Press Release issued by Senator George A. Smathers

Material Information

Press Release issued by Senator George A. Smathers
Translated Title:
Comunicado de Prensa Publicado por el Senador George A. Smathers ( Spanish )
Smathers, George A. (George Armistead), 1913-2007 ( issuing body )
Place of Publication:
Washington, D.C.
Office of Senator George A. Smathers
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 volume (2 pages)
Physical Location:
Box 315
File "Cuba Statement 11 Sept 1965"


Subjects / Keywords:
Political refugees--Government policy ( fast )
Refugiados políticos-- Política gubernamental ( bidex )
typescripts ( aat )
Press Releases ( aat )
Comunicados de prensa ( bidex )
Temporal Coverage:
Cold War ( 1945 - 1989 )
Guerra fría ( 1945 - 1989 )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida
Estados Unidos -- Florida


Press release issued by Smathers in response to Fidel Castro's statement that anyone who desired to leave Cuba would be allowed to do so. This is the beginning of "Freedom Flights" program, or the second wave of exiles. Smathers emphasizes that the United States must keep with her traditions and open her doors to those fleeing tyranny and oppression, while also commenting that this is a problem to be shouldered by the nation and the entire free world -- not just Miami. He emphasizes that cost especially should be covered by the federal government. The document reveals the perception of Cuban exiles through the lens of U.S. values, such as anti-communism, freedom, and democracy. (English) ( ,, )
Comunicado de prensa emitido por Smathers en respuesta a la declaración de Fidel Castro de que cualquiera que deseara salir de Cuba podría hacerlo. Este es el comienzo del programa "Freedom Flights", o la segunda ola de exiliados. Smathers enfatiza que Estados Unidos debe mantener sus tradiciones y abrir sus puertas a aquellos que huyen de la tiranía y la opresión, al tiempo que comentan que este es un problema que debe soportar la nación y todo el mundo libre, no sólo Miami. Enfatiza que el costo, especialmente, debe ser cubierto por el gobierno federal. El documento revela la percepción de los exiliados cubanos a través de la lente de los valores estadounidenses, como el anticomunismo, la libertad y la democracia. (Spanish)

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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