PAGE 1 Suggested Retail75 July 14-20, 2023 July 14-20, 2023 Volume IX, Issue XXVIII Volume IX, Issue XXVIII Sections A & B Sections A & B SECTION B INSIDEHOME GROWN & ESTABLISHED 2015 HOME GROWN & ESTABLISHED 2015INSIDE SECTION ASupreme Court to Hear Abortion Case in September A 2 New College Board Eyes ‘Freedom Institute’ A 2 Brooksville City Council postpones setting tentative millage rate; discusses city manager selection process A 4 Property Appraiser sales report MAY 2023 (>= $100,000) A 6 Fertilizer ordinance updates prompt concerns from industry professionals A 7 Dr. Lester, UF IFAS Extension, explains Hernando County’s Revised Fertilizer Ordinance A 7 American Legion Auxiliary Unit 186 makes donation to Veteran’s Heat Factory and K9 Partners for Patriots A 7 Opinion A 89 Brudah Hank: Thirst and the Culture Wars Goodwin: The “Sounder†Challenge Dr. Maglio: The cell phone struggle can be overcome with loving discipline Dr. Holland: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness Classon: “Not Impossible†Classieds / Public Notices: A 10-11 Accused arsonist arrested after stando with SWAT teams A 12 HCSO re-accredited by state law enforcement standards agency A 12 HCSO staer resigns, charged with faking car theft A 12 Area stores pass and fail HCSO sales compliance checks A 12 THE Hernando Sun: a local paper delivered to your mailbox EVERY WEEK.Subscribe today. Page 2 A free newspaper subscription for every student and weekly teacher guide aligned to Florida Standards A free newspaper subscription for every student and weekly teacher guide aligned to Florida Standards See Story in Section B Starting on B1 HERNANDO LIVING HERNANDO LIVING B 1 JULY 14-20, 2023 < Brooksville Gallery 201’s new exhibit B 3 Hernando Sun All-County Boys Basketball Team 2022-2023 B 9 >COMMUNITY, ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT, FUN See CAROLE BABICZ TRIBUTE Page B 8 BY SAMANTHA MURRAY UF-IFASScientists have successfully tested a novel way of boosting honey bees’ immune sysHEALTHY BEES, HEALTHY HUMANS See BEES Page B 6 Get to understand our essential and in dustrious pollinators and their needs at the Wellcome OM Center BEE Conscious Honey Bee Day and Craft Fair on Aug. 19.BY SUE QUIGLEY HERNANDO SUNI show that bee colonies have been on the decline since 2000 THE PLIGHT OF THE BUMBLE BEE SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 2023 at the WELLCOME OM CENTER 10AM TO 2PMSee PLIGHT Page B 6Immune-boosting therapy helps honey bees resist deadly virusesChristmas in July event to honor local humanitarian Carole BabiczBy MEGAN HUSSEY ABOVE: Carole Babicz at the Weeki Wachee Senior Center. Photo provided by Jana Withers. Disc golf competitor, Saturday July 8, 2023 at the Quarry disc golf course in Brooksville. Photo by Austyn Szempruch.See DISC GOLF A 3 rfrrntbBy Austyn SzempruchAustyn@hernandosun.comOn a soggy post-Fourth of July weekend, Sun King Enterprises and owner Mi annual Independence Day Clash X on Saturday, July 8. Barnett and company tournaments in the state and have held one at the Quarry nearly every year since 2004, but this was ular event was hosted by the Quarry in Brooksville, Florida. The competition saw over 100 athletes play two rounds over two days across 12 divisions. These included men’s, women’s, amateur, and professional divisions, with some be tween distinguishing ages as well. Below are the two disc golfers from each divi sion with the lowest totals through the end of round two: Mixed Pro Open (MPO): 1st Trevor Murphy threw 26rbtbbrr nrrBy MARK STONE markstone@hernandosun.comThirteen Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Cadets from the Hernando County Composite Squadron joined other cadets from across the state last week for the Florida Wing Summer Encampment. Held at the Camp Blanding Joint Training Center, the annual encampment provides CAP cadets with a week of intense training in leadership, character development, physical training, military drill, team building, emergency services, and aerospace education. 13-year-old Cadet Senior Airman Amelia Lyon of the Hernando County Compos ite Squadron was named the Outstanding Student for the encampment. Lyon, who over 200 cadets, was also recognized as a member of the Honor Flight, the encamp ment’s highest-performing cadet unit. Speaking on receiving the award, Cadet Lyon was quick to credit those around her. Cadet Lyon said, “It was such an honor to receive the Cadet of the Encampment award. I cannot begin to explain how ecstatic I was to be awarded with this title. Though I received the award, I would and friends. No matter how tough it was, they were always there to keep me going.†She added, “I am so thankful for all of the not have gotten where I am today without them.†This year marked the third year of encampment for 15-year-old Hernando See CIVIL AIR PATROL ON PAGE A 5 Cadets practice military Drill and Ceremonies Credit: Fl Wing Civil Air Patrol rbf rbf r r T-2nd Clay Harvey threw -23 T-2nd Seth Moon threw -23 Women’s Pro Open (FPO): 1st Nid Ovathanasin threw -26 2nd Priscilla Anzualda threw -21 Mixed Pro 40+ (MP40): 1st Matthew Henderson threw -20 2nd Arthur Moody threw -19 Mixed Pro 50+ (MP50): 1st James Jurden threw -8 2nd Damon Clark threw -5 Mixed Amateur 1 (MA1): 1st Matthew Vivirito threw -25 2nd Brent Arsenault threw -22 Women’s Amateur 1 (FA1): 1st Lisa Privitere threw -1 2nd Samantha Hood threw +20 Mixed Amateur 50+ (MA50):Disc golf is alive and well at e uarry Disc Golf Course in Brooksville Honoring local humanitarian Carole Babicz
PAGE A 2 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 14-20, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Hernando Sun Sta & Regular ContributorsSue Quigley: Community Reporter & Graphic Design (She makes us look good.)Lisa MacNeil: Local Government and Community Reporter, Website GuruSarah Nachin: Community Reporter, author, & A nice gal to know Megan Hussey: Community Reporter & Bringer of good cheer Summer Hampton: Asst. Editor, Community Reporter, and a very responsible young person Pat Raia: Local and State News Reporter & a seasoned journalistAxl David: Local News Reporter, Photographer & Chief Skeptic Judy Warnock: Local history and community writer Toby Benoit: Hunting Sports, Community Writer and just a down home good guy. Hanna Fox: Writer, Driver, Etc., pinch hitter Austyn “Auggie†Szempruch: Reporter Cynthia Leota: Sports Reporter & Photographer Judy Warnock: Community Writer Leslie Stein: Social Media Manager Photographers: Joe DiCristofalo, Cheryl Clanton, Hanna Fox Local Columnists: Dr. Domenick Maglio Steve Goodwin Bruddah Hank Advertising Account Managers: Ellen Corsi Tutko: (614) 208-2066; Tracy Bradbury: The crazy people who started this thing: Rocco Maglio: Barrista & Publisher Julie B. Maglio: Editor, Publisher, Coee ConsumerSubscribe We currently oer a 52 issue subscription for $36.50 and 26 issues for $21.00. Fill out the form in this issue and mail along with your check made out to “Hernando Sun Publications†to P.O. Box 12203; Brooksville, FL 34603 For Subscription & Customer Service,Please call (352) 675-NEWSNews Desk For news tips, concerns, or corrections call: (352) 675-NEWS**********************************CAR-RT LOT **R 084 749 12-15-23 0048A24 46P 17T JANE DOE XXXXX 34TH ST SPRING HILL, FL 34609-0389 The information in bold is important to your subscription account. The number in this example: 749 is the Account Number. The Date 1215-21 is the subscription expiration date. The subscriber name and the top right corner R 084 in this case. Your label may have a FIRM, ADC or 5-DIGIT code instead.HOW TO READ YOUR MAILING LABEL & YOUR EXPIRATION DATE MEETINGS & ANNOUNCEMENTSCity of Brooksville CRA Meeting July 17, 2023, 6:00 PM 7:00 PM @ City Hall Brooksville City Council Meeting July 17, 2023, 7:00 PM @ City Hall Hernando County School Board Meetings July 25, 2023 1 PM Informal, 2:30 PM Workshop, 5:01 PM First Public Budget Hearing, 6 PM School Board Regular Meeting District Oce-Board Room 919 N. Broad Street Brooksville, FL Board of County Commissioners 7/25/2023 9:00 AM John Law Ayers Commission Chambers, Room 160 Regular Meeting Board of County Commissioners Workshop 8/1/2023 9:00 AM John Law Ayers Commission Chambers, Room 160 Metropolitan Planning Organization 8/3/2023 @ 1:30 PM Lecanto Government Building Regular Meeting Hernando County Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting 8/14/2023 at 9:00 AM John Law Ayers Commission Chambers, Room 160 The Week of July 14-20, 2023 ID STATEMENT: The Hernando Sun is published weekly, by Hernando Sun Publications, LLC 15588 Aviation Loop Dr.; Brooksville, FL 34604; Publication Title: The Hernando Sun; Publication number: 16590; Issue Date: July14-20, 2023 ; Statement of Frequency: Weekly; Subscription Price: $36.50 annual, $21.00 semi-annual; Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Approved at Tampa Bulk Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) 5433 W Sligh Ave Ste A Tampa, FL 33634-9651; POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Hernando Sun P.O. Box 12203 Brooksville, FL 34603 ISSN: PRINT 2833-7395 WEBSITE: 2833-7409 PERIODICALS PERMIT AS REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC NOTICES PER SECTION 50.011(1)(e), F.S. USPS PERIODICAL PERMIT NUMBER 16590 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP ership/ SUBSCRIBE TO HERNANDO SUN1 year (52 issues) for $36.50 or 6 months (26 issues) for $21.00 Make Checks Payable to "Hernando Sun Publications" Fill out this form and mail with your check to : Hernando Sun Publ.; PO Box 12203; Brooksville, FL 34603 YES, I'd like to subscribe! Number of issues:___________ SUBSCRIBER'S NAME: ____________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: _________________________________ ____________________________________________________ PHONE: ____________________________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________ If this is a gift subscription, name of gift giver:_______________________ How did you hear about Hernando Sun?:_________________________ Would you like to receive the online edition free of charge?:___________Subscriptions are non-refundable, but transferable to another reader. state news items... state news items... Or subscribe online at: Jim Saunders The News Service of Florida.TALLAHASSEE — The Florida Supreme Court on Friday said it will hear arguments Sept. 8 in a case that could play a major role in the future of abortion rights in the state. The court issued an order scheduling a hearing in a challenge to a 2022 law that prevented abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The outcome of the case that would bar abortions after six weeks of pregnancy — and could determine whether a privacy clause in the Flor ida Constitution will protect abortion rights. Attorney General Ashley Moody’s back away from more than three de cades of legal precedents that have said the privacy clause applies to abortion 29 brief that past rulings were “clearly erroneous†and that decisions about abortion restrictions should be left to the Legislature. “Rather than allow the legislative process to unfold in response to new this (Supreme) Court’s (past) abortion cases have disabled the state from preventing serious harm to women and tion of profoundly important questions touching on the treatment of unborn life, when an unborn child is capable of consciousness and pain, and what med process are safe and appropriate to allow,†the brief said. But attorneys for abortion clinics and a doctor challenging the 15-week limit, known as HB 5, argued in an April 28 brief that the Supreme Court should maintain the longstanding interpretation of the privacy clause. “Unable to justify HB 5’s extreme ban under existing law, the state instead asks this court to abandon precedent and overrule a fundamental constitu tional right that generations of Floridi said. “This radical request — which is unsupported by plain language, history, or law — would defy the will of the people and threaten to upend this court’s privacy jurisprudence well beyond abortion.†Seven abortion clinics and physi lawsuit in June 2022 challenging the constitutionality of the 15-week abor tion law. Leon County Circuit Judge John the law violated the state Constitution and issued a temporary injunction. But a panel of the 1st District Court of Appeal overturned the injunction, ruling arable harm†from the 15-week limit. The appeals court’s decision allowed to reinstate the injunction. The Supreme Court in January agreed to take up the case but did not set a date for arguments until Friday. With the case pending, the Repub lican-controlled Legislature and Gov. Ron DeSantis this spring approved the six-week abortion limit. But the sixweek limit is contingent on the outcome of the challenge to the 15-week law. Florida voters in 1980 approved a constitutional amendment that estab lished state privacy rights. A 1989 Florida Supreme Court ruling set an initial precedent about the privacy clause protecting abortion rights, and subsequent decisions have followed that precedent. week case that the privacy clause does not protect abortion rights, it would forward with the six-week limit. The Supreme Court has become far more conservative during the past four years, in part because of appointments by DeSantis. Meanwhile, a coalition of groups in May began a drive to try to pass a constitutional amendment in 2024 to ensure abortion rights. The proposal, spearheaded by the political committee Floridians Protecting Freedom, would seek to ensure abortion rights up to fetal viability, which has generally been interpreted as about 24 weeks of pregnancy. rffntbtBy Ryan Dailey The News Service of Florida.TALLAHASSEE — The New College of Florida Board of Trustees on Thursday moved forward with a plan to request $2 million from the state Leg islature to set up a “Freedom Institute†aimed at combating “cancel culture†in higher education. The proposed institute would pro mote “tolerance of opposing views†and “engage such views in civil discourse,†according to a description of the institute included in the trustees’ meeting agenda. “There is a tremendous move nation wide to ensure that our college campus es are true marketplaces of ideas, where you can allow your mind to explore the great reaches of everything,†New Col lege Interim President Richard Corcor an said during Thursday’s meeting. “And right now there is a tremendous cancel culture that is existing in higher ed. There’s a tremendous pushback against that cancel culture.†The bulk of the $2 million request — $1,755,000 — would go toward hiring “scholars to work and teach†on the New College campus. Courses taught by the new faculty members would be The funding proposal, which would be subject to approval by lawmakers during the 2024 legislative session, comes amid a series of changes at the small liberal-arts school. Gov. Ron DeSantis made a slew of appointments to the trustees board earlier this year. The revamped board subsequently voted to install Corcoran, a Republican former House Speaker and state education commissioner, as the school’s interim president. A document included in the trustees’ meeting agenda also laid out other goals for the proposed institute. For ex courses open to the public in Sarasota and across Florida,†hold live events “promoting New College’s and Florida’s free speech principles,†and “create and deliver professional development programs†for school teachers and uni versity professors. Pointing to similar programs at other universities, Corocran said the pro posed New College Freedom Institute could help net new donors and enhance “In addition to that, to go out there and hit up additional donor bases saying, what we’re doing to model free speech — whether it’s in K-12 arenas, higher-ed arenas, whatever it might be — in boardrooms and going out and additional experts, speakers, debates to come to New College,†Corcoran said. But trustee Amy Reid, who is a professor of French language and Lit erature at New College, criticized the way the funding proposal was written. draft proposal, Reid noted that the plan incorrectly cited the poem “The New Colossus†by Emma Lazarus and ne glected to include the poet as its author. The well-known sonnet is featured on a plaque on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. “These may be the times that try men’s souls (Thomas Paine, The Crisis, 1776), wherein the masses, yearning to breathe free (Colossus, 1883, Statue of Liberty) were instead everywhere enchained (Rousseau, Social Contract Theory, 1762) by a cabal Orwellian thought police. In some quarters, the gesture of criticism has become elevat ed above the substance of criticism or the pursuit of understanding. And these gestures have ranged from subversive censorious silencing to barbarous mob militancy,†the proposal’s opening paragraph said. “I hope that language can get cleared up,†Reid said. “If this is go ing to be a hallmark for New College, let’s make it solid and not something that any New College faculty mem ber would say needs more editing.†Christopher Rufo, who was part of the wave of DeSantis’ appointees to the board, agreed with a suggestion by Reid that the paragraph be struck from the draft. Rufo called the para graph “a little hyperbolic.†The New College trustees also during Thursday’s meeting approved an additional plan to request $6.035 million to develop three new master’s programs. The new degree programs would be a master’s in marine mam mal science, a master’s of environmental economics and policy, and a master’s of educational leadership. “Education praxis and pedagogy has, in many ways, become corrupted with political agendas that under mine that primary purposes (sic) of education practice,†a description of the proposed educational-leadership degree program said. The two-year program would train students in the “practical application of teaching†and the development of leadership skills. “The New College Master’s of Educational Leadership would help reform the problems with undergraduate education degrees, serve as a new home for education reformers, and lead the development of new approaches to educating educators,†the proposal said.
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 14-20, 2023 • • PAGE A 3 Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSCommunity 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile! Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner $99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), aid, and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medic TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. $50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances & in network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife. *The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is per formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile!Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner$99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020 Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020$50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances &i n network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife.ACCEPTING NEW PA TIENTS Visit our Outdoor Display Area! Contact Tara at 352.799.7933 for Appointment We have DISCOUNTED irregular pavers – call Tara for an appointment today! Your IT Solutions Partner352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES www.wilsontechgroup.comLicensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking A/V | Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Network cabling Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyCOMPUTER SERVICES SAT. & SUN 9AM-3PMOPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE HERNANDOSPORTSMAN'S CLUB Located 9 miles North of S.R. 50 on U.S. Hwy 19 • 80 Acre shooting facility • Clubhouse HUNTERS Education Classes Monthly Firearms classes for CCWRANGE HOURS Tues Fri 9AM-2PM; Tues and Thurs Eve. 5PM 7PM 352-597-9931 READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS WINNER WINNER Auto • Home • Flood • Boat • Business • Life BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way ROBERT G. WHITTEL, ESQ. JASON M. MELTON, ESQ.Individual Strategies, Relentless ~~ Award Winning Trial Lawyers for all Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH SAME DAY SAME DAY CROWNS CROWNSDr. Sarah Shuayb, DMD Dr. Mohammad Shuayb, DMDCall about our Veterans and Senior Citizen Discounts 12326 Cortez Blvd., Brooksville 352.616.0001 | 229 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill 352.666.5133 STATE-OF-THE-ART FACILITY TRANQUIL TREATMENT ROOMS OUR NEW LOCATION IS OPEN General Dentistry Crowns Bridges Implants Partials Dentures Whitening InvisalignPeriodontics NEW PATIENT SPECIAL$29NEW PATIENT EXAMS & X-RAYS (ADA-D0150) FULL MOUTH SERIES (ADA-D0210)Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time DENTURES SPECIAL$849UPPER OR LOWER WALK-INS WALK-INS WELCOME WELCOMEAccepting Most Insurances & Care Credit Payment Plans. EXTRACTION SPECIAL $149 SAME DAY CROWNS$829 per tooth(up to 2 teeth) Our compassionate team are here to meet all your dental needs! Special Shout-Out to our amazing hygienist Tracy! Most patients can enjoy: rfntn rfntn 352.616.0001 352.616.0001 VOTE FOR VOTE FOR US IN US IN READERS’CHOICE READERS’CHOICE Your Favorite Dentist! Your Favorite Dentist! Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSCommunity 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile! Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner $99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), aid, and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medic TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. $50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances & in network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife. *The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is per formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile!Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner$99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020 Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020$50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances &i n network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife.ACCEPTING NEW PA TIENTS Visit our Outdoor Display Area! Contact Tara at 352.799.7933 for Appointment We have DISCOUNTED irregular pavers – call Tara for an appointment today! Your IT Solutions Partner352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES www.wilsontechgroup.comLicensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking A/V | Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Network cabling Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyCOMPUTER SERVICES SAT. & SUN 9AM-3PMOPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE HERNANDOSPORTSMAN'S CLUB Located 9 miles North of S.R. 50 on U.S. Hwy 19 • 80 Acre shooting facility • Clubhouse HUNTERS Education Classes Monthly Firearms classes for CCWRANGE HOURS Tues Fri 9AM-2PM; Tues and Thurs Eve. 5PM 7PM 352-597-9931 READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS WINNER WINNER Auto • Home • Flood • Boat • Business • Life BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way ROBERT G. WHITTEL, ESQ. JASON M. MELTON, ESQ.Individual Strategies, Relentless ~~ Award Winning Trial Lawyers for all Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH Over 100 Trucks, Cars, SUV’s on the Lot Are you better looking than your car?Perhaps it’s time for a new one.GOOD BAD NOCREDITNo Problem! Ask About Our Lifetime Engine Warranty!VANS CARS & TRUCKS(352)796-64027043 Broad Street, Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSCommunity 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile! Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner $99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), aid, and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medic TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. $50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances & in network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife. *The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is per formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile!Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner$99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020 Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020$50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances &i n network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife.ACCEPTING NEW PA TIENTS Visit our Outdoor Display Area! Contact Tara at 352.799.7933 for Appointment We have DISCOUNTED irregular pavers – call Tara for an appointment today! Your IT Solutions Partner352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES www.wilsontechgroup.comLicensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking A/V | Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Network cabling Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyCOMPUTER SERVICES SAT. & SUN 9AM-3PMOPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE HERNANDOSPORTSMAN'S CLUB Located 9 miles North of S.R. 50 on U.S. Hwy 19 • 80 Acre shooting facility • Clubhouse HUNTERS Education Classes Monthly Firearms classes for CCWRANGE HOURS Tues Fri 9AM-2PM; Tues and Thurs Eve. 5PM 7PM 352-597-9931 READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS WINNER WINNER Auto • Home • Flood • Boat • Business • Life BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way ROBERT G. WHITTEL, ESQ. JASON M. MELTON, ESQ.Individual Strategies, Relentless ~~ Award Winning Trial Lawyers for all Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSC ommunity ASK ABOUT OUR 7 DAY FREE TRIAL Burn Boot Camp is a lifestyle positive environment for Our FREE AN AWARD-WINNING MED SPA AN AWARD-WINNING MED SPA Experience the Experience the www.myskintastic.com250 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill, FL 34609 352-610-9900 352-610-9900 You’re in Luck!$10ONLY a unit WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION MUST mention this ad at time of booking BOTOXValid through 3/31/23 Units cannot be banked Advanced treatments personalized to you.Through next-generation sequencing, we take a deep look into your genes to create treatment plans personalized to you. This provides a road map for immunotherapies that strengthen the clinical trials, delivering quality treatment and expertise in communities across Florida. We take care of the big things in cancer care, so you can make the most of the little moments—every step of the way. DISC GOLF FROM PAGE A 1 $3250 $29$149NEW PATIENT EXAMS & X-RAYS (ADA-D0150) FULL MOUTH SERIES (ADA-D0210)PER TOOTH (Up To 2 Teeth) EXTRACTION SPECIAL $849$929No More Temporaries • No More ImpressionsINCLUDES: Core Build Up, Gingivectomy, Crown D2740UPPER OR LOWER Ask About Our Conscious Sedation! 12326 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville 352.616.0001 Sarah Shuayb, DMD rfnt b rt Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023.Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd. and Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. NEW PATIENT SPECIAL SAME DAY CROWNS DENTURES SPECIAL IMPLANT, IMPLANT CROWN AND ABUTMENT229 Mariner Blvd. Spring Hill 352.666.5133 Mohammad Shuayb, DMD 7/31/2023 HS 7/31/2023 HS 7/31/2023 HS 7/31/2023 HS 7/31/2023 HS rf352.616.0001 WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION Ask About Our Conscious Sedation! We thank The Hernando Sun Community Pillars for their loyal support of the We thank The Hernando Sun Community Pillars for their loyal support of the Hernando Sun newspaper. Hernando Sun newspaper. T-1st Scott Rowbottom threw -9 T-1st Jason Zahara threw -9 Mixed Amateur 60+ (MA60): 1st Frank Pulley threw -17 2nd Paul Boland threw -15 Mixed Amateur 70+ (MA70): 1st Buz Ryalls-Clephane threw -25 2nd John Miller threw -8 Mixed Amateur 2 (MA2): 1st Kameron Wolf threw -19 T-2nd Dustin McKee threw -16 T-2nd Gary Johnson Jr. threw -16 Mixed Amateur 3 (MA3): T-1st Jake Abell threw -25 T-1st Alex Lee threw -25 Mixed Amateur 4 (MA4): 1st Jason Abell threw -19 2nd Hector Caro threw -17 While Barnett was expecting a turnout of around 120 participants, inclement weather forced a few opt-outs. Despite this, Barnett estimates they had between 105 and 110 athletes show up for the holiday tournament. Even heavy rains could not put a damper on what the disc golf business owner feels is the true story that needs to be told. When the Quar available to the public in 1996, few might have guessed that it would still be open for business over 25 years later due to its “The biggest thing out here is that the disc golf has outlasted the golf course,†Barnett said. “I mean, the golf course went away probably ten years ago now. It’s been a long time, but we have been thriving ever since. We went from the little nine-hole course that was here, now we are 20 holes.†While the prize purse for last week end’s competition was a relatively mod est $3000, many such events can dole out rewards between $50 and $100,000 or greater. According to Barnett, the turnout number of participants in nearby tour naments has also reached the 800 range, demonstrating just how truly popular the sport has become. The tenth year that this competition is being held, it was unable to be played at its original location, so the tournament was relocated to the “Mini Canyon.†The nickname for the Hernando County-based course refers to the undulating topog raphy that has made it such a popular destination among disc golfers. In the month of June alone, the course hosted 42 players that came from over 30 miles away, 16 players from over 150 miles away, and 12 players from over 300 miles away from the unique venue. This meant made their way to the Quarry in just one month. For Matthew Vivirito, he has two reasons why he makes the trip up from Tampa to the small-town course. “Out here, this place is just kind of special,†Vivirito said. “For me, I just like of throw down the mountain, the property south. Outside of disc golf, they got good food. So, it’s like an attraction for me as well.†The course is also a labor of love for Barnett. He spends hours setting up ahead of time, demarcating tee box es, among other preparations. The Sun King owner hopes with new leadership in the parks and recreation department, funding it needs for the Quarry to shine as what Barnett dubs “part of the treasure of Brooksville.â€ABOVE: The Quarry Disc Golf Course in Brooksville BELOW: Disc golf competitor, Saturday July 8, 2023 at the Quarry disc golf course in Brooksville -Photos by Austyn Szempruch.
