Office of Technology Assessment List of Publications, January 1993

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Office of Technology Assessment List of Publications, January 1993
Series Title:
Office of Technology Assessment List of Publications
Office of Technology Assessment
Office of Technology Assessment
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
41 pages.


Subjects / Keywords:
Technology assessment ( LIV )
federal government publication ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Washington, D.C.


General Note:
A catalog of Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) documents published through 1993.

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University of North Texas
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University of North Texas
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This item is a work of the U.S. federal government and not subject to copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §105.

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University of Florida
Office of Technology Assessment


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, of OTA Publications Office of Technology Assessment Congress of the United States 20tli .9Lnniversary 'Edition


CONTENTS About the Office of Technology Assessment, iii Ordering Information, iv Subject Listing of Publications, Aging, 1 Agriculture and Forestry, 1 AIDS/HIV Infection, 2 Biological Research and Technology, 3 Business and Industry, 4 Communications, 5 Computers, 5 Defense Technology, 5 Economy and Economic Development, 7 Education, 7 Employment and Training, 7 Energy, 8 Environmental Protection, 9 Health and Health Care, 1 0 Health Insurance, 12 Information Technology, 12 International Relations and Technology Transfer, 13 Materials, 14 Medical Research and Technology, 14 Oceans, 16 Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resources, 16 Research and Development, 17 Science and Technology, 18 Space, 18 Technology and Law, 19 Transportation, 19 Waste Management, 21 Commercial Publishers and Other Distributors, 22 Assessments in Progress, 23 U.S. Government Bookstores, 24 Order Forms, 25 Title Index, 27 Guide to Titles by OTA Research Programs, 31 Cross-Index to Subjects, 36


ABOUT THE OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT The Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) was established by Congress in 1972 to provide congressional committees with analyses of emerging, difficult, and often highly technical issues. Governed by a 12-member bipartisan congressional boa~ix Senators and six Representatives, and the OTA Director, who is a nonvoting member-OTA provides a variety of services to the Senate and the House of Representatives on a broad range of issues. Services include briefings, testimony, and major assessment reports-some requiring more than 2 years to complete. OTA explores complex issues involving science and technology, helping Congress to resolve uncertainties and conflicting claims, identifying alternative policy options, and providing foresight or early alert to new developments that could have important implications for future Federal policy. OTA does not advocate particular policies or actions, but points out their pros and cons, sorts out the facts, and provides opinions. OTA's multidisciplinary staff plans, directs, and drafts all assessments. It draws extensively on the broad technical and professional resources of the private sector, including the academic community, public interest groups, State and local government, and the citizenry at large. The publications listed in this catalog are the result of various assessments and analyses requested by the committees of Congress. This catalog is revised periodically as further reports are published by OTA. General Information OTA offices are located at: 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E., washington, DC. Contacts within OTA include: Publication Requests (202) 224-8996 Personnel Locator (202) 224-8713 Congressional and Public (202) 224-9241 Affairs Office Office of the Director (202) 224-3695 OTA Facsimile Machine (202) 228-6098 The following OTA administrative reports contain information about OTA and the products produced by the Office. These reports are available from the Publication Requests office. OTA Brochure Defines OTA's purpose, outlines its organization and lists some of its completed JJrojects (updated periodically). PC-104. Annual Report to the Congress Describes the activities of the Office during the fiscal year within the context of the legislative agenda of Congress and the events in the United States and the world during the year. The report also includes a review of management and administrative functions. Of particular importance is a thorough report on the various studies produced by OTA and specific indications of their implications for the technological community. Indications of work in progress are provided and remarks from the OTA Board are included to indicate the extent of congressional oversight. A-554, January 1993 Assessment Activities Lists and briefly summarizes OTA's ongoing projects and publications in press (updated periodically). PC-105.


ORDERING INFORMATION How to Use This Catalog In the first section of this catalog, publications are arranged in reverse chronological order under subject headings (see Contents). In a later section, titles are listed by OTA's Research Programs in which the subject was assessed. In addition, an alphabetical title index is provided as well as a cross index to subjects. In each broad subject category, bibliographic information is provided for all titles, including authoring Program, OTA report number, publication date, number of pages, summary availability, and order numbers for both the Government Printing Office and the National Technical Information Service. Documents published before 1983 are available only from the National Technical Information Service. Titles, dates, and NTIS order information are provided in each subject area for these older publications. GPO Ordering Information An order form is provided at the back of this catalog. Unless otherwise noted (see sections below), orders should be mailed to: New Orders Superintendent of Documents P.O. Box 371954 Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954 Orders must include the title, GPO stock number, quantity, price and total payment enclosed. Allow 4 weeks for delivery (longer for international orders). The Superintendent of Documents pays for normal shipping, and will arrange and bill you for your special shipping needs. United Parcel Service (UPS), first class, and airmail services are available for an additional charge. Call GPO at (202) 783-3238 in advance for rates if you desire this service, and indicate on your order if you desire special postage. Telephone orders to be charged to a VISA, MasterCard, or prepaid Superintendent of Documents Deposit Account may be placed by calling the order desk at (202) 783-3238 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. eastern time, Monday through Friday. To fax your order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, call (202) 275-2529. Most OTA reports are also distributed automatically to over 1,400 Regional Depository Libraries throughout the country and may be included in the Government Documents collection of university and public libraries in your area. Please consult your librarian for additional information or contact: Library Programs Service Office of the Assistant Public Printer U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20401-9325 Telephone (202) 275-1114 International Orders Orders sent directly to GPO for delivery outside the U.S. will be subject to a 25 percent surcharge for special handling required by international mailing regulations. Such orders will be shipped by surface mail. Airmail delivery is available at additional cost based on the International Postal Zone of the recipient. If you wish to have your order sent by air, you should contact GPO in advance by mail, telephone (1-202-783-3238), telex (710-822-9413 USGPO WSH), or fax (1-202-275-0019) for the total cost of your order. Remittance in U.S. dollars should accompany every order sent directly to GPO. Acceptable remittance includes: checks drawn on U.S. or Canadian banks, UNESCO coupons, International Postal Money Orders, and charges to prepaid Superintendent of Documents or NTIS deposit accounts and international VISA and MasterCard accounts. Please include your credit card number and date of expiration with your charge order. Checks and money orders should be made payable to the Superintendent of Documents. NOTE: GPO cannot accept checks drawn on Canadian banks for less than U.S. $4.00. Orders sent directly to GPO must be in English. GPO will not accept foreign currency, checks on foreign banks, or postage stamps. Allow a minimum of 10 weeks for delivery. NTIS Ordering Information Documents can be ordered from NTIS in either paper or microfiche format. Orders may be placed using a Deposit Account, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or government purchase order. Prices can be confirmed and orders can be placed by calling NTIS at (703) 487-4650; for rush orders call (1-800) 553-NTIS. Commercial Publishers and Other Distributors In addition, many of OTA's reports are reprinted commercially by private publishers (see listing on p. 22). Additionally, OTA reports are indexed and are available in either microfiche or paper format from the Congressional Information Service, Inc., 4520 East West Highway, Bethesda, MD (1-800) 638-8380. OTA Ordering Information Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Congress, Washington, DC 20510-8025, ATTN: Publication Requests; Telephone (202) 224-8996. Please request only those publications listed as available from OTA. All purchase orders for publications should be sent directly to Superintendent of Documents, GPO at the address listed above. If you encounter difficulty and need assistance in the purchase or receipt of publications listed in this catalog from either GPO or NTIS, please notify the OTA Publications Office at the above address or telephone number. For information on the operation of OTA or the nature and status of ongoing assessments, write or call: Congressional and Public Affairs Office Office of Technology Assessment U.S. Congress Washington, DC 20510-8025 Telephone (202) 224-9241


ACID RAIN See Environmenflll Protection ADOLESCENTS See Health and Health Care AGING See also Health and Health Care; Health Insurance Special care units for people with Alzheimer's and other dementias: consumer education, research, regulatory, and reimbursement issues Health Program (H-543), August 1992; 204 p. (Free summary available) GPO stock #052-003-01296-1; $11.00 NTIS order #PB92-228444 Confused minds, burdened families: finding help for people with Alzheimer's and other dementias Biological Applications Program (BA-403), July 1990; 424 p. + GPO stock #052-003-01142-5; $18.00 NTIS order #PB00-259540 Preventive health services for Medicare beneficiaries: policy and research issues Health Program (H-416), February 1990; 48 p. NTIS order #PB00-219999 Costs and effectiveness of cervical cancer screening (BP-H-65), February 1990; 96 p. NTIS order #PB00-166018 Costs and effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening in the elderly (BP-H-74), September 1990; 64 p. NT/S order IPB91-104877 Costs and effectiveness of cholesterol screening in the elder1y April 1989; 64 p. NTIS order #PB89-224638 Use of preventive services by the elderly, January 1989; 72 p. NTIS order #PB91-192880 Screening for open-angle glaucoma in the elderly, October 1988; 64 p. NTIS order #PB91-192872 Institutional protocols for decisions about life-sustaining treatments Biological Applications Program (BA-389), July 1988; 92 p. NTIS order #PB89-138895 Life-sustaining technologies and the elderly Biological Applications Program (BA-306), July 1987; 472 p. + NTIS order #PB87-222527 Losing a million minds: confronting the tragedy of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias Biological Applications Program (BA-323), April 1987; 548 p. + NTIS order #PB87-183752 Hearing impairment and elder1y people Biological Applications Program (BP-BA-30), May 1986; 96 p. NTIS order #PB86-218559 Technology and aging in America Biological Applications Program (BA-264), June 1985; 504 p. NTIS order #PB86-116514 AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY See also Environmenflll Protection Emerging agricultural technology: issues for the 1990s Food and Renewable Resources Program: A New technological era for American agriculture, (F-474) August 1992; 460 p. (Free summary available) GPO stock #052-003-01290-1; $23.00 NTIS order #PB92-216118 Agricultural commodities as industrial raw materials (F-476), June 1991; 115 p. GPO stock #052-003-01237-5; $5.00 NTIS order #PB91-198093 U.S. dairy industry at a crossroad: biotechnology and policy choices (F-470), May 1991; 128 p. GPO stock #052-003-01238-3; $5.50 NTIS order #PB91-198085 Agricultural research and technology transfer policies for the 1990s (F-448), March 1990; 52 p. NTIS order #PB00-219981 + = COn1Tac111r Documents/Worting Papers, available from N11S (703) 487-4650. Call for pricing in/11rmation. Combined summaries: technologies to sustain tropical forest resources and biological diversity Food and Renewable Resources Program (F-515), May 1992; 120 p. NTIS orderlPB92-182104 Forest service planning Food and Renewable Resources Program: Accommodating uses, producing ouputs, and sustaining ecosystems (F-505), February 1992; 206 p. + NTIS order #PB92-152560 Setting strategic direction under RPA, (F-441), July 1990; 148 p. NTIS order #PBS0-253295 A Plague of locusts Food and Renewable Resources Program June 1990; 138 p. NTIS order #PB90-254103 Enhancing the quality of U.S. grain for international trade Food and Renewable Resources Program (F-399), February 1989; 300 p. + (Free summary available) NTIS order #PB89-187199 Grain quality in international trade: a comparison of major U.S. competitors Food and Renewable Resources Program (F-402), February 1989; 168 p. NTIS order #PB89-187249 Pesticide residues in food: technologies and methodologies for detection Food and Renewable Resources Program (F-398), October 1988; 244 p. NTIS order #PB89-136444 Enhancing agriculture in Africa: a role for U.S. development assistance Food and Renewable Resources Program (F-356), September 1988; 240 p. (Free summary available) NTIS order#PB89-137087 Using desalination technologies for water treatment Oceans and Environment Program (BP-0-46), March 1988; 76 p. NTIS order#PB88-193354


Integrated renewable resource management for U.S. insular areas Food and Renewable Resources Program (F-325), June 1987; 452 p. NTIS order #PB87-205829 Technologies to maintain biological diversity Food and Renewable Resources Program (F-330), March 1987; 340 p. + NTIS order#PB87-207494 Continuing the commitment: agricultural development in the Sahel Food and Renewable Resources Program (F-308), August 1986; 176 p. NTIS order#PB87-117644 Assessing biological diversity in the United States: data considerations Food and Renewable Resources Program (BP-F-39), March 1986; 80 p. NTIS order #PB86-181989 Technology, public policy, and the changing structure of American agriculture Food and Renewable Resources Program (F-285), March 1986; 380 p. NTIS order #PB86-184637 Grassroots conservation of biological diversity in the United States Food and Renewable Resources Program (BP-F-38), February 1986; 72 p. NTIS order #PB86-181997 Technologies to benefit agriculture and wildlife Food and Renewable Resources Program (BP-F-34), May 1985; 148 p. NTIS order#PBBS-239747 Technology, public policy, and the changing structure of American agriculture: a special report for the 1985 farm bill Food and Renewable Resources Program (F-272), March 1985; 100 p. NTIS order #PB86-210374 Technologies to sustain tropical forest resources Food and Renewable Resources Program (F-214), March 1984; 352 p. NTIS order #PB84-175637 Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in U.S. arid/ semiarid lands Food and Renewable Resources Program (F-212), October 1983; 412 p. NTIS order #PB84-172667 Plants: the potentials for extracting protein, medicines, and other useful chemicals Food and Renewable Resources Program (BP-F-23), September 1983; 252 p. NTIS order #PB84-114743 Sustaining tropical forest resources: reforestation of degraded lands Food and Renewable Resources Program (BP-F-18), May 1983; 56 p. NTIS order #PB84-104041 Sustaining tropical forest resources: U.S. and international institutions Food and Renewable Resources Program (BP-F-19), May 1983; 68 p. NTIS order #PB84-104058 Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid lands: selected foreign experience Food and Renewable Resources Program (BP-F-20), May 1983; 84 p. NTIS order #PB84-102912 Agricultural postharvest technology and marketing economics research Food and Renewable Resources Program (TM-F-21), May 1983; 118 p. NTIS order #PB83-232835 PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS Impacts of technology on U.S. cropland and rangeland productivity, August 1982 NTIS order #PB83-125013 Assessment of the United States food and agricultural research system December 1981 NTIS order #PB82-170572 Environmental contaminants in food December 1979 NTIS order #PBB0-153265 Pest management strategies in crop protection, October 1979 NTIS order #PBB0-120017 Open shelf-life dating of food August 1979 NTIS order #PBB0-101629 Drugs in livestock feed, June 1979 NTIS order #PB-298450 Emerging food marketing technologies: a preliminary analysis, October 1978 NTIS order #PB-291039 Nutrition research alternatives September 1978 NTIS order #PB-289825 Organizing and financing basic research to increase food production, June 1977 NTIS order #PB-273182 Perspectives on Federal retail food grading, June 1977 NTIS order #PB-273163 Food information systems: summary and analysis, August 1976 NTIS order #PB-258172 Food information systems, February 1976 NTIS order #PB-258171 AIDS/HIV INFECTION See also Health and Health Care; Medical Research and Technology Difficult-to-reuse needles for the prevention of HIV infection among injecting drug abusers Health Program (BP-H-103), October 1992; 24 p. GPO stock #052-003-01307-0; $1.75 NTIS order#PB93-101749 CDC's case definition of AIDS: implications of proposed revisions Health Program (BP-H-89), June 1992; 104 p. GPO stock #052-003-01293-6; $5.50 NTIS order #PB92-216126 HIV in the health care workplace Health Program (BP-H-90), November 1991; 28 p. NTIS order #PB92-150333


The Effectiveness of drug abuse treatment implications for controlling AIDS/HIV infection Hsa/th Program (BP-H-73) September 1990; 160 p. GPO stock #052-003-01210-3; $7.50 NTIS order #PB91-104885 How has Federal research on AIDS/HIV disease contributed to other fields? Hsa/th Program April 1990; 62 p. NTIS order#PB90-253n4 Impact of AIDS on the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program (Northern California Region) Health Program July 1988; 52 p. NTIS order#PB89-116941 How effective is AIDS education? Hsa/th Program June 1988; 136 p. NTIS order #PB88-243530 AIDS and health insurance: an OTA survey Health Program February 1988; 64 p. NTIS order#PB88-170204 Do insects transmit AIDS? Health Program September 1987; 48 p. NTIS order #PB88-143177 Costs of AIDS and other HIV infections: review of the estimates Hsa/th Program May 1987; (Available from the OTA Health Program) Review of the Public Health Service's response to AIDS Health Program (TM-H-24), February 1985; 168 p. NTIS order PB85-246668 AIR POLLUTION See Protection AIR TRANSPORTATION See Transportation ALCOHOLISM AND ALCOHOL ABUSE See Health Insurance ALTERNATIVE FUELS See Energy ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE See Computers BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY See Agriculture and Forestry BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY See also Medical Research and Technology Identifying and controlling pulmonary toxicants Biological Applications Program (BP-BA-91), June 1992; 88 p. GPO stock #052-003-01285-5; $4.25 NTIS order #PB92-193457 New developments in neuroscience Biological Applications Program The Biology of mental disorders (BA-538), September 1992; 196 p. + GPO stock #052-003-01299-5; $11.00 NTIS order #BP92-2284n Biological rhythms: implications for the worker, (BA-463) September 1991, 260 p. NTIS order #PB92-117589 Neural grafting: repairing the brain and spinal cord, (BA-462) October 1990; 202 p. + GPO stock #052-003-01212-0; $10.00 NTIS order #PB91-114249 Neurotoxicity: identifying and controlling poisons of the nervous system, (BA-436) April 1990; 350 p.+ GPO #052-003-01184-1; $15.00 NTIS order #PB90-252511 Biotechnology in a global economy Biological Applications Program (BA-494), October 1991; 292 p. + GPO stock #052-003-01258-8; $13.00 NTIS order #PB92-115823 Medical monitoring and screening in the workplace: results of a survey Biological Applications Program (BP-BA-67), September 1991; 96 p. GPO stock #052-003-01255-3; $4.50 NTIS order #PB92-117738 Identifying and controlling immunotoxic substances Biological Applications Program (BP-BA-75), April 1991; 104 p. NTIS order #PB91-183145 Genetic monitoring and screening in the workplace Biological Applications Program (BA-455), October 1990; 202 p. + (Free summary available) GPO stock #052-003-01217-1; $12.00 NTIS order #PB91-105940 Genetic witness: forensic uses of DNA tests Biological Applications Program (BA-438), July 1990; 204 p. NTIS order #PB90-259110 New developments in biotechnology Biological Applications Program: Patenting life, (BA-370) April 1989; 204 p. + NTIS order #PB89-196612 U.S. investment in biotechnology (BA-360), July 1988; 304 p. + NTIS order #PB88-246939 Field-testing engineered organisms: genetic and ecological issues (BA-350), May 1988; 160 p. + NTIS order #PB88-214101 Public perceptions of biotechnology (BP-BA-45), May 1987; 136 p. NTIS order #PB87-207544 Ownership of human tissues and cells, (BA-337), March 1987; 176 p. NTIS order #PB87-207536 Mapping our genes, genome projects: how big? how fast? Biological Applications Program (BA-373), April 1988; 232 p. + NTIS order #PB88-212-402 Identifying and regulating carcinogens Health Program (BP-H-42), November 1987; 260 p. NTIS order #PB88-136999 Technologies for detecting heritable mutations in human beings Health Program (H-298), September 1986; 156 p. NTIS order #PB87-140158


