Marathon weekly

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Marathon weekly
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Marathon weekly (Online)
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Marathon, FL
The Weekly Newspapers
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Newspapers -- Marathon (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Monroe County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
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United States -- Florida -- Monroe County -- Marathon
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Began with: January 9, 2010
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"Your locally owned community newspaper".
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"News - Enterainment - Arts - Fishing".

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University of Florida
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1 1 It’s hot. Drink plenty of beer at the BrewBQ. r ffntbfn t f f r r t ntffff n rfntbtbb A FEEL-GOOD FINDCapsized ship’s gear recovered | P.12BREWS ’N’ ’CUESThird annual BrewBQ is this weekend | P.8


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 2 JUST SOLD!CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR SELLER! JUST SOLD!CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR BUYER & SELLER! 305.289.6562 | | 815.329.5220 2 BIG PINE AVENUE, BIG PINE KEYAMY PRUMO & TOM CARDEN, REALTORS 305.289.6562 | | 815.329.5220 1 BIG PINE AVENUE, BIG PINE KEYAMY PRUMO & TOM CARDEN, REALTORS 305.289.6562 | | 815.329.5220 3 BIG PINE AVENUE, BIG PINE KEYAMY PRUMO & TOM CARDEN, REALTORS JUST SOLD!CONGRATULATIONS TO MY BUYER!MONICA 40 72ND STREET OCEAN, MARATHON RICK SERVAIS305.731.5010MONICA 16 CLARA BLVD., KEY COLONY BEACH RICK SERVAIS305.731.5010 WE’VE SOLD MORE PROPERTIES OVER THE PAST 20 YEARS THAN THE NEXT FOUR COMPANIES COMBINED CALL US TO FIND OUT HOW • 305.743.5181 Helping Keys Residents since 2002. The Coldwell Banker Schmitt Charitable Foundation was created in April 2002, and is dedicated to helping Keys’ residents whose critical needs are not being met through other means. The funds are donated to the Foundation through the generous hearts of the Coldwell Banker Schmitt Real Estate agents, sta, associates, business partners, and the public. C O L D WELL B ANKER SCHMITT C H ARIT A B LE FOUNDA TIO N JUST SOLD!CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR BUYER & SELLER! JUST SOLD!CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR BUYER & SELLER! JUST SOLD! CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR BUYER & SELLER! AMY PUTO, REALTOR305.766.1745 | WWW.AMYPUTO.COM135 COCO PLUM DRIVE, #3C


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 3 www.RoyalFurnitureAndDesign.comKEY LARGO305-451-5700MM 99 MedianKEY WEST305-295-6400Searstown by PublixMARATHON305-743-4397MM 50 OceansideCall 305-481-1790 to schedule a complimentary in-home consultation, or stop by any of our three stores:WINDOW TREATMENTSfeaturingINTERIOR DESIGN KITCHENS & BATHSFURNITURE All work performed by LOCAL, LICENSED & INSURED contractors. OVER $10M INVENTORY IN-STOCK & QUICK DELIVERY


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 4 9709 Overseas Hwy. Marathon, FL 33050 Publisher / Jason Koler Publishing Partner / Britt Myers Marathon Editor/ Mandy Miles Copy Editor / Mike Howie Director of Sales Business Development Production ManagerAnneke Patterson Executive Administrator Graphic DesignJavier Reyes Irene de Bruijn Diana Striker/ / Anneke Patterson Se habla espaolTHE MARATHON WEEKLY (ISSN AGE RATES IS PENDING AT FORT All stories, photos, and graphics are copyrighted materials. POSTMASTER: THE KEYS WEEKLY, 9709 THON FL 33050News DeadlineTuesday NoonAdvertising Deadline @theWeekly @KeysWeekly T only allow residents and businesses with property been installed at the Quay and 33rd Street boat Florida. by Marathon’s Turtle Hospital ALEX RICKERT LIGHT WORK FOR THE MARATHON CITY COUNCILMonthly meeting sees brief updates on parking and boat ramps, turtle lighting, workshop topics The city of Marathon hopes that boat ramp enforcement cameras installed by Pave Mobility will be fully operational in time for mini-season later this month, ensuring compliance with ramp usage fees for visitors while exempting locals from charges. ALEX RICKERT/Keys Weekly 98 nual Florida Keys BrewBQ. See RAPHY/Keys Weekly


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 5 The new school year is around the corner! Avoid rushing to book your child’s ANNUAL PHYSICAL at the last minute. Community Health of South Florida, Inc. (CHI) provides an affordable way to get your child back-to-school ready. CHI will be conducting school physicals onSaturday, August 5, 2023 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. BACK TO SCHOOL BACK TO SCHOOLSchool Physical Sports Physical $50 $40 $40Most insurances are accepted Evening and weekend hours are available Please bring immunization records Book an appointment at any of our pediatric locations before August 5th or at the participating location for School Physical day. Scan QR code for more information.No need to wait! With EKG Without EKG (786) 705-4835 (786) 705-4835 Schedule an earlier appointment before August 5SCAN HEREMarathon Health Center2805 Overseas Highway MM 48.5 Marathon, FL 33050


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 6 F u n i n t h e S u n Cha r t e r s 24 FT PRO KAT BOAT any charter to 7-31-2023 rffntbbf rrrtbbfrffrftf tbnrtfff bft 305.396.7235 • 7 KNIGHTS KEY BOULEVARD • MM 47 ( AT THE FOOT OF THE 7 MILE BRIDGE, OCEAN ) • SUNSETGRILLE7MILEBRIDGE.COM rf GRILLED ON THE POOL DECK• World Famous Cheeseburgers • Fried Egg Avocado Brat Cheddar Burgers • BBQ Bacon Wrapped Lobster • Bacon Wrapped Scallops • Bacon Wrapped BBQ Shrimp • Blackened Dolphin Sandwiches • Grilled Ribeye Sandwiches • Grilled Bratwurst • BBQ Baby Back Ribs • Chili Cheese Dogs 667 TH SUNDAY FUNDAY JULY 16, 2023 POOL PARTY KEYS SEAFOOD FEST ntbnb bt DRINK SPECIALS • $2 Coors Light • $5 Mango Painkillers • $5 Raspberry Daiquiris • $2 Jello Shots667TH SUNDAY FUNDAYJULY 16, 2023POOL PARTY KEYS SEAFOOD FEST


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 7 P L AZA GRILLSTEAK & SEAFOOD r f n t b r r r r t r r r ‘ ’ r A Taste of Key West Marathonin CASUAL DINING • RESERVATIONS NOT REQUIRED • PETS WELCOMED! • OPEN 11 A.M. 9 P.M. 7 DAYS A WEEK 35TH STREET, ON THE BAY (BEHIND THE STUFFED PIG) • MARATHON • 305-743-4353 Fish, Soups and Chowders & Key Lime Pie!Enjoy our daily specials like Homemade Soup or Chowder, Fresh Fish Sandwich or One of our Daily Specials while overlooking Florida Bay! Open for Lunch & Dinner Every Day!rfnt nb’ bbb nbb ft b bbb n WILD CAUGHT KEY WEST PINK SHRIMP ALL SIZES! t t OYSTERS | CLAMS FULL BAR AND THE BEST SUNSETS


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 8 B in the Keys is here. FRIDAY The 79th Street Band Abstract Radio SATURDAY John Bartus & Adrienne Z Lady A Band has now returned to her beloved Apache Dragon THE COMPETITION THE BEERS THE FOOD Restaurant & THE HOURS THE LOCATION THE COST THE LAYOUT THE MUSIC Photos by Sandra Lee Photography and Alex Rickert Everything you need to know about this weekend’s festival in MarathonALEX RICKERT Abstract Radio’s David Campbell.


9 I their best pork belly burnt end and THE QUESTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. THIN BLUE SMOKE & Jason Koler 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PITS ‘N’ GIGGLES Tyler Blanton 1. 2. Whatever it is will be better than Matt’s. 3. 4. above everyone else. 5. 6. 7. More than Matt. THE TACKLE BOX 1. 2. Box vendor booth this weekend. 3. tion. 4. Truth be told, sweet tea. 5. 6. 7. pounds or so. SMOKED ’QUE & Ashley 1. 2. 3 . 4. 5. We don’t kiss and tell. 6. Bob 7. Local smokers set to bring their best this BrewBQ weekendSANDRA LEE PHOTOGRAPHY/Keys Weekly ALEX RICKERT/Keys Weekly