PAGE A 4 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 14-20, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Your IT Solutions Partner Your IT Solutions Partner 352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES C C omputer Networking | Firewalls omputer Networking | Firewalls | | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solutions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Business Phone Solutions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems A/V | Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Licensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured COMPUTER SERVICES Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyABOUT Wilson Technology Group is a leading integrator of business tech Wilson Technology Group is a leading integrator of business tech nology solutions and has been for over 15 years. We started business with one goal in nology solutions and has been for over 15 years. We started business with one goal in that they can use technology to further their business, not be hindered by it. Service, that they can use technology to further their business, not be hindered by it. Service, quality and com quality and com mitment are all qualities that we strive to meet as a company and we mitment are all qualities that we strive to meet as a company and we hope moving forward we can continue to bring our expertise to our customers. hope moving forward we can continue to bring our expertise to our customers. Brooksville City Council postpones setting tentative millage rate; discusses city manager selection processBy Roxana Montoya roxana@hernandosun.comThe City of Brooks ville held a special bud get meeting on June 26 and had several issues to discuss on its agenda, including the General Fund and plans to set a tentative millage rate. The millage rate was not decided in the special meeting and was postponed until later this month by a recommen dation from Brooksville Mayor Blake Bell and upon consultation from City Finance Director Autumn Sullivan. Council member Thomas Bronson was absent from the meeting. One of the meeting agen da’s key items was setting the tentative millage rate, would be a 30-day time line to select a new city manager. Martin said that date would be set for Monday, July 31st. Martin explained the candidate selection process, which would be the norm for an executive-level position. “A pre-screening would Martin. “So, myself and two other members of leadership-and then a background pre-screen ing to verify employment and levels of education. We would then transi tion those to the Hiring Committee, which is the City Council. Interviews would take place, and then there would be a meet and greet with the public date is selected, a formal background check and screening would then be completed.†Bell then added that the selection process would take place for two days, and each council member would interview each applicant for 30 minutes, and then there would be a meet and greet with the public at a local bistro. Afterward, the council would return and pick the top choice for city manager. The next regularly scheduled Brooksville City Council meeting is set for Monday, July 17, at 7 pm at City Hall. rffn tbBy PAT RAIA Area drivers can expect some delays as Hernando County public works depart ment crews carry out the resurfacing of some streets in Garden Grove and Ridge Manor. Beginning on July 11, the roadwork is slated to take place on Tavern Road, Ce lia Avenue, Evening Star Avenue, Highbury Boulevard, Stromberg Avenue and Spangler Avenue in Garden Grove, and on Cimmaron Way, Pocahontas Avenue and Cassandra Way in the Ridge Manor area. Senior project manager Troy McCain, Sr. said that the roads included in the project will remain open during the resurfacing and that area residents will taking place on their streets. The work will take place as weath er permits and is expected to take four weeks to complete, McCain said. and upon recommendation by outgoing City Manager Ron Snowberger, would need to be set by Friday, Aug. 4, to give the proper to include the rate on the TRIM, or Truth in Millage Act, notice. “Right now, the budget is balanced with a 5.9 millage rate,†said Sullivan. “One mill is $635,000, just to give you an idea. That is probably going to increase by the time we are done with the budget.†Bell then immediately recommended postponing setting the tentative millage rate until sometime in July, and the council agreed. Sul livan added that it would be during the budget meeting scheduled for Monday, July 17, during which there will also be a discussion on all funds except the General Fund. Next was the discussion on hiring a new city man ager to replace Ron Snow berger, who will be leaving the city due to retirement. Vice Mayor and Council member David Bailey had the price tag on his mind and asked what the starting pay would be for the new position, and Bell indicated that it would be negotiable, with a possible range of $97,000-115,000 a year. Bell then informed the council that he had met with City Human Resourc es Director Kyle Martin and indicated that there The schedule for the budget meetings and pub lic hearings is as follows: Monday, July 17, 2023, @ 3:00 PM – Special Budget Meeting to discuss all funds except General Fund; set Tentative Mill age Rate if not set at June 26, 2023, meeting. Monday, August 7, 2023 @ 7:00 PM – Regular City Council Meeting – Tentative Date for Public Hearing to set the Final Fire Assessment Rate Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at 5:01 PM – First Budget Hearing Monday, September 18, 2023, at 6:30 PM – Second and Final Budget Hearing
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 14-20, 2023 • • PAGE A 5CIVIL AIR PATROL FROM PAGE A 1TOP LEFT: Cadet 1LT Trinity St. Pierre and Cadet M/Sgt Rodrigo Ma-Pinto display their Flight’s award for Drill Flight. Credit: Trinity St. Pierre TOP RIGHT: Cadet Amelia Lyon, pictured with her father 1LT Aar on Lyon, displays her Best Student award. Credit: Lyon Family ABOVE: Over 200 Cadets attended Summer Encampment Credit: Fl Wing Civil Air Patrol RIGHT: Cadets tackle a problem during a team-building exer cise. Credit: Fl Wing Civil Air Patrol • AUTO • AUTO • HOME • HOME •FLOOD •FLOOD • BOAT • BOAT • BUSINESS • BUSINESS • LIFE • LIFE WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way 352.683.0018www.killingsworthagency.comTwo Locations to Serve You: Squadron Cadet 1LT Trinity St. Pierre. Serving as a to multiple awards, including “Drill Flight.†St. Pierre quickly credited her Flight Sergeant, Cadet Master Sergeant Rodrigo Ma-Pinto, with helping to win the military drills. She said, “We were able to build them up from basic skills and have them performing as a other awards, including “Warrior Flight,†leading to the recognition of Ma-Pinto as “Outstanding NCO.†Other Hernando County Cadets completing the encampment were: C/SSgt Mckayla R Deeg, C/Amn Rory Morrow Gulick, C/SrA Garett Witt Gulick, C/A1C James L.D. Haponski, C/SSgt Benjamin Hendry, C/SrA Leah Lynn Herby, C/A1C Clara Madeline Mothershed, C/A1C Jamen Quast, C/SrA Jacob Michael Robens, C/ A1C John Kelly Sandifer, and C/SSgt Faith Marie St. Pierre. The encampment comes on the heels of a busy training year for the local cadets, who recently com members in some real-world search and rescue missions undertaken by the Civil Air Patrol. U.S. Air Force and is tasked with over 90 percent of land-based search and rescue missions in the United and disaster relief missions are conducted exclusively by adult members of CAP, cadets can qualify in vari are open to cadets who meet rigorous training criteria. CAP-owned aircraft and occasional military orientation Cadet membership in Civil Air Patrol is open to students 12-17 years old. Senior membership is open to those 18 or older. Interested persons are invited to at tend one of the Squadron’s regular meetings on Tuesday nights at 6:30 PM. The squadron is located at 3151 Air Commerce Blvd., Brooksville, FL 34604 More information on Civil Air Patrol can be found at Fire Department. Credit: Fl Wing Civil Air Patrol Credit: Fl Wing Civil Air Patrol Cadets practice rappelling skills. Credit: Fl Wing Civil Air Patrol
PAGE A 6 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 14-20, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS PROPERTY APPRAISER SALES REPORT MAY 2023 (>= $100,000)LAST-SALE--LAST-PRICE--OWNER-NAME--OWNER-NAME2--SITUS, DESC--APPR-VALUE--BASE-AREA--, YEAR-BUILT2023/04/28--$700,000--MORALES ARMANDO, OTERO ERIKA----6023 SUMMIT VIEW DR--SOUTHERN HILLS PLANTATION PH 1 BLK 2 LOT 30--$18,720-3024--2022 2023/05/26---$100,600---EXEMPT PER PUBLIC RECORD LAWS------18335 OHLING WAY---ROYAL HIGHLANDS UNIT 1 B BLK 70 LOT 1---$235,047---2239--2005 2023/05/12---$102,000---IH CENTRAL FLOIRDA LLC------19642 FORT KING RUN---CASCADES AT SOUTHERN HILLS PLANTATION PH 1 REPLAT LOT 132---$15,322---0---0 2023/05/12---$102,000---IH CENTRAL FLORIDA LLC------19632 FORT KING RUN---CASCADES AT SOUTHERN HILLS PLANTATION PH 1 REPLAT LOT 131---$15,322---0---0 2023/05/26---$102,100---LAHR JERRY L, LAHR TERESA A------1238 LANSING DR---SEVEN HILLS UNIT 3 LOT 148---$297,536---2676---1999 2023/05/04---$104,000---REMODELERS WAREHOUSE LLC (THE)------6298 NEWMARK ST---SPRING HILL UNIT 1 BLK 17 LOT 11 ORB 312 PG 191--$34,849---1170---1994 2023/05/26---$105,000---CIOTTA ROBERT, CIOTTA PAMELA------21352 CANAL DR---DAMAC MODULAR HOME PARK UNIT 1 LOT 59 ORB 359 PG 176--$35,850---672---1993 2023/05/09---$110,000---MARINER OFFICE PARK HOLDINGS LLC------FAIR CHILD RD---MARINER OFFICE PARK LOT 9---$90,200---0---0 2023/05/11---$110,000---FLIBOTTE STEPHEN J, FLIBOTTE PATRICIA R-----2092 CULBREATH RD LOT D72---CAMPERS HOLIDAY LOT D-72---$41,288--396---1997 2023/05/04---$115,000---FLEMING RICHARD C------7159 MAPLE DR---WEEKI WACHEE HILLS UNIT 6 BLK Y LOT 8---$88,524---1882---2007 2023/05/22---$115,000---WOOD MICHAEL J------SOUTHERN VALLEY LOOP--SOUTHERN HILLS PLANTATION PH 2 BLK 11 LOTS 87 & 88---$35,102---0---0 2023/05/16---$116,000---NVR INC------14555 WHITEWATER WAY---SUNCOAST LANDING PHASE 1 LOT 21---$17,724---0---0 2023/05/16---$116,000---NVR INC------209 BROFIELD ST---SUNCOAST LAND ING PHASE 1 LOT 40---$17,250---0---0 2023/05/05---$117,000---PASKOSKI JOHN W SR LIFE ESTATE, PASKOSKI--DORIS J LIFE ESTATE---9285 GRIZZLY BEAR LN---CAMP-A-WYLE R.V. RESORT CONDOMINIUM BLK F LOT 1---$39,009---490---2004 2023/05/23---$117,500---LAUNIER EUGENE C, LAUNIER DOLORES S-----CROAKER DR---HERNANDO BEACH UNIT 13-B BLK 138 LOT 28---$27,588--0---0 2023/05/18---$118,000---CLINTON CHARLES A------35008 HAWKIOWA RD---FT DADE MOBILE HOME PARK UNIT 1 BLK 9 LOT 12 ORB 308 PG 61---$59,154--840---2000 2023/05/05---$120,000---ROMANOVIC DRAGAN------11163 WREN RD---ROYAL HILLS LOT 111---$72,487---1456---1992 2023/05/26---$122,500---EDEN RICK W, EDEN BRENDA L------8198 MODENA AVE---BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 3 BLK 30 LOT 14 ORB 367 PG 652--$57,625---768---1985 2023/05/03---$125,000---CJ DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CORPORA TION------6503 GRAPEWOOD RD---SPRING HILL UNIT 20 BLK 1354 LOT 15---$45,622---942---1995 2023/05/11---$125,000---SPRAGUE JEFFREY J, SPRAGUE OLIVER M------3257 BARTLETT ST---WEEKIWACHEE ACRES ADD UNIT 2 BLK 4 N1/2 OF LOT 10 ORB 302 PG 107---$100,251---648---1976 2023/05/11---$125,000---SPRAGUE JEFFREY J, SPRAGUE OLIVER M------3271 BARTLETT ST---WEEKIWACHEE ACRES ADD UNIT 2 BLK 4 S1/2 OF LOT 11 ORB 1347 PG 1162 ORB 1380 PG 101---$36,748---732---1976 2023/05/26---$125,000---KRAUS TIMOTHY S, TATE MEGAN------22375 CHE NOAK RD---A 5 AC TRACT DES AS TRACT 24 IN WOODLAND RETREATS UNREC ORB 252 PG 767 LESS S25 FT RD R/W---$41,140---0---0 2023/05/05---$127,500---KRAPFL KEITH------POPPAS PASS---N1/2 OF NE1/4 OF SW1/4 OF NW1/4 LESS E 15 FT THEREOF ORB 549 PG 1880---$64,021--0---0 2023/05/12---$130,000---RUSSELL DAVID, HIEGEL STEPHANIE------4030 CASA CT---HERNANDO BEACH UNIT 9 BLK 94 LOT 27---$57,778---0---0 2023/05/17---$130,000---GROSS MARILYN, GROSS CHRISTOPHER------12087 CLUB HOUSE RD---HIGH POINT SUB UNIT 1 BLOCK 11 LOT 8 ORB 299 PG 763---$61,809---984---1972 2023/05/12---$131,500---ACOSTA INDRANI------8230 GREEN CT---HIGH POINT SUB UNIT 6 BLK 42 LOTS 40 & 41---$128,996---1152---1985 2023/05/04---$135,000---FLANNERY SARAH L------8030 FIRST CIRCLE DR--HIGH POINT SUB UNIT 2 BLK 8 LOT 27 ORB 369 PG 723---$32,083---736--1988 2023/05/11---$135,000---GUARNERI NICHOLAS------12030 SEELY LN---N1/2 OF W1/2 OF NW1/4 OF SE1/4 OF NW1/4---$57,430---924---1983 2023/05/10---$140,000---FIRST CLASS CONSTRUCTION LLC------11388 POR TOLA LN---SPRING HILL UNIT 9 BLK 576 LOT 17---$139,910---1524---2004 2023/05/22---$145,000---BRUNO GARY A------OSOWAW BLVD---OSOWAW SUBDIVISION LOT 4 & A PART OF LOT 5 AS DES IN ORB 4298 PG 1351--$76,423---0---0 2023/05/25---$145,000---CARDONA LILLIAM M, MONCADA JUAN CAR LOS---GONZALEZ---9732 BAYSIDE CT---SPRING HILL UNIT 25 BLK 1720 LOT 13---$65,361---924---1983 2023/05/01---$150,000---FERRIER THOMAS L, FERRIER E DAR LENE------16222 BROOKRIDGE BLVD---BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 4 BLK 75 LOT 15---$182,628---1728---2000 2023/05/09---$150,000---MARINER OFFICE PARK HOLDINGS LLC-----PALMGREN LN---MARINER OFFICE PARK LOT 6---$90,200---0---0 2023/05/09---$150,000---MARINER OFFICE PARK HOLDINGS LLC-----PALMGREN LN---MARINER OFFICE PARK LOT 7---$90,200---0---0 2023/05/19---$150,000---ERICKSON RYAN, ARCHER CASSANDRA-----BUDOWSKI RD---NW1/4 OF SE1/4 OF SE1/4---$102,850---0---0 2023/05/19---$150,000---PATTIE BRITNEY------26496 RICHBARN RD---THAT PART OF E1/2 OF SE1/4 OF NW1/4 OF SW1/4 LYING S OF ACL RR LESS E’LY & W’LY & ** CONTINUED **---$39,629---1040---1984 2023/05/31---$150,000---LECHEVET BURR H, LECHEVET JANE G------3471 AMBERJACK DR---HERNANDO BEACH UNIT 13-C LOT 17---$71,047---0---0 2023/05/18---$151,800---CORAL GABLES TRUST TTEE---FBO KEVIN---7477 HIGHPOINT BLVD---HIGH POINT SUB UNIT 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 4 & NLY 1/2 OF LOT 5 ORB 2893 PG 1925---$62,488---1032---1979 2023/05/03---$152,000---HANNA JOHN D, HANNA SANDRA L------8436 MOON LIGHT AVE---BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 3 BLK 39 LOT 19 ORB 373 PG 703 ** CONTINUED **---$53,389---888---1982 2023/05/09---$154,000---KRUG MICHAEL T, BIEDRZYCKI LISA------3183 GRAY TON DR---SPRING HILL UNIT 14 BLK 912 LOT 9---$67,313---580---1981 2023/05/17---$154,900---THACKERSON ALLEN------7417 NIELSON AVE---HIGH POINT SUB UNIT 1 BLOCK 10 LOTS 42 & 43---$69,259---1296---1990 2023/05/25---$155,000---RAC II LLC------15 S MILDRED AVE---WELLSWORTH PARK ADDITION LOTS 121 TO 124 INC---$63,057---1564---1970 2023/05/02---$157,000---KEESMAAT ANNE LEE------8032 PICKETTS CT---THE GREENS AT THE HEATHER BLDG 5 UNIT A---$72,434---1134---1990 2023/05/19---$157,000---SHEA GLENDA------9263 SALVINI DR---BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 4 BLK 63 LOT 30---$47,966---1035---1993 2023/05/07---$158,500---ROZNOWSKI DALE, ROZNOWSKI LETA D------LU GUSTRUM DR---HERNANDO BEACH UNIT 13 BLK 127 LOT 19 ORB 4299 PG 391---$---0---0 2023/05/05---$158,900---MAINE EDDIE L, MAINE TERRY A------15611 BROOKRIDGE BLVD---BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 4 BLK 38 LOT 26 ORB 849 PGS 472-478---$55,292---1012---1986 2023/05/08---$160,000---MONTELEONE DIANE, MONTELEONE JO SEPH------8033 EASTERN CIRCLE DR---HIGH POINT SUB UNIT 6 BLK 41 LOT 17---$36,331---920---1993 2023/05/26---$160,900---MORAN WILLIAM T, YOUNG AMY M------8467 EVER GREEN AVE---PINE GROVE SUB UNIT I BLK 1 LOT 17---$109,353---1056--2009 2023/05/24---$163,000---MERIDIAN TRUST RE INVESTMENTS LLC------6111 BELSPRING AVE---SPRING HILL UNIT 20 BLK 1297 LOT 15---$145,096---1150--1989 2023/05/12---$168,500---WARD JEFFREY M------11317 TIMBERCREST RD--SPRING HILL UNIT 17 BLK 1112 LOT 16---$84,332---1968---1994 2023/05/03---$170,000---MOTT BILLY D, MOTT JENNIFER L------RILEY HARRIS RD---W1/2 OF S1/2 OF SE1/4 OF NW1/4 FRACTL ORB 304 PG 798 & SUBJ TO AN EASE OVER S15 FT & W15 THEREOF ORB 304 PG 798---$137,953---0---0 2023/05/12---$170,000---BRAZAITIS EDWARD SR, BRAZAITIS DAIVA-----CROAKER DR---HERNANDO BEACH UNIT 13-B BLK 138 LOT 35---$66,141--0---0 2023/05/16---$170,000---EDEN RICK, EDEN BRENDA------9398 SCEPTER AVE--BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 4 BLK 69 LOT 29---$124,845---1188---1997 2023/05/19---$170,000---DESIO FELIX------9749 SCEPTER AVE---BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 4 BLK 29 LOT 96---$85,273---1062---1996 2023/05/10---$174,000---BURT KENNETH, KENDALL ALYCE FAYE------12376 FAIRWAY AVE---HIGH POINT SUB UNIT 6 BLK 48 LOT 28---$82,907---1620--2005 2023/05/23---$174,900---WRESSELL VIVIAN, WRESSELL MICHAEL------9115 SCEPTER AVE---BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 4 BLK 29 LOT 202--$103,127---1526---1996 2023/05/03---$175,000---VAYGO INVESTMENT INC------8976 HERNANDO WAY--THE HEATHER PHASE VI BLK 26 LOT 5---$131,579---1516---1984 2023/05/04---$175,000---DENEGRI GLADYS------11099 GIFFORD DR---SPRING HILL UNIT 18 BLK 1206 LOT 6---$67,563---848---1990 2023/05/19---$175,000---WALTON VIOLA J------16338 BUDOWSKI RD---N1/2 OF W1/2 OF E1/2 OF SW1/4 OF SE1/4---$47,493---0---0 2023/05/22---$175,000---PALAJ RENATO------14388 HURRICANE DR---LEI SURE RETREATS UNIT 1 BLK M LOT 1 LESS THE N5 FT THEREOF ** CONTINUED **---$44,030---864---1990 2023/05/30---$175,000---HOMES RENEWED LLC------7338 FIRST LOOP AVE--HIGH POINT SUB UNIT 3 BLK 24 LOT 11---$38,141---960---1997 2023/05/02---$175,500---JONES CARLTON W, JONES DONNA------7526 ST ANDREWS BLVD---FAIRWAY AT THE HEATHER UNIT 7516-A BLDG 12--$108,593---1104---1994 2023/05/04---$176,000---DMD INVESTORS INC------12526 ELGIN BLVD--SPRING HILL-2ND REPLAT OF PORTIONS OF UNITS 18,19,20 BLK 1844 LOT 6---$74,901---1315---1990 2023/05/01---$180,000---BLOOD LOIS E------14912 RIALTO AVE--BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 3 BLK 43 LOT 11---$76,633---1012---1988 2023/05/02---$180,000---ROZNOWSKI GARY J, ROZNOWSKI BARBARA J------15091 RIALTO AVE---BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 4 BLK 50 LOT 12---$64,081---1456---1999 2023/05/09---$180,000---CRUZ-NIEVES ALEX F, SERRANO-NIEVES---CARO LINE A---35140 WHISPERING OAKS BLVD---WHISPERING OAKS EST PHASE 1-I LOT D---$85,840---990---1985 2023/05/31---$180,000---FOWLER GRANT------4560 CYNTHIA LN---SPRING HILL UNIT 25 BLK 1683 LOT 22 ORB 314 PG 576---$44,698---1116---1985 2023/05/11---$182,500---TRIVANOVICH KENDRA------4599 CYNTHIA LN--SPRING HILL UNIT 25 BLK 1749 LOT 5---$51,603---935---1980 2023/05/02---$184,000---PREVOST PAMELA JOAN------14346 RIALTO AVE--BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 3 BLK 46 LOT 25 ORB 373 PG 691--$65,102---1195---1985 2023/05/11---$184,000---JENNINGS CARLINE VEE------9473 CENTURY DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 25 BLOCK 1673 LOT 23---$69,252---902---1985 2023/05/05---$185,000---ROBERTS GABRIELLE, MURPHY BRANDON------8199 CRESAP ST---POTTERFLD GDN AC SEC M 1ST ADD BLK D LOT 3---$154,512--1905---1996 2023/05/11---$186,000---CAROLLO CAMERON, CAROLLO VICTORIA------4404 CYNTHIA LN---SPRING HILL UNIT 25 BLK 1700 LOT 5 ORB 336 PG 367--$43,301---1016---1981 2023/05/17---$186,000---BONKO ALAN D, BONKO REBECCA M------14080 CANDIA ST---SPRING HILL UNIT 24 BLK 814 LOT 15 ORB 667 PG 171--$110,920---1224---1992 2023/05/04---$187,000---BARETELA JOHN SR, BARETELA JOHN JR------9155 FONTAINE DR---BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 4 BLK 71 LOT 13---$70,651--1296---2006 2023/05/04---$188,000---TAIT ROBERT, TAIT DIANE------8296 YELLOW PINE AVE---PINE GROVE SUB UNIT 1 BLK 2 LOT 4---$43,080---1424---1991 2023/05/04---$190,000---CAPOTE ENRIQUE M, CAPOTE ROSA M------25070 POWELL RD---ERICK DAVID LAND CORP -CLASS 1 THAT PART OF NW1/4 OF SE1/4 LYING S & W OF POWELL RD LESS ** CONTINUED **---$84,500---0---0 2023/05/10---$190,000---BURNS SUSAN L------COLONY CIR---PALM GROVE COLONY UNIT 2 LOT 57 ORB 304 PG 790---$73,242---0---0 2023/05/10---$190,000---GENTILE KENNETH, GENTILE JAMIE------1068 MAR LOW AVE---SPRING HILL UNIT 2 BLK 126 LOT 4 ORB 294 PG 108---$67,198--1032---1986 2023/05/10---$190,000---THOMAS KENDAL W, THOMAS ODALYS E------21389 ANDERSON RD---DAMAC ESTATES LOT 32---$70,269---1024---1982 2023/05/24---$190,000---PFISTER BRIAN------6156 WAYCROSS DR---SPRING HILL UNIT 1 BLK 