PAGE 1 Suggested Retail75 June 16-22, 2023 June 16-22, 2023 Volume IX, Issue XXIV Volume IX, Issue XXIV Sections A & B Sections A & B SECTION B INSIDEHOME GROWN & ESTABLISHED 2015 HOME GROWN & ESTABLISHED 2015INSIDE SECTION AWonk Corner Appointed vs. Elected Leaders A 2 Margaret R. Ghiotto Improvement Awards A 2 Father’s grief spurs campaign for an end to school violence – Part 2 A 3 Brooksville City Council approves resolution for large feeding events in parks A 4 Brooksville City Council advances Chinsegut licensing agreement A 4 ‘TheBus’ stop at Noble Senior Living A 4 Workshop tackles the problem of student population growth A 6 City of Brooksville Good Faith Estimate A 6 Road resurfacing work slated to start June 15 A 6 SPLC report labels Floridabased Moms for Liberty an “Extremist Group†A 7 Peak into a swallow-tail kite nest A 7 Opinion A 89 Goodwin: Ode to the “Ramblin’ Man†Dr. Maglio: The growth of our woke government needs to be halted Dr. Holland: God Did That Classon: Father’s Day Classieds & Public Notices A10-11 First Responder Round Up A 12 Continues on Page A 8 THE Hernando Sun: a local paper delivered to your mailbox EVERY WEEK.Subscribe today. Page 2 A free newspaper subscription for every student and weekly teacher guide aligned to Florida Standards A free newspaper subscription for every student and weekly teacher guide aligned to Florida Standards HERNANDO LIVING HERNANDO LIVING B 1 JUNE 16-22, 2023 COMMUNITY, ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT, FUN Hurricane & Safety Expo imparts important life-saving information Advanced treatments personalized to you.Through next-generation sequencing, we take a deep look into your genes to create treatment plans personalized to you. This provides a road map for immunotherapies that strengthen the clinical trials, delivering quality treatment and expertise in communities across Florida. We take care of the big things in cancer care, so you can make the most of the little moments—every step of the way. Panel of weather experts (Photo provided by David DeCarlo) r See Page B 3 Broccoli-bread recipe for our schoolsOPINIONSee ELECTED SUPERINTENDENT A 2 f f ntn ntn bn bn Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSCommunity Thank rrf Y ou tr bnnnBy PAT RAIA pat@hernandosun.comA measure allowing Hernando County voters to choose to switch to an elected superintendent of schools has been signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis. The new law was signed amidst a tumultuous time for Hernando County School Superinten dent John Stratton, who has faced the recent school board meetings. Just before the highly contentious May 30 school board meeting, State Sen. Blaise Ingoglia (R-Spring Holcomb (R-Spring Hill) and John Temple (R-Wildwood) issued a joint statement calling for Stratton’s resig nation on grounds that he had lost the School District community. “Whether it is pornographic ma terial in our schools, not notifying parents when their children may have been around an alleged pedophile, or allowing a teacher back in the classroom after threatening to kill students, it is clear to us that change is needed, and it is needed now,†the statement read. (R-Spring Hill), CS/HB 773 repeals Your IT Solutions Partner352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES www.wilsontechgroup.comLicensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking A/V | Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Network cabling Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyCOMPUTER SERVICES By Bruddah Hank Hello everyone. My friends call me Bruddah Hank, and I’m a study in contradictions. I’m sure some psychiatrist would ing me with cognitive dissonance, a stressful condition that’s caused when you attempt to hold two contradictory opinions or logical proofs. I was raised as a Christian, but I’m genetically Jewish, and as an adult, I go to both a Christian Church and a Synagogue (where my heart is, is the subject for another day). I’m a conscientious objector with a concealed carry license. I do my cowardly best to avoid dangerous I once stayed in church another time, stepped in, adult trying to abduct a rPages B5 8
PAGE A 2 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 16-22, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS the 1992 decision by Hernando County voters for members of the school board to choose a superin tendent from a roster submitted by candidates for the post. Under the new measure, a refer endum giving voters the opportunity to choose between an elected and appointed superintendent will appear on the 2024 primary ballot. If the voters choose to elect a superin tendent, then the Hernando County Superintendent of Schools shall be elected to serve a four-year term in a partisan election beginning with the general election in 2028. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the measure on June 9. Stratton, School Board Chair Gus Guadagnino, Vice Chair Susan Du val, and members Mark Johnson and Shannon Rodriguez were not avail able to comment on the measure. It was opposed by School Board member Linda Prescott on the grounds that electing a superinten dent will politicize the position. “The position of Superintendent is an executive position, not a political position,†she wrote in an opinion column that appeared in the Hernan do Sun in 2021 when a similar bill was introduced by then State Repre sentative Ingoglia. The 2021 mea “The School Board is elected by its citizens in non-partisan races. One of the main responsibilities of the School Board is to hire and evaluate the Superintendent.†Prescott also argued that an ap by the Board if they have grounds to do so. “If the superintendent is elected, citizens have to wait four years for the next election to replace the Superintendent,†Prescott wrote. “Appointed Superintendents are ac countable to an elected School Board and are more likely to foster a good working relationship with the Board, keeping the focus on collaboration and solutions.†Meanwhile, Kara Floyd, chairper son of the Moms for Liberty Her nando County, said that electing a Superintendent of Schools would be “a very good thing.†“In Hernando County and the State of Florida, parents have a right to know what goes on in their child’s classroom,†Floyd said in a written statement. “Superintendent John Stratton should’ve been removed a long time ago...†Stratton has served as Superinten dent of Schools in Hernando County since 2018. Hernando County is one of 29 Florida school districts that have superintendents appointed by school boards.Hernando Sun Sta & Regular ContributorsSue Quigley: Community Reporter & Graphic Design (She makes us look good.)Lisa MacNeil: Local Government and Community Reporter, Website GuruSarah Nachin: Community Reporter, author, & A nice gal to know Megan Hussey: Community Reporter & Bringer of good cheer Summer Hampton: Asst. Editor, Community Reporter, and a very responsible young person Pat Raia: Local and State News Reporter & a seasoned journalistAxl David: Local News Reporter, Photographer & Chief Skeptic Judy Warnock: Local history and community writer Toby Benoit: Hunting Sports, Community Writer and just a down home good guy. Hanna Fox: Writer, Driver, Etc., pinch hitter Austyn “Auggie†Szempruch: Reporter Cynthia Leota: Sports Reporter & Photographer Judy Warnock: Community Writer Leslie Stein: Social Media Manager Photographers: Joe DiCristofalo, Cheryl Clanton, Hanna Fox Local Columnists: Dr. Domenick Maglio Steve Goodwin Bruddah Hank Advertising Account Managers: Ellen Corsi Tutko: (614) 208-2066; Tracy Bradbury: The crazy people who started this thing: Rocco Maglio: Barrista & Publisher Julie B. Maglio: Editor, Publisher, Coee ConsumerSubscribe We currently oer a 52 issue subscription for $36.50 and 26 issues for $21.00. Fill out the form in this issue and mail along with your check made out to “Hernando Sun Publications†to P.O. Box 12203; Brooksville, FL 34603 For Subscription & Customer Service,Please call (352) 675-NEWSNews Desk For news tips, concerns, or corrections call: (352) 675-NEWS**********************************CAR-RT LOT **R 084 749 12-15-23 0048A24 46P 17T JANE DOE XXXXX 34TH ST SPRING HILL, FL 34609-0389 The information in bold is important to your subscription account. The number in this example: 749 is the Account Number. The Date 1215-21 is the subscription expiration date. The subscriber name and the top right corner R 084 in this case. Your label may have a FIRM, ADC or 5-DIGIT code instead.HOW TO READ YOUR MAILING LABEL & YOUR EXPIRATION DATE MEETINGS & ANNOUNCEMENTSCity Council Meeting Monday, June 19, 2023; 7:00 PM City Hall; 201 Howell Avenue; Brooksville, FL 34601 Board of County Commissioners Meeting 6/27/2023 8:30 AM John Law Ayers Commission Chambers, Room 160 Hernando County School Board Meetings 6/27/2023 Informal 1pm; Workshop 2:30pm; Regular 6 pm District Oce-Board Room 919 N. Broad Street Brooksville, FL Park Closures: Tennis Courts located at Hernando Park (205 East Fort Dade Ave., Brooksville, FL 34601) are closed and will reopen Friday, June 30th. The one-month closure is for resurfacing and the addition of dedicated pickleball courts. This temporary clo sure will not aect use of the park, only the tennis courts. Pioneer Park (6799 Pinehurst Dr, Spring Hill, FL 34606) is closed and will reopen Monday, July 31st. This 2-month closure is to allow for the construction of a brand new restroom facility at the park. Board of County Commissioners Budget Workshop 7/6/2023 9:00 AM John Law Ayers Commission Chambers, Room 160 The Week of June 16-22, 2023 ID STATEMENT: The Hernando Sun is published weekly, by Hernando Sun Publications, LLC 15588 Aviation Loop Dr.; Brooksville, FL 34604; Publication Title: The Hernando Sun; Publication number: 16590; Issue Date: June 16-22, 2023 ; Statement of Frequency: Weekly; Subscription Price: $36.50 annual, $21.00 semi-annual; Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Approved at Tampa Bulk Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) 5433 W Sligh Ave Ste A Tampa, FL 33634-9651; POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Hernando Sun P.O. Box 12203 Brooksville, FL 34603 ISSN: PRINT 2833-7395 WEBSITE: 2833-7409 PERIODICALS PERMIT AS REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC NOTICES PER SECTION 50.011(1)(e), F.S. USPS PERIODICAL PERMIT NUMBER 16590 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP ership/ During the June 5, 2023, City of Brooksville City Council meeting the cation Board announced the winners of the monthly Margaret R. Ghiotto Improvement Awards. The commercial property winner, Allison Quigley, own er of Orange Magnolia Boutique, locat ed at 10 S. Broad Street and residential property winner, the John and Anita Hamilton, located at 105. Mt. Fair Avenue, are recognized for beautifying property located within the City. residential and commercial properties throughout the entire year. The selected business and home will receive a City of Brooksville award tion Award†to display on their proper ty for one (1) month. The Board is appointed by City Council and consists of seven (7) voting members and a City Council representative. This board is responsi Brooksville through education of the citizens, utilizing contests, information, award programs, as well as the AdoptA-Spot Program. The Board Members serve four-year staggered terms of respective term. For more information on the Beauti call the City of Brooksville, Parks & Recreation Department at 352-5403830 or visit SUBSCRIBE TO HERNANDO SUN1 year (52 issues) for $36.50 or 6 months (26 issues) for $21.00 Make Checks Payable to "Hernando Sun Publications" Fill out this form and mail with your check to : Hernando Sun Publ.; PO Box 12203; Brooksville, FL 34603 YES, I'd like to subscribe! Number of issues:___________ SUBSCRIBER'S NAME: ____________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: _________________________________ ____________________________________________________ PHONE: ____________________________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________ If this is a gift subscription, name of gift giver:_______________________ How did you hear about Hernando Sun?:_________________________ Would you like to receive the online edition free of charge?:___________Subscriptions are non-refundable, but transferable to another reader. Or subscribe online at: ROCCO MAGLIO head of a governmental organiza tion and appointing the head of an organization is at the core of the recent Florida law change to autho rize a vote on whether the Hernando County School District Superin tendent is elected. There has been a concerted push over the years to change these powerful positions to being appointed by a board/council/ commission to insulate these lead ers from politics. The idea was that sometimes unpopular decisions that would lead elected, they might be less likely to make those unpopular decisions. Another issue is that these leaders have large amounts of power and would use it to reward their sup porters and punish their opponents’ supporters. They can use the power of the government that they control to exert enormous pressure. The cost of insulating these lead ers by appointing them is that they can become less responsive to the will of the people. This means that tween the current will of the people and replacing enough of the board/ council/commission members to lead to a change of leadership and direction. In Florida, over the past several decades, there has been a strong push to switch many of these leaders to appointed positions. The ruled some small towns are used as illustrations of why this change was needed. Once someone amassed enough power, they could become near impossible to defeat in an election. The voters of Hernando Coun ty will have a chance in 2024 to decide again as to which of these options they prefer for the superin tendent. The choice to switch back to an elected superintendent will be on the ballot. The choice comes down to the superintendent having having the many thousands of boss es that make up the voting public. ELECTED SUPERINTENDENT FROM PAGE A 1Commercial Improvement Award: wonk corner... wonk corner...rfntb PRESS RELEASE 06/13/ 20 23 PR# 2 2 – 31 Brooksville through education of the citizens, utilizing contests, information, award programs , as well as the Adopt A Spot Program. The Board Members serve four year staggered terms of office, all expiring in December of their respective term. For more information on the Beautification Board or it’s program s , please call the City of Brooksville, Parks & Recreation Department at 352 540 3830 or visit . ### Commercial Improvement Award: L to R: Councilwoman Christa Tanner, Beautification Board Members Lisa Steinkamp, Kathy Middleton (Chair) and Cindy Gandy. PRESS RELEASE 06/13/ 20 23 PR# 2 2 – 31 Residential Improvement Award: L to R: Councilwoman Christa Tanner, Beautification Board Members Lisa Steinkamp, Landon Hamilton , Anita Hamilton, John Hamilton, Dally Hamilton, Beautification Board Members Cindy Gandy and Kathy Middleton (Chair). Residential Improvement Award: L to R: Councilwoman Christa Tanner,
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 16-22, 2023 • • PAGE A 3By SARAH NACHIN sarah@hernandosun.comWriter’s note: In last week’s article, the name of the school was spelled incorrectly. It should be Marjory Stoneman Douglas.In last week’s article, I described the presentation that Max Schachter made to an audience made up of school employees, law enforcement, and concerned citizens. In this presentation, Schachter described the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in which his son and sixteen other people died. I covered the story behind the killer and the actual tragedy. In this article, I’ll discuss the part of Schachter’s presentation in which he talked about the crusade that he and other parents have launched since the tragedy. After the shooting took place, the families of the victims were angry that people in authority missed the warning signs surrounding the killer. They were also angry about the mistakes local law enforcement made after the 911 call came in. These mistakes caused delays in responding to the shooting. Thirdly, they were angry about the way school and law families. Schachter stated that there was miscommunication, and the families felt that there was a lack of sympathy. Once the initial shock, grief, and anger subsided, Schachter and some of the other families started various organizations and campaigns to try and make sure that something like this never happened again. Some of the students even went to Washington, for the government to put in stronger laws to lessen the possibility of these tragedies happening. Some of the changes that have years due to his and other people’s on every K-12 public school campus, a threat assessment team in every school, and a “See Something, Say Something†App statewide. Florida also has a mental health coordinator in School Safety. Some other measures that have have saved many lives, active shooter to provide help and communication immediately after a tragedy like this. In addition, because it took so long to get paramedics to the scene, all supplies like tourniquets. Hernando County has taken this one step further aid supplies. “I’ve been really impressed with Hernando County School District with everything they’re doing regarding school safety. They’re taking this issue very seriously. I don’t know of another school district in the state that is doing a four-day school safety summit,†Schachter remarked. The Coach Aaron Feis Guardian Program was established in 2018 through the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety We thank The Hernando Sun Community Pillars for their loyal support of the Hernando Sun newspaper. We thank The Hernando Sun Community Pillars for their loyal support of the Hernando Sun newspaper. Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSCommunity 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile! Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner $99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), aid, and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medic TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. $50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances & in network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife. *The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is per formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile!Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner$99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020 Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020$50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances &i n network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife.ACCEPTING NEW PA TIENTS Visit our Outdoor Display Area! Contact Tara at 352.799.7933 for Appointment We have DISCOUNTED irregular pavers – call Tara for an appointment today! Your IT Solutions Partner352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES www.wilsontechgroup.comLicensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking A/V | Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Network cabling Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyCOMPUTER SERVICES SAT. & SUN 9AM-3PMOPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE HERNANDOSPORTSMAN'S CLUB Located 9 miles North of S.R. 50 on U.S. Hwy 19 • 80 Acre shooting facility • Clubhouse HUNTERS Education Classes Monthly Firearms classes for CCWRANGE HOURS Tues Fri 9AM-2PM; Tues and Thurs Eve. 5PM 7PM 352-597-9931 READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS WINNER WINNER Auto • Home • Flood • Boat • Business • Life BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way ROBERT G. WHITTEL, ESQ. JASON M. MELTON, ESQ.Individual Strategies, Relentless ~~ Award Winning Trial Lawyers for all Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH SAME DAY SAME DAY CROWNS CROWNSDr. Sarah Shuayb, DMD Dr. Mohammad Shuayb, DMDCall about our Veterans and Senior Citizen Discounts 12326 Cortez Blvd., Brooksville 352.616.0001 | 229 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill 352.666.5133 STATE-OF-THE-ART FACILITY TRANQUIL TREATMENT ROOMS OUR NEW LOCATION IS OPEN General Dentistry Crowns Bridges Implants Partials Dentures Whitening InvisalignPeriodontics NEW PATIENT SPECIAL$29NEW PATIENT EXAMS & X-RAYS (ADA-D0150) FULL MOUTH SERIES (ADA-D0210)Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time DENTURES SPECIAL$849UPPER OR LOWER WALK-INS WALK-INS WELCOME WELCOMEAccepting Most Insurances & Care Credit Payment Plans. EXTRACTION SPECIAL $149 SAME DAY CROWNS$829 per tooth(up to 2 teeth) Our compassionate team are here to meet all your dental needs! Special Shout-Out to our amazing hygienist Tracy! Most patients can enjoy: rfntn rfntn 352.616.0001 352.616.0001 VOTE FOR VOTE FOR US IN US IN READERS’CHOICE READERS’CHOICE Your Favorite Dentist! Your Favorite Dentist! Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSCommunity 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile! Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner $99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), aid, and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medic TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. $50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances & in network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife. *The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is per formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile!Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner$99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020 Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020$50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances &i n network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife.ACCEPTING NEW PA TIENTS Visit our Outdoor Display Area! Contact Tara at 352.799.7933 for Appointment We have DISCOUNTED irregular pavers – call Tara for an appointment today! Your IT Solutions Partner352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES www.wilsontechgroup.comLicensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking A/V | Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Network cabling Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyCOMPUTER SERVICES SAT. & SUN 9AM-3PMOPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE HERNANDOSPORTSMAN'S CLUB Located 9 miles North of S.R. 50 on U.S. Hwy 19 • 80 Acre shooting facility • Clubhouse HUNTERS Education Classes Monthly Firearms classes for CCWRANGE HOURS Tues Fri 9AM-2PM; Tues and Thurs Eve. 5PM 7PM 352-597-9931 READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS WINNER WINNER Auto • Home • Flood • Boat • Business • Life BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way ROBERT G. WHITTEL, ESQ. JASON M. MELTON, ESQ.Individual Strategies, Relentless ~~ Award Winning Trial Lawyers for all Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH Over 100 Trucks, Cars, SUV’s on the Lot Are you better looking than your car?Perhaps it’s time for a new one.GOOD BAD NOCREDITNo Problem! Ask About Our Lifetime Engine Warranty!VANS CARS & TRUCKS(352)796-64027043 Broad Street, Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSCommunity 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile! Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner $99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), aid, and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medic TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. $50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances & in network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife. *The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is per formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. 11025 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34608 | 352.683.1838 | | Make an Appointment TODAY! You Deserve a Beautiful Healthy Smile!Without High Pressure Sales Tactics Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Whitening Removable Prosthodontics Cone Beam CT Scanner$99New Patient SpecialA comprehensive exam (d0150) is required, and includes: x-rays (d0210/0330), intraoral pictures (d0350), and a healthy mouth cleaning (d0110). Offer valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICare, or a discount plan, and in the absence of periodontal disease or gingivitis. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020 Offer includes custom trays (d9972) for the top and bottom teeth, and is valid for new or existing patients. A comprehensive exam is required for new patients. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Exp. 6/30/2020$50OFFCustom Bleaching Treatment Accepting all PPO insurances &i n network for Aetna, Florida Combined Life & Sunlife.ACCEPTING NEW PA TIENTS Visit our Outdoor Display Area! Contact Tara at 352.799.7933 for Appointment We have DISCOUNTED irregular pavers – call Tara for an appointment today! Your IT Solutions Partner352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES www.wilsontechgroup.comLicensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking A/V | Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Network cabling Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyCOMPUTER SERVICES SAT. & SUN 9AM-3PMOPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE HERNANDOSPORTSMAN'S CLUB Located 9 miles North of S.R. 50 on U.S. Hwy 19 • 80 Acre shooting facility • Clubhouse HUNTERS Education Classes Monthly Firearms classes for CCWRANGE HOURS Tues Fri 9AM-2PM; Tues and Thurs Eve. 5PM 7PM 352-597-9931 READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS WINNER WINNER Auto • Home • Flood • Boat • Business • Life BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way ROBERT G. WHITTEL, ESQ. JASON M. MELTON, ESQ.Individual Strategies, Relentless ~~ Award Winning Trial Lawyers for all Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH Hernando Sun Hernando SunTHE PLLARSC ommunity ASK ABOUT OUR 7 DAY FREE TRIAL Burn Boot Camp is a lifestyle positive environment for Our FREE AN AWARD-WINNING MED SPA AN AWARD-WINNING MED SPA Experience the Experience the www.myskintastic.com250 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill, FL 34609 352-610-9900 352-610-9900 You’re in Luck!$10ONLY a unit WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION MUST mention this ad at time of booking Valid through 3/31/23 Units cannot be banked Advanced treatments personalized to you.Through next-generation sequencing, we take a deep look into your genes to create treatment plans personalized to you. This provides a road map for immunotherapies that strengthen the clinical trials, delivering quality treatment and expertise in communities across Florida. We take care of the big things in cancer care, so you can make the most of the little moments—every step of the way. $3250 $29$149NEW PATIENT EXAMS & X-RAYS (ADA-D0150) FULL MOUTH SERIES (ADA-D0210)PER TOOTH (Up To 2 Teeth) EXTRACTION SPECIAL $849$929No More Temporaries • No More ImpressionsINCLUDES: Core Build Up, Gingivectomy, Crown D2740UPPER OR LOWER Ask About Our Conscious Sedation! 12326 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville 352.616.0001 Sarah Shuayb, DMD rfnt b rt Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023.Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd. and Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. NEW PATIENT SPECIAL SAME DAY CROWNS DENTURES SPECIAL IMPLANT, IMPLANT CROWN AND ABUTMENT229 Mariner Blvd. Spring Hill 352.666.5133 Mohammad Shuayb, DMD WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION 6/30/2023 6/30/2023 6/30/2023 6/30/2023 6/30/2023 Father’s grief spurs campaign for an end to school violence – Part 2 Educate yourself. Review our school safety resource page . Meet w ith your school to discuss their latest safety incidents in our School Safety Dashboard . Meet w ith your school to review their personalized action plan from Show your school the alm ost $2 billion of grants available on Ask your school if they are im plem enting the low cost / no cost im m ediately im plem entable school safety tactics . Meet w ith local law enforcem ent. Show them the failed response that took place during the Parkland school shooting. Start a Safe Schools for Alex student chapter at your school. Form a school safety Facebook group to m obilize and educate parents. Encourage local m edia to run a story on school safety. Speak w ith your state representative. Let them know school safety is your num ber one priority. b n t r b n f n b In te re ste d in h a v in g M a x S c h a c h te r sp e a k w ith y o u r o rg a n iz a tio n ? A 5Above: School safety list for parents and students provided by Left: Photos courtesy of Max Schachter
