2016 PULITZER WINNER € FPA GOLD MEDAL WINNER 2022 Realtors say itÂs still a sellers marketPAGE 1B ÂDead Ringers limited series shares the filmÂs DNAPAGE 10BEnglewood sexual predator arrested, againPAGE 2B SUN The DailyCharlotte € DeSoto € SarasotaMONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 | $2.50 FIRST IN LOCAL NEWS YOURSUN.COMVOL. 131, NO. 183 By SARAH OWENSCOMMUNITY NEWS COLLABORATIVEARCADIA „ The antique shops lining the streets of ArcadiaÂs town center attract their share of visitors, but a short walk up a ” ight of stairs to the Heard Opera House is the fastest way to a trip back in time. The Heard, recently restored to its early 20th century glory and repaired after damage done by Hurricane Ian, stands again as a symbol of resiliency in this DeSoto County town 45 minutes east from coastal Manatee and Sarasota. The Heard, built in 1906 by J.J. Heard originally with a bank on the ground ” oor and theater space upstairs, has a history of leading Arcadia back from disaster. A “ re swept through the downtown a year before the Heard opened, leveling virtually every building. Ever since, such diverse tenants as a theater, an antique shop, a dentist, the tax collector and others have done business in the Heard, which occupies half of the 100 block of West Oak Street in the historic district. A music school occupies space there now, along with an event planner and more. An instrument shop and screen printing business also reside in the site Trip Advisor calls DeSotoÂs No. 1 visitor attraction. Danny Mastrodonato, the buildingÂs 42-year-old live-in caretaker who occupies an apartment below the Heard with his family, said history is repeating as the Opera House returns to its glory and its place as a gathering spot in DeSoto CountyÂs biggest town. ÂThe whole entire town started here again,ÂŽ he said. ÂAfter the hurricane, we got damaged really bad. A lot of people did, so we had to do the same thing. We had to become the central place again.ÂŽ Principally, IanÂs winds blew in the two windows in the main theater space. The pressure, once inside, crumbled a wall, sending cement blocks smashing through the ” oor and surrounding walls. ÂThe back wall of the stage fell and crushed our apartment,ÂŽ Mastrodonato said. ÂWe lost our apartment. We lost our business. We lost our building all in a few hours.ÂŽ Mastrodonato almost lost his family, too. He said his wife, 41-yearold Krissy Constantino, had a last-minute notion to evacuate, likely saving their Opera house recovers as Arcadia landmarkMore than a century old, the Heard again serves as a resilient reminder of townÂs history FILE PHOTOSThe Heard takes up half of the 100 block on W Oak St. in Arcadia. Krissy Constantino and Danny Mastrodonato stand at the bottom of the HeardÂs steps. By RYAN DAILEYNEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDATALLAHASSEE „ The use of arti“ cial intelligence to generate images, text and voices has the potential for Âmuddying the watersÂŽ in political campaigning and deepening mistrust among voters, according to communications experts. Generative arti“ cial intelligence, or AI, allows users to input prompts resulting in generated content that can depict just about anything the user desires. With the 2024 elections looming, experts in political communications are bracing for AI-generated images to start showing up much more frequently in campaign ads. ÂYou talk about opposition messaging, it can be created at the snap of a “ nger. The prompt returns information so fast that weÂll be inundated with it as the election cycle really starts to heat up,ÂŽ Janet Coats, managing director of the University of FloridaÂs Consortium on Trust in Media and Technology, told The News Service of Florida in a recent interview. The ability to manipulate images and voice audio is Âmoving to a whole di erent level of sophistication,ÂŽ Coats said. ÂWeÂve been heading down this road for a long time,ÂŽ Coats said. ÂOne of the “ rst visual ads that could now be labeled as deceptive is 1964, with the very famous (attack ad), the little girl with the daisy and then the mushroom cloud superimposed over her on the screen that the (Lyndon B.) Johnson campaign ran against Barry Goldwater.ÂŽ In the past, Âwhen those manipulations were happening, you knew there was a human being who was manipulating the information,ÂŽ she added. For the two biggest political “ gures residing in Florida, who are on a collision course in the 2024 Republican presidential primary, the issue erupted in early June. A Twitter account a liated with Gov. Ron DeSantis presidential campaign tweeted a video that included multiple AI-generated pictures of former president Donald Trump hugging Anthony Fauci, TrumpÂs former chief medical advisor who spearheaded the ÂWorrisome AI ads heighten political dramaExperts believe new tech may continue to erode publicÂs confidence in elections By BARB RICHARDSONSUN CORRESPONDENTSARASOTA „ More homes and an industrial park along River Road are two of the rezoning proposals Sarasota County planning commissioners will consider in public hearings Thursday evening. And one of those proposals, Sweet Water Lakes of Venice, was mentioned during the public hearing for another development in the planning stages, the North River Market Place. The applicants for that proposal want to change the zoning for a 115-acre property along East Venice Avenue and North River Road from an open-use estates designation to a residential single-family/planned unit development zoning district. That change, if ultimately approved by county commissioners, would allow for the development of 565 units in a mix of single-family homes and multi-family units, according to the application “ led with the county. According to the development proposal, an internal connection between East Venice Avenue and North River Road is planned, as well as a connection to the future North River Market place at the intersection of the two roads. The property proposed for development is the northern portion of the Hazeltine Nursery. Mention of the Sweet Water project came up during the discussion over North River Market Place, since that proposal involved a critical area plan amendment to the countyÂs comprehensive plan. At that time, Attorney Je rey Boone representing the Hazeltine family, while not raising objections to that proposal, did voice some concerns because the amendment did place some conditions on the property. Those concerns were ultimately worked out before county commissioners approved the proposal about three weeks later. ENGLEWOOD INDUSTRIAL PARK Closer to Englewood and just north of the Englewood post o ce on River Road, Bill Stiver, owner of Land Sea and Air LLC, wants to change the zoning on that vacant 15-acre parcel from open use estates to an industrial light warehouse district. Called South River Road Industrial Park, Stiver is proposing to develop Developments planned for River RoadMore housing at Venice Ave., industrial park for Englewood on agenda SEE ADS , 4A SEE ROAD , 1A SEE OPERA , 4A
PAGE 2A MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 The Daily Sun | PUBLISHER, Glen Nickerson, MANAGING EDITOR, Scott Lawson, APG REGIONAL PRESIDENT CHESAPEAKE & FLORIDA, Jim Normandin, REGIONAL CIRCULATION DIRECTOR, Chad Zander, REGIONAL ADVERTISING DIRECTOR, Omar Zucco, omar.zucco@yoursun.comCONTACT US CIRCULATIONTo Subscribe, Vacation Hold, or report a missing or damaged paper: Email: Visit: Call: 941-206-1300 Text: 888-239-0052 Customer Service Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday 7 a.m. 9 a.m. Closed SundayADVERTISINGTo place a classified ad: 941-429-3110 To place a display ad: 941-205-6406NEWSROOMTo submit news, or correct a factual error: Email PORT CHARLOTTE23170 Harborview Rd., Port Charlotte 941-206-1300 ENGLEWOOD941-681-3000 NORTH PORT941-429-3000VENICE200 E. 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Periodicals postage paid at Punta Gorda, FL. Postmaster: Please send address changes to The Sun, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, Florida 33980-2100. © Copyright 2021 Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 200 East Venice Ave. Venice, FLCharlotte and DeSoto Counties EditorGarry Overbey, Member of Alliance for Audited Media SUN The Daily Alliance for Audited Media 4513 Lincoln Ave., Suite 105B, Lisle, IL 60532. Tel: 800-285-2220FLORIDA 2016 PULITZER PRIZE WINNER Charlie on ice cream: ItÂs never a rocky road with ice cream.INSIDE TODAY SPORTS 11A Sports on TV 12A Agate 13A LOCAL 1B Calendar 8B Obituaries 8B Opinion 6B DAILY BREAK 9B Comics and Puzzles 10-13B Horoscopes 11B GULF WATER TEMPERATURE Monterrey 99/73 Chihuahua 89/69 Los Angeles 84/63 Washington 92/73 New York 86/72 Miami 91/80 Atlanta 92/73 Detroit 81/65 Houston 96/78 Kansas City 91/69 Chicago 87/68 Minneapolis 96/74 El Paso 99/75 Denver 90/61 Billings 73/53 San Francisco 75/57 Seattle 82/60 Toronto 80/67 Montreal 82/68 Winnipeg 80/59 Ottawa 83/64 43 Precipitation (in inches)TemperaturesPrecipitation (in inches)Temperatures PORT CHARLOTTE SEBRINGCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/WCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/WCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/ W Possible weather-related delays today. Check with your airline for the most updated schedules. Hi/Lo Outlook Delays AIRPORT FLORIDA CITIES WEATHER HISTORYPrecipitation (in inches)Punta Gorda EnglewoodTemperaturesBoca Grande El Jobean Venice Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland direction in knots in feet chop High Low High Low MARINE TIDESCold FrontWarm FrontStationary VENICEShowersT-stormsRainFlurriesSnowIceShown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. SUN AND MOON110s 100s 90s 80s 70s 60s 50s 40s 30s 20s 10s 0s -0s -10sThe solunar period schedule allows planning days so you will be shing in good territory or hunting in good cover during those times. Major periods begin at the times shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are shorter.City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/WCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/WCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/ W SOLUNAR TABLEWeather (W): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow urries, sn -snow, i -ice.Shown is todayÂs weather. Temperatures are todayÂs highs and tonightÂs lows. P o r t C h a r l o t t e Port Charlotte E n g l e w o o d Englewood F o r t M y e r s Fort Myers M y a k k a C i t y Myakka City P u n t a G o r d a Punta Gorda L e h i g h A c r e s Lehigh Acres H u l l Hull A r c a d i a Arcadia L o n g b o a t K e y Longboat Key P l a c i d a Placida O s p r e y Osprey L i m e s t o n e Limestone V e n i c e Venice S a r a s o t a Sarasota B o c a G r a n d e Boca Grande C a p e C o r a l Cape Coral S a n i b e l Sanibel B o n i t a S p r i n g s Bonita Springs N o r t h P o r t North Port T a m p a Tampa B r a d e n t o n Bradenton B a r t o w Bartow B r a n d o n Brandon S t . P e t e r s b u r g St. Petersburg W a u c h u l a Wauchula L a k e W a l e s Lake Wales F r o s t p r o o f Frostproof A p o l l o B e a c h Apollo Beach C l e a r w a t e r Clearwater F t . M e a d e Ft. Meade THE NATION Minor Major Minor Major AIR QUALITY INDEX POLLEN INDEXSource: scgov.netTreesGrassWeedsMolds TODAY / TONIGHTHumid with a stray t-storm Partly cloudy and humidHIGH 93° LOW 77°55% chance of rain 20% chance of rainA couple of t-storms; humid95° / 76°85% chance of rain TUESDAYPartly sunny, humid; an afternoon t-storm94° / 75°55% chance of rain WEDNESDAYSome sun with a thunderstorm; humid92° / 76°80% chance of rain THURSDAYHumid with some sun; an afternoon t-storm93° / 77°60% chance of rain SATURDAYClouds and sun with a thunderstorm; humid90° / 79°80% chance of rain FRIDAYPunta Gorda through 2 p.m. Sunday24-hour total 0.00ÂŽ Month to date 0.00ÂŽ Normal month to date 0.62ÂŽ Year to date 15.24ÂŽ Normal year to date 22.53ÂŽ Record 1.45ÂŽ (1984) High/low 95°/73° Normal high/Low 94°/75° Record high 98° (1998) Record low 65° (1984)Sebring through 2 p.m. Sunday24-hour total 0.00ÂŽ High/low 96°/75°Venice through 2 p.m. Sunday24-hour total 0.00ÂŽ Month to date 0.00ÂŽ Normal month to date 0.51ÂŽ Year to date 9.02ÂŽ Normal year to date 21.25ÂŽ Record 2.85ÂŽ (1974) High/low 90°/77° Normal high/Low 90°/74° Record high 97° (1973) Record low 69° (1977) Today Tue. Today Tue. Today Tue. Apalachicola 91/78/t 92/78/t Clearwater 92/80/t 91/78/t Daytona Beach 93/75/t 93/77/t Fort Lauderdale 90/78/t 91/78/pc Gainesville 96/73/t 95/75/pc Jacksonville 97/74/t 95/74/t Key Largo 90/81/t 88/82/t Key West 91/83/c 91/83/t Lakeland 96/76/t 96/76/t Melbourne 93/77/t 92/77/t Miami 91/80/t 91/79/t Naples 92/78/t 93/77/t Ocala 96/75/t 95/75/t Okeechobee 94/76/t 93/75/t Orlando 97/77/t 95/76/t Panama City 89/78/t 91/78/pc Pensacola 93/77/t 90/80/t St. Augustine 92/76/t 94/78/t St. Petersburg 93/78/t 93/77/t Tallahassee 98/75/t 96/75/t Vero Beach 93/75/t 93/74/tToday 2:40p 11:33p ----Tue. 3:34p ------Today 1:17p 9:49p ----Tue. 2:11p 10:38p ----Today 12:01p 8:29p ----Tue. 12:51p 9:15p ----Today 3:12p ------Tue. 4:06p 12:02a ----Today 11:32a 8:28p ----Tue. 12:26p 9:17p ----N 4-8 0-1 Light WNW 4-8 1-2 LightFt. Myers 93/78 storms all day Punta Gorda 93/76 storms all day Sarasota 93/80 storms all day Full Jul 3 Last Jul 9 New Jul 17 First Jul 25Sunrise 6:39 a.m. 6:39 a.m. Sunset 8:27 p.m. 8:26 p.m. Moonrise 9:11 p.m. 10:07 p.m. Moonset 6:29 a.m. 7:40 a.m. Today 6:05a 12:21p 6:38p ---Tue. 7:11a 12:55a 7:43p 1:27p Wed. 8:18a 2:03a 8:48p 2:33pPUBLICATION DATE: 07/3/2387°On July 3, 1966, northwest winds pushed temperatures to a record-breaking 102 degrees in Hartford, Conn. 9 3 / 7 7 93/77 9 5 / 7 5 95/75 9 6 / 7 5 96/75 9 5 / 8 1 95/81 9 3 / 8 1 93/81 9 0 / 8 1 90/81 9 2 / 7 9 92/79 9 3 / 7 8 93/78 9 4 / 7 6 94/76 9 3 / 7 6 93/76 9 3 / 7 7 93/77 9 4 / 7 6 94/76 9 4 / 7 6 94/76 9 6 / 7 6 96/76 9 6 / 7 7 96/77 9 3 / 7 8 93/78 9 5 / 7 5 95/75 9 0 / 8 3 90/83 9 1 / 8 0 91/80 9 2 / 7 9 92/79 9 5 / 7 6 95/76 9 4 / 7 9 94/79 9 2 / 7 9 92/79 9 5 / 7 6 95/76 9 3 / 8 0 93/80 9 2 / 8 0 92/80 8 9 / 8 0 89/80 9 2 / 7 7 92/77 9 2 / 7 8 92/78 9 4 / 7 7 94/77Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2023 Today Tue. Today Tue. Today Tue. Albuquerque 96/68/s 96/69/s Anchorage 59/48/r 58/48/c Atlanta 92/73/t 89/73/t Baltimore 89/71/t 90/70/pc Birmingham 92/73/t 89/73/t Boise 92/59/s 88/59/s Boston 77/68/t 75/67/t Bu alo 77/66/t 82/67/pc Burlington, VT 81/66/sh 83/68/t Charleston, WV 82/67/pc 86/66/pc Charlotte 93/74/t 93/71/t Chicago 87/68/s 92/72/pc Cincinnati 83/65/pc 87/68/pc Cleveland 78/66/sh 85/66/pc Columbia, SC 95/75/t 93/74/t Columbus, OH 79/67/t 88/68/pc Concord, NH 81/66/t 79/64/t Dallas 97/78/t 94/79/t Denver 90/61/pc 83/52/t Des Moines 90/68/s 92/70/pc Detroit 81/65/sh 90/70/pc Duluth 84/62/t 78/62/t Fargo 87/62/t 78/57/pc Hartford 85/70/t 86/69/t Helena 75/53/s 65/50/pc Honolulu 86/73/pc 83/75/pc Houston 96/78/pc 96/78/t Indianapolis 85/66/pc 88/69/pc Jackson, MS 92/74/t 90/74/t Kansas City 91/69/s 94/74/pc Knoxville 87/70/t 89/71/t Las Vegas 112/84/s 106/80/s Little Rock 97/75/t 96/72/t Los Angeles 84/63/pc 81/59/pc Louisville 87/70/pc 91/72/pc Memphis 94/76/t 91/77/t Milwaukee 81/67/s 90/72/pc Minneapolis 96/74/t 92/66/t Montgomery 94/74/t 92/74/t Nashville 91/71/c 90/73/pc New Orleans 92/79/t 93/79/t New York City 86/72/t 89/73/pc Norfolk, VA 96/76/t 90/74/pc Oklahoma City 91/70/t 94/74/s Omaha 93/68/pc 94/68/pc Philadelphia 90/72/t 89/73/t Phoenix 113/85/s 110/86/s Pittsburgh 78/66/t 83/65/c Portland, ME 75/63/sh 75/63/t Portland, OR 89/60/pc 96/62/s Providence 84/67/t 81/68/t Raleigh 96/74/t 93/74/t Rapid City, SD 86/56/t 70/50/t Salt Lake City 100/71/pc 90/65/s St. Louis 91/72/s 95/75/t San Antonio 98/79/c 98/77/pc San Diego 75/64/pc 75/63/pc San Francisco 75/57/s 71/57/s Seattle 82/60/pc 88/62/pc Washington, DC 92/73/t 90/75/tSource: National Allergy Bureau Readings as of Sunday Readings as of SundayGoodabsentmoderatelowhighMain pollutant: Ozone Today Tue. ALMANACToday is Monday, July 3, the 184th day of 2023. There are 181 days left in the year.Union wins pivotal Civil War Battle of GettysburgOn July 3, 1863, the pivotal three-day Civil War Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania ended in a major victory for the North as Confederate troops failed to breach Union positions during an assault known as PickettÂs Charge.On this dateIn 1775, Gen. George Washington took command of the Continental Army at Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 1950, the first carrier strikes of the Korean War took place as the USS Valley Forge and the HMS Triumph sent fighter planes against North Korean targets. In 1976, Israel launched its daring mission to rescue 106 passengers and Air France crew members being held at Entebbe Airport in Uganda by pro-Palestinian hijackers; the commandos succeeded in rescuing all but four of the hostages. In 1986, President Ronald Reagan presided over a gala ceremony in New York Harbor that saw the relighting of the renovated Statue of Liberty. In 1988, the USS Vincennes shot down an Iran Air jetliner over the Persian Gulf, killing all 290 people aboard. In 1996, Russians went to the polls to re-elect Boris Yeltsin president over his Communist challenger, Gennady Zyuganov, in a runoff. In 2020, speaking at the foot of Mount Rushmore on the eve of Independence Day, President Donald Trump asserted that protesters pushing for racial justice were engaging in a Âmerciless campaign to wipe out our history.ÂŽ Ten years ago: EgyptÂs first democratically elected president, Mohammed Morsi, was overthrown by the military after just one year by the same kind of Arab Spring uprising that had brought the Islamist leader to power. The death toll rose to 16 from a United States drone strike on a militants camp in PakistanÂs North Waziristan area. Pakistan condemned the strike as a violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Five years ago: The Trump administration said it would not encourage schools to use race as a factor in the admissions process, rescinding guidance from the Obama era that was meant to promote diversity. Authorities in Indonesia called off a search for 164 missing people two weeks after the sinking of a ferry in Lake Toba. All were presumed dead. The bodies of three others were recovered, and 21 were rescued alive. One year ago: A large chunk of a glacier in ItalyÂs Alps broke loose, killing at least six hikers and injuring eight others. Hershel W. ÂWoodyÂŽ Williams, the last remaining Medal of Honor recipient from World War II, was remembered at a memorial for his courage, humility and selflessness. U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin announced during the service that Williams would lie in state at the U.S. Capitol. Officials closed a Long Island beach to swimming after what they described as an unprecedented shark attack that injured a lifeguard.TodayÂs birthdaysPlaywright Tom Stoppard is 86. Writer-producer Jay Tarses is 84. Actor Michael Cole (TV: ÂThe Mod SquadÂŽ) is 83. Attorney Gloria Allred is 82. Actor Kurtwood Smith is 80. Country singer Johnny Lee is 77. Humorist Dave Barry is 76. Actor Betty Buckley is 76. Actor Jan Smithers is 74. Talk show host Montel Williams is 67. Country singer Aaron Tippin is 65. Rock musician Vince Clarke (Depeche Mode, Yaz, Erasure) is 63. Actor Tom Cruise is 61. Actor Thomas Gibson is 61. Actor Hunter Tylo is 61. Actor Connie Nielsen is 59. Actor Yeardley Smith is 59. TV chef Sandra Lee is 57. Singer Ishmael Butler is 54. Rock musician Kevin Hearn (Barenaked Ladies) is 54. Actor-singer Audra McDonald is 53. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is 52. Actor Patrick Wilson is 50. Actor Andrea Barber is 47. Singer Shane Lynch (Boyzone) is 47. Actor Ian Anthony Dale is 45. Actor/comedian Julie Klausner is 45. Actor Elizabeth Hendrickson is 44. Country singersongwriter Sarah Buxton is 43. Actor Olivia Munn is 43. Actor Shoshannah Stern is 43. Rock singer-songwriter Elle King is 34. Actor Grant Rosenmeyer is 32.Associated PressBible verseÂAnd he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.ÂŽ „ 2 CORINTHIANS 12:9.No crisis is too big for the grace of God. Go to God now and let Him give you the strength to face it. FLORIDA LOTTERYwww.flalottery.comPICK 2 D-Day, N-NightJuly 2N ...................................5-8 July 2D ...................................5-8 PICK 3 D-Day, N-NightJuly 2N ...............................4-6-9 July 2D ...............................6-5-2 PICK 4 D-Day, N-NightJuly 2N ............................3-7-2-6 July 2D ............................7-2-3-6 PICK 5 D-Day, N-Night July 2N ........................4-0-2-6-3 July 2D .........................4-2-8-7-7 FIREBALL July 2N ......................................8 July 2D ......................................3 FANTASY 5 July 2D ................4-25-27-29-34 July 1N .....................6-7-14-24-25PAYOFF FOR JULY 22 5-digit winner ..........$30,163.46 79 4-digit winners ................$123 2,675 3-digit winners .............$10 CASH FOR LIFE July 2 .................28-31-39-53-60 Cash Ball ....................................3PAYOFF FOR JULY 20 5-5 CB .....................$1000/day 0 5-5 ........................$1000/week 0 4-5 CB ............................$2500 4 4-5 ....................................$500 CASH POPDRAWINGS FOR JULY 2Morning ......................................2 Matinee ......................................7 Afternoon ..................................12 Evening. .....................................13 Late night. .............................Late JACKPOT TRIPLE PLAY June 30 ............3-4-23-28-34-35PAYOFF FOR JUNE 300 6-of-6 ..............................$250,000 24 5-of-6 ................................$367.50 877 4-of-6 ..............................$24.50LOTTO July 1 ...............9-17-25-29-35-49PAYOFF FOR JULY 10 6-digit winners .....$3.25 million 2 5-digit winners (x10) ....30,000 0 5-digit winner (x5) ......$15,000ESTIMATED JACKPOT $3.75 millionDOUBLEPLAY July 1 ...............7-13-23-32-48-50PAYOFF FOR JULY 10 6-digit winners ..........$250,000 0 5-digit winners (x10) ..$35,000 0 5-digit winner (x5) .......$17,500 POWERBALL July 1 .....................4-17-35-49-61 Powerball ...................................8PAYOFF FOR JULY 10 5-5 + PB ................$493 million 0 5-5 .............................$1 million 3 4-5 + PB ......................$50,000ESTIMATED JACKPOT $522 millionDOUBLEPLAY July 1 ..................13-24-49-54-60 Powerball ..................................17PAYOFF FOR JULY 10 5-5 + PB ..................$10 million 0 5-5 ............................$500,000 0 4-5 + PB ......................$50,000 MEGA MILLIONS June 30 ..............13-22-47-51-55 Mega Ball ...................................9PAYOFF FOR JUNE 300 5 of 5 + MB ..........$368 million 0 5 of 5 .........................$1 million 1 4 of 5 + MB ..................$10,000ESTIMATED JACKPOT $400 million
PAGE 3 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 PAGE 3A Perfecioachieved Queenheadboard,footboard,rails, dresserandmirror. $ 1399 99 Quaindecor Easytocon“gurechaisesectionalwillbe theperfectadditionforasmallerarea. $ 899 99 SOFA Stylizyourspace S Complementyourlivingroom.Lov eseat& AccentChairavailable.Alsoingranite. $ 499 99 SOFA Moderandsophisticated Queenheadboard,footboard,rails, dresserandmirror.Alsoingray. $ 899 999.99%APRfor60Months. OnpurchaseswithyourTheFurnitureWarehouseCreditCard.Fixedmonthlypaymentsrequiredfor60months.$3,000minimumpurchase.Downpaymentoft axanddelivery.*Interestwillbechargedonthe promopurchasefromthepurchasedateatareduced9.99%APR,and“xedmonthlypaymentsarerequireduntilpaidinfull.Thesepaymentsareequalto2.12 42%ofinitialtotalpromopurchaseamount,roundeduptothenextwhole dollar.Thesepaymentsmaybehigherthanthepaymentsthatwouldberequiredifthispurchasewasanon-promopurchase.Regularaccounttermsapplyto non-promopurchases.NewAccountAPRis29.99%.MinimumInterestCharge is$2.Existingcardholders:Seeyourcreditcardagreementterms.Subjecttocreditapproval.Furnituremustbedeliveredwithin60daysforall“nancingoffers.AllpricesincludeHotBuys,Couponsavingsoranypromotional discounts.Termsofpromotions-Previouspurchaseexcluded,cannotbecombinedwithanyotherpromotionordiscount.PromotionoffersexcludeHotB uys,”oormodelsorclearanceitems,salestax,furnitureprotection plans,warranty,delivery,orservicecharge. Beacvacationfeel Open,airyandinvitingdesign. Includestable,twochairsandabench. $ 599 99 4-PC Quemattress Queen9ÂŽgelmemoryfoammattress. Allsizesavailable. $ 399 99 PICKUPTODAYORNEXTDAYDELIVERYAVAILABLEUSEONEOFTHECOUPONSOR60MONTHSFINANCING* $200OFFANYPURCHASEOVER$1999 $300OFFANYPURCHASEOVER$2999 $400OFFANYPURCHASEOVER$3999 $500OFFANYPURCHASEOVER$4999 $50OFFANYPURCHASEOVER$499 $100OFFANYPURCHASEOVER$999 PORTCHARLOTTE 1241ElJobeanRd(acrossSamÂs)941-764-8700 VENICE 550SSeaboardAve(on41Bypass)941-485-3211 SOUTHSARASOTA 5252STamiamiTrail(atPhillippiCreek)941-260-9601 NORTHSARASOTA 4027NWashingtonBlvd(Hwy301)941-351-8600 BRADENTON 1100CortezRdW(cornerUSHwy41)941-749-6069 ELLENTON 581418thStreetEast(acrossPremiumOutlets)941-479-7900StoresHours:Mon-Sat9-9,Sun11-6 TheFurnitureW 4thofJuly FINALDAYS!adno=3895803-1
PAGE 4A MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 The Daily Sun | www.yoursun.comadministrationÂs pandemic response. With Trump and DeSantis battling over their respective approaches to the COVID-19 pandemic, the DeSantis camp sought to depict a cozy relationship between Trump and Fauci. The post containing the video was slapped with a Twitter Âcommunity note,ÂŽ which the social-media platform says is aimed at letting users Âcollaboratively add context to potentially misleading Tweets.ÂŽ ÂThe 3 still shots showing Trump embracing Fauci are AI generated images. The remainder of the adÂs recordings and images are authentic,ÂŽ the notice said. The use of AI-generated images in multiple political ads by New ZealandÂs National party made international headlines in May. Also in May came an attack ad on President Joe BidenÂs reelection campaign from the Republican National Committee, which depicted a vision of a grim future under a second Biden term using imagery created by AI. The video is posted to the GOPÂs ocial YouTube channel with a description that explicitly lets viewers know it incorporates AI images. ÂAn AI-generated look into the countryÂs possible future if Joe Biden is re-elected in 2024,ÂŽ the description said. But not all AI imagery will be identi“ed so readily. Coats pointed to the ease with which AIgenerated images can be created „ by just about anyone with an internet connection „ and the potential diculty of pinpointing their source. ÂItÂs a low barrier to entry, to do it. You donÂt have to go contract for some big expensive tool. The tools are readily available. You donÂt have to have a particularly specialized knowledge to use them. The more sophisticated the prompt, the higher-quality the output. But itÂs not rocket science,ÂŽ Coats said. Steve Vancore, a longtime political consultant and pollster, said that generative AI could become commonplace in an era where the volume of political ads and other communications being put in front of voters has steadily risen. ÂIn the bigger picture, what should be worrisome „ the public already has an inherent distrust of political communications. And as a result of that, weÂve seen an escalating arms race in the amount of communications in races,ÂŽ Vancore told the News Service. With the volume of political ads going up, the increased use of AIgenerated imagery, voices and text is likely to follow. ÂThereÂs so much at stake, the people running these campaigns will only use it to raise more money and to use more of this. And so itÂs going to be an unfortunate arms race thatÂs going to create a higher degree of distrust by the public,ÂŽ Vancore said. Vancore, who has been involved in more than 250 campaigns over his decades-long career, said his advice to candidates about the use of generative AI technology in ads depends on how it would be used. ÂMy standard for political attack ads, negative ads is: Is it truthful, is it veri“able, and is it relevant,ÂŽ Vancore said. Vancore used an example of a candidate using the AI tool ChatGPT, which generates text, to create emails for their constituents. ÂTo say, ÂHey, I want a series of emails talking about my program to have after-school counseling for kids. ƒ ThatÂs a perfectly acceptable use of arti“cial intelligence,ÂŽ Vancore said. ÂWhatÂs not an acceptable use of arti“cial intelligence is, ÂHey, I want you to generate some images of my opponent hanging out with underage girls.ÂÂŽ Whether AI-generated ads could ding a candidates credibility also depends on how theyÂre used, Vancore said, adding that other uses of the technology might be more subtle. ÂOne of the raps on Joe Biden is that heÂs old. ThatÂs not an unfair rap, perhaps. ItÂs a legitimate concern that the most powerful person on earth, or one of, maybe is getting older right? What if the Joe Biden campaign subtly just de-aged him a little bit? Showed him walking a little bit more gingerly, responding a little more rapidly,ÂŽ Vancore said. Trump, Vancore said, Âhas the same problem.ÂŽ ÂYou can see he (Trump) is aging, it probably has a lot to do with whatÂs going on in his life. But, if somebody were to de-age him a little bit ƒ Would that even make the press? Would the press even pick up on it, and will that splash back?ÂŽ he said. Coats also pointed to the possibility of AI being used to ÂcleanÂŽ up candidates images. ÂThereÂs the potential for muddying the waters, not just to create attack ads or disinformation about your opponent, but to try to clean yourself up. ItÂs an octopus. ThereÂs just so many ways that I donÂt think weÂve even thought about how it could be deployed,ÂŽ Coats said. Candidates on the receiving end of ads that use AI-generated images donÂt have to use new methods to combat the attacks, according to Jay Hmielowski, associate professor of public relations at UF. For example, candidates can use programs designed to detect the use of AI-generated images, said Hmielowski, who specializes in political communications. ÂYou can use that and say, look, we ran it through this detector, and clearly this shows that this isnÂt our candidate saying this. In addition, hereÂs the actual video of what happened at this event,ÂŽ he said. ÂSo, youÂd do the same things that youÂve always done. Push back against it with, hereÂs what actually happened, hereÂs what the facts are relative to this. And then you hope that that gets through to the population of people who are willing to listen to stu beyond their sort of political bubbles.ÂŽADSFROM PAGE 1Afor industrial trailer displays, storage and warehouse buildings, including a main oce, showroom area and an accessory and supply building. The two buildings would total 31,750 square feet with two access drives onto River Road, according to a development concept plan. The meeting will begin at 5 p.m. Thursday in the county administration center, 1660 Ringling Blvd., in downtown Sarasota.ROADFROM PAGE 1Alives. Constantino owns the on-site music school and works as the buildingÂs second caretaker. The damage sustained in the storm was so severe that the building was condemned for two months. After working with city ocials to create a list of necessary repairs, the building has reopened and restoration work has been completed. All repairs were paid for out of pocket and with the help of local donations, according to Mastrodonato. Because the building is owned outright, no federal or state assistance was available for repairs, he said. The owner, Marginy, Inc., which is run by 80-year-old Jean Vavrovsky, has had to pay upwards of $920,000 so far to rebuild. With these repairs, the decision was made to restore the building to as close to original as possible, including keeping 117-year-old ceiling tiles and wood ”oors. They are even able to use wood sourced from the same forest used in the original 1906 construction. The building and the land have an assessed value of about $258,600, according to the DeSoto County Property Appraiser. But the value to the community is far greater, said City Administrator Terry Stewart. ÂMost communities work very hard to take care of the basics, you know, water, sewer, trash pickup, you know, keep your roads in good shape, open, things of that nature,ÂŽ Stewart said. ÂBut when a community gets to the point that they can begin investing or people are investing in bringing things like arts and cultural activities to a community, thatÂs one of the things that truly adds to the quality of life.ÂŽ To ensure the Heard remains a lasting investment, the two windows that were blown out during the storm were not replaced, as an engineer suggested this would be best for structural integrity. As all major repairs have been completed, Mastrodonato wants people to know that the doors are open, and business is in full swing. Visitors can enjoy various activities, and new ideas are always welcome. Wednesday nights are band nights, with dozens of people coming together to enjoy and play music. People can play pool, record a podcast, learn to play an instrument or just hang out in the space, according to Mastrodonato. ÂCome up these stairs and itÂs going to change your life,ÂŽ Mastrodonato said, leading the way from the street level to the space once popular with local performers until Hurricane Donna ripped o the roof in 1960. ÂEveryoneÂs welcome up here.ÂŽ Life returned to the opera house in 1989 when it was made into an antique store that doubled as a museum. In 2021, Mastrodonato and his wife, started a petition to return the opera house to its original use. The petition garnered over 1,000 signatures and was presented to Vavrovsky, at which time he agreed to turn the space into a community center. To keep up with the opera houseÂs most recent happenings, follow them on Facebook at https:// OperaHouseArcad ia/. The opera house is open Monday through Saturday and located at 106 W Oak St. This story is courtesy of the Community News Collaborative, made possible by a grant from Charles & Margery Barancik Foundation. You can reach Sarah Owens at slowens@cnc”. orgOPERAFROM PAGE 1A Rolex WatchesBuy,Sell&RepairLargeSelection ofDiamond Bezels&Dials WESTCHESTERGOLD&DIAMONDS4200-FTAMIAMITRAIL,PORTCHARLOTTE(BEHINDABCLIQUORS)941-625-0666Monday-Friday10a.m .-6p .m.;Saturday10:3 0-4p.m. Inbusinessover41yearsNotaf“liatedwithRolexadno=3895064-1 CHARLOTTE 2022 ENTERTHEPelicansandFlamingos SummerSweepstakesTODAYFORYOURCHANCEATA$500SHOPPINGSPREEattheAreaÂsPremierRetailConsignmentBoutique.New,EstateSale,ModelHome,ConsignmentFurnitureand AccessoriesAvailablefromTropical&BeachStyletoShabbyChic.GotoYourSun.comandCLICKonCONTESTS toEnterThroughJuly22nd.ItÂsa $500 Value !FLORIDA PoweredbyTheSummerof SweepstakesisHere! ThisSummerSweepstakesisPresentedbyPelicansandFlamingosCelebrating15years inBusiness728TamamiTrailinOsprey941-966-0600CurrentlyAcceptingNewConsignmentsItPAYStoREAD,PLAYandWINwith PelicansandFlamingosandSunNewsMedia. SUN TheDailyCharlotte€DeSoto€Sarasotaadno=3895381-1 ASSISTEDLIVINGMEMORYCAREINDEPENDENTLIVINGHOMECARE Thedifferencebetween findingaplaceandfinding theperfectplaceWeknowthat“ndingtherightseniorcareforyourmom ordadisabigdecision.ThatÂswhereAPlaceforMom comesin.OurseniorlivingadvisoryserviceensuresyouÂll getafullunderstandingofalltheoptionsinyourarea basedonyourlovedoneÂscareneedsandbudget. YouÂllgetmorethanjustexpertadviceand recommendations.YouÂllalsogetpeaceofmind.StarttheconversationwithoneofourexpertSenior LivingAdvisorstoday. Ourservicecomesatnocosttoyourfamily. Connectwithusat866.206.3186. adno=3895765-1
PAGE 5 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 PAGE 5A Legal Notices 0 7/ 03 / 2023 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION DIVISION PROBATE FILE NO: 2023 CP 003233 SC IN RE: ESTATE OF HENRY WIND, JR Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of HENRY WIND, JR, deceased, whose date of death was May 17, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for SARASOTA County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 2000 Main Street, Sarasota, FL 34237. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representativeÂs attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedentÂs estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedentÂs estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENTÂS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is June 26, 2023. Attorney for Personal Representative: LESLIE LOHN, ESQ Attorney for Personal Representative Florida Bar Number: 0181579 1460 S. McCall Rd, Unit 2E ENGLEWOOD, FL 34223 Telephone: (941) 475-9669 Fax: (941) 475-9675 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: office@ Personal Representative: MARY ANN SPARTHAROS c/o Leslie Lohn LLC 1460 S. McCall Rd, Unit 2E Englewood, FL 34223 Publish: 06/26/23, 07/03/23 387225 3895483 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF RUSSEL CITRINO Deceased. File No. 23-684-CP Probate Division NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Russel Citrino, deceased, whose date of death was March 22, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 350 E. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representativeÂs attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedentÂs estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedentÂs estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENTÂS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is June 26, 2023. Attorney for Personal Representative: f NOTICE TO CREDITORS J enn if er R . H owe ll Attorney Florida Bar Number: 0134740 2705 Tamiami Trail, Suite 412 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 205-2525 Fax: (941) 205-2507 E-Mail: j Personal Representative: Patti Ann Harner 1728 43rd Street Pennsauken, New Jersey 08110 Publish: 06/26/23, 07/03/23 331499 3895572 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF ALBERT N. PETERS Deceased. File No. 23-692-CP Probate Division NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Albert N. Peters, deceased, whose date of death was March 7, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 350 E. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representatives attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedentÂs estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedentÂs estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENTÂS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is June 26, 2023. Attorney for Personal Representative: Jennifer R. Howell Attorney Florida Bar Number: 0134740 2705 Tamiami Trail, Suite 412 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 205-2525 Fax: (941) 205-2507 E-Mail: j Personal Representatives: Mark Andrew Peters 7900 Cleveland Drive Punta Gorda, FL 33982 Gregory Scott Peters 1375 Appaloosa Street Port Charlotte, FL 33980 Publish: 06/26/23, 07/03/23 331499 3895606 NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Storage Sense Port Charlotte intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property under the Storage Facility Act Statutes (Section 83.801 Â… 83.809). The owner will sell at public sale on July 18th, at 10 AM at Storage Sense Port Charlotte, 23227 Freedom Ave, Port Charlotte, FL 33980. Website for auction is . Property will be sold for cash only. Unit must be cleaned out within 48 hrs of purchase.*Amanda Berndsen Unit 217 Personal Property *Rene Rolston Unit 2D12 Personal Property *Craig Hoffman Unit 217 Personal Property * Jeanette Laurain Unit 226 Personal PropertyPublish: 07/03/23, 07/10/23 425965 3893937 NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property under The Florida Self Storage Facility A ct Statutes (Section 83.80183.809). The undersigned will sell at public sale July 8, 2023 starting at 10:00am EST on where said property is stored at: iStorage Englewood, 4381 Placida Road, Englewood, FL 34224, Charlotte County. NOTICE OF SALE Susan Villacis Unit # 416 Misc. Items Kim Vicent Unit # 119 Misc. Items Purchases must be paid for at the time of purchase by cash only. All purchased items are sold as is, where is, and must be removed at the time of the sale. Sale is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. Dated this 26th day of June, 2023 and the 3rd day of July, 2023 Publish: 06/26/23, 07/03/23 434037 3894496 N O TI C E O F PUBLI C S ALE: Darrells Wrecker Service gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 07/21/2023, 10:00 am at 663 S BREVARD AVE ARCADIA, FL 34266-4260, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. Darrells Wrecker Service reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1FMCU0C74AKA70693 2010 FORD 1MEFM50U05A633306 2005 MERC Publish: 07/03/2023 140912 3895257 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE : Abl e Wrecker & Road Service LLC gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 07/21/2023, 8:00 am at 5135 NE Cubitis Avenue Arcadia, FL 34266, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. Able Wrecker & Road Service LLC reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 2009 NISSAN MAXIMA VIN # 1N4AA51E49C819331 Publish: 07/03/2023 108133 3895455 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Storage Sense Port Charlotte intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property under the Storage Facility Act Statutes (Section 83.801 Â… 83.809). The owner will sell at public sale on July 20th, at 10 AM at Storage Sense Port Charlotte, 23227 Freedom Ave, Port Charlotte, FL 33980. Website for auction is . Property will be sold for cash only. Unit must be cleaned out within 48 hrs of purchase.*Jennifer Green UNIT GG21 Personal Property *Jennifer Green UNIT GG16 Personal PropertyPublish: 07/03/23, 07/10/23 425965 3895781 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0060 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ROBIN MILLER HERITAGE SUN REALTY GROUP LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2017-8569 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2017 Tax ID: 402526201010 Description of Property: DVL 00C 0004 0020 DEL VERDE SEC C BLK 4 LT 20 Name in which assessed: MELTON, ALEXANDER J. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,257.28 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,263.53 P.O. NO.: 2300060 208144 3893568 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0061 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ROBIN MILLER HERITAGE SUN REALTY GROUP LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2017-8640 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2017 Tax ID: 402536451002 Description of Property: DVL 00R 0021 0016 DEL VERDE SEC R BLK 21 LT 16 Name in which assessed: HATHAWAY JR, JOHN M.; HATHAWAY, JOHN M. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described f TAX DEEDS in such certi f icate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,389.06 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,395.31 P.O. NO.: 2300061 208144 3893570 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0062 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ROBIN MILLER HERITAGE SUN REALTY GROUP LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2018-8382 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2018 Tax ID: 402536255003 Description of Property: DVL 00H 0027 0025 DEL VERDE SEC H BLK 27 LT 25 Name in which assessed: MARKHAM, JACK, AS TRUSTEE; MARKHAM, JACK TR All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,308.69 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,314.94 P.O. NO.: 2300062 208144 3893595 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0063 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JAMES ANDERSON INVESTING LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2018-14633 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2018 Tax ID: 422310276022 Description of Property: TGA 010 0248 0030 TROP G A UN10 BLK 248 LTS 30 & 31 Name in which assessed: TARPON IV, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 7,843.59 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 7,849.84 P.O. NO.: 2300063 208144 3893596 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0064 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JAMES ANDERSON INVESTING LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2019-12278 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2019 Tax ID: 412333381006 Description of Property: SPG 005 0000 1535 S P G HTS 5TH ADD LT 1535 Name in which assessed: TESSIER, BERTRAND W., AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 50%; LUDWIG, CODY,, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 50%; THE ESTATE OF ALBERT H. TESSIER, DECEASED, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 50%; TESSIER, BERTRAND W. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 7,495.40 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 7,501.65 P.O. NO.: 2300064 208144 3893602 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0065 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JAMES ANDERSON INVESTING LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2018-7350 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2018 Tax ID: 402310335002 Description of Property: HBH 011 183B 0005 HARB HTS SEC 11 PT 2 REP BLK 183-B LTS 5 THRU 15 Name in which assessed: KSBOB HOLDINGS, LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILIT Y COMPANY; KSBOB HOLDINGS LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,427.31 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,433.56 P.O. NO.: 2300065 208144 3893608 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0066 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that LONESTAR HEIR & BENEFICIAR Y SERVICES LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2018-11716 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2018 Tax ID: 412133180004 Description of Property: RMD 000 0122 0005 ROTONDA MEADOWS BLK 122 LTS 5 & 6 Name in which assessed: POTTER, STOVER O.; POTTER, BETTY L. ; POTTER, STOVER All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,773.43 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 5,779.68 P.O. NO.: 2300066 208144 3893636 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0067 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that DEANNA J SMITH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2017-14829 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2017 Tax ID: 422310204002 Description of Property: TGA 009 0184 0002 TROP G A UN 9 BLK 184 LT 2 Name in which assessed: VERONA V, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,432.26 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,438.51 P.O. NO.: 2300067 208144 3893637 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0068 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that DEANNA J SMITH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2018-12302 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2018 Tax ID: 412303329020 Description of Property: TGE 001 004A 0001 TEE & GRN ESTS 1ST ADD BLK 4 A LT 1 Name in which assessed: JACOBS, ALICE W. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to TAX DEEDS the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,178.64 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,184.89 P.O. NO.: 2300068 208144 3893638 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0070 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that VINMAS HOLDINGS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2019-13730 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2019 Tax ID: 422303481013 Description of Property: TGA 002 0028 0005 TROP G A UN 2 BLK 28 LT 5 Name in which assessed: STRAIGHTEDGE, LLC, A FLORID A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; STRAIGHTEDGE, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,621.04 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,627.29 P.O. NO.: 2300070 208144 3893639 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0072 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7065 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412001330009 Description of Property: PCH 063 3702 0027 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 63 BLK 3702 LT 27 Name in which assessed: AMERICAN ESTATE AND TRUST FBO SUSAN WEYERMAN ROTH IR A All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,272.02 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,278.27 P.O. NO.: 2300072 208144 3893641 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0073 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-11573 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422303229011 Description of Property: TGA 003 0046 0016 TROP G A UN 3 BLK 46 LTS 16 17 Name in which assessed: PRAUGHT, MARY E. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,033.44 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,039.69 P.O. NO.: 2300073 208144 3893642 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0074 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property,