35 LOT 7 ORB 266 PG 099---$70,201---1248---1987 2023/05/04---$192,000---ASSURANCE QUALITY PROPERTY MGMT LLC-----11063 AUBURNDALE ST---SPRING HILL UNIT 15 BLK 934 LOT 23 ORB 1921 PGS 61-62---$88,592---1416---1988 2023/05/04---$192,000---POWERS MARIA J, POWERS CHERYL L------1207 NEWHOPE RD---SPRING HILL UNIT 2 BLK 86 LOT 7---$81,425---864---1985 2023/05/04---$193,000---BRINEY RUTH SEWELL, BRINEY BRETT A------9426 SCEPTER AVE---BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 4 BLK 69 LOT 33 ORB 1016 PGS 490-492---$105,813---1288---2003 2023/05/05---$195,500---DLW HOLDING LLC------9025 MCCORMICK ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 7 BLK 353 LOT 17---$64,644---1756---1977 2023/05/08---$198,000---SEIFERMANN KARL, SEIFERMANN RYAN M------1147 LINCOLN AVE---MASARYKTOWN BLK 56 N1/2 OF LOT 5 & LOTS 6 & 7--$83,292---1050---1979 2023/05/02---$199,900---MARTINE JESSE, JAMES JACLYN KAY------14263 BOWIE RD---UNIT 2 LEISURE ACRES LOT 45 LESS S200 FT OF E220 FT THEREOF AKA TR A IN CLASS D ** CONTINUED **---$59,297---960---1995 2023/05/10---$199,900---TRINH NGOC PHUONG T------6336 CAMMIE ST---HILL N DALE UNIT 2 BLK 1 LOT 2---$42,903---1300---1990 2023/05/08---$200,000---ALDRICH LINDA, ALDRICH JEFFREY------7397 EAST ERN CIRCLE DR---HIGH POINT SUB UNIT 4 BLK 33 LOT 10---$69,253---1080--2008 2023/05/16---$200,000---PARDO PILOTO JUAN L, RUIZ MABEL------5437 MAR INER BLVD---SPRING HILL-2ND REPLAT OF PORTIONS OF UNITS 18,19,20 BLK 1823 LOT 9---$41,847---1036---1982 2023/05/19---$200,000---GLANTZ ARLENE------6608 BRAMBLELEAF DR---TIM BER PINES TR 13 UNIT 1A A LOT 34X107 FT MOL BEING A PORTION OF LOT 4 ORB 613 PG 935---$57,054---1036---1996 2023/05/23---$200,000---PINELLAS EQUITIES LLC------8506 SPRING HILL DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 7 BLK 334 LOT 13---$110,628---1332---1996 2023/05/31---$200,000---VICMAN INVESTMENTS LLC------6135 FAIRWAY DR--RIDGE MANOR COUNTRY CLUB EST UNIT 2 LOT 106 ORB 306 PG 633 ** CONTINUED **---$75,460---1510---1982 2023/05/18---$202,000---ADAMS SHENNON------20370 QUAIL ST---SODAT SUB UNREC LOT 13 ORB 156 PG 714 ORB 2448 PG 814---$95,457---900---1991 2023/05/15---$205,000---GARCIA DIAZ JOSEPH, GARCIA SHEILYN------16148 PUTNAM ST---TANGERINE ESTATES BLK H LOT 32 ORB 1081 PG 621--$3,655---0---0 2023/05/01---$206,400---JOBIN 22 LLC------7428 GALLOWAY RD---THE HEATH ER BLK 10 LOT 21---$125,136---1326---1987 2023/05/01---$210,000---PINNACLE PROPERTY SOLUTIONS LLC------2272 ANCHO AVE---SPRING HILL UNIT 21 BLK 1402 LOT 1 ORB 316 PG 644--$111,076---2051---1988 2023/05/31---$210,000---BABINGTON RICHARD E TTEE,---PETERSONBABINGTON JANICE M TTEE---2227 WYNDAM DR---TIMBER PINES TR 13 UNIT 1B LOT 86 ORB 2367 PG 1071---$114,287---1030---1993 2023/05/04---$212,000---BURDICK LESLIE A TTEE------206 BAYPORT ST--FOREST PARK BLK 2 S12 FT OF LOT 8 MOL & ALL OF LOT 9 ORB 2853 PG 1176---$75,805---1000---1999 2023/05/05---$215,000---JANUSZ DENIS W------6575 BRAMBLELEAF DR--TIMBER PINES TR 13 UNIT 2A LOT 112---$65,768---1054---1995 2023/05/17---$215,000---BRYAN THOMAS------14049 BROOKRIDGE BLVD--BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 6 BLK 31 LOT 18---$94,501---1326---1993 2023/05/18---$215,000---RICHARDSON CHRISTINE S------14583 RIALTO AVE--BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY 4 BLK 52 LOT 31 ORB 368 PG 279---$96,345--1288---1989 2023/05/11---$217,500---CLASS STEVEN J------SNOW MEMORIAL HWY--SW1/4 OF SE1/4 OF NW1/4 TOGETHER WITH EASE OVER S20 FT OF S1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SE1/4 OF ** CONTINUED **---$2,460---0---0 2023/05/16---$219,000---BACON BRETT A JR, LIBENGOOD BAILY R------IDLE A WHILE CIR---RIDGE MANOR LEISURE HOME UNIT 1 LOT 57 ORB 318 PG 593---$11,697---0---0 2023/05/24---$220,000---MOZZETTA MICHAEL A------12247 ROCK DUCK AVE--LEISURE RETREATS UNIT 2 BLK 5 LOT 11---$84,284---1344---2018 2023/05/25---$220,000---MOKROS ROBERT, MOKROS VICKIE M------14359 NECTARINE ST---BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 2 BLK 22 LOT 12 ORB 411 PG 1532---$89,503---1372---2003 2023/05/30---$220,000---ANDERSON MARY L------WISE OWL RD---W1/2 OF E1/2 OF NE1/4 OF SW1/4 OF NW1/4 + E1/2 OF W1/2 OF NE1/4 OF ** CON TINUED **---$37,824---0---0 2023/05/04---$222,000---MUNOZ GONZALEZ EMMANUEL------9299 CAR THAGE RD---SPRING HILL UNIT 25 REPLAT 2 BLOCK 1794 LOT 3---$50,740--1382---1996 2023/05/02---$225,000---HUSSAIN RIFFAT, PATEL MANISHA------157 DART MOUTH AVE---SPRING HILL UNIT 5 BLK 215 LOT 33---$81,402---1684---1985 2023/05/12---$225,000---SELLERS HEATHER N, SELLERS CODY N------12183 PEACEFUL AVE---LEISURE RETREATS UNIT 2 BLK 7 S1/2 OF LOT 4 ORB 1460 PG 50 ** CONTINUED **---$145,832---1431---2007 2023/05/15---$225,000---MOOTS MEGAN, VONGCHANTHA KHOUNVONG SA---SEAN---6468 SEALAWN DR---WEEKIWACHEE ACRES UNIT 1 BLK 8 LOT 12---$78,056---891---1986 2023/05/11---$227,500---KARAS THEODORE, KARAS JEANA------14325 DIA BLO DR---BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 4 BLK 64 LOT 1 & SELY 1/2 OF LOT 2---$216,844---2052---2005 2023/05/12---$229,000---BANTAM REALTY LLC------SPRING HILL DR---GAR DEN GROVE BLK 28 LOTS 1 3 4 ORB 321 PG 378---$70,208---0---0 2023/05/15---$229,100---SMITH TIMOTHY, SMITH VIOLETTA------3291 HARROW RD---SPRING HILL UNIT 21 BLK 1459 LOT 16 ORB 354 PG 107--$88,011---1062---1990 2023/05/01---$230,000---JONES JOSEPH G, JONES CAROLYN J------1157 GASPAR AVE---SPRING HILL UNIT 8 BLK 399 LOT 13 ORB 346 PG 970--$90,385---912---1997 2023/05/08---$233,900---SPURRIER DUANE T, SPURRIER B ALEX------3728 AUTUMN AMBER DR---BARRINGTON AT STERLING HILLS UNIT 2 LOT 143--$23,769---2820---2022 2023/05/11---$235,000---HALL ALLEN, HALL KIM------RAMADA ST---WEEKI WACHEE GARDENS UNIT 4 LOT 98---$157,566---0---0 2023/05/11---$235,000---MARTINEZ CHAR-LOTTIE, MARTINEZ---GEOFFREY A---12498 MOTMOT RD---ROYAL HIGHLANDS UNIT 6 BLK 393 LOT 4--$108,853---1086---2005 2023/05/16---$235,000---BORDEAUX ROBERT A, DELTORO BOR DEAUX---ELIZABETH---6432 NATURE PRESERVE LN---TIMBER PINES, PINE GROVE VILLAGE, TRACT 6 UNIT 1B LOT 41---$91,395---1197---1995 2023/05/22---$235,000---OCONNELL PAMELA, OCONNELL KEN NETH------8408 MOHICAN AVE---BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 3 BLK 40 LOT 21---$183,082---2046---2011 2023/05/26---$235,000---FLORIDA LIVING HOLDINGS LLC------11297 SALT ERS ST---SPRING HILL UNIT 16 BLK 1002 LOT 7---$262,537---2408---2002 2023/05/08---$238,000---JACKSON THOMAS G SR, COLEY-JACKSON--JEANNETTE C---9351 SALISBURY DR---BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 4 BLK 66 LOT 6 & E1/2 OF LOT 7 ORB 606 PG 942---$256,844---3040---2009 2023/05/04---$240,000---RODRIGUEZ MICHEAL J------957 COBBLESTONE DR---SPRING HILL UNIT 2 BLK 107 LOT 17 ORB 369 PG 407---$59,641--1269---1990 2023/05/05---$240,000---SEEHOLZER STEVEN D, MARINO GERRI ANN-----7514 HEATHER WALK DR---HEATHER WALK BLK A LOT 21---$82,583---1432--1990 2023/05/17---$240,000---REDLAWSK JOSHUA, REDLAWSK KATHLEEN A-----7484 SUSQUEHANNA TRL---WEEKI WACHEE WOODLANDS UNIT 1 LOT W270 OR 340 PG 549---$68,121---1152---2001 2023/05/26---$240,000---BESEMER ANDREW P------8151 CESSNA DR---WEEKIWACHEE ACRES ADD UNIT 6 LOT 3---$74,112---1080---2009 2023/05/12---$241,700---EANNETTA PAULAROSE------18167 STROMBERG AVE---GARDEN GROVE BLK 24 LOTS 15 & 16 & THAT PART OF VACATED ** CONTINUED **---$85,639---1638---1992 2023/05/19---$242,000---BERGERON KENNETH------7399 PHILATELIC DR--FOREST OAKS UNIT 3 LOT 293---$107,782---1225---1993 2023/05/01---$244,000---SIMPSON JAMES M, SIMPSON MELISSA------8332 BLANTON ST---SPRING HILL UNIT 21 BLK 1458 LOT 10 OR 328 PG 607--$142,578---1152---1990 2023/05/09---$245,000---REMODELERS WAREHOUSE LLC------7422 ALOE DR---REGENCY OAKS UNIT 8B LOT 436---$249,366---1726---2002 2023/05/16---$245,000---MACCHIONE VINCENT S, MACCHIONE HAILEY C------5140 JULIET CT---SPRING HILL UNIT 22 BLK 1489 LOT 12 ORB 366 PG 361---$55,327---1114---1999 2023/05/11---$245,500---OAKES KENNETH A------1324 LARKIN RD---SPRING HILL UNIT 8 BLK 399 LOT 19 ORB 359 PG 673 ORB 2609 PG 1990--$168,812---1756---2000 2023/05/26---$246,600---TAGGART PROPERTY GROUP LLC------3436 TOMA HAWK AVE---WEEKI WACHEE WOODLANDS UNIT 1 LOT W139---$98,949--1308---2002 2023/05/05---$249,900---VILLALBA MARLENE SERRA, RODRIGUEZ---PEDRO J---5418 MOONGATE RD---SPRING HILL UNIT 22 BLOCK 1509 LOT 11--$64,322---1337---1990 2023/05/08---$249,900---KENNEDY-STEIN KODY J------1034 CASTILLE DR--THE GARDENS AT SEVEN HILLS PHASE 3 LOT 73---$160,011---1749---2001 2023/05/15---$249,900---FERNANDEZ DE ARMAS ANA Y, SANTANA---CUEL LAR ALBERTO A---8467 SPRING HILL DR---SPRING HILL UNIT 7 BLK 333 LOT 20---$185,659---1428---1998 2023/05/06---$250,000---PETERSON STEVEN------7252 COVENTRY CT---WEEKIWACHEE GARDENS UNIT 5 LOT 35---$80,843---732---1977 2023/05/10---$250,000---DAVIS NICOLE M------4225 SILVER STAR DR---SIL VERTHORN PH 4 STERLING RUN LOT 77B---$153,337---1419---2012 2023/05/18---$250,000---LAST FRONTIER PROPERTIES LLC------1056 BROAD ST---MASARYKTOWN BLK 9 LOT 5 & N30 FT OF LOT 4 LESS R/W FOR US 41---$37,860---0---0 2023/05/18---$250,000---LAST FRONTIER PROPERTIES LLC------BROAD ST--MASARYKTOWN BLK 9 LOTS 6 & 7 & S1/2 OF LOT 8 LESS RD R/W FOR US 41---$53,338---0---0 2023/05/22---$250,000---PEREZ BROCHE ALBERTO, RUIZ RENE------2532 LANDOVER BLVD---SPRING HILL UNIT 17 BLK 1154 LOT 12---$58,638---1154--1996 2023/05/23---$250,000---MCKEE GARY L, MCKEE STEFANIE J------5435 ELWOOD RD---SPRING HILL UNIT 18 BLK 1206 LOT 23 ORB 826 PG 888 & 889---$107,517---1413---1998 2023/05/17---$254,900---ZIMMERMAN GARY------6452 MAYHILL CT---SPRING HILL UNIT 4 BLK 165 LOT 11---$61,583---1112---1990 2023/05/03---$255,000---SCOGIN PATRICK K, DRURY SCOGIN ROBYN------7418 BLACKHAWK TRL---WEEKI WACHEE WOODLANDS UNIT 1 LOT W513---$65,025---1058---1997 2023/05/14---$255,000---KINGSLEY KEVIN, KINGSLEY TAMMY,--COURTROUL LINDA L---12007 GRANADA PL---SEVILLE GOLF COMMUNITY THE BARCELONA UNIT 1 LOT 48 ** CONTINUED **---$122,478---2200---1998 2023/05/15---$256,000---CONSUEGRA HERRERA JOSUE, FERNAN DEZ---GONZALEZ ELIENAY---3056 STANTON AVE---SPRING HILL UNIT 9 BLK 594 LOT 2---$173,849---1151---1992 2023/05/15---$258,000---AITKEN NEAL A------6421 THERESA AVE---WEEKI WACHEE RIVER ESTATES UNIT 2 LOT 56---$92,442---900---1992
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 14-20, 2023 • • PAGE A 7 Photo courtesy of Lynda Anderson.American Legion Auxiliary Unit 186 makes donation to Veteran’s Heat Factory and K9 Partners for PatriotsAmerican Legion Auxil iary Unit 186 President Jo anne Holobinka and VA&R Chair Lynda Anderson presented a $500.00 dona tion to Gus Guadagnino of Veteran’s H.E.A.T. Factory (VHF) on Monday, June 23, 2023. We appreciate all the VHF has done and continues to do for our Vet erans and First Responders. Pictured: Walt Southard VHF, Lynda Anderson, Gus Guadagnino, Joanne Holobinka; Claudia Fisch er, Unit 186 Treasurer; and Dylan Lyn Cox. The Veteran’s H.E.A.T. 501(c)(3) organization serving our local Veteran community. The VHF is an organization initiated to empower Veterans who have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) by providing services and linkage to resources that unlock their full potential, inspire personal growth, encourage community integration, and support their ability to re-enter the workforce and achieve lifelong success. “Our Veterans have earned the best we can provide, regardless of their current circumstances. I have decided that the rest of my working life will be focused on helping those r By LISA MACNEIL lisa@hernandosun.comCitizens’ comments at the June 27, 2023, regular Board of County Com missioners (BOCC) meeting prompted a discussion of the future of a recently approved fertilizer ordinance. Subsequent to the approval of a State budget bill, no changes can be made to a recently approved fertilizer ordinance for the next year. After July 1, 2023, local governments are not able to revise any ordinances in place pertaining to fertil izer bans for one year. The most recent ordinance was approved at the May 23, 2023 BOCC meeting. The $250,000 budget bill is for the University of Florida (UF) to conduct a study to determine if fertilizer bans are kins, who has worked in the pest control industry, was integral in explaining how the process works. “(The budget bill) designed for the Governor to actually do this statewide because this has all been coming up they’re doing is using (UF) to come up with what works for the state. I think what you’re going to see is that it’s going to be broken up by region rather than it problem coming back once the governor has that completed and us adopting the Governor’s ordinance because I think it’s going to be more favorable than this one.†Commissioners welcome discussions for changes to the ordinance in the future. Wiley McIlrath, the owner of BugX Exterminators, said he was concerned that he did not receive appropriate notice of the changes before the BOCC voted to approve on May 23rd. “I’m sure legally, you posted everything you needed to post but none of that got to us or anyone else in my industry as a commercial lawn applicator.“ Commissioner Brian Hawkins dis agrees that the Lawn Applicator industry (Florida Pest Management Association) probably a week prior to the meeting, personally. I reached out to the Govern Hawkins said that correspondence was exchanged and “basically, nobody mobi McIlrath also added how the new taining lawns. “What you have passed is something that does not allow us to put down fertilizer from June to September. That’s the growing season. That’s the very season the grass will take up all the nutrients So now what we’re left with is fertilization times that are too narrow, at a time where the grass is not going to take up the nutrients.†Following McIlrath’s comments, his son, Stuart McIlrath, requested the BOCC to amend the dates of the ordi nance’s restrictions by shifting 15 dates from the fall to the spring. “One of the is transitioning from winter to spring. It is less important for me to apply nitrogen in the fall months because it’s going to freeze around December 25th. So if we could take 15 days out of December and apply it to March 1st through May 30th that would be a little more helpful as an industry.†Commissioner Brian Hawkins report edly was involved in reaching out to the necessary agencies and mentioned the Florida Pest Management Association. “I was very disappointed in Florida Pest Management Association,†Hawkins said, “That’s their job; they have an en tire department that governs Government this comes about, I think what happens is, when it comes to a county ordinance, it’s kind of through the cracks if it’s not statewide (legislation).†Hawkins concluded by saying, “I have fought tooth and nail for this industry understanding what you do on a daily ba sis and the stewards of the environment you are.†that have served for a better life for me and our country, our American Vet erans,†said Gus Guadagnino, Founder of Veteran’s H.E.A.T. Factory. Also, on Monday, June 23, 2023, Unit 186 President Joanne Holobinka and VA&R Chair Lynda Anderson presented a $500.00 donation to Mary Peters, Founder and Director of Training Operations for K9 Partners for Patriots. We appreciate all that K9 Partners for Patriots has done and continues to do for our Veterans. Pictured: Claudia Fischer, Unit 186 Treasurer; Lynda Ander son, Mary Peters, and Joanne Holobinka. K9 Partners for Patriots organization located in Brooksville, Florida, on a mission to eliminate veter an suicide. K9 Partners for Patriots provides opportunities for veterans to meet each oth er, share their stories, and process their pain while they train their own ser vice dog in K9’s 24-week and understanding in K9’s non-judgmental family environment.rfn tnbrrb bnBy Dr. William Lester, UF/IFAS Extension Hernando County Weeki Wachee Springs, an Outstand ing Florida Spring (OFS), is currently impaired by nitrates, with nitrate levels steadily increasing over the years. To address this issue, the State enacted the Springs and Aquifer Protection Act in 2016, setting goals for restoring the OFS within 20 years. In 2018, the Florida Department of Environmental Protec tion established a Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) to tackle the rising nitrate levels and identify major sources of nitrogen contributing to the spring. According to the BMAP, urban turf fertilizers account for 22% of the nitro developments, the Hernando County Board of County Commissioners passed the following amendments to the existing fertilizer ordinance. Changes to the Fertilizer Ordinance: 1. Expanded Seasonal Restrictions: • Prohibition of urban turf fertilizers containing nitrogen from December 15 to March 15 and from June 1 to September 30. • This extension aims to further reduce contributing to the restoration of Weeki Wachee Springs. 2. Removal of Exemption for Commer cial Applicators: • Previously, commercial applicators were exempt from certain provisions of the fertilizer ordinance. This exemption has been removed. • This change ensures that commercial applicators are held to the same standards as other stakeholders, promoting re sponsible fertilizer application practices across the board. 3. Increased Distance for Fertilizer Use Adjacent to Wetlands and Surface Waters: • The updated amendments increased the distance from wetlands and surface wa ters where fertilizers can be applied from the previous 10 feet to 25 feet. • This expansion aims to create a wider quality. 4. Requirement for Posting County-Pro vided Signage: • Businesses that sell fertilizers during the restriction period would be obligated to display signage provided by the Coun ty stating the seasonal restrictions. • This provision helps raise awareness among the public and promotes compli ance with the revised fertilizer ordinance. Your University of Florida Extension help answer all of your lawn and garden feel free to send an email with pictures to book at activities. UF/IFAS Extension Hernando County is a free service that provides solutions for your life. Extension programs are open to all persons without regard to race, color, sex, age, disability, religion, or national origin. f nnt By Samantha Murray, UF/IFAS Farms are businesses, and farmers have the double challenge of following a host of complex rules and regulations while That’s why the University of Florida Growing Together: Central Florida Partners for Agriculture Symposium on July 27 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the UF/IFAS Mid-Florida Research and Education Center (2725 S Binion Rd, Apopka, FL 32703). The event is free and open to the public, but pre-registration is re quired. The event is geared toward both expe rienced and beginning farmers and ranch ers in Central Florida looking for infor mation and support to help their business succeed, said Morgan Pinkerton, one of the event’s organizers and a sustainable agriculture and food systems agent with UF/IFAS Extension Seminole County. “We hope to use this event to connect farmers and aspiring farmers with the rules, regulations, resources and pro grams that they should be aware of or want participants to come away knowing and who to get in contact with to help locally,†Pinkerton said. Running a farm is about more than ton said. ent things like water use, permitting, pest control, marketing, tax exemptions and to navigate as the information on agri organizations and there are a multitude of cies,†she explained. “One of the goals of UF/IFAS Exten sion is to connect the agriculture industry with the resources they need to feed our communities, conserve natural resourc es and run successful businesses. The idea behind this event is to bring folks together and invite the various agencies involved in agriculture rules, regulations, and cost share opportunities and give stakeholders a chance to ask questions in an open format and learn from one anoth er too,†she said. In addition to rules and regulations, the symposium will include information about cost share programs. These pro assistance to farmers increasing the environmental and economic sustainably of their operation — such as installing equipment that conserves water. The symposium will also cover best management practices, tax exemptions for agriculture, loans, insurance, water use permitting and more, Pinkerton said. Photo courtesy of Lynda Anderson.
