2016 PULITZER WINNER € FPA GOLD MEDAL WINNER 2022 Beloved Pirates football assistant Norus dies at 27PAGE 7A UN chief says Sudan is on the brink of a Âfull-scale civil war PAGE 5ATrash-hauling contract is up for renewalPAGE 1B SUN The DailyCharlotte € DeSoto € SarasotaMONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 | $2.50 FIRST IN LOCAL NEWS YOURSUN.COMVOL. 131, NO. 191 By CHRIS MEGERIAN, LORNE COOK and SEUNG MIN KIMASSOCIATED PRESSWASHINGTON „ As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues with no end in sight, NATOÂs much-celebrated unity faces fresh strains when leaders gather for their annual summit this week in Vilnius, Lithuania. The worldÂs biggest security alliance is struggling to reach an agreement on admitting Sweden as its 32nd member. Military spending by member nations lags behind long-standing goals. An inability to compromise over who should serve as NATOÂs next leader forced an extension of the current secretary-generalÂs term for an extra year. Perhaps the most di cult questions are over how Ukraine should be eased into NATO. Some maintain admitting Ukraine would ful“ ll a promise made years ago and be a necessary step to deter Russian aggression in Eastern Europe. Others fear it would be seen as a provocation that could spiral into an even wider con” ict. ÂI donÂt think itÂs ready for membership in NATO,ÂŽ President Joe Biden told CNN in an interview airing Sunday. He said joining NATO requires countries to Âmeet all the quali“ cations, from democratization to a whole range of other issues.ÂŽ He said the United States should provide long-term security assistance to Ukraine „ Âthe capacity to defend themselvesÂŽ „ as it does with Israel. Bickering among friends is not uncommon, and the current catalogue of disputes pales in comparison with past fears that Donald Trump would turn his back on the alliance during his presidency. But the current challenges come at a moment when Biden and his counterparts are heavily invested in demonstrating harmony among members. ÂAny “ ssure, any lack of solidarity provides an opportunity for those who would oppose the alliance,ÂŽ said Douglas Lute, U.S. ambassador to NATO under President Barack Obama. Russian President Vladimir Putin is eager to exploit divisions By ELAINE ALLENEMRICHSTAFF WRITERMURDOCK „ With six con“ rmed cases of malaria in Sarasota County, Charlotte County Mosquito Management is seeking more sta to combat potential disease. Due to the locally acquired cases of malaria, the Department of Health issued a statewide mosquito-borne illness advisory for disease.Charlotte County Mosquito Manager Scott Schermerhorn said his crew is on alert for mosquito species that spread malaria, as well as West Nile virus outbreaks potentially beginning in August. With a crew of four state-licensed “ eld spray technicians in Charlotte County, Schermerhorn said they are Âoverwhelmed.ÂŽ He will seek at least two more specialists in the 2024 budget at the Charlotte County Commission meeting at 9 a.m. Tuesday, 18500 Murdock Circle in Port Charlotte. Schermerhorn said his four techs and two biologists work hard, but with 850 square miles to cover and more than 200,000 residents to protect, they canÂt be everywhere at once. ÂOur population grew in the past few years and we havenÂt been allowed to hire new “ eld technicians,ÂŽ he said. ÂThe county is split up into about 30 zones, which is a lot for four people to cover with all of the new construction from Englewood to Babcock Ranch.ÂŽ In the past, Charlotte County commissioners rejected additional “ eld sta . The mosquito control budget is about $3 million. Homeowners pay $1.98 to the countyÂs general fund for year-round mosquito control services. In Sarasota County, there are nine full-time spray technicians who cover 750 square miles and a population of 445,000. A new spray tech will be hired this year. The district doesnÂt consider a growing population as a reason for hiring any new “ eld sta . ÂPopulation growth doesnÂt necessarily mean more sta are needed,ÂŽ Sarasota County Mosquito Management Manager Wade Brennan stated in an email to The Daily Sun. ÂWe look at mosquito management workload, mosquito habitats driving that workload, customer satisfaction, citizen growth, and mosquito populations and dynamics. I met with sta multiple times to discuss these issues, and all parties were satis“ ed with the sta level.ÂŽ Brennan wrote customer service remains Âvery highÂŽ in Sarasota County, including North Port. One of SchermerhornÂs concerns is preventing disease from spreading from Sarasota County into Charlotte County. ÂWest Nile virus is always going to be there,ÂŽ he said. ÂUltimately, we will have a lot more cases if we canÂt control our land mass near these areas that border Charlotte County.ÂŽ Schermerhorn is concerned about the areas near Myakka State Forest in North Port bordering Charlotte County along River Road. ÂMosquitoes can be blown for miles in a storm and still live,ÂŽ he said. ÂAll they need is a very small amount of water to breed and lay hundreds of eggs.ÂŽ STAFF REPORTNearly $250 million in broadband upgrades are set after Gov. Ron DeSantis announced a program for 63 projects in 43 counties, including DeSoto, Charlotte and Sarasota counties. The $247 million Broadband Infrastructure Program looks to connect 59,000 Âunserved and underserved businesses, homes, farms and anchor institutions like hospitals and libraries to high-speed internet,ÂŽ DeSantis o ce stated in a news release. It Âensures that Florida residents have reliable and e cient access to workforce, education and health monitoring opportunities for generations to come,ÂŽ it stated. The state already awarded $226 million in broadband grants earlier this year. ÂHigh-speed broadband Internet is important infrastructure for Florida communities and will generate economic development activity and a talented labor force,ÂŽ DeSantis stated in the news release. ÂFlorida is proud to make investments in broadband Internet infrastructure that will bene“ t all Floridians and make long-term impacts in communities across the state.ÂŽ Among the local projects to add Âsymmetrical download and upload speeds of 1GBÂŽ include: € Areas of Rotonda, Cleveland and portions of Charlotte County will receive $3,085,000 to add about 96.5 miles of “ ber optic cable for 805 locations.Wanted: Mosquito fightersCharlotte County agency concerned about Sarasota County malaria PHOTO PROVIDEDBeth Kovach, biological specialist for Charlotte County mosquito control division, uses a backpack blower to spray a granular (least-toxic form of mosquito) application to a residential marsh areas in Charlotte County to prevent mosquitoes from hatching and becoming diseased carrying, nuisance biters.Broadband to be upgraded in rural areasFederal, state money of $250M for 43 counties, includes DeSoto County SUN FILE PHOTO BY DANIEL SUTPHINGov. Ron DeSantis and Casey DeSantis spoke in DeSoto County on Oct. 1. NATO unity will be tested at upcoming summitUkraineÂs possible entry may be the biggest challenge AP PHOTO/MINDAUGAS KULBIS Soldiers stand guard at a fence surrounding the venue of the NATO summit Sunday in Vilnius, Lithuania.SEE NATO , 4A SEE UPGRADES , 4A SEE WANTED , 4A
PAGE 2A MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 The Daily Sun | PUBLISHER, Glen Nickerson, MANAGING EDITOR, Scott Lawson, APG REGIONAL PRESIDENT CHESAPEAKE & FLORIDA, Jim Normandin, REGIONAL CIRCULATION DIRECTOR, Chad Zander, REGIONAL ADVERTISING DIRECTOR, Omar Zucco, omar.zucco@yoursun.comCONTACT US CIRCULATIONTo Subscribe, Vacation Hold, or report a missing or damaged paper: Email: Visit: Call: 941-206-1300 Text: 888-239-0052 Customer Service Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday 7 a.m. 9 a.m. Closed SundayADVERTISINGTo place a classified ad: 941-429-3110 To place a display ad: 941-205-6406NEWSROOMTo submit news, or correct a factual error: Email PORT CHARLOTTE23170 Harborview Rd., Port Charlotte 941-206-1300 ENGLEWOOD941-681-3000 NORTH PORT941-429-3000VENICE200 E. 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Periodicals postage paid at Punta Gorda, FL. Postmaster: Please send address changes to The Sun, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, Florida 33980-2100. © Copyright 2021 Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 200 East Venice Ave. Venice, FLCharlotte and DeSoto Counties EditorGarry Overbey, Member of Alliance for Audited Media SUN The Daily Alliance for Audited Media 4513 Lincoln Ave., Suite 105B, Lisle, IL 60532. Tel: 800-285-2220FLORIDA 2016 PULITZER PRIZE WINNER Charlie on extreme weather: Bring plenty of water to stay hydrated.INSIDE TODAY SPORTS 7A Sports on TV 8A Agate 9A LOCAL 1B Calendar 2B Obituaries 2B Opinion 4B DAILY BREAK 6B Comics and Puzzles 7-10B Horoscopes 7B GULF WATER TEMPERATURE Monterrey 102/74 Chihuahua 101/75 Los Angeles 84/62 Washington 84/69 New York 79/69 Miami 94/79 Atlanta 84/69 Detroit 88/65 Houston 99/80 Kansas City 89/69 Chicago 88/68 Minneapolis 92/57 El Paso 105/81 Denver 91/62 Billings 89/61 San Francisco 69/54 Seattle 72/54 Toronto 85/67 Montreal 75/67 Winnipeg 66/41 Ottawa 79/63 38 Precipitation (in inches)TemperaturesPrecipitation (in inches)Temperatures PORT CHARLOTTE SEBRINGCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/WCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/WCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/ W Possible weather-related delays today. Check with your airline for the most updated schedules. Hi/Lo Outlook Delays AIRPORT FLORIDA CITIES WEATHER HISTORYPrecipitation (in inches)Punta Gorda EnglewoodTemperaturesBoca Grande El Jobean Venice Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland direction in knots in feet chop High Low High Low MARINE TIDESCold FrontWarm FrontStationary VENICEShowersT-stormsRainFlurriesSnowIceShown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. SUN AND MOON110s 100s 90s 80s 70s 60s 50s 40s 30s 20s 10s 0s -0s -10sThe solunar period schedule allows planning days so you will be shing in good territory or hunting in good cover during those times. Major periods begin at the times shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are shorter.City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/WCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/WCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/ W SOLUNAR TABLEWeather (W): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow urries, sn -snow, i -ice.Shown is todayÂs weather. Temperatures are todayÂs highs and tonightÂs lows. P o r t C h a r l o t t e Port Charlotte E n g l e w o o d Englewood F o r t M y e r s Fort Myers M y a k k a C i t y Myakka City P u n t a G o r d a Punta Gorda L e h i g h A c r e s Lehigh Acres H u l l Hull A r c a d i a Arcadia L o n g b o a t K e y Longboat Key P l a c i d a Placida O s p r e y Osprey L i m e s t o n e Limestone V e n i c e Venice S a r a s o t a Sarasota B o c a G r a n d e Boca Grande C a p e C o r a l Cape Coral S a n i b e l Sanibel B o n i t a S p r i n g s Bonita Springs N o r t h P o r t North Port T a m p a Tampa B r a d e n t o n Bradenton B a r t o w Bartow B r a n d o n Brandon S t . P e t e r s b u r g St. Petersburg W a u c h u l a Wauchula L a k e W a l e s Lake Wales F r o s t p r o o f Frostproof A p o l l o B e a c h Apollo Beach C l e a r w a t e r Clearwater F t . M e a d e Ft. Meade THE NATION Minor Major Minor Major AIR QUALITY INDEX POLLEN INDEXSource: scgov.netTreesGrassWeedsMolds TODAY / TONIGHTA thunderstorm around Partly cloudy and humidHIGH 94° LOW 77°40% chance of rain 15% chance of rainThunderstorm94° / 77°55% chance of rain TUESDAYPartly sunny97° / 77°20% chance of rain WEDNESDAYHot; a t-storm around in the afternoon99° / 78°40% chance of rain THURSDAYPartly sunny and humid; a p.m. t-storm96° / 77°55% chance of rain SATURDAYHot; a t-storm in spots in the afternoon99° / 77°40% chance of rain FRIDAYPunta Gorda through 2 p.m. Sunday24-hour total Trace Month to date 0.17ÂŽ Normal month to date 2.72ÂŽ Year to date 15.41ÂŽ Normal year to date 24.63ÂŽ Record 4.00ÂŽ (2005) High/low 94°/82° Normal high/Low 94°/75° Record high 97° (2004) Record low 67° (1978)Sebring through 2 p.m. Sunday24-hour total 0.09ÂŽ High/low 93°/76°Venice through 2 p.m. Sunday24-hour total 0.00ÂŽ Month to date 0.00ÂŽ Normal month to date 2.27ÂŽ Year to date 9.02ÂŽ Normal year to date 23.01ÂŽ Record 3.10ÂŽ (2005) High/low 90°/84° Normal high/Low 90°/74° Record high 95° (1994) Record low 67° (1976) Today Tue. Today Tue. Today Tue. Apalachicola 86/78/t 88/77/c Clearwater 91/82/t 88/80/t Daytona Beach 94/76/t 85/75/t Fort Lauderdale 95/79/t 95/79/s Gainesville 86/73/t 84/73/t Jacksonville 87/74/t 90/74/t Key Largo 91/82/s 90/84/s Key West 92/84/s 93/86/s Lakeland 94/77/t 90/75/t Melbourne 95/76/t 92/75/t Miami 94/79/t 96/81/pc Naples 94/79/t 93/78/t Ocala 88/76/t 84/74/t Okeechobee 95/74/t 96/76/t Orlando 94/76/t 91/75/t Panama City 86/77/t 88/77/c Pensacola 88/76/t 92/78/c St. Augustine 89/75/t 89/75/t St. Petersburg 92/80/t 90/79/t Tallahassee 88/74/t 93/75/t Vero Beach 96/74/t 96/73/tToday 9:53a 3:44a 10:56p 5:07p Tue. 10:27a 4:15a --6:29p Today 8:30a 2:00a 9:33p 3:23p Tue. 9:04a 2:31a 11:32p 4:45p Today 7:35a 12:24a 8:54p 2:30p Tue. 8:11a 12:44a --3:48p Today 10:25a 4:13a 11:28p 5:36p Tue. 10:59a 4:44a --6:58p Today 6:45a 12:39a 7:48p 2:02p Tue. 7:19a 1:10a 9:47p 3:24p S 4-8 1-2 Light SW 8-16 2-4 LightFt. Myers 94/78 storms afternoon Punta Gorda 94/78 storms afternoon Sarasota 93/82 storms afternoon New Jul 17 First Jul 25 Full Aug 1 Last Aug 8Sunrise 6:41 a.m. 6:42 a.m. Sunset 8:26 p.m. 8:26 p.m. Moonrise 1:18 a.m. 1:51 a.m. Moonset 2:15 p.m. 3:15 p.m. Today 12:33a 6:45a 12:57p 7:08p Tue. 1:18a 7:30a 1:41p 7:53p Wed. 2:01a 8:13a 2:26p 8:38pPUBLICATION DATE: 07/10/2387°Lightning struck the Picatinny Army Arsenal in New Jersey on July 10, 1926, triggering a massive explosion. 9 4 / 7 7 94/77 9 5 / 7 5 95/75 9 5 / 7 6 95/76 9 3 / 8 2 93/82 9 3 / 8 1 93/81 9 1 / 8 2 91/82 9 2 / 8 1 92/81 9 4 / 7 8 94/78 9 6 / 7 6 96/76 9 4 / 7 8 94/78 9 5 / 7 6 95/76 9 5 / 7 6 95/76 9 6 / 7 6 96/76 9 5 / 7 6 95/76 9 4 / 7 8 94/78 9 2 / 8 0 92/80 9 6 / 7 6 96/76 9 1 / 8 3 91/83 9 1 / 8 2 91/82 9 3 / 8 1 93/81 9 6 / 7 5 96/75 9 3 / 8 0 93/80 9 3 / 8 0 93/80 9 5 / 7 5 95/75 9 3 / 8 2 93/82 9 1 / 8 2 91/82 9 0 / 8 3 90/83 9 3 / 7 7 93/77 9 3 / 7 9 93/79 9 4 / 7 7 94/77Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2023 Today Tue. Today Tue. Today Tue. Albuquerque 97/73/s 100/73/s Anchorage 58/52/c 61/53/r Atlanta 84/69/t 90/69/s Baltimore 84/65/c 91/68/pc Birmingham 86/69/t 91/70/s Boise 97/61/s 94/61/s Boston 71/66/t 84/69/pc Bu alo 80/65/s 83/63/s Burlington, VT 75/69/t 84/68/sh Charleston, WV 82/60/pc 90/61/s Charlotte 86/65/t 91/70/s Chicago 88/68/s 83/64/pc Cincinnati 85/64/s 87/66/s Cleveland 83/66/s 87/68/s Columbia, SC 83/69/t 91/71/pc Columbus, OH 85/63/s 88/66/s Concord, NH 71/64/r 81/60/c Dallas 96/78/pc 98/81/t Denver 91/62/pc 95/63/s Des Moines 89/66/s 85/66/pc Detroit 88/65/s 86/63/t Duluth 76/50/pc 71/54/pc Fargo 77/48/s 70/54/pc Hartford 76/65/r 87/65/s Helena 85/60/t 89/54/pc Honolulu 88/75/sh 88/77/sh Houston 99/80/pc 98/79/s Indianapolis 86/65/s 90/68/s Jackson, MS 87/71/t 92/75/t Kansas City 89/69/s 93/72/pc Knoxville 84/60/t 89/61/s Las Vegas 110/82/s 114/82/s Little Rock 87/68/pc 92/74/t Los Angeles 84/62/s 89/61/s Louisville 87/67/s 92/70/s Memphis 88/68/pc 92/73/t Milwaukee 90/70/s 77/62/pc Minneapolis 92/57/t 79/59/s Montgomery 86/71/t 94/72/pc Nashville 88/63/pc 92/66/s New Orleans 92/78/t 90/78/t New York City 79/69/t 88/72/s Norfolk, VA 84/70/t 87/71/pc Oklahoma City 88/71/s 92/74/t Omaha 89/67/s 89/69/pc Philadelphia 81/68/c 89/72/pc Phoenix 112/89/pc 114/91/s Pittsburgh 82/60/pc 86/64/s Portland, ME 67/63/t 75/64/sh Portland, OR 77/58/pc 82/58/s Providence 74/64/t 86/68/pc Raleigh 84/67/t 93/69/s Rapid City, SD 89/61/s 82/57/t Salt Lake City 100/75/s 100/73/s St. Louis 90/70/s 94/75/pc San Antonio 101/78/s 102/79/s San Diego 74/63/pc 77/65/s San Francisco 69/54/pc 74/54/pc Seattle 72/54/pc 77/55/pc Washington, DC 84/69/t 90/70/pcSource: National Allergy Bureau Readings as of Sunday Readings as of SundayGoodabsentabsentlowmoderateMain pollutant: Ozone Today Tue. ALMANACToday is Monday, July 10, the 191st day of 2023. There are 174 days left in the year.Battle of Britain begins in World War IIOn July 10, 1940, during World War II, the Battle of Britain began as the Luftwaffe started attacking southern England. (The Royal Air Force was ultimately victorious.)On this date In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson personally delivered the Treaty of Versailles to the Senate and urged its ratification. (However, the Senate rejected it.) In 1925, jury selection took place in Dayton, Tennessee, in the trial of John T. Scopes, charged with violating the law by teaching DarwinÂs Theory of Evolution. (Scopes was convicted and fined, but the verdict was overturned on a technicality.) In 1929, American paper currency was reduced in size as the government began issuing bills that were approximately 25 percent smaller. In 1951, armistice talks aimed at ending the Korean War began at Kaesong. In 1985, the Greenpeace protest ship Rainbow Warrior was sunk with explosives in Auckland, New Zealand, by French intelligence agents; one activist was killed. In 2002, the House approved, 310-113, a measure to allow airline pilots to carry guns in the cockpit to defend their planes against terrorists. In 2005, a search-and-rescue team found the body of a missing U.S. commando in eastern Afghanistan, bringing an end to the desperate search for the last member of an ill-fated, four-man special forces unit that had disappeared the previous month. In 2015, to the cheers of thousands, South Carolina pulled the Confederate flag from its place of honor at the Statehouse after more than 50 years. In 2020, President Donald Trump commuted the sentence of his longtime political confidant Roger Stone, intervening in extraordinary fashion in a criminal case that was central to the Russia investigation and concerned TrumpÂs own conduct; the move came days before Stone was to begin serving a 40-month sentence for lying to Congress, witness tampering and obstructing the House investigation into whether TrumpÂs 2016 campaign had colluded with Russia. Ten years ago: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleaded not guilty in the Boston Marathon bombing in a sevenminute proceeding that marked his first appearance in public since his capture in mid-April 2013. Five years ago: A daring rescue mission in Thailand was completed successfully, as the last four of the 12 boys who were trapped in a flooded cave for more than two weeks were brought to safety along with their soccer coach. The other eight had been brought out in the two preceding days. One year ago: JapanÂs governing party and its coalition partner scored a major victory in a parliamentary election, possibly propelled by sympathy votes in the wake of the assassination two days earlier of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Dozens of Ukrainian emergency workers labored to pull people out of the rubble after a Russian rocket attack smashed into apartment buildings in eastern Ukraine, killing at least 15 people.TodayÂs birthdaysActor William Smithers is 96. Actor Lawrence Pressman is 84. Singer Mavis Staples is 84. Actor Mills Watson is 83. Actor Robert Pine is 82. Rock musician Jerry Miller (Moby Grape) is 80. International Tennis Hall of Famer Virginia Wade is 78. Folk singer Arlo Guthrie is 76. Rock musician Dave Smalley is 74. Rock singer Neil Tennant (Pet Shop Boys) is 69. Actor Alec Mapa is 58. Rock musician Peter DiStefano (Porno for Pyros) is 58. Actor Gale Harold is 54. Country singer Gary LeVox (Rascal Flatts) is 53. Actor Aaron D. Spears is 52. Actor Sofia Vergara is 51. Actor Adrian Grenier is 47. Actor Gwendoline Yeo is 46. Singer-actor Jessica Simpson is 43. Actor Heather Hemmens is 39. Actor Emily Skeggs (TV: ÂWhen We RiseÂŽ) is 33. Rapper/ singer Angel Haze is 32. Pop singer Perrie Edwards (Little Mix) is 30.Associated PressBible verseÂO Sing unto the Lord a new song; for he heath done marvelous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory.ÂŽ „ PSALMS 98:1.Praising God is great therapy for the soul. Take time to praise Him and thank Him and you will see that your problems will get smaller. FLORIDA LOTTERYwww.flalottery.comPICK 2 D-Day, N-NightJuly 9N .................................Late July 9D ...................................5-1 PICK 3 D-Day, N-NightJuly 9N .................................Late July 9D ................................2-1-3 PICK 4 D-Day, N-NightJuly 9N .................................Late July 9D ............................8-7-6-8 PICK 5 D-Day, N-Night July 9N .................................Late July 9D ..........................4-8-9-1-1 FIREBALL July 9N .................................Late July 9D ......................................7 FANTASY 5 July 9D .................4-10-19-23-33 July 8N ..................6-13-16-24-28PAYOFF FOR JULY 9 DAY2 5-digit winners .......$28,725.68 97 4-digit winners ............$95.50 2,752 3-digit winners ..............$9 CASH FOR LIFE July 9 ..................11-28-30-34-47 Cash Ball .....................................1PAYOFF FOR JULY 90 5-5 CB .....................$1000/day 0 5-5 ........................$1000/week 0 4-5 CB ............................$2500 5 4-5 ....................................$500 CASH POPDRAWINGS FOR JULY 9Morning ......................................2 Matinee .....................................13 Afternoon ..................................11 Evening. ......................................3 Late night. .............................Late JACKPOT TRIPLE PLAY July 7 ...................1-10-11-15-17-45PAYOFF FOR JULY 70 6-of-6 ..............................$250,000 21 5-of-6 ......................................$431 1,003 4-of-6 .................................$22LOTTO July 8 ....................1-2-6-10-36-48PAYOFF FOR JULY 80 6-digit winners .....$4.25 million 0 5-digit winner (x10) ......30,000 0 5-digit winner (x5) ......$15,000ESTIMATED JACKPOT $4.25 millionDOUBLEPLAY July 8 .............17-34-40-41-46-50PAYOFF FOR JULY 80 6-digit winners ..........$250,000 0 5-digit winners (x10) ..$35,000 0 5-digit winner (x5) .......$17,500 POWERBALL July 8 ....................7-23-24-32-43 Powerball .................................18PAYOFF FOR JULY 80 5-5 + PB ................$615 million 0 5-5 .............................$1 million 2 4-5 + PB ......................$50,000ESTIMATED JACKPOT $650 millionDOUBLEPLAY July 8 ..................12-23-30-42-62 Powerball ..................................21PAYOFF FOR JULY 80 5-5 + PB ..................$10 million 0 5-5 ............................$500,000 1 4-5 + PB .......................$50,000 MEGA MILLIONS July 7 .....................8-10-17-55-66 Mega Ball ...................................3PAYOFF FOR JULY 70 5 of 5 + MB ..........$450 million 0 5 of 5 .........................$1 million 1 4 of 5 + MB ..................$10,000ESTIMATED JACKPOT $480 million
PAGE 3 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 PAGE 3A adno=3894362-1 Port Charlotte 1655 Tamiami TrailMurdock Medical Park across from Taco Bell(941) 623-4918 Venice4238 S. Tamiami TrailBehind Outback near Books-A-Million(941) 451-5070 www.”oridahearing.comHOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9am-4:30pm Saturday by appointment
PAGE 4A MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 The Daily Sun | www.yoursun.comas he struggles to gain ground in Ukraine and faces political challenges at home, including the aftermath of a brief revolt by the Wagner mercenary group. ÂYou donÂt want to present any openings,ÂŽ Lute said. ÂYou donÂt want to present any gaps or seams.ÂŽ By some measures, the war in Ukraine has reinvigorated NATO, which was created at the beginning of the Cold War as a bulwark against Moscow. NATO members have poured military hardware into Ukraine to help with its counteroensive, and Finland ended a history of nonalignment to become NATOÂs 31st member. ÂI think itÂs appropriate to look at all the success,ÂŽ Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky told The Associated Press. ÂSo I think the invasion has strengthened NATO „ exactly the opposite of what Putin anticipated.ÂŽ He noted GermanyÂs shift toward a more robust defense policy as well as increase in military spending in other countries. The latest test of NATO solidarity came Friday with what Biden said was a Âdicult decisionÂŽ to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine. More than two-thirds of alliance members have banned the weapon because it has a track record for causing many civilian casualties. The U.S., Russia and Ukraine are not among the more than 120 countries that have not signed a convention outlawing the use of the bombs. As for UkraineÂs possible entry into NATO, the alliance said in 2008 that Kyiv eventually would become a member. Since then, little action has been taken toward that goal. Putin occupied parts of Ukraine in 2014 and then tried to capture the capital in 2022 with his invasion. ÂA gray zone is a green light for Putin,ÂŽ said Daniel Fried, a former U.S. ambassador to Poland who is now a distinguished fellow at the Atlantic Council. UkraineÂs president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, called for a uni“ed signal from NATO on Ukraine and for his country to join the alliance. ÂIt would be an important message to say that NATO is not afraid of Russia,ÂŽ Zelenskyy said through a translator in an ABC interview, when asked whether he would come to Vilnius. ÂUkraine should get clear security guarantees while it is not in NATO. And that is a very important point. Only under these conditions our meeting would be meaningful. Otherwise, itÂs just another politics.ÂŽ The U.S. and Germany insist that the focus should be on supplying weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, rather than taking the more provocative step of extending a formal invitation to join NATO. Countries on NATOÂs Eastern ”ank „ Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland „ want “rmer assurances on future membership. NATO could decide to elevate its relationship with Ukraine, creating what would be known as the NATO-Ukraine Council and giving Kyiv a seat at the table for consultations. Also in the spotlight in Vilnius will be Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the main obstacle to SwedenÂs attempts to join NATO alongside neighbor Finland. Erdogan accuses Sweden of being too lenient on anti-Islamic demonstrations and militant Kurdish groups that have waged a long insurgency in Turkey. Sweden recently changed its anti-terrorism legislation and lifted an arms embargo on Turkey. But a man burned a Quran outside a mosque in Stockholm last week, and Erdogan signaled that this would pose another hurdle. He equated Âthose who permitted the crimeÂŽ to those who perpetrated it. Turkey and the U.S. are also at an impasse over the sale of F-16 “ghter jets. Erdogan wants the upgraded planes, but Biden says SwedenÂs NATO membership has to be dealt with “rst. McConnell said in the AP interview that he supports the sale of the “ghter jets to Turkey Âprovided that the membership of Sweden is settled.ÂŽ Underscoring the prominence of Turkey at the upcoming summit, Biden held a lengthy call with Erdogan aboard Air Force One on the way to London. During the conversation, Biden Âconveyed his desire to welcome Sweden into NATO as soon as possible,ÂŽ according to the White House. ItÂs not the “rst time that Erdogan has sought to use a NATO summit for Turkish gain. In 2009, he held up the nomination of Anders Fogh Rasmussen as secretary-general but agreed to the move after securing some senior posts for Turkish ocials at the alliance. Max Bergmann, a former State Department ocial who leads the Europe Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said thereÂs growing frustration among allies toward Erdogan, building on concerns about his ties to Putin, democratic backsliding and sanctions evasion. ÂTheyÂve tried playing nice,ÂŽ Bergmann said. ÂThe question is whether itÂs time to get much more confrontational.ÂŽ HungaryÂs prime minister, Viktor Orban, is also delaying his countryÂs approval of SwedenÂs membership. In response, Idaho Sen. Jim Risch, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is blocking a $735 million U.S. arms sale to Hungary. ÂWe donÂt want members who arenÂt interested in doing everything possible to strengthen the alliance rather than the pursuit of their own or individual interests,ÂŽ Risch said. ÂIÂm just sick and tired of it.ÂŽ But he rejected the idea that these disagreements are a sign of weakness within NATO. ÂThese are kinds of things that always arise in an alliance,ÂŽ he said. ÂThe fact that weÂve been able to deal with them and will continue to deal with them proves that this is the most successful and strongest military alliance in the history of the world.ÂŽ At least one potentially dicult issue is o the summit agenda. Rather than seek consensus on a new NATO leader, members agreed to extend the tenure of Jens Stoltenberg, whoÂs held the job since 2014, for a year. ItÂs his fourth extension. Most members wanted a woman to be the next secretary-general, and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen had been considered a favorite. But Poland insisted on a candidate from the Baltic states because there had already been two Nordic secretaries general in a row. (Stoltenberg was a Norwegian prime minister and Rasmussen was a Danish prime minister.) Others are skeptical of accepting a nominee from the Baltics, whose leaders tend to be more provocative in their approach to Russia, including supporting UkraineÂs desire to rapidly join NATO. More disagreements loom over NATOÂs updated plans for countering any invasion that Russia might launch on allied territory.NATOFROM PAGE 1A€ Nokomis and Englewood will receive $743,022 to add about 10 miles of “ber optic cable to provide 90 locations in Sarasota County. € Burnt Store Road and U.S. 41 and Interstate 75 corridors will receive $2,160,000 to add about 92 miles of “ber optic cable for about 1,270 unserved locations in Charlotte County. € Unincorporated areas of Arcadia/East and Pine Level will receive $2,550,000 to add about 82.5 miles of “ber optic cable for about 630 unserved locations in DeSoto County. € Arcadia and Hull will receive $3,490,000 to add about 98.5 miles of “ber optic cable to provide about 690 locations in DeSoto County. € Nocatee will receive about $2,600,000 to add about 72 miles of “ber optic cable to provide about 450 locations in DeSoto County. € Myakka State Park will receive $705,088 to add about 7.75 miles of “ber optic cable to provide about 20 unserved locations in Sarasota County.UPGRADESFROM PAGE 1ACurrently, Sarasota County doesnÂt spray in the state forest. The county needs permission before spraying on public lands. According to a 2021 management plan that Brennan submitted to the Division of Agriculture Environmental Services, areas near Myakka State Forest are ÂmonitoredÂŽ for mosquitoes. ÂIt (Myakka State Forest) has some of the highest populations of mosquitoes in the county and a small area of private land where citizens reside between the Myakka River and Myakka State forest ... During the summer months, larvicides alone canÂt manage the mosquito population and risk of mosquito viruses to humans,ÂŽ the report states. According to Brennan, the state rejected several requests to spray the 8,593 acres by airplane to kill biting nuisance mosquitoes. Schermerhorn said mosquitoes hatched in the Myakka State Forest can ”y into the Englewood side of Charlotte County. ÂItÂs unfortunate,ÂŽ Schermerhorn said. ÂThere are tens of millions of mosquitoes that hatch from the Myakka State Forest. Charlotte County had to get permission from the state to spray in the El Jobean area and we did.ÂŽ In October, there was a human case of locally acquired West Nile virus in Sarasota County. By December, the state health department reported Sarasota County ended the year with 49 cases of West Nile found in sentinel chickens used to test for disease. There were about three weekly cases detected in chickens from August to November. It was the second highest in the state below Lee County, according to the Department of Health surveillance website. ÂWe know West Nile virus is endemic in Sarasota County and the further north it comes, the more of a threat it is to Charlotte County,ÂŽ Schermerhorn said. ÂWe know itÂs always going to be there and we monitor the borders of Englewood and North Port near Charlotte County.ÂŽ Schermerhorn says the Charlotte County divisionÂs approach is to kill the larvae or eggs before they become adults. He said Hurricane Ian added new issues for his four spray techs. ÂPiles of debris were put in the right of way and created ruts, which are the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes,ÂŽ he said. Charlotte County Commissioner Bill Truex, whose district is in Englewood, is concerned about mosquito outbreaks. ÂI know Charlotte County has an aggressive larvicide program,ÂŽ he said. ÂI know the mosquitoes can be unruly in areas of Englewood. IÂve known Scott (Schermerhorn) for a long time. He and his team will do all they can to protect the health of Charlotte County residents. I will support his needs for this program.ÂŽ Email: elaine.allen@ yoursun.comWANTEDFROM PAGE 1A AP PHOTO/MINDAUGAS KULBISFlags of NATO member countries ap in the wind Sunday outside the venue of the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. ÂIt would be an important message to say that NATO is not afraid of Russia.ÂŽ Volodymyr Zelenskyy UkraineÂs president AIRDUCT CLEANING AIRDUCT CLEANING AIRDUCT CLEANING IsyourhomeÂsairmakingyousick?Weusebrandnewstateoftheart hepa“lteredRotobrush cleaningsystems. AirHandlerCleaning Sanitizing Before/AfterPhotos State-of-the-ArtUV Puri“cationSystemsLicensed&insuredforyourprotection! #CAC1816190 FREE AIRHANDLER INSPECTION(REG$99) Unlimited Vents!(Includes1Main&Return)Somerestrictionsapply.$ 49 95 Lowest Price Ever! ALLERGIES?ASTHMA?HEADACHES? 10 % OFFSenior s& Veter ans! FULLSYSTEM SANITIZING ON SPECIAL!FRESHAIRSOLUTIONS by Call Now!941-270-8453 adno=3896483-1 a EnhanceYourARTCollection! 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PAGE 5 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 PAGE 5A By SAMY MAGDYASSOCIATED PRESSCAIRO „ U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Sudan is on the brink of a Âfull-scale civil warÂŽ as “erce clashes between rival generals continued unabated Sunday in the capital of Khartoum. Guterres warned late Saturday that the war between the Sudanese military and a powerful paramilitary force is likely to destabilize the entire region, according to Farhan Haq, deputy spokesperson for the U.N. chief. Sudan descended into chaos after months of tension between military chief Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan and his rival, Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, commander of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, exploded into open “ghting in mid-April. Health Minister Haitham Mohammed Ibrahim said last month that the clashes have killed over 3,000 people and wounded over 6,000 others. The death tally, however, is highly likely to be much higher, he said. More than 2.9 million people have ”ed their homes to safer areas inside Sudan or crossed into neighboring countries, according to U.N. “gures. The “ghting began 18 months after the two generals led a military coup in October 2021 that toppled a Westernbacked civilian transition government. The coup and ensuing con”ict dashed Sudanese hopes of a peaceful shift to democracy after a popular uprising forced the military removal of longtime autocrat Omar al-Bashir in April 2019. The war has turned the capital Khartoum and other urban areas across the country into battle“elds. Residents in Khartoum said “erce “ghting was underway early Sunday south of the capital. The warring factions were using heavy weapons in battles in the Kalaka neighborhood and the militaryÂs aircraft were seen hovering over the area, said resident Abdalla al-Fatih. In his statement, Guterres also condemned an airstrike Saturday that health authorities said killed at least 22 people in Omdurman, a city just across the Nile from the Khartoum. The assault was one of the deadliest in the con”ict so far. The RSF blamed the military for the attack in Omdurman. The military denied the accusation, saying in a statement Sunday that its air force didnÂt carry out any airstrikes in the city Saturday. The secretary-general also decried the large-scale violence and casualties in the western region of Darfur, which has experienced some of the worst “ghting in the ongoing con”ict, Haq said in a statement. ÂThere is an utter disregard for humanitarian and human rights law that is dangerous and disturbing,ÂŽ Guterres said.UN chief says Sudan is on the brink of a Âfull-scale civil warÂGUTERRES By JILL LAWLESS and DANICA KIRKAASSOCIATED PRESSLONDON „ A dash of pomp and a dose of politics are on the agenda during a stopover visit to the U.K. where President Joe Biden will discuss the environment with King Charles III and the war in Ukraine with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Biden landed in London late Sunday on his way to a NATO summit in Lithuania. He is scheduled to hold talks with Sunak at 10 Downing St. on Monday before heading to Windsor Castle to meet with Charles for the “rst time since the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II in September. Though this is not a full state visit with carriage procession and palace banquet, the royal imprimatur and backdrop of the 1,000-year-old castle help underscore the importance of the trans-Atlantic Âspecial relationshipÂŽ „ tested by Brexit but reinforced by unity over RussiaÂs invasion of Ukraine. Sunak and the president will hold Ukraine-focused talks before both attend this weekÂs NATO meeting in Vilnius, which will discuss how far the military alliance should open the door to Ukraine. NATO leaders said in 2008 that Ukraine would eventually become a member, but have not set out a road map, despite impassioned entreaties from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The U.S. and the U.K. are among the strongest Western supporters of Kyiv. Norman said that Âif anything, the U.K. has taken a bit of a lead on some of the military commitments,ÂŽ nudging the Biden administration to go further on issues including tanks and an international eort to give Ukraine F-16 “ghter jets.Ukraine and the environment will top the agenda when Biden meets with UK politicians and royalty AP PHOTO/SUSAN WALSHPresident Joe Biden reacts to people waiting for him Sunday at the bottom of the steps of Air Force One as he arrives at Stansted Airport in Stansted, England. 