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 10 OPEN HOUSES SAT JULY 15 11AM-1PM THE LISA FERRINGO GROUP COLDWELL BANKER SCHMITT Oce: 305.872.5261 Cell: 305.797.1221 57417 MORTON STREET MARATHON | $3,999,000rfrntb rrnrfrrrnnt frr nrrnntrn rfnnrnrfrrfbf ntrfrrnt bntrfrr nrfnrfnrn rnrfnr 800 CAMINO REAL MARATHON | $2,499,000rntnfr nrfrrnrnr ntfrn ntrntnrntn rfrrrnrnr nrnt‘fntn’r“ rfrrn”fnntrfr t•rfnnt rrnntr SAT JULY 15 11AM-1PM110 WEST BRUCE COURT MARATHON | $1,875,000–rrfrnntn nrnrfnrfrfrn —rn•rff nrrntr rnrrrrr nrn”nnt rftr rnt”fnrr rnrn 136 STAR LANE GEIGER KEY | $899,000rnnrnrf•r frntnrnrf rrtrr frnrf rntrnnrbr rrfnrnntr n”bnfnrnrfnr rrfrrnfrn rffrrr FEATURED PROPERTY 927 GULF DRIVE SUMMERLAND KEY | $2,399,000’rnnrrr– nrfnrtn‘rrfrr rnt–fnrfrntrrfnrnrnrrnrnrfn‘nfnrrfbnrn rfrntrfnnrrrntnrfnrfrnnnrrnntrrnrnr 143 DORSETT DRIVE MARATHON | $2,699,000 rrnnrrfn rnrnrrrf nt”fnnrn r•’’rftnnrf nrnrf—rtrrrtnrf rfnntnrfrr ’rntfrrntrn rt SAT JULY 15 10AM-12PM SUN JULY 16 11AM-1PM SAT JULY 15 11AM-1PM


11 33 Bleu Basil Artisian Pasta 55 Keys Shine 17 The Green House 30 The Last Resort Ministry FRONT Weekly Newspaper 51 Keys Talk GAMES & PLAY AREA VENDORS SPONSORED BY


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 12 M it. days earlier. person. tions with Better than Most. “Just that they didn’t have to do that at all. Just honesty, and SCUBA SAVEBetter Than Most divers make a Doug McComb makes an emergency satellite phone call from inside his vessel’s life raft. DAWN AUSTIN/Contributed Doug McComb and Dawn Austin had minutes to board their life raft as their WorldCat catamaran began taking on water on April 24. U.S. COAST GUARD/Contributed Better Than Most owners Jeanie, left, and Jason Schwenke ran an unexpected, yet successful, salvage mission. CONTRIBUTED


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 13 s weets avannahs.c om 3 0 57 4 3-3 13 1 33 1 3 1 8 919 O/s HWY mm 5 1.8 grea t gifts t o y s books B ake Shop & Ice cream gluten free trea ts t oo! 8 919 O/s HWY mm 919 O/s HWY mm 5 1.8 v o ted bes t Key lime Piein Mar a thon! Open D ai l y Sun Thurs 11am-9pm Frid a y & S a turd a y 11am -10pm C all with y our Q uestions305.743.2300K ar en F arley W ilk inson, Bill W ilk inson E X P ERIE N C E ISN ’ T E X P E NSIV E I T ’ S P R I C E L E S S Kar enBill K E Y T O T H E K E Y S R E A L E S T A T ESEA ISLE AT KEY COLONY BEACH KEY COLONY BEACH990 sq. ft. direct ocean building, fully furnished 2BR, 2BA unit. Gorgeous pool, ocean view from balcony. Booked Dec 11 through March 31. Great investment property. $567,000 Just what you have been waiting for. Direct ocean building, 2 bedroom & 2 bath. First level corner unit. Nicely updated and furnished. Just steps to Tiki and pool. $650,000 MLS #605922BUSINESS OPPORTUNITYLocal pawn shop. Located in central Marathon. $175,000 ML605021


14 THE BEST OF MARATHON NEEDS YOU! OIL BILLIONAIRES WON’T BUILD TEACHER HOUSINGMANDY MILES TRUMBO ROAD APARTMENTS FOR SCHOOL EMPLOYEES BACK TO SQUARE ONEThe oil billionaires who had board attorney Gaelen Jones. developers, Jones added. This aerial map shows the location of the school district headquarters on Trumbo Road in Key West that has long been discussed as a prime location for employee housing. CONTRIBUTED


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 15 Seafooddifferently Lunch: 11:30am 3:30pm Daily Captain’s Hour 3:30pm 5:30pm Daily Dinner: 5:30pm 10pm Daily (305) 209-9991 | 540 Duck Key Drive • Duck Key, FL 33050 Katie CarrilloREAL T ORDir ect: 305.879.2543Katie@IslandBreezeRealty .com Astrid RamirezREAL T ORDir ect: 305.509.0619Astrid@IslandBreezeRealty .com Jessica BoyantonREAL T ORDir ect: 305.304.9414Jessica@IslandBreezeRealty .com The Tides at Vaca Cut | 11890 1st Avenue, Gulf #9 OPEN HOUSE! 12220 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050305.743.8328 | Join us in viewing this luxury end unit at The Tides. Built in 2020, this 5 bedroom, 4 bath single family home offers 2293 sq ft of living space, chef's kitchen, 35 ft of dockage, private pool, amazing open water views, and large air-conditioned storage space under the unit. Offered at $3,290,000 Sunday July 16, 11:00 1:00 Hosted by Thursday July 20, 11:00 1:00 Hosted by


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 16 RECORD-BREAKING SALE841 W. OCEAN DRIVE, KEY COLONY BEACH5 BEDROOMS | 4.5 BATHROOMS | 5,165 SQFT | 30,555 LOT SQFT | SOLD FOR $6,999,000This M e d ite rra ne a n v illa , in the e x clusiv e , hig hly so ug ht-a ft e r co m m unity o f K e y Co lo ny B e a ch Just So ld ! A re m a rka b le sing le -fa m ily ho m e in K e y Co lo ny B e a ch, ha s re ce ntly b e e n so ld fo r a n a sto nishing $ 6,999,0 0 0 . R e a l e sta te a g e nt K a re n R a sp e , a to p p ro d ucing p ro fe ssio na l with B e rkshire Ha tha wa y Ho m e Se rv ice s K e ys R e a l E sta te , p la ye d a n instrum e nta l ro le in fa cilita ting this m o m e nto us d e a l. With he r e x ce p tio na l tra ck re co rd a nd unwa v e ring co m m itm e nt to clie nt sa tisfa ct io n, she ha s firm ly e sta b lishe d he rse lf a s a truste d e x p e rt in the fie ld . This la nd m a rk tra nsa ctio n, which re p re se nts a ne w re co rd fo r the hig he st sa le p rice o f a sing le -fa m ily ho m e in the a re a , which surp a sse d the p re v io us hig he st sa le p rice b y a n im p re ssiv e $ 999,0 0 0 . R a sp e co m m e nte d , "I a m incre d ib ly ho no re d to ha v e b e e n a p a rt o f thi s re co rd -b re a k ing sa le . It is a te sta m e nt to the a llure a nd d e sira b ility o f K e y Co lo ny B e a ch a s a p re m ie r d e stina tio n fo r lux ury re a l e sta te . I e x te nd m y wa rm e st co ng ra tula tio ns to b o th the se lle rs a nd b uye rs."K AR EN R ASPE, P.A.LUXURY COLLECTION SPECIALIST 305.393.9010 KARENRASPE.COM KARENRASPE@BELLSOUTH.NET 2023 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol areregistered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate.BER KSHIR E HATHAWAY HOM ESER VIC ES KEYS R EAL ESTATE9141 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY, MARATHON, FL 33050 305.743.76.36 | INFO@KEYSREALESTATE.COM @BHHSKEYSREALESTATEC O N G R A T U L A T I O N S T O T H E S E L L E R S & B U Y E R S !


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 17 Senior, Key West Football R.J. ESTEVEZ “R.J. has added size, strength and speed this offseason. He works hard in the weight room and on the field.” – Johnny Hughes, Key West football coach KEYS WEEKLY By: Tracy and Sean McDonald S Perhaps the busiest people at Martin, to see what the athletes and Marathon’s new leader will be Seen here with the 2023 basketball cheerleading squad, coach Michelle Macoskey, left, will lead this fall’s varsity and middle school football cheerleading teams. ALEX RICKERT/ Keys WeeklySUMMER BRINGS CHANGES FOR MARATHON HIGHPlans for Upcoming Seasons of Sports Are Underway


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 18 KEYS WEEKLY By: Tracy and Sean McDonald C niors this season, but return their top THE 2023 KEYS WEEKLY ALL-KEYS BOYS LACROSSE TEAMKey West junior attacker and captain sive MVP. ELLA HALL/Keys Weekly


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 19 KEYS WEEKLY By: Tracy and Sean McDonald SULLY MCDONOUGH Junior, Coral Shores Attacker MATEO LOPEZ Freshman, Key West Goalkeeper In ALEX SEBBEN Senior, Coral Shores Attacker Senior earn six takeaways. His versatility was season. EDDIE MOLINE Junior, Key West Goalkeeper/Defender Moline DOMINIC GONZALEZ Senior, Coral Shores Midfielder MACK HILL Junior, Key West Attacker In an abbreviated season due to injury, ANDREW KUMAR Senior, Coral Shores Midfielder TATE GARR Junior, Key West Defender With Athlete Award. LANDON BLACKFORD Senior, Coral Shores Midfielder Landon Shores. JONDEL TORO Junior, Key West Midfielder CHUCK JACOBSEN Senior, Coral Shores Midfielder One REESE JAHN Senior, Coral Shores Goalkeeper Senior MVPCoral Shores junior attacker Sully McDonough is the 2023 All-Keys Lacrosse MVP after a 28-goal, 17-assist season. DOUG FINGER/Keys Weekly


