Digital Humanities and Public Humanities Internship

Material Information

Digital Humanities and Public Humanities Internship
Taylor, Laurie N.
Hall, Holland
Ortiz, Paul
Place of Publication:
Gainesville, FL
George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
Funded internship proposal


Subjects / Keywords:
Digital Humanities
Public Humanities


The Digital Humanities Working Group (DHWG) started in 2011, and has grown tremendously: over 300 members, developing dozens of events each year including THATCamp-Gainesville, collaborating on non-credit and for-credit programs as with the new DH Graduate Certificate. UF is uniquely positioned in having consistently defined the Digital Humanities (DH) as the humanities in and for the digital age, marking DH as the Public Humanities. The year for this internship will strengthen the presented connection of DH as Public Humanities, through collaboration with the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP), a campus champion for Public Humanities, for a year of events themed on the digital-as-public humanities. The intern for this project will be expected to plan several events to showcase and build upon the recent naming of SPOHP as the official repository for the oral history archives of the Women’s March on Washington, the collaboration with SPOHP and the Libraries for Caribbean Studies Digital Humanities with a study abroad planning grant for collecting oral histories in Trinidad, as well as events to further connect the DHWG with the Imagining America group at UF, a group that is explicitly public humanities. The intern for this position will build understanding across UF while gaining self-insight into the digital-as-public humanities
Funded internship award for Laurie Taylor, Digital Humanities and Public Humanities Internship, 2 semesters (fall 2017 and spring 2018: value of $5,000)

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University of Florida
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University of Florida
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Smathers Libraries Graduate Internship, Digita l (DH) & Public Humanities, Proposal, Page 1 of 8 Graduate Internship Proposal: Smathers Graduate Internship in Digital Humanities (DH) and Public Humanities Internship Director: Laurie Taylor Abstract: The Digital Humanities Working Group (D HWG) started in 2011, and has grown tremendously: over 300 members, developing dozens of events each year including THATCamp-Gainesville, collaborating on non-cred it and for-credit programs as with the new DH Graduate Certificate. UF is uniquely positioned in having consistently defined the Digital Humanities (DH) as the humanities in and for the digital age, marking DH as the Public Humanities. The year for this internship will strengthen the presented connection of DH as Public Humanities, thr ough collaboration with the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP), a campus cham pion for Public Humanities, for a year of events themed on the digitalas-public humanities. The intern for this project will be expected to plan several events to show case and build upon the recent naming of SPOHP as the official repository for the oral history archives of the WomenÂ’s March on Washington, the collaboration with SPOHP and the Libraries for Caribbean Studies Digital Humanities with a study abroad pla nning grant for collecti ng oral histories in Trinidad, as well as events to further c onnect the DHWG with the Imagining America group at UF, a group that is explicitly public humanities. The intern for this position will build understanding across UF while gaining se lf-insight into th e digital-as-public humanities. Semester(s) Number of semesters: 2 Semesters: Fall 2017 and Spring 2018