20232828S.McCallRd.#43 Englewood,FL34224 TiffanySquarePlaza941.475.99092101S.TamiamiTrl Osprey,FL34229 SorrentoEastEntrance941.477.2101Hearinglossisnojoke:Onaverage, peoplewaittenyearstogethelpfortheir hearingloss.Waitingtoolongcaneventually causeirreversibledamagetothebrainÂs abilitytounderstandspeechclearly. Honey,theturnsignal hasbeenonforawhile. Yes,dear.Iknowthe turnisinaboutamile. 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PAGE 6A MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 The Daily Sun | By MELINA WALLING and ISABELLA OÂMALLEYASSOCIATED PRESSCHICAGO „ Natural disasters can be dramatic „ barreling hurricanes, building-toppling tornadoes „ but heat is more deadly. Chicago learned that the hard way in 1995. That July, a weeklong heat wave that hit 106 degrees Fahrenheit killed more than 700 people. Most of the deaths occurred in poor and majority Black neighborhoods, where many elderly or isolated people suered without proper ventilation or air conditioning. Power outages from an overwhelmed grid made it all worse. Initially slow to react, Chicago has since developed emergency heat response plans that include a massive push to alert the public and then connect the most vulnerable to the help they may need. Other cities like Los Angeles, Miami and Phoenix now have Âchief heat ocersÂŽ to coordinate planning and response for dangerous heat. Around the world, cities and countries have adopted similar measures. But experts warn those steps might not be enough in a world that is seeing heat records consistently shatter and with continuing inequality in who is most vulnerable. ÂI donÂt know a single city that is truly prepared for the worst-case scenario that some climate scientists fear,ÂŽ said Eric Klinenberg, a professor of social sciences at New York University who wrote a book about the Chicago heat wave. Heat preparedness has generally improved over the years as forecasting has become more accurate, and as meteorologists, journalists and government ocials have focused on spreading the word of upcoming danger. Chicago, for example, has expanded its emergency text and email noti“cation system and identi“ed its most vulnerable residents for outreach. But what works in one city might not be as effective in another. ThatÂs because each has its own unique architecture, transportation, layout and inequities, said Bharat Venkat, an associate professor at UCLA who directs the universityÂs Heat Lab, aimed at tackling what he calls Âthermal inequality.ÂŽ Venkat thinks cities should address inequality by investing in labor rights, sustainable development and more. That may sound expensive „ who pays, for instance, when a city tries to improve conditions for workers in blistering food trucks? „ but Venkat thinks doing nothing will ultimately cost more. France launched a heat watch warning system after an extended heat wave in 2003 was estimated to have caused 15,000 deaths „ many of them older people in city apartments and homes without air conditioning. The system includes public announcements urging people to hydrate. In India, a powerful heat wave in 2010 with temperatures over 118 degrees Fahrenheit led to the deaths of over 1,300 people in the city of Ahmedabad. City ocials now have a heat action plan to improve awareness in the local population and health care sta. Inkyu Han, an environmental health scientist at Temple University in Philadelphia, noted that cities are still struggling to get aids such as cooling centers and subsidized air conditioning into poorer neighborhoods. In Providence, Rhode Island, the Atlantic Ocean typically moderates temperatures but the region can still get heat waves. Kate Moretti, an emergency room physician, said the cityÂs hospitals see more patients when the heat strikes „ with increases in illnesses that may not be obviously related to heat, like heart attacks, kidney failure and mental health problems. Miami „ considered a ground zero for the climate change threat due to its vulnerability to sea level rise, ”ooding, hurricanes and extreme heat „ appointed its heat ocer two years ago to develop strategies to keep people safe from the heat. Robin Bachin, an associate professor of civic and community engagement at the University of Miami, noted that the federal government has laws to protect people in cold climates from having their heat shut o in dangerous conditions, but doesnÂt have something similar for cooling. ÂFor people in apartments that are not publicly subsidized, there is no requirement for landlords to provide air conditioning,ÂŽ Bachin said. ÂThatÂs incredibly dangerous to particularly our local low-income population, let alone people who are unhoused or are outdoor workers.ÂŽ Klinenberg said that the United States has so far gotten lucky with the duration of most heat waves, but that electrical grids vulnerable to high demand in some regions, along with persistent social inequities, could spell serious trouble in the coming decades.Cities have long made plans for extreme heatAre they enough in a warming world? 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Sports MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 | SUNPREPS.COM | | @Sun_Preps | Email: sports@sun-herald.comNBA in season tournament. PAGE 9A INDEX | MLB 10 | Golf 8 | Cycling 10 | NBA 9 | Scoreboard 9 | NASCAR 10Patrick Obley: Sports editor By PATRICK OBLEYSPORTS EDITORPORT CHARLOTTE Â… The oft-injured kid didnÂt stay away from Jordan IngmanÂs football program for very long. Just two years after graduating from Port Charlotte High, former oensive lineman Jace Norus returned. Still just a sophomore in college, Norus had no intention of waiting for graduation before launching his coaching career. As the years passed, he climbed the ranks inside the Pirates coaching hierarchy. Once he graduated, he slid seamlessly into the PCHS sta directory, rising to assistant athletic director, as well as IngmanÂs oensive line coach. He turned down other, more lucrative and potentially higher-pro“le positions at other schools. ÂHe was self-made,ÂŽ Ingman said. ÂVery impressive. But he was for us.ÂŽ Norus passed away over the weekend. He was 27. Memorial services have not yet been “nalized. ÂHe was funny, he was authentic, he was a hard worker,ÂŽ Ingman said. ÂHe was everything you wanted to coach with. He was the total package.ÂŽ As the news slowly made its way through Pirate Nation on Saturday, waves of emotion washed over Ingman. With each call from shocked players, past and present, the heartache was renewed. ÂThey loved him,ÂŽ Ingman said. ÂMy phone has been ringing o the wall all day from his By HOWARD FENDRICHAP TENNIS WRITERWIMBLEDON, England „ Twice, Iga Swiatek was a single point from exiting Wimbledon on Sunday, a single point from the sort of confounding defeat at the place that gives her so much more trouble than any of the other Grand Slam tournaments. Down a set and 6-5 in the second against Belinda Bencic, the No. 1-ranked Swiatek steeled herself and dispensed with the pair of match points. She erased the “rst with a booming forehand, the second with a forceful backhand, and soon enough, Swiatek was not just back in the contest, she was controlling it. Frustrated in the late afternoon sunshine at Centre Court, so close to defeat in the early evening shadows, Swia tek managed to reach the Wimbledon quarter“nals for the “rst time by coming back for a 6-7 (4), 7-6 (2), 6-3 victory over the 14th-seeded Bencic. Swiatek, who will face wild-card entry Elina Svitolina of Ukraine for a semi“nal berth, extended her unbeaten run to 14 matches, which includes claiming her fourth major title at the French Open last month. Swiatek has won three championships at Roland Garros, and one at the U.S. Open, but she never before had been past the fourth round at the All England Club. Last year, she had a 37-match winning streak snapped during a third-round Wimbledon loss. So comfortable on the red clay of Paris, so capable on the hard courts in New York „ and at the Australian Open, where she has made it to the semi“nals „ Swiatek is just not quite the same player yet on the grass used at the yearÂs third Grand Slam tournament. So how does she feel about the green surface nowadays? ÂEvery day, my love is getting bigger, so hopefully IÂm going to have as Beloved Pirates assistant Norus passes awayPCHS alum carried a passion for coaching PHOTO BY TOM OÂNEILLPort Charlotte Pirates oensive line coach Jace Norus, shown here directing linemen through drills during a 2018 football practice, passed away this weekend. He was 27.Swiatek beats Bencic, reaches Wimbledon quarterfinals AP PHOTO/KIRSTY WIGGLESWORTHPolandÂs Iga Swiatek celebrates after beating SwitzerlandÂs Belinda Bencic in a womenÂs singles match on day seven of the Wimbledon tennis championships Sunday in London. TENNIS PREP FOOTBALL MLBGOLFSEE WIMBLEDON , 8A SEE NORUS , 8A By MARK DIDTLERASSOCIATED PRESSST. PETERSBURG „ Isaac Paredes and Yandy DÃaz homered as the Tampa Bay Rays snapped a season-high, seven-game skid with a 10-4 win over the Atlanta Braves on Sunday in a matchup of teams with the best records in baseball. Zach E”in (10-4) gave up two runs and four hits over “ve innings in a 77-pitch outing as Tampa Bay avoided the three-game series sweep. The 29-year-old righty is 9-1 in 10 starts at home. ÂItÂs a day we kind of needed a win,ÂŽ E”in said. ÂGet right back on track. Take that momentum into the break.ÂŽ Travis dÂArnaud homered for the MLB-best Braves, who are 20-3 since June 14 and head into the All-Star break at 60-29. Atlanta has homered in 26 consecutive games, the longest streak in modern-era franchise history. Atlanta All-Star Bryce Elder (7-2) allowed seven runs, six hits and four walks in 3 1/3 innings, his shortest outing this season. The right-hander, who had his ERA jump from 2.45 to 2.97, went 3-0 over his previous four starts, giving up “ve runs in 25 2/3 innings. ÂThings just werenÂt happening good for him,ÂŽ Braves manager Brian Snitker said. ÂJust one of them days. His stu was a little ”at. Had a hard time making pitches. ItÂs going to happen.ÂŽ DÃaz chased Elder with a two-run homer, his “rst in 35 games, during a three-run fourth inning that gave the Rays a 7-2 lead. He also had a two-run double in the eighth. Jonathan Aranda had a two-run double and Paredes hit a two-run drive in the “rst. Tampa Bay was limited to one run in four of its previous “ve games. ÂIt feels very good, especially after the last few games,ÂŽ Rays All-Star out“elder Randy Arozarena said. ÂWe hadnÂt really had too much production. ItÂs really good to go into the second half “nishing the “rst half in the way we did.ÂŽ DÂArnaud hit a solo shot in a tworun fourth. Braves slugger Matt Olson drove in a run with a single in the sixth inning for his 72nd RBI. He wound up three short of tying Eddie Mathews (1953) Paredes and DÃaz homer as Rays stop seven-game skid with 10-4 win MIKE CARLSON FREELANCER, FR155492 APTampa Bay Rays Yandy Diaz, center, is congratulated on his two-run home run against the Atlanta Braves during the fourth inning of a baseball game, Sunday, July 9, 2023, in St. Petersburg, Fla. SEE RAYS , 8A By DOUG FERGUSONAP GOLF WRITERPEBBLE BEACH, Calif. „ Allisen Corpuz became the “rst American in 20 years to make the U.S. WomenÂs Open her “rst LPGA title, closing with a 3-under 69 on Sunday and handling her historic moment at Pebble Beach as if she had been there before. Corpuz, a 25-year-old from Hawaii, pulled away with a big par putt and back-to-back birdies on the back nine to enjoy the most scenic walk in golf up the 18th fairway, the Paci“c Ocean on her left and her place secured as the “rst U.S. WomenÂs Open champion at Pebble Beach. She won by three shots over Charley Hull (66) and Jiyai Shin (68) and claimed the $2 million prize, the richest ever for an LPGA major champion.Allisen Corpuz wins the US WomenÂs Open at Pebble Beach AP PHOTO/DARRON CUMMINGSAllisen Corpuz hits from the 14th tee during the nal round of the U.S. WomenÂs Open golf tournament at the Pebble Beach Golf Links, Sunday, in Pebble Beach, Calif.SEE OPEN , 8A
PAGE 8A MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 The Daily Sun | SPORTS ON TV HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL (GIRLÂS)2:30 p.m. ESPNU „ GEICO Summer Series U-16 Championship: TBD, Chicago 4:30 p.m. ESPNU „ GEICO Summer Series U-17 Championship: TBD, Chicago 6:30 p.m. ESPNU „ GEICO Summer Series Tournament of Champions U-17 Championship: TBD, ChicagoMLB BASEBALL6 p.m. MLBN „ 2023 All-Star Batting Practice: From Seattle 8 p.m. ESPN „ 2023 Home Run Derby: From Seattle ESPN2 „ 2023 Home Run Derby: From Seattle (Statcast Edition)NBA BASKETBALL6 p.m. ESPNEWS „ Summer League: Memphis vs. Cleveland, Las Vegas 6:30 p.m. NBATV „ Summer League: Phoenix vs. Miami, Las Vegas 8 p.m. ESPNU „ Summer League: Philadelphia vs. Dallas, Las Vegas 8:30 p.m. NBATV „ Summer League: Indiana vs. Orlando, Las Vegas 10 p.m. ESPNU „ Summer League: Minnesota vs. Utah, Las Vegas 10:30 p.m. NBATV „ Summer League: Sacramento vs. LA Clippers, Las VegasTENNIS6 a.m. ESPN2 „ ATP/WTA: Wimbledon, Round of 16, London 8 a.m. ESPN „ ATP/WTA: Wimbledon, Round of 16, London 12 p.m. ESPN „ ATP/WTA: Wimbledon, Round of 16, London ESPN2 „ ATP/WTA: Wimbledon, Round of 16, LondonBETTING LINE American LeagueFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE at BOSTON -164 Oakland +138 at CLEVELAND -245 Kansas City +200 Toronto -130 at DETROIT +110 Seattle -120 at HOUSTON +102 at MINNESOTA -156 Baltimore +132 National League FAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE Philadelphia -116 at MIAMI -102 at MILWAUKEE OFF Cincinnati OFF at SAN FRANCISCO -275 Colorado +225 at ARIZONA OFF Pittsburgh OFF at SAN DIEGO -132 N.Y Mets +112InterleagueFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE Texas -205 at WASHINGTON +172 at N.Y YANKEES -142 Chicago Cubs +120 Atlanta -118 at TAMPA BAY +100 at CHICAGO WHITE SOX -130 St. Louis +110TRANSACTIONS Major League BaseballAmerican League BALTIMORE ORIOLES „ Reinstated INF Ryan Mountcastle from the 10-day IL. Optioned LHP Bruce Zimmermann to Norfolk (IL). KANSAS CITY ROYALS „ Designated LHP Amir Garrett for assignment. Placed RF Edward Olivarest on the 10-day IL, retroactive to July 8. TORONTO BLUE JAYS „ Reinstated RHP Zach Pop from the 15-day IL and optioned him to Buffalo (IL). Sent LHP Hyun Jin Ryu to Dunedin (FSL) on a rehab assignment. National League ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS „ Recalled RHP Carlos Vargas from Reno (PCL). Placed LHP Tyler Gilbert on the paternity list. ATLANTA BRAVES „ Sent LHP Max Fried to Gwinnett (IL) on a rehab assignment. CINCINNATI REDS „ Designated RHP Michael Mariot for assignment. Reinstated RHP Ben Lively from the 15-day IL. LOS ANGELES DODGERS „ Sent SS Chris Taylor to Ranch Cucamonga (CAL) on a rehab assignment. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES „ Placed LHP Jose Alvarado on the 15-day IL, retroactive to July 7. Recalled RHP Andrew Bellatti from Lehigh Valley (IL). SAN DIEGO PADRES „ Sent RHP Robert Suarez to Lake Elsinore (CAL) on a rehab assignment.National Basketball AssociationMINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVES „ Signed Fs Troy Brown Jr. and Leonard Miller and G Shake Milton. HOCKEYNational Hockey LeagueSEATTLE KRAKEN „ Signed D Cale Fleury to a twoyear contract. VANCOUVER CANUCKS „ Signed LW Nils Hoglander to a two-year contract.many days as possible to stay here and play on this court,ÂŽ Swiatek said. ÂFor sure, this is my best year on grass, so I feel really kind of motivated, because I know that even when youÂre not playing 100%, the hard work is paying o.ÂŽ Svitolina, a 2019 semi“nalist at Wimbledon who had a baby last October and returned to the tour this April, advanced Sunday by edging two-time major champion Victoria Azarenka 2-6, 6-4, 7-6 (11-9). ÂAfter giving birth to our daughter, this is the second-happiest moment in my life,ÂŽ Svitolina said. The other quarter“nal on the top half of the womenÂs bracket will be No. 4 Jessica Pegula vs. 2019 French Open runner-up Marketa Vondrousova. The menÂs quarter“nals established Sunday were No. 7 Andrey Rublev against Novak Djokovic or No. 17 Hubert Hurkacz, and No. 8 Jannik Sinner against Roman Sa“ullin. The big-hitting Bencic unfurled a right upper arm heavily wrapped in beige and white tape from her shoulder to above her elbow to deliver powerful shot after powerful shot. It was the kind of display that carried her to two medals for Switzerland „ a gold in singles, a silver in doubles „ at the Tokyo Olympics in 2021, and a semi“nal appearance at the 2019 U.S. Open. And Swiatek frequently displayed signs of dismay. She slapped her right thigh after ceding one point. After another, she looked up at her coach and her sports psychologist in the guest box with arms spread and palms up, as if to say, ÂWhat is happening?ÂŽ Swiatek then walked behind the baseline with her back to the net and stared straight ahead at the green wall behind the Royal Box. During a changeover, she blocked everything out by draping a purple-and-green tournament towel over her head. Swiatek certainly had her chances to move in front far earlier than she did. Six times in the “rst set, she held a break point. Six times, she failed to cash in. Two came when she held set points while ahead 5-4 in the opener, but after Swiatek did not convert either, Bencic raced to a 6-1 lead in the ensuing tiebreaker before sealing it. Swiatek headed to the locker room after that set and seemed to be back to her best immediately, “nally breaking and eventually going up 3-1. But she let that advantage slip away by dropping the next three games and suddenly needed to erase the match points while behind 6-5. Once past that key stretch, Swiatek straightened things out in the next tiebreaker. From 2-all, she reeled o “ve consecutive points, the last of which was a double-fault by Bencic, to send the encounter to a third set. And that, at long last, is when Swiatek looked like the woman who took over at No. 1 in the rankings in April 2022 and hasnÂt loosened her grip on that spot. Bencic screamed after missing a forehand to hand over a break point, then double-faulted for the 10th time to gift-wrap another 3-1 lead for Swiatek in the deciding set. Swiatek protected that margin this time, and 23 minutes later „ about an hour after being a point from losing „ she was punching the air after delivering a cross-court forehand winner to end it.WIMBLEDONFROM PAGE 7A former players. His players just adored him. He was the coach that all the kids wanted to hang out with in the classroom because he was just so true. So pure.ÂŽ At any Port Charlotte football practice, Norus energy could be felt before it was seen. Unsurprisingly, the Pirates oensive line has been one of the deepest and most talented units in the program year after year under his tutelage. O the “eld, he earned his masterÂs degree at Florida Gulf Coast University and, earlier this year, he married his high school sweetheart, Nikole. Coaching was a singular passion for Norus. Ahead of his senior year with the Pirates in 2013, Norus told The Daily Sun his only goal was to win a district title before giving up the game and turning his attention to coaching. The Pirates did indeed win the district crown that season. Norus was back on the Pirates practice “eld by 2015, and became a full-time coach as soon as he graduated from college a few years later. ÂAnd not just coaching, but coaching here,ÂŽ Ingman said. ÂHe had been oered athletic director jobs. He had been oered better jobs, but he took a pay cut to stay at Port Charlotte High School. To be here. To coach these kids. ÂHe loved the school and he loved these kids. He was ƒ he was everything.ÂŽNORUSFROM PAGE 7A SUN FILE PHOTOBefore coaching at Port Charlotte, Jace Norus was an oensive lineman for the Pirates. This is Norus going through drills during his senior year with the team in 2013.and Andruw Jones (2005) for the most in franchise history at the All-Star break. TRAINERÂS ROOM Braves: LHP Max Fried (strained left forearm) threw 35 pitches over 1 1/3 scoreless innings in his “rst minor league start with Triple-A Gwinnett. ÂHe got all his pitches in,ÂŽ Snitker said. ÂA good “rst step for him.ÂŽ Rays: Ace Shane McClanahan (mid-back tightness) threw 39 pitches in his “rst bullpen session since being sidelined July 1. He is expected back July 16. SPECIAL HONOR 3B Wade Boggs was inducted into the Rays Hall of Fame, joining Don Zimmer as part of the inaugural class. The Hall of Famer, who is from nearby Tampa, spent his “nal two seasons with Tampa Bay where he homered for his 3,000th hit on Aug. 7, 1999. ÂItÂs awesome,ÂŽ Boggs said. ÂIÂm from here. I grew up here. Tampa Bay is my home.ÂŽ OF Carl Crawford will round out the 2023 inductees with a ceremony in August. RULE CHANGES Boggs is not a fan of the extra-inning ghost runners and said that is coming from a guy that played in a 33-inning game with Triple-A Pawtucket in August 1981. ÂI think it takes away from a lot of strategy of the game,ÂŽ Boggs said. ÂThatÂs the unpredictably that baseball has. You donÂt know when itÂs going to end.ÂŽ Boggs likes the increased pace of the game, but feels it could been addressed without a pitch clock. UP NEXT Braves: Host the Chicago White Sox on Friday night. Rays: Play Friday night at Kansas City. Tampa Bay split a four-game series in late June with the Royals, who have the majors second-worst record at 26-65.RAYSFROM PAGE 7ACorpuz was so calm and cool on the grandest stage in womenÂs golf, regardless of the shot or the circumstances, until reality hit as she walked toward the 18th green with a three-shot lead in hand. She wiped away tears with her Aloha-print towel when it was over. Hilary Lunke in 2003 at Pumpkin Ridge was the last American to get her “rst win at the U.S. WomenÂs Open, that one in a three-way Monday playo. Corpuz never gave anyone much of a chance. Nasa Hataoka lost her one-shot lead on the opening hole when Corpuz hit her approach to 5 feet for birdie, and the 24-yearold from Japan dropped too many shots down the home stretch. Corpuz, who “nished at 9-under 279, was the only player to break par all four days.OPENFROM PAGE 7A ASSOCIATED PRESSSILVIS, Ill. „ Sepp Straka won the John Deere Classic on Sunday with a “nal-round 9-under 62 that could have been much better, making double bogey on the “nal hole but taking the title by two shots when Brendon Todd and Alex Smalley were unable to catch him. The 30-year-old Austrian who played in college at Georgia won for the second time on the PGA Tour, moved to No. 27 in the world and increased his chances of representing Europe in the Ryder Cup this fall in Rome. He shot 73 on Thursday but followed with rounds of 63, 65 and 62. ÂAt my best, I do feel like I can compete with anybody. Obviously the last three days I could have competed with just about anybody in the world, but growing up I never would have thought I would have a chance to even play on the PGA Tour,ÂŽ Straka said. This is all just a big dream come true.ÂŽ Straka, who teed o an hour ahead of the “nal group, started birdie-eagle and made four more birdies on the front nine to turn in 7-under 28 at TPC Deere Run. He made par on the par-5 10th hole but ran o four birdies in a row, none from longer than 14 feet. At that point, Straka was 11 under for the day and 23 under for the tournament, needing to play the “nal four holes in 1 under to shoot 59. Paul Goydos shot golfÂs magic number in the “rst round in 2010 at TPC Deere Run ÂI wasnÂt going to change my game plan or strategy for the 59,ÂŽ Straka said. ÂThe goal was still to keep the same game plan and try to “nish and win a golf tournament. As fun as the 59 would be, I think winning the golf tournament is always more fun.ÂŽ Straka made routine pars on Nos. 15 and 16 and failed to get up-and-down from a greenside bunker on the par-5 17th, missing a 9-footer for birdie. On the par-4 18th, he hooked his approach from 181 yards into the pond next to the green, leading to a 6 and a 21-under 263 total. ÂI hit the ball really solid, but I just pulled it way left of my target,ÂŽ Straka said. ÂSo, yeah, it was an unfortunate time for a bad swing, but thankfully it didnÂt hurt me.ÂŽ Straka went to the driving range to stay loose for a possible playo. Todd and Smalley, playing in the “nal group, had plenty of holes to match him, with Todd getting closest when he birdied the par-4 14th hole to reach 20 under. But Todd bogeyed the par-3 16th and hit a sloppy wedge into the par-5 17th for another par. ÂObviously Sepp went out there and played an unbelievable round. Hats o to him. Really happy for him. He is a friend of mine,ÂŽ said Todd, who also played at Georgia. Smalley was 19 under after his birdie on No. 14 but three-putted for par on the 17th. Both players needed to hole their approaches on the 18th and neither came close. They “nished at 19 under. Smalley said he didnÂt know what Straka was doing ahead of him until broadcaster Colt Knost gave him a heads-up. ÂI actually had no idea what was going on. I didnÂt look at all, and that was my plan,ÂŽ Smalley said. ÂIf it wasnÂt enough, then it wasnÂt enough, and Sepp deserves to win with a 62. ThatÂs incredible playing.ÂŽ Ludvig Aberg closed with a 63 to tie for fourth, the SwedeÂs best “nish in four starts as a professional after an outstanding college career at Texas Tech. He was 18 under alongside Adam Schenk (68). ÂI expected it to be a lot of fun, but itÂs even more fun than I thought it would be,ÂŽ Aberg said of life as a pro. Cameron Young, the highest-ranked player in the “eld at No. 19 in the world and the 36-hole leader, closed with a 68 and was part of a group of seven players at 16 under.Straka wins John Deere Classic with 62 AP PHOTO/CHARLIE NEIBERGALL Sepp Straka, of Austria, holds the trophy after winning the John Deere Classic golf tournament, Sunday, at TPC Deere Run in Silvis, Ill.GOLF
PAGE 9 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 PAGE 9A By TIM REYNOLDSAP BASKETBALL WRITERLAS VEGAS „ Coming soon: the NBA Cup. The NBA unveiled the details Saturday of its inaugural in-season tournament, which will have a prize pool of about $18 million and will be capped by a championship game „ which wonÂt count in the standings „ in Las Vegas on Dec. 9. ItÂs an event that NBA Commissioner Adam Silver wanted for years, giving teams a trophy to play for during the regular season. And now, itÂs “nally reality. ÂThis is a concept that has been rumbling around the league oce for about 15 years,ÂŽ Silver said. ÂItÂs not a new concept in sports. For those that follow particularly international soccer, itÂs a long tradition of having in-season tournaments ... so we thought, what a perfect opportunity for a global league like the NBA and itÂs a perfect “t for our game.ÂŽ The tournament payouts for players on standard contracts will be $500,000 apiece for those on the winning team, $200,000 apiece for those on the runner-up, $100,000 apiece for those on the teams that lose semi“nal games and $50,000 for those on the teams that lose in the quarter“nals. Two-way players on any of those teams are eligible for up to half those amounts, depending on how many games they spend on a roster during the tournament. ÂI can see what the aim could be,ÂŽ said Miami guard Josh Richardson, who follows global soccer closely and understands the parallels Silver makes when comparing it to in-season tournaments that sport has around the world. ÂIt gives you another chance to win something, for real. I think thatÂs a big part.ÂŽ Games will start on Nov. 3, being played mostly on Tuesdays and Fridays in November „ except for Nov. 7, when the NBA will play no games to commemorate Election Day. That announcement came Saturday, and will mark the second consecutive year when the NBA has no games on that date with hopes of promoting civic awareness and engagement. The Final Four will be in Las Vegas. Teams were assigned to a “ve-team group. TheyÂll play one game against each other; the six group winners will make the quarter“nals, as will the best two second-place teams from the groups. They were chosen as follows: West Group A „ Memphis, Phoenix, the Los Angeles Lakers, Utah and Portland. West Group B „ Denver, the Los Angeles Clippers, New Orleans, Dallas and Houston. West Group C „ Sacramento, Golden State, Minnesota, Oklahoma City and San Antonio. East Group A „ Philadelphia, Cleveland, Atlanta, Indiana and Detroit. East Group B „ Milwaukee, New York, Miami, Washington and Charlotte. East Group C „ Boston, Brooklyn, Toronto, Chicago and Orlando. ÂIÂm excited about this midseason tournament,ÂŽ Golden State coach Steve Kerr said. Joe Dumars, the leagueÂs executive vice president of basketball operations and a Hall of Famer as a player, said he thinks players will like the idea „ even if it takes some time. ÂEverybodyÂs not going to buy in right away,ÂŽ Dumars said. ÂThat canÂt be the goal, that everybodyÂs going to buy in from Day 1. These things take time. And I think as time goes on you can build this up and people can really get into it.ÂŽ Tournament games, except for the championship game, will all count in the standings „ much in the same way that the WNBA runs its CommissionerÂs Cup event. ItÂs been known for some time that teams will be getting only an 80-game schedule when the 2023-24 slate is released by the NBA in the coming weeks. Games 81 and 82 will be added in December; this is where things get tricky. Teams that donÂt make the knockout stage will be assigned two games against other non-knockout quali“ers, and those will be the missing two games on their schedules. For the eight teams that make the knockout stage, the quarter“nal game becomes the 81st game added to their schedule. Quarter“nal losers „ two from the East, two from the West „ will play each other, and thatÂll be the 82nd game on their schedules. Semi“nalists „ again, two from the East, two from the West „ will play, and that game becomes the 82nd game on their schedules.NBA reveals long-awaited plans for in-season tournament AP PHOTO/JOHN MINCHILLO NBA Commissioner Adam Silver announces the 13th pick in the NBA basketball draft, on June 22, in New York. NATIONAL SCOREBOARD AUTO RACINGF1 British Grand Prix At Silverstone Circuit Silverstone, England. Lap length: 5.00 kilometers (Start position in parentheses)1. (1) Max Verstappen, Netherlands, Red Bull Racing, 52 laps, 1:25:16.938, 26 points. 2. (2) Lando Norris, Great Britain, McLaren, 52, +3.798 seconds, 18. 3. (7) Lewis Hamilton, Great Britain, Mercedes, 52, +6.783, 15. 4. (3) Oscar Piastri, Australia, McLaren, 52, +7.776, 12. 5. (6) George Russell, Great Britain, Mercedes, 52, +11.206, 10. 6. (15) Sergio Perez, Mexico, Red Bull Racing, 52, +12.882, 8. 7. (9) Fernando Alonso, Spain, Aston Martin, 52, +17.193, 6. 8. (8) Alexander Albon, Thailand, Williams, 52, +17.878, 4. 9. (4) Charles Leclerc, Monaco, Ferrari, 52, +18.689, 2. 10. (5) Carlos Sainz Jr, Spain, Ferrari, 52, +19.448, 1. 11. (14) Logan Sargeant, USA, Williams, 52, +23.632. 12. (20) Valtteri Bottas, Finland, Alfa Romeo Racing, 52, +25.830. 13. (11) Nico Hulkenberg, Germany, Haas, 52, +26.663. 14. (12) Lance Stroll, Canada, Aston Martin, 52, +27.483. 15. (17) Guanyu Zhou, China, Alfa Romeo Racing, 52, +29.820. 16. (16) Yuki Tsunoda, Japan, Alphatauri, 52, +31.225. 17. (18) Nyck De Vries, Netherlands, Alphatauri, 52, +33.128. 18. (10) Pierre Gasly, France, Alpine, did not “nish, 46. 19. (19) Kevin Magnussen, Denmark, Haas, did not “nish, 31. 20. (13) Esteban Ocon, France, Alpine, did not “nish, 9.Driver Standings1. Max Verstappen, Netherlands, Red Bull Racing, 255 points. 2. Sergio Perez, Mexico, Red Bull Racing, 156. 3. Fernando Alonso, Spain, Aston Martin, 137. 4. Lewis Hamilton, Great Britain, Mercedes, 121. 5. Carlos Sainz Jr, Spain, Ferrari, 83. 6. George Russell, Great Britain, Mercedes, 82. 7. Charles Leclerc, Monaco, Ferrari, 74. 8. Lance Stroll, Canada, Aston Martin, 44. 9. Lando Norris, Great Britain, McLaren, 42. 10. Esteban Ocon, France, Alpine, 31. 11. Oscar Piastri, Australia, McLaren, 17. 12. Pierre Gasly, France, Alpine, 16. 13. Alexander Albon, Thailand, Williams, 11. 14. Nico Hulkenberg, Germany, Haas, 9. 15. Valtteri Bottas, Finland, Alfa Romeo Racing, 5. 16. Guanyu Zhou, China, Alfa Romeo Racing, 4. 17. Yuki Tsunoda, Japan, Alphatauri, 2. 18. Kevin Magnussen, Denmark, Haas, 2.Manufacturers Standings1. Red Bull Racing, 411. 2. Mercedes, 203. 3. Aston Martin, 181. 4. Ferrari, 157. 5. McLaren, 59. 6. Alpine, 47. 7. Williams, 11. 8. Haas, 11. 9. Alfa Romeo Racing, 9. 10. Alphatauri, 2.BASEBALLMLB AMERICAN LEAGUEEast Division W L Pct GB Tampa Bay 58 35 .624 _ Baltimore 54 35 .607 2 Toronto 50 41 .549 7 New York 49 42 .538 8 Boston 48 43 .527 9Central Division W L Pct GB Cleveland 45 45 .500 _ Minnesota 45 46 .495 ½ Detroit 39 50 .438 5½ Chicago 38 54 .413 8 Kansas City 26 65 .286 19½West Division W L Pct GB Texas 52 39 .571 _ Houston 50 41 .549 2 Seattle 45 44 .506 6 Los Angeles 45 46 .495 7 Oakland 25 67 .272 27½ NATIONAL LEAGUEEast Division W L Pct GB Atlanta 60 29 .674 _ Miami 53 39 .576 8½ Philadelphia 48 41 .539 12 New York 42 48 .467 18½ Washington 36 54 .400 24½Central Division W L Pct GB Cincinnati 50 41 .549 _ Milwaukee 49 42 .538 1 Chicago 42 47 .472 7 Pittsburgh 41 49 .456 8½ St. Louis 38 52 .422 11½West Division W L Pct GB Los Angeles 51 38 .573 _ Arizona 52 39 .571 _ San Francisco 49 41 .544 2½ San Diego 43 47 .478 8½ Colorado 34 57 .374 18AMERICAN LEAGUE SaturdayÂs GamesDetroit 2, Toronto 0 N.Y. Yankees 6, Chicago Cubs 3 Baltimore 6, Minnesota 2 St. Louis 3, Chicago White Sox 0 Washington 8, Texas 3 Boston 10, Oakland 3 Cleveland 10, Kansas City 6 Atlanta 6, Tampa Bay 1 Houston 3, Seattle 2 L.A. Dodgers 10, L.A. Angels 5SundayÂs GamesWashington 7, Texas 2 Kansas City 4, Cleveland 1 Tampa Bay 10, Atlanta 4 Toronto 4, Detroit 3, 10 innings Seattle 3, Houston 1 Boston 4, Oakland 3 Chicago Cubs 7, N.Y. Yankees 4 St. Louis 4, Chicago White Sox 3, 10 innings Baltimore 15, Minnesota 2MondayÂs GamesNo games scheduledTuesdayÂs GamesAll-Star Game: AL vs NL at Seattle, 8 p.m.NATIONAL LEAGUE SaturdayÂs GamesN.Y. Yankees 6, Chicago Cubs 3 St. Louis 3, Chicago White Sox 0 Washington 8, Texas 3 San Francisco 5, Colorado 3 Arizona 3, Pittsburgh 2, 10 innings Miami 5, Philadelphia 3 Cincinnati 8, Milwaukee 5 Atlanta 6, Tampa Bay 1 L.A. Dodgers 10, L.A. Angels 5 San Diego 3, N.Y. Mets 1SundayÂs GamesWashington 7, Texas 2 Miami 7, Philadelphia 3 Tampa Bay 10, Atlanta 4 Milwaukee 1, Cincinnati 0 Chicago Cubs 7, N.Y. Yankees 4 St. Louis 4, Chicago White Sox 3, 10 innings San Francisco 1, Colorado 0 Pittsburgh 4, Arizona 2 San Diego 6, N.Y. Mets 2MondayÂs GamesNo games scheduledTuesdayÂs GamesAll-Star Game: AL vs NL at Seattle, 8 p.m.BASKETBALLWNBA EASTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GBNew York 13 4 .765 „ Connecticut 14 5 .737 „ Washington 10 8 .556 3½ Atlanta 9 8 .529 4 Chicago 8 10 .444 5½ Indiana 5 14 .263 9 WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GBLas Vegas 17 2 .895 „ Dallas 10 9 .526 7 Minnesota 9 10 .474 8 Los Angeles 7 12 .368 10 Seattle 4 14 .222 12½ Phoenix 4 14 .222 12½SaturdayÂs GamesNew York 80, Seattle 76SundayÂs GamesConnecticut 92, Washington 84 Dallas 77, Indiana 76 Phoenix 78, Los Angeles 72 Las Vegas 113, Minnesota 89 Atlanta at Chicago, 8 p.m.MondayÂs GamesNo games scheduled.TuesdayÂs GamesSeattle at Washington, 7 p.m. Phoenix at Las Vegas, 10 p.m.CYCLINGTour de France Sunday 9th Stage 182 kilometers (113 miles) from SaintLeonard-de-Noblat to Puy De Dome1. Michael Woods, Canada, Israel-Premier Tech, 4:19:41s. 2. Pierre Latour, France, Total Energies, :28s behind. 