The Hernando sun

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The Hernando sun
Hernando Sun Publications ( issuing body )
Place of Publication:
Brooksville, FL
Julie B. Maglio and Rocco Maglio
Creation Date:
September 23, 2022
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PAGE 1 Suggested Retail75 July 7-13, 2023 July 7-13, 2023 Volume IX, Issue XXVII Volume IX, Issue XXVII Sections A & B Sections A & B SECTION B INSIDEHOME GROWN & ESTABLISHED 2015 HOME GROWN & ESTABLISHED 2015INSIDE SECTION APort Richey woman wins Nathan’s Hotdog Eating Contest A 2 Lawsuit challenges the constitutionality of SB 264, limiting ag land purchases by foreign countries, entities of concern, CCP A 2 Hernando County School Board tackles business A 4 Groundbreaking telescope to study dark matter launched from Cape Canaveral A 5 Property Appraiser sales report APRIL 2023 (>= $100,000) A 6 Hernando County Solid Waste & Recycling Tipping Fee Rate Change A 8 Hernando County Animal Services Suspends Feline intakes Until Further Notice A 8 Residents want ATV restrictions lifted, jet ski rentals banned A 10 Teen victims knew who robbed them at gunpoint in Spring Hill A 10 Spring Hill man accused in statewide car theft ring A 12 Ocala man sentenced to life in prison for attempted second degree murder A 12 Teen hurt, dad killed in holiday weekend canoe incident A 12 Accused thief empties rental of furniture, piano, and copper pipes in Weeki Wachee A 12 Opinion A 8-9 Classieds/ Legal Notices A 10-11 See UNION CONTRACT Page A 12 THE Hernando Sun: a local paper delivered to your mailbox EVERY WEEK.Subscribe today. Page 2 A free newspaper subscription for every student and weekly teacher guide aligned to Florida Standards A free newspaper subscription for every student and weekly teacher guide aligned to Florida Standards New hires must become paramedics within four years of hire date HERNANDO LIVING HERNANDO LIVING B 1 JULY 7-13, 2023 < Hernando Sun All County Girls' Basketball Team B 9 Local artists answer the question, 'Who are you?' B 4 >COMMUNITY, ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT, FUN See VETERANS TRIBUTE Page B 3 Glen Lakes Veterans and Friends Establish a Lasting Tribute to Military Men and Women ABOVE: Aerial view of Glen Lakes Veterans and Friends tribute memorial. Photo provided by GLVFA.By SARAH J. NACHIN sarah@hernandosun.comWhen the majority of people retire, they spend most of their time engaging in per eling, hobbies, etc. While there’s nothing wrong with that, in Spring Hill, there’s a dedicated group of mostly These are the men and women of the Glen Lakes Veter ans and Friends Association (GLVFA). ans’ organizations such as the VFW and the American Last year, they decided to erect a Veterans Memo morial is a means of honoring our military and remem LEFT & BELOW: 2023 High Point Fourth of July Parade. Photo by Beatrice Lumia (left) and Rocco Maglio (below) Above & Below: 2023 Timber Pines July 4th Parade Photos by Summer Hampton. 2023 Hernando Beach Boat Parade. Photo courtesy of Bruddah Hank. BOCC approves re union contractWeeki Wachee High School FBLA members at the 2023 National Leadership conference in Atlanta. From left to right: Emily Sarkes, Rylee Rhineberger, Alexandria Lagness, Tina Vieira (Advisor) Photo courtesy of Tina Vieira.See FBLA A 3 rfrnrtb bbbtBy Roxana Montoya Tina Vieira and the Weeki Wachee High School Future Business Lead ers of America from Brooksville are causing quite a stir at a national competition, where they are honing their professional business skills and networking with other high achievers at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. Vieria, a third-year advisor for the FBLA, is proud that a special group of high school students has been performing exceptionally well at the national level during a jampacked week of business networking, competitions with over 100 groups of business savvy teens from across the By PAT RAIA pat@hernandosun. com emergency manage ment technicians (EMT) County will be required to become paramedics within four years of their hire under the latest contract between the county and Hernando County Fire Rescue District in agree ment with the Hernando County Professional Fire The Hernando County Board of County Commis sioners (BOCC) approved the contract during its According to Hernando County Fire Rescue Fire Chief and Public Safety Director Paul Hasen meier MPA, EFO the requirement will double the department’s normal paramedic school enroll -bbr tfbBy MARK STONE markstone@hernandosun.comYou don’t have to live in Hernando County for long – or pretty much any other county in Florida, for that matter, to recognize homelessness as one of the larger problems residents face. At virtually every major in tersection, it’s not hard to spot a homeless person. The reasons for the number of homeless in the area are both simple and complicated. Some are homeless because they want to be, while others have had a series of cir cumstances in their lives that have caused them to lose everything. Still, others are homeless because of mental and drug issues that have gone untreated for far too long. From older individuals to young families, homelessness is a fact of life in our state. How many homeless people are in Hernando Coun See CONTINUES ON A 7 Homeless Initiative organizers Tresa Watson (L) and Maureen Soliman listen to suggestions from meeting participants. Photo by Mark Stone. Representatives of more than 14 community and government agencies meet to discuss approaches to help the homeless situation in Hernando County. Photo by Mark Stone. r r br br b b


PAGE A 2 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 7-13, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Hernando Sun Sta & Regular ContributorsSue Quigley: Community Reporter & Graphic Design (She makes us look good.)Lisa MacNeil: Local Government and Community Reporter, Website GuruSarah Nachin: Community Reporter, author, & A nice gal to know Megan Hussey: Community Reporter & Bringer of good cheer Summer Hampton: Asst. Editor, Community Reporter, and a very responsible young person Pat Raia: Local and State News Reporter & a seasoned journalistAxl David: Local News Reporter, Photographer & Chief Skeptic Judy Warnock: Local history and community writer Toby Benoit: Hunting Sports, Community Writer and just a down home good guy. Hanna Fox: Writer, Driver, Etc., pinch hitter Austyn “Auggie” Szempruch: Reporter Cynthia Leota: Sports Reporter & Photographer Judy Warnock: Community Writer Leslie Stein: Social Media Manager Photographers: Joe DiCristofalo, Cheryl Clanton, Hanna Fox Local Columnists: Dr. Domenick Maglio Steve Goodwin Bruddah Hank Advertising Account Managers: Ellen Corsi Tutko: (614) 208-2066; Tracy Bradbury: The crazy people who started this thing: Rocco Maglio: Barrista & Publisher Julie B. Maglio: Editor, Publisher, Coee ConsumerSubscribe We currently oer a 52 issue subscription for $36.50 and 26 issues for $21.00. Fill out the form in this issue and mail along with your check made out to “Hernando Sun Publications” to P.O. Box 12203; Brooksville, FL 34603 For Subscription & Customer Service,Please call (352) 675-NEWSNews Desk For news tips, concerns, or corrections call: (352) 675-NEWS**********************************CAR-RT LOT **R 084 749 12-15-23 0048A24 46P 17T JANE DOE XXXXX 34TH ST SPRING HILL, FL 34609-0389 The information in bold is important to your subscription account. The number in this example: 749 is the Account Number. The Date 1215-21 is the subscription expiration date. The subscriber name and the top right corner R 084 in this case. Your label may have a FIRM, ADC or 5-DIGIT code instead.HOW TO READ YOUR MAILING LABEL & YOUR EXPIRATION DATE MEETINGS & ANNOUNCEMENTSHernando County Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting 7/10/2023 at 9:00 AM John Law Ayers Commission Chambers, Room 160 Board of County Commissioners 7/11/2023 9:00 AM John Law Ayers Commission Chambers, Room 160 Regular Meeting City of Brooksville CRA Meeting July 17, 2023, 6:00 PM 7:00 PM @ City Hall Brooksville City Council Meeting July 17, 2023, 7:00 PM @ City Hall The Week of July 7-13, 2023 ID STATEMENT: The Hernando Sun is published weekly, by Hernando Sun Publications, LLC 15588 Aviation Loop Dr.; Brooksville, FL 34604; Publication Title: The Hernando Sun; Publication number: 16590; Issue Date: July 7-13, 2023; Statement of Frequency: Weekly; Subscription Price: $36.50 annual, $21.00 semi-annual; Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Approved at Tampa Bulk Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) 5433 W Sligh Ave Ste A Tampa, FL 33634-9651; POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Hernando Sun P.O. Box 12203 Brooksville, FL 34603 ISSN: PRINT 2833-7395 WEBSITE: 2833-7409 PERIODICALS PERMIT AS REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC NOTICES PER SECTION 50.011(1)(e), F.S. USPS PERIODICAL PERMIT NUMBER 16590 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP ership/ SUBSCRIBE TO HERNANDO SUN1 year (52 issues) for $36.50 or 6 months (26 issues) for $21.00 Make Checks Payable to "Hernando Sun Publications" Fill out this form and mail with your check to : Hernando Sun Publ.; PO Box 12203; Brooksville, FL 34603 YES, I'd like to subscribe! Number of issues:___________ SUBSCRIBER'S NAME: ____________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: _________________________________ ____________________________________________________ PHONE: ____________________________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________ If this is a gift subscription, name of gift giver:_______________________ How did you hear about Hernando Sun?:_________________________ Would you like to receive the online edition free of charge?:___________Subscriptions are non-refundable, but transferable to another reader. See PARKS UPDATES page A 8 state news items... state news items...On the Fourth of July, Nathan’s in Coney Island holds their hotdog spectators show up for the event, which is also carried on ESPN. The prohibitive favorites this year were Joey Chestnut on the men’s side and Miki Sudo on the women’s side. Miki Sudo of Port Richey won the and buns in 10 minutes. The sec ate six less. This was Miki’s ninth Nathan’s Hotdog Eating contest title. She has won every contest since 2014, with the exception of 2021, which she skipped because she was pregnant. Miki holds a number of eating-re lated women’s world records, including the most hotdogs eaten in 2020. She also holds the women’s world record for hotdogs eaten in a minute which is eight. Or subscribe online at: rf ntBy PAT RAIA Signed into law by Gov. Ron Foreign Countries’ restricts govern mental entities from contracting with foreign countries and entities of con cern, including the People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Dem ocratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Republic of Cuba, the Venezuelan regime of Nicolas Maduro, or the Syrian Arab Republic, and restricts conveyances of agricultural lands and other interests in real property to foreign principals, the People’s Republic of China, and other entities and The measure allows Chinese citizens with non-tourist visas to buy single land parcels, two acres or from military installations or other critical infrastructure. Chinese Americans and those who are permanent residents of the U.S. are exempt from the ban. On May 22, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), along with the Asian American Legal Defense (AALDEF), and Education Fund, in coordination with the Chinese American Legal Defense Alliance (CALDA) sued the state of Florida in U.S. District Court for the Northeast ern District of Florida, Tallahassee Division on grounds that the mea sure unfairly restricts most Chinese citizens — and most citizens of Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Russia, and North Korea — from purchasing homes in the state. motion to “stay” all deadlines for the defendant state attorneys. is reasonable and supported by good cause because it will simplify the issues in question, re duce the burden of litigation, and will not burden the other defendants.” In the motion to stay all deadlines, the Florida state attorneys for the de fendants agree “To comply with and be bound by the terms of any injunc tion, preliminary or permanent, that may be entered in this matter against Defendants” They additionally agree “Not to enforce (or seek to enforce) an en during the time such an injunction is in place, or against conduct that was protected by such an injunction at the time that conduct occurred, even if such injunction was later vacated; and “That any judgment in this action will be binding on themselves, their As of yet, the court has not granted the joint motion. that the measure violates the Fair Housing Act (FHA) and the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. “These unlawful provisions will cause serious harm to people sim ply because of their national origin, contravene federal civil rights laws, undermine constitutional rights, and will not advance the State’s purported goal of increasing public safety,” the statement read. Sen. Blaise Ingoglia (R-Spring Hill) was not available for comment. said that the DOJ is reacting politi cally. “As a realtor, I know how this law is being implemented, and it will not violate fair housing, and the DOJ knows it,” Holcomb said. “This is just another example of the Department of Justice (DOJ) being politically weap onized against our own citizens.” A member of the Bar of the U.S. Supreme Court well-versed in fair housing law told Hernando Sun, “As a fair housing attorney and member of the Bar of the U.S. Su agree with the DOJ’s conclusion. But so far, no federal district court has actually ruled on this case and the law has not been declared unconstitution al, although I strongly suspect it will be in the not too distant future.” While the law was scheduled to enforcement status is unclear. Julie B. Maglio contributed to this report.b f tttntArticle Title: Brooksville Small Town, USA grows Up Correction: The name of the organization that has partnered with the City of Brooksville for the splash pad is Kiwanis Club of Brooksville. We apologize for the error in this article.Miki Sudo in 2015. (Photo by Mark James Miller via Wikipedia) frf fA three-month long summer sales tax holiday that began on Me morial Day and runs through Labor Day, is expected to save Floridians ed in the Freedom Summer Sales Tax Holiday are: Outdoor recreation purchases ing, and general outdoor activities including kayaks and canoes. Boating and water activity sup plies such as life jackets, coolers, Tickets for museums and events such as concerts, fairs, sporting events, and theater productions. Entry to state parks, including annual passes. Children’s toys. Children’s athletic equipment. This tax holiday is part of Governor DeSantis approved in the Framework for Freedom Budget. Also included in the budget is a permanent sales tax exemption for baby and toddler items such as diapers, baby wipes, cribs, and strollers. Additionally, the Governor signed a one-year sales tax exemption for gas stoves to help families purchase new appliance s. PARK CLOSURES/UPDATEST emporary Closure of Tennis Courts at Hernando Park is Extended to 7/17/23(Brooksville, FL) – Due to unfortunate inclement weather, Hernando County Parks and Recreation is extending the temporary closure of the tennis courts located at Hernando Park (205 East Fort Dade Ave. Brooksville, FL 34601). The resurfacing project began Tuesday, May 30th and was expected to be completed by Friday, June 30th. However, the temporary closure has now been extended to Monday, July 17, 2023. This temporary closure will not aect the use of the park, only the tennis courts.


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 7-13, 2023 • • PAGE A 3 She has won every contest since 2014, with the exception of 2021, which she skipped because she was pregnant. Miki holds a number of eating-re lated women’s world records, including the most hotdogs eaten in 2020. She also holds the women’s world record for hotdogs eaten in a minute which is eight. Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSCommunity 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile! Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner $99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), aid, and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medic TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. $50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances & in network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife. *The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is per formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile!Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner$99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020 Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020$50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances &i n network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife.ACCEPTING NEW PA TIENTS Visit our Outdoor Display Area! Contact Tara at 352.799.7933 for Appointment We have DISCOUNTED irregular pavers – call Tara for an appointment today! Your IT Solutions Partner352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES www.wilsontechgroup.comLicensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking A/V | Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Network cabling Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyCOMPUTER SERVICES SAT. & SUN 9AM-3PMOPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE HERNANDOSPORTSMAN'S CLUB Located 9 miles North of S.R. 50 on U.S. Hwy 19 • 80 Acre shooting facility • Clubhouse HUNTERS Education Classes Monthly Firearms classes for CCWRANGE HOURS Tues Fri 9AM-2PM; Tues and Thurs Eve. 5PM 7PM 352-597-9931 READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS WINNER WINNER Auto • Home • Flood • Boat • Business • Life BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way ROBERT G. WHITTEL, ESQ. JASON M. MELTON, ESQ.Individual Strategies, Relentless ~~ Award Winning Trial Lawyers for all Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH SAME DAY SAME DAY CROWNS CROWNSDr. Sarah Shuayb, DMD Dr. Mohammad Shuayb, DMDCall about our Veterans and Senior Citizen Discounts 12326 Cortez Blvd., Brooksville 352.616.0001 | 229 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill 352.666.5133 STATE-OF-THE-ART FACILITY TRANQUIL TREATMENT ROOMS OUR NEW LOCATION IS OPEN General Dentistry Crowns Bridges Implants Partials Dentures Whitening InvisalignPeriodontics NEW PATIENT SPECIAL$29NEW PATIENT EXAMS & X-RAYS (ADA-D0150) FULL MOUTH SERIES (ADA-D0210)Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time DENTURES SPECIAL$849UPPER OR LOWER WALK-INS WALK-INS WELCOME WELCOMEAccepting Most Insurances & Care Credit Payment Plans. EXTRACTION SPECIAL $149 SAME DAY CROWNS$829 per tooth(up to 2 teeth) Our compassionate team are here to meet all your dental needs! Special Shout-Out to our amazing hygienist Tracy! Most patients can enjoy: rfntn rfntn 352.616.0001 352.616.0001 VOTE FOR VOTE FOR US IN US IN READERS’CHOICE READERS’CHOICE Your Favorite Dentist! Your Favorite Dentist! Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSCommunity 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile! Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner $99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), aid, and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medic TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. $50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances & in network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife. *The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is per formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile!Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner$99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020 Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020$50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances &i n network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife.ACCEPTING NEW PA TIENTS Visit our Outdoor Display Area! Contact Tara at 352.799.7933 for Appointment We have DISCOUNTED irregular pavers – call Tara for an appointment today! Your IT Solutions Partner352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES www.wilsontechgroup.comLicensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking A/V | Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Network cabling Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyCOMPUTER SERVICES SAT. & SUN 9AM-3PMOPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE HERNANDOSPORTSMAN'S CLUB Located 9 miles North of S.R. 50 on U.S. Hwy 19 • 80 Acre shooting facility • Clubhouse HUNTERS Education Classes Monthly Firearms classes for CCWRANGE HOURS Tues Fri 9AM-2PM; Tues and Thurs Eve. 5PM 7PM 352-597-9931 READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS WINNER WINNER Auto • Home • Flood • Boat • Business • Life BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way ROBERT G. WHITTEL, ESQ. JASON M. MELTON, ESQ.Individual Strategies, Relentless ~~ Award Winning Trial Lawyers for all Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH Over 100 Trucks, Cars, SUV’s on the Lot Are you better looking than your car?Perhaps it’s time for a new one.GOOD BAD NOCREDITNo Problem! Ask About Our Lifetime Engine Warranty!VANS CARS & TRUCKS(352)796-64027043 Broad Street, Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSCommunity 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile! Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner $99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), aid, and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medic TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. $50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances & in network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife. *The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is per formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile!Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner$99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020 Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020$50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances &i n network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife.ACCEPTING NEW PA TIENTS Visit our Outdoor Display Area! Contact Tara at 352.799.7933 for Appointment We have DISCOUNTED irregular pavers – call Tara for an appointment today! Your IT Solutions Partner352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES www.wilsontechgroup.comLicensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking A/V | Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Network cabling Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyCOMPUTER SERVICES SAT. & SUN 9AM-3PMOPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE HERNANDOSPORTSMAN'S CLUB Located 9 miles North of S.R. 50 on U.S. Hwy 19 • 80 Acre shooting facility • Clubhouse HUNTERS Education Classes Monthly Firearms classes for CCWRANGE HOURS Tues Fri 9AM-2PM; Tues and Thurs Eve. 5PM 7PM 352-597-9931 READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS WINNER WINNER Auto • Home • Flood • Boat • Business • Life BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way ROBERT G. WHITTEL, ESQ. JASON M. MELTON, ESQ.Individual Strategies, Relentless ~~ Award Winning Trial Lawyers for all Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSC ommunity ASK ABOUT OUR 7 DAY FREE TRIAL Burn Boot Camp is a lifestyle positive environment for Our FREE AN AWARD-WINNING MED SPA AN AWARD-WINNING MED SPA Experience the Experience the www.myskintastic.com250 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill, FL 34609 352-610-9900 352-610-9900 You’re in Luck!$10ONLY a unit WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION MUST mention this ad at time of booking BOTOXValid through 3/31/23 Units cannot be banked Advanced treatments personalized to you.Through next-generation sequencing, we take a deep look into your genes to create treatment plans personalized to you. This provides a road map for immunotherapies that strengthen the clinical trials, delivering quality treatment and expertise in communities across Florida. We take care of the big things in cancer care, so you can make the most of the little moments—every step of the way. FBLA FROM PAGE A 1 $3250 $29$149NEW PATIENT EXAMS & X-RAYS (ADA-D0150) FULL MOUTH SERIES (ADA-D0210)PER TOOTH (Up To 2 Teeth) EXTRACTION SPECIAL $849$929No More Temporaries • No More ImpressionsINCLUDES: Core Build Up, Gingivectomy, Crown D2740UPPER OR LOWER Ask About Our Conscious Sedation! 12326 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville 352.616.0001 Sarah Shuayb, DMD rfnt b rt Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023.Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd. and Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. NEW PATIENT SPECIAL SAME DAY CROWNS DENTURES SPECIAL IMPLANT, IMPLANT CROWN AND ABUTMENT229 Mariner Blvd. Spring Hill 352.666.5133 Mohammad Shuayb, DMD 7/31/2023 HS 7/31/2023 HS 7/31/2023 HS 7/31/2023 HS 7/31/2023 HS rf352.616.0001 WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION Ask About Our Conscious Sedation! We thank The Hernando Sun Community Pillars for their loyal support of the We thank The Hernando Sun Community Pillars for their loyal support of the Hernando Sun newspaper. Hernando Sun Top nationally ranked high school business students Rylee Rhineberger, Emily Sarkes, and Alexandria La gness, who will be seniors this upcoming school year, will surely bring home the gold when they return to Brooksville, whether or not they win the National Com petition. Vieria led the bright girls to the top after they compet ed at the state level in Florida and won third place, in which they earned a ticket to the national competition. The students are at the National Leadership Conference, where they attend workshops and compete in their desig nated categories. Rhineberger is particularly excited about all the skills she is gaining. “We competed in Social Media Strate gies, where we created a campaign about how we would combat food insecurity within our community. We just competed against 14 other groups in our section, and we are hoping to place in the top two to move into Finals today,” she exclaimed. because no matter how we do, it’s an amazing experi ence!” Fellow student Alexandria Lagness, who is excited for sign, where she talked about the design process and how she would promote the design, delving into the areas of marketing. It’s not all just competitions for the group of talented Aquarium on a night designated only for FBLA students. attend a big block party which serves as an invaluable networking opportunity. Friday is the closing ceremony, where awards will be presented, and students recog nized. Vieria hopes to continue to build the high school team with additional younger students as it’s mostly gained in popularity with seniors. After they graduate, the team must rebuild another team. Nevertheless, the future looks promising for this emerging group of business leaders. “We are at a point now where we are growing in size, and we are distributing our numbers through the dif ferent grade levels,” said Vieria. “So there will be some longevity there. They went from really having only four history that any students have made it to Nationals for FBL, so to have three of them here, it’s really great.” Vieria added that the experience in Atlanta sets up the students for industry experience no matter what career colleges present is even more rewarding due to the possi bility of gaining scholarships and entrance to universities. She stressed that it’s a great way for the students to create a bridge between high school and college. In the end, the dedicated and articulate Hornets team has a lot to buzz about, as Vieria is set to lead the Future Business Leaders of America to more than just a useful occupation that will undoubtedly set them on the path to a bright future. “I am just really happy that I am able to help them gain this type of experience,” exclaimed Vieira. “I was in FBLA myself, and I’m really happy to spread that to new students and help them grow and continue to build that organization. The experience of being able to attend the conference and network with other young professionalsI think that is really important for kids at the high school level.” Alexandria Lagness, Rylee Rhineberger, and Emily Sarkes at the national convention attending one of the Key Note Speakers during the opening session. Photo courtesy of Tina Vieira. WWHS FBLA students Emily Sarkes, Rylee Rhineberger, and Alexandria Lagness at the Georgia Aquarium on one of their net working evenings during the FBLA national competition. Photo courtesy of Tina Vieira.