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 20 Monday: Closed | Tuesday Sunday: 11:00am 10:00pmBEST HAPPY HOUR& BEST MARGARITA13 YEARS IN A ROW www.s parkyslanding. com 305.363.2959MM 53.5 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida We will cook your and lobsterPlease bring cleaned & legal.LIVE MUSIC HAPPY HOUR4-6pmSATURDAY & SUNDAYRegular Menu A vailable and BRUNCH items including Chorizo Br eakfast Burrito, Guava Fr ench T oast, Crab Benedict and BOGO Mimosas & Glasses of Sparkling Wine S PECIALSMonday: Closed T uesday: Jumbo Gumbo Bowls T acos and T equila LIVE MUSIC: ROGER JOKELA W ednesday: Wine Time W ednesday ($15-$20 bottles) Thursday: Prime Rib Night LIVE MUSIC: JOHN BAR TUS Friday: Abstract Radio LIVE MUSIC: ABSTRACT RADIO Satur day: Brunch BOGO Mimosas & Sparkling Wine LIVE MUSIC: ROGER JOKELA Sunday: Brunch BOGO Mimosas & Sparkling WineCOME BY BOAT, BIKE, FOOT OR CAR! LIVE MUSIC HAPPY HOUR


21 I unhealthy. Today we’ll explore how Fruits and Vegetables by Season Free Exercise Options stress. Financial Benefits of a Healthy Life stability. ease and obesity. And as you learned in the nually. It is evident that invest “What would be your More information: • The World Bank. "How Does Health a Marathonbased ACSMsonal trainer and precision nutrition coach who owns and operates Highly Motivated Functionally JENNIFER BOLTZ HARVEYLIVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE ON A BUDGETFUNCTIONALLY CAFFEINATED WELLNESSARTBAGGAGE/Pixabay


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 22 Main Event Sponsor Main Event Sponsor Main Event Sponsor Main Event Sponsor Main Event Sponsor Main Event Sponsor THANK YOU!Many thanks to the wonderful PYROTECHNICSCREW AND PRODUCERS Chief Pyrotechnician: Randy Mearns Pyros: Mike Puto • Lyle Cameron • Billy Diaz • Denise Pankow Chris Pankow • Michael Mearns • Buddy Cameron Hammer Runyon Producers: City of Marathon • Fire Power Displays Radio Active Productions • Florida Keys Media Marathon Electric Sign & LightA VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU TO Monroe County Sheriff Department • FWC • USCG • Marathon High School Interact Club • Presents in Paradise • Marathon Fire & Rescue • Hammer Runyon & City of Marathon Staff • Leigha Fox • Kelly Vaughn Williams Sunbelt Rentals • Marathon U-haulEVENT CHAIR & COMMITTEEMike Puto • George Garrett • Lavarski Smith • Chad Scibilia • Sam Williams • Cara O'Neill • Brian Tewes • Robyn Still • Kelly Vaughn Williams • Kristina Helms HUGE THANK YOUTO OUR VOLUNTEERS! W e c ouldn ' t do it w i t hout youMike Puto • Lavarski Smith • Brian Tewes • Lorna Sanchez • Michael Cunningham • Mark Mayer • Nettie Mayer • Grimi Betancourt • Dennis Bishop • Dan Samess • Mike Leonard • Peter Rosasco • Louis Rosasco • Keith Douglass • Diane Douglass • Kurt Joseph • Lisa Joseph • Liz Santana • Howard Leitner • Lily Leitner • Mariann Finizio • Denis Timothy • Justice Lee Isom • Charlotte Quinn• Cara O’Neill • Patrick Stevens • Sophia Hutchins • Lynette Remund • Kiley Remund • Duane Webster • Scott Newton • George Garrett • Marlisa Garrett • Sam Williams • Kelly Vaughn Williams • Robyn Still • Chris Still • Brian Capo • Amy Capo • Carolyn Campbell • Tierce Scheel


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 23 rf n tbnt bff rf bff bff bff rf bff bff bff bff bff rf rf bff bff bff bff rf bff bff bff bff bff n tbnt n n tbnt tbnt tbnt tbnt n tbnt n tbnt n rf n rf n rf n rf tbnt tbnt rf rf rf n tbnt n n tbnt tbnt tbnt tbnt n tbnt tbnt n n tbnt rf n rf n rf n rf n tbnt tbnt rf rf rf tbnt tbnt tbnt tbnt tbnt n n n rf rf rf rf tbnt bff n tbnt tbnt tbnt tbnt tbnt n n n n n tbnt rf rf rf rf n rf rf rf rf bff bff n n n n All About Doors and Windo w s a y Mot el & R V Sit es Brian Capo Campbell Engineering C ent ennial Bank D ' Asign Sour c e Firs t St at K ey s Gr ass y Flat s R es or t IO A of Americ a Jack Fr ymir e K ey C R ealty K ey s Animal Hospit al K ey s T ile and St one Mar C Mar y Ann R o y s e and Mik e Ho wie T eam C oldw ell Bank er Nat alie Ar dis P A Discount Rock and Sand Pork y' s Ba y side R es t aur ant & Marina Pr of essional Fir t ers of Mar R o y al Furnitur e P . A . T Spark y' s C oas t t o C oas t Pizza/S S W r eck Barr y & orie Gauk el Florida K ey s A / C Ally K elley R ealt or A quarium Enc ount ers Cas t a w a y R es t aur ant CHI Douglass Marine Ernes Florida K ey s Ar Florida Keys Concierge Medicine Superior Electric Big Pine MedicalF ood f or T Ho w ar eitner C o r tus Mar C ommer c e K ey s C ontr ac ting Ser vic es r a E Rut skin Mar tin Keys Car w Midas T w elr Pr es ent s in P ar adis e Pr omotions Guy R egan Insur anc e A genc y r d E. W arner P . A . Sar r tus Sc out Boat s S w eet Sa v T t or e Mar T ruis t Bank W row C K / TEK TRS QO C P A P A Brutus Seaf ood o w Jew elr y and P a wn t c e K ey s K ey C r y & Alic e Anders on Mar Y ar d Mar K ey s Vivian Dodge Appr aisal C er r vic es Ale x P alma Dot Palm K elly Elec tric S w n b THANK YOU SPONSORS!


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 24 TOP PRODUCER FOR 12 YEARS Sam W i l l i a m sP A , R E A L T O RS am. W illiam s @Col d w ellB a n k er. c o m3 0 5 . 2 8 9 . 6 5 5 9 OVE R 55 G ATED COMM UNIT Y # S E L L I T W I T H S A M 3 4 Closed Y TD B U Y I N G O R S E L L I N G , T HIS I S T H E F A S T E S T W A Y T O R E A C H M E 735 50th Street, Marathon NEW CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY 781 9th St. Key Colony Beach850 E 105th Street, Marathon 1199 30Th Street, Marathon115 Windy Point Circle, Marathon 905 25th Street. Marathon 410 B 101st St. • MLS# 605385 1200 1st St. Gulf • MLS# 604517 115 Windy Point Cir LOT • MLS# 605361 319 Sombrero Beach Rd, #2 • MLS# 605462 1853 Sombrero Blvd. • MLS# 604623 161 Horvath • MLS# 604044 TBR • MLS# 605181 TBR • MLS# 603959 TBR • MLS# 602883 TBR • MLS# 605781 TBR • MLS# 602883 • $210,000 930 W 75th St.• MLS# 603803 • $1,570,000 12411 Overseas Hwy Slip • MLS# 605135 • $135,000 14 Clara Blvd • MLS# 604671 • $349,900 BK 1 Lot 5 • MLS# 600362 • $95,000 900 84th St. • MLS# 604095 • $700,000 161 Horvath Rd. • MLS 604044 • $760,000 11200 1st Ave Gulf • MLS 604044 • $1,599,000 1853 Sombrero Blvd. • MLS 604623 • $775,000 UNO B S T R UCTE D V I EWS O F T HE A T LANTI C OVE RLOOKING BOOT KEY HA RBOR 580 11th Street, Key Colony Beach POINT LOT ON SHELTER BA Y IF YOU NEED HOUSING FOR MULTIPLE EMPLOYEES, YOU’RE GOING TO WANT TO VIEW THIS PROPERTY. CAN BE 1 LARGE HOME OR HAS DENSITY TO EASILY MAKE IT A TRIPLEX. OR MAKE 1 LARGE DORMITORY STYLE LIVING. HOME WAS BUILT WITH THE ADDITIONS IN MIND. STILTED COLUMNS, ROOFLINE, SLAB ALREADY IN PLACE FOR THE BE PROUD TO LIVE AT. THEY WOULD HAVE YARD AND WATER ACCESS, PRIVACY ETC. THIS IS A MUST SEE. ZONED MIXED-USE. RESTAURANTS, CONTRACTORS, YOU'RE GOING TO WANT TO LOOK AT THIS. WITH THE ZONING THERE ARE MANY POSSIBILITIES HERE. BED AND BREAKFAST, CAMP GROUND, PROPERTY IS JUST SHY OF AN ACRE. 37.5 FT CONCRETE SEAWALL OPEN HOUSE 180 D E GRE ES OF INCRE DIBLE VIE W S 101 11th Street #47, Marathon S T ILT ED SINGLE FAM ILY HOM E