3. Matej Mohoric, Bahrain Victorious, :35. 4. Matteo Jorgenson, United States, Movistar Team, same time. 5. Clement Berthet, AG2R Citroen Team, :55. 6. Neilson Powless, United States, EF Education-EasyPost, 1:23. 7. Alexey Lutsenko, Kazakhstan, Astana Qazaqstan Team, 1:39. 8. Jonas Gregaard, Denmark, Uno-X Pro Cycling Team, 1:58. 9. Mathieu Burgaudeau, France, TotalEnergies, 2:16. 10. David De La Cruz, Astana Qazaqstan Team, 1:39.Also20. Sepp Kuss, United States, Jumbo-Visma, 9:44:26s behind.Overall Standings1. Jonas Vingegaard, Denmark, Jumbo-Visma, 38:37:46s. 2. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team Emirates, :17s behind. 3. Jai Hindley, Australia, Bora-Hansgrohe, 2:40. 4. Carlos Rodriguez Cano, Spain, Ineos Grenadiers, 4:22. 5. Adam Yates, Great Britain, UAE Team Emirates, 4:39. 6. Simon Yates, Great Britain, Team Jayco-Alula, 4:44. 7. Tom Pidcock, Great Britian, Ineos Grenadiers, 5:26. 8. David Gaudu, France, Groupama-FDJ, 6:01. 9. Sepp Kuss, United States, Jumbo-Visma, 6:45. 10. Romain Bardet, France, Team DSM-Firmench, 6:58.Also28. Neilson Powless, United States, EF Education-EasyPost, 40:50s behind. 60. Matteo Jorgenson, United States, Movistar Team, 47:04.Young Riders Standings1. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team Emirates, 38:38:03s. 2. Carlos Rodriguez Cano, Spain, Ineos Grenadiers, 4:05s behind. 3. Tom Pidcock, Great Britian, Ineos Grenadiers, 5:09. 4. Felix Gall, Austria, AGZR Citroen Team, 9:29. 5. Skjelmose Mattias Jensen, Denmark, LIDLTrek, 28:59. 6. Mathieu Burgaudeau, France, TotalEnergies, 39:59. 7. Matteo Jorgenson, United States, Movistar Team, 46:48. 8. Tobias Halland Johannessen, Norway, Uno-X Pro Cycling Team, 49:25. 9. Matthew Dinham, Australia, Team DSM-Firmenich, 59:14. 10. Matis Louvel, France, Team Arkea-Samsic, 1:00:12.GOLFPGA Tour John Deere Classic Sunday At TPC Deere Run Silvis, Ill. Purse: $7.4 million Yardage: 7,289; Par: 71 Final Round Top 20Sepp Straka 73-63-65-62„263 -21 Alex Smalley 66-70-62-67„265 -19 Brendon Todd 66-65-66-68„265 -19 Ludvig Aberg 68-64-71-63„266 -18 Adam Schenk 65-66-67-68„266 -18 Lucas Glover 69-65-66-68„268 -16 Mark Hubbard 67-66-67-68„268 -16 Denny McCarthy 68-64-66-70„268 -16 Grayson Murray 64-70-69-65„268 -16 J.T. Poston 68-67-65-68„268 -16 Cameron Young 65-64-71-68„268 -16 Kevin Yu 70-67-65-66„268 -16 Stephan Jaeger 68-69-66-66„269 -15 Seamus Power 66-69-70-64„269 -15 Greyson Sigg 65-70-66-68„269 -15 William Mouw 66-66-68-69„269 -15 Jonas Blixt 62-73-65-70„270 -14 Troy Merritt 69-67-69-65„270 -14 Peter Kuest 67-67-65-71„270 -14 Michael Thorbjornsen 73-63-66-68„270 -14LIV Golf London Sunday At Centurion Club Hertfordshire, England Purse: $25 million Yardage: 7,008; Par: 71 Final RoundCameron Smith 63-67-68„198 -15 Patrick Reed 70-64-65„199 -14 Marc Leishman 64-69-66„199 -14 Louis Oosthuizen 70-63-68„201 -12 Dustin Johnson 71-65-67„203 -10 Richard Bland 68-70-66„204 -9 Pat Perez 70-68-66„204 -9 Cameron Tringale 67-69-68„204 -9 Henrik Stenson 69-66-69„204 -9 Thomas Pieters 66-67-71„204 -9 Ian Poulter 69-70-66„205 -8 Harold Varner III 72-66-67„205 -8 Bryson DeChambeau 70-67-68„205 -8 Anirban Lahiri 68-69-68„205 -8 Kevin Na 72-64-69„205 -8 Abraham Ancer 68-68-69„205 -8 Brooks Koepka 70-66-68„206 -7 Peter Uihlein 70-68-68„206 -7 Dean Burmester 70-67-69„206 -7 Laurie Canter 67-69-70„206 -7 Sebastian Munoz 73-69-65„207 -6 Talor Gooch 67-72-68„207 -6 Joaquin Niemann 69-69-69„207 -6 Branden Grace 68-70-69„207 -6 Sergio Garcia 69-69-69„207 -6 Eugenio Chacarra 72-69-67„208 -5 Jason Kokrak 69-69-70„208 -5 Chase Koepka 72-66-72„208 -5 Graeme McDowell 75-65-69„209 -4 Brendan Steele 71-67-71„209 -4 Carlos Ortiz 74-69-67„210 -3 Danny Lee 74-67-69„210 -3 Matt Jones 73-67-70„210 -3 Charl Schwartzel 71-66-73„210 -3 Scott Vincent 78-67-66„211 -2 Bernd Wiesberger 72-72-67„211 -2 Bubba Watson 70-71-71„212 -1 Lee Westwood 69-70-73„212 -1 Jediah Morgan 74-70-69„213 E Mito Pereira 71-74-69„214 +1 Phil Mickelson 71-72-71„214 +1 David Puig 73-68-73„214 +1 James Piot 69-70-75„214 +1 Charles Howell III 71-73-71„215 +2 Martin Kaymer 71-68-76„215 +2 Sihwan Kim 73-74-71„218 +5 Matthew Wol 73-70-78„221 +8Teams Scores4 Aces GC (D.Johnson-c, P.Uihlein, P.Perez, P.Reed) -34 Ripper GC (C.Smith-c, M.Leishman, J.Morgan, M.Jones) -33 Stinger GC (L.Oosthuizen-c, D.Burmester, C,Schwartzel, B.Grace) -29 Rangegoats GC (B.Watson-c, T.Pieters, T.Gooch, H.Varner) -26 Majesticks GC (I.Poulter-c, L.Canter, L.Westwood, H.Stenson) -24 Cleeks GC (M.Kaymer-c,G.McDowell, R.Bland, B.Wiesberger) -23 Crushers GC (B.DeChambeau-c, C.Howell, A.Lahiri, P.Casey) -22 Fireballs GC (S.Garcia-c, A.Ancer, E.Lopez-Chacarra, C.Ortiz -21 Iron Heads GC (K.Na-c, S.Vincent, D.Lee, S.Kim) -18 Torque GC (J.Niemann-c, D.Puig, M.Pereira, S.Munoz) -17 Smash GC (B.Koepka-c, M.Wolf, C.Koepka, J.Kokrak) -17 HyFlyers GC (P.Mickelson-c, B.Steele, J.Piot, C.Tringale) -16U.S. WomenÂs Open Sunday At Pebble Beach Golf Links Pebble Beach, Calif. Purse: $10 million Yardage: 6,509; Par: 72 Final Round Top 20Allisen Corpuz 69-70-71-69„279 -9 Charley Hull 73-72-71-66„282 -6 Jiyai Shin 71-73-70-68„282 -6 Nasa Hataoka 69-74-66-76„285 -3 Bailey Tardy 69-68-75-73„285 -3 Ayaka Furue 74-70-73-69„286 -2 Hyo Joo Kim 68-71-73-74„286 -2 Hae-Ran Ryu 69-72-73-74„288 E Maja Stark 72-73-72-72„289 +1 Rose Zhang 74-71-72-72„289 +1 Ally Ewing 73-73-76-68„290 +2 Brooke Henderson 71-75-73-72„291 +3 Hannah Green 76-71-76-69„292 +4 Grace Kim 74-76-71-71„292 +4 Sei Young Kim 74-75-72-71„292 +4 Aya Kinoshita 77-72-71-72„292 +4 Minjee Lee 72-73-72-75„292 +4 Xiyu Lin 68-77-75-72„292 +4 Min Ji Park 77-73-71-71„292 +4 Hye Jin Choi 79-68-73-73„293 +5 Carlota Ciganda 74-76-71-72„293 +5 Andrea Lee 74-73-73-73„293 +5 Lizette Salas 74-74-72-73„293 +5 Yuka Saso 72-75-75-71„293 +5 Ruoning Yin 71-74-76-72„293 +5 Angel Yin 71-73-72-77„293 +5SOCCERMLS Eastern Conference W L T Pts GF GA Cincinnati 13 2 6 45 34 23 Nashville 11 6 5 38 30 17 New England 10 4 7 37 36 27 Columbus 10 6 6 36 43 30 Atlanta 9 5 8 35 40 35 Philadelphia 10 7 4 34 35 25 Orlando City 9 6 7 34 32 27 D.C. United 8 9 6 30 32 30 CF Montréal 8 11 2 26 20 29 New York 6 7 8 26 20 21 Chicago 6 7 8 26 27 31 Charlotte FC 6 8 8 26 30 38 New York City FC 5 7 11 26 24 28 Toronto FC 3 10 10 19 18 32 Inter Miami CF 5 13 3 18 22 33Western Conference W L T Pts GF GA Saint Louis City 12 7 2 38 40 24 Seattle 10 7 5 35 28 20 Los Angeles FC 9 6 6 33 30 24 Real Salt Lake 9 7 6 33 30 31 Austin FC 8 8 5 29 29 29 FC Dallas 8 9 5 29 24 25 San Jose 7 7 8 29 26 29 Houston 8 9 4 28 26 28 Vancouver 6 7 7 25 32 29 Sporting KC 6 10 7 25 28 32 Minnesota United 6 8 6 24 22 29 Portland 5 9 7 22 23 31 LA Galaxy 5 9 7 22 23 33 Colorado 3 10 8 17 16 30 NOTE: Three points for victory, one point for tie.Saturday, July 8Cincinnati 2, Charlotte FC 2, tie New York City FC 1, Columbus 1, tie Miami 2, D.C. United 2, tie Atlanta 1, CF Montréal 0 New York 2, New England 1 Saint Louis City SC 1, Toronto FC 0 Chicago 1, Nashville 0 Sporting Kansas City 2, Houston 2, tie Austin FC 4, Minnesota 1 Colorado 2, FC Dallas 1 Real Salt Lake 4, Orlando City 0 LA Galaxy 3, Philadelphia 1 San Jose 1, Los Angeles FC 1, tie Seattle 3, Vancouver 2Wednesday, July 12Atlanta at New England, 7:30 p.m. Cincinnati at New York, 7:30 p.m. CF Montréal at Chicago, 8:30 p.m. Minnesota at Houston, 8:30 p.m. Real Salt Lake at Sporting KC, 8:30 p.m. Philadelphia at Nashville, 8:30 p.m. Seattle at San Jose, 10:30 p.m. Austin FC at Vancouver, 10:30 p.m. Saint Louis at Los Angeles FC, 10:30 p.m.TRANSACTIONSSunday BASEBALL Major League Baseball American LeagueBALTIMORE ORIOLES „ Reinstated INF Ryan Mountcastle from the 10-day IL. Optioned LHP Bruce Zimmermann to Norfolk (IL). CHICAGO WHITE SOX „ Optioned RHP Nick Padilla to Charlotte (IL). KANSAS CITY ROYALS „ Designated LHP Amir Garrett for assignment. Placed RF Edward Olivarest on the 10-day IL, retroactive to July 8. TORONTO BLUE JAYS „ Reinstated RHP Zach Pop from the 15-day IL and optioned him to Bualo (IL). Sent LHP Hyun Jin Ryu to Dunedin (FSL) on a rehab assignment.National LeagueARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS „ Recalled RHP Carlos Vargas from Reno (PCL). Placed LHP Tyler Gilbert on the paternity list. ATLANTA BRAVES „ Sent LHP Max Fried to Gwinnett (IL) on a rehab assignment. CINCINNATI REDS „ Designated RHP Michael Mariot for assignment. Reinstated RHP Ben Lively from the 15-day IL. LOS ANGELES DODGERS „ Sent SS Chris Taylor to Ranch Cucamonga (CAL) on a rehab assignment. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES „ Placed LHP Jose Alvarado on the 15-day IL, retroactive to July 7. Recalled RHP Andrew Bellatti from Lehigh Valley (IL). SAN DIEGO PADRES „ Sent RHP Robert Suarez to Lake Elsinore (CAL) on a rehab assignment.BASKETBALL National Basketball AssociationDALLAS MAVERICKS „ Re-signed F Dwight Powell. MINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVES „ Signed Fs Troy Brown Jr. and Leonard Miller and G Shake Milton. PHILADELPHIA 76ERS „ Signed G Patrick Beverley and C Mo Bamba.HOCKEY National Hockey LeagueSEATTLE KRAKEN „ Signed D Cale Fleury to a two-year contract. VANCOUVER CANUCKS „ Signed LW Nils Hoglander to a two-year contract.ON THIS DATEJULY 101926 „ Bobby Jones wins the U.S. Open golf tournament for the second time with a 293 total.1934 „ Carl Hubbell strikes out Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Jimmie Foxx, Al Simmons and Joe Cronin in succession, but the American League comes back to win the All-Star game 9-7 at the Polo Grounds.1936 „ PhiladelphiaÂs Chuck Klein hits four home runs in a 9-6 10-inning victory over the Pirates at PittsburghÂs Forbes Field.1951 „ BritainÂs Randy Turpin defeats Sugar Ray Robinson in 15 rounds to win the world middleweight title and give Robinson his second loss in 135 bouts.1960 „ UEFA European Championship Final, Parc des Princes, Paris, France: Viktor Ponedelnik scores in extra time as Soviet Union beats Yugoslavia, 2-1.1971 „ Lee Trevino rebounds from a double-bogey on the next to last hole with a birdie on the “nal hole to win the 100th British Open by one stroke over Lu Liang-Huan. Trevino, who won the U.S. Open a month earlier, is the fourth golfer to win both championships in the same year, joining Bobby Jones (1926, 1930), Gene Sarazen (1932), and Ben Hogan (1953).1976 „ Johnny Miller shoots a 66 in the “nal round to beat 19-year-old Spaniard Seve Ballesteros by six strokes to take the British Open. Ballesteros, who starts the “nal round two strokes ahead of Miller, shoots a 74 and ends tied for second place with Jack Nicklaus.1992 „ The Major Soccer League, the only major nationwide professional soccer competition in the United States, folds after 14 seasons.1999 „ Team USA wins the WomenÂs World Cup over China in sudden death. The Americans win 5-4 in penalty kicks, with defender Brandi Chastain kicking in the game winner.NBA
PAGE 10A MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 The Daily Sun | www.yoursun.comMLB CYCLING NASCAR ASSOCIATED PRESSPUY DE DOME, France (AP) „ On the same mountain where “ve-time Tour de France champion Jacques Anquetil and Raymond Poulidor wrote themselves into race history 59 years earlier, all eyes Sunday were on Jonas Vingegaard and Tadej PogacarÂs continued rivalry at cyclingÂs biggest race. Neither Vingegaard nor Pogacar “nished “rst at the summit of the Puy de Dome after Canadian Michael Woods delivered an impressive solo eort to claim the biggest success of his career. But the “erce rivals, riding well behind the dayÂs breakaway they had allowed to form, were again in the spotlight. The two have been in a “erce duel since the start in Bilbao, Spain, of this yearÂs pulsating Tour and will certainly enjoy MondayÂs “rst rest day. Vingegaard, the defending champion from Denmark after he dethroned Pogacar last year, had the upper hand in the “rst round of their battle in altitude. His Slovenian rival responded in style to regain time in the next two mountain stages. With two weeks of racing remaining, only 17 seconds separate the two in the general classi“cation, with Vingegaard wearing the yellow jersey. Jai Hindley is in third place, 2 minutes, 40 seconds o the pace. Vingegaard and PogacarÂs confrontation Sunday on the steepest part of the climb up to the Puy de Dome was not as dramatic as the duel between Anquetil and Poulidor back in 1964, when the two French rivals engaged in a Âmano a manoÂŽ for the ages. But amid silence reigning in the thin air „ the road leading up to the top of the mountain is so narrow that fans had not been allowed access „ the two teamed up for another epic moment, again in a class of their own, with Pogacar in the role of the attacker. After another great collective eort from VingegaardÂs JumboVisma teammates in the “nal ramp that destroyed the “eld, Pogacar launched his attack with 1.5 kilometers left and accelerated again on the steepest gradients. Vingegaard lost ground but did not panic and managed to limit the de“cit to eight seconds to retain the yellow jersey. ÂItÂs not a victory, but itÂs a small victory, so IÂm super happy today,ÂŽ said Pogacar, a two-time Tour champion. Pogacar was the strongest rider up the 13.3-kilometer ascent, with a speed of 23.7 kph (14.7 mph), considerably faster than Woods winning average of 19.8 kph (12.3 mph). Vingegaard admitted PogacarÂs superiority on the day, but insisted the pro“le of the Alpine stages still to come better suit his style. ÂIt would have been nicer to gain than lose time on Tadej Pogacar, but as I said before, I came to the Tour knowing that the “rst week suited me less than whatÂs to come, so to be in the yellow jersey at the end of the “rst week satis“es me,ÂŽ he said. Woods, who rides for the Israel-Premier Tech team, has no ambition in the general classi“cation and was part of the early breakaway that formed early. He managed to catch American Matteo Jorgenson just 500 meters from the summit after his rival jumped away from the leading group with less than 50 kilometers left.Woods wins big at top amed Tour de France mountain CanadaÂs Michael Woods approaches the nish line to win the ninth stage of the Tour de France cycling race over 113.5 miles on Sunday with start in Saint-Leonard-de-Noblat and nish in Puy de Dome, France. AP PHOTOS/DANIEL COLE SloveniaÂs Tadej Pogacar, wearing the best young riderÂs white jersey, center, rides during the ninth stage of the Tour de France cycling race on Sunday. By CHARLES ODUMAP SPORTS WRITERHAMPTON, Ga. „ William Byron won the rain-shortened NASCAR race at Atlanta Motor Speedway on Sunday night for his second win in Atlanta in the last two years and his fourth victory of the season. The threat of rain aected strategy as drivers fought to move toward the front of the “eld before weather delayed or ended the race. On lap 185, with 75 laps to go, NASCAR ordered cars to pit road due to rain and the possibility of lightning. Cars were covered while ocials waited to see if the rain ended. Only six minutes later, fans were warned of severe weather within eight miles of the track and were encouraged to leave the stadium immediately. The race became ocial after 130 laps. Daniel Suarez, looking for his “rst win of 2023, was second. Michael McDowell was third. ÂWe knew the rain was coming,ÂŽ McDowell said. ÂWe wanted to give ourselves the best chance to win the race.ÂŽ Kevin Harvick, a three-time Atlanta winner, had a spin with 89 laps remaining. Harvick was able to drive to pit road without a caution, but the spin all but ended his hopes of a win in his “nal Atlanta race. The increased threat of rain placed an increased emphasis on drivers to compete for top spots in the second stage, perhaps contributing to two wrecks that knocked out Ross Chastain, Kyle Larson and Austin Hill. Denny Hamlin and Alex Bowman were involved in another crash late in the second stage, leaving Brad Keselowski and Ryan Blaney at the front of the “eld. The stage ended under caution. Despite the stage win, Keselowski was left with a big decision as he talked with his crew about the threat of rain and the possibility of staying on the track. He chose to pit for fuel. A collision between Bubba Wallace and Ryan Preece caused another caution early in the “nal stage, leaving Byron in the lead, ahead of Suarez. Aric Almirola, who won the pole, led the “rst 39 laps before being passed by Joey Logano for the “rst time. Blaney held o Larson to win the “rst stage. Chase Elliott, still looking for his “rst win of the season, “nished 13th. Elliott won his “rst race at his Atlanta home track in the 2022 summer race. HARVICKÂS 29 RETURNS TO AMS HarvickÂs “rst NASCAR win came on March 12, 2001, at Atlanta Motor Speedway in a No. 29 Chevrolet originally built for Dale Earnhardt Sr. before Earnhardt died in a crash at the Daytona 500 weeks earlier. The 29 returned to AMS, this time driven by grand marshal Richard Childress, 77, who was the team owner for Harvick in 2001. With HarvickÂs No. 4 Ford driving beside him, Childress led the “eld around the track to the green ”ag for Sunday nightÂs race. Childress held up three “ngers in a tribute to Earnhardt after entering pit road, just as Harvick did after winning in 2001. Some fans answered Childress with their own three-“nger Earnhardt tribute. ÂI couldnÂt be more excited about seeing it lead the “eld to the green and I know how excited Richard is,ÂŽ Harvick said Saturday. ÂIÂm excited as well but Richard has been super excited to drive it and that makes me happy, too.ÂŽ BELL SENT TO BACK OF FIELD Chris Sherwood, the car chief for Christopher BellÂs No. 20 Toyota, was ejected before the race and Bell had to start at the back of the “eld at 36th due to unapproved adjustments to the car Sunday afternoon. It wasnÂt much of a blow to BellÂs chances; he quali“ed 34th in the 37-car “eld. Bell charged through the “eld to “nish the “rst stage sixth, but “nished 23rd. UP NEXT The NASCAR Cup Series moves to New Hampshire Motor Speedway in Loudon next Sunday. By DAVID BRANDTAP BASEBALL WRITERPHOENIX „ Major League Baseball has made the games faster, the bases bigger and defense a little bit harder. Now, if it could only do something about those stubborn strikeouts. ÂJust move the mound back to about „ oh, I donÂt know „ second base? Maybe fastballs only?ÂŽ Arizona Diamondbacks out“elder Jake McCarthy said, laughing. ÂI just think these pitchers are really good. ÂNo one likes to strike out, but thatÂs how it goes.ÂŽ ThereÂs little doubt that MLBÂs expansive new rules package this season has been a success, particularly when it comes to speeding up the action. But the sport is also hunting for a little more oense these days and, to be honest, the leaguewide oensive output of 2023 still looks pretty similar to 2022 in several areas. Batting average is up modestly to .248 through FridayÂs games, rising from .243 last season. So is OPS, rising to .730 from .706. Stolen bases also have jumped substantially, thanks in part to a new rule that puts limits on pitcher disengagements from the rubber. But punch outs are again near an all-time high, with each team averaging about 8.7 strikeouts per game. The high came in 2019, when the average was 8.81, but that was before the National League joined the American League by adopting the designated hitter rule for good in 2022. Even without pitchers at the plate, the whis are still coming in bunches. ÂWe all understand that this game is very dicult,ÂŽ Giants slugger J.D. Davis said recently. ÂPitchers these days are even better than they were “ve, 10 years ago.ÂŽ The good news is that hitting for average is starting to become slightly more in vogue. The poster child is Miami Marlins All-Star second baseman Luis Arraez, whoÂs been ”irting with a .400 batting average for a big chunk of the season. No MLB player has topped .400 since Ted Williams hit .406 for the Boston Red Sox more than 80 years ago. So how is Arraez putting up those gaudy numbers? Well, one reason is heÂs simply making contact with the ball. He struck out just 19 times in his “rst 357 plate appearances this season „ numbers more reminiscent of 1923 than 2023. ÂI think guys are starting to be better at manipulating the barrel and getting to certain pitches and just not one groove swing,ÂŽ Marlins manager Skip Schumaker said. ÂI think thereÂs a lot of teachers now that are teaching the game the right way and not just one way to hit.ÂŽ The evolution of high strikeout numbers has been a decadeslong process but has really sped up over the past 15 years. In 2018, strikeouts became more common than hits for the “rst time and that trend has held “rm the past six seasons. If thereÂs going to be a drop in the strikeout rate in baseball, it appears it will have to happen organically. The notoriously staid sport has made a huge eort to modernize over the past few seasons „ particularly with the pitch clock „ and doesnÂt have much of an appetite for more seismic shifts on the “eld in the near future. ÂI think thereÂs some sentiment among the group that we made a lot of changes here,ÂŽ MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred said in June. ÂWe ought to let the dust settle.ÂŽ The minor leagues have experimented with things like an Automatic Ball-Strike system, moving the practice up to Triple-A this season. A few years ago, the independent Atlantic League even pushed back the mound to 61 feet, 6 inches from its usual spot one foot closer to home plate, but it reversed that change after it found that there wasnÂt much of oensive change.Strikeouts still high despite rules changes AP PHOTO/DAVID ZALUBOWSKI Colorado Rockies Ezequiel Tovar, front, reacts after striking out as Detroit Tigers catcher Jake Rogers puts the ball back into play in the eighth inning July 2, in Denver.Byron wins rain-shortened Atlanta NASCAR race AP PHOTO/BRYNN ANDERSON Drivers Aric Almirola (10) and Joey Logano (22) lead during a NASCAR Cup Series auto race at Atlanta Motor Speedway on Sunday, in Hampton, Ga.
MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 | YOURSUN.COM Local News By BARB RICHARDSONSUN CORRESPONDENTSARASOTA „ When Sarasota CountyÂs Solid Waste Director Brian Usher gave his budget presentation to county commissioners in mid-June, the discussion inevit ably turned to a new contract with Waste Management of Florida. ÂWeÂre going to be looking at some potentially pretty signi“cant increases,ÂŽ Commissioner Ron Cutsinger said during the discussion. ÂWeÂre going to prob ably have a little sticker shock on how that (contract) comes back.ÂŽ The rates in the new contract will undoubtedly have a signi“cant increase, Usher said, adding that when Manatee County extended its two-year contract, the rates doubled. County Administrator Jonathan Lewis added to that with the observation that when Charlotte County four years ago, the rate was approximately three times higher. ÂWeÂre seeing that throughout the state ƒ double to triple the rate.ÂŽ The reasons contracts are more expensive Tim Bowers, the Waste Management representative for the region, told commissioners last year were due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic; in”ation, especially with fuel prices; and a nationwide shortage of drivers who had the certi“cation Sarasota County: Prepare for Âsticker shockÂTrash-hauling contract is up for renewal; itÂs gone up in Charlotte, Manatee counties ÂWeÂre going to be looking at some potentially pretty signicant increases. WeÂre going to probably have a little sticker shock on how that (contract) comes back.ÂŽRon Cutsinger Sarasota County commissioner SEE RENEWAL , 3BThe “rst time I called Edward Leslie, owner of the Port Charlotte Chick-“l-A, he was busy helping load up 660 meals to take to a summer camp at Family Church in Port Charlotte. ItÂs that kind of commitment to the community that has helped make his restaurant so successful. How successful? Well, thatÂs the reason I called him. The business is more than booming. Last week I ventured into the parking lot behind the Murdock Chick-“l-A and saw a line of trac that wrapped around his parking lot twice and spilled out onto the driveway coming o U.S. 41 and down the lane in front of a bank next door. I counted about 25-30 vehicles in line. But that wasnÂt the whole story. The parking lot in front of Panera Bread, a real estate oce and Massage Envy was full and had people driving around, or parked, waiting for someone to leave so they could pull into their space. And guess what, they were parking and walking to the Chick-“l-A. Is this the best chicken in the world, I asked myself, or is the community „ especially the Christian community „ this dedicated to supporting LeslieÂs restaurant? And, how do they handle the crowds? And, why donÂt they open a second location? I had a bunch of questions for Leslie when I called back. Leslie was as open and friendly to me as he and his sta are to their customers. He said their commitment to the corporate purpose is what makes people come back. The condensed and paraphrased version of that purpose is to glorify God, be a faithful steward and treat people who come there to eat with respect and kindness. ÂWe have a customer base that keeps us going,ÂŽ Leslie said. ÂAnd we show our appreciation by having things like spirit nights and getting involved with local nonpro“ts, the SheriÂs Oce and “re department.ÂŽ He said he wants Chick-“l-A to be a place a person can come and have a ÂdeliciousÂŽ meal but also have a team member share a smile or ask about them how they are doing. ÂEvery guest has a story and we want to be there to comfort them if they need it,ÂŽ Leslie said. So how do they serve so many? ItÂs technology, repetition and hard work. But, itÂs about to get easier. Wednesday, the restaurant will close until late September to allow an overhaul that will make it easier and quicker to get served. ÂWeÂre going to add square footage, a bigger kitchen and expand our dining room,ÂŽ Leslie said. ÂWeÂre going to transform to serve faster and allow more amenities for our guests.ÂŽ And, what about a second Chick-“l-A someday? ÂI canÂt talk about that...yet,ÂŽ he said.Your Chick-fil-A is about to get bigger JOHN HACKWORTHCommentary Editor COMMENTARY Okay, weÂre STILL waiting (“ngernails drumming) for Dubz BBQ (4391 Aidan Lane) to reopen in all its bigger new North Port glory. Meanwhile, weÂve got two other big, new restaurants to enjoy, in Venice and Port Charlotte. MAKE THAT FOUR TEQUILAS ItÂs practically a legend that Vicente MataÂs restaurants take longer to open than you think. Nevertheless, the North Port and Port Charlotte Tequila tycoon opened his Blue, Pink and Lime Tequila restaurants inside of “ve years. Now the restaurateur who seems to think you can never have too many Tequilas has uncorked another one, eight years after opening his “rst local Tex-Mex eatery. That it took this long for Pineapple Tequila was a mere matter of scope „ along with a pandemic and a hurricane that followed in the wake of the preceding TequilaÂs launch. Pineapple TequilaÂs storefront, sandwiched between Jacaranda Plaza salons, might look as unassuming as North PortÂs 3,600-square-foot Blue and Pink Tequilas. But just step through the doors and prepare to gasp at cathedralhigh ceilings; hand-blown glass light “xtures from MataÂs home province of Jalisco, Mexico; handcrafted furniture and giant hand-muraled wall panels. At 4,200 square feet, Pineapple seats 150 and is second in size only to its 5,300-square-foot big sister, Lime.Worth the waitLong-anticipated eateries open SUN PHOTOS BY SUE WADEAn overhead garland of hand-blown glass owers lights up Pineapple TequilaÂs long bar. Tableside guacamole at Pineapple Tequila can be made Âwith everything,ÂŽ in a generous lava-rock molcajete bowl. Hibachi servings at Tokyo Endless Hibachi & Sushi are small enough to encourage more ordering, but big enough to be lling.SEE SUE , 3B SUE WADEThe Scene www.stormadvocates.com833-941-STORM(7867)OfficesinSarasota,FtMyers,FloridaKeysandLakelandAttentionHurricaneIanVictims!Haveyouhadenough? Weareateamofvelawyerswithover108yearsofcombinedexperiencehandlingHurricaneand StormDamageinsuranceclaims.Ifyourinsurancecompanyhasunderpaid,isdelayingpaymentorifyouÂre notsatisedwithyourpublicadjusterorlawyer, CALLUSTODAYFORAFREECONSU LTATION.adno=3892699-1
PAGE 2B MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 The Daily Sun | www.yoursun.comFeatured EventsLIVE FOR TODAY. PLAN FOR TOMORROW, Kerry Hunter, Trust Development Officer at Englewood Bank & Trust, and local attorney Lori A. Wellbaum is holding a complimentary seminar, Estate Planning Basics, at the Englewood Chamber, 601 South Indiana Ave., at 10 a.m. on Thursday, July 13. They will focus on the specifics and benefits of each element and the pitfalls to avoid. Register at any bank office, online at, or by contacting Kerry at 941-473-3629. AMVETS POST 312 EVENT, Please come join your local Veterans Club, AMVETS Post 312, on August 5, 2023. WeÂre having a fundraiser for another AMVETS Post that was devastated by hurricane Ian. AMVETS Post 81 needs our support and we are hopeful the residents of North Port and Port Charlotte will show up in force to help those that have defended our freedoms. WeÂre located at 7050 Chancellor BLVD in North Port. For more details call us at 941-429-5403. AMVETS POST 312 EVENTS, 7050 Chancellor Blvd., North Port. 941-429-5403. MONDAY-Taco Monday with $2 margaritas. TUESDAY-Pot Roast 5-7pm. WEDNESDAY-Bingo 11am, steak night 5-7pm. THURSDAY-Golf series 6pm, Bowling 7pm. Open Menu. FRIDAY-Seafood night (best fish in town) 5-7pm. Darts 7pm, Queen of Hearts 7pm. Live music. SATURDAY-Dogs and Burgers 11-2pm, Jam session 12-4pm. SUNDAY-Breakfast 8:30-11am, Dogs and Burgers 1-5pm, Canteen Bingo 2-4pm, Karaoke 5-8pm. AND MORE! Come join us!! PAID ADVERTISEMENTS OBITUARIESThere were no obituaries Sunday. Memorials in the Sun Honor your passed loved ones anytime with a personalized memorial tribute. Call (941) 206-1028 for rates. By BARB RICHARDSONSUN CORRESPONDENTENGLEWOOD „ Say ÂNo 2 Prose.ÂŽ Sarasota County commissioners are likely to see and hear that phrase a lot as their last order of business for their Tuesday meeting. Land America LLC, a Delaware company, wants to develop an apartment complex called Englewood Prose on the vacant 16-acre Feldman property between Boca Royale and Arlington Cove along North Indiana Avenue/ State Road 776. Oak Forest and Pine Lake on the opposite side of S.R. 776 also border the property. Many residents of all four neighborhoods of single-family homes have expressed opposition to the project. The company wants to rezone the property from open use estates to a residential/multifamily zoning district to build a 260-unit apartment complex in three stories buildings capped at 38 feet in height as shown in a binding development concept plan. But between the mandatory neighborhood meetings last fall and the planning commission public hearing in early June, the developers revised their earlier nonbinding development concept plan. That original version called for a 300-unit complex in 45-foot-high buildings with the area surrounded by single-family homes. The change didnÂt mollify opponents who gathered en masse for the planning commission hearing in downtown Sarasota. Those residents have consistently raised objections such as trac congestion on S. R. 776, stormwater management, the ”ooding experienced during Hurricane Ian, and the amount of parking available among other items. Another earlier concern was a proposed access to the development via Ipswich Drive through Arlington Cove, although the developers told the planning commission they had reached agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for a second access point on S.R. 776. Still, Ipswich Drive may be mentioned as county sta is recommending cross-access with the developers disagreeing with that recommendation. While the planning commission voted for a recommendation of approval by a 6-2 vote, county planning sta is not making a recommendation regarding the proposal according to their analysis. TuesdayÂs County Commission meeting will take place at the Robert L. Anderson Administration Center, 4000 S. Tamiami Trail, South Venice. The meeting will also be streamed on the countyÂs YouTube channel at UCqHDwKPPOhzLmtb4TvwIZZQ. Email: barbararichardson996@gmail. comProse Englewood faces final decisionNeighbors oppose 300-unit apartment complex for SR 776 For one to join a membership organization, there must/ should be a ÂPurpose, Plan, and PayoÂŽ for personal or professional gain or growth. Being a member of the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce provides several advantages and strengths for local businesses to have greater success. Key strengths of being a Charlotte County Chamber member is having an elevated level of credibility and reputation. Membership at our chamber can enhance your business status. Being associated with an organization that promotes ethical business practices and community involvement can build trust among customers, clients, and other businesses. Networking and events are excellent ways to allow local businesses to connect with other professionals, potential customers, industry leaders, fostering valuable relationships and partnerships. Marketing and promotional opportunities are a strategic method to reach a large audience, putting an even brighter spotlight on your business. This includes our Business Online weekly newsletter, Community Guide and Business Directory (print/online), online listings, sponsorship opportunities, and media exposure, all of which can help increase your businessÂs visibility and reach. Overall, the strength of your valued Charlotte County Chamber membership depends on the engagement and participation. By working together and taking advantage of the resources and bene“ts oered by our chamber, businesses can bene“t individually and contribute to the collective strength of our organization and our local community. CHAMBER ACTIVITIES Networking at Noon Lunch (member event): 11:45 a.m.Â…1 p.m., Wednesday, July 12 at LeroyÂs Southern Kitchen & Bar, 201 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. Registration and meal selection required. To RSVP, visit charlottecountychamber. org. Lunch & Learn (member event): NoonÂ…1 p.m., Tuesday, July 18 at the Charlotte County Chamber oce, 2702 Tamiami Trail, PC. Topic: E-Verify Compliance Training for Small Business Employers. Speaker: Christina Faro-Pilliteri, Charlotte County Society of Human Resource Management. Learn the rules and responsibilities associated with the new E-Verify requirement, practical methods for streamlining your hiring process and how to avoid common pitfalls and legal risks. This comprehensive session is designed to provide you with the tools and information required to successfully obtain and maintain compliance and protect your business from legal risks. Registration/ lunch selection required.To RSVP, visit charlottecountychamber. org. $10pp. Third Wednesday Coee (member event): 8Â…9 a.m., Wednesday, July 19, Charlotte Harbor Event & Conference Center, 75 Taylor St., Punta Gorda. Quarterly New Member Showcase: This is a productive and eective opportunity to meet our new members, get familiar with their products and services, and build those strong business connections. It is requested for each attendee to bring one pair of new sneakers for the Sunrise Kiwanis Shoes for Kids Project. Registration is requested to make proper arrangements. To RSVP, visit charltotecountychamber. org. Business Card Exchange (member event): 5Â…7 p.m., Thursday, July 27 at Neal Communities (Kings Gate), 1622 Royal Court, Port Charlotte. Bring a gift to promote your business and bring plenty of business cards. Registration is requested to make proper arrangements. To RSVP, visit charlottecountychamber. org. New Teachers Breakfast (member event): 7:30Â… 9 a.m., Monday, July 31 at Charlotte Harbor Event & Conference Center, 75 Taylor St., Punta Gorda. Charlotte County Public Schools will be welcoming 225 new teachers this year. We are looking for 225 members to sponsor each teacher. $45 to sponsor a teacher. You can provide 225 items for the new teachers goodie bags. Deadline is Friday, July 14. Special thanks to our title sponsor: Lake Michigan Credit Union. RIBBON CUTTINGS For all ribboncuttings, please go to charlottecountychamber. org and review the Events Calendar to register. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Sunrise Kiwanis Shoes for Kids Project : The Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce will once again be a collection site for the Shoes for Kids Project. The Kiwanis Shoes for Kids Project collects new athletic shoes for children (pre-K through High School) in the Charlotte County Public School System. The need for the 20232024 school year is 4,100 pairs of new sneakers. Please consider helping in this much-needed community project. For more information about the project or to make a monetary donation, visit www.pcsunrisekiwanis. org or call 941-336-2411. The Charlotte County Chamber is located at 2702 Tamiami Trial, Port Charlotte for shoe drop-o. Bob White is executive director of the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce.The strength of being a member of the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce BOB WHITECharlotte County Chamber of Commerce Growing up, July was always my favorite month. Even as an adult, I still favor this month. The fact that I get to eat birthday cake this month might have a little something to do with it. ItÂs ocially summer. Kids are out of school. The Gulf is warm, and the air is even hotter. Some believe July is a lucky month since it is the seventh month of the year. Having a thriving business requires much more than luck. Surrounding yourself with positive, community-minded people, working hard and being a member of the chamber is the perfect recipe for success. We oer many opportunities for you to meet others that are working hard to make a dierence in the business world and in our community. This monthÂs Fun After 5 is Wednesday, July 12 at the Suncoast Auditorium on the campus of HCA Florida Englewood Hospital, 700 Medical Blvd., Englewood. There will be food, drinks, and plenty of space to relax, mix and mingle inside. Yes, inside ƒ which means air conditioning, hip hip hooray! A special thank you to support partners Englewood Bank & Trust along with Mark Knauf CPA. Bring a door prize to get your business a little extra attention. Next week we invite you to lunch at Mango Bistro on July 19. Registration is required and can be done on our website. Seats are limited so if you plan to attend, now is the time to RSVP. Marie and Ricardo always do an excellent job so join us for some networking and noshing on Dearborn Street. We are so happy for Charlotte County Habitat for Humanity. Their ReSale Store, 3325 N Access Road, Englewood is back open and a big thank-you goes out to all those that helped make it happen. They will showcase the store with a joint Chamber Ribbon Cutting on Tuesday, July 25, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Please plan to stop. The ChamberÂs Golf ÂPar-TeeÂŽ will be Saturday, July 29 at The Hills Golf Course in Rotonda West. Today is the last day to register your business team. The annual event is more than just a golf scramble. ItÂs a great networking and team building opportunity. The day includes breakfast, lunch, drinks, prizes, and some surprises. ItÂs another way we prove that we are Âseriously fun business.ÂŽ If you know you know! Shout out to Chamber members that are supporting this fun event: The End Zone, Erin Halstead-Michael Saunders & Company, Mike Douglass Plumbing, Suncoast Central Realty, Joe Maxx Coee, Lindsay Broschart-Florida Best Quote Insurance, Total Therapy, Reliable Cabinet Designs, Englewood Bank & Trust, Jen Tucker-Premier Mortgage Resources and all our sign sponsors and teams that will be showcased that day. Be sure to save the date for our next ÂBusiness Before Business.ÂŽ The Brew Crew will be hosted by The Hesse Team-Paradise Exclusive, Wednesday, Aug. 2 at 8 a.m. Plan to swing by for a cup of coee, conversations and new connections at 200 W. Dearborn St. Not a member? Come to one of our events as my guest and see how we can help your business succeed. Are you already successful? Great, then join and help us help others. ItÂs amazing what you can teach others about how to grow their business and keep our community strong. You might just be that missing ingredient in someoneÂs recipe for success. Kim Parks is membership coordinator for the Englewood Chamber of Commerce and may be reached at kim.parks@ or 941-474-5511, or visit www.englewoodchamber. com. Kim Parks is membership coordinator for the Englewood Florida Chamber of Commerce and may be reached at Kim.Parks@ Chamber has networking that works KIM PARKSEnglewood Chamber The Charlotte County SheriÂs Oce reported the following arrests: Carlos Monroy, 41, 200 block of Rotonda Circle, Rotonda West. Charge: violate nonresident exemption from registration. Bond: $1,000. Ashley Nicole Apostolou, 39, 3700 block of Palm Drive, Punta Gorda. Charges: two counts of petty theft and two counts of burglary of an occupied dwelling while unarmed. Bond: $37,000. Solange Genevieve Glockson, 49, 18600 block of Ashcroft Circle, Port Charlotte. Charges: possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $2,000. Lynda Lee Cribbs, 60, homeless, Port Charlotte. Charges: possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $3,000. Freddie Lee Jones Jr., 51, 100 block Of Glenridge Ave., Port Charlotte. Charge: violation of probation or community control. Bond: $2,500. Jonathan Michael Shamma, 19, address withheld. Charge: battery on person 65 years or older. Bond: none. Compiled by Frank DiFiorePOLICE BEATJAMESW.MALLONEE,P.A.LAWOFFICEJAMESW.MALLONEEPROBATEWILLS/TRUSTS MEDICAIDPLANNINGREALESTATEOfceHoursÂ…MondaythruFriday,9:00AMto5:00PM946TamiamiTrail,#206,PortCharlotte,FL33953871VenetiaBayBlvd.Suite#225,Venice,FL34285 (941) adno=3895030-1
