemingway Short Story Competi reading of “Papa’s Poems†and guild members’ work. Awarding ers of short fiction, the competition is directed by Lorian Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway’s granddaugh ter and author of books includ ing “Walk on Water.†The event is The Key West Art & Historical Society’s historian and curator, Cori Convertito will discuss Hemingway’s during a 5 p.m. “Happy Hour With the Historian†gathering. Exploring elements such as the author’s intro duction to Key West and his love of Keys angling, the event includes a complimentary libation and takes Whitehead St., #5. vertito will lead a walking tour of iconic Key West structures and sites where Hemingway lived, worked depart from the Custom House Mu All day Sunday, the festival spotlights aspects of the museum’s Hemingway collection, with free admission for those who mention Hemingway Days upon entering. As well as items from the late author’s bronze depicting him in his prime that illustrate Hemingway’s novel, “The Old Man and the Sea.†For literary event information and ticketing, visit For Hemingway Days general informa tion, visit — ContributedLeft: Ernest Hemingway look-alikes and others walk with manmade bulls on wheels during the ‘Running of the Bulls’ at the 2022 Hemingway Days festival in should win the 2022 Hemingway Look-Alike Contest at Sloppy Joe’s Bar in Key take the title. ANDY NEWMAN/Florida Keys News Bureau
46 Jack Kelly grew up in a small town in the countryside just outside of London, England. The English coun tryside is a beauti ful place, but it is a far different environment than our tropical waters. Kelly was determined, crossed a major ocean and found his way to the Florida Keys because of his love for tropical marine life – which he shares through his work as a marine biologist and through his artwork. He started drawing at a young age, and after he sold his first stop. Kelly is primarily an animal or nature artist. He also specializes in producing scientific illustrations of animals for use in museums, maga zines and scientific journals. His passion is wildlife, whether it be sea turtles, crocodiles, sharks or sport fish. While he paints other wildlife, such as gorillas, his most prominent theme is ocean and marine life. Marine life has been an obsession since he was a child in England. His parents would take him to aquari ums as a child. This love would lead in his teens. Kelly cemented his love by obtaining a degree in marine biology Besides using his degree to create stunning works of art, he uses it for what as it was intended, as a marine biologist. He works as an animal care specialist at Theater of the Sea. Being a specialist, he works with rescued marine animals such as sea turtles, sharks and crocodiles. Kelly has been living in the Florida Keys for about six years. “My dad worked as an art teach er in England while I was growing up, so he definitely fueled my interest in creating art, as well as educating me on the use of different techniques and mediums as well as the history of art. Although now retired, he still paints and creates some amazing pieces,†he said. “I have many of his paintings hanging up at my home here in the Keys.†One of the artists whom he ern landscape artist Mark Magiorri. Finally, he admires marine life artist Joyful Enriquez’s subjects and style of painting. Kelly works mostly in acrylic paint on canvas, but for some of his scientific illustrations he uses some digital. When asked which of his paintings is his favorite, “Probably one of my most recent pieces, fea turing a green sea turtle swimming in the shallows of the Keys, hovering over a Queen Conch shell. This large piece was commissioned by a client as a gift for their mum, who was bat tling breast cancer at the time,†he said. “He asked if I could incorporate the breast cancer awareness rib bon into the painting somehow, so I subtly included it in the pink portion of the conch shell. The overall com position, color scheme, and message behind this piece makes it one of my favorites. “ Kelly prepares for a painting by googling a lot of photos, browsing nature’s photos and going through his own animal photos. If a photo online particularly inspires him, he asks the owner for permission to use the photo as a reference for a painting. Kelly’s paintings are made by someone who loves animals for people who love animals. “I hope to keep working on commissions. I’m always happy to work with clients to produce their ideal painting and I find it the most fulfilling aspect of being an artist. I also aim to keep creating scientific il lustrations for museums, magazines and scientific journals,†he said. You can find some of Jack Kelly’s artwork at He is also very active on Instagram (@ commissions so for anyone who’s interested, drop him a message through Instagram. STUDIO SPOTLIGHT 1, 3 & 4. Jack Kelly’s paintings usually feature marine life. JACK KELLY/Contributed. 2. Jack Kelly works as an animal care specialist at Theater of the Sea. 5. Jack Kelly uses some digital. ART AND SCIENCE CONVERGE FOR ARTIST JACK KELLY ARTIST’S CORNER is an artist, designer and gemologist who believes in the power of art. WILLIAM DEPAULA 1 2 3 4 5
