Your local news source between the coasts!Want more local news seven days a week?South Central Florida Life offers national and state news as well as local news from Okeechobee, Hendry, Glades, Palm Beach, Martin and Collier counties! While the print editions are weekly, the website is updated daily! 863-467-1545LIC NO. 100% Customer Satisfaction is Our Mission! 100% Customer Satisfaction is Our Mission! Wednesday, July 5, 2023Vol. 114 No. 27 1 Section 48 Pages IndexCommunity News þ. .............. 2 Firs t Responders þ. ............... 12 Opinions þ. ................................. 6 Sports þ. .................................... 16 Things to do þ. .......................... 8 Your hometown, nonpartisan newspaper 14.61 feetLast Year: 12.93 feet Lake Levels See Page 6 for information about how to contact this newspaper. Source: South Florida Water Management District. Depth given in feet above sea level . NEIGHBORS:Award fromCattleWomen , 26 MILITARY:Salute toS oldiers, 17-24 WEATHER:HurricanePreparedness, 29-34 SPECIAL TO LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWSLake Okeechobee is among the best bass lakes in the country, according to Bassmaster’s annual list. Bassmaster started their 100 Best Lakes rankings 12 years ago. Bassmaster contacts the in every state to get feedback on the current state of bass lakes. They also survey the B.A.S.S. Nation presidents and conservation directors in every state to get feedback on the best lakes they have experienced in the past year. This information is checked against the tournament results and every lake mentioned, as well a some Bassacross independently, to create a master list. “Numbers are crunched FISHING LAKESOKEECHOBEE – Lake Okeechobee is the second largest freshwater lake within the connes of the con tinental United States. {Photo by Richard Marion/Lake Okeechobee News]Lake O among top ten bass shing lakesBy Katrina ElskenLAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWSOKEECHOBEE — The property previously used by the Okeechobee School for Boys will be transferred to Indian River State College, under House Bill 1603 which was signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis on June 21. The 205-acre property is between U.S. 441 N. and Taylor Creek, northwest of Williamson Ditch. In 1956, the Okeechobee County Board of County Commissioners purchased, at the county’s sole cost and expense, approximately 1,100 acres of land from Caloosa Ranch, Inc. The county then conveyed this property at no cost to the State of purpose of housing the IRSC to take over old ‘boys school’ propertyBOYS SCHOOL OKEECHOBEE – The old “boys school†facility closed in December 2020 when Truecore lost the state contract to run the juvenile facility. [Photo by Katrina Elsken]• See Lake O on page 28• See School on page 28
2 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News þ | Serving the Lake Okeechobee Region since 1929 Air Scrubber by AERUS Air Cleaner for homes & small of ces FREE WiFi Thermostat with new AC install Financing available on all new units SPECIAL TO LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWSLABELLE — Hendry County plorer Major Andrea Gijon was elected the President during the 2023 FSEA State Conference. “Congratulations FSEA President Andrea Gijon!†said of the young people who are members of the Hendry County of Law Enforcement, as Major Gijon was elected by her state peers as president of the FSEA. I would also like to recognize the SeSgt. Zachary Scelfo and Assistant Advisor, cer Kasandra Melgoza; both are former ComPost.†Gijon has been a part of the post for three years. She is self-driven, God-fearing, willing to help whoever she can and is the model of what a leader should be when it comes to making sure the team stays together and thrives. She strives to be in politics and create changes to better the Law Enforcement career. Since Hendry Counattending the FSEA Delegates most recently again, Gijon understood the ultimate goal of not only her advisors but also of the FSEA; wanting to further lead the future of law enforcement to success. She felt it in her, that by being the leader and link between the youth and the adults mentoring them, she could help push towards that. Gijon addressed across the state at the beginning of the weeklong conference. “Today, you all have dedicated leaders, including your advisors, who choose to guide young adults in positive, character-building endeavors,†Gijon said. “In this room full of young people, I see tremendous possibilities of what we can accomplish together ... We are the future of this generation and are here to network, motivate and train ... these are the goals of the FSEA that we will continue to meet and in many cases, surpass.â€LEADERSHIPHendry County Sheri’s Oce Explorer Major Andrea Gijon was elected the 2023 Florida Sheri’s Explorer Association President during the 2023 FSEA State Conference. [Photo courtesy HCSO] HCSO Explorer Maj. Andrea Gijon elected 2023 FSEA president BLOOD DRIVE The annual Okeechobee Blood Roundup is planned for November. [Special to the Lake Okeechobee News/OneBlood] NEW LOOK CENTENNIAL PARK GETS FACELIFTOKEECHOBEE – The City of Okeechobee Public Works Department recently gave Centennial Park, 701 S.E. Sixth Avenue, a new look with blue mulch. [Photo courtesy City of Okeechobee] COMMUNITY Send news and photographs to lakeokeechobeenews
PAGE 3 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 3 r fntbrntbnnnt r HERE’S TO THE Warm, comfortable, secure environment Nurse on-site Live entertainment Lic# AL11944 Visiting Nurse Association of Florida rfntb tt Assisted Living/Skilled Nursing FacilityFIRST PLACEVOTED BEST! Assisted Living/Skilled Nursing Facility COME VISIT TO SEE WHY WE ARE VOTED THE BEST! GrandOaksOkeechobee.comSCHEDULE A TOUR TODAY!863-734-6202 0522-01 FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATION FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATION FOR FLORIDA FAMILIES 45 FOR FOR in HomecareFIRST PLACEVOTED BEST! Skilled nursing Therapy Home health aides Pediatric care Care management ... and more!866.649.1694 The VNA of Florida provides an array of services designed to keep our patients healthy and independent at home. Lic# 21238096 Lic# 21238096 Lic# 21238096
4 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News þ | By Cathy Womble LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWS OKEECHOBEE — Knowles graduated from Okeechobee High School in 2017 and enlisted in the United He joined the Navy to better himself as a person and to gain life experience, he said. He is the only one of the six siblings in his family to join the military, but their father served in their Army. William’s brother Ronnie arranged for this story to come out in time for William’s birthday as a surprise. He explained he is very proud of his brother for his service to his coun try. Ronnie said his parents adopted three boys and three girls, and he met his brother William when the two boys were only 4 years old. They have been best friends ever since. William was trained to perform maintenance on damage control life saving equipment and technical exper tise, damage control readiness was at an all USS Ronald Reagan on which he served. Choosing between Hawaii and Japan, William chose Japan and was not sorry. He loved living in Japan. He loved the food, the people and the scenery but said four years was long enough. While in Japan, he spent six months on land and six months at sea each year for four years. He signed a 2-year contract to get stationed in Florida so he could see his family nie. William has been all over the world in service to his country. He has visited Guam, Africa, Australia, even serving four years in Japan. You name it, he’s been there, said his brother Ronnie. William has been in the service for almost in the states. Ronnie was able to go see him recently in Jacksonville where William is now stationed and said they had a great visit. William and his girlfriend, Rheann Hietpas, met in Japan while they were both serving there, but she is from up north and is now stationed in Jacksonville as well. William plans to continue his career at Southeast Regional Maintenance Center at Jacksonville, Fla. He will no longer be deploying unless the country goes to war. Knowles hopes to impact the lives of others in a positive way.EVERY VETERANS STORYWestern pacic area of operations. U.S. Navy Damage control-man 2nd class William Knowles from Okeechobee FL. Conducts maintenance on damage control life saving equipment onboard the Nimitz class carrier CVN 76 USS Ronald Reagan out of Yokosuka Japan, during operation freedom’s sentinel and operation Allie’s refuge in support of U.S drawdown operations in Afghanistan. Petty ocer Knowles has been forward deployed on board Reagan since 2019 in 7th eet, the U.S Navy’s largest forward deployed eet. With his devotion and technical expertise damage control readiness is at an all time high onboard Reagan. Thank you for your service petty ocer Knowles! [Photo courtesy Ronnie Knowles Happy birthday and thank you for your service William Knowles. [Photo courtesy Ronnie Knowles] Petty Ocer Knowles hopes to be a positive impact By Cathy WombleLAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWSOKEECHOBEE — Deborah Perez of Waste Management gave an update to the city council during their June 21 meeting. She said there has been a delay in getting new trucks and new carts but if all goes according to plan, they will be rolling out carts throughout the city of Okeechobee in September or October. The yard waste carts will be 96 gallon and the recycling cart will be a 65 gallon. Residents will continue to use the same garbage carts they have been using. Yard waste will change to automated. what will be picked up. Anything else will have to be picked up for an additional fee either by Waste Management or another company. Homeowners can also contract with another company to have bulk yard waste pickup. To make things even more confusing, Perez said not all yard waste had to go in the cart. She said if the homeowner had a pile that was 4-cubic yards, they would pick it up for free. Before they make this change, they will do a big communication campaign with all the residents of Okeechobee so they will know what is going on, what the carts are for, when they are coming, when they will be collected, etc. City Administrator Gary Ritter suggested that they send pictures of a pile of things they would charge to pick up and a picture of things they would not charge to pick up so the public would know the said she would be happy to do this.City residents soon to have to pay for some yard waste pick upAUTOMATED COLLECTION
PAGE 5 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 5 .5 WEEKLY HAPPENINGS Post #64 501 SE 2nd St, Okeechobee 863-763-5309Call ahead for takeout ordersHours for Monday through Saturday are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Taco Wednesday: July 12th$2 soft/hard beef Tacos and $5 Taco Bowls 11am-6pm $2.50 Margaritas! (not available for $1 OFF 4-6pm)Happy Hour 4pm-6pm Thursday: July 6thBar Poker 4-6pm Bucket of Beers $12 Happy Hour 4pm-6pm Sunday Funday: July 9thFood all day Bar Poker 1-3pm NASCAR, XFL Happy Hour 4pm-6pm COME IN AND CHECK OUT OUR NEW DRINK PRICES!!Happy Hour 4pm-6pm Karaoke with Lisa Smith 5:30pm-?? Burgers 4pm-7pm $4.00 Karaoke with Lisa Smith 5:30pm-?? Friday: July 7th Monday: July 10th$1 Bingo 1-3pm Happy Hour 4pm-6pm Saturday: July 8th BINGO Noon-2pm Happy Hour 4pm-6pm Music with Freddy King 5pm-8pmQuarter Bingo 4-6pm Happy Hour 4pm-6pm Tuesday: July 11th $3 Rumrunners $12 Bucket of Beers (not available for $1 OFF 4-6 p.m. ) Congratulations to all area winners! Nisbet Enterprises, Inc. i’m lovin’ itIndiantown • Belle Glade • Clewiston LaBelle • Ft. Myers • Lake Placid • Arcadia Okeechobee South McDonald’s Log onto southcentral to nominate a healthcare professional for recognition! Or email your nomination to Heroes come in many forms: public health department professionals, rst responders, lab technicians and more. Please join us in showing gratitude to those who work behind the scenes and on the front lines.Presented By: Nominate A Healthcare Worker
at SouthCentralFloridaLife.comOur StaffNews: rfn tbrfn rrfn tfnrnAdvertising:bf bfAdvertising Manager f Graphics: n n n tf r brfCreative Services Team Leader rf tfnrnCirculation:n Circulation Manager r rfrrnt bfntTo Reach Usr rfnLake Okeechobee News Subscriptionstbbrfnfrr rfntbrAdvertising ServicesrrbrfnbrrrfnTo Place an Obituarytbrfn r r n r tr tn ‘t rr b ’“â€â€¢â€¢â€¢â€™ –—n’’nOur Purpose...rffnrb ffnr rfrfrnnbrfrn fn nrrrnnnff nnfbtfrnnr We Pledge... rt –rt –– – t– ––– tn tn Memberships...‘’“’’nrb frnfrnff rrfrf†r rrfr 6 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News þ | OPINION This is your public forum. We welcome your opinions by emailing Katrina Elsken LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWS Recent headlines appear to be at odds readers: “Satellite ‘potential’ on much of Lake O†and “Lake also form the base of the food chain in a lake. a canal or marina. If a kill. Lake Okeechobee is surface that are pushed What about toxins? can produce toxins, areas such as marinas, canals or water control structures where there isn’t a lot of water to the Florida Departanobacteria toxins are some of the toxins, it accumulates in the liver part most people eat. FDOH advises distournaments are “catch and release†events so cies found in the Lake don’t produce toxins. about 25% of the 28 ria found in the Lake O Both are microscopic teria lack a nucleus and bacteria are the oldest known life form on the as we know it possible tem. have too much food. tem out of balance. Given hot weather, lots phorus and little water nobacteria reproduce know some scientists lake. sults show the Lake Lake O shing not hurt by algal blooms • See Fishing on page 7GUEST COMMENTARYBy Melanie StefanowiczCEO, EARLY LEARNING mer break, children and parents alike look much-needed hiatus While the summer months provide an op crucial for children to loss that takes place for to prevent summer and even activities at home. Parents can support exploration and curiand other educational resources. Whereas improve math and also build social and emotional skills that are essential for students’ success in school and have a positive impact National Summer skills over summer Combat summer ‘brain drain’ with high-quality learning programs• See Brain Drain on page 7
PAGE 7 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 7 9.85 x 3 Item prices vary from item prices in physical store locations. Fees, tips & taxes may apply. Subject to terms & Need dinner delivered? Just wing it!Hot, delicious, and brought right to your door. Wednesday: Variable clouds with scattered showers and thunderstorms, mainly a high near 91. Winds south at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%. Wednesday night: Isolated thunderstorms during the evening, then partly cloudy overnight, with a low around 75. Winds south at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%. Thursday: Scattered thunderstorms, espewith a high near 90. Winds south at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%. Thursday night: Scattered thunderstorms during the evening, then mainly cloudy overnight, with a low around 75. Winds southsouthwest at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Friday: Partly cloudy with thunderstorms, with a high near 90. Winds south at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Friday night: Isolated thunderstorms during the evening, then partly cloudy overnight, with a low around 75. Winds south at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Saturday: Variable clouds with scattered showers and thunderstorms, mainly a high near 91. Winds south at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Saturday night: Isolated thunderstorms during the evening, then skies turning partly cloudy overnight, with a low around 75. Winds south at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%. Sunday: Variable clouds with scattered showers and thunderstorms, mainly a high near 91. Winds south at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%. Sunday night: Partly cloudy in the evening with more clouds for later at night, with a low around 75. Winds south at 5 to 10 mph. Monday: Partial cloudiness early, with scattered showers and thunderstorms in the near 92. Winds southsouthwest at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Monday night: Partly cloudy skies, with a low around 75. Winds south-southwest at 5 to 10 mph. Tuesday: Partly cloudy in the morning followed by scattered thunderstorms in the near 92. Winds southsouthwest at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%. Tuesday night: Widely scattered showers or a thunderstorm early. Then partly cloudy, with a low around 75. Winds south-southwest at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%. and camps during the summer can counteract this loss, ensuring that children continue to develop their skills and knowledge throughout the year. It can provide a safe and nurturing environment where children can explore new interests and build friendships. Ultimate ly, the goal is to help kids develop a growth mindset and a lifelong love for learning that will serve them well throughout their life. In Florida, parents are fortunate to have Voluntary Prekinder garten (VPK) programs to 4-year-olds residing in the state, regardless of family income. VPK helps prepare children for kindergarten by enhancing their pre-reading, pre-math and language, while also cultivating important life skills such as teamwork, problem-solving and resilience. Families interested in enrolling their children in VPK for the 2023-2024 school year can apply for a voucher online at or call the Early Learning 935-6100. As the CEO of the Early Learning Coalition of Southwest Florida, I encourage parents and guardians to take advantage of the resources and programs available to them and to actively engage in their children’s learning during the summer months. Together, we can ensure that our children continue to thrive and grow, even when school is out of session. About the Author Melanie Stefanowicz is the CEO for Early Learning Coalition of Southwest Florida, which provides access to high-quality early education services for children in Collier, Glades, Hendry and Lee Counties.OPINIONS Brain Drain• From page 6 good so far this year, as evidenced by the Bassmasters report. Still, while the anglers are happy with their catches, they are concerned about the future of the Big worried about the lack of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV). SAV is the lake’s plants also provide Hurricane Ian churned the lake, destroying much of the SAV. According to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Service (FWC), only about 2,000 acres of SAV are on comments shared at public meetings, FWC and South Florida Water Management District would like to see 40,000 acres of SAV on the lake. Anglers would like to see around 100,000 acres of SAV. In addition to providing cover for small the water, taking up some of the nutrients that would otherwise feed the algae and cyanobacteria. While the existing SAV is apparently in good condition, there’s not enough of it, and for new SAV to grow, lower lake levels are needed. According to the scientists, lake levels of 12.5 feet above sea level or lower are needed for sunlight to reach the bottom and cause new SAV to germinate. For new SAV to grow, we need at least 30 consecutive days of a lake level below 12.5 feet. That’s not going to happen this year. Lake O is already over 14.5 feet and rising, and the wet season just started. So while the anglers may celebrate the good they’re worried about the future. Fishing• From page 6 LAKE OKEECHOBEE AREA WEATHER FORECAST
8 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News þ | COMMUNITY EVENTS Send news and photographs to We welcome community news. Submit news by emailing it to If you do not receive within 24 hours please call 863-763-3134. You can also post events on our website on the events calendar at com/calendar/. To post on the calendar you will have to register an account. The account registration is FREE. Online calendar items can be submitted anytime. The deadline to submit items for the July 12 print edition is 5 p.m. on July 5.Moose Lodge hosts events OKEECHOBEE — Moose Lodge #1753, 159 N.W. 36th St., will host the following events: On Wednesday, July 5, 4:30 to 6 p.m. and the kitchen opens at 5 p.m. On Thursday, July 6. the kitchen opens at 5 p.m. Dauber bingo is at 1 p.m. and poker is at 6 p.m. On Friday, July 7 , the kitchen opens at 5 p.m. with the as shrimp, hamburgers, and chicken strips. Music is from 6 to 9 p.m. On Saturday, July 8 , dinner is at 5 p.m. p.m. Music is from 6 to 9 p.m. On Sunday, July 9 , breakfast is from 7:45 card bingo is from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. On Monday, July 10, the kitchen opens at 5 p.m. Cheeseburgers, shrimp, chicken tenders, salad and more on the menu. Tuesday, July 11, is Taco Tuesday. Tacos just $1.50 each. Free pool daily.VFW 4423 to hold eventsOKEECHOBEE — VFW Post 4423, 300 N.W. 34th St., will host events this week. On Wednesday, July 5, kitchen is open from 5 to 10 p.m. On Thursday, July 6, kitchen is open from 5 to 10 p.m., bar is open from 5 to midnight. Julie is from 7 to 10 p.m. Taco truck will be open. On Friday, July 7, the kitchen is open from 5 to 10 p.m. and music by Glenn Allen is from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Latin Night is from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Taco truck open. On Saturday, July 8, the kitchen is open from 5 to 10 p.m. Latin Night is from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Taco truck open. On Sunday, July 9, the kitchen is open from 5 to 10 p.m. and music by Phil Eddings is from 6 to 9 p.m. On Monday, July 10, the kitchen is open from 5 to 10 p.m. and the bar is open from 5 p.m. to midnight. On Tuesday, July 11, $1 card bingo is at 6 p.m. The kitchen is open from 5 to 10 p.m. and the bar is open from 5 p.m. to midnight.Republicans to meetOKEECHOBEE — The Republican Club meets the second Tuesday of every month at Lakeside Grill, 1111 Parrott Ave, and the Republican Party meets the third Monday of every month at the VFW, 3912 S.E. 441, at 6:30 p.m. It is recommend you come early and dine before the meeting begins. There will be a special guest speaker.Garden Club to meetOKEECHOBEE — The Okeechobee Garden and Orchid Club will be meeting on the third Monday of each month at the 458 US 98 N., from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Visitors are welcome. For information, email Elaine Waters at elainesorchids@gmail. com.Food pantry openOKEECHOBEE — The food pantry at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 701 S.W. Sixth St., is open the the month from 9 to 11 a.m.BHR VFW hosts eventsBUCKHEAD RIDGE — The VFW Post 9528, 29012 S.R. 78, will host the following events: On Wednesday, July 5, will be from 2 to 4 p.m. On Thursday, July 6, is from 2 to 4 p.m. On Friday, July 7 card bingo is from 2 to 4 p.m. The VFW dinner is from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Music by Nicole Leann is from 6 to 10 p.m. On Saturday, July 8, breakfast is from 8 to 10:30 a.m. Dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m. The weekly meeting is at 6 p.m. Bingo of hearts is at 7 p.m. Music by Boho Cowboy is from 5 to 9 p.m. On Sunday, July 9 is at 5 p.m. On Monday, July 10, washers is at 1 is at 5 p.m. followed by LRC. On Tuesday, July 11, game day starts at 1 p.m. and cornhole is at 6:30 p.m.BHR Baptist oers Sunday SchoolBUCKHEAD RIDGE — Buckhead Ridge Baptist Church, 1731 Hunter Road, would like to welcome you to visit. It now has Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday morning and a youth Sunday School class at the same time. Sunday morning service is at 11 a.m. and a Wednesday evening service at 6 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Come meet Pastor Phillip Nason and the friendliest fellowship in Okeechobee.BHR residents meetBUCKHEAD RIDGE — All Buck head Ridge residents are invited to the pot luck begins at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Community Center located behind the Fire Station. For more info, 4106.AA meets in LaBelleAlcoholics Anonymous meets in LaBelle at the following locations. • Hispanos de LaBelle, 462 E. Cowboy Way, meets on Sundays at 9 a.m. and Mondays and Fridays at 8 p.m. (Spanish) • Good Shephered Church, 1098 Collingswood Pkwy., Port LaBelle Group meets on Sundays at 7 p.m., hosts a discussion meeting on Fridays at 7 p.m, and “As Bill Sees it†on Saturdays at 9 a.m. • First Christian Church, 138 Ford Ave., LaBelle Group holds Tuesdays at 7 p.m., a discussion meeting on Thursdays at 7 p.m., and an Early Bird meeting on Wednesdays at 7 a.m. 5111. For more information about AA meetings, go Do you need a ride?HENDRY COUNTY — Ride transportation service, serving Glades and Hendry Counties. Available Monday through Friday, from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Seniors (55+) and children under 18 ride for less. To schedule a ride, contact STREAM at can also schedule a ride and view schedules and visiting heartlandrides. Blackbeard the PirateBELLE GLADE — Missoula Children’s Theatre will hold auditions for Blackbeard the Pirate on Monday, July 10 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center, 1977 College Drive in Belle Glade. The event is open to children ages 5 to 18. Parental supervision is required for children ages 5 to 9. Some children will be asked to stay for rehearsal from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. following auditions. For more info, call Vera Valerio at 561 993 1161. Legion to host bingo BELLE GLADE — The American Legion Hall, 101 S.E. Ave. D, will host bingo every Wednesday from 6:30 to 10 p.m. For information, visit bellegladechamber. Loula V. York Library hosts clubs & morePAHOKEE — The Loula V. York Branch Library, 525 Bacom Point Road, will host Anime Club on Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. Saturday Storytime is on Saturdays at 11 a.m. Glades Initiative oers food pantryBELLE GLADE — The Glades Initiative, 149 SE Ave. D, offers food distribution on Tuesdays from 3 to 7 p.m., Wednesdays from 8:30 to 11 a.m. and 2 to 4:30 p.m., and on Thursdays from 8:30 to 11 a.m. You may come to the “Pantry of Choice†once per week during any of the open hours. In order to participate you must present a valid ID or your Glades Initiative Food ID. Again, you may only use the pantry ONE time per week. For more information, OKEECHOBEE COUNTY PALM BEACH COUNTY GLADES COUNTY HENDRY COUNTY