PAGE 13 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 PAGE 3Bto handle the companyÂs equipment. The current rate for residents to have their trash hauled away is $233.59 per home, for up to nine dwelling units. The rate is lower for complexes with 10 or more units, which pay $197.65 apiece. Those rates have been in place since September 2021 and appear on the property tax bill as a non-ad valorem tax. So, a twofold increase for most residents in the county would jump the rate to almost $466. While assessments may increase based on the new franchise contractual rate, the “nal impact of contractual rates are yet to be determined. The existing 20-year contract the county has had with Waste Management will expire soon, and Usher said his sta and county procurement sta were preparing a solicitation for bids, but also are looking at ways to make the solicitation more competitive and keep the bids low. One of the ideas under discussion is splitting the county into two districts instead of one company serving the entire county. That solicitation, Usher told commissioners, should be completed shortly and advertising could begin soon. He hopes to have a new contract negotiated by the end of the year for consideration by commissioners. Email: barbararichardson996@ gmail.comRENEWALFROM PAGE 1BVicenteÂs friend Rodrigo Oñate Roco, from Querétaro, Mexico, created the same fantastical folkloric art for the walls as he exhibits in Chicago and provided for the other Tequilas. Here, though, heÂs gone gargantuan, hand-rendering the restaurantÂs 4-by-8-foot panels in a trendier, abstract-anime style. And, trust us, a visit to any Tequila restroom is also a must. With thousands of unique tiles and hand-painted porcelain, each one is a behind-closed-doors work of art. ItÂs all been worth waiting for. And so will MataÂs next Tequila project, coming sooner than you think to some other neighborhood near us. Pineapple Tequila ($-$$, O), 941-303-6151, 1661 U.S. Highway 41 Bypass South (Jacaranda Plaza), Venice, is open 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Thursday, to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday, noon to 9 p.m. Sunday. Check their Facebook page for live performances from Mariachi Juvenil Azteca. ENDLESS ALLYOUCANEAT It was only a matter of time before limitedservice fast-casual (order at counter, be served at your table) would expand beyond the Mexican (Chipotle Mexican Grill, MoeÂs Southwest Grill), American café (Panera Bread), Chinese, and pizza realms into sushi and hibachi. P.F. ChangÂs launched what was arguably the “rst fast-casual freshAsian chain, Pei Wei Asian Diner, in 2000. By 2017 our local time had “nally come. Entrepreneurs Sharon Jiang and husband Ivan Zheng made a bold breakthrough in North Port, opening the “rst true fast-casual sushihibachi grill in the area. Their menu of appetizers, sushi and sashimi, special rolls, tempura, noodles, and hibachi entrees „ all in a fast-casual setting „ made such a splash in North Port that the couple soon opened another Fugu in Venice. TheyÂre still innovating. Now theyÂve pioneered, with manager Larry Ling, in another category: all-you-can-eat sushi. Until recently, the closest place for all-youcan-eat sushi/hibachi was GinZa Endless Sushi & Hibachi in Fort Myers, which currently oers AUCE lunch for $18.95 and dinner for $28.95. Now, after a seemingly endless, year-long wait, Tokyo Endless Hibachi & Sushi has opened in a 160-seat Murdock space, where sushi and hibachi chefs busily plate fresh lunch and dinner for the same prices as GinZaÂs. Customers can, of course, order o a large menu, but the all-youcan-eat option is the restaurantÂs distinction and biggest draw. AUCE portions are manageably small. If a whole, eight-piece sushi roll seems too much, you can even order single pieces at a time. Still, the whole experience walks a “ne line between restraint (ÂShould I really eat all this?ÂŽ) and gluttony (ÂIÂm paying for it, dammit. Bring on the dessert!ÂŽ) Your mom would be proud. To discourage waste, you pay a la carte for whatÂs left behind from not cleaning your plate. Tokyo Endless Hibachi & Sushi ($-$$), 941-280-5088 and 5089, 19451 Cochran Boulevard (Quesada Commons, near Publix), Port Charlotte, is open 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday to Thursday, to 10:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, to 9:30 p.m. Sunday. Send restaurant and bar news and recommendations to columnist Sue Wade at Average price ranges are $ = inexpensive (under $10), $$ = moderate ($11-$30), and $$$ = pricey (over $30), including tip and beverage. Outside dining available = O.SUEFROM PAGE 1B SUN PHOTO BY SUE WADEPort CharlotteÂs rst all-you-can-eat sushi/hibachi restaurant also allows ordering o the menu. PHOTO BY NANCY HENDRIXThe answer to restaurant stang issues? Bella the robot kitty can guide guests to their seats at Tokyo Endless Hibachi & Sushi and is outtted with serving trays, too. STAFF REPORTENGLEWOOD „ Authorities are investigating a crash that happened late Saturday involving a wrong-way driver. Sarasota County SheriÂs Oce sent out a news release noting that the crash, along Englewood Road near Whispering Pines Circle, may have involved a fatality. Florida Highway Patrol is investigating the case. A representative from FHP was not available Sunday evening. According to Sarasota County SheriÂs Oce, the crash happened at 8:48 p.m. involving three vehicles in the 1700 block of Englewood Road/ State Road 776. ÂA wrong-way driver going northbound in the southbound lanes collided with a southbound vehicle before crashing head on with another vehicle traveling southbound,ÂŽ the news release stated. ÂOne possible fatality is reported.ÂŽ Englewood Road/State Road 776 was closed for about “ve hours during the investigation.Cops: Wrong-way driver causes three-vehicle crash along State Road 776 THENATIONÂSGUTTERGUARD 1 CLOG-FREEGUTTERSFOREVER BEFORELeafFilter AFTERLeafFilter LIFETIMEWAR RANTY INSTALLSONNEW &EXISTINGGUTTERS PROTECTYOURHOME 365DAYSAYEAR KeepsOutAllDebrisCompletelysealedsystemprotects yourgutters„andentirehome„ fromdamagingdebris. 1-941-621-9629CALLUSTODAYFORAFREEESTIMATE ÂLeafFilterwasa greatinvestment forourhome.ÂŽÂ…Bill&Jan. **WellsFargoHomeProjectscreditcardisissuedbyWellsFargoBank,N.A.,anEqualHousingLender.Specialtermsfor24mo.applytoqualifyingpurch asesof$1,000ormorewithapprovedcredit.Minimummonthlypaymentswillnotpayobalancebeforeendof promotionalperiod.APRfornewpurchasesis28.99%.Eective-01/01/2023-subjecttochange.Call1-800-431-5921forcompletedetails.2Theleadi ngconsumerreportingagencyconducteda16monthoutdoortestofgutterguardsin2010andrecognizedLeafFilter astheÂ#1ratedprofessionallyinstalledgutterguardsysteminAmerica.ÂŽ*Forthosewhoqualify.Onecouponperhousehold.Noobligationestimatev alidfor1year.Oervalidattimeofestimateonly.SeeRepresentativeforfullwarrantydetails.Manufacturedin Plainwell,MichiganandprocessedatLMTMercerGroupinOhio.AR#0366920922,CA#1035795,CT#HIC.0649905,FL#CBC056678,IA#C127230,ID#RCE-516 04,LA#559544,MA#176447,MD#MHIC148329,MI#2102212986,#262000022,#262000403,#2106212946,MN #IR731804,MT#226192,ND47304,NE#50145-22,NJ#13VH09953900,NM#408693,NV#0086990,NY#H-19114,H-52229,OR#218294,PA#PA069383,RI#GC-413 54,TN#7656,UT#10783658-5501,VA#2705169445,WA#LEAFFNW822JZ,WV#WV056912.Mon-Thurs:8am-11pm,Fri-Sat:8am-5pm,Sun:2pm-8pmEST EXCLUSIVELIMITEDTIMEOFFER!PromoCode:285 FREEGUTTERALIGNMENT+FREEGUTTERCLEANING*APRFOR 24MONTHS** SENIORS& MILITARY!YOURENTIRE PURCHASE*++0 10 15%% %OFFOFFadno=3894187-1
PAGE 4B MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 The Daily Sun | OUR VIEWLocal Rotary club stands with UkraineOUR POSITION: The people of Ukraine can count on support from the Punta Gorda Rotary Club and its partners.While some questions about AmericaÂs aid for Ukraine in its war with Russia begin to simmer, there is no doubt about support for the embattled nation from the Punta Gorda Rotary Club. Almost since the “rst shots were “red and the “rst missiles launched, members of the Punta Gorda club have worked to raise money to do what they can for the people in Ukraine. So far, theyÂve come up with a $200,000 pot of money to send overseas. According to a Daily Sun story recently, James Williams, who oversees the nonpro“t Punta Gorda Rotary Club Charity and Education Foundation, sparked the drive to raise funds. He contacted the Czestochowa Rotary Club in Poland and its president, Wojtek Jankowski, for help funneling the money to the right sources. And, with that, the club members went about working on raising money „ initially just hoping for $5,000. Hegelman Logistics, a Czestochowa-based trucking “rm, agreed to donate trucks and drivers to bring the goods over the border, for free. And, as the war dragged on, thousands more Ukrainians ended up in Poland „ some without much more than the clothes they wore. The Punta Gorda Rotary itself has raised some $70,000 so far with help from Rotary clubs in several counties, and private donors. The Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island raised more than $77,000 for the cause. The project has snowballed with Rotary clubs in England, Germany, and the Caribbean contributing through the Punta Gorda foundation, along with clubs in Texas and Ohio and local member clubs of the General Federation of WomenÂs Clubs. Anyone interested in donating to the Punta Gorda Rotary Club Foundation can visit punta-gorda-rotary-club.square. site or send a check to Punta Gorda Ukraine Relief, P.O. Box 511132, Punta Gorda, Florida 33951-1132, and write Punta Gorda Ukraine Relief on the memo line. Biden is refusing to follow TrumpÂs leadE:Consider the howling and Âgnashing of teethÂŽ coming from Republican Trump supporters over the Hunter Biden investigation/deal. Recent Republican-led congressional committees are attacking Biden and AG Garland for manipulating the case. Unless they are hypocritical, they seem to be saying, ÂSee, Biden is just as bad as Trump.ÂŽ Therefore, should President Biden actually Âfollow TrumpÂs leadÂŽ on how to handle the situation? It is well documented that Trump (via Bill Barr) interfered with the DOJ prosecutions of Michael Flynn and Roger Stone. His supporters gave Trump full backing when he did this. If Biden were to Âfollow TrumpÂs lead,ÂŽ he should have “red the Trump-appointed prosecutor investigating Hunter and appointed a replacement that would shut the case down. It is obvious that neither of these things happened. When interfering in the Flynn and Stone cases did not work, Trump pardoned them along with Steve Bannon, Paul Manafort, and a number of other cronies. Again, all of the Republicans who are now crying so loud were happy to support the PUBLISHER Glen Nickerson COMMENTARY EDITOR John HackworthViewpoint OUR POSITION: ItÂs encouraging that North Port has created a Natural Resources Division to focus on environmental issues.We havenÂt heard North Port Vice Mayor Alice White say so, but we imagine she is more than pleased the city has created a Natural Resources Division to focus on environmental policy and green spaces. After all, White is still chair of People for Trees. And she has said more than once that although those who plant trees may never live to stand under their shade, they are making a statement on the value of trees in our future. The city announced the creation of the new division recently with a strategic goal of environmental sustainability and resiliency as the city gr ows, according to a news release. Alaina Ray, the Development Services Department director, said in the news release that Âcreating the Natural Resources Division is a testament to our commitment to and focus on our environment.ÂŽ Among the responsibilities of the new division will be oversight of habitats for endangered and threatened species, a beefed-up eort to protect trees and the coordination of a citywide tree planting plan. Habitat invasion „ especially that used by gopher turtles „ has been a complaint heard for years. There will be three arborists working in the new division, along with four new positions approved by the City Commission: natural resources manager, environmental planner, environmental specialist and urban forester. Permit and mitigation fees paid by developers for the removal of protected trees in the city goes into a Tree Fund which will help pay for the new division. That fund has a current balance of $3.2 million. North PortÂs environmentally sensitive eort is an example for all cities.North Port focuses on natural resourcesAncestors have made Independence Day possibleE:What Independence Day means to me: It is honoring my ancestors who took the dicult journey in wooden boats across a dangerous and unpredictable Atlantic Ocean for an opportunity, in a new world, recently settled in the Northeast Coastal towns 300-plus years ago. My ancestors, soon after arriving, moved south and west into the Virginia and North Carolina colonies and with other trailblazers cleared the way for what is today Tennessee and PresidentÂs actions. Therefore, they must believe that President Biden should Âfollow TrumpÂs leadÂŽ and pardon Hunter. That would render all discussion moot. How could any Trump supporters object? Biden would be doing exactly what they have supported Trump for doing in the past. Of course, a person might believe that a better man would put the Rule of Law above personal desires. Do you, in fact, think that Biden might just be a Âbetter manÂŽ than Trump? D K. T Port Charlotte Southwestern Virginia. They helped the British in the French and Indian Wars and after the Declaration of Independence took up arms against the British defeating them at the decisive battle of Kings Mountain. It is honoring those Americans who serve in our military and politics, who do so with impeccable integrity and fervor making decisions to promote the safety and security of the American people and America. It is honoring the judicial systemÂs members who put Americans and America “rst, in rulings consistent with the ConstitutionÂs equal justice under the law. It is honoring those who escaped their tyrannical home countries for an opportunity to be free to achieve their God-given rights, to be the best they can be. To accept all the responsibilities of being an American citizen, to assimilate with our American culture and to protect it against all enemies, both Foreign and Domestic. It is honoring my parents and teachers for educating me to be the best I can be to honor those great Americans who came before me and will come after me. R C. R Port Charlotte OPINIONKing Charles III has launched a catastrophe countdown clock. It will tick until 2030, a year in which he predicts Âserious consequencesÂŽ if the world doesnÂt eectively address Âclimate change.ÂŽ Honestly, if you canÂt trust the king, whom can you trust? ItÂs always good to be reminded of predictions like this and whether any of them „ even just one „ has come true. If not, why would we put our faith in them? One might as well consult a palm reader, a horoscope, or a fortune cookie to get similar results. The International Energy Administration has released a new report that “nds since 2020 governments around the world have spent $1.34 trillion investing in clean energy. The result has been negligible to nothing in reducing global temperatures. In 2022 global CO2 emissions hit their highest levels ever. Canadian forest “res are likely to increase carbon emissions, countering whatever progress has been made by the wind and solar energy industries. The British doomsday clock is not original. During the Cold War, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists had a similar clock which predicted how close they believed we were to nuclear self-destruction. Now theyÂve added what they call Âdangerous technologiesÂŽ in predicting a world without humanity. One of the bene“ts of being a liberal is never having to admit you were wrong about previous predictions and with the mediaÂs help you can just move on to the next one. The solutions to Âclimate changeÂŽ have regressed from the quasi-serious to the ridiculous. Consider this from a recent article in the respected journal Scienti“c American: ÂIt takes a lot of water and energy to make negronis, Manhattans and margaritas. Could we do with less ice?ÂŽ ItÂs not enough for the climate ÂexpertsÂŽ to demand governments regulate everything from light bulbs, to meat, to gas stoves and the cars we drive. Now they have gone too far by suggesting governments should regulate our cocktails. Perhaps we could learn something from the Germans, or at least their Socialist/Green Party, which wants to ban fossil fuel furnaces from every home and building in the country by forcing everyone to install heat pumps. The delicious irony is that the Greens havenÂt been able to get heat pumps working at their Berlin headquarters. Costs have run into the millions. It gets better (or worse). Politico reports: ÂThe White House oered measured support for the idea of studying how to block sunlight from hitting EarthÂs surface as a way to limit global warming...ÂŽ If this comes true, we might have to take many more Vitamin D pills. The suntan lotion industry will likely go bankrupt. Every Chicken Little prediction about the environment „ from forecasts by scienti“c ÂexpertsÂŽ in the 1970s of a coming Ice Age in which we will all freeze to death, to the current alarmists who have made various wrong predictions about us burning to death „ has failed to deter those who want to increase governmentÂs power over our lives. The Competitive Enterprise Institute lists just some of the failed predictions of global Armageddon over the last 50 years. They would be laughable if they werenÂt serious at the time. A personal favorite was a prediction of worldwide famine. Now our main problem, at least in America, seems to be obesity. Again, why would anyone put their faith in such stupidity? The late comedian W.C Fields said, ÂA manÂs got to believe in something. I believe IÂll have another drink.ÂŽ IÂll have mine with lots of ice. A toast: Long live the king! Readers may email Cal Thomas at tcaeditors@Ât sweat doomsday clocks on climate change CAL THOMASTribune Media
PAGE 15 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 PAGE 5BOPINIONSWASHINGTON „ Thanks to the Supreme Court, armative action in college admissions is eectively dead. But while racial preferences were the wrong solution, the underlying problem is real: We have horri“c racial disparities in elementary and secondary education in this country that make it harder for poor Black and Hispanic students to gain admission to, and succeed in, college. And that is because millions are trapped in failing public schools that do not prepare them for college, much less for life „ and because their parents do not have the same choices as auent White parents do to send them to good schools. The latest results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, also known as the NationÂs Report Card, show that pandemic lockdowns wiped out nearly two decades of progress in reading and more than three decades of progress in math. And since the lockdowns, schools are failing to make up for those learning losses. Black and Hispanic students in schools with high poverty rates suered learning losses far worse than their White peers, because high-poverty schools stayed closed longer than schools in more auent communities. One study by Curriculum Associates found that schools serving majority Black and Latino students reported Âalmost double the amount of un“nished learningÂŽ in third-grade reading and math in 2021 than did schools where the majority of students were White. According to McKinsey, the cumulative learning losses during the pandemic could reduce students lifetime earnings by as much as $61,000 „ with poor and minority students the worst aected. The state of education for poor minority students in the United States is a disgrace. An analysis of 2021-22 data by Fox NewsÂs Project Baltimore found that 93% of students in Baltimore public schools could not do math at grade level, including 23 schools where not a single student could do so. In Illinois, data showed 53 schools „ most of them in Chicago „ where not a single student could do math at grade level, and 30 where not a single student can read at grade level. In Minnesota, there were 19 schools where not one student could do math at grade level „ half of them in MinneapolisSt. Paul „ while half of all students in the public school system could not read at grade level. There is simply no excuse for keeping kids trapped in schools like these. Armative action in college admissions did not help these kids. As Bates College professor Tyler Austin Harper recently wrote in the New York Times, many elite colleges and universities Âboost diversity statistics on the cheap by accepting minority students who can pay full freight.ÂŽ David Leonhardt of the New York Times reports less than 15% of recent undergraduates at public universities including the University of Virginia, Auburn, Georgia Tech and William & Mary as well as elite private colleges such as Bates, Brown, Georgetown, Oberlin, Tulane and Wake Forest come from families with incomes low enough to qualify for Pell Grants. Armative action, Leonhardt writes, Âoften succeeded at producing racial diversity without producing as much economic diversity.ÂŽ In other words, these colleges and universities tend to admit wealthy minorities from educated households who do not need help rather than the kids from poor families who do. Blame for this debacle lies in large part with teachers unions, which lobbied for remote schooling „ and continue to “ght to deny parents the right to take their kids out of failing schools. Instead of trying to help kids at the end of the process by lowering admissions standards, we should be helping them at the start of the process by giving them access to better schools so they can get the education they need not just to get into college, but to succeed there „ and in life. Right now, auent White parents can just pull their kids out of the failing schools and send them to schools that are focused on fundamentals like reading and math. But poor Black and Hispanic parents canÂt do the same. If youÂre concerned about systematic discrimination, you should “nd it unacceptable that White parents have choices for their kids while Black and Brown parents donÂt. Giving them that choice is the civil rights struggle of our time. Fortunately, conservatives have not just been “ghting against armative action, but taking armative action of their own to help these kids „ passing school choice laws across the country that address the systematic discrimination in our public schools. In Ohio, Gov. Mike DeWine (R) just signed a budget including universal school choice. Ohio is now the eighth state to pass universal school choice in just two years, alongside Arizona, Iowa, West Virginia, Utah, Arkansas, Florida and Oklahoma. Eight states is a start, but that leaves 42 in which poor Black and Hispanic parents donÂt have the same choices as auent parents. So, if you are a conservative, celebrate the Supreme CourtÂs historic decision. But tomorrow, the “ght for school choice begins anew. Follow Marc A. Thiessen on Twitter, @marcthiessen.School choice, not affirmative action can fix racial disparities MARC A. THIESSENWashington Post This summer, like last summer, Texas has battled a brutal heat wave that regularly reaches triple-digit temperatures. This summer, like last summer, the heat wave triggered record levels of energy demand. This summer, like last summer, there have miraculously been no rolling blackouts; in fact, this year, the stateÂs grid operator has so far asked for just one day of voluntary energy conservation. And this summer, like last summer, renewables have been the heroes of the story „ yet they remain curiously vili“ed by politicians in the Lone Star State. In recent years, renewable energy has been ramping up across Texas. The state has rapidly increased solar capacity, for instance, enabling as much as 16,800 megawatts of solar power to be produced on the grid as of the end of May. ThatÂs roughly six times the capacity that existed in 2019 (about 2,600 megawatts), according to data from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, the stateÂs grid operator. This increase „ coupled with greater wind and storage development „ is what has allowed Texans to beat the heat and keep their electricity bills down. After all, several thermal-energy plants in the state went oine in recent weeks, as coal, natural gas and nuclear facilities appeared to buckle under extreme temperatures and shrinking maintenance windows. Additional solar and wind generation more than made up the dierence. Renewables overall have lately represented roughly 35 to 40 percent of power generation at peak, compared with about 30 percent last year. The result is not only that renewables have enabled Texas residents to keep the lights and air conditioning on during this hellish heat. They probably also saved Texans Âbillions of dollarsÂŽ last week alone by keeping prices from spiking, says Doug Lewin, an Austinbased energy consultant and author of the Texas Energy and Power Newsletter. WhatÂs responsible for this ... ahem ... windfall? Federal tax incentives, including those in the In”ation Reduction Act, have certainly encouraged additional renewable development nationwide. Technological advances have as well, with wind and solar development costs growing increasingly competitive against fossil fuels even before taking subsidies into account. Improvements in storage technology have also helped address renewables most-cited weakness: their intermittency. With better batteries, air conditioners can reliably keep blasting even on cloudy, windless days. But much of this is a Texasspeci“c story, too. Though not exactly known for its bleeding-heart-liberal populace, Texas generates more electricity from wind and solar than any other state. Of the 710 megawatts of new battery storage that went online across the United States in the “rst three months of 2023, about 70 percent was in Texas alone, according to data from S&P Global. Perhaps this isnÂt surprising, if you look at TexasÂs landscape and demographics; itÂs naturally quite sunny and windy, with a growing population. These features have made it an attractive place to site new and ecient renewable-energy projects. The state has made some smart policy decisions, too. It got a jump-start on expanding transmission lines, for instance, to help move power from windy but secluded areas to denser population centers. The stateÂs electricity market was designed to make it easy for new energy producers to connect to the Texas grid. Perhaps most important, Texas (unlike, say, California) has a relatively permissive permitting environment for building of all kinds: housing, energy infrastructure, you name it. At least, the state has had a welcoming regulatory environment for all these things. More recently, Texas politicians have been threatening to kill their golden goose. In the legislative session that recently ended, state lawmakers introduced a raft of bills designed to curb renewable-energy investment and prop up traditional thermal energy producers. One bill, for example, would have put new permitting requirements in place just for wind and solar, and nothing else. ÂYou could still site an oil and gas well literally across the fence line from a day-care facility,ÂŽ explains Lewin, Âbut youÂd have to go and ask permission to put a solar panel on somewhere.ÂŽ These bills seem to have been motivated by a combination of factors. For some, itÂs just NIMBYism (people not wanting their rustic views ruined by wind turbines, for example). Others want to help the stateÂs beloved fossil-fuel industry. (Texas remains the top oiland-gas producing state in the nation, too.) And perhaps others are driven by culture-war concerns (renewables are indulgences pushed by commie tree-huggers, etc.). While the worst of these bills didnÂt make it through, they are likely to get revived in the years ahead. Renewables have proved a favorite scapegoat for any problems with TexasÂs power system „ even when theyÂre actually the key to alleviating those problems. For which they never seem to get their due. Catherine RampellÂs email address is crampell@washpost. com. Follow her on Twitter, @ crampell.Renewables are saving Texas. Give them their due. CATHERINE RAMPELLWashington Post Justice Ketanji Brown JacksonÂs dissent in the Supreme CourtÂs armative action case achieved instant legendary status in certain quarters. Vice President Kamala Harris called it Âpr obably one of the most brilliant dissents that any justice of the United States Supreme Court has ever written.ÂŽ Yes, Jackson is apparently right up there with the likes Justice John Marshall Harlan, the lone dissenter in the infamous Plessy v. Ferguson decision upholding separate but equal. Ketanji Jackson took great umbrage at the Court striking down race-based college admissions in the case involving the policies of Harvard and the University of North Carolina (she recused herself from the Harvard part of the ruling). Her much-praised handiwork, though, hardly quali“es as a legal opinion. It reads like a guest essay by Âanti-racistÂŽ guru Ibram X. Kendi in The New York Times. ÂWith let-them-eat-cake obliviousness, today, the majority pulls the ripcord and announces, Âcolorblindness for all by legal “at,ÂŽ she pronounces in what is supposed to be a thunderous line. There are several notable things about this. One, the writing doesnÂt work. If you are oblivious, you usually arenÂt undertaking acts that require focused eort, such as pulling a ripcord. The inapt metaphor aside, the sneer quotes around Âcolorblindness for allÂŽ are quite something coming from a Supreme Court justice in the United States of America. In making their case against racial preferences, the justices in majority invoke the 14th Amendment and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If Jackson were being consistent, her sneering would extend to the Civil Rights Act, for it, too, favors color-blindness for all: ÂNo person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the bene“ts of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal “nancial assistance.ÂŽ Jackson spends a lot of time recounting the countryÂs racial sins and then declares them inescapable today. Even if this simplistic account were true, she fails to establish why racially biased college admissions are legal or warranted. She writes of the Âuniversal bene“ts of considering race in this context.ÂŽ But college admission is zero sum „ only so many applicants get accepted, and if some are being disadvantaged, they are obviously suering a harm. In classic two-wrongs-makea-right reasoning, she says that UNCÂs admission process is fairer than it used to be when it excluded Black people „ as if past discrimination justi“es current discrimination harming people who had nothing to do with the prior injustices. The admissions process, Jackson says, Âallows consideration of all factors material to merit,ÂŽ adding in a parenthetical, Âincluding race.ÂŽ She doesnÂt spell out which races she considers especially meritorious, although the policies she defends are meant to suppress Asian Americans acceptances. Asian Americans are, to use the woke term, ÂinvisibleÂŽ to her, an expendable chit in a grand morality play of black and white. ThereÂs no modulation in her views on race „ no awareness that many Black people are from immigrant families untouched by American slavery, or that Asian Americans also have a history of discrimination, or that some white people have had a tougher upbringing than some Black, or that people are individuals, not racial archetypes. Even if putting students from dierent backgrounds together Âimproves cognitive abilities and critical thinking skills, reduces prejudice, and better prepares students for post-graduate life,ÂŽ as Jackson maintains, thereÂs no reason to conclude that race is the only or most important element of diversity. What has the child of Vietnamese immigrants done to be considered harmful to diversity and the education of other students? In head-spinning logic, Jackson asserts that ending discrimination in admissions Âwill delay the day that every American has an equal opportunity to thrive, regardless of race,ÂŽ and Âignoring race makes it matter more.ÂŽ Discrimination is anti-discrimination. Bias is fairness. 2+2=5. Justice HarlanÂs dissent in Plessy is unmistakable: ÂOur Constitution is color-blind and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens.ÂŽ Justice Jackson takes a dierent view. Rich Lowry is on Twitter @ RichLowryJustice JacksonÂs abysmal affirmative action dissent RICH LOWRYNational Review HOW TO CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATORSTATE REPRESENTATIVES State Rep. Mike Grant (R-Port Charlotte) Port Charlotte Office: 941-613-0914 Tallahassee Office: 850-717-5075 State Rep. James Buchanan (R-Sarasota ) North Port Office: 941-429-4560 Tallahassee Office: 850-717-5074 Rep. Spencer Roach 3436 Marinatown Lane, Suite 6 North Fort Myers, FL 33903-7058 Phone: 239-656-7790 STATE SENATORS State Sen. Joe Gruters (R-Sarasota) Sarasota Office: 941-378-6309 Tallahassee Office: 850-487-5023 State Sen. Ben Albritton (R-Bartow) Bartow Office: 863-534-0073 Punta Gorda Office: 941-575-5717 Tallahassee Office: 850-487-5026 2 0 2 3 _ 0 7 _ 1 0 _ o t b _ e n c _ 0 5 . p d f 1 1 0 J u l 2 3 0 0 : 0 8 : 0 4