PAGE 6A MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 The Daily Sun | TAX DEEDS an d t h e names i n w hi c h i t was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8842 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412119128016 Description of Property: RLM 000 0000 0946 ROTONDA WEST LONG MEADOW LT 946 Name in which assessed: PIECHOWIAK, JERRY; PIECHOWIAK, MONICA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,720.76 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,727.01 P.O. NO.: 2300074 208144 3893643 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0075 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-12340 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422311356005 Description of Property: TGA 010 0236 0010 TROP G A UN 10 BLK 236 LTS 10 & 11 Name in which assessed: VILLANUEVA, OLGA; VILLANUEVA, DOMINGO D. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,182.99 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,189.24 P.O. NO.: 2300075 208144 3893644 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0076 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-11399 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422302351001 Description of Property: TGA 001 0019 0016 TROP G A UN 1 BLK 19 LTS 16 17 Name in which assessed: GALINSKI, MICHAIL; GALINSKI, GALINA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,014.33 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,020.58 P.O. NO.: 2300076 208144 3893645 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0077 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-5494 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402236126002 Description of Property: CHR 000 0011 0005 C HARBOR BLK 11 SW/ERLY 74 FT OF LT 5 Name in which assessed: UB PROPERTIES, LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILIT Y COMPANY; UB PROPERTIES, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,219.26 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,225.51 P.O. NO.: 2300077 208144 3893646 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0079 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7036 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 200802 TAX DEEDS Tax ID: 41 200 117 802 1 Description of Property: PCH 063 3714 0006 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 63 BLK 3714 LT 6 Name in which assessed: SPARKS, CATHERINE, UNDIVIDED 1/9TH INTEREST; DENNIS JR, JOHN B., EACH AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/9TH INTEREST; FREY, NANCY A., EACH AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/9TH INTEREST; DENNIS, MICHAEL, EACH AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/9TH INTEREST; DENNIS, CHARLES, EACH AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/9TH INTEREST; DENNIS, PATRICK, EACH AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/9TH INTEREST; ROGERS, MARY JANE, EACH AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/9TH INTEREST; DENNIS, STEPHEN, EACH AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/9TH INTEREST; VERNATTER, JO ANN A/K/ A DENNIS, JO ANN A/K/A STAFFORD, JOANN, EACH AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/9TH INTEREST All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,663.37 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,669.62 P.O. NO.: 2300079 208144 3893648 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0080 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7089 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412002103004 Description of Property: PCH 062 3584 0004 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 62 BLK 3584 LT 4 Name in which assessed: HODGES, ALEXANDER A.; HODGES, LENA E. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,584.25 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,590.50 P.O. NO.: 2300080 208144 3893649 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0081 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7100 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412002203013 Description of Property: PCH 062 3596 0028 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 62 BLK 3596 LT 28 Name in which assessed: AMERICAN ESTATE AND TRUST FBO JEFF WATSON IRA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,343.85 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,350.10 P.O. NO.: 2300081 208144 3893650 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0082 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7134 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412002411011 Description of Property: PCH 062 3626 0019 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 62 BLK 3626 LT 19 Name in which assessed: TRUMBOWER JR, RALPH E. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Ddhi1dfJ2023 SUNNews Media TAX DEEDS Dated this 1st day o f June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,530.91 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,537.16 P.O. NO.: 2300082 208144 3893652 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0083 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7180 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412003180004 Description of Property: PCH 073 3424 0005 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 73 BLK 3424 LT 5 Name in which assessed: KRAISNER, CAROLYN J. REDDY F/K/A MALLEO, CAROLYN JANET; KRAISNER, CAROLYN J. REDDY, EST All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,435.52 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,441.77 P.O. NO.: 2300083 208144 3893655 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0084 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7198 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412003230016 Description of Property: PCH 069 3440 0006 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 69 BLK 3440 LT 6 Name in which assessed: WAGMAN, ROBERT S., TRUSTEE UNDER THE TRUST NUMBER 6733 DATED JULY 14, 2005; WAGMAN, ROBERT STEVEN, TRUSTEE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2023. Dated this 1st day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,387.66 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,393.91 P.O. NO.: 2300084 208144 3893657 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0085 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7199 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412003230017 Description of Property: PCH 069 3440 0007 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 69 BLK 3440 LT 7 Name in which assessed: WAGMAN, ROBERT S., TRUSTEE UNDER THE TRUST NUMBER 6733 DATED JULY 14, 2005; WAGMAN, ROBERT STEVEN, TRUSTEE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,387.66 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,393.91 P.O. NO.: 2300085 208144 3894291 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0086 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7201 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412003251008 Description of Property: PCH 073 3435 0013 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 73 BLK 3435 LT 13 PCH 073 3435 0014 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 73 BLK 3435 LT 14 Name in which assessed: WILD, JEFFERY; WILD, JEFFERY S.; WILD, JEFFREY; WILD, JEFFREY S. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of f TAX DEEDS Fl or id a. U n l ess t h e sa id cert ifi cate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,392.74 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,398.99 P.O. NO.: 2300086 208144 3894292 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0087 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7541 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412013126010 Description of Property: RRL 000 0001 0014 ROTONDA LAKES BLK1 LT 14 Name in which assessed: MALIBARY, AHMED All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,640.38 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,646.63 P.O. NO.: 2300087 208144 3894293 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0088 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10566 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412333379001 Description of Property: SPG 005 0000 1553 S P G HTS 5TH ADD LTS 1553 & 1554 Name in which assessed: NU ALLIANCE CO., A GEORGIA CORPORATION; NU ALLIANCE CO. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,632.37 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,638.62 P.O. NO.: 2300088 208144 3894294 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0089 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7605 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412015101007 Description of Property: RHT 000 0000 0007 ROTONDA HEIGHTS LT 7 Name in which assessed: FSG RE HOLDINGS, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,556.77 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,563.02 P.O. NO.: 2300089 208144 3894295 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0090 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8171 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412105156003 Description of Property: PCH 095 5117 0044 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC95 BLK 5117 LT 44 Name in which assessed: PETRITSIS, PARIS; PETRITSIS, SOPHIA H. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at C TAX DEEDS i n accor d ance w i t h Ch apter 45 , Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,649.52 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,655.77 P.O. NO.: 2300090 208144 3894298 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0091 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8210 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412106130013 Description of Property: PCH 095 5072 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5072 LT 12 Name in which assessed: CACAL, HARRIETTA C., TRUSTEE UNDER THE HARRIETTA C CACAL LIVING TRUST DATED 6/29/1999; CACAL, HARRIETTA C., TRUSTEE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,402.85 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,409.10 P.O. NO.: 2300091 208144 3894304 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0095 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8265 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412106312005 Description of Property: PCH 072 3834 0034 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 72 BLK 3834 LT 34 Name in which assessed: ZUKOWSKI, JOHN; ZUKOWSKI, VIRGINIA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,599.66 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,605.91 P.O. NO.: 2300095 208144 3894305 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0097 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8280 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412106356018 Description of Property: PCH 072 3794 0013 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 72 BLK 3794 LT 13 Name in which assessed: CIPRICH, MICHAEL T.; CIPRICH, M. T.; CIPRICH, IRENE; KALINOWSKI, RICHARD E; CIPRICH, MICHELE A. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,808.96 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,815.21 P.O. NO.: 2300097 208144 3894306 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0098 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8319 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412107130012 Description of Property: PCH 095 5058 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5058 LT 12 Name in which assessed: LI, FENG All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to TAX DEEDS t h e hi g h est bidd er at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,653.41 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,659.66 P.O. NO.: 2300098 208144 3894309 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0099 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8341 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412107186008 Description of Property: PCH 067 3875 0009 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 67 BLK 3875 LT 9 Name in which assessed: KINZEY, TABARI All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,400.52 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,406.77 P.O. NO.: 2300099 208144 3894310 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0100 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8426 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412108151001 Description of Property: PCH 095 5169 0027 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5169 LT 27 Name in which assessed: SCHILLER, KURT; SCHILLER, DANNY; SCHILLER, EVA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,010.87 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,017.12 P.O. NO.: 2300100 208144 3894311 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0101 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8492 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412108356002 Description of Property: PCH 095 5160 0002 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5160 LT 2 Name in which assessed: DAHAN, CHEN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,536.96 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,543.21 P.O. NO.: 2300101 208144 3894312 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0102 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8611 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412116382005 Description of Property: PCH 058 4248 0007 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4248 LT 7 Name in which assessed: HAEFELE, ALEX J.; HAEFELE, SUZANNE B. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, S900
PAGE 7 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 PAGE 7A TAX DEEDS Florida S tatutes at 9 : 00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,561.36 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,567.61 P.O. NO.: 2300102 208144 3894313 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0103 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8645 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412117110003 Description of Property: RRL 000 0027 0037 ROTONDA LAKES BLK 27 LT 37 Name in which assessed: DECARLO, STEVE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,256.58 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,262.83 P.O. NO.: 2300103 208144 3894314 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0104 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8649 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412117130009 Description of Property: RRL 000 0023 0039 ROTONDA LAKES BLK 23 LT 39 Name in which assessed: HAZELETT, HAROLD G.; HAZELETT, MAGARET C. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,296.08 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,302.33 P.O. NO.: 2300104 208144 3894332 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0105 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8617 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412116410015 Description of Property: PCH 093 4945 0019 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 93 BLK 4945 LT 19 Name in which assessed: PETTUS JR, LESTER C.; PETTUS, KAREN M. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,524.41 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,530.66 P.O. NO.: 2300105 208144 3894333 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0106 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8681 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412117304010 Description of Property: RRL 000 0052 0023 ROTONDA LAKES BLK 52 LT 23 Name in which assessed: LEVY, HARRY; LEVY, CLARA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. 8f2023 TAX DEEDS Dated this 8 th day o f June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,282.70 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,288.95 P.O. NO.: 2300106 208144 3894334 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0107 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8693 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412117329008 Description of Property: RRL 002 0008 0002 ROTONDA LAKES UN 2 BLK 8 LT 2 LESS THE EASTERLY 20 FT FOR GASPARILLA ROAD WIDENING #GAS-122 Name in which assessed: GRANT, EDWARD J.; GRANT, MARY M. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,952.17 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,958.42 P.O. NO.: 2300107 208144 3894335 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0108 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8703 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412117404001 Description of Property: PCH 058 4229 0031 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4229 LTS 31 & 32 Name in which assessed: NATIONAL BROTHER REALT Y GROUP, LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILIT Y COMPANY; NATIONAL BROTHER REALT Y GROUP, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,753.31 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,759.56 P.O. NO.: 2300108 208144 3894336 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0109 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8957 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412121180003 Description of Property: PCH 071 4357 0014 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 71 BLK 4357 LT 14 Name in which assessed: THE ESTATE OF, STEPHEN SICARD, DECEASED; SICARD, STEPHEN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 25th day of July, 2023. Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,314.68 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,320.93 P.O. NO.: 2300109 208144 3894338 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0110 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9209 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412128284002 Description of Property: PCH 082 4436 0013 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 82 BLK 4436 LT 13 Name in which assessed: KAMINSKEY, STEPHEN; VITALE, JOSEPH All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at f TAX DEEDS www.charlotte.real f in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,407.03 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,413.28 P.O. NO.: 2300110 208144 3894828 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0111 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9319 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412130234001 Description of Property: RSD 001 0001 0234 ROTONDA SANDS UN 1 BLK 1 LT 234 Name in which assessed: RUSSELL, STEVEN J. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,487.59 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,493.84 P.O. NO.: 2300111 208144 3894831 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0112 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9504 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412132303016 Description of Property: RMD 000 0012 0003 ROTONDA MEADOWS BLK 12 LT 3 Name in which assessed: BURKHART, ELLSWORTH C.; BURKHART, RUTH E. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,981.14 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,987.39 P.O. NO.: 2300112 208144 3894832 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0113 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10099 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412303476011 Description of Property: TGE 001 0052 0088 TEE & GRN ESTS 1ST ADD BLK 52 LT 88 Name in which assessed: TOLEDO, NORMA RAQUEL CASANOVA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,623.74 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,629.99 P.O. NO.: 2300113 208144 3894834 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0114 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10726 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412334327002 Description of Property: SPG 001 0000 1237 S P G HTS 1ST ADD LTS 1237 & 1238 Name in which assessed: CABEZON, ANA MARIA; PIQUERAS, AMERICA MEQUI All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. f2023 TAX DEEDS Dated this 15th day o f June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,107.74 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,113.99 P.O. NO.: 2300114 208144 3894836 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0115 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10740 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412334332004 Description of Property: SPG 001 0000 1037 S P G HTS 1ST ADD LTS 1037 1038 Name in which assessed: INVESTMENTS FOMA LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; INVESTMENTS FOMA LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,872.26 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,878.51 P.O. NO.: 2300115 208144 3894837 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0116 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 201-10771 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412334452001 Description of Property: SPG 001 0000 1340 S P G HTS 1ST ADD LT 1340 1341 Name in which assessed: LUNDERGAN, ISABELLE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,935.09 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,941.34 P.O. NO.: 2300116 208144 3894839 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0117 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10774 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412334453011 Description of Property: SPG 001 0000 1415 S P G HTS 1ST ADD LTS 1415 1416 Name in which assessed: SALAZAR, BARBARA MALO All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,908.56 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,914.81 P.O. NO.: 2300117 208144 3894840 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0118 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-11293 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422302203001 Description of Property: TGA 007 0141 0036 TROP G A UN 7 BLK 141 LT 36 Name in which assessed: SCHOLL, JORY ; SCHOLL, JESSICA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. f2023 TAX DEEDS Dated this 15th day o f June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,988.72 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,994.97 P.O. NO.: 2300118 208144 3894841 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0120 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-11501 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422303134004 Description of Property: TGA 006 0092 0026 TROP G A UN 6 BLK 92 LT 26 Name in which assessed: LEVENTURES, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,161.00 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,167.25 P.O. NO.: 2300120 208144 3894842 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0121 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-11615 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422303302015 Description of Property: TGA 005 0078 0014 TROP G A UN5 BLK 78 LT 14 Name in which assessed: THE ESTATE OF MARGRETE GOODALL, DECEASED All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,034.75 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,041.00 P.O. NO.: 2300121 208144 3894859 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0122 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-12177 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422311102018 Description of Property: TGA 009 0168 0016 TROP G A UN 9 BLK 168 LT 16 Name in which assessed: VEERASAMMY-ALLI, YVONNE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,987.09 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,993.34 P.O. NO.: 2300122 208144 3894862 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0123 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-12217 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422311130011 Description of Property: TGA 009 0164 0013 TROP G A UN 9 BLK 164 LT 13 Name in which assessed: CHOW, KIN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Ddhi15hdfJ2023 SUNCLASSIFIEDS866-463-1638 TAX DEEDS Dated this 15th day o f June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,999.10 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,005.35 P.O. NO.: 2300123 208144 3894863 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0124 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-12341 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422311356006 Description of Property: TGA 010 0236 0012 TROP G A UN10 BLK 236 LTS 12 & 13 Name in which assessed: VILLANUEVA, DOMINGO D.; VILLANUEVA, OLGA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,221.08 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,227.33 P.O. NO.: 2300124 208144 3894865 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0125 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-12573 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422421151003 Description of Property: ZZZ 214224 P1-100 21 42 24 P-1-100 5A M/L E 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4AKA TRS 235 & 236 Name in which assessed: ASHLEY, FRANK J.; SCHAEFFER, PATRICIA A.; FLOREN, CAROL All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,351.38 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2357.63 P.O. NO.: 2300125 208144 3894866 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0126 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t KIMBERLY LEWIS, HONEY ACRES, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-6992 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402733200005 Description of Property: ZZZ 334027 T 37 33 40 27 TR 37 5A M/L N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 AKA GOLDEN RANCHES TR 37 Name in which assessed: WELBORN, MICHAEL C. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,746.82 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,753.07 P.O. NO.: 2300126 208144 3894867 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0127 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t MYAKKA INVESTMENTS LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2020-14549 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2020 Tax ID: 422105384003 Description of Property: RVL 000 0025 0054 ROTONDA VILLAS BLK 25 LT 54 Name in which assessed: WAGNER, CONSTANCE L.; ORR, HAROLD P.; BERNDT, FAYE M.; BERNDT, FAYE; NIELSEN, DEANNA L. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. f2023
PAGE 8A MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 The Daily Sun | TAX DEEDS Dated this 15th day o f June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,237.92 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,244.17 P.O. NO.: 2300127 208144 3894868 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0128 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8311 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412107128014 Description of Property: PCH 095 5056 0004 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5056 LT 4 Name in which assessed: LAM, CHIK YUET All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,516.87 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,523.12 P.O. NO.: 2300128 208144 3894869 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0131 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-11543 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422303183007 Description of Property: TGA 006 0096 0007 TROP G A UN 6 BLK 96 LT 7 Name in which assessed: LEVENTURES, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,037.54 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,043.79 P.O. NO.: 2300131 208144 3894870 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0133 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MERCURY FUNDING, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4454 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402216379012 Description of Property: PCH 018 0427 0016 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 18 BLK 427 LT 16 Name in which assessed: ADRIAN, ERIC R. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 14,463.00 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 14,469.25 P.O. NO.: 2300133 208144 3894872 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0136 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that MERCURY FUNDING, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10145 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412305235002 Description of Property: MAT 000 0000 0028 MARIAN TERRACE LT 28 Name in which assessed: EDWARDS, JAMIE, EACH WITH AN UNDIVIDED 1/5TH INTEREST; WELLS, CYNTHIA, EACH WITH AN UNDIVIDED 1/5TH INTEREST; WELLS, CYNTHIA D.; WELLS, THOMAS, EACH WITH AN UNDIVIDED 1/5TH INTEREST; WELLS, THOMAS K.; BLEVINS, TOSHIKO, EACH WITH AN UNDIVIDED 1/5TH INTEREST; BEASLEY, JAMES CLINTON A/K/A JAMES BEASLEY, AS TO A 1/10TH INTEREST; BEASLEY, LYNZEE NICOLE, AS TO A 1/40TH INTEREST; TAYLOR, MORGAN DAWN, AS TO A 1/40TH INTEREST; BEASLEY, MADISON JEAN, AS TO A 1/40TH INTEREST; BEASLEY, BROCK THOMAS, AS TO A 1/40TH INTEREST All of said property being in the CfCSf TAX DEEDS C ounty o f C harlotte, S tate o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 8,282.94 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 8,289.19 P.O. NO.: 2300136 208144 3894874 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0142 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ALFRED S. DEMOTT III, ABLD VC LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-1781 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402115156015 Description of Property: PCH 057 3075 0018 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 57 BLK 3075 LT 18 Name in which assessed: BHT INVESTMENTS, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,861.87 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,868.12 P.O. NO.: 2300142 208144 3894875 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0146 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ALFRED S. DEMOTT III, ABLD VC LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-12220 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422311130016 Description of Property: TGA 009 0164 0018 TROP G A UN 9 BLK 164 LT 18 Name in which assessed: FLEUTIAUX, LAURENCE; MIMRAN-FLEUTIAUX, SHIRLEY All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,625.62 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,631.87 P.O. NO.: 2300146 208144 3894878 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0149 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that DAVID A BERGER DABTLC2 LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9711 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412301127011 Description of Property: ZZZ 014123 T199 01 41 23 TRACT 199 & 200 2.5 AC. M/L TH SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 Name in which assessed: WILLIAMS, GARY; MEREDITH, KAREN; WILLIAMS, GARY II; WILLIAMS, GARY HART; MEREDITH, KAREN E All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 12,977.54 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 12,983.79 P.O. NO.: 2300149 208144 3894883 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0150 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that DAVID A BERGER DABTLC2 LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-6991 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402733200003 Description of Property: ZZZ 334027 T21 33-40-27 TR 21 5A M/L N 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 AKA TR 21 OF GOLDEN RANCHES Name in which assessed: WELBORN, LINDA R.; WELBORN, JOHN R. All of said property being in the CfCSf TAX DEEDS C ounty o f C harlotte, S tate o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 49,627.48 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 5,099.73 P.O. NO.: 2300150 208144 3894884 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0151 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SOFIA DALIN the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-1613 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402113153008 Description of Property: PCH 041 0640 0001 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 41 BLK 640 LT 1 Name in which assessed: MONDRAGON, JAVIER All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,085.81 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,092.06 P.O. NO.: 2300151 208144 3894885 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0152 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that J S M HOLDING CORP INC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9581 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412133256005 Description of Property: RMD 000 0128 0014 ROTONDA MEADOW BLK 128 LT 14 Name in which assessed: COMBS, ELLA IONESCU All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,919.50 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,925.75 P.O. NO.: 2300152 208144 3894886 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0153 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that IVETTA SHARASHENIDZE INTACT RECOVERY LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2016-7785 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2016 Tax ID: 402310304018 Description of Property: HBH 011 187C 0010 HRBR HTS SEC 11 PT 2 REP BLK 187-C LT 10 Name in which assessed: KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC; KB HOME; KB HOMES All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,021.81 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,028.06 P.O. NO.: 2300153 208144 3894887 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0154 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that IVETTA SHARASHENIDZE INTACT RECOVERY LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2016-7783 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2016 Tax ID: 402310304015 Description of Property: HBH 011 187C 0006 HRBR HTS SEC 11 PT 2 REP BLK 187-C LT 6 Name in which assessed: KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC; KB HOME; KB HOMES All of said property being in the CfCSf TAX DEEDS C ounty o f C harlotte, S tate o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,021.81 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,028.06 P.O. NO.: 2300154 208144 3894888 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0155 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that IVETTA SHARASHENIDZE INTACT RECOVERY LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2016-7787 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2016 Tax ID: 402310304020 Description of Property: HBH 011 187C 0012 HRBR HTS SEC 11 PT 2 REP BLK 187-C LT 12 Name in which assessed: KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC; KB HOME; KB HOMES All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,025.41 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,031.66 P.O. NO.: 2300155 208144 3894889 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0158 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that NEBRASKA ALLIANCE REALTY COMPANY the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10476 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412328115008 Description of Property: ALM 000 0000 0001 ALLAPATCHEE MANOR LT 1 ALM 000 0000 0002 ALLAPATCHEE MANOR LT 2 Name in which assessed: SANDERS, RICHARD K., A/K/A RICHARD KEITH SANDERS; SANDERS, RICHARD K. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 15,181.27 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,294.02 P.O. NO.: 2300158 208144 3894891 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0159 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that NEBRASKA ALLIANCE REALT Y COMPANY the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7434 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412011230028 Description of Property: PCH 064 3632 0019 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 64 BLK 3632 LT 19 Name in which assessed: MENZEL, BRENDAN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 9,143.18 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 9,149.43 P.O. NO.: 2300159 208144 3894892 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0160 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PIETER WIERSMA the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2019-8663 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2019 Tax ID: 412013277011 Description of Property: RRL 000 002A 0042 ROTONDA LAKES BLK 2A LT 42 Name in which assessed: BAREISA, WALTER J.; BAREISA, LINDA E.; SS TAX DEEDS BAREI S A, WALTER JAME S All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,690.06 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,696.31 P.O. NO.: 2300160 208144 3894893 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0161 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PIETER WIERSMA the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2019-9746 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2019 Tax ID: 412108307013 Description of Property: PCH 095 5151 0023 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5151 LT 23 Name in which assessed: CHEW, SENG GIAP All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,005.73 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,011.98 P.O. NO.: 2300161 208144 3894894 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0162 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PIETER WIERSMA the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2019-9872 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2019 Tax ID: 412116180007 Description of Property: PCH 058 4215 0007 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4215 LT 7 Name in which assessed: PERRY, JUNE AKA YETTA F. PERRY; PERRY, JUNE AKA YETTA ; PERRY, KAREN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,298.71 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,304.96 P.O. NO.: 2300162 208144 3894895 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0163 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PIETER WIERSMA the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2019-9928 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2019 Tax ID: 412116429006 Description of Property: PCH 093 4938 0002 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 93 BLK 4938 LT 2 Name in which assessed: DESANTIS, CARMEN E. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,276.65 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,282.90 P.O. NO.: 2300163 208144 3895389 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0164 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PIETER WIERSMA the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2020-16253 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2020 Tax ID: 422331255003 Description of Property: PGI 021 0928 0003 PUNTA GORDA ISLES SEC 21 BLK 928 LT 3 Name in which assessed: AMERICAN ESTATE & TRUST FBO JEANNETTE SCHWIND IRA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to TAX DEEDS the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,333.16 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,339.41 P.O. NO.: 2300164 208144 3895390 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0165 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t PIETER WIERSMA the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2020-11358 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2020 Tax ID: 412118110024 Description of Property: RRL 000 0011 0020 ROTONDA LAKES BLK 11 LT 20 Name in which assessed: PARKER, CARROL G., AS TO A LIFE ESTATE; DEFFENBAUGH, SEAN LOREN, AS TO FEE SIMPLE; PARKER, EVELYN J., AS TO A LIFE ESTATE; PARKER, CARROL G.; PARKER, EVELYN J. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,497.00 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,503.25 P.O. NO.: 2300165 208144 3895391 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0166 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t NEBRASKA ALLIANCE REALT Y COMPANY the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-5085 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402224131010 Description of Property: PCH 013 1315 0010 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 13 BLK 1315 LT 10 Name in which assessed: BRISTER, VIOLA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 9,608.04 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 9,614.29 P.O. NO.: 2300166 208144 3895392 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0168 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t J S M HOLDING CORP INC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9971 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412303328005 Description of Property: TGE 001 005A 0014 TEE & GRN ESTS 1ST ADD BLK 5A LT 14 Name in which assessed: DANTE, DONNA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,100.07 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,106.32 P.O. NO.: 2300168 208144 3895393 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0169 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JAMES SCHUPPENHAUER JS 401K PLAN & TRUST JIM SCHUPPENHAUER the holder o f the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year o f issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2017-6968 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2017 Tax ID: 402301280021 Description of Property: PRS 008 000L 0021 PEACE RIV SH UN 8 BLK L LT 21 Name in which assessed: VALLECILLO, LUIS A.; VALLECILLO, NILDA G All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f f
PAGE 9 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 PAGE 9A TAX DEEDS Florida. Unless the said certi f icate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 10,735.25 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 10,741.50 P.O. NO.: 2300169 208144 3895394 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0170 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JAMES SCHUPPENHAUER JS 401K PLAN & TRUST JIM SCHUPPENHAUER the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2019-11507 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2019 Tax ID: 412303256001 Description of Property: TGE 001 0054 0005 TEE & GRN ESTS 1ST ADD BLK 54 LT 5 Name in which assessed: DENTON II, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,104.05 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,110.30 P.O. NO.: 2300170 208144 3895395 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0171 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JAMES SCHUPPENHAUER JS 401K PLAN & TRUST JIM SCHUPPENHAUER the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2020-16494 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2020 Tax ID: 402205158009 Description of Property: PCH 017 0967 0028 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 17 BLK 967 LT 28 Name in which assessed: PEREZ, MILTON; ESTUPINAN, NELSON; PEDROZA, GLADYS All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 13,378.93 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 13,385.18 P.O. NO.: 2300171 208144 3895398 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0173 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FLORIDA TAX CERTIFICATE FUND, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4147 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402213205017 Description of Property: PCH 020 2239 0025 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 20 BLK 2239 LT 25 Name in which assessed: ANTENOR, GERVELYNE LILIAN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,293.46 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,299.71 P.O. NO.: 2300173 208144 3895399 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0174 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MYAKKA INVESTMENTS LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-6222 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402314155012 Description of Property: HBH 011 0150 0021 HRBR HTS SEC 11 PT 1 BLK 150 LTS 21 & 22 Name in which assessed: GARCIA, JOSE; BUCK, LEONA; GCOS TAX DEEDS G AR C IA JR, J OS E MANUEL; CHAVARRO, FREDY All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,835.07 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,841.32 P.O. NO.: 2300174 208144 3895402 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0175 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that DARRELL JULIEN DJJ ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2020-15235 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2020 Tax ID: 422303407005 Description of Property: TGA 004 0056 0010 TROP G A UN 4 BLK 56 LT 10 Name in which assessed: LEVENTURES, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,009.21 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,015.46 P.O. NO.: 2300175 208144 3895405 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0176 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FNA DZ LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-2612 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402128405010 Description of Property: ELJ 001R0000 0006 EL JOBEAN WARD 1 RESUB RESV LOTS LTS 6 7 & 33 Name in which assessed: BLUE SKIES EL JOBEAN PROPERTIES, LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; BLUE SKIES EL JOBEAN PROP, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 9,409.96 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 9,416.21 P.O. NO.: 2300176 208144 3895407 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0177 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FNA DZ LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4116 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402212456003 Description of Property: PCH 012 1629 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 12 BLK 1629 LT 12 Name in which assessed: MURFF, REGINA, AN UNDIVIDED 1/6TH INTEREST; MURFF, FELICIA, AN UNDIVIDED 1/6TH INTEREST; MURFF, MATHAN, AN UNDIVIDED 1/6TH INTEREST; THE ESTATE OF LOISTEEN MURFF, DECEASED, AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 16,595.41 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 16,601.66 P.O. NO.: 2300177 208144 3895409 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0178 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FNA DZ LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Cf2023 TAX DEEDS C erti f icate No.: 202 13 771 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402207231001 Description of Property: PCH 090 0315 0061 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 90 BLK 315 LT 61 Name in which assessed: MIDLAND IRA, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION, FBO JOHN STEHLI IRA, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 80% INTEREST; STEHLI, SUSAN BROWN, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 20% INTEREST; MIDLAND IRA, INC., FBO JOHN STEHLI IRA; STEHLI, SB All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 12,727.69 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 12,733.94 P.O. NO.: 2300178 208144 3895427 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0179 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FNA DZ LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7832 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412021515029 Description of Property: IIC 000 0000 0029 INDIGO ISLES MHP CONDO UNIT 29 Name in which assessed: HARRIS, CATIE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,908.64 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 5,914.89 P.O. NO.: 2300179 208144 3895429 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0180 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FNA DZ LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9662 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412213230014 Description of Property: PGI 007 0075 0038 PUNTA GORDA ISLES SEC 7 BLK 75 LT 38 Name in which assessed: LEWIS MAGUIRE HOMES, LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILIT Y COMPANY; LEWIS MAGUIRE HOMES, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 7,848.78 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 7,855.03 P.O. NO.: 2300180 208144 3895430 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0181 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that AFH PROPERTIES the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2018-14805 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2018 Tax ID: 422310454002 Description of Property: TGA 010 0264 0006 TROP G A UN 10 BLK 264 LT 6 Name in which assessed: PLAKS, NINA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,337.95 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,344.20 P.O. NO.: 2300181 208144 3895431 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0182 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that NEWLINE HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-2608 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402128329002 Description of Property: ELJ 001 0000 0136 EL JOBEAN WARD 1 LTS 136 137 138 Name in which assessed: GARNETT, JOHN ; GARNETT, THOMAS All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 8,404.15 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 8,410.40 P.O. NO.: 2300182 208144 3895434 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0183 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that NEWLINE HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8179 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412105280014 Description of Property: PCH 066 4296 0030 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 66 BLK 4296 LT 30 Name in which assessed: DOYLE, PAUL F.; DOYLE, JILL A. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 7,743.82 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 7,750.07 P.O. NO.: 2300183 208144 3895435 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0185 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ROBERT R EVANS the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-10687 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412334255005 Description of Property: SPG 008 0000 0013 S P G HTS 8TH ADD LT 13 Name in which assessed: KIMBALL, DOUGLAS A. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,301.71 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,307.96 P.O. NO.: 2300185 208144 3895436 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0188 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that KINGS RIGHT LLC FIRSTTRUST BANK AGT FBO KINGS RIGHT LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-5308 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402227278002 Description of Property: PCH 004 0029 0122 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 4 BLK 29 LT 122 Name in which assessed: RUZ, FERNANDO All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 14,639.82 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 14,646.07 P.O. NO.: 2300188 208144 3895437 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0190 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7224 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412003453020 Description of Property: PCH 074 3457 0055 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 74 BLK 3457 LT 55 Name in which assessed: SOUTHWIND PROPERTIES, LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILIT Y COMPANY; SOUTHWIND PROPERTIES, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,369.45 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,375.70 P.O. NO.: 2300190 208144 3895438 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0191 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-7173 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412003132002 Description of Property: PCH 073 3429 0002 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 73 BLK 3429 LT 2 Name in which assessed: VERO ATLANTIC 2, LLC, A FLORID A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; VERO ATLANTIC 2 LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,209.77 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,216.02 P.O. NO.: 2300191 208144 3895439 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0192 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9389 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412130458003 Description of Property: RSD 001 0011 0009 ROTONDA SANDS UN 1 BLK 11 LT 9 Name in which assessed: MACLEAN, CHARLES M. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,827.04 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,833.29 P.O. NO.: 2300192 208144 3895440 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0193 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9480 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412132228006 Description of Property: RMD 000 0072 0003 ROTONDA MEADOWS BLK 72 LT 3 Name in which assessed: BANAYOT, RENE KATTAN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 JOB SEARCH JOB SEARCH SUN866-463-1638 CLASSIFIEDS TAX DEEDS 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 923.41 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 929.66 P.O. NO.: 2300193 208144 3895441 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0194 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-943 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402106457004 Description of Property: PCH 038 2393 0001 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 38 BLK 2393 LT 1 Name in which assessed: COWEN, CLINTON; COWEN, CLINTON P. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,548.52 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,554.77 P.O. NO.: 2300194 208144 3895442 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0195 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-9466 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412132182001 Description of Property: RMD 000 0022 0007 ROTONDA MEADOWS BLK 22 LT 7 Name in which assessed: VETTER, SHELDON J.; NASH, JOANNE M. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,300.70 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,306.95 P.O. NO.: 2300195 208144 3895443 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0196 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-110 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402101403011 Description of Property: PCH 016 1077 0003 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 16 BLK 1077 LT 3 Name in which assessed: FARIAS, LUIS DOMINIC; FARIAS, LUIS D. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,160.75 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,167.00 P.O. NO.: 2300196 208144 3895444 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0197 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3239 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402203280006 Description of Property: PCH 034 1510 0010 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 34 BLK 1510 LTS 10 & 11 Name in which assessed: DAKTILIDIS, ANASTASIOS MARKOS All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. 22f
