The Hernando sun

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The Hernando sun
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Place of Publication:
Brooksville, FL
Julie B. Maglio and Rocco Maglio
Creation Date:
September 23, 2022
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PAGE 1 Suggested Retail75 June 23-29, 2023 June 23-29, 2023 Volume IX, Issue XXV Volume IX, Issue XXV Sections A & B Sections A & B SECTION B INSIDEHOME GROWN & ESTABLISHED 2015 HOME GROWN & ESTABLISHED 2015INSIDE SECTION AOut-of-State Tuition Hike Eyed A 2 Contagious Deer Disease Found in Florida A 2 Bret Expected to Become Hurricane A 2 Tussock removal vessel delivered to county A 3 DeSantis Axes $510 Million from Record State Budget A 4 Medical Board Approves Rule on Trans Care A 6 Property Appraiser sales Report APRIL 2023 (>= $100,000) A 8 Now brewing: Coee research in Florida A 9 OPINION A 10-11 Reed: Wanted, Moral Courage Cullen: Congress Should Investigate Chinese IP Theft Goodwin: Critical info regarding COVID-19 and the vaccines Dr. Maglio: Our voices are shut down, but our eyes are open Dr. Holland: Being transformed by the renewing of our mind Classon: “So Much” Classieds/ Public Notices A 12-14 LAW ENFORCEMENT/ FIRST RESPONDER ROUND UP A 14 See FAIR LITIGATION Page A 4 THE Hernando Sun: a local paper delivered to your mailbox EVERY WEEK.Subscribe today. Page 2 A free newspaper subscription for every student and weekly teacher guide aligned to Florida Standards A free newspaper subscription for every student and weekly teacher guide aligned to Florida Standards WINNERS SAY ‘THANK YOU’Section B HERNANDO LIVING HERNANDO LIVING B 1 JUNE 23-29, 2023 < Marge O'Keefe 100 Years Young B 4Tommy Mara's wife and daughter, Victoria Marasciullo and Jennifer Cavaliere. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Cavaliere.A father’s campaign to end school violence B 14 >COMMUNITY, ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT, FUN rfr fnrtHEALTH & FITNESS By SUE QUIGLEY With arms gracefully uplifted and pairs of bare feet ‘connect’ with their bodies. The class is being held in a spacious studio at the Well what their bodies are able to do rather than what they cannot. “Instead of focusing on any issues you may have -See THE NIA TECHNIQUE Page B 3 READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION TheSay Thank You ! Winners Tommy Mara's legacy in the Hernando County arts communityBy MEGAN HUSSEY and her family honored their late behalf of the entire Hernando County community. Spring Hill resident Tommy Mara and was a featured performer at Ruth his great love for his family and his longtime patronage and support of the Springstead High School theater. On High School Theater was renamed the ‘Tommy Mara Center for the Arts at Springstead High School’ in his honor. "Tommy dedicated much of his time and resources bringing this hometown notice. longest-running nostalgia concert pro securing this honor for her father and feels it was very well-deserved. an incredible philanthropist who gave to many organizations and personal donations without wanting recogni them to the homeless camps around the county. He sponsored so many families as an anonymous angel who fed them for holiday meals and made sure human." my Mara was a family man. "He and my mother had a beautiful marriage that taught so much to my See MARA Page B 9Gail Mongiello and class participant move gently to the sound of tribal music. This session focused on the center point of the body. Photo by Sue Quigley.Tommy Mara Photo courtesy of Jennifer Cavaliere. A dredge barge in the current work area. Photo: SFWMDBOCC nixes Fair litigation mediation settlementSee ESTER A 4By LISA MACNEIL Commissioners at the June 13th Regular Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting discussed replacing the transportation component of the county’s impact fee with a new structure, a multimodal mobility fee. The matter was discussed but not voted on during By PAT RAIA Federal support for the local agricultural industry and the preservation of open spaces were on the minds of the farmers and ranchers who met with U.S. Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-12) at Stable Faith Cowboy Church in Brooksville. Brooksville Mayor Blake Bell and Hernan do County Commissioner John Allocco also took part in brn brn f f bnr n nBy Roxana Montoya roxana@hernandosun.comThe Hernando County Board of County Commissioners held its regularly scheduled meeting on June 13 with a welcome gesture and announcement from Chairman John Allocco, asking the county commis sioners to designate a resolution in memory of beloved former Hernando County Commissioner Frances June Ester. Ester passed away on May 20, which she wholeheartedly devoted her time and public service would honor her at the meeting. The resolu tion expressed the county’s apprecia tion for her many contributions. “On May 20, we lost a member female county commissioner here in Hernando County,” Allocco stat ed. He then proceeded to read the resolution in its entirety, noting that Ester served the county from 1988 to 1996 with a “passion and optimism for which she will be remembered as she sought continuously to make Hernando County a better place to live and work.” Allocco then added that he had the By PAT RAIA pat@hernandosun. com The Hernando County Board of County Com missioners (BOCC) unanimously rejected a mediation settlement that would have ended litiga tion between the County and the Hernando County Fair Association. The denial was made during the BOCC’s regular June 13 meeting. The court actions stem from a lengthy series of complaints about a range of issues ranging from the condition of the buildings at the Fairgrounds to the alleged misuse of more than $60,000 of County-granted funds for the operation and maintenance of the venue. Allegations also include those that the Hernando County Fair Association charged 4-H and FFA live stock show participants $10,000 for promising – and subsequently failing to market their animals for auction and delaying payment to the owners of livestock that were suc cessfully auctioned during the events. In July 2021, then Hernando County Com missioner, now State Rep. nrn nBy MARK STONE markstone@hernandosun.comThe Southwest Florida Water Management District has begun a long-delayed dredging project on the Weeki Wachee River. The project, which stretches almost 1.5 miles upriver from Rogers Park, began last June but was halted after only a few weeks of work. The original contractor, Gator Dredging, quickly found themselves at odds with the District over their inability to maintain the water quality standards called for in the contract. The District ultimately terminated the contract with Gator Dredging and reached a new agreement with Sea and Shoreline LLC to complete the work called for in the original $2.1 million contract. maintaining water quality, Sea and Shoreline employs a technique known as “hand dredging,” which involves a diver dredging the sand in the river channel with a vacuum hose. While the approach is a bit more tedious, it results in the river remaining clear, clean, and open for recreational use during the proj ect. Sand from the river bottom is pumped to a county-owned lot about one-half mile south of Rogers Park via a large diameter hose that runs the entire length of the project. According to Janie Hagberg, proj ect manager for the Weeki Wachee See WEEKI WACHEE RIVER A 7Congressman, farmers ponder Ag issues at meeting in Brooksville County considers new fee structure to deal with growth See AG ISSUES A 5 See MOBILITY FEE A 6 READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION


PAGE A 2 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 23-29, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Hernando Sun Sta & Regular ContributorsSue Quigley: Community Reporter & Graphic Design (She makes us look good.)Lisa MacNeil: Local Government and Community Reporter, Website GuruSarah Nachin: Community Reporter, author, & A nice gal to know Megan Hussey: Community Reporter & Bringer of good cheer Summer Hampton: Asst. Editor, Community Reporter, and a very responsible young person Pat Raia: Local and State News Reporter & a seasoned journalistAxl David: Local News Reporter, Photographer & Chief Skeptic Judy Warnock: Local history and community writer Toby Benoit: Hunting Sports, Community Writer and just a down home good guy. Hanna Fox: Writer, Driver, Etc., pinch hitter Austyn “Auggie” Szempruch: Reporter Cynthia Leota: Sports Reporter & Photographer Judy Warnock: Community Writer Leslie Stein: Social Media Manager Photographers: Joe DiCristofalo, Cheryl Clanton, Hanna Fox Local Columnists: Dr. Domenick Maglio Steve Goodwin Bruddah Hank Advertising Account Managers: Ellen Corsi Tutko: (614) 208-2066; Tracy Bradbury: The crazy people who started this thing: Rocco Maglio: Barrista & Publisher Julie B. Maglio: Editor, Publisher, Coee ConsumerSubscribe We currently oer a 52 issue subscription for $36.50 and 26 issues for $21.00. Fill out the form in this issue and mail along with your check made out to “Hernando Sun Publications” to P.O. Box 12203; Brooksville, FL 34603 For Subscription & Customer Service,Please call (352) 675-NEWSNews Desk For news tips, concerns, or corrections call: (352) 675-NEWS**********************************CAR-RT LOT **R 084 749 12-15-23 0048A24 46P 17T JANE DOE XXXXX 34TH ST SPRING HILL, FL 34609-0389 The information in bold is important to your subscription account. The number in this example: 749 is the Account Number. The Date 1215-21 is the subscription expiration date. The subscriber name and the top right corner R 084 in this case. Your label may have a FIRM, ADC or 5-DIGIT code instead.HOW TO READ YOUR MAILING LABEL & YOUR EXPIRATION DATE MEETINGS & ANNOUNCEMENTSSpecial Brooksville City Council Meeting Budget June 26, 2023, 3:00 PM @ City Hall Board of County Commissioners Meeting 6/27/2023 8:30 AM John Law Ayers Commission Chambers, Room 160 Hernando County School Board Meetings 6/27/2023 Informal 1pm; Workshop 2:30pm; Regular 6 pm District Oce-Board Room 919 N. Broad Street Brooksville, FL Park Closures: Tennis Courts located at Hernando Park (205 East Fort Dade Ave., Brooksville, FL 34601) are closed and will reopen Friday, June 30th. The one-month closure is for resurfacing and the addition of dedicated pickleball courts. This temporary clo sure will not aect use of the park, only the tennis courts. Pioneer Park (6799 Pinehurst Dr, Spring Hill, FL 34606) is closed and will reopen Monday, July 31st. This 2-month closure is to allow for the construction of a brand new restroom facility at the park. Board of County Commissioners Budget Workshop 7/6/2023 9:00 AM John Law Ayers Commission Chambers, Room 160 The Week of June 23-29, 2023 ID STATEMENT: The Hernando Sun is published weekly, by Hernando Sun Publications, LLC 15588 Aviation Loop Dr.; Brooksville, FL 34604; Publication Title: The Hernando Sun; Publication number: 16590; Issue Date: June 23-29, 2023 ; Statement of Frequency: Weekly; Subscription Price: $36.50 annual, $21.00 semi-annual; Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Approved at Tampa Bulk Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) 5433 W Sligh Ave Ste A Tampa, FL 33634-9651; POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Hernando Sun P.O. Box 12203 Brooksville, FL 34603 ISSN: PRINT 2833-7395 WEBSITE: 2833-7409 PERIODICALS PERMIT AS REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC NOTICES PER SECTION 50.011(1)(e), F.S. USPS PERIODICAL PERMIT NUMBER 16590 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP ership/ SUBSCRIBE TO HERNANDO SUN1 year (52 issues) for $36.50 or 6 months (26 issues) for $21.00 Make Checks Payable to "Hernando Sun Publications" Fill out this form and mail with your check to : Hernando Sun Publ.; PO Box 12203; Brooksville, FL 34603 YES, I'd like to subscribe! Number of issues:___________ SUBSCRIBER'S NAME: ____________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: _________________________________ ____________________________________________________ PHONE: ____________________________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________ If this is a gift subscription, name of gift giver:_______________________ How did you hear about Hernando Sun?:_________________________ Would you like to receive the online edition free of charge?:___________Subscriptions are non-refundable, but transferable to another reader. state news items... state news items...By Ryan Dailey The News Service of Florida. TALLAHASSEE — Pointing to Florida’s relatively low tuition costs and saying universities face increased demand from out-of-state students, the idea of raising tuition for students who come from other states. The system’s Board of Governors is slated to take up the issue during a meeting Thursday. Presidents and trustee chairs of all 12 state universi ties co-signed a letter endorsing the idea of an out-of-state tuition hike. “As our universities have climbed in stature, student success measures, and research impact, our universities do have a new challenge to confront — what some might coin ‘a good problem to have’ — the nation’s students are demanding to enroll in the State University System of Florida,” letter. The universities are asking that each school have leeway to set tuition increases. “That would enable each Board of Trustees to assess its own markets, competitive environment, and stra tegic plan and to periodically make adjustments in the best programmatic university community,” the letter said. Florida had the 11th-lowest under graduate out-of-state tuition in the country during the 2021-2022 school year at $21,150, according to data included in the Board of Governors’ meeting agenda. That was 17 percent lower than the national average of undergraduate out-of-state tuition. “The low cost tuition that out-ofstate learners pay in the State Univer sity System of Florida makes attend ing a Florida university a better deal for many than attending universities in their own state,” the letter said. Florida during the same year had graduate out-of-state tuition of $25,830 — which was $933 above the national average. The last time that out-of-state tui tion was increased in Florida univer sities was during the 2012-2013 aca at that time only two of our system’s 12 institutions increased tuition, so it has been more than a decade since most of our system addressed out-ofstate tuition.” Over roughly the past decade, the percentage of out-of-state students has increased relative to university systemwide enrollment at the under graduate and graduate levels. In 2012, the 12,555 non-resident undergraduate students in the sys tem accounted for 4.9 percent of the 258,238 system-wide undergraduate enrollment. Last year, 31,080 out-ofstate undergraduates made up 11.3 percent of the 274,477 total under graduate enrollment. Similarly, out-of-state graduate enrollment has ticked up over the past 10 years from 26.3 percent in 2012 to 33.5 percent last year, when 25,305 of the total 75,443 graduate students in the system were from other states. The university presidents and trustee leaders described the proposed out-of-state tuition hike as a way to “prioritize” in-state students. Under state law, the increases for out-ofstate students could not exceed 15 percent. “We owe it to Florida’s university-bound students, who are more like ly to stay in Florida after graduation, to prioritize our focus around their excellence,” the letter said. committed to keeping tuition rates level for Florida’s in-state students. Data prepared by the Board of Gov ernors, using an annual survey of colleges performed by The College Board, showed that Florida schools this past academic year had the lowest average tuition and fees for full-time resident undergraduates among public four-year schools at $6,365. The national average was $11,103. Gov. Ron DeSantis last week touted “My view is that these tuition increases over the last generation around the country has not improved the quality of the education in any of these universities, it goes to admin istrative bloat. And it goes to a lot of things that are not really having a di rect impact on student achievement,” DeSantis said Thursday. “So, we’re not doing that in Flor ida,” the governor added. “We hold the line on tuition, which is very important.”Or subscribe online at: bbt The News Service of Florida. abnormally thin deer and deer found dead of unknown causes after a case of chronic wasting disease was found case in Florida of the contagious disease, which has been found in 30 other states and four Canadian provinces, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The disease has been described as similar to mad cow disease, with deer becoming emaciated and often being found isolated and trembling. The disease was found in a female deer in Holmes County that the commission described as “road-killed.” Commission Executive Di rector Roger Young said in a news release that the state is population and preserve our exceptional hunting opportu nities for future generations statewide.” Chronic wasting Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends against eating meat from animals that test positive for the disease. The state has monitored for the disease since 2002, testing about 17,500 dead deer, according to the commission. Florida also has rules about importing deer carcasses from other states to try to prevent spread of the disease. t tt The News Service of Florida. abnormally thin deer and deer found dead of unknown causes after a case of chronic wasting disease was found known case in Florida of the contagious disease, which has been found in 30 other states and four Canadian prov inces, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conser vation Commission. The disease has been described as similar to mad cow disease, with deer becoming emaci ated and often being found isolated and trembling. The disease was found in a female deer in Holmes County that the commission described as “road-killed.” Commission Executive Director Roger Young said in a news release on Florida’s deer population and preserve our exceptional hunting opportunities for future generations statewide.” But the federal Centers for Disease Control and Preven tion recommends against eating meat from animals that test positive for the disease. The state has monitored for the disease since 2002, testing about 17,500 dead deer, according to the commission. Florida also has rules about importing deer carcasses from other states to try to pre vent spread of the disease. tr t The News Service of Florida. Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday signed a wide-ranging education bill that includes establishing the Florida School for Competitive Academics, which could start admitting students in grades six through 12 in the 2024-2025 academic year. The bill (HB 5101) said the primary purpose of the public school will be to “provide a rigorous academic curriculum, and the secondary purpose is to prepare students for regional, state, and national academic competitions in all areas of study, including, but not limited to, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.” The bill also said the school, which will be in Alachua County, will include “selective admissions require ments.” The governor will appoint a seven-member board of trustees, which, among other things, will be able to make a recommendation to the Legislature about the school becoming a residential school, according to the bill.


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 23-29, 2023 • • PAGE A 3 Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSCommunity 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile! Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner $99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), aid, and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medic TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. $50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances & in network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife. *The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is per formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile!Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner$99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020 Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020$50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances &i n network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife.ACCEPTING NEW PA TIENTS Visit our Outdoor Display Area! Contact Tara at 352.799.7933 for Appointment We have DISCOUNTED irregular pavers – call Tara for an appointment today! Your IT Solutions Partner352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES www.wilsontechgroup.comLicensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking A/V | Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Network cabling Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyCOMPUTER SERVICES SAT. & SUN 9AM-3PMOPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE HERNANDOSPORTSMAN'S CLUB Located 9 miles North of S.R. 50 on U.S. Hwy 19 • 80 Acre shooting facility • Clubhouse HUNTERS Education Classes Monthly Firearms classes for CCWRANGE HOURS Tues Fri 9AM-2PM; Tues and Thurs Eve. 5PM 7PM 352-597-9931 READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS WINNER WINNER Auto • Home • Flood • Boat • Business • Life BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way ROBERT G. WHITTEL, ESQ. JASON M. MELTON, ESQ.Individual Strategies, Relentless ~~ Award Winning Trial Lawyers for all Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH SAME DAY SAME DAY CROWNS CROWNSDr. Sarah Shuayb, DMD Dr. Mohammad Shuayb, DMDCall about our Veterans and Senior Citizen Discounts 12326 Cortez Blvd., Brooksville 352.616.0001 | 229 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill 352.666.5133 STATE-OF-THE-ART FACILITY TRANQUIL TREATMENT ROOMS OUR NEW LOCATION IS OPEN General Dentistry Crowns Bridges Implants Partials Dentures Whitening InvisalignPeriodontics NEW PATIENT SPECIAL$29NEW PATIENT EXAMS & X-RAYS (ADA-D0150) FULL MOUTH SERIES (ADA-D0210)Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time DENTURES SPECIAL$849UPPER OR LOWER WALK-INS WALK-INS WELCOME WELCOMEAccepting Most Insurances & Care Credit Payment Plans. EXTRACTION SPECIAL $149 SAME DAY CROWNS$829 per tooth(up to 2 teeth) Our compassionate team are here to meet all your dental needs! Special Shout-Out to our amazing hygienist Tracy! Most patients can enjoy: rfntn rfntn 352.616.0001 352.616.0001 VOTE FOR VOTE FOR US IN US IN READERS’CHOICE READERS’CHOICE Your Favorite Dentist! Your Favorite Dentist! Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSCommunity 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile! Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner $99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), aid, and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medic TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. $50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances & in network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife. *The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is per formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile!Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner$99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020 Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020$50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances &i n network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife.ACCEPTING NEW PA TIENTS Visit our Outdoor Display Area! Contact Tara at 352.799.7933 for Appointment We have DISCOUNTED irregular pavers – call Tara for an appointment today! Your IT Solutions Partner352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES www.wilsontechgroup.comLicensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking A/V | Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Network cabling Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyCOMPUTER SERVICES SAT. & SUN 9AM-3PMOPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE HERNANDOSPORTSMAN'S CLUB Located 9 miles North of S.R. 50 on U.S. Hwy 19 • 80 Acre shooting facility • Clubhouse HUNTERS Education Classes Monthly Firearms classes for CCWRANGE HOURS Tues Fri 9AM-2PM; Tues and Thurs Eve. 5PM 7PM 352-597-9931 READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS WINNER WINNER Auto • Home • Flood • Boat • Business • Life BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way ROBERT G. WHITTEL, ESQ. JASON M. MELTON, ESQ.Individual Strategies, Relentless ~~ Award Winning Trial Lawyers for all Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH Over 100 Trucks, Cars, SUV’s on the Lot Are you better looking than your car?Perhaps it’s time for a new one.GOOD BAD NOCREDITNo Problem! Ask About Our Lifetime Engine Warranty!VANS CARS & TRUCKS(352)796-64027043 Broad Street, Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSCommunity 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile! Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner $99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), aid, and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medic TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. $50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances & in network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife. *The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is per formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile!Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner$99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020 Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020$50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances &i n network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife.ACCEPTING NEW PA TIENTS Visit our Outdoor Display Area! Contact Tara at 352.799.7933 for Appointment We have DISCOUNTED irregular pavers – call Tara for an appointment today! Your IT Solutions Partner352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES www.wilsontechgroup.comLicensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking A/V | Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Network cabling Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyCOMPUTER SERVICES SAT. & SUN 9AM-3PMOPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE HERNANDOSPORTSMAN'S CLUB Located 9 miles North of S.R. 50 on U.S. Hwy 19 • 80 Acre shooting facility • Clubhouse HUNTERS Education Classes Monthly Firearms classes for CCWRANGE HOURS Tues Fri 9AM-2PM; Tues and Thurs Eve. 5PM 7PM 352-597-9931 READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS WINNER WINNER Auto • Home • Flood • Boat • Business • Life BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way ROBERT G. WHITTEL, ESQ. JASON M. MELTON, ESQ.Individual Strategies, Relentless ~~ Award Winning Trial Lawyers for all Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSC ommunity ASK ABOUT OUR 7 DAY FREE TRIAL Burn Boot Camp is a lifestyle positive environment for Our FREE AN AWARD-WINNING MED SPA AN AWARD-WINNING MED SPA Experience the Experience the www.myskintastic.com250 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill, FL 34609 352-610-9900 352-610-9900 You’re in Luck!$10ONLY a unit WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION MUST mention this ad at time of booking Valid through 3/31/23 Units cannot be banked Advanced treatments personalized to you.Through next-generation sequencing, we take a deep look into your genes to create treatment plans personalized to you. This provides a road map for immunotherapies that strengthen the clinical trials, delivering quality treatment and expertise in communities across Florida. We take care of the big things in cancer care, so you can make the most of the little moments—every step of the way. $3250 $29$149NEW PATIENT EXAMS & X-RAYS (ADA-D0150) FULL MOUTH SERIES (ADA-D0210)PER TOOTH (Up To 2 Teeth) EXTRACTION SPECIAL $849$929No More Temporaries • No More ImpressionsINCLUDES: Core Build Up, Gingivectomy, Crown D2740UPPER OR LOWER Ask About Our Conscious Sedation! 12326 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville 352.616.0001 Sarah Shuayb, DMD rfnt b rt Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023.Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd. and Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. NEW PATIENT SPECIAL SAME DAY CROWNS DENTURES SPECIAL IMPLANT, IMPLANT CROWN AND ABUTMENT229 Mariner Blvd. Spring Hill 352.666.5133 Mohammad Shuayb, DMD WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION 6/30/2023 6/30/2023 6/30/2023 6/30/2023 6/30/2023 Tussock removal vessel delivered to county We thank The Hernando Sun Community Pillars for their loyal support of the We thank The Hernando Sun Community Pillars for their loyal support of the Hernando Sun newspaper. Hernando Sun newspaper.In November 2022, County Commissioners approved the purchase of a specialized watercraft to remove tus sock and invasive vegetation from some county water ways. On June 13, 2023, the brand-new Eco Harvester was delivered to Lake Townsend. The Eco Harvester will be used to keep the water ways clear for boaters at Lake Lindsey, Hunters Lake, Mountain Lake, Lake Bystre, Lake Townsend, and the Withlacoochee and Nobleton Rivers. Tussock is a group of grass species that live in waterways as well as on land. In the water, tussock vegetation that can grow quite large. The Eco Harvest er will remove these areas, allowing for the passage of watercraft. Photo Credits: John Cancel, Vido Production Assistant, Hernando County Government