Daily Break MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 | YOURSUN.COM By JAKE COYLE AP FILM WRITERNEW YORK „ There are, as a rule, only so many places you can go as an action movie after leaving Tom Cruise clinging to the side of an Airbus A400M and ” inging him out a cargo plane at 25,000 feet. But in the kinetic, headlong world of ÂMission: Impossible,ÂŽ the pressure to keep upping the ante „ like the “ lms always-running star „ never stops. ÂEvery time we “ nish a movie, the “ rst thing Tom says to me is: We can do better,ÂŽ says Christopher McQuarrie. McQuarrie, the writer-director of 2015Âs ÂMission: Impossible Â… Rogue NationÂŽ and the 2018 franchise high point, ÂMission: Impossible Â… Fallout,ÂŽ was working with Cruise on ÂTop Gun: Maverick ÂŽ (which McQuarrie wrote) when they started talking about their ambitions for the next iteration of ÂMission: Impossible.ÂŽ BIGGER STUNTS Their plan was to make not one but two sequels: Back-toback blockbusters that would feature even bigger stunts „ Cruise envisioned a motorcycle jump-slash-skydive „ and a massive train sequence that McQuarrie pined to realize. The heady experience on ÂMaverick,ÂŽ a pop-culture juggernaut that grossed nearly $1.5 billion worldwide, only further ratcheted up their aspirations. ÂÂTop Gun: Maverick really taught us a lot in terms of character dynamics and the emotional payo of the movie overall,ÂŽ McQuarrie said in a recent interview. ÂTo be making movies on this scale, you really need to think about, more than anything, the feeling that the audience is left with going away.ÂŽ A year after the box-o ce dominance of ÂMaverickÂŽ, McQuarrie and Cruise are back with another high-” ying spectacle of daring-do. Similar to ÂMaverick,ÂŽ ÂMission: Impossible Â… Dead Reckoning Part OneÂŽ is a state-of-the-art action extravaganza of oldschool technique, made with star power, practical e ects and stunt work designed to prompt exclamations of ÂHe did what?ÂŽ It was also their most nearly impossible mission yet Â… and not just because of, according to Paramount Pictures, the 500 skydives and 13,000 motocross jumps that Cruise did in preparation for his climactic stunt. ÂDead ReckoningÂŽ was just days away from beginning production in Venice when COVID-19 cases began skyrocketing in Italy, an early epicenter. ÂMission: ImpossibleÂŽ was one of the “ rst major productions to be shut down by the pandemic. Months later, Cruise and ÂDead ReckoningÂŽ Â… a globe-trotting $290 million movie so logistically complicated that it prompted controversy for initial plans to blow up a century-old bridge in Poland Â… led an industry-wide e ort to get movie business back on line during the pandemic. An already high-stress production became even more tense. In December 2020, an audio recording leaked of Cruise yelling at two crew members for not obeying COVID-19 protocols. ÂWe are the gold standard,ÂŽ Cruise said in the recording. ÂTheyÂre back there in Hollywood making movies right now because of us. Because they believe in us and what weÂre doing.ÂŽ There were numerous delays and pivots along the way. But McQuarrie says he never thought ÂDead ReckoningÂŽ wouldnÂt get “ nished. ÂWe just kept moving forward because if you stopped, if you were trying to “ nd the end of the tunnel, you would just reach a place of such despair,ÂŽ says McQuarrie. FIRST COLLABORATION McQuarrie and Cruise “ rst collaborated on the 2008 Hitler assassination drama ÂValkyrie.ÂŽ McQuarrie, the famed screenwriter of ÂThe Usual Suspects,ÂŽ was then in proverbial movie jail for his poorly received directorial debut, ÂThe Way of the Gun.ÂŽ ÂWhen I met Tom in 2006, I had not directed a “ lm in seven years,ÂŽ McQuarrie says. ÂI wouldnÂt direct a “ lm again for another “ ve years. I had really put any ambitions I had to direct out of my mind. I certainly never imagined being considered an action director, let alone directing four action “ lms.ÂŽ ÂIn ÂDead Reckoning, youÂre seeing the ghosts of all the movies that I was never allowed to make,ÂŽ he adds. Unlikely as it may be, McQuarrie (whoÂs also directing the already-shooting part two of ÂDead ReckoningÂŽ) has emerged as the architect of one of the most visceral action franchises. In ÂDead Reckoning,ÂŽ Ethan Hunt faces o with a rogue arti“ cial intelligence, a prescient and well-suited antagonist for a movie universe built less on CGI than practical e ects. McQuarrie told Cruise he wanted to take ÂMission: ImpossibleÂŽ beyond the threat of a terrorist getting hold of a deadly weapon. ÂAnother lesson we took from ÂTop Gun was: What is the audience bringing to the movie? ÂTop Gun came out of Cold War anxieties. I said to Tom in 2019: What anxiety is it now?ÂŽ says McQuarrie. ÂWhat we didnÂt anticipate was the level to which it would accelerate.ÂŽ In ÂMission: Impossible,ÂŽ what you see is rarely what you get. Hunt and his team of spies are masters of deception. At the same time, McQuarrie and his crew, including cinematographer Fraser Taggart, go to considerable lengths to ensure what the audience is watching feels authentic and immersive. ÂThe challenge normally is hiding the fact that itÂs not the actor doing it,ÂŽ says McQuarrie. ÂAnd here the reverse is the case. YouÂre actually going to great lengths to show that TomÂs actually doing it.ÂŽ Taggart, who had shot the helicopter sequence in ÂFallout,ÂŽ says heÂs never worked with an actor so resistant to stunt doubles as Cruise „ even in the most innocuous of shots. ÂTom wonÂt do it. He just refuses, even to the extent of youÂll do an insert of hand,ÂŽ says Taggart. ÂIt canÂt be anyone else doing it, as you would on other projects. Tom will insist thatÂs him.ÂŽ CHOREOGRAPHING CAMERAS Just as ÂTop Gun: MaverickÂŽ strove to get as many cameras in the cockpits of “ ghter jets, the set-pieces of ÂMission: ImpossibleÂŽ are choreographed to get cameras as close to Cruise and the cast „ here that includes Haley Atwell, Rebecca Ferguson and Vanessa Kirby „ as possible. For Taggart, that meant getting his head around often dizzying challenges like shooting a scene involving a train moving 60 miles an hour through a mountainous Scandinavian landscape with uncontrollable weather conditions. He didnÂt want just “ xed cameras. ÂSo now weÂve got to get a whole camera crew involved and some lighting and weÂll probably end up with 10 people strapped to the top of a train carriage, including an old-fashioned physical camera up there,ÂŽ says Taggart. ÂYou think: Can we actually get 10 people on top of the train doing 60 miles an hour? ThatÂs the challenge because youÂd really like all of your crew and actors to survive the shoot.ÂŽ In another sequence with characters inside a falling train cabin, they suspended a camera operator, Chunky Richmond, on stunt wires so he was hanging alongside the actors. For a nighttime chase through the byzantine passageways of Venice „ for Taggart one of the most complex tasks of ÂDead ReckoningÂŽ because of the inherent darkness of the city „ they knocked on doors everywhere along the route to get cameras on terraces and pointed out windows. For an elaborate car chase in Rome, Taggart used robotic arms on vehicles that were mounted but could also move. ÂWe always try technology but we usually break it all,ÂŽ he says. McQuarrie has said he likes to write ÂMission: ImpossibleÂŽ movies as theyÂre shooting; ÂFalloutÂŽ began without just an outline. Production on ÂPart TwoÂŽ has been paused during the promotion on ÂPart One,ÂŽ and itÂs unclear if the ongoing writers strike would threaten production on the sequel. But for McQuarrie and company, the only way to make a ÂMission: ImpossibleÂŽ movie is full tilt. ÂEverything weÂre doing is by the seat of our pants,ÂŽ says McQuarrie. ÂWe want you to come to the movie and experience it the same way the characters are, which is: I donÂt know whatÂs going to happen next.ÂŽ ÂMission: Impossible Â… Dead Reckoning Part OneÂŽ is in theaters July 12Full-tilt movie franchise turns it up a notch inÂMission: Impossible „ Dead ReckoningÂThe pressure to keep upping the ante never stops PARAMOUNT PICTURES/ZUMA PRESS/TNSTom Cruise does his own motorcycle stunt jumping o a ramp on a mountain and skydiving to the valley oor in ÂMission: Impossible „ Dead Reckoning Part One.ÂŽ ÂThe challenge normally is hiding the fact that itÂs not the actor doing it. And here the reverse is the case. YouÂre actually going to great lengths to show that TomÂs actually doing it.ÂŽ Christopher McQuarrie writer-directoradno=3896448-1 Call us at (941) 214-4636 today for a COMPLIMENTARY Demonstration of the Starkey LIVIO 1000! 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PAGE 17 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 PAGE 7B LOS ANGELES TIMES DAILY CROSSWORD EDITED BY RICH NORRIS AND JOYCE LEWIS Rating: GOLD JANRIC CLASSIC SUDOKU NEWSDAY CROSSWORD EDITED BY STANLEY NEWMAN CANDY STORE MARMADUKE By Brad Anderson By RODNEY HOTHE ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTIONATLANTA „ Deon Cole is best known for his comedic chops both as a writer for Conan OÂBrien and as an actor on shows like Âblack-ishÂŽ and ÂAngie Tribeca.ÂŽ But the 51-year-old Chicago native “nds his dramatic ”air in the tensely engaging action series ÂAverage JoeÂŽ on BET+. Cole plays Joe Washington, an Âaverage JoeÂŽ suburban plumber in Pittsburgh whose recently deceased father lived a secret life as a drug mule and stole $10 million and a Lamborghini from dangerous Russian ma“a dealers. Now those people think Joe has the money so he has to quickly “gure out whatÂs going on and also “nd the cash. The seemingly farfetched story is supposedly based on creator Robb CullenÂs life but Cullen, due to the writers strike, has declined interviews and has not detailed what aspects of his life are embedded in the series. ÂThis situation just falls in his lap and it goes from there,ÂŽ said Cole in an interview with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution before the strike began. ÂItÂs a darkly comedic intense drama. ... My goal was to make him feel as real as possible so people watching can identify with him.ÂŽ Joe ends up having to cover up some misdeeds of his own and scramble to keep what he did from his family while also trying to “nd the money his dad hid as well. ÂChaotic situations become normal,ÂŽ Cole said. Indeed, in episode two, Joe explains the situation to his skeptical wife, then says, ÂIt sounds insane but itÂs actually true!ÂŽ Unfortunately, without giving too much away, his wife and teen daughter as well as his two childhood friends, hardware store owner Leon (Malcolm Barrett) and alcoholic cop Touch (Michael Trucco), get wrapped up in the mystery. ÂThere is a familial aspect to these characters who are all average, blue-collar guys,ÂŽ said Trucco (ÂBattlestar Galactica,ÂŽ ÂFire CountryÂŽ), who, even though heÂs a cop, jumps into this ridiculous caper for his own personal reasons. The character who gets the biggest kick out of this absurd situation is LeonÂs wife Cathy (played with delightful abandon by Cynthia Kaye McWilliams) who is obsessed with true crime dramas and provides no shortage of comic relief amid the chaos. ÂI love me some Cathy,ÂŽ said McWilliams. ÂSheÂs like Peg Bundy meets Mary J. Blige. She is a housewife who is over her life and over her husband. Usually, when thereÂs a money crisis, it brings out the worst in people. In a weird way, this brings out the best in Cathy.ÂŽ In fact, the crisis gets their sex life back into gear, if anything. ÂItÂs a catalyst to bring them together because they have to cut through the [expletive],ÂŽ Barrett said. The series, though set in Pittsburgh, was shot in metro Atlanta last fall and winter. ÂThere was a certain kind of bleakness that “t the tone of the show,ÂŽ Trucco said. The show is getting strong reviews. John Anderson of The Wall Street Journal lauds: ÂIt never spreads itself too thin. And the story never slows down.ÂŽ Daniel Feinberg of The Hollywood Reporter compares ÂAverage JoeÂŽ favorably to the Net”ix show ÂOzark,ÂŽ which was also shot in Atlanta. ÂItÂs an easily digestible genre oering that wouldnÂt be completely out of place on an FX or Net”ix, plus the ensemble is really solid,ÂŽ he wrote, giving plaudits to both Barrett and McWilliams. ÂAverage JoeÂŽ has three episodes available now, with new ones out every Thursday for BET+ subscribers.BET+ gives Deon Cole a dramatic role in fun, intense series ÂAverage Joe PARAS GRIFFIN/GETTY IMAGES FOR ESSENCE/TNSDeon Cole speaks onstage at the 2023 ESSENCE Festival of Culture July 1 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He stars in ÂAverage JoeÂŽ on BET+ ÂItÂs a darkly comedic intense drama. ... My goal was to make him feel as real as possible so people watching can identify with him.ÂŽ Deon Cole actor
PAGE 8B MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 The Daily Sun | JUMBLE CRYPTOQUIP WORD SLEUTH ARIES True friends connect in you don't feel you must TAURUS GEMINI Who is really free? It's not restrictions limiting your CANCER LEO only thing that matters is commitment fortify your character and take you all VIRGO LIBRA Setting the scene just right SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN Certain social interac When you must interact AQUARIUS PISCES TODAY'S BIRTHDAY your team comes out on HOROSCOPE WHATZIT? TODAYÂS CROSSWORD PUZZLE WANT MORE PUZZLES? MOTHER GOOSE AND GRIMM By Mike Peters MALLARD FILLMORE By Bruce Tinsley ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman WORDY GURDY By Tricky Ricky Kane Solution: 7 LITTLE WORDS
PAGE 19 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 PAGE 9B CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers SHOE By Gary Brookins & Susie MacNelly REX MORGAN By Terry Beatty MARY WORTH By Karen Moy and June Brigman BABY BLUES By Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott DOONSBURY By Garry Trudeau DEAR DR. ROACH: I took ibuprofen for my osteoarthritis, but developed hives. Does this mean I'm allergic to all NSAIDS? What other therapeutic options do I have? „ J.B. ANSWER: Anti-in”ammatory drugs can have many allergic and allergic-type reactions, and ibuprofen is probably the most likely of all to do so. For people with mild reactions (such as hives that go away), without swelling or shortness of breath, I recommend avoiding ibuprofen and similar medicines, such as naproxen (Aleve and Naprosyn, among others), as well as any other medication ending in -profen, such as ketoprofen or ”urbiprofen. Aspirin is safe as far as allergies go, for most people, although it is a little more likely to cause side effects at higher doses. The prescription medicines meloxicam (Mobic), nabumetone (Relafen) and celecoxib (Celebrex) are among the least likely to have any cross reaction with ibuprofen. Anti-in”ammatory gels like diclofenac cream (Voltaren) should also be safe for topical use. People with more serious reactions need referral to an allergist, who may consider desensitization. DEAR DR. ROACH: One time, I drove a friend to the airport for an international ”ight. We were running late, and she feared missing the ”ight. My friend did not yell, or even say much, but she got so stressed that her lips turned blue. And I mean both lips turned a deep, dark blue „ nearly black. That scared me then and still does now. I don't think that's normal. What could that have been, and could she possibly be in danger if she gets stressed like that again? „ A.F. ANSWER: Blue discoloration of skin or mucous membranes is called cyanosis. When the lips are affected, it's "central" cyanosis, as opposed to the “ngertips, which is peripheral cyanosis. The leading cause of this is low oxygen levels. Why a person would get low oxygen levels with stress without any kind of physical activity is a tough question, and de“nitely not normal or common. The “rst thing that comes to my mind is congenital heart disease, of the type that allows unoxygenated blood to mix with oxygenated blood. However, having an adult with undiagnosed congenital heart disease is almost unheard of, and it would be likely that she would have many more symptoms. So, it's hard for me to believe it. Many of the other causes are potential emergencies, such as a blood clot in the lung. Some people, when they get very nervous, breathe very shallowly. It is possible to have oxygen levels drop from this. If she had some mild heart, lung or hemoglobin disease, it could cause the oxygen level to go very low. That's prob ably my best guess; though, I would be happy to hear from readers with other explanations.Reader developed hives after taking ibuprofen DEAR READERS: Today's Sound Off is about the state of our oceans: DEAR HELOISE: My husband and I decided that we would visit the beautiful state of Alaska for our anniversary. We spent three weeks exploring the state and had a good time, except when we went to the beach areas. For miles and miles, so many beaches were littered with glass bottles, “shing nets, broken toys and every bit of plastic trash you can name. Most of it had washed up from the ocean onto the shores of this lovely state. I found out that nearly all sea birds have been found to have plastic garbage in their stomachs, and because of that, they then feed it to their young. It causes many young birds to eventually die of starvation! Why aren't we doing more to clean up our beaches? I've seen this same problem in other areas, including the Great Lakes and on both the Western and Eastern shore lines. The ocean is not a garbage bin! „ Hannah & Joseph H., Kansas City, Missouri Hannah & Joseph, I'm as outraged as you over the trash that is tossed so carelessly into our waterways. The ocean should be protected and maintained to ensure the safety of the wildlife that lives there and to keep our beaches clean. Start by writing en masse to your congresspeople. You might be surprised by what a grassroots movement can do. Furthermore, our government must work with other governments to form an agreement that they, too, will protect our oceans. They must ensure that transport ships don't overload their vessels so large containers do not fall from the ship in a storm. Cruise ships should be stopped from dumping garbage into the ocean. Heavy “nes should be imposed on those who do not meet strict standards. This, and much more, needs to be done, and Congress needs to understand how important this matter is to the American public. The oceans of this world belong to all of us, and we need to take care of our very fragile planet. „ HeloiseReader sounds o about the state of our oceans HINTS FROM HELOISEAdvice Columnist SaturdayÂs Challenger Answers CHALLENGER FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE By Lynn Johnston PICKLES By Brian Crane B.C. By Mastroianni & Hart DR. ROACHAdvice Columnist SALLY FORTH By Francesco Marciuliano and Jim Keefe
PAGE 10B MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 The Daily Sun | DEAR ABBY: For more than “ve years, my son dated a young woman with a child. During that time, they lived with him. After they broke up, he was able to have visitation and shared parenting rights even though the little girl, "Paisley," was not his own. I must say it was a bene“t for the child. To this day, Paisley is still a major part of his life. For the last “ve years she has called him Dad because her mother doesn't want her real dad to be part of her daughter's life, and Paisley wanted someone to call Dad. Fast-forward three years. My son found love again and ended up marrying a “ne lady and mother of two. Their father is a very important part of their lives. They also, along with Paisley, all have grandparents. My question is, since none of these children are my son's, what are these kids to ME? I don't think they are my grandchildren, but my ex-wife says she accepts them as grandchildren, so I should do it and give them the same bene“ts that I give my three true grandchildren. Do I refer to them as grandchildren, step-grandchildren or just my son's wife's and ex's children? „ Mixed-Up Grandpa in Ohio DEAR GRANDPA: Because these children are important to your son, follow your ex-wife's lead and refer to them all as your grandchildren. Treat them with love and make them feel special. The more love there is, the better it will be for everyone concerned „ yourself, your son and his blended family. DEAR ABBY: I have a connection with someone very close to my heart, but I'm afraid our relationship isn't healthy. I'M the one who pays our rent. I'M the one who pays for all the food. And I'M the one who has to drive ALL THE TIME „ and, as you know, gas isn't cheap. It upsets me because he also never talks to me. I do like his style. What I love most about him is he is always there to support me. He gives the best hugs! He has beautiful eyes. And I just KNOW he loves me! I love him SO much! But he gets so sad when I hang out with my friends without him. I want to include him in our activities, but all my friends say that's "unrealistic." How dare they! I love him with all my heart, but often he just doesn't want to spend time with me. And I'm worried he's been cheating on me! What should I do? „ Girl in Love in Canada DEAR GIRL: Your letter is full of red ”ags. Is this hugger with beautiful eyes employed? WHY are you paying for everything? Has he ever actually SAID he loves you? Does he have any social life of his own? You state that he gets "sad" if you want to hang out with your friends, but often doesn't want to spend time with you. Where DOES he spend his time when he's not with you? If you suspect he may be cheating, listen to your intuition. You feel that way for a reason. Between you and me, you can do better than this. Start by “nding a man who can pull his own weight and will talk to you „ AND gives good hugs. P.S. If your "main squeeze" is a canine, please make sure he's chipped and neutered. Grandfather unsure of his role in children's lives DEAR ABBYAdvice Columnist KEN KEN THE LOGIC PUZZLE THAT MAKES YOU SMARTER GOREN BRIDGE WITH BOB JONES PREVIOUS ANSWERS PEARLS BEFORE SWINE THE WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker and Johnny Hart MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell HAGAR THE HORRIBLE MARVIN By Tom Armstrong GARFIELD BEETLE BAILEY HI AND LOIS By Brian and Greg Walker BORN LOSER PEANUTS By Charles Schulz BLONDIE By Dean Young and John Marshall Weekly bridge quiz answers
NATIONAL NEWS ADAMS PUBLISHING GROUP | MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 | 1JILL LAWLESS AND DANICA KIRKAAssociated PressLONDON „ A dash of pomp and a dose of politics are on the agenda during a stopover visit to the U.K. where President Joe Biden will discuss the environment with King Charles III and the war in Ukraine with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.Biden landed in London late Sunday on his way to a NATO summit in Lith uania. He is scheduled to hold talks with Sunak at 10 Downing St. on Monday before heading to Windsor Castle to meet with Charles for the first time since the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II in Septem ber. Though this is not a full state visit with carriage procession and palace banquet, the royal imprimatur and backdrop of the 1,000-year-old castle help underscore the importance of the trans-Atlantic Âspecial relationshipÂŽ „ tested by Brexit but rein forced by unity over RussiaÂs invasion of Ukraine. Sunak and the president will hold Ukraine-focused talks before both attend this weekÂs NATO meeting in Vilnius, which will discuss how far the military alliance should open the door to Ukraine. NATO leaders said in 2008 that Ukraine would eventually become a member, but have not set out a road map, despite impassioned entreaties from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. ÂThat is an area where the U.S. is a little bit more hesitant than a lot of other NATO allies,ÂŽ said Julie Norman, co-director of the Centre on U.S. Politics at University College London. ÂThere might be some closed-door discussions about where the U.K. is on that before going into the whole (NATO) meeting.ÂŽ The U.S. and the U.K. are among the strongest Western supporters of Kyiv. Norman said that Âif anything, the U.K. has taken a bit of a lead on some of the military commitments,ÂŽ nudging the Biden administration to go further on issues including tanks and an international effort to give Ukraine F-16 fighter jets. ÂI think in some ways thatÂs worked to BidenÂs advantage as heÂs gotten increased resistance at home from some wings of the Republican Party about not over-giv ing aid to Ukraine,ÂŽ she said. ÂThe fact that the U.K. is pushing and leading on this gives Biden a bit of a nudge and a bit of a strong ally support in moving ahead.ÂŽ Biden faces unease from allies including Britain about his decision to give Ukraine cluster bombs, which are banned under a convention signed by more than 120 countries, including the U.K. Sunak said Saturday that Britain Âdiscourages their use.ÂŽ Determined to show unity among UkraineÂs allies, the U.K. has refrained from complaining about failing to secure support from Washington for Defense Secretary Ben Wallace to become the next head of NATO. Instead, the term of current Secretary General Jens Stolten berg has been extended by a year.ASSOCIATED PRESSPresident Joe Biden waves to members of the media as he walks to board Air Force One at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, Sunda y, July 9, 2023. Biden is heading to Europe to meet with King Charles III and attend the NATO Summit.Ukraine, environment on agenda in Biden UK trip LOLITA C. BALDORAssociated PressWASHINGTON „ A U.S. drone strike killed an Islamic State group leader in Syria hours after the same MQ-9 Reaper drones were harassed by Russian military jets over the western part of the country, according to the Defense Department. Three Reapers had been fly ing overhead searching for the militant on Friday, a U.S. defense official said, when they were harassed for about two hours by Russian air craft. Shortly after that, the drones struck and killed Usa mah al-Muhajir, who was riding a motorcycle in the Aleppo region, said the official, who was not authorized to publicly discuss the matter and spoke on condition of anonymity to describe details of the military operation. The official said al-Muha jir was in northwest Syria at the time of the strike, but that he usually operated in the east. It was not immediately clear how the U.S. military con firmed that the person killed was al-Muhajir; no other details were provided. In a statement Sunday, U.S. Central Command said there are no indications any civilians were killed in the strike. The military was assessing reports a civilian may have been injured. Friday was the third day in a row that U.S. officials com plained that Russian fighter jets in the region had conducted unsafe and harassing flights around American drones. Lt. Gen. Alex Grynkewich, head of U.S. Air Forces Central Command, said in a statement that during the Friday encoun ter, the Russian planes Âflew 18 unprofessional close passes that caused the MQ-9s to react to avoid unsafe situations.ÂŽ The first friction occurred Wednesday morning when Rus sian military aircraft Âengaged in unsafe and unprofessional behaviorÂŽ as three American MQ-9 drones were conducting a mission against IS, the U.S. mil itary said. On Thursday, the U.S. military said Russian fighter air craft flew Âincredibly unsafe and unprofessionallyÂŽ against both French and U.S. aircraft over Syria. Col. Michael Andrews, Air Forces Central Command spokesman, said the Thurs day incident lasted almost an hour and included close fly-bys, by one SU-34 and one SU-35 and that they deployed flares directly into the MQ-9.US says drone kills an Islamic State group leader in Syria ASSOCIATED PRESSIn this image from video released by the U.S. Air Force, a Russian SU-35 ”ies near a U.S. Air Force MQ-9 Reaper drone on Wednesday, July 5, over Syria. The U.S. Air Force says Russian “ghter jets ”ew dangerously close to several U.S. drone aircraft over Syria, setting o ”ares and forcing the MQ-9 Reapers to take evasive maneuvers.A supplement to your hometown newspaper
APG NATIONAL NEWS 2 | MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 Associated PressTOKYO „ Torrential rain has been pounding southwestern Japan, triggering floods and mudslides and leaving at least six people missing Monday. Rains falling on the regions of Kyushu and Chugoku since the weekend caused flooding along a number of rivers as well as mudslides, closing roads, disrupting trains and cutting the water supply in some areas. The Japan Meteorological Agency issued an emergency heavy rain warning for Fukuoka and Oita prefectures on the southern main island of Kyushu, urging residents in riverside and hillside areas to take maximum caution. More than 1.7 million residents in vulnerable areas were urged to take shelter. The Fire and Disaster Management Agency said at least six people were missing. In the town of Soeda in Fukuoka prefecture, two people were buried underneath a mudslide. One was rescued alive, but the other was found without vital signs, the agency said. Further information on their condition wasnÂt immedi ately available. In the city of Karatsu in Saga prefecture, res cue workers were searching for three people whose houses were hit by a mudslide, the agency said. Three others were missing elsewhere in the region. Footage on NHK television showed muddy water from the swollen Yamakuni River gush ing over a bridge in the town of Yabakei in Oita prefecture.Heavy rains cause flooding and mudslides in Japan Honolulu 87/76 Hilo 84/69 Anchorage 57/51 Fairbanks 73/57 Juneau 69/51 Monterrey 101/74 Chihuahua 100/77 Los Angeles 84/61 Washington 86/69 New York 81/67 Atlanta 82/70 Detroit 88/65 Houston 99/79 Kansas City 89/69 Minneapolis 91/57 El Paso 105/79 Denver 90/62 San Francisco 69/54 Seattle 71/54 Port Charlotte 95/77 Knoxville 86/62 Greensboro 84/65 Madison 90/66 Bozeman 85/53 Nampa 98/63 Toronto 85/67 Montreal 74/65 Winnipeg 67/41NATIONAL (for the 48 contiguous states)INTERNATIONALNATIONAL FORECAST In the digital e-edition, you can click anywhere on the US map to get up-to-date forecasts, radar, MinuteCast® and more.NATIONAL CITIES TODAY INTERNATIONAL CITIES-10s-0s0s10s20s30s40s50s60s70s80s90s100s110sShowersT-stormsRainFlurriesSnowIce Cold frontWarm frontStationary frontWEATHER HISTORYWEATHER TRIVIAÂ’City Hi Lo W UV AQCity Hi Lo W UV AQCity Hi Lo W UV AQCity Hi Lo W UV AQCity Hi Lo W UV AQ City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WWeather ( W ): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow ”urries, sn -snow, i -ice. The higher the UV IndexÂ’ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme. Air Quality Index ( AQ ): 0-50 , Good; 51-100 , Moderate; 101-150 , Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200 , Unhealthy; 201-300 , Very unhealthy; 301-500 , Hazardous. Shown are todayÂs noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.High temperature 109 at Needles, California Low temperature 32 at Angel Fire, New Mexico Precipitation 5.35 inches at Reading, Pennsylvania High temperature 120 at Abadan, Iran Low temperature 13 at El Calafate, Argentina Precipitation 6.39 inches at Amahai, Indonesia Lightning struck the Picatinny Army Arsenal in New Jersey on July 10, 1926, triggering a massive explosion and “re in an ammunition dump. More than 12 people were killed. Q: How many atomic bombs equal the energy of a thunderstorm?A: Approximately 10Aitkin, MN 74 43 s 9 75 Alcoa, TN 86 62 t 10 50 Antigo, WI 84 52 t 10 75 Apple Valley, MN 90 55 t 10 75 Ashland, WI 76 46 t 6 75 Athens, OH 86 57 pc 10 0 Athens, TN 86 60 pc 11 45 Belgrade, MT 86 53 t 10 0 Beloit, WI 89 66 s 10 75 Big Timber, MT 82 57 s 10 0 Boone, NC 75 53 t 12 45 Boston, MA 71 66 t 2 25 Bozeman, MT 85 53 t 10 0 Buffalo, NY 81 66 s 10 50 Caledonia, MN 89 61 t 10 75 Cambridge, MN 86 49 t 9 75 Casper, WY 90 54 s 11 0 Charlotte, NC 84 65 t 9 45 Cheyenne, WY 87 57 pc 11 75 Chicago, IL 88 68 s 10 75 Cincinnati, OH 85 63 s 11 88 Cleveland, OH 84 66 s 10 75 Columbus, MT 87 57 pc 10 0 Columbus, OH 86 63 s 11 54 Coon Rapids, MN 90 51 t 9 75 Dallas, TX 94 77 pc 11 75 Dayton, TN 86 60 pc 10 50 Denver, CO 90 62 pc 12 75 Detroit, MI 88 65 s 10 125 Dillon, MT 80 50 pc 10 0 Driggs, ID 85 49 pc 11 43 Dundalk, MD 85 68 c 5 50 Easton, MD 85 68 t 5 48 Eau Claire, WI 89 55 t 9 75 Eden Prairie, MN 91 56 t 9 75 Edenton, NC 86 70 t 8 45 Elizabeth City, NC 85 70 t 8 45 Elk River, MN 89 50 t 9 75 Elkton, MD 84 63 c 5 50 Ellensburg, WA 84 55 pc 9 25 El Paso, TX 105 79 pc 13 75 Emmett, ID 98 59 s 10 68 Fargo, ND 76 49 s 9 75 Faribault, MN 89 52 t 10 75 Flagstaff, AZ 86 58 s 13 61 Forest Lake, MN 89 51 t 9 75 Forsyth, MT 94 66 s 9 0 Fort Atkinson, WI 88 65 s 10 75 Fort Myer, VA 85 64 t 4 61 Gladwin, MI 89 65 s 10 75 Glendive, MT 86 59 pc 9 0 Grand Rapids, MN 71 43 pc 9 75 Greeneville, TN 83 57 t 11 45 Greenville, NC 84 67 t 8 45 Hardin, MT 91 59 s 10 0 Hartford, CT 78 65 r 2 44 Helena, MT 85 59 t 10 0 Hertford, NC 86 69 t 8 45 Hickory, NC 83 63 t 11 45 Hillsville, VA 77 56 t 12 45 Honolulu, HI 87 76 pc 11 0 Idaho Falls, ID 95 55 pc 10 43 Isle, MN 75 52 t 9 75 Janesville, WI 88 65 s 10 75 Kenansville, NC 82 65 t 7 45 Key West, FL 92 84 s 13 0 King, NC 84 60 t 11 45 Klamath Falls, OR 83 45 s 11 0 Kuna, ID 98 61 s 10 68 Lake Mills, WI 89 66 s 10 75 Lakeview, OR 85 42 s 11 0 La Plata, MD 85 65 t 4 50 Laramie, WY 82 49 pc 12 0 Laurel, MT 89 59 s 10 0 Lenoir City, TN 86 62 pc 10 50 Lewistown, MT 82 55 t 9 0 Little Falls, MN 80 45 t 9 75 Livingston, MT 83 55 t 10 0 Logan, OH 84 59 pc 11 54 Marinette, WI 90 59 t 9 25 McArthur, OH 85 58 pc 11 0 Meridian, ID 97 59 s 10 68 Miles City, MT 94 65 s 9 0 Minneapolis, MN 91 57 t 9 75 Monticello, MN 87 50 t 9 75 Mount Airy, NC 85 59 t 11 45 Mount Vernon, WA 71 51 pc 8 25 Nampa, ID 98 63 s 10 68 Newland, NC 74 52 t 12 45 New Lexington, OH 84 59 pc 11 54 Newport, TN 85 59 t 10 45 Osseo, MN 89 53 t 9 75 Pocatello, ID 95 55 s 11 55 Port Charlotte, FL 95 77 t 12 75 Princeton, MN 87 48 t 9 75 Rawlins, WY 86 51 s 11 0 Red Lodge, MT 76 57 t 10 0 Rexburg, ID 93 57 s 10 43 Rock Springs, WY 86 56 s 11 0 Rocky Mount, NC 86 66 t 10 45 Rogersville, TN 85 57 t 10 50 Sauk Centre, MN 81 47 t 9 75 Snow Hill, NC 83 66 t 8 45South Logan, UT 94 51 s 11 75 Stanford, MT 83 54 t 9 0 Stillwater, MN 88 52 t 9 75 Sun Prairie, WI 89 65 s 10 75 Terry, MT 91 63 s 9 0 Venice, FL 93 80 t 12 75 Virginia, MN 71 38 pc 9 75 Waconia, MN 89 52 t 9 75 Walker, MN 71 43 s 9 75 Watertown, WI 88 65 s 10 75 Waunakee, WI 89 66 s 10 75 Waverly, OH 86 59 s 11 0 West Jefferson, NC 75 53 t 12 45 Williamston, NC 84 67 t 7 45 Willoughby, OH 82 69 s 10 75 Windsor, NC 86 67 t 8 45 Yadkinville, NC 84 60 t 11 45 TODAY TUE. TODAY TUE. Athens 92 73 s 93 71 s Auckland 60 53 r 60 52 pc Beijing 104 77 pc 93 75 t Berlin 84 59 t 88 68 pc Bogota 67 49 r 69 49 sh Buenos Aires 59 49 s 56 49 pc Cairo 96 76 s 96 75 s Hong Kong 93 83 t 93 83 sh Jerusalem 83 67 s 85 66 s Johannesburg 48 29 pc 56 33 s London 73 62 c 75 56 sh Madrid 106 73 s 104 67 s Mexico City 78 57 r 75 56 r Montreal 74 65 t 83 66 sh Moscow 65 53 pc 63 51 c Nairobi 81 55 pc 80 57 pc Nassau 92 81 s 90 81 t New Delhi 86 78 t 85 78 t Paris 88 63 pc 92 62 pc Rio de Janeiro 79 71 c 84 71 pc Rome 92 69 s 91 72 s Seoul 85 75 t 80 73 t Singapore 88 78 t 87 78 t Stockholm 73 51 pc 69 54 c Sydney 69 50 s 69 46 s Toronto 85 67 s 88 59 t Tokyo 92 79 pc 93 79 pc Vancouver 69 56 pc 71 56 s National Summary: Showers and thunderstorms will linger in most of New England during the morning today, then later shifting into Maine. Heavier storms are likely along the Southeast coast, as well as from West Texas northward to Nebraska and eastward to Wisconsin. Storms in this region can produce damaging winds, hail and a few tornadoes.SUNDAYÂS EXTREMESForecasts and graphics provided by ©2023WEATHER ASSOCIATED PRESSVehicles shift through a ”ooded street in Kurume, Fukuoka prefecture, southern Japan Monday, July 10.
MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 | 3 Champagne problems as Wimbledon asks fans to cork it when players serveWIMBLEDON, England „ Where and when to pop your Champagne is such a Wimbledon problem. A fan got the tim ing wrong at the oldest Grand Slam tournament, where the bubbly helps wash down the strawberries and cream. Just after the start of a match on No. 3 Court, the umpire announced: ÂLadies and gen tlemen, please, if you are opening a bottle of Champagne donÂt do it as the player is about to serve. Thank you.ÂŽ Anastasia Potapova smiled and nodded in approval. The 22nd-seeded player was serving to start her third-round match against teen ager Mirra Andreeva. When she tossed the ball in the air a cork popped and she sent the serve long. She then lost the point on her second serve, and the umpireÂs warning followed.Solar storm on Thursday expected to make Northern Lights visible in 17 statesA solar storm forecast for Thursday is expected to give skygazers in 17 Ameri can states a chance to glimpse the Northern Lights, the colorful sky show that happens when solar wind hits the atmo sphere. Northern Lights, also known as aurora borealis, are most often seen in Alaska, Canada and Scandinavia, but an 11-year solar cycle thatÂs expected to peak in 2024 is making the lights visible in places farther to the south. The Geo physical Institute at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks has forecast auro ral activity Thursday in Alaska, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minne sota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Indiana, Maine and Maryland.Longtime Tennessee lawmaker, dies after jet ski injuriesRoy Herron, a longtime Tennessee state lawmaker and former chairperson of the state Democratic Party, has died from injuries sustained in a jet ski acci dent. He was 69 years old. A statement from his family said Herron died Sunday at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nash ville. He had been hospitalized since a July 1 accident on Kentucky Lake, in which he suffered internal bleeding and extensive injuries to his arm and pel vis. Herron, an attorney from Dresden, served a combined 26 years in Tennes seeÂs state House and Senate. He chaired the state Democratic Party from 2013 to 2015 and ran for the U.S. House in 2010.Vermont police officer died in a crash with a burglary suspectRUTLAND, Vt. „ Vermont State Police say a Rutland City police officer was killed and two other officers were injured when a suspect crashed into two police cruisers pursuing him. Nineteenyear-old Rutland City Police Officer Jes sica Ebbighausen was killed on Friday afternoon. The crash happened as police chased a vehicle driven by a man sus pected of trying to break into a house. State police say evidence indicates that the suspect crossed the center line and collided head-on with the EbbighausenÂs cruiser and hitting another police cruiser. Ebbighausen was pronounced dead at the scene. AROUND THE WORLDNATION & WORLD BOBBY CAINA CALVAN AND HALLIE GOLDENAssociated PressNEW YORK „ Heavy rain spawned extreme flooding in New YorkÂs Hudson Valley that killed at least one per son, swamped roadways and forced road closures on Sunday night, as much of the rest of the Northeast U.S. began brac ing for potentially punishing rains. As the storm moved east, the National Weather Service extended flash flood warnings into Connecticut, including the cities of Stamford and Greenwich, before creeping into Massachusetts. Forecasters say some areas could get as much as 5 inches of rain. In New YorkÂs Hudson Valley, rescue teams were attempt ing to retrieve the body of a woman in her 30Âs who drowned after being swept away while trying to evacuate her home. Two other people escaped. The force of the flash flooding dislodged boulders, which rammed the womanÂs house and damaged part of its wall, Orange County Executive Steven Neuhaus told The Associ ated Press. ÂHer house was completely surrounded by water. The fam ily tried to escape,ÂŽ he said. ÂShe was trying to get through (the flooding) with her dog,ÂŽ he added, Âand she was overwhelmed by tidal-wave type waves.ÂŽ The extent of the destruction from the slow moving storm, which pounded the area with more than 4 inches of rain, wonÂt be known until after sunrise, when residents and officials can begin surveying the damage. But officials said the storm had already wrought tens of millions of dollars in damage. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul confirmed to WCBS radio that several people were missing and one home had been washed away. The rains have hit some parts of New York harder than others, but officials said communities to the east of the state should brace for torrential rains and possible flash flooding. Officials urged residents in the line of the storm to stay off the roads. ÂThe amount of water is extraordinary and itÂs still a very dangerous situation,ÂŽ Hochul said. ÂWeÂll get through this,ÂŽ she said, but added that ÂitÂs going to be a rough night.ÂŽ The governor declared a state of emergency Sunday for Orange County, about 60 miles (96 kilometers) north of New York City, where about 8 inches (20 centimeters) of rain poured down. She later extended the state of emergency to Ontario County in western New York, southeast of Roch ester.ÂLife threatening flooding overwhelms New York roadways, killing 1 personAssociated PressNEW YORK „ A Brooklyn man accused of killing an 86-year-old and injuring three other men in a series of shootings while riding a scooter in New York City is charged with murder and attempted murder, police said Sunday. In all, six apparently random shoot ings occurred in Brooklyn and Queens on Saturday, according to police. The motive of the alleged gunman, identified Sunday as 25-year-old Thomas Abreu, was unknown, police said. Police arrested Abreu without inci dent Saturday. The New York Police Department pulled an image of the gunman from video and sent it to offi cers, who spotted him a couple hours after the first shooting, police said. Police confiscated a scooter and a 9 mm handgun with an extended maga zine. Abreu was charged with murder, two counts of attempted murder and six counts of criminal possession of a weapon. The shootings began around 11:10 a.m., when the gunman shot a 21-year-old man in the shoulder in Brooklyn. The man was brought to a hospital and was expected to survive, police said. Soon after, Abreu allegedly shot Hamoo Saeidi, 86, of Queens, in the Richmond Hill area of Queens. Saeidi later died at a hospital. Shortly afterward in Queens, wit nesses reported a man on a scooter firing randomly into a group of people, although nobody was hurt. Eight minutes later, a 44-year-old man was shot in the face. He was in crit ical condition at Jamaica Hospital Medical Center. About one minute later, a 63-yearold man was shot in the torso. He was in stable condition at a hospital. On Sunday, police reported a sixth related shooting at an intersection in Queens. A 40-year-old man fired upon was unhurt.Gunman on scooter charged with murder, attempted murder, for series of NYC shootings APG NATIONAL NEWSASSOCIATED PRESSVehicles come to a standstill near a washed-out and ”ooded portion of the Palisades Parkway just beyond the trac circle o the Bear Mountain Bridge, Sunday, July 9, 2023, in Orange County, N.Y. Heavy rain spawned extreme ”ooding in New YorkÂs Hudson Valley th at killed at least one person, swamped roadways and forced road closures on Sunday night, as much of the rest of the Northeast U.S . geared up for a major storm.
KAREEM CHEHAYEBAssociated PressBEIRUT — Syria’s Informa tion Ministry has canceled the BBC’s media a ccreditation, accusing the Brit ish public broadcaster of biased and fake news in its coverage of the wartorn country. The announcement came days after BBC Arabic released an investiga tive documentary about the illicit drug tr ade in Syria, where they highlighted links between the estimated multi billion-dollar industry and the Syrian ar my as well as members of President Bashar Assad’s family. The Syrian Information Minis try in a statement late Saturday said the decision was made after“ warn ing the channel more than once that it has broadcasted its misleading reports relying on statements and testimonies from terrorist entities and those hostile to Syria.†Damascus revoked the licenses of both the British broadcaster’s radio and television correspondents in Syria, as well as their videographer. “We speak to people across the polit ical spectrum to establish the facts,†the BBC said in a statement emailed to The Associated P ress, adding that the broadcaster provides “impartial inde pendent journalism. â€We will continue to pr ovide impartial news and infor mation to our audiences across the Ar abic-speaking worldâ€. The illicit drug industry, most nota bly the addictive Captagon amphet amine pills, has blossomed in war-torn S yria in recent years. While experts say it has been a way to generate revenue for the country’s crippled economy and sanctioned leadership, it has scourged neighboring Jordan and Saudi Arabia, as well as other Gulf countries. Captagon has been used both recre ationally and by people with physically demanding jobs to keep them alert as well as fighters on the battlefield. The United Kingdom, United States, and European Union have sanctioned a handful of drug kingpins and close associates of Assad for their involve ment in the trade.JAKE OFFENHARTZAssociated PressNEW YORK — An influencer-backed energy drink that has earned viral popularity among children is facing scrutiny from lawmakers and health experts over its potentially dan gerous levels of caffeine. On S unday, Sen. Charles Schumer called on the Food and Drug Administration to investigate PRIME, a beverage brand founded by the YouTube stars Logan Paul and KSI that has become something of an obsession among the influencers’ legions of young followers. “One of the summer’s hottest status symbols for kids is not an outfit, or a toy—it’s a beverage,†said Schumer, a Democrat from New York. “But buyer and parents beware because it’s a serious health concern for the kids it so feverishly targets.†Backed by two of YouTube’s best known stars, PRIME was an immediate sensation when it launched last year, prompting long lines in grocery stores and reports of school yard resale markets. Advertising itself as zero sugar and vegan, the neon-col ored cans are among a growing number of energy drinks with ele vated levels of caffeine; in PRIME’s case, 200 milligrams per 12 ounces, equivalent to about half a dozen Coke cans or nearly two Red Bulls. That high content prompted bans from some schools in the United Kingdom and Australia where some pediatricians warned of possible health impacts on young children such as heart problems, anxiety, and digestive issues. Company representatives, meanwhile, have defended the product as clearly labeled “not recommended for children under 18.†They sell a separate sports drink, known as PRIME Hydration, which contains no caffeine at all. Representatives for PRIME did not immediately return a request for comment.FDA asked to look into energy drinkSyria revokes BBC’s media accreditation, accuses them of spreading ‘fake news’ ASSOCIATED PRESSThis is a locator map for Syria with its capital, Damascus. BRIEFCASE Yellen says Washington might ‘respond to unintended consequences’ for ChinaBEIJING — Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says Washington will listen to Chinese complaints about security-re lated curbs on U.S. technology exports and might “respond to unintended con sequences†as she ended a visit to Beijing aimed at r eviving strained relations. Yellen defended “targeted measures†on trade on Sunday that China’s leaders complain are aimed at hurting its fledgling tech indus tries. Yellen said the Biden administration wants to “avoid unnecessary repercussions†but gave no indication of possible changes. Relations are at their lowest level in decades due to disputes about technology, security and other irritants. A key Chinese complaint is limits on access to processor chips and other U.S. technology.Y2K fashion has taken over. And Gen Z is loving itNEW YORK — What comes to mind when you hear the phrase Y2K? Here’s a hint: It’s no longer about a computer glitch that could have made the world go haywire at the end of 1999. Today Y2K is all about fashion, with people trad ing in their skinny jeans for cargo pants. Retailers sa y Gen Z is fueling the mar ket for the return of fashion choices from the ear ly 2000s. And there are no signs of it letting up. The latest shift shows how Gen Z adapts to trends on social media, particularly TikTok. That leaves retailers like Walmart hurrying to catch up.As whiskey and bourbon booms, distillers face pushbackMULBERRY, Tenn. — The whis key and bourbon makers of Tennessee and Kentuc ky have long been beloved in their communities, where they provide jobs and the pride of a successful home grown industry. But the distillers’ runaway success in r ecent years and accompany ing rapid growth has led to conflicts. In Kentuc ky, where 95% of the world’s bour bon is manufactured, counties are revolt ing after the legislature voted to phase out a tax the y have depended on to fund schools, roads and utilities. Neighbors in both states have been fighting indus try expansion, lodging complaints over a destr uctive black fungus coating homes and killing trees, the loss of farm land and liquor-themed tourist developments that are more Disneyland than distillery tour.‘Clone’ or competitor? Comparing Twitter and ThreadsIn a cease-and-desist letter ear lier this week, Twitter threatened legal a ction against Instagram parent com pany Meta over the new text-based app, Thr eads. Threads creators have pushed back. Just how similar are they? The new app has drawn tens of millions of users since launching as the latest rival to Elon Musk’s social media platform. Legal experts say much is still unknown about. But people starting to explore Threads are already making their own observations. Some have called it a “Twitter clone,†but others note key differences between the two apps.BUSINESS ADAMS PUBLISHING GROUP | M þonda ONDA Y, J þul UL Y 10, 2023 | 4 ASSOCIATED PRESSAn inuencer-backed energy drink that has earned viral popular ity among children is facing scrutiny from federal lawmakers and health experts over its potentially dangerous levels of caeine. Senator Chuck Schumer on Sunday, July 9, called on the Food and Drug Administration to investigate Prime.
ENTERTAINMENT ADAMS PUBLISHING GROUP | MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 | 5LINDSEY BAHRAP Film WriterIndiana Jones reign atop the box oce was short-lived. In its second weekend in theaters, the Disney release was usurped by another franchise fth „  Insidious: e Red Door.ÂŽ e horror lm starring and directed by Patrick Wilson scared up $32.7 million in ticket sales from 3,188 theaters, according to studio estimates on Sunday.It did better than the last installment, ÂInsidious: The Last Key,ÂŽ from 2018 and is the most any PG-13 horror movie has earned in its debut in the past two years. ÂInsidious 5ÂŽ was not well reviewed „ but mod estly budgeted scary movies are often critic-proof when it comes to the box office. This Blumhouse-produced franchise starring Wilson and Rose Byrne began in 2011 under the direction of James Wan and has been responsible for over $570 million in global box office returns „ and none of the films have cost more than $16 million to produce. Only the first movie received a ÂfreshÂŽ rating on Rotten Tomatoes; The ÂInsidiousÂŽ films more often garner sub 40% scores. ÂThe horror genre seems to have a never-ending allure for audiences,ÂŽ said Paul Dergarabedian, the senior media analyst for Comscore. ÂHorror movies are prof itable and theyÂre popular. Audiences love them and the accountants love them, too.ÂŽ It was shrewd of Sony to release ÂInsidiousÂŽ on the weekend between two Hollywood tentpoles, in this case  Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny ÂŽ and  Mission: Impossible „ Dead Reckoning Part I,ÂŽ which opens on Wednesday. But it was still a surprise that it was able to take No. 1 from something as well-known as ÂIndiana Jones.ÂŽ ÂIt was a perfect release date,ÂŽ Dergarabedian said. ÂThis adds more complexity to the dynamics of the mar ketplace.ÂŽ ÂIndiana Jones 5ÂŽ took seco nd place in its second weekend with $26.5 million in North America (down 56% from its opening), bringing its domestic total to $121.2 million. Globally itÂs earned an estimated $247.9 million. Indy had some other competition too, in ÂSound of Freedom,ÂŽ a child trafficking drama starring Jim Caveziel, that opened on July 4 and nearly boasted simi lar ticket sales for the day. ÂSound of FreedomÂŽ was made and distributed by Angel Studios, a faith-based, crowd funded operation, and managed to come in third place this weekend with an estimated $18.2 million from 2,850 theaters. Brandon Purdie, head of theatrical distribution at Angel Studios, said in a statement that the numbers exceeded expectations and attributed its success to word of mouth. ÂWeÂre deeply grateful to AMC, Cinemark, Regal, and all our theater partners „ and their hard-work ing theater staff members „ for working with us to accommodate the surging demand for this film and hav ing the courage to release ÂSound of Freedom during the busiest movie season of the year,ÂŽ Purdie said. Part of Angel Studios operation involved the abil ity to buy Âpay it forwardÂŽ tickets on behalf of others. On opening day, the studio estimated that $11.6 million came from direct box office and $2.7 million through the pay it forward option. The film has been popu lar among right-wing pundits too and has appeared on QAnon message boards.  Joy Ride ÂŽ also made its theatrical debut this week end in 2,820 locations and earned an underwhelming $5.9 million to take sixth place behind ÂElementalÂŽ and ÂSpider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.ÂŽ The R-rated comedy directed and co-written by Adele Lim follows four friends on an international trip, played by Ashley Park, Sherry Cola, Stephanie Hsu and Sabrina Wu. The modestly budgeted Lionsgate release got rave reviews out of the South by Southwest Film Festival and maintains a 91% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, but it didnÂt motivate big crowds this weekend. Those that did go (58% women, 72% over age 25, according to PostTrak) gave it a BCinemaScore, suggesting the movie did not meet expectations, which can sometimes be because of how the film was marketed. The hope is that word-ofmouth might help ÂJoy RideÂŽ in the coming weeks. ÂJoy RideÂŽ is one of several raunchy, adult comedies in theaters this summer, including the Jennifer Lawrence movie ÂNo Hard Feelings,ÂŽ which earned $5.3 million in its third weekend, bringing its domestic total to $40.3 million. In more limited release, ÂThe Lesson,ÂŽ a literary chamber thriller starring Richard E. Grant and Daryl McCormack, opened to $157,752 from 268 screens.ASSOCIATED PRESSThis image released by Sony Pictures shows Patrick Wilson in Screen Gems ÂInsidious: The Red Door.ÂŽÂInsidious 5 topples ÂIndiana Jones before ÂMission: Impossible launches Indiana Jones reign atop the box office was short-lived
SPORTS ADAMS PUBLISHING GROUP | MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 | 6 ASSOCIATED PRESSPHOENIX „ Major League Baseball has made the games faster, the bases bigger and defense a little bit harder.Now, if it could only do something about those stubborn strikeouts. ÂJust move the mound back to about „ oh, I donÂt know „ second base? Maybe fastballs onl y?ÂŽ Arizona Diamondbacks outfielder Jake McCarthy said, laughing. ÂI just think these pitchers are really good. ÂNo one likes to strike out, but thatÂs how it goes.ÂŽ ThereÂs little doubt that MLBÂs expansive new rules package this season has been a success, particularly when it comes to speeding up the action. But the sport is also hunting for a lit tle more offense these days and, to be honest, the league-wide offensive output of 2023 still looks pretty similar to 2022 in several areas. Batting average is up modestly to .248 through FridayÂs games, rising from .243 last season. So is OPS, rising to .730 from .706. Stolen bases also have jumped substantially, thanks in part to a new rule that puts limits on pitcher disengage ments from the rubber. But punch outs are again near an all-time high, with each team averaging about 8.7 strikeouts per game. The high came in 2019, when the average was 8.81, but that was before the National League joined the American League by adopting the designated hitter rule for good in 2022. Even without pitchers at the plate, the whiffs are still com ing in bunches. ÂWe all understand that this game is very difficult,ÂŽ Giants slugger J.D. Davis said recently. ÂPitchers these days are even better than they were five, 10 years ago.ÂŽ The good news is that hitting for average is starting to become slightly more in vogue. The poster child is Miami Marlins All-Star second baseman Luis Arraez, whoÂs been flirting with a .400 batting average for a big chunk of the sea son. No MLB player has topped .400 since Ted Williams hit .406 for the Boston Red Sox more than 80 years ago. So how is Arraez putting up those gaudy numbers? Well, one reason is heÂs simply making contact with the ball. He struck out just 19 times in his first 357 plate appearances this season „ numbers more reminiscent of 1923 than 2023. ÂI think guys are starting to be better at manipulating the barrel and getting to certain pitches and just not one groove swing,ÂŽ Marlins manager Skip Schumaker said. ÂI think thereÂs a lot of teachers now that are teaching the game the right way and not just one way to hit.ÂŽ The evolution of high strikeout numbers has been a decade slong process but has really sped up over the past 15 years. In 2018, strikeouts became more common than hits for the first time and that trend has held firm the past six seasons. If thereÂs going to be a drop in the strikeout rate in baseball, it appears it will have to happen organically. The notoriously staid sport has made a huge effort to mod ernize over the past few seasons „ particularly with the pitch clock „ and doesnÂt have much of an appetite for more seis mic shifts on the field in the near future. ÂI think thereÂs some sentiment among the group that we made a lot of changes here,ÂŽ MLB Commissioner Rob Man fred said in June. ÂWe ought to let the dust settle.ÂŽ The minor leagues have experimented with things like an Automatic Ball-Strike system, moving the practice up to Tri ple-A this season. A few years ago, the independent Atlantic League even pushed back the mound to 61 feet, 6 inches from its usual spot one foot closer to home plate, but it reversed that change after it found that there wasnÂt much of offensive change. The real problem seems to be that pitchers are simply throwing harder and harder. Seeing a 100 mph fastball used to be like finding a unicorn. Now, itÂs an everyday occurence. There were 3,356 pitches of 100 mph of more in 2022, according to MLB Statcast. That was up from 1,829 in 2021 and 1,056 in 2019. Schumaker „ the Marlins manager „ gets to see those blazing fastballs nearly every night. MiamiÂs reigning NL Cy Young Award winner Sandy Alcantara was facing Atlanta ace Spencer Strider on July 2 in a game that fea tured 91 fastballs that were at least 97 mph. Good luck making contact with those pitches. ÂEvery time I look up, the velo, itÂs just increasing,ÂŽ Schumaker said. ÂSo I donÂt know what the answer is, to be honest with you, because the rules are better for the game. ThereÂs no doubt about it. ÂI just donÂt know how to combat the strikeouts just yet.ÂŽStrikeout numbers are still stubbornly high in MLB despite rules changes ASSOCIATED PRESSPittsburgh Pirates Henry Davis strikes out swinging to end the seventh inning of a baseball game against the Milwaukee Brewers in Pittsburgh, Friday, June 30, 2023. Pittsburgh selects hard-throwing LSU pitcher Paul Skenes with top pick of amateur draftSEATTLE „ The Pittsburgh Pirates have selected hard-throwing LSU righthanded pitcher Paul Skenes with the top pick in baseballÂs amateur draft. Skenes went 12-3 as a pitcher, with 209 strikeouts in 122 innings in helping lead the Tigers to the College World Series champion ship. The pick was announced by Hall of Famer Ken Griffey Jr., the top pick of the 1987 draft by the Seattle Mariners. For the second time in three years, the Pirates held the top overall selection after selecting catcher Henry Davis at the top of the 2021 draft. Davis made his major league debut last month for Pittsburgh. LSU teammate Dylan Crews went No. 2 to Washing ton with high school outfielder Max Clark being selected third by Detroit.Allisen Corpuz wins the US WomenÂs Open at Pebble Beach for her first LPGA titlePEBBLE BEACH, Calif. „ Allisen Corpuz picked the right time and the right place for her first big win. She won the first U.S. WomenÂs Open at Pebble Beach, shooting a final-round 69 for a three-shot victory. The 25-year-old from Hawaii is the first American in 20 years to make the U.S. WomenÂs Open her first LPGA win. And she made it look easy. Corpuz was the only player to break par all four days at Pebble Beach. And she kept her emotions in check the whole way until wiping away tears on the 18th green. Charley Hull and Jiyai Shin finished second.Sepp Straka wins John Deere Classic with final-round 62 despite closing double bogeySILVIS, Ill. „ Sepp Straka won the John Deere Classic with a final-round 9-under 62 that could have been much bet ter, making double bogey on the final hole but taking the title when Brendon Todd and Alex Smalley were unable to catch him. The 30-year-old Austrian who played in college at Georgia won for the second time on the PGA Tour. He moved to No. 27 in the world and increased his chances of representing Europe in the Ryder Cup this fall in Rome. Straka played the front nine in 7-under 28 and ran off four straight birdies on the back nine to reach 11 under for the day and 23 under for the tourna ment. His approach found the water on the par-4 18th and he made a 6.Plum scores 40 point to help Aces roll to 113-89 win over LynxMINNEAPOLIS „ Kelsey Plum scored a career-high 40 points on 14-of18 shooting and the Las Vegas Aces routed the Minnesota Lynx for the third time this season, rolling 113-89. The Aces, who beat Minnesota by 21 and 31 earlier this season, clinched the Western Conference berth in the CommissionerÂs Cup. Las Vegas (172), which passed its previous season high of 105 points on PlumÂs sixth 3-pointer with 3:30 to play, is averaging more than 92 points a game, a point behind the WNBA record. Associated Press SPORTS IN BRIEF
APG NATIONAL NEWS MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 | 7 NATIONAL SCOREBOARD SPORTS* All times EDT AUTO RACINGNASCAR Cup Series Quaker State 400 available at Walmart Results Sunday At Atlanta Motor Speedway Hampton, Ga. Lap length: 1.54 miles (Start position in parentheses) 1. (18) William Byron, Chevrolet, 185 laps, 46 points. 2. (26) Daniel Suárez, Chevrolet, 185, 35. 3. (19) AJ Allmendinger, Chevrolet, 185, 40. 4. (20) Michael McDowell, Ford, 185, 39. 5. (22) Kyle Busch, Chevrolet, 185, 32. 6. (11) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 185, 41. 7. (24) JJ Yeley, Ford, 185, 0. 8. (17) Justin Haley, Chevrolet, 185, 33. 9. (2) Ryan Blaney, Ford, 185, 47. 10. (29) Ricky Stenhouse Jr, Chevrolet, 185, 27. 11. (25) Erik Jones, Chevrolet, 185, 26. 12. (10) Austin Cindric, Ford, 185, 36. 13. (23) Chase Elliott, Chevrolet, 185, 24. 14. (14) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 185, 23. 15. (15) Chris Buescher, Ford, 185, 30. 16. (9) Todd Gilliland, Ford, 185, 21. 17. (4) Joey Logano, Ford, 185, 27. 18. (1) Aric Almirola, Ford, 185, 20. 19. (27) Ty Dillon, Chevrolet, 185, 18. 20. (35) BJ McLeod, Chevrolet, 185, 17. 21. (33) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 185, 16. 22. (3) Chase Briscoe, Ford, 185, 15. 23. (34) Christopher Bell, Toyota, 185, 21. 24. (13) Ryan Preece, Ford, 185, 14. 25. (37) Bubba Wallace, Toyota, 185, 17. 26. (36) Alex Bowman, Chevrolet, 185, 11. 27. (12) Tyler Reddick, Toyota, 185, 12. 28. (5) Harrison Burton, Ford, 184, 9. 29. (16) Martin Truex Jr, Toyota, 184, 16. 30. (6) Kevin Harvick, Ford, 181, 7. 31. (28) Corey LaJoie, Chevrolet, 179, 6. 32. (21) Cole Custer, Ford, 178, 0. 33. (31) Noah Gragson, Chevrolet, 174, 4. 34. (7) Ty Gibbs, Toyota, 150, 3. 35. (30) Ross Chastain, Chevrolet, dvp, 124, 2. 36. (8) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, accident, 111, 10. 37. (32) Austin Hill, Chevrolet, dvp, 92, 0. Race Statistics Average Speed of Race Winner: 120.741 mph. Time of Race: 2 hours, 24 minutes, 17 seconds. Margin of Victory: Under Caution. Caution Flags: 7 for 43 laps. Lead Changes: 18 among 12 drivers. Wins: W.Byron, 3; K.Busch, 3; M.Truex, 2; K.Larson, 2; R.Chastain, 1; C.Bell, 1; D.Hamlin, 1; R.Blaney, 1; J.Logano, 1; T.Reddick, 1; R.Stenhouse, 1; S.Van Gisbergen, 1. Top 16 in Points: 1. M.Truex, 591; 2. W.Byron, 582; 3. R.Chastain, 573; 4. C.Bell, 570; 5. K.Busch, 560; 6. D.Hamlin, 538; 7. K.Harvick, 523; 8. K.Larson, 521; 9. R.Blaney, 506; 10. J.Logano, 491; 11. C.Buescher, 476; 12. T.Reddick, 463; 13. B.Keselowski, 463; 14. R.Stenhouse, 418; 15. B.Wallace, 387; 16. T.Gibbs, 378.F1 British Grand Prix At Silverstone Circuit Silverstone, England. Lap length: 5.00 kilometers (Start position in parentheses)1. (1) Max Verstappen, Netherlands, Red Bull Racing, 52 laps, 1:25:16.938, 26 points. 2. (2) Lando Norris, Great Britain, McLaren, 52, +3.798 seconds, 18. 3. (7) Lewis Hamilton, Great Britain, Mercedes, 52, +6.783, 15. 4. (3) Oscar Piastri, Australia, McLaren, 52, +7.776, 12. 5. (6) George Russell, Great Britain, Mercedes, 52, +11.206, 10. 6. (15) Sergio Perez, Mexico, Red Bull Racing, 52, +12.882, 8. 7. (9) Fernando Alonso, Spain, Aston Martin, 52, +17.193, 6. 8. (8) Alexander Albon, Thailand, Williams, 52, +17.878, 4. 9. (4) Charles Leclerc, Monaco, Ferrari, 52, +18.689, 2. 10. (5) Carlos Sainz Jr, Spain, Ferrari, 52, +19.448, 1. 11. (14) Logan Sargeant, USA, Williams, 52, +23.632. 12. (20) Valtteri Bottas, Finland, Alfa Romeo Racing, 52, +25.830. 13. (11) Nico Hulkenberg, Germany, Haas, 52, +26.663. 14. (12) Lance Stroll, Canada, Aston Martin, 52, +27.483. 15. (17) Guanyu Zhou, China, Alfa Romeo Racing, 52, +29.820. 16. (16) Yuki Tsunoda, Japan, Alphatauri, 52, +31.225. 17. (18) Nyck De Vries, Netherlands, Alphatauri, 52, +33.128. 18. (10) Pierre Gasly, France, Alpine, did not nish, 46. 19. (19) Kevin Magnussen, Denmark, Haas, did not nish, 31. 20. (13) Esteban Ocon, France, Alpine, did not nish, 9.Driver Standings1. Max Verstappen, Netherlands, Red Bull Racing, 255 points. 2. Sergio Perez, Mexico, Red Bull Racing, 156. 3. Fernando Alonso, Spain, Aston Martin, 137. 4. Lewis Hamilton, Great Britain, Mercedes, 121. 5. Carlos Sainz Jr, Spain, Ferrari, 83. 6. George Russell, Great Britain, Mercedes, 82. 7. Charles Leclerc, Monaco, Ferrari, 74. 8. Lance Stroll, Canada, Aston Martin, 44. 9. Lando Norris, Great Britain, McLaren, 42. 10. Esteban Ocon, France, Alpine, 31. 11. Oscar Piastri, Australia, McLaren, 17. 12. Pierre Gasly, France, Alpine, 16. 13. Alexander Albon, Thailand, Williams, 11. 14. Nico Hulkenberg, Germany, Haas, 9. 15. Valtteri Bottas, Finland, Alfa Romeo Racing, 5. 16. Guanyu Zhou, China, Alfa Romeo Racing, 4. 17. Yuki Tsunoda, Japan, Alphatauri, 2. 18. Kevin Magnussen, Denmark, Haas, 2.Manufacturers Standings1. Red Bull Racing, 411. 2. Mercedes, 203. 3. Aston Martin, 181. 4. Ferrari, 157. 5. McLaren, 59. 6. Alpine, 47. 7. Williams, 11. 8. Haas, 11. 9. Alfa Romeo Racing, 9. 10. Alphatauri, 2.BASEBALLMLB AMERICAN LEAGUEEast Division W L Pct GB Tampa Bay 58 35 .624 _ Baltimore 54 35 .607 2 Toronto 50 41 .549 7 New York 49 42 .538 8 Boston 48 43 .527 9Central Division W L Pct GB Cleveland 45 45 .500 _ Minnesota 45 46 .495 ½ Detroit 39 50 .438 5½ Chicago 38 54 .413 8 Kansas City 26 65 .286 19½West Division W L Pct GB Texas 52 39 .571 _ Houston 50 41 .549 2 Seattle 45 44 .506 6 Los Angeles 45 46 .495 7 Oakland 25 67 .272 27½ NATIONAL LEAGUEEast Division W L Pct GB Atlanta 60 29 .674 _ Miami 53 39 .576 8½ Philadelphia 48 41 .539 12 New York 42 48 .467 18½ Washington 36 54 .400 24½Central Division W L Pct GB Cincinnati 50 41 .549 _ Milwaukee 49 42 .538 1 Chicago 42 47 .472 7 Pittsburgh 41 49 .456 8½ St. Louis 38 52 .422 11½West Division W L Pct GB Los Angeles 51 38 .573 _ Arizona 52 39 .571 _ San Francisco 49 41 .544 2½ San Diego 43 47 .478 8½ Colorado 34 57 .374 18AMERICAN LEAGUE SaturdayÂs GamesDetroit 2, Toronto 0 N.Y. Yankees 6, Chicago Cubs 3 Baltimore 6, Minnesota 2 St. Louis 3, Chicago White Sox 0 Washington 8, Texas 3 Boston 10, Oakland 3 Cleveland 10, Kansas City 6 Atlanta 6, Tampa Bay 1 Houston 3, Seattle 2 L.A. Dodgers 10, L.A. Angels 5SundayÂs GamesWashington 7, Texas 2 Kansas City 4, Cleveland 1 Tampa Bay 10, Atlanta 4 Toronto 4, Detroit 3, 10 innings Seattle 3, Houston 1 Boston 4, Oakland 3 Chicago Cubs 7, N.Y. Yankees 4 St. Louis 4, Chicago White Sox 3, 10 innings Baltimore 15, Minnesota 2MondayÂs GamesNo games scheduledTuesdayÂs GamesAll-Star Game: AL vs NL at Seattle, 8 p.m.NATIONAL LEAGUE SaturdayÂs GamesN.Y. Yankees 6, Chicago Cubs 3 St. Louis 3, Chicago White Sox 0 Washington 8, Texas 3 San Francisco 5, Colorado 3 Arizona 3, Pittsburgh 2, 10 innings Miami 5, Philadelphia 3 Cincinnati 8, Milwaukee 5 Atlanta 6, Tampa Bay 1 L.A. Dodgers 10, L.A. Angels 5 San Diego 3, N.Y. Mets 1SundayÂs GamesWashington 7, Texas 2 Miami 7, Philadelphia 3 Tampa Bay 10, Atlanta 4 Milwaukee 1, Cincinnati 0 Chicago Cubs 7, N.Y. Yankees 4 St. Louis 4, Chicago White Sox 3, 10 innings San Francisco 1, Colorado 0 Pittsburgh 4, Arizona 2 San Diego 6, N.Y. Mets 2MondayÂs GamesNo games scheduledTuesdayÂs GamesAll-Star Game: AL vs NL at Seattle, 8 p.m.BASKETBALLWNBA EASTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GBNew York 13 4 .765 „ Connecticut 14 5 .737 „ Atlanta 10 8 .556 3½ Washington 10 8 .556 3½ Chicago 8 11 .421 6 Indiana 5 14 .263 9 WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GBLas Vegas 17 2 .895 „ Dallas 10 9 .526 7 Minnesota 9 10 .474 8 Los Angeles 7 12 .368 10 Seattle 4 14 .222 12½ Phoenix 4 14 .222 12½SundayÂs GamesConnecticut 92, Washington 84 Dallas 77, Indiana 76 Phoenix 78, Los Angeles 72 Las Vegas 113, Minnesota 89 Atlanta 88, Chicago 77MondayÂs GamesNo games scheduled.TuesdayÂs GamesSeattle at Washington, 7 p.m. Phoenix at Las Vegas, 10 p.m.CYCLINGTour de France Sunday 9th Stage 182 kilometers (113 miles) from SaintLeonard-de-Noblat to Puy De Dome1. Michael Woods, Canada, Israel-Premier Tech, 4:19:41s. 2. Pierre Latour, France, Total Energies, :28s behind. 3. Matej Mohoric, Bahrain Victorious, :35. 4. Matteo Jorgenson, United States, Movistar Team, same time. 5. Clement Berthet, AG2R Citroen Team, :55. 6. Neilson Powless, United States, EF Education-EasyPost, 1:23. 7. Alexey Lutsenko, Kazakhstan, Astana Qazaqstan Team, 1:39. 8. Jonas Gregaard, Denmark, Uno-X Pro Cycling Team, 1:58. 9. Mathieu Burgaudeau, France, TotalEnergies, 2:16. 10. David De La Cruz, Astana Qazaqstan Team, 1:39.Also20. Sepp Kuss, United States, Jumbo-Visma, 9:44:26s behind.Overall Standings1. Jonas Vingegaard, Denmark, Jumbo-Visma, 38:37:46s. 2. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team Emirates, :17s behind. 3. Jai Hindley, Australia, Bora-Hansgrohe, 2:40. 4. Carlos Rodriguez Cano, Spain, Ineos Grenadiers, 4:22. 5. Adam Yates, Great Britain, UAE Team Emirates, 4:39. 6. Simon Yates, Great Britain, Team Jayco-Alula, 4:44. 7. Tom Pidcock, Great Britian, Ineos Grenadiers, 5:26. 8. David Gaudu, France, Groupama-FDJ, 6:01. 9. Sepp Kuss, United States, Jumbo-Visma, 6:45. 10. Romain Bardet, France, Team DSM-Firmench, 6:58.Also28. Neilson Powless, United States, EF Education-EasyPost, 40:50s behind. 60. Matteo Jorgenson, United States, Movistar Team, 47:04.Young Riders Standings1. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team Emirates, 38:38:03s. 2. Carlos Rodriguez Cano, Spain, Ineos Grenadiers, 4:05s behind. 3. Tom Pidcock, Great Britian, Ineos Grenadiers, 5:09. 4. Felix Gall, Austria, AGZR Citroen Team, 9:29. 5. Skjelmose Mattias Jensen, Denmark, LIDL-Trek, 28:59. 6. Mathieu Burgaudeau, France, TotalEnergies, 39:59. 7. Matteo Jorgenson, United States, Movistar Team, 46:48. 8. Tobias Halland Johannessen, Norway, Uno-X Pro Cycling Team, 49:25. 9. Matthew Dinham, Australia, Team DSM-Firmenich, 59:14. 10. Matis Louvel, France, Team Arkea-Samsic, 1:00:12.GOLFPGA Tour John Deere Classic Sunday At TPC Deere Run Silvis, Ill. Purse: $7.4 million Yardage: 7,289; Par: 71 Final Round Top 20Sepp Straka 73-63-65-62„263 -21 Alex Smalley 66-70-62-67„265 -19 Brendon Todd 66-65-66-68„265 -19 Ludvig Aberg 68-64-71-63„266 -18 Adam Schenk 65-66-67-68„266 -18 Lucas Glover 69-65-66-68„268 -16 Mark Hubbard 67-66-67-68„268 -16 Denny McCarthy 68-64-66-70„268 -16 Grayson Murray 64-70-69-65„268 -16 J.T. Poston 68-67-65-68„268 -16 Cameron Young 65-64-71-68„268 -16 Kevin Yu 70-67-65-66„268 -16 Stephan Jaeger 68-69-66-66„269 -15 Seamus Power 66-69-70-64„269 -15 Greyson Sigg 65-70-66-68„269 -15 William Mouw 66-66-68-69„269 -15 Jonas Blixt 62-73-65-70„270 -14 Troy Merritt 69-67-69-65„270 -14 Peter Kuest 67-67-65-71„270 -14 Michael Thorbjornsen 73-63-66-68„270 -14LIV Golf London Sunday At Centurion Club Hertfordshire, England Purse: $25 million Yardage: 7,008; Par: 71 Final RoundCameron Smith 63-67-68„198 -15 Patrick Reed 70-64-65„199 -14 Marc Leishman 64-69-66„199 -14 Louis Oosthuizen 70-63-68„201 -12 Dustin Johnson 71-65-67„203 -10 Richard Bland 68-70-66„204 -9 Pat Perez 70-68-66„204 -9 Cameron Tringale 67-69-68„204 -9 Henrik Stenson 69-66-69„204 -9 Thomas Pieters 66-67-71„204 -9 Ian Poulter 69-70-66„205 -8 Harold Varner III 72-66-67„205 -8 Bryson DeChambeau 70-67-68„205 -8 Anirban Lahiri 68-69-68„205 -8 Kevin Na 72-64-69„205 -8 Abraham Ancer 68-68-69„205 -8 Brooks Koepka 70-66-68„206 -7 Peter Uihlein 70-68-68„206 -7 Dean Burmester 70-67-69„206 -7 Laurie Canter 67-69-70„206 -7 Sebastian Munoz 73-69-65„207 -6 Talor Gooch 67-72-68„207 -6 Joaquin Niemann 69-69-69„207 -6 Branden Grace 68-70-69„207 -6 Sergio Garcia 69-69-69„207 -6 Eugenio Chacarra 72-69-67„208 -5 Jason Kokrak 69-69-70„208 -5 Chase Koepka 72-66-72„208 -5 Graeme McDowell 75-65-69„209 -4 Brendan Steele 71-67-71„209 -4 Carlos Ortiz 74-69-67„210 -3 Danny Lee 74-67-69„210 -3 Matt Jones 73-67-70„210 -3 Charl Schwartzel 71-66-73„210 -3 Scott Vincent 78-67-66„211 -2 Bernd Wiesberger 72-72-67„211 -2 Bubba Watson 70-71-71„212 -1 Lee Westwood 69-70-73„212 -1 Jediah Morgan 74-70-69„213 E Mito Pereira 71-74-69„214 +1 Phil Mickelson 71-72-71„214 +1 David Puig 73-68-73„214 +1 James Piot 69-70-75„214 +1 Charles Howell III 71-73-71„215 +2 Martin Kaymer 71-68-76„215 +2 Sihwan Kim 73-74-71„218 +5 Matthew Wol 73-70-78„221 +8Teams Scores4 Aces GC (D.Johnson-c, P.Uihlein, P.Perez, P.Reed) -34 Ripper GC (C.Smith-c, M.Leishman, J.Morgan, M.Jones) -33 Stinger GC (L.Oosthuizen-c, D.Burmester, C,Schwartzel, B.Grace) -29 Rangegoats GC (B.Watson-c, T.Pieters, T.Gooch, H.Varner) -26 Majesticks GC (I.Poulter-c, L.Canter, L.Westwood, H.Stenson) -24 Cleeks GC (M.Kaymer-c,G.McDowell, R.Bland, B.Wiesberger) -23 Crushers GC (B.DeChambeau-c, C.Howell, A.Lahiri, P.Casey) -22 Fireballs GC (S.Garcia-c, A.Ancer, E.Lopez-Chacarra, C.Ortiz -21 Iron Heads GC (K.Na-c, S.Vincent, D.Lee, S.Kim) -18 Torque GC (J.Niemann-c, D.Puig, M.Pereira, S.Munoz) -17 Smash GC (B.Koepka-c, M.Wolf, C.Koepka, J.Kokrak) -17 HyFlyers GC (P.Mickelson-c, B.Steele, J.Piot, C.Tringale) -16U.S. WomenÂs Open Sunday At Pebble Beach Golf Links Pebble Beach, Calif. Purse: $10 million Yardage: 6,509; Par: 72 Final Round Top 20Allisen Corpuz 69-70-71-69„279 -9 Charley Hull 73-72-71-66„282 -6 Jiyai Shin 71-73-70-68„282 -6 Nasa Hataoka 69-74-66-76„285 -3 Bailey Tardy 69-68-75-73„285 -3 Ayaka Furue 74-70-73-69„286 -2 Hyo Joo Kim 68-71-73-74„286 -2 Hae-Ran Ryu 69-72-73-74„288 E Maja Stark 72-73-72-72„289 +1 Rose Zhang 74-71-72-72„289 +1 Ally Ewing 73-73-76-68„290 +2 Brooke Henderson 71-75-73-72„291 +3 Hannah Green 76-71-76-69„292 +4 Grace Kim 74-76-71-71„292 +4 Sei Young Kim 74-75-72-71„292 +4 Aya Kinoshita 77-72-71-72„292 +4 Minjee Lee 72-73-72-75„292 +4 Xiyu Lin 68-77-75-72„292 +4 Min Ji Park 77-73-71-71„292 +4 Hye Jin Choi 79-68-73-73„293 +5 Carlota Ciganda 74-76-71-72„293 +5 Andrea Lee 74-73-73-73„293 +5 Lizette Salas 74-74-72-73„293 +5 Yuka Saso 72-75-75-71„293 +5 Ruoning Yin 71-74-76-72„293 +5 Angel Yin 71-73-72-77„293 +5SOCCERMLS Eastern Conference W L T Pts GF GA Cincinnati 13 2 6 45 34 23 Nashville 11 6 5 38 30 17 New England 10 4 7 37 36 27 Columbus 10 6 6 36 43 30 Atlanta 9 5 8 35 40 35 Philadelphia 10 7 4 34 35 25 Orlando City 9 6 7 34 32 27 D.C. United 8 9 6 30 32 30 CF Montréal 8 11 2 26 20 29 New York 6 7 8 26 20 21 Chicago 6 7 8 26 27 31 Charlotte FC 6 8 8 26 30 38 New York City FC 5 7 11 26 24 28 Toronto FC 3 10 10 19 18 32 Inter Miami CF 5 13 3 18 22 33Western Conference W L T Pts GF GA Saint Louis City 12 7 2 38 40 24 Seattle 10 7 5 35 28 20 Los Angeles FC 9 6 6 33 30 24 Real Salt Lake 9 7 6 33 30 31 Austin FC 8 8 5 29 29 29 FC Dallas 8 9 5 29 24 25 San Jose 7 7 8 29 26 29 Houston 8 9 4 28 26 28 Vancouver 6 7 7 25 32 29 Sporting KC 6 10 7 25 28 32 Minnesota United 6 8 6 24 22 29 Portland 5 9 7 22 23 31 LA Galaxy 5 9 7 22 23 33 Colorado 3 10 8 17 16 30 NOTE: Three points for victory, one point for tie.Saturday, July 8Cincinnati 2, Charlotte FC 2, tie New York City FC 1, Columbus 1, tie Miami 2, D.C. United 2, tie Atlanta 1, CF Montréal 0 New York 2, New England 1 Saint Louis City SC 1, Toronto FC 0 Chicago 1, Nashville 0 Sporting Kansas City 2, Houston 2, tie Austin FC 4, Minnesota 1 Colorado 2, FC Dallas 1 Real Salt Lake 4, Orlando City 0 LA Galaxy 3, Philadelphia 1 San Jose 1, Los Angeles FC 1, tie Seattle 3, Vancouver 2Wednesday, July 12Atlanta at New England, 7:30 p.m. Cincinnati at New York, 7:30 p.m. CF Montréal at Chicago, 8:30 p.m. Minnesota at Houston, 8:30 p.m. Real Salt Lake at Sporting KC, 8:30 p.m. Philadelphia at Nashville, 8:30 p.m. Seattle at San Jose, 10:30 p.m. Austin FC at Vancouver, 10:30 p.m. Saint Louis at Los Angeles FC, 10:30 p.m.