47 r f n r t bn n r frntb r r b nb n Keys Weekly 4.9" x 6.125" f f r fr n t b bb f tnt r fr n t b bb f tntn n nb nb fr rfrn tbrfrt ttrrfr bntbbntfbbnttb 43 0 Du va l St reet | Key W est | | HO URS O F O P ERAT I O N: DAILY 4PM 9PMDUVAL AT YOUR DOORSTEP
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49 DEREK EPPERLY, P.A. PRINCIPAL KeyWestRealEstate.info305-923-4833 BRINGING A GLOBAL REACH WITH A HOME TOWN TOUCHLISTING YOUR HOME WITH KEYS ATLANTIC WILL AUTOMATICALLY FEED YOUR LISTING TO 62 DIFFERENT COUNTRIESCERTIFIED INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY SPECIALIST obtained for the benefit of all my clients world wide LESS THAN 1% OF LOCAL REALTORS HAVE THIS CERTIFICATIONA WORLD OF LOCAL EXPERTISE FOR EVERY SINGLE CLIENTFOR ALL OF YOUR RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE NEEDS 3 Geiger Road | Key West | MLS # 603784 Spectacular waterfront land directly adjacent to Geiger Key Marina. Almost three quarters of an acre with a single family house that can be rebuilt in place. Truly spectacular location and views with great boating access. $1,990,000 UNDER CONTRACTDAWN THORNBURGH BROKER ASSOCIATE Oce: 305.294.8433 Cell: 305.304.1067 1500 Atlantic Blvd. 311 | Key West | MLS # 604361 True Oceanfront Living on the edge of the Atlantic! 2 bed / 2 bath condo at the Key West Beach Club with panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean. $1,730,000 SOLD
50 • CLASSIFIEDS, PUBLIC & LEGAL NOTICES • 305.743.0844 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the ctitious name of SPAS located at 9589 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050 intends to register said name with the Florida Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida. By: The Pool Pros Services and Repairs, LLC Publish: June 29, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the ctitious name of EPIC TITLE GROUP located at 101415 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL 33037 intends to register said name with the Florida Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida. By: Prestige Title Services LLC Publish: June 29, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE U-HAUL COMPANY OF MIAMI Notice is here by given that on July 17th, 2023, Leonard Richford Jr. Storage Auctioneer, Executive Administrator for U-Haul Company of Miami, Will be oering for sale under the Judicial Lien Process, By Public Auction, the following storage units. The Terms of the sale will be cash only. U-Haul Company does reserve the right to refuse any bids. The sales will Begin at 8:00 a.m. and continue day by day until all units are sold. The names of whose units will be sold are as follows: 103530 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL 33037 Alex Murgas Unit 1580 $710.60 James Fleischmann Unit 1001 $561.35 James Fleischmann Unit 1619 $1,275.69 Curtis Williams Unit 1536 $966.00 Brian Long Unit 1504-51 $995.45 Dennis Nicholson Unit 1185 $978.40 Publish: June 29 & July 6, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE The Monroe County Tourist Development Council will hold their regularly-scheduled meeting on Thursday, July 20, 2023, at 10:00 A.M., at the Baker's Cay Resort, 97000 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, Florida 33037. The Visit Florida Keys Corporation will also convene during this meeting. All Tourist Development Council Meetings are open to the public, and one or more County Commissioners may be in attendance. ADA ASSISTANCE: If you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodations in order to participate in this proceeding, please contact the Monroe County Administrator’s Oce, by phoning (305) 292-4441, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., no later than ve (5) calendar days prior to the scheduled meeting. If you are hearing or voice impaired, call â€. Publish: June 29, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR COMPETITIVE SOLICITATIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Kirk of The Keys, Marathon, FL will receive and open sealed responses for the following: SINGLE FAMILY HOME Details at www.kirkofthekeys/ bid Deadline is July 22, 2023. Publish: June 15, 22 & 29, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR COMPETITIVE SOLICITATIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, at 3:00 P.M., the Monroe County Purchasing Oce will receive and open sealed responses for the following: City of Marathon Vulnerability Assessment to be Conducted by Monroe County Monroe County, Florida Pursuant to F.S. 50.0211(3) (a), all published competitive solicitation notices can be viewed at: www., a