PAGE A 4 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 23-29, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS the Board agreed that the County Attor of discussions between the Fairgrounds Association, parents, and county attorneys to determine how to proceed. the Hernando County Fifth Judicial Circuit Court by Hernando County against the Hernando County Fair Association, Inc. According to County Attorney Jon Jouben, on Dec. 21, 2021, the County sued the Fair Association to enforce the Mem orandum of Agreement and Performance Agreement. Under those agreements, the County agreed to convey the title to the Fairgrounds to the Fair Association in 2008 without cost in exchange for the Fair Association’s agreement to redevelop the Fairgrounds at its own expense. While the County deeded the Fair grounds to the Fair Association (HCFA), the Fair Association did not subsequently redevelop the Fairgrounds. “The County has sued the Fair Association to require it to comply with its obligations under the Memorandum of Agreement and the Performance Agreement,” Joubon said. the County sued the Fair Association for breaching the lease between the parties for Lonnie Coburn Park. After the lease ended, the County had the Park’s buildings inspected. Those inspections revealed unrepaired damage to the roof of the pavilion, the structural components of the pavilion, and the restroom building. The County subsequently hired a contractor to repair the pavilion and the bathroom. According to the Stipulated Mediation Agreement, the HCFA leased Lonnie Coburn Park from the County until the County terminated the lease agreement in May 2021. The County repaired structures at Lon nie Coburn Park after the termination of the lease with HCFA, spending a total of $66,421.48 for such repairs. “The County has sued the Fair Association seeking to recover the costs that it incurred to repair those buildings,” Jouben said. On March 20, 2023, the court referred the case for mediation. During the June 13 board meeting, Jou ben presented the mediation settlement, which called for County representation on the Fair Association and a payment of $10,000 in response to the County’s claim for damages. Commissioner Brian Hawkins motioned to deny the mediation, and BOCC Chair man John Allocco seconded that motion. During the resulting discussion, Com missioner and Second Vice Chairman Steve Champion told the panel that the mediation settlement was not in the best interests of the County. “The proposal that has been made is not even close to a resolution, in my opinion,” Champion said. “And we have a duty to protect the taxpayers.” Finally, the BOCC voted unanimously to deny the mediation. Allocco later declined to comment fur ther on the ongoing litigation but stated, “The community came out in arms about the failings of the current fair association and the poor condition of the buildings and grounds,” he said. “The BOCC is attempting to rectify this situation.” No one from the Hernando County Fair Association was available for comment on the BOCC mediation denial.FAIR LITIGATION FROM PAGE A 1 WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION • 352.610.9900 DIFFERENCE Protecting The Integrity Protecting The Integrity Of Your Investment! Of Your Investment! 114 E. Liberty St., Brooksville, FL 34601 114 E. Liberty St., Brooksville, FL 34601 For Free Estimates, Call 352-799-7420 For Free Estimates, Call 352-799-7420 rfrntb AWARD WINNING ARCHER PAINTING opportunity to attend Ester’s memorial held on June 5th, indicating that it was well-attended and previous and current Tom Mylander. “It was good to see people remembering her for her accomplishments,” stated Al locco. “ It is easy for us to forget or may be to not even know who she wasit was a while that she was on this board, but she in Hernando County when she became Commissioners.” Commissioner and Vice Chairman Eliz abeth Narverud also recognized Ester and thanked the commissioners for adopting the resolution, adding, r fntnb n fn fb tffnn tbb bbf nb ffbb nnffnr nCommissioners then passed the resolu tion unanimously, which was partly writ ten, honoring Ester’s accomplishments and expressing sympathy and gratitude to Ester’s family for her service to the community. Nick Morana, a long-time resident of Spring Hill, stated he remembers Ester from the early days of Spring Hill and remembers her fondly. Morana, who has been a resident for 41 years, recalls, nnt bbfff bfbb bfnf fnnr fnn ffr nThere was no shortage of compliments and good words to honor a much-respect ed county commissioner. Debbie Walker Druzbick, Enrichment Centers Director, remarked, “She was a great woman. She and I have Kentucky in common! June was very level-headed. She was able to get every one on the same page. In the early 1990s, meetings to fundraise for local charities or getting streetlights on Spring Hill Drive! They were very instrumental in develop ing Spring Hill! June was always doing something for the community until the day she died. She touched a lot of people County! She had the best smile and will be missed dearly.”ESTER FROM PAGE A 1 Discount Programs for Veterans This Business Supports Veterans Call Ron Ford Today 352-251-3740 or visit for more details GlenLakes Veterans & Friends Association VA Program Funding: • Honor Guards • PTSD Treatment • Spousal Benefits • Suicide Prevention • Housing Assistance • Medical Treatment • Benefits Procurement • Veterans Service Officers • Disabled Transportation Area Businesses Support Our Veterans through mutual cooperative efforts of The Glen Lakes Veterans and Friends Association; a local 501 (c) (3) non-profit serving area veterans service organizations. We all win when local businesses offer discounts for goods and services to our area hometown veterans who protected our freedoms. By establishing a GLVFA Veteran-Friendly Relationship, area businesses will receive recognition on our website homepage as a participating member with a functioning hyperlink directly to their local businesses where area vets can discover discounted products and services offered by local merchants. In additional, your business will enjoy wide homepage visibility with your business logo prominently displayed. GlenLakes Veterans & Friends AssociationProudly display this window sticker as a participating business partner supporting a great cause. rf ntfbbBy Jim Turner and Ryan Dailey The News Service of Florida. All rights reserved TALLAHASSEE --Gov. Ron DeSantis trimmed $510.9 million from a record-high state spending plan signed Thursday, with nearly onefrom a single program designed to keep swaths of rural property from commercial and residential development. While DeSantis didn’t give any explanation for projects he slashed for the 1, the governor’s line-item vetoes put the state budget at roughly $116.5 billion, a 6 percent increase from the current year’s spending plan. DeSantis, who is running for the Republican presi dential nomination, used a budget signing event at the Pelican Yacht Club in Fort Pierce Thursday morning approach to that of Presi dent Joe Biden and large states led by Democrats. Florida “is in great shape. The state’s going in a great direction. You’re not going to see us have the type of problems that these other states have with people away,” DeSantis said. “I mean our tax base is expanding, business And of course, this budget is in fantastic shape.” DeSantis made no men tion of his budget vetoes during Thursday’s event, a contrast to his remarks a year ago when he stood on a stage in The Villages legislative leaders whose projects were targeted for cuts. released the budget vetoes hours after the Fort Pierce event ended. DeSantis used the morn ing appearance to focus on “record” environmental spending, pay increases for state law enforcement billion to speed construc tion on road projects, and a third year of $1,000 bo nuses for law enforcement throughout the state. “We are able to do things people’s lives, not by wasting money, but by spending it on things that really have a great impact on the gen eral public,” DeSantis said. labeled the spending pack age (SB 2500), along with accompanying conforming bills (SB 2502, SB 2504, SB 2506 and SB 2510), the “Framework to Freedom.” The largest item nixed from the 515-page bud get was $100 million for Conservation And Rural Land Protection easements, a program championed by Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson. Created in 2001, the pro gram involves purchasing conservation easements, which allow landowners to continue farming and cattle operations in exchange for not developing the prop erty. Simpson has linked the program to protecting food cently encouraged farmers and ranchers to apply for the state funding, which continues to be distributed through $300 million re year that ends June 30. Simpson, a former Senate president, blasted DeSantis’ See STATE BUDGET A 14


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 23-29, 2023 • • PAGE A 5the June 2 Town Hall-style meeting. Atop the agenda was a discussion of the major legislation contained in the federal Farm Bill, includ ing assistance for farmers during and after natural disasters and ways to min imize federal bureaucracy for those who seek agricul tural grants. gress passes the so-called Farm Bill, a legislative package that addresses ag riculture, crop assistance, nutrition, and commodity support. Currently, the Ag riculture Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 Farm Act) will remain in force until 2023. Congress members will renegotiate and pass a renewed version of the legislation this year. According to Bilirakis, many of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs are currently designed based on standards of loss in the Midwest and West – not Florida. “As a result, many of Florida’s farmers are shut out (of disaster-relief pro grams),” he said. Cattle rancher Larry Rooks, owner and operator of Diamond Horseshoe and past president of the Florida Cattlemen’s Asso “Drought has been an issue, and the Florida Farm Service Agency (FSA) needs more revenue respond to disaster situa tions such as last season’s hurricanes and others,” just stretched thin.” The rise in local devel opment was also on the collective minds of local ranchers and farmers, Rooks said. development (threatens) open farmlands, and it’s not just the food supply,” he said. “The public prob ably does not realize that we need open spaces to recharge the water so that everyone has clean water to drink and to use.” Balancing growth while maintaining open spaces is key, Bell said. “It is important because the agricultural industry and farmers have been the backbone of the area,” he stated. Finally, Allocco said that lawmakers must also con sider broader issues when formulating agricultural ly-focused legislation. and foremost, must not be an impediment to the farm ing community,” he said. “It must minimize the abil ity of foreign interests to acquire agricultural lands AG ISSUES FROM PAGE A 1 BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way 352.683.0018• AUTO • AUTO • HOME • HOME •FLOOD •FLOOD • BOAT • BOAT • BUSINESS • BUSINESS • LIFE • LIFETwo Locations to Serve You: WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION Advanced treatments personalized to you.Through next-generation sequencing, we take a deep look into your genes to create treatment plans personalized to you. This provides a road map for immunotherapies that strengthen the clinical trials, delivering quality treatment and expertise in communities across Florida. We take care of the big things in cancer care, so you can make the most of the little moments—every step of the way. The The Hernando Hernando Sportsman’s Sportsman’s Club Club 352-597-9931 352-597-9931 THURS & FRI RANGE HOURS: Monthly Firearms Classes for CCW 16121 Commercial Way, Brooksville, FL 34614Located 9 miles North of S.R. 50 on U.S. Hwy 19 and encourage our farmers to maximize productivity to reduce dependency on foreign food sources.” Last month, the Agri culture Appropriations Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives passed an agriculture ap propriations bill that passed out of that subcommittee along party lines. The House Appropria tions Committee was slated to mark up the bill at the end of May; however, that process was delayed by the recent debt ceiling negoti ations.Above and Below: June 2 Ag Town Hall at Stable Faith Cowboy


PAGE A 6 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 23-29, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS rfntbb rfnnnttbtbrr rrrrrrnrnrfr rnnrfrrrfnnr rrrrfrrrnr rrrnrfnnnrfrrf r r f f n n t t b b n n rr MUST MENTION THIS AD MUST MENTION THIS AD • 250 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill, FL 34609 • 352.610.9900 $ $ 139 139 Diamond Diamond Glow Glow Facial Facial Come experience the SKINTASTIC DIFFERENCE! Come experience the SKINTASTIC DIFFERENCE! AN AWARD-WINNING MED SPA AN AWARD-WINNING MED SPA on special on special for just for just WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION ASK ABOUT OUR 7 DAY FREE TRIAL Sign Up Here: WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION Upcoming Brooksville City Council Budget Meetings and Public HearingsBrooksville, Florida (June 20, 2023) – The Brooksville City Council will hold the following upcoming budget workshop and public hearings. The Brooksville City Manager and the Finance Department will present the Fiscal Year (FY) 20232024 Budget for the City of Brooksville on the following dates in the City of Brooksville Council Chambers located in City Hall at 201 Howell Ave., Brooksville, FL. • Monday, June 26, 2023, at 3:00 PM – Special Budget Meeting to discuss the General Fund and set Tentative Millage Rate • Monday, July 17, 2023, @ 3:00 PM – Special Budget Meeting to discuss all funds except General Fund; set Tentative Millage Rate if not set at June 26, 2023, meeting. • Monday, August 7, 2023 @ 7:00 PM – Regular City Council Meeting – Tentative Date for Public Hearing to set the Final Fire Assessment Rate • Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at 5:01 PM – First Budget Hearing • Monday, September 18, 2023, at 6:30 PM – Second and Final Budget Hearing The FY 2023-2024 recommended budget may be viewed at at any point on the website as any proved budget for FY 2023-2024 may be viewed online after it has been approved by the Brooksville City Council on September 18, 2023. Watch the meeting live on your smartphone or computer by visiting For more information contact the City of Brooksville Fi nance Department at 352-5403810.Governing Board to Meet in Brooksville The Southwest Florida Water Management District’s Gov erning Board will hold its monthly meeting Tuesday, June 27, at 9 a.m. at District Headquarters, located at 2379 Broad Street in Brooksville. To view the Governing Board meeting online, click on the live video stream link. The video stream link becomes active and the live video feed begins approximately 15 minutes be fore the scheduled meeting time. Public comment will be taken only at the meeting location. Public input for issues not listed on the published agenda will be heard shortly after the meeting begins. The meeting agenda and materials are posted one week be fore the meeting and can be found online at by clicking on the “Meeting & Events Calendar.”the meeting. The item will return to the BOCC at an undetermined date for fur ther discussion and direction. County Attorney Jon Jouben opened the discussion, explaining that the state legislature favors the introduction of the mobility fee, as its revenues may be used sidewalks, bike lanes, and other travel paths, rather than only roads. A mobility fee is similar to an impact fee in that it is a one-time fee paid by a developer to cover the costs of the improvements necessary to fully mitigate the development’s impact on the trans portation system. What makes the new structure attrac development and reduce new develop ment from creeping into rural and sub urban areas, commonly called “urban sprawl.” This model sets impact fees according to location rather than structure type. Currently, the transportation impact fee is set at 22.04 percent of the total impact fee, or $1269, for a single-family home. Jouben explained that mobility fees the county than they currently do with the transportation impact fee. The county is divided into four districts, which are of similar size. Currently, transportation district in which they were collected. Deputy Administrator Scott Herring explained that under the mobility fee structure, funds can be allocated to other Herring used the Anderson Snow Splash Pad as an example. Because the new park revenue collected would be available to all four districts. Jouben added that in the case of a roadway improvement project, another district could be charged the mobility fee project. Commissioner Jerry Campbell, a proponent of the new fee structure, said, “Our job is to protect the taxpayers, and right now, I think we’ve heard over and over again that the property owners feel like developers [and new residents] aren’t paying their fair share of the impact to the community.” Campbell, who brought the matter for discussion, said, “One of the things I like about this is that it can be used to help protect some of the rural communities lot, or if they’re building is in a rural area that needs a lot more infrastructure or im provements.” Campbell believes the new structure would protect taxpayers. Potential rates of the mobility fee were not discussed because a separate study would need to be conducted to estab lish these. Existing data cannot be used because the transportation methodologies only study roadways and not the addi tional aspects of transportation, such as bike paths. Commissioner Steve Champion stated that the new fee structure concerns him. “Are you saying this is a workaround to increase taxes beyond what’s allowed under the impact fees now? Because we would have to have a supermajority (to raise the impact fee) by more than 50 percent. This would put it at more than 50 percent.” Jouben replied that the answer depends on the study methodology chosen and the results of the data collected. Still an open question, the initial mobility fee could come in higher than the 50 percent increase of the existing transportation impact fee. “The statute is not clear. You have to follow the impact fees procedures for implementing it. It is not clear from the statute, and there’s no consensus among the counties, and no one’s ever sued on it -whether it counts towards the impact fees, or it constitutes a new fee.” Another open question is -if the trans portation fee is abolished, will those funds be distributed to the other impact fee categories? Campbell, speaking to Champion’s point, said, “We’re all Conservatives up here. None of us want to raise taxes or fees, but we do have challenges ahead of us We’re way behind on infrastructure and transportation in this county. I think it’s our duty as commissioners to look at all and every available option that we have ” responsibility to the county This is a road infrastructure without having to go to ad-valorem taxes.” Jouben summarized a common case scenario, “Should the Board want to move forward with this, and we do the study, and we draft an ordinance my advice would be in the face of uncertainty to be the more conservative approach, which would be that the mobility fee is included in the overall calculation of impact fees.” reported that 65 cities and 18 counties have some form of this mobility fee. He also noted that the mobility fee could be applied to some sections of the county, this scenario, areas using the mobility fee would not have the transportation impact fee assessed. MOBILITY FEE FROM PAGE A 1 rf The News Service of Florida. The Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine on Tuesday approved an emergency rule that will allow transgender children and adults to under certain conditions. Physicians will be able to renew orders for puberty blockers and hormone therapy so long as no changes are made to the prescriptions. The state Board of Medicine on June 8 also approved the rule, which will allow continuation of treatment while the medical boards draft other regu lations to carry out a new law that makes it harder for trans adults and children to obtain by Gov. Ron DeSantis, prohibits doctors from ordering treatments such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy for children but includes an exception for children already using the treatments. The law also imposes new restric by requiring that such treatment be ordered by physicians, not nurse practitioners. Medical trans adults estimate that at least 80 percent of prescriptions for treatment such as estro gen and testosterone are ordered by advanced practice registered nurses, not doctors. The new law also mandates that the medical boards create “informed consent” forms that patients must sign to receive the care. Under the rule approved by the medical boards, doctors can renew prescriptions for transgender patients if the prescriptions do not change doses or types of treatment. The rule will allow some patients to continue receiving care while the new informed consent requirements are being developed. Board of Osteopathic Medicine Tuesday’s meeting that a joint committee of the two medical boards is scheduled to consid er the informed-consent forms on Friday. The full boards are slated to vote on the proposed forms on June 30. The law, which went into sparked uncertainty about the rules. Samantha Cahen, program director for trans and nonbina ry care for Planned Parenthood of South, East and North Florida, said in an interview last week with The News Service of Florida that the boards’ decision to allow doctors to renew prescriptions while the informed-consent reg ulation is under development provides “more clarity” to health-care providers. “Since we didn’t want to provide care without consent, because that would be against the law, at least it’s allowing us to continue the care for our pa tients. Although we may not be able to alter the prescriptions, it gives us some type of leeway. At least it puts our patients back on track to providing care for them,” Cahen said.