TODAY IN HISTORY MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 ASSOCIATED PRESSAerial view of the new Mets Shea Stadium under construction on July 10, 1962 in Flushing, Queens. Today is Monday, July 10, the 191st day of 2023. There are 174 days left in the year.ON THIS DATEIn 1509, theologian John Calvin, a key figure of the Protestant Reformation, was born in Noyon, Picardy, France. In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson personally delivered the Treaty of Versailles to the Senate and urged its ratification. (However, the Senate rejected it.) In 1925, jury selection took place in Dayton, Tennessee, in the trial of John T. Scopes, charged with violating the law by teaching DarwinÂs Theory of Evolution. (Scopes was convicted and fined, but the verdict was overturned on a technicality.) In 1929, American paper currency was reduced in size as the government began issuing bills that were approximately 25 percent smaller. In 1951, armistice talks aimed at ending the Korean War began at Kaesong. In 1985, the Greenpeace protest ship Rainbow Warrior was sunk with explosives in Auckland, New Zealand, by French intelligence agents; one activist was killed. In 1991, Boris N. Yeltsin took the oath of office as the first elected president of the Russian republic. President George H.W. Bush lifted economic sanctions against South Africa. In 2002, the House approved, 310-113, a measure to allow airline pilots to carry guns in the cockpit to defend their planes against terrorists (President George W. Bush later signed the measure into law). In 2005, a search-and-rescue team found the body of a missing U.S. commando in eastern Afghanistan, bringing an end to the desperate search for the last member of an ill-fated, four-man special forces unit that had disappeared the previous month. In 2015, to the cheers of thousands, South Carolina pulled the Confederate flag from its place of honor at the Statehouse after more than 50 years. In 2020, President Donald Trump commuted the sentence of his longtime political confidant Roger Stone, intervening in extraordinary fashion in a criminal case that was central to the Russia investigation and concerned TrumpÂs own conduct; the move came days before Stone was to begin serving a 40-month sentence for lying to Congress, witness tampering and obstructing the House investigation into whether TrumpÂs 2016 campaign had colluded with Russia.TEN YEARS AGODzhokhar Tsarnaev pleaded not guilty in the Boston Marathon bombing in a seven-minute proceeding that marked his first appearance in public since his capture in mid-April 2013. In a first, the Navy succeeded in landing a drone the size of a fighter jet aboard an aircraft carrier, the USS George H.W. Bush, off the Virginia coast. David Ortiz doubled in his first at-bat to become baseballÂs career leader in hits as a designated hitter and hit a two-run homer an inning later, leading the Boston Red Sox to an 11-4 victory over Seattle.FIVE YEARS AGOA daring rescue mission in Thailand was completed successfully, as the last four of the 12 boys who were trapped in a flooded cave for more than two weeks were brought to safety along with their soccer coach. The other eight had been brought out in the two preceding days. Rancher Dwight Hammond and his son Steven, who had been convicted of intentionally setting fires on public land in Oregon, were pardoned by President Donald Trump.ONE YEAR AGOJapanÂs governing party and its coalition partner scored a major victory in a parliamentary election, possibly propelled by sympathy votes in the wake of the assassination two days earlier of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Sri LankaÂs opposition political parties met to install a new government a day after the president and prime minister offered to resign in the most dramatic day of monthslong political turmoil. Dozens of Ukrainian emergency workers labored to pull people out of the rubble after a Russian rocket attack smashed into apartment buildings in eastern Ukraine, killing at least 15 people.TODAYÂS BIRTHDAYSActor William Smithers is 96. Actor Lawrence Pressman is 84. Singer Mavis Staples is 84. Actor Mills Watson is 83. Actor Robert Pine is 82. Rock musician Jerry Miller (Moby Grape) is 80. International Tennis Hall of Famer Virginia Wade is 78. Folk singer Arlo Guthrie is 76. Rock musician Dave Smalley is 74. Songwriter Cheryl Wheeler is 72. Rock singer Neil Tennant (Pet Shop Boys) is 69. Banjo player Bela Fleck is 65. Actor Fiona Shaw is 65. Bluegrass singer-musician Tim Surrett (Balsam Range) is 60. Actor Alec Mapa is 58. Country singer-songwriter Ken Mellons is 58. Rock musician Peter DiStefano (Porno for Pyros) is 58. Actor Gale Harold is 54. Country singer Gary LeVox (Rascal Flatts) is 53. Actor Aaron D. Spears is 52. Actor Sofia Vergara is 51. Rockabilly singer Imelda May is 49. Actor Adrian Grenier is 47. Actor Chiwetel Ejiofor (is 46. Actor Gwendoline Yeo is 46. Actor Thomas Ian Nicholas is 43. Singer-actor Jessica Simpson is 43. Actor Heather Hemmens is 39. Actor Emily Skeggs (TV: ÂWhen We RiseÂŽ) is 33. Rapper/singer Angel Haze is 32. Pop singer Perrie Edwards (Little Mix) is 30.APG NATIONAL NEWS MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 | 8 TODAYÂS HIGHLIGHT IN HISTORY On July 10, 1940, during World War II, the Battle of Britain began as the Luftwaffe started attacking southern England. (The Royal Air Force was ultimately victorious.)
PAGE 29 | The Daily Sun | MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 PAGE 1 Legal Notices 0 7/1 0 / 2023 NOTICE OF AUCTION N ot i ce o f P u bli c A uct i on 7/25/2023 8:00AM at 5136DuncanRd PuntaGorda FL 2020 Chevrolet 1G1ZD5ST5LF069633 2011 Chevrolet 1GNKRJED0BJ174462 1998 Dodge 3B7HC13Y1WG184841 Publish: 07/10/2023 302790 3896907 NOTICE OF HEARING HERITA G E LAKE PARK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2023/2024 BUDGET(S); AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE IMPOSITION OF MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION SPECIAL A SSESSMENTS AS W ELL AS DEBT SERVICE A SSESSMENTS, ADOPTION OF AN ASSESSMENT ROLL, A ND THE LEVY, COLLECTION, A ND ENFORCEMENT OF THE SAME; AND NOTICE OF REGULAR BOARD OF SUPERVISORSÂ MEETING. The Board of Supervisors for Heritage Lake Park Community Development District will hold a public hearing and a regular meeting on Monday, August 7, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at the Heritage Lake Park Clubhouse, 25635 Heritage Lake Boulevard, Punta Gorda, Florida. The first purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comment and testimony on the Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Proposed Budget(s). The additional purpose of the public hearing is to consider the imposition of special assessments to fund the DistrictÂs proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2023/2024 upon the lands located within the District, consider the adoption of an assessment roll, and to provide for the levy, collection, and enforcement of the assessments. The public hearing is being conducted pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, and additional applicable law. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the Board will, by resolution, adopt a budget and levy assessments as finally approved by the Board. A regular Board meeting of the District will also be held where the Board may consider any other business that may properly come before it. A copy of the proposed budgets, preliminary assessment roll which describes each property to be assessed and the amount to be assessed, and/or the agendas for the hearing and meeting may be obtained at the offices of the District Manager, located at 210 N. University Drive, Coral Springs, Florida, 33071 during normal business hours, by calling 954-603-0033, or by email: Mona.Slaughter@ In accordance with Chapter 189, Florida Statutes, the Proposed Budget will be posted on the DistrictÂs website https://www. at least two days before the Budget public hearing date. The public hearing and meeting are open to the public and will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Florida Law for Community Development Districts. The public hearing and / or meeting may be continued without additional notice to a date, time, and place to be specified on the record at the hearing or meeting. Any person requiring special accommodations at this public hearing or meeting because of dibilihilii NOTICE OF HEARING a disability or physical impairment should contact the District Manager at 954-603-0033 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the public hearing and meeting. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service at 7-1-1 or toll free at 1-(800) 955-8770 for aid in contacting the District Manager at least three (3) days prior to the date of the public hearing and meeting. Each person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of Supervisors with respect to any matter considered at the public hearing or meeting is advised that person will need a record of proceedings and that accordingly, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. Justin Faircloth District Manager Publish: 07/10/23, 07/17/23 212694 3896209 NOTICE OF MEETING LAKESIDE PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2023/2024 BUDGETS; AND NOTICE OF REGULAR BOARD OF SUPERVISORSÂ MEETING. The Board of Supervisors ( ÂBoardÂŽ ) of the Lakeside Plantation Community Development District ( ÂDistrictÂŽ ) will hold a public hearing on August 16, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lakeside Plantation Clubhouse, 2800 Lakeside Plantation Blvd., North Port, Florida 34289, for the purpose of hearing comments and objections on the adoption of the proposed budgets ( ÂProposed BudgetÂŽ ) of the District for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2023, and ending September 30, 2024 ( ÂFiscal Year 2023/2024ÂŽ ). A regular board meeting of the District will also be held at that time where the Board may consider any other business that may properly come before it. A copy of the agenda and Proposed Budget may be obtained at the offices of the District Manager, 4530 Eagle Falls Place, Tampa, Florida 33619, Ph: (813) 344-4844 ( ÂDistrict ManagerÂs OfficeÂŽ ), during normal business hours, or by visiting the DistrictÂs website at The public hearing and meeting are open to the public and will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Florida law. The public hearing and meeting may be continued to a date, time, and place to be specified on the record at the meeting. There may be occasions when Board Supervisors or District Staff may participate by speaker telephone. Any person requiring special accommodations at this meeting because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the District ManagerÂs Office at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1, or 1-800-955-8771 (TTY) / 1-800955-8770 (Voice), for aid in contacting the District ManagerÂs Office. Each person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the public hearing or meeting is advised that person will need a record of proceedings and that accordingly, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. Jordan Lansford District Manager Publish: 07/10/23 297693 3895753 NOTICE OF MEETING C harlotte C ounty Punta Gorda Metropolitan Planning Organization MPO Board Meeting The Public is Invited to Participate In Person The public is invited to attend in person and provide public comment in advance via email or postal address below. Should you wish to participate in the meeting, please contact staff at 941-883-3535 or email office@ to access information. The MPO Board agenda will be available at one week prior to meeting. Charlotte County-Punta Gorda Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Board Meeting: Monday, July 17, 2023, 2:00 p.m. at the Murdock Administrative Building, Room #119, 18500 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte, Florida. No stenographic record by a certified court reporter is made of these meetings. Accordingly, anyone seeking to appeal any decisions involving the matters herein will be responsible for making a verbatim record of the meeting/testimony and evidence upon which any appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT AND CHAPTER 286.26 FLORIDA STATUTES, PERSONS NEEDING SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEDING SHOULD CONTACT THE CHARLOTTE COUNTY PUNTA GORDA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION AT LEAST FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. CALL (941) 883-3535 BETWEEN 8:00 A.M. AND 4:00 P.M., MONDA Y THROUGH FRIDAY. The MPOÂs planning process is conducted in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes. Any person or beneficiary who believes he or she has been discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or familial status may file a complaint with the Charlotte County-Punta Gorda MPO Title VI Coordinator Wendy W. Scott at (941) 883-3535 or by writing her at 18500 Murdock Circle, Building B, Suite 200, Port Charlotte, FL 33948. For more information call: Charlotte County-Punta Gorda MPO 18500 Murdock Circle, Building B, Room 200, Port Charlotte, FL 33948 Tel: 941-883-3535 Email: Publish: 07/10/23 163352 3896600 NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Storage Sense Port Charlotte intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property under the Storage Facility Act Statutes (Section 83.801 Â… 83.809). The owner will sell at public sale on July 18th, at 10 AM at Storage Sense Port Charlotte, 23227 Freedom Ave, Port Charlotte, FL 33980. Website for auction is . Property will be sold for cash only. Unit must be cleaned out within 48 hrs of purchase.*Amanda Berndsen Unit 217 Personal Property *Rene Rolston Unit 2D12 Personal Property *Craig Hoffman Unit 217 Personal Property * Jeanette Laurain Unit 226 Personal PropertyPublish: 07/03/23, 07/10/23 425965 3893937 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Storage Sense Port Charlotte intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property under the Storage Facility Act Statutes (Section 83.801 Â… 83.809). The owner will sell at public sale on July 20th, at 10 AM at Storage Sense Port Charlotte, 23227 Freedom Ave, Port Charlotte, FL 33980. Website for auction is . Property will be sold for cash only. Unit must be cleaned out within 48 hrs of purchase.*Jennifer Green UNIT GG21 Personal Property *Jennifer Green UNIT GG16 Personal PropertyPublish: 07/03/23, 07/10/23 425965 3895781 NOTICE OF SALE N O TI C E O F PUBLI C S ALE: Darrells Wrecker Service gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 07/28/2023, 10:00 am at 663 S BREVARD AVE ARCADIA, FL 34266-4260, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. Darrells Wrecker Service reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1FTSF30F1XEB13580 1999 FORD 4T1B11HKXKU758436 2019 TOYT 4T1BE46K19U822530 2009 TOYT JA3AJ26E14U036552 2004 MITS Publish: 07/10/2023 140912 3896352 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t h at ANN STREET STORAGE at 209 E ANN ST PUNTA GORDA FL 33950, will sell or otherwise dispose of the contents of the following units(s) to satisfy delinquent amounts due and enforce a lien imposed under the FLORID A SELF STORAGE ACT (section 83.801-83.809). Sale will be conducted at the above address on Friday, July 28, 2023, at 9AM. All property for cash only in Âas isÂŽ condition and removed from the facility at the time of the sale. The following unit(s), containing personal property such as items used in and around the home, garage, and/or workplace, and other misc. items, may not be available at the time of the sale: Rosendo Valdes O30: mattress / box spring, dumbbells, walker, cooler, chair, stool, Misc boxes / totes. Chad McGowan E12: furniture, kids bike, misc boxes/totes We reserve the right to reject any and all bids and to cancel sale in the event of settlement with the obligated party(ies). Publish: 07/10/23, 07/17/23 129334 3896682 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0085 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7199 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412003230017 Description of Property: PCH 069 3440 0007 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 69 BLK 3440 LT 7 Name in which assessed: WAGMAN, ROBERT S., TRUSTEE UNDER THE TRUST NUMBER 6733 DATED JULY 14, 2005; WAGMAN, ROBERT STEVEN, TRUSTEE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,387.66 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,393.91 P.O. NO.: 2300085 208144 3894291 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0086 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7201 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412003251008 Description of Property: PCH 073 3435 0013 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 73 BLK 3435 LT 13 PCH 073 3435 0014 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 73 BLK 3435 LT 14 Name in which assessed: WILD, JEFFERY; WILD, JEFFERY S.; WILD, JEFFREY; WILD, JEFFREY S. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. 8f2023 TAX DEEDS D ate d t hi s 8 t h d ay o f J une, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,392.74 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,398.99 P.O. NO.: 2300086 208144 3894292 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0087 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7541 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412013126010 Description of Property: RRL 000 0001 0014 ROTONDA LAKES BLK1 LT 14 Name in which assessed: MALIBARY, AHMED All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,640.38 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,646.63 P.O. NO.: 2300087 208144 3894293 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0088 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10566 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412333379001 Description of Property: SPG 005 0000 1553 S P G HTS 5TH ADD LTS 1553 & 1554 Name in which assessed: NU ALLIANCE CO., A GEORGIA CORPORATION; NU ALLIANCE CO. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,632.37 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,638.62 P.O. NO.: 2300088 208144 3894294 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0089 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7605 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412015101007 Description of Property: RHT 000 0000 0007 ROTONDA HEIGHTS LT 7 Name in which assessed: FSG RE HOLDINGS, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,556.77 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,563.02 P.O. NO.: 2300089 208144 3894295 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0090 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8171 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412105156003 DiifP TAX DEEDS D escr i pt i on o f P roperty: PCH 095 5117 0044 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC95 BLK 5117 LT 44 Name in which assessed: PETRITSIS, PARIS; PETRITSIS, SOPHIA H. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,649.52 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,655.77 P.O. NO.: 2300090 208144 3894298 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0091 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8210 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412106130013 Description of Property: PCH 095 5072 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5072 LT 12 Name in which assessed: CACAL, HARRIETTA C., TRUSTEE UNDER THE HARRIETTA C CACAL LIVING TRUST DATED 6/29/1999; CACAL, HARRIETTA C., TRUSTEE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,402.85 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,409.10 P.O. NO.: 2300091 208144 3894304 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0095 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8265 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412106312005 Description of Property: PCH 072 3834 0034 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 72 BLK 3834 LT 34 Name in which assessed: ZUKOWSKI, JOHN; ZUKOWSKI, VIRGINIA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,599.66 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,605.91 P.O. NO.: 2300095 208144 3894305 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0097 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8280 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412106356018 Description of Property: PCH 072 3794 0013 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 72 BLK 3794 LT 13 Name in which assessed: CIPRICH, MICHAEL T.; CIPRICH, M. T.; CIPRICH, IRENE; KALINOWSKI, RICHARD E; CIPRICH, MICHELE A. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or hf25hdfJl
PAGE 2 MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 | The Daily Sun | TAX DEEDS t h erea f ter on 25 t h d ay o f J u l y, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,808.96 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,815.21 P.O. NO.: 2300097 208144 3894306 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0098 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8319 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412107130012 Description of Property: PCH 095 5058 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5058 LT 12 Name in which assessed: LI, FENG All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,653.41 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,659.66 P.O. NO.: 2300098 208144 3894309 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0099 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8341 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412107186008 Description of Property: PCH 067 3875 0009 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 67 BLK 3875 LT 9 Name in which assessed: KINZEY, TABARI All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,400.52 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,406.77 P.O. NO.: 2300099 208144 3894310 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0100 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8426 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412108151001 Description of Property: PCH 095 5169 0027 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5169 LT 27 Name in which assessed: SCHILLER, KURT; SCHILLER, DANNY; SCHILLER, EVA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,010.87 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,017.12 P.O. NO.: 2300100 208144 3894311 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0101 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8492 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412108356002 Description of Property: PCH 095 5160 0002 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5160 LT 2 Name in which assessed: DAHAN, CHEN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023 TAX DEEDS 2023 . Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,536.96 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,543.21 P.O. NO.: 2300101 208144 3894312 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0102 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8611 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412116382005 Description of Property: PCH 058 4248 0007 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4248 LT 7 Name in which assessed: HAEFELE, ALEX J.; HAEFELE, SUZANNE B. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,561.36 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,567.61 P.O. NO.: 2300102 208144 3894313 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0103 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8645 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412117110003 Description of Property: RRL 000 0027 0037 ROTONDA LAKES BLK 27 LT 37 Name in which assessed: DECARLO, STEVE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,256.58 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,262.83 P.O. NO.: 2300103 208144 3894314 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0104 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8649 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412117130009 Description of Property: RRL 000 0023 0039 ROTONDA LAKES BLK 23 LT 39 Name in which assessed: HAZELETT, HAROLD G.; HAZELETT, MAGARET C. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,296.08 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,302.33 P.O. NO.: 2300104 208144 3894332 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0105 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8617 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412116410015 Description of Property: PCH 093 4945 0019 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 93 BLK 4945 LT 19 Name in which assessed: PETTUS JR, LESTER C.; PETTUS, KAREN M. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Ddhi8hdfJ2023 TAX DEEDS D ate d t hi s 8 t h d ay o f J une, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,524.41 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,530.66 P.O. NO.: 2300105 208144 3894333 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0106 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8681 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412117304010 Description of Property: RRL 000 0052 0023 ROTONDA LAKES BLK 52 LT 23 Name in which assessed: LEVY, HARRY; LEVY, CLARA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,282.70 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,288.95 P.O. NO.: 2300106 208144 3894334 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0107 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8693 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412117329008 Description of Property: RRL 002 0008 0002 ROTONDA LAKES UN 2 BLK 8 LT 2 LESS THE EASTERLY 20 FT FOR GASPARILLA ROAD WIDENING #GAS-122 Name in which assessed: GRANT, EDWARD J.; GRANT, MARY M. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,952.17 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,958.42 P.O. NO.: 2300107 208144 3894335 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0108 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8703 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412117404001 Description of Property: PCH 058 4229 0031 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4229 LTS 31 & 32 Name in which assessed: NATIONAL BROTHER REALT Y GROUP, LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILIT Y COMPANY; NATIONAL BROTHER REALT Y GROUP, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,753.31 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,759.56 P.O. NO.: 2300108 208144 3894336 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0109 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8957 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412121180003 Description of Property: PCH 071 4357 0014 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 71 BLK 4357 LT 14 Name in which assessed: THE ESTATE OF, STEPHEN SICARD, DECEASED; SICARD, STEPHEN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described ihifihllbld TAX DEEDS i n suc h cert ifi cate s h a ll b e so ld to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,314.68 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,320.93 P.O. NO.: 2300109 208144 3894338 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0110 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9209 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412128284002 Description of Property: PCH 082 4436 0013 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 82 BLK 4436 LT 13 Name in which assessed: KAMINSKEY, STEPHEN; VITALE, JOSEPH All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,407.03 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,413.28 P.O. NO.: 2300110 208144 3894828 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0111 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9319 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412130234001 Description of Property: RSD 001 0001 0234 ROTONDA SANDS UN 1 BLK 1 LT 234 Name in which assessed: RUSSELL, STEVEN J. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,487.59 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,493.84 P.O. NO.: 2300111 208144 3894831 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0112 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9504 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412132303016 Description of Property: RMD 000 0012 0003 ROTONDA MEADOWS BLK 12 LT 3 Name in which assessed: BURKHART, ELLSWORTH C.; BURKHART, RUTH E. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,981.14 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,987.39 P.O. NO.: 2300112 208144 3894832 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0113 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10099 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412303476011 Description of Property: TGE 001 0052 0088 TEE & GRN ESTS 1ST ADD BLK 52 LT 88 Name in which assessed: TOLEDO, NORMA RAQUEL CASANOVA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at idihCh45 TAX DEEDS i n accor d ance w i t h Ch apter 45 , Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,623.74 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,629.99 P.O. NO.: 2300113 208144 3894834 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0114 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10726 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412334327002 Description of Property: SPG 001 0000 1237 S P G HTS 1ST ADD LTS 1237 & 1238 Name in which assessed: CABEZON, ANA MARIA; PIQUERAS, AMERICA MEQUI All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,107.74 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,113.99 P.O. NO.: 2300114 208144 3894836 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0115 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10740 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412334332004 Description of Property: SPG 001 0000 1037 S P G HTS 1ST ADD LTS 1037 1038 Name in which assessed: INVESTMENTS FOMA LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; INVESTMENTS FOMA LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,872.26 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,878.51 P.O. NO.: 2300115 208144 3894837 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0116 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 201-10771 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412334452001 Description of Property: SPG 001 0000 1340 S P G HTS 1ST ADD LT 1340 1341 Name in which assessed: LUNDERGAN, ISABELLE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,935.09 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,941.34 P.O. NO.: 2300116 208144 3894839 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0117 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10774 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412334453011 Description of Property: SPG 001 0000 1415 S P G HTS 1ST ADD LTS 1415 1416 Name in which assessed: SALAZAR, BARBARA MALO All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023 TAX DEEDS 2023 . Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,908.56 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,914.81 P.O. NO.: 2300117 208144 3894840 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0118 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-11293 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422302203001 Description of Property: TGA 007 0141 0036 TROP G A UN 7 BLK 141 LT 36 Name in which assessed: SCHOLL, JORY ; SCHOLL, JESSICA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,988.72 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,994.97 P.O. NO.: 2300118 208144 3894841 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0120 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-11501 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422303134004 Description of Property: TGA 006 0092 0026 TROP G A UN 6 BLK 92 LT 26 Name in which assessed: LEVENTURES, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,161.00 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,167.25 P.O. NO.: 2300120 208144 3894842 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0121 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-11615 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422303302015 Description of Property: TGA 005 0078 0014 TROP G A UN5 BLK 78 LT 14 Name in which assessed: THE ESTATE OF MARGRETE GOODALL, DECEASED All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,034.75 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,041.00 P.O. NO.: 2300121 208144 3894859 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0122 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-12177 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422311102018 Description of Property: TGA 009 0168 0016 TROP G A UN 9 BLK 168 LT 16 Name in which assessed: VEERASAMMY-ALLI, YVONNE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Ddhi15hdfJ2023
PAGE 31 | The Daily Sun | MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 PAGE 3 TAX DEEDS D ate d t hi s 15 t h d ay o f J une, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,987.09 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,993.34 P.O. NO.: 2300122 208144 3894862 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0123 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-12217 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422311130011 Description of Property: TGA 009 0164 0013 TROP G A UN 9 BLK 164 LT 13 Name in which assessed: CHOW, KIN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,999.10 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,005.35 P.O. NO.: 2300123 208144 3894863 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0124 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-12341 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422311356006 Description of Property: TGA 010 0236 0012 TROP G A UN10 BLK 236 LTS 12 & 13 Name in which assessed: VILLANUEVA, DOMINGO D.; VILLANUEVA, OLGA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,221.08 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,227.33 P.O. NO.: 2300124 208144 3894865 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0125 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-12573 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422421151003 Description of Property: ZZZ 214224 P1-100 21 42 24 P-1-100 5A M/L E 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4AKA TRS 235 & 236 Name in which assessed: ASHLEY, FRANK J.; SCHAEFFER, PATRICIA A.; FLOREN, CAROL All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,351.38 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2357.63 P.O. NO.: 2300125 208144 3894866 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0126 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that KIMBERLY LEWIS, HONEY ACRES, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-6992 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402733200005 Description of Property: ZZZ 334027 T 37 33 40 27 TR 37 5A M/L N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 AKA GOLDEN RANCHES TR 37 Name in which assessed: WELBORN, MICHAEL C. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Ddhi15hdfJ2023 TAX DEEDS Dated this 15th day o f June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,746.82 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,753.07 P.O. NO.: 2300126 208144 3894867 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0127 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MYAKKA INVESTMENTS LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2020-14549 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2020 Tax ID: 422105384003 Description of Property: RVL 000 0025 0054 ROTONDA VILLAS BLK 25 LT 54 Name in which assessed: WAGNER, CONSTANCE L.; ORR, HAROLD P.; BERNDT, FAYE M.; BERNDT, FAYE; NIELSEN, DEANNA L. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,237.92 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,244.17 P.O. NO.: 2300127 208144 3894868 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0128 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8311 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412107128014 Description of Property: PCH 095 5056 0004 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5056 LT 4 Name in which assessed: LAM, CHIK YUET All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,516.87 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,523.12 P.O. NO.: 2300128 208144 3894869 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0131 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-11543 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422303183007 Description of Property: TGA 006 0096 0007 TROP G A UN 6 BLK 96 LT 7 Name in which assessed: LEVENTURES, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,037.54 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,043.79 P.O. NO.: 2300131 208144 3894870 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0133 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MERCURY FUNDING, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4454 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402216379012 Description of Property: PCH 018 0427 0016 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 18 BLK 427 LT 16 Name in which assessed: ADRIAN, ERIC R. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 RDE TAX DEEDS R oger D . E aton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 14,463.00 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 14,469.25 P.O. NO.: 2300133 208144 3894872 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0136 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that MERCURY FUNDING, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10145 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412305235002 Description of Property: MAT 000 0000 0028 MARIAN TERRACE LT 28 Name in which assessed: EDWARDS, JAMIE, EACH WITH AN UNDIVIDED 1/5TH INTEREST; WELLS, CYNTHIA, EACH WITH AN UNDIVIDED 1/5TH INTEREST; WELLS, CYNTHIA D.; WELLS, THOMAS, EACH WITH AN UNDIVIDED 1/5TH INTEREST; WELLS, THOMAS K.; BLEVINS, TOSHIKO, EACH WITH AN UNDIVIDED 1/5TH INTEREST; BEASLEY, JAMES CLINTON A/K/A JAMES BEASLEY, AS TO A 1/10TH INTEREST; BEASLEY, LYNZEE NICOLE, AS TO A 1/40TH INTEREST; TAYLOR, MORGAN DAWN, AS TO A 1/40TH INTEREST; BEASLEY, MADISON JEAN, AS TO A 1/40TH INTEREST; BEASLEY, BROCK THOMAS, AS TO A 1/40TH INTEREST All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 8,282.94 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 8,289.19 P.O. NO.: 2300136 208144 3894874 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0142 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ALFRED S. DEMOTT III, ABLD VC LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-1781 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402115156015 Description of Property: PCH 057 3075 0018 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 57 BLK 3075 LT 18 Name in which assessed: BHT INVESTMENTS, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,861.87 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,868.12 P.O. NO.: 2300142 208144 3894875 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0146 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ALFRED S. DEMOTT III, ABLD VC LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-12220 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422311130016 Description of Property: TGA 009 0164 0018 TROP G A UN 9 BLK 164 LT 18 Name in which assessed: FLEUTIAUX, LAURENCE; MIMRAN-FLEUTIAUX, SHIRLEY All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,625.62 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,631.87 P.O. NO.: 2300146 208144 3894878 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0149 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that DAVID A BERGER DABTLC2 LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9711 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412301127011 Description of Property: ZZZ 014123 T199 01 41 23 TRACT 199 & 200 2.5 AC. M/L TH SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OFNW1/4 TAX DEEDS OF NW 1/4 Name in which assessed: WILLIAMS, GARY; MEREDITH, KAREN; WILLIAMS, GARY II; WILLIAMS, GARY HART; MEREDITH, KAREN E All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 12,977.54 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 12,983.79 P.O. NO.: 2300149 208144 3894883 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0150 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that DAVID A BERGER DABTLC2 LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-6991 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402733200003 Description of Property: ZZZ 334027 T21 33-40-27 TR 21 5A M/L N 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 AKA TR 21 OF GOLDEN RANCHES Name in which assessed: WELBORN, LINDA R.; WELBORN, JOHN R. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 49,627.48 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 5,099.73 P.O. NO.: 2300150 208144 3894884 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0151 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SOFIA DALIN the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-1613 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402113153008 Description of Property: PCH 041 0640 0001 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 41 BLK 640 LT 1 Name in which assessed: MONDRAGON, JAVIER All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,085.81 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,092.06 P.O. NO.: 2300151 208144 3894885 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0152 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that J S M HOLDING CORP INC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9581 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412133256005 Description of Property: RMD 000 0128 0014 ROTONDA MEADOW BLK 128 LT 14 Name in which assessed: COMBS, ELLA IONESCU All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,919.50 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,925.75 P.O. NO.: 2300152 208144 3894886 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0153 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that IVETTA SHARASHENIDZE INTACT RECOVERY LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2016-7785 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2016 Tax ID: 402310304018 Description of Property: HBH 011 187C 0010 HRBR HTS SEC 11 PT 2 REP BLK 187-C LT10 TAX DEEDS LT 1 0 Name in which assessed: KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC; KB HOME; KB HOMES All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,021.81 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,028.06 P.O. NO.: 2300153 208144 3894887 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0154 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that IVETTA SHARASHENIDZE INTACT RECOVERY LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2016-7783 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2016 Tax ID: 402310304015 Description of Property: HBH 011 187C 0006 HRBR HTS SEC 11 PT 2 REP BLK 187-C LT 6 Name in which assessed: KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC; KB HOME; KB HOMES All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,021.81 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,028.06 P.O. NO.: 2300154 208144 3894888 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0155 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that IVETTA SHARASHENIDZE INTACT RECOVERY LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2016-7787 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2016 Tax ID: 402310304020 Description of Property: HBH 011 187C 0012 HRBR HTS SEC 11 PT 2 REP BLK 187-C LT 12 Name in which assessed: KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC; KB HOME; KB HOMES All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,025.41 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,031.66 P.O. NO.: 2300155 208144 3894889 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0158 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that NEBRASKA ALLIANCE REALTY COMPANY the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10476 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412328115008 Description of Property: ALM 000 0000 0001 ALLAPATCHEE MANOR LT 1 ALM 000 0000 0002 ALLAPATCHEE MANOR LT 2 Name in which assessed: SANDERS, RICHARD K., A/K/A RICHARD KEITH SANDERS; SANDERS, RICHARD K. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 15,181.27 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,294.02 P.O. NO.: 2300158 208144 3894891 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0159 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that NEBRASKA ALLIANCE REALT Y COMPANY the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7434 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412011230028 Description of Property: PCH 064 3632 0019 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 64 BLK 3632 LT 19 Name in which assessed: MENZEL, BRENDAN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 9,143.18 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 9,149.43 P.O. NO.: 2300159 208144 3894892 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0160 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PIETER WIERSMA the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2019-8663 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2019 Tax ID: 412013277011 Description of Property: RRL 000 002A 0042 ROTONDA LAKES BLK 2A LT 42 Name in which assessed: BAREISA, WALTER J.; BAREISA, LINDA E.; BAREISA, WALTER JAMES All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,690.06 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,696.31 P.O. NO.: 2300160 208144 3894893 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0161 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PIETER WIERSMA the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2019-9746 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2019 Tax ID: 412108307013 Description of Property: PCH 095 5151 0023 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5151 LT 23 Name in which assessed: CHEW, SENG GIAP All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,005.73 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,011.98 P.O. NO.: 2300161 208144 3894894 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0162 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PIETER WIERSMA the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2019-9872 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2019 Tax ID: 412116180007 Description of Property: PCH 058 4215 0007 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4215 LT 7 Name in which assessed: PERRY, JUNE AKA YETTA F. PERRY; PERRY, JUNE AKA YETTA ; PERRY, KAREN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,298.71 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,304.96 P.O. NO.: 2300162 208144 3894895