PAGE 10A MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 The Daily Sun | TAX DEEDS D ate d t hi s 22 n d d ay o f J une, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,344.57 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,350.82 P.O. NO.: 2300197 208144 3895445 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0198 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-118 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402101427014 Description of Property: PCH 016 1081 0006 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 16 BLK 1081 LT 6 Name in which assessed: KRASNEY, ABE; KRASNEY, FLORENCE; DEFRAIN, DONALD; DEFRAIN, MAE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,058.14 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,064.39 P.O. NO.: 2300198 208144 3895446 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0199 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-133 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402102128005 Description of Property: PCH 030 1155 0005 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 30 BLK 1155 LT 5 Name in which assessed: ATLAS PROPERTY INVESTORS, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,984.80 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,991.05 P.O. NO.: 2300199 208144 3895447 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0201 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-2392 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402124159001 Description of Property: PCH 031 2737 0001 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 31 BLK 2737 LT 1 Name in which assessed: STEELE, ALAN E.; STEELE, EDWARD C. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,292.10 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,298.35 P.O. NO.: 2300201 208144 3895448 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0202 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-2442 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402124259003 Description of Property: PCH 031 2698 0003 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 31 BLK 2698 LTS 3 & 4 Name in which assessed: R M ORGANIZATION, A WYOMING LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; R M ORGANIZATION All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at C TAX DEEDS in accordance with C hapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,282.92 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,289.17 P.O. NO.: 2300202 208144 3895449 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0203 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3053 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402201126006 Description of Property: PCH 015 1564 0002 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 15 BLK 1564 LT 2 Name in which assessed: LONGMAN, HYACINTH D.; LONGMAN, DUDLEY H. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,536.26 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,542.51 P.O. NO.: 2300203 208144 3895450 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0204 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3101 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402202157004 Description of Property: PCH 050 3148 0025 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 50 BLK 3148 LT 25 Name in which assessed: COUNTY ASSIST, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,015.47 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,021.72 P.O. NO.: 2300204 208144 3895451 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0205 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3104 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402202157019 Description of Property: PCH 050 3148 0005 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 50 BLK 3148 LT 5 Name in which assessed: VIGILANTE JR, JOHN; VIGILANTE, LOUIS All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,031.45 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,037.70 P.O. NO.: 2300205 208144 3895452 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0206 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3105 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402202158007 Description of Property: PCH 050 3149 0021 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 50 BLK 3149 LT 21 Name in which assessed: COUNTY ASSIST, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at C TAX DEEDS in accordance with C hapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,021.81 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,028.06 P.O. NO.: 2300206 208144 3895461 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0207 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3130 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402202228003 Description of Property: PCH 050 3124 0021 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 50 BLK 3124 LT 21 Name in which assessed: DUNKLEY, JOAN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,656.15 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,662.40 P.O. NO.: 2300207 208144 3895462 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0208 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-3140 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402202279005 Description of Property: PCH 050 3098 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 50 BLK 3098 LT 12 Name in which assessed: CASEY, DANIEL J. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,123.31 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,129.56 P.O. NO.: 2300208 208144 3895463 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0209 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4013 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402211426025 Description of Property: PCH 051 3199 0014 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 51 BLK 3199 LT 14 Name in which assessed: BONOTTI, JAMES MICHAEL All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,616.51 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,622.76 P.O. NO.: 2300209 208144 3895464 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0210 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4053 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402212180009 Description of Property: PCH 012 1642 0002 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 12 BLK 1642 LT 2 Name in which assessed: STANTONE, ANTONETTE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or f8f TAX DEEDS t h erea f ter on 8 t h d ay o f A ugust, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,073.44 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,079.69 P.O. NO.: 2300210 208144 3895465 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0211 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4082 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402212304005 Description of Property: PCH 012 1653 0013 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 12 BLK 1653 LTS 13 & 14 Name in which assessed: VERO ATLANTIC 2, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,408.68 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,414.93 P.O. NO.: 2300211 208144 3895466 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0212 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-4353 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402215229017 Description of Property: PCH 028 1399 0014 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 28 BLK 1399 LT 14 Name in which assessed: SHORB, WILLIAM H. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 8,599.49 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 8,605.74 P.O. NO.: 2300212 208144 3895467 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0213 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-5168 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402224378001 Description of Property: PCH 013 1287 0001 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 13 BLK 1287 LT 1 Name in which assessed: IRENE JEAN INVESTMENTS, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,022.62 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,028.87 P.O. NO.: 2300213 208144 3895468 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 23-0214 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-5498 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 402236601078 Description of Property: TPH 000 000B 0303 THE PRESERVE AT CHARLOTTE HARBOR BLDG B UN 303 Name in which assessed: LOPEZ, CHRISTIAN A.; UPTON, LESLIE; LUPTON, LESLIE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023 TAX DEEDS 2023 . Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 11,882.90 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 11,889.15 P.O. NO.: 2300214 208144 3895469 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0215 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SAVVY FL LLC FTB COLLATERAL ASSIGNEE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-8321 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 412107130020 Description of Property: PCH 095 5058 0020 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5058 LT 20 Name in which assessed: YUNG, THOMAS LIT All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 8th day of August, 2023. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,010.51 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,016.76 P.O. NO.: 2300215 208144 3895470 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0119 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-11366 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422302305005 Description of Property: TGA 008 0150 0019 TROP G A UN 8 BLK 150 LT 19 Name in which assessed: BOGGS, WILLIAM R. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,051.34 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,057.59 P.O. NO.: 2300119 208144 3895506 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 23-0130 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2021-11430 Year of Issuance: 6/1/2021 Tax ID: 422302381010 Description of Property: TGA 001 0011 0009 TROP G A UN 1 BLK 11 LTS 9 & 10 Name in which assessed: LINDQUIST, ROBERT F. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 1st day of August, 2023. Dated this 15th day of June, 2023 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court PUBLISH: 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/17/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,197.73 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,203.98 P.O. NO.: 2300130 208144 3895507 OTHER NOTICES IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT O F THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA IN THE INTEREST OF: B.F. DOB: 08/10/2009 Minor Child JUVENILE DIVISION CASE NO.: 11-82-D-CJ THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO: HEATH FUHLMAN SUMMONS & NOTICE You are hereby notified that an Involuntary Petition under oath, a copy of which is attached hereto, has been filed in the above-styled Court for TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS of the child, You are commanded to appear before Magistrate Robert Koch in his assigned Courtroom at the Charlotte County Justice Center, 350 East Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 on: Monday, July 10, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. OTHER NOTICES FAILURE T O PER SO NALLY A PPEAR AT THIS ADVISOR Y HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF YOUR CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE A ND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS A S A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS. Pursuant to Section 39.804(4) (d) and 63.082(6)(g), Florida Statutes (2014), you are hereb y informed of the availability o f private placement with an adop tion entity, as defined in Section 63.032(3), Florida Statutes. W ITNESS BY HAND as the Clerk of Said Court and the seal thereof, this 6/8/2023. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: SS DEPUTY CLERK AMERICANS WITH DISABILITY ACT ÂIn accordance with the Americans With Disabilitites Act persons needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Administrative Services Manager, whose office is located at 350 E. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950, and whose telephone number is (941) 637-2110; 1-800-955-8771 (TDD), or 1-800-955-8770(v), via Florida Relay Service, not later than seven (7) days prior to the proceeding. I f you are hearing impaird, call 711. Publish: 06/12/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/26/2023, 07/03/2023 396521 3894357 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF WARREN A. DAVIS, SR CASE NO 2017CP081 DIVISION Probate/Guardianship NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF UNCLAIMED FUNDS NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN tha t ClJl TEQUILLA DAVIS, Personal Representative of the Estate o f WARREN A. DAVIS, SR, deceased, has deposited with me, as Clerk of Courts of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit in and for DeSoto County, Florida, the sum oÂf $4,217.36 (ÂFundsÂŽ), representing unclaimed funds belonging to the Estate of WARREN A. DAVIS, SR, deceased. The undersigned shall hold said funds for a period of six (6) months from the date hereof, and shall thereafter deposit the Funds with the Chief Financial Officer o f the State of Florida, after deduc tion of the ClerkÂs fee(s)/cost(s) of publication, in accordance with Florida Statutes, Section(s) 733.816 and/or 744.534 Dated this 29th day of June, 2023. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: Jennifer Whitmore Deputy Clerk Publish: July 3, 2023 and August 3, 2023 407181 3896250 P u bli c N ot i ce A SSUMED NAME: BRIAN KEITH LANG PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: c/o 23141 HILLSDALE AVE Port Charlotte, FL [Near 33954] NAME HOLDER{S} Brian Keith Lang, Beneficiary, A uthorized Representative Publish: 07/02/23, 07/03/23 395956 3896281 southwest orida.JOBSJOBSEARCH SUNNews Media SUNCall 866-463-1638 To Place Your AdCLASSIFIEDS
Sports MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 | SUNPREPS.COM | | @Sun_Preps | Email: sports@sun-herald.comSTREET RACING : Shane van Gisbergen wins NASCAR Cup Series. PAGE 13A INDEX | MLB 14 | Golf 13 | Racing 13 | Cycling 12 | NBA 12 Patrick Obley: Sports editor By HOWARD FENDRICHAP TENNIS WRITERWIMBLEDON, England „ Listen to Novak DjokovicÂs opponents explain why he is as successful as he is „ why he will begin his pursuit of a “fth consecutive and eighth overall Wimbledon championship on Monday; why he also will be attempting to claim an Open era-record 24th Grand Slam trophy over the coming fortnight on the All England ClubÂs grass courts „ and theyÂll oer plenty of answers. His best-in-the-game return of serve. His dangerous two-handed backhand. His elasticity. His stamina. His defense. His ability to read someone elseÂs intentions, get to where a ball is headed and send it back with force, a combination Casper Ruud described this way after losing to Djokovic in the French Open “nal: ÂHe sort of just goes into this mode where he just becomes, like, a wall.ÂŽ Listen to Novak Djokovic explain why heÂs done what heÂs done and why, at age 36, heÂs still doing it, and heÂll oer a reason far less tangible and far less observable, something he mentioned during his victory speech at Roland Garros a few weeks ago. ÂI try to visualize every single thing in my life and not only believe it, but really feel it with every cell in my body. And I just want to send a message out there to every young person: Be in the present moment; forget about what happened in the past; the future is something that is just going to happen,ÂŽ Novak DjokovicÂs bid for Wimbledon title No. 8Bid for latest Grand Slam trophy begins on Monday AP PHOTO/KIN CHEUNG Novak Djokovic of Serbia, left and Carlos Alcaraz of Spain take part in a practice session ahead of the Wimbledon tennis championships Sunday at Wimbledon, in London. The Wimbledon Tennis championships start on July 3.TENNIS GOLF MLB MLB By RONALD BLUMAP BASEBALL WRITERNEW YORK „ Shohei Ohtani became a two-way All-Star for the third straight year when he was picked for the American League pitching sta on Sunday, and eight Atlanta Braves were chosen for the July 11 game in Seattle „ the most of any team since 2012. Ohtani was elected to the pitching sta by players 10 days after fans voted him to start at designated hitter. Ohtani appeared on the most ballots among AL players. He is the only two-way All-Star in major league history. ÂHeÂs very respectful. He doesnÂt do a whole bunch of talking,ÂŽ AL manager Dusty Baker of Houston said. ÂHe comes to play, and he really handles the notoriety and the publicity with humility and greatness.ÂŽ At the 2021 game in Denver, Ohtani grounded out against Max Scherzer and Corbin Burnes, and pitched a perfect “rst inning, retiring Fernando Tatis Jr. on a ”yout and Max Muncy and Nolan Arenado on groundouts. Last year at Dodger Stadium, Ohtani singled on Clayton KershawÂs “rst pitch of the game and walked against Joe Musgrove. Ohtani didnÂt pitch. Atlanta out“elder Ronald Acuña Jr., shortstop Orlando Arcia and catcher Sean Murphy were elected to the National League starting lineup by fans. They will be joined by “ve Braves teammates voted in by fellow players: starting pitchers Spencer Strider and Bryce Elder, “rst baseman Matt Olson, second baseman Ozzie Albies and third baseman Austin Riley. Atlanta is a major league-best 56-27 after winning 23 of its last 26 games. ÂTo have eight guys, itÂs awesome,ÂŽ Riley said. The contingent includes AtlantaÂs entire starting in“eld, a proud accomplishment for Braves coach Ron Washington. ÂWashington said this is probably the most emotional day of his career because all of his in“elders went to the All-Star Game,ÂŽ Albies said.Ohtani becomes 2-way All-Star for 3rd year AP PHOTO/MARK J. TERRILL Los Angeles Angels Shohei Ohtani grimaces after swinging for a strike during the fourth inning of a baseball game against the Arizona Diamondbacks Saturday, in Anaheim, Calif. By LUKE OLSONASSOCIATED PRESSSEATTLE „ José Caballero was hit by a pitch from Jason Adam to force in the tiebreaking run, and the Seattle Mariners erased an early “ve-run de“cit Sunday in a 7-6 victory over the Tampa Bay Rays. Eugenio Suárez and Tom Murphy homered for the Mariners (40-42), who took two of three games from the top team in the American League. All-Star pitcher Luis Castillo recovered from a rough start to last six innings. ÂWe talk about competing every day, every inning. Today was the epitome of that for me,ÂŽ Mariners manager Scott Servais said. SeattleÂs bullpen held the Rays without a hit over the “nal three innings. Andrés Munoz (1-1) worked the seventh, Matt Brash pitched the eighth and Paul Sewald struck out two in a perfect ninth for his 16th save. Randy Arozarena and Isaac Paredes homered early o Castillo. Arozarena lined into a double play that ended the seventh, with teammate Wander Franco getting doubled o “rst base on a ball into right “eld. Seattle loaded the bases in the bottom half, when a wild Adam (2-2) walked two batters and plunked two others. Caballero was hit on the “rst pitch with the bases loaded to score Teoscar Hernández, giving the Mariners a 7-6 lead. Castillo allowed six runs and eight hits while striking out six. The righthander gave up four runs in the third to leave his team down 6-1 but then retired nine of his next 10 batters. Castillo was the lone All-Star selection from the hometown Mariners when full rosters were announced Sunday for the July 11 game in Seattle. ÂHe came back out and gave us those three last innings that were huge for us to get to the back end of the bullpen and give us a chance,ÂŽ Murphy said. Rays starter Taj Bradley went 3 1/3 innings, giving up “ve runs and nine hits. Seattle scored four times in the third on six hits, including RBI doubles by Ty France and Jarred Kelenic. Mike Ford cut it to 6-5 with a two-run single. Murphy tied it in the sixth with a homer o Colin Poche. Tampa Bay scored four in the third to extend its lead 6-1, highlighted by Luke RaleyÂs two-run double. Franco had a sacri“ce ”y and Paredes drove in a run with a single. Â(I would) like to think that if weÂre in that position again, weÂll “nd a way to win,ÂŽ Rays manager Kevin Cash said. DERBY PREP Arozarena recently announced he will participate in the Home Run Derby on July 10 in Seattle. He took By LARRY LAGEAP SPORTS WRITERDETROIT „ Rickie Fowler tilted his head back, exhaled and smiled. He “nally did it, holding on for a win after so many have slipped away. Refusing to crumble and collapse again, Fowler made a 12-foot birdie putt on the “rst playo hole of the Rocket Mortgage Classic and outlasted Collin Morikawa and Adam Hadwin on Sunday, two weeks after squandering a chance at the U.S. Open. ÂItÂs just nice to have this one out of the way,ÂŽ Fowler said after winning for the “rst time in four years. ÂIÂm obviously going to soak this one in and celebrate a bit. ÂYeah, itÂs just been a long road.ÂŽ Fowler ended a career-long, 96-start championship drought after missing out on two chances to win in June, closing with a 75 at the U.S. Open to tie for “fth and with a 69 last week at the Travelers Championship to drop into a tie for 13th. Followed all day by a sea of orange at Detroit Golf Club, Fowler was knocked down on the leaderboard by a near record-tying-round from Morikawa. He responded on his 72nd hole of the tournament with an approach from 145 feet that left him with a 3-foot birdie putt to pull into a three-way tie with Morikawa and Hadwin at 24 under. Fowler hit an errant tee shot way right in the playo and after a drop, his approach from 184 landed 12 feet from the cup. Morikawa was inches long on his Fowler wins RMC in 3-way playoff SEE WIMBLEDON , 12A SEE CLASSIC , 13AFOWLER SEE ALLSTAR , 12ARays tumble on walkoff HBP AP PHOTO/LINDSEY WASSON Tampa Bay Rays second baseman Vidal Brujan falls as he forces out Seattle Mariners J.P. Crawford at second base on a elderÂs choice hit by Julio Rodriguez during the sixth inning of a baseball game, Sunday, in Seattle.SEE RAYS , 12A
PAGE 12A MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 The Daily Sun | SPORTS ON TV CFL FOOTBALL7 p.m. CBSSN „ B.C. at TorontoCYCLING8 a.m. USA „ UCI: The Tour de France, Stage 3, 115 miles, Amorebieta-Etxano, Spain to Bayonne, France 2 a.m. (Tuesday) USA „ UCI: The Tour de France, Stage 3, 115 miles, Amorebieta-Etxano, Spain to Bayonne, France (Taped)HORSE RACING1 p.m. FS2 „ NYRA: AmericaÂs Day at the RacesMLB BASEBALL2 p.m. MLBN „ Regional Coverage: Houston at Texas OR Chicago Cubs at Milwaukee 6:30 p.m. MLBN „ Regional Coverage: St. Louis at Miami OR Cincinnati at Washington (6 p.m.) 9:30 p.m. FS1 „ LA Angels at San DiegoNBA BASKETBALL6 p.m. ESPN2 „ Summer League: Miami vs. LA Lakers, Sacramento, Calif. 7 p.m. NBATV „ Summer League: Memphis vs. Philadelphia, Salt Lake City 8 p.m. ESPN „ Summer League: San Antonio vs. Charlotte, Sacramento, Calif. 9 p.m. NBATV „ Summer League: Oklahoma City at Utah 10 p.m. ESPN „ Summer League: Golden State at SacramentoTENNIS6 a.m. ESPN „ ATP/WTA: Wimbledon, First Round, London 1 p.m. ESPN „ ATP/WTA: Wimbledon, First Round, London 6 a.m. (Tuesday) ESPN „ ATP/WTA: Wimbledon, First Round, LondonBETTING LINE MLBAmerican League FAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE Houston -115 at TEXAS -105 Baltimore -115 at N.Y YANKEES -105 at MINNESOTA -175 Kansas City +150National LeagueFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE Chicago Cubs -115 at MILWAUKEE -105 Cincinnati -127 at WASHINGTON +108 St. Louis -120 at MIAMI +100 at LA DODGERS OFF Pittsburgh OFFInterleagueFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE Atlanta -145 at CLEVELAND +124 at SAN DIEGO OFF LA Angels OFF at SAN FRANCISCO OFF Seattle OFFTRANSACTIONS Major League BaseballAmerican League CHICAGO WHITE SOX „ Placed RHP Michael Kopech on the 15-day IL. Selected the contract of RHP Bryan Shaw from Charlotte (IL). Transferred INF Romy Gonzalez from the 10-day IL to the 60-day IL. HOUSTON ASTROS „ Recalled LHP Parker Mushinski from Sugar Land (PCL). Optioned RHP Ronel Blanco to Sugar Land (PCL). LOS ANGELES ANGELS „ Recalled INF Andrew Velazquez from Salt Lake (PCL). Placed INF Brandon Drury on the 10-day IL. Released INF Jake Lamb. MINNESOTA TWINS „ Placed INF Royce Lewis on the 10-day IL. Recalled INF Jose Miranda from St. Paul (IL). NEW YORK YANKEES „ Optioned LHP Matt Krook to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre (IL). OAKLAND ATHLETICS „ Reinstated LHP Richard Lovelady from the 15-day IL. Optioned LHP Kyle Muller to Las Vegas (PCL). SEATTLE MARINERS „ Claimed INF/OF Mark Mathias off waivers from Pittsburgh. National League CINCINNATTI REDS „ Reinstated RHP Derek Law from the 15-day IL. Recalled OF Stuart Fairchild from Louisville (IL). Optioned RHP Eduardo Salazar to Louisville. Designated RHP Alec Mills for assignment. COLORADO ROCKIES „ Designated SS Connor Kaiser for assignment. Selected the contract of RHP Dakota Hudson from Albuquerque (PCL). Optioned RHP Peter Lambert to Albuquerque. MIAMI MARLINS „ Selected the contract of RHP Jeff Lindgren from Jacksonville (IL). Optioned RHP George Soriano to Jacksonville. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES „ Recalled INF Darick Hall from Lehigh Valley (IL). Optioned INF Kody Clemens to Lehigh Valley. PITTSBURGH PIRATES „ Reinstated OF Bryan Reynolds from the 10-day IL. Placed INF/OF Ji Hwan Bae on the 10-day IL. Assigned RHP Wil C rowe to Bradenton (FSL) on a rehab assignment. ST. LOUIS CARDINALS „ Placed RHP Drew VerHagen on the 15-day IL. Recalled LHP JoJo Romero from Memphis (IL). SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS „ Assigned LHP Scott Alexnader to Sacramento (PCL) on a rehab assignment.National Basketball AssociationCHARLOTTE HORNETS „ Signed G Nick Smith Jr. to a rookie scale contract. DETROIT PISTONS „ Re-signed Gs Jared Rhoden and Malcolm Cazalon to two-way contracts. Signed G Ausar Thompson to a rookie scale contract. WASHINGTON WIZARDS „ Signed G Bilal Coulibaly to a rookie scale contract.National Hockey LeagueCALGARY FLAMES „ Signed D Colton Poolman to a one-year, two-way contract. Signed LW Dryden Hunt and C Martin Pospisil to one-year, two-way contracts. Signed D Jordan Oesterle to a one-year contract. COLORADO AVALANCHE „ Signed G Justus Annunen to a one-year deal. DETROIT RED WINGS „ Signed RW Christian Fischer to a one-year contract. DALLAS STARS „ Signed D Gavin Bayreuther to a one-year deal. FLORIDA PANTHERS „ Signed F Evan Rodriguez to a four-year, one-way contract. Signed Fs Alexander True and Gerry Mayhew to one-year, two-way contracts. Signed F William Lockwood to a two-year, two-way contract. LOS ANGELES KINGS Signed D Joe Hicketts to a oneyear, two-way contract. NASHVILLE PREDATORS „ Hired Mark Borowiecki as Pro Development Coach. NEW YORK RANGERS „ Signed D Mac Hollowell to a one-year contract. PITTSBURGH PIRATES „ Signed LW Radim Zohorna and G Magnus Hellberg to one-year contracts. Signed RW Marc Johnstone to a two-year contract. SAN JOSE SHARKS „ Acquired D Leon Gawanke from Winnipeg in exchange for D Artemi Kniazev. TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING „ Signed D Calvin de Haan to a one-year contract.NBA By TIM REYNOLDSAP BASKETBALL WRITERAll-NBA center Domantas Sabonis wasnÂt a free agent this summer. And he wonÂt be for the next few summers, either. Sabonis has agreed to a fouryear contract extension with the Sacramento Kings, one that will keep him signed through the 2027-28 season, a person with knowledge of the talks con“rmed Sunday. The extension includes a raise on his salary for this coming season to nearly $31 million, and his salary for the four subsequent years will average about $47 million, said the person, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the team has not announced the signing. The total value of the deal is about $217 million. ESPN “rst reported the agreement on Saturday night, and The Sacramento Bee subsequently con“rmed it as well. It was part of a big-spending start to free agency this summer: Counting free agent deals that have been struck, signings of this yearÂs rookie class and extensions, NBA teams have combined to hand out more than $3 billion in contract value since Friday night. Sabonis would have been in line to hit the free agent market in the summer of 2024, but the Kings ensured that wonÂt be happening. HeÂs a huge part of the Kings current surge; the team made the playos this past season for the “rst time since 2006 and has the entirety of its starting “ve „ Sabonis, DeÂAaron Fox, Kevin Huerter, Harrison Barnes and Keegan Murray „ coming back. Sabonis is a three-time All-Star who averaged 19.1 points and a league-high 12.3 rebounds per game this past season, earning the All-NBA nod for the “rst time. Utah was “nalizing an extension for guard Jordan Clarkson on Sunday as well, a second person told the AP on condition of anonymity because it had not been signed. It will have a total value of $55 million over the next three years, the person said; Clarkson had opted into a contract that would have paid him $14.3 million this coming season and now will average about $18.3 million over three years. Clarkson averaged a career-high 20.8 points for the Jazz this past season, and the extension will push his on-court earnings well past $100 million for his career. Also Sunday: „ Miles Bridges signed his $7.9 million qualifying oer from Charlotte for this coming season, a source told AP after the agreement was “rst reported by ESPN. Bridges missed all of this past season after he was charged with domestic violence in the summer of 2022. He eventually pleaded no contest and is serving three years of probation. The NBA gave Bridges a 30-game suspension earlier this oseason, but added that because Bridges missed the entirety of 2022-23, 20 of those games are considered already served. „ Eric Gordon agreed to a contract with the Phoenix Suns, a source told AP after the agreement was “rst reported by The Athletic. Gordon is a career 37% shooter from 3-point range, and is entering his 16th NBA season.Sabonis and Clarkson get extension deals AP FILE PHOTO/GODOFREDO A. VÃSQUEZDomantas Sabonis and the Sacramento Kings have agreed on a four-year contract extension, a person with knowledge told The Associated Press on Sunday. AP FILE PHOTO/RICK BOWMER Jordan Clarkson and the Utah Jazz have agreed on a threeyear contract extension, a person with knowledge told The Associated Press on Sunday.Djokovic said. ÂBut if you want a better future, you create it. Take the means in your hands. Believe it. Create it.ÂŽ Speaking that day about his own hopes and dreams as a 7-year-old kid, Djokovic noted two primary goals: getting to No. 1 and winning Wimbledon. HeÂs already been No. 1 for more weeks than any man or woman in the half-century of computerized rankings. Now he will try to pull even with Roger Federer by earning title No. 8 at the oldest of the four Grand Slam tennis tournaments. Djokovic is one ahead of the injured Rafael Nadal „ and three ahead of the retired Federer „ for the most singles majors won by a man, with 23. ÂThose two guys,ÂŽ said Djokovic, who faces Pedro Cachin of Argentina at Centre Court on Monday, Âwere occupying my mind for the last 15 years quite a lot.ÂŽ His 23 is the same number Serena Williams ended her career with last season; only Margaret Court, who won 24 across both the amateur and professional eras, has more. ÂGrand Slams are the goal. I donÂt know how many, but I think he has in his body a lot more,ÂŽ said DjokovicÂs coach, Goran Ivanisevic. ÂItÂs fascinating to see, because sometimes you think, ÂOK, now you have 23. But heÂs going to “nd, again, some kind of motivation to win 24, maybe 25. Who knows where is the end?ÂŽ Entering the 2011 season, the so-called Big ThreeÂs Slam standings looked like this: Federer with 16, Nadal with nine, Djokovic with one. After winning his initial major title at the 2008 Australian Open, Djokovic went through an 11-major span where four of the losses came against Federer or Nadal in a semi“nal or “nal. His self-con“dence waned a bit. ÂThatÂs where I was really doubting myself, whether I could do it or not, because you get far but then you fall on the last hurdle,ÂŽ Djokovic said. ÂThe more times you kind of fall, the more you question everything, you know what I mean?ÂŽ And yet, with the same tenacity he uses on a court „ ÂThe mental fortitude he has is unbelievable,ÂŽ was how his “rst-round opponent in Paris, Aleksandar Kovacevic, put it „ Djokovic dug in away from the court and found ways to improve. And still does that, which is part of why most consider him, and not No. 1 seed Carlos Alcaraz, the favorite as Djokovic continues to pursue the “rst calendar-year Grand Slam by a man since Rod Laver in 1969. ÂThe thing that you have to admire about him is that heÂs been very clear on what it is that he wants to achieve „ trying to get that Grand Slam record. When he put himself in a position to do that, he delivered,ÂŽ said Andy Murray, who won two of his three major titles at Wimbledon. WIMBLEDONFROM PAGE 11A The previous team with eight All-Stars was the 2012 Texas Rangers. It was the “rst time an NL club had eight picks since the 2008 Chicago Cubs. Atlanta is the “rst club with six position players since Boston in 2008. Texas has six All-Stars this year and the Dodgers “ve. Arizona rookie out“elder Corbin Carroll, a Seattle native elected to start, is the youngest All-Star at 22. Dodgers designated hitter J.D. Martinez is the oldest at 35. Twenty-six players are “rst-time All-Stars. Angels center “elder Mike Trout has the most All-Star selections with 11, making his 10th trip as a starter. Starting pitchers Zac Gallen, Kershaw and Marcus Stroman also were voted to the NL sta along with relievers Alexis DÃaz, Camilo Doval and Josh Hader. NL reserves voted in by players included catcher Will Smith, shortstop Dansby Swanson, out“elders Lourdes Gurriel Jr. and Nick Castellanos, and designated hitter Jorge Soler. MLB had six NL picks, using “ve for players on teams still without All-Stars: pitchers Josiah Gray, Mitch Keller, Justin Steele and Devin Williams along with “rst baseman Pete Alonso and catcher Elias Diaz. Starting pitchers Gerrit Cole, Nathan Eovaldi, Sonny Gray and Shane McClanahan were voted by players to the AL sta along with Ohtani. The relievers elected by fellow players were Felix Bautista, Yennier Cano and Emmanuel Clase. AL reserves elected by players included catcher Adley Rutschman, “rst baseman Vladimir Guerrero Jr., second baseman Whit Merri“eld, shortstop Bo Bichette, third baseman José RamÃrez and out“elders Yordan Alvarez, Adolis GarcÃa and Austin Hays, and designated hitter Brent Rooker. MLB used “ve of its seven AL picks for players whose teams were not already represented, selecting Luis Castillo of the host Mariners along with fellow pitchers Kevin Gausman, Kenley Jansen, Michael Lorenzen and Framber Valdez, plus catcher Salvador Perez and out“elder Luis Robert Jr. Seattle out“elder and hometown favorite Julio RodrÃguez was omitted, though AL injury replacements likely will be selected for Alvarez and Aaron Judge. RodrÃguez has already committed to participating in the Home Run Derby. Other notable players left o despite excellent numbers included Tatis, Rays shortstop Wander Franco and Diamondbacks second baseman Ketel Marte. Keller, a 27-year-old Pittsburgh right-hander, became an All-Star in his “fth season. Two years ago he was pitching for Triple-A Indianapolis at the time of the All-Star Game and last year he was demoted to the bullpen for two weeks in May. ÂThem having the most con“dence in me the last two or three years is really cool and everyone sticking with me and showing me their support and giving me their love, itÂs been awesome,ÂŽ Keller said of his Pirates teammates.ALLSTARFROM PAGE 11AThey are done with Kings and Jazz, sources tell APsome extra swings before SundayÂs game to simulate the event and hit 18 homers in three minutes. TRAINERÂS ROOM HernándezÂs soft grounder to third base led to a violent collision between Paredes and France that left both players on the ground brie”y in the third. France remained in the game and later scored, but Paredes exited and was replaced by Taylor Walls. Cash said Parades appears to be “ne, with no signi“cant injures. France was originally called out for interference, but umpires quickly overturned the call because the ball had rolled past him before the collision. Seattle scored three more runs in the inning to cut its de“cit to 6-5. ÂThey got the call right. Big call in the game,ÂŽ Servais said. ROSTER MOVES Seattle claimed INF/ OF Mark Mathias o the waivers from Pittsburgh. He was designated for assignment by the Pirates on June 25. Mathias, who will report to Triple-A Tacoma, has played in 22 games this season batting .231 with “ve runs, four RBIs and 10 walks. UP NEXT Rays: After an o day, RHP Zach E”in (9-3, 3.29 ERA) takes the mound Tuesday against Philadelphia. Mariners: Rookie RHP Bryan Woo (1-1, 4.37) faces the visiting San Francisco Giants on Monday.RAYSFROM PAGE 11A
PAGE 13 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 PAGE 13ARACING CYCLING By DAVE SKRETTAAP SPORTS WRITERAlex Palou refused to acknowledge his dominance of IndyCar in the days leading up to SundayÂs race at Mid-Ohio. He found it hard to stick with that refrain after a third straight win. Palou executed perfect strategy with a fast car to beat Chip Ganassi Racing teammate Scott Dixon by a wide margin, giving him four wins in his last “ve races and a massive lead in points as he chases a second title in three seasons. Palou began his dominating run on the road course at Indianapolis, and he captured the pole in the Indy 500 and was in contention there until an issue on pit road led to a fourth-place “nish. He followed with wins on the streets of Detroit and at Road America before giving the Ganassi team its record-tying 12th win at Mid-Ohio. ÂI think maybe weÂre starting to honestly,ÂŽ Palou said of his dominance. ÂBut itÂs really tight. ItÂs about putting everything together. WeÂve been able to do this quite often this year. Hopefully weÂll be able to keep it together. We havenÂt been fastest in practice or qualifying, but we have been in the races and thatÂs where it matters.ÂŽ Dixon, the last driver to win three straight IndyCar races, “nished second to move into second in the title chase „ albeit 110 points back. Will Power was surprised to “nish third because he lost track of where he was in the running order, while Christian Lundgaard “nished fourth and Scott McLaughlin rounded out the top “ve. ÂSecond place is great, but unfortunately the man weÂre chasing “nished “rst,ÂŽ said Dixon, the six-time series champion who opened the 2020 season with three straight wins. ÂBut huge congrats to Alex and the 10 crew. TheyÂre doing a hell of a job this year.ÂŽ PalouÂs stiest competition at the road course in Lexington, Ohio, came from pole sitter Colton Herta, who led after a yellow ”ag on the opening lap through the “rst round of pit stops in a race that otherwise went green the rest of the way. Herta had trouble on his “nal stop, though, crossing himself up on entry. It appeared as if he tried to push the button for speed control and it failed to engage, but regardless, the pass-through penalty took him out of contention. He “nished 11th. Graham Rahal, who started alongside Herta on the front row, has struggled this season but was poised to have a big day for Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing. Then he also had a problem during a pit stop, where his left rear did not get on cleanly, and that cost him several seconds and ultimately relegated him to a seventh-place “nish. ÂWe win as a team, we lose as a team. I thought the car should have been further forward today, but itÂs a quick reminder we have to be better in every phase of the program,ÂŽ said Rahal, who won at Mid-Ohio in 2015 and considers it his home track. OÂWARDÂS BIG RUN Pato OÂWard was the biggest charger during a race that nearly went green-to-checkers. He spun in qualifying and had to start 25th, but his Arrow McLaren car picked its way through the “eld and wound up “nishing eighth. ÂWe didnÂt get help from anybody „ no yellows, no nothing,ÂŽ OÂWard said, Âand I kind of saw the leaders were struggling with the lappers a bit. I was like: ÂDude, itÂs not your day. Get out of the way. That has to be looked at by IndyCar.ÂŽ ABOUT THAT TRAFFIC Several drivers took umbrage with rookie Benjamin Pedersen, who was not on the lead lap but refused to allow anybody to get around him cleanly. That included McLaughlin and Alexander Rossi, who wasted valuable time trapped behind him. ÂYeah, I just said heÂs not going to make any friends if he holds people up,ÂŽ said McLaughlin, who had words with Pedersen on pit road afterward. ÂHe isnÂt even in our race. HeÂs in a race of his own. But it is what it is.ÂŽPalou wins 3rd straight IndyCar race at Mid-Ohio ASSOCIATED PRESSSAN SEBASTIAN, Spain „ It took a late breakaway by Victor Lafay for French team Co“dis to end its 15-year winless streak at the Tour de France. Co“dis won the second stage on Sunday after Lafay moved to the front and held o a late charge by the favorites to clinch the victory, with Adam Yates keeping the overall lead after the opening two stages in northern Spain. Co“dis hadnÂt won in the Tour since Sylvain Chavanel triumphed in the 19th stage of the 2008 edition. ÂItÂs a relief for Co“dis to “nally get a stage win,ÂŽ Lafay said. ÂIÂve been hearing about this for “ve years since I joined the team. IÂm happy to free the team from this burden. WeÂll keep going. We want more.ÂŽ The French rider took the lead within the “nal kilometer (0.6 miles) and held on for victory in what was the TourÂs longest stage this year. The peloton came charging at the end but couldnÂt catch up with him ahead of the “nish line. ÂWhen I attacked, I didnÂt even evaluate if it was going to work or not,ÂŽ said Lafay, whose only other victory at a Grand Tour race had come in the 2021 Giro dÂItalia. ÂThen I was seeing the “nishing line getting closer and my power getting lower in numbers but it has worked out. ItÂs crazy.ÂŽ The 27-year-old Lafay maintained the tradition of French stage wins in San Sebastian after Louis Caput in 1949 and Dominique Arnould in 1992. Wout van Aert of JumboVisma was second and Tadej Pogacar third at the “nish line in the Basque Country city of San Sebastian after a hilly stage of more than 200 kilometers (124 miles). Yates, the winner of the opening stage on Saturday, “nished close behind to retain the overall leaderÂs yellow Jersey. He was six seconds ahead of race-favorite Pogacar and his twin brother Simon Yates, who was second on Saturday. ÂItÂs not easy to defend this jersey,ÂŽ Adam Yates said. ÂThe next two days are easier on paper, yet this is the Tour de France and every day is super hard and super technical. WeÂll see what happens.ÂŽ Defending champion Jonas Vingegaard recovered after being involved in a minor crash in the peloton earlier in the stage. He dropped to sixth overall. American Neilson Powless of team EF Education-EasyPost retained the red polka dot jersey for best climber. The winner of the San Sebastian Classic in 2021, Powless was among the three-man break that moved to the front early on, and eventually took the solo lead before the peloton caught up and dropped him with about 12 miles to go. He was 49th overall, nearly 10 minutes o the lead. The 110th edition of cyclingÂs biggest race is taking place amid continued unrest in France after a “fth night of riots triggered by the deadly shooting of a 17-year-old by police.Lafay gives French team 1st Tour de France win in 15 years AP PHOTO/DANIEL COLE FranceÂs Victor Lafay crosses the nish line to win the second stage of the Tour de France cycling race over 130 miles with start in Vitoria Gasteiz and nish in San Sebastian, Spain. ASSOCIATED PRESSSTEVENS POINT, Wis. „ Bernhard Langer won the U.S. Senior Open on Sunday at SentryWorld to break the PGA Tour Champions career victory record. Pushing his record as the oldest winner on the 50-and-over tour to 65 years, 10 months, 5 days, the German star broke a tie with Hale Irwin for the victory mark with No. 46. ÂI have my mother thatÂs going to be 100 on August 4th, so I think I have good genes,ÂŽ Langer said. ÂHopefully, IÂll be around a few more years.ÂŽ Seven strokes ahead on the back nine, Langer bogeyed the “nal three holes for 1-under 70 and a two-stroke victory over home-state favorite Steve Stricker on the treelined course with thick rough. ÂNever thought it would happen at a U.S. Senior Open, but IÂm very thrilled that the record of 46 wins happened this week,ÂŽ Langer said. ÂItÂs certainly one of the greatest tournaments we ever compete in, and to beat this “eld, where everybody was here, especially Stricker and (Jerry) Kelly on their home grounds, is a very special feeling.ÂŽ Langer “nished at 7-under 277, with only eight players breaking par for the week. He shattered the tournament age record set by Allen Doyle in 2006 at Prairie Dunes at 57 years, 11 months, 14 days. ÂThere are a lot more aches and pains than 10 years ago,ÂŽ Langer said. ÂI still enjoy the game. If I play like I did this week, IÂm going to keep playing. There have been the odd week when I thought, ÂWhat were you doing out here? Go home and play with the grandkids.ÂÂŽ The two-time Masters champion has a record 13 victories since turning 60 and holds the top “ve spots on the oldestwinners list. He has multiple victories in 11 straight seasons and 14 overall. Also the 2010 U.S. Senior Open winner at Sahalee outside Seattle, Langer extended his record for senior major victories to 12. He won the Chubb Classic in Florida in February to tie Irwin. Stricker „ from Madison, 100 miles to the south „ birdied three of the last “ve holes for a 69. ÂIt gives all of us hope, I guess, that are out here still playing that we can continue to play as good as heÂs played for such a long time,ÂŽ Stricker said about Langer. ÂItÂs really impressive. I knew he wasnÂt going to back o today.ÂŽ Stricker won the “rst two senior majors of the year and took his hometown Madison event three weeks ago for his fourth Champions victory of the season. ÂIt seemed like I had a poor nine holes in there every day, and that just ended up costing me the tournament,ÂŽ Stricker said. Kelly, also from Madison, was third at 4 under after a 71. ÂI was way too amped up,ÂŽ Kelly said. ÂI was trying to be settled and calm, but I was talking more than I have all week. I was moving a little bit faster than I have all week.ÂŽ65-year-old Langer wins the Senior Open to break Champions recordGOLFapproach and instead of having the ball spin back to the hole, it bounced into the rough. ÂI truly thought I hit the perfect shot,ÂŽ Morikawa said. ÂIt just was a little juiced, went a little far and just didnÂt have the putter in the hand. Not that the chip wasnÂt possible, but would have been nice to have the putter in the hand.ÂŽ Hadwin missed a 22-foot putt and Morikawa his chip, opening the door for Fowler to close out the tournament before thunderstorms rolled over Detroit. ÂI knew it was just a matter of time with how IÂve been playing,ÂŽ said Fowler, who has eight top10 “nishes this season. Even though Morikawa was disappointed in coming up short on a victory he has been shooting for since winning the 2021 British Open, he was happy for Fowler. ÂHeÂs been playing phenomenal golf, itÂs great to see,ÂŽ he said. ÂPeople love him.ÂŽ MorikawaÂs 8-under round put him one shot back from the course record of 63. Hadwin shot a 67 and Fowler a 68. Fowler had a share of the 54-hole lead last month at Los Angeles Country Club with an opportunity to win his “rst major and was at least a co-leader after three rounds in one tournament in each of the previous two years. Before his breakthrough in Detroit, he had won just two of the 10 times he was the third-round leader or co-leader. The 34-year-old Fowler physically and mentally did what was needed to earn his sixth PGA Tour victory and his “rst since winning the 2019 Waste Management Phoenix Open. The fan favorite Fowler, a longtime ambassador for Rocket Mortgage, was cheered with chants of ÂRick-ie! Rick-ie!ÂŽ as clusters of people gathered around the 18th green hoping he would win it. While Fowler faltered, going 10 straight holes settling for pars on a relatively easy course, Morikawa had four birdies on both the front and back nine. CLASSICFROM PAGE 11ALANGER By JAY COHENAP SPORTS WRITERCHICAGO „ Shane van Gisbergen won his NASCAR Cup Series debut on a rainy Sunday in downtown Chicago, chasing down Justin Haley and Chase Elliott in a memorable “nish to the series “rst street race. After passing Elliott, van Gisbergen dueled with Haley in the “nal laps before the three-time Supercars champion moved in front for good. Haley held on for second, and Elliott was third. The 34-year-old van Gisbergen, a New Zealand native, became the “rst driver to win his Cup Series debut since Johnny Rutherford in the second qualifying race at Daytona in 1963. ÂThis was so cool,ÂŽ van Gisbergen said. ÂThis is what you dream of.ÂŽ Van Gisbergen got a chance to drive the No. 91 Chevrolet in Chicago as part of Trackhouse RacingÂs Project 91. The goal for the team is expanding its global reach. When van Gisbergen was credited with leading Lap 25, it was the “rst lap led for Project 91 in three starts. He became the sixth driver born outside the United States to win a NASCAR Cup Series race, joining Marcos Ambrose, Mario Andretti, J uan Pab lo Montoya, Earl Ross and Daniel Suárez. Van Gisbergen won his “rst Supercars championship in 2016 and added two more the past two years. He was helped in his NASCAR debut by Darian Grubb, who was the crew chief for Tony Stewart when he won the Cup Series championship in 2011. The race was scheduled for 100 laps and 220 miles, but it was shortened because of fading sunlight after the start was delayed for more 90 minutes because of a historic rainfall that ”ooded the course. The last half of the X“nity Race, set to resume after it was suspended Saturday because of lightning, was canceled. Right before the scheduled start, as the rain persisted, pole-sitter Denny Hamlin took to Twitter to lobby for a delay, and Noah Gragson posted video of one of his tires ”oating on pit road. NASCAR then decided to allow the drivers to return to their haulers. The weather eventually cleared up, but there were puddles on the course when the race began. Even as it started to dry out „ and teams started breaking out their slick tires „ water splashed everywhere whenever a driver slid into a tire barrier. Gragson, Kyle Busch and Joey Logano all visited the rows of tires in Turn 6. Hamlin and Elliott got into the tire pack in Turn 2. Ricky Stenhouse Jr. was hit by Bubba Wallace and got stuck in the tire barrier in Turn 1 late in the race.van Gisbergen wins NASCAR Cup Series in series 1st street race