searchable Statewide repository for all published legal notices. Requirements for submission and the selection criteria may be requested from DemandStar at OR bids. The Public Record is available upon request. Monroe County Purchasing Department receives bids electronically. Please do not mail or attempt to deliver in person any sealed bids. Mailed/physically delivered bids/proposals/responses WILL NOT be accepted. The Monroe County Purchasing Department hereby directs that bids be submitted via email to: OMB-BIDS@monroecounty-. gov, no later than 3:00P.M., on August 1, 2023. Please submit your condential nancial information in a SEPARATE EMAIL from your bid and required documents. Your subject line on both emails must read as follows: City of Marathon Vulnerability Assessment to be Conducted by Monroe Co. 08-01-2023 Files that do not contain this subject line WILL BE REJECTED. Please note that the maximum le size that will be accepted by email is 25MB. Please plan accordingly to ensure that your bid is not rejected due to the le size. Should your bid documents exceed 25MB, in advance of the bid opening, please email: omb-purchasing@ so accommodations for delivery of your bid can be made prior to the bid opening. Please be advised that it is the bidder’s sole responsibility to ensure delivery of their bid and waiting until the bid opening to address or conrm your bid submission delivery will result in your bid being rejected. The bid opening for this solicitation will be held virtually, via the internet, at 3:00 P.M., on August 1, 2023. You may call in by phone or internet using the following: Join Zoom Meeting https://mcbocc.zoom. us/j/4509326156 Meeting ID: 4509326156 One tap mobile: +16465189805,, 4509326156# US (New York) +16699006833,, 4509326156# US (San Jose) Dial by your location: +1 646 518 9805 (New York) +1 669 900 6833 (San Jose) Publish: June 29, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CASE NUMBER: 37-2022-00027673-CU-BC-CTL SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): ROBERT MICK, AN INDIVIDUAL YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): VAN DYKE & ASSOCIATES, A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to le a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plainti. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can nd these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online SelfHelp Center (www.courtinfo.!fhelp), your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the ling fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not le your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot aord an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprot legal services program. You can locate these nonprot groups at the California Legal Services Web site (www.lawhelpcalifornia. org), the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www., or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court's lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde dentro de 30 dfas, la corte puede decidir en su contra sin escuchar su version. Lea la inforrnacion a continuacion. Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO despues de que le entreguen esta citacion y papeles legales para presentar una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una carta o una llamada telefonica no lo protegen. Su respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato legal correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. Es posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios de la corte y mas inforrnacion en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California (www.sucorte., en la biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte que le quede mas cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentacion, pida al secretario de la corte que le de un formulario de exencion de pago de cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podra quitar su sueldo, dinero y bienes sin mas advertencia. Hay otros requisitos legales. Es recomendable que llame a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de remision a abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abogado, es posible que cumpla con los requisitos para obtener servicios legales gratuitos de un programa de servicios legales sin nes de lucro. Puede encontrar estos grupos sin nes de lucro en el sitio web de California Legal Services, (, en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, (www. o poniendose en contacto con la corte o el colegio de abogados locales. AVISO: Par ley, la corte tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los costos exentos por imponer un gravamen sobre cualquier recuperacion de $10,000 o mas de valor recibida mediante un acuerdo o una concesion de arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte antes de que la corte pueda desechar el caso. The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y direccion de la corte es): 330 W. Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 The name, address and telephone number of the plainti’s attorney, or plainti without an attorney is: (El nombre, la direccion y el numero de telefono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, es): Richard S. Van Dyke, Esq., Van Dyke & Associates, APLC, 451 A Street, Suite 600, San Diego, CA 92101, (619) 344-0977 Dated July 15, 2022 By: Gabriel Lopez, Deputy Clerk Publish: June 8, 15, 22 & 29, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NUMBER: 23-CP-79-P IN RE: ESTATE OF GREGORY DOWELL, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of GREGORY DOWELL, deceased, whose date of death was 13 June 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Monroe County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 88820 Overseas Highway, Plantation Key, Florida 33070. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must le their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must le their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of rst publication of this notice is: June 29, 2023. Personal Representative: Julia Ogilvie 1180 N. Columbus St. Lancaster, OH 43130 Attorney for Personal Representative: Tom Woods, Esq. Florida Bar No.: 0525197 116 Porto Salvo Drive Islamorada, Florida 33036 Phone: 305.664.2200 Fax 2205 Primary Email: tom@ Secondary Email: eserve@ Publish: June 29 & July 6, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO.: 23-CP-000071-P IN RE: ESTATE OF STEVEN LARSEN Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of STEVEN LARSEN, deceased, whose date of death was April 21, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Monroe County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 88770 Overseas Highway, Plantation Key, Florida 33070. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Notice is hereby given that the County Commission, Monroe County, Florida will conduct a public hearing to consider re-imposing security services assessments for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2023, against certain improved and unimproved properties located within Duck Key, to fund the cost of security services provided to such properties and to authorize collection of such assessments on the tax bill. The public hearing will be held at 9:00 a.m., on July 19, 2023, at the Marathon Government Center, 2798 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050. The public can also attend the Public Hearing via Communication Media Technology (“CMTâ€)/Zoom at the following virtual address: citizens/default.aspx, for the purpose of contributing/receiving public comment on the proposed assessments. All aected property owners have a right to appear at the hearing and to le written objections with the County Commission within 20 calendar days of the publication date of this notice. Pursuant to section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, notice is given that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the County Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, such person will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be made. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the County Administrator’s Oce, between 8:00 A.M. and 5:30 p.m., at 305-292-4441, at least 48 hours prior to the date of the hearing. If hearing impaired, dial †for assistance. The annual Duck Key security assessment is based on the number of improved or unimproved lots contained within the Duck Key Security District. The total annual assessment revenue to be collected within Duck Key for the upcoming scal year is estimated to be $124,656.00 The annual assessment rates for the scal year beginning October 1, 2023 (remain the same as the current year) at $292.00 per improved lot and $28.00 per unimproved lot. Copies of the legal documentation for the assessment program will be made available upon request, by contacting the County Attorney’s oce at 305-292-3470, Monday through Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact the County at 305-292-3470, Monday through Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The assessments will be collected on the ad valorem tax bill to be mailed in November, 2023, as authorized by section 197.3632, Florida Statutes. Failure to pay the assessments will cause a tax certicate to be issued against the property which may result in a loss of title. The proposed Final Assessment Resolution may be inspected by the public at the Monroe County website by viewing the agenda packet for the July 19, 2023, Monroe County Commission meeting, which will be posted as of July 11, 2023, may be viewed on the County website at: The public can participate in the July 19, 2023 meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, FL by attending in person, or via Zoom. The Zoom link can be found in the agenda at: Dated at Key West, Florida, this 21st day of June, 2023. Kevin Madok, Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex ocio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida NOTICE OF HEARING TO REIMPOSE AND PROVIDE FOR COLLECTION OF DUCK KEY SECURITY SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Publish: June 29, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers
51 • CLASSIFIEDS, PUBLIC & LEGAL NOTICES • 305.743.0844 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES to be served must le their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must le their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of rst publication of this notice is: June 29, 2023. Personal Representative: TOMAS LARSEN 71 Auburn Street Medford, MA 02155 Attorney for Personal Representatives: STEVEN H. LINDE, ESQUIRE Florida Bar Number: 72089 LINDE LEGAL, PLLC 2332 Galiano Street, 2nd Floor Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Telephone: 305-722-5533 Primary E-Email: steven@ Primary E-Email: info@ Publish: June 29 & July 6, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO.: 44-2023-CP000115A-001KW IN RE: ESTATE OF CLEVELAND MCKINLEY MATHIS, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of CLEVELAND MCKINLEY MATHIS, deceased, File Number: 44-2023-CP000115A-001KW, whose date of death was November 21, 2022, is pending in the Circuit Court for Monroe County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Clerk of the Circuit Court, Probate Division, 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, FL 33040. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must le their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must le their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of rst publication of this Notice is: June 29, 2023. Personal Representative: KARREN CORNELIUS 1920 Grins Green Drive Bartow, FL 33830 Attorney for Personal Representative: ALLAN L. CASEY, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No. 150809 Law Oces of Allan L. Casey 395 Avenue C, N.W. Post Oce Box 7146 Winter Haven, FL 33883-7146 Telephone (863) 294-4468 Publish: June 29 & July 6, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NUMBER: 23-CP-56-P IN RE: ESTATE OF DONALD BRUCE IRWIN, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Donald Bruce Irwin, deceased, whose date of death was April 14, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Monroe County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 88770 Overseas Highway, Suite 2, Plantation Key, FL 33070. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must le their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must le their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of rst publication of this notice is: June 29, 2023. Personal Representative: China Alexis Irwin Galissard de Marignac 5017 Little Turtle Drive Birmingham, AL 35242 Attorney for Personal Representative: BAKER, DONELSON, BEARMAN, CALDWELL & BERKOWITZ, PC 100 S.E. Third Avenue, Suite 1620 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33394 Tel: (954) 768-1600 Fax: (954) 333-7636 Counsel for Petitioner: Duane Pinnock, Esq. Florida Bar No. 0568139 Josh A. Kravec, Esq. Florida Bar No. 1025518 dpinnock@bakerdonelson. com Publish: June 29 & July 6, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO.: 23-CP-159-K DIVSION: LOWER KEYS IN RE: ESTATE OF GENEVIEVE C. ISAKSEN Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Genevieve C. Isaksen, deceased, whose date of death was June 4, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for MONROE County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, Florida 33040. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must le their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must le their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of rst publication of this notice is: June 22, 2023. Personal Representative: John F. Isaksen 32 Spoonbill Way Key West, Florida 33040 Attorney for Personal Representative: Richard E. Warner Attorney Florida Bar Number: 283134 RICHARD E. WARNER, P.A. 12221 Overseas Highway MARATHON, FL 33050 Telephone: (305) 743-6022 Fax: (305) 743-6216 E-mail: richard@rewarnerlaw. com Secondary E-Mail: pamela2@ Publish: June 22 & 29, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO.: 2023-CP-000151-K IN RE: ESTATE OF WAYNE GEORGE BELL a/k/a WAYNE G. BELL a/k/a WAYNE BELL, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of WAYNE GEORGE BELL a/k/a WAYNE G. BELL a/k/a WAYNE BELL (the “Decedentâ€), whose date of death was October 17, 2022, is pending in the Circuit Court for Monroe County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Clerk of Circuit Court, Monroe County Courthouse, Probate Division, 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, Florida, 33040. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the Decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the Decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must le their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the Decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the Decedent's estate must le their claims with this court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702, FLORIDA STATUTES, WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of rst publication of this notice is: June 22, 2023. Personal Representative: ROBERT WAYNE BELL 49729 Nautical Drive Chestereld, MI 48047 Attorneys for Personal Representative: BULLOCH TAYLOR PLLC T. Robert Bulloch, Esq. Florida Bar No. 633127 Email: Courtney C. Pugh, Esq. Florida Bar No. 125106 Email: 1185 Immokalee Road, Suite 300 Naples, Florida 34110 Telephone: 239-383-7130 Fax: 239-776-3496 Publish: June 22 & 29, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers AUTOS WANTED AUTOS ALL YEARS! Junk or Used Cars, Vans, Trucks. Runs or Not. $CASH 305-332-0483 EMPLOYMENT HEALTH INSURANCE NAVIGATOR Enrollment Assistance, Outreach, Education and Community Events. Paid Training and equipment. Bi-lingual a plus. Call 305-767-3883 Coast to Coast Pizza Company in Marathon is looking for Front of the house cashier, part time, and Back of the house kitchen sta, part and/or full time. Will train, but should be self-motivated, quick learner, and team player. Salary commensurate with experience and includes tips and 401k. Please call Nicole at 305-4330515, or email nicole@ SS Wreck and Galley Grill on Grassy Key is looking for Line cooks, full or part time, and Servers/Hosts. Will train, but should be self-motivated, quick learner, and team player. Salary commensurate with experience and includes 401k. Please call Nicole at 305-4330515, or email nicole@ City of Marathon Current Job Openings: Right of Way Technician. Full Benets. EOE Please see City website for details Groundskeeper/ Maintenance person, KCB, Sea Isle Condominium, 20 40 hrs. per week, $25 per hr., apply by e-mail to, text or call 734-476-0531. The Cabana Club, an ocean front private swim club is seeking a CustomerService Oriented Server for the pool deck, beach and/ or bar lounge. Open year round, 10am-7pm daily. Small friendly sta. Above average hourly wage plus tips. Apply in person at 425 E. Ocean Dr. Key Colony Beach or call 404-2193359 and ask for Dave. Boat rental company in Marathon needs an Outboard Mechanic. Some general marina work, and boat experience a plus. Call 305-481-7006 Immediate openings for experienced plumbers and helpers (with or without experience we will train the right person). Must have a valid driver's license & clean driving record. Please apply in person at 10700 5th Avenue Gulf, Marathon or email resume to: LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that on July 19, 2023, Marathon Government Center, 2798 Overseas Highway, MM50, Marathon, Florida, 33050, Monroe County, Florida, at 9:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, intends to consider the adoption of the following County resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONTINUING THE ASSESSMENTS OF WASTEWATER SERVICE TO PROPERTIES IN THE BIG COPPITT, DUCK KEY, STOCK ISLAND, CUDJOE REGIONAL CENTRALIZED INNER AND OUTER ISLAND SERVICE AREAS, EAST/WEST LONG KEY, NO NAME KEY, MIDDLE/BIG TORCH KEY, AND EXPANDED PARCELS WITHIN THE CUDJOE REGIONAL SERVICE AREA FOR THE 2023 TAX YEAR; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The July 19, 2023 meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, FL will be in a hybrid format. The public will be able to participate live or via Communication Media Technology (“CMTâ€) using a Zoom Webinar platform at The public is encouraged to watch the meeting on Monroe County’s MCTV on Comcast Channel 76 or AT&T UVerse Channel 99. Also, if a citizen has a Roku device, they can search for and add “MCTV†to their personal lineup. Monroe County’s “MCTV†is also provided via the Monroe County mobile apps for iOS and Android and through our streaming web portal: https://mcboxx.zoomus/j/82032493400. Citizens can listen to audio only from their phone by dialing 646-518-9805 or 669-900-6833 and, when prompted, enter the Webinar ID# 820 3249 3400. Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, notice is given that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at such hearings or meetings, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. ADA ASSISTANCE: If you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodations in order to participate in this proceeding, please contact the County Administrator's Oce, by phoning 305-292-4441, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m., no later than ve (5) calendar days prior to the scheduled meeting; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call â€. Dated at Key West, Florida, this 21st day of June, 2023. Kevin Madok, Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex ocio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF COUNTY RESOLUTIONPublish: June 29, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers
52 • CLASSIFIEDS, PUBLIC & LEGAL NOTICES • 305.743.0844 Dolphins Plus Marine Mammal Responder now hiring Guest Service Representative responsibilities include assisting guests at our Key Largo and Islamorada locations, making reservations and/or answering questions over phone and in-person, taking and processing photos, and checking-in and out guests visiting our facility. To apply, please send your resume to MAINTENANCE POSITION w/ busy Non-profit. FT with benets. Long-term position w/room for growth. Valid DL required. Must have maintenance or related experience, computer skills and relate well with people. Very physical position, heavy lifting, heat, etc. Drug-free workplace. EOE Please send resume and cover letter to sholt@ NO phone calls. The Housing Authority of the City of Key West now hiring the following positions: Cook, Maintenance Administrative Assistant (bilingual preferred) Maintenance Mechanic (Maintenance Worker), Med Tech (caregiver), and Grounds Caretaker. To apply, please contact Human Resources at: or 305-296-5621 Applications are available at the Administrative Oce located at 1400 Kennedy Dr., Key West, FL 33040 or online at EOE & Drug Free Work Place. This opportunity is covered under Section 3 of the HUD Act of 1968. Place your EMPLOYMENT ad here for $25.00/week for up to ve lines of copy. Call 305-743-0844 today! HOBBIES/COLLECT. PRIVATE COLLECTOR WANTS Rolex, Dive Watches and Pilot Watches. Old Model Military Clocks & Watches. Call 305-743-4578 LOT FOR SALEOceanside-Lot with building permit in Tavernier $399K OBO 305-933-9594 OwnerAgent [3% to selling oce] SERVICES OFFEREDRegistered Nurse available to help with your home health care needs. Inhome care assistance is also available. Local references. 305-587-0892. Please call and leave message or text. YARD SALES Place your YARD SALE ad here for $25.00/week for up to ve lines of copy. Call 305-743-0844 today! • CLASSIFIEDS, PUBLIC & LEGAL NOTICES • 305.743.0844 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIANS AND HELPERS NEEDEDExperience is required. Must have a valid driver’s license. We offer 401K, medical insurance, paid holidays and paid vacation. Positions available in Key West and Marathon. 305-292-3369 Apply in person at Sunset Grille & Raw Bar, SUNSET GRILLE IS HIRING• Hosts • Waitstaff • Bartenders • Bar Backs • Bussers • Line Cooks • Dishwashers Please contact April at 305.407.3262 or for more information. 11710 OVERSEAS HWY, MARATHONNOW HIRING DIVE INSTRUCTOR MARATHON GARBAGE SERVICEWe are now hiring for the following positions:Diesel Mechanic Truck Helpers CDL DriversApplicants must apply in person to be considered.4290 Overseas Hwy, Marathon NOW HIRINGIN ISLAMORADA BOAT RENTAL STAFF FLEXIBLE HOURS & COMPETITIVE WAGES Need to have experience driving boats and a working knowledge of the Islamorada area by water. Duties include taking reservations, giving captains lessons and routine boat maintenance. Email Ma at Please include contact information and any relevant experience. NOW HIRING FT FRONT OFFICE ASSISTANT MARATHON, FL Duties to include invoice a nd inventory entry, booking airline shipments, creating and ling paperwork for i nternational shipments, scheduling inspections needed for i nternational shipments, customer communication and tracking, creating and maintaining customer accounts and some customer service. Must be procient in Microsoft Word, Outlook and Excel. This position requires high attention to detail and the ability to multitask. Compensation w i l l be dependent on experience. Benets package including vacation, sick days, holidays and 401K PSP retirement plan. Please send cover letter and resume to for consideration. No phone calls please. Apply Today EOE • M/F/V/D Member FDIC KeyWest Benefits CROSSWORD SOLUTION
53 • CLASSIFIEDS, PUBLIC & LEGAL NOTICES • 305.743.0844 • CLASSIFIEDS, PUBLIC & LEGAL NOTICES • 305.743.0844 THEME: BIOLOGY 101 ACROSS 1. *Lactuca sativa dish 6. Banned insecticide 9. Doorframe part 13. *Group of #3 Down 14. Top seed number 15. *Blood ____, diabetic’s concern 16. *Food poisoning-causing bacterium 17. Galley tool 18. Sushi restaurant staple 19. *Giant sequoia, e.g. 21. *Measure of energy 23. Auction call 24. Animal coat Russian 28. *Plural of cecum 30. *Fastest growing woody plant 35. Footnote acronym 37. Mosquito net, e.g. 39. Attention-seeking 40. Skier’s aid 41. Certain saxes 43. Sheltered, nautically speaking 44. Wive’s mother, e.g. 46. “____ we forget†47. Christian of haute-couture 48. Based on two 50. Colorado’s neighbor 52. European Nuclear Society 53. Beauty salon sound 57. *Dissolving agent 61. *C6H12O6 65. *Relating to trunk, neck and head 66. Lamb’s momma 68. With clear mind 69. Itty-bitty 70. The Weather Girls’ “It’s Raining ____†71. Fill with spirits 72. Ceases 73. Get the picture 74. Ascended DOWN 1. Design detail 2. Big name in gasoline stations 3. *Genus Panthera member 4. Improvise 5. Godlike 6. Point of entry 7. *Genetic information carrier, acr. 8. 