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 25 TOP PRODUCER FOR 12 YEARS Sam W i l l i a m sP A , R E A L T O RS am. W illiam s @Col d w ellB a n k er. c o m3 0 5 . 2 8 9 . 6 5 5 9 U N D E R C O N T R A C T CLOSED 1361 Overseas Highway, #B3, Marathon OVE R 55 G ATED COMM UNIT Y # S E L L I T W I T H S A M 3 4 Closed Y TD B U Y I N G O R S E L L I N G , T HIS I S T H E F A S T E S T W A Y T O R E A C H M E 735 50th Street, Marathon NEW CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY 781 9th St. Key Colony Beach850 E 105th Street, Marathon 1199 30Th Street, Marathon115 Windy Point Circle, Marathon 905 25th Street. Marathon 410 B 101st St. • MLS# 605385 1200 1st St. Gulf • MLS# 604517 115 Windy Point Cir LOT • MLS# 605361 319 Sombrero Beach Rd, #2 • MLS# 605462 1853 Sombrero Blvd. • MLS# 604623 161 Horvath • MLS# 604044 TBR • MLS# 605181 TBR • MLS# 603959 TBR • MLS# 602883 TBR • MLS# 605781 TBR • MLS# 602883 • $210,000 930 W 75th St.• MLS# 603803 • $1,570,000 12411 Overseas Hwy Slip • MLS# 605135 • $135,000 14 Clara Blvd • MLS# 604671 • $349,900 BK 1 Lot 5 • MLS# 600362 • $95,000 900 84th St. • MLS# 604095 • $700,000 161 Horvath Rd. • MLS 604044 • $760,000 11200 1st Ave Gulf • MLS 604044 • $1,599,000 1853 Sombrero Blvd. • MLS 604623 • $775,000 UNO B S T R UCTE D V I EWS O F T HE A T LANTI C OVE RLOOKING BOOT KEY HA RBOR 580 11th Street, Key Colony Beach STAFF HOUSING COMPOUND CALL FOR DETAILS POINT LOT ON SHELTER BA Y IF YOU NEED HOUSING FOR MULTIPLE EMPLOYEES, YOU’RE GOING TO WANT TO VIEW THIS PROPERTY. CAN BE 1 LARGE HOME OR HAS DENSITY TO EASILY MAKE IT A TRIPLEX. OR MAKE 1 LARGE DORMITORY STYLE LIVING. HOME WAS BUILT WITH THE ADDITIONS IN MIND. STILTED COLUMNS, ROOFLINE, SLAB ALREADY IN PLACE FOR THE BE PROUD TO LIVE AT. THEY WOULD HAVE YARD AND WATER ACCESS, PRIVACY ETC. THIS IS A MUST SEE. ZONED MIXED-USE. RESTAURANTS, CONTRACTORS, YOU'RE GOING TO WANT TO LOOK AT THIS. WITH THE ZONING THERE ARE MANY POSSIBILITIES HERE. BED AND BREAKFAST, CAMP GROUND, PROPERTY IS JUST SHY OF AN ACRE. 37.5 FT CONCRETE SEAWALL OPEN HOUSE 180 D E GRE ES OF INCRE DIBLE VIE W S 101 11th Street #47, Marathon S T ILT ED SINGLE FAM ILY HOM E


26 A piped underwater via speakers suspended be Several hundred divers and snorkelers listened — Contributed Kelly Angel, left, and Kara Norman rock the guitar and trumpet. Mermaid Donna Whitney serenades divers on the harp. Kristen Livengood takes on the task of lead vocalist.SUBSURFACE SONGSReef protection highlights Lower Keys Underwater Music FestivalMermaid Tamara Bredova strums the ukulele. Photos by FRAZIER NIVENS/Florida Keys News Bureau


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 27 O P E N S U N T H R U T H U R S D A Y , 1 1 AM 1 1 P M | F R I S A T 1 1 A M M I D N I G H T 3 5 S OMB R E R O B O U L E V A R D O V E R L OOK I N G B O O T KEY H A R B O RO N L Y W A T ERFRO N T D IVE B A R I N T H E M IDDLE KE Y S• C O L D B E E R , C O C K T A ILS & IN C R E D I B LE S P E C I A L T Y D R I N K S • D E L I C I O US F O O D T R Y O U R F A M O US C H I C K E N P O T P I E O R A U T H E N T I C S T R E E T T A C O S ! T H I S W EEK ’ SE N T E R T A I N M E N TTHURSDAY, JULY 13 MIKE V 6:30PM FRIDAY, JULY 14 DAN SULIVAN 3PM TY THURMAN BAND 8PM SATURDAY, JULY 15 THE LUKE SOMMERS BAND 8PM SUNDAY, JULY 16 TONY MANFREDI 3PM DOCKSIDE SUNDAY JAM 7PM MONDAY, JULY 17 SHAWN BROWN 6:30PM TUESDAY, JULY 18 TACO TUESDAY ALL DAY COUNTRY NIGHT WITH JIBSEA COWBOYS 7:30PM WEDNESDAY, JULY 19 PIRATE KARAOKE WITH JR JONES 7PM 2018 Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation. All rights reserved. ,TM and SM are registered trademarks licensed to Coldwel l B anker Real Estate Corporation. An equal opportunity company. Equal housing opportunity. Each office is independently owned and operated, except offices owned and operated by NRT In corporated. Covering All The Keys From Key Largo To Key West Upper Keys Weekly 91760 O/S Hwy, Ste 3 Tavernier, FL 33070 305.363.2957 Key West Weekly 5450 MacDonald Ave, Ste 5 Key West, FL 33040 305.453.6928 Marathon Weekly 9709 O/S Hwy Marathon, FL 33050 305.743.0844 MARATHON COMMUNITY CHURCHTHE PERFECT CHURCH FOR THOSE WHO AREN'T 3010 Overseas Highway305.481.7233 "For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks the door will be opened." — Luke 11:10 SUNDAY SERVICES 10AM IN THE SANCTUARYPastor Mary Ashcraft rfn r rfntrbbfbtrb tbbbb rfSecurities oered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisory services oered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc. Chapman & Cardwell Capital Management is not a registered broker/dealer and is independent of Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.


28 I do it. JUST THE TIPSFINALLY, SOME GOOD NEWS is the owner and operator of Noreaster Sport Fishing in Marathon. A Massachusetts native, Nick tuna and striped bass before moving to the Keys in 2005. CAPT. NICK BORRACCINOThe Edwards family with Noreaster for many years now and recently had a great mahi and mangrove snap per trip on the Noreaster 2 with captain Mike Nealis. CONTRIBUTED LETTER TO THE EDITOR tax dollars you should attend. prised at what you learn. S tion. What: Why: Where How: Recommended by: SHELF HELP


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 29 LICENSED & INSURED CPC 1459564 305.440.3282 5190 OVERSEAS HIGHW A Y , MARA THON amazingpoolsofthekeys.comDESIGN • INSTALLATION • RENOVATIONSPECIAL WATER FEATURES • DIAMOND BRITE • TILE COPING • RESURFACING Locally Owned and Operated Serving Summerland to Islamorada 982 OCOTILLO LANE | MARATHON VACANT LOT | $245,000 Envision what's next.ALLY KELLEY Global Real Estate Advisor 727.459.0493 12420 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY | MARATHON 2 BR | 2 BA | 900 SF | $1,125,000 MIXED USE COMMERCIAL6350 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY | MARATHON HERBIE'S BAR & CHOWDER HOUSE | $1,425,000 NEW LISTING33 SADOWSKI CAUSEWAY | KEY COLONY BEACH 2 BD | 2 BA | 840 SF | $850,000 NEW LISTING389 N ANGLERS DRIVE #201 | MARATHON 2 BR | 2 BA | 938 SF | $525,000 NEW LISTING124 SUNRISE DRIVE | MARATHON 5 BD | 5.5 BA | 4,908 SF | $6,900,000 NEW LISTING


30 But Gastesi noted the best part is “We’ve been blessed with the op Spottswood lauded Florida Sen. and divers. help us. said. — Contributed S Meanwhile, the old poles were poles. “We are pleased to work with POWERING A NEW REEFDecommissioned FKEC Electric Poles Marine Habitat ProjectsA Florida Keys Electric Coopera tive contractor removes an old transmission pole from the Sea Oats Beach region on Lower Matecumbe Key in Islamorada. ANDY NEWMAN/Contributed A Florida Keys Electric Cooperative contractor places an old transmission Beach region on Lower Matecumbe Key in Islamorada.