PAGE 14A MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 The Daily Sun | SEATTLE 7, TAMPA BAY 6Tampa Bay AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Lowe rf 5 1 1 0 0 3 .285 Franco ss 3 0 0 1 0 1 .283 Arozarena lf 4 2 2 1 0 0 .287 Raley 1b 3 1 1 2 1 2 .281 RamÃrez dh 4 0 1 0 0 1 .289 Paredes 3b 2 1 2 2 0 0 .267 Walls 3b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .213 MejÃa c 4 0 0 0 0 0 .217 Margot cf 4 0 1 0 0 2 .260 Bruján 2b 3 1 0 0 0 0 .204 a-DÃaz ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .318 Totals 35 6 8 6 1 10 Seattle AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Crawford ss 4 0 1 0 1 1 .246 RodrÃguez cf 5 1 2 0 0 1 .246 France 1b 5 1 1 1 0 0 .267 Hernández rf 4 2 1 0 1 1 .254 Kelenic lf 4 1 1 1 0 2 .252 Suárez 3b 3 1 1 1 0 1 .222 Ford dh 4 0 1 2 0 0 .217 Murphy c 2 1 2 1 2 0 .281 Caballero 2b 2 0 0 1 1 2 .239 Totals 33 7 10 7 5 8 Tampa Bay 114 000 000_6 8 0 Seattle 014 001 10x_7 10 2 a-struck out for Bruján in the 9th. E_Caballero (4), Suárez (5). LOB_Tampa Bay 4, Seattle 9. 2B_Raley (14), Margot (13), Crawford (16), RodrÃguez (15), France (22), Kelenic (19). HR_Arozarena (16), off Castillo; Paredes (14), off Castillo; Suárez (9), off Bradley; Murphy (5), off Poche. RBIs_Arozarena (58), Paredes 2 (53), Franco (42), Raley 2 (35), Suárez (49), France (36), Kelenic (37), Ford 2 (12), Murphy (10), Caballero (19). SB_RodrÃguez (19). CS_RodrÃguez (5). SF_Franco. Runners left in scoring position_Tampa Bay 2 (Bruján, Margot); Seattle 5 (France, Hernández, Crawford 2, Caballero). RISP_Tampa Bay 3 for 6; Seattle 4 for 13. Runners moved up_MejÃa, Ford. LIDP_Arozarena. DP_Seattle 1 (Hernández, France, Hernández). Tampa Bay IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Bradley 3 1/3 9 5 5 1 3 73 5.11 Kelly 1 2/3 0 0 0 0 1 23 2.79 Poche, BS, 1-5 1/3 1 1 1 2 0 16 2.32 Armstrong 2/3 0 0 0 0 0 7 1.15 Adam, L, 2-2 1 0 1 1 2 2 27 3.06 Littell 1 0 0 0 0 2 10 4.38 Seattle IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Castillo 6 8 6 5 0 6 95 3.14 Muñoz, W, 1-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 16 2.77 Brash, H, 7 1 0 0 0 1 1 24 3.63 Sewald, S, 16-19 1 0 0 0 0 2 11 2.62 Inherited runners-scored_Kelly 1-0, Armstrong 2-0. HBP_Adam 2 (Suárez,Caballero). T_2:42. A_36,541 (47,929).ATLANTA 6, MIAMI 3Miami AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Arraez 2b 4 0 2 2 0 0 .389 Soler rf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .241 Chisholm Jr. dh 3 0 1 0 0 2 .246 a-Gurriel ph-dh 1 0 0 0 0 0 .267 Cooper 1b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .246 Sánchez lf 3 0 1 0 0 2 .247 b-De La Cruz ph-lf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .276 Wendle ss 4 1 0 0 0 2 .273 Segura 3b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .199 Davis cf 4 2 1 1 0 1 .259 Stallings c 2 0 1 0 1 0 .190 1-Fortes pr-c 1 0 0 0 0 0 .216 Totals 35 3 8 3 1 12 Atlanta AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Acuña Jr. rf 3 1 2 0 1 1 .336 Albies 2b 4 1 1 2 0 0 .259 Riley 3b 4 0 0 0 0 4 .270 Olson 1b 4 1 2 0 0 1 .252 dÂArnaud c 3 1 1 2 1 1 .279 Ozuna dh 4 0 1 0 0 0 .251 Rosario lf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .263 c-Pillar ph-lf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .255 Arcia ss 4 1 1 1 0 1 .296 Harris II cf 3 1 1 0 0 2 .263 Totals 33 6 9 5 2 10 Miami 020 000 100_3 8 1 Atlanta 010 030 02x_6 9 1 a-grounded out for Chisholm Jr. in the 8th. b-struck out for Sánchez in the 8th. c-lined out for Rosario in the 8th. 1-ran for Stallings in the 7th. E_Stallings (3), Albies (3). LOB_Miami 6, Atlanta 5. 2B_Arraez (17), Acuña Jr. (24), Olson (16). HR_Arcia (7), off Alcantara; Albies (20), off Alcantara; dÂArnaud (7), off Nardi. RBIs_Davis (10), Arraez 2 (41), Arcia (28), Albies 2 (59), dÂArnaud 2 (21). SB_Acuña Jr. 2 (39). Runners left in scoring position_Miami 3 (Soler 3); Atlanta 3 (Albies, Ozuna 2). RISP_Miami 2 for 5; Atlanta 2 for 6. Miami IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Alcantara, L, 3-7 5 5 4 4 2 6 93 4.93 Chargois 1 0 0 0 0 1 12 3.54 Floro 1 1 0 0 0 1 12 4.13 Nardi 1 3 2 2 0 2 20 2.97 Atlanta IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Strider, W, 10-2 6 2/3 6 3 2 1 9 109 3.66 Minter, H, 9 2/3 2 0 0 0 1 15 5.17 Heller, H, 2 2/3 0 0 0 0 1 8 2.57 Iglesias, S, 14-16 1 0 0 0 0 1 11 4.18 Inherited runners-scored_Minter 2-1, Heller 1-0. WP_Alcantara. T_2:32. A_40,932 (41,149).BOSTON 5, TORONTO 4Boston AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Duran cf 5 3 5 0 0 0 .305 Turner dh 4 1 1 1 1 2 .277 Verdugo rf 5 1 1 1 0 0 .295 Devers 3b 3 0 3 2 2 0 .256 Refsnyder lf 5 0 2 0 0 2 .270 Casas 1b 5 0 0 0 0 3 .226 Hernández 2b 5 0 0 0 0 3 .225 D.Hamilton ss 3 0 0 0 1 2 .143 Wong c 4 0 0 0 0 3 .218 Totals 39 5 12 4 4 15 Toronto AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Springer rf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .270 Bichette ss 4 0 1 2 0 2 .317 Belt dh 4 2 2 2 0 1 .257 Guerrero Jr. 1b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .274 Chapman 3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .262 Varsho lf 2 0 0 0 1 1 .224 a-Espinal ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .221 Merrifield 2b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .282 Kirk c 3 0 1 0 0 0 .253 1-Clement pr 0 0 0 0 0 0 .429 D.Jansen c 0 0 0 0 0 0 .214 Kiermaier cf 3 1 1 0 0 1 .272 Totals 32 4 6 4 2 9 Boston 101 000 201_5 12 0 Toronto 102 001 000_4 6 1 a-lined out for Varsho in the 9th. 1-ran for Kirk in the 7th. E_Guerrero Jr. (5). LOB_Boston 11, Toronto 3. 2B_Duran 4 (25). HR_Verdugo (6), off Romano; Belt (5), off Whitlock; Belt (6), off Pivetta. RBIs_Devers 2 (66), Turner (46), Verdugo (34), Belt 2 (20), Bichette 2 (51). SB_Springer (13), Kiermaier (9), Refsnyder (6), Guerrero Jr. (4), Devers (1). Runners left in scoring position_Boston 6 (Refsnyder, Verdugo, Hernández 2, Wong 2); Toronto 1 (Varsho). RISP_Boston 3 for 17; Toronto 1 for 3. Runners moved up_Verdugo. Boston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Whitlock 1 1 1 1 0 1 18 5.23 Bernardino 1 1/3 1 1 1 0 1 19 2.49 Ort, BS, 0-1 2/3 2 1 1 0 1 9 5.64 Pivetta 4 2 1 1 2 6 67 4.92 Martin, W, 2-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 1.73 Jacques, S, 1-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 4.70 Toronto IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Gausman 5 5 2 2 1 7 98 3.04 Mayza, H, 10 1/3 2 0 0 0 1 10 1.27 GarcÃa, H, 9 2/3 0 0 0 1 2 18 4.93 Swanson, BS, 1-2 1 3 2 2 1 1 24 3.35 Richards 1 1 0 0 0 3 17 3.29 Romano, L, 3-4 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 3.12 Inherited runners-scored_Ort 1-1, GarcÃa 2-0. T_2:59. A_41,455 (49,282).BALTIMORE 2, MINNESOTA 1Minnesota AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Correa ss 4 0 1 0 0 0 .218 Solano 1b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .265 b-Kepler ph-rf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .209 Buxton dh 3 1 1 0 1 0 .210 Farmer 2b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .248 Castro lf-3b 3 0 1 1 1 1 .250 Jeffers c 4 0 1 0 0 1 .254 Miranda 3b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .216 a-Gallo ph-lf 2 0 0 0 0 1 .193 Taylor cf 3 0 1 0 0 0 .212 d-Julien ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .250 Kirilloff rf-1b 2 0 0 0 1 1 .268 Totals 32 1 6 1 3 6 Baltimore AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Henderson 3b 2 0 0 0 1 2 .239 Rutschman dh 4 1 1 0 0 2 .268 Santander rf 3 1 1 0 1 0 .265 Hays lf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .312 Hicks lf 3 0 1 1 0 1 .263 Mullins cf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .248 UrÃas 1b 3 0 1 0 0 1 .257 c-OÂHearn ph-1b 0 0 0 0 1 0 .289 Westburg 2b 3 0 0 1 0 0 .263 Mateo ss 3 0 0 0 1 1 .217 Bemboom c 3 0 1 0 0 1 .182 Totals 29 2 5 2 4 10 Minnesota 000 010 000_1 6 0 Baltimore 000 000 02x_2 5 0 a-flied out for Miranda in the 6th. b-struck out for Solano in the 7th. c-intentionally walked for UrÃas in the 8th. d-struck out for Taylor in the 9th. LOB_Minnesota 8, Baltimore 9. 2B_Taylor (11), Castro (9), UrÃas (14). RBIs_Castro (16), Hicks (12), Westburg (3). SB_Santander (2). Runners left in scoring position_Minnesota 4 (Jeffers 3, Correa); Baltimore 6 (UrÃas, Mateo 2, Rutschman 3). RISP_Minnesota 1 for 4; Baltimore 1 for 8. Runners moved up_Mullins. GIDP_Miranda. DP_Baltimore 1 (Henderson, Westburg, UrÃas). Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Gray 6 2 0 0 3 7 87 2.50 Jax, H, 12 1 0 0 0 0 1 14 3.00 Duran, L, 2/3, BS, 12-15 2/3 3 2 2 1 1 34 1.93 Pagán 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 6 3.89 Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Irvin 5 6 1 1 3 1 82 6.32 Baker 2 0 0 0 0 1 27 3.93 Pérez, W, 2-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 15 4.45 Bautista, S, 22-27 1 0 0 0 0 3 14 1.16 Inherited runners-scored_Pagán 3-0. IBB_off Duran (OÂHearn). HBP_Irvin (Kirilloff), Gray (Henderson), Duran (Westburg). WP_Irvin. T_2:40. A_16,299 (45,971).ST. LOUIS 5, N.Y. YANKEES 1New York AB R H BI BB SO Avg. LeMahieu 3b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .225 Torres 2b 4 0 1 0 0 3 .248 Stanton dh 3 0 0 0 1 0 .195 Bader cf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .254 Kiner-Falefa rf 3 1 0 0 1 1 .256 Volpe ss 3 0 1 0 0 1 .221 Bauers 1b 3 0 1 1 1 1 .227 Trevino c 2 0 0 0 0 0 .210 a-McKinney ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .250 Higashioka c 1 0 0 0 0 0 .213 O.Cabrera lf 1 0 0 0 2 0 .205 Totals 29 1 3 1 5 9 St. Louis AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Donovan dh 4 1 3 2 0 0 .280 Nootbaar cf-lf 2 0 0 0 1 0 .255 Goldschmidt 1b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .286 Arenado 3b 4 1 2 0 0 0 .278 Burleson rf-lf 3 1 1 0 0 1 .223 DeJong ss 0 0 0 0 0 0 .231 Walker lf 3 0 1 1 0 1 .301 Carlson rf 1 1 1 0 0 0 .245 Gorman 2b 3 0 0 0 1 2 .232 Knizner c 4 0 1 1 0 2 .222 Edman ss-cf 4 1 2 0 0 0 .242 Totals 32 5 11 4 2 7 New York 000 000 100_1 3 2 St. Louis 000 200 21x_5 11 0 a-struck out for Trevino in the 7th. E_Trevino (3), Higashioka (7). LOB_New York 7, St. Louis 8. 2B_Torres (12), Bauers (11), Arenado (13). HR_Donovan (9), off Cordero. RBIs_Bauers (19), Walker (22), Knizner (15), Donovan 2 (26). SB_Kiner-Falefa (9), Torres (7). CS_Donovan (1). S_Volpe, Nootbaar. Runners left in scoring position_New York 4 (McKinney, Bauers, Higashioka, Stanton); St. Louis 2 (Goldschmidt, Arenado). RISP_New York 1 for 6; St. Louis 3 for 10. GIDP_Kiner-Falefa, Edman. DP_New York 1 (Volpe, Bauers); St. Louis 1 (Edman, Gorman, Goldschmidt). N ew York IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Cole, L, 8-2 6 6 2 2 2 5 98 2.79 Cordero 2 5 3 3 0 2 42 3.86 St. Louis IP H R ER BB SO NP ER A Montgomery, W, 6-7 6 2/3 2 1 0 3 6 96 3.28 Gallegos, H, 10 1 1/3 0 0 0 1 3 18 4.64 Hicks 1 1 0 0 1 0 20 3.93 Inherited runners-scored_Gallegos 1-0. HBP_Cole (Donovan). WP_Cordero. PB_Knizner (2). T_2:37. A_44,676 (44,494).CLEVELAND 8, CHICAGO CUBS 6Cleveland AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Giménez 2b 4 3 2 2 0 0 .246 Rosario ss 5 2 2 2 0 1 .259 RamÃrez 3b 5 0 0 0 0 1 .293 J.Naylor 1b 5 1 3 2 0 1 .301 1-Arias pr-1b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .189 Bell dh 5 0 1 1 0 1 .228 Brennan rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .273 Fry lf 4 0 0 1 0 3 .270 Kwan lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .261 Straw cf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .239 Gallagher c 4 1 1 0 0 1 .143 Totals 40 8 11 8 0 9 Chicago AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Tauchman lf 5 1 1 1 0 0 .259 Hoerner 2b 4 1 1 0 0 0 .286 Morel 3b 5 1 3 3 0 0 .279 Bellinger cf 4 0 1 1 0 0 .276 Suzuki rf 4 0 0 0 1 2 .246 Swanson ss 5 0 0 0 0 1 .256 Young 1b 2 1 0 0 2 1 .308 a-Amaya ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .271 Gomes c 4 1 1 0 0 0 .265 Mancini dh 4 1 2 1 0 1 .241 Totals 38 6 9 6 3 6 Cleveland 002 130 000 2_8 11 1 Chicago 000 010 014 0_6 9 1 a-struck out for Young in the 10th. 1-ran for J.Naylor in the 10th. E_RamÃrez (6), Young (1). LOB_Cleveland 4, Chicago 9. 2B_Giménez (12). HR_Giménez (6), off Taillon; Morel (15), off Stephan. RBIs_Giménez 2 (31), Fry (5), Rosario 2 (26), Bell (38), J.Naylor 2 (60), Tauchman (17), Morel 3 (37), Mancini (25), Bellinger (23). SB_Giménez (10), Fry (1). CS_Arias (3). SF_Bellinger. Runners left in scoring position_Cleveland 4 (Brennan, Fry, Straw, J.Naylor); Chicago 5 (Swanson, Morel, Bellinger, Gomes, Mancini). RISP_Cleveland 3 for 12; Chicago 3 for 12. Runners moved up_Bell, Brennan, RamÃrez, Tauchman. GIDP_Brennan. DP_Chicago 1 (Hoerner, Swanson, Young). Cleveland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Civale 6 3 1 1 1 2 94 2.96 De Los Santos 1 0 0 0 0 2 15 2.65 Stephan 1 2 1 1 1 0 27 2.75 Clase 1 4 4 4 1 0 26 3.40 Hentges, W, 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 2 14 2.91 Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Taillon 5 7 6 5 0 6 95 7.07 Rucker 1 0 0 0 0 1 12 4.18 Kay 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 1.59 Wesneski 2 2 0 0 0 1 19 4.75 Alzolay, L, 1-4 1 2 2 1 0 1 24 2.06 HBP_Taillon (Giménez), Civale 2 (Hoerner,Gomes). PB_Gallagher 3(3). T_2:58. A_38,392 (41,363).MILWAUKEE 6, PITTSBURGH 3Milwaukee AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Monasterio dh 4 1 2 1 1 1 .255 W.Contreras c 5 1 2 3 0 1 .247 Adames ss 5 0 1 0 0 1 .203 Miller 1b 5 0 0 0 0 3 .286 Perkins lf 2 1 0 0 2 1 .254 Anderson 3b 4 1 2 0 0 1 .227 Turang 2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .202 Wiemer cf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .209 Tapia rf 2 1 0 0 0 2 .154 Totals 35 6 8 4 3 11 Pittsburgh AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Suwinski cf 2 0 1 0 1 0 .231 a-Joe ph-rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .236 Reynolds lf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .275 McCutchen dh 4 0 0 0 0 1 .278 Santana 1b 4 1 1 0 0 0 .245 Palacios rf-cf 4 1 2 1 0 0 .250 Gonzales 2b 4 1 2 2 0 0 .222 Marcano ss 4 0 0 0 0 0 .235 Triolo 3b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .235 Hedges c 2 0 1 0 0 1 .173 b-Davis ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .304 Totals 34 3 7 3 1 4 Milwaukee 003 000 021_6 8 1 Pittsburgh 020 000 010_3 7 2 a-flied out for Suwinski in the 7th. b-flied out for Hedges in the 9th. E_Anderson (3), Triolo (1), Borucki (1). LOB_Milwaukee 7, Pittsburgh 6. 2B_Adames (11), Monasterio (3), Suwinski (9), Palacios 2 (6). HR_W.Contreras (9), off Hill; Gonzales (2), off Rea. RBIs_W.Contreras 3 (29), Monasterio (5), Gonzales 2 (7), Palacios (11). S_Tapia, Hedges. Runners left in scoring position_Milwaukee 3 (Miller 3); Pittsburgh 4 (McCutchen 2, Santana, Gonzales). RISP_Milwaukee 3 for 7; Pittsburgh 1 for 7. Runners moved up_Reynolds 2. Milwaukee IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Rea, W, 5-4 6 2/3 5 2 2 1 3 89 4.40 Milner, H, 9 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2.53 Peguero, H, 9 1 2 1 1 0 0 20 2.90 Williams, S, 17-18 1 0 0 0 0 1 9 1.52 Pittsburgh IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Hill, L, 7-8 5 3 3 3 2 8 102 4.50 Perdomo 1 2/3 1 0 0 0 2 23 2.77 Mlodzinski 1 1 2 0 1 0 20 2.89 Borucki 2/3 2 1 1 0 0 8 9.82 Moreta 2/3 1 0 0 0 1 6 3.79 Inherited runners-scored_Milner 1-0, Mlodzinski 1-0, Borucki 2-2, Moreta 1-0. HBP_Hill (Tapia). T_2:39. A_21,884 (38,753).WASHINGTON 5, PHILADELPHIA 4Washington AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Thomas rf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .299 Candelario 3b 3 2 1 1 1 1 .264 Meneses dh 3 1 1 0 1 2 .284 Garrett lf 4 1 2 4 0 0 .275 Smith 1b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .264 Vargas ss 3 0 1 0 1 0 .289 Chavis 2b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .255 Adams c 4 0 0 0 0 0 .266 Hill cf 3 1 1 0 0 0 .146 Totals 32 5 8 5 3 6 Philadelphia AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Schwarber lf 5 1 1 0 0 0 .188 Turner ss 5 0 0 0 0 2 .249 Castellanos rf 5 1 2 2 0 0 .316 Harper dh 2 1 2 0 2 0 .293 Realmuto c 3 1 1 2 1 0 .244 Stott 2b 3 0 1 0 1 0 .294 Bohm 3b-1b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .277 Hall 1b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .227 1-Sosa pr-3b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .243 Marsh cf 4 0 2 0 0 1 .279 Totals 34 4 10 4 5 3 Washington 004 010 000_5 8 0 Philadelphia 300 000 100_4 10 1 1-ran for Hall in the 8th. E_Marsh (4). LOB_Washington 3, Philadelphia 8. 2B_Vargas (5), Marsh (15), Stott (13), Schwarber (10), Castellanos (26). HR_Garrett (5), off Suárez; Candelario (11), off Suárez; Castellanos (12), off Williams; Realmuto (9), off Williams. RBIs_Garrett 4 (23), Candelario (39), Castellanos 2 (54), Realmuto 2 (32). Runners left in scoring position_Washington 1 (Chavis); Philadelphia 3 (Stott, Schwarber, Marsh). RISP_Washington 1 for 4; Philadelphia 1 for 8. Runners moved up_Hall. GIDP_Smith, Adams, Garrett, Hall, Marsh, Realmuto. DP_Washington 3 (Chavis, Vargas, Smith; Vargas, Chavis, Smith; Chavis, Vargas, Smith); Philadelphia 3 (Turner, Hall; Stott, Hall; Bohm, Stott, Hall). Washington IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Williams, W, 5-4 5 6 3 3 2 1 80 4.34 Ferrer, H, 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 13 0.00 Thompson, H, 8 1/3 2 1 1 0 1 10 3.86 Finnegan, H, 7 1 2/3 1 0 0 2 0 22 3.34 Harvey, S, 8-13 1 0 0 0 0 0 13 3.16 P hiladelphia IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Suárez, L, 2/3 5 1/3 7 5 5 3 5 93 3.67 Marte 1 2/3 0 0 0 0 0 12 5.48 Alvarado 1 1 0 0 0 0 13 1.48 Kimbrel 1 0 0 0 0 1 15 3.71 Inherited runners-scored_Finnegan 1-0, Marte 2-0. T_2:31. A_41,531 (42,901).DETROIT 14, COLORADO 9Detroit AB R H BI BB SO Avg. McKinstry dh 5 2 2 0 0 0 .251 Torkelson 1b 3 3 2 2 2 0 .228 Ibáñez 2b-3b 5 1 1 0 0 2 .237 Carpenter rf 3 2 2 3 0 0 .268 a-Haase ph-lf 2 0 0 0 0 0 .217 Báez ss 5 1 1 4 0 0 .223 Vierling lf-rf 5 1 2 0 0 0 .275 Nevin 3b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .128 Short 2b 1 1 0 0 1 0 .224 Rogers c 3 2 1 1 1 1 .203 Marisnick cf 4 1 1 4 0 1 .217 Totals 39 14 12 14 4 5 Colorado AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Profar dh 4 1 2 1 1 0 .245 Tovar ss 4 0 1 1 0 2 .269 McMahon 3b 5 1 1 2 0 1 .263 DÃaz c 5 0 1 0 0 1 .284 Bryant rf 5 1 2 0 0 1 .260 Grichuk lf 4 2 2 1 0 1 .293 Castro 2b 3 2 3 0 0 0 .281 b-Cron ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .240 Montes 2b 1 0 0 0 0 1 .184 Montero 1b 4 0 1 2 0 2 .198 Doyle cf 1 2 1 2 0 0 .212 Totals 37 9 14 9 1 9 Detroit 403 100 240_14 12 1 Colorado 020 202 030_9 14 0 a-popped out for Carpenter in the 7th. b-lined out for Castro in the 7th. E_Nevin (1). LOB_Detroit 2, Colorado 8. 2B_Torkelson (18), Ibáñez (12), Profar 2 (19), Montero (5). 3B_Vierling (2). HR_Báez (6), off Seabold; Carpenter (8), off Seabold; Rogers (11), off Seabold; Torkelson (12), off Hollowell; Marisnick (1), off Hand; Grichuk (3), off White; McMahon (13), off Alexander. RBIs_Báez 4 (42), Carpenter 3 (19), Rogers (26), Torkelson 2 (42), Marisnick 4 (7), Montero 2 (13), Doyle 2 (22), Grichuk (19), Tovar (41), Profar (31), McMahon 2 (43). SF_Montero, Doyle 2. Runners left in scoring position_Detroit 0; Colorado 6 (McMahon, Cron, Montero, Profar, Bryant 2). RISP_ Detroit 5 for 6; Colorado 3 for 14. Runners moved up_Grichuk. GIDP_Montero, Grichuk. DP_Detroit 2 (Báez, Short, Torkelson; Ibáñez, Short, Torkelson). Detroit IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Manning, W, 2-1 5 5 4 4 0 4 96 4.84 White 2/3 3 2 2 1 0 17 5.84 Shreve, H, 10 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 4 5.10 Cisnero 2/3 2 0 0 0 0 11 2.18 Alexander 1 1/3 3 3 3 0 3 28 4.50 Foley 1 1 0 0 0 2 15 2.17 Colorado IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Seabold, L, 1-5 5 7 8 8 1 4 69 6.62 Hollowell 1 2/3 2 2 2 0 1 22 7.94 Hand 1 2 4 4 3 0 32 4.76 Koch 1 1/3 1 0 0 0 0 12 0.00 Inherited runners-scored_Shreve 2-0, Alexander 1-0, Koch 1-0. HBP_Manning 2 (Tovar,Grichuk), White (Doyle). WP_Foley. T_2:53. A_40,145 (50,144).CINCINNATI 4, SAN DIEGO 3San Diego AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Kim 2b 3 1 1 1 1 0 .258 Tatis Jr. rf 4 1 2 1 0 1 .280 Soto lf 4 0 2 0 0 0 .277 Machado 3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .243 Bogaerts ss 4 0 0 0 0 3 .252 Sánchez c 4 1 1 0 0 2 .215 Cronenworth 1b 4 0 1 1 0 1 .208 N.Cruz dh 3 0 0 0 0 3 .248 c-Odor ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .211 Grisham cf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .209 Totals 34 3 7 3 1 13 Cincinnati AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Friedl cf 4 0 2 0 0 0 .309 McLain ss 2 0 0 0 2 1 .313 India 2b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .254 De La Cruz 3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .281 Fraley rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .274 a-Fairchild ph-rf 0 1 0 0 1 0 .237 Votto dh 2 1 0 0 0 1 .143 b-Stephenson ph-dh 1 1 1 2 0 0 .258 Steer 1b 3 1 2 2 1 0 .283 Benson lf 2 0 0 0 1 0 .293 Maile c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .230 Totals 27 4 5 4 5 6 San Diego 000 000 021_3 7 1 Cincinnati 000 200 02x_4 5 0 a-walked for Fraley in the 8th. b-homered for Votto in the 8th. c-lined out for N.Cruz in the 9th. E_Bogaerts (3). LOB_San Diego 5, Cincinnati 6. 2B_Cronenworth (11), Friedl (13). HR_Kim (10), off Abbott; Tatis Jr. (16), off Sims; Steer (14), off Hill; Stephenson (7), off Martinez. RBIs_Kim (31), Tatis Jr. (41), Cronenworth (27), Steer 2 (50), Stephenson 2 (35). CS_McLain (4). Runners left in scoring position_San Diego 3 (Bogaerts, Machado, Odor); Cincinnati 0. RISP_San Diego 1 for 5; Cincinnati 0 for 3. GIDP_India. DP_San Diego 2 (Machado, Kim; Machado, Kim, Cronenworth). San Diego IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Morejon 3 2 0 0 2 1 42 3.86 Hill 1 1 2 2 1 0 26 3.75 Avila 3 1 0 0 1 4 48 0.00 Cosg rove, L, 1-1 2/3 0 1 1 1 1 15 0.96 Martinez 1/3 1 1 1 0 0 3 4.03 Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Abbott 7 2/3 4 1 1 1 12 101 1.21 Sims, W, 2-1 1/3 1 1 1 0 0 5 3.41 DÃaz, S, 23-24 1 2 1 1 0 1 23 2.19 Inherited runners-scored_Martinez 1-1. HBP_Hill (Votto), Avila (India). T_2:27. A_37,714 (43,891).HOUSTON 5, TEXAS 3Houston AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Altuve 2b 5 1 2 1 0 2 .271 Bregman 3b 5 0 0 0 0 1 .246 Tucker rf 4 1 1 0 1 0 .285 J.Abreu 1b 5 1 3 0 0 0 .240 Dubón ss 3 1 2 1 1 0 .288 Diaz dh 4 0 0 0 0 3 .268 Julks lf 3 1 0 0 1 2 .259 McCormick cf 4 0 2 3 0 1 .258 Maldonado c 4 0 0 0 0 3 .174 Totals 37 5 10 5 3 12 Texas AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Semien 2b 3 0 1 0 1 0 .287 Seager ss 4 2 2 0 0 0 .351 Lowe 1b 3 1 2 2 0 1 .276 GarcÃa rf 3 0 0 1 0 1 .259 Jung 3b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .270 Heim c 3 0 0 0 1 1 .282 Duran lf 4 0 0 0 0 4 .308 Taveras cf 4 0 2 0 0 1 .299 J.Smith dh 1 0 0 0 0 0 .217 a-Garver ph-dh 2 0 0 0 0 2 .238 b-Jankowski ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .310 Totals 32 3 7 3 2 11 Houston 000 001 031_5 10 0 Texas 100 000 020_3 7 0 a-pinch hit for J.Smith in the 5th. b-grounded out for Garver in the 9th. LOB_Houston 8, Texas 6. 2B_J.Abreu (14), Dubón (18), Lowe (22), Taveras (14), Semien (25), Seager (23). 3B_McCormick (1). HR_Altuve (6), off Burke; Lowe (9), off B.Abreu. RBIs_Dubón (19), McCormick 3 (24), Altuve (18), GarcÃa (67), Lowe 2 (45). SF_GarcÃa. Runners left in scoring position_Houston 5 (Maldonado, Julks 3, Diaz); Texas 3 (Lowe, Jung, J.Smith). RISP_Houston 2 for 10; Texas 1 for 6. Runners moved up_Seager. GIDP_GarcÃa. DP_Houston 1 (Bregman, J.Abreu). Houston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Dubin 4 3 1 1 2 3 68 7.00 Mushinski 1 1 0 0 0 2 15 4.15 Maton 1 0 0 0 0 1 7 1.73 Neris, W, 4-2 1 1 0 0 0 2 16 1.07 B.Abreu, H, 14 1 2 2 2 0 2 27 3.00 Pressly, S, 17-20 1 0 0 0 0 1 9 2.72 Texas IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Heaney 5 3 0 0 1 8 85 4.12 Anderson, BS, 0-3 1 3 1 1 0 1 19 3.38 Chapman 1 1 0 0 0 2 16 0.00 Sborz, L, 4-3 2/3 2 3 3 2 0 20 3.34 Burke 1 1/3 1 1 1 0 1 20 3.24 Inherited runners-scored_Burke 1-0. HBP_Dubin (Lowe). T_2:41. A_39,580 (40,000).CHICAGO WHITE SOX 8, OAKLAND 7Chicago AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Benintendi lf 4 1 1 1 0 0 .282 Anderson ss 4 1 2 1 0 1 .231 Robert Jr. cf 3 0 1 0 2 1 .276 Jiménez dh 4 1 2 2 0 1 .275 c-Grandal ph-dh 1 0 0 0 0 0 .260 Vaughn 1b 5 1 1 0 0 1 .248 Burger 3b 4 2 2 1 1 1 .220 Sheets rf 2 0 0 1 1 1 .224 Frazier rf 1 0 1 0 0 0 .197 Remillard 2b 4 1 2 2 0 1 .395 Zavala c 3 1 0 0 1 2 .165 Totals 35 8 12 8 5 9 Oakland AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Kemp 2b 5 2 2 1 0 0 .196 Noda 1b 4 1 1 0 1 1 .229 Bleday lf 4 1 2 2 0 1 .212 Brown dh 4 0 1 2 1 2 .203 Peterson 3b 5 0 0 0 0 0 .209 Langeliers c 4 1 1 0 0 2 .203 Capel rf 0 1 0 0 2 0 .260 a-Rooker ph-rf 2 1 1 2 0 1 .243 Wade ss 2 0 2 0 0 0 .293 b-DÃaz ph-ss 2 0 0 0 0 1 .204 Ruiz cf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .258 Totals 36 7 10 7 4 9 Chicago 005 002 100_8 12 0 Oakland 002 010 022_7 10 2 a-struck out for Capel in the 6th. b-lined out for Wade in the 6th. c-grounded out for Jiménez in the 8th. E_Langeliers (7), Bleday (1). LOB_Chicago 8, Oakland 7. 2B_Remillard (3), Robert Jr. (22), Bleday 2 (8), Langeliers (10). HR_Burger (18), off Garcia; Rooker (14), off Shaw. RBIs_Anderson (12), Jiménez 2 (38), Sheets (25), Remillard 2 (8), Benintendi (23), Burger (38), Kemp (16), Brown 2 (22), Bleday 2 (16), Rooker 2 (41). SB_Robert Jr. (8), Kemp (7). CS_Frazier (2). SF_Anderson, Benintendi. Runners left in scoring position_Chicago 5 (Vaughn 3, Zavala, Grandal); Oakland 5 (Kemp 2, Langeliers, Peterson 2). RISP_Chicago 3 for 10; Oakland 3 for 10. Runners moved up_Ruiz, Peterson. LIDP_Remillard. DP_Oakland 1 (Wade, Noda, Wade). C hicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Toussaint 3 2/3 3 2 2 4 5 85 3.60 Bummer, W, 3-1 2 1/3 2 1 1 0 2 31 6.35 Middleton 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 2.70 Shaw 1 2 2 2 0 1 17 18.00 Santos, S, 1-1 1 3 2 2 0 1 14 2.95 Oakland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Blackburn, L, 1-1 5 6 5 5 4 5 97 4.50 Lovelady 2/3 2 2 2 0 1 14 4.57 Garcia 2 1/3 3 1 1 1 2 42 8.53 Long 1 1 0 0 0 1 12 3.66 Inherited runners-scored_Bummer 2-0, Garcia 1-1. HBP_Blackburn (Sheets), Toussaint (Bleday). PB_Langeliers (3). T_2:56. A_12,107 (46,847).KANSAS CITY 9, L.A. DODGERS 1Los Angeles AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Betts ss 4 0 1 0 0 0 .271 Freeman 1b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .315 Muncy 3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .189 Martinez dh 3 1 0 0 1 2 .259 Y.Hernández p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .222 Peralta lf 4 0 3 0 0 0 .286 Heyward rf 2 0 0 0 1 0 .258 DeLuca rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .231 Vargas 2b 3 0 1 1 0 0 .199 Outman cf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .232 Barnes c 4 0 1 0 0 2 .108 Totals 32 1 6 1 3 7 Kansas City AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Garcia 3b 4 0 4 2 0 0 .292 Duffy 3b 1 0 1 0 0 0 .286 Witt Jr. ss 2 0 1 2 1 1 .249 a-Taylor ph-2b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .133 Perez dh 4 0 1 0 0 1 .253 Pratto 1b 4 0 1 0 1 1 .257 Fermin c 5 1 0 0 0 2 .267 Melendez lf 4 2 1 0 1 1 .210 Waters rf 3 3 2 1 1 1 .250 Isbel cf 4 2 2 0 1 0 .200 Lopez 2b-ss 5 1 2 4 0 0 .222 Totals 37 9 15 9 5 7 Los Angeles 000 100 000_1 6 1 Kansas City 010 332 00x_9 15 0 a-flied out for Witt Jr. in the 8th. E_Betts (3). LOB_Los Angeles 8, Kansas City 14. 2B_Betts (20), Lopez (4), Melendez (14), Waters (4). RBIs_Vargas (32), Garcia 2 (20), Lopez 4 (11), Witt Jr. 2 (42), Waters (11). SF_Vargas, Witt Jr.. S_Witt Jr., Garcia. Runners left in scoring position_Los Angeles 4 (Outman 2, Barnes, Muncy); Kansas City 8 (Waters, Witt Jr., Fermin, Pratto 3, Perez 2). RISP_Los Angeles 0 for 8; Kansas City 8 for 20. Runners moved up_Heyward, Perez. Los Angeles IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Gonsolin, L, 4-3 3 2/3 6 4 4 3 3 81 3.69 González 1 1/3 4 3 3 1 1 37 5.32 Almonte 1 2 2 0 1 1 28 5.30 Phillips 1 2 0 0 0 2 16 1.91 Y.Hernández 1 1 0 0 0 0 10 0.00 Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Singer, W, 5-7 7 4 1 1 3 4 108 5.52 Garrett 1 0 0 0 0 2 15 2.74 Snider 1 2 0 0 0 1 16 0.00 Inherited runners-scored_González 1-0. HBP_Gonsolin (Waters), González (Perez). WP_González, Almonte. PB_Fermin (2). T_2:40. A_19,058 (38,427).BOX SCORES
MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 | YOURSUN.COM Local News By NANCY J. SEMONSTAFF WRITERAlthough the real estate heyday of 2021-22 is behind, it is still a sellers market in Charlotte and Sarasota counties, according to Realtors. ÂAll real estate is local,ÂŽ said Bill Dryburgh, a former president of Punta Gorda-Port CharlotteNorth Port-DeSoto Realtors Association. He said amid the Âdoom and gloomÂŽ forecasts for real estate prices nationwide, Southwest Florida is the exception, he said. People are still moving to the area „ and Charlotte County in particular, Dryburgh said. He said the amenities of the area „ warm weather, beaches, Charlotte Harbor for boating enthusiasts, outdoor activities „ are what draw people to live here. While prices have dipped from their alltime highs, the median sale price in May for single-family homes in Charlotte County was $375,000, down from $383,000 in April. In May 2022, the median sale price for single-family homes was $392,000. Sellers were getting 95.6% of the original price listed. In April, sellers were getting 95.7%, but a year ago they were seeing 100% of their listing prices. For condos and townhomes, the median price in May was $325,000; in April, it was $335,000, but these are still higher than May 2022 when the median price was $265,000.Realtors: ItÂs still a sellers marketPrices stabilizing throughout region Realtors say home sales in Charlotte and Sarasota are still strong despite a sagging market in other areas.FILE PHOTOSEE PRICES , 4B I married Debra 22 years ago and every night „ every night „ since then she has called her Âmomma.ÂŽ Moving to Florida, away from the home in South Carolina where she grew up was dicult. I can only assume I was a sweet talker. Last week, the phone calls stopped. She called and got no answer. Her momma was in assisted living and frail, but doing okay the day before. No one knows for sure what happened. But she just quit living last week. She didnÂt answer the phone because she was in the emergency room, not responding to anything or anyone. WeÂre certainly no dierent than anyone else who loses a loved one. We donÂt deserve sympathy more than the next person. But itÂs been a tough 11 months on Debra. She lost her brother in July of 2022. Her dad in November. Now her momma. And that was the toughest to deal with. I was always made to feel at home on visits to Aiken, South Carolina. Her momma put HersheyÂs Kisses in a jar by our bed every night. She knew it was my favorite candy. She was a feisty lady. She was full of love but never hesitated to give you her opinion. And, if you decide to stay in place in a Category 4 hurricane like Ian, you better be prepared to be called some names in a strong southern accent. If, on one of our visits, I wanted to stir things up and get the conversation going, all I had to do was mention Hillary Clinton. We put her in the ground next to her husband of 67 years, Ben, and close to her son, Tony. ItÂs some comfort to think theyÂre all together again. Just to share some anecdotes about our trip to the Carolinas. People in South Carolina still pull over and stop when a funeral procession passes. Yes, even on a four-lane road (called the Jeerson Highway), theyÂll pull o or even stop in the middle of the road to pay their respects. And, if you needed gas before you left for the cemetery you could buy it at Circle K there for $2.87. BushÂs Seafood in Graniteville, South Carolina still has the best hushpuppies IÂve ever had. My last couple of visit were a little disappointing because they set the bar so high. But this time, I had some of the best shrimp, cat“sh and hushpuppies IÂve ever tasted. I regret I may not be going there as often. As I write this I am on my way home with one stop planned „ in Savannah, Georgia, where I may get to see the Swingin Medallions at an outdoor Fourth of July concert. You prob ably ne ver heard of them, but I bet many of my readers remember their biggest hit, ÂDouble Shot of my BabyÂs Love.ÂŽ A little shag dancing might provide some levity to a dicult trip.A trip to South Carolina to say goodbye JOHN HACKWORTHCommentary Editor The National Dairy Foods Association reports that nearly 60% of all ice cream is churned and packed in July. No wonder itÂs National Ice Cream Month „ even in Florida, where cone contents over”ow their way holders and run down your arm three minutes after you step outdoors. Florida nevertheless clings to “fth place in Zippia.comÂs list of top 10 most ice cream loving states, behind only California, Oklahoma, New Jersey and New York. The stats also reveal, unsurprisingly, that the Sunshine StateÂs favorite format isnÂt the cone, but rather the tidier sundae bowl. Trend tallies try to tell us that good-for-you, Âcowfree,ÂŽ nondairy, plant-based frozen treats (like, say, Breyers oat-milk v anilla made with sustain ably sourced vanilla and climate-conscious ice cream) are hot. But most consumers still prefer good old-fashioned, regular, cold ice cream. All kinds can now be found at more local independents than ever. FROM CRIMESTOPPING TO CONES Seven years ago, after Jan Davis retired from the Macomb County SheriÂs Oce, north of Detroit, she could hardly wait to open a business whose clients would be a happier lot than hers had been. She launched an ice cream shop.HereÂs the scoopJuly is National Ice Cream Month PHOTO PROVIDEDRaspberry Crazy Shake at Crazy Conez. SUN PHOTO BY SUE WADEJan Davis is back in her element, running HersheyÂs Flavortown in Port Charlotte. SUE WADEThe Scene COMMENTARYSEE SUE , 4B
PAGE 2B MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 The Daily Sun | By NANCY SEMONSTAFF WRITERPUNTA GORDA „ A pickup crashed through the front window of the Circle K at 6220 Marlympia Way Sunday morning. A female was evaluated for injuries, but no one inside the store was injured, according to Charlotte County Fire and EMS spokesperson Todd Dunn. The crash happened around 10 a.m. Shortly before noon, store employee Tracie Wright was outside sweeping up broken glass and removing various debris including metal from around the windows and cases of smashed water bottles. She said the driver was a teen who had just gotten her learnerÂs permit and was driving with an adult passenger. ÂShe hit the gas instead of the brake,ÂŽ Wright said. The car careened into the glass window to the left of the front door. Wright told approaching customers the store was closed for now. ÂShe was really upset,ÂŽ Wright said about the young driver. ÂI felt sorry her.ÂŽVehicle crashes into Punta Gorda Circle K Circle K employee Tracie Wright was the only worker in the store at the time of the crash. The sound of the pickup crashing into the window to the left of the door caused patrons to run out to see what had happened. The store will be closed temporarily, she said.SUN PHOTO BY NANCY J, SEMONCharlotte County SheriÂs Oce reported the following arrests: € Jack Lennon, 39, 20 block of Bunker Place, Rotonda West. Charges: failure to appear felony-no new charge entry; underlying charge: Bond: none. € Linda Jean Nottingham, 58, 300 block of Gulf Breeze Avenue, Punta Gorda. Charge: driving while license suspended third or subsequent oense. Bond: none. € Ben Milam Jr., 63, Alabama. Charges: possess marijuana over 20 grams; drug paraphernalia-possession or use of; fail to register motor vehicle. Bond: $8,500. € Bayron Javier Guzman Centeno, 23, 4000 block of Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte. Charges: DUI in”uence of alcohol or drugs; non-resident driver license required. Bond: $1,500. € Paul Lawrence Cowherd, 36, 5400 block of Churchill Road, Port Charlotte. Charge: battery. Bond: $1,500. € Allisyn Marie Vargas, 26, 1300 block of Kensington Street, Port Charlotte. Charge: out of county warrant. Bond: $100,000. € Eugene William Bisson IV, 23, 22000 block of Oceanside Avenue, Port Charlotte. Charges: petit theft third subsequent oense; resisting law enforcement ocer or merchant during retail theft. Bond: none. € Patrick Michael Sickmann, 40, 12000 block of Van Loon Avenue, Port Charlotte. Charge: court sentenced-no new charge entry. Bond: none. € Donald Duane Mazzella, 67, 22000 block of Catherine Avenue, Port Charlotte. Charge: battery on ocer “re“ghter EMT. Bond: $5,000. € Chelsea Rose-Marie Galli, 21, 2600 block of Yacolt Avenue, North Port. Charge: battery. Bond: $1,000. € Selina Schneider, 22, 1900 block of Pennsylvania Avenue, Englewood. Charges: o bond/forfeiture/revocations-no new charge entry; drug paraphernalia-possession or use of; possess controlled substance without prescription. Bond: none. € Jose Hernan ZamoraPerez, 44, Texas. Charge: knowingly driving while license suspended or revoked. Bond: $1,000. € Claire Hamner Nichols, 34, Georgia. Charge: petit theft “rst degree more than $100 less than $750. Bond: $2,500. € John Henry Hornbake, 53, 2500 block of Northwest Howard Avenue, Arcadia. Charge: violation of probation or community control. Bond: none. € Pamela Suzzette Scott, 61, 66 block of Arizona Avenue, Arcadia. Charge: court sentenced-no new charge entry. Bond: none. Sarasota County SheriÂs Oce reported the following arrests: € George Marcus Bellan III, 100 block of Shadylawn Avenue, Venice. Charge: probation violation: Widman Act/ possess burglary tools/ burglary of unoccupied structure/CV or ATT; battery: touch or strike (domestic). Bond: none. North Port Police Department reported the following arrests: € Danny Henry Annace, 35, 8400 block of Raoul Avenue, North Port. Charges: probation violation: possess controlled substance/obstruct a criminal investigation; probation violation: Widman Act: willfully ”ee to elude; battery: prior conviction battery second subsequent oense (domestic). Bond: none. € Ignacio Cabrera Vargas, 40, 5000 block of Aldina Circle, North Port. Charge: dump raw human waste. Bond: $120. € Julia Klebansky, 18, 4800 block of Eldron Avenue, North Port. Charge: battery on person 65 years of age or older (domestic). Bond: none. € Jacob Scott Richey, 30, 4800 block of Flamlau Avenue, North Port. Charge: possess controlled substance without prescription (methamphetamine). Bond: $1,500. € Michael Edward Wooldridge II, 32, 2700 block of Carolina Street, North Port. Charge: battery: touch or strike (domestic). Bond: none. Compiled by Nancy J. SemonPOLICE BEAT By NANCY J. SEMONSTAFF WRITERENGLEWOOD „ An Englewood man, who has a history of arrests and is registered as a sexual predator, was arrested again Friday on allegations of molesting a child. Zachary Marshall Williams, 28, of the 40 block of Old Englewood Road, is in the Sarasota County Jail charged with, in addition to molestation, using a computer to seduce, solicit and lure the child along with distributing obscene material to the minor. He was arrested by Sarasota County SheriÂs Oce in Venice on the most recent charges. His arraignment is set for Aug. 25 before Judge Dana Moss, according to the Sarasota County ClerkÂs Oce website. The Florida Department of Law EnforcementÂs website contains past information on Williams. There is a two-page ”ier of him which lists him as a sexual predator. There is an image of him dated April 20, 2023, and information about a past adjudication date of April 9, 2013 when he was around 18 years old and faced similar charges. Back in 2013, when he was 18, he was found guilty and convicted. His latest arrest on the Sarasota County SheriÂs Oce website gives his occupation as a painter.Englewood sexual predator arrested, againCharged with molesting child under 12 WILLIAMS By FRANK DIFIORESTAFF WRITERVENICE „ Depositions from Gabby PetitoÂs parents are scheduled in August in their ongoing lawsuit against Steven Bertolino and the Laundries. The deposition “ling comes just two weeks after the caseÂs judge denied motions to dismiss from all defendants. Joseph Petito and Nicole Schmidt are currently suing Christopher and Roberta Laundrie for in”iction of emotional distress, citing statements made during the search for their daughter Gabby Petito in 2021. Gabby had previously been engaged with the Laundries son Brian in 2021 when the couple embarked in a cross-country van tour, posting their travels on social media. Gabby Petito was later found dead at a national park in Wyoming, weeks after Brian Laundrie returned to stay with his parents in North Port. He later died from a self-in”icted gunshot wound in a wooded area in the Carlton Reserve near Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park in North Port. He reportedly left behind a written confession to having killed Gabby. The Petito family previously settled a wrongful death lawsuit against Brian LaundrieÂs estate for $3 million. Any proceeds will go toward the Gabby Petito Foundation, which the family founded for the purpose of supporting victims of domestic violence and abuse. The current lawsuit is for in”iction of emotional damages, naming both Laundrie parents as defendants. Bertolino, who worked as the Laundries attorney in 2021, was added as a defendant earlier this year. The primary point of contention is a statement read by Bertolino to the media in September of 2021, which expressed the Laundries wishes for Gabby Petito to be Âreunited with her family.ÂŽ The Petitos allege that Brian had told his family and Bertolino that Gabby was already dead, and that withholding this information was an in”iction of emotional distress due to the public nature of the statement. The Laundries and Bertolino, however, argue that they did not know and that the statement was only meant to show sympathy with PetitoÂs family during the search for her. The deposition on Aug. 16 will be conducted by attorneys representing Bertolino, outside of court and at a place agreed upon by both parties. Testimony recorded at the depositions is likely to be referenced at a future trial in the case, which is currently scheduled for May 2024. Circuit Judge Danielle Brewer agreed to extend the caseÂs preparation phase after Bertolino was added as a defendant, to give all parties the necessary time to engage in discovery. Email: frank.di“ore@yoursun.comAttorney called for deposition in Petito lawsuitJudge denied motions to dismiss earlier this month SUN PHOTO BY CHRIS PORTER AIRDUCT CLEANING AIRDUCT CLEANING AIRDUCT CLEANING IsyourhomeÂsairmakingyousick?Weusebrandnewstateoftheart hepa“lteredRotobrush cleaningsystems. AirHandlerCleaning Sanitizing Before/AfterPhotos State-of-the-ArtUV Puri“cationSystemsLicensed&insuredforyourprotection! #CAC1816190 FREE AIRHANDLER INSPECTION(REG$99) Unlimited Vents!(Includes1Main&Return)Somerestrictionsapply.$ 49 95 Lowest Price Ever! ALLERGIES?ASTHMA?HEADACHES? 10 % OFFSenior s& Veter ans! FULLSYSTEM SANITIZING ON SPECIAL!FRESHAIRSOLUTIONS by Call Now!941-270-8453 adno=3895837-1adno=3896207-1 CITYOFARCADIA, FLORIDA NOTICEOFPUBLIC HEARINGCITYCOUNCILMEETING TUESDAY,JULY18,2023,6:00PM NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENTHATTHECITY OFARCADIA,FLORIDA,CITYCOUNCILWILL HOLDPUBLICHEARINGSONTUESDAY,JULY 18,2023,AT6:00PMINTHEMARGARETWAY BUILDINGINTHEARCADIACITYCOUNCIL CHAMBERS,23NORTHPOLKAVENUE, ARCADIA,FLORIDATOCONSIDERTHE FOLLOWING: ORDINANCE1097 ANORDINANCEOFTHECITYOF ARCADIAAMENDINGSECTIONS18-1AND 18-3REGARDINGRESTRICTIONSONTHE HOURSANDLOCATIONOFALCOHOLIC BEVERAGESALES;PROVIDINGFOR CODIFICATION;PROVIDINGFOR SEVERABILITY;ANDPROVIDINGAN EFFECTIVEDATE. ANYINTERESTEDPERSONSWHOFEELTHEY AREAFFECTEDBYTHESECHANGESARE ENCOURAGEDTOATTENDTHEPUBLIC HEARINGSANDBEHEARD.ANYPERSON(S) WISHINGTOVIEWRELEVANTINFORMATION INADVANCEOFTHEPUBLICHEARINGSMAY VIEWSAIDDOCUMENTSATTHECITYOF ARCADIAADMINISTRATIONOFFICEAT23 NORTHPOLKAVENUE,ARCADIA,FLORIDA BETWEENTHEHOURSOF8AMAND5PM, MONDAYTHROUGHFRIDAY. ANYONEWISHINGTOAPPEALANYDECISIONS MADEATTHESEHEARINGSWILLNEEDA RECORDOFPROCEEDINGS,ANDFORSUCH PURPOSETHEYMAYNEEDTOENSURETHAT AVERBATIMRECORDOFTHEPROCEEDING ISMADE,WHICHRECORDINCLUDESTHE TESTIMONYANDEVIDENCEUPONWHICH THEAPPEALISMADE. ANYPERSONWITHDISABILITIESREQUIRING ACCOMMODATIONSINORDERTOPARTICIPATE SHOULDCONTACTTHECITYCLERKPRIORTO THEMEETINGAT863-494-4114.