PAGE A 8 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 14-20, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS By Brudah Hank Ya Bruddah Hank here! I was a sailor, and sailors like beer, so what did the 20-plusyear-old me do whenever he hit a port of call? Yep, my fellow shipmates and I would order up enough grog for the crew (we traveled in packs of 5 to 10) to slake their thirst at that particular establishment, pay our tab, plus a generous tip, and we’d shove orderly fashion. Being the connoisseurs that we, the world-traveled sophisti cates were, we’d easily discern the fruity overtones and distinc tiveness of the hops grown and harvested in Sardinia, fermented in Naples, and bottled and con sumed in Rome vs. those brought to fruition on the sun-facing slopes of La Spezia. Indeed, my companions and I would while away the hours debating the existentialism of Descartes vis a vis the plaid determinism of by their best brew meisters. Such was the lot of US Navy sailors in the 1980s. OKI lieda lot. We did run in packs, but it was more like 50 to 100 sailors at a time. We would storm a bar like it was a D-day beach in Normandy, holding beer bottles like 1911s from the previous bar we’d “landed on.†No bar could deny the cry of “GIVE US BEER, OR WE’LL TRASH DIS JOINT!!!†and nervously, they’d literally dump cases of beer onto the counters to be greedily scooped up by the screaming hoards in Blue Crack erjack Uniforms. We were under strict orders to not destroy, rape, pillage, or besmirch the honor of any female caught in the midst of our maneuvers, and we were to pay for all beer. The money would be thrown at the barkeep until he said “ENOUGH!!!†and to the next watering hole to drink whatever swill was available. Quite frankly, my memories of the many bars, the many beers, ladies who joined us (I’m fairly sure they were all lovely) grow dimmer with every passing year, but for the life of me, I can’t remember the brand or brands of beer I consumed in Europe. I no longer drink alcohol as my expo sure to it was brief, tasteless, and gave me more headaches than fun, and as I watch the goings on at the Anheuser-Bush company and their handling of the Budnever have another beer again. I don’t remember having to belong to a certain group to be guess if there’s a beer that caters kicked out of Spain in the late 1800s, I’d have to friggin’ buy it lest I’m made to feel even MORE guilty about not supporting a worthy brand. Why did a smart person who went to college for smart people, who then went on to major in business at a school where the smartest businesspeo ple went, decide that membership in the Bud-light club needed to be canceled for everyone but a select few? I get it if Rolex doesn’t want a bunch of drunk sailors wearing its watches, but they don’t go out of their way to tell Sailors they don’t want their business. The way I see it, it wasn’t that the regular Joes of the world decided to destroy a famous brand because they’re spiteful and hate gay people. The magic of the internet presented the Super-Duper Marketing Guru saying that her brand did not want regular Joes drinking her company’s beer and then pushed forth her ideal consumer: a guy wearing my 1977 prom date’s regular Joes found another beer that actually wanted their busi ness. Whom you choose to love is your business. I don’t want to know, and I don’t really care. I dare say until a few months ago, most of us old, beer-drinking sailors didn’t care either. We drank beers with fewer calories so we could drink more beer. You made it; we wanted it, we bought it. Then you told us “ENOUGH!!!†and “GET OUT!!!†so we did and took our business elsewhere. Hey Budweiser, want to hear what a former drinker would like to hear to be tempted to pop the tab on a cold one (one of yours, of course) again? Apologize to your former base. Say how stupid it was to hire someone who would be so condescending to your customers. Promise to NEVER, EVER again inject anything into your branding that’s divisive. Promise to support the activities that your customers like. I’m thinking NASCAR, football, hockey, little league baseball, volleyball, etc. Run stupid, silly, risqu ads along with ads showing a lot of male bonding. Catering to men is not a dreadful thing. Don’t dehumanize women but show the sexes having a fun time together. If you want to throw in a gay couple or two, I won’t object if it’s not blatant, as they’re beer drinkers too. Show that your brand is some thing people can gather around on, disagree around but enjoy each round in good company. Do that or most of that, and with my Rabbi’s blessing, I may buy and take a sip of Bud Light. Just don’t expect me to drink the whole thing, memories of Rosie from Toulon still haunt me, but that’s a story for another day. “Bruddah Hank†was born in Brooklyn, but has lived all over the US and abroad. A deeply spiritual man yet circumspect person, he learned the most valuable lesson at the feet of a Hawaiian Kapuna: time is the only gift that can never be taken away. Spend it wisely. OPINIONThe views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not reect the ocial policy or position of The Hernando Sun editorial sta or Hernando Sun aliates. STEVE GOODWIN VETERAN Steve Goodwin is a recently retired Christian conservative veteran (of the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division), who still feels that "duty to country" did not end when the military uniform got hung up. He and his wife Cecelia live on the edge of a beautifully wooded tract of land just south of the bypass, and are involved in not only church activities, but also attend school board meetings and local community action events as well.By STEVE GOODWIN sgoodwin@ hernandosun.comThis story that I am presenting could be part two of a multi that by the time I got around to giving you all another story, dealing with those pesky hogs would have been a done deal. But alas, it was not meant to be (yet). I have not given up on the educational experience, just trying to learn about ‘them†enough to get the upper hand on the situation. I suppose that the Hernando Sun’s outdoor huntsman (Mr. Toby Benoit) has been dealing with the feral hogs for a lot more years than I have (and he should get a grin from reading about my multiple “Google†inquiries that a group of swine (such as what I am going up against) is actually called a “sounder.†Why they are called this is probably an issue worthy of its own story (but not now). The term is very similar to what I am looking at in the way of its structure and size. There are usually two mature sows (female hogs), a bunch of their babies (which, at last count, was about eight of them), and a visiting “boar†(or adult male) hog. Once again, this statistic is accurate. Now, during the educational part of this adventure, I have had some very helpful informa tion come by way of relatives on my wife’s sister’s husband’s side. (I’ll call this my “theory of relativityâ€)! The Hope family has been a part of the history of these parts of Florida, and they have forgotten more about learned in my 60-plus years on this blue planet. Mr. Bob (Sport, or as his parishioners may call him, “Pastorâ€) Hope gave me a nugget of information that has been a great help in the task of getting all these critters to return to a set spot during this time of putting my wits against theirs. He (Pastor Bob) said to try put ting “Kool-Aid†on the corn to keep them coming back. Well, I didn’t have the kid die drink, so I substituted it with a generic Walmart brand pancake syrup! So far, they seem to be liking it enough to return each night. A few nights back, I thought that I had the right trap for catching a few of them at a time. Those hogs had somehow sprung the trap now multiple times, and the raccoons lengthened the ordeal. The addition of a dedicated trail camera allowed me to see where I was not done modifying the rig. The pictures show the trapping of six of the little var mints but do not tell the whole story of the night. I stayed home that night and was planning on checking out the borrowed trap morning, the door was down, but the cage was empty. The SD card from the camera told the story of all eight small pigs trying to that stretched across the trap minutes. The door swung down, pushing two of the pigs out and locking six of them inside. What happened in the next 15 minutes was the big surprise. One by up the boxed steel structure and squeezed out of the top openings (no more than 5 inches squared). The last oinker must not have been as athletic (or smart) as he stayed in there until 6:15 that morning. His last show on the trail cam was at 6:18 (and I rolled up to the trap at 7:15)! Upon reviewing the recorded events of that earlier morning, two thoughts popped up in my mind. First, it was time for some smaller-diameter cage steel to be applied. Second, this was starting to remind me of those Saturday morning cartoons with Elmer Fudd trying to capture Bugs Bunny! Since then, I (and a fellow church congregant named Rick Daughety) have sat for a couple of nights now at the back area of the church property, wait ing for signs of the return. A fellow congregant (and friend) named John Weipz loaned me a “Flir†(thermo optic scope). Last night (7/9/23), Rick and I thought we were in luck. As we headed to the trap (to check out a heat signature jump some light on the thing in time to see a big ‘possum exit into the woods. We still had our hopes set that the bigger large animal containment device (which I lovingly refer to as the “Piggy Palaceâ€) would do what it was intended to do. At about 1:20 am, some small animal got in the path of the se curity system on that part of the building, and it blasted out mul So, I assumed that the now lit-up area meant the end of the feeding routine for this “sound er.†I said goodbye to Rick and headed home. Having gotten just enough sleep to allow me to feel human (from 2:45 to 7:45), I got up and checked out the trail cam app on my “smart†phone. There were over 200 separate pictures of ALL 13 OF THOSE PIGS chowing down on pancake Tuesday. I am hoping that next week, I can complete this portion of piggy palace pranks and provide proof of positive perse verance practices! Y’all have a blessed week. I’m gonna try to “bring home the bacon!â€The “Sounder†ChallengeSUBMIT YOUR LETTERS & CORRESPONDENCE FOR PUBLICATION TO EDITOR@HERNANDOSUN.COM OPTIMAL LENGTH IS UNDER 300 WORDS. YOUR LETTER MAY BE EDITED FOR LENGTH. (IF YOU’RE RESPECTFUL, IT’S MORE LIKELY TO GET PUBLISHED.)COMMUNITY VOICESThirst and the Culture Wars Image by Carlo Nogaroto from Pixabay
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 14-20, 2023 • • PAGE A 9 Apologize to your former base. Say how stupid it was to hire someone who would be so condescending to your customers. Promise to NEVER, EVER again inject anything into your branding that’s divisive. Promise to support the activities that your customers like. I’m thinking NASCAR, football, hockey, little league baseball, volleyball, etc. Run stupid, silly, risqu ads along with ads showing a lot of male bonding. Catering to men is not a dreadful thing. Don’t dehumanize women but show the sexes having a fun time together. If you want to throw in a gay couple or two, I won’t object if it’s not blatant, as they’re beer drinkers too. Show that your brand is some thing people can gather around on, disagree around but enjoy each round in good company. Do that or most of that, and with my Rabbi’s blessing, I may buy and take a sip of Bud Light. Just don’t expect me to drink the whole thing, memories of Rosie from Toulon still haunt me, but that’s a story for another day. “Bruddah Hank†was born in Brooklyn, but has lived all over the US and abroad. A deeply spiritual man yet circumspect person, he learned the most valuable lesson at the feet of a Hawaiian Kapuna: time is the only gift that can never be taken away. Spend it wisely. Humans have always wanted to be happy. It’s the reason and pur pose that people live. Why do we work and make money? Because according to our natural instincts, spending money and buying the things we desire is supposed to make us happy. Why do I use the word supposed? Well, we might imagine and hope that certain things can make us happy, but the sobering truth is they usually do not. How many times have we heard that being prosperous does not make people happy? More than we can count. The old songs “Money Can’t Buy Me Love†and “I Can’t Get No Satisfac tion†are among the thousands of sad confessions of how life has turned out to be disappointing. I’m not trying to be negative, but rather pointing out a critical spiritual principle that every hu man must learn before they can realize the true meaning of life. Some men say, “If I could have her, my life would be complete, while women dream, “If I could be with him, it would make me the happiest person in the world.†Others declare, “If I could be honest with my sexuality, or “If I had lots of money, I would be thrilled.†This might burst some one’s balloon, but our personal contentment with who we are should not be based on another mortal being, a material object, or what others think. As for fame, it’s better to have a couple of faithful friends than millions of fans you’ll never meet. It’s common to fantasize about being end up doing more harm than good. For example, we thought the sexual revolution exploded in the sixties, and to some extent, it did. However, in today’s world, the the transgender movement came out of nowhere, and now we are hearing about it and seeing it ev erywhere. Even young children, with help from the public educa tion system, are being taught and encouraged to change genders, and thousands are doing it. Why? Because this is supposed to make them happy. Remember, isn’t this what life is all about? Nonethe less, why do we not hear about those who ruined their lives with sex change surgeries, and how many commit suicide? Because that would cast a negative light on this growing movement. If young people were allowed to listen to those who are de-transi tioning because they realize they were deceived, it would save many confused individuals from a horrible disaster. When drug addictions and al coholism became rampant, many throughout the centuries fell into the webs of deception by hoping that whatever numbs the stress and pain will also help eliminate the demons. It might bring tem porary relief, but the problems are still there. In today’s world, this includes prescription med icines to help ease anxiety and fear, but the reality is that when the chemicals and unnatural becomes worse than ever. If we take a closer look at the word happiness, we notice that being emotional feelings or “happen ings.†If life is going well, we are reasonably happy, but when things go sour, we are no longer happy. Researchers have actually studied lottery winners and discovered that wealth is not as glorious as you might think. A fa mous study in the 1970s revealed happiness between people who had won and people who hadn’t. Why? Because all the things we mentioned that are controlled by our infatuations are complete Spirit called joy. Joy is directly connected with God Himself, which allows us to stand strong in the raging storms and embrace the comfort and contentment of His presence even in the darkest night of the soul. Nehemiah 8:10 says, “Do not grieve; the Joy of the Lord is your strength.†Spir itual Joy comprehends that no matter what happens, the bond of love between us and God can never be broken. Discourage ments or circumstances cannot steal our joy. Genuine joy is experienced when we trust God and trust who we are in Him. His joy. Ask Him to cleanse you Dr. Holland lives in Cen tral Kentucky, where he is an ordained Christian minister, community chaplain, and author. Read more about the Christian life and his new book about mir acles, “Receiving Our Healing,†at or email him at psalmz103@gmail. com. DOMENICK J. MAGLIO, PH.D.Traditional Realist Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness DR. WILLIAM HOLLANDAuthor & Minister I have always relied upon my cousin Dane. We grew up together. I’m a year older, but he’s the closest in age of my many cousins. Our families went camping together and bought a cabin up north together, and I’ve gotten into the habit of asking Dane for help whenever I’ve needed it, because Dane is the kind of guy who can be relied upon. Dane works as a stage rigger, and he’s the road manager for a band, so he has to know a lot about a lot of things. He understands electrical gadgets of every kind. He knows how audio systems and lighting work. He is quiet and mechanical and practical and laid-back. His garage is the tidiest I’ve ever seen, with a tool of every kind, all neatly labeled. He’s the kind of guy who sits back in a room and listens to everyone trying to solve a problem and, after they’ve exhausted themselves trying to “You know, what you might try is†And whatever he suggests, it will be exactly the right thing to do. Because I have always relied on Dane, I didn’t think I could be surprised if someone said that Dane had come around to lend a hand. But last week, I was surprised. My husband, Peter, and I were up visiting my parents while my sister, her husband and her son were on their way to California, camping along the way. My niece, Isabelle, is taking summer classes at the university and working at Target, so she stayed behind to watch the pets. Isabelle called one night right before dinner. “Did you hear what happened with the camper?†she said, a little breathless. “No!†“What happened to the camper?†my mother wanted to know. While they were on the freeway!†“Oh, no!†my mother said. “It did! But the chain caught it.†I tried to imagine careening down the highway with a pop-up camper attached to the back of the car with only a safety chain. It sounded awful. never guess what happened!†“What?†my mother and father and Peter and I all wanted to know. “Dane came and helped them get the camper back on!†This made no sense at all. My sister and her family were in Nevada. Dane lives approximately 1,800 miles away. “Dane?†“Dane! He said he saw them and he stopped to help.†I talked to Dane a little later on. “You helped my sister with her camper—in Nevada?†“Yup. About 30 miles out of Reno.†“How does that happen? What are the odds of that?†“I dunno. I was driving back from the show, and I saw this road and I thought that looked like your sister, so I stopped.†“You realize what the odds against something like that happening are? If you read that in a novel, you’d say it couldn’t happen.†“Well, it’s not impossible, I guess.†That was all Dane had to say. He helped them back onto opposite direction. I thought how lucky it was to have someone as helpful as Dane show up exactly when he was needed—as Dane is apt to do. “That’s crazy,†I told Isabelle when I next saw her. “It is crazy,†she agreed. But not impossible, as Dane pointed out. Till next time, Carrie“Not Impossible†THE POSTSCRIPT By Carrie Classon The “Sounder†Challenge OPINIONThe views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not reect the ocial policy or position of The Hernando Sun editorial sta or Hernando Sun aliates. Every generation has had unique historical events that complicated the raising of one’s children. These include WWI, the advent of the radio, the Roaring 20s, the Depression, WWII, the Korean War, television, Elvis Presley, the 60s sexual revolu tion, peaceniks, drugs, feminism, homosexuality, and the transexu al movement. This is a short list that continually expands with changes to our culture, making As society continues to adjust to past events, there will be new, unexpected social upheavals and devices that will capture the ing their thinking and behavior. The parents’ position is to train their children to act as the parents require in various situations obnoxious behavior. Cell phone monitoring is causing immense problems for parents as children are using their phones while they are supposed to be sleeping. Cell phones have caused problems for parents around the globe. Many children at an early age now possess cell phones. They spend time on apps like TikTok without parental approval during all hours of the night. This has put many parents in a quan dary as they have little power over what their children are doing. They feel powerless. There are many causes why parents are not able to keep their to prevent them from seeing things they should not see. Also, the children’s lack of sleep makes them irritable, short-tempered, and poor in their studies. Govern ment schools are becoming more lax in expectations of academic work, ignoring violent behavior and accepting students not fol lowing teachers’ directions. Even and not feared. Many young children rule inside and outside of the home. This permissiveness started with parents being fright ened that their children will not love them if they have strict and old-fashioned demands. Anytime the parent tries to put their foot down, the child rebels by not following the parental de crees. The parents speak to other adults and even professionals who tell them there is little they can do except to be their friend. This usually means the parents need to do something with their children that will make them happy. Appeasing the child, not confronting them, is easier in the short run but can lead to disaster in the long run. Teenagers often do not listen as they were not trained earlier to do as they were asked to do. The untrained child does not know or care that they are ignoring the parents because they never received consequences for this behavior. If the child was not trained early, the parent’s power can be asserted later, but it will be slower and harder to do it. If the child drives a car or motorcycle recklessly, the parent can take the vehicle away to establish the fact all liberties can be withdrawn. Once parents start on this course, they must be willing to remove the freedoms until the child learns who the boss is. When the child starts listening, then the parent knows they have gotten their attention. Only by the parent standing strong does the young ster learn the lessons necessary to make better mature, healthy decisions. The problem with modern society is parents have forgotten the ultimate role of being the child’s teacher. Today’s parents have stepped down to the level of the child to be their equal instead of demonstrating to them how to reach a more mature level of thinking and behaving. They can reach the level of becoming a young, maturing adult when they realize their parents have the right and power to make their adolescent lives miserable. Only by parents using their power to shut down their adoles cent’s arrogant lifestyle will the child realize they have no way to win the battle with their parents. This will only take place when the youngster feels the pain of losing their privileges and free dom. The parents can give a child more freedom as they demon strate mature decision-making. Then the family is on the right course. The battle of who is boss is not won by the parents bribing their children with more positive experiences or more freedom. Giving too much to a child while they have not earned it is a bad idea. The parents have received too little, which is not a good bargaining position. Only when the parents assert their power by closing the “toy box†that their children assume will always be there will the child begin to listen. By parents beginning to cancel their child’s privileges and freedoms, the child will realize he has a lot to lose if they contin ue to be disobedient and disre spectful. Parental strength, not weakness, is the way to gain a child’s gratitude and ensure they take the right path in life. Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/di rector of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN and the latest book en titled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at www. cell phone struggle can be overcome with loving discipline