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 31 580 0 O V ERSEAS HWY | 3 0 5 .743. 5 8 8 84-6PM FOR UP-TO-DA TE INFO ON OUR MENU, MUSIC & EVENTSQUICK BITE HAPPY HOUR MENU$5OPEN7 DA Y S A WEEK 11AM12AMHAPPY HOUR DRINKS $3.50 WELL DRINKS $4 HOUSE WINES $3 DOMESTIC BOTTLES $2 OFF DRAFT BEER! 14 TV'S & SURROUND SOUND Monday $5 Margaritas Wednesday Paint Night 5pm with Paint by the Keys Free Trivia 8PM Thursday Wing Night 75cents 6pm 10pm Friday Prime Rib Night COME CELEBRATE SUNSET WITH LIVE CANNON SALUTE AND COMPLIMENTARY SHOTS! 1688 O/S HWY. • MM 48, GULF (BEHIND BLUEGREEN) • 305.289.6706Now serving breakfast $8.00 Tues Sun • 8:30am 11amTACO TUESDAYS LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 6 NIGHTS A WEEKALL YOU CAN EAT MAHI MAHI FISH FRYEVERY FRIDAY 5PM 9PM rfnn tb rfntbtn nrnrfntbt trfntbtn brftbt nfrfbtbt r f n r t bn n f rfrntb Keys Weekly 4.9" x 6.125" f f Need interior/exterior doors, windows or trim?We've got the Material, Quality , & Service11401 1st Avenue, Gulf, Marathon 305-743-3688 rf fnt nbnt n


32 Established in 2023, Luxe Aerial Photography & Videography is a full service photography & videography company made for real estate, vacation rentals, and businesses in the Florida Keys. We offer great packages and a la carte services including MLS photos, drone photo & video (FAA certified), 360 tours, marketing kits, floor plans and more. Owner, Danial Marrs says the key to success is fast turn around times, ease of use with our online ordering & delivery service and great customer service. "We make life easier for real estate professionals and vacation rental managers to market their listings with customizable, done for you markets kits ready for social media and print advertising as well as other unique services that are sure to add to your success" said Marrs. 305-767-3495 O — ContributedCOUNTY COMMISSIONER MICHELLE LINCOLN ELECTED FIRST VICE PRESIDENT OF FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES Monroe County Commissioner Michelle Lincoln at the Florida Associa tion of Counties’ annual conference. Lincoln will serve as the associa tion’s second vice president. FAC/Contributed


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 33 TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY | LUNCH 11-2:30 | DINNER 5 -10 TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY 4:20 -11 WEDNESDAY THRU SUNDAY | LUNCH 112:30 | DINNER 5 -10 BRUNCH SATURDAY & SUNDAY 112:30 WEDNESDAY THRU SUNDAY 4:20 11 TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY 4:20 paverdaveinc.comLicense #SP3573 r rr fntb Includes pressure wash, crack repair & 2 full coats of pool deck paint.keysprosurfacing.comkeysprosurfacing@gmail.comCALL OR TEXT786-894-7607DRIVEWAY & CARPORT COATINGS CUSTOM EPOXY FLOORING FROM $5.50 SQ FT BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER POOL DECK REFRESH SPECIALSFROM $1795


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 34 305.809.3672 BACHELOR OF SCIENCEIN EXCEPTIONAL STUDENT EDUCATION PREREQ BOOTCAMP! Apply Now! For more information contact Marissa Owens, CFK Director of Recruitment at or • Intro to the Teacher Profession • Intro to Special Education • Attend live classes in person or virtually Quickly complete two classes required for admission to the BS-ESE Classes begin July 31 FAST TRACK TO FALL!Receive essential info & personal guidance to begin your degree in August! KEY WEST CAMPUS Wednesday July 26 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.SIGN UP NOW!CFK.EDU/FASTTRACK RECRUITER@CFK.EDU | 305-809-3207 NO APP FEE (SAVE $30) $100 KICK-STARTER SCHOLARSHIP FOR NEW STUDENTS CFK GIVE-AWAYS


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 35 32 BEERS ON T AP V ETE RAN OWNED & OPE R A T E DHAPPY HOUR 1-4PM $7 Menu• Chicken wings, chicken livers and More! • 32 beers on tap 1/2 off 2pm 3pm * $2 Pints of Y uengling and Bud Light! BREAKFAST SERVED UNTIL 2PM• Unique & interesting menu • $3 Mimosas • $5 Breakfast ShotsLUNCH & DINNER• Lobster Enchiladas • Prime Rib • Local Lobster • Cook Y our Own Catch • Great Seafood SelectionsSUSHIBEST SUSHI & BLOODY MARY• T oro • Lionfish • Poke • Hamachi collar ThursdayMAKE R E SER V A T IONS A T C AST A W A YFLO R IDAKE YS.COM O R F ACE B OOK P AGE C AST A W A Y W A TERFRONT R E S T AURAN T & SU S HI B A R 72411AM to Close Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 10AM to Close Sat/Sun CLOSED Wednesday


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 36 One And “Need possible. Thank you. Please do not You will be invited to the rehearsal worse A that provides on the hour, so There Sadly, there are venues that It’s — Catch John live every Monday at Boondocks, Wednesdays at Brutus Seafood, and Thursdays at Sparky’s Landing. Find his music anywhere you download or stream your music. • johnbartus. hearnow.comTHE VALUE OF LIVE MUSICPayment for services received John Bartus is a singer-songwriter and the former mayor of Marathon. JOHN BARTUS BRIEFLY Forgotten Felines, Payton’s Promise to host fundraiser up on Sunday, July the Middle Keys. The event at Wireless zone to host backpack giveaway for kids On Sunday, July 30, Wireless be distributed while supplies City of Marathon, Hapynkeys team up for Color Run event Come take a class at the Marathon library The Marathon library has a wide Two men arrested for Fourth of July oil theft van. The business owner stated


37 ed in Texas and Delaware while Elaine and Wayne and their Key West. OBITUARY ELAINE FLORENCE BRENNER 1941-2023 SALLY LOUISE FLAGG 1943-2023Sally Born On In 1973, Sally joined her husband as owner and operator In Sally’s Everywhere She She A In


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 38 A m e m b e r o f t h e f r a n c h i s e s y s t e m o f B H H A f f i l i a t e s , L L C Covering All The Keys From Key Largo To Key West Upper Keys Weekly 91760 O/S Hwy, Ste 3 Tavernier, FL 33070 305.363.2957 Key West Weekly 5450 MacDonald Ave, Ste 5 Key West, FL 33040 305.453.6928 Marathon Weekly 9709 O/S Hwy Marathon, FL 33050 305.743.0844


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 39 rfntbb ntttt rfrntrbrrfnftbbrtrfbbrb rf rntb r rffrnnrtbnb bbbnnrrnfnt rbtrbbr r bb rf SQUIRT Looking for SWIPE RIGHTAdorable furry faces are waiting for families at the Florida Keys SPCAKeys See Blvd. BENDER shorthair. Looking for SASHA Looking for said.