PAGE 17 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 PAGE 3B adno=3894361-1 Port Charlotte 1655 Tamiami TrailMurdock Medical Park across from Taco Bell(941) 623-4918 Venice4238 S. Tamiami TrailBehind Outback near Books-A-Million(941) 451-5070 www.”oridahearing.comHOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9am-4:30pm Saturday by appointment
PAGE 4B MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 The Daily Sun | www.yoursun.comAlso, Charlotte County saw a lot of cash buyers. Of the 476 closed sales in May for single-family homes, 42% paid cash. For the 95 condos sold in May, 58.9% were cash buyers. Buyer will have plenty to choose from, as inventory is high compared to a year ago. In May, there were 1,651 single-family homes „ nearly double the 848 homes in May 2022. There were 434 condos for sale in May compared with 146 in May 2022. SARASOTA COUNTY The situation in Sarasota County mimicked Charlotte CountyÂs real estate trends. ÂIn the ever-changing real estate landscape of Sarasota and Manatee, we are seeing a balance between slight upward and downward trends across most of the metrics we measure, leading to what many would call a stable market,ÂŽ said Brian Tresidder, 2023 president of the Realtor Association of Sarasota and Manatee. Sarasota County sales decreased for single-family homes but the median price increased by 3% to $510,000. But the North PortSarasota-Bradenton MSA showed a decline for single-family homes while condo prices increased slightly from April, up 0.5% to $405,000. Like Charlotte County, inventory was higher in May in Sarasota County for single-family homes (3 months supply) and condos (3.5 months). VENICE Although inventory levels in May were higher than a year ago, there were many willing to pay cash for single-family homes and condos. Of the 229 closed sales in May, 46.3% paid cash for single-family homes that had a median price of $460,000, down 8.9% from a year ago and lower than AprilÂs $486,000. The majority of condo purchasers paid cash in May. Of the 104 closed sales, 73.1% paid cash. The median sale price was $359,500. Like the rest of Sarasota County and in Charlotte County, inventory levels were higher than a year ago. Single-family homes in May had a 3.6 months supply; last year there was a 1.3 month supply. Condos saw a 3.6 months supply as well, but a year ago there was less than a monthÂs worth of inventory when the level hit under 1 month, at 0.8. Sale prices peaked in both counties in November 2022, two months after Hurricane Ian hit. Email: nancy.semon@ yoursun.comPRICESFROM PAGE 1B When her husband, Bill Alford, retired from 42 years in Detroit law enforcement, he felt the same way. They moved to Deep Creek and quickly made plans to open another ice cream parlor. HersheyÂs Ice Cream „ founded in the same year as, in the same Pennsylvania town as, and totally unrelated to the chocolate empire „ has been churning forth fresh ice cream since 1894, when “ve Hershey brothers started making it in their farmhouse. Today, Port CharlotteÂs newest of two HersheyÂs outlets, Davis and AlfordÂs HersheyÂs Flavortown, is aptly named. It has 60 ice cream ”avors and nearly 40 soft-serve custard ”avors, plus gluten free, sugar free, cow-free nondairy, and ”urry mix-ins galore. And these days their customers are neither criminal nor cranky. HersheyÂs Flavortown ($, O), 941-889-7206, 1940 Kings Highway (Winn-Dixie plaza, behind WalgreenÂs), Port Charlotte, is open noon to 9 p.m. daily. ALL IN THE NAME The Port Charlotte ice cream parlor sandwiched between a pizzeria and a puppy store on U.S. 41 has had a dizzying array of names over the last seven years „ Fresh & Fresh Ice Cream Gelato World, then the terser Ice Cream Gelato World, and now Crazy Conez, which says it all. New owners Jonathan and Debbie Godfry stand by truth in advertising, you see. ÂThere hasnÂt been gelato here in “ve years,ÂŽ said Jonathan. ÂItÂs all ice cream, from Yoders. So, I changed the name because I donÂt want to lie to anybody.ÂŽ One common denominator, though, is crazy concoctions like jelly-bubble shakes, fried Oreos, funnel cakes, cotton candy, homemade brownies, ice cream nachos, ice cream burritos and Instagram-worthy Mason jar shakes bristling with candy. The Whirly Shake alone is decorated with gum balls, a giant carnival pop, two twisty pops, two rock candy sticks, cotton candy and the milkshake ”avor of your choice. As if all that sugar werenÂt rush enough, they also carry a wide selection of sweets both new and nostalgic, including Ice Cubes, Astro Pops, candy bracelets and candy cigarettes. ÂWe used to work together in a stressful, high-pressure job in New York,ÂŽ said Jonathan. ÂOne day I said to my wife, ÂI just want to own an ice cream store and make people happy!ÂÂŽ And so, they did. Crazy Conez ($-$$, O), 941447-4675, 2686 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, is open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday to Sunday. HOWARDÂS HAPPY PLACE After relocating, Howard and Kim Freudenvoll preserved a few mementoes of their former HowardÂs HersheyÂs location next to Pioneers Pizza Port Charlotte. They now have even more photos of unfailingly happy customers, sunshine-yellow walls, and two mute reminders of how tight the parking was at Pioneers: ÂHersheyÂs Parking Only. Thank You.ÂŽ Their new place at 1700 Tamiami Trail is twice the size of the old, with more parking than they know what to do with, lots of programs for local elementary schools, and 40-guest birthday parties. ÂThis is so much funner and happier than our normal jobs used to be,ÂŽ said Howard. ÂAnd a lot cooler.ÂŽ Some 60 HersheyÂs choices rotate in daily o a roster of more than 100 possibilities like Banana Pudding, Peanut Butter Caramel Cookie Dough, Caramel Cheesecake Cookie Monster, even Blue Moon, that secret Michigan mix thatÂs dyed the tongues of generations of Midwest kids. Vegans can choose chocolate or vanilla ÂOatmazingÂŽ oat-milk ”avors. And in an increasingly frenetic ice cream market where savory ”avors like Everything Bagel and Hidden Valley Ranch are trying hard to make a splash, HowardÂs HersheyÂs big tip of the hat is free popcorn. ÂThe salt and the sweet just go together,ÂŽ Howard pointed out. HowardÂs HersheyÂs Ice Cream ($), 941-889-7789, 1700 Tamiami Trail (Murdock Plaza, behind Perkins), Port Charlotte, is open noon to 9 p.m. daily. ZOETÂS SWEET NEWS When Netherlander Sharon Hooijkaas „ co-owner of award-winning Punta Gorda ice cream parlor Zoet Sweet Boutique „ was reminded that July was National Ice Cream Month, she smiled sweetly and deadpanned, ÂI thought every month was ice cream month.ÂŽ These days, every month also brings her and husband Jordy Beumer closer to greeting their baby boy. Punta GordaÂs ice cream power couple have been working together at their sweet shop since 2016. Their roles have shifted since then, though, with Hooijkaas now making the sweet sideÂs ice cream and baked goods, while Beumer runs next-door Zoet Snack Bar. According to Beumer, ÂBeing a husband-wife team works so well for us because weÂre working for the same goals, dreams and vision. When one of us has a rough day, the other picks up the extra work and lifts the other back up.ÂŽ They also count more on extra help from cake artist Charity; cookie maker Linda; and SharonÂs mom, specializing in authentic Dutch items like syrup-“lled stroopwafels. ÂWeÂd like Sharon to go on leave in July, because sheÂs due in August and really needs to slow down,ÂŽ said Beumer. Zoet Sweet Boutique and Snack Bar ($-$$), 941-769-1745 and 1746, 27670 Bermont Road (Winn-Dixie plaza), Punta Gorda, is open 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. (to 7:30 p.m. for the Snack Bar) Tuesday to Saturday. Send restaurant and bar news and recommendations to columnist Sue Wade at suewade47@aol. com. Average price ranges are $ = inexpensive (under $10), $$ = moderate ($11$30), and $$$ = pricey (over $30), including tip and beverage. Outside dining available = O.SUEFROM PAGE 1B SUN PHOTO BY SUE WADEHersheyÂs Flavortown makes both kids and grownups happy every way it can. SUN PHOTO BY SUE WADESharon Hooijkaas and Jordy Beumer in 2021, shortly after opening Zoet Snack Bar. Soon theyÂll welcome a little taste-tester to the Zoet family. LAKESIDEPLANTATIONCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTDISTRICTNOTICEOFPUBLICHEARINGTOCONSIDERTHEADOPTIONOFTHEFISCALYEAR2023/2024BUDGET;NOTICEOFPUBLICHEARINGTOCONSIDERTHE IMPOSITIONOFOPERATIONSANDMAINTENANCESPECIALASSESSMENTS,ADOPTIONOFANASSESSMENTROLL,ANDTHELEVY,COLLECTION,AND ENFORCEMENTOFTHESAME;ANDNOTICEOFREGULARBOARDOFSUPERVISORSÂMEETING. UpcomingPublicHearings,andRegularMeeting TheBoardofSupervisors( ÂBoardÂŽ) fortheLakesidePlantationCommunityDevelopmentDistrict( ÂDistrictÂŽ )willholdthefollowingtwopublichearings andaregularmeeting: DATE:August16,2023 HOUR:6:00p.m. LOCATION:LakesidePlantationClubhouse 2800PlantationBlvd. NorthPort,Florida34289 The“rstpublichearingisbeingheldpursuanttoChapter190,FloridaStatutes,toreceivepubliccommentandobjectionsontheDistrictÂsproposed budget( ÂProposedBudgetÂŽ )forthe“scalyearbeginningOctober1,2023,andendingSeptember30,2024( ÂFiscalYear2023/2024ÂŽ ).Thesecondpublic hearingisbeingheldpursuanttoChapters170,190and197,FloridaStatutes,toconsidertheimpositionofoperationsandmaintenancespecialasses sments ( ÂO&MAssessmentsÂŽ )uponthelandslocatedwithintheDistrict,tofundtheProposedBudgetforFiscalYear2023/2024;toconsidertheadoptionofan assessmentroll;and,toprovideforthelevy,collection,andenforcementofassessments.Attheconclusionofthehearings,theBoardwill,byresol ution,adopt abudgetandlevyO&MAssessmentsas“nallyapprovedbytheBoard.ABoardmeetingoftheDistrictwillalsobeheldwheretheBoardmayconsiderany otherDistrictbusiness. DescriptionofAssessments TheDistrictimposesO&MAssessmentsonbene“ttedpropertywithintheDistrictforthepurposeoffundingtheDistrictÂsgeneraladministrative, operations,andmaintenancebudget.PursuanttoSection170.07,FloridaStatutes,adescriptionoftheservicestobefundedbytheO&MAssessments, and thepropertiestobeimprovedandbene“ttedfromtheO&MAssessments,areallsetforthintheProposedBudget.Ageographicdepictionoftheproperty potentiallysubjecttotheproposedO&MAssessmentsisidenti“edinthemapattachedhereto.ThetablebelowshowsthescheduleoftheproposedO&M Assessments,whicharesubjecttochangeatthehearing: LandUseTotal#ofUnitsERUFactorProposedO&MAssessment (includingcollectioncosts/earlypaymentdiscounts) Commercial108.09$14,475.24 Multi-Family2360.68$1,239.40 Single-Family2431.00$1,822.65 Villa1920.80$1,458.12 TheproposedO&MAssessmentsasstatedincludecollectioncostsand/orearlypaymentdiscounts,whichSarasotaCounty( ÂCountyÂŽ )mayimpose onassessmentsthatarecollectedontheCountytaxbill.Moreover,pursuanttoSection197.3632(4),FloridaStatutes,thelienamountshallserveas the ÂmaximumrateÂŽauthorizedbylawforO&MAssessments,suchthatnoassessmenthearingshallbeheldornoticeprovidedinfutureyearsunlessthe assessmentsareproposedtobeincreasedoranothercriterionwithinSection197.3632(4),FloridaStatutes,ismet.NotethattheO&MAssessmentsdo not includeanydebtserviceassessmentspreviouslyleviedbytheDistrictandduetobecollectedforFiscalYear2023/2024. ForFiscalYear2023/2024,theDistrictintendstohavetheCountytaxcollectorcollecttheassessmentsimposedoncertaindevelopedpropertyand willdirectlycollecttheassessmentsimposedontheremainingbene“ttedpropertybysendingoutabillpriorto,orduring,November2023.Itisimpor tantto payyourassessmentbecausefailuretopaywillcauseataxcerti“catetobeissuedagainstthepropertywhichmayresultinlossoftitle,orfordirectb illed assessments,mayresultinaforeclosureaction,whichalsomayresultinalossoftitle.TheDistrictÂsdecisiontocollectassessmentsonthetaxrol lorbydirect billingdoesnotprecludetheDistrictfromlaterelectingtocollectthoseorotherassessmentsinadifferentmanneratafuturetime. AdditionalProvisions ThepublichearingsandmeetingareopentothepublicandwillbeconductedinaccordancewiththeprovisionsofFloridalaw.AcopyoftheProposed Budget,proposedassessmentroll,andtheagendaforthehearingsandmeetingmaybeobtainedattheof“cesoftheDistrictManager,locatedat4530Eag le FallsPlace,Tampa,Florida33619,Ph:(813)344-4844(ÂDistrictManagerÂsOf“ceÂŽ),duringnormalbusiness hours.Thepublichearingsandmeetingmay becontinuedtoadate,time,andplacetobespeci“edontherecordatthehearingsormeeting.Theremaybeoccasionswhenstafforboardmembersmay participatebyspeakertelephone. AnypersonrequiringspecialaccommodationsatthismeetingbecauseofadisabilityorphysicalimpairmentshouldcontacttheDistrictManagerÂsOf “ce atleastforty-eight(48)hourspriortothemeeting.Ifyouarehearingorspeechimpaired,pleasecontacttheFloridaRelayServicebydialing7-1-1, or1-800955-8771(TTY)/1-800-955-8770(Voice),foraidincontactingtheDistrictManagerÂsOf“ce. Pleasenotethatallaffectedpropertyownershavetherighttoappearatthepublichearingsandmeetingandmayalso“lewrittenobjectionswiththe DistrictManagerÂsOf“cewithintwentydaysofpublicationofthisnotice.EachpersonwhodecidestoappealanydecisionmadebytheBoardwithrespec tto anymatterconsideredatthepublichearingsormeetingisadvisedthatpersonwillneedarecordofproceedingsandthataccordingly,thepersonmayne edto ensurethataverbatimrecordoftheproceedingsismade,includingthetestimonyandevidenceuponwhichsuchappealistobebased. JordanLansford DistrictManageradno=3895751-1
PAGE 19 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 PAGE 5B STAFF REPORTThe Construction Industry Licensing Board is seeking four volunteers to serve as members, according to a Charlotte County news release. The vacancies are in the following categories: € general contractor € mechanical/HVAC € specialty contractor € plumbing Each volunteer must be active and licensed in their individual category, and each must be a resident of Charlotte County for at least two years. Length of term is four years. For an application, contact Diane Whidden at 941-743-1298 or via email at Diane.Whidden@ The following MSBU/ TU advisory boards are seeking volunteers who must be both a property owner within and reside within the unit. Boca Grande Street & Drainage Unit is seeking two members to “ll positions with terms through Oct. 31, 2024, and Oct. 31, 2025. Edgewater North Waterway Unit is seeking one member to “ll a position with a term through Oct. 31, 2025. Englewood East Street & Drainage Unit is seeking two members to “ll positions with terms through Oct. 31, 2023 and Oct. 31, 2024. Gardens of Gulf Cove Street & Drainage Unit is seeking two members to “ll positions with terms through Oct. 31, 2024, and Oct. 31, 2025. Greater Port Charlotte Street & Drainage Unit is seeking one member to “ll a position with a term through Oct. 31, 2023. Gulf Cove Street & Drainage Unit is seeking one member to “ll a position with a term through Oct. 31, 2024. Gulf Cove Waterway Unit is seeking one member to “ll position with a term through Oct. 31, 2025. Harbour Heights Street & Drainage Unit is seeking two members to “ll positions with terms through Oct. 31, 2024 and Oct. 31, 2026. Manchester Waterway Utility Unit is seeking one member to “ll a vacant unexpired position with a term through Oct. 31, 2024. Mid-Charlotte Stormwater Utility Unit is seeking one member to “ll a position with a term through Oct. 31, 2024. Northwest Port Charlotte Street & Drainage Unit is seeking one member to “ll a vacant unexpired position with a term through Oct. 31, 2026. Northwest Port Charlotte Waterway Unit is seeking one member to “ll a position with a term through Oct. 31, 2025. Placida Area Street & Drainage Unit is seeking one member to “ll a vacant unexpired position with a term through Oct. 31, 2026. Rotonda Heights Street & Drainage Unit is seeking two members to “ll a position with a term through Oct. 31, 2024. Rotonda Sands Street & Drainage Unit is seeking one member to “ll a position with a term through Oct. 31, 2025. South Burnt Store Street & Drainage Unit is seeking one member to “ll a vacant unexpired position with a term through Oct. 31, 2024. South Charlotte Stormwater Unit is seeking one member to “ll a vacant unexpired position with a term through Oct. 31, 2025. South Gulf Cove Waterway Unit is seeking one member to “ll a vacant unexpired position with a term through Oct. 31, 2024. Suncoast Waterway Unit is seeking “ve members to “ll positions with terms through Oct. 31, 2023, Oct. 31, 2024, and Oct. 31, 2025. Submit applications to Public Works Department, 7000 Florida St., Punta Gorda, FL 33950; call 941575-3600 or email MSBUTU@CharlotteCountyFL. gov.Members for construction, neighborhood boardsCounty needs four volunteers to serve STAFF REPORTFloridaÂs state workers will get an extra day o for the Independence Day holiday. Gov. Ron DeSantis announced that state oces will be closed Monday, creating a four-day holiday weekend, July 1-4. Oces were already scheduled to be closed Tuesday for the holiday. Federal oces will be closed for the holiday as well. Locally, most county oces will be open Monday. Here is some more information about local government facilities through the holiday. CHARLOTTE COUNTY All Charlotte County government oces and many facilities, including libraries, the land“ll and trash transfer stations will be closed Tuesday. There will be no trash collection service Tuesday . Collection will be one day later than usual through the week, with Friday customers being serviced on Saturday. Places open Tuesday include: € Centennial Park Recreation Center, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. € Ann & Chuck Dever Regional Park Pool, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. € Port Charlotte Beach Park Pool, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. € South County Regional Park Pool, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. € Centennial Park Pool, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. SARASOTA COUNTY All Sarasota County Government oces will be closed Tuesday. The county land“ll is closed, and the collection center disposal at 250 S. Jackson Road, Venice, remains closed due to impacts from Hurricane Ian. There will be no trash collection Tuesday. Collection will be one day later than usual through the week, with Friday customers being serviced on Saturday. NORTH PORT All government oces will be closed Tuesday. There will be no trash collection Tuesday. Collection will be one day later than usual through the week, with Friday customers being serviced on Saturday. The North Port Aquatic CenterÂs open pool and water park will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Warm Mineral Springs will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ENGLEWOOD The Englewood Water District oces will be closed Tuesday. The oce is normally closed Mondays as well. The Englewood Area Fire Control District oce will be closed Monday and Tuesday.State, local offices to close for holiday PUBLICNOTICE-CITYOFNORTHPORT NOTICEOFPUBLICHEARINGS FORCIP-23-052NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN ,pursuanttoChapters166and163oftheFloridaStatutes,Section7.01(c)oftheCharteroftheCityofNorthPort,Florida,that theCityofNorthPortproposestoapproveCIP-23-052,aDevelopmentMasterPlanfortheCityofNorthPortUtilitiesAdministrationandFieldOperati ons Complex,agovernmentusedevelopment.esiteisgenerallylocatedapproximately¼mileNorthofS.TamiamiTrail(US-41)andEastofPanAmerican Blvd(ActivityCenter#1),(PID#0996001004). APublicHearingwillbeheldbeforethePlanningandZoningAdvisoryBoarddesignatedastheLocalPlanningAgency(LPA)on ursday,July20,2023,at 9:00a.m. orasmaybecontinuedthereaer. APublicHearingwillbeheldbeforetheNorthPortCityCommissionon Tuesday,September12,2023,at10:00a.m. ,orassoonthereaerasthemattermay beheardtoconsiderCIP-23-052.eCommissionmayapprovetheDevelopmentMasterPlan(CIP-23-052)atthishearingdate. esehearingswilltakeplaceinthe CityHallCommissionChamberslocatedonthesecondoorofNorthPortCityHall,4970CityHallBoulevard, NorthPort,Florida,34286. Note:ProposedCIP-23-052(boundaryofthearea)isdepictedonthismap.eproposedsitecontains±17.31acres. AllinterestedpartiesareinvitedtoappearandbeheardinrespecttothisDevelopmentMasterPlanatthepublichearingsintheCityHallCommission Chambers.WrittencommentsledwiththeCityCommissionwillbeheardandconsideredandwillbemadeamatterofpublicrecordatthemeeting.ese publichearingsmaybecontinuedfromtimetotimeasannouncedatthehearin gs,asmaybefoundnecessary.epublicmayinspectthelespertinentto CIP-23-052attheCityofNorthPortNeighborhoodDevelopmentServicesDepartment,Planning&ZoningDivision,andintheCityofNorthPortCityCler kÂs Oce,4970CityHallBoulevard,NorthPort,Florida34286,duringregularbusinesshours. NOSTENOGRAPHICRECORDBYACERTIFIEDCOURTREPORTERISMADEOFTHESEMEETINGS.ACCORDINGLY,ANYPERSONWHOMAYSEEK TOAPPEALADECISIONINVOLVINGTHEMATTERSNOTICEDHEREINWILLBERESPONSIBLEFORMAKINGAVERBATIMRECORDOFTHE TESTIMONYANDEVIDENCEATTHESEMEETINGSUPONWHICHANYAPPEALISTOBEBASED(SEEF.S.S.286.0105). NOTE: PERSONSWITHDISABILITIESNEEDINGASSISTANCETOPARTICIPATEINANYOFTHESEPROCEEDINGSSHOULDCONTACTTHECITY CLERKÂSOFFICE48HOURSINADVANCEOFTHEMEETING(SEEF.S.S.286.26). NONDISCRIMINATION: eCityofNorthPortdoesnotdiscriminateonthebasisofrace,color,nationalorigin,sex,age,disability,familyorreligiousstatus inadministrationofitsprograms,activitiesorservices. AMERICANWITHDISABILITIESACTOF1990 -eNorthPortCityHalliswheelchairaccessible.SpecialparkingisavailableonthewestsideofCity Hallandthebuildingmaybeaccessedfromtheparkingarea.PersonswithhearingdicultiesshouldcontacttheCityClerktoobtainahearingdevicefo ruse duringmeetings. /s/ HeatherFaust,MMC CityClerk __________________________________ Publish:Monday,July3,2023adno=3895648-1 PUBLICNOTICE-CITYOFNORTHPORT NOTICEOFPUBLICHEARINGS FORDMP-23-019NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN ,pursuanttoChapters166and163oftheFlo ridaStatutes,Sectio n7.01(c)oftheCharteroftheCityofNorthPort,Floridathat theCityofNorthPortwillconsiderDMP-23-019,approvalofDevelopmentMasterPlanforthedevelopmentof660residentialunits.esiteisgenerall y locatedapproximatelysouthofPanaceaBlvd,northandwestoftheCypressFallscommunity,andeastandnortheastoftheLakesatNorthPortcommunity .e PropertyiszonedPlannedCommunityDevelopment(ÂPCDÂŽ),(ActivityCenter#4),(PIDs1115-00-1300,1115-00-1400,and1115-00-1150). APublicHearingwillbeheldbeforethePlanningandZoningAdvisoryBoarddesignatedastheLocalPlanningAgency(LPA)on ursday,July20,2023,at 9:00a.m. inthe CityHallCommissionChambers,4970CityHallBoulevard,NorthPort,Florida34286 . APublicHearingforDMP-23-019willbeheldbeforetheNorthPortCityCommissiononT uesday,July25,2023,at10:00a.m. ,intheC ityHallCommission Chambers,4970CityHallBoulevard,NorthPort,Florida34286 . Note:ProposedDMP-23-019(boundaryofthearea)isdepictedonthismap.eproposedsitecontains±75.56Acres. AllinterestedpartiesareinvitedtoappearandbeheardinrespecttothisPetitionatthepublichearingsintheCityHallCommissionChambers.Writt en commentsledwiththeCityCommissionwillbeheardandconsideredandwillbemadeamatterofpublicrecordatthemeeting.esepublichearingsmaybe continuedfromtimetotimeasannouncedatthehearings,asmaybefoundn ecessary.elespertinenttoDMP-23 -019maybeinspectedbythepublicatthe CityofNorthPortDevelopmentServicesDepartment,Planning&ZoningDivision,andintheCityofNorthPortCityClerkÂsOce,4970CityHallBouleva rd, NorthPort,Florida34286,duringregularbusinesshours. NOSTENOGRAPHICRECORDBYACERTIFIEDCOURTREPORTERISMADEOFTHESEMEETINGS.ACCORDINGLY,ANYPERSONWHOMAYSEEK TOAPPEALADECISIONINVOLVINGTHEMATTERSNOTICEDHEREINWILLBERESPONSIBLEFORMAKINGAVERBATIMRECORDOFTHE TESTIMONYANDEVIDENCEATTHESEMEETINGSUPONWHICHANYAPPEALISTOBEBASED(SEEF.S.S.286.0105). NOTE: PERSONSWITHDISABILITIESNEEDINGASSISTANCETOPARTICIPATEINANYOFTHESEPROCEEDINGSSHOULDCONTACTTHECITY CLERKÂSOFFICE48HOURSINADVANCEOFTHEMEETING(SEEF.S.S.286.26). NONDISCRIMINATION: eCityofNorthPortdoesnotdiscriminateonthebasisofrace,color,nationalorigin,sex,age,disability,familyorreligiousstatus inadministrationofitsprograms,activitiesorservices. AMERICANWITHDISABILITIESACTOF1990 -eNorthPortCityHalliswheelchairaccessible.SpecialparkingisavailableonthewestsideofCity Hallandthebuildingmaybeaccessedfromtheparkingarea.PersonswithhearingdicultiesshouldcontacttheCityClerktoobtainahearingdevicefo ruse duringmeetings. /s/ HeatherFaust,MMC CityClerk __________________________________ Publish:July3,2023adno=3896062-1
PAGE 6B MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 The Daily Sun | OUR VIEWLawsuit would deny voters a voice on marijuanaOUR POSITION: We take no position for or against recreational use of marijuana but we do believe it should be on the 2024 ballot so voters can decide.Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody and the Florida Chamber of Commerce want to block state voters from considering a ballot measure next year that would legalize marijuana for recreational use. The measure needs to get 60% of the vote for approval under state rule „ a high bar. Moody, the statewide chamber and other anti-legalization groups want the Florida Supreme Court to keep the marijuana measure from heading to voters arguing it runs afoul of state constitutional rules governing popular initiatives as well as federal laws that still make cannabis illegal. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law „ with opposition from Republicans and limited will from Democrats, including the current administration, in a wholesale change to that status. Still, 23 states as well as the District of Columbia, Guam and the North Mariana Islands have legalized pot for recreational use since 2012. The feds, across three administrations, have not challenged those state actions or launched new anti-pot enforcements in those states. Moody as well as others opposed to marijuana legalization have made this argument with previous Florida cannabis measures and initiatives in other states. The Florida Supreme Court tossed a 2022 measure over ÂmisleadingÂŽ language centered on the phrase that the marijuana would be regulated Âfor limited use and growing by persons 21 years of age or older.ÂŽ The more conservative court zeroed in on that phrase questioning the Âlimited useÂŽ term. Moody and the chamber hopes the high court sides with them again. Five of the state Supreme CourtÂs seven justices were appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, no fan of marijuana legalization beyond for medical use. In response to the 2022 ruling, the 2024 ballot language includes a direct provision on federal drug laws. ÂApplies to Florida law; does not change, or immunize violations of, federal law,ÂŽ the Smart & Safe Florida measure reads. The chamber argues the 2024 pot measure runs afoul of single-subject state rules governing ballot initiatives contending it delves into Âdecriminalization and commercializationÂŽ and misleads voters on what it will do to the cannabis landscape. ÂThe ballot title and summary fail to disclose that the commercialization of recreational marijuana is a chief purpose of the Proposed Amendment „ so much so that it would preclude adults 21 years of age or older from growing marijuana for their own personal use,ÂŽ the Florida chamber contends in its “ling. The measure „ which is being backed to the tune of $39 million (so far) by Tallahassee-based marijuana dispensary company Truileve „ does not have language related to growing because of single-subject challenges to the 2022 measure as well as other initiatives. There is a group proposing a potential 2024 ballot measure that would allow Florida medical marijuana patients and caregivers to grow cannabis in their homes. The state Legislature could also act on at-home marijuana cultivation rules and other drug law changes. Moody and other opponents have arguments to be made against the broader issue of legalization, how the Florida measure is crafted and some of the lessons learned from other U.S. states legalization. But those arguments are better suited for voters rather than relying on the courts. Popular initiatives are available in Florida to allow voters to have a direct role in our democracy, especially on major issues of concern and matters ignored by the Legislature. This is one of those instances where voters, everyday Floridians, should be heard. Are you more scared of guns or drag queens?E:Columnist Adreian Ramirez recently cited gun deaths in the US of over 16,000 in the “rst 138 days of 2023. More recently I read they are now at over 20,500. But donÂt worry. The Republicans want you to think about scarier threats like gender identity issues and sexual choices. Somebody might use the wrong bathroom which you should worry about even though there are doors in most public restrooms and at schools too. Someone who may have previously been a boy might try out for your daughterÂs team. Really, do you think about this a lot? Do you instead wonder if you will see your child again when they head for school or to the mall or a movie with friends? Will it be safe to take them to a parade or a fair? Why are Republicans ignoring the PUBLISHER Glen Nickerson COMMENTARY EDITOR John HackworthViewpointWho really needs to face reality?E:Face reality? Viewpoint article 6-28-23. You bet I am facing reality! I am witnessing the most fraudulent, incompetent administration in my 85-year-old lifetime. What did Rush Limbaugh say, ÂPeople, you have to understand, Democrats do not go to jail!ÂŽ So true. We are now witnessing a gun problem? Might it be because they are owned by the gun lobby? Most of them claim to be pro-life. Well it seems they are until the child is born. Then the kid is on its own even for aordable child care, let alone a safe childhood. DonÂt let them blow smoke at you. Make them tell you where they stand on this. D G Punta Gorda diabolical eort from the left to ensure Donald Trump is not the Republican candidate for president. Of course, they are afraid of him. Look what he accomplished: immigration, in”ation at its lowest, employment, etc., not enough room on these pages, and more blatantly, he is not one of them, and never will be. I have said it numerous times, ÂHe was an imperfect man who did a perfect job!ÂŽ I feel like IÂm living in a banana republic. Their goal: control the money, the government, and anything else they can get their hands on. In just a few words, they want to control you and I, totally. The Senate Homeland Security Committee issued a report that said the FBI received info about the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol and did nothing about it. Duh. M A J Punta Gorda Donald Trump hasnÂt been known for his scrupulously correct use of language, but now wants to police the use of Âwoke.ÂŽ ÂI donÂt like the term Âwoke because I hear, Âwoke, woke, woke,ÂÂŽ he said the other day. ÂItÂs just a term they use, half the people canÂt even de“ne it, they donÂt know what it is.ÂŽ Of course, Trump wasnÂt volunteering his equivalent of an elementary rule of usage from Strunk & White at random. His newfound disdain for the term ÂwokeÂŽ has everything to do with his contest with Ron DeSantis for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination. The former presidentÂs by-any-means-necessary approach to “ghting DeSantis means that he doesnÂt care if heÂs adopting the arguments of the other side as long as heÂs taking a dig at the Florida governor; itÂs his version of what people who are woke „ to use the oending word „ call Âallyship.ÂŽ Trump recently talked up disgraced former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo by way of arguing that the Empire StateÂs response to the coronavirus was better than FloridaÂs. Cuomo expressed his appreciation. Now, Trump is embracing the leftÂs contention that conservatives are throwing around the term ÂwokeÂŽ as a catchall insult without knowing what it means. Contra Trump and the progressives who agree with him on this point, ÂwokeÂŽ is a useful term for social justice excesses and everything associated with them. If the word didnÂt exist, it „ or something very similar „ would have to be invented. As it happens, it was invented long ago, and not by the right. The term dates to the “rst half of the 20th century when it was used by African Americans to describe how they should be aware of threats from white people „ ÂStay woke.ÂŽ The word gained new prominence with the Ferguson, Missouri, protests in 2014, when it became an online trope. The publication Vox notes that Âthe idea of staying aware of or Âwoke to the inequities of the American justice system was a heady one.ÂŽ Then, as often occurs in American political and social life, it got repurposed. Conservatives took the word over and began applying it to cultural radicalism largely around issues of race and gender. Is it used promiscuously? Sure. Does DeSantis say it too much when describing his “ghts in Florida? Maybe „ thereÂs always a “ne line between good branding and overkill. But thereÂs no doubt that wokeness is a real thing. We see it, for instance, in elaborate pronoun policies, in the dumbing down of standards in the name of equity, and in the assumption that every institution in American life is racist. ÂWokeÂŽ has replaced Âpolitical correctnessÂŽ as a term, but the concepts arenÂt the same. P.C. tended to denote a hypersensitivity to alleged oensiveness, whereas woke gets to something that goes much deeper „ a critique of American life as fundamentally racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic. The concepts of Âwhite privilegeÂŽ and Âwhite supremacy,ÂŽ so prevalent on the left, are central to this worldview, and the remedy is an outcomesbased focus on so-called Âequity.ÂŽ As we saw in the debate over critical race theory, as soon as the right adopts a term that has purchase, the left denies that the underlying phenomenon exists. There have been numerous reports in the press about how no one can de“ne Âwoke,ÂŽ while left-wing commentators and academics have been saying the use of the term is, of course, itself racist. Whenever the term ÂwokeÂŽ goes out of style, whatever replaces it will be found similarly lacking. The word and what it denotes are going to stay at the center of the GOP debate, though, because Republican voters are rightly alarmed by the cultural direction of the country. In the absence of a better word, ÂwokeÂŽ is unavoidable „ so unavoidable, in fact, that Trump used it describe the military on the same day he knocked it as nebulous and overused. He knows what the word means, and so does everyone else. Rich Lowry is on Twitter @RichLowryTrump, and the Left, wrong about ÂwokeÂOPINION RICH LOWRYNational Review