PAGE A 10 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 14-20, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICEProfessional portrait photographer available for individual, families and couples. To schedule your portrait session call 813-992-6093 or visit http://, ask about the $10 discount expires soon.7/14____________________ PUBLIC NOTICES/GOVERNMENT NOTICES TAX DEED APPLICATION NOTICES DOUG CHORVAT, JR. CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT HERNANDO COUNTY 20 N. Main Street RM# 165 Tax Deed Division Brooksville, Florida 34601 Phone: 352 540 6772 Fax: 352 754 4243 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Year of Issuance: 2020 SPRING HILL UNIT 9 BLK 550 LOT 25 KEY # 00495761 Description of Property: TDA #: 2023 084TD THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES ON THE PROPERTY WHICH YOU OWN OR HAVE A LEGAL INTEREST. THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON 16TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2023 UNLESS THE BACK TAXES ARE PAID. TO MAKE PAYMENT OR TO RECEIVE FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AT 20 NORTH MAIN ST. ROOM 165, BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA, 34601, OR BY TELEPHONE (352) 540 6772. 20 0534300 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that BEAMIF A LLC, the holder of the application for a tax deed to be number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: WARNING! Parcel ID: R32 323 17 5090 0550 0250 Assessed To: BETTY DIFFENDAL 3041 MAGELLAN AVE , SPRING HILL, FL 34608 4363 JUDY DONAGHUE STAUBS 3041 MAGELLAN AVE , SPRING HILL, FL 34608 PUBLISH: 7/14/2023, 7/21/2023, 7/28/2023, 8/4/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 8,138.56 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 8,144.81 TO REDEEM THIS CERTIFICATE: The below listed redemption amount funds made payable to: Hernando County Tax Collector at 20 N. Main 34601. Unless the above referenced tax to Florida law, the property described above shall be sold to the highest bidder pursuant to an online auction at on the 16th day of August, 2023 Tina Pedersen Deputy Clerk Dated this 3rd day of July, 2023 ______________________ DOUG CHORVAT, JR. CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT HERNANDO COUNTY 20 N. Main Street RM# 165 Tax Deed Division Brooksville, Florida 34601 Phone: 352 540 6772 Fax: 352 754 4243 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Year of Issuance: 2016 LEISURE RETREATS UNIT 1 BLK G LOT 2 LESS S 5 FT FOR RD R/W ORB 495 PG 143 KEY # 01012273 Description of Property: TDA #: 2023 085TD THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES ON THE PROPERTY WHICH YOU OWN OR HAVE A LEGAL INTEREST. THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON 16TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2023 UNLESS THE BACK TAXES ARE PAID. TO MAKE PAYMENT OR TO RECEIVE FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AT 20 NORTH MAIN ST. ROOM 165, BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA, 34601, OR BY TELEPHONE (352) 540 6772. 16 0233500 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MARK H FINK TRUSTEE OF THE MHF RETIREMENT TRUST, the number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: WARNING! Parcel ID: R29 221 18 2660 00G0 0020 Assessed To: FRANCES DINGUS 6909 BEACH BLVD , HUDSON, FL 34667 1935 PUBLISH: 7/14/2023, 7/21/2023, 7/28/2023, 8/4/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,568.28 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 1,574.53 TO REDEEM THIS CERTIFICATE: The below listed redemption amount funds made payable to: Hernando County Tax Collector at 20 N. Main 34601. Unless the above referenced tax to Florida law, the property described above shall be sold to the highest bidder pursuant to an online auction at on the 16th day of August, 2023 Tina Pedersen Deputy Clerk Dated this 3rd day of July, 2023 __________________________ DOUG CHORVAT, JR. CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT HERNANDO COUNTY 20 N. Main Street RM# 165 Tax Deed Division Brooksville, Florida 34601 Phone: 352 540 6772 Fax: 352 754 4243 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Year of Issuance: 2016 RIDGE MANOR EST UNIT 3 BLOCK 6 LOT 1 KEY # 00025671 Description of Property: TDA #: 2023 086TD THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES ON THE PROPERTY WHICH YOU OWN OR HAVE A LEGAL INTEREST. THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON 16TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2023 UNLESS THE BACK TAXES ARE PAID. TO MAKE PAYMENT OR TO RECEIVE FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AT 20 NORTH MAIN ST. ROOM 165, BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA, 34601, OR BY TELEPHONE (352) 540 6772. 16 0073200 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MARK H FINK TRUSTEE OF THE MHF RETIREMENT TRUST, the and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: WARNING! Parcel ID: R24 122 21 0880 0060 0010 Assessed To: ANN J MCALEER PO BOX 4335 , HIGHLAND PARK, NJ 08904 4335 PUBLISH: 7/14/2023, 7/21/2023, 7/28/2023, 8/4/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,269.44 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,275.69 TO REDEEM THIS CERTIFICATE: The below listed redemption amount funds made payable to: Hernando County Tax Collector at 20 N. Main 34601. Unless the above referenced tax to Florida law, the property described above shall be sold to the highest bidder pursuant to an online auction at on the 16th day of August, 2023 Tina Pedersen Deputy Clerk Dated this 3rd day of July, 2023 _________________________ DOUG CHORVAT, JR. CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT HERNANDO COUNTY 20 N. Main Street RM# 165 Tax Deed Division Brooksville, Florida 34601 Phone: 352 540 6772 Fax: 352 754 4243 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Year of Issuance: 2016 RIDGE MANOR EST UNIT 5 BLOCK 95 LOT 6 KEY # 00022308 Description of Property: TDA #: 2023 087TD THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES ON THE PROPERTY WHICH YOU OWN OR HAVE A LEGAL INTEREST. THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON 16TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2023 UNLESS THE BACK TAXES ARE PAID. TO MAKE PAYMENT OR TO RECEIVE FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AT 20 NORTH MAIN ST. ROOM 165, BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA, 34601, OR BY TELEPHONE (352) 540 6772. 16 0046800 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MARK H FINK TRUSTEE OF THE MHF RETIREMENT TRUST, the and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: WARNING! Parcel ID: R22 122 21 0900 0950 0060 Assessed To: MICHAEL J THOMSON 30364 YOSEMITE DR , CASTAIC, CA 91384 3748 DOROTHY K THOMSON 30364 YOSEMITE DR , CASTAIC, CA 91384 3748 PUBLISH: 7/14/2023, 7/21/2023, 7/28/2023, 8/4/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,354.58 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,360.83 TO REDEEM THIS CERTIFICATE: The below listed redemption amount funds made payable to: Hernando County Tax Collector at 20 N. Main 34601. Unless the above referenced tax to Florida law, the property described above shall be sold to the highest bidder pursuant to an online auction at on the 16th day of August, 2023 Tina Pedersen Deputy Clerk Dated this 3rd day of July, 2023 _____________________________ DOUG CHORVAT, JR. CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT HERNANDO COUNTY 20 N. Main Street RM# 165 Tax Deed Division Brooksville, Florida 34601 Phone: 352 540 6772 Fax: 352 754 4243 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Year of Issuance: 2021 OAKWOOD PARK BLK 9 LOTS 6 7 & TR B LESS A STRIP 60X99 FT ADJ TO LOT 5 KEY # 00001134 Description of Property: TDA #: 2023 089TD THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES ON THE PROPERTY WHICH YOU OWN OR HAVE A LEGAL INTEREST. THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON 16TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2023 UNLESS THE BACK TAXES ARE PAID. TO MAKE PAYMENT OR TO RECEIVE FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AT 20 NORTH MAIN ST. ROOM 165, BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA, 34601, OR BY TELEPHONE (352) 540 6772. 21 0001100 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP, the holder an application for a tax deed to be and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: WARNING! Parcel ID: R14 121 20 0730 0090 0060 Assessed To: ALAN HART SR 28060 SEWICKLEY ST , BROOKSVILLE, FL 34601 4310 PUBLISH: 7/14/2023, 7/21/2023, 7/28/2023, 8/4/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,047.09 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,053.34 TO REDEEM THIS CERTIFICATE: The below listed redemption amount funds made payable to: Hernando County Tax Collector at 20 N. Main 34601. Unless the above referenced tax to Florida law, the property described above shall be sold to the highest bidder pursuant to an online auction at on the 16th day of August, 2023 Tina Pedersen Deputy Clerk Dated this 3rd day of July, 2023 ___________________________ DOUG CHORVAT, JR. CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT HERNANDO COUNTY 20 N. Main Street RM# 165 Tax Deed Division Brooksville, Florida 34601 Phone: 352 540 6772 Fax: 352 754 4243 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Year of Issuance: 2021 ROYAL HIGHLANDS UNIT 9 BLK 144 LOT 17 KEY # 00531295 Description of Property: TDA #: 2023 090TD THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES ON THE PROPERTY WHICH YOU OWN OR HAVE A LEGAL INTEREST. THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON 16TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2023 UNLESS THE BACK TAXES ARE PAID. TO MAKE PAYMENT OR TO RECEIVE FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AT 20 NORTH MAIN ST. ROOM 165, BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA, 34601, OR BY TELEPHONE (352) 540 6772. 21 0160800 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP, the holder an application for a tax deed to be and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: WARNING! Parcel ID: R01 221 17 3400 0144 0170 Assessed To: EVELYN WALLACE 2561 N BENSON RD , FAIRFIELD, CT 06824 3139 JOHN P KRANAK JR 6 MARION RD , ACTON, MA 01720 PUBLISH: 7/14/2023, 7/21/2023, 7/28/2023, 8/4/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,219.92 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,226.17 TO REDEEM THIS CERTIFICATE: The below listed redemption amount funds made payable to: Hernando County Tax Collector at 20 N. Main 34601. Unless the above referenced tax to Florida law, the property described above shall be sold to the highest bidder pursuant to an online auction at on the 16th day of August, 2023 Tina Pedersen Deputy Clerk Dated this 3rd day of July, 2023 ___________________________ DOUG CHORVAT, JR. CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT HERNANDO COUNTY 20 N. Main Street RM# 165 Tax Deed Division Brooksville, Florida 34601 Phone: 352 540 6772 Fax: 352 754 4243 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Year of Issuance: 2021 ROYAL HIGHLANDS UNIT 1 B BLK 62 LOT 10 KEY # 00633425 Description of Property: TDA #: 2023 091TD THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES ON THE PROPERTY WHICH YOU OWN OR HAVE A LEGAL INTEREST. THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON 16TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2023 UNLESS THE BACK TAXES ARE PAID. TO MAKE PAYMENT OR TO RECEIVE FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AT 20 NORTH MAIN ST. ROOM 165, BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA, 34601, OR BY TELEPHONE (352) 540 6772. 21 0112300 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JPL INVESTMENTS CORP, the number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: WARNING! Parcel ID: R01 221 17 3290 0062 0100 Assessed To: WAYNE SALVETTI PO BOX 99 , CENTER MORICHES, NY 11934 0099 PAMELA SALVETTI PO BOX 99 , CENTER MORICHES, NY 11934 0099 PUBLISH: 7/14/2023, 7/21/2023, 7/28/2023, 8/4/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,237.14 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,243.39 TO REDEEM THIS CERTIFICATE: The below listed redemption amount funds made payable to: Hernando County Tax Collector at 20 N. Main 34601. Unless the above referenced tax to Florida law, the property described above shall be sold to the highest bidder pursuant to an online auction at on the 16th day of August, 2023 Tina Pedersen Deputy Clerk Dated this 3rd day of July, 2023 ___________________________ DOUG CHORVAT, JR. CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT HERNANDO COUNTY 20 N. Main Street RM# 165 Tax Deed Division Brooksville, Florida 34601 Phone: 352 540 6772 Fax: 352 754 4243 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Year of Issuance: 2021 EPPLEY UNREC UNIT 1 E1/2 OF N1/2 OF E1/2 OF NW1/4 OF NE1/4 OF NE1/4 AKA E1/2 OF N1/2 OF TR 6 SUBJ TO EASE OVER S20 FT THERE OF & TOGETHER WITH EASE OVER E20 FT OF S1/2 OF TR 6 ORB 2109 PG 1701 ORB 2446 PGS 1401 & 1403 KEY # 00749970 Description of Property: TDA #: 2023 092TD THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES ON THE PROPERTY WHICH YOU OWN OR HAVE A LEGAL INTEREST. THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON 16TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2023 UNLESS THE BACK TAXES ARE PAID. TO MAKE PAYMENT OR TO RECEIVE FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AT 20 NORTH MAIN ST. ROOM 165, BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA, 34601, OR BY TELEPHONE (352) 540 6772. 21 0203200 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ASSEMBLY TAX 36 LLC, the holder number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: WARNING! Parcel ID: R16 222 18 0345 0000 0061 Assessed To: WEBB MOON INC 11155 SUNSHINE GROVE RD , BROOKSVILLE, FL 34614 3303 PUBLISH: 7/14/2023, 7/21/2023, 7/28/2023, 8/4/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,175.68 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,181.93 TO REDEEM THIS CERTIFICATE: The below listed redemption amount funds made payable to: Hernando County Tax Collector at 20 N. Main 34601. Unless the above referenced tax to Florida law, the property described above shall be sold to the highest bidder pursuant to an online auction at on the 16th day of August, 2023 Tina Pedersen Deputy Clerk Dated this 3rd day of July, 2023 __________________________ DOUG CHORVAT, JR. CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT HERNANDO COUNTY 20 N. Main Street RM# 165 Tax Deed Division Brooksville, Florida 34601 Phone: 352 540 6772 Fax: 352 754 4243 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Year of Issuance: 2021 TR IN E1/2 OF NW1/4 OF NW1/4 N OF RD DB 108 PG 115 LESS 2 AC IN ORB 34 PG 444 ORB 429 PG 1565 KEY # 00369577 Description of Property: TDA #: 2023 095TD THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES ON THE PROPERTY WHICH YOU OWN OR HAVE A LEGAL INTEREST. THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON 16TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2023 UNLESS THE BACK TAXES ARE PAID. TO MAKE PAYMENT OR TO RECEIVE FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AT 20 NORTH MAIN ST. ROOM 165, BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA, 34601, OR BY TELEPHONE (352) 540 6772. 21 0495900 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ASSEMBLY TAX 36 LLC, the holder of application for a tax deed to be issued year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: WARNING! Parcel ID: R32 422 20 0000 0130 0000 Assessed To: VANEL MARC PO BOX 75683 , TAMPA, FL 33675 0683 PUBLISH: 7/14/2023, 7/21/2023, 7/28/2023, 8/4/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 9,574.17 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 9,580.42 TO REDEEM THIS CERTIFICATE: The below listed redemption amount funds made payable to: Hernando County Tax Collector at 20 N. Main 34601. Unless the above referenced tax to Florida law, the property described above shall be sold to the highest bidder pursuant to an online auction at on the 16th day of August, 2023 Tina Pedersen Deputy Clerk Dated this 3rd day of July, 2023 ______________________________ DOUG CHORVAT, JR. CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT HERNANDO COUNTY 20 N. Main Street RM# 165 Tax Deed Division Brooksville, Florida 34601 Phone: 352 540 6772 Fax: 352 754 4243 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Year of Issuance: 2021 BERKELEY TOWNSITE OF BLK 31 LOT 3 ORB 317 PG 71 ORB 1463 PG 78 & THAT ALLEY VACATED IN RESOL 2001 314 DES IN ORB 1489 PG 1786 KEY # 00175580 Description of Property: TDA #: 2023 097TD THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES ON THE PROPERTY WHICH YOU OWN OR HAVE A LEGAL INTEREST. THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON 16TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2023 UNLESS THE BACK TAXES ARE PAID. TO MAKE PAYMENT OR TO RECEIVE FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AT 20 NORTH MAIN ST. ROOM 165, BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA, 34601, OR BY TELEPHONE (352) 540 6772. 21 0274000 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ASSEMBLY TAX 36 LLC, the holder of application for a tax deed to be issued year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: WARNING! Parcel ID: R10 223 17 1420 0310 0030 Assessed To: CLAUDE WILKERSON 6043 VALLEY SPRING DR , BROOKSVILLE, FL 34601 7701 MASON CHICKONSKI 6043 VALLEY SPRING DR , BROOKSVILLE, FL 34601 7701 PUBLISH: 7/14/2023, 7/21/2023, 7/28/2023, 8/4/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 10,303.09 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 10,309.34 TO REDEEM THIS CERTIFICATE: The below listed redemption amount funds made payable to: Hernando County Tax Collector at 20 N. Main 34601. Unless the above referenced tax to Florida law, the property described above shall be sold to the highest bidder pursuant to an online auction at on the 16th day of August, 2023 Tina Pedersen Deputy Clerk Dated this 3rd day of July, 2023 ____________________________ DOUG CHORVAT, JR. CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT HERNANDO COUNTY 20 N. Main Street RM# 165 Tax Deed Division Brooksville, Florida 34601 Phone: 352 540 6772 Fax: 352 754 4243 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Year of Issuance: 2021 TANGERINE ESTATES BLOCK B LOTS 10 11 KEY # 00194505 Description of Property: TDA #: 2023 098TD THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES ON THE PROPERTY WHICH YOU OWN OR HAVE A LEGAL INTEREST. THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON 16TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2023 UNLESS THE BACK TAXES ARE PAID. TO MAKE PAYMENT OR TO RECEIVE FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AT 20 NORTH MAIN ST. ROOM 165, BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA, 34601, OR BY TELEPHONE (352) 540 6772. 21 0306900 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ASSEMBLY TAX 36 LLC, the holder of application for a tax deed to be issued year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: WARNING! Parcel ID: R12 223 18 3660 00B0 0100 Assessed To: AMANDA L HARGIS 16117 SCHAFFER ST , BROOKSVILLE, FL 34604 WILLIAM R HARGIS 16117 SCHAFFER ST , BROOKSVILLE, FL 34604 8032 PUBLISH: 7/14/2023, 7/21/2023, 7/28/2023, 8/4/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 22,369.48 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 2,756.73 TO REDEEM THIS CERTIFICATE: The below listed redemption amount funds made payable to: Hernando County Tax Collector at 20 N. Main 34601. Unless the above referenced tax to Florida law, the property described above shall be sold to the highest bidder pursuant to an online auction at on the 16th day of August, 2023 Tina Pedersen Deputy Clerk Dated this 3rd day of July, 2023 ___________________________ DOUG CHORVAT, JR. CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT HERNANDO COUNTY 20 N. Main Street RM# 165 Tax Deed Division Brooksville, Florida 34601 Phone: 352 540 6772 Fax: 352 754 4243 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Year of Issuance: 2021 13.5 ACRES MOL IN NW1/4 OF NW1/4 OF 5 23 20 & IN SE1/4 OF NE1/4 OF 6 23 20 AKA PARCEL 2 DES IN ORB 2581 PG 1005 KEY # 00388253 Description of Property: TDA #: 2023 099TD THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES ON THE PROPERTY WHICH YOU OWN OR HAVE A LEGAL INTEREST. THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON 16TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2023 UNLESS THE BACK TAXES ARE PAID. TO MAKE PAYMENT OR TO RECEIVE FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AT 20 NORTH MAIN ST. ROOM 165, BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA, 34601, OR BY TELEPHONE (352) 540 6772. 21 0516000 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ASSEMBLY TAX 36 LLC, the holder of application for a tax deed to be issued year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: WARNING! Parcel ID: R05 423 20 0000 0040 0000 Assessed To: OPTITECH USA LLC 32126 GARDEN ALCOVE LOOP , WESLEY CHAPEL, FL 33545 5086 PUBLISH: 7/14/2023, 7/21/2023, 7/28/2023, 8/4/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,012.05 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 4,018.30 TO REDEEM THIS CERTIFICATE: The below listed redemption amount funds made payable to: Hernando County Tax Collector at 20 N. Main 34601. Unless the above referenced tax to Florida law, the property described above shall be sold to the highest bidder pursuant to an online auction at on the 16th day of August, 2023 Tina Pedersen Deputy Clerk Dated this 3rd day of July, 2023 _______________________ CLASSIFIEDS Place Your Classied Ad Today! Up to 25 words $10 per THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2023-CP-786 Division PROBATE IN RE: ESTATE OF HARRY D. JEFFERY Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (summary administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: Order of Summary Administra tion has been entered in the estate of HARRY D. JEFFERY, deceased, File Number 2023CP-786, by the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 North Main Street, Room #247, Brooksville, Florida 34601; that the decedent’s date of death was April 25, 2023; that the total value of the estate is $0.00 and that the names and addresses of those to whom it has been assigned by such order are: NAME ADDRESS f/k/a Janine L. Mowery 19019 Weatherstone Drive Tampa, Florida 33647 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Adminwith this court WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this Notice is July 14, 2023. Attorney for Person Giving Notice: /S/ Paul H. Nessler, Jr. E-mail Addresses: paul, pro Florida Bar No. 0603384 Paul H. Nessler, Jr., P. A. 10002 Cortez Blvd. Spring Hill, Florida 34613 Person Giving Notice: /S/ f/k/a Janine L. Mowery 19019 Weatherstone Drive Tampa, Florida 33647 Published: July 14, 21, 2023 ____________________ PUBLIC NOTICE OF BARGAIN ING SESSION Notice is hereby given that the Hernando County School Board will hold its bargaining session with HCTA on Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. at the District Street, Brooksville, FL, 34601. Originated by Gus Guadagnino, The School Board of Hernando County Florida. By: John Stratton Secretary and Superintendent of Schools Published: July 14, 2023 NOTICE CITY OF BROOKSVILLE NOTICE is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Brooksville, Florida, is inviting representatives of places of worship and other groups and a short invocation (3 min. max.) at City Council meetings to con tact the Brooksville City Clerk by calling 352-540-3816. A rotating list will be compiled. City Council meetings are held at 7 P.M. on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month (unless otherwise scheduled) in the Brooksville City Hall at 201 Howell Ave., Brooksville, Fl. 34601. By: Jennifer J. Battista, CMC City Clerk Published: July 14, 2023 ______________________ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 23000486CPAXMX IN RE: ESTATE OF BLANCA ROJANSCHI, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of BLANCA ROJANSCHI, deceased, whose date of death was is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N Main St, Brooks ville, FL 34601. The names and addresses of the curator and the curator’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate, on whom a copy of this notice is required claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is Friday, July 14, 2023. Attorney for Curator: JAMES S. EGGERT Florida Bar No. 949711 Owens Law Group, P.A. 811-B Cypress Village Blvd. Ruskin, FL 33573 Telephone: (813) 633-3396 Email: Secondary Email: Curator: DOUGLAS B. STALLEY 16637 Fishhawk Blvd., Suite 106 Lithia, FL 33547 Published: July 14, 21, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2023-000242-CP IN RE: ESTATE OF John Isberg Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of John Isberg, deceased, File Num ber 2023-000242, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando, County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 North Main St. Probate Div. Brooksville FL. 34601. The name and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is served must AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. Division All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contin IN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Personal Representative: Jose J. Rivero Jose J. Rivero PO Box 10159 Pompano Bch. FL 33060 Telephone: 305-828-0411 Attorney for Personal Representative: Jose J. River Florida Bar No. 791016 Jose J Rivero POBOX 10159 Pompano Bch. FL 33060 Published: July 14, 21, 2023 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS TREE AND HEDGE TRIMMINGSoldier of the Cross Tree and hedge trimming, edging driveways and side walks, small jobs Free estimates Call or Text Buddy 352-515-76197/14____________________NOTICE OF THE JULY 25, 2023 SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS Notice is hereby given that the School Board of Hernando County, Florida (hereinafter, the “Boardâ€) will hold the following meetings on July 25, 2023 in the Board Room, 919 N. Broad Street, Brooksville, FL 34601: Informal at 1:00 P.M. Workshop at 2:30 P.M. First Public Budget Hearing at 5:01 P.M. Regular Meeting at 6:00 P.M. The purpose of this meeting is to conduct such business as may come before the Board. A copy of the agenda for the meeting(s) may be obtained by writing to the Board at 919 North Broad Street, Brooksville, FL 34601, or by calling Kelly Pogue, Secretary to the School Board and General Counsel, at 352-797-7253. The agenda, updates, and related mate rials will be available on the Board’s website at https://hernandoschools. All Board meetings, workshops, public hearings and special meet ings are streamed live by HITV and aired on Spectrum Channel 642. Individuals with hearing impairment or individuals with disabilities re questing reasonable accommoda tions to participate in this meeting should contact Kelly Pogue at (352) fore the meeting. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at any Board meeting or hearing, he/she will need a copy of the proved by the Board including any back-up materials or documents submitted to it and a transcript of the audio and/or visual recording of the meeting if any made and maintained by the Board. It is the responsibility of the party requesting a copy of audio/visual recording to have it transcribed for appellate purposes. Originated by Gus Guadagnino, Chairperson of The School Board of Hernando County, Florida Secretary and Superintendent of Schools Published: July 14, 2023