PAGE A 4 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 16-22, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS By PAT RAIA Groups or businesses which conduct feeding events for large groups in city parks must get insurance ahead of the function under a resolution unanimously approved by the Brooksville City Council during its regular meeting on June 5. In April, the council unanimously approved a measure requiring that anyone hosting an event such as a family reunion for 25 people or more in a city park must apply for a Parks and Recreation Depart ment permit, not more than 180 and not less than 30 calendar days ahead of the event. In addition, not more than one large group feeding permit shall be issued per week to the same person, group, or orga nization for the same park. other organizations that regularly host feeding events that draw large numbers of people who are homeless or food-chal lenged may apply to use the park pavilion and related facilities for the same day at the same time over several weeks. The newly approved resolution spelled out insurance regulations connected to the permitting. Brooksville Parks and Recreation De partment Director David Howard told the panel that groups or individuals who host feeding events for the public at large will be required to have an insurance policy covering the event. “For example, if you’re a church and you are just feeding members of your (congregation) church, then you will not need a permit or get insurance,†Howard said. “If you are a church and you are feeding the public – if you are doing a public feeding then you would have to have insurance.†He also told that group that organiza tions that use park facilities to host such events already have insurance that covers such an event. “Because it is like a standard thing for most businesses,†Howard said. Discussion about the insurance require ments was largely aimed at misconcep tions that the City would require those hosting large feeding events at their own residential properties or at private busi nesses would be required to have both the event. “People can feed from their homes without insurance, right?†Mayor Blake Bell asked Howard. “That’s part of the discussion as well we want our parks to be utilized but homes being utilized for some of these feedings as well.†Howard told the group that the city had no intention to make requirements on events that take place on private property. “The City of Brooksville is not trying to come in like the man and trying to govern ‘I’ll tell you what to do in a (private) home,’†Howard said. “If you have a business and if you have a home and you decide to do a pubic feeding from your business or your home, the city itself – the City of Brooksville, especially the Parks and Rec Department – is not trying to go in and try to take over.†Meanwhile, Howard said that the Parks and Recreation Department would com pile a list of insurance vendors, which would be available to those who do need insurance for large feeding events at city parks. “That increases our level of customer service and makes it easier for residents rather than having to call everyone they ance,†he pointed out. Bell approved of the idea. “We have a number of insurance com panies just in the city limits – it’s a great idea to have a preferred vendor list.†Howard also told the council that fees for the use of facilities at city parks re mained the same. “There’s no changes in the prices,†he said. Finally, the council approved the resolu tion by a 5-0 vote.Brooksville City Council approves resolution for large feeding events in parks Drivers W anted As k about the perk$ Restaurants Your IT Solutions Partner 352 796 9891 BUSINESS SERVICES www.wilsontechgroup.comLicensed FL. ES 12000217 & Insured Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote Computer Networking | Firewalls | Remote & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | & On site Support | Offsite Cloud backup | High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu High Speed Wireless | Business Phone Solu tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | tions | VoIP -Digital -Hosted | Sound Systems Sound Systems A/V | Sound Masking A/V | Sound Masking | CCTV | Access Control | CCTV | Access Control | Network cabling | Network cabling Diagnostics | Virus Removal | Custom Builds | Hardware upgrades | Memory | SSD installs | Monthly Support Contracts | Laptop Batteries Drop off and pickup onlyCOMPUTER SERVICES By PAT RAIA The Brooksville City Council voted unanimously to approve a licensing agree ment that allows the city to take over the management of the Chinsegut Hill Retreat and Conference Center property, but the panel sent City Manager Ron Snowberger back to the drawing board over fees for the rental of cottages at the venue. of the city, the 115-acre Chinsegut Hill property is owned by the Florida Depart ment of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Division of State Lands and is leased to Hernando County for a term of 50 years ending in May 2063. The property contains a Manor House, currently managed by the Tampa Bay Historical Center as a historical site and museum, as well as eight cabins, from the Manor. Those facilities (called the Chinsegut Hill Retreat and Confer ence Center), previously managed by Mid-Florida Community Services Inc. (MFCS) under a now-ended license agree ment with Hernando County, have been available for lease for weddings, corpo rate events, camps, and other events. MFCS backed away from the man agement of the Retreat and Conference Center in November 2021. Now, Hernan do County is in need of a new manager for the property. In March, the council voted unanimous ly to allow city manager Ron Snowberger to draw up a management contract that cal year 2023/2024 budget. An additional $80,000 (six month prorated cost) is bud geted from the city’s remaining reserves a property manager who would work un der the Brooksville Parks and Recreation Department to carry out the general man agement of the property. Tasks include marketing, booking reservations, internet services, safety programs, inspections, and security measures. Also, under the proposed agreement, all revenue generated by the property would be put back into its management and maintenance. During the council’s regular meeting on June 5, Snowberger presented the agree ment for the panel’s approval, but fees for the rental of cottage facilities became a sticking point for the council. According to the proposed fees, the cot tage rental rate for a single room for one night would cost $17. Meanwhile, $70 would be charged for the rental of an en tire single 5-room cottage, which includes four beds and a kitchen, for one night. Mayor Blake Bell argued that at least one of the fees was too low based on oth er area prevailing prices. “I personally think that $17 is a little too low,†Bell said. “I don’t even know maintenance.†“I personally think that the $17 is a little too low.†Council member Christa Tanner agreed. She also argued that the $70 that would be charged for a full cottage rental was also too low. “I don’t think we can rent the full cottage for $70 a night,†she said. “ I’m excited about this for the city of Brooks ville, but it’s no shock to anybody that to be in that sweet spot, and $70 ain’t it. City Parks and Recreation Department Director David Howard said that the proposed fees, which were derived from research into the rental costs of other sim ilar venues, were “Just a starting point.†“Obviously, I hope the council mem bers could guide us on what price range is feasible,†he said. As a result, Bell called on the council deciding on the rental fees for the facility ahead of the agreement’s July 1 start date. “So I think we can go ahead, and if council feels comfortable with approving the agreement we have until July 1,†Bell said. “Let’s take some feedback and then bring back the fees that we can adopt as a council,†Bell said. The motion to approve the agreement passed by a 5-0 margin.Brooksville City Council advances Chinsegut licensing agreement‘eBus’ stop at Noble Senior LivingBy PAT RAIA Darlene Lollie Hernando County Tran sit is looking to partner with the city of Brooksville to put a bus stop (for ‘The Bus’) at the Noble Senior Living Facil ity on Howell Ave. TheBus is a Public Transit System for Hernando County managed by Development Services. Its day-to-day operations are conducted through a contract with a private com pany called RATPDev USA. The Transit System is granted funding by the Federal Transit Administration and the Florida Department of Transportation. County Commissioner Jerry Campbell and Congressman Gus Bilirakis met with residents, and their family members and discussed the matter. They all agreed adding a bus stop on the street in front of the building on Howell Ave/Main Street On May 9, 2023, during the Hernando County BOCC meeting, the board decided to move forward with placing a bus stop in front of Noble Senior Living Facility. However, the clearance under the awning on the front of the building is not high enough for buses and paratran sit vehicles to pull through. So the stop would need to be placed on the street in front of the building where the current vehi cle parking is located. If the bus stop was placed on the street in front of the building, buses, paratransit vehicles, and any other public transportation service vehicles would have the ability to load sidewalk, and the vehicles would be out The Hernando County Transit Opera tions is requesting permission to place a stop at Noble Senior Living Facility and requesting assistance from the city in facilitating and coordinating the restrip ing of the parking spaces in front of the building. During the Brooksville City Council Regular Meeting on Jun 05, 2023, the council voted to approve (3-1) the restrip ing of the parking spaces in front of the Noble Senior Living Facility in order to create a bus lane.
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 16-22, 2023 • • PAGE A 5 • AUTO • AUTO • HOME • HOME •FLOOD •FLOOD • BOAT • BOAT • BUSINESS • BUSINESS • LIFE • LIFE WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION BROOKSVILLE 19259 Cortez Blvd 352.796.1451 SPRING HILL 3290 Commercial Way 352.683.0018www.killingsworthagency.comTwo Locations to Serve You: Living your best life starts with living a healthy life. At Bravera Medical Group, our healthcare providers take the time to identify your health risks and can help you prioritize good health. Regular checkups and age-appropriate screenings are important to be healthy now – and to stay well in the future. With same-day appointments and online scheduling, we make it easy to make an appointment right now. You can even see us from the comfort of home via telehealth. Your best life is what you make it. We can help you make it healthy. Make an appointment at or call (352) 770-1384. Derek Fritz, D.O. Family Medicine8425 Northcliffe Blvd. Spring Hill, FL 34606 Welcome ! Dr. Fritz is employed by Brooksville HMA Physician Management, LLC d/b/a Bravera Medical Group. Act. This program is named after one of the teachers who died that day protecting his students. These guardians since the SRO can’t be everywhere, especially on large campuses. Among the training they receive is 144 hours of In a chilling comment, Schachter stated, “The next school mass murderer is already out there.†A video he showed to the audience demonstrated an important point about how to prepare if you encounter a mass shooting or, actually, any crisis situation. One method is something called “stress inoculation.†According to a website, “Stress inoculation is based on the premise that if we prepare for future moments that we’re stressed about in a proactive way, it may be easier to confront them when they occur.†Simulation is another important technique. You rehearse both mentally and physically what actions you’d take if you found yourself in a situation like this so that you react instinctively. Schachter has developed a website that people can access that shows all the threats or potential threats that have been reported by schools in Florida and several other states. These aren’t just shootings. They include bullying, some schools underreport the incidents, but it does give an overview of how safe our schools are. You can search these including by county, school, etc. Here’s the link: https:// In the very near future, it will be a requirement that schools update these threat assessments online every month. Another useful URL is https://www.safeschoolsforalex. org/resources/ This link lists ways that teachers and administrators can make schools safer and ways that parents and students can improve the safety of their school. These are downloadable in PDF format. Among the other useful resources here are a video tutorial and a list of school shooter warning signs. In every aspect, this seminar was invaluable for other parent and family will go through what he and his family did.END SCHOOL VIOLENCE FROM PAGE A 3
PAGE A 6 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 16-22, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Workshop tackles the problem of student population growthBY LISA MACNEIL At the Hernando County School Board (HCSB) workshop held on May 30, 2023, members grappled with how to balance a rapidly growing student population with facility space needs and obtain the necessary funding to accommodate the growth. The discussion was led by James Lipsey, Manager of Planning, Design, and Construction for the Hernando County School District (HCSD). The district is faced with the construction of an additional 12,000 dwelling units over the next ten years, equating to 7,800 students entering the school system. The total number of students, which currently is approximately 24,000, is expected to increase to 32,000. New housing developments in the western and central parts of the county are progressing faster than those on the east side. The greatest student growth will be in grade year outlook forecasts the greatest growth in grades 8-12. The question at hand is how to accommodate the space needs of these students. Projections suggest that the school district should be able to shift school boundaries (rezone) enough to balance the elementary and middle school capacity Lipsey explained, “With an average projected level of service at 99 percent, shifting high school boundaries will do little to nothing to alleviate anticipated growth. At the high school level, adding new capacity is really the only viable option.†see 515 additional students. Special programs and magnet schools pose a unique challenge to high school capacity. An example is Springstead High School, which is not a magnet school; however, it draws an extra 200 students to its IB (International Baccalaureate) and JROTC (Junior The school board has three choices to alleviate school overcrowding, which can be separated into short-term and long-term solutions. In the short term, the school district can conduct rezoning and lease commercial space. Commercial leases come with additional considerations and will almost certainly educational standards for facilities. In the long term, new school construction or building additions to existing schools are the options. Commercial leases must meet statutory requirements governed by Florida Statute (FS) 1013.15(4). If leased for a year or less, shall be funded through operations budget or millage. Operational or millage funds may be authorized if extended or renewed beyond one year. The School Board must publicly adopt a resolution certifying that growth has created a need for new facilities and there is little to no vacant land available. The resolution must also certify that there is vacant space available that meets building and life safety standards for an educational facility. It must also show that acquisition and conversion to educational use are more The hypothetical cost for a commercial lease over ten years for 200 high school students is approximately $7,200,000. The $7,200,000 estimate assumes a cost of $17.25 per square foot (sf) per year for 20,000 sf. for ten years (which is $3,450,000), $3,000,000 for remodeling budget of $750,000 per year. The estimate seems to only include a single year of operating budget. taking the lease route include; buildings must be ADA compliant and meet other codes for educational occupancy. There must be a separate pickup and dropdrill assembly area. “While leasing a commercial space may seem like constraints that prove to be very challenging,†said Lipsey. Building a new school comes with a separate set the facility. A new high school would require about 60 usable acres, a middle school about 35, and 20 for elementary. As of this writing, the county owns two parcels that would be adequate for a new elementary or middle school, one on Lake Lindsey Rd (30 usable acres) and one on McKethan Road (40 usable acres). Lipsey estimates construction of a new school building with a 2,500-student capacity would cost approximately $145 $180 million, including land acquisition. An addition to an existing school for 500 additional students would cost the county an estimated $11.4 million at Weeki Wachee High School. “The data clearly shows that building a classroom addition in multiple locations really would be the more Currently, Weeki Wachee, Hernando, and Central High Schools can support classroom additions. The next presentation on the workshop agenda was Christopher Wilson of CJ Wilson Law presented. The school board relies on impact fees governed by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) for a large part of its budget. Lipsey introduced Wilson by saying, “There’s been lots of discussion about impact fees needing to be higher, but we face limited (school) capacity, and we will start getting into proportionate share mitigation agreements. We really need to think about the consequences that low impact fees have on those future discussions as we move forward.†According to Florida Statutes sections 163.3161, 163.3177, and 1013.33, each local government’s comprehensive plan must include educational facilities in its capital improvement plans. Wilson reported that a study conducted in 2019 supported the educational portion of the total impact fee by statute on a single-family detached home at $6,352. In 2020, the current rate adopted by the county results in an impact fee of $3,176. “You’re currently at about half of what (the school district) should be collecting pursuant to the 2019 study,†Wilson stated. The rate was again studied in 2020 and found to be rfntbb rfnnnttbtbrr rrrrrrnrnrfr rnnrfrrrfnnr rrrrfrrrnr rrrnrfnnnrfrrf r r f f n n t t b b n n rr statutorily supported at $8,764. The BOCC proposes an increase in 2023 that results in $3,298. If the BOCC increases impact fees to the maximum allowed by statute, the resulting amount would be $4,764. “It’s still a little more than half, but not quite where you need to be for funding the growth that’s going to happen in your district,†said Wilson. Wilson explained that the school board can still work with the county to increase the education portion of impact fees to 50 percent without citing special circumstances, regardless of other components of the total impact fee. Currently, the BOCC plans to raise the school district portion by $122. If the district’s impact fee is raised by the maximum of 50 percent, its portion is increased to $1,588. impact fees and unprecedented growth. According to Wilson, the school district’s next steps should be to authorize a Memorandum to the BOCC, justifying an educational impact fee of $4,764. Additionally, the District should draft proposed changes to the Interlocal Agreement and consider other actions to Board member Shannon Rodriguez is optimistic that possibly receiving a portion of a one-half-cent sales tax if passed by voters in 2024. Chairman Gus Guadagnino remained cautious. “I think we’re going to have a battle on our hands. There’s people in politics that make decisions that think we do everything wrong and wouldn’t feel bad if we just fell apart. To put the weight on the local people that are here already isn’t the right thing to do, and we don’t agree on that. I don’t know why, but some of them take the stance that it’s not fair for the people that are coming here. Yeah, it’s fair. They’re the ones causing it. For some reason, we cannot get along.†The information presented during this workshop will be shared with the BOCC and the State Representatives. Guadagnino added, “I have been (a school board member) over ten years. I’ve never had a county commissioner, representative, state legislator come to me and say, ‘What can we do to help?’ Let’s give them all the information they need. Maybe we can work together.†Wilson concluded by commenting on the novel challenges facing both the BOCC and school district, “This county hasn’t gotten to the point yet where you’ve had growth, and you’ve had to deal with this kind of a process. You’re just coming to it it hasn’t been an issue we’ve had to solve yet.†rfntbtrt ttbrttr ttrttt tr rftr rtttttt trrt bt(Brooksville, FL) – Contractors working for Hernando County will begin resurfacing work on the following roads beginning June 15, 2023. Work is expected to take 4 weeks to complete, weather permitting. Roads will remain open, however, delays are expected. Residents their street. Rivard Bl. and Eagle Trace Dr. Ranchette Rd. Alcan Ave. Chapel Ave. Elnora St. Fordham St. Glenbrook Ave. Greynolds Ave. Ireland St. Lafoy Rd. Lear St. Monarch St. Montague Ave. Musa Rd. Myra St. and Wiltshire Ave. For questions contact Troy McCain, Sr Project Manag er Public Works at (352) 754-4062
