Port Charlotte sun

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Port Charlotte sun
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Port Charlotte sun (Online)
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Sunday sun
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Charlotte Harbor, FL
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Began with: Vol. 127, Issue No. 170 (June 19, 2019)
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"An edition of The Sun Herald."
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Also issued in print
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Other eds.: DeSoto sun ; Englewood sun ; North Port sun

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University of Florida
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University of Florida
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North Port sun (Online)
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2016 PULITZER WINNER € FPA GOLD MEDAL WINNER 2022 Black Lives Matter movement marks 10 years PAGE 6A Disney CEO disputes DeSantisPAGE 8A SUN The DailyCharlotte € DeSoto € SarasotaFRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 | $2.50 FIRST IN LOCAL NEWS YOURSUN.COMVOL. 131, NO. 195 PHOTO PROVIDED BY CHARLOTTE COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETYA Charlotte County re ghter works on putting out a brush res. The rates residents and commercial property owners pay for re service are expected to increase. By MATTHEW PERRONEAP HEALTH WRITERWASHINGTON „ Federal regulators on Thursday approved the nations “ rst over-thecounter birth control pill in a landmark decision that will soon allow American women and girls to obtain contraceptive medication as easily as they buy aspirin and eyedrops. The Food and Drug Administration cleared once-a-day Opill to be sold without a prescription, making it the “ rst such medication to be moved out from behind the pharmacy counter. The manufacturer, Ireland-based Perrigo, wont start shipping the pill until early next year, and there will be no age restrictions on sales. Hormone-based pills have long been the most common form of birth control in the U.S., used by tens of millions of women since the 1960s. Until now, all of them required a prescription. Medical societies and womens health groups have pushed for wider access for decades, noting that an estimated 45% of the 6 million annual pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended. Teens and girls, women of color and those with low incomes report greater hurdles in Over-the-counter birth control pill gets FDA approvalNo age restrictions on sales proposed This illustration provided by Perrigo in May 2023, depicts proposed packaging for the companys birth control medication Opill.PERRIGO STAFF REPORTENGLEWOOD „ An Englewood man and member of the Proud Boys was sentenced to “ ve years in prison Wednesday for this role in the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Daniel Lyons Scott, 29, was sentenced to 60 months in prison and 36 months of supervised release, according to the U.S. Justice Department. He was ordered to pay $2,000 in restitution to the Architect of the Capitol by U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth. Scott pleaded guilty on Feb. 9 to felony charges of obstruction of an o cial proceeding and assaulting, resisting or impeding certain o cers. Leading up to Jan. 6, Scott, a member of the Proud Boys organization who was known by the nickname Milkshake,Ž and co-defendant Englewood Proud Boy gets 5 yearsReport: Daniel Lyons Milkshake Scott led group that collapsed police barrier at Capitol riot PHOTO PROVIDED BY THE US ATTORNEYS OFFICEDaniel Lyons Scott points to his Proud Boys tattoo in this photo that was included in his indictment on federal charges. By ELAINE ALLENEMRICHSTAFF WRITERPORT CHARLOTTE „ Hurricane Ian temporarily wrecked Howards Hershey Ice Cream shop. In addition to rebuilding his ice cream dynasty, Howard Freudenvoll is now concerned about the upcoming Charlotte County tax increases his business faces in 2024. An increase to our commercial taxes for “ re or any other assessments impacts every aspect of our business,Ž said Freudenvoll, who opened his business, 1700 Tamiami Trail, in Murdock three years ago. Since then, the business survived the pandemic and the hurricanes of 2022. He anticipates paying higher residential and commercial taxes while battling in” ation next year. Through a proposal being considered by the Charlotte County commissioners, residents and business owners will see an increase in the countys “ re budget by about 6% each year through 2031 „ meaning the annual assessment rate for taxpayers will increase as well. Public hearings are planned for proposed “ re and Municipal Services Bene“ t Unit rates at 5:01 p.m. Monday, 18500 Murdock Circle, and 5:01 p.m. Tuesday at the Tringali Recreation Center, 3460 N. Access Road, Englewood. The county has proposed new rates for residential homes at $254.71, up from $203.77 in 2023. For commercial and industrial, the proposed rate is $403 for up to 1,300 square feet, with every additional square foot costing 31 cents „ an increase from 25 cents. County commissioners will vote on the increases at two budget hearings in September. According to the county “ re department administration, the increase is needed to keep up with response times for “ re and EMS based on an independent study. If the county wants a response time of three or four minutes, we would need a $500 increase,Ž said Charlotte County Deputy Chief Michael Davis. We are looking You gotta do what you gotta to SURVIVESmall biz owners struggle with proposed fire assessmentsSEE SURVIVE , 4A SEE PILL , 4A SEE PROUD , 4A GRANDREOPENING!20%OFFSTOREWIDEItssotobeback GOODSATURDAY€JULY15€11AM-3PM2000TamiamiTrail PortCharlotte,FLVENDORDEMOSANDSAMPLES BIGGIVEAWAYSANDPRIZES*Someexclusionsapply.Saleandpromotion validatPortCharlottelocation. FORNATURALREWARDSMEMBERS adno=3895400-1 adno=3894628-1


PAGE 2A FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 The Daily Sun | PUBLISHER, Glen Nickerson, MANAGING EDITOR, Scott Lawson, APG REGIONAL PRESIDENT CHESAPEAKE & FLORIDA, Jim Normandin, REGIONAL CIRCULATION DIRECTOR, Chad Zander, REGIONAL ADVERTISING DIRECTOR, Omar Zucco, omar.zucco@yoursun.comCONTACT US CIRCULATIONTo Subscribe, Vacation Hold, or report a missing or damaged paper: Email: Visit: Call: 941-206-1300 Text: 888-239-0052 Customer Service Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday 7 a.m. 9 a.m. Closed SundayADVERTISINGTo place a classified ad: 941-429-3110 To place a display ad: 941-205-6406NEWSROOMTo submit news, or correct a factual error: Email PORT CHARLOTTE23170 Harborview Rd., Port Charlotte 941-206-1300 ENGLEWOOD941-681-3000 NORTH PORT941-429-3000VENICE200 E. 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Periodicals postage paid at Punta Gorda, FL. Postmaster: Please send address changes to The Sun, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, Florida 33980-2100. © Copyright 2021 Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 200 East Venice Ave. Venice, FLCharlotte and DeSoto Counties EditorGarry Overbey, Member of Alliance for Audited Media SUN The Daily Alliance for Audited Media 4513 Lincoln Ave., Suite 105B, Lisle, IL 60532. Tel: 800-285-2220FLORIDA 2016 PULITZER PRIZE WINNER Charlie on comics: You arent supposed to eat the menu, Marmaduke.INSIDE TODAY SPORTS 9A Sports on TV 10A Agate 11A LOCAL 1B Calendar 2B Obituaries 2B Opinion 4B DAILY BREAK 5B Comics and Puzzles 6-9B Horoscopes 7B GULF WATER TEMPERATURE Monterrey 103/74 Chihuahua 102/74 Los Angeles 89/64 Washington 88/73 New York 83/73 Miami 94/81 Atlanta 91/75 Detroit 85/68 Houston 99/79 Kansas City 89/68 Chicago 87/70 Minneapolis 89/66 El Paso 105/81 Denver 82/59 Billings 83/58 San Francisco 76/56 Seattle 85/59 Toronto 81/65 Montreal 82/65 Winnipeg 75/48 Ottawa 83/60 75 Precipitation (in inches)TemperaturesPrecipitation (in inches)Temperatures PORT CHARLOTTE SEBRINGCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/WCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/WCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/ W Possible weather-related delays today. Check with your airline for the most updated schedules. Hi/Lo Outlook Delays AIRPORT FLORIDA CITIES WEATHER HISTORYPrecipitation (in inches)Punta Gorda EnglewoodTemperaturesBoca Grande El Jobean Venice Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland direction in knots in feet chop High Low High Low MARINE TIDESCold FrontWarm FrontStationary VENICEShowersT-stormsRainFlurriesSnowIceShown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. SUN AND MOON110s 100s 90s 80s 70s 60s 50s 40s 30s 20s 10s 0s -0s -10sThe solunar period schedule allows planning days so you will be shing in good territory or hunting in good cover during those times. Major periods begin at the times shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are shorter.City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/WCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/WCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/ W SOLUNAR TABLEWeather (W): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow urries, sn -snow, i -ice.Shown is todays weather. Temperatures are todays highs and tonights lows. P o r t C h a r l o t t e Port Charlotte E n g l e w o o d Englewood F o r t M y e r s Fort Myers M y a k k a C i t y Myakka City P u n t a G o r d a Punta Gorda L e h i g h A c r e s Lehigh Acres H u l l Hull A r c a d i a Arcadia L o n g b o a t K e y Longboat Key P l a c i d a Placida O s p r e y Osprey L i m e s t o n e Limestone V e n i c e Venice S a r a s o t a Sarasota B o c a G r a n d e Boca Grande C a p e C o r a l Cape Coral S a n i b e l Sanibel B o n i t a S p r i n g s Bonita Springs N o r t h P o r t North Port T a m p a Tampa B r a d e n t o n Bradenton B a r t o w Bartow B r a n d o n Brandon S t . P e t e r s b u r g St. Petersburg W a u c h u l a Wauchula L a k e W a l e s Lake Wales F r o s t p r o o f Frostproof A p o l l o B e a c h Apollo Beach C l e a r w a t e r Clearwater F t . M e a d e Ft. Meade THE NATION Minor Major Minor Major AIR QUALITY INDEX POLLEN INDEXSource: scgov.netTreesGrassWeedsMolds TODAY / TONIGHTHumid; a stray p.m. t-storm A stray evening t-stormHIGH 97° LOW 77°50% chance of rain 45% chance of rainHumid; a p.m. t-storm96° / 77°60% chance of rain SATURDAYHot, humid; a t-storm around in the p.m.98° / 79°40% chance of rain SUNDAYMostly cloudy and humid; a p.m. t-storm94° / 78°55% chance of rain MONDAYSome sun with a t-storm in the area; humid95° / 80°50% chance of rain WEDNESDAYPartly sunny, a couple of t-storms; humid93° / 77°80% chance of rain TUESDAYPunta Gorda through 2 p.m. Thursday24-hour total 0.00Ž Month to date 0.17Ž Normal month to date 3.81Ž Year to date 15.41Ž Normal year to date 25.72Ž Record 2.05Ž (1994) High/low 97°/75° Normal high/Low 94°/75° Record high 97° (2023) Record low 69° (1985)Sebring through 2 p.m. Thursday24-hour total 0.00Ž High/low 95°/77°Venice through 2 p.m. Thursday24-hour total 0.00Ž Month to date 0.00Ž Normal month to date 3.19Ž Year to date 9.02Ž Normal year to date 23.93Ž Record 1.10Ž (2008) High/low 91°/79° Normal high/Low 91°/74° Record high 95° (1996) Record low 69° (1975) Today Sat. Today Sat. Today Sat. Apalachicola 89/78/t 88/79/t Clearwater 92/80/t 91/79/t Daytona Beach 92/76/t 93/76/t Fort Lauderdale 94/81/t 94/78/t Gainesville 92/74/t 92/75/t Jacksonville 94/75/t 93/75/t Key Largo 93/84/t 95/83/t Key West 90/84/t 91/83/pc Lakeland 94/76/t 95/76/t Melbourne 91/77/t 94/77/t Miami 94/81/t 95/79/t Naples 95/79/t 96/79/t Ocala 92/74/t 93/74/t Okeechobee 95/76/t 96/75/t Orlando 93/78/t 95/77/t Panama City 88/78/t 86/78/t Pensacola 85/79/t 88/79/t St. Augustine 90/76/t 92/75/t St. Petersburg 94/78/t 94/77/t Tallahassee 91/74/t 89/77/t Vero Beach 95/76/t 97/74/tToday 12:34p 9:25p ----Sat. 1:20p 10:08p ----Today 11:11a 7:41p ----Sat. 11:57a 8:24p ----Today 10:17a 6:25p ----Sat. 11:01a 7:05p ----Today 1:06p 9:54p ----Sat. 1:52p 10:37p ----Today 9:26a 6:20p ----Sat. 10:12a 7:03p ----SE 4-8 1-2 Light W 4-8 1-2 LightFt. Myers 96/77 storms afternoon Punta Gorda 97/77 storms afternoon Sarasota 94/79 cloudy none New Jul 17 First Jul 25 Full Aug 1 Last Aug 8Sunrise 6:43 a.m. 6:44 a.m. Sunset 8:25 p.m. 8:25 p.m. Moonrise 3:48 a.m. 4:36 a.m. Moonset 6:14 p.m. 7:09 p.m. Today 3:31a 9:44a 3:57p 10:10p Sat. 4:18a 10:31a 4:44p 10:57p Sun. 5:07a 11:20a 5:33p 11:46pPUBLICATION DATE: 07/14/2387°The mid-Atlantic was in the middle of a monsoon-like storm July 14, 1975. Some areas in Maryland had 7 inches of rain. 9 7 / 7 7 97/77 9 3 / 7 5 93/75 9 3 / 7 5 93/75 9 4 / 8 0 94/80 9 3 / 7 9 93/79 9 3 / 8 0 93/80 9 5 / 7 9 95/79 9 6 / 7 7 96/77 9 6 / 7 5 96/75 9 7 / 7 7 97/77 9 5 / 7 6 95/76 9 7 / 7 6 97/76 9 7 / 7 5 97/75 9 4 / 7 6 94/76 9 6 / 7 7 96/77 9 4 / 7 8 94/78 9 4 / 7 5 94/75 9 0 / 8 1 90/81 9 4 / 8 0 94/80 9 3 / 7 9 93/79 9 5 / 7 5 95/75 9 4 / 7 8 94/78 9 3 / 7 8 93/78 9 4 / 7 5 94/75 9 4 / 7 9 94/79 9 2 / 8 0 92/80 9 3 / 8 1 93/81 9 5 / 7 7 95/77 9 6 / 7 7 96/77 9 7 / 7 8 97/78Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2023 Today Sat. Today Sat. Today Sat. Albuquerque 102/72/s 99/71/s Anchorage 65/54/c 56/50/r Atlanta 91/75/t 87/74/t Baltimore 89/72/t 91/76/t Birmingham 88/75/t 91/75/t Boise 95/65/s 101/69/s Boston 80/70/t 83/70/t Bu alo 83/66/t 84/69/t Burlington, VT 82/66/t 86/72/t Charleston, WV 85/67/t 87/68/t Charlotte 90/74/t 90/74/t Chicago 87/70/t 84/68/t Cincinnati 88/69/pc 82/69/t Cleveland 86/71/pc 83/67/t Columbia, SC 94/75/t 89/76/t Columbus, OH 88/69/pc 84/68/t Concord, NH 79/66/t 85/69/t Dallas 103/82/s 102/79/s Denver 82/59/pc 82/59/t Des Moines 84/67/t 87/65/s Detroit 85/68/t 81/66/t Duluth 81/57/s 73/53/pc Fargo 82/57/t 77/54/s Hartford 83/71/t 87/72/t Helena 85/56/s 90/57/s Honolulu 89/75/s 89/76/sh Houston 99/79/pc 101/81/s Indianapolis 88/71/pc 81/68/t Jackson, MS 92/76/t 95/77/t Kansas City 89/68/t 89/67/s Knoxville 87/73/t 85/70/t Las Vegas 111/84/s 115/87/s Little Rock 90/76/t 94/77/pc Los Angeles 89/64/s 90/67/s Louisville 91/73/pc 83/72/t Memphis 88/76/t 92/75/t Milwaukee 87/71/t 83/68/t Minneapolis 89/66/pc 85/62/pc Montgomery 90/74/t 94/76/t Nashville 91/75/t 86/71/t New Orleans 94/80/t 92/81/t New York City 83/73/t 86/74/t Norfolk, VA 89/74/t 88/77/t Oklahoma City 94/72/pc 87/71/pc Omaha 85/65/t 89/65/pc Philadelphia 88/72/t 90/74/t Phoenix 114/91/s 117/91/s Pittsburgh 85/66/t 87/68/t Portland, ME 79/67/t 79/66/t Portland, OR 92/63/s 95/62/s Providence 81/70/t 85/70/t Raleigh 91/75/t 87/74/t Rapid City, SD 81/56/t 83/56/s Salt Lake City 94/67/s 98/72/s St. Louis 93/72/t 90/72/t San Antonio 104/77/s 103/78/s San Diego 77/66/s 74/66/s San Francisco 76/56/pc 80/58/s Seattle 85/59/s 85/60/s Washington, DC 88/73/t 89/77/tSource: National Allergy Bureau Readings as of Thursday Readings as of ThursdayModerateabsentabsentlowmoderateMain pollutant: Particulates Today Sat. ALMANACToday is Friday, July 14, the 195th day of 2023. There are 170 days left in the year.Billy the Kid shot and killed by Pat GarrettOn July 14, 1881, outlaw William H. Bonney Jr., alias Billy the Kid,Ž was shot and killed by Sheriff Pat Garrett in Fort Sumner in present-day New Mexico.On this dateIn 1789, in an event symbolizing the start of the French Revolution, citizens of Paris stormed the Bastille prison and released the seven prisoners inside. In 1798, Congress passed the Sedition Act, making it a federal crime to publish false, scandalous or malicious writing about the United States government. In 1933, all German political parties, except the Nazi Party, were outlawed. In 1945, Italy formally declared war on Japan, its former Axis partner during World War II. In 2004, the Senate scuttled a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, with 48 senators voting to advance the measure „ 12 short of the 60 needed „ and 50 voting to block it. In 2009, disgraced financier Bernard Madoff arrived at the Butner Federal Correctional Complex in North Carolina to begin serving a 150-year sentence for his massive Ponzi scheme. In 2015, world powers and Iran struck a deal to curb Irans nuclear program in exchange for relief from international sanctions. In 2016, terror struck Bastille Day celebrations in the French Riviera city of Nice as a large truck plowed into a festive crowd, killing 86 people in an attack claimed by Islamic State extremists; the driver was shot dead by police. In 2020, researchers reported that the first COVID-19 vaccine tested in the U.S. revved up peoples immune systems as scientists had hoped; the vaccine was developed by the National Institutes of Health and Moderna Inc. Ten years ago: Thousands of demonstrators across the country protested a Florida jurys decision the day before to clear George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. Five years ago: Angelique Kerber beat Serena Williams in the womens final for her first Wimbledon title. A firefighter, Braden Varney, was killed while trying to prevent a wildfire near Californias Yosemite National Park from spreading. Thousands of people in Scotland staged colorful, peaceful protests against Donald Trump as the U.S. president played golf at his Scottish golf resort at Turnberry ahead of his summit in Finland with Russian President Vladimir Putin. One year ago: President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid stood side-by-side at a joint news conference and declared they would not allow Iran to become a nuclear power. They parted ways on how to get there, however, with Biden saying he still wanted to give diplomacy a chance while Lapid insisted that words alone wouldnt thwart Tehrans nuclear ambitions. The National Galleries of Scotland said a previously unknown self-portrait of Vincent Van Gogh was discovered behind another of the artists paintings when experts took an X-ray of the canvas ahead of an upcoming exhibition.Todays birthdaysActor Nancy Olson is 95. Former football player and actor Rosey Grier is 91. Actor Vincent Pastore is 77. Music company executive Tommy Mottola is 75. Rock musician Chris Cross (Ultravox) is 71. Actor Stan Shaw is 71. Movie producer Scott Rudin is 65. Singer-guitarist Kyle Gass is 63. Actor Jane Lynch is 63. Actor Jackie Earle Haley is 62. Actor Matthew Fox is 57. Rock musician Ellen Reid (Crash Test Dummies) is 57. Rock singer-musician Tanya Donelly is 57. Former child actor Missy Gold is 53. Olympic gold medal snowboarder Ross Rebagliati is 52. Hip-hop musician tabooŽ (Black Eyed Peas) is 48. Actor Scott Porter is 44. Actor/writer/producer Phoebe Waller-Bridge is 38. Rock singer Dan Smith (Bastille) is 37. Actor Sara Canning (TV: The Vampire DiariesŽ) is 36. Rock singer Dan Reynolds (Imagine Dragons) is 36.Associated PressBible verseThe thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.Ž „ JOHN 10:10.Jesus came to give us the very best in life. Remember that any others who seek to master your life will rob you of that blessing. FLORIDA LOTTERYwww.flalottery.comPICK 2 D-Day, N-NightJuly 13N .................................0-4 July 13D ..................................9-8 PICK 3 D-Day, N-NightJuly 13N ..............................4-0-8 July 13D ..............................0-9-4 PICK 4 D-Day, N-NightJuly 13N ...........................3-8-4-4 July 13D ...........................5-0-5-4 PICK 5 D-Day, N-Night July 13N ........................0-8-4-7-2 July 13D ........................5-2-0-7-6 FIREBALL July 13N .....................................9 July 13D .....................................9 FANTASY 5 July 13D ..................1-11-13-16-33 July 12N .....................1-7-11-13-34PAYOFF FOR JULY 13 DAY1 5-digit winners ........$58,169.64 82 4-digit winners .................$114 2,678 3-digit winners .........$9.50 CASH FOR LIFE July 13 .................4-12-30-33-45 Cash Ball ....................................3PAYOFF FOR JULY 130 5-5 CB .....................$1000/day 0 5-5 ........................$1000/week 0 4-5 CB ............................$2500 2 4-5 ....................................$500 CASH POPDRAWINGS FOR JULY 13Morning ......................................2 Matinee ......................................5 Afternoon ..................................12 Evening. ......................................6 Late night. .............................Late JACKPOT TRIPLE PLAY July 11 .....................2-3-6-7-15-44PAYOFF FOR JULY 110 6-of-6 ...............................$275,000 21 5-of-6 .....................................$466 1,083 4-of-6 .................................$22LOTTO July 12 ...........23-24-31-46-47-52PAYOFF FOR JULY 120 6-digit winners ..........$5 million 0 5-digit winner (x10) ......30,000 2 5-digit winner (x5) ......$15,000ESTIMATED JACKPOT $6 millionDOUBLEPLAY July 12 ..............7-15-18-29-30-31PAYOFF FOR JULY 120 6-digit winners ..........$250,000 0 5-digit winners (x10) ..$35,000 1 5-digit winner (x5) .......$17,500 POWERBALL July 12 ................23-35-45-66-67 Powerball .................................20PAYOFF FOR JULY 120 5-5 + PB ................$750 million 1 5-5..............................$1 million 1 4-5 + PB .......................$50,000ESTIMATED JACKPOT $875 millionDOUBLEPLAY July 12 ...............42-49-54-62-63 Powerball ..................................21PAYOFF FOR JULY 120 5-5 + PB ..................$10 million 0 5-5 ............................$500,000 0 4-5 + PB ......................$50,000 MEGA MILLIONS July 11 ...................10-17-33-51-64 Mega Ball ...................................5PAYOFF FOR JULY 110 5 of 5 + MB ..........$500 million 0 5 of 5 .........................$1 million 6 4 of 5 + MB .................$10,000ESTIMATED JACKPOT $560 million

PAGE 3 | The Daily Sun FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 PAGE 3A CallforanImmediate NoCost-NoObligationConsultation!941-467-1666 AREYOUSTRUGGLINGWITH KNEEARTHRITISPAIN? AREYOUACANDIDATEFOR OURKNEEPROGRAM?€Kneesstiffinthemorning? €Doyourkneeshurtinthemorning? €Doyoufrequentlytakeibuprofenforthepain? €Haveyoubeentoldyouwillneedknee replacementsurgery?IFYOUANSWEREDYES,WE OFFERANON-SURGICALOPTIONViscosupplementation,isagellikesubstance similartothesynovialuidinyourkneeswhich reducesinammationandincreasescushioning andlubrication IMMEDIATELY .Offeredlocally byPhysiciansRehabilitation,thisprocedureis minimallyinvasive,requiresnosurgery,canprovide longlastingreliefandhaslittletonorecovery time.Administrationneeds ONLYMINUTES after studiesareperformed.Medicareandmostmajor FDAAPPROVEDTREATMENT FORKNEEARTHRITISPAIN CallNowfora CONSULTATION atZEROOutofPocket!AREYOUSTRUGGLINGWITH KNEEARTHRITISPAIN?KneearthritispainisaproblemthataffectsmillionsofAmericans. Simpleachesandpainscaneventuallyleadtoatotalknee replacement THEREISHOPE:FDAAPPROVED KNEETREATMENT AtPhysiciansRehabilitation,wearehappytoofferanother non-surgicaloptiontothosesufferingwithkneepain.The ViscosupplementationtreatmentisEasy,Safe,HighlyEffectiveand FDAApproved. ABOUTTHETREATMENT Alltreatmentsareperformedatoneofourlocations. Weuseadvanceddiagnosticequipmenttolocalizetheexactpoint ofyourkneepain.ThenweinjectVisco-supplementationintothat areaofthejoint. DOESINSURANCECOVERTHIS? Yes,Medicare,UHC,Aetna,Cigna,andmostmajorinsurances coverviscosupplementationtreatment.5ConvenientOf“ceLocations:3417TamiamiTrail,UnitA,PortCharlotte,FL33952FortMyers I Naples I TheVillages(LadyLakeandWildwood) NewFDA Approved MiracleWeight LossDrug 2 0 2 3 _ 0 7 _ 1 4 _ o t a _ e n c _ 0 3 . p d f 1 1 3 J u l 2 3 1 9 : 4 4 : 5 8


PAGE 4A FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 The Daily Sun | www.yoursun.comat about an eight-minute response time.Ž Freudenvoll says he appreciates “re protection. But his small business is still recovering from hurricane losses and increases to insurance and electric rates. He had to replace the roof at the ice cream store and lost all of his ice cream when there was no electricity for days after Hurricane Ian hit in September. Despite those stressors, hes still selling homemade cookies and ice cream cups, cones, brownies and cakes. Hes trying to absorb the higher costs instead of passing them on to his customers. Its kind of hard because they (providers) keep adding on to the bills,Ž he said. Its very hot outside, so thats gotta help us sell more ice cream. We give away free popcorn everyday. We want to make our wonderful customers feel like they did when they were kids 40 years ago. Maybe going back 40 years, makes you feel better. Port Charlotte has shown us a lot of love.Ž Small business owner Nancy Okum has similar issues. For 15 years, she battled big box stores coming to Charlotte County selling pet supplies and food. After making it through the COVID-19 pandemic, Okums store Cats n Dogs Stu, 2826 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, lost power for 11 days after Hurricane Ian. We lost $20,000 worth of products and that hurt us bad because insurance didnt cover it,Ž Okum said. Tax increases are very dicult for us. We are literally the last surviving independent pet supply store in Charlotte County. We are big on nutrition for pets. We oer the brands and ”avors you cant “nd in the big box stores. Whats tough for us is we would sell food like Blue Bualo and then they transition to big box stores. We cant compete against those stores.Ž By adding a pet behavioral trainer, Okum found one way to help add income to her business. Weve got a really good trainer and help pet owners with some remedies for their cats and dogs,Ž she said. We are open seven days a week. You gotta do what you gotta to survive and we love it.Ž Email: elaine.allen@ yoursun.comSURVIVEFROM PAGE 1 Agetting prescriptions and picking them up. The challenges can include paying for a doctors visit, getting time o from work and “nding child care. This is really a transformation in access to contraceptive care,Ž said Kelly Blanchard, president of Ibis Reproductive Health, a nonpro“t group that supported the approval. Hopefully this will help people overcome those barriers that exist now.Ž Perrigo says Opill could be an important new option for the estimated 15 million U.S. women who currently use no birth control or less eective methods, such as condoms. They are a “fth of women who are child-bearing age. But how many women will actually gain access depends on the medications price, which Perrigo plans to announce later this year. The reason why so many of us worked tirelessly for years to get over-the-counter birth control pills is to improve access ... cost shouldnt be one of those barriers,Ž said Dr. Pratima Gupta of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Most older birth control pills cost $15 to $30 for a months supply without insurance coverage. Over-the-counter medicines are generally much cheaper than prescriptions, but they typically arent covered by insurance. Forcing insurers to cover over-the-counter birth control would require a regulatory change by the federal government, which womens advocates are urging the Biden administration to implement. The FDA approval gives U.S. women another birth control option amid the legal and political battles over reproductive health, including last years reversal of Roe v. Wade, which has upended abortion access across the U.S. That said, Opills approval is unrelated to the ongoing court battles over the abortion pill mifepristone. And anti-abortion groups have generally emphasized that they do not oppose contraceptives, which are used to prevent pregnancies, not end them.PILLFROM PAGE 1AChristopher Worrell used the encrypted messaging app Telegram to discuss ways to block Congress from certifying the Electoral College vote for president, according to court documents. On Jan. 3, 2021, Scott and other members of the Proud Boys attended a rally in Naples to protest the election results that placed Joe Biden as the winner. During the rally, Scott yelled to the crowd that if a U.S. Senator from Florida did not vote against certi“cation of the Electoral College vote, they should give him the rope!Ž records show. Authorities say Scott met with Worrell and other Proud Boys members on Jan. 6 at the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C. Wearing a bulletproof vest under his jacket, Scott and the rest of the group began walking toward the east side of the Capitol building, where Scott reportedly yelled, Lets take the f---„ Capitol!Ž After police lines were breached at around 12:55 p.m., Scott, Worrell and other Proud Boys illegally entered the Capitol grounds before proceeding to the front of the line facing law enforcement ocers on the lower west plaza, court records show. At around 1:48 p.m., Scott stood in front of the northwest stairs of the west terrace, facing two United States Capitol Police ocers guarding the staircase. Scott then moved up the stairs, pushing the ocers backward, and pulled one ocer back into the crowd of rioters, where the ocer was attacked, according to the Justice Department website. Scotts assault breached the police line, allowing the crowd behind him to surge up to the upper west terrace,Ž the Justice Department stated. This group became the “rst crowd of rioters to enter the Capitol building.Ž Worrell was found guilty of all charges during a bench trial for his role in the breach on May 12 and is currently awaiting sentencing. Since Jan. 6, 2021, authorities have arrested more than 1,069 people „ with more than 350 charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement „ in connection with the breach on the U.S. Capitol, according to the Justice Department.PROUDFROM PAGE 1A Howards Hersheys Ice Cream employee Michelle Vega serves a customer at the parlor in Port Charlotte. SUN PHOTOS BY ELAINE ALLENEMRICHKim Freudenvoll, whose husband Howard owns Howards Hershey Ice Cream in Port Charlotte, scoops a Superman signature ice cream for a customer. (855)516-1838*Includesproductandlabor;bathtub,showerorwalk-intubandwallsurround.Thispromotioncannotbecombinedwithanyotheroffer.Otherrestrict ionsmayapply.Thisofferexpires9/30/23.Eachdealershipisindependently ownedandoperated.**Thirdparty“nancingisavailableforthosecustomerswhoqualify.Seeyourdealerfordetails.©2023BCIAcrylic,Inc. € Tub-to-ShowerConversions € ReplacementTubs € ReplacementShowers € Walk-inTubs € Low-BarrierShowers € SoakerTubs € Accessoriesandmore!CALLNOW ! TheBathorShowerYouveAlwaysWantedINASLITTLEAS1DAY OFFEREXPIRES9/30/2023Military&Senior DiscountsAvailable$1000OFF*NoPayments &NoInterestfor 18Months**AND adno=3894191-1

PAGE 5 | The Daily Sun FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 PAGE 5A STOCKS LISTINGThe Daily Sun runs stocks daily and mutual funds listings on Saturdays. Subscribers to The Daily Sun have access to thousands of stocks online at with the e-edition. Our Money&Markets pages are searchable on a daily basis.Stock Last Chg 3,800 4,000 4,200 4,400 4,600 JJ FMAMJ 4,360 4,440 4,520 S&P 500Close: 4,510.04 Change: 37.88 (0.8%) 10 DAYS 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 JJ FMAMJ 13,520 13,860 14,200 Nasdaq compositeClose: 14,138.57 Change: 219.61 (1.6%) 10 DAYSAdvanced 1624 Declined 726 New Highs 163 New Lows 8 Vol. (in mil.) 3,612 Pvs. Volume 3,663 4,796 4,947 2246 1154 186 30 NYSE NASDDOW 34482.26 34365.33 34395.14 +47.71 +0.14% s t s +3.76% DOW Trans. 16010.05 15866.37 15914.51 -1.34 -0.01% s s s +18.84% DOW Util. 931.15 923.36 931.15 +4.02 +0.43% s s t -3.75% NYSE Comp. 16125.20 16011.28 16106.85 +95.57 +0.60% s s s +6.08% NASDAQ 14163.80 14012.24 14138.57 +219.61 +1.58% s s s +35.08% S&P 500 4517.38 4489.36 4510.04 +37.88 +0.85% s s s +17.46% S&P 400 2702.20 2684.12 2699.44 +15.32 +0.57% s s s +11.07% Russell 2000 1952.54 1936.51 1950.89 +17.51 +0.91% s s s +10.77% Toronto TSX 20294.34 20119.82 20277.64 +206.87 +1.03% s s t +4.61% HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR YTD Stocks Recap Combined Stocks From the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq on 10-YR T-NOTE 3.77% -.09 30-YR T-BOND 3.90% -.06 CRUDE OIL $76.89 +1.14 GOLD $1,959.20 +3.00 EURO $1.1220 +.0083qq p p pThursday, July 13, 2023AES Corp 21.83 +.24 AGNC Inv 10.25 +.10 AMC Ent 4.44 +.04 ASE Tch 7.95 +.12 AT&T Inc 15.12 ... AbbottLab 107.74 +1.40 AbbVie 133.59 +.09 ActivsBliz 89.54 -.46 AMD 115.92 +1.34 AffirmHld 17.45 +1.09 Airbnb A 140.09 +3.07 Alcoa Cp 36.69 +1.64 Alphabt C s 124.83 +5.21 Alphabt A s 124.54 +5.61 Altria 45.58 -.11 Amazon 134.30 +3.50 Amcor 9.98 +.09 AmAirlines 18.45 -.12 AEagleOut 12.40 +.21 AnteroRes 23.54 -.31 APA Corp 38.60 +1.09 Apple Inc s 190.54 +.77 A p lDNA h 1.42 +.15 ApldMatl 142.65 +3.76 ApldOptoel 10.66 +1.12 ArchrAvi 5.10 +.17 ArmourR 5.24 +.05 ArrayTch lf 20.70 +.60 AstraZen 67.71 +1.24 AultAllnc rs 4.21 -1.10 AuroraC .57 +.01 AuroraInn A 3.29 -.13 Avantor 20.90 +.08 B2gold g 3.79 ... BakHugh 34.68 +.24 Bakkt Hl 1.93 +.31 BallardPw 4.67 +.22 BkofAm 29.67 +.31 BkNYMel 45.56 +.34 BarrickGld 17.60 +.12 BathBody 35.71 -1.00 BeyondMt 17.67 +.12 Biocryst 7.35 +.17 Biolase .09 -.00 Bionano .65 +.00 BitDigital 4.41 +.53 BlackBerr y 5.05 +.11 Blackstone 102.74 +4.56 BluebBio 3.31 -.34 Boeing 216.85 -.26 BostonSci 52.79 +.33 BrMySq 62.28 ... CSX 33.72 +.19 CVS Health 71.22 +.75 Cadiz h 3.84 +.33 CambrE rs .85 -.17 Cameco g 32.34 +.89 Canaan 3.18 +.34 CanopyGr .65 +.09 Carnival 17.75 -.47 CarrGlb 53.12 ... Carvana A 37.68 -1.21 CAVA Gr n 47.68 -4.33 CenovusE 17.71 +.26 ChrgePt 8.85 -.14 Chevron 157.51 -2.13 Cisco 51.53 +.79 Citigroup 47.68 +.30 CitizFincl 28.38 +.27 CleanSp 7.47 +.85 ClevCliffs 17.14 +.07 ClovrHlth .98 +.06 CocaCola 60.35 +.51 Coeur 3.07 +.07 Coinbase 107.00 +21.05 Colerra 26.45 -.03 ColgPalm 75.86 +.70 Comcast 42.56 +.22 Compass 4.14 +.22 ConAgra 33.16 +.18 ConocoPhil 110.55 +1.24 Coty 12.36 -.20 Coupang 17.75 +.19 CrwnElec .09 -.00 CryoPort rs 14.60 -4.80 DWavQnt n 2.63 +.66 Dell C 55.64 +1.47 DeltaAir 47.71 -.24 Denbury 86.64 -1.11 DevonE 51.11 +.02 DishNetw h 7.12 -.11 Disney 90.47 +.32 Dragony n 1.75 +.14 Dropbox 27.78 +.23 DunBradst 11.97 +.09 eBay 46.13 -.28 EQT Corp 39.41 -.37 EgyTrnsfr 13.03 +.04 Enovix 20.77 +.73 EntProdPt 26.82 +.23 EosEn A 3.87 -.27 EquitMid 9.04 +.18 Evogene 1.41 +.15 Exelon 42.18 +.13 ExxonMbl 104.54 -1.95 FREYER 9.85 +.27 FardyFuIn .24 +.01 Farfetch 6.64 +.27 Fastenal 56.70 -2.03 FifthThird 27.42 +.23 FstHorizon 12.72 +.23 FMajSilv g 6.44 +.10 FordM 15.19 -.03 Fortinet 78.25 +1.53 FoxCpA 33.68 +.01 FrankRes 29.21 +.78 FrptMcM 42.08 +1.52 FrshVine .59 +.07 fuboTV 3.02 +.02 F ue lC e ll 2.37 +.05 FullTrck 7.42 +.42 GalmedPh rs 2.08 -.35 Gap 9.48 -.02 GenMills 74.79 -.16 GenMotors 40.50 +.09 Gevo 1.73 +.03 GinkgoBi 2.16 +.04 GdRxHldA 7.33 +.77 Goodyear 15.46 +.66 GorillaTc 4.46 +.17 GrabHl A 3.70 +.03 HP Inc 33.56 +.66 Hallibrtn 37.75 -.17 HeclaM 5.94 +.11 HP Ent 17.32 +.24 HimnsHrs 9.11 +.44 HostHotls 17.79 +.16 HudBayM g 5.42 +.18 HudsPacP 5.45 +.13 HuntBncsh 11.34 +.19 HycrftMin .47 +.06 HyzonMot 1.30 +.18 IQIYI 5.70 ... Ideanom lf .10 -.00 Intel 33.87 -.11 Invesco 18.33 -.07 Invitae 1.30 ... IovanceTh 7.68 -.19 JPMorgCh 148.87 +.72 JetBlue 8.37 -.47 Jiuzi 4.06 +1.27 JohnJn 158.81 +.73 KKR 61.21 +2.62 KeurDrPep 31.51 +.24 Keycorp 10.61 +.38 KindMorg 17.60 +.06 KingsfCld 6.70 +.97 Kinross g 5.12 +.05 KraftHnz 35.64 -.12 Leslies 9.52 -.25 Lilium 1.70 ... LivePrsn 5.33 +.26 LucidGrp 7.12 -.04 LumenTch 2.06 +.02 LuminrTc A 7.56 -.56 Lyft Inc 11.55 +.11 MGM Rsts 48.99 +1.93 Macys 15.77 -.40 MarathDig 19.30 +2.44 MarathnO 25.13 +.34 Marqeta 5.33 +.11 MarvellTch 65.37 +2.49 Match 47.62 +1.01 MedProp 9.90 +.10 Medtrnic 88.05 +.48 Merck 106.32 -1.15 MetaMt h .19 -.00 Meta Plt 313.41 +4.07 Microch 92.36 +1.65 micromobl rs .11 -.00 MicronT 64.53 +.74 Microsoft 342.66 +5.46 Microvst h 2.67 -.05 Mondelez 71.83 +.43 MorgStan 86.21 +.44 MullnAuto rs .16 +.01 NOV I nc 18.48 +.11 NavdeaBi .11 +.01 Netix 450.38 +6.33 NwGold g 1.23 -.02 NY CmtyB 11.62 -.09 NewellBr 9.89 +.11 NewmntCp 45.47 +.26 NextDec 6.15 -2.33 NextEraEn 73.71 +.24 NikeB 107.84 +.08 Nikola 2.22 +.84 NorwCruis 21.49 -.31 Nu Hldg 8.18 +.28 Nvidia 459.77 +20.75 OatlyGr 2.20 +.13 OcciPet 61.44 +.12 Ocugen .59 -.01 On Hldg 33.55 +.97 OnSmcnd 102.04 +3.41 OpendrTc 4.83 -.06 Oracle 117.45 +1.43 PG&E Cp 18.04 -.14 PacWstBc 8.46 +.18 Pagay A 1.85 +.22 Pagsegur 10.20 +.53 Palantir 16.74 +.15 PaloAlt s 239.01 +6.37 PanASlv 15.76 -.07 Paramnt B 16.82 +.28 PayPal 72.39 +1.80 PDD Hld 80.93 +5.59 PelotnIntr 9.60 +.13 PepsiCo 187.53 +4.36 PermRes n 11.48 +.03 Perrigo 33.24 +.16 Pzer 36.06 +.07 PhilipMor 100.49 +1.49 Pinterest 28.63 -.14 PlugPowr h 12.36 +.86 PwrbrdgTc .43 +.05 ProctGam 148.95 +.10 ProgsvCp 114.78 -17.33 Qualcom 123.12 +4.44 QuantCmp 1.40 +.15 QuantmS 10.14 -.02 QuotientTc 3.86 +.02 RltyInco 60.95 +.64 RecrsPhA 12.44 +.36 Redn 17.01 +1.42 Regetti 2.00 +.26 RegionsFn 19.24 +.35 RiotBlck 20.29 +2.64 RiviaAu A 25.52 -.39 Robnhd A 12.45 +.51 RocktLab A 6.64 +.57 RockwllM 4.11 -1.76 RoivantSci 11.60 +.18 Roku 76.41 +.09 Roblox 44.30 +.84 SabreCorp 3.88 +.03 Salesforce 230.37 +3.09 Schlmbrg 57.42 +.74 Schwab 59.93 +1.52 Sea Ltd 63.06 +2.03 SentinOne 15.11 +.49 Shopify 70.37 +4.43 SiriusXM 4.89 +.08 Stock Footnotes: h Does not meet continued-listing standards. lf Late ling with SEC. n Stock was a new issue in the last year. rs Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50% within the past year. s Stock has split by at least 20 percent within the last year. vj Company in bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law. Appears in front of the name.Crude Oil (bbl) 76.89 75.75 +1.50 -4.2 Heating Oil (gal) 2.61 2.60 +0.42 -22.4 Natural Gas (mm btu) 2.55 2.63 -3.31 -43.1 Unleaded Gas (gal) 2.68 2.67 +0.43 +8.9 FUELS CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD Gold (oz) 1,959.20 1,956.20 +0.15 +7.7 Silver (oz) 24.77 24.12 +2.69 +3.8 Platinum (oz) 975.30 948.90 +2.78 -9.2 Copper (lb) 3.93 3.84 +2.28 +3.3 Aluminum (ton) 2,242.00 2,193.75 +2.20 -7.0 METALS CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD Cattle (lb) 1.77 1.77 +0.02 +14.3 Coffee (lb) 1.58 1.57 +0.38 -5.8 Corn (bu) 5.94 5.50 +7.96 -12.5 Cotton (lb) 0.82 0.82 +0.04 -2.0 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 566.00 562.00 +0.71 +63.5 Orange Juice (lb) 2.71 2.72 -0.42 +31.4 Soybeans (bu) 15.18 14.89 +1.98 -0.1 Wheat (bu) 6.28 6.21 +1.01 -20.8 AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD(Previous and change gures reect current contract.) S nap I nc A 13.51 +.14 Snowake 184.22 +12.29 SoFiTech 9.16 -.04 SwstAirl 37.04 -1.51 SwstnEngy 6.10 ... SprottSilv 8.50 +.28 Square 76.20 +4.98 Starbucks 101.60 +.46 Stellantis 18.91 +.43 Stem Inc 6.83 -.03 StoneCo 12.85 +.58 Suncor g 29.80 +.10 SunPower 10.42 +.12 Sunrun 19.89 +.73 Synchrony 35.67 +.80 TAL Educ 6.66 -.02 TG Thera 21.75 -3.71 TJX 84.94 -.31 Technip 17.45 -.34 Teladoc 25.54 +.99 Tellurian 1.49 +.03 TeraWulf 3.87 +.70 Tesla s 277.90 +5.91 TexInst 183.12 +.75 The Real 2.77 +.14 TilrayBr 1.81 +.09 TingoGr 1.42 +.03 TivicHlSy .07 -.00 TMC mtlCo 1.82 -.59 Toast A 25.91 +1.14 TradDsA 87.01 +2.50 Transocn 8.05 +.03 T ru i st F n 33.62 +.60 T2 Biosy rs .11 -.02 Twilio 69.53 +4.17 Uber Tch 45.64 +1.12 UiPath 18.40 +.83 UndrArm 7.81 -.17 UtdAirlHl 55.23 -.17 US Bancrp 35.81 +.70 USSteel 25.02 -.05 UtdhlthGp 447.75 -3.95 UntySftw 46.84 +3.15 UpstarHld 47.40 +3.32 UraniumEn 3.24 +.07 VICI Pr 31.37 -.54 VerizonCm 34.64 -.22 VertivHl 26.51 +.75 ViaSat 30.74 -12.24 Viatris 10.29 +.05 VirgnGal 4.02 +.15 Visa 243.31 +1.10 Vroom 2.20 -.24 WalgBoots 29.74 -.58 WBroDis A 13.10 -.06 Wayfair 72.18 +3.34 WeWork .30 +.03 WellsFargo 43.71 +.45 WstnUnion 12.24 +.35 WmsCos 34.26 +.15 Workhrs rs 1.10 +.05 XP Inc 23.27 -.12 Xpeng 14.04 -1.11 YellowCp 1.08 +.15Commodities By STAN CHOEAP BUSINESS WRITERNEW YORK „ Wall Streets winning streak barreled into a fourth day Thursday following the latest signal that in”ation is easing its chokehold on the economy. The S&P 500 rose 37.88, or 0.8%, to 4,510.04 and its highest close since April 2022. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 47.71, or 0.1%, to 34,395.14, and the Nasdaq composite rallied 219.61, or 1.6%, to 14,138.57 as Big Tech stocks led the way. The S&P 500 is on track for its seventh winning week in the last nine after more data raised hopes that in”ation is cooling enough to get the Federal Reserve to soon end its blistering run of hikes to interest rates. In”ation at the wholesale level slowed more than expected in June, and prices paid by producers were just 0.1% higher during the month than a year earlier. Thats down from 11.2% in”ation last summer. Traders remain nearly convinced the Fed will raise the federal funds rate at its next meeting in two weeks to its highest level since 2001. But this weeks in”ation data has also pushed traders to build bets for that to be the “nal rate increase of this cycle.Wall Streets winning week stays perfect as inflation eases further GetScreenedforRisksofStroke andCardiovascularDisease Areyouatrisk? SpecialScreeningPackagefor$149Call844-667-5928 adno=3894188-1