PAGE A 4 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 7-13, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS SCHOOL BOARD BUSINESS FROM PAGE A 4 Hernando County School Board tackles businessBy MARK STONE nando County School Board appeared to the turmoil of the last several months. The meeting saw the board members tackle a rather lengthy agenda in a business-like has scarred previous meetings. Though the tone of the discussion went a bit downhill during the public remarks portion, board members seemed to rebound, at least to and a return to business during board members’ remarks. At least some issues remain, though, as board member Mark Johnson once again cited Superinten dent John Stratton for lack of leadership. Johnson had previously led the charge for During the three-hour meeting, the board began by recognizing seventeen graduates by the district. The academy consisted of interest, as well as giving participants a chance to “peek behind the curtain” and see how the District operates daily. Each graduate is now a member of the District’s Key Communicator Network, allowing them to become what Superintendent John Stratton termed “ambassadors of the school system.” The academy is an annual event sponsored by the district.Public HearingsAs the board turned to other agenda items, a public hearing was held to ap prove several documents that will be used to guide the district’s operations for the vote were the Wilton Simpson Technical College Handbook, the Student Code of Conduct, the Instructional Personnel Eval No citizens chose to speak on any of the items approved. Regarding the Student Code of Conduct, board member Mark Johnson pointed out that the new code requires that any student removed from turned to the classroom until a conference with the student’s parents took place. Citizen Comments on Agenda ItemsDuring the Citizen’s Comments on Agenda Items portion of the meeting, Pastor Jack Martin addressed the board on the library book Marvin Redpost: Is He a Girl? The title recently came under scru tiny following a challenge that the book was grade-level inappropriate and should be removed. Following the challenge, a review committee comprised of district personnel, a community partner, a parent, and a grandparent recommended to the board that the book be retained. Super intendent John Stratton agreed with the Committee and recommended to the board that the book be retained, but some board members questioned the decision. Pastor Martin asked the board to reconsider and remove the book from the library. Mary Mazzuco also addressed the board regard ing the book, saying she believed the book violates state law. Mazzuco noted that, in her view, the book suggested to children that they reevaluate their sexual identity.Consent AgendaWhen the Board reached the Consent Agenda, board members Mark Johnson and Shannon Rodriguez requested that six teen of the thirty-three items on the agenda be pulled for discussion. Board member Susan Duval added one item to the list. The remaining items were passed without discussion included: Item 23-1502: Approve the Superintendent’s recommendation to keep the book “Marvin Redpost: Is He a Girl?” written by Louis Sachar in circulation for all pur poses and be made available to students in Hernando County Schools. Board members Mark Johnson and Shannon Rodriguez said they disagreed with the recommendation and pulled the item to have an independent vote on the matter. Without further discussion, the Gus Guadagnino siding with Johnson and Rodriguez. Item 23-1519: Approving the Dele tion of Missing Property from Inventory Records This item was approved after board member Shannon Rodriquez sought an explanation of the missing property. After it was explained that the district was trying to clear older lost or otherwise missing assets from inventory, which dated back to Job Descriptions There were eight new job descriptions listed to be approved on the agenda. Of the eight, the job descriptions for Academic Services and Planner were approved as consent items. Two of the positions of Teacher on Special Assignment for Recruitment and Retention and Coordinator of Retention were approved following a brief discussion. The remaining four items pertaining to job descriptions were tabled pending further research or changes dis cussed by the board in an earlier workshop meeting. Item 23-1475: Approve renewing Bid No. 22-961-06, State of Florida Legis lative Lobby Services, to Shawn Foster, LLC (Sunrise Consulting Group) for Lobbying Services and authorize the purchase of services for an annual amount of $54,000.00. Shannon Rodriguez pulled this item, asking that the public be in formed about the reasons for lobbying the district would be paying for. Superinten dent John Stratton explained that the group goes to the legislature to present “asks” decided on by the board each year. He said this group has helped the district secure son Technical Center and other monies used to enhance academic programs over the years. Stratton said the group also lob bies on behalf of the district for acceptable legislative language in bills. Stratton said of Shaun Foster LLC, “They have been an outstanding lobbying company for us.” Item 23-1487: Approve renewing the piggyback of Citrus County School Board ITB No. 2019-46, Plumbing Services, awarded to Don’s Plumbing, and authorize the purchase of goods and services for an estimated annual amount of $400,000.00. Board member Shannon Rodriguez questioned why the contract was awarded to a Citrus County Company as opposed to a Hernando County compa erations needed to be done and that Don’s they had talked with was non-responsive. save 20 percent by hiring Don’s Plumbing directly, as opposed to hiring plumbers through a general contractor as had been approve. Item 23-1499: Approve the agreement and authorize the purchase of pre-construction services for the Winding Waters K8 Restroom Project, from Walbridge Aldinger, LLC, for an estimated budget of $525,000.00, which includes the purchase of $5,250.00 in pre-construction services. Board member Susan Duval pulled the item for discussion, stating, “This seems like a rather absurd amount of money for restrooms.” Duval suggested to the options to get the work done less expen sively. Board member Gus Guadagnino questioned the reason for the high cost. have to build an entirely new facility to support the number of students in por table buildings, as the existing facilities in the main building did not have the capacity. The board was told there would be adequate capacity once several new classrooms were completed if the porta bles were removed after that. Expressing concern for the county’s growing student population, Superintendent John Stratton cautioned the board against removing the portable classrooms too soon. After learn ing that some logistical options could save the District from spending the money right now, the members voted to table this item. the Risk Management Program Contract and Instructional Services Program Con tract with Putnam County School Board on Behalf of the North East Florida Educa tional Consortium and Issuance of a PO Contract and Non-Consortium Member fee. Shannon Rodriguez requested that the of the public. Board members were told insurance for the district, including prop erty, worker’s compensation, and liability insurance. The insurance is purchased through a consortium with other school the expenditure. Item 23-1515: Approve the agreement and authorize the purchase of Virtual Curriculum from Instructure and au thorize the issuance of a Purchase Order in the amount of $71,133.75. Shannon Rodriguez requested that this item also be pulled to explain to the public what the money is used for. Hernando E-School Principal Ms. Wiseman stated that the agenda item was a typo and was not for purchasing a virtual curriculum. Instead, the request was to pay for servers that house their curriculum, as well as software that allows parents to log in and see their students’ progress. She said the district has been using Instructure since about 2012. Item 23-1521: Award RFP #23-20535 Transportation Management System to Educational Logistics For School Bus Routing And Where’s The Bus For GPS System/Services and Authorize the Spending for an Estimated Cost of $296,942.00 for First Year Implementa tion and Installation and $128,751.00 for an Annual Recurring Cost. Board mem ber Shannon Rodriguez questioned exactly what this expenditure covers. A district transportation manager said that the spending covers the entire package. The district will implement a pilot program starting in September at no cost. An analysis of the program will be completed in December. After learning the “pilot program” that several board members had thought would be a free trial of the entire package, only covered certain portions, a discussion en sued as to the actual cost of the program. The district transportation manager said he was asking for the money for the package now because, regardless of the outcome of the pilot program, he needed GPS hardware installed in buses by September. He told the board that should the pilot program fail, he would spend only the portion required for GPS hardware, which he would need regardless. The board voted 4-1 to approve the motion, with board member Rodriguez voting “no.” Item 23-1521: Approve the agreement with BloomBoard, the job description for Associate Teacher Substitute, and program and expenditures and authorize the purchase of educational services for an estimated annual spending of $225,000.00. After numerous questions by board member Shannon Rodriguez cov ering virtually all facets of the program, the board approved the expenditure with a unanimous vote.Action ItemsIn the only action item on the agenda, the board voted unanimously to approve Mark Johnson and Shannon Rodriguez as Primary and alternate members of the Florida School Board Association.Addendum Items business, the board considered approval of the Contract between the PACE Center of Girls of Hernando County and the Hernan do County School District for services to with an estimated annual spending of Citizen’s Input began with the opportunity for citizens to speak about various matters. Unlike previ ous marathon sessions, only a handful of citizens addressed the board, the bulk of them still calling out board members for various past statements. There were also a few advocates for the LGBTQ community, chastising the board for not respecting the needs of gay and transgender students, while others spoke, reemphasizing the need to respect parental rights. At least two spoke on district policy-related topics. The Citizen’s input portion was completed in under thirty minutes.Closing CommentsDuring Closing Comments, board member Mark Johnson discussed the May many comments made by teachers, retired teachers, and union members blamed the “two new school board members” for the parents and others who supported “the two new board members” were excluded from entering the meeting. Addressing the turnover, Johnson read statistics that showed the last year; I mean, they’re staying.“ He stated that the number of non-instructional employees in the district also represented a losses in the prior two years. Johnson said, “Clearly, a vast majority of the speakers at ing misinformation, disinformation, and just reiterating Randy Weingarten’s union rhetoric.” (Weingarten is the president of the American Federation of Teachers.) Turning to recruiting, Johnson said, cials, we need a recruiter because we can’t cally questioned why the district had not started working with Workforce and the have members on the board who have not for candidates to teach. I ask why. To be clear, I am opposed to any new adminis trative positions and changes that will not bring any more teachers into schools that desperately need them, but take them from tion.” Johnson said funds could be better spent in the technical vocation arena than “the constant shifting of positions and responsibilities.” He questioned whether the positional changes were being sought to increase some people’s salaries beyond the established pay scale. Concluding, he cited these issues as “another example of poor leadership.” Johnson said the board needs a strong leader to address these is sues, stress basic academics, and guide the board to harmony. He concluded by say ing, “The district now lacks that leader.” Board member Shannon Rodriguez took the opportunity to address those who have criticized her for not being prepared for meetings with an understanding of issues on the agenda. She said that as board members, they got elected because they said they would look at everything as a were going. Rodriguez said that when she brings employees and vendors forward during board meetings to give explana tions of their requests, she does so because she wants the public to understand the expenditures. Rodriguez said, “When I bring people forward, it’s because if we have questions, the community has those questions.” She said the board can’t approve all of the “as seen on TV ads” every time they come across because they have Rodriguez said one of the reasons she questions things as she does is because board members sometimes receive e-mails with information that causes concern. For example, she cited an e-mail from an anonymous district employee, which inferred that an inexperienced and un for the open position of HR Coordinator because of who her mother is. The email appreciated Rodriguez’s due diligence and thanked her for questioning and research ing the new job descriptions. According to raises by changing their job descriptions, while others are told there is no money and can’t even get a cost-of-living raise. The email said the board was not being told the truth about the reasons for the “mass exodus” of employees, blaming the turnover on “bad people and negative circumstances” within the ranks of the administration. The email concluded, “The district does not need to be so top-heavy held up a stack of what she said were other emails to illustrate her point of the need to ask many questions when matters came before the board. Rodriguez concluded her remarks by generally addressing speakers who have been coming to the podium during the public comments portions of meetings. She said if everyone stopped the climate of anger and talking down, we could get things done. “But the fact is, until we stop See SCHOOL BOARD BUSINESS A 5


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 7-13, 2023 • • PAGE A 5coming in here and standing at the podi um causing all of this, it’s never going to change. We are putting this back on you. If you want to come up here to this podi um and do things to help our district, help our children, help our teachers, I’m all for it. But if you are just coming up here to four years, and I’m okay with that. But it is not conducive to a good environment for us to be able to move forward and get anything done.If you want to be a part of this, and if you want to make this com munity better, then it all needs to stop,” Rodriguez said. Board member Linda Prescott said, “Regarding taxpayers’ money and bud geting for new, three of us have been on the board for eight years, Mark was on the board with me for two years, and our budget has been the best it has ever been. I believe we have been diligent in looking at expenses, and we have been very care ful about how we are spending taxpayers’ money.” Prescott said of new positions sought by the district, “It is very import ant for the public to understand that we do need these positions and why we need these positions.” Prescott said she agreed with Rodriguez in that the board needed to get along and do what they were elected to do. “Hopefully, we will continue in the right direction,” she said. Board member Susan Duval said that she, along with many others, has been watching and listening to the comments made by the public and board members over the course of at least the last ten meetings or workshops. Echoing to some degree the comments of other board members, Duval said, “To say what I have observed was chaotic would be an under statement at the very least. The disrespect ful environment can not continue. Re spectful dialogue should be a prerequisite, and solutions that allow for the academic growth and success of all our students should be our mutual goal.” Duval said that the nature of county politics was a “worrisome situation” and had a negative impact on district operations. Duval went on to say that board members are expected to be non-partisan, representing all stu dents and families. She said no one group should be able to dictate the educational path a district should follow. She said comments by some seem to be following a “political playbook that creates distrust, discord, and attacks on our instructional “We as a district can meet the challenges before us, but continuing diversions serve no useful purpose.” Superintendent John Stratton said the district needs to refocus on vacancies and student achievement. Stratton turning to board member Mark Johnson, said, “You talked about vacancies tonight, and I wish that were out of concern or attempt to correct it, but instead, it was used as another attempt to say I’m not a leader.” Stratton said he wanted to go a little fur ther into the vacancy numbers discussed by Johnson, pointing out, “We still have we have a problem.” Stratton said people were not going to want to come to the district if the board wasn’t getting along. Stratton called for a refocus on priorities, complimenting Shannon Rodriguez on items she pulled for more information during a workshop earlier in the day. Stratton said he wanted the board mem bers to ask questions and be comfortable with making an educated decision on agenda items. Stratton cautioned Rodriguez against the use of anonymous letters, saying that everyone has a right to face their accuser, opportunity. He added that by policy, anonymous letters should be forwarded to the superintendent and assured that “if there’s an issue, we’ll check into it.” Strat ton said that the district was not going to do anything unethical. Stratton concluded his remarks by reminding the board to focus on the priorities. He said, “Whether or not you want me in this seat, I’ve got to bring us back to our priorities. That’s my job.” Board Chairman Gus Guadagnino re minded the board to remember the history of the last ten years, coming from having to make budget cuts to now being on solid dagnino pointed out that the district has seen more growth and a higher volume of students during the ten-year period and, despite those challenges, has successfully implemented new academic opportunities and programs for the students.SCHOOL BOARD BUSINESS FROM PAGE A 4 BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way 352.683.0018• AUTO • AUTO • HOME • HOME •FLOOD •FLOOD • BOAT • BOAT • BUSINESS • BUSINESS • LIFE • LIFETwo Locations to Serve You: WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION Groundbreaking telescope to study dark matter launched from Cape CanaveralBy MARK STONE a unique telescope deep into space for the European Space Agency (ESA) on July 1st from Launch Complex 40 on the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. The mission is called Euclid, named after the Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexaned the subject of geometry. The name is appropriate, as the mission is slated to study dark matter, which scientists believe determines the geometry of the universe as it expands. The Euclid mission is one of the most mapping ordinary, visible matter, as galaxies, Euclid will explore the distribu tion of dark matter. Dark matter is more on a cosmic scale, which galaxies deco rate like fairy lights on the branches of a tree. Euclid will take images in optical and near-infrared light, which will eventu ally cover more than one-third of the sky outside the Milky Way, and depict billions of cosmic targets out to a distance where light has taken up to 10 billion years to reach us. Euclid will take the 1.2-meter diameter a visible-wavelength camera and a point in space known as the 2nd Lagrang ian point. The point is situated in space about one million miles from Earth or about four times the distance of the Earth to the moon. A Lagrangian point is an ideal place to deploy a telescope because it represents a point in space where the gravitational pull from two bodies is about equal. This allows the telescope to main tain a constant location in space relative to the Earth as the Earth orbits the sun. The point is essential to the mission because it is near enough to Earth to maintain communications and allow the use of solar energy, yet far enough that the satellite does not need additional fuel to maintain its position relative to the Earth. A launch of this type is unusual for on the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos for such launches. However, politics and the war in Ukraine caused the ESA to of Ukraine in 2022 put the mission in a “desperate” situation, said Giuseppe Racca, Euclid’s mission manager at ESA in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. “We were faced with the possibility of putting the spacecraft in storage and launching in three to four years.” The team was relieved to learn that the spacecraft was generation of experiments envisioned the expansion of the universe is acceler ating. 150 million km 1.5 million kmGraphic Credit: ESA/NASA A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the Euclid Deep Space Telescope launches from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station on July 1st. Photo: Mark Stone/FMN Artists rendering of the Euclid Deep Space Telescope Credit: ESA/NASA


