By B.C. Manionbcmanion@lakerlutznews.comThe Pasco County Commission has adopted a land use change, setting the stage for Odessa Town Centre — a development area that is expected to include light industrial, business park, mixed-use of ce, retail and high-density residential uses. The county took the lead on this planning effort because of concerns about the potential for piecemeal development on about 81.5 acres at the southwest corner of Gunn Highway and State Road 54. The approved plan is the result of about two years of work, including community meetings and efforts of county planners and an outside consultant. The idea was to create a cohesive approach to future development — while allowing existing property owners to keep their current rights. Existing property owners that wish to redevelop in the future will need to abide by conditions adopted for the Odessa Town Centre planned development.Pasco County Commissioner Kathryn Starkey led the effort for the county-initiated land use change.“This will be very good for the community, and the county and residents,†Starkey said. Without a big-picture plan, she feared the development of individual properties at the site would lack cohesion. During a previous county board meeting, Starkey also noted mounting development pressures in the area: “They (potential developers) are circling, circling around.â€Herbert Heap, a resident with property in the affected area, con rmed developers’ intensifying interest in the area. By B.C. Manionbcmanionlakerlutznews.comThe idea behind the “Live Local†bill adopted by the Florida Legislature is to ramp up the in-ventory of affordable housing across the state, so workers can afford to live where there they work.In Pasco County’s case, however, the effects of the bill could make it even harder for the county to escape the bedroom-community role it has played for decades.Part of the Live Local bill makes it impossible for local governments to block the conversion of existing commercial and industrial sites to be developed for multifamily use, if the project meets requirements regarding the provision of affordable housing units for a speci ed period. The law also provides a tax break for such projects.The Pasco County Commission made it clear at its June 20 meeting that efforts must be made to either exempt the county from the new law, or provide some other kind of change that would prevent Pasco from falling into an even larger housing/jobs imbalance.Pasco has been making strides in recent years to protect its industrial and commercial lands and to put those sites into a posture where they are ready for companies that provide high-wage jobs.The county also has taken steps to avoid the conversion of commercial and industrial land into residential use because of the county board’s desire to provide jobs closer to home for its residents. As it stands now, about seven out of 10 of Pasco’s workers commute to another county for their jobs. The board has been trying to change that, through its protection of commercial and industrial sites. Board members raised issues about the new law at a recent meeting. Shawn Foster, the county’s lobbyist from Sunrise Consulting, said he’s already discussed the pre-emption portion of Senate Bill 102 with State Sen. Ed Hooper, who said he would like to meet with the county about its concerns about the potential implications it has on the county’s economic development projects.Pasco County Commissioner Seth Weightman said, “We know we’re housing-rich and jobs-poor.â€David Goldstein, the county’s chief assistant county attorney, said “I think when Senate Bill 102 was originally proposed, it was sort of done LAKERLUTZNEWS.COM The L LAND O’ LAKES EDITION JULY 5, 2023 The L Free Auto Accident? Slip and Fall? FREE CONSULTATIONNo Fees Or Costs Unless You Win Walk-Ins 18920 N. Dale Mabry Hwy Ste 101 Lutz, FL (Corner of Sunlake & Dale Mabry) HOLLIDAY KARATINOSLAW FIRM, P.L. “I Will Aggressively Fight To Protect Your Legal Rightsâ€Call AttorneyJIM HOLLIDAY813-868-1887 WE’RE THE TEAM YOU CAN COUNT ON 20122020 813-990-0561FOR FIRST-TIME CUSTOMERS 813-990-0561 813-990-0561 813-990-0561 Same-Day Service Free 2nd Opinion* Free Estimates** 24/7 Emergency**Free estimates for new A/C, water heater, water treatment, whole home generators, whole home repipe and electrical panel upgrade. *Free second opinion with written diagnosis from another company. $150.00 OFFTANKLESS WATER HEATER INSTALLATIONCustomer supplied tankless water heaters excluded. Cannot be combined with any other coupons or discounts. Exp. 7/30/23.$250.00 OFFNEW HVAC SYSTEMCannot be used on previous purchase or HVAC system already installed. Valid on Daikin equipment only. One coupon per purchase. Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Exp. 7/30/23. A A d d v v e e r r t t i i s s i i n n g g i i n n T T h h e e L L a a k k e e r r / / L L u u t t z z N N e e w w s s W W o o r r k k s s f f o o r r U U s s ! ! We’ve been advertising in The Laker since April 2021 to promote our insurance agency in Dade City, and are very pleased with the results. We get new customers every week from readers in East Pasco and Wesley Chapel, and have even received calls from Land O’ Lakes! L L a a r r r r y y B B o o t t k k i i n n s s a a n n d d T T o o m m S S p p o o o o r r The Tampa chapter of the global nonpro t organization, Girls Give Back, was founded by Land O’ Lakes High senior Tanvi Handoo and has grown in size as members tackle issues, facing both women and communities, while also providing community serviceBy Mike Camunasmcamunas@lakerlutznews.comTanvi Handoo doesn’t mind picking up trash at a local beach. She knows that as she removes garbage from a sandy shore here, her actual reach is global. Handoo, a senior at Land O’ Lakes High, started the Tampa chapter of Girls Give Back — a global non-pro t that provides a platform and space for girls to become leaders in their communities and beyond. They raise awareness about social issues through community projects and services. They also connect throughout the world to discuss injustices, allowing these young women to cultivate skills to become leaders in their own communities. “We try to nd an area where we can come together and say, ‘I’ve noticed this in my area and community and I want to do something about it,’†Handoo said. “(It’s) where we do projects that raise money or awareness or both — and our group gives us the platform to do this and a place for young women to come together. “And, from a global role, to get young women from around the world to hear each other, to talk to each other and see their perspectives and voices and realize that there are other young women out there, just like them, that feel just like them and that they can connect with,†she added. Remarkably, Handoo started her Girls Give Back (GGB) chapter when she was a freshman, during the height of the COVID pandemic. At that time, it was a lot of online meetings and Girls giving back, globally and locally MIKE CAMUNASFrom left, members of the Tampa chapter Girls Give Back organization, Land O’ Lakes High seniors Chloe Stout and Tanvi Handoo and Wiregrass Ranch High senior Meghna Manjith took part in a community service project at Ben T. Davis Beach in Tampa, as part of the chapter’s initiative. Handoo is the Tampa chapter president of Girls Give Back, a global organization that provides a platform and space for girls to become leaders by tackling social issues such as women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, human traf cking and homelessness. Wiregrass Ranch High senior Meghna Manjith, left, and Land O’ Lakes senior Chloe Stout, right, help pick up trash during a Girls Give Back Tampa Chapter community service project on June 24. Girls Give Back Tampa Chapter founder Tanvi Handoo, a senior at Land O’ Lakes High, picks up trash along Ben T. Davis Beach in Tampa during a community service initiative. See GIRLS, page 11A See BILL, page 11A See PLAN, page 11A Elected leaders say new ‘Live Local†bill stymies Pasco’s efforts to create jobs MIKE CAMUNASThe southwest corner of State Road 54 and Gunn Highway, is expected to become the future home of Odessa Town Centre, as a result of Pasco County initiated land-use change. Pasco board approves county-initiated plan for Odessa Town Centre
By B.C. Manionbcmanion@lakerlutznews.comA familiar face is returning to Pasco County Libraries to assume leadership of the statewide recognized branch of county government. The Pasco County Commission on June 20 conrmed the appointment of Sean McGarvey to the top post, at an annual salary of $125,000. Cathy Pearson, an assistant county admin-istrator who oversees the county’s libraries, introduced McGarvey to the board. “He worked with us from 2013 to 2019, as one of our library administrators,†she said. Pearson told the board that McGarvey has considerable library experience and IT knowl-edge. He left for a four-year stint to work at Hillsborough Public Libraries and is now re-turning to Pasco to serve as the library system’s director. During his previous experience in Pasco, McGarvey led library operations projects in-cluding contract negotiations, grant execution, major IT system upgrades, personnel manage-ment, collection development, and facilities safety and security, according to background information in the board’s agenda packet. He has also helped plan, fund and execute a general obligation bond vote campaign with Pasco County administration to remodel all county libraries. McGarvey has collaborated with a number of organizations to implement new internal and external partnerships, including creating Pasco County's rst drone program, a rst-inthe-nation library robotics team and a grant to distribute laptops to families in need. The county board voted 5-0 to conrm McGarvey’s selection. Pasco County Commissioner Seth Weightman told McGarvey he agreed with sen-timents that were previously expressed by his colleague, Commissioner Kathryn Starkey. Weightman would like to see a rebranding of the county’s library system, with an empha-sis of maximizing its potential. “What is a library today? What kind of resources can it bring? What kind of out-ofthe-box thinking can we use these fantastic facilities for?