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 23-29, 2023 • • PAGE A 7 rfntrbtt trbtft rrtt r‘ttfbtb’ ““f”•–—brr bttr—tfr –brfrtttrfr trtrrtbt btt‘rtntbrrtb•bttbt rrf– –rr” f rf fn**ttb rfntbftftt t fttttttffttrfn rffnfrfntrt brtrrf trrtnrt tttntrfnr nrr ftttttttnt ttttttttttffttrfn MUST MENTION THIS AD MUST MENTION THIS AD • 250 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill, FL 34609 • 352.610.9900 $ $ 139 139 Diamond Diamond Glow Glow Facial Facial Come experience the SKINTASTIC DIFFERENCE! Come experience the SKINTASTIC DIFFERENCE! AN AWARD-WINNING MED SPA AN AWARD-WINNING MED SPA on special on special for just for just WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION Channel Restoration Project, the dredging will follow the original river channel and feet deeper than the mean low tide water level and twenty feet wide. The project was planned after home owners and boaters complained about the decreasing depth of the river, and environmental studies noted a marked decrease in plant life. Both issues directly every winter, seeking warmer water as the of the submerged grass in the river. Government agencies and environmen sand to Increasing public use of the river, as well as beach replenishment at Weeki Wachee Springs State Park and Rogers Park. The sand leaves the river only a few inches deep in some spots and covers areas where submerged grass and vege tation should be growing. This limits the manatees’ food supply, as well as their ability to swim upriver. As the river has grown more shallow, it has widened, further eroding vegeta tion on the shoreline. Compounding the problem is increasing public use of the river for recreation. Environmentalists say that shorelines and vegetation are being destroyed by boaters and kayakers who often pull their boats onto the shoreline or get out of their boats and walk through the submerged grass. The Fish and Wildlife Commission establish a Springs Protection Zone at their July 19-20 Commission meeting. If enacted, the rule would restrict the beach ing, mooring, anchoring, and grounding of vessels on the Weeki Wachee River, extending from the headspring within Weeki Wachee Springs State Park to the Rogers Park Boat Ramp. The portion of the river within the state park already has such a restriction in place. The proposed ruling states that the pro tection zone would not apply to property owners along the Weeki Wachee River for the purpose of docking their personal ves sels on water adjacent to their property. The original FWC proposal only re stricted the beaching, mooring, anchoring, and grounding of vessels at several point bars on the river. ( Point bars on a river are located on the interior of a river bend. down and deposits sediment onto the river bed, which accumulates and creates a point bar.) The Board of County Com missioners felt that the proposed restric tions did not go far enough and supported setting the restrictions from the southern end of the state park to the boat ramp at Roger’s Park. What activities will be allowed on the river? Hernando Sun sent the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission the following questions about what activities will still be allowed on the river under the proposed ruling. • Will people be allowed to go down the river in tubes? If yes, can people get out of their tube and walk or swim with their tube? • Will people be allowed to get out of their boats? If yes, can they swim alongside their boat? Do they need to be tethered to their boat? • Will property owners be allowed to swim in the river or walk in the river? • Will visitors be allowed to walk or swim in the river? • Can two boats be moored together The agency sent the following response: The proposed Spring Protection Zone would not alter the public’s access to the spring or the spring’s associated spring WEEKI WACHEE RIVER FROM PAGE A 1 runs. The proposed Springs Protection Zone for Weeki Wachee Spring would prohibit anchoring, mooring, beaching, and grounding to protect the spring and as sociated spring run from the Roger’s Park boat ramp to the spring boil. The proposed zone would only prohibit mooring, grounding, anchoring or beach ing of vessels. Tubes and rafts are not considered vessels in Florida. The proposed zone would not regulate the behavior of people (walking, swim ming, etc.), only the mooring, grounding, anchoring or beaching of vessels.Hernando County Recycling Center blaze on April 8, 2023. Photo Kayakers look on as a diver works in the dredge area. Photo: Mark Stone A diver operates a vacuum line to remove sand from the channel. Photo: SWFMD Photo: Mark Stone A manatee grazes on submerged grass, the dredge hose behind him. Photo: Mark Stone


PAGE A 8 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 23-29, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Your IT Solutions Partner352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES www.wilsontechgroup.comLicensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking A/V | Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Network cabling Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyCOMPUTER SERVICES PROPERTY APPRAISER SALES REPORT APRIL 2023 (>= $100,000)LAST-SALE--LAST-PRICE--OWNER-NAME--OWNER-NAME2--SITUS, DESC--APPR-VALUE--BASE-AREA--, YEAR-BUILT (Additional listings added since we last downloaded the data.)2023/04/10--$105,000--TAGGART PROPERTY GROUP LLC----459 HOLLYHOCK LN--SPRING HILL UNIT 2 BLK 97 LOT 27 ORB 1098 PG 439--$52,230--740-1986 2023/04/10--$112,000--LAMONICA PHILIP----3282 STONE HEDGE ST--WEEKI WACHEE ACRES ADD UNIT 1 BLK 4 LOT 7--$30,297--1288--1989 2023/04/10--$120,000--DOUGLAS ALLEN, CONTE-DOUGLAS DANIELLE----B W STEVENSON RD--N1/2 OF N1/2 OF E1/2 OF SE1/4 OF NE1/4 LESS 15 FT FOR RD ORB 506 PG 1409--$59,136--0--0 2023/04/10--$125,000--BRUNO JEROME, RAHMAN HABIB----9266 SCEPTER AVE--BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 4 BLK 72 LOT 30--$62,681--1352--1995 2023/04/10--$175,000--MUNOZ EDUARDO ANDRES SUAREZ, SOSTRE--MA RIA DE LA CARIDAD RAMOS--16270 NANCY AVE--GULFLAND LOT 18-$47,870--800--1985 2023/04/10--$190,000--FPC CONCEPTS LLC----12470 PRESCOTT ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 18 REPLAT BLK 1817 LOT 3 ORB 1156 PGS 796 & 798--$64,231-924--1984 2023/04/10--$220,000--TIRES UNLIMITED & SERVICE LLC----13087 COUNTY LINE RD--LINDEN RETREAT LOT 31--$142,659--0--0 2023/04/10--$225,000--GRASSE KRISTINE M----12100 LAMONT DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 20 BLK 1289 LOT 3--$42,051--690--2004 2023/04/10--$235,000--CRAIG TODD A, CRAIG BARBARA J----6068 PORT RUSH CT--TIMBER PINES TRACT 2 UNIT 2 LOT 67--$53,293--1137--1991 2023/04/10--$240,000--UNDERWOOD AUBREY N----12021 FIR ST--PINE GROVE SUB UNIT I BLK 1 LOT 22 ORB 547 PAGE 1346--$160,482--1152--1992 2023/04/10--$257,900--GRASSO GABRIEL J----9632 HORIZON DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 7 BLK 395 LOT 3 ORB 343 PG 176--$149,430--1562--2003 2023/04/10--$279,000--CABRERA ELEAZAR, CABRERA ANYULL----9333 NORTHCLIFFE BLVD--SPRING HILL UNIT 23 BLK 1598 LOT 4--$150,098--1444-2005 2023/04/10--$281,000--PENN DAVID J----11101 UPTON ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 17 BLK 1101 LOT 20--$127,479--1193--1993 2023/04/10--$286,000--MENDEZ DAISHA C----13013 SHAFTON RD--SPRING HILL UNIT 20 BLK 1310 LOT 19--$132,739--1620--2010 2023/04/10--$302,400--SCOTT CRAIG M, SCOTT MARYANN T----12183 PINE BLUFF ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 16 BLK 1064 LOT 3--$32,504--0--0 2023/04/10--$322,100--FRITZ DIANNA M, FRITZ JACOB E----14272 EARLINE RD--ROYAL HIGHLANDS UNIT 7 BLK 545 LOT 6--$15,600--0--0 2023/04/10--$348,000--CABAN ISMAEL JR, CABAN FIDELA VAZQUEZ----7439 TRANQUIL DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 4 BLK 198 LOT 35--$31,650--0--0 2023/04/10--$399,900--SHORT ERIC N, SHORT AREATHA E----15116 CANVAS BACK RD--ROYAL HIGHLANDS UNIT 8 BLK 771 LOT 4--$14,400--0--0 2023/04/10--$423,600--COVEY RENEE JEAN----15235 FLEETWOOD RD--ROY AL HIGHLANDS UNIT 7 BLK 476 LOT 16--$15,600--0--0 2023/04/10--$448,000--TOMPKINS MASTERS LINDA C TTEE, MASTERS--ROB ERT D TTEE--SHADOW DR--THAT PART OF A 15 AC TR MOL IN NW1/4 & SW1/4 ORB 252 PG 358 LYING ** CONTINUED **--$81,431--0--0 2023/04/10--$448,000--TOMPKINS MASTERS LINDA C TTEE, MASTERS--ROB ERT D TTEE--SHADOW DR--THAT PART OF A 15 AC TR MOL IN NW1/4 & SW1/4 ORB 252 PG 358 LYING S OF ** CONTINUED **--$34,899--0--0 2023/04/10--$460,000--DAVIES GREGORY L, DAVIES LYNN----9159 TREVINO DR--GLEN LAKES PH 1 UNIT 4-F LOT 961--$230,480--1879--2009 2023/04/10--$650,000--JANS ALMA J TTEE, JANS LAWRENCE D TTEE----3468 CRAPE MYRTLE DR--HERNANDO BEACH UNIT 12 BLK 108 LOT 17--$428,454-1690--2013 2023/04/10--$4,000,000--MEGDAL PINK LLC----4159 MARINER BLVD--SPRING HILL UNIT 17 A TR 105X200X155X150X78 FT MOL IN NE COR OF TRACT F AS DES IN OR 920 PG 1714--$897,288--3726--2005 2023/04/11--$121,000--D R HORTON INC----2058 WATERFALL DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 7 BLK 323 LOT 3--$11,780--0--0 2023/04/11--$121,000--D R HORTON INC----2131 HAWTHORNE RD--SPRING HILL UNIT 24 BLK 801 LOT 19 OR 753 PG 948--$14,495--0--0 2023/04/11--$121,000--D R HORTON INC----2448 DOTHAN AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 24 BLK 1619 LOT 3--$21,175--0--0 2023/04/11--$232,000--NVR INC----175 BROFIELD ST--SUNCOAST LANDING PHASE 1 LOT 36--$18,000--0--0 2023/04/11--$232,000--NVR INC----199 BROFIELD ST--SUNCOAST LANDING PHASE 1 LOT 39--$17,250--0--0 2023/04/11--$232,000--NVR INC----219 BROFIELD ST--SUNCOAST LANDING PHASE 1 LOT 41--$21,349--0--0 2023/04/11--$232,000--NVR INC----220 BRAMWELL ST--SUNCOAST LANDING PHASE 1 LOT 42--$21,360--0--0 2023/04/11--$235,000--PEREZ SANTIAGO CARLOS E----25155 KIBLER LN-LOTS IN S1/2 OF S1/2 OF NW1/4 OF NE1/4 N’LY 165 FT OF S1/2 OF S1/2 ** CONTINUED **--$234,127--1158--1981 2023/04/11--$254,900--MCCALLUM FREDERIC B JR TTEE, MCCALLUM--PA TRICIA H TTEE--6585 ANDROMEDA WAY--TIMBER PINES TR 13 UNIT 2A LOT 139--$134,178--1296--1994 2023/04/11--$257,500--GILLIAM ANGELA E, GILLIAM MARIE S----7307 SKY LARK DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 3 BLK 144 LOT 2 ORB 307 PG 120--$78,654-1245--1994 2023/04/11--$275,200--RESIDENTIAL HOME BUYER TAMPA LLC----30686 SAT INLEAF RUN--SHERMAN HILLS SEC 3 BLK 10 LOT 35--$134,812--1392--2014 2023/04/11--$299,900--CARD CLIFFORD C, CARD ANN M----5251 CRICKET RD--TRILBY CROSSING PHASE 2 LOT 166--$5,011--0--0 2023/04/11--$320,000--REGUEIRA CHAO ILIANA B----10080 JUPITER LN-SPRING HILL UNIT 23 BLK 1580 LOT 43--$150,815--1748--1991 2023/04/11--$323,000--OLAVARRIA ANGELITA, SANCHEZ CARABALLO--WIL SON--8115 SHALOM DR--BERKELEY MANOR BLK 11 LOT 5--$89,673--1899-1996 2023/04/11--$325,000--ZEONE DIANE M----8273 GOODRICH ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 21 BLK 1458 LOT 14 ORB 349 PG 840--$247,557--1879--2000 2023/04/11--$325,900--DOWNEY CHARLES R----10304 FORDHAM ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 15 BLK 954 LOT 2--$239,721--1664--2000 2023/04/11--$359,900--DELGADO LUIS A, DELGADO EVELYN----11013 WREN RD--ROYAL HIGHLANDS UNIT 5 BLK 347 LOT 18--$20,400--0--0 2023/04/11--$402,500--JACKSON WILLIAM, JACKSON ANNA----5100 WEST LAKE BLVD--WESTLAKE UNIT 1 LOT 526 OR 644 PG 1516--$20,060--0--0 2023/04/11--$415,000--HERNANDEZ GIL, HERNANDEZ DIANA P----14137 FINSBURY DR--VILLAGES AT AVALON PH 2B EAST BLK 3 LOT 12--$376,835-2747--2016 2023/04/11--$460,000--MALDONADO ARIAS MILTON, MALDONADO--ELI ZANETH--2397 EVENGLOW AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 10 BLK 609 LOT 2-$25,578--0--0 2023/04/11--$487,500--SHEETZ JONATHAN, SHEETZ KELLY----2128 BOLGER AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 13 BLK 798 LOT 1--$216,694--2869--2005 2023/04/12--$128,000--STEINHICE JOSEPH, PEARSON PATRICIA----14046 BROOKRIDGE BLVD--BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 6 BLK 30 LOT 23-$31,670--960--1988 2023/04/12--$148,000--WILLIAMS GREGORY, WILLIAMS TERMINA----RIDGE MANOR BLVD--W1/2 OF SW1/4 OF NW1/4 LYING N OF RICHLOAM RD LESS THE W210 FT THEREOF ** CONTINUED **--$126,500--0--0 2023/04/12--$150,000--DUKE SHARON----2348 WHISPER WALK DR--TIMBER PINES TRACT 32 LOT 29--$105,458--1496--2001 2023/04/12--$175,000--TJM PROPERTY GROUP INC----3409 PLAZA AVE-SPRING HILL UNIT 25 BLK 1730 LOT 10--$85,123--1025--1991 2023/04/12--$219,000--SANTIAGO RAFAEL SR, SANTIAGO CRUZ----7876 RIDGE RD--HIGHLAND LAKES BLOCK K LOT 11 ORB 598 PG 97--$144,190-1636--2002 2023/04/12--$243,000--BRENTOR JENNY----18067 CELIA AVE--GARDEN GROVE BLK 70 LOTS 10 & 11 & 12 ORB 306 PG 806 ** CONTINUED **-$80,683--720--1974 2023/04/12--$250,000--RODRIGUEZ REGUEIRA TAIMY----7320 CONE SHELL DR--REGENCY OAKS UNIT THREE LOT 176--$92,238--1288--1994 2023/04/12--$265,000--SANDERS DOUGLAS W, SANDERS MONIQUE S---2689 ROYAL RIDGE DR--TIMBER PINES TRACT 11 UNIT 2 LOT 62--$92,644-1186--1990 2023/04/12--$290,000--BOARD MICHAEL S----11360 PALOMAR ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 16 BLK 988 LOT 3 ORB 722 PG 147 ** CONTINUED **--$57,395-1008--1993 2023/04/12--$305,000--PALETTA ANGELA----7512 APACHE TRL--WEEKI WA CHEE WOODLANDS UNIT 1 LOT W135--$17,917--0--0 2023/04/12--$307,000--VOSBURGH GORDON III, VOSBURGH JANE,-VOSBURGH MICHELLE, JACOBSEN PETER--DALY RD--N285 FT MOL OF S1/2 OF SE1/4 OF NE1/4 & S191 FT MOL IN N1/2 OF SE1/4 OF NE1/4 ** CONTIN UED **--$3,687--0--0 2023/04/12--$319,900--MORRISON KENNETH W, MORRISON ETHEL K----7438 BAYWOOD FOREST CIR--TIMBER PINES TRACT 45 LOT 16--$172,775--1581-1999 2023/04/12--$332,000--SMITH GEOFF J, GETFIELD ALTHEA D----6378 BEAR TRL--WEEKI WACHEE SHORES UNIT 2 LOT 40 ORB 312 PG 792--$110,543-888--1993 2023/04/12--$345,000--KERRY J TOUZEL LLC----3299 GULF WINDS CIR--GULF COAST RET UNIT 2 LOT 49--$200,078--1224--1993 2023/04/12--$380,000--RODELLI FRANK JR----11797 NEW BRITAIN DR--WEL LINGTON AT SEVEN HILLS PH 9 LOT 883--$158,223--2295--2005 2023/04/12--$440,000--SEXTON DOUGLAS E, SEXTON MARGIT ANNE LI----7456 CLEARMEADOW DR--TIMBER PINES TR 36 LOT 39 ORB 2681 PG 1531--$107,541--1792--2003 2023/04/12--$499,500--ROSEMAN HAROLD E, ROSEMAN HILDA E----11229 CHICKASAW DR--WELLINGTON AT SEVEN HILLS PH 4 LOT 326--$279,158-2698--2000 2023/04/12--$525,000--WILLIAMS THOMAS E, WILLIAMS DEBORAH J---27359 PADDOCK DR--MCKETHAN CLASS 1 SUB W1/2 OF E1/2 OF S1/4 OF SE1/4 OF NW1/4 LESS S60 FT AKA TR 11 ** CONTINUED **--$417,794--2365-2007 2023/04/12--$535,000--RAXTER DAVID, RAXTER TERESA----3366 BLUEFISH DR--HERNANDO BEACH UNIT 13-B BLK 134 LOT 34--$237,571--1384--1996 2023/04/13--$148,000--CLARK SANDRA C, CLARK FRANCIS L----14291 ADAIR ST--BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 4 BLK 65 LOT 6--$53,776-1080--1985 2023/04/13--$154,000--SANDERS WILLIAM, SANDERS MICHELLE----402 EAST AVE--WESTGATE UNRECORDED LOT 6A IN NW1/4 OF SW1/4 OF NW1/4 ORB 271 PG 539--$61,678--1112--1973 2023/04/13--$186,500--SIEG FREDRICK R JR----21389 CANAL DR--DAMAC ESTATES FIRST ADD LOT 113 ORB 326 PG 437--$43,758--720--1972 2023/04/13--$217,500--BONILLA AIRA----4533 LAKESHORE AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 25 BLK 1691 LOT 6--$90,274--1160--1988 2023/04/13--$250,000--MCALLISTER HOLDINGS LLC----8472 DRIFTWOOD DR--NORTH BAYPORT BLK C LOTS 17 18 LESS S25 FT DES IN ORB 4265 PG 1967--$103,225--809--1982 2023/04/13--$259,000--SEDA STELLA----1019 LA BAMBA CT--THE GARDENS AT SEVEN HILLS PHASE 2 LOT 184 ORB 1103 PG 1907--$100,734--1289-2005 2023/04/13--$284,900--PECK DEBRA----11313 FLOWER AVE--ROYAL HIGH LANDS UNIT 2 BLK 56 LOT 13--$22,000--0--0 2023/04/13--$290,000--VEGAS ACEVEDO NICASIO J----194 DAN RIVER DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 5 BLK 217 LOT 7 ORB 1048 PG 878 ORB 1080 PGS 1377-81--$23,750--1665--2022 2023/04/13--$295,000--WILKENING MARGIE F, WILKENING CARISSA A---4059 LIGONIER RD--SPRING HILL UNIT 25 REPLAT 2 BLOCK 1793 LOT 12--$78,524--1344--1983 2023/04/13--$330,000--BURGESS HUNTER, BURGESS HEIDY C----9043 MCCORMICK ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 7 BLK 353 LOT 15 ORB 305 PG 770-$96,650--1758--1985 2023/04/13--$330,000--THRASHER NATHANIEL R, THRASHER HEATHER M----1660 LARKIN RD--SPRING HILL UNIT 8 BLK 406 LOT 1 ORB 321 PG 895-$247,732--2020--1997 2023/04/13--$330,000--THRASHER NATHANIEL R, THRASHER HEATHER M----LARKIN RD--SPRING HILL UNIT 8 BLK 406 LOT 2 ORB 321 PG 896-$26,730--0--0 2023/04/13--$350,000--ZAREMBA COLIN, ZAREMBA JENNIFER----7515 MADRID RD--ROYAL HIGHLANDS UNIT 9 BLK 132 LOT 10--$197,124--1900-2012 2023/04/13--$355,000--RIVERA LUIS H III, RIVERA MARY J----13182 SPRUCE GROUSE AVE--ROYAL HIGHLANDS UNIT 7 BLK 487 LOT 1--$7,028--0--0 2023/04/13--$356,000--TRINCHET MARZO MANUEL ALEJANDRO,--CABRE RA-TRINCHET MARZO YVONNE--34325 WHISPERING OAKS BLVD--WHISPERING OAKS ESTATES PHASE II LOT 15--$173,916--2013--1989 2023/04/13--$359,900--MIRANDA ORDAZ RAIMYL, REYNOSO MANUE LA----2248 DANFORTH RD--SPRING HILL UNIT 21 BLK 1411 LOT 7 OR 325 PG 615--$51,007--2012--1997 2023/04/13--$362,500--ODONNELL CARIDAD P, ODONNELL JOHN M----8447 BLACKSTONE ST--SPRING HILL UNIT 7 BLK 327 LOT 10 OR 307 PG 110-$120,244--2102--2005 2023/04/13--$369,900--HITE CARL M, HITE CLARE E----8034 SUMMER BREEZE TER--TIMBER PINES TR 59 UNIT 1 LOT 19--$179,209--1902--2004 2023/04/13--$380,000--GARZA DANIEL----651 PAINTED LEAF DR--TRILLIUM VILLAGE A BLK 3 LOT 31--$99,308--2209--2008 2023/04/13--$384,000--EGER BRIAN----11042 HETH CT--ROYAL HIGHLANDS UNIT 5 BLK 328 LOT 4 ORB 1826 PGS 1065-70--$25,594--0--0 2023/04/13--$414,000--NELSON RYAN V, NELSON CHRISTINA M----3999 AUTUMN AMBER DR--BARRINGTON AT STERLING HILLS UNIT 2 LOT 205-$19,614--0--0 2023/04/13--$485,000--ACEVEDO JAMES A, PUHARSKI ZIRKA E A----16139 SAM C RD--N1/2 OF SW1/4 OF SW1/4 OF SW1/4 LESS W30 FT & LESS S’LY 132 FT OF W’LY ** CONTINUED **--$435,896--1561--1981 2023/04/13--$519,000--LAZARZ MICHAEL W II, LAZARZ JULIE----10549 NOD DY TERN RD--ROYAL HIGHLANDS UNIT 9 BLK 145 LOTS 19 & 20 ORB 1528 PG 294 ** CONTINUED **--$190,207--2313--2014 2023/04/14--$100,000--LOWERY KAYCI, JAHRLING WILLIAM----4913 OAK FIELD CIR--RIVER HEIGHTS ESTATES SEC ADD SMALL FARMS DIV LOT 27--$68,790--1036--1973 2023/04/14--$115,000--WELLS BRANDON, WELLS MANDY----9289 GRIZZLY BEAR LN--CAMP-A-WYLE R.V. RESORT CONDOMINIUM BLK A LOT 1-$36,996--588--1997 2023/04/14--$130,000--HARMONY HOLDINGS GROUP INC----1527 MEADOW LARK RD--SPRING HILL UNIT 7 BLK 308 LOT 23 OR 330 PG 891--$46,476-1128--1982 2023/04/14--$142,000--RATLIFF RICHARD E, RATLIFF NANCY J----14287 EDGEKNOLL ST--BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 2 BLK 21 LOT 3 ORB 352 PG 895--$86,902--1000--1990 2023/04/14--$147,000--GM PROPERTIES & REAL ESTATE LLC----7422 ALOE DR--REGENCY OAKS UNIT 8B LOT 436--$249,366--1726--2002 2023/04/14--$150,000--HERNANDEZ JOSE MIGUEL RODRIGUEZ----9527 CENTURY DR--SPRING HILL UNIT 25 BLOCK 1673 LOT 16--$106,372--902-1982 2023/04/14--$165,000--SCHIFANO PHILIP C, SCHIFANO CATHERINE J,-WEAR CHRIS A--7207 FITZPATRICK AVE--BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 1 BLK 9 LOT 15--$30,037--805--1982 2023/04/14--$170,000--CARDOZA SERGIO MANUEL SR, CARDOZA--DELFI NA C--4059 SUGARFOOT DR--WEEKI WACHEE WOODLANDS UNIT 1 LOT W630--$38,753--994--1972 2023/04/14--$179,000--CAMPBELL DIANE L----14313 EVERMORE ST-BROOKRIDGE COMMUNITY UNIT 2 BLK 27 LOT 7--$73,516--1208--1998 2023/04/14--$180,000--SELTZ LAURIE P----35141 WHISPERING OAKS BLVD--WHISPERING OAKS ESTATES PHASE 1-J BLK 2 LOT A--$66,474-1400--1985 2023/04/14--$217,000--SJRR HOLDINGS LLC----13192 LITTLE FARMS DR-SPRING HILL UNIT 13 BLK 842 LOT 27--$42,001--1794--1998 2023/04/14--$239,900--SAMMARTINO BRANDON J----14698 CORONADO DR-SPRING HILL UNIT 13 BLK 877 LOT 6--$131,339--1252--1993 2023/04/14--$240,200--BOCCA RICHARD----2098 EVANS AVE--SPRING HILL UNIT 9 BLK 521 LOT 1 ORB 340 PG 258--$100,638--1464--1990 2023/04/14--$275,000--HUNT LISA B----9006 LISMORE CT--THE HEATHER BLK 22 LOT 9 ROYAL HIGHLANDS--$73,961--1068--1993 2023/04/14--$280,000--BUZZI ROCCO, CIRRINCIONE MARIA----7165 LEXING TON CIR--RIDGE MANOR WEST PHASE IV LOT 59--$89,044--1502--1990 2023/04/14--$312,000--RESIDENTIAL HOME BUYER TAMPA LLC----9563 SOUTHERN CHARM CIR--SPRING RIDGE LOT 20--$161,136--1676--2021 2023/04/14--$314,000--SCHUBERT RICHARD, SCHUBERT JONI----2316 RENTON LN--SPRING HILL UNIT 9 BLK 490 LOT 4 ORB 2689 PGS 514 & 516-$59,695--1491--1998 2023/04/14--$320,000--BERNIER JAKOB J, CRAUTHERS SANDRA M----13171 BAINBRIDGE WAY--STERLING HILL PH 1A BLK 14 LOT 9--$166,060--1808-2010 2023/04/14--$320,000--MCBRIDE JESSICA----13617 CORONADO DR-SPRING HILL UNIT 12 BLK 746 LOT 7--$123,018--1553--2004 2023/04/14--$320,500--MANUEL TRACI J----4393 CADBURY RD--SPRING HILL UNIT 25 BLK 1702 LOT 14--$16,500--0--0 2023/04/14--$328,500--OP SPE TPA1 LLC----7351 STAGHORN DR--REGENCY OAKS UNIT THREE LOT 190--$110,737--1692--1999