PAGE 6A FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 The Daily Sun | By AARON MORRISONAP NATIONAL WRITERThe Black Lives Matter movement hits a milestone on Thursday, marking 10 years since its 2013 founding in response to the acquittal of the man who fatally shot 17-yearold Trayvon Martin. Gunned down in a Florida gated community where his father lived in 2012, Martin was one of the earliest symbols of a movement that now wields in”uence in politics, law enforcement and broader conversations about racial progress in and outside the U.S. BLM activists and organizations plan to mark a decade of the movement with in-person and virtual events. Calls to action include a renewed push to defund police departments and reinvest in Black communities that have suered disproportionately from police brutality, unequal treatment in criminal justice systems and mass incarceration. In the wake of Supreme Court decisions that stymied relief from student loan debt held disproportionately by Black borrowers and banned armative action in higher education, the need for BLMs existence couldnt be more clear, said prominent movement activist Melina Abdullah. What this movement moment means is that we have to absolutely redouble our eorts and redouble our commitment to making Black lives matter,Ž said Abdullah, who is a director of BLM Grassroots Inc, a collective of organizers across the country. Ten years in, were getting a glimpse at what would happen if there were no Black Lives Matter,Ž she said. Were not just going to “ght when its popular, but were going to “ght because we need to “ght.Ž In Los Angeles on Saturday, the #BLMTurns10 Peoples Justice FestivalŽ will be held in Leimert Park, a historic neighborhood and cultural hub for Black Los Angelenos. The festival is designed to feel like a village and will include a pop-up garden dedicated to families of people killed by police and white supremacist violence. Festival organizers have invited Sybrina Fulton, Martins mother, to speak. Scholar and activist Dr. Cornel West, who is running for U.S. president as a third-party candidate in 2024, has been invited to give the festivals keynote address. The BLM movement “rst emerged in 2013, after the acquittal of George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer of mixed white and Hispanic heritage who killed Martin a year earlier. Zimmerman claimed to authorities that he acted in self-defense when he shot Martin. He also acknowledged to an emergency dispatcher that he had followed and pro“led the Black teen as a potential burglar in the Sanford, Florida, gated community. Martins encounter with Zimmerman, as well as the delay in arresting and charging the gunman in the killing, raised questions about how police handle suspected acts of vigilantism against Black victims. In 2012, former President Barack Obama, the nations “rst Black commander-in-chief, underscored public concerns over fairness in the case when he said: If I had a son, hed look like Trayvon.Ž On July 13, 2013, a Florida jury of six women, all but one of them white, found Zimmerman not guilty of second-degree murder or manslaughter. The immediate response to the verdict reverberated in Florida and across the U.S., energizing a new generation of Black racial justice groups including the Dream Defenders and BYP100. BLM co-founders Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza and Ayo Tometi „ the three activists are credited with using the phrase as an armation and an organizing strategy „ initially pledged to build a decentralized organization governed by the consensus. The August 2014 shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown at the hands of police in Ferguson, Missouri, helped the phrase Black lives matterŽ become a potent rallying cry for progressives and a favorite target of derision for law enforcement unions and political conservatives.Black Lives Matter movement marks 10 years of activism AP PHOTO/JULIE FLETCHERProtesters hold signs during a march and rally for slain teenager Trayvon Martin, March 31, 2012, in Sanford, Fla. The Black Lives Matter movement hits a milestone on Thursday, marking 10 years since its 2013 founding in response to the acquittal of the man who fatally shot Martin. Gunned down in a Florida gated community where his father lived in 2012, Martin was one of the earliest symbols of a movement that now wields inuence in politics, law enforcement and broader conversations about racial progress. $0MONEYDOWN+LOWMONTHLY PAYMENTOPTIONSContactaGeneracdealerforfulltermsandconditionsPrepare forpower outagestodayWITHAHOMESTANDBYGENERATOR REQUESTAFREEQUOTECALLNOWBEFORETHENEXTPOWEROUTAGE(855)535-0945*Toqualify,consumersmustrequestaquote,purchase,installandactivatethe generatorwithaparticipatingdealer.Callforafulllistoftermsandconditions.FREE7-YearExtendedWarranty* …A$695Value! adno=3894189-1 WESTCHESTERGOLD&DIAMONDSLETUSROCKYOURWORLDŽ Webuyandselldiamonds,gold, silver,coins,Rolexand vintagejewelry PortCharlotte€941-625-0666 CHARLOTTE 2022 INBUSINESSOVER41YEARS adno=3895066-1 NOTICEOFPUBLICHEARINGTheDeSotoCountyBoardofCountyCommissioners(BoCC)ofDeSotoCounty, Floridawillconsidertheadoptionofordinancesandresolutionsregarding thebelow-describeddevelopmentorderapplications.Theordinancesand resolutionswillbeconsideredatregularlyscheduledPublicHearingMeetings oftheBoardofCountyCommissionersonthedateslistedandatthetimes listedbelow,orassoonthereafter,astheymaybeheardonthatdate.All publichearingswillbeheldintheCountyCommissionMeetingRoom103, AdministrationBuilding,201E.OakStreet,Arcadia,Florida.Copiesofthe applicationsandstaffreportsareavailableattheDevelopmentDepartment Room204,AdministrationBuilding,201E.OakStreet,Arcadia,Florida“ve dayspriortothemeetingdatesandareavailableontheCountyswebsiteat www.desotobocc.comunderDepartmentNewsandNews&announcements. Membersofthepublicmayappearandbeheardonthematterstobe considered.IfyouwanttoappealanydecisionoftheBoCC,youmayneedto arrangeforaverbatimtranscripttobeprepared. BOARDOFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERS:Tuesday,July25,2023at6:30PM 1.Resolution,SITE-0068-2021SouthwestFloridaWaterManagement District. ARESOLUTIONOFTHEBOARDOFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERSOF DESOTOCOUNTY,FLORIDA,GRANTINGTOSOUTHWESTFLORIDAWATER MANAGEMENTDISTRICT,DEVELOPMENTPLANAPPLICATION(SITE0068-2021)APPROVALWITHCONDITIONSONA625.72ACREPARCEL, ZONEDAGRICULTURAL10(A-10)DISTRICTANDLOCATEDAT9225SW COUNTYROAD769;THEPROPERTYIDENTIFICATIONNUMBERBEING 09-39-23-0000-0030-0000AND16-39-23-0000-0010-0000;AND PROVIDINGFORANEFFECTIVEDATE. 2.Resolution,SITE-0085-2022GFYTrusteeServices,LLC ARESOLUTIONOFTHEBOARDOFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERSOF DESOTOCOUNTY,FLORIDA,GRANTINGTOGFYTRUSTEESERVICES, LLCDEVELOPMENTPLANAPPLICATION(SITE-0085-2022)APPROVAL WITHCONDITIONSFORTHECONSTRUCTIONOFA208-UNITMULTIFAMILYRESIDENTIALDEVELOPMENTWITHARECREATIONBUILDING ANDSWIMMINGPOOLON34.95ACREPARCEL,ZONEDRESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY6(RMF-6)DISTRICT.THEPROPERTY,IDENTIFIEDASTAX IDNUMNER14-39-23-0000-0045-0000AND23-39-23-0000-02700000,ISLOCATEDAT9881and9981SWLettuceLakeAve.ROADAND PROVIDINGFORANEFFECTIVEDATE. 3.Resolution,SITE-0092-2022JeffryBrowne ARESOLUTIONOFTHEBOARDOFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERSOFDESOTO COUNTY,FLORIDA,GRANTINGTOJEFFRYS.BROWNE,DEVELOPMENT PLANAPPLICATION(SITE-0092-2022)APPROVALWITHCONDITIONSONA .94ACREPARCEL,ZONEDCOMMERCIALNEIGHBORHOOD(CN)DISTRICT ANDLOCATEDAT12193SWHWY17;THEPROPERTYIDENTIFICATION NUMBERBEING36-39-23-0000-0205-0000;ANDPROVIDINGFORAN EFFECTIVEDATE. PUBLISH:ASDISPLAYADFriday,July14,2023adno=3896599-1

PAGE 7 | The Daily Sun FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 PAGE 7A WEST PORT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2023/2024 BUDGET; NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE IMPOSITION OF OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, ADOPTION OF AN ASSESSMENT ROLL, AND THE LEVY, COLLECTION, AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE SAME; AND NOTICE OF REGULAR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING. Upcoming Public Hearings, and Regular Meeting The Board of Supervisors ( BoardŽ ) for the West Port Community Development District ( DistrictŽ ) will hold the following two public hearings and a regular meeting on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at 12:30 p.m., at the Centennial Park Recreation Center, 1120 Centennial Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Flo rida 33953 . The rst public hearing is being held pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, to receive public comment and objections on th e Districts proposed budget ( Proposed BudgetŽ ) for the scal year beginning October 1, 2023 and ending September 30, 2024 ( Fiscal Year 2023/2024Ž ). The second public hearing is being held pursuant to Chapters 190, 197, and/or 170, Florida Statutes, to consider the imposition of operations and maintenanc e special assessments ( O&M AssessmentsŽ ) upon the lands located within the District, to fund the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2023/2024; to consider the adoption o f an assessment roll; and, to provide for the levy, collection, and enforcement of assessments. At the conclusion of the hearings, the Board wi ll, by resolution, adopt a budget and levy O&M Assessments as nally approved by the Board. A Board meeting of the District will also be held where the Board may consider any other District business. Description of Assessments The District imposes O&M Assessments on benetted property within the District for the purpose of funding the Districts genera l administrative, operations, and maintenance budget. A geographic depiction of the property potentially subject to the proposed O&M Assessments is identied in the map attached hereto. The table below shows the schedule of the proposed O&M Assessments, which are subject to change at the hearing: General Fund (GF) Land UseTotal # of Units / AcresEquivalent Assessment Unit FactorAnnual O&M … GF Assessment(1) Single Family (SF)1,2661.00$647.18 Townhome (TH)1720.85$550.10 Multi-Family5040.70$453.02 Commercial, Tract K5.4410.00$6,471.75 Special Revenue Fund (SRF)(2) Land UseTotal # of Units / AcresEquivalent Assessment Unit FactorAnnual O&M SRF Assessment(1) Single Family (SF)7661.00$650.91 Townhome (TH)1720.85$553.27 Multi-Family00.00$0.00 Commercial, Tract K00.00$0.00 (1) Annual O&M Assessment may also include County collection costs and early payment discounts. (2) SRF applies to units in Landings East, The Hammocks, The Isles, and The Palms. The O&M Assessments may be collected on the County tax roll or by direct bill from the Districts Manager. The O&M Assessments will only be imposed on lots sold to third parties, including lots sold during the Fiscal Year 2023/2024, and any portion of the Districts Proposed Budget not funded by the O&M Assessments will be funded by a developer funding agreement. Note that the O&M Assessments are in addition to any debt service assessments, if any, previously levied by the District and due to be collected for Fiscal Year 2023/2024. Moreover, pursuant to Section 197.3632(4) , Florida Statutes, the lien amount shall serve as the maximum rateŽ authorized by law for operation and maintenance assessments, such that no assessment hearing shall be held or notice provided in future years unless the assessments are proposed to be increased or another criterion within Section 197.3632(4) is met. IT IS IMPORTANT TO PAY YOUR ASSESSMENT BECAUSE FAILURE TO PAY WILL CAUSE A TAX CERTIFICATE TO BE ISSUED AGAINST THE PROPERTY WHICH MAY RESULT IN LOSS OF TITLE, OR FOR DIRECT BILLED ASSESSMENTS, MAY RESULT IN A FORECLOSURE ACTION, WHICH ALSO MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF TITLE. Additional Provisions The public hearings and meeting are open to the public and will be conducted in accordance with Florida law. A copy of the Pro posed Budget and assessment roll, and the agenda, for the hearings and meeting may be obtained by contacting Wrathell, Hunt & Associates, LLC, 2300 Glades Road, Suite 410W, Boca Raton, Florida 33431, 561-571-0010 ( District Managers Of“ceŽ ). The public hearings and meeting may be continued to a date, time, and place to be specied on the record. There may be occasions when staff or board members may participate by speaker telephone. Any person requiring special accommodations because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the District Managers Ofce at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1, or 1-800-955-8771 (TTY) / 1-8 00-955-8770 (Voice), for aid in contacting the District Managers Ofce. Please note that all affected property owners have the right to appear and comment at the public hearings and meeting, and may also le written objections with the District Managers Ofce within twenty (20) days of issuance of this notice. Each person who decides to appeal any de cision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the public hearings or meeting is advised that person will need a record of proceedings and that accordingly, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which such appe al is to be based. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the District Managers Ofce. District Manageradno=3897206-1


PAGE 8A FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 The Daily Sun | By JIM TURNER NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDATALLAHASSEE „ Disney CEO Bob Iger dismissed as preposterousŽ arguments by Gov. Ron DeSantis that the company is sexualizing childrenŽ or experiencing a drop in attendance at its Florida resorts because of a long-running “ght with the governor. Appearing Thursday on CNBCs Squawk Box,Ž Iger also defended the companys right to question a 2022 Florida law that restricted instruction about gender identity and sexual orientation in schools. The companys opposition to the law sparked the feud with DeSantis and his Republican allies in the Legislature. The last thing that I want for the company is for the company to be drawn into any culture wars,Ž Iger said. Weve operated for almost 100 years as a company making product that we actually are proud of in terms of its impact on the world. I joke every once in a while were there to manufacture fun.Ž DeSantis has made the dispute with Disney part of his campaign to win the Republican presidential nomination, repeatedly accusing the entertainment giant of supporting the sexualizationŽ of children. During an appearance last month in North Carolina, DeSantis said we will do battle with anybody who seeks to rob our children of their innocence.Ž Iger said the companys goal is to tell wonderful stories and have a positive impact on the world.Ž We are a pre-eminent entertainer in the world,Ž Iger said. And were proud of our track record there. The notion that Disney is in any way sexualizing children quite frankly is preposterous and inaccurate.Ž Disney “led a federal lawsuit this spring that, in part, accuses the state of retaliating against it. Also, Orange County Circuit Judge Margaret Schreiber will hold a hearing Friday in a separate state-court lawsuit tied to the DisneyDeSantis “ght. Both cases involve a move early this year by DeSantis and lawmakers to replace the Reedy Creek Improvement District, which had bene“ted Disney for decades. DeSantis and the GOP-controlled Legislature approved a law that did away with the Reedy Creek board and gave DeSantis authority to appoint members of the successor Central Florida Tourism Oversight District board. The cases also involve development agreements that Disney and the former Reedy Creek board signed shortly before the Central Florida Tourism Ov ersight District board took over. The Legislature and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District board have taken steps to invalidate the agreements. During the CNBC appearance Thursday, Iger, who received a two-year contract extension this week from the Disney board, disputed a Wall Street Journal report about decreased themepark attendance. Iger pointed to factors such as a 100-degree temperature on the day attendance was measured and an increase in competition after COVID-19 restrictions were fully lifted across the country. This is kind of complicated, but Florida opened up early during COVID. And they created huge demand and didnt have competition because there were a number of other places, states that were not open yet,Ž Iger said. So, if you look at the numbers in Florida in 2023 ƒ versus 20 22, where not as much was open, Florida was the only game in town, theres a lot more competition today. So, against 2022, the state of Florida has been down. We actually track hotel tax revenue across the state, which is a matter of public record, and there are counties in Florida that have been down 6-7% recently.Ž Iger said prices at parks are not an issue.Ž After long serving as Disney CEO and then stepping down, Iger returned to the post in November. He replaced Bob Chapek, who publicly opposed the 2022 Florida law. During a radio appearance Monday on The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show,Ž DeSantis contended Disneys stances on issues have hindered the companys sales. I think that it is impacting parents willingness to take their kids to Disney stu,Ž DeSantis said.Disney CEO disputes DeSantisBob Iger says arguments by the governor that the company is sexualizing children is preposterous AP PHOTO/MARK LENNIHANBob Iger speaks at the Bloomberg Global Business Forum, Sept. 25, 2019, in New York. He said this week that arguments by Gov. Ron DeSantis that the company is sexualizing childrenŽ or experiencing a drop in attendance at its Florida resorts are preposterous.Ž To view todays legal notices and more visit, To view todays legal notices and more visit, Legal Notices 0 7/14/ 2023 FICTITIOUS NAME Notice Under Fictitious Name Law Pursuant to Section 865.09, Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the fictitious name of: Fat Point Pumping located at 5379 swaying palm drive in the County of Charlotte in the City of Punta Gorda, Florida 33982 intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Florida Department of State, Tallahassee, FL. Dated on July 11, 2023. Sole Owner: Anderson Butler Publish: 07/14/2023 416558 3897157 Notice Under Fictitious Name Law Pursuant to Section 865.09, Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the fictitious name of: Book Shepherd Jackie located at 15960 Grassland Lane in the County of Charlotte in the City of Punta Gorda, Florida 33982 intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Florida Department of State, Tallahassee, FL. Dated on August 7, 2023. Sole Owner: Jacqueline Thomas McFadden Publish: 07/14/2023 416558 3897184 Notice Under Fictitious Name Law Pursuant to Section 865.09, Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the fictitious name of: Absolute Pool located at 21440 Carleton Ave in the County of Charlotte in the City of Port Charlotte, Florida 33952 intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Florida Department of State, Tallahassee, FL. Dated on July 12, 2023. Sole Owner: Edward Haverty Publish: 07/14/2023 416558 3897215 NOTICE OF ACTION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 23002404CA LANDMARK INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC., a foreign limited liability company, Plaintiff, vs. VERONA V, LLC., et al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION TO: PIERRE FELLETTI, if alive and if not their unknown spouse, heirs, devisees, grantees, creditors, or other parties claiming by, through, under or against PIERRE FELLETTI, YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title to the following property in Charlotte County, Florida: . A. COUNT IV LOTS 2 AND 3, BLOCK 299, TROPICAL GULF ACRES, UNIT 10, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGES 76 A THRU 76N, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Myles A. Hoover, hPliiffh NOTICE OF ACTION the Plainti ff s attorney, whose address is 11 Island Ave #406, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, on or before 08/09/2023 , and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on the Plaintiffs attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. Dated on July 7, 2023. ROGER D. EATON, Clerk of Court By: Karen Rogers As Deputy Clerk Publish: 07/07/23, 07/14/23, 07/21/23, 07/28/23 427297 3896535 NOTICE OF AUCTION Extra S pace S torage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 19750 Cochran Blvd., Port Charlotte, FL 33954 on 08/03/2023 @ 11:30AM Shelby Cummings--Tools for remolding, clothing The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse and bid and may recind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the perssonal property. Publish: 07/14/23, 07/21/23 426683 3897071 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2023 CP 79 IN RE: ESTATE OF SHERRIE HILL TURNER, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of SHERRIE HILL TURNER, deceased, whose date of death was May 5, 2023. is pending in the Circuit Court for DeSoto County, Fioridal Probate Division, the address of which is Circuit Court DeSoto Countv, 115 E. Oak St., Arcadia, FL 34266. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representatives attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedents estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedents estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, AN Y CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is July 7, 2023. Attorney for Personal Representative: FLETCHER H. RUSH Florida Bar No. 0100586 Williams Parker Harrison Dietz & Getzen 200 South Orange Avenue Sarasota, FL 34236 Telephone: 941-552-2563 Designation of Email Addresses for service: Primary: frush@williamsparker. com Secondary: Personal Representative: MALCOME W. TURNER 7400 N.E. Roan Street Arcadia, FL 34266 Publish: 07/07/23, 07/14/23 224941 3896404 NOTICE OF MEETING JOSHUA WATER CONTROL DISTRICT (JWCD) ANNUAL LANDOWNERS MEETING The Annual/Monthly Meeting for JWCD will be held on August 1, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. in conjunction with the scheduled Monthly Meeting. This meeting will be held in the ff NOTICE OF MEETING Districts o ff ices located at 12008 N.E. Highway 70, Arcadia, Florida for the purpose of electing officers and conducting business. Board of Supervisors 863-494-5737 Publish: 07/14/23, 07/21/23 101313 3897102 NOTICE OF SALE N O TI C E O F PUBLI C S ALE O F PERSONAL PROPERTY Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal prop erty described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 3041 S McCall Rd, Englewood FL 34224 08/03/2023 10:00AM Colleen Kukish-Tools, clothes The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above refer enced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses sion of the personal property. Publish: 07/14/23, 07/21/23 393933 3894505 Extra S pace S torage will hold a public auction to sell personal prop erty described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated 17960 Paulson Dr Port Charlotte, Fl, 33954. 08/03/2023 11:30 am Steven Yauger Bed, kitchen table, TVs. Household items. Monalisa Daniels Appliances Calvin Brown Tractor trailer supplies Francesca Pierre 55 in TV, bags of clothes The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above refer enced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses sion of the personal property. Publish: 07/14/23, 07/21/23 130345 3894980 N O TI C E O F PUBLI C S ALE O F PERSONAL PROPERTY Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal prop erty described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 3041 S McCall Rd, Englewood FL 34224 08/03/2023 10:00AM Colleen Kukish-Tools, clothes Vince Smith Household goods Keshawn Williams-Household goods The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above refer enced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses sion of the personal property. Publish: 07/14/23, 07/21/23 393933 3895629 E xtra S pace S torage w ill h o ld a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 4536 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte, Florida, 33980 08/03/2023 10:00 am Jessica see-baby stuff Blaise Gagliano-Furniture, appliances, boxes, electronics Chris Schwede-Household items Kenny Chambrere-totes, bags The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Publish: 07/14/23, 07/21/23 425491 3895783 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE : On 07/27/2023 at 08:00 AM an auction will take place at 2481 sulstone drive punta gorda fl 33983. The vehicles which will be auctioned include: 5NPD84LF4JH376660 2018 HYUN Publish: 07/14/23 403890 3896975 E xtra S pace S torage w ill h o ld a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 4536 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte, Florida, 33980 08/03/2023 10:00 am Cynthia Jones Household goods, furniture ALiL NOTICE OF SALE Amy Latimer Luggage The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetrea Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facilit y in order to complete the transac tion. Extra Space Storage ma y refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Publish: 07/14/23, 07/21/23 425491 3897150 Notice o f S ale/ Auction Time of Sale: 10:00 am Location of Sale: 11139 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda, FL 33955 Date of Sale: AUGUST 1, 2023 1G4HP54KX2U263238 02 BUIC LeSABRE SILVER 1FDKE30G9SHA31983 95 FOWI ECONOLINE WHITE 1G1ZD5ST9KF166249 19 CHEV MALIBU BLACK SMTA464S4KT920319 13 TRUM STREET TRIPLE RS BLACK 3C6UR5KL8JG244625 18 RAM 2500 WHITE 2HGFG12656H538003 06 HOND CIVIC GRAY 1GCVKREC0JZ208402 18 CHEV SILVERADO 1500 WHITE Publish: 07/14/23 103614 3897151 E xtra S pace S torage w ill h o ld a public auction to sell personal property described belo w belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 23215 Harborview Rd. Punta Gorda, FL 33980, 08/03/2023 11:00 A.M. Nathen Johnson Clothing Keith Allen Crandall Jr Household Items, furniture The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind an y purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Publish: 07/14/23, 07/21/23 111034 3895779 SUNNews Media 866-463-1638 CLASSIFIEDS SUNNews Media


Sports FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 | SUNPREPS.COM | | @Sun_Preps | Email: sports@sun-herald.comBIG 12 : Malzahn and Holgorsen back into Power Five. PAGE 11A INDEX | Golf 12 | Cycling 12 | College football 11 | Scoreboard 11 | Basketball 12Patrick Obley: Sports editor By CHUCK BALLAROSPORTS WRITERLocal high school boys basketball has been on a bit of a roll in recent years, with Charlotte and Port Charlotte making deep runs in the state tournament and winning a whole lot more than they have lost. One of the reasons is that they work on their skills during the oseason against some of the toughest competition in the country. Not only are their present situations pretty good, but also their future, with a bunch of promising players coming this fall to a gymnasium near you. This past weekend at the HoopSeen Best of the South basketball tournament in Atlanta, the three local teams that played for the second-year AAU program called the SWFL Hoops, came home with impressive results. The 14U squad garnered the most laurels, going undefeated in six games and showing they will be a force over the next four years. Ed Chery, who coached the three teams this past weekend, said the 14U team is full of players youre going to see a lot of. Theyre going to be a lot of help to their high school teams. Theyre all experienced, real athletes who play multiple sports. Theyre a lot more physical and stronger than your normal eighth-grader,Ž Chery said. Among the players are Zeke Settles, who will play for Venice this coming season, Kam Curliss will attend Charlotte and Xavier Allen will play for Port Charlotte. There are other who are undecided. Chery said that some of these kids could see themselves on varsity rosters right o the bat. He said its up to the players to determine that. I preach to them that going into your freshman year, you dont want to settle being on JV. The way to separate yourselves from the competition is to play at the highest level as a freshman,Ž Chery said. Set that bar as a freshman and dont go under that bar. Varsity ball is your goal.Ž Chery said the older teams, which has players from Charlotte, Port Charlotte and North Port high schools among other teams, got a chance to play in front of college coaches, which they are only allowed to do a few times a year. They had a chance to play at a high level, play against guys who are older than them, and it went from there,Ž Chery said. This is the NCAA live period where coaches are allowed By MARC TOPKINTAMPA BAY TIMESST. PETERSBURG „ Despite their limp to the All-Star break, losing seven straight and looking bad in doing so before Sundays revival, the Rays are still in a good place. And not just because of all of the Kansas City barbecue options this weekend. Their 58 wins are most in the American League, putting them on pace for a team-record 101. They hold a two-game lead over the Orioles with a 78.9% chance of winning the AL East and 99.2 of making the playos, per baseball-reference. coms projections. is a bit less bullish, at 71.3 and 97.9. They are atop the majors in run dierential (plus-149), lead the AL in homers (137) and starters ERA (3.61); are second in OPS (.784), total runs (506) and runs per game (5.44); and rank third in average (.259). Like Ive said before and Ill continue to say, this is the best team in the big leagues,Ž All-Star “rst baseman Yandy Diaz said via team interpreter Manny Navarro. Were going to have our ups and downs, and this was a down moment. But it looks like were coming right back up from it. ƒ Our con“dence is at 1,000% right now, and that con“dence is above anything else. Thats where our focus is going to be.Ž Adding some pitching depth by the looming trade deadline and avoiding additional injuries would help, but the Rays feel pretty good about what theyve done so far and their chances to keep it up. It was a magical “rst half,Ž starter Zach E”in said, and its very set up for a magical second half, too.Ž Despite the strong start, a lot still has to go right „ or at least not wrong „ for the Rays to make it so. Here are “ve numbers that could matter. 1.45 DROP IN RUNS PER GAME You can pick dierent dates of demarcation when the Rays season-opening hot streak ended, sometime after 13-0 grew to 20-3 and then to 27-6. So, lets use May 8. Through then, the Rays were scoring an average of 6.33 runs (and 2.05 homers) per game, with an .864 OPS. They were 29-7. Since then, they have averaged 4.88 runs „ down 1.45 „ with 1.12 homers Five for the second halfHere are some Rays numbers that could matter AP PHOTO/STEPHEN BRASHEARTampa Bay Rays starter Tyler Glasnow delivers a pitch during a baseball game against the Seattle Mariners, on July 1, in Seattle. The Mariners won 8-3.PREP BASKETBALL MLBTENNISLocal AAU hoops finds success in Atlanta By HOWARD FENDRICHAP TENNIS WRITERWIMBLEDON, England „ There was a time „ a year ago; six months ago, even „ that Ons Jabeur might not have recovered from the de“cit she found herself in during the Wimbledon semi“nals. Down a set. Down a break in the second set. So close to being just a game from defeat. She credits a sports psychologist with helping her understand how to deal with those on-court situations, with managing to keep her focus, keep her strokes on-target. Thanks in part to that, and a steadiness down the stretch at Centre Court on Thursday, Jabeur is on her way to a second consecutive “nal at the All England Club and her third title match in the past “ve Grand Slam tournaments. Now she wants to win a trophy. The sixth-seeded Jabeur earned the right to play for one again by beating big-hitting Aryna Sabalenka 6-7 (5), 6-4, 6-3. Im very proud of myself, because maybe old me would have lost the match today and went back home already. But Im glad that I kept digging very deep and “nding the strength,Ž said Jabeur, a 28-year-old from Tunisia who already was the only Arab woman and only North African woman to reach a major “nal. Im learning to transform the bad energy into a good one,Ž Jabeur said, explaining that she was able to get over the anger she felt after the “rst set. Some things I have no control over: She can ace any time. She can hit the big serve, even if I have a break point. Thats frustrating a bit. But Im glad that Im accepting it and Im digging deep to just go and win this match „ and, hopefully, this tournament.Ž To do that, Jabeur will need to get past Marketa Vondrousova, a left-hander from the Czech Republic, on Saturday. Vondrousova became the “rst unseeded womens “nalist at Wimbledon since Billie Jean King in 1963 by eliminating Elina Svitolina 6-3, 6-3. Like Jabeur, Vondrousova has been to a major “nal before. Like Jabeur, shes never won one, having been the runner-up at the 2019 French Open as a teen. Were both hungry,Ž Jabeur said. So far, Jabeur is 0-2 in Slam “nals. She lost to Elena Rybakina at the All England Club last July and to Iga Swiatek at the U.S. Open last September. Jabeurs win over No. 2 Sabalenka, the Australian Open champion in January, followed victories against three other major title winners: No. 3 Rybakina, No. 9 Petra Kvitova and Bianca Andreescu. I want to make my path worth it,Ž Jabeur Jabeur in second consecutive Wimbledon final SEE JABEUR , 10A SEE HOOPS , 10A SEE RAYS , 10A Nomedicalrecords, $150 . Edibles Now Available! RL GETYOURMEDICALMARIJUANA CARDTODAY!


PAGE 10A FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 The Daily Sun | SPORTS ON TV AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL5:30 a.m. FS2 „ AFL: Brisbane at Melbourne 11:30 p.m. FS2 „ AFL: Fremantle at Collingwood 2:30 a.m. (Saturday) FS1 „ AFL: Port Adelaide at Carlton 5 a.m. (Saturday) FS2 „ AFL: Essendon at GeelongAUTO RACING5 p.m. USA „ NASCAR Xfinity Series: Practice and Qualifying, New Hampshire Motor Speedway, Loudon, N.H. 7 p.m. FS1 „ NHRA: Qualifying, Bandimere Speedway, Morrison, Colo.CYCLING7:30 a.m. PEACOCK „ UCI: The Tour de France, Stage 13, 86 miles, Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne to Grand Colombier, France 2 a.m. (Saturday) USA „ UCI: The Tour de France, Stage 13, 86 miles, Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne to Grand Colombier, France (Taped)FISHING3 p.m. CBSSN „ SFC: The Oak Bluffs Bluewater Classic „ Day 2, Marthas Vineyard, Mass.GOLF8:30 a.m. GOLF „ DP World Tour/PGA Tour: The Genesis Scottish Open, Second Round, The Renaissance Club, East Lothian, Scotland 1:30 p.m. GOLF „ PGA Tour Champions: The Kaulig Companies Championship, Second Round, Firestone Championship South Course, Akron, Ohio 4 p.m. GOLF „ DP World Tour/PGA Tour: The Barbasol Championship, Second Round, Keene Trace Golf Club, Nicholasville, Ky. 7:30 p.m. GOLF „ LPGA Tour: The Dana Open, Second Round, Highland Meadows Golf Club, Sylvania, Ohio (Taped) 9:30 p.m. GOLF „ American Century Championship: First Round, Edgewood Tahoe Resort, Lake Tahoe, Nev. (Taped) HORSE RACING1 p.m. FS2 „ Saratoga Live: From Saratoga Springs, N.Y.MLB BASEBALL7:05 p.m. APPLETV+ „ San Francisco at Pittsburgh 7:10 p.m. APPLETV+ „ LA Dodgers at NY Mets 9:30 p.m. MLBN „ Regional Coverage: Houston at LA Angels OR Detroit at Seattle (10 p.m.)NBA BASKETBALL4:30 p.m. NBATV „ Summer League: Oklahoma City vs. Washington, Las Vegas 5 p.m. ESPN2 „ Summer League: LA Clippers vs. Philadelphia, Las Vegas 6:30 p.m. NBATV „ Summer League: Boston vs. New York, Las Vegas 7 p.m. ESPN „ Summer League: Dallas vs. Indiana, Las Vegas 8:30 p.m. NBATV „ Summer League: Miami vs. Denver, Las Vegas 9 p.m. ESPN „ Summer League: San Antonio vs. Detroit, Las Vegas 10:30 p.m. NBATV „ Summer League: Utah vs. Phoenix, Las Vegas 11 p.m. ESPN „ Summer League: Memphis vs. LA Lakers, Las VegasSOCCER (MENS)7:30 p.m. FS2 „ CPL: Pacific FC at York United FCTENNIS8 a.m. ESPN „ ATP: Wimbledon, Semifinals, London 11 a.m. ESPN „ ATP: Wimbledon, Semifinals, LondonWNBA BASKETBALL4 p.m. ESPN „ WNBA All-Star Skills Challenge: From Las VegasBETTING LINE American LeagueFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE at TEXAS -156 Cleveland +132 Tampa Bay -320 at KANSAS CITY +260 at LA ANGELS -156 Houston +132 Minnesota -189 at OAKLAND +160 at SEATTLE -198 Detroit +166National LeagueFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE San Diego -116 at PHILADELPHIA -102 San Francisco -120 at PITTSBURGH +102 LA Dodgers -126 at N.Y METS +108 Milwaukee -120 at CINCINNATI +102 at ST. LOUIS -169 Washington +140InterleagueFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE at BALTIMORE -122 Miami +104 at TORONTO -179 Arizona +150 at ATLANTA -255 Chicago White Sox +210 Boston -120 at CHICAGO CUBS +102 N.Y Yankees -210 at COLORADO +176TRANSACTIONS Major League BaseballAmerican League HOUSTON ASTROS „ Assigned OF Yordan Alvarez and RHP Jose Urquidy to Sugar Land (PCL) on rehab assignments. KANSAS CITY ROYALS „ Traded RHP Mike Meyers to Chicago White Sox for cash. National League ATLANTA BRAVES „ Agreed to terms with OF Pier-Olivier Boucher and RHPs Riley Gowens, Justin Long and Cory Wall. WASHINGTON NATIONALS „ Agreed to terms with C Ryan Snell and SS Phillip Glasser.Minor LeagueAtlantic League LONG ISLAND DUCKS „ Signed and activated RHP Chris Tessitore. Released LHP McKenzie Mills.BASKETBALL National Basketball AssociationPHILADELPHIA 76ERS „ Re-signed F Paul Reed.National Football LeagueNEW YORK JETS „ Agreed to terms with DT Quinnen Williams on a four-year contract extension.National Hockey LeagueARIZONA C OYOTES „ Placed C Alex Galchenyuk on waivers. DALLAS STARS „ Signed C Ty Dellandrea to a oneyear contract. MONTREAL CANADIENS „ Signed LW Lucas Condotta to a two-year, two-way contract and D Nicolas Beaudin to a one-year, two-way contract. NEW YORK ISLANDERS „ Named Rick Kowalsky head coach for the Bridgeport Islanders (AHL). NEW YORK RANGERS „ Agreed to terms with D Ty Emberson on a one-year contract extension. PHILADELPHIA FLYERS „ Signed C Olle Lycksell to a two-year, two-way contract.American Hockey LeagueMILWAUKEE ADMIRALS „ Signed D Griffin Luce to a one-year contract.Major League SoccerHOUSTON DYNAMO FC „ Exercised their option to purchase F Nelson Quinones and signed him to a contract through the 2025 season with an option for 2026. NEW ENGLAND REVOLUTION „ Acquired M Mark-Anthony Kaye from Toronto in exchange for M Latif Blessing and a 2023 international roster slot. COLLEGE BOSTON COLLEGE „ Named Todd Interdonato head baseball coach. DAYTON „ Named Darren Hertz assistant coach/ director of development, Sean Damaska assistant coach/recruiting coordinator and Leron Black video coordinator for mens basketball. ETSU „ Promoted Ricky Rojas to director of mens and womens tennis. KEENE ST. „ Named Martin Testo director of athletics and recreation. SIU-EDWARDSVILLE „ Agreed to terms with Derrick Brown on a four-year contract extension as head golf coach.said. Thursdays triumph, which came by collecting 10 of the last 13 games, prevented Sabalenka from replacing Swiatek at No. 1 in the rankings. I had so many opportunities,Ž said Sabalenka, a 25-year-old from Belarus who was not allowed to compete at Wimbledon last year because all players from her country and from Russia were banned over the war in Ukraine. Overall, I didnt play my best tennis today. It was just, like, a combo of everything. A little bit of nerves, a little bit of luck for her at some points.Ž Jabeur trailed 4-2 in the second set when she began to turn things around. But not before Sabalenka came within a point from leading 5-3 after Jabeur put a forehand into the net and fell onto her back on the grass of Centre Court. She dusted herself o and broke to take that game and begin the comeback. When she delivered a backhand return winner to force the match to a third set, Jabeur held her right index “nger to her ear, then raised it and wagged it as she strutted to the changeover. Sabalenkas shots missed the mark repeatedly. She “nished with far more unforced errors than Jabeur: The margins were 14-5 in the last set and 45-15 for the match. I was little bit emotionally down, then she was up,Ž said Sabalenka, who hit 10 aces but also double-faulted “ve times. A break put Jabeur up 4-2 in the third, but there was still some work to be done. Sabalenka, as powerful a ball-striker as there is on tour, erased four match points before Jabeur converted her “fth with a 103 mph ace. In the “rst semi“nal, the 43rd-ranked Vondrousova reeled o seven consecutive games in one stretch against the 76th-ranked Svitolina, who returned from maternity leave just three months ago. After surprisingly beating Swiatek in the quarter“nals, she was trying to become the “rst woman from Ukraine to make it to the title match at a major tennis tournament. Svitolina received loud support from thousands in the crowd at the main stadium „ Ukraines ambassador to Britain was in the Royal Box „ as applause and yells echoed o the closed roof. Svitolina says she plays more calmly nowadays, something she attributed to the dual motivations of playing for her baby daughter, who was born in October, and of playing for her home country, where the ongoing war began in February 2022, when Russia invaded with help from Belarus. Its a lot of responsibility, a lot of tension. I try to balance it as much as I can. Sometimes it gets maybe too much,Ž Svitolina said. But I dont want to (make it) an excuse.Ž Vondrousova missed about six months last season because of two operations on her left wrist. She visited England last year with a cast on that arm to enjoy London as a tourist and to watch her best friend and doubles partner, Miriam Kolodziejova, try to qualify for Wimbledon.JABEURFROM PAGE 9Ato watch prospects in person and maybe oer a scholarship.Ž Chery takes the best of those available from Naples to Sarasota. Because everyone has different schedules, the team practices whenever it can, usually twice a week. Chery tries to maintain a good rapport with the coaches by doing the right thing with the players. In Atlanta, Chery had two 17U teams, who combined to go 5-5. Among the players were Charlottes Chris Cornish (who has an oer from Manhattan University and from Division II schools), Jordan Attia, Jahyere Chin and Dior Evans, as well as Dallas Lambert and Kaden Suber from Port Charlotte.HOOPSFROM PAGE 9Aper game and a .731 OPS. They are 29-28. Part of that decline is a natural evening-out, as they couldnt realistically have that many hitters stay that hot all season long. And their pitchers started to give up more runs, putting more games in the balance. But there also may be a key to the season „ and the dierence between another disappointing postseason and a celebration „ in regaining some of that oensive swagger. Hitting coach Chad Mottola said the break should help, as the needed adjustments to get back to where they were are more mental than physical. Everybody needs a little clearer mind; we may have started to clear our minds a little too soon,Ž he said Sunday morning. But were still in a good place, and well “nd that place we were earlier in the year.Ž Stats show a drop in plate discipline and an increase in strikeouts, but Mottola said the approach is the bigger issue. I feel like its chasing results,Ž he said. Early in the season, we were just worried about competing and letting that take care of itself, and we tasted success. Then, kind of a little bit of failure comes, and you start chasing what you were doing earlier, rather than worrying about the process.Ž 1416 RECORD IN ONERUN GAMES Good teams win close games. And the Rays havent been very good at it, as their 14-16 record in one-run games shows. They also havent been great at winning low-scoring games, with an 8-20 record when scoring three or fewer runs. (As opposed to 50-15 when scoring four or more.) When the level of competition increases, the stakes are higher and the pitching is better, the Rays are going to have to improve their performance. 1710 RECORD VS. DIVISION FOES The best way to win the American League East, and the likely “rst-round bye that comes with it, is to beat the teams in the East. So far, the Rays have done that, with a 17-10 mark. Given the new schedule format (with 52 intra-division games, down from 76), they have only 25 remaining, over homeand-home series: eight with the second-place Orioles (2-3 thus far), six with the Blue Jays (4-3) and Yankees (4-3), and “ve with the Red Sox (7-1). I feel like weve positioned ourselves as well as you could ask for in the division we play in, knowing that its a grind from day one,Ž manager Kevin Cash said Thursday. The rest of the games against the AL East (teams) are going to be battles, and weve got to look forward to them.Ž 19 DAYS UNTIL TRADE DEADLINE The Aug. 1 trade deadline is fast approaching. And that matters a lot this year. Unlike past seasons, there is no equivocation about the Rays being in the playo race, and with a solid chance to make a deep run. Also, there is pretty much unanimity they need some help, at least in pitching. Injuries have left the Rays with just “ve starters, and the way Yonny Chirinos has been throwing that may not last. (Plus, there are at least injury concerns with Tyler Glasnow and Shane McClanahan.) Worse, they have only Cooper Criswell „ of the 25-2/3 career big-league innings „ as an experienced option at Triple-A. So, adding a starter with some resume seems vital. While the bullpen has been somewhat stabilized of late and will, barring no rehab setbacks, get back 2021 All-Star Andrew Kittredge in a few weeks to join Jason Adam and Pete Fairbanks as high-leverage options, an addition there should also be considered. The position-player group seems set if all remain healthy, though an oensive upgrade at catcher would be worth considering. While the Rays, from principal owner Stuart Sternberg on down, dont embrace the all-inŽ philosophy, they should be more open to being more aggressive than in most Julys. 69 GAMES REMAINING Prior to the break, the Rays played the most games of any team (93) and thus had the fewest days o (10). (One, on June 2, came after they were at Fenway Park for hours before the game was called due to rain.) They also went through some rough stretches: 23 games in 24 days and 52 in 55, and “ve runs of 10 or more straight days of play, which taxes their pitching and leads to the roster shuing. Plus, they made two trips out West just a week apart. All of which means the Rays have it slightly easier the rest of the way, with 69 games to be played over an 80-day period. After playing 10 straight to start the second half (at the Royals and Rangers, hosting the Orioles), they have only one other extended run „ 16 straight in early September at the Guardians, hosting the Red Sox and Mariners, then at the Twins and Orioles. While the Rays have a majors-best 35-15 home record, they play 38 of their “nal 69 games on the road. Among the other AL East teams, the Yankees, Jays and Red Sox have 71 games left in the 80 days, the Orioles 73.RAYSFROM PAGE 9A AP PHOTO/KIN CHEUNG Tunisias Ons Jabeur celebrates winning a set against Aryna Sabalenka of Belarus during their womens seminal singles match Thursday on day eleven of the Wimbledon tennis championships in London. AP PHOTO/LINDSEY WASSON Wander Franco, of the Tampa Bay Rays, watches from the dugout in the fth inning of the All-Star baseball game Tuesday in Seattle. The National League defeated the American League 3-2. Limited-TimeSpecialOffers! ?He a rin g Lo ss startingat:$649eachstartingat:$999each startingat:$549each TiffanySquarePlaza 2828S.McCallRd.#43 Englewood,FL34224 2023Brad Wa gn er HA S,BC -HI S Ke vin Wag ner HA S, BC -HIS 45+ years of combinedexperience in providing the best localhearing care. Family-owned since 1984!941.475.9909Callustoday!clarityhearingcare.comadno=3896655-1