†Weightman said. “What can we do to take our library system to the next level?†Starkey said she’d like McGarvey to visit AmSkills, which focuses on equipping people with skills needed by today’s workforce. She’d also like McGarvey to revive the robotics team and spread it across the county. Starkey said she thinks the county’s librar-ies need to be renamed, to reect their role as community centers. She’d also like to see an expansion of their use. “Why not have more activities at these cen-ters on the weekends and in the evenings? “We can do a lot more on these properties,†she said, noting she’d like to see playgrounds added at each library. Starkey said she’d be interested in hear-ing what McGarvey learned in Hillsborough County that can be brought to Pasco. The Florida Libraries Association (FLA) recently named the Pasco County Libraries sys-tem as the state’s Library of the Year, during the 2023 FLA awards ceremony. On its website, the FLA reported that: “The Pasco County Library System provides innovative services, materials, programs, in-structional classes, and informational events relevant to their populations. “Most notably, the creative development of their library spaces has earned them the Library of the Year award. “An ambitious makerspace initiative with heavy citizen input has added a custom mak-erspace to almost every library branch in the system. From ‘The Foundry’ woodshop at the Land O’ Lakes Library to the ‘Regency Fresh Test Kitchen’ in New Port Richey, citizens now have open access spaces to gather, learn new skills, and share ideas. “The system’s newest branch, the Starkey Ranch Theatre Library Cultural Center (in Odessa) has multiple makerspaces and a 250seat theater shared with the K-8 school next door. “These unique spaces and their top-quality staff promote access to information, commu-nity, education, and culture throughout Pasco County and provide a blueprint of the 21st century Florida library.†McGarvey said he shared ideas from Pasco with Hillsborough’s library system. Noting the Pasco library system’s success, Commissioner Ron Oakley said he’ll be inter-ested in seeing how McGarvey builds on that. Oakley also noted how important the county’s libraries are to its residents. Whenever one is closed for renovations, patrons can’t wait for them to reopen, Oakley said. He pointed to the Hugh Embry Branch Library in Dade City, as a recent example. OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 8AM-6PM • SATURDAY 8AM-4PM rfntbtfntfbntntnt WALK-INS WELCOMEASK US ABOUT OUR AFFORDABLE WELLNESS PLANS PREVENTIVE CARE • MEDICINE • SURGERY • DIGITAL X-RAY • DENTAL CLEANING PRE-BREEDING EXAMS • OVULATION TIMING • PROGESTERONE TESTING 24416 State Road 54, Lutz 33559 • 813-428-6994 At the corner of SR 54 and Oak Grove BoulevardPetPointAnimalHospital • New Clients Receive a $42 EXAMOne per client, discounted multi-pet exam for second petCall Now & mention PROMO EXAM813-428-6994 rf ntf brrnr r rfn rtrrrnn rtrtrb trrnnfr rr nrtnrrnrfn bff July 5, 2023 Pasco names a new libraries director The updated Land O’ Lakes Branch Library, at 2818 Collier Parkway, in Land O’ Lakes, features an ample space for children’s activities. FILEThe Land O’ Lakes Branch Library, at 2818 Collier Parkway, in Land O’ Lakes, attracts patrons from across the county. It underwent a complete renovation that includes a new look, updated technology and more meeting spaces.
Nothing seems complete when you have one missing piece.Come hear what you’re missing!Free adult hearing screenings this month. Call for your appointment 813-949-1331 July 5, 20233A rfntbt fntb r fntb t f n tb A Tradition of Excellence in Elder Law Durojaiye Law • Wealth Preservation • Elder Law • Healthcare Planning • Medicaid Planning • Retirement Planning • Estate Planning • Living Trust • Last Will & Testament • Power of Attorney • Probate LEARNING LIFE-SAVING TECHNIQUESAdventHealth provided no-cost CPR training and certication to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ operations staff, a result of NFL player Damar Hamlin’s collapse during a January game due to cardiac arrest, according to a news release. Cardiac arrest is the leading medical cause of death in young athletes. In addition to the team’s trained medical personnel, certication training was open to all members of the Buccaneers’ operations staff, including coaches, trainers and additional staffers who may be present during a medical emer gency situation. The CPR program provides hands-on training and instruction on how to recognize the signs of cardiac arrest, perform CPR, and use an automated external debrillator (AED). “We are thrilled to work with our valued partners at AdventHealth to provide all members of our football operations staff with the opportunity to participate in this critical training that could save a life someday,†said Brian Ford, chief operating ofcers for the Buccaneers, in the release. “Player safety is always our top priority, and this type of additional certied training provides us with yet another level of preparedness should an emergency situation arise in the future,†said Ford.WATER SAFETY EDUCATIONNow that summer has begun, the Pasco Sher iff’s Ofce (PSO) encourages citizens to educate their friends and family on water safety. As the summer heat draws people toward pools, lakes and oceans, the threat of water-related incidents increases. The PSO offers these suggestion to prevent water incidents: • Learn to swim • Know your swimming limitations • Know the water conditions ahead of time • Do not leave children unattended in or near water • Keep a fully charged phone and rst aid kit poolside • Learn to perform CPR • Don’t swim farther than or hold your breath longer than you are able to. • Always swim with a buddy • Complete a safety inspection on your boat • Ensure your vessel has safety equipment, including life jackets and ares • File a oat plan before boatingCHAIR YOGAThe Starkey Ranch Theatre Library Cultural Center, 12118 Lake Blanche Drive in Odessa, will host chair yoga on July 6 at 10:30 a.m. This session uses yoga poses while seated or using a chair for balance, and offers the same benets as traditional yoga, such as boosting energy, exibility, and mental well-being. Registration is required. Call 727-815-7126.FUNDING AVAILABLE TO FIGHT OPIOID ADDICTIONThe Pasco County Opioid Task Force is seeking applications for treatment, prevention and recovery programs aimed at serving people who are affected by the opioid crisis in Pasco County. The application period for funding has been extended through July 14. The funding available exceeds $8 million and can be used to provide opioid and substance-use disorder services in our community. Applicants are required to watch a one of these two informational sessions before applying: • Session 1: • Session 2: For more information, visit FAIRBayCare will visit the Land O’ Lakes Library, 2818 Collier Parkway, on July 8 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., for a Wellness Fair. There will be free lipid screenings with blood pressure, lipid, BMI, and glucose check (nger sticks). Each screening will take 10 minutes to 15 minutes per person. For information, call 813-929-1214.CHILDBIRTH/NEWBORN CAREAdventHealth Zephyrhills will offer two Baby Place classes on childbirth and newborn care — one on July 15 and one on Aug. 19, both from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at AdventHealth Zephyrhills, 7050 Gall Blvd., in the Cypress Room. The guest speaker will be registered nurse Tammie Williamson. For information and to register, call 877-5343108, or visit PAIN SEMINARAdventHealth Zephyrhills will present a Lunch and Learn: Treatments for Back Pain on July 19 at noon, at The Genesis Community Center, 38112 15th Ave., in Zephyrhills. The guest speaker will be Dr. Mohamed Saleh. For information and to register, call 877-5343108, or visit SESSIONSVolunteers from the Florida Department of Elder Affairs and the Area Agency on Aging of Pasco & Pinellas’ SHINE (Serving Health Insur ance Needs of Elders) program will visit these locations to answer Medicare questions: • July 19 from 10 a.m. to noon: The Genesis Center/Meals on Wheels, 38112 15th Ave., Zephyrhills. Call 813-782-7859. • July 20 at 10:30 a.m.: New River Library, 34043 State Road 54 in Wesley Chapel. Call 813788-6375. • By appointment: Land O’ Lakes Library, 2818 Collier Parkway. Call 813-929-1214. • By appointment: Land O’ Lakes ofce, Hap Clark Building (next to Tax Collector building), 4111 Land O’ Lakes Blvd., Suite 100. Call 727570-9696, ext. 235.BREASTFEEDING BASICSAdventHealth Zephyrhills will offer two Baby Place classes on breastfeeding basics — one on July 20 and one on Aug. 24, both from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at the former AdventHealth Wellness Center Zephyrhills Building, 38233 Daughtery Road. The guest speaker will be registered nurse Tammie Williamson. For information and to register, call 877-5343108, or visit FAIRAn All Inclusive Resource Fair is scheduled for July 22 at B&B Theatres Wesley Chapel and is looking for support services/partners/vendors for: therapy, tutoring, mental health, disability programs, reading services and special needs services. For more information, contact Demene Benjamin at 813-334-6006, wesleychapelmarketing@ or COURTESY OF ADVENTHEALTH WEST FLORIDA DIVISIONAdventHealth teamed up with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ operations staff for a no-cost CPR training and certication class. The Laker/Lutz News likes to keep our readers informed about available classes, seminars, lectures and events regarding health and wellness issues. Hospitals, doctors, individual practitioners and anyone related to the health care industry can submit information, at least two weeks in advance, to be considered for publication. Photos of events, recognitions and so on, also are welcome. Submissions should include who, what, where, when, cost, contact information, identications for individuals in a photo (unless it is a large group), and a photo credit. This information should be emailed to