PAGE 9 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 9 Licensed and Insured Lic# 01562 Lic# 01563New Construction, Repaint Pool Deck, Roof and Driveways Jewell Sills863-801-3830Tim Sills863-447-6637 Jewell Sills Painting & Pressure Washing Free Estimates! Johnny Trent1677 SW 8th Street Okeechobee, FL 34974Office: (863) 763-7704 Mobile: (863) 634-7125 Email: 4gutter@gmail.comJT Guttering Systems Inc.Aluminum Seamless Guttering Installations & Repair“Serving Okeechobee since 1999†• METAL ROOFING EXPERTS • SHINGLES • FLAT ROOFS • REPAIRS BRYANT ROOFING 863-675-7045SINCE Lic#CCC1331770 • Financing available • Free Estimates • Residential and Commercial • Service • Repair • Installation qualityacandrefrig@gmail.comLicensed and Insured #CAC1821451 863-634-3117 Installation Licensed and Insured SUMMER IS NEAR!Let an experienced, reliable A/C company work for you!! Be Our Guest Sundays 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. The Gathering Matthew 18:201735 S.W. 24th Avenue, Okeechobee | 863.357.4418 The Gathering Call Support Your Local Newspaper Invest in Your CommunityEvery contribution helps support the important role of journalism in our community. Go to: today to subscribe to our digital newspaper Your Hometown Nonpartisan Newspaper863.763.3134 | 863.824.5933 $8.99 a month!ALL ACCESSIncludes the e-Newspaper and rf ntbnbbb r rfn tnb Don’t Miss The Bus on Back-to-School Advertising!As parents and students gear up for the 2023-24 academic year, make sure your business is on their lists by advertising in the School Information Guide.Talk to our sales reps to reserve your spot today!2023-24 School Information GuideYour Guide to a Great School Year Published in Print & Online Annually by Lake Okeechobee News 863.763.3134 • www.SouthCentralFloridaLife.comKay Sheedy 863.634.8822 Stephanie Larson 863.634.8822 •
By Katrina Elsken LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWS Satellite imagery showed algal “bloom potential†over much of Lake Okeechobee this week. But that does not mean an algal bloom has “covered†the Big O. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Ad ministration satellite images used to estimate the “potential†for algal blooms in Lake Okeechobee and other bodies of water are use ful tools for scientists, but sometimes misun derstood by the public. According to Sachi Mishra, satellite oceanographer with the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, NOAA National Ocean Service, the satellite detects spectra of light the human eye cannot see. The computer program creates a color-coded image with red in the areas most likely to have surface scum, with decreasing concentrations of algae indicated by areas in orange, yellow, green and blue. Black in dicates areas where no cyanobacteria is detected. The satellite looks at the amount of light in many wavelengths. To detect cyanobacteria (also called blue-green algae), NOAA uses several wavelengths of red and near-infra red light (this infrared detects brightness, not temperature). For water, only the light from the upper 1-3 feet ble to the human eye, it is referred to as a “bloom.†To reproduce rapidly into a bloom, cyanobacteria need hot weather, nitrogen, phosphorus, sunlight and little water movement. Cloudy weather, which deprives the cyanobacteria of sunlight, Some cyanobacteria (like Anabaena) are can use nitrogen from the air. Others (like Microcystis aeruginosa ) depend on nitrogen available in the water. If a dominant cyanobacteria that is not a the available nitrogen in the water, this can also cause the bloom to die. When that happens, if phosphorus in the cyanobacteria may become dominant and create a new bloom. The NOAA images are derived from Copernicus Sentinel-3 satellite data from the European Organization Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) and are processed by NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science. The NOAA computer program uses the data collected by the satellite images to postulate the potential for algal blooms.Why does “bloom potential†matter? Ac cording to the National Cent ers for Coastal Ocean Science, “Re ported in every coastal stat e, HABs (harmful algal blooms) have caused an estimated $1 billion in losses over the last several decades to coastal economies that rely on recreation, tourism and seafood harvesting. Blooms can lead to odors that require more costly treatment for public water supplies. NCCOS conducts and funds research that helps communities protect the public and combat tive ways, and we are br eaking new ground in the science of stop ping blooms before they occur.â€The satellite images are a snapshot of Lake Okeechobee at a moment in time on a given day. Fishermen have noted that an area shown in red on the map, indicating high potential for an algal bloom, may not have any visible algae at all. Cyanobacteria, also called “blue-green algae,†cannot move on their own. They are pushed by wind and Cyanobaterica can rise and fall in the water by gas vesicles. When viewing the NOAA images, also keep in mind that of the 28 species of cyanobacteria documented by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Lake Okeechobee Waterway— which includes the St. Lucie River, the St. Lucie Canal (C-44 Canal), Lake Okeechobee and the Caloosahatchee River — only about 25% are capable of producing capable of producing so. Scientists are still trying to understand what causes them to levels may increase in enclosed areas of stagnant water where a cyanobacteria bloom may become more dense and/or in areas where high levels of nitrogen are present in the water. Because you cannot tell whether an algal by looking at it, health to stay out of water where algae is visible and keep pets out of water where algae is visible. The NOAA website is updated several times a week with the most recent image available. Some days when a Satellite image is taken, it is not usable due to weather conditions. According to information shared at meetings of the Florida Blue-Green Algae Task Force, other biological matter in the lake results. Water managers is just one “tool in the algae conditions on the lake. The South Florida Water Management District samples water at 32 sites on Lake Okeechobee every two weeks during the wet season. SFWMD and Florida Department of Environmental Protection also sample water where visible blooms are reported. Areas treated with algaecide to break up the bloom. The FDEP webcurrently underway to treat blue-green algal blooms at water control structures and public access points on Lake Okeechobee and within the C-43 (Caloosahatchee River) and C-44 (St. Lucie) canals. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection in partnership with the South Florida Water Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have deployed an innovative technology to target blue-green algal cells and the In large systems like Lake Okeechobee, treatments may need to be repeated over the course of the bloom season as untreated bloom waters may migrate into treated areas due to winds and currents. Stringent water quality monitoring is ongoing." 10 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News þ | LAKE O ALGAL BLOOM NOAA imagery from Junw 25 shows algal bloom “potential†in Lake Okeechobee. Areas in red or orange are more likely to have visible surface scum. NOAA imagery does not indicated what species of algae are present or whether or not toxins are present. [Photo cour tesy NOAA]Satellite imagery shows bloom ‘potential’ over much of Lake O ENVIRONMENT Send news and photographs to lakeokeechobeenews
PAGE 11 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 11 MEET CALLY MAEJust take a gander at this sweet, beautiful girl! She is absolute sweetness. Cally Mae (#2306028) is up to date on her shots and has been spayed and microchipped. She is FIV/FeLV negative. She is very friendly – and did we forget to mention, a real sweetheart! Come meet Cally Mae and her friends at Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Of ce Animal Control Service, 1480 NW 25th Drive. For more information, call 863-367-3225 or visit by Judy Throop/Smiles & Wiggles Photography 101 SW 3rd Ave. • Okeechobee View our listings at legacyrealty .comThis pet sponsored by: FULL BAIT & TACKLE SHOPYour One-Stop Shop Before Hitting the Lake!Join Fast Break Rewards for Savings on Select Tobacco Products! State Road 78 West, Okeechobee863-763-0973okeechobeebass • Live Bait • Tackle • Clothing • Fuel • Groceries By Katrina Elsken LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWS On June 26, the Centers for Disease Control issued a health advisory about four lo cally-acquired cases of malaria in Florida and two in Texas within the past two months. In addition, there is concerns for a potential rise in imported malaria cases associated with increased international summer travel. According to the CDC. there is no evi dence the Florida and Texas cases are related. According to the Centers for Disease Control, malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a parasite. People with malaria they may develop se vere complications and die. In 2020 an estimat ed 241 million cases of malaria occurred worldwide and 627,000 people died, mostly children in sub-Saharan Africa. About 2,000 cases of malaria are diagnosed in the United States each year. The vast majority of cases in the United States are in travelers and immigrants returning from countries where malaria transmission occurs, many from sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. According to the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) Florida has reported of malaria in Sarasota County this year. All individuals have been treated and have recovered. The largest locally-acquired malaria outbreak in recent Florida history occurred in Palm Beach County in 2003 where there were eight cases. In 2012, 65 cases of imported malaria were reported in Florida. were diagnosed with P. with P. vivax, two two with P. malariae (3 associated with travel or immigration. Reasons given for traveling to a malaria endemic visiting friends and for business (including missionary and miliunknown reason. In most cases, symptoms of malaria usually develop between seven bite of an infected mosquito. However, it can develop up to a if not treated properly can cause additional “relapses.†Symptoms include fever, chills, sweats, headache, nausea and vomiting, body aches, and general malaise. Persons experiencing symptoms and who have been in an area with malaria are encouraged to see a doctor immediately. According to FDOH, there are 14 Anopheles mosquito species in Florida, all of which are potentially capable of transmitting malaria. FDOH encourages Florida residents and visitors to take precautions to avoid mosquito bites: • If possible, remain indoors in a screened or air-conditioned area during the peak biting period between dusk and dawn: • Cover doors and windows with screens to keep mosquitoes out of your house. If no screening or air conditioning is available, use pyrethroid-containing repellent in living and sleeping areas during evening and night-time hours and sleep under bed nets, preferably insecticide-treated. • Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and hats when outdoors. • Use insect repellent when outdoors. Sprays that contain DEET (N,N-diethyl-megood protection. Follow the directions on the product label. • Higher concentrations of DEET may have a longer repellent provide no added protection. Timed-release DEET products may have a longer repelproducts. • DEET should not be used on children younger than two months. Assist children less than 10 years old with application of repellent. Avoid applying repellent to young children’s hands, or around their eyes and mouth. • Protect infants by using a carrier draped with mosquito netting with an elastic edge for • Drain water from garbage cans, house gutters, buckets, pool covers, coolers, toys, FDOH issues health alert: 4 cases of malaria in Sarasota County FDOH
12 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News þ | FIRST RESPONDERS Send news and photographs to The following individuals were arrested on felony or driving under the inda Highway Patrol June 19 by OCSO and resisting arrest without violence and possession of a weapon by a convicted felon. Bond was was arrested June 19 by OCSO and charged was arrested June 19 by OCSO and charged with possession of cocaine and possession of Tramadol with intent to sell. Bond was set at • Roneika Wrightarrested June 19 by OCSO and charged with possession of of drug paraphernalia and driving without a license. Bond was set at June 19 by OCSO and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of MDMA. Bond was set by OCSO and charged with DUI and operating a motor vehicle without a license. Bond was set OCSO and charged criminal mischief and er to submit required information. Bond was by OCSO and charged with forgery. Bond was VHW\003DW\003\007\025\017\030\023\023\021 • Amanda ShribOCSO and charged with interference with custody of a child. and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and possession of methamphetamine. Bond was This column lists arrests and not convictions, unless otherwise stated. Anyone listed here who is later found not guilty or has had the charges against them dropped is welcome to inform this newspaper. The inforOKEECHOBEE COUNTY ARREST REPORT PALM BEACH COUNTY ARREST REPORT PALM BEACH following individuals were arrested on felony or driving under Belle Glade or South PBSO and charged with counterfeiting counterfeit value PBSO and charged with felony failure to appear. Bond was set at and charged with grand WKH\003RI\003PRWRU\003YHKLFOH\021\003 Bond has not been set. PBSO and charged with battery commit domestic battery by strangulation. Bond has not been set. • Daequan Kenby PBSO and charged • See PBSO on page 13 RECOGNITION OCSO HONORS VOLUNTEEROKEECHOBEE -On June 19, the Okeechobee County Sheri’s Oce celebrated Citizen Observer Member Sallie Craig for her tireless eorts volunteering with the “Volunteer of the First Quarter.†Sallie has been a long-standing member that liaises for all events concerning COP members. If you want to join COP, contact Cpl. Jack Nash at 863-763-3117 ext. 5018. [Photo courtesy OCSO] kill hundreds of people ed deaths and illness die from extreme heat every year in the Unit ed States. The number of child in the United States was 33. en deaths have been being in the State of Florida. Nearly every state has experienced at least one death since perienced at least two deaths every year for In the same manner that heat is dangerous as dangerous for pets. Pets should never be vehicles. Everyone should take these steps to prevent heat-relatand death during hot weather: 1. Stay in an air-conditioned indoor location as much as you can. feel thirsty. 3. Take cool showers or baths to cool down. or neighbor and have someone do the same for you. dren or pets in cars. 6. Check the local news for health and safety updates.Summer heat can be deadly -and cars heat up fastSAFETY
PAGE 13 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 13 with possession of weapon or ammo by convicted Florida felon. Bond has not been set. • Eduardo Martinez, of South Bay, was arrested June 23 by PBSO and charged with cocaine posses sion with intent to sell, manufacture, deliver; with violence. Bond was set at $8,000. • Victor Morales Diaz, of South Bay, was arrested June 23 by PBSO and charged with failure to appear. Bond has not been set. This column lists arrests and not convictions, unless otherwise stated. Anyone listed here who is later found innocent or has had the charges against them dropped is welcome to inform this newspaper. The inforand printed. Information for this column came from PBSO• From page 12 By Cathy WombleLAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWSOKEECHOBEE — A 49-year-old Okeechobee man was charged with elderly threatening to kill his mother with a meat cleaver. The incident occurred on the weekend of June 10 and 11. Okeechobee County Deputy Keila Garcia was dispatched to the elderly woman was able to get out of the house and call 911. According to the arrest report, Timothy Henderson came out of his bedroom at about 3 a.m. and found the woman sitting in the living room. The woman told the deputy Henderson became angry about a text on the phone and asked her to explain, when she could not, he told her they had nothing to live for and he was going to himself with the meat cleaver. In addition, she said he told her if any friends or family came over to try to help her, he would kill them too. She said he then took the meat cleaver and went back to his bedroom, leaving her in the Elderly woman threatenedAGGRAVATED ASSAULTBy Cathy WombleLAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWSOKEECHOBEE — An Okeechobee wom an was arrested Tues law enforcement, who were attempting to pull her over for reckless driving. Esmeralda Rivera Acevedo, 63, was charged with DUI and A second caller said the vehicle was passing CoCo Sod Farms still driving recklessly. Deputy Andrew Wolgamott was trav elling westbound on State Road 70 when he spotted the vehicle. Because he saw the vehicle swerve into turned on lights and siren and attempted to pull the vehicle over. The vehicle continued without stopping until it came to the Marathon gas station in the 2400 block of State Road 70 West. Due to a language barrier, Deputy Wolgamott waited for Deputy Esquivel to arrive so she could question the driver. Esquivel noticed the Aceveda, had no pants on and asked her if she was OK. Aceveda reportedly said because they were wet. She explained she cleaned houses and was coming from the reservation. Because they could pants or shoes in the vehicle, the deputy wrapped her coat around her waist so she would not be exposed. hicles surrounded her to give her some privacy from passersby. The report notes Aceveda told the deputies she did not stop earlier because she thought it was better to stop at the gas station. Though she denied drinking any alcohol, she was unable sobriety test, and her breath test results were reported as 0.287 and 0.297. Bond was set at $4,000.Pantless woman arrestedDUI
14 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News þ | GOVERNMENT Send news and photographs to lakeokeechobeenews By Katrina Elsken LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWS LABELLE — Six million dollars for im provements to the La Belle Fire Station and $12 million for the Port LaBelle Utility waste and $11 million for a wastewater treatment plant upgrade in Clew iston are among the items on the 2023/2024 Florida budget. Ac cording to the Fiscal Year 2023/2024 General Appropriations for Hendry County include: • School Readiness Services Early Learning Services: • Voluntary Prekindergarten Program Early Learning Services: • LaBelle Hardened Fire Station and Fire Capital Outlay State Fire Marshal DFS: • Clewiston Museum Signage Improvement and Replacement Project Historic Preserva• Fort Denaud Swing Local Transportation • Preliminary Engineering Consultants Transportation Work • Right-of-Way Land Acquisition Transportation Work • Small County Outreach Program Transportation Work • Small County Resurface Assistance Program Transportation Work Program: • Clewiston Wastewater Treatment Plant • Port LaBelle Utility System Wastewater Collection System for • Port LaBelle Utility System Wastewater Collection System for Units 2 and 3: • Port LaBelle Utility System Wastewater Treatment Expansion: • LaBelle Drinking Water Improvements Water Project: • Public Schools Workforce Education Program Funds Workforce Education Workforce DevelopFlorida Education Finance Program funding and money distributed to counties by state agencies are not included in this list.Hendry County to receive millions in state fundingSTATE FUNDING By Katrina Elsken LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWS MOORE HAVEN — A new Glades County elementary school is in the state Ron DeSantis on June Fiscal Year 2023/2024 General Appropria motion and Education: • City of Moore HaHardening Improvenity Services: Glades • School Readiness Services Early Learn• Voluntary Prekindergarten Program Early Learning Services: • Special Facilities Moore Haven Elementary Educational Fixed Capital Outlay: • Glades County Fixed Capital Outlay: • Moore Haven Correctional Facility RBAP*/Private Prisons Payment in Lieu of Ad Valorem Taxation: • Resurfacing Transportation Work Pro• Lykes Turkey Branch Water Storage • Public Schools Workforce Education Program Funds Workforce Education Workforce DevelopFlorida Education Finance Program funding and money distributed to counties by state agencies are not included in this list. The whole list of appropriations is online State budgets $17.8 million for new Moore Haven elementary schoolBUDGETBy Katrina Elsken LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWS OKEECHOBEE – The 2023/2024 state budget includes mil lions of dollars for proj ects and programs in Okeechobee County. “The governor signed the budget last Thursday and Okeechobee came Okeechobee County Commission Chair David Hazellief at the June 22 meeting of the Okeechobee County Commission. Two big ticket items for the toward the Okeechobee County Jail Expansion for the Emergency SLERS Radio System. of their work in preparing the budget requests. According to the Florida House of RepOkeechobee County allocations include: • City of Resiliency Hardening Improvements (HF Community Services: • Okeechobee County Board of CounCultural & Museum • School ReadiLearning Services: • Voluntary PrekinEarly Learning Ser• Douglas Brown ation Development Assistance Program: • City of Okeechobee Primitive Baptist Church Preservation Grants: • Okeechobee Emergency SLERS Radio System (HF ment Department of Management Services: • Okeechobee County Jail Renovation Improvements (SF cal Law Enforcement Fixed Capital Outlay: • Okeechobee Aerial Photography Property Tax Oversight Department of • Highway MainTransportation Work • Intrastate Highway Construction Transpor tation Work Program: • Preliminary EngiTransportation Work • Resurfacing Transportation Work ProFlorida Education Finance Propgam funding and money dis tributed to counties by state agencies are not included in this list.Okeechobee County gets $7.5 million from state toward new jailNEW JAIL
PAGE 15 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 15 WEEKI WACHEE – What was once an iconic Florida tourist attraction, Weeki Wachee Springs, is now a popular state park that includes water slides. Perhaps the best-known symbol of the yesteryear of Florida tourism, Weeki Wachee’s iconic mermaids perform in pure water that ows from a rst-magnitude spring. In 2007, underwater explorers discovered new passages in the spring’s cave system and con rmed Weeki Wachee as the deepest known freshwater cave system in the United States, marking another unique feature of this classic Florida destination. Mermaid shows are offered at 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. Seating is rst-come, rst-served. Theater doors open 30 minutes before show time. Once the theater is full, the doors will close. To ensure the safety of the performers, mermaid shows are subject to cancellation based on inclement weather. The Ranger Experience is offered daily at 10 a.m., noon and 2:15 p.m. The Wilderness River Cruise runs between 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Seating is rst-come, rst-served. Located inside Weeki Wachee Springs State Park, Buccaneer Bay features two water slides into natural Weeki Wachee Springs. Thrill-seeking water slide enthusiasts will enjoy the exhilarating, funlled Cannonball and Pirate’s Revenge slides. These slides will make you feel a rush of excitement and have you eager to ride over and over again. Cannonball sliders must be 48 inches or taller. Pirate’s Revenge sliders must be 42 inches or taller. To really kick back and relax, rent an inner tube for a cool, lazy oat on our natural river that ows around the swimming area. To ensure visitor safety, certi ed lifeguards are stationed throughout the area. Lil’ Mates Caribbean Cove is a play area and wading pool created especially for children 6 years and younger. Tents are limited to 10 feet by 10 feet. Grilling is not allowed in Buccaneer Bay. Do not bring tables, pots of food, or cha ng dishes. Spring and summer are busy seasons for Weeki Wachee Springs. Visitors should plan to arrive early. On weekends and during the summer the park reaches capacity quickly. Guests will be turned away when the park is full. Guests will be admitted later in the day, when there is space. Cooler size is limited to 45 quarts. Weeki Wachee Springs State Park, 6131 Commercial Way, Weeki Wachee, Florida 34606, is open 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Admission is $13 for adults, $8 for children ages 6 to 12. Ages 5 and under admitted free. Florida State Park annual passes are accepted, but the family pass will only admit two people at this attraction. Destination: Weeki Wachee Springs Florida mermaids perform at Weeki Wachee Springs State Park. [Photo courtesy Florida State Parks] The current mermaid show is the park’s own version of “The Little Mermaid.†[Photo courtesy Florida State Parks] The aquamarine water of the springs is clear and stays a constant temperature. [Photo courtesy Florida State Parks] Specators watch the mermaids from a 400-seat theater. [Photo courtesy Florida State Parks] Locations in Okeechobee, LaBelle (3) & AlvaVisit us on or Friendly Service Clean Restrooms Diesel Fuel (Okeechobee, Alva & LaBelle Handy #58) Now Hiring at Labelle & Alva StoresServing the Central Florida Neighborhoodsfor over 55 Years Visit us on Facebook or on the Friendly Service Clean Restrooms ATM Propane Diesel Fuel (Okeechobee, Alva & Labelle Handy #58 ) Locations in Okeechobee, Labelle (3) & Alva Save $$ on Fuel with Rewards To Go! Points **Visit Store for Details** Fill up your tank, ll up your cup Visit us on or Win a $100 CITGO gift card!Register at southcentral tourism feature was brought to you by Handy Food Stores, who encourages you to get out and explore your own backyard and all the things our region has to offer! Congratulations to our June winner!Anabel Ochoa Perhaps the best-known symbol of the yesteryear of Florida tourism, Weeki tem and con rmed Weeki Wachee as the deepest known freshwater cave system in the United States, marking another unique feature of this classic Florida destination. Mermaid shows are offered at 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m.