PAGE 11 | The Daily Sun FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 PAGE 11A By STEPHEN HAWKINSAP SPORTS WRITERARLINGTON, Texas „ Gus Malzahn is back in a Power Five conference with UCF prepping for its “rst season in the Big 12, where Houston coach Dana Holgorsen is again overseeing a teams transition into the league like he did just more than a decade ago at West Virginia. While BYU is giving up its football independence, coach Kalani Sitake has past experience with a program moving up to the highest level. And Scott Satter“elds “rst season with Cincinnati „ and the Bearcats debut in the Big 12 „ comes after four seasons in the ACC as Louisvilles coach. They are the four new coaches, for the four new teams, in the expanded Big 12. Its just the excitement of playing some of the best teams in college football week in and week out and that grind that goes with it,Ž former Auburn coach Malzahn said Thursday as the Big 12 wrapped up its football media days. Thats what excites me. Just the pro“le of our program taking that next step.Ž Malzahn is going into his third season at UCF, which followed his eight consecutive winning seasons in the SEC. The Tigers made it to the BCS championship game in his 2013 debut season, the year before the start of the four-team College Football Playo. UCF proclaimed itself national champion after going undefeated in 2017 and beating Malzahns Auburn squad in the Peach Bowl while one-loss Alabama won the CFP title game. The Knights, who left the American Athletic Conference with Cincinnati and Houston, have gone 18-9 overall under Malzahn with a 2-3 record against Power Five teams. The Big 12 media days were at AT&T Stadium, the home of the NFLs Dallas Cowboys and its conference championship game. It is also where two seasons ago Cincinnati lost to Alabama in the Cotton Bowl after becoming the “rst Group of Five team to make the fourteam CFP. I do think all four schools will be competitive in this league,Ž Satter“eld said. The thing that as a newcomer into the league, you dont know the makeup of the teams. We havent played in this league. We havent played the teams that are in this league, so you dont really understand the ins and outs of the teams that were getting ready to play.Ž With the four additions coming a year before Oklahoma and Texas leave for the SEC, the Big 12 will have 14 teams this season. The conference now spreads over three time zones with schools from eight dierent states, stretching from Utah to West Virginia to Florida. This is the “rst change in the leagues makeup since 2012, when West Virginia and TCU were added to then keep the Big 12 at 10 teams.Big 12 brings Malzahn, Holgorsen back into Power FiveCOLLEGE FOOTBALL BASEBALLMLB AMERICAN LEAGUEEast Division W L Pct GB Tampa Bay 58 35 .624 _ Baltimore 54 35 .607 2 Toronto 50 41 .549 7 New York 49 42 .538 8 Boston 48 43 .527 9Central Division W L Pct GB Cleveland 45 45 .500 _ Minnesota 45 46 .495 ½ Detroit 39 50 .438 5½ Chicago 38 54 .413 8 Kansas City 26 65 .286 19½West Division W L Pct GB Texas 52 39 .571 _ Houston 50 41 .549 2 Seattle 45 44 .506 6 Los Angeles 45 46 .495 7 Oakland 25 67 .272 27½ NATIONAL LEAGUEEast Division W L Pct GB Atlanta 60 29 .674 _ Miami 53 39 .576 8½ Philadelphia 48 41 .539 12 New York 42 48 .467 18½ Washington 36 54 .400 24½Central Division W L Pct GB Cincinnati 50 41 .549 _ Milwaukee 49 42 .538 1 Chicago 42 47 .472 7 Pittsburgh 41 49 .456 8½ St. Louis 38 52 .422 11½West Division W L Pct GB Los Angeles 51 38 .573 _ Arizona 52 39 .571 _ San Francisco 49 41 .544 2½ San Diego 43 47 .478 8½ Colorado 34 57 .374 18AMERICAN LEAGUE Fridays GamesMiami at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m. Arizona at Toronto, 7:07 p.m. Chicago White Sox at Atlanta, 7:20 p.m. Boston at Chicago Cubs, 8:05 p.m. Cleveland at Texas, 8:05 p.m. Tampa Bay at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at Colorado, 8:40 p.m. Houston at L.A. Angels, 9:38 p.m. Minnesota at Oakland, 9:40 p.m. Detroit at Seattle, 10:10 p.m.NATIONAL LEAGUE Fridays GamesSan Diego at Philadelphia, 6:05 p.m. Miami at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m. San Francisco at Pittsburgh, 7:05 p.m. Arizona at Toronto, 7:07 p.m. L.A. Dodgers at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m. Milwaukee at Cincinnati, 7:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox at Atlanta, 7:20 p.m. Boston at Chicago Cubs, 8:05 p.m. Washington at St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at Colorado, 8:40 p.m.BASKETBALLWNBA EASTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB New York 14 4 .778 „ Connecticut 15 5 .750 „ Atlanta 11 8 .579 3½ Washington 11 8 .579 3½ Chicago 8 12 .400 7 Indiana 5 15 .250 10WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB Las Vegas 19 2 .905 „ Dallas 11 9 .550 7½ Minnesota 9 11 .450 9½ Los Angeles 7 13 .350 11½ Phoenix 4 15 .211 14 Seattle 4 16 .200 14½Wednesdays GamesConnecticut 84, Chicago 72 New York 95, Indiana 87, OT Dallas 107, Minnesota 67 Atlanta 85, Seattle 75 Las Vegas 97, Los Angeles 78Saturdays GameTeam Wilson vs Team Stewart, 8:30 p.m., Paradise, Nev.CYCLINGTour de France Thursday 12th Stage 169 kilometers (105 miles) from Roanne to Belleville-En-Beaujolais1. Ion Izaguirre Insausti, Spain, COFIDIS/Fra, 3:51:42s. 2. Mathieu Burgaudeau, France, TotalEnergies, 58s behind. 3. Matteo Jorgenson, United States, Movistar Team, same time. 4. Tiesj Benoot, Belgium, Jumbo-Visma, 1:06. 5. Tobias Halland Johannessen, Norway, Uno-X Pro Cycling Team, 1:11. 6. Thibaut Pinot, France, Groupama-FDJ, 1:13. 7. Guillaume Martin, France, COFIDIS/Fra, same time. 8. Dylan Tuens, Belgium, Israel-Premier Tech/Isr, same time. 9. Ruben Almeida Guerreiro, Portugal, Movistar Team, 1:27. 10. Victor Campenaerts, Belgium, Lotto DSTNY/Bel, 3:02.Also22. Sepp Kuss, United States, Jumbo-Visma, 4:14s behind. 76. Kevin Vermaerke, United States, Team DSM-Firmenich, 13:21. 111. Neilson Powless, United States, EF Education-EasyPost, 24:53. 115. G Lawson Craddock, United States, Team Jayco Alula, same time.Overall Standings1. Jonas Vingegaard, Denmark, Jumbo-Visma, 50:30:23s. 2. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team Emirates, :17s behind. 3. Jai Hindley, Australia, Bora-Hansgrohe, 2:40. 4. Carlos Rodriguez Cano, Spain, Ineos Grenadiers, 4:22. 5. Pello Bilbao Lopez, Spain, Bahrain Victorious, 4:34. 6. Adam Yates, Great Britain, UAE Team Emirates, 4:39. 7. Simon Yates, Great Britain, Team Jayco-Alula, 4:44. 8. Tom Pidcock, Great Britian, Ineos Grenadiers, 5:26. 9. David Gaudu, France, Groupama-FDJ, 6:01. 10. Thibaut Pinot, France, Groupama-FDJ, 6:33.Also11. Sepp Kuss, United States, Jumbo-Visma, 6:45s behind. 42. Matteo Jorgenson, United States, Movistar Team, 55:44s. 59. Neilson Powless, United States, EF Education-EasyPost, 1:20:56. 85. Kevin Vermaerke, United States, Team DSM-Firmenich, 1:48:36. 103. G Lawson Craddock, United States, Team Jayco Alula, 2:05:16.Young Riders Standings1. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team Emirates, 50:30:40s. 2. Carlos Rodriguez Cano, Spain, Ineos Grenadiers, 4:05s behind. 3. Tom Pidcock, Great Britian, Ineos Grenadiers, 5:09. 4. Felix Gall, Austria, AGZR Citroen Team, 9:29. 5. Skjelmose Mattias Jensen, Denmark, LIDL-Trek, 27:26. 6. Mathieu Burgaudeau, France, TotalEnergies, 37:30. 7. Tobias Halland Johannessen, Norway, Uno-X Pro Cycling Team, 46:50. 8. Matteo Jorgenson, United States, Movistar Team, 55:27. 9. Maxim Van Gils, Belgium, Lotto DSTNY, 1:20:39. 10. Lars Van Den Berg, Netherlands, Groupama-FDJ, 1:31:34.Mountain Standings1. Neilson Powless, United States, EF Education-EasyPost, 46 pts. 2. Tobias Halland Johanessen, Norway, UNO-X Pro Cycling Team, 30. 3. Felix Gall, Austria, AGZR Citroen Team, 28. 4. Ruben Almeida Guerreiro, Portugal, Movistar Team, 24. 5. Giulio Ciccone, Italy, LIDL-Trek, 22. 6. Michael Woods, Canada, Israel-Premier Tech, 20. 7. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team Emirates, 19. 8. Jai Hindley, Australia, Bora-Hansgrohe, 19. 9. Daniel Martinez Poveda, Colombia, Ineos Grenadiers, 18. 10. Jonas Vingegaard, Denmark, Jumbo-Visma, 18.GOLFDP World Tour Genesis Scottish Open Thursday At The Renaissance Club Gullane, United Kingdom Purse: $9 million Yardage: 7,237; Par: 70 First RoundByeong Hun An 31-30„61 -9 Davis Riley 29-34„63 -7 Thomas Detry 33-31„64 -6 Rory McIlroy 33-31„64 -6 Kyoung-Hoon Lee 33-32„65 -5 Yannik Paul 32-33„65 -5 Oliver Bekker 34-32„66 -4 Julien Brun 33-33„66 -4 Ewen Ferguson 35-31„66 -4 Ross Fisher 36-30„66 -4 Will Gordon 33-33„66 -4 Max Homa 34-32„66 -4 Tom Kim 31-35„66 -4 David Lingmerth 34-32„66 -4 Sam Burns 33-34„67 -3 Eric Cole 36-31„67 -3 Rickie Fowler 33-34„67 -3 Brian Harman 33-34„67 -3 Padraig Harrington 34-33„67 -3 Garrick Higgo 34-33„67 -3 Thriston Lawrence 33-34„67 -3 Robert Macintyre 33-34„67 -3 Thorbjorn Olesen 31-36„67 -3 Sebastian Soderberg 34-33„67 -3 Sami Valimaki 33-34„67 -3 Wu Ashun, China 33-35„68 -2 Wyndham Clark 32-36„68 -2 Matt Fitzpatrick 34-34„68 -2 Daniel Hillier 33-35„68 -2 Lee Hodges 36-32„68 -2 Charley Homan 34-34„68 -2 Min Woo Lee 33-35„68 -2 Zander Lombard 34-34„68 -2 Guido Migliozzi 35-33„68 -2 Keith Mitchell 35-33„68 -2 Tapio Pulkkanen 37-31„68 -2 Antoine Rozner 35-33„68 -2 Scottie Scheer 36-32„68 -2 Shubhankar Sharma 36-32„68 -2 Marcel Siem 36-32„68 -2 Jordan L. Smith 35-33„68 -2 Connor Syme 35-33„68 -2 Nick Taylor 34-34„68 -2 Justin Thomas 36-32„68 -2 Dylan Wu 35-33„68 -2 Adri Arnaus 37-32„69 -1 Christiaan Bezuidenhout 34-35„69 -1 Dan Bradbury 35-34„69 -1 Rafa Cabrera Bello 36-33„69 -1 Sean Crocker 36-33„69 -1 Grant Forrest 35-34„69 -1 Simon Forsstrom 36-33„69 -1 Ryan Fox 35-34„69 -1 Daniel Gavins 36-33„69 -1 Gavin Green 36-33„69 -1 Ben Grin 36-33„69 -1 Tyrrell Hatton 33-36„69 -1 Tom Hoge 35-34„69 -1 Billy Horschel 34-35„69 -1 Mackenzie Hughes 33-36„69 -1 Matthew Jordan 34-35„69 -1 Maximilian Kieer 34-35„69 -1 Seonghyeon Kim 35-34„69 -1 Joakim Lagergren 33-36„69 -1 Luke List 35-34„69 -1 Richard Mansell 34-35„69 -1 Alex Noren 36-33„69 -1 Victor Perez 35-34„69 -1 J.T. Poston 36-33„69 -1 Marcel Schneider 32-37„69 -1 Ockie Strydom 35-34„69 -1 Dale Whitnell 35-34„69 -1 Oliver Wilson 37-32„69 -1 Jorge Campillo 37-33„70 E Luke Donald 35-35„70 E Tommy Fleetwood 36-34„70 E Calum Hill 36-34„70 E Nicolai Hojgaard 35-35„70 E Sungjae Im 35-35„70 E Bio Kim 36-34„70 E Romain Langasque 36-34„70 E Pablo Larrazabal 37-33„70 E David Law 32-38„70 E Joost Luiten 36-34„70 E Ben Martin 37-33„70 E Tom McKibbin 33-37„70 E Edoardo Molinari 36-34„70 E Taylor Montgomery 34-36„70 E Andrew Putnam 36-34„70 E Patrick Rodgers 38-32„70 E Justin Rose 35-35„70 E Sam Ryder 35-35„70 E Kalle Samooja 36-34„70 E Xander Schauele 34-36„70 E Scott Stallings 35-35„70 E Ben Taylor 34-36„70 E Gary Woodland 34-36„70 E Fabrizio Zanotti 36-34„70 E Ludvig Aberg 36-35„71 +1 Matthew Baldwin 38-33„71 +1 Alexander Bjork 37-34„71 +1 Zac Blair 38-33„71 +1 Joseph Bramlett 34-37„71 +1 Cameron Davis 35-36„71 +1 Jamie Donaldson 36-35„71 +1 Austin Eckroat 36-35„71 +1 Harry Hall 34-37„71 +1 Lucas Herbert 35-36„71 +1 Scott Jamieson 35-36„71 +1 Kurt Kitayama 36-35„71 +1 Shane Lowry 35-36„71 +1 Adrian Meronk 33-38„71 +1 Troy Merritt 34-37„71 +1 Francesco Molinari 38-33„71 +1 Adrian Otaegui 36-35„71 +1 Aaron Rai 35-36„71 +1 Richie Ramsay 36-35„71 +1 Alex Smalley 37-34„71 +1 Matthew Southgate 36-35„71 +1 Sahith Theegala 35-36„71 +1 N. Von Dellingshausen 37-34„71 +1 Paul Waring 36-35„71 +1 Aaron Baddeley 37-35„72 +2 Patrick Cantlay 37-35„72 +2 Corey Conners 36-36„72 +2 Harrison Endycott 36-36„72 +2 Doug Ghim 37-35„72 +2 Michael Kim 38-34„72 +2 Matthieu Pavon 35-37„72 +2 Adam Scott 36-36„72 +2 Jordan Spieth 37-35„72 +2 Erik Van Rooyen 38-34„72 +2 Jimmy Walker 33-39„72 +2 Matt Wallace 36-36„72 +2 Justin Walters 36-36„72 +2 Kevin Yu 37-35„72 +2 Nick Bachem 36-37„73 +3 Wil Besseling 38-35„73 +3 Nicolas Colsaerts 37-36„73 +3 Chase Hanna 37-36„73 +3 Rasmus Hojgaard 37-36„73 +3 Viktor Hovland 36-37„73 +3 C.T. Pan 37-36„73 +3 Eddie Pepperell 37-36„73 +3 Robby Shelton 37-36„73 +3 Callum Shinkwin 35-38„73 +3 Callum Tarren 38-35„73 +3 Marcus Armitage 37-37„74 +4 Hurly Long 39-35„74 +4 Danny Willett 39-35„74 +4 Yeongsu Kim 39-36„75 +5 Hao-Tong Li, China 37-38„75 +5 Brandon Wu 38-37„75 +5 Yoseop Seo 39-37„76 +6 Dylan Frittelli 44-34„78 +8PGA Tour Barbasol Championship Thursday At Champions at Keene Trace Nicholasville, Ky. Purse: $3.8 million Yardage: 7,328; Par: 72 First RoundLucas Glover 31-32„63 -9 Ryan Armour 32-32„64 -8 Ryan Moore 33-31„64 -8 Daniel Brown 32-33„65 -7 Wesley Bryan 32-33„65 -7 Cody Gribble 33-32„65 -7 Andrew Novak 31-34„65 -7 Marcus Helligkilde 33-33„66 -6 Angel Hidalgo 33-33„66 -6 Marcus Kinhult 33-33„66 -6 Adam Long 31-35„66 -6 Vincent Norrman 33-33„66 -6 Bo Van Pelt 34-32„66 -6 Johannes Veerman 35-31„66 -6 Deon Germishuys 34-33„67 -5 Wes Homan 34-33„67 -5 Patton Kizzire 32-35„67 -5 Peter Malnati 32-35„67 -5 Niklas Norgaard Moller 31-36„67 -5 Sean OHair 34-33„67 -5 Chad Ramey 33-34„67 -5 JC Ritchie 33-34„67 -5 Clement Sordet 35-32„67 -5 Akshay Bhatia 35-33„68 -4 John Catlin 33-35„68 -4 Jason Dufner 34-34„68 -4 Michael Gligic 34-34„68 -4 Tano Goya 34-34„68 -4 Kramer Hickok 36-32„68 -4 Harry Higgs 36-32„68 -4 Russell Knox 33-35„68 -4 Mikael Lindberg 31-37„68 -4 Maxwell Moldovan 33-35„68 -4 Adrien Saddier 33-35„68 -4 Jayden Trey Schaper 33-35„68 -4 Matti Schmid 32-36„68 -4 Andy Sullivan 32-36„68 -4 Kiradech Aphibarnrat 33-36„69 -3 Scott Brown 33-36„69 -3 Louis De Jager 35-34„69 -3 Alejandro Del Rey 32-37„69 -3 Paul Haley 33-36„69 -3 Bo Hoag 33-36„69 -3 Masahiro Kawamura 35-34„69 -3 Nathan Kimsey 34-35„69 -3 Alexander Knappe 32-37„69 -3 Andrew Landry 34-35„69 -3 Alexander Levy 33-36„69 -3 William McGirt 33-36„69 -3 Jesse Mueller 35-34„69 -3 Henrik Norlander 34-35„69 -3 Taylor Pendrith 35-34„69 -3 Ted Potter Jr. 34-35„69 -3 Doc Redman 35-34„69 -3 Matthias Schwab 32-37„69 -3 Robin Sciot-Siegrist 34-35„69 -3 Chris Stroud 33-36„69 -3 D.J. Trahan 33-36„69 -3 Thomas Aiken 38-32„70 -2 Tyson Alexander 33-37„70 -2 Jonathan Byrd 35-35„70 -2 Greg Chalmers 35-35„70 -2 MJ Daue 34-36„70 -2 Zecheng Dou 35-35„70 -2 Jeremy Freiburghaus 35-35„70 -2 Tommy Gainey 35-35„70 -2 Brice Garnett 37-33„70 -2 Ryan Gerard 37-33„70 -2 Scott Harrington 34-36„70 -2 Ryo Hisatsune 35-35„70 -2 Daan Huizing 34-36„70 -2 Sung Kang 35-35„70 -2 Max McGreevy 34-36„70 -2 Grayson Murray 34-36„70 -2 Cameron Percy 36-34„70 -2 Scott Piercy 35-35„70 -2 Martin Simonsen 32-38„70 -2 Kevin Streelman 35-35„70 -2 Martin Trainer 35-35„70 -2 Trevor Werbylo 33-37„70 -2 Richy Werenski 34-36„70 -2 Ricky Barnes 36-35„71 -1 Jonas Blixt 36-35„71 -1 Trevor Cone 35-36„71 -1 Austin Cook 35-36„71 -1 David Ford 34-37„71 -1 Manu Gandas 33-38„71 -1 Kelly Kraft 35-36„71 -1 Hank Lebioda 36-35„71 -1 Chip McDaniel 36-35„71 -1 Augusto Nunez 34-37„71 -1 D.A. Points 35-36„71 -1 Freddy Schott 34-37„71 -1 Jason Scrivener 38-33„71 -1 Santiago Tarrio 34-37„71 -1 Josh Teater 37-34„71 -1 Kevin Tway 36-35„71 -1 Andrew Wilson 37-34„71 -1 John Axelsen 35-37„72 E Sang-Moon Bae 37-35„72 E Ryan Brehm 38-34„72 E Christoer Bring 38-34„72 E Kevin Chappell 36-36„72 E Todd Clements 34-38„72 E Aaron Cockerill 36-36„72 E Jens Dantorp 34-38„72 E Brian Davis 36-36„72 E Tyler Duncan 36-36„72 E James Hahn 36-36„72 E Richard S Johnson 37-35„72 E Peter Kuest 34-38„72 E Justin Lower 34-38„72 E James Morrison 37-35„72 E David Ravetto 37-35„72 E Kevin Roy 33-39„72 E Pedro Figueiredo 36-37„73 +1 Julien Guerrier 37-36„73 +1 David Hearn 39-34„73 +1 Soren Kjeldsen 37-36„73 +1 Derek Lamely 34-39„73 +1 Joshua Lee 36-37„73 +1 Matthew Sharpstene 35-38„73 +1 Brian Stuard 37-36„73 +1 Darius Van Driel 36-37„73 +1 Nick Watney 38-35„73 +1 Carl Yuan 40-33„73 +1 Derek Ernst 38-36„74 +2 Jim Herman 39-35„74 +2 Ryuji Imada 37-37„74 +2 Brandon Matthews 36-38„74 +2 Chris Nido 33-41„74 +2 John Parry 36-38„74 +2 Austin Smotherman 39-35„74 +2 Kevin Stadler 36-38„74 +2 Robert Streb 38-36„74 +2 Bryce Easton 38-37„75 +3 Satoshi Kodaira 40-35„75 +3 Jesse Massie 35-40„75 +3 Stephen Stallings Jr. 36-39„75 +3 Kyle Stanley 33-42„75 +3 Vince Whaley 35-40„75 +3 Ben Crane 36-40„76 +4 O. Hundeboll Jorgensen 38-38„76 +4 Jeong-Weon Ko 36-40„76 +4 Kyle Westmoreland 40-36„76 +4 Matt Every 38-39„77 +5 Robert Garrigus 41-36„77 +5 J.J. Henry 38-39„77 +5 Je Overton 39-38„77 +5 Trey Cox 38-40„78 +6 Geo Ogilvy 39-39„78 +6 Daniel Chopra 40-39„79 +7 Omar Uresti 39-40„79 +7 S. Garcia Rodriguez 39-42„81 +9 Jazz Janewattananond 44-41„85 +13SOCCERMLS Eastern Conference W L T Pts GF GA Cincinnati 14 2 6 48 36 24 New England 11 4 7 40 38 28 Nashville 11 7 5 38 30 19 Philadelphia 11 7 4 37 37 25 Columbus 10 6 6 36 43 30 Atlanta 9 6 8 35 41 37 Orlando City 9 6 7 34 32 27 D.C. United 8 9 6 30 32 30 Chicago 7 7 8 29 30 31 CF Montréal 8 12 2 26 20 32 New York 6 8 8 26 21 23 Charlotte FC 6 8 8 26 30 38 New York City FC 5 7 11 26 24 28 Toronto FC 3 10 10 19 18 32 Inter Miami CF 5 13 3 18 22 33Western Conference W L T Pts GF GA Saint Louis City SC 12 8 2 38 40 27 Los Angeles FC 10 6 6 36 33 24 Seattle 10 8 5 35 28 22 Real Salt Lake 9 7 7 34 32 33 San Jose 8 7 8 32 28 29 Austin FC 8 9 5 29 30 31 FC Dallas 8 9 5 29 24 25 Houston 8 10 4 28 26 31 Vancouver 7 7 7 28 34 30 Minnesota United 7 8 6 27 25 29 Sporting KC 6 10 8 26 30 34 Portland 5 9 8 23 23 31 LA Galaxy 5 9 7 22 23 33 Colorado 3 10 9 18 16 30 NOTE: Three points for victory, one point for tie.Wednesdays GamesNew England 2, Atlanta 1 Cincinnati 2, New York 1 Chicago 3, CF Montréal 0 Minnesota 3, Houston 0 Real Salt Lake 2, Sporting KC 2, tie Philadelphia 2, Nashville 0 San Jose 2, Seattle 0 Vancouver 2, Austin FC 1 Los Angeles FC 3, Saint Louis City SC 0Saturdays GamesOrlando City at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m. Nashville at Cincinnati, 7:30 p.m. Charlotte FC at CF Montréal, 7:30 p.m. D.C. United at New England, 7:30 p.m. New York City FC at Philadelphia, 7:30 p.m. Sporting Kansas City at Austin FC, 8:30 p.m. Toronto FC at Chicago, 8:30 p.m. Los Angeles FC at Minnesota, 8:30 p.m. Miami at Saint Louis City SC, 8:30 p.m. Houston at Colorado, 9:30 p.m. New York at Real Salt Lake, 9:30 p.m. Columbus at Portland, 10:30 p.m. FC Dallas at Seattle, 10:30 p.m. LA Galaxy at Vancouver, 10:30 p.m.CONCACAF Gold Cup SEMIFINALS Wednesday San DiegoUnited States 1, Panama 1, Panama advanced 5-4 on penalty kicksAt Las VegasMexico 3, Jamaica 0CHAMPIONSHIP Sunday, July 16 At Inglewood, Calif.Panama vs. Mexico, 7:30 p.m.TENNISWimbledon Thursday At All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club London Purse: £16,077,000 Surface: Grass Womens Singles Semi“nals Marketa Vondrousova, Czech Republic, def. Elina Svitolina, Ukraine, 6-3, 6-3. Ons Jabeur (6), Tunisia, def. Aryna Sabalenka (2), Belarus, 6-7 (5), 6-4, 6-3. Mens Doubles Semi“nals Marcel Granollers, Spain, and Horacio Zeballos (15), Argentina, def. Kevin Krawietz and Tim Puetz (10), Germany, 6-4, 6-3. Wesley Koolhof, Netherlands, and Neal Skupski (1), Britain, def. Rohan Bopanna, India, and Matthew Ebden (6), Australia, 7-5, 6-4. Mixed Doubles Championship Lyudmyla Kichenok, Ukraine, and Mate Pavic (7), Croatia, def. Xu Yifan, China, and Joran Vliegen, Belgium, 6-4, 6-7 (9), 6-3.TRANSACTIONSThursday BASEBALL Major League Baseball American LeagueHOUSTON ASTROS „ Assigned OF Yordan Alvarez and RHP Jose Urquidy to Sugar Land (PCL) on rehab assignments. KANSAS CITY ROYALS „ Traded RHP Mike Meyers to Chicago White Sox for cash.National LeagueATLANTA BRAVES „ Agreed to terms with OF Pier-Olivier Boucher and RHPs Riley Gowens, Justin Long and Cory Wall. WASHINGTON NATIONALS „ Agreed to terms with C Ryan Snell and SS Phillip Glasser.BASKETBALL National Basketball AssociationPHILADELPHIA 76ERS „ Re-signed F Paul Reed.FOOTBALL National Football LeagueNEW YORK JETS „ Agreed to terms with DT Quinnen Williams on a four-year contract extension.HOCKEY National Hockey LeagueARIZONA COYOTES „ Placed C Alex Galchenyuk on waivers. DALLAS STARS „ Signed C Ty Dellandrea to a one-year contract. MONTREAL CANADIENS „ Signed LW Lucas Condotta to a two-year, two-way contract and D Nicolas Beaudin to a one-year, two-way contract. NEW YORK ISLANDERS „ Named Rick Kowalsky head coach for the Bridgeport Islanders (AHL). NEW YORK RANGERS „ Agreed to terms with D Ty Emberson on a one-year contract extension. PHILADELPHIA FLYERS „ Signed C Olle Lycksell to a two-year, two-way contract.SOCCER Major League SoccerHOUSTON DYNAMO FC „ Exercised their option to purchase F Nelson Quinones and signed him to a contract through the 2025 season with an option for 2026. NEW ENGLAND REVOLUTION „ Acquired M Mark-Anthony Kaye from Toronto in exchange for M Latif Blessing and a 2023 international roster slot. NATIONAL SCOREBOARD


PAGE 12A FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 The Daily Sun | By MARK ANDERSONAP SPORTS WRITERLAS VEGAS „ The timing and location of the WNBA AllStar Game couldnt be much better. Just in the past week, 19-year-old phenom Victor Wembanyama made his NBA debut in the Summer League to sold-out crowds at the nearby Thomas & Mack Center, league commissioner Adam Silver spoke openly about Las Vegas as a potential expansion candidate, and the Aces continued to roll through opponents to move to 19-2 as they seek a second straight WNBA title. Thats a lot of basketball momentum ahead of the AllStar Game at Michelob Ultra Arena. The 3-point shooting contest and skills competitions take place Friday, and the game Saturday has been declared a sellout. Team Wilson is captained by Aces star and two-time MVP Aja Wilson, and she will be joined by three of her Las Vegas teammates when they take on Team Stewart, led by 2018 MVP Breanna Stewart of the New York Liberty. Aces coach Becky Hammon, who will lead Team Wilson, noted that Las Vegas has a history as a basketball city. UNLV won the 1990 national championship and appeared in three other Final Fours, making Runnin Rebels games must-see events even in this entertainment-driven city. We just have the privilege and honor to be its “rst professional basketball team,Ž Hammon said. But you go back to those early UNLV games, I think this town has always loved basketball. I played in conference tournaments here. But to have a product like this, a womens team like this, I think people are excited to come visit. I think weve played our way into the conversation of being one of the best shows here.Ž Hammon spoke after Tuesday nights 98-72 victory over the Phoenix Mercury, which was played before a franchise-record crowd of 10,281 and was the teams third sellout this season. Paul George, Donovan Mitchell and Bam Adebayo were among the NBA players watching, joined by former Duke and USA Basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski and Hall of Famer Isiah Thomas. The birth of Vegas sports outside of boxing has been amazing,Ž Thomas said. It truly is becoming a hub of sports and entertainment, and the WNBA and the Vegas Aces are driving that.Ž The NBA could be next. Silver has often referred to Las Vegas as the 31st franchiseŽ because of the presence of all 30 teams at the Summer League each year. And that relationship is growing with the NBA playing the “nal four games of its “rst in-season tournament in Las Vegas on Dec. 7 and 9. I like to believe the tournament games being held here next year has something to do with the NBA ”irting with the idea of having a team,Ž George said. Hopefully, that goes well. A heck of an NBA fan base here.ŽVegas on stage ahead of All-Star Game AP PHOTO/RYAN SUN Las Vegas Aces forward Aja Wilson (22) tips the ball against Los Angeles Sparks forward Azura Stevens (23) during the second half Wednesdays game in Los Angeles.WNBA GOLF CYCLING By DOUG FERGUSONAP GOLF WRITERGULLANE, Scotland „ Byeong Hun An played well enough in the Scottish Open on Thursday that he had reason to hope he can stick around for more links golf next week. An ran o four straight birdies early in his round at The Renaissance Club and closed with a 25-foot birdie putt on the tough par-3 ninth hole for a 9-under 61, giving him a two-shot lead over Davis Riley. An had his best score on the PGA Tour „ the Scottish Open is co-sanctioned with the European tour „ and it came at just the right time. This is the “nal tournament for players to try to earn a spot in the British Open next week at Royal Liverpool. The leading three players not already exempt will earn spots. Its one of those days, every shot you hit just has a perfect number,Ž An said. Pitched right, how the ball reacted on the greens, everything was perfect. Some of the putts I had were very straightforward putts that I think I left in a good spot. Everything went really well.Ž Rory McIlroy had few complaints after taking a two-week break from competition, much of that time without touching a club. He holed an eagle putt and made six birdies to oset a few mistakes for a 64, leaving him tied with Thomas Detry. Its a great start, and I would have taken it before I teed o,Ž McIlroy said. Riley played in the afternoon when the wind got a little stronger and took as much pride in his par putts as some of his seven birdies. Riley already has one eye on next week, his British Open debut. He narrowly missed out last year and clinched a spot when he shot 66 in the “nal round at Bay Hill, which oered three British Open spots to top “nishers. Riley “rst came to Scotland in 2014 as part of the Junior Ryder Cup team. That wasnt on a links course, and The Renaissance Club has only the look of links „ its not true links soil. Its still not a bad test for what awaits at Royal Liverpool. Collin Morikawa credited his experience at The Renaissance Club to helping him win the British Open in 2021. Riley could sense and feel how to ”ight shots and use the ground. Its so much dierent than playing golf in the States,Ž Riley said. Its just so much fun, ”ighting shots, maneuvering it with the wind and playing slopes, a part of the game that I really enjoy. As “rm as it gets, you can utilize some slopes. Thats the best part about it is theres a million dierent ways to hit the shot right and thats whats so fun about it. That part today, I enjoyed, and that was a big part of the reason I played well.Ž He has been looking for momentum anywhere he can “nd. His season got o to a slow start until he won the Zurich Classic „ the lone team event on the PGA Tour „ in New Orleans with Nick Hardy. In his eyes, Riley had his second straight round of 7-under par. He shot a 7-under 65 in the “nal round of the Rocket Mortgage Classic two weeks ago. Im just trying to take that and carry it over,Ž he said. An opens with 61 at Scottish Open ASSOCIATED PRESSBELLEVILLE-ENBEAUJOLAIS, France „ Ion Izagirre emerged victorious from an absorbing mid-mountain Tour de France stage which started with a ”urry of attacks that lasted to the end on Thursday. The Co“dis rider posted his second career Tour stage win in the 12th stage. The 169-kilometer (105mile) stage took riders across the Beaujolais vineyards on a route with two big climbs in the second half of the trek. The “rst two hours of racing were furious, with several dozen riders dropped over the “rst 25 kilometers. Izagirre attacked from a group of strong and experienced breakaway riders in the “nal climb „ the brutal ascent of the 5.3-kilometer Col de la Croix Rosier. Tucked in an aerodynamic position, the Basque rider took all the risks in the downhill, then used his strong time trial skills to thwart his rivals chase after a tremendous 31-kilometer solo eort. Its incredible. For the whole Tour so far I tried to break away and it didnt work out but today, yes,Ž he said. I was con“dent in my strength. I knew that if I earned enough lead, my adversaries wouldnt have me in sight and it would play in my favor.Ž It was also the second stage win for a Basque rider after Pello Bilbao claimed Stage 10. Its a very Basque Tour de France. It started at home for us and we took two stage wins,Ž said Izagirre, in reference to the Tour start from the Spanish town of Bilbao this year. Mathieu Burgaudeau was second in the stage, and Matteo Jorgenson completed the podium. Izagirres previous Tour win was in 2016 in the Alpine town of Morzine. Hes also won stages at the Giro dItalia and Spanish Vuelta. There were no major changes in the general classi“cation. Jonas Vingegaard kept his 17-second lead over two-time champion Tadej Pogacar after the rivals remained together throughout the day. Jai Hindley remained in third place, lagging 2 minutes, 40 seconds o the pace. The “ght for the yellow jersey is expected to resume on Friday on the ascent of the Grand Colombier, a mammoth climb in the Jura which concludes the 13th stage. It took a long time for the break to form on a route with constant ups and downs, after a highspeed crash involving David De La Cruz and Quentin Pacher split the peloton in two. The Spanish rider abandoned, joining his AstanaQazaqstan teammates Luis Leon Sanchez and Mark Cavendish on the list of withdrawals.Izagirre soloes to victory in lively Tour de France stage LOOKFORSUNDAYSSUNCASHPRIZEPUZZLEINTHECLASSIFIEDSECTION! SUNDAYSJACKPOTISWORTH$1550 PRIZE PUZZCASH adno=3897049-1 LEANSWERSFORJULY9,2023


FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 | YOURSUN.COM Local News STAFF REPORTThe Southwest Florida Water Management District will hold an independent, scienti“c peer review of recommended minimum ”ows for two major bodies of water in the region beginning this month. The review concerns Horse Creek and Charlie Creek, which are in portions of DeSoto, Hardee, Highlands and Polk counties. Both are tributaries of the Peace River which ”ows into Charlotte Harbor. A minimum ”ow sets a limit on how much water can be withdrawn from various water resources to prevent signi“cant harm occurring to those resources or the ecology of the area,Ž the district, commonly known as Swiftmud, said in a statement. The review will be conducted by a three-member panel virtually via Microsoft Teams, teleconference and a web board established speci“cally for the peer review.Ž The public can join the meetings virtually and register to post comments about the peer review process on the web board. The meeting schedule is: € 12:30 p.m., July 17 € 1 p.m., July 24 € 1 p.m., July 31 € 1 p.m., Aug. 7 € 1 p.m., Sept. 25 € 1 p.m., Oct. 2 Links to the Teams meetings can be found at under the districts Boards, Meetings and Events calendar. Comments can be posted on the web board through Oct. 9. It will be open for viewing through June 30, 2024. Swiftmud said the draft documents on the scienti“c peer review to be considered by the panel will be made available on the districts website at documents-and-reports. Based on “ndings of the peer review panel, district sta anticipate using the scienti“c peer review to support development of minimum ”ows that will be recommended to the Districts Governing Board for rule adoption to support water use regulation and water supply planning,Ž Swiftmud said in a statement.Water district to hold peer review of regional minimum flows SUN FILE PHOTOHorse Creek ows through Polk, Highlands, Hardee and DeSoto counties on its way to the Peace River. By ELAINE ALLENEMRICHSTAFF WRITERPUNTA GORDA „ Punta Gorda City Council members want to know what users of the severely damaged Bayfront Activity Center think should be done with the building. To help learn what to do with the old building, which was primarily used by the YMCA, the council created a temporary committee to meet and then report back options for them to consider. The board has met three times at the Punta Gorda Library since June 16. The newly established board includes the majority of the community groups who used the building before it was destroyed. Members include Connie Kantor, Southwest Florida Council for Boy Scouts of America; Tom Cavanaugh, Gulf Shore Sailing/Learn to Sail of Southwest Florida; John Welsh, Punta Gorda and Charlotte Harbor Boaters Alliance; Robert C. Sifrit, Historic Punta Gorda Civic Association; and Kim Amontree, YMCA of Southwest Florida. The board is led by Punta Gorda Principal Planner Mitchell Austin. According to Austin, the center was built in 1956 as a scout house. It was then expanded into a 9,500-squarefoot building in the following decades, enduring damage from Hurricane Charley in 2004 and again in 2022 by Hurricane Ian. Austin said after Hurricane Charley hit, the Bayfront Center was restored. City Public Works and utilities staers used the center from 2005 to 2012 because their oces were damaged. Currently, theres no funding set aside to rebuild the Bayfront Center. City Council members want to know if Group plots Bayfront Centers futureRebuild or relocate are among options SUN PHOTO BY ELAINE ALLENEMRICHThe Bayfront Center was severely damaged in September by Hurricane Ian. Now a committee is looking for input about the buildings future before it reports to the Punta Gorda City Council.SEE BAYFRONT , 3B NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDATALLAHASSEE „ Audubon Florida wants the state to designate the Wilsons plover, a type of coastal wading bird, as a threatened species. Saying the state has fewer than 1,000 of the shorebirds, the conservation group announced Thursday it has petitioned the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for the designation. Designating the Wilsons plover as state-threatened would confer additional protections on the birds, their eggs, nests and habitat,Ž Audubon Florida said in a news release. Activities that harm Wilsons Plovers or degrade their habitat would require an incidental take permit from the FWC (Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission), which in turn requires that the permit applicant minimize and mitigate for any harm and harassment they cause.Ž Georgia and South Carolina list the species as threatened. Wilsons plovers nest on beaches and can be found in Southwest Audubon says shorebird threatenedWilsons plover makes its home on Manasota Key SUN PHOTO BY CAPT. JOSH OLIVEA young Wilsons plover walks in the sand at Stump Pass Beach State Park on Manasota Key in Englewood. Audubon members are asking the state of Florida to declare the species as threatened. SUN PHOTO BY CAPT. JOSH OLIVEA Wilsons Plover, photographed re cently at at Stump Pass Beach State Park on Manasota Key in Englewood. PHOTO BY MARY LUNDEBERGA Wilsons plover chick races along the wrack line of a local beach in this 2019 photo by Mary Lundberg. The Florida Audubon Society is asking state ocials to declare the species endangered.SEE PLOVER , 3B


PAGE 2B FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 The Daily Sun | OBITUARIESThere were no obituaries Friday. Memorials in the Sun Honor your passed loved ones anytime with a personalized memorial tribute. Call (941) 206-1028 for rates. Featured EventAMVETS Post 312 events7050 Chancellor Blvd., North Port MONDAY Taco Monday with $2 margaritas TUESDAY Pot Roast 5-7 p.m. WEDNESDAY Bingo at 11 a.m., steak night 5-7 p.m., Live music THURSDAY Golf series 6pm, Bowling 7pm, Open Menu FRIDAY Seafood Night (Best fish in town) 5-7 p.m., Darts 7 p.m., Queen of Hearts 7 p.m., Live music SATURDAY Dogs and Burgers 11-2 p.m., Jam session 12-4 p.m. SUNDAY Dogs and Burgers 1-5pm, Canteen Bingo 2-4 p.m., Karaoke 5-8 p.m. The Charlotte County Sheris Oce reported the following arrests: Josue Emilio Osorio Portillo, 32, of Tampa. Charge: out of county warrant. Bond: none. Stacey Lynn Ellis, 48, 6100 block of Austrian Boulevard, Punta Gorda. Charges: DUI and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $24,250. Patricia Suzanne Reardon, 3300 block of Elkcam Boulevard, Port Charlotte. Charges: possession of marijuana less than 20 grams, possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, and violation of probation or community control. Bond: none. Tammy Lorraine Martin, 60, 1600 block of Inverness Street, Port Charlotte. Charges: two counts of driving while license revoked. Bond: $9,000. Jonathan Padilla Soto, 41, 2200 block of Catherine Avenue, Port Charlotte. Charges: tracking fentanyl 4 grams or over, possession of cocaine, possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of “rearm ammunition or weapon by convicted felon. Bond: $150,000. Victor Flores-Lopez, 48, of Houston, Texas. Charge: DUI. Bond: $750. Brian Reese Hamilton, 51, of Homosassa, Florida. Charges: out of county warrant and knowingly driving while license suspended or revoked. Bond: none. Michael Jonathan Magrtiz Sr., 66, homeless of Charlotte Harbor. Charge: battery. Bond: $1,000. Hunter Matthew Vedder, 19, of Cape Coral. Charges: out of county warrant and driving after license permanently revoked. Bond: none. Jeery Alan Morrison, 34, address withheld. Charges: battery, resisting ocer without violence, and presenting false ID to law enforcement. Bond: $5,500. Darian Riley Pickhardt, 22, 12400 block of SW Lexington Place, Arcadia. Charge: possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $2,500. The Punta Gorda Police Department reported the following arrests: Santos Javier OliveraRodriguez, 26, of West Palm Beach. Charge: out of county warrant. Bond: $2,500. Mackie Brown Jr., 29, 17900 block of Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte. Charges: possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: none. The Florida Highway Patrol reported the following arrests: Jacob Srock, 45, of West Palm Beach. Charges: driving without valid commercial drivers license and failure to register motor vehicle. Bond: $3,000. Carlos Obany MatuteHerrera, 25, of Bradenton. Charge: operating motor vehicle without valid license. Bond: none. The North Port Police Department reported the following arrests: Eris Bronze Dietz, 40, 11800 block of De Miranda Avenue, North Port. Charge: possession of cocaine. Bond: $1,500. Sebastian Robert Fraser, 34, 4000 block of Twinbush Terrace, North Port. Charges: battery against “rst responder and resisting ocer with violence. Bond: none. Alexa Betts Rochd, 35, of West Palm Beach. Charge: petit theft. Bond: $500. Nicole Angela Ronick, 48, 3700 block of Conrad Street, North Port. Charge: battery. Bond: none. The Sarasota County Sheris Oce reported the following arrests: Edward Raymond Joseph Downes, 49, 400 block of Palm Creek Drive, Englewood. Charge: failure to comply with registration as a sex oender. Bond: none. William Peter Guttendorf III, 36, “rst block of North Broadway Avenue, Englewood. Charges: driving while license suspended, possession of drug paraphernalia, and two counts of possession of a controlled substance. Bond: $3,620. The DeSoto County Sheris Oce reported the following arrests: Michael Dager, 36, of Cross City, Florida. Charges: two counts of felony failure to appear. Bond: none. Blake Allen Moore, 29, 2500 block of SE Shady Circle, Arcadia. Charges: possession of methamphetamine with intent to sell or distribute, possession of marijuana less than 20 grams, possession of drug paraphernalia, resisting ocer without violence, and driving while license suspended. Bond: $9,120. Jerome Lightner Northern, 51, 4500 block of Aster Avenue, Arcadia. Charge: out of county warrant. Bond: none. The Arcadia Police Department reported the following arrest: Armando Francisco Gomez II, 30, 1300 block of Airport Road, Arcadia. Charges: possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $2,000. Compiled by Frank DiFiorePOLICE BEAT By FRANK DIFIORESTAFF WRITERARCADIA „ Authorities allege a man broke into his girlfriends house and separated her from her children before ocers arrived on the scene. Javin Jenkins, 23, was charged with one count each of domestic violence, burglary, and interference in the custody of a minor. He is being held on $22,000 total bond at DeSoto County Jail. Ocers with the Arcadia Police Department responded to a reported disturbance around 12:33 a.m. Sunday. The noise associated with the disturbance was reported out of a residence on 11th Avenue. No one was home when ocers arrived at the residence. The arrest report indicated they found several broken windows, chunks of concreteŽ on the front patio and a door handle separated from the door. The report also indicated that the residence back door was found open, with visible blood spatterŽ on the patio. The homeowner was located at a nearby intersection and spoke to ocers. She told them that her boyfriend „ later identi“ed as Jenkins „ had come to the house earlier that night and accused her of cheating; her two children were also present at the time. At one point, Jenkins allegedly took a tablet out of her hands and she retreated into her home with all the entrances locked. Jenkins eventually gained entry, according to the complainant, after he smashed a window with a rock and climbed in through the broken window. The complainant said that she tried to ”ee the residence at that point, but got separated from her children. She told police that she believed Jenkins took the children with him and left the area. Ocers began a search for Jenkins and the children. The report alleges Jenkins was later found at Oak Trails Apartments, and further investigation determined the children were in his custody without their mothers permission. Jenkins was arrested and taken into custody. He is due to appear in court on Aug. 28. Email: frank.di“ore@yoursun.comCops: Domestic argument led to home break-inArcadia man charged with burglary and custody interferenceJENKINS AREA NEWS BRIEFSHarbour Heights Park restrooms closedPUNTA GORDA „ The Harbour Heights Park restrooms, at 27420 Voyageur Drive in Punta Gorda, will be closed for repairs beginning this week. The facilities will remain closed and portable toilets will be onsite until repairs are complete.Back to School Resource FairNORTH PORT „ North Port families can sign up to participating in the citys Back to School Resource Fair, set for 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Aug. 3 at the Family Service Center, 6919 Outreach Way. Attendees will receive free supplemental supplies and get connected with area resources. Registration is required. To sign up, visit the Social Services Division oce in the Family Service Center from 8 a.m. „ 4 p.m. Monday through Friday or call 941-429-3700. Bring proof of residency.Rotonda blood driveROTONDA WEST „ The Big Red Bus is coming to the Rotonda Marina, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 5 The Rotonda Rotary and GFWC Rotonda West Womans Club are partnering in this drive to aid the critical summer blood shortage. All donors will receive a $20 eGift Card, a OneBlood Swag Bag, a Chick-“l-A Coupon and a wellness checkup. Appointments are encouraged. Visit and use sponsor code number 39275. For more information, call Kathryn Gallagher at 610-952-1333. The Rotonda Marina is across from The Hills golf course at 100 Rotonda Circle.Blanchard House exhibit at libraryPUNTA GORDA „ The Blanchard House Museum of African American History and Culture invites families and their children to see the museums latest exhibit entitled The Little Town That Unity Built.Ž An opening event is set for 2 to 5 p.m. July 22 at the Punta Gorda Library, 401 Shreve St. The exhibit highlights the important contributions of African Americans in the development of Punta Gorda. For more information, visit www. blanchardhousemuseum. org or call 941-575-7518.County fertilizer ban now in effectPORT CHARLOTTE „ Fertilizers containing nitrogen or phosphorous may not be used on residential or commercial turf or landscape plants until Sept. 30 in Charlotte County. For more information about fertilizer practices, visit fertilizertips.Parks closed for summer maintenanceNORTH PORT „ City recreation workers will temporarily close several North Port parks for maintenance. Renovation projects run from until Aug. 31. Patrons must stay o the “elds when signs are up, even if there is no obvious work, since some facilities require “eld restŽ to be eective. Weather permitting, these are the anticipated closures: € Until Sept. 1: All Narramore soccer “elds. € Until Aug. 31: All Atwater baseball “elds. For “eld status, sign up for the North Port Parks & Recreation Rainout Line or call 941-841-4410.Annual Tour de North PortRegistration is now open for the 12th annual Tour de North Port, set for Oct. 22, starting at Imagine School, 2757 Sycamore St., North Port. The bicycle ride loops through some of North Port natural settings featuring the Florida pine ”atwoods and the parks that border the Myakkahatchee Creek. It is sponsored by People for Trees Inc. It is not a race. It has routes of 15, 35, or 65 miles. The “rst 400 to register will receive a free ride T-shirt and goodie bag. All registrations from 2022s scheduled ride will be honored. It was canceled due to Hurricane Ian. Registration online by Oct. 20 is $50; day-of, $55. Groups of six or more, $45. For more information, visit www. or contact Alice White at 941-468-2486 or email treelady12001@yahoo. com.Grandparents Day eventNORTH PORT „ The citys Parks & Recreation Department has planned a Grandparents Day event for 6 to 8 p.m. Sept. 8, at the Morgan Family Community Center, 6207 W. Price Blvd. Grandparents and/ or grandparent “gures are invited to bring children ages 4 and up to participate in memorable crafts and games. Activities will be followed by an ice cream party. The fee is $3 per person. We are very excited to bring grandparents and grandchildren together to connect and engage through recreational activities and create everlasting memories,Ž Recreation Manager Shelby Mendelson said. For more information or to register, visit GrandparentsDayNP or call 941-429-7275.Annual Mother & Son NightNORTH PORT „ Mothers and sons are invited to create memories and enjoy classics such as laser tag and dodgeball at the annual Mother & Son Night, hosted by the North Port Parks & Recreation Department. Its set for 6-8 p.m. Sept. 22 at the George Mullen Activity Center, 1602 Kramer Way. Grandmothers, aunts, guardians and mother “gures are welcome to attend. Registration is open to kids from kindergarten through sixth grade and is required at Registration. The fee is $30 per couple and $15 per additional person. For more information, call 941-429-7275. Sta Report JAMESW.MALLONEE,P.A.LAWOFFICEJAMESW.MALLONEEPROBATEWILLS/TRUSTS MEDICAIDPLANNINGREALESTATEOfceHours…MondaythruFriday,9:00AMto5:00PM946TamiamiTrail,#206,PortCharlotte,FL33953871VenetiaBayBlvd.Suite#225,Venice,FL34285 (941) adno=3895030-1

PAGE 15 | The Daily Sun FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 PAGE 3B STAFF REPORTWELLEN PARK „ Music lovers can get their live music “x “ve days a week for the rest of the summer in Downtown Wellen. Wellen Park has booked several local bands and artists for its free Summer Music Series, meaning live music is scheduled for every Wednesday through Sunday in Downtown Wellen, according to a news release Thursday. The Wellen Park entertainment sta has lined up dierent musicians throughout the week for a variety of shows: € Wind Down Wednesdays, Thursday Tunes and Saturday Sounds (every week) will feature music under the Heritage Tree from 5 to 9 p.m. € Friday Night Live (“rst Friday of the month) will feature a band on the Solis Hall stage overlooking the Great Lawn from 5 to 9 p.m. € Friday Groove (second, third and fourth Friday of the month) will feature music under the Heritage Tree from 5 to 9 p.m. € Unplugged Sunday (every Sunday), there will be music under the Heritage Tree from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 to 6 p.m. We are excited to bring dierent musicians to Downtown Wellen for everyone to enjoy this summer,Ž said Christine Masney, vice president of marketing for Wellen Park. The Summer Music Series will have something for everyone. There will be dierent artists every day and every week for guests to enjoy new and fresh entertainment.Ž Each event is free and open to the public. Guests are encouraged to bring lawn chairs for seating on the Great Lawn and around the Heritage Tree. For more information about what acts are playing and when, visit wellenpark. com/events/summer-music-series.Wellen Park kicks off Summer Music SeriesEvents scheduled for Great Lawn, Heritage Tree are five days a week, free SUN FILE PHOTO BY CHRIS PORTEROrlando musician Rob Hazen plays to the crowd from under the Heritage Oak Tree in Downtown Wellen during the Great American Picnic on Saturday. Wellen Park now has music ve days a week during its Summer Music Series. the current location should be rebuilt, moved to an alternative site or demolished. The YMCA held summer camp and exercise classes there and rented out the facility to the Boy Scouts of America, the Learn to Sail Program and the Punta Gorda and Charlotte Harbor Boaters Alliance. The Historic Punta Gorda Civic Association doesnt use the facility, but is a neighbor to the site and has a vested interest in what happens to it. Amontree said the YMCA, which leased the building from 2013 until it was damaged in Hurricane Ian in September, had an after-school program serving about 80 children. Austin said replacing the building means there are still major ”oodplain concerns.Ž The building is located in the coastal A ”ood zone (a new ”ood zone classi“cation),Ž he said, meaning there are dierent building requirements that are more intensive and costly to design. He said the Florida building code require 1 foot of freeboard, which would result in a “rst “nished ”oor elevation of 7 to 8 feet above existing grade. He said theres also high risk for storm surge from nearby Charlotte Harbor and wind. Some on the board said the advantages of having a building at that location include bicycle pathways and sidewalks leading to nearby Gilchrist Park. Cavanaugh asked if there will be a public hearing on the subject after the committee makes its recommendations. He said he wants more public input on the process. Cavanaugh wants the community to learn something pretty big could be happening,Ž like removing the community center from the waterway. Amontree wanted to know about any insurance or Federal Emergency Management Agency funding or state grants available for construction. Alternative sites could include 650 Mary St. (Cooper Street Recreation Center); 517 Shreve St., which is an undeveloped area on corner of West Henry Street and Shreve Street; or 401 Shreve St., an undeveloped area north of the Punta Gorda Charlotte Library, which is owned by Charlotte County. A member estimated new construction at $250 to $300 per square foot. The cost of insurance is also a concern of the group. It could require fundraising. Cavanaugh said it will take awayŽ the charm of the city if a new Bayfront Activity Center was not constructed there. Email: elaine.allen@yoursun. comBAYFRONTFROM PAGE 1B Florida, especially at Stump Pass Beach State Park on Manasota Key in Englewood. Florida has several species of plovers that can mostly be found on or near beaches. These include the snowy plover, which is also listed as threatened in Florida, and also makes its home on Manasota Key.PLOVERFROM PAGE 1B SUN PHOTO BY CAPT. JOSH OLIVEA Wilsons plover at Stump Pass Beach State Park on Englewoods Manasota Key. The species is threatened and should be classied that way, Audubon Florida says. THENATIONSGUTTERGUARD 1 CLOG-FREEGUTTERSFOREVER BEFORELeafFilter AFTERLeafFilter LIFETIMEWAR RANTY INSTALLSONNEW &EXISTINGGUTTERS PROTECTYOURHOME 365DAYSAYEAR KeepsOutAllDebrisCompletelysealedsystemprotects yourgutters„andentirehome„ fromdamagingdebris. 1-941-621-9629CALLUSTODAYFORAFREEESTIMATE LeafFilterwasa greatinvestment forourhome.Ž…Bill&Jan. **WellsFargoHomeProjectscreditcardisissuedbyWellsFargoBank,N.A.,anEqualHousingLender.Specialtermsfor24mo.applytoqualifyingpurch asesof$1,000ormorewithapprovedcredit.Minimummonthlypaymentswillnotpayobalancebeforeendof promotionalperiod.APRfornewpurchasesis28.99%.Eective-01/01/2023-subjecttochange.Call1-800-431-5921forcompletedetails.2Theleadi ngconsumerreportingagencyconducteda16monthoutdoortestofgutterguardsin2010andrecognizedLeafFilter asthe#1ratedprofessionallyinstalledgutterguardsysteminAmerica.Ž*Forthosewhoqualify.Onecouponperhousehold.Noobligationestimatev alidfor1year.Oervalidattimeofestimateonly.SeeRepresentativeforfullwarrantydetails.Manufacturedin Plainwell,MichiganandprocessedatLMTMercerGroupinOhio.AR#0366920922,CA#1035795,CT#HIC.0649905,FL#CBC056678,IA#C127230,ID#RCE-516 04,LA#559544,MA#176447,MD#MHIC148329,MI#2102212986,#262000022,#262000403,#2106212946,MN #IR731804,MT#226192,ND47304,NE#50145-22,NJ#13VH09953900,NM#408693,NV#0086990,NY#H-19114,H-52229,OR#218294,PA#PA069383,RI#GC-413 54,TN#7656,UT#10783658-5501,VA#2705169445,WA#LEAFFNW822JZ,WV#WV056912.Mon-Thurs:8am-11pm,Fri-Sat:8am-5pm,Sun:2pm-8pmEST EXCLUSIVELIMITEDTIMEOFFER!PromoCode:285 FREEGUTTERALIGNMENT+FREEGUTTERCLEANING*APRFOR 24MONTHS** SENIORS& MILITARY!YOURENTIRE PURCHASE*++0 10 15%% %OFFOFFadno=3894187-1