PAGE 4 July 5, 2023 WE’RE THE TEAM YOU CAN COUNT ON It’s been a great honor serving our commuity with their home service needs.DanaPresident Cornerstone Pro’s 813-990-0561 GENERATORS AIR CONDITIONING Electrical Inspections Electrical Panel Upgrades Ceiling Fan InstallationsLED & Can LightingWhole Home Generator Electrical Maintenance Plan 18 Month NO Interest Financing *WAC ELECTRICAL Full Service A/C, Plumbing & Electrical A/C Emergency Service & Repair A/C Tune-Up & Inspection New A/C System Installation Service and Repair on all brands of A/C Equipment A/C Maintenance Plan Up to 5 years NO Interest Financing *WAC New A/C System as low as $65 Monthly *WAC PLUMBING Plumbing Inspections Stoppages, Leaks, Drain Cleaning Water Heater Repairs & Replacement Tankless Water Heater Water Treatment & Puri cation Plumbing Maintenance Plan Whole Home Repipe 18 Month NO Interest Financing *WAC Generac Guardian Series Generator Installation Whole Home & Portable Generators Serv & Maint of Cornerstone installed Generators Runs on natural gas or liquid propane for days to weeks Protects your home automatically when the power is out No risk of deadly carbon monoxide poisoning Provides 24/7 protections, whether your home or away Turns itself off when utility power returns 18 Month NO Interest Financing *WAC Call Today! Fixed Today! $150.00 OFF TANKLESS WATER HEATER INSTALLATIONCustomer supplied tankless water heaters excluded. Cannot be combined with any other coupons or discounts. Exp. 7/30/23.$250.00 OFFNEW HVAC SYSTEMCannot be used on previous purchase or HVAC system already installed. Valid on Daikin brand equipment only. One coupon per purchase. Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Exp. 7/30/23. What’s Happening What’ s Happening Your Community Calendar • Submit 2 weeks in advance to: • All listings free of charge SUMMER KIDS SERIESB&B Theatres Wesley Chapel-The Grove 16 will host a Summer Kids Series with $5 movies or $3 for backstage pass members, on Tues-days, Wednesdays and Thursdays. For informa-tion, visit Traditional showtimes are 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.; sensory-friendly showtimes are at 10:15 a.m. Upcoming movies are: • July 4 to July 6: “Space Jam†• July 11 to July 13: “Scoob!†• July 18 to July 20: “The Lego Batman Movie†• July 25 to July 27: “Tom & Jerry The Movieâ€CRAFT PACKSPreteens and teens can take home a craft pack: The Legend of Zelda that will feature activities from the video game series. The kits are rstcome, rst-served, and can be picked up any-time between July 5 and July 8. • The Hugh Embry Library, 14215 Fourth St., in Dade City. Call 352-567-3576. • The New River Library, 34043 State Road 54, Wesley Chapel. Call 813-788-6375.DRAMA PROGRAMThe Academy of Arts traveling drama ministry program will present “The Pilgrims Progress†on July 6 at 7 p.m., at Faith Baptist Church, 38634 E. County Road 54 in Zephyrhills. The tale is of one man’s journey from the City of Destruction to the gates of the Celestial City and all the challenges, triumphs and perils he faces along the way. Admission is free. For information about the presentation, call the church at 813-782-0880.ROCK PAINTINGThe Starkey Ranch Theatre Library Cultural Center, 12118 Lake Blanche Drive, in Odessa, will host Kindness Rocks: Community Rock Painting on July 6 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., for ages 18 and older. Participants can paint a rock with a kind message to leave somewhere or to give to someone who could use a smile. All supplies will be provided. Registration is required by calling 727-815-7126.AVENGERS MOVIEThe Land O’ Lakes Library, 2818 Collier Park-way, will host a teen summer movie, “Aveng-ers: Innity War,†on July 6 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., for ages 13 to 18. For information, call 813-929-1214. DRIVER SAFETY COURSEThe Zephyrhills Public Library, 5347 Eighth St., in Zephyrhills, will host the AARP Smart Driver Safety Course on July 7 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., for drivers age 50 and older. Topics include: defensive driving techniques, proven safety strategies, new trafc laws, and the rules of the road. Space is limited. Registration is required. Call Marcus Vinson at 813-575-3594, or visit & LEARNThe Land O’ Lakes Library, 2818 Collier Park-way, will host two Tri County Woodturners’ Turn & Learn sessions on July 8 from 9 a.m to 11:30 a.m., and from noon to 3 p.m. Skilled mentors will guide participants in their chosen project (bring your own piece of wood). The program is for ages 18 and older. Registration is required. Call 813-929-1214.BUTTERFLY GARDENThe Zephyrhills Public Library, 5347 Eighth St., in Zephyrhills, will host a “Creating a Buttery Garden†seminar on July 8 at 10 a.m. Partic-ipants can learn to choose the correct plants to create a buttery haven. Registration is online at For information, call 813-780-0064.SUMMER SING-ALONGThe Starkey Ranch Theatre Library Cultural Center, 12118 Lake Blanche Drive in Odessa, will host a Summer Sing-along on July 9 from 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., with a family musical movie. Popcorn will be served, and guests can bring outside snacks and beverages into the theater. There also will be a Lego set giveaway. For information, call 727-815-7126.EAT GOOD, DO GOODThe Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel is working to raise $500,000 to build a therapeutic home for young girls who are victims of sex trafck-ing. Those interested in helping can take part in “Eat Good & Do Good†on July 11 at Keke’s Breakfast Caf, 22952 State Road 52 in Lutz — 20% of total sales on that day will be donated to the club’s Build That Home project. Guests can dine in, take out, or get a catering order to support the cause.FREE FOOD DISTRIBUTIONThe Pasco Sheriff’s Ofce is teaming up with Pasco Sheriff’s Charities, Farm Share, the Pasco County NAACP, Boys & Girls Club of Tampa Bay, the Gentlemen’s Course and the Samaritan Corporation of Pasco Inc., for a free commu-nity food distribution on July 13 at the Boys & Girls Club of Lacoochee, 38724 Mudcat Grant Blvd., in Dade City. The drive-thru starts at 9 a.m., rain or shine, on a rst-come, rst-served basis (until food items run out).RODEO & FAMILY FESTIVALThe Tampa Bay Rodeo & Family Festival, will be presented by Bartow Ford on July 14 and July 15 at the Hillsborough County Fair-grounds, 215 Sydney Washer Road in Dover. The two-day event will feature bull-riding, bronco-busting, barrel-racing, live music, a monster truck show, meet-and-greets, a mechanical bull, pony rides, giant slide, over-sized lawn games, food, and more. For infor-mation, schedule of events and tickets, visit GUILD PROGRAMSThe West Pasco Art Guild will host an Art FUN-damentals Workshop by Helen Hanley on July 15 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., for beginner and intermediate artists. For more information and to register, email The guild’s Special Show and Sale of artists’ original artwork runs through Sept. 27, at 6206 Jefferson St., in New Port Richey. The exhibit is open Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to noon; Wednes-days and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For information, email carolo@westpascoartguild. org.TAMPA BIRTHDAY BASHThe Tampa Bay Moms Group will host Tampa’s Biggest Birthday Bash on July 15 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Waterworks Park, 1701 N. Highland Ave., in Tampa, to ben-et the organization, Celebrate Birthdays. The event will include food trucks, games, exhibits, entertainment, and more. For infor-mation, visit tampasbiggestbirthdaybash.HURRICANE LEARNING EVENTUF/IFAS Pasco County Cooperative Extension is hosting Hurricane Impacts on Trees — Les-sons Learned on July 17 at 6 p.m. at Land O’ Lakes Branch Library, 2818 Collier Parkway. The presentation will look into the past to understand trees during hurricanes to help bet-ter understand the damage sustained by trees during high wind events and available options to prepare for storms. For more information or to register, visit RESELLER MEETUPA Greater Tampa Bay Area eBay Reseller Meetup is scheduled for July 18 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Los Vallarta’s Mexican Restau-rant, 5335 Village Market, in Wesley Chapel. Admission is free, but the restaurant requests that orders are placed to cover the use of the room. Pre-registration is recommended. Walkins also are welcome. Tickets can be found on For information and questions, contact Cheryl Hinton at yayarambles@gmail. com.BENEFIT FOR THE BLUEThe Dade City Police Foundation will host a “Benet for the Blue†on July 20 at 6:30 p.m., at the Florida Cracker Lunch on Limoges, 14139 Seventh St., in Dade City. The 2 -hour evening will be one of appreciation, ne din-ing and community unity. Tickets are $100 per person and are available on PERFORMANCEThe New Tampa Players will present “Grease†on July 21, July 22, July 28 and July 29 at 8 p.m., and on July 23 and July 30 at 3 p.m., at the New Tampa Performing Arts Center, 8550 Hunters Village Road in Tampa. For information and tickets, visit SURVEYPasco County Libraries wants to hear feedback from its