Smathers Libraries Graduate Internship, Digita l (DH) & Public Humanities, Proposal, Page 2 of 8 Project Overview/Description (2 pages) Goals The goals for this intern are focused on: Further developing and enhancing the co mmunity of practice at UF focused on Digital Humanities as Public Humanities Connecting Public Humanities community members, who do not always identify with the Digital Humanities, with the Digital Humanities community Strengthening the collaborative connecti on with the Libraries and the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP) in regards to the digital-as-public humanities, graduate education, and specifi c shared collaborations, including the: o oral history archives of th e Women’s March on Washington o collaboration with SPOHP and the Libr aries for Caribbean Studies Digital Humanities with a study abroad planni ng grant for collecting oral histories in Trinidad Leveraging this internship to build su pport and connections with the Imagining America group at UF, a group that is e xplicitly focused on public humanities Introducing a graduate student in the humanities to work in research libraries Enhancing graduate student experience in DH and public humanities Strengthening collaboration with the Libraries and Humanities Departments Introducing a graduate student in the humanities to collaborative ways of working to support needs in the Libr aries and to help build a community of practice across campus through facilitation and interac tion on the many DHWG meet-ups, DHLG meetings, and related activities ( http://digitalhum ) wherein the student intern may help to promote events, conduct outreach for events, facilitate events, take notes, and/or develop events Collecting data to support proposi ng an ongoing Research Assistantship— modeled on the collaboration with Speci al & Area Studies Collections, SPOHP, and the Department of History—f or a sustainable ongoing program Objectives The Digital (DH) & Public Humanities Inte rn will participate in the Libraries’ programmatic activities for di gital scholarship, including activities related to the Libraries’ role in the Digital Humanities Wo rking Group and DH Graduate Certificate, as well as activities related to further connecting and demonstrating that DH at UF is Public Humanities. The intern w ill participate in collaborat ive writing, editing, event development, and other activities related to digital scholarship and public humanities, which will include the Digital Humaniti es Working Group (DHWG) and Imagining America group collaboration. Sp ecific objectives include: During fall 2017, plan the schedule of DHWG events for academic year 20172018, culminating in THATCamp-Gainesville 2018.


Smathers Libraries Graduate Internship, Digita l (DH) & Public Humanities, Proposal, Page 3 of 8 Facilitate DHWG events, defining the ove rall program plan, selecting speakers, collaborating with speakers/trainers to develop events, and other planning and implementation activities for events, including guest sp eakers, trainings, workshops, etc. during the academic year (~10 events). Overall goal is for an event at a standard time and in the Scott Nygren Scholars Studio, with the expectation that events will be Tuesdays from 2-4pm, with additional events at other times. Promote events, people, and activitie s through a variety of activities. Throughout the year of events, collaborate with the Internship Director and Faculty Partner to identify opportunitie s—strategic and tactical—to further support the digital-as-public humanities at UF. This may include developing a whitepaper, seeking grants, creating trai nings, or other activities to support the overall community of practice. The path for these opportunities will be identified with the Internship Director, Faculty Partner, and Intern. Establishing a findings document in support of proposing a Research Assistantship—modeled on one by Special & Area Studies Collections, SPOHP, and the Department of History—f or a sustainable ongoing program. Deliverables Deliverables include the planning and facili tating of numerous event and trainings designed within themes and specific topics to support the strengt hened connection of digital-as-public humanities at UF. For dem onstrating and documenting the digital-aspublic humanities, there may be specific traini ngs, grants, a whitepaper, or other final work product, which will be determined and undertaken during the internship. Activities Program plan for event activities for the DHWG for the year, including developing the full program plan for 10 events. o This will also include explicitly c onnecting and promoting events as Public Humanities, and engagement with the campus-wide Imagining America group. Facilitation and co-conveni ng on all 10 events, along w ith promotion activities. Assessment of DHWG activities with a survey/evaluation component in fall 2017 to assess DHWG member needs regarding activities and events (e.g., a very short online survey with short paper surveys at events, or a few focus groups) to support greater promotion and integra tion of digital and public humanities activities. Collaboration with the Assessment Librarian on completion of IRB for the survey Drafting a findings document to info rm and shape a proposal an ongoing Research Assistantship—modeled on th e collaboration with Special & Area Studies Collections, SPOHP, and the Depa rtment of History—for a sustainable ongoing program.