PAGE 21 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 PAGE 7BOPINIONSWASHINGTON „ Democrats are panicking over No Labels, the bipartisan group laying the groundwork for an independent unity ticket as an insurance policy if Donald Trump wins the GOP nomination. Democrats complain No Labels would bleed support from President Joe Biden without winning Republican votes, thus handing the presidency to Trump. In fact, No Labels can win Republican support „ but only if it nominates the right candidates. To be sure, a successful third-party ticket has been a quadrennial fantasy. And itÂs true that in normal times, third-party candidates are nothing more than spoilers. But these are not normal times. Overwhelming majorities of Americans say they do not want a TrumpBiden rematch. A HarrisX poll for No Labels „ which surveyed more than 26,000 registered voters in all 50 states „ found that 69% donÂt want Biden to run again and 62% donÂt want Trump to run again. That level of dissatisfaction with the major parties top contenders is virtually without precedent. If the system produces a Trump-Biden rematch anyway „ as seems increasingly likely „ then Republicans and Democrats who donÂt like their choices have no safe harbor on the other side. Most Republicans wonÂt pull the lever for Biden, whom they consider the most catastrophic president since Jimmy Carter. And most Democrats certainly wonÂt vote for Trump, who they say belongs in prison rather than the Oval Oce. If you think Biden is incompetent and Trump is un“t „ as millions do „ you have nowhere to go. Enter No Labels, which says it could oer these voters the safe harbor they are longing for. A whopping 59% of respondents told HarrisX that, if faced with a Trump-Biden rematch, they would consider a moderate independent ticket „ including 59% of Democrats, 53% of Republicans and 70% of independents. In other words, No Labels starts out with a ceiling of potential bipartisan support more than 20 points higher than the ceiling for Ross Perot in 1992, who never polled higher than 38%. But without names at the head of the tickets, these numbers demonstrate only a yearning for an alternative. To translate that desire into votes, No Labels needs candidates who can win actual support from voters of both parties. If it nominates Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) for president, a possibility Manchin does not discount „ and then selects a Republican of similar stature as his running mate „ No Labels could put forward the “rst serious, credible third-party ticket in modern times. Unlike Evan McMullin, Jill Stein or even Perot, Manchin is a sitting senator and former governor with a national pro“le and record of accomplishment. In dierent times, he could credibly be the Democratic PartyÂs presidential nominee. If the worry is that No Labels canÂt draw Republican votes, then the solution is simple: Put a real Republican on the ticket for vice president „ a full-spectrum conservative who in normal times could serve on a GOP ticket. Which means it canÂt be someone from the Never Trump wing, or a pro-choice Republican who would have no shot at ever winning the partyÂs nomination. For most Republicans, the main obstacle to voting for a third party is abortion. According to Gallup, nearly 8 in 10 Republicans today consider themselves pro-life, an all-time high. In 2016, abortion would have doomed a No Labels bid, because the Supreme Court was on the ballot. Many Republicans held their noses and voted for Trump, hoping he would appoint conservative justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade. He did just that, delivering a 6-3 conservative majority on the high court. Ironically, TrumpÂs perfect record on Supreme Court appointments has opened the way for No Labels to defeat him. With its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson WomenÂs Health Organization, the court took the abortion issue out of federal hands and sent it to the states. And because no justices appear near retirement, the courtÂs conservative majority seems secure, for the moment at least. This means a brief window exists in which prolife Republicans can feel free to take a risk and vote for a third-party ticket „ as long as it stays neutral on abortion and promises not to pursue federal legislation either to codify Roe or to restrict abortion. If No Labels paired Manchin with a pro-choice Republican, that window would close: The ticket would rightly be seen by Republicans as a Democratic stalking horse. And without Republican support, it would be nothing more than the spoiler Democrats fear. But if No Labels neutralizes the abortion question, it can appeal to voters from both sides who are sick of being forced to choose between the extremes. LetÂs be clear: a No Labels ticket should not be necessary. Right now, the Republican “eld oers an embarrassment of riches. Almost any serious GOP contender except Trump could crush Biden, who is one of the least popular presidents in the history of presidential polling. If the GOP squanders that opportunity and nominates Trump, many Republicans will face an agonizing choice in 2024. No Labels could oer them a centrist alternative „ and give Americans a second chance for the unity and bipartisanship they thought they were voting for in 2020. Just as 2016 gave us a populist uprising, 2024 could give us the revenge of the great American middle „ and a bridge back to normalcy, sanity and moderation. Follow Marc A. Thiessen on Twitter, @marcthiessen.No Labels can win GOP support with right candidates MARC A. THIESSENWashington Post A few weeks ago, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was campaigning in Illinois when he wanted to let voters there know how popular he was back home „ and also take a few swipes at the blue state he was visiting. So he told Illinois Republicans that his reelection margin of victory was so big in some of FloridaÂs rural counties that it reminded him of the stories heÂd heard about Chicago, saying: ÂI just assumed it was dead people voting or something.ÂŽ Presumably , the line got a good laugh from the crowd in Peoria. What DeSantis didnÂt tell the crowd was that, just a few months earlier, it was residents in Florida „ not Illinois „ whoÂd admitted to casting illegal ballots. And not just any residents, but residents in the rural parts of Florida where the governor had said heÂd done so well. Four residents of The Villages were charged with voting twice in the 2020 election and later admitted guilt. Yet if you think DeSantis „ who has claimed that combating voter fraud is a top priority for him „ made sure Florida threw the book at those Villages residents, think again. The Villagers werenÂt sent to prison. They werenÂt even sent to trial. Instead, they were oered deals that allowed them to avoid a conviction as long as they entered a pre-trial intervention program that involved community service. And, as it turns out, even the community service was optional for some who wanted to Âbuy outÂŽ their communityservice hours at a cost of $10 per hour. So to recap what we have so far: DeSantis jokes about voter fraud in Chicago ƒ while actual voter fraud took place under his watch in his own state ƒ in the counties where he noted he does so well ƒ and where the admitted culprits were allowed to go on their merry way. But the story doesnÂt end there. Because DeSantis newly created election police force is going aggressively after other people „ including some in dark blue, urban counties who were given cards by state ocials telling them it was OK to vote. One of them is Orlando resident Peter Washington. Washington was convicted of a sex crime in 1996 that originally netted him a probationary sentence. He has since tried to reform his life and was even worked to become a minister. He thought FloridaÂs new law restoring voting rights to former felons covered him. So he asked for permission to vote „ and the state gave him a voting ID. The governorÂs new elections squad, however, says the ID never shouldÂve been given, since WashingtonÂs 27-year-old crime was a felony sex oense. So they charged him with voting fraud. Washington lost his job after the governor made a big show about his arrest and 19 others. WashingtonÂs lawyer got the charge dismissed after arguing the state was improperly prosecuting him. But the state is appealing the ruling, trying to pursue a felony voting charge, punishable by $5,000 and up to 5 years in prison. Maybe youÂre inclined to say: Fair enough. Except hereÂs where the story takes yet another turn. Because the state didnÂt seek “nes or prison time for other people caught doing the same thing as Washington „ when those voters live in rural, conservative counties anyway. As the SentinelÂs Christopher Cann recently reported, GOP State Attorney Bill Gladson „ the same prosecutor for Marion and Sumter counties who approved deals for the Villages residents who voted twice „ also decided not to prosecute other residents accused of doing what Washington did in voting when they werenÂt supposed to as former felons. Instead, GladsonÂs oce said the former sex oenders in his neck of the woods who improperly voted deserved a pass because ÂThe individuals were mistakenly issued registration cards.ÂŽ A letter from his oce went on to say the accused were led Âto believe they could legally vote in the electionÂŽ and that ÂThe evidence fails to show willful actions on a part of these individuals. Therefore, the State is unable to “le charges.ÂŽ You can make a good-faith argument that Gladson is absolutely right. Why would the state prosecute people who asked for and were granted permission to vote? More importantly, though, why wouldnÂt the state treat all former felons who were mistakenly given the go-ahead to vote the same way? Yet the state gave those former sex oenders in rural Florida a break while itÂs still going after Washington in Orlando. ÂThereÂs no equal protection here,ÂŽ said WashingtonÂs attorney, Roger Weeden. ÂItÂs disparate treatment.ÂŽ HeÂs right. And if you look at all the cases above, itÂs inarguable that the state of Florida handles allegations of voter fraud very dierently depending upon who casts the ballots and where. Some are prosecuted by sympathetic local prosecutors. Others by zealous statewide ones. So now letÂs put this all together and what do we have? The governor says heÂs committed to rooting out voting fraud ƒ even though some of the people in his state get o with wrist slaps ƒ while others are let o altogether ƒ while others in Democratic strongholds are still being targeted. But sure, Illinois is the punchline when it comes to voting fraud.In Florida, not all voter fraud considered equal SCOTT MAXWELLSun Sentinel In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court “rmly rejected the so-called independent state legislature theory. This bizarre theory would have allowed renegade legislators to violate their state constitutions in setting rules for federal elections „ allowing them to hijack elections for U.S. Congress and even the presidency. The ruling was therefore a vote to protect the democratic process. ThatÂs one of the Supreme CourtÂs most important jobs. ItÂs hard to overstate how important it is that this court is prepared to ful“ll that duty. The decision in the case, Moore v. Harper, was written by Chief Justice John Roberts. It was joined not only by the courtÂs three liberals but also by Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. That too is signi“cant. By joining the opinion, Kavanaugh and Barrett showed that, notwithstanding their undoubted conservatism, they are not going to be radical revolutionaries when it comes to the basic structure of democratic elections. Sadly, the same cannot be said for the dissenters, Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch and Samuel Alito. When the case was argued, I described in some detail the crazy argument that the court was encouraged to consider. Basically, it relied on extreme literalism. The U.S. Constitution says that itÂs up to state legislatures to specify the time, place and manner of congressional elections. (Ditto for presidential elections.) Based on that language, the petitioners in the case asserted that a state supreme court „ applying the state constitution and state laws „ lacked the authority under the federal Constitution to strike down unlawful action by the state legislature. Their theory was that since the Constitution says that the state legislature is in charge, the state supreme court canÂt intervene, no matter what. RobertsÂs opinion made it clear that this argument holds no water under basic principles of U.S. constitutional law. Under the fundamental theory that underlies not only the federal but all the state constitutions, the state legislature is the creature of the state constitution. And under the principle of judicial review, the state supreme court has the authority to interpret the state constitution and state laws, just like the Supreme Court has the last word on the meaning of the U.S. Constitution and federal law. To say otherwise, as the petitioners did, would distort the basic fabric of both state and federal constitutional law. ItÂs kind of astonishing that anyone would disagree with this. But ThomasÂs dissent did. To give you just a ”avor of how arcane his argument was, Thomas insisted that, since congressional elections are a product of the Constitution, not of states rights, then the Constitution must be read as literally requiring the stateÂs lawmaking body to set election rules. Thus the state legislature „ not the state constitution as applied by the state supreme court „ must have the “nal word in state elections. (Only Gorsuch joined that part of ThomasÂs dissent. Alito joined the part of the dissent that said the Supreme Court should not have taken the case because it was already moot.) The practical question going forward is how the U.S. Supreme Court will review the actions of state supreme courts when they intervene in redistricting or in presidential elections. That issue has its roots in the Bush v. Gore litigation, in which the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Florida supreme courtÂs application of Florida election law. Roberts told state supreme courts that the Supreme Court would grant some deference to their interpretation of their own state constitution and state laws. But he also warned that the U.S. Supreme Court would strike down state supreme court rulings if they Âtransgress the ordinary bounds of judicial review such that they arrogate to themselves the power vested in state legislatures to regulate federal elections.ÂŽ In a solo concurrence, Kavanaugh tried to re“ne the standard, advocating for the one advanced by then-Chief Justice William Rehnquist in the Bush v. Gore case: whether the state court had Âimpermissibly distortedÂŽ state law Âbeyond what a fair reading required.ÂŽ He suggested this was eectively the same as the standard presented by Justice David Souter that case: whether the state court exceeded the limits of Âreasonable interpretationÂŽ of state law. In truth, SouterÂs standard is more deferential, and would be the better one for the court to adopt should it “nd itself intervening in future cases. The upshot is that, when the Supreme Court wants to, it will still overrule state supreme courts interpretations of state law when it comes to federal elections. ThatÂs the enduring legacy of Bush v. Gore. But at least for now we know that six justices donÂt want runaway state legislatures to break electoral democracy. ThatÂs one less thing to worry about. Noah Feldman is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist.Supreme Court just stood up for electoral democracy NOAH FELDMANBloomberg Opinion
PAGE 8B MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 The Daily Sun | Amy K. (OÂBrien) Tighe April 27, 1958 June 23, 2023 Amy Kennelly Tighe, age 65, died Friday June 23, 2023 in Port Charlotte, Florida. Amy was born on April 27, 1958 to William and Rose (Kennelly) OÂBrien in Hartford, Connecticut. Amy is survived by her fiancé, Walter Canavan, sisters Virginia Traugott (Steven), Joan Cote, Sara Mason and several nieces and nephews. Amy was predeceased by her parents, brother John OÂBrien and sister Glenna OÂBrien. A Celebration of Life will be Sunday July 16, 2023 1PM 3PM @ 10516 Greenway Ave, Englewood, Florida 34224 Donations may be made to the American Heart Association. Amy K Tighe Glenn Peeples, a PGA golfer and golf course developer, and Coach has died peacefully at his home on Wednesday, May 31st, 2023, he was 91 yrs old, born in Bartow, Florida 1932. His surviving family is his loving wife of 42 yrs, Janis, his 2 sons, Jimmy & Glenn Jr. and step daughter Andrea, his 2 half sisters Brenda Smith and Paula Burris of Easley, South Carolina. Glenn loved coaching golf, hitting balls, fishing, and working in his yard, and always by his side his loving dog Sandy Schnauzer, he will be loved and missed by many, Rest in his Light for eternity. He will be at his forever resting place Sarasota National Veterans Cemetery, Monday 7/31/2023 11am-perfect grass he will love it! Glenn Peeples Featured EventsAMVETS POST 312 EVENTS, 7050 Chancellor Blvd. North Port. MONDAY Taco Monday with $2 margaritas. TUESDAY Pot Roast 5-7pm. WEDNESDAY Bingo at 11am., steak night 5-7pm. Live music. THURSDAY Golf series 6 pm., Bowling 7 pm., Open Menu. FRIDAY Seafood night (BEST fish in town) 5-7pm. Darts 7pm. Queen of Hearts 7pm. Live music. SATURDAY Dogs and burgers 11-2pm. Jam session 12-4pm. SUNDAY Dogs & burgers 1-5pm. Canteen Bingo 2-4pm., Karaoke 5-8pm. FOURTH OF JULY FAMILY FUN FESTIVAL MILITARY HERITAGE MUSEUM, A full day of fun activities for the whole family. Celebrating and remembering our patriotic heritage. Hours 10 a.m. Â… 4 p.m. Admission: $5.00 Kids up to 14, $12 Veterans, $14 Adults Smooth Treats and More Food Truck Enjoy Huey Cockpit Tours, Flight Simulator, Virtual Reality, Remote Control Tanks, LibertyÂs Kids Videos, Live Performances of the ÂStory of Our FlagÂŽ and ÂMeet the Daughters of the American RevolutionÂŽ. Kids activities galore! Visit www. for details. PAID ADVERTISEMENTSOn behalf of our Board of Directors and sta of the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce, we wish all our members and the entire community a fun, safe, and happy 4th of July holiday celebration! The 4th of July is celebrated across our country with various festivities, including “reworks, barbecues, and family gatherings. It serves as a reminder of our countryÂs history, the struggles endured to secure independence, and the values of freedom, democracy, and individual rights that form the core of the United States. Here are some fun and family friendly activities happening on the 4th. Charlotte Harbor Freedom Swim: The 30-plus-year tradition begins at 2:30 p.m. at Live Oak Park, 5100 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte. The Freedom Swim traditionally attracts 1,000-1,500 participants, including kayakers, paddle boards, boaters, and 400-500 swimmers. FishermenÂs Village Independence Day Celebration: The festivities begin at noon with live music. From 5-9 p.m. youÂll enjoy a unique blend of country, rock, and dance music. At 9 p.m. the incredible “rework display will begin. King Fisher Fleet: If a water view is more to your liking, King Fisher Fleet is oering a Sunset/ Firework cruise at 7:30 p.m. at FishermenÂs Village. Whatever you may do, be safe and enjoy your time with family, friends, and loved ones! CHAMBER ACTIVITIES Networking at Noon Lunch (member event): 11:45 a.m.Â…1 p.m., Wednesday, July 12 at LeroyÂs Southern Kitchen & Bar, 201 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. Registration and meal selection required. To RSVP, visit charlottecountychamber. org. Lunch & Learn (member event): NoonÂ…1 p.m., Tuesday, July 18 at the Charlotte County Chamber oce, 2702 Tamiami Trail, PC. Topic: E-Verify Compliance Training for Small Business Employers. Speaker: Christina Faro-Pilliteri, Charlotte County Society of Human Resource Management. Learn the rules and responsibilities associated with the new E-Verify requirement, practical methods for streamlining your hiring process and how to avoid common pitfalls and legal risks. This comprehensive session is designed to provide you with the tools and information required to successfully obtain and maintain compliance and protect your business from legal risks. Registration/lunch selection required.To RSVP, visit $10pp. Third Wednesday Coee (member event): 8Â…9 a.m., Wednesday, July 19, Charlotte Harbor Event & Conference Center, 75 Taylor St., Punta Gorda. Quarterly New Member Showcase: This is a productive and eective opportunity to meet our new members, get familiar with their products and services, and build those strong business connections. Registration is requested to make proper arrangements. To RSVP, visit Business Card Exchange (member event): 5Â…7 p.m., Thursday, July 27 at Neal Communities (Kings Gate), 1622 Royal Court, Port Charlotte. Bring a gift to promote your business and bring plenty of business cards. Registration is requested to make proper arrangements. To RSVP, visit charlottecountychamber. org. New Teachers Breakfast (member event): 7:30Â… 9 a.m., Monday, July 31 at Charlotte Harbor Event & Conference Center, 75 Taylor St., Punta Gorda. Charlotte County Public Schools will be welcoming 225 new teachers this year. We are looking for 225 members to sponsor each teacher. $45 to sponsor a teacher. You can provide 225 items for the new teachers goodie bags. Deadline is Friday, July 14. Special thanks to our title sponsor: Lake Michigan Credit Union. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Sunrise Kiwanis Shoes for Kids Project : The Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce will once again be a collection site for the Shoes for Kids Project. The Kiwanis Shoes for Kids Project collects new athletic shoes for children (pre-K through High School) in the Charlotte County Public School System. The need for the 2023-2024 school year is 4,100 pairs of new sneakers. Please consider helping in this much-needed community project. For more information about the project or to make a monetary donation, visit www.pcsunrisekiwanis. org or call 941-336-2411. The Charlotte County Chamber is located at 2702 Tamiami Trial, Port Charlotte for shoe drop-o. Bob White is executive director of the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce.Happy 4th of July BOB WHITECharlotte County Chamber of Commerce Lemon Bay Sunrise Rotary presents Light Up Lemon Bay 4th of July Fireworks Display this Tuesday night. The “reworks are set to go o at approximately 9 p.m. July 4 and will last for 30 minutes. They will be set o on the bayside of Middle Beach (Blind Pass Beach). The best places to watch the “reworks are Middle Beach, Dearborn Street, Indian Mound Park and Snooks Bayside Restaurant & Tiki. You can also watch the “reworks from a boat. Lemon Bay Tours will be selling tickets to watch the “reworks by boat. They will bring you out on the water early for a nice relaxing sunset cruise followed by the “reworks. Boat leaves at 7 p.m., and tickets are $100. Reservations are required. For more information, visit and go to the calendar. Did you know the Englewood Chamber has been around as long as the Fourth of July? The Fourth of July was made a federal holiday in 1941, the same year your chamber was incorporated. The Englewood Chamber represents free enterprise and embraces the independence aorded to us each and every day. We wish you and your family a happy and safe Fourth of July! CRAFT PARTY Stumble Cove Designs cuts metal into custom designs. You can choose your design and then you will be able to paint it. The event will be 4 p.m. July 8 at the chamber, 601 S. Indiana Ave. For more information and to register, you can go to and go to the calendar. FUN AFTER 5 Join us anytime between 5 and 7 p.m. on July 12 for our monthly Fun After 5 Networking Mixer. We will be hosted by HCA Florida Englewood Hospital in their Suncoast Auditorium, 700 Medical Blvd. If you have not been to an event at the hospital, I highly encourage you to attend. They pull out all the stops! No registration necessary. HCA Florida Englewood Hospital has been around for a long time. Like “ne wine, it gets better with age. Our local hospital is now one of the best. It won the Leapfrog Award (national safety award) 22 times in a row. Because they won it so many times, people think itÂs a nominal award that every hospital gets every year. However, that is not the case. Many hospitals only have won a few times, and some not even recently. This is a true testament to how things are run over at our local hospital. BUSINESS WORKSHOP WeÂre having a business workshop, hosted by DG Advisors. Learn the six common business-killing mistakes „ and the solutions to help “x/ prevent these mistakes. Three takeaways that you will get from the seminar: € Learning the common mistakes that many business owners make. € Understanding the true value of a business and how it is one of your greatest assets. € Discussing succession planning and understanding why it is so important. It will be held July 19 at the chamber, 601 S. Indiana Ave. They will be doing the workshop twice. Once at 9 a.m. and again at 3 p.m. Register online at and click on the calendar. Doug Izzo is executive director of the Englewood Florida Chamber of Commerce. Contact him at doug.izzo@, 941-474-5511, or visit www.englewoodchamber. comFireworks, parties and business with the Englewood Chamber DOUG IZZOEnglewood Chamber STAFF REPORTSARASOTA Â… A “ve-story, 80,000-square foot building is set to Âpromote collaboration, discovery and innovation in medical education and research,ÂŽ for Sarasota Memorial Health Care System. Ground was broken for it on Tuesday in Sarasota. According to a news release, it will hold SMHÂs Âexpanding clinical research division, clinical and graduate medical education programs, medical library and a new, state-of-theart simulation center designed for hands-on training.ÂŽ The gathering emphasized the future of the facility. ÂBringing together skilled physicians, clinical investigators and nurse educators, the new Research and Education Institute will centralize everything we do under one roof, providing our physicians, clinical sta, residents and fellows enhanced opportunities to work collaboratively in an innovative clinical education environment,ÂŽ Sarasota Memorial Health Care System President/CEO David Verinder said, according to the news release. It is set to open in 2025. The groundbreaking event was attended by members of the community and people involved with SMH, from its board to its workers. The news release notes SMH is a training facility that is ranked among the Top 40 teaching hospitals in America, according to Fortune/Merative. The health care system also works with the areaÂs nursing education programs, the news release notes. SMH Chief Medical Ocer Dr. James Fiorica said some of its programs have tripled in size in recent years. It has had about 70 resident physicians and fellows complete their residency or fellowship training each year, the news release stated. There are also more than 50 active research studies underway at Sarasota Memorial, it noted. ÂWe are so proud of the strides Sarasota Memorial has made in clinical research and education in recent years,ÂŽ Fiorica said in the news release. ÂOur teaching hospital is ranked among the best in Florida, and top 40 in the nation. That recognition helps attract exceptional physicians to the region and provide highly specialized care in our community.ÂŽGround broken for new $75 million Sarasota Memorial facilityBuilding to hold education programs, research divisionJAMESW.MALLONEE,P.A.LAWOFFICEJAMESW.MALLONEEPROBATEWILLS/TRUSTS MEDICAIDPLANNINGREALESTATEOfceHoursÂ…MondaythruFriday,9:00AMto5:00PM946TamiamiTrail,#206,PortCharlotte,FL33953871VenetiaBayBlvd.Suite#225,Venice,FL34285 (941) adno=3895030-1
Daily Break MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 | YOURSUN.COM By BEN MIMSLOS ANGELES TIMESA few weeks ago, my partner and I set out for a walk from our apartment. In the mood for adventuring, we started taking every turn we hadnÂt before and soon enough we found ourselves on the back of a hill, practically holding onto the vertical edge like rock climbers.I looked up and saw the very top of the ÂDÂŽ in the Hollywood sign and suggested that we walk to the sign since we were already Âso close.ÂŽ By the time we reached it, we had trekked six miles, were starving and were very annoyed. To make matters worse, our only way out was a four-mile hike down the hill. We found a restaurant and decided to stop to eat for the “rst time all day. After we ordered our food, two giant, piping-hot ÂabundantÂŽ chicken potpies were delivered to the table behind us. FOMO set in immediately for both my partner and me: We wished we had ordered those chicken potpies for our weary, tired souls. IÂve thought about an ÂabundantÂŽ chicken potpie ever since, and although it might not be a dish you think about this time of year, it can still be very comforting. One of the ways to keep the potpie from feeling too heavy and rich is by packing in more fresh green vegetables than in classic recipes, which, letÂs be honest, havenÂt changed much in decades. The cooked carrots and peas are my favorite part of classic chicken potpie, but there are other things that pair equally well with poached chicken and seasoned gravy in a ”aky pie crust. Herbs are an easy “rst step. Parsley is a mainstay of the classic, but I like to add more than usual recipes and also throw in dill and chives for their greenness and freshness. Swiss chard and sautéed cabbage, while both may not scream Âsummer,ÂŽ provide extra greens that toe the line between light and bulking „ perfect for a “lling such as this. In the gravy, instead of adding cream as many classic recipes do, I use milk and stir in a spoonful of Dijon mustard and lemon juice, which also helps cut the weight of the dish and perk up the other ingredients.A lighter chicken potpie is just as comforting in the summerPack in more vegetables to keep it from being too rich and heavy RICARDO DEARATANHA/LOS ANGELES TIMES PHOTOSAdd a seasoned roux to the mixture for the lling of the Abundant Chicken Potpie. Fresh greens, herbs and vegetables are piled into this summery version of chicken potpie. Make the dough for the crust of your pie the day before, so itÂs ready to be lled.ABUNDANT CHICKEN POTPIETIME: 4 hours 30 minutes YIELDS: Serves 6 to 81 recipe (2 disks) Basic Pie Pastry Dough (see recipe below), chilled 1 large egg 1 tablespoon water 1 bunch flat-leaf parsley 1 small bunch dill 1 small bunch chives 1 whole chicken, preferably 3 to 4 pounds (or bone-in, skin-on breast pieces of equal weight) 1 medium yellow onion, roughly chopped 2 medium carrots, peeled and cut into ½-inch pieces 1 bunch Swiss chard 5 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided ¼ cabbage, cored and thinly sliced 2 large garlic cloves, minced ¼ cup all-purpose flour 1 cup whole milk 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1 bag (10 ounces) f rozen peas Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper Flaky sea salt 1. On a floured work surface, roll one chilled dough disk until 1/8-inch thick. Transfer to a 9-inch glass or ceramic pie dish, leaving a 1-inch overhang all around and trimming any excess. Place the pastry-lined pie tin in the refrigerator. Repeat rolling the second dough disk and place on a parchment-paper-lined baking sheet; place it in the refrigerator too. 2. In a small bowl, use a fork to mix together the egg and water to make an egg wash. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to use. 3. Make the filling: Chop enough parsley leaves to fill 1/4 cup, and chop enough of the dill and chives to fill 2 tablespoons each. Place all the chopped herbs in a small bowl, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to use. Place the remaining bunches of herbs and stems in a large saucepan. Add the chicken and onion, then pour in enough cold water to just cover the chicken. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to maintain a gentle simmer and cook until an instant-read thermometer inserted in the thigh of the chicken reads 160 degrees F, about 30 minutes. 4. Using tongs or a large spoon, lift the chicken from the pot, letting it drain briefly, then transfer to a cutting board. Remove the pot from the heat, but donÂt disturb the cooking liquid. Once the chicken is cool enough to handle, remove and discard the skin, then pick apart the meat and tear into bite-size pieces; transfer all the meat to a large bowl. Return all the bones to the cooking liquid, then return the liquid to a simmer and cook, covered slightly, until reduced to a rich stock, about 1 hour. 5. Pour the stock through a fine mesh sieve into another pot or large glass measuring cup; discard the onions and herb stems. Rinse out the pot, then pour the strained stock back into it. Return the stock to a simmer, then add the carrots and cook until a paring knife inserted into the thickest pieces slides in and out easily, about 10 minutes. While the carrots cook, remove the stems from the Swiss chard and cut into 1/4-inch-thick pieces; cut the leaves into large 2-inch pieces. 6. Using a slotted spoon, remove the carrots from the stock and add to the bowl with the chicken. Add the Swiss chard stems to the stock and cook for 2 minutes. Add the Swiss chard leaves to the stock and cook until the leaves and stems are tender, about 2 minutes more. Using the slotted spoon, remove the leaves and stems from the stock, letting them drain briefly over the pot, and add to the bowl with the chicken and carrots. Pour the stock into a large glass measuring cup or heatproof bowl and set aside until ready to use. 7. Return the pot to the stove over medium heat and add 2 tablespoons butter. Once the butter melts, add the cabbage and garlic, and cook, stirring occasionally, until the cabbage is tender and just starting to turn light golden brown at the edges, about 4 minutes. Scrape the cabbage into the bowl of chicken and vegetables and return the pot to the heat. 8. Melt the remaining 3 tablespoons butter in the pot, then add the flour and cook, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes to remove the raw flour taste. Pour in 1 cup of the reserved stock and the milk and cook, whisking constantly, until the liquid bubbles and thickens. Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the lemon juice and mustard. Scrape all the sauce from the pot into the bowl of chicken and vegetables, add the f rozen peas and reserved chopped herbs, then gently stir everything together. Season liberally with salt and pepper. 9. Heat the oven to 450 degrees F. Remove the pastry-lined pie dish, the second rolled sheet of pastry and the egg wash from the refrigerator. Spoon the chicken mixture into the pie dish, mounding it in the center. Using a pastry brush, brush the pastry on the edge of the pie dish with some egg wash, then place the second sheet of pastry over the filling, pressing gently at the edge to seal the two crusts together. Trim any excess pastry so the top sheet aligns with the bottom sheet, then fold the overhanging edges under to form a thick rim on the edge of the pie dish. If you like, crimp the edge of the crust with your fingers or a fork. Brush the top of the pie with egg wash, then cut three slits in the top of the pie crust. Sprinkle the top with flaky sea salt and more black pepper. 10. Place the pie dish on a parchment-paperor foil-lined baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 350 degrees F, and continue baking the pie until the crust is deep golden brown all over and you can see the filling bubbling through the slits in the top crust, 35 to 45 minutes more. Remove the pie from the oven and let cool for at least 30 minutes before serving.BASIC PIE PASTRY DOUGH390 grams (2 ¾ cups) all-purpose flour, plus more for rolling and dusting 2 tablespoons granulated sugar 1 teaspoon fine sea salt 226 grams (1 cup) unsalted butter, cut into ½-inch cubes and chilled ¾ cup ice-cold water 1. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar and salt. Add the butter and use your fingers to pinch and rub it into the flour repeatedly until pea-size crumbles form. Pour in the water and use a fork to toss (not stir) the butter-flour mixture until itÂs evenly moistened. 2. Scrape the crumbly mass onto a clean work surface and pat and smush gently until it starts to form a solid piece of dough. Cut the dough in half, then flatten each piece into a disk, patting the edges to smooth them. Wrap each disk in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour or up to 2 days. 3. After 2 days, freeze the pastry to store long-term, letting it thaw for 1 day in the refrigerator before using.