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 16-22, 2023 • • PAGE A 7 Up to select cemetery property and prepaid funeral plans* Protect those you love. Plan ahead.FUNERAL HOME & FLORIDA HILLS MEMORIAL GARDENS rfffffffnrf ftfntbbfftn tfrf SPLC report labels Florida-based Moms for Liberty an “Extremist Groupâ€By MARK STONE The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has included the Florida-based parental rights group Moms For Liberty on its latest list of “hate and extremist groups.†In their annual report entitled “The Year in Hate and Extremism 2022,†United States as either “hate groups†or “anti-government extremists.†While some of the organizations listed, such as the Ku Klux Klan, are not surprising, oth ers, like the American College of Pediatri cians, raise eyebrows. Among the groups mentioned in the latest report, Moms for Liberty appeared over 200 times, with each local chapter receiving a separate listing. Currently, Moms for Liberty boasts more than 140,000 members across 45 states. According to the SPLC website, the report highlights schools as a primary target for locally driven extremist mobili sion groups leading a movement to gain power through school boards, aiming to undermine public education, ban books, and eliminate curriculum discussing topics related to race, discrimination, and LGBTQ+ identities. One group the SPLC says is at the forefront of this mobiliza tion is Moms for Liberty, a Florida-based as an anti-government extremist group in 2022. The SPLC has had its own controver sies, with co-founder Morris Dees resigning after facing allegations of improper touching. There were also allegations the SPLC maintained a toxic culture and discriminated against people of color and women. One of the SPLC employees The SLPC has recently faced lawsuits over harm caused by their seemingly arbitrary designation of certain groups as hate groups. In a case decided by the Supreme Court last year, Coral Ridge Ministries sued the SPLC over being labeled as a “hate group†due to their bib lical views on the LGBTQ agenda. Coral Ridge claimed that the label crippled their sided with the SPLC only because “ac tual malice†could not be proven by the ministry. In a dissenting opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote, “Nonetheless, unable to satisfy the “almost impossi ble†actual-malice standard this Court has imposed, Coral Ridge could not hold SPLC to account for what it maintains is a blatant falsehood.†Similar lawsuits against the SPLC are pending. The SPLC’s website elaborates that parents’ rights while seeking to exert ab solute control over issues they oppose. In describing parental rights organizations, the SPLC says in 2021, their primary concern revolved around any curriculum emphasizing inclusivity, particularly if it touched upon race or the history of racism, as seen in critical race theory. In 2022, their focus shifted to materials re lated to the LGBTQ+ community and the proposed changes to Title IX by the Biden administration, which aimed to provide greater inclusivity and protections for LGBTQ+ individuals. These groups have consistently attempted to ban books from classrooms and libraries based on their own judgment of inappropriate content that addresses race, LGBTQ+ issues, and gender. The Hernando County chapter of Moms for Liberty actively engages in local poli tics, especially concerning matters involv ing the Hernando County School Board. Parental rights, student indoctrination, inappropriate content in library books, and LGBTQ+ representation in schools have sparked explosive debates during school board meetings over the past few months. Shannon Rodriguez and Mark Johnson, school board members backed by Moms for Liberty, have spearheaded into the classroom since their election last November. Recent controversies, including alleged threats by a transgender teacher and allegations of teachers indoctrinating stu dents, have thrust Hernando County into international news headlines. The local teacher’s union and its supporters have criticized board member Rodriguez and Moms for Liberty, arguing against what they perceive as the persecution of teach ers advocating for LGBTQ+ students. While the Hernando County School District has seen its share of highly a national discourse in school districts across the country. Regarding the SPLC’s listing, Moms for Liberty co-founder Tina Descovich expressed resilience saying, sense. It is just ridiculous when you look at the people listed at the top of the South ern Poverty Law Center’s website.†In a recently released statement, Des covich emphasized their organization’s devotion to empowering parents to par ticipate in their children’s public school education. “Two-thirds of Americans think the public education system is on the wrong track today. That is why our organization is devoted to empowering parents to be a part of their child’s public school educa tion. That is our fundamental goal, which began just two years ago when teachers unions locked students out of schools during the pandemic. Empowering parents continues to be our mission today, and that has fueled our now 45 states in the country. Name-call ing parents, who want to be a part of their child’s education as ‘hate groups’ or ‘big oted’ just further exposes what this battle is all about: Who fundamentally gets to decide what is taught to our kids in school parents or government employees? We believe that parental rights do not stop at the classroom door, and no amount of hate from groups like this is going to stop that.†Monty Floyd, Vice Chairman of Her nando County Moms for Liberty, said that the local chapter stands behind Des covich’s statement. By Pat Miketinac This photo of swallow-tailed kite chick was taken through a 22X telescope with a smartphone set on 8X. The nest is 80’ high in a pine tree, 160’ from the telescope. We have observed adult tails are shorter. They now roost in trees not far from the nest tree, and are still being fed by the
PAGE A 8 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 16-22, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS OPINIONThe views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not reect the ocial policy or position of The Hernando Sun editorial sta or Hernando Sun aliates. STEVE GOODWIN VETERAN Steve Goodwin is a recently retired Christian conservative veteran (of the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division), who still feels that "duty to country" did not end when the military uniform got hung up. He and his wife Cecelia live on the edge of a beautifully wooded tract of land just south of the bypass, and are involved in not only church activities, but also attend school board meetings and local community action events as well.By STEVE GOODWIN sgoodwin@ hernandosun.comThis story comes from some thing that I had been noticing for a while, and as time progressed, I saw it (just Ta title)! I don’t think that any of those people involved would mind me bringing attention to such a simple (yet noble) cause. It s When I got the memo from Mrs. Maglio (our CEO and editor) that she was looking for stories con cerning our fathers, it was like, how much space am I allowed? Our dad was not the “Leave it to Beaver†type of role model that many post-Korean War men aspired to emulate. He had his good and bad days, and as hard as he tried, couldn’t be chained down to a desk job. He eventu ally went from pushing a pen with John Hancock Insurance to pulling (and setting up) modular There is a term for when some one starts driving diesel-powered rigs and sticks with it for life. In conversations around the diners of truck stops, a familiar question heard over a cup of weight†were you when you got that #2 diesel into your blood?†It got to him in his early s, and that was a big part of his life (until he couldn’t drive anymore). Back in the early 1970s, he would get on the CB (Citizens Band radio) and get pertinent information regarding road conditions ahead of him. Back then, each “op erator†had call numbers and a government “call sign,†and he was KBQ9827-Mobile #1 (The Ramblin’ Man)! Once I got out of the army and started hauling alongside him, I was KBQ9827 Mobile #2, The Tennessee Walk er. We would hook on to double wide (12ft. by 60ft. units that are spliced together to form a single large structure). About a decade later, my younger brother, Scott, would tag along behind us with his Dodge truck (carrying supplies) or sometimes would run point to get us through the tough intersec tions. He went by “Style Dog†on the CB radio. (And I can add that my brother is looking for ward to his retirement soon and planning to drive a diesel-pow ered motor coach across the country. (Yes, the “#2 diesel†got in his blood as well). He has his “Class-A†license, and as he works for a space-based contrac tor, he can be found motoring around the Kennedy Space Cen ter complex with various large space rocket components behind him. Now, our dad would take on projects that many others in would turn down. I can recall us varying from double wides to 4, 5, and even -Packs†(units all put together to form 1 building). Brother Scott even went with him all the way out to New Mex ico to assist in a large-scale job. (That’s how he got “hooked.â€) Dad would tell us boys, “Stand behind your work and do your best at it.†He despised crooked would tell them about it to their faces! Business was booming all the way up to the point where the nationwide truck chain we ran with (National Trailer Convoy) got decimated due to President Ronald Reagan deregulating the trucking industry. Later on, we would end up moving our whole business from Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., to up here in Brooksville. While trying to get a business “foot in the door,†we took on to transport. One of them was boxed military freight (loaded on ing a time when we did a “team run†(both of us driving a rig across country). He would often say to me, “If you ever get into an area that is interesting enough to check out, take the time to do it, or you will regret it later!†He also mentioned to me that one of his “Bucket List†things to do was to check out the Mardi Gras in New Orleans. On one occasion, we hauled a load of freight up to St. Louis, Missouri, and when the dispatch er gave me the choice between a load going north, or one going to New Orleans, I jumped on the southern contract. Oh, and I should also mention that this was just days before “Fat Tues day,†the main parade days. I came out of the phone booth (remember those), and when he asked me which direction we were headed, I said, “I don’t know if you will want to hear this, but we are picking a load up here, and delivering it down the street from Bourbon, and Canal Streets, (the dead center of the New Orleans Mardi Gras festivities)! Now, that was one of the tightest toughest city runs that we had ever taken on, but once parked the rig and headed for a good spot to catch the parade. As long as I live, I will never forget the look on his face when I told him where we were going. (It was only topped by the look he something that cannot be eas ily described. (You kinda had to be there to experience it)! I hope that everybody has a good Father’s Day (and if you cannot be with your father, at least tell someone of an interaction with your dad that will make them smile)!Ode to the “Ramblin’ Man†(a Father’s Day Tribute) Picture of Robert “Bob†Goodwin setting up a modular home (by Steve Goodwin) (Bob is the one pushing on the unit)!SUBMIT YOUR LETTERS & CORRESPONDENCE FOR PUBLICATION TO VOICES@HERNANDOSUN.COM OPTIMAL LENGTH IS UNDER 300 WORDS. YOUR LETTER MAY BE EDITED FOR LENGTH. (IF YOU’RE RESPECTFUL, IT’S MORE LIKELY TO GET PUBLISHED.)COMMUNITY VOICESe Hernando County School District is in disarray. e cent sales tax was sold to the public as an EMERGENCY; the advertising brochure came out as NEED; and the $87 Million referendum mentioned CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, only. Now, having reached the goal of $87 Mil, the district is on its way to $100 Mil and continuing to collect the tax. at is outright FRAUD AGAINST THE CITIZENS. I have read and reported on the CIVICS education in the district. e administration takes NO responsibility for the DIS-information (lies) in the text book, and now I have documentation that the State of Florida takes no responsibility, either. We need every member of the sta to respond to a FIRST request by a citizen for books and information, and NOT ONLY aer multiple requests directly to the superintendent. e school board has resorted to child-like “food ghtsâ€. e longer serving board members seem to want to continue their activities of being BUREAUCRATS, only, while the newest board member is about making proper changes and getting things done. And we must have a school board which functions for the best interests of the students, not building pretty buildings, pristine sports complexes and walkway coverings so the students don’t get wet. e most primary job of the school district is to EDUCATE our students to the highest and best use for their lives as citizens in THIS country. All the rest is window dressing. -Hamilton R. Hanson Weeki WacheeBroccoli-bread recipe for our schoolschild in the streets. I guess I’m a man of peace, reluctant but ready for war. rfnt tbt fbrbfrr ffrrr rnrr ffftb rrI’ve been told I make people around when I stand. Today, I open a small corner of the broiling contradictions that is my heart. I hope that at the end of this article, some may be willing to give an opening to “the other side.†“The other side.†How I hate that term. As a child, I lived on “the other side.†I looked like I belonged on that side, but the outlook and the expecta tions never took. I actually never real ized how bad “my side†was until much later. My teachers never taught me that I belonged on a certain side. My parents never spoke about being on “the other side.†My friends and I never decided as to which side we belonged. These things are either learned much later or taught by adults. As I child, my hopes were for ice cream at Carvels or the arrival of the chemistry set I’d purchased with my allowance savings. I hated cleaning day at my house as it would smell like Clorox and Pine Sol, and welcomed the chance to play outside. My world although my community was, in reality, unsafe, dirty, and dangerous, I was safe in my bubble. Later, I learned to avoid the stairways, identify potential mug gers, and run like the wind if danger was a necktie, play a bass, and even speak French (6th grade). For a kid from one of the worst ghettos in 1970s NYC, Bedford-Stuyvesant (Bed-Sty) seemed like the best place in the world to live. We all have read about the goings on at the Hernando School District. It feels like a war has just been declared, and as an appeal is being made to make up our minds and choose a side. Both “sides†have passionate speakers. Each side paints the other as evil, and both claim to have not only moral high ground but the best interests of the children. I have seen how brutal and cruel each side can be, and the more vicious the attack, the better. My heart breaks. My boss is gay, and I love him with all my heart. He adopted two children whom no one would take in and raised them to be good kids. We would both complain about how our kids wouldn’t eat their vegetables and, later on, how to husband is a good man, but he won’t do the dishes (neither does my wife), and we commiserate about how we, being the bigger breadwinners, still have to do most of the chores around the house. He says I’d make a wonderful gay husband, and I tell him that women dream of having a man like him around. rr r rn trr trfn frtn frr ftrff trffr ff rtn nfrt bnn rr would not recite the pledge of alle giance, and one day when I asked my teacher about it, he said, “Her religion believes that making oaths, even good ones, is not a good thing for them. We have to respect that.†Years later, I learned she was a Jehovah’s Witness. I respected her determination to honor her religious beliefs, and my school made provisions for her. rfnr tt r trr br nrn nStarting from that vantage point, the best side may lie a little bit on both ends of the debate. Perhaps I’m confused, perhaps I don’t see things the right way or am forgetting valuable religious teachings, but I can’t forget how my broccoli bread recipe solved my issue and my boss’s issue with getting our kids to eat vegetables. “Bruddah Hank†was born in Brooklyn, but has lived all over the US and abroad. A deeply spiritual man yet circumspect person, he learned the most valuable lesson at the feet of a Hawaiian Kapuna: time is the only gift that can never be taken away. Spend it wisely.ffrfrt r r f
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 16-22, 2023 • • PAGE A 9Within the unlimited amount of evidence to prove that God is real and the Creator of all things, there is no greater example than the Sun, Earth, and Moon. The average person does not wake up in the morning and rush to the window to see if the sun is going to rise or if the earth is being drawn into a black hole. Neither would anyone jump up and down just to make sure the levels of gravity did not change during the night or if the oxygen, nitro gen, and carbon dioxide levels are still maintaining the perfect atmosphere to breathe. God not only created where we live, but He also carefully maintains it. The reliability of time and the seasons, for example, relays a message from God that we can trust Him with everything. Science has written a library of knowledge about the Sun, Earth, and moon, but no one can fathom why they work together no more than why oxygen gives life to the blood or how the brain can manage every system of our bod ies instantly, all at once. Beyond what they are, how do they stay in place?†The Sun is actually a star, and the universe contains an incalculable amount of them. some are even 100 times larger than our Sun. According to the experts, they are luminous balls of gases, mostly hydrogen, and helium, with nuclear fusion at their core to support the masses, which are held together by their own gravity. Beyond what all the celestial bodies are, how do they stay in place?†If the Sun moved away even a small amount, our planet would be frozen, and if it inched closer, we would be burned to a crisp. The conclusion: We build minia ture replicas and hang them with strings, but the only explanation about how these massive round objects remain stationary can be nothing other than the one who made them is holding them there. The Earth has not only been in a precise orbit around the Sun since the beginning, but it also maintains a perfect tilt and a per fect rotational speed. The Moon orbits the Earth exactly every 27.3 days as the Earth and Moon are both moving around the Sun with such preciseness that we can know the exact minute when the Sun will rise and set 100 years from now. Random chance? Hardly. God regulates a bearable temperature with a constant per fect amount of carbon dioxide, as we do not appreciate oxygen until we can’t breathe. If our planet were a tiny bit smaller or larger, let’s just say would not be the same as we en joy now. All of this and so much more are going on every sec ond, and we rarely stop to even give Him thanks. As technology advances to study the cosmos, the more complex it becomes. The same is true with the vast mysteries of the human body and all living creatures, they are such intricate and perplexing miracles of creation. It’s said the human eye consists of more than two million working parts, and this is just a small component compared to the brain. The most advanced computer cannot compare to the brain, which controls 100 billion neurons communicating with each other constantly. When it comes to how the universe began, we’ve heard about how everything we see and know projected outward from this ginormous explosion, and it’s still expanding. This is account of creation. However, if this is the way God wanted to create the universe billions of years ago, should we argue? The writers of Genesis did not call it a “big bang†because the creation of the entire cosmos and the creation of the Sun, Earth, and events. Read the creation account carefully, and you will discover it focuses on our planet and the mention of the heavens refers to multiple atmospheres such as Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Exosphere, and Magnetosphere. Could God have formed the Earth billions of years after He created the Universe? Yes! The point is that none of it happened by coincidence. “For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth. Visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him and for Him: and He is before all things, and by Him, all things consist.†Colossians 1:16-17. Dr. Billy Holland is an or dained minister, community chaplain, and Christian author. Read more about God and the Christian life at billyhollandmin Our forefathers understood that as our colonies’ government grew, it caused the people’s freedom to shrink. America was a wide-open territory. When adven turers reached its shores, there assist them. They were on their own, except for occasional Indian tribes that harassed them; the settlers were able to develop their own homesteads with no govern ment regulations. There were no permits need ed or zoning restrictions, only the settlers’ hardworking hands. They were free to create their own future based on their vision and hard work. After the initial immigrants, the rest came from all over the world to live in urban centers or moved to more sparse ly settled areas. In either case, the government did not hand out assistance. Government assis tance always comes with strings attached, with restrictions and additional taxes. According to President Reagan, the worst thing you can hear is, “I am here from the government, and I am here to help.†They give with one hand and take more freedom with the other. Government help or handouts can only come from taking citi zens’ money out of their pockets through taxation and then ratio nalizing ways to increase taxa tion. Most often, the payer of the taxes does not receive anything additional in services or bene money. However, the number of government workers’ salaries and Many government positions problem. When the problem is solved, the position is rarely eliminated. There is no incentive to eliminate any project that was created because the government tion for promotion, salary in creases, and power. Government bureaucracies grow, not diminish. There is no incentive for the gov ernment to cut back. In a capitalist economy, when the sales of a product drop, an employee can be reassigned with sponsibilities might be increased keep the person’s position. There ment work, only an increased bureaucracy which increases the top echelon’s power base and The government does provide roads, law and order through po licing, justice through the courts, and health through the govern ment organizations like the CDC. These government agencies are constantly being raised. The services that our government is providing are stunningly infe rior to the private sector, as we witnessed during the Covid-19 To ensure their property and as sets during the BLM riots, private businesses had to hire private po lice. State and federal police were restricted from arresting citizens for obvious destructive, criminal cials were more concerned with being woke than preserving order and justice. When a few arrests were made, courts often refused to incarcerate them, even with blatant acts of destruction and violence. This underscores that government agencies, instead of protecting the rights and interests of law-abiding citizens, can be employed for political reasons. Too many high-level politicians want to curry favor with corpo rate heads to push their political agendas. Government schools are a case in point. Even though we spend much more per capita on education, US schools score much lower as compared to other nations. This demonstrates that our government education system is no longer working for our families. Government schools are not focusing on basic academic skills or traditional values. Our students are not learning about our freedoms, rights, and prosperity. Instead, they are being indoctrinated that: whites are racist, God is impotent, transgen derism is possible although the DNA remains the same, violence is acceptable if you are a vic tim of racial injustice, and US capitalism is only the exploitation of citizens. Explicit, graphic, per verted sex acts are being shown to young students. Unbelievably, teachers say that they, not par ents, have more rights and power to dictate to students how to think and behave. This is a direct attempt to indoctrinate Marxist, woke concepts into the minds of nave American students. Teachers are being backed by teacher unions not to inform a child’s parents that a minor is going through an irreversible transexual process without a parent’s knowledge or approval. supersede those of the parents. This is an in-your-face, brazen, woke agenda of lowering parents’ rights and elevating the power of the government schools. Even our homes are in the gov ernment’s crosshairs. Gas stoves, going to be dictated to us by the feds. American citizens’ personal choices are being taken from us one by one. US citizens have a responsibil ity to voice their rights to main tain a limited federal government with checks and balances. British King George III made dictatorial laws that were reject ed by our founding fathers. Our ancestors established a republic with a Bill of Rights and not George III. We cannot accept going backward. Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of sever al books, and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper arti cles, INVASION WITHIN, and a new just published book entitled IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at www.drmaglio.blogspot.The growth of our woke government needs to be halted DOMENICK J. MAGLIO, PH.D.Traditional Realist God Did That DR. WILLIAM HOLLANDAuthor & Minister The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not reect the ocial policy or position of The Hernando Sun editorial sta or Hernando Sun aliates. It’s time to be thinking about Father’s Day—even if all we do is think about it. The woman who suggested Father’s Day in 1909 was named Sonora Smart Dodd. She siblings, by her father after her mother died in childbirth. The idea took a long time to catch on, and didn’t become a national holiday until Richard Nixon was in the White House. If you’re thinking it’s too bad that Ms. Dodd wasn’t around to see her She was just 90 years old. At age 92, she was honored for her idea. a card that seems appropriate for Father’s Day. My dad’s eyesight isn’t great, but even if the cards were easier to read, there wouldn’t be much worth reading. Father’s Day cards are all about golf, and my dad isn’t big on any of those activities. But even if I found a card, the holiday is hard to celebrate. This year, I’m seeing my dad right before Father’s Day. “We’re going to miss Father’s Day!†I told him. He didn’t sound disappointed at all. Missing Father’s Day meant we’d have less of a chance to wrestle the restaurant check away from him. He sounded like he hoped we might forget to get him a present as well. But that doesn’t mean I won’t be thinking about him because I always am—whether I know it or not. My dad’s advice, my dad’s way of solving problems, of taking care of business is so ingrained in me that I’m not and I begin. It doesn’t seem like my dad’s way of looking at the world, it just seems like the way the world should be looked at— if I take the time to be thoughtful and don’t rush out and do something stupid. My dad would say that every plan needs “belt and suspenders.†What will I do if something falls through? What’s the next move? The lesson in this way of thinking is that a person can do virtually anything they want to do as long as they take the time to think it through. My dad might argue mightily against something I wanted to do (and he has), but he’d never tell me not to do it. He’d just want to make sure I’d covered all the angles. The result is that I’ve done seem improbable or risky but, because I’d given them the “belt and suspenders†test before I started, were not nearly as precarious as they seemed. I can’t imagine a more valuable lesson to have learned young. I can’t imagine a better teacher than my dad. My dad now lives in the house he planned for many years before his retirement and built almost entirely by himself with the help of his Uncle John. He always has a project in progress. He’s going to turn 90 next year, and he would tell you he has slowed down, and perhaps he has, but if you just met him, you’d never guess. I will be celebrating Father’s Day this year—maybe early, maybe late, certainly over the telephone at the very least. I’ll try to tell my dad how important he has always been to me—how every major decision of my life has been guided by him, how every decision I ever make will continue to be. And how much I love him. Happy Father’s Day. Till next time, Carrie“Father’s Day†THE POSTSCRIPT By Carrie Classon OPINIONThe views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not reect the ocial policy or position of The Hernando Sun editorial sta or Hernando Sun aliates.