9 a.m. prayer 9. Saturn’s daughter, Roman goddess 10. *Petri dish gel 11. The Wise Men 12. French appetizer 15. Scheherazade’s listener 20. Swelling of human organs 22. Priestly garb 24. Book cover prototype 25. *Fatty acids 26. Piano key material 27. Pancho of Mexican Revolution fame 29. *Basic unit of life 31. Fermented honey libation 32. Misrepresent 33. Theater, to Socrates 34. Deed hearings 36. “Wanted!†option 38. *Parasite’s ride 42. Stable room 45. Sagely 49. Major news network, acr. 51. Cargo carrier 54. Agenda entries 56. Round openings 57. Fill to satisfaction 58. Ox, pl. 59. What Pinocchio did 60. Popular walking shoe brand 61. *Basic unit of heredity 62. South American tubers 63. Web location 64. Paradise garden 67. Like Willie Winkie “Uplif ting the human spir it sinc e 1973â€T he Guidanc e/C ar e C en t er , I nc . a division ofBackground and drug screen req. COMPETITIVE PAY! EXCEPTIONAL BENEFITS!!! Check out all available positions at: (search by zip code) EEOC/DFWP THE GUID ANCE/C ARE CENTER, Inc .IS HIRING!KEY WESTBehavioral Health Therapist (Child, Adult) Behavioral Health Counselor (Children) Case Managers (Adult, Forensic) Substance Abuse Counselor Peer Support Specialist Prevention SpecialistMARATHONDriver (CDL required) Care Coordinator Behavioral Health Therapist (Child, Adult) RNs/LPNs 3 shifts (also Per Diem) Maintenance Specialist *Behavioral Health Technicians 3 shifts (also Per Diem) Peer Support Specialist *Support Worker – Assisted Living*No experience required for these positions. Will train. A caring heart & helpful hands required. GCC oers excellent benets for full-time employment, but we realize some would prefer part-time to enjoy the Florida Keys lifestyle more. All positions can be considered for full or part-time unless notated. Apply at and enter your availability. Open interviews Monday – Friday from 11am to 4pm at Oceanside Safari. Located at MM 73.5 right on the ocean at Caloosa Cove Marina, 73814 Overseas Highway, Islamorada. NOW HIRING FOH: HOSTS, SERVERS & BARTENDERSGreat pay, benets and perks. We oer a stable 40 hrs-per-week to our hourly employees, and more hours if you want! Part-time positions available if you are looking for a second job, or after-school job. We have re-opened as a brand-new full-service restaurant & bar, with a full kitchen with all brand new equipment, a beautiful bar, indoor and outdoor seating, and a beachfront lounge on our own private beach. COME JOIN US!**We are an Equal Opportunity Employer** Oceanside Safari Restaurant & Lounge, 786-626-6124 73814 Overseas Highway, Islamorada, FL 33036Oceanside Safari Restaurant & Lounge in Islamorada is NOW OPEN and serving lunch and dinner 7 days a week. TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION T&D ELECTRICAL ENGINEERStarting pay rate for this position, depending on qualifications and experience: $108,332/annually $111,365/annually For more information, including job duties and required qualifications, and to apply for the job, please visit their website at KEYS is an Equal Opportunity Employer. KEYS promotes a Drug-Free Workplace. Certain service members, veterans, the spouses and family members of service members and veterans, receive preference and priority in employment, and are encouraged to apply for positions being filled.Keys Energy Services, in Key West, Florida, is accepting applications for the following position in its Executive Department: SUBSTATION ELECTRICIANStarting pay rate for this position, depending on qualications and experience: $40.35/hr. $45.19/hr. For more information, including job duties and required qualications, and to apply for the job, please visit their website at KEYS is an Equal Opportunity Employer. KEYS promotes a Drug-Free Workplace.Certain service members, veterans, the spouses and family members of service members and veterans, receive preference and priority in employment, and are encouraged to apply for positions being lled. Keys Energy Services, in Key West, Florida, is accepting applications for the following position in its Transmission & Distribution Department: TRUCK DRIVERS CDL CLASS AWe are hiring CDL CLASS A Drivers, Monday-Friday with overtime available. Hazmat not needed.Apply at Charley Toppino & Sons, Inc. 129 Toppino Industrial Dr., Key West (ask for Cheryl) 305-296-5606 ext 126. DUI EVALUATOR/ INSTRUCTORThe Advocate DUI Program is hiring for part time positions. DUI instructors and evaluators 2 days a week, Bachelors or Masters degree in substance abuse eld required. Bilingual preferred, not required. Ofce located in Marathon. Contact Marcia at 305-704-0117.
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