PAGE A 6 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 7-13, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS PROPERTY APPRAISER SALES REPORT APRIL 2023 (>= $100,000)LAST-SALE--LAST-PRICE--OWNER-NAME--OWNER-NAME2--SITUS, DESC--APPR-VALUE--BASE-AREA--, YEAR-BUILT (Additional listings added since we last downloaded the data.)H2023/04/21--$248,000--CARWILE SAMANTHA----8156 ENGLISH ELM CIR-FOREST OAKS UNIT 4 LOT 339--$60,228--1216--1995 2023/04/21--$251,000--PARLAGRECO SHANNON----9523 BAYSIDE CT-SPRING HILL UNIT 25 REPLAT 4 BLOCK 1789 LOT 4 ORB 1126 PGS 1996-97-$97,692--1050--1985 2023/04/21--$252,500--PUIG GONGORA ROBERTO, PUIG SADYE----2268 DANFORTH RD--SPRING HILL UNIT 21 BLK 1411 LOT 4 OR 319 PG 36-$112,163--1688--1993 2023/04/21--$270,000--ZIGOURAS KAREN, ZIGOURAS THOMAS----4328 CRESCENT RD--SPRING HILL UNIT 25 REPLAT 5 BLK 1790 LOT 5--$153,023-1724--1995 2023/04/21--$293,000--PEREZ PINEDA MISAEL----6097 MOUNTAIN WAY AVE-SPRING HILL UNIT 22 BLK 1513 LOT 21 ORB 756 PG 1428--$46,494--1644-1997 2023/04/21--$305,000--BETZ CHRISTOPHER M, BETZ HOLLY B----12213 PIT CAIRN ST--PINE GROVE SUB UNIT 2 BLK 6 LOT 15--$14,364--0--0 2023/04/21--$305,000--CALLIN KEVIN D, CALLIN ASHLEY N----10494 SHEF FIELD RD--SPRING HILL UNIT 17 BLK 1172 LOT 15--$23,200--0--0 2023/04/21--$315,000--PAIGE RICHARD W TTEE, PAIGE SUSAN E TTEE---27167 POPIEL RD--W1/2 OF NE1/4 OF SW1/4 OF NE1/4 LESS 15 FT FOR RD R/W OR 939 PG 1952 OR 1207 PG 1924--$111,261--2052--1998 2023/04/21--$320,000--KIDWELL JOCLYN, KIDWELL MICHAEL----18248 LAKE LINDSEY RD--E2/3 OF NW1/4 OF NE1/4 OF NW1/4 LESS N50 FT THEREOF ORB 1360 PG 1101 AKA PAR 2& 3 ** CONTINUED **--$174,316--1620--2008 2023/04/21--$329,000--JOHNSTONE CHRISTOPHER M, JOHNSTONE--APRIL A--30697 SATINLEAF RUN--SHERMAN HILLS SEC 3 BLK 13 LOT 72--$222,737-1847--2014 2023/04/21--$330,000--VANPELT CARLTON D III, VANPELT--BRITTANY A--7899 LAMESA DR--E1/2 OF SE1/4 OF NE1/4 OF SW1/4 LESS S270 FT LESS N100 FT OF E155 FT ** CONTINUED **--$94,948--1114--2008 2023/04/21--$335,000--TORRES CARLOS A VAZQUEZ, VALDES--ELIZABETH PEREZ--13110 LOLA DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 20 BLK 1365 LOT 9--$140,897-1974--2005 2023/04/21--$350,000--SEARLES CHASE, SEARLES JESSICA----7111 RICKER AVE--RIDGE MANOR ESTATES LOT 53 OR 737 PG 398 OR 743 PG 1179-$104,660--1966--1989 2023/04/21--$358,500--BEALE KENNETH----14261 SALTBY PL--VILLAGES AT AVALON PH 2B EAST BLK 4 LOT 13--$145,593--1829--2015 2023/04/21--$360,000--FOLEY DENNIS E, FOLEY ELEANOR A----9498 LOREN DALE CIR--WATERFALL PLACE LOT 37--$151,915--1823--2003 2023/04/21--$365,000--PEREZ ENGELS, PEREZ BETSALEE, TORRES-NURIS--5173 DIANTHA WAY--HERNANDO OAKS PHASE 3 LOT 426--$227,021-1685--2021 2023/04/21--$368,000--YONA JOSEPH A, YONA NIKITA A----4418 EDENROCK PL--STERLING HILL PH 1A BLK 10 LOT 40--$135,128--2355--2006 2023/04/21--$375,000--CASTILLO ALEIDA M, CASTILLO ISREAL----2002 MAXI MILIAN AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 12 BLK 766 LOT 5--$290,611--2195--2000 2023/04/21--$375,000--INFINITE TRUST LLC----9088 KINDLEWOOD TRL--W1/2 OF S1/2 OF N1/2 OF W1/2 OF SW1/4 OF NE1/4 DES IN ORB 525 PG 1971 ** CONTINUED **--$478,866--3430--2008 2023/04/21--$395,000--ELLSWORTH CHARLES E, HORODNICK MARYANN M----26847 OSAGE ST--E1/2 OF SW1/4 OF SW1/4 OF SW1/4 ORB 618 PG 1510 LESS A 20 FT STRIP ALONG S SIDE & ** CONTINUED **--$155,632-1372--2001 2023/04/21--$475,000--MCCABE ROBERT J, TREASE JOHNNA N----6223 NO DOC RD--HERNANDO HIGHLANDS LOT 197--$268,173--1582--1990 2023/04/21--$557,400--CARDONA GONZALEZ CRYSTAL, CARDONA--GONZA LEZ JULIAN--14107 CITRUS WAY--N267 FT OF S867 FT MOL OF THE E1/2 OF NW1/4 OF SW1/4 AKA PARCEL 2--$320,337--2524--1999 2023/04/24--$145,000--BEREZNAK DAVID, BEHREND GLENDA----2236 MER ION CT--TIMBER PINES TRACT 5 UNIT 1 LOT 41--$80,960--1374--1993 2023/04/24--$147,500--FRANKLIN DERRILL, HUTCHISON JOYCE----8187 STURBRIDGE CT--BLUFFS AT THE HEATHER CONDO 4 BLDG 19 UNIT A-$107,140--1266--2007 2023/04/24--$155,000--TREANOR GARY D, TREANOR ELLEN----7331 BROOKRIDGE CENTRAL BLVD--BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 1 BLK 1 LOT 1--$68,901--1320--1991 2023/04/24--$185,000--LOPEZ GEORGE R, PATE JANE E----CARLOS CT--HER NANDO BEACH UNIT 9 BLK 93 LOT 40--$116,998--0--0 2023/04/24--$208,000--BERRYHILL ASHLEY B----296 PORTLAND AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 4 BLK 188 LOT 2--$64,249--1299--1977 2023/04/24--$220,000--OWENS JASON W, OWENS CRYSTAL N----AZEN LOOP--HILL N DALE UNIT 1 BLK 3 LOT 16--$9,680--0--0 2023/04/24--$220,000--OWENS JASON W, OWENS CRYSTAL N----27315 AZEN LOOP--HILL N DALE UNIT 1 BLK 3 LOT 17 ORB 582 PG 657 ** CONTINUED **--$113,654--1326--1999 2023/04/24--$220,000--QUALTIERE ANTHONY J----EAKIN ST--HI-WAY FARMS SUBDIVISION LOT 15--$72,258--0--0 2023/04/24--$260,000--CHERY NOELINE, CHARLES CLAIRY----11286 COLLINGSWOOD ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 18 BLK 1213 LOT 4--$174,084--1159-2005 2023/04/24--$278,400--LAGUERRE ACEVEDO RAFAEL, ROMAN GONZA LEZ--JENEFFER--4124 REDWING DR--WEEKI WACHEE WOODLANDS UNIT 1 LOT W313 & S’LY 23’ OF LOT 312--$153,876--1428--1983 2023/04/24--$285,000--SANTA ISTVAN, SANTA THERESA----4175 SILVER FOX DR--SILVERTHORN PH 4A LOT 56--$228,117--1745--2008 2023/04/24--$295,000--AGURTO-CARBAJAL JHONNY, AGURTO JAMI----10440 GATLING ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 18 BLK 1186 LOT 5 ORB 2601 PG 1597-$146,360--1162--2012 2023/04/24--$299,900--SMITH RYAN T, SMITH CRISTEN A----3392 CORONET CT--SPRING HILL UNIT 13 BLK 884 LOT 7--$136,571--1347--1986 2023/04/24--$302,000--GUANCHE DEL VALLE MIGUEL A, SALGADO--ZAMO RANO ADISLEY, ZAMORANO RODRIGUEZ...--3267 HARROW RD--SPRING HILL UNIT 21 BLK 1459 LOT 19 ORB 346 PG 563 ORB 1202 PG 199--$98,813-1582--1999 2023/04/24--$315,000--WHITTENBARGER DESIREE----1324 CANDLELIGHT BLVD--CANDLELIGHT UNIT III LOT 33--$109,695--1724--1992 2023/04/24--$364,900--TRAN TAM----15593 RENE CT--DEERFIELD EST PHASES 3 & 4 LOT 58--$138,820--1968--2010 2023/04/24--$390,000--AUSTIN KAREN M, STILL CHRISTINA M----2570 RUN NING OAK CT--OAKRIDGE ESTATES UNIT 3 LOT 341--$268,441--2255--2018 2023/04/24--$390,000--HOGAN JAMES----14154 TROLLMAN ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 24 BLK 1615 LOT 5--$248,517--1884--1997 2023/04/24--$420,000--SHELLY RICK SR, SHELLY PATRICIA----13064 HUN TINGTON WOODS AVE--HUNTINGTON WOODS LOT 10--$178,147--2065--2001 2023/04/24--$430,000--LINVILLE ARTHUR W, PAUP ALAN----9407 BEARFOOT TRL--WOODLAND WATERS PHASE 2 BLK 7 LOT 6--$198,097--2114--1998 2023/04/24--$450,000--DUGGAN NICHOLAS, STALLINGS ALLISON----7268 COVENTRY CT--WEEKIWACHEE GARDENS UNIT 5 LOTS 37 38 OR 366 P 221--$318,071--1811--1970 2023/04/24--$460,000--RICE KENNETH E, RICE MAUREEN C----10100 LITTLE FAWN CT--ORCHARD PARK UNIT 3 LOT 38--$194,829--2446--2007 2023/04/24--$469,900--MONTAGUE DONALD T, JABLONSKI MON TAGUE--MARCI L--3437 OPPORTUNITY AVE--PLANTATION PALMS LOT 49-$194,953--2331--2018 2023/04/24--$534,700--FIRTH LAURIE, SCOLEDGE JOHN----948 TIERRA DR-WHITING ESTATES LOT 16--$41,088--0--0 2023/04/25--$100,000--GORDON CONNIE I----11064 CAROL DR--DAMAC ESTATES FIRST ADD LOT 103--$45,510--730--1970 2023/04/25--$158,000--FINCH DANN JACKSON, FINCH SHERRY D----EMER SON RD--A LOT 220X592 IN N1/4 OF NW1/4 OF NW1/4 ORB 327 PG 765 ORB 327 PG 767--$54,749--0--0 2023/04/25--$167,000--STANLEY TEZRA L----8515 FLEETWAY AVE-BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 3 BLK 48 LOT 9--$39,135--989--1988 2023/04/25--$255,000--ESPINAL FLOR ANGEL, ESPINAL SERGIO----1755 LARKIN RD--SPRING HILL UNIT 8 BLK 411 LOT 12 ORB 343 PG 191--$80,006-1315--1991 2023/04/25--$275,000--BONFONDEO JOHN----4313 EVERETT AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 16 BLK 1036 LOT 21--$149,062--1394--2002 2023/04/25--$360,000--MERLO EDWARD ANTHONY, MERLO MAYOLET,--MER LO MARY--12482 SEYBOLD DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 20 BLK 1374 LOT 7-$19,800--0--0 2023/04/25--$365,000--CHAPEL SEAN C, LE HANG THI BE----3283 GRETNA DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 14 BLK 924 LOT 29 ORB 1477 PGS 1076-77 ORB 1561 PG 1292--$116,754--1678--2003 2023/04/25--$387,000--HOGELAND DENNIS W, HOGELAND FAYE M----4551 SECRETARIAT RUN--SILVERTHORN PH 1 BLK 1 LOT 9--$301,518--2533--2005 2023/04/25--$450,000--SHADY BEACH LLC----DAN BROWN HILL RD--SE1/4 OF SE1/4 LESS N640 FT OF E1060 FT LESS S680 FT OF E639 FT THERE OF--$14,500--0--0 2023/04/25--$669,000--OTT RICHARD THEODORE JR----4464 NEPTUNE DR-GULF COAST RET UNIT 4 BLK 26 LOT 3--$332,790--1697--2000 2023/04/25--$765,000--EVANS DAVID E II, MARTINEZ MOONEY--JENNI FER--4178 DES PREZ CT--HERNANDO BEACH UNIT 10 BLK 100 LOT 30-$743,838--2325--2010 2023/04/26--$107,000--JM PROPERTIES OF HERNANDO INC----7246 SEAL AWN DR--WEEKIWACHEE HGTS UNIT 1 BLK 8 LOT 42--$92,882--1144--1977 2023/04/26--$108,000--ASSURANCE QUALITY PROPERTY MGMT LLC---SEALAWN DR--WEEKIWACHEE ACRES UNIT 1 BLK 8 LOTS 2 3 4 5 OR 938 PG 1668--$299,559--0--0 2023/04/26--$110,000--HARPER ALFONSO L, HARPER LIDIA V, HARPER--KIM BERLY, SEVERINO DAWN--13081 ROSEANNA DR--A REPLAT OF EAST LINDEN EST UNIT 2 LOT 181 & DRA 8 LOT 181--$200,828--3092--1999 2023/04/26--$235,000--EL TRIO PROPERTIES INC----2517 EUNICE AVE-SPRING HILL UNIT 9 BLK 594 LOT 19--$75,767--1498--1993 2023/04/26--$240,000--SULLIVAN PASCUAL ANTONIO COLON, NUNEZ--NI COLE IVELISSE GERENA--4217 ROWAN RD--ROBIN ACRES LOT 8--$69,073-1612--2002 2023/04/26--$245,000--CAVENDER HOWARD D II, CAVENDER--KIMBERLY D--12267 FOOTHILL ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 14 BLK 911 LOT 8--$85,750--1287-1984 2023/04/26--$251,000--WRIGHT JEREMY----10297 BANNISTER ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 8 BLK 441 LOT 19 ORB 366 PG 630--$189,299--1303--2010 2023/04/26--$259,900--ROBLES VICTOR MANUEL AGUIAR----13255 FLAG STAFF DR--GREEN HAMMOCK SUB UNIT 2 LOT 71--$20,024--0--0 2023/04/26--$270,000--JACKSON ROBERT C----30755 WATER LILY DR--SHER MAN HILLS SEC 3 BLK 10 LOT 42--$77,154--1404--2016 2023/04/26--$276,000--DIPASQUALE STEPHEN, DIPASQUALE SHARON A---3101 LYNX LN--TIMBER PINES TR 13 UNIT 2B LOT 137--$132,937--1374--1987 2023/04/26--$299,900--GONZALEZ SANTIAGO GERARDO, COLON THALIA----5236 CRICKET RD--TRILBY CROSSING PHASE 2 LOT 185--$5,045-1452--2022 2023/04/26--$300,000--JOMARRON CASTRO YUDITH----3308 DORIAN AVE-SPRING HILL UNIT 21 BLK 1462 LOT 7 ORB 350 PG 897--$68,731--1466--2009 2023/04/26--$303,000--ROBINSON DEBORAH B----10427 CASA GRANDE CIR--THE GARDENS AT SEVEN HILLS PHASE 2 LOT 30 ORB 1103 PG 1907-$208,722--1544--2001 2023/04/26--$319,000--LEE JENNIFER----7236 ANHINGA CT--HAMPTONS AT REGENCY OAKS UN 5 LOT 252--$151,051--1829--1991 2023/04/26--$320,000--CARRILLO ROQUE ANTONIO----5224 DELLBROOK AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 18 BLK 1238 LOT 7--$102,309--2088--2004 2023/04/26--$345,000--HARE CRAIG A JR----5316 CRICKET RD--TRILBY CROSSING PHASE 2 LOT 176--$6,896--0--0 2023/04/26--$349,900--DESUNO PETER J CO-TTEE, DESUNO LORRAINE-CO-TTEE--5281 CAPPLEMAN LOOP--CASCADES AT SOUTHERN HILLS PLANTATION PH 1 REPLAT LOT 85--$17,648--0--0 2023/04/26--$355,000--CARROLL COYT JR, CARROLL JEANNETTE----6887 WIREVINE DR--SHERMAN HILLS SEC 2 BLK 12 LOT 25--$254,816--1754--2011 2023/04/26--$357,000--MOUNTAIN SUMMIT PROPERTY HOLDINGS--LLC TTEE, 6153 MOUNTAIN WAY AVENUE LAND.--6153 MOUNTAIN WAY AVE-SPRING HILL UNIT 22 BLK 1513 LOT 28--$144,134--1986--2005 2023/04/26--$400,400--SHOAFF MICHAEL V, ALONZO SHOAFF ROSA E---13114 PEPPER STEM ST--BARRINGTON AT STERLING HILLS UNIT 1 LOT 4--$31,365--0--0 2023/04/26--$405,000--REOCH DALE M----4445 SAND RIDGE BLVD--SAND RIDGE PHASE 2 LOT 37--$199,417--2057--2007 2023/04/26--$490,000--HOGUE JIM, HOGUE KAREN----3244 CEDAR CREST LOOP--PRISTINE PL PH 3 LOT 42--$174,805--2496--2009 2023/04/27--$100,000--ADAMS EVA M----4130 ST IVES BLVD--PRISTINE PLACE PHASE 1 BLK H LOT 8--$78,799--1952--2002 2023/04/27--$122,500--MARTINEZ RICHARD, MARTINEZ MARIELYS----FEATH ER ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 11 BLK 712 LOT 3 ORB 358 PG 389--$36,640--0--0 2023/04/27--$129,000--QUEST TRUST COMPANY--FBO GEORGE B LEEMAN, QUEST TRUST COMPANY--10205 MORNINGSTAR AVE--LUDLOW HEIGHTS LOT 45 ORB 358 PG 482--$66,780--970--1986 2023/04/27--$135,000--BARRON STEVEN, BARRON MELISSA----27186 AU BREY AVE--HILL N DALE UNIT 2 BLK 5 LOT 5--$67,084--1000--1991 2023/04/27--$149,000--TERRY ROBERT MORRIS III----7498 SEALAWN DR--WEEKIWACHEE ACRES ADD UNIT 1 BLK 8 LOT 22--$53,541--956--1977 2023/04/27--$153,000--DAVIS KRISTEN J----7528 EAGLE DR--HIGH POINT SUB UNIT 6 BLK 38 LOT 43--$101,129--1368--1987 2023/04/27--$172,000--THOMPSON MICHAEL, THOMPSON EILEEN A----15861 BROOKRIDGE BLVD--BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 4 BLK 65 LOT 18 ORB 837 PG 172-175--$66,365--1234--1989 2023/04/27--$200,000--CORSELLO MURPHY ALEXANDRA, MURPHY--MI CHAEL II, MURPHY GLORIA--214 EDERINGTON DR--NORTHSIDE ESTATES LOT 39--$110,077--1328--1981 2023/04/27--$219,000--ARAYA DONOVAN T, ARAYA MIGUEL A----6334 HART NESS DR--CHRIS MORRIS TRAILER PARK UNREC LOT 57 LESS THE N37 FT AND LOTS 58 59 ORB 532 PG 627--$25,026--1296--2022 2023/04/27--$245,000--FEIGHAN ENTERPRISES LLC----12127 ELSTON ST-SPRING HILL UNIT 14 BLK 919 LOT 9--$132,559--1349--2006 2023/04/27--$245,000--RICHARDSON JOHN----4523 KIRKLAND AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 25 BLK 1694 LOT 38 ORB 619 PG 482 ** CONTINUED **--$91,463-1120--1988 2023/04/27--$255,000--AUSTIN JUAN G, AUSTIN CERILIA P----8306 DORA ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 21 BLK 1441 LOT 5 ORB 350 PG 896--$114,250--1822-2000 2023/04/27--$255,000--KNOWLTON SUSAN----1466 GODFREY AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 12 BLK 744 LOT 5--$63,443--1337--1999 2023/04/27--$270,000--FEBO OBED, FEBO ANA M----1429 PIPER RD--SPRING HILL UNIT 1 BLK 50 LOT 2 ORB 1840 PG 1927--$177,718--1396--2005 2023/04/27--$275,000--HEUSTED JESSICA, HEUSTED NATHAN----113 ROSEDALE AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 6 BLK 263 LOT 12 ORB 287 PG 553-$111,597--1368--2003 2023/04/27--$282,000--BUTLER MATTHEW J, TELFRIN DEBRA ANN----2110 SPRINGMEADOW DR--TIMBER PINES TR 58 LOT 48--$149,014--1409--2002 2023/04/27--$290,000--FOSTER THOMAS S----2162 WINGFOOT CT--TIMBER PINES TRACT 16 UNIT ONE LOT 28--$177,352--1655--1994 2023/04/27--$295,000--BALDWIN ISLAM, BALDWIN ALLEN J----7375 ALLOY ST--RIDGE MANOR ESTATES UNIT 2 REPLAT 1 BLK 31 LOT 36--$128,373-1776--1996 2023/04/27--$310,000--CURBELO LOPEZ HERNAN, DE LOS MILAGROS--MAR TINEZ LENDYS--7076 ORTEGA AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 20 BLK 1371 LOT 1 ORB 433 PG 127 ORB 1304 PGS 1332-33--$145,122--1986--2010 2023/04/27--$310,000--LOPEZ MIRIAM----5107 FREEPORT DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 26 BLK 1784 LOT 8--$129,861--1990--2014 2023/04/27--$310,000--SMITH TIMOTHY M JR----3345 BLUESTONE AVE-SPRING HILL UNIT 14 BLK 917 LOT 16--$116,594--1484--2001 2023/04/27--$311,000--HUDGENS JIMMIE JR----2025 CARSON AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 8 BLK 458 LOT 18 ORB 352 PG 141--$91,460--1484--1997 2023/04/27--$314,000--ERCOLE ERNEST L II, ERCOLE TIERRA N----5358 WOODRIDGE LN--SPRING HILL-2ND REPLAT OF PORTIONS OF UNITS 18,19,20 BLK 1833 LOT 29--$28,670--0--0 2023/04/27--$318,000--GONZALEZ BRYAN A, TORRES VAZQUEZ--WILDA LIS--6256 LAYTON AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 20 BLK 1325 LOT 6--$11,713--0-0 2023/04/27--$350,000--CARDENAS PEREZ YOSBANY----2212 DEBORAH DR-SPRING HILL UNIT 9 BLK 487 LOT 1--$94,342--1705--1997 2023/04/27--$379,900--ORLANDI BRUCE J, ORLANDI ANNETTE M----322 HOLLOW OAK CT--PRESTON HOLLOW LOT 6--$159,629--2143--1998 2023/04/27--$471,200--LI ZE----3877 AUTUMN AMBER DR--BARRINGTON AT STERLING HILLS UNIT 2 LOT 193--$20,736--0--0 2023/04/27--$515,000--CHISHOLM DARRELL E TTEE, CHISHOLM--LYDIA A TTEE--8052 STAPLETON RD--N1/2 OF W2/3 OF SW1/4 OF SE1/4 OF NE1/4 AS DES IN ORB 546 PG 885--$179,524--1680--2007 2023/04/27--$526,800--ARIAS DANIEL, JAUTZE COURTNEY----1155 KELSA ANNE DR--WHITING ESTATES LOT 29--$38,589--0--0 2023/04/27--$615,000--MILLER WILLIAM C JR, MILLER KAREN J----4533 GULFSTREAM DR--GULF COAST RET UNIT 4 BLK 41 LOT 4--$195,401-1877--1991 2023/04/27--$640,000--DOROMAL NATHANIEL, KAPLAN YELIZAVE TA----24403 EVALINE ST--FOREST HILLS UNREC W1/2 OF NW1/4 OF NE1/4 OF NW1/4 OF 5-22-20 AKA TRACT 89--$209,787--2553--2014 2023/04/27--$799,900--BROOKSVILLE HOLDINGS II LLC----20371 CORTEZ BLVD--SOUTH BROOKSVILLE A TR 155X217X157X216 FT MOL IN NE1/4 OF SW1/4 ** CONTINUED **--$228,128--2695--1970 2023/04/27--$799,900--BROOKSVILLE HOLDINGS II LLC----CORTEZ BLVD-SOUTH BROOKSVILLE A TR 209X216X211X215 FT MOL LYING W OF HALE AVE & N OF ** CONTINUED **--$103,634--0--0 2023/04/28--$129,000--PRESTON LINDA M----29191 HECKLEMAN ST--BRAE WOOD MOBILE HOME SUB UNREC LOT 24--$42,386--768--1980 2023/04/28--$130,000--GROTHAUS ROBERT, GROTHAUS BETTY----6598 ANDROMEDA WAY--TIMBER PINES TR 13 UNIT 2A LOT 117--$71,315--1296-1993 2023/04/28--$140,000--DHB MANAGEMENT GROUP LLC----1080 EMBASSY AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 2 BLK 125 LOT 5--$63,566--1270--1988 2023/04/28--$140,000--ZIMMERMAN LILI ANNE----8055 COUNTRY CLUB DR-BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 2 BLK 26 LOT 9--$46,332--720--1982 2023/04/28--$165,000--ANELLO JOHN, ANELLO SHERYL----7620 ST AN DREWS BLVD--FAIRWAY AT THE HEATHER UNIT 7616-E BLDG 7--$105,682-1070--1989 2023/04/28--$170,000--DAWSON PATTI----AMELIA LN--RIVER HEIGHT EST 1ST ADD SEC E LOTS 4 5 ORB 329 PG 955 OR 114 PG 21--$60,694--0--0 2023/04/28--$210,000--OPENDOOR PROPERTY TRUST----6594 TREEHAVEN DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 2 BLK 59 LOT 17 ORB 299 PG 41--$137,270--1506-1992 2023/04/28--$220,000--BRATTEN ROBERT D JR, BRATTEN LISA M----2973 KINGSWOOD CIR--GLEN RAVEN PHASE 1 LOT 115--$153,802--1527--2008 2023/04/28--$230,000--LITCHFIELD EDWIN----14360 EDGEKNOLL ST-BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 2 BLK 19 LOT 12 & E1/2 OF LOT 13-$130,415--1296--2009 2023/04/28--$231,500--NUNEZ-LINARES KATHERINE----1050 COBBLESTONE DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 2 BLK 124 LOT 9--$91,930--1387--1990 2023/04/28--$245,000--QUIST BARBARA K TTEE----6310 OCEAN PINES LN-TIMBER PINES TRACT 5 UNIT 1 LOT 55 ORB 1539 PGS 618-620 ORB 1929 PGS 1836-37--$158,943--1016--1995 2023/04/28--$258,500--STATON CONSTRUCTION LLC----10097 WEATHERLY RD--N 350.9 FT OF E1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SE1/4 OF NW1/4 ORB 995 PG 1773-$108,380--1087--1983 2023/04/28--$260,000--HOLLAND JUDAH, HOLLAND GENESIS----6497 AMBER RIDGE CIR--RIDGE MANOR WEST PHASE III LOT 35--$195,115-1577--1989 2023/04/28--$268,000--PEREZ KRYSTAL, ROSARIO ISMAEL JR----13011 PIPIT AVE--ROYAL HIGHLANDS UNIT 7 BLK 519 LOT 12 ORB 2088 PGS 92829--$15,600--0--0 2023/04/28--$269,000--FALCON JUAN C, FUMERO PORTO JACQUE LINE----3042 LACKLAND AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 9 BLK 550 LOT 2-$126,354--1406--2003 2023/04/28--$285,000--HAMMETT GAGE E, ORTIZ AALIYAH CASTULA--MARIA, KELL JANINE--13365 CANYON SWALLOW RD--ROYAL HIGHLANDS UNIT 7 BLK 574 LOT 14--$7,028--0--0 2023/04/28--$285,000--LAJOIE JOHN A, CRAIG KELLY M----3006 EUNICE AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 9 BLK 595 LOT 8--$126,696--1216--1991 2023/04/28--$290,000--DAVIS JAMES, TIRADO CYNTHIA----18320 MACAS SAR RD--ROYAL HIGHLANDS UNIT 1 B BLK 76 LOT 10--$18,501--0--0 2023/04/28--$292,000--MERRIGAN KENNETH P, MERRIGAN JUDITH L---11039 WESTERLY DR--WELLINGTON AT SEVEN HILLS PH11 LOT 1068-$114,277--1683--2015 2023/04/28--$296,000--BERGER BRUCE----13247 DRYSDALE ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 13 BLK 826 LOT 2--$193,235--1376--2005 2023/04/28--$304,000--MUIR SANDRA M----8524 BAY DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 26 BLK 1775 LOT 14--$11,550--0--0 2023/04/28--$310,000--DIAZ VALLE EDGAR, QUIROS IVIANA----9125 NORTHCLIFFE BLVD--SPRING HILL UNIT 22 BLK 1486 LOT 14 ORB 457 PG 654 ORB 2393 PG 704--$143,383--1648--1995 2023/04/28--$316,000--RIVERA SANDRALY, GONZALEZ EDGAR DANI LO--RAMIREZ--10096 ELGIN BLVD--SPRING HILL UNIT 23 BLK 1582 LOT 7--$24,600--0--0 2023/04/28--$320,000--AGUIRRE ELOY F, AGUIRRE SIULYN----9147 HORI ZON DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 21 BLK 1394 LOT 9--$13,177--0--0 2023/04/28--$320,000--GOMEZ CAROL MORENO, HERNANDEZ RO MAN----11420 PARKVIEW ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 16 BLK 1039 LOT 13-$93,762--1638--1994 2023/04/28--$333,900--NELSON ANDREW, NELSON LISA----13109 PAPER CRAFT AVE--ROYAL HIGHLANDS UNIT 4 BLK 245 LOT 10--$22,200--1701-2022 2023/04/28--$349,900--DANAS STAPHANY KAY, HERNANDEZ TOMAS C---5220 CRICKET RD--TRILBY CROSSING PHASE 2 LOT 187--$5,537--1831-2022 2023/04/28--$350,000--SINANAN SATESH, BENSON MONICA----9303 GERO NA ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 7 BLK 361 LOT 23 ORB 343 PG 203--$118,288-1788--2000 2023/04/28--$350,000--VIDAL NAIVYS GARCIA----5148 QUINTILIS ST-SPRING HILL UNIT 17 BLK 1088 LOT 7--$152,947--1506--1997 2023/04/28--$360,000--MCCANE RYAN MITCHELL----13455 MAUNA LOA CT-THE OAKS UNIT 4 LOT 181--$295,662--2333--2008 2023/04/28--$415,000--DITARANTO LEONARD C JR TTEE----10511 AUDIE BROOK DR--LINKS AT SEVEN HILLS UNIT 8 LOT 540--$177,020--2107--1993 2023/04/28--$433,000--FERREIRA STEPHEN P JR, FERREIRA MI CHELLE----8253 GALGANO LN--SPRING HILL UNIT 6 BLK 296 LOT 19-$126,819--2330--1986 2023/04/28--$450,000--VICARS DONNA KAYE----3400 CEDAR CREST LOOP-PRISTINE PL PH 3 LOT 24--$290,804--2692--2008 2023/04/28--$475,000--OYLER JOHN, OYLER SUZANNE S----11339 ORANGE WOOD CT--RAINBOW WOODS LOT 68 ORB 1329 PGS 1747-48--$419,720-2514--2004 2023/04/28--$542,000--OAKS MELISSA A, OAKS CHRISTOPHER L----4069 CLEAR SPRING RD--SPRINGWOOD ESTATES UNIT II BLK 15 LOT 15-$299,751--2715--2006 2023/04/28--$624,900--KOZAR JAMES J, KOZAR HOLLI D----3233 SEA GRAPE DR--HERNANDO BEACH UNIT 12 BLK 109 LOT 39--$320,330--1751-2008 2023/04/28--$700,000--MORALES ARMANDO, OTERO ERIKA----6023 SUMMIT VIEW DR--SOUTHERN HILLS PLANTATION PH 1 BLK 2 LOT 30--$18,720-3024--2022