41 • CLASSIFIEDS, PUBLIC & LEGAL NOTICES • 305.743.0844 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES AUTOS WANTED EMPLOYMENT FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the ctitious name of CONCHITA STUDIO located at 291 Front Street, Suite 114, Key West, Florida 33040 intends to register said name with the Florida Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida. By: Jasmine Jones Artworks LLC Publish: July 13, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Pursuant Florida Statute 713.585 F.S., United American Lien & Recovery as agent w/ power of attorney will sell the following vehicle(s) to the highest bidder; net proceeds deposited with the clerk of court; owner/lienholder has right to hearing and post bond; owner may redeem vehicle for cash sum of lien; all auctions held in reserve. Inspect 1 week prior @ lienor facility; cash or cashier check; any person interested ph 954563-1999. Sale date July 28, 2023 @ 10:00 am 3411 NW 9th Ave Ft Lauderdale FL 33309 38157 2018 Jeep VIN#: 1C4HJXDG8JW1872559 Lienor: Key West Chrysler Dodge Jeep 1618 N Roosevelt Blvd Key West 305-294-5126 Lien Amt $806.96 38158 2008 Jeep VIN#: 1J8GA59168L512790 Lienor: Key West Chrysler Dodge Jeep 1618 N Roosevelt Blvd Key West 305294-5126 Lien Amt $788.13 38159 2010 Dodge VIN#: 2B3CJ7DW7AH146606 Lienor: Key West Chrysler Dodge Jeep 1618 N Roosevelt Blvd Key West 305-294-5126 Lien Amt $1144.93 Licensed Auctioneers FLAB422 FLAU 765 & 1911 Publish: July 13, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Wheatons Towing gives notice that on 07/28/2023 at 10:00 am, the following vehicle(s) may be sold by public sale at 101500 Overseas Hwy, Key Largo, FL 33037 to satisfy the lien for the amount owed on each vehicle for any recovery, towing, or storage services charges and administrative fees allowed pursuant to Florida statute 713.78. Wheatons Towing reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1FMZU77E81UC04542 2001 FORD Publish: July 13 & 20, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE Florida Keys Council of the Arts Notice of Upcoming Meetings & Workshops The Florida Keys Council of the Arts will hold the following meetings via Communications Media Technology using a ZOOM webinar platform. The access points to view the meeting or for members of the public to provide public input will be: JOIN ZOOM via the Zoom app and use each meeting ID and password listed. Meetings are open to the public, and all are invited to attend.Questions, or to RSVP, please email Liz Young at In person Advisor Coee & Conversations Mon July 17 -Marathon Wed July 19 -Key West. Details/RSVP please email: director Art in Public Places Committee Meeting Tuesday July 18, 2023 12:00 PM Eastern Time Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 859 9355 1236 Passcode: 397163 Grant Panel Review Session Thursday July 20, 2023 03:00 PM Eastern Time Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 5712 1960 Passcode: 780411 Membership Committee Meeting Thursday July 27, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Time Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 876 7397 1803 Passcode: 722349 Board Meeting, Retreat & Advisor Orientation Thursday Aug 3, 2023 2:00 PM Eastern Time Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 867 9595 5978 Passcode: 632178 July 13, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers DISTRICT V ADVISORY COMMITTEE (DAC I) (Encompasses the City Limits of Key West) of the MONROE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL has an opening for a TOURIST RELATED BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE Shall be persons involved in business which is interdependent upon the tourist industry who have demonstrated an interest in tourist development but who shall not be employed in any position within the lodging industry (motels, hotels, recreational vehicle parks, and other tourist accommodations and whose business is in the tax collection district for which they are applying). Any person wishing to participate on the District I Advisory Committee of the Monroe County Tourist Development Council within the district so noted above, may request an application by emailing Completed applications should be emailed to sydney@a-keys. com or may be sent via U.S. mail to the address below: Department DAC Monroe County Tourist Development Council 1201 White Street, Suite 102 Key West, FL 33040 Deadline for receipt of application at the above address is Friday, August 18, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. A resume may be attached to the application. Publish: July 13, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers DISTRICT V ADVISORY COMMITTEE (DAC II) (From the City Limits of Key West to the West End of the Seven Mile Bridge) of the MONROE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL has an opening for a TOURIST RELATED BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE Shall be persons involved in business which is interdependent upon the tourist industry who have demonstrated an interest in tourist development but who shall not be employed in any position within the lodging industry (motels, hotels, recreational vehicle parks, and other tourist accommodations and whose business is in the tax collection district for which they are applying). Any person wishing to participate on the District II Advisory Committee of the Monroe County Tourist Development Council within the district so noted above, may request an application by emailing Completed applications should be emailed to sydney@a-keys. com or may be sent via U.S. mail to the address below: Department DAC Monroe County Tourist Development Council 1201 White Street, Suite 102 Key West, FL 33040 Deadline for receipt of application at the above address is Friday, August 18, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. A resume may be attached to the application. Publish: July 13, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers DISTRICT V ADVISORY COMMITTEE (DAC V) (From Mile Marker 90.940 to the Dade/Monroe County Line and any Mainland portions of Monroe County) of the MONROE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL has an opening for a TOURIST RELATED BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE Shall be persons involved in business which is interdependent upon the tourist industry who have demonstrated an interest in tourist development but who shall not be employed in any position within the lodging industry (motels, hotels, recreational vehicle parks, and other tourist accommodations and whose business is in the tax collection district for which they are applying). Any person wishing to participate on the District V Advisory Committee of the Monroe County Tourist Development Council within the district so noted above, may request an application by emailing Completed applications should be emailed to sydney@a-keys. com or may be sent via U.S. mail to the address below: Department DAC Monroe County Tourist Development Council 1201 White Street, Suite 102 Key West, FL 33040 Deadline for receipt of application at the above address is Friday, August 18, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. A resume may be attached to the application. Publish: July 13, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO.: 23-CP-122-K IN RE: THE ESTATE OF CHRISTOPHER PAUL SCHEWE, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of CHRISTOPHER PAUL SCHEWE, deceased, whose date of death was March 16, 2023, Case: 23-CP-122-K, is pending in the Circuit Court, Probate Division, the address of which is 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, FL 33040. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is served must le their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must le their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of rst publication of this Notice is: July 13, 2023. Personal Representative: LUCINDA ELLEN CALHOUN c/o Samuel J. Kaufman Law Oces of Samuel J. Kaufman, P.A. 3130 Northside Drive Key West, Florida 33040 Attorney for Personal Representative: Samuel J. Kaufman, Esq. Florida Bar No. 0144304 Law Oces of Samuel J. Kaufman, P.A. 3130 Northside Drive Key West, Florida 33040 Email designation for service: Service.Probate@ Telephone: (305) 292-3926 Fax: (305) 295-7947 Publish: July 13 & 20, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2023-DR-33-P IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF: T.A.G. DOB 09/08/11 D.O.B.F. DOB 01/11/13 Minor Child NOTICE OF ACTION (JOINT PETITION FOR STEPPARENT ADOPTION) TO: THOMAS G. GALLAGHER YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that Michael Stevens & Renee D. Foster, has led a Joint Petition for Adoption by Step-Parent for the following children: T.A.G., born on September 8, 2011 and D.O.B.F., born on January 11, 2013. A copy of the Petition is on le with the Clerk of the Court. You are hereby commanded to appear on August 16, 2023, at 10:45 am, before the Honorable Magistrate Sandra Taylor, at the Plantation Key County Courthouse, 88770 Overseas Highway, Tavernier, Florida 33070, by zoom with a zoom meeting ID 967-4668-8252 and passcode 207718 for an ADVISORY HEARING. Answer due August 14, 2023. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE JOINT PETITION FOR STEPPARENT ADOPTION. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD OR CHILDREN NAMED IN THIS NOTICE. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Cheryl Alfonso, 502 Whitehead Street, Key West, Florida 33040, 305-2923562 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notication if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice-impaired, call 711 WITNESS my hand as Clerk of said Court and the Seal thereof, this 26th day of June, 2023. KEVIN MADOK, as Clerk of Court By: Jennifer Havengar Deputy Clerk Publish: July 13, 20 & 27 and August 3, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 23-DR-518-K YAMILET ORTUETA Petitioner, and, JOSE A. KLEPASKI, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE (NO CHILD OR FINANCIAL SUPPORT) TO: JOSE A. KLEPASKI RESPONDENT’S LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been led against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on YAMILET ORTUETA, whose address is 529 PARK DRIVE, KEY WEST, FL 33040 on or before AUGUST 14, 2023, and le the original with the clerk of this Court at 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, FL 33040, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or personal property should be divided: NONE Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s oce. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s oce notied of your current address. (You may le Designation of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the address(es) on record at the clerk’s oce. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. Dated: July 6, 2023 Kevin Madok, CPA Clerk of the Circuit Court Monroe County, Florida By: Riza Hall Deputy Clerk Publish: July 13, 20 & 27 and August 3, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 23-DR-520-K JUAN FELIPE JARA GALLEGUILLOS Petitioner, and, CLAUDIA SUSANA ALMEIDA CHACON, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE (NO CHILD OR FINANCIAL SUPPORT) TO: CLAUDIA SUSANA ALMEIDA CHACON RESPONDENT’S LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: 112 PEARY COURT, UNIT B, KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been led against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on JUAN FELIPE JARA GALLEGUILLOS, whose address is 112 PEARY COURT, UNIT B, KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 on or before AUGUST 14, 2023, and le the original with the clerk of this Court at 500 WHITEHEAD STREET, KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or personal property should be divided: NONE Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s oce. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s oce notied of your current address. (You may le Designation of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the address(es) on record at the clerk’s oce. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. Dated: July 11, 2023 Kevin Madok, CPA Clerk of the Circuit Court Monroe County, Florida By: Riza Hall Deputy Clerk Publish: July 13, 20 & 27 and August 3, 2023 The Weekly Newspapers AUTOS ALL YEARS! Junk or Used Cars, Vans, Trucks. Runs or Not. $CASH 305-332-0483 BOAT SLIP FOR RENT Boat Slip For Rent with parking for boat trailer and car. 80’ wet slip on easily accessible canal less than 100 yards to ocean. Two boats 34’ or less can easily be docked. $150.00/ week with monthly rental availability. Call or text 336-408-8140 or look at dockage and slip at 901 63rd St. Ocean West, Marathon or email EMPLOYMENTWe are looking for a hard-working, selfmotivated salesman in Islamorada with previous and demonstratable sales experience. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IF YOU: Oversleep, have no alarm clock, have no car, have court often, have no baby sitter every day, have to give friends rides to work later than we start work, experience at tires every week, have to hold on to cell phone all day, need to go on a vacation in the next three weeks, or become an expert at your job with no need to learn or take advice after the rst day. Should not expect to receive Purple Ribbons or Gold Stars for showing up. If this is you, please send your resume to: brandon@ HEALTH INSURANCE NAVIGATOR Enrollment Assistance, Outreach, Education and Community Events. Paid Training and equipment. Bi-lingual a plus. Call 305-767-3883 City of Marathon Current Job Openings: Right of Way Technician. Full Benets. EOE Please see City website for details Groundskeeper/ Maintenance person, KCB, Sea Isle Condominium, 20 40 hrs. per week, $25 per hr., apply by e-mail to, text or call 734-476-0531. Immediate openings for experienced plumbers and helpers (with or without experience we will train the right person). Must have a valid driver's license & clean driving record. Please apply in person at 10700 5th Avenue Gulf, Marathon or email resume to: Boat rental company in Marathon needs an Outboard Mechanic. Some general marina work, and boat experience a plus. Call 305-481-7006 SALES REPRESENTATIVE WANTED in Islamorada. We are seeking a highly motivated Sales Representative to join our team. The successful candidate will be responsible for generating revenue through the sale of all our products. You will be responsible for developing and cultivating new and existing leads that come in through walk-in trac, online leads, telephone prospecting, and special events. A proven track record in sales in a plus. On the job training is available for the right person. If you are a selfdriven, results-oriented individual with a passion for sales, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity. Please send your resume to brandon@ Dolphins Plus Marine Mammal Responder now hiring Guest Service Representative responsibilities include assisting guests at our Key Largo and Islamorada locations, making reservations and/or answering questions over phone and in-person, taking and processing photos, and checking-in and out guests visiting our facility. To apply, please send your resume to Dolphins Plus Marine Mammal Responder is hiring an overnight Security Guardresponsibilities include but are not limited to observing marine mammals to ensure quality care, the ability to follow written instructions, and follow protocol and procedures as directed. Candidates must be able to lift 50 lbs and must be able to stay awake and alert for a 13 hour shift (6:00pm7am). DPMMR is a drugfree workplace. To apply, please send your resume to MAINTENANCE POSITION w/ busy Non-profit. FT with benets. Longterm position w/room for growth. Valid DL required. Must have maintenance or related experience, computer skills and relate well with people. Very physical position, heavy lifting, heat, etc. Drug-free workplace. EOE Please send resume and cover letter to sholt@ NO phone calls. The Cabana Club, an ocean front private swim club is seeking a CustomerService Oriented Server for the pool deck, beach and/ or bar lounge. Open year round, 10am-7pm daily. Small friendly sta. Above average hourly wage plus tips. Apply in person at 425 E. Ocean Dr. Key Colony Beach or call 404-2193359 and ask for Dave. LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES


42 Gabriela Tejeda drove down a halt. side eye. how she will interpret and represent our Gabby help us tell that story in a way to to Nat Geo like other people I know. She’s done all this all on her own. That says a to the Florida Keys. And she has stayed ENTRANCED WITH THE WILDCHARLOTTE TWINE Tavernier Resident & National Geographic Young Explorer Tells Innovative Nature StoriesThe creature that launched Tejeda’s viral video: a barred owl. GABRIELA TEJEDA/Contributed CONTRIBUTED


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 43 Having Fun in the Middle Keys 1090 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY | MARATHON | 305.743.5999 | PIGEONKEY.NET GUIDED HISTORIC ISLAND TOURS FAMILY FUN | SNORKEL FROM SHORE GIFT SHOP | MUSEUM | FISHING MEET SEA TURTLES AT THE TURTLE HOSPITALOPEN TO THE PUBLIC. CALL 305-743-2552 FOR RESERVATIONS. 2396 Overseas Highway Gulf, Marathon Now accepting online reservationswww.turtlehospital.orgNOW ACCEPTING VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER@TURTLEHOSPITAL.ORG OP E N f or p rogram s OP E N p rogram NOW HIRING Educators w w w .MAR A THON L A D Y .ne t MARATH ON L A D Y D O CKSU .S.1 a t V a ca Cut B ridge M i le M a rker 5 3, M a rathon3 0 5 . 743.558 0PLEASE MAKE SURE T O CALL AHEAD FOR RESER V A TIONS.MOR N ING TRI P S 8 : 3 0am 12 : 30p m NIGHT TRIP 6:30pm to midnight. 3 05. 743.9100 • 555 0 O / S H wy • Maratho n MM5 0 a t the st opl i g ht • Open 9 a.m. t o 5 p.m. Mon -Sat N oon t o 5 p.m. Sunda y s • c ran epoint. n e t REC ONNE C T WITH N ATUR E M u seu m & Na t u r e C e n t e r• 63 ACRES OF Proud to be listed on the National Historic Registry!TROPICAL HARDWOOD HAMMOCK • 1.4 MILES OF WALKING TRAILS • NATURAL FISH PEDICURE STATION • BUTTERFLY GARDENS • NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM • THE HISTORIC ADDERLEY HOUSE • BEAUTIFUL VIEWS OF THE BAY • HISTORIC CRANE HOUSE


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 44 • CLASSIFIEDS, PUBLIC & LEGAL NOTICES • 305.743.0844 The Housing Authority of the City of Key West now hiring the following positions: Cook, Maintenance Administrative Assistant (bilingual preferred) Maintenance Mechanic (Maintenance Worker), Med Tech (caregiver), and Grounds Caretaker. To apply, please contact Human Resources at: or 305-296-5621 Applications are available at the Administrative Oce located at 1400 Kennedy Dr., Key West, FL 33040 or online at www. EOE & Drug Free Work Place. This opportunity is covered under Section 3 of the HUD Act of 1968. Place your Employment Ad here for $25.00/week for up to ve lines of copy. Call 305-743-0844 today! HOBBIES/COLLECT.PRIVATE COLLECTOR WANTS Rolex, Dive Watches and Pilot Watches. Old Model Military Clocks & Watches. Call 305-743-4578 LOT FOR SALEOceanside-Lot with building permit in Tavernier $399K OBO 305-933-9594 OwnerAgent [3% to selling oce] 3 yr. old soft-coated Wheaten Terrier, neutered male, good jogger, trained. AKC registered. Price negotiable. 505-699-4199 YARD SALESPlace your YARD SALE Ad here for $25.00/week for up to ve lines of copy. Call 305-743-0844 today AND SELL YOUR STUFF! • CLASSIFIEDS, PUBLIC & LEGAL NOTICES • 305.743.0844 EMPLOYMENT PETS FOR SALE EMPLOYMENT Apply in person at Sunset Grille & Raw Bar, SUNSET GRILLE IS HIRING• Hosts • Waitstaff • Bartenders • Bar Backs • Bussers • Line Cooks • Dishwashers Please contact April at 305.407.3262 or for more information.11710 OVERSEAS HWY, MARATHONNOW HIRING DIVE INSTRUCTOR MARATHON GARBAGE SERVICEWe are now hiring for the following positions:Diesel Mechanic Truck Helpers CDL DriversApplicants must apply in person to be considered.4290 Overseas Hwy, Marathon NOW HIRINGIN ISLAMORADA BOAT RENTAL STAFF FLEXIBLE HOURS & COMPETITIVE WAGES Need to have experience driving boats and a working knowledge of the Islamorada area by water. Duties include taking reservations, giving captains lessons and routine boat maintenance. Email Ma at Please include contact information and any relevant experience. SUDOKU SOLUTIONWe are looking for a hard-working, self-motivated salesman in Islamorada with previous and demonstratable sales experience. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IF YOU: oversleep, have no alarm clock, have no car, have court often, have no baby sitter every day, have to give friends rides to work later than we start work, experience at tires every week, have to hold on to cell phone all day, need to go on a vacation in the next three weeks, or become an expert at your job with no need to learn or take advice after the rst day. Should not expect to receive Purple Ribbons or Gold Stars for showing up. If this is you, please send your resume to: DOLPHIN RESEARCH CENTER IS HIRING Dolphin Research Center has Full-Time/Part-Time, Permanent/Temporary Gift Shop positions that involve direct contact with our visitors & is another opportunity to ensure they leave DRC with a happy & positive experience. Some of the duties involve; being familiar with all merchandise in the selling area, suggest specific merchandise & offer product advise. Walk around the grounds and see dolphins every day. Job description available at E-mail your resume and a DRC application to EOE58901 O/S Hwy Grassy Ke y , FL T eaching... Learning... Caring TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION T&D ELECTRICAL ENGINEERStarting pay rate for this position, depending on qualifications and experience: $108,332/annually $111,365/annually For more information, including job duties and required qualifications, and to apply for the job, please visit their website at KEYS is an Equal Opportunity Employer. KEYS promotes a Drug-Free Workplace. Certain service members, veterans, the spouses and family members of service members and veterans, receive preference and priority in employment, and are encouraged to apply for positions being filled.Keys Energy Services, in Key West, Florida, is accepting applications for the following position in its Executive Department: SUBSTATION ELECTRICIANStarting pay rate for this position, depending on qualications and experience: $40.35/hr. $45.19/hr. For more information, including job duties and required qualications, and to apply for the job, please visit their website at KEYS is an Equal Opportunity Employer. KEYS promotes a Drug-Free Workplace.Certain service members, veterans, the spouses and family members of service members and veterans, receive preference and priority in employment, and are encouraged to apply for positions being lled. Keys Energy Services, in Key West, Florida, is accepting applications for the following position in its Transmission & Distribution Department:PEDRO FALCON CONTRACTORS INC. JOIN OUR TEAM !WE ARE HIRING FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS:• Carpenters • Laborers • Electricians & Electricians helpers • Supervisor(s) Email resume to or call our office at 305-872-2200. Competitive pay & benefits. Contact us for more information. O ffice located in Big Pine Key.P.F.C, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Section 3 Candidates are encouraged to apply. NOW HIRING FT FRONT OFFICE ASSISTANT MARATHON, FL Duties to include invoice a nd inventory entry, booking airline shipments, creating and ling paperwork for i nternational shipments, scheduling inspections needed for i nternational shipments, customer communication and tracking, creating and maintaining customer accounts and some customer service. Must be procient in Microsoft Word, Outlook and Excel. This position requires high attention to detail and the ability to multitask. Compensation w i l l be dependent on experience. Benets package including vacation, sick days, holidays and 401K PSP retirement plan. Please send cover letter and resume to for consideration. No phone calls please.