patrons, through its 2023 Customer Sat-isfaction Survey at Participants who complete the survey will be entered to win a $100 gift card (provided by the Friends of the Library). Only one survey/entry per person. The survey will be active until July 22.BACK TO SCHOOL BASHZephyrhills Chick-l-A, 7490 Gall Blvd., will celebrate its second birthday with a Back to School Bash on July 29 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. This community celebration will include giveaways, games, free health screenings and more. No registration is required.BINGO FUNDRAISERThe GFWC Lutz-Land O’ Lakes Woman’s Club’s Education Committee will host a bingo fund-raiser on Aug. 24 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., at Beef O’ Brady’s, 18421 U.S. 41 at Sunset Lane, in Lutz. The cost is $10 for 10 bingo games with prizes, opportunity baskets and a 50/50 drawing. Money raised will benet the club’s community projects and support local schools and libraries.BELLAMY BROTHERSThe Thomas Promise Foundation and Simp-son Lakes will present The Bellamy Brothers on Aug. 26, at the Pasco County Fairgrounds, in the Dan Cannon Auditorium, to benet Thomas Promise and to help feed children in Pasco County. In addition to the music, there will be food and drink, and an auction. For information and table reservations, call 813-782-0000.NEW STEAM EXHIBITThe Museum of Science & Industry, 4801 E. Fowler Ave., in Tampa, has a summer exhibit, “STEAM Team Superhero Training Acad-emy,†available now through Labor Day, and is included with general admission tickets, thanks to the underwriting support from Flor-ida Blue. MOSI is part of the Blue Star Muse-ums initiative, which allows military families to visit for free. For more information on the exhibits and tickets, visit SCOUT FUNDRAISERBoy Scout Troop 12 of Lutz will celebrate its 90th birthday on Sept. 9 and will host a cele-bration on that day at 205 Second Ave., S.E., in Lutz. Community members that have had an afliation with Troop 12, Eagle Scouts, Scouts, leaders and families are welcome to attend. Save the date for food and nostalgia. Keep an eye out for more information.SEASON THEATER PASSESLive Oak Theatre Company in Brooksville now has 2023-2024 Season Passes available. The passes allow patrons to pur-chase multiple passes at a discount that can be used for any of its in-season productions, both Main Stage and Youth Theatre. New season shows include “Fiddler on the Roof,†“Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,†“Mary Poppins Jr.,†“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever†and The Little Mermaid Jr.†For more information, visit or, call 352-593-0027, or email boxofce@ Photo ContestGulfside Healthcare Services is hosting its annual photo contest. At least 13 pictures will be chosen for its calendar, a picture for each month of 2024 and one for the remainder of 2023. In addition to the winning photos, judges will select a few entries for 2024 honorable mentions. Photos must be taken in Pasco County and able to be printed horizontally, 12 inches wide by 9 inches high. Entries are due by 5 p.m., July 31. Contest winners will be notied by Sept. 1 and will receive ve copies of the calendar. For complete contest rules and to enter, visit, or email for information.‘Dolphins & Pelicans’ by Lisa Butler, May 2023
r r fn t bt r r NEW 2023 KEYSTONE RV RETREAT 391FLFT Stock #0KR082, Sleeps 7, 3-slides, rear living area, kitchen island, double-size loft, dual entry, theater seating. MSRP $83,807NOW $74,995 2020 SHASTA 24BHStk. 7PW805A, sleeps 7, double-size bunks, Murphy bed, outdoor kitchen, power awning, pass-thru storage. NOW $19,995 NEW 2023 EAST TO WEST DELLA TERRA 160RBLEStk. 0DT443, sleeps 4, queen Murphy bed, outside shower, rear bath with walk-in shower, 13’ awning Was $26,680NOW $19,995 2023 40 FT. RETREAT PARK MODELStk. OKR082, 3-slides, loft, 2nd bedroom, residential appliances, power awning, LOADED!! MSRP $84,847NOW $68,223 2018 FLEETWOOD RV FLAIR LXE 31WStock #2SR131, Sleeps 7, bunk over cab, 2-slideouts, plenty of storage, residential refrigerator, 18’ awning. MSRP $131,545NOW $89,995 2020 FOREST RIVER OZARK 1660FQStk. 0AR0131C, 22 ft., sleeps 3, front bedroom w/queen bed, rear bath, 12’ power awning, pass-thru storage.NOW 16,999 2021 FOREST RIVER FORESTER 3011DSStk. 7AR936, sleeps 8, 2-slideouts, full size refrig., rear queen bed,NOW $89,987 38FT. DUTCH STAR DIESEL PUSHERStk. OAR5342A, 1-slide, hydraulic leveling, newer tires, diesel generator, very clean, NO LEAKS, everything works! Was $54,995NOW $32,981 2016 WINNEBAGO ADVENTURER 37F Stk# 0SR0893, sleeps 6, full wall slide, 2 add’l slides, bath and a half, 48†HDTV, 4 door residential refrig., king bed, rear full bath with large shower. MSRP $ 192,072NOW $119,995 2022 PUMA PARK TRAILERResidential appliances, island kitchen, washer & dryer, sleeps-6. LOADED! Was $79,995NOW $59,9172020 FOREST RIVER FORESTER MBS 2401Q Stk. 9AR549, 25 ft., sleeps 3, 1-slide, bunk over cab, outdoor entertainment. Was $140,254NOW $99,987WEEKLY HIGHLIGHT July 5, 20235A I I n n j j u u r r e e d d ? ? I I n n j j u u r r e e d d ? ? Civil Trial Practice F F r r e e e e C C o o n n s s u u l l t t a a t t i i o o n n D D r r e e w w B B e e n n H H u u d d g g i i n n s s , , E E s s q q Z Z e e p p h h y y r r h h i i l l l l s s , , F F L L Drew Ben Hudgins, Esq Zephyrhills, FL Call Hudgins Law Firm 800-950-5534 AUTHENTIC MEXICAN CUISINEOpen Everyday 11am-10pm for Carryout, Delivery & Door DashWESLEY CHAPEL JUST 20 MINUTES AWAY $7.99 & Up Lunch Menu • 11am-2:30pm • 30 Items to choose from A UNIQUE & PLEASURABLE DINING EXPERIENCE EVERY SUNDAY • MARIACHI BAND • 6-9PM $3 OF FANY TWO LUNCH ENTREESPLAZA MEXICO Restaurant Bar & Grill$5 OF FANY P URCHASE $ 30 OR MOREPLAZA MEXICO Restaurant Bar & Grill With this coupon. One coupon per table, per visit. Not valid with other offers or with the purchase of alcohol. Offer expires 07/31/23.With this coupon. One coupon per table, per visit. Lunches must be purchased in the same transaction. Not valid with other offers. Offer expires 07/31/23. SCHOLARSHIP DONATIONLisa Yeager, Pasco-Hernando State College (PHSC) Foundation advancement coordinator, recently spoke to Dade City Sunrise Rotary. Act-ing Club President Jennifer Ferguson, foundation events and marketing coordinator, presented Yeager with a $1,000 scholarship donation to the foundation to aid a deserving student attending PHSC’s East Campus in Dade City.DONATION DRIVEPasco Tax Collector Mike Fasano’s ve ofces will collect donations in July for the Pasco County School District’s ABC (Assist, Believe & Care) Program. ABC was created to provide nancial assistance to students and their families who are experiencing economic hardship, especially when those needs interfere with the student’s ability to be academically successful. “While the impact of COVID may be lessening, there are still many other challenges caused by these uncertain economic times,†Fasano said, in a news release. “The strain can be enormous on a family, espe-cially when a parent loses a job, or a single parent is struggling to raise children while doing all they can to make ends meet. Children without food, adequate clothing or other unmet needs often suf-fer academically,†said Fasano. Cash donations go into a fund teachers can use when they see or learn of a need a student may have. The donations can be made at any of the tax collector’s ve ofce locations in Pasco County, or they can be mailed to: Tax Collector Mike Fasano, P.O. Box 276, Dade City, FL 33526. In the check’s memo line, write “Pasco ABC Program.†For information, call 727-847-8179, or visit FESTIVALThe Rebecca Penneys Piano Festival (RPPF) will launch its 11th season at the University of South Florida School of Music, now through July 17. The festival’s continuing theme is “Legacy of Piano and Planet.†Founded by Rebecca Penneys in 2013 as her legacy project, RPPF boasts a multi-genera-tional, internationally renowned faculty together with the most talented students from across the globe. The public is invited to enjoy the festival including master classes, soires, and satellite concerts at various venues throughout Tampa, St. Petersburg and Clearwater, plus two live WUSF radio performances and the Piano – 8 Hand Extravaganza Event†on July 15. All events are free and open to the public. To learn more about the festival, visit READING CHALLENGEPasco County Libraries has launched its Sum-mer Reading Challenge, “All Together Now,†at all Pasco library locations, now through July 31. Requirements include 600 minutes of reading and record-keeping in the Beanstack app. Readers who complete the challenge will be entered into a drawing to win a $100 gift card, courtesy of Friends of the Library. Other individual prizes also will be up for grabs at all Pasco library branches. To learn more, visit PARTNERSHIPCovenant Journey Academy (CJA), a Chris-tian online school for kindergarten through 12th grade, announced a new partnership with Amer-ica’s Christian Credit Union (ACCU), to provide families with education-related nancial services, according to a news release. The partnership will allow all families enrolled with CJA to access such resources as: exible tuition nancing; Biblical nancial literacy train-ing materials; and student checking and savings accounts. CJA is a full-service online Christian academy offering more than 150 courses, all taught by certied teachers. Its programs are designed to ensure students have the knowledge and ability to apply God’s truth to make sense of cultural issues facing the world today, according to the release. To learn more about the academy, visit CJ.Academy, or call 407-875-1967. For more information about ACCU, visit, or call 800-343-6328.SUMMER HAUL BUS PASSStudents can ride Pasco County Public Trans-portation (GoPasco) buses all summer through Aug. 