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 23-29, 2023 • • PAGE A 9 Up to select cemetery property and prepaid funeral plans* Protect those you love. Plan ahead.FUNERAL HOME & FLORIDA HILLS MEMORIAL GARDENS rfffffffnrf ftfntbbfftn tfrf SHOPPING FOR A CAR?VANS CARS & TRUCKS(352) 796-64027043 Broad Street, Brooksville • GOOD BAD NOCREDITNo Problem!No Worries Now brewing: Coee research in FloridaBY KIRSTEN ROMAGUERA, UF/IFASThe United States is consistently among the top in the world, largely im porting its favorite beans from South American countries such as Brazil and Colombia. University of Florida researcher Felipe Ferrao says the Sunshine State could become a global hub why he’s leading studies erage and the plants that produce it. “We have the laborato ry expertise to determine the full genetic makeup eties,” Ferrao said. “The University of Florida also intelligence initiative, so combine this with our access to the HiPerGator supercomputer, and we could lead the way in im Will it grow? basic one, Ferrao said. For the past year, scientists have grown about 150 house on UF’s Gainesville campus, and the plants are about to be exposed to Florida’s elements. “It’s a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer we’re seeking Ferrao, who splits his time with blueberry research as part of the UF/IFAS Blue berry Breeding Program team. “Determining what to identifying the plants most adaptable to Florida’s conditions.” Researchers obtained the Arabica and Robusta seeds from a Puerto Rican collaborator, Puerto Rico the territory is one of the few U.S. locations that has found success growing the plants. Now, the small plants are destined Gainesville, another at the UF/IFAS Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC) in Fort UF/IFAS Tropical Research and Education Cen ter (TREC) in Homestead. Planting is planned in the coming weeks, weather permitting. Arabica beans for their Ferrao explained, but the plants are less productive than Robusta varieties. Ar abica plants are also more susceptible to the challeng es of climate change in the regions where they have long been produced. Florida’s climate won’t necessarily make for more favorable growing condi tions, though. The North Florida plants will grow in containers under high tunnels, in the hopes that the young plants can be protected from any poten tial freezing temperatures. Plants in the Central and South Florida locations will be in the ground in “As an exploratory anal ysis, we should see some level of success or failure of this year,” Ferrao said. “Our follow-up questions will be to understand the behavior of the plant in these new conditions; then grow here in Florida; and tantly, whether it can be The project has collab orators in Gainesville and across the state, and it is funded by the UF/IFAS Research SEEDIT Program, which supports research in emerging agricultural enterprises. Simultaneously, though, Ferrao is already looking varieties, although not from plants grown in Florida. A project called “Deep Intelligence to predict and ences” combines traditional consumer sensory panels with deep learning technol ogies. The work is being incorporated into existing breeding programs, like blueberries, to identify the chemical components that match what consumers indicate they enjoy. Each booth at the UF Sensory Laboratory is equipped with a computer, where panelists are asked to rate the food or beverage on a scale from 1-9, based on individual preference, with directives regarding features like bitterness, sweetness, texture, etc. In Ferrao’s DeepFlavor project, researchers added webcams to each comput er for select tests, starting March. The cameras capture the panelists’ expressions in a quick series of photos in the moments after the prod uct is tasted. The images are never seen by a human, but instead go straight to the HiPerGator for analysis, using a model Ferrao trained. “I don’t want to claim that this is going to be the new way to do sensory panels,” Ferrao said, “but I can see a future that combines the traditional with this new technology.” Most interesting in the is that panelists ranked a Robusta variety highly. Of the nine total and three Ro March panelists, a Robusta “For years and years, Robusta was considered was not explored,” Ferrao said. “Well, we can now say that almost 300 consumers on this panel did not agree. Some Robusta growers are focusing on quality, and both specialists and regular consumers are recognizing it. Now, we’re trying to un derstand the chemical and genetic attributes that make consumers say they enjoy it more.” This may be import research, even though the projects are not directly linked, as Ferrao suspects Robusta varieties may grow most successfully in Florida conditions. The DeepFlavor project is funded by a UF/IFAS Dean for Research program called “Launching Inno vative Faculty Teams in AI,” or LIFT AI, and brings together collaborators from horticultural science, food science and human nutri tion, and microbiology and cell science. Finding genes behind Flavor from brewed Ferrao said, and it’s com plicated by the fact that scientists did not consider genetic information in That’s the third project currently underway. “We know the environ ment it grows in is super important, how the beans are harvested, how they’re roasted, how they’re brewed,” he said. “But the chemicals that determine Ferrao partnered with sci entists at Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistncia Tcnica e Extenso Rural (Incaper) in Brazil – a lead his lab received leaves and Arabica and Robusta plants grown in Brazil. In their initial research, recently published in Crop Science Society of America’s jour nal, “The Plant Genome,” the scientists noted that improvements in Robusta varieties could be acceler ated using breeding meth ods informed by genetic sequencing. to adapt to a changing climate, and knowing the could hold the keys to that,” he said. “Down the line, cause the plant to thrive and others that make for a and the potential is wide open for breeding.” As these projects contin ue, Ferrao predicts each one will inform the next. There could be a Florida-grown Felipe Ferrao in a Gainesville campus greenhouse with young


PAGE A 10 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 23-29, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS OPINIONThe views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not reect the ocial policy or position of The Hernando Sun editorial sta or Hernando Sun aliates. STEVE GOODWIN VETERAN Steve Goodwin is a recently retired Christian conservative veteran (of the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division), who still feels that "duty to country" did not end when the military uniform got hung up. He and his wife Cecelia live on the edge of a beautifully wooded tract of land just south of the bypass, and are involved in not only church activities, but also attend school board meetings and local community action events as well.By STEVE GOODWIN sgoodwin@ hernandosun.comIt is always a challenge writing a story concerning the whole COVID/vaccine “agenda” (and that is exactly what it was). I recently discovered two very informative resources on the subject, and today’s story is one that EVERY media source, not only in this country, but THE WHOLE WORLD, should be covering. tube video produced by a group calling themselves “Grassroots Army,” titled, “MUST WATCH About Vaccine Injuries! Dr. Peter vania Senate.” The podcast starts with Sen. Doug Mastriano wel coming Dr. Peter McCullough and his brave testimony regard COVID-19 vaccines and how the government agencies, like the FDA (Food & Drug Administration), and the CDC (Center for Disease Control), knew about it but kept silent. The doctor states that as many of the “Legacy Media” groups could easily do a report on this massive health problem, they (almost all) chose to be silent about it. Before I get too far into this, I will tell you that I met both Senator Mastriano and Dr. McCullough when I trav eled with the convoy up to the Capital in Harrisburg, Pa (from the temporary encampment of “The People’s Convoy” in Hagerstown, Maryland). This was one of the chief issues that the “People’s Convoy” tried to bring attention to (that being the vaccine mandates being forced on the truckers and the general workforce). Dr. McCullough is probably one of the foremost medical authorities regarding diseases and vaccine-related injuries and deaths in the United States. Although the vaccines have just recently been discontinued (in many areas), the news and infor mation about their high rates of adverse incidents are not being reported (as much as should be done). Also, this interview with Dr. McCullough shows just how dangerously wrong both the government and the medical communities have been. I liken it to a charge of manslaughter (being that the mass vaccine dangers were known), and either the people in charge were TOO they were TOO AFRAID of what may happen to them if they EX POSED THE TRUTH! I always thought that those doctors sworn to the “Hippocratic Oath” would treat lifesaving medicine (and procedures) as a top priority. The second video resource that I’ll share is also from Youtube (and the Grassroots Army team), titled “Must Watch! Dr. David Martin’s presentation during the International Covid Summit.” This doctor (like Dr. Mc Cullough) speaks of the origins of the disease (around 1967)! Dr. Martin explains how the research was done in Chapel Hill, NC, from around 1990 through a couple of decades. The Amer ican scientists found out that the vaccines (for this Covid problem) will not work (the way all other vaccines do)! In 2002, the workers at said university came up with a new phrase. And a new patent was borne for the “Infectious Replicative Defective Clone” (meaning a “Bioweapon”). And this piece of “American Evil” was funded and overseen by none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci! (They engi neered SARS to attack human in 2003 for SARS Coronavirus isolated from humans! They downloaded a sequence from China and patented it in the U.S. (which was a crime). This virus was labeled earlier (by Dr. Martin himself) in the U.K. as a biological weapon in 2002, then again in 2003. In 2005, it was designated as a weapon platform! It was then labeled as a “Bio-Warfare Agent!” Also, he stated that in 2014, as the labs in North Carolina were told that they could no longer operate around the SARS Coro navirus, they actually could con tinue using monies that had PRE VIOUSLY BEEN GRANTED! They actually got an exemption! Moving their funds and their work over to Wuhan in China made it look like it was someone else’s screw-up. (Now for the big tell)! It was published in 2016 that the SARS Covid Coronavi rus was poised FOR HUMAN EMERGENCE! Folks, I am not making this up! By the way, that strain that was so devastat ing was labeled “WIV-1” (for Wuhan Institute of Virology). In 2019, the patents’ wordings were tal or Intentional “release of the virus. In September 2019, world leaders were informed that they would be dealing with an acci dental or intentional release of a dangerous pathogen (not from a bat)! The patent for the vaccine was granted MANY MONTHS sicknesses were “found.” I remember reading a publica tion that was asking for people to manage large facilities where a major infectious disease patho (AND I REMEMBER SEEING THAT IN EARLY NOVEMBER BEFORE IT CAME ACROSS FROM CHINA)! he said, “The intent was to get the world aware of, and in acceptance of a universal vac cine mandate. And to sustain the funding base, the key will be in getting the media hype to “make this work, then the investors will follow.” He said that nature and science were “hijacked,” and that medical morality was suspended. (Man, what an understatement). This was premeditated domestic terrorism on a worldwide scale! Dr. Martin then ended his statements with a multi-pointed list of suggestions. The greatest of these is that the military-in dustrial, medical, and scientif ic complexes stay away from further advances unless they can take 100 percent responsibility for each and every person dam aged or who would have died from the results of their actions. Now I know that this message I am bringing you is controversial, but I believe these two doctors (before I will believe Dr. Fauci)! Now I leave this charge on “y’all”; If you love your country (but moreover), love your family members and friends, you will (if possible) look at these two doctors in the above-mentioned videos. And I would also advise you to have a pen or pencil and a good writing tablet to take notes on. Or, if you are a lot better at working with your computers and/or smartphones (than me), you can cut and paste to your heart’s delight. I have spoken before about how the “Globalist power brokers” want to see a “New World Order,” and to do this, they need to crush the wills of those of us that are looking to keep this great nation going. It is now time for US to do what needs to be done. “Let’s Roll!”Critical info regarding COVID-19 and the vaccines Wanted: Moral Courage This article was originally pub lished on By Lawrence W. Reed It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world, and moral courage so rare,” wrote Mark Twain more than a century ago. If moral courage means know ing what’s right and both doing it and defending it in spite of fear or obstructions, would you say we’ve improved over the years? My heart wants to say yes but my head tells me no. Every day seems to bring distressing news of moral courage in decline. When we see acts of moral courage, we should recognize and applaud those who show it. We should feel emboldened to practice more of it ourselves. Here’s an example. It happened three years ago but it’s still frontand-center in my mind. The story comes from Kansas City, Missouri. A struggling, single, black mother named Shetara Sims, who lost her job early in the pandemic and her daughter to street vio lence in 2012, did an incredible thing. She had only seven dollars to her name but when she found a dollar bill on the ground, she bought a lottery ticket and won $100. Amazingly, she donated her entire winnings to help a in the head a few days before. (Read about it here: https://bit. ly/3NheZU2) Shetara had no obligation to make that donation and she surely had bills of her own to pay. It wouldn’t have been wrong in any way if she had spent the winnings on herself. She was appreciative of the way the police handled the death of her daughter back in 2012 and in a small way, this gift enabled her to express that gratitude. The Kansas City police responded by forming a GoFundMe page with a goal to raise $10,000 for Shetara. In a few months, it generated more than $167,000. Using the money those po licemen raised for her, Shetara started a company in 2021 called Prestige Hauling & Delivery. She has since helped several dozen people earn commercial driver’s licenses and get a new start in life. Here’s another story, one that is some 30 years old that I’ve told and re-told a hundred times. You can read about it in Ted Engstrom’s book, Integrity. The setting was the little town of Conyers, Georgia—a town full of salt-of-the-earth, self-reliant and patriotic citizens. discovered that one of their bas ketball players who had played had actually been scholastically ineligible, they returned the state championship trophy the team had just won a few weeks before. If they had simply kept quiet, probably no one else would have ever known about it and they could have retained the trophy. To their eternal credit, the team and the town, dejected though they were, rallied behind the school’s decision. The coach said, “We didn’t know he was ineligible at the time but you’ve got to do what’s honest and right and what the rules say. I told my team that people forget the scores of the games; they don’t ever forget what you’re made of.” In the minds of most, it didn’t matter that the championship title was forfeited. The coach and the team were still champions—in more ways than one. I’ll bet those students learned a lesson in moral courage they’ve never since forgotten. We all should be inspired by such stories. More of them may be just what we need to lift both our spirits and our character. If you agree, take a look at Are We Good Enough for Liberty? and encourage friends and family members to read it as well. Thank you! Lawrence W. Reed is FEE’s President Emeritus, Humphreys Family Senior Fellow, and Ron Manners Global Ambassador for Liberty, having served for nearly 11 years as FEE’s president (2008-2019). He is author of the 2020 book, Was Jesus a Socialist? as well as Real Heroes: Incredible True Stories of Courage, Character, and Conviction and Excuse Me, Professor: Challenging the Myths of Progressivism. Follow on LinkedIn and Like his His website is www.lawrence Should Investigate Chinese IP TheftBy Frank Cullen The House of Representatives recently formed a bipartisan com mittee to “investigate and submit policy recommendations” on ways to counter the threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party. The move is welcome -and long overdue. For decades, China has sought to weaken America, and enrich itself, by stealing cutting-edge technologies critical to our national security and economic well-being. Lawmak ers would be wise to make this intellectual property theft the foundation of their investigation. Consider China’s ongoing campaign to appropriate U.S. compa nies’ trade secrets -the propri etary know-how that enables thing from lifesaving medicines to next-generation alloys used estimated that China steals up to $600 billion of American intel lectual property annually. This theft endangers the jobs of more than 45 million Americans who work in IP-intensive industries, which account for more than $6.5 trillion in economic output. China sometimes tries to obtain this intellectual property through bullying -essentially, requiring American companies that want to sell their goods to the Middle Kingdom’s 1.4 billion consumers For example, until last year, China mandated that foreign car companies partner with local auto manufacturers. China has required wind turbine and solar panel producers to make a certain percentage of their products in the country. Those local “part ners” frequently use this access to sensitive information to learn American secrets and, eventually, reproduce the technology without any need for a U.S. partner. Other times, Chinese nation als -often working formally or informally for the Communist Party -have outright pilfered trade secrets. In November 2022, a U.S. court sentenced Chinese national Xu Yanjun to 20 years in prison for planning to steal trade secrets from multiple U.S. aeronautical companies. In 2018, Chinese company Sinovel Wind Group was convicted in a Wisconsin federal court for stealing technol ogy from its American partner. A recent report by Boston company Cybereason revealed a Chinese campaign called “Operation CuckooBees” that stole the blue prints for hundreds of gigabytes of advanced technology. Unfortunately, this espionage campaign has borne fruit. According to experts at Harvard’s Kennedy School, China is on track to overtake the United States’ technological dominance within the next decade. And the Communist Party shows no signs of abandoning its goals. Just the opposite. President Xi has been elevating “techno crats” specializing in science and technology to positions of author ity. In fact, nearly 40% of China’s national policy-making body is now composed of technocrats determined to accelerate their nation’s economic progress -by hook or by crook. For decades, China has sought to surpass the United States Americans’ best ideas. It’s up to Congress to put a stop to this theft. Frank Cullen is executive di rector of the Council for Innova tion Promotion. This originally ran in The Hill.