Alternatives to animal use in research, testing, and education Biological Applications Program (BA-273), February 1986; 448 p. + NTIS order #PB86-183134 Blood policy and technology Health Program (H-260), January 1985; 248 p. NTIS order #PB85-234870 Human gene therapy Biological Applications Program (BP-BA-32), December 1984; 116 p. NTIS order #PB85-206076 Impacts of neuroscience Biological Applications Program (BP-BA-24), March 1984; 36 p. NTIS order #PB84-196716 Commercial biotechnology: an international analysis Biological Applications Program (8-218), January 1984; 616 p. NTIS order #PB84-173608 Role of genetic testing in the prevention of occupational diseases Biological Applications Program (BA-194), April 1983; 244 p. NTIS order #PB83-2337~4 PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS Impacts of applied genetics: microorganisms, plants, and animals April 1981 NTIS order #PB81-206609 BIOTECHNOLOGY See Biological Research and Technology BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY See also Economy and Economic Development; Employment and Training U.S.-Mexico trade: pulling together or pulling apart? Industry, Technology, and Employment Program (ITE-545), September 1992; 232 p. (Free summary available) GPO stock #052-003-01306-1; $12.00, NTIS order#PB93-101707 Trade and environment: conflicts and opportunities Industry, Technology, and Employment Program (BP-ITE-94), May 1992; 120 p. GPO stock #052-003-01282-1; $5.50 NTIS order #PB92-182088 Global standards: building blocks for the future Telecommunication and Computing Technologies Program (TCT-512), March 1992; 110 p. GPO stock #052-003-012n-4; $5.50 NTIS order #PB92-167352 Miniaturization technologies Telecommunication and Computing Technologies Program (TCT-514), November 1991; 48 p. GPO stock #052-003-01267-7; $3.25 NTIS order #PB92-150325 Technology, innovation, and U.S. trade Industry, Technology, and Employment Program: Competing economies: America, Europe, and the Pacific Rim (ITE-498), October 1991; 388 p. + (Free summary available) GPO stock #052-003-01260-0; $17.00 Making things better: competing in manufacturing, (ITE-443) February 1990; 244 p. (Free summary available} GPO stock #052-003-01178-6; $11.00 NTIS order #PB90-205469 Paying the bill: manufacturing and America's trade deficit (ITE-390), June 1988; 92 p. NTIS order #PBBB-229539 Trade adjustment assistance: new ideas for an old program (ITE-346), June 1987; 80 p. NTIS order #PB87-203741 International competition in services: banking, building, software, know-how Industry, Technology, and Employment Program (ITE-328), July 1987; 412 p. (Free summary available) NTIS order #PB87-212403 + = Contractor Documents/Working Papers, available from NIIS (703) 487-4650. Call for pricing information. Trade in services: exports and foreign revenues Industry, Technology, and Employment Program (ITE-316), September 1986; 112 p. (Frse summary available) NTIS order #PB87-118204 Automation of America's offices 1985-2000 Communication and Information Technologies Program (CIT-287), December 1985; 360 p. + NTIS order #PB86-185055 Computerized manufacturing automation: employment, education, and the workplace Communication and Information Technologies Program (CIT-235), April 1984; 471 p. + NTIS order #PB84-196500 Technology, renewable resources, and American crafts Food and Renewable Resources Program (BP-F-27), April 1984; 58 p. NTIS order #PB84-222421 International competitiveness in electronics lntemational Security and Commerce Program (ISC-200), November 1983; 546 p. NTIS order#PB84-170695 Wood use: U.S. competitiveness and technology-Vol. I Industry, Technology, and Employment Program (ITE-210), August 1983; 202 p. NTIS order #PB84-109925 Wood use: U.S. competitiveness and technology-Vol. II Industry, Technology, and Employment Program (ITE-224), November 1984 NTIS order #PB85-156081 Information content of premanufacture notices Health Program (BP-H-17), April 1983; 91 p. NTIS order #PB83-241059


PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS Postmarketing surveillance of prescription drugs, November 1982 NTIS order #PB83-173625 Exploratory workshop on the social impacts of robotics: summary and issues, Febroary 1982 NTIS order #PB82-184862 U.S. industrial competitiveness: a comparison of steel, electronics, and automobiles, July 1981 NTIS order#PB81-235749 Patent-term extension and the pharmaceutical industry, August 1981 NTIS order #PB82-100918 Technology and steel industry competitiveness, June 1980 NTIS order #PBB-208200 CANCER See Aging; Health and Health Gare; Medical Research and Technology CHILD HEALTH CARE See Health and Health Care COAL AND COAL MINING See Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resources COMMUNICATIONS See also Information Technology U.S. banks and international telecommunications Telecommunication and Computing Technologies Program (BP-TCT-100), October 1992; 48 p. GPO stock #052-003-01311-8; $3.00 NTIS order #BP93-116200 The 1992 World Administrative Radio Conference: issues for U.S. international spectrum policy Telecommunication and Computing Technologies Program (BP-TCT-76), November 1991; 144 p. GPO stock #052-003-01265-1; $6.50 NTIS order #PB92-157601 Rural America at the crossroads: networking for the future Telecommunication and Computing Technologies Program (TCT-471), April 1991; 200 p. NTIS order #PB91-198135 Summaiy GPO stock #052-003-01230-8; $2.00 Big picture: HDTV and high-resolution systems Communication and Information Technologies Program (BP-CIT-64), June 1990; 116 p. GPO stock #052-003-01193-0; $5.00 NTIS order #PB00-256108 Critical connections: communication for the future Communication and Information Technologies Program (CIT-407), Febroary 1990; 408 p. + (Free summary available) NTIS order#PB00-182742 Microelectronics research and development Communication and Information Technologies Program (BP-CIT-40), March 1986; 44 p. NTIS order #PB86-205200 PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS Radiofrequency use and management: impacts from the World Administrative Radio Conference of 1979, January 1982 NTIS order #PB82-177536 Feasibility and value of broadband communications in rural areas: a preliminary evaluation, April 1976 NTIS order #PB-258095 COMPUTERS See also Information Technology Finding a balance: computer software, intellectual property and the challenge of technological change Telecommunication and Computing Technologies Program (TCT-527), May 1992; 236 p. (Free summary available) GPO stock #052-003-01278-2, $11.00 NTIS order #PB92-169242 Seeking solutions: high-performance computing for science Communication and Information Technologies Program (BP-TCT-77), March 1991; 48 p. GPO stock #052-003-01227-8; $2.25 NTIS order #PB91-169763 Computer software and intellectual property Communication and Information Technologies Program (BP-C/T-61), March 1990; 36 p. NTIS order #PB90-220005 High performance computing and networking for science Communication and Information Technologies Program (BP-CIT-59), September 1989; 48 p. NTIS order #PB90-131228 Supercomputers: government plans and policies Communication and Information Technologies Program (BP-CIT-31), March 1986; 36 p. NTIS order #PB86-205218 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY See Economy and Economic Development CRIME AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE See Technology and Law DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY Managing the Nation's defense industrial strength International Security and Commerce Program: Building future security: strategies for restructuring the defense technology and industrial base (ISC-530), June 1992; 168 p. GPO stock #052-003-01289-8: $9.50 NTIS order #PB92-208156 lessons in restructuring defense industry: the French experience (BP-ISC-96), June 1992, 44 p. NTIS order #PB92-208172


American military power: future needs, future choices (BP-ISC-80), October 1991; 28 p. NTIS order#PB92-585 Redesigning defense: planning the transition to the future U.S. defense industrial base (ISC-500), July 1991; 128 p. GPO stock #052-003-01249-9, $5.50 NTIS order #PB91 Adjusting to a new security environment: the defense technology and industrial base challenge (BP-ISC-79), Febroary 1991; 24 p. GPO stock #052-003-01225-1; $1.50 NTIS order #PB91-163261 After the cold war: living with lower defense spending Industry. Technology, and Employment Program (ITE-524), Febroary 1992; 237 p. (Free summary available) GPO stock #052-003-01274-0; $12.00 NTIS order #PB92-152537 Verification technologies International Security and Commerce Program: Monitoring limits on sea-launched cruise missiles, (ISC-513) September 1992; 40 p. GPO stock #052-003-01298-7; $2.25 NTIS order #PB92 Cooperative aerial surveillance in international agreements (ISC-480), July 1991; 128 p. GPO stock #052-003-01248-1, $5.50 NTIS order #PB91-220020 Managing research and development for cooperative arms control monitoring measures (ISC-488), May 1991; 28 p. (Free summary available) GPO stock #052-003-01239-1: $1.50 NTIS order#PB91-197913 Measures for monitoring compliance with the START treaty (ISC-479), December 1990; 24 p. NTIS order#PB91-131813 Technology against terrorism International Security and Commerce Program: Structuring security (ISC-511 ), January 1992; 148 p. GPO stock #052-003-01272-3; $7.50 NTIS order #PB92-152529 The Federal effort (ISC-481), July 1991; 116 p. GPO stock #052-003-01246-4; $5.00 NTIS order #PB91 Global arms trade: commerce in advanced military technology and weapons International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-460), June 1991; 192 p. (Free summary available) GPO stock #052-003-01244-8; $9.00 NTIS order #PB91 Evaluating Defense Department research International Security and Commerce Program July 1990 NTIS order #PB90-259086 Arming our allies: cooperation and competition in defense technology International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-449), May 1990; 124 p. NTIS order #PB90-254160 Holding the edge: maintaining the defense technology base International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-420), April 1989; 200 p. (Free summary available) GPO stock #052-003-01150-6; $9.00 NTIS order #PB89-196604 Holding the edge: maintaining the defense technology base-Vol II., appendixes International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-432), January 1990; 194 p. NTIS order #PB90-253345 Containment of underground nuclear explosions International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-414), October 1989; 92 p. NTIS order #PB90-156183 SDI: technology, survivability, and software International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-353), May 1988; 292 p. (Free summary available) NTIS order #PB88 Seismic verification of nuclear testing treaties International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-361), May 1988; 152 p. NTIS order #PB88-214853 Defense technology base: introduction and overview International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-374), March 1988; 124 p. NTIS order #PB88-192562 New technology for NA TO: implementing follow-on forces attack International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-309), June 1987; 240 p. NTIS order #PB87-200267 Technologies for NATO's follow-on forces attack concept International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-312), July 1986; 48 p. NTIS order#PB87-100343 Anti-satellite weapons, countermeasures, and arms control International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-281), September 1985; 160 p. NTIS order #PB86-182953 Ballistic missile defense technologies International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-254), September 1985; 336 p. NTIS order #PB86-182961 Arms control in space International Security and Commerce Program (BP-ISC-28), May 1984; 68 p. NTIS order #PB84-198209 Directed energy missile defense in space International Security and Commerce Program (BP-ISC-26), April 1984; 100 p. NTIS order #PB84-210111 Remote sensing and the private sector: issues for discussion International Security and Commerce Program (TM-ISC-20), March 1984; 114 p. NTIS order#PB84-1807n


PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS MX missile basing, September 1981 NTIS order #PB82-108077 Taggants in explosives, April 1980 NTIS order #PBS0-192719 Effects of nuclear war May 1979; 152 p. NTIS order #PB296946 Nuclear proliferation and safeguards June 1977 NTIS order #PB-275843 DRUGS See Business and Industry; Tschnology and Law ECONOMY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT See also Business and Industry; Employment and Training Statistical needs for a changing U.S. economy Energy and Materials Program (BP-E-58), September 1989; 52 p. NTIS order #PB00-126954 Technology and the American economic transition: choices for the future Technology and the American Economic Transition Project (TET-283), May 1988; 512 p. (F18e summary available) NTIS order#PBBS-214127 U.S. textile and apparel industry: a revolution in progress (TET-332), April 1987; 128 p. NTIS order#PB87-196762 Review of U.S. competitiveness in agricultural trade, (TM-TET-29) October 1986; 112 p. NTIS order #PB87-140760 Technology, trade, and the U.S. residential construction industry (TET-315), September 1986; 104 p. NTIS order#PB87-117594 Technology and the future of the U.S. construction industry August 1984; 156 p. NTIS order #PB86-209442 Technology, innovation, and regional economic development Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program rsn-238), July 1984; 168 p. NTIS order #PB85-150894 Census of State government initiatives for high-technology industrial development (BP-STl-21), May 1983; 76 p. NTIS order #PB84-104033 Encouraging high-technology development, (BP-STl-25) April 1983; 100 p. NTIS order #PB84-180181 EDUCATION See also Employment and Training Testing in American schools: asking the right questions Science, Education, and Transportation Program (SET-519), February 1992; 302 p. + (Free summary available) GPO stock #052-003-01275-8; $14.00 NTIS order #PB 92-170091 Linking for learning: a new course for education Science, Education, and Transportation Program (SET-430), November 1989; 192 p. + (Free summary available) GPO stock #052-()()3-()1170-1; $9.00 NTIS order #PB00-156969 Performance standards for secondary school vocational education Science, Education, and Transportation Program April 1989; 90 p. NTIS order #PB89-195176 Higher education for science and engineering Science, Education, and Transportation Program (BP-SET-52), March 1989; 280 p. NTIS order #PB89-191290 Elementary and secondary education for science and engineering Science, Education, and Transportation Program (TM-SET-41), December 1988; 156 p. NTIS order #PB89-139182 Power on! New tools for teaching and learning Science, Education, and Transportation Program (SET-379), Septsmbsr 1988; 260 p. + NTIS order #PB89-114-276 Educating scientists and engineers: grade school to grad school Science, Education, and Transportation Program (SET-377), June 1988; 136 p. NTIS order #PBBB-235973 State educational testing practices Science, Education, and Transportation Program December 1987 NTIS order #PBBS-155056 Trends and status of computers in schools: use in Chapter 1 programs and use with limited English proficient students Science, Education, and Transportation Program March 1987 NTIS order#PB87-176723 Preparing for science and engineering careers: field level profiles Science, Education, and Transportation Program January 1987 NTIS order#PB87-1777473 Scientific equipmentfor undergraduates: is it adequate? Science, Education, and Transportation Program September 1986 NTIS order#PB87-138350 ELECTRIC POWER See Energy EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING See also Business and Industry; Economy and Economic Development; Education Performance standards for the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Industry, Technology, and Employment Program (ITE-526), February 1992, 33 p. GPO stock #052-()()3-01276-6; $2.25 NTIS order #PB92 157932


The use of integrity tests for pre-employment screening Science, Education, and Transportation Program (SET--442), September 1990; 96 p. GPO stock #052-003-01216-2; $4.00 NTIS order #PB91-107011 Worker training: competing in the new international economy Industry, Technology, and Employment Program (ITE--457), September 1990; 290 p. (Frse summary available) GPO stock #052-003-01214-6; $12.00 NTIS order#PB91-106716 Technology and structural unemployment: reemploying displaced adults Industry, Technology, and Employment Program (ITE-250), February 1986; 448 p. + NTIS order #PB86-206174 Plant closing: advance notice and rapid response, (ITE-321) September 1986; 68 p. + NTIS order #PB87-118212 Displaced homemakers: programs and policy, (ITE-292) October 1985; 44 p. NTIS order #PB86-120276 Demographic trends and the scientific and engineering workforce Science, Education, and Transportation Program (TM-SET-35), December 1985; 152 p. NTIS order#PB86-206182 Automation and the workplace: selected labor, education, and training issues Communication and Information Technologies Program (TM-CIT-25), March 1983; 112 p. NTIS order#PB83-191320 ENERGY See also Oceans; Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resources U.S. energy efficiency: past trends and future opportunities Energy and Materials Program: Building energy efficiency (E-518), May 1992; 174 p. GPO stock #052-003-01280-4; $8.50 NTIS order#P892-169267 Energy efficiency in the Federal Government: government by good example? (E--492), May 1991; 124 p. GPO stock #052-003-01242-1; $5.00 NTIS order #PB91-197905 Fueling development: energy technologies for developing countries Energy and Materials Program (E-516), April 1992; 336 p. GPO stock #052-003-01279-1; $15.00 NTIS order #PB92-169259 Improving automobile fuel economy: new standards, new approaches Energy and Materials Program (E-504), October 1991; 128 p. GPO stock #052-003-01262-6; $5.50 Energy technology choices: shaping our future Energy and Materials Program (E--493), July 1991; 156 p. NTIS order #PB91-220004 Energy in developing countries Energy and Materials Program (E--486), January 1991; 148 p. GPO stock #052-003-01219-7; $7.00 NTIS order #PB91-133694 Replacing gasoline: alternative fuels for light-duty vehicles Energy and Materials Program (E-364), September 1990; 148 p. (Free summary available) NTIS order #PB91-104901 Energy use and the U.S. economy Energy and Materials Program (BP-E-57), June 1990; 72 p. NTIS order #PB90-254145 Physical vulnerability of electric systems to natural disasters and sabotage Energy and Materials Program (E--453), June 1990; 80 p. NTIS order #PB90-253287 Biological effects of power frequency electric and magnetic fields Energy and Materials Program (BP-E-53), May 1989; 112 p. NTIS order #PB89-209985 Electric power wheeling and dealing: technological considerations for increasing competition Energy and Materials Program (E--409), May 1989; 276 p. + (Frse summary available) NTIS order #PB89-232748 Starpower: the U.S. and the international quest for fusion energy Energy and Materials Program (E-338), October 1987; 250 p. NTIS order #PB88-128731 New electric power technologies: problems and prospects for the 1980s Energy and Materials Program (E-246), July 1985; 340 p. NTIS order#PBBS-121746 Nuclear power in an age of uncertainty Energy and Materials Program (E-216), February 1984; 296 p. + NTIS order#PB84-183953 Industrial energy use Energy Program (E-198), June 1983; 176 p. NTIS order #PB83-240606 Industrial and commercial cogeneration Energy Program (E-192), February 1983; 299 p. NTIS order #PB83-180547 PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternatives for reducing oil imports, September 1982 NTIS order #PB83-126094 Environmental issues of synthetic transportation fuels from coal December 1982 NTIS order #PB83-161919 Environmental issues for synthetic transportation fuels from coal November 1982 NTIS order#PB83-161851 Selected technical and economic comparisons of synfuel options October 1982 NTIS order#PB83-147363 Water availability for synthetic fuels an assessment of current studies October 1982 NTIS order #PB83-152645