31 for just $20. The special student-rate passes can be pur-chased at these places: • GoPasco Administrative Ofce, 8620 Galen Wilson Blvd., New Port Richey • Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller’s Ofce, East/West Pasco Government Centers • Pasco-Hernando State College bookstores New Port Richey, Dade City and Wesley Chapel • County libraries, various locations For more information on the pass and GoPasco bus routes and schedules, visit READING PROGRAMThe Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library will host its summer reading program with interactive events, reading challenges and prizes for all ages. Join the Reading Challenge, through the reg-istration portal of Beanstack, to log reading and activities to unlock digital badges and prizes. The portal includes themed suggestions for kids, tweens, teens and adults. Reading during the school-year gap can help critical thinking skills and the ability to retain information, as well as encourage an interest in reading for pleasure. Children can participate simultaneously in the Reading with the Rays program, too. Pick up a Reading with the Rays game card at your library to be eligible for more prizes. Once a game card is completed, participants can turn it into their local library for a chance to win Tampa Bay Rays prizes, including tickets to a home game. Visit to download a game card. SEND YOUR SCHOOL NEWS TO NEWS@LAKERLUTZNEWS.COM COURTESY OF PASCO-HERNANDO STATE COLLEGE FOUNDATION
The LAKER / Lutz NEWS BUY 3 WEEKS, GET 1 FREE IN THE ALL NEW PETCETERA DIRECTORY! CALL RIGHT MEOW! (813) 909-2800 rfnt bb rfntSatisfaction completely guaranteed brr ONLY$2598tt • etHospital S Ay & NEuTER CLINIC: Contact s for appointment: (Incldes pre-anesthetic exam, anesthesia, pain & antibiotic pre-medication) Cat Neuter: $65 • Cat Spay: $75 • Dog Neuter: $85-$140* • Dog Spay: $90-$175* *Based on weight *medications/treatments & lab work are additional cost MONDAY-FRIDAY 8 AM 6 PM SATURDAY 8 AM 2 PMPETS SHOULD BE HEALTHY & NOT PREGNANT. MUST BE CURRENT ON RABIES & DHPP/FVRCP VACCINES.DENTAL SERVICES: Now equipped with a new digital dental X-ray system! Prices include Dental X-rays, General Anesthesia, Monitoring, Dental Scaling and Polishing, an antibiotic and pain injections. • Dogs/Cats p to 25lb $215 • Dogs 26-50 lb $237 • Dogs Over 50 lb $259 rfrntb bnnnnbnnntnn rrnbnnnntbn rnbn OPEN FOR WELLNESS & MEDICAL CARE• In Person visits available by appointment only • Curbside service available • Home Delivery available for Medications/SuppliesDUE TO HIGH CALL VOLUME, PLEASE TEXT US AT 813-803-2441(813) 949-4416 21515 VILLAGE LAKES SHOPPING CENTER LAND O’LAKES • FEATURES • EVENTS • PHOTOS • CONTESTS • VIDEOS • AND MORE rfnttrbbttft July 5, 2023 SEEING BEARS?The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conser vation Commission (FWC) is reminding residents and visitors that juvenile black bears have started to leave their mothers’ home ranges in search of new homes of their own. When they are between the ages of 1 to 2 years, juvenile or yearling bears start dispersing in spring and summer. During this time, juvenile bears may be seen in unexpected places as they travel across a wide range of areas in search of a new location to settle down. “The most important thing people can do to help these bears is to leave them alone,†Mike Orlando, FWC bear management program coordinator, said in a news release. “Give them plenty of space and let them move along on their own,†Orlando said. Black bears are generally not aggressive but, like any wild animal, if they feel threatened, they can become defensive. More information is available at bear, where you can nd the Guide to Living in Bear Country brochure. For tips to prevent conicts with bears, visit CHALLENGEThe Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) will host the 2023 Florida Python Challenge from Aug. 4 to Aug. 13, with more than $30,000 up for grabs, according to a news release. The event features an ultimate grand prize of $10,000 sponsored by Inversa Leathers. The $7,500 grand prize runner-up sponsored by Bergeron Everglades Foundation. Prizes also will be awarded in the professional, novice, and military categories, courtesy of Edison National Bank/Bank of the Islands and the Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida. Visit to register for the competition, take the required online training, view the optional training opportunities, learn more about Burmese pythons and the Ever glades ecosystem, and nd resources for planning your trip to South Florida to participate in the challenge.SHARE YOUR PET NEWSIf you have pet news about adoptions, walks or other events for pet owners and their pets, you can let us know by sending us an email. We just need the basics: who, what, when, where and why. The information should be submitted two weeks prior to the desired publication date. We also need a contact name and number, in case we have questions. There is no guarantee of publication, but we consider each item we receive. If you’d like to make a submission, send it to Readers can now nd Pets of the Week and Local Wildlife photos on our website at Laker, under the Pets/Wildlife link. PET PAWS Peeta and Katniss are best friendsThese two felines — Peeta and Katniss — are 3-year-old siblings. They enjoy sharing toys and treats, and love washing each other’s faces, playing tag, wrestling, and curling up together for naps. Peeta and Katniss are the proud owners of Cathy and Roger Quackenbush of Land O’ Lakes. PAWSOME Pet of the Week! PET OF THE WEEK FAMILIES RECEIVE A $30 GIFT CARD TO CHUY’S TEX MEX.Write a short paragraph about why your pet is special along with a photo and email to:, SUBJECT: Pet of the WeekPLEASE NOTE: OWNERS NAME AND ADDRESS MUST BE INCLUDED FOR YOUR PET TO BE CONSIDERED FOR PUBLICATION. 813-948-221125750 Sierra Center Blvd. Lutz, FL 33559 www.Chuys.comSPONSOR: Enjoying a local snackDennis Smith, of Land O’ Lakes, snapped a photo of this beauty — a pileated woodpecker — just one of four that he said has been coming to his yard to eat berries from a cherry laurel tree. COURTESY OF FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION
The LAKER / Lutz NEWS CROSSWORD PUZZLE CLUES ACROSS 1. Excited movements 8. Soap opera actress Patsy 13. Unknowing 14. Dangerous mosquitos 15. Exaggerated and sensationalized 19. Military policeman 20. Touch softly 21. Wrap 22. A story of one’s life 23. Midway between east and southeast 24. Toward the mouth or oral region 25. A list of dishes available at a restaurant 26. Changes the meaning of 30. Semitic Sun god 31. Sneaker parts 32. Capital of Zimbabwe 33. Breezed through 34. Partner to pedi 35. Becomes less intense 38. Bottoms 39. Tested 40. Vistas 44. Take care of 45. Traditional rhythmic pattern 46. S. African political party 47. Cologne 48. Men 49. The Science Guy 50. Gospel author (abbr.) 51. Act of signing up 55. Human feet 57. A very short time 58. Streetcars 59. Cuplike cavities CLUES DOWN 1. A type of pool 2. Malaise 3. Seasoned 4. A pair 5. Young male 6. Make a mistake 7. Experienced 8. It often accompanies injury 9. Old world, new 10. Commercial 11. Course of lectures 12. Promote 16. Female horses 17. Greek mythological 18. Small amount 22. Orthodox church altar 25. Actress Tomei 27. Excited 28. Looked directly at 29. Popular cold desserts 30. More reasonable 32. Disk above the head of a saint 34. Devoted to the extreme 35. Make an effort 36. It’s in the surf 37. Member of aboriginal people of Japan 38. Discounts 40. Cliff in Hawaii 41. Extremely wild person 42. All persons 43. Aromas 45. Popular kids’ game 51. Popular Georgia rockers 52. It’s in all living cells 53. Unspoken language 54. ‘Talk to you’ abbreviation LAND O’ LAKES 813-996-1211 DADE CITY 352-567-1414 ZEPHYRHILLS 813-779-1999 DELIVERY THRU DOOR DASH, SLICE & UBER ••• ORDER ONLINE AT ABCPIZZA.COM LUNCH SPECIALSSMALL CHEESE PIZZA AND DRINK . . . . . . $7.99 SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALL . . . . . . . . . . . $6.99 GREEK LEMON CHICKEN . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.95 SPAGHETTI SPECIAL TUES • WED • SUN $6.99 All recipes made with 100% extra virgin olive oil If you would like to adopt Egon or Snickers, be sure to make an appointment at Pasco County Animal Services at 19640 Dogpatch Lane in Land O’ Lakes, by call-ing 813-929-1212. The adoption center is open Tuesday through Saturday, noon to 6:30 p.m. All adoption fees include spay/neuter, microchip and vaccines. For more information, email EgonOne look into Egon’s soulful eyes, and you’re sure to fall in love! This 8-year-old is about 60 pounds. He can sometimes be wary of strangers, especially men. However, he has a sweet, soft temperament and gives small kisses once he makes a friend. Egon walks well on a leash, listens to corrections and takes treats gently. He is learning to make friends with other dogs and, so far, has done best with gentle females. He doesn’t always like to share, though, so he should be fed separately from any other pups in the home. He also would do best in a home without cats, or with a slow introduc-tion. Egon did test positive for heartworms, and he could use a dental. Pasco County Animal Services medical staff would be happy to discuss treatment options with you. This handsome hound had a rough start to life, but he’s looking for someone to brighten his days. If that’s you, make an appointment today to meet him! SnickersSnickers is as sweet as his name suggests! This 7-year-old is nearly 17 pounds and has gorgeous silver fur and stunning green eyes. He is friendly and enjoys being petted. He can even be picked up and carried, though it’s not his favorite thing. Snickers pre-viously lived with other cats and dogs, and did well with both. Make an appointment today with Pasco County Animal Services to meet him, and you won’t regret it! A PET Make a fur-ever friend! July 5, 20237A Don’t Pay your INSURANCE BILL before speaking to us! Florida insurance costs are among the highest in the nation! Call us to find out if you are receiving the best value for your insurance dollar.rfntrbrnrrn37911 Heather Place, Dade City, FL 33525 For a FREE Quote, call today! The L AKER / Lutz N EWSLUTZ, ODESSA, LAND O’ LAKES, WESLEY CHAPEL, NEW TAMPA, ZEPHYRHILLS, DADE CITY Serving Pasco since 1981 / Serving Lutz since 1964 PUBLISHER & OWNER BRIAN CALLE SUBSCRIPTIONS: Mail subscriptions are sold to cover postage cost: $40/3 months, $80/6 months, $160/12 months. DELIVERY PROBLEMS: Visit and select the Circulation Request tab to stop/request delivery or to report a delivery problem.. ADDITIONAL COPIES: A listing of boxes and business locations is on our home page at EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS: Suggestions for stories and news coverage are welcome. Please send ideas to, or call our newsroom at 813-909-2800. ADVERTISING ERRORS: Publisher is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the space cost for the rst insertion, or for the validity of claims made by advertisers. Advertising and editorial content by Street Media, LLC. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without prior written permission from the publisher.WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: EMAILS: SALESMARY JANE WEEKS Account Managermweeks@lakerlutznews.comCAROLYN BENNETTCustomer Servicecbennett@lakerlutznews.comDESIGNLAURA WHITE Graphic Designerlwhite@txstreetmedia.comMARKETINGSARA MINTON-OGLESBY Director of Digital Marketing soglesby@lakerlutznews.comEDITORIALB.C. MANION Editor bcmanion@lakerlutznews.comMIKE CAMUNAS Staff Writermcamunas@lakerlutznews.comMARY RATHMAN Editorial Assistantmrathman@lakerlutznews.comMAIL: 2020 N LOOP W, SUITE 220 HOUSTON, TX 77018 PHONE/FAX: ph: 813.909.2800 • fax: 813.909.2802 SEE SOLUTIONS, PAGE 10A
r fntntrr bftr bfrt rfrrnt rnrrn $ $ 1 1 0 0 O O F F F F F F U U R R N N I I T T U U R R E E W W I I T T H H T T H H I I S S A A D D • • F F u u l l l l l l i i n n e e o o f f E E l l i i t t e e D D i i x x i i e e B B e e l l l l e e C C h h a a l l k k P P a a i i n n t t s s • • N N e e w w S S i i l l k k A A l l l l I I n n O O n n e e M M i i n n e e r r a a l l P P a a i i n n t t s s • • C C u u s s t t o o m m F F u u r r n n i i t t u u r r e e P P a a i i n n t t i i n n g g A A v v a a i i l l a a b b l l e e • • W W o o o o d d U U b b e e n n d d M M o o l l d d i i n n g g s s • • V V i i n n t t a a g g e e F F u u r r n n i i t t u u r r e e & & R R e e p p u u r r p p o o s s e e d d D D e e c c o o r r • • M M o o n n t t h h l l y y s s c c h h e e d d u u l l e e d d o o r r P P r r i i v v a a t t e e P P a a i i n n t t i i n n g g C C l l a a s s s s e e s s3 3 8 8 5 5 0 0 1 1 5 5 t t h h A A v v e e n n u u e e • • Z Z e e p p h h y y r r h h i i l l l l s s • • ( ( 8 8 1 1 3 3 ) ) 3 3 9 9 5 5 5 5 1 1 4 4 6 6 2-4-1 Well Drinks $5 Domestic Mini Pitcher 2-4-1 Domestic Cans $11 & $13 Beer Buckets $1 Off Wine MONDAY • Daily Specials Open-7pm • Hospitality Appreciation ALL DAY $1 off Drinks**Regular Priced• Texas Hold ‘Em 8pm TUESDAY • Daily Specials Open-7pm • Ladies Night and Karaoke 9pm WEDNESDAY • Daily Specials Open-7pm • Karaoke 9pm THURSDAY • Daily Specials Open-7pm • Live Music 8pm No Cover • Grab Bag 11pm FRIDAY • Daily Specials Open-7pm • Live Music 9pm No Cover SATURDAY • Daily Specials Open-7pm • Country Night DJ and Line Dancing SUNDAY • Daily Specials Open-7pm • Loaded Bloody Marys • Football Sunday $10 Domestic Pitchers • Free Pool Open7pm • 8 Ball Pool Tournament Double Elimination 7pm 6816 Gall Boulevard Zephyrhills 813-782-5511 SUMMER CAMP S! Begins week of June 5th Camp is one week long, 9am-3:30pm each day, dates available on website.Cost is $239, register online at by June 1st for $20 off. MORE Discover historical Zephyrhills and its unique restaurants, bars, shops and services. SO much to do SO close to home! rfnfftfbfrn July 5, 2023 PANTONE 357C C=88 M=45 Y=98 K=16 FOUNDED 1920NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE FORES TERS Each year, millions of people struggle with clinical depression. Let us help you overcome mental health challenges such as depression and anxiety with treatment programs designed to help you understand the causes, cope with the symptoms and take back your life. Take the rst step today! PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATION • MEDICATION MANAGEMENT • PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COUNSELING • NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING Outpatient Mental Health Care with Compassion.23532 State Road 54, Lutz, FL 33559 • 800-718-7769 www.hupc .com • info@hupc .com “I believe we can live as emotionally healthy people in a healthy society.â€Adil A. Mohammed, M.D.Medical Director, CEO
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as a one-size-ts-all, but I’m not sure it really is appropriate for certain coun-ties. He said it doesn’t make sense to him to apply Senate Bill 102 to coun-ties that have a poor ratio of jobs to housing. Weightman said he’s aware of three projects that already have set their sights on converting general commercial parcels into multifamily developments, under provisions of the Live Local bill. They represent a total of 786 units.“They’re not blighted areas. They’re not areas of redevelopment. They’re prime-time areas,†Weightman said. He’s concerned the county has no control over this type of development, making it much more difcult for the county to plan to handle the develop-ments’ trafc and other impacts. “How are we going to go about managing these things and how we go about budgeting, especially since they’re tax-exempt,†Weightman said. Alexander Alt, intergovernmental affairs ofcer for the Pasco Sheriff’s Ofce, said residential development has a greater impact on public ser-vices than other types of development.“Whenever you get a piece of land that was zoned agriculture or com-mercial use and basically becomes multifamily or some large housing de-velopment, you see a continued strain on government services, whether that be the sheriff’s ofce, re/rescue or just all government services, in gen-eral,†he said. Weightman added: “There’s a lot of challenges. I don’t think our Legislature meant any ill intent. There’s a lot of good portions of this bill.“Counties like ours, and other rural and growing counties, we really need to stand together and lock-arms, to protect our job-creating sites. It’s not something I’m willing to back off on.†“I don’t want to see those sites disappear because they’re not a dime-a-dozen.†“I think time is of the essence,†he said.Pasco County Commission Chairman Jack Mariano agreed: “With all of these apartments coming in, without the jobs to go with it, it just kills us.†Lobbyist Foster encouraged the board to work with their colleagues from other counties to make this a pri-ority issue for the Florida Association of Counties. “I’m not talking No. 20. I’m talking right up there, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3. This needs to be a major priority,†he said. July 5, 202311A discussions until she could get to community projects and build up membership. Each chapter plans and carries out events that are tailored to address the disparities and issues in their own communities. Some events Handoo and her chapter have planned and executed include a Feminine Hygiene Drive for women and abuse victims; a “Moving FL Forward†forum with chapters across Florida; a global forum with the India chapter about the COVID crisis in India; beach cleanups; creat-ing and mailing cards to kids at St. Jude’s Hospital; and the EQ4U series — webinars serving as a safe space for Tampa youth to discuss setbacks in mental health and learn about scientically proven, healthy coping mechanisms. Additionally, Handoo co-founded the India Chapter of GGB, was pro-moted to GGB Global Ambassador (second hand to founder, Salma Murphy) and led and participated in a multitude of events. “A lot of us are very passionate about social justice advocacy, and we all have our range of passions,†Handoo said. “Be it mental health, feminism, climate justice — and this (group) allows them to become a lead-er and they don’t have to be a specic gender or identity or background to be a leader in their community or to create change. “Anyone who is passionate about making a difference and change, can join.†As of now, the Tampa chapter has 15 members with nearly all of them com-ing from Pasco County schools, such as Land O’ Lakes and Wiregrass Ranch. Globally, GGB is trying to expand more, including creating middle-schoolaged chapters, she said. Handoo only started “recruiting†new members at the beginning of 2023, however, she quickly found other like-minded young women. “I thought it was very interesting to have a global group that focused on making change in our commu-nities,†said Wiregrass Ranch senior Meghna Manjith, a longtime friend of Handoo. “GGB is so broad and it has all these chapters and you can reach out to members, so it’s very diverse with plenty of resources. And with the projects, you come into the community and interact with mem-bers of the community — it’s just helping everyone out and it makes that much bigger of an impact.†Manjith said she is passionate about raising awareness on human trafcking in her community, includ-ing running Teens Battle Human Trafcking, a student organization at her school. Handoo, for her part, is passion-ate about feminism and ghting “sexism and gender bias in my own community.†“Especially,†she added, “with my parents being Indian immigrants, so I’ve seen it in my home country and in America and it’s something that I’ve seen from a young age and con-tinue to see.