PAGE A 10 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 16-22, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS CLASSIFIEDSPUBLIC NOTICES/GOVERNMENT NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS PUBLIC NOTICES/ GOVERNMENT NOTICES Place Your Classied Ad Today! Up to 25 words $10 per issue. submit-classied-ad/ELDERLY HOUSE CAREAre you a snowbird who needs a home sitter/watch er? Or extra hands? Call 352.815.6221 We provide help to the local elderly community. Great references.6/9, 16____________________ NOTICE OF ACTIONIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 5TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No: 2023 -DR-935 Jennifer L. Gruber, Petitioner and Donald R. Gruber, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DIS SOLUTION OF MARRIAGE (NO CHILD OR FINANCIAL SUPPORT) TO: Donald R. Gruber (Respondent’s last known address) 5580 Fountain Lake Circle, Bradenton, FL 34207 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Mar you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Jennifer Gruber, 6125 Grady St, Brooksville, FL 34601, on or the original with the clerk of this Court at 20 N. Main Street, Family Law Dept, Brooksville, Florida 34601, before service on Peti tioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or personal property should be divided: None Copies of all court docu ments in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of doc uments and information. Fail ure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismiss al or striking of pleadings. Dated: 5/15/2023. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By /s/ G. Graves (Deputy Clerk), (SEAL) Published: May 26, June 2, 9, 16, 2023 ____________ TENNIS EQUIPMENT“Silent Partner†tennis ball machine with all the bells and whistles. Klipper racquet stringing machine with several sets of strings, grips, tools, etc. 3 “Head†tennis racquets with 4 3/8 grips. An application to the National Tennis Academy ing pro. A complete case of Penn tennis balls and a ball hopper. $1200.00 contact Kenn at 352-277-4510 or kenlightfoot901@, 9, 16, 23____________________ PUBLIC SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF ELIZABETH DROZ, Deceased. File No. H-27-CP-2023-000584 PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of ELIZABETH DROZ, deceased, whose date of death was Jan uary 19, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, Florida 34601. The names and address es of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITH IN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is June 9th, 2023. Attorney for Personal Represen tative: Melanie J. Burpee Florida Bar Number: 0978681 11163 Spring Hill Drive Spring Hill, FL 34609 Telephone: (352) 596-4433 Fax: (352) 597-3571 E-Mail: melanieburpee@yahoo.comSecondary E-Mail: attorney. burpee@gmail.comPersonal Representative: Theresa G. Brock 9120 Ottawa Street New Port Richey, FL 34654 Published: June 9, 16, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 23000531CPAXMX IN RE: ESTATE OF WILLIAM PORATH a/k/a WILLIAM JOHN PORATH, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of William Porath, deceased, whose date of death was March 14, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernan do County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 Main Street, Brooksville, Florida 34601. The names and addresses of the personal rep resentative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is June 09, 2023. Personal Representative: Robert Porath 1090 Gracia Street Camarillo, CA 93010 Attorney for Personal Representative: Mark A. Rothman E-mail Addresses: , Florida Bar No. 968609 3632 Land O’Lakes Blvd., #106-21 Land O’Lakes, FL 34639 Telephone: (855) 727-7279 Published: June 9, 16, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO. 22CP-001592 IN RE: ESTATE OF WILLIAM V. WAKS Deceased. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Susan Waks Address Unknown YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an ac tion for Summary Administration Court and you are required to serve a copy of written defens es, if any, to it on the petitioner’s attorney, Pierce J. Guard, Jr., Esquire, whose address is 2511 Orleans Avenue, Lakeland, Flor ida 33803, on or before 30 days the clerk of this court either before service on the petitioner’s attorney or immediately there after; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. Dated on June 9th, 2023. (Court Seal) DOUG CHORVAT, JR. As Clerk of the Court By /s/ Jessica Jensen As Deputy Clerk Published: June 16, 23, 30, July 7, 2023 _____________________ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF EDWIN ANTHONY RIVERA BLANTON, Deceased. File No. H-27-CP-2023-000593 PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of EDWIN ANTHONY RIVERA BLANTON, deceased, whose date of death was March 30, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for HERNANDO County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, Florida 34601. The names and address es of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITH IN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is June 16, 2023. Attorney for Personal Represen tative: Melanie J. Burpee Florida Bar Number: 0978681 11163 Spring Hill Drive Spring Hill, FL 34609 Telephone: (352) 596-4433 Fax: (352) 597-3571 E-Mail: melanieburpee@yahoo.comSecondary E-Mail: attorney. burpee@gmail.comPersonal Representative: Rosemary Daughtrey Caraballo 112 Fox Run Dr Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39402 Published: June 16, 23, 2023 ______________________ THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORI DA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 23-CP-000506 IN RE: ESTATE OF RICHARD ANNUNZIATO Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of RICHARD ANNUNZIATO, deceased, whose date of death was March 22, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernan do County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 North Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITH IN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is June 16, 2023. Attorney for Personal Represen tative: SANDRA H. DAY, ESQ. Attorney Florida Bar Number: 0189499 DAY LAW OFFICE PO Box 5535, Spring Hill, FL 34611 Telephone: (352) 684-6545 Fax: (352) 684-4529 E-Mail: daylaweservice@gmail. com Secondary E-Mail: Personal Representative: KATHLEEN ANNUNZIATO 12379 Porsche Lane Weeki Wachee, Florida 34614 Published: June 16, 23, 2023 ____________________ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF HAROLD WAYNE LAMB, Deceased. File No. H-27-CP-2023-000638 PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of HAROLD WAYNE LAMB, deceased, whose date of death was May 6, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, Florida 34601. The names and address es of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITH IN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is June 16th, 2023. Attorney for Personal Represen tative: Melanie J. Burpee Florida Bar Number: 0978681 11163 Spring Hill Drive Spring Hill, FL 34609 Telephone: (352) 596-4433 Fax: (352) 597-3571 E-Mail: melanieburpee@yahoo.comSecondary E-Mail: attorney. burpee@gmail.comPersonal Representative: Frank Slate 4310 Andrew Lane Brooksville, FL 34601 Published: June 16, 23, 2023 __________________________ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF DANIEL DEAN SHORT, Deceased. Case No.: 23-CP-173 Division: NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of Daniel Dean Short, deceased, File Number 23-CP-173 is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 North Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601. The Estate is testate and the date of the decedent’s Will is May 10, 2006 and the First Codi cil is August 2, 2006. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s Estate on whom a copy of this Notice has with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE TIME OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s this Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this Notice is June 16, 2023. Attorney for Personal Represen tative: /S/ KENNETH L. WARNSTADT, ESQ. Florida Bar No.: 0785113 P.O. Box 594 Brooksville, FL 34605-0594 Telephone: (352) 799-7291 Facsimile: (352)799-1594 Personal Representative: /S/ DENISE SHORT 5346 Patricia Place Weeki Wachee, FL 34607 Published: June 16, 23, 2023 ____________________ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2023-CP-371 IN RE: ESTATE OF YOLANDA MAZZA, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the es tate of YOLANDA MAZZA, deceased, whose date of death was January 31, 2022 , is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 North Main Street, Brooksville FL 34601. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice: June 16, 2023. Attorney for personal representative: NORBERTO S. KATZ, ESQUIRE Florida Bar No.: 399086 630 North Wymore Road, Suite 330 Maitland, Florida 32751 Telephone: (407) 849-7072 Fax: (407) 849-7075 E-Mail: Secondary: tmaldonado@veliz Personal Representative: CHARLES MAZZA 8080 Briantea Drive Boynton Beach, Florida 33472 Published: June 16, 23, 2023 _______________________ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION Case No.: 2023-CP-000092CPAX-MX IN RE: THE ESTATE OF JOHN EDWIN MCELHINEY, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of John Edwin McElhiney, deceased, whose date of death was November 18, 2022, is pending in the Fifth Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main St., Room 130, Brooksville, FL 34601-2800. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this notice is June 16, 2023. /s/ Kathleen Marie Ballance Kathleen Marie Ballance, Petitioner Skiles K. Jones, Esq. Attorney for Kathleen Marie Ballance Florida Bar Number: 1000367 Patriot Legal Group 871 Outer Road Suite B Orlando, FL 32814 Telephone: (407) 737-7222 Fax: (407) 720-8350 E-Mail: skiles@patriotlegal.comSecondary E-Mail:service@patriotlegal.comPublished: June 16, 23, 2023 ____________________ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 23-CP-626 IN RE: ESTATE OF BARBARA ELLEN SCHILLE a/k/a BARBARA SCHILLE DENISE Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: Order of Summary Administration has been entered in the estate of BARBARA ELLEN SCHILLE a/k/a BARBARA SCHILLE DENISE, deceased, File Number 23-CP-626, by the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601; that the decedent’s date of death was April 18, 2023; that the total value of the estate is $12,561.00 and that the names and addresses of those to whom it has been as signed by such order are: Name and Address SANDRA SCHAERLI 602 West 2nd St. Madison, IN 47250 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Administration must WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STAT UTES SECTION 733.702. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this Notice is June 16, 2023. Attorney for Person Giving Notice SANDRA H. DAY, ESQ. Attorney Florida Bar Number: 0189499 DAY LAW OFFICE PO Box 5535, Spring Hill, FL 34611 Telephone: (352) 6846545 Fax: (352) 684-4529 E-Mail: daylaweservice@gmail. com Secondary E-Mail: daylawpro Person Giving Notice: SANDRA SCHAERLI 602 West 2nd Street Madison, Indiana 47250 Published: June 16, 23, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 23-CP-639 IN RE: ESTATE OF JOHN JO SEPH LANGO JR, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: Order of Summary Administra tion has been entered in the estate of JOHN JOSEPH LANGO JR, deceased, File Number 23-CP-639, by the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 North Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601; that the decedent’s date of death was November 21, 2022; that estate is insolvent and that the names and addresses of those to whom it has been assigned by such order are: Name and Address ESTATE OF YAO LANGO, c/o Netjai Puckett-Wolfe, as Personal Representative, 6211 East Branch Road, Huntingdon, PA 16652 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Administration must WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STAT UTES SECTION 733.702. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. this Notice is June 16, 2023. Attorney for Person Giving Notice DAVID J. DAY, ESQ. Attorney Florida Bar Number: 0128325 DAY LAW OFFICE PO Box 5535, Spring Hill, FL 34611 Telephone: (352) 684-6545 Fax: (352) 684-4529 E-Mail:daylaweservice@gmail. com Secondary E-Mail: daylawpro Person Giving Notice: NETJAI PUCKETT-WOLFE 6211 East Branch Road Huntingdon, PA 16652 Published: June 16, 23, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION Case No: 2023 CP 00429 IN RE: THE ESTATE OF LAWRENCE G. HOGAN, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of LAWRENCE G. HOGAN, Deceased, whose date of death was October 27, 2022, File Number 2023 CP 00429 is pending in the Circuit Court for Hernando County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, Florida 34601. The name and address of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is served within three months after the with this Court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and persons having claims or demands against the estate claims with this Court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOR EVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. of this notice is June 16, 2023. Attorney for Estate: JOHN R. COOK, ESQ. Florida Bar No.: 262951 THE HOGAN LAW FIRM Box 485 Brooksville, FL 34605-0485 Telephone: (352) 799-8423 Personal Representative: THOMAS C. HOGAN 2061 Butternut Circle W. Clearwater, Florida 33763 Published: June 16, 23, 2023LAND O’ LAKES HIGH SCHOOLTEACHERSTeaching positions are open at the school for the upcoming academic year: biology/chemistry/ESE/ math/English. LOLHS is consistently recognized as one of the best schools in the nation. It is rated A by the FLDOE, a School of Excellence, IB Programme, Culinary Academy, recently renovated to a state-of-theand it’s a beacon of pride in the community. Send resume to Principal Ric Mellin at fmellin@pas 6/16, 23____________________ NOTICE TO CREDITORS ASSUMED NAME
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 16-22, 2023 • • PAGE A 11 FICTITIOUS NAMES TAX DEED APPLICATION NOTICEPUBLIC NOTICES/GOVERNMENT NOTICES PUBLIC HEARING / MEETING PUBLIC SALENOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA CITY COUNCIL 201 HOWELL AVENUE BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA 34601 Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Brooksville will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, June 19, 2023, at 7:00 p.m., or thereafter, in the Jo seph E. Johnston, III, Council Chambers, located at 201 Howell Ave., Brooksville, Fl. 34601, for the Second and Final Reading of Ordinance No. 968. The purpose of as Hernando County Property Appraiser Key Number 354100. The subject property approximately 725 feet west of Darby Lane. The application/petition and a more complete legal description may be obtained in the Community Development Depart TITLE: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA, ANNEXING BY VOLUNTARY PETITION PURSUANT TO SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES, APPROXIMATELY 0.68 ACRES OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF JEFFERSON STREET APPROXIMATELY 725 FEET WEST OF DARBY LANE AND BEARING HERNANDO COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER KEY NUMBER 354100 INTO THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; PROVIDING FOR FILINGS WITH THE APPROPRIATE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the pro posed ordinance. All persons wishing to be heard, please take notice and govern yourself accordingly. You are further advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision with respect to any matter considered at these proceedings, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the ADA Coordinator no later than 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (352)5403810. Meeting agendas and supporting documentation are available from the City s/Jennifer J. Battista , CMC, City Clerk PUBLISH: Friday, June 9 and 16, 2023 DOUG CHORVAT, JR. CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT HERNANDO COUNTY 20 N. Main Street RM# 165 Tax Deed Division Brooksville, Florida 34601 Phone: 3525406772 Fax: 3527544243 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Year of Issuance: 2020 GARYS MRS T H ADD BLK 6 ORB 285 PG 566 THE W45 FT OF THE E123.5 FT OF THE N1/2 OF BLK 6 KEY # 00703741 Description of Property: TDA #: 2023079TD THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES ON THE PROPERTY WHICH YOU OWN OR HAVE A LEGAL INTEREST. THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON 29TH DAY OF JUNE, 2023 UNLESS THE BACK TAXES ARE PAID. TO MAKE PAYMENT OR TO RECEIVE FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AT 20 NORTH MAIN ST. ROOM 165, BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA, 34601, OR BY TELEPHONE (352) 5406772. 20200322500 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GREEN GULF GROUP CO, the number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: WARNING! Parcel ID: R22 222 19 1820 0060 0010 Assessed To: WELLS FARGO BANK NA TRSTE C/O NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC 350 HIGHLAND DR , LEWISVILLE, TX 750674177 PUBLISH: 06/16/2023 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,511.03 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: 3,327.91 TO REDEEM THIS CERTIFICATE: The below listed redemption amount funds made payable to: Hernando County Tax Collector at 20 N. Main Street Rm. 112 Brooksville, FL 34601. Unless the above referenced tax to Florida law, the property described above shall be sold to the highest bidder pursuant to an online auction at on the 29th day of June, 2023 /s/ Tina Pedersen Deputy Clerk Dated this 8th day of June, 2023 (SEAL) __________________________ FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE Notice is hereby given that TCRI LLC owner/co-owners, desiring to engage in business “BITES & Co.†located in Hernando County, Florida, intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations, Florida Department of State, pursuant to section 865.09 of the Florida Statutes. Published: June 16, 2023 _______________________ FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Keith Arnault owner/co-owners, desiring to engage in business “Central Nature Coast Home Inspections†located in Hernan do County, Florida, intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations, Florida Department of State, pursuant to section 865.09 of the Florida Statutes. Published: June 16, 2023 FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE Notice is hereby given that GRACY, MEGAN J owner/ co-owners, desiring to engage name of “GRACY ENDODONTICS†located in Alachua Coun ty, Florida, intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations, Florida De partment of State, pursuant to section 865.09 of the Florida Statutes. Published: June 16, 2023 ____________________ CLK23-086 NOTICE OF BOARD’S INTENT TO CONSIDER PURCHASE/SALE AGREEMENT FOR REAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commis sioners of Hernando County Flor ida, on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. or soon thereafter, in the Hernando County Gov ernment Center, County Com mission Chambers, 20 N. Main St, Rm 160, Brooksville, Florida, intends to consider a purchase agreement for the sale of the real estate described as: Lot 3, Block 16, Southern Hills Plantation, Phase 3, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 37, Page 45, Public Records of Hernando County, Florida. Property Appraiser’s Parcel ID No.: R03 223 19 3574 0160 0030 Property Appraiser’s Key No.: 1637802 THIS PROPOSED PURCHASE/ SALE AGREEMENT may be inspected by the public in the Hernando County Administration, 15470 Flight Path Drive, Brooks ville, FL 34604, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., M-F, legal holidays excepted. YOU HAVE A RIGHT t o appear and be heard at this public meet ing and/or to send any written objections to the County Com missioners at 15470 Flight Path Drive, Brooksville, Florida 34604. YOU ARE FURTHER ADVISED that if any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commissioners, with respect to the subject matter of the hearing, that person will need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED in the above matter are invited to attend and be heard. Public participation is solic ited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Colleen Conko, County Administration, 15470 Flight Path Drive, Brooksville, FL 34604, telephone (352) 540-6452. If hearing impaired, please call 711 for assistance. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HERNANDO COUNTY, FLOR IDA /s/ (SEAL) Douglas Chorvat, Jr., Clerk By: Heidi Kurppe Deputy Clerk Published: June 16, 2023 _________________________ MPO 2023-23 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING CANCELLATION TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (TAC) OF THE HERNANDO/CITRUS METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular public meeting of the Technical Advisory Com mittee (TAC) of the Hernando/ Citrus Metropolitan Planning Organization ( MPO scheduled for Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., has been cancelled. The next regular public meet ing of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, July 26, 2023, beginning at 9:00 a.m., at the Hernando County Building, Training Facility, 1661 Blaise Drive, Brooksville, Flor ida. Any questions concerning the cancellation of this public meeting should be directed to Mr. Bob Esposito, MPO Executive Director, Hernando/Citrus MPO, 1661 Blaise Drive, Brooksville, Florida, 34601, telephone (352) 754-4082, or email mpo@her Hernando/Citrus Metropolitan Planning Organization /s/ Robert Esposito MPO Executive Director Published: June 16, 2023 _________________________ MPO 2023-24 NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC MEETING CANCELLATION CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) AND BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (BPAC) OF THE HERNANDO/CITRUS METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the joint public meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) and the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) of the Hernando/Citrus Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) scheduled for Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 10:30 a.m., has been cancelled. The next joint public meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) and the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, July 26, 2023, beginning at 10:30 a.m., at the Hernando County Building, Training Facility, 1661 Blaise Drive, Brooksville, Flor ida. Any questions concerning the cancellation of this public meeting should be directed to Mr. Bob Esposito, MPO Executive Director, Hernando/Citrus MPO, 1661 Blaise Drive, Brooksville, Florida, 34601, telephone (352) 754-4082, or email mpo@her . Hernando/Citrus Metropolitan Planning Organization /s/ Robert Esposito MPO Executive Director Published: June 16, 2023 MPO 2023-25 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING CANCELLATION HERNANDO/CITRUS METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) BOARD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Hernando/Citrus Metropolitan Planning Organization Board’s regular public meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 6, 2023, at 1:30 p.m., has been cancelled. The next regular public meeting of the Hernando/Citrus Metropol itan Planning Organization Board is scheduled for Thursday, August 3, 2023, beginning at 1:30 p.m., in the Lecanto Government Building, 3600 W. Sovereign Path, Room 166, Lecanto, Flor ida. Any questions concerning the cancellation of this public meeting should be directed to Mr. Bob Esposito, MPO Executive Director, Hernando/Citrus MPO, 1661 Blaise Drive, Brooksville, Florida, 34601, telephone (352) 754-4082, or email mpo@her Hernando/Citrus Metropolitan Planning Organization /s/ Robert Esposito MPO Executive Director Published: June 16, 2023 ________________________ NOTIFICATION OF ASSUMED NAME CLAIM AND CERTIFICATE OF LIVING TRUST – CERTIFIED #2023102031 MICHELLE MARIE TODD, TRUSTEE Michelle Marie Todd, Agent and MARIE TODD. Trust declaration as recorded at Pasco County Recorder and that Michelle Marie Todd is the full holder in due course of all of these names in all variations of types, styles, texts, spellings and/or digits and any other variations of this name. Therefore, she has ALL RIGHTS RESERVED for the rights, assets, INTERESTS, divestitures, accounts and securities in MI CHELLE MARIE TODD, TODD MICHELLE MARIE and any and all other name spellings, in all variations of types, styles, texts, spellings and/or digits and any other variations of this name as herein so described and noticed by this PUBLIC NOTICE and recorded publishing. Published: June 16, 23, 30, July 7, 2023 ____________________ Dun-Romin Wrecker Service 11267 Commercial Way Weeki Wachee, FL 34614 352-597-5688 Date of Sale: July 3, 2023 Time: 8:00 AM Make: 2001 Honda Vin#: 1HGCG22571A009126 Make: 2015 Toyota Vin#: 4T1BF1FK6FU497350 Place of Sale: Dun-Romin Wrecker Service 11267 Commercial Way Weeki Wachee, FL 34614 352-597-5688 Published: June 16, 2023 City of Brooksville FY2023 SEWER REHAB PHASE IV Group I Rebid RFP-DPW-2023-1008 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Brooksville is adver tising a Request for Proposals for FY2023 SEWER REHAB PHASE IV, Group I Rebid, RFP-DPW-2023-1008. cations will be posted on the City of Brooksville’s website and on BidNetDirect www.bidnetdirect. com). A link to the Florida Bid System ( is also provided on the City’s Website. Sealed responses must include all required documents contained in the request as well as the Bid Form. bid packets will be received by the City up to and including 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 18, 2023 with the bid opening held immediately thereafter. The bid packets must be mailed or delivered to the City of Brooks ville’s Procurement Division, 201 Howell Ave., Brooksville, Fl. 34601. The Bid Opening will be held in the Joseph E. Johnston, III, Council Chambers (City Hall), 201 Howell Ave., Brooksville, Fl. 34601. The Pre-Bid/Proposal meeting, in which attendance is recommend ed, will be Thursday, June 29, 2023 at 2:00 p.m . Questions must be submitted by Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. to The Bid Evaluation Meeting will be held Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. The City reserves the right to reject, waive technicalities, and/or and procedures. Packets not re ceived for any reason by the due date/time will not be accepted. s/Jennifer J. Battista City Clerk Published: June 16, 2023 NOTICE OF THE JUNE 27, 2023 SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS Notice is hereby given that the School Board of Hernando County, Florida (hereinafter, the “Boardâ€) will hold the following meetings on June 27, 2023 in the Board Room, 919 N. Broad Street, Brooksville, FL 34601: Informal at 1:00 P.M. Workshop at 2:30 P.M. Regular Meeting at 6:00 P.M. The purpose of this meeting is to conduct such business as may come before the Board. A copy of the agenda for the meeting(s) may be obtained by writing to the Board at 919 North Broad Street, Brooksville, FL 34601, or by calling Kelly Pogue, Secretary to the School Board and General Counsel, at 352797-7253. The agenda, updates, and related materials will be available on the Board’s website at https://hernandoschools.legis All Board meetings, workshops, public hearings and special meetings are streamed live by HITV and aired on Spectrum Channel 642. Individuals with hearing im pairment or individuals with disabilities requesting reasonable accommodations to participate in this meeting should contact Kelly Pogue at (352) 797-7253 at least If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at any Board meeting or hearing, he/she will need a copy of the minutes approved by the Board including any back-up materials or documents submitted to it and a transcript of the audio and/or visual recording of the meeting if any made and maintained by the Board. It is the responsibility of the party requesting a copy of audio/visual recording to have it transcribed for appellate pur poses. Originated by Gus Guadagnino, Chairperson of The School Board of Hernando County, Florida Secretary and Superintendent of Schools Published: June 16, 2023 ______________________ CLK23-091 PUBLIC NOTICE OF MEETING The Hernando County Housing Authority will hold a Regular Meeting on Monday, June 26, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at Hernando County Housing Authority located at ville, Florida. All meetings of the Hernando County Housing Authority are open to the public. In accor dance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Terri Beverly, Hernando County Housing Authority Executive Di Brooksville, Florida 34601. Telephone 352-754-4160. If hearing impaired, please call 1-800-6763777 for assistance. For more information, call the Hernando County Housing Authority at 754-4160. Published: June 16, 2023 PERMIT ISSUANCEPUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Southwest Florida Water Management District has received Environmental Resource permit application number 868404 from Matthews Family Limited Partnership, LTD, Joseph E Matthews, ESQ., 6134 Bear Trail, Weeki Wachee, FL 34607. Application received: 4/10/2023. Proposed activity: Commercial Development. Project name: Farm of Dreams. Project size: 5.31 Acres Location: Section(s) 24 Township 23 South Range 19 East, in Hernando County. Outstanding Florida Water: No. Aquatic preserve: No. The application is available for public inspection Monday through Fri day at 7601 U.S. Highway 301 North, Tampa, Florida 33637 or through the “Application & Permit Search Tools†function on the District’s website at Interested persons may inspect a copy of the application and submit written comments concerning the application. Comments must include the permit application number and be received within 14 days from the date of this of intended agency action or an opportunity to request an administrative hearing regarding the application, you must send a written request referencing the permit application number to the Southwest Florida Water Management District, Regulation Bureau, 7601 U.S. Highway 301 North, Tampa, Florida 33637 or submit your request through the District’s website at The District does not discriminate based on dis ability. Anyone requiring accom modation under the ADA should contact the Regulation Bureau at (813)985-7481 or 1(800)8360797, TDD only 1(800)231-6103. Published: June 16, 2023CLK23-092 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Hernando County Florida, will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 11, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. or soon thereafter, in the Hernando County Government Center, County Com mission Chambers, 20 N. Main St, Rm 160, Brooksville, Florida, to consider the following: A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE REVISED NON-AD VALOREM (SPECIAL) ASSESSMENT RATES FOR THE HERNANDO COUNTY MUNICIPAL BENEFIT UNIT FOR FIRE RESCUE SERVICES. The estimated revenue to be collected is 531,790,073 based on 95% collection of the total below and is the funding source to By law, the Board of County Commissioners can use this notice to inform of maximum rates used for this non-ad valorem of money, or similar purchasing or cost increase variables, and may only be increased from year to year in an amount not to eters will be deemed to be within the maximum rate authorized by law at the time of initial imposition of this non-ad valorem property owners. Courthouse, 20 N. Main St, Rm 362, Brooksville, FL 34601, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., M-F, legal holidays excepted. YOU HAVE A RIGHT to appear and be heard at this public meeting and/or to send any written objections to the County Com missioners at 20 North Main Street, Room 160, Brooksville, Florida 34601. YOU ARE FURTHER ADVISED that if any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commission ers, with respect to the subject matter of the hearing, that person will need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceedings is made ALL PERSONS INTERESTED in the above matter are invited to attend and be heard. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accom modation to participate in this proceeding should contact Jessica Wright, County Administration, 15470 Flight Path Drive, Brooksville, FL 34604, telephone (352) 754-4002. If hearing impaired, please call 711 for assistance. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA /s/ (SEAL) Douglas A. Chorvat, Jr., Clerk of Circuit Court Published: June 16, 2023 ASSUMED NAME
PAGE A 12 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 16-22, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS rfHernando Sun StaOn June 7, around 7:15 am, HCSO was alerted to a residential burglary in progress on Melcano Ave in Spring Hill. Deputies were dispatched to the home, where the resident spotted a strange man sitting on her back pa tio when she was about to let her dogs out the back door. in the area arrived at deputy found the man relaxing on the back patio while charging his phone and immedi ately detained him. HCSO deputies took custody of the man, Stravino, 33, and his backpack. Stravino stated that he thought he was at his girlfriend’s house, just waiting to be let in. He then stated he didn’t know where he was and did not know his girlfriend’s address. The homeowner did not know Stravino and had not given him permission to be on her property or to use the utilities. Near where Stravino had been sitting, depu ties found a small plas tic bag with 0.6 grams of a light powdery substance that tested positive for heroin. Another small bag of heroin, 0.5 grams, was found when deputies searched Stravino. A small black zip pered case inside his backpack contained another small plastic bag with 22.4 grams of a crystal-like substance that tested positive for methamphetamine. In addition to the illicit drug, the zippered case also contained drug paraphernalia: multiple small empty plastic baggies, a used syringe, and a scale. Anthony Stravino was placed under arrest and charged as fol lows: Burglary of Occupied Dwelling trolled Substance Possession of Nar cotics Possession of Paraphernalia Bond $28,000.June 7 LAW ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS • Deputies responded to: o Retail Theft/Resisting without Violence – District 2/Zone 2 – A suspect of a retail theft ran from deputies and was soon caught and placed into custody – x1 Arrest – 2023-18528. o Irrational Subject – District 1/Zone 3 – While putting an intoxicated, suicidal individual into protective custody, the individual battered one deputy and spat on another deputy – 202318567. June 8 LAW ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS • Deputies responded to: o Residential Burglary – District 1/Zone 2 – Suspect(s) forced entry into a residence and stole multiple items including cash – Investigation Active – 2023-18671. o Armed Vehicle LAW ENFORCEMENT/ FIRST RESPONDER ROUND UP dia releases and updates to round out our news coverage.Burglary – District 1/Zone was stolen from their vehicle – Investigation Active – 2023-18680. o Strong Arm Robbery – District 2/Zone 7 – The victim was beaten and robbed behind a grocery store by suspects known to the victim – Investigation Active – 2023-18682. HCSO shares that Corporal Woodward made new friends at the Brooksville Watermelon Festival this past weekend. His newest friend Kaitlyn and her family wanted to say “ank you, Corporalâ€! HCSO shares that on June 9, 2023, the Hernando County Detention Center held a graduation ceremony to provide recognition for the individuals that have completed their GED at the facility within the past month. Photo courtesy of HCSO. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY the county-wide burn ban has been lied. Regular outdoor burning in accordance with the Flor ida Forest Service regulations can resume. Anthony Stravino / Credit: HCSOntrrbHernando Sun StaOn Friday, June 9th, a little past 2 am, Her nando County deputies were dispatched to a house in the Avalon in Spring Hill concerning a robbery. The deputies were informed that the robbery took place near Publix at the Shoppes at Avalon. The victim stated that he had an existing quar rel with Ryan Treger. He and his friend were walking home from the 7-11. During their walk, they noticed a silver 4-door sedan with Treger and Joshua Reiding er driving through the Publix parking lot. The victim and his companion tried to avoid Treger and Reidinger by walking to the opposite side of the parking lot. When they arrived at the other side of the parking lot, Tre ger and Reidinger were already there waiting for them. Reidinger leaped out of the vehicle and charged at the victim, kicking him in the chest. With the victim on the ground, Reidinger con tinued to assault him, and Treger joined him. During this alterca tion, Treger seized the victim’s shoes, wallet, and cell phone. As a result of the assault, the victim sustained a black eye, multiple cuts and bruises, and a laceration that required stitches. The victim’s friend corroborated the sequence of events, adding that at one point, Reidinger restrained the victim while Treger punched him in the face. The victim was trans ported to the hospital by EMS for treatment of the injuries he had received. Patrol deputies later located the vehicle involved in the inci dent at the Green Brier Apartments on Spring Hill Drive. The vehicle was registered under Reidinger’s girlfriend’s father’s name. Deputies noticed the victim’s shoes in the back seat. When deputies knocked on the door, the owner of the vehicle answered. Although he denied any involve ment in the incident, he admitted that Reidinger had permission to occa sionally use his vehicle. During the conversa tion, Reidinger came to the door. Reidinger denied any connection to the incident but quickly changed his statement. He then claimed that he, too, was a victim and that the victim had attacked him. Reidinger confessed to taking the victim’s shoes, which were subsequently recovered from the vehicle. Selective Enforce ment detectives lo cated Treger at 341 Spring Haven Loop and transported him to the HCSO (Hernando the victim. However, he asserted that his only involvement was recording the incident while Reidinger and the victim fought. Treger, however, refused to allow detectives to view the recorded video. He also disclosed that he hid the victim’s phone behind an electrical box near Publix. Both Treger and Reidinger stated they had no knowledge of the whereabouts of the victim’s wallet. Conse quently, both suspects were arrested and charged with robbery. Both men were given a bond of $10,000. It is worth noting that both Treger and Reidinger have multiple prior arrests. Credit: HCSO Credit: HCSObBy PAT RAIA pat@hernandosun.comA Hernando County Sher resigned after being accused of stops, allowing a citizen to approach a vehicle during a dash-mounted camera while driving his patrol car with its lights and siren activated. Joseph McClellan, submitted his resignation letter just before an the allegations was coming to a close. “It is extremely disappointing any time a law enforcement of to perform to the highest stan dards,†said Hernando County swearing in deputies, they must raise their right hand and swear they will never betray the badge, oath, integrity, charac ter, or the public trust and they must hold themselves and others accountable for their actions.†The investigation into Mc Clellan’s performance began in March when an HCSO Sargent received a memo containing information that McClellan had Boulevard near Landover Bou levard around 5 a.m. on March 10 but that he was discovered “blacked out†behind the wheel when a detective arrived on the scene to assist. While scouring HCSO data bases in order to learn whether made, the detective found none and discovered two other simi lar stops conducted by McClel lan that raised questions. The subsequent internal vealed that McClellan allegedly allowed a citizen who was in the patrol car during a ride-along to approach a vehicle alone after a the driver’s license, registration, and insurance information and to provide a verbal warning to the driver regarding speed. tigators found that McClellan had on several occasions al while driving his patrol car in “emergency mode†with lights According to the HCSO, on May 19, McClellan turned in all the HCSO property remaining in his possession. At that time, he was asked to complete his in terview with investigators from Later Nienhuis thanked the detective who reported the internal investigation. “Evidence revealed in this internal investigation proves Deputy Joseph McClellan failed to uphold this oath, bringing discredit to himself and to the agency as a whole,†Nienhuis said. “I commend the detective who came forward with the ini stop, as he obviously honors the oath he took to hold himself and others accountable for their actions.†Fire Rescue crews trained at BKV Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport and Technology Center on Sunday June 11. ey conducted aerial operations training at the Air Trac Control building and aircra familiarization. Photos above and below by HCFR.
HERNANDO LIVING HERNANDO LIVING B 1 JUNE 16-22, 2023 COMMUNITY, ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT, FUN Hurricane & Safety Expo imparts important life-saving information Advanced treatments personalized to you.Through next-generation sequencing, we take a deep look into your genes to create treatment plans personalized to you. This provides a road map for immunotherapies that strengthen the clinical trials, delivering quality treatment and expertise in communities across Florida. We take care of the big things in cancer care, so you can make the most of the little moments—every step of the way. Panel of weather experts (Photo provided by David DeCarlo) Father, artist portrays a dystopian, yet hopeful world See Page B 3