PAGE 4B FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 The Daily Sun | OUR VIEWOUR POSITION: Reports of personal data being stolen or sold to sources other than those it is meant for continues to be a threat to unsuspecting users of social media and email.Two incidents this week were reminders how anything we type into a computer is a target for unscrupulous hackers, marketers and bogus schemes. The threat is enough to make us all think twice about any information we give out freely. It should also be a call for tougher penalties for anyone who would steal that information, sell it or use it for pro“t. The “rst red ”ag came when HCA Healthcare announced this week that personal information on as many as 11 million patients was leaked online. HCA hospitals include HCA Englewood Hospital and HCA Fawcett Hospital in Port Charlotte. We applaud HCA for being forthcoming about the problem and the steps it is taking to deal with the situation. The companys website said a list of certain information with respect to some of its patients was made available to an unknown and unauthorized party on an online forum.Ž That included information like your name, phone number, city, state, ZIP code, email address, telephone number, date of birth, gender and when you used HCAs services. Anyone familiar with internet schemes knows how much damage could be done with that information. Fortunately, according to HCA, no credit card or “nancial information, passwords, driver license or social security numbers were in the information given out. That brings a small sense of relief. HCA is doing its best to “nd the source of the leak and protect its clients from being victimized further. It has noti“ed law enforcement, hired forensic and threat intelligence advisors, according to its website. It plans to notify its patients whose data was collected as soon as it can con“rm a list of those aected. HCA said any patient who receives a suspicious email or communication should call 844-608-1803 to verify if it is legitimate. Meanwhile, on the same day this news broke, we learned that three national tax preparation companies gave information on millions of their clients to Meta and Google, according to the Associated Press, CNN and other news outlets. A congressional report that was released said H&R Block, TaxSlayer and TaxAct sent personal information to the tech giants without consent or disclosure. The act, if proven true, could be a violation of federal law and open up the companies to lawsuits. News of the shocking release of data came after a seven-month investigation by a congressional committee that included interviews and testimony from Meta, Google and the tax prep companies, according to news reports. Whats not news „ or at least should not be „ is that retailers, online pariahs and foreign companies pitching false or misleading products will go to great lengths to retrieve information of potential targets. And, they are very astute at mining that information to send personal invitations to supposed one-time opportunities to make a good deal or investment. At the very least, the information they get is used to pester us to no end, sending consistent messages and emails and Facebook posts about how great their products are. We should all be very careful answering emails or responding to Facebook ads when the deal seems too good to be true or is from a source we are not familiar with. If someone seems to know more about you than they should, dont hesitate to report their messages to law enforcement. And, dont send money. You should be concerned about our nationE:A place of concernƒ Our country is increasingly becoming a place of concern and we should all be worried enough to take action. A place where: € The government can make decisions about womens bodies. € Many do not believe love is love, and have marginalized the LGBTQ community. € We think arming teenagers with assault ri”es makes sense and care more about NRA funding than we care about children/people. € We are banning books about history; in fact even denying history. € We want redistricting to change the course of the vote. € It is ok and even encouraged to spew hate and racism and half of the country is not even fazed. € Half of our highest elected ocials will not take even the smallest step to pass legislation that many want/need and our highest appointed ocials have no ethical compass. € We have politicized public health and healthcare is full of disparities and inequities. As a woman, a mother, a friend and family of the LGBTQ community, a nurse, and above all as a human being, I am asking you to vote; please do not underestimate the importance of your local election. What is our government doing for us? D L Punta GordaCheck your facts before writing lettersE:A letter in todays Daily Sun (07/11) tells us that the writer saw on Fox news that the committee investigating Hunter Biden has copies of an e-mail supposedly showing Hunter Biden demanding money from someone in China. It also includes pictures of him doing this. The House committee chairman investigating Biden claims to have e-mails and witnesses that prove Hunter Biden and President Biden have committed crimes. Typical of Republicans in Congress, none of his so-called proof has been shown to anyone other than other Republicans. They are just words that the gullible Fox listeners suck up like a camel preparing for a long trip with no water. Pictures they have shown to prove that in 2017, Hunter Biden was extorting money from China are actually pictures of Hunter that were taken at the White House in 2022. When if ever and what will it take to make these camels see that Trump and Fox news spew nothing but BS? Check all sources as I do before writing letters, i always do because facts matter, well at least to normal people. J A D B Rotonda WestDiversity, inclusion keys to better employeesE:Diversity and inclusion are key elements for economic success. Yet far right Republicans like DeSantis are squelching our rights to be dierent. They are robbing us of the freedom to productively participate in education and the work force simply based on personal identity. Its because they cater to their rich donors who have a stake in keeping the status quo, no matter how counterproductive and unhealthy that is. Diversity and inclusion lead to innovative and creative environments where critical thinking can thrive to better market to customers, solve problems, and move forward. Diversity provides employers with a range of skills and insights. We need basic competencies, and we also need employees with the creative and critical thinking skills developed and honed through the arts and sciences. When I taught at a community college the number one request from employers was that we teach critical thinking. To do that educators and leaders need the freedom to address real issues with diering points of view to stimulate research, testing, and debate. The best talent and the widest number of customers seek innovative and welcoming environments. Employers who provide those environments have a better choice of top talent and a bigger market share. The bottom line is that diversity and inclusion lead to a healthier economy and greater opportunities to better our lives. Diversity and inclusion arent the hallmarks of sexual perversion or divisiveness. They are pillars of problem solving, growth, and stability. We need to vote for leaders who understand that. K B Punta GordaMen programmed not to ask directionsE:Two behaviors that most men experience explained. Men make thousands of sperms, each swimming freely without asking directions. They blindly swim around with great swiftness hoping to accidentally run into a female egg. So, men are DNA programmed to not ask directions. Ever drive down U.S. 41 and witness a car changing lanes to get one or two car lengths ahead? Men are unaware that our subconscious male brain thinks there is a female egg somewhere down the road. Again we are unaware of our DNA driven thoughts. I am aware these two explanations sound ridiculous. I also challenged anyone to come up with a better explanation as to my men are so reluctant to ask directions or why we change lanes so often. In my case this behavior subsides with age. Even the Bible doesnt explain why the Israelites were lost in the wilderness for 40 years. My guess is Joshua “nally ask directions to Jericho. R M Port CharlotteStop listening to Fox about Bidens crimesE:So the people who have their minds polluted by Fox believe the Bidens are a crime family. Lets follow the facts and not Fox. First what Trump family is convicted of. They had to dissolve their nonpro“t because of misappropriation of funds, had to close Trump university and pay a $25 million “ne because of fraud, guilty of sexual assault, illegally paid o a porn star, pardoned several of his sta who were convicted of colluding with Russia, pardoned Bannon who stole millions of dollars to build the wall fund, charged with illegally keeping top secret documents and showing them to unauthorized people. Kushner getting paid $2 billion by the Saudis and thats the exact reason why he couldnt get security clearance, and twice impeached for trying to bribe Ukraine and assembling a mob to overthrow our government. Now the Biden Family, Hunter “ned for evading taxes and probation for falsifying information to obtain a gun and maybe there are some trac tickets in there. These are the facts! So keep watching Jordans three ring circus and his bus of clowns as everything they have a hearing it back“res and shows their utter incompetence a man himself who has been disgraced by backing the sexual predator at Ohio State. And for all you holier than thou hypocritical Bible-banging evangelicals you have made a deal with the Devil and shall be judged accordingly. So stop rotting your minds with Fox and let the truth set you free. S B Punta GordaThanks for helping my momE:Recently, my Mom fell in her yard. She had no help to get up, until a fella who was up the road noticed. He spotted her and, in this heat, ran quite a ways. He scooped her up and got her inside and then called her family. Please send out a big thanks to Travis Laerty. C F S W Port Charlotte PUBLISHER Glen Nickerson COMMENTARY EDITOR John HackworthViewpointYour information may be in wrong hands


Daily Break FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 | YOURSUN.COM By LINDSEY BAHR AP FILM WRITERNEW YORK „ Christopher Nolan has never been one to take the easy or straightforward route while making a movie. He shoots on large-format “lm with large, cumbersome cameras to get the best possible cinematic image. He prefers practical eects over computer-generated ones and real locations over soundstages „ even when that means recreating an atomic explosion in the harsh winds of the New Mexico desert in the middle of the night for Oppenheimer,Ž out July 21. Though, despite internet rumors, they did not detonate an actual nuclear weapon. And as for the biography that inspired his newest “lm, Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwins riveting, linear narrative American PrometheusŽ was simply the starting point from which Nolan crafted a beguiling labyrinth of suspense and drama. HIS OWN FRANCHISE Its why, in his two decades working in Hollywood, Nolan has become a franchise unto himself „ the rare auteur writer-director who makes “lms that are both intellectually stimulating and commercial, accounting for more than $5 billion in box oce receipts. That combination is part of the reason why hes able to attract Oscar winners and movie stars not just to headline his “lms, but also to turn out for just a scene or two. Weve all been so intoxicated by his “lms,Ž said Emily Blunt, who plays J. Robert Oppenheimers wife, Kitty. That exploration of huge themes in an entertaining way doesnt happen. It just doesnt happen. That depth, the depth of the material, and yet on this massive epic scale.Ž In the vast and complex story of the brilliant theoretical physicist who oversaw the Manhattan Project and the development of the atomic bomb during World War II, Nolan saw exciting possibilities to play with genre and form. There was the race to develop it before the Germans did, espionage, romance, domestic turmoil, a courtroom drama, bruised egos, political machinations, communist panic, and the burden of having created something that could destroy the world. And then there was the man himself, beloved by most but hated by enough, who, after achieving icon status in American society, saw his reputation and sense of self annihilated by the very institutions that built him. Its such an ambitious story to tell,Ž said Matt Damon, who plays Gen. Leslie Groves Jr. Reading the script, I had the same feeling I had when I read Interstellar, which was: This is great. How the hell is he going to do this?Ž Its not so disconnected from Nolans other “lms, either. As critic Tom Shone noted in his book about the director, Looked at one way, Nolans “lms are all allegories of men who “rst “nd their salvation in structure only to “nd themselves betrayed or engulfed by it.Ž Nolan turned to Cillian Murphy to take on the gargantuan task of portraying Oppenheimer. Murphy had already acted in “ve Nolan “lms, including the Batman trilogy, DunkirkŽ and Inception,Ž but this would be his “rst time as a lead „ something he had secretly pined for. You feel a responsibility, but then a great hunger and excitement to try and do it, to see where you can get,Ž said Murphy, who prepped extensively for six months before “lming, working closely with Nolan throughout. It was an awful lot of work, but I loved it. There is this kind of frisson, this energy when youre on a Chris Nolan set about the potential for what youre going to achieve.Ž COMPLEX FIGURE It would be an all-consuming role that would require some physical transformation to approximate that famously thin silhouette. A complex, contradictory “gure, Oppenheimer emerged from a somewhat awkward youth to become a renaissance man who seemed to carry equal passion for the Bhagavad Gita, Proust, physics, languages, New Mexico, philosophical questions about disarmament and the perfectly mixed martini. But Murphy knew he was in safe hands with Nolan. Hes the most natural director Ive ever worked with. And the notes that he gives to an actor, are quite remarkable. How he can gently bring you to a dierent place with your performance is quite stunning in such a subtle, low-key, understated way,Ž Murphy said. It can have a profound eect on the way you look at a scene from one take to another take.Ž Nolan wrote the main timeline of the “lm in the “rst person, to represent Oppenheimers subjective experience. We want to see everything through Oppenheimers point of view,Ž Nolan said. Thats a huge challenge for an actor to take on because theyre having to worry about the performance, the truth of the performance, but also make sure that thats always open to the audience.Ž The other timeline, “lmed in black and white, is more objective and focused on Lewis Strauss (Robert Downey Jr.), a founding member of the Atomic Energy Commission and a supporter of the development of the more destructive hydrogen bomb. OppenheimerŽ is Nolans “rst R-rated “lm since 2002s Insomnia,Ž which after years of working exclusively in PG-13, hes comfortable with. It “ts the gravity of the material. Were dealing with the most serious and adult story you could imagine „ very important, dramatic events that changed the world and de“ned the world we live in today,Ž Nolan said. You dont want to compromise in any way.Ž Much of the “lming took place in New Mexico, including at the real Los Alamos laboratory where thousands of scientists, technicians and their families lived and worked for two years in the eort to develop the bomb. Nolan enlisted many of his frequent behind-the-scenes collaborators, including his wife and producer Emma Thomas, cinematographer Hoyte Van Hoytema, composer Ludwig Göransson and special eects supervisors Scott Fisher and Andrew Jackson, as well as some newcomers like production designer Ruth de Jong and costume designer Ellen Mirojnick to help bring this world to life. When it came to recreating the Trinity test, Oppenheimers chosen name for the “rst nuclear detonation, art and life blended in a visceral way. We wanted to put the audience there in that bunker,Ž Nolan said. That meant really trying to make these things as beautiful and frightening and awe inspiring as they would have been to the people at the time.Ž REAL EXPLOSIONS Though no real nukes were used, they did stage a lot of real explosions to approximate the blindingly bright atomic “re and mushroom cloud. To do those safely in a real environment out in the nighttime desert, theres a degree of discipline and focus and adrenaline and just executing that for the “lm that echoes and mirrors what these guys went through on the grandest scale in a really interesting way,Ž Nolan said. I felt everybody had that very, very tight sense of tension and focus around all those shooting nights.Ž The weather also did what it needed to do, as per history,Ž Murphy said, as the wind picked up and whipped around the set. Im rumored to be very lucky with the weather and its not the case. Its just that we decide to shoot whatever the weather,Ž Nolan said. In the case of the Trinity test, it was essential, central to the story that this big storm rolls in with tremendous drama. And it did. That really made the sequence come to life.Ž Then, of course, there is the experience of watching Oppenheimer.Ž When youre making a movie, I feel like youre on the inside looking out,Ž Blunt said. Its really overwhelming to see it re”ected back at you, especially one of this magnitude. ... I just felt like my breastplate was going to shatter, it was so intense.Ž The hope is that when OppenheimerŽ is unleashed on the world, audiences will be as invested and will seek it out on the biggest screen they can “nd. The “lm has a run in IMAX theaters around the country, not something often aorded serious-minded, R-rated movies in the middle of the busy summer season. But this is also the essential Nolan impossibility. As more and more auteurs have had to compromise „ to either go smaller or team with streamers to get the kind of budget they might once have had at studios, like even Ridley Scott and Martin Scorsese have had to do this year „ Nolan continues to make his movies on the grandest scale. Each of his “lms has been revolutionary in their own way,Ž Murphy said. Its an event every time he releases a “lm, and rightly so.ŽSerious blockbuster for adultsIn Oppenheimer, Christopher Nolan saw exciting possibilities to play with genre and form STILLS FROM UNIVERSAL PICTURES/MELINDA SUE GORDONBenny Safdie as Edward Teller, left, and Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer in a scene from Oppenheimer.Ž Right: Murphy in a scene from Oppenheimer.Ž There is this kind of frisson, this energy when youre on a Chris Nolan set about the potential for what youre going to achieve.Ž Cillian Murphy, who plays J. Robert Oppenheimer


PAGE 6B FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 The Daily Sun | LOS ANGELES TIMES DAILY CROSSWORD EDITED BY RICH NORRIS AND JOYCE LEWIS Rating: GOLD JANRIC CLASSIC SUDOKU NEWSDAY CROSSWORD EDITED BY STANLEY NEWMAN SIDE HUSTLES By Winston Emmons MARMADUKE By Brad Anderson By NINA METZ CHICAGO TRIBUNEFor a time, I used to watch various incarnations of Bravos reality franchise The Real Housewives.Ž Brightly lit and “lled to their Botox gills with aspirational bunkum, the shows require little by way of mental engagement. These tantrums of the wealthy (and pretend wealthy) function as an easy distraction from your real-life headaches. Ive likened the shows to sucking on a pop culture sourball, as you become trans“xed by the uncanny valley of dysfunction, plastic surgery and obsession with thin bodies. But something about it all “nally turned too rancid „ too cynical and ugly „ even for me. Which brings us to Luann and Sonja: Welcome to Crappie Lake,Ž the reality show with an unwieldy title starring Real Housewives of New YorkŽ veterans Luann de Lesseps and Sonja Morgan, the Frick and Frack of Bravolebrities. Theyve agreed to spend “ve weeks in Benton „ a small town in southern Illinois thats been struggling “nancially since COVID „ to help give the place an infusion of ƒ something. This involves question ably meaningful projects such as organizing a talent show and building a playground. The premise is a straight rip-o of The Simple Life,Ž which premiered 20 years ago with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie scrunching their noses to spend time around people in (gah) Middle America. But Crappie LakeŽ is also a ri on Schitts Creek,Ž with Luann and Sonja bunking at the exceedingly modest local motel. Does an original idea exist anywhere in this project? To their credit, Luann and Sonja seem game for anything. But thats not the same as watching the likes of Catherine OHara spin comedy gold from a more cunningly executed (scripted) idea. For anyone acquainted with the antics and charms and desperate “nances of Luann and Sonja, the series oers fairly predictable stu. At home in New York as they pack, Luann holds up two options of something or another: I have so many choices to make because this is white, and this is o-white.Ž Over at Sonjas townhouse „ a notorious real estate albatross that she still hasnt managed to ooad all these years later „ she holds up some of the items shes bringing: These are the pads for my leaking liposuction.Ž They ”y private but apparently theres no air conditioning on board. Then the pilot announces hell be circling the airport because theres livestock on the runway and someone has to clear them o. I dont know if this is actually true, but bravo Bravo. Once the pair arrive in Benton (the series was “lmed last summer) theyre welcomed by a decent-sized group of expectant locals „ yes, they recognize the women! „ and a car that, like the plane, also lacks air conditioning. They grumble but get on with it. The show is dull, but Ill give Luann and Sonja one thing: They are good time gals and they understand whats expected of them „ to be playful and absurd „ and they lean into that. They know theyre overdressed and over-accessorized. Thats the point. But (at least as edited) they dont resort to actual rudeness. Heres a factoid about Benton: George Harrisons sister lived in Benton in the 60s and he came to visit her there as the Beatles were “rst taking the world by storm. The shows executive producer, seen brie”y in the “rst episode, is Russell Jay-Staglik, a Benton native (his extended family still lives there) and longtime reality show veteran. If Russell could do something to bring people to town, to see whats going on, maybe that would bring a spark back into the community,Ž someone says. Ive no doubt that sentiment is sincere. But Jay-Stagliks aw-shucks demeanor is pretty disingenuous. A one-o reality TV series isnt going to generate the economic infusion Benton actually needs. Luann and Sonja dont question any of it, but why would they? This is a paycheck to them. Theyre good-natured and upbeat. But this is a job. Post-divorces, theyre milking their reality careers for all theyre worth and theyve become far more interesting people now that they dont take themselves so seriously and have embraced their new normal: Playing the clown in exchange for that Bravo money. Its a far more honest life than the ones they were living before. Luann and Sonja: Welcome to Crappie Lake airs 9 p.m. ET Sundays on Bravo and streaming on Peacock2 Real Housewives of New York are dropped into small-town IllinoisLuann and Sonja: Welcome to Crappie Lake is a straight rip-off of The Simple Life BRAVOSonja Morgan, left, and Luann de Lesseps in Luann and Sonja: Welcome to Crappie Lake.Ž

PAGE 19 | The Daily Sun FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 PAGE 7B JUMBLE CRYPTOQUIP WORD SLEUTH ARIES Some dreams realize you're already headed TAURUS GEMINI CANCER Desire and rejection slide LEO You'll they see all the good you VIRGO Some meetings only ac set out to do and others LIBRA SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN AQUARIUS There are things you can do that no one around you PISCES Telling the truth at a late stage might untangle TODAY'S BIRTHDAY HOROSCOPE WHATZIT? TODAYS CROSSWORD PUZZLE WANT MORE PUZZLES? MOTHER GOOSE AND GRIMM By Mike Peters MALLARD FILLMORE By Bruce Tinsley ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman WORDY GURDY By Tricky Ricky Kane Solution: 7 LITTLE WORDS


PAGE 8B FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 The Daily Sun | CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers SHOE By Gary Brookins & Susie MacNelly REX MORGAN By Terry Beatty MARY WORTH By Karen Moy and June Brigman BABY BLUES By Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott DOONSBURY By Garry Trudeau DEAR DR ROACH: I am a 60-year-old man and suffer from chronic prostatitis/ chronic pelvic pain syndrome. I have had bouts of prostatitis since childhood, but the last few years, it has been almost constant. My symptoms are burning, and I always get the feeling that I have to urinate. I have seen numerous urologists, but none who are familiar with treating this condition. I have been tested for infection. My prostate is not enlarged, and my PSA level is normal. I have attempted biofeedback, acupuncture and Chinese herbs, all with no relief. I am at my wit's end. Do you know of any treatments or specialists who deal with this issue? Also, do you have any other suggestions? „ S.S. ANSWER: Your symptoms, although they are often attributed to the prostate, may not be caused by the prostate at all. Chronic pelvic pain in men is very common. It affects at least 2% of men, and some studies say as much as 10%. For non-specialists like me, initial treatment is usually a combination of an alpha blocker like tamsulosin (Flomax) and an anti-in”ammatory like ibuprofen, once infection is ruled out. A careful exam is usually enough to look for other common problems, but blood testing and even imaging studies may sometimes be done. I have occasionally found men that are so worried about painful urination that they stop drinking, consciously or unconsciously, to minimize pain. However, concentrated urine often makes symptoms worse, and increasing hydration can make a world of difference. It sounds like you have gone way past the kind of treatment a generalist can give, and although all adult urologists are certainly familiar with chronic pelvic pain in men, it doesn't sound like you have found an expert in that condition. Many institutions have teams to treat male pelvic pain (just as there are teams for female chronic pelvic pain), usually consisting of a urologist, pain management specialist and pelvic ”oor physical therapist. I had no trouble “nding several institutions in my city with well-run expert centers, but those who live in smaller cities or rural areas may have a harder time. Since many conditions can lead to similar symptoms, the team approach is best. DEAR DR. ROACH: I was rejected for whole blood donation because I failed the hemoglobin “ngerstick test. This had never happened to me before. Is it possible the blood drop was too small in the cuvette? How does that machine work? Does it depend on the volume of blood in the cuvette? „ J.J. ANSWER: The point-of-care devices commonly used at blood banks are pretty accurate. Ninety-“ve percent of the time, they are correct to within 2 g/ dL compared with the hospital laboratory machine. So, 5% of the time, they are off by more than 2 points, which is certainly enough to take a person from the normal range to the range at which the blood bank will not accept the blood. The mechanisms of measuring hemoglobin are out of the scope of this column, but air bubbles in the capillary tube and other procedural issues can cause error. If my patient came in to me with this concern, I'd recheck the hemoglobin through the hospital lab.Treatment of prostatitis requires team of experts DEAR HELOISE: About eight months ago, my husband and I decided that we spent too much on lunch every day. I consulted your book "Heloise From A to Z" and got a lot of ideas on how to make our lunches healthier for less money. Best of all, we can control the portion size and fat content, and we can leave the temptation to eat dessert behind us. The results were great.Not only did we spend a lot less, both my husband and I lost weight! At my last annual checkup, my blood pressure had dropped signi“cantly. „ Gracie & Robert M., Tampa, Florida DEAR HELOISE: In my kitchen, I have this odd little space between the refrigerator and the pantry closet. I wanted to do something with it, but couldn't come up with an idea until my son recommended that I get a wine rack and place it in that space. Sadly, it's not wide enough for most wine racks, so my son went to a wine store, got some of the wood that wine is shipped in and built one for me „ at no cost to either of us. „ Judy L., Franklin Hills, Michigan DEAR HELOISE: I re“nished a beautiful antique dresser that had once belonged to my great-greatgrandmother. It was purchased just before the Civil War began. Needless to say, over the years, it's gathered a funky smell. The outside is stunning, and I love it, except for that strange smell. I've tried a couple of things, such as placing the drawers in the shade outside for a day, but that didn't do it. I wiped the insides of the drawers with a mild soap and water solution, but that didn't work either. How can I get rid of that smell? „ Lauren B., Half Moon, North Carolina Lauren, try a mixture of half vinegar and half water, and wipe down the inside of the drawers. Be stingy with the mixture so that you don't damage the interior. Then let it dry over night. After drying, sprinkle some baking soda on the bottom of the drawers and cover the baking soda with a drawer liner paper. You might want to consider a scented paper. When you change out the drawer liner, vacuum out the baking soda; then add in fresh baking soda and new paper. „ HeloiseHomemade lunches help reader improve health HINTS FROM HELOISEAdvice Columnist Thursdays Challenger Answers CHALLENGER FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE By Lynn Johnston PICKLES By Brian Crane B.C. By Mastroianni & Hart DR. ROACHAdvice Columnist SALLY FORTH By Francesco Marciuliano and Jim Keefe

PAGE 21 | The Daily Sun FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 PAGE 9B DEAR ABBY: I have a sister-in-law, "Helen," who has appointed herself as the “nal word on all family events. No other relative has any input into when, where, what, etc., regarding any family celebration. If it's not her way, it's the highway. The biggest problem with Helen is she schedules everything on the date that “ts her calendar without regard for anyone else's. An example: We once celebrated Christmas in February because that worked best for her. Another time, my wife and I scheduled a complicated vacation around my brother's birthday so we could be there to celebrate with him. Helen moved his birthday party right into the middle of our prepaid vacation. Thanksgiving is celebrated in early December, and other signi“cant dates fall whenever she decides and are subject to change at the last moment at her whim. Complying with Helen's one-sided demands makes planning for everyone else a nightmare. The control doesn't end there. It also includes the venue, menu and guest list. She even puts place cards on the table designating the seating arrangements. As with everything else, these are NOT negotiable. If not complied with, the "offender" is subjected to a minimum of six months of silent treatment and ghosting. How does one deal with this? „ Controlled in Florida DEAR CONTROLLED: One deals with this by discussing it with other family members to see if they feel the same as you do and are willing to face the consequences of Helen's extended silences, which, from my perspective, might be a relief. (Then pray she doesn't plan your funeral.) DEAR ABBY: I'm a nurse who still works full time. Most of my peers are retired. Several of them I've started to avoid at all costs. Each time I talk to them, all they want to talk about are their aches and pains, how sick they are and how mad they are at their kids, siblings or spouse. They aren't just annoyed. They're furious about any real or perceived slight. I have thought about introducing them all to each other so they could have a group pity party. I have suggested consulting their doctors or trying psychotherapy. I'm just tired of it. I can't stand the negativity or their hypochondria. I feel guilty, but I now dread any phone call, text or invitation to get together. Please help. I don't want to hurt anyone, but I'm worn out. „ Positive Person in the South DEAR POSITIVE PERSON: There comes a time, usually around the age of 50, when some folks begin pruning their friend list. Bluntly put, this means weeding out sources of constant negativity. Because your former peers drag you down with their family dysfunction and "organ recitals," when they try to make contact, remind them that while they are retired and have free time, you still work and are strapped for it „ which is why you can't be involved as often as they want you to be. Being unavailable isn't rude. Sometimes, it's selfdefense.Woman appoints herself familys event planner DEAR ABBYAdvice Columnist KEN KEN THE LOGIC PUZZLE THAT MAKES YOU SMARTER GOREN BRIDGE WITH BOB JONES PREVIOUS ANSWERS PEARLS BEFORE SWINE THE WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker and Johnny Hart MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell HAGAR THE HORRIBLE MARVIN By Tom Armstrong GARFIELD HI AND LOIS By Brian and Greg Walker BORN LOSER PEANUTS By Charles Schulz BLONDIE By Dean Young and John Marshall Take your tricks BEETLE BAILEY


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No Pets! 608-212-3585 ROOMS FOR RENT PORT CHARLOTTE, Clean, Quiet, $170/wk pay wkly or mthly 941-743-3070/941-740-2565 LOTS & ACREAGE SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, or LOT? We can help you. Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 150,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 30 day special. Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! Employment SERVICES LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER?PROFESSIONAL RESUMESA PHONE CALL... CAN DO IT ALL!CHARLOTTE & SARASOTA CO. Call for DETAILS 941-214-5257 CLERICAL/OFFICE BOOKKEEPER Experienced Full-Time W/Accounting Skills on QuickBooks Premier Plus Desktop! We operate in a fast-paced office setting. Must be enthusiastic to help as needed and assist with general office tasks. Located off Jacaranda Blvd & I-75 in Venice. Starting Pay $25/hr with benefits & Health Insurance. Email resume to: MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST , for Medical Office in North Port. Experience a must. Please Call 941-200-5375 for interview. References requiredWELLPATH RECOVERY SOLUTIONS NOW HIRING:€Custody Technicians starting pay $15 €Residential Treatment Asst. starting pay $16 €Custody Officer starting pay $21 SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL €Nurses LPN per -diem RN €Food Service Manager €Chaplain T o apply, please visit and search Arcadia. SALES MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE NEEDED Excellent Lead Base and Advertising Budget. (No Cold Calls) 5 Day Work Week Salary Plus Commission $80K Potential. ALSO SEEKINGEXPERIENCED SALES REPRESENTATIVE Salary Plus Commission $100K + Potential Active 55 Plus Community Home Sales. Call Larry 844-935-0264 Ext. 301 Email GENERAL CARRIERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELYThe Daily Sun is now taking applications for carriers in Port Charlotte and surrounding areas. Must have dependable vehicle, a valid Florida Drivers License and proof of insurance. EMAIL: No Phone Calls Please. GENERAL DISTRICT MANAGER The Daily Sun Newspaper is seeking a highly motivated individual to manage Independent Contractors in a given geographic areas of Port Charlotte/Punta Gorda/North Port/Englewood, Florida. This isnt your typical 9-5 routine. Our District Managers oversee newspaper delivery, recruit and train Independent Contractors to insure timely and accurate delivery of our products. Provide resolutions to subscriber complaints, increasing circulation in their area, and providing exceptional customer service and other essential duties as needed. The District Manager is responsible for distribution our products to our subscribers when necessary. This position is a direct link between the subscribers, Independent Contractors and the Company. This person must be flexible and be on call 24/7 as the situation demands. You will be a vital part of our success as a team. Hours are midnight to 8 am, must be available for weekends and Holidays and must have good work history and driving record. Benefits: Medical, dental and vision options, STD/LTD, term life insurance, six paid holidays, PTO, 401K. EMAIL RESUME TO: E q ual O pp ortunit y Em p lo y er. ORDER PROCESSOR Full Time Entering Sales Orders, Fulfilling Orders, Inventory Control and Packing Items. We Have a Small Dedicated Team and Operate in a Fast-Paced Office Environment. The right candidate will be enthusiastic to help the team as needed & able to assist with general office tasks. Located off Jacaranda Blvd & I-75 in Venice. Starting Pay is $18.00 an Hour w/ Benefits & Health Insurance. Email Resume to: CLASSIFIEDS SUNTo Place Your Ad, Call 866-463-1638 GENERAL SPECIAL SERVICES COORDINATOR If youd like to learn about print and online advertising, this job is a great way to start a career with an industry leader! Our Special Services Coordinator guides callers in the placement of obituary notices, assists in the processing of public notices, and advises customers on event promotion in our print and online products. In this full-time position youll be an important part of a team with a record of sustained success and unmatched customer service. We offer a supportive environment where we love to celebrate excellence! As Special Services Coordinator, you are responsible for:€Accurate entry of ads into software system€Answering phones and checking messages€Responding to multiple email inboxes€Communicating with team members and customers€Providing excellent customer service€Be able to react to change productively€Handling other essential tasks as needed Job Requirements: We need a self-starter, who is able to take initiative and prioritize.€Attention to detail, including good spelling and grammar skills.€Ability to work in a fast-paced environment to meet multiple deadlines.€Solid computer and word processing skills, proficiency in spreadsheets isaplus.€Effective communication skills with a keen sense of etiquette.€Genuine desire to help others Strong work ethic and a desire to excel. If you think you fit the bill, wed like to meet you! We offer competitive compensation with benefits that include Health, Dental and Vision coverage, 401(K), Paid Time Off and more. Work for a family-owned media company committed to local journalism. If you have a passion for excellence and would like to work with an unrivaled media brand in a remarkable area, we encourage you to apply. Email your resume to:Amberly.Leverich@yoursun.comWe are an Equal Opportunity Em p lo y er. Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds!

PAGE 23 | The Daily Sun FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 PAGE 11B Merchandise PORT CHARLOTTE GARAGE SALES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 7am 3pm 17211 Urban Ave Downsizing....Something for Everyone. Some seasonal. FRIDAY-SUNDAY 9AM-4PM 23170 Maclellan Avenue. EVERYTHING MUST GO! MOVING! Household, Furniture and much more! PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT. 8AM-12PM 5601 Duncan Rd Lot 49. Mini Fridge, Mini Freezer, Christmas, Depression Glass, Vintage Jewelry and MORE! JOB SEARCH JOB SEARCH SUN866-463-1638 CLASSIFIEDS NOKOMIS/OSPREY GARAGE SALES SATURDAY-SUNDAY 8AM-2PM 205 Hills Road Nokomis. MOVING SALE! Housewares, furniture, tools, homebound medical equipment, toys, decor SUNCLASSIFIEDS866-463-1638 Notices ANNOUNCEMENTS NEED TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD? FREE MERCHANDISE ADS! WELCOME TO OUR WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad please go to: and click Place an AdŽ New users will need to register with their email address & create a password FREE ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500, The ad must be placed online by you. One item per ad. Ad must be 15 Words or less and the price must appear in the ad. Autos, pets, plants, trees, fruits, vegetables, flowers, firearms and firearm accessories are excluded from this offer. Your ad will appear online for 7 days and will show in print Wednesday & the Weekend Edition. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK. Enter Your Classified Ad 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week. BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH 1936 E. Venice Ave. Venice Friday at 9am. Study features video teachings of noted Bible Scholars on various subjects. For more info. Call Rev. Jones at: 941-485-7070 or visit CHARLOTTE COUNTY HOUSE OF PRAYER Bible Fellowship 6:30pm Night Watch 7:30pm-9pm Worship Word Prayer 1435 Collingswood Blvd Unit C Port Charlotte 941-391-0535 Check us out on Facebook COMMUNITY CENTER 4PM 7PM each Wednesday. Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. PC, Open to All Ages. For more info 941-766-9357 FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 4005 Palm Drive, Punta Gorda Various Days & Times Confirmation/Bible Study Adult Infomational Class 941-639-6309 In Christs Service, Mike Worthington Pastor South Venice Christian Church2390 Seaboard Ave Venice Fl 34293 cell 941.724.0029Acts 2:38 And Peter said to them,  Repent and let each of you be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.ŽFellowship & prayer 7pm Wednesday nights PASTOR PETER BURNETT . PCI Church Online Invites You to the Weekly Online Teaching with Pastor Peter Every Thursday at 9:00PM. Select a Group on Facebook and Click Join to Attend Online. Email: for Questions SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI CHURCH Parish Womens Guild Monthly Card Parties September … May 5265 Placida Rd. G rove City, FL 34224 The first Wednesday of each month at 11am Reserve your table at … click Parish Life Click Parish Womens Guild, scroll down and click Card Party to register each month or by calling 941-697-4899 and press 6. $9 per person includes lunch, card play, and door prizes. All are welcome! UNIQUE AND INFORMATIVE DVD Every Sunday @ 6pm. Discussion After at El Jobean Baptist 941-769-6291 LOST & FOUND LOST: CAT Answers to Ollie, long hair black body, white around muzzel, chest and legs, black on nose. 10 years old missing in Blue Heron Pines area in Punta Gorda. 941-676-0580 RELIGION CLASSES CELEBRATE RECOVERY A Christ-Centered 12 step recovery program Venice Church of the Nazarene 1535 E. Venice Ave. Meetings are Mondays at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall 941-488-5007 SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI CHURCH Parish Womens Guild Monthly Card Parties September … May 5265 Placida Rd. Grove City, FL 34224 The first Wednesday of each month at 11am Reserve your table at click Parish Life Click Parish Womens Guild, scroll down and click Card Party to register each month or by calling 941-697-4899 and press 6. $8 per person includes lunch, card play, and door prizes. All are welcome! BusinessServices A N OCCUPATIONAL LLC. may be required by the City and/or County. Please call the appropriate occupational licensing bureau to verify. ALUMINUM ALL AMERICAN RENOVATIONS Lic & Insured Family owned & operated Specializing in Full Pool cage restoration, rescreening & Painting & Rusty Screw changeouts, painting pool cages, lanais, front entry ways etc... 941-915-3381 Serving Sarasota County Free Estimates HOSS ALUMINUM€Carports€ €Screen Rooms€ €& More!€863-623-6355 863-634-7442Licensed OCSL 1583 Insured PRECISION Aluminum & Storm Protection Lanais, Florida rooms, Impact Windows & Doors, Pavers & More!941-613-5694 CBC1262890 APPLIANCE SERVICE/REPAIR GARY DRAKE DRYER VENT CLEANING & INSPECTION. 30 yrs. Exp. (941)-889-7596 ADULT CARE SUNNews Media ADULT CARE HOME HEALTH CARE €Alzheimers & Dementia€ €Lewy Body Dementia€ €Stroke€ €Parkinsons€ €Quadriplegic€ €Companion Care€ €Errands€ €Grocery Shop€ €Clean€ €Cook€ €Medication Reminders€ €Bathing€ 15+Years Experience References. Port Charlotte, North Port262-707-2355 CHILD CARE ALL CHILDCARE FACILITIES MUST INCLUDE, WITH ADVERTISEMENT, STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY LICENSE NUMBER. FLORIDA STATE LAW requires all child care centers and day care businesses to register with the State of Florida. The Sun Newspapers will not knowingly accept advertising which is in violation of the law COMPUTER SERVICE STACYS COMPUTER REPAIR & TUTORING In your home or office. 20+ yrs exp. RELIABLE, PROMPT, FRIENDLY CALL STACY 941-246-1048 CONTRACTORS BERMONT CONSTRUCTION INC. LICENSE CONTRACTOR RR282811696 CALL ERYK HARDWICK, OWNER 941-759-0138 EDWARD ROSS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. 941-408-8500 pool cages, Scr. lanais, etc... CONCRETE ACCENT BUILDERS, INC Steel reinforced Concrete Concrete Excavators Get Two estimates but... Make one OURS! Cobblestone imprints, Driveway & patios & more. 941-223-7678 OR 488-4000 CONCRETE CRACKS REPAIRED Pool Decks & Driveways. All Repairs Guaranteed. FREE ESTIMATES. 941-639-4520 GOT PAVERS? WANT PAVERS? 25+ YEARS NEW AND REPAIRS Pool decks, coping, patios, driveways & walkways. 941-716-0872 Ch Lic AAA14-100088 LEE 14-02339 SRQ SWC 44 LAZARUS CONCRETE REPAIR Got Cracks? Expert Repairs on Driveways, Patios & Pool Decks! Free Estimates. 941-961-8995 PRO PATH CONCRETE Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks Pads, Free Estimates 941-286-6415 Lic #AAA-11-00081 RICH LANDERS STUCCO, INC. Honest, Reliable work! LIC/INS New Const & Remodels. Rusted bands & wire lathe repair. Spraycrete & more. (941)-497-4553 WEINMAN CONCRETE, LLC€ Driveways € €Driveway Extensions € € Sidewalks € Patios €941-626-8908Licensed & Insured DOMESTIC CLEANING SERVICE SISTERS CLEANINGResidental, Industrial & Commercial Clean Outs! SUPER CLEAN CLEANING SERVICES€ Daily € € Weekly € € Bi-Weekly € € One-Time € € Monthly € Residential or Commercial941-468-3311Cleaning Excellence Guranteed DRYWALL COMPLETE DRYWALL Hang, Finish, Patchwork, All Textures, Popcorn Removal, and Paint. Matt Potter 941-232-8667 Lic.& Ins CRC1328482 DEPENDABLE DRYWALL € Patch Repairs € € New Homes € 941-235-4440 Lic.# SCC131150207 Insured ELECTRICAL DRM ELECTRICAL SERVICE, Plug Into Personalized ServiceŽ Electrical, Maintenance, Repairs, Troubleshooting. 941-480-0761 941-366-3646GAULT ELECTRIC SOUTH, LLC€Dock Wiring, Service and Repair Work€ €24 Hour Emergency Service€ €Serving the Punta Gorda Area€Call 239-560-9974GaultElectricSouth.comLicense # EC13004161 FENCES PEACE RIVER FENCE All Your Fencing Needs. Free Estimates, Residential & Commerical Licensed & Insured 941-628-5654 or 941-769-0848 HANDYMAN/ GENERAL REPAIR BAM HANDYMAN SERVICE€ Retractable Awnings € € Hauling € Shelving €Small Residential Jobs No Job Too SmallMark E. Scheurenbrand Mark@mescontractor.com309-287-3456 Lic./Ins. DAVID J SHEPARD, JR., LLC 30 years in Charlotte County, Remodeling, Wood Rot, Windows & doors, Dry Wall & Stucco Repair, Painting, Convert Lanais into living spaces. 941-627-6954 or 941-456-6953 Lic # RR282811062 HANDYMAN HOME PRO SERVICES, LLC€Finish Carpentry €Vinyl Plank Flooring €Interior Trim €Cabinet Installation €Closet Shelving and MORE! Call Today 860-919-7606 Licensed and Insured. HANDYMAN SERVICES BY PHIL, LLC Sofit & Facia Repairs All types of handyman work. Honey do lists and much more. Insured. 941-220-3567 or 631-672-1426 (Cell) KEENS HANDYMAN SERVICES INTERIOR RENOVATIONS & ANYTHING FROM THE GROUND UP! TEXT OR CALL 574-354-7772 HEATING & AIR HEATWAVE AIR CONDITIONING Free Estimates for New Ac Units, 100% Approval Financing or get your ac tuned up for $49. CAC1819164 941-787-5569S.O.S. A/C & HEAT 941-468-4956 Air Conditioning Systems Cooling Made Affordable! Installed 10 yr Warranty st. lic #CAC1816023 HOME & COMMERCIAL IMPROVEMENT DO YOU HAVE LOOSE, HOLLOW OR BUCKLING TILES? Inject-A-Floor-System can help. Grout Cleaning/Staining, Marble Cleaning, Tile Repair. 941-893-8475 GUTTERS, 6Ž Seamless. Ken Violette, Inc. (941) 240-6699 Lic. CGC#060662/Ins. HAMMER FIREPROOFING & INSULATION, Inc. for all your insulation needs. $220 Rebate from FPL if attic insulation is less than an R-8. We also install Garage door insulation. 941-268-5615 or Office 941-423-7478 HANDYMAN Home repairs. 30+ yrs Exp. Call 941-539-1694NEED IT FIXED? MR. FIX IT MAN WE FIX IT! WE BUILD IT! WE REPAIR IT! 941-587-3044 OCEAN AIR CONDITIONING of SWFL Inc. Proudly in business since 1978. Prompt & Courteous service on all brands! We offer LENNOX, BOSCH and others! Call Today for your FREE q uote! 941-625-8900 HOME & COMMERCIAL IMPROVEMENT REMODELING by Par Inc. Bathrooms, Kitchens, Florida Rooms, Lanai Windows $500 off with coupon 941-613-5694 CBC1262890$75.00 & up per panel SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksCall Bob LOW OVERHEAD = LOW PRICES!941-706-6445Affordable Maintenance Owned and operated by Local Fire fighter. WATERSIDE RENOVATIONS, LLC€ Seawall Erosion Repair € Rip Rap Walls Repair € Sea Docks Repair € New Docks/Repair941-380-2324 Ray TippinsLic. CBC1258138 & Insured WE FIX IT ALL HANDYMAN SERVICES Serving Sarasota Co. Just Call! We fix it all! 941-277-2908 JUNK REMOVAL SEBRING TREE SERVICE INC. €Tree Removal€ €Tree Trimming€ €Household Debris Clean-Up & Removal€ €Debris Removal€ €Hauling€ Free Estimates 37 Years Experience 941-255-TREE (8733) 941-273-6707 Owner/Operated LAWN/GARDEN & TREE A N OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE may be required by the City and/or County. Please call the appropriate occupational licensing bureau to verify A JAMISON TREE SERVICE,INC. Complete & Professional 15% Sr Discount! Free Est. Lic. & Insured Engl 941-475-6611 N. Port 941-423-0020 Serving Charlotte and Sarasota for over 20 years. AFFORDABLE TREE SERVICE € Tree Trimming € € Tree Removal € € Stump Removal € Serving Charlotte County For 25 Years! 941-769-8319 Licensed & Insured ALL HEDGES AND TREES Trimmed and Removed, Stump Grinding, Over 35 yrs professional experience. Yard and Storm Damage Clean up. Lic & Ins. Senior Discounts 941-740-2978 CIFUENTES LAWN SERVICE € Tree Trimming € Landscaping € Sod Installation € Concrete Curbing Reasonable Rates 941-268-6910 Lic./Ins. DP`s ABILITY TREE SERVICE Removals, Stump Grinding, Palm Trimming, Shaping, Oaks Thinned & Raised Up. Over 20 Yrs. Exp. Free Estimates! 941-889-8147 Lic#00000192 & Insured. EXACT LAWN MOWING LLC NOW ACCEPTING New Accounts in the following areas: Port Charlotte, Englewood Englewood East Rotonda, South Gulf Cove, Grove City, Placida ..... We take pride in all our Lawns! Reliable & Dependable. Lic & insured. Call 303-475-8300 GARRETTS TREE SERVICE All trees and hedges trimmed and removed. Yard clean up and debris removal. Call 941-259-7720 Genesis Landscape Solutions, LLC Landscape Design and maintenance. Plant/Mulch/ Rock install, Hedge Trimming, Tree Trimming & Removal. Serving SW Florida Lic & Ins. 941-539-7399 LAWN MOWING SERVICES ONLY (941)-426-7844 Lic & InsWRIGHT & SON LANDSCAPING INC OM LAWNS € Complete Lawn Service € € Stump Grinding € € Tree Trimming € € Tree Removal € Licensed & Insured. Lic. #07069 941-380-3645 SANDEFURS-HOME & TREE Maintenance Tree trimming, removal. We do it all! License / Insured 941-484-6042 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE RAINSCAPE INC, Irrigation, Maintenance, Repair, Installation. Monthly Maintenance starts at $40. FREE ESTIMATES 941-888-2988 RELIABLE MR. MOW-IT-ALL €Flat rate mowing services €Flower bed maintenance €Bush Trimming €Mulch application. Call 941-706-5569 RIZZO`S TREE SERVICE €Tree Trimming€ €Tree Removal€ Hedging€ €Pruning€ Affordable & Free Estimates. Serving Charlotte & Sarasota County 941-306-7532 TAKE PRIDE LAWN MOWING, LLCAccepting NEW Monthly accounts. Serving Englewood, South Gulf Cove, and Rotonda West. We treat you like FAMILY! 720-217-7545 lic & insured. TREEMENDOUS TREE, INC.CERTIFIED ARBORISTFL-644AWe Grow Them We Prune Them We Save Sick Trees We Remove Dead Trees941-426-8983 WENDELL ALBRITTON TREE ServiceVERY AFFORDABLE Will Work with you!! 941-763-5042 Lic & Insured! MARINE CONSTRUCTION RAY TIPPINS€ Seawall Erosion Repair€ Repair Sink Holes & Sodding€ Tree Service € Shrubs & WeedingCall 941-625-2124Lic./Ins. Owner Operator MOVING/HAULING ALL TYPES OF CLEAN-UPS! Same Day Service! 24 Hrs. a Day! 941-764-0982 or 941-883-1231 PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING Best Prices -Quality Job Best Coast Painting and Pressure Washing Residential/Commercial 10% Off With Ad! 941-815-8184 AAA00101254CUSTOM PAINTING BY LISAInterior, Exterior Residential Commercial Over 25+ years experience FREE Estimates Lic & Insured(941)-468-3444 DAVES PAINTING Remodeling, Plumbing & Electrical Reliable Best Service Best Price Guarantee Fully Insured/lic. 716-474-8492 LARRY ESPOSITO PAINTING INC Its Not What We Do, Its How We Do It!Ž Free Estimates, 941-764-1171 Lic & Insured AAA007825 Nathan Dewey Painting Co Commercial & Residental Interior & Exterior Pressure washing Handyman Services Free Estimates Prompt Service 941-484-4576 SAMS HOME SOLUTIONS Custom Painting €Locally Owned for over 25 years, €Painting & Pressure Washing, €Minor Molding, €Soffitt/Fencing Repair & Replacement. Residential/Commercial 941-380-6840 Lic & Insured STEVENS CUSTOM PAINTING RES/COMM. INT/EXT FREE EST. LIC. & INS. 941-255-3834UPRIGHT PAINTING We Do It Right the First TimeŽ € Interior & Exterior € Free Estimates € Residential € Commercial € Power Washing Service € 40 Years Experience 941-286-1590 PLUMBING LARRY`S PLUMBING € Re-Pipes (Most in 1 Day) € 941-484-5796 Lic.#CFC1425943 POOL SERVICES QUALITY DECKS & RESCREENSPool decks, polly pebble removal, driveway designs, Epoxy garage floors. Lic & Insured 941-3751103 PRESSURE CLEANING BAILEYS PRESSURE CLEANING Complete Exterior House Painting! Call 941-497-1736