Smathers Libraries Graduate Internship, Digita l (DH) & Public Humanities, Proposal, Page 4 of 8 Additional Funding Sources & Academic Evaluation Elements The student to be hired for this will be on a graduate student fellowship, research assistantship, or teaching a ssistantship, which will cover the tuition waiver. Depending on the student to be hired, this course may include additional course credit. This will be determined prior to the end of drop/add for fall 2017. Resources needed and committed to complete the project For the intern, desk space, computer, a nd phone are available in Library West. The majority of events will be held in the Sco tt Nygren Scholars Studio, which the Internship Director will book for all meetings. No additional resources are needed to complete the intern work. Impacts on other departments This internship has no expected impacts on other departments. It does have significant collaborative activities planned. For the simple and lightweight survey to assess needs, the Internship Director and Intern will collaborate with the Assessment Librarian. Benefits/Broader Impacts to the Intern The Digital & Public Humanities Intern will learn about DH practices and work life in academic research libraries; engage in academic speaker and training program development; collaborative work and wr iting practices, perform social media management for academic programs and gene ral outreach; and, gain experience in marketing, promotion, writing, and editing for public scholarship and popular writing publication. The intern will lear n all of these activities in relation to academic libraries, DH, and Public Humanities as supported by humanities doctoral programs. Benefits/Broader Impacts to the Libraries The Libraries will benefit from collateral benefits from the collaboration including enriched collaboration with a teaching department and the Libraries as well as development of the internÂ’s skills and aw areness of job opportunities. Further, this position will help demonstrate the connec tion and value of th e digital-as-public humanities at UF. This position will also serve to collect data for the LibrariesÂ’ growing engagement with digital-as-public humanitie s including groups like Imagining America. Benefits/Broader Impacts to the Academic Unit The Samuel Proctor Oral Hist ory Program (SPOHP) within the Department of History is a leader for digital scholars hip, and specifically digitalas-public humanities, on campus and across the US. UF is uniquely positioned to lead in the digital-as-public humanities, due in large part to the work of SPOHP. This internship will better demonstrate the expertise in SPOHP for digita l work, with the digital as explicitly tied to public humanities. This internship will strengthen co llaboration with SPOHP, the Department of


Smathers Libraries Graduate Internship, Digita l (DH) & Public Humanities, Proposal, Page 5 of 8 History, and the DHWG, and will provide valuable and paid experience for a graduate student working with SPOHP. Student Learning Outcomes Students will gain an enhanced understa nding of Digital Humanities, digital scholarship, and Public Humanities. Students will gain an enhanced understand ing of aspects of da y-to-day activities in an academic research library related to digital scholarship and digital-as-public humanities. Students will gain an enhanced understa nding of collaborative work and writing practices in academic libraries. Students will gain a clearer understandi ng of the historical relationship of academic teaching programs, academic libraries, and publicly engaged scholarship. Students will demonstrate competence in the terminology, concepts, methodologies and theories used within di gital/public scholarship in academic research libraries. Metrics for Project Deliverables Program plan for event activities for th e DHWG for the year, including leading the program team for THATCamp-Gaine sville 2018, with me trics including developing the full program plan for 10 events. o This will also include explicitly c onnecting and promoting events as Public Humanities, and engagement with the campus-wide Imagining America group. Facilitation and co-conveni ng on all 10 events, along w ith promotion activities, including: o Each month, at least 1 project desc ription added/update d for the list of digital scholarship projects on th e Digital Humanities Working Group (DHWG) website: o Each month, at least 1 added/upda ted biographical entry for DHWG members: o Each week, at least 3 tweets from the UFDigitalHum Twitter account o Each semester, attendance and involvement in DHWG events for promotion, facilitation, and/or follow-up. Assessment of DHWG activities with a survey/evaluation component in fall 2017 to assess DHWG member needs regarding activities and events (e.g., a very short online survey with short paper surveys at events, or a few focus groups) to support greater promotion and integra tion of digital and public humanities activities.


Smathers Libraries Graduate Internship, Digita l (DH) & Public Humanities, Proposal, Page 6 of 8 Benefits to the Intern will be assessed in the semester reports by the student. Benefits to the Libraries and academic unit (SPOHP) will be assessed in the semester reports. The student learning outcomes will be assess ed in consultation with the Internship Director and the Faculty Partner in the Librar ies, and will be documented in the semester reports. Roles of the Internship Di rector and team members The Internship Director will provide the superv ision and direction for this internship, in collaboration with the Faculty Partner from outside the Libraries, and in collaboration with others in the Libraries and across campus, with members of the DHWG, and with members of Imagining America. The Internsh ip Director will be the primary contact, supervisor, and connector for a ll aspects of the internship.