Synthetic fuels for transportation: the future potential of electric and hybrid vehicles, March 1982 NTIS order #PB83-126086 Energy efficiency of buildings in cities March 1982 NTIS order #PB82-200346 Solar power satellites August 1981 NTIS order #PB82-108846 Nuclear powerplant standardization: light water reactors April 1981 NTIS order #PB81-213589 Technical and environmental analyses: energy from biological processes September 1980 NTIS order #PB81-134769 Energy from biological processes July 1980 NTIS order #PB80-211477 Conservation and solar energy programs of the Department of Energy: a critique June 1980 NTIS order #PB80-197759 Gasohol September 1979 NTIS order #PBB0-105885 Residential energy conservation July 1979 NTIS order #PB-298410 Analysis of the ERDA plan and program October 1978 NTIS order #PB-250636 Application of solar technology to today's energy needs-Vol. I & II June 1978 NTIS order #PB-283770 Analysis of the proposed national energy plan, August 1977 NTIS order #PB-273148 Comparative analysis of the 1976 ERDA plan and program May 1976 NTIS order #PB-254794 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION See also Oceans; Waste Management

Habitability of the Love Canal area: an analysis of the technical basis for the decision on the habitability of the emergency declaration area (TM-M-13), June 1983; 60 p. NTIS order #PB84-114917 Nonnuclear industrial hazardous waste: classifying for hazard management, (TM-M-9) November 1981; 36 p. NTIS order #PB82-134305 Technologies for the preservation of prehistoric and historic landscapes Energy and Materials Program (BP-E-44), July 1987; 212 p. NTIS order #PB87-140166 Technologies for prehistoric and historic preservation Energy and Materials Program (E-319), September 1986; 60 p. NTIS order #PB87-222519 Protecting the Nation's groundwater from contamination-Vol. I Oceans and Environment Program (0-233), October 1984; 244 p. NTIS order#PBBS-154201 Protecting the Nation's groundwater from contamination-Vol. II Oceans and Environment Program (0-276), October 1984; 263 p. NTIS order #PBBS-154219 Acid rain and transported air pollutants: implications for public policy Oceans and Environment Program (0-204), May 1984; 324 p. NTIS order #PB84-222967 Environmental protection in the Federal coal leasing program Energy and Materials Program (E-237), May 1984; 154 p. NTIS order #PB84-222413 Wetlands: their use and regulation Oceans and Environment Program (0-206), March 1984; 208 p. + NTIS order #PB84-175918 PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS Use of models for water resources management, planning, and policy August 1982 NTIS order #PB83-103655 Issues and options in flood hazards management, February 1980 NTIS order #PBB0-151087 Criteria for evaluating the implementation plan required by the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977, January 1980 NTIS order #PB81-241663 U.S. disaster assistance to developing countries: lessons applicable to U.S. domestic disaster programs January 1980 NTIS order #PBB0-153760 Review of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: environmental research outlook FY 1976 through 1980 August 1976 NTIS order #PB-258191 FOOD See Agriculture and Forestry FORESTS See Agriculture and Forestry; Environmental Protection FUEL See Energy; Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resources GASOLINE See Energy; Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resources GENETICS See Biological Research and Technology GLOBAL CHANGE See Environmental Protection GOVERNMENT INFORMATION See Information Technology + = Contractor Docrunents/Working Papers, available from NTIS (703/ 487-4650. Call for pricing information. GROUNDWATER PROTECTION See Environmental Protection HANDICAPPED See Health and Health Care HAZARDOUS WASTE See Waste Management HEALTH AND HEALTH CARE See also Aging; Health Insurance; Medical Research and Technology Federal and private roles in the development and provision of alglucerase therapy for Gaucher disease Health Program (BP-H-104), October 1992; 48 p. GPO stock #052-()03-01309-6; $2. 75 NTIS order #PB93-1O1723 Cystic fibrosis: implications of population screening Biological Applications Program: Cystic fibrosis and DNA tests: implications of carrier screening (BA-532), August 1992; 308 p. + (Free summary available} GPO stock #052-003-01291-0; $16.00, NTIS order #PB92-216142 Genetic tests and health insurance: results of a survey (BP-BA-98), October 1992; 88 p. GPO stock #052-003-01310-0; $5.00 NTIS order#PB93-101756 Genetic counseling and cystic fibrosis carrier screening: results of a survey (BP-BA-97), October 1992; 60 p. GPO stock #052-()03-01305-3; $3.50 NTIS order #PB93-101764 The menopause, hormone therapy, and women's health Biological Applications Program (BP-BA-88), May 1992; 132 p. GPO stock #052-()03-01284-7; $6.00 NTIS order #PB92-182096 Review of a protocol for a study of reproductive health outcomes among women Vietnam veterans Health Program December 1991 NTIS order#PB92-182609


Screening mammography in primary care settings: implications for cost access and quality Health Program October 1991 NTIS order #PB92-182617 Adolescent Health Program: Vol. I: summary and policy options (H-468), April 1991; 204 p. + GPO stock #052-003-01234-1; $9.50 NTIS order #PB91-197921 Vol. II: background and the effectiveness of selected prevention and treatment services (H-466), October 1991; 700 p. GPO stock #052-003-01235-9; $30.00 NTIS order #PB92-157577 Vol. Ill: crosscutting issues in the delivery of health and related services, (H-467) June 1991; 316 p. GPO stock #052-003-01236-7; $13.00 NTIS order #PB91-212183 Children's dental services under the Medicaid program Health Program (BP-H-78), October 1990; 134 p. NTIS order #PB91-106708 Unconventional cancer treatments Health Program (H-405), September 1990; 312 p. NTIS order #PB91-104893 Summary-GPO stock #052-003-01208-1; $1.75 Health care in rural America Health Program (H-434), September 1990; 540 p. (Free summary available) GPO stock #052-003-01205-7; $22.00 NTIS order #PB91-104927 Indian adolescent mental health Health Program (H-446), January 1990; 92 p. NTIS order #PBS0-254095 Rural emergency medical services Health Program (H-445), November 1989; 108 p. NTIS order#PBS0-159047 Adolescent health insurance status: analyses of trends in coverage and preliminary estimates of the effects of an employer mandate and Medicaid expansion on the uninsured Health Program (BP-H-56), July 1989; 80 p. NTIS order #PBS0-116-666 Defining rural areas: impact on health care policy and research Health Program July 1989; 68 p. NTIS order #PB89-224646 Artificial insemination practice in the United States: summary of a 1987 survey Biological Applications Program (BP-BA-48), August 1988; 124 p. NTIS order #PB89-139903 Quality of medical care: information for consumers Health Program (H-386), June 1988; 332 p. + NTIS order #PB89-102180 Infertility: medical and social choices Biological Applications Program (BA-358), May 1988; 412 p. + NTIS order #PB88-196464 Healthy children: investing in the future Health Program (H-344), February 1988; 310 p. + (Free summary available) NTIS order #PB88-178454 Neonatal intensive care for low birthweight infants: costs and effectiveness Health Program (HCS-38), December 1987; 88 p. NTIS order# PB88-158902 Technology dependent children: hospital vs. home care Health Program (TM-H-38), May 1987; 116 p. NTIS order #PB87-194551 Children's mental health: problems and services Health Program (BP-H-33), December 1986; 192 p. NTIS order# PB87-207486 Passive smoking in the workplace: selected issues Health Program May1986 NTIS order #PB86-217627 Indian health care Health Program (H-290), April 1986; 384 p. NTIS order #PB86-206091 Reproductive health hazards in the workplace Biological Applications Program (BA-266), December 1985; 436 p. + NTIS order #PB86-185030 Reproductive health hazards in the workplace: selected aspects of reproductive health hazards regulation Biological Applications Program October 1985 NTIS order #PB86-173085 Preventing illness and injury in the workplace Health Program (H-256), April 1985; 436 p. + NTIS order#PB86-115334 Impact of randomized clinical trials on health policy and medical practice Health Program (BP-H-22), August 1983; 109 p. NTIS order #PB84-114560 PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS MEDLARS and health information policy September 1982 NTIS order #PB83-168658 Technology and handicapped people May1982 NTIS order #PB83-172056 Technology and learning disabilities December 1983 NTIS order #PB84-184043 Assistive devices for severe speech impairments, December 1983 NTIS order #PB84-175371 Selected telecommunications devices for hearing-impaired persons December 1982 NTIS order#PB83-169292


Mandatory passive restraint systems in automobiles: issues and evidence September 1982 NTIS order #PB83-159822 World population and fertility planning technologies: the next 20 years February 1982 NTIS order #PBB2-200338 Assessment of technologies for determining cancer risks from the environment, June 1981 NTIS order #PBB1-235400 Policy implications of the computed tomography (CT) scanner: an update January 1981 NTIS order#PB81-163917 Forecasts of physician supply and requirements, April 1980 NTIS order #PBB0-181670 Selected topics in Federal health statistics, June 1979 NTIS order #PB-298449 Policy implications of the computed tomography (CT) scanner November 1978 NTIS order #PB-284872 HEALTH INSURANCE See also Aging; Health and Health care :,tJoes health insurance make a difference? Health Program (BP-H-99), September 1992; 88 p. GPO stock #052-003-01301-1; $5.00 NTIS order#PB93-101699 ....... ', :&aluation of the Oregon Medicaid proposal Health Program (H-531), May 1992; 336 p. (Free summary available) GPO stock #052-003-01297-9; $17.00 NTIS order #PB93-116192 .( .:J1ome drug infusion therapy under medicare Health Program (H-509), May 1992, 208 p. (Free summary available) NTIS order#PB92-182112 Outpatient immunosuppressive drugs under Medicare Health Program (H-452), July 1991; 64 p. GPO stock #052-003-01252-9; $3.00 NTIS order #PB92-117720 Recombinant erythropoietin: payment options for Medicare Health Program (H-451), May 1990; 112 p. NTIS order #1'890-256124 Medical testing and health insurance Health Program (H-384), August 1988; 224 p. (Free summary available) NTIS order#PB89-116958 Effects of Federal policies on extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy Health Program (HCS-36), May 1986; 120 p. NTIS order #PB86-217999 Payment for physician services: strategies for Medicare Health Program (H-294), February 1986; 288 p. NTIS order #PB86-182011 Medicare's prospective payment system: strategies for evaluating cost, quality, and medical technology Health Program (H-262), October 1985; 248 p. NTIS order#PB86-184926 Medical technology and the cost of the Medicare program Health Program (H-227), July 1984; 232 p. NTIS order #PBBS-146215 The effectiveness and costs of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPO) (HCS-35), September 1985; 76 p. NTIS order #PB87-148939 Cost and effectiveness of digital subtraction angiography in the diagnosis of cerebrovasculardisease (HCS-34), May 1985; 68 p. NTIS order #PBBS-241115 Intensive care units (ICUs) clinical outcomes, costs, and decision making (HCS-28), November 1984; 100 p. NTIS order #PBBS-145928 + = CMtractor Docoment.r/Woriing PllfJD', availabk from NTIS (703) 4/fl-465(). Call for pricing informatiM. Variations in hospital length of stay: their relationship to health outcomes, (HCS-24) August 1983; 88 p. NTIS order #PBB4-111483 Safety, efficacy, and cost effectiveness of therapeutic apheresis, (HCS-23) July 1983; 168 p. NTIS order #PB84-114842 Effectiveness and costs of alcoholism treatment (HCS-22), March 1983; 100 p. NTIS order#PB83-192492 Diagnosis related groups (DRGs) and the Medicare program: implications for medical technology (TM-H-17), July 1983; 84 p. NTIS order#PB84-111525 HIGHWAYS See Transportation HIV See AIDS/HIV Infection HOSPITALS See Health and Health care INDUSTRIAL COMPETITIVENESS See Business and Industry; Economy and Economic Development; lntemational Relations and Technology Transfer INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT See Business and Industry; Economy and Economic Development INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY See also Computers Electronic bulls and bears: U.S. securities markets and information technology Communication and Information Technologies Program (CIT-469), September 1990; 220 p. GPO stock #052-003-01209-0; $10.00 NTIS order #PB91-106153


Trading around the clock: global securities markets and information technology Communication and lntonnation Technologies Program (BP-CIT-66), July 1990; 116 p. + NTIS order #PB90-254087 Helping America compete: the role of Federal scientific and technical information Communication and lnfonnation Technologies Program (CIT-454), June 1990; 80 p. NTIS order #PB90-252537 Informing the Nation: Federal information dissemination in an electronic age Communication and lnfonnation Technologies Program (CIT-396), October 1988; 344 p. + GPO stock #052-003-01130-1; $14.00 NTIS order#PB89-114243 Electronic delivery of public assistance benefits: technology options and policy issues Communication and lnfonnation Technologies Program (BP-CIT-47) April 1988; 32 p. NTIS order#PB89-138911 Defending secrets, sharing data: new locks and keys for electronic information Communication and lnfonnation Technologies Program (CIT-310), October 1987; 200 p. NTIS order #PB88-143185 Electronic supervisor: new technology, new tensions Communication and lnfonnation Technologies Program (CIT-333), September 1987; 150 p. NTIS order#PB88-156351 Hospital information systems at the Veterans Administration Communication and lnfonnation Technologies Program September 1987 NTIS order#PB88-133087 331-053 0 93 -2: QL 3 Federal Government information technology Communication and lnfonnation Technologies Program: Social Security Administration and information technology (CIT-311), October 1986; 160 p. NTIS order#PB87-136834 Electronic record systems and individual privacy (CIT-296), June 1986; 160 p. NTIS order #PB87-100335 Management, security, and congressional oversight (CIT-297), February 1986; 192 p. NTIS order #PB86-205499 Electronic surveillance and civil liberties, (CIT-293) October 1985; 80 p. + NTIS order #PB86-123239 Information technology R&D: critical trends and issues Communication and Information Technologies Program (CIT-268), February 1985; 352 p. NTIS order #PBBS-245660 Effects of information technology on financial services systems Communication and lnfonnation Technologies Program (CIT-202), September 1984; 284 p. NTIS order #PBBS-152619 PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS Informational technology and its impact on American education, November 1982 NTIS order #PB83-17 4664 Implications of electronic mail and message systems for the U.S. Postal Service,August1982 NTIS order #PB83-265O17 Selected electronic funds transfer issues: privacy, security, and equity, March 1R82 NTIS order #PB82-2O2532 Computer-based national information systems: technology and public policy issues, September 1981 NTIS order #PB82-126681 Federal scientific and technical information in an electronic age: opportunities and challenges October 1989 NTIS order #PB90-15O780 Preliminary analysis of the IRS Tax Administration System, March 1977 NTIS order #PB-273143 Review of postal automation strategy: a technical and decision analysis June 1984 NTIS order#PB85-127843 INFRASTRUCTURE See Transportation INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER New opportunities for U.S. universities in development assistance: agriculture, natural resources, and environment Food and Renewable Resources Program (BP-F-71), September 1991; 110 p. GPO stock #052-()()3-01253-7; $4.75 NTIS order #PB91-220038 Technologytransfertothe United States: the MIT-Japan Science and Technology Program Industry, Technology, and Employment Program April 1989 NTIS order #PB89-224711 Grassroots development: the African Development Foundation Food and Renewable Resources Program (F-378), June 1988; 192 p. NTIS order #PBBB-236252 Technology transfer to China lntemational Security and Commerce Program (ISC-340), July 1987; 256 p. NTIS order #PB87-223418 Aid to developing countries: the technology/ ecology fit Food and Renewable Resources Program? June 1987 NTIS order #PB92-115963


Energy technology transfer to China International Security and Commerce Program (TM-ISC-30), September 1985; 124 p. NTIS order#PB86-113008 Innovative biological technologies for lesser developed countries Food and Renewable Resources Program (BP-F-29), July 1985; 252 p. NTIS order#PB86-121738 Africa tomorrow: issues in technology, agriculture, and U.S. foreign aid Food and Renewable Resources Program (TM-F-31), December 1984; 148 p. NTIS order #PB85-238624 Technology transfer to the Middle East International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-173), September 1984; 612 p. NTIS order#PB85-127744 Technology and East-West trade: an update lntemational Security and Commerce Program (ISC-209), May 1983; 303 p. NTIS order #PB83-234955 Technology and East-West trade lntemational Security and Commerce Program (ISC-101), November 1979; 106 p. NTIS order #PBB0-119381 Technology and Soviet energy availability International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-153), November 1981; 405 p. NTIS order #PB82-133455 LABOR See Employment and Training LAW See Science and Technology; Technology and Law MANUFACTURING See Business and Industry MASS TRANSIT See Transportation MATERIALS Nonferrous metals: industry structure Energy and Materials Program (BP-E-62), September 1990, 100 p. GPO stock #052-()()3-()1200-6; $4.25 NTIS order#PB91 High-temperature superconductivity in perspective Energy and Materials Program (E-440), April 1990; 136 p. + NTIS order #PB00-253790 Copper: technology and competitiveness Energy and Materials Program (E-367), September 1988; 284 p. (Free summary available) NTIS order #PB89-138887 Advanced materials by design Energy and Materials Program (E-351), June 1988; 344 p. NTIS order #PB88-243548 Commercializing high-temperature superconductivity Industry, Technology, and Employment Program (ITE-388), June 1988; 188 p. NTIS order #PB88-246442 New structural materials technologies: opportunities for the use of advanced ceramics and composites Energy and Materials Program {TM-E-32), September 1986; 52 p. NTIS order #PB87-118253 Strategic materials: technologies to reduce U.S. import vulnerability Industry, Technology, and Employment Program {ITE-248), May 1985; 400 p. + NTIS order #PB86-115367 PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS Technical options for conservation of metals: case studies of selected metals and products, September 1979 NTIS order #PBB0-102619 Engineering implications of chronic materials scarcity, April 1977 NTIS order #PB-273193 + = Contractor Docllltlll.rlWorking Papers. available fr11111 NIIS (703) 487-4650. CaH for pricing information. Assessment of information systems capabilities required to support U.S. materials policy decisions December 1976 NTIS order #PB-273462 Assessment of alternative economic stockpiling policies, August 1976 NTIS order #PB-273191 Requirements for fulfilling a national materials policy, August 1974 NTIS order #PB-250631 MEDICAID AND MEDICARE See Health Insurance MEDICAL DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT See Medical Research and Technology MEDICAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY See also Biological Research and Technology; Health and Health Care; Health Insurance Nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and certified nurse midwives: a policy analysis Health Program (HCS-37), December 1986; 96 p. NTIS order #PB87-177465 Status of biomedical research and related technology for tropical diseases Health Program (H-258), September 1985; 296 p. NTIS order #PB87-139614 Federal policies and the medical devices industry Health Program (H-229), November 1984; 260 p. + NTIS order #PB85-199552 Technologies for managing urinary incontinence, (HCS-33) July 1985; 76 p. NTIS order #PB85-240208 Medical devices and the Veterans Administration, (TM-H-16) February 1985; 116p. NTIS order #PB87-117677