16 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News þ | Dealer not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. Tax, tag, title, and dealer fees extra. All offers expire on date of publication. See dealer for complete details. 3550 US Highway 441 South • Okeechobee, FL 34974 (863) 763-3154 Dealer not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. Tax, tag, title, and dealer fees extra. All offers expire on date of publication. See dealer for complete details. 2023Chevrolet Equinox LTSTK# NC3552$30,0402023Chevrolet Silverado 1500 RST Crew CabSTK# NC3204$57,499 2023Chevrolet Traverse RSSTK# NC3334$45,494 SPORTS Send news and photographs to lakeokeechobeenews By Richard Marion LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWS MOORE HAVEN — It’s been a busy summer for former Pa hokee Blue Devil and Moore Haven Terrier Austin Simmons. Back in April the Pahokee sophomore announced he was committing to play football at the Uni versity of Florida in 2025. It was only a few weeks later that he enrolled at Moore Haven Middle-High, leaving Pahokee to suit up for the Terriers in his junior year. As a Blue Devil, Simmons has helped lead Pahokee to two back-to-back wins over the Glades Central Raiders in the Muck Bowl. In 2021 Pahokee shut-out the Raiders 28-0. In 2022 Pahokee dominated Glades Central 46-14, with Simmons throwing for over 300 yards. Simmons played in Moore Haven’s scrimmage and spring game at the end of the school year, throwing six touchdowns in the intrasquad scrimmage. the school year ended, rumors began swirling that Simmons was going to change his clasGators at the University of Florida this fall. Simmons was home high school early and already started completing college credits. Meaning he was eligible to leave and start his college career if he chose to do so. On June 2 Simmons posted on his Twitter that he was visiting Ole Miss. Two weeks later he announced that he was switching his commitment from UF to Ole Miss and joining the Rebels this fall. Now he’ll get to enroll at the college this summer and compete for a starting spot next season. Ole Miss already added two other quarterbacks to his squad this season, former Oklahoma State quarterback Spencer Sanders and LSU transfer Walker Howard. Simmons will be competing with them as well as last season’s Dart.FOOTBALLAustin Simmons has shown promise in his rst two games under center for the Pahokee Blue Devils. [Lake Okeechobee News/Richard Marion]Simmons switches commitment from UF to Ole Miss RECREATIONSPLASH PAD WORK CONTINUES OKEECHOBEE -Work continues on the long-awaited splash pad at the Darrel Ennger Sports Complex, 640 N.W. 27th Lane. It will open sometime in mid-July. [Photo by Katrina Elsken/Lake Okeechobee News] BASS FISHINGMARTIN MARINA HOSTS TOURNAMENT CLEWISTON — Robert Ha and Gerry Califano took rst place in the 2023 Roland Martin Marine Center Series presented by HUK on June 10. With a variety of tactics, they threw worms, pitched jigs, ran some rattle traps and lled their well with a winning weight of 28.96 pounds. That earned the team their second win in the series and the winning check for $6,000. [Photo courtesy Roland Martin Marine Center]
PAGE 17 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 17 With Respect & Deep GratitudeThank you to the brave personnel of our military for your service past and present July 5, 2023
18 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News þ | In Honor of Lance Corporal Joshua F. Jackson UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Years of Service: 2009-2012 We are so proud of you and all of your dedication to our country. Love always, Your Family In Honor ofGeorge Martin US NAVY Years of Service: 12 Love, your wife, Lisa MartinIn Honor of George Bailum Love: Your Wife, Siblings, Kids, & GrandsIn Memory ofJames SurlesMiss you, “Old Manâ€In honor ofHarvel MarshallYour family loves you!In Honor ofAndrew TroyerA proud Vietnam Veteran and Brozne Star recipient. Your family thanks you.In Honor ofAmelia Stringer-GowdyWe love you!In Honor ofDonald Barrow US NAVY Years of Service: 1969-73 My Navy Hero, served in Vietnam. My love, my life. I love you. Your wife, Renee In Honor ofJames (Tommy) Tucker US NATIONAL GUARD Thank you for your service! Your friends and family at The Tucker GroupIn Memory ofJerald E. Acheson US AIR FORCE Thank you for your superior service! You were a true hero. Love and miss you, Acheson Family & Friends
PAGE 19 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 19 In Memory of PilotLouis E. “Red†Larson US AIR CORPS Years of Service: 1943 Dad, thank you for your service. You have always been a true patriot who loved his country. We are proud to call you Dad. Your children, Woody, Barbara, Kathy, and John In Honor ofJohn GowdyYour family appreciates you In Honor ofLaMarcus J. McGri US ARMY A native of Clewiston, his parents are Mike and Jackie In Honor ofJames M. Wilkerson Sr. US ARMY 173rd Airborne Brigade Paratrooper in Vietnam In Memory ofBrian Runyon US ARMY Bless his service. He’s up in heaven now. In Honor ofJanetriunna ThompsonI’m super proud of you. In Honor of SpecialistJake Emmick US ARMY Thank you for your service to our country and now to Control FamilyIn Honor ofJason Viens US AIR FORCE Thank you for your serviceIn Honor ofScott Viens US ARMY We thank you for your serviceIn Honor of Master SergeantSamuel J. Vuleta US AIRFORCE Our Crew 863-467-6707 | highlandpest.comRESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL SPECIALISTS Call TODAY!Free EstimatesLocally owned and operated.Proudly serving areas surrounding Okeechobee County
20 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News þ | 863.634.4106 Vic_Anderson@earthlink.netVicki S. Anderson, Licensed Real Estate Broker Past President, Okeechobee Board of Realtors For all of our listings, please visit www.AndersonRealtyCo.comServing ALL Your Real Estate Needs30046 E SR 78, Okeechobee, FL 34974 THANK YOU Nisbet Enterprises, Inc. i’m lovin’ itIndiantown • Belle Glade • Clewiston LaBelle • Ft. Myers • Lake Placid • Arcadia Okeechobee South McDonald’s In Honor of SergeantJohn DuBose US ARMY Years of Service: 1970-71 Fort Knox, KY; 1971 11E50 Tank Commander Seoul, Korea 8th Army 1974-76 National Guard (Fort Pierce, FL) Love, your wife Peggy In Honor of SergeantRich Stip US ARMY Thank you for your service for us. Love, the StipsIn Honor of Petty Oicer 3rd Class Patrick MaloneUS NAVYWe salute you and thank you for your service! In Memory ofEdward Lee Furman US ARMY KOREN WAR Thank you for everything you did. I salute you, Dad! In Memory ofWayne Appleby VaughanThis photo was taken around 1942. Wayne was an instructor stationed at
PAGE 21 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 21 REMINGTONREAL ESTATELuxury Homes • Ranches Farms • RV Resale Lots Residential & CommercialLIC# BK3268539 CBC1256085 7 days a week 6AM to 3PMCall for additional pick up order NIKI SALMON 863.532.9096 • 123 SW Park St. 121 SW Park St. • 863-532-9606 In Honor of Specialist RetiredBrett Bridges US ARMY RANGER 75th Ranger Regimen 2nd Battalion In Honor ofW. BartWith God’s help, we raised one of Hendry County’s I love you, MomIn Honor ofJustin Blanco US NAVYHis mother and father are so proud of their sonIn Honor ofTrey Thomas US ARMY Strong. Daring. Brave. Loyal. All words many use to describe you. Your family would like to add loved beyond measure to the list.In Memory ofJames H. Mitchum US NAVY Dad served in the Navy from 1945 to 1955. It was an honor for him to serve his country. Love, Mike In Honor ofGary M. Bell Michelle and Megan BellIn Memory ofRobert Sandlin Michelle Bell and Marc SandlinIn Honor of SergeantMike Collins US ARMY 82nd AirborneIn Honor of Gunnery SergeantOliver Collins US MARINE CORPS In Honor ofAleesha Marshali US ARMY Love, Your Family
22 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News þ | 2023 Best Real Estate Company 2023 Lori Mixon Real Estate Agent 2023 Agent of the Year Winner 3D-Virtual Tours As we celebrate Independence Day, we would like to say Thank You to all who put service over self as members of our nation’s military In Honor of Senior ChiefDennis Diage US NAVY So very proud of you, son! 18+ years in the Navy In Memory ofHarry H. Kobie, Jr US ARMY Harry served in WWIIIn Honor ofFred H. Kobie US ARMY ND AIRBORNE Honoring all those who have ever worn the uniform of the United States. Thank you for your service. In Honor of Master Sergeant RetiredScott Mixon US AIR FORCE With deep gratitude and appreciation, your friends and family thank you for your service!In Honor of Sta Sergeant RetiredRon Mixon US AIR FORCE With deep gratitude and appreciation, your friends and family thank you for your service!
PAGE 23 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 23 (863) 763-0231 | (800) 562-7748 4276 Highway 441 South | Pool, Golf, and Shanty Memberships Available STORE N STAY20% off your first monthStore your RV with us and stay up to 8 nights each month on weeknds and holidays. All amenities included Use Promo Code: SUMMER20 JULY MUSIC LINE-UPJuly 7 Wes & Deb July 8 Jake Farris July 15 PINK Deb & Lisa July 21 Nicki White Karaoke July 22 Rockin’ Randall (Poolside)July 28 Jay Boree July 29 Wes & Deb (Poolside) and Sedona Knight 1200 S. Parrott Ave., Okeechobee 863.763.2104 | Se Habla Espaol Have a Safe and Happy Independence Day! In Honor of Senior Chief RetiredGary A. Walker US NAVY My son leading his team onto non-compliant vessels in the Persian Gulf. This Momma is very proud! In Honor ofMichael & Sheenah JderykowskiLove you two! From your sister/sister-in-law Chrissie and your nieces and nephewIn Memory ofWilliam M. SeiterWe honor you today and every day. We love and miss you so much. Love, your daughter Nicole and son Bill and our familesIn Honor ofLonnie “Goose†Cason, Sr.Best friend and husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. Known as “Pop†to so many. We salute you! Love you always, Your family and friends. In Honor ofRaymond (Skip) Hines US NAVY SUBMARINER Thank you for your service! Love you, Ann
24 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News þ | 310 NE 6th Ave in Okeechobee 863.763.3688 Call Ricky Lightsey Today!www. 30plus yearsexperienceTO ALL VETERANS AND ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY, WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICEGator Taxidermy & Meat Processing Honoring Our Veteran, Garry Smith, Air Force, and all those who served 101 SW 3rd Ave., Okeechobee “Oh Long May It Wave O’er the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!†– Francis Scott Key 313 NW 4th Avenue | Okeechobee | 863.763.3134 | SouthCentralFloridaLife.comWe salute America’s veterans and military for their courage, their sacrice and their service to this great country. r r In Honor of Munitions Systems Special ist RetiredDario Martinez, Jr. US AIR FORCE In Memory of SergeantThomas G. Dickson US MARINE CORPS In Honor of Tract Commander David WilliamsUS ARMY In Honor ofDustin Robinson US AIRFORCE In Memory of CorporalCharles B. Dickson US MARINE CORPS
PAGE 25 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 25 service members, veterans and their families this Independence Day. r
SPECIAL TO LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWSMARCO ISLAND — Lauren Butler was named the 2023 Florida’s Cattlewomen Outstanding Cattlewoman at the Florida CattleWomen’s Convention, held June 2022 at Marco Island. Butler is Okeechobee County UF/IFAS Extension Director and Livestock Agent. The Butler family has Butler Oaks Farm in Highlands County. Each year the Florida CattleWomen’s Association strives to recognize and honor a hardworking and well deserving woman, who is the true epitome of an Outstanding Florida Cattlewomen. Founded in 1961 as the Florida CowBelles, Inc., the Florida CattleWomen, Inc. (FCW) conduct and participate in a variety of activities that can be summed up in our Purpose: To foster the well-being of the beef industry through education and promotion, in cooperation with the Florida Cattlemen’s Association and Florida Beef Council. We are also an ican National CattleWomen. Events and activities are chosen for their ability to assist in accomplishing our priorities, namely: • Promote beef consumption, • Educate the public about the beef industry’s environmental and animal welfare practices, • Promote Legislative awareness and • Educate the FCW membership. 26 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News | Okeechobee Livestock MarketCattle Auction Monday & Tuesday Restaurant Open Monday Wednesday 863.763.3127 “Best Burgers in South Florida!† AGRI-BUSINESS Send news and photographs to lakeokeechobeenews LIVESTOCK REPORT of 2023 are in the books. Unbelievable! It ended on a positive note too, feeder calves were quoted $3 to $5 higher. Slaughter classes steady. It’s hard to believe these cow prices have held up this good for this long. Eventually, cow numbers will shrink, then what’s gonna happen! Happy 4th of July to everyone! We will be closed next week for the whole week and be monday, July 10. Top Prices • Keith A. Driggers, Okeechobee, topped the calf market with a high of $390/265# bought by D&S Cattle Co. • Butler Oaks Farm, Lorida, topped the slaughter cow market with a high of $112/1785# bought by Florida Beef. Todd Butler named Florida Cattlewomen’s 2023 Outstanding CattlewomanLauren Butler, of Okeechobee, was named the 2023 Florida’s Cattlewomen Outstanding Cattlewoman at the Florida CattleWomen’s Convention, held June 2022 at Marco Island. [Photo courtesy Florida CattleWomen’s Association]CATTLEWOMEN
PAGE 27 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 27 1953 in Middletown, Ohio to L.J. Whitford and Jewell Emnett Whitford. A resident of Okeechobee for 22 years, she loved shing and cooking. Mrs. Noyes was preceded in death by her father, L.J. Whitford and brother, Joe Whitford. She is survived by her husband of 22 years, Woody Noyes; son, Michael Waters (Lora); daughter, Teresa Ham; mother, Jewell E. Whitford; four grandchildren, Rebekah, Morgan, Hunter, and Landon; two great-grandsons, Bronson Donna Kay NoyesOkeechobee – Donna Kay Noyes died Friday, June 16, 2023. She was born June 21, and Everett; brother, Johnny Whitford; and sister, Kim Gossage. Visitation was at 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at Buxton & Bass Okeechobee Funeral Home. Those wishing to leave a message of condolence may sign the register book at, www. All arrangements are entrusted to the direction and care of the Buxton & Bass Okeechobee Funeral Home, 400 N. Parrott Ave., Okeechobee, Florida, 34972. A new feature has launched on to help readers who have lost a loved one by hosting an easier way to submit an obituary from the comfort of their homes. Lake Okeechobee News showcases a user-friendly platform at https:// obituaries/. This platform features paid obituaries as well as memorials to celebrate your loved one’s precious life. Once posted, the obituary goes live on the site of your choosing, and our obituaries are picked up by Google alerts. OBITUARIESBy Cathy Womble LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWS OKEECHOBEE — During the June 21 Okeechobee City Council meeting, the council discussed mak ing a hardship policy to hooking to city sewer when it becomes man datory. City Council Member Monica Clark expressed concern over forcing those who to pay for hookup. “I was getting a little concerned that we have hookup is miles from the property,†she said. John Hayford of OUA said he has applied for some grants to try to minimize the costs. It is not guaranteed but it is something they are trying to do to help. The fees to connect from the house to the street are typically paid by the homeowner. “I don’t know how a policy can be developed that meets the needs of today but also the future,†he said. OUA does have a policy that allows for payment plans. They also have a hardship policy. In addition, he said at this time they have a 75% reduction of connection fees. Mayor Dowling Watford expressed concern about people leaving their homes for an hour and comdriveways torn up. “That sounds like book,†said Hayford. “No. This wasn’t Facebook. This was an elderly friend of mine. She had a doctor’s appointment and came home and couldn’t get in her driveway,†said the mayor. Hayford said this was not how it was supposed to happen and letters were supposed to go out in advance. A contractor was also supposed to knock on doors and tell people they would be working on the street. “I think it’s gonna be one of those deals where no matter how many times we remind them, there will have to be more friendly reminders,†said Hay ford. He said they have a community outreach as well as a town hall meeting scheduled to help with this.Okeechobee City council discusses sewer costsCONNECTION FEES By Cathy Womble LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWS OKEECHOBEE — The Okeechobee City Council is considering an ordinance pertaining to food trucks within the city limits. According to state law, a municipality cannot forbid mobile food trucks from oper ating in the entirety of the entity’s jurisdiction. This means the city of Okeechobee has to let food trucks operate SOMEWHERE. But where? Councilmember Monica Clark would like to allow them to operate anywhere a restaurant can operate. Councilman Bob Jarriel would like to see them operate only in the industrial area. “I have a problem that we are allowing basically a restaurant on wheels to have more rant in our community,†said Clark. “I don’t believe they should be allowed in every zoning district as basically a restaurant on wheels. Clark said she owns a gas supply company and has had a number of these mobile food trucks come in to try to buy gas. She would not sell to them because they were not up to code. “Who monitors them?†she asked. “Does anyone inspect them? “Surely the health department inspects them,†said Mayor Dowling Watford. Clark also asked if they collected business tax receipts but was told the food trucks were exempt. She was told if she disagreed, she could check with the attorney Clark said she felt food trucks should only be allowed in the same zoning districts a restaurant would be allowed. Councilman Bob Jarriel said he felt the council should protect the small businesses who had been there throughout covid. “They paid rent and taxes all through that whole time. The food trucks were not there,†he said. “I’d like to see it just in the industrial zoning.†Mayor Watford ex plained there are many rules for mobile food trucks. They can only operate for three hours in the same place unless they provide a restroom for the public. If they do provide a restroom, they can be open from 9 a.m. to sundown and can even have a table and chairs for their customers but they cannot have any canopies to provide shade for themselves. The council disfundraisers, and someone asked if the Chickaccording to the city ordinances. “Technically, it’s not,†said the mayor. “But I’m not gonna Everyone laughed, and someone mentioned that the truck is used for a lot of fundraisers in the commu nity and is usually on church property. The council has time to decide what they want to do about the ordinance. This was public has any suggestions, they are invited to come to the next meeting to discuss it. Jarriel made a motion to have the trucks operate only in industrial zoning areas but no one seconded his motion. Clark made a motion to have the trucks operate only where restaurants could operate with the exception of public and rural heritage zoning areas. Jarriel seconded the motion.City of Okeechobee considers food truck ordinanceREGULATIONS
Florida School for Boys at Okeechobee. Portions of the Florida School for Boys at Okeechobee property have been vacant for many years, and there are currently 96 old and abandoned dere lict structures on the property. The facility was privatized in 1982 by Youth Development Center. In 2009 the Services took control of the property. Services was renamed TrueCore Behavioral TrueCore lost the state contract in December 2020. The Department of Juvenile Justice has closed the facility. Since the facility closed, Okeechobee of Florida to return the property to the county. At their Oct. 6, 2022 ownership of the propwith the Okeechobee Development Corporation to develop the property. “Ultimately state-owned property back to the county so we can develop it and support our economy,†then-Commission Chairman Terry Buris better equipped than the property. Brown said the ex of the property by the South Florida Water trict and Okeechobee Utility Authority will plan will be to build a to Brown, the abandoned structures on the site are in poor condition and will not be usable. Prior to any develto double check for human remains. In an with the Okeechobee City Council, Brown said they are certain remains but want to revealed no remains. Cathy Womble and Richard Marion contributed to this article. 28 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News | Mike Hanlon, MinisterOkeechobee Church of Christ • 1401 S. Parrott AvenueMankind has the unique capacity justifying any and all actions right or wrong. Take for instance the statement: “It’s all wrong, but it’s alright.†These words are taken from a song extolling the “virtues†of a sinful relationship. Brethren, if something is all wrong, it can never be alright. God has spelled out right and wrong in the Bible. He tells us that all unrighteousness is sin. The unrighteousness of mankind can never be alright then. King Solomon in all his wisdom, was led astray by his heathen wives and concubines. He surrounded himself with unrighteousness and turned away from God to worship idols with his wives. What Solomon did was all wrong and no matter how he tried to justify it, it was never going to be all right. Wrong is wrong and right is right. We cannot make wrong right. To right with God we must be righteous in His sight.A Moment of Truth“It’s All Wrong, But It’s Alright!†LUVIANO ROOFINGCO. INC.Re-Roong Specialists“Always on Top of the Jobâ€â€¢ Metal & Shingle Roofs • Flats & Leak RepairState Lic. #CCC 1327338863-357-3838FREE ESTIMATES FROM THE COVER and a blue ribbon panel of industry insiders vote website explained. On July 26, Bassmaster released their “Top 10 Best Bass Lakes of 2023†and the “Last year, we anon the mend and nearly cracked the Top 10 in site explains. “Well, we Martin Marine Center Series held an event there this past May. It was not only epic, but perhaps even historic. on this day wouldn’t crack the Top 25! The in over 30 pounds. Not out the second-place of course, is not normal. It was a once-in-alifetime perfect storm. Still, it showed what is this lake, and you’d be smart to hit it while it’s hot.†Other lakes on the list included: 1. O.H. Ive Lake, Texas; 2. St. Lawrence 3. Clear Lake, California; South Carolina; ervoir/Stick Marsh, Florida; ervoir, Louisana/Texas border; 7. Lake St. Clair, Florida; and, York. Lake O• From page 1 School• From page 1 OKEECHOBEE – The Okeechobee School for Boys was built in 1959. [Courtesy photo]
PAGE 29 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 29 (863) 467-0600 OVER 46 YEARS EXPERIENCE Lawrence Insurance Agency “PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD... SERVICES YOU CAN TRUST†We Specialize In:• Auto Home Mobile Home • Boats Health Life Insurance • Farm & Ranch • Workers’ Comp • Commercial Liability & Property 2020 S. Parrott Avenue • Across from Walmart BE PREPARED. STAY (Facebook account is not required.) GuideJuly 5, 2023 News from U.S. Geological Survey Scientists are looking back thousands of years to gain a better understanding of hurricane patterns and how climate change could impact future storm activity. Knowing what has happened in the past gives insight on potential storm intensity and occurrence in the future. The U.S. Geological Survey is working with several partners to capture real-world data and identify the frequency and strength of past storms that weren’t previously studied. the USGS looked back 2,000 years at hurricanes in northwest Florida. During that time period, local climate conditions – including sea surface temperatures in portions of the Gulf of Mexico and northern Atlantic Ocean – were similar to today and what is anticipated in the future. The reasons for tween the two time periods though, as past conditions were due to natural factors such as changes in the sun’s radiation, and more recent warming is primarily due to human activities. The USGS research suggests that existing records of recent storms may underrepresent hurricanes have made landfall in northwest Florida. The research also supports forecasts by organizations such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association that the number of intense hurricanes could increase in the future in parts of the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean as oceans warm. This science can help improve hurricane forecasts and inform policy makers and managers as they prepare adaptation and mitigation plans to protect people, infrastructure and the environment. Studying the past provides a new baseline context and perspective of storm activity as well as new insight on how the climate and other environmental factors can Powerful hurricanes that weren’t previously studied in Florida“Most existing records on hurricanes that are used to help forecast storms date back to 1851, which is just over 170 years HISTORYUSGS studies relationship between hurricanes and climate•See USGS on page 30 Four close-up images of a longer sediment core (bottom). The light coloring indicates coarser sand that likely occurred from overwash ooding during a previous hurricane. This is one of a few cores collected in northwest Florida by the USGS and partners to help understand past hurricane activity in the Gulf of Mexico and northern Atlantic Ocean. The gure was compiled by Jessica Rodysill, USGS. [Sources/Usage: Public Domain.] USGS scientist Jessica Rodysill studies a sediment core to identify storm deposits and help understand past hurricane activity. This core was collected from the Dominican Republic. [Photo courtesy Kristen Steele, USGS]
ago, and our research is looking beyond that by several thousands of years,†said USGS research geologist Jessica Rodysill. “We are collecting sediment from below the Earth’s surface and analyz ing those samples to learn about hurricane occurrence over a long period.†The USGS-led study in Florida iden hurricanes, reaching Category 4 or 5 lev els, that made landfall between the years 650 and 1250, 800 to 1,400 years ago. Prior to this research, Hurricane Michael in 2018 was the only storm stronger than Category 3 known to make landfall on the Florida panhandle. It was a Category 5 hur ricane and resulted in the loss of 59 lives and $25 billion in damages across the southeastern U.S. “With additional data, the organizations developing climate and hurricane models can build more robust pro jections on what types of storms could impact northwest Florida and nearby coasts,†said Rodysill. “Since this research focuses on real storms during warm periods, forecast mod els can be tested and validated to see if they produce scenarios that align with past events.â€Future intense hurricanes in parts of the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic OceanThe enhanced hurricane activity 800 to 1,400 years ago coincided with warmer sea surface temperatures in certain parts of the Gulf of Mexico and northern Atlantic Ocean. Temperatures in those oceans, where hurricanes typically form, are anticipated to warm over the next century to similar levels. Existing forecasts by NOAA and other organizations predict that the frequency of pow erful hurricanes could increase in those locations, and other places across the globe, due to factors such as warming ocean temperatures. The research by the USGS and partners provides additional ev idence to support those hurricane forecasts for portions of the Gulf of Mexico and northern Atlantic Ocean, as scientists found strong hurricanes occurred in those areas when sea surface temperatures were warmer in the past. Future storms, however, will likely depend on a range of other factors such as atmospheric temperatures, the thickness of warm surface water and winds. There are several conditions that support hurricane growth, and some of those can be mate. The relationship between the climate and hurricane activity on long timescales is still not very well understood, which makes identifying hurricane trends challenging when taking climate change into account. In addition to warmer sea surface temperatures, the past hurricane activity in northwest Florida coincided with a thicker layer of warm surface water in the Gulf of Mexico, known as the loop current. In addition, there were favorable winds that helped fuel and maintain storms, and those winds typically move toward areas with warmer air temperatures. While those and other conditions were already known to contribute to past storms within a hurricane season, studying the past allows for more detailed insight on those processes Long-term records help protect communitiesStudying long-term records can help guide decisions on the best ways to protect the nation’s coasts, which have become more vulnerable to storm inundation in recent years following the loss of protective barriers such as dunes and marshes rising sea levels. There is also increased risk to people, infrastructure and the economy due to growing populations and development along shorelines.Scientists dig in lakesIn this research, sediment samples were collected from two locations in coastal Florida; in Basin Bayou and a pond on the Bald Point peninsula. Those locations are on the coast but far enough inland that they are mostly underlain by for sand washed over from past storms to be Scientists analyzed samples for characteristics such as the age, type, amount and thickness of sand deposits. Those observations gave insight on when a storm occurred in the past, its intenwave energy and other circumstances. The to existing data by the USGS and others on the climate, including sea surface temperatures, during that time period.Wait, there’s moreUSGS scientists are also involved in several projects across the country reconstructing an array of scenarios thousands to millions of years back, looking at more than just hurricanes. In addition to studying the past, the USGS provides data and insight on more recent storms and real-time monitoring of current events. The USGS science gives a perspective on Earth before humans frequently used instru ments to measure the climate and weather. This research provides knowledge of past events that until now, nobody knew happened or why they occurred. 30 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News | REMINGTON REAL ESTATELuxury Homes • Ranches Farms • RV Resale Lots Residential & CommercialLIC# BK3268539 • CBC1256085 Luxury Homes • Ranches Residential & Commercial LIC# BK3268539 • CBC1256085 NIKI SALMON 863.532.9096 123 SW Park St. 7 days a week 6AM to 3PM 121 SW Park Street • 863-532-9606Call for additional pick up orders HURRICANE USGS• From page 29 Equipment used by USGS scientists and partners to collect sedi ment cores at Basin Bayou in Florida. This is part of research by the USGS and partners to understand past hurricane activity in the
PAGE 31 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 31 863.623.63552038 SE 32nd Street, Okeechobee, FL 34974 Lic # OCSL1583-02 INSURED SPECIAL TO LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWSWEST PALM BEACH — Hurricane season is underway, and the American Heart Association cau tions that it’s important to protect your heart and overall health in the wake of a hurricane or other natural disas ter. shows it’s not only physical devastation that impacts the health and safety of people in the path of a hurricane or other natural disas ter. • In a small study presented at the Ameri can Heart Association’s Epidemiology, Preven tion, Lifestyle and Car diometabolic Health the storm compared to two years prior to the hurricane. Hurricane Katrina dev asted the Gulf Coast in 2005, heart attack times, according to a study presented at the American Heart Assosions 2019. Researchers noted that psychosocial, behavioral and traditional cardiovascular disease risk factors also storm. • Authors of a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association calculated that in the areas of New Jersey most impacted by Hurricane Sandy in 2012, there were 125 more heart attacks, 36 additional strokes and 70 more deaths in the 2012 storm compared to the same time period years. Fontaine Timmer, DNP and American Heart Association Palm Beach County board president, says there are several factors that may lead to increased cardiovascular disease and other natural disaster. a storm, many people experience extreme stress and trauma, which research shows can lead to an increase in cardiovascular disease risk. The impact can be more intense for heart disease and stroke patients,†Timmer says. “Additionally, in the cant natural disaster, property destruction many basic support resources. This can make it challenging to see a health care professional for routine check-ups medications, especially for more vulnerable populations.†The American Heart Association’s Disaster Resources page includes a wide range of helpful information to help people prepare for a natural disaster. In addition, here are some quick tips: • Take time now to write down any medical conditions, allergies and medications, including doses and the time you take medications, along with your pharmacy name, address and phone number. Keep the information with any other “go-kit†items you have handy for quick evacuation. • If you do need to evacuate, even temporarily, bring your medications and your health information with you in a resealable plastic bag to help keep it dry. • If your medication is lost, damaged by wawhen you evacuated, research open pharmaquickly as possible. • Some states allow pharmacists to make medically necessary exceptions on certain types of prescription gency. Information on all state emergency is available here. • Use the AHA’s Patient Preparedness Plan if you have diabetes and use insulin. There until help arrives. If performed correctly, CPR can double or triple a person’s chance of survival. American Heart Association remains a resource for information and guidance. Visit for the latest on heart and stroke health.HEART HEALTHBe heart-smart to stay safe and healthy during natural disasters