PAGE 12B FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 The Daily Sun | www.yoursun.comAREA NEWS BRIEFSEnglewood Hurricane ExpoENGLEWOOD „ The Englewood Hurricane Expo is set for 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug 5 at the Englewood United Methodist Church, 300 W. Dearborn St. The free event is hosted by the Englewood Community Health Action Team, known as Englewood CHAT, the group announced. Everyone is invited. Presenters will speak about navigating insurance scams, avoiding scams and hurricane preparedness tips. There will be lots of information plus free goodie bags, weather radio giveaways, and more.Womens safety and Security ClassNORTH PORT „ The North Port Police Department will oer a free womens safety and security class Aug. 16 at the North Port Public Safety Building, 19955 Preto Blvd. The class is set for 6 to 9 p.m. and will cover common security threats from home safety, internet safety, and basic self-defense against an attack. The NPPDs Training Unit will host the class. The goal is to oer resources and skills to those looking to “ght back against threats that may occur anywhere,Ž according to a press release from the city. The class is open to women 12 and up, includes light physical activity is limited to the “rst 20 registrants. For an application and to register, contact Ivette Barnes at 941-429-7339 or email IBarnes@ Application deadline is Aug. 10.Commission workshop covers multiple topicsPORT CHARLOTTE „ The Charlotte County Commission has scheduled a workshop to cover various topics for 9 a.m., Tuesday, July 18, 2023, in Room 119 of the Charlotte County Administration Center, 18500 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte. Topics include presentations on greenspace, beach management and coastal projects, Port Charlotte Beach Park project, Manchester waterways, and the strategic asset management plan. The meeting is open to the public, but there will be no public input.Buy a bag of books at Englewood libraryENGLEWOOD „ The Friends of the Englewood Charlotte Library are having a Bag O BooksŽ sale, July 17 to July 22 in the bookstore at Englewood Charlotte Public Library, 450 N. Access Road, Tringali Park, Englewood Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, according to an email from the Friends. The sale includes several shelves of books, “ction, non-“ction, best selling authors, will be available for those choosing to purchase and “ll a bag selling or $5.Library Friends plan bag saleNORTH PORT „ A windfall of books and CDs has triggered an emergency bag sale at the bookstore at Shannon Staub Library, 4675 Career Lane, North Port. The Friends of Shannon Staub Library have acquired the stock of a recently closed independent book store, according to a release by the group. The sale runs July 24 through July 29, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the book store, and on several tables in the Suncoast Technical College lobby. Fill a bag for $5. All donated books, puzzles, CDs, DVDs, audiobooks, and magazines are included. Shoppers making a $10 purchase and/or joining FOSSPL during the sale will receive a Friends community cookbook. For more information, visit assistance in Charlotte CountyPORT CHARLOTTE „ Charlotte County is accepting applications for assistance with water bills. Applications will be accepted through Dec. 31, or until all funds from the state grant are spent. Families can receive up to $1,000 in assistance per household. Eligibility is based on gross household income. To apply, visit www. fastrack. Summer Paint Parties NORTH PORT „ Summer Paint Parties are evenings for fun, planned by the North Port Art Center, 5950 Sam Shapos Way. Paint Parties will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, July 10 through Aug. 30. Each class is $35 with members receiving a $5 discount. All supplies are provided, no experience is necessary. For more information, call 941-423-6460. ATTENTION FIREFIGHTERSWereyouexposedtofirefightingfoam?Firefightingfoam,commonlyusedtofightjetfuel fires,hasbeenwidelyusedbythemilitaryandfire departmentssincethemid1950s.However reghng foamcontainschemicalsknownasPFAS, whichhave beenlinkedtoillnesseslikecancer. SokoloveLawiscurrentlyinvesgangcasesnaonwide involving pancreac,kidney,tescular,thyroid,bladder, breast,liver,colon/colorectalandprostatecancer, aswellasleukemiaandlymphoma aeroccupaonal exposuretofirefightingfoam. Ifyouoralovedonewerediagnosedwithcancerafter exposuretofirefightingfoam,youmaybeentitledto receive compensation.Call888-861-0632now foraFREElegalconsultation.Thisisapaidadvertisementforlegalservices.SokoloveLaw,LLC(LLPincertainstates), 1330BoylstonSt,ChestnutHill/MA.RickyLeBlancadmittedinMAonly.Members: PaulDix,Alton,IL,admittedAR,RichGrabow,970FarmingtonAveWestHartford/CT (860)904-7789,PaulJ.Morgan,WinterPark/FL,NickNighswander,Florence/KY, MichaelBreaux,Gonzales,admittedLA,GreggHobbie,NJ,MattChristian,1007East WashingtonStreet,GreenvilleSC.Co-funder/AL:EnvironmentalLitigationGroupPC, Birmingham.Thechoiceofalawyerisanimportantdecisionthatshouldnotbebased solelyuponadvertisements.Norepresentationismadethatthequalityofthelegal servicestobeperformedisgreaterthanthequalityoflegalservicesperformedbyother lawyers.Whilethisfirmmaintainsjointresponsibility,mostcasesofthistypearereferredto otherattorneysforprincipalresponsibility.Priorresultsdonotguaranteeasimilaroutcome. TheWyomingStateBardoesnotcertifyanylawyerasaspecialistorexpert.Anyone consideringalawyershouldindependentlyinvestigatethelawyerscredentialsandability, andnotrelyuponadvertisementsorself-proclaimedexpertise.Freebackground informationavailableuponrequest.©2021SokoloveLaw,LLC adno=3894190-1 SCREENING ALL AMERICAN RENOVATIONS Lic & Insured Family owned & operated Specializing in Full Pool cage restoration, rescreening & Painting & Rusty Screw changeouts, painting pool cages, lanais, front entry ways etc... 941-915-3381 Serving Sarasota County Free Estimates BREEZE THRU RESCREEN LLC Full Rescreen Panel Repair Power Washing Pool Cage Painting FREE POWER WASH WITH FULL RESCREEN We have you covered! Call Today for your FREE Estimate. 941-661-7897 Lic./Ins. Visa/MC/Discover/Amex Apple/Android Pay RESCREENINGScreen Repair Full or Partial Free Estimates Best Screen Services 941-290-7368 THE SCREEN MACHINE WE GUARANTEE TO HAVE MATERIAL IN STOCK. 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NATIONAL NEWS ADAMS PUBLISHING GROUP | FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 | 1 ASSOCIATED PRESSA Russian general in charge of forces ghting in southern Ukraine has been relieved of his duties after speaking out about problems faced by his troops, a move that re ected ssures in the military command following a brief rebellion by mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin.Maj. Gen. Ivan Popov, the commander of the 58th army in the Zaporizhzhia region, which is a focal point in Ukraine's counteroffensive, said in an audio statement to his troops released Wednesday night that he was dismissed after a meeting with the military brass in what he described as a treacherousŽ stab in the back to Russian forces in Ukraine. Popov said the military leadership was angered by his frank talk about challenges faced by his forces, particularly the shortage of radars tracking enemy artillery, which resulted in massive Russian casualties. The top officers apparently saw me as a source of threat and rapidly issued an order to get rid of me, which was signed by the defense minister in just one day,Ž he said. The Ukrainian military has failed to break through our army's defenses, but the top commander hit us in the rear, treacherously and cowardly beheading the army at this most difficult moment.Ž Popov, who uses the call name Spartacus,Ž addressed his troops as my gladiatorsŽ in the audio message released by retired Gen. Andrei Gurulev, who commanded the 58th army in the past and currently serves as a lawmaker. The 58th army consists of several divisions and smaller units. The 48-year-old Popov, who has risen from platoon commander to lead a large group of forces, has encouraged his soldiers to come directly to him with any problems „ an easygoing approach that contrasted sharply with the stiff formal style of command common in the Russian military. Russian military bloggers say hes widely known for avoiding unnecessary losses „ unlike many other commanders who were eager to sacrifice their soldiers to report successes. I faced a difficult situation with the top leadership when I had to either keep silent and act like a coward, saying what they wanted to hear, or call things by their names,Ž Popov said. I didn't have the right to lie for the sake of you and our fallen comrades.Ž Many military bloggers argued that Popovs dismissal eroded troop morale at a time of relentless Ukrainian attacks. One blogger, Vladislav Shurygin, said it has dealt a terrible blow to the entire army,Ž while another, Roman Saponkov, described it as a monstrous terror attack against the army's morale.Ž In a sign that many in Russian officialdom share Popovs criticism of the military leadership, Andrei Turchak, the first deputy speaker of the upper house of parliament and head of the main Kremlin party United Russia, strongly backed the general, saying that the Motherland can be proud of such commanders.Ž Andrei Kartapolov, a retired general who heads the defense affairs committee in the lower house, also said the Defense Ministry should deal with the issues raised by Popov. News of Popovs dismissal added to the blow that Russian troops received when another senior officer, Lt. Gen. Oleg Tsokov, was killed Tuesday by a Ukrainian missile strike. Popov's remarks about the need to rotate his exhausted troops that have been fighting the Ukrainian counteroffensive since early June, reportedly angered General Staff chief Gen. Valery Gerasimov, who shrugged them off as panicky and promptly ordered his dismissal. Gerasimov was shown meeting with military officers Monday in a video released by the Defense Ministry, the first time he was seen since last month's abortive rebellion by Prigozhin, who had demanded his ouster. The uproar fueled by Popov's dismissal could further erode the position of Gerasimov, who has faced broad criticism for his conduct of the fighting in Ukraine. Pro-Kremlin political analyst Sergei Markov noted that Popov's statement echoed criticism of the top brass by Prigozhin. However, he added that the general's statement wasn't a rebellion, but instead a call for intervention by President Vladimir Putin.ASSOCIATED PRESSIn this photo released by Russian Defense Ministry Press Service on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, Tanks belonging to Russias Wagne r military contractor are parked ahead of their handover to the Russian military at an undisclosed location. The Russian Defense Ministry said that Wagner Group is completing the handover of its weapons to the Russian military. The move follows Wagners short-lived mutiny la st month that challenged the Kremlin.Generals dismissal reveals Russian fault LOLITA C. BALDORAssociated PressWASHINGTON „ Cluster munitions provided by the United States have now arrived in Ukraine, the Pentagon said Thursday. The munitions „ which are bombs that open in the air and release scores of smaller bomblets „ are seen by the U.S. as a way to get Kyiv critically needed ammunition to help bolster its offensive and push through Russian front lines. U.S. leaders debated the thorny issue for months, before President Joe Biden made the final decision last week. U.S. leaders have said the U.S. will send a version of the munition that has a reduced dud rate,Ž meaning fewer of the smaller bomblets fail to explode. The unexploded rounds, which often litter battlefields and populated civilian areas, cause unintended deaths. U.S. officials said Washington will provide thousands of the rounds, but provided no specific numbers. Lt. Gen. Douglas Sims, the director of operations for the Joint staff, told reporters on Thursday that cluster munitions have indeed been delivered to Ukraine at this point.Ž But it wasnt clear if Ukrainian troops have used them yet. Biden described the decision to provide the projectiles as very difficult,Ž citing their record of killing civilians. Over 120 countries across the world „ but not the U.S., Russia or Ukraine „ have signed on to an international convention prohibiting the production of cluster munitions and discouraging their use. Both Moscow and Kyiv have deployed the munitions during the war, and Ukrainian regional officials have regularly accused Russian forces of using them to target civilians. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Wednesday thanked Biden for the U.S. military aid, and said shipments of controversial cluster munitions would help Ukraines fight against Russia. The two met during NATO's summit in Lithuania, where Western nations made fresh pledges of weapons and ammunition to fight Russias invasion.Pentagon says cluster munitions have arrived in UkraineA supplement to your hometown newspaper


APG NATIONAL NEWS 2 | FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023CLAIRE SAVAGE AND RICK CALLAHANAssociated PressCHICAGO „ National Weather Service teams were surveying storm damage Thursday in the Chicago area and northeast Illinois, where fierce winds from tornadoes ripped roofs from buildings, downed trees and sent residents scrambling for safety as sirens sounded. Four teams from the weather service headed out Thursday morning to inspect storm damage reported Wednesday across numerous areas of the Chicago metropolitan area and points farther west to determine if tornadoes caused that damage, said Zachary Yack, a meteorologist with the weather services Chicago area office. As of Thursday afternoon, the weather service confirmed at least seven low-grade tornadoes, including one that touched down in the Cicero area, near OHare International Airport. The twister sent passengers dashing for shelter at the airport and disrupted hundreds of flights, but no injuries were reported. Teams continue to examine damage, the weather services Chicago-area office said on Twitter. Ty Carr, a resident of the Skyline Motel in McCook, Illinois, said a tornado tore off its roof. Just chaos,Ž Carr said, cradling a toddler as he spoke to reporters. It was really fast, and the noises and the crackling and the wind „ it was just something Ive never seen or been through, you know?Ž Rajan Patel, whose family owns the motel, said his family came to the Chicago area in the 1990s with nothing, and now their motel is severely damaged. The entire place is ruined," Patel said. "I dont know, man. I dont know how to r ecover anything. I dont know.Ž The weather service posted a map on social media highlighting nine yellow-shaded areas, including the Cicero area, where there were either reports of storm damage or indications from radar of possible tornadoes, Yack said. The teams will determine if tornadoes hit those areas, and if so, will work to pin down their tracks and intensity ratings. The weather service said the suspected tornadoes were spawned by rotating thunderstorms known as supercells. Meteorologist Victor Gensini estimated that most of the tornadoes that occurred Wednesday "were rather short-lived and rather weak.Ž Morning rainfall and cloud cover dampened the amount of instability that could build up in the atmosphere, and the storm system was vertically shorter „ and less deadly „ than a typical tornado, said Gensini, who is a professor of meteorology at Northern Illinois University.Illinois surveys damage after tornadoes hit Chicago area Honolulu 89/74 Hilo 84/68 Anchorage 64/53 Fairbanks 70/55 Juneau 80/56 Monterrey 103/73 Chihuahua 102/76 Los Angeles 89/64 Washington 84/74 New York 82/72 Atlanta 91/74 Detroit 85/69 Houston 99/78 Kansas City 89/68 Minneapolis 89/66 El Paso 104/80 Denver 82/59 San Francisco 76/55 Seattle 84/59 Port Charlotte 97/77 Knoxville 88/74 Greensboro 85/71 Madison 88/66 Bozeman 82/49 Nampa 96/61 Toronto 80/66 Montreal 81/65 Winnipeg 73/47NATIONAL (for the 48 contiguous states)INTERNATIONALNATIONAL FORECAST In the digital e-edition, you can click anywhere on the US map to get up-to-date forecasts, radar, MinuteCast® and more.NATIONAL CITIES TODAY INTERNATIONAL CITIES-10s-0s0s10s20s30s40s50s60s70s80s90s100s110sShowersT-stormsRainFlurriesSnowIce Cold frontWarm frontStationary frontWEATHER HISTORYWEATHER TRIVIA’City Hi Lo W UV AQCity Hi Lo W UV AQCity Hi Lo W UV AQCity Hi Lo W UV AQCity Hi Lo W UV AQ City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WWeather ( W ): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow ”urries, sn -snow, i -ice. The higher the UV Index’ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme. Air Quality Index ( AQ ): 0-50 , Good; 51-100 , Moderate; 101-150 , Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200 , Unhealthy; 201-300 , Very unhealthy; 301-500 , Hazardous. Shown are todays noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.High temperature 114 at El Centro, California Low temperature 33 at Mammoth Lakes, California Precipitation 3.44 inches at Crestview, Florida High temperature 120 at Sa“abad, Iran Low temperature 14 at Perito Moreno, Argentina Precipitation 6.89 inches at Tottori, Japan The mid-Atlantic was in the middle of a monsoonlike storm July 14, 1975. Some areas in eastern Maryland had 7 inches of rain. By the end of the storm, parts of northern New Jersey received up to 34 inches. Q: Where on Earth have the most deadly storms occurred?A: The Bay of BengalAitkin, MN 82 55 pc 9 135 Alcoa, TN 88 73 t 6 50 Antigo, WI 80 56 t 9 75 Apple Valley, MN 88 62 t 9 121 Ashland, WI 86 58 pc 9 125 Athens, OH 89 65 c 7 53 Athens, TN 89 73 t 8 45 Belgrade, MT 82 49 s 10 41 Beloit, WI 85 66 t 8 25 Big Timber, MT 79 51 s 10 40 Boone, NC 78 62 t 6 45 Boston, MA 80 70 t 4 25 Bozeman, MT 82 49 s 10 41 Buffalo, NY 83 67 t 10 47 Caledonia, MN 87 63 t 9 25 Cambridge, MN 85 59 s 9 140 Casper, WY 81 51 s 11 61 Charlotte, NC 91 72 t 7 45 Cheyenne, WY 75 55 t 10 75 Chicago, IL 86 70 t 8 75 Cincinnati, OH 90 70 pc 10 85 Cleveland, OH 85 70 pc 9 75 Columbus, MT 84 52 s 10 44 Columbus, OH 89 69 pc 10 77 Coon Rapids, MN 88 62 pc 9 123 Dallas, TX 105 82 s 12 75 Dayton, TN 90 73 t 9 46 Denver, CO 82 59 pc 11 125 Detroit, MI 85 69 t 7 75 Dillon, MT 81 46 s 10 39 Driggs, ID 78 47 s 11 43 Dundalk, MD 83 72 t 5 55 Easton, MD 83 73 t 5 50 Eau Claire, WI 86 59 t 9 75 Eden Prairie, MN 88 63 pc 9 121 Edenton, NC 90 75 t 5 45 Elizabeth City, NC 88 74 t 5 45 Elk River, MN 87 60 pc 9 123 Elkton, MD 84 72 t 5 55 Ellensburg, WA 94 59 s 9 25 El Paso, TX 104 80 pc 12 75 Emmett, ID 96 61 s 10 52 Fargo, ND 83 56 t 8 115 Faribault, MN 87 60 t 8 121 Flagstaff, AZ 92 55 s 13 46 Forest Lake, MN 87 61 pc 9 123 Forsyth, MT 84 60 pc 8 56 Fort Atkinson, WI 86 66 t 7 25 Fort Myer, VA 84 72 t 5 54 Gladwin, MI 81 63 t 7 25 Glendive, MT 82 55 pc 6 66 Grand Rapids, MN 79 55 pc 9 110 Greeneville, TN 86 68 t 6 45 Greenville, NC 91 73 t 6 45 Hardin, MT 85 55 s 9 46 Hartford, CT 81 72 t 5 44 Helena, MT 85 55 s 9 40 Hertford, NC 90 74 t 5 45 Hickory, NC 86 71 t 6 45 Hillsville, VA 80 65 t 6 45 Honolulu, HI 89 74 s 13 33 Idaho Falls, ID 87 48 s 10 43 Isle, MN 82 59 pc 9 140 Janesville, WI 85 66 t 9 25 Kenansville, NC 91 75 t 10 45 Key West, FL 89 84 t 11 52 King, NC 86 70 t 7 45 Klamath Falls, OR 94 53 s 11 44 Kuna, ID 95 60 s 10 52 Lake Mills, WI 86 66 t 6 25 Lakeview, OR 92 54 s 11 46 La Plata, MD 83 71 t 5 50 Laramie, WY 77 48 s 11 67 Laurel, MT 84 56 s 10 40 Lenoir City, TN 89 74 t 5 50 Lewistown, MT 76 49 t 9 50 Little Falls, MN 84 56 pc 9 120 Livingston, MT 81 50 s 10 41 Logan, OH 88 67 pc 11 77 Marinette, WI 86 63 t 6 25 McArthur, OH 88 66 pc 11 57 Meridian, ID 95 58 s 10 52 Miles City, MT 83 59 pc 6 54 Minneapolis, MN 89 66 pc 9 128 Monticello, MN 86 60 pc 9 120 Mount Airy, NC 86 69 t 7 45 Mount Vernon, WA 80 51 s 8 25 Nampa, ID 96 61 s 10 52 Newland, NC 78 63 t 6 45 New Lexington, OH 88 67 c 8 77 Newport, TN 88 70 t 6 45 Osseo, MN 88 62 pc 9 123 Pocatello, ID 88 52 s 10 50 Port Charlotte, FL 97 77 t 10 75 Princeton, MN 87 59 s 9 140 Rawlins, WY 84 50 s 11 66 Red Lodge, MT 75 53 s 10 44 Rexburg, ID 86 53 s 10 43 Rock Springs, WY 84 53 s 11 55 Rocky Mount, NC 90 72 t 5 45 Rogersville, TN 87 69 t 6 43 Sauk Centre, MN 82 58 pc 9 120 Snow Hill, NC 91 74 t 10 45 South Logan, UT 89 52 s 11 75 Stanford, MT 76 50 pc 9 44 Stillwater, MN 87 61 pc 9 128 Sun Prairie, WI 86 65 t 6 25 Terry, MT 84 56 pc 6 66 Venice, FL 93 80 t 10 75 Virginia, MN 78 52 pc 8 110 Waconia, MN 87 61 pc 9 128 Walker, MN 80 53 pc 9 135 Watertown, WI 86 65 t 7 25 Waunakee, WI 87 65 t 6 25 Waverly, OH 89 67 pc 10 63 West Jefferson, NC 80 64 t 6 45 Williamston, NC 91 73 t 7 45 Willoughby, OH 84 72 pc 10 75 Windsor, NC 91 73 t 5 45 Yadkinville, NC 87 70 t 6 45 TODAY SAT. TODAY SAT. Athens 101 80 s 103 82 s Auckland 61 54 pc 62 54 c Beijing 97 74 pc 92 68 s Berlin 80 62 pc 96 68 pc Bogota 66 50 t 67 49 t Buenos Aires 52 46 pc 57 41 pc Cairo 101 77 s 102 78 s Hong Kong 95 84 sh 98 84 pc Jerusalem 93 70 s 94 70 s Johannesburg 58 37 s 56 41 pc London 69 58 r 68 56 t Madrid 99 69 s 94 63 s Mexico City 80 56 t 84 56 pc Montreal 81 65 t 84 70 pc Moscow 61 56 sh 63 55 pc Nairobi 76 54 pc 76 54 pc Nassau 89 80 t 91 79 t New Delhi 90 81 t 89 77 t Paris 89 67 pc 77 59 t Rio de Janeiro 72 64 pc 73 64 pc Rome 89 72 s 89 70 s Seoul 80 74 t 82 73 t Singapore 87 77 t 89 79 t Stockholm 71 52 t 73 60 pc Sydney 73 54 s 75 55 pc Toronto 80 66 pc 77 66 t Tokyo 86 78 c 90 80 c Vancouver 74 57 s 75 59 c National Summary: A front draped along the East Coast today could bring severe thunderstorms capable of producing damaging winds and an isolated tornado from New Hampshire to North Carolina. Severe thunderstorms will also target the central U.S. Dry conditions and heat will persist from Texas into the Southwest and Northwest.THURSDAYS EXTREMESForecasts and graphics provided by ©2023WEATHER


FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 | 3 Price for a bottle of Huy Fong's iconic hot sauce gets spicyNEW YORK „ Its not just you. Sriracha is hard to come by these days „ at least for one popular brand. The shortage of Huy Fong Foods Sriracha, the beloved red hot sauce packaged in those green-capped bottles, isnt new „ with the company pointing to a scarcity of chile pepper supply for several years now. And as frustrated fans continue to face store shelves missing the Huy Fong name, third-party resellers are punching up prices. In many places, the bottles are simply sold out „ giving leverage to those listing the now-rare product on Amazon, eBay and more. Some experts say that the Huy Fong shortage is partially a consequence of climate change, others note it could reflect potential issues with suppliers.Officials search for a wayward sea otter harassing surfersSAN FRANCISCO „ Wildlife officials are trying to capture a wayward sea otter that has been wrestling surfboards away from surfers and aggressively approaching kayakers off the coast of Santa Cruz, California. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says the 5-year-old female otter has shown aggression toward people for several weeks and poses a public safety risk. Video and photographs shared on social media show the marine mammal on at least one occasion biting and tearing chunks off a board as well as aggressively approaching a surfer trying to get a board back from the animal.Powerball jackpot climbs to $875 million for SaturdayDES MOINES, Iowa „ The Powerball jackpot has soared to an estimated $875 million. No winning ticket was sold for the $750 million jackpot drawing Wednesday night. The next drawing is Saturday. If someone buys the winning ticket, they will have the option to get $441.9 million in a one-time cash payout instead of the full $875 million over time. The estimated jackpot for Saturdays drawing would be the third highest in the history of the game. The largest Powerball jackpot was $2.04 billion last November. The last time someone won the Powerball jackpot was April 19. That top prize was nearly $253 million.Andrew Tate sues his accusers in human trafficking caseFORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. „ Controversial social media personality Andrew Tate is suing a Florida woman, saying she lied when she accused him of human trafficking. The widely followed former kickboxer and his brother are suing the woman in Palm Beach County where she lives. They say she made false statements to Romanian officials, leading to their arrest in that country. They say she made the accusations after an attempt to defraud them failed. Romanian officials arrested the Tates in December, charging them with human trafficking and rape. Investigators say they forced seven women into pornography. They have denied the charges. They are seeking $5 million in the lawsuit. AROUND THE WORLDNATION & WORLD ASSOCIATED PRESSVILNIUS, Lithuania „ Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy may have gotten support and vague assurances from NATO leaders in Vilnius this week, but he ultimately returns home without a clear commitment that his country will be joining the club any time soon. Instead, the alliance leaders said they were removing obstacles on Ukraines membership path so that it can join more quickly once the war with Russia is over. For many, that argument gives Russias president a pretext to prolong the war, which President Vladimir Putin ostensibly launched to keep Ukraine from joining NATO. But if Ukraine joins NATO in the middle of the war, then Russia is at war with the entire NATO alliance. At the core of this conundrum is Article 5 „ NATOs common defense guarantee under which an attack on one member is considered an attack on them all.WHAT DOES ARTICLE 5 SAY?Article 5 is at the heart of the 31-member North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It states that an armed attack against one or more of the members shall be considered an attack against all members. It also states that if such an armed attack occurs, each of the members would take, individually and in concert with other members, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area. That security guarantee is the reason previously neutral Finland and Sweden sought to join NATO and why Ukraine and other countries in Europe also want in.WHEN HAS IT BEEN INVOKED?Only once, in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the United States, paving the way for NATOs biggest ever operation in Afghanistan. But NATO allies have also taken collective defense measures including joining the U.S. to fight the Islamic State group in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan as well as help keep the peace in the Balkans.HOW DOES THIS IMPACT UKRAINE?NATOs credibility hinges on Article 5 and its commitment to offer membership to any European country that can contribute to security in Europe and North America. But Ukraine, currently in the middle of war with Russia, would oblige all 31 member countries to spring to its defense militarily, potentially igniting a wider war with a nuclear-armed country. Article 5 also becomes problematic when the territory of a member is unclear. For instance, Russian forces entered Georgia in August 2008, a few months after NATO leaders first promised the country it would join, along with Ukraine. That country's NATO application is still pending. Russia continues to occupy large swaths of Ukraine in the east and south, further muddying the picture.NATO's defense pledge that stands in the way of Ukraine's admission while at warASSOCIATED PRESSSEOUL, South Korea „ A giant panda has given birth to squirming, squealing healthy twin girls at a South Korean theme park. Ai Bao gave birth to her cubs last Friday at the Everland theme park near Seoul, the parks operator said Tuesday. It released video of the birth and the mother caring for her newborns, as well as veterinarians examining the cubs. They are the first panda twins born in South Korea, Samsung C&T Resort Group said. Both Ai Bao and her newborns are in good health, the resort group said in the statement. Decades of conservation efforts in the wild and study in captivity saved the panda species native to China from extinction, increasing its population from fewer than 1,000 at one time to more than 1,800 in the wild and captivity. The life expectancy of a giant panda in the wild is about 15 years, but in captivity they have lived to be as old as 38. The South Korean resort group said it will observe the cubs health and growth to determine when to unveil them to the public. Meanwhile, the group said it will use social media to show off the cubs. Ai Bao and a male panda, Le Bao, came to the park in 2016 from China on a 15-year lease. In 2020, Ai Bao gave birth to a female cub named Fu Bao.Giant panda gives birth to squirming, squealing twin girls APG NATIONAL NEWSASSOCIATED PRESSFrom left, US President Joe Biden speaks at an event with G7 leaders next to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Canada s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to announce a Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine during the NATO Summit, in Vilnius, Lithuania, W ednesday.Understand NATO's Article 5 ASSOCIATED PRESSThis photo provided by Samsung C&T Corp. shows giant panda Ai Bao and her twin cubs at an amusement park in Yongin, South Korea, on July 7.


MARIA CHENG AND JONEL ALECCIAAssociated PressThe World Health Organization's cancer agency has deemed the sweetener aspartame „ found in diet soda and countless other foods „ as a possibleŽ cause of cancer, while a separate expert group looking at the same evidence said it still considers the sugar substitute safe in limited quantities. The differing results of the coordinated reviews were released early Friday. One came from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a special branch of the WHO. The other report was from an expert panel selected by WHO and another U.N. group, the Food and Agriculture Organization. The Lyon, France-based cancer agency periodically reviews potential cancer hazards, but doesn't determine how likely they are to cause cancer in their evaluations which range from possiblyŽ carcinogenic to probablyŽ to cancer-causing. Aspartame joins a category with more than 300 other possible cancer-causing agents, including things like aloe vera extract, Asian-style pickled vegetables and carpentry work. The guidance on use of the sweetener, though, isnt changing. Were not advising consumers to stop consuming (aspartame) altogether,Ž said WHOs nutrition director Dr. Francesco Branca. Were just advising a bit of moderation.ŽWHAT IS ASPARTAME?Aspartame is a low-calorie artificial sweetener that is about 200 times sweeter than sugar. It is a white, odorless powder and the worlds most widely used artificial sweetener. Aspartame is authorized as a food additive in Europe and the U.S. and is used in numerous foods, drinks such as Diet Coke, desserts, chewing gum, medications including cough drops and foods intended to help with weight loss. It's in tabletop sweeteners sold as Equal, Sugar Twin and NutraSweet. Aspartame was approved in 1974 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration with an acceptable daily intake of 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. According to the FDA, a person weighing 132 pounds would need to consume about 75 aspartame packets to reach that level. U.N. experts evaluated the safety of aspartame in 1981 and set the safe daily limit slightly lower, at 40 milligrams.Soda sweetener aspartame now listed as possible cancer cause ASSOCIATED PRESSOn Thursday, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the cancer research arm of the World Health Organization, deemed aspartame, the worlds most widely used arti“ cial sweetener, to be possibly carcinogenicŽ to humans. Separately, a U.N. expert group assessing the same evidence said their guidance regarding safe consumption of the sweetener remained unchanged. BRIEFCASE House GOP interrogate FTC's Khan over regulation of techWASHINGTON „ The chair of the Federal Trade Commission has defended her aggressive legal strategy toward the countrys biggest technology companies as she appeared before the House Judiciary Committee. House Republicans have charged that the agency has become overzealous and politicized under President Joe Biden. Agency head Lina Khan appeared before the Judiciary Committee Thursday for the first time amid her court battles with the companies. Republicans said she is harassingŽ Twitter since its acquisition by Elon Musk, arbitrarily suing large tech companies and declining to recuse herself from certain cases. Khan pushed back, arguing that more regulation is necessary as the companies have grown and that tech conglomeration could hurt the economy and consumers.San Franciscans mourn closure of 127-year-old brewing co.SAN FRANCISCO „ Beer lovers are flocking to Anchor Brewing Co.'s tap room to mourn the loss of the iconic brewer and buy some of its last beers. The company's tap room opened Thursday, the day after it announced it planned to shut down. The company has stopped brewing and will continue packaging and distributing the beer on hand while available or through around the end of the month. Anchor was founded in San Francisco in 1896 and faced insolvency in the 1960s when a new owner turned it around.Tentative deal reached in port strike on Canada's west coastVANCOUVER, British Columbia „ A tentative deal has been reached between employers and workers in a strike that has halted shipments in and out of ports in Canadas west coast region of British Columbia for nearly two weeks. A statement from the BC Maritime Employers Association says it has reached a tentative agreement with the International Longshore and Warehouse Union. The strike by 7,400 members of the union began July 1 and shut down more than 30 west coast ports. BUSINESS ADAMS PUBLISHING GROUP | FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 | 4 MATTHEW PERRONEAssociated PressWASHINGTON „ Federal regulators on Thursday approved the nation's first over-the-counter birth control pill in a landmark decision that will soon allow American women and girls to obtain contraceptive medication as easily as they buy aspirin and eyedrops. The Food and Drug Administration cleared once-a-day Opill to be sold without a prescription, making it the first such medication to be moved out from behind the pharmacy counter. The manufacturer, Ireland-based Perrigo, wont start shipping the pill until early next year, and there will be no age restrictions on sales. Hormone-based pills have long been the most common form of birth control in the U.S., used by tens of millions of women since the 1960s. Until now, all of them required a prescription. Medical societies and womens health groups have pushed for wider access for decades, noting that an estimated 45% of the 6 million annual pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended. Teens and girls, women of color and those with low incomes report greater hurdles in getting prescriptions and picking them up. The challenges can include paying for a doctor's visit, getting time off from work and finding child care. This is really a transformation in access to contraceptive care,Ž said Kelly Blanchard, president of Ibis Reproductive Health, a nonprofit group that supported the approval. Hopefully this will help people overcome those barriers that exist now.Ž Perrigo says Opill could be an important new option for the estimated 15 million U.S. women who currently use no birth control or less effective methods. How many women gain access depends on the price, which Perrigo plans to announce later this year. The reason why so many of us worked tirelessly for years to get over-the-counter birth control pills is to improve access ... cost shouldnt be one of those barriers,Ž said Dr. Pratima Gupta of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.First over-the-counter birth control pill gets FDA approval


SCIENCE &TECH ADAMS PUBLISHING GROUP | FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 | 5SETH BORENSTEINAP Science WriterAn already warming Earth steamed to its hottest June on record, smashing the old global mark by nearly a quarter of a degree, with global oceans setting temperature records for the third straight month, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced ursday.June's 61.79 degrees global average was 1.89 degrees above the 20th Century average, the first time glob ally a summer month was more than a degree Celsius hotter than normal, according to NOAA. Other weather monitoring systems, such as NASA, Berkeley Earth and Europe's Copernicus, had already called last month the hottest June on record, but NOAA is the gold standard for record-keeping with data going back 174 years to 1850. The increase over the last June's record is a con siderably big jumpŽ because usually global monthly records are so broad based they often jump by hun dredths not quarters of a degree, said NOAA climate scientist Ahira Sanchez-Lugo. The recent record temperatures, as well as extreme fires, pollution and flooding we are seeing this year are what we expect to see in a warmer climate,Ž said Cornell University climate scientist Natalie Mahow ald. We are just getting a small taste for the types of impacts that we expect to worsen under climate change.Ž Both land and ocean were the hottest a June has seen. But the globe's sea surface „ which is 70% of Earth's area „ has set monthly high temperature records in April, May and June and the North Atlan tic has been off the charts warm since mid March, scientists say. The Caribbean region smashed previous records as did the United Kingdom. The first half of 2023 has been the third hottest January through June on record, behind 2016 and 2020, according to NOAA. NOAA says theres a 20% chance that 2023 will be the hottest year on record, with next year more likely, but the chance of a record is growing and outside sci entists such as Brown Universitys Kim Cobb are predicting a photo finishŽ with 2016 and 2020 for the hottest year on record. Berkeley Earths Robert Rohde said his group figures theres an 80% chance that 2023 will end up the hottest year on record. Thats because it's likely only to get hotter. July is usually the hottest month of the year, and the record for July and the hottest month of any year is 62.08 degrees set in both July 2019 and July 2021. Eleven of the first dozen days in July were hotter than ever on record, according to an unofficial and preliminary anal ysis by University of Maine's Climate Reanalyzer. The Japanese Meteorological Agency and the World Meteorological Organization said the world has just gone through its hottest week on record. NOAA recorded water temperatures around Florida of 98 degrees on Wednesday near the Everglades and 97 degrees on Tuesday near the Florida Keys, while some forecasters are predicting near world record level temperatures in Death Valley of around 130 degrees this weekend. NOAA global analysis chief Russ Vose said the record hot June is because of two main reasons: longterm warming caused by heat-trapping gases spewed by the burning of coal, oil and natural gas that's then boosted by a natural El Nino, which warms parts of the Pacific and changes weather worldwide adding extra heat to already rising global temperatures. He said it's likely most of June's warming is due to long-term human causes because so far this new El Nino is still considered weak to moderate. It's forecast to peak in the winter, which is why NOAA and other forecasters predict 2024 to be even hotter than this year. While El Nino and its cooling flip side, La Nina, "have a big impact on year-to-year temperatures, their effects are much smaller over the long run than human-caused warming,Ž said climate scientist Zeke Hausfather of Berkeley Earth and the tech company Stripe. Back in 1998, the world had a super El Nino event with record global temperatures; today the tem peratures of 1998 would be an unusually cool year. Human-driven climate change adds a permanent super El Nino worth of heat to the atmosphere every decade.Ž Global and Antarctic sea ice levels were at record lows in June, NOAA also said. Until we stop burning fossil fuels, this will only get worse," Climate scientist Friederike Otto of the Impe rial College of London said in an email. "Heat records will keep getting broken, people and ecosystems are already in many cases beyond what they are able to deal with.ŽASSOCIATED PRESSA “sherman reels in his catch as the sun rises over the Atlantic Ocean on June 28 in Bal Harbour, Fla. An already warming Earth steamed to its hottest June on record, with global oceans setting temperature records for the third straight mon th, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Th ursday.Meteorologists say Earth sizzled to heat record in June, and getting hotter in July


SPORTS ADAMS PUBLISHING GROUP | FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 | 6 ASSOCIATED PRESSSACRAMENTO, Calif. „ Lisa Wrightsman was a former college soccer player whose life was derailed by drug addiction before she eventually made her way back to the sport through a tournament for players from around the globe who have experienced homelessness.Wrightsman qualified for the Homeless World Cup in Brazil. It was a competition that would forever change her life. When she returned to Sacramento, friends at the sober living facility where Wrightsman lived told her they wanted to feel the way you look right now.Ž I actually started to feel value,Ž she said. The whole tour nament kind of instills you with that.Ž Wrightsman is now a coach for the U.S. womens team in the Homeless World Cup. The tournament made its U.S. debut July 8 in the capital of California, a state with the largest homeless population in the country. The tournament runs through Saturday, just ahead of next weeks Womens World Cup. The tournament is being held after a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic, when homeless populations surged in many U.S. cities. In Sacramento alone, it increased 68% between 2020 and 2022. Thirty countries are competing in the games with teams that include people who have lived on the streets to refugees to foster children. They include Yuli Pineda, who moved to California from Honduras and was living with a foster family when she joined. Pineda said shes found a sense of community play ing for the U.S. team. Every single player comes from different backgrounds,Ž Pineda, 18, said. Its amazing that in a short amount of time we have connected that fast.Ž One of the special parts about soccer is that it is so popu lar across the globe, said Lawrence Cann, founder of Street Soccer USA, which organizes the U.S. mens and womens teams. Imagine if youre isolated, you feel some level of shame with everything that comes along with being homeless,Ž Cann said. This gives you a natural way to connect to the largest community in the world, which is the soccer com munity.Ž Mel Young, who co-founded the organization running the tournament, said the aim is to build players confidence to achieve their goals beyond the games. Some of the athletes have gone on to play professionally, but thats not the point, Young said. The events are fantastic. I urge anyone to come and watch,Ž Young said. But its about moving on. Its about impact. Its about people changing their lives.Ž Young said he has witnessed the transformation. Years ago, Young said he got on a bus in his native Scotland and was surprised to find out the driver was a former player who com peted in the tournament. He told Young he got his bus driving license after the games, was living in an apartment and engaged to be married. Wrightsman grew up in a Sacramento suburb and was a striker for California State University, Sacramento, also known as Sac State. She struggled with drug addiction and ended up in a sober living facility, which made her eligible to qualify for the Homeless World Cup. At the tournament in 2010, she remembered how much she loved playing, and it built her confidence knowing she could share her knowledge with players who were less experienced. This year, players are battling dry, hot weather in Sacra mento, with temperatures set to surpass 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) by Friday. Some of the games were scheduled for later to avoid the most intense heat of the day. The games are much shorter than traditional soccer matches, lasting only seven minutes each half, so anyone can participate. Each country can bring a mens and womens team. Women can compete on the mens team if the country is not bringing a womens team. On a recent day at Sac States Hornet Stadium, players tried to cool down by sitting in the shade under bleachers and tents or by placing wet towels around their necks. In the stands, spectators waved flags and sported jerseys and caps to show support for their countrys team. Supporters of the Mexican womens team chanted Si, se puede!Ž or Yes, you can!Ž during a group stage match Tuesday as the reigning champions fought to win their eighth title. For Sienna Jackson, a 24-year-old Sacramento native on the U.S. womens team, playing soccer offered a welcome escape from stress growing up. It was something to get my mind off of my life and kind of calm me down,Ž said Jackson, who experienced homelessness for four years starting at the age of 19.Homeless World Cup makes US debut in California and scores victories beyond the field ASSOCIATED PRESSDaniela Silva, second from left, is hugged by Fernanda Torres, right, after Mexico played against Denmark at the Homeless World Cup, Tuesday, July 11, 2023, in Sacramento, Calif. Jabeur, in a second consecutive Wimbledon final, plays Vondrousova for the titleWIMBLEDON, England „ Ons Jabeur has defeated Aryna Sabalenka 6-7 (5), 6-4, 6-3 to reach the Wimbledon final for the second consecutive year. This will be the third title match for Jabeur in the past five Grand Slam tournaments. She is 0-2 so far after losing to Elena Rybak ina at the All England Club last July and to Iga Swiatek at the U.S. Open last Septem ber. Sabalenka came into the match with a 17-1 record at majors in 2023. Jabeurs opponent for the championship will be Marketa Vondrousova. Vondrousova became the first unseeded womens final ist at Wimbledon since Billie Jean King in 1963 by eliminating Elina Svitolina 6-3, 6-3.Jets agree to 4-year, $96 million contract extension with All-Pro Quinnen WilliamsA person with knowledge of the deal says All-Pro defensive tackle Quinnen Williams and the New York Jets have agreed to a four-year contract extension worth $96 million. Williams is now the second-highest paid defensive tackle in the NFL at $24 million per year behind only the Rams Aaron Donald, who is making $31.7 million per year. The deal for Wil liams includes $66 million in guaranteed salary, according to a person who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of ano nymity because the team didnt announce the terms of the contract.Pulisic signs with US-owned AC Milan to revive his club career before home World CupMILAN „ Christian Pulisic will attempt to revive his sagging club career at American-owned AC Milan lead ing into a home World Cup in the United States in 2026. Pulisic has signed a fouryear deal with Milan. The club also has the option for a further season. The 24-yearold Pulisic has struggled with injuries and never fully lived up to expectations at Chelsea. He has left the London club with a year left on his contract. The mid fielder-forward is set to become the third American to play for the Rossoneri after Oguchi Onyewu and Sergiño Dest.Olympic gymnastics champion Gabby Douglas says she is aiming for the 2024 Paris GamesGabby Douglas, the first Black woman to win the Olympic all-around gymnas tics title, is taking aim at the 2024 Games in Paris. Douglas announced on her Insta gram page that she is back in training. The announcement comes a dozen years after her triumph in London in 2012 and eight years after her last competition, the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. There is no timetable for when the 27-year-old Doug las could return to competition. She is joining a crowded field for a spot on the 2024 U.S. Olympic team, a group that includes 2016 all-around champion Simone Biles and 2020 all-around champion Suni Lee.Associated Press SPORTS IN BRIEF