Contact lens industry: structure, competition, and public policy (HCS-31), December 1984; 76 p. NTIS order #PB85-204451 Hemodialysis equipment and disposables industry (HCS-31 }, December 1984; 80 p. NTIS order #PB85-154953 Boston elbow, (HCS-29) November 1984; 44 p. NTIS order#PBBS-145936 Market for wheelchairs: innovations and Federal policy, (HCS-30) November 1984; 68 p. NTIS order #PBBS-145944 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging technology: a clinical, industrial, and policy analysis (HCS-27) September 1984; 156 p. NTIS order #PBBS-146207 Update of Federal activities regarding the use of pneumococcal vaccine Health Program (TM-H-23), May 1984; 52 p. NTIS order#PB85-128155 PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS Medical technology under proposals to increase competition in health care October 1982 NTIS order #PB83-164046 Strategies for medical technology assessment, September 1982 NTIS order #PB83-113274 Technology transfer at the National Institutes of Health, March 1982 NTIS order #PB82-202904 Cost effectiveness of influenza vaccination, December 1981 NTIS order #PB82-178492 Compensation for vaccine-related injuries, November 1980 NTIS order#PB81-163909 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology August 1980 NTIS order #PBB0-216864 Cardiac radionuclide imaging and cost effectiveness, May 1982 NTIS order #PB82-239989 The artificial heart: costs, risks, and benefits, May 1982 NTIS order #PB82-239971 Four common x-ray procedures: problems and prospects for economic evaluation April 1982 NTIS order #PB83-165506 Elective hysterectomy: costs, risks, and benefits, October 1981 NTIS order #PB82-122326 Surgery for breast cancer October 1981 NTIS order #PB82-124181 Benefit-and-cost analysis of medical interventions: the case of cimetidine and peptic ulcer disease September 1981 NTIS order#PB82-118910 Cost benefit/cost effectiveness of medical technologies: a case study of orthopedic joint implants September 1981 NTIS order #PB82-120833 The costs and effectiveness of neonatal intensive care August 1981 NTIS order #PB82-101411 Assessing selected respiratory therapy modalities: trends and relative costs in the Washington, D.C. area, July 1981 NTIS order #PB82-101122 The costs and effectiveness of nurse practitioners, July 1981 NTIS order #PB82-101326 Allocating costs and benefits in disease prevention programs: an application to cervical cancer screening, May 1981 NTIS order #PB81-221806 Cost effectiveness of automated multichannel chemistry analyzers May 1981 NTIS order #PB81-209793 Periodontal diseases: assessing the effectiveness and costs of the Keyes technique, May 1981 NTIS order #PB81-221780 The cost effectiveness of bone marrow transplant therapy and its policy implications, May 1981 NTIS order #PB81-221798 The cost effectiveness of upper gastrintestinal endoscopy May1981 NTIS order#PB81-221814 Formal analysis, policy formulation, and end-stage renal disease April 1981 NTIS order #PB81-209769 Screening for colon cancer: a technology assessment April 1981 NTIS order #PB81-209785 The feasibility of economic evaluation of diagnostic procedure: the case of CT scanning April 1981 NTIS order #PB81-209777 The efficacy and cost effectiveness of psychotherapy, October 1980 NTIS order #PB81-144610 The management of health care technology in ten countries October 1980 NTIS order #PB81-144628 Methodological issues and literature review, September 1980 NTIS order #PB81-144602 Computer technology in medical education and assessment September 1979 NTIS order#PBB0-102528 Review of selected Federal vaccine and immunization policies, based on case studies of pneumococcal vaccine September 1979 NTIS order#PBB0-116106 Assessing the efficacy and safety of medical technologies, September 1978 NTIS order #PB-286929 Policy implications of medical information systems, December 1977 NTIS order #PB-27 4857 Cancer testing technology and saccharin October 1977 NTIS order #PB-273499 Development of medical technology: opportunities for assessment August 1976 NTIS order #PB-258117


Drug bioequivalence, July 1974 Coping with an oiled sea Coastal effects of offshore energy NTIS order #PB-244862 Oceans and Environm8nt Program systems: an assessment of oil and gas (BP-0-63), March 1990; BO p. systems, deepwater ports, and nuclear MEDICAL WASTE NTIS order #PB90-219973 powerplants off the coasts of New Jersey and Delaware, NoVBmbBr 1976 SBB wastB Manag8f11ent Competition in coastal seas: an NTIS order #PB-274033 METALS INDUSTRY evaluation of foreign maritime activities in the 200-mile EEZ Oil transportation by tankers: an analysis 588 Business and Industry; Materials Oceans and Environment Program of marine pollution and safety measures (BP-0-55), July 1989; 40 p. July 1975 MINERAL RESOURCES NTIS order #PB89-224653 NTIS order #PB-244457 SBB Busln8ss and Industry; Energy; Oil, Technologies for underwater Analysis of the feasibility of separating Gas, and Min8ral RBSOUfCBS archaeology and maritime preservation exploration from production of oil and NATIONAL SECURITY En8rgy and Materials Program gas on the outer continental shelf See Def8nse (BP-E-37), SBptBmbBr 1987; 64 p. May1975 NTIS order #PB88-142559 NTIS order #PB-248381 NATURAL DISASTERS Marine minerals: exploring our new OIL, GAS, AND MINERAL SBB Environm8ntal Protection ocean frontier Oceans and Environment Program RESOURCES NATURAL GAS (0-342), July 1987; 356 p. + 588 also Energy 588 Oil, Gas, and Mineral R8SOUfCBS NTIS order #PB87-217725 Retiring old cars: programs to save NEUROSCIENCE Wastes in marine environments gasoline and reduce emissions Oceans and Environment Program Energy and MatBrials Program SBB Biological ResBBrch and Technology; (0-334), April 1987; 320 p. + (E-536), July 1992; 30 p. HBalth and HBB/th Care; (Fre8 summary availabl8) GPO stock #052-003-01281HJ; $2.50 MBdical R8SBBrch and Technology NTIS order #PB87-194585 NTIS order #PB92-208164 NUCLEAR ENERGY Marine applications for fuel cell U.S. oil import vulnerability: the technical SBBEn8rgy technology replacement capability Oceans and Environm8nt Program Energy and MatBrials Program NUCLEAR WAR AND (TM-0-37), FBbruary 1986; 40 p. (E-503), OctobBr 1991; 148 p. + (FreB summary availabl8) NUCLEAR WEAPONS NTIS order #PB86-183597 GPO stock #052-003-01261-8; $8.00 SBB Defens8 PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS Royalty management program's auditing NUCLEAR WASTE AVAILABLE FROM NTIS and financial system: technical issues En8rgy and MatBrials Program SBB wast8 Manag8f118nt Technology and oceanography: an July 1990 assessment of Federal technologies for NTIS order #PB90-259078 NUTRITION oceanographic research and monitoring See HBB/th and HBBlth Care Jun81981 Polar prospects: a minerals treaty for NTIS order #PB82-101718 + Antarctica OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Oceans and Environment Program Ocean margin drilling, May 1980 (0-428), SeptBmber 1989; 228 p. AND SAFETY NTIS order #PBS0-198302 (FreB summary available) See Biological ResBBrch and Technology; NTIS order #PB90-125403 HBBlth and HBalth Care Recent developments in ocean thermal energy, April 1980 Oil production in the Arctic National OCEANS NTIS order #PBS0-201825 Wildlife Refuge En8rgy and MatBrials Program Bioremediation for marine oil spills Renewable ocean energy sources: ocean (E-394), FBbruary 1989; 136 p. Oceans and Environm8nt Program thermal energy conversions, May 1978 (FreB summary available) (BP-0-70), May 1991; 40 p. NTIS order #PB-283104 NTIS order #PB89-169239 GPO stock #052-003-01240-5; $2.00 NTIS order #PB91-186197 Establishing a 200-mile fisheries zone Jun81977 NTIS order #PB-273578


U.S. oil production: the effect of low oil prices Energy and Materials Program (E-348), July 1987; 144 p. NTIS order#PB88-142484 Western surface mine permitting and reclamation Energy and Materials Program (E-279), June 1986; 306 p. + NTIS order #PB87-100350 Potential effects of section 3 of the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976 Energy and Materials Program (E-300), March 1986; 186 p. NTIS order #PB86-182029 Oil and gas technologies for the Arctic and deepwater Oceans and Environment Program (0-270), May 1985; 236 p. NTIS order#PB86-119948 U.S. natural gas availability: gas supply through the year 2000 Energy and Materials Program (E-245), February 1985; 260 p. NTIS order #PB86-109162 U.S. vulnerability to an oil import curtailment Energy and Materials Program (E-243), September 1984; 160 p. + NTIS order #PB85-12TT85 U.S. natural gas availability: conventional gas supply through the year 2000 Energy and Materials Program (TM-E-12), September 1983; 108 p. NTIS order#PB84-114909 PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS Assessment of development and production potential of Federal coal leases, December 1981 NTIS order #PB82-149378 Coal exports and port development April 1981 NTIS order #PB81-203358 Patterns and trends in Federal coal lease ownership, 1950-80, April 1981 NTIS order #PB81-188484 World petroleum availability 1980-2000 November 1980 NTIS order #PB81-145252 Assessment of oil shale technologies June 1980 NTIS order #PBB0-210115 Alternative energy futures: the future of liquefied natural gas imports March 1980 NTIS order #PBB0-173552 Alternative energy futures: the future of liquefied natural gas imports March 1980 NTIS order #PBB0-203847 Direct use of coal, April 1979 NTIS order #PB-295797 Management of fuel and nonfuel minerals in Federal land, April 1979 NTIS order #PB-2957B8 Analysis of laws governing access across Federal lands: options for access in Alaska, February 1979 NTIS order #PB-293982 Technology assessment of coal slurry pipelines, March 1978 NTIS order #PB-278675 Enhanced oil recovery potential in the United States, January 1978 NTIS order #PB-276594 Status report on the gas potential from Devonian shales of the Appalachian Basin, November 1977 NTIS order #PB-274856 Analysis of the impacts of the projected natural gas curtailments for the winter 1975-76, November 1975 NTIS order #PB-250623 OZONE PROTECTION See Environmental Protection PATENTS See Business and Industry PETROLEUM See Energy; Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resources PHYSICIANS See Health and Health Care POLLUTION See Environmental Protection; waste Management POPULATION See Health and Health Care PREVENTIVE MEDICINE See Biological Research and Technology; Health and Health Care; Medical Research and Technology PUBLIC WORKS See Transportation RAILROADS See Transportation RENEWABLE RESOURCES See Agriculture and Forestry; Energy; Environmental Protection; Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resources RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Federally funded research: decisions for a decade Science, Education, and Transportation Program (SET-490), May 1991; 322 p. + (Free summary available) NTIS order#PB91-198101 Proposal pressure in the 1980s: an indicator of stress on the federal research system Science, Education, and Transportation Program, April 1990 NTIS order #PB90-253147 Research funding as an investment: can we measure the returns? Science, Education, and Transportation Program (TM-SET-36), April 1986; 80 p. NTIS order #PB86-218278 Quality and relevance of research and related activities at the Gorges Memorial Laboratory Health Program (TM-H-18), August 1983; 93 p. NTIS order#PB87-142238


PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS Assessment of technology for local development, January 1981 NTIS order#PB81-189979 Health of the scientific and technical enterprise: an advisory panel report to the Office of Technology Assessment October 1978 NTIS order#PB-291770 Government involvement in the innovation process: a contractor's report to the Office of Technology Assessment August 1978 NTIS order #PB-286545 Role of demonstrations in federal R&D policy, July 1978 NTIS order #PB-284387 Applications of R&D in the civil sector: the opportunity provided by the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977, June 1978 NTIS order #PB-283035 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY See also Technology and Law Science, technology, and the Constitution in the information age Communication and Information Technologies Program: Biology, medicine, and the Bill of Rights, (CIT-371) September 1988; 132 p. NTIS order #PB89-136428 Criminal justice, new technologies, and the Constitution (CIT-366), May 1988; 64 p. NTIS order #PB88-213921 Science, technology, and the First Amendment, (CIT-369) January 1988; 80 p. NTIS order#PB88-166426 Science, technology, and the Constitution, (BP-CIT-43) September 1987; 32 p. NTIS order #PB88-142534 Book preservation technologies Oceans and Environment Program (0-375), May 1988; 128 p. NTIS order #PB88-212410 Regulatory environment for science Science, Education, and Transportation Program (TM-SET-34), February 1986; 156 p. NTIS order #PB86-182003 PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS Global models, world futures, and public policy: a critique, April 1982 NTIS order #PB82-251299 Impact of a Department of Education on Federal science and technology activities August 1978 NTIS order #PB-286525 Technology assessment in business and government, January 1977 NTIS order #PB-273164 Technology assessment activities in the industrial, academic, and governmental communities, December 1976 NTIS order #PB-273435 SOLAR ENERGY See Energy SOLID WASTE See Waste Management SPACE NASA's Office of Space Science and Applications: process, priorities and goals International Security and Commerce Program January 1992; 29 p. NTIS order #PB92-152503 Exploring the moon and Mars International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-502), July 1991; 116 p. GPO stock #052-003-01250-2; $5.00 NTIS order #PB91-220046 Orbital debris: a space environmental problem International Security and Commerce Program (BP-ISC-72), October 1990; 64 p. NTIS order #PB91-114272 Access to space: the future of U.S. space transportation systems International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-415), April 1990; 108 p. NTIS order #PB9o-253154 Affordable spacecraft design and launch alternatives International Security and Commerce Program (BP-/SC-60), January 1990; 48 p. NTIS order #PB90 203225 Round trip to orbit: human spaceflight alternatives International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-419), August 1989; 128 p. NTIS order #PB89-224661 Big dumb boosters: a low-cost space transporation option? International Security and Commerce Program February 1989 NTIS order#PB89-155196 Reducing launch operation costs: new technologies and practices International Security and Commerce Program (TM-ISC-28), September 1988; 104 p. NTIS order #PB89-136402 Launch options for the future: a buyer's guide International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-383), July 1988; 112 p. (Free summary available) NTIS order #PB89-114268 Commercial newsgathering from space International Security and Commerce Program (TM-ISC-40), May 1987; 64 p. NTIS order #PB87-235396


Space stations and the law: selected legal issues International Security and Commerce Program (BP-ISC-41), August 1986; 88 p. NTIS order#PB87-118220 U.S.-Soviet cooperation in space Science, Transportallon,andlnnovallon Program (TM-STl-27), July 1985; 116 p. NTIS order#PB86-114758 International cooperation and competition in civilian space activities International Security and Commerce Program (ISC-239), June 1985; 408 p. NTIS order#PB87-136842 Civilian space stations and the U.S. future in space Science, Transportallon, and Innovation Program (STl-241), November 1984; 236 p. NTIS order #PB85-205391 SALYUT: Soviet steps toward permanent human presence in space Science, Transportation, and lnnovallon Program (TM-Sn-14), December 1983; 80 p. NTIS order #PB84-181437 UNISPACE '82: a context for international cooperation and competition lntemallonal Security and Commerce Program (TM-ISC-28), March 1983; 88 p. NTIS order#PB83-201848 PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS Space science research in the United States, September 1982 NTIS order#PB83-166512 Civilian space policy and applications June 1982 NTIS order #PB82-234444 SUPERFUND See Waste Management TECHNOLOGY AND LAW See also Science and Technology Police body armor standards and testing-Vol. I lntemallonal Security and Commerce Program (ISC-534) August 1992; 56 p. GPO stock #052-003-01292-8; $3.25 NTIS order#PB92-216100 Police body armor standards and testing, Vol. II-appendixes lntemallonal Security and Commerce Program ISC-535, August 1992; 128 p. GPO stock #052-003-01304-5; $6.50 NTIS order #PB92-101731 The FBI fingerprint identification automation program: issues and options Telecommunication and CompuUng Technologies Program (BP-TCT-84), November 1991; 50 p. GPO stock #052-003-01266-9; $2.50 NTIS order #PB92-157593 Automated record checks for firearm purchasers Telecommunication and Computing Technologies Program (TCT-497), July 1991; 60 p. GPO stock #052-003-01247-2; $3.00 NTIS order #PB91-219980 Copyright and home copying: technology challenges the law Communicallon and lnformallon Technologies Program (CIT-422), October 1989; 304 p. GPO stock #052-003-01169-7; $13.00 NTIS order #PB90-151309 Border war on drugs Oceans and Environment Program (0-336), March 1987; 176 p. NTIS order #PB87-184172 Intellectual property rights in an age of electronics and information Communicallon and lnformallon Technologies Program (CIT-302), April 1986; 300 p. + NTIS order #PB87-100301 Scientific validity of polygraph testing: a research review and evaluation Health Program (TM-H-15), November 1983; 138 p. NTIS order #PB84-181411 PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS Assessment of alternatives for a national computerized criminal history system October 1982 NTIS order #PB83-166678 Preliminary assessment of the National Crime Information Center and the computerized criminal history systems December 1978 NTIS order #PB-291845 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER See lntemallonal Relations and Technology Transfer TELECOMMUNICATIONS See Communications; Computers; Information Technology THERMAL ENERGY See Energy TOXIC WASTE See Waste Management TRADE See Business and Industry TRANSPORTATION New ways: tiltrotor aircraft and magnetically levitated vehicles Science, Education, and Transportation Program (SET-507), September 1991; 80 p. GPO stock #052-003-01256-1; $3.75 Moving ahead: 1991 surface transportation legislation Science, Educallon, and Transportallon Program (SET-496), June 1991; 76 p. GPO stock #052-003-01245-6; $3.50 NTIS order #PB91-212159 Delivering the goods: public works technologies, management, and financing Science, Educallon, and Transportation Program (SET-477), April 1991; 280 p. + GPO stock #052-003-01229-4; $12.00 NTIS order#PB91-197939 Summary-GPO stock #052-003-01233-2; $2.50