32 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News | Past President, Okeechobee Board of RealtorsLic. Real Estate Broker Fax: 863.467.7822 21442 E. SR 78, Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee, FL 34974Vic_Anderson@earthlink.netVicki S. Anderson863.634.4106 SPECIAL TO LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWSHurricane season started June 1 and concludes Novem ber 30. This year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin istration (NOAA) predicts a near-normal 2023 Atlantic hurri cane season. Forecast ers with the Climate Prediction Center, a division of the National Weather Service, are predicting a range of 12 to 17 named storms with winds of 39 mph or higher, and of those winds of 74 mph or higher and one to four would be a category 3, 4 or 5. For homeown ers along the Atlantic or Gulf Coast, now is the time to prepare for hurricane season. Here help you weather the storm and be ready for hurricane hit your area. 1. Build an emergency kit for your house and car This is what you will need to survive on for a few days: bottled water, prescription medicine, matches in a waterproof container, mess kit, sleeping bag or warm blanket, change of clothing, cash, and whistle, can opener, non-perishable food, batteries, toilet paper, and wipes, non-sparking wrench or pliers to map, cell phone battery or charger. 2. Know your local evacuation plan and evacuation zone – Keep in mind where fuel can be acquired or where charging stations are located along your tion signs will have a blue circular symbol on a white square sign without a border. A directional arrow will point to the evacuation route. Most cities will divide up the locale into evacuation zones. Tampa has an interactive Natural Hazards Map that is accessible online. Evacuation the level of risk in the event of a storm surge. being the highest level of risk, evacuation of a city may be directed by zone for a more orderly from the city. 3. Have a written emergency plan – At any time of the day hurricanes can hit and second-to-second cov erage of the hurricane’s path and severity. Discuss as a family your emergency preparedness plan – where to meet given the day, time, and potential circumstances if everyone Here you will determine how to evacuate each child and loved ones that may live outside your home, and of course family pets too. Once you develop your plan be sure and review and revise each year. follow that is available in English and Spanish. 4. Make sure equipment and fuel are in good working order – In every emergency where the power is rush for fuel-powered portable generators. Generators are typically operated by diesel fuel or gasoline and when any fuel is stored over time, gasoline or diesel, there can be formance. Especially in coastal areas where humidity is high, there can be a degradation of combustibility that can result in bad fuel. Common problems can be the growth of bacteria, evaporation, and water that will result in a loss of power, a cold start, and rough running – everything you do not need in an emergency. Just as important as an emergency kit or plan, is the need to think ahead and make sure fuel used as a backup for travel, generators, and power equipment is in top shape to perform. Test your generator before hurricane season and use a good fuel stabilizer in all dieseland gas-powered equipment to ensure your fuel does not let you down in an emergency. It is also best practice to add the fuel stabilizer to your gas cans as well. 5. Emergency social media updates, and satellite phone – Include a list of emergency contacts on your phone in your written plan. Social media, Twitter and Facebook especially, have become the preferred sources for updates by companies, public utilities, government agencies, law enforceBoth platforms are identifying needs and resources. Many people have been rescued by posting on Facebook their situation, and the addition of photos has been used to identify houses that need and police. Researchers with the Stevens Institute of Technology and Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College discovered that communication peaked for hurricanes shortly landlines and cellular phone services are not functional, or lines are jammed. If this is the social media defaults to being the way to communicate with loved ones. Satellite Prepare in advance before a hurricane nearsPLAN AHEAD
PAGE 33 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 33 FREE ESTIMATES! Available 7 days/week during Hurricane Season Okeechobee’s Veteran Owned & Family Operated Hurricane Shutter & Impact Window Contractor 863 634 3100 Get Awnit Okeechobee FREE ESTIMATES! Available 7 days/week during Hurricane Season Okeechobee’s Veteran Owned & Family Operated Hurricane Shutter & Impact Window Contractor 863 634 3100 Get Awnit Okeechobee You Need It, We Are Awnit! Impact Windows & Doors | Hurricane Shutters | Awnings, Screen & More FREE ESTIMATES! Available 7 days/week during Hurricane Season Okeechobee’s Veteran Owned & Family Operated Hurricane Shutter & Impact Window Contractor 863 634 3100 Get Awnit Okeechobee FREE ESTIMATES! Available 7 days/week during Hurricane Season Okeechobee’s Veteran Owned & Family Operated Hurricane Shutter & Impact Window Contractor 863 634 3100 Get Awnit Okeechobee Mr. Awnit
34 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News | FREE ESTIMATES!FENCE REPAIR FENCE INSTALLATION VINYL CHAIN LINK GATES PRIVACY COMMERCIALFully Licensed & Insured Servicing the Treasure Coast and Lake ADVANCE PLANNINGBy Amir RezazadehUF/IFASVERO BEACH — Fruit trees are vulner able to the destructive forces of hurricanes. As climate change leads to more intense and frequent storms, it is crucial for fruit tree growers to prioritize hurricane prepared ness. This blog aims to provide essential guidelines and practices to help fruit tree grove owners and farmers protect their groves and minimize damage caused by hurricanes. Pruning and canopy management Proper pruning and canopy management are critical for hur ricane preparedness in fruit tree groves. Regular pruning helps maintain a balanced canopy, strengthens the structure of the trees, and reduces the risk of branch breakage during high winds. Remove dead or weak branches and maintain an open and airy canopy to allow wind to pass through more easily. Tree stabilization Citrus trees can be vulnerable to toppling during hurricanes due to their shallow root systems. Strengthen your trees by implementing stabilization measures. Install sturdy trellises, stakes, or support systems to provide additional support and prevent uprooting. Be sure to secure the trunks without causing damage to the bark. Securing loose objects Before a hurricane approaches, secure loose objects within your fruit tree grove. Tools, equipment, and irrigation systems should be safely stored or anchored to prevent them from becoming dangerous projectiles during high winds. Pay attention to overhead irrigation equipment and ensure it is properly supported and secured. Water management Proper water management is crucial to prevent waterlogging and root damage during heavy rainfall associated with hurricanes. Evaluate the drainage system in your grove and ensure it is ly. Clear any clogged ditches, culverts, or irrigation channels to maintain proper water adjust irrigation schedthe hurricane to avoid over-saturating the soil. Tree nutrition and health Healthy fruit trees have a better chance of withstanding the stresses caused by hurricanes. Prioritize regular inspections of your grove for pests, diseascies. Take necessary actions to control pests and diseases promptly. Maintain proper nutrition through balanced fertilization practices, ensuring trees have promote resilience and recovery. Emergency supplies As part of your hurricane preparedness plan, stock up on essential supplies ahead of time. These supplies may include tree supports, ties, burlap, tarps, and other materials needed for emergency repairs. Have the necessary tools readily available for post-storm assessments and cleanup. Consider investing in a backup generator to maintain power for critical equipment during power outages. Develop an emergency plan Create a comprehensive emergency plan your fruit tree grove. The plan should outline steps for securing equipment, evacuating if necessary, and post-hurricane recov ery. Ensure all individuals involved in the grove’s operations are familiar with the plan and their roles. Regu larly review and update the plan as needed. Stay onformed and monitor weather updates Stay well-informed about approaching hurricanes by monitoring weather updates from reliable sources. Gov ernment agencies and meteorological services provide valuable real-time information and storm tracking. This knowledge will enable you to make timely decisions and take appropriate protective measures for your citrus tree grove. Remember, investing paredness is an investment in the future.Hurricane preparation practices for fruit trees
PAGE 35 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 35 *The Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., an Equal Housing Lender. Special terms apply to qualifying purchases charged with approved credit. The special terms APR will continue to apply until all qualifying purchases are paid in full. The monthly payment for this purchase will be the amount hat will pay for the purchase in full in equal payments during the promotion (special terms) period. The APR for Purchases will apply to certain fees such as late payment fee or if you use the card for other transactions. For new accounts, the APR for Purchases is 28.99%. If you are charged interest in any billing cycle, the minimum interest charge will be $1.00. This information is accurate as of 3/4/2022 and is subject to change. For current information, call us at 1-800-431-5921.P assionate About Customer Service KEEP YOUR FAMILY COOL AND COMFY863-467-1545MillersCentralAir.com109 NW 7th Ave, Okeechobee, FL 349720% FINANCING FOR 48 MONTHS LICENSE #: CA-C058675 SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION DRYER VENT AND DUCT CLEANING
36 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News | 1200 S. Parrott Ave. • SE HABLA ESPAOL Visit our website to view more listings | | Sharon Prevatt, 863-634-7069 • David Hazellief, 863-610-1553 Sharon Prevatt, (863) 763-2104 4002-H: BUCKHEAD RIDGE ~ Welcoming atmosphere at this 3 Bedroom 2 bath beautifully maintained with a unique layout. 1,812 TOTAL SQ FT.,/1,740 UNDER AIR. ***Completely kitchen cabinets/countertops, front porch, lights, bathroom, paint, modern fan, gutters and many more upgrades to list. Concrete seawall. Includes appliances and furniture. Breathtaking Sunrises & Sunsets right from your backyard! MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE. $299,000 MLS OK2222268006-A: OKEECHOBEE LITTLE FARMS where the possibilities are endless!! Escape to the country and Build your dream home on this breathtaking 4.80 +/acres of IMPROVED LAND. Located just 6 miles north from the Center of Town, it offers the ideal mix convenience and privacy. COMPLETELY FENCED with a WELL, POWER & is CLEARED. This superb property is further enhanced by its versatile zoning. Residential Mix (RM) and can be easily rezoned to Light Industrial. Massive possibilities for future expansion or development. Looking for a property with tremendous potential? Look no farther!! Survey. $230,000 MLS OK222891 Sharon Prevatt, 3000-H: “ LAKE OKEECHOBEE ACCESS†~ Treasure Island. Fresh with a touch of light throughout this newer 3 BD, 2 BA CBS home. 1,922 Total Sq Ft.,/1,752 under air. Master bath features separate shower and large tub. City water. Appliances, Circular concrete driveway. Move in ready! Call for further info & easy showing. $399,000 MLS OK222871 NEW LISTING Vicki Anderson,Lic. RE Broker863.634.4106 30046 E. SR 78, Okeechobee, FL 34974 Featured Listings OK221165 $725,000 LAKE OKEECHOBEE ACCESS Right off Taylor Creek and close to locks. This is a Duplex, a Triplex, and a mobile home. The mobile home is not rented it needs to be rennovated. These are CBS units. The tenants are long term and happy. There is a screen room, boat ramp, lockers for each unit, on a cul-de-sac. It has a spectacular view and all kinds of wildlife. It is tranquil and welcoming. OK222754 $349,000 LAKE OKEECHOBEE ACCESS Beautiful Townhouse which has an of ce, and 2/2/1 bedroom bath, solid wood, granite counter-top, impact windows and doors, stainless steel appliances, island kitchen, water heater on-demand. Everything is brand new and gorgeous. This property is close to 710 for commuting to the coastal area. There is an of ce/den/third bedroom. These are close to town for shopping, doctors, dentist, and close to one of our new restaurants. OK222907 $325,000 OKEECHOBEE ESTATES Completely remodeled home. Home has a master suite which has a door to close off, Roof New 2022, Metal, upgraded to 5V crimp, faucets: new kitchen faucets, both bathrooms, both tub facet and showers, all new toilets in both bathrooms, A/C, new Air handler 2023, new compressor ve years ago, hot water heater new 3 years ago, Flooring all new vinyl plank throughout, Baseboards all new 5†baseboards throughout, doors, all new solid core pre-hung doors on all bedrooms and bathrooms, New bifolds on all closets, walls all repaired and sanded smooth, lights, all new ceiling lights, kitchen, all new cabinets, countertops, & sink, Painted 100% inside and outside, privacy fence on three sides, hurricane shutters for ever window, hurricane fabric for garage door, storage room 14 x 8. R E D Are you a local realtor looking to maximize your reach to potential clients? Feature your best properties in this weekly real estate directory. Contact 863.763.3134 today!
PAGE 37 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 37
38 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News | 863-763-5335425 SW Park Street Philip Y. Berger • Lic. RE Lori Berger, Lic. RE Broker863.634.8437 ICONIC RESTAURANT FOR SALE! Glady’s Restaurant has been in business on Okeechobee’s Main Street since 1951! This is a great family style restaurant located on SW Park Street and is just one block south of SR 70. The City parks are located across the street and there are many local businesses and shops in the area. $940,000 MLS#OK221545 Call Lori 863-634-8437 425 SW Park Street (863) 983-8559528 E. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL Cheryl Eby Gutjahr (863) 228-1562 Anabel Miranda (863) 228 6296 EspaolCurt Thompson (863) 677-1064 COMMERCIAL / INVEST / INDUSTRIAL / LOTS (cont’d)• 8210 S. Side, Indian Hills Lot $22KOWNER FINANCING LAND• 77 ac. $11,5K per acre, Venus (great hunting) • 28 ac. Hwy 27 Frontage $16K per acre 6 Harrell Rd. Venus • 14001 S.E. SR 80 $35K per acre. HWY FRONTAGE. RES/COMM. APPROVED FUTURE LAND USE 112 ACRES • 253 Ac. Residential Zoning, Lrg Oaks, fenced, $15K per Ac. LABELLE, Excellent Future Development COMMERCIAL / INVEST / INDUSTRIAL / LOTS• lndustrial Park 3013 C.R. 835 (Open storage and Warehouse) Call for details. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL 2-14 AC • Heavy Industrial Zoning, tenant in place, 2+ years remaining on lease w/5600+ sq ft bldg Clewiston $2,500,000 • 13 AC. Hwy. 27 frontage. 50395 Corkscrew Blvd., Clewiston. $65K per acre • 93 Ac. Lake Port, Waterfront w/ Lake Access, Great Future Potential. $1,600,000 CLEWISTON• 4/3 534 Del Monte Ave, Clewiston $285K SOLD 153 CONTINUOUS ACRES This property is a working Sod Farm with a beautiful mix of cattle & hay pastures. Property includes a set of cowpens, 6 bay pole barn with storage & properly irrigated with multiple wells including an artesian well. Turnkey Ready!!!! Call Lori (863) 634-1457 Paige (863) 634-3266 OR Natalie (863) 801-5239 MLS OK222800 $1,694,000 SEBRING COUNTRY ESTATES ~ Superb Location! Magnificent CUSTOM 3 Bd/ 2 Ba/ 4 Car Garage, 2006 CBS home. 3239 Sf under air 4182 TLA. Bright and Beautiful open floor plan w/ 20†tile, crown molding and spacious flow. Chef or Bakers kitchen, walk in pantry, as well as a 15’ island bar w/prep sink and seating which divides the kitchen and family room. Exceptional space for entertaining. Split plan, high ceilings. Grand Master Suite (18x21) offers 2 Walk-in closets plus 10x20 master bath w/soaking tub and separate shower, plus access to 4th garage. 15x7 Utility room has two large closets. This home has amazing storage space. ADT security camera system and TV in kitchen included. Three car garage w/ tiled floor is polished and perfect for all your toys and fancy cars. Rear Garage is air conditioned. Perfect location, minutes to Lowes, yet faces a large farm for beautiful country views. BEYOND SPECTACULAR! Call Lori (863) 634-1457 MLS#OK222703 $459,000 PRICE REDUCTION! VINTAGE 1920 TWO STORY ~ Beautifully renovated. 3 Bd/ 3 Ba/ office and 28x34 /double garage with full attic storage. Wrap around front porch, screened courting balcony, and 14’ wide courtyard breezeway to garage. 28x17 Livingroom w/fireplace. Island kitchen, pantry and 8x12 laundry. Dade County pine original floors. Double cafe doors and bay windows view the courtyard. Charming vintage details found throughout this lovely home. Master suite offers three closets, one walk-in with organizers. Privacy fence surrounds curvaceous second courtyard with plumeria and tropical plants. Double carport and paver driveway. Grand oaks, new roof in 2021 and 2 Newer A/C units. TRULY A BEAUTY TO BEHOLD! One of a kind! Call Lori (863) 634-1457 MLS#OK222684 $429,000 R E D
PAGE 39 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 39 Employment Full Time Employment Full Time Employment Full Time Employment Full Time NOW HIRING:Laborers, Carpenters & OperatorsGreat bene ts To apply, go to Search Harry Pepper Or call 561-792-9186 Employment Full Time Employment Full Time Employment Full Time Employment Full Time The OKEECHOBEE UTILITY AUTHORITY has an immediate opening for a Human Resource Manager. This position requires a Bachelor’s Degree preferably in Human Resources. Please visit our ofce at 100 SW 5th Avenue, Okeechobee, FL 34974 to complete the application paperwork or obtain an application and any additional information regarding this position at our website Applications will be accepted until position is lled. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND DRUG-FREE WORK PLACE#604416 Lake Okeechobee News July 5 and July 12 IMMEDIATE OPENING Okeechobee Christian Academy is seeking highly motivated, professional CERTIFIED TEACHERS who promote rigor, excellence, and Christian values in all grade levels, K-12, and subject areas for the 2023-2024 school year. A willingness to enhance the existing team atmosphere while maintaining an attitude of ambition is a must. Please email a current resume’ to or an application may be acquired in the located at 701 S. Parrott Ave., Okeechobee, FL 34974. Auctions AUCTION Every Friday & Saturday nights at 5:30 917 SW Park St. (Behind Eli’s Western Wear) Quality Consignments Accepted. Watford Auction 10% BP 863-697-8906 AU1843 AB1583 We Buy Estates Antiques, Collectibles, Household, Tools, Jewelry and etc. Call 863-697-8906 Home ImprovementPublishes: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 Deadline: Friday, July 14, 2023 at 4pmsupplement to theFull Page (9.75â€x11.375â€).......$500 Half Page (9.75â€x 5.6†or 4.8125â€x11.375) .$300 Quarter Page (4.8125â€x 5.6â€)....$150 Eighth Page (4.8125â€x2.75â€).....$75Includes FREE colorrrfnfrnttbrfrfn From helpful how-to advice to fresh ideas and inspiration, local resources and money-saving local offers, our latest special section is your guide to making the most of your time and budget this home improvement season! Ready to Tackle Your To-Do List? Advertising Deadline: July 14 Publication Date: July 26Advertisers, Reach Your Target Audience with a Print and Digital Package Rate! Call one of our sales consultants to learn more. Kay Sheedy 863.634.8822 Stephanie Larson 863.634.1534 Love the earth. Recycle your used items by selling them in the classifieds Reading a newspaper helps you plan your time wisely.No wonder newspaper readers enjoy life more! Reading a newspaper makes you a more informed and interesting person.No wonder newspaper readers are more successful! Reading a newspaper leads you to the best products and services.No wonder newspaper readers earn more money! Reading a newspaper provides the opportunity to get involved in your community.No wonder newspaper readers are more popular! Reading a newspaper helps you get more out of life.No wonder newspaper readers have more fun! Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you.No wonder newspaper readers enjoy life more!2x2 Classified Fillers
40 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News | IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2022-000632-CA-26 CASE NO.: 22000632CAXMX CIRCUIT CIVILJORGE LUIS LESCANO Plaintiff, V. IRMA CASTILLO Defendant. NOTICE OF ACTION CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE To Defendant IRMA CASTILLO whose last known address is 29151 SW 157th Place, #220, Homestead, FL 33033 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title to the following property in Miami-Dade County The North one-half of the South one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of Section 15, Township 44 South, Range 32 East, Hendry County, Florida. (Also known as Lot 2497 in Montura Ranch Estates, an unrecorded subdivision.) Subject to right of way of State Road 833 as existing, and subject to an easement for an access road of the East 30 feet thereof. AND The South one-half of the South one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of Section 15, Township 44 South, Range 32 East, Hendry County, Florida. (Also known as Lot 2496 in Montura Ranch Estates, an unrecorded subdivision.) Subject to right of way for State Road 833, as existing, and subject to an easement for an access road of the East 30 feet thereof. Together with a 1992 Shadowridge Double-wide Mobile Home Nos. 62962114 and 62923115, and RP Decal Nos. 12436161 & With a legal address of 540 N. Arboleda St., Clewiston, FL 33440 of your written defenses, if any, to it on Paul Agbeyegbe, Esq. 33144, Telephone (305) 261-7000, on or before June 30, 2023 original with the clerk of this court either before service on the will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. WITNESS my hand and seal of said Court DATED ON May 25, 2023. Clerk & Comptroller as Deputy Clerk 600353 HEND 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 Public Notice Public Notice INVITATION TO BID SITE IMPROVEMENTS AND BUILDING RENOVATIONS FOR THE DALLAS B. TOWNSEND AGRICULTURAL CENTER IN HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA BID No. 2023-26 OPENING DATE AND TIME: JULY 28, 2023 AT 2:00 P.M.Sealed Bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Hendry County, Florida, for “Site Improvements and Building Renovations for the Dallas B. Townsend Agricultural Center in Hendry County, Floridaâ€. In order to be considered, bids must be received by the Board of County Commissioners, c/o the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Attn: Kimberley Barrineau, Clerk of Circuit Court, at the C.E. Hall Building, Room A-226, Hendry County Courthouse Complex, 25 E. Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle, Florida by July 28, 2023 at 2:00 P.M., at which time all responses to this request will be recorded in the presence of one or more witnesses. A copy of the Instructions and Bid Documents can be obtained online at www. under the Public Information tab or by calling (863) 675-5262. Firms are encouraged to attend the Pre-Bid Conference on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at 8:00 A.M. at the Dallas B. Townsend Agricultural Center, located at 1085 Pratt Boulevard, LaBelle, FL 33935. The solicitation does not commit Hendry County to award any contracts, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this solicitation, or to contract for any services. The County retains the right to cancel this solicitation or reject any or all responses for any reason set forth in Hendry County Code Section 1-2-185(c)(3)a and may choose to re-procure at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners. Hendry County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Si necesita la assistencia de un interprete que hable espanol para participar un esta reunion, por favor pongase en contacto con Adriana Walker adriana. 603166 HEND 6/28,7/5,12,19/2023 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE RELATING TO LITTERING WITHIN HENDRY COUNTYNotice is hereby given that the Hendry County Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on July 25, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., in the Commission Room, Hendry County Courthouse, 25 East Hickpoochee Avenue, LaBelle, Flor ida, to consider an ordinance amendment relating to littering within Hendry County entitled as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE HENDRY COUN TY CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 1-10 HEALTH AND SANITA TION, ARTICLE VI LITTERING, SPECIFICALLY SECTION 1-10-114 PENALTIES, ENFORCEMENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS OF LAW; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, INCLUSION IN CODE, AND SCRIVENER’S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Interested parties may appear and be heard at the public hearing with respect to the proposed ordinance. A copy of the proposed ordinance is available for inspection on weekdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the Hendry County Attorney’s Office, 110 Broward Avenue, LaBelle, Florida. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. If you have a disability that will require special assistance or accommodation for your participation in the meeting, please contact Hendry County Administration at (863) 675-5220; Hearing Impaired: Florida Relay 7-1-1; or e-mail tracy. Hendry County is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Si necesita la assistencia de un interprete que hable espanol para participar un esta reunion, por favor pongase en contacto con Myra Johnson al (863) 675-5240. 603500 HEND 7/5/2023 CITY OF OKEECHOBEE PUBLIC NOTICE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING SCHEDULENOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Okeechobee Board of Adjust ment (BOA) will hold regular meetings on the third Thursday of each month at 6 PM or as soon thereafter as possible, at City Hall, 55 SE 3rd AVE, in the Council Chambers, Rm 200, Okeechobee, FL. The public is invited to attend and be heard on all matters The regular meeting schedule for the remainder of 2023 is as follows: July 20, 2023 August 17, 2023September 21, 2023 October 19, 2023November 16, 2023December 21, 2023 The agenda will be posted one week prior to the meeting date and may be viewed/downloaded from or in the General Services Department at the address above, Rm 101. A meeting may be canceled if there are no items for consideration. For further information on a particular meeting, contact General Services Staff at 863-763-9824. BE ADVISED that should you intend to show any document, picture, video, or items to the BOA in support or opposition to any item on the agenda, a copy of the document, picture, video, or item must be provided to the Board Secretary for the City’s records. ANY PERSON DECIDING TO APPEAL any deci sion made by the BOA with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceeding is made and the record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal will be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the General Services Office in person or call 863-763-9824, Hearing Impaired: Florida Relay 7-1-1 no later than four business days prior to proceeding. ONE OR MORE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE COUNCIL MEMBERS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THIS MEETING. THIS NOTICE IS POSTED TO MEET STATE PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS AND SUNSHINE LAWS. By: Chairperson Dawn Hoover 604267 LON 7/5/2023 Public Notice Public Notice CITY OF OKEECHOBEE PUBLIC NOTICE TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING SCHEDULENOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Okeechobee Technical Review Committee (TRC) will hold regular meetings on the third Thursday of each month at 10 AM or as soon thereafter as possible, at City Hall, 55 SE 3rd AVE, in the Council Chambers, Rm 200, Okeechobee, FL. The public is invited to attend and be heard on all matters. The regular meeting schedule for the remainder of 2023 is as follows: July 20, 2023 August 17, 2023September 21, 2023 October 19, 2023November 16, 2023December 21, 2023 The agenda will be posted one week prior to the meeting date and may be viewed/downloaded from https://www.cityof or in the General Services Department at the address above, Rm 101. A meeting may be canceled if there are no items for consideration. For further information on a particular meeting, contact General Services Staff at 863-763-9824. BE ADVISED that should you intend to show any document, picture, video, or items to the TRC in support or opposition to any item on the agenda, a copy of the document, picture, video, or item must be provided to the Board Secretary for the City’s records. ANY PERSON DECIDING TO APPEAL any decision made by the TRC with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceeding is made and the record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal will be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the General Services Office in person or call 863-763-9824, Hearing Impaired: Florida Relay 7-1-1 no later than four business days prior to proceeding. ONE OR MORE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE COUNCIL MEMBERS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THIS MEETING. THIS NOTICE IS POSTED TO MEET STATE PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS AND SUNSHINE LAWS. By: City Administrator Gary Ritter 604265 LON 7/5/2023 CITY OF OKEECHOBEE PUBLIC NOTICE PLANNING BOARD MEETING SCHEDULENOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Okeechobee Planning Board (PB) will hold regular meetings on the third Thursday of each month at 6 PM or as soon thereafter as possible, at City Hall, 55 SE 3rd AVE, in the Council Chambers, Rm 200, Okeechobee, FL. The public is invited to attend and be heard on all matters. The regular meeting schedule for the remainder of 2023 is as follows: July 20, 2023 August 17, 2023September 21, 2023 October 19, 2023November 16, 2023December 21, 2023 The agenda will be posted one week prior to the meeting date and may be viewed/downloaded from https://www.cityof or in the General Services Department at the address above, Rm 101. A meeting may be canceled if there are no items for consider ation. For further information on a particular meeting, contact General Services Staff at 863-763-9824. BE ADVISED that should you intend to show any document, picture, video, or items to the PB in support or opposition to any item on the agenda, a copy of the document, picture, video, or item must be provided to the Board Secretary for the City’s records. ANY PERSON DECIDING TO APPEAL any decision made by the PB with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceeding is made and the record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal will be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the General Services Office in person or call 863-763-9824, Hearing Impaired: Florida Relay 7-1-1 no later than four business days prior to proceeding. ONE OR MORE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE COUNCIL MEMBERS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THIS MEETING. THIS NOTICE IS POSTED TO MEET STATE PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS AND SUNSHINE LAWS. By: Chairperson Dawn Hoover 604264 LON 7/5/2023 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS JAIL INMATE PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES RFP NUMBER: 2023-18 OPENING DATE AND TIME: 21 July 2023Sealed Proposals will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Hendry County, Florida, for JAIL INMATE PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES. The Hendry County Board of County Commissioners is seeking proposals for pharmaceutical services to inmates in custody at the Hendry County Jail, LaBelle, Florida. Such services shall be provided at the jail. In order to be considered, bids must be received by the Board of County Commissioners at the C.E. Hall Building (Clerk’s Office) in the Hendry County Courthouse Complex, 25 E. Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle, Florida by 21 July 2023 at 2:00 p.m., at which time all responses to this request will be recorded in the presence of one or more witnesses. A copy of the Instructions and Bid Documents can be obtained from the Hendry County Administrative Office, located at 640 South Main St., LaBelle, Florida (for pick up), Post Office Box 2340, LaBelle, FL 33975 (mailing address) or by calling (863) 675-5220, or from H. Ian Proverbs, The solicitation does not commit Hendry County to award any contracts, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this solicitation, or to contract for any services. The County retains the right to cancel this solicitation or reject any or all responses for any reason set forth in Hendry County Code Section 1-2-185(c)(3)a and may choose to re-procure at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners. Hendry County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Si necesita la assistencia de un interprete que hable espanol para partiacipar un esta reunion, por favor pongase en contacato con Audelia Bustamante al (863) 675-5352. 602149 HEND 6/21,28,7/5,12/2023 Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS JAIL INMATE HEALTHCARE SERVICES RFP NUMBER: 2023-16 OPENING DATE AND TIME: 21 July 2023Sealed Proposals will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Hendry County, Florida, for JAIL INMATE HEALTHCARE SERVICES. The Hendry County Board of County Commissioners is seeking proposals for medical services to inmates in custody at the Hendry County Jail, LaBelle, Florida. Such services shall be provided at the jail. In order to be considered, bids must be received by the Board of County Commissioners at the C.E. Hall Building (Clerk’s Office) in the Hendry County Courthouse Complex, 25 E. Hick pochee Avenue, LaBelle, Florida by 21 July 2023 at 2:00 p.m., at which time all responses to this request will be recorded in the presence of one or more witnesses. A copy of the Instructions and Bid Documents can be obtained from the Hendry County Administrative Office, located at 640 South Main St., LaBelle, Florida (for pick up), Post Office Box 2340, LaBelle, FL 33975 (mailing address) or by calling (863) 675-5220, or from H. Ian Proverbs, The solicitation does not commit Hendry County to award any contracts, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this solicitation, or to contract for any services. The County retains the right to cancel this solicitation or reject any or all responses for any reason set forth in Hendry County Code Section 1-2-185(c)(3)a and may choose to re-procure at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners. Hendry County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Si necesita la assistencia de un interprete que hable espanol para partiacipar un esta reunion, por favor pongase en contacato con Audelia Bustamante al (863) 675-5352 602145 HEND 6/21,28,7/5,12/2023 Stormwater Management And Why It MattersGlades County, Florida Stormwater runoff begins as rain. It carries pollutants from land surfaces on its way to water bodies such as streams, lakes, rivers, and oceans. The pollutants picked up by stormwater come from a variety of sources, such as litter, sand, bacteria, and chemicals. Stormwater pollution is one of the most difficult sources of water pollution to control because it is caused by the daily activities of people everywhere. Ev eryone can help prevent stormwater pollution and in turn protect our water resources. By putting fewer pollutants on the land, stormwater will be cleaner as it flows into our stream, lakes, rivers and the ocean. Clean water is necessary for drinking, swimming, fishing, boating, and for protecting wildlife. It is far less costly to prevent pollution to waterways than it is to clean polluted waterways up after the fact. Unmanaged stormwater runoff causes both flooding and pollution. It is important to properly manage stormwater runoff to reduce its negative consequences. Glades County is required to comply with State and Federal regulations on managing stormwater. Residents can help by properly caring for their lawns and cars, not littering and never putting anything down storm drains, not blow ing leaves and grass into storm drains or ditches, properly maintaining septic systems, and reporting illegal dumping. Business owners can help by properly disposing of contaminated water, properly recycling oil and grease, and keeping toxic materials contained and stored properly. Developers can help by implementing erosion control measures and revegetate as soon as possible to help control erosion. Glades County maintains a webpage with information and resources to help keep our waters clean. There is information specific to Glades County and links to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the South Florida Water Management District, to name a few. There is information on stormwater management, landscape guides, septic system maintenance, and the University of Florida /IFAS Florida Yards and Neighborhood Program. The link to Glades County webpage is 604609 GCD 7/5/2023 HENDRY COUNTY LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOTICE OF FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT WORKSHOPNotice is hereby given that the Local Planning Agency of Hendry County (LPA) will hold a workshop on July 11, 2023, at 6:30 p.m., at the Hendry County Courthouse, Commission Chambers, 25 E. Hickpochee Ave, LaBelle, Florida to discuss the Hendry County Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element. The meeting is open to the public. All interested persons are invited to attend. A copy of the agenda will be available for inspection at the Hendry County Planning and Zoning Department, 640 S. Main St., LaBelle, FL between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a ver batim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Please note that matters may be discussed at the workshop which are not on the prepared agenda for the workshop. Any questions pertaining to this matter should be directed to the Planning and Zoning Department, by phone (863-675-5240), email (marlen.lorences@, U. S. mail (P.O. Box 2340, LaBelle, FL 33975) or by fax (863674-4194). If you have a disability that will require special assistance or accommodation for your attendance at any meeting, please contact Hendry County Planning and Zoning at (863) 675-5240; Hearing Impaired: Florida Relay 7-1-1; or e-mail Hendry County is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Si necesita la asistencia de un intrprete que hable espaol para participar en esta reunin, por favor pngase en contacto con Marlen Lorences al (863) 675-5240. 604644 LON/ Hendry 07/05/2023 PUBLIC NOTICE Okeechobee County Board of County Commission Budget WorkshopsNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Okeechobee County Board of County Commissioners will convene the Budget Workshops. Starting July 10, 11, 12, 13, and if needed July 14, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. at the “Judge William L. Hendry Courtroom†at the Historic Courthouse, 304 NW 2nd Street, Okeechobee, Florida. Any person deciding to appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commissioners with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purposes, he or she will need to ensure that a verbatim record of such proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the County Administrator’s Office no later than four (4) working days prior to the proceeding at 304 N.W. 2nd Street, Room 123 Okeechobee, Florida 34972, or call 863.763.6441. If you are hearing or voice impaired, call TDD 1-800-2223448 (voice) or 1-888-447-5620 (TTY). David Hazellief, Chair Jerald D. Bryant, Clerk Board of County Commissioners Board of County Commissioners Okeechobee County, Florida Okeechobee County, Florida 603808 LON 7/5/2023 Fictitious Name FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE Notice is hereby given that CHALANE SHEFFIELD, desiring to engage in business under the fic titious name of CELEBRATE AND SUSATAIN located at 1036 AN DREA LANE, OKEECHOBEE FL 34974 intends to register the said name in OKEECHOBEE county with the Division of Corporations, Florida Department of State, pursuant to section 865.09 of the Florida Statutes. 604360 LON 7/5/2023 Buying a car? Look in the classifieds! Selling a car? Advertise it in the classifieds! Grab a bargain from your neighbor’s garage, attic, basement, or closet in today’s classifieds Celebrate your loved one’s life in a way that’s as independent as they were – in the Lake Okeechobee News and Caloosa Belle Independent and Share fond memories, photos and information on celebrations of life using our easy, stepby-step process. Submit a memorial at
PAGE 41 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 41 Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice LEGEND MOTO, LLC MV 100577 1030 SADDLE LN MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 (GLADES County) 863-946-2002 NOTICE OF MECHANIC’S LIEN Notice of claim of lien and intent to sell vehicle pursuant to subsection 713.585 of the Florida Statutes. Date of Sale: 7/24/23 @ 10:30 AM TO TAKE PLACE AT: LOCATION OF SALE: 1030 SADDLE LN, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 CURRENT LOCATION OF VEHICLE: 1030 SADDLE LN, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 1997 HD XL1200C #1HD1CGP13VY209906 AMOUNT TO REDEEM $1599.03 The lien claimed by the lienor is subject to enforcement pursuant to Section 713.585, F.S., and the vehicle may be sold to satisfy the lien. The lien is claimed for labor, services performed, and storage charges, if any, and the amount due in cash on the day of the sale, if paid to the lienor, would redeem the motor vehicle. At any time before the date of the sale or proposed sale the owner or any person claiming an interest or a lien on the vehicle may file a demand for hearing with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in the county where the vehicle is held to determine whether the vehicle has been wrongfully taken or withheld from him or her. At any time before the date of the sale or proposed sale a customer or a person of record claiming a lien on the vehicle may post a cash or surety bond in the amount stated on the invoice with the Clerk of the Circuit Court where the disputed transaction occurred. Notice that the owner of the motor vehicle has a right to recover possession of the motor vehicle without instituting judicial proceedings by posting a bond in accordance with the provisions of Florida Statute 559.917. Notice that any proceeds from the sale of the motor vehicle remaining after payment of the amount claimed to be due and owing to the lienor will be deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for disposition upon court order pursuant to subsection (6) of Florida Statute 713.585. Notice that the lienor will make the vehicle available for inspection during regular business hours within 3 business days after receiving a written request to inspect the vehicle from a notice recipient, whom may present either a copy of an electronic title or a paper title as evidence of his or her interest in and right to inspect the vehicle. 567639 GCD 07/05/23 Public Notice Public Notice CITY OF OKEECHOBEE PUBLIC NOTICE CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTING A CITY ORDINANCENOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Okeechobee will conduct a Public Hearing on July 18, 2023, 6 PM, or as soon thereafter as possible, at City Hall, 55 SE 3rd AVE, Room 200, Okeechobee, FL, to consider final reading for adoption of the following Ordinance into law (No. 1276): AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; AMENDING PART II OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE CODE OF ORDINANCES, SUBPART B LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 90 ZONING, ARTICLE III DISTRICTS AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS, DIVISION 1 GENERALLY, ADDING A NEW SECTION 90-84, DEFINING PERIODS DURING WHICH STORM SHUTTERS MAY NOT REMAIN IN PLACE AND PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS, AS SUBMITTED IN LAND DEVELOPMENT TEXT AMENDMENT APPLICATION NO. 23-003-TA; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The public is invited to attend the Public Hearing and be heard on all matters. The proposed Ordinance can be inspected/viewed in its entirety at the address above, Room 100, during regular business hours, Mon-Fri, 8 AM-4:30 PM, ex cept for holidays, contact the Office of the City Clerk staff at 863-763-9814. The proposed Ordinance will be posted online one week prior to the Public Hearing date, with the City Council agenda materials on the City website at BE ADVISED that should you intend to show any document, picture, video, or items to the Council in support or opposition to any item on the agenda, a copy of the document, picture, video, or item must be provided to the City Clerk for the City’s records. ANY PERSON DECIDING TO APPEAL any decision made by the Council with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceeding is made and the record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal will be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the City Clerk’s Office in person or call 863-763-9814, Hearing Impaired: Florida Relay 7-1-1 no later than four business days prior to proceeding. By: City Clerk Lane Gamiotea, CMC 604262 LON 7/5/2023 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR DESIGN AND PERMITTING SERVICES FOR A WELCOME SIGN ON LEWIS BOULEVARD FOR THE HARLEM COMMUNITY IN HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA FINANCIAL PROJECT # 449698-1-38-01 RFQ No. 2023-23 OPENING DATE AND TIME: JULY 19, 2023 AT 2:00 P.M.Hendry County is seeking engineering firms interested in providing professional services in design and permitting services for a welcome sign on Lewis Boulevard for the Harlem Community in Hendry County, Florida. Firms submitting must have expertise in sign design and permitting services and any other requirements that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) may impose in the Local Agency Participation (LAP) Agreement for this project. Proposers shall have all services available in-house or may propose multiple firms, which have joined together to provide the various required disciplinary services in or der to offer a complete submission. Individuals and firms properly registered in the State of Florida are encouraged to submit their qualifications for consideration. All submittals (see Section IV, Submission Requirements) received in response to this RFQ will be reviewed by a County Evaluation Committee. In order to be considered, submittals must be received by the Board of County Commissioners at the C. E. Hall Building (Clerk’s Office) in the Hendry County Courthouse Complex, 25 E. Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle, Florida by 2:00 p.m., July 19, 2023, at which time all responses to this request will be recorded in the presence of one (1) or more witnesses. A copy of the Instructions and Bid Documents can be obtained online at www. under the Public Information tab or by calling (863) 675-5222. The solicitation does not commit Hendry County to award any contracts, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this solicitation, or to contract for any services. The County retains the right to cancel this solicitation or reject any or all responses for any reason set forth in Hendry County Code Section 1-2-185(c)(3)a and may choose to re-procure at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners. Hendry County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Si necesita la assistencia de un interprete que hable espanol para participar un esta reunion, por favor pongase en contacto con Jorge Hernandez al (863) 612-4726. 601903 HEND 6/14,21,28,7/5,12/2023 EVERGLADES AGRICULTURAL AREA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DISTRICT NOTICE OF 2023 ANNUAL LANDOWNERS MEETING & BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETINGNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all owners of lands located within the boundaries of the EVERGLADES AGRICULTURAL AREA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DISTRICT that pursuant to applicable laws, a meeting of the landowners of the EVERGLADES AGRICULTURAL AREA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DISTRICT will be held on Friday, July 14, 2023 at 9:00 A.M. at the University of Florida, EREC Building, 3200 E. Palm Beach Road, Belle Glade, Florida 33430.for the following purposes: 1. Receiving annual reports and taking such action with respect thereto as the landowners may determine; 2. Election of Supervisors; and, 3. Transacting such other business as may properly come before the meeting. The Board of Supervisors meeting will commence immediately thereafter and the purpose of this meeting is to adopt a budget for fiscal year 2023-2024 and to transact any and all business that may come before the Board. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of Supervisors with respect to any matter considered at these meetings he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this meeting, because of a disability or physical impairment, should contact the District’s Attorney, Charles F. Schoech, at 561-655-0620 at least five (5) calendar days prior to the Meeting. DATED this Wednesday, the 21st day of June, 2023. BY: Charles F. Schoech, Administrator, Asst. Secretary and Counsel to the District 603629 PB,GCD,HEND 6/28,7/5/2023 Public Notice Public Notice CITY OF OKEECHOBEE PUBLIC NOTICE CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTING A CITY ORDINANCENOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Okeechobee will conduct a Public Hearing on July 18, 2023, 6 PM, or as soon thereafter as possible, at City Hall, 55 SE 3rd AVE, Room 200, Okeechobee, FL, to consider final reading for adoption of the following Ordinance into law (No. 1278): AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; AMENDING PART II OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, SUBPART A GENERAL ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 58 UTILITIES, ARTICLE III SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL, SPECIFICALLY AMENDING SECTION 58-72 USE OF PUBLIC SEWERS REQUIRED, CREATING NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR CONNECTION TO THE PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The public is invited to attend the Public Hearing and be heard on all matters. The proposed Ordinance can be inspected/viewed in its entirety at the address above, Room 100, during regular business hours, Mon-Fri, 8 AM-4:30 PM, ex cept for holidays, contact the Office of the City Clerk staff at 863-763-9814. The proposed Ordinance will be posted online one week prior to the Public Hearing date, with the City Council agenda materials on the City website at BE ADVISED that should you intend to show any document, picture, video, or items to the Council in support or opposition to any item on the agenda, a copy of the document, picture, video, or item must be provided to the City Clerk for the City’s records. ANY PERSON DECIDING TO APPEAL any decision made by the Council with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceeding is made and the record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal will be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the City Clerk’s Office in person or call 863-763-9814, Hearing Impaired: Florida Relay 7-1-1 no later than four business days prior to proceeding. By: City Clerk Lane Gamiotea, CMC 604260 LON 7/5/2023 CITY OF OKEECHOBEE PUBLIC NOTICE CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED SPECIAL EXCEPTIONNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING will be held before the City of Okeechobee Board of Adjustment (BOA) on July 20, 2023, 6 PM, or as soon thereafter as possible, at City Hall, 55 SE 3rd Ave, Rm 200, Okeechobee, FL, to consider and receive input to approve or deny Special Exception Use Petition No. 23-003-SE, submitted by Alfonso Vargas, Registered Agent of 507 NE Park Street, LLC, property owner. The public is invited to attend and be heard on all matters. Petition No. 23-003-SE is a request to allow a car wash within a Heavy Commercial (CHV) zoning district, as provided in the Code of Ordinances, Section 90-283(2). The property is located at 507 NE Park Street. The proposed use is to re-open the self-service car wash in the existing building. Legal Description: LOTS 11 AND 12 OF BLOCK 150, OKEECHOBEE, PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE 5, OKEECHOBEE COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS. The Petition can be inspected/viewed at the address above in Room 101, during regular business hours, Mon-Fri, 8 AM-4:30 PM except for holidays, contact General Services staff at 863-763-9824. The Petition will be posted online one week prior to the meeting date, with the BOA agenda materials on the City website at https://www.cityofokeechoee. com/AgendaMinutes-BoardofAdjustment.html. BE ADVISED that should you intend to show any document, picture, video, or items to the BOA in support or opposition to any item on the agenda, a copy of the document, picture, video, or item must be provided to the Board Secretary for the City’s records. ANY PERSON DECIDING TO APPEAL any decision made by the BOA with respect to any matter considered at this public hearing will need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceeding is made and the record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal will be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the General Services Office in person or call 863-763-9824, Hearing Impaired: Florida Relay 7-1-1 no later than four business days prior to proceeding. By: Ben Smith, City Planning Consultant, No. 23-003-SE 604263 LON 7/5,12/2023 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO LOCAL OPTION FUEL TAX Notice is hereby given that the Hendry County Board of County Commissioners will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, July 25, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., in the Commission Chambers, Hendry County Courthouse, 25 East Hickpoochee Avenue, LaBelle, Florida, to consider an ordinance relating to continuing the existing two cents per gallon local option fuel tax on motor fuel sold in Hendry County as authorized by Section 336.025(1)(b), Florida Statutes. The Ordinance is to be entitled as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE HENDRY COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 1-2, ARTICLE XV., FUEL TAX, DIVISION 2., ADDITIONAL LOCAL OPTION FUEL TAX, SPECIFICALLY SECTION 1-2-287, IMPOSITION AND LEVY OF ADDITIONAL LOCAL OPTION FUEL TAX OF TWO CENTS PER GALLON; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS OF LAW; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, INCLUSION IN CODE, AND SCRIVENER’S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Interested parties may appear and be heard at the public hearing with respect to the proposed ordinance. A copy of the proposed ordinance is available for inspection on weekdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the Hendry County Attorney’s Office, 110 Broward Avenue, LaBelle, Florida. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. If you have a disability that will require special assistance or accommodation for your participation in the meeting, please contact Hendry County Administration at (863) 675-5220; Hearing Impaired: Florida Relay 7-1-1; or e-mail Hendry County is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Si necesita la assistencia de un interprete que hable espanol para participar un esta reunion, por favor pongase en contacto con Neira Rodriguez al (863) 675-5220. 603491 HEND 7/5/2023 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF THE EVERGLADES AGRICULTURAL AREA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DISTRICT FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a public hearing by the Board of Supervi sors of the Everglades Agricultural Area Environmental Protection District will be held on Friday, July 14 2023, at approximately 10:00 a.m. during the Annual Landowners Meeting, which begins at 9:00 a.m. at the University of Florida, EREC Building, 3200 E. Palm Beach Road, Belle Glade, Florida 33430. The purpose of this public hearing is to hear all objections to the budget as proposed, to make such changes to the proposed budget as the Board of Supervisors deems necessary and to adopt the budget as finally approved by the Board of Supervisors for the District. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of Supervisors with respect to any matter considered at these meetings, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this meeting, because of a disability or physical impairment, should contact the District’s Attorney, Charles F. Schoech, at 561-655-0620 at least five (5) calendar days prior to the Meeting. DATED this Wednesday, the 21st day of June, 2023. BY: Charles F. Schoech, Administrator, Asst. Secretary and Counsel to the District 603632 PB,GCD,HEND 6/28,7/5/2023 NOTICE OF JOINT MEETING BETWEEN THE HENDRY COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LABELLENotice is hereby given that the Hendry County Board of County Commissioners and the City Commission of the City of LaBelle will hold a joint meeting to discuss the options that FDOT has presented regarding the proposed future projects from South of Cowboy Way to North of Whidden Road and other matters of mutual interest at 5:00 p.m. on July 11, 2023, at the LaBelle Civic Center, 481 W Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle, Florida. The meeting is open to the public. If a person decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Please note that matters may be discussed at the meeting which are not on the prepared agenda for the meeting. If you have a disability that will require special assistance or accommodation for your participation in the meeting, please contact Hendry County Administration at (863) 675-5220; Hearing Impaired: Florida Relay 7-1-1; or e-mail Hendry County is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Si necesita la ayuda de un intrprete de espaol para participar en esta reunin, por favor comunquese con Audelia Bustamante al (863) 675-5352. City of LaBelle Board of County Commissioners Julie Wilkins, Mayor of Hendry County Emma J. Byrd, Chair 604002 HEND 7/5/2023 NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE COQUINA WATER CONTROL DISTRICTTHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR COQUINA WATER CONTROL DISTRICT WILL HOLD ITS REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING ON THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023, AT 6:30 P.M. AT THE DISTRICT OFFICE, 17429 NW 242 STREET, OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA ND 34972. A COPY OF THE PROPOSED AGENDA MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST FROM THE UNDERSIGNED. IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION BY THE BOARD WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT SUCH MEETING; THAT PERSON WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES THAT PERSON MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED, IS MADE. ANY PERSON WISHING TO SPEAK AT THE MEETING MUST HAVE THEIR NAME AND TOPIC PLACED ON THE AGENDA ONE WEEK BEFORE THE DATE OF THE MEETING. ALL LANDOWNERS WITHIN THE DISTRICT ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, PER SONS NEEDING A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION OR AN INTERPRETER TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE DISTRICT’S OFFICE BY CALLING (863) 763-4601 AT LEAST TWO (2) DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING. DAVID LAW CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 17429 NW 242ND STREET OKEECHOBEE, FL 34972 (863) 763-4601 604756 LON 7/5/2023 Public Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: CLEWISTON TOWING & AUTO SALVAGE gives notice that on 07/17/2023 at 10:00 AM the fol lowing vehicles(s) may be sold by public sale at 600 E. SUGARLAND HWY CLEWISTON FLA 33440 to satisfy the lien for the amount owed on each vehicle for any recovery, towing, or storage services charges and administrative fees allowed pursuant to Florida statute 713.78. ***We have the right to refuse any and all bids*** 2022 NISS 1N4AL4CVXNN300980 1995 FORD 1FTEF14Y2SNA79171 1989 FORD 1FTDF15Y6KNB10545 2004 BMW WBXPA93444WC32978 604572 HEND 7/5/2023 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Silvermoons Towing and Recovery, Inc. gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 07/14/2023 9:00 AM at 1006 NW 9th Street, Okeechobee FL 34972-9163 Pursuant to subsec tion 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. Silvermoons Towing and Recovery, Inc. reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 2014 KIA 5XXGN4A70EG296288 2017 NISSAN 3N1AB7APXHY287905 604412 LON 07/05/2023 PUBLIC NOTICE Advertisement to Amend Code of Student ConductBoard Policy 5.40 Student ControlThe Okeechobee County School Board announces it’s recommendation to the School Board to approve amendments to the Code of Student Conduct at the next School Board meeting on July 20, 2023, 6:00 pm in Room 303 of the School Board Administration Building, 700 SW 2nd Avenue, Okeechobee, Florida. 602737 LON 7/5/2023 NOTICE: AUCTION on Friday July 14, 2023 At 9:00 am at 1225 N.W. Avenue L Belle Glade, Florida Property of: KRISTINA MITCHELL Couch, chairs, and end tables. SHAMARA YOUNG Kids bike, kids bed, crib mattress, box spring, boxes of kids clothes, kids shoes and end table.604352 PB 7/5,12/2023 PUBLIC NOTICEThe Children Services Council of Okeechobee County will meet on the following date and time. The Public is welcome to attend. Thursday, July 13, 2023 5:00 p.m. Okeechobee County School Board Room 101 700 S.W. 2nd Avenue Okeechobee, FL 34974 604789 LON 7/5/2023 Business Opportunities NOTICE Independent Newspa pers will never accept any advertisement that is illegal or consid ered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable value, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-athome programs if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or sending money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a num ber out of your area, use caution. Public Notice NOTICE More Legals may be found on our website at SouthCen and the State-wide legal site at https:// com. Love the earth. Recycle your used items by selling them in the classifieds rrfrn t rrfrn brrn trr rrfrfrntr rrfr f r rr rrrfrnf r r frrfr fr frr rrfrn rr rrfrn f f rrfrn rr r rrfrnfr rr r r rrr rrfrnrrr rr nr r rrfrnr rr n r rr rrf tff r rrfrn tfr rrfr rrfr rrrrfrr rn r r rrr fr rr rr f rrfrn r rr rrfrn ‘ rn f‘ rn f‘ rrrfrn ’f“rr r rrfn rf ffn frrfrn rrfrn t rrfrn brrn trr rrfrfrntr rrfr f r rr rrrfrnf r r frrfr fr frr rrfrn rr rrfrn f f rrfrn rr r rrfrnfr rr r r rrr rrfrnrrr rr nr r rrfrnr rr n r rr rrf tff r rrfrn tfr rrfr rrfr rrrrfrr rn r r rrr fr rr rr f rrfrn r rr rrfrn‘ rn f‘ rn f‘ rrrfrn ’f“rr r rrfn rf ffn frrfrn rrfrn t rrfrn brrn trr rrfrfrntr rrfr f r rr rrrfrnf r r frrfr fr frr rrfrn rr rrfrn f f rrfrn rr r rrfrnfr rr r r rrr rrfrnrrr rr nr r rrfrnr rr n r rr rrf tff r rrfrn tfr rrfr rrfr rrrrfrr rn r r rrr fr rr rr f rrfrn r rr rrfrn‘ rn f‘ rn f‘ rrrfrn ’f“rr r rrfn rf ffn frrfrn rrfrn t rrfrn brrn trr rrfrfrntr rrfr f r rr rrrfrnf r r frrfr fr frr rrfrn rr rrfrn f f rrfrn rr r rrfrnfr rr r r rrr rrfrnrrr rr nr r rrfrnr rr n r rr rrf tff r rrfrn tfr rrfr rrfr rrrrfrr rn r r rrr fr rr rr f rrfrn r rr rrfrn‘ rn f‘ rn f‘ rrrfrn ’f“rr r rrfn rf ffn frrfrn READING A NEWSPAPER...leads you to the best products and services.