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 23-29, 2023 • • PAGE A 11When we think about the challenges and possibilities of our future, it’s easy to ignore our responsibilities while we imagine someone else stepping into our situation and helping us achieve our goals. Hoping that another person will provide what we our problems is not a substitute for perseverance. It’s true there are times when the generosity of but God has given us a sound mind and unlimited potential to be successful if we can only learn how to develop faith in His plans for us. Along with His resources, a critical spiritual principle is to pray and wait until we know we have heard His voice. However, I have also learned there is an important balance where often the Lord is actually waiting on us to believe and take the initiative to press forward. When we place our trust in Him and allow Him to change our attitudes into a positive force, that which seems unattainable moves into the area of possibil ity. Romans 12:2 reveals that we have a responsibility to be transformed by the renewing of our mind in order that we may prove and demonstrate God’s perfect will. We must allow the Lord to change our minds from fear and doubt, as learning to believe and trust our Heavenly Father is a foundational pillar of the meaning of life. If we focus on being the best we can be for His glory, we will live in joy, but if we doubt and expect the worse, we release the powers of neg In every situation, we can either or negative skepticism, and these choices determine whether we live in spiritual peace or emo tional misery. I recently read a true story that was told by Hugh Fullerton, a famous sports writer, many years ago. His account involved a man named Josh O’Reilly, who managed the San Antonio baseball team that was a part of the Texas League. O’Reilly had an impressive roster of all-star players, including seven whose batting average was over three hundred. Everyone thought this super-team would easily win the championship, but mysteriously they began the season losing games. The players could not hit the ball, and as time went by, frustration boiled over into angry accusations against each other. Just when it seemed the situa tion could not be worse, a weak team humiliated them as they managed only one hit the entire game. In the clubhouse, after the embarrassment, the players were confused and depressed. O’Reilly knew he had the most talented team in the league but also realized the trouble was in their mind. These men were not expect ing to get a hit or anticipating a victory because they were thinking wrong. They had slowly allowed doubt and uncertainty to agement and defeat. We are what we think, and when our mental focus is controlled by negativity; situation; it was causing a disrup tion with their timing, strength, and coordination. And yet, they were the only ones who could change the situation. A certain minister named reverend Schlater was holding special services in the area, and he was drawing large crowds as inspiration and encouragement. O’Reilly asked each player to lend him their favorite bat, which he loaded into a wheelbarrow and told the players to stay in the clubhouse as he had something very important to show them. with excitement as he told the players this minister had anoint ed, prayed, and blessed the bats, and they now contained a spiritual power that could not be stopped. The players were astounded and jumping with enthusiasm. The next day they best team in the league with 37 hits and 20 runs scored. They continued their way through the league schedule and convincing ly won the championship. Regardless of what we believe about praying over a baseball bat or positive decrees, we can agree that something very powerful happened within the minds and attitudes of the players. The sports equipment did not change, but with a new way of thinking, the creative power of faith blos somed. Mark 9:23 declares this spiritual reality is available to all who place their trust in God’s divine truth instead of pessimism and despair. Dr. Billy Holland is an or dained minister, community chaplain, and Christian author. Read more about God and the Christian life at billyhollandmin It is hard to believe what we see or hear in the mass media. Satan is being openly celebrated in some schools, the entertain ment industry, and some univer sities. Famous stars, corporate heads, and many powerful politicians are known to dabble and even being sexually involved with their own family members. From the media, we hear snippets of once taboo behavior that is now becoming acceptable in our convoluted world. Almost everyone witnessing these contrary messages becomes confused, and overwhelmed as to what is actual reality. The national media has become an arm of the woke agenda. Anyone who disagrees with the wokeness is attacked or censored. Many Americans are learning that saying anything that is against the woke agenda will result in punishing consequences. Some non-followers of woke-ism are their traditional values at the behest of the media. Obese strippers provocatively shimmy down the runway while preschool children and their mothers approvingly smile and applaud these scantily dressed perverts. Our government schools are teaching that whites are racist, a student can change genders without parental approv al, and the USA is inherently evil. Our society is being attacked from every direction. With no discussion of the pros and cons of a previous perverted action, our present woke agenda has been established by powerful elites. They are presenting previ ous deviant behavior in a positive light to change the public percep tion of traditional actions to the negative while casting perversion as cool. Anyone who stands up to protest abusive, criminal, or insane behavior to protect the innocent can become the culprit. Daniel Penny, an ex-marine retired ser geant, found himself in an NYC subway car when Jordon Neely entered. Neely was a career criminal with 42 arrests and was diagnosed with serious mental health issues since age 14. This deranged man introduced himself to the subway car full of strang ers by stating, “I don’t have food, I don’t have a drink, I’m fed up, I don’t mind going to jail and getting life in prison. I am ready to die.” Anyone who heard this rant would be fearful, especially with the random brutality that has recently been televised nation wide. The people in the subway car thanked god when Daniel Penny took charge with others to gain control. The passengers saw Mr. Penny as a protector, not an instigator, and they said so. Nevertheless, Mr. Penny has been indicted by D.A. Alvin Bragg, who has made a career of being soft on crime and mentally deranged behavior. He has the perception that all blacks who commit criminal acts are victims of a racist society. Daniel Penny put his life on the line to protect innocent victims riding on the subway. He is being treated as a criminal instead of being hailed as a hero. Our US traditional biblical values are being turned on their head. Another example of the conscious attack on our beliefs can be seen in what happened to Mark Houck and his family. Mr. Houck is a pro-life religious counselor who has committed his life to helping pregnant women have an alternative to abortion. There was an altercation with Bruce Love, an abortion advo cate. According to Mr. Houck’s wife, Bruce Love, an abortion advocate, was verbally harassing the Houck’s 12-year-old son and invading his personal space. She related that her husband pushed Mr. Love away from their son. It was reported to the police, but no charges were made against Houck. arrived with guns drawn at the Houck home to arrest Mr. Houck. The seven Houck children and their mother were at home wit shackles which made him appear as a violent criminal not as a reli gious Catholic protester who was attempting to prevent the killing of an innocent child. This was a warning to all pro-life advocates that they could be next. The woke government is using intimidation to shut down the voice of the people. Government we are more educated than the parents and should have more authority over the children than their parents. This is the ultimate Marxist tenant and is being pro claimed in the United States. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and self-protection are no longer viable rights in the US. From the top down, politi cians, corporate heads, and media elites are working together to bypass our constitutional rights. The government is using psyop techniques to quiet us while they impose a Marxist dictatorship preventing any questioning or discussion of what is happening to our nation. The American citizens need to stand up and demand answers to change what is happening before we lose all of our freedoms. Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of sever al books, and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper arti cles, INVASION WITHIN, and a new just published book entitled IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at www.drmaglio.blogspot. com.Our voices are shut down, but our eyes are open DOMENICK J. MAGLIO, PH.D.Traditional Realist Being transformed by the renewing of our mind DR. WILLIAM HOLLANDAuthor & Minister The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not reect the ocial policy or position of The Hernando Sun editorial sta or Hernando Sun aliates. I heard him yelling before I saw him. He was in front of the church. His possessions were loaded into a shopping cart, and it appeared he was trying to navigate the steep hill. And he was yelling. worried? he was standing alone with his shopping cart. His face was I walked until I stood on the sidewalk in front of him. “What’s the matter?” I asked. He stopped yelling immediately. He looked surprised—as if his yelling had been happening in a private place, and he hadn’t expected anyone to notice. His eyes were wild, and his clothes were torn. He looked as if he had lived without a home for a long time. “He said I was an animal!” clump of trees that delineates the church property. I could see no one. Maybe there was someone just out of sight. Maybe there was no one. It probably doesn’t matter. I looked back at this man. He was no longer yelling. He looked as if he might cry. “Well, you’re not,” I said. He looked at me in a peculiarly intense way, as if to see if I could be trusted to tell the truth. I’ve seen this look, from time to time, in homeless people. Some will not make eye contact at all. They will look down or away as if I don’t exist, or they will speak over my shoulder, never meeting my eyes. This man looked directly into my eyes and watched me closely. “You are absolutely not an I saw his shoulders drop as if he was setting down a heavy weight. The person or phantom behind the trees seemed to be forgotten. He continued to look at me. I didn’t know what else to say. So I patted my heart, and I told him, “And I want you to know that I care.” I held his eyes for a moment He might have said something after that. It sounded as if he was trying to say something, to explain something, but I knew there was nothing more I could do. We all carry so much. All the way home and for much of that night, I thought about that lonely man with the shopping cart and his outrage at being called an animal. He was indignant and afraid and desperate for it not to be true, and—maybe for just a moment—he was reassured it was not true because some random older woman on the sidewalk told him so. Life is so precarious sometimes. Later that night, lying in bed, I told my husband, Peter, about the man and what I’d said. “You are kind,” Peter told me. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but I know for certain that strangers have helped me when I needed help, and kind words have changed my day from terrible to something better— something more hopeful. I think of the many people I can never pay back and I hope I can pay forward some of the undeserved kindness I’ve been shown over all the years of my life. But more than anything, when I think about that lonely man, I have no idea how it feels to face anything as large or as terrifying as that man faces every day. And for that, I am terribly— Till next time, Carrie“So Much” THE POSTSCRIPT By Carrie Classon OPINIONThe views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not reect the ocial policy or position of The Hernando Sun editorial sta or Hernando Sun aliates.


PAGE A 12 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 23-29, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS CLASSIFIEDSPUBLIC NOTICES/GOVERNMENT NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS PUBLIC NOTICES/ GOVERNMENT NOTICES Place Your Classied Ad Today! Up to 25 words $10 per issue. submit-classied-ad/ TENNIS EQUIPMENT“Silent Partner” tennis ball machine with all the bells and whistles. Klipper racquet stringing machine with several sets of strings, grips, tools, etc. 3 “Head” tennis racquets with 4 3/8 grips. An application to the National Tennis Academy ing pro. A complete case of Penn tennis balls and a ball hopper. $1200.00 contact Kenn at 352-277-4510 or kenlightfoot901@, 9, 16, 23____________________ PUBLIC SALE POPCORN CEILING REMOVAL DRYWALL CEILING & WALL INSTALLATION, REMOVAL AND REPAIR.Popcorn Ceiling Removal – Drywall Ceiling & Wall Installation, Removal and Repair. Popcorn Removal & Drywall Services. Free estimates. Contact 352684-6900. Satisfaction guaranteed! State license number SCC13111516646//23____________________IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF EDWIN ANTHONY RIVERA BLANTON, Deceased. File No. H-27-CP-2023-000593 PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of EDWIN ANTHONY RIVERA BLANTON, deceased, whose date of death was March 30, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for HERNANDO County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, Florida 34601. The names and address es of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITH IN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is June 16, 2023. Attorney for Personal Represen tative: Melanie J. Burpee Florida Bar Number: 0978681 11163 Spring Hill Drive Spring Hill, FL 34609 Telephone: (352) 596-4433 Fax: (352) 597-3571 E-Mail: melanieburpee@yahoo.comSecondary E-Mail: attorney. burpee@gmail.comPersonal Representative: Rosemary Daughtrey Caraballo 112 Fox Run Dr Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39402 Published: June 16, 23, 2023 ______________________ THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORI DA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 23-CP-000506 IN RE: ESTATE OF RICHARD ANNUNZIATO Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of RICHARD ANNUNZIATO, deceased, whose date of death was March 22, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernan do County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 North Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITH IN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is June 16, 2023. Attorney for Personal Represen tative: SANDRA H. DAY, ESQ. Attorney Florida Bar Number: 0189499 DAY LAW OFFICE PO Box 5535, Spring Hill, FL 34611 Telephone: (352) 684-6545 Fax: (352) 684-4529 E-Mail: daylaweservice@gmail. com Secondary E-Mail: Personal Representative: KATHLEEN ANNUNZIATO 12379 Porsche Lane Weeki Wachee, Florida 34614 Published: June 16, 23, 2023 ____________________ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF HAROLD WAYNE LAMB, Deceased. File No. H-27-CP-2023-000638 PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of HAROLD WAYNE LAMB, deceased, whose date of death was May 6, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, Florida 34601. The names and address es of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITH IN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is June 16th, 2023. Attorney for Personal Represen tative: Melanie J. Burpee Florida Bar Number: 0978681 11163 Spring Hill Drive Spring Hill, FL 34609 Telephone: (352) 596-4433 Fax: (352) 597-3571 E-Mail: melanieburpee@yahoo.comSecondary E-Mail: attorney. burpee@gmail.comPersonal Representative: Frank Slate 4310 Andrew Lane Brooksville, FL 34601 Published: June 16, 23, 2023 __________________________ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF DANIEL DEAN SHORT, Deceased. Case No.: 23-CP-173 Division: NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of Daniel Dean Short, deceased, File Number 23-CP-173 is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 North Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601. The Estate is testate and the date of the decedent’s Will is May 10, 2006 and the First Codi cil is August 2, 2006. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s Estate on whom a copy of this Notice has with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE TIME OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s this Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this Notice is June 16, 2023. Attorney for Personal Represen tative: /S/ KENNETH L. WARNSTADT, ESQ. Florida Bar No.: 0785113 P.O. Box 594 Brooksville, FL 34605-0594 Telephone: (352) 799-7291 Facsimile: (352)799-1594 Personal Representative: /S/ DENISE SHORT 5346 Patricia Place Weeki Wachee, FL 34607 Published: June 16, 23, 2023 ____________________ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2023-CP-371 IN RE: ESTATE OF YOLANDA MAZZA, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the es tate of YOLANDA MAZZA, deceased, whose date of death was January 31, 2022 , is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 North Main Street, Brooksville FL 34601. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice: June 16, 2023. Attorney for personal representative: NORBERTO S. KATZ, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 399086 630 North Wymore Road, Suite 330 Maitland, Florida 32751 Telephone: (407) 849-7072 Fax: (407) 849-7075 E-Mail: Secondary: tmaldonado@veliz Personal Representative: CHARLES MAZZA 8080 Briantea Drive Boynton Beach, Florida 33472 Published: June 16, 23, 2023 _______________________ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION Case No.: 2023-CP-000092CPAX-MX IN RE: THE ESTATE OF JOHN EDWIN MCELHINEY, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of John Edwin McElhiney, deceased, whose date of death was November 18, 2022, is pending in the Fifth Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main St., Room 130, Brooksville, FL 34601-2800. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is June 16, 2023. /s/ Kathleen Marie Ballance Kathleen Marie Ballance, Petitioner Skiles K. Jones, Esq. Attorney for Kathleen Marie Ballance Florida Bar Number: 1000367 Patriot Legal Group 871 Outer Road Suite B Orlando, FL 32814 Telephone: (407) 737-7222 Fax: (407) 720-8350 E-Mail: skiles@patriotlegal.comSecondary E-Mail:service@patriotlegal.comPublished: June 16, 23, 2023 ____________________ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 23-CP-626 IN RE: ESTATE OF BARBARA ELLEN SCHILLE a/k/a BARBARA SCHILLE DENISE Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: Order of Summary Administration has been entered in the estate of BARBARA ELLEN SCHILLE a/k/a BARBARA SCHILLE DENISE, deceased, File Number 23-CP-626, by the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601; that the decedent’s date of death was April 18, 2023; that the total value of the estate is $12,561.00 and that the names and addresses of those to whom it has been as signed by such order are: Name and Address SANDRA SCHAERLI 602 West 2nd St. Madison, IN 47250 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Administration must WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STAT UTES SECTION 733.702. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this Notice is June 16, 2023. Attorney for Person Giving Notice SANDRA H. DAY, ESQ. Attorney Florida Bar Number: 0189499 DAY LAW OFFICE PO Box 5535, Spring Hill, FL 34611 Telephone: (352) 6846545 Fax: (352) 684-4529 E-Mail: daylaweservice@gmail. com Secondary E-Mail: daylawpro Person Giving Notice: SANDRA SCHAERLI 602 West 2nd Street Madison, Indiana 47250 Published: June 16, 23, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 23-CP-639 IN RE: ESTATE OF JOHN JO SEPH LANGO JR, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: Order of Summary Administra tion has been entered in the estate of JOHN JOSEPH LANGO JR, deceased, File Number 23-CP-639, by the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 North Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601; that the decedent’s date of death was November 21, 2022; that estate is insolvent and that the names and addresses of those to whom it has been assigned by such order are: Name and Address ESTATE OF YAO LANGO, c/o Netjai Puckett-Wolfe, as Personal Representative, 6211 East Branch Road, Huntingdon, PA 16652 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Administration must WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STAT UTES SECTION 733.702. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this Notice is June 16, 2023. Attorney for Person Giving Notice DAVID J. DAY, ESQ. Attorney Florida Bar Number: 0128325 DAY LAW OFFICE PO Box 5535, Spring Hill, FL 34611 Telephone: (352) 684-6545 Fax: (352) 684-4529 E-Mail:daylaweservice@gmail. com Secondary E-Mail: daylawpro Person Giving Notice: NETJAI PUCKETT-WOLFE 6211 East Branch Road Huntingdon, PA 16652 Published: June 16, 23, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION Case No: 2023 CP 00429 IN RE: THE ESTATE OF LAWRENCE G. HOGAN, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of LAWRENCE G. HOGAN, Deceased, whose date of death was October 27, 2022, File Number 2023 CP 00429 is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, Florida 34601. The name and address of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is served within three months after the with this Court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and persons having claims or demands against the estate claims with this Court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOR EVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. of this notice is June 16, 2023. Attorney for Estate: JOHN R. COOK, ESQ. Florida Bar No.: 262951 THE HOGAN LAW FIRM Box 485 Brooksville, FL 34605-0485 Telephone: (352) 799-8423 Personal Representative: THOMAS C. HOGAN 2061 Butternut Circle W. Clearwater, Florida 33763 Published: June 16, 23, 2023LAND O’ LAKES HIGH SCHOOLTEACHERSTeaching positions are open at the school for the upcoming academic year: biology/chemistry/ESE/ math/English. LOLHS is consistently recognized as one of the best schools in the nation. It is rated A by the FLDOE, a School of Excellence, IB Programme, Culinary Academy, recently renovated to a state-of-theand it’s a beacon of pride in the community. Send resume to Principal Ric Mellin at fmellin@pas 6/16, 23____________________ ASSUMED NAME IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORI DA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 23-CP-000539 IN RE: ESTATE OF CIRO J. CASO, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of CIRO J. CASO, deceased, whose date of death as De cember 7, 2022, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 North Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601. The names and address es of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITH IN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOT WITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is June 23, 2023. Attorney for Personal Represen tative: SANDRA H. DAY, ESQ. Attorney Florida Bar Number: 0189499 DAY LAW OFFICE PO Box 5535, Spring Hill, FL 34611 Telephone: (352) 684-6545 Fax: (352) 684-4529 E-Mail: daylaweservice@gmail. com Secondary E-Mail: daylawpro Personal Representative: JULIE FRAIOLI 13039 Scottville Street Spring Hill, Florida 34609 Published: June 23, 30, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLOR IDA PROBATE DIVISION Case No.: 2023-CP-000576 IN RE: Estate of JANET LEIGH BATTEN, a/k/a JANET CRAW FORD BATTEN, a/k/a JANET C. BATTEN, a/k/a JANET BATTEN, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of JANET LEIGH BATTEN, a/k/a JANET CRAWFORD BATTEN, a/k/a JANET C. BATTEN, a/k/a JANET BATTEN, deceased, whose date of death was APRIL 4, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA TION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITH IN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is June 23, 2023. Attorney for Personal Representative: R. SETH MANN, ESQUIRE R. SETH MANN, P.A. E-mail Address: seth@sethmann law.comFlorida Bar Number 0990434 38109 Pasco Avenue Dade City, FL 33525 Telephone: (352) 567-5010 Facsimile: (352) 567-1877 Personal Representative: BRENDA HARMON 12907 Worchester Avenue Tampa, FL 33624 Published: June 23, 30, 2023