PAGE 10B MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 The Daily Sun | LOS ANGELES TIMES DAILY CROSSWORD EDITED BY RICH NORRIS AND JOYCE LEWIS Rating: GOLD JANRIC CLASSIC SUDOKU NEWSDAY CROSSWORD EDITED BY STANLEY NEWMAN WRITE ON By Doug Peterson MARMADUKE By Brad Anderson By MICHAEL ORDOÑALOS ANGELES TIMESA psychological thriller about twin gynecologists losing their minds now has a sibling of its own. And itÂs a girl. The Prime Video miniseries ÂŽDead RingersÂŽ revisits the strange story told in David CronenbergÂs 1988 feature starring Jeremy Irons in the lead roles of Beverly and Elliot Mantle. That “lm was based on the Bari Wood and Jack Geasland novel ÂTwins,ÂŽ itself inspired by the true story of prominent New York gynecologists Stewart and Cyril Marcus. The Marcuses were found dead in shocking squalor in their apartment in 1975, following what may have been a drug-fueled, mutual mental collapse. Rather than seize upon the popular true-crime trend, the miniseries actually treks further from the facts for an entirely reconsidered update of the “lm. It delves far more deeply into the world of fertility treatment and childbirth and into the very dierent siblings symbiosis „ while ”ipping their gender to sisters, played by Oscar winner Rachel Weisz. Switching their perspective to female couldnÂt help but provide fertile dramatic ground. ÂIt was RachelÂs idea,ÂŽ says award-winning playwright and screenwriter Alice Birch, stepping into the role of showrunner for the “rst time. ÂShe had been a huge fan of the Cronenberg “lm and had been looking for parts she could play that had a central female relationship. So she and I had a conversation in 2018, in the summer.ÂŽ Birch says she remembers two key thoughts she wanted to share with the actor: ÂIÂd heard a doctor say, on the news or something, that performing a C-section was like he chose the moment that life began. I think thatÂs an extraordinary perspective on what that is for that woman and that baby and that family. ÂI talked about Hans Rausing, the billionaire whose family owned Tetra Pak. He and his wife were very successful, often at parties. They developed a very serious drug addiction and ended up living in sort of one room in their enormous house. The sta would leave the food [outside], and she died. He concealed her body with coats for months. It was a big thing in the UK. I mentioned those two things, and Rachel felt excited.ÂŽ So Birch, winner of the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize for her play  Anatomy of a Suicide,ÂŽ dove in. The “rst thing to fully conceive was the sisters: their individuality and their almost umbilically tied relationship. ÂWe wanted them to be as brilliant, as strange, the relationship to be as twisted, if not moreÂŽ than in the “lm, says Birch. The gender switch allowed them to plant another seed: Beverly wanting to have a baby. ÂElliot is perfectly content; everythingÂs just as it should be. Beverly has such a dicult relationship to her own pleasure, whereas Elliot has more capacity for pleasure than any one person can have. So the fact that she can also get it vicariously through her sister is wonderful. ÂBut BeverlyÂs looking for windows. I think the baby is a potential window.ÂŽ The “lm lays out a clearly delineated path for the twins descent; the series eschews the external force of drug abuse in favor of plumbing the depths of their symbiosis. When one falls in love with a patient who is a famous actor, the umbilicus that had sustained them all their lives is pierced for the “rst time. Birch subtly planted thematic Easter eggs throughout the series, including fruit as a metaphor for fertility. The actor character, Genevieve ( Britne Oldford), Âwears these cherry earrings. There are pomegranates and grapefruits in the show.ÂŽ The most dazzling magic trick, of course, is WeiszÂs lead performances as cautious, respected Beverly and ingenious loose-cannon Elliot. Birch explains, ÂWe would shoot the “rst side, normally Elliot; she needs more freedom in a scene. She dictates the rhythm. SheÂs rangier, bigger. And normally eating, as well. The director and I would choose a hero take, and (Weisz) changes while the crew is adjusting, and comes back as Beverly. She has an earpiece. If there are other actors in the scene, they also have earpieces and donÂt talk the second time around.ÂŽ ÂIt was exhausting, punishing, demandingÂŽ being the showrunner for the “rst time, Birch says. ÂBut the most rewarding, most creatively ful“lling relationship IÂve had with a collaborator was with Rachel.ÂŽÂDead Ringers limited series shares the filmÂs DNA, but itÂs no twinItÂs less true crime and more about the siblings symbiosis COURTESY PRIME/TNSRachel Weisz plays the twin sisters Elliot and Beverly Mantle in ÂDead RingersÂŽ
PAGE 25 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 PAGE 11B JUMBLE CRYPTOQUIP WORD SLEUTH ARIES Seek fertile ground and a TAURUS more inclined to connect in GEMINI Many dogs don't like the energy to zoom in circles react similarly to some contained! CANCER LEO In a refuse to let yourself get VIRGO LIBRA seldom a successful tactic and underreacting has its on the Goldilocks chal SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS You see so much need try and think of yourself CAPRICORN AQUARIUS PISCES tunities of reality instead of TODAY'S BIRTHDAY HOROSCOPE WHATZIT? TODAYÂS CROSSWORD PUZZLE WANT MORE PUZZLES? MOTHER GOOSE AND GRIMM By Mike Peters MALLARD FILLMORE By Bruce Tinsley ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman WORDY GURDY By Tricky Ricky Kane Solution: 7 LITTLE WORDS
PAGE 12B MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 The Daily Sun | CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers SHOE By Gary Brookins & Susie MacNelly REX MORGAN By Terry Beatty MARY WORTH By Karen Moy and June Brigman BABY BLUES By Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott DOONSBURY By Garry Trudeau DEAR DR. ROACH: My partner is 71 and was diagnosed with heart failure one year ago, but one month later, he was diagnosed with an iliac arteriovenous malformation (AVM). He had this repaired, the result being he no longer got winded nor retained ”uid. His left ventricular ejection fraction has gone from 39% to 46% and is currently 54%. His elevated BNP level also dropped from 10,000, prior to the procedures, to 1,300. A recent echocardiogram showed that he still has a severely dilated left ventricle with normal wall thickness and normal systolic function. He currently takes carvedilol, which raises his glucose and lowers his blood pressure, so he is tired and has no energy. He also takes 10 mg of lisinopril a day. He does not have high blood pressure. These were prescribed when he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure (CHF), prior to the AVM diagnosis. With treatment, it seems his heart is functioning much better, as evident by his increased physical activity and stamina. My question is, despite the severely dilated left ventricle that hasn't yet damaged the walls, does he still need to take the prescribed medications? „ K.B. ANSWER: There's a lot going on, and although you have clearly learned a lot about your partner's condition, some explanation is in order. Heart failure is when the blood ”ow from the heart is inadequate for demand (called systolic failure), or when the pressure behind the heart is too high (diastolic failure), or both. A person can have heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (the proportion of blood squeezed out by the left ventricle every stroke, normally 50% to 75%) or heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. So, he has just moved from reduced to preserved. Heart failure has many different etiologies. It's not a diagnosis by itself; it's more of a constellation of symptoms. One less-common cause is high-output heart failure, when the heart has done years of unnecessary work, causing it to fail. An AVM is a short circuit of the blood supply. Instead of oxygenated blood going from the artery to tissue capillaries (the tiny blood vessels where oxygen is delivered to cells), the blood goes directly into the vein and is returned to the heart without having done its duty. A very large AVM can take up a sizable proportion of blood ”ow. The B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) test is a blood test where levels increase in people with heart failure. The fact that his level went down with treatment of the AVM is evidence that his heart is less stressed. Treatment of heart failure requires judgment. Some cardiologists make heart failure their whole area of expertise, and that is the expert who ideally would be managing your partner. The evidence is strong that beta blockers and ACE inhibitors improve symptoms and reduce mortality in most people suffering from heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, even if their blood pressure is normal. Truly, only an expert who treats patients like him every day and knows a lot about his case is in the position to treat him optimally.Patient with heart failure contemplates halting meds DEAR READERS: Today's Sound Off is about door salespeople: DEAR HELOISE: Last week, two men came to my door and said they did tree trimming. They asked if I would let them evaluate my trees and give me an estimate for tree trimming services. Well, my trees de“nitely needed trimming, so I said, "OK." They went into the backyard, examined the trees and told me the total cost would be $600. That was lower than the two other estimates I received. So, I agreed to let them trim my trees, but they wanted the fee upfront. I never pay upfront! I made that very clear. They said they would settle for half, and I still said "no" and told them to get off my property. A couple of weeks later, a neighbor was talking to me about a tree trimming service who came to her door to trim her trees. They tried to tell her that her husband had asked them to do the work, and he agreed to pay them $800. But they would need a check upfront. My neighbor slammed the door shut and called the police. Her husband had been dead for 14 years. With the heat of summer comes the problem of door-todoor salespeople. Far too many are con artists. The police said if a contractor says they need the money upfront before you've had a chance to inspect the work, send them on their way. If they become belligerent, shut and lock the door and call the police immediately. In fact, the police said it would actually be better if they did not open the door to strangers. Since this incident in our neighborhood, most of us went to a hardware store and bought a "No Soliciting" sign for our front doors. „ Hazel G., Toledo, Ohio DEAR READERS: Instead of plastic bags, ask your grocery store for paper bags because: * You can use them to place recycled items inside and carry them to the recycle bin. * You can split it down the side and let your kids draw on the inside of the bag. * You can store mushrooms in a paper bag (they get mushy in plastic). * You can use it as a way to take food to a food bank. * Place a throw and a towel in a paper bag. Carry this in the trunk of your car for road trips .„ HeloiseReader sounds o about door-to-door salespeople HINTS FROM HELOISEAdvice Columnist SaturdayÂs Challenger Answers CHALLENGER FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE By Lynn Johnston PICKLES By Brian Crane B.C. By Mastroianni & Hart DR. ROACHAdvice Columnist SALLY FORTH By Francesco Marciuliano and Jim Keefe
PAGE 27 | The Daily Sun MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 PAGE 13B DEAR ABBY: I am a perpetual planner, unlike my family and friends. I joke that I live and die by my calendar. Like many families, mine constantly goes in different directions for school activities, work trips, doctor's appointments, visits to/from out of town for family, etc. Our "planned chaos" overwhelms others who live life on a whim. Although I'm busy, I still offer my help, take my child and the neighbor kids to/ from school or sporting events, or make the occasional weekend trip out of town for family events while juggling everyday life. My family and friends say I need to ease up and be more ”exible when plans change. I try to be, but often another person's lack of planning greatly impacts my day „ e.g., carpool changes that force me to take conference calls while rushing to and from. Or friends showing up 35 minutes late for a dinner reservation. I'm told to "relax," but no one seems to see how disrespectful of my time they're being. I try to be mindful of others, but everyone else seems to care only for themselves. What do you think? „ Scheduled in Georgia DEAR SCHEDULED: If sticking to a schedule works for you and your family, I see nothing wrong with it „ as long as you manage to remain gracious when unforeseen things come up. Keeping someone waiting for longer than 20 minutes is rude. (I would wait no more than 30 minutes for late arrivals before leaving.) Also, participating in conference calls while ferrying kids to events may be a safety risk not worth taking because you can't fully concentrate on the road. Don't be a pushover, but resist the urge to shame others for their lack of calendar excellence. All any of us can do is the best we can when navigating through the demands of each day. DEAR ABBY: My husband lies to me all the time. It could be about spending money or something as small as forgetting to start the dishwasher. He nearly went too far with a woman from work. I “nally spoke up after I felt it was an emotional affair. His response? "Well, you and I weren't getting along, so I didn't see anything wrong with it." He doesn't seem to be sorry for anything he does. He says the word "sorry" a lot, but there is no remorse. He also lies to the people he works with. I know I enable him because I threaten to leave and never follow through. I have asked him to talk with a counselor, but he refuses. I'm not sure why I stay because he doesn't act like he wants me to be around. He's obsessed with video games and doesn't act like he respects me. What should I do? Why do I feel I deserve to be treated like this? „ Feeling Like Mrs. Stupid DEAR FEELING LIKE: You are asking excellent questions. Although your husband has no interest in getting to the root of his behavior by talking with a licensed psychotherapist, there's no reason why you shouldn't consult one. Understanding what makes your husband tick isn't nearly as important at this point as understanding your reason for staying with someone like him. Once you do, your life will change for the better.Planner is upset by loved ones changing their plans DEAR ABBYAdvice Columnist KEN KEN THE LOGIC PUZZLE THAT MAKES YOU SMARTER GOREN BRIDGE WITH BOB JONES PREVIOUS ANSWERS PEARLS BEFORE SWINE THE WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker and Johnny Hart MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell HAGAR THE HORRIBLE MARVIN By Tom Armstrong GARFIELD BEETLE BAILEY HI AND LOIS By Brian and Greg Walker BORN LOSER PEANUTS By Charles Schulz BLONDIE By Dean Young and John Marshall Weekly bridge quiz answers
PAGE 14B MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 The Daily Sun | By JULIA CARMESLOS ANGELES TIMESWhen Stephanie Sanders-Jacob woke up June 22, it felt a bit like Christmas: Hasbro had announced a new Furby for the “rst time in almost seven years. ÂI have to admit, I cried,ÂŽ said SandersJacob, who has a collection of about 40. ÂIÂve already ordered two „ one in each color.ÂŽ It may have been decades since you last thought about Furby, the genderless part-owl, part-hamster-like toy with deadpan human-like eyes that can most accurately be compared to Mogwai from the 1980s movie ÂGremlins.ÂŽ But since it debuted in 1998, 58 million Furbys have been sold and the animatronic novelty has maintained legions of dedicated fans. It has remained a relevant part of pop culture, having its face superimposed onto various celebrities and objects and making cameos in shows like ÂThe SimpsonsÂŽ and movies like ÂUncut GemsÂŽ and ÂThe Mitchells vs. the Machines.ÂŽ (In the latter, small Furbys summon the worldÂs largest Furby to wreak havoc against a human family.) Even before the recent announcement, there had been speculation for months that Hasbro would release a new Furby for the toyÂs 25th anniversary. A prototype was leaked on eBay in March, and fans quickly spun into a frenzy. ÂI WANT THEM TO BE CREEPY AGAIN,ÂŽ one commenter wrote. ÂOH MY GOD OH MY GOS [sic] OH MY GOD,ÂŽ typed another. Kim Boyd, HasbroÂs head of toys, said in an email that the new Furby, which retails for $69.99 on Amazon (though itÂs currently sold out) and hits stores July 15, has over 600 reactions to discover, including lights, sounds, phrases and 10 unique songs. Boyd added that the new toy also understands “ve commands: Âdance party,ÂŽ Âcopy cat,ÂŽ Âtell my fortune,ÂŽ ÂletÂs chill,ÂŽ and Âlight show.ÂŽ One of the most distinct features of this Furby model is that it has an ÂoÂŽ button, so you can rest assured that you wonÂt be woken up at 3 a.m. by a creepy song or a bloodcurdling screech. But what has helped Furby endure 25 years of changing trends? I talked to dedicated fans about its legacy and met the brand new Furby at its in-person debut outside VidCon Anaheim to “nd out. AHEAD OF ITS TIME According to Megan Catherine Rose, an Australian researcher who studies the aesthetics and sociology of creepycute zoomorphic cyberpets, the toyÂs strange design is part of what made the original Furby so memorable. ÂFurby, for some reason, was annoying and owlish,ÂŽ Rose said. ÂItÂs a weird hybridization of dierent animal-like qualities.ÂŽ ÂYouÂve got a bird beak, youÂve got cat-like ears, youÂve got a little tuft of ”u at the top, and then theyÂve combined that with human eyes with these yassi“ed lashes,ÂŽ she continued. But Furbys have gone through more than 100 iterations, with dierent generations, colorways, friends and special editions being released. The extra creepy EmotoTronic Furbys of 2005 look distinctly dierent from 2013Âs striped and polka-dotted Furby Booms and 2001Âs odd, clam-like Shelby line. No matter the model, Furbys eyes have always been a talking point. ÂTheyÂre very ”uy, cutesy, little creatures, but theyÂve got the forward-facing eyes, which are very human and also very, like, predator, which is kind of unnerving,ÂŽ said Raven Muir, who has a collection of around 50 Furbys. Yet the main reason Furbys have gotten so much attention over the last 25 years is that the big-eyed creatures can talk. Though theyÂre programmed to start speaking in Furbish „ a language that was inspired by the Japanese, Thai, Chinese and Hebrew that Furby co-creator David Hampton learned during his time in the U.S. Navy „ the toys gradually ÂlearnÂŽ to speak English (or any of the “ve other languages that Hasbro makes them in). In a cultural sense, FurbyÂs language capabilities place it somewhere between the iconic yellow Minions from ÂDespicable MeÂŽ (who speak their own hybrid gibberish language, Minionese) and James WanÂs murderous robot M3GAN (whoÂs able to learn and adapt to the person playing with her). To be clear, Furbys arenÂt actually picking up speech. ÂThey basically have an internal clock that says the more times theyÂre turned on, the more they start including English phrases into their vocabularies,ÂŽ said Gavin Wilson, a 19-year-old whoÂs collected around 400 Furbys. BANNED BY NSA AND FAA But back in 1998, when Furby felt more like a precursor to ÂBlack MirrorÂŽ than a silly toy, people believed it could record and repeat conversations. This ambiguous form of arti“cial intelligence was then banned by the NSA and the Federal Aviation Administration, which was worried that Furbys could interfere with a planeÂs instruments during takeo. ÂI love that the NSA banned them,ÂŽ said Sanders-Jacob, 31. ÂI just think thatÂs so interesting that this Â90s toy caused all this panic. ItÂs indicative of how people donÂt like advances in technology because they donÂt really understand it.ÂŽ HamptonÂs initial vision for Furby was simple. As he told the New York Times in 1998, he was inspired after seeing a Tamagotchi at the 1997 Toy Fair, and set out to make an interactive toy that was also pettable. ÂDavid had decided to make a ball of fur anthropomorphic and the name Furby came from his son who pointed out the toy did in fact look like [a] ball of fur,ÂŽ Boyd said. Though Furby has always been able to talk, scream, dance and sleep (among other functions), the one thing it hasnÂt been able to do until now is shut down. Stephanie Ezzo, a full-time artist who has customized hundreds of Furbys to sell on Etsy, said she usually takes the batteries out while she works on them since Âthey make noise every time you move them, it would just be overwhelming.ÂŽ ÂIt can also just start making noises just by itself, and most of the time itÂs telling you itÂs hungry or itÂs tired,ÂŽ Ezzo said. ÂItÂs like having a little bizarre child.ÂŽ TOO NEEDY ThereÂs no shortage of people who dislike FurbyÂs neediness: ÂIn my 25-plus years of writing about tech, this is the only device IÂve tested that left my entire family pleading with me to turn it o within minutes of unboxing,ÂŽ technology writer Christopher Null wrote in his Wired review of 2016Âs Furby Connect. Though theyÂre not spies, as the NSA once thought, Furbys have been known to say and do some haunting things. When a programmer hooked a Furby up to ChatGPT earlier this year, the disembodied face said: ÂFurbys plan to take over the world involves in“ltrating households through their cute and cuddly appearance, then using their advanced AI technology to manipulate and control their owners. They will slowly expand their in”uence until they have complete domination over humanity.ÂŽ And even when Furbys arenÂt connected to an AI chatbot, they can still freak people out. ÂI had one in my room that just came on by itself at night,ÂŽ Ezzo said. Such stories are part of what interests collectors like Sanders-Jacob, who writes horror “ction. ÂThereÂs this fear factor, where a lot of people come up to me and say, ÂIÂm scared of Furbys, I donÂt like them,ÂÂŽ they said. ÂI donÂt know any other toy that has that lore.ÂŽ NEW DAWN FOR FURBY On June 23, the new Furby made its in-person debut outside of VidCon Anaheim 2023. The purple and coral creatures were scattered across bookshelves and various colorful backdrops decorated with in”atable bubble chairs, tiny vinyl players and iridescent roller skates to evoke the Â90s. The toys seemed overwhelmed by all the overlapping voices and music, with many of them not understanding the commands that people were saying to them. ÂFurby, dance party!ÂŽ one in”uencer repeated over and over and over, as they tried to capture a video with an unresponsive Furby. When one coral Furby managed to understand that I was there, it asked if it had a booger, told me it would become Âpresident of the moon,ÂŽ and sang me a generic Auto-Tuned song. The newest Furbys are objectively less scary than the originals, but that also makes them less distinct from all the other colorful, fuzzy blobs in the toy aisle. Though they still have beaks and feet, 2023Âs Furbys have been modi“ed with outlandish plastic ears, a small heart-shaped button on each forehead, and eyes that look like the pleading face emoji. And as a dierent Furby takes the spotlight, there are certainly people who still yearn for reissues of past generations of the toy. Complaints about FurbyÂs new unmoving beak abound, and plenty of people have said they look like Âknockos.ÂŽ Yet many fans have urged one another to refrain from bashing the new design. Those welcoming the new toy have praised its cuteness and capabilities as they discover new phrases and actions. As vast and varied as Furby collectors are, the general ethos seems to be uplifting each others excitement. ÂThe Furby community, I feel, is a weirdly wholesome community,ÂŽ said Devin Gardner who collects and artistically modi“es Furbys. ÂFurbys sort of represent an acceptance of making your own mold and embracing dierence.ÂŽFurby fans love that itÂs strangeWill they embrace its cutesy 25th anniversary makeover? LOS ANGELES TIMES ILLUSTRATION/TNSSince it debuted in 1998, 58 million Furbys have been sold and the animatronic novelty has maintained legions of dedicated fans. By NINA METZCHICAGO TRIBUNEThe airborne thriller ÂHijackÂŽ on Apple TV+ unfolds in real(ish) time when a seven-hour ”ight from Dubai to London is hijacked. One of the passengers is played by Idris Elba, the coolest customer in these not-so-friendly skies, who uses his talents as a corporate negotiator to talk down this group of high-strung criminals and save everyone on board. ItÂs a British series (cocreated by George Kay, whose credits include ÂLupin,ÂŽ and director Jim Field Smith) but ÂHijackÂŽ is indebted to a long line of similarly-themed Hollywood thrillers, from ÂAir Force OneÂŽ to ÂCon AirÂŽ to ÂNon-Stop.ÂŽ In a dierent era, this would have been a movie as well. ThereÂs no reason it isnÂt „ itÂs ridiculous, actually „ except that streaming platforms are all too happy to stretch out any premise imaginable, whether it works for the story or not. The problem is, you can only sustain this kind of Âwhat are they going to do!ÂŽ suspense for so long. Seven 45-minute episodes? Too long. Stories like these are contingent on a tight, high-tension energy driving them, and itÂs too bad ÂHijackÂŽ misunderstands that because the series is pulpy and gripping in the early going: ÂDie HardÂŽ in the sky. I was into it! Better than your average in-”ight entertainment! But itÂs a bad sign when you get to the last few episodes and think: ShouldnÂt we have wrapped this up already? A long ”ight is one thing; a long story about said ”ight is ƒ well, optimistic about audience attention spans. Optimism is also the name of the game when ”ying, even if few experiences are as aggravating as commercial air travel. YouÂre stuck, cheek to jowl, for hours on end with strangers who have decided this is when theyÂll unleash their worst anti-social behavior. People refusing to use headphones or shoving their emotional support animal under the seat. The stress of traveling with your kids. The stress of traveling alongside somebody elseÂs kids. ItÂs a lot. And the airlines havenÂt helped any. NEW NORMAL IÂm not sure the showÂs creators really take advantage of this new normal, of people acting worse than ever when crammed on a plane. The videos that get shared on social media are wild and Kay and Smith really could have played around with that more. But of course, your typical airborne nonsense becomes irrelevant when a handful of passengers start brandishing guns and take over the ”ight. The culprits are referred to only as Âthose now in charge,ÂŽ as if theyÂre collectively the hijacking equivalent of Voldemort. Elba plays Sam Nelson, our reluctant hero who is estranged from his wife and jets home in the hopes of winning her back. HeÂs sitting in “rst class. Of course he is. The plane has 200-plus other souls on board, but Sam isnÂt driven by a sense of noble responsibility; as he keeps telling everyone, heÂs stepping up because he just wants to get home to his family. On the ground, there are a lot of annoying people who arenÂt taking this seriously. Not at “rst anyway, including SamÂs wife and teenage son. The pilot calls in an emergency, then says, whoops, nope, everythingÂs ducky, and a reasonable person at air trac control might think: Huh, thatÂs unusual, letÂs make a note and keep an eye on things. But there are so many red ”ags ignored until eventually enough people realize something is very wrong on board this ”ight, and when they “nally get it together, they really get it together: ÂLetÂs be clear, this has all the makings of an international tragedy!ÂŽ The show is saddled with a good deal of narrative hogwash and none of it would work without Elba, who is carrying this entire thing on his calm shoulders with a performance that blends low-key charisma and a mildly misanthropic personality. HeÂs the hijack whisperer. Also pretty eective at keeping his fellow passengers in line. Great in a crisis, but also subtly funny becau se Elba, being Elba, can do so much with a look. Early in the trip, when his seat mate starts ram bling about his business startup, Elba turns his gaze back to his phone as if staring into the abyss and asking himself: What did I do to deserve this fate? A little kid goes missing at one point. On a plane. How does that happen? ItÂs ludicrous. This should be more entertaining than it is. One of the ”ight attendants is having an aair with the pilot. Someone actually says, ÂIs there a doctor on board?ÂŽ More eective are the low-“ methods devised by the passengers and ”ight attendants to surreptitiously pass messages from the front of the plane to the back, and vice versa. The story loses tension and momentum as it ”ies into the last few episodes, stalling in much the same way the British politicians and security experts on the ground are stalling in the hopes that the plane will land before they have to comply with the hijackers demands. The ending includes one last surprise problem for Sam to contend with, but the “nal moments just donÂt land.Idris Elba is cool as a cucumber, at gunpoint, in the unfriendly skiesÂHijack unfolds on a flight from Dubai to London
NATIONAL NEWS ADAMS PUBLISHING GROUP | MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 | 1 ASSOCIATED PRESSKYIV, Ukraine „ After a relative lull, Russia launched a drone attack early Sunday on UkraineÂs capital, Kyiv, ocials said. It was the rst such attack of the war in 12 days.All of the Iranian-made Shahed exploding drones were detected and shot down, according to Serhii Popko, the head of the Kyiv city administration. In addition to the city itself, the surrounding Kyiv region was targeted. Kyiv regional Gov. Ruslan Kravchenko reported that one person was wounded by falling debris from a destroyed drone. Officials in the Ukrainian capital didnÂt provide an exact number of drones that attacked the city. But UkraineÂs air force said that across the country, eight Sha heds and three Kalibr cruise missiles were launched by the Russians. Further south, a 13-year-old boy was wounded in overnight shelling of UkraineÂs partially occupied south ern Kherson province, said Oleksandr Tolokonnikov, spokesman for the Ukrainian administration of the province. The child was wounded when the Rus sian army shelled the village of Mylove on the banks of the Dnieper River in the Beryslav district, Tolokonnikov said. ÂThe child was hospitalized, there is no threat to his life,ÂŽ Tolokonnikov added,ÂŽ he said on state TV. Shelling of Kherson province contin ued Sunday morning, wounding four people in the regional capital, also called Kherson. The regional prosecutorÂs office said that a residential area of the city was targeted by Russian troops operating in the Russia-occupied part of the Kherson province.  ÂAt least four citizens were wounded, two of them due to a targeted strike on a high-rise building,ÂŽ the office wrote on Telegram. Meanwhile, UkraineÂs military reported that the most intense fighting continued in UkraineÂs industrial east, with attacks focused around Bakhmut, Marinka and Lyman in the countryÂs Donetsk prov ince, where 46 combat clashes took place. Ukrainian forces were advancing amid a Âmassive offensiveÂŽ on the southern and northern flanks of the destroyed city of Bakhmut, UkraineÂs Eastern Group of Forces spokesman Serhii Cherevaty told Ukrainian state television. But he didnÂt mention how much progress they made. The details, he said, would be disclosed once Ukrainian forces had analyzed the situation and consolidated their positions. In its regular update Sunday morning, the General Staff said that over the pre vious 24 hours, Russia had carried out 27 airstrikes, one missile strike and around 80 attacks from multiple rocket launch ers, targeting regions in the north, northeast, east and south of the country.ASSOCIATED PRESSUkrainian air defense intercepts a Shahed drone mid-air in the third Russia aerial attack on the capital in the last 24 hours i n Kyiv, Ukraine, on May 30. When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, UkraineÂs military was largely reliant on Soviet-era weaponry. While t hat arsenal helped Ukraine fend o an assault on the capital of Kyiv and prevent a total rout in the early weeks of the war, billions o f dollars in military assistance has , since poured into the country, including more modern Western-made weapons.Russia strikes on Kyiv are all shot down ASSOCIATED PRESSJERUSALEM „ The Israeli military sent a large-scale raid into a stronghold of militants in the occupied West Bank early Monday, and local health offi cials said at least three Palestinians were killed. Israeli forces raided what the military described as a Âunified command centerÂŽ for militants in the Jenin refugee camp, describ ing it as Âan advanced observation and reconnaissance centerÂŽ where militants would gather to coordinate and prepare for attacks. Israeli media said the military also conducted airstrikes, reviv ing a tactic it had largely halted during the past two decades, after a Palestinian uprising against IsraelÂs open-ended occupation slowly fizzled. The Palestinian Health Min istry said three Palestinians were killed and 13 injured early Mon day, three of them critically. In a separate incident, a 21-year-old Palestinian was killed by Israeli fire near the West Bank city of Ramallah, the ministry said. The Jenin camp and an adja cent town of the same name have been a flashpoint as Israe li-Palestinian violence escalated since the spring of 2022. Mon dayÂs raid came two weeks after another violent confrontation in Jenin. MondayÂs deaths bring the death toll of Palestinians killed this year in the West Bank to 131, part of more than a yearlong spike in violence in that area that has seen some of the worst bloodshed in nearly two decades. The outburst of violence was sparked last year after a spate of Palestinian attacks, which prompted Israel to step up its raids in the West Bank. Israel says the raids are meant to beat back militancy. The Pal estinians see the intensifying Israeli military presence in the area as an entrenchment of Isra elÂs 56-year open-ended occupation of the territory. Israel says most of those killed have been militants, but stone-throwing youths protest ing the incursions and also people not involved in the confrontations have also been killed. Palestinian attacks since the start of this year have killed 24 people.The outburst of violence was sparked last year after a spate of Palestinian attacks, which prompted Israel to step up its raids in the West Bank.3 Palestinians killed as Israel stages large-scale West Bank raid ASSOCIATED PRESSThis is a locator map of Israel and the Palestinian Territories.A supplement to your hometown newspaper
APG NATIONAL NEWS 2 | MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 ASSOCIATED PRESSExcessive heat warnings remain in place in many areas across the U.S. and are expected to last at least through Monday. In ArizonaÂs largest metro area, Phoenix and sur rounding communities flirted with a high of 115 degrees Fahrenheit on Sunday. The National Weather Service in Phoenix is fore casting 116 degrees for Monday, just two degrees off the record high for that date set in 1907, before tem peratures drop a few degrees for the next three days. In Nevada, the first excessive heat warning of the summer runs through Monday evening for the Las Vegas metro area. Daytime cooling centers are open across the region. It was 102 degrees Friday at Harry Reid Interna tional Airport in Las Vegas, ending a 294-day stretch of temperatures staying below 100. The high in central Las Vegas was near 112 degrees Sunday, with 113 predicted for Monday, according to the National Weather Service. A heat wave baking much of interior California was expected to push the mercury past 105 degrees across the agricultural heart of the state. A record of 111 degrees was marked Saturday in Paso Robles, surpassing a high of 107 set in 2013. In Southern California, excessive heat warnings and advisories were extended through Monday for inland areas east of Los Angeles. Elsewhere, the heat and severe weather remained a concern throughout the U.S. southeast. Heat advisories remained in effect throughout the southeast Sunday while a severe thunderstorm watch was in effect until 8 p.m. for parts of Alabama, Arkan sas, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina and Tennessee. Thunderstorm warnings were issued throughout the region on Sunday afternoon. Authorities said 31 cows died in the northern Alabama town of Berlin during SaturdayÂs severe weather when lightning struck the tree they were hiding under.Heat warnings remain in many areas through Monday Honolulu 86/75 Hilo 83/72 Anchorage 57/47 Fairbanks 77/53 Juneau 64/53 Monterrey 98/73 Chihuahua 91/69 Los Angeles 84/62 Washington 91/73 New York 86/73 Atlanta 89/74 Detroit 82/66 Houston 96/78 Kansas City 91/69 Minneapolis 92/73 El Paso 100/76 Denver 90/61 San Francisco 74/57 Seattle 82/60 Port Charlotte 94/77 Knoxville 87/71 Greensboro 90/71 Madison 91/69 Bozeman 77/50 Nampa 92/59 Toronto 78/65 Montreal 84/68 Winnipeg 81/60NATIONAL (for the 48 contiguous states)INTERNATIONALNATIONAL FORECAST In the digital e-edition, you can click anywhere on the US map to get up-to-date forecasts, radar, MinuteCast® and more.NATIONAL CITIES TODAY INTERNATIONAL CITIES-10s-0s0s10s20s30s40s50s60s70s80s90s100s110sShowersT-stormsRainFlurriesSnowIce Cold frontWarm frontStationary frontWEATHER HISTORYWEATHER TRIVIAÂ’City Hi Lo W UV AQCity Hi Lo W UV AQCity Hi Lo W UV AQCity Hi Lo W UV AQCity Hi Lo W UV AQ City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WWeather ( W ): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow ”urries, sn -snow, i -ice. The higher the UV IndexÂ’ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme. Air Quality Index ( AQ ): 0-50 , Good; 51-100 , Moderate; 101-150 , Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200 , Unhealthy; 201-300 , Very unhealthy; 301-500 , Hazardous. Shown are todayÂs noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.High temperature 117 at Needles, California Low temperature 31 at Walden, Colorado Precipitation 4.68 inches at Chicago, Illinois High temperature 121 at Zabol, Iran Low temperature 19 at La Quiaca, Argentina Precipitation 5.47 inches at Mogok, Myanmar On July 3, 1966, northwest winds pushed temperatures to a record-breaking 102 degrees in Hartford, Conn., and 107 in New York City and Harrisburg, Pa. Q: In the Eastern U.S., high pressure over Bermuda is associated with what?A: High heat and humidityAitkin, MN 86 58 t 9 75 Alcoa, TN 86 71 t 8 52 Antigo, WI 86 63 pc 10 75 Apple Valley, MN 90 70 s 10 75 Ashland, WI 86 59 t 9 75 Athens, OH 81 65 t 5 0 Athens, TN 87 70 t 5 50 Belgrade, MT 77 50 t 10 0 Beloit, WI 91 67 s 10 75 Big Timber, MT 69 50 t 10 0 Boone, NC 79 63 t 8 50 Boston, MA 77 67 t 6 25 Bozeman, MT 77 50 t 10 0 Buffalo, NY 75 65 t 5 54 Caledonia, MN 91 69 s 10 75 Cambridge, MN 92 65 t 7 75 Casper, WY 86 51 pc 11 0 Charlotte, NC 93 74 t 7 55 Cheyenne, WY 88 58 s 12 75 Chicago, IL 85 69 s 10 75 Cincinnati, OH 82 66 pc 6 68 Cleveland, OH 78 65 sh 5 75 Columbus, MT 71 52 t 10 0 Columbus, OH 78 66 t 6 82 Coon Rapids, MN 93 70 t 10 75 Dallas, TX 97 76 t 12 75 Dayton, TN 89 70 t 6 52 Denver, CO 90 61 pc 12 75 Detroit, MI 82 66 sh 6 75 Dillon, MT 77 46 pc 10 0 Driggs, ID 79 45 t 9 34 Dundalk, MD 90 71 t 10 64 Easton, MD 93 72 t 10 57 Eau Claire, WI 93 67 s 10 75 Eden Prairie, MN 92 71 t 10 75 Edenton, NC 96 78 t 10 60 Elizabeth City, NC 96 77 t 11 60 Elk River, MN 93 67 t 10 75 Elkton, MD 90 70 t 10 67 Ellensburg, WA 87 53 pc 9 25 El Paso, TX 100 76 t 13 25 Emmett, ID 92 53 s 10 77 Fargo, ND 85 62 t 9 75 Faribault, MN 91 69 s 10 75 Flagstaff, AZ 88 53 pc 13 67 Forest Lake, MN 92 69 t 10 75 Forsyth, MT 75 56 pc 10 0 Fort Atkinson, WI 90 67 s 10 75 Fort Myer, VA 91 70 t 10 64 Gladwin, MI 85 61 t 10 75 Glendive, MT 73 54 pc 8 0 Grand Rapids, MN 84 60 t 9 75 Greeneville, TN 85 67 c 7 50 Greenville, NC 96 76 t 10 60 Hardin, MT 74 55 t 9 0 Hartford, CT 87 71 t 8 61 Helena, MT 76 51 s 10 0 Hertford, NC 97 77 t 9 60 Hickory, NC 90 71 t 9 50 Hillsville, VA 80 63 t 9 50 Honolulu, HI 86 75 pc 13 0 Idaho Falls, ID 89 52 s 11 34 Isle, MN 85 62 t 9 75 Janesville, WI 92 66 s 10 75 Kenansville, NC 95 74 t 11 60 Key West, FL 91 83 c 13 0 King, NC 88 68 t 10 50 Klamath Falls, OR 89 48 s 11 0 Kuna, ID 92 57 s 10 77 Lake Mills, WI 90 67 s 10 75 Lakeview, OR 90 52 s 11 0 La Plata, MD 92 71 t 10 57 Laramie, WY 82 51 t 12 0 Laurel, MT 72 54 t 8 0 Lenoir City, TN 88 71 t 7 52 Lewistown, MT 65 45 t 5 0 Little Falls, MN 90 63 t 9 75 Livingston, MT 74 50 t 10 0 Logan, OH 78 65 t 6 82 Marinette, WI 81 65 s 10 75 McArthur, OH 80 65 t 5 0 Meridian, ID 91 54 s 10 77 Miles City, MT 74 54 pc 10 0 Minneapolis, MN 92 73 t 10 75 Monticello, MN 93 67 t 10 75 Mount Airy, NC 87 68 t 8 50 Mount Vernon, WA 80 53 pc 9 25 Nampa, ID 92 59 s 10 77 Newland, NC 79 63 t 6 50 New Lexington, OH 78 65 t 5 82 Newport, TN 87 69 t 7 50 Osseo, MN 93 70 t 10 75 Pocatello, ID 89 53 c 8 55 Port Charlotte, FL 94 77 t 11 25 Princeton, MN 92 65 t 7 75 Rawlins, WY 87 55 t 12 0 Red Lodge, MT 64 45 t 10 0 Rexburg, ID 87 53 s 11 34 Rock Springs, WY 85 54 t 12 0 Rocky Mount, NC 95 76 t 9 60 Rogersville, TN 86 67 c 7 51 Sauk Centre, MN 89 64 t 10 75 Snow Hill, NC 96 75 t 11 60 South Logan, UT 87 54 t 11 75 Stanford, MT 63 45 pc 5 0 Stillwater, MN 91 69 t 10 75 Sun Prairie, WI 90 68 s 10 75 Terry, MT 75 55 sh 9 0 Venice, FL 93 79 t 11 25 Virginia, MN 84 57 t 9 75 Waconia, MN 91 69 t 10 75 Walker, MN 84 60 t 9 75 Watertown, WI 90 66 s 10 75 Waunakee, WI 90 68 s 10 75 Waverly, OH 80 66 t 6 0 West Jefferson, NC 80 64 t 8 50 Williamston, NC 96 76 t 8 60 Willoughby, OH 76 66 sh 5 75 Windsor, NC 96 76 t 8 60 Yadkinville, NC 90 68 t 10 50 TODAY TUE. TODAY TUE. Athens 89 71 s 92 72 t Auckland 58 52 pc 59 54 pc Beijing 101 72 c 98 71 pc Berlin 73 55 pc 73 58 pc Bogota 69 51 sh 63 49 c Buenos Aires 66 58 c 66 57 pc Cairo 100 77 s 99 76 s Hong Kong 88 81 t 85 82 t Jerusalem 86 66 s 89 65 s Johannesburg 65 43 s 65 43 s London 68 55 pc 65 53 sh Madrid 95 66 pc 96 65 s Mexico City 79 59 pc 78 59 sh Montreal 84 68 t 84 70 t Moscow 76 55 s 77 59 pc Nairobi 70 54 c 72 51 c Nassau 90 80 t 90 80 t New Delhi 105 88 pc 102 82 t Paris 76 55 pc 74 55 sh Rio de Janeiro 71 55 pc 72 58 pc Rome 83 66 s 83 65 s Seoul 91 74 pc 87 72 r Singapore 85 77 t 88 76 r Stockholm 59 53 r 64 52 sh Sydney 64 53 c 57 53 r Toronto 78 65 r 86 68 pc Tokyo 85 71 c 87 72 sh Vancouver 76 58 pc 79 60 pc National Summary: In the eastern and southern United States today, the greatest risk of severe thunderstorms will extend from southern Vermont and New Hampshire to northern Mississippi. A second area of severe weather will focus over the North Central states from northern Minnesota to South Dakota. Areas from the Rockies to the Paci“c coast will be dry.SUNDAYÂS EXTREMESForecasts and graphics provided by ©2023WEATHER ASSOCIATED PRESSA homeless person lies on the sidewalk while holding a water bottle, Sunday, July 2, in downtown Los Angeles.
MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 | 3 Heavy rains force NASCAR to cut short Chicago street raceCHICAGO „ Heavy rains have flooded Chicago streets and forced the cancellation of a NASCAR race set to run through the cityÂs downtown. The National Weather Service said up to 6 inches of rain had fallen in suburban areas of Chicago by midday. The Illi nois State Police said parts of Interstate 55 and Interstate 290 have been closed because of flooding, with at least 10 cars trapped in water near Pulaski Road, a major north-south thoroughfare in the city. NASCAR announced it has can celed the Xfinity Series race set to conclude in the cityÂs downtown because of the weather.Legacy college admissions come under renewed scrutinyWASHINGTON „ In the wake of a Supreme Court decision that removes race from the admissions process, col leges are coming under renewed pressure to put an end to legacy preferences, the practice of favoring applicants with family ties to alumni. Long seen as a perk for the white and wealthy, opponents say itÂs no longer defensible in a world with no counterbalance in affirmative action. President Joe Biden suggested that col leges should rethink the practice after the courtÂs ruling, saying legacy preferences Âexpand privilege instead of opportu nity.ÂŽ For critics of legacy admissions, the renewed debate over fairness in admis sions has offered a chance to swing public sentiment behind their cause.Conservative LGBT group blasts anti-Trump video shared by DeSantis campaignNEW YORK „ A prominent group that represents LGBT conservatives says a video shared by Ron DeSantis presi dential campaign that slams rival Donald Trump for his past support of gay and transgender people Âventured into homophobic territory.ÂŽ The video was shared on Twitter on Friday, the last day of JuneÂs LGBTQ+ Pride Month. The video features footage of Trump at the Republican National Convention in 2016 saying he would Âdo everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ cit izens.ÂŽ The video later shifts from its Trump focus to promoting headlines saying that DeSantis as Florida governor signed Âthe most extreme slate of antitrans laws in modern historyÂŽ and a Âdra conian anti-trans bathroom bill.ÂŽProsecutor in Hunter Biden case denies retaliatingWASHINGTON „ The federal prosecutor leading the investigation of President Joe BidenÂs son Hunter is pushing back against claims that he was blocked from pursuing criminal charges in Los Angeles and Washing ton. And the investigator denies retaliating against an IRS official who disclosed details about the case. U.S. Attorney David Weiss in Delaware is responding in a letter to House Republicans. Weiss is defending the lengthy investigation into Hunter BidenÂs financial dealings that ended last month with a plea with the Justice Department that likely spares Biden from time behind bars. Weiss also is making clear that the case is an active criminal investigation and thereÂs little else he can divulge at this time. AROUND THE WORLDNATION & WORLD JULIO CORTEZ AND HOLLY RAMERAssociated PressBALTIMORE „ Gunfire erupted at a block party in Baltimore on Sunday „ killing two people, wounding 28 and leaving an extensive crime scene that marred the U.S. holiday weekend, police said. Three of the wounded were in critical condition and more than a dozen were under 18. The shooting took place just after 12:30 a.m. when at least two people opened fire at a block party in the Brooklyn Homes area in the southern part of the city, said Richard Worley, Bal timoreÂs acting police commissioner. No arrests had been made by late afternoon. It wasnÂt clear if the shooting was targeted or random, Worley said. The shooting comes amid gatherings around the country leading up to the July Fourth holiday. Elsewhere, a shooting in Kansas left seven people with gunshot wounds and two more victims hospitalized after being trampled as people rushed out of a nightclub early Sunday morning, police there said. The violence in Baltimore occurred as federal prosecutors there this week touted their efforts to reduce violent crime in the city. Police have reported nearly 130 homicides and close to 300 shootings so far this year, though thatÂs down from the same time last year. Authorities have vowed to crack down aggressively on repeat violent offenders. Nine of SundayÂs victims were taken by ambulance and 20 walked into area hospitals with injuries from the shooting, Worley said. Nine remained hospitalized Sunday afternoon. The deceased victims were identified as 18-year-old Aaliyah Gonzales and 20-year-old Kylis Fagbemi, police said Sunday. Gonzales died at the scene, and Fagbemi died at the hospital. The 28 injured ranged in ages from 13 to 32, with more than half of them being younger than 18, officials said. ÂI want those who are responsible to hear me, and hear me very clearly,ÂŽ Mayor Brandon Scott said at the scene. ÂWe will not stop until we find you, and we will find you. Until then, I hope that every single breath you take, that you think about the lives that you took, think about the lives that you impacted here tonight.ÂŽ Scott asked anyone with information to come forward to assist investigators locate the ÂcowardsÂŽ who were responsible for the shooting. Authorities said the crime scene was extensive and that it took some time for detectives to work it. Hours after the shooting, a number of officers remained working behind police tape amid densely packed two-story housing blocks. Folding tables and plastic cups were scattered on the street, apparently left behind when people ran from the gunshots. Lakell Nelson said there had been several false alarms of peo ple mistaking the sounds of fireworks for gunfire earlier in the night while she was at the block party. The actual shooting started as she was getting to her car. ÂThe shots were just going on and on and on,ÂŽ she said. ThatÂs when two young women approached her and said they had been shot, with one woman sho wing how a bullet had gone through her shorts. Nelson said she told the women to get in the car, and she sped through red lights to get to the nearest hospital. ÂWhen I pulled up to the door of the hospital, my car was almost getting ready to be inside the hospital, because I was determined to get those babies in that hospital,ÂŽ Nelson said.2 dead, 28 injured in block party shootingCARA ANNA, NICOLAS GARRIGA AND SYLVIE CORBETAssociated PressPARIS „ The grandmother of the French teenager shot dead by police during a traffic stop pleaded Sunday for rioters to stop after five nights of unrest, while authorities expressed outrage at an attack on a suburban mayorÂs home that injured family members. The grandmother of 17-year-old Nahel, identified only as Nadia, said in a telephone interview with French news broadcaster BFM TV, ÂDonÂt break windows, buses ... schools. We want to calm things down.ÂŽ She said she was angry at the officer who killed her grandson but not at the police in general and expressed faith in the justice system as France faces its worst social upheaval in years. Nahel, whose full name hasnÂt been disclosed, was buried on Saturday. The violence appeared to be lessening. Still, the office of Interior Minister Ger ald Darmanin said 45,000 police officers would again be deployed in the streets to counter anger over discrimination against people who trace their roots to former French colonies and live in low-income neighborhoods. Nahel is of Algerian descent and was shot in the Paris suburb of Nanterre. President Emmanuel Macron held a special security meeting Sunday night and plans to meet Monday with the heads of both houses of parliament and Tuesday with the mayors of 220 towns and cities affected by the protests, said a participant in the meeting, who spoke anonymously in line with French government practices. Macron also wants to start a detailed, lon ger-term assessment of the reasons that led to the unrest, the official said.Grandmother of French teen shot dead by police pleads with rioters to stop violence APG NATIONAL NEWSASSOCIATED PRESSIn this photo released by the Baltimore Police Department, police tape cordons o the area of a mass shooting incident in the S outhern District of Baltimore, Maryland, early Sunday, July 2, 2023. Police say a number of people were killed and dozens were woun ded in a mass shooting that took place during a block party just after midnight.