APG NATIONAL NEWS FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 | 7 NATIONAL SCOREBOARD SPORTS* All times EDT BASEBALLMLB AMERICAN LEAGUEEast Division W L Pct GB Tampa Bay 58 35 .624 _ Baltimore 54 35 .607 2 Toronto 50 41 .549 7 New York 49 42 .538 8 Boston 48 43 .527 9Central Division W L Pct GB Cleveland 45 45 .500 _ Minnesota 45 46 .495 ½ Detroit 39 50 .438 5½ Chicago 38 54 .413 8 Kansas City 26 65 .286 19½West Division W L Pct GB Texas 52 39 .571 _ Houston 50 41 .549 2 Seattle 45 44 .506 6 Los Angeles 45 46 .495 7 Oakland 25 67 .272 27½ NATIONAL LEAGUEEast Division W L Pct GB Atlanta 60 29 .674 _ Miami 53 39 .576 8½ Philadelphia 48 41 .539 12 New York 42 48 .467 18½ Washington 36 54 .400 24½Central Division W L Pct GB Cincinnati 50 41 .549 _ Milwaukee 49 42 .538 1 Chicago 42 47 .472 7 Pittsburgh 41 49 .456 8½ St. Louis 38 52 .422 11½West Division W L Pct GB Los Angeles 51 38 .573 _ Arizona 52 39 .571 _ San Francisco 49 41 .544 2½ San Diego 43 47 .478 8½ Colorado 34 57 .374 18AMERICAN LEAGUE Fridays GamesMiami at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m. Arizona at Toronto, 7:07 p.m. Chicago White Sox at Atlanta, 7:20 p.m. Boston at Chicago Cubs, 8:05 p.m. Cleveland at Texas, 8:05 p.m. Tampa Bay at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at Colorado, 8:40 p.m. Houston at L.A. Angels, 9:38 p.m. Minnesota at Oakland, 9:40 p.m. Detroit at Seattle, 10:10 p.m.NATIONAL LEAGUE Fridays GamesSan Diego at Philadelphia, 6:05 p.m. Miami at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m. San Francisco at Pittsburgh, 7:05 p.m. Arizona at Toronto, 7:07 p.m. L.A. Dodgers at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m. Milwaukee at Cincinnati, 7:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox at Atlanta, 7:20 p.m. Boston at Chicago Cubs, 8:05 p.m. Washington at St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at Colorado, 8:40 p.m.BASKETBALLWNBA EASTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB New York 14 4 .778 „ Connecticut 15 5 .750 „ Atlanta 11 8 .579 3½ Washington 11 8 .579 3½ Chicago 8 12 .400 7 Indiana 5 15 .250 10WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB Las Vegas 19 2 .905 „ Dallas 11 9 .550 7½ Minnesota 9 11 .450 9½ Los Angeles 7 13 .350 11½ Phoenix 4 15 .211 14 Seattle 4 16 .200 14½Wednesdays GamesConnecticut 84, Chicago 72 New York 95, Indiana 87, OT Dallas 107, Minnesota 67 Atlanta 85, Seattle 75 Las Vegas 97, Los Angeles 78Saturdays GameTeam Wilson vs Team Stewart, 8:30 p.m., Paradise, Nev.CYCLINGTour de France Thursday 12th Stage 169 kilometers (105 miles) from Roanne to Belleville-En-Beaujolais1. Ion Izaguirre Insausti, Spain, COFIDIS/ Fra, 3:51:42s. 2. Mathieu Burgaudeau, France, TotalEnergies, 58s behind. 3. Matteo Jorgenson, United States, Movistar Team, same time. 4. Tiesj Benoot, Belgium, Jumbo-Visma, 1:06. 5. Tobias Halland Johannessen, Norway, Uno-X Pro Cycling Team, 1:11. 6. Thibaut Pinot, France, Groupama-FDJ, 1:13. 7. Guillaume Martin, France, COFIDIS/Fra, same time. 8. Dylan Tuens, Belgium, Israel-Premier Tech/Isr, same time. 9. Ruben Almeida Guerreiro, Portugal, Movistar Team, 1:27. 10. Victor Campenaerts, Belgium, Lotto DSTNY/Bel, 3:02.Also22. Sepp Kuss, United States, Jumbo-Visma, 4:14s behind. 76. Kevin Vermaerke, United States, Team DSM-Firmenich, 13:21. 111. Neilson Powless, United States, EF Education-EasyPost, 24:53. 115. G Lawson Craddock, United States, Team Jayco Alula, same time.Overall Standings1. Jonas Vingegaard, Denmark, Jumbo-Visma, 50:30:23s. 2. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team Emirates, :17s behind. 3. Jai Hindley, Australia, Bora-Hansgrohe, 2:40. 4. Carlos Rodriguez Cano, Spain, Ineos Grenadiers, 4:22. 5. Pello Bilbao Lopez, Spain, Bahrain Victorious, 4:34. 6. Adam Yates, Great Britain, UAE Team Emirates, 4:39. 7. Simon Yates, Great Britain, Team Jayco-Alula, 4:44. 8. Tom Pidcock, Great Britian, Ineos Grenadiers, 5:26. 9. David Gaudu, France, Groupama-FDJ, 6:01. 10. Thibaut Pinot, France, Groupama-FDJ, 6:33.Also11. Sepp Kuss, United States, Jumbo-Visma, 6:45s behind. 42. Matteo Jorgenson, United States, Movistar Team, 55:44s. 59. Neilson Powless, United States, EF Education-EasyPost, 1:20:56. 85. Kevin Vermaerke, United States, Team DSM-Firmenich, 1:48:36. 103. G Lawson Craddock, United States, Team Jayco Alula, 2:05:16.Young Riders Standings1. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team Emirates, 50:30:40s. 2. Carlos Rodriguez Cano, Spain, Ineos Grenadiers, 4:05s behind. 3. Tom Pidcock, Great Britian, Ineos Grenadiers, 5:09. 4. Felix Gall, Austria, AGZR Citroen Team, 9:29. 5. Skjelmose Mattias Jensen, Denmark, LIDL-Trek, 27:26. 6. Mathieu Burgaudeau, France, TotalEnergies, 37:30. 7. Tobias Halland Johannessen, Norway, Uno-X Pro Cycling Team, 46:50. 8. Matteo Jorgenson, United States, Movistar Team, 55:27. 9. Maxim Van Gils, Belgium, Lotto DSTNY, 1:20:39. 10. Lars Van Den Berg, Netherlands, Groupama-FDJ, 1:31:34.Mountain Standings1. Neilson Powless, United States, EF Education-EasyPost, 46 pts. 2. Tobias Halland Johanessen, Norway, UNO-X Pro Cycling Team, 30. 3. Felix Gall, Austria, AGZR Citroen Team, 28. 4. Ruben Almeida Guerreiro, Portugal, Movistar Team, 24. 5. Giulio Ciccone, Italy, LIDL-Trek, 22. 6. Michael Woods, Canada, Israel-Premier Tech, 20. 7. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team Emirates, 19. 8. Jai Hindley, Australia, Bora-Hansgrohe, 19. 9. Daniel Martinez Poveda, Colombia, Ineos Grenadiers, 18. 10. Jonas Vingegaard, Denmark, Jumbo-Visma, 18.GOLFDP World Tour Genesis Scottish Open Thursday At The Renaissance Club Gullane, United Kingdom Purse: $9 million Yardage: 7,237; Par: 70 First RoundByeong Hun An 31-30„61 -9 Davis Riley 29-34„63 -7 Thomas Detry 33-31„64 -6 Rory McIlroy 33-31„64 -6 Kyoung-Hoon Lee 33-32„65 -5 Yannik Paul 32-33„65 -5 Oliver Bekker 34-32„66 -4 Julien Brun 33-33„66 -4 Ewen Ferguson 35-31„66 -4 Ross Fisher 36-30„66 -4 Will Gordon 33-33„66 -4 Max Homa 34-32„66 -4 Tom Kim 31-35„66 -4 David Lingmerth 34-32„66 -4 Sam Burns 33-34„67 -3 Eric Cole 36-31„67 -3 Rickie Fowler 33-34„67 -3 Brian Harman 33-34„67 -3 Padraig Harrington 34-33„67 -3 Garrick Higgo 34-33„67 -3 Thriston Lawrence 33-34„67 -3 Robert Macintyre 33-34„67 -3 Thorbjorn Olesen 31-36„67 -3 Sebastian Soderberg 34-33„67 -3 Sami Valimaki 33-34„67 -3 Wu Ashun, China 33-35„68 -2 Wyndham Clark 32-36„68 -2 Matt Fitzpatrick 34-34„68 -2 Daniel Hillier 33-35„68 -2 Lee Hodges 36-32„68 -2 Charley Homan 34-34„68 -2 Min Woo Lee 33-35„68 -2 Zander Lombard 34-34„68 -2 Guido Migliozzi 35-33„68 -2 Keith Mitchell 35-33„68 -2 Tapio Pulkkanen 37-31„68 -2 Antoine Rozner 35-33„68 -2 Scottie Scheer 36-32„68 -2 Shubhankar Sharma 36-32„68 -2 Marcel Siem 36-32„68 -2 Jordan L. Smith 35-33„68 -2 Connor Syme 35-33„68 -2 Nick Taylor 34-34„68 -2 Justin Thomas 36-32„68 -2 Dylan Wu 35-33„68 -2 Adri Arnaus 37-32„69 -1 Christiaan Bezuidenhout 34-35„69 -1 Dan Bradbury 35-34„69 -1 Rafa Cabrera Bello 36-33„69 -1 Sean Crocker 36-33„69 -1 Grant Forrest 35-34„69 -1 Simon Forsstrom 36-33„69 -1 Ryan Fox 35-34„69 -1 Daniel Gavins 36-33„69 -1 Gavin Green 36-33„69 -1 Ben Grin 36-33„69 -1 Tyrrell Hatton 33-36„69 -1 Tom Hoge 35-34„69 -1 Billy Horschel 34-35„69 -1 Mackenzie Hughes 33-36„69 -1 Matthew Jordan 34-35„69 -1 Maximilian Kieer 34-35„69 -1 Seonghyeon Kim 35-34„69 -1 Joakim Lagergren 33-36„69 -1 Luke List 35-34„69 -1 Richard Mansell 34-35„69 -1 Alex Noren 36-33„69 -1 Victor Perez 35-34„69 -1 J.T. Poston 36-33„69 -1 Marcel Schneider 32-37„69 -1 Ockie Strydom 35-34„69 -1 Dale Whitnell 35-34„69 -1 Oliver Wilson 37-32„69 -1 Jorge Campillo 37-33„70 E Luke Donald 35-35„70 E Tommy Fleetwood 36-34„70 E Calum Hill 36-34„70 E Nicolai Hojgaard 35-35„70 E Sungjae Im 35-35„70 E Bio Kim 36-34„70 E Romain Langasque 36-34„70 E Pablo Larrazabal 37-33„70 E David Law 32-38„70 E Joost Luiten 36-34„70 E Ben Martin 37-33„70 E Tom McKibbin 33-37„70 E Edoardo Molinari 36-34„70 E Taylor Montgomery 34-36„70 E Andrew Putnam 36-34„70 E Patrick Rodgers 38-32„70 E Justin Rose 35-35„70 E Sam Ryder 35-35„70 E Kalle Samooja 36-34„70 E Xander Schauele 34-36„70 E Scott Stallings 35-35„70 E Ben Taylor 34-36„70 E Gary Woodland 34-36„70 E Fabrizio Zanotti 36-34„70 E Ludvig Aberg 36-35„71 +1 Matthew Baldwin 38-33„71 +1 Alexander Bjork 37-34„71 +1 Zac Blair 38-33„71 +1 Joseph Bramlett 34-37„71 +1 Cameron Davis 35-36„71 +1Jamie Donaldson 36-35„71 +1 Austin Eckroat 36-35„71 +1 Harry Hall 34-37„71 +1 Lucas Herbert 35-36„71 +1 Scott Jamieson 35-36„71 +1 Kurt Kitayama 36-35„71 +1 Shane Lowry 35-36„71 +1 Adrian Meronk 33-38„71 +1 Troy Merritt 34-37„71 +1 Francesco Molinari 38-33„71 +1 Adrian Otaegui 36-35„71 +1 Aaron Rai 35-36„71 +1 Richie Ramsay 36-35„71 +1 Alex Smalley 37-34„71 +1 Matthew Southgate 36-35„71 +1 Sahith Theegala 35-36„71 +1 N. Von Dellingshausen 37-34„71 +1 Paul Waring 36-35„71 +1PGA Tour Barbasol Championship Thursday At Champions at Keene Trace Nicholasville, Ky. Purse: $3.8 million Yardage: 7,328; Par: 72 First RoundLucas Glover 31-32„63 -9 Ryan Armour 32-32„64 -8 Ryan Moore 33-31„64 -8 Daniel Brown 32-33„65 -7 Wesley Bryan 32-33„65 -7 Cody Gribble 33-32„65 -7 Andrew Novak 31-34„65 -7 Marcus Helligkilde 33-33„66 -6 Angel Hidalgo 33-33„66 -6 Marcus Kinhult 33-33„66 -6 Adam Long 31-35„66 -6 Vincent Norrman 33-33„66 -6 Bo Van Pelt 34-32„66 -6 Johannes Veerman 35-31„66 -6 Deon Germishuys 34-33„67 -5 Wes Homan 34-33„67 -5 Patton Kizzire 32-35„67 -5 Peter Malnati 32-35„67 -5 Niklas Norgaard Moller 31-36„67 -5 Sean OHair 34-33„67 -5 Chad Ramey 33-34„67 -5 JC Ritchie 33-34„67 -5 Clement Sordet 35-32„67 -5 Akshay Bhatia 35-33„68 -4 John Catlin 33-35„68 -4 Jason Dufner 34-34„68 -4 Michael Gligic 34-34„68 -4 Tano Goya 34-34„68 -4 Kramer Hickok 36-32„68 -4 Harry Higgs 36-32„68 -4 Russell Knox 33-35„68 -4 Mikael Lindberg 31-37„68 -4 Maxwell Moldovan 33-35„68 -4 Adrien Saddier 33-35„68 -4 Jayden Trey Schaper 33-35„68 -4 Matti Schmid 32-36„68 -4 Andy Sullivan 32-36„68 -4 Kiradech Aphibarnrat 33-36„69 -3 Scott Brown 33-36„69 -3 Louis De Jager 35-34„69 -3 Alejandro Del Rey 32-37„69 -3 Paul Haley 33-36„69 -3 Bo Hoag 33-36„69 -3 Masahiro Kawamura 35-34„69 -3 Nathan Kimsey 34-35„69 -3 Alexander Knappe 32-37„69 -3 Andrew Landry 34-35„69 -3 Alexander Levy 33-36„69 -3 William McGirt 33-36„69 -3 Jesse Mueller 35-34„69 -3 Henrik Norlander 34-35„69 -3 Taylor Pendrith 35-34„69 -3 Ted Potter Jr. 34-35„69 -3 Doc Redman 35-34„69 -3 Matthias Schwab 32-37„69 -3 Robin Sciot-Siegrist 34-35„69 -3 Chris Stroud 33-36„69 -3 D.J. Trahan 33-36„69 -3 Thomas Aiken 38-32„70 -2 Tyson Alexander 33-37„70 -2 Jonathan Byrd 35-35„70 -2 Greg Chalmers 35-35„70 -2 MJ Daue 34-36„70 -2 Zecheng Dou 35-35„70 -2 Jeremy Freiburghaus 35-35„70 -2 Tommy Gainey 35-35„70 -2 Brice Garnett 37-33„70 -2 Ryan Gerard 37-33„70 -2 Scott Harrington 34-36„70 -2 Ryo Hisatsune 35-35„70 -2 Daan Huizing 34-36„70 -2 Sung Kang 35-35„70 -2 Max McGreevy 34-36„70 -2 Grayson Murray 34-36„70 -2 Cameron Percy 36-34„70 -2 Scott Piercy 35-35„70 -2 Martin Simonsen 32-38„70 -2 Kevin Streelman 35-35„70 -2 Martin Trainer 35-35„70 -2 Trevor Werbylo 33-37„70 -2 Richy Werenski 34-36„70 -2 Ricky Barnes 36-35„71 -1 Jonas Blixt 36-35„71 -1 Trevor Cone 35-36„71 -1 Austin Cook 35-36„71 -1 David Ford 34-37„71 -1 Manu Gandas 33-38„71 -1 Kelly Kraft 35-36„71 -1 Hank Lebioda 36-35„71 -1 Chip McDaniel 36-35„71 -1 Augusto Nunez 34-37„71 -1 D.A. Points 35-36„71 -1 Freddy Schott 34-37„71 -1 Jason Scrivener 38-33„71 -1 Santiago Tarrio 34-37„71 -1 Josh Teater 37-34„71 -1 Kevin Tway 36-35„71 -1 Andrew Wilson 37-34„71 -1 John Axelsen 35-37„72 E Sang-Moon Bae 37-35„72 E Ryan Brehm 38-34„72 E Christoer Bring 38-34„72 E Kevin Chappell 36-36„72 E Todd Clements 34-38„72 E Aaron Cockerill 36-36„72 E Jens Dantorp 34-38„72 EBrian Davis 36-36„72 E Tyler Duncan 36-36„72 ESOCCERMLS Eastern Conference W L T Pts GF GA Cincinnati 14 2 6 48 36 24 New England 11 4 7 40 38 28 Nashville 11 7 5 38 30 19 Philadelphia 11 7 4 37 37 25 Columbus 10 6 6 36 43 30 Atlanta 9 6 8 35 41 37 Orlando City 9 6 7 34 32 27 D.C. United 8 9 6 30 32 30 Chicago 7 7 8 29 30 31 CF Montréal 8 12 2 26 20 32 New York 6 8 8 26 21 23 Charlotte FC 6 8 8 26 30 38 New York City FC 5 7 11 26 24 28 Toronto FC 3 10 10 19 18 32 Inter Miami CF 5 13 3 18 22 33Western Conference W L T Pts GF GA Saint Louis City SC 12 8 2 38 40 27 Los Angeles FC 10 6 6 36 33 24 Seattle 10 8 5 35 28 22 Real Salt Lake 9 7 7 34 32 33 San Jose 8 7 8 32 28 29 Austin FC 8 9 5 29 30 31 FC Dallas 8 9 5 29 24 25 Houston 8 10 4 28 26 31 Vancouver 7 7 7 28 34 30 Minnesota United 7 8 6 27 25 29 Sporting KC 6 10 8 26 30 34 Portland 5 9 8 23 23 31 LA Galaxy 5 9 7 22 23 33 Colorado 3 10 9 18 16 30 NOTE: Three points for victory, one point for tie.Wednesdays GamesNew England 2, Atlanta 1 Cincinnati 2, New York 1 Chicago 3, CF Montréal 0 Minnesota 3, Houston 0 Real Salt Lake 2, Sporting KC 2, tie Philadelphia 2, Nashville 0 San Jose 2, Seattle 0 Vancouver 2, Austin FC 1 Los Angeles FC 3, Saint Louis City SC 0Saturdays GamesOrlando City at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m. Nashville at Cincinnati, 7:30 p.m. Charlotte FC at CF Montréal, 7:30 p.m. D.C. United at New England, 7:30 p.m. New York City FC at Philadelphia, 7:30 p.m. Sporting Kansas City at Austin FC, 8:30 p.m. Toronto FC at Chicago, 8:30 p.m. Los Angeles FC at Minnesota, 8:30 p.m. Miami at Saint Louis City SC, 8:30 p.m. Houston at Colorado, 9:30 p.m. New York at Real Salt Lake, 9:30 p.m. Columbus at Portland, 10:30 p.m. FC Dallas at Seattle, 10:30 p.m. LA Galaxy at Vancouver, 10:30 p.m.CONCACAF Gold Cup SEMIFINALS Wednesday San DiegoUnited States 1, Panama 1, Panama advanced 5-4 on penalty kicksAt Las VegasMexico 3, Jamaica 0CHAMPIONSHIP Sunday, July 16 At Inglewood, Calif.Panama vs. Mexico, 7:30 p.m.TENNISWimbledon Thursday At All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club London Purse: £16,077,000 Surface: Grass Womens Singles Semi“nals Marketa Vondrousova, Czech Republic, def. Elina Svitolina, Ukraine, 6-3, 6-3. Ons Jabeur (6), Tunisia, def. Aryna Sabalenka (2), Belarus, 6-7 (5), 6-4, 6-3. Mens Doubles Semi“nals Marcel Granollers, Spain, and Horacio Zeballos (15), Argentina, def. Kevin Krawietz and Tim Puetz (10), Germany, 6-4, 6-3. Wesley Koolhof, Netherlands, and Neal Skupski (1), Britain, def. Rohan Bopanna, India, and Matthew Ebden (6), Australia, 7-5, 6-4. Mixed Doubles Championship Lyudmyla Kichenok, Ukraine, and Mate Pavic (7), Croatia, def. Xu Yifan, China, and Joran Vliegen, Belgium, 6-4, 6-7 (9), 6-3.BETTING ODDSFanduel Line MLB Friday American LeagueFavorite Line Underdog Lineat Texas -156 Cleveland +132 Tampa Bay -295 at Kansas City +240 at LA Angels -156 Houston +132 Minnesota -189 at Oakland +160 at Seattle -198 Detroit +166National LeagueFavorite Line Underdog LineSan Diego -116 at Philadelphia -102 San Fran. -120 at Pittsburgh +102 Milwaukee -120 at Cincinnati +102 LA Dodgers -126 at N.Y. Mets +108 at St. Louis -169 Washington +140InterleagueFavorite Line Underdog Lineat Baltimore -122 Miami +104 at Toronto -179 Arizona +150 at Atlanta -255 White Sox +210 Boston -120 at Chicago Cubs +102 N.Y. Yankees -210 at Colorado +176© Data Skrive. All Rights Reserved.


TODAY IN HISTORY FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 ASSOCIATED PRESSMembers of the U.S. First Infantry Division carry gear from C130 transport after arriving at Bien Hoa air base in South Vietnam on July 14, 1965. Added support by the First Division troops known as the Big Red 1,Ž will join about 800 Australians at the base.Today is Friday, July 14, the 195th day of 2023. There are 170 days left in the year.ON THIS DATEIn 1789, in an event symbolizing the start of the French Revolution, citizens of Paris stormed the Bastille prison and released the seven prisoners inside. In 1798, Congress passed the Sedition Act, making it a federal crime to publish false, scandalous or malicious writing about the United States government. In 1881, outlaw William H. Bonney Jr., alias Billy the Kid,Ž was shot and killed by Sheriff Pat Garrett in Fort Sumner in present-day New Mexico. In 1912, American folk singer-songwriter Woody Guthrie was born in Okemah, Oklahoma. In 1933, all German political parties, except the Nazi Party, were outlawed. In 1945, Italy formally declared war on Japan, its former Axis partner during World War II. In 1976, Jimmy Carter won the Democratic presidential nomination at the partys convention in New York. In 1980, the Republican national convention opened in Detroit, where nominee-apparent Ronald Reagan told a welcoming rally he and his supporters were determined to make America great again.Ž In 2009, disgraced financier Bernard Madoff arrived at the Butner Federal Correctional Complex in North Carolina to begin serving a 150-year sentence for his massive Ponzi scheme. In 2015, world powers and Iran struck a deal to curb Irans nuclear program in exchange for relief from international sanctions. In 2016, terror struck Bastille Day celebrations in the French Riviera city of Nice as a large truck plowed into a festive crowd, killing 86 people in an attack claimed by Islamic State extremists; the driver was shot dead by police. In 2020, researchers reported that the first COVID-19 vaccine tested in the U.S. revved up peoples immune systems as scientists had hoped; the vaccine was developed by the National Institutes of Health and Moderna Inc.TEN YEARS AGOThousands of demonstrators across the country protested a Florida jurys decision the day before to clear George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in a TV interview, called for tougher European and global rules on data protection amid fallout from recent revelations about U.S. surveillance programs.FIVE YEARS AGOAngelique Kerber beat Serena Williams in the womens final for her first Wimbledon title. A firefighter, Braden Varney, was killed while trying to prevent a wildfire near Californias Yosemite National Park from spreading. Thousands of people in Scotland staged colorful, peaceful protests against Donald Trump as the U.S. president played golf at his Scottish golf resort at Turnberry ahead of his summit in Finland with Russian President Vladimir Putin.ONE YEAR AGO President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid stood side-by-side at a joint news conference and declared they would not allow Iran to become a nuclear power. They parted ways on how to get there, however, with Biden saying he still wanted to give diplomacy a chance while Lapid insisted that words alone wouldnt thwart Tehrans nuclear ambitions. Ivana Trump, the first wife of former President Donald Trump and mother of his three eldest children, died in New York City at age 73. The National Galleries of Scotland said a previously unknown self-portrait of Vincent Van Gogh was discovered behind another of the artists paintings when experts took an X-ray of the canvas ahead of an upcoming exhibition.TODAYS BIRTHDAYSActor Nancy Olson is 95. Football s Rosey Grier is 91. Actor Vincent Pastore is 77. Music company executive Tommy Mottola (muh-TOH-luh) is 75. Rock musician Chris Cross (Ultravox) is 71. Actor Jerry Houser is 71. Actor-director Eric Laneuville is 71. Actor Stan Shaw is 71. Movie producer Scott Rudin is 65. Singer-guitarist Kyle Gass is 63. Actor Jane Lynch is 63. Actor Jackie Earle Haley is 62. Actor Matthew Fox is 57. Rock musician Ellen Reid (Crash Test Dummies) is 57. Rock singer-musician Tanya Donelly is 57. Former child actor Missy Gold is 53. Olympic gold medal snowboarder Ross Rebagliati is 52. R&B singer Tameka Cottle (Xscape) is 48. Country singer Jamey Johnson is 48. Hip-hop musician tabooŽ (Black Eyed Peas) is 48. Actor Scott Porter is 44. Actor/writer/producer Phoebe Waller-Bridge is 38. Rock singer Dan Smith (Bastille) is 37. Actor Sara Canning (TV: The Vampire DiariesŽ) is 36. Rock singer Dan Reynolds (Imagine Dragons) is 36.APG NATIONAL NEWS FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 | 8 TODAYS HIGHLIGHT IN HISTORY On July 14, 2004, the Senate scuttled a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, with 48 senators voting to advance the measure „ 12 short of the 60 needed „ and 50 voting to block it.


Advanced 1624 Declined 726 New Highs 163 New Lows 8 Vol. (in mil.) 3,612 Pvs. Volume 3,663 4,796 4,947 2246 1154 186 30 NYSE NASD DOW 34,482.26 34,365.33 34,395.14 +47.71 +0.14% +3.76% DOW Trans. 16,010.05 15,866.37 15,914.51 -1.34 -0.01% +18.84% DOW Util. 931.15 923.36 931.15 +4.02 +0.43% -3.75% NYSE Comp. 16,125.20 16,011.28 16,106.85 +95.57 +0.60% +6.08% NASDAQ 14,163.80 14,012.24 14,138.57 +219.61 +1.58% +35.08% S&P 500 4,517.38 4,489.36 4,510.04 +37.88 +0.85% +17.46% S&P 400 2,702.20 2,684.12 2,699.44 +15.32 +0.57% +11.07% Wilshire 5000 45,702.36 45,233.61 45,634.24 +400.64 +0.89% +19.86% Russell 2000 1,952.54 1,936.51 1,950.89 +17.51 +0.91% +10.77% HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG %CHG YTD Stocks Recap 3,800 4,000 4,200 4,400 4,600 JJ FMAMJ 4,360 4,440 4,520 S&P 500Close: 4,510.04 Change: 37.88 (0.8%) 10 DAYS 31,200 32,000 32,800 33,600 34,400 35,200 JJ FMAMJ 33,680 34,140 34,600 Dow Jones industrialsClose: 34,395.14 Change: 47.71 (0.1%) 10 DAYS8.25 7.50 4.75 5.13 4.38 1.63 PRIME RATE FED FUNDS LAST 6 MO AGO 1 YR AGO 3-month T-bill 5.40 5.40 ... s s s 2.38 6-month T-bill 5.46 5.50 -0.04 t s s 2.93 52-wk T-bill 5.27 5.35 -0.08 t s s 3.21 2-year T-note 4.63 4.75 -0.12 t t s 3.13 5-year T-note 3.93 4.07 -0.14 t s s 3.02 10-year T-note 3.77 3.86 -0.09 t s s 2.90 30-year T-bond 3.90 3.96 -0.06 t s s 3.08 NAT'L WK 6MO 1YR CONSUMER RATES AVG AGO AGO AGO 48 month new car loan 7.64 s 7.59 7.27 6.54 Money market account 0.54 r 0.54 0.54 0.35 1 year CD 2.55 t 2.57 2.53 2.30 $30K Home equity loan 9.18 s 9.17 9.13 8.61 30 year xed mortgage 7.25 s 7.21 7.08 6.46 15 year xed mortgage 6.54 s 6.53 6.47 5.85 Interest ratesTh e yi e ld on th e 1 0 -y e ar Tr e a s ury no t e f e ll t o 3 .77% Thur s day. Yi e ld s aff e ct rat es on m o rt g a ges a n d o th e r c ons um e r l o a ns . Crude Oil (bbl) 76.89 75.75 +1.50 -4.2 Heating Oil (gal) 2.61 2.60 +0.42 -22.4 Natural Gas (mm btu) 2.55 2.63 -3.31 -43.1 Unleaded Gas (gal) 2.68 2.67 +0.43 +8.9 FUELS CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD Gold (oz) 1,959.20 1,956.20 +0.15 +7.7 Silver (oz) 24.77 24.12 +2.69 +3.8 Platinum (oz) 975.30 948.90 +2.78 -9.2 Copper (lb) 3.93 3.84 +2.28 +3.3 Aluminum (ton) 2,242.00 2,193.75 +2.20 -7.0 Cattle (lb) 1.77 1.77 +0.02 +14.3 Coffee (lb) 1.58 1.57 +0.38 -5.8 Corn (bu) 5.94 5.50 +7.96 -12.5 Cotton (lb) 0.82 0.82 +0.04 -2.0 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 566.00 562.00 +0.71 +63.5 Orange Juice (lb) 2.71 2.72 -0.42 +31.4 Soybeans (bu) 15.18 14.89 +1.98 -0.1 Wheat (bu) 6.28 6.21 +1.01 -20.8 Foreign Exchange Th e U.S. d o llar w e ak ene d a g ai ns t th e Briti s h p o u n d a n d e ur o . Th e g r een back al so f e ll a g ai ns t th e M e xica n p eso, Japa nese y en a n d Swi ss fra n c.USD per British Pound 1.3129 +.0137 +1.04% 1.1906 Canadian Dollar 1.3108 -.0079 -.60% 1.2967 USD per Euro 1.1220 +.0083 +.74% 1.0063 Japanese Yen 138.02 -.31 -.22% 137.32 Mexican Peso 16.8305 -.0456 -.27% 20.6778 1YR MAJORS CLOSE CHG %CHG AGO Israeli Shekel 3.6131 -.0085 -.24% 3.4563 Norwegian Krone 9.9462 -.1643 -1.65% 10.1857 South African Rand 17.9215 -.2013 -1.12% 16.9130 Swedish Krona 10.2085 -.1728 -1.69% 10.5392 Swiss Franc .8588 -.0082 -.95% .9795 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST Australian Dollar 1.4513 -.0211 -1.45% 1.4774 Chinese Yuan 7.1511 -.0152 -.21% 6.7187 Hong Kong Dollar 7.8227 -.0033 -.04% 7.8500 Indian Rupee 82.014 -.034 -.04% 79.681 Singapore Dollar 1.3220 -.0076 -.57% 1.4053 South Korean Won 1266.62 -10.52 -.83% 1304.63 Taiwan Dollar 30.96 -.19 -.61% 29.82 ASIA/PACIFIC NAME TKR DIV P/E CLOSE CHG %CHG %YTD NAME TKR DIV P/E CLOSE CHG %CHG %YTD NAME TKR DIV P/E CLOSE CHG %CHG %YTD AES Corp AES .66 ... 21.83 +.24 +1.1 -24.1 AFLAC AFL 1.68f 10 69.95 -.30 -.4 -2.8 ASE Tch ASX ... 8 7.95 +.12 +1.5 +26.8 ASML Hld ASML 3.18e 41 750.74 +25.88 +3.6 +37.4 AT&T Inc T 1.11 ... 15.12 ... ... -17.9 AbbottLab ABT 2.04 33 107.74 +1.40 +1.3 -1.9 AbbVie ABBV 5.92 20 133.59 +.09 +.1 -17.3 Accenture ACN 3.88f 34 315.21 +1.33 +.4 +18.1 ActivsBliz ATVI .47f 37 89.54 -.46 -.5 +17.0 AdobeInc ADBE ... 45 517.28 +9.92 +2.0 +53.7 AMD AMD 1.60f cc 115.92 +1.34 +1.2 +79.0 Aecom ACM .72f 33 87.61 +.71 +.8 +3.4 AerCap AER ... 9 65.16 -.23 -.4 +11.7 Agilent A .90 29 119.35 -.65 -.5 -20.2 Agnico g AEM 1.40 35 52.96 +.28 +.5 +1.9 AirProd APD 7.00f 29 298.95 +4.70 +1.6 -3.0 Airbnb A ABNB ... 47 140.09 +3.07 +2.2 +63.8 AkamaiT AKAM ... 33 93.03 +2.00 +2.2 +10.4 Albemarle ALB 1.60 8 241.67 -1.77 -.7 +11.4 Albertsns ACI .48a 10 22.13 -.05 -.2 +6.7 Alcon ALC ... cc 84.70 +.51 +.6 +23.6 AlexREE ARE 4.84f 26 118.93 +1.17 +1.0 -18.4 AlignTech ALGN ... 91 367.56 +9.96 +2.8 +74.3 Allegion ALLE 1.28f 22 122.78 +.43 +.4 +16.6 AlliantEg s LNT 1.81 21 54.28 +.43 +.8 -1.7 Allstate ALL 3.56f ... 104.83 -2.77 -2.6 -22.7 AlnylamP ALNY ... ... 203.88 +1.98 +1.0 -14.2 Alphabt C s GOOG ... 27 124.83 +5.21 +4.4 +40.7 Alphabt A s GOOGL ... 27 124.54 +5.61 +4.7 +41.2 Altria MO 3.76f 14 45.58 -.11 -.2 -.3 Amazon AMZN ... ... 134.30 +3.50 +2.7 +59.9 Amcor AMCR .48 15 9.98 +.09 +.9 -16.2 Amdocs DOX 1.74f 22 97.48 +.88 +.9 +7.2 Ameren AEE 2.52f 20 85.25 +.68 +.8 -4.1 AmMovl A AMOV .20e 7 20.75 ... ... +15.3 AmAirlines AAL .40 ... 18.45 -.12 -.6 +45.0 AEP AEP 3.32 23 87.28 +.04 ... -8.1 AmExp AXP 2.40f 18 174.24 -.09 -.1 +17.9 AHm4Rent AMH .88f 42 36.55 +.36 +1.0 +21.3 AmIntlGrp AIG 1.44f 8 58.89 +.24 +.4 -6.9 AmTower AMT 6.24f 68 196.84 +1.41 +.7 -7.1 AmWtrWks AWK 2.62f 32 145.45 +.01 ... -4.6 Ameriprise AMP 5.40f 17 341.90 +3.83 +1.1 +9.8 AmeriBrgn ABC 1.94 25 191.28 +.48 +.3 +15.4 Ametek AME 1.00f 31 158.27 +.76 +.5 +13.3 Amgen AMGN 8.52f 19 227.66 +1.98 +.9 -13.3 Amphenl APH .84 28 85.72 +.16 +.2 +12.6 AnalogDev ADI 3.44f 30 198.27 +2.87 +1.5 +20.9 Ansys ANSS ... 55 347.27 +10.42 +3.1 +43.7 Aon plc AON 2.46f 26 336.85 +1.02 +.3 +12.2 APA Corp APA 1.00 6 38.60 +1.09 +2.9 -17.3 ApolloGM APO 1.60 ... 55.90 ... ... -1.5 Apple Inc s AAPL .96f 32 190.54 +.77 +.4 +46.6 ApldMatl AMAT 1.28f 19 142.65 +3.76 +2.7 +46.5 Aptiv APTV .22 51 112.37 -.03 ... +20.7 Aramark ARMK .44e 45 42.30 +.03 +.1 +2.3 ArcelorM MT .26 4 28.22 +.64 +2.3 +7.6 ArchCap ACGL ... 15 76.88 +.50 +.7 +22.5 ArchDan ADM 1.80f 10 79.17 +.44 +.6 -14.7 AresMgmt ARES 3.08f cc 101.10 +4.44 +4.6 +47.7 Argenx ARGX ... ... 371.42 +2.07 +.6 -2.0 AristaNtw ANET ... 35 168.61 +4.57 +2.8 +38.9 AstraZen AZN 1.97e 63 67.71 +1.24 +1.9 -.1 Atlassian TEAM ... ... 210.59 ... ... 0.0 ATMOS ATO 2.96 21 120.39 +.02 ... +7.4 Autodesk ADSK ... 37 216.59 +1.27 +.6 +15.9 AutoData ADP 7.00f 29 227.16 +2.17 +1.0 -4.9 AutoZone AZO ... 28 2538.18 -35.20 -1.4 +2.9 AvalonBay AVB 6.60f 27 195.72 +1.39 +.7 +21.2 Avangrid AGR 1.76 17 38.39 +.34 +.9 -10.7 Avantor AVTR ... 22 20.90 +.08 +.4 -.9 AveryD AVY 3.24f 22 179.73 +1.81 +1.0 -.7 AxonEntpr AXON ... cc 194.03 -1.85 -.9 +16.9 BCE g BCE 2.90e 21 45.07 +.52 +1.2 +2.5 BakHugh BKR .76 ... 34.68 +.24 +.7 +17.4 BallCorp BALL .80 40 56.36 -.37 -.7 +10.2 BkofAm BAC .88 9 29.67 +.31 +1.1 -10.4 BkMont g BMO 4.24e 12 92.53 +1.31 +1.4 +2.1 BkNYMel BK 1.48 14 45.56 +.34 +.8 +.1 BkNova g BNS 2.72 10 49.97 +.92 +1.9 +2.0 BarrickGld GOLD 2.82e cc 17.60 +.12 +.7 +2.4 Baxter BAX 1.16f ... 46.72 +.34 +.7 -8.3 BectDck BDX 3.64 49 259.95 +1.29 +.5 +2.2 BeiGene BGNE ... ... 198.17 +6.12 +3.2 -9.9 BntlySy B BSY .20f cc 54.20 +.86 +1.6 +46.6 Berkley WRB .44f 15 58.96 -.66 -1.1 -18.8 BerkHa A BRK/A ... 9 521833 -3567 -.7 +11.3 BerkH B BRK/B ... 47 343.54 -1.81 -.5 +11.2 BestBuy BBY 3.68f 10 81.30 +.22 +.3 +1.4 Bill.cmHl BILL ... ... 127.06 +5.58 +4.6 +16.6 BioTechne s TECH .32 51 84.44 -.17 -.2 +1.9 BioNTech BNTX 1.53e 4 109.51 +.51 +.5 -27.1 Biogen BIIB ... 13 277.97 +.35 +.1 +.4 BioMarin BMRN ... cc 85.71 +.47 +.6 -17.2 BlackRock BLK 20.00f 23 739.80 +13.80 +1.9 +4.4 Blackstone BX 3.64e cc 102.74 +4.56 +4.6 +38.5 Boeing BA ... ... 216.85 -.26 -.1 +13.8 BookingHl BKNG ... 28 2834.53 +46.06 +1.7 +40.7 BoozAllnH BAH 1.88f 35 112.59 +.34 +.3 +7.7 BorgWarn BWA 1.36 11 46.95 +.55 +1.2 +32.6 BostonSci BSX ... 93 52.79 +.33 +.6 +14.1 BrMySq BMY 2.28 21 62.28 ... ... -13.4 BroadcInc AVGO 14.40 83 890.36 +.41 ... +59.2 BroadrdgF BR 2.90 36 167.94 +1.47 +.9 +25.2 BrkAs n BAM ... ... 33.06 +1.26 +4.0 +15.3 BrkdCp g BN .52 30 34.57 +1.52 +4.6 +9.9 BrkfInfP BIP 1.53f cc 36.29 +.44 +1.2 +17.1 BrwnBrn BRO .46 28 68.53 -.13 -.2 +20.3 BrownFA BF/A 1.02 36 68.27 +1.04 +1.5 +3.8 BrownFB BF/B 1.02 42 66.89 +.87 +1.3 +1.8 BrukerCp BRKR .20 35 74.35 -.65 -.9 +8.8 BldrFtSr h BLDR ... 9 139.87 +.59 +.4 +115.6 BungeLt BG 2.65f 10 100.55 -.11 -.1 +.8 BurlStrs BURL ... 39 166.76 +2.58 +1.6 -17.8 CBOE Glb CBOE 2.00 72 140.48 +4.02 +2.9 +12.0 CBRE Grp CBRE ... 15 88.30 +1.87 +2.2 +14.7 CDW Corp CDW 2.36 24 188.18 +1.64 +.9 +5.4 CF Inds CF 1.60 5 73.95 +1.73 +2.4 -13.2 CH Robins CHRW 2.44 16 96.85 -.79 -.8 +5.8 CME Grp CME 4.40f 23 183.22 +1.91 +1.1 +9.0 CMS Eng CMS 1.95f 21 60.83 +.01 ... -3.9 CNH Indl CNHI .39e 10 14.97 +.12 +.8 -6.8 CSX CSX .40 17 33.72 +.19 +.6 +8.8 CVS Health CVS 2.42 24 71.22 +.75 +1.1 -23.6 Cadence CDNS ... 77 239.51 +6.77 +2.9 +49.1 CaesarsEnt CZR ... ... 54.07 +.84 +1.6 +30.0 CamdenPT CPT 4.00f 19 111.93 +.75 +.7 0.0 Cameco g CCJ .63 cc 32.34 +.89 +2.8 +42.7 CampSp CPB 1.48 15 45.53 -.39 -.8 -19.8 CIBC g CM 2.58f 9 43.31 +1.04 +2.5 +7.1 CdnNR CNI 1.81e 21 118.61 +1.59 +1.4 -.2 CdnNRs CNQ 1.50e 9 58.61 +.82 +1.4 +5.5 CanPcKC CP .60 27 80.43 +1.04 +1.3 +7.8 CapOne COF 2.40 6 114.18 +1.44 +1.3 +22.8 CardnlHlth CAH 2.00f 54 93.42 -.15 -.2 +21.5 Carlisle CSL 3.00 15 268.40 +4.41 +1.7 +13.9 CarlyleGp CG 1.40e 17 34.39 +1.32 +4.0 +15.2 CarMax KMX ... 22 83.42 -.78 -.9 +37.0 Carnival CCL ... ... 17.75 -.47 -2.6 +120.2 CarrGlb CARR .74f 13 53.12 ... ... +28.8 Caterpillar CAT 5.20f 20 255.86 +2.26 +.9 +6.8 Celanese CE 2.80 9 122.69 +.87 +.7 +20.0 CelsiusH CELH ... ... 148.71 -1.13 -.8 +42.9 CenovusE CVE 1.60a 9 17.71 +.26 +1.5 -8.8 Centene CNC ... 31 63.65 -.15 -.2 -22.4 CenterPnt CNP .76f 19 30.43 +.07 +.2 +1.5 CentElBr B EBR/B ... 13 9.07 -.36 -3.8 +10.6 CentElecBr EBR ... ... 8.08 +.17 +2.1 +1.9 ChartCm CHTR ... 12 383.62 +.90 +.2 +13.1 ChkPoint CHKP ... 19 127.57 +1.38 +1.1 +1.1 CheniereEn LNG 1.58 5 157.35 +.37 +.2 +4.9 ChenEnLP CQP 3.10 7 48.51 +.42 +.9 -14.7 ChesEng CHK 12.64e 2 83.40 -.71 -.8 -11.6 Chevron CVX 6.04f 9 157.51 -2.13 -1.3 -12.2 Chipotle CMG ... 64 2048.86 -27.14 -1.3 +47.7 ChubbLtd CB 3.12e 15 190.00 -.28 -.1 -13.9 ChurchDwt CHD 1.09f 33 98.02 -.23 -.2 +21.6 Cigna CI 4.92f 16 270.06 +1.37 +.5 -18.5 CinnFin CINF 3.00f ... 99.68 -.14 -.1 -2.6 Cintas CTAS 4.60 42 494.48 +1.43 +.3 +9.5 Cisco CSCO 1.56f 19 51.53 +.79 +1.6 +8.2 Citigroup C 2.04 7 47.68 +.30 +.6 +5.4 CitizFincl CFG 1.68 7 28.38 +.27 +1.0 -27.9Clorox CLX 4.72 cc 154.56 -.78 -.5 +10.1 CoStar CSGP ... 95 88.69 +.15 +.2 +14.8 CocaCola KO 1.84f 27 60.35 +.51 +.9 -5.1 CocaCEur CCEP 1.62e 39 65.70 +1.23 +1.9 +18.8 CognizTch CTSH 1.16f 15 67.69 +.52 +.8 +18.4 Coinbase COIN ... ... 107.00 +21.05 +24.5 +202.3 Colerra CTRA .80f 5 26.45 -.03 -.1 +7.7 ColgPalm CL 1.92 36 75.86 +.70 +.9 -3.7 Comcast CMCSA 1.16 36 42.56 +.22 +.5 +22.7 ConAgra CAG 1.32f ... 33.16 +.18 +.5 -14.3 ConocoPhil COP 2.80e 9 110.55 +1.24 +1.1 -6.3 ConEd ED 3.24f 13 93.77 +.68 +.7 -1.6 ConstellA STZ 3.20f 65 252.75 +1.85 +.7 +9.1 ConstEnrg CEG 1.13f ... 95.27 -.79 -.8 +10.5 CooperCo COO .06 8 390.09 +2.73 +.7 +18.0 Copart s CPRT ... 47 90.80 +.14 +.2 +49.1 CorebrFn n CRBG .92 ... 18.99 +.42 +2.3 -5.3 Corning GLW 1.12f 23 35.82 +.26 +.7 +12.1 Corteva CTVA .60 34 54.61 +.58 +1.1 -7.1 Costco COST 4.08f 51 538.45 +.45 +.1 +18.0 Coupang CPNG ... cc 17.75 +.19 +1.1 +20.7 Credicp BAP 8.57e 10 152.10 +2.08 +1.4 +12.1 CrowdStr CRWD ... ... 150.75 +4.62 +3.2 +43.2 CrwnCstle CCI 6.26 30 115.37 -1.07 -.9 -14.9 Cummins CMI 6.72f 14 254.49 -2.54 -1.0 +5.0 DR Horton DHI 1.00 9 126.46 +2.75 +2.2 +41.9 DTE DTE 3.81e 20 113.43 +.62 +.5 -3.5 Danaher DHR 1.08f 25 238.81 +.70 +.3 -10.0 Darden DRI 5.24f 35 168.46 +1.60 +1.0 +21.8 Datadog DDOG ... ... 109.19 +3.75 +3.6 +48.6 DeckrsOut DECK ... 29 539.39 -13.93 -2.5 +35.1 Deere DE 5.00f 15 409.55 +1.88 +.5 -4.5Combined StocksStocks in Bold changed 5% or more in price from the previous trading dayClose and previous gures reect current contract. S o urc es : H o pp e r; F o rwardK e y s *Data a s o f Ju ne 2 7 K e lvi n C ha n ; J. Pa s chk e € A PEur o p e  s s umm e r trav e l se a son l oo k s se t t o b e e v en bu s i e r tha n la s t y e ar s s tr ong p os t-pa n d e mic s h o wi ng . What s drivi ng th e g r o wth ar e A m e rica n t o uri s t s u n l e a s hi ng p en t-up d e ma n d t o see Bi g B en i n L on d on, vi s it th e L o uvr e i n Pari s a n d tak e i n th e ca n al s o f V en ic e . Eur o p e a n fli g ht s b oo k e d fr o m th e U.S. ar e up 2 % c o mpar e d with 20 1 9, th e y e ar b e f o r e th e c o r on aviru s pa n d e mic erupt e d , acc o rdi ng t o b oo ki ng data fr o m F o rwardK e y s, a trav e l data c o mpa n y. A irli nes ar e capitalizi ng on th e d e ma n d. A v e ra ge airfar es fr o m th e U.S. t o Eur o p e hav e s ur ge d t o th e ir hi g h es t s i n c e 20 17 , acc o rdi ng t o trav e l data pro vid e r H o pp e r. Eur o p e  s vital t o uri s m i n du s try ha s b een s t e adily r e c o v e ri ng s i n c e it wa s batt e r e d by th e pa n d e mic , th o u g h it fac es a ne w e r chall enge fr o m s tubb o r n i n flati on that s pu s hi ng up th e c os t o f livi ng . So m e c o u n tri es ar e alr e ady back t o no rmal. Gr ee c e i s th e s ta n d o ut , with b oo ki ngs up 14% c o mpar e d with 20 1 9, acc o rdi ng t o F o rwardK e y s . O ne bi g e l e m en t , h o w e v e r , i s mi ss i ng : As ia n vi s it o r s, in cludi ng C hi nese t o uri s t s wh o u se d t o b e th e bi gges t so urc e o f i n t e r n ati on al t o uri s m s p en di ng but hav e b een s l o w t o r e tur n aft e r C hi n a en d e d C OVID-1 9 r es tricti ons on ly at th e en d o f la s t y e ar.Taking offHigh season:A irfar es t o Eur o p e ar e at th e ir hi g h es t i n y e ar s driv en by U.S. t o uri s t d e ma n d r e b o u n di ng s i n c e th e pa n d e mic. A verage summer Europe airfare from the U. S . D aily flights booked to Europe, summer 2 0 23* vs summer 2 01 9 0 200 4 00 600 800 1 ,000 $1 ,200  23  22  2 1  20 1 9 1 8 17 As ia-Pacific R es t o f W o rld Middl e Ea s t I n tra-r eg i on al A ll Mark e t s A m e rica s 2 % -17 20 2 1 23 -45 NET 1YR TREASURYS LAST PVS CHG WK MO QTR AGO METALS CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD Commodities Natural g a s s lump e d o v e r 3 % , whil e U.S. crud e o il cl ose d up 1.5%. Wh o l es al e g a so li ne a n d h e ati ng o il i n ch e d hi g h e r. Silv e r pric es jump e d whil e go ld wa s ne arly u n cha nge d. SUNNews Media For questions or comments, contact Chris Porter at 941-206-1134 or email chris.porter@yoursun.comClosing gures for Thursday, July 13, 2023