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 23-29, 2023 • • PAGE A 13 FICTITIOUS NAMES FORECLOSURE SALEPUBLIC NOTICES/GOVERNMENT NOTICES PUBLIC HEARING / MEETING NOTICE OF ACTION PUBLIC SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO. 22CP-001592 IN RE: ESTATE OF WILLIAM V. WAKS Deceased. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Susan Waks Address Unknown YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an ac tion for Summary Administration Court and you are required to serve a copy of written defenses, if any, to it on the petitioner’s attorney, Pierce J. Guard, Jr., Es quire, whose address is 2511 Orleans Avenue, Lakeland, Florida 33803, on or before 30 days after of this court either before service on the petitioner’s attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. Dated on June 9th, 2023. (Court Seal) DOUG CHORVAT, JR. As Clerk of the Court By /s/ Jessica Jensen As Deputy Clerk Published: June 16, 23, 30, July 7, 2023 _____________________ NOTIFICATION OF ASSUMED NAME CLAIM AND CERTIFICATE OF LIVING TRUST – CERTIFIED #2023102031 MICHELLE MARIE TODD, TRUSTEE Michelle Marie Todd, Agent and MARIE TODD. Trust declaration as recorded at Pasco County Recorder and that Michelle Marie Todd is the full holder in due course of all of these names in all variations of types, styles, texts, spellings and/or digits and any other variations of this name. Therefore, she has ALL RIGHTS RESERVED for the rights, assets, INTERESTS, divestitures, accounts and securities in MI CHELLE MARIE TODD, TODD MICHELLE MARIE and any and all other name spellings, in all variations of types, styles, texts, spellings and/or digits and any other variations of this name as herein so described and noticed by this PUBLIC NOTICE and recorded publishing. Published: June 16, 23, 30, July 7, 2023 ____________________ ASSUMED NAME FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Jen nifer Martin owner/co-owners, desiring to engage in business “The Chill Zone” located in her nando County, Florida, intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations, Florida Department of State, pursuant to section 865.09 of the Florida Statutes. Published: June 23, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 2022-DR-1808 Divi sion: IN RE: THE ADOPTION OF: CHLOE MADISON CARDILLO [Name to be given child(ren) Adoptees(s). NOTICE OF ACTION FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND STEPPARENT ADOPTION TO: {name of Respondent} KYLE BRUSH {Respondent’s last known ad dress} Unknown whereabouts YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a Joint Petition for Adoption by Step you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written de fenses, if any, to it on {name of Petitioner} Stacy Tumer and Thomas Matthew Cardillo whose address is 11016 Casa Grande Circle, Spring Hill, Flori da 34608 on or before {date} 7-27-23, and this Court at {clerk’s address} Hernando County Courthouse, 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, Florida 34601 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be en tered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The minor child(ren) are identi Date of Birth Place of Birth 1-29-2012 Citrus Memorial Health System, Inverness, Florida Physical Description of Respon dent: Age: unknown Race: white Hair Color: unk Eye Color: unk Approximate Height: unk Approximate Weight: unk Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses on Dated: 6/15/2023 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: /s/ {Deputy Clerk} (SEAL) Published: June 23, 30, July 7, 14, 2023 CLK23-088 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VACATE EASEMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Hernando County Florida, will hold a public hearing on July 11, 2023 at 9:00 a.m., in the County Commission Chambers, Room 160, Hernando County Administration Building, 20 North Main Street, Hernando County, Brooksville, Florida, to consider and determine whether or not the County will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and public in and to the hereinafter described easements: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A DRAINAGE/UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE VACATED, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 659, ROYAL HIGHLANDS, UNIT 8, AS PER PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 13, PAGES 3 THROUGH 31, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE RUN ALONG THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF MARGOT ROAD, SOUTH, A DISTANCE OF 92.50 FEET TO THE POINT OF BE GINNING; THENCE EAST, A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH, A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET, THENCE WEST A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET, THENCE NORTH, A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.07 ACRES MORE OR LESS TTEE YOU HAVE A RIGHT to appear and be heard at the public hear ing in the County Commission Chambers, Room 160, Hernando County Administration Building, 20 North Main Street, Hernando County, Brooksville, Florida, and/ or to send a written objection to the Hernando County Zoning De partment, 789 Providence Blvd, Brooksville, Florida 34601. YOU ARE FURTHER ADVISED that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commissioners, with respect to the subject matter of the hearing, that person will need a record of the proceedings, and that for such purposes, that person will need to ensure a ver batim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act persons with disabilities needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact Colleen V. Conko, County Administration, 15470 Flight Path Dr., Brooksville, Florida 34604, Telephone 352-754-4002. If hearing impaired, please call 711 for assistance. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HERNANDO COUNTY, FLOR IDA /s/ (SEAL) Douglas A. Chorvat Jr., Clerk Published: June 23, 2023 _________________________ CLK23-089 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VACATE EASEMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Hernando County Florida, will hold a public hear ing on July 11, 2023 at 9:00 a.m., in the County Commission Chambers, Room 160, Hernando County Administration Building, 20 North Main Street, Hernando County, Brooksville, Florida, to consider and deter mine whether or not the County will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and public in and to the hereinafter described easements: LOT 23, BLOCK 81, ROYAL HIGHLANDS, UNIT NO. 1-B, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 11, PAGE 82, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA. COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 23, THENCE S0”E FOR 7.50 FEET; THENCE S90”W FOR 200.00 FEET; THENCE N0”E FOR 7.50 FEET; THENCE N90”E FOR 200.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF LOT 23, CONTAINING 0.03 ACRES MORE OR LESS. AND LOT 24, BLOCK 81, ROYAL HIGHLANDS, UNIT NO. 1-B, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 11, PAGE 82, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA. COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 24, THENCE S0”W FOR 7.50 FEET; THENCE S90”W FOR 200.00 FEET; THENCE N0”E FOR 7.50 FEET; THENCE N90”E FOR 200.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF LOT 24, CONTAINING 0.03 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Petitioners: Thomas E. Wilson, Theresa H. Murphy YOU HAVE A RIGHT to appear and be heard at the public hearing in the County Com mission Chambers, Room 160, Hernando County Administration Building, 20 North Main Street, Hernando County, Brooksville, Florida, and/or to send a writ ten objection to the Hernando County Zoning Department, 789 Providence Blvd, Brooksville, Florida 34601. YOU ARE FURTHER ADVISED that if a person decides to ap peal any decision made by the Board of County Commission ers, with respect to the subject matter of the hearing, that person will need a record of the proceedings, and that for such purposes, that person will need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act persons with disabilities needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact Colleen V. Conko, County Administration, 15470 Flight Path Dr., Brooksville, Florida 34604, Telephone 352-754-4002. If hearing impaired, please call 711 for assistance. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HERNANDO COUNTY, FLOR IDA /s/ (SEAL) Douglas A. Chorvat Jr., Clerk Published: June 23, 2023 ________________________ CLK23-090 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VACATE RIGHT-OF-WAY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Hernando County Florida, will hold a public hearing on July 11, 2023 at 9:00 a.m., in the County Commission Chambers, Room 160, Hernando County Administration Building, 20 North Main Street, Hernando County, Brooksville, Florida, to consider and determine whether or not the County will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and public in and to the hereinafter described right-ofway: BEING A STRIP OF LAND LOCATED IN SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 23 SOUTH, RANGE 19 EAST, HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEING A PORTION OF PUBLIC RIGHTOF-WAY FOR KENTUCKY STREET (FORMERLY KNOWN AS 4TH STREET), A 60.00 FEET WIDE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY PURSUANT TO THE PLAT OF GARDEN GROVE RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 38, ALL REFERENCES HEREIN ARE OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID STRIP OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK 30 GARDEN GROVE, ACCORD ING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 38; THENCE, WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 30 AND THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF, SOUTH 0” WEST A DISTANCE OF 279.66 FEET TO THE INTER SECTION OF SAID WEST LINE EXTENDED WITH THE NORTH LINE OF HIGHBURY BOULEVARD (FORMERLY KNOWN AS HIGHLAND BOULEVARD), A 60.00 FEET WIDE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-45, RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 502, PAGE 343; THENCE, WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY PROJECTED WESTWARDLY, NORTH 89” WEST A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET; THENCE, WITH THE EAST LINE OF BLOCK 29 OF SAID GAR DEN GROVE AND THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF, NORTH 0” EAST A DISTANCE OF 279.67 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 29; THENCE, WITH THE EASTWARD PROJECTION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF STROMBERG AVENUE, A 60.00 FEET WIDE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AS SHOWN AND DELINEATED ON SAID PLAT OF GARDEN GROVE, SOUTH 89’ 45” EAST A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID STRIP OF LAND CONTAINING 0.385 ACRES (16,780 SQUARE FEET) OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. Petitioners: RaceTrac, Inc. YOU HAVE A RIGHT to appear and be heard at the public hear ing in the County Commission Chambers, Room 160, Hernando County Administration Building, 20 North Main Street, Hernando County, Brooksville, Florida, and/ or to send a written objection to the Hernando County Zoning De partment, 789 Providence Blvd, Brooksville, Florida 34601. YOU ARE FURTHER ADVISED that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commissioners, with respect to the subject matter of the hearing, that person will need a record of the proceedings, and that for such purposes, that person will need to ensure a ver batim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act persons with disabilities needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact Colleen V. Conko, County Administration, 15470 Flight Path Dr., Brooksville, Florida 34604, Telephone 352-754-4002. If hearing impaired, please call 711 for assistance. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HERNANDO COUNTY, FLOR IDA /s/ (SEAL) Douglas A. Chorvat Jr., Clerk Published: June 23, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLOR IDA CIVIL DIVISION Case No.: 2022-CA-00948 PFAFFMAN ENTERPRISES, LLC, a South Carolina limited liability company, vs. STELLA MANELY, an individual, and the UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, ASSIGNEES, TRUSTEES, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, AND ALL OTHER CLAIMANTS OF AN INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST, THE ESTATE OF DAVIDA A. BOCCIO, DECEASED, and PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES, LLC, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the “Final Judgment of Foreclosure,” en tered in the above-styled action on June 13, 2023 by the Fifth Judicial Circuit Court, in and for Hernando County, Florida, the Clerk of Hernando County, Florida will sell the real property described below that is situated in Hernando County, Florida to the highest bidder, for cash, at a public sale to be held on August 8, 2023, beginning at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, immediately outside of Room 245 of the Hernando County Courthouse, 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, Florida 34601, in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes. The real property to be sold is legally described as follows: Lot 14, Block 1444, Spring Hill, Unit 21, according to the map or plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page(s) 81 through 96, inclu sive, of the Public Records of Hernando County, Florida.Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must the surplus as unclaimed. /s/ John W. Landkammer ATTORNEY Published: June 23, 30, 2023 _________________ SALE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that SunCo StorageSpring Hill will sell the contents of the following self-storage units by public auc tion to satisfy their liens against these tenants, in accordance with the Florida Self-Storage Facility Act. The auction will take place online at storagetreasures. com from 9am on July 1st to noon on July 4th . Units are believed to contain household items, unless otherwise listed. SunCo Storage 9832 Osceola Dr, Spring Hill, FL 34613 Auction is with credit/debit card payments only. The auction will be listed and advertised on All purchased items are sold as is, where is, and must be removed within 24 hours. Sale is subject to cancellation in the event of a settlement with the tenant. Name/Unit: Edwin Leavitt Unit 84, Brittany Grant Units 89 & 96, Jason Debarba Unit 4 Published: June 23, 30, 2023 _____________________ IN THE CIRCUIT CIVIL COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY CIVIL DIVISION Case No. 27-2017-CA-001260 U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVID UAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR THE RMAC TRUST, SERIES 2016CTT vs. UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES OF ISMAEL ZAYAS, DECEASED, ALEXANDER ZAYAS, JR. AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF ISMAEL ZAYAS, DECEASED, ALEXANDER ZAYAS, SR., KNOWN HEIR OF ISMAEL ZAYAS, DECEASED, ALEXANDER ZAYAS, JR., KNOWN HEIR OF ISMAEL ZAYAS, DECEASED, UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF ALEXANDER ZAYAS, SR., UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF ALEXANDER ZAYAS, JR., AND UNKNOWN TENANTS/ OWNERS, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Final Judgment of Foreclo cause on December 17, 2021, in the Circuit Court of Hernando County, Florida, Doug Chorvat, Jr., Clerk of the Circuit Court, will sell the property situated in Hernando County, Florida described as: LOT 12, BLOCK 191, SPRING HILL, UNIT 4, AS PER PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGES 87-95, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA. and commonly known as: 230 LEAFY WAY AVE, SPRING HILL, FL 34606; including the building, appurtenances, and lic sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at the Hernando County Courthouse, Room 245, Brooksville, FL 34601, on July 20, 2023 at 11:00 A.M.. Any persons claiming an inter est in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the before the clerk reports the sur plus as unclaimed. Dated this 19 day of June, 2023. Clerk of the Circuit Court Doug Chorvat, Jr. By: Elizabeth Markidis Deputy Clerk Published: June 23, 30, 2023 CLK23-093 NOTICE TO PUBLIC OF EXECUTIVE BARGAINING AGENT/CLIENT SESSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN that pursuant to Section 447.605, Florida Statutes, the Board of County Commissioners of Hernando County, Florida, will hold a “closed session” to discuss Hernando County’s collective bargaining with the Teamsters Local Union No. 79, as to negotiations and strategy on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, at 8:15 a.m., or as soon thereafter, at the Hernando County Government Center, 20 North Main Street, Second Floor Con ference Room 261, Brooksville, Florida. The attending parties shall be all members of the Her nando County Board of County Commissioners: John Allocco, Elizabeth Narverud, Steve Champion, Jerry Campbell, and Brian Hawkins; County AdDeputy County Administrator Scott Herring; Human Resourc es Employment Coordinator of Management and Budget Toni Brady; and County Attorney Jon Jouben, along with Outside Counsel Sacha Dyson, who may attend telephonically. The meeting is closed to the public and no minutes or recordings will be made. Any work product created during the meeting shall from public records. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HERNANDO COUNTY, FLOR IDA /s/ (SEAL) Douglas A. Chorvat, Jr., Clerk By: Heidi Kurppe Deputy Clerk Published: June 23, 2023 CLK23-094 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VACATE EASEMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Hernando County Florida, will hold a public hearing on July 11, 2023 at 9:00 a.m., in the County Commission Chambers, Room 160, Hernando County Administration Building, 20 North Main Street, Hernando County, Brooksville, Florida, to consider and determine whether or not the County will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and public in and to the hereinafter described easements: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PORTION OF LOT 15, BLOCK 520, SPRING HILL, UNIT 9, AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGES 38 THROUGH 53, PUBLIC RECORDS OF HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 15; THENCE N15”W ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 15 FOR A DISTANCE OF 190.00 FEET; THENCE N74”E ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF A PLATTED 10 FOOT WIDE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT FOR A DISTANCE OF 6.00 FEET; THENCE S15”E ALONG THE EAST ERLY BOUNDARY OF A PLAT TED 6 FOOT WIDE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT FOR A DISTANCE OF 190.00 FEET; THENCE S74”W ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 15 FOR A DISTANCE OF 6.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Petitioners: SCK PROPERTIES, LLC YOU HAVE A RIGHT to appear and be heard at the public hear ing in the County Commission Chambers, Room 160, Hernando County Administration Building, 20 North Main Street, Hernando County, Brooksville, Florida, and/ or to send a written objection to the Hernando County Zoning De partment, 789 Providence Blvd, Brooksville, Florida 34601. YOU ARE FURTHER ADVISED that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commissioners, with respect to the subject matter of the hearing, that person will need a record of the proceedings, and that for such purposes, that person will need to ensure a ver batim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act persons with disabilities needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact Colleen V. Conko, County Administration, 15470 Flight Path Dr., Brooksville, Florida 34604, Telephone 352-754-4002. If hearing impaired, please call 711 for assistance. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HERNANDO COUNTY, FLOR IDA /s/ (SEAL) Douglas A. Chorvat Jr., Clerk Published: June 23, 2023 ________________________ Notice of Self Storage Sale Please take notice Hide-Away Storage – Spring Hill located at 1000 Commercial Way, Spring Hill FL 34606 intends to hold a sale to sell the property stored at the Facility by the below Occupant who is in default at an Auction. The sale will occur as an online auction via on 7/12/2023 at 10:00AM. Unless stated otherwise the description of the contents are household goods and furnishings. Kalen Slaughter unit #0250. All property is being stored at the above self-storage facility. This sale may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Certain terms and con ditions apply. See manager for details. Published: June 23, 30, 2023 CITY OF BROOKSVILLE RFP-DPW-2023-1009 Rehabilita tion and Repair of Potable Water Tank at Lamar Water Plant Project Solicitation Date: Fri day, June 23, 2023 Pre-Bid/Proposal Meeting (Highly Recommended) which will include site visit: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 @ 2:00 PM Question Submission Dead line: Thursday, June 29, 2023 @ 5:00 PM Questions must be submitted via: BidNetDirect or procurement@ Proposal Submission Dead line: Friday, July 7, 2023 @ 2:00 PM Bid Opening: Friday, July 7, 2023 @ 2:00 PM Bid Evaluation Meeting: Friday, July 7, 2023 @ 2:30 PM Lisa Morris Deputy City Clerk Published: June 23, 2023 NOTICE OF REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE HERNANDO COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular meeting of the Hernan do County Board of County Com missioners has been scheduled to be held on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, beginning at 8:15 A.M., located at the Hernando County Government Center, 20 North Main Street, Room 160, Brooks ville, FL 34601. The meeting is open to the pub lic. Any questions concerning this meeting should be directed to the County Administrator’s meeting agenda may be viewed online at https://hernandocounty . If a person decides to appeal any quasi-judicial decision made by the Hernando County Board of County Commissioners with respect to any matter considered at such hearing or meeting, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the pro ceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evi dence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Colleen Conko, Hernando County Administration, 15470 Flight Path Drive, Brooks ville, FL 34604, (352) 754-4002. If hearing impaired, please call 1-800-676-3777. Published: June 23, 2023SUBMIT YOUR LETTERS & CORRESPONDENCE FOR PUBLICATION TO VOICES@HERNANDOSUN.COM OPTIMAL LENGTH IS UNDER 300 WORDS. YOUR LETTER MAY BE EDITED FOR LENGTH. (IF YOU’RE RESPECTFUL, IT’S MORE LIKELY TO GET PUBLISHED.)COMMUNITY VOICES


PAGE A 14 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 23-29, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS PUBLIC/ GOVT NOTICESJune 13 LAW ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS • Deputies responded to: o Battery/Theft – District 1/Zone 5 – The suspect hit the victim with an the victim’s property – 2023-19190. June 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS • Deputies responded to: o Armed Robbery – District 1/Zone 8 – Suspects beat the victim and stole car keys – Investigation Active – 2023-19324.June 1619 o Residential Burglary – District 2/Zone 2 – Suspect(s) gained entry into an apartment and stolen multiple items – Investigation Active – 202319739. o Arson – District 1/Zone 5 – Fire Marshall investigating – 2023-19727.LAW ENFORCEMENT/ FIRST RESPONDER ROUND UP dia releases and updates to round out our news coverage. Hernando County Fire Rescue and HCSO Animal Enforcement Ocers worked together to save four baby ducks from a storm drain! e ducklings have been transported to a local rescue. Photo credit: HCFRrfrnrrtnntHernando Sun StaOn Monday, June 19, 2023, a resident of the Mariner’s Cay apartment com plex contacted the Hernando County occurred while they were away. A School Resource Deputy, Dustin Mormando, assigned to the summer Patrol Division, responded to the call. The resident ex plained to Mormando that upon returning home, they discovered their apartment in disarray. Deputy Mormando observed signs of a break-in. The kitchen showed clear signs of ransacking, with open cabinet doors, drawers, and refrigerator door. The mas ter bedroom had also been targeted, with items strewn about. An open window, accompanied by a damaged screen lying outside, indicated the point of entry. The blinds and curtains in the bedroom were also damaged. The living room was also in a state of disarray, and various items were reported stolen, including a 55” television, a gam ing chair, a Google Home hub, an Xbox controller, and numerous Xbox games. Forensic technicians were called to collect physical evidence and process the area for further investigation. During a neighborhood canvass, Mor mando spoke with a juvenile resident of the complex who claimed to know the individuals responsible for the burglary. The witness recounted seeing them exit ing the bedroom window while carrying a television. The suspects allegedly men tioned to the witness that the apartment was abandoned, and they were taking items from inside. The witness described the suspects as a black male and two black females, all aged between 11 and that all three suspects resided in the same apartment complex and attended Explor er K-8 school. Mormando encountered two oth er juveniles within the complex who also claimed to have knowledge of the perpetrators. They reported witnessing a black male juvenile leaving his apartment with an empty garbage bag, entering the targeted apartment, and subsequently leaving with the bag full of items. Based on the information gathered, Mormando was able to identify the juve nile suspects. Deputies proceeded to the suspects’ apartment, but their initial attempts to make contact were unanswered. After a brief wait, an adult female opened the door and inquired about the purpose of their presence. The deputies explained the situation. The adult female, who is the mother of the suspects, informed the deputies that her children had brought home the stolen items the previous day, claiming that someone had given them the items. retrieve the stolen property. The mother allowed Mormando to speak with the suspects regarding the burglary, and each of the three juveniles admitted their involvement in the crime. All three juveniles were subsequently arrested and transported to the Hernando County Detention Center. They were charged with one count of Burglary to an Unoccupied Dwelling. According to the Department of Ju venile Justice, following the processing procedures, all three juveniles were to be released into the custody of their parent. All stolen property was recovered and returned to its rightful owner. bREVISED NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING, WORKSHOPS AND PUBLIC HEARING HERNANDO COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD REVISION: This notice, which originally appeared on June 2, 2023, and was corrected on June 9, 2023, provides for two supplemental rezoning meetings. RULE TITLE: Attendance Boundaries for various schools in Hernando County. PURPOSE AND EFFECT: This action implements the School Board’s power to assign students to schools and adopt school attendance school system. Changes are being considered based in part upon resources. SUMMARY OF RULE: Recommending changes to student attendance SPECIFIC AUTHORITY: Sections 1001.32(2) and (3); 1001.41(1); 1001.41(2); 1001.41(6); 1001.42(4) and (28); 1001.51 Florida Statutes. Hernando County School Board Policy 5120. LAW IMPLEMENTED: Sections, 1001.41; 1001.42. Florida Statutes. THE FOLLOWING IS THE SCHEDULE OF REZONING COMMITTEE MEETINGS, PUBLIC WORKSHOPS, SCHOOL BOARD PUBLIC HEARING, AND TENTATIVE FINAL ACTION REGARDING THIS RULE DEVELOPMENT. FIRST REZONING MEETING: go over procedures for the attendance boundary process. Friday, June 9, 2023, at 8:30 A.M. Maintenance Training Room 8008 Mobley Road, Brooksville, FL 34601 FIRST PUBLIC WORKSHOP: able to address the priorities of student attendance boundaries and to gather feedback regarding the rule being developed. Thursday, June 15, 2023, at 6:00 P.M. Central High School Auditorium 14075 Ken Austin Parkway, Brooksville, FL 34613 FIRST PUBLIC ONLINE COMMENT PERIOD: The public may provide comments electronically via this link: June 16, 2023 to June 22, 2023 SECOND & THIRD REZONING MEETINGS: The second and third rezoning meetings of the Rezoning Committee Thursday, July 13th and July 20th, 2023, at 8:30 A.M. Maintenance Training Room 8008 Mobley Road, Brooksville, FL 34601 SUPPLEMENTAL REZONING MEETINGS: Two meetings, supplemental to the second and third rezoning meetings of the Rezoning Committee, provide additional time and opportunity to Monday, July 17th, at 8:30 A.M. Monday, July 24th, 2023, at 10:00 A.M. Maintenance Training Room 8008 Mobley Road, Brooksville, FL 34601 SECOND PUBLIC WORKSHOP: able to present and gather feedback regarding the rule being devel oped. Thursday, July 27, 2023, at 6:00 P.M. Central High School Auditorium 14075 Ken Austin Parkway, Brooksville, FL 34613 SECOND PUBLIC ONLINE COMMENT PERIOD: The public may provide comments electronically via this link: www. July 28, 2023 to August 3, 2023 FOURTH & FIFTH REZONING MEETINGS: able to present and gather feedback regarding the rule being developed. Thursday, August 24, 2023, at 6:00 P.M. Central High School Auditorium 14075 Ken Austin Parkway, Brooksville, FL 34613 THIRD PUBLIC ONLINE COMMENT PERIOD: The public may provide comments electronically via this link: August 25, 2023 to August 31, 2023 SIXTH & SEVENTH REZONING MEETINGS: The sixth and seventh rezoning meetings of the Rezoning Committee is to review feedback gathered at the third public workshop, and adjust maps for the rule being developed. Thursday September 7 and Sep tember 14, 2023, at 10:00 A.M. Maintenance Training Room 8008 Mobley Road, Brooksville, FL 34601 INFORMATIONAL SCHOOL BOARD WORKSHOP: Tuesday, October 10, 2023, at 2:30 P.M. in the Board Room, 919 N. Broad Street, Brooksville, FL 34601 PUBLIC HEARING AT SCHOOL BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, Octo ber 10, 2023, at 6:00 P.M. in the Board Room, 919 N. Broad Street, Brooksville, FL 34601 FINAL ACTION/ADOPTION AT SCHOOL BOARD MEETING TENTATIVE: Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at 6:00 P.M. in the Board Room, 919 N. Broad Street, Brooksville, FL 34601 Individuals with hearing impairment or individuals with disabilities re questing reasonable accommodations to participate in these meetings before the meeting. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at any Board meeting or hearing, he/ by the Board including any back-up materials or documents submitted to it and a transcript of the audio and/or visual recording of the meeting if any made and maintained by the Board. It is the responsibility of the party requesting a copy of audio/visual recording to have it transcribed for appellate purposes. DATE AND PLACE NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING PUB LISHED: June 2, 2023, in Hernando County, Florida THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS: James Lipsey, Manager of Planning, Design and Construction Hernando County School District A copy of the proposed rule, recommendations, updates, and access above, or online at: The Superintendent’s recommendation to the School Board will be published as part of the board agenda 7 days prior to the board meet ing at: Links to other general matters regarding the Hernando County School District are available at: Published: June 23, 2023decision to nix this year’s funding for the program, saying it would harm the state’s $180 billion agriculture industry. “There is no conceivable reason to tar get agriculture in a year when we have billions of dollars in reserves,” Simpson, a Republican, said in a statement. “Ag riculture was harmed today and so was the state of Florida.” The next highest cut was to a $30.8 million proposal sponsored by Sen. Ed Hooper, R-Clearwater, to acquire the Kirkland Ranch in Pasco County. The governor also slashed more than $150 million in proposed education-re lated funding from the annual spending plan. The vetoes included proposed expenditures such as a pay raise for teachers working in juvenile-justice education programs and big-ticket con struction projects at state colleges and universities. For example, DeSantis nixed a $2.1 million proposal to boost salaries for full-time classroom teachers employed by a juvenile-justice education program or school. University projects targeted by DeSantis’ included a proposed $14.5 million renovation to Florida Gulf Coast University’s Reed Hall classroom building and the construction of a new $11 million Academic and Research Collaboration Center at the University of Florida, sought by Sen. Keith Perry, R-Gainesville. DeSantis also denied a $20 million spending request by Sen. Jim Boyd, R-Bradenton, to construct an Academic STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) Nursing Facility at the University of South Florida’s Sarasota-Manatee Campus. The governor’s education cuts also slashed $6.4 million for building up grades at public broadcasting stations across the state designed to “correct health and safety issues” and “building item. The budget signed by DeSantis includ ed $850 million for the Florida Wildlife Corridor and $100 million in recurring funding for the Florida Forever land pro tection program. DeSantis’ action Thursday drew mixed reviews from Democrats. Praising the budget, Sen. Linda Stewart, D-Orlando, highlighted spend ing such items as the environment and roughly $29.9 million for various projects and organizations in her central Florida district. “These projects will have large positive impacts directly in Central Florida, and provide many needed services, create job opportunities, and continue to make our community a safe place to call home,” Stewart said in a release. But House Minority Leader Fentrice Driskell, D-Tampa, said DeSantis’ budget decisions would harm Floridians. “This budget was written and passed unanimously by the Florida Legislature, and while no budget is ever perfect, this one did a lot of good for the people of Florida,” Driskell said in a release. “Un fortunately, DeSantis cut half a billion dollars from projects to keep Floridians healthy, protect us from storms, and improve our schools and roads.” Meanwhile, Orlando Democratic Rep. Rita Harris called the vetoes “irresponsi ble” and “harmful.” “I am frustrated that millions of dol lars will not be distributed to help the local community, including funding that would have supported local food drives, not only in Orlando but throughout the entire state of Florida,” Harris said in a release. Harris pointed to $400,000 vetoed for the annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive conducted by U.S. Postal carriers. The funding would have gone to Simpson’s Department of Agriculture and Consumer Report to purchase bags for the drive. In a press release issued by DeSantis’ the vetoes to the need to “maintain Flor continued economic headwinds due to ill-conceived federal policies.” DeSantis last year axed $3.13 billion which put the package at $109.9 billion. At the time, DeSantis said the cuts were a brace against a potential recession. Republican leaders have linked the state’s growing economy and popula tion increases. The budget is also tied to separate tax relief measures carrying an overall $2.7 billion price tag.STATE BUDGET FROM PAGE A 4