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 7-13, 2023 • • PAGE A 7rf rfntbb rfnnnttbtbrr rrrrrrnrnrfr rnnrfrrrfnnr rrrrfrrrnr rrrnrfnnnrfrrf r r f f n n t t b b n n rr the homeless put the number much higher, generally agency will agree that numbers are generally under-re ported due to the transient nature of the homeless pop because they have not sought services. number of homeless people increase dramatically since the meteoric rise of real estate values a few years ago. Kendra Kenney, Executive Director of Hernando-based People Helping People Inc. said, “ We have some clients who were forced out of their homes. They were able to lords sold their properties to other investors. The new investors raised the rents to be more in line with the elevated market values. Many people suddenly found tions that were working to provide resources to ease the problem. In the years that followed that report, yet doing what they can to help. What Hernando Coun among agencies. Assistance agencies may specialize in one particular area but not have all of the resources they need or information to refer their clients to other areas of assistance. Recognizing that a team approach to combat home People and the Hernando Community Coalition, began organizing a “community task force” in May. Dubbed the Hernando Homeless Initiative (HHI), the objectives of the groups are to bring a variety of organizations with community. Kendra Kenney (People Helping People) gave an example of how that would work. Kenney said that, at times, PHP needed a way to transport the people they serve to their resources, such as showers and a medical clinic. Since they do not have buses, by part nering with an organization that does, PHP can achieve that goal. According to information provided by Hernando Homeless Initiative chairperson Maureen Soliman, the new community task force has been organized to “mobilize existing resources and services and maximize outcomes.” The task force has several stated goals: • Support the Hernando County Continuum of Care (CoC) in collaboration with agencies to develop and provide innovative solutions to reduce homelessness in Hernando County. • Implement community-wide, proven models of intervention. • Utilize data and metrics to evaluate and improve program performance. • Promote community engagement. with a group of at least 14 organizations in attendance, HHI has already developed a plan proposed for action. Proposals include: • Partnering with law enforcement to develop a criminal element • Partner with the utilities department to facilitate waste removal and provide for better sanitation • Partner with Parks and Recreation Departments • Partner with even more agencies to provide food, medical access, and social services • Encourage the Hernando County BOCC or the City of Brooksville to hire a manager to coordinate services and grant outreach • Partner with Career Source and the Pasco Hernan do State College to assist in providing job training and employment opportunities as well as scholarships • Identify resources for local sites to deliver men tal health and social services, as well as assistance in etc. • Work with and assist the Mid-Florida Homeless Coalition to coordinate the Continuum of Care through system-wide planning and collaborations Chairperson Maureen Soliman pointed out that the Hernando County government currently has no real plan, and the problem of homelessness is only getting worse. She added, “We’re not going to solve the prob lem, but we sure can make it better. We want solutions, we want to help these people and give them some hope.” The HHI is actively seeking to partner with government agencies as well as private ones. Representatives from the meeting to discuss how local law enforcement can help with the initiative. Also, present was David Howard of Brooksville Parks and Recreation. Howard enthusiastical ly discussed the possibility of using city-owned parks to help host events. event aimed at helping members of the community who are homeless for late September. That event will be a “one-stop-shop” for those needing services, with area volunteers providing legal and medical services, clothing, veterinarian services, educational assistance, VA advo cates, dental care, and even mobile showers. Persons and organizations wishing to get involved with the Hernando Homeless Initiative can contact: Tresa Watson, Hernando Community Coalition OR Kendra Kenney, People Helping People in Hernando County Inc. other local government agencies attended the meeting to learn how their agencies can help. Photo by Mark Stone. to low-income and homeless clients. Photo by Mark Stone. FROM PAGE A 1


PAGE A 8 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 7-13, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS OPINIONThe views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not reect the ocial policy or position of The Hernando Sun editorial sta or Hernando Sun aliates. STEVE GOODWIN VETERAN Steve Goodwin is a recently retired Christian conservative veteran (of the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division), who still feels that "duty to country" did not end when the military uniform got hung up. He and his wife Cecelia live on the edge of a beautifully wooded tract of land just south of the bypass, and are involved in not only church activities, but also attend school board meetings and local community action events as well.By STEVE GOODWIN sgoodwin@ This is a story that is a bit of a departure from my “usual” sto rylines (but then again, I have had many stories that were a bit unusu al. We are members of a church on the south side of the county, and it backs up to two large parcels of open grazing area. In the recent coming under the barbed wire fence and making their presence known. In the last three months, we have had four Eastern Dia mondback Rattlesnakes show up. One was positioned right where my wife would be stepping out of the car on Sunday mornings. (This one made a really nice western Stetson hat headband). A few weeks ago, we were sur erty “tilled up” around the perime ter of the area. Then last week, we noticed a large area (about the size of a residential swimming pool) ripped up, and it was part of our nice grass portion. Then just two days later, a second spot (about the same size) appeared, only a little closer to the outbuildings. I men tioned to the elders that as my wife and I live against a healthy wood line, we have had to deal with and pests.” I asked if they would like me to set up my trail camera, and there was no problem getting a positive consensus. Within a few nights, I had a plethora of piggies I did some calling around and found out that “swine eradica tion” is in high demand, and their prices started at two “grand” and up! Having dropped a 400 (plus) wife’s garden, I had more experi ence in the matter than any of the rest of the congregants, so a new adventure was about to begin. I have a few animal traps of old trail cam, it should get the job done. Well, the pigs wanted nothing to do with this trap, but I did manage to catch two raccoons, which by the way, are not easi ly “re-locatable” when they are (believe it or not), two large and noisy crows dined on corn from the trip bar in the trap, and they got caught! When I let them loose, hollered about their displeasure for over a half hour. We did some inquiring around and found an actual hog trap that was currently out of service. I set the thing up, the critters all packed into it at one time. They went in, the trap minutes, they shoved the door open (bending the rebar door frame). The following day, I brought some tools and lumber out to where the trap was set and proceeded to strengthen the thing. I had another trail cam (bought specially for this project) set up on the north-facing fence line, and it showed pictures of a lot more activity! So now, we are attempting to work two designs. The count that the cam eras are showing is two momma pigs (sows), one big boar pig (at piglets! The borrowed trap (on the 4 of them (hopefully). Our church has some chain link fence sections (pulled down from a previously dismantled playground). It may be old, but I think that we can fashion a modest containment area. Once the animals are caught, they will be processed to feed the hungry (through a local mission). When we capture animals such as opossums, raccoons, and armadil situation altogether. When allowed to live unchecked, they will get a family so large in number that they soon run loose through neighbor yards and causing tens of thou sands of dollars of damage. They have been known to uproot areas of landscaping the size of football all around these United States of America have had to deal with this problem. This time around, it is our turn! Being part of a congregation has its moments. The love of God (and His people) brings a lot of joy (and responsibility). When being confronted with evil (or nuisance varmints), we take a certain amount of pride (biblically) in how our community sees us. We are not the animal rights movements, we are merely standing our ground! Photos by Steve Goodwin (via trail cameras)!Standing our ground Hernando County Animal Services Suspends Feline intakes Until Further Notice BY HERNANDO COUNTY GOV(Brooksville, FL) – Hernando County Animal Services will be suspending the intake of cats and Feline Panleukopenia being detected amongst our kennel population. Hernando County Animal Services is following best practices and taking a proactive approach to protect the remaining shelter population. The suspension will allow the isolation of sick and ex posed animals to allow the incubation period to pass. Panleukopenia presents the most danger to our kitten population as they are often too small for protective feline operations will resume after approval of Her “Our primary responsibilities are the health and safety of the animals and the citizens we serve,” mentioned Hernando County Animal Services Man temporarily suspend feline intake services is the best way to meet those responsibilities. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work diligently to provide the best care and return to normal operations.” The following steps and precautions will continue for our feline population: • Ongoing testing • Supportive care Hernando County Government is aware that Pan leukopenia is present in our community. Please be cautious and contact your veterinarian if your feline shows signs of generalized depression, loss of appe tite, high fever, lethargy, vomiting, severe diarrhea, nasal discharge, and dehydration. More information Normal operations and hours will continue for all other Hernando County Animal Services. For questions or more information, please contact Hernando County Solid Waste & Recycling Tipping Fee Rate ChangeBY HERNANDO COUNTY GOV(Brooksville, FL) – Beginning July tipping fee rate changes will go into do County Board of County Com missioners meeting the new rates below were approved. These fees apply to residential, commercial, and any other materials disposed at the Northwest Solid Waste Management sions do apply and can be found at Waste. Property owners and residents of homes that pay the annual solid waste disposal assessment with the 2,000 pounds of their own waste for free each calendar year. Waste must be brought in by the property owner or resident who has shown proof of Hernando County address and cannot be brought in by an employee or contractor. All waste over 2,000 pounds for each property is charged the appropriate tipping fee. The Tipping Fee Rates listed below are per ton.Class I (Non-Hazardous Waste Materials not listed below) $60.50 Yard Waste $54.50 Construction & Demolition $76.00 Automobile Tires $150.00 Semi-Truck Tires $150.00 O-Road Tires $200.00 Double Wide Mobile Home without Tires $790.00 Double Wide Mobile Home with Tires $825.00 Single Wide Mobile Homes without Tires $400.00 Single Wide Mobile Homes with Tires $450.00 Travel Trailer / RV without Tires $230.00 Travel Trailer / RV with Tires $255.00For additional information, contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (352) 754-4031.Pioneer Park closed until July 31Pioneer Park (6799 Pinehurst Dr, Spring Hill, FL 34606) is closed and will reopen Monday, July 31st. This 2-month closure is to allow for the construction of a brand new restroom facility at the park.Delta Woods Park is Re-opened to the Public(Brooksville, FL) – Hernando County Parks and Recreation has re-opened Delta Woods Park (3400 Deltona Blvd., Spring Hill, FL 34606) on Thursday, June 29th at 3:30pm. The closure was for the demolition of the current playground, general maintenance, and tree removal. The Park has been re-opened with the exception of the playground construction area. This area will remain closed until the completion of the new ADA accessible playground surfacing and equipment. The process will take approximately one month from start to nish to complete. The rest of the park will be accessible while the playground is being installed. Hernando County Government will host a ribbon cutting for the community when the brand-new playground is open to the public. For details and updates on Hernando projects follow the Hernando County Government and Hernando County Parks and Recreation’s social media pages. If you have any questions, contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (352) 754-4031 for additional information.PARK UPDATES FROM PAGE A 2 Looking for Dr. Maglio? Dr. Maglio is on vacation and will be back next week.