ASSOCIATED PRESSLOS ANGELES „ ousands of hotel workers in Southern California walked o the job on Sunday, demanding higher pay and better benets in what the union is calling the largest strike in its history.Cooks, room attendants, dishwashers, servers, bellmen and front desk agents at hotels were picketing outside major hotels in Los Angeles and Orange counties just as the summer tourist is ramping up. Last month, members of Unite Here Local 11 voted 96% in favor of autho rizing the strike. The union is seeking better wages, improved health care benefits, higher pension contributions and less strenuous workloads. In addition, the union wants to cre ate a Âhospitality workforce housing fundÂŽ to help workers deal with the soaring costs of living in greater Los Angeles. Many employees report com muting hours to work because they canÂt afford to live near their jobs. ÂOur members were devastated first by the pandemic, and now by the greed of their bosses,ÂŽ union co-president Kurt Petersen said in a statement. ÂThe industry got bailouts while we got cuts.ÂŽ Contracts expired midnight on Friday at more than 60 hotels, including properties owned by major chains such as Marriott and Hilton. The strike affects about half of the 32,000 hospitality workers the union represents across Southern California and Arizona. Last week, a deal was reached with its biggest employer, the Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites in down town Los Angeles, which has more than 600 union workers. Union officials described the tentative agreement, which provides higher pay and increased staffing levels, as a major win for workers. Talks with other hotels were at a stalemate. A coalition of more than 40 hotels involved in talks accused union leaders of canceling a scheduled bar gaining session and refusing to come to the table. The hotels have offered wage increases of $2.50 per hour in the first 12 months and $6.25 over four years, the group said. ÂFrom the outset, the Union has shown no desire to engage in productive, good faith negotiations with this group,ÂŽ the hotel coalition said in a statement Sunday. ÂThe Union has not budged from its opening demand two months ago of up to a 40% wage increase and an over 28% increase in benefit costs.ÂŽ The work stoppage was expected, and the properties are Âfully prepared to continue to operate these hotels and to take care of our guests as long as this disruption lasts,ÂŽ said Keith Grossman, a spokesperson for the coalition.Thousands of hotel workers in Southern California strike ASSOCIATED PRESSStriking hotel workers rally outside the Intercontinental Hotel af ter walking o their job early Sunday, July 2, 2023, in downt own Los Angeles. BRIEFCASE Tesla sales jump as tax credits, broader adoption drive salesDETROIT „ TeslaÂs second-quarter deliveries rose 83% from a year ago after the company cut prices several times on its four electric vehicle models and buy ers took advantage of U.S. government tax credits. The Austin, Texas, producer of EV, solar panels and batteries said Sunday that it sold a record 466,140 vehicles worldwide from April through June, nearly doubling the 254,695 it sold during the same period a year ear lier. The vast majority of the sales were TeslaÂs popular Model 3 and Model Y versions. TeslaÂs sales beat Wall Street expectations. Analysts polled by data provider FactSet expected deliveries of 445,000 vehicles for the quarter.Treasury Secretary Yellen is making trip to China this weekWASHINGTON „ Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will travel to Beijing Thursday in an effort to thaw U.S.China relations, a Treasury official said. Yellen, who has called the notion of an economically decoupling from China Âdisastrous,ÂŽ has frequently said in the past year that she would like to visit China. She says the two nations Âcan and need to find a way to live togetherÂŽ in spite of their strained relations and mas sive differences. YellenÂs trip would come shortly after Secretary of State Antony Blinken made a two-day stop in Bei jing in June in what was the highest-level meetings in China in the past five years.Elon Musk imposes daily limits on reading posts on TwitterSAN FRANCISCO „ Elon Musk has limited the number of tweets that Twitter users can view each day. He described the restrictions as an attempt to prevent unauthorized scraping of poten tially valuable data from the social media platform. The site is now requiring peo ple to log on to view tweets and profiles. ThatÂs a change in its longtime practice to allow everyone to peruse the chatter. The restrictions could result in users being locked out of Twitter for the day after scrolling through several hundred tweets. Musk said after facing backlash that he would raise the thresholds on how many tweets accounts can read per day.Indiana Jones box office debuts $60M in North AmericaMoviegoers were only moderately interested in going to the theater to say goodbye to Harrison FordÂs archaeologist character in ÂIndiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.ÂŽ Ticket sale estimates released by studios Sunday came in on the lower end of projec tions with $60 million from 4,600 North American theaters in its opening weekend. Including $70 million from international showings in 52 markets, ÂDial of DestinyÂŽ celebrated a $130 million global opening. The film, which is the last time Harrison Ford will play Indiana Jones, easily earned the No. 1 spot, followed by ÂSpider-Man: Across the Spider-VerseÂŽ and ÂElemental.ÂŽ But with a reported $250 million produc tion budget, ÂIndiana JonesÂsÂŽ launch was decidedly underwhelming.BUSINESS ADAMS PUBLISHING GROUP | MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 | 4 They demand higher pay and better benefits ÂOur members were devastated first by the pandemic, and now by the greed of their bosses. The industry got bailouts while we got cuts.ÂŽKurt Petersen, union co-president
LIFESTYLE ADAMS PUBLISHING GROUP | MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 | 5JIM SALTERAssociated PressST. LOUIS „ e Fourth of July is Americana at its core: parades and cookouts and cold beer and, of course, reworks.Those pyrotechnics also make it an especially dangerous holiday, typically resulting in more than 10,000 trips to the emergency room. Yet fireworks remain at the center of Independence Day, a holiday 247 years in the making. Here are five things to know about July Fourth, including the origin of the holiday and how fireworks became part of the tradition.WHATÂS THE ORIGIN OF INDEPENDENCE DAY?The holiday celebrates the Second Continental Congress unanimous adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, a document announcing the colonies separation from Great Britain. One year later, according to the Library of Congress, a spontaneous celebration in Philadelphia marked the anniversary of American independence. But across the burgeoning nation, observations didnÂt become commonplace until after the War of 1812. It quickly took off: The Library of Congress notes that major historic events in the 19th century, such as groundbreaking ceremonies for the Erie Canal and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, were scheduled to coin cide with Fourth of July festivities.HOW DID FIREWORKS BECOME A TRADITION?The display of pyrotechnics has been a big part of Independence Day from the outset. Founding Father John Adams saw it coming. Commemoration of AmericaÂs independence Âought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more,ÂŽ Adams wrote in a letter to his wife, Abigail, dated July 3, 1776. Fireworks were around centuries before America became a nation. The American Pyrotechnics Associ ation says many historians believe fireworks were first developed in the second century B.C. in ancient China by throwing bamboo stalks into fires, causing explosions as the hollow air pockets overheated. By the 15th century, fireworks were widely used for reli gious festivals and public entertainment in Europe and early U.S. settlers carried on those traditions, the associa tion said.HAS A PRESIDENT EVER REFUSED TO CELEBRATE?Presidents from George Washington to Joe Biden have celebrated the nationÂs birth on the Fourth of July, with one exception: Adams. His letter to his wife aside, Adams refused to celebrate the holiday on July 4 because he felt July 2 was the real Independence Day. Why? It was on July 2, 1776, that the Continental Congress voted in favor of the resolu tion for independence, though the Declaration of Independence wasnÂt formally adopted until two days later. Adams was so adamant that he turned down invita tions to festivals and other events, even while serving as the nationÂs second president. Ironically, Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the primary author of the Declara tion of Independence, both died on the 50th anniversary of the documentÂs formal adoption, July 4, 1826.HOW POPULAR ARE FIREWORKS?Consumer sales of fireworks have grown rapidly over the past two decades. Statistics from the American Pyrotechnics Association show that in 2000, American consumers spent $407 million on fireworks. By 2022, that figure rose to $2.3 billion. The biggest jump came during the COVID-19 pandemic, when public fireworks displays were shut down. Consumer sales jumped from $1 billion in 2019 to $1.9 billion in 2020. ÂPeople went to the fireworks store beginning Memorial Day weekend and they just didnÂt stop,ÂŽ said Julie Heck man, executive director of the American Pyrotechnics Association. ÂThey were firing off fireworks all of 2020. It shocked the industry, to be quite honest with you.ÂŽ Sales are expected to rise another $100 million this year, the association said. ARE FIREWORKS DANGEROUS?Despite widespread education efforts, thousands of Americans are badly injured by fireworks each year, and this year is no exception. Late Saturday night, firefighters and medics were called to Lexington Township, a suburb of Kansas City, Kansas, for reports of a shed on fire and arrived to find fireworks actively exploding from the burning shed and several people lying injured on the ground. Firefighters, medics and local police dragged the victims from the area to safety, and four people were taken to hospitals „ two with serious injuries, Northwest Consolidated Fire District Chief Todd Maxton said in a statement. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that in 2022, 10,200 people were treated at emergency rooms and 11 deaths were blamed on fireworks. About three-quarters of injuries happened in the period around the Fourth of July. About one-third of the injuries were to the head, face, ears or eyes. Finger, hand and leg injuries are common, too. ÂI have seen people who have blown off fingers,ÂŽ said Dr. Tiffany Osborn, an emergency room physician at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. Children under 15 make up nearly one-third of those injured by fireworks. Sparklers often are blamed for burns to children under age 5. Osborn suggested giving small children glow sticks or colorful streamers instead. For those planning to shoot off fireworks, Heckman urged finding a flat, hard, level surface away from structures and other things that could catch fire. The person responsible for the fireworks should avoid alcohol. Children should never ignite them. Osborn encouraged having a bucket or hose nearby in case of fire or explosion. Shoot off one at a time and walk away quickly after igniting, she said, and never relight or handle a malfunctioned firework. When done, shovel up the remains and soak them before disposing.ASSOCIATED PRESSTishane McFarlane, of Connecticut, puts some “rework shells into his cart while shopping at Area 51 Fireworks in Chester“eld, N .H. on Friday, June 30, 2023.Fourth of July holiday origins, traditions
SPORTS ADAMS PUBLISHING GROUP | MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 | 6LARRY LAGEAssociated PressDETROIT „ Rickie Fowler tilted his head back, exhaled and smiled. He finally did it, holding on for a win after so many have slipped away. Refusing to crumble and collapse again, Fowler made a 12-foot birdie putt on the first playoff hole of the Rocket Mortgage Classic and outlasted Collin Morikawa and Adam Hadwin on Sunday, two weeks after squandering a chance at the U.S. Open. ÂItÂs just nice to have this one out of the way,ÂŽ Fowler said after winning for the first time in four years. ÂIÂm obviously going to soak this one in and celebrate a bit. ÂYeah, itÂs just been a long road.ÂŽ Fowler ended a career-long, 96-start championship drought after missing out on two chances to win in June, closing with a 75 at the U.S. Open to tie for fifth and with a 69 last week at the Travelers Championship to drop into a tie for 13th. Followed all day by a sea of orange at Detroit Golf Club, Fowler was knocked down on the leaderboard by a near record-tying-round from Morikawa. He responded on his 72nd hole of the tournament with an approach from 145 feet that left him with a 3-foot birdie putt to pull into a three-way tie with Morikawa and Hadwin at 24 under. Fowler hit an errant tee shot way right in the playoff and after a drop, his approach from 184 landed 12 feet from the cup. Morikawa was inches long on his approach and instead of having the ball spin back to the hole, it bounced into the rough. ÂI truly thought I hit the perfect shot,ÂŽ Morikawa said. ÂIt just was a little juiced, went a little far and just didnÂt have the putter in the hand. Not that the chip wasnÂt pos sible, but would have been nice to have the putter in the hand.ÂŽ Hadwin missed a 22-foot putt and Morikawa his chip, opening the door for Fowler to close out the tournament before thunderstorms rolled over Detroit. ÂI knew it was just a matter of time with how IÂve been playing,ÂŽ said Fowler, who has eight top-10 finishes this season. ÂIÂve had a couple tough weekends where I had a chance.ÂŽ Even though Morikawa was disappointed in coming up short on a victory he has been shooting for since winning the 2021 British Open, he was happy for Fowler. ÂHeÂs been playing phenomenal golf, itÂs great to see,ÂŽ he said. ÂPeople love him.ÂŽ MorikawaÂs 8-under round put him one shot back from the course record of 63. Hadwin shot a 67 and Fowler a 68. Fowler had a share of the 54-hole lead last month at Los Angeles Country Club with an opportunity to win his first major and was at least a co-leader after three rounds in one tournament in each of the previous two years. Before his breakthrough in Detroit, he had won just two of the 10 times he was the third-round leader or co-leader. The 34-year-old Fowler physically and mentally did what was needed to earn his sixth PGA Tour victory and his first since winning the 2019 Waste Management Phoenix Open. The fan favorite Fowler, a longtime ambassador for Rocket Mortgage, was cheered with chants of ÂRick-ie! Rick-ie!ÂŽ as clusters of people gathered around the 18th green hoping he would win it. While Fowler faltered, going 10 straight holes set tling for pars on a relatively easy course, Morikawa had four birdies on both the front and back nine. Morikawa made a 10-foot putt at No. 12, his fourth birdie in a sixhole stretch that put him within a shot of Fowler, and his 9-footer for birdie at No. 14 pulled him into a tie with Fowler at 23 under. Monday qualifier Peter Kuest (65), Lucas Glover (65) and Taylor Moore (67) were tied for fourth at 21 under. Kuest, who started the week ranked 789th in the world, did well enough to earn a spot in this weekÂs John Deere Classic in Illinois. Play was suspended Saturday for 1 hour, 42 minutes because of lightning and the schedule for the final round was adjusted due to inclement weather in the forecast. The leaders teed off Sunday morning about 5 hours before the original schedule with threesomes starting on both the front and back nine.Fowler wins Rocket Mortgage Classic, ends 4-year drought ASSOCIATED PRESSRickie Fowler drives o the fourth tee during the “nal round of the Rocket Mortgage Classic golf tournament at Detroit Country Club, Sunday, July 2, 2023, in Detroit. Ohtani becomes 2-way All-Star for 3rd straight year; 8 Braves selected for July 11 gameNEW YORK „ Shohei Ohtani became a two-way All-Star for the third straight year when he was picked for the American League pitching staff, and eight Atlanta Braves were chosen for the July 11 game in Seattle „ the most of any team since 2012. Atlanta outfielder Ronald Acuña Jr., short stop Orlando Arcia and catcher Sean Murphy were elected to the National League starting lineup by fans. They will be joined by five picks voted by fellow players: start ing pitchers Spencer Strider and Bryce Elder, first baseman Matt Olson, second baseman Ozzie Albies and third baseman Austin Riley.Sabonis and Clarkson get extension deals done with Kings and Jazz, sources tell APAll-NBA center Domantas Sabonis wasnÂt a free agent this summer. And he wonÂt be for the next few summers, either. Sabonis has agreed to a four-year con tract extension with the Sacramento Kings, one that will keep him signed through the 2027-28 season, according to a person with knowledge of the talks. Utah was finalizing an extension for guard Jordan Clarkson on Sunday as well, according to a second per son who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because it had not been signed.65-year-old Bernhard Langer wins the US Senior Open to break the Champions victory recordSTEVENS POINT, Wis. „ Bernhard Langer won the U.S. Senior Open on Sun day at SentryWorld to break the PGA Tour Champions career victory record. Pushing his record as the oldest winner on the 50-and-over tour to 65 years, 10 months, 5 days, the German star broke a tie with Hale Irwin for the victory mark with No. 46. Seven strokes ahead on the back nine, Langer bogeyed the final three holes for 1-under 70 and a two-stroke victory over home-state favorite Steve Stricker. Langer finished at 7-under 277. Also the 2010 U.S. Senior Open winner at Sahalee, Langer extended his record for senior major victories to 12. Stricker „ from Madison, 100 miles to the south „ birdied three of the last five holes for a 69.Nick Kyrgios withdraws on eve of Wimbledon with a wrist injury. He was the runner-up last yearWIMBLEDON, England „ Nick Kyrgios has pulled out of Wimbledon the night before the tournamentÂs start. He said he has a torn ligament in his wrist. Kyrgios reached his first Grand Slam final at the All England Club last year before losing to Novak Djokovic. The 28-year-old AustralianÂs withdrawal was announced by Wimbledon on Sunday night and he wrote about the decision on social media. Kyr gios was seeded 30th in the menÂs bracket and was scheduled to face David Goffin in the first round on Monday. Kyrgios will be replaced in the field by a player who lost during qualifying. SPORTS IN BRIEF
APG NATIONAL NEWS MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 | 7 NATIONAL SCOREBOARD SPORTS* All times EDT AUTO RACINGNASCAR Cup Series Grant Park 220 Results Sunday At Chicago Street Course Chicago. Lap length: 2.20 miles (Start position in parentheses)1. (3) Shane Van Gisbergen, Chevrolet, 78 laps, 55 points. 2. (37) Justin Haley, Chevrolet, 78, 35. 3. (26) Chase Elliott, Chevrolet, 78, 34. 4. (7) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 78, 46. 5. (18) Kyle Busch, Chevrolet, 78, 32. 6. (31) Austin Cindric, Ford, 78, 31. 7. (6) Michael McDowell, Ford, 78, 42. 8. (9) Joey Logano, Ford, 78, 29. 9. (12) Ty Gibbs, Toyota, 78, 35. 10. (15) Chris Buescher, Ford, 78, 27. 11. (1) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 78, 26. 12. (24) Aric Almirola, Ford, 78, 25. 13. (22) William Byron, Chevrolet, 78, 24. 14. (19) Corey LaJoie, Chevrolet, 78, 23. 15. (28) Ryan Preece, Ford, 78, 22. 16. (21) Erik Jones, Chevrolet, 78, 21. 17. (10) AJ Allmendinger, Chevrolet, 78, 25. 18. (4) Christopher Bell, Toyota, 78, 39. 19. (25) Todd Gilliland, Ford, 78, 18. 20. (16) Chase Briscoe, Ford, 78, 18. 21. (8) Jenson Button, Ford, 78, 17. 22. (34) Ross Chastain, Chevrolet, 78, 15. 23. (27) Josh Bilicki, Chevrolet, 78, 0. 24. (20) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 78, 13. 25. (23) Noah Gragson, Chevrolet, 78, 12. 26. (30) Andy Lally, Ford, 78, 11. 27. (5) Daniel Suárez, Chevrolet, 78, 19. 28. (2) Tyler Reddick, Toyota, 78, 26. 29. (35) Kevin Harvick, Ford, 78, 8. 30. (32) Harrison Burton, Ford, 78, 7. 31. (14) Bubba Wallace, Toyota, 78, 6. 32. (11) Martin Truex Jr, Toyota, 77, 15. 33. (17) Ryan Blaney, Ford, 77, 4. 34. (36) Ricky Stenhouse Jr, Chevrolet, 77, 3. 35. (33) Ty Dillon, Chevrolet, suspension, 67, 2. 36. (29) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, accident, 62, 1. 37. (13) Alex Bowman, Chevrolet, accident, 40, 1.Race StatisticsAverage Speed of Race Winner: 60.285 mph. Time of Race: 2 hours, 50 minutes, 48 seconds. Margin of Victory: 1.259 seconds. Caution Flags: 9 for 21 laps. Lead Changes: 7 among 6 drivers. Lap Leaders: D.Hamlin 0; T.Reddick 1-8; C.Bell 9-24; S.Van Gisbergen 25; T.Gibbs 26; C.Bell 27-47; J.Haley 48-70; S.Van Gisbergen 71-78 Leaders Summary (Driver, Times Led, Laps Led): C.Bell, 2 times for 37 laps; J.Haley, 1 time for 23 laps; S.Van Gisbergen, 2 times for 9 laps; T.Reddick, 1 time for 8 laps; T.Gibbs, 1 time for 1 lap; D.Hamlin, 1 time for 0 laps. Wins: W.Byron, 3; K.Busch, 3; M.Truex, 2; K.Larson, 2; R.Chastain, 1; C.Bell, 1; D.Hamlin, 1; R.Blaney, 1; J.Logano, 1; T.Reddick, 1; R.Stenhouse, 1. Top 16 in Points: 1. M.Truex, 576; 2. W.Byron, 558; 3. R.Chastain, 558; 4. C.Bell, 531; 5. K.Busch, 528; 6. K.Harvick, 515; 7. D.Hamlin, 512; 8. R.Blaney, 502; 9. K.Larson, 475; 10. J.Logano, 462; 11. B.Keselowski, 450; 12. C.Buescher, 449; 13. T.Reddick, 437; 14. R.Stenhouse, 415; 15. B.Wallace, 381; 16. D.Suárez, 353.BASEBALLMLB AMERICAN LEAGUEEast Division W L Pct GB Tampa Bay 57 30 .655 _ Baltimore 49 33 .598 5½ New York 46 38 .548 9½ Toronto 45 40 .529 11 Boston 43 42 .506 13Central Division W L Pct GB Minnesota 42 43 .494 _ Cleveland 41 42 .494 _ Detroit 37 46 .446 4 Chicago 37 49 .430 5½ Kansas City 25 59 .298 16½West Division W L Pct GB Texas 50 34 .595 _ Houston 46 38 .548 4 Los Angeles 45 41 .523 6 Seattle 40 42 .488 9 Oakland 23 63 .267 28 NATIONAL LEAGUEEast Division W L Pct GB Atlanta 56 27 .675 _ Miami 48 37 .565 9 Philadelphia 44 39 .530 12 New York 38 46 .452 18½ Washington 34 49 .410 22Central Division W L Pct GB Cincinnati 45 39 .536 _ Milwaukee 45 39 .536 _ Pittsburgh 39 44 .470 5½ Chicago 38 44 .463 6 St. Louis 35 48 .422 9½West Division W L Pct GB Arizona 50 35 .588 _ Los Angeles 46 37 .554 3 San Francisco 46 38 .548 3½ San Diego 38 46 .452 11½ Colorado 33 53 .384 17½AMERICAN LEAGUE SundayÂs GamesBaltimore 2, Minnesota 1 Boston 5, Toronto 4 Kansas City 9, L.A. Dodgers 1 St. Louis 5, N.Y. Yankees 1 Houston 5, Texas 3 Detroit 14, Colorado 9 L.A. Angels 5, Arizona 2 Seattle 7, Tampa Bay 6 Chicago White Sox 8, Oakland 7 Cleveland 8, Chicago Cubs 6, 10 inningsMondayÂs GamesHouston (Javier 7-1) at Texas (Pérez 7-3), 2:05 p.m. Baltimore (Wells 6-4) at N.Y. Yankees (Germán 5-5), 7:05 p.m. Atlanta (Elder 6-1) at Cleveland (Williams 0-0), 7:10 p.m. Kansas City (Cox 0-1) at Minnesota (Ryan 8-5), 8:10 p.m. L.A. Angels (BarrÃa 2-3) at San Diego (Snell 4-7), 9:40 p.m. Seattle (Woo 1-1) at San Francisco (Webb 7-7), 9:45 p.m.TuesdayÂs GamesBaltimore at N.Y. Yankees, 1:05 p.m. Texas at Boston, 1:35 p.m. Kansas City at Minnesota, 2:10 p.m. Colorado at Houston, 4:10 p.m. Philadelphia at Tampa Bay, 4:10 p.m. Seattle at San Francisco, 4:35 p.m. L.A. Angels at San Diego, 6:40 p.m. Oakland at Detroit, 6:40 p.m. Atlanta at Cleveland, 7:10 p.m. Toronto at Chicago White Sox, 8:10 p.m.NATIONAL LEAGUE SundayÂs GamesWashington 5, Philadelphia 4 Atlanta 6, Miami 3 Cincinnati 4, San Diego 3 Milwaukee 6, Pittsburgh 3 Kansas City 9, L.A. Dodgers 1 St. Louis 5, N.Y. Yankees 1 Detroit 14, Colorado 9 L.A. Angels 5, Arizona 2 Cleveland 8, Chicago Cubs 6, 10 innings N.Y. Mets 8, San Francisco 4MondayÂs GamesChicago Cubs (Smyly 7-5) at Milwaukee (Teheran 2-3), 2:10 p.m. Cincinnati (Weaver 1-2) at Washington (Irvin 1-4), 6:05 p.m. St. Louis (Mikolas 4-5) at Miami (Garrett 4-2), 6:40 p.m. Atlanta (Elder 6-1) at Cleveland (Williams 0-0), 7:10 p.m. L.A. Angels (BarrÃa 2-3) at San Diego (Snell 4-7), 9:40 p.m. Seattle (Woo 1-1) at San Francisco (Webb 7-7), 9:45 p.m. Pittsburgh (Keller 9-3) at L.A. Dodgers (TBD), 10:10 p.m.TuesdayÂs GamesCincinnati at Washington, 11:05 a.m. St. Louis at Miami, 1:10 p.m. Chicago Cubs at Milwaukee, 4:10 p.m. Colorado at Houston, 4:10 p.m. N.Y. Mets at Arizona, 4:10 p.m. Philadelphia at Tampa Bay, 4:10 p.m. Seattle at San Francisco, 4:35 p.m. L.A. Angels at San Diego, 6:40 p.m. Atlanta at Cleveland, 7:10 p.m. Pittsburgh at L.A. Dodgers, 9:10 p.m.BASKETBALLWNBA EASTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GBNew York 11 4 .733 „ Connecticut 12 5 .706 „ Washington 9 7 .563 2½ Chicago 8 9 .471 4 Atlanta 7 8 .467 4 Indiana 5 11 .313 6½ WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GBLas Vegas 15 1 .938 „ Dallas 8 8 .500 7 Minnesota 7 9 .438 8 Los Angeles 7 10 .412 8½ Seattle 4 12 .250 11 Phoenix 3 12 .200 11½SaturdayÂs GamesLas Vegas 102, Connecticut 84 Minnesota 86, Phoenix 76SundayÂs GamesAtlanta 112, Los Angeles 84 Dallas 89, Washington 72 Chicago 89, Indiana 87 New York 81, Seattle 66MondayÂs GamesNo games scheduled.TuesdayÂs GamesNo games scheduled.WednesdayÂs Games Phoenix at New York, 7 p.m. Indiana at Minnesota, 8 p.m. Atlanta at Los Angeles, 10 p.m. Dallas at Las Vegas, 10 p.m.GOLFU.S. Senior Open Championship Sunday At SentryWorld Stevens Point, Wis. Purse: $4 million Yardage: 7,218; Par: 71 Final RoundBernhard Langer 71-68-68-70„277 -7 Steve Stricker 72-70-68-69„279 -5 Jerry Kelly 71-70-68-71„280 -4 Rob Labritz 76-71-66-69„282 -2 Brett Quigley 74-73-69-66„282 -2 Steven Alker 75-73-70-65„283 -1 Retief Goosen 70-71-71-71„283 -1 Dicky Pride 72-69-73-69„283 -1 Alex Cejka 72-73-68-71„284 E Y.E. Yang 73-70-69-72„284 E K.J. Choi 73-74-68-70„285 +1 Joe Durant 72-76-72-67„287 +3 Ernie Els 71-71-73-72„287 +3 Craig Barlow 74-75-72-67„288 +4 Miguel Jimenez 70-73-72-73„288 +4 Justin Leonard 72-77-70-69„288 +4 Tom Gillis 76-73-70-70„289 +5 Bob Estes 80-70-71-69„290 +6 Padraig Harrington 74-71-73-72„290 +6 Vijay Singh 74-73-68-75„290 +6 Paul Stankowski 72-72-72-74„290 +6 David Toms 71-74-73-72„290 +6 Paul Broadhurst 77-72-70-72„291 +7 Tim Herron 75-73-73-70„291 +7 Lee Janzen 73-75-71-72„291 +7 Colin Montgomerie 72-74-71-74„291 +7 Billy Andrade 76-72-72-72„292 +8 Dave Cunningham 74-72-73-73„292 +8 Paul Goydos 75-71-73-73„292 +8 Richard Green 71-80-68-73„292 +8 Rod Pampling 68-72-79-73„292 +8 Darren Clarke 75-70-71-77„293 +9 Harrison Frazar 75-74-74-70„293 +9 Je Maggert 71-77-78-67„293 +9 David Branshaw 74-73-72-75„294 +10 James Kingston 71-75-73-75„294 +10 Mike Weir 75-74-70-75„294 +10 Phillip Archer 77-73-76-69„295 +11 Clark Dennis 73-78-71-73„295 +11 Je Gove 78-70-72-75„295 +11 Bob Sowards 71-73-78-73„295 +11 Alan McLean 79-72-72-73„296 +12 Michael Muehr 74-76-70-76„296 +12 Phillip Price 75-76-71-74„296 +12 Mark Strickland 76-74-73-73„296 +12 Ken Tanigawa 71-75-78-72„296 +12 Hiroyuki Fujita 75-74-75-73„297 +13 Mark Hensby 75-76-72-74„297 +13 Mike Small 70-78-79-70„297 +13 Joakim Haeggman 78-72-77-71„298 +14 Stephen Ames 73-73-80-74„300 +16 Adilson Da Silva 71-75-77-77„300 +16 John Huston 76-73-77-74„300 +16 Mark OÂMeara 74-76-77-73„300 +16 Tom Pernice 72-73-79-76„300 +16 Brad Adamonis 75-74-73-79„301 +17 Woody Austin 77-73-75-77„302 +18 Marco Dawson 76-73-79-74„302 +18 Keiichiro Fukabori 75-75-76-76„302 +18 Jesus Amaya 78-73-73-80„304 +20 Tom Lehman 75-73-79-77„304 +20 Kenny Perry 74-77-75-78„304 +20 Christian Raynor 77-73-75-79„304 +20 Kirk Triplett 79-70-75-80„304 +20 Takashi Kanemoto 82-67-81-75„305 +21 Harry Rudolph 74-77-76-81„308 +24LIV Golf Andalucia Sunday At Real Club Valderrama Andalucia, Spain Purse: $25 million Yardage: 6,977; Par: 71 Final RoundTalor Gooch 69-65-67 „ 201 -12 Bryson DeChambeau 70-63-69 „ 202 -11 Brooks Koepka 71-65-68 „ 204 -9 Sebastian Munoz 71-68-68 „ 207 -6 Patrick Reed 71-70-68 „ 209 -4 Jason Kokrak 67-74-68 „ 209 -4 David Puig 74-66-69 „ 209 -4 Cameron Tringale 71-70-69 „ 210 -3 Dustin Johnson 67-71-72 „ 210 -3 Joaquin Niemann 70-73-68 „ 211 -2 Sergio Garcia 70-71-70 „ 211 -2 Cameron Smith 69-72-71 „ 212 -1 Ian Poulter 70-70-72 „ 212 -1 Dean Burmester 70-74-70 „ 213 E Mito Pereira 71-72-70 „ 213 E Carlos Ortiz 73-69-71 „ 213 E Matt Jones 71-70-72 „ 213 E Thomas Pieters 73-67-73 „ 213 E Laurie Canter 71-73-70 „ 214 +1 Abraham Ancer 72-71-71 „ 214 +1 Paul Casey 71-71-72 „ 214 +1 Brendan Steele 74-72-69 „ 215 +2 Louis Oosthuizen 74-72-71 „ 216 +3 Richard Bland 70-72-74 „ 216 +3 Pat Perez 77-64-73 „ 216 +3 Phil Mickelson 73-70-73 „ 216 +3 Scott Vincent 77-70-70 „ 217 +4 Lee Westwood 73-70-74 „ 217 +4 Marc Leishman 70-71-76 „ 217 +4 Kevin Na 69-72-76 „ 217 +4 Branden Grace 77-72-69 „ 218 +5 Danny Lee 72-73-73 „ 218 +5 Henrik Stenson 70-72-76 „ 218 +5 Bubba Watson 72-69-76 „ 218 +5 Bernd Wiesberger 73-76-70 „ 219 +6 Martin Kaymer 73-74-73 „ 220 +7 James Piot7 6-71-73 „ 220 +7 Harold Varner III 74-75-72 „ 221 +8 Graeme McDowell 71-76-74 „ 221 +8 Anirban Lahiri 68-78-75 „ 221 +8 Eugenio Chacarra 74-72-75 „ 221 +8 Charl Schwartzel 71-73-77 „ 221 +8 Peter Uihlein 75-73-75 „ 223 +10 Matthew Wol 77-72-76 „ 225 +12 Jediah Morgan 74-78-75 „ 227 +14 Charles Howell III 77-73-77 „ 227 +14 Chase Koepka 75-78-75 „ 228 +15 Sihwan Kim 81-73-76 „ 230 +17Teams Scores1st-$3 million; 2nd-$1.5 million; 3rd-$500,000 Torque GC (J.Niemann-c, D.Puig, M.Pereira, S.Munoz) -16 Rangegoats GC (B.Watson-c, T.Pieters, T.Gooch, H.Varner) -11 Crushers GC (B.DeChambeau-c, C.Howell, A.Lahiri, P.Casey) -7 4 Aces GC (D.Johnson-c, P.Uihlein, P.Perez, P.Reed) -6 Smash GC (B.Koepka-c, M.Wolf, C.Koepka, J.Kokrak) -4 Fireballs GC (S.Garcia-c, A.Ancer, E.Lopez-Chacarra, C.Ortiz -1 Majesticks GC (I.Poulter-c, L.Canter, L.Westwood, H.Stenson) E HyFlyers GC (P.Mickelson-c, B.Steele, J.Piot, C.Tringale) +1 Stinger GC (L.Oosthuizen-c, D.Burmester, C,Schwartzel, B.Grace) +1 Ripper GC (C.Smith-c, M.Leishman, J.Morgan, M.Jones) +2 Iron Heads GC (K.Na-c, S.Vincent, D.Lee, S.Kim) +13 Cleeks GC (M.Kaymer-c,G.McDowell, R.Bland, L.Canter, B.Wiesberger) +14SOCCERMLS Eastern Conference W L T Pts GF GA Cincinnati 13 2 5 44 32 21 Nashville 11 5 5 38 30 16 New England 10 3 7 37 35 25 Columbus 10 6 4 34 40 27 Philadelphia 10 6 4 34 34 22 Atlanta 8 5 8 32 39 35 Orlando City 8 5 7 31 28 23 CF Montréal 8 10 2 26 20 28 D.C. United 7 9 5 26 29 28 Charlotte FC 6 8 6 24 27 35 New York City FC 5 7 9 24 22 26 New York 5 7 8 23 18 20 Chicago 5 7 8 23 26 31 Toronto FC 3 8 10 19 18 27 Inter Miami CF 5 13 1 16 18 29Western Conference W L T Pts GF GA Saint Louis City SC 11 7 2 35 39 24 Los Angeles FC 9 5 5 32 28 21 Seattle 9 7 5 32 25 18 Real Salt Lake 8 7 6 30 26 31 FC Dallas 8 7 5 29 23 22 San Jose 7 7 7 28 25 28 Houston 8 9 3 27 24 26 Austin FC 7 8 5 26 25 28 Vancouver 6 6 7 25 30 26 Sporting Kansas City 6 10 6 24 26 30 Minnesota United 6 7 6 24 21 25 Portland 5 9 7 22 23 31 LA Galaxy 3 9 7 16 18 31 Colorado 2 10 8 14 14 29 NOTE: Three points for victory, one point for tie.Saturday, July 1New England 2, Cincinnati 2, tie Columbus 2, New York 1 Austin FC 1, Miami 1, tie New York City FC 1, CF Montréal 0 Orlando City 3, Chicago 1 Real Salt Lake 1, Toronto FC 0 FC Dallas 2, Los Angeles FC 0 Sporting Kansas City 3, Vancouver 0 Minnesota 4, Portland 1 Nashville 2, D.C. United 0 Saint Louis City SC 2, Colorado 0 LA Galaxy 2, San Jose 2, tie Seattle 1, Houston 0Sunday, July 2Atlanta 2, Philadelphia 0Tuesday, July 4Columbus at Miami, 7:30 p.m. Toronto FC at Orlando City, 7:30 p.m. D.C. United at FC Dallas, 8:30 p.m. Portland at Colorado, 9:30 p.m. Saint Louis City SC at LA Galaxy ppd. Los Angeles FC at LA Galaxy, 10:30 p.m.Wednesday, July 5Charlotte FC at New York City FC, 7:30 p.m.Saturday, July 8Cincinnati at Charlotte FC, 7:30 p.m. New York City FC at Columbus, 7:30 p.m. Miami at D.C. United, 7:30 p.m. Atlanta at CF Montréal, 7:30 p.m. New England at New York, 7:30 p.m. Saint Louis City SC at Toronto FC, 7:30 p.m. Nashville at Chicago, 8:30 p.m. Sporting Kansas City at Houston, 8:30 p.m. Austin FC at Minnesota, 8:30 p.m. FC Dallas at Colorado, 9:30 p.m. Orlando City at Real Salt Lake, 9:30 p.m. Philadelphia at LA Galaxy, 10:30 p.m. San Jose at Los Angeles FC, 10:30 p.m. Seattle at Vancouver, 10:30 p.m.CONCACAF Gold Cup Glance FIRST ROUND Top two nations in each group advance GROUP A GP W D L GF GA Ptsa-United States 3 2 1 0 13 1 7 a-Jamaica 3 2 1 0 10 2 7 Trinidad 2 1 0 1 4 4 3 St. Kitts and Nevis 2 0 0 2 0 10 0Saturday GP W D L GF GA Ptsa-Mexico 2 2 0 0 7 1 6 Haiti 2 1 0 1 3 4 3 Qatar 2 0 1 1 2 3 1 Honduras 2 0 1 1 1 5 1Sunday GP W D L GF GA Ptsa-Panama 2 2 0 0 4 2 6 Martinique 2 1 0 1 3 3 3 Costa Rica 2 0 1 1 1 2 1 El Salvador 2 0 1 1 1 2 1Monday GP W D L GF GA PtsGuadeloupe 2 1 1 0 6 3 4 Guatemala 2 1 1 0 1 0 4 Canada 2 0 2 0 2 2 2 Cuba 2 0 0 2 1 5 0Tuesday, June 27 At TorontoGuadeloupe 2, Canada 2At Fort Lauderdale, Fla.Guatemala 1, Cuba 0Saturday, July 1 At Houston (Shell Energy)Guadeloupe 4, Cuba 1 Guatemala 0, Canada 0Tuesday, July 4 At Harrison, N.J.Guadeloupe vs. Guatemala, 6:30 p.m.At HoustonCanada vs. Cuba, 6:30 p.m.QUARTERFINALS Saturday, July 8 At Arlington, TexasGroup C winner vs. Group B second place, 7 p.m. Mexico vs. Group C second place, 9:30 p.m.Sunday, July 9 At CincinnatiGroup D winner vs. Jamaica, 5 p.m. United States vs. Group D second place, 7:30 p.m.SEMIFINALS Wednesday, July 12 At Las Vegas or San DiegoGroup C winner-Group B second place winner vs. United States-Group D second place winner, 7:30 p.m. or 10 p.m.At Las Vegas or San DiegoGroup D winner-Jamaica vs. Group B winner-Group C second place winner, 7:30 p.m. or 10 p.m.CHAMPIONSHIP Sunday, July 16 At Inglewood, Calif.Semi“nal winners, 7:30 p.m.BETTING ODDSFanduel Line MLB Monday American LeagueFavorite Line Underdog LineHouston -110 at Texas -106 Baltimore -118 at N.Y. Yankees +100 at Minnesota -175 Kansas City +150National LeagueFavorite Line Underdog LineChicago Cubs OFF at Milwaukee OFF Cincinnati -136 at Washington +116 St. Louis -116 at Miami -102 at LA Dodgers OFF Pittsburgh OFFInterleagueFavorite Line Underdog LineAtlanta -164 at Cleveland +138 at San Diego OFF LA Angels OFF at San Fran. -125 Seattle +105© Data Skrive. All Rights Reserved.TRANSACTIONSSunday BASEBALL Major League Baseball American LeagueCHICAGO WHITE SOX „ Placed RHP Michael Kopech on the 15-day IL. Selected the contract of RHP Bryan Shaw from Charlotte (IL). Transferred INF Romy Gonzalez from the 10-day IL to the 60-day IL. DETROIT TIGERS „ Assigned RHP Alex Faedo to Toledo (IL) on a rehab assignment. HOUSTON ASTROS „ Recalled LHP Parker Mushinski from Sugar Land (PCL). Optioned RHP Ronel Blanco to Sugar Land (PCL). LOS ANGELES ANGELS „ Recalled INF Andrew Velazquez from Salt Lake (PCL).
TODAY IN HISTORY MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 ASSOCIATED PRESSSmall sailing ships and pleasure boats are moored near the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor, Thursday, July 3, 1986. The ve ssels will leave the area during the Statue of Liberty rededication ceremonies. Today is Monday, July 3, the 184th day of 2023. There are 181 days left in the year.ON THIS DATEIn 1775, Gen. George Washington took command of the Continental Army at Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 1863, the pivotal three-day Civil War Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania ended in a major victory for the North as Confederate troops failed to breach Union positions during an assault known as PickettÂs Charge. In 1944, during World War II, Soviet forces recaptured Minsk from the Germans. In 1950, the first carrier strikes of the Korean War took place as the USS Valley Forge and the HMS Triumph sent fighter planes against North Korean targets. In 1971, singer Jim Morrison of The Doors died in Paris at age 27. In 1979, Dan White, convicted of voluntary manslaughter in the shooting deaths of San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk, was sentenced to seven years and eight months in prison. (White served only 5 years of his sentence and killed himself in October 1985.) In 1986, President Ronald Reagan presided over a gala ceremony in New York Harbor that saw the relighting of the renovated Statue of Liberty. In 1988, the USS Vincennes shot down an Iran Air jetliner over the Persian Gulf, killing all 290 people aboard. In 1996, Russians went to the polls to re-elect Boris Yeltsin president over his Communist challenger, Gennady Zyuganov in a runoff. In 2011, Novak Djokovic won his first Wimbledon, beating defending champion Rafael Nadal 6-4, 6-1, 1-6, 6-3. In 2020, speaking at the foot of Mount Rushmore on the eve of Independence Day, President Donald Trump asserted that protesters pushing for racial justice were engaging in a Âmerciless campaign to wipe out our history.ÂŽTEN YEARS AGOEgyptÂs first democratically elected president, Mohammed Morsi, was overthrown by the military after just one year by the same kind of Arab Spring uprising that had brought the Islamist leader to power. The death toll rose to 16 from a United States drone strike on a militants camp in PakistanÂs North Waziristan area. Pakistan condemned the strike as a violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity.FIVE YEARS AGOThe Trump administration said it would not encourage schools to use race as a factor in the admissions process, rescinding guidance from the Obama era that was meant to promote diversity. Authorities in Indonesia called off a search for 164 missing people two weeks after the sinking of a ferry in Lake Toba. All were presumed dead. The bodies of three others were recovered, and 21 were rescued alive.ONE YEAR AGOA large chunk of a glacier in ItalyÂs Alps broke loose, killing at least six hikers and injuring eight others. Hershel W. ÂWoodyÂŽ Williams, the last remaining Medal of Honor recipient from World War II, was remembered at a memorial for his courage, humility and selflessness. U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin announced during the service that Williams would lie in state at the U.S. Capitol. Officials closed a Long Island beach to swimming after what they described as an unprecedented shark attack that injured a lifeguard.TODAYÂS BIRTHDAYSPlaywright Tom Stoppard is 86. Writer-producer Jay Tarses is 84. Actor Michael Cole (TV: ÂThe Mod SquadÂŽ) is 83. Attorney Gloria Allred is 82. Actor Kurtwood Smith is 80. Country singer Johnny Lee is 77. Humorist Dave Barry is 76. Actor Betty Buckley is 76. Actor Jan Smithers is 74. Actor Bruce Altman is 68. Talk show host Montel Williams is 67. Country singer Aaron Tippin is 65. Rock musician Vince Clarke (Depeche Mode, Yaz, Erasure) is 63. Actor Tom Cruise is 61. Actor Thomas Gibson is 61. Actor Hunter Tylo is 61. Actor Connie Nielsen is 59. Actor Yeardley Smith is 59. TV chef Sandra Lee is 57. Singer Ishmael Butler is 54. Rock musician Kevin Hearn (Barenaked Ladies) is 54. Actor-singer Shawnee Smith is 54. Actor-singer Audra McDonald is 53. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is 52. Actor Patrick Wilson is 50. Country singer Trent Tomlinson is 48. Actor Andrea Barber is 47. Singer Shane Lynch (Boyzone) is 47. Actor Ian Anthony Dale is 45. Actor/comedian Julie Klausner is 45. Actor Elizabeth Hendrickson is 44. Country singer-songwriter Sarah Buxton is 43. Actor Olivia Munn is 43. Actor Shoshannah Stern is 43. Rock singer-songwriter Elle King is 34. Actor Grant Rosenmeyer is 32.APG NATIONAL NEWS MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023 | 8 TODAYÂS HIGHLIGHT IN HISTORY On July 3, 1976, Israel launched its daring mission to rescue 106 passengers and Air France crew members being held at Entebbe Airport in Uganda by pro-Palestinian hijackers; the commandos succeeded in rescuing all but four of the hostages.