HERNANDO LIVING HERNANDO LIVING B 1 JUNE 23-29, 2023 < Marge O'Keefe 100 Years Young B 4Tommy Mara's wife and daughter, Victoria Marasciullo and Jennifer Cavaliere. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Cavaliere.A father’s campaign to end school violence B 14 >COMMUNITY, ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT, FUN Nurture your mind, body, spirit, and emotions with The Nia TechniqueHEALTH & FITNESS By SUE QUIGLEY With arms gracefully uplifted and pairs of bare feet ‘connect’ with their bodies. The class is being held in a spacious studio at the Well what their bodies are able to do rather than what they cannot. “Instead of focusing on any issues you may have -See THE NIA TECHNIQUE Page B 3 READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION TheSay Thank You ! Winners Tommy Mara's legacy in the Hernando County arts community By MEGAN HUSSEY and her family honored their late behalf of the entire Hernando County community. Spring Hill resident Tommy Mara and was a featured performer at Ruth his great love for his family and his longtime patronage and support of the Springstead High School theater. On High School Theater was renamed the ‘Tommy Mara Center for the Arts at Springstead High School’ in his honor. "Tommy dedicated much of his time and resources bringing this hometown notice. longest-running nostalgia concert pro securing this honor for her father and feels it was very well-deserved. an incredible philanthropist who gave to many organizations and personal donations without wanting recogni them to the homeless camps around the county. He sponsored so many families as an anonymous angel who fed them for holiday meals and made sure human." my Mara was a family man. "He and my mother had a beautiful marriage that taught so much to my See MARA Page B 9Gail Mongiello and class participant move gently to the sound of tribal music. This session focused on the center point of the body. Photo by Sue Quigley. Tommy Mara Photo courtesy of Jennifer Cavaliere.


PAGE B 2 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 23-29, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Friday & Weekend!Pine Needle Basket ClassDate: Friday, June 23, 2023 Time: 10:00 am 1:00 pm State Park, 7200 Co Rd 603, Bushnell, FL 33513 Description: Traditional pine needle basketry is taught by Dade’s experienced volunteers. All materials are provided to make a longleaf pine needle basket. Pre-register by calling 352-793-4781 or email DadePrograms@FloridaDEP. gov. Cost is $3/vehicle or Florida State Parks Annual Pass plus $5/ person.Freshwater Fish with Maxine Hunter, UF/IFAS Extension Marion County, Natural ResourcesDate: Friday, June 23, 2023 Time: 1:00 pm 2:00 pm Location: ZOOM MEETING Description: Event by University of Florida/IFAS Extension at June 23 at 1:00 pm “Freshwater Extension Marion County Agent II, Agriculture/Natural Resources. Ph.D. Student Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida/IFAS.TRUE RUMOURS : The ShowDate: Friday, June 23, 2023 Time: 7:30 pm 10:00 pm Location: Stage West Playhouse, 8390 Forest Oaks Blvd, Spring Description: Performing the best of Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac. For tickets https:// Nature Coast Orchid Society/ EcuageneraDate: Saturday, June 24, 2023 Time: 11:00 am 1:00 pm 34608 Description: Nature Coast Orchid Society will host Ecuagenera on June 24. This grower strives in the preservation, culture of orchids, aroids and tropical plants from Ecuador. They are also known for rare and unusual plants. Orchids available for sale, member plant display and on-site behind the church. Doors open at 11 AM; meeting starts at noon. NCOS is a 501(c)(3) group. Info: 352-895-4035.Always Near Home Care Presents: Bare Foot BBQDate: Saturday, June 24, 2023 Time: 12:00 pm 4:00 pm Location: 3321 Mariner Description: Celebrating with Commerce and the community our 1 year anniversary and what a better way to do so with a BBQ!Date: Saturday, June 24, 2023 Time: 5:30 pm 10:30 pm Location: Moon Over Croom Trail Run 26416 Croom Rd, Brooksville, FL 34601 Description: Start in the day and Croom Forest. The Moon Over Croom 7M / 14M / 21M is a fairly new trail run that will take in the evening at Croom Park in Brooksville. Experience Croom like you never had before by running in the dark. The course will use B-C Loop and the C-Loop making it a 7 mile loop. Unique features like silicone awards and Moon Pies. There will be great t-shirts, food, and an experience you won’t forget so you don’t want to miss this one. For the 2023 race, there is a limit of 300 runners. The race takes place at Croom Park which is within the Withlacoochee State Forest. The forest was named one of the Coolest Places in North America” by the World Wildlife Fund. Church in the Pines will study “Introspection”Date: Sunday, June 25, 2023 Time: 11:00 am 1:00 pm Location: Profound Revelations Brooksville, FL 34601 Description: Unitarian Universalist Church in the Pines will discuss aspects of “Introspection” as its theme forMay. Sunday services are now held at Profound Revelations Studios, 316 W Although we still hold Zoom meetings, we welcome you to attend in person at our new the sign for COMBS Appliance Repair (COMBS is the blue building). There is a small sign for the Unitarian Universalist Church by the driveway. For further information, call 352-600-9555.~~~~~ WEEKDAY EVENTSDate: June 26 June 30, 2023 Time: 10:00 am 2:00 pm Location: Carol and Frank Morsani Center for the Arts 21030 34601 Description: Live Oak Theatre announces important time changes for its summer Dance and Improv Camps. Dance Camp will run June 26-30 10am-2pm, for students ages 8 to 16, and will teach all forms of dance. Tuition is $75. For more details and to register, go to https://www.liveoaktheatre. org/summer-camp. CampDate: June 26 June 30, 2023 Time: 2:00 pm 5:00 pm Location: Carol and Frank Morsani Center for the Arts 21030 34601 Description: Live Oak Theatre announces important time changes for its summer Dance and Improv Camps. Improv Camp will run June 26-30 2pm-5pm for ages 8+, and is an acting camp focused on the skill of improvisation. Tuition is $75. For more details and to register, go to https://www.liveoaktheatre. org/summer-camp.Growing up WILD For EducatorsDate: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 Time: 9:00 am 12:00 pm State Park, 7200 Co Rd 603, Bushnell, FL 33513 volunteers for a natural resourcebased workshop that will include educational activities for both aquatic and terrestrial animals and their habitats. The workshop is geared toward any educator who works with children ages 3-7. It’s free to all educators, but space is limited. Participants may pay $20 to receive a Growing Up WILD guide. Pre-registration is required. Call 352-793-4781 or email to register. In-Person Rain Barrel WorkshopDate: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 Time: 10:00 am 11:00 am Brooksville, FL 34613 County Florida-Friendly Landscaping Program – Lilly Browning PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED BY June 27th AT 4:30PM. YOU MUST EMAIL LILLYB@ PRE-REGISTER. Please leave your name, home address and the date of the workshop you’d like to attend. County Recycling Center, where the compost bins were being stored, Compost Bin Workshops are postponed until further notice. If you have registered for the compost workshop, you will be added to a waiting list for compost bin workshops. Rain Barrels are available for The barrels cost $65. Customers their water will receive a onetime credit of $30 on their water bill for attending a workshop and installing a rain barrel at their home. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED BY June 27th AT 4:30PM. YOU MUST EMAIL US TO PRE-REGISTER.CPR/AED BLSDate: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 Time: 6:00 pm 7:30 pm Location: Krueger Enrichment Center, 392 Beverly Ct, Spring Description: The Brooksville Enrichment Center will be sponsoring CPR/AED BLS classes on each second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Classes begin promptly at 6 p.m. and end at approximately 10 p.m. class is designed for professional healthcare providers. Non-health care professionals are welcome to attend. The total cost is $35 per person. Classes are held at the Brooksville Enrichment Center, 800 Gary Grubbs Blvd., in Brooksville. Part of the proceeds are donated to the Enrichment Center. To reserve a seat please call Bob Kanner at 352-597-8875. The Summer Reading BashDate: Thursday, June 29, 2023 Time: 9:00 am 12:00 pm Education Foundation, 900 Emerson Rd. in Brooksville. Description: A free and safe program for families. Students will receive free lunch and a summer reading take-home pack. Come out for games and exciting activities. Virtual Plant Clinic with Dr. Bill LesterDate: Thursday, June 29, 2023 Time: 10:00 am 11:00 am Location: ZOOM MEETING Description: Tune in for our weekly plant clinic! Ask questions live online and get research-based answers and advicebroadcast on Facebook Live and YouTube Live! Join Dr. William Lester with the University of Florida Extension his co-host Lilly Browning with Florida-Friendly Landscaping. Feel free to send pictures of problem plants or insects to questions! SeriesDate: Thursday, June 29, 2023 Time: 7:30 pm 10:00 pm Location: The Quarry Disc Golf Course 800 John Gary Grubbs Blvd, Brooksville, FL 34601 Description: FREE movie and parking Bring family and friends, blanket, lawn chairs and popcorn or snacks for a fun evening movie watching event. For more 540-3830 or email: parksrec@ May 25 will be selling refreshments) June 29 – DC League of Super Pets (Pet adoptions & vendors. Pet Costume Contest 6:30pm) July 27 – Disey Pixar: Luca (Dress up as your favorite sea creature!)~~~~~ AT YOUR LIBRARIES Brooksville, FL 34601 Windmere Rd Brooksville, FL 34602 Blackbird Ave Brooksville, FL 34613 Registration Required for library programs. Call 352-754-4043. To view the full events calendar, please visit: https:// hernandocounty.librarycalendar. com/Stick Together: A Community Mosaic Poster Project Ongoing event: 06/01/2023 @ 10:00 am 06/30/2023 @ 5:00 pm Description: Come visit the Spring to create a large mosaic using stickers.Summer Adult Bingo Challenge Brooksville, FL 34601 Ongoing event: 06/12/2023 @ 10:00 am 07/03/2023 @ 6:00 pm Ongoing Event: 06/13/2023 @ 11:00 am 07/01/2023 @ 6:00 pm Blackbird Ave. Brooksville, FL 34613 Ongoing Event: All Day 6/15 7/3 Windmere Rd. Brooksville, FL 34602 Ongoing event: 06/13/2023 @ 10:00 am 07/01/2023 @ 5:00 pm Library BINGO Challenge! Join us in discovering new books all summer long while playing BINGO BINGO card from The Brooksville Main Library and start reading! Read and play at your own pace. Check out books from any branch that match the categories and record them on your BINGO card. multiple categories, it counts for all of them! Five in a row = All Together Now Antarctica Ave Brooksville, FL 34601 Date: Monday, June 26, 2023 Time: 10:30am 11:15am Description: Join us this Summer as we celebrate our 2023 theme, All Together Now! Each week, our family storytime program through stories, songs, crafts, and more. Join us this week as we highlight the continent of Antarctica. Space is limited, registration is required. Registration opens 14 days before the event.All Together Now Africa 34608 Date: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 Time: 10:30am 11:15am Description: Join us this summer as we celebrate our 2023 theme, All Together Now! Each week, in our family story time programs continent through stories, songs, and crafts. This week we will feature the continent of South America. Space is limited. Registration required. Magic: The Gathering for Beginners 6335 Blackbird Ave Brooksville, FL 34613 Date: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 Time: 3:00pm 4:00pm Description: If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to play the card game, Magic: The Gathering, here’s your chance! Teen participants will learn how to build a deck and how to play the game. All cards are provided and teens will be able to take their decks home with them. Experienced players are welcome too! For ages 13-18. Space is limited, registration is required. Registration opens up 14 days before the event.Board Game Cafe for Teens Ave Brooksville, FL 34601 Date: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 Time: 3:00pm 5:00pm games, eating snacks, and hanging out with friends at your library! Snacks, drinks, board games, and video games will be provided, but feel free to bring your own.Spring Hill Computer Class Internet Tips & Tricks Date: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 Time: 10:00am 12:00pm Description: The library makes If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request contact the library at 352-7544043.Spider-Man Party for Tweens Ave Brooksville, FL 34601 Date: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 Time: 3:00pm 4:00pm Description: Calling all at the library for a celebration of all things Spider-Man! Tween participants will be able to take part in crafts, games, and activities all themed to the web crawler himself, Spider-Man! For ages 8-12. Space is limited, Registration is required. Registration opens up 14 days before the event.International Snack Taste Test for Teens 34608 Date: Thursday, June 29, 2023 Time: 5:30pm 6:30pm Description: Come celebrate our summer reading theme of All foods from all over the world. Teens will participate in a taste test of and will rank the snacks from worst to best. Please share any food allergies in the comments box when registering. For teens ages 13-18. Space is limited. Registration required. Notify the library in the comments section if you have any food allergies. 6457 Windmere Rd. Brooksville, FL 34602 Date: Friday, June 30, 2023 Time: 3:00pm 4:00pm Description: Join us to drum, dance, laugh and learn about rhythm, gratitude, and community. Space is limited. Registration required. ~~~~~ SAVE THE DATESizzlin’ Summer SALE! 7 & 8, 2023, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Supply, 4042 Deltona Blvd., (352) 684-2484, www. Admission Free!Accent OrchidsDate: Saturday, July 15, 2023 Time: 11:00 am 1:00 pm Description: Event by Nature Coast Orchid Society Always a crowd orchids that thrive in our central Florida environment. Orchids available for sale. Members’ Doors open at 11 AM; meeting starts12 PM. NCOS is a 501(c)(3)Help the Hernando Beach Yacht Club celebrate the signing the Declaration of Independence by supporting Florida Veterans Foundation. The Florida Veterans Foundation their words: "Is passionate about serving Florida Veterans and their families. We are committed to the mission, and all funds received initiatives to serve our Veteran community". Support a worthy cause and of our net proceeds will go directly to support this foundation. out more about this actionpacked weekend, go to https:// EVENT TIMETABLE June 30, 2023 Dinner: 5:30pm Tickets: $30 per person PARADE July 1, 2023 Start Time: Noon COST: Free to spectators Boater Registration (if your boat wishes to be in the parade): $50 BID ON DINNERS, PRIZES AND EXPERIENCES On-line Silent Auction June 1 July 5, 2023 Open now! General Bull Bash: Bulls, Broncs, and BarrelsJun 30 2023 Jul 01 2023 TIME 7:30 pm 10:00 pm Sumter County Fairgrounds 7620 State Rte 471, Bushnell, FL 33513, USA 2nd Annual S&S Bull Bash is here. June 30th and July 1st Starting at 7:30 PM both days. Vendors and food trucks will be onsite for consessions and all your other rodeo needs. We will also have a mechanical bull for everyone that wants to try and make the 8 sec whistle without any of the risk. Make sure to mark this one on your calender, because you are not going to want to miss it.Hernando Beach Front Porch Art WalkJul 01 2023 TIME 10:00 am 2:00 pm Silver Dolphin Restaurant & Country Store 4036 Shoal Line Beach hosts a Front Porch Art Walk at local businesses along Shoal Line Blvd. from 10 am until 2 pm.Patriotic Family Fun DayJul 02 2023 TIME 3:00 pm 6:00 pm Park, 7200 Co Rd 603, Bushnell, FL 33513, USA Join us as we celebrate both our nation and our park’s birthdays with on-going old-fashioned games and relays, music and food. Game competitions start at 5 pm and pet parade at 6 pm. Event included with your park entrance fee of $3/vehicle or Florida State Parks Annual Pass. meeting and public programJul 03 2023 TIME 6:30 pm 8:30 pm South Brooksville Community Center, 601 E Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Brooksville, FL 34601, USA Monthly Meeting and Public Program Annual Florida Native Garden Party Whether you’re re-wilding an acreage or taming wild Florida natives for a formal garden bed, we want to see what you’ve been doing! We will once again feature slideshows highlighting our Florida native plant landscaping shrubs, or trees that you have planted in your yard. Plan on a 5-7 minute presentation in case easiest if you bring your show This year we will be giving some special attention to our Members who are “on the map” as part of Program. Join in on the website. landscape features Florida native plants – even in containers on the porch – you should be on the map. SHOW BEGINS AT 7:30 PM | DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 PM JUNE 23, 2023 rf rf nff nff tbtbt tbtbt r r SHOW BEGINS AT 7:30 PM | DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 PM For Details Call 352-352-683-5113 For Details Call 352-352-683-5113 r


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 23-29, 2023 • PAGE B 3 Permanent Makeup Studio • 3324 Mustang Drive, Brooksville, FL (352) 398-5490 WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION r fnt Pruly vng Hrnn cty nc 2011. Hrnn cty’s trfnet nt btet et p. r 12 gre ers. Come experience the SKINTASTIC DIFFERENCE! Come experience the SKINTASTIC DIFFERENCE! • 250 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill, FL 34609 • 352.610.9900 AN AWARD-WINNING MED SPA AN AWARD-WINNING MED SPA WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION THE NIA TECHNIQUE FROM PG B 1 adaptable to individual needs and obics) and is the most advanced form in shape but will also help you redis and to also use their voices. said. “And vocalizing is great for Class participant Kathy Kennedy the way my body wants me to move. I one is able to do something. I always so elegant in her movements. I have perfect combination of everything class introduced world-inspired tones directed to the center point of the body. begin to understand the way their par biggest highlight for me is when they later tell me they are beginning to form of movement is perfect for her. stretch myself. I encourage everyone corporated with great success for chil dren and is also used in several health programs. “It combines the strength form of movement is successful with gives you an opportunity to get into shape in ‘your own very special vital thing you can do for your body. sleep. It’s also proven to reduce the and dementia. “It doesn’t matter if you used to be much more physically active or don’t shape is important whether you’re someone with physical limitations. Mongiello at energygail3@gmail. com. Instructor "Through Movement We Find Health " Photo by Sue Quigley. IF YOU GO WHAT: The Nia Technique — a fusion tness class blending martial arts, healing arts, dance, and spiritual self-healing WHERE: The Wellcome OM Center, 4242 Lake in the Woods Drive, Spring Hill WHEN: Every Tuesday and Saturday at 10 a.m. Contact Gail Mongiello at energygail3@gmail. com or visit wellcomeOMcenter. com. ABOUT The Wellcome OM Integral Healing and Educational CenterThe OM Center is for those in search of discovering natural connections and life-generating powers within themselves. Discover an oasis of serenity, harmony, light, and a breath of fresh air through authentic healing. Find an array of services and classes by highly trained individuals, including holistic naturopathic care by a medical physician, comprehensive nutritional counseling, wellness, coaching, vitamin IV therapy and detox, healing massage, microcirculation therapy, tness instruction, meditation, yoga, sustainable community garden, a conscious gift market and more. The center, established in 2019, is an ideal blend of modern architecture and nature. Its natural setting and views provide the perfect backdrop for your special day, and the AuratoriOM creates a formal yet relaxing and romantic atmosphere for a host of educational events, concerts, performances, meetings, and special events.