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 7-13, 2023 • • PAGE A 9Every summer, we look forward to the Fourth of July to do, like barbecuing, pic nics, games, family gatherings, Also, for many, it’s usually a paid vacation day which is al ways nice. However, along with the excitement and activities, let us also remember and be grateful for those who have served our country so that we can enjoy our freedom. Independence Day is all about the courage of many Americans who fought against Great Britain in the Revolution ary War and, with much blood shed, declared victory and helped establish this great nation. On Continental Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, declared the sovereignty of the United States of America as they signed the Declaration of Independence, which is recognized as our na There is a moving account of a young man who was a soldier in this war and, in every sense of a true American hero. Nathan Hale of Coventry, Connecticut, be a highly educated and hand some young man who had every life. Those who knew him com mented on his love for sports, his kindness, and his strong Christian convictions. As tension increased about a possible con many other enthusiastic young men, joined a local militia and was quickly advanced to the rank of sergeant. came a reality, many chapters of the Connecticut militia rushed to Massachusetts to help their neighbors during the Siege of Boston, but Hale was unsure whether to join these forces or to wait and see what would unfold. He was a young professional teacher that had a lot to lose, especially with not being clear about what was happening. In a heartfelt letter from his best friend, Benjamin Tallmadge, who was now relaying about the situa tion. Tallmadge told Nathan that teaching school was truly noble, but at this time, it was critical to consider the responsibility of defending this wonderful coun try. The day after receiving this letter, Nathan Hale, after doing some serious soul-searching, re signed from his teaching position and became dedicated to the call of duty. When George Washington reorganized the army in Jan captain’s commission, where he spent six months helping to build the inevitable battle for Manhat tan Island. Early in September elite, green beret-type group of New England Rangers, and Hale was soon invited to command one of the four companies whose mission was forward reconnaissance. Washington desperately needed to know the probable site of the upcoming British invasion, and the best way to obtain this pivotal information was to send a spy behind enemy lines. This was extremely dangerous, and guess who volunteered? Hale was captured, but we know he was immediately brought in for questioning before the British commander, General William Howe. Intelligence information was found on Nathan, and since this was not in code or invis ible ink, he was irrevocably compromised. Although Howe was moved by the young man’s demeanor and patriotism, it could not be denied that he was out of uniform behind enemy lines. The protocol and discipline of war were clear, and Nathan was sentenced to hang. The next morning, Sunday, Nathan Hale was marched north, about a mile up the Post Road to the Park of Artillery, where after giving a spirited speech, he was executed. A British military engineer and cartographer named John Montresor witnessed the event and was deeply touched by Nathan’s composure and his last words. As fate would have it, Captain Montresor was ordered to deliver a message from Gen eral Howe to Washington under Montresor sincerely emphasized that Nathan had impressed every one with his sense of dignity and courage and quoted Hale’s words while he stood on the gallows: “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” His body was left hanging for several days near the site of his execution and later buried in an unmarked grave. He was 21 years old. Dr. Holland lives in Cen tral Kentucky, where he is an ordained Christian minister, community chaplain, and author. Read more about the Christian life and his new book about mir acles, “Receiving Our Healing,” at or email him at psalmz103@gmail. com.Having courage to stand for what we believe DR. WILLIAM HOLLANDAuthor & Minister I’ve never known much about music. I am the oldest child, so I had no older siblings playing what was popular when I was young. My mother listened to public radio in the morning. My dad played Bach on the piano every Sunday after we got home from church. My parents sang at both services in the church choir, so Mom would make something quick when we got home, often a Swanson pot pie. I somehow got “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” mixed up in my head with pot pies, and I think of Bach’s masterpiece as “The Pot Pie Song” to this day. By the time I was a teenager, I was already behind the curve. I wasn’t popular enough to be invited places where I’d hear new music. I still have not caught up. But, in my defense, I enjoy listening to new musicians and new music. My husband, Peter, and I go to concerts in the park all summer and hear all sorts of music. Some of it we love. Some of it we’re not so sure about. Sometimes Peter says, “You’re looking tired. You want to go home?” And I’ll say, “Yeah, maybe so.” We pack up our folding chairs and head home, still listening to the music in the distance. But most of it I like. Last winter, I went to a concert performed by an old high school friend. I attended with two other old friends and found myself surrounded by people I’d known in high school and hadn’t seen since. They were all a lot older than I remembered them—or imagined them—to be. But it was fun to be with people who knew all the words to all the songs. I thought about what a powerful thing that was, to have such a strong shared memory with a room full of people. “Isn’t it weird,” my friend Andy said, “how you can remember exactly where you song?” “And exactly how you felt and who you were thinking about?” my friend Clay added. His girlfriend, Lou, nodded knowingly and rolled her eyes. I wondered what she was remembering. “And then you stop hearing the song completely!” Andy said. “There is some music I don’t need to listen to anymore,” Clay agreed. “It’s burned into my brain.” I’m not sure if I remember songs I know. But I remember songs that helped me when I was struggling with emotions that seemed too big to handle on my own. Songs tided me over. They gave voice to feelings that were either too powerful or too painful to experience in silence. Songs grounded me when I felt I might sense of things, even if I couldn’t explain in words what I learned from them. They say that music resides in other memories do. Alzheimer patients who no longer remember their families can still play the piano. Musicians performing for the elderly see their faces come to life when they hear songs from their youth. Music buries itself deep within us. When we hear a familiar refrain, we feel the emotion associated with it before we even remember the tune. crowd demanded an encore. The musicians complied. The audience erupted in cheers and sang along with the last song. I thought about what Clay said about the music being burned into his brain. In a literal sense, it was likely true. Till next time, Carrie“The Last Song” THE POSTSCRIPT By Carrie Classon Standing our ground OPINIONThe views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not reect the ocial policy or position of The Hernando Sun editorial sta or Hernando Sun aliates. SUBMIT YOUR LETTERS & CORRESPONDENCE FOR PUBLICATION TO EDITOR@HERNANDOSUN.COM OPTIMAL LENGTH IS UNDER 300 WORDS. YOUR LETTER MAY BE EDITED FOR LENGTH. (IF YOU’RE RESPECTFUL, IT’S MORE LIKELY TO GET PUBLISHED.)COMMUNITY VOICESSix years before the signing of the Declaration of Indepen dence by representatives of the of that historic document became evident when the legislature of the Massachusetts Bay colo ny urged the other colonies to boycott the items taxed by the Townshend Acts adopted by the British monarchy. When Crown-appointed Gov ernor Francis Bernard called in British troops in a failed attempt to encourage the Massachusetts legislature to retract its action, the result was what came to be known as “the Boston Massacre.” Five protesting colonists were killed, and six others were was Crispus Attucks, a slave who By the time the First Continen colonial legislatures had called for a day of prayer, and the pul pits of every denomination had with sermons on the God-given right of a people to govern them selves by Biblical standards. The Rev. Jonas Clark, pastor of Christ Church (Episcopal) in Lexington, Massachusetts, was one of those clergymen whose male members to be in the Min utemen militia. about 800 British troops on the grounds of their church in the tionary War. That skirmish ended with 18 Christ Church parishio ners — including black patriot Prince Estabrook and white patri ot Jon Robbins — either killed or wounded. The event prompted Rev. Clark to declare that “from this day forward this day will be dated the liberty of the world!” Unfortunately, many of the younger generations educated in the era of Critical Race Theory and Cancel Culture have a hard of the church and the Bible in the early years of this country when a strong majority of leaders were committed Christians. How many in those groups are aware that blacks such as Wentworth Cheswill were elected to Hampshire and did a Paul Re vere-like ride during the Revolu tionary War; or that Salem Poor and Peter Salem were decorated heroes of the Battle of Bunker Hill, Saratoga, and Monmouth; or Jack “Prince” Sisson, was a key player in a secret special forc es-type mission; or that James double spy who collected vital information for Gen. Marquis de Lafayette to have his French troops to Yorktown? Or how many of those in recent generations realize that at least including the Stockbridge Indian militia, joined the colonists in their war for freedom from the British? So a dwindling number of today’s citizens, now generations further away, understand the background and intentions of the men who wrote and defended the Declaration of Independence. adopted by the Second Continen tal Congress meeting in Philadel of nature and nature’s God” are separate from the English mon archy and to be recognized as a nation-state on equal footing with other world powers. How far we have drifted from that base and its predecessor which the Pilgrims aboard the ship that landed at Plymouth their purpose was to plant a colony “for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith” — is evidenced in the 2002 ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit that the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional because of the presence of the words “under God.” the Declaration of Independence were ardent churchmen, and the others were perhaps Deists who believed in God and the Bible. Four of them trained to be minis ters though only one was serving as a pastor. During the colonial period and dent nation, nearly every school was church-related, and many 118 universities were church sponsored. Many of the earliest ones — Harvard, Brown, Yale, Princeton, William and Mary — began as seminaries to train clergymen. So it is not surprising that the delegates to the Second Conti nental Congress prayed before adopting the Declaration of Independence or that they, “with of divine Providence,” pledged “our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor” to its support. Nine of those signers gave their that they had backing the cause they felt was God-ordained. Adon Taft was religion editor for 37 of his 55 years as a reporter, columnist and editor for The Miami Herald. He also taught social studies at Miami-Dade Community College and authored the chapters on religion in the three volume history of the state, “Florida from Indian Trail to Space Age”, edited by Dr. Charlton W. Tebeau and Ruby Leach Carson. He now lives in Birming ham, AL and can be reached a adontaft@gmail,com.Spirit of Independence preceded Declaration more than half decade ADON TAFTAuthor, Editor (Retired)


PAGE A 10 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 7-13, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS CLASSIFIEDSPUBLIC NOTICES/GOVERNMENT NOTICES Place Your Classied Ad Today! Up to 25 words $10 per NOTICE TO CREDITORS VILLAS OF SHADY OAKS 1, 2 & 3 BRHC Accessible and non accessible apartments 17 Shady Oak Villa Cir, Brooksville, FL 34601 352-544-0080 TDD/TTY 711.This is an equal opportunity provider and employer.7/6 GREENBRIAR VILLA APARTMENTS 1 BR & 2 BRHC Accessible and non accessible apartments 1550 Greenbriar Villa Ct. Brooksville, FL 34601 352-799-8854 TDD/TTY 711.This is an equal opportunity provider and employer.7/6 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 23-CP-656 IN RE: ESTATE OF DAVID VINCENT CHIARAMONTE Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of DAVID VINCENT CHIARAMONTE, deceased, whose date of death was April 22, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is June 30, 2023. Attorney for Personal Represen tative: SANDRA H. DAY, ESQ. Attorney Florida Bar Number: 0189499 DAY LAW OFFICE PO Box 5535, Spring Hill, FL 34611 Telephone: (352) 684-6545 Fax: (352) 684-4529 E-Mail: daylaweservice@gmail. com Secondary E-Mail: daylawpro Personal Representative: SHARON J. CASTRECHINO 3523 Ligonier Road Spring Hill, Florida 34608 Published: June 30, July 7, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 272023CP000664CPAXMX N RE: ESTATE OF GUEK BENG TAN Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of Guek Beng Tan , deceased, whose date of death was May 19, 2022, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernan do County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, Florida 34601. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is June 30, 2023. Attorney for Personal Repre sentative: John M. Hemenway Florida Bar Number: 027906 Bivins & Hemenway, P.A. 1060 Bloomingdale Avenue Valrico, FL 33596 Telephone: (813) 643-4900 Fax: (813) 643-4904 E-Mail: jhemenway@bhpalaw. com Secondary E-Mail: pleadings@ Personal Representative: Heng Siew Sean Ong 11/833 High Street Kew East, Victoria 3102, Australia Published: June 30, July 7, 2023 ________________________ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF BLANCHE UHLIR, Deceased. PROBATE DIVISION File No. H-27-CP-2023-000652 NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of BLANCHE UHLIR, deceased, whose date of death was November 26, 2021, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, Florida 34601. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is June 30th, 2023. Attorney for Personal Repre sentative: Melanie J. Burpee Florida Bar Number: 0978681 11163 Spring Hill Drive Spring Hill, FL 34609 Telephone: (352) 596-4433 Fax: (352) 597-3571 E-Mail: melanieburpee@yahoo. com Secondary E-Mail: attorney. Personal Representative: Karen Lea-Kelly a/k/a Karen Sickinger Kelly 2069 Sun Home St Sarasota, FL 34231 Published: June 30, July 7, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY FLORIDA DIVISION PROBATE CASE NO. 23-CP-000722 IN RE: ESTATE OF ELSIE JANE MARCUS, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (summary administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: Petition of Summary Adminis tration has been entered in the estate of Elsie Jane Marcus, deceased, File Number 23-CP000722, by the Circuit Court for Hernando county, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601; that the decedent’s date of death was March 6, 2022; that the total value of the estate is $16,000.00 and that the name and address of the petitioner and the petition ers attorney are set forth below : ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Petition of Summary Administration must WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STAT UTES SECTION 733.702. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERI OD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this Notice is June 30, 2023. Attorney for Person Giving Notice: /s/ Angela M. Huber E-mail Addresses: , Florida Bar No. 0119212 Huber Law Group PL 17231 Camelot Court Land O’ Lakes, FL 34638 Person Giving Notice: /s/ Janet Nolan, Petitioner 2617 Cherry Ave. Steubenville, oh 43592 Published: June 30, July 7, 2023 _______________________ NOTICE TO CREDITORS Residents want ATV restrictions lied, jet ski rentals bannedBy LISA MACNEIL lisa@hernandosun.comThe Citizen’s Comments segment ty Commissioners (BOCC) meeting brought a majority of residents con cerned about the addition of personal watercraft (PWC) rentals that recently opened near Pine Island, boat rentals along the Mud River, and the state of waterways in general. Still, others urged commissioners to repeal an ordinance restricting All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) operation. PWC rentals and other river concerns Aja Moore, a vocal proponent of recent rule changes and restrictions, recommended that more be done for other water recreational areas and urged commissioners to do more to preserve more waterways. “As much as I hate asking for gov ernment to get involved, now is the time, before it gets any worse. You’ve got Pine Island, Mud River, Weeki Wachee all facing the same things. You’ve got the Preserve that you want to open up, and none of us have faith that (the BOCC) can manage a park properly. The only option is to start requiring business licenses with strict requirements so that people are actually encouraged to hold their customers to a higher standard.” According to Mud River Resident Stephanie Kozuch, the boat rentals are not limited to Weeki Wachee Boat Rent als, the business located at the address she reported. Kozuch said that the busi counted four docks. Kozuch reported the address as a residential property. According to their website, the company does not rent PWCs, but Pontoon boats, Kozuch reports overcrowded boats are “Plowing through no wake zones, making a beeline to the Weeki Wachee (River), because they’re not permitted on the Weeki Wachee, and it’s already overcrowded as it is.” She added that a newly formed neigh borhood crime watch group is among the “biggest violators” of the rules for the rivers. Commissioners discussed business license statutes, which are not used to regulate the boat rental industry in this regard. Commissioner Brian Hawkins mentioned that there are currently stat utes pending that may regulate the vaca tion rental industry in the future, but as of this writing, no statutes or ordinances have been enacted. Community Services Director Chris Linsbeck reported that he received a report by Code Enforcement of an advertisement about the grand opening Pine Island. Linsbeck reported that his who was unaware that PWCs were a prohibited activity, and ceased the prac tice immediately. The company was not named. Aaron Pool, Development Services Director, added that various boat rental companies in the area have been con tacted and put in touch with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) for guidance on what is and is not per missible on the area waterways. ATV ordinance will not be repealed in the near future The other group of outdoor enthusi asts that addressed the BOCC was the ATV riders who would like to see the recent new restrictions on county roads lifted. The consensus among commis sioners is that they will not consider repealing the ordinance at this time. sioners voted 4-1 to approve a new Or operate on any public county roadway, paved or unpaved. Commissioner Steve Champion voted against the ordinance. The new Ordinance repeals Section amendment to Hernando County Code Section 20-2, which made it legal to operate ATVs “on public unpaved MPH.” This section was an “opt-out” of a Florida Statute which prohibited the practice at the state level, however, gave counties the right to allow it. ed by the new ordinance. Virginia Raulerson, whose eight children and two grandchildren are avid riders of 12 ATVs. “We are upset about the ordinance being passed we feel that this is in violation of the rights of people who actually follow the laws.” restrictions at Tooke Lake, where she and her family would bring their ATVs and PWCs. “It’s all been taken away. been added.” She is currently seek ing documentation via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), as she reports (HCSO) told her they have no records available. Other residents spoke in favor of repealing the ordinance to encourage young people to get outside. A common point made is that limits on ATV riding will result in more kids spending more time indoors, on screens. Several teens spoke in favor of repealing the ordi nance. One local resident, Carolyn Kuzniewski, spoke in favor of the ordinance. “ATV riding is not a right, it’s a privilege, and that privilege was abused by many people.” She added that while kids may steer away from drugs when engaging in an activity such as ATV riding, she alleges that a known drug dealer uses his ATV to deliver his product. “I would encourage kids to get a nice trails and get some exercise.” While no one disputes that there are bad drivers of ATVs, the majority of opinions at this meeting centered on the rights of the riders who are respectful of the roadways and terrain on which they ride. Commissioner Steve Champion is still opposed to the ordinance that prohib its ATVs on county dirt roads. “It’s a freedom thing. It’s a constitution thing. I know my fellow commissioners dis agree hold the lawbreakers account citizens’ rights to use their vehicles in these rural areas, that’s just unconstitu tional.” Chairman John Allocco referred to a petition submitted to the BOCC organized prior to the meeting. Though it was unclear how many signatures were collected, Allocco stated, “The ordi nance that we repealed said that it was a violation to use ATVs in, on, or upon any lakes, ponds or county drainage retention. You cannot be in the rightof-way, you can’t be along utility poles, you can’t run along the power lines -all those things were already illegal. You also had to be licensed to drive a vehicle, or had direct supervision from your parent so the vast majority of people that are talking about this are already breaking the law, even as it was under the (original) ordinance.” HCSO is expected to increase patrols to enforce the new ordinance. PUBLIC SALE Teen victims knew who robbed them at gunpoint in Spring HillBY HERNANDO SUN STAFFOn Talpa Street in Spring Hill on July armed with guns, robbed two teens who were able to identify them to law enforcement. The two male victims were parked in front of a home on Talpa when a vehicle pulled up behind them. That’s when the suspects, the exited their vehicle and approached the driver’s side of the victim’s vehicle. According to HCSO, armed with guns, the suspects demanded both victims give them everything they had in their possession. One of the suspects took a wallet, while the other took a and Evan, age 18, then asked the vic tims, “Where’s the money?” After the incident, the suspects de parted the scene in a white Jeep Com pass. Detectives tracked down the suspects to a home on the 11000 block of Elgin Blvd. were sitting inside the parked vehicle, along with two other people. All four individuals were detained at the scene. Detec tives found a black ski mask on the driver’s seat of the suspects’ vehicle. under the front passenger seat. of both suspects. Duke’s real name was released by authorities as armed robbery is a felony, and the identity of juveniles is not protected if they are During questioning, Duke and Evan told investigators that they went to Talpa Street intending to commit a robbery, but the victims were not their intended target. Yet that did not deter them. Florida Department of Juvenile Justice in Ocala. While Evan Spears is being held at the detention center in lieu of a $20,000 bond. Additional charges are pending further investigation, according to the HCSO news release. Evan Spears (Credit: HCSO)