Rebuilding the foundations: State and local public works financing and management Science, Education, and Transportation Program (SET-447), March 1990; 140 p. + NTIS order #PB00-254152 Safer skies with TCAS (Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System) Science, Education, and Transportation Program (SET-432), February 1989; 60 p. NTIS order #PB89-169221 Gearing up for safety: motor carrier safety in a competitive environment Science, Education, and Transportation Program (SET-382), September 1988; 196 p. NTIS order #PB89-124796 Safe skies for tomorrow: aviation safety in a competitive environment Science, Education, and Transportation Program (SET-381), July 1988; 196 p. (Free summary available) NTIS order#PB89-114318 Alternative approaches to cargo policy: a supplement to an assessment of maritime trade and technology Oceans and Environment Program (BP-0-36), August 1985; 60 p. NTIS order #PBSS-239887 R&D in the maritime industry: a supplement to an assessment of maritime trade and technology Oceans and Environment Program (BP-0-35), May 1985; 60 p. NTIS order #PBSS-246932 Airport systems development Science, Transpottauon,andlnnovation Program (ST/-231), August 1984; 257 p. NTIS order#PBSS-127793 U.S. passenger rail technologies Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program (STl-222), December 1983; 120 p. NTIS order #PB84-182609 Assessment of maritime trade and technology Oceans and Environment Program (0-220), October 1983; 240 p. NTIS order #PB84-177781 PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS Review of the rAA 1982 National Airspace System Plan, August 1982 NTIS order #PB83-102772 Impact of advanced air transport technology Transportation Program: Advanced high-speed aircraft April 1980 NTIS order #PB8(}200504 The air cargo system January 1982 NTIS order #PB82-186818 Air service to small communities February 1982 NTIS order #PB82-186800 Financing and program alternatives for advanced high-speed aircraft August 1982 NTIS order #PB83-110585 Airport and air traffic control system January 1982 NTIS order #PB82-207606 Proceedings of the OTA seminar on the Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS), July 1980 NTIS order #PB8(}208168 Impact of advanced group rapid transit technology, January 1980 NTIS order #PB8(}153323 Railroad safety-U.SJCanadian comparison, August 1979 NTIS order #PB-301397 Technology assessment of changes in the future use and characteristics of the automobile transportation system February 1979 NTIS order #PB-293645 Evaluation of railroad safety, May 1978 NTIS order #PB-281169 + = Contractor Documents/Working Papers, available from NilS (703) 487-465-0. Call for pricing information. Transportation of liquefied natural gas September 1977 NTIS order #PB-273486 Automatic train control in rail rapid transit, May 1976 NTIS order #PB-254738 Assessment of community planning for mass transit Transportation Program: Assessment of community planning for mass transit: technical report February 1976 NTIS order #PB-253641 Assessment of community planning for mass transit: bibliography February 1976 NTIS order #PB-253642 Assessment of community planning for mass transit, February 1976 NTIS order #PB-253679 Assessment of community planning for mass transit: Atlanta case study February 1976 NTIS order #PB-253680 Assessment of community planning for mass transit: Boston case study February 1976 NTIS order #PB-252681 Assessment of community planning for mass transit: Chicago case study February 1976 NTIS order #PB-253682 Assessment of community planning for mass transit: Denver case study February 1976 NTIS order #PB-253683 Assessment of community planning for mass transit: Los Angeles case study, February 1976 NTIS order #PB-253684 Assessment of community planning for mass transit: Minneapolis/St. Paul case study, February 1976 NTIS order #PB-253685 Assessment of community planning for mass transit: San Francisco case study, February 1976 NTIS order #PB-253686 Assessment of community planning for mass transit: Seattle case study February 1976 NTIS order #PB-253687


Assessment of community planning for mass transit Washington, D.C. case study, February 1976 NTIS order #PB-253688 Review of national railroad issues December 1975 NTIS order #PB-250622 Energy, the economy, and mass transit October 1975 NTIS order #PB-250624 Financial viability of Conrail: review and analysis, September 1975 NTIS order #PB-250630 Federal funding of rail rehabilitation: a review of alternative approaches September 1975 NTIS order #PB-250632 Automated guideway transit: an assessment of PRT and other new systems, June 1975 NTIS order #PB-244854 Automobile collision data: an assessment of needs and methods of acquisition, February 1975 NTIS order #PB-244867 VACCINES AND IMMUNIZATION S8B Medical Research and Technology WAR SeeDBfense WASTE MANAGEMENT See also Environmental Protection Managing industrial solid wastes from manufacturing, mining, oil and gas production, and utility coal combustion Oceans and Environment Program (BP-0-82), March 1992, 136 p. GPO stock #052-003-01273-1; $6.50 NTIS order #PB92-157619 Finding the Rx for managing medical wastes Oceans and Environment Program (D-459), October 1990; 104 p. NTIS order #PB91-106203 Partnerships under pressure: managing commercial low-level radioactive waste Oceans and Environment Program (0-426), November 1989; 164 p. NTIS order #PB90-159534 Superfund implementation Industry, Technology, and Employment Program: Coming clean: Superfund problems can be solved, (ITE-433) October 1989; 232 p. NTIS order #PB90-142209 Assessing contractor use in Superfund, (BP-ITE-51) January 1989; 52 p. NTIS order #PB89-154116 Are we cleaning up: 10 Superfund case studies, (ITE-362) June 1988; 84 p. NTIS order #PB89-139018 Superfund strategy (ITE-252), April 1985; 292 p. + NTIS order #PBS&-120425 Facing America's trash: what next for municipal solid waste? Oceans and Environment Program (0-424), October 1989; 388 p. + NTIS order #PB90-157769 Issues in medical waste management Oceans and Environment Program (BP-0-49), October 1988; 48 p. NTIS order #PB89-136410 Ocean incineration: its role in managing hazardous waste Oceans and Environment Program (0-313), August 1986; 236 p. (Free summary available) NTIS order #PB87-100327 Transportation of hazardous materials Science, Education, and Transportation Program (SET-304), July 1986; 276 p. NTIS order #PB87-100319 Transportation of hazardous materials: State and local activities Science, Education, and Transportation Program (SET-301), March 1986; 92 p. NTIS order #PB86-181971 Managing the Nation's commercial high-level radioactive waste Oceans and Environment Program (0-171), March 1985; 356 p. NTIS order #PBS&-116852 PRE-1983 PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM NTIS Materials and energy from municipal waste, July 1979 NTIS order #PB-300849 WATER AND WATER RESOURCES See Agriculture and Forestry; Environmental Protection WEAPONS See Defense


COMMERCIALLY REPRINTED OTA PUBLICATIONS Kreiger Publishing Co., Melbourne, FL (407) 724-9542 Ocean Incineration: Its Role in Managing Hazardous Waste Technology and Management Strategies for Hazardous Waste Control Technologies for Prehistoric and Historic Preservation Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ (609) 896-1759 Defense Technology (under the title: Strategic Defenses) Directed Energy Missile Defense in Space (under the title: The Star Wars Controversy) SDI: Technology, Survivability, and Software UNIPUB, Lanham, MD (301) 459-7666 Acid Rain and Transported Air Pollutants Springer Publishing Co., New York, NY (212) 431-4370 Technology and Handicapped People Duke University Press, Durham, NC (919) 684-2173 Children's Mental Health: Problems and Services Lewis Publishers, Inc., Chelsea, Ml (800) 272-7737 Identifying and Regulating Carcinogens Marcel Dekker Publishing Co., New York, NY (800) 228-1160 Identifying and Regulating Carcinogens New Developments in Biotechnology: Patenting Life Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., Lancaster, PA (717) 291-5609 New Development in Biotechnology: Field-Testing Engineered Organisms: Genetic and Ecological Issues Educating Scientists and Engineers: Grade School to Grad School Pesticide Residues in Food: Technologies for Detection Build your business with books from the U.S. Government! Whether you're interested in exporting, selling to the Government, accounting and taxation, patents and trademarks, or general business ... you'll find the best the Government has to offer in this FREE catalog of business books available for sale from the Superintendent of Documents. For your FREE catalog, write to: Free Business Catalog U.S. Government Printing Office Office of Marketing-Stop SM Washington, DC 20401 Power On! New Tools tor Teaching and Learning Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD (301) 516-6907 Mapping Our Genes: Genome Projects-How Big, How Fast? American Nursing Association, Washington, DC (202) 554-4444 HCS 37: Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, and Certified Nurse-Midwives: A Policy Analysis Hemisphere Publishing Corp., New York, NY (1-800) 821-8312 Elementary and Secondary Education for Science and Engineering Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, NY Facing America's Trash: What Next for Municipal Solid Waste? Neurotoxicity: Identifying and Controlling Poisons in the Nervous System Cutter Information Corp., Arlington, MA, (1-800) 888-8939 Changing by Degrees: Steps to Reduce Greenhouse Gases Community Policy Institute, Japan (translate and reprint) Finding the Rx for Managing Medical Wastes Livestock Industry Promotion Corp. (translate and reprint) U.S. Dairy Industry at a Crossroad: Biotechnology and Policy Choices Other Distributors In addition to the National Technical Information Service (seep. iii ), OTA's reports are also indexed by the Congressional Information Service (CIS). CIS provides comprehensive coverage of all OTA publications in microfiche and paper formats. For more information, call CIS at (1-800) 638-8380. Another distributor of OTA's reports is the Department of Education's Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC). Reports of the OTA that are related to the field of education are included in ERIC's bibliographic database. For more information, call ERIC at (1-880) 443-ERIC.


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TITLE INDEX Access to space: the future of U.S. space transportation systems, 18 Accommodating uses, producing outputs, and sustaining ecosystems, 1 Acid rain and transported air pollutants: Implications for public policy, 10 Adjusting to a new security environment the defense technology and Industrial base challenge, 6 Adolescent health insurance status: analyses of trends In coverage and preliminary estimates of the effects of an employer mandate and Medicaid expansion on the uninsured, 11 Adolescent health-Vol. I: summary and policy options, 11 Adolescent health-Vol. II: background and the effectiveness of selected prevention and treatment services, 11 Adolescent health-Vol. Ill: crosscutting issues in the delivery of health and related services, 11 Advanced high-speed aircraft, 20 Advanced materials by design, 14 Affordable spacecraft design and launch alternatives, 18 Africa tomorrow: issues in technology, agriculture, and U.S. foreign aid, 14 After the cold war: living with lower defense spending, 6 Agricultural commodities as industrial raw materials, 1 Agricultural postharvest technology and marketing economics research, 2 Agricultural research and technology transfer policies for the 1990s, 1 Aid to developing countries: the technology ecology fit, 13 AIDS and health insurance: an OTA survey, 3 The Air cargo system, 20 Air service to small communities, 20 Airport and air traffic control system, 20 Airport systems development, 20 Alaskan water for California? the subsea pipeline option, 9 Allocating costs and benefits In disease prevention programs: an application to cervical cancer screening, 15 Alternative approaches to cargo policy: a supplement to an assessment of maritime trade and technology, 20 Alternative energy futures: the future of liquefied natural gas Imports, 17 Alternatives to animal use in research, testing, and education, 4 American military power: future needs, future choices, 6 Analysis of laws governing access across Federal lands, options for access In Alaska, 17 Analysis of the ERDA plan and program, 9 Analysis of the feasibility of separating exploration from production of oil and gas on the outer continental sheH, 16 Analysis of the impacts of the projected natural gas curtailments for the winter 1975-76, 17 Analysis of the proposed national energy plan, 9 Anti-satellite weapons, countermeasures, and arms control, 6 Application of solar technology to today's energy needs-Vols. I & II, 9 Applications of R&D in the civil sector: the opportunity provided by the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977, 18 Are we cleaning up: Superfund case studies, 21 Arming our allies: cooperation and competition in defense technology, 6 Arms control in space, 6 The Artificial heart: costs, risks, and benefits, 15 Artificial insemination practice in the United States: summary ofa 1987 survey, 11 Assessing biological diversity in the United States: data considerations, 2 Assessing contractor use in Superfund, 21 Assessing selected respiratory therapy modalities: trends and relative costs in the Washington, D.C. area, 15 Assessing the efficacy and safety of medical technologies, 15 Assessment of alternative economic stockpiling policies, 14 Assessment of alternatives for a national computerized criminal history system, 19 Assessment of community planning for mass transit, 20 Assessment of development and production potential of Federal coal leases, 17 Assessment of information systems capabilities required to support U.S. materials policy decisions, 14 Assessment of maritime trade and technology, 20 Assessment of oil shale technologies, 17 Assessment of technologies for determining cancer risks from the environment, 12 Assessment of technology for local development, 18 Assessment of the United States food and agricultural research system, 2 Assistive devices for severespeech impairments, 11 Automated guideway transit: an assessment of PRT and other new systems, 21 Automated record checks for firearm purchasers, 19 Automatic train control in rail rapid transit, 20 Automation and the workplace: selected labor, education, and training issues, 8 Automation of America's offices, 1985-2000, 4 Automobile collision data: an assessment of needs and methods of acquisition, 21 Ballistic missile defense technologies, 6 Beneath the bottom line: agricultural approaches to reduce agrichemical contamination of groundwater, 9 Benefit-and-cost analysis of medical Interventions: the case of cimetldine and peptic ulcer disease, 15 Big dumb boosters: a low-cost space transportation option?, 18 Big picture: HDTV and high-resolution systems, 5 Biological effects of power frequency electric and magnetic fields, 8 Biological rhythms: implications for the worker, 3 Biology of mental disorders, 3 Biology, medicine, and the Bill of Rights, 18 Bioremediation for marine oil spills, 16 Biotechnology in a global economy, 3 Blood policy and technology, 4 Book preservation technologies, 18 Border war on drugs, 19 Boston elbow, 15 Building energy efficiency, 8 Building future security: strategies for restructuring the defense technology and industrial base, 5 Cancer testing technology and saccharin, 15 Cardiac radionuclide imaging and cost effectiveness, 15 Catching our breath: next steps for reducing urban ozone, 9 CDC's case definition of AIDS: implications of proposed revisions, 2 Census of State government initiatives for hightechnology industrial development, 7 Changing by degrees: steps to reduce greenhouse gases, 9 Children's dental services under the Medicaid program, 11 Children's mental health: problems and services, 11 Civilian space policy and applications, 19 Civilian space stations and the U.S. future in space, 19 Coal exports and port development, 17 Coastal effects of offshore energy systems: an assessment of oil and gas systems, deepwater ports, and nuclear powerplants off the coast of New Jersey and Delaware, 16 Combined summaries: technologies to sustain tropical forest resources and biological diversity, 1 Coming clean: Superfund problems can be solved .. 21 Commercial biotechnology: an international analysis, 4 Commercial newsgathering from space, 18 Commercializing high-temperature superconductivity, 14 Comparative analysis of the 1976 ERDA plan and program, 9 Compensation for vaccine-related injuries, 15 Competing economies: America, Europe, and the Pacific Rim, 4 Competition In coastal seas: an evaluation of foreign maritime activities in the 200-mile EEZ, 16 Complex cleanup: the environmental legacy of nuclear weapons production, 9 Computer software and intellectual property, 5 Computer technology in medical education and assessment, 15 Computer-based national information systems: technology and public policy issues, 13 Computerized manufacturing automation: employment, education, and the workplace, 4 Confused minds, burdened families: finding help for people with Alzheimer's and other dementias, 1 Conservation and solar energy programs of the Department of Energy: a critique, 9 Contact lens industry: structure, competition, and public policy, 15 Containment of underground nuclear explosions, 6 Continuing the commitment: agricultural development in the Sahel, 2 Cooperative aerial surveillance in international agreements, 6 Coping with an oiled sea, 16 Copper: technology and competitiveness, 14 Copyright and home copying: technology challenges the law, 19 Cost and effectiveness of digital subtraction angiography in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease, 12 Cost benefiVcost effectiveness of medical technologies: a case study of orthopedic joint implants, 15 Cost effectiveness of automated multichannel chemistry analyzers, 15 The cost effectiveness of bone marrow transplant therapy and its policy implications, 15 Cost effectiveness of influenza vaccination, 15 The cost effectiveness of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, 15 Costs and effectiveness of cervical cancer screening, 1 Costs and effectiveness of cholesterol screening in the elderly, 1 Costs and effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening in the elderly, 1 The costs and effectiveness of neonatal intensive care, 15 The costs and effectiveness of nurse practitioners, 15