PAGE B 4 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 23-29, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Beacon Movie Times Mining Enrichment Center Calendar Krueger Enrichment Center Calendar 800 John Gary Grubbs Blvd Brooksville • 352-544-590023 8:15-12:00 Caring K9”s 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 10-2 Low Vision Works 11-3 Scrabble 26 8:15-12:00 Caring K9”s 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 10-2 Low Vision 11-3 Rummy Cube 11-3 Scrabble 3-8 “RTM Studios” 7-9 Camera Club 3-9 Dance 27 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 9-4 EC SEWERS 9-4 H.C. Quilt Guild 10-12 Deaf Services 11-3 Rug Hookers 3-8 “RTM Studios” 6-8:00 Co-Dependents Anonymous 28 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 9-4:00 Warm Up America – 1st Fl Side Room 11:30-12:30 Blood Pressure 1-2:00 Music with Gale 1-3 Pencil Sketching 6:00-10:00 CPRAED Call 352597-8875 29 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 9:30 Quilters of the Nature Coast 2nd Fl 9:30-11:00 Bingo 9-4 EC SEWERS 10:30-4 Basket Weavers 1-3:00 Creative Art 5:30-7 Ms. Ali’s 30 8:15-12:00 Caring K9”s 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 10-2 Low Vision Works 11-3 Scrabble 392 Beverly Ct Spring Hill • 352-293-473823 10-11 Chair Exercise 10-11:30 Crochet Class 10-11:00 Music with Gale 10-12 Skip Bo 12-4 Canasta 12-3 MahJongg 12:30-4 Rug Hookers 8-4 SHINEServing Health Insurance Needs of Elders Appointment only: 352-593-0705 26 10-11 Chair Exercise 9-1 Devon’s House 1-4 Mexican Train Dominoes 27 9-5 Home Circle/Above Reproach 1-4 Deaf Services 28 10-11 Chair Exercise 9-11 Devon’s House 12-4 Canasta 12-3 MahJongg 12-3:30 Pinochle 29 10-2 HC Quilt Guild 12-4 Bridge 8-4 SHINEServing Health Insurance Needs of Elders Appointment only: 352-593-0705 30 10-11 Chair Exercise 10-11:30 Crochet Class 10-11:00 Music with Gale 10-12 Skip Bo 12-4 Canasta 12-3 MahJongg 12:30-4 Rug Hookers 8-4 SHINEServing Health Insurance Needs of Elders Appointment only: 352-593-0705 Hernando Sportsman’s Club Calendar9 miles north of SR50 on Hwy 19 352-597-9931 Spring Hill 8 Movie TimesFriday, June 23 Sunday, June, 25, 2023 Runs: 1h 43m 11:30 AM, 2:10 PM, 4:50 PM, 7:30 PM, 10:30 PM Asteroid City Runs: 1h 45m 11:15 AM, 2:00 PM, 4:40 PM, 7:30 PM, 10:15 PM Elemental Runs: 1h 42m 11:00 AM, 1:45 PM, 4:30 PM, 7:15 PM, 10:00 PM The Flash Runs: 2h 24m 12:00 PM, 3:30 PM, 7:00 PM, 10:30 PM Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Runs: 2h 7m 12:15 PM, 3:45 PM, 7:00 PM, 10:15 PM Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Runs: 2h 16m 11:45 AM, 3:15 PM,, 6:45 PM, 10:00 PM The Little Mermaid Runs: 2h 15m 11:30 AM, 3:00 PM, 6:30 PM, 9:45 PM Marge O’Keefe – 100 Years Young See 100 YEARS YOUNG Page B 6 By SARAH NACHIN a milestone that not many of us short trip from their home in Spring Hill. Marge lives at the Salishan Retirecelebrated in style. The centenarian and her guests feasted on shrimp As I sat and visited with the She remembers small details about of her teachers. And she is able to the light-hearted tone in her voice fullest and plans to celebrate more birthdays. I’m sure the love that her parents showered on her is one of the reasons she is described by many of her relatives as a “very loving many of the activities that children Maid and hopscotch. “I remember my mother always Her father was a World War I vetmaterial. Her mother and two aunts the way from Japan. ance in Hartford. my friends were really surprised When World War II came the items that were rationed. supplement their diet. Her father was a volunteer community air raid warden. He that everyone was prepared for emergency. Her mother went


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 23-29, 2023 • PAGE B 5 noun An act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities. adjective Of very good quality. rfnttb nnnrttb rfntbrrttrtChoice /CHois/ WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION A heartfelt thank you to all the Hernando Sun readers who voted us 2023 Dentist Gold Winner. We are truly honored and thrilled. rf352.616.0001ntfb fbf352.666.5133 Hernando Chapter, Colonial Dames XVII Century Mouring. blhds@yahoo.comChaplain Sharon Balsar, Recording Secretary Nancy Sutherland, Treasurer Ann Machonkin. Not pictured, President Patty Garrett, Vice President Barbara Durocher, Corresponding Secretary Lisette Young and Librarian Katie Nicholson. ABOVE: Annelies Mouring with new Members, Georgeann Bennett, Carolyn Jordon, Teri Dioquino and Nancy Sutherland. Not pictured, Karen Sabin.


PAGE B 6 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 23-29, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION Here’s to our rst win!!! “On behalf of everyone at Aventura Nursery and Landscaping we wanted to thank our loyal customers; we wouldn’t be here without you and your ongoing support; We hope to continue to serve you in the future.” ABOVE: Marge O’Keefe Adeline Gray, an employee of an Eastern plant, and herself a nylon parachute on June 6, 1942. The Pioneer Parachute Co. of Manchester made the nylon chute, which was used two years later in the D-Day invasion. The photo above shows Gray rigging and properly folding the parachute in Aug. 1942, Public Domain. Photo by Rittase, William M., 1894-1968, photographer for the United ABOVE: Marge & her family – Clockwise: Marge, Gary, Mary, Marge O’Keefe will be forever young to her family and the people around her. use nylon for its parachutes. of the reason Marge is living here full-time now. something to say on each topic. “Try to stay independent. Keep doing what you did would come with his horse and wagon to deliver the buttons. The relatives who were there had nothing but praise O’Keefe. 100 YEARS YOUNGFROM PAGE B4


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 23-29, 2023 • PAGE B 7 July 4th Student Essay Contest! ASK ABOUT OUR 7 DAY FREE TRIAL Sign Up Here: WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION For Voting Burn Boot Camp a Gold Winner for BEST GYM(352) 701-2334 4132 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill, Fl 34609 In 250 500 words tell us what 'Being an American is...' Elementary, Middle and High School divisions. Please include name, age, school, and grade level. Student division winner receives $50 prize and essays will be printed in the paper July 7. Email your essay to by Monday, July 3!Adults are more than welcome to submit an essay for July 4th. Submissions from adults will be published on June 30. Please email your essay to by Monday June 26.


PAGE B 8 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 23-29, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS CUST OM L OGO APP AREL & 5329 Commercial Way Spring Hill FL 34606Thank you for WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION Carpet & Tile ccent 3288 Mustang Dr, Brooksville, FL 34604352-848-0770 • accentcarpetandtile.comFAMILY OWNED, SERVING HERNANDO, CITRUS & PASCO COUNTIES FOR 3 DECADES To all The Hernando Sun readers for making us a for the thrid year in a row! WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION ABOVE: “I” Identity submission by Gallery 201 Call to Artist for "I" Identity Exhibit see." the entry form for their select timeframe are by appointment come. Identity will be celebrated open to the public. Entry forms can be found said Moghaddam. By MEGAN HUSSEY megan@hernandosun. com "Who are you?" That is local artists to answer. And written responses to that the “Call to Artists" for their Submissions must be emailed Hall welcomes each artist to submit three pieces of their "The ‘I’Identity theme which can clearly identify self-portrait and may tie in relationships." must be composed with an in dividual style and/or mastered and artistically presented poems will also be consid ered. Artists are encouraged inspiration. who you are. Inspire us with what inspires you." Aside from creatively ren dered self-portraits (Ashley mitted a series of photographs that depict the artist posing collages and other forms of may not show a portrait of the artists associate with them details regarding the partic ulars of identity art. "This is your chance to hone into your the subtleties or pushing the limits. Use your individual style and/or mastered tech read the statement. "Fun Identity. This theme can have associated with self-identity A wide variety of themes are welcome. Moghaddam


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 23-29, 2023 • PAGE B 9 BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way 352.683.0018 LOCATIONS: Proudly Representing these Companies and More •W e are a one-stop shop for insurance , personal or business • We have many licensed insurance professionals ready to serve, with over 300 years’ experience total •W e provide free quotes an d insurance reviews upon request •A fa mily owned business for 46 years here in Hernando County Auto • Home • Flood • Boat • Business • LifeBROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way 352.683.0018 LOCATIONS:READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION WINNER WINNERProudly Representing these Companies and More• We are a one-stop shop for insurance, personal or business • We have many licensed insurance professionals ready to serve, with over 300 years’ experience total • We provide free quotes and insurance reviews upon request • A family owned business for 46 years here in Hernando County WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way 352.683.0018 LOCATIONS: Proudly Representing these Companies and More•W e are a one-stop shop for insurance , personal or business • We have many licensed insurance professionals ready to serve, with over 300 years’ experience total •W e provide free quotes an d insurance reviews upon request •A fa mily owned business for 46 years here in Hernando County Auto • Home • Flood • Boat • Business • LifeBROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way 352.683.0018 LOCATIONS:READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION WINNER WINNERProudly Representing these Companies and More• We are a one-stop shop for insurance, personal or business • We have many licensed insurance professionals ready to serve, with over 300 years’ experience total • We provide free quotes and insurance reviews upon request • A family owned business for 46 years here in Hernando County WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way 352.683.0018Two Locations to Serve You: WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION • AUTO • AUTO • HOME • HOME •FLOOD •FLOOD • BOAT • BOAT • BUSINESS • BUSINESS • LIFE • LIFE “ “ ank you ank you for voting us Gold and for voting us Gold and allowing us to serve you for 49 years.” allowing us to serve you for 49 years.” Dedication Ceremony, May 20, 2023 at The Tommy Mara Center for the Arts at Photos courtesy of Jennifer Cavaliere.MARA FROM PAGE B1 had a tough upbringing but became a self-made man by ic. He owned a very successful house painting business raved. the Springstead High School Theater. performed there several times and produced shows there proud to be a part of that." great pride in the accomplishments and contributions of Tommy Mara. "I was approached by several teachers and members of the school board about naming the theater after he passed Cavaliere. "It was a very simple process of getting the blessing of the principal and then agreeing on the name. and even star-studded--ceremony. the event. Marvin and my father were dear friends. There Twist")." Tommy Mara earned a permanent place centerstage--and at what might be considered his home theater.


PAGE B 10 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 23-29, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Winn Dixie Plaza4207 Mariner Blvd I Spring Hill | 352.688.3454Monday-Saturday 10-6:00 Sunday 12-6:00.Gulf View Square Mall9409 U.S. 19 | Port Richey | 727.232-2040Monday-Saturday 11-800 Sunday 12-6:00. WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION 5 YEARS IN A ROW! Thank you to all our patients and supporters! We are honored to provide outstanding care for women in Hernando County. We look forward to caring for you for many years to come! — Dr. Erin Mateer and Sta rfnntbffr rfntb tb By JUDY WARNOCK solemn child. Her aunts and grandmother were the real Eleanor Roosevelt would later remember that there strength and fearlessness by helping the poor and minori ties. She understood that inner beauty made up for out Eleanor Roosevelt as its eighth outstanding woman in American Women uarter Series: Eleanor RooseveltSee ELEANOR ROOSEVELT Page B 14 wrote a newspaper column from December 1935-September 1962. It was called My Day and presents a daily account of her public life. HOME OF THE LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY* r r BUILT ON QUALITY, SERVICE, AND TRUST2023 Gold Winner of The Hernando Sun Reader’s Choice Competition! We’ve been providing quality in Hernando County and look forward to continuing to do so.Call us so we can help you WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION eight years old when her mother and younger contracted diphtheria and died within months of each other. an alcoholic and later declared "insane." After spend(age nine) and her brother Hall (three). The newspapers called their father’s life “woefully misspent.“ Elliott Sr. had wasted thousands of dollars and left behind only a fraction of what was due to his children. debut. meet the most promising eligible bachelors. Portrait of Eleanor Roosevelt as done by Douglas Chandor. It


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 23-29, 2023 • PAGE B 11 VOTED HERNANDO SUN READERS’ CHOICE 2023BEST PHYSICAL THERAPY CLINIC 6119 Deltona Blvd, Spring Hill, FL 34606 | (352) 592-9559 WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION 4196 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill, FL. 34609 rfntrb nrnrnb nbbr D D A A N N A A S S R R A A I I L L R R O O A A D D S S U U P P P P L L Y Y V V i i s s i i t t o o u u r r s s t t o o r r e e ! ! 4 4 0 0 4 4 2 2 D D e e l l t t o o n n a a B B l l v v d d . . S S p p r r i i n n g g H H i i l l l l ( ( 3 3 5 5 2 2 ) ) 6 6 8 8 4 4 2 2 4 4 8 8 4 4 United Way's Annual Stu The Bus programBy MEGAN HUSSEY the community at participating locations. These school who will be accepting donations of school supplies for Hernando County classrooms. "This event brings read a released statement. sists of local teachers (and volunteer groups/residents) tunity gives us the platform to advocate for classroom who volunteer at least two hours of their time will be granted Wish List items they previously submitted to us." school supply items at the designated locations during liable volunteers or online by visiting www.UnitedWayunitedwayhernando. For more informa tion about the United and volunteer oppor HOME OF THE LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY* r r BUILT ON QUALITY, SERVICE, AND TRUST2023 Gold Winner of The Hernando Sun Reader’s Choice Competition! We’ve been providing quality in Hernando County and look forward to continuing to do so.Call us so we can help you WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION


PAGE B 12 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 23-29, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS although more than power I was hoping for when I’d get in real close to a big boar hog. Over the years I’ve mighty ornery gators (not in Florida) with them. I’ve toyed a few SA and a half inch barrel is nicely in my hand and is by a big boar with a bad attitude. the eastern edge of our county and despite the have it in me to decline. for a full load and set trespassing habit. Mister J showed me the trails where the hogs had his pasture and left me to sit and wait. It was drizzling rain and purely two and a half hours of bottom strand of barbedboar arrived. I was carrying my Ruger style holster (John Wayne Style) and I slipped the that big-bore revolver into action. was no mean feat of than three seconds from the ahead of me. Mister J heard the shot from his on his side by side scooter and brought us in out of the rain. I snapped a few pictures and rendered that rascal down for Mister J’s table. reach out to me at toby@ and I’ll My Ruger and Mister J's boarMy Ruger "Vaquero" meets Mister J's boar Toby Benoit is a best selling novelist and professional outdoorsof experience guiding and all across America. Toby is a renowned archer and turkey hunting expert who manufactures custom game calls and is a regular judge at NWTF sanctioned turkey calling events across the Southeast. HUNTINGBy TOBY BENOITFor a good long while of Single Action (SA) revolvers. I’m pretty old school in most of Especially in the foul weather patterns that have wet feathers on my arrows one. FUN AND GAMESCROSSWORD PUZZLE ON P B 13Sudoku solution on p B 13 BWS solution on p B 13Solution to Crypto on page B 12


CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 23-29, 2023 • PAGE B 13pictures and rendered that rascal down for Mister J’s table. reach out to me at toby@ and I’ll My Ruger "Vaquero" meets Mister J's boar Solution to Crossword on page B 12BWS Puzzle on page B 12 1. Is the book of Nehemiah (KJV) in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. From Ephesians 6:16, “Taking the — of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts.” Vows, Leap, Shield, Sword 3. From Luke 1:56, how many months did Mary stay with Elizabeth? 1/2, 1, 3, 5 4. Eve’s name appears in the New Testament (KJV) how many times? 1, 2, 46, 63 5. From Psalms 27:1, “The Lord is my light and my ...” Rock, Glory, Salvation, Anointed 6. After David, who wrote the most Psalms? Solomon, Paul, Job, Asaph ANSWERS: 1) Old, 2) Shield, 3) Three, 4) Two (2 Corinthians 11:3, 1 Timothy 2:13), 5) Salvation, 6) Asaph Sharpen your understanding of scripture with Wilson’s Casey’s latest book, “Test Your Bible Knowledge,” now available in bookstores and online. 2023 King Features Synd., Inc. FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. 257 BIBLE TRIVIA #12345_20230619 FOR RELEASE JUNE 19, 2023 By Wilson Casey


PAGE B 14 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 23-29, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Early married life was not blissful or Eleanor discovered a collection of love would not be the only time he strayed in They came to what might be considered a political agreement going forward. El be civil to each other and give support. dren would fall to in-laws and caregivers. Eleanor was seldom involved and concen trated on her own causes and other duties. encouraged him not to give up on poli many times during both campaigns when Eleanor Roosevelt reshaped and rede on some "women only" press conferences and on having more women writers and so. would not tolerate discrimination. nor continued public service. She was got myself into?" Commission on Human Rights from Massachusetts Senator John F. Kennedy were in attendance. The Cancer Research Center and AFL-CIO put together this special evening as “A Tribute to Eleanor research. Eleanor did not give up. She mended po litical fences and campaigned for John F. administration she became a member of lost both a friend and an inspiration. "She would rather light a candle than curse the world." That was Eleanor Roosevelt. The American Women Quarter Series. Eleanor Roosevelt was honored by the US mint on June 5, 2023 with issue of her likeness on the reverse side of the Washington quarter.By SARAH J. NACHIN Schachter described the mass shooting at ticle discussed the campaign that Schachter and other parents have launched since the policies that have been initiated in Hernando County. we remember what’s happened and what could happen so that we can do everything in our power to prevent it from happening Many communities are in denial that this sort of thing could happen to them. Howev The tragedy at Covenant Christian School free or reduced lunches. One way to prevent these tragedies is to cials found that mass shooters had several characteristics in common. They all suf classmate or teacher. lence is preventable with the right awareness standers coming forward to report concern ing behavior can save lives. stated. his phone number and email address and invited people to reach out to him with coordinates training initiatives and serves as oversees threat assessment and the physical security of the county’s school campuses. school system has in place include an anon Father’s Grief Spurs Campaign for an End to School ViolencePart 3ymous reporting app which allows anyone situation to report it. They also partner with a company called ZeroEyes that uses AI to This cuts response time to practically zero. guardians and the school administration enhances the security on each of the dis of communication and apparent concern that healing would start immediately. We will “His [Mr. Schachter’s] message renews our commitment to provide for the highest You can reach Ms. Renihan by calling ELEANOR ROOSEVELTFROM PAGE B10 MARRIAGESPlease note that the date reects the date the marriage license was recorded at the Hernando County Clerk of Court, not necessarily the marriage date.Deshaies, Gerald Joseph and Deshaies, Anita Claire on 06/13/2023 Fitts, Emory Joseph and Dent, Radiah Laceyette on 06/13/2023 Ramos, Dionie Luis and Persaud, Rebecca Tasha on 06/13/2023 Roberts, Taylor Cole and Bowen, Jessica Marie on 06/14/2023 Rivera, Joshua Richard and Smith, Krystal Gail on 06/14/2023 Johns, Andrew Mitchell and Hartman, Kay Ellen on 06/14/2023 ompson, Kenneth Lee and Harnden, Kathleen Elizabeth on 06/15/2023 Petrucelli, Ryan Carl and Evans, Maegan Alyssa on 06/15/2023 Madden, Kaysaun Kelly and Morales, Erica Eufelia on 06/15/2023 Nieves, Santos Pedro Ismael and Chevere, Colon Ydsia Enid on 06/16/2023 Croke, Austin Scott and Wood, Kylie Leanna on 06/16/2023 Gruner, Russell Gregory and Ferrugia, Alexandrea Nance on 06/16/2023 Lister, William Reynolds and Silvers, Nongyao on 06/16/2023 Malia, Kevin and Cappadona, Donna Lee on 06/16/2023 Perry, Douglas Francis and Jones, Elizabeth Marie on 06/19/2023 Hotchkiss, Richard Walter and Pandolfo, Francesca Rose on 06/19/2023 Bohley, James David Wayne and Currie, Angel Marie on 06/19/2023 Harrison, Jerey Allen and Stout, Brittany Nicole on 06/19/2023 Grunberg, Elijah Amaru and Lamb, Kyrstin Maria on 06/19/2023 OBITUARIESHeim, Alan Lee, passed away on Tuesday, June 13, 2023. Src; Brewer Miller, Charlene age 70, of Brooksville, passed away on Tuesday, June 13, 2023. She is survived by her husband, Wayne. Src; Brewer Amico, Sally Ann, passed away on Tuesday June 13, 2023. Src; Brewer Dandorf, Ralph Warren, passed away on Wednesday, June 14, 2023. Src; Brewer Chiccitt, David Brian, passed away on Wednesday, June 14, 2023. Src; Downing Vore, Mavin K. Jr., passed away on Friday, June 16, 2023. Src; Brewer Cooper, Brenda Lee, age 72, of Spring Hill, passed away on Friday, June 16, 2023. She is survived by her children: Ron, Adam, and Lorrie; many grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Src; Pinecrest Lamoureux, Keri, passed away on Saturday, June 17, 2023. Src; Brewer Grandos, Gladys, passed away on Sunday, June 18, 2023. Src; Brewer