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 7-13, 2023 • • PAGE A 11 PUBLIC HEARING / MEETING NOTICE OF ACTIONIN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO. 22CP-001592 IN RE: ESTATE OF WILLIAM V. WAKS Deceased. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Susan Waks Address Unknown YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an ac tion for Summary Administration Court and you are required to serve a copy of written defenses, if any, to it on the petitioner’s attorney, Pierce J. Guard, Jr., Es quire, whose address is 2511 Orleans Avenue, Lakeland, Florida 33803, on or before 30 days after of this court either before service on the petitioner’s attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. Dated on June 9th, 2023. (Court Seal) DOUG CHORVAT, JR. As Clerk of the Court By /s/ Jessica Jensen As Deputy Clerk Published: June 16, 23, 30, July 7, 2023 _____________________ ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMITIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 2022-DR-1808 Divi sion: IN RE: THE ADOPTION OF: CHLOE MADISON CARDILLO [Name to be given child(ren) Adoptees(s). NOTICE OF ACTION FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND STEPPARENT ADOPTION TO: {name of Respondent} KYLE BRUSH {Respondent’s last known ad dress} Unknown whereabouts YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a Joint Petition for Adoption by Step you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written de fenses, if any, to it on {name of Petitioner} Stacy Tumer and Thomas Matthew Cardillo whose address is 11016 Casa Grande Circle, Spring Hill, Flori da 34608 on or before {date} 7-27-23, and this Court at {clerk’s address} Hernando County Courthouse, 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, Florida 34601 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be en tered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The minor child(ren) are identi Date of Birth Place of Birth 1-29-2012 Citrus Memorial Health System, Inverness, Florida Physical Description of Respon dent: Age: unknown Race: white Hair Color: unk Eye Color: unk Approximate Height: unk Approximate Weight: unk Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses on Dated: 6/15/2023 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: /s/ {Deputy Clerk} (SEAL) Published: June 23, 30, July 7, 14, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY CIVIL DIVISION Case No. 27-2023-CA-000922 Division SUNCOAST CREDIT UNION, A FEDERALLY INSURED STATE CHARTERED CREDIT UNION vs. UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIEN ORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES OF JOHN R. MOORE A/K/A JOHN MOORE, SR. A/K/A ROBERT MOORE, DECEASED; MI CHAEL WAYNE MOORE A/K/A MICHAEL W. MOORE A/K/A MICHAEL MOORE, AS KNOWN HEIR OF JOHN R. MOORE A/K/A JOHN MOORE, SR. A/K/A JOHN ROBERT MOORE, SR. A/K/A ROBERT MOORE, DE CEASED; UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES OF JOHN ROBERT MOORE, JR., DE CEASED; RYAN VAUGHN, AS KNOWN HEIR OF JOHN ROB ERT MOORE, JR., DECEASED; KAITLYN MOORE, AS KNOWN HEIR OF JOHN ROBERT MOORE, JR., DECEASED; ER ICA RAE VAUGHN A/K/A ERICA BENDER, AS KNOWN HEIR OF JOHN ROBERT MOORE, JR., DECEASED, et al. Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIEN ORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES OF JOHN R. MOORE A/K/A JOHN MOORE, SR. A/K/A ROBERT MOORE, DECEASED CURRENT RESIDENCE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIEN ORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES OF JOHN ROBERT MOORE, JR., DECEASED CURRENT RESIDENCE UNKNOWN to foreclose a mortgage on the following property in Hernando County, Florida: BEGIN AT A POINT ON THE SECTION LINE OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 22S, RANGE 19 EAST 180 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST OF THE NORTHWEST OF NORTHEAST OF SAID SECTION 21, FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE RUN EAST 165 FEET, THENCE RUN SOUTH 130 FEET, THENCE RUN WEST 165 FEET, THENCE RUN NORTH 130 FEET. ALL BEING IN THE SOUTHWEST OF THE NORTHWEST OF THE NORTHEAST OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 19 EAST, HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORI DA. LESS AND EXCEPT ROAD RIGHT OF WAY. commonly known as 9176 WEST ST, BROOKSVILLE, FL 34601 you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on David R. Byars of Kass whose address is P.O. Box 800, Tampa, Florida 33601, (813) 2290900, on or before July 27, 2023, publication, whichever is later) of this Court either before service mediately thereafter; otherwise, a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated: June 15, 2023. CLERK OF THE COURT Honorable Doug Chorvat, Jr. 20 N. Main Street Brooksville, Florida 34601By: /s/ Elizabeth Markidis (COURT SEAL) Deputy Clerk (PLEASE PUBLISH IN Hernando Sun) AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator for Hernan do County, Peggy Welch, at (352) 754-4402, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately if the time before the sched uled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Published: June 30, July 7, 2023 Notice of Self Storage Sale Please take notice Midgard Self Storage Spring Hill 1 located at 2465 Anderson Snow Rd., Spring Hill, FL 34609 intends to hold a sale to sell the property stored at the Facility by the below list of Occupants whom are in default at an Auction. The sale will occur as an online auction via on 7/21/2023 at 1:00PM. Unless stated otherwise the description of the contents are household goods and furnishings. Unless stated otherwise the description of the contents are household goods and furnishings. Brett Eastin unit #1069; Dorothyrose Cancel unit #1139; Crystal Barrett unit #3018; Triana MacPher son unit #5008; Allan Delvalle unit #7022; Jose Troche unit #7038; Derrick L Gatling Sr unit #P014. This sale may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Certain terms and con ditions apply. See manager for details. Published: June 30, July 7, 2023 __________________ FICTITIOUS NAMESNOTIFICATION OF ASSUMED NAME CLAIM AND CERTIFICATE OF LIVING TRUST – CERTIFIED #2023102031 MICHELLE MARIE TODD, TRUSTEE Michelle Marie Todd, Agent and MARIE TODD. Trust declaration as recorded at Pasco County Recorder and that Michelle Marie Todd is the full holder in due course of all of these names in all variations of types, styles, texts, spellings and/or digits and any other variations of this name. Therefore, she has ALL RIGHTS RESERVED for the rights, assets, INTERESTS, divestitures, accounts and securities in MI CHELLE MARIE TODD, TODD MICHELLE MARIE and any and all other name spellings, in all variations of types, styles, texts, spellings and/or digits and any other variations of this name as herein so described and noticed by this PUBLIC NOTICE and recorded publishing. Published: June 16, 23, 30, July 7, 2023 ____________________ ASSUMED NAMEFICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Mi chael Clancy owner/co-owners, desiring to engage in business “TechMichael” located in Her nando County, FL, intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations, Florida Department of State, pursuant to section 865.09 of the Florida Statutes. Published: July 7, 2023 Tabbys towing and storage llc gives notice that on July 22, 2023 @10;00 am the following vehicle will be sold by public sale at 17020 shady hills rd, lien for the amount owed on the vehicle for any recover, towing, or storage services charges an administration fees allowed pur suant to Florida statue 713.78. Tabbys towing and storage reserves the right to accept any/ all bids. 1GTEC19X26Z238133 2006 GMC PU Published: July 7, 2023 Tabbys towing and storage llc gives notices on july 25, 2023 @10;00 amthe follow vehicle will be sold by public sale at 17020 shady hills rd, spring hill amount owed on the vehicle for any towing, recovery or storage services charges an admiinistra tion fees allowed pursuant to the statue 713.78. Tabbys towing and storage llc reserves the right to accept any/all bids. 2C3CCAAG6DH530095 2013 CHRY Published: July 7, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 23-CP-000649 IN RE: ESTATE OF GERALD JOSEPH HARRISON, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Gerald Joseph Harrison, deceased, whose date of death was February 25, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 North Main Street, Brooksville, Florida 34601. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is June 30, 2023. Attorney for Personal Representative: David A. Hook, Esq. E-mail Addresses: courtservice@, Florida Bar No. 0013549 The Hook Law Group, P.A. 4918 Floramar Terrace New Port Richey, Florida 34652 Telephone: (727) 842-1001 Personal Representative: Sandra R. Harrison 2040 Wesbitt Avenue Spring Hill, Florida 34608 Published: June 30, July 7, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF KENNETH WAYNE LOBB, Deceased. File No. H-27-CP-2021-1344 PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: Order of Summary Administra tion has been entered in the estate of KENNETH WAYNE LOBB, deceased, File Number H-27-CP-2021-1344, by the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601; that the decedent’s date of death was September 7, 2021; that the total value of the estate is $58,669.50 and that the names and addresses of those to whom it has been assigned by such order are: Name and Address: Stacy Lobb 12037 Balfour St., Spring Hill, FL 34608 Drew P. Lobb 12037 Balfour St., Spring Hill, FL 34608 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Adminwith this court WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this Notice is July 7th, 2023. Attorney for Person Giving Notice: Melanie J. Burpee Florida Bar Number: 0978681 11163 Spring Hill Drive Spring Hill, FL 34609 Telephone: (352) 596-4433 Fax: (352) 597-3571 E-Mail: melanieburpee@yahoo. com Secondary E-Mail: attorney. Person Giving Notice: Stacy Lobb 12037 Balfour St Spring Hill, FL 34608 Published: July 7, 14, 2023 CLK23-103 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING HERNANDO COUNTY WATERWAYS ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Hernando County Waterways Advisory Committee will hold a public meeting on Thursday, July 19, 2023, beginning at 7:00 P.M., in the Jenkins Creek Recreation Building, 6400 Shoal Line Blvd, Spring Hill, FL 34607. The purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss boating and waterways related issues in Hernando County, Florida. All meetings are open to the public. Any questions concern ing this public meeting should be directed to Carla Burrmann, Aquatic Services Manager, Hernando County Parks De partment, 16161 Flight Path Dr., telephone (352) 754-4060. The meeting agenda may be viewed online at ments-n-z/public-works/aquatic-ser vices/waterways-advisory-committee/ agendas-and-minutes. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Hernando County Waterways Advisory Committee with regard to any matter considered at such meeting, said person will need a record of the proceed ing, and that, for such purpose, said person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which re cord includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a spe cial accommodation to partici pate in this proceeding should contact Eric Davis, Project Manager Waterways and Aquatic Services Hernando County Parks Department, 16161 Flight Path Dr., telephone (352) 7544060, no later than three (3) days prior to the proceedings. If hearing impaired, please call 1-800-676-3777 for assistance. /s/ Carla Burrmann Aquatic Services Manager Published: July 7, 2023 CLK23-104 Notice of Public Meeting Library Advisory Committee The Hernando County Library Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, July 11, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. at the Main Branch Library, located at 238 Howell Avenue, Brooksville, FL 34601. The public is invited to attend and provide public comment. Members have been appointed by the Hernando County Board of County Commissioners and the purpose of the committee is to advise the Board of County Commissioners on the devel opment and implementation of sound programs for the Hernan do County Public Library Sys tem and to assist in providing a feasible, adequate public library system. For more information about the committee, please vis it https://hernandocountylibrary.usIn accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should call the Main Library at 1-352-754-4043 and request to speak with Library Administration. If hearing impaired, please call 1-800-676-3777 for assistance. Published: July 7, 2023 CLK23-105 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The Brooksville Housing Authority will hold a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, July 18, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 201 Howell Avenue, Brooksville, Florida. All meetings of the Brooksville Housing Authority are open to the public. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommo dation to participate in this proceeding should contact Terri Beverly, Brooksville Housing Authority Executive Director, Brooksville, Florida 34601. Telephone 352-754-4160. If hearing impaired, please call 1-800-6763777 for assistance. For more information, call the Brooksville Housing Authority at 754-4160. Published: July 7, 2023 NOTICE OF FINAL AGENCY ACTION BY THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGE MENT DISTRICT Notice is given that the District’s Final Agency Action is approval of the application for an Envi ronmental Resource Permit to serve 213lot single-family residential subdivision activities on 60.77 acres known as Pine Cone Sub division. The project is located in Hernan do County, Section(s) 20, Township 22 South, Range 18 East. The permit applicant is Tampa Pines I, LLC whose address is 206 Wild Basin Rd., Suite 203, Austin, TX 78746. The Permit No. is 43045971.000. ect referred to above is available for inspection Monday through Friday except for legal holidays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the Southwest Florida Water Management District, 7601 Highway 301 North, Tampa, FL 33637. NOTICE OF RIGHTS Any person whose substantial District’s action regarding this matter may request an admin istrative hearing in accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Chapter 28-106, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), of the Uniform Rules of Procedure. A request for hearing must (1) explain how the substantial inter ests of each person requesting the District’s action, or proposed action; (2) state all material facts disputed by each person re questing the hearing or state that there are no disputed facts; and (3) otherwise comply with Chap ter 28-106, F.A.C. A request for received by the Agency Clerk of the District at the District’s Tampa address, 7601 US Hwy. 301, Tampa, FL 33637-6759 within 21 days of publication of this notice (or within 14 days for an Envi ronmental Resource Permit with Proprietary Authorization for the use of Sovereign Submerged for hearing within this time pe riod shall constitute a waiver of any right such person may have to request a hearing under Sec tions 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to by it in this notice of agency ac tion. Persons whose substantial in this matter have the right to petition to become a party to the proceeding, in accordance with the requirements set forth above. Mediation pursuant to Section 120.573, F.S., to settle an administrative dispute regarding the District’s action in this matter of a request for hearing. Published: July 7, 2023 NOTICE OF REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE HERNANDO COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular meeting of the Hernan do County Board of County Com missioners has been scheduled to be held on Tuesday, July 11, 2023, beginning at 9:00 A.M., located at the Hernando County Government Center, 20 North Main Street, Room 160, Brooks ville, FL 34601. The meeting is open to the pub lic. Any questions concerning this meeting should be directed to the County Administrator’s meeting agenda may be viewed online at If a person decides to appeal any quasi-judicial decision made by the Hernando County Board of County Commissioners with respect to any matter considered at such hearing or meeting, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the pro ceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evi dence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Colleen Conko, Hernando County Administration, 15470 Flight Path Drive, Brooks ville, FL 34604, (352) 754-4002. If hearing impaired, please call 1-800-676-3777. Published: July 7, 2023 Dun-Romin Wrecker Service 11267 Commercial Way Weeki Wachee, FL 34614 352-597-5688 Date of Sale: July 26, 2023 Time: 8:00 AM Make: 2015 Kia Vin#: KNAGM4AD9F5090446 Place of Sale: Dun-Romin Wrecker Service 11267 Commercial Way Weeki Wachee, FL 34614 352-5975688 Published: July 7, 2023 PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE CITY OF BROOKSVILLE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) Notice is hereby given that the Quarterly CRA meetings will be held as follows: January 9, 2023 – CANCELED due to lack of business April 3, 2023 – CANCELED due to lack of business July 17, 2023 – This meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. October 2, 2023 These meetings will be held at 6:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted, at City of Brooksville City Hall, 201 Howell Ave. Brooksville, Florida, 34601 All persons wishing to be heard please take notice, you are ad vised that if a person decides to appeal any decision with respect to any matter considered at these proceedings, he will need a re cord of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should con tact the City’s ADA coordinator at 352-540-3810. Jennifer Battista City Clerk Published: July 7, 2023PUBLIC NOTICES/GOVERNMENT NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS PUBLIC SALE


PAGE A 12 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 7-13, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS By PAT RAIA A Spring Hill man is facing a rack eteering conspiracy charge in con cy investigation into car theft and other vehicle-related crimes through the state. Convictions under the Racketeer (RICO) Act include penalties of 20 years to life in prison, depending on Penalties also depend on whether it’s prosecuted in Federal or State court. named as a suspect in the case along with 22 others when the agencies announced the results of the probe at the FDLE’s Regional Operations Center in Tampa. Beginning in 2018, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), along with Attorney General Prosecution (OSP), Florida Chief Department of Financial Services Division of Insurance Fraud, Flor ida Highway Patrol (FHP) and the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) launched “Operation Gone investigation into allegations that Florida Com mercial Diver Licenses (CDLs) were being ille gally distributed to people who had not com pleted training courses required to obtain CDLs. During the probe, investigators learned that a criminal organization was issu ing fraudulent Vehicle Information Numbers (VINs) to high-end vehicles, including Porsche, Land Rov er, and Maserati. According to the FDLE, suspects illegally acquired the vehicles by using couriers, fake names, and fraudulent payments to “purchase” them from dealerships who wouldn’t discover the fraud un til after the vehicles were gone from the lot. In another scheme, suspects kept reports that the vehicles had been stolen. Because they were illegally obtained and lacked the legitimate paperwork necessary to register them, one suspect issued temporary tags from a dealership in Miami or transferred a tag from a legitimate vehicle to a fraudulent vehicle. Suspects would claim to sell auto insurance to the customers who pur chased the stolen vehicles. Those customers received an initial policy that quickly lapsed because the “sellers” kept the actual payments their customers provided. As the result of the lengthy inves tigation Velazquez-Gomez of Spring Hill was arrested by deputies from (HCSO) on June 20 on an out-ofcounty warrant from Hillsborough County. He was subsequently booked into the Hernando County Detention Center on charges of conspiracy to commit racketeering. His case remains pending.BY PAT RAIA pat@hernandosun.comA Weeki Wachee woman is ac cused of stealing everything from furniture, including a Yamaha piano to a pool pump and copper pipes from a residence that she rented there. According to HCSO Deputy Public Terry, deputies visited the property at Dirlenton Way in Weeki Wachee after the Ohio man who owns it reported that a local real estate agent who had been hired to prepare the home for sale found the home com pletely empty. According to its owner, the house was rented completely furnished in June of 2022 to a pair of women. They moved out of the home in June visited the residence and found a variety of items missing from the property, including a leather couch; a Yamaha piano; various television sets; bicycles; silverware; a dining room table; an entertainment cen ter; bedroom sets; several rugs; golf clubs; a lawnmower; a leaf blower; a garden hose; tools and a toolbox; sunroom furniture; a pool pump and copper pipes, and several rugs. When they were interviewed, neighbors told detectives that they had seen a woman who they identi home’s tenants, Gladu and two men loading items from the residence to a truck and trailer. When investi gators caught up with Gladu on June speak with them. They arrested her on a single charge of grand theft. Gladu was booked into the Her nando County Detention Center and released on bond. After the arrest, detectives visited Gladu’s current residence on Desert Sparrow Avenue in Weeki Wachee in There they could see several of the stolen items, including a dining room table, chairs, a lawn mower, tools, and a bicycle through a half-open garage door. A man who opened the front door of the residence told investigators that he and a cousin had helped Gladu move several items which they believed belonged to her from the Dirlenton Way address to a storage unit and then to the home on Desert Sparrow Avenue. After obtaining a warrant, detec tives searched the residence and found most of the remaining stolen property. Detectives took digital photo graphs at the scene and forwarded them to the Ohio man who was able to identify them. Finally, a friend of the Dirlenton Way property owner recovered the stolen property. The investigation is ongoing, and additional charges are pending, Terry said. Gladu was arrested in 2020 for possession of a controlled sub stance and was found guilty of a third-degree felony. Her arraignment proceeding for the current charges is Stephen Toner Jr.Teen hurt, dad killed in holiday weekend canoe incident Lazaro VelazquezGomez (Credit: HCSO) Alyssa Gladu Credit: HCSOWeekiwachee Preserve Fire Accused thief empties rental of furniture, piano, and copper pipes in Weeki Wachee Ocala man sentenced to life in prison for attempted second degree murderBY HERNANDO SUN STAFF Ocala, was sentenced to life in pris on for the attempted second-degree murder of a female victim he met was sentenced as a Habitual Felony was convicted of attempted 2nd-de gree murder by a jury. He was con victed for an incident that took place Gardens Apartments in Brooksville. He attacked a woman hitting her in the head with a hammer when she ordered him to leave her apartment. She had recently met Kydd on an online dating site. Her seven-yearold child was in the apartment during the attack. Kydd was observed by the attack. He also left his backpack The hammer attack resulted in multiple skull fractures, including an orbital and a cervical fracture. She had to be transported to an area trauma center. The victim’s identity was not released because of Marsy’s Law. ment managed to locate Kydd at his mother’s house in Ocala, where he was taken into custody. While in custody, Kydd has been involved in several incidents which have led to additional charges. On July 18, 2020, he was charged with criminal mischief because 2022, he pleaded no contest to the charge. he mailed a letter to Judge Merritt, which contained a bomb threat to the courthouse resulting in an evacua tion. The search of the courthouse found a suspicious item that was de termined to be safe. Kydd acknowl edged that he sent the letter from the detention center. Kydd was charged place a bomb. charged with Battery on a law en ing a detention deputy in the face. On the same day, he was charged with criminal mischief for setting guilty to both charges. In connection with these addition al cases, Kydd was sentenced on Suppression Equipment’ and one each count, which will run concur rently with his life sentence. Kydd initially pled no contest to the attempted second-degree murder charge but withdrew the no-contest plea in June of 2022 to plead not by Kydd’s attorney, “Mr. Kydd stated that he felt pressured and coerced at the time that he entered the plea and that the plea was involuntary. entered the plea only after statements were made by the state attorney and the court regarding possibly arresting his mother to ensure her appearance at trial in compliance with a subpoe na by the State.” He also withdrew the no-contest plea as a psycholog ical evaluation on May 11, 2022, indicated that Mr. Kydd was insane Timothy Kydd Credit: HCSOments this year. “We have written a Federal Emergency Management cation to fund (the enrollment increase),” Hasenmeier said. The status of the grant is pending. Also, under the contract, pay increases for 2022 are “status quo,” with across-the-board pay adjustments said. According to the approved contract, the hourly rate annually. Grandfathered positions under phase-out include an The pay scale for Lieutenants grandfathered posi tions under phase-out range from $24.04 per hour or FIRE UNION CONTRACT FROM PAGE A 1July 3HCFR crews were on scene of a brush re in the Weeki Wachee Preserve. Fire was approximately 5 acres and in a very challenging location where crews could not make access by vehicle. Florida Forest Service Withlacoochee Forestry Centerwas on scene assisting. Hernando County Sheri’s Oce provided drone assistance and their air unit to locate the re. (Photo HCFR)BY PAT RAIA he and his father both fell out of a motorized canoe in the Chassahowitzka Bay during the July 4 holiday weekend. The teen’s father died in the incident. that around 4 p.m. on July 1, personnel from the agen cy, along with those from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and the Citrus Coun a marine incident on the Chassahowitzka Bay near the manned canoe circling the bay. The boaters also saw the Crews rescued the young man, who told them that he and his father had fallen out of the canoe. Boats and helicopters from law enforcement agencies launched a search for the teen’s father, and an FWC dive Finally, the man’s body was found. The investigation into the incident continues. Overturned canoe, Chassahowitka Bay, July 1, 2023. (Credit: HCSO)Spring Hill man accused in statewide car theft ring


HERNANDO LIVING HERNANDO LIVING B 1 JULY 7-13, 2023 < Hernando Sun All County Girls' Basketball Team B 9 Local artists answer the question, 'Who are you?' B 4 >COMMUNITY, ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT, FUN See VETERANS TRIBUTE Page B 3 Glen Lakes Veterans and Friends Establish a Lasting Tribute to Military Men and Women ABOVE: Aerial view of Glen Lakes Veterans and Friends tribute memorial. Photo provided by GLVFA.By SARAH J. NACHIN sarah@hernandosun.comWhen the majority of people retire, they spend most of their time engaging in per eling, hobbies, etc. While there’s nothing wrong with that, in Spring Hill, there’s a dedicated group of mostly These are the men and women of the Glen Lakes Veter ans and Friends Association (GLVFA). ans’ organizations such as the VFW and the American Last year, they decided to erect a Veterans Memo morial is a means of honoring our military and remem LEFT & BELOW: 2023 High Point Fourth of July Parade. Photo by Beatrice Lumia (left) and Rocco Maglio (below) Above & Below: 2023 Timber Pines July 4th Parade Photos by Summer Hampton. 2023 Hernando Beach Boat Parade. Photo courtesy of Bruddah Hank.