Costs of AIDS and other HIV infections: review of the estimates, 3 Criminal justice, new technologies, and the Constitution, 18 Criteria for evaluating the Implementation plan required by the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977, 10 Critical connections: communication for the future, 5 Cystic fibrosis and DNA tests: Implications of carrier screening, 10 Defending secrets, sharing data: new locks and keys for electronic information, 13 Defense technology base: Introduction and overview, 6 Defining rural areas: Impact on health care policy and research, 11 Delivering the goods: public works technologies, management, and financing, 19 Demographic trends and the scientific and engineering work force, 8 Development of medical technology: opportunities for assessment, 15 Diagnosis related groups (DRGs) and the Medicare program: implications for medical technology, 12 Difficult-to-reuse needles for the prevention of HIV infection among injection drug abusers, 2 Dioxin treatment technologies, 9 Direct use of coal, 17 Directed energy missile defense in space, 6 Displaced homemakers: programs and policy, 8 Disposal of chemical weapons: alternative technologies, 9 Do Insects transmit AIDS?, 3 Does health insurance make a difference?, 12 Drug bioequivalence, 16 Drugs in livestock feed, 2 Educating scientists and engineers: grade school to grad school, 7 Effectiveness and costs of alcoholism treatment, 12 The effectiveness and costs of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPO), 12 Effectiveness of drug abuse treatment: implications for controlling AIDS/HIV infection, 3 Effects of Federal policies on extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy, 12 Effects of information technology on financial services systems, 13 Effects of nuclear war, 7 The efficacy and cost effectiveness of psychotherapy, 15 Elective hysterectomy: costs, risks, and benefits, 15 Electric power wheeling and dealing: technological considerations for Increasing competition, 8 Electronic bulls and bears: U.S. securities markets and Information technology, 12 Electronic delivery of publlc assistance benefits: technology options and policy issues, 13 Electronic record systems and individual privacy, 13 Electronic supervisor: new technology, new tensions, 13 Electronic surveillance and civil liberties, 13 Elementary and secondary education for science and engineering, 7 Emerging food marketing technologies: a preliminary analysis, 2 Encouraging high-technology development, 7 Energy efficiency in the Federal Government: government by good example?, 8 Energy efficiency of buildings in cities, 9 Energy from biological processes, 9 Energy in developing countries, 8 Energy technology choices: shaping our future, 8 Energy technology transfer to China, 14 Energy use and the U.S. economy, 8 Energy, the economy, and mass transit, 21 Engineering implications of chronic materials scarcity, 14 Enhanced oil recovery potential in the United States, 17 Enhancing agriculture in Africa: a role for U.S. development assistance, 1 Enhancing the quality of U.S. grain for international trade, 1 Environmental contaminants in food, 2 Environmental Issues for synthetic transportation fuels from coal, 8 Environmental issues of synthetic transportation fuels from coal, 8 Environmental protection in the Federal coal leasing program, 10 Establishing a 200-mile fisheries zone, 16 Evaluating Defense Department research, 6 Evaluation of railroad safety, 20 Evaluation of the Oregon Medicaid proposal, 12 Exploratory workshop on the social impacts of robotics: summary and issues, 5 Exploring the moon and Mars, 18 Facing America's trash: what next for municipal solid waste?, 21 The FBI fingerprint Identification automation program: issues and options, 19 The feasibility of economic evaluation of diagnostic procedure: the case of CT scanning, 15 Feasibility and value of broadband communications in rural areas: a preliminary evaluation, 5 Federal and private roles in the development and provision of alglucerase therapy for Gaucher disease, 10 Federal funding of rail rehabilitation: a review of alternative approaches, 21 Federal Government information technology, 13 Federal policies and the medical devices industry, 14 Federal scientific and technical information in an electronic age: opportunities and challenges, 13 Federally funded research: decisions for a decade, 17 Field-testing engineered organisms: genetic and ecological issues, 3 Financial viability of Conrail: review and analysis, 21 Financing and program alternatives for advanced high-speed aircraft, 20 Finding a balance: computer software, intellectual property and the challenge of technological change, 5 Finding the Rx for managing medical wastes, 21 Food Information systems, 2 Food information systems: summary and analysis, 2 Forecasts of physician supply and requirements, 12 Forest service planning, 1 Formal analysis, policy formulation, and end-stage renal disease, 15 Four common x-ray procedures: problems and prospects for economic evaluation, 15 From pollution to prevention: a progress report on waste reduction, 9 Fueling development: energy technologies for developing countries, 8 Gasohol, 9 Gearing up for safety: motor carrier safety in a competitive environment, 20 Genetic counseling and cystic fibrosis carrier screening: results of a survey, 10 Genetic monitoring and screening in the workplace, 3 Genetic tests and health insurance: results of a survey, 10 Genetic witness: forensic uses of DNA tests, 3 Global arms trade: commerce In advanced military technology and weapons, 6 Global models, world futures, and public policy: a critique, 18 Global standards: building blocks for the future, 4 Government involvement in the innovation process, 18 Grain quality in international trade: a comparison of major U.S. competitors, 1 Grassroots conservation of biological diversity In the United States, 2 Grassroots development the African Development Foundation, 13 Green products by design: choices for a cleaner environment, 9 Habitability of the Love Canal area: an analysis of the technical basis for the decision on the habitability of the emergency declaration area, 10 Health care In rural America, 11 Health of the scientific and technical enterprise, 18 Healthy children: Investing In the future, 11 Hearing impairment and elderly people, 1 Helping America compete: the role of Federal scientific and technical information, 13 Hemodialysis equipment and disposables Industry, 15 High-performance computing and networking for science, 5 High-temperature superconductivity in perspective, 14 Higher education for science and engineering, 7 HIV In the health care workplace, 2 Holding the edge: maintaining the defense technology base, 6 Holding the edge: maintaining the defense technology base-Vol. II: appendixes, 6 Home drug Infusion therapy under Medicare, 12 Hospital information systems at the Veterans Administration, 13 How effective is AIDS education?, 3 How has Federal research on AIDS/HIV disease contributed to other fields?, 3 Human gene therapy, 4 Identifying and controlling immunotoxic substances, 3 Identifying and controlling pulmonary toxlcants, 3 Identifying and regulating carcinogens, 3 Impact of a Department of Education on Federal science and technology activities, 18 Impact of advanced air transport technology, 20 Impact of advanced group rapid transit technology, 20 Impact of AIDS on the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program (Northam California Region), 3 Impact of randomized clinical trials on health policy and medical practice, 11 Impacts of applied genetics: micro-organisms, plants, and animals, 4 Impacts of neuroscience, 4 Impacts of technology on U.S. cropland and rangeland productivity, 2 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology, 15 Implications of electronic mail and message systems for the U.S. Postal Service, 13 Improving automobile fuel economy: new standards, new approaches, 8 Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternatives for reducing oil imports, 8 Indian adolescent mental. health, 11 Indian health care, 11 Industrial and commercial cogeneration, 8


Industrial energy use, 8 Infertility: medical and social choices, 11 Information content of premanufacture notices, 4 Information technology R&D: critical trends and issues, 13 Informational technology and its impact on American education, 13 Informing the Nation: Federal information dissemination in an electronic age, 13 Innovative biological technologies for lesser developed countries, 14 Institutional protocols for decisions about life sustaining treatments, 1 Integrated renewable resource management for U.S. insular areas, 2 Intellectual property rights in an age of electronics and information, 19 Intensive care units (ICUs): clinical outcomes, costs, and decisionmaking, 12 International competition in services: banking, building, software, know-how, 4 International competitiveness in electronics, 4 International cooperation and competition in civilian space activities, 19 Issues and options in flood hazards management, 10 Issues in medical waste management, 21 Launch options for the future: a buyer's guide, 18 Lessons in restructuring defense industry: the French experience, 5 Life-sustaining technologies and the elderly, 1 Linking for learning: a new course for education, 7 Long-lived legacy: managing high-level and transuranic waste at the DOE nuclear weapons complex, 9 Losing a million minds: confronting the tragedy of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, 1 Making things better: competing in manufacturing, 4 Management of fuel and nonfuel minerals In Federal land, 17 The management of health care technology in ten countries, 15 Management, security, and congressional oversight, 13 Managing industrial solid wastes: from manufacturing, mining, oil and gas production, and utility coal combustion, 21 Managing research and development for cooperative arms control monitoring measures, 6 Managing the Nation's commercial high-level radioactive waste, 21 Managing the Nation's defense industrial strength, 5 Mandatory passive restraint systems in automobiles: issues and evidence, 12 Mapping our genes: genome projects-how big? how fast?, 3 Marine applications for fuel cell technology, 16 Marine minerals: exploring our new ocean frontier, 16 Market for wheelchairs: innovations and Federal policy, 15 Materials and energy from municipal waste, 17 Measures for monitoring compliance with the START treaty, 6 Medical devices and the Veterans Administration, 14 Medical monitoring and screening in the workplace: results of a survey, 3 Medical technology and the cost of the Medicare program, 12 Medical technology under proposals to increase competition in health care, 15 Medical testing and health insurance, 12 Medicare's prospective payment system: strategies for evaluating cost, quality, and medical technology, 12 MEDLARS and health information policy, 11 Menopause, hormone therapy, and women's health, 10 Methodological issues and literature review, 15 Microelectronics research and development, 5 Miniaturization technologies, 4 Monitoring limits on sea-launched cruise missiles, 6 Moving ahead: surface transportation legislation, 19 MX missile basing, 7 NASA's Office of Space Science and Applications: process, priorities, and goals, 18 Neonatal intensive care for low-birthweight infants: costs and effectiveness, 11 Neural grafting: repairing the brain and spinal cord, 3 Neurotoxicity: identifying and controlling poisons of the nervous system, 3 New developments in biotechnology, 3 New developments in neuroscience, 3 New electric power technologies: problems and prospects for the 1980s, 8 New opportunities for U.S. universities in development assistance: agriculture, natural resources, and environment, 13 New structural materials technologies: opportunities for the use of advanced ceramics and composites, 14 New technological era for American agriculture, 1 New technology for NATO: implementing follow-on forces attack, 6 New ways: tiltrotor aircraft and magnetically levitated vehicles, 19 Nonferrous metals: industry structure, 14 Nonnuclear industrial hazardous waste: classifying for hazard management, 10 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging technology: a clinical, industrial, and policy analysis, 15 Nuclear power in an age of uncertainty, 8 Nuclear powerplant standardization: light water reactors, 9 Nuclear proliferation and safeguards, 7 Nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and certified nurse-midwives: a policy analysis, 14 Nutrition research alternatives, 2 Ocean incineration: its role In managing hazardous waste, 21 Ocean margin drilling, 16 Oil and gas technologies for the Arctic and deepwater, 17 Oil production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 16 Oil transportation by tankers: an analysis of marine pollution and safety measures, 16 Open shelf-life dating of food, 2 Orbital debris: a space environmental problem, 18 Organizing and financing basic research to Increase food production, 2 Outpatient immunosuppressive drugs under Medicare, 12 Ownership of human tissues and cells, 3 Partnerships under pressure: managing commercial low-level radioactive waste, 21 Passive smoking in the workplace: selected issues, 11 Patent-term extension and the pharmaceutical Industry, 5 Patenting life, 3 Patterns and trends in Federal coal lease ownership, 17 Paying the bill: manufacturing and America's trade deficit, 4 Payment for physician services: strategies for Medicare, 12 Performance standards for secondary school vocational education, 7 Performance standards for the food stamp employment and training program, 7 Periodontal diseases: assessing the effectiveness and costs of the Keyes technique, 15 Perspectives on Federal retail food grading, 2 Pest management strategies in crop protection, 2 Pesticide residues in food: technologies and methodologies for detection, 1 Physical vulnerability of electric systems to natural disasters and sabotage, 8 Plague of locusts, 1 Plant closing: advance notice and rapid response, 8 Plants: the potentials for extracting protein, medicines, and other useful chemicals, 2 Polar prospects: a minerals treaty for Antarctica, 16 Police body armor standards and testing-Vol. I, 19 Police body armor standards and testing-Vol. II: appendixes, 19 Policy implications of medical information systems, 15 Policy implications of the computed tomography (CT) scanner, 12 Policy implications of the computed tomography (CT) scanner: an update, 12 Postmarketing surveillance of prescription drugs, 5 Potential effects of section of the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976, 17 Power onl New tools for teaching and learning, 7 Preliminary analysis of the IRS tax administration system, 13 Preliminary assessment of the National Crime Information Center and the computerized criminal history systems, 19 Preparing for science and engineering careers: field level profiles, 7 Preventing illness and injury in the workplace, 11 Preventive health services for Medicare beneficiaries: policy and research issues, 1 Proceedings of the OTA seminar on the Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS), 20 Proposal pressure in the 1980s: an indicator of stress on the Federal research system, 17 Protecting the Nation's groundwater from contam ination--Vol. I, 1 O Protecting the Nation's groundwater from contamination--Vol. II, 10 Public perceptions of biotechnology, 3 Quality and relevance of research and related activities at the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory, 17 Quality of medical care: information for consumers, 11 R&D in the maritime industry: a supplement to an assessment of maritime trade and technology, 20 Radiofrequency use and management: impacts from the World Adm lnistrative Radio Conference of 1979, 5 Railroad safety: U.SJCanadian comparison, 20 Rebuilding the foundations: State and local public works financing and management, 20 Recent developments in ocean thermal energy, 16 Recombinant erythropoletin: payment options for Medicare, 12 Redesigning defense: planning the transition to the future U.S. defense industrial base, 6 Reducing launch operations costs: new technologies and practices, 18 Reduction of Industrial hazardous waste, 9


Regulatory environment for science, 18 Remote sensing and the private sector: issues for discussion, 6 Renewable ocean energy sources: ocean thermal energy conversions, 16 Replacing gasoline: alternative fuels for light-duty vehicles, 8 Reproductive health hazards in the workplace, 11 Reproductive health hazards in the workplace: selected aspects of reproductive health hazards regulation, 11 Requirements for fulfilling a national materials policy, 14 Research funding as an investment: can we measure the returns?, 17 Residential energy conservation, 9 Retiring old cars: programs to save gasoline and reduce emissions, 16 Review of a postal automation strategy: a technical and decision analysis, 13 Review of a protocol for a study of reproductive health outcomes among women Vietnam veterans, 10 Review of national railroad issues, 21 Review of selected Federal vaccine and immunization policies, based on case studies of pneumococcal vaccine, 15 Review of the FAA 1982 National Airspace System Plan, 20 Review of the Public Health Service's response to AIDS,3 Review of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: environmental research outlook FY 1976 through 1980, 1 0 Review of U.S. competitiveness in agricultural trade, 7 Role of demonstrations in Federal R&D policy, 18 Role of genetic testing in the prevention of occupational diseases, 4 Round trip to orbit: human spaceflight alternatives, 18 Royalty management program's auditing and financial system: technical issues, 16 Rural America at the crossroads: networking for the future, 5 Rural emergency medical services, 11 Safe skies for tomorrow: aviation safety in a competitive environment, 20 Safer skies with TCAS (Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System), 20 Safety, efficacy, and cost effectiveness of therapeutic apheresis, 12 SALYUT: Soviet steps toward permanent human presence in space, 19 Science and technology issues in coastal ecotourism, 9 Science, technology, and the Constitution, 18 Science, technology, and the Constitution in the information age, 18 Science, technology, and the First Amendment, 18 Scientific equipment for undergraduates: is it adequate?, 7 Scientific validity of polygraph testing: a research review and evaluation, 19 Screening for colon cancer: a technology assessment, 15 Screening for open-angle glaucoma in the elderly, 1 Screening mammography in primary care settings: implications for cost, access, and quality, 11 SDI: technology, survivability, and software, 6 Seeking solutions: high-performance computing for science, 5 Seismic verification of nuclear testing treaties, 6 Selected electronic funds transfer issues: privacy, security, and equity, 13 Selected technical and economic comparisons of synfuel options, 8 Selected telecommunications devices for hearingimpaired persons, 11 Selected topics in Federal health statistics, 12 Serious reduction of hazardous waste: for pollution prevention and industrial efficiency, 9 Setting strategic direction under RPA, 1 Social Security Administration and information technology, 13 Solar power satellites, 9 Space science research in the United States, 19 Space stations and the law: selected legal issues, 19 Special care units for people with Alzheimer's and other dementias: consumer education, research, regulatory, and reimbursement issues, 1 Starpower: the U.S. and the international quest for fusion energy, 8 State educational testing practices, 7 Statistical needs for a changing U.S. economy, 7 Status of biomedical research and related technology for tropical diseases, 14 Status report on the gas potential from devonian shales of the Appalachian Basin, 17 Strategic materials: technologies to reduce U.S. import vulnerability, 14 Strategies for medical technology assessment, 15 Supercomputers: government plans and policies, 5 Superfund Implementation, 21 Superfund strategy, 21 Surgery for breast cancer, 15 Sustaining tropical forest resources: reforestation of degraded lands, 2 Sustaining tropical forest resources: U.S. and international institutions, 2 Synthetic fuels for transportation: the future potential of electric and hybrid vehicles, 9 Taggants in explosives, 7 Technical and environmental analyses: energy from biological processes, 9 Technical options for conservation of metals: case studies of selected metals and products, 14 Technologies and management strategies for hazardous waste control, 9 Technologies for detecting heritable mutations in human beings, 3 Technologies for managing urinary incontinence, 14 Technologies for NATO's follow-on forces attack concept, 6 Technologies for prehistoric and historic preservation, 10 Technologies for reducing dioxin in the manufacture of bleached wood pulp, 9 Technologies for the preservation of prehistoric and historic landscapes, 10 Technologies for underwater archaeology and maritime preservation, 16 Technologies to benefit agriculture and wildlife, 2 Technologies to maintain biological diversity, 2 Technologies to sustain tropical forest resources, 2 Technology against terrorism, 6 Technology against terrorism: structuring security, 6 Technology against terrorism: the Federal effort, 6 Technology and aging In America, 1 Technology and East-West trade, 14 Technology and East-West trade: an update, 14 Technology and handicapped people, 11 Technology and learning disabilities, 11 Technology and oceanography: an assessment of Federal technologies for oceanographic research and monitoring, 16 Technology and Soviet energy availability, 14 Technology and steel industry competitiveness, 5 Technology and structural unemployment: reemploying displaced adults, 8 Technology and the American economic transition: choices for the future, 7 Technology and the future of the U.S. construction industry, 7 Technology assessment activities in the industrial, academic, and governmental communities, 18 Technology assessment in business and government, 18 Technology assessment of changes in the future use and characteristics of the automobile transportation system, 20 Technology assessment of coal slurry pipelines, 17 Technology dependent children: hospital vs. home care, 11 Technology transfer at the National Institutes of Health, 15 Technology transfer to China, 13 Technology transfer to the Middle East, 14 Technology transfer to the United States: the MIT-Japan science and technology program, 13 Technology, innovation, and regional economic development, 7 Technology, innovation, and U.S. trade, 4 Technology, public policy, and the changing structure of American agriculture, 2 Technology, public policy, and the changing structure of American agriculture: a special report for the 1985 Farm Bill, 2 Technology, renewable resources, and American crafts, 4 Technology, trade, and the U.S. residential construction industry, 7 Testing in American schools: asking the right questions, 7 The 1992 World administrative radio conference: Issues for U.S. international spectrum policy, 5 Trade adjustment assistance: new ideas for an old program, 4 Trade and environment: conflicts and opportunities, 4 Trade in services: exports and foreign revenues, 4 Trading around the clock: global securities markets and information technology, 13 Transportation of hazardous materials, 21 Transportation of hazardous materials: State and local activities, 21 Transportation of liquefied natural gas, 20 Trends and status of computers in schools: use in Chapter1 programs and use with limited English proficient students, 7 U.S. banks and international telecommunications, 5 U.S. dairy industry at a crossroads: biotechnology and policy choices, 1 U.S. disaster assistance to developing countries: lessons applicable to U.S. domestic disaster programs, 10 U.S. energy efficiency: past trends and future opportunities, 8 U.S. industrial competitiveness: a comparison of steel, electronics, and automobiles, 5 U.S. investment in biotechnology, 3 U.S. natural gas availability: conventional gas supply through the year 2000, 17 U.S. natural gas availability: gas supply through the year 2000, 17 U.S. oil import vulnerability: the technical replacement capability, 16 U.S. oil production: the effect of low oil prices, 17 U.S. passenger rail technologies, 20 U.S. textile and apparel industry: a revolution in progress, 7 U.S. vulnerability to an oil import curtailment, 17 U.S.-Mexico Trade: pulling together or pulling apart?, 4 U.S.-Soviet cooperation in space, 19