†Another member, fellow Land O’ Lakes senior Chloe Stout, is deep-ly interested in speaking up about all social injustices, as long as all women’s voices are heard. “I think it’s important to empower women and bring light to their strug-gles,†Stout said. “We need to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard, so people are not made to feel less than others or inferior. “I think, as a group, we do a good job at that and that everyone is aware of the important topics and being able to talk to other women about these topics.†As for Handoo, and her Tampa chapter, it’s all about reaching out — to support one another. “Honestly, I think there’s a lot of people, girls and boys, that are pas-sionate about these types of things, but aren’t encouraged to be active in their community,†she said. “I think about all those out there, and they have no voice, but we can come to-gether and be a part of something that supports one another and do great things together.†Girls Give Back Tampa ChapterDetails: Girls Give Back Global (GGB) was founded in May 2020 by Salma Murphy in Boston and quickly expanded to become a national and global non-prot. GGB provides a platform and space for girls to become leaders in their communities and beyond. The girls are able to lead projects they’re passionate about that target issues unique to their community, but also are able to lead global impact projects — while connecting with other passionate young women across the globe. For more information, or to join the Tampa chapter, contact Tanvi Handoo at and visit the chapter’s Instagram: @ggbtampa. For more information, visit GIRLS, from page 1A “I’ve had quite a few people con-tact me You won’t believe, I betcha I’ve got about 100 letters, phone calls, people contacting me. Matter of fact, I’ve had to block some of them,†said Heap, who owns land on Old Gunn Highway and Blisseld Road.“I just want to know, are you going to run me out of there, or what,†he asked during the county board’s June 20 meeting.At the same session, Starkey told her colleagues: “What we did, in doing this, was to increase their property values. But not everybody understands how development works. It’s complicated, especially in this kind of plan.â€She suggested to Heap: “Why don’t you come to my ofce and we’ll help you.†Heap said he just wants someone who will speak with him honestly.“We’ve got that big tower up on the corner, we’ve got a lot of vultures on it. Well, we’ve got vultures circling my property, circling me,†he said. Pasco County Commissioner Seth Weightman asked what assurance the county would have with the land being designated for commercial or industri-al uses instead of being developed as multifamily, as is permitted under the recently passed state Senate Bill 102. Chief Assistant County Attorney David Goldstein said that law applies to a site’s zoning, not land-use desig-nation, an issue that won’t come up until the zoning phase.Goldstein added: “All of these have to go through me. I don’t let staff re-zone to commercial/industrial, without addressing this issue.†The county board voted 5-0 to ap-prove the Odessa Town Centre land-use change. In a related action, the board ap-proved a rezoning request that would allow a Miami-based, mixed-used de-veloper to create a project on about 20 acres on the western portion of the Odessa Town Centre area. County board members approved a request to rezone the land from general com-mercial and agricultural residential to a master-planned unit development.The site is approximately 2,083 feet west of the southwest corner of the intersection of Gunn Highway and State Road 54. The new development is expected to have 12,000 square feet of commercial/ofce space and 320 multi-family units. The ofce and retail will be the ground oor of a multi-story building, with apartments above it. In addition to the vertical mixeduse buildings along the State Road 54 frontage, the master-planned de-velopment will include interconnected streets, trails and sidewalks to create a network for pedestrian/bicycle ac-tivity within the larger Odessa Town Centre area. PLAN, from page 1A BILL, from page 1A Pasco County Commission Chairman Jack Mariano wants to make sure that Pasco doesn’t lose ground in the mo-mentum it has been building in attract-ing new commercial and industrial jobs to Pasco County. By B.C. Manionbcmanion@lakerlutznews.comThe Florida Legislature approved $1.5 million — which was preserved in the state budget — to pay for side-walks near some Pasco County schools where parents complained about unsafe walking conditions.The lack of sidewalks in numerous communities became more apparent last year after Pasco County School Board dropped courtesy busing for students in grades six through 12, who live within 2 miles from school. The district’s action prompted an outcry from parents, who told district administrators and the board that they are concerned about their children’s safety because they have to walk in areas without sidewalks or street lights.They also described conditions they believe are dangerous for their children and said they can’t give their kids a ride to and from school because they have to be at work. Pasco County Commissioner Seth Weightman took on the issue and worked with the school district’s staff to seek funding from the legislature. State Rep. Kevin Steele and State Sen. Danny Burgess sought $2 million in funding — and received approval of $1.5 million to provide sidewalks that will benet students and residents living near Pine View Middle, Pine View Elementary and Denham Oaks Elementary. During the Pasco County Commis-ion’s June 20 meeting, Weightman ex-pressed gratitude to the state lawmakers and the school district for helping to secure funding. “This is a great win for our school kids,†Weightman said. He noted that when he was on the campaign trail, that he, along with Commissioner Gary Bradford, heard the message loud and clear about side-walks being needed. Weightman noted that “courtesy busing is probably not coming back any time soon,†and bus drivers remain in short supply. The county board member urged Pasco County Administrator Mike Carballa to get the sidewalks built as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, Weightman is delight-ed that the appropriations request he made, as a freshman county board member, received funding. He thanked the county’s lobbyists and every mem-ber of the Pasco legislative delegation for helping to make it happen.“It’s exciting. It’s exciting for me. It’s exciting for our school kids and our community,†Weightman said.MIKE CAMUNASThe need for more side-walks in Pasco County became crystal clear after the Pasco County Schools stopped pro-viding “courtesy†bus-ing for sixththrough 12th-graders living within 2 miles of school. A state appropriation of $1.5 million has been designated to provide sidewalks to help students who have to walk to school to Pine View Middle, Pine View Elementary and Denham Oaks. State budget includes $1.5 million for sidewalks near Pasco schoolsThe Laker/Lutz News Staff ReportA new law, which was authored by U.S. Rep. Gus Bilirakis and U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky has been adopted to provide better protections for consum-ers to help reduce online retail crime. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sent letters to 50 online mar-ketplaces nationwide notifying them about their obligation to comply with the new Integrity, Notication, and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces for Consumers (INFORM Consumers Act), according to a news release from Bilirakis’ ofce.The businesses were told they must be in full compliance by June 27, 2023 or face enforcement that could result in civil penalties for violations, the re-lease said. The INFORM Consumers Act di-rects online platforms that allow for third-party sellers of consumer products to verify the identity of high-volume third-party sellers, which will help pre-vent organized retail crime.The new law also ensures that con-sumers can verify basic identication and contact information for high-vol-ume third-party sellers of consumer products on online marketplaces. The agency recently released a guidance for businesses to better understand their obligations under the law. “Our pro-consumer legislation enacts uniform, nationwide rules to pro-mote safety, increase transparency, and provide greater accountability for online sales. It will provide a layer of enhanced protections for consumers from stolen and counterfeit goods without adding undue burdens on small mom-and-pop businesses,†Congressman Bilirakis, said in the release. “This new law is a win-win for consumers and legitimate businesses in the online marketplace, and I am pleased to see the law will soon be fully implemented.†Schakowsky added: “For too long, criminals have raked in prots by sell-ing dangerous, counterfeit, and stolen products online. This ends next week when the INFORM Consumers Act, which Rep. Bilirakis and I fought so hard for, is nally enacted. This new law will require platforms to verify the identity of online sellers, which will discourage criminals and fraudsters, protect consumers and legitimate businesses, and will increase trust in the marketplace.â€STOCK ART New law aims to protect consumers from online fraud