PAGE B 2 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 7-13, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS United Way’s Stuff the Bus the Bus will take place Thursday, July 6th – Tuesday, July 11th All 7 Hernando County Publix Stores and the Walmart Supercenter on US 19 will be hosting an internal school supply collection for local teachers and Friday & Weekend!Dana’s Railroad Supply Summer SaleOngoing event: Friday & Saturday, July 7 & 8, 2023, Time: 10:00 am 4:00 pm Location: Dana’s Railroad Supply, 4042 Deltona Blvd., Spring Hill, FL 34606, Description: Sizzlin’ Summer For more information: (352) 6842484, www. danasrailroadsupply. Planting Day at the Florida Demonstration GardenDate: Saturday, July 8, 2023 Time: 9:00 am 12:00 pm Location: Nature Coast Botanical Garden, Florida Native Plant Demonstration Garden 1489 Parker Ave, Spring Hill, FL 34606 Description: At long last, conditions are right for planting our mixed hedge feature at the garden. Volunteers have been clearing exotics, removing trees and waiting for rain. And here we are. If you would like to participate in this activity, please contact Janet Grabowski at or text (352) 232-1928 to coordinate and review the tools needed.From HBO, NBC & ABC – Dean Napolitano – LIVE in Spring Hill! (VIP)Date: Saturday, July 8, 2023 Time: 7:00 pm 8:30 pm Location: Stage West Playhouse, 8390 Forest Oaks Blvd, Spring Hill, FL 34606 Dean Napolitano from HBO, NBC, TICKETS: $18 GA @ bit. ly/43sMvgH | $21 VIP @ bit. ly/43QvE7D HEADLINER: DEAN NAPOLITANO Dean Napolitano is a throwback to the great comedians of yesteryear, only with a modern twist that makes him one of the most prevalent comedians working today. FEATURE ACT: GRIFFIN THOMAS Thomas is a familiar face at comedy clubs across Florida. paced, and edgy (well edgy for a DAD). HOST: ROB GARGUILO Radio personality, comedian, and former JCPenney child model Rob Garguilo has been entertaining audiences nationwide for over two decades – waking up listeners with laughs in Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Cleveland, Tampa, Fort Myers and Harrisburg. Palm Weaving/ Boondoggle ClassDate: Sunday, July 9, 2023 Time: 10:00 am 12:00 pm State Park, 7200 Co Rd 603, Bushnell, FL 33513 Description: Learn how to make palm/palmetto frond crafts with expert instruction from experienced palm weavers. Cost is $3/vehicle or Florida State Parks Annual Pass plus $5/person/class activity fee. Pre-register by calling 352-7934781 or email DadePrograms@ WEEKDAY EVENTSHow to Select a Pest ProfessionalDate: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 Time: 1:00 pm 2:00 pm Location: ZOOM https://tinyurl. com/5dnkdcv6 Description: Event by University of Florida/IFAS Extension at Hernando County We will cover some simple tips for homeowners to select the right pest professional.BINGO with the MarinesDate: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 Time: 11:30 am 3:00 pm Location: Marine Corps League Detachment 708, 8405 Sunshine Grove Rd, Brooksville, FL 34613 Description: To make things more interesting, the BINGO jackpot has been raised to $200 dollars and it’s on every Tuesday from 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM. So come on by for good times with good food. All are welcome. Join us on FaceBook at: MCL 708 OORAHProject WILD/ Aquatic WILD For EducatorsDate: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 Time: 9:00 am 3:30 pm State Park, 7200 Co Rd 603, Bushnell, FL 33513 and volunteers for a combined curriculum workshop which will include educational activities for both aquatic and terrestrial animals and their habitats. The workshop is geared towards any educator who works with elementary and middle schoolaged students. The workshop is free to all educators but space is limited. To register please contact the park at 352-793-4781 or CPR/AED BLSDate: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 Time: 6:00 pm 7:30 pm Location: Krueger Enrichment Center, 392 Beverly Ct, Spring Hill, FL 34606 Description: The Brooksville Enrichment Center will be sponsoring CPR/AED BLS classes on each second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Classes begin promptly at 6 p.m. and end at approximately 10 p.m. This American Heart Association class is designed for professional healthcare providers. Non-health care professionals are welcome to attend. The total cost is $35 per person. Classes are held at the Brooksville Enrichment Center, 800 Gary Grubbs Blvd., in Brooksville. Part of the proceeds are donated to the Enrichment Center. To reserve a seat please call Bob Kanner at 352-597-8875. Virtual Plant Clinic with Dr. Bill LesterDate: Thursday, July 13, 2023 Time: 10:00 am 11:00 am Location: ZOOM MEETING Description: Tune in for our live online and get research-based answers and advicebroadcast on Facebook Live and YouTube the University of Florida Extension Service in Hernando County and his co-host Lilly Browning with Florida-Friendly Landscaping. Feel free to send pictures of problem plants or insects to Opening reception Brooksville Art Gallery At 201Jul 14 2023 6:00 pm 8:00 pm This opening reception for the I-Identity and Featured Artists summertime art exhibits will take place at the Brooksville Art Gallery At 201. The reception is free to attend and will feature live poetry readings, music, dance and refreshments.~~~~~ AT YOUR LIBRARIESMain Library: 238 Howell Ave; Brooksville, FL 34601 Spring Hill Branch: 9220 Spring Hill Dr. Spring Hill, FL 34608 East Hernando Branch: 6457 Windmere Rd Brooksville, FL 34602 West Hernando Branch: 6335 Blackbird Ave Brooksville, FL 34613 Registration Required for library programs. Call 352-754-4043. To view the full events calendar, please visit: https:// hernandocounty.librarycalendar. com/Summer Adult Bingo ChallengeMain Branch 238 Howell Ave Brooksville, FL 34601 Ongoing event: 07/05/2023 @ 8:00am 07/31/2023 @ 6:00pm Spring Hill Branch 9220 Spring Hill Dr. Spring Hill, FL 34608 Ongoing Event: 07/05/2023 @ 9:00am 07/29/2023 @ 5:00pm West Hernando Branch 6335 Blackbird Ave. Brooksville, FL 34613 Ongoing Event: All Day 7/5 7/31 East Hernando Branch 6457 Windmere Rd. Brooksville, FL 34602 Ongoing event: 07/05/2023 @ 10:00am 07/29/2023 @ 5:00pm Description: Hernando County us in discovering new books all summer long while playing BINGO and winning prizes. Pick up your BINGO card from the East Hernando Branch Library and Read and play at your own pace. Check out books from any branch that match the categories and record them on your BINGO card. multiple categories, it counts One card per person. While supplies last. Spheres Bubble ShowSpring Hill Meeting Room 9220 Spring Hill Dr. Spring Hill, FL 34608 Date: Friday, July 7, 2023 Time: 11:00am 11:45am Description: Join us for the amazing Spheres Bubble Show This unique bubble performance Space is limited. Registration required. Macrame Money PouchWest Hernando Meeting Room 6335 Blackbird Ave. Brooksville, FL 34613 Date: Friday, July 7, 2023 Time: 2:00pm 4:00pm Description: Join us at the Library for a Macrame Craft. Supplies provided.Learn to Sew!Spring Hill Meeting Room 9220 Spring Hill Dr. Spring Hill, FL 34608 Date: Saturday, July 8, 2023 Time: 2:00pm 4:00pm Description: Learn to sew at the of using a sewing machine and make a fun project at the same time. All materials provided. For teens and adults. Space is limited. Registration required. ONLINE SAFETY TIPSWH Computer Lab 6335 Blackbird Ave. Brooksville, FL 34613 Date: Monday, July 10, 2023 Time: 11:00am 12:00pm Description: Learn how to safely browse the INTERNET and use email. Class will be held in the Library’s computer lab. DIY Sugar Scrub and Lip Balm for TeensWest Hernando Meeting Room 6335 Blackbird Ave. Brooksville, FL 34613 Date: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 Time: 1:00pm 2:30pm Description: Teens can indulge in a little self-care this Summer at the library by creating your very own sugar scrub and lip balm. Teen participants will use household items and essential oils to create their own products like sugar scrubs and lip balms that they will be able to take home with them. All materials are provided. For ages 13-18. Space is limited, registration is required. Registration opens up 14 days before the event.Board Game Cafe Main Meeting Room 238 Howell Ave. Brooksville, FL 34601 Date: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 Time: 3:00pm 5:00pm Description: Enjoy playing games, eating snacks, and hanging out with friends at your games, and video games will be provided, but feel free to bring your own.Bluey Storytime for Toddlers and PreschoolersMain Meeting Room 238 Howell Ave. Brooksville, FL 34601 Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 Time: 3:30pm 4:30pm Description: Join us for a storytime celebrating everyone’s Toddlers, preschoolers, and their families will enjoy stories, songs, and a craft all about Bluey and her friends and family. Space is limited, registration is required. Registration opens up 14 days before the event.Mr. Brad’s MusicSpring Hill Meeting Room 9220 Spring Hill Dr. Spring Hill, FL 34608 Date: Thursday, July 13, 2023 Time: 2:00pm 3:00pm Descriptions: Join us for Mr. Brad’s Music, a high-energy hour of familiar sing-a-longs and fun Space is limited. Registration required. Art Attack @ Your Library: Pot PaintingMain Meeting Room 238 Howell Ave. Brooksville, FL 34601 Date: Thursday, July 13, 2023 Time: 5:00pm 6:30pm Description: Have fun designing your own plant pots using acrylic provided and watch them grow this summer. Supplies provided. Sponsored in part by the Hernando County Fine Arts Council.Board Game Night for TeensSpring Hill Meeting Room 9220 Spring Hill Dr. Spring Hill, FL 34608 Date: Thursday, July 13, 2023 Time: 6:00pm 7:30pm Description: Join us for a board enjoy pizza and socialize with Registration required. ~~~~~ SAVE THE DATEAccent OrchidsDate: Saturday, July 15, 2023 Time: 11:00 am 1:00 pm Location: Fellowship Hall, 10515 Fellowship Hall in rear of church. Description: Event by Nature Coast Orchid Society Always a crowd pleaser, this grower specializes in orchids that thrive in our central Florida environment. Orchids available for sale. Members’ Fellowship Hall behind church. Doors open at 11 AM; meeting starts12 PM. NCOS is a 501(c)(3)City of Brooksville Cemetery Clean upDate: Saturday, July 15, 2023 Time: 8:00 am 12:00 pm Location: Brooksville Cemetery, 1275 Olmes Road, Brooksville Description: This cleanup will be focused on raking and hand weeding and cleaning gear will be provided by the cemetery Start your Saturday morning with a good deed by giving back to your community. Registrations are encouraged but not mandatory. Online registrations are highly encouraged butnot mandatory. If you wish to register online please visit: parksrec. Back to School BashJuly 29 10am 1pm Hill; Face painting, tacos, shaved ice; Children receive free school supplies and free school physical.Designer Bag BingoDate: Sunday, July 30, 2023 Time: 5:00 pm 8:00 pm Location: Silverthorn Country Club 4550 Golf Club Lane #0303 Spring Hill, FL 34609 Description: We are back for another exciting Night of Having fun and Fundraising for Join us for some Games, Dinner, DJ Blue Bloods Spinning the Music, an Awesome Taco Bar and Delicious desserts purchase All proceeds go to helping Families in Hernando County Battling Breast Cancer Doors open at 5pm Bingo Starts at 6pm Contact Sue (352)-428-6499 Nickelsfornipples@gmail.comTaste 4 Education The Battle of the BurgerDate: Saturday, August 05, 2023 Time: 2:00 pm 6:00 pm Location: Lake House 1202 Kenlake in Spring Hill. Description: For more information on entering as a chef participant, sponsoring or tickets for samples, entertainment and voting go to HernandoEducationFoundation. org for more information. Tickets start at $15 for Children, $30 for adults and $50 VIP Tickets which include Indoor Air conditioned seating, a free drink ticket, hors ABC of Dementia Workshop live on Facebook from Stable Faith Cowboy ChurchThe Stable Faith Cowboy Church, located at 12077 Broad Street in Brooksville, Florida, will host a free ABC of Dementia workshop from 10 a.m. until noon on Saturday, August 5, 2023. The event will be livestreamed on Facebook, and may be accessed at StableFaithCowboyChurch/. Coping with Dementia President and workshop presenter Debbie Selsavage reports, “Our ABC of Dementia workshop explains Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia in plain language, suggests techniques for becoming a better and less-stressed care partner, and provides useful resources to families living with dementia.” She adds, “While the workshop is designed primarily for care partners and family members of a loved one living with dementia, anyone is welcome, including persons experiencing dementia.” The workshop is free, but reservations are encouraged. For more information or to reserve seats at any of the workshops, call 352422-3663 or e-mail deb@coping. today.BINGO with the MarinesDate: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 Time: 11:30 am 3:00 pm Location: Marine Corps League Detachment 708, 8405 Sunshine Grove Rd, Brooksville, FL 34613 Description: To make things more interesting, the BINGO jackpot has been raised to $200 dollars and it’s on every Tuesday from 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM. So come on by for good times with good food. All are welcome. Join us on FaceBook at: MCL 708 OORAHNature Coast Orchid Society’s 2023 Annual AuctionDate: Saturday, August 19, 2023 Time: 11:00 am 1:30 pm Location: Fellowship Hall behind Spring Hill. Description: Nature Coast Orchid Society’s 2023 Annual Auction is August 19. Orchids of every size, shape, color and genera will be on the block. Auction lot includes select orchid stock from Florida growers and NCOS members’ divisions. Cash/credit cards accepted for purchase. Info: 352-895-4035.CLUBSNature Coast Bridge Club (NCBC), located in Davis Hall at United Church of Christ, 4244 Mariner Blvd, Spring Hill is actively seeking new members. If you are a social bridge player and would like to learn duplicate, we invite you to join us. If you like, a NCBC member will shadow you as you play on assistance. For more information, call Jerry 352-684-0478 or email JOIN US! Brooksville Elks Lodge #2582 July is a $1 application Fee. Elks Care and Elks Share. Help us support our local veterans and foster children. Come and see us for a relaxing time. Meet new friends. Become a member. Friday dinner dances 5-9 pm. Sunday Line dancing 2-6 pm. See the current month’s calendar and events at ( 13383 County Line Road Spring Hill Florida 34609 Phone 352-799-7148 Renovated hall/dance oor. Hall is available to rent for your next occasion. Seated Dining Capacity of 175. Building Capacity of 233 persons. SHOW BEGINS AT 7:30 PM | DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 PM JUNE 23, 2023 rf rf nff nff tbtbt tbtbt r r Sat, July 15, 7:30 pm Sat, July 15, 7:30 pm Over 100 Trucks, Cars, SUV’s on the Lot Are you better looking than your car?Perhaps it’s time for a new one.GOOD BAD NOCREDITNo Problem! Ask About Our Lifetime Engine Warranty!VANS CARS & TRUCKS(352)796-64027043 Broad Street,


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 7-13, 2023 • PAGE B 3VETERANS TRIBUTE FROM PAGE B 1 rfrntb nt n b r brtr The The Hernando Hernando Sportsman’s Sportsman’s Club Club 352-597-9931 352-597-9931 THURS & FRI RANGE HOURS: Monthly Firearms Classes for CCW 16121 Commercial Way, Brooksville, FL 34614Located 9 miles North of S.R. 50 on U.S. Hwy 19 GLVFA’s goal was to raise $50,000, and in under a year, they reached that goal. Local businesses and ganization accomplish its goal. Some donated money, on items for the memorial. For example, the owners of Glen Lakes graciously also expressed their willingness to assist in other ways. was local stone fabricator Lugo's Natural Stonework in Spring Hill. Owners Christian Lugo and Tabitha Porras They also fabricated and installed the stone pedestals the granite facing, as well as the founding year of the Tabitha Porras Lugo, co-owner of Lugo's Natural Stonework, remarked, “We were super excited about with Glen Lakes Veterans.” commented, “Mike Fulford, my co-manager played a big part in getting this done with his background in Hernando County and being an engineer. Christian and Tabitha Lugo were amazing. Christian made the bench es himself, and that helped us stay under budget.” usable. Although the Glen Lakes Veterans and Friends As sociation has not determined a date for dedicating the memorial, some of the members gathered there on Me that demonstrates what a community can accomplish this project sets an example of the power of teamwork other groups will follow this example. There are ongoing ways in which people can support the Veterans’ Memorial. You can purchase memorial to maintain the memorial in pristine condition so that ABOVE: Glen Lakes Veterans and Friends tribute memorial. Photo by Sarah J Nachin. The Lugos natural Stonework team installing one of the benches. Photo by Sarah J Nachin. Memorial groundbreaking Jan. 30, 2023 (L-R) Denny Blum, Mike Fulford, Ron Ford, Dickie Keane


PAGE B 4 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 7-13, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS See IDENTITY Page B 12 Hernando Beach Boat Parade & FundraiserThe boat parade was not just a celebration of our country's declaration of gland, but the organizers raise money for the Flor ida Veterans Foundation. Many local businesses were donate the proceeds of their food sales during the boat parade for the Florida Veteran's Foundation. One of who lost a brother during the Vietnam War had been donate to worthy charities, but this year, she created years and his wife, while not in the air, helped keep their 3 children and always nity, which they still are. The parade and all the passed since a small group of determined patriots freedom. The essence and people remain today. No matter your political your inspiration from our forefathers. Stand for you don't feel proud that about if you take a few minutes to feel gratitude Left: Ralph Kennedy, the Club Commodore with Stella Kelly, who is presenting her quilt to Bill and Patty Roberts. Photos provided by Bruddah Hank.Local artists answer the question: ‘Who are you?’By MEGAN HUSSEY Gallery 201 Coordinator Pedram Moghaddam posed a painted, sculpted, photographed, and written responses The exhibit's opening reception is scheduled for Friday, "What the artists presented to me were not simple self-portraits," said Moghaddam. "They showed me their souls--who they are, really." through a collection of portraits depicting the artist against didn’t want or plan unexpectedly lost my daughter during her explained. her. The piece “Still Ashley Anna” shows us. That self-portrait and each piece after by this new me There was the Ashley before Finley, and now there is the Ashley after Finley." years ago, at age 40, and started painting as a part of my Cristina Casiano feels a deep, truly personal connection which bespeaks her heritage. "A majority of my work explores self-expression and cultural identity," she said. Spring Hill 8 Movie TimesFriday, July 7 Sunday, July 9, 2023 Insidious: The Red Door Runs: 1h 47m 1:15 PM, 4:15 PM, 7:15 PM, 10:15 PM Joy Ride Runs: 1h 32m 1:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 7:30 PM, 10:30 PM Sound of Freedom Runs: 2h 15m 12:00 PM, 3:15 PM Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Runs: 2h 34m 12:00 PM, 3:30 PM, 6:30 PM, 7:00 PM, 10:00 PM, 10:30 PMRuby Gillman, Teenage Kraken Runs: 1h 31m 12:45 PM, 4:15 PM, 7:15 PM No Hard Feelings Runs: 1h 43m 1:00 PM, 4:30 PM, 7:30 PM, 10:15 PM Elemental Runs: 1h 42m 12:15 PM, 3:45 PM, 6:45 PM, 9:45 PM The Flash Runs: 2h 24m 9:45 PM Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Runs: 2h 7m 12:30 PM, 3:30 PM, 6:45 PM, 10:00 PM Mining Enrichment Center Calendar 800 John Gary Grubbs Blvd Brooksville • 352-544-59007 8:15-12:00 Caring K9”s 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 10-2 Low Vision Works 11-3 Scrabble 10 8:15-12:00 Caring K9”s 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 10-2 Low Vision Works 11-3 Scrabble 12-3 HC Quilt Guild 11-3 Rummy Cube 3-8 “RTM Studios” 1-3 HC Button Collectors Group 6:00PM8:00 Society of Creative Anachronism 7-9 Camera Club 3-9 Dance 11 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 9-4 EC SEWERS 9-4 H.C. Quilt Guild 11-3 Rug Hookers 3-8 “RTM Studios” Co-Dependents Anonymous 6:30-8:00 12 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 9-4:00 Warm Up America – 1st Fl Side Room 11:30-12:30 Blood Pressure 1-2:00 Music with Gale 1-3 Pencil Sketching 13 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 9:30 Quilters of the Nature Coast 2nd Fl 9:30-11:00 Bingo 9-4 EC SEWERS 10-4 Perfect Storm 10:30-4 Basket Weavers 1-3:00 Creative Art 5:30-7 Ms. Ali’s 7-9 HCARA Krueger Enrichment Center Calendar 392 Beverly Ct Spring Hill • 352-293-47387 10-11 Chair Exercise 10-11:30 Crochet Class 10-11:00 Music with Gale 10-12 Skip Bo 12-4 Canasta 12-3 Mah-Jongg 12:30-4 Rug Hookers 8-4 SHINEServing Health Insurance Needs of Elders Appointment only: 352-593-0705 10 10-11 Chair Exercise 9-1 Devon’s House 1-4 Mexican Train Dominoes 11 9-5 Home Circle/Above Reproach 1-4 Deaf Services 12 10-11 Chair Exercise 9-11 Devon’s House 12-4 Canasta 12-3 Mah-Jongg 12-3:30 Pinochle 6:00-10:00 CPRAED Call 352597-8875 13 10-2 HC Quilt Guild 12-4 Bridge 8-4 SHINEServing Health Insurance Needs of Elders Appointment only: 352-593-0705 14 10-11 Chair Exercise 10-11:30 Crochet Class 10-11:00 Music with Gale 10-12 Skip Bo 12-4 Canasta 12-3 Mah-Jongg 12:30-4 Rug Hookers 8-4 SHINEServing Health Insurance Needs of Elders Appointment only: 352-593-0705 Hernando Sportsman’s Club Calendar9 miles north of SR50 on Hwy 19 352-597-9931 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday July 2023 1 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 JR 22 RIFLE 50 YD 9AM STEEL MATCH N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 2 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 COWBOY 9AM N BAYS 200 MTR CLOSED 3 RANGE CLOSED 4 OR & FIELD 1 T RAP & SKT 9 -3 (FIELD 2 CLOSED) MACHINE GUN SHOOT 9:30 – 3:00 5 RANGE CLOSED 6 OR, T,SKT 9 -2 COWBOY 9AM IDPA 9 -11 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM 200 CLOSED NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM GUN CLS 5PM 7 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 ST EEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM BOWLING PIN PRACTICE 50 YD 9 -12 200 CLOSED 8 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 ACTION RIFLR N BAYS & 200 MTR 9AM BOWLING PIN MATCH 50 YD 9AM BRD MTG 3:15 9 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 USPSA 9AM N BAYS MOD F CLASS 200 MTR 9AM 10 RANGE CLOSED 11 RANGE CLOSED 12 RANGE CLOSED 13OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 14 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 15 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 IDPA MATCH N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR OPEN DAY 9AM 1 6 OR,T,SKT & FIVE STAND 9 -3 BIG BORE PISTOL& 22 RIFLE SILH 9AM 200 MTR PCC MATCH N BAYS 9AM 17 RANGE CLOSED 18 RANGE CLOSED 19 RANGE CLOSED 20OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 21 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL MATCH N BAYS & 200 9AM 22 OR,T,SKT9 -3 RIMFIRE CHALLENGE 9AM N BAYS ANNUAL DI NNER MEETING 4 PM 23 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM 3 GUN N BAYS & 200 MTR 24 ‘ RANGE CLOSED 25 RANGE CLOSED 26 RANGE CLOSED 27OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC P ISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 28 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 29 OR,T,SKT9 -3 HUNTERS ED ARCHERY 8AM 30 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 SPEC. MATCH N BAYS & 200 MTR 9AM HUNTERS ED ARCHERY 8AM 31 RANGE CLOSED Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday July 2023 1 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 JR 22 RIFLE 50 YD 9AM STEEL MATCH N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 2 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 COWBOY 9AM N BAYS 200 MTR CLOSED 3 RANGE CLOSED 4 OR & FIELD 1 T RAP & SKT 9 -3 (FIELD 2 CLOSED) MACHINE GUN SHOOT 9:30 – 3:00 5 RANGE CLOSED 6 OR, T,SKT 9 -2 COWBOY 9AM IDPA 9 -11 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM 200 CLOSED NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM GUN CLS 5PM 7 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 ST EEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM BOWLING PIN PRACTICE 50 YD 9 -12 200 CLOSED 8 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 ACTION RIFLR N BAYS & 200 MTR 9AM BOWLING PIN MATCH 50 YD 9AM BRD MTG 3:15 9 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 USPSA 9AM N BAYS MOD F CLASS 200 MTR 9AM 10 RANGE CLOSED 11 RANGE CLOSED 12 RANGE CLOSED 13OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 14 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 15 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 IDPA MATCH N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR OPEN DAY 9AM 1 6 OR,T,SKT & FIVE STAND 9 -3 BIG BORE PISTOL& 22 RIFLE SILH 9AM 200 MTR PCC MATCH N BAYS 9AM 17 RANGE CLOSED 18 RANGE CLOSED 19 RANGE CLOSED 20OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 21 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL MATCH N BAYS & 200 9AM 22 OR,T,SKT9 -3 RIMFIRE CHALLENGE 9AM N BAYS ANNUAL DI NNER MEETING 4 PM 23 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM 3 GUN N BAYS & 200 MTR 24 ‘ RANGE CLOSED 25 RANGE CLOSED 26 RANGE CLOSED 27OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC P ISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 28 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 29 OR,T,SKT9 -3 HUNTERS ED ARCHERY 8AM 30 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 SPEC. MATCH N BAYS & 200 MTR 9AM HUNTERS ED ARCHERY 8AM 31 RANGE CLOSED Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday July 2023 1 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 JR 22 RIFLE 50 YD 9AM STEEL MATCH N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 2 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 COWBOY 9AM N BAYS 200 MTR CLOSED 3 RANGE CLOSED 4 OR & FIELD 1 T RAP & SKT 9 -3 (FIELD 2 CLOSED) MACHINE GUN SHOOT 9:30 – 3:00 5 RANGE CLOSED 6 OR, T,SKT 9 -2 COWBOY 9AM IDPA 9 -11 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM 200 CLOSED NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM GUN CLS 5PM 7 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 ST EEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM BOWLING PIN PRACTICE 50 YD 9 -12 200 CLOSED 8 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 ACTION RIFLR N BAYS & 200 MTR 9AM BOWLING PIN MATCH 50 YD 9AM BRD MTG 3:15 9 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 USPSA 9AM N BAYS MOD F CLASS 200 MTR 9AM 10 RANGE CLOSED 11 RANGE CLOSED 12 RANGE CLOSED 13OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 14 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 15 OR, TRAP, SKEET 9 -3 IDPA MATCH N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR OPEN DAY 9AM 1 6 OR,T,SKT & FIVE STAND 9 -3 BIG BORE PISTOL& 22 RIFLE SILH 9AM 200 MTR PCC MATCH N BAYS 9AM 17 RANGE CLOSED 18 RANGE CLOSED 19 RANGE CLOSED 20OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 21 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL MATCH N BAYS & 200 9AM 22 OR,T,SKT9 -3 RIMFIRE CHALLENGE 9AM N BAYS ANNUAL DI NNER MEETING 4 PM 23 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 PREC PISTOL 50 YD 9AM 3 GUN N BAYS & 200 MTR 24 ‘ RANGE CLOSED 25 RANGE CLOSED 26 RANGE CLOSED 27OR,T,SKT9 -2 MOD F CLASS 200 YD 9AM COWBOY 9AM IDPA N BAYS 9 -11 & 200 MTR 11-2 PREC P ISTOL 50 YD 9AM NIGHT OR & TRAP 5-9PM 28 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-2 STEEL PRACTICE N BAYS 9AM 200 MTR CLOSED 29 OR,T,SKT9 -3 HUNTERS ED ARCHERY 8AM 30 OR, TRAP, SKEET & FIVE STAND 9-3 SPEC. MATCH N BAYS & 200 MTR 9AM HUNTERS ED ARCHERY 8AM 31 RANGE CLOSED