Unconventional cancer treatments, 11 UN I SPACE '82: a context for international cooperation and competition, 19 Update of Federal activities regarding the use of pneumococcal vaccine, 15 Urban ozone and the Clean Air Act: problems and proposals for change, 9 The use of integrity tests for pre-employment screening, 8 Use of models for water resources management, planning, and policy, 10 Use of preventive services by the elderly, 1 Using desalination technologies for water treatment, 1 Variations in hospital length of stay: their relationship to health outcomes, 12 Verification technologies, 6 Wastes in marina environments, 16 Water availability for synthetic fuels: an assessment of current studies, 8 Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid lands: selected foreign experience, 2 Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture In U.S. arid/semiarid lands, 2 Western surface mine permitting and reclamation, 17 Wetlands: their use and regulation, 10 'M>od use: U.S. competitiveness and technology VOi. I, 4 'M>od use: U.S. competitiveness and technology VOi. 11, 4 'M>rkar training: competing in the new international economy, 8 'M>rld petroleum availability, 1980-2000, 17 'M>rld population and fertility planning technologies: the next 20 years, 12 Information Link Between the Federal Government and You Books, journals, maps, and more Seleclions tailored to local needs Dynamic and constandy updated colleclions More lhan 1,380 localions across the U.S.A. Free access For more information, colllllCt your local library or write to the federal Depository Ubrary Program, Office of the Public Prinrer, washington, DC 20401. GUIDE TO TITLES BY OTA RESEARCH PROGRAMS BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS PROGRAM (BA) Alternatives to animal use in research, testing, and education,4 Artificial insem lnation practice in the u nitad States: summary of a 1987 survey, 11 Biological rhythms: Implications for the worker, 3 Biology of mental disorders, 3 Biotechnology in a global economy, 3 Commercial biotechnology: an international analysis, 4 Confused minds, burdened families: finding help for people with Alzheimer's and other dementias, 1 Cystic fibrosis and DNA tests: implications of carrier screening, 10 Reid-tasting engineered organisms: genetic and ecological issues, 3 Genetic counseling and cystic fibrosis carrier screening: results of a survey, 10 Genetic monitoring and screening in the workplace, 3 Genetic tests and health Insurance: results of a survey, 10 Genetic witness: forensic uses of DNA tests, 3 Hearing Impairment and elderly people, 1 Human gene therapy, 4 Identifying and controlling lmmunotoxic substances, 3 Identifying and controlling pulmonary toxicants, 3 Impacts of applied genetics: micro-organisms, plants, and animals, 4 Impacts of neuroscience, 4 Infertility: medical and social choices, 11 Institutional protocols for decisions about life-sustaining treatments, 1 Life-sustaining technologies and the elderly, 1 Losing a mill ion minds: confronting the tragedy of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, 1 Mapping our genes: genome projects-how big? how fast?, 3 Medical monitoring and screening in the workplace: results of a survey, 3 The Menopause, hormone therapy, and women's health, 10 Neural grafting: repairing the brain and spinal cord, 3 Neurotoxlclty: Identifying and controlling poisons of the nervous system, 3 New developments In biotechnology, 3 New developments in neuroscience, 3 Ownership of human tissues and cells, 3 Patenting life, 3 Public perceptions of biotechnology, 3 Reproductive health hazards In the workplace, 11 Reproductive health hazards In the workplace: selected aspects of reproductive health hazards regulation, 11 Role of genetic testing in the prevention of occupational diseases, 4 Technology and aging in America, 1 U.S. investment in biotechnology, 3 World population and fertility planning technologies: the next 20 years, 12 ENERGY AND MATERIALS PROGRAM (E&M) Formerly En,rgy Program (E) Advanced materials by design, 14 Alternative energy futures: the future of liquefied natural gas imports, 17 Analysis of the ERDA plan and program, 9 Analysis of the Impacts of the projected natural gas curtailments for the winter 1975-76, 17 Analysis of the proposed national energy plan, 9 Application of solar technology to today's energy needs, 9 Biological effects of power frequency electric and magnetic fields, 8 Building energy efficiency, 8 Comparative analysis of the 1976 ERDA plan and program, 9 Conservation and solar energy programs of the Department of Energy: a critique, 9 Copper: technology and competitiveness, 14 Direct use of coal, 17 Electric power wheeling and dealing: technological considerations for increasing competition, 8 Energy efficiency In the Federal Government: government by good example?, 8 Energy efficiency of buildings in cities, 9 Energy from biological processes, 9 Energy in developing countries, 8 Energy technology choices: shaping our future, 8 Energy use and the U.S. economy, 8 Enhanced oil recovery potential in the United States, 17 Environmental issues for synthetic transportation fuels from coal, 8 Environmental issues of synthetic transportation fuels from coal: background report, 8 Environmental protection in the Federal coal leasing program, 10 Fueling development: energy technologies for developing countries, 8 Gasohol, 9 Graen products by design: choices for a cleaner environment, 9 High-temperature superconductivity in perspective, 14 Improving automobile fuel economy: new standards, new approaches, 8 Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternatives for reducing oil imports, 8 Industrial and commercial cogeneration, 8 Industrial energy use, 8 New electric power technologies: problems and prospects for the 1980s, 8 New structural materials technologies: opportunities for the use of advanced ceramics and composites, 14 Nonferrous metals: industry structure, 14 Nuclear power in an age of uncertainty, 8 Nuclear powerplant standardization: light water reactors, 9 Nuclear proliferation and safeguards, 7 Oil production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 16 Physical vulnerability of electric systems to natural disasters and sabotage, 8 Potential effects of section 3 of the Federal Coal Laasing Amendments Act of 1976, 17 Replacing gasoline: alternative fuels for light-duty vehicles, 8 Residential energy conservation, 9 Retiring old cars: programs to save gasoline and reduce emissions, 16 Review of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: environmental research outlook FY 1976 through 1980, 1 O Royalty management program's auditing and financial system: technical Issues, 16 Selected technical and economic comparisons of synfuel options, 8 Solar power satellites, 9 Starpower. the U.S. and the international quest for fusion energy, 8 Statistical needs for a changing U.S. economy, 7


Status report on the gas potential from devonlan shales of the Appalachian Basin, 17 Synthetic fuels for transportation: the future potential of electric and hybrid vehicles, 9 Technical and environmental analyses: energy from biological processes, 9 Technologies for prehistoric and historic preservation, 10 Technologies for the preservation of prehistoric and historic landscapes, 1 o Technologies for undeiwater archaeology and maritime preservation, 16 Technology assessment of coal slurry pipelines, 17 U.S. energy efficiency: past trends and future opportunities, 8 U.S. natural gas availability: conventional gas supply through the year 2000, 17 U.S. natural gas availability: gas supply through the year 2000, 17 U.S. oil import vulnerability: the technical replacement capability, 16 U.S. oil production: the effect of low oil prices, 17 U.S. vulnerability to an oil import curtailment, 17 Water availability for synthetic fuels: an assessment of current studies, 8 Western surface mine permitting and reclamation, 17 World petroleum availability 1980-2000, 17 EXPLORATORY GROUP Criteria for evaluating the implementation plan required by the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act of 19TT, 10 Issues and options in flood hazard management, 10 Technology assessment activities in the Industrial, academic, and governmental communities, 18 Technology assessment in business and government, 18 U.S. disaster assistance to developing countries: lessons applicable to U.S. domestic disaster programs, 10 FOOD AND RENEWABLE RESOURCES PROGRAM (F) Accommodating uses, producing outputs, and sustaining ecosystems, 1 Africa tomorrow: Issues in technology, agriculture, and U.S. foreign aid, 14 Agricultural commodities as industrial raw materials, 1 Agricultural postharvest technology and marketing economics research, 2 Agricultural research and technology transfer policies for the 1990s, 1 Aid to developing countries: the technology/ecology fit, 13 Assessing biological diversity In the United States: data considerations, 2 Assessment of the United States food and agricultural research system, 2 Beneath the bottom line: agricultural approaches to reduce agrlchemlcal contamination of groundwater, 9 Combined summaries: technologies to sustain tropical forest resources and biological diversity, 1 Continuing the commitment: agricultural development in the Sahel, 2 Drugs in livestock feed, 2 Emerging agricultural technology: issues for the 1990s, 1 Emerging food marketing technologies: a preliminary analysis, 2 Enhancing agriculture in Africa: a role for U.S. development assistance, 1 Enhancing the quality of U.S. grain for international trade, 1 Environmental contaminants in food, 2 Food information systems, 2 Food Information systems: summary and analysis, 2 Forest service planning, 1 Grain quality in International trade: a comparison of major U.S. competitors, 1 Grassroots conservation of biological diversity in the United States, 2 Grassroots development: the African Development Foundation, 13 Impacts of technology on U.S. cropland and rangeland productivity, 2 Innovative biological technologies for lesser developed countries, 14 Integrated renewable resource managent for U.S. insular areas, 2 New opportunities for U.S. universaries in development assistance: agriculture, natural resources, and environment, 13 New technological era for American agriculture, 1 Nutrition research alternatives, 2 Open shelf-life dating of food, 2 Organizing and financing basic research to increase food production, 2 Perspectives on Federal retail food grading, 2 Pest management strategies in crop protection, 2 Pesticide residues in food: technologies and methodologies for detection, 1 Plague of locusts, 1 Plants: the potentials for extracting protein, medicines, and other useful chemicals, 2 Science and technology issues in coastal ecotourism, 9 Setting strategic direction under RPA, 1 Sustaining tropical forest resources: reforestation of degraded lands, 2 Sustaining tropical forest resources: U.S. and International institutions, 2 Technologies to benefit agriculture and wildlife, 2 Technologies to maintain biological diversity, 2 Technologies to sustain tropical forest resources, 2 Technology, public pollcy, and the changing structure of American agriculture, 2 Technology, public policy, and the changing structure of American agriculture: a special report for the 1985 Farm Bill, 2 Technology, renewable resources, and American crafts,4 U.S. dairy industry at a crossroad: biotechnology and policy choices, 1 Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid lands: selected foreign experience, 2 Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in U.S. arid/semiarid lands, 2 HEAIJH PROGRAM (H) Adolescent health insurance status: analyses of trends In coverage and prellminary estimates of the effects of an em player mandate and Medicaid expansion on the uninsured, 11 Adolescent health-Vol. I: summary and policy options, 11 Adolescent health-Vol. II: background and the effectiveness of selected prevention and treatment services, 11 Adolescent health-Vol. Ill: crosscutting issues in the delivery of health and related services, 11 AIDS and health insurance: an OTA survey, 3 Allocating costs and benefits in disease prevention programs: an application to cervical cancer screening, 15 The artificial heart: costs, risks, and benefits, 15 Assessing selected respiratory therapy modalities trends and relative costs in the Washington, D.C. area, 15 Assessing the efficacy and safety of medical technologies, 15 Assessment of technologies for determining cancer risks from the environment, 12 Assistive devices for severe speech impairments, 11 Benefit-and-cost analysis of medical interventions: the case of cimetidlne and peptic ulcer disease, 15 Blood policy and technology, 4 Boston elbow, 15 Cancer testing technology and saccharin, 15 Cardiac radionuclide imaging and cost effectiveness, 15 CDC's case definition of AIDS: implications of proposed revisions, 2 Children's dental services under the Medicaid program, 11 Children's mental health: problems and services, 11 Compensation for vaccine-related Injuries, 15 Computer technology in medical education and assessment, 15 Contact lens industry: structure, competition, and public policy, 15 The cost effectiveness of bone marrow transplant, 15 Cost and effectiveness of digital subtraction angiography in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease, 12 The cost effectiveness of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, 15 Cost beneffticost effectiveness of medical technologies: a case study of orthopedic joint implants, 15 Cost effectiveness of automated multichannel chemistry analyzers, 15 Cost effectiveness of influenza vaccination, 15 Costs and effectiveness of cervical cancer screening, 1 Costs and effectiveness of cholesterol screening In the elderly, 1 Costs and effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening in the elderly, 1 The costs and effectiveness of neonatal intensive care, 15 The costs and effectiveness of nurse practitioners, 15 Costs of AIDS and other HIV infections: review of the estimates, 3 Defining rural areas: impact on health care policy and research, 11 Development of medical technology: opportunities for assessment, 15 Diagnosis related groups (DRGs) and the Medicare program: implications for medical technology; 12 Difficult-to-reuse needles for the prevention of HIV infection among injection drug abusers, 2 Do insects transmit AIDS?, 3 Does health insurance make a difference?, 12 Drug bioequivalence, 16 Effectiveness and costs of alcoholism treatment, 12 The effectiveness and costs of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPO), 12 The effectiveness of drug abuse treatment implications for controlling AIDS/HIV infection, 3 Effects of Federal policies on extracorporeal shockwavelithotripsy, 12 The efficacy and cost effectiveness of psychotherapy, 15


Elective hysterectomy: costs, risks, and benefits, 15 Evaluation of the Oregon Medicaid proposal, 12 The feasibility of economic evaluation of diagnostic procedure: the case of CT scanning, 15 Federal and private roles in the development and provision of alglucerase therapy for Gaucher disease, 10 Federal policies and the medical devices industry, 14 Forecasts of physician supply and requirements, 12 Formal analysis, policy formulation, and end-stage renal d:saase, 15 Four common x-ray procedures: problems and prospects for economic evaluation, 15 Health care in rural America, 11 Healthy children: investing in the future, 11 Hemodialysis equipment and disposables industry, 15 HIV in the health care workplace, 2 Home drug infusion therapy under Medicare, 12 How effective is AIDS education?, 3 How has Federal research on AIDS/HIV disease contributed to other fields?, 3 Identifying and regulating carcinogens, 3 Impact of AIDS on the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program (Northam California Region), 3 Impact of randomized clinical trials on health policy and medical practice, 11 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology, 15 Indian adolescent mental health, 11 Indian health care, 11 Information content of premanufacture notices, 4 Intensive care units (ICUs): clinical outcomes, costs, and decisionmaking, 12 The management of health care technology In ten countries, 15 Mandatory passive restraint systems in automobiles: issues and evidence, 12 Market for wheelchairs: Innovations and Federal policy, 15 Medical devices and the Veterans Administration, 14 Medical technology and the cost of the Medicare program, 12 Medical technology under proposals to increase competition In health care, 15 Medical testing and health insurance, 12 Medicare's prospective payment system: strategies for evaluating cost, quality, and medical technology, 12 MEDLARS and health information policy, 11 Methodological issues and literature review, 15 Neonatal intensive care for low-birthweight infants: costs and effectiveness, 11 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging technology: a clinical, industrial, and policy analysis, 15 Nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and certified nurse-midwives: a policy analysis, 14 Outpatient immunosuppressive drugs under Medicare, 12 Passive smoking in the workplace: selected Issues, 11 Payment for physician services: strategies for Medicare, 12 Periodontal diseases: assessing the effectiveness and costs of the Keyes technique, 15 Policy implications of medical information systems, 15 Policy implications of the computed tomography (CT) scanner: an update, 12 Policy Implications of the computed tomography (CT) scanner, 12 Postmarketing surveillance of prescription drugs, 5 Preventing illness and Injury In the workplace, 11 Preventive health services for Medicare beneficiaries: policy and research issues, 1 Quality and relevance of research and related activities at the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory, 17 Quality of medical care: information for consumers, 11 Recombinant erythropoietin: payment options for Medicare, 12 Review of a protocol for a study of reproductive health outcomes among women Vietnam veterans, 10 Review of selected Federal vaccine and immunization policies: based on case studies of pheumococcal vaccine, 15 Review of the Public Health Service's response to AIDS,3 Rural emergency medical services, 11 Safety, efficacy, and cost effectiveness of therapeutic apheresis, 12 Scientific validity of polygraph testing: a research review and evaluation, 19 Screening for colon cancer: a technology assessment, 15 Screening for open-angle glaucoma in the elderly, 1 Screening mammography in primary care settings: implications for cost, access, and quality, 11 Selected telecommunications devices for hearingimpaired persons, 11 Selected topics in Federal health statistics, 12 Special care units for people with Alzheimer's and other dementias: consumer education, research, regulatory, and reimbursement Issues, 1 Status of biomedical research and related technology for tropical diseases, 14 Strategies for medical technology assessment, 15 Surgery for breast cancer, 15 Technologies for detecting heritable mutations in human beings, 3 Technologies for managing urinary incontinence, 14 Technology and handicapped people, 11 Technology and learning disabilities, 11 Technology dependent children: hospital vs. home care, 11 Technology transfer at the National Institutes of Health, 15 Unconventional cancer treatments, 11 Update of Federal activities regarding the use of pneumococcal vaccine, 15 Use of preventive services by the elderly, 1 Variations In hospital length of stay: their relationship to health outcomes, 12 INDUSTRY, TECHNOLOGY, AND EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM (ITE) Formerly Materials Program (M) After the cold war: living with lower defense spending, 6 Analysis of laws governing access across Federal lands: options for access in Alaska, 17 Are we cleaning up: 1 o Superfund case studies, 21 Assessing contractor use in Superfund, 21 Assessment of alternative economic stockpiling policies, 14 Assessment of development and production potential of Federal coal leases, 17 Assessment of information systems capabilities required to support U.S. materials policy decisions, 14 Assessment of oil shale technologies, 17 Coming clean: Superfund problems can be solved ... 21 Commercializing high-temperature superconductivity, 14 Competing economies: America, Europe, and the Pacific Rim,4 Displaced homemakers: programs and policy, 8 Engineering implications of chronic materials scarcity, 14 From pollution to prevention: a progress report on waste reduction, 9 Habitability of the Love Canal area: an analysis of the technical basis for the decision on the habitability of the emergency declaration area, 10 International competition in services: banking, building, software, know-how, 4 Making things better: competing in manufacturing, 4 Management of fuel and nonfuel minerals in Federal land, 17 Materials and energy from municipal waste, 17 Nonnuclear industrial hazardous waste: classifying for hazard management, 10 Patterns and trends in Federal coal lease ownership, 1950-80, 17 Paying the bill: manufacturing and America's trade deficit, 4 Performance standards for the food stamp employment and training program, 7 Plant closing: advance notice and rapid response, 8 Reduction of Industrial hazardous waste, 9 Requirements for fulfilling a national materials policy, 14 Serious reduction of hazardous waste: for pollution prevention and industrial efficiency, 9 Strategic materials: technologies to reduce U.S. Import vulnerability, 14 Superfund implentation, 21 Superfund strategy, 21 Technical options for conservation of metals: case studies of selected metals and products, 14 Technologies and management strategies for hazardous waste control, 9 Technology and steel industry competitiveness, 5 Technology and structural unemployment: reemploying displaced adults, 8 Technology transfer to the United States: the MIT-Japan science and technology program, 13 Technology, Innovation, and U.S. trade, 4 Trade adjustment assistance: new ideas for an old program, 4 Trade and environment: conflicts and opportunities, 4 Trade in services: exports and foreign revenues, 4 U.S.-Mexico trade: pulling together or pulling apart?, 4 Wood use: U.S. competitiveness and technology-Vol. I, 4 Wood use: U.S. competitiveness and technology-Vol. II, 4 Worker training: competing in the new international economy, 8 INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND COMMERCE PROGRAM (ISC) Formerly National Security Program (NS) Access to space: the future of U.S. space transportation systems, 18 Adjusting to a new security environment: the defense technology and industrial base challenge, 6 Affordable spacecraft design and launch alternatives, 18 American military power: future needs, future choices, 6 Anti-satellite weapons, countermeasures, and arms control, 6 Arming our allies: cooperation and competition in defense technology, 6 Arms control in space, 6 Ballistic missile defense technologies, 6