PAGE 12 July 5, 2023 CallHudgins Law Firm800-950-5534C C i i v v i i l l T T r r i i a a l l P P r r a a c c t t i i c c e e • • F F r r e e e e C C o o n n s s u u l l t t a a t t i i o o n n Call I I n n j ju ur re ed d? ? I I n n j ju ur re ed d? ? Drew Ben Hudgins, EsqZephyrhills, FL • CAR CRASHES • MOTORCYCLE CRASHES • TRUCK CRASHES • BOAT INJURIES • JET SKI CRASHES • TRIP & FALL INJURIES • SLIP & FALL INJURIES • SERIOUS INJURIES • WRONGFUL DEATH Your Neighborhood Sports Source Community Sports Community Sports WESLEY CHAPEL YOUTH BASEBALL TEAM WINS TOURNEYThe Wesley Chapel Storm, a 12U travel baseball team, recently brought home the gold championship from a week-long baseball tournament at the Cal Ripken Experience in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. They went 9-1 in their 36-team age division. In pool play, the Storm rst faced Bow ns Elite, losing 4-3, but then they won four straight — defeating Hoover Force (8-5); Baton Rouge Astros (16-1); the Rage (24-2), and nally Lincoln-Way Prospects (17-0). They outscored those opponents 65-8. The team was at the No. 5 seed in the elimination round, but blew through these games to the championship, defeating: the Oswego Panthers 8-0; the Channahon Indians 9-3; and, the topseeded Texas Twelve Maroon-Woodlands 16-5. To win the championship, the Storm defeated a nearby Tampa foe, G.R.I.T. Baseball, topping it 5-2. In all, the team combined for 105 hits, 106 runs, six home runs, three complete games pitched, and the 11 players who did pitch allowed just 16 earned runs. Team members include Max Wyszkowski, Bennett Nissley, Lucas Mendez,, Zander Daughtery, Keagan Libby, Julian Pascarella, Logan Robertson, Christian Jarrett, Tyler McDonald, Luca Giacomino, Jonah Lloyd, and are coached by manager Justin Giacomino and assistants Brian Jarrett, Isaac Libby, Shawn Daughtery and Rick Massey.FIGURE SKATING CAMPAdventHealth Center Ice will host a Junior Champions Figure Skating Camp from July 17 to July 21, from 8 a.m. to noon. The camp is for skaters, ages 6 to 18. The facility is at 3173 Cypress Ridge Blvd., in Wesley Chapel. The cost is $399 per skater, with 10% off for siblings. The camp is intended to help the Learn to Skate participant to continue to grow in the gure skating environment. The program follows US Figure Skating’s “Aspire Program.†Skaters learn proper skill development and training techniques through athleticism and artistry, while ne-tuning their fundamental skating skills. There will be performances on the last day of camp. For more information or to register, visit www. gureskating-camps-summerjuly/SOCCER CLINICSFlorida Soccer Club is hosting soccer clinics in Zephyrhills at Samuel Pasco Fields, 39835 Chancey Road, in July, August and September, for boys and girls ages 7 to 12, or beginner level. Cost is $125 per player and includes a shirt. The clinics will be held the following dates: July 19 and July 26; Aug. 2, Aug. 9, Aug.16, Aug. 23, Aug. 30; and, Sept. 6, Sept. 13, and Sept. 20. For more information or to register, email Gary Blissett at GOLF PROGRAMSPlantation Palms Golf Club, 23253 Plantation Palms Blvd., in Land O’ Lakes, will offer a $1 summer golf practice program for kids ages 4 to 15 through Aug. 31. The program allows kids to sign up to receive a $1 small bucket of range balls and/or a $1 round of miniature golf each day. In addition to the Free Bucket or Mini-Golf program, kids can play golf for $1 when accompanied by a paying parent at all Ace Golf Courses, which includes Plantation Palms and Crescent Oaks Country Club in Tarpon Springs, beginning after noon every day through the end of October.For more information, visit submit notable sports news, event information, and individual or team accomplishments, email SEND SPORTS NEWS TO MCAMUNAS@LAKERLUTZNEWS.COM CHECK THIS OUTBrady North, a 2010 Gaither High graduate and standout baseball player, has made his way to Major League baseball — not as a player, but as a hitting coach with his hometown team, the Tampa Bay RaysBy Mike Camunasmcamunas@lakerlutznews.comBrady North was on the phone, sitting in a bus in the Dominican Republic. He was stunned, so much so the person on the other line thought the call had been disconnected. The person was none other than Tampa Bay Rays manager Kevin Cash. North had just been called up to the big leagues — as the Rays’ assistant hitting coaches. “I was speechless,†the 2010 Gaither High grad said. “(Cash) kind of took a long way to tell me, but after he did, he was like, ‘Hey, are you there?’ It all happened so fast, and I’m not saying it wasn’t expected, but when my playing days were done, my mind immediately switched to being a coach, to how can I get (to the Major Leagues) this way. “And, I’m very grateful for this opportunity and this organization, because the Rays are all I’ve known and they’ve treated me so great.â€A RAPID RISEThe Rays promoted North on Nov. 18, 2021 after he spent that season as the hitting coach with the team’s Class-A af liate, Bowling Green. That team won the league championship and led the league in runs, homers, walks, on-base percentage and slugging percentage. North has risen the ranks in the Rays’ organization since joining the team in 2019, with the rookie-level team, and then the COVID-canceled 2020 season with the Charlotte Single-A team. The Rays added North to the coaching staff after he spent two seasons as a graduate assistant for his alum, Cumberland University in Tennessee, from 2017-2018. He also spent time coaching in the Cape Cod League for the Cotuit Kettleers. As a rst baseman at Cumberland, North helped the team win the 2014 NAIA National Championship, then went on to play independent ball for two years: in 2015 for the Washington Wild Things and in 2016 for the Lake Erie Crushers. But his baseball career has its beginnings in Tampa, including in Lutz, playing Little League and then in high school at Gaither for the late, legendary coach, Frank Permuy. In four varsity seasons, North batted .356 with 101 hits, 17 doubles and 13 homers, including batting over .400 as a freshman and a senior. These stats earned him the honor of getting his number (35) retired, right there next to his former coach, Permuy, and his current one, Cash. “It’s a weird thing, you know,†North said. “You look at that wall at Gaither (that shows former players that made the majors) and (we) talked about that we’re going to get (to the majors) or be up there (on the wall) one day and the aspirations to be a (MLB) player. I just took a different route to get here.†Cash says North’s short time as an assistant has been nothing but remarkable. “Brady has had a real fast track of getting into pro ball and being a part of player development and then working with big-league hitters as assistant hitting coach,†said Cash, who graduated from Gaither in 1996. “As someone who lacks reps and experience, he has shown the ability to learn and grow in a very challenging setting here at the major-league level.†Cash said North was probably a better player than he was. Cash noted: “With his dad (Nelson) as (Gaither’s) coach, who followed (our) coach, Frank — the North Family, in general, is well respected in the baseball world here (in Tampa) so you know (Brady’s) going to bring a lot to the table.†Cash also was quick to point out that, despite the lack of experience, North is bilingual, “a unique skill set†which has helped with the Latino players in the Rays’ organization, including the major leaguers, such as All-Stars Yandy Diaz and Randy Arozarena. Nelson North, who took over coaching Gaither in 2015 after stints as an assistant coach at the University of Tampa and the University of South Florida, knew his son would get to the major-league level — thanks to his work ethic. “I still think he doesn’t believe it sometimes, but we put on the game and there he is on TV,†said Nelson, who helped out coaching Gaither during Brady’s senior season in 2010. “I’ve coached a long time,†Nelson added. “In the NAIA, Division 2, Division 1 and high school — and in all those years coaching players — and I’m not just saying this because Brady’s my son — he’s always worked the hardest. He’d come home after practice, shower, eat, do homework and go back out to the garage and use the Swing Away until he’d need another shower. He was always a great selfmotivator.â€ALL THE RIGHT HITSNelson says Brady loves to coach hitting, which has come in handy not just with the Rays, but also when Brady has helped coaching at Gaither. He’ll come back to Gaither and talk to Nelson’s current players and also was involved when the Cowboys won a state championship in 2016. “I’m very proud of his baseball career and the proudest I am of my son is if he struck out or hit a home run, he always looked the same,†Nelson said. “He had the great ability to play the game one pitch at a time. “Brady loves hitting — talk it, teach it, analyze it,†he added. “He’ll come back to Gaither and talk to the team about approach and he’ll jump in the cage and change my approach, but that’s okay, I’ll let him. “Brady thought of something my team needed, and we changed it because of him — not the Rays or a MLB team, but because of Brady.†As Brady’s coaching career continues as the youngest coach on the Rays staff, he says he loves his job as assistant hitting coach. Though he’s unsure whether he would want to be a future MLB manager. For now, he’ll continue to learn, as he’s always done — one hit at a time. “You can never get complacent with things,†Brady said. “You always have something to learn, no matter what environment it is. You never know everything and right now, I’m just trying to be the best assistant hitting coach I can be and learn everything I can.â€HITTING THE BIG TIME COURTESY OF ASHLEY RICHARDSON MIKE CAMUNASBrady North, a 2010 Gaither High graduate, stands behind fellow Gaither graduate, and longtime Tampa Bay Rays manager, Kevin Cash, in the dugout at Tropicana Field during a game vs. the Kansas City Royals on June 22. North, 32, is now an assistant hitting coach for the Rays, after a meteoric rise through the organization’s coaching ranks. He joined the Rays in 2019. COURTESY OF WILL VRAGOVIC, TAMPA BAY RAYSBrady North, a 2010 Gaither High graduate, goes over hitting techniques with Yandy Diaz, the All-Star rst baseman for the Tampa Bay Rays, in the club’s hitting cages in the tunnels of Tropicana Field.