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 7-13, 2023 • PAGE B 5 MCL 708 CAR & TRUCK SHOWTHE MARINES FROM DETACHMENT 708 AND REGISTER CHEVROLET ARE TEAMING UP TO HAVE A CAR AND TRUCK SHOW. THEY WILL HAVE THOSE GREAT OLD CLASSICS, FUNNY CARS, MUSCLE CARS AND THE LAT EST MODELS. THEY MAY EVEN HAVE THAT CAR YOU TOOK YOUR FIRST DATE ON. ALSO, THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE A RAFFLE FOR A BRAND NEW 2024 CHEVROLET TRAX, A REALLY NICE LITTLE SUV. TICKETS ARE $100 EACH. LOCATION: REGISTER CHEVROLET 14181 CORTEZ BLVD. BROOKSVILLE, IN THE FREE STATE OF FLORIDA 34613 DATE: NOVEMBER 19, 2023 TIME: 11:00 AM TO 3:00 PM FOR INFORMATION CALL: 352-556-3045 OR 866-901-1913 OR VISIT THE MARINES ON FACEBOOK AT: MCL 708 OORAH JIM BRAVICO, COMMANDANT Your IT Solutions Partner352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES www.wilsontechgroup.comLicensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking A/V | Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Network cabling Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyCOMPUTER SERVICES Student Essay Contest: "Being an American is..." Spring Hill Christian Academy 12th Grade The term ‘American’ has described a group since the founding of the nation, but the term, to an American is so important to some people that they die for their country. A true American where they could freely practice religion how American is being free to choose a religion or choose not to align with onethe freedom of and from religion. the ladder, and anyone can make mistakes and job, or one expectation all your life. You are able matter who you were born from or what the col or of your skin is. You are an American, and as one, you are able to make your own future if you work hard enough. As an American, one is determined. After the World War Two caused damage to so many peo back up when times get tough and walk forward. War Two showed people helping those less fortu matter who they are. They are an American, just like you. the nation that has kept us safe since the day we land and people who reside within its borders. We embody a lot of traits by being, what many wears the latter half of that title outwardly shows America by being an Americana true American.e ‘True American’ research and here is my conclusion. To some people being an American means that knows. God made the earth, he created the land that was called the land of the free which is what you speech, religion, and assembly allowing us to we want without being afraid of punishment. This if you say something nothing is going to happen. God, you can be thrown into jail, and in Afghanphone let alone talk good about God you can be persecuted. education and healthcare systems. That means that we can get the help we need, and less people access. Lastly, being an American means we are a part are known for our determination to help others. just fascinating what God has made in history for us to experience.What it means to be an American MIDDLE SCHOOL WINNER HIGH SCHOOL WINNERHernando Beach Boat Parade 2023. Photo courtesy of Bruddah Hank.We thank all students who submitted an essay for this contest. It is commendable to take time from your summer break to think about "Being an American." The essays were judged on well the authors answered the prompt as well as ideas presented.Runner-up essays on page B 8


PAGE B 6 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 7-13, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS By ROCCO MAGLIO parade. There were decorated motorcycles, cars, trucks, golf carts, as well as horses. The community came out passed out. The parade grand marshal was Joan Frechette. resume this tradition. The parade was organized by the garden club, and it Saturday, a game day was held at the clubhouse, where was kids again." it was reassuring to see the parade return. High Point Fourth of July ParadeABOVE: Joan Frechette, High Point Parade Grand Marshal


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 7-13, 2023 • PAGE B 7 Protecting The Integrity Protecting The Integrity Of Your Investment! Of Your Investment! 114 E. Liberty St., Brooksville, FL 34601 114 E. Liberty St., Brooksville, FL 34601 For Free Estimates, Call 352-799-7420 For Free Estimates, Call 352-799-7420 rfrntb AWARD WINNING ARCHER PAINTING ASK ABOUT OUR 7 DAY FREE TRIAL Sign Up Here: WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION Timber Pines Independence Day Community Parade Johnson. Photo by Summer Hampton. ABOVE: President of the Timber Pines Military Veterans John Houlihan. Photo by Summer Hampton. e photos below are the veterans and non-veterans who participated in the parade e photos below are the veterans and non-veterans who participated in the parade By SUMMER HAMPTONThe bells of freedom rang loud and clear at the Timber Pines Fourth of July community parade this past Tuesday. Community members from all across Timber Pines came of the Timber Pines Military Veterans John Houlihan and in the parade and they surely brought the fun and excite ABOVE: Grand Marshal William “Bill” Casey. Photo by Summer Hampton.


PAGE B 8 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 7-13, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Discount Programs for Veterans This Business Supports Veterans Call Ron Ford Today 352-251-3740 or visit for more detailsGlenLakes Veterans & Friends Association VA Program Funding: • Honor Guards • PTSD Treatment • Spousal Benefits • Suicide Prevention • Housing Assistance • Medical Treatment • Benefits Procurement • Veterans Service Officers • Disabled Transportation Area Businesses Support Our Veterans through mutual cooperative efforts of The Glen Lakes Veterans and Friends Association; a local 501 (c) (3) non-profit serving area veterans service organizations. We all win when local businesses offer discounts for goods and services to our area hometown veterans who protected our freedoms. By establishing a GLVFA Veteran-Friendly Relationship, area businesses will receive recognition on our website homepage as a participating member with a functioning hyperlink directly to their local businesses where area vets can discover discounted products and services offered by local merchants. In additional, your business will enjoy wide homepage visibility with your business logo prominently displayed. GlenLakes Veterans & Friends AssociationProudly display this window sticker as a participating business partner supporting a great cause. Maegan Smarkusky Senior at J.W. Mitchell High School “You need to memorize the preamble for extra order to form a more perfect union, esta-’” One of my classmates shoots their hand in the air. “What did they mean ‘a more perfect union’, is that my classmate was probably not posing a moment in class has stuck with me. ‘more perfect’ meant. seemed unwise to 12-year-old Maegan. Since that coln once used that gears started turning for me. frame of the Constitution. Placing importance on was not where a ‘more perfect union’ was deAmericans decide it is, the framers only wanted to make sure we got to decide. That’s why the textualist law interpretation, the modern under standing of a more perfect union, ironically, is framers’ ideas so they align with their personal and that should be the textualist understanding of it. The concept of a more perfect union is not an outline like the constitution is, instead, it’s a promise. ‘We the people in order to form a more with your peers. That’s what that phrase means to me. meaning for yourself and bring it to fruition. He not take part in ideological attacks to our found ing principle of freedom, but a great man would it can also be perpetrating good. Working hard at ers, and most of all, planting trees that you know 'A more perfect union' awesome. Our country has such a rich history, and America fought so hard and so courageously to wasn’t one of our generals, we could most likely be much of their time and so much hard work into this wonderful country of ours, our world would be America is one of a kind in its democracy. No presidents, forty-six to be exact. Whether or not we think that a president is a bad leader, they had tigate what they had to do to get there. They had to put their entire life on hold and focus all their mixture of presidents, whether we think that they some amount of goodness in their hearts to lead our nation. thanks to so many of our fellow residents of the and that they would get a letter any moment that to raise their children alone and tell their kids that their mom or dad was okay when in truth, their par Our nation has had the rollercoaster of a lifetime AMERICA rfntbrbbb tnbr rnbr fbbnrr bbbbrr rbnbb bbbb rftbb rrrb bbbtbbbbnrrf btrrbb rbnbn btbbrtnb nrfrn bbbbrr bbbnf tbrbn rbbb bbn tbb ‘btrb’ bbbtr rr rbbbrrn“rrr bbrbnbbf bnrb‘”• ––—bnbb “rnb’nr“ bfrrfn bbbbb bbnbnbn brnbnbr brb rf”b nbbbbbbrr bbbbbb rn rf-Gene Printz(From our readers)"Being an American is..." MIDDLE SCHOOL RUNNER-UP HIGH SCHOOL RUNNER-UPHernando Beach Boat Parade 2023. Photo courtesy of Bruddah Hank.


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 7-13, 2023 • PAGE B 9 Hernando Sun Hats Now Available!Show your support for the Hernando Sun newspaper with a trucker style hat! (Not made in China.) $30 each (tax & shipping included) Checks made payable to Hernando Sun Order by Mail: Mail form to Hernando Sun; PO Box 12203; Brooksville, FL 34603Hernando Sun Hat Order FormColor Options: Orange, Blue, Tan Orange Qty:___________ Blue Qty:______________ Tan Qty: ______________ Name & Shipping Address: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ _______________________________________ Contact Info for order updates: ______________________________________ Is this a gift? If so, include a note below: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Hernando Sun All-County Girls Basketball Team 2022-2023 By ANDY VILLAMARZO to look at the statistics from the past school year. We ball edition, followed by the boys. Each team that was all-county teams from the 2022-2023 campaign. The all-county teams are compiled based on regular-season statistics, team accomplishments, and regular-season performances. Below is the 2022-2023 Hernando Sun All-County Girls Basketball team.GuardGabby Scott, Weeki Wachee, JR: One of the toughest players in the county, Scott played with rebounds per game was outstanding for a guard with her day Tournament all-tournament team. GuardGabby Lee, Nature Coast Tech, SR: Lee led game and 2.5 steals per game. Lee will be a player the Sharks will sorely miss. GuardSamantha Suarez, Springstead, JR: Aside from fellow teammate Paul, Suarez was the next player steals, and 4.4 rebounds for the Eagles. ForwardIsabella Paul, Springstead, SR: The Eagles reason for it. The senior forward was the mainstay in the front court for Springstead all season long. Paul led the ForwardLinsey Orr, Weeki Wachee, JR: The Orr’s eight double-doubles were the most in Hernando the state of Florida in that category. UtilityLydia Jackson, Hernando, SR: The senior guard was the Leopards’ leading scorer on most nights and ended her high school career with a bang. Jackson Leopards. marzoABOVE: Weeki Wachee, 2, Gabby Scott Jan. 2023 Photo by JOE DiCRISTOFALO Springtead High, 11, Samantha Suarez looks to pass around the defense by Weeki Wachee High, 2, Gabby Scott. Photo by JOE DiCRISTOFALO, Dec. 2022. Weeki Wachee High ,23, Linsey Orr drives the baseline around Springstead High ,24, Isabella Paul. Photo by JOE DiCRISTOFALO, Dec. 2022. Hernando High's Lydia Jackson takes a free throw in a pre-season match, Nov. 2022 against Plant High School. Photo by Cheryl Clanton.


PAGE B 10 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 7-13, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS wear more lightweight and breathable clothes, like cotton socks. A lot of hunting boots are meant to allow your feet to withstand hours in frigid temperatures. lighter than that, maybe sneakers or camo Crocs. Hydrate unwilling to cut out my recommend no less than you keep it in a canteen or a bottle, water will which can easily occur after hours spent under the hot sun. Gatorade or a number of electrolyte drinks can be a real asset as well. Heat Brings Bugs Few things are more annoying in this summertime heat than no one wants to return from a hunt itching saber-toothed jerks. repellent along with you Some repellents, such as Thermacell, are repellent along in the pack, just in case. Mask Your Scent Some animals, like hogs and deer can smell to mask your scent so they don’t know that you’re coming. This is especially important in the summer months when sweat and perspiration are much recommend bathing often in unscented soap, generous applications of extra antiperspirant/ deodorant. And consider Timing A perk of hunting in the summer is that the sun comes up far earlier than it does at other out early before it gets to try to plan your hunt ahead of a storm front, when it’s more likely That sudden drop in temperature from an be just the ticket to the please reach out to me at ABOVE: Photo by Ben McCloskey on Unsplash.Preparing for the summertime heat Toby Benoit is a best selling novelist and professional outdoorsof experience guiding and all across America. Toby is a renowned archer and turkey hunting expert who manufactures custom game calls and is a regular judge at NWTF sanctioned turkey calling events across the Southeast. HUNTINGBy TOBY BENOITThe summer months always bring longer days and more sunlight hours to be spent summer heat sure adds an extra challenge for any hunter. So, it’s important to plan ahead to ensure the heat does not get the best of you, or like my daddy used to say when you’re experiencing a heat ya.” So, when it comes time to head out into the woods this summer, follow the below tips to get the most out of your hunts in this horrible heat. Dress For It Now is the time to thermals away for a few months. Look to FUN AND GAMESCROSSWORD PUZZLE ON P B 11Sudoku solution on p B 11 BWS solution on p B 11Solution to Crypto on page B 10


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • July 7-13, 2023 • PAGE B 11FUN AND GAMESSolution to Crossword on page B 10BWS Puzzle on page B 10 1. Is the book of Libitaria (KJV) in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. From Galatians 5:13, “Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through _____ serve one another.” Friendship, Honesty, Love, Hope 3. From 2 Corinthians 3:17, “Now the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is _____.” Hope, Freedom, Love, Liberty 4. From John 8:36, “If the _____ therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” Heart, Worship, Celebration, Son 5. From what book’s 6:7 does it say, “For he that is dead is freed from sin”? Isaiah, Daniel, Mark, Romans 6. How many times is the word “independence” mentioned in the Bible? 0, 2, 11, 17 ANSWERS: 1) Neither, 2) Love, 3) Liberty, 4) Son, 5) Romans, 6) 0 “Test Your Bible Knowledge,” a book with 1,206 multiple-choice questions by columnist Wilson Casey, is available in stores and online. 2023 King Features Synd., Inc. FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. 257 BIBLE TRIVIA #12345_20230703 FOR RELEASE JULY 3, 2023 By Wilson Casey


PAGE B 12 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • July 7-13, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS "Growing up as an artist in Hernando Coun Veteran Hernando artist Jana Withers also submitted one of her masterworks to this taken while plein air painting at Hudson and the painting done on location that day pearing Landscapes.’” Another Hernando County artist and she displays her own multidimensional self-portrait. "My watercolor painting is ac tually three self-portraits in one," she said. of me as an artist and a teacher." tion, and that is exactly what Moghaddam 201. many forms of expression on display at the bringing spoken word and performance into group, Just Poets, as well as Nature Coast Poets and poets outside of Hernando, will perform an open mic poetry reading at the second hour of the reception will open up to some spoken word poetry, and the wonder poetry. Ferber is thrilled to be a part of the for his poem that will be showcased that dance performance, "Heat of the Summer." and curators, and words can't express how IDENTITY FROM PAGE B4Our newest vending box locations Janna Pensavalle of Weeki Wachee, Florida, passed away peacefully, at home, comforted by her husband on June 29th, 2023. Janna was from Walla Walla, Washington, where she graduated high school in 1988. Along with a true gi and talent for craing, she had a playful sense of humor, and an amazing work ethic. Janna could work circles around others and spent the last years of her career advancing from Receptionist to Client Services at a local tax advisory company, where she also held the unocial title of “Director of First Impressions”. Like her favorite ower, the sunower, Janna thrived around people. She was bright, warm, bold and welcoming, and will be greatly missed by all those lucky enough to have spent time with her. When once asked by a colleague what, as a child, she had wanted to be when she grew up, she said absolutely, “a princess”. is earned her a second unocial title of “Princess Sunower”. Janna is survived by her loving and devoted husband, Ettore Pensavalle. No funeral services will be held as it was Janna’s wish that her estate be used for others, rather than herself. We all know how much she loved sunowers, so all who wish to honor Janna’s life are invited to plant some sunowers at their home, as a warm reminder of her free and full spirit.Janna PensavalleBig ank You to Legends Academy Cafe in Spring Hill and Lei-Lo Tiki Hut in Hernando Beach ! Each establishment is hosting one of our new vending boxes. We are still looking for businesses to host a newspaper vending box. If you are interested, email editor@hernandosun.comOBITUARIES Courtesy of Diane Becker. Courtesy of Cristina Casiano Courtesy of Jana Withers BELOW: Lei-Lo Tiki Hut in Hernando Beach. 4417 Calienta St. Spring Hill, FL 34607MARRIAGESPlease note that the date reects the date the marriage license was recorded at the Hernando County Clerk of Court, not necessarily the marriage date.Main, Everett Pascal and Zargo, Donna Lee on 06/27/2023 Shoaf, James omas and Martin, Mimi Dannette on 06/27/2023 Flaherty, Timothy Michael and Anderson, Haven Rene on 06/27/2023 Mahon, Andrew Lynn and Fiorito, Deanna Renee on 06/27/2023 Mitchell, Joseph Andrew and Chase, Shelby Fallon on 06/28/2023 Espinosa, Christopher David and Toledo, Santos Christie Marie on 06/28/2023 Warren, Nickolas James and Lane, Deborah Jean on 06/29/2023 readgill, Justin Andrew and King, Kerstin Ann on 06/29/2023 Giarrusso, James Vincent and Gagliardi, Joyce Marie on 06/29/2023 Burgos, Robert and Hanna, Rebecca Lynn on 06/29/2023 Beltran, Justin James and Padilla, Kimberly Liz on 06/30/2023 Harkrader, Alan Ray and Dodd, Helen Suzanne on 06/30/2023 Bartlett, Donald Clinton and Faireld, Dawn Marie on 06/30/2023 Comstock, Christopher Neal and Innella, Lauren Ann on 06/30/2023 Hidalgo, Gonzalez Jorge Luis and Sanchez, Sonia Maria on 06/30/2023 Santangelo, Anthony Carl and Abatemarco, Deborah Anne on 07/03/2023 Ramos, Tania Marie and Hummel, Madison Elizabeth on 07/03/2023 Anaya, Edwin and Rodriguez, Sharon Renee on 07/03/2023 Jacob Balcer Johannessen, age 76, of Brooksville, Florida passed away on ursday, June 29, 2023. Src; Merritt Christopher Napier, age 43, of Brooksville, Florida passed away on ursday, June 29, 2023. Src; Merritt Charles F Lahey, age 74, of Brooksville, Florida passed away on ursday, June 22, 2023. Src; Merritt Kathryn Loree Bachteler, passed away on Sunday, June 25, 2023. Src; Merritt Mertie Lee Brown, age 92, passed away on Friday, June 16, 2023. Src; Merritt Margaret Gunnoe Chancey, age 84, passed away on ursday, June 15, 2023. Src; Merritt Mary Beth Santoro Davis, age 62, passed away on Monday, June 26, 2023. Src; Brewer David Raleigh Wishart, age 78, of Lakeland, Florida passed away on Saturday, June 24, 2023. Src; Brewer Cara Sue Musselwhite, age 85, of Brooksville, Florida, passed away on Wednesday, June 21, 2023. Src; Brewer Harold William Johns, age 87, of Homosassa, Florida, passed away on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. Src; Brewer Claire A. Brouilette, age 95, of Spring Hill, Florida, passed away on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. Src; Brewer Linda L. Carrature, age 75, of Brooksville, Florida passed away on Saturday, July 1, 2023. Src; Turner Catherine Elaine Dillard, age 85, of Brooksville, Florida passed away on Tuesday, June 27, 2023. Src; Turner David Julius Gonzales, age 78, of Spring Hill, Florida passed away on Tuesday, June 27, 2023. Src; Turner Sharon MacNeill, age 58, of Spring Hill, Florida passed away on Saturday, June 24, 2023. Src; Turner Elaine B. Hill, age 93, of Brooksville, Florida passed away on Sunday, June 18, 2023. Src; Turner LEFT: Janelle Ferber. Photo provided. ABOVE: Legends Academy Cafe 5175 Mariner Blvd, Spring Hill, FL 34609