Big dumb boosters: a low-cost space transportation option?, 18 Building future security: strategies for restructuring the defense technology and industrial base, 5 Commercial newsgathering from space, 18 Containment of underground nuclear explosions, 6 Cooperative aerial surveillance in international agreements, 6 Defense technology base: introduction and overview, 6 Directed energy missile defense in space, 6 Effects of nuclear war, 7 Energy technology transfer to China, 14 Evaluating defense department research, 6 Exploring the moon and Mars, 18 The Federal effort, 6 Global arms trade: commerce in advanced military technology and weapons, 6 Holding the edge: maintaining the defense technology bas&--Vol. II: appendixes, 6 Holding the edge: maintaining the defense technology base, 6 International competitiveness In electronics, 4 International cooperation and competition in civilian space activities, 19 Launch options for the future: a buyer's guide, 18 Lessons in restructuring defense Industry: the French experience, 5 Managing research and development for cooperative arms control monitoring measures, 6 Managing the Nation's defense industrial strength, 5 Measures for monitoring compliance with the START treaty, 6 Monitoring limits on sea-launched cruise missiles, 6 MX missile basing, 7 NASA's office of space science and applications: process, priorities and goals, 18 New technology for NATO: implementing follow-on forces attack, 6 Orbital debris: a space environmental problem, 18 Police body armor standards and testing-Vol. I, 19 Police body armor standards and testing-Vol. II: appendixes, 19 Redesigning defense: planning the transition to the future U.S. defense industrial base, 6 Reducing launch operations costs: new technologies and practices, 18 Remote sensing and the private sector. issues for discussion, 6 Round trip to orbit: human spaceflight alternatives, 18 SDI: technology, survivability, and software, 6 Seismic verification of nuclear testing treaties, 6 Space stations and the law: selected legal issues, 19 Structuring security, 6 Taggants in explosives, 7 Technologies for NATO's follow-on forces attack concept, 6 Technology against terrorism, 6 Technology and East-West trade, 14 Technology and East-West trade: an update, 14 Technology and Soviet energy availability, 14 Technology transfer to China, 13 Technology transfer to the Middle East, 14 U.S. industrial competitiveness: a comparison of steel, electronics, and automobiles, 5 UNISPACE '82: a context for International cooperation and competition, 19 Verification technologies, 6 OCEANS AND ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM (0) Formerly Ocsans Program (0) Acid rain and transported air pollutants: implications for public policy, 10 Alaskan water for California? the subsea pipeline option, 9 Alternative approaches to cargo policy: a supplement to an assessment of maritime trade and technology, 20 Analysis of the feasibility of separating exploration from production of oil and gas on the outer continental shelf, 16 Assessment of maritime trade and technology, 20 Bioremediation for marine oil spills, 16 Book preservation technologies, 18 Border war on drugs, 19 Catching our breath: next steps for reducing urban ozone,9 Changing by degrees: steps to reduce greenhouse gases,9 Coal exports and port development, 17 Coastal effects of offshore energy systems: an assessment oil and gas systems, deepwater ports, and nuclear powerplants off the coast of New Jersey and Delaware, 16 Competition in coastal seas: an evaluation of foreign maritime activities in the 200-mile EEZ, 16 Complex cleanup: the environmental legacy of nuclear weapons production, 9 Coping with an oiled sea, 16 Dioxin treatment technologies, 9 Disposal of chemical weapons: alternative technologies, 9 Establishing a 200-mile fisheries zone, 16 Facing America's trash: what next for municipal solid waste?, 21 Anding the Rx for managing medical wastes, 21 Issues in medical waste management, 21 Long-lived legacy: managing high-level and transuranic waste at the DOE nuclear weapons complex, 9 Managing industrial solid wastes: from manufacturing, mining, oil and gas production, and utility coal combustion, 21 Managing the Nation's commercial high-level radioactive waste, 21 Marine applications for fuel cell technology, 16 Marina minerals: exploring our new ocean frontier, 16 Ocean incineration: its role In managing hazardous waste, 21 Ocean margin drilling, 16 Oil and gas technologies for the Arctic and deepwater, 17 Oil transportation by tankers: an analysis of marine pollution and safety measures, 16 Partnerships under pressure: managing commercial low-level radioactive waste, 21 Polar prospects: a minerals treaty for Antarctica, 16 Protecting the Nation's groundwater from contamination-Vol. I, 10 Protecting the Nation's groundwater from contamination-Vol. II, 10 R&D in the maritime industry: a supplement to an assessment of maritime trade and technology, 20 Recent developments in ocean thermal energy, 16 Renewable ocean energy sources: ocean thermal energy conversions, 16 Technologies for reducing dioxin in the manufacture of bleached wood pulp, 9 Technology and oceanography: an assessment of Federal technologies for oceanographic research and monitoring, 16 Urban ozone and the Clean Air Act problems and proposals for change, 9 Use of models for water resources management, planning, and policy, 10 Using desalination technologies for water treatment, 1 wastes in marine environments, 16 Wetlands: their use and regulation, 10 SCIENCE, EDUCATION, AND TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM (SET) Formerly Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program (ST/); Transportation Program (T); and Research and Development Program (R&D) Advanced high-speed aircraft, 20 The air cargo system, 20 Air service to small communities, 20 Airport and air traffic control system, 20 Airport systems development, 20 Applications of R&O in the civil sector. the opportunity provided by the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 19n, 18 Assessment of community planning for mass transit, 20 Assessment of technology for local development, 18 Automated guideway transit: an assessment of PRT and other new systems, 21 Automatic train control in rall rapid transit, 20 Automobile collision data: an assessment of needs and methods of acquisition, 21 Census of State government initiatives for hightechnology industrial development, 7 Civilian space policy and applications, 19 Civilian space stations and the U.S. future in space, 19 Delivering the goods: public works technologies, management, and financing, 19 Demographic trends and the scientific and engineering work force, 8 Educating scientists and engineers: grade school to grad school, 7 Elementary and secondary education for science and engineering, 7 Encouraging high-technology development, 7 Energy, the economy, and mass transit, 21 Evaluation of railroad safety, 20 Feasibility and value of broadband communications in rural areas: a preliminary evaluation, 5 Federal funding of rail rehabilitation: a review of alternative approaches, 21 Federally funded research: decisions for a decade, 17 Financial viability of Conrail: review and analysis, 21 Financing and program alternatives for advanced high-speed aircraft, 20 Gearing up for safety: motor carrier safety in a competitive environment, 20 Global models, world futures, and public policy: a critique, 18 Government involvement in the innovation process, 18 Health of the scientific and technical enterprise, 18 Higher education for science and engineering, 7 Impact of a Department of Education on Federal science and technology activities, 18 Impact of advanced air transport technology, 20 Impact of advanced group rapid transit technology, 20 Linking for learning: a new course for education, 7 Moving ahead: 1991 surface transportation legislation, 19 New ways: tiltrotor aircraft and magnetically levitated vehicles, 19


Perfonnance standards for secondary school vocational education, 7 Power onl New tools for teaching and learning, 7 Preparing for science and engineering careers: field level profiles, 7 Proceedings of the OTA seminar on the Discrete Address Beacon system (DABS), 20 Proposal pressure in the 1980s: an Indicator of stress on the Federal research system, 17 Railroad safety: U.S/Canadian comparison, 20 Rebuilding the foundations: State and local public works financing and management, 20 Regulatory environment for science, 18 Research funding as an investment: can we measure the returns?, 17 Review of national railroad Issues, 21 Review of the rAA 1982 National Airspace System Plan, 20 Role of demonstrations in Federal R&D policy, 18 Safe skies for tomorrow: aviation safety In a competitive environment, 20 Safer skies with TCAS (f raffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System), 20 SALYUT: Soviet steps toward permanent human presence in space, 19 Scientific equipment for undergraduates: Is it adequate?, 7 Space science research in the United States, 19 State educational testing practices, 7 Technology assessment of changes in the future use and characteristics of the automobile transportation system, 20 Technology, innovation, and regional economic development, 7 Testing in American schools: asking the right questions, 7 Transportation of hazardous materials, 21 Transportation of hazardous materials: State and local activities, 21 Transportation of liquefied natural gas, 20 Trends and status of computers In schools: use in Chapter 1 programs and use with limited English proficient students, 7 U.S. passenger rail technologies, 20 U.S.-Soviet cooperation in space, 19 The use of integrity tests for pre-employment screening, 8 TECHNOLOGY AND THE ECONOMIC TRANSITION PROJECT (TET) Review of U.S. competitiveness in agricultural trade, 7 Technology and the American economic transition: choices for the future, 7 Technology and the future of the U.S. construction industry, 7 Technology, trade, and the U.S. residential construction industry, 7 U.S. textile and apparel industry: a revolution in progress, 7 TELECOMMUNICATION AND COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES PROGRAM (TCT) Formerly Communication and Information TBChnologiBS Program (CIT) and Telecommunications Program 1992 World Administrative Radio Conference: Issues for U.S. international spectrum policy, 5 Assessment of alernatlves for a national computerized criminal history system, 19 Automated record checks for firearm purchasers, 19 Automation and the workplace: selected labor, education, and training issues, 8 Automation of America's offices, 1985-2000, 4 Big picture: HDTV and high-resolution systems, 5 Biology, medicine, and the Bill of Rights, 18 Computer software and intellectual property, 5 Computer-based national information systems: technology and public policy Issues, 13 Computerized manufacturing automation: employment, education, and the workplace, 4 Copyright and home copying: technology challenges the law, 19 Criminal justice, new technologies, and the Constitution, 18 Critical connections: communication for the future, 5 Defending secrets, sharing data: new locks and keys for electronic information, 13 Effects of information technology on financial services systems, 13 Electronic bulls and bears: U.S. securities markets and information technology, 12 Electronic delivery of public assistance benefits: technology options and policy issues, 13 Electronic record systems and individual privacy, 13 Electronic supervisor: new technology, new tensions, 13 Electronic surveillance and civil liberties, 13 Exploratory workshop on the social impacts of robotics: summary and issues, 5 FBI fingerprint identification automation program: issues and options, 19 Federal Government information technology, 13 Federal scientific and technical Information in an electronic age: opportunities and challenges, 13 Finding a balance: computer software, Intellectual property and the challenge of intellectual change, 5 Global standards: building blocks for the future, 4 Helping America compete: the role of Federal scientific and technical information, 13 High performance computing and networking for science, 5 Hospital information systems at the Veterans Administration, 13 Free Implications of electronic mail and message systems for the U.S. Postal Service, 13 Information technology R&D: critical trends and issues, 13 Informational technology and its impact on American education, 13 Informing the Nation: Federal Information dissemination in an electronic age, 13 Intellectual property rights in an age of electronics and information, 19 Management, security, and congressional oversight, 13 Microelectronics research and development, 5 Miniaturization technologies, 4 Patent-term extension and the pharmaceutical Industry, 5 Preliminary analysis of the IRS tax administration system, 13 Preliminary assessment of the National Crime Information Center and the computerized criminal history systems, 19 Radiofrequency use and management: impacts from the World Administrative Radio Conference of 1979, 5 Review of postal automation strategy: a technical and decision analysis, 13 Rural America at the crossroads: networking for the future, 5 Science, technology, and the Constitution, 18 Science, technology, and the Constitution In the information age, 18 Science, technology, and the First Amendment, 18 Seeking solutions: high-performance computing for science, 5 Selected electronic funds transfer issues: privacy, security, and equity, 13 Social Security Administration and information technology, 13 Supercomputers: government plans and policies, 5 Trading around the clock: global securities markets and information technology, 13 U.S. banks and International telecommunications, 5 Catalog oF GOVERNMENT BooKS The U.S. Government Printing Office has a free catalog of new and popular books sold by the Government. Books about agriculture, energy, children, space, health, history, business, vacations, and much more. Find out what Government books are all about. Send for your free catalog. Free Catalog P.O. Box 37000 Washington DC 20013-7000


CROSS-INDEX TO SUBJECTS Acid Rain SIHI Environmental Prot/JCtlon Adolescents SIHI HtlBlth and Ht18lth Care Aging SIHI also HtlBlth and H8Blth Gare; H8Blth Insurance Agriculture and Forestry SIHI also Environmental Protsctlon Al>S/IIV Infection SIHI also Hu/th and H8Blth Gars; Medical Resurch and Tschnology Air Pollution SIHI Environmental Prot/JCtion Air Transportation SIHI Transportation Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse SIHI Hu/th Insurance Alternative Fuels SIHI Ensrgy Artificial Intelligence Sss Computers Biological Diversity SIHI Agriculture and Forestry Blologlcal Research and Technology SIHI also Medical Rssearch and Tschnology Biotechnology SIHI Biological RflS6BrCh and Tschnology Buslnea and Industry See also Economy and Economic Oe'l6lopment; Employmsnt and Training Cancer SIHI Aging; Hu/th and Health Gare; Medical Research and Technology Child Health Cara Ses Hu/th and Health care Coal and Coal Mining See Oil, Gas, and Resources Communications SIHI also Information Technology Computen SIHI also Information Technology Construction Industry SIHI Economy and Economic Dsvslopmsnt Crime and Criminal Justice Ses Technology and Law Defense Drugs Ses Business and Industry; Technology and Law Economy and Economic Development SIHI also Business and Industry; Employmsnt and Training Education SIHI also Employmsnt and Training Electric Power StHIEnergy Employment and Training SIHI also Buslnsss and Industry; Economy and Economic 06'18/opmsnt; Education Energy SIHI also Oceans; Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resources Environmental Protection See also Oceans; Wasts Management Food SIHI Agriculture and Forestry Forests SIHI Agriculturs and Forestry; Environmental Protection Fuel Sse Ensrgy; Oil, Gas, and Mineral Rssourcss Gasoline SIHI Ensrgy; Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resourcss Genetics See Biological Rss6BTCh and Technology Global Change StHI Environmsntal Protection Government Information SIHI Information Technology Groundwater Protection SIHI Environmental Protection Handicapped SIHI Hu/th and Hsalth Care Hazardous waste See Waste Managsment Health and Health Care See also Aging; Health Insurance; Medical Rsssarch and Technology Health Insurance SIHI also Aging; H8Blth and Health Care Highways See Transportation HIV SIHI AIDS/HIV Infection Hospitals SIHI Health and H8Blth Care Industrial Competitiveness SIHI Business and Industry; Economy and Economic Dsvelopment; /ntsmational Rslatlons and TschnologyTransfer Industrial Development StHI Business and Industry; Economy and Economic O6'18/opment Information Technology SIHI also Computers Infrastructure See Transportation lntemaUonal Relatlons and Technology Transfer Labor See Employment and Training Law Sss Sciencs and Technology; Tschnotogy and Law Manufacturing See Business and Industry Mass Transit SIHI Transportation Materials Medicaid and Medicare Sss Hu/th lnsurancs Medical Devices and Equipment See Medical RsS6BTCh and Technology Medlcal R111arch and Technology See also Biological RflSurch and Technology; H8Blth and Health Gare; Health lnsurancs Medical waste StHI Waste Managemsnt Metals Industry See Business and Industry; Matsrials Mineral Resources See Business and Industry; Energy; Oil, Gas, and Min11ral Resources National Security SeeDefsnss Natural Disasters SIHI Environmental Protection Natural Gas See Oil, Gas, and Minsral Resources Neuroscience See Biological RtlS6BrCh and Tschnology; Health and Hu/th Gare; Medical Res6BTCh and Technology Nuclear Energy See Energy Nuclear War and Nuclear Weapons SeeDsfrmss Nuclear Waste See Waste Management Nutrition See HtJBlth and H11alth Care Occupational Health and Safaty Sss Biologlcal Research and Technology; HtJBlth and H8Blth Care Oceans 011, Gas, and Mineral R11ourc11 SeealsoEnlJf'(ly Ozone Protection See Environmental Protsctlon Patents See Business and Industry Petroleum See E116rgy; Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resources Physicians See H8Blth and H8Blth Gare Pollution See Environmental Protsctlon; IMISte Managemsnt Population Ses H8Blth and Health Care Preventive Medicine S6s Biological Research and Tschnology; Health and Hsalth Gare; Medical Research and Tschnology Public Works S11e Transportation Railroads Sss Transportation Renewable Resources See Agriculture and Forsstry; Ensrgy; Envlronmsntal Protsction; Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resources R11earch and DMlopment Science and Technology S6s also Technology and Law Solar Energy S6sEnergy Solid waste Sse I-Mists Managsment Space Suparfund Sse IMISte Managemsnt Technology and Law Sse also Science and Technology Technology Transfer See International Rslatlons and Technology Transfer Telecommunications Sss Communications; Computsrs; Information Technology Thermal Energy SseEnsrgy Toxic waste S6s IMISte Managemsnt Trade See Business and Industry Transportation Vaccines and Immunization Ses Msdical Research and Technology war Sse Dsfenss Waste Management see also Environmsntal Protsction water and water Resources Sse Agriculture and Fof8stry; Environmsntal Protection Weapons S6e06fense U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1993 0 331-053 QL 3



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