MONEY & MARKET$Page 2 NAME TKR DIV P/E CLOSE CHG %CHG %YTD NAME TKR DIV P/E CLOSE CHG %CHG %YTD NAME TKR DIV P/E CLOSE CHG %CHG %YTD Dell C DELL 1.48 11 55.64 +1.47 +2.7 +38.3 DeltaAir DAL ... 16 47.71 -.24 -.5 +45.2 DeutschBk DB .12e 4 10.80 +.31 +3.0 -6.3 DevonE DVN .80f 6 51.11 +.02 ... -16.9 DexCom DXCM ... cc 133.98 +.31 +.2 +18.3 DiambkEn FANG 3.20f 6 139.41 -.10 -.1 +1.9 DigitalRlt DLR 4.88 cc 118.29 +.54 +.5 +18.0 Discover DFS 2.80f 8 119.68 +.56 +.5 +22.3 Disney DIS ... 50 90.47 +.32 +.4 +4.1 DocuSign DOCU ... ... 53.93 +2.13 +4.1 -2.7 DollarGen DG 2.36f 16 165.66 -2.95 -1.7 -32.7 DollarTree DLTR ... 24 148.00 +.33 +.2 +4.6 DomEngy D 2.67 49 53.04 +.35 +.7 -13.5 Dominos DPZ 4.84f 31 386.87 -1.72 -.4 +11.7 DoorDash DASH ... ... 83.29 +2.70 +3.4 +70.6 Dover DOV 2.02 20 150.08 -.59 -.4 +10.8 Dow Inc DOW 2.80 9 54.21 +.10 +.2 +7.6 DuPont DD 1.44f 6 73.20 +.57 +.8 +6.7 DukeEngy DUK 4.00f 29 93.31 +.95 +1.0 -9.4 eBay EBAY 1.00f 38 46.13 -.28 -.6 +11.2 EOG Rescs EOG 3.30a 8 122.57 +.86 +.7 -5.4 EPAM Sys EPAM ... 35 244.61 +11.21 +4.8 -25.4 EQT Corp EQT .60 4 39.41 -.37 -.9 +16.5 Eaton ETN 2.92f 32 204.36 +2.44 +1.2 +30.2 Ecolab ECL 2.12 46 186.33 -.45 -.2 +28.0 EdisonInt EIX 2.95 32 70.95 +.49 +.7 +11.5 EdwLfSci EW ... 39 93.09 -.01 ... +24.8 ElectArts EA .76 48 136.71 +1.24 +.9 +11.9 Elevance ELV 5.92f 16 417.63 +3.50 +.8 -18.6 EliLilly LLY 4.52f 63 434.70 -5.90 -1.3 +18.8 EmersonEl EMR 2.08 11 92.32 +.20 +.2 -3.9 Enbridge ENB 2.67 37 37.33 +.48 +1.3 -4.5 EgyTrnsfr ET 1.23f 10 13.03 +.04 +.3 +9.8 Enphase ENPH ... 66 182.64 -.16 -.1 -31.1 Entegris ENTG .40f 73 112.45 +4.97 +4.6 +71.4 Entergy ETR 4.28 18 99.02 +.69 +.7 -12.0 EntProdPt EPD 2.00f 11 26.82 +.23 +.9 +11.2 Equifax EFX 1.56 49 233.15 +1.36 +.6 +20.0 Equinix EQIX 13.64f 91 801.44 +10.56 +1.3 +22.4 Equinor EQNR .80a 3 30.30 +.15 +.5 -15.4 EqLfPrp ELS 1.37e 44 67.50 +.32 +.5 +4.5 EqtyRsd EQR 2.65f 33 68.02 +.60 +.9 +15.3 EssentUtil WTRG 1.15 24 41.44 +.86 +2.1 -13.2 EssexPT ESS 9.24f 39 244.43 +3.74 +1.6 +15.3 EsteeLdr EL 2.64 64 193.26 +2.23 +1.2 -22.1 Etsy ETSY ... ... 93.15 +1.65 +1.8 -22.2 EvrstGrp EG 6.60 21 353.74 +1.10 +.3 +6.8 Evergy EVRG 2.45f 17 60.51 +.36 +.6 -3.8 EversrceE ES 2.70f 18 73.04 +.62 +.9 -12.9 ExactSci h EXAS ... ... 98.64 +1.57 +1.6 +99.2 Exelon EXC 1.44 19 42.18 +.13 +.3 -2.4 Expedia h EXPE 1.36 61 119.66 +3.62 +3.1 +36.6 ExpdIntl EXPD 1.38f 16 121.77 -.98 -.8 +17.2 ExtraSpce EXR 6.48f 24 154.45 +2.57 +1.7 +4.9 ExxonMbl XOM 3.64 8 104.54 -1.95 -1.8 -5.2 FMC Corp FMC 2.32 17 96.18 +.71 +.7 -22.9 FactsetR FDS 3.92f 39 413.84 +14.32 +3.6 +3.1 FairIsaac FICO ... 54 810.80 -.17 ... +35.5 Fastenal FAST 1.40f 30 56.70 -2.03 -3.5 +19.8 FedExCp FDX 4.60 17 258.46 -3.15 -1.2 +49.2 Ferrari RACE ... 57 323.36 +.68 +.2 +50.9 FidNatInfo FIS 2.08f ... 59.63 +.39 +.7 -12.1 FifthThird FITB 1.32f 8 27.42 +.23 +.8 -16.4 FCtzBA FCNCA 3.00 19 1311.43 +14.19 +1.1 +72.9 FstSolar FSLR ... cc 196.95 +1.99 +1.0 +31.5 FirstEngy FE 1.56 56 39.85 +.40 +1.0 -5.0 Fiserv FI ... 33 128.68 +1.11 +.9 +27.3 FiveBelow FIVE ... 50 199.53 -.92 -.5 +12.8 Fleetcor FLT ... 21 260.50 +2.62 +1.0 +41.8 Flex Ltd FLEX ... 16 28.28 +.25 +.9 +31.8 Flor&Dec FND ... 41 113.25 -.01 ... +62.6 FordM F .60a 21 15.19 -.03 -.2 +30.6 Fortinet FTNT ... 65 78.25 +1.53 +2.0 +60.0 Fortis FTS 1.58 20 43.33 +.62 +1.5 +8.2 Fortive FTV .28 35 74.86 -.19 -.3 +16.5 FrancoN g FNV 1.36f 42 146.61 +.50 +.3 +7.4 FrankRes BEN 1.20 18 29.21 +.78 +2.7 +10.7 FrptMcM FCX .30 24 42.08 +1.52 +3.7 +10.7 GE Hlth n GEHC .03p ... 81.40 -.29 -.4 +39.4 GFL Env GFL .04e ... 37.11 -.02 -.1 +27.0 GXO Log GXO ... 42 65.86 +1.41 +2.2 +54.3 Gallaghr AJG 2.20f 41 213.83 -1.06 -.5 +13.4 Gam&Lsr GLPI 2.88f 20 48.39 -.12 -.2 -7.1 Garmin GRMN 2.44f 22 107.58 +.90 +.8 +16.6 Gartner IT ... 31 361.33 +3.05 +.9 +7.5 GenDigitl GEN .50 12 19.21 +.38 +2.0 -10.4 GenDynam GD 5.28f 18 216.96 -.65 -.3 -12.6 GenElec GE .32 ... 111.28 +.08 +.1 +71.0 GenMills GIS 2.36f 21 74.79 -.16 -.2 -10.8 GenMotors GM .36 7 40.50 +.09 +.2 +20.4 GenuPrt GPC 3.80f 19 164.77 -4.98 -2.9 -5.0 GileadSci GILD 3.00f 21 76.71 +.33 +.4 -10.6 GlobPay GPN 1.00 ... 112.33 +3.45 +3.2 +13.1 GlbFndri GFS ... 24 66.74 +1.19 +1.8 +23.8 GoDaddy GDDY ... 37 77.30 -.15 -.2 +3.3 GoldmanS GS 10.00 12 328.68 +2.28 +.7 -4.3 GrabHl A GRAB ... ... 3.70 +.03 +.8 +14.9 Graco GGG .94 30 86.56 +.58 +.7 +28.7 Graingr GWW 7.44f 25 761.57 -15.73 -2.0 +36.9 H WrldGr HTHT .21e ... 37.43 ... ... 0.0 HCA Hldg HCA 2.40f 15 295.98 +.74 +.3 +23.3 HP Inc HPQ 1.05 12 33.56 +.66 +2.0 +24.9 Hallibrtn HAL .64 22 37.75 -.17 -.4 -4.1 HartfdFn HIG 1.70 13 72.49 -.11 -.2 -4.4 HlthpeakPr PEAK 1.20 23 21.38 +.41 +2.0 -14.7 Heico HEI .20 75 174.06 -.77 -.4 +13.3 Heico A HEI/A .20f 59 138.22 -.96 -.7 +15.3 HSchein HSIC ... 23 82.07 +.54 +.7 +2.8 Hershey HSY 4.14 30 238.48 -.32 -.1 +3.0 Hess HES 1.75 20 139.73 -1.12 -.8 -1.5 HP Ent HPE .48 35 17.32 +.24 +1.4 +8.5 Hilton HLT .60 33 151.89 +.86 +.6 +20.2 Hologic HOLX ... 27 79.28 +.29 +.4 +6.0 HomeDp HD 8.36 19 314.60 -2.92 -.9 -.4 HonwllIntl HON 4.12 29 208.71 +.19 +.1 -2.6 HorizTher HZNP ... 65 103.70 +.20 +.2 -8.9 Hormel HRL 1.10f 24 39.76 +.61 +1.6 -12.7 HostHotls HST .60f 16 17.79 +.16 +.9 +10.8 HowmetAer HWM .16 43 49.71 +.05 +.1 +26.1 Hubbell HUBB 4.48 32 333.07 +1.48 +.4 +41.9 HubSpot HUBS ... ... 550.96 +7.93 +1.5 +90.6 Humana HUM 3.54f 17 424.29 -.79 -.2 -17.2 HuntJB JBHT 1.68f 21 184.07 -.62 -.3 +5.6 HuntBncsh HBAN .62 7 11.34 +.19 +1.7 -19.6 IdexxLab IDXX ... 64 532.80 +7.12 +1.4 +30.6 IHS Mark INFO .80 41 62.93 ... ... 0.0 IQVIA Hldg IQV ... 38 219.63 +.62 +.3 +7.2 Icahn Ent IEP 8.00 ... 32.84 +.19 +.6 -35.2 Icon PLC ICLR ... 40 248.99 +5.85 +2.4 +28.2 IDEX IEX 2.16 28 212.62 -2.30 -1.1 -6.9 ITW ITW 5.24 25 249.13 -2.25 -.9 +13.1 Illumina ILMN ... ... 188.83 -3.12 -1.6 -6.6 ImpOil g IMO .87 6 50.20 +1.05 +2.1 +3.0 Incyte INCY ... 43 61.94 -.71 -1.1 -22.9 IngerRand IR .08 41 66.68 +.57 +.9 +27.6 Insulet PODD ... ... 285.75 +.26 +.1 -2.9 Intel INTC .50m 17 33.87 -.11 -.3 +28.1 IntcntlExc ICE 1.68f 45 117.04 +1.66 +1.4 +14.1 IBM IBM 6.64f 68 133.92 +1.08 +.8 -4.9 IntFlav IFF 3.24f ... 81.06 -.57 -.7 -22.7 IntPap IP 1.85 8 31.83 +.02 +.1 -8.1 Interpublic IPG 1.24f 17 39.41 +.73 +1.9 +18.3 Intuit INTU 3.12 62 481.35 +4.51 +.9 +23.7 IntSurg ISRG ... 95 346.97 -.62 -.2 +30.8 InvitHm INVH 1.04f 53 35.50 +.20 +.6 +19.8 IronMtn IRM 2.47 30 59.11 -.24 -.4 +18.6 JPMorgCh JPM 4.00 11 148.87 +.72 +.5 +11.0 Jabil JBL .32 25 112.86 +2.06 +1.9 +65.5 JackHenry JKHY 2.08f 35 166.45 +1.17 +.7 -5.2 Jacobs J 1.04 21 124.78 +.35 +.3 +3.9 JohnJn JNJ 5.19f 33 158.81 +.73 +.5 -10.1 JohnContl JCI 1.48f 37 68.79 -.01 ... +7.5 KKR KKR .66f ... 61.21 +2.62 +4.5 +31.9 KLA Cp KLAC 5.20 19 475.82 +9.75 +2.1 +26.2 Kellogg K 2.36 28 67.63 -.28 -.4 -5.1 Kenvue n KVUE ... ... 25.40 +.15 +.6 -5.6 KeurDrPep KDP .80 21 31.51 +.24 +.8 -11.6 Keysight KEYS ... 26 169.07 +.90 +.5 -1.2 KimbClk KMB 4.72f 24 134.78 +.12 +.1 -.7 Kimco KIM .92 cc 20.67 +.22 +1.1 -2.4 KindMorg KMI 1.11f 16 17.60 +.06 +.3 -2.7 KraftHnz KHC 1.60 18 35.64 -.12 -.3 -12.5 Kroger KR 1.16f 32 47.00 -.35 -.7 +5.4 L3Harris LHX 4.56f 36 198.46 +2.52 +1.3 -4.7 LKQ Corp LKQ 1.10 14 58.52 -.49 -.8 +9.6 LPL Fincl LPLA 1.20f 21 221.62 +2.02 +.9 +2.5 LabCp LH 2.88 15 211.74 -1.33 -.6 +4.7 LamResrch LRCX 6.90 18 638.30 +15.70 +2.5 +51.9 LambWst LW 1.12f 64 112.03 -.36 -.3 +25.4 LVSands LVS ... ... 60.13 +.85 +1.4 +25.1 Lattice LSCC ... 68 95.93 +.38 +.4 +47.9 LegndBio LEGN ... ... 69.00 -.63 -.9 +38.2 LeidosHld LDOS 1.44 18 89.87 +.74 +.8 -14.6 LennarA LEN 1.50f 10 130.08 +1.80 +1.4 +43.7 Lennox LII 4.40f 24 337.33 +3.03 +.9 +41.0 LibMCFor FWONK ... ... 74.85 +.17 +.2 +25.2 LifeStor LSI 4.80f 32 138.03 +2.28 +1.7 +40.1 Lghtspeed LSPD ... ... 118.61 ... ... 0.0 LincElec LECO 2.56 25 199.82 +.76 +.4 +38.3 Linde LIN 5.10f 42 347.49 ... ... +6.5 LiveNatn LYV ... cc 93.12 +1.37 +1.5 +33.5 LockhdM LMT 12.00 21 466.38 +4.42 +1.0 -4.1 Loews L .25 14 60.49 +.04 +.1 +3.7 Logitech LOGI .95e 24 62.80 +1.36 +2.2 +.9 Lowes LOW 4.40f 19 229.54 -2.57 -1.1 +15.2 LucidGrp LCID ... ... 7.12 -.04 -.6 +4.2 lululemn g LULU ... 60 379.54 -3.78 -1.0 +18.5 LyonBas A LYB 5.00f 7 92.71 -.39 -.4 +11.7 M&T Bk MTB 5.20f 10 133.29 +1.80 +1.4 -8.1 MGM Rsts MGM .01 10 48.99 +1.93 +4.1 +46.1 MPLX LP MPLX 3.10 9 34.81 +.01 ... +6.0 MSCI Inc MSCI 5.52f 46 497.78 +.03 ... +7.0 MagellMid MMP 4.19e 12 64.98 +.98 +1.5 +29.4 Magna g MGA 1.60 30 59.94 +.46 +.8 +6.7 ManhAssc MANH ... 98 199.75 +1.21 +.6 +64.5 Manulife g MFC 1.12 7 18.99 +.33 +1.8 +6.4 MarathnO MRO .40f 6 25.13 +.34 +1.4 -7.2 MarathPt MPC 3.00 4 119.92 -.04 ... +3.0 MarkelGp MKL ... 67 1384.60 -2.12 -.2 +5.1 MarIntA MAR 2.08f 22 191.48 +1.47 +.8 +28.6 MarshM MMC 2.84f 29 186.56 -.09 ... +12.7 MartMM MLM 2.64 29 454.13 +8.90 +2.0 +34.4 MarvellTch MRVL .24 ... 65.37 +2.49 +4.0 +76.5 Masco MAS 1.14f 17 60.06 +1.05 +1.8 +28.7 MasterCrd MA 2.28 39 400.56 -.13 ... +15.2 Match MTCH ... 45 47.62 +1.01 +2.2 +14.8 McCorm MKC 1.56f 34 85.21 +.26 +.3 +2.8 McDnlds MCD 6.08 35 295.22 -.39 -.1 +12.0 McKesson MCK 2.16 19 409.69 +.92 +.2 +9.2 Medtrnic MDT 2.72f 29 88.05 +.48 +.5 +13.3 MercadoL MELI ... 94 1146.72 +5.59 +.5 +35.5 Merck MRK 2.92 19 106.32 -1.15 -1.1 -4.2 Meta Plt META ... 39 313.41 +4.07 +1.3 +160.4 MetLife MET 2.08 27 59.17 +.47 +.8 -18.2 MettlerT MTD ... 34 1327.73 +8.04 +.6 -8.1 Microch MCHP 1.31e 23 92.36 +1.65 +1.8 +31.5 MicronT MU .46f 13 64.53 +.74 +1.2 +29.1 Microsoft MSFT 2.72 38 342.66 +5.46 +1.6 +42.9 MidAApt MAA 5.60 27 155.73 -1.40 -.9 -.8 Moderna MRNA ... 11 126.61 +.69 +.5 -29.5 MolinaHlth MOH ... 20 289.68 -2.02 -.7 -12.3 MolsCoorB TAP 1.64 ... 66.70 +.71 +1.1 +29.5 Mondelez MDLZ 1.54 37 71.83 +.43 +.6 +7.8 MngDB A MDB ... ... 407.21 +16.13 +4.1 +106.9 MonPwSys MPWR 4.00 60 576.62 +15.58 +2.8 +63.1 MonstrBv s MNST ... 47 56.74 +.53 +.9 +11.8 Moodys MCO 3.08f 47 350.51 +3.30 +1.0 +25.8 MorgStan MS 3.10 15 86.21 +.44 +.5 +1.4 Mosaic MOS .80f 4 36.18 +.30 +.8 -17.5 MotrlaSolu MSI 3.52 37 292.16 -2.70 -.9 +13.4 NVR NVR ... 13 6325.78 -22.91 -.4 +37.1 NXP Semi NXPI 4.06 21 216.52 +4.66 +2.2 +37.0 Nasdaq s NDAQ .88 22 51.17 +1.17 +2.3 -16.6 NatWstGp n NWG ... 8 6.47 +.11 +1.7 +.2 NetApp NTAP 2.00 18 78.73 +1.38 +1.8 +31.1 Netix NFLX ... 48 450.38 +6.33 +1.4 +52.7 NewmntCp NEM 1.60m 48 45.47 +.26 +.6 -3.7 NextEraEn NEE 1.87f 35 73.71 +.24 +.3 -11.8 NiSource NI 1.00f 19 28.16 +.09 +.3 +2.7 NikeB NKE 1.36 29 107.84 +.08 +.1 -7.8 Nordson NDSN 2.60 29 247.58 -.13 -.1 +4.1 NorkSo NSC 5.40f 18 233.52 +2.55 +1.1 -5.2 NorTrst NTRS 3.00f 12 76.18 +1.55 +2.1 -13.9 NorthropG NOC 7.48f 15 457.03 +3.68 +.8 -16.2 Nu Hldg NU ... ... 8.18 +.28 +3.5 +101.0 Nucor NUE 2.04 7 169.26 -.41 -.2 +28.4 Nutrien NTR 2.12 4 61.20 +1.82 +3.1 -16.2 Nvidia NVDA .16 cc 459.77 +20.75 +4.7 +214.6 OReillyAu ORLY ... 28 956.06 -13.17 -1.4 +13.3 OcciPet OXY .72f 7 61.44 +.12 +.2 -2.5 Okta OKTA ... ... 73.53 +2.58 +3.6 +7.6 OldDomFrt ODFL 1.60f 31 377.34 +1.58 +.4 +33.0 Omnicom OMC 2.80 14 96.40 +1.21 +1.3 +18.2 OnSmcnd ON ... 25 102.04 +3.41 +3.5 +63.6 ONEOK OKE 3.82f 12 65.32 +.95 +1.5 -.6 OpenText OTEX .78 38 42.04 +1.09 +2.7 +41.8 Oracle ORCL 1.60 49 117.45 +1.43 +1.2 +43.7 OtisWrlW OTIS 1.36f 29 89.06 +.35 +.4 +13.7 Ovintv g OVV 1.20f 3 39.80 +.67 +1.7 -21.5 OwensCorn OC 2.08 10 133.46 +.21 +.2 +57.4 PG&E Cp PCG ... 20 18.04 -.14 -.8 +10.9 PNC PNC 6.20f 9 129.79 +2.56 +2.0 -17.8 PPG PPG 2.48 28 151.51 -.16 -.1 +20.5 PPL Corp PPL .96f 26 26.85 +.16 +.6 -8.1 PTC Inc PTC ... 55 145.47 +2.27 +1.6 +21.2 Paccar s PCAR 1.08f 15 85.77 -.46 -.5 +30.0 PacCashCow COWZ ... ... 44.23 ... ... 0.0 PackAmer PKG 5.00 13 134.06 +.62 +.5 +4.8 Palantir PLTR ... ... 16.74 +.15 +.9 +160.7 PaloAlt s PANW ... cc 239.01 +6.37 +2.7 +71.3 ParkerHan PH 5.92f 35 398.66 +1.57 +.4 +37.0 Paychex PAYX 3.56f 36 120.53 +1.97 +1.7 +4.3 PaycomSft PAYC ... 66 349.65 +8.75 +2.6 +12.7 Paylocity PCTY ... cc 214.32 +10.16 +5.0 +10.3 PayPal PYPL ... 31 72.39 +1.80 +2.5 +1.6 PDD Hld PDD ... ... 80.93 +5.59 +7.4 -.8 Pembina g PBA 1.63 8 31.34 +.33 +1.1 -7.7 Penske PAG 2.64f 10 177.09 -1.39 -.8 +54.1 Pentair PNR .80 23 66.74 +.03 ... +48.4 Penumbra PEN ... cc 319.07 +1.11 +.3 +43.4 PepsiCo PEP 5.06f 29 187.53 +4.36 +2.4 +3.8 Pzer PFE 1.60f 7 36.06 +.07 +.2 -29.6 PhilipMor PM 5.08 18 100.49 +1.49 +1.5 -.7 Phillips66 PSX 4.20 4 102.58 +.62 +.6 -1.4 Pinterest PINS ... ... 28.63 -.14 -.5 +17.9 PioNtrl PXD 5.00f 8 215.20 -.72 -.3 -5.8 Pool Corp POOL 4.40f 23 382.66 -5.71 -1.5 +26.6 PriceTR TROW 4.88f 19 118.69 +2.21 +1.9 +8.8 PrinFncl PFG 2.56 4 79.90 +1.30 +1.7 -4.8 ProLogis PLD 3.48f 38 126.95 +1.71 +1.4 +12.6 ProctGam PG 3.76 26 148.95 +.10 +.1 -1.7 ProgsvCp PGR .40e 81 114.78 -17.33 -13.1 -11.5 Prudentl PRU 5.00f cc 92.81 +.90 +1.0 -6.7 PSEG PEG 2.28f 14 64.04 +.33 +.5 +4.5 PubStrg PSA 12.00f 13 298.82 +2.54 +.9 +6.6 PulteGrp PHM .64 7 80.35 +.35 +.4 +76.5 PureStrg PSTG ... ... 38.32 +.82 +2.2 +43.2 Qualcom QCOM 3.20f 13 123.12 +4.44 +3.7 +12.0 QuantaSvc PWR .28f 58 198.27 -.16 -.1 +39.1 QstDiag DGX 2.84f 18 140.78 -.17 -.1 -10.0 RPM RPM 1.68 26 92.04 +.05 +.1 -5.6 RJames RJF 1.68 14 105.92 +1.09 +1.0 -.9 RaythTch RTX 2.36f 28 97.17 +.35 +.4 -3.7 RltyInco O 3.07 43 60.95 +.64 +1.1 -3.9 RgcyCtrs REG 2.60 28 63.41 +.30 +.5 +1.5 Regenrn REGN ... 20 720.98 +2.56 +.4 -.1 RegionsFn RF .80 8 19.24 +.35 +1.9 -10.8 RelStlAl RS 4.00f 9 283.12 -.20 -.1 +39.9 RepubSvc RSG 1.98 32 149.60 +.42 +.3 +16.0 ResMed RMD 1.76 40 218.69 +1.81 +.8 +5.1 RestBrnds QSR 2.12 23 76.51 +.53 +.7 +18.3 Revvity RVTY .28 27 122.28 +1.60 +1.3 -12.8 RexfordIR REXR 1.52f 58 55.28 +.49 +.9 +1.2 RiviaAu A RIVN ... ... 25.52 -.39 -1.5 +38.5 RockwlAut ROK 4.72 37 342.46 +2.91 +.9 +33.0 RogCm RCI 2.00 17 45.35 +.74 +1.7 -3.2 Rollins ROL .52 57 44.03 +.11 +.3 +20.5 Roper ROP 2.73f 11 478.85 +1.62 +.3 +10.8 RossStrs ROST 1.34f 30 111.48 -.04 ... -4.0 RoyalBk g RY 3.99e 12 97.18 +1.50 +1.6 +3.4 RylCarb RCL 2.80 ... 99.27 -.04 ... +100.8 Roblox RBLX ... ... 44.30 +.84 +1.9 +55.7 S&P Glbl SPGI 3.60f 39 412.03 +5.47 +1.3 +23.0 SBA Com SBAC 3.40f 71 243.85 +.57 +.2 -13.0 SS&C Tch SSNC .64 25 60.95 +.72 +1.2 +17.1 Salesforce CRM ... 49 230.37 +3.09 +1.4 +73.7 Schlmbrg SLB 1.00f 21 57.42 +.74 +1.3 +7.4 Schwab SCHW 1.00f 16 59.93 +1.52 +2.6 -28.0 Sea Ltd SE ... ... 63.06 +2.03 +3.3 +21.2 SeagateT STX 2.80f ... 62.02 +.40 +.6 +17.9 Seagen SGEN ... ... 197.15 +1.15 +.6 +53.4 SempraEn SRE 4.76f 19 149.56 +.83 +.6 -3.2 ServcNow NOW ... cc 577.45 +16.11 +2.9 +48.7 ShawCm g SJR .93 20 30.18 ... ... +4.9 Shrwin SHW 2.42f 34 266.30 +3.09 +1.2 +12.2 Shopify SHOP ... ... 70.37 +4.43 +6.7 +102.7 SimonProp SPG 7.40f 18 121.84 -.60 -.5 +3.7 SiriusXM SIRI .10a 16 4.89 +.08 +1.7 -16.3 SkywksSol SWKS 2.48 16 114.25 +1.40 +1.2 +25.4 Smucker SJM 4.08 19 147.61 +.39 +.3 -6.8 SnapInc A SNAP ... ... 13.51 +.14 +1.0 +50.9 SnapOn SNA 6.48 17 290.59 -2.17 -.7 +27.2 Snowake SNOW ... ... 184.22 +12.29 +7.1 +28.3 SolarEdg SEDG ... 80 272.01 +1.09 +.4 -4.0 SonyGp SONY ... 17 93.81 +2.57 +2.8 +23.0 SouthnCo SO 2.72 22 71.48 -.11 -.2 +.1 SthnCopper SCCO 3.50e 23 77.94 +3.81 +5.1 +29.1 SwstAirl LUV .72 46 37.04 -1.51 -3.9 +10.0 Splunk SPLK ... ... 108.16 +4.52 +4.4 +25.6 Spotify SPOT ... ... 171.10 +5.31 +3.2 +116.7 Square SQ ... ... 76.20 +4.98 +7.0 +21.3 StanBlkDk SWK 3.20 22 96.71 +.63 +.7 +28.7 Starbucks SBUX 2.12f 33 101.60 +.46 +.5 +2.4 StateStr STT 2.52 11 77.46 +1.62 +2.1 -.1 StlDynam STLD 1.70f 6 107.89 +.93 +.9 +10.4 Stellantis STLA ... ... 18.91 +.43 +2.3 +33.2 Steris plc STE 1.88 ... 228.74 +2.04 +.9 +23.9 Stryker SYK 3.00 44 299.64 +1.61 +.5 +22.6 SunCmts SUI 3.72f 79 136.28 +.60 +.4 -4.7 SunLfFn g SLF 2.16 13 51.29 +.48 +.9 +10.5 Suncor g SU 1.32e 6 29.80 +.10 +.3 -6.1 SupMicC SMCI ... 28 294.05 +17.41 +6.3 +258.2 SuzanoP SUZ ... 3 9.26 +.09 +1.0 +.2 Synchrony SYF .92 6 35.67 +.80 +2.3 +8.6 Synopsys SNPS ... 74 448.84 +7.49 +1.7 +40.6 Sysco SYY 2.00f 24 73.29 -.54 -.7 -4.1 T-MobileUS TMUS ... 68 140.69 -.20 -.1 +.5 TC Energy TRP 2.88e 69 39.85 +.70 +1.8 0.0 TE Connect TEL 2.36f 21 142.38 -.30 -.2 +24.0 TJX TJX 1.33f 31 84.94 -.31 -.4 +6.7 TakeTwo TTWO ... ... 149.29 -.63 -.4 +43.4 TakedaPh TAK ... 24 15.62 +.03 +.2 +.1 TargaRes TRGP 2.00f 21 79.58 +.56 +.7 +8.3 Target TGT 4.40f 9 132.82 -.09 -.1 -10.9 TeckRes g TECK .19e 9 42.10 +.09 +.2 +11.3 Teledyne TDY ... 26 416.24 -2.00 -.5 +4.1 Teleex TFX 1.36 32 247.07 +.43 +.2 -1.0 Telus g TU 1.06 25 19.48 +.25 +1.3 +.9 Teradyn TER .44 30 114.02 +2.78 +2.5 +30.5 Tesla s TSLA ... 82 277.90 +5.91 +2.2 +125.6 TexInst TXN 4.96 20 183.12 +.75 +.4 +10.8 TexPacLd TPL 13.00f 25 1436.17 +7.12 +.5 -38.7 Textron TXT .08 17 68.93 +.45 +.7 -2.6 ThermoFis TMO 1.40f 34 526.65 +.73 +.1 -4.4 ThomsonR TRI 1.96 54 130.88 +.11 +.1 +14.7 3M Co MMM 6.00f 10 102.86 +1.29 +1.3 -14.2 Toro Co TTC 1.36 27 104.00 -.91 -.9 -8.1 TorDBk TD 3.16 10 63.49 +1.25 +2.0 -2.0 TractSupp TSCO 4.12f 22 216.36 -4.42 -2.0 -3.8 TradDsA TTD ... cc 87.01 +2.50 +3.0 +94.1 TraneTch TT 3.00 25 195.44 +.96 +.5 +16.3 TransUn TRU .42 57 79.49 -.12 -.2 +40.1 TransDigm TDG 18.50e 53 893.70 +5.67 +.6 +41.9 Travelers TRV 4.00f 14 168.22 -2.90 -1.7 -10.3 Trimble TRMB ... 29 53.99 +.19 +.4 +6.8 TruistFn TFC 2.08 7 33.62 +.60 +1.8 -21.9 Twilio TWLO ... ... 69.53 +4.17 +6.4 +42.0 TylerTech TYL ... cc 420.65 +3.32 +.8 +30.5 Tyson TSN 1.92 13 52.97 +.79 +1.5 -14.9 UBS Grp UBS .69e 9 21.14 +.45 +2.2 +13.2UDR UDR 1.68f cc 43.42 +.23 +.5 +12.1 Uber Tch UBER ... ... 45.64 +1.12 +2.5 +84.6 Ubiquiti UI 2.40 27 187.31 +4.24 +2.3 -31.5 UltaBeauty ULTA ... 55 472.59 -11.45 -2.4 +.8 UnionPac UNP 5.20 19 210.61 +1.69 +.8 +1.7 UtdAirlHl UAL ... 9 55.23 -.17 -.3 +46.5 UPS B UPS 6.48f 14 185.36 -1.13 -.6 +6.6 UtdRentals URI 1.48p 15 458.43 -8.74 -1.9 +29.0 US Bancrp USB 1.92 10 35.81 +.70 +2.0 -17.9 UtdTherap UTHR ... 15 229.81 -.10 ... -17.4 UtdhlthGp UNH 7.52f 20 447.75 -3.95 -.9 -15.5 UntySftw U ... ... 46.84 +3.15 +7.2 +63.8 VICI Pr VICI 1.56f 22 31.37 -.54 -1.7 -3.2 ValeroE VLO 4.08f 4 115.51 +.47 +.4 -8.9 VeevaSys VEEV ... 83 208.75 +1.96 +.9 +29.4 Ventas VTR 1.80 31 48.52 +.21 +.4 +7.7 Verisign VRSN ... 35 216.41 +.58 +.3 +5.3 Verisk VRSK 1.36f 71 226.60 +.09 ... +28.4 VerizonCm VZ 2.61 7 34.64 -.22 -.6 -12.1 VertxPh VRTX ... 28 349.02 +2.96 +.9 +20.9 VestaReEs n VTMX ... ... 35.25 -.31 -.9 +9.4 Viatris VTRS .48 74 10.29 +.05 +.5 -7.5 Visa V 1.80 34 243.31 +1.10 +.5 +17.1 VMware VMW 26.81p 32 157.17 +1.43 +.9 +28.0 VulcanM VMC 1.72f 49 223.36 +3.08 +1.4 +27.6 WEC Engy WEC 2.91f 21 91.52 +.71 +.8 -2.4 WP Carey WPC 4.28e 23 69.68 +.48 +.7 -10.8 Wabtec WAB .68f 31 112.32 -.09 -.1 +12.5 WalMart WMT 2.28 36 154.13 -.91 -.6 +8.7 WalgBoots WBA 1.92 6 29.74 -.58 -1.9 -20.4 WBroDis A WBD ... ... 13.10 -.06 -.5 +38.2 WasteCon WCN 1.10 43 141.12 +1.94 +1.4 +6.5 WsteMInc WM 2.80f 31 168.34 -.84 -.5 +7.3 Waters WAT ... 23 269.26 +.32 +.1 -21.4 Watsco WSO 9.80 24 368.85 -2.86 -.8 +47.9 WellsFargo WFC 1.20f 13 43.71 +.45 +1.0 +5.9 Welltower WELL 2.44e cc 80.86 +1.17 +1.5 +23.4 WestPhrm WST .76f 50 383.66 +.14 ... +63.0 WDigital WDC 2.00 ... 39.36 +.94 +2.4 +24.8 WestlkChm WLK 1.19 9 129.49 +.27 +.2 +26.3 Weyerhsr WY .72f 13 34.15 +.07 +.2 +10.2 WheatPr g WPM .60e 32 44.61 +.51 +1.2 +14.2 WmsCos WMB 1.79f 16 34.26 +.15 +.4 +4.1 WillisTwW WTW 3.36f 25 231.66 -.09 ... -5.3 Workday WDAY ... cc 219.78 +.70 +.3 +31.3 Wynn WYNN ... ... 109.64 +.77 +.7 +32.9 XcelEngy XEL 2.08f 20 64.33 +.54 +.8 -8.2 Xpeng XPEV ... ... 14.04 -1.11 -7.3 +41.2 Xylem XYL 1.32f 54 110.75 -.87 -.8 +.2 YumBrnds YUM 2.42f 32 135.95 +.85 +.6 +6.1 Yum China YUMC .42f 40 60.61 +1.43 +2.4 +10.9 ZTO Exp ZTO .37e 32 27.30 +.60 +2.2 +1.6 ZebraT ZBRA ... 27 318.47 +2.54 +.8 +24.2 ZimmerBio ZBH .96 67 143.11 +.46 +.3 +12.2 Zoetis ZTS 1.50 39 171.00 -.86 -.5 +16.7 ZoomVid ZM ... 25 71.24 +1.44 +2.1 +5.2 ZoomInf ZI ... cc 28.06 +.50 +1.8 -6.8 Zscaler ZS ... ... 145.14 +7.46 +5.4 +29.7 Stock Footnotes: g Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars. h Does not meet continued-listing standards. lf Late ling with SEC. n Stock was a new issue in the last year. rs Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50% within the past year. s Stock has split by at least 20 percent within the last year. vj Company in bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law. Appears in front of the name.