PAGE B 2 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 16-22, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Live Oak Theatre Open Auditions for “Fiddler on the Roofâ€Live Oak Theatre announces its open auditions for “Fiddler on the Roof.†Anyone is welcome to submit a video audition; basically a tape that depicts themselves performing one of the preselected monologues from the show, and one of the pre-selected show. The video audition is due for submission by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, June 21. Nonmembers of Live Oak Theatre company should email marie@ for instructions on accessing links for music and character monologues, as well as full instructions regarding how to submit your audition video. For more information, visit www. & Weekend!Heroes Boat Parade Silent Auction startsDate: Ongoing Event: June 15 through July 05, 2023 Time: 8:00 am 9:00 am Location: Online Description: Supporting: FLORIDA VETERANS FOUNDATION For more information Hernando Beach (352) 596-4830 https:// FundraiserDate: Friday, June 16, 2023 Time: 11:00 am 1:00 pm Location: Methodist School Center, 109 S Broad St, Brooksville, FL 34601 Description: In order to raise funds for a new playground at the school, 109 S Broad St, Brooksville, Methodist School Center will host a barbecue fundraiser 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, June 16. The school’s Jan. 16 barbecue will include a feast set to include pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, cole slaw, and other summery delights. A suggested donation, to be announced the day of the barbecue, will be accepted for each plate sold.Sensory Friendly Hike and ActivitiesDate: Friday, June 9, 2023 Time: 7:00 pm 8:00 pm Location: Chinsegut Hill Retreat and Conference Center 22495 Chinsegut Hill Rd Description: Date: Saturday, June 17, 2023 Time: 8:00 am 10:00 am Location: Chinsegut Conservation Center, 23212 Lake Lindsey Rd, Brooksville, FL 34601 Description: Join us for a sensory friendly hike and activities! Spots are limited and registration is required at the link below: https://outreach.myfwc. com/events/EventDetails. aspx?id=1748253&group= The hike starts and ends at Chinsegut Conservation Center where there are restrooms and water fountains. Participants should meet at the center and be ready to start the hike at 8:00am. The hike will take approximately 1.5 hours and end at 9:30am. The hike length is 1.2 miles along our trail system which is unpaved, along uneven and sometimes sandy terrain with a mix of shaded and unshaded areas. We’ll have binoculars available for use and a scavenger hunt designed for kids to participate in during the hike. After the hike, we’ll have sensory activities in the center including kinetic sand/ animal track play, magnifying viewers, a pelt/animal skull touch table, and a reading corner. It’s recommended that participants wear long pants, close-toed shoes appropriate for hiking, sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat and bug spray. We will have bug spray with DEET available for participants to use. We also recommend participants bring water and something to carry their water in to stay hydrated. Feel free to bring a lunch or snack and enjoy it afterwards at our picnic tables!Pine Needle Basket ClassDate: Saturday, June 17, 2023 Time: 9:00 am 12:00 pm State Park, 7200 Co Rd 603, Bushnell, FL 33513, Description: Traditional pine needle basketry is taught by Dade’s experienced volunteers. All materials are provided to make a longleaf pine needle basket. Pre-register by calling 352-7934781 or email DadePrograms@ Cost is $3/vehicle (or Florida State Parks Annual Pass) plus $5/person activities fee.Annual Florida Native Plant Membership MeetingDate: Saturday, June 17, 2023 Time: 10:00 am 11:00 am Location: YouTube Description: On YouTube live Annual Florida Native Plant Membership Meeting The Florida Native Plant Society holds a members meeting once a year. All FNPS members are invited to participate. We will provide a “year in review†and announce grant awards, Palmetto Awards for members and then directors. Join us via YouTube live. View the Agenda here.Annual Operation Kindness Kitten ShowerDate: Saturday, June 17, 2023 Time: 10:00 am 2:00 pm Location: Pet Supplies Plus, 13120 Cortez Blvd., Spring Hill Description: The annual Operation Kindness Kitten Shower, Saturday, will take place June 17th from 10am-2pm at Pet Supplies Plus, 13120 Cortez Blvd., Spring Hill. Kittens will be available for adoption, items needed by shelter kittens will be available for purchase at Pet Supplies Plus opportunity to win some purr-fect prizes! LIfeSouth Community & Graduate Blood DriveDate: Saturday, June 17, 2023 Time: 10:00 am 5:00 pm Location: Lifesouth Community Blood Bank, 12395 Cortez Blvd, Brooksville, FL 34613 Description: Calling all High Schoolers and graduates! Come by LifeSouth Community Blood Center’s Brooksville location at 12395 Cortez Blvd from 10am5pm on June 17th for free food, activities, vendors from local businesses and schools, and the chance to donate blood this summer for a $20 e-gift card. Students and recent graduates who are interested in donating platelets can receive up to $40 in e-gift cards.Weeki Wachee Area Club, FATHER’S DAY SPECIALDate: Saturday, June 17, 2023 Time: 10:00 am 2:00 pm Location: Weeki Wachee Area Club, 7442 Shoal Line Blvd, Spring Hill, FL 34607 Description: As a part of the club’s weekly, volunteer-run Bingo! games, a FATHER’s DAY SPECIAL will be celebrated Saturday, June 17th, at the Weeki Wachee Area Club, 7442 Shoal Line Blvd., Weeki Wachee. Doors open at 10 a.m. Bingo! starts at 11 a.m. Participating fathers get a complimentary Bingo! pack at this weekend holiday celebration. Plus surprise drawings and a special dessert. And fathers in attendance will compete for the exalted title of King of the Day!Florida Bats by Florida Bat ConservancyDate: Saturday, June 17, 2023 Time: 1:00 pm 3:00 pm State Park, 7200 Co Rd 603, Bushnell, FL 33513 Description: Florida bats are an important part of our ecosystem, consuming up to 3,000 insects per night. Join Shari Blissett-Clark as she shares natural history information about Florida bats and does some show and tell with a few live bats. Cost is $3/vehicle or Florida State Parks Annual Pass.The River Continues: Discovery/ Exploration of the Weeki Wachee Cave SystemDate: Saturday, June 17, 2023 Time: 7:00 pm 8:30 pm Location: Weeki Wachee Springs State Park Weeki Wachee Springs State Park Description: Experience the history and future of exploration in one of the world’s largest and deepest underwater cave systems. Join Karst Underwater Research team members, Dr. Andrew Pitkin, Brett Hemphill, & Matt Vinzant as they describe through one-of-a-kind pictures, videos, and stories, how this incredible frontier was discovered and what is to come. During this presentation, team divers using the latest submerged cave exploration equipment will be executing a photo shoot in the spring basin while the audience members freely observe through the underwater windows of the theater. Following the presentation, audience members will be invited to the Coral Room for an after-show meet and greet, where they can enjoy appetizers and beverages. Additional pictures, equipment, and Karst team members will be present during this portion of the event. Tickets are $25 per person adult/ child. Tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite by clicking the link provided. https://tinyurl. com/39xa46p6 Gunnar’s “Dystopia†exhibitionDate: Saturday, June 17, 2023 Time: 7:00 pm 10:00 pm Location: Ever After Gallery, 13053 Spring Hill Dr, Spring Hill, FL 34609 Description: Gunnar’s “Dystopia†exhibition, opening via a free reception 7-10 p.m. Saturday, June 17, at centers around vividly illustrated oil paintings. Wine and cheese will be served.Introduction to Fly TyingDate: Sunday, June 18, 2023 Time: 2:00 pm 3:00 pm State Park, 7200 Co Rd 603, Bushnell, FL 33513 Jim Swann for an introduction to Opportunities for trying your hand at it will be included. Cost is $3/ vehicle (or Florida State Parks Annual Pass).~~~~~ WEEKDAY EVENTSFlorida Black Bear Curriculum Workshop for EducatorsDate: Wednesday, June 21, 2023 Time: 10:00 am 2:30 pm Historic State Park, 7200 Co Rd 603, Bushnell, FL 33513 Description: Black bears and their habitats are studied and celebrated in this educational workshop which will include educational activities on bears and their habitats and provide a free on-line curriculum guide and other printed bear materials. The workshop is geared towards any educator who works with elementary and middle school aged students. The workshop is free to all educators but space is limited. To register please call 352-793-4781 or contact AT YOUR LIBRARIESMain Library: 238 Howell Ave; Brooksville, FL 34601 Spring Hill Branch: 9220 Spring Hill Dr. Spring Hill, FL 34608 East Hernando Branch: 6457 Windmere Rd Brooksville, FL 34602 West Hernando Branch: 6335 Blackbird Ave Brooksville, FL 34613 Registration Required for library programs. Call 352-754-4043. To view the full events calendar, please visit: https:// hernandocounty.librarycalendar. com/Stick Together: A Community Mosaic Poster ProjectSpring Hill Branch 9220 Spring Hill Dr. Spring Hill, FL 34608 Ongoing event: 06/01/2023 @ 10:00 am 06/30/2023 @ 5:00 pm Description: Come visit the Spring Hill Library and join us in helping to create a large mosaic using stickers.Summer Adult Bingo ChallengeMain Branch 238 Howell Ave Brooksville, FL 34601 Ongoing event: 06/12/2023 @ 10:00 am 07/03/2023 @ 6:00 pm Spring Hill Branch 9220 Spring Hill Dr. Spring Hill, FL 34608 Ongoing Event: 06/13/2023 @ 11:00 am 07/01/2023 @ 6:00 pm West Hernando Branch 6335 Blackbird Ave. Brooksville, FL 34613 Ongoing Event: All Day 6/15 7/3 East Hernando Branch 6457 Windmere Rd. Brooksville, FL 34602 Ongoing event: 06/13/2023 @ 10:00 am 07/01/2023 @ 5:00 pm Description: Hernando County Library BINGO Challenge! Join us in discovering new books all summer long while playing BINGO and winning prizes. Pick up your BINGO card from The Brooksville Main Library and start reading! Read and play at your own pace. Check out books from any branch that match the categories and record them on your BINGO card. If you read a book that counts for all of them! Five in a row = BINGO! Win a prize for Animal Origami for TweensMain Meeting Room 238 Howell Ave Brooksville, FL 34601 Date: Monday, June 19, 2023 Time: 3:00pm 4:00pm Description: Tweens will learn through the World Wildlife Fund’s WWF Together app before getting a chance to recreate those animals using the art of origami. All skill levels are welcome! For ages 8-12. Registration is required. Registration opens up 14 days before the event.Vision Boards for Teens Main Meeting Room 238 Howell Ave Brooksville, FL 34601 Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2023 Time: 3:00pm 4:00pm Description: Using magazines and scrapbook materials, teens will create a vision board, which is a visual representation of their hopes, goals and dreams for the summer, upcoming school year, and beyond. For ages 13-18. Space is limited, registration is required. Registration opens up 14 days before the event.West Hernando Craft ClubWest Hernando Meeting Room 6335 Blackbird Ave Brooksville, FL 34613 Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2023 Time: 3:00pm 4:30pm Description: We are cordially inviting all Hernando County creative people to bring their own crafts and share ideas! Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 3 p.m.Writing Your Life StoriesMain Meeting Room 238 Howell Ave Brooksville, FL 34601 Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2023 Time: 10:15am 11:30am Description: Putting the stories of your life down on paper is a way to remember times past and a priceless gift to your descendants. Join our group on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays to share your stories. Call or email for more information.Goal Setting & SavingMain Meeting Room 238 Howell Ave Brooksville, FL 34601 Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2023 Time: 2:00pm 3:00pm health. This program helps management decisions and related stress.The MoogicianWest Hernando Teen Room 6335 Blackbird Ave Brooksville, FL 34613 Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2023 Time: 3:00pm 4:00pm Description: Join The Moogician for a comedy-variety show that combines magic, juggling, music, and comedy with a little bit of a dairy twist! Registration required. Registration opens 14 days before the event. Color Your Cares AwayMain Meeting Room 238 Howell Ave Brooksville, FL 34601 Date: Thursday, June 22, 2023 Time: 2:00pm 4:00pm Description: Stressed out? Coloring aids in relaxation and calms the mind, helping to relieve daily stress. Join us and Color Your Cares Away as you practice self-care colorfully! Materials provided, but feel free to bring your own.DIY Canvas Bag Decorating for TweensSpring Hill Meeting Room 9220 Spring Hill Dr. Spring Hill, FL 34608 Date: Thursday, June 22, 2023 Time: 5:30pm 6:30pm Description: Join us and decorate your very own canvas tote bag. For tweens ages 8 12. All supplies provided. Space is limited. Registration required. ~~~~~ SAVE THE DATESizzlin’ Summer SALE! WHEN: Friday & Saturday, July 7 & 8, 2023, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. WHERE: Dana’s Railroad Supply, 4042 Deltona Blvd., Spring Hill, FL 34606, (352) 684-2484, www. Admission Free!2023 Heroes Boat Parade HERNANDO BEACH YACHT CLUB HERNANDO REACH, FLORIDA Supporting: FLORIDA VETERANS FOUNDATION Schedule of Events On-line Silent Auction June 15 —July 5 Heroes Dinner at the HBYC Friday June 30th doors open 5:30 pm 4163 Shoal Line Blvd, For more information about these events: Hernando Beach (352) 5964830 Heroes Boat Parade Saturday July 1st 12:00 pm SHOW BEGINS AT 7:30 PM | DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 PM JUNE 23, 2023 rf rf nff nff tbtbt tbtbt r r F O O D F O O D T R U C K S T R U C K S & L O C A L & L O C A L V E N D O R S ! V E N D O R S ! SAUCY QUEEN PRESENTS:BROOKSVILLE BROOKSVILLE BITES NIGHT BITES NIGHT13. South Brooksville Ave. 13. South Brooksville Ave. 13. South Brooksville Ave. Historic Downtown Brooksville Historic Downtown Brooksville Historic Downtown BrooksvilleBrought to you by:Fam ily Friendly Event! Fam ily Friendly Event! Fam ily Friendly Event! Alw ays the Third Friday of A lw ays the Third Friday of Alw ays the Third Friday of each m onth at 6-9pm each m onth at 6-9pm each m onth at 6-9pm2 years 2 years 2 years of great of great of great events! events! events!
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 16-22, 2023 • PAGE B 3 The The Hernando Hernando Sportsman’s Sportsman’s Club Club 352-597-9931 352-597-9931 THURS & FRI RANGE HOURS: Monthly Firearms Classes for CCW 16121 Commercial Way, Brooksville, FL 34614Located 9 miles North of S.R. 50 on U.S. Hwy 19 MUST MENTION THIS AD MUST MENTION THIS AD • 250 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill, FL 34609 • 352.610.9900 $ $ 139 139 Diamond Diamond Glow Glow Facial Facial Come experience the SKINTASTIC DIFFERENCE! Come experience the SKINTASTIC DIFFERENCE! AN AWARD-WINNING MED SPA AN AWARD-WINNING MED SPA on special on special for just for just WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION ASK ABOUT OUR 7 DAY FREE TRIAL Sign Up Here: WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION ALL ABOVE IMAGES: Painting by Art of Gunnar. “My oil paintings combine elements of cartoon, illustration, and classical art to create works that are both playful and profound.†-GunnarFather and artist portrays a dystopian, yet hopeful worldABOVE: Painting by Art of Gunnar. “My oil paintings combine elements of cartoon, illustration, and classical art to create works that are both playful and profound.†-Gunnar By MEGAN HUSSEY megan@ hernandosun.comThe nationally known artist debuting a dynamic new exhibit this weekend at the Spring Hill’s Ever After Gallery goes by a single name or more precisely, two single names. While this gifted painter releases his artistic masterworks un der the brand Art of Gunnar, he also answers to another title that’s even more im portant to him: Dad. Gunnar’s “Dystopia†exhibition, which is open ing during a free reception from 7-10 pm on Saturday, June 17, at the Ever After Gallery, centers around vividly illustrated images of young children growing up in a world that has not been made for them. “What I want to capture is the idea that we need to create a bet ter planet for future genera tions,†said Gunnar, a father of two and a newly minted grandfather. “I want to save the earth, not for myself, but for my children.†Dystopia features 13 original oil paintings. All of these display animated kids in a setting engulfed in darkness and despair, but not a world devoid of hope. each painting,†said Gunnar, a Connecticut resident. “A sign of hope. Also, the sign of a return to nature.†In addition, several of the children are seen engaged in activities such as reading and pet care, exhibiting small steps towards the creation of a better civili zation. “These cartoon kids are planning a relaunch. The future is in their hands,†he stated. This exhibit is very much in line with the creative mission of this avid ‘doo dler’ and tattoo artist, who travels the nation with his art. “My oil paintings com bine elements of cartoon, illustration, and classical art to create works that are both playful and profound,†read his artist statement. “Often using children or animals as the subjects in my art, I try to explore the depth and complexity of human emotion, from love and joy to pain and loss, inviting viewers to connect with their own experiences.†“Nature is another key inspiration, with its end less beauty and complexity providing a backdrop for much of my work,†the statement continued. “I seek to capture the wonder and awe of the natural world to explore the connections between humanity and the environment, as well as hu mankind’s often devastating impacts on nature. Through my art, I also grapple with the challenges facing our hidden connections between tradition and modernity, old and new. I hope to inspire positive change and to share my work with a large audience inviting them on a journey of exploration and discovery that may challenge them, inspire them or touch them in an impactful way.†Dee Dee Seruga, exhibit coordinator of the Ever After Gallery, is proud to introduce the “Dystopia†exhibition, a new body of work from Art of Gunnar, to the Hernando community. “Gunnar is one of my best friends, that I know through his tattoo art,†said Seruga. “Every one of his artistic works tells a story. And I love it that he features children in his art. Children are our future.†Seruga promises a gala opening reception for Dys topia, featuring wine and cheese. Admission is free. And while the exhibit was not intentionally timed to co incide with the Father’s Day holiday, she sees Gunnar (who counts Norman Rockcounts fatherhood among his inspirations. “I could have scheduled the exhibit a week earlier,†she said. “But, he said no. The earlier date, he said, was his daughter’s birthday.†For more about the Dystopia exhibit, vis it events/938228654095655 Father’s Day Bingo! event Father’s Day Bingo! eventBy MEGAN HUSSEY When traveling salesman Edwin S. Lowe conceptualized the game of Bingo! in the 1930s, he invented a fun, simple match of strategy that became a charitable fund-raising events. This weekend, a very special event planned by the Weeki Wachee Area Club will combine both of these divine pur the club’s weekly, volunteer-run Bingo! games, a Father’s Day special event will be celebrated on Saturday, June 17th, at the Weeki Wachee Area Club. The doors will open at 10 am and Bingo! starts at 11 am. Participating fathers get a compli mentary Bingo! pack at this weekend holiday celebration; a continuation of a tradition at the club, which also hosted a Bingo! party in honor of Mother’s Day. “YES, Dads! We care about you too!†said Maryann Johnson, president of Weeki Wachee Area Club. “So how could you pass up a free Bingo! pack? Plus surprise drawings and a special dessert.†Plus, fathers in attendance will com pete for the exalted title of King of the Day! “Come join the fun for Dads,†said Johnson. “Enter to be the ‘King of the day.’ Bring in a photo of you and your kids. The father with the most kids will win chances all day for extra cash prizes.†And it’s all for a good cause too! “The Area Club has been around for over 50 years,†said Johnson. “This year we are desperately trying to raise money to re pair our parking lot. With this in mind, we have tried to come up with ideas to give back and share with our loyal people who have supported us these past years.†Homemade food will be available for purchase at this family-oriented gathering, and guests are not permit ted to bring in outside food. They are encouraged to bring and celebrate those amazing fellas who make such a positive