PAGE 42 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 43 42 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News | Public Notice Public Notice Okeechobee County School District NON-DISCRIMINATION NOTICEThe School District of Okeechobee County has adopted Board Policy 6.43, Unlawful Discrimination Prohibited. No person shall, on the basis of race (including anti-Semitism), color, religion, gender, pregnancy, age, national or ethnic origin, genetic information, political beliefs, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, if otherwise qualified, social and family background or on the basis of the use of a language other than English by Limited English Proficiency (LEP) students, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity, or in any employment conditions or practices conducted by this School District, except as provided by law. The School District of Okeechobee County shall comply with all federal and state laws which include the Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), Title IX, Section 504, Florida Education Equity Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), and the Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act. Any employee, student, applicant for admissions, or applicant for employment who believes he/she has been discriminated against or has been harassed by another employee, student, or third party is encouraged to use the Equity Plan Grievance Procedure for filing complaints. Complaints may be filed with the principal or immediate supervisor, District Equity Coordinator/Director of Human Resources or the Superintendent. Director of Human Resources Title II, Title IX and the Florida Education Equity Act Complaints and ADA/Section 504 Complaints 700 SW 2nd Avenue, Okeechobee, FL 34974 (863) 462-5000 Ext. 1067 ____________________________________________________________ Prohibicin de discriminaci Ninguna persona ser discriminada en base a su raza (incluyendo el antisemitismo), color, religin, sexo, embarazo, edad, origen de su nacionalidad, infor macin gentica, creencias politicas, estado civil, orientacin sexual, identidad de genro, discapacidad, ni por sus antecedents sociales y familiares, o en base al uso de otro lenguaje, adems del idioma Ingls, o por ser estudiantes identificados como LEP (aprendices del idioma Ingls), no se les debe de excluir de participar o negseles beneficios, o ser sujetos a discriminacin en ningn programa o actividad educativa, o en ningn empleo o prcticas realizadas por este Distrito Escolar, salvo lo dispuesto por la ley. (Junta Directiva 6.43). Todos los programas de Educacin Profesional y Tnica tienen la inscripcin abierta y todos los estudiantes son elegibles para solicitor estos cursos. La Junta Escolar deber de cumplir con todos los derechos federales y del estado incluyendo el Decreto de 1990 sobre Americanos Discapacitados (siglas en Ingls-ADA), Title IX, Section 504, Florida Education Equity Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), and the Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act. Cualquier empleado, estudiante, aspirante del ingreso o aspirante del empleo que alegue haber sido discriminado u acosado por cualquier grupo (otro empleado, estudiante o persona), podr llevar su queja directamente al/la director/a, supervisor, Coordinator de Justicia del Distrito, o Superintendente del Distrito. El Coordinador de Justicia del Distrito/ Directora de Recursos Humanos Quejas de Title II, Title IX, ADA/Section 504, Florida Education Equity Act 700 SW 2nd Avenue, Okeechobee, FL 34974 (863) 462-5000 Ext. 1067 596956 LON 7/5/2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 23000319CAAXMXUS BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS OWNER TRUSTEE FOR VRMTG ASSET TRUST Plaintiff, VS. ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST IRIS R. MULLINGS DECEASED WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM INTEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISES, GRANTEES OR OTHER CLAIMANT, et al, Defendants NOTICE OF ACTION FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGSPROPERTYTO: ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST IRIS R. MULLINGS DECEASED WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM INTEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISES, GRANTEES OR OTHER CLAIMANT WHOSE ADDRESS IS UNKNOWN Residence unknown and if living, including any unknown spouse of the Defendant, if remarried and if said Defendant is dead, his/her respec tive unknown heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, creditors, lienors, and trustees, and all other persons claiming by, through, under or against the named Defendant; and the aforementioned named Defendant and such of the aforementioned unknown Defendant and such of the unknown named Defendant as may be infants, incompetents or otherwise not sui juris. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following described property, to-wit: Lots 1 and 2, Block 440, according to the plat thereof recorded in Hendry County, Plat Book 3, Page 24, being a resubdivision of Block 111, General Plan of Clewiston, recorded in Plat Book 2, Pages 71-78, inclusive. more commonly known as 601 W Haiti Ave, Clewiston, FL 33440. This action has been filed against you, and you are required to serve a copy of your written defense, if any, to it on Plaintiffs attorney, GILBERT GARCIA GROUP, P.A., whose address is 2313 W. Violet St., Tampa, Florida 33603, on or before July 14, 2023, 30 days after date of first publication and file the original with the Clerk of the Circuit Court either before service on Plaintiffs attorney or immedi ately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on the 9th day of June, 2023. Kimberley Barrineau, Clerk Clerk of Court Hendry County, Florida By: Alexis Dominguez Deputy Clerk “In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons in need of a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding shall, within seven (7) days prior to any proceeding, contact the Administrative Office of the Court, Hendry County, 25 Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle, FL 33935, Telephone (863) 6755217, via Florida Relay Serviceâ€. 602211 HEND 6/28,7/5/2023 Public Notice Public Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO. 2022-CA-000021 UNIFORM CASE NO. 472022CA000021CAAXMX RHONDA PAULEY, SUCCESSOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF KATHLYN G. LANCASTER, Plaintiffs, vs. CHARLES GLEN WILLIAMS and GINA LAMB WILLIAMS, his wife, UNKNOWN TENANT, and ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING INTERESTS BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR AGAINST THE ANY DEFENDANTS WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, OR WHETHER SUCH UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated June 15, 2023, and entered in Case No.:2022-CA-000021 of the Circuit Court of the 19th Judicial Circuit, in and for Okeechobee County, Florida, wherein RHONDA PAULEY, SUCCESSOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF KATHLYN G. LANCASTER, is the Plaintiff and CHARLES GLEN WILLIAMS and GINA LAMB WILLIAMS, his wife, are the Defendants. I, Jerald D. Bryant, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller will sell to the highest & best bidder for cash by electronic sale at https://okeechobee., on July 26, 2023 at 11:00 A.M., the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, lying and being situate in Okeechobee County, Florida, to-wit: Parcel No. 1-35-37-35-0030-00000-2820 Lot 282, Taylor Creek Isles Section Two, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 89, of the Public Records of Okeechobee County, Florida Together with a 1983 BEAC Mobile Home ID #SSMFLAA110173 AND Title #22145283 AND Lot 295, Taylor Creek Isles, Section Two, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 89, of the Public Records of Okeechobee County, Florida Together with a 1980 CLAS Doublewide Mobile Home ID#GD0CFL41795987A and ID#GD0CFL41795987B and Title #88873815 and 17385273. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within sixty (60) days of the sale. DATED this June 23, 2023. JERALD D. BRYANT Clerk of Circuit Court By: Madalyn Pinon Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administration, 250 NW Country Club Drive, Suite 217, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986, (772) 807-4370 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 604350 LON 7/5,12/2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 22000563CAAXMXWILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS TRUSTEE OF STANWICH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST M, Plaintiff, VS. DARRELL G. SKAGGS; PAULA SKAGGS; SOLAR MOSAIC, INC.; et al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sale will be made pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment. Final Judgment was awarded on June 8, 2023 in Civil Case No. 22000563CAAXMX, of the Circuit Court of the TWENTIETH Judicial Circuit in and for Hendry County, Florida, wherein, WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SO CIETY, FSB, AS TRUSTEE OF STANWICH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST M is the Plaintiff, and DARRELL G. SKAGGS; PAULA SKAGGS; SOLAR MOSAIC, INC.; ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER AND AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS are Defendants. The Clerk of the Court, Kimberley Barrineau will sell to the highest bidder for cash at 25 E Hickpochee, 2nd Floor, Labelle, FL 33935 on July 20, 2022 at 11:00:00 AM EST the following described real property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTS 5, 6 AND 7, IN BLOCK 190 OF THE GEN ERAL PLAN OF CLEWISTON, FLORIDA, AS REVISED SEPTEMBER 7, 1937, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGES 71-78. INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim before the clerk reports the surplus as unclaimed. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the court on June 15, 2023. Kimberley Barrineau Clerk of the Court By: Alexis Dominguez As Deputy Clerk IMPORTANT AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Dawn Oliver, Administrative Services Manager, whose office is located at the Hendry County Courthouse, 25 E. Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle, Florida 33935, and whose telephone number is (863) 675-5374, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 602894 HEND 6/28,7/5/2023 Public Notice Public Notice IN THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 2018-CA-00027721ST MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Plaintiff, vs. JOELLEN J. RHODEN; RUFUS RHODEN; MARY J. LAWLIS; OUSLEY ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC.; PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES; OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT; and UNKNOWN TENANT Defendant. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment dated June 15, 2023, entered in Case No.: 2018-CA-000277 of the Circuit Court in and for Okeechobee County, Florida, wherein 21st MORTGAGE CORPORATION, is the Plaintiff and JOELLEN J. RHODEN, RUFUS RHODEN, MARY J. LAWLIS, OUSLEY ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES, OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDACODE ENFORCEMENT are the Defendants. I, Jerald D. Bryant, Esq., Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, on JULY 26, 2023 at 11:00 a.m., by electronic sale at http:// the following described real property as set forth in the Final Judgment to wit: Legal: LOT 18, OUSLEY ESTATES, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE 36 AND 37, PUBLIC RECORDS OF OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA. INCLUDING A 2008 SKYLINE MANUFACTURED HOME, 8106CT MODEL, 52X28 AND HAVING SERIAL NUMBER AB610112-W-A AND AB61-0112-W-B. NOTICE IF YOU ARE A PERSON CLAIMING A RIGHT TO FUNDS REMAINING AFTER THE SALE, YOU MUST FILE A CLAIM WITH THE CLERK NO LATER THAN THE DATE THAT THE CLERK REPORTS THE FUNDS AS UNCLAIMED. IF YOU FAIL TO FILE A CLAIM, YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY REMAINING FUNDS. AFTER THE FUNDS ARE REPORTED AS UNCLAIMED, ONLY THE OWNER OF RECORD AS OF THE DATE OF THE LIS PENDENS MAY CLAIM THE SURPLUS. Dated this 23rd day of June, 2023. JERALD D. BRYANT Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller By: Madalyn Pinon Deputy Clerk AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES NOTICE NOTICE If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administration, 250 NW Country Club Drive, Suite 217, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986, (772) 807-4370 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 604555 LON 7/5,12/2023 NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY HENDRY COUNTY STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP (SHIP) PROGRAM Hendry County hereby announces funds are available for the Hurricane Housing Recovery Program (HHRP) from the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program. Funding availability is for fiscal year 2022/2023. Funds will be made available for owner occupied housing rehabilitative assistance and to pay homeowners’ insurance deductibles for homeowners who received damages as a direct result of Hurricane Ian. Hendry County will begin accepting individual applications on Monday, June 05, 2023 through Wednesday, July 5, 2023 or until all funds are expended. The applications will be available on the Hendry County website at Applications can be requested by contacting the Housing Department at 863-675-5297 or Sabrina. The application period is for thirty (30) days, beginning Monday, June 5, 2023 or until all funds have been expended. All applications must be received by the Housing Department, 133 N. Bridge Street, LaBelle, Florida or 1100 S. Olympia Avenue, Clewiston, Florida by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 5, 2023. Drop off time for the Clewiston office are as follows: Monday through Wednesday from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm and 9:00 am until 4:00 pm Thursday and Friday. Drop off times for the Labelle office are as follows: Monday through Wednesday 9:00 am until 4:00 pm. Thursday and Friday 9:00 am until 12:00 pm. All SHIP assistance recipients must agree to comply with all SHIP Program criteria and requirements as set forth in Chapter 67-37, Florida Administrative Code and are frequently modified and amended. The Hendry County Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to close any program application period by Board resolution. Hendry County SHIP programs do not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, familial status, disability, age or any other protected classes. If you have a disability that will require special assistance or accommodation for your participation in the meeting, please contact Hendry County Administration at (863) 675-5220; Hearing Impaired: Florida Relay 7-1-1; or e-mail Si necesita la ayuda de un intrprete de espaol para participar en esta reunin, por favor comunquese con Audelia Bustamante al (863) 6755352. HENDRY COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IS A FAIR HOUSING, EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER, AND DISABILITY ACCESSIBLE JURISDICTION 600080 LO 5/31;6/7,14,21,28;7/5/2023 Public Notice Public Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE No. 23000271CAAXMX THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, F/K/A THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS TRUSTEE FOR REGISTERED HOLDERS OF CWABS, INC., ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-6, PLAINTIFF vs. MANUEL DIAZ , ET AL. DEFENDANT(S). NOTICE OF ACTION To: MANUEL DIAZ RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: 4015 Sena Ln, Labelle, FL 33935 To: UNKNOWN TENANT# 1 RESIDENCE: UNKNOWN LAST KNOWN ADDRESS:4015 Sena Ln, Labelle, FL 33935 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following described property located in Hendry County, Florida: LOT 8, BLOCK 2152, PORT LABELLE UNIT 4, A SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 86, PUBLIC RECORDS OF HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you, and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to this action, on Tromberg, Morris & Poulin, PLLC, attorneys for Plaintiff, whose address is 1515 South Federal Highway, Suite 100, Boca Raton, FL 33432, and file the original with the Clerk of the Court, within 30 days after the first publication of this notice, either before July 28, 2023 or immedi ately thereafter, otherwise a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. This notice shall be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in the Okeechobee News Independent News Media. Kimberly Barrineau Clerk of the Circuit Court Alexis Dominguez Deputy Clerk of the Court If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Hendry County, Dawn Oliver, ADA Coordinator at 863-675-5229, Hendry County Courthouse, 25 E. Hickpochee Ave, LaBelle, FL 33935 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 603452 HEND 6/28,7/5/2023 CITY OF OKEECHOBEE PUBLIC NOTICE CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTING A CITY ORDINANCENOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Okeechobee will conduct a Public Hearing on July 18, 2023, 6 PM, or as soon thereafter as possible, at City Hall, 55 SE 3rd AVE, Room 200, Okeechobee, FL, to consider final reading for adoption of the following Ordinance into law (No. 1277): AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; AMENDING THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ORDINANCE NO. 635 AS AMENDED, BY REVISING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP ON A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN FROM COMMERCIAL (C) TO MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (MFR), APPLICATION NO. 23-001SSA; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION OF ORDINANCE AND REVISED FUTURE LAND USE MAP IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Ordinance addresses Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment Application No. 23-001-SSA, submitted by the property owner, Roland Mossel, on 0.33+\acres located in the 100 block of NW 11th Street. Legal Description: LOTS 25 AND 26 OF BLOCK 19, OKEECHOBEE, PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE 5, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA. The public is invited to attend the Public Hearing and be heard on all matters. The proposed Ordinance can be inspected/viewed in its entirety at the address above, Room 100, during regular business hours, Mon-Fri, 8 AM-4:30 PM, ex cept for holidays, contact the Office of the City Clerk staff at 863-763-9814. The proposed Ordinance will be posted online one week prior to the Public Hearing date, with the City Council agenda materials on the City website at BE ADVISED that should you intend to show any document, picture, video, or items to the Council in support or opposition to any item on the agenda, a copy of the document, picture, video, or item must be provided to the City Clerk for the City’s records. ANY PERSON DECIDING TO APPEAL any decision made by the Council with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceeding is made and the record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal will be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the City Clerk’s Office in person or call 863-763-9814, Hearing Impaired: Florida Relay 7-1-1 no later than four business days prior to proceeding. By: City Clerk Lane Gamiotea, CMC 604261 LON 7/5/2023 City of Clewiston Invitation to Bid No. 2023-05 2023 Area A Grounds Maintenance Contract Sealed bids will be received by the City of Clewiston at City Hall, Attention: City of Clewiston 2023 Area A Grounds Maintenance Contract, 115 West Ventura Avenue, Clewiston, FL 33440 until Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 2:00 p.m., local time. The bids will be opened immediately following the bid submittal deadline at City Hall. The work consists of mowing and other grounds maintenance services on City rights-of-way, medians, parks, and other locales. The term of the contract is 1 year; however, with satisfactory work and a letter of request from the Contractor, the City Manager may extend the contract up to 2 additional terms. A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at City Hall, 115 West Ventura Avenue, Clewiston, FL 33440 for the purpose of answering any questions bidders may have. The bid package (inclusive of the bid form, draft contracts, technical specifications and listing and color-coded map of the maintenance locations) can be obtained by contacting the City Clerk, City of Clewiston, at 863-983-1484, ext. 105 or . The bid form must be filled out completely and submitted along with your proof of Local Business Tax Receipt, Liability Insurance and Workers Compensation Insurance. No responsibility shall be at tached to any officers for the premature opening of a bid not properly addressed and identified. The City of Clewiston reserves the right to hold all bids for 45 days and to reject any and all bids, with or without cause, to waive technical errors and informalities, or to accept the bid that in its judgment best serves the City of Clewiston. City of Clewiston Mary K. Combass, City Clerk 604687 HEND 7/5/2023 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) ENGINEERING SERVICES LAKEPORT WATER ASSOCIATION, INC.The scope of the professional engineering services sought by Lakeport Water Association, Inc. involves Septic to Sewer project, which includes preparing all plans and documents, permit applications, bid documents, preparing cost estimates, work with Florida Department of Environmental Protection Wastewater Grant Program and providing other professional engineering services in accor dance with project requirements. Lakeport Water Association, Inc. reserves the right to reject any or all responses in its’ sole discretion. Lakeport Water Association, Inc. also reserves the right to waive irregularities and technicalities and to re-advertise for additional responses. For information package and requirements for response contact LWA at 1057 Red Barn Road, Moore Haven, FL 33471 or (863) 946-1300. 604097 GCD 7/5,12,19,26,8/2,9/2023 rrfrn t rrfrn brrn trr rrfrfrntr rrfr f r rr rrrfrnf r r frrfr fr frr rrfrn rr rrfrn f f rrfrn rr r rrfrnfr rr r r rrr rrfrnrrr rr nr r rrfrnr rr n r rr rrf tff r rrfrn tfr rrfr rrfr rrrrfrr rn r r rrr fr rr rr f rrfrn r rr rrfrn‘ rn f‘ rn f‘ rrrfrn ’f“rr r rrfn rf ffn frrfrn rrfrn t rrfrn brrn trr rrfrfrntr rrfr f r rr rrrfrnf r r frrfr fr frr rrfrn rr rrfrn f f rrfrn rr r rrfrnfr rr r r rrr rrfrnrrr rr nr r rrfrnr rr n r rr rrf tff r rrfrn tfr rrfr rrfr rrrrfrr rn r r rrr fr rr rr f rrfrn r rr rrfrn‘ rn f‘ rn f‘ rrrfrn ’f “rr r rrfn rf ffn frrfrn Grab a bargain from your neighbor’s garage, attic, basement, or closet in today’s classifieds
PAGE 43 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 43 Public Notice Public Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No: 2022CA000152CAAXMXWILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB AS TRUSTEE OF WV 2017-1 GRANTOR TRUST, Plaintiff, vs. WILLIS D. BURTON; et al., Defendants NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant the Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated 06/16/2023, and entered in Case No. 2022CA000152CAAXMX of the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Okeechobee County, Florida wherein WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB AS TRUSTEE OF WV 2017-1 GRANTOR TRUST, is the Plaintiff and WILLIS D. BURTON; SHERRY BURTON; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST OTHEL E. BURTON, DECEASED; WILLIS D. BURTON, AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF OTHEL E. BURTON; LINDA GAY PHELPS, AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF OTHEL E. BURTON; LINDA GAY PHELPS, INDIVIDUALLY; OPAL JEAN TAYLOR; BEVERLY LAUDERBACK; ELIZABETH JANE SMITH A/K/A JANIE SMITH, is/are Defendant(s), Jerald. D. Bryant, Okeechobee County Clerk of the Circuit Court, will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at 11:00 a.m. at on July 26, 2023 the following described property set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: TRACT 10, RIVER BLUFF, AN UNRECORDED SUBDIVISION BEING IN OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID TRACT #10 BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 17, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 37 SOUTH, RANGE 33 EAST, RUN THENCE SOUTH 89 DEG 52 MIN 00 SEC WEST ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SECTION 13, FOR A DISTANCE OF 195.00 FEET FOR POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE SOUTH 89 DEG 52 MIN 00 SEC WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01 DEG 14 MIN 00 SEC EAST PARALLEL WITH THE EAST BOUNDARY LINE OF THE AFORESAID GOVERN MENT LOT 17, FOR A DISTANCE OF 155.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE CENTER LINE OF CANAL, THENCE RUN NORTH 89 DEG 52 MIN 00 SEC EAST ALONG CENTER LINE OF SAID CA NAL, FOR A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 01 DEG 14 MIN 00 SEC WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 155.00 FEET TO POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS THE SOUTH 15.00 FEET OF TRACT RESERVED FOR ROAD AND THE NORTH 40.00 FEET OF TRACT RESERVED FOR CANAL, LYING IN AND COMPRISING A PART OF GOVERNMENT LOT 17, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 37 SOUTH, RANGE 33 EAST, OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 17, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 37 SOUTH, RANGE 33 EAST, RUN THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 52’ 00†WEST ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SECTION 13, FOR A DISTANCE OF 195.00 FEET; THENCE CONTINUE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 52’ 00†WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 01 DEGREES 14’ 00†EAST PARALLEL WITH THE EAST BOUNDARY LINE OF THE AFORESAID GOVERNMENT LOT 17 FOR A DISTANCE OF 115.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A 80.0’ WIDE CANAL, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 01 DEGREES 14’ 00†EAST PARALLEL WITH THE EAST BOUNDARY LINE OF THE AFORE SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 17 FOR A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE CENTER LINE OF CANAL; THENCE RUN NORTH 89 DEGREES 52’ 00†EAST ALONG CENTER LINE OF SAID CANAL FOR A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 01 DEGREES 14’ 00†WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 89 DEGREES 52’ 00†WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AS DELINEATED ON THE SURVEY THEREOF, LYING IN AND COMPRISING A PART OF GOVERN MENT LOT 17, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 37 SOUTH, RANGE 33 EAST, OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Commonly known as: 14545 NW CENTER ST, OKEECHOBEE, FL 34972 Any person or entity claiming an interest in the surplus, if any, resulting from the Foreclosure Sale, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens, must file a claim with the Clerk no later than the date that the Clerk reports the funds as unclaimed. If you fail to file a claim, you will not be entitled to any remaining funds. If the sale is set aside, the Purchaser may be entitled to only a return of the sale deposit less any applicable fees and costs and shall have no other recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. DATED June 16, 2023. JERALD D. BRYANT Clerk of the Circuit & Comptroller By: Madalyn Pinon Deputy Clerk AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES NOTICE If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administration 250 NW Country Club Drive, Suite 217, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986, (772) 8074370 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired 711. 