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 45 • CLASSIFIEDS, PUBLIC & LEGAL NOTICES • 305.743.0844 • CLASSIFIEDS, PUBLIC & LEGAL NOTICES • 305.743.0844 “Uplif ting the human spir it sinc e 1973”T he Guidanc e/C ar e C en t er , I nc . a division ofBackground and drug screen req. COMPETITIVE PAY! EXCEPTIONAL BENEFITS!!! Check out all available positions at: (search by zip code) EEOC/DFWP THE GUID ANCE/C ARE CENTER, Inc .IS HIRING!KEY LARGOAdvocateKEY WESTSubstance Abuse Counselor Peer Support Specialist Prevention Specialist Advocate Behavioral Health Therapist (Child, Adult) Behavioral Health Counselor (Children) Case Managers (Adult, Forensic)MARATHONDriver (CDL required) Care Coordinator Behavioral Health Therapist (Child, Adult) RNs/LPNs 3 shifts (also Per Diem) Maintenance Specialist *Behavioral Health Technicians 3 shifts (also Per Diem) Peer Support Specialist *Support Worker – Assisted Living*No experience required for these positions. Will train. A caring heart & helpful hands required. GCC oers excellent benets for full-time employment, but we realize some would prefer part-time to enjoy the Florida Keys lifestyle more. All positions can be considered for full or part-time unless notated. Apply at and enter your availability. TRUCK DRIVERS CDL CLASS AWe are hiring CDL CLASS A Drivers, Monday-Friday with overtime available. Hazmat not needed.Apply at Charley Toppino & Sons, Inc. 129 Toppino Industrial Dr., Key West (ask for Cheryl) 305-296-5606 ext 126. DUI EVALUATOR/ INSTRUCTORThe Advocate DUI Program is hiring for part time positions. DUI instructors and evaluators 2 days a week, Bachelors or Masters degree in substance abuse eld required. Bilingual preferred, not required. Ofce located in Marathon. Contact Marcia at 305-704-0117. EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIANS AND HELPERS NEEDEDExperience is required. Must have a valid driver’s license. We offer 401K, medical insurance, paid holidays and paid vacation. Positions available in Key West and Marathon. 305-292-3369 r f f n n r f t b bfntbfff f r tfnnDOLPHIN RESEARCH CENTERf br rf rr rrrr rr r‘rr Apply • M/F/V/D Member FDIC Key West Benefits


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 46 LET’S DO BUSINESS 305.743-0844 Leslie ChristensenOWNERphone 305-743-6881 Leslie @ 9141 Overseas Hwy, Marathon Mon Fri 8:30am 5:00pm • 6681 Overseas Hwy, Marathon keystilestone @ • • 305.743.7053 SALES | INSTALLATION | SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN REMODELS & NEW CONSTRUCTION FOR OVER 20 YEARSLic & Ins SP3696 Licensed & Insured Contractor # CACO53827 ARTIC TEMP, INC. Air Conditioning & RefrigerationResidential, Commercial & Marine Ice Machine Sales Service Phone: (305) 743-5288 Fax: (305) 743-6887 Brian Tewes Customer service is my strength Brian@tewesmortgage.comNMLS# 375025 Tewes Mortgage NMLS# 1453791 NMLSConsumerAccess.orgT ewes Mortgagewww.TewesMortgage.comCall 305.495.6000for a FREE Consultation Your local, residential lending expert! Tewes Mortgage NMLS# 1453791 ewes Mortgage Your local, residential lending expert! rfn tbnfbnnnn nnnbbnrnrfntbf Alexia Mann Owner11400 Overseas Hwy, Suite 103, Marathon, FL 33050 TheOwlLibrary1@gmail.com404.988.2259 When it comes to solar and power storage for your home in the Florida Keys, turn to the Florida Keys Local Experts at SALT 2992 Overseas Highway Marathon, FL 33050 SOLAR DONE RIGHT!CALL US FOR A FREE HOME ESTIMATEFlorida Solar Contractor CVC 56734 Florida Electrical Contractor EC13008657A division of SALT Service, serving The Keys since 1989 Barbara SanchezHome & Oces Expertly Cleaned Fast Dependable Service“We Clean Your Place, Like it Was Our Place”Excellent References Upon Request305-766-0819 305-924-0179 Kitchen Cabinets SalesKitchenKorner/Fred's Beds REAL Wood Cabinets at Particle Board Prices Custom canvas and upholstery for all marine, commercial and residential projects! www.coastalmarineupholstery.com954.540.8397We come to you for on-site service.Most projects can be completed in 30 days or less. Ask for details. 305.934.8536 Dale Coburn, Aorney305.743.9858 6807 Overseas Hwy, Marathon FL


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 47 LET’S DO BUSINESS 305.743.0844 MARATHON • KEY COLONY OWNERS 390START EARNINGMAXIMIZE YOUR INCOME POTENTIAL ENJOY EXPERT PROPERTY MAINTENANCE OFFER YOUR GUESTS A VIP EXPERIENCE WWW.KEYSRENTALSONLINE.COM Andy ’ s Sliding Glass D oor Rep a i r R oller Mainten a n c e T rack Mainten a n c e D oor A lignmen t S ecu r i ty Pins S afety Locks Handle s305-998-8953 Insured • Professional • Reliable We Also Repair & Replace Patio Door Screens When It Rains It Pours!Need 7” Gutters? We have 6” & 7” Seamless • Copper SpecialistsKey West 305-292-2666 MARATHON 305-743-0506 KEY LARGO 305-852-5356rainsavergutters@gmail.comLic No. SP1481 Licensed & Insured #SP33799 ALL KEYS GLASSAuthorized Dealer 305-743-7800 Floor & Wall Tiles Porcelain/Planks Marble Carpets Quartz & Granite Countertops Lic#SP-3562 FREE ESTIMA TESU.S.1 & 109th St, Marathon(Across from Beall’s Outlet) 289-3019 W e Do Installations!Lic ensed & Insur ed Marble rfntb bntnf bnffb ttn bbn rf Will CampbellPresidentCell: 305-363-8330 Oce: 305-735-4626 P.E. Lic. No: 79269 5800 Overseas Hwy. Unit 32 Marathon, FL. 33050 Serving Key Largo to Key West Karen Raspe, PASales AssociateKeys Real Estate9141 Overseas Highway Marathon, FL 33050 305-393-9010 r f f A member of the franchise system of BHHS Affiliates, LLC GENERAL CONTRACTORS & ENGINEERS Proud member of: Proud member of: INTERNATIONALCONCRETEREPAIR INSTITUTESPALLINGEXPERTS CGC1523838 CGC1523838 Garage Floor Epoxy Pool Decks Painted Pools Painted • Concrete Sealing • Rachel SandersonSALES PROPERTY 305.393.3076 Serving Monroe, Dade & Broward Serving Monroe, Dade & Serving Monroe, Dade & Broward Serving Monroe, Dade & Broward Serving Monroe, Dade & Broward Serving Monroe, Dade & Broward 305-743-7454 305-743-7454 305-743-7454 305-743-7454 305-743-7454 305-743-7454 305-743-7454 305-743-7454 305-743-7454 305-743-7454 305-743-7454 305-743-7454 305-743-7454 305-743-7454 Including Airports & Ports. SUV, Van & Limousine options available Call us for special events. Including Airports & Ports. SUV, Van & Limousine options available Call us for special events. Including Airports & Ports. SUV, Van & Limousine options available Call us for special events. Including Airports & Ports. SUV, Van & Limousine options available Call us for special events. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. Including Airports & Ports. SUV, Van & Limousine SUV, Van & Limousine SUV, Van & Limousine SUV, Van & Limousine SUV, Van & Limousine SUV, Van & Limousine SUV, Van & Limousine SUV, Van & Limousine SUV, Van & Limousine SUV, Van & Limousine SUV, Van & Limousine SUV, Van & Limousine SUV, Van & Limousine SUV, Van & Limousine SUV, Van & Limousine options available options available options available options available options available options available options available options available options available options available options available options available options available options available options available Call us for special events. Call us for special events. Call us for special events. Call us for special events. Call us for special events. Call us for special events. Call us for special events. Call us for special events. Call us for special events. Call us for special events. Call us for special events. Call us for special events. Call us for special events. Call us for special events. Call us for special events. Including Airports & Ports. SUV, Van & Limousine options available Call us for special events. L iz Samess Interiors Design, Decorating, Drafting, & MoreCELL: (954) 801-7883Email: Marathon, FL 33050Liz Samess Interior Designer WILLIAM JONESHOME INSPECTOR305-619-2754 625 U.S. Hwy 1, Ste. 101 * Key West, FL 33040


MARATHON WEEKLY / JULY 13, 2023 48 T H E P A L M D E C KA T T H E R H U M H O U S E M A R A T H O N ’ S O N L Y R O O F T O P L O U N G E I S S m a l l p l a t e s , l o c a l s p e c i a l s , a n d . r o t a t i n g e n t r e e s t o s h a r e a n d p a i r . E n j o y a n i n t e r e s t i n g w i n e & c o c k t a i l m e n u . C O C K T A I L B A R : O P E N 7 D A Y A Y A S 5 T O 1 0 P M K I T C H E N : M O N T H R O U G H T H U R S 5 T O 9 P M S A T U R D A Y A Y A & S U N D A Y A Y A 5 T O 1 0 P M H A P P Y H O U R S P E C I A L S 5 T O 7 P M $ 9 W a g y u S l i d e r w i t h F r i e s $ 8 W e l l s & W i n e s $ 4 B u d l i g h t & B u e n a v e z a