PAGE B 4 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 16-22, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS Beacon Movie TimesBY MARY SHELDONAre you wondering where the Brooksville museums are located or when the doors are open for tours? Up to date information on Museum locations, hours and activities is just a click away! The May-Stringer on Museum Court and the 1885 Depot and the One Room Schoolhouse on Russell Street are all included on one website: https:// www.hernandohistoricalmuseumassoc. com In addition, the website shares some information about the history of each building, membership and volunteer forms, special event notices, and even a gift shop opportunity for purchasing selected books. The Museum Association prides itself on promoting the ‘old’ in Brooksville history, but the organization is glad for the modern form of communicating. Be sure to Like us on our Facebook pages as well! Remembering our Confederate Ancestors Mining Enrichment Center Calendar Krueger Enrichment Center Calendar 800 John Gary Grubbs Blvd Brooksville • 352-544-590015 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 9:30 Quilters of the Nature Coast 2nd Fl 9:30-11:00 Bingo 9-4 EC SEWERS 10-4 Perfect Storm 10:30-4 Basket Weavers 1-4 Community Sewers 1-3:00 Creative Art 5:30-7 Ms. Ali’s 16 8:15-12:00 Caring K9â€s 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 10-2 Low Vision Works 11-3 Scrabble 19 8:15-12:00 Caring K9â€s 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 10-2 Low Vision Works 11-3 Rummy Cube 11-3 Scrabble 3-8 “RTM Studios†3-9 Dance 20 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 9-4 EC SEWERS 9-4 H.C. Quilt Guild 11-3 Rug Hookers 3-8 “RTM Studios†6-8:00 CoDependents Anonymous 21 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 9-4:00 Warm Up America – 1st Fl Side Room 10-12 HC Quilt Guild BOD 11:30-12:30 Blood Pressure 1-2:00 Music with Gale 1-3 Pencil Sketching 6:30 HYL 22 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 9:30 Quilters of the Nature Coast 2nd Fl 9:30-11:00 Bingo 9-4 EC SEWERS 10:30-4 Basket Weavers 1-3:00 Creative Art 5:30-7 Ms. Ali’s 23 8:15-12:00 Caring K9â€s 9-4 Cards, Games & Puzzles 10-2 Low Vision Works 11-3 Scrabble 392 Beverly Ct Spring Hill • 352-293-473815 10-2 HC Quilt Guild12-4 Bridge 8-4 SHINEServing Health Insurance Needs of Elders Appointment only: 352-593-0705 16 10-11 Chair Exercise 10-11:30 Crochet Class 10-11:00 Music with Gale 10-12 Skip Bo 12-4 Canasta 12-3 Mah-Jongg 12:30-4 Rug Hookers 8-4 SHINEServing Health Insurance Needs of Elders Appointment only: 352-593-0705 19 10-11 Chair Exercise 9-1 Devon’s House 1-4 Mexican Train Dominoe 20 9-5 Home Circle/ Above Reproach 1-4 Deaf Services 21 10-11 Chair Exercise 9-11 Devon’s House 12-4 Canasta 12-3 Mah-Jongg 12-3:30 Pinochle 22 10-2 HC Quilt Guild-80 people 12-4 Bridge 8-4 SHINEServing Health Insurance Needs of Elders Appointment only: 352-593-0705 23 10-11 Chair Exercise 10-11:30 Crochet Class 10-11:00 Music with Gale 10-12 Skip Bo 12-4 Canasta 12-3 Mah-Jongg 12:30-4 Rug Hookers 8-4 SHINEServing Health Insurance Needs of Elders Appointment only: 352-593-0705 Hernando Sportsman’s Club Calendar9 miles north of SR50 on Hwy 19 352-597-9931 RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED O R , T ,S K T 9-2 M O D F C L A S S 200 Y D 9A M C O W B O Y 9A M ID P A N B A Y S 9-1 1 & 200 1 1-2 P R E C P IS T O L 50 Y D 9A M N IT E O R & T R A P 5-9 G U N C L S 5P M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-2 S T E E L P R A C T IC E N B A Y S 9A M O R , T R A P , S K E E T 9-3 JR 22 R IF L E 50 Y D 9A M S T E E L M A T C H N B A Y S & 200 M T R 9A M B A S IC R IF L E C L A S S 9A M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-3 C O W B O Y 9A M N B A Y S M O D F C L A S S 200 M T R 9A M 4-H 1P M R IF L E & T R A P 50 Y D RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED O R ,T ,S K T 9-2 M O D F C L A S S 200 Y D 9A M C O W B O Y 9A M ID P A N B A Y S 9-1 1 & 200 M T R 1 1-2 P R E C P IS T O L 50 Y D 9A M N IG H T O R & T R A P 5-9P M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-2 S T E E L P R A C T IC E N B A Y S 9A M 200 C L O S E D O R , T R A P , S K E E T 9-3 A C T IO N R IF L R N B A Y S & 200 M T R 9A M A P P L E S E E D P IS T O L 8A M 50 Y D B R D M T G 3:15 O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-3 U S P S A 9A M N B A Y S A P P L E S E E D P IS T O L 8A M 50 Y D RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED O R ,T ,S K T 9-2 M O D F C L A S S 200 Y D 9A M C O W B O Y 9A M ID P A N B A Y S 9-1 1 & 200 M T R 1 1-2 P R E C P IS T O L 50 Y D 9A M N IG H T O R & T R A P 5-9P M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-2 S T E E L M A T C H N B A Y S & 200 9A M B O W L IN G P IN P R A C T IC E 50 Y D 9-12 O R , T R A P , S K E E T 9-3 ID P A M A T C H N B A Y S 9A M 200 M T R O P E N D A Y 9A M B O W L IN G P IN M A T C H 50 Y D 9A M G U N C L A S S 9A M 50 Y D O R ,T ,S K T & F IV E S T A N D 9-3 B IG B O R E P IS T O L & 22 R IF L E S IL H 9A M 200 M T R P C C M A T C H N B A Y S 9A M 4-H 1P M 50 Y D R IF L E & T R A P RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED O R ,T ,S K T 9-2 M O D F C L A S S 200 Y D 9A M C O W B O Y 9A M ID P A N B A Y S 9-1 1 & 200 M T R 1 1-2 P R E C P IS T O L 50 Y D 9A M N IG H T O R & T R A P 5-9P M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-2 S T E E L P R A C T IC E N B A Y S 9A M 200 C L O S E D O R ,T ,S K T 9-3 N R A 200 Y D H I P O W E R 9A M 200 M T R R IM F IR E C H A L L E N G E 9A M N B A Y S B A S IC P IS T O L C L A S S 9A M 50Y D RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED O R , T ,S K T 9-2 M O D F C L A S S 200 Y D 9A M C O W B O Y 9A M ID P A N B A Y S 9-1 1 & 200 1 1-2 P R E C P IS T O L 50 Y D 9A M N IT E O R & T R A P 5-9 G U N C L S 5P M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-2 S T E E L P R A C T IC E N B A Y S 9A M O R , T R A P , S K E E T 9-3 JR 22 R IF L E 50 Y D 9A M S T E E L M A T C H N B A Y S & 200 M T R 9A M B A S IC R IF L E C L A S S 9A M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-3 C O W B O Y 9A M N B A Y S M O D F C L A S S 200 M T R 9A M 4-H 1P M R IF L E & T R A P 50 Y D RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED O R ,T ,S K T 9-2 M O D F C L A S S 200 Y D 9A M C O W B O Y 9A M ID P A N B A Y S 9-1 1 & 200 M T R 1 1-2 P R E C P IS T O L 50 Y D 9A M N IG H T O R & T R A P 5-9P M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-2 S T E E L P R A C T IC E N B A Y S 9A M 200 C L O S E D O R , T R A P , S K E E T 9-3 A C T IO N R IF L R N B A Y S & 200 M T R 9A M A P P L E S E E D P IS T O L 8A M 50 Y D B R D M T G 3:15 O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-3 U S P S A 9A M N B A Y S A P P L E S E E D P IS T O L 8A M 50 Y D RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED O R ,T ,S K T 9-2 M O D F C L A S S 200 Y D 9A M C O W B O Y 9A M ID P A N B A Y S 9-1 1 & 200 M T R 1 1-2 P R E C P IS T O L 50 Y D 9A M N IG H T O R & T R A P 5-9P M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-2 S T E E L M A T C H N B A Y S & 200 9A M B O W L IN G P IN P R A C T IC E 50 Y D 9-12 O R , T R A P , S K E E T 9-3 ID P A M A T C H N B A Y S 9A M 200 M T R O P E N D A Y 9A M B O W L IN G P IN M A T C H 50 Y D 9A M G U N C L A S S 9A M 50 Y D O R ,T ,S K T & F IV E S T A N D 9-3 B IG B O R E P IS T O L & 22 R IF L E S IL H 9A M 200 M T R P C C M A T C H N B A Y S 9A M 4-H 1P M 50 Y D R IF L E & T R A P RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED O R ,T ,S K T 9-2 M O D F C L A S S 200 Y D 9A M C O W B O Y 9A M ID P A N B A Y S 9-1 1 & 200 M T R 1 1-2 P R E C P IS T O L 50 Y D 9A M N IG H T O R & T R A P 5-9P MO R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-2 S T E E L P R A C T IC E N B A Y S 9A M 200 C L O S E D O R ,T ,S K T 9-3 N R A 200 Y D H I P O W E R 9A M 200 M T R R IM F IR E C H A L L E N G E 9A M N B A Y S B A S IC P IS T O L C L A S S 9A M 50Y D RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED O R , T ,S K T 9-2 M O D F C L A S S 200 Y D 9A M C O W B O Y 9A M ID P A N B A Y S 9-1 1 & 200 1 1-2 P R E C P IS T O L 50 Y D 9A M N IT E O R & T R A P 5-9 G U N C L S 5P M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-2 S T E E L P R A C T IC E N B A Y S 9A M O R , T R A P , S K E E T 9-3 JR 22 R IF L E 50 Y D 9A M S T E E L M A T C H N B A Y S & 200 M T R 9A M B A S IC R IF L E C L A S S 9A M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-3 C O W B O Y 9A M N B A Y S M O D F C L A S S 200 M T R 9A M 4-H 1P M R IF L E & T R A P 50 Y D RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED O R ,T ,S K T 9-2 M O D F C L A S S 200 Y D 9A M C O W B O Y 9A M ID P A N B A Y S 9-1 1 & 200 M T R 1 1-2 P R E C P IS T O L 50 Y D 9A M N IG H T O R & T R A P 5-9P M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-2 S T E E L P R A C T IC E N B A Y S 9A M 200 C L O S E D O R , T R A P , S K E E T 9-3 A C T IO N R IF L R N B A Y S & 200 M T R 9A M A P P L E S E E D P IS T O L 8A M 50 Y D B R D M T G 3:15 O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-3 U S P S A 9A M N B A Y S A P P L E S E E D P IS T O L 8A M 50 Y D RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED O R ,T ,S K T 9-2 M O D F C L A S S 200 Y D 9A M C O W B O Y 9A M ID P A N B A Y S 9-1 1 & 200 M T R 1 1-2 P R E C P IS T O L 50 Y D 9A M N IG H T O R & T R A P 5-9P MO R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-2 S T E E L M A T C H N B A Y S & 200 9A M B O W L IN G P IN P R A C T IC E 50 Y D 9-12 O R , T R A P , S K E E T 9-3 ID P A M A T C H N B A Y S 9A M 200 M T R O P E N D A Y 9A M B O W L IN G P IN M A T C H 50 Y D 9A M G U N C L A S S 9A M 50 Y D O R ,T ,S K T & F IV E S T A N D 9-3 B IG B O R E P IS T O L & 22 R IF L E S IL H 9A M 200 M T R P C C M A T C H N B A Y S 9A M 4-H 1P M 50 Y D R IF L E & T R A P RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED O R ,T ,S K T 9-2 M O D F C L A S S 200 Y D 9A M C O W B O Y 9A M ID P A N B A Y S 9-1 1 & 200 M T R 1 1-2 P R E C P IS T O L 50 Y D 9A M N IG H T O R & T R A P 5-9P M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-2 S T E E L P R A C T IC E N B A Y S 9A M 200 C L O S E D O R ,T ,S K T 9-3 N R A 200 Y D H I P O W E R 9A M 200 M T R R IM F IR E C H A L L E N G E 9A M N B A Y S B A S IC P IS T O L C L A S S 9A M 50Y D Spring Hill 8 Movie TimesFriday, June 16 Sunday, June, 18, 2023 Elemental Runs: 1h 42m 11:00 AM, 1:50 PM, 4:40 PM, 7:30 PM, 10:15 PM 3D: 12:30 PM, 4:00 PM The Flash Runs: 2h 24m 11:15 AM, 12:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 3:30 PM, 6:30 PM, 7:00 PM, 10:00 PM, 10:30 PM Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Runs: 2h 7m 3D: 7:15 PM, 10:30 PM 12:15 PM, 3:45 PM, 7:00 PM, 10:00 PM Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Runs: 2h 16m 11:45 AM, 3:15 PM, 6:45 PM, 10:15 PM The Little Mermaid Runs: 2h 15m 11:30 AM, 3:15 PM, 6:45 PM, 10:00 PMNOTES FROM THE MUSEUMS: WONDERFUL WEBSITE RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED O R , T ,S K T 9-2 M O D F C L A S S 200 Y D 9A M C O W B O Y 9A M ID P A N B A Y S 9-1 1 & 200 1 1-2 P R E C P IS T O L 50 Y D 9A M N IT E O R & T R A P 5-9 G U N C L S 5P M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-2 S T E E L P R A C T IC E N B A Y S 9A M O R , T R A P , S K E E T 9-3 JR 22 R IF L E 50 Y D 9A M S T E E L M A T C H N B A Y S & 200 M T R 9A M B A S IC R IF L E C L A S S 9A M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-3 C O W B O Y 9A M N B A Y S M O D F C L A S S 200 M T R 9A M 4-H 1P M R IF L E & T R A P 50 Y D RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED O R ,T ,S K T 9-2 M O D F C L A S S 200 Y D 9A M C O W B O Y 9A M ID P A N B A Y S 9-1 1 & 200 M T R 1 1-2 P R E C P IS T O L 50 Y D 9A M N IG H T O R & T R A P 5-9P M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-2 S T E E L P R A C T IC E N B A Y S 9A M 200 C L O S E D O R , T R A P , S K E E T 9-3 A C T IO N R IF L R N B A Y S & 200 M T R 9A M A P P L E S E E D P IS T O L 8A M 50 Y D B R D M T G 3:15 O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-3 U S P S A 9A M N B A Y S A P P L E S E E D P IS T O L 8A M 50 Y D RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED O R ,T ,S K T 9-2 M O D F C L A S S 200 Y D 9A M C O W B O Y 9A M ID P A N B A Y S 9-1 1 & 200 M T R 1 1-2 P R E C P IS T O L 50 Y D 9A M N IG H T O R & T R A P 5-9P M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-2 S T E E L M A T C H N B A Y S & 200 9A M B O W L IN G P IN P R A C T IC E 50 Y D 9-12 O R , T R A P , S K E E T 9-3 ID P A M A T C H N B A Y S 9A M 200 M T R O P E N D A Y 9A M B O W L IN G P IN M A T C H 50 Y D 9A M G U N C L A S S 9A M 50 Y D O R ,T ,S K T & F IV E S T A N D 9-3 B IG B O R E P IS T O L & 22 R IF L E S IL H 9A M 200 M T R P C C M A T C H N B A Y S 9A M 4-H 1P M 50 Y D R IF L E & T R A P RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED RANG E CL O SED O R ,T ,S K T 9-2 M O D F C L A S S 200 Y D 9A M C O W B O Y 9A M ID P A N B A Y S 9-1 1 & 200 M T R 1 1-2 P R E C P IS T O L 50 Y D 9A M N IG H T O R & T R A P 5-9P M O R , T R A P , S K E E T & F IV E S T A N D 9-2 S T E E L P R A C T IC E N B A Y S 9A M 200 C L O S E D O R ,T ,S K T 9-3 N R A 200 Y D H I P O W E R 9A M 200 M T R R IM F IR E C H A L L E N G E 9A M N B A Y S B A S IC P IS T O L C L A S S 9A M 50Y D e Arc Nature Coast celebrates 50 years e Arc Nature Coast celebrates 50 years and a new center and a new centerBy HERNANDO SUN STAFF50 years ago in 1973, The Arc Nature Coast was founded by a small group of people concerned with the lack of opportuni ties for individuals with developmental disabilities. On Friday, June 16, The Arc Nature Coast will be holding a celebration in honor of these past 50 years service in both Hernando and Pasco counties. There will also be a dedication ceremony to Lake Road location. The dedication ceremony will take place from 8:30 am to 9:30 am, followed by food, games and entertainment taking Lake Road, Brooksville, FL 34601. “We could not be more excited to celebrate our history, our success and all of the incredible accomplishments achieved thanks to our volunteers, employees, partners and the local community,†said Nancy Stubbs, development director for The Arc Nature Coast. Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson and Senator Blaise Ingoglia, CEO Mark Barry and Teri Nichols, The Arc Nature Coast board president and a parent of an individual served by The Arc, will acknowledge supporters and volun teers who helped The Arc Nature Coast achieve the goal of a new center. attend at their normal program hours from 9 am through 2 pm, and we will have games and activities for them and their families, as well as supporters who wish to attend, said Nancy. “CEMEX will be volunteering to grill for the program partic ipants.†The Arc Nature Coast serves more than 280 individuals with disabilities and their families in Hernando and Pasco Counties. For more information, call 727-619-0700. The Museum Schedules! The May-Stringer tours on Wednesday Saturday from 11am 3pm 352-799-0129 The 1885 Depot tours on Friday Saturday from noon 3pm 352-799-476 The Countryman One Room Schoolhouse is open on Thursday Saturday from noon 3pm 352-515-3054 April 26, 2023, the ladies of UDC Betty Lykes Stringer Chapter celebrated Con federate Memorial Day at Lake Lindsey Cemetery. Flags were placed on the graves of the 50 Confederate soldiers and one Union soldier to honor their service, and each of their names was read. A program was given by Anne Coots Brown on George Shepherd Ham and his ginia. Mr. Ham was in the Confederacy during the war and became an outstanding citizen and church leader after his return home. The poem, UNKNOWN SOLDIER, was read by Mr. Dan White. Music was supplied by Mr. Wayne Sweat and friends and greatly enjoyed by all present. We were honored to welcome guest White, member of Gen. John C. Breck President of Granville Beville 2234 UDC and their son Russ White, member of Gen. Mr. Sweat and his musical group. Lunch was served, and a very enjoyable time was had by all in attendance. Anyone interested in learning more about our lineage society, please contact: Donna at dschneiderudc@gmail.comSharron Balsar, Darlene VanZile, Donna Schneider, Jeannie Russell, Anne Brown, Suzy Machamer, Judy Adkins
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 16-22, 2023 • PAGE B 5 Hernando Sportsman’s Club Calendar e denition of a great fatherMy husband Doug Arceneaux is the denition of a great father. When I met Doug I was a single mother to a 4 year old with autism. I dreaded the thought of dating again but I got out there and found love. He has accepted and loved my daughter from the day they met 11 years ago. At ages 43 and 48 we had our now 9 year old daughter who has her Daddy wrapped around her nger. Finding a second chance at love AND having him be an amazing father was a blessing for me! I love to share my story because single mothers need to know that there are good men out there. We just celebrated 10 years of marriage in April!Melissa Arceneaux Happy heavenly Father’s Day dad. A favorite of ours, attending Yankee games together. To our Great Dad & P. Paw we love you very much! Erin, Tim, Ava, Poppy & Maddison • 3288 Mustang Dr, Brooksville FL 34604 • 352-848-0770 • 3288 Mustang Dr, Brooksville FL 34604 • 352-848-0770 FAMILY OWNED, SERVING HERNANDO, CITRUS & PASCO COUNTIES FOR 3 DECADES Carpet & Tile ccent Spend some quality Spend some quality oor time with Dad this oor time with Dad this Father’s Day! Father’s Day! WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION NOW SERVING: CITRUS, HERNANDO AND PASCO COUNTIES WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION e Arc Nature Coast celebrates 50 years e Arc Nature Coast celebrates 50 years and a new center and a new center A challenge as a father is making time to do things with your children. My father would always make time to do yard work with us and then play sports. He always managed to nd time to play basketball or football with me and my brothers.He managed to do this almost everyday and looking back on that I can see how dicult it is to set aside a couple hours a day.Rocco MaglioMichelle Wyllie and John MastersonYankee games together A great dad and P. Paw! Making time for your children Three generations play basketball together. Above and Below: The Arceneaux familyr
PAGE B 6 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 16-22, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS rfnt rfntThe Ultimate Party Equipment Rental Service BOOK NOW15% OFF thehomeoffoam.comWinn Dixie Plaza4207 Mariner Blvd I Spring Hill | 352.688.3454MondaySaturday 10-6:00 Sunday 12-6:00.Gulf View Square Mall9409 U.S. 19 | Port Richey | 727.232-2040MondaySaturday 11-800 Sunday 12-6:00. up to75% OFF rfnt Here’s a pic of my dad, Buster Benoit from 2010, with his old cow horse Nellie-Belle. He was a veteran of the US Airforce during the Vietnam War, a Master Mason and so much more. He taught me the love of nature and the outdoors. But, I lost him eight years ago. I miss him every day. And still, I catch myself reaching for my phone to call dad any time I’ve something to celebrate; he’s still the rst person I want to share it with. Happy Father’s Day, Daddy. Toby BenoitMermaids and RaindropsBy Megan Hussey My father, Herbert Hussey, was at one time a prominent realtor here in Hernando County. And when I was a small child, he came home one day to relay some very exciting news: at day, it seemed, he had rented a condo to a group of Weeki Wachee mermaids! Well to put it mildly, I was horried. “Daddy, mermaids can survive only in the sea!†I reminded him, tone near frantic. “ey can’t live on land. ey’ll die!!!†Grinning sheepishly as he shot a major, “Oh, shoot!†look in the direction of my watching mother, my father assured me, “Don’t worry, Hon. e condo comes complete with lots of bathtubs and a really big swimming pool. It’ll be OK.†Speaking of water; one of my father’s favorite songs was “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head†by BJ omas. And I can’t help but notice that, since his demise in 2006, that song has played across the airwaves of my Internet radio a number of times--and oen at a time when I’m facing a major life issue, and need to hear it the most. It’s almost like he’s saying, “Don’t worry, Hon. It’ll be OK.â€Living our American DreamIn 1965, my dad was able to purchase a brand-new home. He was a machine operator for GE, the Monowatt plant, making fuses. A job he took aer serving in the air force during the Korean conict. He knew he could not aord it, but the builder made him a deal to become a real estate agent for his business part-time. My Mom was able to specify what cabinets and nishes were installed. ere were ve of us, and my brother and I shared a room. My sister had her own room until Mom had another baby girl. Girls in one room, boys in the other. One bathroom. is house was a Ranch, Raised. Note the full windows on the basement level. So, when we got into our teenage years, my dad built two bedrooms on the lower level. Paneling, carpeting, and a dropped ceiling were installed, along with a replace. We went to the local schools. ere were so many children in every other house in this neighborhood that we all had a myriad of friends. Our childhood was full of activities around the neighbor hood. All four of us graduated high school and have had successful and yet quite dierent outcomes. Much love was shared in this house. 52+ years of it. My mom was a woman of patience, grace and with deep commitment to her faith and family. Loved everyone with all her heart. Many of us returned to live here and then went along with life, including my grandfather, my uncle, my sister, and myself. My Dad was as happy as this picture resonates. So was my mom. Dad passed in 1984; a life cut short. My Mom lived and loved us and every visitor, relative, neighbor, and child that ever entered her house until she passed in 2017. My Dad provided for her and us for a lifetime. e American Dream. Gary T Ashness My Father John Brijbag As a little boy, we become enamored with our heroes. We see them as mythical gures who can save the day and perform impossible feats. It has been my privilege to live each day with such a hero with my hero – my father. Even today, as a father myself to ve beautiful children, I know there is no greater hero in my life than my father. ere is honestly not a single thing I believe that man cannot do. ere has never been a time, when faced with a dilemma, that I didn’t wholeheartedly believe that my father would be lacking with an answer. I dare you to nd him and ask him to solve any problem you may have. I have full condence he will have a solution. You would also be hardpressed to nd someone who is a more vigorous defender of his family. I do not see him get angry oen but try to hurt his family and you will see another side of him come out – that of an impenetrable protector. My father lights up a room but in a sly way. Never overbearing but always the funniest guy at the party. Not the center of attention but the one person you want to sit with and listen to his stories. Probably not the richest guy but the one who will put wealth in perspective by doling on about his kids and grandkids. And that is why father is my hero. Because I hope to someday be half as good of a dad as he was to me. Love you dad!