PERCENT RETURN SPECIALTY FUNDS YTD 1YR 3YR* 5YR* BALANCED INTERNATIONALMutual Fund CategoriesIndustrials (ID) 19.49 26.13 16.27 8.43 Health (SH) 1.72 7.40 4.85 6.30 Natural Resources (SN) 4.03 20.43 25.12 6.54 Real Estate (SR) 7.75 0.27 8.02 4.72 Technology (ST) 38.13 31.40 10.68 13.26 Utilities (SU) -1.20 2.53 8.83 7.11 Target-Date 2015 (TD) 7.02 6.90 3.27 4.16 Target-Date 2020 (TE) 7.77 7.80 3.88 4.41 Target-Date 2025 (TG) 8.24 8.38 4.30 4.59 Divers. Emerging Mkt. (EM) 11.08 12.29 1.75 2.06 Europe Stock (ES) 16.92 26.37 8.73 4.77 Foreign Small/Mid Val (FA) 12.15 23.18 14.68 4.54 Foreign Large Blend (FB) 13.71 21.07 7.58 4.13 Foreign Large Growth (FG) 15.37 20.14 3.59 4.36 Foreign Small/Mid Gr. (FR) 10.53 15.54 2.84 1.86 Foreign Large Value (FV) 14.70 24.29 11.47 3.93 Global Allocation (IH) 6.87 9.90 6.83 4.12 World Large Stock (WS) NA NA NA NA Intermediate Core (CI) 2.77 -0.87 -3.73 0.65 Interm. Government (GI) 2.13 -2.04 -3.87 0.11 High Yield Muni (HM) 3.29 -0.06 -0.33 1.22 High Yield Bond (HY) 5.72 7.80 2.99 2.74 Muni National Interm (MI) 2.43 1.49 -0.70 1.27 Muni National Long (ML) 3.31 1.27 -1.11 1.22 Muni Short (MS) 1.51 1.25 -0.06 0.97 YTD 1YR 3YR 5YR YTD 1YR 3YR 5YR YTD 1YR 3YR 5YR 5.9 13.1 15.0 7.9 15.2 18.6 13.3 10.2 27.5 24.3 8.7 10.9 8.7 15.6 18.6 7.3 11.7 16.3 14.1 7.2 16.9 18.4 6.6 7.8 8.8 15.9 21.1 5.5 10.6 15.9 15.9 5.4 14.7 16.5 7.8 6.3 VALUEBLENDGROWTHSMALL-CAPMID-CAPLARGE-CAP LV LB LG MV MB MG SV SB SG * … Annualized Fund Focus This fund has a strong management team and sound investment process,Ž Morningstar says. Its managers invest alongside shareholders,Ž and its investment approach stands out.Ž TCW High Yield Bond (TGHNX) CATEGORY: HIGH YIELD BOND MORNINGSTAR RATING’ ASSETS EXP RATIO MIN. INIT. INVEST. PERCENT LOAD$7 million .80% $2,000 N/L HISTORICAL RETURNS Return/Rank YEAR-TO-DATE 1-YEAR 3-YEAR 5-YEAR +4.2 +6.4/E +1.6/E +3.8/A 3 and 5-year returns are annualized. Rank: Funds letter grade compared with others in the same group; an A indicates fund performed in the top 20 percent; an E, in the bottom 20 percent. PERCENT RETURN/RANK FUND NAV CHG 1-YR 3-YR 5-YR PERCENT RETURN/RANK FUND NAV CHG 1-YR 3-YR 5-YR PERCENT RETURN/RANK FUND NAV CHG 1-YR 3-YR 5-YR ABDiversMunicipal 13.73 +.02 +1.7/B /B +1.6/A GlbBdAdv 6.75 +.04 -.6/D -2.7/C +.3/C LgCpGrA m 77.15 +.89 +21.3/D +10.4/B +12.9/A LgCpGrAdv 86.88 +1.00 +21.6/D +10.7/B +13.2/AAMGYacktmanI 23.09 +.27 +17.7/A +15.3/C +10.2/AAkreFocInstl d 56.02 +.59 +15.4/E +7.7/D +11.5/C FocRetail m 53.93 +.57 +15.1/E +7.4/D +11.2/CAllspringSpMCpValIns 48.06 +.26 +16.7 +19.5 +10.1American CenturyEqIncI 8.92 +.03 +8.9/E +10.0/E +7.0/D EqIncInv 8.91 +.04 +8.6/E +9.8/E +6.8/D GrInv 46.57 +.64 +26.2/B +10.9/B +12.9/A HeritageInv 21.47 +.22 +25.1/A +7.9/C +9.6/B MidCpValR6 16.00 +.07 +12.4/D +16.0/D +7.8/B SelInv 98.91 +1.25 +24.6/C +11.9/B +13.0/A UltraInv 73.89 +1.00 +28.1/B +11.7/B +14.4/AAmerican Funds2025TgtDtRtrA m 14.42 +.11 +8.6/C +4.8/B +5.3/A 2030TgtDtRtrA m 15.86 +.14 +11.1/B +6.0/C +6.0/A 2035TgtDtRtrA m 17.17 +.16 +13.8/B +7.5/B +6.9/A 2040TgtDtRtrA m 17.98 +.18 +16.4/B +8.5/C +7.5/A AMCpA m 36.54 +.39 +22.6/D +7.9/D +7.7/E AmrcnBalA m 30.92 +.22 +10.5/C +6.8/B +6.7/B AmrcnHiIncA m 9.24 +.03 +7.7/C +4.9/A +3.8/A AmrcnMutA m 50.04 +.23 +9.8/D +11.9/E +8.6/B BdfAmrcA m 11.42 +.07 -1.0/C -3.5/B +1.3/A CptWldGrIncA m 58.60 +.80 +22.6/A +9.0/D +6.7/C CptlIncBldrA m 65.31 +.56 +9.4/C +7.6/B +5.2/B CptlWldBdA m 16.48 +.16 +2.1/C -4.8/D -.9/C EuroPacGrA m 56.22 +1.14 +20.8/C +4.5/C +4.2/C FdmtlInvsA m 69.14 +.68 +22.8/A +12.5/D +9.3/D GlbBalA m 35.31 +.36 +13.8/A +4.7/D +4.4/C GrfAmrcA m 62.56 +.77 +25.2/C +9.0/C +9.8/D HiIncMuniBdA m 14.67 +.05 +1.3/A +.6/A +2.0/A IncAmrcA m 23.09 +.16 +7.7/E +8.7/B +6.1/C IntlGrIncA m 35.37 +.58 +21.1/C +8.3/C +4.6/B IntrmBdfAmrA m 12.44 +.07 -.5/E -2.0/E +1.2/C InvCAmrcA m 48.26 +.41 +24.9/A +13.2/C +9.6/D LtdTrmTEBdA m 15.09 +.03 +1.0/D -.7/E +1.1/B NewWldA m 76.05 +1.09 +18.7/A +5.0/B +5.7/A NwPrspctvA m 56.65 +.76 +22.4/B +9.7/A +9.8/B STBdAmrcA m 9.44 +.02 +.8/E -1.0/D +.8/D SmCpWldA m 64.68 +.76 +18.8/B +5.8/D +6.2/C TheNewEcoA m 52.41 +.60 +21.5/C +5.8/D +6.6/D TxExBdA m 12.21 +.04 +1.7/C -.7/C +1.5/B USGovtSecA m 12.20 +.08 -3.1/E -3.6/C +.9/A WAMtInvsA m 54.69 +.33 +15.4/D +14.4/B +10.1/DArtisanIntlInstl 26.49 +.41 +21.8/B +2.9/D +3.9/C IntlValueInstl 45.04 +.48 +27.1/A +16.9/A +8.7/A IntlValueInv 44.86 +.49 +26.8/A +16.6/A +8.5/ABairdAggrgateBdInstl 9.74 +.06 -.2/A -3.7/B +1.1/A CorPlusBdInstl 10.03 +.06 +.7/B -3.1/C +1.5/A IntermBdInstl 10.19 +.05 +.8/A -2.1/A +1.5/A ShrtTrmBdInstl 9.29 +.03 +2.2/C -.2/C +1.7/BBaronEmMktsInstl 14.44 +.20 +9.6/D -.7/D +.8/D GrInstl 101.84 +.93 +25.9/A +12.6/A +10.8/A PtnrsInstl 172.08 +2.80 +27.7/B +27.8/A +27.3/A PtnrsRetail b 165.46 +2.69 +27.4/B +27.4/A +26.9/A SmCpInstl 31.82 +.31 +20.1/A +9.2/B +8.1/BBernsteinIntermDur 11.35 +.08 -.4/B -3.7/B +.5/DBlackRockCorBdInstl 8.35 +.05 -.1/A -3.6/B +1.0/B EmMktsInstl 24.81 +.36 +11.6/C +1.0/C +3.6/B EqDivInstl 19.68 +.14 +13.5/C +14.2/D +8.4/B EqDivInvA m 19.58 +.14 +13.2/C +14.0/D +8.1/C FltngRtIncInstl 9.65 +.01 +12.2/A +5.8/B +3.9/A GlbAllcIncInstl 17.93 ... +9.3/D +4.6/D +5.1/B GlbAllcIncInvA m 17.72 ... +9.0/D +4.3/D +4.8/B HYBdInstl 6.85 +.03 +9.1/B +3.6/B +3.6/A HYBdK 6.85 +.03 +9.2/A +3.7/B +3.6/A HthSciOpIns 69.92 +.08 +6.4/C +6.4/C +9.0/A HthSciOpInvA m 65.45 +.07 +6.1/C +6.1/C +8.7/A LowDurBdInstl 8.89 +.02 +2.4/B -.3/C +1.2/C MidCpGrEqInstl 36.23 +.45 +17.3/D +4.6/D +8.4/C NtnlMnInstl 10.08 +.02 +1.4/C -.8/D +1.2/D StrIncOpIns 9.23 +.04 +2.3/D +1.3/B +2.4/A StratMuOpIns 10.27 +.01 -1.0/E -.3/B +.1/E TtlRetInstl 9.96 ... -.2 -3.3 +1.1CalamosMktNetrlIncIns 14.54 +.03 +9.1/A +3.5/D +3.5/DCarillonScoutMdCpI 21.29 +.13 +10.8/E +11.9/D +7.0/CCausewayIntlValInstl 19.46 +.28 +35.7/A +16.0/A +6.1/AClearBridgeAggresivGrA m 111.89 +.86 +16.1/D +5.5/E +2.9/E ApprecA m 30.38 +.14 +17.7/D +13.2/C +11.3/B DivStratA m 28.43 +.17 +14.3/E +14.2/B +10.9/C IntlGrI 61.52 +1.19 +21.9/B +4.0/C +5.5/B L g C p GrA m 52.85 +.67 +32.0/A +9.4/C +11.0/C LgCpGrI 61.81 +.78 +32.4/A +9.7/C +11.3/CCohen & SteersInstlRltys 45.61 +.32 +.9/B +10.0/A +7.2/A PrfrdScInc,IncI 11.33 +.03 -1.1/D -.5/D +1.9/B RlEsttSecIncIns 16.28 +.11 +.3/C +9.9/A +6.6/A Rltys 62.67 +.44 +.7/B +9.8/B +7.0/AColumbiaBalA m 45.99 +.41 +12.5/A +7.6/B +8.0/A ContrCoreIns 30.05 +.31 +22.5/A +14.5/B +12.4/A DiscpCoreA m 12.89 +.14 +18.2/D +13.6/C +10.2/C DivIncA m 29.90 +.13 +13.6/C +13.4/D +10.1/A DivIncIns 29.93 +.13 +13.9/C +13.7/D +10.4/A SlgCmsInfoA m 109.36 +2.03 +28.4/C +20.0/A +19.2/A StratIncIns 21.00 +.11 +3.5/C +.5/C +2.3/ADELAWAREIvyLgCpGrI 31.49 +.38 +28.0/B +13.3/A +14.6/A IvyMidCapGrI 32.53 +.27 +24.2/A +9.0/B +12.0/A IvySci&TecA m 47.45 +.62 +28.0/D +8.3/C +11.4/DDFAEMktCorEqI 22.30 +.25 +13.7/B +7.2/A +3.7/B EMktSCInstl 22.39 +.18 +15.0/B +10.4/A +4.8/A EmMktsInstl 27.75 +.34 +11.7/C +5.4/A +2.9/B EmMktsValInstl 29.19 +.29 +14.7/B +10.5/A +3.5/B FvYrGlbFIIns 10.06 ... +1.5/B -1.7/B +.2/D GlbAllc6040Ins 20.17 +.13 +12.0/B +8.1/A +5.8/C GlbEqInstl 29.74 +.26 +19.4/C +14.4/A +8.3/B GlbRlEsttSec 10.16 +.11 -.9/D +5.9/B +3.1/B InProtSecIns 10.97 +.06 -1.5/C -.2/C +2.6/B IntlCorEqIns 15.10 +.23 +22.7/B +11.5/A +4.5/B IntlRlEsttScIns 3.79 +.08 -.3/C +2.6/E -1.1/E IntlSmCoInstl 19.18 +.26 +20.1/B +10.6/A +3.5/B IntlSmCpValIns 20.94 +.24 +25.0/B +14.3/C +3.3/E IntlSstnbtyCor1 11.99 +.19 +21.9/C +9.2/B +4.7/B IntlValIII 17.03 +.23 +27.0/B +17.4/A +5.1/A IntlValInstl 19.83 +.27 +26.8/B +17.3/A +5.0/B IntlVctrEqIns 13.21 +.18 +22.9/B +12.8/D +4.1/D ItmGovtFIIns 11.00 +.08 -2.1/C -5.0/E +.7/A LgCpIntlInstl 26.01 +.43 +23.1/B +10.5/A +5.2/A OneYearFIInstl 10.17 +.01 +2.8/E +.4/E +1.1/E RlEsttSecInstl 38.56 +.24 -1.3/D +7.8/C +5.5/B ShTrmExQtyI 10.33 +.02 +2.3/B -.8/D +.9/D TwYrGlbFIIns 9.73 ... +2.3/A -.2/A +.9/B USCorEq1Instl 34.09 +.23 +20.0/C +16.0/A +10.5/C USCorEqIIInstl 30.81 +.20 +19.8/C +16.8/A +10.2/C USLgCo 30.76 +.27 +20.6/B +14.4/B +11.9/A USLgCpGrInstl 29.31 +.15 +22.1/D +13.6/A +12.5/B USLgCpValIII 28.36 +.10 +14.4/B +16.8/B +7.1/D USLgCpValInstl 43.31 +.14 +14.3/B +16.7/B +7.0/D USMicroCpInstl 24.88 +.18 +16.8/C +20.9/A +5.7/C USSmCpInstl 42.42 +.29 +17.6/B +19.5/A +6.3/B USSmCpValInstl 41.88 +.24 +19.7/B +27.1/A +6.8/B USSstnbtyCor1 35.10 +.29 +21.3/B +15.5/A +11.4/B USTrgtedValIns 29.67 +.20 +20.4/B +27.1/A +7.8/A USVectorEqInstl 23.24 +.14 +17.8/B +19.3/B +7.6/CDavisNYVentureA m 26.03 +.32 +25.5/A +11.1/E +6.3/EDelaware InvValInstl 18.28 +.05 +7.4/E +12.1/E +5.6/EDeutscheCorEqS 30.17 +.27 +19.7/C +14.1/B +10.4/CDiamond HillLgCpI 31.10 +.24 +13.0/C +13.1/D +8.8/BDodge & CoxBalI 98.67 +.81 +11.3/B +12.0/A +7.6/A GlbStkI 14.41 +.18 +19.4/B +17.9/A +8.5/A IncI 12.42 +.06 +1.9/A -1.9/A +2.0/A IntlStkI 48.96 +.65 +21.6/D +13.2/B +5.0/A StkI 232.92 +2.21 +16.3/B +19.1/A +9.9/ADoubleLineCorFII 9.25 ... -.3 -2.7 +.5 LowDurBdI 9.45 ... +3.4 +1.0 +1.7 TtlRetBdI 8.80 ... -2.3 -3.1 +.1 TtlRetBdN b 8.80 ... -2.5 -3.4 -.1DreyfusIntlStkI 24.16 +.46 +24.0/A +5.9/A +7.2/AEaton VanceAtlntCptSMIDCI 36.71 +.17 +16.6/C +15.3/B +9.3/A FltngRtInstl 8.36 ... +10.2 +5.1 +3.1 IncofBostonI 4.99 ... +8.2 +4.0 +3.6EdgewoodGrInstl 41.03 +.55 +30.2/A +5.4/E +9.7/DElfunTrusts 71.65 +.80 +23.0/C +13.3/A +13.1/AFPACrescent 37.89 +.36 +19.3/A +13.2/A +8.1/A NewInc 9.55 +.02 +2.3/B +.5/A +1.6/BFederatedInsHYBdIns 8.56 +.03 +7.6/C +2.3/D +3.2/B KaufmannR b 5.10 +.03 +9.2/E -3.5/E +3.2/E StratValDivIns 5.47 +.04 +.3/E +12.4/D +5.6/E TtlRetBdInstl 9.52 +.06 -.8/D -2.5/A +1.6/AFidelity500IdxInsPrm 156.56 +1.33 +20.7/B +14.4/B +11.9/A AllSectorEq 10.52 +.10 +25.0/A +16.3/A +12.8/A AsstMgr20% 13.15 +.08 +4.0/C +1.3/B +2.8/B AsstMgr50% 19.12 +.17 +9.6/D +4.8/E +5.1/D AsstMgr70% 25.16 +.25 +13.7/C +7.5/D +6.5/B BCGrowth 162.14 +2.70 +36.9/A +12.7/A +15.4/A BCGrowth 14.47 +.24 +39.5/A +13.8/A +16.7/A BCGrowthK 162.95 +2.71 +37.0/A +12.8/A +15.5/A Balanced 26.22 +.23 +14.6/A +9.6/A +9.1/A BalancedK 26.22 +.23 +14.8/A +9.7/A +9.1/A Cap&Inc 9.43 +.05 +10.2/A +7.6/A +5.5/A Contrafund 15.22 +.14 +26.7/B +10.1/C +11.0/C ContrafundK 15.28 +.14 +26.8/B +10.2/C +11.1/C CptlApprec 38.34 +.52 +20.3/D +13.2/A +11.9/B DivGro 31.77 +.28 +15.4/B +15.5/C +8.4/B DiversIntl 42.35 +.64 +23.7/A +5.5/B +5.7/B EmMkts 36.21 +.53 +13.9/B +2.0/C +5.2/A EmergMketsOpps 17.64 +.26 +13.3/B +1.3/C +3.2/B EqDividendInc 26.84 +.18 +12.0/C +15.2/C +8.3/B EqIncome 65.83 +.30 +11.8/C +14.1/D +9.1/B ExMktIdxInPr 73.71 +.85 +18.2/B +10.6/E +6.4/D Fidelity 70.58 +.71 +20.9/D +11.3/B +12.2/B FltngRtHiInc 9.22 +.01 +11.8/A +6.5/A +4.0/A FocusedStock 29.13 +.42 +19.7/E +11.1/B +12.8/B FourinOneIdx 53.76 +.59 +16.4/A +9.3/B +7.6/A Frdm 2010 13.53 +.10 +5.3/C +2.2/C +3.4/D Frdm 2015 11.08 +.09 +7.1/B +3.3/C +4.0/D Frdm 2020 13.90 +.13 +8.8/A +4.3/B +4.6/C Frdm 2025 12.90 +.13 +10.3/A +5.2/A +5.1/B Frdm 2030 16.25 +.17 +11.9/A +6.4/A +5.7/B Frdm 2035 14.16 +.15 +15.0/A +8.6/A +6.7/B Frdm 2040 10.17 +.12 +18.1/A +10.2/A +7.5/A Frdm 2045 11.69 +.14 +18.7/A +10.3/A +7.6/B Frdm 2050 11.83 +.13 +18.6/A +10.3/A +7.6/B Frdm 2055 13.69 +.16 +18.6/A +10.3/A +7.6/B GlbexUSIdxInsPr 14.17 +.22 +18.6/D +7.1/C +4.0/C GlobalexUSIdx 13.94 +.22 +18.5/D +7.1/D +4.0/C GrDiscv 51.24 +.79 +23.1/C +12.5/A +14.4/A GrStrategies 54.52 +.32 +23.9/A +9.0/B +9.8/A GroCo 31.12 +.51 +34.3/A +13.5/A +16.4/A GroCo 18.79 +.31 +35.0/A +14.5/A +17.5/A GroCoK 31.27 +.50 +34.4/A +13.6/A +16.5/A Growth&Inc 52.94 +.32 +21.9/A +17.7/A +10.8/C IntlCptlApprec 24.95 +.36 +25.6/A +5.3/B +6.6/A IntlDiscv 44.99 +.76 +18.0/D +4.8/B +4.4/C IntlGr 16.77 +.26 +23.8/A +7.4/A +8.4/A IntlIdxInstlPrm 47.34 +.78 +24.3/A +9.4/A +5.0/B IntlSmCp 16.72 +.15 +18.9/B +7.3/A +5.6/A IntlVal 11.36 +.18 +27.2/B +14.0/A +5.9/A IntrmMuniInc 9.99 +.02 +1.8/B -.2/A +1.8/A InvmGradeBd 10.00 +.06 +.4/A -2.6/A +1.8/A InvmGradeBd 7.17 +.04 -.3/A -3.4/B +1.5/A LargeCapStock 43.20 +.33 +25.0/A +18.5/A +11.0/B LargeCapValIdx 14.68 +.06 +13.6/C +14.7/C +8.0/C LgCpValEnhIdx 15.16 +.07 +12.4/C +16.1/B +8.6/B LowPrStk 49.07 +.26 +16.1/C +16.6/D +8.4/B LowPrStkK 49.02 +.26 +16.2/C +16.7/D +8.5/B Magellan 11.42 +.08 +17.5/E +9.0/C +10.0/D MidCapStock 39.84 +.25 +15.3/D +18.9/A +9.8/A MuniInc 12.06 +.03 +1.9/B -.4/A +1.8/A NasdCmpIdx 179.02 +2.78 +27.0/B +11.7/B +13.5/A NewMillennium 46.48 +.43 +28.3/A +21.7/A +10.9/A OTCPortfolio 17.08 +.27 +29.7/A +12.0/B +13.8/A OTCPortfolioK 17.47 +.27 +29.8/A +12.1/A +13.9/A Overseas 59.10 +.96 +24.7/A +7.4/A +6.0/A Puritan 23.21 +.24 +14.4/A +8.6/A +8.3/A PuritanK 23.19 +.25 +14.5/A +8.7/A +8.4/A RealEstInv 39.83 +.21 -.6/C +8.3/C +4.5/D SmCpOpps 13.24 +.11 +21.1/A +16.5/C +7.9/A StratDivInc 15.98 +.06 +7.9/E +9.7/A +7.6/A TaxFreeBond 10.82 +.03 +2.3/A -.4/A +1.9/A TotalBond 9.48 +.05 +1.2/A -2.4/A +1.7/A Trend 146.21 +2.47 +33.9/A +11.6/B +13.7/A TtlMktIdxInsPrm 125.15 +1.12 +20.3/B +13.8/C +11.0/B USBdIdxInsPrm 10.32 +.07 -.9/C -4.0/D +.8/B ValDiscv 35.53 +.16 +8.0/E +14.9/C +8.1/C Value 13.76 +.10 +17.8/B +24.2/A +9.7/AFidelity AdvisorCapitalDevO 20.03 +.15 +25.3/A +18.3/A +11.0/B GrowthOppsA m 119.60 +2.30 +29.6/A +7.3/D +15.4/A GrowthOppsI 132.52 +2.55 +29.9/A +7.6/D +15.7/A NewInsA m 31.46 +.32 +25.2/C +9.9/C +9.1/D NewInsI 32.87 +.33 +25.5/B +10.1/C +9.4/D StgInc 11.16 +.06 +5.0/B +1.4/B +2.5/B StgIncI 11.16 +.06 +5.0/B +1.4/B +2.4/B TotalBondI 9.47 +.06 +1.3/A -2.4/A +1.6/AFidelity SelectBiotechnology 16.77 +.01 +8.2/B -2.3/E +2.0/E HealthCare 27.66 -.03 +7.0/B +3.7/D +7.6/B MedTech&Devcs 64.95 +.13 +13.2/A +6.3/C +9.7/A Retailing 18.34 +.07 +18.4/D +7.0/D +8.9/B Semicon 25.54 +.70 +79.3/A +35.2/A +28.4/A Swre&ITSvcs 26.33 +.48 +30.5/C +11.0/C +14.4/B Technology 27.22 +.59 +44.4/A +15.9/B +18.0/BFirst EagleGlbA m 64.63 +.50 +18.2/A +10.8/A +6.9/AFranklin TempletonCATxFrIncA1 m 6.78 +.02 +1.3/C -1.2/C +1.6/A DynaTechA m 125.23 +2.46 +27.6/B +4.6/E +11.0/C DynaTechR6 132.59 +2.61 +28.1/B +5.0/E +11.4/C EqIncA m 29.20 +.17 +14.8/B +13.2/D +8.8/B FdrTFIncA1 m 10.68 +.03 +1.4/C -1.2/C +1.2/C Gr,IncA m 24.66 +.29 +21.5/B +8.8/D +2.2/E GrA m 122.75 +1.48 +22.3/D +10.6/B +11.0/C GrAdv 123.89 +1.49 +22.6/D +10.9/B +11.3/C GrOppsA m 44.53 +.63 +21.6/D +5.0/E +9.4/D IncA1 m 2.31 +.02 +8.2/D +10.2/A +5.7/C IncAdv 2.28 +.01 +8.0/E +10.3/A +5.8/C IncC m 2.35 +.01 +7.5/E +9.6/A +5.2/DMutual Funds PERCENT RETURN BOND FUNDS YTD 1YR 3YR* 5YR* Today UnitedHealthMinnesota-based UnitedHealth Group issues its latest sales and profit figures before the bell today. Wall Street is expecting the health care giant earned $5.99 per share in the second quarter on sales of $91 billion. In last years second quarter, UnitedHealth beat forecasts with $5.57-a-share in profit and $80.3 billion in sales. The UnitedHealthcare insurance business covers more than 50 million people, mostly in the United States.JPMorgan ChaseJPMorgan Chase & Co., the nations biggest bank by profits, releases its second-quarter financial results today before the bell. Analysts forecast that New York-based JPMorgan earned $3.97 per share in the period on $38.7 billion in revenue. In the same quarter a year ago, the bank missed targets with profit of $2.76 per share and revenue of $30.7 billion. In the first quarter, JPMorgan posted a 52% jump in earnings, helped by higher interest rates. Deposits grew noticeably as businesses and customers flocked to the banking titan after several bank failures in March.Gauging consumers The University of Michigans latest consumer sentiment survey is due out today. The survey is expected to show a modest improvement in how U.S. consumers are feeling about the economy. Economists predict that this months reading rose to 65.5 from 64.4 last month. The index has slumped in recent years with higher inflation and interest rates spooking consumers. It reached 101 in February of 2020, just before the pandemic. Consumer sentiment index not seasonally adjusted 0 40 80 J J M A M FSource: FactSet est. 65.5 67.0 2023 59.2 64.4 63.5 62.0Source: FactSet Price-earnings ratio: 20based on past 12-month resultsDividend: $7.52 Div. yield: 1.7% Q2 22Q2 23$5.99 est. $5.57Operating EPS 400 500 $600 23 $501.24$447.75UNH MONEY & MARKET$Page 3


MONEY & MARKET$Page 4 PERCENT RETURN/RANK FUND NAV CHG 1-YR 3-YR 5-YR PERCENT RETURN/RANK FUND NAV CHG 1-YR 3-YR 5-YR PERCENT RETURN/RANK FUND NAV CHG 1-YR 3-YR 5-YR MgdIncA m 12.30 +.08 +7.6/E +7.0/B +5.9/B MutGlbDiscvA m 30.01 +.28 +21.3/B +16.1/A +6.3/C MutGlbDiscvZ 30.90 +.29 +21.6/A +16.4/A +6.5/C MutZ 24.70 +.16 +15.3/D +13.2/A +4.8/E RisingDivsA m 89.42 +.35 +18.8/C +14.0/B +11.2/B RisingDivsAdv 89.37 +.36 +19.1/C +14.3/B +11.5/B RisingDivsR6 89.36 +.35 +19.2/C +14.4/B +11.6/A S mMidCpGrA m 32.66 +.24 +19.0/C +4.4/D +9.1/B UtlsA1 m 21.04 +.09 +1.6/D +8.8/C +8.3/B G MO Q ualIII 28.13 +.30 +25.7/A +16.1/A +13.8/A G oldman SachsDynMuniIncInstl 15.07 +.04 +2.4/A +.4/A +1.7/AHarbor C ptlApprecInstl 87.91 +1.45 +33.1/A +7.8/D +12.3/BHarding LoevnerIntlEqInstl 26.54 +.40 +18.7 +5.3 +4.3HartfordBalIncA m 14.02 +.10 +6.5/C +4.3/B +5.1/A BalIncI 14.02 +.10 +6.7/C +4.5/B +5.3/A C apAppHLSIA 45.01 +.43 +19.7/C +11.5/E +9.3/D C ptlApprecA m 37.59 +.32 +18.6/C +10.4/E +8.4/E DivandGrA m 31.23 +.25 +12.3/C +15.4/C +10.3/A DivandGrHLSIA 23.69 +.20 +12.6/C +15.9/B +10.7/A DivandGrI 31.03 +.25 +12.5/C +15.7/B +10.6/AINVESCO C htrA m 17.41 +.16 +20.2/B +12.3/D +9.0/E C omStkA m 27.80 +.18 +17.3/A +21.2/A +8.8/B C ptlAprcA m 60.17 +.86 +21.6/D +9.0/C +11.2/C DevMktsY 40.48 +.77 +18.3/A -.3/D +.8/D DiscvMCGrA m 23.44 +.22 +16.8/D +5.8/C +8.9/B DivIncA m 24.71 +.08 +10.1/D +11.7/E +6.8/D DiversDivA m 18.06 +.07 +12.4/C +12.7/D +7.2/D EqWtSP500A m 69.67 +.35 +15.5/D +16.1/A +9.6/D EqandIncA m 10.20 +.07 +10.7/E +11.2/A +6.3/C G lbA m 94.86 +1.89 +26.3/B +8.0/C +6.7/D HYMuniA m 8.55 +.04 -.5/D /B +1.2/C MnStrA m 51.63 +.52 +21.2/B +12.7/D +10.2/C MuncplOppsA m 6.84 +.03 +1.5/A +.7/A +3.2/A O RNYMuncplA m 15.15 +.07 +2.9/A +.3/A +2.9/A J PMorgan C PBondI 7.17 ... -.5 -2.9 +1.2 C PBondR6 7.18 ... -.4 -2.8 +1.3 C oreBondI 10.24 +.06 -.9 -3.3 +1.1 C oreBondR6 10.20 ... -.7 -3.2 +1.3 EqIncA m 22.02 +.09 +7.9 +13.5 +8.4 EqIncI 22.38 ... +8.2 +13.8 +8.7 G rowthAdvtgA m 28.73 +.39 +24.4 +10.9 +14.2 G rowthAdvtgI 30.42 +.41 +24.7 +11.2 +14.5 HighYieldR6 6.24 ... +6.5 +3.3 +2.8 InvCnsrvGrA m 11.98 +.08 +5.0 +2.0 +3.5 InvGrIncA m 17.64 +.15 +11.8 +7.5 +6.7 InvestorBalA m 14.83 +.11 +9.0 +5.1 +5.2 InvestorGrowthA m 22.31 +.21 +15.6 +10.2 +8.2 LCapGrA m 54.89 +.80 +24.9 +9.6 +14.9 LCapGrI 56.41 +.83 +25.2 +9.9 +15.2 MCapValL 36.43 ... +12.1 +17.1 +7.0 S hDurBdR6 10.52 ... +1.6 -.2 +1.7 USEquityI 20.15 +.16 +18.1 +14.0 +12.8 USRsrchEnhEqR6 34.73 +.28 +20.3 +15.0 +12.8 J anus HendersonBalancedT 40.40 ... +8.9 +6.1 +7.3 EnterpriseT 134.53 ... +19.5 +12.6 +10.2 ResearchT 61.29 ... +28.3 +8.6 +11.6 J ensen Q ualGrI 60.28 +.44 +14.3/E +13.2/C +11.9/A J ohn HancockBdI 13.48 +.08 +.5/B -3.0/B +1.3/B BdR6 13.50 +.08 +.5/B -2.9/B +1.4/B DiscpValI 22.10 +.14 +14.3/B +17.6/A +8.2/C DiscpValMCI 26.88 +.15 +19.9/A +19.1/C +8.6/B DiscpValMCR6 26.88 +.15 +20.0/A +19.2/B +8.8/A DiscpValR6 22.17 +.15 +14.4/B +17.7/A +8.3/B IntlGrI 25.37 +.41 +15.2/E +2.7/D +3.9/C MltMgLsBlA b 12.56 +.11 +10.9/C +6.0/C +5.4/C MltmgrLsGr1 b 13.15 +.13 +14.0/C +8.1/C +6.3/CLazard G lbLtdInfrsIns 14.87 +.06 +5.8/B +10.1/A +6.6/A IntlStratEqIns 15.32 +.29 +19.6/D +7.0/D +3.6/DLoomis SaylesBdInstl 11.51 +.08 +3.5/D +.3/D +.7/E G rY 23.26 +.41 +43.3/A +12.7/A +14.1/A InvmGradeBdY 9.78 +.06 +1.5/A -1.2/A +2.3/ALord Abbett A ffiliatedA m 15.71 +.08 +10.3/D +11.2/E +6.0/E BdDebA m 6.99 +.03 +3.0/D +.5/C +1.7/D BdDebI 6.95 +.03 +3.2/D +.7/C +1.9/C S hrtDurIncA m 3.83 +.01 +2.0/C +.3/B +1.5/B S hrtDurIncI 3.83 +.01 +2.2/C +.5/A +1.7/BMFS G rA m 154.17 +2.31 +22.2/D +7.5/D +11.1/C G rAllcA m 23.04 +.23 +13.5/C +8.1/D +7.0/B G rI 167.20 +2.50 +22.5/D +7.7/D +11.3/C IntlDvrsfctnA m 22.66 +.32 +19.5/D +6.2/D +5.1/A IntlEqR6 32.77 +.50 +25.8/A +10.4/A +7.7/A MAInvsGrStkA m 38.93 +.39 +19.0/E +13.3/A +13.7/A MAInvsTrustA m 36.02 +.36 +15.2/E +12.3/D +10.3/C MidCpGrI 27.36 +.23 +18.2/C +6.3/C +9.0/B MidCpValI 30.55 +.15 +16.7/C +18.1/C +9.0/A ModAllcA m 18.94 +.17 +10.1/C +5.4/D +5.7/C RsrchI 55.15 +.65 +17.8/D +11.9/D +10.6/C T tlRetA m 19.27 +.15 +9.7/D +7.2/B +6.3/B V alA m 48.36 +.11 +11.8/C +12.5/D +8.1/C V alI 48.68 +.11 +12.1/C +12.8/D +8.4/BMainStayMacKHYCorpBdA m 5.06 +.02 +8.0/C +3.4/B +3.4/BMairs & Power G rInv 141.67 +1.65 +21.4/B +14.3/B +11.8/AMassMutual S electMdCpGrI 20.06 ... +18.2 +7.8 +8.5Metropolitan West T tlRetBdI 9.06 ... -1.7 -4.3 +.8 T tlRetBdM b 9.07 ... -1.8 -4.4 +.6 T tlRetBdPlan 8.50 ... -1.7 -4.2 +.9Neuberger Berman G enesisR6 62.09 +.24 +18.9/B +11.8/A +9.1/A LgCpValI 42.75 +.15 +8.2/E +18.2/A +12.0/A LgShInstl 16.78 +.04 +7.8 +6.4 +6.1NicholasNicholas 82.04 +.68 +27.0/B +15.2/A +13.2/ANorthernHYFI d 5.80 +.02 +8.8 +3.5 +3.2 IntlEqIdx d 13.90 +.24 +24.2/A +9.2/B +4.8/B S tkIdx 47.98 +.41 +20.6/B +14.3/B +11.8/ANuveenHYMuniBdA m 14.86 +.07 -.5/D +.5/A +1.9/A HYMuniBdI 14.87 +.07 -.2/C +.7/A +2.1/A IntermDrMnBdI 8.75 +.02 +1.6/C -.5/B +1.6/B LtdTrmMnBdI 10.75 +.01 +1.3/C -.1/B +1.6/A O akmarkEqAndIncInv 32.88 +.32 +15.0/B +12.7/A +7.0/B IntlInv 28.03 +.44 +32.1/A +14.5/A +3.6/C Inv 124.69 +1.38 +32.0/A +22.9/A +11.2/A O ld Westbury A llCpCor 23.37 ... +18.8 +10.8 +11.1 G lbSmMdCpStrat 15.07 ... +12.9 +4.5 +2.7 LgCpStrats 16.52 ... +16.2 +7.0 +5.7 MnBd 11.45 ... +.7 -1.4 +1.0 O ptimumFxdIncInstl 8.24 +.06 /C -3.7/D +.7/D O sterweis S trInc 10.65 +.04 +9.3/A +4.7/A +3.6/APGIM InvestmentsHighYieldZ 4.65 +.01 +6.9 +3.0 +3.5 J ennisonGrZ 57.15 +.92 +33.7/A +8.0/D +12.6/B TtlRetBdZ 11.80 ... +.3 -3.7 +.9PIMCOAlAstInstl 10.90 ... +6.3 +6.8 +4.8 CmdtyRlRtStrIns 13.12 ... -7.0 +18.5 +6.6 DiversIncInstl 9.26 +.06 +5.4 -1.4 +1.4 HYInstl 7.74 +.03 +8.1/C +2.2/D +3.2/B IBdUSDHI 9.46 +.03 +.9/B -1.5/A +.9/B IBdUSDHI-2 9.46 +.03 +.8/B -1.6/A +.8/B IncA m 10.52 +.05 +6.1/B +1.7/A +2.3/B IncC m 10.52 +.05 +5.3/B +.9/B +1.6/D IncI2 10.52 +.05 +6.4/B +2.0/A +2.6/A IncInstl 10.52 +.05 +6.5/A +2.1/A +2.7/A InvtGrdCdtBdI 8.77 ... +2.5 -3.4 +1.3 InvtGrdCdtBdI-2 8.77 ... +2.4 -3.5 +1.2 L/TCreditBdI 8.97 +.08 +.6 -6.8 +1.2 LngDrTtlRetIns 7.34 +.06 -4.1/D -8.7/D +.6/C LowDrInstl 9.07 +.02 +1.2/D -1.0/D +.8/D LowDurIncI2 7.88 +.02 +6.3 +2.4 +2.6 MortgOpps&BdI 9.42 +.02 +2.5/D +.8/C +1.9/B RlRetInstl 10.04 +.06 -1.4/C -.1/C +2.5/B ShrtTrmIns 9.52 ... +4.6/A +1.2/C +1.7/B TtlRetA m 8.50 ... -1.3 -4.1 +.5 TtlRetI2 8.50 ... -1.0 -3.9 +.7 TtlRetIns 8.50 ... -.9 -3.8 +.8PRIMECAP OdysseyAgrsGr 43.05 +.44 +20.9/B +7.9/C +5.3/E Gr 38.50 +.36 +21.0/D +12.3/A +7.6/E Stk 36.07 +.19 +20.5/B +16.6/A +9.6/DParnassusCorEqInv 54.64 +.54 +18.7/C +13.3/C +12.5/APerformanceStrBd 19.45 +.10 +.4/B -1.6/A +1.1/CPermanentI 49.65 +.40 +13.9/A +8.7/A +7.8/APioneerA m 33.94 +.44 +17.8/D +13.2/C +12.7/APrincipalHYIIns 8.09 +.03 +8.1/C +3.1/B +2.6/C LCpSP500IdxIs 22.81 +.20 +20.5/B +14.2/B +11.7/A LfTm2030Ins 13.46 +.12 +11.1/B +6.3/B +5.7/C LfTm2040Ins 15.15 +.14 +15.3/C +8.3/C +6.7/C LgCpGrIIns 17.05 +.20 +25.4/B +7.9/D +11.2/C LgCpValIIIIns 17.73 +.05 +13.1/C +14.8/C +8.3/B PrefSecIns 8.58 +.02 +1.2/B +.1/C +1.9/B RlEsttSecIns 27.01 +.18 +1.3/B +8.7/C +6.2/APutnamLrgCpGrA m 50.41 +.64 +28.5/B +10.1/C +13.8/A LrgCpValA m 30.30 +.13 +16.8/A +16.7/B +10.3/A LrgCpValY 30.30 +.12 +17.1/A +17.0/B +10.6/A SustLeadersA m 102.75 +.83 +19.6/E +10.0/C +11.6/CRussellInvTEBdS 21.77 ... +2.2 +1.7 InvTxMgdUSLgCpS 65.82 ... +18.2 +11.5 +9.7SEICoreFxdIncF 9.59 +.06 -.9/C -4.3/D +.7/C IntlEqF 11.61 +.14 +24.7/A +9.2/B +4.4/B TxMgdLCpF 33.25 +.20 +17.5/D +14.1/B +9.6/DSchwabFdmtlUSLgCIdx 22.99 ... +16.0 +18.5 +11.2 IntlIdx 22.31 ... +21.9 +8.6 +4.6 SP500Idx 69.04 ... +19.1 +13.7 +11.7 Schwab1000Idx 96.50 ... +18.9 +13.0 +11.2 SmCpIdx 31.25 ... +13.7 +12.2 +4.2 TtlStkMktIdx 76.41 ... +18.7 +13.0 +10.8SequoiaSequoia 144.34 +2.00 +13.4/E +6.7/D +7.2/ESmead FundsValI1 70.34 +.30 +17.1/A +21.6/A +12.5/AState FarmGr 106.32 +.76 +18.3/D +14.3/B +11.9/AT. Rowe PriceAll-Cap Opps 62.59 +.65 +22.6/D +12.2/A +14.4/A BCGr 142.29 +2.24 +26.7/B +5.1/E +8.8/E Comm&TeInv 119.21 +1.84 +16.0/B -.1/D +8.5/A CptlAprc 33.42 +.22 +15.4/A +10.8/A +10.6/A CptlOpp 43.77 +.41 +22.5/A +15.1/A +12.2/A DivGr 68.19 +.28 +14.0/E +13.0/D +11.4/B EqIdx500 118.67 +1.01 +20.5/B +14.2/B +11.7/A EqInc 33.61 +.21 +11.1/D +16.2/B +7.7/C GlbStk 54.51 +.76 +20.5/C +7.7/C +10.7/A GrStk 83.35 +1.19 +25.8/B +5.7/E +8.6/E HlthSci 88.98 +.06 +4.3/E +6.1/C +8.0/B InsFltngRt 9.38 +.01 +11.4/A +5.6/B +4.1/A InsLgCpCorGr 57.16 +.90 +26.9/B +5.3/E +9.0/E InsMdCpEqGr 64.65 +.45 +19.6/C +9.3/B +8.8/B InsSmCpStk 26.69 +.10 +12.4/E +11.2/B +7.7/B IntgUSSCGrEq 40.15 +.25 +20.9/A +9.9/B +6.5/C IntlDiscv 62.66 +.85 +11.6/D +2.3/D +2.9/B LrgCpGrI 61.13 +.90 +26.9/B +9.0/C +11.3/C LrgCpVaI 22.86 +.15 +9.6/D +15.5/C +7.7/C MdCpGr 102.33 +.71 +19.1/C +9.2/B +8.7/B MdCpVal 31.71 +.19 +20.1/A +18.8/C +8.5/B NewHorizons 55.26 +.55 +18.4/C +2.7/E +9.3/B OverseasStk 12.51 +.20 +21.8/C +9.5/A +4.5/B Rtr2015 12.19 +.09 +8.9/A +4.7/A +5.0/A Rtr2020 18.25 +.15 +9.5/A +5.4/A +5.3/A Rtr2025 16.06 +.13 +10.6/A +6.3/A +5.8/A Rtr2030 24.33 +.21 +12.6/A +7.3/A +6.3/A Rtr2035 19.26 +.18 +14.7/A +8.2/A +6.9/A Rtr2040 27.83 +.27 +16.4/B +9.1/B +7.3/B Rtr2045 19.81 +.19 +17.5/B +9.8/B +7.7/A Rtr2050 16.81 +.17 +17.9/B +9.9/B +7.7/A Rtr2055 17.51 +.17 +17.8/B +9.9/C +7.7/B SciandTech 38.25 +.67 +38.0/A +8.6/C +11.7/C SmCpVal 51.22 +.25 +8.3/E +14.5/D +5.2/C Val 40.36 +.12 +10.2/D +15.2/C +8.9/BTIAA-CREFBdIdxIns 9.58 +.06 -.9/C -4.1/D +.7/C BdIns 9.09 +.05 +.4/B -3.2/C +1.1/C EqIdxIns 32.08 +.29 +20.3/B +13.9/B +11.1/B IntlEqIdxIns 21.97 +.38 +24.2/A +9.4/A +5.0/B Lfcycl2040I 9.99 +.11 +16.9/A +8.7/C +6.7/C LfcyclId2020I 18.50 +.16 +9.0/A +4.2/B +5.1/A LfcyclId2025I 20.38 +.19 +10.3/A +5.2/A +5.7/A LfcyclId2035I 24.19 +.25 +14.0/B +7.4/C +6.9/A LfcyclId2040I 25.83 +.28 +16.1/B +8.8/B +7.5/A LfcyclId2045I 26.88 +.30 +17.4/B +9.9/A +8.0/A LgCpGrIdxIns 48.64 +.63 +27.4/B +13.1/A +14.5/A LgCpValIdxIns 23.19 +.10 +13.6/C +14.7/C +8.0/C SP500IdxI 49.61 +.42 +20.6/B +14.4/B +11.9/A SclChEqI 25.51 +.19 +20.5/B +13.5/C +11.0/BThornburgInvmIncBldrA m 22.92 +.17 +14.8/A +12.1/A +6.3/A LtdTrmIncI 12.63 +.05 +2.3/B -1.0/D +1.9/ATouchstoneMidCpY 48.98 +.32 +19.1/B +12.8/D +9.8/ATweedy, BrowneGlbVal 27.81 +.25 +13.4/E +9.8/D +3.9/CVALIC Co IMidCpIdx 24.97 +.15 +19.8/A +16.8/A +7.5/C StkIdx 48.12 +.41 +20.3/B +14.1/B +11.6/BVanguard500IdxAdmrl 416.29 +3.54 +20.6/B +14.4/B +11.9/A 500IdxInv 416.35 +3.53 +20.5/B +14.3/B +11.8/A BalIdxAdmrl 43.76 +.34 +11.5/B +6.6/C +7.2/A BalIdxIns 43.76 +.33 +11.4/B +6.6/C +7.2/A CAITTxExAdm 11.23 +.02 +2.3/A -.6/B +1.7/A CALtrmTEAdm 11.29 +.04 +2.9/A -.9/B +1.9/A CptlOppAdmrl 169.77 +1.31 +18.7/E +13.0/A +9.9/D DevMIdxAdmrl 15.25 +.25 +22.1/C +9.5/A +4.8/B DevMIdxIns 15.27 +.25 +22.2/B +9.5/A +4.8/B DivGrInv 36.14 +.15 +11.1/E +13.4/C +11.5/B EMStkIdxInAdm 34.84 +.40 +8.0/D +2.1/B +2.4/B EMStkIdxInPl 88.13 +1.01 +8.1/D +2.2/B +2.5/B EMStkIdxIns 26.49 +.30 +8.0/D +2.1/B +2.5/B EngyAdmrl 88.85 +.59 +22.6/D +19.3/E -.1/D EqIncAdmrl 85.48 +.50 +11.4/D +15.0/C +9.2/B EqIncInv 40.79 +.24 +11.3/D +14.9/C +9.1/B EuStkIdxAd 79.30 +1.27 +27.7/B +10.7/B +5.4/C ExplorerAdmrl 99.94 +.70 +18.4/B +11.9/A +8.5/A ExplorerInv 107.45 +.75 +18.3/B +11.8/A +8.4/B ExtMktIdxAdmrl 117.32 +1.35 +18.2/B +10.6/E +6.4/D ExtMktIdxIns 117.31 +1.35 +18.2/B +10.7/E +6.4/D ExtMktIdxInsPls 289.50 +3.33 +18.2/B +10.7/E +6.4/D FAWexUSIAdmr 34.78 +.55 +18.5/D +7.5/C +4.3/C FAWexUSIInPl 116.74 +1.84 +18.6/D +7.5/C +4.3/C FAWexUSIIns 110.24 +1.74 +18.6/D +7.5/C +4.3/C FSocialIdxIns 30.49 +.33 +21.1/B +12.9/D +12.1/A GNMAAdmrl 9.27 +.06 -.9/A -3.0/A +.2/B GNMAInv 9.27 +.06 -1.0/A -3.1/A +.1/C GlbEqInv 32.14 +.48 +21.6/B +9.1/D +7.9/B GrIdxAdmrl 148.72 +2.09 +28.3/B +12.2/A +14.1/A GrIdxIns 148.73 +2.10 +28.3/B +12.2/A +14.1/A GrandIncAdmrl 91.47 +.79 +19.3/C +14.6/B +11.5/B GrandIncInv 56.06 +.49 +19.2/C +14.5/B +11.4/B HCAdmrl 87.72 +.38 +8.6/B +7.4/B +8.6/B HCIdxAdmrl 120.26 +.08 +3.5/E +8.7/A +9.2/A HCInv 208.01 +.89 +8.5/B +7.3/B +8.6/B HYCorpAdmrl 5.26 +.02 +7.2/D +2.3/D +3.5/A HYCorpInv 5.26 +.02 +7.1/D +2.2/D +3.4/B HYTEAdmrl 10.46 +.03 +2.0/B -.1/A +2.1/A ITIdxAdmrl 230.43 +3.38 +36.9/B +17.9/B +20.0/A InTrBdIdxAdmrl 10.24 +.08 -.6/B -4.0/D +1.4/A InTrBdIdxIns 10.24 +.08 -.5/B -4.0/C +1.5/A InTrInGdAdm 8.49 +.06 +1.8/B -3.0/B +1.9/B InTrTEAdmrl 13.48 +.03 +2.1/A -.4/B +1.9/A InTrTrsAdmrl 9.97 +.07 -1.6/B -3.5/B +1.1/A InTrTrsIdxAd 19.93 +.13 -1.4/A -3.9/C +.8/A InPrtScAdmrl 23.42 +.12 -1.9/D -.3/C +2.4/C InPrtScIns 9.54 +.05 -1.9/D -.3/C +2.4/B InPrtScInv 11.93 +.06 -2.0/D -.4/C +2.3/C InsIdxIns 376.63 +3.20 +20.6/B +14.4/B +11.9/A InsIdxInsPlus 376.62 +3.20 +20.7/B +14.4/B +11.9/A InsTtlSMIInPls 78.49 +.70 +20.3/B +13.9/C +11.0/B IntlGrAdmrl 105.96 +1.99 +19.5/D +2.2/D +6.9/A IntlGrInv 33.31 +.63 +19.4/D +2.1/D +6.7/A IntlValInv 41.35 +.66 +24.2/C +11.7/C +5.0/B LTInGrdAdm 7.99 +.06 -2.4/C -8.2/C +1.0/B LTInGrdInv 7.99 +.06 -2.5/C -8.3/D +.9/C LTTEAdmrl 10.74 +.04 +2.4/A -.7/B +2.0/A LTTrsIdxIns 26.86 +.26 -8.8/A -12.8/B -1.2/A LfStrCnsrGrInv 20.41 +.17 +6.8/C +2.1/D +3.9/C LfStrGrInv 40.43 +.42 +15.1/B +8.2/C +6.8/B LfStrIncInv 14.94 +.11 +2.9/E -.9/E +2.3/C LfStrModGrInv 30.08 +.28 +11.0/B +5.1/D +5.4/C LgCpIdxAdmrl 103.96 +.95 +20.7/B +13.8/C +11.7/A LtdTrmTEAdmrl 10.71 +.01 +1.5/B +.2/B +1.5/A MCpGrIdxAdm 91.21 +.91 +21.0/B +9.1/B +9.5/B MCpVlIdxAdm 73.73 +.30 +12.5/D +16.8/D +7.3/C MdCpGrInv 22.64 +.25 +22.2/B +6.1/C +6.8/D MdCpIdxAdmrl 280.52 +1.95 +16.5/C +12.9/D +8.6/A MdCpIdxIns 61.97 +.43 +16.6/C +12.9/D +8.6/A MdCpIdxInsPlus 305.61 +2.11 +16.6/C +12.9/D +8.6/A NYLTmTEAdm 10.73 +.04 +2.8/A -.6/B +1.9/A PALTmTEAdm 10.68 +.03 +1.9/A -.7/A +2.1/A PrmCpAdmrl 154.80 +1.20 +21.7/A +14.5/B +10.5/C PrmCpCorInv 31.00 +.20 +19.5/C +15.3/A +9.9/D PrmCpInv 149.39 +1.16 +21.6/B +14.4/B +10.4/C RlEstIdxAdmrl 122.31 +.86 -.8/C +7.7/D +4.8/C RlEstIdxInstl 18.93 +.13 -.8/C +7.7/D +4.9/C Rsl1000GrIdxIns 554.25 +7.21 +27.4/B +13.1/A +14.5/A SCpGrIdxAdm 83.62 +.69 +19.3/B +6.9/C +6.1/C SCpGrIdxI 66.97 +.56 +19.4/B +6.9/C +6.1/C SCpValIdxAdm 73.23 +.43 +16.2/C +20.2/C +6.4/B SCpValIdxI 40.93 +.24 +16.2/C +20.3/C +6.5/B STBdIdxAdmrl 9.95 +.03 +.8/E -1.4/E +1.2/C STBdIdxIns 9.95 +.03 +.8/E -1.4/E +1.2/C STBdIdxInsPlus 9.95 +.03 +.8/E -1.4/E +1.3/C STCpBdIdxAdm 20.69 +.08 +2.2/C -.7/C +1.8/A STFederalAdmrl 10.01 +.03 -.1/C -1.2/B +1.1/A STInfPrScIdAdmr 23.71 +.06 +.8/A +2.4/A +2.8/A STInfPrScIdIns 23.73 +.06 +.8/A +2.4/A +2.8/A STInvmGrdAdmrl 10.05 +.03 +2.2/C -.7/C +1.7/B STInvmGrdIns 10.05 +.03 +2.2/B -.7/C +1.7/A STInvmGrdInv 10.05 +.03 +2.1/C -.8/D +1.6/B STTEAdmrl 15.62 +.01 +1.8/B +.6/A +1.2/B STTrsAdmrl 9.85 +.03 -.1/C -1.2/B +1.0/A STTrsdxAdm 19.31 +.05 +.9/A -1.0/A +1.0/A SeledValInv 28.73 +.17 +25.4/A +23.2/A +9.0/A SmCpIdxAdmrl 98.43 +.69 +17.6/B +14.4/D +6.7/B SmCpIdxIns 98.43 +.69 +17.6/B +14.4/D +6.7/B SmCpIdxInsPlus 284.10 +1.99 +17.6/B +14.4/D +6.7/B StarInv 26.98 +.28 +13.2/A +5.9/D +6.7/B StrEqInv 34.65 +.29 +22.2/A +19.7/A +8.6/A TMCapApAdm 233.21 +2.05 +20.8/B +14.2/B +11.7/A TMSmCpAdm 83.18 +.52 +12.8/D +17.1/B +5.2/C TrgtRtr2020Fd 27.46 +.22 +7.7/D +3.8/D +4.6/C TrgtRtr2025Fd 18.34 +.16 +10.0/A +4.9/B +5.2/B TrgtRtr2030Fd 34.88 +.34 +11.7/A +6.0/B +5.8/B TrgtRtr2035Fd 21.70 +.22 +13.3/C +7.2/C +6.3/C TrgtRtr2040Fd 38.46 +.40 +14.9/C +8.4/C +6.9/B TrgtRtr2045Fd 26.04 +.28 +16.6/C +9.5/C +7.4/B TrgtRtr2050Fd 43.34 +.47 +17.4/B +9.8/B +7.6/B TrgtRtr2055Fd 48.36 +.54 +17.4/C +9.8/C +7.6/B TrgtRtr2060Fd 44.54 +.50 +17.4/C +9.8/C +7.6/B TrgtRtrIncFd 12.94 +.09 +5.2/C +1.7/B +3.5/B TtBMIdxAdmrl 9.60 +.06 -.9/C -4.0/D +.8/B TtBMIdxIns 9.60 +.06 -.9/C -4.0/D +.8/B TtBMIdxInsPlus 9.60 +.06 -.9/C -4.0/D +.8/B TtInBIdxAdmrl 19.46 +.10 -1.3/D -3.5/D +.2/D TtInBIdxIns 29.20 +.15 -1.3/D -3.4/D +.2/D TtInSIdxAdmrl 30.99 +.48 +18.3/D +7.5/C +4.1/C TtInSIdxIns 123.94 +1.92 +18.4/D +7.5/C +4.1/C TtInSIdxInsPlus 123.97 +1.92 +18.4/D +7.5/C +4.1/C TtInSIdxInv 18.53 +.29 +18.2/E +7.4/C +4.0/C TtlSMIdxAdmrl 109.18 +.97 +20.2/B +13.8/C +11.0/B TtlSMIdxIns 109.19 +.96 +20.2/B +13.8/C +11.0/B TtlSMIdxInv 109.16 +.96 +20.1/B +13.7/C +10.9/C TtlWldStkIdxIns 202.36 +2.35 +19.6/C +11.2/B +8.1/B TxMgBalAdmrl 39.63 +.22 +10.9/A +6.7/A +6.8/A USGrAdmrl 137.03 +2.38 +28.9/A +5.4/E +11.1/C USGrInv 52.88 +.92 +28.7/A +5.3/E +11.0/C ValIdxAdmrl 55.90 +.16 +12.5/C +15.4/C +9.0/B ValIdxIns 55.90 +.16 +12.6/C +15.4/C +9.0/B WlngtnAdmrl 71.22 +.47 +10.7/C +7.8/A +7.6/A WlngtnInv 41.25 +.28 +10.6/C +7.7/B +7.5/A WlslyIncAdmrl 60.10 +.39 +4.1/E +3.0/C +4.9/A WlslyIncInv 24.81 +.16 +4.0/E +2.9/C +4.8/A WndsrAdmrl 74.05 +.56 +17.5/A +20.2/A +10.5/A WndsrIIAdmrl 74.08 +.67 +18.8/A +16.8/B +10.9/A WndsrIIInv 41.76 +.38 +18.7/A +16.7/B +10.8/A WndsrInv 21.97 +.17 +17.4/A +20.0/A +10.4/AVictoryNASDAQ100Idx 39.89 +.67 +33.3/A +14.1/A +16.7/A SP500IdxMbr 57.71 +.52 +20.4/B +13.9/C +11.9/A SP500IdxRwd 57.75 +.52 +20.5/B +14.0/B +12.0/A SycEsVlI 47.20 +.10 +16.2/C +20.8/A +10.5/A SycmrSmCoOppI 49.23 +.31 +16.2/C +18.5/D +7.5/A TEIntermTrm 12.44 +.02 +1.5/C -.4/B +1.7/AVoyaIntermBdI 8.61 ... -.5 -3.5 +.9WCMFocIntGrIns 22.82 +.36 +21.8/B +6.4/A +8.9/AWestern AssetCorBdI 10.64 ... -1.8 -5.0 +.3 CorBdIS 10.66 ... -1.8 -4.9 +.3 CorPlusBdI 9.49 ... -.4 -5.0 +.4 CorPlusBdIS 9.49 ... -.3 -4.9 +.4iSharesS&P500IdxK 528.99 +4.50 +19.6/C +14.1/B +11.7/A Fund Footnotes: b Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f front load (sales charges). m Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. NA not available. p previous day´s net asset value. s fund split shares during the week. x fund paid a distribution during the week. Source: Morningstar and the Associated Press.