Smathers Libraries Graduate Internship, Digita l (DH) & Public Humanities, Proposal, Page 7 of 8 Plan of Activities for Each Semester (1 page) Each semester, the Intern will: 1. Attend a CV/resume workshop and an orient ation to the Libraries (required for Interns) 2. Deliver a presentation reflec ting on the academic and professional outcomes of their internship, to be presented as one of the DHLG Meet-ups (December and April) 3. Create a survey, gain IRB approval, and administer the survey (fall 2017); and, analyze the survey results (spring 2018). Over the two semesters, the Intern will: 1. Develop 10 events during the academic year (September-April) including THATCamp-Gainesville in April 2018 Each semester, the Internship Director will: 1. Attend a workshop on supervisi ng and mentoring (required fo r Internship Directors) 2. Direct the Intern to appr opriate opportunities for thei r professional growth, which may include attending a presentation on jobs in academic libraries, a Joint Chairs meeting (or other applicable meeting) to orient the Intern to academic libraries, Curator Talks, and others as approp riate for enhancing scholarly inquiry 3. Provide opportunities for regular asse ssment and feedback for the Intern Weekly, the Internship Director and Intern will meet to: 1. Review goals for the week 2. Review activities and accomplishments for the prior week 3. Confirm progress and any scheduling for the longer-term/semester length objectives Monthly, the Internship Director Faculty Member outside of the Libraries, and the Intern will meet to: 1. Review progress, activities, and accomplishments to date 2. Review goals for the full internship deliverables 3. Discuss progress, any scheduling, and longe r term goals for how the internship supports professional developm ent and career opportunities Benefits to the Intern will be assessed in the semester reports by the student. Benefits to the Libraries and academic unit (SPOHP) will be assessed in the semester reports. The student learning outcomes will be assess ed in consultation with the Internship Director and the Faculty Partner in the Librar ies, and will be documented in the semester reports.


Smathers Libraries Graduate Internship, Digita l (DH) & Public Humanities, Proposal, Page 8 of 8 Brief position description for the internship (1 page) Smathers Graduate Internship in Digital (DH) & Public Humanities Pay Rate: $15/hour. Number of students needed: 1. Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm, up to 10 hours per week (total of 160 hours/semester) Summary of Duties The Digital (DH) & Public Humanities will participate in the LibrariesÂ’ programmatic activities for digital scholarship, including activities related to the LibrariesÂ’ role in the Digital Humanities Working Group and DH Gradua te Certificate, as well as activities related to further connecting a nd demonstrating that DH at UF is Public Humanities. The intern will participate in collaborative wr iting, editing, event development, and other activities related to digital scholarship and public humanities, which will include the Digital Humanities Working Group (DHWG) and Imagining America group collaboration. During fall 2017, plan the schedule of DHWG events for academic year 20172018, culminating in THATCamp-Gainesville 2018. Facilitate the DHWG events, defining the overall program plan, selecting speakers, collaborating with speakers/tr ainers to develop events, and other planning and implementation activities fo r events, including guest speakers, trainings, workshops, etc. during the academ ic year (~10 events). Overall goal is for an event at a standard time and in the Scott Nygren Scholars Studio, with the expectation that events will be Tuesdays from 2-4pm, with additional events at other times. Promote the events, people, and activiti es through a variet y of activities Responsibilities The Intern will be responsible for completi ng the planned activities, collaborating for these and other needs, and participating as a professional team member in the Libraries. Qualifications Knowledge about and interest in digital scholarship; a good attitude and professional demeanor; and willingness to work independently and collaboratively. Candidates must be graduate students and will be sele cted from those recommended by SPOHP. Excellent organizational and time management skills, oral and writing skills Reliable and punctual Flexible, adaptable, and comfortable w ith experimentation and self-directed learning Able and willing to learn new skills, en thusiasm for working collaboratively Familiarity working with website and social media tools