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 16-22, 2023 • PAGE B 7 Protecting The Integrity Protecting The Integrity Of Your Investment! Of Your Investment! 114 E. Liberty St., Brooksville, FL 34601 114 E. Liberty St., Brooksville, FL 34601 For Free Estimates, Call 352-799-7420 For Free Estimates, Call 352-799-7420 rfrntb AWARD WINNING ARCHER PAINTING $3250 $29$149NEW PATIENT EXAMS & X-RAYS (ADA-D0150) FULL MOUTH SERIES (ADA-D0210)PER TOOTH (Up To 2 Teeth) EXTRACTION SPECIAL $849$929No More Temporaries • No More ImpressionsINCLUDES: Core Build Up, Gingivectomy, Crown D2740UPPER OR LOWER Ask About Our Conscious Sedation! 12326 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville 352.616.0001 Sarah Shuayb, DMD rfnt b rt Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. New Patients Only. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd & Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023.Must Present Coupon Before Treatment. Limited Time Offer. Coupons or Specials Are For Those Without Insurance. Cannot Be Used With Any Other Coupon, Discount, Special Or Offer. Mariner Blvd. and Cortez Location Only. Expires 7/31/2023. NEW PATIENT SPECIAL SAME DAY CROWNS DENTURES SPECIAL IMPLANT, IMPLANT CROWN AND ABUTMENT229 Mariner Blvd. Spring Hill 352.666.5133 Mohammad Shuayb, DMD WINNER READERS’ CHOICE COMPETITION 7/31/2023 7/31/2023 7/31/2023 7/31/2023 7/31/2023 My father Lyle Ecker was my hero as a child and mentor to me as I grew older. He also had a good name throughout Hernando and sur rounding counties with people other than myself too, ... because of the excellent work he did through his business Lyle’s Auto Upholstery, his local shing club buddies and co-workers at the Hernando airport where he worked aer he retired from upholstery... quitting was the only thing my father was poor at. He taught me a good name is more valuable than great riches and to care for others, especially the down and out. Although my father passed away in 2011, what he taught me lives on, ... because my husband Scotty and I founded Passion for Prison Inc and minister to many who are in what could be the darkest season of their lives... and makes our community a safer place to live at the same time. I am proud to love others as my father taught me, but I am also very grateful to all those that were a part of my father’s life. To all of his customers, friends and co-workers and shing buddies, our family would like to say “ank You†all for loving my father so well and being a part of his life. Because you truly gave him much joy, which in turn gave us a wonderful Father. ank you Hernando Sun for allowing me to share, because I love and miss my dad dearly. I keep thinking that family ties are the strongest and they change and shape our lives. Just look at my Dad! He traveled from Illinois to Florida in 1950 because he desired to remain close to his parents who needed warmer climates at retirement age. All because of that I am born in Florida! Now, Dad’s parents in Masaryktown were just a short walk away and became a part of our everyday life. Later on I can remember that Dad was proud of our Slovak heritage. He never missed a local community dinner, dance, or event. In 1952 Dad joined with other like-minded farmers to form the Hernando Egg CoOp. ey had a real desire to help each other succeed. e job would be much easier if ideas and resources were pooled together. What they started from very little quickly became the largest poultry association in Florida. e Hernando Egg Co-Op grew to almost 40 members the rst year. At the 10 year mark there were nearly 100 members. en by 1963 there were 121. ey marketed their eggs to grocery stores and set up a eet of trucks to get them there. ey also set up their own feed delivery to cut production costs. ey dedicated a new egg warehouse in 1961 and did 4 million dollars in business that year. All from hard work, organization, and a desire to learn from each other. I think that’s what I remember about Dad this year—all the long hours, the learning, the sharing of education and the hard work. He sacriced his time and would “stay behind†on the farm so the rest of us in the family could have a little break. He wasn’t afraid to ask for help. He built a 1000 square . house from scratch by connecting with other talented men. He put in his time at the Hernando Egg Co-Op. Choices and opportunities. No one goes it alone. He and other men like him were in it together and raising young families. ey were turning into amazing Dads. Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing, hardworking Dads! Judy WarnockRight: Photo of Judy and Dad from early 1960’s. Dad rarely dressed up but he’s looking sharp and ready to watch me dance the Besada at the Masaryktown Community Hall.My Dad, Louis VyhnanekA picture is of me and my father back in the late 80s after working all weekend together. Left to Right: Lyle Ecker and Daughter Jessica (now Jessica Santiago after marrying my husband in 2004)My father Lyle Ecker
PAGE B 8 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 16-22, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS is is my father, Mr. Frank Buie, Sr. He was born in Union Church, MS in 1910. Although he only had a grade school education, he understood the power of education and how it could change the lives of families for generations. He made sure that all his children had this opportunity. Today, I proudly stand on his shoulders as the Dean of Education Access and Engagement for Pasco-Hernando State College. e little girl in the picture is his granddaughter/my niece, earis A. Osuji. Also a college graduate, earis, serves as the Senior Scientic Program Manager at Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles, California. Luther Buie, PHSC My dad is a server. He is always thinking of others. When I was living in Nevada my dad realized I was feeling homesick, so he began sending me postcards. I would receive one each day with an inspirational quote or a message that let me know he was thinking and praying for me each day. He has continued this for others who are away from home but now he sends emails. He also helps our Student Life team by running errands when we need help. Each morning he texts the family group a motivational message and comics (mostly dad jokes). It helps us get through the day!! My Father’s Day message: Dad, I hope you have a great day!! We love you very much!! Sandre Lyons, PHSC My father was a kind man who helped many people in our Hoosier hometown. He would lend a hand using his carpentry skills, mow the lawn of an elderly neighbor, or mend a child’s broken bicycle. His favorite ice cream was a tin roof sundae served at the local drugstore. Our version had vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, and Spanish peanuts on top. He was also generous with leaving tips aer eating out. My nephew, Chris James, unbeknownst to Dad, would linger aer eating, and pick up the tips Dad had le. When Dad realized what CJ was doing, he scolded him mightily. CJ learned to be compassionate, and when he became a pilot, would y shelter dogs to other locations for Pilots N Paws. I believe Dad passed the torch to the next generation, sharing his values with many, including his own 6 children. I know in my heart that every kind act or deed of Dad was noticed by someone, and certainly he laid the moral foundations for loving your neighbor. His acts of kindness were acknowledged when Dad died. e local ag was moved to half-mast to commemorate a loving Father and friend to all. Sharon Printz Father Lloyd Link, mother Ruby, sister Beverlee, and me, with the pigtails, Sharon. Thanks, it was fun remembering Dad. My father gave me a love of nature, art, and the process of creating. He always has a creative project that he is working on and introduced me to painting at an early age. He is a photographer and had me in the darkroom developing black-andwhite prints when I was tall enough to reach the equipment on the counter, about the age of 12. He explained the chemical aspects of print development and all the settings on the manual lm camera. (Please don’t quiz me on them!) We had to be very serious in the darkroom since we were handling chemicals, and if I displayed any silliness or did not listen (I was prone to both), then we were done. e hardest part was unloading the lm from the camera in pitch darkness. It was very tense until the print reached the xative. In the step before that, I would strain my eyes to see any glimpse possible of what was appearing on the photo paper while it soaked in the developer. I remember being so excited to nally see the photograph developed once we turned on the lights. e experiences that fathers share with their children are forever imprinted within them. Julie B. Maglio A love for nature and the creative process I took this photo of a mother key deer on Big Pine Key, Fla. My dad took us to an area where they would frequent so I could take this photo and later we developed it in the dark room. Passing the torch of compassion e power of education A server and motivatorSunday, June 18, 2023, is Father’s Day. helped shape who we are today. A time to acknowledge that if not for them, we would not have survived our childhoods or teen years as well as we did or ac essary to achieve success and overcome the rough times in adulthood. Regrettably, many children in our local area will not experience similar recollec tions on Father’s Day. For these children, living with their father fell short of the collective expectations. Prolonged incar cerations, addiction to drugs or alcohol, or absence from their lives have left these children with memories they would just as soon forget. It has left them with heart-wrenching questions, doubts, and deep-seated scars that, despite well-in tended reassurances, never seem to abate. More than 2,100 abused and neglected children are currently involved with our local judicial and child welfare systems. Most of these children are ten or younger, and almost all of them live with willing strangers or relatives. The level of uncer tainty and unpredictability confronting these children would bring most of us to our knees. The Statewide Guardian ad Litem abandoned, and neglected children in court and the community. Through the collaboration of a national best practice multi-disciplinary team that includes a Guardian ad Litem Attorney, child wel fare professional, and hopefully a trained volunteer or pro bono attorney from the child’s community. The team provides gal interests while assisting the child in expressing their needs and wishes. Our unique approach allows us to support the whole child, addressing their physical, educational, mental, emotional, social, and legal needs. In 2022, the Statewide over 36,000 children in Florida. The team member missing for many of the children in our community is the volunteer. That is where you can help, need. Learn more by visiting or calling 352-812-6971. Be a child's hero for Father's Day Be a child's hero for Father's Day
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 16-22, 2023 • PAGE B 9 Do you know a student athlete who deserves to be featured in The Hernando Sun? Please contact us at BE A FOSTER MOMMake a Di erence for LifeKidsCentralInc.org352.873.6332 TrfnFrtbtrff bbbnr bbnbbt bbfr rnMbbbfr rbbn BE A FOSTER MOM HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Over 100 Trucks, Cars, SUV’s on the Lot Are you better looking than your car?Perhaps it’s time for a new one.GOOD BAD NOCREDITNo Problem! Ask About Our Lifetime Engine Warranty!VANS CARS & TRUCKS(352)796-64027043 Broad Street, My dad is a server. He is always thinking of others. When I was living in Nevada my dad realized I was feeling home sick, so he began sending me postcards. I would receive one each day with an inspirational quote or a message that let me know he was thinking and praying for me each day. He has continued this for others who are away from home but now he sends emails. He also helps our Student Life team by running errands when we need help. Each morning he texts the family group a motivational message and comics (mostly dad jokes). It helps us get through the day!! My Father’s Day message: Dad, I hope you have a great day!! We love you very much!! Sandre Lyons, PHSC Carlos Gonzalez Jr.By AUSTYN SZEMPRUCH Every time the senior pitcher Carlos Gonzalez Jr. stepped on the mound for the Hernando Leopards, the advice of former MLB pitcher Anthony Telford would guide him. When speaking with the Sun, the Hernando Carlos to "never give up, have a plan before you go out on the mound, have a plan before every pitch, and stay dedicated to the plan. Never give up, especially through the hard times. To always stay consistent through every play." Having received pitching lessons from the former pro ing is evident in the body of work the younger Gonzalez amassed during his time with the Leopards. The pitcher Weeki Wachee as a freshman. The following three years, he helped the Purple and Gold to 23-4, 20-9, and 23-5 records in his sophomore, junior, and senior campaigns, respectively. The most recent of these resulted in a dis trict championship. MaxPreps with a career record of 14 wins to 2 losses. In both years as an upperclassman, he recorded 5-1 sea sons, but he reduced his earned run average by over a school players in Division 4A in Florida, according to great deal of time on the diamond, though they played for the Nature Coast Tech Sharks. The trio of Kathryn, Chyloe, and Alyssa also learned from a veteran in the sport, Ernie Chatman. The sisters then went on to play in lete is also an honors student, graduating in the top ten percent of his class, graduating with High Honors, and of high school. The senior pitcher was also awarded scholarship and graduated with a 4.3 weighted and 3.9 unweighted GPA while attending dual enrollment cours es at Pasco Hernando State College. These academic achievements will help the pitcher as he has aspirations "Carlos is a highly intelligent, very humble, honest, helpful, and considerate young man," his mother said. "Carlos has dreamed of being an engineer since he was Carlos Gonzalez Jr. signs with Florida State College at Jacksonville. Photos courtesy of Jane Gonzalez. playing with building blocks and Lincoln logs at age two." The younger Gonzalez will pursue his passion for engi neering when he attends Florida State College at Jackson ville to take engineering courses and play baseball in the spring and fall. Carlos then plans to attend the Univer Construction Engineering. In late April, the lefty pitcher signed with FSCJ with his family and coaches in atten dance. "Our entire family was elated and so very proud of Car los when he signed with Florida State College at Jackson ville," Jane Gonzalez said. "Father and mother, along with Carlos, attended the college invite by the baseball team’s pitching coach and were very pleased with the school, the student accommodations, and the entire baseball team that he can continue his baseball career in college." As the senior takes the next step in his career, Gonzalez and his family will be looking forward to what is to come with the Blue Wave and beyond.
PAGE B 10 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 16-22, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS more about it at www. I get asked all the time, “How do I become a paid python removal contractor?†and “Where are the best spots?†Well, there are two state agencies, that hire invasive species removal contractors; our Florida Wildlife Commission and the South Florida Water Management District, with only 100 total contractors checked, the two agencies had over 1,300 applications with nearly 100 of them folks having solid South Florida python removal experience. There’s only one or two openings each year due to contractors leaving the program or issues. So, that applicant list is bound to just get longer. Each contractor can only have a certain number of assistants and there can only be a certain number on each. Each a set of paperwork and have a background check to be authorized to ride along with a contractor. But, these guys get overwhelmed with requests for ride-alongs and it’s not often that they acquiesce. As far as secret spots for pythons, I tell ya, there really aren’t any. Sometimes it seems there’ far more luck than kill involved in crossing their paths. Prepare to go days and weeks sometimes depending on the season. two or three, my best night truck, but more often you come back empty handed. Report your captures to the FWC’s Exotic Species Hot-line at 888-Ive-Got1 Be aware that it is illegal to transport the python live now. We used to wrestle them into bags and tote them out alive, to be dealt with at a more opportune time. Now, we have to carry cooler full of ice to prevent the skins and meat from going bad. All pythons must be euthanized at the site of the capture; a pocket knife through the brain cavity seems to do the job nicely, but you can refer to the python challenge website mentioned earlier for more techniques to stay legal. I’ll be leading hunts down there each month and if any of you would like to join me, or just want to learn more about the hunt, then reach out to me at toby@hernandosun. com. God Bless and good hunting! ABOVE: Meghan Bailes, one of Toby’s python hunting partners, with a large male Burmese python captured in the EvergladesWant to hunt pythons, huh? Toby Benoit is a best selling novelist and professional outdoorsof experience guiding and all across America. Toby is a renowned archer and turkey hunting expert who manufactures custom game calls and is a regular judge at NWTF sanctioned turkey calling events across the Southeast. HUNTINGBy TOBY BENOITMy inbox has been queries since my last column about hunting want to get in on the action and I surely welcome you! Now, not too long ago, Florida Governor Ron Desantis announced the upcoming 2023 Python Challenge that will be held across South Florida, from August 4 15. I’ve got a bit of experience with hunting the Burmese Pythons so I’ve signed up. I’ve assembled quite a team, comprised of Ariel Dixon, Angelia Swanson and Sheila Nand, and we will be hunting round the clock, hoping to win some of the big time cash and the state. You can read FUN AND GAMESCROSSWORD PUZZLE ON P B 11Sudoku solution on p B 11 BWS solution on p B 11Solution to Crypto on page B 10
CALL 352.675.NEWS • • June 16-22, 2023 • PAGE B 11 FUN AND GAMES Want to hunt pythons, huh? FUN AND GAMESSolution to Crossword on page B 10BWS Puzzle on page B 10 1. Is the book of James (KJV) in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. From 2 Samuel 18:18, who erected a memorial to himself because he did not have a son? Onesimus, Absalom, Spartacus, Isaiah 3. Where is Satan called “the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience� Galatians 1, Ephesians 2, Colossians 3, Titus 4 4. What widowed prophetess was 84 years old on seeing the young Jesus in the temple? Anna, Jezebel, Hagar, Abigail 5. Which book foretold of the Messiah being born in Bethlehem? Ezra, 1 Kings, Amos, Micah 6. From Genesis 35:22, how many sons did Jacob have? 1, 3, 6, 12 ANSWERS: 1) New, 2) Absalom, 3) Ephesians 2:2, 4) Anna, 5) Micah 5:2, 6) 12 Hardcore trivia fan? Visit Wilson Casey’s subscriber site at www 2023 King Features Synd., Inc. FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. 257 BIBLE TRIVIA #12345_20230612 FOR RELEASE JUNE 12, 2023 By Wilson Casey
PAGE B 12 •• THE HERNANDO SUN • June 16-22, 2023 • • CALL 352.675.NEWS MARRIAGESPlease note that the date reects the date the marriage license was recorded at the Hernando County Clerk of Court, not necessarily the marriage date.Jacksonm Debbie Ann Taylor and Robinson, James Edward Ii on 06/07/2023 Beatty, Kimberly Lynn and Reaves, Ralph Eugene on 06/07/2023 Skelton, James Conner and Ballien, Jessica Dawn on 06/07/2023 Gudat, Christopher Paul and Ortiz, Ginger Marie on 06/07/2023 Wayman, Shawn Bernard and Abbott, Cheryl Ann Ward on 06/07/2023 Peterson, Eric Christopher Jr. and Tipton, Rayanna Brooke on 06/07/2023 Arnold, Shelby Ellen-Ann and Leonardis, Vincent Jr. on 06/08/2023 Greenley, Toni Marie and Halfacre, Michael Paul Jr. on 06/08/2023 Simmons, Floyd Mitchell Jr. and Rowland, Jackie Lynn Cox on 06/08/2023 Corey, Steve and Bodnar, Laura Marie on 06/08/2023 Breedlove, Brian Lee Jr. and Collins, Lauren Brooke on 06/08/2023 Acord, Franklin Jack and Sheaer, Diana Lynn Mcwhirter on 06/08/2023 Annis, Patricia Leann and Gamble, Trytten Lee on 6/12/2023 Esser, Marc Michael and Bergeron, Lisa Marie Desena on 06/12/2023 Keener, James Scott and Gray, Donna Renee on 06/12/2023 Carr, Jacob Daniel and Hyde, Tiany Nicole on 06/13/2023 OBITUARIESFrederick Herbert Beers, age 91, of Hudson, Florida, passed away on Saturday, June 10, 2023. Src; Turner Roger Lee Williamson, 80, of Brooksville, Florida, passed away on ursday, Jun 8, 2023. Src; Turner John W. Bloom Jr., age 77, of Spring Hill, Florida, passed away on Wednesday, June 7, 2023. Src; Turner John Keith Luoma, age 72, of Spring Hill, Florida, passed away on Tuesday, June 6, 2023. Src; Turner Nora Jean Copenhaver, age 92, of Spring Hill, Florida, passed away on Tuesday, June 6, 2023. Src; Turner A Richard Origon, age 86, originally from Bergen County, New Jersey, passed away on Tuesday, June 6, 2023. Src; Turner Evelyn run, age 80, passed away on Monday, June 12, 2023. Src; Brewer Sarah Bryant, age 69, passed away on Monday, June 12, 2023. Src; Brewer omas Schaefer, age 91, passed away on Sunday, June 11, 2023. Src; Brewer Kevin Keith Lemay, age 60, passed away on Saturday, June 10, 2023. Src; Brewer Donna Campbell-Harper, age 72, passed away on Saturday, June 10, 2023. Src; Brewer Robert Palmieri, age 77, passed away on Saturday, June 10, 2023. Src; Brewer Carolyn Ann Day, 81, of Brooksville, Florida, passed away on Friday, June 9, 2023. Src; Brewer Mardene Elaine Hoke-Magyar, age 72, passed away on Friday, June 9, 2023. Src; Brewer Henry Hale Higginbotham Jr., 87, of Brooksville, Florida, passed away on Friday, June 9, 2023. Src; Brewer Judith L. Johnson, age 77, passed away at home in Spring Hill, FL, on June 6, 2023. Src; Merritt James F. Bailey, age 90, of Spring Hill, FL, passed away on Monday, June 5, 2023. Src; Merritt Hurricane & Safety Expo imparts important life-saving information By SARAH J. NACHIN Everyone who lives in Florida knows that this is hurricane season. We also know that in any emergency situation, preparedness is vital. On Saturday, June 3, more than 730 people attended the Hernando County De partment of Public Safety’s Hurricane and Safety Expo. In addition, sixty-three vendors participated in the expo. Forty-seven were tal agency, while sixteen private businesses had tables displaying information primarily geared to safety and preparedness. There were also four food trucks on the premises. included the Boys and Girls Club of Hernan do County, Community Legal Services, the PACE Center for Girls, the City of Brooks ville Fire Department, and the Hernando County Animal Services. David De Carlo is the county’s Emergency Management director, a post he’s held for just a few months. He was extremely pleased with the turnout and had high praise for the employees who spent a year planning and putting together the event. “Teamwork, communication, and early planning are the key because there are many challenges that come into play planning an expo of this size and nature. Contacting vendors, securing a great location, gather ing of volunteers, and marketing the event are just a few of the challenges,†DeCarlo stated. The Hernando County Housing Authority was one of the government agencies repre sented. Some of its funding comes from the federal government through the Department while other funds come from the State. Executive Director Terri Beverly ex plained what the Housing Authority does. “We administer the Section 8 rental assis tance program funded by HUD. Approximately 420 vouchers are given out each month. The waiting list is closed right now.†The agency also owns twenty-eight homes that they rent out to people based on family income. For those who qualify, they have a Housing Enhancement Loan Program interest to people to repair their homes. down payment assistance through its SHIP gram. With housing prices skyrocketing, this is an important service for many people. “Our goal for the near future is to bring the area,†Ms. Beverly concluded. For more information, call 352-754-4087 or log onto https://www.hernandocounty. us/departments/departments-f-m/hous ing-authority Theresa Santana is the Outreach Coor dinator and Assistive Technology Instruc tor with the Lighthouse for the Blind and services and raises community awareness of the challenges facing the blind and visually impaired. As an Assistive Technology Instructor, Ms. Santana helps the visually impaired use smartphones, computers, tablets, and devices like Alexa. With smartphones, people with visual impairments can do many things, such as calling Uber for a ride and reading their mail with a scanning app. There is a free app called “Be My Eyes,†which enables them to use video calling to contact a sighted volunteer to read things for them, like the expiration date on a carton of milk. The organization encourages anyone who has an old smartphone, iPad or other device they no longer need to donate them to use for training their clients. Members of the Hernando Computer Club wipe the hard drive and refurbish these devices. “We have an independent living class that teaches our clients how to adapt to their surroundings and do whatever they want to do to accomplish their day, such as medica meal preparation,†remarked Ms. Santana. through their vision loss journey, along with support groups for their friends and family. There is no charge for any of these services. The regional organization serves Pas co, Hernando, and Citrus. There are two in New Port Richey at 9130 Ridge Road For more information, visit their website: The Dawn Center was another organiza tion that participated in the Expo. The goals of this organization include helping victims of spouse abuse, domestic violence, and sexual violence. They also have a residen tial facility/safe home for women and their children. As Community Engagement Coordinator, ganizations and businesses that will donate money, and works on fundraising events. One of these events is their annual 5K run held every spring. An upcoming event craft beer tasting, a silent auction, dinner, and a DJ. For tickets and information, go to “Our goal is to raise community aware ness, erase the stigma of domestic violence for the victims and help them escape from an abusive situation,†stated Ms. Abele. If you are a victim of sexual violence or domestic abuse or even feel threatened, Center, call 352 (684-7191 or log onto it organization that works with veterans for Honoring, Empowering, Assisting, and Training. al support, including psychological coun seling; social activities; career counseling; and help with money management, domestic problems, and substance abuse. All their services are free of charge. Gus Guadagnino, founder and CEO of information about our services and talked with the public to raise awareness of this problem and what we are doing to help in this area. We also met representatives from other organizations that provide other ser vices that we will collaborate with.†Factory, call 352-251-7015 or visit their website at Regarding hurricane preparedness, Emer gency Management Director David DeCarlo Make a Plan: Identify and know where you’re going to evacuate to if you need to. Share that plan with family members, espe cially family members who live out of state. Know what you are going to take with you. If you own a business, have a plan for your building and employees. Share that plan with your employees. Build a Kit: Gather your disaster supply weather radio, charging cords, personal hy giene products, bedding, change of clothes, and personal medication. Stay Informed: Listen to your local weather reports. The national news will give you an overall situation, while your location to our area. Download a weather app. If an evacuation order is issued, heed those warnings and evacuate. Sign up for Alert Hernando at information on disaster preparedness. Get Involved: Take responsibility for your life and that of your family. Start trimming your trees of low-hanging limbs. Clean up your yard of loose debris that may become airborne with high winds. Know if you live in an evacuation zone. Know what wind speed your house can withstand. Install hurricane-proof windows or doors if you can. Know what is in your homeowner’s insurance policy. Start buying non-per ishable food and water now, a little at a to seven days in case of long-term power outages. Buying a little each time you go to the store will save you from waiting in line and items becoming scarce because the storm is imminent. We all hope that severe weather will not hit our area, but the important thing is that we are prepared and don’t ignore the situa tion, hoping it will go away. As the saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.†ABOVE: (L-R) Theresa & David Santana ABOVE: (L-R) Jessica Zayas, Andreya Barreiro, Gus Guadagnino ABOVE: Courtney Abele