603321 LON 6/28,7/5/2023 Public Notice Public Notice HENDRY COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Notice is hereby given that the Local Planning Agency of Hendry County (LPA) will hold a public hearing on July 11, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. , at the Hendry County Courthouse, Commission Chambers, 25 E. Hickpochee Ave, LaBelle, Florida. The LPA will determine if the petition is consistent with the Hendry County Comprehensive Plan and will review the petition for consistency with the Hendry County Land Development Code. The recommendations of the LPA will be made to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) for final consideration at a public hearing. This hearing will be held on August 22, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., at the Hendry County Courthouse, Commission Chambers, 25 E. Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle, Florida. Interested parties may appear and be heard at the public hearings with respect to the proposed ordinance. Oral and written comments will be accepted. A copy of the petition and the ordinance are available for inspection at the Hendry County Planning and Zoning Department, 640 S. Main St., LaBelle, FL between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Any questions pertaining to this matter should be directed to the Planning and Zoning Depart ment by phone (863-675-5240), e-mail (, U.S. Mail (P.O. Box 2340, LaBelle, FL 33975), or by fax (863-674-4194). If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. If you have a disability that will require special assistance or accommodation for your participation in either meeting, please contact Marlen Lorences at (863) 675-5240; Hearing Impaired: Florida Relay 7-1-1; or e-mail marlen.lorences@ Hendry County is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Si necesita la asistencia de un intrprete que hable espaol para participar un esta reunin, por favor pngase en contacto con Marlen Lorences al (863) 675-5240. Petition Number: RZ22-0008 Applicant: GLENN SCHOFIELD Ordinance Title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA, GRANTING A ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARY CHANGE FROM CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL (C-1) TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) ON +/2.57 ACRES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS OF LAW; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER’S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Project size: 2.57 +/acres Location: 901, 905, 923 N. BRIDGE St, 2213 Moore Ave. & 204 Kirk Ave., LaBelle, FL 33935 Parcel ID(s): 1-29-42-32-100-0003.004.0, 1-29-42-32-100-0003005.0, 1-29-42-32-100-0003-002.0, 1-29-42-32-100-0003-001.0, 1-29-42-32100-0003-003.0 Request: To rezone the subject property from Convenience Commercial (C-1) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to develop a self-storage facility to include indoor and outdoor storage as well as other retail/office uses. Legal description of subject properties: DESCRIPTION: (AS PROVIDED) LOTS 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 16, AND 17, BLOCK 3, KIRKWOOD PARK, A SUBDI VISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 73, PUBLIC RECORDS OF GLADES COUNTY, FLORIDA LYING AND BEING IN HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. AND LOTS 1, 2 AND 3, BLOCK 3, KIRKWOOD PARK, A SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 73, PUBLIC RECORDS OF GLADES COUNTY, FLORIDA LYING AND BEING IN HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. AND LOTS 8, 10, 12 AND 13, BLOCK 3, KIRKWOOD PARK ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 73, PUBLIC RECORDS OF GLADES COUNTY, FLORIDA, NOW LYING AND BEING IN HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. AND LOTS 14 AND 15, BLOCK 3, KIRKWOOD PARK SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 72, PUBLIC RECORDS OF GLADES COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID PARCEL BEING AND LYING IN SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 42 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. SURVEYOR’S DESCRIPTION: BLOCK 3, KIRKWOOD PARK, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 73, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF GLADES COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING AND BEING IN HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. LESS THE RIGHT OF WAY OF STATE ROAD 29 AS PER STATE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP, JOB# 0706-108, HAVING A LAST REVISION DATE OF 08/22/1947. ALL CONTAINING A COMPUTED AREA OF 2.57 ACRES MORE LESS. 604667 LON/ Hendry 07/05/2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 2023 CA 305CAREER FINANCIAL CORP., Plaintiff, -vsANITA WISOWATY, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO DEFENDANT ANITA WISOWATY: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title to the following real property in Hendry County, Florida: LOT 14, BLOCK 2342, OF PORT LABELLE UNIT 6, A SUBDIVISION AC CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 109, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA, has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on the PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEY, whose name and address is ALBERTO A. MACIA, ESQ., 3129 CARRIAGE CIRCLE, NAPLES, FLORIDA 34105-2700, on or before July 21, 2023, and file the original with the CLERK OF THIS COURT either before service on the PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEY or immedi ately thereafter; otherwise a DEFAULT will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED this 12th day of June, 2023. KIMBERLEY BARRINEAU Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Alexis Dominguez As Deputy Clerk 602473 HEND 6/21,28,7/5,12/2023 INVITATION TO BID STRIPING AND PAVEMENT MARKING SERVICES FOR VARIOUS ROADS IN HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA BID No. 2023-27 OPENING DATE AND TIME: AUGUST 9, 2023 AT 2:00 P.M.Sealed Bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Hendry County, Florida, for “Striping and Pavement Marking Services for Various Roads in Hendry County, Floridaâ€. In order to be considered, bids must be received by the Board of County Commissioners, c/o the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Attn: Kimberley Barrineau, Clerk of Circuit Court, at the C.E. Hall Building, Room A-226, Hendry County Courthouse Complex, 25 E. Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle, Florida by August 9, 2023 at 2:00 P.M., at which time all responses to this request will be recorded in the presence of one or more witnesses. A copy of the Instructions and Bid Documents can be obtained online at www. under the Public Information tab or by calling (863) 675-5222. Firms are strongly encouraged to attend the Pre-Bid Conference on Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 2:00 P.M. at the Hendry County Engineering Confer ence Room, located at 99 E Cowboy Way, LaBelle, FL 33935. The solicitation does not commit Hendry County to award any contracts, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this solicitation, or to contract for any services. The County retains the right to cancel this solicitation or reject any or all responses for any reason set forth in Hendry County Code Section 1-2-185(c)(3)a and may choose to re-procure at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners. Hendry County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Si necesita la assistencia de un interprete que hable espanol para participar un esta reunion, por favor pongase en contacto con Jorge Hernandez al (863) 612-4726. 604784 HEND 7/5,12,19,26,8/2/2023 Public Notice Public Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING SWFL PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS & PARAMEDICS, IAFF LOCAL 1826 and HENDRY COUNTY EMS NEGOTIATIONS Notice is hereby given that the Southwest Florida Professional Fire Fight ers & Paramedics, IAFF Local 1826 and Hendry County EMS will hold a meeting on July 11, 2023 at 09:00 a.m. at the Administration Office, 640 S. Main St. Conf Room 1, LaBelle, Florida. The meeting is open to the public. If a person decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Please note that matters may be discussed at the meetings which are not on the prepared agenda for the meeting. Hendry County is an equal opportunity provider and employer. If you have a disability that will require special assistance or accommodation for your attendance at the meeting, please contact Hendry County Administration at (863) 675-5220; Hearing Impaired: Florida Relay 7-11; or e-mail Si necesita la assistencia de un interprete que hable espanol para partic ipar un esta reunion, por favor pongase en contacto con Audelia Bustamante al (863) 675-5352. 603825 LON/ Hendry 07/05/2023 PUBLIC NOTICEFLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT, Petitioner vs. ANGELA L. WIDDOWS, Case #48742 Respondent NOTICE OF ACTION TO: ANGELA L. WIDDOWS Residence Unknown YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an Administrative Complaint has been filed against you seeking to revoke your CORRECTIONAL Certificate in accordance with Sec tion 943.1395, F.S., and any rules promulgated thereunder. You are required to serve a written copy of your intent to request a hearing pursuant to Section 120.57, F.S. upon Felipe Williams, Director, Criminal Justice Professionalism Program, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, P. O. Box 1489, Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1489, on or before August 26, 2023. Failure to do so will result in a default being entered against you to Revoke said certifi cation pursuant to Section 120.60, F.S., and Rule 11B-27, F.A.C. Dated: June 26, 2023 Felipe Williams, Professionalism Director FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT By: -sFredrika Flakes, Division Representative 604361 LON 7/5,12,19,26/2023 Ta x Deeds Ta x Deeds NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEEDFILE #23-01 Chapter 197.512 Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BRIVIF, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of property and the name in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 6010 Description: 4-10-43-29-120-2480-0080 Year: 2016 Name In Which Assessed: Rosaria Fedele LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 8, BLOCK 2480, OF PORT LABELLE UNIT 12, A SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 42, PUBLIC RECORDS OF HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder online at https:// at 11:00 A.M., on the Second Thursday in the month of July, which is the 13th day of July, 2023. Dated this 7th day of June, 2023 Kimberley Barrineau Clerk of Circuit Court Hendry County, Florida By: Janet Hatfield, Deputy Clerk 601378 HEND 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING HENDRY COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY COORDINATING COUNCILNotice is hereby given that the Hendry County Public Safety Coordinating Council will hold a meeting on July 21, 2023 at 2:00 pm., at the Hendry County Administration Office at 640 S. Main St., LaBelle, Florida. The meeting is open to the public. If a person decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Please note that matters may be discussed at the meeting which are not on the prepared agenda for the meeting. If you have a disability that will require special assistance or accommodation for your attendance at the meeting, please contact Hendry County Administration at (863) 675-5220; Hearing Impaired: Florida Relay 7-1-1; or e-mail Tracy Hendry County is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Si necesita la assistencia de un interprete que hable espanol para participar un esta reunion, por favor pongase en contacto con Neira Rodriguez al (863) 675-5220. 602736 HEND 7/5/2023 HENDRY COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Notice is hereby given that the Hendry County Board of County Commissioners will hold public hearings on July 25, 2023, at 6:00 P.M., in the Commission Chambers, Hendry County Courthouse, 25 East Hickpoochee Avenue, LaBelle, Florida, to review the terms of the interlocal agreements with the City of LaBelle and the City of Clewiston for distribution of local option fuel tax revenues. The meeting is open to the public. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/ she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. If you have a disability that will require special assistance or accommodation for your participation in the meeting, please contact Hendry County Administration at (863) 675-5220; Hearing Impaired: Florida Relay 7-1-1; or e-mail tracy. Hendry County is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Si necesita la assistencia de un interprete que hable espanol para participar un esta reunion, por favor pongase en contacto con Myra Johnson al (863) 675-5240. 603497 HEND 7/5/2023 Public Notice Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE Okeechobee County Board of County Commission Regular SessionNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Okeechobee County Board of County Commissioners will hold a regular scheduled meeting on Thursday, July 13, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. at the “Judge William L. Hendry Courtroom†at the Historic Courthouse, 304 NW 2nd Street, Okeechobee, Florida. Any person deciding to appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commissioners with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purposes, he or she will need to ensure that a verbatim record of such proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the County Administrator’s Office no later than four (4) working days prior to the proceeding at 304 N.W. 2nd Street, Room 123 Okeechobee, Florida 34972, or call 863.763.6441. If you are hearing or voice impaired, call TDD 1-800-2223448 (voice) or 1-888-447-5620 (TTY). David Hazellief, Chair Jerald D. Bryant, Clerk Board of County Commissioners Board of County Commissioners Okeechobee County, Florida Okeechobee County, Florida 603810 LON 7/5/2023 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEPursuant to Section 715.109, notice is hereby given that the following property will be offered for public sale and will sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash:A 2000 Travel Trailer, VIN 1TC3B2416Y1511275 and the con tents therein, if any, abandoned by previous occupants, Renata Ann Shropshire a/k/a Renata Sophire.On July 20, 2023 at 9:00am at Clewiston Lake Okeechobee RV Resort, 194 County Road 720, Lot 109, Clewiston, Florida 33440. THE EDWARDS LAW FIRM, PL 500 S. Washington Boulevard, Suite 400 Sarasota, Florida 34236 Telephone: (941) 363-0110 Facsimile: (941) 952-9111 Attorneys for Clewiston Lake Okeechobee RV Resort By: /s/ Sheryl A. Edwards SHERYL A. EDWARDS Florida Bar No. 0057495 604091 LON 7/5,12/2023 GLADES COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTICE OF JOINT WORKSHOPNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, the Board of County Commissioners of Glades County, Florida, will hold a joint workshop with the Glades County Planning and Zoning Board on Tuesday, July 11, 2023, at 2:00 P.M. The joint workshop will be held in the Doyle Conner Building at 900 U.S. Highway 27, Moore Haven, FL 33471. The purpose of the joint workshop is to discuss Sec. 125-326. – Farming – livestock use in Residential Zoning IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE GLADES COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR THE GLADES COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE WORKSHOP, THAT PERSON WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. IF AN INDIVIDUAL REQUIRES SPECIAL AID OR SERVICES AS ADDRESSED IN THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), PLEASE CONTACT THE COUNTY MANAGERS OFFICE AT (863) 946-6000. 604567 GCD 7/5/2023 NOTICE OF OUA MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Okeechobee Utility Authority will meet in regular session on Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 8:30 A.M., at the Okeechobee Utility Authority, 100 SW 5th Ave., Okeechobee, Florida. The needs of hearing or visually impaired persons shall be met by contacting the Executive Director’s Office at 863-763-9460 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, by any person wishing assistance. Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Authority with respect to such meetings, he or she will need a record of proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made; which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Such person may provide a court reporter, stenographer, or tape recorder for such verbatim record. BY ORDER OF THE OKEECHOBEE UTILITY AUTHORITY John F. Hayford Executive Director 604406 LON 7/5/2023 Reading newspapers help you plan your time wisely. No wonder newspaper readers enjoy life more! rrfrn t rrfrn brrn trr rrfrfrntr rrfr f r rr rrrfrnf r r frrfr fr frr rrfrn rr rrfrn f f rrfrn rr r rrfrnfr rr r r rrr rrfrnrrr rr nr r rrfrnr rr n r rr rrf tff r rrfrn tfr rrfr rrfr rrrrfrr rn r r rrr fr rr rr f rrfrn r rr rrfrn‘ rn f‘ rn f‘ rrrfrn ’f “rr r rrfn rf ffn frrfrn
PAGE 44 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 45 44 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News | Administr ation of Estates Administration of Estates IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA File No. 50-2023-CP-002253-XXXX-MB PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: THE ESTATE OF ILIRIAN TRONI, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Administration of the Estate of Ilirian Troni, deceased, whose date of death was May 20, 2022, is pending in the Circuit Court for Palm Beach County, Flor ida, Probate Division, the address of which is Main Courthouse 205 N. Dixie Highway, 4th FL, Rm 4.25, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s Estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this Court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s Estate must file their claims with this Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORI DA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is: July 5, 2023. Attorney for Personal Representative: Personal Representative: Cyrus Malhotra Granit Troni Florida Bar No. 0022751 12159 Cuddington Court THE MALHOTRA LAW FIRM P.A.Wellington, Florida 33414 Attorneys for Petitioner 3903 Northdale Blvd., Suite 100E Tampa, FL 33624 Telephone: (813) 902-2119 Fax Number: (727)290-4044 Email: Secondary: 603234 PBC 7/5,12/2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 20TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GLADES COUNTY PROBATE DIVISION. CASE NO.: 222023CA000060CAAXMX UNIFORM CASE NO. 222023CA000060CAAXMX SUZANNE FONT, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Elizabeth W. Ottino, a/k/a Mattie Elizabeth Ottino, Plaintiff, vs. KONGLI CHEN, DAWN C. BRENSINGER, KATHRYN ANN WINTERS, AND BARBARA ANN WINTERS, TERRY L. RHODES, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: DAWN C. BRENSINGER 8928 W White Dogwood Drive Homosassa, Florida 34448-1702 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title of a mobile home on real property situate in Glades County, Florida, to wit: Parcel ID #S13-40-32-002-000F-0160 1183 Martin Boulevard, Moore Haven, Florida The mobile home is described as a 1970 Trop Single Wide, Title #3991863, ID No. 60123FBBR12264 and RP #12706299. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to COLIN M. CAMERON, ESQ., P.A., whose address is 200 N. E. 4th Avenue, Okeechobee, Florida 34972, and file the original with the Clerk of the above styled Court within 30 days, otherwise a judgment may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court on June 7, 2023. TAMI PEARCE SIMMONS Clerk of Circuit Court By: Lasheena Rios Deputy Clerk 601895 GCD 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR GLADES COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 23000035CPMXAX Division: ProbateIN RE: ESTATE OF CHARLENE MARJA BARRETT, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of CHARLENE MARIA BARRET, deceased, whose date of death was February 3, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Glades County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 500 Av enue J, Suite 102, Moore Haven, Florida 33471. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORI DA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is 6/28/2023. Attorney for Personal Representative:Personal Representative: Marissa DeBellis Basil Robert Barrett Florida Bar No. 103278 11815 E 27th St. DeBellis Law,P.A. Tulsa, Oklahoma 74129 4500 PGA Blvd., Suite #301-B Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Telephone: (561) 26403170 E-Mail Addresses: 603249 GCD 6/28,7/5/2023 Administr ation of Estates Administr ation of Estates IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2023-CP-90IN RE: ESTATE OF LARRY WAYNE RENNOLDS A.K.A. LARRY W. RENNOLDS, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Larry Wayne Rennolds, a.k.a. Larry W. Rennolds, deceased, whose date of death was January 18, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court of Hendry County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 25 E. Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle, FL 33935. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SEC TION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOT WITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is June 28, 2023. Attorney for Personal Representative:Personal Representative: Steven C. Spence, Esq. Kevin W. Rennolds Florida Bar No. 85444 687 Niles Street PO Box 2369 LaBelle, FL 33935 LaBelle, FL 33975 Phone: 863-675-5776 Fax: 239-931-0541 602852 HEND 6/28,7/5/2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 50-2023-CP-002263-XXXX-MB IN RE: THE ESTATE OF JEANETTE VILARDI, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Jeanette Vilardi, deceased, whose date of death was January 26, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Palm Beach County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 205 North Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, FL 33401. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORI DA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is June 28, 2023. Attorney for Personal Representative: Personal Representative: Stuart B. Klein Angelo J. Vilardi Attorney 6804 Garde Road Florida Bar Number: 328634 Boynton Beach, Florida 33472 4400 PGA Boulevard Suite 603 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 (561) 478-1588 602206 PBC 6/28,7/5/2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 23-CP-40IN RE: THE ESTATE OF JOHN KLINE REINHEIMER, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of John Kline Reinheimer, deceased, whose date of death was January 17, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hendry County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 141 E. Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle Florida 33935. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORI DA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is July 5, 2023. Attorney for Personal Representative Personal Representative Amy Meghan Neaher Susan K. Reinheimer Attorney 45 Trinity Chapel Rd. Florida Bar Number: 190748 Asheville, NC 28805 6313 Corporate Court Ste. 110 Fort Myers, Florida 33919 Telephone: (239) 785-3800 Fax: (239) 224-3391 E-Mail: SecondaryE-Mail: 603319 HEND 7/5,12/2023 Administr ation of Estates Administr ation of Estates IN THE 20th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, CIRCUIT COURT FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 262023CP000085CPAXMX In Re: The Estate of STELLA FREED, ALSO KNOWN AS STELLA V. FREED, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of STELLA FREED, also known as STELLA V. FREED, deceased, whose date of death was April 2, 2020, is pending in the Circuit Court for HENDRY County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 25 E. Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle, FL 33935 (PO Box 1760, LaBelle FL 33975). The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORI DA STATUTES SECTION733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is June 28, 2023. Attorney for Personal Representative:Personal Representative: Rae Franks, Esquire Christine Elise Freed Attorney also known as Florida Bar Number: 4 71968 Christine Elise Hitchcock RAE FRANKS ESQUIRE P.A. 901 Popash Circle 224 Datura Street, Suite 913 Clewiston, Florida 33440 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Telephone: (561) 820-9177 Fax: (561) 820-9607 E-Mail: 603388 HEND 6/28,7/5/2023 Ta x Deeds Ta x Deeds NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD033 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that RAM TAX LIEN FUND LP the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 2565 Year of Issuance: June-01-2021 Description of Property: REVISED PLAT OF WILCOX SHORES (PLAT BOOK 3 PAGE 5) LOT 9 BLOCK 5. 3-22-37-35-0270-00050-0090 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: CAROLE ROSENBERG LLC CAROLE ROSENBERG LLC C/O CAROLE M ROSENBERG Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 20th day of July, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 598882 LON 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD032 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that RAM TAX LIEN FUND LP the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 2481 Year of Issuance: June-01-2021 Description of Property: CITY OF OKEECHOBEE (PLAT BOOK 1 PAGE 10 & PLAT BOOK 5 PAGE 5) LOTS 3 & 4 BLOCK 182. 3-15-37-35-0010-01820-0030 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: CAPITAL C INC CAPITAL C INC C/O JAMES COREY CROWLEY Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 20th day of July, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 598880 LON 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD031 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that RAM TAX LIEN FUND LP the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 1929 Year of Issuance: June-01-2021 Description of Property: TREASURE ISLAND UNIT NO. 6 (PLAT BOOK 3 PAGE 57) LOT 211. 1-25-37-35-0070-00060-2110 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: JOSEPH ZACCHEO CAROL L ZACCHEO Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 20th day of July, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 598879 LON 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 Ta x Deeds Ta x Deeds NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD028 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that RAM TAX LIEN FUND LP the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 1775 Year of Issuance: June-01-2021 Description of Property: CAREY’S SUBDIVISION (PLAT BOOK 2 PAGE 33) LOTS 3 & 4 & E 10 FT OF LOT 5 BLOCK 6. 1-15-37-35-0100-00060-0030 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: CHAKA SMITH SURAIYA SMITH Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 20th day of July, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 598874 LON 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEEDFILE #22-59 Chapter 197.512 Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT CITRUS CAPITAL HOLDINGS, LLCCITRUS CAPITAL HOLDINGS FBO SEC PTY the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of property and the name in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 1888 Description: 1-31-42-29-010-0000-1870 Year: 2020 Name In Which Assessed: Raul Aguilar and Juana Aguilar LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE W 1/2 OF LOT 187 AND ALL OF LOT 188, NORTH LABELLE HEIGHTS, A SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 16, PUBLIC, RECORDS OF GLADES COUNTY, LYING AND BEING IN HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. WITH A 1988 LIBERTY MOBILE HOME, VIN# 10L20473, TITLE# 45781846. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder online at https:// at 11:00 A.M., on the Second Thursday in the month of July, which is the 13th day of July, 2023. Dated this 7th day of June, 2023 Kimberley Barrineau Clerk of Circuit Court Hendry County, Florida By: Janet Hatfield, Deputy Clerk 601363 HEND 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEEDFILE #22-309 Chapter 197.512 Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT COUNTY OF HENDRY the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of property and the name in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 6159 Description: 4-10-43-29-120-2491-0420 Year: 2015 Name In Which Assessed: Phyllis Marin LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 42, BLOCK 2491, OF PORT LABELLE UNIT 12, A SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 42, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder online at https:// at 11:00 A.M., on the Second Thursday in the month of July, which is the 13th day of July, 2023. Dated this 7th day of June, 2023 Kimberley Barrineau Clerk of Circuit Court Hendry County, Florida By: Janet Hatfield, Deputy Clerk 601370 HEND 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 Reading newspapers help you plan your time wisely. No wonder newspaper readers enjoy life more! rrfrn t rrfrn brrn trr rrfrfrntr rrfr f r rr rrrfrn f r r frrfr fr frr rrfrn rr rrfrn f f rrfrn rr r rrfrnfr rr r r rrr rrfrnrrr rr nr r rrfrnr rr n r rr rrf tff r rrfrn tfr rrfr rrfr rrrrfrr rn r r rrr fr rr rr f rrfrn r rr rrfrn‘ rn f‘ rn f‘ rrrfrn ’f“rr r rrfn rf ffn frrfrn rrfrn t rrfrn brrn trr rrfrfrntr rrfr f r rr rrrfrnf r r frrfr fr frr rrfrn rr rrfrn f f rrfrn rr r rrfrnfr rr r r rrr rrfrnrrr rr nr r rrfrnr rr n r rr rrf tff r rrfrn tfr rrfr rrfr rrrrfrr rn r r rrr fr rr rr f rrfrn r rr rrfrn‘ rn f‘ rn f‘ rrrfrn ’f“rr r rrfn rf ffn frrfrn