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 14-20, 2023 • • PAGE A 11 PUBLIC HEARING / MEETING NOTICE OF ACTION NOTICE OF SALEIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 2022-DR-1808 Divi sion: IN RE: THE ADOPTION OF: CHLOE MADISON CARDILLO [Name to be given child(ren) Adoptees(s). NOTICE OF ACTION FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND STEPPARENT ADOPTION TO: {name of Respondent} KYLE BRUSH {Respondent’s last known ad dress} Unknown whereabouts YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a Joint Petition for Adoption by Step you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written de fenses, if any, to it on {name of Petitioner} Stacy Tumer and Thomas Matthew Cardillo whose address is 11016 Casa Grande Circle, Spring Hill, Flori da 34608 on or before {date} 7-27-23, and this Court at {clerk’s address} Hernando County Courthouse, 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, Florida 34601 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail The minor child(ren) are identi Date of Birth Place of Birth 1-29-2012 Citrus Memorial Health System, Inverness, Florida Physical Description of Respon dent: Age: unknown Race: white Hair Color: unk Eye Color: unk Approximate Height: unk Approximate Weight: unk request. Dated: 6/15/2023 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: /s/ {Deputy Clerk} (SEAL) Published: June 23, 30, July 7, 14, 2023 _______________________ FICTITIOUS NAMESIN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF KENNETH WAYNE LOBB, Deceased. File No. H-27-CP-2021-1344 PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: Order of Summary Administra tion has been entered in the estate of KENNETH WAYNE LOBB, deceased, File Number H-27-CP-2021-1344, by the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601; that the decedent’s date of death was September 7, 2021; that the total value of the estate is $58,669.50 and that the names and addresses of those to whom it has been assigned by such order are: Name and Address: Stacy Lobb 12037 Balfour St., Spring Hill, FL 34608 Drew P. Lobb 12037 Balfour St., Spring Hill, FL 34608 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Adminwith this court WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this Notice is July 7th, 2023. Attorney for Person Giving Notice: Melanie J. Burpee Florida Bar Number: 0978681 11163 Spring Hill Drive Spring Hill, FL 34609 Telephone: (352) 596-4433 Fax: (352) 597-3571 E-Mail: melanieburpee@yahoo. com Secondary E-Mail: attorney. Person Giving Notice: Stacy Lobb 12037 Balfour St Spring Hill, FL 34608 Published: July 7, 14, 2023 _____________________PUBLIC NOTICES/GOVERNMENT NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS CITY OF BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER IMPOSITION AND COLLECTION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TO FUND FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES AND FACILITIES The City Council of the City of Brooksville will conduct a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on August 7, 2023 in the Joseph E. Johnston, III Council Chambers, City Hall, 201 Howell Avenue, Brooksville, Florida 34601 to consider imposition and collection of special will be collected by the Hernando County Tax Collector on the property tax bill mailed each November, including November 2023. y Residential Property Dwelling Unit $179.8582 Commercial Property Square Foot $0.0634 Industrial/Warehouse Property Square Foot $0.0388 Government/Institutional Property Square Foot $0.1061 Vacant Parcels Parcel/Lot $34.5490 *Rounded to four decimal places accommodations should contact the City Clerk at (352) 540-3816. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by City Council with respect to any matter considered at the hearing, such person will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be made. s/ Jennifer J. Battista By: Jennifer J. Battista City Clerk Notice to Hernando Sun: Please publish July 14, 2023FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Ken neth Eccles owner/co-owners, desiring to engage in business W Eccles†located in Hernan do County, Florida, intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations, Florida Department of State, pursuant to section 865.09 of the Florida Statutes. Published: July 14, 2023 FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Kyle Capobianco owner/co-owners, desiring to engage in business Tier Installations†located in Hernando County, Fl., intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations, Florida Department of State, pursuant to section 865.09 of the Florida Statutes. Published: July 14, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2023 CA 136 PANTHER I, LLC, a Florida BERNARD DUZINSKI JR. and HERNANDO COUNTY CLERK OF COURT and ELIZABETH MORALES, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY given that pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated June 29, 2023, and entered in Case No. 2023 CA 136 in the Circuit Court of Hernando County, Florida, wherein PANand BERNARD DUZINSKI, JR., is the Defendant, I will sell to the best and highest bidder, for cash, at 11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, in Room 245, Hernando County Courthouse, 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601, on the 3rd day of August 2023, the following described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure, to-wit: Parcel 1: Commence at the Southwest comer of the North 463.7 feet of the East 469.7 feet of the South 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 17, Township 22 South, Range 20 East, Hernando County, Florida, run thence North parallel with section line, a distance of 75 feet; thence East parallel with section line, a distance of 200 feet; thence South parallel with section line, a distance of 75 feet; thence run West to the POINT OF BEGINNING. AND Parcel 2: Commence at the Southwest corner of the North 463.7 feet of the East 469.7 feet of the South 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 17, Township 22 South, Range 20 East, Hernando County, Florida, run thence North parallel with section line, a distance of 75 feet; thence East parallel with section line, a distance of 200 feet, for a POINT OF BEGIN NING; thence East parallel with section line, a distance of 35 feet, thence South parallel with section line, a distance of 75 feet; thence West parallel with section line, a distance of 35 feet; thence North to the POINT OF BEGINNING. IF THIS PROPERTY IS SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL MONEY FROM THE SALE AFTER PAYMENT OF PERSONS WHO ARE ENTITLED TO BE PAID FROM THE SALE PROCEEDS PURSUANT TO THE FINAL JUDGMENT. IF YOU ARE A PERSON. OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY OWNER, CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE SALE, IF ANY, YOU MUST FILE A CLAIM WITH THE CLERK NO LATER THAN THE DATE THAT THE CLERK REPORTS THE FUNDS AS UNCLAIMED. IF YOU FAIL TO FILE A TIMELY CLAIM, YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY REMAINING FUNDS. IF YOU ARE THE PROPERTY OWNER, YOU MAY CLAIM THESE FUNDS YOURSELF. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO HAVE A LAWYER OR ANY OTHER REPRESENTATION AND YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ASSIGN YOUR RIGHTS TO ANYONE ELSE IN ORDER FOR YOU TO CLAIM ANY MONEY TO WHICH YOU ARE ENTITLED. PLEASE CHECK WITH THE CLERK OF THE COURT, 20 N. MAIN STREET, SECOND FLOOR, BROOKS VILLE, FLORIDA,34601, WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS AFTER THE SALE TO SEE IF THERE IS ADDITIONAL MONEY FROM THE FORECLOSURE SALE THAT THE CLERK HAS IN THE REGISTRY OF THE COURT. DATED this 29 day of June 2023. DOUG CHORVAT, JR. Clerk of Court By: /s/ Elizabeth Markidis Deputy Clerk Published: July 14, 21, 2023 IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY FLORIDA CASE NO. 23000775CPAXMX IN RE: ESTATE OF EDITH DEPETRO, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Edith DePetro, deceased, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Hernando Court, Probate Division, 20 N Main Street, Brooksville, Florida 34601. The names and address es of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA TION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE IS BARRED. this notice is Friday, July 14, 2023. Attorney for Personal Robert C. Segear, Esquire Florida Bar No. 93818 1511 N Westshore Boulevard, Suite 400 Tampa, Florida 33607 Robert Edward DePetro, Jr. c/o Kelley Kronenberg, P.A. 1511 N Westshore Boulevard, Suite 400 Tampa, Florida 33607 Published: July 14, 21, 2023 _______________________ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: THE ESTATE OF PERSEPHONE ELLE, a/k/a/ AMY KRATZ, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of PERSEPHONE ELLE, a/k/a AMY KRATZ, deceased, File Number 2023-CP-769 is pend ing in the Circuit Court for Her nando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address, which is 20 North Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601. The name and address of the Personal Rep resentatives and the Personal Representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent, or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this Notice is served Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SER VICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NO SO FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. of this notice is July 14, 2023. Attorney for Personal RepreJAMES MARTIN BROWN, ESQUIRE FL Bar #228524 211 South Main Street Brooksville, FL 34601 352-799-0841 352-796-7670 HANNAH R. MANCINI 2853 Talladega Drive Orlando, FL 32826 Published: July 14, 21, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO. 2023-CP-653 IN RE: ESTATE OF MARY E. KUNKEL, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the es tate of MARY E. KUNKEL, deceased, whose date of death was April 9, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 North Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601. The names and address es of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must OR BEFORE THE LATTER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA TION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITH IN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE IS BARRED. this notice is Friday, July 14, 2023. /s/ Linda M. Kunkel LINDA M. KUNKEL 9526 Bear Paw Court Weeki Wachee, FL 34613 /s/ Darryl W. Johnston DARRYL W. JOHNSTON, ESQ Florida Bar No. 768286 JOHNSTON LAW GROUP, P.A. 29 South Brooksville Avenue Brooksville, FL 34601 Telephone: (352) paralegal@djohnstonlaw.comPublished: July 14, 21, 2023 CLK23-106 PUBLIC NOTICE 2023 HERNANDO COUNTY VALUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS AND TAXPAYERS OF HERNANDO COUNTY Please be advised that the 2023 Hernando County Value Adjustment Board (VAB) will hold an Organizational Meeting on Friday, July 28, 2023, at 10:00 a.m., in the Hernando County Government Center, John Law Ayers Commission Chambers, 20 N. Main Street, Room 160, Brooksville, Florida, 34601, to consider matters pursuant to the requirements of Florida Statutes, Chapter 194; and to discuss oth er related issues at the sugges tion or request of the Chairman, or during the meeting. Petitions, complaints, and ap referred to hearings conducted by Special Magistrates at the Hernando County Government Center, John Law Ayers Commission Chambers, 20 N. Main Street, Room 160, Brooksville, Florida, 34601; or at other desig nated locations as needed. This meeting is open to the pub lic, and interested citizens are invited to attend. No decisions concerning Special Magistrate recommendations will be made by the Board at this meeting. If a person decides to appeal a decision made by the Hernando County VAB with respect to any matter considered at this meet ing, a record of the proceeding will be needed for such purpose, and such person will need to en sure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, to include the testimony and evidence upon which any such appeal is to be based. If you have a disability that will require special assistance or accommodations for your atten dance at this meeting, please contact the VAB Clerk at 352754-4970. PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY. Published: July 14, 2023 CLK23-107 TO CONSIDER PURCHASE/ SALE AGREEMENT FOR REAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Hernando County, Florida, on Tuesday, July 25, thereafter, in the Hernando County Commission Cham bers, 20 N. Main St, Rm 160, Brooksville, Florida, intends to consider an unsolicited purchase agreement for the sale of the real estate described as: Begin at the Southeast Corner of S of SW of SW , Section 18, Township 21 South, Range 19 East, run North 430 feet; run West 264 feet, run South 430 feet; run East 264 feet to Point of Beginning. Property Appraiser’s Parcel ID No.: R18 421 19 0000 0160 0000 Property Appraiser’s Key No.: 332367 THIS PROPOSED PURCHASE/ SALE AGREEMENT may be inspected by the public in the Hernando County Administration, 15470 Flight Path Drive, Brooks ville, FL 34604, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., M-F, legal holidays excepted. YOU HAVE A RIGHT to appear and be heard at this public meet ing and/or to send any written objections to the County Com missioners at 15470 Flight Path Drive, Brooksville, Florida 34604. YOU ARE FURTHER ADVISED that if any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commissioners with respect to the subject matter of the hearing, that person will need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED in the above matter are invited to attend and be heard. status. should contact Colleen Conko, FL 34604, telephone (352) please call 711 for assistance. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HERNANDO COUNTY, FLOR IDA /s/ (SEAL) Douglas Chorvat, Jr., Clerk By: Heidi Kurppe Deputy Clerk Published: July 14, 2023MPO 2023-26 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (TAC) OF THE HERNANDO/CITRUS METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of the Hernando/Citrus Met ropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will conduct a public meet ing on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. at the Hernando Coun ty Building Training Facility, 1661 Blaise Drive, Brooksville, Florida. Items on the agenda include but are not limited to: -review and approval of May 24, 2023, meeting Minutes -review of apportionment planning process -presentation on the Vulnerability & Risk Assessment (Resilience Study) for Transportation Infra structure Counts studies in Citrus County (US 41, SR 200) and Hernando County (Cobb Road, County Line Road) All meetings are open to the public. Any questions concerning this pub lic meeting should be directed to Mr. Bob Esposito, MPO Executive Director, Hernando/Citrus MPO, 1661 Blaise Drive, Brooksville, Florida, 34601, telephone (352) 754-4082, or email resposito@ . Approximately one week prior to the meeting, the agenda may be viewed online at: or www. HernandoCitrusMPO.u s . Any person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) with regard to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, said person will need a record of the proceeding, and that, for such purpose, said person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evi dence upon which the appeal is to be based, Section 286.0105 F.S. Public participation is solicited with out regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status. In accordance a special accommodation at 352-754-4082 no later than 48 If you are hearing or speech im paired, dial 7-1-1, 1-800-955-8771 (TTY) via Florida Relay Service for assistance. If persons require language inter pretation services, please contact information. Language Interpreter Services are also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-752-6096. Si las personas requieren servicios de inter pretacin de idiomas, comunquese 4082 para obtener informacin. Los servicios de interpretacin de idiomas tambin estn disponibles las 24 horas del da, los 7 das de la semana al 1-800-752-6096. Hernando/Citrus Metropolitan Plan ning Organization /s/ Robert Esposito MPO Executive Director Published: July 14, 2023IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 23001068DRAXMX DIVISION: FAMILY IN RE: THE ADOPTION OF: K. G. T. L. [Name to be given child(ren) Adoptees(s). NOTICE OF ACTION FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND STEPPARENT ADOPTION TO: {name of Respondent} PORFIRIO PAREDES CORDERO {Respondent’s last known ad dress}_15638 Union Avenue, Harvey, IL 60426 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a Joint Petition for Adoption by against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on {name of Petitioner} JOSE ANTONIO TABARES MORA & YULIANA TABARES MORA (f/k/a: Yuliana Luna), whose address is 9311 Brady Street, Spring Hill, FL 34608. on or before {date) 8-7-23, and this Court at {clerk’s address} HERNANDO COUNTY CLERK OF COURTS, 20 N. Main St., Brooksville, FL 34601, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you petition. The minor child(ren) is/are Date of Birth Place of Birth 08/02/2009 Blue ISLAND, IL Physical Description of Re spondent: Age: 56 Race: Hispanic Hair Color: UNK Eye Color: Brown Approximate Height: 5†Approximate Weight: UNK Copies of all court docu Dated: 6/26/2023 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By:/s/ Deputy Clerk (SEAL) Published: July 14, 21, 28, August 4, 2023
PAGE A 12 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 14-20, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS BY PAT RAIA pat@hernandosun.comClerks at seven area businesses did not permit the sale of alcohol ic beverages or tobacco products to underage buyers during a July 6 survey by undercover detectives the Florida Beverage law. Another four businesses failed to comply with the law. During the operation, detectives found that clerks at Mayberry Mobil, 5244 Mariner Blvd.; Mobil at 4275 Mariner Blvd.; 7-Eleven, 16161 Spring Hill Dr.; Exxon, 13075 Spring Hill Dr.; Circle K, 3275 Broad St.; 7-Eleven940 Broad St.; and the Super Discount Beverage and Smoke Shop, 814 Broad St. were in compli ance with state laws governing the sale of alcohol and tobacco products to underage buyers. Meanwhile, undercover detectives found that clerks at Wawa, 20075 Cortez Blvd.; Citgo,19275 Cortez Blvd; and those at the Mobil, 717 Broad St. all in Brooksville sold alcohol to underage buyers. They also found that clerks at The Vapor Emporium, 2103 Mariner Blvd., in Spring Hill sold tobacco products to buyers who were underage. HCSO Public Relations Manager Denise Moloney said that those in violation of the law are required to complete the HCSO’s Responsible Vendor Training (RVT) online course within 30 days of the violation. Administered by the Hernando Community Coalition, the course reviews Florida beverage laws and demonstrates how to prevent unlaw ful alcohol sales to underage buyers. More operations of this nature are planned for the future, the HCSO said.July 4, 2023 LAW ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS • Deputies responded to: o Death – District 1/Zone 1 – An individual was located deceased in a hot tub. The individual has extensive medical history, no foul play suspected – 2023-21394. o Near Drowning – District 2/ Zone 1 – The victim, an adult, was tubing down the river over in the tube. CPR was administered and the victim became responsive and was transported to a local hospital – 2023-21561. o Trespass After Warning / Resisting LEO with Violence – District 1/Zone 2 – While being placed under arrest for Trespassing, the suspect battered the arresting deputy. The deputy was not injured and neither was the suspect – x1 Arrest – 2023-21612. July 7-9 LAW ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS • Deputies responded to:LAW ENFORCEMENT/ FIRST RESPONDER ROUND UPPhoto courtesy of HCFR dia releases and updates to round out our news coverage.By PAT RAIA A Weeki Wachee woman was killed when a large, rotted tree fell and crashed onto the roof of her mobile home on the 1000 block of Tooke Lake Boulevard. Personnel from Hernando County Fire Rescue (HCFR) arrived at the scene the morning of July 10 and discov ered that the tree had fallen and crashed into the center of the mobile home trapping a 58-year-old woman inside. Because both the tree and the home’s structure were Once they did, she was pronounced dead at the scene. that what caused the tree to fall is uncertain, but that no foul play is suspected. “The cause of the incident is suspected to be natural causes no storms occurred during the time leading up to the incident; winds were a little stronger than normal everyday winds (but) the tree appeared to have rot and age related weaknesses,†he said. “The damage to the structure was extensive.†The incident remains under investigation by the Her Area stores pass and fail HCSO sales compliance checks Falling tree claims woman from Weeki WacheeHCSO staer resigns, charged with faking car theftBy PAT RAIA resigned after admitting to investi gators that he faked a report that he was wounded when a pair of young men attempted to steal his vehicle at gunpoint. The HCSO said that around 3:30 a.m. on June 30, deputies went to the area of Shoal Line and Cortez bou levards in response to a report from HCSO telecommunicator 22-year-old Dakotah Wood that while he was at Linda Pedersen Park, two unknown black men attempted to steal his vehicle, threatened to kill him with a At the scene, Wood told deputies that the shooter collected the spent foot. The Weeki Wachee man also said that he had used his own personal fense to shoot at times and that he thought he had shot at least one of the would-be carjackers at least once. After the shoot ing, Wood told deputies that he left the park and drove to the intersection of Cortez and Shoal Line boulevards to avoid the suspects. Members of the HCSO forensic unit arrived at the scene to collect ev idence and process the scene. Wood was taken to an area hospital for treatment of the gunshot wound. At the hospital, he admitted to detectives that he drove to the park after becoming upset “over issues†with his girlfriend and that he was wounded in the thigh while he was arm accidentally discharged. He admitted to fabricating the car-jacking story in order to avoid “getting into trouble.†In response, deputies arrested Wood and booked him into the Her nando County Detention Center on charges of tampering with or fabri cating physical evidence, making a false crime report, and discharging a property. Wood resigned from his position with the HCSO while the investiga tion was underway. He was released on July 1 on bond. Dakota Wood Credit: HCSO HCSO re-accredited by state law enforcement standards agencyBy PAT RAIA The Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA) has re-accredited (HCSO) after reviewing the agency’s performance on more than 200 appli cable state standards. According to HCSO Accreditation Manager Lisa Iannone, the accredi tation process measured the HCSO’s compliance with 236 state-recog nized standards that are necessary to maintain a properly functioning and and involved in-department review of every aspect of the agency’s organization, management, operations, and administration. Iannone said the review revealed that the HCSO was in 100 percent compliance with all 205 applicable standards, and that agency employees follow best law enforcement practic es determined by the State of Florida. re-accreditation review is key to in the agency. “Going through this stressful event makes the agency better and, at the same time, gives the public con doing an exceptional job at keeping our community safe.†The Commission meets three times per year to oversee the state’s acaccredit agencies that have passed the rigorous review process, Iannone said.o Death – District 2/Zone 4 – A family member discovered the victim deceased in their bedroom. Preliminary investigation revealed no foul play suspected – 2023-21859. o Death – District 2/Zone 2 The victim was discovered deceased in their residence. Preliminary investigation revealed no foul play suspected – 2023-22120. July 10 LAW ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS • Deputies responded to: o Death – District 1/Zone 1 – A tree fell onto a trailer and killed a woman who resided inside – 2023-22216. o Commercial Burglary – District 2/Zone 4 – A residence being renovated was burglarized and some items were stolen from within the residence – Investigation Active – 2023-22205. Zone 8 – Investigation Active – 2023-22276. Accused arsonist arrested after stando with SWAT teamsBy PAT RAIA An accused arsonist is facing mul tiple charges after allegedly setting law enforcement personnel from the Hernando County and Citrus County (HCSO) Spokesperson Denise Moloney said that just after 3 a.m. on July 5, deputies responded to a 9-1-1 call reporting that a house on Pryor Street By the time HCSO deputies and crews from the Brooksville Fire De partment and the Hernando Fire and Rescue arrived on the scene, the en and the occupants of the residence had evacuated it. While deputies awaited the arrival of a representative from the State Fire inside the residence at the time of 50-year-old James Hines with whom she had previously had a relation ship, had sent texts to her cell phone threatening to “burn the house down†with her and another victim inside. Personnel from the HCSO Major Case Section and the Forensic Science Unit also arrived at the Pryor Street residence where the represen tative from the State Fire Marshal’s intentionally set. After learning Hines’ address and torized bicycle, HCSO investigators began searching for him. Around 10 p.m. on July 4, a witness told them that Hines, who was riding a bicycle and carrying a bag, said he was headed to the Pryor Street residence. Later, a clerk at the Speedway gas station at 18635 Cortez Blvd, in Brooksville told deputies that Hines entered the store around 1:30 a.m. on July 5, and purchased gloves, a medical-type face mask and $5 worth of gasoline. Before he left Hines asked for directions to Pryor Street, the clerk said. Around 1:15 a.m. detectives learned that Hines returned to his residence at 12218 Maripoe Rd. in Brooksville but failed to make contact with him there. When detectives saw Hines at the residence’s interior garage door, he retreated into the house. While they tried and failed to contact Hines via cell phone, he tried side of the residence. Detectives observed the escape attempt and saw that Hines was armed with a hand gun. After spotting the detectives, Hines dove back through the window into the residence and screamed at the By 1:55 on July 5 deputies began evacuating residences surrounding the crime scene and closed roads in the immediate area. Fire rescue crews were placed on standby. Just after 2 a.m. deputies continued their attempt to contact Hines via cell phone and loud speaker but failed. A HCSO SWAT team arrived at the scene and established a perimeter there. Members of the Crisis Re sponse Team (CRT) took over all at tempted communication with Hines. to the extreme heat and the length of their deployment, the Citrus County arrived on the scene to relieve the HCSO team at the scene. Just after 9:30 a.m., shots were his residence and taken to an area trauma center where he was treated for non-life-threatening injuries. Hines was placed under arrest and charged with two counts of attempted arson, written threats to kill or injure, unlawful use of a two-way com munications device, two counts of aggravated assault on a law enforce violence. “And there could be other charges pending further investigation,†said HCSO Public Relations Manager Denise Moloney. Hines was booked into the Hernan do County Detention Center where he is being held in lieu of bond. While the HCSO investigation continues, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) is investi gating the deputy-involved shooting. All the deputies involved in that shooting from both Hernando and Citrus counties are on administrative leave with pay pending the outcome of the FDLE review. James Hines Credit: HCSO
HERNANDO LIVING HERNANDO LIVING B 1 JULY 14-20, 2023 < Brooksville Gallery 201’s new exhibit B 3 Hernando Sun All-County Boys Basketball Team 2022-2023 B 9 >COMMUNITY, ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT, FUN See CAROLE BABICZ TRIBUTE Page B 8 BY SAMANTHA MURRAY UF-IFASScientists have successfully tested a novel way of boosting honey bees’ immune sysHEALTHY BEES, HEALTHY HUMANS See BEES Page B 6 Get to understand our essential and industrious pollinators and their needs at the Wellcome OM Center BEE Conscious Honey Bee Day and Craft Fair on Aug. 19.BY SUE QUIGLEY HERNANDO SUNI show that bee colonies have been on the decline since 2000 THE PLIGHT OF THE BUMBLE BEE SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 2023 at the WELLCOME OM CENTER 10AM TO 2PM See PLIGHT Page B 6Immune-boosting therapy helps honey bees resist deadly virusesChristmas in July event to honor local humanitarian Carole BabiczBy MEGAN HUSSEY ABOVE: Carole Babicz at the Weeki Wachee Senior Center. Photo provided by Jana Withers.