PAGE 4 MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 | The Daily Sun | TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0163 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PIETER WIERSMA the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2019-9928 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2019 Tax ID: 412116429006 Description of Property: PCH 093 4938 0002 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 93 BLK 4938 LT 2 Name in which assessed: DESANTIS, CARMEN E. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,276.65 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,282.90 P.O. NO.: 2300163 208144 3895389 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0164 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PIETER WIERSMA the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2020-16253 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2020 Tax ID: 422331255003 Description of Property: PGI 021 0928 0003 PUNTA GORDA ISLES SEC 21 BLK 928 LT 3 Name in which assessed: AMERICAN ESTATE & TRUST FBO JEANNETTE SCHWIND IRA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,333.16 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,339.41 P.O. NO.: 2300164 208144 3895390 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0165 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PIETER WIERSMA the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2020-11358 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2020 Tax ID: 412118110024 Description of Property: RRL 000 0011 0020 ROTONDA LAKES BLK 11 LT 20 Name in which assessed: PARKER, CARROL G., AS TO A LIFE ESTATE; DEFFENBAUGH, SEAN LOREN, AS TO FEE SIMPLE; PARKER, EVELYN J., AS TO A LIFE ESTATE; PARKER, CARROL G.; PARKER, EVELYN J. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,497.00 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,503.25 P.O. NO.: 2300165 208144 3895391 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0166 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that NEBRASKA ALLIANCE REALT Y COMPANY the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-5085 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402224131010 Description of Property: PCH 013 1315 0010 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 13 BLK 1315 LT 10 Name in which assessed: BRISTER, VIOLA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 TAX DEEDS 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 9,608.04 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 9,614.29 P.O. NO.: 2300166 208144 3895392 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0168 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that J S M HOLDING CORP INC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9971 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412303328005 Description of Property: TGE 001 005A 0014 TEE & GRN ESTS 1ST ADD BLK 5A LT 14 Name in which assessed: DANTE, DONNA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,100.07 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,106.32 P.O. NO.: 2300168 208144 3895393 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0169 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JAMES SCHUPPENHAUER JS 401K PLAN & TRUST JIM SCHUPPENHAUER the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2017-6968 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2017 Tax ID: 402301280021 Description of Property: PRS 008 000L 0021 PEACE RIV SH UN 8 BLK L LT 21 Name in which assessed: VALLECILLO, LUIS A.; VALLECILLO, NILDA G All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 10,735.25 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 10,741.50 P.O. NO.: 2300169 208144 3895394 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0170 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JAMES SCHUPPENHAUER JS 401K PLAN & TRUST JIM SCHUPPENHAUER the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2019-11507 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2019 Tax ID: 412303256001 Description of Property: TGE 001 0054 0005 TEE & GRN ESTS 1ST ADD BLK 54 LT 5 Name in which assessed: DENTON II, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,104.05 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,110.30 P.O. NO.: 2300170 208144 3895395 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0171 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JAMES SCHUPPENHAUER JS 401K PLAN & TRUST JIM SCHUPPENHAUER the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2020-16494 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2020 Tax ID: 402205158009 Description of Property: PCH 017 0967 0028 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 17 BLK 967 LT 28 Name in which assessed: PEREZ, MILTON; ESTUPINAN, NELSON; PEDROZA, GLADYS All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or hf8hdfA TAX DEEDS t h erea f ter on 8 t h d ay o f A ugust, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 13,378.93 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 13,385.18 P.O. NO.: 2300171 208144 3895398 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0173 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FLORIDA TAX CERTIFICATE FUND, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4147 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402213205017 Description of Property: PCH 020 2239 0025 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 20 BLK 2239 LT 25 Name in which assessed: ANTENOR, GERVELYNE LILIAN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,293.46 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,299.71 P.O. NO.: 2300173 208144 3895399 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0174 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MYAKKA INVESTMENTS LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-6222 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402314155012 Description of Property: HBH 011 0150 0021 HRBR HTS SEC 11 PT 1 BLK 150 LTS 21 & 22 Name in which assessed: GARCIA, JOSE; BUCK, LEONA; GARCIA JR, JOSE MANUEL; CHAVARRO, FREDY All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,835.07 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,841.32 P.O. NO.: 2300174 208144 3895402 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0175 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that DARRELL JULIEN DJJ ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2020-15235 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2020 Tax ID: 422303407005 Description of Property: TGA 004 0056 0010 TROP G A UN 4 BLK 56 LT 10 Name in which assessed: LEVENTURES, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,009.21 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,015.46 P.O. NO.: 2300175 208144 3895405 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0176 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FNA DZ LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-2612 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402128405010 Description of Property: ELJ 001R0000 0006 EL JOBEAN WARD 1 RESUB RESV LOTS LTS 6 7 & 33 Name in which assessed: BLUE SKIES EL JOBEAN PROPERTIES, LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; BLUE SKIES EL JOBEAN PROP, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to hlhdibd TAX DEEDS t h e l aw, t h e property d escr ib e d in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 9,409.96 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 9,416.21 P.O. NO.: 2300176 208144 3895407 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0177 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FNA DZ LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4116 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402212456003 Description of Property: PCH 012 1629 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 12 BLK 1629 LT 12 Name in which assessed: MURFF, REGINA, AN UNDIVIDED 1/6TH INTEREST; MURFF, FELICIA, AN UNDIVIDED 1/6TH INTEREST; MURFF, MATHAN, AN UNDIVIDED 1/6TH INTEREST; THE ESTATE OF LOISTEEN MURFF, DECEASED, AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 16,595.41 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 16,601.66 P.O. NO.: 2300177 208144 3895409 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0178 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FNA DZ LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3771 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402207231001 Description of Property: PCH 090 0315 0061 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 90 BLK 315 LT 61 Name in which assessed: MIDLAND IRA, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION, FBO JOHN STEHLI IRA, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 80% INTEREST; STEHLI, SUSAN BROWN, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 20% INTEREST; MIDLAND IRA, INC., FBO JOHN STEHLI IRA; STEHLI, SB All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 12,727.69 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 12,733.94 P.O. NO.: 2300178 208144 3895427 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0179 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FNA DZ LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7832 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412021515029 Description of Property: IIC 000 0000 0029 INDIGO ISLES MHP CONDO UNIT 29 Name in which assessed: HARRIS, CATIE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,908.64 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 5,914.89 P.O. NO.: 2300179 208144 3895429 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0180 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FNA DZ LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was dfll TAX DEEDS assesse d are as f o ll ows: Certificate No.: 2021-9662 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412213230014 Description of Property: PGI 007 0075 0038 PUNTA GORDA ISLES SEC 7 BLK 75 LT 38 Name in which assessed: LEWIS MAGUIRE HOMES, LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILIT Y COMPANY; LEWIS MAGUIRE HOMES, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 7,848.78 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 7,855.03 P.O. NO.: 2300180 208144 3895430 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0181 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that AFH PROPERTIES the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2018-14805 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2018 Tax ID: 422310454002 Description of Property: TGA 010 0264 0006 TROP G A UN 10 BLK 264 LT 6 Name in which assessed: PLAKS, NINA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,337.95 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,344.20 P.O. NO.: 2300181 208144 3895431 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0182 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that NEWLINE HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-2608 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402128329002 Description of Property: ELJ 001 0000 0136 EL JOBEAN WARD 1 LTS 136 137 138 Name in which assessed: GARNETT, JOHN ; GARNETT, THOMAS All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 8,404.15 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 8,410.40 P.O. NO.: 2300182 208144 3895434 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0183 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that NEWLINE HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8179 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412105280014 Description of Property: PCH 066 4296 0030 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 66 BLK 4296 LT 30 Name in which assessed: DOYLE, PAUL F.; DOYLE, JILL A. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 7,743.82 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 7,750.07 P.O. NO.: 2300183 208144 3895435 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0185 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ROBERT R EVANS the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was dfll TAX DEEDS assessed are as f ollows: Certificate No.: 2021-10687 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412334255005 Description of Property: SPG 008 0000 0013 S P G HTS 8TH ADD LT 13 Name in which assessed: KIMBALL, DOUGLAS A. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,301.71 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,307.96 P.O. NO.: 2300185 208144 3895436 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0188 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that KINGS RIGHT LLC FIRSTTRUST BANK AGT FBO KINGS RIGHT LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-5308 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402227278002 Description of Property: PCH 004 0029 0122 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 4 BLK 29 LT 122 Name in which assessed: RUZ, FERNANDO All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 14,639.82 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 14,646.07 P.O. NO.: 2300188 208144 3895437 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0190 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7224 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412003453020 Description of Property: PCH 074 3457 0055 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 74 BLK 3457 LT 55 Name in which assessed: SOUTHWIND PROPERTIES, LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILIT Y COMPANY; SOUTHWIND PROPERTIES, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,369.45 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,375.70 P.O. NO.: 2300190 208144 3895438 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0191 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7173 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412003132002 Description of Property: PCH 073 3429 0002 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 73 BLK 3429 LT 2 Name in which assessed: VERO ATLANTIC 2, LLC, A FLORID A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; VERO ATLANTIC 2 LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,209.77 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,216.02 P.O. NO.: 2300191 208144 3895439
PAGE 33 | The Daily Sun | MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 PAGE 5 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0192 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9389 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412130458003 Description of Property: RSD 001 0011 0009 ROTONDA SANDS UN 1 BLK 11 LT 9 Name in which assessed: MACLEAN, CHARLES M. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,827.04 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,833.29 P.O. NO.: 2300192 208144 3895440 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0193 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9480 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412132228006 Description of Property: RMD 000 0072 0003 ROTONDA MEADOWS BLK 72 LT 3 Name in which assessed: BANAYOT, RENE KATTAN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 923.41 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 929.66 P.O. NO.: 2300193 208144 3895441 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0194 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-943 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402106457004 Description of Property: PCH 038 2393 0001 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 38 BLK 2393 LT 1 Name in which assessed: COWEN, CLINTON; COWEN, CLINTON P. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,548.52 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,554.77 P.O. NO.: 2300194 208144 3895442 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0195 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9466 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412132182001 Description of Property: RMD 000 0022 0007 ROTONDA MEADOWS BLK 22 LT 7 Name in which assessed: VETTER, SHELDON J.; NASH, JOANNE M. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,300.70 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,306.95 P.O. NO.: 2300195 208144 3895443 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0196 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-110 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402101403011 Description of Property: PCH 016 1077 0003 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 16 BLK 1077 LT 3 Name in which assessed: FARIAS, LUIS DOMINIC; FARIAS, LUIS D. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,160.75 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,167.00 P.O. NO.: 2300196 208144 3895444 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0197 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3239 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402203280006 Description of Property: PCH 034 1510 0010 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 34 BLK 1510 LTS 10 & 11 Name in which assessed: DAKTILIDIS, ANASTASIOS MARKOS All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,344.57 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,350.82 P.O. NO.: 2300197 208144 3895445 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0198 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-118 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402101427014 Description of Property: PCH 016 1081 0006 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 16 BLK 1081 LT 6 Name in which assessed: KRASNEY, ABE; KRASNEY, FLORENCE; DEFRAIN, DONALD; DEFRAIN, MAE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,058.14 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,064.39 P.O. NO.: 2300198 208144 3895446 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0199 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-133 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402102128005 Description of Property: PCH 030 1155 0005 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 30 BLK 1155 LT 5 Name in which assessed: ATLAS PROPERTY INVESTORS, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 TAX DEEDS 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,984.80 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,991.05 P.O. NO.: 2300199 208144 3895447 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0201 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-2392 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402124159001 Description of Property: PCH 031 2737 0001 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 31 BLK 2737 LT 1 Name in which assessed: STEELE, ALAN E.; STEELE, EDWARD C. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,292.10 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,298.35 P.O. NO.: 2300201 208144 3895448 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0202 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-2442 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402124259003 Description of Property: PCH 031 2698 0003 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 31 BLK 2698 LTS 3 & 4 Name in which assessed: R M ORGANIZATION, A WYOMING LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; R M ORGANIZATION All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,282.92 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,289.17 P.O. NO.: 2300202 208144 3895449 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0203 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3053 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402201126006 Description of Property: PCH 015 1564 0002 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 15 BLK 1564 LT 2 Name in which assessed: LONGMAN, HYACINTH D.; LONGMAN, DUDLEY H. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,536.26 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,542.51 P.O. NO.: 2300203 208144 3895450 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0204 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3101 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402202157004 Description of Property: PCH 050 3148 0025 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 50 BLK 3148 LT 25 Name in which assessed: COUNTY ASSIST, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at idihCh45 TAX DEEDS in accordance with C hapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,015.47 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,021.72 P.O. NO.: 2300204 208144 3895451 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0205 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3104 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402202157019 Description of Property: PCH 050 3148 0005 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 50 BLK 3148 LT 5 Name in which assessed: VIGILANTE JR, JOHN; VIGILANTE, LOUIS All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,031.45 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,037.70 P.O. NO.: 2300205 208144 3895452 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0206 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3105 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402202158007 Description of Property: PCH 050 3149 0021 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 50 BLK 3149 LT 21 Name in which assessed: COUNTY ASSIST, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,021.81 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,028.06 P.O. NO.: 2300206 208144 3895461 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0207 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3130 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402202228003 Description of Property: PCH 050 3124 0021 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 50 BLK 3124 LT 21 Name in which assessed: DUNKLEY, JOAN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,656.15 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,662.40 P.O. NO.: 2300207 208144 3895462 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0208 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3140 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402202279005 Description of Property: PCH 050 3098 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 50 BLK 3098 LT 12 Name in which assessed: CASEY, DANIEL J. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to hhihbidd TAX DEEDS t h e hi g h est bidd er at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,123.31 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,129.56 P.O. NO.: 2300208 208144 3895463 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0209 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4013 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402211426025 Description of Property: PCH 051 3199 0014 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 51 BLK 3199 LT 14 Name in which assessed: BONOTTI, JAMES MICHAEL All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,616.51 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,622.76 P.O. NO.: 2300209 208144 3895464 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0210 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4053 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402212180009 Description of Property: PCH 012 1642 0002 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 12 BLK 1642 LT 2 Name in which assessed: STANTONE, ANTONETTE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,073.44 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,079.69 P.O. NO.: 2300210 208144 3895465 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0211 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4082 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402212304005 Description of Property: PCH 012 1653 0013 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 12 BLK 1653 LTS 13 & 14 Name in which assessed: VERO ATLANTIC 2, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,408.68 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,414.93 P.O. NO.: 2300211 208144 3895466 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0212 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4353 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402215229017 Description of Property: PCH 028 1399 0014 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 28 BLK 1399 LT 14 Name in which assessed: SHORB, WILLIAM H. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described ihifihllbld TAX DEEDS i n suc h cert ifi cate s h a ll b e so ld to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 8,599.49 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 8,605.74 P.O. NO.: 2300212 208144 3895467 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0213 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-5168 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402224378001 Description of Property: PCH 013 1287 0001 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 13 BLK 1287 LT 1 Name in which assessed: IRENE JEAN INVESTMENTS, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,022.62 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,028.87 P.O. NO.: 2300213 208144 3895468 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0214 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-5498 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402236601078 Description of Property: TPH 000 000B 0303 THE PRESERVE AT CHARLOTTE HARBOR BLDG B UN 303 Name in which assessed: LOPEZ, CHRISTIAN A.; UPTON, LESLIE; LUPTON, LESLIE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 11,882.90 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 11,889.15 P.O. NO.: 2300214 208144 3895469 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0215 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8321 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412107130020 Description of Property: PCH 095 5058 0020 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5058 LT 20 Name in which assessed: YUNG, THOMAS LIT All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,010.51 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,016.76 P.O. NO.: 2300215 208144 3895470 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0119 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-11366 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422302305005 Description of Property: TGA 008 0150 0019 TROP G A UN 8 BLK 150 LT 19 Name in which assessed: BOGGS, WILLIAM R. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate hllbdddi
PAGE 6 MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 | The Daily Sun | TAX DEEDS s h a ll b e re d eeme d accor di ng to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,051.34 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,057.59 P.O. NO.: 2300119 208144 3895506 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0130 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-11430 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422302381010 Description of Property: TGA 001 0011 0009 TROP G A UN 1 BLK 11 LTS 9 & 10 Name in which assessed: LINDQUIST, ROBERT F. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,197.73 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,203.98 P.O. NO.: 2300130 208144 3895507 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0216 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8333 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412107156006 Description of Property: PCH 067 3782 0033 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 67 BLK 3782 LT 33 Name in which assessed: MOLINA, BENJAMIN CHINCHILLA; GODOY, ALFREDO CHINCHILLA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,211.48 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,217.73 P.O. NO.: 2300216 208144 3896305 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0218 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-12641 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422526300009 Description of Property: ZZZ 264225 P5-2 26-42-25 P-5-2 2.13 AC. M/L TH W1/2 OF E1/2 OF NE1/4 OF NE1/4 OF SW1/4 LESS E33 FT D R/W RP/VIN-FLFL170A29459LP31&B 988-794 E998-273 Name in which assessed: GONZALEZ, ERNESTO All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 10,940.32 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 10,946.57 P.O. NO.: 2300218 208144 3896307 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0219 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that APLSRRE INVESTMENTS LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2020-7855 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2020 Tax ID: 402310304019 Description of Property: HBH 011 187C 0011 HRBR HTS SEC 11 PT 2 REP BLK 187-C LT 11 Name in which assessed: KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TAX DEEDS COMPANY ; KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC; KB HOME; KB HOMES All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,037.27 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,043.52 P.O. NO.: 2300219 208144 3896308 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0220 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that J S M HOLDING CORP INC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10084 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412303408006 Description of Property: TGE 001 0068 0009 TEE & GRN ESTS 1ST ADD BLK 68 LT 9 Name in which assessed: VERONA V, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,986.78 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,993.03 P.O. NO.: 2300220 208144 3896309 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0221 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that J S M HOLDING CORP INC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10048 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412303406004 Description of Property: TGE 001 0066 0012 TEE & GRN ESTS 1ST ADD BLK 66 LT 12 Name in which assessed: GREENBERG, NORMA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,148.96 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,155.21 P.O. NO.: 2300221 208144 3896320 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0222 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that J S M HOLDING CORP INC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10051 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412303406007 Description of Property: TGE 001 0066 0007 TEE & GRN ESTS 1ST ADD BLK 66 LT 7 Name in which assessed: ALFARO, CARLOS BALBIN; FELICIANO, ILSA; BALBIN, CARLOS All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,492.29 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,498.54 P.O. NO.: 2300222 208144 3896324 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0223 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GREENTRIANGLE EQUITIES GREEN TRIANGLE EQUITIES the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2020-15840 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2020 Tax ID: 422310482016 Description of Property: TGA 010 0238 0024 TROP G A UN 10 BLK 238 LT 24 Name in which assessed: GIANELLO, EUGENE E. Allfidbiih TAX DEEDS All o f sa id property b e i ng i n t h e County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,587.86 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,594.11 P.O. NO.: 2300223 208144 3896326 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0224 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GREENTRIANGLE EQUITIES GREEN TRIANGLE EQUITIES the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2020-15841 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2020 Tax ID: 422310482017 Description of Property: TGA 010 0238 0023 TROP G A UN 10 BLK 238 LT 23 Name in which assessed: GIANELLO, EUGENE E. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,587.86 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,594.11 P.O. NO.: 2300224 208144 3896327 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0225 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GREENTRIANGLE EQUITIES GREEN TRIANGLE EQUITIES the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2018-14389 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2018 Tax ID: 422303453011 Description of Property: TGA 004 0053 0014 TROP G A UN 4 BLK 53 LT 14 Name in which assessed: DOSKOCIL, KIRK M. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,822.04 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,828.29 P.O. NO.: 2300225 208144 3896328 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0226 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GREENTRIANGLE EQUITIES GREEN TRIANGLE EQUITIES the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-6689 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402334402005 Description of Property: 75I 000 0000 0009 1775 INDUSTRIAL PK LT 9 Name in which assessed: 1775 PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION; 1775 PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOC. INC. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,693.24 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,699.49 P.O. NO.: 2300226 208144 3896329 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0228 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FIG 20 LLC FBO SEC PTY the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10657 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412334205001 Description of Property: SPG 008 0000 0044 S P G HTS 8TH ADD LT 44 Name in which assessed: MOHR, CATHERINE Allfidbiih TAX DEEDS All o f sa id property b e i ng i n t h e County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,455.91 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,462.16 P.O. NO.: 2300228 208144 3896330 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0230 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FIG 20 LLC FBO SEC PTY the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10244 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412308376004 Description of Property: PCR 000 054F 0005 PINECREST LT 54 F LT 5 Name in which assessed: ROBERGE, LUCILLE W. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,316.06 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,322.31 P.O. NO.: 2300230 208144 3896331 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0232 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FIG 20 LLC FBO SEC PTY the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-6625 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402326477011 Description of Property: VTR 000 000E 0007 VILLA TRIANGULO BLK E LT 7 Name in which assessed: OLSON, H., AS TRUSTEE OF US 17 PUNTA GORDA SWWS 4827 DUNCAN RD TRUST DATED JUL Y 28, 2020; OLSON, H. TRUSTEE; JOHNSON, C. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,284.45 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,290.70 P.O. NO.: 2300232 208144 3896332 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0233 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FIG 20 LLC FBO SEC PTY the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-6814 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402422100014 Description of Property: ZZZ 224024 P5-5 22 40 24 PARCEL 5-5 10.14 AC M/L THE W 337.22 FT OF E 1071.66 FT OF SE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 340/99 PR#73-59 510/59-62 Name in which assessed: TETON PRAIRIE, LLC, A MONTANA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; TETON PRAIRIE, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 894.31 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 900.56 P.O. NO.: 2300233 208144 3896337 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0235 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that BUFFALO BILL, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7404 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412010358001 Description of Property: PCH 074 3478 0002 PORT CHARLOTTESEC74BLK3478 TAX DEEDS C HARL O TTE S E C 74 BLK 3 47 8 LT 2 Name in which assessed: SNYDER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION; SNYDER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,398.22 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,404.47 P.O. NO.: 2300235 208144 3896341 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0237 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that BUFFALO BILL, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-2539 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402125226023 Description of Property: PCH 044 3284 0011 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 44 BLK 3284 LT 11 Name in which assessed: BARRERO, JULIO CESAR; BARRERO, KATIUSKA O.; BARRERO, JULIO C. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,455.85 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,462.10 P.O. NO.: 2300237 208144 3896343 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0238 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that BUFFALO BILL, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8165 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412105102003 Description of Property: PCH 095 5086 0003 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5086 LT 3 Name in which assessed: COLEMAN-SCHMID, LISA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,526.50 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,532.75 P.O. NO.: 2300238 208144 3896346 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0239 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ABEL BURGOS MILESTONE ENTERPRISE GROUP LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2019-6803 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2019 Tax ID: 402310328004 Description of Property: HBH 011 0232 0035 HRBR HTS SEC 11 PART 3 REP BLK 232 LT 35 Name in which assessed: KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC; KB HOME; KB HOMES All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,101.67 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,107.92 P.O. NO.: 2300239 208144 3896347 JOB SEARCH SUN866-463-1638 CLASSIFIEDS TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0241 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TAX BRAKE FL LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-1660 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402113279001 Description of Property: PCH 041 0602 0006 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 41 BLK 602 LTS 6 7 & 13 THRU 15 Name in which assessed: VILLAMIL JR, CARLOS E., TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAMIL AND ZIOMECK REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED JULY 21, 2022; ZIOMEK, CONSTANZA ELVIRA ROCIO, TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAMIL AND ZIOMECK REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED JULY 21, 2022; VILLAMIL JR, CARLOS E., TRS; ZIOMEK, CONSTANZA ELVIRA ROCIO, TRS All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 8,197.56 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 8,203.81 P.O. NO.: 2300241 208144 3896349 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0243 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TAX BRAKE FL LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-12647 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422527400006 Description of Property: ZZZ 274225 P12 27 42 25 P-12 2.5A M/L THE W 1/2 OF E 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 SUBJ TO RD R/W S 33FT Name in which assessed: LORENZEN, SHANE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,395.12 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 5,401.37 P.O. NO.: 2300243 208144 3896350 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0245 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that J S M HOLDING CORP INC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2020-13102 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2020 Tax ID: 412303451032 Description of Property: TGE 001 0079 0028 TEE & GRN ESTS 1ST ADD BLK 79 LT 28 Name in which assessed: ELLA III, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,426.05 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,432.30 P.O. NO.: 2300245 208144 3896367 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0246 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that J S M HOLDING CORP INC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10070 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412303407012 Description of Property: TGE 001 0067 0001 TEE & GRN ESTS 1ST ADD BLK 67 LT 1 Name in which assessed: VERONA V, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023
PAGE 35 | The Daily Sun | MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 PAGE 7 TAX DEEDS 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,172.83 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,179.08 P.O. NO.: 2300246 208144 3896369 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0247 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that J S M HOLDING CORP INC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10055 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412303406011 Description of Property: TGE 001 0066 0003 TEE & GRN ESTS 1ST ADD BLK 66 LT 3 Name in which assessed: HAYNES, GEORGE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,052.93 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,059.18 P.O. NO.: 2300247 208144 3896370 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0248 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that KEYS TAX FUNDING LLC-2021 US BANK CF KEYS TAX FUNDING LLC-2021 the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7073 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412001380014 Description of Property: PCH 063 3693 0021 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 63 BLK 3693 LT 21 Name in which assessed: OÂCONNELL, SHAWN; OÂCONNELL, TRACEY All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 13,924.77 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 13,931.02 P.O. NO.: 2300248 208144 3896371 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0249 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that KEYS TAX FUNDING LLC-2021 US BANK CF KEYS TAX FUNDING LLC-2021 the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-1776 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402115128008 Description of Property: VLM 000 0000 0008 VILLA MILANO PHASES 1 & 2 LT 8 Name in which assessed: STUTZ, DONALD J.; POGOERSCKEY JR, GEORGE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 132,009.59 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 13,626.34 P.O. NO.: 2300249 208144 3896372 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0250 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that KEYS TAX FUNDING LLC-2021 US BANK CF KEYS TAX FUNDING LLC-2021 the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8188 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412105426002 Description of Property: PCH 095 5103 0009 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5103 LT 9 Name in which assessed: FOLSOM, SCOTT All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at idihCh45 TAX DEEDS in accordance with C hapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 32,655.51 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 5,255.76 P.O. NO.: 2300250 208144 3896373 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0251 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that KEYS TAX FUNDING LLC-2021 US BANK CF KEYS TAX FUNDING LLC-2021 the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4098 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402212426002 Description of Property: PCH 012 1606 0026 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 12 BLK 1606 LT 26 Name in which assessed: RAYMOND, CLEMENT P.; RAYMOND, CLAUDETTE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 14,119.84 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 14,126.09 P.O. NO.: 2300251 208144 3896374 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0254 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that BAYLOR LAKE LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2020-953 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2020 Tax ID: 402105382031 Description of Property: PCH 038 2379 0020 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 38 BLK 2379 LT 20 Name in which assessed: MALONEY, ALISON; HART, SALIMA ANAND; ANAND, SAMANTHA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 9,917.06 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 9,923.31 P.O. NO.: 2300254 208144 3896375 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0256 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MERIDIAN TAX SB MUNI CUST FOR MERIDIAN TAX the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7987 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412025353010 Description of Property: RPV 000 0000 0354 ROTONDA WEST PINE VALLEY LT 354 Name in which assessed: BROWN, GABRIEL F. E.; BROWN, NADIA I. BROWN, NADIA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,656.32 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,662.57 P.O. NO.: 2300256 208144 3896377 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0257 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MERIDIAN TAX SB MUNI CUST FOR MERIDIAN TAX the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9081 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412124151001 Description of Property: RLM 000 0000 0713 ROTONDA WEST LONG MEADOW LT 713 Name in which assessed: CALADE FLORIDE 85, LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILIT Y COMPANY; CALADE FLORIDE 85, LLC Allfidbiih TAX DEEDS All o f sa id property b e i ng i n t h e County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,605.12 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,611.37 P.O. NO.: 2300257 208144 3896378 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0259 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MERIDIAN TAX SB MUNI CUST FOR MERIDIAN TAX the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-2475 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402124383006 Description of Property: PCH 031 0608 0056 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 31 BLK 608 LT 56 Name in which assessed: BENITEZ, ARIDERSON All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,140.18 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,146.43 P.O. NO.: 2300259 208144 3896379 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0261 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MERIDIAN TAX SB MUNI CUST FOR MERIDIAN TAX the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3468 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402205201010 Description of Property: PCH 017 0920 0010 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 17 BLK 920 LT 10 Name in which assessed: CHOW, LUH-SEN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,047.65 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,053.90 P.O. NO.: 2300261 208144 3896380 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0262 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MERIDIAN TAX SB MUNI CUST FOR MERIDIAN TAX the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3556 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402205376003 Description of Property: PCH 017 0982 0009 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 17 BLK 982 LT 9 Name in which assessed: ANGLIN, SHEILA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,971.60 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,977.85 P.O. NO.: 2300262 208144 3896381 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0263 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MERIDIAN TAX SB MUNI CUST FOR MERIDIAN TAX the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4076 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402212302005 Description of Property: PCH 012 1651 0015 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 12 BLK 1651 LT 15 Name in which assessed: SEYBURNHOMESLLCAFLORIDA TAX DEEDS SEYBURN HOMES , LLC , A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; SEYBURN HOMES, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,239.75 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,246.00 P.O. NO.: 2300263 208144 3896382 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0265 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MERIDIAN TAX SB MUNI CUST FOR MERIDIAN TAX the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4626 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402219204008 Description of Property: PCH 008 0234 0002 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 8 BLK 234 LT 2 Name in which assessed: BARTELS, HOLGER All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,122.95 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,129.20 P.O. NO.: 2300265 208144 3896383 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0266 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MERIDIAN TAX SB MUNI CUST FOR MERIDIAN TAX the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-6978 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402635852071 Description of Property: PPK 001 0000 0071 PARADISE PARK PH 1 UN 71 Name in which assessed: JOHNSON, DANIEL CLARK All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,110.52 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,116.77 P.O. NO.: 2300266 208144 3896384 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0267 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MERIDIAN TAX SB MUNI CUST FOR MERIDIAN TAX the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7031 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412001154003 Description of Property: PCH 063 3709 0011 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 63 BLK 3709 LT 11 Name in which assessed: SAGAN, LILLIAN L.; SAGAN, PAUL J. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,800.88 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,807.13 P.O. NO.: 2300267 208144 3896385 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0268 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MERIDIAN TAX SB MUNI CUST FOR MERIDIAN TAX the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8334 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412107159006 Description of Property: PCH 067 3781 0020 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 67 BLK 3781 LT20 TAX DEEDS LT 20 Name in which assessed: HAUN, YAAKOV All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 15th day of August, 2023. Dated this 29th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,981.39 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,987.64 P.O. NO.: 2300268 208144 3896386 WORKSHOPS Holiday Park Park & Recreation District has scheduled an Emergency Meeting, Thursday, July 27th @ 9:00am at Phase 1 in the Main Hall, located at 5401 Holiday Park Blvd, North Port, FL 34287. Publish: 07/10/23 150177 3889664 OTHER NOTICES NOTICE OF RULEMAKING FOR AMENDED AMENITY FACILITIES POLICIES BY THE LAKESIDE PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT A public hearing will be conducted by the Board of Supervisors (ÂBoardÂŽ) of the Lakeside Plantation Community Development District (ÂDistrictÂŽ) on August 16, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., at the Lakeside Plantation Clubhouse, 2800 Plantation Blvd., North Port, Florida 34289. In accordance with Chapters 120 and 190, Florida Statutes, the District hereby gives the public notice of its intent to adopt its proposed amended Amenity Facilities Policies (ÂAmended Amenity RulesÂŽ), which will address the requirements for the use of the amenity facilities, including but not limited to the prohibition of alcoholic beverages within the DistrictÂs swimming pool area. The public hearing will provide an opportunity for the public to address proposed Amended Amenity Rules. The purpose and effect of these Amended Amenity Rules are to provide for efficient and effective operations of the District. Specific legal authority for the Amended Amenity Rules includes Sections 190.011, 190.012(3), 190.011(5), 190.041, and 120.54, Florida Statutes. Prior Notice of Rule Development was published in the Charlotte Sun on July 6, 2023. The public hearing may be continued to a date, time, and place to be specified on the record at the hearing without additional notice. If anyone chooses to appeal any decision of the Board with respect to any matter considered at the public hearing, such person will need a record of the proceedings and should accordingly ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. At the hearing, one or more Supervisors or staff may participate in the public hearing by speaker telephone. Pursuant to provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this hearing is asked to advise the District Manager at 4530 Eagle Falls Place, Tampa, Florida 33619, (813) 344-4844 (ÂDistrict OfficeÂŽ) at least forty-eight (48) hours before the hearing. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service at 1 (800) 955-8770, who can aid you in contacting the District Office. A copy of the proposed Amended Amenity Rules may be obtained by contacting the District Office. Jordan Lansford, District Manager Lakeside Plantation Community Development District Publish: 07/10/23 297693 3895776 Ch ar l otte C ounty M osqu i to & Aquatic Weed Control announces water use restrictions for the purposes of irrigation in the following fresh water bodies: Tropical Gulf Acres (TGA) Pond bordered by Monte Cristo Blvd, Citation Terrace, Laurelwood Dr, and Sandrala Dr. Lat/Lon position; 26.834485/-81.989744 Do not use water from the above bodies of water for irrigation purposes. Buoys will be placed in the water for the duration of the restriction. Water restrictions begin on Monday, July 10, 2023, and will end on Wednesday, August 9, 2023. When the buoys are removed from the water it will then be safe to use for irrigation. Area residents may also be contacted by Aquatic Weed staff who will be canvassing the area with information. Residents affected by this notice with questions or needing more information may call the Charlotte County Mosquito & Aquatic Weed Control hotline at 941-764-4370 24-hrs a day. Publish: 07/09/23, 07/10/23 384224 3896558 OTHER NOTICES J & R Marine S ervices, Inc. gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and Intent to sell these vessels on 08/15/23, 8 am @ 5000 Linwood Rd, Placida, FL 33946, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. J & R Marine Services reserves the right to accept or reject any and / or all bids. 1986 Cruiser Yachts USGG#D909642 HIN#: CRS5675BH687 1984 Hunter HIN#: HUN31264V841 Publish: 07/10/23, 07/17/23 413381 3896749 C e ll co P artners hi p an d i ts controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless (Verizon Wireless) proposes to build a 45-foot metal communications pole at the approx. vicinity of: Right of Way of US Hwy 41 (Tamiami Trail), just Northwest of Gardner Drive, Port Charlotte, Florida, 33952. Coordinates: [Latitude: 26° 58 21.24ÂŽ N, Longitude: 82° 05 6.67ÂŽ W]. Public comments regarding potential effects from this site on historic properties may be submitted within 30 days from the date of this publication to: Trileaf Corp, Jessica Cilento, j; 407-660 7840; 1051 Winderley Place, Suite 201, Maitland, Florida 32751. Publish: 07/10/23 308328 3896846 CLASSIFIEDSTo Place Your Ad, Call 866-463-1638 For your Best Local Deals! SUNNews Media CLASSIFIEDS SUNTo Place Your Ad, Call 866-463-1638
PAGE 8 MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 | The Daily Sun | adno=SP5787_V6 a dno=SP5787_V6 You asked for it, and now itÂs back and better than ever!The entertainment guide for the Sun Coast.Weekly entertainment features covering everything from art to zoos and anything in between.Pick up your copy in The Daily Sun & Venice Gondolier every Wednesday. Download the Go! app to stay up to date while on the move. SUN The DailyCharlotte € DeSoto € Sarasota Apple StoreGoogle Play Store