PAGE 45 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 45 Ta x Deeds Ta x Deeds NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD043 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that LD 401 K PLAN & TRUST the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 3042 Year of Issuance: June-01-2016 Description of Property: PIONEER ESTATES UNIT NO. 2 (PLAT BOOK 6 PAGES 15 THROUGH 17) LOT 76. 1-04-38-36-0020-00000-0760 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: ERNEST R HILL SR REV LIV TR ERNEST R. HILL SR. TRUSTEE OF THE ERNEST R. HILL, SR. REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED OCTOBER 20, 1997 EMILY M. BAKER, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE OF THE ERNEST R. HILL, SR. REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED OCTOBER 20, 1997 LINDA HILL, SPOUSE OF ERNEST R. HILL, SR., DECEASED ERNEST R. HILL, JR., SON OF ERNEST R. HILL, SR., DECEASED Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 3rd day of August, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 601150 LON 6/28,7/5,12,19/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEEDFILE #22-375 Chapter 197.512 Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT CITRUS CAPITAL HOLDINGS, LLCCITRUS CAPITAL HOLDINGS FBO SEC PTY the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of property and the name in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 1318 Description: 1-24-43-34-A00-0015-0400 Year: 2020 Name In Which Assessed: Emette J Miles Jr and Darbie Miles LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1473 ART LAWRENCE RD. A PARCEL OF L AND IN SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 43 SOUTH, RANGE 34 EAST BEGINNING AT THE SE CORNER OF THE NW 1/4, N 0 DEGREE, 18’ 10†WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 101.31 FEET TO THE POB, N 0 DEGREES 18’ 10†WEST A DISTANCE OF 110 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 09’ 54†WEST A DISTANCE OF 112.00 FEET, SOUTH 0 DEGREE, 18’ 10†EAST A DISTANCE OF 110 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREE, 09’ 54†EAST A DISTANCE OF 112 FEET, TO THE POB, RECORDED IN HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. SUBJECT TO A ROAD EASEMENT OF EAST 30 FEET THEREOF. WITH A 1989 FLEETWOOD MOBILE HOME, VIN #FLFLK32A11085GH AND FLFLK32B11085GH. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder online at https:// at 11:00 A.M., on the Second Thursday in the month of July, which is the 13th day of July, 2023. Dated this 7th day of June, 2023 Kimberley Barrineau Clerk of Circuit Court Hendry County, Florida By: Janet Hatfield, Deputy Clerk 601373 HEND 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD037 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MIKON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed said cer tificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 1791 Year of Issuance: June-01-2021 Description of Property: SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF “OKEECHOBEE PARK†(PLAT BOOK 1 PAGE 28) LOTS 9 & 10 BLOCK 2. 1-17-37-35-0020-00020-0090 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: DURRANE FOSTER TRUSTEE DURRANE FOSTER, AS TRUSTEE FOR JESSICA NICOLE CONNER, FOR THAT TRUST AGREEMENT DATED OCTOBER 7, 1994 Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 20th day of July, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Katelyn Story Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 598889 LON 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 Ta x Deeds Ta x Deeds NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD030 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that RAM TAX LIEN FUND LP the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 1848 Year of Issuance: June-01-2021 Description of Property: EL MIRASOL (PLAT BOOK 2 PAGE 1) LOTS 8 & 9 BLOCK 51. 1-18-37-35-0020-00510-0080 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: JUAN REFUGUIO HERNANDEZ JORGE ELISEO HERNANDEZ JORGE E HERNANDEZ VILLASENOR JORGE HERNANDEZ Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 20th day of July, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 598877 LON 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEEDFILE #22-333 Chapter 197.512 Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT COUNTY OF HENDRY the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of property and the name in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 6346 Description: 4-10-43-29-120-2505-0080 Year: 2015 Name In Which Assessed: Equity Trust Company Custodian FBO John W Keenan, Jr IRA Acct# 45754 50% interest, Equity Trust Company Custodian FBO Drew Keenan ROTH IRA Acct# 45518 25% interest, and Equity Trust Company Custodian FBO Deirdre Lewis ROTH Acct#44929 25% interest LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 8, BLOCK 2505, UNIT 12, PORT LABELLE, A SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 42, PUBLIC RECORDS OF HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder online at https:// at 11:00 A.M., on the Second Thursday in the month of July, which is the 13th day of July, 2023. Dated this 7th day of June, 2023 Kimberley Barrineau Clerk of Circuit Court Hendry County, Florida By: Janet Hatfield, Deputy Clerk 601371 HEND 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD058 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MUNICIPAL POINT CAPITAL, LP the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 1195 Year of Issuance: June-01-2021 Description of Property: RIVER ACRES (PLAT BOOK 5 PAGES 13 & 14) LOT 39. 1-21-36-33-0010-00000-0390 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: DONNA S FLORA AL CHRISTOPHER FLORA, SON OF DONNA S FLORA, DECEASED DON ALAN FLORA, SON OF DONNA S. FLORA, DECEASED Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 3rd day of August, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 601161 LON 6/28,7/5,12,19/2023 Ta x Deeds Ta x Deeds NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD039 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MIKON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed said cer tificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 2578 Year of Issuance: June-01-2021 Description of Property: BLUE HERON GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB, PHASE 1 (PLAT BOOK 6 PAGES 50 & 51) LOT 48. 3-27-37-35-0330-00000-0480 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: YOUDANIS ROMERO, GUARDIAN FOR JORDAN JAMES PALMERO ROMERO Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 20th day of July, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 598891 LON 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD034 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MIKON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed said cer tificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 1482 Year of Issuance: June-01-2021 Description of Property: WHISPERING PINES W 1/2 OF LOT 28 LESS E 65 FT & LESS S 200 FT. 1-04-37-35-0010-00000-028A Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: CAROL J WARING CAROL J WARING AKA CAROL J WARRING Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 20th day of July, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 598885 LON 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD052 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JAMES D BUSBY II the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 2250 Year of Issuance: June-01-2021 Description of Property: BRIDLEWOOD RANCHES (PLAT BOOK 7 PAGES 34 THROUGH 50) LOT 11. 1-25-37-36-0010-00000-0110 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: ELLA III LLC ELLA III LLC C/O JONATHAN R. POLITANO, MANAGER Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 3rd day of August, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 601155 LON 6/28,7/5,12,19/2023 Ta x Deeds Ta x Deeds NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD042 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that LD 401 K PLAN & TRUST the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 2065 Year of Issuance: June-01-2016 Description of Property: BASSWOOD INCORPORATED UNIT NUMBER 2 (PLAT BOOK 3 PAGE 28) LOT 10 BLOCK 13. 1-05-37-35-0020-00130-0100 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: CARL MAXWELL REBECCA MAXWELL Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 3rd day of August, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 601149 LON 6/28,7/5,12,19/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD041 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that LD 401 K PLAN & TRUST the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 1770 Year of Issuance: June-01-2019 Description of Property: BASSWOOD, INC. UNIT NO 3 (PLAT BOOK 3 PAGE 37) LOT 20 BLOCK 41. 1-05-37-35-0030-00410-0200 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: MARK J JEKOT TERRI LYNN JEKOT Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 3rd day of August, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 601148 LON 6/28,7/5,12,19/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD036 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MIKON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed said cer tificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 1762 Year of Issuance: June-01-2021 Description of Property: BASS SUBDIVISION (PLAT BOOK 2 PAGE 3) LOTS 17 & 18 BLOCK 4. 1-15-37-35-0080-00040-0170 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: TODD M LOUIS Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 20th day of July, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 598888 LON 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEEDFILE #22-300 Chapter 197.512 Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT COUNTY OF HENDRY the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of property and the name in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 6049 Description: 4-10-43-29-120-2485-0060 Year: 2015 Name In Which Assessed: Fitz H Dickson and Yolanda Hylton LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 6, BLOCK 2485, OF PORT LABELLE UNIT 12, A SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 42, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder online at https:// at 11:00 A.M., on the Second Thursday in the month of July, which is the 13th day of July, 2023. Dated this 7th day of June, 2023 Kimberley Barrineau Clerk of Circuit Court Hendry County, Florida By: Janet Hatfield, Deputy Clerk 601369 HEND 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEEDFILE #22-120 Chapter 197.512 Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT CITRUS CAPITAL HOLDINGS, LLCCITRUS CAPITAL HOLDINGS FBO SEC PTY the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of property and the name in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 868 Description: 1-21-43-34-010-000O-0080 Year: 2020 Name In Which Assessed: Lucille Kingcade LEGAL DESCRIPTION: HARLEM 1 BLOCK O LOT 12. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder online at https:// at 11:00 A.M., on the Second Thursday in the month of July, which is the 13th day of July, 2023. Dated this 7th day of June, 2023 Kimberley Barrineau Clerk of Circuit Court Hendry County, Florida By: Janet Hatfield, Deputy Clerk 601365 HEND 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 Reading a newspaper helps you plan your time wisely.No wonder newspaper readers enjoy life more! Reading a newspaper makes you a more informed and interesting person.No wonder newspaper readers are more successful! Reading a newspaper leads you to the best products and services.No wonder newspaper readers earn more money! Reading a newspaper provides the opportunity to get involved in your community.No wonder newspaper readers are more popular! Reading a newspaper helps you get more out of life.No wonder newspaper readers have more fun! Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you.No wonder newspaper readers enjoy life more!2x2 Classified Fillers One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Turn your trash to treasure with an ad in the classifieds.
46 July 5, 2023 | Lake Okeechobee News | Ta x Deeds Ta x Deeds NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD035 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MIKON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC AND OCEAN BANK the holder of the following certificate has filed said cer tificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 1690 Year of Issuance: June-01-2021 Description of Property: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 37 SOUTH, RANGE 35 EAST AND RUN NORTH ALONG THE EAST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION 14 A DISTANCE OF 1,185.70 FEET; THEN RUN WEST A DISTANCE OF 257.83 FEET TO THE CENTER OF A ROAD; THEN RUN NORTH ALONG THE CENTER OF SAID ROAD A DISTANCE OF 150 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING. FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING RUN WEST A DISTANCE OF 120.17 FEET; THEN RUN NORTH A DISTANCE OF 50 FEET; THEN RUN EAST A DISTANCE OF 120.17 FEET TO THE CENTER OF SAID ROAD; THEN RUN SOUTH ALONG THE CENTER OF SAID ROAD A DISTANCE OF 50 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, TO A COMMON EASEMENT OVER AND ACROSS THE EAST 17.5 FEET THEREOF. ALSO DESCRIBED AS LOT 44 OF DEBBIE PARK, AN UNRECORDED SUBDIVISION, LYING IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 37 SOUTH, RANGE 35 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE SURVEY THEREOF DATED AUGUST 1, 1969 BY LEON H. WILLIS, COUNTY SURVEYOR. 1-14-37-35-0A00-00074-0000 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: JUAN REBOLLA-SANTILLAN NICOLE ANN REBOLLA-SANTILLAN JUAN JESUS REBOLLO SANTILLAN NICOLE ANN VASQUEZ Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 20th day of July, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 598886 LON 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD056 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JOHN ASENDORF the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 619 Year of Issuance: June-01-2018 Description of Property: LOTS B & C OF TRACT 23 WEST 1/2 OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF TRACT 23, SECTION 23 AS TO THE SOUTHERN COLONIZATION COMPANY PLAT OF TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 33 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGES 3-3E, INCLUSIVE, PUBLIC RECORDS OF OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA. AND EAST 1/2 OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF TRACT 23, SECTION 23 AS TO THE SOUTHERN COLONIZATION COMPANY PLAT OF TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 33 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGES 3-3E, INCLUSIVE, PUBLIC RECORDS OF OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA. SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT OF THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES. 1-23-34-33-0A00-00023-B000 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: BEHZAD AREF IMANI MALINI DHANNU Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 3rd day of August, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 601159 LON 6/28,7/5,12,19/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEEDFILE #22-376 Chapter 197.512 Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT KEITH THOMAS HECKMAN JR the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of property and the name in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 1062 Description: 1-20-45-29-A00-0023-0000 Year: 2017 Name In Which Assessed: Thomas E Peet and Mary F Peet LEGAL DESCRIPTION: COMMENCING AT THE EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE S 89 20’ 31†W ALONG THE EAST-WEST 1/4 SECTION LINE, A DISTANCE OF 110.26 FEET TO THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF HIGHWAY 29; THENCE N 01 09’ 05†W (BASIS FOR BEARING IS ASSUMED) ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY, A DISTANCE OF 370.79 FEET; THENCE N 89 20’ 31†E A DISTANCE 170.00 PASSING INTO SECTION 21; THENCE S 01 09’ 05†E A DISTANCE OF 370.79 FEET; THENCE S 89 20’ 31†W ALONG SAID EAST-WEST 1/4 SECTION EXTENDED, A DISTANCE 59.74 FEET TO THE POINT-OF-BEGINNING. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder online at https:// at 11:00 A.M., on the Second Thursday in the month of July, which is the 13th day of July, 2023. Dated this 7th day of June, 2023 Kimberley Barrineau Clerk of Circuit Court Hendry County, Florida By: Janet Hatfield, Deputy Clerk 601375 HEND 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 Ta x Deeds Ta x Deeds NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD055 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TC 2020, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 1592 Year of Issuance: June-01-2020 Description of Property: LAKE MONTAZA ESTATES SECTION ONE (PLAT BOOK 5 PAGES 15 THROUGH 19) LOT 4 BLOCK 5. 1-27-33-35-0010-00050-0040 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: RENE W SHARPE Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 3rd day of August, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 601158 LON 6/28,7/5,12,19/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD040 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that LD 401 K PLAN & TRUST the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 1610 Year of Issuance: June-01-2019 Description of Property: OTTER CREEK ESTATES UNIT ONE (PLAT BOOK 6 PAGE 29) LOT 26. 1-30-35-35-0030-00000-0260 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: GRETCHEN S WILLIAMS Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 3rd day of August, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 601146 LON 6/28,7/5,12,19/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD027 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that RAM TAX LIEN FUND LP the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 1410 Year of Issuance: June-01-2021 Description of Property: COUNTRY HILLS ESTATES (PLAT BOOK 4 PAGE 97) LOT 20 BLOCK 1. 1-02-36-35-0010-00010-0200 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: MELISSA GARZA Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 20th day of July, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 598872 LON 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEEDFILE #23-02 Chapter 197.512 Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BRIVIF, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of property and the name in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 2241 Description: 1-35-44-32-A00-0114-0100 Year: 2016 Name In Which Assessed: Jorge Luis Perez and Ananias D Perez LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 35, TOWN SHIP 44 SOUTH, RANGE 32 EAST, HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. (ALSO KNOWN AS LOT NO. 4512, MONTURA RANCH ESTATES, AS UNRECORDED SUBDIVISION.) Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder online at https:// at 11:00 A.M., on the Second Thursday in the month of July, which is the 13th day of July, 2023. Dated this 7th day of June, 2023 Kimberley Barrineau Clerk of Circuit Court Hendry County, Florida By: Janet Hatfield, Deputy Clerk 601382 HEND 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 Ta x Deeds Ta x Deeds NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED2023TD057 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JOHN ASENDORF the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 2755 Year of Issuance: June-01-2018 Description of Property: AIRI ACRES (PLAT BOOK 7 PAGE 53) LOT 10. 3-22-37-35-0020-00000-0100 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Name in which assessed: JEFFREY D CAMERON Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder by electronic sale at 10:00 A.M., on the 3rd day of August, 2023 at, or any subsequently scheduled sale date. SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Jerald D Bryant, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER Okeechobee County, Florida /s/ Frances Conner Deputy Clerk NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Administration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 601160 LON 6/28,7/5,12,19/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEEDFILE #22-241 Chapter 197.512 Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT COUNTY OF HENDRY the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of property and the name in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 5826 Description: 4-10-43-29-120-2465-0110 Year: 2015 Name In Which Assessed: Maria D Pereira and Carlos Alberto Hernandez and Luis E Hernandez LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 11, BLOCK 2465, UNIT 12 OF PORT LABELLE, HENDRY COUN TY, FLORIDA. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 42, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder online at https:// at 11:00 A.M., on the Second Thursday in the month of July, which is the 13th day of July, 2023. Dated this 7th day of June, 2023 Kimberley Barrineau Clerk of Circuit Court Hendry County, Florida By: Janet Hatfield, Deputy Clerk 601367 HEND 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEEDFILE #22-148 Chapter 197.512 Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT COUNTY OF HENDRY the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of property and the name in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No: 3099 Description: 2-02-43-29-670-000C-0020 Year: 2015 Name In Which Assessed: Elbert Allen, Jr LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTS THREE (3) AND FOUR (4) IN BLOCK C; ALL IN SUNSET PARK, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold to the highest bidder online at https:// at 11:00 A.M., on the Second Thursday in the month of July, which is the 13th day of July, 2023. Dated this 7th day of June, 2023 Kimberley Barrineau Clerk of Circuit Court Hendry County, Florida By: Janet Hatfield, Deputy Clerk 601366 HEND 6/14,21,28,7/5/2023 Public Notice NOTICE OF REMOVAL OF NAMES OF POTENTIALLY INELIGIBLE VOTERSPursuant to Section 98.075(7) of the Florida Statutes, the following persons are hereby notified that they are potentially ineligible to be registered to vote. Failure to respond within thirty (30) days of this notice may result in determination of ineligibility by the Supervisor of Elections and removal of the registered voter’s name from the statewide voter registration system. Bob G Brogdon 1142 Schooner Ln Moore haven, FL 33471 Ruben Gonzalez 1114 Saddle Ln Moore Haven, FL 33471 If further assistance is needed, please contact the Glades County Supervisor of Elections, Aletris Farnam Glades County Supervisor of Elections PO Box 668 Moore Haven, FL 33471 (863) 946-6005 603641 GCD 6/23/2023 Fictitious Name NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME LAWNotice is hereby given that the undersigned pursuant to the “Fictitious Name Statute†Chapter 865.09, will register with Florida Department of State, Division of Corporawit; Wilson Lawn Service Under which we expect to engage in business at: 1605 SW 28th St. Okeechobee,FL 34974 In the City of Okeechobee/ County of Okeechobee, Flor ida. That the parties interest ed in said business enterprise are: Nathan C. Wilson Dated at Okeechobee, Okeechobee County, Florida this 21st day of June 2023 603867 LON 7/5/2023 YOUR AD CATEGORY HERE WANTED TO BUY rrr r f n t b n b Feature your business in this affordable directory! Multiple size congurations available!For pricing, call 863.763.3134 or email YOUR AD CATEGORY HERE WANTED TO BUY rrr r f n t b n b Feature your business in this affordable directory! Multiple size congurations available!For pricing, call 863.763.3134 or email BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Turn your trash to treasure with an ad in the classifieds. Place your classified ad online through floridaclassifieds. rrfrn t rrfrn brrn trr rrfrfrntr rrfr f r rr rrrfrnf r r frrfr fr frr rrfrn rr rrfrn f f rrfrn rr r rrfrn fr rr r r rrr rrfrn rrr rr nr r rrfrnr rr n r rr rrf tff r rrfrn tfr rrfr rrfr rrrrfrr rn r r rrr fr rr rr f rrfrn r rr rrfrn‘ rn f‘ rn f‘ rrrfrn ’f“rr r rrfn rf ffn frrfrn
PAGE 47 | Lake Okeechobee News | July 5, 2023 47 CLUES DOWN rfn tb f fr nr r rrrf t rn rf fn nf t‘rrr tr tt‘n‘ t’ n‘ t“rnr tbnf r rr â€frr r • CROSSWORD PUZZLE CLUES ACROSS rn r –nrff — n n rrf r •n ‘fr tr “r b rn t“’fn tn tr tr‘ t‘n t f brrr fn n nrrr tnf “–nf r rn rn r Home ImprovementPublishes: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 Deadline: Friday, July 14, 2023 at 4pmsupplement to theFull Page (9.75â€x11.375â€) ....... $500 Half Page (9.75â€x 5.6†or 4.8125â€x11.375) . $300 Quarter Page (4.8125â€x 5.6â€) .... $150 Eighth Page (4.8125â€x2.75â€) ..... $75Includes FREE colorrrfnfrnttbrfrfn From helpful how-to advice to fresh ideas and inspiration, local resources and money-saving local offers, our latest special section is your guide to making the most of your time and budget this home improvement season! Ready to Tackle Your To-Do List? Advertising Deadline: July 14 Publication Date: July 26Advertisers, Reach Your Target Audience with a Print and Digital Package Rate! Call one of our sales consultants to learn more. Kay Sheedy 863.634.8822 Stephanie Larson 863.634.1534 Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mindbending puzzle will have you hooked from the so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! rfnt Sudoku puzzles are broken down into nine the numbers 1 through 9 must Each number can appear only order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you the puzzle! bt
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