PAGE B 2 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 14-20, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Friday & Weekend!“I†– Identity Exhibit: Opening ReceptionDate: Friday, July 14, 2023 Time: 6:00 pm 8:00 pm Location: The Brooksville Art Gallery At 201 201 Howell Ave, Brooksville, FL 34601 Description: Join us for the opening reception of our next exhibit, “I†– Identity, on Friday, July 14, from 6 PM – 8 PM! There will be music and light refreshments provided. The theme of this exhibit is identity and self-expression, so expect to see a collection of self-portraits. There will also be many conceptual takes on this of the self, explorations of favorite mediums, and other interpretations of what “identity†means. HomeTown Christmas in JulyDate: Friday, July 14 & Saturday, July 15, 2023 Time: 6:00 pm 8:00 pm Location: Christ Lutheran Church LCMS 475 North Ave W, Brooksville, FL 34601 Description: Local vendors, wine, charcuterie, and live music! Cracker House Winery will be out w her local Wine by the glass or bottle. They will also have Wine Slushies! TATCO will be out on Fri with their AXE THROWING! We will have The Mudds Jazz and Blues band on Friday Night!!! WE LOVE when The Mudds come and play for us! They are fantastic! Their music is just as wonderful as their personalities – magical! Indoor Vendors (Friday and Saturday!) Earth & Sea Sweet Little Dreams Pinetop Custom Creations Debbie Does Soap Kim Cirone’s Nail Mania and More Canned by Jess Jenna Bear Sweets Grandmas Kidz Wear Tony Patrick Wood Shop Lor De Culture Designs The Steampunk Prospector Linda’s All About Wreaths My Scentsible Life (vendors will be added as apps come in) Outdoor Vendors (Saturday Only!) (vendors will be added as apps come in) Food Vendors (Friday and Saturday!) Frios Frozen Pops (Friday) RoadSide Snack (Fri & Sat) (vendors will be added as apps come in). City of Brooksville Cemetery Clean upDate: Saturday, July 15, 2023 Time: 8:00 am 12:00 pm Location: Brooksville Cemetery, 1275 Olmes Road, Brooksville. Description: This cleanup will be focused on raking and hand weeding, and cleaning gear will as well as refreshments for all volunteers! Start your Saturday morning with a good deed by giving back to your community. Registrations are encouraged but not mandatory. Online registrations are highly encouraged but not mandatory. If you wish to register online, please visit: Air Force meetingDate: Saturday, July 15, 2023 Time: 10:30 am 11:30 am Location: Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) hanger 2475 Broad Street, Brooksville Description: “The Commemorative Air Force (CAF) is an International Organization sells rides to the public in WWII aircraft. We are forming a new wing here in Brooksville, Florida!! Our wing meets on the third Saturday of each month. Our next meeting is on August 20, 2022, at 10:30 AM in the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) hanger 2475 Broad Street, Brooksville, Florida, located on the Brooksville – Tampa Bay Regional Airport (BKV). You do not have to be a pilot to attend. However, if airplane to our meeting. If you would like to see and get your hands on a piece of history, come to our meeting!!! Contact John Williams at 404-315-0512.â€Nature Coast Orchid Society July MeetingDate: Saturday, July 15, 2023 Time: 11:00 am 2:30 pm Location: Fellowship Hall 10515 FL 34608 Description: Nature Coast Orchid Society will host Accent Orchids at the July Meeting. Always a crowd pleaser, this grower specializes in orchids that thrive in our central Florida a few degrees determines a plant’s success and what you should be growing. Orchids are available for sale. Members’ Newcomers welcome. Located in the Fellowship Hall behind the church. Doors open at 11 AM; the meeting starts at 12 PM. NCOS is a 501(c)(3) group. Info: ~~~~~ WEEKDAY EVENTSBINGO with the MarinesDate: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 Time: 11:30 am 3:00 pm Location: Marine Corps League Detachment 708, 8405 Sunshine Grove Rd, Brooksville Description: To make things more interesting, the BINGO jackpot has been raised to $200 dollars, and it’s on every Tuesday from 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM. So come on by for good times with good food. All are welcome. Join us on Facebook at MCL 708 OORAHThe Summer Reading BashDate: Thursday, July 20, 2023 Time: 9:00 am 12:00 pm Location: Hernando County Education Foundation, 900 Emerson Rd. in Brooksville Description: A free and safe program for families. Students will receive free lunch and a summer reading take-home pack. Come out for games and exciting activities. Virtual Plant Clinic with Dr. Bill LesterDate: Thursday, July 20, 2023 Time: 10:00 am 11:00 am Location: ZOOM MEETING Description: Tune in for our weekly plant clinic! Ask questions live online and get research-based answers and advicebroadcast on Facebook Live and YouTube Live! Join Dr. William Lester with the University of Florida Extension Service in Hernando County and his co-host Lilly Browning with Florida-Friendly Landscaping. Feel free to send pictures of problem plants or insects to questions. Brooksville Bites NightJul 21 2023 6:00 pm 9:00 pm 13 S Brooksville Ave, Brooksville, FL 34601 Event by SaucyQueen, Intensity Academy Gourmet & Hot Sauce Company and Country Depot ***FREE EVENT***Rain or Shine!*** Food Truck Rally and local vendors in the heart of our downtown Brooksville! ***Vendors Info (813) 2993600**** Family and Pet FriendlyIce Cream Music JamJul 21 2023 6:00 pm 8:00 pm Park, 7200 Co Rd 603, Bushnell, FL 33513, USA Bring your instrument or just your voice and ice cream topping and join us for a music jam session and cranking out homemade ice cream. Cost is $3/vehicle or Florida State Parks Annual Pass.~~~~~ AT YOUR LIBRARIESMain Library: 238 Howell Ave; Brooksville, FL 34601 Spring Hill Branch: 9220 Spring Hill Dr. Spring Hill, FL 34608 East Hernando Branch: 6457 Windmere Rd Brooksville, FL 34602 West Hernando Branch: 6335 Blackbird Ave Brooksville, FL 34613 Registration Required for library programs. Call 352-754-4043. To view the full events calendar, please visit: https:// hernandocounty.librarycalendar. com/Summer Adult Bingo ChallengeMain Branch 238 Howell Ave Brooksville, FL 34601 Ongoing event: 07/05/2023 @ 8:00am 07/31/2023 @ 6:00pm Spring Hill Branch 9220 Spring Hill Dr. Spring Hill, FL 34608 Ongoing Event: 07/05/2023 @ 9:00am 07/29/2023 @ 5:00pm West Hernando Branch 6335 Blackbird Ave. Brooksville, FL 34613 Ongoing Event: All Day 7/5 7/31 East Hernando Branch 6457 Windmere Rd. Brooksville, FL 34602 Ongoing event: 07/05/2023 @ 10:00am 07/29/2023 @ 5:00pm Description: Hernando County Library BINGO Challenge! Join us in discovering new books all summer long while playing BINGO and winning prizes. Pick up your BINGO card from the East Hernando Branch Library and start reading! Read and play at your own pace. Check out books from any branch that match the categories and record them on your BINGO card. multiple categories, it counts for all of them! Five in a row = BINGO! Win a prize for every One card per person. While supplies last. Children’s Chess Lessons @ Your LibrarySpring Hill Meeting Room 9220 Spring Hill Dr. Spring Hill, FL 34608 Date: Saturday, July 15, 2023 Time: 1:00pm 4:00pm Description: Come learn to play chess @ the Spring Hill Branch Library. Did you know that chess is considered one of the most intelligent games in the world? These classes will be taught by Mr. Jaroslaw Markewycz and Mr. Doug Reuel of Poor Rich’s Chess Club in a relaxed, yet structured environment. This beginner program is geared towards children between the ages of 9-14, however, parents and siblings as young as 8 (of any skill level) are welcome as space allows. Space is limited. Registration is required.Painting Pop Art Donuts for TeensMain Meeting Room 238 Howell Ave. Brooksville, FL 34601 Date: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 Time: 3:00pm 4:30pm Description: Teens will be able to get a chance paint their own donut on a canvas in the style of Pop Art. And not only will teens be able to paint their own donut, but donuts will also be available to snack on! All skill levels are welcome and all materials will be provided. For ages 13-18. Space is limited, registration is required. Registration opens up 14 days before the event.West Hernando Craft ClubWest Hernando Meeting Room 6335 Blackbird Ave Brooksville, FL 34613 Date: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 Time: 3:00pm 4:30pm Description: We are cordially inviting all Hernando County creative people to bring their own crafts and share ideas! Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 3 p.m. Spring Hill Computer Class Windows Filing System How-ToSH Computer Lab 9220 Spring Hill Dr. Spring Hill, FL 34608 Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 Time: 10:00am 12:00pm Description: How to save, etc.Writing Your Life StoriesMain Meeting Room 238 Howell Ave. Brooksville, FL 34601 Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 Time: 10:15am 11:30am Description: Putting the stories of your life down on paper is a way to remember times past and a priceless gift to your family. Join our group on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays to share your stories. Registration required.East Hernando Library Book Discussion Group: The Book Woman’s DaughterEast Hernando Meeting Room 6457 Windmere Rd. Brooksville, FL 34602 Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 Time: 2:00pm 3:30pm Description: Join us to discuss The Book Woman’s Daughter, by Kim Michele Richardson. Copies of the book are available at the service desk or through Cloud Library. As the daughter of the famed blue-skinned, Troublesome Creek packhorse librarian, Honey and her family have been hiding from the law all her life. But when her mother and father are imprisoned, Honey realizes she being sent away for good. Space is limited. Registration required. Please email or call for more information.Main Library Book GroupMain Meeting Room 238 Howell Ave. Brooksville, FL 34601 Date: Thursday, July 20, 2023 Time: 12:00pm 1:00pm Description: Join us to discuss the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Copies of the book are available at the service desk or online through Cloud Library. Aging and reclusive Hollywood ready to tell the truth about her glamorous and scandalous life. But when she chooses unknown magazine reporter Monique Grant for the job, no one is more astounded than Monique herself. Why her? Why now? Summoned to Evelyn’s luxurious apartment, Monique listens in fascination as the actress tells her story. From making her way to Los Angeles in the 1950s to her decision to leave show business in the s and, of course, the seven husbands along the way, Evelyn unspools a tale of ruthless ambition, unexpected friendship, and a great forbidden love. Space is limited. Registration required. Please email or call for more information.Novel Idea: Summer Writing RetreatMain Meeting Room 238 Howell Ave. Brooksville, FL 34601 Date: Thursday, July 20, 2023 Time: 6:00pm 7:00pm Description: Calling all writers! Join us for a write-a-thon here at the library. you to get your word count up, ask advice from our resident editor, and make your piece shine!~~~~~ SAVE THE DATEOpen House and Registration for Classes at the Live Oak ConservatoryThe open house and registration for classes at the Live Oak Conservatory will be held on Monday, July 24, from 5 to 8 pm at the Carol & Frank Morsani Center for the Arts, 21030 Cortez Boulevard, Brooksville, Florida 34601. New and returning students are invited to meet members of our EXPANDED faculty. range of opportunities for children (PRE-K – 18) and adults to learn about all the performing arts. Some beginning and advanced tap, jazz and ballet, voice, musical theatre, improv and acting at various levels. Live Oak Conservatory’s most popular program is its Acorn Theatre Production Class, beginning August 1. Private lessons in a wide range of at the conservatory. All classes are taught by veteran performers and instructors. For information about Live Oak Conservatory, go to www., call 352-593-0270 or email Katie@ Run Deep Date: Friday, August 4, 2023 Time: 7:00 pm 9:00 pm Location: 601 Museum Ct, Brooksville, FL 34601 Description: Join us for the grand opening night of “These Roots Run Deep,†a captivating showcase exhibit that unveils the remarkable pictures and history of the Ederington family. This event marks the beginning of an exciting series that will showcase the diverse Brooksville settler families and their unique family histories. “These Roots Run Deep†aims to celebrate and honor the legacy of the Ederington family while preserving the rich heritage of Brooksville. Terlep Back to School BashJuly 29 10am 1pm Hill; Face painting, tacos, shaved ice; Children receive free school supplies and free school physical.Designer Bag BingoDate: Sunday, July 30, 2023 Time: 5:00 pm 8:00 pm Location: Silverthorn Country Club 4550 Golf Club Lane #0303 Spring Hill, FL 34609 Description: We are back for another exciting Night of Designer Bag BINGO! Having fun and Fundraising for Breast Cancer! Join us for some Games, Dinner, and DESIGNER BAG BINGO!! DJ Blue Bloods Spinning the Music, an Awesome Taco Bar and Delicious desserts 7th Annual Back to School BashDate: Saturday, August 05, 2023 Time: 9:00 am 12:00 pm Location: Grace World Outreach Church 20366 Cortez Blvd. Description: The Hernando the 7th Annual Back to School Bash. The event will feature free backpacks, school supplies and physicals. Taste 4 Education The Battle of the BurgerDate: Saturday, August 05, 2023 Time: 2:00 pm 6:00 pm Location: Lake House 1202 Kenlake in Spring Hill. Description: For more information on entering as a chef participant, sponsoring or tickets for samples, entertainment and voting go to HernandoEducationFoundation. org for more information. Tickets start at $15 for Children, $30 for adults and $50 VIP Tickets which include Indoor Air conditioned seating, a free drink ticket, hors ABC of Dementia Workshop live on Facebook from Stable Faith Cowboy ChurchThe Stable Faith Cowboy Church, located at 12077 Broad Street in Brooksville, Florida, will host a free ABC of Dementia workshop from 10 a.m. until noon on Saturday, August 5, 2023. The event will be livestreamed on Facebook, and may be accessed at StableFaithCowboyChurch/. Coping with Dementia President and workshop presenter Debbie Selsavage reports, “Our ABC of Dementia workshop explains Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia in plain language, suggests techniques for becoming a better and less-stressed care partner, and provides useful resources to families living with dementia.†She adds, “While the workshop is designed primarily for care partners and family members of a loved one living with dementia, anyone is welcome, including persons experiencing dementia.†The workshop is free, but reservations are encouraged. For more information or to reserve seats at any of the workshops, call 352422-3663 or e-mail deb@coping. today.BINGO with the MarinesDate: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 Time: 11:30 am 3:00 pm Location: Marine Corps League Detachment 708, 8405 Sunshine Grove Rd, Brooksville, FL 34613 Description: To make things more interesting, the BINGO jackpot has been raised to $200 dollars and it’s on every Tuesday from 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM. So come on by for good times with good food. All are welcome. Join us on FaceBook at: MCL 708 OORAHNature Coast Orchid Society’s 2023 Annual AuctionDate: Saturday, August 19, 2023 Time: 11:00 am 1:30 pm Location: Fellowship Hall behind Spring Hill. Description: Nature Coast Orchid Society’s 2023 Annual Auction is August 19. Orchids of every size, shape, color and genera will be on the block. Auction lot includes select orchid stock from Florida growers and NCOS members’ divisions. Cash/credit cards accepted for purchase. Info: 352-895-4035.CLUBSNature Coast Bridge Club (NCBC), located in Davis Hall at United Church of Christ, 4244 Mariner Blvd, Spring Hill is actively seeking new members. If you are a social bridge player and would like to learn duplicate, we invite you to join us. If you like, a NCBC member will shadow you as you play on assistance. For more information, call Jerry 352-684-0478 or email Elks Lodge #2582July is a $1 application Fee. Elks Care and Elks Share. Help us support our local veterans and foster children. Come and see us for a relaxing time. Meet new friends. Become a member. Friday dinner dances 5-9 pm. Sunday Line dancing 2-6 pm. See the current month’s calendar and events at ( 13383 County Line Road Spring Hill Florida 34609 Phone 352799-7148 Renovated hall/dance your next occasion. Seated Dining Capacity of 175. Building Capacity of 233 persons. F O O D F O O D T R U C K S T R U C K S & L O C A L & L O C A L V E N D O R S ! V E N D O R S ! SAUCY QUEEN PRESENTS:BROOKSVILLE BROOKSVILLE BITES NIGHT BITES NIGHT13. South Brooksville Ave. 13. South Brooksville Ave. 13. South Brooksville Ave. Historic Downtown Brooksville Historic Downtown Brooksville Historic Downtown BrooksvilleBrought to you by:Fam ily Friendly Event! Fam ily Friendly Event! Fam ily Friendly Event! Alw ays the Third Friday of A lw ays the Third Friday of Alw ays the Third Friday of each m onth at 6-9pm each m onth at 6-9pm each m onth at 6-9pm2 years 2 years 2 years of great of great of great events! events! events! 8390 Forest Oaks Blvd, Spring Hill 8390 Forest Oaks Blvd, Spring Hill (352) 683-5113 (352) 683-5113 SHOW BEGINS AT 7:30 PM | DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 PM JUNE 23, 2023 rf rf nff nff tbtbt tbtbt r r
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 14-20, 2023 • PAGE B 3 The The Hernando Hernando Sportsman’s Sportsman’s Club Club 352-597-9931 352-597-9931 THURS & FRI RANGE HOURS: Monthly Firearms Classes for CCW 16121 Commercial Way, Brooksville, FL 34614Located 9 miles North of S.R. 50 on U.S. Hwy 19 Receive $5 OFFWith Coupon. 8/31/2023LUNCHBuy One Get OneHALF OFF 8/31/2023LUNCH ONLY 7285 Forest Oaks Blvd Spring Hill FL34606(352) With $30 PurchasePLAZA MEXICOBAR SPECIALS EVERY DAY Over 100 Trucks, Cars, SUV’s on the Lot NEED A NEW CAR ?No Worries.GOOD BAD NOCREDITNo Problem! Ask About Our Lifetime Engine Warranty!VANS CARS & TRUCKS(352)796-64027043 Broad Street, ABOVE: Painting by Lyn Bechtel. Photo provided. ABOVE: Painting by Paul Shaskan. Photo provided.rfnt btttBy MEGAN HUSSEY ABOVE: Painting by Paul Shaskan. Photo provided. ABOVE: Painting by Desiree Kantrim. Photo provided. ABOVE: Painting by Diane Becker. Photo provided.
PAGE B 4 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 14-20, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Rose's Life Lessons 1. Make the best of it. 2. Have fun. 3. Don't waste it. 4. Reconnect with old friends and family. Beacon Movie Times Mining Enrichment Center Calendar 800 John Gary Grubbs Blvd Brooksville • 352-544-590014 8:15-12:00 Caring K9â€s 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 10-2 Low Vision Works 11-3 Scrabble 17 8:15-12:00 Caring K9â€s 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 10-2 Low Vision Works 11-3 Scrabble 11-3 Rummy Cube 3-8 “RTM Studios†3-9 Dance 18 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 9-4 EC SEWERS 9-4 H.C. Quilt Guild 10-12Deaf Services 11-3 Rug Hookers 3-8 “RTM Studios†Co-Dependents Anonymous 6:30-8:00 19 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 9-4:00 Warm Up America – 1st Fl Side Room 10-12 HC Quilt Guild BOD 11:30-12:30 Blood Pressure 1-2:00 Music with Gale 1-3 Pencil Sketching 6:30 HYL 20 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 9:30 Quilters of the Nature Coast 2nd Fl 9:30-11:00 Bingo 9-4 EC SEWERS 10-4 Perfect Storm 10:30-4 Basket Weavers 1-4 Community Sewers 1-3:00 Creative Art 5:30-7 Ms. Ali’s 7-9 Nature Coast Horseman’s Association Krueger Enrichment Center Calendar 392 Beverly Ct Spring Hill • 352-293-473814 10-11 Chair Exercise 10-11:30 Crochet Class 10-11:00 Music with Gale 10-12 Skip Bo 12-4 Canasta 12-3 Mah-Jongg 12:30-4 Rug Hookers 8-4 SHINEServing Health Insurance Needs of Elders Appointment only: 352-593-0705 17 10-11 Chair Exercise 9-1 Devon’s House 1-4 Mexican Train Dominoes 18 9-5 Home Circle/ Above Reproach 1-4 Deaf Services 19 10-11 Chair Exercise 9-11 Devon’s House 12-4 Canasta 12-3 Mah-Jongg 12-3:30 Pinochle 20 10-2 HC Quilt Guild12-4 Bridge 8-4 SHINEServing Health Insurance Needs of Elders Appointment only: 352-593-0705 21 10-11 Chair Exercise 10-11:30 Crochet Class 10-11:00 Music with Gale 10-12 Skip Bo 12-4 Canasta 12-3 Mah-Jongg 12:30-4 Rug Hookers 8-4 SHINEServing Health Insurance Needs of Elders Appointment only: 352-593-0705 Hernando Sportsman’s Club Calendar9 miles north of SR50 on Hwy 19 352-597-9931 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday July 2023 1 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 JR 22 RIFLE 50 YD 9AM STEEL MATCH N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 2 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 COWBOY 9AM N BAYS 200 MTR CLOSED 3 RANGE CLOSED 4 OR & FIELD 1 T RAP & SKT 9 -3 (FIELD 2 CLOSED) MACHINE GUN SHOOT 9:30 – 3:00 5 RANGE CLOSED 6 OR, T,SKT 9 -2 COWBOY 9AM IDPA 9 -11 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM 200 CLOSED NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM GUN CLS 5PM 7 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 ST EEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM BOWLING PIN PRACTICE 50 YD 9 -12 200 CLOSED 8 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 ACTION RIFLR N BAYS & 200 MTR 9AM BOWLING PIN MATCH 50 YD 9AM BRD MTG 3:15 9 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 USPSA 9AM N BAYS MOD F CLASS 200 MTR 9AM 10 RANGE CLOSED 11 RANGE CLOSED 12 RANGE CLOSED 13OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 14 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 15 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 IDPA MATCH N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR OPEN DAY 9AM 1 6 OR,T,SKT & FIVE STAND 9 -3 BIG BORE PISTOL& 22 RIFLE SILH 9AM 200 MTR PCC MATCH N BAYS 9AM 17 RANGE CLOSED 18 RANGE CLOSED 19 RANGE CLOSED 20OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 21 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL MATCH N BAYS & 200 9AM 22 OR,T,SKT9 -3 RIMFIRE CHALLENGE 9AM N BAYS ANNUAL DI NNER MEETING 4 PM 23 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM 3 GUN N BAYS & 200 MTR 24 ‘ RANGE CLOSED 25 RANGE CLOSED 26 RANGE CLOSED 27OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC P ISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 28 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 29 OR,T,SKT9 -3 HUNTERS ED ARCHERY 8AM 30 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 SPEC. MATCH N BAYS & 200 MTR 9AM HUNTERS ED ARCHERY 8AM 31 RANGE CLOSED Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday July 2023 1 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 JR 22 RIFLE 50 YD 9AM STEEL MATCH N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 2 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 COWBOY 9AM N BAYS 200 MTR CLOSED 3 RANGE CLOSED 4 OR & FIELD 1 T RAP & SKT 9 -3 (FIELD 2 CLOSED) MACHINE GUN SHOOT 9:30 – 3:00 5 RANGE CLOSED 6 OR, T,SKT 9 -2 COWBOY 9AM IDPA 9 -11 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM 200 CLOSED NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM GUN CLS 5PM 7 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 ST EEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM BOWLING PIN PRACTICE 50 YD 9 -12 200 CLOSED 8 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 ACTION RIFLR N BAYS & 200 MTR 9AM BOWLING PIN MATCH 50 YD 9AM BRD MTG 3:15 9 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 USPSA 9AM N BAYS MOD F CLASS 200 MTR 9AM 10 RANGE CLOSED 11 RANGE CLOSED 12 RANGE CLOSED 13OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 14 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 15 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 IDPA MATCH N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR OPEN DAY 9AM 1 6 OR,T,SKT & FIVE STAND 9 -3 BIG BORE PISTOL& 22 RIFLE SILH 9AM 200 MTR PCC MATCH N BAYS 9AM 17 RANGE CLOSED 18 RANGE CLOSED 19 RANGE CLOSED 20OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 21 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL MATCH N BAYS & 200 9AM 22 OR,T,SKT9 -3 RIMFIRE CHALLENGE 9AM N BAYS ANNUAL DI NNER MEETING 4 PM 23 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM 3 GUN N BAYS & 200 MTR 24 ‘ RANGE CLOSED 25 RANGE CLOSED 26 RANGE CLOSED 27OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC P ISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 28 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 29 OR,T,SKT9 -3 HUNTERS ED ARCHERY 8AM 30 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 SPEC. MATCH N BAYS & 200 MTR 9AM HUNTERS ED ARCHERY 8AM 31 RANGE CLOSED Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday July 2023 1 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 JR 22 RIFLE 50 YD 9AM STEEL MATCH N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 2 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 COWBOY 9AM N BAYS 200 MTR CLOSED 3 RANGE CLOSED 4 OR & FIELD 1 T RAP & SKT 9 -3 (FIELD 2 CLOSED) MACHINE GUN SHOOT 9:30 – 3:00 5 RANGE CLOSED 6 OR, T,SKT 9 -2 COWBOY 9AM IDPA 9 -11 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM 200 CLOSED NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM GUN CLS 5PM 7 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 ST EEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM BOWLING PIN PRACTICE 50 YD 9 -12 200 CLOSED 8 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 ACTION RIFLR N BAYS & 200 MTR 9AM BOWLING PIN MATCH 50 YD 9AM BRD MTG 3:15 9 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 USPSA 9AM N BAYS MOD F CLASS 200 MTR 9AM 10 RANGE CLOSED 11 RANGE CLOSED 12 RANGE CLOSED 13OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 14 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 15 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 IDPA MATCH N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR OPEN DAY 9AM 1 6 OR,T,SKT & FIVE STAND 9 -3 BIG BORE PISTOL& 22 RIFLE SILH 9AM 200 MTR PCC MATCH N BAYS 9AM 17 RANGE CLOSED 18 RANGE CLOSED 19 RANGE CLOSED 20OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 21 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL MATCH N BAYS & 200 9AM 22 OR,T,SKT9 -3 RIMFIRE CHALLENGE 9AM N BAYS ANNUAL DI NNER MEETING 4 PM 23 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM 3 GUN N BAYS & 200 MTR 24 ‘ RANGE CLOSED 25 RANGE CLOSED 26 RANGE CLOSED 27OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC P ISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 28 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 29 OR,T,SKT9 -3 HUNTERS ED ARCHERY 8AM 30 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 SPEC. MATCH N BAYS & 200 MTR 9AM HUNTERS ED ARCHERY 8AM 31 RANGE CLOSED Spring Hill 8 Movie TimesFriday, July 14 Sunday, July 16, 2023 Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning Part One Runs: 2h 43m 11:15 AM, 11:30 AM, 3:00 PM, 3:15 PM, 6:45 PM, 6:50 PM, 7:00 PM, 10:30 PM, 10:40 PM Insidious: The Red Door Runs: 1h 47m 12:30 PM, 4:15 PM, 7:15 PM, 10:00 PM Joy Ride Runs: 1h 32m 12:15 PM, 7:30 PM Sound of Freedom Runs: 2h 15m 12:00 PM, 3:30 PM, 7:00 PM, 10:15 PM Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Runs: 2h 34m 11:30 AM, 3:10 PM, 6:45 PM, 10:15 PM Elemental Runs: 1h 42m 11:45 AM, 3:30 PM, 6:30 PM, 9:45 PM Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Runs: 2h 7m 4:00 PM, 10:00 PMBy JUDY WARNOCK Centenarian Rose and her life lessons Centenarian Rose and her life lessons ABOVE: Paul Martinchek showed me this recent photo of Rose. Paul and I were able to have lunch this spring. I love the photo and Rose’s smile. She didn’t want to miss a thing! ABOVE: Rose and John Martinchek were married on September 14, 1943. This photo appeared in the Pittsburgh Society page along with a 70th Anniversary write-up. A niece arranged the article as a total surprise for them!ABOVE: Rose and John Martinchek often visited Brooksville and Masaryktown in the early 2000s. I was able to see them around 2007-2008 and got this photo. 5. Keep going. There is more to do. 6. Count your blessings.
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 14-20, 2023 • PAGE B 5 $3250 $29$149NEW PATIENT EXAMS & X-RAYS (ADA-D0150) FULL MOUTH SERIES (ADA-D0210)PER TOOTH (Up To 2 Teeth) EXTRACTION SPECIAL $849$929No More Temporaries • No More ImpressionsINCLUDES: Core Build Up, Gingivectomy, Crown D2740UPPER OR LOWER Ask About Our Conscious Sedation! 12326 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville 352.616.0001 Sarah Shuayb, DMD rfnt b rt Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023.Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd. and Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. NEW PATIENT SPECIAL SAME DAY CROWNS DENTURES SPECIAL IMPLANT, IMPLANT CROWN AND ABUTMENT 229 Mariner Blvd. Spring Hill 352.666.5133 Mohammad Shuayb, DMD 352.616.0001 WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION Ask About Our Conscious Sedation! rf HS HS HS HSHS By Derek Fritz Special to Hernando Sun of patients diagnosed with An overheated woman trying to cool down. Photo by Freepik. Hernando Sportsman’s Club Calendar rf dening Know How notes that some plants to cool down in a shaded many people love the sum For more information on heat safety and preventive measures, please visit Brav
PAGE B 6 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 14-20, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS found in the cells of bees’ and The bees then consumed the sium ion channels can be a system function in honey bees technology that has the same BEESFROM PAGE B1 352-686-3330 352-686-3330 at Affordable Prices ImportanceeofROOFMaintaining a Healthy Christopher Fellows administering treatment at night. Photo by Michael Simone-Finstrom USDA. PLIGHTFROM PAGE B1dedicated to the “wholeness a combination of convention “The event is designed not business in the Tampa Bay List of Vendors Sponsor: Gardner Audiology WellCome Om Integral Healing and Education Center Integrative Healing at OM Herbert Sherbert Yummy Thai Food Thirsty Lemonade Mo'rock'in Mediterranean Food Hernando IFAS Extension Sierra Club Adventure Coast The Gilded Buttery Boutique Soapy Suds n' Candles Dawn To Earth Biggie Bee’s Natural Pet Treats Stix n' Stones Sunower Girl & Co. Charley's Candles Bee Ready 4 Anything Tiney Hiney Custom Cloth PaperPie/ Usborne Books Pinetop Custom Creations Alyssa Hadley Gifts Bird Houses by Barbara Amira's Accessories Wild Acres Florida Dance Craft Henna Art w/ Sam Forrester Made Microcirculation Center Mind's Eye Hypnotherapy Vincent House Hernando Hernando Homesteaders Seed Swap J & M Creations Your Urban Microgreens Elsa's Special Treats Crotchet Gifts by Tami Create It Art Studio The Honey Couple Sassy Classy Clay Creations Debbie Does Soap Angela The Honey Guy Disco Dopamine Faeble Co Om Grown Community Garden Joyous Jewels Special Olympics If You Go rfntbn f f bf bf fn rfbn f fff ‘btffn bn nnfn fnbnf f’ f f “fbfn bnffn fbnfb bnf ffWhere to buy honey locally Queen Kathleen Honey honey World Bee Day is May 20UN General Assembly declares 20 May as World Bee Day. By observing World Bee Day each year, we can raise awareness of the essential role bees and other pollinators play in keeping people and the planet healthy and on the many challenges they face today. R E C I P E
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 14-20, 2023 • PAGE B 7 3288 Mustang Dr, Brooksville FL 34604 Carpet & Tile ccent 352-848-0770 WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION QUALITY FLOORING FOR THE HEALTH-CONSCIOUS HOMEOWNER QUALITY FLOORING FOR THE HEALTH-CONSCIOUS HOMEOWNER It could be your unhealthy oor. We have the perfect natural and eco-friendly solutions for you....Having health issues? It could be your ooring! ...Having health issues? It could be your ooring! We have the perfect non-toxic, natural and eco-friendly solutions for you! We have the perfect non-toxic, natural and eco-friendly solutions for you! 352-686-3330 352-686-3330 at Affordable Prices ImportanceeofROOFMaintaining a Healthy ASK ABOUT OUR 7 DAY FREE TRIAL Sign Up Here: WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION • 250 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill, FL 34609 • 352.610.9900 WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION Schedule your consultation today, and experience the Skintastic dierence! rfnr rtf frfb ff b r r r btf ff ffr rf r ft f br f rbbt rrf rf rfb r tr nr rbbbf rb br fr rbfrf tbb rb bbfb tb f fr frfr rfrb fr r frr r bb f tf bb frfbr ff rfbbtr bbfr fbr r frt br bbff ff BY SUE QUIGLEY HERNANDO SUN has been loved by human sign of the honeycomb and belongs to the ancient people have the medicinal values Tips for Using Honey for Medicinal Purposes Wounds Mild Burns Helps Treat Colds and Cough Where to buy honey locally Queen Kathleen Honey honey LIQUID GOLD Healing powers Healing powers of honey of honey rrfrf rfnft brnnf rrf rrtBY SUE QUIGLEY HERNANDO SUN Moisturiser: Honey is an honey enable it to seep into the Pore Cleanser: Honey can be with two spoons of coconut Exfoliator: Lighten Scars: Honey is a honey with one spoon coconut Many uses of Many uses of honey for beauty honey for beautyR E C I P E nighttime coughing and Cuts Diabetes Risk studies have found that honey Gastric Issues
PAGE B 8 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 14-20, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Hernando Sun Hats Now Available!Show your support for the Hernando Sun newspaper with a trucker style hat! Proceeds support our newsroom eorts. (Not made in China.) $30 each (tax & shipping included) Checks made payable to Hernando Sun Order by Mail: Mail form to Hernando Sun; PO Box 12203; Brooksville, FL 34603Hernando Sun Hat Order FormColor Options: Orange, Blue, Tan Orange Qty:___________ Blue Qty:______________ Tan Qty: ______________ Name & Shipping Address: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ _______________________________________ Contact Info for order updates: ______________________________________ Is this a gift? If so, include a note below: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ CAROLE BABICZ TRIBUTE FROM PAGE B 1 Carole Babicz standing in front of her church donations. Photo provided by Frank Babicz. By SARAH NACHIN Rotary Club of Brooksville "Service Above Self" Rotary Club of Brooksville "Service Above Self" ABOVE: (L-R) Jen Ferguson, Liz Casner, Lisa Yeager, Shawna Kincade, Karen Lund. ABOVE: (L-R) Representatives of Operation HeartF.E.L.T. Marc Stepbach & Danielle Healis; Liz Casner, Karen Lund. ABOVE: (L-R) Liz Casner, Allisa Babor, Karen Lund.
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 14-20, 2023 • PAGE B 9rfn tbtttbtBy ANDY VILLAMARZO Below is the 2022-2023 Hernando Sun All-County Boys Basketball team.GuardIsaac Priester, Weeki Wachee, JR: GuardDivine Torain, Springstead, SR: GuardLuke Sanders, Nature Coast, SR: ForwardCaden Bergantino, Central, SR: The ForwardRJ Wilson, Hernando, SR: UtilityBraden Joyner, Central, JR: ABOVE: Springstead, 3, Divine Torain, rises above Weeki Wachee defenders, 24, Anthony Wilson and, 23, Steven Martin, Friday 12/9 at Weeki Wachee High School. Photo by JOE DiCRISTOFALO. ABOVE: Leopards #2 senior RJ Wilson brings ball back into play against Anclote High School Tuesday night 2/7. Photo by Cheryl Clanton. ABOVE: Weeki Wachee, 14, Isaac Priester advances into the Wachee High School. Photo by JOE DiCRISTOFALO. ABOVE: Central High, 12, Caden Bergantino tries to put up a shot against the defense by Springstead, 12, Austin Nicholson Friday night 1/27 at Central High. Photo by JOE DiCRISTOFALO. Protecting The Integrity Of Your Investment! Protecting The Integrity Of Your Investment! 114 E. Liberty St., Brooksville, FL 34601 • 114 E. Liberty St., Brooksville, FL 34601 • For Free Estimates, Call 352-799-7420 For Free Estimates, Call 352-799-7420 rfr ntb AWARD WINNING ARCHER PAINTINGInterior Exterior Commercial Residential ASK ABOUT OUR 7 DAY FREE TRIAL Sign Up Here: WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION LEFT: Central High, 4, Braden Joyner tries to split Hernando defenders Josiah Wright,3, and Drew Bittinger ,1, on his way to the basket Tuesday 1/17/23 in Brooksville. Photo by JOE DiCRISTOFALO. RIGHT: Nature Coast’s 3, Luke Sanders goes up and over the Sebring defense for a shot Thursday in the Final Game of the Nature Coast Christmas Tournament. Photo by JOE DiCRISTOFALO.
PAGE B 10 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 14-20, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS as while still but a few locating the big females and I’ll be headed south invasion which hopefully hunting the invasive ABOVE: Toby, with a day’s old Python hatch-ling, picked up in the Corn Dance unit of the Big Cypress National Preserve. Toby Benoit is a best selling novelist and professional outdoorsof experience guiding and all across America. Toby is a renowned archer and turkey hunting expert who manufactures custom game calls and is a regular judge at NWTF sanctioned turkey calling events across the Southeast. HUNTING hatch is on down in South on anything they can get a FUN AND GAMESCROSSWORD PUZZLE ON P B 11Sudoku solution on p B 11 BWS solution on p B 11Solution to Crypto on page B 10
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 14-20, 2023 • PAGE B 11FUN AND GAMESSolution to Crossword on page B 10BWS Puzzle on page B 10 1. Is the book of Colossians (KJV) in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. Song of Solomon and which other book specifically mention the “apple tree� Genesis, Ezra, Joel, Nahum 3. What chapter of Psalms has four verses (8, 15, 21, 31) that are alike? 4, 58, 107, 133 4. From Genesis 4:26, who was Adam’s youngest son? Ishmael, Cain, Abel, Seth 5. In John 11:16, who was also called Didymus? Simon Peter, Thomas, Silas, Judas 6. Which book has the longest verse in the Bible? Psalms, Proverbs, Esther, Revelation ANSWERS: 1) New, 2) Joel 1:12 (Song of Solomon 2:3, 8:5), 3) 107, 4) Seth, 5) Thomas, 6) Esther 8:9 Sharpen your understanding of scripture with Wilson’s Casey’s latest book, “Test Your Bible Knowledge,†now available in bookstores and online. 2023 King Features Synd., Inc. FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. 257 BIBLE TRIVIA #12345_20230710 FOR RELEASE JULY 10, 2023 By Wilson Casey
PAGE B 12 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 14-20, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Melvin T. Aukamp, 80, of Spring Hill, FL, passed away on June 27, 2023, surrounded by family. Mel was born on February 6, 1943, in Chicago, IL. An avid Cubs and Bears fan, Mel was thrilled when the Cubs nally broke the “Curse of the Billy Goat†and won the World Series in 2016. Mel grew up in Mount Prospect, IL, and later graduated from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, where his oldest grandson is a student today. Aer graduating from SIU, Mel met and married Margaret “Marge†(Heintz) Aukamp. ey had two children, Christine and Mark Aukamp, both born in Williamsburg, VA. e family initially lived in Newport News, VA, and then moved their family to Morristown, TN, in 1986. In later years, Mel and Marge lived in Mills River, NC, and Spring Hill, FL, until they became full-time Floridians. e Aukamps were avid tennis players and liked to play golf. Cards of all kinds (bridge, canasta, pinochle, rummy, cribbage, war, spit, etc.) were always played with friends and at family get togethers. Mel is survived by his two children, Christine and Mark, as well as their signicant others and his three grandsons, Jacob (21), Ian (20), and Lucas (18). He is also survived by his brother, Ron Aukamp, of Highlands Ranch, CO, Ron’s children, Mike and DeeDee Aukamp, and several cousins. Mel was predeceased by his wife, Marge, his parents, Edgar and Albina, and his sister-in-law, Sue. Mel had lived in beautiful Timber Pines in Spring Hill, FL, for the last several years, enjoying tennis, golf, his many friends, the Irish Club (he was German but they let him in anyway), and the Country Club of the Pines. Mel stayed with Christine in Charleston, SC for the nal months of his life. We are grateful for this spring with him, during which he enjoyed spending time with his children, grandsons, and his many great friends at Blues. A Celebration of Life will be had in both Charleston, SC, and in Timber Pines, Spring Hill, FL, at a later date. In lieu of owers, please donate to either the Red Cross in Mel’s name (in honor of the many infusions of platelets Mel had in recent years which helped to keep him with us) or St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Melvin T. AukampOBITUARIES ABOVE: Tea bags. Photo provided by Mary Sheldon.MARRIAGESPlease note that the date reects the date the marriage license was recorded at the Hernando County Clerk of Court, not necessarily the marriage date.Santangelo, Anthony Carl and Abatemarco, Deborah Anne on 07/03/2023 Ramos, Tania Marie and Hummel, Madison Elizabeth on 07/03/2023 Anaya, Edwin and Rodriguez, Sharon Renee on 07/03/2023 Rodriguez, Casanas Jose Leniel and Wilson, Jada Paige on 07/03/2023 Vaughan, Aaron and Devito, Kara Rose on 07/03/2023 Duvall, Jack Daniel and Kramer, Caitlyn Ashley on 07/05/2023 Adkins, Ronald Eugene and Tangjitwattanakul, Krongkaew on 07/06/2023 Beggs, Tnarg Yohance and Belbin, Kayla Jo on 07/06/2023 Walker, Hunter Lee and Carter, Jordan Breann on 07/06/2023 Whitson, Ryan Lowrey and Cadavieco, Kasey on 07/06/2023 Grin, Joseph Henry and Feliciano, Manasia Ivonne on 07/06/2023 Hexter, Zacary Taylor and Neal, Hannah Nicole on 07/06/2023 Collazo, Kristopher Michael and Harrison, Kelly Maureen on 07/06/2023 Vargas, Vega Jesus Manuel and Gutierrez, Peralta Janet on 07/06/2023 Pisarski, Trenton Joseph Stanley and Dejesus, Isis Amor’e on 07/06/2023 Hernandez, Carlitos and Pimentel, Noemi on 07/07/2023 Rogers, Timothy John and Luby, Catherine Alice on 07/07/2023 Mcburnett, David Alan and Scoggins, Sarah Elizabeth on 07/07/2023 Adams, Jesse Michael and Gum, Jenny Lynn on 07/07/2023 Judith Couch, age 81, passed away on Monday, July 10, 2023. Src; Brewer Jose Torres, age 77, passed away on Sunday, July 9, 2023. Src; Brewer Bruce Johnson, age 48, passed away on Saturday, July 8, 2023. Src; Brewer Barbara Darjean, age 77, passed away on Saturday, July 8, 2023. Src; Brewer John H Wahlfeldt, age 85, of Spring Hill, Florida, passed away on Saturday, July 8, 2023. Src; Turner Nenzitio C. De Oliveira, age 90, passed away on Friday, July 7, 2023. Src; Brewer Stacey Michele Schubert, age 54, of Spring Hill, Florida, passed away on Friday, July 7, 2023. Src; Turner David F. Embleton, age 71, passed away on on ursday, July 6, 2023. Src; Brewer Judy Lee Zurawski, age 78, passed away on Wednesday, July 5, 2023. Src; Brewer James Lowery, age 62, passed away on Wednesday, July 5, 2023. Src; Brewer Deni Celley, age 47, passed away on Wednesday, July 5, 2023. Src; Brewer Barbara L Yates, 74, of Spring Hill, Florida, passed away on Wednesday, July 5, 2023. Src; Turner Nancy Louise Tyson, age 92, of Spring Hill, Florida, passed away on Wednesday, July 5, 2023. Src; TurnerBY MARY SHELDON Thomas Sullivan when he sent samples NOTES FROM THE MUSEUMS: WHITE ROSE TEA BALLS Summertime trip to St. Augustine BY SUMMER HAMPTON only do you have a chance to climb to the top of the lighthouse and view and his family lived day-to-day on the The Saint Augustine Weekly News Inside it has a heavy weight which eye lines up between the lamp and the ABOVE: St. Augustine Lighthouse. Photo by Summer Hampton. ABOVE: (L-R) Tia, Summer and Stephanie. Photo by a very kind lighthouse safety guard. The Museum Schedules! The May-Stringer tours on Wednesday Saturday from 11am 3pm 352-799-0129 The 1885 Depot tours on Friday Saturday from noon 3pm 352-799-476 The Countryman One Room Schoolhouse is open on Thursday Saturday from noon 3pm 352-515-305